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biography html template

How To Create A HTML Personal Bio Page for Beginners

Want to know how to build a HTML personal bio page? In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through this fun and practical HTML project step-by-step.

Whether you're just starting your HTML journey or looking to sharpen your skills, creating a personal bio page is an excellent project to learn real-world web development skills.

In this HTML tutorial, you'll:

  • Structure your personal bio page with semantic HTML to ensure clear, accessible content.
  • Use CSS to style your page, focusing on layout, typography, and color to make a visually engaging online presence.
  • Apply responsive design principles to make sure your page looks great on any device, from desktops to mobile phones.
  • Implement modern web design techniques like Flexbox and CSS Grid to enhance the layout and user experience.
  • Add personal touches and professional details to make your bio stand out to potential employers or clients.

Through this tutorial, you'll not only develop a fully functional personal bio page but also gain valuable insights into the fundamentals of web design and CSS styling.

To make the most of this tutorial, having basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is beneficial. 

But you don't need to be a web development expert to follow along. I've designed this guide to be beginner-friendly, with clear explanations and practical examples.

I’ve also provided the full source code for this HTML project so you can follow along, experiment, and even build upon it for your own projects. 

Let’s dive in and start building!

  • How To Create A HTML Personal Bio Page

Ready to start your web development journey with a hands-on HTML project ? 

Today, we're going to build a HTML personal bio page, which is perfect for beginners in web design. 

This project will demonstrate how to use HTML to structure personalized web content effectively.

We'll cover the basics of HTML for structuring your page and introduce CSS to enhance its visual appeal. Check out the image below for a preview of what you’ll build!

Create your own HTML personal bio page

Wondering if it's challenging? Not at all! 

I’ve designed this HTML project to be beginner-friendly, dividing it into easy-to-follow steps. 

Whether you're new to web development or familiar with HTML and CSS, this project is great for skill enhancement.

You can do all of this using our online HTML compiler , so you won’t need to fire up an IDE or text editor to follow along with me as we build this personal bio page.

By the end, you’ll have a functional page for your portfolio and a solid understanding of HTML and CSS basics.

  • Project Prerequisites

Before starting, ensure you’re comfortable with basic HTML syntax and CSS. I will cover everything else you need. 

Plus, if you need to brush up on any of these areas, you can always check out a web development course . 

I should also mention that it’s important to be willing to experiment and learn from mistakes. Maybe that sounds obvious, but trust me, this is one of the best ways to learn.

Plus, if you get stuck, you can even consider using an AI coding assistant like GitHub Copilot to help out, but I’d recommend waiting until you’re 100% stuck, as this is where you really learn.

Remember, we're also here to help, so don’t hesitate to search hackr.io for help as you go along.

  • Step 1: Setting Up The Project

Let's kick things off by preparing your environment to develop the HTML personal bio page. 

If you want to dive straight in, I'd recommend following along with me using our online HTML compiler . 

This is pre-populated with the HTML and CSS files you need to build this HTML project without switching on an IDE.

Alternatively, I've outlined the steps for you to create the necessary files and organize your workspace on your own computer. 

Just follow these, and you'll have a solid foundation for your project.

i. Choose an IDE or Editor

Before you start, choose an IDE or editor tailored for web development. If you’ve read my article on the best web development IDEs , you’ll see I favor Visual Studio Code (VSCode). 

This is excellent for HTML and CSS and a solid choice if you’d prefer to build on your own machine.

ii. Install Necessary Plugins

If you choose VSCode, consider installing VSCode extensions like "Live Server" to preview your HTML pages in real time and "Prettier" for code formatting. 

These tools will make your development process smoother and more efficient.

iii. Create a New HTML Project

Once your editor is set up, it's time to create a new project:

- Open your editor and select the option to create a new project or folder.

- Name your project folder something descriptive, like "PersonalBioPage."

- Inside this folder, create two files: index.html for your HTML content and styles.css for your CSS styles.

iv. Set Up a Basic HTML Structure

Open your index.html file and set up a basic HTML structure. Here’s a simple template to get you started:

Try It Yourself »

This is the basic structure every HTML project and page starts with. 

We've got our DOCTYPE, HTML tag, head section (with meta tags, title, and link to our CSS file), and the body where our content will go.

v. Prepare for CSS Styling

Make sure your styles.css is linked correctly in your HTML file to start adding styles in the next steps.

vi. Verify Project Setup

To ensure everything is set up correctly, try opening your index.html with the Live Server plugin or directly in your browser. 

