
How to request employment letter from hr by email.

  • March 22, 2023
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The Importance of an Employment Verification Letter

How to Request Employment Letter from HR by Email – Need an employment letter from your HR department but don’t know how to ask? In this article, we provide tips and examples on how to request an employment verification letter from HR by email.

How to Request Employment Letter from HR by Email - Tips and Examples

Are you beginning a new job? Or maybe you’ve been working for a while and want evidence of employment? Have a look at the job verification letter ! Although some individuals collect Coca-Cola bottles, stamps, or corporate stuff, an employment verification letter is an important thing that you may have neglected.

A corporation issues this formal paperwork to an employee to establish their current employment status. It is a vital document that may be utilized for a number of reasons, including background checks, financial assistance applications, and custody-related processes.

What is a Letter of Employment Verification?

So, what precisely is a letter of employment verification? This letter serves as evidence of your job and earnings history. It may be given to an employee on their first day of work or when their probationary term is through.

It is critical to understand how to get an employment verification letter if you need one. Here’s how to obtain an employment verification letter, step by step:

  • Contact your company’s human resources department either via email or in person.
  • Request the job verification letter and include any pertinent information, such as the letter’s purpose and the recipient’s name and contact information.
  • Provide enough time for the HR department to complete the request.
  • After the letter is complete, the HR department will email or mail it to you or straight to the addressee.

Finally, a job verification letter is an important document that may be used to prove your work and income history. If you need one, please contact your company’s human resources department.

Obtaining a Job Offer Letter

If you are a worker in need of a job offer letter, the best and most professional approach to obtain one is by email. Although some businesses may employ online chat platforms, email conveys professionalism and gives a clear record of communication.

Simplifying the Process of Requesting an Employment Verification Letter

How to Request Employment Letter from HR by Email - Tips and Examples

Here’s an email template you may use in the future to make things simpler for you:

Subject Line: Letter of Employment Verification Request

Hi [HR representative or employee’s management],

I hope this email finds you in good health. My name is [Employee’s name], and I’m writing to get a letter of employment verification to certify my present job with [Business name]. This request is being made because I [say the reason for why you want the letter] and they have requested me to give proof of my [details of job]. Please submit the letter to the following address: [Bank/Embassy/Address of Said Company]

If you need any further information from me, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and help.

Best wishes, [Name and contact details of employee]

On the other side, if the organization does not have an employment verification letter, HR may require some time to establish an appropriate form for future requests. Here are two potential responses for employers, depending on the situation:

Scenario 1 (Letter is not yet ready):

Dear [Name of Employee],

Thank you so much for your email. We got your inquiry and will get back to you as soon as possible. Please give us [x working days] to complete your request. We will notify you once the letter is completed. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Best wishes, [HR staff or the employee’s management]

Scenario 2 (Letter is complete):

Thank you so much for your email. We have created and sent your employment verification letter to the address you supplied. Please let us know if you need any other support.

When it comes to obtaining an employment verification letter, businesses should respond quickly and professionally.

Components of an Employment Verification Letter

After the letter is complete, below is an example of an email response for employers:

Thank you so much for your email. I’m delighted to notify you that your employment verification letter has been completed. Please see the accompanying letter for all of the information you requested. The company’s official stamp and my signature at the bottom of the final page serve to validate the letter as an official document. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any more inquiries.

Best wishes, [Name and contact information for HR]

There are a few crucial components to consider when drafting an employment verification letter:

  • Contact Information: On the front page, include the company’s official letterhead and logo, as well as the postal address, email address, and phone number.
  • Employee Information: The letter should include the employee’s complete name, identity details, and the date they began working for the firm. If they’ve already gone, give their final date of employment.
  • Employment Details: This section should include the employee’s job title at the time of employment, the department they worked in, their duties, and any awards or accolades gained while working (full-time, part-time, freelance, consultant). Salary, bonuses, and allowances should all be mentioned in the compensation information.
  • Personnel Signature and Official Corporate Stamp: The letter should be signed as an official document at the bottom of the final page, with the company’s official stamp and an HR or CEO signature.

By covering these elements, you will be able to produce a thorough and dependable job verification letter that can be utilized for a variety of reasons. Having an employment verification letter on hand might come in handy in a number of situations.

Examples of When You May Need an Employment Verification Letter

How to Request Employment Letter from HR by Email - Tips and Examples

The following is a letter template:

[Date the letter was sent] [Name of Employee] [Position] [Company] [Business address]

Regarding [Name of Employee] Employment Validation

Whom it may affect,

This letter is to certify that [Employee’s name] is presently working as a [Position] at [Company]. The individual was employed on [Initial day of employment] and presently receives [monthly/annual wage]. If you have any more queries, please contact our Human Resources department at [phone number].

Sincerely, [Name and signature of HR manager] [Business logo]

Wondering when you might need to use your employment verification letter? These are some examples of such scenarios:

  • Obtaining a Mortgage: Whenever you apply for a home loan, the bank or financial institution may want an employment verification letter to establish that you have a steady source of income and can afford monthly payments.
  • Obtaining a Credit Card: Credit card firms, like mortgage lenders, may want an employment verification letter to demonstrate that you have a consistent income and can make your monthly payments.
  • Renting a Residence: Landlords may request an employment verification letter as part of the application process while searching for a rental property. This assists them in ensuring that you have a consistent source of income to meet your monthly rent.

You’ll be prepared for any occasion requiring evidence of work if you maintain a copy of your job verification letter on hand. Job verification letters are more vital than many people believe. Here are a few more instances when a verification letter may be required:

  • How to Apply for a Work or Tourist Visa: You may be required to provide a letter authenticating your job, depending on the nation and its laws. For visitors, the letter confirms that they will return home after their vacation rather than overstaying and becoming illegal workers. If you want to visit the Schengen Area in Europe, an employment verification letter is required for your visa application.

The Importance of Employment Verification Letters

How to Request Employment Letter from HR by Email - Tips and Examples

Searching for a New Job:

It is quite simple for someone to make fraudulent statements on their resume, CV, or recommendations if thorough background checks are not performed. LinkedIn milestones may also be forged. This is why an employment verification letter is required to verify a person’s employment status. It verifies that the person is a legitimate employee, giving it valuable information for future employers.

An employment verification letter not only assists with background checks and visa applications, but it also allows companies to validate their workers’ job statuses. Many individuals consider their work to be an important part of their identity, and having a verification letter may assist to cement that link. Moreover, landlords may utilize work verification letters to assess if a possible tenant has a consistent source of income, which makes them more likely to pay rent on time and accept responsibility for their living circumstances.

Overall, an employment verification letter is an important document that may be utilized in a number of circumstances. You’ll be prepared for everything that comes your way if you have one on hand. Employment verification letters are vital not only for workers, but also for companies. Employers demonstrate that they care about their workers and are eager to assist them in any way they can by issuing an employment verification letter.

An employment verification letter may be a valuable document for workers, whether they are relocating to a new house or going to a distant nation. It offers the requisite evidence of work and income in numerous instances, such as when applying for a mortgage, credit card, or visa.

But, delivering an employment verification letter is more than simply a necessity; it also demonstrates that businesses care about their workers’ well-being. It is a little but significant gesture of thanks and support for the hard work that workers put in. Additionally, submitting an employment verification letter might be advantageous to companies.

Q: What exactly is an employment verification letter, and why do you need one?

A: An employment verification letter is a formal document sent by a corporation to an employee to certify their current employment status. It may be utilized for a number of reasons, including background checks.

Q: Who can provide an employment verification letter?

A: An employment verification letter can be provided by an individual’s supervisor or by the Human Resources (HR) or Payroll department of their company.

Q: What are the crucial components of an employment verification letter?

A: The crucial components of an employment verification letter include contact information, employee information, employment details, personnel signature, and an official corporate stamp.

Q: When might someone need an employment verification letter?

A: Someone might need an employment verification letter when applying for a mortgage or credit card, renting a residence, or applying for a work or tourist visa.

Q: How can an employment verification letter be beneficial for both employees and employers?

A: An employment verification letter can help employees in a variety of ways, such as providing evidence of work and income. For employers, issuing an employment verification letter demonstrates care and support for their employees.

Q: Why is an employment verification letter important?

A: An employment verification letter is important as it verifies an individual’s employment status, provides evidence of income, and can be utilized for various purposes such as visa applications and background checks.

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Employment Verification Letter Samples and Templates

letter of employment request email

What Is an Employment Verification Letter?

How to request an employment verification letter.

  • What Is Included in the Letter

How to Use Letter Examples

Employment verification template.

  • Verification for Current Employee
  • Verification for Past Employee

Colleen Tighe / The Balance

Do you need to write or request an employment verification letter? There are several reasons why you may need verification of your employment status. Employees may need these letters for landlords or financial institutions if they are trying to rent or purchase a home. They're also sometimes necessary for insurance reasons or to confirm that an individual worked at a company during the dates given on a resume or job application.

The good news is that employment verification letters are usually fairly simple documents, and they're easy to write or obtain. If you need to request or write a letter, reviewing templates and examples can help you get started.

An employment verification letter is written by a current or past employer to confirm that an employee or former employee worked at an organization. The request may come from the employee, government agencies, prospective landlords, mortgage lenders, academic institutions, prospective employers, or collection agencies.

The request may include verification of dates of employment, salary, and whether the employee is expected to continue employment or is eligible to be rehired. If the employee has been terminated, the requestor may ask for the reason for termination.

If you are requesting an employment verification letter from a current or former employer, it's important to ask for the letter in a professional way. First, check with your human resources department.

