• Report Writing On Tree Plantation

Report Writing on Tree Plantation

Before writing a report on tree plantation, one should know what a report is. Report writing is a formal way of writing detailed accounts on any topic. Report writing is based on specific evidence or information and the consequences that might arise due to a situation. Reports are generally written for a specific audience. Students of higher classes are often asked to write reports, and they can do that only if they have a clear understanding of how to write a report on tree plantation.

Tree plantation is a process where a large number of trees or seedlings are planted for land reclamation or landscaping. Planting large numbers of trees helps to purify the polluted air that we breathe in. Plants play a big role in our ecosystem by maintaining a balance among all the elements that are present in nature. Planting more trees also helps to keep in check the climate conditions of a place. So when you are writing a report on tree plantation, you might include all these. To help you more, here are two reports on tree plantations that will help you write one on your own.

Report on Tree Plantation in River Side School

Rourkela River Side School, Orissa organised a tree planting event on 14th March last year. The main purpose was to complete the planting of 200 saplings as a part of the Environment Day celebrations. The Mayor was invited to be the chief guest of this event and to help the school to promote the importance of planting trees. The tree planting program started around 10:00 a.m., just after the morning assembly. The first tree was planted by the Principal of the school and the Mayor in the school park. The students of different classes were given 100 saplings to plant in and around the school campus, and the remaining saplings were planted by the senior students in the local areas around the school. After planting saplings, the Mayor gave a speech on why planting trees can prove to be beneficial for the environment. His speech included subjects like how human beings get ample oxygen because of trees and how cutting down trees mercilessly has impacted the environment adversely. He advised that if future generations wanted to enjoy Mother Earth’s resources and privileges, then it’s important that they plant and save trees. The Principal ended the event with a vote of thanks and appreciated the Mayor and the students for their presence.

Report on Tree Plantation in DPS School

Delhi Public School, Gandhinagar, Delhi, organised a tree planting event on 16th April, 2022. The students from Class VI to XII actively participated in this event. Mr David Francis, the Director of the Board of the DPS North Zone, was invited to be a part of this event. The students, along with the teachers, agreed to plant trees in the campus of the school. Various types of tree saplings, like peepal, cinnamon, neem, and eucalyptus, were planted in the school premises. The geography teachers were asked to explain to the students the importance of different trees that were planted. Mr Francis, along with the Principal, also planted a cinnamon tree. He also talked about how planting trees helps to regulate the temperature and absorb all the carbon dioxide from the air. Mr Francis talked about how planting trees helps to make the surroundings greener and how trees serve as homes to many birds and animals. He also suggested that every student should at least plant one tree per year as it will help the world to fight against global warming. The day’s event was brought to an end with the Principal’s vote of thanks. All the students were given a sapling each to plant at home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What do you mean by report writing.

Report writing refers to a formal way of writing detailed accounts on any given topic based on the information provided about it.

How to write a report on a tree plantation?

Students can easily write a report on tree plantations if they include when the event took place, and talk about the importance of tree plantation and number of trees planted during the plantation.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

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English Compositions

Write a Notice Writing on Tree Plantation Programme in Your School [With PDF]

Today in this article I’ll show you the examples of notice writing on the tree plantation programme.

feature image of notice writing on tree plantation

Notice Writing Example: 1

DAV Public School, Lucknow

Tree plantation programme.

5 September, 2018

This is to inform students in grades 6 to 12 that the school’s Environment Club will be holding a Tree Planting Program on September 30, 2018, at 10:00 AM on the school campus. Nearly 500 trees will be planted outside and inside the school along the school’s borders. The respected mayor of the city will be the primary guest. Students wishing to participate will have to bring seedlings from home. Interested students may give their names to their class teachers no later than 10 September 2018.

Notice Writing Example: 2

DAV Public School, Ludhiana

12 August 2020

We inform you that Green Week held in our school encouraged me to plant more trees in my area. I have produced several trees in my room. This modest I ask you to plant a tree in our school. This will improve the school environment. Nearly 1,000 trees will be planted outside and indoors along the campus boundaries.

Notice Writing Example: 3

 1 June 2019

All students of our school are notified that you are all aware that the 5th of June is celebrated as World Environment Day all over the world. To celebrate this day, our school organized a tree planting program that day at our school campus. The Minister of Labour of Bihar will inaugurate the program. On that day, some seedlings will be planted around our school buildings and surrounding areas. The program will start at 9 AM and will run until 2 PM. Therefore, all students are required to attend the program at the designated time on that day for great success.

Notice Writing Example: 4

30 May 2020

All our school students are, as a result of this, notified that our school student forum would organize a tree planting program on the 5th of June to celebrate World Environment Day on our school campus. The program will start at approximately 10:30 AM. The 9th and 10th graders decide to stage a short drama about trees’ importance and preservation. There will be several VIPs on stage that day, and the District Manager will be the primary guest. At the end of the program, thousands of seedlings delivered from the Forestry Department should be planted in our school garden. Therefore, students wishing to participate in the cultural program are requested to register their names on the undersigned sites on or before 2 June.

Phoebe Green,

Now I Want to Hear from You

So there you have the examples of notice writing on the tree plantation programme in your school.

Now it’s your turn to practice this notice on your own.

I hope now you can figure out how to write a notice on this topic.

Do let me know any of your doubts by leaving a quick comment below.


Essay on Green Earth Clean Earth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Green Earth Clean Earth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Green Earth Clean Earth


Green Earth, Clean Earth is a concept that emphasizes the importance of maintaining our planet’s health. It is a call to action for everyone to play their part in preserving the Earth’s natural resources.

The Importance of a Green Earth

A green Earth is rich in diverse plant and animal life. Trees and plants provide oxygen, improve air quality, conserve water, and support wildlife. They also help in reducing global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide.

Keeping Earth Clean

A clean Earth is free from pollution. We should reduce, reuse, and recycle waste to keep our Earth clean. Avoiding the use of plastic can significantly reduce pollution.

In conclusion, a green and clean Earth ensures a safe, healthy environment for all its inhabitants. Let’s pledge to respect and protect our Earth.

250 Words Essay on Green Earth Clean Earth

The imperative of a green earth.

The vision of a green earth is not merely an aesthetic appeal but a necessity for survival. The verdant landscapes are the lungs of our planet, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thus maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem. With the burgeoning human population and rampant industrialization, this equilibrium is at risk. The need for sustainable development has never been more critical.

Industrialization and Environmental Degradation

Industrialization, while propelling economic growth, has been a significant contributor to environmental degradation. The incessant exploitation of natural resources, deforestation, and pollution are the unfortunate side effects of our technological advancements. The consequences are evident in the form of climate change, biodiversity loss, and health hazards.

Transitioning to Sustainability

Transitioning to a sustainable model is not just about adopting clean energy sources but also about rethinking our relationship with nature. It involves a paradigm shift from viewing the environment as a resource to be exploited to understanding it as a complex, interconnected system that needs to be nurtured and preserved.

Role of Individuals and Communities

Individuals and communities play a crucial role in this transition. By making conscious choices – reducing waste, recycling, and opting for sustainable products – we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint. At the same time, collective actions like community-led conservation efforts and policy advocacy can bring about systemic changes.

The Promise of a Clean Earth

A green earth is a clean earth, where the air is pure, the water is unpolluted, and the soil is fertile. It is a world where every species thrives, and future generations can enjoy the beauty and bounty of nature. The path to this utopia is challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.

500 Words Essay on Green Earth Clean Earth

The imperative of a green and clean earth.

The concept of a ‘Green Earth, Clean Earth’ is not just a slogan, it’s an urgent call to action. The drastic changes in our environment, primarily due to human activities, have necessitated a reevaluation of our relationship with nature. This essay explores the importance of a green and clean earth and discusses the steps we can take towards achieving this goal.

Understanding the Green Earth

A ‘Green Earth’ symbolizes a planet where nature’s balance is maintained, and biodiversity thrives. The greenery on Earth, primarily forests, plays a critical role in regulating the planet’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. However, rampant deforestation for urban development and agriculture has resulted in a significant decrease in the world’s forest cover, contributing to climate change.

Grasping the Clean Earth

A ‘Clean Earth’ represents a planet free from pollution and waste. Human activities have led to various forms of pollution, including air, water, soil, and noise pollution, all of which have detrimental effects on human health and biodiversity. For instance, plastic pollution in the oceans has become a grave concern, threatening marine life and ecosystems.

The Interdependence of Green and Clean

The concepts of a green and clean earth are intrinsically linked. A greener earth with more trees would mean cleaner air, as trees absorb pollutants. Similarly, a cleaner earth with less pollution would result in healthier flora and fauna, thereby promoting a greener earth. This interdependence underlines the need for a holistic approach to environmental conservation.

Steps Towards a Green and Clean Earth

Sustainable living is key to achieving a green and clean earth. This includes reducing, reusing, and recycling waste to minimize pollution. It also involves adopting renewable sources of energy to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels, which are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.

In terms of promoting a greener earth, afforestation and reforestation initiatives are vital. Planting trees not only restores biodiversity but also helps combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide.

The Role of Education and Legislation

Education and legislation play crucial roles in this endeavor. Environmental education can foster an understanding of the importance of a green and clean earth and encourage sustainable practices. On the other hand, robust environmental laws can regulate industrial activities and enforce penalties for environmental degradation.

A ‘Green Earth, Clean Earth’ is not an unattainable ideal; it’s a necessity for the survival and well-being of all life forms on our planet. By adopting sustainable practices, promoting environmental education, and enforcing strict environmental laws, we can strive towards this goal. The journey towards a green and clean earth is a collective responsibility that requires the participation of every individual, community, and nation.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Clean Mumbai Green Mumbai
  • Essay on Clean Ganga Mission
  • Essay on Clean City Green City

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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report writing you are the secretary of green earth

  • Secretary-General
  • Statements and Messages

Leaders ‘Must Step Up and Act — Now’ to Address Climate Change, Says Secretary-General, in Message on Launch of Global Report

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message on the occasion of the State of the Global Climate Report launch:

Earth’s issuing a distress call.  The latest State of the Global Climate report shows a planet on the brink.

