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AS and A Level: Case Studies and Analysis

  • Business Studies
  • Case Studies and Analysis

Business Economics

Business Economics

Reasons fuel prices is increased rapidly? * Because of the hurricane Katrina devastation which destroyed nine (9) oil refineries in the US Gulf Cost of Mexico which has resulted in less oil being refined. * Because of the high increase in air travel which has seen the number of passengers traveling in the last ten (10) years doubled. As a result of this passengers are being charged more as it cost airline operators more to fill up their planes due to the limited amount of oil supply available. * Because oil reserves are running out. * Because of China's rapidly expanding economy which has created a huge demand boost. * Because of greater need for crude oil suitable for processing into petrol for the fuel Sport Utility Vehicles. E.g. (SUVs) popular with US drivers. * Due to Global economic expansion which is driving what the International Energy Agency says is the "biggest increase in oil demand for 24 years". * Because as the world major oil consumers remain dependent on the Middle East for their oil, and due to recent violence in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, this has raised fears on interruption to supplies as Iraqi exports have been cut by sabotage attacks on their oil facilities. * Lastly analysts also view that political tension in non-Middle East states such as Nigeria and Venezuela are having the potential to disrupt exports and has a result in prices of oil driving

  • Word count: 966
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Business Studies

Sweet Homes Inc. was founded in 1978 by Diamond Inc. to bring the warehouse retailing concept to the home center industry. The company operated retail do-it-yourself (DIY) warehouse stores

Sweet Homes Inc. was founded in 1978 by Diamond Inc. to bring the warehouse retailing concept to the home center industry. The company operated retail do-it-yourself (DIY) warehouse stores

SWEET HOMES INC. The difference between a company with a concept and one without is the difference between a stock that sells for 20 times earnings and one that sells for 10 times earnings. Sweet Homes Inc. is definitely a concept stock and it has he multiple to prove it- 27 to 28 times likely earnings in the current fiscal year. On the face of it, Sweet Homes might Seem like a tough one for concept managers to work with. It is a chain of hardware stores. These Hardware stores are huge warehouse outlets - 60,000 - 80,000 feet space. You can fit a awful lot of saws in these and still have plenty of room left over to knock together a very decent concept. The truth is, the warehouse notion is the hottest thing in retail these days. Sweet homes buys in quantum quantities which mean its suppliers are eager to keep within its good graces and hence provide it with lot of extra service. The company , as it happens is a master in promotion and pricing. It has 22 stores, all of them located where the sun shines all the time. Growth has been sizzling, Revenues are mere $22millon is fiscal '80 shot past the quarter billion mark three years later. As to earnings, they have climbed from 2 cnts in fiscal '80 to 60 cents in the fiscal year coming to an end [in Jan, 1985] They're confidently estimating 30% growth in the new fiscal year as well. COMPANY BACKGROUND Sweet Homes Inc. was

  • Word count: 1457

Business (Thames Water), Strenghts, Recommendations and Conclusion

Business (Thames Water), Strenghts, Recommendations and Conclusion

Strengths: - The strengths refer to the competitive advantages and other distinctive competencies that a company can exert in the marketplace. My research has different strengths that include questionnaires, pupils who filled the questionnaires, communications with pupils, Interview with staff in the canteen, and Internet reports. The first strength of my primary research was questionnaires. I made approximately 28 questionnaires and distributed in four different year groups. The age range was 14-19 year old which means that I distributed the questionnaires in year 10, year 11, year 12 and year 13. The questionnaires were filled out by both Males and Females. The total numbers of females were 12. However the numbers of male compare to females were high but females filled out the questionnaire in every year. The most common were females. In the questionnaires there were questions about likes & dislikes, packaging and pricing. The questionnaires were the dominant factor for a successful primary research. The students were very helpful as I approach to them with questionnaires they filled it out happily with no bad communication. They filled out the questionnaires with hustling. They wrote truthful information about what they think of water. The secondary research includes two different types of researches. The first one was with the canteen staff followed by Internet