The company may have a policy regarding the release of information, and you may need to give permission for your employment history to be released to a third party. Often, your HR contact will compose the letter for you or provide you with a template to give to your manager. You can also ask your manager or supervisor directly.

Be sure to provide your manager or HR with all the information they need to write the letter, including whom to address the letter to and exactly what details need to be included.

What Is Included in an Employment Verification Letter?

If you need to write an employment verification letter for someone, it’s important to make sure your letter provides the correct information and adheres to an appropriate format.

  • Follow business letter format.  Use standard business letter format when writing your letter. Include your contact information at the top, the date, and the recipient’s contact information (if you have it). Be sure to include a salutation at the beginning and a handwritten signature at the end.
  • Keep it concise.  Employment verification letters should not be lengthy. Do not add any information beyond what the employee asks. For example, do not provide an evaluation of the employee’s work.
  • Include all requested information.  Most employment verification letters include the person's name, their department in the company (sometimes you need to include their specific job title), and the amount of time they have been employed. Check with your employee if any additional information needs to be shared. For example, some letters include the person’s salary, how often they are paid (weekly, bi-weekly, etc.), and how many hours a week they work. However, do not include these extra details unless requested.
  • Provide your contact information.  At the end of the letter, offer to answer any additional questions. Provide a form of contact for the recipient, such as your phone number or email.
  • Edit and proofread before you send.  This letter is likely very important to your employee or former employee—their housing, future employment, or insurance may depend on it. Take the time to make this letter as professional as possible. Read through the letter for any errors before you send it.

It is a good idea to review letter examples before writing an employment verification letter. Along with helping with your layout, examples can help you see what kind of content you should include in your document (such as dates of employment).

You should tailor a letter to fit the particular employee you are writing the letter for and the information they ask you to include.

Name Job Title Company Name Address City, State Zip Code

Name of Person Requesting Verification Job Title Company Name Address City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

This letter is to verify that (employee name) has been employed at (company name) since (start date).

If you require any additional information regarding (employee name), please feel free to contact me at (your phone number).

(Handwritten Signature)

Employment Verification for Current Employee

Shawna Easton Director of Accounting GMC Associates 17 Chestnut Street, Ste. 200 Portland, ME 04101

April 18, 2024

John Dolan Senior Vice President Dolan Industries, Inc. 43 Oak Street, 2 nd  Floor Portland, ME 04101

Dear Mr. Dolan,

This letter is to verify that Seneca Williams has been employed at GMC Associates for the past five years in our Accounting Department. She began work on April 1, 2019.

If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 555-111-1212.

Shawna Easton Director of Accounting GMC Associates

Employment Verification for Past Employee

Janice Montgomery Human Resources Manager Martin & Martin Incorporated 100 Main Street, Ste. 100 Spokane, WA 99201

April 20, 2024

Julia Sanchez Manager Archer Studios 34 Otis Drive, Ste. 500 Spokane, WA 99201

Dear Ms. Sanchez,

This letter is to verify that Robert Smith was employed at Martin & Martin, Incorporated from January 3, 2018 to March 1, 2023.

If you require any additional information regarding Robert Smith, please feel free to contact me at 555-765-4321.

Janice Montgomery

Key Takeaways

  • Many organizations have guidelines about what should be included in employment verification letters. They may even specify that all letters must go through HR.
  • When writing a verification letter, use business letter format. This will ensure that your letter is appropriate and professional, as well as easy to read.
  • Whether you’re requesting a letter or writing one for an employee, find out what information to include, e.g., dates of employment and job title.

SHRM. " When Must an Employer Respond To a Verification Of Employment Request? "

How to request an employment verification letter


Requesting an employment verification letter may be stressful: You may not be sure who is the relevant point of contact internally, and you may worry about an employer thinking that you’re preparing to leave the organization for a new role. Companies frequently receive employment verification requests, however, so you shouldn’t fret as long as you’re taking steps to follow company policy and communicate the reason for the request.

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Head over to our dedicated page to self-serve letters of employment and income today.

Inform the company of your need for an employment verification letter

Depending on the size of your company, there may be specific steps in place to secure an employment verification letter. Unless you’re told otherwise, the HR department should be your first point of contact. Ask them how to request an employment verification letter, and be sure to do it in writing. They may refer you to your manager, but it’s best practice to inform HR of your need for the request in case there’s another designated point of contact in place to handle employment verification.

Put it in writing

Sending a formal letter to HR or another designated point of contact helps add urgency to your request and gives the company context for why verification is needed.

Explain the reason for the request

Employment verification letters are used in a variety of contexts, so let your employer know why you’re requesting one in order to help them understand the importance of completing the letter. Possible reasons for requesting employment verification include the following:

  • *Lenders verifying income information: *Loan origination or credit line approval usually hinges upon successful verification of your salary and earnings.
  • *New employers verifying past employment: *During the hiring process, a potential new employer will likely want to verify your past employment to ensure that your resume is thorough and correct.
  • *Visa offices confirming work history: *Work visas typically require an applicant to verify their ongoing employment to confirm eligibility to remain in a given country.

Want to help get the ball rolling? Give your former or current employer a head start.

Draft a sample letter to aid your company’s timely response

The majority of employment verification letters contain your job title, dates of employment, and occasionally, salary and job responsibilities.

Salary information is usually only relevant for financially centered requests, such as loan origination or confirming your employment and earnings when negotiating a new property lease. If an employer notifies you of a request for your earnings information that you weren't expecting, inform your company that they're not obligated to respond to such requests.

If your employer hasn’t responded to employment verification requests before, consider supplying them with a template. Even if your company has crafted these letters before, it’s a helpful step that can speed up the process.

Not sure how to write an employment verification letter? We’ve provided a sample letter for you to use as a template:

[Employer name] [Employer address]

[Date of submission]

RE: Employment verification for [Employee name]

Dear [Recipient name],

This letter is to verify the employment of [Employee name] as [Job Title/Role] within our organization. He/she started work on [Employee start date] and is [current state of employment].

*[If an employee still works at a company:] *

[Employee’s name] current title is [Job title]. His/her responsibilities include [List tasks and responsibilities for the role in question]. (Where applicable,) his/her current salary (or rate of pay) is $[Employee salary] per [work period].

[If an employee is no longer part of the organization:]

[Employee’s name] worked at [Company Name] from [Employee Start Date] to [Employee Date of Resignation or Termination]. His/her title was [Job Title], and his/her primary responsibilities were [List tasks and responsibilities for the role in question], and his/her rate of pay was $[Employee salary] per [work period].

If you have any questions or require more details on [Employee’s name]‘s employment details, please feel free to contact me at [Employer phone number] or at [Employer email address].

[Employer signature] [Employer contact name (in print)]

Ensure a timely, thorough response

Depending on the reason for your need for an employment verification letter, your request may be time-sensitive. A lease negotiation for a new property or a credit line approval is particularly urgent, so be sure to give your employer ample time to complete the letter.

Employers may have a backlog of employment verification requests, so verify your employer’s estimated date of submission in order to keep verifiers abreast of when they'll receive your proof of employment.

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  • Human Resources
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Employment Verification Letter

An employment verification letter, also called a letter of employment or proof of employment letter, is used to confirm a person's employment dates, salary, and job title. Similar letters are also used by lenders and other entities.

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Download a Sample Employment Verification Letter:

Download a free printable employment verification letter template in Word format.

Employment Verification Letter Sample:

[List their contact information and the date]

[Insert applicant name] has applied for employment with [insert company name], and [he/she] listed your company as part of their employment history. We respectfully request your assistance verifying some of the details that were provided on [insert applicant name]’s resume.

  • What dates did [insert applicant name] work for your company?
  • What [is/was] their job title?
  • What [is/was] their annual salary?
  • Would you rehire [insert applicant name]?
  • Did [insert applicant name] adhere to company policies?
  • Is there any other information you can provide about [insert applicant name]'s job performance?
  • If [he/she] is currently employed by your company, has [he/she] turned in a resignation letter?

Thank you in advance for a prompt response! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

[List your name, title, and contact information]

Addition to the employment verification sample.

Some companies won’t release information without a signed consent form from their current or former employee. You can add this to the employment verification letter template.

Under the first paragraph and before the list of employment verification questions in the employment letter sample, simply insert the following sentence:

"[Insert handwritten name] hereby gives permission for this information to be shared."

Include a spot for the applicant to sign and date the form underneath this statement. It’s best to have them hand write their own name as well.

If you will be emailing copies of the employment verification form to their current or previous employers, you’ll only need them to fill out one form. Getting this paperwork signed by each candidate should be part of the in-person application and interview process.

How to Respond to a Letter:

Knowing how to get the information you need from other employers is just as important as knowing how to answer a request for a letter of employment verification.

Responding to an Employment Verification Request Letter.

Know your company's policy..

Do they allow you to fill out a form that’s been faxed or mailed over, or do you need to respond with your own form? Are you allowed to reply at all? Are there certain things you’re not allowed to say?

Know before you answer.

Stick to facts, don't give opinions.

If you’re able to fill out the form you receive, give information that is verifiable. No opinions should be provided on the form.

This may seem unfair if you’ve chosen to ask for opinions on your employment verification letter template. However, it’s imperative that you don’t get yourself or your company into any legal trouble with your answers.

Don't send documentation.

No matter what, never provide another company with documentation, such as a copy of the employee’s personnel records or termination letter . Doing this could easily lead to a lawsuit.

Employment verification for H1B employees.

If your company has employed someone with an H1B visa, it may be required to provide employment verification to the federal government. See our employment verification template for an H1B employee below.

