50 Inspiring Examples of Career Goal Statements

By Editorial Team on February 7, 2024 — 12 minutes to read

A career goal statement is a clear and concise description of your professional aspirations: it outlines what you aim to achieve in your career path, providing direction and serving as a guide for your professional decisions. Crafting this statement requires self-reflection to identify what truly matters to you in your career.

Think of your career goal statement as a compass. It helps you navigate through opportunities and choices, aligning them with your long-term objectives. A well-defined goal statement includes specific job titles or roles, industry preferences, skills you want to acquire or use, and the values that matter to you in a work environment.

For example, your statement might be, “I aim to become a Senior Software Developer at a tech company that values innovation, in the next five years.” This statement is direct, time-bound, and reflects personal and professional values.

When writing your own career goal statement, start by asking yourself some questions:

  • What am I passionate about?
  • Where do I see myself in five, ten, or fifteen years?
  • What skills do I need to develop to reach my goals?

Your statement can evolve as your career advances and your goals change. Remember, it’s a living document meant to grow along with you. Keep it precise, make it inspiring for yourself, and let it reflect who you are and who you want to become professionally. By doing so, you’ll create a powerful tool to steer your career decisions and help achieve your ambitions.

Components of a Strong Career Goal Statement

A strong career goal statement effectively communicates where you see yourself in the future and how you plan to get there. The keys to crafting this include clarity in your aspirations and how your current path aligns with your long-term objectives.

Clarity and Specificity

Your career goal statement should clearly articulate the position you’re aiming for and the steps you plan to take to achieve it. For example, instead of saying “I want to grow in the tech industry,” specify “My goal is to become a Senior Software Engineer at a renowned tech firm within the next five years by honing my skills in mobile applications development and leadership.”

Alignment with Career Objectives

Ensure that your statement aligns with your broader career objectives. For instance, if you’re determined to enter the field of environmental sustainability, your goal statement could specify, “I will secure a role as a Sustainability Project Manager by gaining expertise in renewable energy solutions and contributing to conservation projects.”

Brevity and Conciseness

Keep your statement concise; it shouldn’t be longer than a short paragraph. A crisp, well-worded statement would look like, “Within three years, I aim to advance to a Lead Graphic Designer position by consistently delivering innovative designs and taking on more strategic projects.”

Personal Motivation

Include a sentence about what drives you towards this goal, which gives a personal touch to your career goal statement. You might say, “I am committed to becoming an industry-recognized financial analyst by developing cutting-edge quantitative models, fueled by my passion for data-driven decision making.”

The Purpose of Career Goal Statements

A career goal statement helps you and others understand where you’re aiming in your professional life. It serves as both a guide and a benchmark for your career progression.

Professional Development

Your career goal statement is a powerful tool for professional development. It’s a declaration of your ambitions, which often falls into specific categories like acquiring new skills, achieving certifications, or reaching a new position. For example, you might aim to become a certified project manager within the next two years, highlighting the steps and skills you’ll need to get there.

Job Search Focus

When you’re on the job hunt, having a career goal statement gives you a lens to evaluate potential job opportunities. Imagine you’re an engineer seeking roles in renewable energy projects; your career goal statement would specify this preference, allowing you to target your job search and tailor your applications to match your aspirations.

Performance Management

During performance evaluations, your career goal statement offers a clear outline of what success looks like for you. It can act as a communication tool between you and your supervisor, ensuring that you’re both aligned on your targets. If your goal is to lead a team, your performance metrics might include leadership training and successful project outcomes.

Personal Reflection and Growth

Your career statement doubles as a checkpoint for personal reflection and growth. By setting specific goals like enhancing your public speaking skills or learning a new programming language, you create a framework for personal progress, tying these improvements back to your broader career objectives.

Writing Your Career Goal Statement

A career goal statement is a clear and concise description of your professional aspirations. It’s important to chart a course for your career by setting strategic goals and outlining the steps you plan to take to achieve them.


Start by evaluating your interests, strengths, weaknesses, and values. This step helps you align your career trajectory with your personal attributes and ambitions.

  • If you enjoy creative problem-solving, you might aim for a role in strategic development.
  • Someone with a natural talent for communication might target a career in public relations.

Research and Exploration

Learn about the industries and positions that align with your interests and skills. Find out what qualifications you may need and what career advancement may look like in those roles.

  • Researching the field of data science might show you the importance of skills like programming and data analysis.
  • Exploring the healthcare industry could lead you to consider roles ranging from a health administrator to a nurse practitioner.

Articulating Your Goals

Clearly state your short-term and long-term career objectives. Make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  • Short-term goal: Completing a professional certification in digital marketing within the next year.
  • Long-term goal: Becoming a chief marketing officer at a technology company within the next ten years.

Revising and Refining

Your career goals are not set in stone. Periodically review and adjust them to reflect your growing skills, changes in the industry, and personal life changes.

  • Revising your goal to include leadership skills if you’re aiming for management positions.
  • Refining your goals to focus more on work-life balance if personal circumstances change.

Examples of Career Goal Statements

When crafting your career goal statement, be specific and align your goals with your desired career path. This section will provide examples for different career stages to guide you.

For Recent Graduates

As a recent graduate, your goal statement should reflect your eagerness to apply your education in a practical setting and grow professionally. For example:

  • “My goal is to secure a role as a software developer at a forward-thinking tech company where I can contribute to innovative projects and hone my coding skills in real-world applications.”

For Mid-Career Professionals

For you in mid-career, a statement should focus on advancing your current skills and taking on larger responsibilities. For instance:

  • “I aim to elevate my expertise in digital marketing to become a marketing manager, where I can lead strategic campaigns and impact the company’s growth directly.”

For Career Changers

As someone looking to change careers, your statement needs to leverage your transferable skills and express your commitment to the new field. Consider this example:

  • “I intend to transition into the field of data analysis, leveraging my extensive background in market research to deliver actionable insights and drive decision-making processes.”

For Executive-Level Positions

Your executive career goal statement needs to showcase your vision for leadership and your ability to steer the company to new heights. An example could be:

  • “I am determined to apply my 15 years of managerial experience to a Chief Operations Officer role, focusing on optimizing company-wide operations to boost profitability and efficiency.”

