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Medical Content Writing

Website, blog, video script, and other services tailored to your needs, professional, tailored web content and patient education materials from the best medical content writing company.

Content is the foundation of any healthcare website, blog, or marketing campaign. Keep your online and offline presence up-to-date and fully SEO-optimized. Since 2003, Medical Web Experts has been providing medical content writing services for a comprehensive range of channels for hospitals, pharmacies, and other healthcare businesses.

Whether you’re building a website or managing a healthcare internet marketing campaign marketing campaign, our medical content writers’ knowledge and experience gives your healthcare organization a competitive edge that you won’t find anywhere else.

Experts in Medical Content Writing for the Healthcare Industry

Whether you need plain language patient education materials, high level content for physicians, a script for medical video production , or a healthcare email marketing strategy, we have the experience for it. Whether you need ten pages or one hundred, we can take it on.

The members of our medical content writing services team have backgrounds in communications or the healthcare industry, in addition to years of experience producing medical content for a variety of channels. Trained in communications for patients, writing about research, marketing content, educational content, and SEO optimization, they are ready to make your content project a success.

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Experts in Content for the Medical Industry

Your vision – your schedule.

Meeting our clients’ needs is important to us. We take the time to listen to your goals, and we’re prepared to provide medical content writing services within your team’s deadlines.

SEO-Optimized and 100% Unique

We’re SEO and content marketing experts . Tell us your goals, and we’ll craft original content that’s perfectly optimized for your keywords.

Medically Reviewed

For projects that require physician review, we offer editing and review services from a licensed medical professional.

Medical Content Writing Services We Offer

Your healthcare organization may be considering an external medical content writing company because you have a high volume of new content that you need to produce, because you need experts for a variety of marketing channels, or because you want to update what you already have to improve readability and SEO. Whatever your goals, the experienced writers, editors, and content strategy professionals at Medical Web Experts will be able to create the high quality content your healthcare organization needs, thoroughly researched and tailored to the right style, length, audience, and channel.

For each project, our medical content writing team meets with the client to better understand audience, vision, and messages. We then set up a content generation and approval process that fits your timeline.

  • Website content
  • Patient education materials
  • Video scripts and storyboards
  • Blog writing and blog management
  • Email or print newsletters
  • Press releases
  • Flyers, brochures, and posters
  • SEO optimized content
  • Content for patient or physician audiences
  • Medical/healthcare articles
  • Mobile app content
  • Legal disclaimers (for web or apps)
  • Thoroughly researched
  • 100% unique

Supplementing Your Marketing Campaign With Great Content

High-quality content feeds into a successful marketing campaign. When incorporated into your marketing strategy, web content in the form of blog posts, landing pages, patient education resources, and off-page content like press releases can help drive quality traffic to your site.

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Trusted by Healthcare Since 2003

Our approach to medical content writing is results-driven – meaning that we’re focused on meeting your goals and producing marketing materials that will help you get more web traffic to your healthcare website, and ultimately more business. By leveraging our experience with healthcare, digital and print marketing , and SEO , we’re able to provide content that converts better and brings you more business.

We’ve worked with Medical Web Experts for 4 years, and they’ve helped our practice’s presence grow immensely since we started out. We love our website, and more and more new patients are reporting that they found us online. The MWE team is responsive, highly knowledgeable and always ready with an effective solution to our problems.

Kate Freeman RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, FNP-BC Surgone Foregut Institute

Kate Freeman RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, FNP-BC

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How to Become a Medical Content Writer

How to Become a Medical Content Writer

  • By  Mike Fisher
  • Jun 07, 2024
  • 11 min read
  • How To Become A Freelancer
  • Skills and Experience

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If you have a passion for writing and a keen interest in health care, a career as a medical content writer could be perfect for you. The demand for quality medical content writers is ever-growing. Whether it’s blog posts, scientific journal articles, or patient education materials, the need for accurate and engaging medical content is constant.

In this post, we’ll explore what medical content writing is and what a medical content writer does. We’ll also offer some valuable tips on breaking into this rewarding field.

What Is Medical Content Writing?

Medical content writing involves creating informative and engaging content on health-care topics. This task can encompass a wide range of materials, including the following.

  • Continued medical education (CME) materials : Some medical content writers produce copy for CME resources, such as textbooks and elearning modules. These resources are designed to help medical professionals maintain their knowledge and learn about new developments in their field. For example, Harvard University offers a variety of accredited CME courses . 
  • Patient educational materials : Content writers may also write health education resources for patients, for example, brochures or posters. These materials are often distributed in health-care settings to help patients understand their medical conditions and treatment options and preventive measures they may take. For instance, the CDC has a number of resources on vaccines and immunizations .
  • Health-care blog posts : Many health-care organizations maintain blogs to provide valuable information on topics such as nutrition, exercise, disease management, and mental health. For example, HCA Healthcare runs a health-care and well-being blog . 
  • Scientific articles : Medical content writers may also contribute to peer-reviewed journals by writing research articles, literature reviews, or case studies. For example, a writer may contribute to a literature review of treatment options for a specific medical condition, such as malaria .
  • Website content : From hospital websites to pharmaceutical company pages, there is a constant need for well-written content that informs and engages visitors. For example, a writer may contribute to hospital websites by creating informative pages about the hospital’s services, facilities, and health-care providers. Here’s an example from Great Ormond Street Hospital in the UK. 

Of course, the above list isn’t exhaustive. Medical content writers can contribute magazine and newspaper articles, medical reports, scientific grants and proposals, and more. They may also work in a specific medical niche, such as regulatory writing, medical marketing, or medical journalism.

What Does a Medical Content Writer Do?

The day-to-day tasks of a medical content writer can vary depending on the specific role and organization. However, typical responsibilities may include the following.

  • Keeping up with the latest health-care advancements: The medical field is ever-changing. If you want your content to be accurate, timely, and relevant, you need to keep up with the latest health-care research and developments. There are many ways to stay up to date , from reading journals to attending webinars and joining online communities. For instance, The Lancet publishes medical journals on a wide range of subjects. It also hosts live and on-demand webinars that bring together researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and other subject matter experts.
  • Researching and understanding complex medical topics: Let’s say the writer needs to create content explaining the action mechanism of a new medication for treating hypertension . The medication works by blocking a specific enzyme involved in the regulation of blood pressure. The writer might do the following. a) Start by conducting thorough research on hypertension, including its causes, symptoms, and current treatment options. The writer may also delve into the pharmacology of the new medication, studying how it interacts with the body to lower blood pressure. b) Once they’ve gathered the necessary information, the writer breaks down the complex medical concepts into more digestible chunks. They might use analogies or everyday language to explain difficult concepts. For example, they could compare the enzyme-blocking action of the medication to a lock on a door used to prevent intruders from entering a house. c) To aid understanding, the writer may include diagrams or illustrations that represent the action mechanism of the medication. This option could involve creating simple diagrams showing how the enzyme interacts with the medication to inhibit its activity and lower blood pressure.  d) The writer can contextualize the information by explaining why understanding the action mechanism of the medication is important for patients and health-care professionals. The writer may emphasize how this knowledge can help patients make informed decisions about their treatment and help health-care providers prescribe medications more effectively.  e) Before finalizing the content, the writer should review it to ensure clarity and accuracy. They may simplify complex language or concepts further if necessary, always keeping the intended audience in mind.
  • Proofreading and editing : Medical content writers must create content that is accessible to the target audience, accurate, and clear. Being able to proofread and edit your own work is essential. This means: a) Writing in an appropriate tone and explaining jargon – or identifying alternative language – where necessary. b) Making sure the content is well organized and has a logical flow. c) Identifying credible sources and fact-checking material to ensure all claims and data are accurate. d) Knowing how to use medical style guides and accurately cite sources. e) Reviewing content for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
  • Collaborating with subject matter experts : Medical content writers often work closely with health-care professionals, researchers, and other experts to ensure the accuracy and relevance of their content.
  • Optimizing content for SEO : Understanding search engine optimization (SEO) principles is essential for ensuring that online medical content reaches its intended audience. The content needs to be relevant to the audience; think about what your target audience is searching for and make sure you include relevant keywords associated with the topic.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in medical content writing, here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Learn Medical Terminology

Gain a solid understanding of medical terminology . Become familiar with commonly used medical terms and concepts so you can communicate with patients, health-care professionals, and other readers effectively.

Here are a few examples of key medical terminology:

Anatomy and Physiology Terms

  • Cardiovascular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Digestive system
  • Nervous system
  • Musculoskeletal system 

Diagnostic Procedures and Tests

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (or MRI)
  • Electrocardiogram (or ECG/EKG) 

Medical Treatments and Interventions

  • Medications (e.g., antibiotics, analgesics)
  • Physical therapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy

Medical Terminology Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words

  • Prefixes: hyper (“excessive”), hypo (“deficient”), dys (“difficult” or “painful”). For example, hypoglycemia.
  • Suffixes: itis (“inflammation”), ectomy (“removal”), algia (“pain”), emia (“blood condition”). For example, appendicitis.
  • Root words: cardio (“heart”), derm (“skin”), neur (“nerve”), osteo (“bone”). For example, osteoporosis.

Drug and Medication Terminology

  • Generic name
  • Side effects
  • Contraindications

2. Hone Your Writing Skills

There are lots of ways to hone your writing skills . Pay particular attention to clarity, accuracy, and tone – mastering these three areas is essential, regardless of your content writing niche. These areas are particularly important in medical content writing due to the complexity and sensitivity of the subject matter.

Clarity refers to the writer’s ability to convey their message in a clear and understandable manner. In medical content writing, clarity is crucial because the information being communicated often has significant implications for the reader’s health and well-being. In the world of SEO, medical writing is an example of YMYL – Your Money or Your Life – content. This content could significantly impact a person’s financial stability, health, or safety.

Medical content writers must strive to present complex medical concepts and terminology in a way that is accessible to their target audience, which may include patients, caregivers, or health-care professionals. Clear communication helps readers comprehend important information, make informed decisions, and take appropriate actions regarding their health.

Accuracy is paramount in medical content writing because inaccuracies or misinformation can have serious consequences. Medical content writers must ensure that the information they provide is scientifically accurate, evidence-based, and up to date. This responsibility requires thorough research and fact-checking to verify the validity of medical claims and data.

Additionally, medical content writers must be diligent in citing credible sources to support their statements and claims. By maintaining accuracy in their writing, medical content writers uphold professional standards, build trust with their audience, and contribute to the dissemination of reliable health-care information.

Tone refers to the writer’s attitude or voice as expressed in their writing. In medical content writing, tone plays a significant role in establishing rapport with the audience and conveying empathy and understanding. The tone should be appropriate for the intended audience and purpose of the content. For example, in patient education materials, a warm and empathetic tone may prove effective in reassuring and comforting readers. Conversely, in scientific articles or research papers, a formal and objective tone is typically preferable to maintain professionalism and credibility. By carefully considering tone, medical content writers can engage their audience, foster trust, and effectively communicate key messages.

We suggest reading as much medical-related writing as you can. Doing so will familiarize you with high-quality writing, especially if your writing isn’t quite up to standard. For example, you could study medical journals related to your chosen niche. Honing writing skills will be a prerequisite for building a portfolio, which we’ll discuss later.

