non fiction writing coach uk

Ready to write your book?

Writing a book is hard. but it’s much easier if you have a pro at your side to guide you from idea in your head to words on the page to completed manuscript. don’t write alone. professionals don’t. why should you whether you’re starting from scratch or you are an experienced professional, i can help., one-on-one book coaching,  are you ready to tackle the work of writing a book if you’re looking for a roadmap and for more clarity, i am offering an intensive introductory coaching session  for first-time clients..

“To my book coach, Debbie Weil, I don’t think I would have finished this book without your guidance, so thank you for helping me shape each chapter into something bigger and better.” – from the  Acknowledgments   – Shana Lebowitz Gaynor , author of DON’T CALL IT QUITS: Turn the Job You Have Into the Job You Love (McGraw Hill, August 25, 2022)

Invest in one intensive 50-minute Zoom session with me to experience how I can help you clarify your topic as well as offer editorial input for how to organize your book and how to start or continue writing.  This one session can save you weeks or months of wheel spinning as you embark on the project of writing a nonfiction book. You’ll leave knowing what your book is really about and how you can write it.

Typically I work with clients via six-month engagements. Since the beginning of the pandemic, however, I have offered the option of a one-time intensive session to jumpstart your book project. If you’re serious about writing a book, working with a book coach over a period of months is a great way to get traction and make significant progress with your draft. But sometimes one session is enough to help you clarify your book idea and get started.   Click here  to sign up for one intensive session.  

Client Testimonials

Debbie helped me pull together my scattered essays into an organized manuscript. she is encouraging, gives constructive feedback, but most importantly for me, holds me accountable to deadlines. i would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a collaborative (and whip-smart) coach..

non fiction writing coach uk

Erin Brinig is legal counsel for a major U.S. financial company.

Debbie helped me "think out loud" about the roadmap my book needed to follow. From there I was able to organize my thoughts and get to the finish line. I credit Debbie with helping me move from ideas to a real book structure.

Cary Pfeffer Author

Cary Pfeffer is a media trainer and the author of There’s Not an App for That.

Working with Debbie not only helped me improve as a writer, but it helped me uncover powerful insights that have informed my ongoing evolution as an entrepreneur. Debbie brought a potent combination of straight-forward feedback to enhance my writing, as well as a compassion for how vulnerable it can feel to experiment with and discover your writing voice.

non fiction writing coach uk

Claire Mackinnon is an executive coach based in the UK.

If you know you have a book in you, but haven’t made it happen yet, Debbie is a godsend. She provides the perfect blend of support and challenge to get you started and keep you on track. Her insights and feedback make you stop and think - not just about your book - but sometimes more broadly about your approach to life and work.

non fiction writing coach uk

Joe Casey is an executive coach with a special interest in coaching leaders looking for Second Acts.

Working with Debbie is incredibly motivating. I always spend the rest of the day after our sessions on a bit of a high. There’s no way I’d be this far along in the book writing process without her, and I certainly wouldn’t have refined my ideas to this point.

non fiction writing coach uk

Sarah Dillon is an international business consultant based in Australia.

What I love about Debbie is that she is much more than a book coach. As an experienced entrepreneur and a leading business speaker, she is in the business world. She understands not just how to write a short book, but how to write a good business book.

Tom Hood CEO

Tom Hood is CEO of the Maryland Association of CPAs .

We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing and there isn’t anything that has had as profound an effect on our credibility as the little book I wrote and published with Debbie Weil.

David Marinac Author

David Marinac (“The Packaging Guy”) is president and CEO of The Oversea Network . He’s the author of Stand Up and Stand Out and Watch Your Product Fly Off the Store Shelves.

I found the individual coaching incredibly helpful: Debbie is a perceptive listener and editor who is able to hone in on where you are (or are not) in your writing process and expertly guide you to the next level.

Cheryl Dolan

Cheryl Dolan, speaking coach and communications consultant

I was already a writer. Couldn’t I finish my half-done book on my own? Maybe not. For me, the most beneficial aspect of working with Debbie has been her feedback, original ideas and encouragement.

Sue Johnston Author

Sue Johnston, Author of Talk to Me: Workplace Conversations That Work

Sign up for one intensive session of book coaching

What is debbie like in person, how book coaching with me works, more about debbie…, think of me as a personal trainer for your book. i provide professional direction and encouragement so you can write your book with clarity and energy., writing a book is hard. there is no sugarcoating that. if you are a busy professional with multiple commitments, as most of my clients are, it’s even more challenging. as your writing coach i show you how to break your book down into  doable chunks so you always have a next step, whether you’re  (back on)  a plane or train, at your desk or at your neighborhood coffee shop., i help you organize your book.

I help you organize your ideas and structure your book in a way that will grab your reader AND make your book easier to write. This is a crucial part of the process of book writing. It’s called developmental editing.

Click here to learn more about my three-session package: Ultimate Organizing to Write Your Book

I provide accountability

If you have a busy schedule and other commitments, as many of my clients do, you need accountability to get your book done. We schedule non-negotiable writing blocks into your calendar. I use a system of check-ins and gentle but firm nudges.

I help you overcome obstacles

I have an arsenal of writing tactics to help you defeat procrastination, lack of clarity and other common roadblocks. My grab bag is deep and I never run out of ways to spur you on.

I give you professional feedback and direction

I am a developmental editor as well as a coach and collaborator. My feedback on your writing means pointing out what works, what doesn’t, what is missing and how to create the most value for your readers. With my background of 40 years as a journalist and editor, as a Harvard graduate , and as a published author with Penguin Portfolio , I apply professional standards to your work.

How I’m different from other book coaches

What sets me apart from other book coaches is that I’ve played in the big leagues and I apply the highest editorial standards to your book. I can show you the path to traditional publishing. But another option is stylish self-publishing or publishing with Voxie Media, my nonfiction imprint, or another hybrid publisher. I love what I do, I love my clients and I’m utterly committed to the success of each and every one.

How we work together

With my ongoing support your book gets traction and the writing gets done. You can be located anywhere in the world as we typically work together via Zoom video, meeting twice a month. In between sessions you send me chunks of writing and I review, offering high-level feedback and an assignment for next steps. You can communicate with me via email anytime.

In person book coaching

In addition to ongoing coaching and developmental editing, I offer in-person Author Intensives. I can   meet you face-to-face in New York or New Haven or Maine for one or more days. Also included when we work together is access to the  course materials in my online program, including my essays on the writing process, action step handouts, edited transcripts with guest experts and more.

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Sign up for updates and resources from Debbie

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+44 (0)1892 710877

UK Writers College | Best Writing Courses in the World

Write a Non-Fiction Book Course

The fastest way to plan, write and edit your non-fiction book, learn how to craft your book line by line.

The Write a Non-Fiction Book Course is for those who have always wanted to write a non-fiction book and didn’t know how to begin. We give you the support and encouragement to start writing your book, guiding you every step of the way.

Instead of floundering in the dark, receive invaluable feedback on your writing from an industry expert with decades of experience.

We make writing a book the enjoyable and enormously satisfying experience it’s meant to be. Whatever story you want to tell, get started on the first chapter of this exciting new journey.

The Write a Non-fiction Book Course Gives You...

No automated marking.

We use traditional methods of assessing work, as editors at publishing houses would. No generic feedback!

A Flexible Schedule

Work wherever and whenever you want. You can easily fit our courses around work and other commitments.

Relevant, Usable Content

Easy-to-digest course notes that capture a lifetime of writing experience, ready for you to apply to your own writing.

Ongoing Assessment

Your writing is assessed continuously as your course progresses.

Expert, Individual Feedback

Get prompt, honest, detailed feedback on every assignment from an award-winning writer. We focus on your unique writing strengths.

No Peer Reviews!

You will only be assessed by your tutor, a leader in their field. No more guessing and wondering how to write; you'll be guided line by line.

Get Your Non-Fiction Book Written!

Learn the craft of compelling non-fiction, and write an engaging book.

Whether you want to write travelogues, histories, biographies, how-to or self-help, educational material or textbooks, this course ensures that you make a strong start on your manuscript, with line-by-line feedback from an expert in the field.

The course also helps you to choose the best publishing option for your book, whether it be traditional publishing, self-publishing and/or publishing in e-book format.

Your tutor will guide you, from working through your ideas and research with you, to assessing your chapters. The feasibility of your project as well as the style and tone of your writing will be critiqued. Support will also be provided to help you increase your word count to around 25 000 words.

The prescribed textbook for this course is Writing Your Nonfiction Book: The Complete Guide to Becoming an Author by Trish Nicholson. This book is available on Amazon, either in Kindle format or via a downloadable Kindle reader for your computer. The cost of this textbook (less than US $10) is in addition to the course fee.

Your tutor will guide you, from working through your ideas and research with you, to assessing your chapters. The feasibility of your project as well as the style and tone of your writing will be critiqued. Support will also be provided to help you increase your word count to 25 000 words.

'[My tutor] was a superb teacher. She encouraged me to work harder and improve my writing. She was also generous with the amount of time she put into my work. I would recommend The Writers College to anyone who is serious about improving their writing skills.'

Lesley sefton, write a non-fiction book course, course overview, price includes gst, number of assignments, the assignments vary in length., number of modules, these modules include around 200 pages of course notes., course duration, work at your own pace – up to a maximum of 24 months., start date: anytime.

Working with an individual tutor means you can start the course at any time.


  • Basic writing skills are essential.
  • Computer skills, e-mail and Internet access required.
  • No previous tertiary qualification required.

Our Graduate Students' Successes

We are proud of our graduates who have achieved success. here are a few among dozens of other journalism success stories..

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Tutors for this Course

You may choose a tutor that you would like to work with., rosemary hepözden.

Rosemary Hepözden has three decades of editing, writing and teaching experience. Between 2006 and 2011, she taught English Grammar at the Auckland University Centre for Continuing Education, including the courses ‘Getting to Grips With Grammar’ and ‘Working With Words’. She also taught at the Auckland Community Learning Centre and was director of studies at Auckland Language Link.