50 Examples of Career Goal Statements

  • 1. “To secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my learnings, knowledge, and skills.”
  • 2. “Seeking a role at (…) Company where I can contribute to the team’s success while developing my skills as an accountant.”
  • 3. “To achieve a lead position in software development that allows me to design innovative solutions and manage a dynamic team.”
  • 4. “To become a primary school teacher that inspires young minds and fosters a love of learning.”
  • 5. “Aiming to leverage my experience in customer service to become a leading sales representative within the next five years.”
  • 6. “To grow into a senior role within the marketing department, contributing to the company’s strategic goals and brand development.”
  • 7. “Seeking a position as a clinical practice assistant for a health organization that focuses on the development of innovative medical treatments.”
  • 8. “To secure a position as a human resources manager and contribute to an organization’s employee engagement and professional development strategies.”
  • 9. “My goal is to become a project manager within a progressive tech company, leading innovative projects to successful completion.”
  • 10. “Aspiring to be a top journalist within a major media outlet, reporting on significant global events that shape our world.”
  • 11. “To develop a career in finance, eventually becoming a chief financial officer for a well-established corporation.”
  • 12. “To obtain a managerial position in the hospitality industry, providing exceptional guest experiences and leading a successful team.”
  • 13. “Looking to apply my graphic design skills in a dynamic advertising agency, producing high-quality work for a variety of clients.”
  • 14. “To establish myself as a leading real estate agent within the community, known for diligently serving clients and achieving their property dreams.”
  • 15. “To become a senior software engineer, specializing in machine learning and artificial intelligence, contributing to cutting-edge technology advancements.”
  • 16. “Aspire to join an international non-profit organization, focusing on human rights advocacy and contributing to meaningful change.”
  • 17. “To earn a position as a lead researcher in a top-tier biotech firm, focusing on the development of life-saving pharmaceuticals.”
  • 18. “To be recognized as an expert in environmental law, working to protect natural resources and promote sustainability.”
  • 19. “To secure a role as an art director within a prestigious agency, driving creative strategy and inspiring a team of designers.”
  • 20. “Aiming to become a chief operations officer, optimizing organizational processes and enhancing overall efficiency.”
  • 21. “To advance my career in the field of education technology, developing innovative tools that facilitate learning and growth.”
  • 22. “Seeking to become a master electrician, overseeing complex projects and mentoring apprentices in the trade.”
  • 23. “To climb the ranks to a senior data analyst role, transforming data into actionable insights that drive business strategy.”
  • 24. “To become a leading figure in digital marketing, known for crafting high-impact strategies that generate measurable results.”
  • 25. “Aspiring to be an executive chef in a Michelin-starred restaurant, creating world-class cuisine and leading a top-tier culinary team.”
  • 26. “To secure a position as a cybersecurity expert, protecting sensitive information from threats and vulnerabilities.”
  • 27. “Aiming to be a respected leader in the field of public health, influencing policy and improving community health outcomes.”
  • 28. “To establish a career as a professional musician, performing internationally and sharing my passion for music with diverse audiences.”
  • 29. “Seeking a role as an aerospace engineer with a focus on sustainable design and innovation in air travel.”
  • 30. “To become a leading architect, known for designing eco-friendly and innovative structures that enhance the urban landscape.”
  • 31. “To grow into a senior role in supply chain management, optimizing logistics and contributing to the company’s profitability.”
  • 32. “Aspiring to become a senior content creator, producing engaging and informative content that resonates with a wide audience.”
  • 33. “To secure a position as a labor and delivery nurse, providing compassionate care and supporting families during a pivotal life event.”
  • 34. “To become a principal consultant, offering expert advice and solutions to businesses in my area of expertise.”
  • 35. “Aiming to be a top sales manager, driving team performance and exceeding company sales targets consistently.”
  • 36. “To secure a leadership position within the field of environmental science, contributing to research and advocacy for climate change mitigation.”
  • 37. “To become a recognized expert in user experience design, creating intuitive and user-friendly digital products.”
  • 38. “Seeking a role as a professional event planner, executing unforgettable events that exceed client expectations.”
  • 39. “To advance to a senior technical writer position, producing clear and concise documentation that supports product development.”
  • 40. “Aspiring to be a chief diversity officer, fostering an inclusive workplace culture where all employees can thrive.”
  • 41. “To become a lead mechanical engineer in the automotive industry, contributing to the development of innovative and efficient vehicles.”
  • 42. “To secure a position as a business analyst, helping organizations to improve processes and systems for better performance.”
  • 43. “Aiming to become a senior environmental consultant, providing actionable strategies for sustainable business practices.”
  • 44. “To establish myself as a professional photographer, capturing moments and stories through my lens for global publications.”
  • 45. “Seeking a role as an investment banker, helping companies to grow and investors to achieve their financial goals.”
  • 46. “To become a thought leader in digital transformation, guiding enterprises through the integration of new technologies.”
  • 47. “Aspiring to be a senior policy advisor, influencing legislation and policy decisions that impact the public sector.”
  • 48. “To secure a position as a professional interpreter, facilitating communication in multiple languages for international organizations.”
  • 49. “Aiming to become a leading expert in nutritional science, contributing to healthier lifestyles and dietary choices.”
  • 50. “To establish a career as a professional speaker and author, sharing my expertise and inspiring others in my field.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you write an effective career goal statement for your resume.

When you write a career goal statement for your resume, start by reflecting on your strengths, skills, and experiences. Then, identify the kind of position you’re aiming for and how your career path aligns with the goals of the company. Use action words and quantify achievements where possible.

What are some examples of short-term career goals in professional development?

Short-term career goals might include obtaining a professional certification, improving specific job-related skills such as public speaking or technical proficiency, or networking to connect with industry leaders. These goals are typically achievable within a few months to two years.

What should be included in a personal career goal statement?

Your personal career goal statement should include your career interests, the competencies you wish to utilize, the type of environment you thrive in, and how you see your career progressing. It gives employers a glimpse into your aspirations and professional philosophy.

Can you give examples of comprehensive goal statements for students?

An example for a student might be: “Graduate with a degree in Environmental Science and secure an internship with a leading sustainability organization, to contribute to effective climate change solutions.” This states the education aim and the practical, immediate objective after graduation.

How do you frame a career goal statement for entry into graduate school?

A career goal statement for graduate school should express your academic interests, how the program aligns with your career plans, and what you intend to accomplish professionally with the advanced degree. This could be working towards a specific research field or role in academia.

What elements make up a compelling and succinct one-sentence career goal?

A compelling one-sentence career goal is specific, mentioning the desired industry or role, is realistic, and includes a timeframe. For example, “To become a certified project manager within the next year and lead technology-related projects in a Fortune 500 company.”

  • Career Goals Examples [Professional Advancement]
  • Goal Setting: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples
  • Best Mission Statements Examples [Energy and Chemicals]
  • 60 Inspiring Examples: How To Write Accomplishment Statements
  • 65 Examples of Career Aspirations for a Job Interview
  • Best Mission Statements Examples [for Travel & Accommodation]

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Writing Samples

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Guide to Submitting a Writing Sample


Writing samples are used by employers to evaluate your writing skills, tone and style. If you are applying for positions that require strong writing skills, you might be asked to submit a writing sample.