Fossil fuel pollution is sending climate chaos off the charts.  Sirens are blaring across all major indicators:  Last year saw record heat, record sea levels and record ocean surface temperatures.  Glaciers likely lost more ice than ever before.

Some records aren’t just chart-topping, they’re chart-busting.  And changes are speeding up.  Sea level rises are accelerating — threatening coastal communities.  And last September, Antarctic sea ice was 1 million square kilometres smaller than the previous record low for the time of year.  That’s an area almost 25 times the size of Switzerland.  The impact of all this is stark, brutal and accelerating with a deadly force.

The report from the World Meteorological Organization details extreme weather around the world in 2023, and the trail of destruction left in its wake:  Thousands killed, millions displaced, crops failing and vast economic losses.

The impact on sustainable development is devastating.  Every fraction of a degree of global heating impacts the future of life on Earth.

This report shows that in 2023 we came perilously close to the global temperature temporarily rising 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

The good news is that we can still keep our planet’s long-term temperature rise below that limit and avoid the worst of climate chaos.

And we know how to do it.  By matching the speed of climate change with radical climate action that aligns with sustainable development.

By accelerating the inevitable end of the fossil fuel age — with the G20 leading a just global energy transition;

By countries producing national climate plans by 2025 that cover the whole economy and align with the 1.5°C limit;

By delivering finance for climate action in developing countries, including to adapt to extreme weather;

By protecting every person on Earth with an early warning system by 2027;

And by putting meaningful resources into the new loss and damage fund.

There’s still time to throw out a lifeline to people and planet. But leaders must step up and act now.

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  • Down to Earth

The Earth is getting greener. Hurray?

Humans are literally changing the color of the planet. Scientists are worried.

by Benji Jones

An illustration of a giant paintbrush painting Earth green.

Maybe you’ve heard: Earth, our planet, is not doing great. Tropical forests are getting cut down . Parking lots are replacing bird-filled grasslands . Climate change is fueling forest-razing wildfires . On the whole, natural, plant-filled habitats, seem to be disappearing .

Despite this destruction, scientists keep coming to an odd conclusion: The Earth is growing greener. Not green in the metaphorical “sustainable” sense, but in the literal color green.

In the last four decades, the extent of green vegetation — i.e., the amount of leaves in a given area — has substantially increased across the planet, according to a number of recent scientific studies based on satellite data. There’s actually more green space today, not less. And this “global greening” phenomenon is not just occurring on land. Large parts of the oceans are getting greener, too, research shows . Our blue planet, it seems, is increasingly a green planet.

Understanding Earth’s color is key to understanding Earth and our future on it. “Greenness” often corresponds to the planet’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas that drives climate change . The more leaves, the more photosynthesis, a chemical reaction that gobbles up CO2. That’s the good news in global greening: It’s helping offset some of the impacts of climate change.

But there’s more to greening than meets the eye. The changing color isn’t so much a sign that forests and other ecosystems are regrowing but that humans are altering the environment on a truly planetary scale — often, with dire consequences.

A true-color image of Earth taken by NASA satellites more than two decades ago.

Why Earth is getting greener

Much of what we know about our planet on a global scale comes from satellites. Some of them are equipped with high-tech sensors that measure different wavelengths of light. With help from computer models, these sensors can roughly approximate the amount of leaves in a given area on the ground. More “greening” means the ground has more leaves, typically because it has more plants, or those plants have more (or larger) leaves on them.

The global greening effect, which dates back to the 1980s or earlier , isn’t tiny. In one 2019 study published in the journal Nature Sustainability , scientists found that the Earth had increased its green leaf area (i.e., the amount of leaves) by 5 percent in the last two decades. That’s equivalent to an area the size of the Amazon rainforest covered in a thin layer of leaves. A more recent paper , meanwhile, found that the world is not only leafier, but the rate of greening is actually accelerating across more than half of its land.

Recent trends in global greening. Darker green indicates where the planet is becoming leafier.

These results are somewhat counterintuitive. In an age of deforestation, you might expect Earth to get browner or more gray, as satellites see stumps in place of trees and runways in place of wetlands. Where is all this green color coming from?

One explanation is air pollution . Carbon dioxide is not only a pollutant but a fertilizer — a key ingredient in photosynthesis that helps plants grow. Some farmers inject CO2 into their greenhouses to accelerate plant growth. But now we’re fertilizing plants on a global scale: In the last two centuries, NASA reports , humans have increased the CO2 content in the air by roughly 50 percent. All that extra CO2 is accelerating leaf growth, and satellites can see it.

Humans are also just growing more plants. The 2019 Nature Sustainability study found that the dominant driver of recent global greening is a combination of more farming and, to a lesser extent, more tree planting. People are growing more crops on the same amount of land and turning barren patches of soil into verdant farms.

These trends are especially prominent in China and India . Together, these two countries account for roughly one-third of all greening, the study found.

“The intensification of agriculture that’s been happening in India over the past four decades is stunning,” said Joshua Gray, a geospatial scientist at North Carolina State University, who was not affiliated with the 2019 paper.

China, meanwhile, has planted tens of billions of trees, often in plots with just one species, over the last four decades, according to the country’s government. The idea behind this massive tree-planting campaign is, among other goals, to stop land from drying out, reduce erosion, and provide people with a source of income from timber.

Green can be good

Broadly speaking, a leafier planet can help the climate. Our oceans and lands, including forests, absorb more than half of the CO2 that countries spew into the air. These “carbon sinks” keep global warming from getting worse than it already is, and at least on land, they have been growing for several decades.

Global greening, Gray said, is one reason why the land sink has ballooned.

A phytoplankton bloom near Iceland in the summer of 2010.

In the ocean, however, greening is far more mysterious; it’s not clear why the sea is getting greener or what that means for the climate. The observed shift in color is likely caused by phytoplankton, a tiny plant-like organism that, like plants, absorbs CO2. Greener seas might mean there’s simply more phytoplankton in some areas. Alternatively, there could be a shift in the phytoplankton community toward species that produce more green pigment, according to B.B. Cael, a scientist at the National Oceanography Centre who has studied ocean greening . The difference matters because it determines how much carbon the oceans can absorb.

Better satellite data will help figure some of this out. That’s one reason why NASA is expected to launch a satellite called PACE, which will measure ocean color to better understand how plankton communities influence Earth’s climate.

NASA engineers test the PACE observatory satellite in a space environment simulator.

The big problems behind the green sheen

There’s a lot that color alone leaves out, such as what that “green” is made of.

To sensors on a satellite, a rainforest in Indonesia and a nearby monoculture of coffee or rubber trees look similar. They both appear green. Yet these two landscapes are dramatically different: The rainforest is home to orangutans and rare plants and helps regulate the local climate, whereas the plantation is relatively devoid of life. Measurements of color alone fail to capture these important differences.

More than that, they can mask ecosystem destruction, said Robin Chazdon, a tropical ecologist and part-time scientist at the World Resources Institute, an environmental group. Companies commonly tear up native forests to plant commercial crops. Satellite data alone struggles to capture these changes in land use.

“It’s glossing over the reality of what’s actually happened,” Chazdon said of global greening measurements.

Greening caused by tree planting — common in China and India — can also be problematic, she said. Planted forests often comprise just one or two tree species and don’t offer much in the way of biodiversity or other benefits, like erosion control, she said. In some cases, the trees eventually die.

  • The surprising downsides to planting trillions of trees

The growth in green farmland, similarly, has some pretty serious consequences. Industrial farms not only replace native ecosystems but require huge amounts of water and chemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides (which are known to harm humans and ecosystems ). Consider the Imperial Valley of Southern California. Once a desert, it’s now covered in vast stretches of farmland . Those farms have turned the region green — and it’s visible from space — yet they’ve done so, in part, by draining the Colorado River and fueling a water war in the West.

What’s more is that while plants absorb carbon, industrial cropland typically produces more carbon emissions than it absorbs over the long term. Making nitrogen fertilizer and other agrochemicals requires a huge amount of energy, which typically comes from fossil fuels . Plus, much of the carbon absorbed by plants on a farm gets reemitted into the environment after they’re harvested.

Farms of corn, wheat, and sorghum in southwestern Kansas, seen by a satellite in 2001.

The other problem: While CO2 fertilization can make some crops grow faster, research has also found that it can decrease their nutritional value — such as the concentration of protein, and minerals like calcium and magnesium — for a number of complicated reasons . So pumping CO2 into the air means more but often less-nutritious vegetation (and globally, more than 2 billion people are nutrient-deficient).

So, yes, greening is complicated. It’s not inherently good. Sometimes it’s very bad. Context, it turns out, matters a lot.

If there’s anything we can glean from color alone it’s the scale of human impact. It’s not that nature is healing — that forests are growing back because we left them alone — but that we have drastically changed the atmosphere, the ground, and the ocean. We have changed the very look of our planet, and it’s visible from space.

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ESG | The Report

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Write a Sustainability Report

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

Sustainability reporting has become a critical aspect of modern business, helping organizations showcase their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts while providing valuable insights to stakeholders. As a company striving to make a difference, how can you create a comprehensive and engaging sustainability report that effectively communicates your commitment to responsible practices? This blog post provides a step-by-step guide on how to write a sustainability report, shedding light on the essential components, data collection strategies, reporting frameworks, and stakeholder engagement techniques that will elevate your organization’s sustainability initiatives.