3. Develop a Niche

Finding your niche in medical content writing is critical. Specializing in a specific area of health care allows you to focus on a targeted clientele, making the development of a marketing strategy much easier. There are two main ways to niche down; you can choose:

  • A style of writing (such as medical journalism or marketing)
  • A subject area (such as mental health, cardiology, or oncology)

We suggest considering a wide range of medical-related niches to find one that’s right for you.

4. Build a Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of samples of your work. When you apply for freelance writing jobs , you can count on potential clients requesting samples of your writing. Your portfolio is an opportunity to demonstrate your writing ability and subject matter expertise. The portfolio can include work you’ve produced for other clients, spec pieces, or even example pieces (if you don’t have much published work yet). 

Most people opt to create a digital portfolio , which potential clients and employers can access easily. You can design your own website from scratch or customize existing templates to suit your needs. Your website should include:

  • Information about you
  • Your portfolio
  • The services you offer
  • Pricing information
  • Contact details 
  • Links to your social media platforms

You can still add to your portfolio if you don’t have much medical writing experience. As we mentioned, one way to do this is by creating example pieces. You could start a blog to showcase your skills and expertise and write posts on trending health-care topics or share your writing on LinkedIn Pulse . Other options include writing on-spec pieces , guest posting , and cold pitching content managers in your niche.

5. Networking in Your Industry

Would you like to discover job opportunities and build valuable connections in the health care industry? We can’t adequately stress the importance of networking. Attend conferences, join professional associations, and connect with health-care professionals on social media platforms, such as LinkedIn. 

It’s a good idea to join associations that offer online courses, webinars, and workshops. Examples include the American Medical Writers Association and the European Medical Writers Association . Both charge an annual subscription fee, but the education benefits are likely worth the financial investment. Additionally, these associations help find events for offline networking.

Becoming A Freelance Writer

Are you interested in learning more about how to become a freelance writer? Consider our comprehensive course Becoming A Freelance Writer . You’ll learn everything you need to know about launching a successful freelance writing career. You can learn at your own pace, free from looming deadlines, and have access to our tutor support whenever you need it! We offer free lessons for this course.

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Medical content writing samples: how to create effective copy that makes an impact

by Harriet Swartout-Phipson

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For many, the concept of creating medical content writing samples can be a challenging one – after all, they’re a long way away from more commercial forms of copywriting, and as a highly genre-specific form of content, knowing you’re getting it right can be even more difficult. So when it comes to creating effective copy for medical content that’s impactful, informative and includes all the right things, this guide might be just the starting point you need.

Where to start when creating medical content writing samples?

The key to starting to write effective medical content is planning. As with every other form of content creation, if you’re not planning out for your medical content writing samples then you’re already setting yourself up to fail. This is especially key with content that’s research-heavy and is especially reliant on detailed information and accurate facts. Getting it right is even more important for medical content, especially when it comes to creating copy that’s used by the public or that acts as a resource for others in the field.

These steps are essential before you even open that blank document to ensure your medical copywriting is as accurate as it is impactful:

1. Put your plan down on paper

If the content you are aiming to create has a clear goal or requirement for its creation, then writing down a plan for how you’re going to convey those concepts is the ideal place to start. Not only does this ensure you include all the vital information required, but it ensures your content stays on track and relevant to its target audience.

2. Do your research

All medical copy, whether it’s medical guides or surgical guidelines, has one thing in common: it must be accurate, and it must be well-researched. Medicine is a field where facts, information and even guidelines change all the time. Ensuring your content is up to date and accurate is a must for medical content in the same way it is for any form of scientific copy, to provide information that’s factual and true to now.

3. Understand the context of your medical content

The medical field is a vast one. As such, writing medical content writing samples that only focus on one specific area is a mistake many content creators make. Understanding the context of medical copy is just as important as knowing the facts. Medical copy, written for public consumption, for example, will be far different from that designed for professional reference. Know your context before you start writing, and the results will be far more effective.

3 examples of high-quality medical content writing samples

Once you have an idea on how your content should flow, and you’ve done all the research required, it’s time to start writing your medical content writing samples. But what should be included in those medical copy samples to ensure they’re effective? Here are just a few examples where medical content has been created in an impactful and imaginative way:

1. NHS One You

When it comes to creating contextual medical copy that appeals to a public audience, the  NHS’s One You website  is an excellent example. For starters it makes use of the most important word in a copywriter’s arsenal – ‘you’ – to appeal to readers directly and inspire action.

By covering a range of different important medical themes in a way that’s easy to understand, quick to read and eye-catching to readers, the copywriters behind the NHS’ campaign have created engaging content that gets the point across. The use of listicles, broken-down medical information and factual research all shine through here, providing copy that’s cohesive and impactful to people of all ages and backgrounds, and that encourages buy-in from readers. This is especially the case with campaigns like Stoptober on the platform, which use more traditional marketing copy in order to achieve results.

Another platform where compelling, accurate and informative copy is a must,  Patient  provides insight and education to the public regarding many different health concerns as well as many different online resources. As such, the content created for this platform has two requirements: being accurate, and being informative to the right audience.

Content created for this platform is an excellent example of copy that is used for the general public but is for the purpose of conveying important information instead of getting them to invest in a concept. While this form of content is more passive, it still has to get the attention of the target audience – something that is achieved by contextualising and presenting information in appealing ways.

The  National Institute for Health and Care Excellence  is a great example of content created for the purposes of consultants in comparison to the copy above that’s intended more for public consumption.

This content is far more technical in nature and is designed to provide relevant medical information quickly and efficiently. This is vitally important when it comes to medical guidance and standards, that can change often and require frequent reviews. For content designed for medical professionals, the need to include technical terms and the utmost accuracy in all information is critical, requiring an entirely different skillset and starting point for content creators.

How can I make my medical content writing samples impactful?

How can you create medical copy that’s impactful and effective, like the above examples? Taking a closer look at exactly what you’re trying to do with your content is the ideal place to start. Once you’ve got all the facts and vital research in your copy, here are a few things you can do to improve its impact and increase the success of the piece overall:

1. Be clear and to the point

Being to-the-point can often be a more effective way to create medical copy, so don’t be afraid to use shorter sentences and less padding in your writing. Depending on the audience for your medical content writing sample, content that is no-nonsense and easy to read quickly can be a huge benefit.

2. Write for your audience

If your medical content writing is designed for a public audience, the use of more personable content style and even friendly language can be an excellent way to soften subject matter. Don’t go too far with it, but adding a human touch can be invaluable – especially for marketing content.

If you’re interested in writing medical content writing samples for a job, or you simply want to improve the quality of your current content for the medical industry, these tips can give you a little extra guidance to help make your work more accurate, impactful and above all effective. It’s easy to forget that all content starts from the same building blocks – but starting from the bottom up can ensure your content is exactly what the intended reader is looking for.

Main image credit:  Robina Weermeijer

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Home › Writing › What is Medical Writing? › 10 Best Medical Writing Examples to Inspire You

10 Best Medical Writing Examples to Inspire You

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Become a Certified Medical Writer


Becoming a medical writer isn’t rocket science, but takes time and consistency. If you want to become one, it helps to shadow senior medical writers and learn from the best examples online. This guide will shed light on the best medical writing examples to help you get started in medical writing.

Medical writing is a specialized form of copywriting covering medical news, clinical reports, research papers, and more. The accuracy of data is as critical as the writing itself. If you want to create effective medical content but are not sure where to start, continue reading this guide.

Let’s discuss the different types of medical writing that you can take inspiration from, and learn to apply appropriate guidelines.

What Are the Different Types of Medical Writing?

Some of the topics that fall under medical writing are:

  • Medical leaflets for drugs
  • Clinical research
  • Clinical trials
  • News articles
  • Regulatory writing
  • Slide decks

According to American Medical Writers Association, (AMWA), there are different types of medical writing:

  • Educational writing
  • Health communication
  • Promotional writing
  • Grant writing

Regulatory medical writing involves writing for the regulatory agencies seeking approval for new devices and drugs, clinical trial data, regulatory documents, and post-approval documents. Writers need to explain medical terminology to ensure that it fulfills the criteria of regulatory writing.

Medical writing examples

Educational medical writing is writing about devices, biologics, and medicine. This also includes blogs and website content for websites such as Mayoclinic and WebMD. The primary purpose of educational medical writing is to provide accurate and factual information on different types of drugs, diseases, medical journals, scientific and clinical data, and training materials for staff at pharmaceutical companies.

Health communication medical writers write and edit the following types of documents:

  • Blogs and articles for patient education
  • Decision aids
  • Content for Public health communication
  • Website content
  • Medical and health news

Promotion writing, as the name implies, helps in promoting a drug, or medical device in the market through the proper use of medical science. Companies often hire medical writers to create advertising and marketing copies such as brochures, leaflets, and landing pages to promote diagnostic or therapeutic products. Pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, and medical device companies aim for such type of writing.

Medical writers also write grants for biotech firms and pharmaceutical companies to secure grants and funding for new research.

10 Medical Writing Examples to Inspire You

Once you’ve dedicated time and effort to understanding medical concepts, it is time to implement them in your medical content. Based on our thorough research, we have come up with 10 examples from the medical writing market to inspire and help you in understanding what medical writing is all about.

Whether you’re targeted healthcare professionals or academics, your educational and professional backgrounds are important to writing quality content.

Experienced writers take inspiration from the copy that senior medical writers have published. Here are some examples to show how you can create great medical copy for your clients:

1. NHS Better Health – Let’s Do This

NHD better health

Good medical writing connects with the readers without wasting any time. The NHS Better health website does this better than many others. The medical copy is fun to reach and helps you take quick action through its “Let’s Do This” tagline.

NHS wants you to take action for positive health outcomes.

The short, succinct, and fun-to-read medical copy is helping readers take an action to improve their health. The main page has links to internal pages with the right copy and visuals.

This is an excellent example where medical copywriting focuses on educational materials without sounding too boring or professional. It inspires you to download the NHS app and start improving your health for the better.

2. Patient – Excellent Example of Medical Information


Another website that uses technical writing to convey accurate information, is Patient. The content gives you a clear understanding of what you’d expect from a website that provides information on new treatments, new drugs, and advanced medical terms.

You can see that the medical writers have content for both genders, with the option to read content on different types of diseases and their treatment. The website copy is informational in nature.

3. NICE – Targeted to Healthcare Professionals


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is a great example of medical content that applies the use of technical writing to cater to healthcare professionals, instead of the general public.

When creating content for professionals, it is imperative to pay attention to technical aspects such as punctuation errors, the right medical information, and accurate facts. Medical writing skills to write such type of content demands exceptional grip on having the right knowledge. Only medical writers with proper qualifications can write technical documents with the right medical information.

4. NHS Blood – Drawing Attention to Take an Action

NHS blood

When you visit NHS’s website on blood donation, you will find a copy that speaks to the readers. The use of the color red signifies the importance of web copy. “Give blood. We urgently need you to donate.”

This is an excellent example that signals the reader to take immediate action, as in this case, blood donation. The technique worked, leading to an increase in blood donors as the medical writers kept on writing copy with a clear call to action.

5. Panadol – Excellent Example of a Leaflet

Panadol leaflet

Panadol is an over-the-counter prescription drug to treat headaches and muscle pain. Despite this, Panadol cuts no corners in mentioning complete details in their leaflet.

