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Free Online Proofreader

Perfect your writing with ProWritingAid's proofreading tool. Try it now for polished, error-free text.

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Your suggestions will show once you've entered some text.

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Our writing tool goes beyond proofreading

In addition to basic proofreading, ProWritingAid has over 25 tailored reports to help improve your writing.



Sentence structure

Overused words

Transition use

Inclusive language

Homonym confusion

Sentence length variety

Business jargon

Predicted read time

...and more!

It’s just like having a real-life writing coach

Some reports provide quick grammar suggestions. Others go in depth and help you improve the strength and readability of your text.


Trusted for better writing by

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Our proofreading tool works wherever you do

We seamlessly integrate across all the apps you use, whether they’re on the desktop or online.

Proofreader FAQs

1. does prowritingaid autocorrect.

ProWritingAid provides recommendations so you can identify and correct writing errors. You have complete control over whether to accept or ignore these suggestions.

2. Can I proofread emails and social media posts?

Yes. As a matter of fact, ProWritingAid's browser extensions work across almost all websites and online apps, including Gmail, LinkedIn, and Google Docs.

3. How can ProWritingAid help?

ProWritingAid helps with a variety of writing tasks. It corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation, while also enhancing vocabulary variety and more.

4. Is ProWritingAid free?

A free account allows you to edit up to 500 words at a time. If you want to edit larger documents, upgrading is necessary. You can find more information on our pricing page .

5. Can ProWritingAid paraphrase?

Yes! You can rewrite sentences with a single click using Rephrase. See multiple options to reword any sentence.

6. Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes! ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion webpages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

Improve your writing today

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Free Online Proofreader

Need a quick way to proofread your writing? Hemingway Editor Plus is here to help. It uses AI to fix common grammatical issues and spelling mistakes. But it doesn't stop there. Hemingway Editor Plus also has advanced features to fix wordy sentences, passive voice and more.

Why proofread your writing?

Good spelling and grammar are crucial for any writer. They are the foundation of clear communication. Errors in spelling or grammar can confuse readers and weaken your message. They might even hurt your credibility. A spelling and grammar checker is vital. It catches mistakes that are easy to overlook. By using one, you make sure your writing is polished and professional, helping you communicate more effectively. Clean, mistake-free writing is important for students, business professionals, and creative writers. It helps make a strong impression.

Proofreading made easy with AI

We all know proofreading is one of the most annoying parts of writing. It's a monotonous task that adds extra time to every draft. Plus, after working on your text for hours, it's all too easy to miss an embarrassing mistake. And with so many complex grammatical rules, it's easy for tricky sentences to be confusing to fix.

Hemingway Editor Plus has AI do all the hard work for you, making a troublesome step a breeze. All you have to do is select a section of your text and then click “Rewrite.” Hemingway Editor Plus will fix any spelling and grammar mistakes in seconds. It also rephrases your text to be clear and straightforward.

Make your writing bold and clear

Hemingway Editor Plus tracks the grade level of your entire document and individual sentences. If a sentence is hard to read, it's marked with a yellow highlight. Very complicated sentences are marked in red. This way, you can look at your document and immediately see problem areas. With Hemingway Editor Plus, you can use AI to simplify individual sentences or whole paragraphs in seconds.

Simplify and clarify your writing in seconds.

Save time with instant suggestions to rewrite wordy sentences, weak phrases, and passive voice.

Perfect your grammar.

Our advanced grammar tool goes beyond simple grammar problems to fix even the toughest issues.

Write like you, not a robot.

Hemingway Editor Plus matches your tone and word choice so rewritten sentences sound like you.

Break through writer's block.

Hemingway Editor Plus suggests ways to rephrase your writing you won't have thought of.

Find the perfect style and tone.

Use AI to apply one of our eight styles. For example, make it more confident, formal, or friendly.

Privacy you can trust.

We will never sell your data, let others use it to train an AI, or use it for advertising.

Try Hemingway Editor Plus for free

No credit card required.

14-day free trial with up to 200 sentence corrections.

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online proofreading app

  • Grammar & Spelling Check
  • Free Online Proofreading
  • Plagiarism Detection
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online proofreading app

Grammar Check

Robust grammar checking allows you to find those pesky mistakes and correct them before turning in your paper.

Writing Suggestions

Our proofreading system alerts you to opportunities to improve your writing.

Plagiarism Checking

Find out if your paper contains plagiarized text before your professor does. We compare your text to over 10 billion documents.

Proofread your writing with PaperRater’s free online grammar and plagiarism checkers

Requiring no downloads, the proofreader and plagiarism checker use AI to scan your essays and papers for any errors and assign them an automated score. This will help you correct any grammatical and spelling mistakes, address unintentional instances of plagiarism and earn a higher grade for your work.

Simply copy and paste your writing into the online editor or upload your file and click ‘Get Report’!

Grammar and Writing Resources

Confused about what a subordinate clause is? Or baffled by the difference between traveled and travelled ? Clear your doubts related to grammar, spelling and writing with these detailed articles and explanations:

Which is Correct, ‘Laying’ or ‘Lying’?

What are Participle Phrases and How to Use Them

An Introduction to British Slang Words

‘Ax’ vs. ‘Axe’

Lists of Adjectives Categorized by Types of Nouns

What is the Difference Between ‘Co-Worker’ and ‘Coworker’?

How Do You Spell ‘Separated’?

‘Fliers’ vs. ‘Flyers’

Grammar Checkers LifeHack

Immediate Results

You want instant gratification and so do we. Using Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, submissions are analyzed in real-time with results typically appearing 5-15 seconds after submission. PaperRater’s cloud-based software digs deep into the syntax and structure of your text without the need to sign up, login, or download. You won't find another tool offering plagiarism checking, automated proofreading, grammar check, and automated scoring that can analyze your text this quickly.

Grammar Feedback

Is Feedback Missing From Your Feedback Loop?

The best time to receive feedback is before you turn your assignment in. Sometimes valuable feedback comes too late, which is why our automated proofreading tool can be especially helpful -- not just for detecting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, but also for giving helpful tips that make you a better writer. Our AI engine, Grendel , works tirelessly providing feedback that you can incorporate into your text before you pass it on for a final grade from a human.

Free and Accessible Checker

We use this word a lot to describe our service. It's fast, free, requires no downloads or signups, and offers state-of-the-art results. Maybe this is why our grammar check tool is used by thousands of students every day in over 140 countries. If you haven't put our service to the test, give it a try now and see what all the buzz is about.

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online proofreading app

Slick Write

Check your grammar in seconds.

Slick Write is a powerful, free application that makes it easy to check your writing for grammar errors, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Whether you're a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school, Slick Write can help take your writing to the next level. Curious? See why Slick Write is the best. Try the interactive demo , or check your own document . No software download or installation is required.

Why Slick Write?

The grammar checker is lightning fast

Customizable feedback to suit your style

We do not redistribute your documents

Add impact to reports

Improve your grades

Engage your audience

Inspire confidence

English is a difficult language, so using correct grammar and diverse vocabulary will set you apart from the crowd. Using good sentence structure and wording improves your content's impact and readability while building your readers' trust. Slick Write goes beyond spell checking to teach you the habits of effective writers. How does your writing rate?

Improve your resumé

The job market is competitive. Gain an advantage, impress employers, and land more interviews by demonstrating professionalism and superior communication skills on your resumé.

Get the extensions

Using an extension is the easiest way to submit your work to Slick Write. They are available for Chrome and Firefox .

Bust your writer's block, and create new metaphors by playing the word association game . To begin, type a word or phrase in the box below, and hit enter. To quickly find associations for your own text, highlight a word or phrase in it, and use the toolbox popup.

The associator learns contextual word associations from real literature, so it may return offensive results.

Results for:

I know what I'm doing. Disable these hints.

  • Submission Limit There is a limit of 200,000 characters, which is approximately 30,000 words. Anything longer should be submitted in smaller chunks, or it will be automatically trimmed.
  • No document It looks like you forgot to enter your document. Paste it in and try again.
  • Structure This tab shows sentence structure within the context of the document. Hover over a sentence to see its word count. Select a word or phrase, or click a sentence to get more information.
  • Quotes This tab shows your quotations highlighted as Slick Write sees them.

More information »

  • Sentence type flow Pieces with good flow will make use of all four sentence types, varying them to keep the reader interested.
  • Sentence length flow Sentence length is indirectly related to sentence type, and is a good indicator of flow. Flow can be altered by adding, removing, lengthening, shortening, combining, or splitting sentences. Long sentences will be indicated by a red line on the graph. Sentences that flow poorly with their surroundings will be orange, and the source of the problem can often be found in a nearby sentence.
  • Word length flow Word length is a minor contributor to overall flow, but even minor variations are signs of good rhythm.
  • Passive Voice Index This is a measure of how frequently the passive voice is used. Consider revising your document if it scores over 100.
  • Prepositional Phrase Index This is a measure of how frequently prepositional phrases are used. Consider revising your document if it scores over 100.
  • Average sentence length Sentence length is a major contributor to the level of education required to read a body of text.
  • Sentence length standard deviation This is a measure of the amount of variation in the length of a text's sentences. In texts that have broad appeal, this tends to fall between 50 and 90% of the average sentence length. You can increase this number by making long sentences longer, and short ones shorter.
  • Sentence deviation to length ratio This is a measure of the sentence variety, and a major contributor to flow. Most novels score between 0.5 and 0.9, and popular ones often score near the high end of the range. You can increase this number by making long sentences longer, and short ones shorter.
  • Just the stats preset Use this preset when you're only interested in the stats tab. Critique and Flow will be hidden.
  • Honesty preset This preset checks for common indicators of deception, either by lying or omission, and is based on the findings of this study . Areas with high concentrations of these indicators should be viewed with skepticism. Note that the presence or absence of these indicators does not guarantee that a statement is true or false, and that the study was done on spoken communications, so it might be more applicable to interviews and speeches. As always, use your brain.
  • Doubled words A word used twice in a row may be a typo.
  • Commonly confused words This will check for the internet's most frequently confused words and notify you if it looks like you misused one. It is experimental and probably the least reliable feature. Consult a dictionary when necessary.
  • Sentences starting with the same word A word should not be used to start more than one sentence in a single paragraph.
  • Misplaced conjunctions It is considered poor style to place coordinating conjunctions at either end of a sentence. Placing a subordinating conjunction at the end of a sentence is against the rules.

It is said that one day, passive voice will bring weakness to your prose.

More information » Even more information »

  • Overwriting Words like "very" and "really" make sentences wordier and weaken your message. These can be deleted in almost all cases without affecting the meaning of the sentence.
  • Abstract words Abstract words lack specificity and overusing them can make even simple concepts difficult to understand. There are times when abstract words are desirable or even necessary; it would be difficult to write about math or programming without mentioning variables or functions, but you should use more specific terms whenever possible.
  • Wordy and redundant phrases These phrases make your writing more difficult to understand. In most cases, they can be replaced with one or two words, or even deleted.
  • Legalese These antiquated, arcane words and phrases will make your writing look like a contract.
  • Double negatives Double negatives are almost always poor style.
  • Adverbs They aren't bad in small quantities, but consider revising your document if more than 5.5% of its words are adverbs. Adverbs ending in "-ly" are considered the worst offenders.
  • Adjectives They aren't bad in small quantities. A few of the words on this list can also function as other parts of speech. You have been warned.
  • Contractions In formal writing, the use of contractions is considered a fault.

The boxer decked his opponent.

  • Profanity Profanity should not be used in formal writing outside of direct quotations.

The critic's scathing review hit the nail on the head .

  • Similes Similes and metaphors should be used sparingly. This option will detect most common types of similes.
  • "Said" replacements Some people think that these substitutes for "said" are weak or obnoxious, especially if overused.