  • Word count: 705

Unit 12 - International Dimensions of Business - Task 4

Unit 12 - International Dimensions of Business - Task 4

Task 4 For the final task of this unit, I will be critically appraising the advantages and disadvantages of the growth and influence of a MNC (multi-national company) of my choice. With this, I will be examining the strategic reasons for expansion whilst examining the impact it would have/has on a developing host country in terms of factors such as consumer's choice, employment rates, individuals/citizens, other businesses (competition), etc. Finally, I will also be assessing the impact it has on developed host countries and the impact it would have on their governments. The business I have decided to choose is Ryan Air because as I have been working on it throughout this unit, I believe I will find it easier to relate certain to topics and theories to it. Strategic Reasons why RyanAir Expanded For the first part of this task, I will be giving strategic reasons why RyanAir decided to expand internationally. First and foremost, most basic reason why RyanAir must have wanted to expand internationally is because that is the concept of what flight services are, going from one country to another consistently and safely and as this is RyanAir's service there was basically no other choice but to expand. However. Below are some other basic strategic reasons as to why they may have decided to expand. Geographic Diversion (RyanAir) Geographic diversion is a situation where

  • Word count: 2863

Tescos - types of stores, services offered and the people who worked there.

Tescos - types of stores, services offered and the people who worked there.

Introduction Tesco is the biggest private sector employer in the UK with over 250,000 employees and over 1,800 stores. Tesco works hard to meet its customers' needs and that's the only reason Tesco is successful. Tesco has four different store formats, each tailored to customers' needs, and these four store formats are as following: * Express (up to 3,000 sq ft) * Metro (approx. 7,000-15,000 sq ft) * Superstore (approx. 20,000-50,000 sq ft) * Extra (approx. 60,000 sq ft and above) Express Express stores offer customers great value, quality and fresh food close to where they live and work. Tesco opened its first Express store in 1994 and now they have over 650 stores selling a range of up to 7,000 lines including fresh produce, wines and spirits and in-store bakery. Metro store Tesco opened its first Metro in 1992, bringing the convenience of Tesco to town and city centre locations. Metros cater for thousands of busy customers each week and offer a tailored range of food lines, including ready-meals and sandwiches. Superstore Tesco began opening superstores in the 1970s and during the 1980s and 1990s built a national network, to which they are adding every year. Tesco has an ongoing programme of extending and refreshing its superstores to improve the overall experience for customers. In recent years Tesco has introduced a number of new non-food ranges into

  • Word count: 5179

Evaluate the costs and benefits for UK fashion retailers of sourcing products from India

Evaluate the costs and benefits for UK fashion retailers of sourcing products from India

Evaluate the costs and benefits for UK fashion retailers of sourcing products from India Outsourcing your company abroad involves buying in from another business inputs that were previously created in the firm. It is integral for both cutting costs and benefiting from high quality products as well as gaining from specialisation. Outsourcing part of your business opens up a world of opportunities such as the ability to maximize your revenue and minimize your expenses, the access to specialized skills and services, the prospect to concentrate more on your core business and to therefore save on money, time and infrastructure. Outsourcing to countries such as India can give you access to cost-effective services. The same services with the same level of quality are offered in India for a much lower cost! In the UK the labour cost for manufacturing clothes are extortionate due to government legislations such as the minimum wage and taxes etc, and by outsourcing to India you can help you save up to 60% of your total costs when outsourced! Outsourcing enables you gain access to high-quality services at a cost-effective price. Another benefit of outsourcing is that you can save on every aspect of your business and increase your profits. When you outsource, you can save on time, effort, infrastructure and manpower. Since you don't have to invest in infrastructure, you can also