You should see a blank page with the basic document structure ready to be filled with content.

And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up your environment for creating a personal bio page. 

Let’s jump into Step 2, where we’ll create the HTML structure for your bio.

  • Step 2: Creating the HTML Structure

With your development environment set up, it’s time to construct the HTML skeleton of your personal bio page. 

i. Create the Header Section

The header is the first thing visitors see. 

It should include your name, a professional photo, and a brief tagline or your current professional role. Here’s how you might structure it:

Replace "your-photo.jpg" with the actual path to your image. Make sure the image is professional and suits the page’s style.

ii. Add the About Section

This section should provide a brief introduction about yourself. 

Include things like your professional background, achievements, or a short personal story. 

Structure it like this:

iii. Include a Skills Section

Highlight the professional skills or tools you’re proficient with. Consider using a list for clarity:

iv. Detail Your Experience

A well-laid-out experience section can really make your bio stand out. Include past positions, key responsibilities, and significant accomplishments:

v. Add a Contact Section

Make it easy for people to reach out to you. Include your professional email address, LinkedIn profile, or other contact methods:

Ensure all links are correct and test them to make sure they work.

vi. Structuring for Responsiveness

While adding content, keep in mind how your page will look on different devices. Use semantic HTML and prepare to apply CSS styles that will make the page responsive.

Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step, highlighting the specific HTML skills you've utilized:

  • Structured the Page Content: We created distinct sections, such as the header , about , skills , experience , and contact sections. This uses semantic HTML, which not only helps with SEO but also makes your site more accessible.
  • Utilized Semantic HTML Tags: For each section, we employed semantic tags (<header>, <section>, <article>, <footer>), enhancing the meaning and readability of your HTML structure. These provide better structure compared to non-semantic tags like <div>, making it easier for search engines and accessibility tools to navigate.
  • Embedded Multimedia and Links: We added an image to your header with <img> and provided links in your contact section using <a>. This is fundamental in HTML for incorporating multimedia elements and hyperlinks.
  • Organized Content with Lists and Headings: Skills and professional experiences were listed using <ul> and <li> to clearly display lists of items. We used headings (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>) to structure the content hierarchically, improving both the aesthetics and organization of the information.
  • Prepared the Document for Styling and Interactivity: By assigning id attributes to sections and other elements, we've prepared the groundwork for future CSS styling and JavaScript interaction.

With the HTML structure in place, you now have a solid framework for your personal bio page.

Let’s move on to Step 3 to style your page.

  • Step 3: Styling with CSS

Now you have a solid HTML structure for your personal bio page, it’s time to enhance its visual appeal with CSS. 

This will transform your page from a basic text layout into a professionally styled profile.

i. Set Up Your CSS File

Make sure your CSS file (styles.css) is linked correctly in your HTML document, which we did in Step 1. 

This ensures that any styles you add will directly affect your HTML elements.

ii. Style the Header

The header is your first impression. Make it stand out by adding background colors, adjusting the text alignment, and customizing fonts:

iii. Style the About Section

Make the about section easy to read with ample spacing and a clear font:

vi. Enhance the Skills Section

For the skills list, consider adding a grid layout or icons next to each skill to make it visually engaging:

v. Professionalize the Experience Section

Align your experiences in a neat, readable format. Use borders or shading to distinguish each job role:

vi. Style the Contact Section

Ensure the contact section is clear and accessible, with link styles that are easy to identify:

In this step, you've employed several key CSS techniques to enhance the aesthetics and usability of your personal bio page:

  • CSS Selectors and Properties: You've used a variety of selectors (element, id, class) and properties to precisely target and style HTML elements.
  • Layout Techniques: Application of CSS for layout adjustments like padding, margins, text alignment, and the grid display method for organizing content visually.
  • Responsive Design Elements: While we haven’t fully implemented responsiveness, the structure set here provides a solid basis for introducing media queries in the future, ensuring the site looks good on any device.
  • Visual Enhancements: Introduction of stylistic features like background colors, font sizes, and hover effects to make the website more interactive and visually appealing.

You've now transformed a basic HTML document into a styled and professional-looking personal bio page. 

Next, we can review and debug our HTML project.