As an editor, she has worked on many publications, including More, Plenty, Little Treasures, Pacific Way (Air New Zealand), Yellow Front Door (the Yellow Pages home improvement magazine), More Food Cook Book and More Fashion Book.

She has written articles for a wide range of consumer and trade magazines and has authored four non-fiction books.

She is also the director of her own editing business, The Word Factory.

Rosemary Hepozden Grammar for Writers tutor at The Writers College

Arja Salafranca

Arja Salafranca has been a writer and journalist for over 20 years. She was the lifestyle and arts editor for The Sunday Independent from 2003 to 2016. In her role as editor, she contributed travel articles, theatre, book and film reviews as well as profile interviews. She also encouraged the submission of a wide genre of work, from traditional journalism to groundbreaking personal and travel essays. A number of writers won awards for their non-fiction articles under her editorship. A keen supporter of creative non-fiction, she has encouraged writers to incorporate creative techniques in their factual writing. She is currently working on a collection of her own non-fiction writing, including travel essays, personal essays and journal excerpts, to be published by Modjaji Books in 2020.

Advanced Poetry Course Tutor Arja Salafranca at The Writers College

Course Curriculum

  • Thinking about genres
  • Finding your spot in the market
  • Writing assignments
  • Determining your theme
  • Create your chapter outline
  • Structuring different genres (how to write travel stories, histories and biographies, memoirs and autobiographies, how-to and self-help, educational material and textbooks)
  • Your computer and its basic settings
  • Types of data
  • Sources of information
  • Interviewing skills
  • Plagiarism and libel
  • Creative writing for non-fiction
  • Good grammar habits
  • Writing tips for different genres
  • What to do if you feel stuck
  • Start building your author platform
  • Revising for structure
  • Revising for language and clarity
  • Feedback and external editing
  • A brief overview of the book industry
  • Buying a full publishing package
  • Submitting to traditional publishers
  • Self-publishing your book
  • Privately printing and distributing your book
  • Understand what marketing is
  • Participating in social media
  • Promoting through blogging
  • Writing press releases
  • Requesting book reviews
  • Final polishing
  • Planning the way forward

What Our Students Say

Get these additional benefits, lifetime course access.

Benefit from free lifetime access to future course updates and access to our writing resources.

Work at Your Own Pace

Our courses work around you. You can pace your course around your busy life.

500+ Bonus Articles on Our Blog

A superb, constantly updated resource with articles on writing and interviews with writers.

Work Opportunities

Top students are invited to join our writers and editors for hire service.

Be the First to Know About Writing Competitions

We'll help you keep up to date with the latest competition announcements

Join a Community of Writers

You will have access to our friendly Facebook community, daily writing tips and writing inspiration.

Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We are so confident that you will love your course that if you’re not 100% satisfied with the quality of our training, simply ask for a refund within 30 days.

Complete the Application Form to Enrol on the Write a Non-Fiction Book Course

You will receive an approval email and invoice within one working day.

Should your form not submit, please let admin know at [email protected]

Questions? We've Got Answers

  • Modules: Ten modules 
  • Duration: Course can be completed at your own pace – between six and 24 months
  • Start date: At any time – applications all year round
  • 20 writing assignments (including a chapter outline, a book synopsis, a book timeline, an editing skills exercise and a cover letter)
  • 25 000 words towards your manuscript (the optional Advanced Course will take students up to 60 000 words)

Absolutely. You have direct communication with your tutor for the duration of the course. The more questions you ask, the more you will get out of the course.

You will get lifetime access to the course. You will also benefit from future updates and improvements to the course.

For the majority of our courses, only your tutor will see your work. It will remain completely private unless you get it published. The journalism courses might see your work published in the public domain, but you do have the final say as to whether or not this happens.

You will receive a Writers College Certificate upon successful completion of the course, provided you meet the following conditions:

  • You must have completed the 20 writing tasks.
  • The course must have been completed within 24 months of registration.
  • A minimum average of 50% for the course must be achieved.
  • Excellent writing skills are essential.
  • We will require a rough synopsis of your proposed book and an example of your writing.
  • Computer skills as well as email and Internet access are required.

Because you will work with an individual tutor, you can start your course as soon as your application has been approved. There are no specific start dates as would be the case with a traditional college.

An application is usually approved within one working day. Once we receive proof of payment, your can start your course.

You could be starting your course today!

This is hard to predict as some people are simply faster writers than others. However, for each 1000 words of your book, anticipate spending about an hour researching, an hour writing, and at least the same amount of time revising. The exercises should take around two hours each to complete. Finally, you should expect to spend some time at the end of the course giving your manuscript a final polish. This adds up to approximately 70 hours for the ten-module course or around six to seven hours a month for 12 months.

Once your application has been approved, you will receive notification of approval and an invoice via email. As soon as we receive proof of payment, the first module as well as your tutor’s email address and your login details will be sent to you. Your tutor will also be in touch to welcome you.

Any work created on our courses is owned by you. We will never make a claim to anything you produce. We follow the rule that copyright subsists with the creator (you).

'Had I not had this course to push me to getting this book written, it is highly likely that the book would have disappeared under the weight of other tasks.'

Alexander owen-hill, write a non-fiction book course, got more questions, we would love to help you choose the best course for you. tell us what style of writing you want to develop and we'll give you some options., journalism courses, writing articles for websites and blogs, freelance journalism for magazines and webzines, advanced freelance journalism, travel writing, write a non-fiction book, creative writing courses, basics of creative writing, advanced creative writing, short story writing course, advanced short story writing, write a novel, write a romance novel, advanced novel writing, writing science fiction and fantasy, an introduction to poetry, advanced poetry, scriptwriting, advanced scriptwriting, writing for video games, writing books for children | part one, writing books for children | part two, write your memoir, advanced memoir writing, business & grammar, grammar for writers (english 1st language), grammar skills (english 2nd language), business writing toolkit, writing coach course, mastering punctuation, report writing and presentation, write better newsletters, specialist courses, copy-editing and proofreading, press release and media writing, copywriting, writing seo copy for websites, self-publish your e-book, writing intensives, self-guided 14-day creative writing intensive, self-guided 14-day story-building intensive, free 5-day creative writing challenge, buy a gift voucher, writing services:, writers and editors for hire, how we train, terms and conditions, privacy policy, connect with us, © 2005 - 2024 the writers college all rights reserved, [email protected], our refund policy.

If within seven days of starting your course you are not happy on your course, we can either transfer you to a different course or provide a full refund.

If you request a refund after seven days and before 30 days we will charge a 5% administrative fee, as well as any bank fees and tutor fees already incurred.

We do not offer a refund after 30 days on the course.

Manuscript Assessment

  • Success Stories
  • Reading Room
  • Novel Writing
  • Fiction Development
  • Non-Fiction
  • Writing for Children
  • Short Story

Starting Out

  • How’s My Driving
  • An honest assessment of your work-in-progress, with advice to help you with the rest of the draft.
  • Full Report
  • Our most comprehensive report – a full MOT on your manuscript.
  • Submission Review
  • Ready to send your novel out into the world? Have your submission documents reviewed to make sure everything's in the best possible shape to impress an agent.
  • Magazine Submission Review
  • Ready to submit your poems to magazines, journals or websites? Get feedback on a selection of four to six of them to check you're on the right track.
  • Pamphlet Review
  • Designed for poets preparing a pamphlet for possible publication, this report will offer constructive feedback on a group of up to twenty poems.
  • Collection Review
  • Put your poems through their paces with an in-depth evaluation of your entire collection.
  • Creative Writing Exercises
  • Writing Competitions

The last page you viewed...

  • by location
  • Can't find the right course? Book a professional reader's report on your manuscript.

non fiction writing coach uk

  • Writing a Novel
  • Our flagship course is available in London, Newcastle and online – spend six months working on your novel with help from experienced tutors and industry experts.
  • Prose Assessment
  • Poetry Assessment

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  • Q&As with our tutors and alumni, reading lists and deep dives into all aspects of creative writing – and lots more.


  • Whether you're stuck on dialogue, plot, character or something else, we've got a whole range of exercises to help and inspire you.

Creative Writing Exercises

  • Here you'll find all of our past, ongoing and upcoming writing competitions, plus details of any others we think you should know about.

Writing Competitions

  • How to Write for Children
  • Chloe Daykin, critically acclaimed and award-winning children’s author and tutor on Faber Academy's Writing for Children course, shares her tips on writing for a younger audience.

Non-Fiction Writing Courses

Popular Categories

  • Non-fiction

Non-Fiction Writing Courses

Our creative non-fiction courses offer an inspiring and supportive environment for memoirists and life writers.

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Our non-fiction writing courses: an overview

Our non-fiction courses are offered online and in-person and will give you all the tools you need for your project: how to research, how to select and shape story material, how to edit and where to take things next.

Our online non-fiction courses include five-day events, month-long self-paced courses and longer, more advanced options.

Your tutor – themselves an experienced memoirist or narrative non-fiction writer – will offer their own expertise as well as creating a sensitive, respectful and energising space for the group to share and develop their projects with each other.

non fiction writing coach uk

Who are these courses for?

Aspiring memoirists.

Always wanted to write an autobiography? Start here – with introductory and intermediate courses available to help, you'll learn how to best begin putting your story on the page.

Life Writers

Whether the life you want to document is yours or someone else's, our courses will show you how to collect and organise your material into the most compelling narrative shape.

Fiction writers moving genre

You have some experience with fictional narratives, but telling a life story is something different. Learn how to apply the skills you already have and gain new ones to help with a creative non-fiction project.

  • Level Starting out Improving Advanced
  • Location Online London Newcastle
  • Length 1-5 days 12 weeks 6 month +
  • Featured Featured Upcoming Lowest Price A-Z Z-A

Our advanced courses in fiction and poetry offer the next step for the committed writer – serious writing time, industry advice and expert guidance, along with a close-knit group of fellow writers to keep you on track.

Non-Fiction Writing Courses ( 3 )

flying n page of old book with flowers on wooden background

Memoir and Life Writing

What do these levels mean?