  • Word count: 950

Cadburys Aims and Objectives

Cadburys Aims and Objectives

Welcome to Cadburys, we are a very successful business. We currently have 59,000 employees working at Cadburys. This is a small introduction into our business, the new aims and objectives we have and would like to include you with us in helping the business grow and meet its aims and their objectives. This two-page document explains our aims and objectives and how we intend to meet them. Cadburys Aims and Objectives Aims Objectives Deliver superior shareowner performance -This aim was made to help Cadburys to deliver superior return to their shareowners. This will be done by increase in business performance. Cadburys measure shareowner returns by looking at the total return on their shares, or TSR (share price growth plus the value of reinvested dividends). Delivering superior business performance. In 2008 and 2009 we are hoping to increase our sales by another 5%. Execute Fuel for Growth and focus on Free Cash Flow - Our Cash Flow for the year was £200m, down from £400m we aim to raise it to 400m again. Profitably secure and grow regional beverages share. -This aim was made for Cadburys to increase the product that they supply all over the globe so that they can increase market share. Invest, innovate and execute - In the UK, there have been a increase of the rate of innovation and our marketing spend in the second half of the year with the creation of new

  • Word count: 917

Domestic tourism is important to the UK because the more people that stay within the country to take their holidays means more money staying within the UK.

Domestic tourism is important to the UK because the more people that stay within the country to take their holidays means more money staying within the UK.

Unit 3 Assignment 4 Task 1 - P4 Domestic tourism is when people that live in the UK take a break or a holiday within in the UK. Domestic tourism is important to the UK because the more people that stay within the country to take their holidays means more money staying within the UK. According to Star UK, UK residents took 151 million domestic overnight trips in 2005 and they spent £14 billion. The £14 billion that was spent from domestic tourists meant that money stayed within the UK rather than going to other countries outside of the UK. There is a range of different domestic tourism markets, which the travel and tourism industry need to, provide for. These include: educational, families, business and couples. All of these tourism markets are looking for different needs within their holidays. Due to the recent recession more honeymoon couples are taking their honeymoons within the UK as it is cheaper than going abroad. Honeymoon couples will require different needs to general tourists, as they want to make their trip special. Honeymoon couples will be looking for a 4 or 5 star hotel to stay in. they will want to look at what facilities they have such as do they provide champagne on arrival to they have an area to relax in such as a spa and what type of meals do they provide. The location of the hotel will be important to the couple as they will need to be able to

  • Word count: 1334

How does Toyota Prius gain from Globalisation

How does Toyota Prius gain from Globalisation

Globalisation is the growth of a business to a worldwide scale. This allows them to trade anywhere in the world due to advancing technology and greater openness. This has made it easier for firms to buy their supplies from a wider range of businesses and sell their products anywhere in the world. Different governments and businesses have different views; many believe that freer trade between nations will offer prosperity and growth for all countries and businesses. The Toyota Prius is a hybrid electric car, developed and manufactured by Toyota Motor Corporation. The Prius was the first mass produced hybrid vehicle and was first sold in 1997 in Japan. It was later introduced worldwide in 2001. The Prius is sold in more than 40 countries and regions, with its largest markets being those in Japan and North America. Toyota announced in 2007 that it had sold 1 million hybrid vehicles globally, and 757,600 of those were Prius. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the 2008 Prius is the most fuel efficient car sold in the U.S. The UK department for transport also reported the Prius to be one of the least CO2 emitting vehicles on sale in the UK. The Prius has had a global effect as it has reduced CO2 emissions by 4.5 million tonnes as compared with the conventional vehicles they have replaced. Demand for the Prius in 1997 was low, because the product

  • Word count: 2730

Analysing Marketing Activities

Analysing Marketing Activities

Analysing Marketing Activities of Wimbledon Racquets and Fitness Club The marketing activities had to be improved, in order for Wimbledon Racquets and Fitness club to achieve their aims and objectives. These aims were to maximise the sales of the club and make profit. To survive and grow and most importantly improve their quality of service, therefore the club will be focusing directly on the needs and wants of their customers. The club carried out marketing activities after collecting qualitative information by running a primary research, which identifies their customer's needs that they can achieve so their members will be satisfied with the services they are providing. Market research is the systematic collection and analysis of data to enable a business to take better quality marketing decisions. The type of market research that the club conducts is mainly focus groups. This type of market research involves discussions with a selected group of individuals who answers questionnaires and fill out survey forms, to gain information about their views and experiences of a topic. The club's focus groups research was done with members of the club to record their views and opinions about the club and how it can be improved. The information that the club's focus groups collected are primary data that is categorized as qualitative information. Qualitative information cannot be

  • Word count: 3935

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Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers

Looking for past papers for Edexcel A-Level Business exams? Our comprehensive collection of Edexcel A-Level Business past papers is here to help you prepare for your upcoming exams. With a range of past papers from previous years, you can practice your skills and test your knowledge in a format that closely resembles the actual exam. Whether you're a student or teacher, our Edexcel A-Level Business past papers are a valuable resource to help you succeed. Browse our collection today and start preparing for exam success!