  • Step 4: Review and Debug

Having designed and styled your personal bio page, it’s time to review and debug your work to ensure it looks great and functions correctly across different browsers and devices.

i. Check Consistency Across Browsers

Ensure your page displays consistently across different web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. 

Look for styling discrepancies and make adjustments as needed. Tools like BrowserStack can be helpful for this testing.

ii. Validate Your HTML and CSS

Use validators to check if there are any errors or warnings in your HTML and CSS code:

  • HTML Validator: Use the W3C Markup Validation Service to check for HTML syntax errors.
  • CSS Validator: Use the W3C CSS Validation Service to ensure your CSS is error-free.

iii. Test Responsiveness

Adjust your browser window size to simulate different screen sizes or use your browser’s developer tools to test various device resolutions. 

Make sure your layout adjusts and looks good on mobile, tablet, and desktop views. Adjust your CSS using media queries if necessary to improve responsiveness.

vi. Improve Accessibility

Ensure your page is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities:

  • Check color contrast ratios.
  • Ensure that all interactive elements are keyboard accessible.
  • Use semantic HTML to aid screen readers.
  • Include alt text for images.

v. Optimize Loading Times

Optimize your page for faster loading times:

  • Compress any images used without losing quality.
  • Minify your CSS file to reduce its size.
  • Check that your hosting solution loads your page quickly enough.

vi. Gather Feedback

Sometimes, it helps to get a fresh set of eyes on your project:

  • Ask friends or colleagues to review your page.
  • Gather feedback on the design, content, and functionality.
  • Make adjustments based on the feedback to enhance user experience.

With your page polished and debugged, it's ready for the world to see. 

The next step would be to consider how and where to publish it, so let’s take a look at that!

  • Step 5: Publishing Your Page

Now your personal bio page is designed, styled, and debugged, it’s time to share it with the world. 

This final step will guide you through the process of publishing your page online.

i. Choose a Hosting Service

To make your bio page accessible on the internet, you need to host it on a web server. 

Here are a few popular, user-friendly options that offer free plans:

  • GitHub Pages: Ideal for hosting simple, static websites. Plus, it integrates directly with your GitHub repository, making updates easy.
  • Netlify: Offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface for deploying your site and automatic HTTPS.
  • Vercel: Similar to Netlify, it provides easy deployment options and is great for static sites.

ii. Prepare Your Files for Deployment

Before uploading your files, ensure everything is named correctly and organized:

  • Your main HTML file should be named `index.html`.
  • Ensure all links to CSS files and images are relative and correctly referenced so they work on the web server.

iii. Upload Your Files

Depending on your chosen hosting service, the process will vary:

  • GitHub Pages: Push your project to a GitHub repository, then enable GitHub Pages in the repository settings.
  • Netlify/Vercel: Drag and drop your project folder onto their web interface or connect your GitHub account for continuous deployment.

iv. Set Up a Custom Domain (Optional)

If you have a custom domain, you can link it to your hosting provider to give your bio page a more professional look:

v. Test Your Live Site

Once your site is live, perform a final test:

  • Visit the URL provided by your hosting service.
  • Check all pages and links to ensure everything loads and functions as expected.
  • Test on different devices and browsers to confirm compatibility.

vi. Update and Maintain

Remember, publishing your site is not the end of the road. 

Keep your content updated and continue improving the site based on user feedback and analytics.

  • Next Steps & Further Learning

Congratulations on successfully building and publishing your own personal bio page! 

While you've reached a significant milestone, there's still plenty to explore in web development. 

First up, I’d highly encourage you to play around with the code I have provided, especially the styling. 

There is so much more you can do here, and it’s an excellent way to express your personality.

Beyond that, here are a few ideas to keep enhancing your skills:

Expand Your HTML and CSS Knowledge

  • Advanced CSS: Learn about animations, transitions, and more complex layout designs with Flexbox and Grid.
  • Responsive Design: Dive deeper into making your website look great on all devices by mastering media queries and responsive design principles.

Explore Additional Web Technologies

  • JavaScript: Adding basic JavaScript can make your bio page more interactive. Consider implementing features like a light/dark mode toggle or interactive tabs for different sections of your resume. You can even use our online JavaScript compiler to do this.
  • SEO Basics: Learn the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization to increase the visibility of your web page.

Engage with the Community

  • Feedback: Share your page on forums and with peers to get feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Open Source: Consider contributing to open-source projects where HTML and CSS skills are needed. This can provide real-world experience and community engagement.