While some employers might ask you to email or upload your writing sample as part of your application, others might ask you to bring it to your interview or possibly email it after your interviews to help employers make a decision. In this guide, we discuss what employers look for in a writing sample, how to choose a writing sample, how to write one and how to submit it.

What is a writing sample?

A writing sample is a supplemental document for a job application often requested for jobs that include a significant amount of writing, like those in journalism, marketing, public relations and research. Employers might also ask for a writing sample if you will be responsible for writing and communicating important information or correspondences. For example, if you are applying for a job in HR at a small company, you might be responsible for sending company-wide information. In this case, the employer will look for candidates with strong writing skills who can clearly communicate important information across the company.

What do employers look for in a writing sample?

Different employers look for different details in your writing sample depending on the job, company and industry. Every employer, however, will look for tone, style and writing skills including content, grammar, spelling and punctuation. While the specific writing style of the company can often be learned on the job, employers might be looking to hire someone with a certain level of writing skills at their first day on the job.

How long should a writing sample be?

In most cases, your writing sample should be around 750 words or between one and two pages. Like your resume, employers have a limited amount of time to review your writing sample. A brief, impactful writing sample is better than a long, less impressive one. Often times, employers will provide a specific page or word count they require from your sample. If you decide to submit a research paper or other lengthy document, you can make it shorter for the employer by selecting a certain passage or section.

How do I choose a writing sample?

While some employers might give you a writing assignment with a specific prompt, others might simply ask you to provide a sample from your past work. Choose a writing sample that is relevant for the job you’re applying for. Here are some examples you may want to consider:

  • Research papers from a job or class
  • Narrative papers from a job or class
  • Other writing assignments
  • Press releases
  • Articles or other contributions

When deciding which piece of writing you should submit, consider the following ideas:

Follow the employer’s instruction

The employer might ask for a specific type of writing like a research paper or a piece covering a certain topic. Read the employer’s instructions carefully before making a writing sample selection.

Consider relevant writing samples

When deciding on a writing sample, you should consider only those writing pieces that are relevant to the position. For example, if you are applying for a scientific research position, you should select a research paper from your most recent position or highest level of schooling. If you are applying for a position in PR, you should submit a press release or other relevant documents.

Find relatable topics

Along with selecting a relevant writing style, you should try to find a sample that also relates to the subject matter of the position. Submitting a sample with content similar to what you’ll be writing about on the job will help employers relate your writing skills directly to the job.

Align your writing with the company’s tone

You should select a piece of writing that is relatable for the company. For example, you should not submit a sarcastic, irreverent writing sample for a company with a professional, helpful brand image. Alternatively, you might not submit a modest, simple writing sample to a company that’s sole focus is risk and creativity. You can find clues about a company’s tone by researching their website,  Company Page  and recent news articles or press releases.

You should also read several pieces of writing that the company has already published. This could include reading their company blog, website or research papers.

Make sure it is up to date

Selecting a writing sample that is older than one year might contain out of date or irrelevant content. If you are selecting an old writing sample, be sure to carefully review and update it to reflect the most recent ideas. You also want to demonstrate that you have recently had to use your writing skills—if you send an employer a writing sample from several years ago, they may assume that you have not done any writing since then.

Avoid sensitive subject matter

Unless specifically requested by the employer, you should avoid sensitive content like politics, religion or personal information. You should also review your writing sample to exclude any confidential information like third-party contact information or private company information like financial or other data.

What if I don’t have a writing sample?

You might not have a writing sample if you have no professional experience or have not previously held a job where you produced applicable pieces of writing. If this is the case, it is acceptable to write a new sample for the employer. This way, you’ll be able to write a fresh, relevant passage that is specific to the position you’re applying for.

Pay close attention to the employer’s direction regarding the writing sample, research the company for clues on tone and style and review your document carefully for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.

How to submit a writing sample

Before submitting a writing sample, you should proofread it several times to ensure it is free of errors. It is critical to achieve as close to perfection as possible in a writing sample, as your writing skills are the key focus of this document. It might be helpful to read your document backward—doing so presents the words in a new order and makes it easier to catch mistakes. You might also consider asking trusted friends or family to review your writing sample.

Whether you submit an entire piece or part of a writing sample, it can be helpful to write a short introductory paragraph for context. You might include it directly on your sample, on a cover page or in your email. For example:

“Please find my writing sample for the Sr. Product Research position attached to this email. This sample is a passage from a larger study about how product simplicity impacts consumers. I believe it showcases my ability to clearly communicate results from an important project that lead to key achievements for the company.”

After you’ve polished your writing sample, you should follow the employer’s instructions when submitting it. You might be asked to upload your sample on an online application, email it or bring it to your interview. If you are bringing your sample to an interview, you should bring at least five hard copies in case you have multiple interviewers. If you are applying to several writing jobs, you might consider creating an online writing portfolio that you can easily send to employers.

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What is a career statement, and should you write one?

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What is a career statement?

Why are career statements important, how to write a career statement, career statement examples.

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There’s value in living in the present. Checking off a list of to-dos. But when you take each moment as it comes, never turning your attention to the future, the days — and your career — grow stagnant.

Writing a career statement can help.

We know we’re throwing another assignment on your plate when it’s already full. But writing this statement isn’t time-consuming and will help you progress toward real growth.

And if you haven’t taken the time to write down your professional goals, a career goal statement is a good exercise to tackle before jumping in on your career statement.

This might sound like too much work, but it’s well worth it. Studies have shown people who write down their goals are 76% likely to achieve them versus 43% for those who don’t . Dedicating a little time to writing a goal statement today can go a long way toward bettering your tomorrow.

We’ll make it easier with a template. But first, let’s look at what exactly a career statement is — and why we think it’s a valuable tool for professionals.

Think of your career statement as an aspiration statement tailored to your professional goals. Aspiration statements express what you’re hoping to achieve in the future and describe your vision for the next chapter of your life. 

Think of them as the end of your life plan: your statement should highlight your dreams, encourage your ambitions, and provide an ideal outcome for your action plan. It’s a few sentences or a short paragraph outlining what you want to accomplish in the future.

Sounds simple enough, right? For career statements, you’re focusing those aspirations on your professional goals and intended career path. A career statement demands you to research what you need to accomplish those goals, as it depends on specific information. It needs specific dates, desired job titles or companies, locations, skills required, and more. 