Lucie Brownlee

Wednesday 26 Jun 2024

Places available

non fiction writing coach uk

Writing Lives

Richard Skinner

Monday 12 Aug 2024

non fiction writing coach uk

Start Your Memoir

Patti Miller

Monday 09 Sep 2024

Non-Fiction Tutors

Our non-fiction writing courses are led by acclaimed memoirists and authors, each experienced in helping writers get to the heart of their non-fiction project.


Julia Blackburn

Julia Blackburn was born in London in 1948, the daughter of the poet Thomas Blackburn and the painter Rosalie de Meric. Her first book...


Miranda Doyle

Miranda Doyle's family come from the tiny island of Coney in Sligo Bay. She grew up in Edinburgh alongside three brothers and...


Katherine Angel

Katherine Angel is the author of Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again (Verso, 2021), Daddy Issues (Peninsula Press, 2019), and...


Philip Marsden

Philip Marsden is the award-winning author of a number of works of travel, history and fiction, including The Bronski House...

The whole experience was fabulous and exceeded my expectations... [it] opened my eyes and my book came to life. This course was a wonderful experience and I will never forget it and always be grateful for it.

[it] opened my eyes and my book came to life. This course was a wonderful experience and I will never forget it and always be grateful for it.

non fiction writing coach uk

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main types of non-fiction.

There are many types of non-fiction writing, including histories, academic texts, journalism and self-help. Most of our courses focus on memoir and life-writing, though some, like our Fiction Skills: Reseach online course, cover more general skills to aid non-fiction writing.

How experienced do I need to be to take these courses?

You don’t need to have written any non-fiction before to take the majority of these courses. You’ll find a level guide on each of the individual course pages to indicate whether it’s suitable for beginners or if a little more experience is required.

Can't find the right course?

non fiction writing coach uk

Get comprehensive editorial feedback on your manuscript from our experienced readers – whether it’s still a work-in-progress or you’re preparing to submit to literary agents.

non fiction writing coach uk

We offer a range of mentoring options if you’d prefer to work one-on-one with an established writer to help you shape your project and realise your writing ambitions.

Browse the Reading Room

From author interviews and writing tips to creative writing exercises and reading lists, we've got everything you need to get started – and to keep going.

Q&A with Samuel Burr, author of The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers

Recommendations from Faber

Normal People

Sally Rooney

Normal People

An exclusive edition of Sally Rooney's modern classic, designed for Faber Members.

Conversations with Friends

Conversations with Friends

A Members' edition of Sally Rooney's celebrated debut and international bestseller.

The Whitsun Weddings

Philip Larkin

The Whitsun Weddings

A centenary edition of Philip Larkin’s much-loved first collection.

Founded in 1929 in London, Faber is one of the world's great publishing houses. Our list of authors includes thirteen Nobel Laureates and six Booker Prize-winners.

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Course Level Guide

There’s something for everyone at the Faber Academy, whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned writer or somewhere in between. To help you select the right course for you, this guide breaks down what the different levels mean.

These courses are ideal for those who are curious about writing and have little to no prior experience in the field. There are no pre-requisite for these courses – all we ask is that you come with an open mind and a keenness to learn. That’s not to say they aren’t suitable for someone with more experience, though – if you’re looking to refresh your skills or experiment with a new area of writing, you’re also welcome to enrol.

These courses are ideal for those who have some experience in writing – as a hobby, or perhaps through academic or professional work – and are looking for challenging courses to hone their skills further. These courses are also a good next step if you’ve already taken a beginners’ class but don’t feel ready to commit to an advanced course yet.

These courses are ideal for seasoned writers who are serious about getting published. Entry to most of these courses is on an application basis and writers will usually be asked to submit samples of their work-in-progress or a past project.

SW – Writing Mentor Logo (Variant 1)


Shelley Wilson Writing Mentor

My Services

Looking for help writing your non-fiction business book.

I am a published multi-genre author and writing mentor, passionate about empowering women to achieve their goals through the written word.

Shelley Wilson Writing Mentor Group Programme

Group Programmes

Join me on my 7 or 8-week group programmes as I lead you through everything you need to know about writing a book. My programmes include outlining, understanding your audience, creating a writing process, your author platform, and much more.

You’ll have dedicated weeks within the programme to work on your first draft.

There will be a selection of group programmes running throughout the year:

8-Week How to Write a Business Book (non-fiction)

8-Week How to Write a Book for Beginners (fiction/memoir/non-fiction)

Get in touch to find out more.

Shelley Wilson Writing Mentor 1:1 Mentoring

1:1 Mentoring

Writing a book takes time, determination, and commitment. Following my 5-step framework we will work together taking you from idea to first draft in 6-months.  I will lead you through everything you need to know about writing a book including outlining, audience, processes, goal setting, author platform, and much more.

If you are interested in working 1:1 with me, then drop me an email at [email protected] for more information and to book an initial chat.

The Accountability Club for Writers

The Accountability Club for Writers

The accountability club is a monthly membership which includes the following:

  • Member-only Facebook group for support and to ask questions.
  • Monthly online co-writing sessions 
  • Resources, templates, videos.
  • Monthly group accountability calls via Zoom.
  • Expert guests sharing valuable content on editing, publishing, marketing
  • Monthly member-only newsletter

There are no tie-ins. Join for as long as you need to be held accountable.

Shelley Wilson Writing Mentor Online Writing Courses

Online Courses

If you prefer to learn through self-study, then take a look at my online courses.

You will find everything you need to know about writing your book at your own pace.

Shelley Wilson Writing Mentor Power Hour Strategy Session

Power Hour Strategy Sessions

Book an hour with me dedicated to whatever you need help with. You can pick my brains about writing, publishing, or marketing. No question goes unanswered.

This service is excellent for getting back on track with a book project you are reconnecting with, outlining your book idea, asking questions about writing and publishing, how to build your author platform, and more.

Shelley Wilson Writing Mentor Campervan Writer Workshops

Campervan Writer Workshops

Always wanted to write a non-fiction book but don’t know where to start.

Got an idea for a business book to boost your visibility, but you’re unsure how to get it on the page?

Are you interested in writing and want to test the waters to see if you have a book in you?

Join me for a full-day writing workshop as we guide you through getting that idea out of your head and down on paper.

Next event: Friday 12th January 2024 (Wroxall Abbey Hotel, Warwickshire)

Elaine Kasket Testimonial

“No sooner had I signed the contract for REBOOT than I began to believe that there was absolutely no way I was going to get it done. I lost confidence in myself, which I think a lot of writers on large projects do. I didn’t believe I was going to be able to pull it out of the bag, and I needed help.

And one of the people I turned to for that help was Shelley. She is an author herself, a multi-genre author, which I really appreciate because that describes me as well. But she’s also the most amazing and encouraging coach and cheerleader for other writers. And I turned to Shelley in a dark time, and she was always there for me to give me encouragement, to listen to chapters as I read them out, to give me feedback, and she was just a huge support to me during the process, which meant a lot.

So if you’re a writer and you’re looking for someone to help you out, get people in your corner who are going to encourage you from a place of really understanding what writer’s life is like, what writer’s mental crises are like. Shelley got it. She really got me. Shelley, without you, Reboot wouldn’t be hitting the shelves tomorrow.”

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Kasey Mathews. The Usual Magic

Do you want to bring Magic to your book writing process?

Explore book writing coaching.

Do you know you  have a book in you but don’t have any idea how to get it onto the page?

Have you tried for years but never managed to complete your book?

Do you wish you could discuss your ideas and share your writing journey with someone?

Book writing coaching could be right for you.

These are common problems for writers. You worry about your words. How to let them pour out. Whether or not they’re good enough. Are you making sense? Does it matter? Letting someone – even a book writing coach – into your writing world can feel scary. What if they confirm your worst fear that it’s all terrible and you should just give up now? (I assure you every writer has thought some form of this.) But the truth is, these are often just big, bad scary thoughts that live between your ears. (Yay imagination, right?)

Hiring a book writing coach is one of the most important and helpful choices you can make. Getting input early saves you years of costly mistakes and delays. It helps you streamline your process so you can get your book out in the world sooner rather than later. And don’t all writers want to finally birth their books more than just about anything?

“Words will become wands for you to do your magic, embrace your mystery and even, perhaps, change your corner of the world.” ~Jean Houston

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How Nonfiction Book Writing Coaching Can Help.

Together we can help you access the Magic in your work…

Picture yourself creating an irresistible book readers won’t be able to put down.

See yourself opening letters or emails from readers all over the world thanking you for sharing your story… “You helped me heal from my own story.”

Imagine speaking on a stage, leading workshops or retreats, all centered around the topic of your book. (Yeah, this one might make you break out in hives at first, but it’s just an imaginary exercise…for now!)

Imagine the moment your new book arrives – the feel, touch, smell of it. From that day on, when someone asks you what you do, you can confidently reply, “I am a Writer .”

Your writing life can be so much more magical… Even if you have a pile of unfinished books or feel painfully stuck, nonfiction book writing coaching can help you reconnect to the joyous fun of making books that change lives (yours and your reader’s!). When you do, you might find yourself saying things like my clients:

  • “I’ve been trying to write this book for years. Now, it’s finally happening and so easily. I wish I’d met you years ago.”
  • “I now understand this is so much bigger than me writing a book…this is about me healing from the story that’s been living within me, and trying to find its way out. What a gift!”
  • “I knew I wanted to write a book, but I had no idea going through this process with you would completely transform my entire life!”
  • “As soon as we began working together, the path forward became so clear and my book started pouring out of me.”
  • “You completely took the mystery out of the process…while putting the magic back in!”

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~Maya Angelou

Making the Magic Happen With Book Writing Coaching

Here’s how we’ll get you from going around in circles to birthing a book that inspires, uplifts, and connects with your readers…

Fine Tune Your Unique Writing Voice

Learn how to find your flow when writing and uncover/remove any blocks or beliefs preventing you from getting your story onto the page, including any rules or restrictions you’ve been taught about writing in the past.

Create Your Personal Writer’s Toolbox

Every writer is different. Together we’ll assemble the specific tools and support systems you need to write a book – perhaps several! We’ll cover everything from structural questions to learning how to quiet the critical voice in your head so you can get to work.