Her dress was long , and it touched the floor.

Her long dress touched the floor.

  • Gender-specific pronouns Avoid using gender-specific pronouns in formal writing when the subject's gender is unknown.
  • Weasel words Like abstract words, weasel words and phrases lack specificity. At best, they convey uncertainty. At worst, they can be used to "weasel out" of telling the truth in a straightforward manner. When checking a document that is speculative by nature, you might want to disable this detector.
  • Third person pronouns According to this study , high concentrations of third person pronouns may indicate deception.
  • Bias language These words and phrases often show the author's bias.
  • Uncommon words Uncommon words will increase the document's reading difficulty.

Hot peppers burn my mouth, but I eat them anyway .

Since burritos taste good , I like to eat them.

  • Sentence fragments A sentence must have at least one noun and one verb. Anything that does not is a fragment, and if it occurs outside of dialog, it should probably be rewritten.
  • Long sentences Long sentences tend to be more difficult to read, making them good candidates for trimming or splitting. Alternatively, parallelism may be used to improve their readability, though this will not decrease the ARI score.
  • Success with Style: Using Writing Style to Predict the Success of Novels
  • Grammar Girl For your obscure writing questions
  • Basic Prose and Style Mechanics An excellent, concise resource
  • Television Tropes & Idioms Tricks of the trade
  • Writing Realistic Injuries An invaluable article for anyone who writes action or horror
  • Online Etymology Dictionary Learn the history of English words
  • Scribophile Discuss the finer points of writing with other novelists
  • Suggestions from the official See Sharp Press blog Learn about the mistakes that will keep your novel from being published.
  • Smashwords Easy ebook distribution for indie authors
  • Duotrope Find and learn about publishers
  • CreateSpace
  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
  • Creative Writing Prompts and Exercises Spark your creativity
  • RhymeZone A popular rhyming dictionary
  • Seventh Sanctum Name generators and more
  • Apache OpenOffice The best free office software
  • Literature & Latte Makers of the popular Scrivener editor

Did you find a bug? Do you want us to add a new feature? We would love to hear about it.

The free AI proofreader

Improve your writing with our free online proofreading tool. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to fix grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and enhance your writing style. Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to polish their text.

Free Essay and Paper Checker

Try our other writing services

Paraphrasing Tool

Correct your entire essay within 5 minutes

  • Proofread on 100+ language issues
  • Specialized in academic texts
  • Corrections directly in your essay

Correct your entire essay in 5 minutes

Why this is the best free essay checker.

Best Grammar Checker Test Result Graph

Tested most accurate

In the test for the best grammar checker , Scribbr found 19 out of 20 errors.

No Signup Needed

No signup needed

You don’t have to register or sign up. Insert your text and get started right away.

Unlimited words and characters

Long texts, short texts it doesn’t matter – there’s no character or word limit.

The Grammar Checker is Ad-Free

Don’t wait for ads or distractions. The essay checker is ad-free!

Punctuation checker

Nobody's perfect all the time—and now, you don’t have to be!

There are times when you just want to write without worrying about every grammar or spelling convention. The online proofreader immediately finds all of your errors. This allows you to concentrate on the bigger picture. You’ll be 100% confident that your writing won’t affect your grade.

grammar mistake

Correcting your grammar

The Scribbr essay checker fixes grammar mistakes like:

  • Sentence fragments & run-on sentences
  • Subject-verb agreement errors
  • Issues with parallelism

spelling mistake

Spelling & Typos

Basic spell-checks often miss academic terms in writing and mark them as errors. Scribbr has a large dictionary of recognized (academic) words, so you can feel confident every word is 100% correct.

Punctuation errors

The essay checker takes away all your punctuation worries. Avoid common mistakes with:

  • Dashes and hyphens
  • Apostrophes
  • Parentheses
  • Question marks
  • Colons and semicolons
  • Quotation marks

word use

Avoid word choice errors

Should you use   “affect” or “effect” ? Is it   “then” or “than” ? Did you mean   “there,” “their,” or “they’re” ?

Never worry about embarrassing word choice errors again. Our grammar checker will spot and correct any errors with   commonly confused words .

accept all

Improve your text with one click

The Scribbr Grammar Checker allows you to accept all suggestions in your document with a single click.

Give it a try!

online proofreading app

Correct your entire document in 5 minutes

Would you like to upload your entire essay and check it for 100+ academic language issues? Then Scribbr’s AI-powered proofreading is perfect for you.

With the AI Proofreader, you can correct your text in no time:

  • Upload document
  • Wait briefly while all errors are corrected directly in your document
  • Correct errors with one click

Proofread my document

all english variants

A Grammar Checker for all English variants

There are important differences between the versions of English used in different parts of the world, including UK and US English . Our essay checker supports a variety of major English dialects:

  • Canadian English
  • Australian English

Why users love our Essay Checker

🌐 English US, UK, CA, & AU
🏆 Quality Outperforms competition
✍️ Improves Grammar, spelling, & punctuation
⭐️ Rating based on 13,309 reviews

Save time and upload your entire essay to fix it in minutes

Scribbr & academic integrity.

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker , AI Detector , Citation Generator , proofreading services , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer , and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Ask our team

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

Our Essay Checker can detect most grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. That said, we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. 

Absolutely! The Essay Checker is particularly useful for non-native English speakers, as it can detect mistakes that may have gone unnoticed.

The exact time depends on the length of your document, but, in most cases it doesn’t take more than a minute.


Scribens checks the grammar of your texts and finds spelling mistakes.

online proofreading app

Perfectly integrates with essential apps

Use Scribens anywhere you type

Avoid copy-pasting and keep the formatting of your original texts: Correct your texts on Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, forums, blogs, etc. Use Scribens as a seamless extension of Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, OpenOffice or LibreOffice.


Use our API to add Scribens to your website!

The advantages of SCRIBENS


Scribens corrects over 250 types of common grammar and spelling mistakes, including verbs, nouns, pronouns, prepositions, homonyms, punctuation, typography, and more.

Online corrections are included with explanations in order to help the user progress his or her English writing skills. Try our sample!


Scribens employs a sophisticated syntaxical recognition algorithm that detects even the most subtle errors in a text. In offering you an advanced correction software, Scribens allows you to significantly improve the quality of your writing.

Security and confidentiality

online proofreading app


Scribens detects stylistic elements such as repetitions, run-on sentences, redundancies, and more. It even suggests synonyms for every word. It also provides highly detailed statistics on your texts, such as word, sentence, and paragraph count as well as a readability indicator and more.

Scribens provides definitions, conjugations, and synonyms with an accompanying dictionary and thesaurus.

In 2023, 7 million people visited Scribens.com

- 1 million people regularly use Scribens' English grammar corrector at scribens.com -



Corrects ten times more errors than Microsoft Word


Improve your English with grammar rules explained


Definitions, conjugations, and synonyms

Detects repetitions, redundancies, and suggests synonyms


Premium Version

Integration in all your favorite applications

Text checker limited to 200,000 characters (approx. 50 pages)

Removal of ads across the entire site

online proofreading app

Enterprise Inquiry

Share your requirements with us and our team will respond to you promptly., ai proofreading tool​, english proofreading made easy with trinka ai.

Make your writing flawless with our AI-powered Proofreading Tool. Correct grammar, spelling errors, sentence structure, punctuation, tone, consistency, and much more with a single click!

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We are Trusted by


Best Online AI Proofreader for free

From grammar and spelling to sentence structure, tone, and more, Trinka ensures flawless documents. Trinka is an AI-powered writing tool that ensures your content is well-written, free of grammar and spelling errors, and uses correct punctuations. Craft exceptional content effortlessly and focus on delivering a clear message.

auto file

See How It Works

Want to know how easy it is to use Trinka's AI Proofreader Tool? Just check out this easy walk-through video and get started right away!

Have more questions? Browse through our FAQs here .

Trinka’s Online Proofreader is Ideal for:


For academics and researchers, Trinka is an essential tool for proofreading and refining scholarly articles, dissertations, and research papers. It assists in maintaining academic integrity and ensures effective communication of ideas.


Whether you're writing reports, presentations, or emails, Trinka can help polish your professional documents. It catches spelling errors, improves sentence structure, and enhances overall professionalism.

Trinka's proofreader is an invaluable tool for students of all levels. It can assist in editing essays, research papers, and assignments, ensuring impeccable grammar, clarity, and coherence.

Writers of Various Content

No matter the type of writing you engage in, Trinka is versatile enough to assist you. It can edit personal statements, cover letters, novels, social media posts, and more, helping you convey your message effectively.

Additional AI Writing Tools​

​Trinka offers immediate writing recommendations and advanced grammar assessments, assisting professionals and scholars in achieving formal, concise, and engaging writing.​​

Advanced Grammar Checks

Trinka's advanced grammar and spelling checks evaluate your writing for advanced grammar errors and suggest language enhancements to improve your writing quality.​

Neither the healthy individuals nor the patient recognize recognizes the visual discrepancies.

Sentence Structure

It helps you structure your sentences in a more formal manner based on your subject matter, making your writing easier to comprehend for your audience.

The students don't enjoy to go going over the same rules again and again.

Word Choice

Trinka accurately corrects word choice errors that obscure your writing, making it concise and clear, enabling you to communicate your intent accurately.

One of the reasons is because that the fabrication cost for of steel members depends upon the material.

Advanced Spell Check

Trinka's advanced spell checker knows the context of your writing and helps you pick the right word for your topic. No more awkward spelling errors!

The Bonferoni Bonferroni test was used to check for statistical significance.

Get Trinka Where You Need It

safari - Trinka AI grammar checker


James Smith - testimonial

First, I love Trinka. Congratulations on developing something that extensively aids editing, especially critical grammar conventions and word count reductions.

James Smith

Emmanuel Lochin - testimonial

I've been using Trinka for four months now, and I have extensive experience with other grammar checker systems. I've used the proofreader for two ten-page papers, and I must admit, I'm quite impressed by its quality and usefulness. I am very satisfied with Trinka and strongly recommend it for academic proofreading.

Emmanuel Lochin

Rosa Diaz Sandoval - testimonial

Writing texts with correct English grammar and style is not an easy task for people who speak other languages. Sometimes you cannot find little mistakes in your document without help and moreover for academic writing. I tried Trinka AI as a tool of automatic correction and was quite glad with the suggested corrections and the feedback. With the feedback you understand why the suggested change must be taken into account.

Rosa Diaz Sandoval

Fouad Khalifa - testimonial

Trinka has a robust proofreading feature that allows me to effortlessly upload entire manuscript documents and receive fully tracked changes in a single step. Moreover, its unique supporting tools such as citation checker and journal finder, significantly enhance the efficiency of my research endeavours.

Fouad Khalifa

Jesse Rumball-Smith - testimonial

I just wanted to say thank you for such a great and free service, all the other grammar checkers and writing assistants I have tried don’t have nearly the depth of features let alone all available on a free subscription. As a student with little income available I am extremely grateful that unlike all others companies you don’t limit features on the free plan. This is a fantastic product and given the income I would definitely upgrade to the premium. I've let all my fellow students know about Trinka as it is seriously a life saver.

Jesse Rumball-Smith

Dr. Farooq Rathore - testimonial

I have mainly used it to improve the language, grammar, and syntax of the scientific manuscripts that I write for national and international biomedical journals. I have found the interface to be user friendly and the procedure itself is efficient and hassle-free. The auto-edit is a great help and the supplementary page with the revision summary is an excellent idea.

Dr. Farooq Rathore

Dr. Nitin Wahi - testimonial

Trinka AI is a great tool to help beginners in research publication. Its grammar editing, online proofreading with file download, citation checker, plagiarism checker, paraphraser, and journal finder provide amazing features at your fingertips. Even the free Trinka Basic plan can be invaluable for researchers in their early stages or at PG levels, helping them improve project reports and papers to meet publication standards. Overall, I'm extremely impressed with Trinka AI, as it stands out among research writing tools. Give it a try and you will love it! Thanks Trinka AI team for this valuable tool.