Keep Learning and Sharing

  • Document Your Journey: Blog about the process of building your bio page, what you learned, the challenges you faced, and how you solved them.
  • Stay Updated: Follow web development blogs, join webinars, and participate in online communities to keep up with the latest trends and best practices.

And if you're hungry for more HTML projects, check out the rest of our step-by-step tutorials, including how to build a HTML recipe page .

  • Personal Bio Page: Full Source Code Example

HTML Source Code:

CSS Source Code:

  • Wrapping Up

Building a HTML personal bio page is a fantastic way to boost your web development skills and delve into creating visually appealing and functional websites.

By creating this personal bio page, you've tackled a variety of challenges, including crafting a user-friendly layout, handling styling with CSS, and ensuring your content is responsive and accessible across different devices.

In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to:

  • Structure your content with HTML to create a clear, logical, and accessible web page.
  • Use CSS to enhance the visual appeal of your page, applying styles that bring your content to life.
  • Implement responsive design techniques to ensure your bio page looks great on both desktops and mobile devices.
  • Utilize advanced CSS features like Flexbox and Grid for sophisticated layout designs.
  • Prioritize web accessibility, making your site usable for everyone.

You now possess the foundational tools and knowledge needed to further develop and refine your personal bio page.

Potential enhancements could include adding interactive elements with JavaScript, integrating with social media platforms, or incorporating a blog section to share your professional insights and experiences.

Your journey into the world of web development doesn't end here. With these new skills, you're well-equipped to tackle more complex projects, explore different aspects of web design and development, and continue building a diverse range of engaging web experiences.

Have fun and happy coding!

Want to sharpen up your HTML and web development skills? Check out:

Dr. Angela Yu's Complete Web Development Bootcamp

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Personal Biography Web Designs, Templates, HTML Code Examples

Cocktail Bar

Cocktail Bar

Personal Growth

Personal Growth

Cosmetics Shop

Cosmetics Shop

Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Freelancer Demo

Freelancer Demo

Design Team

Design Team

App Showcase

App Showcase

TikTok Management

TikTok Management

Travel Blog Writer

Travel Blog Writer

Graphic Designer Portfolio

Graphic Designer Portfolio

Beauty Parlour

Beauty Parlour

Marketing Agency

Marketing Agency

Culture Magazine Demo

Culture Magazine Demo

Record Label

Record Label

Furniture Store

Furniture Store

Internet Research Studio

Internet Research Studio


Consulting Business

Visual Effects Production

Visual Effects Production

Museum Demo

Museum Demo

Personal Development

Personal Development

Life coach & personal development

Life coach & personal development

Book Publisher

Book Publisher

Photography Courses

Photography Courses

WebDev Creative Agency

WebDev Creative Agency

Fitness App

Fitness App


Technology Company

Gadget Site

Gadget Site

AI Service Company

AI Service Company

Investment Company

Investment Company

Rehabilitation Exercise Program

Rehabilitation Exercise Program

Portfolio Site Demo

Portfolio Site Demo


Copywriting agency

Software Company

Software Company

Castle Weddings & Celebrations

Castle Weddings & Celebrations


Resort Website

IT Solution

IT Solution

Study Course

Study Course


Luxury Shop


Saas Design Tool

Marketing Solution Agency

Marketing Solution Agency

Creative Agency Demo

Creative Agency Demo

Nice Booking

Nice Booking

Main features.

Summarizes key details about the individual's life, accomplishments, and aspirations.

Presents a chronological sequence of significant events in the person's life.


Highlights the notable accomplishments and milestones attained by the individual.

Photo Gallery

Showcases a collection of images capturing different moments in the person's life.


Includes quotes or statements from others sharing their opinions or experiences related to the individual.

Provides links or contact information for connecting with the person on various platforms.

Personal Statement

Features a narrative written by the individual, expressing personal beliefs, values, and goals.

Acknowledges any honors, accolades, or recognitions received by the person.

Work Experience

Details the professional background, positions held, and roles undertaken by the individual.

How to create your own website for free and AI? Use the collection of 9000 free html templates!

How to design websites with personal biography template?

Create a new html file.

Begin by opening a text editor and saving a new file with a .html extension to start building your biography template.

Add the HTML Boilerplate

Insert the standard HTML boilerplate code, including the , , and tags to structure your document.