Pull the Curtain All the Way Back

I’ll reveal everything you need to know about the business of book writing, publishing, and marketing. You’ll feel more confident moving forward after book writing coaching, and you’ll understand that the world does need the story you have to tell.

Book writing can be lonely but you won’t be alone – with a book writing coach you’ll have a partner in the process to keep you on track, help you move through fear and uncertainty, and instill confidence and clarity in you. When we work together you get a collaborator and coach, as well as the benefits of my writing, publishing and speaking experience. You’ll get all the shortcuts to get your work out there in far less time than you ever imagined.

If you’re ready to write your way into a more magical life…if you’re ready to discover that the process of writing your book has the power to heal your life, please join me for a free 45-minute introductory book writing coaching session and finally birth your book into the world.

Schedule Your Free “Ignite Your Book Magic” Session Now!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anaïs Nin

What People Are Saying About Book Writing Coaching

As a former USA National Team Coach for Women’s Gymnastics, I appreciate foundational basic concepts and processes that produce results. Being a coach, I know great coaching when I see it. Kasey is helping me with the book I started on my own, over 10 years ago. The innovating and creative exercises and tools she’s shared with me, have allowed me to enhance my writing skills and move forward with my book. Her intuitive insights are teaching me how to paint a picture, and turn my stories into a visual “movie,” giving my readers exactly what they want and need. Kasey’s balanced practical and intuitive approach to writing, is not only effective, but highly productive.  Kasey Mathews is a one stop shop for all your needs in whatever writing endeavor you are involved in. I recommend working with Kasey if you are ready to stop thinking about your writing and actually get it down on the page.

“Working with Kasey helped me open up and write from my heart.  I thoroughly enjoyed the coaching sessions and assignments she gave me which really helped me take my writing to a much deeper level. Her encouragement and engagement were phenomenal.”

“In working with Kasey, I’ve not only honed my writing skills and written a soon-to-be-published book, but I’ve also learned how to live my life to the absolute fullest. She taught me how to discover and capture my writer’s spirit and energy and bring that to life on the page. At the same time, she ignited my writer’s soul and showed me how to store that in the form of solar power energy and tap into it when I needed it most to cross the finish line. There’s a science behind her magic that I don’t necessarily understand, but it causes a bursting chemistry of words! I can’t say it enough – Kasey brings sunshine to life and is a true rock star!”

“ Whether you are a seasoned writer needing some help to get back on track,   or someone like myself, attempting to write memoir for the first time, Kasey Mathews is the coach to call. From the start, Kasey understood my personality and steer ed my gifts in the direction they needed to go. Her intuition, spirit, and knowledge brought MAGIC to my story through words that were my very own. If you are looking for a writing coach, she is the right one. Beautiful inside and out with the greatest laugh, ease of teaching and a heart so warm she will melt yours! She is a  truly gifted woman.”

Since working with Kasey, I have been able to silence the lies of all my I can’ts. I have a vision, a direction, clarity and the confidence to know that with support from Kasey this book is coming to completion. I look forward to every session — she is my greatest cheerleader and support. I am grateful to have her share her gifts and talents and be on this journey along with me. She keeps me accountable and always knows how to get me unstuck and moving forward so I can serve and help more people on their healing journey beyond divorce toward a life full of love.

Kasey holds you accountable and keeps you on a very deliberate path while also allowing for the unseen magic of intuition to play an important roll in taking you in the direction best for you.

I’ve been working with Kasey as a book coach—turned life coach—turned one of my favorite cheerleaders to have in my corner, constantly inspiring me and holding space for me to live the life I’ve always wanted to live.

Over the past year, I’ve written and completed the first draft of my very first book and I’ve truly stepped into my dream life. I feel as though I can do anything I want to do in this lifetime, and I can accredit so much of that confidence and trust to working with Kasey.

She’s a role model, and I truly feel as though she wants to see myself, and others, shine their brightest. Today, I see the magic I had been overlooking for far too long, and I feel grateful to not only be doing this work with Kasey but to be doing it on my own as well.

If working with Kasey feels aligned, I encourage you to listen to that feeling and don’t look back.

Questions about book writing coaching?

Email me at [email protected]

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Get started with transformational life coaching that helps you break the cycle and step into your most Magical Life

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What happens when we talk?

  • We'll take a few moments to center and connect
  • You'll have the opportunity to describe the life of your dreams in vivid detail
  • We'll look at where you are now and what blocks, beliefs and struggles are keeping you from living your dream life
  • I'll explain how I work with clients and you can ask any questions
  • You'll leave feeling inspired and energized, having gained clarity on your future regardless of whether we choose to work together

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The Writing Coach

Literary Consultancy and Coaching for Writers from Jacqui Lofthouse

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Our Coaches and Mentors

The Writing Coach team of consultants are all chosen by Jacqui Lofthouse and are available to work with you on your manuscript or as your mentor or coach. All consultants are either published writers, professional editors, trained coaches or university lecturers, and all have broad experience of working with developing and experienced writers.

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Your writing work receives nurturing, individual attention, with a focus on strengths-based feedback which is honest, constructive, practical and inspiring. We are always happy to advise you on who is the perfect team-member for your needs. It is our job to support you on the path to creative fulfilment and success as a writer.

Jacqui Lofthouse is a novelist and Founder of The Writing Coach.

Jacqui Lofthouse

Delia Lloyd

Delia Lloyd

Delia Lloyd is a London-based communications expert with over 25 years of experience as a writer, editor and coach. She brings together an unusual mix of rigorous, analytic thinking with an authentic, accessible voice.

Alison Belsham

Alison Belsham

In 2016, Alison Belsham pitched her novel, The Tattoo Thief, in Bloody Scotland’s Pitch Perfect competition and won. She signed with a leading agent shortly afterwards, and The Tattoo Thief went on to become an international bestseller, translated into 15 different languages.

Katy Massey

Katy Massey

Katy Massey writes fiction and scripts, as well as non-fiction and worked as a journalist for many years before completing her PhD on memoir and autobiography at Newcastle University. 

Alasdair Mackay

Alasdair Mackay

Alasdair Mackay is a screenwriter and director currently working in the film industry. He has written 15 feature film scripts, numerous award-winning short films and a TV series that is due to launch internationally on Amazon Prime.

Mark Leggatt

Mark Leggatt

Mark is the author of five books and a former technology specialist. He is an editor and mentor, whether over Skype or email. Mark is also a member of the author touring group ‘Four Blokes In Search of a Plot’, a show which performs in theatres and arts venues.

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Stephanie Zia

Stephanie Zia edits both fiction and nonfiction at Blackbird Digital Books where she oversees all stages of the digital publishing process. Stephanie has worked in the arts all her life.

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Bryony Pearce

Bryony Pearce is a writer of Young Adult (YA) and Adult novels and short stories. After completing her MA in English Literature at Cambridge University, she worked as a Research Manager before publication of her award-winning debut YA novel, Angel’s Fury.

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Chetan Mahajan

Chetan Mahajan is an author, blogger, and writing coach. He lives in a village in the Indian Himalayas where he writes full-time, and runs the Himalayan Writing Retreat.

Susan Watt

Susan is a very experienced editor who loves working collaboratively with authors on non-fiction projects, especially in the broad area of science, psychology and philosophy.

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Julia Webb is a poet, creative writing tutor, artist and editor based in Norwich.  She has three poetry collections published by Nine Arches Press: Bird Sisters (2016), Threat (2019) and The Telling (2022).

Voula Tsoflias

Voula Tsoflias

Voula Tsoflias is a writer of fiction and non-fiction, and a corporate psychologist. After completing her MA in Creative Writing at Birkbeck in 2005, she completed her debut novel Honor’s Shadow, published by Karnac in 2011 (under her previous name of Voula Grand.)

Julie-Ann Corrigan

Julie-Ann Corrigan

Julie-Ann Corrigan is a best-selling novelist whose literary style also has the commercial edge so necessary for success in today’s competitive markets. She started her writing journey eleven years ago, dipping her toe into the literary water with short stories and magazine articles.

Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown is a playwright, dramaturg and creative writing tutor. He has given creative feedback to scores of creative writing students and professional writers. He taught playwriting to adults at the Rose Theatre, Kingston, from 2011 to 2019.

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Rosalie Love

Rosalie is an editor and literary consultant who has the knowledge and expertise to help you perfect your manuscript. Rosalie has a first-class degree in English Literature from King’s College, London. She started her career in the publishing industry in 2015.

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Phil Viner is a Crime writer and writing mentor. Phil has written for stage, screen and audio in the UK, USA, New Zealand and Russia.  He returned home after ten years overseas and founded an independent audiobook publisher.

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Nikki Sheehan

Nikki Sheehan is an author, journalist, mentor, and mother of three teenagers.  She has published three MG and YA novels and also writes poetry, and books for younger children. She has been shortlisted for, and won many awards.

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Louise Voss

Over her twenty-year writing career, Louise Voss has had thirteen novels published – seven solo and six co-written with Mark Edwards; a combination of psychological thrillers, police procedurals and contemporary fiction.

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Lindsay Hawdon

Lindsay Hawdon is a former Sunday Times and Telegraph travel columnist, a writer of fiction and an Associate Lecturer at Bath Spa University. Her Sunday Telegraph travel column “An Englishwoman Abroad”, began in 2000 and ran for seven years.

Laura Wilkinson

Laura Wilkinson

Laura has published six novels for adults (two under a pseudonym) and numerous short stories. Her contemporary fiction is published by award-winning independent press, Accent. Her latest novel, Skin Deep, has been widely praised.

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Jon Magidsohn

Jon Magidsohn is a writer and musician originally from Toronto. He is the author of the memoir Immortal Highway. His writing has been featured in The Guardian, National Geographic Traveller, Yes & No Magazine, Hippocampus Magazine, Full Grown People and Today’s Parent among others.

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Heidi Williamson

Having been coached or mentored at key stages in her writing life, Heidi understands the enriching experience and significance of both. Her latest poetry collection, The Print Museum (Bloodaxe, 2016), won the 2016 East Anglian Book Award for Poetry and the Book by the Cover Award 2016.