Employment Verification Template for the H1B employee:

[Insert applicable government contact information and date]

This letter certifies that [insert name] is employed at [insert company name] and holds the position of [insert position]. His/her current gross salary is [insert salary] USD per year/month/week. He/she is a [insert full or part]-time employee.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call our human resources department at [insert number].


[Insert name and contact information]

How do I request an employment verification request letter?

  • Get written consent from the prospective employee.
  • Use a business letter format.
  • Be upfront but polite. State the purpose of the letter and indicate the applicant's consent.
  • Specify what you need to know by asking questions about the applicant's time at their current/former employer.
  • End the letter by providing your name and contact details.

How can I get employment verification?

The best way to get employment verification is to write an employment verification letter to confirm a person's employment dates, salary, and job title.

Can a previous employer deny an employment verification letter?

Legally, no business has to reply to a request for employment verification unless it comes from a state or federal government agency. This makes it trickier to get the information you need, but not impossible.

Although it’s truly in everyone’s best interests to comply with employment letter verification requests, you may run into a company that refuses to provide them.

When must an employer respond to a verification of employment?

An employer must only reply to a request for employment verification if it comes from a state or federal government agency.

How do you call to verify employment?

Being polite and aware of what companies can legally divulge is a big part of getting a human resources department to provide employment verification for a current or previous employee.

What is included in an employment verification letter?

The law is clear that everything divulged in employment verification letters must be truthful. As a result, many businesses protect themselves by only listing easily verifiable details, such as the person’s annual salary and dates of employment.

You can ask further questions about the applicant’s job performance and whether or not they were fired, but don’t expect to get an answer that provides any details.

What do you say when verifying employment?

A popular question to ask when verifying employment is “Would you hire this person again?" A common answer is “if qualified.” You’ll notice this doesn’t actually say yes or no. And they may be unqualified if they were fired, if they were a bad employee if they lied on their resume, and if they turned in an extremely negative resignation letter, etc.

In other words, this is a non-answer many human resources departments use that helps prevent legal issues.

Do you have any tips for getting responses to an employment verification letter?

You could reach out to local businesses in the same industry to get more in-depth answers and to create a cooperative environment.

You’d need to be willing to fill out every employment verification form that crosses your desk, but it may be worth it—knowing that you’ll receive the same courtesy in return.

Where can I find more letters for HR?

  • Layoff letter.
  • Rejection letter.
  • Job offer letter.
  • Letter of recommendation.
  • Employee termination letter.
  • New employee welcome letter.
  • Thank you letter to employees.
  • Letters of appreciation to employees.

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How to Ask for an Employment Verification Letter

Quick Navigation:

What is an employment verification letter?

How to request an employment verification letter, example of an employment verification letter.

In many instances, when you apply for a job, you will provide proof of your employment. An employment verification letter confirms that you currently work at an organization and how long you have worked there. In this article, you can learn what an employment verification letter is, how to request one and review an example.

Employment verification letters verify that an employee is currently working for or previously worked at an organization. 

Here are some tips on asking for an employment verification letter and an example:

  • In some cases, an employment verification letter is used to determine the risk factor of employing you.
  • A hiring manager may want a cross-reference to what you state on your resume and to determine whether you are a good hire based on performance at your current or past job.

If you need an employment verification letter, you should ask for the letter as soon as possible. The process may take a few days or up to a few weeks to prepare the letter, so you want to make sure to give your employer plenty of time to submit.

Here are the steps you can follow for requesting an employment verification letter:

1. First, fill out an employment verification form

If applicable, fill out the employment verification form provided. Some organizations will have a form that you can fill out, or they may have you write a letter to review and then sign. Your human resources department has in-depth knowledge of what you need to do and how long it will take. They may also require your permission before they can send anything to the company asking for the verification. 

You will also need to provide the correct address, phone number and contact name of the organization requesting the information. You do not need to tell your employer the reason you are requesting the verification of employment. However, you will need to tell them the specific pieces of information the organization is seeking.

2. Second, draft a short letter of consent, if necessary

If there isn’t a form to fill out, then write a clear and concise letter. State the purpose of the letter and address consent in the opening paragraph. For example, you might say, ‘I am requesting a letter for employment verification.’ Follow this with a sentence about your consent to provide this information (and if applicable, reference the attached completed verification form). Keep it simple and say something like, ‘I authorize the release of my employment information to XYZ company,’ followed by your signature.

3. Next, provide a list of all required details

Next, specify the required information using a list or bullet point format. The list will be dependent on what the requesting organization is asking for. 

A typical list could look like this:

  • Your full name
  • Your role or position
  • Date of employment
  • Pay rate or annual salary
  • If you currently work for this organization, they may ask if the job is temporary or permanent
  • Some organizations may ask if your payment is expected to remain the same or change within the next 12 months

Follow the list with the specific details of where to send the employment verification letter and when the letter needs to be received. For example, ‘Please send to American Title Inc. by September 29, 2019’ with an address, email or fax number as requested. Be sure to give the employer plenty of time to get the letter submitted.

4. Last, include your contact information and complete your request

Provide your name and contact information as your human resources department may need to discuss the letter and information with you over the phone. Make sure to close the message formally with something like ‘Respectfully’ or ‘Sincerely.’ Then sign the letter and add your printed name underneath. Some companies like for you to add the date of request here, but you could also add it to the beginning of the letter as well. 

Here is an example you could use to write your own employment verification letter:

RE: Employment Verification Letter

Dear Diana, 

I am in the process of applying for a mortgage, and Bank of Essential has requested a letter verifying my employment. I, Nancy Drewstone, give my consent to provide the information requested.

Per the bank’s requirements they are requesting you verify the following:

  • Full name: Nancy Drewstone
  • Position: Director of Marketing
  • Dates of employment: June 15, 2017 to present
  • Pay rate or annual salary: $80,000 annually
  • Temporary or Permanent Position: Permanent
  • Whether or not my pay rate may change in the next 12 months:  No

Please send the letter to:

Bank of Essential 4567 Essential Way Detroit, Michigan 48226

They also accept verification via fax at 313-555-0005. Bank of Essential has requested to receive the letter in two weeks, by September 29, 2019.

Please let me know if you need any further information.


Nancy Drewstone Director of Marketing Analytics and Research Inc. 313-123-4567 Request Date: September 15, 2019

Employment verification letters are relatively routine, and most companies understand the process. Some companies may have a process in place for verification. Let your employer know your needs as quickly as possible so that you can ensure the requesting company receives the official verification letter before the deadline.

letter of employment request email


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Home › Templates › 7 Verification of Employment Letter Templates

7 Verification of Employment Letter Templates

Certified HR Professional


Are you interested in finding out what verification of employment letters looks like? Then you are in the right place.

Verification letters are simple documents required by multiple places to ensure that you are working at a company.

What is an Employment Verification Letter?

A current or past employer writes an employment verification letter to confirm that a former employee or current employee worked at the organization. 

The request may come from a prospective employer, an employee, government agencies, prospective landlords, mortgage lenders, or agencies.

The request includes verification of dates of salary, employment, and whether the employee is expected to continue employment or is eligible to be rehired. If the employee is fired or terminated, the requestor may ask for the reason for termination.

What is in an Employment Verification Form?

Ensure the employment verification letter provides the correct information and adheres to an appropriate format.

An employment verification letter will have the company’s official letterhead or stationery, including the company logo. 

It will include the following information:

  • Employer current address
  • Address and name of the company requesting verification
  • Employee name
  • Employment dates
  • Employee job title
  • Employee job description
  • Employee current salary
  • Reason for termination

Follow Business Letter Format

Use a common business letter format when writing the letter. Firstly, include your contact information at the top, then the date, and eventually, the recipient’s contact information. Include a salutation at the beginning and end the letter with a sign.

Keep it Concise

Employment verification letters must not be too lengthy. Don’t add any information beyond what the employee asks. For example, do not provide a thorough evaluation of the employee’s work.

Include All Requested Information 

Most employment verification letters include:

  • The person’s name.
  • Their department in the company (occasionally their job title).
  • The number of times they have changed jobs.

Check with your employee if there is any additional information that needs to be added. For example, some letters include the salary, how frequently they are paid (bi-weekly, monthly, etc.), and how many total hours a week they work. However, don’t add these extra details unless requested.

Provide your Contact Details

At the end of the letter, be open to answering any further questions. Provide contact information for the recipient, such as your phone number or email.

Proofread and Edit

This letter is very important to your employee or former employee—their housing, future employment, or insurance will depend on it. Therefore, take plenty of time to make this letter serious and professional. Read carefully for any errors before you send it.

Here are some employment verification forms to get you started.

Basic Employment Verification Letter Sample

Date: August 1, 20XX

This letter is to certify income and employment for [insert pronoun] has been employed at [company] and holds the title of He/She has been an employee with [company] since. The company is at [insert pronoun] current salary is $ paid yearly/monthly/weekly/bi-weekly /hourly.

The following supporting document(s) are proof of income: (Check all that apply)

  •  Wage and tax statement (W-2)
  •  Tax return (1040)
  •  Social security proof of income letter
  •  Workers compensation letter
  • Bank statements

All of the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge.

If you have any questions regarding the information provided, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [phone number] or (email).

Sample Employment Verification Letter Template for Past Employee

XX Main Street

Dallas, TX 75201

August 1, 20XX

444 First Ave.

Dallas, TX 75001

Dear Mr. Gonzalez, 

This letter is to confirm that ABC was employed as a Senior User Experience Researcher at XX Inc. from May 3, 20XX, to September 25, 20XX. 

If you have any queries or need any additional information, please feel free to contact us at 216-333-0101 or [email protected] .