Create the Header Section

Design the header section with pertinent information such as your name, photo, and a brief introduction.

Develop the Main Content Area

Craft the main content area for your biography, highlighting key achievements, experiences, and skills.

Include a Contact Section

Integrate a contact section with your email address, phone number, and social media links for easy networking.

Finalize with CSS Styling

Enhance the visual appeal of your biography template by adding CSS styling for fonts, colors, and layout.

What websites can be made with these templates?

  • Individual life story platform An online space dedicated to narrating one's unique life journey and experiences.
  • Life tale showcase site Showcasing a collection of personal stories and pivotal moments in one's life.
  • Autobiographical account hub A digital hub for individuals to share their autobiographies and personal anecdotes.
  • Life narrative gallery A virtual gallery featuring a curated collection of personal life narratives.
  • Life chronicle repository A database housing detailed accounts of individuals' life stories and milestones.
  • Memorable moments catalog A catalog of memorable moments and significant events throughout one's life.
  • Biographical experience platform An interactive platform where individuals share their unique biographical experiences.
  • Personal memoirs collection A collection of personal memoirs and reflections on life's defining moments.
  • Life journey archive An archive showcasing the diverse life journeys and narratives of individuals.
  • Autobiographical narrative hub A hub where individuals craft and share their autobiographical narratives and reflections.
  • Life story hosting site A platform designed for hosting and sharing personal life stories and reflections.
  • Life experience showcase A platform where individuals showcase their unique life experiences and narratives.
  • Personal anecdote gallery An online gallery featuring a collection of personal anecdotes and reflective narratives.
  • Life events presentation site A site dedicated to presenting and preserving significant life events and milestones.
  • Life memoir repository A repository housing a diverse collection of personal life memoirs and reflections.

Choosing the right personal biography HTML template

  • Mobirise AI A great alternative for personal biography templates, offering a wide selection of modern and customizable HTML templates for personal bios.
  • ThemeForest A marketplace with an extensive collection of HTML templates for personal biographies, featuring unique designs and user-friendly customization options.
  • TemplateMonster Provides a variety of HTML templates tailored for personal bios, with options to personalize layouts, colors, and content to suit individual needs.
  • Envato Elements Offers a subscription-based service with access to a diverse library of HTML templates suitable for creating professional and visually appealing personal biographies.
  • Creative Market A platform that showcases HTML templates specifically designed for personal bios, with a focus on creativity, originality, and ease of use.
  • W3Layouts Provides a selection of free and premium HTML templates for personal biographies, featuring responsive designs and easy integration with various content management systems.
  • BootstrapMade Offers a range of HTML templates tailored for personal bios, built on the Bootstrap framework for responsive and mobile-friendly layouts.

Free Personal Biography HTML Templates

Creating a personalized web page with your biography using HTML templates can be simplified with the help of AI technology. By utilizing AI tools, you can streamline the coding process and enhance the overall design of your webpage. Incorporating AI into web development allows for more efficient and dynamic results. Mobirise stands out as a reliable platform for building web pages with personal biography HTML templates. Its user-friendly interface and range of customization options make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers alike.Embrace the innovative features of Mobirise to effortlessly craft a unique and visually appealing web page that showcases your personal biography in a professional manner. Stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on your visitors by leveraging AI technology to code your personal biography HTML template with ease.

Dance School

Dance School

Programming Blog

Programming Blog



Html Page



Car Consultant

Community Group

Community Group


Html5 Responsive


Developers Blog



Photo Blog

Web Designer

Selling Photograph

Selling Photograph


Home Inspector

Finance Blog

Finance Blog


Business And Portfolio

Motivational Speaker

Motivational Speaker

Html  Download

Html Download

Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider

Music Artist

Music Artist

Wedding Planner

Wedding Planner

Amazon Affiliate

Amazon Affiliate

Designers Portfolio

Designers Portfolio

Technical Blog

Technical Blog


Html5 Free Download

Flower Shop

Flower Shop

Software Company

Company Intranet





Hair Stylist

Hair Stylist

Car Dealer

Political Campaign

Author And Speaker

Author And Speaker



Beauty Industry

Beauty Industry


Food Product



Online Sale

Online Sale


Youtube Channel

Catering Business

Catering Business

Tech Support

Tech Support

Chiropractic Office

Chiropractic Office

Mobile View

Mobile View

Fashion Label

Fashion Label

Personal biography html design tutorial, watch the video below to learn how to create your own websites using the html template for personal biography website..