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Glynis Kozma

Glynis Kozma works with clients who want to develop their writing around their interests and passions, as writers of non-fiction books or features. She is the author of two non-fiction guides for parents and has written features for The Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph and Independent.

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Dr. Pauline Kiernan

Dr Pauline Kiernan is an award-winning playwright, commissioned screenwriter and prize-winning short story writer. She is also a Shakespeare scholar and taught English Literature at the University of Oxford for twenty five years.

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Dr Sara Bailey

Dr. Sara Bailey is a writer, consultant and lecturer who has been working with authors and screenwriters for many years. She has a PhD in Critical and Creative Writing from Bangor University and is the author of two novels.

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Jane Dorner

Jane Dorner has been mentoring people through life-writing and memoir for the last 10 years and before that worked as a publisher’s editor for 30 years. She has authored more than 20 conventionally published books, including for Oxford University Press, the Bloomsbury and Hachette Groups and the British Library.

Anna Jefferson

Anna Jefferson

Anna is a fiction writer and playwright. She has written for stage and screen since 2005. She has had two novels published with Orion, Winging It and Nailing It and is currently working on her third novel.

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Vanessa Neuling

Vanessa Neuling is an experienced editor of fiction and memoir. She started her editorial career at Virago/Little,Brown, working with high-profile literary authors, before moving to become a Commissioning Editor at Random House.

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Paul Roberts

Paul Roberts is an experienced and established editor and mentor who specialises in non-fiction. He has been published many times by Routledge, Kogan Page, Wiley and Profile Books (as The Economist).

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Elizabeth Archer

Elizabeth is an ICF-accredited coach and national newspaper journalist. She mainly writes about health, wellbeing and women’s rights, and has knack for finding personal case studies to illustrate her stories.

Pick Up Your Pen

Pick Up Your Pen

UK Writing Coach Rates

How much does a writing coach cost?

We surveyed the top UK writing coaches to find out for you.

What did we find?

In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from £55 to about £150 per one-hour coaching session , with the price often covering the coach reading a certain number of words of your work beforehand.

Coaching sessions are typically (but not always) one hour long.

Coaches often offer packages of multiple sessions or sessions with specific aims, such as helping you prepare a submission package for literary agents.

The most expensive packages cost around £4000 + VAT.

You may also be interested in our statistics about UK writers and authors .

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Preserving the minds of writers'

Writing is  a tasking activity whether fiction or non-fiction. It can sometimes come with— creative blocks, sticking to a writing schedule , holding yourself accountable and the looming thought of whether you are a good writer or not.

You want an immersive journey that keeps the fire burning, one that builds up your confidence while sustaining your interest in your project(s).

Typedia is a company founded on the principles of creative sustainability, general wellbeing  support, and self- care & discovery through reflective exercises. In this, we believe writers achieve their very best work when they are able to give structure to their writing experience thus making in more sustainable.

This means, whether you are fiction or non-fiction writer the need to question, assess and understand your reason for writing, fuels your ability to keep going.

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Table of Contents

3 Qualities of Effective Nonfiction Writing Coaches

How to assess a nonfiction writing coach’s website.

  • A Process to Test Book Writing Coaches
  • Nonfiction Writing Coaches at Scribe
  • Become a Published Author

How to Choose and Evaluate a Non-Fiction Writing Coach: Strategy and Tactics for Finding the Right Fit

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Writing your first nonfiction book isn’t easy, especially when you’re doing it on your own. I know because I’ve been there (about 10 times).

You’re constantly dealing with fear that you or your book aren’t enough. 

  • “It’s not original enough.” 
  • “I’m not smart enough.” 
  • “It’s going to make me look stupid.”

It’s the constant doubt of whether you actually have a good book in you that makes the act of completing it so hard.

That, coupled with confusion over the actual process of writing a book, a lack of accountability, and procrastination , leads many aspiring Authors to seek out a writing coach for support.

Hiring a writing coach can be a great idea. The problem is that many Authors hire a coach who isn’t a good fit for them, and subsequently give up on book coaching altogether.

This doesn’t need to happen to you. 

The reason Authors end up with the wrong coaches is because they lack a good process to choose the right one. 

In this article, I’m going to explain how to evaluate nonfiction writing coaches. I’ll cover:

  • 3 qualities of effective nonfiction writing coaches
  • How to assess a nonfiction writing coach’s website
  • A process to test book writing coaches to find the right coach for you

I’ll also tell the story of how we chose our nonfiction writing coaches at Scribe, and explain how our coaching program Scribe Guided Author works.

Thinking about hiring a nonfiction writing coach to help you finish your book? Consider joining the Scribe Guided Author Program. We’ve designed a proven process that provides everything you need to write, self-publish, and market your book. Click here for more details .

When looking for a coach, your goal should be to ensure the coach you choose is a good fit for you specifically. 

In order to do that, you must understand the qualities that make a good coach (so you know what to look for).

What are they? Keep an eye out for these 3 qualities:

Quality #1: They foster an emotional connection with you

A good writing coach can guide you through the emotional roadblocks that come with writing a book . They can help you see and deal with your inner critic.

You can hire a world-renowned coach who has an MFA and won a Nobel Prize in literature, but if their personality and coaching style don’t align with you, their credentials won’t matter. You won’t have the support you need.

You want to hire a coach who connects with you on an emotional and intellectual level. 

Whether or not they have esteemed accolades is beside the point. A coach whom you really connect with will be far more effective than one you don’t.

Without someone who can empathize and give you guidance, a writing coach isn’t likely to help you much at all because that’s where the true value of a coach lies.

Quality #2: They know more information isn’t the answer

A lack of information isn’t the problem for most Authors. Any nonfiction writing coach who assumes that isn’t worth your time.

Good coaches know that there are plenty of resources available for those who need them. But they also know that the biggest hurdle standing between you and a completed manuscript is how to apply that information in your specific circumstances—that means it’s ultimately a psychological issue.

We see it at Scribe all the time. We offer the best online course on writing and publishing available—and we give it away for free .

Yet time and time again, nonfiction Authors hire us to coach them through writing their book.

Why would they do that, when all the information is free?

Because both understanding how the information applies to you specifically, and navigating the psychological obstacles of fear and doubt are just as daunting, if not moreso, than the act of writing itself.

Quality #3: They’re systems oriented

When writing your first book, you need structure. That means having a plan and a clear process to go from idea to finished book. Good coaches know the value of a simple system that’s tested and that’s proven to work.

The problem is that good coaches are few and far between. Because most new writers don’t know any better, they end up hiring coaches who make up the rules as they go.

Don’t make this mistake. Instead, hire a coach who is a systems thinker. Any prospective coach should be able to walk you through their process so you can understand:

  • Where you are in the creative writing process
  • What’s coming next
  • How to confront the common roadblocks that most Authors face along the way

Once you know what qualities to look for in a writing coach, the next step is to start your search. Often this begins with viewing the websites of various coaches. In this section, I’ll cover what to look for when you do.

Note: Even if they don’t have a website, you can always ask prospective coaches to share these things with you directly.

There are 4 factors you need to pay attention to:

  • Do they have testimonials?
  • What books have their Authors published?
  • What do the Authors they’ve coached have to say about their experience?
  • Do they have examples of their coaching in action?

1. Do they have testimonials?

The first thing you should look at on a coach’s website is whether or not they have testimonials. If they can’t get the people who’ve paid them for coaching to say great things about them, then they’re probably not a good coach.

The specific content of the actual testimonials tends to be less important than the fact that they have them. The point is you can eliminate a huge number of coaches right off the bat using this as a filtering process.

It’s a simple first step: Do they have testimonials? If no, exclude them. If yes, move onto the next step.

2. What books have their Authors published?

Next, you want to take a look at books they’ve helped Authors work on in the past.

As you scan the list of books they have worked on, ask yourself:

  • Do these books represent the kind of book I want to write?
  • Are the voices in these books similar enough to mine that this could be a good fit?

If the answers are yes, add those coaches to your short-list. If not, scrap them.

Don’t overlook the importance of subject-matter expertise. For example, you don’t want to hire a coach who’s only worked on memoirs if your goal is to write a business book.

3. What do the Authors they’ve coached have to say about their experience?

After you’ve determined that the coach’s previous work aligns with the type of book you want to write, you should turn your attention to the Authors they’ve worked with.

Reach out to 2 or 3 of those Authors who published their books but haven’t written a testimonial. Then, ask them what their coaching experiences were like.

Ask them specific questions about their experience, like “What was the coach strongest at? What were they weakest at?” or “What was the thing you like the least/most about your coach?”

Their feedback should give you an idea of what to really expect if you choose to hire that coach. The point is not to find out if they are good or bad (though obviously that’s important), but to look for clues about how they coach, to see if they are a good fit.

4. Do they have examples of their coaching in action?

A final thing to look out for is whether or not a coach has examples of their coaching in action.

This is particularly useful because out of all the factors you can evaluate them on, it gives you the most insight into whether or not they’d be a good fit for you— before you ever have to hire and pay them to find out.

For example, you can watch videos of Scribe coaches—which includes the most elite members of our editorial staff—working with our Authors. We share this to give potential Authors insight into whether Scribe’s coaching style would work for them.

If coaches don’t have this, it doesn’t necessarily make them a bad coach. But I would focus on the ones who do.

A Process to Test Book Writing Coaches to Find the Right Coach for You

Once you’ve done your initial research, narrow your prospects down to 3 to 5 reputable coaches who you think might be a good fit for you.

Then, instead of simply interviewing them the way most Authors do, hire each of them for a test session.

A one-time session should be enough to test out a coach. The cost per session can vary, but rates typically range between $100 to $300 an hour. And this is well worth the investment if you’re serious about finding the right person.

Prior to your coaching sessions, give each coach the same chapter (or part of a chapter) from your book. Then, when you meet on Skype or Zoom for your session, ask them to give you feedback .