A patient information leaflet is a common technical document enclosed with a drug every time you purchase it from the medical store. It conveys important information about how to use the drug, the precautionary measures, what the drug does, and side effects if any.

Panadol’s leaflet excels in all areas. Medical communicators often work with senior medical writers and healthcare professionals to go through the research findings of the company and write a leaflet.

In this leaflet, the copy is short, concise, clear, and written in bullet points. It also addresses the most common concerns of any patient.

6. Medical Journalism – Writing for Top Journals

The Lancet

The Lancet, New England Journey of Medicine, and the Journal of the American Medical Association are some of the top medical journals in the world. Medical journal editors and writers can read these journals to understand the type of medical content that healthcare experts publishing from around the world.

7. Clinical Research and Trial Reports

Novartis trial template

Clinical trials, research reports, and clinical documents require technical writing skills because the target audience is healthcare specialists, students, caregivers, and regulatory agencies.

The Novartis clinical template provides complete details on the type of study, participants, background, purpose, result, and conclusions in a report that is about 25 page-long. Clinical trials require an exceptional understanding of medical terminology and based on the report, highlight everything about the clinical research that Novartis conducted.

This is an amazing example of technical medical writing that aims to target healthcare experts and regulatory agencies. Clinical reports fall under the category of regulatory documents.

8. Multimedia Presentations and Pitch Decks – Heal

Heal pitch deck

Heal is a health startup established in 2020. Due to its pitch deck, it was able to raise $100 million to expand its business operations and provide at-home premium medical services.

The pitch deck has a special emphasis on facts, stats, and numbers, making it appealing to the target audience.

Healthtech startups like Heal often hire medical writers specializing in multimedia presentations, to create pitch decks to help the company in securing funding.

The target audience for pitch decks is corporate investors. That’s why you need to write effective, to-the-point, and concise copy without any jargon or technical terms.

Investors are not medical experts and it is up to the medical writers to use non-techie language that is easy for the target audience to understand.

9. WebMD – a Practical Example of Writing Medical News


Anyone whose into medical writing must have heard or come across WebMD, which is one of the world’s largest online publications of medical news, human health, life sciences, diseases, and overall wellbeing.

WebMD is a for-profit organization employing expert medical communicators to provide detailed information on topics relevant to health.

The  medical news includes concise stories summarizing the latest findings in clinical research. Some stories found on WebMD and similar websites are quite extensive, citing several publications, researchers, and clinical experts. Medical writers also attend conferences and workshops to write on the latest research findings for leading medical news publications.

With ongoing changes in the medical industry, there is a dire need for medical writers. If you’re looking to kickstart your writing career in the field of medicine, then writing for a medical news website is a great way.

Let’s take the example of the web copy for the section “Pregnancy” on WebMd’s official website.

The copy is clear and provides details from getting started with pregnancy to ongoing tests, diet plans, essential vitamins, and other important information.

10. Continuing Medical Exam Writing

Alliance for continuing education in the health professions

Physicians and doctors need to keep themselves updated with the changes in their respective fields. This is only possible with CME credits to ensure they can continue practicing in their fields. The CME program helps physicians, clinical experts, and doctors in addressing the gap in their knowledge.

Many times, healthcare experts may not have enough time on them to write literature views, create needs assessments, or develop slide decks covering a particular disease. This is where medical writers can help them in creating content for CME.

Medical writers can enhance their skills by writing for physicians pursuing CME credits. Interested medical writers can also join  Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions  to learn about CME and connect with professionals.

How Can I Improve My Medical Writing Skills?

Writing great and effective medical copy takes time and effort. Here are some tips to help you in becoming a great medical writer:

1. Write in Clear and Plain Language

Write in a clear tone, to the point, and remain concise. Do not repeat anything you have written earlier in your copy. Whether you’re writing for scientific publications, an international committee, or social media sites, content that is simple, concise, and to-the-point, always resonates with readers.

2. Conduct In-depth Research Before Writing

You can run into several legal issues if your medical writing contains inaccurate figures and false information about diseases, their symptoms, and/or treatment. Imagine NHS providing critical details to blood donors and medical copywriters excluding existing medical conditions from the checklist of donating blood.

This exclusion is inaccurate. In fact, donors always evaluate their prior medical conditions with a health specialist to ensure they are fit and ready to donate blood.

3. Write for Your Target Audience

When you’re writing medical copy such as web content for a public audience, you need to use non-technical language. That’s because many people are not familiar with the complex medical terminology that health experts use.

Make sure who your target audience is and write according to their needs. If you are catering to healthcare specialists and professionals in the medical field, then technical writing goes is fine. In other cases, write in as simple language as you can.

4. Let Medical Editors Review Your Writing

Medical editing is the process of reviewing medical documents for accurate facts, figures, and information. Most pharmaceutical companies and biotech firms have in-house medical editors with an advanced degree in PharmD or Ph.D.

A good design is simple and easy to understand; the same goes for medical writing. Now that you have taken a good look at the medical writing examples, it is time to start practicing. Good luck!

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medical content writing websites

Content has been and continues to be king and website content writing for SEO is as essential as ever. With medical, plastic surgery, and aesthetic practices, strong page content is a critical component of making your website visible to the public.

In our experience, and through non-stop tinkering , we’ve uncovered many of the most proven strategies for strong page content, which we explain in greater detail below.

  • 1.1 Duplicate & Thin Content Writing Penalty
  • 1.2 In-Depth Unique SEO Content
  • 2.2 Meta Titles
  • 2.3 Meta Descriptions
  • 2.4 Headings
  • 2.5 Body Content
  • 2.6 How to Understand Schema Markup
  • 3 Search Engine Result Page (SERP) Optimization
  • 4 Is Your Practice’s Site Powered By Quality Content Writing?

Google Panda Algorithm Update

February 2011 was the initial release date of the Google Panda algorithm update. The change aimed to lower the rank of “low-quality sites” or “thin sites,” particularly “content farms,” and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. Google continued to release updates to the Google Panda algorithm about once a month for the next few years, culminating in rolling the Panda algorithm into their main algorithm in July 2015 .

If the majority of your website has duplicate or thin content , Google is more likely to penalize your entire site , even removing your site from its index altogether. Previously, Google used to roll out monthly updates, so after fixing the problem, there was a lag time before you could see traffic flow improve. Google’s updates are continuous, so the algorithm catches your website corrections much more quickly .

The Panda algorithm is notable because businesses that relied on black hat tactics (cheating) and/or enjoyed good positions in Google despite not having the good content took catastrophic hits to their business, resulting in a massive freakout. Companies that were once generating tens of millions of dollars or more per month went bankrupt.

The most common black hat strategy was to generate as many web pages as possible in an attempt to fill up Google’s index to maximize matches to queries . The black hat tactics included auto-generating pages , creating very thin content (i.e., a 120-word paragraph), and duplicating pages from other people’s websites.

Other tactics included copying and pasting one sentence from one website and another sentence from another website, but changing stop words (a, an, and, the, etc) to fool their algorithm into thinking the content was unique. Black-hat strategists even created filters for categories, tags, and date archives on blogs to re-display the same content with different URLs. For the most part, these tactics no longer work . Steer clear of these strategies. Most websites that have these issues and take the time to correct them, quickly see their pages start to rise in Google rank — sometimes overnight!

Duplicate & Thin Content Writing Penalty

Duplicate content comes in two forms: external duplicate content or internal duplicate content. External duplicate content is copied from an external source , like another website. A Breast Augmentation procedure page copied from another website and placed on your website considered to be duplicate content. Internal duplicate content refers to identical content appearing on more than one page of your website. An example is blog posts that are copied and placed under different parent pages to generate a new URL, providing absolutely no new content or value , that Google also has to crawl through.

Thin content is exactly what it sounds like. A page with only one image or a Breast Augmentation procedure page with only a single paragraph provides little value for the potential patient. Some websites break up the Breast Augmentation procedure content into one or two paragraphed parts that are placed onto separate pages. The thinness of the content results in low-quality pages . On the other hand, if all those pages were merged into one, the resulting content could have been an impressive, 1,500+ word in-depth page that Google would consider relevant to the topic .

In-Depth Unique SEO Content

Google wants in-depth, unique content focused on one topic that remains relevant for months or even years. They will reward you handsomely if you supply it. To get an idea of in-depth, unique content, think about a Wikipedia page , which provides a comprehensive description about a single topic. The page is broken up into sections similar to this chapter.

People writing a Wikipedia page are not trying to think about keyword density, how many times to write a keyword on the page, or what relative keywords they should use.

If you write a 1,500+ word procedure page all about the Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure and structure it properly, you will cover all the things that black hat SEO tries to shortcut its way into without the risk of hurting your rankings. A legitimate, high-quality article also provides those keywords – it just takes work .

Google Search Results

Structuring A Page

There are many elements to a page, but the central aim in page structure should be to send every signal possible to Google indicating what the page is about. Your URL, title of the page, and main heading tag (called an “H1”) should all reference the same thing. The topic of a page about Rhinoplasty should be 100% clear, with zero ambiguity. The URL should say “rhinoplasty,” the title of the page should say “rhinoplasty,” the main heading H1 should say “rhinoplasty,” and all of the content, including images, should be about rhinoplasty.

The URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator , is usually located at the top of your web browser where you can type the address to your website or specific web page (e.g., https://growthmed.com/ ). You want to utilize a hierarchical URL structure over a flat URL structure. The path segment of hierarchical URL structure is organized by subcategories whereas a flat URL structure is no more than one level deep.

With a hierarchical structure, content about “surgical procedures”could have “body” and “face” subcategories or subdirectories, providing search engines and people with a semantic understanding of how your site’s content is structured as you can see here:


Now take a look at the following example of the same content structured with a flat URL:


Hierarchical URL structures make it clear that a page is about a specific surgical procedure; about a specific body part. Some people had used flat URL architectures with the false assumption that the path segment was closer to the domain, resulting in a higher Google ranking. They branched all pages directly off the root of the domain. However, if everything is important, nothing is important . Just as content should be structured for optimal search engine understanding, your URL architecture should be structured for Google’s understanding .

Meta Titles

The meta title refers to the title of a web page , which is not necessarily visible in the content. A web page’s meta title is displayed for the Google search result. A tabbed browser shows the title of the page. The abundant online advice about how to structure your title tag of the page is mostly obsolete strategies that no longer work or are just bad ideas.

Tip : For a page that has a long title, hover your mouse over the tab to see the entire title.

SEO meta titles

Title tags should be simple and short ; the primary keyword should appear at the beginning of the meta title. Beyond about 50-60 characters long, title tags will get truncated when displayed on Google’s result page. Google will rewrite bad titles for you so, please, do not go crazy with keywords in titles. Make sure every page has a title tag with a unique title. The name of the procedure you are targeting should be mentioned first, followed by the city you are targeting , and finally the name of your practice for branding purposes.

For example, if you are going after VASER in Denver, CO, your title should simply be: “VASER in Denver, CO | GrowthMed Plastic Surgery”.

After your result for VASER is on the first page on Google, which lists the top 10 results, add descriptive words to the title that may help the CTR (Click Through Rate) for your result. For example, you could make it “VASER in Denver, CO – Cost – Reviews | GrowthMed Plastic Surgery”, or “VASER in Denver, CO (Insiders Guide) | GrowthMed Plastic Surgery”, etc.