What are the essential HTML codes for a personal biography website?

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  • 🎨 Unique Design: Personal biography CSS HTML designs offer a unique and customized look.
  • 📱 Responsive Layout: The designs are responsive and adapt to different screen sizes seamlessly.
  • 🎯 Creative Freedom: Designers have creative freedom to showcase personality and style through the biography.
  • 🔍 SEO Optimization: HTML designs can be optimized for search engines to increase visibility.
  • 🖼️ Visual Appeal: CSS styling enhances the visual appeal of the biography for a captivating user experience.
  • 🚀 Fast Loading: Optimized CSS and HTML lead to quick loading times for the biography.
  • 🛠️ Easy Maintenance: Simple HTML structure makes it easy to maintain and update the biography.
  • 💬 Interactive Elements: CSS allows for interactive elements like animations and hover effects to engage users.
  • 📝 Clear Structure: HTML provides a clear structure for organizing content in the biography.
  • 🛡️ Security: Following best practices in CSS and HTML coding ensures a secure biography.
  • 💡 Innovation: Designers can experiment with innovative CSS techniques to create a standout biography.
  • 📈 Growth Potential: Well-designed biographies can help individuals grow their personal brand and online presence.

Sections of personal biography HTML code

  • 👋 Introduction A brief overview of who I am
  • 📜 Biography My life journey and experiences
  • 🎓 Education Details of my academic achievements
  • 💼 Work Experience Information about my professional career
  • 🏆 Achievements Notable accomplishments and awards
  • 🔧 Skills List of skills I possess
  • 🌱 Interests Hobbies and interests that I enjoy
  • 📚 Projects Overview of projects I have worked on
  • 📸 Gallery Images showcasing different aspects of my life
  • 📝 Testimonials Feedback and testimonials from others
  • 📧 Contact Ways to get in touch with me
  • 🌐 Social Media Links to my social media profiles
  • 📅 Events Upcoming events or activities I will be part of
  • 🔗 Links Additional relevant links and resources
  • 🎨 Design Information about the design choices of my website

Creating my landing page using HTML and CSS personal biography templates allowed me to showcase my personality authentically. I chose this tool for its flexibility in design and layout. Initially, I had questions about integrating responsive design elements into my biography, but I quickly found solutions online. The process was smooth overall, with minor challenges in aligning elements precisely. Despite that, I achieved a sleek and professional biography page that truly reflects who I am.

Opting for HTML and CSS personal biography templates for my landing page was a deliberate choice for its simplicity and elegance. While working with Mobirise AI, I encountered questions about embedding multimedia content seamlessly. The process was straightforward, and I appreciated the user-friendly interface. The main challenge was adjusting the fonts and colors to align with my personal brand. In the end, I successfully created a captivating biography page that captivates visitors.

Integrating Mobirise AI with HTML and CSS personal biography templates enhanced the efficiency of creating my landing page. The tool's unique features stood out to me, especially its drag-and-drop functionality. Initially, I questioned how to incorporate interactive elements into my biography, but the resources provided by Mobirise AI were helpful. The process flowed smoothly, with challenges mainly revolving around fine-tuning the mobile responsiveness. Despite that, I achieved a visually striking personal biography page with ease.

I selected HTML and CSS personal biography templates to create my landing page due to the freedom they offer for design customization. Utilizing Mobirise AI raised questions regarding optimizing the page for SEO, which I tackled through research and experimentation. The creation process was enjoyable, with challenges arising in maintaining design consistency across different screen sizes. Nevertheless, I successfully crafted a unique biography page that conveys my personality effectively.

Utilizing Mobirise AI alongside HTML and CSS personal biography templates brought a new level of creativity to my landing page creation process. The tool's advanced functionalities impressed me, especially when integrating animations smoothly. Initially, I had questions about incorporating a contact form into my biography, but Mobirise AI's tutorials guided me through. The journey was challenging yet rewarding, particularly in overcoming layout inconsistencies across devices. In the end, I achieved a dynamic and engaging personal biography page.

Choosing HTML and CSS personal biography templates for my landing page was a decision based on the ease of customization they offer. Working with Mobirise AI, I pondered over optimizing the page speed for better user experience. The overall process was smooth, with minor challenges in adjusting image placements accurately. Despite the obstacles faced, I successfully brought my vision to life through a well-designed and captivating biography page.

My decision to incorporate Mobirise AI with HTML and CSS personal biography templates stemmed from the desire for functionality and aesthetic appeal in my landing page. Questions arose regarding integrating social media links seamlessly, which were promptly resolved. The creative process was fulfilling, with challenges revolving around ensuring a seamless transition between different sections. Despite the hurdles faced, I successfully crafted a visually appealing and interactive personal biography page that resonates with visitors.

Utilizing HTML and CSS personal biography templates for my landing page allowed me to explore dynamic design solutions that reflect my individuality. Integrating Mobirise AI introduced new possibilities, prompting questions about enhancing accessibility features. The overall process was enriching, with challenges emerging in maintaining a harmonious visual flow throughout the page. Nevertheless, I overcame these obstacles to create a visually appealing and informative personal biography page that resonates with my audience.

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Last updated on 2024-6-07 © Copyright 2024 Free HTML Codes for Personal Biography Website. All Rights Reserved.

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Styling a biography page

  • Overview: CSS first steps

With the things you have learned in the last few lessons you should find that you can format simple text documents using CSS to add your own style to them. This assessment gives you a chance to do that.

Prerequisites: Before attempting this assessment you should have already worked through all the articles in this module, and also have an understanding of HTML basics (study ).
Objective: To have a play with some CSS and test your new-found knowledge.

Starting point

You can work in the live editor below, or you can download the starting point file to work with in your own editor. This is a single page containing both the HTML and the starting point CSS (in the head of the document). If you prefer you could move this CSS to a separate file and link to it when you create the example on your local computer.

Note: You can try solutions in the interactive editors on this page or in an online editor such as CodePen , JSFiddle , or Glitch .

If you get stuck, you can reach out to us in one of our communication channels .

Project brief

The following live example shows a biography, which has been styled using CSS. The CSS properties that are used are as follows — each one links to its property page on MDN, which will give you more examples of its use.

  • font-family
  • border-bottom
  • font-weight
  • text-decoration

In the interactive editor you will find some CSS already in place. This selects parts of the document using element selectors, classes, and pseudo-classes. Make the following changes to this CSS:

  • Make the level one heading pink, using the CSS color keyword hotpink .
  • Give the heading a 10px dotted border-bottom which uses the CSS color keyword purple .
  • Make the level 2 heading italic.
  • Give the ul used for the contact details a background-color of #eeeeee , and a 5px solid purple border . Use some padding to push the content away from the border.
  • Make the links green on hover.

Hints and tips

  • Use the W3C CSS Validator to catch unintended mistakes in your CSS — mistakes you might have otherwise missed — so that you can fix them.
  • Afterwards try looking up some properties not mentioned on this page in the MDN CSS reference and get adventurous!
  • Remember that there is no wrong answer here — at this stage in your learning you can afford to have a bit of fun.

You should end up with something like this image.

Screenshot of how the example should look after completing the assessment.


If you would like to build a personal page, you should consider using any of these free biography website templates. The tools are perfect for online resumes, CV pages, heck, even personal portfolios. There are multiple available and ready to use, offering you to start on the web as an expert from the very beginning. As a freelancer, job seeker or a professional individual, make sure your online presence is of the highest degree. Thanks to any of the templates below, the level of professionalism goes over and beyond out of the box. Moreover, every free biography website template also guarantees a flexible and responsive layout and browser compatibility. In conclusion, for a modern, striking and appealing to the eye web design, you came to the right place.


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Biography text HTML Template

Biography text HTML Template

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Free Bio Sites Templates

A collection of 1 templates to create a free link-in-bio website. Each template includes a review, long screenshot, live demo and download links.

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Unfold Bio Sites is a free Bio Sites Template

This link-in-bio template was built using the free Unfold App available for iOS or Android . Watch my Bio Sites setup tutorial to learn how to easily it is create this One Pager on your mobile.