Human Resources Manager

Employment Letter Template for Current Employee

Dallas, TX, 75201

XYZ Loan Company, LLC

222 Second Ave.

Chicago, 75022

To Whom It May Concern,  

Please accept this letter as verification of XYZ’s employment with XX Inc. 

Employee Name: ABC

Employment Dates: May 2, 20XX – Present

Current Job Title: Senior User Experience Researcher

Current Salary: $140,000

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact us at 216-333-0101 or [email protected] .

Richard Ramirez

Employment Verification Letter Template with Job Description

XX Company (On Company letterhead)

425 Main Street

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Date (Month/day/year)

Commission on Teacher Credentialing

1900 Capitol Avenue

Sacramento, CA 94244-2700

To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is to confirm the employment of XYZ, who worked for XX Company as an Automotive Mechanic from March 17, 1995, until November 23, 2000. John was a full-time employee.

As an Automotive Mechanic, his duties were as follows:

  • General automotive repair
  • Diagnose defective engines
  • Replace defective parts
  • Tune-up engines
  • Replace brakes

Please get in touch with me at (000) 111-2222 if you have any questions.

ABC (Name of Supervisor)

The owner (Position/Title)

Employment Verification Letter Template for Visa Process

United States Embassy

Non-Immigrant Visa Unit

Re: Employment Verification for [Beneficiary]

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as an employment confirmation letter that [Beneficiary] remains currently employed with us on a full-time basis, under the terms of his/her approved visa petition. Accordingly, the duties and responsibilities of the job remain as described in our original letter accompanying the approved visa petition.

We look forward to the rapid re-admission of [Beneficiary] to the United States to resume employment with our company and respectfully request that you kindly extend all due courtesies.

Please feel free to contact us if your office requires any further information. You may also contact our immigration counsel, XX LLP, at (215) 935-4659.

[Company representative’s name] ,

Request Employment Verification Sample Letter from Employer

Company Name or Letterhead

City, State, Zip

Dear Ms. XX,

We are considering YY for a supervisory position with our company. While we have confirmed the standard information concerning his work history and employment status at your company with the Personnel Department, we would appreciate it if you can write an employment verification and address the following areas concerning his job performance:

  • What was the nature of Mr. YY’s position?
  • Can Mr. YY’s past job be described as high pressure?
  • Did Mr. YY’s job require him to work on several projects simultaneously?
  • Do you think Mr. YY can delegate assignments effectively?
  • What do you consider to be Mr. YY’s strengths?
  • In what areas do you consider Mr. YY in need of further instruction?
  • Would you re-employ Mr. YY?

I appreciate you taking the time on behalf of our interviewing committee.

Yours truly,

Employment Verification Template for a Landlord

Many landlords request tenants for an employment letter. This will include the following details:

  • Employee hiring date
  • Employee classification (part-time, full-time, temporary, contract)
  • Annual compensation

This letter serves as proof that XX has been working full-time with XYZ Company for six months as a .

XX is trustworthy, hardworking, and competitive. He/She doesn’t have any existing loans or unpaid bills within our company.

I hope this increases his/her credibility as a possible tenant at your apartment rental.

The company is at his/her current salary is $ paid yearly/monthly/weekly/bi-weekly/hourly.

Human Resources Department

Why Employees Need an Employment Verification Letter

Employees need this letter for any one of these reasons:

  • They are applying for an auto loan or home mortgage, and the lender wants to ensure that the employee has a steady job and enough money to cover monthly payments before approving the loan.
  • They are applying to rent a house, and the property management company wants to confirm they can afford the deposit, rent payment, maintenance, and any other associated costs.
  • They are requesting a deferral or loan payment reduction, and the bank wants to see some proof of real-time income before deciding whether to endorse their request or not.
  • They are seeking an opportunity with another employer, and the company wants to affirm the employment as part of the background checking process.

While the employee may not necessarily have to tell why they are asking for an employment verification letter, it is essential that they tell which pieces of information the other party requires and their contact details (e.g., address, the preferred method of delivery).

How to Request an Employment Verification Letter

Are you wondering how to request an employment verification letter from your company? 

Check with your Human Resources department. The company will have a policy regarding the release of information, and you will need to give permission for your employment history to shift to a third party. 

Your HR contact will either provide you with a template to give to your manager or compose the letter for you. You can also ask your supervisor or manager directly.

Creating an Employment Verification Request Process

Once you draft an employment verification letter template, fulfilling these submissions will be much swifter and easier. However, because it may take time to assemble an employee’s information and provide the verification document to the other party, it is vital that employees (and ex-employees) issue their request as soon as possible.

Making your requirements clear will ensure a streamlined employment verification process for everyone concerned. To help simplify the process, consider conveying your expectations through the employee directory or anywhere else you share your HR processes.

Here is a representative employment verification method you can use.

Submit all employment verification requests at least a few business days through the portal, mail, etc. in advance, and incorporate the following information:

  • The name and address of the organization asking for the information
  • Delivery instructions and information (for example, fax number, mailing address, email address)
  • What data does the requesting party need (for example, salary, employment dates, job title)
  • The basis for the request (optional)

Keep in mind that it takes a standard of five business days for documents to arrive via mail. When registering an employment verification letter for current or former employees, it is essential to proceed with a uniform process, stay conscious of state laws regarding what details you are allowed to reveal and provide accurate information in a formal, concise manner.

Since employment verification letters frequently help employees secure mortgages, loans, flats, new jobs, and more, it is important to get your written communication straight. Moreover, a professional letter can echo well on your business as a whole.

When you are writing a proof of employment letter, consider the audience as well as the employee you are writing it for. Use a professional business tone when dealing with experts and businesses.

Learning to write a good business letter is a requirement for managers and executives in every industry. Solid communication is what helps you stand out from the crowd. 

As an employer or manager, ensure to use the employment verification letter to explain your role and what you do and provide an honest explanation of the employee’s duties. 

When requested, verify the employee’s first date of work with you, hours, and income. Like all critical business forms, publish the final product on professional letterhead. Remember to provide your job title, phone number, and other contact information, so the letter recipient will know how to connect with you for any other questions they have.

Hence, take your time, read some of the sample employment verification letters at the bottom of this page, and start brainstorming. It’s a great idea to download employment verification templates to keep on hand when the occasion arises. 

Lastly, it is essential to follow a consistent tone and process when writing an employment verification letter for current or former employees. Stay aware of the local and public state laws regarding what information you are allowed to reveal and provide the information in a formal manner.


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Home Business Employment Verification Letter

Employment (Income) Verification Letter

Use our employment verification letter to prove an individual’s salary and employment status.

Employment Verification Letter Template

Updated March 8, 2024 Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Susan Chai, Esq.

An employment verification letter confirms an individual’s current or past employment status and details. It validates income or employment history for loan applications, lease agreements, and other use cases.

What Can This Letter Verify?

This letter verifies an individual’s:

  • Job position/title.
  • Duration of employment.
  • Salary or compensation details.
  • Job performance or standing within the company (occasionally).

What Is an Employment Verification Letter?

Who needs an employment verification letter, how to verify employment, how to request an employment verification letter, how to write an employment verification letter, employment verification letter sample, frequently asked questions.

An employment verification letter (or proof of income letter) verifies a previous or current employee’s salary, employment history, and job responsibilities.

A verification letter is also a common third-party prerequisite to confirm that an individual has the income to make monthly payments for a significant expenditure — whether for a lease, mortgage, or loan.

Verifying parties typically submit this document in business letter format with their name, job title and contact information, current date, and the employee’s income or job status.

Supplemental Forms

A landlord can further support their rental goals by asking a potential tenant to submit a landlord reference letter and creating a lease agreement specific to their situation.

What Are the Different Types of Acceptable Proof of Income?

Explore the different types of acceptable proof of income depending on the individual’s employment type:

  • Pay Stubs: Pay stubs show an employee’s gross and net income and specify the current pay period. They also show an individual’s year-to-date earnings.
  • Employment Letter: This letter confirms an employee’s work status, salary, and employment terms (such as the number of hours they work).
  • W-2 Form: A W-2 form provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s income from a particular employer over the year.
  • Form 1040: Form 1040 is a tax return that reports a self-employed individual’s income, the taxes they owe the government, and any refunds the federal government owes them. It encompasses various income types, credits, and deductions applicable to the individual.
  • Profit and Loss Statements: Self-employed individuals usually prepare this document themselves to document the revenue, costs, and expenses of their work over a specific period. It highlights their performance and can show income trends.
  • Bank Statements: Bank statements can show consistent income deposits into a bank account. Self-employed individuals can use these documents alongside others to show income flow.

The following people, businesses, and organizations may ask for an employment verification letter to learn more about an individual’s work experience, salary details, and employment salary:

  • Landlords: While trying to find the right tenant, a landlord may ask for this letter to confirm an individual will be responsible and make timely rent payments.
  • Mortgage lenders: Mortgage lenders often want to assess applicants’ income stability and ability to repay the loan when they apply for loans, mortgages, or other financial products.
  • Prospective employers: During the hiring process, a prospective employer may request a letter from a candidate’s previous employer to confirm the employment details the candidate provides.
  • State and federal government agencies: State and federal government agencies must often verify workers’ income and employment status to determine their eligibility when they apply for specific positions.

An employment letter may also be necessary for immigration, work permits, or visa processes to assess an individual’s employment status and income.

Step 1 – Receive the Individual’s Employment Verification Letter

If you haven’t yet received an individual’s income verification letter, you can request that they send it to you. Review the document for red flags, like inconsistency with basic information or if the information the individual provided otherwise doesn’t match their details.