Google SERP meta titles

Meta Descriptions

The meta description is the description people see on Google’s result page after they type in a query. They can read what the page is about and decide if they want to click on it. A raw meta description tag looks like this in HTML:

<meta name=”description” content=”Natural Plastic Surgery group specializes in cosmetic surgery of the face, breast, and body.”/>

Meta descriptions are not totally critical for search engine rank, however they have a huge impact on user click-through from search to your content. The description is your chance to let the visitor know exactly what they will find on a page. Think of the meta description as an advertisement for the page . Include your keywords in the page description, since Google will bold them when people search for them. Limit the length to 135-160 characters , and don’t put your keywords at the end, since Google will truncate the last characters exceeding the limit. Do not duplicate your meta descriptions. Finally, add a call to action at the end. For example, you can end with “click here to read more.”

Google SERP meta descriptions

A good article is broken down into sections , or a table of contents, similar to a Wikipedia page (or this chapter). Structure your text with headings and sub-headings by using the proper HTML markup. HTML (“Hyper Text Markup Language”) is what the Google spiders/robots read when they are crawling your page. For these spiders/robots to understand what the page is about and how each section of your content relates to the rest of the page, simply use HTML heading tags . The most important one for a page is the <H1> tag because it signifies what the page is about.

If the main topic of the page is Mommy Makeover, “Mommy Makeover” should be the only <H1> tag on the page . The next section might be “Types of Procedures Included,” which should be an <H2> tag. Under that section, you might have subsections like Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, and Liposuction that would be wrapped in <H3> tags. Notice how the structure is topically similar to a table of contents . With this structure, a robot can follow and understand your content and how it is structured.

Body Content

This is how you make the page pretty and easy to read . First rule: Eliminate big blobs of content .

Avoid large blocks of text. Keep your writing simple.

Remember, we want to make the site a valuable asset and a good user experience for the potential patient. To determine whether or not your site is a good user experience, Google assesses elements like images, videos, bolded words, bulleted lists, and tables . These elements keep the web visitor on your page instead of bouncing back to Google and also shows Google what the page is about so that relevant Google searches become likely to land on your page.

Google can detect when content is emphasized through bolding , bulleted lists, tables of information, boxes around important content. Google can potentially use this emphasized content in what are called Featured Snippets , in which a user enters a question at the top of the page, and Google pulls data from your webpage to answer the question. This will become more important as more people use voice search.

content writing SEO

How to Understand Schema Markup

Schema was created initially in 2011 by a collaboration between Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Yandex. The markup tells search engines exactly what the data on your web page means in a structured way.

Schema can be used to define hundreds of elements to help a search engine understand the information displayed on a web page. It is an open source initiative, and the vocabulary continues to expand.

Schema.org provides an example: <h1>Titanic</h1> will display “Titanic” as a top level heading. But that HTML tag has no information about what that title means. “Titanic” might be referring to the boat or it could be a reference to the movie. This confusion can prevent Google from considering your content relevant to its topic. For example, a web page about the movie Titanic might have HTML markup looking like this:

Adding Schema markup we get the following:

Search engines can now understand not just that https://growthmed.com/Titanic-trailer/ is a URL, but specifically that it’s the URL for the movie trailer.

Search Engine Result Page (SERP) Optimization

Adding Schema markup to your HTML improves the way your page displays in search engine result pages (SERPs) by enhancing the rich snippets that are displayed beneath the page title. For example, you could have a testimonial written on your web page, but to Google, that is just a bunch of words.

Implementing Schema enables Google to identify the review, the author of the review, the date it was published, and its star rating. Google can now interpret the total number of reviews on your web page, and their average score; information it can display when your web page shows up on Google’s search result page.

Google SERP

Under the title in the Figure amp-review-stars, the green URL has an arrow and “Medical Marketing Services” in plain English instead of the remainder of the URL, which would include forward slashes like the following:


Google can display the URL like this because Schema explains how the website is structured.

You can use Schema to tell Google you are a plastic surgeon and to identify your office’s physical address, your specialty procedures, your procedure price ranges, your phone number, your social network profiles, your company logo, your patient testimonials, and so on.

Schema enables you to sculpt your organic Google search result to look similar to the paid advertising displayed at the top of the page. Once Schema takes a listing to prominence in search engine result pages, visibility usually greatly improves the click-through rates to your website. Combine this with tactics for lowering your bounce rates and you have an amazing combination to rocket to the top of Google’s rankings.

Less than one-third of Google’s search results include a rich snippet with Schema.org markup. Schema markup is a huge area of opportunity; a Schema markup implementation can move the dial as quickly as other good SEO tactics.

Is Your Practice’s Site Powered By Quality Content Writing?

The value of content is undeniable , but the best strategies and practices for creating high-quality content are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated . Digital Marketing Agencies with a strong foundation in technology will naturally have an advantage in keeping up with the fast-paced evolution of Google’s Search algorithm. This is both an instinctive part of being technologists, but also a vital part of success in a highly competitive digital space.

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Medical Content Writer: Crafting Effective Healthcare Content

Medical content writers are professionals who specialize in creating written content for the healthcare industry. They write a wide range of materials, including research articles, clinical trial reports, regulatory documents, marketing materials, and patient education materials. Their work is critical to the healthcare industry as it helps to communicate complex medical information to various audiences, including healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public.

medical content writing websites

To become a medical content writer, one must have a strong background in science and writing. A bachelor’s degree in a scientific field, such as biology, chemistry, or pharmacology, is typically required, along with excellent writing skills. Medical content writers must be able to write in a clear, concise, and accurate manner, while also being able to convey complex medical information in a way that is easy to understand for the intended audience. They must also be able to work under tight deadlines and be comfortable working with a team of healthcare professionals.

The demand for medical content writers is expected to grow in the coming years due to the increasing need for clear and accurate medical information. Medical content writers play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by ensuring that medical information is communicated effectively to various audiences. As such, they are highly valued professionals in the healthcare industry, and their work is critical to the success of medical research, clinical trials, and patient care.

Role of a Medical Content Writer

Medical content writers play a vital role in the healthcare industry by creating relevant and accurate content for a broad range of readers, including patients, healthcare professionals, and the general public. Their work involves translating complex medical jargon and information into digestible and engaging content.

Understanding the Audience

One of the essential responsibilities of a medical content writer is to understand their audience. They must be able to tailor their writing style and tone to suit the needs of their readers. For example, when writing for patients, they must use simple language and avoid technical jargon. On the other hand, when writing for healthcare professionals, they must use more technical terms and provide detailed information.

Ethical Considerations

Medical content writers must adhere to ethical considerations when creating content. They must ensure that their writing is accurate, unbiased, and based on reliable sources. They must also avoid making exaggerated or false claims that could mislead readers. Additionally, they must be aware of potential conflicts of interest and disclose them appropriately.

Compliance with Regulations

Medical content writers must comply with regulations when creating content. They must ensure that their writing meets the standards set by regulatory bodies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. They must also be aware of legal requirements, such as those related to patient privacy and data protection.

In summary, medical content writers play a critical role in the healthcare industry by creating accurate and engaging content for a broad range of readers. They must understand their audience, adhere to ethical considerations, and comply with regulations when creating content.

Essential Skills for Medical Content Writers

Medical content writers are responsible for creating high-quality content related to healthcare and medicine. To excel in this field, medical content writers must possess certain essential skills. Here are some of the most important skills for medical content writers:

Medical Knowledge

Medical content writers must have a strong understanding of medical concepts and terminology. This includes knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and medical procedures. They should also be familiar with the latest research and developments in the medical field. This knowledge helps them to create accurate and informative content that is useful to readers.

Writing and Communication Skills

Medical content writers must be skilled writers and communicators. They should be able to write in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. They must also be able to communicate complex medical concepts in a way that is easy for the average person to understand. This requires excellent writing and editing skills, as well as the ability to work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals.

Research Proficiency

Medical content writers must be proficient in conducting research. They should be able to gather and analyze information from a variety of sources, including medical journals, research papers, and clinical studies. They should also be able to evaluate the quality and reliability of sources to ensure that the information they provide is accurate and up-to-date.

In summary, medical content writers must possess a combination of medical knowledge, writing and communication skills, and research proficiency to create high-quality content that is informative and engaging. By mastering these essential skills, medical content writers can produce content that helps readers to better understand healthcare and medicine.

Types of Medical Writing

Medical writing is a broad field that encompasses various types of writing. Here are the three main categories of medical writing:

Regulatory Writing

Regulatory writing is a type of medical writing that involves creating documents that are submitted to regulatory agencies for approval. These documents include clinical study reports, clinical trial protocols, and Investigational New Drug (IND) applications. Regulatory writing requires a deep understanding of regulatory guidelines and the ability to communicate complex scientific data in a clear and concise manner.

Educational Content

Educational content is another type of medical writing that aims to educate healthcare professionals and patients about medical topics. This type of writing includes textbooks, journal articles, and continuing medical education (CME) materials. The goal of educational content is to provide accurate and up-to-date information that can be easily understood by the target audience.

Marketing and Communication

Marketing and communication are essential components of the healthcare industry. Medical writers who specialize in this type of writing create materials that promote pharmaceutical products and medical devices. These materials include sales training manuals, product brochures, and press releases. Medical writers who specialize in marketing and communication must have excellent writing skills and a deep understanding of the target audience.

In conclusion, medical writing is a diverse field that requires a range of skills and expertise. Medical writers must be able to communicate complex scientific data in a clear and concise manner, as well as have a deep understanding of regulatory guidelines and the target audience.

The Writing Process

Medical Content Writer: Crafting Effective Healthcare Content

Medical content writers play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by creating accurate and informative content that is accessible to the general public. The process of creating such content involves several stages, including topic selection, information gathering, content structuring, and revision and editing.

Topic Selection

The first step in the writing process is to select a topic that is relevant to the target audience. This involves researching the latest trends and developments in the healthcare industry and identifying topics that are of interest to readers. The writer must also take into account the level of expertise of the target audience and ensure that the content is written at an appropriate level.

Information Gathering

Once the topic has been selected, the writer must gather information from reliable sources. This may involve conducting interviews with healthcare professionals, reviewing medical journals and publications, and researching online resources. The writer must ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the topic.

Content Structuring

After gathering all the necessary information, the writer must structure the content in a way that is easy to read and understand. This may involve creating an outline, organizing the content into sections, and using subheadings to break up the text. The writer must also ensure that the content flows logically and that each section builds upon the previous one.

Revision and Editing

Once the content has been structured, the writer must revise and edit the content to ensure that it is clear, concise, and free of errors. This may involve reorganizing the content, rewriting sections that are unclear, and checking for spelling and grammar errors. The writer must also ensure that the content is formatted correctly and that any images or graphics are relevant and appropriate.

In conclusion, the writing process for medical content writers involves several stages, including topic selection, information gathering, content structuring, and revision and editing. By following these steps, writers can create accurate and informative content that is accessible to the general public.

Continuation: The Writing Process

The final stages of the writing process for medical content writers involve refining the content to ensure it meets high standards of clarity, accuracy, and accessibility.

Review and Collaboration: Writers often collaborate with healthcare professionals to review content. This step ensures that the material aligns with current medical practices and that the language used is appropriate for the intended audience.

Formatting and Visual Elements: In addition to well-written text, medical content writers incorporate appropriate formatting and visual elements. This may include using bullet points, tables, and relevant images to enhance understanding and engagement.