Career statements keep your objectives top of mind. They never let you lose sight of your long-term goals and why you want to achieve them. Thanks to this focus, a career statement helps you visualize your career path, like a roadmap to success.

Writing a career statement can help you tackle three of the resources key to achieving your goals: 

  • Motivation: What will make you spring out of bed and continue putting in a consistent effort? Increasing your motivation fuels your need to make your career aspirations a reality.
  • Direction: How do you see yourself developing your career ? Do you need to go back to school, move to another city, or network more? Direction gives you a clear understanding of the moves you need to make to achieve your goals.
  • Accountability: Goals are great, but who’s holding you to them? Fostering accountability will keep your professional development goals top of mind and help you stay dedicated to them. 


There’s beauty in this journey. Goal-setting can reveal things you didn’t know about yourself, teaching you new skills and helping your well-being along the way. It’s been linked to:

  • Higher motivation and ambition to succeed
  • Stronger resilience
  • Higher self-esteem 
  • Greater self-confidence
  • More independence and autonomy

Career statements and goal setting go hand in hand. They build off each other to help you turn your dreams into your reality. 

You’re not likely to knock out your career statement in five minutes. It takes time — depending on how clearly defined your career goals are. Don’t rush the process.

If you run into writer's block or can't decide what goals you want to set , take a break. You might find time for a self-discovery journey to help you understand where you’d like your life to go.

Planning out your career doubles as a great self-discovery technique , too: you can ask yourself what you’d like your work-life balance to be, if you want to work remotely, where you want to live, if you want to be a manager, and more.  

When you’re ready to begin, follow these six steps:

1. Think about your passions and purpose

Your passions and purpose guide your life. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted two-thirds of US employees to reflect on their life’s purpose , with 70% of respondents reporting their purpose is tied to their work. Passions and purpose are a great place first place to look to help identify what goals you want to accomplish.

Example: “My passion is storytelling and writing.”


2. Do plenty of research

This step won’t take long if you’re already clear on what you want. But if you have no idea what professional aspirations will enrich your life, dedicate time to research.

Reach out to people in your network for a chat. Expand your knowledge about your industry, learn the requirements for the jobs that interest you, and familiarize yourself with potential roadblocks. Research will give you the knowledge you need for the planning and execution stages.

Example: “I’m interested in writing a fictional novel and working with a local publisher.”

3. Test the waters 

This is a time for curiosity, intentionality, and reflection. Put your research to the test. If you want to change careers, go to a seminar about your target industry. You might be bored to tears, which could indicate you need to modify your plans.

Ask yourself questions along the way — are you staying engaged with the topics you’re learning about? How do your body and mind feel as you turn in this new direction?

Example: “I’ve written a storyboard, and it’s made me feel excited and motivated, so I’d like to continue and take the next step.”

4. Use the SMART goal template

The SMART goals model will help you set realistic goals . SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This model provides a template that keeps you organized and lets you visualize your goals more clearly.

You should have a pretty good handle on your goals by now. And if you find that your initial goal doesn't work well after listing the different elements, don’t be afraid to make changes — without adaptability, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. As you grow and move down your career path, your goals might shift. That’s perfectly fine. 

Example: “I plan on pitching a 300-page novel by the end of this month to three different publishers in my community. I’ll pitch my novel to their fiction team and take notes when they provide any feedback.”


5. Solidify your action plan

So you’ve explored the things that matter to you, spent time researching and experimenting, and defined your goals. Now, it's time to make a solid action plan. Take a moment to think about each step you'll take. Do you need to further your education, work on your communication skills, or find a mentor?

Planning ahead has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and make responsibilities feel less overwhelming . Mapping out your steps will eliminate potential stressors and procrastination. 

Example: “I’m going to create a timeline for myself to write the novel, including the brainstorming, writing, and revising process. This will help keep me on pace and focused on each section as it comes.”

6. Make adjustments when needed

You've put tons of effort into creating an actionable, well-thought-out career statement. But sometimes life throws a curve ball. Challenges arise, obstacles you may have no control over.

Adopt a growth mindset that welcomes learning from your mistakes and changing your plan when necessary. Adapting to change will help you achieve your goals, not hinder them. 

Example: “My pitch hasn’t been picked up by any of the publishers I’ve pitched my story to, so I’m widening my circle to publishers from other communities. I’ve learned from my network to be more specific with my pitches and to explain more about myself.”

Career statements differ depending on your goals, industry, and lifestyle. Your life purpose could be tied to working with nonprofit organizations or climbing the ladder in the tech industry. Whatever your professional aspirations, your career statement should reflect them.


Here are three career statement examples to inspire you:

  • I’ll be a full-time writer in two years. I'll start as a freelance writer and build up my portfolio, expand my network, and tune in to workshops and seminars about writing. I'll dedicate 30 minutes each week to reading great pieces of writing, and I'll be ready to do some problem-solving when editors give me feedback. 
  • I'm going to be my own boss and open a café next year. I’ll create a welcoming new culture within my café that values kindness, compassion, and respect. I'll further my existing business knowledge by taking marketing classes and talking to people within my industry about the financial costs of entrepreneurship.
  • I'll be promoted to sales manager within two years. I'll focus on improving my leadership and communication skills by listening to feedback from my manager. I'll also continue to learn more about sales since it's my big interest and passion and become familiar with my soon-to-be managerial responsibilities.

Start writing 

We’ve outlined the steps and benefits of writing a career statement. Now it’s time to invest in your future and start writing. 

When you’re happy with your career statement, put it somewhere you'll notice each day. If you wrote it up by hand or printed out a copy, stick it on your fridge or bathroom mirror, or hang it above your desk.

If you went digital, set your statement as your phone’s lock screen. Keep it close. It'll remind you of what you're working toward — and what you’ve already achieved by putting your goals and plans into words.

Give your statement another read when you're feeling down or unmotivated. They're yours for the taking.

Invest in your career

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

Do goal statements actually work? Find out here

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Resume Objective Examples: A...

Resume Objective Examples: A Career Objective Guide

20 min read · Updated on June 03, 2024

Ken Chase

The formula and some good examples for creating a resume objective to get you noticed

You're searching for a new (or perhaps your first) job, and you know your objective. However, do you know how to communicate it effectively on your resume? A resume objective is a great way to let employers see a snapshot of your skills and experiences and ensure that you stand out from other candidates. However, as our great resume objective examples will demonstrate, your objective matters less than the employer's needs.

In this post, we'll explain the resume objective and how it has evolved. We'll also offer insight into the differences between an objective statement and a summary statement - and how to know which one to use. Then we'll offer some tips to help you craft an objective for your resume and look at 27 great resume objective statement examples that you can customize for your own resume.