Step 2 – Look Up the Organization

Look up the organization to confirm it’s real. Use your state’s Secretary of State lookup tool to conduct your research. Ensure the author of the individual’s letter matches the information on the Secretary of State’s website.

Step 3 – Contact the Employer

Contact the employer via email or phone to confirm they composed and signed the letter. If you’re contacting them by phone, do so during traditional business hours for the best chance of a response. If the person you want to speak with isn’t available, ask their secretary or assistant to set up a virtual meeting time.

Step 4 – Request Pay Stubs

Ask the individual for two of their most recent pay stubs. If they can’t provide this information, you may instead ask for proof of income like:

  • Bank statements
  • Tax returns (1040)
  • Wage and tax statements (W-2)
  • Social Security proof of income/benefits verification
  • Proof of workers’ compensation

Step 5 – Run a Credit Report

Fill out a background check authorization form to get an individual’s permission to conduct a background check. Then, run a credit report through one of the three major credit reporting agencies: Transunion, Experian, and Equifax.

Here’s how to ask for an employment verification letter depending on whether you’re the employee or an external party:

If You’re the Employee

  • Contact the human resources department. This department most commonly handles the creation of employment verification letters.
  • Complete a request form. Fill out the request form your HR department provides you. Supply the information you’d like them to include in the letter, such as your employment dates and status (full-time versus part-time).
  • Note the recipient. Indicate if you want them to send the letter to the requesting party or give it to you so you can supply it to the appropriate party.
  • Follow up. Check on the status of your letter if you haven’t received word that they’ve written and delivered it within a reasonable timeframe.

If You’re an External Party

  • Seek authorization from the individual. Acquire explicit permission from the employee before you pursue the process of getting an income verification letter.
  • Contact the employer. Find the designated contact for employment verifications at the individual’s company and inform them of your request.
  • Specify the information you want. Request the information you want, such as their income and employment length.
  • Indicate the delivery method. Clarify how you’d like to receive the letter, whether via certified mail, fax, or in person.

Step 1 – Provide the Employer’s Details

employer details

Step 2 – Enter the Requesting Party’s Details

Provide the name and address of the party requesting the employment verification, such as a bank or a landlord. If the requester is unknown, leave this blank.

requesting party details

Step 3 – Fill in Verification Details

Enter the name of the person the employer is verifying employment for. Also, provide their employment details, like their employer’s name, job title, employment start date, and company’s address.

Include supporting documents within this letter to verify the employee’s salary and bonus, if any. Remember that there are state and local laws regarding salary disclosure, and some require employee authorization.

verification details

Step 4 – Provide the Employer’s Contact Information

Write the employer’s contact details, including their phone number and email address.

employers information

Step 5 – Get Notary Acknowledgement

While this letter doesn’t require notarization, it can add to its legitimacy. Have a notary witness the employer’s signature for authenticity if you’d like.

notary details

Download an employment verification letter template in PDF or Word format below:

Employment Verification Letter Template

How Much Proof of Income Do I Need to Provide?

It depends. Some landlords may want to see you earn a specific amount, such as three times the rent, to ensure you meet your monthly payments. They may also want to see income verification for a specific period, such as the last two months.

Can I Use a Bank Statement Alone as Proof of Income?

You can use bank statements as supplementary documents, but landlords and lending financial institutions may often request pay stubs as primary proof of income.

What If I Don’t Have Any Traditional Proof of Income?

If you’re applying for a loan, you can have a cosigner sign for you. This person pledges to pay back the loan if you default, so you won’t necessarily need to provide proof of income.

Suppose you’re applying to rent an apartment or home. In this case, you may need to present nontraditional proof of income, such as bank statements, a letter from your current employer, an invoice/contract of the work you’ve completed recently, or a profit/loss statement.

How Long Should I Keep Copies of My Proof of Income Documents?

It depends on the exact document. The IRS states you should keep tax returns and related documents for two years from when you paid your obligations or three years from when you filed the original return (whichever is later).

Retain your paystubs until you receive your W-2 for that year. Retain bank statements for at least one year unless you need them for important matters (like home purchases or taxes). In this case, keep them for at least three years.

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Employment Verification Letter Template

The document above is a sample. Please note that the language you see here may change depending on your answers to the document questionnaire.

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letter of employment request email

5 Samples Emails to Request Confirmation Letter from Company

confirmation letter from a company

There are many instances where you need to send emails asking for a confirmation letter from a company. Although the occasions may be different, there are general principles guiding asking for confirmation letters from companies. 

In this article, we will discuss everything associated with asking for a confirmation letter from a company and include samples to guide you on how to write your emails asking for a confirmation letter from a company. 

What is an Email Asking for Confirmation Letter?

An email asking for a confirmation letter is simply an email sent to a company to confirm some preexisting arrangement, engagement, or interaction.

An email asking for a confirmation letter from a company can be for many reasons, such as a confirmation letter for employment, a confirmation letter for received order, confirmation of application, etc.   

While the instances stated above are different, we will list some guidelines that can help you write an email asking for a confirmation letter from a company regardless of the need. 

How to Write an Email Asking for Confirmation Letter from a Company

Like all professional emails, emails written to ask for a confirmation letter from a company must also follow a set of guidelines and principles. 

In this section of this article, we will list these guidelines and explain how they should affect your email writing to ask for a confirmation letter from a company. 

  • Remember you’re writing a professional email. This is a professional request email and must be written as such. This means it should check all the boxes of professional emails such as: addressed to the right recipient (s),  free from any vernacular, succinct, and be signed off properly. All of these must be noted in your email asking for confirmation. 
  • State all the relevant information. As said earlier in this article, there are different instances where you would need to send emails requesting confirmation from companies. In all of these instances, make sure to include all the relevant information in the email you’re sending. This means explaining to the recipient in detail what you want to be confirmed. While this will be obvious in the subject of the email, make sure to include all the necessary detail in the body. All the necessary detail means a recap of the previous interaction you’ve had with the company.
  • State your expectations. This simply means stating your reason for sending the email. Are you requesting confirmation in the form of a call? An email? An official recourse, etc. What you expect should be stated in the email.

Mind you, when stating your expectations, do not do so rudely. Such as, “I expected you’d have reached out to me by now.” 

Instead, say something along the lines of, “I would appreciate a response so as to…”

How to Respond to an Interview Availability Email: Samples included

Email Asking for Confirmation Letter or Different Occasions 

As said repeatedly in this article, there are different scenarios where you may need to send emails asking for confirmation letters. 

In this section of the article, we will list the most common instances and provide some samples to aid you in writing your email requests. 

How to Write an Email to a Company asking for a Confirmation Letter of Employment

This email is also known as an employment verification letter. There are a ton of reasons to request an employment verification letter. A confirmation letter of employment can be requested if you were just newly hired and you need to present the document to a financial institution or any other organization. 

An employment confirmation letter states everything you want it to say. Such as how long you’ve worked in said company, your role in the company, your remuneration, etc. 

Bear in mind that the information your employers can disclose varies depending on the state. This means in some states, you may be required to sign a release form before your employer can share details concerning your employment. 

Also, when requesting confirmation letters from a company, ensure to do this as early as you find out you need them. For large companies especially, your request may have to go through several channels before it’s officially approved and delivered to you. 

Without further ado, here are some samples to guide you toward writing your request emails. 

How Do You Politely Ask for Confirmation Email

Here are some emails you can send to ask your recipient to respond to your email politely:

Sample Confirmation Letter of Employment / Employment Verification request

Sample two confirmation letter of employment / employment verification request, how to write an email to a company asking for a confirmation letter of application.

When applying for a position or an opportunity, there’s a chance that your application could have fallen through the cracks and been missed, especially when you didn’t get the usual thank you for your application email. 

To ensure your application was received, it is essential to send an email asking the company or institution to confirm receipt of your application. 

When writing an email asking for a confirmation letter of application, you must:

  • Follow all the rules of a professional email. Such as being polite, addressing your email correctly, etc. 
  • Your email should be written to the letter. Do not leave out any important detail, and do not omit any vital information. 
  • State when you sent in your application and offer to resend it if it somehow fell through the crack. 

Sample One – Confirmation Letter of Application

Sample two confirmation letter of application.

In this article, we’ve listed the most important things associated with writing emails to request confirmation letters from companies. 

We’ve also included guidelines to serve as pointers to ensure you have all the necessary information to write your emails for confirmation. 

We’ve included samples to guide you when you need to write your emails asking for confirmation for various instances. 

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letter of employment request email

Jim Blessed

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How to write an for requesting employment letter email with an email template

How to reply to an for requesting employment letter email with an email template, how to write email for requesting employment letter using our email template.

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Learn how to write email for requesting employment letter using our tips and template

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So you want to write the best for requesting employment letter email, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write an for requesting employment letter email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next for requesting employment letter email, and save hours every week!

How to send an for requesting employment letter email

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Replying to an for requesting employment letter email might seem tricky, but it shouldn’t be.

Do you wish you would never worry about how to reply to an for requesting employment letter email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation of your emails?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next reply email, and save hours every week!

Reply to for requesting employment letter email

Flowrite is an email writing tool that turns short instructions into ready-to-send email replies across your browser.

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For requesting employment letter response email format

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like replying to meeting invitations , helping you be your most productive self no matter what you work on.

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So you want to write the best email for requesting employment letter, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write a type of email again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail your next email, and save hours every week!

How to send email for requesting employment letter

Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

Email format for for requesting employment letter

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like follow-ups , thank you emails , and reminder emails .

This way you will never have to worry about getting the email format right again (or think about how to write the perfect email for requesting employment letter).