Peer Review and Feedback: Before publication, content may undergo peer review, where other experts in the field evaluate its accuracy and relevance. Incorporating feedback from peers enhances the overall quality of the content.

Publication and Distribution: Once the content is finalized, it is prepared for publication. This could involve submitting to medical journals, posting on healthcare websites, or distributing materials to healthcare professionals and patients.

Continuous Learning: Medical content writers stay updated on the latest medical advancements, ensuring their content remains relevant. Continuous learning is vital for maintaining accuracy and meeting the evolving needs of the healthcare industry.

In conclusion, the writing process for medical content writers is a comprehensive and collaborative effort that goes beyond creating well-written text. It involves collaboration, attention to detail, and a commitment to ongoing learning to deliver accurate and informative content to the healthcare community and the public.

Challenges in Medical Content Writing

While medical content writing is a rewarding profession, it comes with its own set of challenges:

Complexity of Information: Medical content often involves highly complex information. Communicating these concepts in a way that is accessible to a diverse audience requires skill and precision.

Regulatory Constraints: Writers must navigate stringent regulatory guidelines, ensuring that their content complies with standards set by regulatory bodies. This includes understanding and adhering to rules related to clinical trials, drug approvals, and patient privacy.

Balancing Accuracy and Readability: Striking a balance between providing accurate information and ensuring readability is a constant challenge. Writers must avoid oversimplification while making the content comprehensible to non-experts.

Rapid Advancements in Medicine: The field of medicine is dynamic, with constant advancements. Writers must stay abreast of new discoveries and treatment modalities to produce up-to-date and relevant content.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Successful medical content creation often requires collaboration with professionals from various disciplines. Effective communication within multidisciplinary teams is essential for producing comprehensive and accurate content.

Overcoming these challenges requires a combination of expertise, adaptability, and a commitment to the highest standards of accuracy and ethical conduct.

Medical content writers play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between complex medical information and the understanding of diverse audiences. Their expertise in science, writing, and collaboration contributes significantly to the dissemination of accurate healthcare information. As the demand for clear and accessible medical content continues to rise, the role of medical content writers remains crucial in shaping the landscape of health communication and education.

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25 Best Medical Writing Blogs and Websites in 2024

medical content writing websites

  • Health Writer Hub
  • Hektoen International
  • MarksMan Healthcare Communications
  • Criterion Edge
  • Turacoz Healthcare Solutions Medical Writing
  • MediPaper Medical Communications Ltd
  • Write Medicine Blog
  • Cognibrain® - Medical Writing and Medical Communication
  • Dr Justin Coleman | Medical writer, editor, blogger
  • Mediwrite - Ruth Hadfield, PhD - freelance medical writer & editor
  • James Lind Blog | Medical & Scientific Writing
  • IMPACT Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Medical Writing
  • Medical Writing Experts
  • Freelance Medical Writing Services by Debra Gordon
  • AMWA - Australasian Medical Writers Association Blog
  • The Med Writers
  • Sciformix Medical Communications Blog
  • InkLab Medical Communications
  • Jun Yan Medical Writing
  • IF Medical Writing
  • The Scienzest
  • Martin Medical Writing
  • MedHealthWrite

Medical Writing Bloggers

  • Medical Writing Newsletter

Medical Writing Blogs

Here are 25 Best Medical Writing Blogs you should follow in 2024

1. Health Writer Hub

Health Writer Hub

2. Hektoen International

Hektoen International

3. MarksMan Healthcare Communications

MarksMan Healthcare Communications

4. Criterion Edge

Criterion Edge

5. Turacoz Healthcare Solutions Medical Writing

Turacoz Healthcare Solutions Medical Writing

6. MediPaper Medical Communications Ltd

MediPaper Medical Communications Ltd

7. Write Medicine Blog

Write Medicine Blog

8. Cognibrain® - Medical Writing and Medical Communication

Cognibrain® - Medical Writing and Medical Communication

9. Dr Justin Coleman | Medical writer, editor, blogger

Dr Justin Coleman | Medical writer, editor, blogger

10. Mediwrite - Ruth Hadfield, PhD - freelance medical writer & editor

Mediwrite - Ruth Hadfield, PhD - freelance medical writer & editor

11. James Lind Blog | Medical & Scientific Writing

James Lind Blog | Medical & Scientific Writing

12. IMPACT Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Medical Writing

IMPACT Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Medical Writing

13. Medical Writing Experts

Medical Writing Experts

14. Freelance Medical Writing Services by Debra Gordon

Freelance Medical Writing Services by Debra Gordon

15. AMWA - Australasian Medical Writers Association Blog

AMWA - Australasian Medical Writers Association Blog

16. The Med Writers

The Med Writers

17. Sciformix Medical Communications Blog

Sciformix Medical Communications Blog

18. InkLab Medical Communications

InkLab Medical Communications

19. Jun Yan Medical Writing

Jun Yan Medical Writing

20. IF Medical Writing

IF Medical Writing

21. The Scienzest

The Scienzest

22. Martin Medical Writing

Martin Medical Writing

23. MedHealthWrite


Author Name Email Designation Media Outlet
Michelle Guillemard Contributorhealthwriterhub.com
Hektoen International Contributorhekint.org
Dr. Karen Vieira Contributorthemedwriters.com
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Hafsa Abdirahman Mph Contributorhealthwriterhub.com
Health Writer Hub Guest Author Contributorhealthwriterhub.com
Suraj Ramchandani Contributormarksmanhealthcare.com
Punit Contributormarksmanhealthcare.com
Olivia Miele Contributorcriterionedge.com
Christy Leung Contributormedi-paper.com
Stijn Van Den Borne Contributormedi-paper.com
Msc Contributormedi-paper.com
Anne Michael Contributormedi-paper.com
Chee Chan Contributormedi-paper.com
Kathlin Ambrose Contributormedi-paper.com
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Coco Chong Contributormedi-paper.com
Mikewp Contributorimpactpharma.com
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Learning the Basics to Medical Content Writing

Learning the Basics to Medical Content Writing

When it comes to their health and medical concerns, people have a lot of questions. Where are they going to turn for answers? These days, the internet is the first place people look when they have questions like “Why am I so tired?” and “What causes hiccups?” . This is why medical content writing is important. 

Ideally, people searching for health and medical information will find trustworthy, reliable information to help them find a solution. One way that medical providers can do so is to make sure they are the ones providing that information. Medical content writing helps to build a relationship with  your audience of potential patients. 

Medical content writing is meant to provide usable, relevant information to an audience, similar to other forms of content writing, Often, the audience is looking for information about a specific medical issue, although they might also be searching for ways to live more healthfully and to prevent future disease.

Who Is Medical Content Writing For?

What sorts of organizations can benefit from hiring a medical content writer or working medical content writing into their marketing plans? Medical providers, such as dentists, primary care physicians, and specialists can all benefit from medical content writing.

A blog on the website of a provider’s practice can offer people basic answers to commonly asked questions, or provide greater details about specific illnesses or medical procedures. Although the goal is in some ways to get people to visit a specific provider, the writing exists primarily to give people information and to build trust.

Nonprofits that are in the medical field can also benefit from medical content writing. Organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association use content writing on their websites to get information out to people about how to stay healthy.

Why Use Medical Content Writing?

Let’s say you’re a doctor, dentist, or another medical professional. Why should you use medical content writing? There are a few reasons.

First, having reliable information readily available to people who need it helps to establish trust. According to the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer , about 63 percent of people trust the health care sector, but trust in the sector as a whole is falling. Meanwhile, trust in hospitals and medical clinics is on the increase.

Medical content writing is one of the more trusted ways to connect with people. As Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising survey revealed, the information companies provide on their own websites is one of the most trusted forms of advertising.

Aside from building trust with consumers, another reason to use medical content writing is that it helps to give your company’s website some authority, which can help to improve its search rankings. Google and other search engines look at overall quality when determining how to rank results. The more informative and accurate your brand’s medical writing, the higher it will rank.

A study from 2014 examined the accuracy of search results when it came to correctly making a diagnosis. The study found that the results on the first page of the search engine results tended to be considerably more accurate than the results on the fourth page.

One last reason to use medical content writing: People are actively searching for information. A Consumer Reports survey found that 65 percent of people in the US used a website or searched online to find medical information in the past year. People want the information you have to offer, and it’s up to you to make sure they can get it.

What Makes Medical Content Writing Great?

People want medical information, when they are concerned about a particular set of symptoms.  The truth is, some sources of medical information are better than others, both in terms of the quality of information and the quality of the writing. So what separates excellent medical content writing from not-so-excellent medical content writing?

Great medical content writing usually has the following

Research to back up claims

Medical content writing can’t be fluffy or full of questionable statistics. The best medical writing has data behind it, as well as the knowledge of an experienced provider.

Engaging tone .

It’s not uncommon to find medical writing that reads like it was written by a robot, or that’s overly complex and alienating to the general public. If you’re trying to connect with everyday people, the writing needs to be friendly, easy to understand, and relatable.

Quality writing

Excellent medical content  needs to be well written. It has to be engaging and easy to read. Following basic grammar rules and making it easy for the reader to understand. 

Unique point of view  

Why should patients check out your website and ultimately make an appointment with your practice? Top-notch medical content shows off exactly what makes your brand unique and special.

Take Note: Examples of Stellar Medical Content Writing

Sometimes, it helps to take a look at what others have done  to get an idea of what good medical content writing looks like. Here are a few examples of notable medical writing.

When you visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, what do you expect to find? Instead of lengthy policy papers or boring government speak, find a site with engaging relevant articles, directed to the general public. The content  has three categories,  “Diseases and Conditions,” “Healthy Living,” and “Traveler’s Health.” Within each section are easy-to-digest articles on a range of topics.

Dr. Reath “Girlfriend’s Guide to Breast Augmentation”  

A plastic surgeon based in Knoxville, Dr. Reath’s office has put together an ebook designed specifically for women considering breast augmentation. The ebook is written in a chatty tone of voice, as if it’s one BFF giving her friend the inside scoop.

How to Start With Medical Content Writing

You’re on board with the idea of using content writing as part of your practice’s marketing. The next question step is learning to start with medical content writing. 

Unless you’re absolutely confident in your writing ability, it can be helpful to outsource your medical content writing. Professional medical content writers know the medical terminology and the ins and outs of writing for the web. They know how to produce content that’s not only accurate, but also engaging.

When looking for a company to partner with, there are a few things to keep in mind. One is the quality of the writers. Some content writing companies operate under the belief that anyone can write on any subject — all it takes is a few Google searches, and voila, instant expert!

 Non-expert writers will produce content with a little lackluster, because they don’t have an in-depth understanding of the topic. 

For that reason, it’s better to work with a company that partners with experienced writers who have knowledge and expertise in the health care or medical field.

Another thing to look for in a content writing services provider is reliability. How frequently will they deliver blog posts or other written material to you? Having a regular schedule for posting is important for your site’s SEO, and for encouraging readers to keep coming back.

Ideally, the company will work with you to determine your goals for the content writing. To help you put together a publishing schedule that best meets your needs.

Medical content can help attract interested people to your brand’s website. Whether you’re a medical provider or a non-profit, giving people the content they want can help you work towards your mission and goals.