What is a resume objective?

The resume objective used to be the gold standard of resume introductions. This brief, three or four-sentence paragraph had long been used to capture employers' attention by focusing on a job seeker's skills, experiences, and achievements while also highlighting the candidate's career goals. These days, it's less common to find professional resume objective examples since most job seekers rely on a resume summary instead.

The basic components of a good resume objective statement

A good resume objective provides three kinds of information to employers:

Who you are, which is generally a statement of your current job title as well as any skills, education , or certifications relevant to the job you're after

What you will bring that's of value to that company, such as your years of experience or specific training

 How you will use your talents to help the company reach its goals

career writing examples

Resume objective vs summary statement

It's important to understand how these two career statements differ from one another. On the surface, they would seem to have much in common. After all, they're both designed to serve as introductions that summarize your main qualifications for the job. Moreover, each is intended to capture the reader's attention and inspire them to continue reading the resume .

The differences, however, can be stark. For example:

Resume summaries focus primarily on the candidate's past record of achievements; objective statements emphasize future goals

Resume summaries provide quantifiable results, using real numbers to demonstrate value; objective statements rarely do that since it is difficult to quantify goals

Resume summaries are designed to align achievements with the company's needs; objective statements have traditionally focused more on the candidate's priorities and needs

Resume summaries are great for people who have experience and achievements; objective statements can be useful for those who lack that experience

Which one should you use?

If you've been following our resume guidance in recent years, you're probably aware of the fact that we recommend the resume summary for most job seekers. And make no mistake: if you're an experienced professional who is still moving ahead in the same field and industry, the resume summary is almost certainly your best option. However, there are two situations in which you might find that a resume objective statement will serve your interests better.

If you're new to the workforce. Recent graduates will rarely have the type of real-world experience needed for an effective summary statement. In most instances, a newcomer to the working world will likely need to rely on a resume objective to highlight skills and demonstrate how their goals align with the company's vision.

When you're interested in switching careers . In most cases, you'll have the transferable skills needed to do the job, but may struggle to align your quantifiable achievements with the company's needs. If that's the case, a resume objective can help you to showcase your skills in a way that demonstrates how they can positively benefit the company.

Tips for writing your own resume objective

Because resume objectives have lost some of their luster in recent years, many job seekers may not be familiar with the best way to craft them. To assist you in that process, we've compiled some simple tips you can use to make sure that your objective statement achieves your goals.

State how you'll help the company, not just how qualified you are. While you may not have the experiences or achievements needed to directly convey that value, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't still focus on what the company needs rather than your own desires and goals.

Use specific facts, numbers, and details whenever possible, without bragging or generalizing.

Keep it simple. Don't use flowery or expansive words, as they can sometimes make you appear arrogant. Make it as easy as possible for a recruiter to quickly see you as a qualified candidate.

Review the job posting to ensure that you have the information you need to make your resume objective specific to the job and company.

Tailor your objective to the specific job, career, and industry you're applying for. This means that you should create a separate, customized resume for each application.

Expert tip: Don't make the mistake of creating an outdated resume objective centered on your own goals. Instead, incorporate the best elements of a resume summary into your objective statement by taking the time to tie your goals to the company's needs.

Great resume objective statements you can use for your resume

With all this in mind, here are some good resume  objective examples to help you create a great career objective of your own. If your job isn't listed, don't panic. While these examples don't cover every job out there, they should help you to build a strong, targeted objective for your specific needs. As we said, each objective should be tailored to a specific role - that's why you won't find any resume objective examples for multiple job types. 

1.     Resume objective examples for a new jobseeker

You might not have a ton of experience, but creating a good resume objective will absolutely help to differentiate you from other applicants in a recruiter's eyes. The trick here is to emphasize your strongest personal skills and characteristics, as well as any educational successes, since you can't provide specific work experience or accomplishments.

Here are two general resume objective examples for new jobseekers:

“Organized, fast-learning, and hard-working employee looking to join [company name] as an Administrator. Looking to take advantage of skills in Microsoft Word and QuickBooks to help [company name] meet their objectives through organization and team support.”

“Recent graduate with a B.A. in Accounting, looking to start a career in finance at [company name]. Experienced in creating annual reports and analyzing financial statements for several university activities. Seeking to combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience to help [company name] continue their strong market presence.”

2.     Resume objective examples for those looking for a career change

Your goal here is to clearly show how your skills and experience from your previous career can be effective in your next job. Do this by mentioning your talents and knowledge that are relevant to the new job and stating how your previous career background will help you to succeed and excel in the role.

“Customer Service Associate with over four years of experience in accounting technical support, looking to leverage Excel skills and Great Plains knowledge as a Staff Accountant with [company name]. Proven customer satisfaction record solving complicated technical and accounting issues while in a remote role.”

3.Resume objective examples for finance roles

“Experienced individual with solid analytical and quantitative skills and 5 years of experience seeks the job of Financial Analyst with [company name], to leverage outstanding knowledge of financial analysis and modeling to provide accurate and sound financial decision-making at all levels.”

“Experienced Junior Financial Analyst seeking role of Senior Financial Specialist with [company name]. Skills include making targeted and time-sensitive financial decisions by merging solid analytical, accounting, and quantitative skills with a strong passion for the finance industry.”

4.     Resume objective examples for Accountant roles

“Detail-oriented graduate with an AS degree, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills seeking the role of Accounting Associate with [company name], to effectively apply exceptional knowledge of tax and accounting software for accurate budgeting and forecasting.”

“Current CPA looking to fill the role of Accounts Manager at [company name]. As well as being disciplined and self-motivated, I have extensive experience with financial reporting and modeling along with a proven knowledge of various accounting software models, all of which contribute to effective financial operations.”

5.     Resume objective examples for banking roles

“Highly talented Head Teller with 8 years of experience in the banking sector, seeking a position as a Relationship Manager with [bank name] to increase revenue by combining a banking background with excellent interpersonal and communication skills to bring in new clients, maintain relationships with existing clients, and develop effective media campaigns.”

“Seasoned banking professional seeking a Bank Manager position with [name of bank], where I can use my business and banking experience along with strong communication skills to provide effective problem-solving, customer service, and employee retention and interact with bank customers in a positive, beneficial manner.”

“Self-motivated, reliable, number-loving individual looking for a position as a Bank Teller with [bank name] to apply exceptional math and customer service skills for customers. Key traits include trustworthiness, efficiency, and willingness to learn new tasks.”