Dr. Nitin Wahi

Georgieva Milena - testimonial

Trinka.ai is my most favorite choice for grammar and spelling edit. The application works correctly, is fast and tidily! Completely satisfied!

Georgieva Milena

Dinesh Gupta - testimonial

The grammar checking tool exceeds Grammarly! I re-checked some documents that I had checked earlier with Grammarly. I was pleasantly surprised to see such a product from India!

Dinesh Gupta

Aftab Hussain - testimonial

Trinka has awesome features. Advanced level of academic writing checker and suggestion are so original. I would highly recommend to others.

Aftab Hussain

Edith Davies - testimonial

I have tested Trinka and am impressed with its fine capabilities. It did better than the grammar checkers I use. Well done! I have told my colleagues in my research lab to use Trinka. Hope it is widely used in academia.

Edith Davies

Noor Al-rishi - testimonial

Trinka AI's suggested corrections and feedback astounded me. It is simple to use and extremely beneficial

Noor Al-rishi

Nwaji Jude - testimonial

It's been a wonderful experience using Trinka and I almost can't submit any manuscript without re-evaluating with it. In summary, Trinka has been a life-saver.

Stumpf Curtis - testimonial

I trust and use Trinka as a final spot check for my edited documents. It helps me find the few remaining errors that I have missed during the primary editing. I really like using this platform for my writing. One particular feature that works well for me is the thumbs down button.

Stumpf Curtis

Dyke Gareth - testimonial

I think Trinka.ai is a very interesting and potentially useful idea, especially for editors/publishers/journals. I found it very useful when I checked my editing work on the platform.

Dyke Gareth

Bhargava Sharma - testimonial

I am happy with the overall performance. I have been using Grammarly for a long while, but when it comes to academic or technical writing, Trinka is definitely a much better option. Academic document settings and auto file edit are my favorite features.

Bhargava Sharma

Ralph Bailey - testimonial

Trinka has become my go-to tool for grammar corrections. The AI-powered corrections and language enhancements made writing a lot more easier. Now I am able to focus more on research than on writing an error-free document.

Ralph Bailey

Thomas Andres - testimonial

The grammar correction and suggestion based on the AMA style guide is really impressive! Trinka is indeed the best grammar correction tool for medical writing.

Thomas Andres

What are you waiting for?

Frequently asked questions.

Proofreading tools carefully check your text, fixing any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. This helps you communicate your ideas confidently and without the distraction of errors. Try automated proofreading to enhance your writing significantly.

The quality of the original writing will determine this. A proofreader would be beneficial if you do not speak English and make several complex errors pertaining to logical construction in English. Trinka can fix thousands of grammatical mistakes and complex writing problems. However, AI is limited. If the construction is not logical, it cannot decipher your intended meaning. For those who possess sufficient knowledge of the English language to construct logically correct sentences, Trinka grammar checker can take care of tone, word choice, grammatical constructions, spelling, and a whole lot more.

Trinka’s grammar checker can be used on any web browser. It is also available as a browser plug-in for the most popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, to help you get grammar corrections on your favourite websites. Trinka is also available on MS Word add-in for premium users.

Use Trinka to check your writing online for free. It is an advanced AI-powered tool that makes your writing clear and easy to understand. With Trinka, you can check your text for everything from minor punctuation errors and typos to nuanced grammatical mistakes and phrasing problems. You can check your grammar for free anywhere on the internet with Trinka's browser plugin as well as in MS Word using the Trinka add-in for Word.

In order to check the grammatical correctness of a sentence, simply paste it in Trinka's spelling and grammar checker . Trinka will thoroughly check the sentence for punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary mistakes.

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Write 5x faster, 8 million+ users, 100+ points of grammar, grammar check + paraphrase = brilliant writing, rewrite any sentence, paragraph, or article using state-of-the-art ai.

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Mix and match sentence suggestions to make it yours., fine-tune your ideas with free synonyms and definitions., protect your writing from unintentional plagiarism., a free grammar checker available everywhere, our browser extensions work everywhere on the web, write faster than ever with our desktop app, proofread documents with our word add-in, enhance your writing on the go, proofread your text for all types of mistakes, leave grammar errors behind, eliminate punctuation mistakes, fix tricky & dyslexic spelling errors, enhance your writing.

13 Best Free Online Proofreading Tools to Write Flawless Content

Who else wants to write flawless contents that will impress others? If you are searching for proven ways to improve your writing, make sure to use online proofreading tools.

In this detailed guide, I’m going to show you the 13 best free online proofreading sites to create error-free content on your blogs. Whether you are writing for a blog or creating essays, proofreading is a must.

Here’s where using online proofreading tools will help you rectify your grammatical errors on the go.

Table of Contents

Why is proofreading important?

1. grammarly, 2. google docs, 4. wordrake, 5. paper rater, 6. grammarcheck, 7. language tool, 8. hemingway app, 9. spell check plus, 10. reverso, 11. prowritingaid, 13. stackedit, faqs | free online proofreading tools, final thoughts about using top free online proofreading tools.

proofreading importance

Whether you’re a blogger, writer, or student, you need to create flawless content to attract an audience. If you want to create a successful career online, you already know that blogging is one of the best ways.

Blogging is mostly about writing error-free content. Google gives top rewards to the sites that consistently update their pages with flawless content.

If you are not getting top results for most keywords you are trying, you might be writing content that is full of grammatical errors. So finding errors and writing error-free content on your blogs or websites is really crucial if you want to bring more traffic from search engines .

That’s why proofreading is important and you need to always take care of the content you are publishing online. Whether you are writing for blogs or academic articles, you need to proofread your articles before submitting them to someone.

Proofreading softwares have many benefits including correcting your typos on the go and you can easily save them in docs or text files.

That said, if you want to create flawless content, try Jasper. Jasper is a great way to create content automatically and it also works as an incredible writing tool. 

We’ve been using it for some time and so far and it’s working great. You can read our review on Jasper or check out Jasper pricing plans if you want more information before signing up with them. You can also try Jasper 7-day free trial from here.

Few solid proofreading tips to create flawless content:

  • Always make sure to re-read your articles or essays before publishing.
  • Read your content loudly to rectify your grammatical mistakes or typos easily.
  • Ask your friends to easily find out the mistakes on your content. Or hire an editor to easily make corrections.
  • Write in small paragraphs so that you can easily figure out where you are making grammar mistakes. Also use short sentences if you want to hone your writing skills.

Make sure to use proofreading sites online to write great content without any typos. Let’s now get into the details.

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Top 13 online free proofreading tools

Best free online proofreading tools

Currently, Grammarly is the most accurate tool for grammatical corrections in the market. This site not only helps you find your grammatical errors but also gives you relevant explanations of each mistake. This is a huge advantage for people whose native language is not English.


It also has an in-built plagiarism checker that will help you find the duplicate contents in a copy. It also checks the word count and gives you precise details about the document you are working on.

Here are a few benefits of using Grammarly to write error-free content .

  • Eliminates most writing mistakes
  • Works wherever you write online (this tool helps you write mistake-free in Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and nearly anywhere else you write on the web)
  • Built by the world’s leading linguists

Get Grammarly here for free

There’s a reason why I put Google Docs in the second place in the online proofreading tools list. The reason is it’s not only free but Google Docs provides excellent features to edit your writing on the go. You can also include Add-ons such as Thesaurus, Lucidchart diagrams, Template gallery, etc to make your editing process easier while writing.

Google Docs

You can save the files even offline when the connection is lost or if you simply like to write without having Internet connection. All in all, Google Docs is the perfect writing solution for all the writers who are into essay writing, copywriting, etc.

Here are the features of using Google Docs for editing.

  • It offers 15GB of free space for all the Gmail users
  • You can keep and save almost any file
  • Share how you want
  • Safe and secure

Start using Google Docs

Believe it or not, Ginger software is the world’s best grammar checker. It’s one of the best online proofreading tools that help you easily correct your sentences without having to worry much.


If you want to improve your writing and productivity on the go, start using Ginger software. It will give you effortless features to hone your writing skills without having errors. If you are always making silly mistakes while creating blog posts or writing essays , try Ginger.

It will ensure that your writing is flawless but it does require you to stay online if you want it to make changes on the go.

According to the Ginger website, it uses the most sophisticated “patent-pending technology to decipher the semantic meaning and context of text input, by comparing it to billions of similar sentences from the web.”

Here are a few powerful features of the Ginger tool.

  • Offers great English corrections
  • Works in Microsoft Office and browsers
  • Lightweight application
  • Great design
  • Built-in dictionary
  • Automatic translator

Try Ginger tool now

WordRake is a powerful writing assistant tool for professionals like bloggers, writers, and editors. WordRake is created by lawyer and writing expert Gary Kinder.


WordRake is the first and only automated in-line editing software that can be used to seamlessly edit in Microsoft Word and Outlook. WordRake uses a ton of algorithmic rules that provide you accurate context suggestions to improve your writing. 

Here are a few powerful features of WordRake;

  • Offers you an automated in-line editing software 
  • It’s available for Mac or Windows
  • Offers one-click editing for both Microsoft Word and Outlook
  • It helps you easily find high-level grammar and punctuation mistakes

Start using WordRake

Correctly spelled words used in the wrong context mean embarrassing mistakes for you. So this tool helps you with the most advanced “contextual spell checker” to easily rectify your grammatical errors.

Paper Rater writing tool

‘Paper Rater’ is a free proofreading software that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to help writers and students write better.

Here are a few powerful features of Paper Rater;

  • Grammar & Spelling Check
  • Free Proofreader
  • No Downloads Required
  • It will also check for any duplicate contents using its plagiarism detection tools
  • It also gives you writing suggestions to improve your writing

Try Paper Rater

GrammarCheck is another widely popular proofreading tool that checks your text for grammatical errors instantly.

You can paste your content or enter your text into the form on their website.

Here’s what it looks like;


Once you click on the “Free Check” button, the tool will instantly show you the grammatical mistakes if any. 

If you see an underlined spelling error or grammar suggestion in your text, click on it to see more options so you can make necessary corrections. 

Here are a few features of GrammarCheck;

  • Free proofreading tool to quickly find grammar mistakes
  • Easy to use as you can paste the content or enter text on their tool
  • Helps easily find spelling errors, gives style suggestions, and grammar suggestions

Start using GrammarCheck

LanguageTool is an Open Source proof­reading program for English, French, German, Polish, and more than 20 other languages.

Language Tool

This online proofreading software finds many grammatical errors that a simple spell checker like MS Word can’t detect and enables you to write flawless content. If you’re using the LibreOffice or OpenOffice add-on you can also make use of this free tool “Language Tool”.

Here are the awesome features of this amazing proofreading tool;

  • It’s completely free to use
  • It also offers a free browser extension to proofread on the go
  • You can use this tool to check grammar, style, and spelling mistakes in your text

Try Language Tool for Free

The Hemingway app is one of the popular online proofreading apps used for distraction-free writing. It offers an easy-to-use editing tool that helps you improve your writing.

Hemingway app

You can paste your content or paragraphs into the Hemingway App editor and it instantly shows you all the writing mistakes (and gives you suggestions).

Hemingway App

As you can see above, if you see text highlighted in red, your sentence is complicated to understand. So, you can simplify that highlighted text to polish your writing.

Here’s the list of features offered by the Hemingway App;

  • The online version of Hemingway Editor is completely free to use
  • Helps you polish your writing
  • Helps you identify sentences that are too complex to understand
  • Hemingway will provide you with a readability grade 

Start using Hemingway App

‘Spell check plus’ uses an advanced yet user-friendly interface for all of you to check your text to see if there are any errors in your text.