  • Key Takeaways
  • Sustainability reporting enables companies to track progress, assess impact, and communicate efforts.
  • A comprehensive sustainability report typically consists of corporate data, objectives & ambitions, and hazard management.
  • Common frameworks such as GRI Standards, SASB & TCFD offer guidance for structuring ESG information relevant to a company’s indicators.

Understanding Sustainability Reporting

Key components of a sustainability report.

  • Choosing the Right Reporting Framework

Engaging Stakeholders in the Reporting Process

Data collection and analysis, crafting a compelling sustainability report, reviewing and publishing the sustainability report, communicating the sustainability report, common sustainability frameworks.

7 Quick Steps to Writing a Good Sustainability Report 

Frequently Asked Questions

Sustainability reporting involves publicly disclosing a company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, a critical practice in producing a robust sustainability report. A sustainability report provides stakeholders with comprehensive information regarding an organization’s sustainability endeavors. It is designed to show progress towards sustainability objectives, and effects on the environment and society, showcasing the organization’s sustainability efforts.

Corporate sustainability reporting plays a pivotal role in helping companies track their progress in sustainable practices and assess their societal impact. Measured in accordance with global sustainability frameworks for consistency and comparability. By illustrating an organization’s dedication to sustainability and its positive effects on the environment and society, sustainability reporting provides key stakeholders with valuable information.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

Several integral elements form the backbone of a well-structured sustainability report, such as corporate data, objectives and ambitions, and hazard management. These components form the basis of a comprehensive and effective sustainability report, facilitating the evaluation of a company’s environmental and social performance, as well as its governance practices.

Subsequent subsections will offer a detailed examination of these key elements and their significance in curating an engaging sustainability report.

Company Information and Context

The company information section of a sustainability report encompasses comprehensive information regarding the company. This includes, but is not limited to: company mission, structure, operations, products, and sustainability context. Keep in mind that measurements vary by industry and geography. They are also directly comparable peer-to-peer. Providing a succinct summary of operations and the value chain familiarizes readers with the company’s sustainability initiatives and elucidates how sustainability is embedded into the business, guaranteeing uniformity.

Furnishing an overview of the corporate and market setting aids readers in comprehending the wider context of the report, thereby enhancing its quality. In addition, employee involvement in the sustainability reporting process is paramount, as employees are the executors of sustainability-related initiatives.

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives section of a sustainability report contains explicit and quantifiable sustainability goals and objectives that are consistent with the company’s overall strategy. A strong sustainability report should explicitly state the company’s sustainability strategy for the short, medium, and long term, in a manner that is consistent with the core business strategy. Additionally, the report should provide a clear connection between sustainability risks and opportunities and the corresponding actions, thus allowing readers to understand the rationale behind the strategy.

Effective reports necessitate the disclosure of a broad spectrum of sustainability key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs should be directly linked to the previously introduced strategy. They serve as a means to measure progress, ensuring stakeholders can evaluate the company’s commitment to achieving its sustainability goals.

Risk Management and Opportunities

The risk management and opportunities section of a sustainability report encompasses the identification and management of risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance factors. The key steps in this process include:

  • Identification and assessment of potential risks impacting the company’s ESG performance
  • Proactive mitigation of these risks
  • Ensuring the long-term sustainability of operations

By following these steps, companies can effectively manage risks and seize opportunities for sustainable growth.

Furthermore, risk management in a sustainability report assists companies in gaining insights into their performance. Helpful in pinpointing areas for enhancement, and augmenting stakeholder trust and confidence. Conducting a materiality analysis, which is the process of identifying and prioritizing sustainability issues that are of particular relevance to a company and its stakeholders, can further strengthen the risk management and opportunities section of a sustainability report.

Choosing a suitable reporting framework is vital, as it provides a structure for the sustainability report and ensures transparency and consistency. Please keep in mind that many of the frameworks are merging together in order to simplify the process and are evolving as you read this. Due to the presence of numerous frameworks, companies must identify the one that best suits their industry and business operations. Factors such as the industry, the scope of operations, and the type of information to report should be taken into account when choosing a reporting framework.

Before writing a sustainability report utilizing a framework, it is advisable to ascertain what the framework entails. Familiarizing oneself with the chosen framework’s requirements and guidelines ensures that the report adheres to the highest standards and effectively communicates the company’s sustainability efforts to stakeholders.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

Engaging stakeholders is a critical component of sustainability reporting, as it yields valuable feedback and improves decision-making. Potential stakeholders to consult before initiating the sustainability reporting process may include:

  • Boards of directors
  • Nongovernmental organizations
  • Local communities

Engaging with stakeholders early in the process ensures that their input is taken into consideration and that the reporting process remains transparent and inclusive.

Involving stakeholders in the data collection and analysis process, as well as keeping them informed of the progress of the report on a regular basis, fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the company’s sustainability efforts. This collaborative approach not only strengthens the reporting process but also helps organizations identify areas for improvement and opportunities for positive change.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

The collection and analysis of pertinent sustainability data is vital for tracking the company’s progress, pinpointing potential risks and opportunities, and assessing the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives. The key goal is to get beyond managing information in spreadsheets in order to be able to cross reference and target information that be applied to frameworks and policies.

Upcoming subsections will explore methodologies for compiling internal and external data, aiding organizations in producing a thorough and robust sustainability report that adeptly communicates their sustainability performance to stakeholders.

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Internal Data Collection

When compiling a sustainability report, it is necessary to collect internal data that is pertinent to environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices. This may include data on carbon emissions, water usage, philanthropic donations, volunteer hours, and other sustainability-related information. Establishing a sustainable and repeatable process for data collection is crucial in order to guarantee data quality.

To ensure the establishment of a sustainable and repeatable process for data collection, it is imperative to create a strategy that involves all relevant departments and stakeholders in the organization. This collaborative approach ensures that the data collected is accurate, comprehensive, and consistently updated, allowing for a more informed and credible sustainability report.

You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

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External Data Collection

External data, such as:

  • Environmental data (greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water usage, waste generation, air and water quality)
  • Social data (employee diversity, labor practices, health and safety performance, community engagement, human rights)
  • Economic data (financial performance, economic contributions, R&D investments)

Should be gathered for a sustainability report. Collecting external data can be achieved through stakeholder consultations, surveys, and industry benchmarks.

Stakeholder consultations involve engaging stakeholders in the data collection process, including customers, suppliers, and investors. Surveys can be utilized to acquire data from a wide range of people, while industry benchmarks can be utilized to compare a company’s performance to that of its counterparts.

By employing these approaches, organizations can gather valuable external data that supports their company’s sustainability practices and provides a comprehensive view of their ESG performance.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

To produce an engaging and enlightening sustainability report, organizations should adhere to recognized guidelines and best practices. These encompass:

  • Choosing the right framework
  • Offering an introduction
  • Placing the reporting in context
  • Showcasing operations and value chain
  • Expressing sustainability strategy
  • Illustrating departmental alignment
  • Revealing relevant KPIs
  • Tackling strategic risks and opportunities.

A well-crafted sustainability report not only demonstrates an organization’s commitment to responsible practices and its organization’s sustainability efforts but also serves as a powerful communication tool that effectively conveys its sustainability performance to stakeholders.

Moreover, it is essential to maintain a consistent and engaging narrative throughout the report, using clear and concise language that is easily understood by a wide range of stakeholders. By incorporating compelling visuals, case studies, and testimonials, organizations can create an impactful sustainability report that resonates with readers and inspires positive change.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

A crucial step in the process is the review and approval of a sustainability report to verify its accuracy, completeness, and alignment with sustainability commitments. During the review process, organizations should verify the accuracy of the data presented, ensure that ideas are expressed clearly, and confirm that all relevant information is included. This thorough review process helps guarantee that the final report accurately reflects the organization’s sustainability efforts and provides a reliable and comprehensive picture of its ESG performance.

Upon review and approval of the sustainability report, timely publication and distribution are vital to keep stakeholders updated on the company’s progress and achievements. By maintaining transparency and open communication, organizations can strengthen stakeholder trust, foster accountability, and showcase their commitment to responsible practices.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

Clear communication of the sustainability report to stakeholders is vital for eliciting feedback and strengthening future reporting and sustainability initiatives. To achieve this, organizations should develop a communication strategy that encompasses various channels, such as websites, social media platforms, newsletters, and events, to reach a wide range of stakeholders. By presenting the report in an accessible and engaging format, organizations can ensure that their sustainability efforts are clearly understood and appreciated by their target audience.

Collecting feedback from stakeholders on the sustainability report is a valuable opportunity for organizations to identify areas for improvement, address concerns, and strengthen their commitment to sustainability. By fostering open dialogue and actively engaging with stakeholders, organizations can continuously refine their sustainability practices and reporting processes, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and responsible future.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

Several prevalent sustainability reporting frameworks exist, such as:

  • The Global Reporting Initiative ( GRI ) Standards
  • The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board ( SASB )
  • The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ( TCFD )

Each framework has its own unique features and focus areas catering to different industries and sustainability priorities.

The GRI Standards provide a widely recognized framework for structuring sustainability reports and disclosing information pertaining to ESG topics or indicators relevant to a company’s sustainability. The SASB offers industry-specific guidelines for disclosing financial material sustainability information. The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has developed a set of recommendations that urge organizations to have a thorough understanding of their climate-related risks and opportunities. It also calls for disclosure of those impacts and strategies.

Identifying the most fitting framework for your organization is key to creating an impactful and thorough sustainability report that complies with industry standards and caters to the concerns of diverse stakeholders.