6.     Resume objective example for Computer Engineer roles

“Highly motivated individual with 7 years of solid computer engineering experience and proven leadership skills seeking the position of SharePoint Administrator at [company name] where I hope to use demonstrated SharePoint expertise, knowledge of SharePoint solutions architecture, and advanced knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server to ensure exceptional technical performance.”

7.     Resume objective example for a Network Administrator

“Experienced IT professional with BA in Computer Science and proven technical, management, and communication skills seeking the position of Network Engineer at [company name] to use proven experience in systems management and configuration to benefit both internal staff and external customers.”

8.     Resume objective example for IT professionals

“Talented Information Technology Specialist in search of a Senior IT Manager position at [company name], where proven technical and team management skills can help to improve existing processes for handling IT requests and efficiently delivering various technical projects.”

9.     Resume objective example for a Programmer

“Technical and database professional seeks the role of SQL Programmer within [company name] where I will use my excellent programming and organizational skills to enhance company market presence while also gaining a deeper understanding of the newest IT trends.”

10.  Resume objective examples for customer service roles

“Smart and creative Customer Service Representative desires similar position with [company name]. Brings strong communication abilities, proven organizational skills, and a supportive, patient personality to help the company retain and grow its customer base in both existing and new markets.”

“Experienced customer service professional seeking a position at [company name] as a Customer Support Analyst, where I can apply excellent communication and organizational skills to provide customers with effective and efficient support which ensures ongoing retention.”

“Credentialed and experienced Sales Administrator seeks the post of a Contact Center Agent at [company name] where I can provide exceptional verbal, listening, and analytical abilities to ensure clients reach their desired objectives by correctly using [company name]'s products.”

“Diligent Customer Service Agent with 5+ years of experience at a high-volume call center seeks a career move to a similar role at a company such as [company name]. I thrive in a fast-paced work environment and am committed to delivering the top-rated customer service you provide. My organization and support skills can help to meet current and future customer demand.”

11.  Resume objective examples for Engineers

“Graduate of [school name] with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and two years of work experience at ABC Company seeks a Mechanical Engineer role with [company name]. Possess excellent skills in research, data analysis, and time management. Hold patents for several innovative mechanical devices.”

“Experienced individual with 7+ years of experience managing engineering operations seeks a Civil Engineer role at [company name]. Proven ability to handle simultaneous projects with minimal supervision and bring a committed focus on health, safety, and the environment to the position.”

12.  Resume objective example for human resources positions 

“Human resource management professional looking for the opportunity to augment the overall strategic plan and market direction of [company name] as VP of Human Resources. Over nine years of experience in managing staff, handling employee relations, and deliveirng projects. Strong skills in HRIS.”

“Established, successful HR recruiter seeks a Human Resources Coordinator position with [company name] where I can use my experience and in-depth knowledge of hiring processes, negotiation, conflict resolution, and policy development for payroll and benefits.”

“Experienced and approachable Human Resources Coordinator with four years of experience seeks position as Human Resources Manager with [company name], where I can use my industry knowledge and HR experience to implement employee satisfaction policies and improvements, develop hiring protocols, and create an environment where employees feel valued and satisfied.”

“Results-driven graduate with a degree in psychology (GPA: 3.8) and a minor in business operations looking for a role as a Junior HR Recruitment Agent at [company name]. Prior experience in interviewing and providing feedback as part of college projects in business classes. I will bring well-honed soft skills and strong knowledge of workplace psychology to assist overall HR operations, while fine-tuning my skills in the recruitment process.”

13. Resume objective examples for internships

“Hard-working student (3.5/4.0 GPA) majoring in [specific area] seeks the Intern role with [company name]. Abilities include proven leadership and organizational skills and strong attention to detail. Dedicated team player who can be relied upon to help [company name] achieve its goals as I learn more about your market space.”

“Energetic, talented college student at [school name] working toward a Marketing Degree, seeks to fill the Marketing Intern role at [company name]. General experience and knowledge of PR, advertising, consumer research, and product development strategies to help build customer base in emerging markets.”

14.  Resume objective example for legal roles

“Accomplished Corporate Attorney with 8 years of direct experience, seeking a top-level Lawyer role at [name of legal firm]. Brings skills including legal drafting, arbitration, corporate affairs, and labor laws to assist clients both inside and outside the courtroom.”

“Current Public Legal Advocate seeks position as Senior Legal Researcher for [name of court district/city/legal firm]. I have two years of experience working in district and session courts in the areas of home development, land development, and commercial property development, that will allow me to take on more challenging research projects to meet client needs in these areas.”

15.  Resume objective examples for marketing positions

“Technically oriented graduate with a B.A. in Internet Marketing seeking a Junior SEO Specialist position at [company name]. Possesses a working knowledge of SEO, as well as some hands-on experience with Google Analytics. Looking to further develop online marketing skills as part of the [company name] team.”

“Certified Digital Marketer with strong content writing skills, SEO experience, and 5 years of proven online marketing experience seeking the role of Digital Marketer with [company name] to help expand customer base into new markets.”

“Enthusiastic Marketer skilled in copywriting and graphic design looking for a Social Media Marketing position at [company name]. Personally started and grew an Instagram page to 5,000+ followers and a Facebook page to 8,000+ likes. I believe my skills will help [company name]'s clients improve sales via social media marketing through a strong online presence.”

16.  Resume objective example for Physical Therapist roles

“Licensed, experienced Physical Therapist seeking similar role at [hospital or clinic name]. With 6+ years of experience in treating children and adults with physical disabilities, injuries, and illnesses, I can contribute to the healing of each person's physical challenges and help them learn to navigate them successfully.”

17.  Resume objective example for nursing roles

“Registered Nurse seeking a new career as a Neonatal Nurse Specialist at [hospital name]. Ten years of general nursing combined with a certification in neonatal nursing will allow me to provide outstanding care for both infants and their families, educating them about different health conditions and how to handle them. Working nights and weekends is not a problem.”

“Experienced Home Health Aide seeks to obtain a position as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at [name of home health agency] applying my course knowledge and proven healthcare skills to support and care for home-bound patients with various health needs.”

18.  Resume objective example for pharmacy role

“Licensed Pharmacy Technician with 8 years of experience, in search of a similar position at [pharmacy or hospital name]. Assists patients by successfully applying extensive experience and knowledge of pharmacy operations, technology, and drug distribution.”

19. Resume objective examples for office and administrative roles

“Former Nurse seeking a part-time job as a Receptionist at [company name]. Experience in working directly with people in nursing and for the last five years as an Avon Representative. Organized, with strong computer skills and professional presence.”

“Business-savvy office employee looking to work at [company name] as an Administrative Assistant. Experience as an Executive Assistant (1 year) and as a Department Secretary (3 years). Supported several key projects through strong organizational skills, timeliness, and solid computer abilities.”

“Freelance VA (Virtual Assistant) looking to transition to an on-site role as an Executive Assistant. Worked with 10+ online businesses, helping with everything from creating training documents to customer service and management support. Excellent organizational abilities and strong attention to detail. Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud. Strong copywriting skills.”

20.  Resume objective example for an Office Manager position

“Experienced Office Manager seeking a leadership role to help [company name] provide outstanding customer satisfaction. Experienced in managing teams of 15+ at [current or former company names], handling responsibilities from hiring new staff to managing data input groups.”

21.  Resume objective examples for operations roles

“Experienced MBA graduate with outstanding time and project management skills and 10+ years of experience seeks the position as Director of Operations with [company name]. Can ensure the company's ongoing success through exceptional interpersonal and negotiation skills and the ability to lead large multi-departmental operations.”

“Dynamic individual with exceptional leadership and interpersonal skills looking to fill the role of Manager of Clinical Operations at [company name]. I bring experience and expertise in overseeing clinical operations and managing technical and professional staff, as well 8+ years of clinical research and supervisory experience in the medical field.”

22.  Resume objective example for Project Manager positions

“Deadline-focused professional with proven experience in project administration, searching for a project management position where I can use my knowledge and skills in the areas of leadership, problem solving, team management, and budget control to help [company name] exceed targets.”

23.  Resume objective examples for real estate roles

“Real Estate Broker with a passion for organization and excellence seeks a similar role with [company name], using experience with the sale and lease of commercial and residential properties in [location]. Recurrent sales and leasing of properties to large corporations in the last 5 years allowed me to increase revenue to 12% on a year-over-year basis, significantly contributing to the growth of the company.”

“Successful Salesperson seeks high-level position as Real Estate Broker at [company name]. Recent experience handling a customer base of over 150 clients at another reputable real estate firm [or name the company]. Skill set includes creating daily and monthly sales reports and assisting the implementation of customer retention strategies for senior management.”

24.  Resume objective examples for service industry roles

“Excellent communicator and multi-tasker with experience in massage and esthetic services, interested in the position of Front Desk Wellness Sales Executive with [company name]. I bring various strengths including a professional phone manner, bookkeeping knowledge, and customer service skills that will help your front desk to run smoothly.”

“Hardworking, organized, and reliable Housekeeper looking for a janitorial position at [company name] to clean interior spaces. Possesses knowledge of efficient and safe cleaning practices, the use of cleaning equipment, and environmentally sound cleaning agents, as well as excellent customer service.”

25.  Resume objective examples for food service positions

“Entrepreneurial and highly experienced Caterer with 7+ years in the foodservice sector seeking the position of Catering Manager at [company name]. Brings proven management experience, culinary expertise, interpersonal skills, and a strong customer service approach to the role.”

“Friendly, upbeat, and detail-oriented individual looking for an entry-level, fast-paced Line Cook position at [restaurant name], where I can use my outstanding food preparation skills safely and efficiently.”

26.  Resume objective examples for education workers

“Talented Preschool Teacher with 3 years of experience seeking the role of Kindergarten Teacher at [school name]. I have excellent skills and connections with special needs students and collaborated with my Superintendent to create and implement effective teaching practices for these children that can be used throughout the district.”

“Experienced elementary school English Teacher looking to fill the role of Reading Specialist at [school name.] This position in a progressive institution like [school name] would allow me to use my sound teaching skills to assist students in reaching their full potential by helping them to become strong readers.”

“Passionate, enthusiastic and experienced Teaching Assistant seeking the position of Para-Educator at [school name]. Brings interpersonal skills and classroom experience to aid in the development of each student by interacting with them, providing support and resources, and directly supporting the Teacher's lessons in the classroom.”

27.  Resume objective examples for Writers and Editors

“Articulate recent graduate with a B.A. degree in Media and Mass Communication desires a Content Creator Role at [company name]. Hoping to use writing skills and experience in writing articles for local newspapers and online magazines to improve [company name]'s blog, expanding current industry presence.”

“Editor with extensive writing and management experience looking to fill the position of Senior Editor with [company name], using time-management skills to ensure all projects meet deadlines and supervisory experience to effectively manage a team of Writers and Editors.”

Key things to remember

As you can see from the resume objective examples that we've included throughout this post, there's a right way to create this type of professional summary. As you craft your own objective, keep these keen insights in mind:

Try to include some measurable achievements in your statement, to show how you can add value to the employer's bottom line. If you're new to the workplace, however, focus instead on highlighting the benefits that your skills can provide to that employer.

Keep it short, focused on relevant details, and packed with keywords from the job description. 

Make sure that everything you write in your objective statement is supported by the information included in your skills and work experience sections .

Always put yourself in the employer's shoes and try to imagine what kind of information they might be looking for as they review your resume.

Try to only rely on an objective statement if you have little or no real-world experience in the industry you're trying to join. If you do have experience, you'll probably be better served by a summary statement.

Wrapping it up

Once again, this is by no means a complete list of resume objective examples, but it should help you to understand the formula for creating a specific resume objective for whatever job you're after.

Take the time to do this right. Create a tailored objective for each position you want and you'll be easily found by both recruiters and applicant tracking systems searching for the keywords that are right there at the top of your resume.

The result? You'll be starting your new job well ahead of the crowd!

Still not sure about your resume objective or other aspects of your resume? Make sure that it's submission-ready with a free resume review or professional rewrite .

This article was originally written by Lisa Tynan and has been updated by Marsha Hebert and Ken Chase.

Recommended reading:

How to Tailor Your Resume to a Specific Job Description

How to Use Action Verbs in a Resume

How to Write a Resume Headline (With Examples)

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Writing samples.

It is not uncommon for employers to request writing samples. Writing samples are simply good examples of your writing skills. They are designed to ascertain whether you have the necessary writing and often research skills to complete required tasks of the position you seek.

You may want to start developing a portfolio of well-written pieces so you can quickly refer to them when needed. You might want to select pieces that show your full range of talents. Some samples might include how well you summarize complex ideas, research papers, editorials, critiques (be sure to omit names), articles, journals, and blogs.

On rare occasions the employer may request a specific kind of writing sample (e.g., a case study). If you have to create one, stick very closely to the guidelines provided.