The great feature of this tool is that it targets a number of errors made by second language learners of English. So this tool is a blessing for the people whose native language is not English and who still want to improve their English writing skills .

Spell check plus design almost resembles the MS Word interface but it will catch more grammatical mistakes that MS Word won’t catch. This tool allows you to paste the text into the text box, once you enter the text, you will see if there are any errors in your copy after clicking the button “Check Text”.

This online tool is able to detect problems with words that sound the same. For ex: there versus their, its versus it’s, etc.

This tool catches thousands of commonly confused words that other spell checkers ignore.

Features include:

  • It is available online and therefore accessible from any computer.
  • It follows a pedagogical approach that encourages learning
  • It updates automatically

Try Spell Check Plus for free

Reverso is a free online translation, dictionary, grammar, and spell-check tool that provides you great features to edit your writing easily.

reverso spell checker

This tool also offers online translation into French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, and Japanese.

Here are a few great features of the Reverso tool:

  • You can benefit from a translation service that has been tested on millions of translations and has been constantly improved
  • Optimize the translation quality thanks to the automatic spell checking of the mistakes contained in the original text of your documents
  • You can improve your oral skills and your accent by listening to native speakers pronunciation of whole texts
  • You can also translate idioms and suggest better translations that could improve the translator
  • View the dictionaries results on the same page and discover the various meanings of words

So what are you waiting for?

Try Reverso Tool

ProWritingAid is an incredible proofreading platform used by over 1 million authors, editors, students, and professionals worldwide.

ProWritingAid tool

It gives you in-depth reports on your content’s sentence structure, punctuation issues, repeated phrases, and more to improve your writing.


Read: ProWritingAid Discount 2024: 20% Off On Premium Plans

Here’s the features list of ProWritingAid;

  • Helps you with grammar checking, sentence formation, punctuation mistakes, etc
  • Offers free browser extensions so you can check real-time grammar and spell checking online
  • Extremely user friendly that can be used as a personal writing coach

Try ProWritingAid Now

Ludwig is a popular sentence search engine used by over 15 million users worldwide to improve their writing.

Ludwig offers highly relevant context examples taken from trusted sources to help you write better in English. Unlike other proofreading tools mentioned on this list, Ludwig helps you write PROPER sentences in English.


As you can see above, once you enter a word or phrase, Ludwig shows you how professional writers have used that word or phrase.

Here are the awesome features of Ludwig;

  • You can find your sentence in the best contexts
  • Ludwig also helps you easily translate into English in the best possible way
  • It currently has over 200 million English sentences 
  • Discover the missing word in your text
  • Helps you properly paraphrase your sentences

Try Ludwig Now

StackEdit is a popular open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown. If you’re a blogger or online creator who’s looking to use Markdown to create professional-looking content, StackEdit is a great tool for you.


It also offers a live preview function as well as built-in spell checking to improve your writing.

Here are the features offered by StackEdit;

  • Works as a spell-checking tool
  • The ability to write in this app, and edit your content with Markdown tools as you go
  • You can upload your content directly to your blog or online storage drives such as Google Drive and Dropbox
  • Allows you to insert inline comments in your files

Try StackEdit For Free

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  • Top Blogging Skills You Need to Become a Successful Blogger in 2024
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  • Best Online Grammar Checker Tools to Polish Your Writing
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Re-read your content loudly, ask a friend, write small paragraphs, use short sentences, and make sure to use some proofreading sites for error-free writing.

For me, it’s Grammarly. I have been using Grammarly to proofread my blog posts from the beginning and it works like a charm for me.

Yes, it’s free to use. Apart from the free version, you can also opt for its paid services to get more features.

Yes, there are so many but I would recommend you go with the Pro Writing Aid, the best free Grammarly alternative . You can also use tools like free plagiarism checkers like Writer if you want to check duplicate content.

Of course, you can earn money from proofreading. As software testers, there are proofreaders for flawless writing work.

There are lots of freelancing sites available like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, etc. where you can easily get suitable work online.

Here are the three best proofreading software tools for professionals who want to improve their writing.

– Grammarly (uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to assist you with better writing) – Ginger Software (it has developed language enhancement technology that uses statistical algorithms to improve your writing) – WhiteSmoke (can be used as a grammar checker, spell checker, and style checker tool)

A proofreading tool is a writing assistant tool that helps you correct your English grammar, style, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Most proofreading tools help you check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors with a single click.

Yes, if you’re a student, editor, author, or professional who regularly writes and looking to improve your writing, Grammarly premium is worth every penny as its pricing starts at $11.66 per month.

Here are some of the best free proofreading tools you can use in 2024.

– Grammarly  – SpellCheckPlus – Reverso – Hemingway App

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So next time if you want to write flawless content without having any typos or grammatical errors and want to impress your blog readers with your writing, make sure to use the free online proofreading tools listed in this post. Feel free to bookmark this page as it will come to be handy in the future too.

No matter what type of tool or service you use, there’s always one defect – almost none of them rectifies your grammatical mistakes with 100% accuracy with today’s technology. So don’t get disappointed, just make sure to read better stuff and keep on writing every single day to hone your writing skills.

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Reader Comments (13)

First of all, great list.

I am using Grammarly, and it has been an absolute game-changer for me when it comes to proofreading my writing. It is, without a doubt, the best proofreading tool I have ever used. The real-time suggestions and corrections it offers have significantly improved the quality of my work.

What I love most about Grammarly is its versatility. Whether I’m writing an important email, a blog post, or even a social media caption, Grammarly is always there to ensure that my content is error-free and polished. The seamless integration with various platforms and the browser extension make it incredibly convenient to use.

I will also check out the other options you mentioned in the post.

Cheers, Aziz Malek

I have been using Grammarly from the beginning to proofread my blog posts and it’s amazing.

Chrome extension and MS Word integration work very well.

I will definitely consider the other options you mentioned in the post.

Thanks Amit Garg

The Tools are very useful to the content for the story and the thesis writing to the content writers and the students also. It helps to improve the writing skill and the communication skill for the writers.

Proofreading and editing is just not a cup of cake. A right mix of software is required to support your proofreading. As a proofreader, I think these would definitely help me out in my work.

Proofreading and editing is just not a cup of cake. A right mix of software is required to support your proofreading. Excellent points Min, truly said. Editing is definitely a masters game and you should get access to the right online proofreading tools if you really want to keep your content tight.

Have a look at typely.com. It has some unique features.

Thanks for the suggestion, I’d definitely check it out.

A very useful blog post . I downloaded Ginger and started using it. It proved to be quite helpful. Since I am in writing profession, these kind of tools is an advantage for me. Saves time and corrects mistakes. Thanks for sharing a very useful post. 🙂

Hi Shilpi, glad you found it useful and honestly, Grammarly is the most popular Grammar and punctuation checker tool currently which is literally used by millions of people worlwide. However, there are other solutions like Ginger, Pro Writing Aid and Whitesmoke which are great for online proofreading, so you should check them out as well.

Thank you for the comprehensive review of proof reading tools,

I love to proofread my content myself. We do have a very strong team of proofreaders and enhancers on GuestCrew but I love to proofread my own personal content myself.

However yes, that does leave room for mistakes. Am thinking to give grammarly a try soon – been hearing about it for some time.

will surely check out the rest of the tools that you have mentioned,

thanks, Uttoran Sen,

Hi Sen, Glad you found this comprehensive review of proof reading tools helpful. So what online proofreading tools are you currently using? GuestCrew is great but there are also tools like Ginger, Whitesmoke, Grammarly etc that can help you improve your writing.

This is helpful. Thanks for sharing this online, this is a good start up tips for all aspiring and so as for professional writers. Cheers!

Hey Anil great article. i hope these tools will increase my writing ability. Thanks

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online proofreading app

Best Free Online Proofreading Tools For Research

These days, AI tools are transforming our lives in every aspect. This AI trend is felt as strongly in the field of academic writing as anywhere else. Many researchers use AI paper editors to save both time and money while writing their research papers.

There are many AI Proofreaders available on the Internet, claiming to help writers improve their writing and make content error-free.

What are AI Proofreading tools?

AI proofreading tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence to correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style in texts, enhancing clarity and readability for various types of writing.

However, these popular online proofreading tools are geared towards bloggers and content creators. Unfortunately, this leaves many technical, academic, and scientific writers such as researchers and graduate students with generalized tools that are not as specific or useful as they could be.

For example, one pet peeve cited by many academic writers is the blanket classification of passive voice as an error identified by online proofreaders such as Grammarly, whereas it is commonly used in scientific writing.

As a result, researchers and academics are faced with a dilemma: Do they continue to use free online proofreading tools that are not specific for their purpose? Or do they abandon their usage altogether and lose the benefit of saving time?

In this article, we’ll answer the following questions and choose the three best AI proofreading software applications for writing research papers.

  • Why do researchers use online proofreading tools?
  • How is academic research writing different?
  • Are free proofreading apps practical for research writing?
  • What are the best free online proofreading tools for researchers?

Why Researchers use AI Proofreading Tools

Any academic researcher, graduate student, or professor can tell you that one of the most essential components of success (and getting published in academic journals) is the ability to write quickly, accurately, and according to academic guidelines.

Researchers and graduate students often struggle with how to write a hypothesis or research question . Not to mention, there is the entire time-consuming research proposal process , followed by drafting, incorporating an advisor’s feedback, and revisions.

This means that basic spelling errors, grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, abbreviation consistency, and formatting issues are often left until the end – when it’s too late or time is short.

In other words, not much time is spent on editing and proofreading journal articles or dissertations because the science is more important.

However, proofreading and editing are critical to preparing any academic piece of writing. Editing and proofreading accomplish different tasks as well. Proofreading is necessary to correct any errors and ensure professionalism, whereas editing aligns a writer’s purpose, focuses scope, and makes usage of terms and tone consistent.

This is especially true for graduate students and researchers writing a dissertation in a second language .

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Research paper editors solve many of the above issues. They help researchers save time and put them in a position to focus on the scientific meaning, scope, and implications of their manuscript.

How Academic Research Writing is Different

One issue facing researchers is that academic writing, including dissertations and theses , is a very specific, narrow, and rigorous form of writing. They are objective, long, thesis-driven, and subject to peer review – they are reports.

In contrast, college admissions essays and personal statements are more intent-driven with a clear, achievable goal, designed to inspire and convince. In a sense, they are more marketing mediums than reports.

Structure and Format

There are also significant differences in structure and format. While the college admissions essay format is journey-driven and designed to bring the reader into a very personal narrative, academic research writing often starts with a standard checklist with the same typical sections – hypothesis, research purpose, materials & methods, results, etc.

Effective academic writing also requires understanding the audience – which will be research colleagues in the same field.

While an admissions essay may be intended for a very quick read by a counselor, an academic manuscript is different – it will be scrutinized word for word by researchers, professors, or experts in the field. After all, the peer review process is based on the replication of someone else’s research.

Thus, word choice, sentence structure, and grammatical structures should be considered in academic writing.

For example, in organic chemistry, the standard IUPAC nomenclature system is used in an academic setting. A basic science article in chemistry, biochemistry, or biology would use these terms. However, the common name "acetic acid" is systematically named "ethanoic acid". And to make things even more complicated, the public knows this chemical as common vinegar!

This very basic example demonstrates how research writing differs from common essay writing.

Are free online proofreading tools practical for research writing?

Research writing must not only be free of grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and formatting issues; it must be aligned with particular guidelines set forth by universities and journals.

So can any free online proofreading tools accomplish this specifically for researchers? Let’s take a look.