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers June 2022 (9BS0)

  • 2022 | A-Level Business: Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business (9BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2022 | A-Level Business: Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy (9BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2022 | A-Level Business: Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment (9BS0/03) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers November 2021 (9BS0)

  • 2021 | A-Level Business: Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business (9BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2021 | A-Level Business: Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy (9BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2021 | A-Level Business: Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment (9BS0/03) Question Paper Mark Scheme

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Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers November 2020 (9BS0)

  • 2020 | A-Level Business: Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business (9BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2020 | A-Level Business: Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy (9BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2020 | A-Level Business: Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment (9BS0/03) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Business Past Papers November 2020 (8BS0)

  • 2020 | AS Business: Paper 1 - Marketing and People (8BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2020 | AS Business: Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities (8BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers June 2019 (9BS0)

  • 2019 | A-Level Business: Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business (9BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2019 | A-Level Business: Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy (9BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2019 | A-Level Business: Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment (9BS0/03) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Business Past Papers June 2019 (8BS0)

  • 2019 | AS Business: Paper 1 - Marketing and People (8BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2019 | AS Business: Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities (8BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers June 2018 (9BS0)

  • 2018 | A-Level Business: Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business (9BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2018 | A-Level Business: Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy (9BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2018 | A-Level Business: Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment (9BS0/03) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Business Past Papers June 2018 (8BS0)

  • 2018 | AS Business: Paper 1 - Marketing and People (8BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2018 | AS Business: Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities (8BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2017 (9BS0)

  • 2017 | A-Level Business Studies: Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business (9BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2017 | A-Level Business Studies: Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy (9BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2017 | A-Level Business Studies: Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment (9BS0/03) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Edexcel AS-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2017 (8BS0)

  • 2017 | AS Business Studies: Paper 1 - Marketing and People (8BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2017 | AS Business Studies: Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities (8BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2016

  • 2016 | AS Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 1 - Developing New Business Ideas (6BS01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2016 | AS Business Studies: Unit 2A – Managing the Business (6BS02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2016 | Advanced Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 3 – International Business (6BS03) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2016 | Advanced Business Studies: Unit 4A – Making Business Decisions (6BS04) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Edexcel AS-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2016 (8BS0)

  • 2016 | AS Business Studies: Paper 1 - Marketing and People (8BS0/01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2016 | AS Business Studies: Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities (8BS0/02) Question Paper Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies June 2015

  • 2015 | AS Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 1 - Developing New Business Ideas (6BS01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2015 | AS Business Studies: Unit 2A – Managing the Business (6BS02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2015 | Advanced Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 3 – International Business (6BS03) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2015 | Advanced Business Studies: Unit 4A – Making Business Decisions (6BS04) Question Paper Mark Scheme

a level business studies case studies answers

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies June 2014

  • 2014 | AS Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 1 - Developing New Business Ideas (6BS01) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2014 | AS Business Studies: Unit 2A – Managing the Business (6BS02) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2014 | Advanced Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 3 – International Business (6BS03) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2014 | Advanced Business Studies: Unit 4A – Making Business Decisions (6BS04) Question Paper Mark Scheme

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➨what is edexcel a-level business studies.

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies is an advanced level qualification in business studies offered by Edexcel, a leading UK-based exam board. The course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of business, and is typically taken by students aged 16-18.

➨What topics are covered in Edexcel A-Level Business Studies?

The Edexcel A-Level Business Studies course covers a wide range of topics, including business operations, finance, marketing, human resources, and business strategy. Students will also explore key business theories, such as supply and demand, economies of scale, and stakeholder theory.