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Creative and Versatile

With a passion for writing and a creative mindset, Nurse Words is a versatile writer capable of producing content in various niches. From blog posts to product descriptions, Nurse Notes can create content that engages and informs your audience.

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As a freelance medical content writer and an RN,  Nurse Words is passionate about creating compelling content that engages and informs readers. With a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence, Nurse Words is dedicated to delivering high-quality work that exceeds your expectations.

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I hold a Bachelor of Nursing from the University of Texas at Arlington.  I have analytical skills and knowledge in various aspects of nursing practice and research. I am passionate about improving the health and well-being of the general public.  I have demonstrated my competencies in critical care nursing, infection control, risk management, staff education and budgeting.  I have contributed and lead multiple projects and initiatives to enhance the performance and outcomes of the nursing department and the facility.  

I have used my writing skills throughout my career, from writing reports, completing investigations, interviews, policy and procedures, and presentations.

Welcome to Nurse Words Writing Services

I am a professional nurse writer with expertise in medical niches including patient education, products, nursing processes, critical care, and cardiac care.  Let me help you bring your ideas to life with compelling content that engages and inspires your audience.

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Apna Writer - Content Writing Company in India

Professional Medical Writers 🎉

Medical & Healthcare Content Writing Services

Why healthcare niche requires expert writers.

Healthcare is one of the most critical industries with high competition in the digital sector. Your brand needs to build an identity and authority with quality content that is accurate, truthful, and easy to understand.

Also, every piece of content that you publish on your website or social media platforms,  directly or indirectly, impacts the patients. So, there’s no room for error or any possibility of publishing low-quality content.

You must ensure your content provides great value to the readers, which can help you stand out in the industry. From addressing clinical topics to giving wellness tips to market your healthcare technology business, ensure you associate with the best medical content writing service providers like Apna Writer to achieve your desired content marketing goals.  

Here’s how your content should be:

Needs to Be Informative

Should be well researched, comes under ymyl.

Your content should contain the highest levels of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness to qualify for Google’s YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) guidelines.

Irrespective of the content format you choose to publish for your healthcare and medical website, you will require well-researched and quality content. From organic to paid, since your content impacts the reader’s happiness, health, and safety, you can’t publish inaccurately, untruthfully, or deceptively.

Our Content Writing Services For Medical Industry

Apna writer is the one stop solution for all your content needs, medical articles, healthcare ebooks, website content writing, medical white papers, press release writing, copywriting.

We can help you increase your sales through your landing pages and boost your advertisement conversion rates with high-quality and tailored medical copywriting solutions.

Our Process Of Writing Medical Content

We at Apna Writer takeover  your responsibility and handle different tasks like addressing medical topics, giving wellness tips, explaining healthcare legislation, and marketing your healthcare technology products or services. Our strict standard operating procedure helps us minimize the chances of errors and improve the quality of the final content shared with you.

To handle your complex medical content writing requirements, we have a professional team of writers with experience in the medical and content writing industries to help you with all your content needs.

We understand the importance and impact of medical content on patients, so we don’t leave any stones unturned to maintain the accuracy and quality of your content requirements. Here’s how we proceed with every medical content writing project:

Content Planning

Our detailed content planning sets the foundation for our quality medical content delivery. Based on your business requirement and the target audience, our strategists plan out the overall content roadmap, which can help you achieve your marketing goals and deliver accurate medical knowledge to your patients. 

Our flawless in-house communication helps our different teams strategize and polish your content plan effectively. Once you approve our content plan, our writers initiate the next step.

Content Planning for Affiliate Sites

Based on the approved content ideas and plans, our writers drill down on research to create helpful, accurate, and factual information. We’ll ensure that the writers have clear ideas about medical topics. 

Our professional key account managers will get in touch with your team to address different doubts and queries regarding different topics raised by our writers. At Apna Writer, we’ll create detailed outlines for your review and begin writing only after seeking your approval.

Medical Content Writing

Our writers have experience delivering quality medical content to help you achieve your desired business goals through content. We only associate with and hire medical experts and niche-based writers to help you complete your content writing requirements. 

From medical articles to detailed eBooks, from professional white papers to creative ads, our expert medical writer team has the creativity and expertise to match your expectations.

Content Writing For Affiliate Marketers

Content Editing & Management

We have a dedicated team of medically versed content editors who understand the editing principles ideal for the healthcare industry.

Following the industry’s best practices, our editors thoroughly cross-check the content pieces for grammar, plagiarism, and content quality.

things that we promise

With Our Medical Content Writing Services

100% unique and tailored.

We use the best tools to check the uniqueness of your medical content copies and ensure you get 100% unique content to be published for your audience.


Our writers follow the best SEO standards to maintain the quality of your medical content, which is suitable for both search engines and your target market.

Reliable Content Solutions

At Apna Writer, we have writers with a medical background to ensure the accuracy and relatability of the content are intact and that you fulfill your content requirements with finesse.

Thoroughly Researched

The importance of in-depth research and decent medical knowledge is immense to deliver credible and authoritative content for your business.


Without compromising on the technicality of medical content, our writers simplify the information to make it easy to comprehend for patients from different age groups.

Professionally Edited

Our editors thoroughly check the quality of the drafts crafted by the writers. They ensure the content piece is error-free and is ready to be published for your audience.

300+ Brands Trust Apna Writer's Content

“We were looking for an agency that could provide us content for our SaaS platform in a conversational tone. We reached out to a lot of agencies, but none satisfied our requirements. After weeks of profiling different content writing agencies, we got in touch with Apna Writer, and our search ended.”

– Jimit Bagadiya Co-Founder/CEO – SocialPilot

Jimit Bagadiya

Content Solutions For:

  • Healthcare Publications
  • Hospitals and Clinics
  • Medical Equipment Companies
  • Surgery Centers
  • Pharma Companies
  • Healthcare Consultants
  • Dieticians, Nutronists, and More

Frequently Asked Questions

Is creating content in the healthcare niche important.

Creating high-quality content in the healthcare niche is important because patients are looking for detailed and accurate medical information and guidance on the internet to address health complications.

Can you help us with keyword and topic research too?

Yes, we can help you with keywords and topic research, as we have an extended team of professional SEO experts and strategists with years of experience delivering desired results for different medical businesses globally.

How would I know if the content is unique or not?

Being one of the leading medical writing agency, we use professional tools like Copyscape and Grammarly to check the uniqueness of every medical content delivered. We will share screenshots of 100% plagiarism-free content.

Can your writers provide in-depth and well-researched content?

Our writers are skilled and experienced in conducting in-depth research before kick-starting content creation. We ensure our writers clear all their doubts and queries with effective communication with your team to deliver you the best medical content writing solutions.

How Do You Manage Content Quality?

We only hire professional content writers having some minimum years of experience in the healthcare and medical world. Also, they undergo multiple rounds of content quality testing before making them work for the live projects.

Apna Writer as a content writing agency allows both individuals and business houses to hire content writers through their fully managed content solutions.

What Is The Cost of Medical Content Writing Services?

We follow a very flexible pricing policy for our content writing solutions. You can choose between our Premium or Elite content package while ordering content for a few pieces of content.

And, If you want regular content for your business then you can connect with our team to get a custom package created just for you.

Apna Writer - Content Writing Company in India

Apna Writer™ is One of the Leading Content Writing Service Providers Based in  🇮🇳 (India).

  • Sravs Online Solutions Private Limited
  • ISRO STAFF QUARTERS, Aakkulam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695583
  • No. 10-3-34, Vidyanagar, Karimnagar, 505001
  • [email protected]
  • +91-9113540846
  • +91-8921427573

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Medical Content Simpliflied

Our Services

Medical Website Writing

Medical Website Writing

Looking to add depth to your website? Use website copy to connect. 

Healthcare Blogging

Healthcare Blogging

Blogs can help your patients gain knowledge and insight about specific procedures.

Healthcare Article Writing

Healthcare Article Writing

Thoughtful and straightforward articles can help explain complex medical topics.

Medical Press Releases

Medical Press Releases

Showcase your professional awards and administrative changes with a press release. 

Healthcare Email Writing

Healthcare Email Writing

Email is one of the most effective methods for communicating internally and externally.

Health and Wellness EBooks

Health and Wellness EBooks

Share your knowledge on a medical topic with a ghostwritten eBook. 

healthcare content

Health, Wellness, and Medical Writing with Positive Impacts

Medical professionals are in a unique position when it comes to producing valuable content for your audience. You have important information that your patients need, but not enough time to put pen to paper.

That’s where we come in.

Medical Content Solutions is a niche content agency that focuses exclusively on the medical and healthcare industries. We have over a decade of experience crafting a variety of medical content that ensures your services remain search-engine relevant and easily digested by your audience. Additionally, we can craft researched eBooks that may be part of a larger content strategy.

Latest Blogs

It is our mission to stay current on the latest content trends. Here’s what we’ve been working on.

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Why Digital Marketing Companies Need a Medical Writer

By traci morris, comment (0).

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3 Disadvantages of AI Content

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Why Hire a Medical Copywriter

Ready to get started.

Connect with us to get started on your digital content package. Want to test drive our medical writing chops? No problem. Your first blog is FREE!.

Clients Testimonials

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Reed and his team are an absolute pleasure to work with! They deliver quality, on-time work and are reliable, always hitting their deadlines. Their background and experience in medical copywriting has really benefited our Dermatology company needs. Highly recommend!

Rachelle R. – Marketing Manager, West Dermatology

medical content writing websites

An amazing company to work with. All of our content done professionally and way ahead of the deadline. Reed is an easy-going guy, very responsive and professional. 10 stars from me!

Djordje P – Co-Founder, proceraSoft Technologies

medical content writing websites

I loved every aspect of our collaboration with McDonald Content Solutions. They are always on time, really good listeners to our and our client's needs and wants and they always deliver not only a great text but a copy that makes sense, is on point, and nice to read!

Jelena T – Marketing Director, Phase 5 Marketing

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Professional experience!

Reed and his team are top-notch when it comes to medical content development. It's hard to find consistent, knowledgeable, and reliable medical content writing. They are extremely communicative and hold to deadlines. I highly recommend it.

Justin K – President and CEO, Intrepy Healthcare Marketing

medical content writing websites

Quality work

Top notch provider of content. The content that McDonald content Solutions delivered exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend them! The quality is superb and the content is wonderful.

Joseph M – Founder and Owner, Blackbird Digital Marketing

We donate a portion of all our sales.

Medical Content Solutions recognizes the great efforts that it takes around the world to connect patients with vital care. That is why we give back to innovative programs that have a real impact in their communities.

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Medical Content Solutions is your one-stop medical content agency. We streamline the process and simplify the content so you can focus on what matters most: your patients.


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January 14, 2022

  • Content Development & Copywriting

3 Examples of Award-Winning Healthcare Web Content

These healthcare websites earned some of the highest rankings both within and outside the medical industry for their patient-focused web content.

Effective healthcare content explains the complexities of a healthcare system, generates traffic, and makes conversions. Web copy can be difficult to structure and develop. But when done correctly, your website benefits from being user-focused, optimized for search and easy for site visitors to take the next step.

What does it take to be award-winning?