Best Free Online Proofreading Tool for Researchers

1. wordvice ai – proofreading tool for researchers.

wordvice ai writing assistant

Wordvice AI is a free AI text editor created by Wordvice, a professional proofreading and editing service tailored explicitly towards researchers and academics.

Wordvice AI's free AI proofreading tool is unique and stands apart from other free online proofreading apps in that it was explicitly designed with researchers, business professionals, and students in mind.

Moreover, it was created by applying machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to Wordvice’s proprietary collection of past academic manuscripts, dissertations, theses, essays, and business documents.

Online Proofreading for Academics

wordvice ai writing assistant screenshot

✅ Academic & Research: Real-time suggestions specifically tailored to academic readability and writing level ❌ No browser extension – only accessible via web app and Microsoft Word
✅ Integration with Wordvice AI: Use , together for improved research paper writing.
✅ Integration with Wordvice: Can easily download proofread manuscripts and then upload for
✅ Reduce Word count: Use Concise mode to
✅ Choose Free or Premium Plan
✅ Microsoft Word Add-in: Easily use proofreading tools in MS Word
Free $9.95 - 19.95 / Month
(Annual - Monthly)
$9.95 / Month

2. Grammarly – great for coursework and writing essays

Grammarly example

Grammarly is currently the largest and one of the most popular AI-driven online proofreading apps. It is centered on student writing, essays, and education. It has both free and paid plans.

Grammarly comes with a plagiarism checker, one of its most used features, especially among students.

Almost everyone who does any type of writing for a living will have a Grammarly subscription. At this point, it’s like having a library card or access to the Internet itself. However, just having access to the library doesn’t guarantee you will find the book you’re looking for.

There are significant concerns among the academic community regarding the appropriateness and effectiveness of Grammarly for academic research writing , proofreading, and editing.

One issue is the notion of privacy among researchers and common users alike. Grammarly has a robust privacy policy but raises some concerns about how invasive its extension is.

Grammarly app screenshot

A Lifehacker article detailed issues such as its copious usage of browser resources.

This doesn’t change how powerful, functional, and accessible Grammarly is for millions of students, bloggers, and writers. It’s simply a question of one’s comfort level and its usefulness for research.

✅ Most popular grammar checker tool – and will remain so! ❌ Not specific for researchers or academic writing – fails to understand academic writing despite having a “formal” tone button
✅ Broad usage audience – students, bloggers, communications, etc. ❌ Controversial privacy issues
✅ Accessible: browser extensions, desktop app, phone app, browser app
✅ Dependable: As the industry leader, they’ll likely stick around
Free $12 / Month $15 / Month

3. Readable – adjust your readability level

Readable app screenshot

Readable is one of the newer online proofreading tools on the market. Instead of focusing on grammatical mistakes or checking, their entire model is based on the concept of readability – which is a measure of how easy your content is to read for your target audience.

Readability is an important metric for research writing because amateur academics often struggle with repetitive phrasing , repeated sentence structures, and run-on sentences.

Readable gives various readability metrics such as grade level, score, statistics, and language issues. However, the UI/UX is not modern looking or very pleasurable to interact with or look at.

Lastly, Readable seemed to lack any type of research-related advice regarding readability, which is their supposed main feature. For example, they score an entire list of readability indices – SMOG index, Rix, Raygor, Coleman-Liau – and many others.

While it is certainly nice to receive readability scores, their usefulness remains in question for not just a research writer but any writer looking to make substantial changes. The tool feels more for pure scoring as an exercise than for creating an actionable piece of writing.

For example, the Coleman-Liau index is education-focused only.

Coleman-Liau Index

Meanwhile, the Raygor index is based on middle-school readability.

It stands to question how appropriate or valuable it is for middle-schoolers (or teachers of middle schoolers) to focus on readability over things like meaning or content.

Raygor Readability

The only readability index remotely related to academic or research writing was the SMOG index.

SMOG Index

✅ Provides clear metrics and scores for readability ❌ Insufficient grammar checking
✅ Perfect for educators or anyone with a younger audience ❌ Not useful for researchers; overly specific to grade or middle school students
❌ No continuous free plan
$4 / Month $24 / Month $69 / Month

Proofreading Apps FAQs

Are online proofreaders accurate.

Automatic proofreaders use AI, machine learning, and often 3rd party algorithms to suggest improvements related to grammar mistakes, readability, and sentence structure.

They are mostly accurate but sometimes give false suggestions that are inappropriate or overzealous. They seldom miss an outright grammar mistake.

Wordvice AI is unique because it was developed and trained on tens of thousands of privately edited research and academic manuscripts, making it the best and most professional free research paper editor.

What is the difference between free and paid online proofreading tools?

These days, the degree of accuracy of most proofreading tools is fairly similar. Free online proofreading tools will still be precise – the difference is how much access you have to premium features and more advanced suggestions.

For example, free versions may not suggest improvements for academic-related issues such as passive versus active voice . Wordvice AI is entirely free to use with a Basic plan, but also has a Premium plan that allows you to access all of the tool’s features.

Can I only use a free online proofreader instead of an editor?

Online proofreading tools are just tools. They operate by making suggestions, not mandatory changes.

Beyond their field of study, a researcher or PhD student must also know the English language, writing and grammar language rules , and how to edit/proofread – online proofreaders cannot make those decisions for you.

Wordvice is a professional editing and proofreading service that offers academic editing , manuscript editing , and admissions editing for students.

Typely - Free online proofreading

Free online proofreading

A reliable proofreading tool for any writer.

Typely - free online proofreading

A complete environment

Typely is more than just a proofreading tool. It's a complete writing environment.

Thousands of checks

More than a thousand checks are being performed and we've only scratched the surface.

Inspired by the greatest writers

Gain access to humanity’s collective understanding about the craft of writing.

A proofreading tool that does not bark at every tree

Typely is precise. Existing tools for proofreading raise so many false alarms that their advice cannot be trusted. Instead, the writer must carefully consider whether to accept or reject each change.

We aim for a tool so precise that it becomes possible to unquestioningly adopt its recommendations and still come out ahead — with stronger, tighter prose. Better to be quiet and authoritative than loud and unreliable.

unobtrusive proofreading tool

Relax, focus, write your next masterpiece...

Writing presumes more than simply laying out words on a paper. Typely helps you get in the mood and keeps you focused, immersed and ready to write your story.

Whether you need a distraction-free environment, some chill relaxing sounds or a pomodoro timer to manage your time we got you covered.

Got questions? We have answers.

No. Typely is completely free and we plan on keeping it that way. We are considering some advanced features however that might be available under a premium plan.

The only limit we have applied thus far is on the number of characters you can submit and that is being set at a maximum of 50,000.

In theory yes but that will require a lot of work and professionals dedicated for this job. We are considering a way of letting the community participate somehow.

Typely does not do grammar checking because it's hard and almost impossible to get right. The aim for Typely is to be precise and reliable.

Free online proofreading

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Top 10 FREE Online Proofreading Tools [2024 SELECTIVE]

online proofreading app

Edited by Vijay

online proofreading app

We publish unbiased product and service reviews; our opinions are our own and are not influenced by our advertising partners. Learn more about how we review products and read our advertiser disclosures.

A Comprehensive list of Top Free Online Proofreading Tools with Features, Pricing, and Comparison. Select the Best Online Proofreader for Error-Free Writing:

Imagine that you are writing a thesis for your degree and have toiled very hard to get it flowing well and driving your research to a powerful conclusion.

The last thing you would want is to get a poor score simply because the sentence structure, grammar, and spelling are not up to the standards. This would send your dreams to the graveyard too early in your career.

Luckily, several free online proofreading tools can be used to polish your thesis and make it error-free. These online proofreaders can help you deliver a thesis that will create a great impression and help you succeed in your preferred field of study.

Top Online Proofreading Tools

Table of Contents:

Online Proofreading Tools

List of the best online proofreading tools, #1) prowritingaid, #2) linguix, #3) grammarly, #4) paperrater, #6) proofreading tool, #8) slick write, #9) ginger software, #10) proofread bot, #11) polishmywriting, #12) scalenut, online proofreaders – faqs, was this helpful, recommended reading.

In this tutorial, we will see some of the top online proofreading tools that can be used to polish any writing piece and make it error-free.

Fact Check: The productivity of any business with an online presence is directly affected by the communication they offer. The rapid growth of global innovations in connectivity has made it important for all the businesses – small or big, to have excellent English applied in their communications.

Poor communication in the USA and UK alone has caused losses topping $37 billion in 2018. This is mostly due to the language barrier in multicultural work environments.

Properly crafted English writing is critical as it is the preferred mode of communication across global business niches. This demand has led to a huge growth in people learning English as a second language (ESL).

Stats on English learning students

Suggested reading =>> Top 10 Essay Checker And Corrector

Free online proofreaders are being used to bridge this gap, thereby people who have a poor understanding of the English language can still produce top-notch content.

  • ProWritingAid
  • Proofreading Tool
  • Slick Write
  • Ginger Software
  • Proofread Bot
  • Polishmywriting

Comparison of Top Free Online Proofreaders

Tool Name and DeveloperStarting PriceMain FeaturesUsability/ReliabilityOur Rating
Free version. Price starts at $79/year. Grammar checks, spelling errors correction, real-time editing, etc. Powerful & easy to use.
20 powerful writing reports with the free version.
5 stars
Free to use, starts at $30/monthAI-based paraphrasing, content quality score, suggestions, grammar check, spell checkEasy to use and free Spelling and grammar checker4.5 stars
($23.96 – Monthly)
($47.96 – Quarterly)
($111.96 – Annually)
Grammar Check
Plagiarism Detection
Reporting & Statistics
Text Editor
Spell Check
Style Check
Punctuation Check
Excellent on all levels.4 stars
($7.95 -Monthly)
($71.55 – Annually)
Grammar Check
Plagiarism Detection
Reporting & Statistics
Spell Check
Text Editor
Basics features on free version.
Premium version offers more features
3 stars
FreePunctuation Check
Reporting & Statistics
Spell Check
Style Check
Text Editor
Crucial features such as plagiarism check left out of free version
3 stars
One Week Free Trial
($9.97 – Monthly)
($49.97 – Biannually)
($74.97 – Annually)
Grammar Check
Punctuation Check
Spell Check
Text Editor
A great tool to use.
Free 7-day trial of premium features
3.5 stars
Pay-as-you-go (per word)Grammar Check
Punctuation Check
Plagiarism Check
Text Editor
Spell Check
Human editing online proofreading service.
Easy-to-use and has a waiting period.
3 stars

Let’s start with the review of the top 10 Free Online Proofreaders!!

Best for Fiction/Nonfiction Authors, Bloggers & Content Writers, Students, and Business Writers, etc.


Price: ProWritingAid offers a free version.  There are two premium plans, ProWritingAid Premium ($79 per year) and ProWritingAid Premium+ ($89 per year). Its monthly, yearly, and Lifetime subscription plans are also available.

ProWritingAid Pricing

ProWritingAid is an all-in-one solution that includes a grammar checker, style editor, and writing mentor. It will provide several benefits such as improving efficiency, enhancing your reputation, maintaining brand consistency, and developing skills & capability. It provides suggestions for repeated words and phrases.

ProWritingAid can be used for free online. It provides 20 powerful writing reports. The premium version offers the desktop application and integration with browsers & other apps. It supports MS Outlook, MSWord, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, OpenOffice, Scrivener, and Google Docs.

  • ProWritingAid will identify clichés, redundancies, overused words that make sentence construction awkward.
  • It will help you with correcting Grammar and spelling errors.
  • It can provide suggestions for real-time editing.
  • The Summary reports will give you statistics of your writing.
  • Writing Style Report will highlight several areas of writing that need to be revised and hence the readability will be improved like passive & hidden verbs, over-reliance on adverbs, repeated sentence starts, etc.
  • The free version can edit only 500 words at a time.
  • Even with the Premium+ plan, it has limitations on plagiarism checks.