➨How is Edexcel A-Level Business Studies assessed?

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies is assessed through a combination of exams and coursework. The exams are typically taken at the end of the two-year course and will test students' knowledge and understanding of the key topics covered. Coursework may take the form of essays, presentations, case studies, or practical tasks.

➨What can I do with an Edexcel A-Level Business Studies qualification?

An Edexcel A-Level Business Studies qualification can open up a range of career opportunities, including roles in marketing, finance, management, and human resources. It can also provide a strong foundation for further study in related fields, such as business management, economics, and accounting.

➨How can I prepare for Edexcel A-Level Business Studies exams?

To prepare for Edexcel A-Level Business Studies exams, it is recommended that students create a study plan and revise regularly. They should also practice past exam papers to familiarize themselves with the format and types of questions that may be asked. Additionally, attending revision sessions and seeking support from teachers and peers can be helpful.

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Ultimate A-Level Business Studies Revision Worksheets

Ultimate A-Level Business Studies Revision Worksheets

Subject: Business and finance

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

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The resource Ultimate A-Level Business Studies Revision Worksheets and A detailed assessment in business A level is a comprehensive and valuable set of worksheets designed specifically for students and teachers preparing for A-Level Business Studies exams. Each worksheet focuses on critical concepts, key terminologies, and practical case studies that help reinforce theoretical knowledge and application skills.

Why it’s the most helpful resource:

Comprehensive Coverage: Covers all major A-Level Business Studies topics including Business Objectives, Marketing Mix, Financial Analysis, Human Resources, and Operations Management. Structured Format: Each worksheet is organized with definitions, short questions, case studies, and long-answer questions to build understanding progressively. Case Studies & Real-World Applications : Features real-world business case studies (e.g., Tesla, Coca-Cola) that help students apply theoretical concepts in practical scenarios. Revision-Friendly: Designed for independent learning, homework, or classroom activities to facilitate revision and exam preparation. Teacher-Approved: Provides structured exercises that can be used by teachers for class assessments or to identify knowledge gaps for targeted revision.

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Edexcel A-Level Business Studies Past Papers

This section includes recent A-Level Business past papers from Pearson Edexcel. You can download each of the Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business and AS Level Business past papers and marking schemes by clicking the links below.

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers June 2022 (9BS0)

A-Level Business:  Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business  (9BS0/01)  Download Past Paper     -     Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business:  Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy  (9BS0/02) Download Past Paper     -     Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business:  Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment  (9BS0/03) Download Past Paper     -     Download Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers November 2021 (9BS0)

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers November 2020 (9BS0)

A-Level Business:  Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business  (9BS0/01)  Download Past Paper    -     Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business:  Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy  (9BS0/02) Download Past Paper    -     Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business:  Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment  (9BS0/03) Download Past Paper    -     Download Mark Scheme

The above papers are labelled June 2020

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Business Past Papers November 2020 (8BS0)

AS Business:  Paper 1 - Marketing and People  (8BS0/01) Download Past Paper    -     Download Mark Scheme

AS Business:  Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities  (8BS0/02) Download Past Paper    -     Download Mark Scheme

The above papers are labelled June 2020  

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers June 2019 (9BS0)

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Business Past Papers June 2019 (8BS0)

Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers June 2018 (9BS0)

A-Level Business:  Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business  (9BS0/01)  Download Past Paper    -   Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business:  Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy  (9BS0/02) Download Past Paper    -   Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business:  Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment  (9BS0/03) Download Past Paper    -   Download Mark Scheme

Pearson Edexcel AS-Level Business Past Papers June 2018 (8BS0)

AS Business:  Paper 1   -   Marketing and People  (8BS0/01) Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

AS Business:  Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities  (8BS0/02) Download Past Paper    -   Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2017 (9BS0)

A-Level Business Studies:  Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business  (9BS0/01)  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business Studies:  Paper 2 – Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy  (9BS0/02) Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

A-Level Business Studies:  Paper 3 – Investigating Business in a Competitive Environment  (9BS0/03) Download Pre-Release Material - Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel AS-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2017 (8BS0)