Writing effective web content is as much art as science, and our popular guide on Web Writing for Healthcare takes an excellent in-depth look at what it takes to create content your users want. At a high-level, great content:

  • Adheres to best practices for readability and accessibility
  • Cross-links strategically
  • Focuses on the user, particularly your unique personas
  • Follows search engine optimization best practices
  • Follows the patient journey
  • Leverages the right call to action
  • Uses the right voice , tone and style

Check out these recent award-winning medical websites that put those best practices to work and received recognition for developing and delivering engaging content.

2021 award-winning healthcare web content

The 2021 content healthcare award winners have all invested in comprehensive web content strategies and development to strengthen their brand and top their competition. Read on for more details.

University Health

As an academic medical center, University Health, in San Antonio and Bexar County, Texas, used personas to guide personalization and content marketing efforts, earning them a Platinum MarCom award for Web Content.

With the redesign goal of making their website more system-centric and easier for site visitors to find the information they need quickly, University Health used:

  • Crosslinking strategies to connect services, providers, and locations sitewide
  • Strategic drop-down menus in the main navigation
  • Sophisticated taxonomy to help users get helpful site search results
  • Links in its expanded footer to address secondary audience needs

University Health's Device Family

The new content used personas, created from consumer research and web analytics, to write compelling content for service lines, campaigns and content marketing hub articles. These comprehensive, patient-first pages showcase University Health as an understanding, expert academic health system. This approach aligns with the organizational goal to enhance its brand in the community and highlight its alignment with UT Health San Antonio.

To keep the content user-focus, University Health worked with Geonetric to:

  • Create content for University Children’s Health pediatric transplant program and pediatric cancer services
  • Develop 78 pages of content for four service lines
  • Restructure and write new content to bring the Transplant microsite into the new University Health website

University Health Pediatric Cancer Center Page

PIH Health’s new website uses web copy to differentiate their growing health system from their competition across Southern California, earning recognition as a finalist for Ragan’s PR Daily Awards, Patient-Focused Content .

medical content writing websites

    PIH Health’s investment in content integrates content from two websites for new, search-optimized cancer and heart web copy that follows the patient journey, web writing best practices and PIH Health’s brand guidelines.

PIH Health Family of Devices

Each section has pages on prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care. This approach follows the patient journey so users can find information relevant to them.

screenshot of PIH Health's cancer care section

The new content highlights the many reasons patients benefit when they choose PIH Health for care and makes it intuitive for users to take the next step with prominent, easy-to-understand calls to action.

screenshot of PIH Health's heart and vascular page

Montage Health

Montage Health, in Monterey, California, developed user-centric copy for its new website , earning them an Honorable Mention MarCom award for Web Writing.

To boost traffic and engagement, Montage Health’s content:

  • Adheres to proven web writing best practices
  • Answers users’ top questions
  • Uses cross-linking strategy

montage health family of devices

Montage Health has 420 pages of new content throughout their new site, including:

  • 48 service line sections (217 pages total)
  • 55 location profiles
  • About us section
  • Accessibility statement
  • For healthcare and professionals section
  • Montage Health Foundation section
  • Patient and family resources section

In addition to new content, Montage Health took advantage of content governance training and recommendations related to their video and classes and events calendar categorization strategies.

Image of Montage Health’s accessibility statement

Put the user first, and the accolades will follow

None of these healthcare organizations set out to win healthcare content awards. They approached their web content with the users in mind – enlisting user research, building on personas and following key web writing best practices to tell their story and differentiate themselves from the competition. They also all enlisted the help of an outside content expert – their digital experience agency Geonetric.

Whether you’re re-examining your web content as part of a redesign or as part of an iterative approach to improving your site, depending on the expertise of healthcare copywriters can make the process more effective. Contact us today for a free consult, to sign up for a writing workshop or to outsource your healthcare writing project to our copywriting professionals.

medical content writing websites

Elizabeth Boenish

Web Content Strategist & Writer

Clear healthcare content marketing that drives your audience to take action.

Our Healthcare Content Marketing Clients

Stanford Health Care Logo

See Aha Media Group’s full list of clients.

Healthcare Writing, Strategy & Training Services

Create custom content experiences or choose from one of our easy packages. 

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Content Writing

Our award-winning healthcare copywriters and editors use customer-centric language to connect to your audiences. Coupled with our client services team, we create content that inspires engagement with your brand and builds audience loyalty.

content strategy

Content Strategy

Our content strategy products and solutions help you discover and understand your content ecosystem so you can build roadmaps to your content strategy dreams. Explore our content audits and discoveries, editorial toolkits, voice and tone workshops and workflow guidelines.

content writing training

Content Training

Writing is hard. Healthcare is complex. Writing teams are challenged with SEO, UX and plain language demands. Our training workshops turn your content creation team into the healthcare communicators of today.

Reshape the Way You Create Content

Aha Media is a leading content strategy and content writing consultancy with deep healthcare experience. We create content experiences for academic medical centers, health systems, community hospitals, large physician practices, healthcare technology organizations and multinational pharmaceutical companies. Of the top 20 U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll Hospitals, 14 of them are our clients.

These organizations trust us because our approach to digital healthcare content is thoughtful, nuanced and strategic. Great healthcare writing is rare. Delivering projects on time and within budget — matchless. Improving ROI in a crowded marketplace? Like a Taylor Swift song without three strong metaphors.

That’s why our agency marries our writers’ unique talents and expertise with project and account management excellence. Our customers get projects completed on time, within budget, with satisfied internal stakeholders and external customers. And, as our brand colors imply, we bring hot pink fun to each project we manage.

Learn More About Us

The Right Writers For Healthcare

Access healthcare  writers who know how to wrangle confusing medical jargon, passive voice and challenging personalities with ease.

Collaborate with writers who know how to craft consumer-friendly content that satisfies you and your stakeholders.

No matter the industry, our content combines plain language with stakeholder insights to deliver search-optimized information to the right audiences.

When you need clear healthcare content:

  • Build trust
  • Build awareness
  • Build kindness
  • Build community

And watch your healthcare digital marketing efforts turn people into patients.

Hospitals and Health Systems

Elevate your organization’s message and improve patient engagement and satisfaction across your healthcare system with clear, audience-centered content.

B2B Healthcare

Increase audience engagement and sales enablement with content created specifically for your brand. 

Healthcare Technology

Improve access to healthcare by offering user-friendly content that increases utilization and successful health initiatives.

medical content writing websites


How penn medicine got skyrocketing results with audience-centric content.

Penn Medicine saw significant increases in traffic to their Heart and Vascular pages because of UX- and SEO-optimized content.

Read the Case Study

Organic Sessions

Increase in traffic, increase in serp rankings.

Aha Media Group team

Meet the Team Behind Great Content Strategy

As a healthcare marketer , you want audience-centric content and social media that supports your messaging and improves patient engagement . Work with a dedicated project team that delivers healthcare marketing and writing expertise every time.

By combining a robust content management process with stakeholder interviews, our healthcare content agency creates award-winning content that delivers on your healthcare marketing goals for your audience.

Meet the Team

Award-Winning Resources

Your Content Strategy Resources

Cut through the deluge of content and go right to the source for the resources you need to inform and transform your content marketing strategy. Explore everything you need to know about plain language, healthcare consumerism, physician marketing, and more. 

View All Resources

You’ve Got a Friend in AI: A Human-Centric Approach to Healthcare Marketing

You’ve Got a Friend in AI: A Human-Centric Approach to Healthcare Marketing

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A Personal Connection to Healthcare Content

Ahava Leibtag, Founder and CEO, experienced the failure of content when diagnosed with a life-threatening illness in 2004. The jargon-filled, convoluted materials she came across drove her to devote her content writing and marketing strategy knowledge to creating patient -centric, accessible healthcare content . This experience was one reason Ahava became an outspoken advocate for plain language, especially in healthcare marketing .

Today, Ahava has more than 20 years of experience in writing, messaging and marketing . Ahava is an industry-recognized content expert and strategist, thought leader, entrepreneur and author. As a marketing strategy leader in the healthcare industry , Ahava was inducted into the Healthcare Internet Hall of Fame as an Innovative Individual in 2020.

She loves ice cream, knows all the words to “Aliens” by heart and is an avid jigsaw puzzler.

ahava leibtag of aha media group

Deliver Better Healthcare Content Marketing To Your Audience

Healthcare marketers, it’s time to provide clear and accurate content that helps people lead healthier, happier lives. Let’s work together.

Send Ahava a Message

medical content writing websites

Uplevel Your Healthcare Content With The Bird's-Eye Perspective Of A N urse-Writer

Create value and build trust with authoritative, educational, and engaging content. 

Meet   Sarah

Sarah Jividen is a freelance writer, journalist, editor and copywriter for several online websites and publications.  Her coverage focuses on healthcare, education, fitness, the nursing profession, parenthood, and evidence-based science surrounding health and wellness trends.

As a trained neuro/trauma and ER nurse turned freelance healthcare writer, Sarah can connect with your brands audience as a trusted clincian with almost a decade of direct patient care experience.

medical content writing websites

My #1 goal is to understand what is most important to you, create irresistible and engaging content, and get results you’ll love.

Article Assignments

From current news to investigative pieces, personal story-telling and listicles, I provide clean, captivating content for online publications and print outlets.  I strive to meet an editor’s prompt and specific needs while complementing the style and voice of the publication.

As a blogger with an email list of my own, this is one of my specialties. I will help you grow your list of email subscribers with professional email marketing and a strong call-to-action.  Let me help you create a welcome series of emails that introduce your business and allows your voice to shine through.

As a blogger for many years, this is my forte. I create blog post content that provides useful information and value to readers.  After researching the topic for clarity, I create engaging content and can complete the piece with SEO keywords to attract the right readers.

Website Copy

I will partner with you to create clever and engaging content that shines the moment your clientele reach your page. 

Rewriting & Editing Services

Don't have the bandwidth to stay ahead of your editing projects? I can be a second set of eyes to enhance your existing content, ensure clarity and SEO.  

medical content writing websites

About  Sarah

Sarah Jividen is a journalist and copywriter for several online websites and publications.  Her coverage focuses on healthcare, education, fitness, nutrition, the nursing profession, and evidence-based science surrounding health and wellness trends.

As a trained emergency room nurse, Sarah has extensive experience in neuro/trauma, telemetry, and stroke care.  She is also a certified Urban Zen Integrative Therapist, which incorporates holistic healing modalities into patient care - including yoga, guided meditation, and Reiki.  

After earning her bachelor of arts degree in Journalism from California State University, Chico and writing a weekly column for the local newspaper, Sarah later worked in corporate America selling medical equipment before earning an RN, BSN in Los Angeles in 2011.  

In 2015, Sarah created MotherNurseLove.com, a website that provides lifestyle, career, self-care, and burnout prevention information for busy mom/RN’s.  

In 2020, She founded Health Writing Solutions, LLC, and began writing full-time. Sarah now creates healthcare content from the birds-eye perspective of someone who has spent a decade working in direct patient care. 

Sarah is a mother of two spunky toddlers, who inspire much of her work. In a rare moment of free time, you might find Sarah enjoying anything outdoors, practicing yoga, reading, or attending a concert with her husband, John.

What  Others  Say

Senior Content Strategist, Aspen University

"I enjoy working with Sarah. She has great ideas, is responsive, works well with deadlines, and is very open to feedback."