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Sample Request Letter for Certificate of Employment in the Philippines [Free Download]

Sample Request Letter for Certificate of Employment in the Philippines [Free Download]

It doesn’t matter if you’re a remote worker , government employee , or a cubicle slave; as long as you’re working for someone else, requesting a certificate of employment is like a rite of passage you won’t escape. It’s proof that you worked (or currently work) at a particular company and, depending on who’s requesting the certificate, may be used as a basis for your employment with a new company, evidence of your solid ties to the Philippines (for visa applications ), or a validation of your capacity to pay (for loan applications ).

But how do you exactly file a request for a certificate of employment? In this guide, we’ll give you the lowdown on the certificate of employment, plus the only template you need to create a request letter for a certificate of employment in the country.

Table of Contents

Free download: request letter for certificate of employment sample template.

Don’t waste time writing a request letter for certificate of employment from scratch. Using our free downloadable template, you must fill in the required details, print the request letter, and submit it to the intended recipient.

  • Request Letter for Certificate of Employment Sample Template [Word]
  • Request Letter for Certificate of Employment Sample Template [PDF]

What Is a Request Letter for Certificate of Employment?

Before we go over the details of a request letter for a certificate of employment, it’s only appropriate to explain what the certificate is really for.

By definition, a certificate of employment verifies your employment status by providing details about your employer, the position you filled in the company, the salary, and how long you served in the said position. Although a dismissed worker is entitled to the certificate 1 , you don’t have to be terminated before you can avail of the certificate of employment. This is true for employees requesting the certificate for a travel visa or credit card application .

Therefore, getting a certificate of employment is an inherent right of all employees, and no employer is allowed by law to deny an employee of such right. One caveat, though: Although you’re entitled to get a certificate of employment, you are not allowed to request or dictate the content included in the certificate. It will be up to your employer what information will be disclosed and how it will be presented.

To get a certificate of employment, you must request the company’s human resources department to issue one. This request can be verbal or written 2 , although most HR departments prefer the latter for record-keeping purposes. The request letter for certificate of employment is usually written on the company’s official letterhead. It is usually addressed to the hiring manager or the chief of the company’s human resources (HR) department.

The request letter includes the following crucial details:

  • Name and address of the company
  • Name and position of the addressee (i.e., the intended recipient of the letter)
  • Employee’s name, position, and tenure
  • Reason/purpose of the request
  • List of information requested
  • Deadline for the request (must be specific)

Who Can Request for a Certificate of Employee (COE)?

All employees, regardless of current employment status or type, are entitled to a certificate of employment (COE).

To be considered an employee, one should pass the four-fold test 3 , which confirms the presence of an employer-employee relationship. To pass the test, there must be (a) the selection and engagement of the employee, (b) the payment of wages, (c) the power of dismissal, and (d) the employer’s power to control the employee on the means and methods by which the work is accomplished.

In other words, you’re considered an employee and are therefore entitled to a COE if you’re one of the following:

  • A current employee, whether active or rendering, who is still working for the company
  • A separated employee who used to be employed by the company but has left due to termination, separation/end of contract, or resignation

As shown above, both current and former employees can get a COE. The certificate is issued as part of the exit process, so the employee should have received it before leaving for a new job opportunity. If the company fails to issue the certificate, the former employee still has the right to obtain one, even if it’s already months or years since his/her departure. Companies that refuse to issue a COE after repeated requests must be reported to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), which will issue an official order so the employer will be forced to release the COE.

Employees should be given a COE, regardless of employment category. This means that part-time, seasonal, fixed-term, contractual, probationary, or regular employees can all avail of their COEs. Even those absent without leave (AWOL) are still connected to their company; hence, they’re entitled to a certificate of employment.

Who Issues the Certificate of Employment (COE)?

Employers are mandated by law to issue the certificate of employment to their current or former employees. However, some people are hired outside the traditional employer-employee arrangement, making obtaining a COE less straightforward.

  • If you worked or are currently operating under a contractor or subcontractor , the said contracting/subcontracting party is technically your employer. Therefore, you should request the COE from the contractor/subcontractor, not the principal client/employer.
  • Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) must get their COEs from their foreign employers . If the employer refuses or can’t issue the certificate, they can request the same from the local recruitment agency through which they got the job. According to the rule on joint and solidary liability 4 , this is accepted since local agencies are considered indirect employers liable for Filipino workers’ employment or overseas deployment claims.
  • If you’re an independent contractor (i.e., freelancer ), your client is not obligated to pay your taxes and government contributions on your behalf. This is because you’re not considered an employee, which means they won’t be able to issue you a certificate of employment. However, independent contractors may request an alternative document called a Certificate of Service (COS) or an Attestation instead. The COS or Attestation details the contractor’s role in the company and attests to how long the contractor provided or has provided his/her services.

How To Write a Certificate of Employment Request Letter

Writing a request letter for certificate of employment is straightforward, especially if you already have a template to work on. The sample letter of request template shown below is the one we’re offering that you can download for free. Supply all the requested details, and it’s good to go.

For quick reference, we’ll discuss the essential parts of the request letter individually, ensuring you know what detail to provide and what it’s for.

how to write certificate of employment letter of request

  • Business Letterhead . The business letterhead at the topmost section of the letter shows the company’s or the organization’s logo, name, address, website, and contact information. Most companies don’t specify a template you must use when creating a request letter, so this embellishment may be added to make your letter look more professional. However, adding this part is non-negotiable for those whose company policy recommends that the template include a business letterhead.
  • Date . This part specifies the date the letter will be submitted to the HR department and read by the intended recipient.
  • Name and Position of the Addressee . Ensure you already know the position and name of the person who will accept and read your letter, so you won’t be stuck with the usual “To Whom It May Concern” formula that you can find at the beginning of every generic letter. Specifying the recipient’s name makes inserting a more personalized salutation easier. It also adds a touch of professionalism to your letter, as it will show the recipient that you’ve done your research.
  • Opening Salutation . This part usually starts with the standard “Dear” to address the person being written to. As much as possible, use something other than the recipient’s first name; you only do that if you know the person well, which is usually not the case with HR heads that employees rarely interact with. Instead, address the recipient using “Mr.” or “Ms.” followed by his/her surname. In the rare instance that there’s no specific person available to receive your letter (see the previous entry), you can use the generic “To Whom It May Concern” formula.
  • Body of the Letter . The request letter’s meatiest and most crucial part is divided into three sections. First is the introduction, where you will introduce your name, position, and period of employment. This is also where you explicitly state the name of the certificate you’re requesting and the details you want to be included in the said employment certificate. This is followed by an explanation of the purpose behind your request for a certificate of employment and other supporting details you think are necessary. Closing the letter is the respectful specification of the date when you need the certificate, giving the recipient some sense of urgency and preventing your request from being perpetually stuck in the company’s to-do list.
  • Closing Salutation . Before ending the letter, it’s always appropriate to thank the recipient for dedicating time to read your letter. Finally, you can conclude the letter with a closing salutation like “Respectfully,” “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” “Yours truly,” and “Regards,” among others. 

Reasons To Make a Request for a Certificate of Employment

When you’re requesting a certificate of employment from your current or former employer, you usually want to accomplish one of these goals:

  • To switch to a new job. Whether it’s a local or overseas job, you need a certificate of employment to prove to your prospective employer that you’re qualified to do the job and have the experience to back it up. The certificate is tangible proof of your qualifications, knowledge, and skills gained at a particular company and will be helpful in your next job opportunity.
  • To apply for a visa . Tourist visas like Japan and Schengen allow holders to travel and stay in a foreign country for a limited period. To be issued one of these visas, you must prove to the Consulate that you have solid ties to the Philippines. And one of the documents that can prove it is a certificate of employment. By submitting this document, you’ll be able to convince them that you have a job to return to, and you won’t risk losing this job by overstaying on foreign soil.
  • To secure a loan or credit card . Financial products like credit cards and loans are only offered to people who can pay monthly fees/amortizations. To prove that you can pay, you must establish your creditworthiness to the lending institution by submitting a certificate of employment. This certificate hits two birds with one stone: in addition to proving that you are currently employed (source of income), it can also display, upon request to HR, your monthly salary, which is an indicator of one’s capacity to pay off the monthly obligations.
  • To subscribe to a postpaid internet plan . Internet service providers (ISPs) usually require first-time applicants to submit a certificate of employment. This is to prove that they have a stable job and can pay the monthly Internet subscription fees. The postpaid plans usually come with a device like a mobile phone, laptop, or tablet. The heftier the monthly payments, the stricter the requirements. With the certificate of employment, the ISPs can lower their chances of dealing with a delinquent subscriber.
  • To rent a property . To filter applicants, landlords usually ask for a certificate of employment. This certificate verifies a person’s identity and gives landlords a clear idea of one’s financial standing, which, in turn, offers a clue to one’s capability to pay the monthly rental obligations. 