AS Business Studies:  Paper 1 - Marketing and People  (8BS0/01) -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

AS Business Studies:  Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities  (8BS0/02) -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2016

AS Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 1 - Developing New Business Ideas (6BS01) Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

AS Business Studies: Unit 2A – Managing the Business (6BS02) -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Advanced Business Studies/ Economics and Business: Unit 3 – International Business (6BS03) Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Advanced Business Studies: Unit 4A – Making Business Decisions (6BS04) -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel AS-Level Business Studies Past Papers June 2016 (8BS0)

AS Business Studies: Paper 1 - Marketing and People (8BS0/01) - Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

AS Business Studies: Paper 2 – Managing Business Activities (8BS0/02) -  Download Past Paper  -  Download Mark Scheme

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies June 2015

Edexcel A-Level Business Studies June 2014

For more A-Level Business Studies past papers from other exam boards click here .  

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Programmes & Qualifications

Cambridge international as & a level business (9609).

  • Syllabus overview

The syllabus enables students to understand and appreciate the nature and scope of business, and the role it plays in society. It encourages students to examine the process of decision-making in a dynamic and changing business environment and to develop critical understanding of business organisations. They learn about business and its environment, human resource management, marketing, operations management and finance and accounting. At Cambridge International A Level, students also learn how to develop a business strategy.

The syllabus year refers to the year in which the examination will be taken.

  • -->2023-2025 Syllabus (PDF, 403KB)
  • -->2026 - 2028 Syllabus (PDF, 763KB)

Syllabus updates

We revise our qualifications regularly to make sure that they continue to meet the needs of learners, schools and higher education institutions around the world and reflect current thinking. We have consulted and worked with subject experts to review the syllabus, so that the breadth and depth is clearer. Please see the 2023–2025 syllabus document for full details on the changes.

What are the main changes to the syllabus?

  • clarified the assessment objectives and made small changes to their weightings
  • five topics now at Cambridge International A Level
  • embedded business strategy within the five main topics at Cambridge International A Level. Students are now encouraged to learn this within context
  • included formulae for ratios to support the analysis of published accounts
  • included a list of command words and their meanings.

What are the main changes to the assessment?

  • There are now two papers at Cambridge International A Level, Paper 3 and Paper 4. We have reduced the duration for Paper 3.
  • We have retitled all papers to better describe the focus of each one.
  • We have revised the levels-based marking criteria for all papers to maintain validity and reliability of assessment.

When do these changes take place?

The updated syllabus is for examination from June 2023 onwards. Examinations are available in March 2023 for India only. Please see the 2023-2025 syllabus above for full details.

We are developing a comprehensive range of materials to help you teach the updated syllabus. These resources will be available from June 2021 onwards (before first teaching) through our  School Support Hub and include:

  • Scheme of work
  • Learner guide
  • Example Candidate Responses (after first examination).

Face-to-face and online training will be available. For up-to-date information, visit our Events and training calendar .

Endorsed resources

View the latest resources that are being developed by our Endorsement Partners for the Cambridge International AS & A Level Business syllabus (9609).

Business for Cambridge International AS & A Level (Fourth edition) (Cambridge University Press) front cover

Business for Cambridge International AS & A Level (Fourth edition) (Cambridge University Press)

From studying real-life business scenarios, to ESL support with language worksheets, the new edition of this series gives students the support they need to study this course effectively, and helps prepare them for assessment.

Read more on the Cambridge University Press website

Cambridge International AS & A Level Business (Second edition) (Hodder) front cover

Cambridge International AS & A Level Business (Second edition) (Hodder Education)

Build strong subject knowledge and skills and an international outlook with expert author guidance and in-depth coverage of the revised Cambridge International AS & A Level Business syllabus (9609).

Read more on the Hodder Education website

Important notices

For some subjects, we publish grade descriptions to help understand the level of performance candidates’ grades represent.

We paused the publication of grade descriptions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the temporary changes to the awarding standard in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

As the awarding standard has now returned to the pre-pandemic standard, we are working to produce up-to-date grade descriptions for most of our general qualifications. These will be based on the awarding standards in place from June 2023 onwards.

School Support Hub

Teachers at registered Cambridge schools can unlock over 30 000 teaching and learning resources to help plan and deliver Cambridge programmes and qualifications, including Schemes of work, Example candidate responses, Past papers, Specimen paper answers, as well as digital and multimedia resources.

Schemes of work

Example responses, past papers, specimen paper answers.

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Sign up for updates about changes to the syllabuses you teach

  • Past papers, examiner reports and specimen papers
  • Published resources

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Exam Warm-up

Edexcel Paper 1 Warm-up | A-Level Business Revision for 2024

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Join Graham and Jim for some Paper 1 revision for a quick Paper 1 warmup. Your chance to ask questions, try a few gentle warmup questions and get out top tips for Paper 1

Graham Prior

a level business studies case studies answers

Graham Prior is Subject Lead for GCSE, A-Level Business, and IB Business and Management at tutor2u. He is an experienced teacher, examiner, head of department and author.

a level business studies case studies answers

Jim Riley is the co-Founder and CEO of tutor2u. Prior to founding tutor2u with twin brother Geoff in 2000, Jim was Director of Strategy for Thomson Travel Group. Prior to this Jim spent 10 years with PwC. Jim is a Fellow of the ICAEW and holds an MBA from Bradford Business School.

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  1. PDF A-LEVEL Answers and BUSINESS commentaries

    The business may face a loss in inflows in the long term as they are missing out on the 5%. Most importantly customers feel like the business has lost touch from them and it may loose personell. Therefore, long-term options would be suitable as overdraft and debt-factoring are short termist. This is a Level 4 response.

  2. Example Answers to AQA A-Level Business Exam Papers

    Overcoming the Problems of Rapid Growth | AQA Q6, Paper 3 2018. Exam Support. Here is a growing collection of example responses to AQA A-Level Business exam questions. Please note, you will need to be logged into your free mytutor2u account to be able to view this content.

  3. Practice Mini Case Study for AQA A-Level Business Paper 2

    Here is a practice case study with some 9 analysis and 16 mark "open" questions for student preparing for AQA A-Level Business Paper 2. The case study is on Brompton Bicycle Limited (which we've also featured in one of our full Paper 3 Mock Exam Papers).. DOWNLOAD THE BROMPTON PRACTICE CASE STUDY HERE (PDF)

  4. In the News

    In the News Teaching Activity: Caramac and Animal Bar discontinued by Nestle after 60 years (Nov 2023) 10th November 2023. Here is a growing collection of topical case studies, complete with worksheet and suggested answers, for A-Level Business.

  5. A Level Business Past Papers & Questions by Topic

    A Level Business. Our extensive collection of resources is the perfect tool for students aiming to ace their exams and for teachers seeking reliable resources to support their students' learning journey. Here, you'll find an array of revision notes, topic questions, fully explained model answers, past exam papers and more, meticulously ...

  6. Case Studies And Analysis

    Another benefit of outsourcing is that you can save on every aspect of your business and increase your profits. When you outsource, you can save on time, effort, infrastructure and manpower. Since you don't have to invest in infrastructure, you can also. Word count: 950. Level: AS and A Level.


    CASE STUDY: US DRYBAR 1. Using this case as an example, explain what is meant by a niche market. A niche market is a small market segment - a segment that has sometimes gone 'untouched' by larger businesses. Niche marketing is the complete opposite of mass marketing. It involves selling to a small customer group, sometimes with specific ...

  8. A-Level Business Studies Revision Notes

    Start by creating a structured revision schedule that allocates time to each topic in the syllabus. Summarize key concepts and theories in concise notes or mind maps. Practise solving business problems, especially for financial and quantitative topics. Engage in case study analysis to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

  9. AQA A-Level Business Studies Past Papers

    June 2022 AQA A-Level Business Studies (7132) Past Papers. A-Level Business: Paper 1 Business 1 (7132/1) Download Paper - Download Mark Scheme. A-Level Business: Paper 2 Business 2 (7132/2) Download Paper - Download Mark Scheme. A-Level Business: Paper 3 Business 3 (7132/3) Download Insert - Download Paper - Download Mark Scheme.