Good nonfiction writing coaches will:

  • Identify the sections of your writing sample that need help
  • Help you see what you’re not seeing
  • Explain what you have to do to fix any issues

Use these test sessions as opportunities to gauge how they interact with you on an emotional level, too. The personal connection you feel to a coach is by far the most important thing to pay attention to.

And finally, remember to be really selective. If something about a coach doesn’t feel right, keep moving on until you find the right fit. This will help you avoid the bad experiences that lead writers to give up on coaching.

How We Chose Our Nonfiction Writing Coaches at Scribe

We’re in a unique position at Scribe because we work with hundreds of veteran writers, many of whom already have their own coaching clients. So when we started Scribe Guided Author (our coaching program), we had a solid pool of experienced writing coaches to choose from right off the bat.

Out of about 200 writers we worked with consistently, there were 15 who really excelled at interpersonal interactions with our clients and were interested in our coaching positions. These are people who not only have decades of experience and have published a minimum of 3 books on their own, but they’ve gotten rave reviews from our clients as well.

About 5 or 6 of these writers were above and beyond the pack when it came to the qualities we were looking for. Ultimately, I interviewed and chose 3 of them to begin working with and testing myself.

These coaches then shadowed me for several years learning the ins and outs of the program and process that I’d built. And now our top two coaches, Emily and Chas, run our Guided Author Program.

They’re changing our clients’ lives every day and we’re very proud of them and the program we’ve built.

How Scribe Guided Author Works: Guidance, Accountability, and Expertise

In Scribe Guided Author, we spend only a third of our coaching on writing technique and know-how. We focus the other two-thirds on the emotional and psychological toll of writing a book , because as I said above, that’s what coaching is really for.

What makes our coaching program so effective is our process. We’ve perfected a series of steps to guide first-time Authors through facing their fears, completing their manuscript, and actually self-publishing their book .

Most coaches focus solely on helping you write. We take that to the next level and help you get your writing out into the world—in published form—so that it can impact the lives of others. Because for many nonfiction writers, that’s the real goal of writing their book.

Here’s a short rundown of what the Scribe Guided Author program includes:

  • Full access to Scribe Book School, our in-depth online course for writing and publishing
  • A 3-day online coaching workshop led by myself and our senior editors
  • Weekly group coaching calls with our senior editors
  • Access to a private Facebook group with writers seeking to become published Authors
  • A full edit of your completed manuscript (done by professional editors)
  • Full publishing services, including a beautifully designed cover, hardcover, paperback, and eBook formats
  • Full distribution services, including print and eBook distribution
  • Marketing consult and guidance
  • First week promotions to help you become an Amazon Best Seller (including an interview on our podcast Author Hour )

Ready to Break Through Your Blocks and Become a Published Author?

There are plenty of great writing coaches out there. If you follow the process I’ve laid out in this post, you can find one that’s a good fit for you. And hopefully they can help you accomplish your goals.

But as you can tell, finding a writing coach is a lot of work, and it can be a long process to connect with someone you can trust. That’s one of the reasons we created Scribe—to make this process easier for people who want to get straight to the writing, the improvement, and the progress.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a busy professional, our coaching program provides you with the defined process, accountability, and professional guidance you need to finish and publish your nonfiction book.

If you’re ready to take the leap, then click here to learn more about Scribe Guided Author . Or, schedule a consult with our team.

The Scribe Crew

Read this next.

Audiobooks: Who Benefits Most and Why Authors Should Consider Them

When Should You Hire a Ghostwriter for a Business Book?

How to Write a Motivational Book: How Self-Help Leaders Turn Wisdom into Written Word

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Mary Cummings

Non-Fiction Developmental Editor, Copyeditor and Writing Coach

You have a great idea for a non-fiction book.

You know it will position you as THE expert in your field, attract media attention, launch complementary revenue streams, and much more.

It’s too good a marketing tool to ignore.

You know that already.

But are you here because you need help?

Specifically with any of the following?

  • You don’t know where to start.
  • You’ve started writing, but feel tangled with too many ideas. 
  • You’ve finished writing, but there’s a niggling doubt that your writing is not quite up to scratch.

How about working with an experienced editor and collaborator who…

  • Has been writing professionally for more than 20 years.
  • Has collaborated on numerous titles for business clients, edited scores of manuscripts, and coached as many non-fiction writers from a variety of disciplines.
  • Is a traditionally and independently published author who has successfully guided her clients through both routes.
  • Can help you write, edit and tweak your manuscript until it hits the spot for its targeted readership.
  • Has secured 80% of her clients through word of mouth, and retained them for repeat projects.

If this is the type of editor you’d like to work with on your book, please browse my website to find out how we can work together, or feel free to contact me.

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Be inspired to write at the college where Andrea Levy, Malorie Blackman, Anna Burns, and other celebrated authors studied.

Life writing, travel writing, essays and autobiography: explore the many forms of creative non-fiction on our part-time courses. All our writing courses are taught by practicing writers.

Our tutors are published authors and experts in their field. Learn about their recent accomplishments.

Courses available both in-person and online

At City Lit, you can choose to study in-person or online. Our fantastic in-person courses are taught in our attractive campus, located in the heart of Covent Garden, central London. Here, our students can benefit from a variety of services and resources, including our café and state-of-the art equipment.

Our online courses are tailored to give you a social and interactive online learning experience, allowing you freedom to study from anywhere and with like-minded fellow classmates from all over the country without the need to travel. Use the Location filters on this page to choose your preferred learning method. See our guide to online learning for more information about accessing our live online courses.

For the latest news, courses, events and competitions, stay in touch with the Department on  Facebook  and  Twitter .

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Writing a great book is more than putting the right words in the right order.

With almost a decade of editing experience, I’ve critiqued over 26 million words. As a freelance book editor and author coach, I help writers confidently take their first steps in their author journey and provide coaching for those who want to invest in their writing.

My clients range from early 20s to a lovely 83-year-old (she went viral!), tech-savvy or new to using tech, and romance novelists to business elite sharing wisdom. A few wrote their stories as a legacy to leave behind. Others worked hard to become award-winning authors, ranked #1 in their categories, and got on best sellers lists.

Some of my clients are local so we meet in person for coffee and book chat. Most are based around the world so we chat via call/video call. A few have flown me out to meet up (London, Dubai – where next?).

No matter where you are in your writing journey, or where you’re based in the world, I’d love to hear more about your story and see if we might work together.

My biggest compliment from clients is always, ‘It still completely sounds like me’. I’ve worked with entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise, fiction authors who write great novels, people struggling with their mental health who use writing as therapy, and those who have words worth sharing.

To learn more about how I can help you, get in touch . You can also check out my fiction and nonfiction portfolio from my 50+ clients, many of whom referred others to me or rebooked me for their next book. There are also testimonials on this site as well as on Google Reviews and LinkedIn testimonials.

non fiction writing coach uk

Learn more about Kirsten Rees; published author, freelance book editor of bestsellers and author coach, and multi-award winner and nominee including Theo Paphitis SBS winner.

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From proofreading to developmental editing, Kirsten is here to guide you through the next stages in becoming a published author.

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Struggling with one particular part of your author journey or need some guidance on the steps to take after you’ve written your book? I have a wealth of experience to share (and a few insider secrets!)

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Find articles on advice for new and experienced authors, writing great content, the business of becoming an author, publishing& pitching, and lots more!

carousel image

James Hawes – The Secret Lives of Men (February 2020)

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Eloisa Davis – Roaring Playlist of Thoughts (June 2019)

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Stefan Plesoianu – Tales of a Weirdo (August 2020)

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Madre Palmistry – Beyond My Birth (December 2020)

Explore my client portfolio.

For me, working with an author is a partnership! I’ve worked on fiction and nonfiction books across a variety of genres. All of my clients have 5-star reviews. Some have hit bestseller status, been noted in ‘Top Books for…’ listings, been in the media, or invited to speak at events.

Do I need a Professional Freelance Editor?

Many think an editor’s job is just to check what you’ve written makes sense and reads okay. If there are free ‘editing’ apps out there, why pay? It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it that sells books. Well-written books that are marketed well will climb the ranks and help grow your audience.

Editing checks every word is not just necessary but it’s the best word you can use. It elevates your writing to a higher standard and looks for any opportunities to develop your book concept. If you’ve gone off track or it’s not going to resonate with your reader. Perhaps there is a plot hole or a gap you’ve missed. As a writer myself, I understand we can be too close to our own writing so having another set of eyes can catch things you may have missed.

I believe in critique and kindness when sharing editing recommendations. So there won’t be any red pen on your manuscript!

Whether you’re in need of a freelance book editor in Glasgow or in the surrounding areas, or looking for a remote editor if we’re more global neighbours then get in touch. I work with clients face-to-face and via Skype, so no matter how far away we are, we can still sit down together and chat over coffee. To get started or ask a question, get in touch .

What if I want to learn how to do it myself?

It’s is absolutely possible and I always encourage my clients to research and learn what they can early on as it can save time and money down the line. But publishing a book has a lot of steps – writing, editing, proofreading, book cover design, formatting, pitching or self-publishing.

It’s a lot of skills and while you may be talented in a few of them, it’s always worth hiring experts for the ones you don’t have under your quill. Then you can save your valuable time for writing your next book.

I also provide author coaching sessions where I can guide you towards one goal in your author journey. Or if you are at the very start of your book idea, then get in touch about my Pen to Published Mastermind which provides you with the tools, resources, templates, and accountability to write your book.

I’ve also curated a massive list of the exact apps and resources that will save you time and can help you become published more successfully! I love helping authors define their audience and showing them how to appeal to readers.

Kirsten Rees is a delight to work with! Her energy and passion for what she does inspires me to put my best foot forward every day! I not only write but she has taught me to not be afraid to live my dreams out loud! Thank you Kirsten for our correspondence. It has changed me for the better as a Writer and a Leader in my field.

Kimberly A. Cavanagh

Publishing your very first novel is scary. But when you do it with Kirsten? Less so. She was just the person I needed to take this novel all the way from a draft to a published book. With her touch the content is now the best it can be, with my voice still very much there. 110% recommend!