  • Conduct a Materiality Assessment: This entails outlining the key issues and impacts that your organization experiences. Make sure to include environmental, social, and economic factors in your assessment so that you can achieve a holistic view of your operations.
  • Assess Current State (Baseline): Perform an internal audit to establish a baseline of your organization’s sustainability performance. This will help you to identify improvement opportunities and track progress over time.
  • Set Objectives & Targets: After conducting a materiality assessment and understanding your company’s baseline performance, you can set realistic objectives and targets for sustainability improvement.
  • Analyze Gaps to Achieving Future State: This step involves analyzing the difference between your current performance and desired future state. Doing so will help you to identify priority areas for improvement.
  • Develop ESG Strategies, Roadmap, and Framework: After gaps have been identified, you can develop strategies and initiatives to address them. Make sure that your plans are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Implement and Monitor Initiatives: Once your strategies and initiatives have been developed, it’s time to put them into action. Regularly monitoring your progress will help you to stay on track towards achieving your sustainability goals.
  • Reporting & Communicating Results: Finally, it is important to report on the results of your sustainability efforts in order to communicate progress to stakeholders. This will help build trust and confidence in your organization’s ability to create lasting positive change.

In conclusion, creating a comprehensive and engaging sustainability report is a complex yet rewarding process that requires careful planning, data collection, stakeholder engagement, and adherence to established reporting frameworks. By following the guidance provided in this blog post, organizations can craft a compelling sustainability report that effectively communicates their commitment to responsible practices, showcases their ESG performance, and inspires positive change. In doing so, organizations not only enhance their reputation and credibility but also contribute to a more sustainable and responsible future for all.

What should be included in the sustainability report?

A sustainability report should contain information about the organization, risk and opportunity management, stakeholder communication, senior management commitment, identification of stakeholders and their expectations, and identification and assessment of relevant sustainability issues.

It also includes disclosure of a company’s environmental, social, and governance goals, and communication of the company’s progress and efforts to reach those goals, as well as financial elements.

How do you write an annual sustainability report?

To create an annual sustainability report, start by setting goals and identifying issues. Gather and analyze the relevant data, then clearly communicate the key observations to stakeholders in a way that resonates with them.

Finally, review and approve the report before publishing. Finally, employing ESG software designed to collect data and analyze data, utilizing machine learning and AI, will streamline the process and reduce costs.

What are the three key areas of sustainable reporting?

ESG reporting consists of three key pillars: environmental, social, and governance performance.

These categories each have a multitude of different factors that can be reported on to measure the sustainability of a company.

How can organizations ensure the accuracy and completeness of their sustainability report?

Organizations should ensure the accuracy and completeness of their sustainability report by establishing a data collection process, engaging stakeholders, and conducting a review and approval process before publishing.

Why is stakeholder engagement important in sustainability reporting?

Stakeholder engagement is crucial to sustainability reporting, as it ensures feedback and input from key stakeholders, encourages collaboration on decision-making, and builds a shared commitment to the company’s sustainability goals.

By engaging stakeholders, companies can ensure that their sustainability goals are aligned with the interests of their stakeholders and that their sustainability initiatives are well-informed and effective. This helps to ensure that the company’s sustainability efforts are successful and that the company is able to meet its sustainability goals.

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What is ESG Marketing?

Environmental, social, and governance marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on the long-term sustainability of an organization. The goal of ESG marketing is to create greater public awareness about the current state of our environment and social issues. It might also provide sustainable solutions that help businesses remain socially and environmentally responsible. This type of marketing emphasizes the importance of ethical practices in corporate operations. It also focuses on efforts to reduce the impact business activities have on the environment. By taking into consideration multiple facets when making decisions, businesses can ensure their actions are responsible. This will also reflect positively on their organizational values. Additionally, by focus on different aspects like environmental protection, labor rights, human health, and consumer safety in their operations. Companies can benefit from improved brand loyalty and positive consumer perception.

What is ESG Software?

ESG software is an online tool used by organizations to measure their environmental, social, and governance performance. The software utilizes a range of metrics such as carbon emissions, water use, employee training programs, or diversity initiatives to evaluate the company’s sustainability practices. Companies can use this data to inform decisions about where improvements need to be made within their operations. Through this software companies are able to gain visibility into how far they’ve come in terms of improving sustainability standards over time as well as specific areas for further improvement. Additionally, ESG software also helps organizations report their progress towards various targets to stakeholders or investors who may be interested in understanding a company’s commitment to sustainability goals.

Savvy business leaders have also read…

  • What is ESG?
  • What are ESG Metrics?
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What is Sustainability Software?

Sustainability software is a type of technology that helps organizations measure and manage their environmental performance across different areas such as energy usage or waste production. By utilizing this software companies are able to track data related to their resource consumption throughout different stages in the production process. This enables them to identify any areas for improvement or opportunities for greater efficiency when it comes to resource management. Additionally, sustainability software allows organizations to set goals related to reducing emissions or other forms of pollution with measurable performance markers so that progress can be tracked over time. Organizations often integrate these tools into existing systems so that all relevant employees can view up-to-date information regarding performance against set targets or benchmarks related to sustainable practice objectives across departments or subsidiaries worldwide.


Research & Curation

Dean Emerick is a curator on sustainability issues with ESG The Report, an online resource for SMEs and Investment professionals focusing on ESG principles. Their primary goal is to help middle-market companies automate Impact Reporting with ESG Software. Leveraging the power of AI, machine learning, and AWS to transition to a sustainable business model. Serving clients in the United States, Canada, UK, Europe, and the global community. If you want to get started, don’t forget to Get the Checklist! ✅

Write a Notice on World Environment Day (2024 Guide)

Are you finding the format for how to write a notice on World Environment Day? If yes, then don’t worry because, in this blog post, I will share some examples of notice writing on World Environment Day. These samples notice is valid for all classes. You can also modify the school name, date, student name, etc.

So without any further delay, let’s move toward notice on World Environment Day.

Notice Writing on Environment Day

Question 1:- Your school is organising a celebration programme on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June, 20XX on the school campus. As a cultural secretary of your school, draft a notice on your school notice board informing all the students and teachers about this event. You are Ankit/Ankita of Guru Vidya Khendra Vidyalaya, Jaipur.

Guru Vidya Khendra Vidyalaya, Jaipur

Date:- 28th July, 20XX

Topic:- Celebration Programme on World Environment Day.

All the students and teachers of our school are hereby notified that our school is going to organise a celebration programme on 5th June, 20XX on the occasion of World Environment Day. Speech, drama, plantation, and many other types of events will be organized in this celebration program. For more details, contact the undersigned.

Cultural Secretary

Question 2:- You are Bharat/Bharti Head Boy/Head Girl of Doon Public School, Gwalior. The Environment club of your school is organising a tree plantation programme on the school campus on 5th June, 20XX. Write a notice inviting students who are interested to participate.

Doon Public School, Gwalior

Date:- 29th July, 20XX

Subject:- Tree Plantation Programme.

On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Environment club of our school is planning to organise a Tree Plantation Programme on our school campus. The programme will start at 9:00 in the morning. The aim of the program is to plant 200+ saplings. Students who are interested in participating are requested to give their names to their respective class teachers.

Question 3:- As a principal of the Indian School of Learning, Puri. An inter-school greenness awareness campaign is going to be organised on the occasion of World Environment Day. Write a notice inviting students who want to participate in the campaign. You are Dr Jagarnath Saw.

Indian School of Learning, Puri

Date:- 1st June, 20XX

Title:- Greenness Awareness Campaign.

All the students of our school are hereby informed that an inter-school greenness awareness campaign is to be held on 5th June, 20XX on the occasion of World Environment Day. The program starts at 9:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm. More than 10+ students from our states are participating in this campaign. Interested students may contact their respective class teachers.

Dr Jagarnath Saw,

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Climate Action: It’s time to make peace with nature, UN chief urges

The Earth, an image created  from photographs taken by the Suomi NPP satellite.

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The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has described the fight against the climate crisis as the top priority for the 21st Century, in a passionate, uncompromising speech delivered on Wednesday at Columbia University in New York.

The landmark address marks the beginning of a month of UN-led climate action, which includes the release of major reports on the global climate and fossil fuel production, culminating in a climate summit on 12 December, the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

Nature always strikes back

Mr. Guterres began with a litany of the many ways in which nature is reacting, with “growing force and fury”, to humanity’s mishandling of the environment, which has seen a collapse in biodiversity, spreading deserts, and oceans reaching record temperatures.

The link between COVID-19 and man-made climate change was also made plain by the UN chief, who noted that the continued encroachment of people and livestock into animal habitats, risks exposing us to more deadly diseases.

And, whilst the economic slowdown resulting from the pandemic has temporarily slowed emissions of harmful greenhouse gases, levels of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane are still rising, with the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at a record high. Despite this worrying trend, fossil fuel production – responsible for a significant proportion of greenhouse gases – is predicted to continue on an upward path.

Secretary-General António Guterres (left) discusses the State of the Planet with Professor Maureen Raymo at Columbia University in New York City.

‘Time to flick the green switch’

The appropriate global response, said the Secretary-General, is a transformation of the world economy, flicking the “green switch” and building a sustainable system driven by renewable energy, green jobs and a resilient future.

One way to achieve this vision, is by achieving net zero emissions (read our feature story on net zero for a full explanation, and why it is so important). There are encouraging signs on this front, with several developed countries, including the UK, Japan and China, committing to the goal over the next few decades.

Mr. Guterres called on all countries, cities and businesses to target 2050 as the date by which they achieve carbon neutrality – to at least halt national increases in emissions - and for all individuals to do their part.

With the cost of renewable energy continuing to fall, this transition makes economic sense, and will lead to a net creation of 18 million jobs over the next 10 years. Nevertheless, the UN chief pointed out, the G20, the world’s largest economies, are planning to spend 50 per cent more on sectors linked to fossil fuel production and consumption, than on low-carbon energy.

Put a price on carbon

Food and drinking supplies are delivered by raft to a village in Banke District, Nepal, when the village road was cut off  due to heavy rainfall.