  10. PDF Cambridge International AS & A Level

    Cambridge International AS & A Level BUSINESS 9609/32 Paper 3 Case Study October/November 2020 INSERT 3 hours INFORMATION This insert contains the case study. You may annotate this insert and use the blank spaces for planning. Do not write your answers on the insert. This document has 8 pages. Blank pages are indicated. DC (LK) 191922/3

  11. Past Papers

    Common Search Terms: Papers A Levels Business (9609), Papers A Levels Business (9609) Past Papers, Papers A Levels Business (9609) Question Papers, Papers A Levels Business (9609) Marking Schemes, Papers A Levels Business (9609) Grade Thresholds

  12. Business

    Knowledge Book for AQA A-Level Business (exams up to 2024) 01-4130-30140-03. £7.95 £3.98.

  13. Business Studies A-Level Past Papers

    This section includes recent A-Level Business Studies past papers from AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC. If you are not sure which exam board you are studying ask your teacher. Past papers are a fantastic way to prepare for an exam as you can practise the questions in your own time.

  14. Cambridge International AS & A Level Business (9609)

    2023. The Business syllabus enables learners to understand and appreciate the nature and scope of business, and the role it plays in society. The syllabus covers economic, environmental, ethical, governmental, legal, social and technological issues, and encourages a critical understanding of organisations, the markets they serve and the process ...

  15. PDF Answers Unit 1 Business and its environment

    business: hardworking; creative; leadership skills; commitment. Do you think that Sami has some of these skills? Which of these skills is/are likely to be most important in the case of Sami's business? Exam-style questions Paper 1 1 See textbook. 2 See textbook. 3 a Outline: The key differences are the objectives set for social objectives ...

  16. Oxford University Press

    Find the answers to your Cambridge A Level Business coursebook questions on this webpage from Oxford University Press, a leading academic publisher.

  17. Edexcel A-Level Business Studies Past Papers

    "Excel in the Edexcel A-Level Business Studies exam with our comprehensive resources, including past papers, revision guides, and online courses. Our materials cover all key concepts and theories in business studies, from marketing and finance to operations and strategy. Develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills and gain the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed in your ...

  18. Ultimate A-Level Business Studies Revision Worksheets

    Explanation: The resource Ultimate A-Level Business Studies Revision Worksheets and A detailed assessment in business A level is a comprehensive and valuable set of worksheets designed specifically for students and teachers preparing for A-Level Business Studies exams. Each worksheet focuses on critical concepts, key terminologies, and practical case studies that help reinforce theoretical ...

  19. Edexcel A Level Business 2017

    Topic Questions. Past paper and exam-style questions, organised by topic. Course-specific and 100% exam-aligned. Student friendly model answers written by experienced teachers & examiners. Progress tracking across undefined+ topics & undefined+ questions, sorted by difficulty.

  20. Edexcel A-Level Business Studies Past Papers

    The above papers are labelled June 2020. Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business Past Papers June 2019 (9BS0) A-Level Business: Paper 1 - Marketing, People and Global Business (9BS0/01) Download Past Paper - Download Mark Scheme. A-Level Business: Paper 2 - Business Activities, Decisions and Strategy (9BS0/02) Download Past Paper - Download Mark Scheme.

  21. Cambridge International AS & A Level Business (9609)

    The Business syllabus enables learners to understand and appreciate the nature and scope of business, and the role it plays in society. The syllabus covers economic, environmental, ethical, governmental, legal, social and technological issues, and encourages a critical understanding of organisations, the markets they serve and the process of adding value.

  22. Edexcel Paper 1 Warm-up

    Prior to founding tutor2u with twin brother Geoff in 2000, Jim was Director of Strategy for Thomson Travel Group. Prior to this Jim spent 10 years with PwC. Jim is a Fellow of the ICAEW and holds an MBA from Bradford Business School. Join Graham and Jim for some Paper 1 revision for a quick Paper 1 warmup. Your chance to ask questions, try a ...