Lina Wesson

I’m delighted to have had Kirsten as my editor. Her advice and tips have been a game changer for me. I’m finally excited about my book which is thanks to her editing and guidance. I would highly recommend her services. She’s professional, friendly and great at her job.

Nicki MacDonald

non fiction writing coach uk

Finished writing your book? Started and got stuck? Or just have an idea and need professional guidance? I’d love to hear more! Fill in the contact form below and I’ll be in touch soon …

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How to start writing a book in 2024

As I write this at the start of May, there are 8 months left of 2024. It already sorta feels like it...

non fiction writing coach uk

6 Things Every Writer Needs

Starting to write your first book? Wondering what you need? Here are a few things. This post was wri...

Meet the Book Editor, Kirsten Rees.

Meet The Book Editor: Kirsten Rees

Are you new here? 👋 Hello! I’m Kirsten, professional book editor, published poet and flash f...

non fiction writing coach uk

What questions should I ask when hiring a book editor in 2024?

Hiring a Book Editor in 2024? Here are some top Interview Questions to Ask   Are you ready to t...

Claire Gillman

Claire Gillman – Editor

Editor, writer and writing coach, I work on mind, body, spirit, personal development, parenting, complementary health and personal memoirs


Work experience.


Claire is an experienced journalist, writer, editor and writing coach.

Claire has written 30 non-fiction books for adults and creative non-fiction titles for children under the pen-name, Rory Storm. Among her titles are three books on how to get published and make money from writing in the Hodder Teach Yourself series and her latest book is The Healing Therapies Bible.

She is currently the Editor of Kindred Spirit, the UK's leading mind/body/spirit magazine. She has been a freelance contributor to leading women's magazines and national newspapers, particularly The Times and the Guardian, and has also been editor of a number of consumer and specialist women’s magazines including Health & Fitness magazine and Girl About Town.

Claire has been a writing coach and mentor for over 15 years. She is an editor for Jericho Writers and has run writing workshops and retreats.

Claire Gillman

Professionals similar to Claire

Get a range of offers by requesting quotes from multiple professionals.

Caleb Woodbridge

Non-fiction editor previously at IVP, Scripture Union and Hodder. Specialise in arts and culture, and Christian living and apologetics.

Cardiff, UK

100% reply rate

Kate Juniper

Feminist editor for Routledge Press, House of Anansi Press and others. Empowering women+ authors from first draft to pitch-ready manuscript.

Montreal, QC, Canada

99% reply rate

Jillian Buckley

Random House editor of prize-winning literary fiction, bestselling commercial fiction, and narrative nonfiction. Affordable and friendly!

Chapel Hill, NC, USA

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Book Writing Coach

Do You Need a Book Coach?

book writing coach Creativity Lisa Tener

Why hire a book coach? Maybe you’re ready to finally write your book and you need help developing your book concept and structure. Or you have no idea where on earth to start and you figure a book writing or publishing coach can guide you on those very first steps.

Maybe, in addition to expert guidance, you need accountability and support to get it done. And perhaps you also want help accessing your inner muse, your creative source…

You came to the right place!

Some clients also need guidance in making the right publishing decision: “Do I self publish or do I have a chance at a traditional book deal?” Your book writing coach can help you weigh the pros and cons of each type of publishing, particularly for the book you want to write.

And a book coach (at least, this book coach) can help you understand what it would take for you to attract a book deal and whether your book is a likely candidate.

Get Help with Your Book, Book Proposal, Creativity, Author Platform, Marketing and More

Lisa Tener and her team can help you write your book or book proposal, as well as guide you with the “platform building” (developing a following and reach online and offline) that publishers are looking for.

Lisa can help you develop a publishing strategy and can also connect you with publishing industry professionals who can help you with various aspects of the journey from editors to ghostwriters to social media and PR experts to web designers and marketing experts, as well as literary agents and publishers.

Break Through Creative Blocks or Challenges

Lisa and her team also help authors get in touch with their creativity and facilitates creative breakthroughs in:

  • Clarity of direction
  • Creative confidence
  • Creative Momentum
  • Successful Completion

Your Book Writing Coach Can Help You:

book writing consultation

  • Develop a plan for success, so that you reach those goals.
  • Taking action each week to reach your goals
  • Having accountability to support your success
  • Addressing any challenges you’re having in meeting your goals and overcoming any roadblocks to achievement Learning from “mistakes” and turning them into opportunities
  • Assess your progress and make any necessary changes to your plan.
  • Organize and develop your book or book proposal.
  • Improve and polish your writing—and can edit your work and teach you to be a better writer.
  • Expand your author platform.
  • Develop a powerful and effective promotion plan for your book and other creative projects.

In addition, your book writing coach has the tools and insight to help you:

book coaching with Lisa Tener

  • Overcome creativity blocks
  • Prioritize projects
  • Manage your time effectively and find the time to write and get published
  • Make the process easier, more fun and more effective

Many people also choose to enroll in the Get Your Writing Done Program , for the accountability and support to write in community once a week. The two hour weekly writing intensive includes some warm up exercises (movement, breath, and other creativity boosters) and intention setting to get us writing in a state of flow. Then we write for 35-45 minutes, share insights, questions and challenges, then start another block of moment, creativity boosters and writing. Optional ten minute breakout groups at the end offer the opportunity to read aloud to a partner or just share your experience with them.

Once a year, usually in the spring, Lisa offers her  Bring Your Book to Life® Program , where you benefit from a combination of:

  • Private consultations with Lisa—your personal book writing coach
  • Step-by-step course materials to guide you through the book writing process
  • Interactive classes (by Zoom)
  • Feedback on your writing.

Click here for more on the Bring Your Book to Life® Program

“The Goddess of Voice”

book coaching client Cathy Turney

I call book writing coach Lisa Tener ‘the Goddess of Voice.’ She’s magical! Lisa wrapped her brilliant mind around my book ( Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success ), resulting in its winning the American Business Awards Best Business Book of the Year 2015, nationally and internationally. I didn’t think twice about hiring her to coach my next book, Get 10,000 Twitter Followers – Easily, Quickly, Ethically.   Cathy Turney’s latest book I had interviewed six other book writing coaches at the San Francisco Writers Conference, and in 15 minutes Lisa had more insight into what I was trying to accomplish than the other five combined. With Lisa Tener you get the eyes of a master book writing coach on your manuscript—one with proven results with the Big Six publishers. Your book only gets one chance to become a top seller. Don’t risk it. Let Lisa Tener make it the best it can be.                                               – Cathy Turney, Stevie Award-winning author and humorist


Contact Your Book Coach Today!

Book Writing Coach Lisa Tener

E-mail Lisa to explore the possibility of working together (or if you want a referral for a book writing coach or publishing coach in another genre such as fiction or children’s books).

Or call 401-477-0886

In a writing coaching program, you’ll develop your inspiring goal(s) and develop your book concept for an exceptional book that has great value for your readers . Over the next sessions, you’ll develop the road map to reaching those goals by assessing where you are now in relation to those goals, creating a vision for where you want to be and developing and implementing your plan for getting there.

If you are looking for editing , book doctor services, ghostwriting or help writing a winning book proposal , Lisa and her team are at your service with a proven track record to give you the expert help—and positive results—you desire.

Note: in cases where Lisa provides a referral, she has hand picked high quality editors, writing coaches and experts in different fields (memoir, fiction, etc.) to refer you to. Note: Lisa works hard to find top notch editors of high integrity–and at different price ranges depending on your budget.  We do receive a commission–it will come out of the editor’s or ghostwriter’s marketing budget, not your costs.

You can experience your coaching by phone, skype, zoom or, if you live nearby, in person.


non fiction writing coach uk

Landed Big 5 Publisher

Lisa Tener is a joy! She’s experienced and insightful and is facile with every aspect of book coaching and publishing.  She reviewed my book proposal and made so many valuable and practical suggestions, encouraged me…

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First Draft in Just 7 Days! Now, Published.

“When I scheduled a ‘Book Concept and Strategy Consultation’ with Lisa Tener, I thought I would get some great advice on my concept for a parenting book. I walked away with a clear vision for…

non fiction writing coach uk

Became a Huffington Post Blogger

“In addition to her spot-on insights and feedback, I’m thankful for the valuable resources Lisa has referred, especially a connection that enabled me to blog on the Huffington Post and an excellent editor for my…

non fiction writing coach uk

Featured in New York Times Book Review!

My book is featured on page 11 of today’s New York Times Book Review. Maybe never would have happened if I hadn’t attended the Harvard Writers course and met you, Lisa!

non fiction writing coach uk

Book Deal with New World Library: “Skillful Coaching”, Featured on

“Finding Lisa Tener was the gift that kept on giving. Lisa patiently supported me in structuring my book, building my platform, understanding my market and crafting a solid book proposal. She skillfully pitched it to a few…

non fiction writing coach uk

“Lisa is an Outstanding Book Writing Coach.”

“Lisa Tener helped me immensely in completing my book Wellness For Super-Seniors by personally editing every page, advising me on the restructuring of certain sections and rewriting other chapters that needed such professional evaluation. “She is…

If you need a book writing coach, contact Lisa Tener .

Write a Book

Courses + programs, services + successes, contact lisa.

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Meet the Team

My Publisher Tamara Monosoff : From the gorgeous cover to inner design, to the original inspiration for QR codes and putting every single one of those crazy videos on my website, and guiding me patiently throughout the process, Tamara is my dream publisher. Thank you!