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Bios HTML Website Templates

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E-Bio - Personal Portfolio HTML Template

E-Bio - Personal Portfolio HTML Template

  • Personal Portfolio, Creative Design
  • Fully Responsive, Scroll Animation
  • GSAP Animation, RTL Support

Jozicular - Bio Science HTML Template

Jozicular - Bio Science HTML Template

  • Covid 19 Laboratory Research
  • Research & Medical Science Template
  • Coronavirus Laboratory Research

Bio - Personal CV Resume Landing Page HTML Template

Bio - Personal CV Resume Landing Page HTML Template

  • Personal CV Resume
  • Personal portfolio template
  • 12 Home pages

Sole | Minimal CV/Resume, Bio, Portfolio, Blog

Sole | Minimal CV/Resume, Bio, Portfolio, Blog

R-energy | Solar & Renewable Energy HTML Template

R-energy | Solar & Renewable Energy HTML Template

  • Solar, Alternative & Renewable Energy HTML
  • Natural Bio, Wind Turbines & Water Energy
  • 3 home pages, 40 HTML 20 PSD + All graphic

Foodano - Natural Food Shop & Marketplace HTML Template

Foodano - Natural Food Shop & Marketplace HTML Template

  • Grocery Bio Store Shop Template
  • Online Supermarket and Organic Food Shop
  • Grocery Market Organic Food eCommerce Store

Lebo - Scientific Research & Laboratory Bootstrap 5 Template

Lebo - Scientific Research & Laboratory Bootstrap 5 Template

  • Medical, Bio Lab + IT & Science Research
  • Bootstrap 5.3.3 + Responsive & RTL Included
  • SEO Optimized, Easy to Customize + W3 Valid

UNIKO - Personal and Portfolio HTML5 Template

UNIKO - Personal and Portfolio HTML5 Template

  • Personal, Portfolio, Profile, Clean
  • Bio Data, Personal Information
  • Personal Blog, Profile Template

Chemlabs – Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

Chemlabs – Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

  • 4 Homepage layouts & Huge Element Collection
  • Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template
  • Fully Responsive, based on Bootstrap v 4.x

Provetta – Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

Provetta – Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

Thames - One Page Personal Portfolio Html Template

Thames - One Page Personal Portfolio Html Template

  • OnePage style
  • Bootstrap 5 and Google fonts
  • Modern and elegant design

The Spice Lounge - Restaurant / Cafe HTML5 Template

The Spice Lounge - Restaurant / Cafe HTML5 Template

Labotrex - Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

Labotrex - Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

  • Laboratory & Research Center
  • Biology Chemical Pharmacy Business Corporate
  • Health & Pharmacy

Fungi - Personal Portfolio Html Template

Fungi - Personal Portfolio Html Template

  • Clean design
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Google fonts

Labortech - Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

Labortech - Laboratory & Science Research HTML5 Template

  • Laboratory Test & Science Medical Research
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  • Laboratory & Research, Health & Pharmacy

The Virtual Business Card (vCard)

The Virtual Business Card (vCard)

Pregnancy Medical HTML Template

Pregnancy Medical HTML Template

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  • Pregnancy Medical

Material-Responsive Restaurant/Cafe HTML Template

Material-Responsive Restaurant/Cafe HTML Template

Resume (CV) Perfecto

Resume (CV) Perfecto

Martin - Personal Portfolio / Resume HTML Template

Martin - Personal Portfolio / Resume HTML Template

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Biogenix - Science Research & Laboratory HTML Template

Biogenix - Science Research & Laboratory HTML Template

Leblix - Laboratory & Research HTML Template

Leblix - Laboratory & Research HTML Template

  • Specailly for Labs and Medical Professionals
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Dizme - Personal Portfolio Template

Dizme - Personal Portfolio Template

  • One Page Portfolio
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Cafe Slide - Responsive Restaurant HTML5 Template

Cafe Slide - Responsive Restaurant HTML5 Template

Dizme - Personal Portfolio React Nextjs Template

Dizme - Personal Portfolio React Nextjs Template

Ecosolar - Environment Charity HTML Template

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Aali - Personal Portfolio Template

Aali - Personal Portfolio Template

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Medical - Responsive Medicare and Health Template

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  • Multi-purpose HTML Website Templates

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Minimal Responsive HTML5 Blog template

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Flex-IT | Business Services &amp;amp;  IT Solutions Multipurpose HTML5 Responsive Website Template

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Related searches:, 5 best biography website templates 2024.

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165 $38
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    Once your editor is set up, it's time to create a new project: - Open your editor and select the option to create a new project or folder. - Name your project folder something descriptive, like "PersonalBioPage." - Inside this folder, create two files: index.html for your HTML content and styles.css for your CSS styles. iv.

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