Emma Anderson

Content Marketing Manager, Ignite2X

"I've really enjoyed partnering with Sarah.  She's conscientious, thorough, detail-oriented in her work and does a wonderful job at telling her story in a way that truly resonates with her audience.  Shes's a wonderful resource for other full-time working nurses that are are also working parents."

Let's Get In Touch

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Suburban Chicago Physician Pleads Guilty to Federal Health Care Fraud Charges

CHICAGO — A suburban Chicago physician has pleaded guilty to federal health care fraud charges for billing Medicaid and private insurers for nonexistent services.

MONA GHOSH owned and operated Progressive Women’s Healthcare, S.C., a medical office in Hoffman Estates, Ill., specializing in obstetrics and gynecology services.  From 2018 to 2022, Ghosh submitted and caused her employees to submit fraudulent claims to Medicaid, TRICARE, and numerous other insurers for procedures and services that were not provided or were not medically necessary, some of which were performed without patient consent.  Ghosh also fraudulently overstated the length and complexity of in-office and telemedicine visits and submitted claims using billing codes for which the visits did not qualify in order to seek higher reimbursement rates, her plea agreement states.  Ghosh admitted in the plea agreement that she prepared false patient medical records to support the fraudulent reimbursement claims. 

Ghosh, 51, of Inverness, Ill., pleaded guilty Thursday to two counts of health care fraud.  Each count is punishable by up to ten years in federal prison.  U.S. District Judge Franklin U. Valderrama set sentencing for Oct. 22, 2024.

It is the government’s position that Ghosh is accountable for at least $2.4 million in fraudulently obtained reimbursements.  Ghosh admitted in the plea agreement that she is accountable for more than $1.5 million of such fraudulently obtained reimbursements.  The final amount will be determined by the Court at sentencing.

The plea agreement was announced by Morris Pasqual, Acting United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; Robert W. “Wes” Wheeler, Jr., Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Field Office of the FBI; Darrin K. Jones, Special Agent-in-Charge of the U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General, Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Southeast Field Office; Mario Pinto, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General; and Kwame Raoul, Illinois Attorney General.  The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Misty N. Wright.

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Authorities in the U.S. and several foreign countries conducted well-being checks and recovered pentobarbital from numerous individuals who ordered it from the defendant.

BRIAN J. WEINSTEIN and APOLLO HEALTH INC.  submitted claims to Medicare for care plan oversight services that were not actually performed.

Several hospitalised after consuming Uncle Frog mushroom gummies, sparking public health warning and national recall

An advertisment for gummy mushrooms

When Perth woman Laura Jones heard about a new type of mushroom gummy that might help her anxiety, she jumped at what she thought was a natural solution.

"I've got young kids. I suffer with anxiety so I thought it would help," Ms Jones said.

Her husband had seen an advertisement for Uncle Frog mushroom gummies on Facebook and purchased some for the health-conscious couple.

"I'm not one of these Byron Bay hippies that would ever take a hallucinogenic gummy," she said.

Laura Jones with her husband

Laura's husband purchased the gummies online.

"It was a bit strange because it was $50 for eight gummies, so it was quite expensive" she said.

Within an hour of taking just one gummy, the healthy mother-of-three, started experiencing disturbing symptoms.

"I had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. I was tachycardic, my heart rate was at 160.

"It was the weirdest thing I had ever experienced. I felt really out of my body and I lost my short-term memory. It was a feeling of impending doom….

"I felt, in all honestly, like I was going to die. I was thinking, 'What is going to happen to the kids?'."

In the weeks since Ms Jones said her anxiety had gotten worse. 

"My heart rate was elevated for two days afterwards. They (doctors at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital) said whatever was in there caused it. It really exacerbated my anxiety and I'm still struggling now.

"I'm quite traumatised by the whole thing. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."

Laura Jones with her husband and three children.

The Uncle Frog gummies Ms Jones took are now the subject of an urgent nationwide recall after hospitalisations around the country. 

NSW Health said since April this year at least five people were treated in its hospitals, prompting the state's Chief Health Officer to issue a warning under the Public Health Act.

Queensland's Chief Health Officer John Gerrard also issued a statement strongly advising people to avoid consuming the gummies after three people were hospitalised in that state.

Several others were also treated across the country, including hospital presentations in Victoria.

Patients reported a concerning list of symptoms including persistent vomiting, seizure-like activity and involuntary movement as well as disturbing hallucinations, anxiety, loss of consciousness and a racing pulse. 

Medical Director of the NSW Poisons Information Centre, Dr Darren Roberts, urged the community not to use the products.

"Investigations are ongoing as to what these products contain. We are strongly recommending that people do not consume these products," he said. 

Scores of packets in piles to be sent to customers

'We have shut operations'

On Wednesday, Uncle Frog customers received a text stating, "customers shouldn't eat or open this product and should dispose of it safely".

Soon after a second text message was sent saying, "Hey guys don't panic… we just have been stopped govrnment (sic) bodies from selling this in Australia, like every good thing". 

Company searches show the sole company director, secretary and shareholder of Uncle Frog Pty Ltd is 25-year-old Queensland man Rohan Bandil. 

A text message sent to customers of Uncle Frog

Documents show Uncle Frog Pty Ltd was deregistered earlier this month, only six months after it was incorporated.

The ABC contacted Mr Bandil about the issue, who said he was only responsible for sales and distribution.

"We are absolutely worried and we have shut the operations. We've told the supplier. We said we don't want to work with you guys anymore it's absolutely ridiculous.

"It's a full recall now because we don't want people to get sick, it's very disheartening to hear."

Mr Bandil maintained the product was safe, but that customers were taking too much.

"Have you ever used prune juice?" he asked

"It's exactly like that, if you have the whole bottle, you will get sick.

"We clearly mention behind the package don't consume more than one gummy in 12 hours, but they consume the whole bag," he said.

'Packed full of THC'

One customer, James* said he reached out to the company's Facebook page to check the product was legal and was reassured that there was no THC or CBD (cannabidiol) in the products.

Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is a psychoactive chemical that is found in cannabis plants.

"Then I asked if it would show up on a drug test… my work does random drug tests," he said.

"[They] told me that based on many studies no it shouldn't.

Advertising image for Mushroom Gummies showing packaging

"I can confirm after drug testing myself, it does indeed show up on drug tests. It comes up as THC. So, my guess is that these things are packed full of THC (weed) and this is some underground drug thing," he said.

Another Queensland customer, Matt*, ordered the gummies for anxiety after seeing ads on Facebook and Instagram.

"I had one and waited for two hours and nothing happened … I took a second gummy and within about 30 minutes I was really stoned."

Matt said he had used cannabis about 20 years ago and immediately recognised the feeling.

"At this point I realised that it was not only full of THC, but that I had also had too much," he said.

He emailed the company asking what type of THC was in the products and received a response stating:

"It's very similar to HHC but we have synthesised (sic) it and tweaked its protein to comply with the guidelines of TGA."

Another customer described receiving a phone call from a man who referred to himself only as "Uncle Frog" after an order issue.

"He just said, 'hello it's Uncle Frog calling'. It was really weird," recalled the customer, who didn't want to be named.

Company claims independent testing

When asked if he sent the email or made phone calls, Mr Bandil said, "My job was just to sell and distribute the product, I'm hearing this for the first time".

He also said the company commissioned independent testing to ensure there was no THC present. 

He provided a certificate of analysis to the ABC from an American-based lab which stated the product had no active THC or CBD. The ABC has not independently verified the certificate.

"We bring it legally to Australia. We supply everything. That was one of our concerns, so we did the extra testing ourselves," he said.

A Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) recall notice states the products contain unapproved novel ingredients (lions mane, cordyceps mushrooms) and may cause adverse symptoms if consumed. 

An ad for the mushroom gummies with two packets of the product next to a woman.

Six weeks ago, the Uncle Frog Facebook page posted the company was struggling to keep up with demand for the gummies. Photos appear to show hundreds of packages being shipped around the country.

"Bro, this time, 10x people more ordered and we were prepared for 3x max. So had to hire an agency to pack and send the orders" the company responded on Facebook.

Another customer who spoke to the ABC said she felt like she had a bad ketamine trip after consuming the gummies.

"I got bad headaches, extreme paranoia like someone was out to kill me," she said

"There was a crippling weight on my chest so I couldn't escape, nausea and impaired motor functions.

"Basically, for me it was just a really bad trip.

"I assumed, that considering they were produced within Australia, they would've gone past all the standard testing that all food products would've had to go through," she said.

NSW Health said it was working with other jurisdictions to further investigate the issue and urged anyone with the products to dispose of them immediately.

Anyone experiencing symptoms is encouraged to contact the NSW Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26, or if seriously ill call triple-0.

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Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

An illustration of a girl lying in bed in a darkened room. The glow from her phone illuminates her pillow with a warning sign, a triangle with an exclamation point inside it.

By Vivek H. Murthy

Dr. Murthy is the surgeon general.

One of the most important lessons I learned in medical school was that in an emergency, you don’t have the luxury to wait for perfect information. You assess the available facts, you use your best judgment, and you act quickly.

The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency — and social media has emerged as an important contributor. Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, and the average daily use in this age group, as of the summer of 2023, was 4.8 hours . Additionally, nearly half of adolescents say social media makes them feel worse about their bodies.

It is time to require a surgeon general’s warning label on social media platforms, stating that social media is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents. A surgeon general’s warning label, which requires congressional action, would regularly remind parents and adolescents that social media has not been proved safe. Evidence from tobacco studies show that warning labels can increase awareness and change behavior. When asked if a warning from the surgeon general would prompt them to limit or monitor their children’s social media use, 76 percent of people in one recent survey of Latino parents said yes.

To be clear, a warning label would not, on its own, make social media safe for young people. The advisory I issued a year ago about social media and young people’s mental health included specific recommendations for policymakers, platforms and the public to make social media safer for kids. Such measures, which already have strong bipartisan support, remain the priority.

Legislation from Congress should shield young people from online harassment, abuse and exploitation and from exposure to extreme violence and sexual content that too often appears in algorithm-driven feeds. The measures should prevent platforms from collecting sensitive data from children and should restrict the use of features like push notifications, autoplay and infinite scroll, which prey on developing brains and contribute to excessive use.

Additionally, companies must be required to share all of their data on health effects with independent scientists and the public — currently they do not — and allow independent safety audits. While the platforms claim they are making their products safer, Americans need more than words. We need proof.

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    Sarah Jividen is a freelance writer, journalist, editor and copywriter for several online websites and publications. Her coverage focuses on healthcare, education, fitness, the nursing profession, parenthood, and evidence-based science surrounding health and wellness trends. As a trained neuro/trauma and ER nurse turned freelance healthcare ...

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    Branding. Influencing. Dominating SEO rankings. Refreshing massive websites. And many more services that are at the very core of who we are and have been for 20+ years. Being among the first to specialize in healthcare content, we grew up with the industry — becoming savvier alongside our clients. Just as the health space keeps evolving, so ...

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    CHICAGO — A suburban Chicago physician has pleaded guilty to federal health care fraud charges for billing Medicaid and private insurers for nonexistent services. MONA GHOSH owned and operated Progressive Women's Healthcare, S.C., a medical office in Hoffman Estates, Ill., specializing in obstetrics and gynecology services.

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    Dr. Murthy is the surgeon general. One of the most important lessons I learned in medical school was that in an emergency, you don't have the luxury to wait for perfect information. You assess ...