Sample Request Letter for Certificate of Employment for New Job Application

Applying for a new job? Hiring managers usually require a certificate of employment to prove that the job details you have indicated on your resume are true. Without an employment certificate, they won’t have any basis for your competency or the salary range that someone with an experience like yours deserves. To write a request letter for certificate of employment for a new job application, follow the template below.

sample request letter for certificate of employment for new job application template

Click here to download the Sample Request Letter for Certificate of Employment for New Job Application Template [Word]

Sample Request Letter for Certificate of Employment for Loan Application

Government and private financial institutions require applicants to provide proof of income as part of documentary requirements for loan applications. The certificate of employment is the most common proof of income for employed professionals, and you can request one from your HR with the help of the downloadable template below.

sample request letter for certificate of employment for loan application template

Click here to download the Sample Request Letter for Certificate of Employment for Loan Application Template [Word]

Sample Request Letter for Certificate of Employment for Travel/Visa Application

To prevent issuing tourist visas to Filipinos who have plans of overstaying and migrating illegally to their destination country, Consulates of foreign countries usually require visa applicants to provide proof of employment. This document, specifically the certificate of employment, will prove your solid ties to the Philippines and convince the visa screener that you only intend to use the visa for traveling purposes. To prepare a request letter for certificate of employment for travel/visa application, we recommend using the template below.

sample request letter for certificate of employment for travel or visa application template

Click here to download the Sample Request Letter for Certificate o f Employment for Travel/Visa Application

How To Request a Certificate of Employment

The process of requesting a certificate of employment may vary depending on the company you’re working for (or worked for). However, most companies in the country follow an almost similar approach, detailed in the following steps.

1. Know your company’s policy on issuing a certificate of employment

Every company has its protocol for requesting and releasing the certificate of employment. Your responsibility as an employee (whether current or former) is to verify with the HR department or company handbook the requirements needed and the exact timeline followed when issuing employment certificates.

Depending on your company, you will secure a signed endorsement form from your manager or directly submit the request to the HR head. Once you gain a clearer picture of what it’s like to obtain a certificate of employment in your company, that’s the time when you’re ready to write a draft of the request letter.

2. Prepare the request letter for certificate of employment

To draft a certificate of employment request letter, you must first know the ingredients of an effective one. We’ve already laid out these components in a previous section, but we’ll repeat it here for your convenience.

To summarize, you must know the specific name and position of the person to whom the letter is addressed so you can adequately address him/her in your opening salutation. Start the letter with an introduction where you indicate your name, position, and period of employment. Explain the purpose of your request and mention any specific details (e.g., your monthly salary) you want included in the certificate of employment.

Finally, provide a particular due date when you expect to receive the certificate; this way, you establish a sense of urgency and set the right expectations for both parties.

3. Submit the request letter to the company’s HR division

In most companies in the Philippines, employees who need a certificate of employment usually make the request personally or via email. Although an in-person request is ideal, you can also file the request online via email as long as you’ve notified the concerned authority beforehand. In addition to the soft copy of the request letter, include in your email vital personal details that will expedite your request. These details include your name, job title, employment dates, and other information relevant to your request.

4. Follow up with the company HR

After submitting the request letter, the company must issue the certificate of employment within three (3) days, as per DOLE Labor Advisory No. 6, series of 2020 . The processing time may take longer, especially for resigned employees, for which DOLE still needs to provide specific guidelines.

Suppose the company is taking longer or refusing to issue a COE. In that case, you must file a complaint at the nearest DOLE Regional, Provincial, or Field Office with jurisdiction over your current/former workplace. In most cases, however, the COE has yet to be issued because the HR professional is too busy to glance at it. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to make follow-up requests via phone or email; this way, HR will be able to update you about the request’s status and if any additional information may be needed from you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. is the certificate of employment the same as the clearance.

No. Whereas the certificate of employment proves that you’ve worked for the company (either as a former or current employee), the clearance clears you of any responsibility or obligation in the company. All employees are required to secure a clearance before officially leaving the company. You can obtain clearance by surrendering all company properties under your possession and getting the signatures of different company departments. Once you have been issued a clearance, you can receive your back pay , certificate of employment, tax document, etc.

2. How long does it take for the employer to issue the certificate of employment?

According to the DOLE Labor Advisory No. 6, series of 2020, the certificate of employment must be issued within three (3) days upon request.

3. My former employer refuses to issue the certificate of employment despite multiple requests. What should I do?

It’s illegal for any employer to withhold their employee’s back pay or certificate of employment, regardless of whether the employee left the company without any issues or was terminated for violating a company policy.

To force the company to comply, send a final request letter to the head of HR and CC all senior managers. In the letter, please point out the specific laws they’re violating and attach a copy of the DOLE Labor Advisory detailing the rules for issuing back pay and COE. Make it clear that if you don’t receive any response to this letter, you will be forced to take legal action and file a complaint at the DOLE office with jurisdiction over the company.

  • Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code (1989).
  • ‘Labor Advisory No. 06, Series of 2020 (Guidelines on the Payment of Final Pay and Issuance of Certificate of Employment)’ (2020) . Available at: (Accessed: 18 September 2023).
  • Romeo Alba, Petitioner, v. Conrado G. Espinosa, et al., Respondents (2017).
  • POEA Rules & Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Land-Based Overseas Workers (2002).

Written by Luisito Batongbakal Jr.

in Career and Education , Juander How

letter of employment request email

Luisito Batongbakal Jr.

Luisito E. Batongbakal Jr. is the founder, editor, and chief content strategist of FilipiKnow, a leading online portal for free educational, Filipino-centric content. His curiosity and passion for learning have helped millions of Filipinos around the world get access to free insightful and practical information at the touch of their fingertips. With him at the helm, FilipiKnow has won numerous awards including the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2013, the 2015 Globe Tatt Awards, and the 2015 Philippine Bloggys Awards.

Browse all articles written by Luisito Batongbakal Jr.

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How to Email a Resume to an Employer [Template + Examples]

Melanie Lockert

3 key takeaways

  • Before you email a resume, consider seven best practices.
  • Follow five steps when writing a resume email.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder and Job Tracker with Email Templates can help you create a resume and email for every stage of the application process.

While today’s job application process typically starts in an online portal, it’s sometimes beneficial to email your resume and cover letter.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to email a resume in ways that increase your chances of progressing in the hiring process, including:

  • Tips on how to email a resume

What to write in an email when sending a resume

How to follow up on your resume email.

  • Resume best practices

Struggling to land interviews with your resume? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder for free.

How to send a resume email

When you email your resume and cover letter, you’re pitching yourself for the job. 

Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing an email to a recruiter or hiring manager:

  • Use a professional email address. Avoid sending your resume using an email you created when you were 15. Don’t use one that includes anything unprofessional. Your email address should be your full name, or a variation, so you’re clearly identifiable. 
  • Pick an optimal send time. You want to be at the top of the hiring manager’s inbox. That’s why early morning is the best time to send a resume email. If you’re working on it during other hours, consider scheduling the email. Gmail allows you to do this easily.

Schedule an email to send later in Gmail

  • Choose the right day. Let’s be real. Most people are busy on Mondays and winding down on Fridays. So your best bet is to send your email Tuesday through Thursday.
  • Follow instructions. Some job listings have specific instructions on how to email a cover letter and resume. Some even request you include a word or phrase in the subject line. Your ability to focus on the details and follow instructions properly can set you apart. 
  • Double-check. Typos happen and so do other digital mishaps. Use a tool like Grammarly to spell check and ensure your grammar is correct in your email, cover letter, and resume. Open your cover letter and resume and make sure the formatting looks good. Put the email address in last so you don’t accidentally send an incomplete email. 

Pro Tip: If you accidentally send an incomplete email using Gmail, you’ll see that your message has been sent and the options to “Undo” or “View Message” in the bottom left. Click “Undo” right away to unsend your email. 

These email best practices can help you start on the right foot. This is your first interaction with a company and you want to give a positive impression.

How to email a resume (7 tips)

Emailing a resume may seem simple, but there are nuances to consider when applying to a specific job. 

Here are top tips for sending a resume via email:

1. Create a well-optimized and formatted resume 

Resume creation is one of the most important things job seekers need to focus on. Your resume needs (not should) to be well-optimized and formatted. That means two things:

  • Tailor each resume to match the job position
  • Your resume is scannable and easy to read 

Using a resume template that fits your needs can help simplify the process. Teal offers a variety of templates to choose from, so your resume is easy to read and you don’t have to worry about the design and formatting all on your own. That way you can include the required sections and format your resume based on your desired role. Create a perfect resume using resume templates .

resume templates

2. Tailor your resume

Using Teal Analysis Mode and Matching Mode, you can easily create a well-optimized resume. Just enter the job description and get a Match Score on your resume. Plus, you’ll get keywords and tips for how to improve your resume so it can stand out. 

letter of employment request email

Start by using Teal’s Resume Builder. Simply upload your LinkedIn profile or existing resume and get a customizable resume. From there, you can make changes and access the Analysis and Matching tools. 

3. Prepare your resume for email

Your resume format matters. In a single document, you’re sharing highlights of your career journey and relevant skills. Choosing the right one can grab a hiring manager’s attention. Some common resume formats include:

  • Chronological resume
  • Functional resume
  • Combination resume 

These formats showcase information in different ways. Based on where you’re at in your career and the job you’re applying to, you can choose which format is ideal for your situation. 

Once your resume is ready and your resume emails optimized, the question remains:

Should you send your resume as a Word or a PDF file?

People often wonder what’s the best format to send a resume. First, go back to the job listing and see if there are instructions on how to email a resume. Some listings might say which format they prefer. If there’s no preference listed it’s up to you. But there are some things to consider when deciding between sending a PDF or Word doc for your resume file. 

Nicholas Hopkins, director and head of contract recruitment at VIQU IT Recruitment suggests using a Word Document for some important reasons: 

"You'd be surprised, but people still include personal details such as age. If the recruiter is committed to upholding diversity recruiting, they may also need to remove information such as your name, name of your school or university, and start and end dates for job experience. This is to limit potential occurrences of unconscious bias. Some common mistakes I have found people make when emailing their resume are including pictures or not including information on how recruiters can contact them."