  • Web Designer Extraordinaire Rachel Vane
  • Social Media Goddess Jamie L. Palmer
  • Brilliant Editor Lynne Heinzmann
  • Writing and Life Coach Tama Kieves who guides me to my muse whenever we speak
  • Video Editor and Overall Mensch Dan Thibeault of Fast Twitch Media
  • Media Coach and Producer of many videos Portland Helmich
  • Video Editing Support Luke Patterson
  • Blogger and Podcast Outreach Frances Caballo
  • Launch Advisor Kristin Meekhof
  • Eric Maisel Writing Habit Advocate
  • Virtual Assistant Extraordinaire Geri Lafferty
  • 2020 PR Support Katie Snyder of Pitch PR
  • The most talented photographer in the world, Seth Jacobson
  • PR Trainers Chris Winfield, Jen Gottlieb, Brittany Sisko, and the entire community at the Be Seen Accelerator
  • Beta Readers: Joshua Home Edwards, Tracy Hart, Stephanie Meyers, Laurie Hunt, LiDona Wagner, Mia Potter, Gael Johnson, Amber Hanks, Melissa Sones, Gael-Sylvia Pullen, and Paula Schonewald. I hope I did not leave anyone out—if I did please let me know so I can add you here!
  • Title Support Howard Van Es, Tamara Monosoff, Lorraine Segal, Tama Kieves, Kristin Meekhof.
  • Launch Consulting Howard Van Es
  • My Health and Wellbeing Posse who helped me survive the stress-induced health challenges I encountered on the way
  • Dear Friends Johannah Cremin (and her prayer circle) and Virginia Swain; Qigong teacher, Leah Franklin, and the lineage of Mei Hua Qigong masters from whom she learned; dream shaman Kari Hohne; loving guide, Linda Yael Schiller; acupuncturists Nancy Graham and Patricia Gilmartin; Lynne Ahn, MD and John McGonigle, MD; dowser, Erina Cowan; and special friends Linda Broadhead and Seraina Wood.
  • Book Ambassadors: Louise Brownell
  • Podcasters, Show Hosts and Early Adopters: Dan Janal, Sharon Burton Ways, Josh Steimle, Leslie Draffin, Robin Kall
  • Bloggers and Blogs: San Francisco Writers Conference, Jane Friedman, Nina Amir, Howard Van Es
  • My Supportive Family: Tom, Will, and Luke Patterson, and Mimi Sammis, you are the lights in my life! Tener and Arnold families, and the Patterson-Potters and Pattersons
  • My many colleagues from Harvard Medical School’s CME publishing and women in healthcare leadership courses—director Julie Silver, et al.
  • All my students!
  • All my amazing writing colleagues
  • Intellectual property advice, Attorney Dana Newman
  • A special thank you to my many clients and colleagues who gave me permission to quote their wonderful words in this journal
  • The brave souls who appear in the accompanying videos.

I could probably go on thanking deserving people for another twenty pages, so for those not listed, please know you have my gratitude.


  1. Non-Fiction Writing Coach

    non fiction writing coach uk

  2. Why Hire a Non-Fiction Writing Coach?

    non fiction writing coach uk

  3. 4 Tips for Writing Creative Non-Fiction

    non fiction writing coach uk

  4. What Is a Writing Coach? (Complete Guide for Authors)

    non fiction writing coach uk

  5. Your Writing Coach: From Concept to Character, from Pitch to

    non fiction writing coach uk

  6. How to Structure Your Nonfiction Book

    non fiction writing coach uk


  1. Tip 109

  2. Tip 120

  3. Tip 110

  4. Tip 112

  5. Tip 91

  6. Tip 113


  1. Book writing coach for nonfiction

    This one session can save you weeks or months of wheel spinning as you embark on the project of writing a nonfiction book. You'll leave knowing what your book is really about and how you can write it. Typically I work with clients via six-month engagements. Since the beginning of the pandemic, however, I have offered the option of a one-time ...

  2. Write a Non-Fiction Book Course

    The Write a Non-Fiction Book Course is for those who have always wanted to write a non-fiction book and didn't know how to begin. We give you the support and encouragement to start writing your book, guiding you every step of the way. Instead of floundering in the dark, receive invaluable feedback on your writing from an industry expert with ...

  3. Non-Fiction Writing Courses

    Our non-fiction writing courses: an overview. Our non-fiction courses are offered online and in-person and will give you all the tools you need for your project: how to research, how to select and shape story material, how to edit and where to take things next. Our online non-fiction courses include five-day events, month-long self-paced ...

  4. Nonfiction Writing Coach

    entrepreneurs. write their nonfiction book. Writing a book can be a daunting task that we often delay, even when we want to share our ideas and create new opportunities. Let me help you with that. I'll provide a clear framework and show you how to squeeze writing into an already busy schedule. The key to writing is finding out what works for ...

  5. Shelley Wilson

    1:1 Mentoring. Writing a book takes time, determination, and commitment. Following my 5-step framework we will work together taking you from idea to first draft in 6-months. I will lead you through everything you need to know about writing a book including outlining, audience, processes, goal setting, author platform, and much more. If you are ...

  6. Book Writing Coaching for Nonfiction

    Book writing can be lonely but you won't be alone - with a book writing coach you'll have a partner in the process to keep you on track, help you move through fear and uncertainty, and instill confidence and clarity in you. When we work together you get a collaborator and coach, as well as the benefits of my writing, publishing and speaking experience.

  7. Writing Coaching

    Through my one-to-one writing coaching sessions I can help you: Find your unique voice. Write from the heart. Overcome any blocks or fears. Create compelling characters and page-turning plots. Brainstorm ideas for blog posts, web content and articles. Pitch to publishers and literary agents. Turn empowering messages and inspirational life ...

  8. Our Coaches and Mentors

    All consultants are either published writers, professional editors, trained coaches or university lecturers, and all have broad experience of working with developing and experienced writers. Your writing work receives nurturing, individual attention, with a focus on strengths-based feedback which is honest, constructive, practical and inspiring.

  9. About Us

    Gale & Co was formed by Kathy Gale to provide authors with a uniquely helpful way to develop their writing. During her experience in publishing, Kathy realised that writers flourished in response to a particular combination of circumstances: detailed, respectful interaction with their work; training and practice in skills and technique; and a ...

  10. Writing Coach Rates (for UK-Based Writing Coaches)

    Around £130 per session. Gold Dust. Writing coach. £3800 for 16 hours. Katherine Scala. Writing coach. Around £55 per hour. You may also be interested in our . UK writing coach rates vary but you may expect to pay somewhere between £55 and £150 for each one hour session.

  11. Professional Writing Coach in the UK

    Professional Writing Coach in the UK. Book a chat. Book a chat. Preserving the minds of writers'. Writing is a tasking activity whether fiction or non-fiction. It can sometimes come with— creative blocks, sticking to a writing schedule , holding yourself accountable and the looming thought of whether you are a good writer or not.

  12. How to Evaluate and Choose a Nonfiction Writing Coach

    Quality #3: They're systems oriented. When writing your first book, you need structure. That means having a plan and a clear process to go from idea to finished book. Good coaches know the value of a simple system that's tested and that's proven to work. The problem is that good coaches are few and far between.

  13. Creative writing mentoring

    Aspire: mentoring package (three session minimum) From £256.50. Dedicate time to improving your craft and overcoming obstacles in your writing life with a bespoke package of support from an experienced writer mentor. Develop a long-term, professional relationship with your mentor and together you can refine your manuscript, work on a funding ...

  14. Mary Cummings

    Has been writing professionally for more than 20 years. Has collaborated on numerous titles for business clients, edited scores of manuscripts, and coached as many non-fiction writers from a variety of disciplines. Is a traditionally and independently published author who has successfully guided her clients through both routes.

  15. Creative Non-Fiction Courses Online & in London

    Tutors: Julie Garton. This advanced workshop is designed for students who have already completed introductory and intermediate creative-non fiction courses and would like to focus on workshopping their writing. Full fee £149.00 Senior fee £149.00 Concession £75.00. View all available dates.

  16. List of 21 Nonfiction Book Coaches Ready to Help You Finish Your Book

    Here is our list of nonfiction book coaches you can contact to help you with your nonfiction project: 1. Andrea Hurst. With more than 25 years experience in the publishing industry, Andrea Hurst offers book editing and consulting, as well as literary agent services and publishing support.

  17. Hire a Writing Coach: Write Better, Finish Your Book, and Get ...

    Guidance and motivation as you develop and draft your project; Practical feedback on your writing; and. Accountability to keep you on track. A writing coach will not directly edit your manuscript, but they will provide guidance to help you get it ready for the final editing stages. If your coach also offers editing on Reedsy, you can discuss ...

  18. Meet Our Mentors

    She has many years of experience, within Oxford University and outside it, as a teacher of creative writing and non-fiction writing. Alice Little. Alice is a music historian and author of fiction. Her academic work focuses on music collecting from 1700 to the present day, specialising in folk music. ... [email protected] 01869 ...

  19. Writers

    Who I coach I coach writers including complete beginners to writers wanting to brush up their craft, perhaps aiming for publication. Two clients have had non-fiction books published and another has become a successful freelance writer, writing for The Times. Non-fiction books; Fiction; Feature writing for the media (online and print.)

  20. Kirsten Rees

    As a freelance book editor and author coach, I help writers confidently take their first steps in their author journey and provide coaching for those who want to invest in their writing. My clients range from early 20s to a lovely 83-year-old (she went viral!), tech-savvy or new to using tech, and romance novelists to business elite sharing wisdom.

  21. Lisa Tener

    Book Writing Coach Lisa Tener will show you how to write a book , create a compelling book proposal to get published—or self publish. Discover how her award winning book writing courses, editing services and expert advice can bring your book to life®. Experience a new world of possibilities as a published author.

  22. Claire Gillman, Editor in Manchester, UK

    Manchester, UK Editor: Editor, writer and writing coach, I work on mind, body, spirit, personal development, parenting, complementary health and personal memoirs. Connect. Assemble a team of pros Editing Design Marketing Publicity Ghostwriting Websites Translation. ... Non-Fiction Biographies ...

  23. Lisa Tener

    Contact Your Book Coach Today! Book Writing Coach Lisa Tener. E-mail Lisa to explore the possibility of working together (or if you want a referral for a book writing coach or publishing coach in another genre such as fiction or children's books). Or call 401-477-0886.

  24. GCSE English Language: Analysing Literary Non-fiction

    This short film is suitable for teaching English language at GCSE in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and National 4 and 5 in Scotland. Tim Moore and Anna James individually analyse non-fiction ...

  25. How to write a discussion text

    Set them the challenge of writing their own discussion piece on a topic using all the techniques outlined by Leah. You could also use the detailed explanation of writing in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ...