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Use Clear Criteria and Methodologies When Evaluating PowerPoint Presentations

Use Clear Criteria and Methodologies When Evaluating PowerPoint Presentations

Dr. Fred Mayo explains the three major methods for presentation evaluation: self, peer and professional. An added bonus: ready-made student evaluation form.

By Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT

In the last issue, we discussed making interactive presentations and this month we will focus on evaluating presentations. For many of us, encouraging and supporting students in making presentations is already a challenge; assessing their merit is often just another unwelcome teaching chore.

There are three major methods for evaluating presentation – self evaluations, peer evaluations, and professional evaluations. Of course, the most important issue is establishing evaluation criteria.

Criteria for Evaluating Presentations One of the best ways to help students create and deliver good presentations involves providing them with information about how their presentations will be evaluated. Some of the criteria that you can use to assess presentations include:

  • Focus of the presentation
  • Clarity and coherence of the content
  • Thoroughness of the ideas presented and the analysis
  • Clarity of the presentation
  • Effective use of facts, statistics and details
  • Lack of grammatical and spelling errors
  • Design of the slides
  • Effective use of images
  • Clarity of voice projection and appropriate volume
  • Completion of the presentation within the allotted time frame

Feel free to use these criteria or to develop your own that more specifically match your teaching situation.

Self Evaluations When teaching public speaking and making presentations, I often encouraged students to rate their own presentations after they delivered them. Many times, they were very insightful about what could have been improved. Others just could not complete this part of the assignment. Sometimes, I use their evaluations to make comments on what they recognized in their presentations. However, their evaluations did not overly influence the grade except that a more thorough evaluation improved their grade and a weak evaluation could hurt their presentation grade.

Questions I asked them to consider included:

  • How do you think it went?
  • What could you have done differently to make it better?
  • What did you do that you are particularly proud of accomplishing?
  • What did you learn from preparing for and delivering this presentation?
  • What would you change next time?

Peer Evaluations One way to provide the most feedback for students involves encouraging – or requiring – each student evaluate each other’s presentation. It forces them to watch the presentation both for content and delivery and helps them learn to discriminate between an excellent and an ordinary presentation. The more presentations they observe or watch, the more they learn.

In classes where students are required to deliver presentations, I have students evaluate the presentations they observe using a form I designed. The students in the audience give the evaluation or feedback forms to the presenter as soon as it is over. I do not collect them or review them to encourage honest comments and more direct feedback. Also, students do not use their names when completing the form. That way the presenter gets a picture from all the students in the audience – including me – and cannot discount the comments by recognizing the author.

A version of the form that I use is reproduced below – feel free to adopt or adapt it to your own use and classroom situation.

evaluation form

Professional Evaluations When conducting your professional evaluation of a presentation, remember to consider when and how to deliver oral comments as opposed to a completed form. I complete a written evaluation (shown above) along with all the students so they get some immediate feedback. I also take notes on the presentation and decide a grade as well. After the conclusion of the presentation, whether it was an individual or team presentation, I lead a class discussion on the presentation material. That way, students get to hear some immediate comments as well as reading the written peer evaluations.

I usually ask for a copy of the presentation prior to the delivery date. (Getting the PowerPoint slides ahead also helps me ensure I have all the presentations loaded on the projector or computer so we do not waste class time.) Students either email it to me or place it on our classroom management system. I will provide their letter grade and make comments on the design of the presentation on the copy they gave me. However, I don’t explain the final grade right after the presentation since it is often hard for students who have just made a presentation to hear comments.

Summary Each of these suggestions may prompt you to try your own ideas. Remember that students improve when they receive thoughtful and useful feedback from their peers and you as their teacher. I encourage you to use this form or develop a form so that the criteria used to evaluate the presentations are clear and explained ahead of time. Now, you can enjoy evaluating their presentations.

Dr. Fred Mayo, CHE, CHT, is retired as a clinical professor of hotel and tourism management at New York University. As principal of Mayo Consulting Services, he continues to teach around the globe and is a regular presenter at CAFÉ events nationwide.

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What is Project Evaluation? The Complete Guide with Templates


Project evaluation is an important part of determining the success or failure of a project. Properly evaluating a project helps you understand what worked well and what could be improved for future projects. This blog post will provide an overview of key components of project evaluation and how to conduct effective evaluations.

What is Project Evaluation?

Project evaluation is a key part of assessing the success, progress and areas for improvement of a project. It involves determining how well a project is meeting its goals and objectives. Evaluation helps determine if a project is worth continuing, needs adjustments, or should be discontinued.

A good evaluation plan is developed at the start of a project. It outlines the criteria that will be used to judge the project’s performance and success. Evaluation criteria can include things like:

  • Meeting timelines and budgets - Were milestones and deadlines met? Was the project completed within budget?
  • Delivering expected outputs and outcomes - Were the intended products, results and benefits achieved?
  • Satisfying stakeholder needs - Were customers, users and other stakeholders satisfied with the project results?
  • Achieving quality standards - Were quality metrics and standards defined and met?
  • Demonstrating effectiveness - Did the project accomplish its intended purpose?

Project evaluation provides valuable insights that can be applied to the current project and future projects. It helps organizations learn from their projects and continuously improve their processes and outcomes.

Project Evaluation Templates

These templates will help you evaluate your project by providing a clear structure to assess how it was planned, carried out, and what it achieved. Whether you’re managing the project, part of the team, or a stakeholder, these template assist in gathering information systematically for a thorough evaluation.

Project Evaluation Template 1

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Project Evaluation Template 2

Project Evaluation Methods

Project evaluation involves using various methods to assess the performance and impact of a project. The choice of methods depends on the nature of the project, its objectives, and the available resources. Here are some common project evaluation methods:

Pre-project evaluation

Pre-project evaluations are done before a project begins. This involves evaluating the project plan, scope, objectives, resources, and budget. This helps determine if the project is feasible and identifies any potential issues or risks upfront. It establishes a baseline for later evaluations.

Ongoing evaluation

Ongoing evaluations happen during the project lifecycle. Regular status reports track progress against the project plan, budget, and deadlines. Any deviations or issues are identified and corrective actions can be taken promptly. This allows projects to stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

Post-project evaluation

Post-project evaluations occur after a project is complete. This final assessment determines if the project objectives were achieved and customer requirements were met. Key metrics like timeliness, budget, and quality are examined. Lessons learned are documented to improve processes for future projects. Stakeholder feedback is gathered through surveys, interviews, or focus groups .

Project Evaluation Steps

When evaluating a project, there are several key steps you should follow. These steps will help you determine if the project was successful and identify areas for improvement in future initiatives.

Step 1: Set clear goals

The first step is establishing clear goals and objectives for the project before it begins. Make sure these objectives are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Having clear goals from the outset provides a benchmark for measuring success later on.

Step 2: Monitor progress

Once the project is underway, the next step is monitoring progress. Check in regularly with your team to see if you’re on track to meet your objectives and deadlines. Identify and address any issues as early as possible before they become major roadblocks. Monitoring progress also allows you to course correct if needed.

Step 3: Collect data

After the project is complete, collect all relevant data and metrics. This includes both quantitative data like budget information, timelines and deliverables, as well customer feedback and qualitative data from surveys or interviews. Analyzing this data will show you how well the project performed against your original objectives.

Step 4: Analyze and interpret

Identify what worked well and what didn’t during the project. Highlight best practices to replicate and lessons learned to improve future initiatives. Get feedback from all stakeholders involved, including project team members, customers and management.

Step 5: Develop an action plan

Develop an action plan to apply what you’ve learned for the next project. Update processes, procedures and resource allocations based on your evaluation. Communicate changes across your organization and train employees on any new best practices. Implementing these changes will help you avoid similar issues the next time around.

Benefits of Project Evaluation

Project evaluation is a valuable tool for organizations, helping them learn, adapt, and improve their project outcomes over time. Here are some benefits of project evaluation.

  • Helps in making informed decisions by providing a clear understanding of the project’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Holds the project team accountable for meeting goals and using resources effectively, fostering a sense of responsibility.
  • Facilitates organizational learning by capturing valuable insights and lessons from both successful and challenging aspects of the project.
  • Allows for the efficient allocation of resources by identifying areas where adjustments or reallocations may be needed.
  • Provides evidence of the project’s value by assessing its impact, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with organizational objectives.
  • Involves stakeholders in the evaluation process, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered.

Project Evaluation Best Practices

Follow these best practices to do a more effective and meaningful project evaluation, leading to better project outcomes and organizational learning.

  • Clear objectives : Clearly define the goals and questions you want the evaluation to answer.
  • Involve stakeholders : Include the perspectives of key stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Use appropriate methods : Choose evaluation methods that suit your objectives and available resources.
  • Timely data collection : Collect data at relevant points in the project timeline to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  • Thorough analysis : Analyze the collected data thoroughly to draw meaningful conclusions and insights.
  • Actionable recommendations : Provide practical recommendations that can lead to tangible improvements in future projects.
  • Learn and adapt : Use evaluation findings to learn from both successes and challenges, adapting practices for continuous improvement.
  • Document lessons : Document lessons learned from the evaluation process for organizational knowledge and future reference.

How to Use Creately to Evaluate Your Projects

Use Creately’s visual collaboration platform to evaluate your project and improve communication, streamline collaboration, and provide a visual representation of project data effectively.

Task tracking and assignment

Use the built-in project management tools to create, assign, and track tasks right on the canvas. Assign responsibilities, set due dates, and monitor progress with Agile Kanban boards, Gantt charts, timelines and more. Create task cards containing detailed information, descriptions, due dates, and assigned responsibilities.

Notes and attachments

Record additional details and attach documents, files, and screenshots related to your tasks and projects with per item integrated notes panel and custom data fields. Or easily embed files and attachments right on the workspace to centralize project information. Work together on project evaluation with teammates with full multiplayer text and visual collaboration.

Real-time collaboration

Get any number of participants on the same workspace and track their additions to the progress report in real-time. Collaborate with others in the project seamlessly with true multi-user collaboration features including synced previews and comments and discussion threads. Use Creately’s Microsoft Teams integration to brainstorm, plan, run projects during meetings.

Pre-made templates

Get a head start with ready-to-use progress evaluation templates and other project documentation templates available right inside the app. Explore 1000s more templates and examples for various scenarios in the community.

In summary, project evaluation is like a compass for projects, helping teams understand what worked well and what can be improved. It’s a tool that guides organizations to make better decisions and succeed in future projects. By learning from the past and continuously improving, project evaluation becomes a key factor in the ongoing journey of project management, ensuring teams stay on the path of excellence and growth.

More project management related guides

  • 8 Essential Metrics to Measure Project Success
  • How to Manage Your Project Portfolio Like a Pro
  • What is Project Baseline in Project Management?
  • How to Create a Winning Project Charter: Your Blueprint for Success
  • Your Comprehensive Guide to Creating Effective Workback Schedules
  • What is a Work Breakdown Structure? and How To Create a WBS?
  • The Practical Guide to Creating a Team Charter
  • Your Guide to Multi-Project Management
  • How AI Is Transforming Project Management
  • A Practical Guide to Resource Scheduling in Project Management

Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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Project Evaluation Process: Definition, Methods & Steps


Managing a project with copious moving parts can be challenging to say the least, but project evaluation is designed to make the process that much easier. Every project starts with careful planning —t his sets the stage for the execution phase of the project while estimations, plans and schedules guide the project team as they complete tasks and deliverables.

But even with the project evaluation process in place, managing a project successfully is not as simple as it sounds. Project managers need to keep track of costs , tasks and time during the entire project life cycle to make sure everything goes as planned. To do so, they utilize the project evaluation process and make use of project management software to help manage their team’s work in addition to planning and evaluating project performance.

What Is Project Evaluation?

Project evaluation is the process of measuring the success of a project, program or portfolio . This is done by gathering data about the project and using an evaluation method that allows evaluators to find performance improvement opportunities. Project evaluation is also critical to keep stakeholders updated on the project status and any changes that might be required to the budget or schedule.

Every aspect of the project such as costs, scope, risks or return on investment (ROI) is measured to determine if it’s proceeding as planned. If there are road bumps, this data can inform how projects can improve. Basically, you’re asking the project a series of questions designed to discover what is working, what can be improved and whether the project is useful. Tools such as project dashboards and trackers help in the evaluation process by making key data readily available.

project presentation evaluation criteria

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  • Project Review Template

Use this free Project Review Template for Word to manage your projects better.

The project evaluation process has been around as long as projects themselves. But when it comes to the science of project management , project evaluation can be broken down into three main types or methods: pre-project evaluation, ongoing evaluation and post-project evaluation. Let’s look at the project evaluation process, what it entails and how you can improve your technique.

Project Evaluation Criteria

The specific details of the project evaluation criteria vary from one project or one organization to another. In general terms, a project evaluation process goes over the project constraints including time, cost, scope, resources, risk and quality. In addition, organizations may add their own business goals, strategic objectives and other project metrics .

Project Evaluation Methods

There are three points in a project where evaluation is most needed. While you can evaluate your project at any time, these are points where you should have the process officially scheduled.

1. Pre-Project Evaluation

In a sense, you’re pre-evaluating your project when you write your project charter to pitch to the stakeholders. You cannot effectively plan, staff and control a new project if you’ve first not evaluated it. Pre-project evaluation is the only sure way you can determine the effectiveness of the project before executing it.

2. Ongoing Project Evaluation

To make sure your project is proceeding as planned and hitting all of the scheduling and budget milestones you’ve set, it’s crucial that you constantly monitor and report on your work in real-time. Only by using project metrics can you measure the success of your project and whether or not you’re meeting the project’s goals and objectives. It’s strongly recommended that you use project management dashboards and tracking tools for ongoing evaluation.

Related: Free Project Dashboard Template for Excel

3. Post-Project Evaluation

Think of this as a postmortem. Post-project evaluation is when you go through the project’s paperwork, interview the project team and principles and analyze all relevant data so you can understand what worked and what went wrong. Only by developing this clear picture can you resolve issues in upcoming projects.

Free Project Review Template for Word

The project review template for Word is the perfect way to evaluate your project, whether it’s an ongoing project evaluation or post-project. It takes a holistic approach to project evaluation and covers such areas as goals, risks, staffing, resources and more. Download yours today.

Project review template

Project Evaluation Steps

Regardless of when you choose to run a project evaluation, the process always has four phases: planning, implementation, completion and dissemination of reports.

1. Planning

The ultimate goal of this step is to create a project evaluation plan, a document that explains all details of your organization’s project evaluation process. When planning for a project evaluation, it’s important to identify the stakeholders and what their short-and-long-term goals are. You must make sure that your goals and objectives for the project are clear, and it’s critical to have settled on criteria that will tell you whether these goals and objects are being met.

So, you’ll want to write a series of questions to pose to the stakeholders. These queries should include subjects such as the project framework, best practices and metrics that determine success.

By including the stakeholders in your project evaluation plan, you’ll receive direction during the course of the project while simultaneously developing a relationship with the stakeholders. They will get progress reports from you throughout the project life cycle , and by building this initial relationship, you’ll likely earn their belief that you can manage the project to their satisfaction.

project plan template for word

2. Implementation

While the project is running, you must monitor all aspects to make sure you’re meeting the schedule and budget. One of the things you should monitor during the project is the percentage completed. This is something you should do when creating status reports and meeting with your team. To make sure you’re on track, hold the team accountable for delivering timely tasks and maintain baseline dates to know when tasks are due.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on quality. It doesn’t matter if you deliver the project within the allotted time frame if the product is poor. Maintain quality reviews, and don’t delegate that responsibility. Instead, take it on yourself.

Maintaining a close relationship with the project budget is just as important as tracking the schedule and quality. Keep an eye on costs. They will fluctuate throughout the project, so don’t panic. However, be transparent if you notice a need growing for more funds. Let your steering committee know as soon as possible, so there are no surprises.

3. Completion

When you’re done with your project, you still have work to do. You’ll want to take the data you gathered in the evaluation and learn from it so you can fix problems that you discovered in the process. Figure out the short- and long-term impacts of what you learned in the evaluation.

4. Reporting and Disseminating

Once the evaluation is complete, you need to record the results. To do so, you’ll create a project evaluation report, a document that provides lessons for the future. Deliver your report to your stakeholders to keep them updated on the project’s progress.

How are you going to disseminate the report? There might be a protocol for this already established in your organization. Perhaps the stakeholders prefer a meeting to get the results face-to-face. Or maybe they prefer PDFs with easy-to-read charts and graphs. Make sure that you know your audience and tailor your report to them.

Benefits of Project Evaluation

Project evaluation is always advisable and it can bring a wide array of benefits to your organization. As noted above, there are many aspects that can be measured through the project evaluation process. It’s up to you and your stakeholders to decide the most critical factors to consider. Here are some of the main benefits of implementing a project evaluation process.

  • Better Project Management: Project evaluation helps you easily find areas of improvement when it comes to managing your costs , tasks, resources and time.
  • Improves Team performance: Project evaluation allows you to keep track of your team’s performance and increases accountability.
  • Better Project Planning: Helps you compare your project baseline against actual project performance for better planning and estimating.
  • Helps with Stakeholder Management: Having a good relationship with stakeholders is key to success as a project manager. Creating a project evaluation report is very important to keep them updated.

How ProjectManager Improves the Project Evaluation Process

To take your project evaluation to the next level, you’ll want ProjectManager , an online work management tool with live dashboards that deliver real-time data so you can monitor what’s happening now as opposed to what happened yesterday.

With ProjectManager’s real-time dashboard, project evaluation is measured in real-time to keep you updated. The numbers are then displayed in colorful graphs and charts. Filter the data to show the data you want or to drill down to get a deeper picture. These graphs and charts can also be shared with a keystroke. You can track workload and tasks, because your team is updating their status in real-time, wherever they are and at whatever time they complete their work.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

Project evaluation with ProjectManager’s real-time dashboard makes it simple to go through the evaluation process during the evolution of the project. It also provides valuable data afterward. The project evaluation process can even be fun, given the right tools. Feel free to use our automated reporting tools to quickly build traditional project reports, allowing you to improve both the accuracy and efficiency of your evaluation process.

ProjectManager's status report filter

Related Project Closure Content

The project closure stage is a very important step in the project life cycle because it’s when the project team and stakeholders will determine how successful the project was by closely inspecting the deliverables and ensuring whether the success criteria was met. Here are some blogs, templates and guides that can be helpful during this project phase.

  • Lessons Learned Template
  • Project Closure Template
  • 5 Steps to Project Closure (Checklist Included)
  • What Is Post-Implementation Review in Project Management?
  • 10 Steps for Successful Project Completion (Templates Included)

ProjectManager is a cloud-based project management software that has a suite of powerful tools for every phase of your project, including live dashboards and reporting tools. Our software collects project data in real-time and is constantly being fed information by your team as they progress through their tasks. See how monitoring, evaluation and reporting can be streamlined by taking a free 30-day trial today!

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

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Top 10 Project Evaluation Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Project Evaluation Templates with Samples and Examples

Samradni Pradhan


In the corporate world, starting a project is like setting sail into unexplored waters: exhilarating yet fraught with unknowns. Achieving success isn't a one-and-done deal; rather, it's a complex, multi-stage process. Think about it: a recent study found that 70% of all projects encounter obstacles that can make them fail. Success is not a static goal but rather an intricate endeavor in today's fast-paced corporate world.

Project success is crucial as it ensures continued growth, profitability, and trust from stakeholders. Success is built upon layers, and to uncover them, you need a strategy. Here, our templates serve as a guide for your business journey. Designed to help you navigate the difficult world of project evaluation, these templates are more than just that.

Envision yourself equipped with a road plan that shows you the way to success, guiding you to make sure your project is in line with long-term annual goals and your budget. Examining the project's legalities, financial complexities, stakeholder engagements, and overall impact is made easier using our templates. With our templates, where strategy meets simplicity, you can invest in success and make educated decisions.

Template 1: Project Performance Measurement and Evaluation

Introducing an essential toolkit for project success! Kick-off with a compelling Introduction slide, followed by an insightful Current Status overview. Dive into the Methodology of Assessment, unraveling the intricacies of project evaluation. Navigate through Project Schedule Assessment, Budget, and Risk Analysis slides, offering a holistic view of your project's health. Discover strategies to overcome challenges with a dedicated "How to Overcome Issues" section. Illuminate your audience with informative dashboards showcasing real-time data. Elevate your project management game with these slides, paving the way for success! Download this template right away.

Project Performance Measurement and Evaluation

Download Now

Template 2: Project Evaluation Process PowerPoint template

Introducing a game-changer for organizations committed to refining project analysis and decision-making. This all-encompassing presentation deck offers a framework for evaluating projects and enhancing communication with stakeholders. Featuring captivating slides, customizable charts, and pre-designed sections, this template empowers teams to streamline project assessments and make informed decisions. Project managers and executives can leverage its capabilities to identify strengths, address weaknesses, and optimize overall performance. It includes slides around key elements in the performance evaluation process, methods used, utilizing tools for the project evaluation process, types of phases, and a lot more! With just one deck you get access to multiple templates; Download now!

Project Evaluation Process

Template 3: Project Evaluation Checklist Business Process Modeling Techniques

This is a robust tool designed for comprehensive project assessment. Featuring specialized sections, it covers the quality of contractor work, ensuring high standards are met. The template delves into compliance with compliance contract documents , providing a structured approach to contractual obligations. Additionally, it addresses adherence to project schedules, a critical factor for timely project completion. The right side of the template incorporates a user-friendly table, facilitating a systematic check of available resources. This dynamic checklist enables users to methodically evaluate key project components, promoting quality assurance, contractual compliance, and adherence to schedules. A must-have resource for project managers committed to achieving successful outcomes, download now.

Project Evaluation Checklist

Template 4: Project Management Playbook Addressing Lessons Learned for Post Project Evaluation

Introducing a strategic guide for refining future endeavors. This comprehensive tool boasts sections for project name, date of documentation, project manager, and sponsor details. Organized into three pivotal categories—Risk, Scope, and Resources—the template delves into nuanced aspects. Each parameter receives thorough attention, dissecting lessons learned and insights gained. Upgrade your post-project evaluation process, fostering continuous improvement and informed decision-making. Uncover valuable insights within the structured framework, equipping your team for future success. An essential resource for project managers navigating the path to excellence, get it now.

Addressing Lessons Learned for Post Project Evaluation

(Explore some self-evaluation templates to better gauge your performance, here )

Template 5: Project Performance Evaluation Management Timeline

Here’s a dynamic visual roadmap for three-month projects. From setting targets and defining metrics to continuous monitoring, review, and improvement phases, this slide encapsulates a comprehensive project management journey. The final review, results, and rewards are showcased with clarity. There are parameters like target, metrics, monitor, review, improvement, final review, result and rewards. Download now to captivate your audience with a visually compelling and insightful depiction of the project performance evaluation process. Streamline your project management with this impactful tool, ensuring success through effective timeline navigation.

Project Performance Evaluation Management Timeline

Template 6: Project Evaluation Using Decision Criteria

Presenting a powerful tool that revolutionizes project assessment. This dynamic template employs a robust rating system to evaluate projects based on these key parameters: strategic objective alignment, revenue figures potential, leverage, time efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. With precision and clarity, this tool provides a comprehensive framework for decision-making, ensuring informed choices that align with organizational goals. Upgrade your project evaluation process by utilizing this customizable and intuitive template, guiding stakeholders through a systematic analysis of strategic, financial, and operational considerations. Make confident decisions with this indispensable resource, optimizing project outcomes with a strategic and objective lens.

Project Evaluation Using Decision Criteria

Template 7: Five Project Evaluation Criteria Including Sustainability

Introducing a project evaluation strategy template, with a dedicated focus on sustainability. This comprehensive tool encompasses these key parameters: relevance, sustainability, effectiveness, impact, and efficiency. Each criterion provides a thorough understanding for evaluators. The template features a user-friendly scoring system, empowering users to quantitatively assess projects. With a spotlight on sustainability, this tool ensures projects align with environmental and social considerations. Elevate your project cost evaluation process, making well-informed decisions based on a holistic analysis. Download now to integrate this dynamic template into your project management toolkit, fostering sustainability and excellence in every project endeavor.

Five Project Evaluation Criteria Including Sustainability

(Interested in evaluating your employees on the side of the projects, we have the  perfect resource for you)

Template 8: Hexagonal 10-Piece Jigsaw for Project Evaluation

Unleash the power of strategic evaluation with this unique template that uses a hexagon model. Uniquely designed for a 10-stage process, this slide guide you through a journey from clarifying evaluation objectives to applying findings. Dive into the stages like determining project assessment methods , engaging stakeholders, and assessing resources, presented in a captivating hexagonal layout. Immediate download grants you access to a blend of innovation and functionality. Transform your evaluation approach, impress stakeholders, and chart a new course for project excellence.

Hexagonal 10 Piece Jigsaw for Project Evaluation

Template 9: Key Findings of The Project Evaluation Presentation Report Infographic 

Tackle stakeholder communication challenges with our one pager template. Coming to you with a simple yet comprehensive layout, it includes four major metrics to focus on in your evaluation process. Simplify one-to-one interactions by addressing the entire group in a single, impactful presentation. Our unique template design guarantees success, fostering better planning, transparency, and spot-on feedback. Enhance productivity and boost bottom lines with this one-of-a-kind investment. It's time to seize the template and make an investment you'll be proud of—unlock the potential for streamlined communication and project success.

Key Findings of the Project Evaluation

(Here are some amazing project management governance templates for you to explore)

Template 10: Project Evaluation Criteria with Weightage Score

Unveil the power of precision with our template. Dive into key topics such as Legal, Financing, Consultation, and Impact with this comprehensive and engaging presentation. Scrutinize the legal landscape surrounding the project, ensuring compliance with local and international regulations to mitigate risks. Delve into the project's financial dynamics, assessing budget allocation, funding sources, and overall financial sustainability for informed decision-making. Examine stakeholder engagement strategies, evaluating the effectiveness of communication channels and involvement initiatives. Gauge the overall impact of the project on various stakeholders, considering both positive and negative repercussions. Revolutionize your project evaluation approach by leveraging the weightage score system, and make a lasting impression with a presentation that aligns with your goals. Download now and elevate your impact.

Project Evaluation Criteria with Weightage Score

Our suite of templates, whether focusing on project evaluation criteria, decision criteria, or KPIs measurement, empowers you with dynamic project management tools for strategic decision-making. From streamlined project assessments to comprehensive evaluation frameworks, each template is crafted for adaptability, clarity, and impact. Whether addressing stakeholders, showcasing key findings, or navigating intricate criteria with a weightage score, our templates offer a blend of innovation and functionality. Immediate download ensures prompt access, allowing you to impress your audience, foster transparency, and elevate project outcomes. Invest in these templates today—a commitment to efficiency, excellence, and a future marked by successful endeavors.

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Presentation Preparation Checklist

  • File type PDF File size 291.29 KB

This checklist from the American Evaluation Association's Potent Presentations Initiative provides a set of guidelines for preparing a presentation. 

The guidelines are set up in the form of a checklist based on preparing your presentation over a period of time.  The first guidelines relate to planning and preparation three months before your presentation and the final guidelines relate to evaluating your performance and building networks.

American Evaluation Association (AEA), Potent Presentation Initiative. (2012).  Presentation preparation checklist . Retrieved from website:

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Evaluating Business Presentations: A Six Point Presenter Skills Assessment Checklist

Posted by Belinda Huckle  |  On April 18, 2024  |  In Presentation Training, Tips & Advice

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For many business people, speaking in front of clients, customers, their bosses or even their own large team is not a skill that comes naturally. So it’s likely that within your organisation, and indeed within your own team, you’ll find varying levels of presenting ability. Without an objective way to assess the presenter skills needed to make a good presentation, convincing someone that presentation coaching could enhance their job performance (benefiting your business), boost their promotion prospects (benefiting their career) and significantly increase their self confidence (benefiting their broader life choices) becomes more challenging.

Businessman delivering a great presentation

So, how do you evaluate the presenting skills of your people to find out, objectively, where the skill gaps lie? Well, you work out your presentation skills evaluation criteria and then measure/assess your people against them. 

To help you, in this article we’re sharing the six crucial questions we believe you need to ask to not only make a professional assessment of your people’s presenting skills, but to showcase what makes a great presentation. We use them in our six-point Presenter Skills Assessment checklist ( which we’re giving away as a free download at the end of this blog post ). The answers to these questions will allow you to identify the presenter skills strengths and weaknesses (i.e. skills development opportunities) of anyone in your team or organisation, from the Managing Director down. You can then put presenter skills training or coaching in place so that everyone who needs it can learn the skills to deliver business presentations face-to-face, or online with confidence, impact and purpose.

Read on to discover what makes a great presentation and how to evaluate a presenter using our six-point Presenter Skills Assessment criteria so you can make a professional judgement of your people’s presenting skills.

1. Ability to analyse an audience effectively and tailor the message accordingly

If you ask most people what makes a great presentation, they will likely comment on tangible things like structure, content, delivery and slides. While these are all critical aspects of a great presentation, a more fundamental and crucial part is often overlooked – understanding your audience .  So, when you watch people in your organisation or team present, look for clues to see whether they really understand their audience and the particular situation they are currently in, such as:

  • Is their content tight, tailored and relevant, or just generic?
  • Is the information pitched at the right level?
  • Is there a clear ‘What’s In It For Them’?
  • Are they using language and terminology that reflects how their audience talk?
  • Have they addressed all of the pain points adequately?
  • Is the audience focused and engaged, or do they seem distracted?

For your people, getting to know their audience, and more importantly, understanding them, should always be the first step in pulling together a presentation. Comprehending the challenges, existing knowledge and level of detail the audience expects lays the foundation of a winning presentation. From there, the content can be structured to get the presenter’s message across in the most persuasive way, and the delivery tuned to best engage those listening.

2. Ability to develop a clear, well-structured presentation/pitch that is compelling and persuasive

Businesswoman making a great presentation

Flow and structure are both important elements in a presentation as both impact the effectiveness of the message and are essential components in understanding what makes a good presentation and what makes a good speech. When analysing this aspect of your people’s presentations look for a clear, easy to follow agenda, and related narrative, which is logical and persuasive.

Things to look for include:

  • Did the presentation ‘tell a story’ with a clear purpose at the start, defined chapters throughout and a strong close?
  • Were transitions smooth between the ‘chapters’ of the presentation?
  • Were visual aids, handouts or audience involvement techniques used where needed?
  • Were the challenges, solutions and potential risks of any argument defined clearly for the audience?
  • Were the benefits and potential ROI quantified/explained thoroughly?
  • Did the presentation end with a clear destination/call to action or the next steps?

For the message to stick and the audience to walk away with relevant information they are willing to act on, the presentation should flow seamlessly through each part, building momentum and interest along the way. If not, the information can lose impact and the presentation its direction. Then the audience may not feel equipped, inspired or compelled to implement the takeaways.

3. Ability to connect with and maintain the engagement of the audience

Connecting with your audience and keeping them engaged throughout can really be the difference between giving a great presentation and one that falls flat. This is no easy feat but is certainly a skill that can be learned. To do it well, your team need a good understanding of the audience (as mentioned above) to ensure the content is on target. Ask yourself, did they cover what’s relevant and leave out what isn’t? 

Delivery is important here too. This includes being able to build a natural rapport with the audience, speaking in a confident, conversational tone, and using expressive vocals, body language and gestures to bring the message to life. On top of this, the slides need to be clear, engaging and add interest to the narrative. Which leads us to point 4…

4. Ability to prepare effective slides that support and strengthen the clarity of the message

Man making a great visual presentation

It’s not uncommon for slides to be used first and foremost as visual prompts for the speaker. While they can be used for this purpose, the first priority of a slide (or any visual aid) should always be to support and strengthen the clarity of the message. For example, in the case of complex topics, slides should be used to visualise data , reinforcing and amplifying your message. This ensures that your slides are used to aid understanding, rather than merely prompting the speaker.

The main problem we see with people’s slides is that they are bloated with information, hard to read, distracting or unclear in their meaning. 

The best slides are visually impactful, with graphics, graphs or images instead of lines and lines of text or bullet points. The last thing you want is your audience to be focused on deciphering the multiple lines of text. Instead your slides should be clear in their message and add reinforcement to the argument or story that is being shared. How true is this of your people’s slides?

5. Ability to appear confident, natural and in control

Most people find speaking in front of an audience (both small and large) at least a little confronting. However, for some, the nerves and anxiety they feel can distract from their presentation and the impact of their message. If members of your team lack confidence, both in their ideas and in themselves, it will create awkwardness and undermine their credibility and authority. This can crush a presenter and their reputation. 

This is something that you will very easily pick up on, but the good news is that it is definitely an area that can be improved through training and practice. Giving your team the tools and training they need to become more confident and influential presenters can deliver amazing results, which is really rewarding for both the individual and the organisation.

6. Ability to summarise and close a presentation to achieve the required/desired outcome

Audience applauding a great presentation

No matter how well a presentation goes, the closing statement can still make or break it. It’s a good idea to include a recap on the main points as well as a clear call to action which outlines what is required to achieve the desired outcome.

In assessing your people’s ability to do this, you can ask the following questions:

  • Did they summarise the key points clearly and concisely?
  • Were the next steps outlined in a way that seems achievable?
  • What was the feeling in the room at the close? Were people inspired, motivated, convinced? Or were they flat, disinterested, not persuaded? 

Closing a presentation with a well-rounded overview and achievable action plan should leave the audience with a sense that they have gained something out of the presentation and have all that they need to take the next steps to overcome their problem or make something happen.

Effective Presentation Skills are Essential to Growth

It’s widely accepted that effective communication is a critical skill in business today. On top of this, if you can develop a team of confident presenters, you and they will experience countless opportunities for growth and success.

Once you’ve identified where the skill gaps lie, you can provide targeted training to address it. Whether it’s feeling confident presenting to your leadership team or answering unfielded questions , understanding their strengths and weaknesses in presenting will only boost their presenting skills. This then creates an ideal environment for collaboration and innovation, as each individual is confident to share their ideas. They can also clearly and persuasively share the key messaging of the business on a wider scale – and they and the business will experience dramatic results.

Tailored Training to Fill Your Presentation Skill Gaps

If you’re looking to build the presentation skills of your team through personalised training or coaching that is tailored to your business, we can help. For nearly 20 years we have been Australia’s Business Presentation Skills Experts , training & coaching thousands of people in an A-Z of global blue-chip organisations. All our programs incorporate personalised feedback, advice and guidance to take business presenters further. To find out more, click on one of the buttons below:

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Don’t Forget To Download Our Presenter Skills Assessment Form

Presenter Skills Assessment Form

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Belinda Huckle

Written By Belinda Huckle

Co-Founder & Managing Director

Belinda is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of SecondNature International. With a determination to drive a paradigm shift in the delivery of presentation skills training both In-Person and Online, she is a strong advocate of a more personal and sustainable presentation skills training methodology.

Belinda believes that people don’t have to change who they are to be the presenter they want to be. So she developed a coaching approach that harnesses people’s unique personality to build their own authentic presentation style and personal brand.

She has helped to transform the presentation skills of people around the world in an A-Z of organisations including Amazon, BBC, Brother, BT, CocaCola, DHL, EE, ESRI, IpsosMORI, Heineken, MARS Inc., Moody’s, Moonpig, Nationwide, Pfizer, Publicis Groupe, Roche, Savills, Triumph and Walmart – to name just a few.

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Project Evaluation Criteria PowerPoint Template

project presentation evaluation criteria

Product Description:

Free project evaluation criteria presentation template.

Use this Free Project Evaluation Criteria PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds.

The Free Project Evaluation Criteria PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds. Download now and stand out in your next presentation with Free Project Evaluation Criteria PowerPoint and Google Slides template.

Ask us to modify or edit any specific element of the Free Project Evaluation Criteria template as per your need with our custom slides services. Lets collaborate to blend your ideas with our Free Project Evaluation Criteria template and get the final product delivered within 24 hours.

We can also help you and your team create full-fledged presentations from scratch with our presentation services . Explore now!

Features of this PowerPoint Template And Google Slides Theme:

  • 100% editable with easy-to-use features.
  • Contains 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio suitable for all types of screens.
  • Includes icons, images, graphics, and infographics to capture audience’s attention.
  • Compatible with both Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.

project presentation evaluation criteria

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  1. Free Project Evaluation Criteria PowerPoint Template

    project presentation evaluation criteria

  2. FREE 17+ Presentation Evaluation Form Samples, PDF, MS Word, Google Docs

    project presentation evaluation criteria

  3. FREE 9+ Sample Presentation Evaluation Forms in MS Word

    project presentation evaluation criteria

  4. Summary of Project evaluation criteria

    project presentation evaluation criteria

  5. Rubrics For Oral Presentations

    project presentation evaluation criteria

  6. Five Point Scale Project Evaluation Criteria

    project presentation evaluation criteria


  1. 27 POs EEE-A Presentation Evaluation-1 06/05/24

  2. Final Presentation Evaluation

  3. A United Front


  5. Thesis and Semester project Presentation |thesis defense|የምረቃ ወረቀት ስለማቅረብ| #በአማረኛ

  6. Establishing Project Priorities (scope-cost-time), Priority matrix, Constrain, Enhance, Accept EngV


  1. Top 10 Project Evaluation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Template 1: Project Evaluation Process PowerPoint Template Bundles. This PowerPoint Deck presents a comprehensive project evaluation process with tools and resources. The presentation begins with key elements of the process, followed by the methods used in it (ROI, CBA, etc.).

  2. PDF Presentation Evaluation Criteria

    The speaker presents ideas in a clear manner. The speaker states one point at a time. The speaker fully develops each point. The presentation is cohesive. The presentation is properly focused. A clear train of thought is followed and involves the audience. The speaker makes main points clear. The speaker sequences main points effectively.

  3. PDF Group Presentation Scoring Guide

    Group Evaluation Criteria Comments/Points Introduction Group: Engages audience with attention-getter (e.g., asks a question, ... Describes project process/methods as appropriate Information presented is relevant ... This rubric is intended to guide faculty in scoring a group presentation and allow instructors to score groups both as a unit and for

  4. PDF Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist

    ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION CRITERIA AND CHECKLIST. talk was well-prepared. topic clearly stated. structure & scope of talk clearly stated in introduction. topic was developed in order stated in introduction. speaker summed up main points in conclusion. speaker formulated conclusions and discussed implications. was in control of subject matter.


    FINAL PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA: PowerPoint Presentation. Thorough and in-depth work which fully meets or exceeds the instructions given. Significant content with appropriate depth. Well-organized presentation, well-paced and easily followed by the viewer. 20/40 content slides present. Creative, readable graphics and text that enhance ...

  6. Top 10 Evaluation Criteria Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 1: Supplier Evaluation Form with Evaluation Criteria PowerPoint Theme. Open the gates to business success with this PowerPoint Template, your strategic tool to conquer supplier selection. It helps you systematically evaluate suppliers, ensuring unparalleled quality and reliability to avoid costly mistakes.

  7. Use Clear Criteria and Methodologies When Evaluating PowerPoint

    Some of the criteria that you can use to assess presentations include: Focus of the presentation. Clarity and coherence of the content. Thoroughness of the ideas presented and the analysis. Clarity of the presentation. Effective use of facts, statistics and details. Lack of grammatical and spelling errors. Design of the slides.

  8. What is Project Evaluation? The Complete Guide with Templates

    Project evaluation is a key part of assessing the success, progress and areas for improvement of a project. It involves determining how well a project is meeting its goals and objectives. Evaluation helps determine if a project is worth continuing, needs adjustments, or should be discontinued. A good evaluation plan is developed at the start of ...

  9. Project Evaluation Process: Definition, Methods & Steps

    Project evaluation is the process of measuring the success of a project, program or portfolio. This is done by gathering data about the project and using an evaluation method that allows evaluators to find performance improvement opportunities. Project evaluation is also critical to keep stakeholders updated on the project status and any ...

  10. Evaluation Criteria: Adapted Definitions and Principles for Use

    Some felt the criteria were too project-focused and did not sufficiently address issues such as complexity and trade-offs, equity, and integration of human rights and gender equality. Many requested enhanced guidance on implementation of the evaluation criteria, to improve their use and to contribute to enhanced evaluation quality. 7.

  11. Top 10 Project Evaluation Templates with Samples and Examples

    (Here are some amazing project management governance templates for you to explore) Template 10: Project Evaluation Criteria with Weightage Score. Unveil the power of precision with our template. Dive into key topics such as Legal, Financing, Consultation, and Impact with this comprehensive and engaging presentation.

  12. Project Evaluation: Definition, Methods, and Steps On How to Do It

    It includes: Outcome assessment: Measuring the project's outcomes against the initial objectives. Success validation: Determining the success or failure of the project based on the defined criteria. Lessons learned: Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats encountered during the project.

  13. PDF Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

    presentation. Does not read off slides. Presenter's voice is clear. The pace is a little slow or fast at times. Most audience members can hear presentation. Presenter's voice is low. The pace is much too rapid/slow. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. Presenter mumbles, talks very fast, and speaks too quietly

  14. PDF Oral presentation criteria 2016

    The criteria are weighted so that the project impacts the final score slightly more than the presentation itself, but they now reflect the presenter's ability to address questions as well. Each presenter may take 8 minutes for the presentation (including set-up), followed by a maximum of 2 minutes for questions and answers. 1.

  15. Presentation Preparation Checklist

    PDF. 291.29 KB. This checklist from the American Evaluation Association's Potent Presentations Initiative provides a set of guidelines for preparing a presentation. The guidelines are set up in the form of a checklist based on preparing your presentation over a period of time. The first guidelines relate to planning and preparation three months ...


    ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION CRITERIA Delivery / Overall Impression 20 17 14 11 Superior: Enthusiastic, poised, comprehensible, can be heard by all, interesting to audience Good: Moderately enthusiastic, comprehensible, generally can be heard, and moderately interesting Fair: Only mild enthusiasm, problems with comprehensibility, cannot be heard very

  17. 4. Understanding the six criteria: Definitions, elements for analysis

    This chapter introduces the six criteria (), presenting them in the order in which they are most logically considered: starting with relevance and coherence, then effectiveness and efficiency, and finally impact and sustainability.Each criterion is defined and its importance described. Then the definition is further explained through an examination of its elements of analysis - the key ...

  18. The six criteria: Their purpose and role within evaluation

    The criteria were originally laid out in the early 2000s by the Network on Development Evaluation (EvalNet) of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Although they have been widely used in evaluation, and beyond, this document is the first to comprehensively explore the concepts in detail, explain their intended use and offer ...

  19. What Makes A Great Presentation Checklist

    1. Ability to analyse an audience effectively and tailor the message accordingly. If you ask most people what makes a great presentation, they will likely comment on tangible things like structure, content, delivery and slides. While these are all critical aspects of a great presentation, a more fundamental and crucial part is often overlooked ...

  20. PDF Evaluation of Presentations

    Tennessee State University is engaging in cutting-edge research to address critical challenges in our society. Our research arm supports faculty and students by taking their ideas from conception to fruition in critical areas such as biotechnology, homeland security and agriculture, to name a few.

  21. PDF RFP Writing: Evaluation & Selection Criteria

    evaluation criteria, or government legal and policy requirements. Sometimes, it can make sense to minimize requiring long narrative responses and instead ask for ... project, including ability to address current and future challenges, planned approach to working in partnership with the City, evidence of organizational buy-in, and proposed ...


    3. PEER ASSESSMENT OF GROUP PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF TEAM Use the criteria below to assess your contribution to the group presentation as well as the contribution of each of your teammates. 0 = no contribution 1 = minor contribution 2 = some contribution, but not always effective/successful 3 = some contribution, usually effective/successful

  23. Project Evaluation Criteria PowerPoint Template

    The Free Project Evaluation Criteria PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience's attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds. Download now and stand out in your next presentation with Free ...