Verdict: ProWritingAid is powerful and easy to use. Its Writing Style Report is a popular and comprehensive one. With premium plans, there will not be any word limit.

You will get a desktop version and integration with various applications with the premium plans only. Premium+ plan includes some advanced features like plagiarism checking.

Best for  All forms of writing and subject matters.


Price: It has a free plan and three premium plan variants.


Linguix has a very basic free online proofreading plan. It highlights spelling mistakes and gives you suggestions when you hover over the highlighted text. The premium plans offer a lot more, such as proper grammar check, etc.

  • Grammar and spell checks with suggestions are provided.
  • Simple uncluttered interface.
  • It allows you to teach the bot unfamiliar words that you would like to use.
  • Buy proofread bots for advanced features.
  • Multi-lingual support
  • AI-powered paraphrasing

Cons: The free version performs poorly when it comes to grammar checking. It only corrects spelling mistakes. The sentence in the screenshot is intentionally wrong and the “You gone get….” (You’re going to get…) is not highlighted, and is marked for editing in the premium version.

Verdict: Great tool if you are only interested in spelling mistakes and basic grammar corrections. If you want advanced editing, then you need to buy one of the premium versions and unlock more features.

Best for  Entry to advanced level writers.


Price: Grammarly has both free and premium options as shown in the image below.


Grammarly offers a wide range of free online proofreading features. Check your documents for spelling, structure, and grammar mistakes. The tool also checks for plagiarism in your text.

Advanced features are available only in the premium versions, but the free version is quite advanced and will give excellent results. There are three premium plans for individual users and one for business users, such as a company.

  • Grammar and Spell Check
  • Highlighted Writing Suggestions that you correct just by simply clicking.
  • Scoring and Reporting
  • Places correction on a list that allows you to click on each to correct and skip those that should remain as they are.

Cons: Advanced proofreading checks are only available in the premium versions.

Verdict: Grammarly is a great free online proofreader. It scans through the document within seconds and gives you the results in a list that you can scroll through, by making corrections wherever you need them. It allows you to upload and store documents on their servers so that you can access them later on.

Best for  High school students and entry-level writers.

paperrater screen

Price: Free basic option with limited features. Premium version costs $7.95/month (25% discounted) and has a free trial period.


Paperrater is a free online proofreader that allows you to check your writing for spelling and grammatical errors. It provides suggestions where errors are found. Unfortunately, you have to activate the plagiarism checker whenever you use Paperrater as it is not a standard feature.

The basic option allows you to check 50 documents of max 5 pages per month, but for a minimum discounted fee of $7.95/month, you can check up to 200 papers of max 20 pages per month and have access to its premium features.

  • Writing Suggestions
  • Automated Scoring
  • Advanced Plagiarism Checker (Premium)
  • File Upload (Premium)

Cons: Too many features left out of the basic version, making it unsuitable for advanced proofreading purposes.

Verdict: The free Paperrater option comes with basic features for simple writing and is not useful for advanced proofreading tasks. The plagiarism check feature is not available in the basic option. This tool is ideal for high school papers and entry-level writing.

Best for  Writers of all levels.

Price: Completely free for an unlimited number of documents.


Typely is a feature-rich free online proofreader that allows you to customize proofreading settings to meet your exact needs. The tool gives you the statistics by showing your rating, word use, punctuation, etc., among other parameters.

You can export the document to your desktop or Google docs for storage once you are done with correcting typos, grammar, and other mistakes. Typely is still “young” when compared to other online proofreading tools, with frequent updates thereby making it excellent for checking your work.

  • Highlighted Writing Suggestions
  • Set Scoring and Reporting

Cons: The tool does not have a plagiarism checker and does not have a feature to upload a document; you have to copy and paste your text on the interface.

Verdict: Typely, though advanced in its grammar and spell check algorithm, it does not allow for plagiarism checks. This is a crucial feature while writing for the web or academic purposes. Typely is fully free and does not limit the documents that you can check, but the number of characters is capped at 50,000.

Best for  Grading essays and business communications.

Proofreading tool

Price: 7-day trial of advanced features.

proofreading tool-pricing

The proofreading tool comes with advanced editing features. It can check your document for punctuation, verboseness, colloquialism, difficult phrases, and a lot more.

The spelling and grammar check is fast, thereby allowing you to quickly make changes to your document. You can correct words or sentences by clicking on the highlights to get suggestions.

  • Grammar and Spell Check.
  • Click highlighted words and sentences to get suggestions.
  • Scoring and Reporting on a wide range of issues on the document.
  • Grades your work by enabling you to improve on a lot of issues on the document.
  • Download your document to your desktop or save it on their server to continue editing at a later date without starting all over again.
  • Paste or upload documents for proofreading.

Cons: You have to register to use the tool.

Verdict: The proofreading tool is excellent for grading, correcting, and improving your writing. It highlights areas that could do with improvement, which you can change or ignore.

The grading system allows serious writers to fully edit their work to top-notch quality. The simple and robust interface allows you to do your editing at one convenient place.

Best for  All levels of writing, especially advanced writing projects.


Price: Pay-as-you-go pricing structure which you can pay using various payment processors.


Wordy is not a completely free online proofreader. It has a fixed rate per word. The process is not automated and you may have to wait for more than an hour to get your document back. The tool is multi-lingual and can proofread documents in up to 15 different languages.

  • Pay-as-you-go pricing structure.
  • Edit in the exact format, E.g. Finance, Corporate, Academic, Health, etc.
  • Editing is done by human editors.

Cons: There is a lengthy waiting period to get your document back.

Verdict: Wordy is great for serious writers. The Pay-as-you-go structure may not appeal to those who do not want to spend a lot on proofreading. The editing is done by human editors which accounts for the waiting period before you get your document back.

The advantage here is that you get your document edited correctly according to the subject matter.

Best for  Real-time writing, article checking, and formatting.

slick write

Price: Completely free but comes with a tip jar, where you can leave a tip for the developers if you enjoyed using the tool.

Slick Write Tipping1

Slick Write is a customizable free online proofreader, that allows you to select the subject matter before you make corrections. You can also write on the tool, and it will remember all the text that you input, even if you have to stop and continue later.

  • Quick and easy grammar and spell-check.
  • Create graphs and other charts from the data you use.
  • Customize the feedback.
  • Extensions for Chrome and Firefox.

Cons: The tool for creating metaphors is inaccurate.

Verdict: Excellent tool for all types of writing assignments. It allows you to customize the settings so that you get feedback according to your needs and create graphs using the data you input. Although it is free, you can give a tip if you enjoyed the experience.

Best for  Real-time writing using extensions and correct as you go along.


Price: Free to use with limits on the number of corrections per week while using the extension. The online version is always free. Premium plans are shown below.


Ginger is a fantastic free online proofreading tool, that has extensions for Microsoft Office and most browsers. You get real-time suggestions as you go through your document. It also has an online interface where you can paste the text for corrections.

  • Real-time grammar and spell-check using extensions.
  • Register to use some of the advanced features.
  • Proofreads online content such as emails that you send.

Cons: Sometimes the server fails especially when many people are using the tool.

Verdict: A great tool for fast and easy grammar, spell, structure checking, etc. It is robust and has several features geared to make your work shine.

Best for  Entry to intermediate level of writing

Proofread bot

Price: Free to use with advanced features boxed up in premium packages as shown below.


Proofread Bot is a free grammar checker that is suitable for entry to intermediate writers. The free version is similar to the spell checker on Microsoft word.

The tool allows you to “teach it” some words that you will be using regularly and are not in the English language, E.g. colloquial words and slang. You can get advanced features when you purchase proofread bot packages.

Cons: Basic version offers very little above Microsoft Word i.e. you have to purchase proofread Bot packages for advanced proofreading services.

Verdict: This is a tool that offers more when you purchase the proofreading bots. The free version is extremely basic.

Best for  Spell checking, grammar corrections, style checking, etc. Price: Completely free open-source online proofreader.


Polishmywriting, rebranded to “After the Deadline” is an open-source free online proofreading tool. It is still under development and will assist in some basic proofreading tasks. Advanced users can download the program and tweak it to meet their needs. Coders can also contribute to the development of the tool.

  • A functional style, grammar, and spell checking.
  • Easy-to-use interface.
  • Allows developers to contribute to the open-source code.
  • Add-ons that can be used for several platforms.

Cons: This is a basic tool for carrying out simple proofreading tasks.

Verdict: The tool is ideal for basic proofreading tasks. It is under development and is still not yet robust to compete against other free online proofreading tools. You can download the add-ons to use in various settings, but these are not supported by “Automattic”, the developers of the tool.

Best for Content Planning and optimization.


Price:  Scalenut offers flexible subscription plans, which are as follows:


  • Essential: $39/month
  • Growth: $79/month
  • Pro: $149/month

With Scalenut, you get an AI powered SEO and content optimization platform that can considerably improve your content quality. While the tool helps you automatically proofread and improve the quality of your written text, its merits are very broad. For instance, you can use the solution to come up with a solid content plan.

Scalenut’s advanced AI can deliver an entire keyword plan based on the niche you wish to focus on. The tool can be used to generate keyword clusters and compelling content strategies with just a single click. Besides this, the tool automatically ensures your written content is factually correct, SEO optimized, grammatically sound, and written in your brand’s tone.

  • 1-click content plan generation
  • Competition analysis
  • SEO Optimized
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Real-time SEO Scores
  • You can only create 5 SEO article per month with its cheapest plans.

Verdict: With Scalenut, you get a lot more than a simple proofreading tool. This is a solution I would recommend professional writers, startups, large businesses, and agencies who wish to improve their content marketing strategy.

Given below are some important questions about free online proofreading tools.

Are Online Proofreaders fully accurate?

Online proofreaders rely on AI to come up with suggestions for corrections that you should make. They are mostly accurate but sometimes they give false suggestions. Make sure you read your work after using one of these tools.

What is the difference between free and paid tools?

The degree of accuracy does not differ. However, you will not have access to premium features such as the number of words that you can correct how many times you can use the tools in a specified period, etc. These features just make your work faster and regular but have no impact on the degree of accuracy.

I have seen a typographic error that was not highlighted, why?

The tools are not fully accurate. They simply assist in the precision and reliability of the work. This is the reason for which you have to read the work even after using a free online proofreader. Recommended Reading =>> Best Punctuation Checker Online Applications

Unique and interesting content is crucial to the success of a business, academic pursuit, or career growth, and free online proofreaders provide an important lifeline for those who are not fluent in English.

The free Grammarly tool rates your work and gives it a score by indicating how engaging your content is. Grammarly is excellent in both the free and premium versions and is a great all-round proofreading tool.

Paperrater also gives you plagiarism checks, grammar correction, reports, and statistics, thereby making it great for proofreading your content at no cost. For expert features, you will have to buy the premium version.

Research Process

  • Time Taken To Research And Write This Article: 22 hours
  • Total Tools Researched Online: 15
  • Top Tools Shortlisted For Review: 10
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Posted on Jan 13, 2023

The 7 Best Proofreading Softwares to Level Up Your Writing

After spending hours writing an article or a novel, it’s good practice to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes in a process known as proofreading . Clean and accurate text immeasurably improves the reader’s experience, making proofreading a fundamental type of editing.

For many writers, re-reading their writing and searching for tiny errors can be tedious and time-consuming, especially since it’s easy to become blind to one’s own text. Fortunately, several pieces of proofreading software are available to help you catch major errors in record time .

The 7 best pieces of proofreading software: 

1. Grammarly

2. prowritingaid, 3. antidote, 4. languagetool, 5. quillbot, 6. scribens.