For years, many climate experts and activists have called for the cost of carbon-based pollution to be factored into the price of fossil fuels, a step that Mr. Guterres said would provide certainty and confidence for the private and financial sectors.

Companies, he declared, need to adjust their business models, ensuring that finance is directed to the green economy, and pension funds, which manage some $32 trillion in assets, need to step and invest in carbon-free portfolios.

Lake Chad has lost up to ninety per cent of its surface in the last fifty years.

Far more money, continued the Secretary-General, needs to be invested in adapting to the changing climate, which is hindering the UN’s work on disaster risk reduction. The international community, he said, has “both a moral imperative and a clear economic case, for supporting developing countries to adapt and build resilience to current and future climate impacts”.

Everything is interlinked

The COVID-19 pandemic put paid to many plans, including the UN’s ambitious plan to make 2020 the “super year” for buttressing the natural world. That ambition has now been shifted to 2021, and will involve a number of major climate-related international commitments.

These include the development of a plan to halt the biodiversity crisis; an Oceans Conference to protect marine environments; a global sustainable transport conference; and the first Food Systems Summit, aimed at transforming global food production and consumption.

Mr. Guterres ended his speech on a note of hope, amid the prospect of a new, more sustainable world in which mindsets are shifting, to take into account the importance of reducing each individual’s carbon footprint.

Far from looking to return to “normal”, a world of inequality, injustice and “heedless dominion over the Earth”, the next step, said the Secretary-General, should be towards a safer, more sustainable and equitable path, and for mankind to rethink our relationship with the natural world – and with each other.

You can read the full speech here .

Our planet is in a state of climate emergency.But I also see hope.There is momentum toward carbon neutrality. Many cities are becoming greener. The circular economy is reducing waste. Environmental laws have growing reach. And many people are taking #ClimateAction. pic.twitter.com/dDAHH279Er António Guterres, UN Secretary-General antonioguterres December 2, 2020
  • climate change
  • climate action

Notice Writing Class 11 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

A Notice gives the reader some information regarding an important event that is about to happen or that has happened. It is usually displayed publicly. It is a formal piece of writing and involves a specific style.

Looking for an easy way to learn English Grammar? then you are in right place. Here we providing basic  English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… below given some of the Notice Writing Class 11 Examples.

A notice is a written or printed information that can be in the form of an official statement of public importance or a warning in advance. Since a notice is primarily meant to inform a large number of people, it must be clear and brief. It is a very important form of written communication used by individuals and organisations to convey information about functions, events and occasions.

The main purposes of writing a notice are to

  • provide information regarding an important event that is about to happen or has happened.
  • publicly display information either in the newspapers or on specific display boards for others to know and follow.
  • announce births or deaths.
  • announce occasions like inaugurations or sales.
  • make appeals or extend invitations.

Types Of Notice Different types of notice are as given below

  • Notice for meeting
  • Notice for events like competition/celebration/annual sports event/cultural festival/winter carnival etc
  • Notice for lost or found
  • Notice for tours/fairs/exhibitions/campaigns/seminars/workshops/debates/group talk etc
  • Notice for appeal/warning/guideline/message in public interest
  • Notice for change of name/residence/company/bank account/timings etc

Points To Be Kept In Mind

  • Write the name of the organisation/institution/office issuing the notice.
  • The word ‘NOTICE’ is always written under the name of the organisation/institution/office.
  • Date of issuing notice is written on the left hand side.
  • Heading/subject should be eye-catching, brief and precise.
  • The content must include complete information. It must include the 7 W’s of writing (who, what, where, why, when, in what way and for whom).
  • The purpose of the notice should be very clear.
  • The name and designation of the issuing authority should be mentioned.
  • The language used must be lucid and must be written in the third person i.e. pronouns like I, you, me, mine, your, our etc should not be used.
  • Choice of tense will depend on the nature of the notice e.g. in a notice announcing an event, future time reference will be used more than any other tense forms.
  • The notice should be presented within a box.

Notice Writing Format

Types Of Notice

TYPE 1 Notice for Meeting

Details/Value Points The points given below are required while writing a notice for a meeting,

  • Who has called the meeting
  • Agenda/purpose of the meeting
  • Date/time/venue of the meeting
  • Who is to attend the meeting
  • Number of persons/departments included
  • Specific instructions for the persons called for the meeting
  • Signatory with name and designation
  • In case of further details, contact person with designation

Notice Writing with Question and Answer for Class 11 CBSE

Question 1. Write a notice for a meeting of security employees with the Director of their agency to discuss security hazards and arrive at a specific resolution. Give the agenda of the meeting in the notice. Answer:

Tiger Security Providers, Gurgaon Notice

19th February, 20XX

Meeting of Security Employees

All the security guards and supervisors appointed by Tiger Security Providers, Gurgaon are required to attend a meeting to be held in the Director’s office at 9 AM on Friday, 23rd February, 20XX.

The agenda of the meeting is

  • Minutes of last meeting for discussion and approval
  • Security hazards
  • Suggestions for better safety
  • How to overcome complications

For further details, please contact the undersigned.

Rajendra Pal (Secretary)

Question 2. You are Rohan/Roma, the Students’ Representative of the School Development Committee. Next week, the Committee is meeting to prepare a Calendar of Activities for academic year 20XX-20XY. Write a notice, to be put up on your school notice board, inviting students’ suggestions on the subject. Answer:

Suncity World School, Gurgaon Notice

21st January, 20XX

Annual Development Committee Meeting – Suggestions Invited

All the students are hereby informed that the School Development Committee is going to meet on 31st January, 20XX to prepare a Calendar of Activities for the coming session.

All those students who have creative suggestions can meet the undersigned and discuss their ideas. The undersigned will meet such students on 25th January, 20XX in the Student Activity Hall in the zero period. Constructive ideas will be welcomed.

For further details contact the undersigned.

Rohan (Students’ Representative)

Example Of Notice Writing Class 11 CBSE

1. On the occasion of National Science and Technology Day, the school has decided to organise a Science Fair. Kulwant, the Secretary of the Science Society, wants to call a meeting of the office-bearers of the society to discuss the arrangements for the fair. Write a suitable notice.

2. You are Abhik, the Head Boy of Kanya International School, Bareilly. Draft a notice for the school notice board, informing the Students’ Council members about a meeting with the Principal and Discipline Committee of the school. Provide the necessary details.

3. Your school is celebrating its Silver Jubilee. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school, you are organising a meeting Of the Students’ Council to discuss how to celebrate it. Write a notice informing the students about this meeting, giving necessary details and the meeting’s agenda.

4. You are Rajan, Secretary of the RWA, Sunlight Housing Society. Your RWA will hold a function to celebrate Independence Day. Write a notice, inviting all RWA members for attending a meeting to decide how the day should be celebrated. Provide all necessary details.

5. You are Sandeep/Sakshi, the Cultural Secretary of Bharat Senior Secondary School, Bhopal. The school has decided to stage a cultural festival next month. The Principal has asked you to convene a meeting of the class representatives with him to decide the details. Draft a notice accordingly.

TYPE 2 Notice for Events ( Competition/Celebration/ ’ Annual Sports Event/Cultural Festival )

Details/Value Points The points given below are required while writing a notice for events.

  • Who is organising the event
  • Objective/purpose/occasion
  • Date/time/duration/ venue of the event
  • Who can participate/essential qualifications/eligibility conditions
  • Last date for registering names/depositing the amount etc
  • Specific instructions (if any)
  • Contact person with designation

Notice Writing Class 11 Topper Answer Sheet CBSE Pdf

1. Write a notice for the ‘10th All India Poster Making Competition’ to be held in your school on 18th November, 20XX. Provide the other essential details. Answer:

Ggs Public School, Delhi Notice

1st November, 20XX

Poster Making Competition

All the students from class IV to XII are hereby informed that the school is organising the ’10th All India Poster Making Competition’ on 18th November, 20XX in the school ground from 9 AM to 12 Noon. It is a golden opportunity for budding artists to show their talent.

Junior Category (Class IV to VIII) Topic – Child Labour Senior Category (Class IX to XII) Topic – National Integration

Interested students can register themselves with the undersigned latest by 10th November, 20XX. For further details, contact the undersigned.

Samakshi (Secretary, Art Club)

Question 2. You are the Secretary of the Music Club of your school. Your school is organising its ‘5th Inter-School Music Carnival’ for the students of class VI-XII. Write a notice inviting those interested to appear for an audition in the presence of renowned singer Rehmat Ali Khan. Provide the other necessary details. Answer:

Model School, New Delhi Notice

6th November, 20XX

5th Inter-School Music Carnival

This is to inform that the school is hosting its 5th Inter-School Music Carnival for class VI-XII on 10th December, 20XX, at 9 AM in the Siri Fort Auditorium. All interested students may appear for the auditions to be conducted in the presence of Mr Rehmat Ali Khan, the well-known singer, on 15th November, 20XX at 10 AM in the school auditorium.

For further details, contact the undersigned.

Geetanjali Taneja (Secretary, Music Club)

Notice Writing Class 11 CBSE Examples

1. You are Ravi/Reeta, the Cultural Secretary of ABC High School, Mysore. You have been asked to inform students of class IX to XII about an Inter-School Dramatics Competition. Draft a notice for the students’ notice board with all necessary details.

2. The Residents’ Welfare Association, Green Park, Indore, is organising a ‘Holi Utsav’ in the locality. As the President of the association, draft a notice informing the residents about the same. Provide the other essential details.

3. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school. Write a notice inviting the names of students who want to participate in the variety programme that you are planning in aid of an old age home in your city. Items may be in the form of solo and group singing, mono-acting, dance performance, playing instrumental music etc.

4. There is going to be an inter-Class Debate of the students of class DC to XU on the topic ‘Tobacco companies should not sponsor sports events’. As the Cultural Secretary, draft a notice providing all relevant details.

5. Write a notice for the school notice board, informing the students about the visit of the Chief Minister to your school on 20th ovember, 20XX. Write the notice asking the students to maintain punctuality, cleanliness and discipline.

TYPE 3 Notice for Lost or Found

Details/Value Points

  • The points given below are required while writing a notice for lost or found.
  • Name of the object lost or found
  • Date, time, day when you lost or found it
  • Place where you lost or found it
  • Brief description/identification marks (colour, size, make, contents, model etc)
  • Whom to contact, when and where
  • A suitable gift/reward for the person who returns that article/ object
  • Contact person and designation/class/address/phone number

Notice Writing Questions With Answers Class 11 CBSE

Questoin 1. On an outing with your friends you forgot your school bag in the Cafe Coffee Time Lounge of the famous DT Mall, Shalimar Bagh. The moment you realised it, you rushed back only to find it gone. Draft a notice to be put on the notice board of the mall. Answer:

Dt Mall, Shalimar Bagh Notice

3rd January, 20XX I

School Bag Lost

All are hereby informed that a school bag was lost today at around 3 PM in the Cafe Coffee Time Lounge. It is a black coloured Adidas school bag. It contains class XII English and Physics NCERT textbooks, stationery pouch, school diary of St Marks High School and a register. Anybody who finds it is requested to inform the undersigned on phone or leave it with the Manager of Cafe Coffee Time Lounge. The person returning it to me ! will be handsomely rewarded.

Sanjana Kaur

Question 2. You are Jatin Raheja of class XI-A. You found a purse in the school library. Write a notice for the notice board of your school asking its rightful owner to furnish necessary details to claim it back from you. Answer:

St Agnes School, Ludhiana Notice

3rd August, 20XX

Purse Found in School Library

All are hereby informed that a purse was found on the floor of the school library on 2nd August, 20XX at 2 PM. It is a black coloured purse with some cash and a small calendar. There were also some little bits of paper inside with some notes written on them. The genuine owner of the purse can claim it from the undersigned after giving necessary particulars about the purse contents.

Jatin Raheja (XI-A)

Notice Writing Questions For Class 11 CBSE

1. You are Paritosh Mohanty, the Head Boy of St Mark’s High School, Mussoorie. Draft a notice regarding a sports kit bag found on the school playground. Provide all the necessary details.

2. You are Ashok Kamath and your pet dog, answering to the name ‘Bruno’ has run away from home yesterday. Write a notice to be put up at prominent points in your locality, giving details of the dog and offering a suitable reward to the finder.

3. You are Subhash/Suniti. You have lost your History textbook somewhere in the school premises. Put up a notice giving a description of the book and requesting the finder to return it to you.

4. You are Sub-inspector Surendra Singh, incharge of the Surjepur police station. A 7-year-old girl has been reported missing. With the information you received from the parents about the physical appearance of the girl, write a notice to be put up at all prominent places within your jurisdiction.

5. A little boy of five years has been missing for the last seven days from Sonia Vihar RWA, Jaipur. As the President, RWA, write a notice to be put up in the RWA office giving necessary details and offering a suitable ward to the finder.

TYPE 4 Notice for ( Tours/Fairs/Exhibitions/Campaigns/ Seminars/Workshops/Debates/Group Talk )

The points given below are required while writing a notice for tours, fairs, exhibitions, campaigns, seminars, workshops, debates, group talk etc.

  • Name and nature of the event
  • Obj ective/purpose/occasion
  • Subject of the programme/seminar/debate/workshop etc
  • Who can participate/attend
  • Expenditure/entry fee etc
  • Specific instructions

Notice Writing Topics With Answers Class 11 CBSE

Question 1. You are Rishabh Malhotra, Head Boy, Columbus Public School, New Delhi. Write a notice for the school notice board inviting names for a trip to Mumbai and Goa, giving detailed information to the students. Answer:

Columbus Public School, New Delhi Notice

13th October, 20XX

Trip to Mumbai and Goa

The school is organising a trip to Mumbai and Goa during the winter vacations. It will be a 12-day trip in which only students of class IX to XII are allowed to join.

Duration : The details of the trip are mode of travel : 24th December to 3rd January Rajdhani Express/Sampark Kranti Express Accommodation : 4 Star Hotel Total cost : ₹ 20,999 per person (Includes taxes and expenses)

Interested students should register their names along with the total cost in cash or a demand draft drawn in favour of the school and a no-objection note duly signed by their parents to the undersigned latest by 20th October, 20XX. Late entries will not be entertained.

Rishabh Malhotra (Head Boy)

Question 2. You are the Secretary of the Science Club of your school. Write a notice for your school notice board encouraging the science students of class XI and XII to participate in the Inter School Science Exhibition to be held next week in a neighbouring school. Answer:

Rishabh International School, New Delhi Notice

9th July, 20XX

Science Exhibition

The Science Club invites the names of bright and enterprising science students of class XI and XII for participating in the Inter School Science Exhibition. The exhibition will be held in Hall no 5 and 6 in Pragati Maidan, (near Gate no 7) from 20th-25th July, 20XX. The timings of the exhibition will be 10 AM to 5 PM. Only those projects which are selected by the club will be eligible to participate. Give your names with your project details and models to the undersigned by 15th July, 20XX. For further details contact the undersigned.

Vanshaj Kumar (Secretary, Science Club)

Sample Question for Notice Writing for Class 11 CBSE

1. The event management company, Hiking Expeditions, is organising an Adventure Trip to Chakrata in the summer vacations for interested students of class XI and XII. As the President of the Excursions Committee, write a notice informing students about the trip and inviting them to join.

2. The Residents’ Welfare Association, New Friends Colony, Kolkata, is organising a Puja Bazaar in the locality. As the President of the association, draft a notice informing the residents about the same. Give other essential details about the Bazaar.

3. You are Sameer Kapur, the Secretary of the Science Club of your school. Write a notice informing the students about the CV Raman National Science Exhibition to be held next month, requesting them to participate in it enthusiastically. Inform them that outsiders, too, are welcome to visit this exhibition.

4. The Hindustan Times Pace Programme is planning to hold fun-filled workshops on candle making and clay modelling for all students of class IX to XII on Children’s Day in the school. As Jagdish, Head Boy, write a notice informing students about it, by providing the necessary details.

5. The Marketing Manager of a cold drinks company has invited your school for a tour of their local manufacturing and bottling plant. Each of the young visitors will be given a free drink of their choice. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school, write a notice informing the students about the programme. Include the date for the day trip and any other details you think necessary.

TYPE 5 Notice for Appeal/Warning/Guidelines/Message in Public Intrest

Details/Value Points The points given below are required while writing a notice for appeal, warning, guideline or message in the public interest.

  • Whom to appeal/warn
  • Target audience
  • Objective/purpose
  • Name of the person issuing the notice
  • Date/time/place/venue (where applicable)
  • Wording of appeal/slogan
  • Consequences
  • Punitive action – fine etc (if required)
  • Specific/important instructions
  • Contact person and designation

Notice Writing Questions with Answers Class 11 CBSE

Question 1. You are Smitha/Sunil, Secretary, AVM Housing Society. You are going to collect charity for the people affected by the recent floods. Draft a notice appealing for donations of relief products like clothes, money, grains etc. Answer:

15th September, 20XX

Appeal for Donations

This is to inform all residents of the society that the society committee members have agreed to organise a Donation Drive in aid of flood affected people. The collections for the Donation Drive will take place on 20th September, 20XX in the Society Ground from 10 AM to 7 PM. One can donate clothes, money (cash), grains and other articles. By doing this, one can show his/her humanitarian nature. All the donated items must be properly packed. The donations will be sent to the Prime Minister for further action. The members of the society are urged to donate in large numbers for this noble cause.

Smitha (Secretary)

Question 2. Suppose you are the Director, Indian Institute of Languages. Write a suitable admission notice mentioning details like eligibility, facilities available etc to be put up in all schools of the city. Answer:

Indian Institute Of Languages, New Delhi Notice

12th February, 20XX

Admissions Notice

Admissions for one year diploma course and six months certificate course are open in European languages (namely French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). The courses start on 1st March, 20XX. The fees for the diploma course will be INR 60,000 and for the certificate course will be INR 30,000. Students will be taught with the latest and sophisticated video-aids and tape-recorded lessons in a language laboratory. Foreign as well as Indian teachers are available. We have a fully air-conditioned campus. Students with 50% marks in class XII can apply. For further details contact the undersigned.

Rajesh Tandon (Director)

Sample Questions of Notice Writing for Class 11 CBSE

1. Ram Paswan is the Head Boy of Bhavan Vidyalaya, Ambala. He and some other students of the school are touched by the plight of poor and the destitute in state-run homes, and wish to make a difference in their lives by lessening their sufferings. They decide to raise funds for this purpose. Write a notice making an appeal for generous donations.

2. You are the Head Warden of a Boys’ Hostel. You have noticed that the boys often report late for the roll-call at night and have a tendency to damage the hostel property. Write a notice informing the hostel inmates that they should refrain from doing so or else they will be penalised.

3. As the President of the Residents’ Welfare Association, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, draft a notice to be displayed on the society notice board, requesting the residents to donate generously for the flood-hit victims in Bihar. They can donate in kind or cash. Give the necessary details.

4. You are the Secretary of Aastha Housing Society Welfare Association. Write a notice to be circulated to all the residents, informing them that there will be no water supply to your society on 24th and 25th August due to maintenance work in the underground storage tank.

5. As the President of the Students’ Council of your school, write a notice asking the students of your school to donate old clothes, books and bags for the Anubhav Shiksha Kendra, a school for the underprivileged being run on your school premises.

TYPE 6 Notice for Change of Name ( Residence/Company/ Bank Account/Timings )

Details/Value Points The points given below are required while writing a notice for change of name, residence, company, bank account or timings.

  • Drawing attention
  • Who are being informed about the change
  • Existing/current and new (changed to)
  • Reason for change
  • Contact details

Notice Writing Questions and Answers for Class 11 CBSE

Question 1. You have changed your residential address from House no 183, Bank Street, Karol Bagh, New Delhi to House no 13B, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi. Draft a notice to be published in the local newspaper informing people about the same. You are Paanchi Khatri. Answer:

17th March, 20XX

Change of Address

This is to inform all concerned that I, Paanchi Khatri, daughter of Mr SK Khatri, have changed my residence from House no 183, Bank Street, Karol Bagh, New Delhi to House no 13B, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi – 110008, due to unavoidable, circumstances. All bakery customers can reach me at my new address for any order regarding home made bakery items.

Paanchi Khatri 989724XXXX

Question 2. Imagine you are the Librarian of a public library. The following decisions have been taken regarding its running.

  • The library will remain open on Sundays and will be closed on Mondays.
  • The working hours will now be from 9AM to 6 PM instead of 9 AM to 5 PM.
  • The period for which the books can be borrowed has been reduced from three weeks to two weeks.

Write a notice informing the members and the general public about these decisions. Answer:

Deen Dayal Public Library Notice

17th October, 20XX

Operational Changes

This is to inform all the esteemed members and the general public that w.e.f. 25th October, 20XX, the library will remain open on Sundays. Henceforth, Monday will be the weekly closed day. The working hours have also been increased by one hour. Now the library will open at 9AM and close at 6PM. Books will be issued for a period of two weeks instead of three weeks.

Your cooperation is solicited. Shreeniwas Pathak (Librarian)

Notice Writing Class 11 Sample Questions

1. You have changed your name from Vineeta Jain to Vineeta Gupta after marriage. Draft a suitable notice, informing all concerned about the same, to be published in a local newspaper.

2. You are the Secretary of RWA, Kalindi Housing Society. The society has changed its banker to State Bank of India. Write a notice, to be put up on the RWA office notice board, informing all members about the change by giving the changed account number, branch name etc asking them to deposit all society dues in the new bank account.’

3. You are the Proprietor of Sunbeam Packers and Movers. Your company landline telephone numbers have changed because of the commissioning of a new telephone exchange in your area. Write a notice, to be published in the local newspaper, informing all customers and others about the new numbers.

4. You are Praveen Shenoy, formerly the Sales Manager of Karan Biscuits Pvt Ltd. You have joined a new company. Draft a notice about the change, to be inserted in a local newspaper, giving details of who your former customers should contact (to deal with) in your former company.

5. You are the Company Secretary of Tolani Constructions Ltd. Your company has changed its registered address. Write a notice to be published in the local newspaper informing all about the new address.

Self Assessment Notice Writing Questions

(Here we have covered all types of notices) 1. On account of heavy fog and chilly winters, your Principal has decided to extend the winter vacations by a week. As the Head Boy/Head Girl, draft a notice informing students of the same.

2. You are the Secretary of Janta Society Welfare Association, Kalindi. Write a notice to be circulated to the members of the association, requesting them to attend a meeting to discuss the parking of vehicles of the residents.

3. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school, you are organising a Career Counselling Session for XI and XII standard students of your school. Write a notice giving details of it to be displayed on your school notice board.

4. You have lost your wrist watch in your school. Give details of the watch and the probable time of the day you lost it. Your description should be fit for the ‘Lost and Found’ notice board of your school.

5. You are Rajan/Rajani, residing at 30A, Munirka, New Delhi. Your friend has to undergo an operation for which he needs ? two lakhs. Some generous people have donated some money but it is not sufficient. Draft an appeal/notice which will be published in the local daily to arrange funds for the operation.

6. On behalf of the Principal of the ‘School for Achievers’, Kamal, write a notice announcing the admission of orphan and destitute boys to the school. Give details like age of applicants, facilities available and the contact number.

7. The Image Club, Delhi, is organising a 15-day course in photography during the summer holidays for students of class XI. Write a notice informing students of your school and asking them to enrol. The charges are ? 3000 per head. Students should have their own cameras. You are the Head Boy/Head Girl.

8. You are the Editor of your school magazine. Draft a notice for your school notice board inviting articles, poems, stories, sketches etc from the students for your school magazine. Sign as Sarita of Sargana Senior Secondary School, Hyderabad.

9. You are Abhinav/Anupama, Secretary of Anand Apartments Association, No 16, Luz Church Road, Chennai-600004. Draft a notice to be sent to all the members of your association to attend an extraordinary meeting of the governing body to discuss the programme for the New Year’s Eve Celebration.

10. You are the Sports Captain of Green Public School, Ludhiana. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board informing the students about the Inter-School Basketball Tournament. Gite all necessary details of the tournament to be played.

11. You are Karan Taneja, Secretary of RWA, Karnal Residents Housing Society. Draft a notice informing all society members that the fifth instalment of payment towards the cost of flats is due next week.

12. You are Student’s Club Adviser of Kalpana Chawla Memorial School, Karnal. Write an election notice inviting nominations for the post of President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Student’s club: Give all necessary details.

13. You are Parivesh Mishra, Secretary of the Literary Club of your school. Draft a notice for your school notice board inviting students for a ‘Literature Quiz’ to be held in the school giving necessary details.

14. You are Saloni/Kareem, Secretary, Art Club of your school. Draft a notice, informing all students about the Shankar’s on-the-spot Painting Competition to be held at Pragati Maidan on Children’s Day, asking.them to participate. Give all necessary details.

15. You are Naseem Sharif, SHO of Karampur Police station. An abandoned laptop has been found in the locality which nobody is claiming. Draft a notice to be put up at prominent places within the locality giving its details, asking the owner to visit the Police Station to claim it.

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How to Write a Board Report as a Secretary

A board report is a document that comprises a company’s current performance and development goals and is distributed among board members before a board meeting. It is basically a reference document detailing information on the points mentioned in the board agenda, meeting minutes, or executive director’s report.

Board reports, or board papers, are necessary for a company to make important financial decisions on its development path and are especially useful when any legal issue arises.

Read this article to learn how to write a board meeting report as a secretary and explore the top tips for writing a report for the board of directors.

Elevate your reporting with our secretary’s report sample

Streamline your reporting process with our proven template

The purpose of a board report

Relying on a board report presented at the board meeting, board members make essential decisions that often define the company’s development path. That’s why writing a board members meeting report is an integral part of board meeting preparation .

Below are the main reasons for doing so:

  • Keeping board members informed of the company’s performance . Providing details on how the company is doing is the primary reason for writing a board of directors report. During board meetings, board members can see which company’s goals were accomplished and which were not met since the last board meeting.
  • Hearing committee reports on particular tasks. Often, board members are assigned to board committees based on their expertise and are to fulfill certain tasks or conduct research on a particular matter before a board meeting. The reports created by committee members should be included in the board report so that board members can track the progress.   
  • Initiating discussion. At the beginning of a board meeting, an executive director presents a board report. By it, he draws attention to the company’s progress and failures and raises important points requiring discussion. Thus, board members can ask questions or request more details to prepare for the next board meeting.
  • Instilling board members with a sense of enthusiasm. When committee members read reports, it creates an atmosphere of general accomplishment and inspires board members to make positive development decisions. 

Board report structure 

The key point of learning how to write a secretary report for a board meeting is to define a clear structure.  

A board report’s structure might vary depending on its goal. However, a great board report generally consists of the following:

  • Title. State the main purpose of the report in a few words.
  • Table of contents. Create an itemized list for larger reports.
  • Introduction. Shortly summarize what this report is about.
  • Key points for discussion. Write clear headings for all important aspects of the report.
  • Key performance indicators (KPI) overview. Highlight the KPIs for a particular period and mention their completion status.  
  • Summary. Analyze the presented information, and stress what actions were taken or are further required.

report writing you are the secretary of green earth

Top 10 tips on how to write a board report as a secretary

Learn how to easily write a report to the board of directors of a company by following these recommendations.

1. Create a secretary report template

By investing time in creating a board report template, you’ll faster write board reports in the future. Additionally, writing a report to the board of directors sample allows for creating a corporate look of a board report. This helps every board member get used to the particular structure, so they know what to expect from every board meeting.   

2. Study the audience

Knowing individual board members’ expertise helps to create an informative report in a clear and concise format. Some board members might often be unaware of certain industry essentials though they are professionals in their area. For example, a particular board member who is a finance expert may need more explanation on the marketing metrics of the industry. 

Make sure all the points covered in the board report are clear to every board member.

3. Make sure the board of directors easily understands the report

Simple language is the key tip on how to write a report to a board of directors. It’s essential for every board member to understand the report’s main points because they use it to make decisions.  Additionally, make sure you use the language all board members understand. Provide translated reports if needed.

4. Provide detailed financial information

Statistics and figures don’t always provide enough clear information to grasp the whole picture. Make sure to present the organization’s key financial statements and compare them with the last report and the overall market results. This will help board members form a well-considered decision on the company’s next moves.

5. Point out the positives and negatives

To make a reasonable decision, the board of directors needs to know the company’s true state. Showing only good results misleads the board of directors, which immensely influences key decisions.

A great board report always includes bad news with a detailed explanation of the failure(s). 

6. Include visuals

There are more chances that board members will read a board report if infographics, tables, pictures, or graphs are included. Graphics make it easier to visualize complex, crucial information when it’s presented with the help of visuals. Moreover, it helps to write a professional report to the board committee in a more engaging way. 

7. Raise important questions

The board members’ role is not only to make important financial decisions. They also lend their knowledge that helps grow the company. So, use their professionalism effectively and raise questions board members can answer based on their expertise.

8. Make sure KPIs are easy to reach and review

Put KPIs in a dashboard so board members can easily reach them and compare them with the current progress. This helps board members to make informed decisions on furthering the company’s growth.

9. Use board management software

Using board management software is highly recommended for those struggling with how to write a report to the board quickly and effectively. Board portals automate most of the steps, which significantly saves time. Moreover, board members can discuss certain issues within the software, which keeps corporate secrets more private. Additionally, board portals allow for last-minute online editing, which reduces the need to re-print new report versions.

10. Respect the board’s time

Even the clearest and most concise board portal requires time to review. A day or two is not enough for board members to read a board report and understand each point. It’s better to send a board report at least one or two weeks before the board meeting. This way, every board member will have time to digest the information, form questions, and think of important suggestions for the company’s growth. 

Secretary’s report template usage

Using a secretary’s board report template saves significant time, which is especially important if board members meet monthly. 

The top recommendation on how to write a monthly board report is to create a template to use for all future meetings. 

However, it’s even easier to do with the help of board management software because most providers usually offer many templates, including a board report template, a board meeting minutes template , and a board meeting agenda template .

Taboo when the secretary writes a report for the board of directors

Doing the following can ruin a board report:

  • Using complicated technical language. The years of expertise in business don’t mean that board members won’t get bored when reading dry industry jargon and studying statistics. Important information is easier to understand when written using short words with a clear structure.
  • Forgetting about visuals. Images make complex information easier to comprehend and remember. Make sure to add pie charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Deliver a board report an hour before the meeting. When someone is late for a meeting, it implies a not-that-important-meeting-for-me attitude. The same goes for the way board reports are prepared and delivered. Sending a report to board members a week or two weeks before the meeting  shows the author cares about their quality review.

Board management software for creating board reports  

Board portals offer an easily-planned, effective, and paperless board meeting . 

With board reporting software , committee members can prepare a board report in a matter of minutes because most steps are automated:

  • Upload large volumes of data in seconds via bulk upload.
  • Board report templates enable fast report preparation.
  • Customization options allow for creating branded board reports.
  • Board members can communicate inside the software and discuss specific issues before the meeting.
  • It’s possible to conduct a virtual board meeting via Zoom from within the software.

When searching for a reliable board portal, consider iDeals — this is the TOP-1 choice of our experts.    

Key takeaways

A board report summarizes all the essentials about the company’s current situation, analyzes performance since the last meeting, and raises issues for future development.

It’s important to create a board report to keep board members informed about the company’s performance, hear committee reports on particular issues, initiate important discussions, and give board members a sense of involvement and enthusiasm.  

Some top tips on how to write a secretary report example include using board report templates, making sure every board member understands the board report, showing both the positives and the negatives, and providing overall financial information. 

Additionally, it’s important to opt for a clear and concise secretary report format when creating a board report, add charts, tables, graphs, and visuals, and use board management software for faster and more efficient board report preparation.

Time to use the modern board management software!

iDeals Board serves board of directors, committee members with a comprehensive suite for governance tools

Is there a difference between the board’s, committee’s, and director’s reports?

In short, yes. Committee reports and a CEO’s report are part of the general board report. 

Committees write reports based on a certain issue they were asked to research.

An executive director provides a comprehensive report on the performance of the entire company. 

A board report summarizes committee reports and the director’s report. 

How to write a report for a nonprofit board of directors ? 

The key recommendation on how to write a board report nonprofit organization requires is to sum up all of the company’s activity. Generally, writing nonprofit board reports doesn’t differ much from writing for-profit board reports. However, it’s equally important to acknowledge contributors and attach photos and financial reports. 

Who can sign the board report?

A board report is usually signed by the company’s chairperson. However, in case there’s no authority for a chairperson to sign a board report, at least two company directors must do so.

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You are in-charge of the Nature Club in your locality. Write a letter to the Secretary of the Sports Club in the neighborhood requesting permission to hold a Nature Fest on the club grounds nearby. Give details of your plans for the event.

123a, green park new delhi march 12, 2019 to, sports secretary green park club new delhi dear sir, sub: permission to hold a nature fest i would like to seek your permission to permit us to hold a nature fest in the club ground. the fest will be held on 20th march and different schools from delhi will be participating. further, there will be arrangements for seating and shelter for the players. i shall be obliged to you if you provide us with your permission for the clubhouse ground. thank you yours faithfully, aman 123a.

Write a formal letter based on the following topic:-

You are the Secretary of the Photography Club of your school.You plan to organise an exhibition of some of the activities of your club during the year.Write a letter to the principal of your school inviting hime/her to inaugrate the exhibition,stating some of the items that will be displayed.


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    Despite this destruction, scientists keep coming to an odd conclusion: The Earth is growing greener. Not green in the metaphorical "sustainable" sense, but in the literal color green. In the ...

  9. Report Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

    write in indirect speech and preferably in passive voice. write in third person form and avoid using pronouns like I, me or you. avoid imposing your personal opinions and do not make any conclusions. answer the questions to 'when', 'where', 'why', 'what', 'who' and 'how'. Format of a Report. Headline.

  10. A Comprehensive Guide on How to Write a Sustainability Report

    A comprehensive sustainability report typically consists of corporate data, objectives & ambitions, and hazard management. Common frameworks such as GRI Standards, SASB & TCFD offer guidance for structuring ESG information relevant to a company's indicators. Key Takeaways. Understanding Sustainability Reporting.

  11. Model Question and Answer (Writing School Activity Reports

    For You; New Straits Times. MODEL QUESTION AND ANSWER (WRITING SCHOOL ACTIVITY REPORTS) 2018-10-23 - QUESTION. You are the Secretary of the Environmen­tal Science Society in your school. The society organised a "Get to know the Water" week. As the secretary, write a report for the activity. In your report, you should:

  12. Write a Notice on World Environment Day (2024 Guide)

    Question 1:- Your school is organising a celebration programme on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June, 20XX on the school campus. As a cultural secretary of your school, draft a notice on your school notice board informing all the students and teachers about this event. You are Ankit/Ankita of Guru Vidya Khendra Vidyalaya, Jaipur.

  13. 8, Report writing. Your are the secretary of Green Earth, the

    Your are the secretary of Green Earth, the environment club of your college. The college celebrated Vana Mahotsav on 5th June as it is the World Environment Day. Write a report of the programme for the college magazine use the following points • Inauguration of the function • Address by the chief guest • Various activities carried out ...

  14. Climate Action: It's time to make peace with nature, UN chief urges

    The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has described the fight against the climate crisis as the top priority for the 21st Century, in a passionate, uncompromising speech delivered on Wednesday at Columbia University in New York. The landmark address marks the beginning of a month of UN-led climate action, which includes the release of ...

  15. Notice Writing Class 11 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    10. You are the Sports Captain of Green Public School, Ludhiana. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board informing the students about the Inter-School Basketball Tournament. Gite all necessary details of the tournament to be played. 11. You are Karan Taneja, Secretary of RWA, Karnal Residents Housing Society.

  16. Report Writing

    10. Your school has recently celebrated "Tree Plantation Week", organising a number of inter-school competitions highlighting the ecological balance. As the Secretary of the Eco-Club of your school, prepare a report in 100-125 words, suitable to be published in your school magazine. You are Nilim/Nilima.

  17. How do I contact the Secretary of Transportation?

    To contact Secretary Buttigieg, please write to: The Honorable Pete Buttigieg U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590. Topics. DOT Administration; Last Updated Sep 14, 2022; Views 22901; Answered By Victoria Milam; ... Report a tech support issue.

  18. Green Earth Initiative

    Latest Blog: HOW YOU CAN RECYCLE RIGHT. Find out what recycling mistakes you make. Learn More

  19. How to Write a Board Report as a Secretary

    1. Create a secretary report template. By investing time in creating a board report template, you'll faster write board reports in the future. Additionally, writing a report to the board of directors sample allows for creating a corporate look of a board report. This helps every board member get used to the particular structure, so they know ...

  20. Imagine you are the Secretary of Eco Club of your College. On the

    Based on the information write a speech in about 100 words. (or) The following pie charts represent information about the voters' turnout in the general elections held in post-independence India over a span of more than fifty years. Use this data to write a report on the polling trends in about 120 words.

  21. ChatGPT

    Just ask and ChatGPT can help with writing, learning, brainstorming and more. Start now (opens in a new window) Write a text inviting my neighbors to a barbecue (opens in a new window) ... With ChatGPT, you can type or start a voice conversation by tapping the headphone icon in the mobile app. ...

  22. Bill Green

    Print and television journalist, sciptwriter and novelist, Bill Green was also the founding co-editor of the Saturday Review (later Nation Review). He worked as press secretary to Dr. Jim Cairns and was active in left-wing politics for much of his life though never a member of a political party. After his time as a press secretary, Green helped found the creative writing course at RMIT.

  23. What is the Triple Planetary Crisis?

    This is senseless and suicidal," Secretary-General António Guterres said in the foreword of the United Nations Environment Programme's Making Peace With Nature report, published last year. "The consequences of our recklessness are already apparent in human suffering, towering economic losses and the accelerating erosion of life on Earth".

  24. You are the secretary , environment …

    You are the secretary , environment club of your school .when you visited a few places of historical interest, you realised that we need to protect our environment . Write in 120-150 words a letter to the editor of a national daily about the need to create awareness among the people about protecting the environment. Report.

  25. You are in-charge of the Nature Club in your locality. Write a ...

    Write a formal letter based on the following topic:-You are the Secretary of the Photography Club of your school.You plan to organise an exhibition of some of the activities of your club during the year.Write a letter to the principal of your school inviting hime/her to inaugrate the exhibition,stating some of the items that will be displayed.