Scott Lieberman, founder of Touchdown Money hires people for his small business and has been on the HR hiring committee of various companies for over 10 years offers a different point of view:

“Use a PDF formatted resume to attach to the email. A PDF ensures your resume is opened with the same formatting as you typed it.” 

So if you’re applying directly to a company, you might consider using the PDF format. You can feel confident that your formatting is intact. On the other hand, if you’re emailing a resume to a recruiter a Word Document may be a better option. 

Ultimately, the type of file you send is secondary to the contents of your resume. Make sure your resume looks organized and legible and that it’s optimized based on the job description. 

4. Write an effective email subject line

Emailing a resume won’t do much good if nobody opens the email. That’s where creating a clear and concise subject line helps. 

Avoid these subject line mistakes when emailing your resume:

  • Leaving the subject line blank
  • Only putting “job application”
  • Very long subject lines

Instead, keep the subject line simple using this formula:

[Full Name Application]: [Adjective] [Job Title]  [Seeking New Opportunity at] [Company Name] [Job ID if available]

Email subject line examples :

Brad Smith Application: Collaborative Software Engineer Seeking New Opportunity at Google #530 Katie Johnson Application: Results-Driven Social Media Manager Seeking New Opportunity at Buffer  Jerry Johnson Application: Dynamic Program Director Seeking New Opportunity at LA Phil 

That’s the basic formula. You can tweak it to your liking, but leading with the most important details can make sure it’s not overlooked or confused for spam or promotional email.

Remember, companies may be hiring for multiple positions, so listing the job title can be helpful. Including your name makes it easier to search and listing the company name makes it specific. Lastly, adding an adjective and verb can give them a taste of who you are and what you can do for the company. 

For more tips on crafting an effective subject line, check out this guide on email subject for job application.

5. Email the right person

To help your email stand out and be more professional, email the person most involved in the hiring process. If the hiring manager’s name is listed on the job description, use it when addressing your email. Copy and paste carefully to avoid any misspellings. 

If you don’t see a name but there is a job title, do a little research and see if you can find the contact. For instance, find the company’s LinkedIn page and search through the employees for the title the role would report into or recruiting titles. If no contact details are available, use “hiring manager” or “recruiter.”

6. Give context

Don’t just shoot off an email saying “Resume attached!” An email is a short-form style of communication. It’s essential you lead with your point and why it matters to them. Don’t assume they’ll connect the dots, share concise context in the email and subject line.

Resume email example:

Dear Hiring Manager,  My name is [Full Name] and I saw the [Job Title] position listed on [Website/Where you found it]. As a [Job Role] with [X years of experience], I’d love to be considered. Attached you can find my resume and cover letter. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,  [Full Name] 

7. Optimize and attach the resume file

Your resume should be 10 MB or less. If your PDF file size is too large, use a compression tool to make it smaller. It should be small enough to send without compromising on quality or the ability to read it. It’ll be of no use if someone downloads your resume but can’t read it properly.

Additionally, your resume file name should be clear and include your name, job position, and company. Instead of a jumble of non-descript numbers and letters, it should look something like this: 

BradSmithResume_SoftwareEngineer_Google BradSmithSoftwareEngineerResume_Google BradSmith_SoftwareEngineerGoogle

Having a clear naming convention can make it easier to find your resume for all parties involved. It also shows you’re being specific and applying for a particular role at a company, instead of sending off the same resume to several companies. 

When you’re about to attach your resume to your email, do so carefully. You don’t want to send the wrong attachment or the wrong version of your resume. You can be extra careful and send yourself a test email with your resume. 

Here’s how to send an email and attach your resume in Gmail:

  • Log in to Gmail
  • Click on the “Attach files” icon (look for the paper clip at the bottom of your email)

Paper clip icon in gmail for attachments

  • Select your resume
  • Press “Open”

After following those steps, your email should have the attached resume ready to send. Teal can help you create various versions of your resume and ensure it’s the right file type.

Consider emailing a cover letter

While emailing your resume, you should consider emailing a cover letter as well. If this is in the job listing, this is a must. Even if it’s not a requirement, attaching a cover letter can provide more context about your experience and bring your resume to life. 

The key is to include your cover letter as another attachment. Many people copy and paste their cover letter into the email body or combine it with their resume file. This should only be done if instructed to do so. It’s better to keep your message short and sweet and provide all job application materials as attachments. 

This makes them easier to download and share with other staff members. It’s also just a cleaner and more organized way to apply for a job.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to write in an email when sending a resume.

Step 1: Address the hiring manager or recruiter

Your email should start with a friendly salutation like “Dear” and the email recipient. If you have the contact’s name, use it so it’s clear and personal. When there’s no name given, you can use hiring manager or recruiter. Avoid writing “To whom it may concern” which feels impersonal. 

Dear Hiring Manager,  Dear Recruiter,  Hiring Manager,  Recruiter,

Step 2: Write an intro

Your intro is where you set the stage. You’re establishing your reason for contact. Write clearly about your intentions and the purpose of your email. Here are some examples of several different situations and how to send a resume through email.

If inquiring about a job

I’m reaching out about your [job title] position listed on [website] and would love to learn more.

If applying for a job

I saw your [job title] posting on [website] and I’m interested in applying. 

If following up on a job

I wanted to follow up about the [job position] at [company]. Please let me know if there are any updates. 

Step 3: State your purpose for emailing

The body of an email is where you get to the heart of the matter and provide more details. 

I’m interested in the position and would love to know the best way to apply and submit my application. 
After reviewing the job description, I believe my skills and abilities would benefit your organization. I’ve attached my cover letter and resume for review.
I’d love to meet with your team to discuss my experience further. 

Step 4: End the email

The close of your email should remind them of your interest in the position—and have a dose of enthusiasm and gratitude so you leave a positive impression. 

I look forward to hearing back from you and learning more about the opportunity. 
I would love to discuss how my experience can be an asset in this position. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. 

Step 5: Sign off

Your sign off can include “Sincerely” or “Best” and list your contact information. 

Example sign off :

[Full Name] [Email] [Phone Number] [LinkedIn profile, optional]

Tips on writing a resume email

The salutation and signature are easy enough, but the body of the email is where you’ll get more specific. You want to keep your message clear and inspire a call to action, which in most cases is a response, an interview, or a job offer. 

Tips to keep your resume email professional and concise:

  • Keep it brief
  • Don’t reiterate what’s in your cover letter
  • Avoid sharing too much of your resume in the body of the email
  • Aim for three to five sentences
  • Don’t copy and paste your cover letter in the body, unless instructed to do so

Teal’s Email Templates feature can give you a head start. Inside the Job Tracker , you'll find email templates for applying for a job, following up on an application, following up after an interview, and even resigning from your job , and giving two weeks notice . That way, you don’t have to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel, so you can use your time elsewhere. 

After sending an email with your resume and cover letter, the waiting game starts. It can be nerve-wracking, but there is one thing you can do (sparingly) to feel a little more in control—follow up. 

The art of email follow-up is crucial. You want to be enthusiastic but not too eager. Polite and not pushy. To follow up, send a well-written email using the email address you used to send your application materials.

Example follow-up email:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],  Hope you’re doing well! I submitted my resume and job application materials for [job title] a few weeks ago. I wanted to check in and see if you have any updates on the hiring process. I’d love to chat with your team further about the role. Best,  [Full Name]  [Contact information]

Sending a follow-up may help you get a response so you know where you’re at in the process. It’s also about taking a proactive approach to your job search. In fact, some hiring managers expect interested candidates to follow up after an interview. That said, don’t overdo it. In most cases, you should wait until they respond before checking in again.

What NOT to do when sending a follow-up email after applying for a job:

  • Use a different email than the one you used for your application
  • Send an email too soon (wait a minimum of a week, but two to three weeks might be better) 
  • Be demanding
  • Forget to include your contact information
  • Fail to mention the specific job posting 

For a detailed breakdown on following up on an open role, check out this guide on how to follow up on a job application .

Create a resume you’re proud to send

Learning how to send a resume the right way can mean the difference between getting a response and getting lost in the void. When applying for a job, communication matters. The way you send an email, what you say, how you say it, are all considered before you get an interview. 

So make sure your message gets your point across with an optimized resume that’s named properly and attached to the email. 

To help you feel confident and create a resume you’re proud of sending, use Teal’s Resume Builder. Importing your LinkedIn to create a resume has never been easier and using the range of templates can help you design something that feels like “you.” Also, see how your current resume matches the job description, so you can make improvements and boost your chances of a callback. 

Using both the Resume Builder and Email Templates feature is a winning combo that can remove some of the pain of creating a resume and sending professional emails. 

Sign up for Teal today to access resume and email templates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i write in an email when sending potential employers a resume.

In an email sending your resume, write “My name is [Full Name] and I’m interested in applying for [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Given my [years of experience], I think I’d be a great fit for this role and would love to talk further. You can find my resume and cover letter attached to this email. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing this further.”

How do you professionally say my resume is attached?

When sending your resume via email, let the email recipient know which documents are attached by saying “My [resume, cover letter, etc] are attached to this email for review.

Is it okay to email your resume?

You always want to follow the instructions provided by the company in the job listing. If the job posting states that you should send your resume via email, it’s not only okay but also necessary to follow those instructions. Other companies may prefer you use their job portal or other online method to submit an application.

Does it matter what time you email a resume?

When you send a resume matters. It’s ideal to send it first thing in the morning so it has a better chance of being seen. This may help your email stay at the top of the inbox instead of getting lost among unread emails. If your email provider allows it (Gmail does), schedule your email to send the next morning if preparing the email later in the day.

letter of employment request email

Melanie Lockert

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