Whether you're a student, an author, or a casual writer, these tools can help you polish your output, so let’s dive in.

A screenshot of Grammarly's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $12/month. ✅ Best for: Students, casual writers. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS/Windows desktop app, web app, browser extension, mobile app.

Grammarly is probably the web’s best-known proofreading tool, with a free plan that allows you to quickly correct mistakes and get tailored suggestions based on your goals (for instance, informal vs. formal tone, general vs. knowledgeable audience). That said, the tool is not foolproof and should not be fully trusted for major projects — like self-publishing a book,  for example . 

Conveniently, Grammarly’s browser extension is compatible with most writing and publishing apps, including Reedsy Studio , which allows you to write, edit, proof, and publish in the same place.

🤓 For a more thorough analysis of the tool, check out our in-depth Grammarly review here.



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Resolve every error, from plot holes to misplaced punctuation.

A screenshot of ProWritingAid's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $20/month. ✅ Best for: Students, authors. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS/Windows desktop app, web app, browser extension, Scrivener. No mobile app.

Perhaps Grammarly's closest competitor, ProWritingAid has a similarly accessible interface, and its free option also provides basic proofreading features. However, its premium version sets itself apart, which takes the editing a step further by offering tips for better story structure and suggestions for improving transitions, vocabulary, and overall readability. This makes it more suitable for fiction writers than Grammarly.

While more expensive on a monthly basis, ProWritingAid’s yearly billing saves you 67% 一 making it a strong contender for “best value for money.” Read our ProWritingAid review for a more detailed analysis (and a 10% discount !).

✋ While these tools are extremely helpful, they are no substitute for professional (human!) proofreaders, who have a more nuanced understanding and mastery of language. If you’re aiming to write for professional purposes, consider hiring a proofreader 一 you can find many on Reedsy’s marketplace.

online proofreading app

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A screenshot of Antidote's app

💰 Price: $59/year | $119 lifetime deal. ✅ Best for: Academics, authors. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS/Windows desktop app, web app, mobile app. 

Despite having been in the business for the past 25 years, Antidote has flown under the radar compared to some of the options we’ve already mentioned. Aimed more at professionals and academic writers, it does an excellent job of checking both grammatical and typographical errors while giving suggestions on style, vocabulary, readability, and even gender neutrality. Without a free trial, you sadly cannot take it for a spin before committing, but if you do, you’ll find its annual subscription rate rather competitive. 

What kind of editing does your book need?

Takes one minute!

A screenshot of LanguageTool's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts from $5/month. ✅ Best for: Students, casual writers. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS, Windows, all browser extensions, Google Docs/Word plugin.  

LanguageTool is a user-friendly proofreading tool that offers many of the same basic features as Grammarly and ProWritingAid, but at a fraction of the cost. With a focus on helping casual everyday writers, its premium editing suite can feel lacking compared to its rivals. But if you’re not looking for too much guidance (or are simply looking to improve how you draft your emails and essays), you may appreciate LanguageTool’s relatively lean subscription price.

A screenshot of Quillbo's app

💰 Price: Free | $19.95/month. ✅ Best for: Any writer. 🖇︎ Compatibility: Web app, Chrome and Word extension. 

QuillBot is a sort of Swiss army knife for writers. It offers tools to help with paraphrasing, summarizing, generating citations (for nonfiction or academic work), and checking grammar. In this regard, its proofreading capabilities are on par with those of Grammarly and ProWritingAid. However, it offers significantly fewer features (like spotting overused or repeated words, for example). Overall, its free version (especially as a browser extension) can be helpful to any kind of writer and a great starting tool for proofreading.

Which writing app is right for you?

A screenshot of Scribens' app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $9.90/month. ✅ Best for: Students. 🖇︎ Compatibility: Web app, browser extension, Office, mobile app.

Scribens is a basic proofreading web app that does a good job of spotting grammatical and typographical errors and word repetition. Its free package and handy browser extension make it a nice proofreading option, especially for students, but the premium version might not be worth the bucks compared to more feature-rich options like Grammarly.   

A screenshot of Ginger's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $13.99/month. ✅ Best for: Casual writers. 🖇︎ Compatibility: Desktop/web app on Windows, Chrome extension, mobile app.

Ginger is a basic spelling, translating, and rephrasing tool 一 with the latter being perhaps its strongest feature. As a proofreading tool, it’s not the most thorough option, as it doesn’t seem to spot simple mistakes like possessives or double spaces. However, you can still use it to correct some mistakes or rephrase poorly written sentences.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned author, this list should help you find the right proofreading software. But remember, while they’re quite helpful in polishing your writing, they’re not a substitute for professional proofreaders — so consider hiring one for your more ambitious projects.

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Top 10 Best Online Proofreading Software & Tools in 2023

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Proofreading tools & software are one of the most sought-after writing tools for a reason.

One missed mistake can ruin the impression of the whole copy

“Pubic relations is quite different from public relations.” 

A perfect example of a typo that can ruin your copy, right ?

Well, we all are guilty of making common grammar goofs that make us look dumb.

Sometimes, faulty writing can cost us grades and even get that business proposal dumped!

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online proofreading app

But doesn’t proofreading and polishing your writing seem like extra work?

Hell yeah, me too!

In this article, I’ll share a list of my top 10 best proofreading software and tools  that will check your writing for grammar and spelling errors, suggest you any missing punctuation, and polish your copy for free!

Top 10 Best Online Proofreading Software & Tools for 2023

1 Grammarly’s Online Proofreading Software

Grammarly online proofreader tool

Grammarly is one of the world’s best proofreading tools you can find.

It comes with a sleek online editing interface ( where you can write directly or upload a document to proofread it ), an add-in for MS Word ( proofreading tool in MS Word ), and a free browser extension (your personal proofreader on social media, emails, and WordPress)

Grammarly is an online proofreader tool, so you can use it across all any platform you write, may that be a blog post, social media updates, or a business email, Grammarly proofreads all. Check out my hands-on Grammarly review here .

You can also use Grammarly’s writing editor online for free ( click here to get a free Grammarly account ) and then directly write on their inbuilt editor right from your browser.

It detects over 400+ types of grammatical errors, and contextual spelling mistakes ( ones that your favorite word processor often skips ), and helps you with the correct punctuation.

If you have already written a paper or article, you can simply copy-paste or upload the document and let Grammarly do the proofreading for you.

What I liked about Grammarly is that it detects and proofreads complex language mistakes like subject-verb agreement, active and passive voice checker, or writing style.

For example, here’s a sample document that I threw at Grammarly to test its proofreading capacity.

proofreading online with Grammarly

You can also set Grammarly to proofread your document based on your language preference (American English, British English, Canadian English & Australian English) to get customized suggestions further.

Not only that,

You can also use the Goals feature to check your copy based on your audiences like their potential (expert, knowledgeable, etc.), tone (formal, informal, neutral, etc.), and domains like academic, general, creative, business copy, etc.).

This goals feature comes in handy because unlike other proofreader tools out there, Grammarly helps you detect mistakes and offer better word suggestions based on your audience and writing style.

online proofreading app

Grammarly Performance report

No proofreading service is complete if it doesn’t offer you a performance report. These reports not only help you measure your writing skills (and improve them over time with a spirit of competence) but also helps you rate the work of freelance writers and students).

online proofreading app

Pro Tip: If you have an online proofreading job or offer proofreading services, you can generate these PDF performance reports for clients to make your work more professional.

The premium version of Grammarly comes with added benefits like better word choice, checking your content for more grammatical errors, and a plagiarism checker.

Grammarly’s online proofreader tool also provides one of the best plagiarism checker software you can even find. It checks your content against a database of over 8 billion web pages that detects any traces of copied content ( I’ve tried it, and it works wonders! ). Apart from that, Grammarly’s citation generator helps you generate citations in APA, MLA, and Chicago.

Grammarly is also available with business plans for teams ( trusted by Cisco, Dell, etc .) and as Grammarly EDU ( trusted by The University of Phoenix, Illinois, and leading libraries, to name a few ).

Grammarly also offers a  free chrome extension  that proofreads, corrects, and makes sure everything you write on chrome (emails, social media, blog posts) error-free.  ( Add to Chrome for free )

On a side note, if you’re looking for free proofreading apps on mobile, Grammarly’s Android and iOS apps have got you covered.

Get Grammarly Now ››


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2 ProWritingAid ‘s Editor and Proofreading Tool

online proofreading app

If you’re looking for the best proofreading software for writers, it is this!

I’ve covered ProWritingAid before in this blog. It’s one of the best grammar and spell-checker tools you can find online.

Unlike other writing tools, ProWritingAid offers more proofreading services or features:

  • Editing your content : (includes grammar and spell corrections, proofreading, punctuation checking, style suggestions, and other advanced editing tools like tense shifter).
  • Style checker, clichés, sentence structure, readability measures, repeated words, dialogue checker, pacing, checking your transition words, acronym, and homonym checker are few of the features offered by ProWritingAid that make it a perfect writing & editing tool for authors and editors.
  • Checking for plagiarized content : Even though you don’t copy, there might be traces of unintentional plagiarism (errors in a proper citation, some content influenced by something you read some time ago, etc .) that could ruin the game for your paper. 

I highly recommend you to check out my ProWritingAid review because the range of proofreading that this tool does is insane! I’ve listed over 20 different types of tests you can do with it (and honestly, I left it at 20 because I simply couldn’t include everything it does!).

ProWritingAid is the only proofreader software in this list that supports Google docs ( along with other options like using it online, with MS Word, as a standalone app, etc .), which is an added bonus if you do a lot of writing on Google docs (like me!).

UPDATE:  Grammarly now supports Google docs!

If you’re looking for proofreading software for Scrivener, PWA has got your back covered. 

ProWritingAid works for everyone looking for an easy-to-use yet accurate proofreading tool but works as the best editing, and proofreading tool for authors, storytellers, and potential writers .

ProWritingAid’s style checker detects such errors that are next to impossible for the human eye to check, may that be a passive voice, use of adverbs, or any other readability element like sticky sentences or maintaining a safe glue index.

Having said that…

ProWritingAid, like Grammarly, can be used to preset a style based on what type of content you write. You can set it to check your copy based on business, web, creative, or any other purpose. This feature gives a better scope for proofreading your document based on the industry you’re writing.

SPECIAL OFFER: We’ve partnered with ProWritingAid to offer DigitalGYD readers with special ProWritingAid discount coupons. Simply, go to www.prowritingaid.com use the code “ GYD1925 ” to claim your exclusive ProWritingAid discount coupon and save a whopping 25% OFF .

My Verdict: ProWritingAid is truly a writers’ tool. And apart from creative writers, ProWritingAid as a writing assistant or proofreader for anyone in general, is a tough competition to Grammarly. So, technically it is not #2 on this list; both Grammarly and ProWritingAid are #1 for me.

Get ProWritingAid Now ››

3 WhiteSmoke’s Proofreading Software

While Whitesmoke doesn’t stand a chance in front of Grammarly or ProWritingAid for that matter, it is the best you can get if you don’t want Grammarly or ProWritingAid for some reason.

Hence position #3 on our list.

WhiteSmoke offers all the essay correction, and writing suggestions based on natural language processing or NLP and according to context. It’s a great proofreading software for dyslexia.

It checks for your grammar mistakes, and style errors and offers features like thesis checker to tense shift checker that make your proofreading with WhiteSmoke buttery.

With its plagiarism-checking feature, WhiteSmoke can be your best CopyScape alternative if need be. Furthermore, it offers integrations with MS word and Outlook, so if you’re looking for proofreading tools in MS Word, WhiteSmoke is for you.

If you’re looking for the best website proofreading software, WhiteSmoke’s one-click instant proofreading feature has got you covered.

While Grammarly and ProWritingAid have full-fledged free versions of their software, the free version of WhiteSmoke is very limited and gives you the ability to proofread 250 words of content at a time.

Quick note: Whitesmoke or any of the top 3 proofreading software mentioned above cannot (as of yet) detect content generated by AI writing tools . So, in case you need something similar, Originality.AI could fit your bill.

Special Offer: WhiteSmoke currently offers a 50% Discount OFF the regular pricing for their Spring Sale . So, make sure you grab it while you still can. Claim your WhiteSmoke discount here .

Get WhiteSmoke Now ››

4 Ginger’s Proofreading Software

Ginger software is another popular free proofreading tool that checks your content for its correctness and coherence.

Ginger’s online proofreading service does a great job checking the mistakes in the document you submit. It checks for a variety of errors (like misused word correction, consecutive nouns, phonetic spelling mistakes, etc.) and makes sure your content (may that be an essay, a research assignment, or a CV for a job application) is 100% error-free and flawless.

You can also download Ginger’s free proofreading software to your computer if you prefer a proofreader that reads out your document loud so that you can hear it and spot minute grammar mistakes to fix. 

Like Grammarly, Ginger also helps you learn throughout your correction process with tips about each mistake and how to avoid it the next time you write something.

All these features make Ginger a popular Whitesmoke alternative .

Get Ginger Now ››

5 Paper Rater

Paper Rater is another incredible online proofreading tool that uses a Linux-based OS with artificial intelligence to provide you with the best results to eliminate all the punctuation and grammatical mistakes from your content.

You can also use it as a plagiarism checker tool along with grammar and spelling checks to hone your writing.

There are two ways to use this tool for proofreading your content online:

  • either upload the file that contains your essays, articles, etc.
  • or, copy-paste the content that you want to proofread online

Then you’ll have to select an option where it says, “ Select the education level of this paper’s author ,” and click on the “ Get Report button ,” and it will proofread your content online and show you all the grammatical mistakes in your content.

Other notable features of Paper Rater as a free proofreading tool:

  • Can be used for plagiarism checking
  • Automated essay scoring
  • Grammar and spelling checker
  • Access to their vocabulary builder
  • Feedback and writing instructions to hone your writing skills

Although Paper Rater is a free online paper editor, it gives you a ton of other useful features like advanced plagiarism check, ad-free, faster processing text, etc. with its premium version that costs you $7.48/mo or $47.70/yr.

Paper Rater vs Grammarly

There is no comparison between Paper rater with Grammarly. In fact, they are the ones who promote Grammarly right on their website. 

Apart from that, Paper Rater doesn’t offer as many features as Grammarly does, nor is it efficient to catch as many grammar mistakes.

I’ll write a detailed review and my analysis on Paper rater vs Grammarly soon. From the first look, it just feels just another mistake-free grammar & proofreading service.

So these were our top 5 picks for the best online proofreading tools.

Apart from these tools above, here is a list of free online proofreading tools that are worth a try!

6 PerfectIt by Intelligent Editing

PerfectIt by Intelligent Editing is a full-fledged and one of the best proofreading software for professionals. It is designed to be used by businesses, corporate clients, authors, and writers.

PerfectIt offers a plethora of proofreading services that save you a lot of money hiring a professional proofreader.

One of the best features I like about Intelligent Editing is that it learns your preferences over time. This feature saves you time and keeps your style consistent across the document.

List of proofreading tests you can run with Intelligent Editing

You can download Intelligent Editing’s proofreading software to integrate it with MS Word.

It then runs a series of tests over your written document to check every single grammar or writing error ( you can, however, skip to any particular test mode to proofread your document for that specific grammar rule ).

 It does offer a free trial mode, but you’ll have to buy it to use it to its full potential.

7 Autocrit Online Editing

Autocrit is one of the best  online proofreading tools for book authors and editors that can save you from those grammar nazis and create an impression of error-free English.

If you’re an author or editor who wants to improve your writing or manuscript, AutoCrit online editing software is made especially for you. It simplifies the revision process and helps you quickly become a prolific writer.

You can simply consider AutoCrit as an online book editor or proofreading tool for manuscripts, which helps you with editing and revision of your writing (especially helpful for authors who want to write high-quality and flawless content).

It checks your content for too many adverb usages, cliches, sameness in sentences, and a lot more.

To use Autocrit, either use their drag-and-drop text editor to copy-paste all the content you want to proofread and improve (OR) you can also upload a file that contains the text you want to improve. 

Once you click on the “Analyse the Text for Me” button, it will immediately start showing suggestions to improve your content along with the typos, grammatical mistakes in content, etc.

It will ask you for your email address to send you a free summary report of your content once you are done uploading.

Autocrit offers you the following features:

  • Helps you compare your manuscript with other famous writers
  • Autocrit helps you learn about your bad writing habits so you can avoid it
  • Proofreads your novel/book based on your genre (and data it has collected from over seven different genres)
  • Custom summary score based on your writing

UPDATE:  Autocrit now offers a free trial, and the paid version with full access to its manuscript editor costs you $29.97 per month.

8 Slick Write

Slick Write earns its position in this best proofreading software & tools designed to help you revise and edit your content easily

If you can’t afford to hire a prolific English writer who can proofread your content, essays, or articles for grammar-free writing, Slick Writer is a handy free online proofreading tool for you.

It’s designed to eliminate all the common grammar mistakes made by most people while creating content which includes;

  • Incorrect usage of adverbs
  • Free sentence rephraser tool
  • Excessive prepositional phrases
  • Incorrect usage of passive voice etc

Check the image below to see Slick Write’s free online proofreader in action.

Slick write best free online proofreading software

9 Correct English

Correct English is an AI-powered free online proofreading tool that doesn’t require you to download the software. If you want a minimal proofreader that does a decent job, Correct English is one of the best proofreading sites I’d recommend to you.

As the name says, Correct English helps you correct English within your content by checking all the grammar, spelling, punctuation mistakes, etc. to improve your context.

What does it offer?

  • Free grammar and punctuation checker tool
  • Subject/verb agreement checker
  • Helps you give pizzazz to your content
  • checks for communication clarity in your content.

10 Polish My Writing (After The Deadline)

Polish my writing is one of the best proofreading websites you can find for free. It just has an editor that lets you write or copy-paste your prewritten document to proofread.

It is an essay proofreader free for use and lets you correct simple grammar mistakes and providers style suggestions.

If you’re looking for a free online paper editor, Polish my writing, aka after the deadline is something you might want to try.

Wrapping Up: Best Online Proofreading Software & Tools in 2023 (Free & Paid)

I hope you liked our list of the top 10 best free online proofreading tools and software for 2023.

If you want to stop spending countless hours editing, proofreading, and correcting grammar within your content, start using the online proofreading tools mentioned in this post.

All of them are free to use and easy to access so you can quickly improve your essays, content, and articles.

However,  with over 10+ million other people using Grammarly as their proofreading tool of choice, you can never go wrong with it.

All these proofreading tools mentioned here do their job well, but when it comes to choosing a winner, none beats Grammarly. 

Try Grammarly For Free ››

Pro tip: You can earn money online by doing various online proofreading jobs. All you need is a tool like Grammarly that you can use to proofread your clients’ documents (and if something is more complex, you can use Grammarly’s manual proofreading service without letting anyone know) and charge them a fee for that. You can provide your services on sites like Fiverr or Upwork too.

You can try Grammarly free of cost using the button below , or  gift yourself the paid version  by availing of a 20% discount on Grammarly . If you’re a student, click here to get a Grammarly student discount .

So what are your thoughts? 

Do you have any more free online proofreading tool recommendations? Comment below with your favorite  proofreading software!

Hand-picked Articles For You:

Grammarly Review 2023: Is Grammarly Accurate & Worth It?

Grammarly Review 2023: Is Grammarly Accurate & Worth It?

Top 20 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared (2023)

Top 20 Best Free Plagiarism Checker Tools Compared (2023)

Top 10 Best Online Proofreading Software & Tools in 2023

FAQs on Online Proofreading Tools, Software & Websites

What is the best proofreading software?

Based on my experience, Grammarly is hands down the best proofreading software. Apart from correcting over 500 grammatical errors, it has options to check your copy based on tone and language. You can also generate PDF reports for clients or to gauge your writing skills.

What software do professional proofreaders use?

Most professional proofreaders I know use Grammarly. Other than that ProWritingAid is also an excellent choice for professional proofreaders and authors.

Is there a better software better than Grammarly?

Not really, but ProWritingAid gives Grammarly tough competition based on what it has to offer and the value for money.

Which is better Grammarly or ProWritingAid?

Grammarly and ProWritingAid are solid competitors, but if you ask me which is better, I would say it depends on how you intend to use them. Grammarly is intended towards academic writing, business writing, and other forms of casual writing. On the other hand, ProWritingAid is more geared towards creative writing, novels, manuscript, and a favorite amongst authors.

Is there a proofreading app?

Yes, Grammarly offers proofreading apps for both Android and iOS. You can download them here .

What is the best proofreading website?

Here is a list of the top 10 proofreading websites. If you ask me, Grammarly has to be the best proofreading website. The editor, the writing assistant, and the overall user experience make it the best proofreading website you can get.

What is the primary purpose of proofreading an article?

The primary purpose of proofreading an article is to make sure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes in it. You also need to make sure that the content of the article is jargon-free, conveys the right tone, and has a consistent style of writing throughout.

Why is it important to proofread your content?

It’s important to proofread your content because error-free and flawless content is a must if you want to have clarity in your communication. No matter how good a writer you are, there are always missed punctuations, inconsistencies in writing style, and words that can be replaced by better versions. Proofreading helps you comb out all these grammar goofs and polishes your writing and boosts the credibility of your content.

While choosing a proofreader depends on many factors like budget, personal choice, and company allowance but in general, Grammarly is what most professional proofreaders use. Other than that, ProWritingAid, PerfectIt, etc are also used by many.

What are some of the best proofreading websites?

Grammarly and ProWritingAid are some of the best proofreading websites that also offer a generous free plan. You could literally proofread your writing using these websites (they also offer browser add-ons, MS Word add-ins, and native apps) against the most common grammar and punctuation errors. If you need to advanced options they offer premium plans that can scan your content for almost all possible errors and make your writing readable.

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DigitalGYD content is free. When you purchase through referral links on our site, we may earn a small commission.

Swadhin Agrawal

Hi, I'm Swadhin Agrawal, founder, and editor-in-chief of DigitalGYD . DigitalGYD is a multiple-times award-winning blog where we aim at helping bloggers how to start a blog and grow it into a profitable online business.

I'm a professional blogger for a decade now and am the founder of Value Intent Media Pvt. Ltd., a media company that creates content for a multi-million-sized audience across various verticals.

Our research & content on DigitalGYD is often referred to by brands like The Telegraph, Forbes, Times of India, Yahoo! Finance, HuffPost, Bluehost, Neil Patel, The Next Web, etc.

4 thoughts on “Top 10 Best Online Proofreading Software & Tools in 2023”

Hi, Can you please let me know of the TOP #1 Proofreading software which contains top-notch information about everything?

Like some softwares don’t contain names of rivers, lakes, cities, and towns of the world, etc. and auto-correct them wrong into something else.

It should be an all-rounder, please help!

Thanks, Ali

That’s where a human assistance might come to help. As of now, no software is as perfect as you are expecting. I’d suggest hiring a human proofreader instead. :)

Hi Swadhin,

Wow, I didn’t know there were so many free tools out there for proofreading. I know many people use Grammarly and it never lets them down.

My business partner is my proofreader and editor so I have a built in human to help me, otherwise I would be using Grammarly myself.

I’ll pass this on.

Hello ma’am,

Nothing beats an human eye! You’ve the best proofreader in the world!

Comments are closed.

online proofreading app

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