If a writing sample is requested, here are some guidelines to help you prepare:

First and foremost, make sure the sample is well-written and of the highest quality! Ask yourself if your sample has a clear, well-articulated thesis; is it concise and to the point; does it follow a logical structure; and can the reader easily understand and follow it. Other suggestions and tips:

  • It is understood that as an undergraduate student or recent graduate, you will likely use a section of a graded assignment from a class. If sending a graded paper, make sure you received a decent grade, but do not necessarily rule out your "B" papers. Some "B" papers may have potential if you revise them.
  • Unless otherwise stated, a good length is 2-5 pages. If you want to send a sample of a larger document, select a 2-5 page section and introduce it with a paragraph that puts the selection into the proper context. Avoid sending 10-15 page research paper even if you received a good grade.
  • Provide your own work; if it was a collaborative piece, make sure you state so and indicate which part was your responsibility.
  • Assignments related to the industry or subject matter can significantly aide your job search. For example, a case study from a political science or law related course would be an excellent writing sample for a position in a law firm or with an elected official. If you are applying for a job in journalism, you may want to submit an article you wrote for the campus newspaper. For a job that involves research, submit a research paper. For non-profits, you can submit a research paper relevant to the organization's mission.

Preparing the Sample (if not a published article or book)

  • Put your name on it!
  • Do not try font or margin tricks to make a 2-page paper into a 5-page paper.
  • Double and triple check for errors. If you wrote the paper for a class, incorporate any suggestions from your professor or peers.
  • Submit a clean copy without a professor's grades or marks.
  • If you cited works in the sample, include the bibliography.
  • Include a brief note about the context of the sample. For example: "This writing sample is an excerpt from an essay I wrote for my Women's Studies class 'Gender and American Society.' I worked with a partner on this assignment, so I have included only the section of the paper on 'Gender and the Family,' which represents my individual work."

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Writing Sample Guide

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What is a writing sample?

A writing sample is a supplementary document for an application often requested for positions and programs that require frequent writing or research. It is used to gauge a candidate’s writing skills. When reviewing a writing sample, tone, relevancy, grammar, spelling, attention to detail, and adherence to the word count (if one is provided) are all of importance.

How to choose a writing sample?

When choosing the writing sample think about the style of writing you would like to convey.  Make sure to choose something that is relevant to what you are applying for.

Writing samples can consist of:

  • Research papers
  • Narrative papers
  • Professional blog posts
  • Journal articles
  • Press releases
  • Other written contributions

How long should a writing sample be?

Always make sure to review the guidelines for the writing sample, as you may be provided with instructions on how long the writing sample should be. If you are not provided with that information, a good rule of thumb is for the writing sample to be 1-2 pages double spaced. Try to be concise and effective with the space that you have. If you decide to use a paper or article that is longer than the length the employer has allotted you (or 1-2 pages), it is ok to provide excerpts if your samples are too long. If you provide an excerpt, make sure to provide at notation at the top that explains it is an excerpt and what paper the excerpt is from.

What if you don’t have a writing sample?

If you don’t have a writing sample, it is acceptable to create a new sample to use for the application.

Additional Tips

  • Always submit your best writing
  • Pay close attention to what you are being asked to submit
  • Follow the application instructions and do not be afraid to reach out for clarity if you are unsure about something
  • Proofread your document to avoid errors and typos
  • Provide clean copies of your writing sample. Make sure to submit copies free of comments

Further Assistance

If you need assistance with your writing sample, please make sure to utilize your campus resources:

  • Career Center
  • TWP Writing Studio
  • Graduate Writing Lab
  • English for International Students

Resume Examples for 2024 & Guides for Any Job [90+ Examples]

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In today’s competitive job market, having an impactful resume is more essential than ever. 

However, many job seekers struggle to craft a resume that effectively highlights their skills and experience and, in turn, misses out on potential job opportunities. 

This is where our extensive library of resume examples comes in. 

By looking at examples of resumes for different industries and professions, you can gain great insight into what works and what doesn’t, get inspired to present your own qualifications, and stand out from the competition.

Let’s dive in!

15+ Resume Examples

#1. architect resume example.

resume example

Here’s what this architect resume example does right:

  • Lists related experience. This resume highlights the relevant professional experience the candidate gained in the field during their internship.
  • Mentions achievements and responsibilities. The candidate backs up their claims by going into detail about their achievements and responsibilities. 
  • Focus on personal projects. By dedicating a section to their personal projects, this candidate makes up for their lack of work experience and shows off their dedication to the industry. 

#2. Business Resume Example

business resume examples

Here’s what this business-related resume example does right:

  • Prioritizes work experience. The work experience section is arguably the most important section in every resume, which is why this candidate has given it a priority by giving it enough resume space and going into detail about their previous positions. 
  • Highlights accomplishments. To make their professional experience even more impactful, this candidate has supported all their claims with quantifiable achievements. 
  • Lists the right optional sections . The candidate adds more value to their resume by including the organizations, honors, and conferences as optional sections.

#3. Computer Science Resume Example

resume sample

Here’s what this computer science resume does right: 

  • Prioritizes technical skills. Technical skills are essential when it comes to IT-related roles, which is why this candidate has prioritized them over soft skills.
  • Keeps the education section concise. With such extensive professional experience in the field, the candidate has opted to keep their education section short.
  • Lists relevant social media profiles. Listing websites like GitHub and LinkedIn is a great way to provide recruiters with additional information about your skills.

#4. Data Analyst Resume Example

resume samples

Here’s what this data analyst resume does right: 

  • Includes a strong resume summary . This candidate showcases their key skills and qualifications from the get-go, which is much more likely to get recruiters to read their resumes from start to finish.
  • Highlights technical skills. Data analysts work with “big data,” so this candidate prioritizes their quantitative and technical skills over other resume sections.
  • Lists relevant professional certifications . The resume lists the candidate’s most noteworthy professional certificates.

#5. College Resume Example

best resume template

Here’s what this college resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant social media profiles. By including their Medium and LinkedIn accounts, this candidate gives the hiring manager a chance to know them more professionally. 
  • Highlights achievements . Although they lack work experience, the candidate has listed everything they’ve achieved during their academic career, thus showing they’re a promising candidate. 
  • Mentions the right optional sections. Adding hobbies and interests and foreign languages to a resume is a huge plus for a candidate with no work experience.

#6. Customer Service Resume Example

best resume example

Here’s what this customer service resume does right: 

  • Includes both soft and hard skills . Customer service roles require a mix of soft and hard skills, so this candidate has listed both. 
  • Mentions quantifiable achievements. To make their achievements more impressive, the candidate has backed up their work achievements with data and numbers. 
  • Lists foreign language skills. Foreign languages are a huge plus when you’re working in customer service and this resume does a good job highlighting the candidate’s foreign language skills. 

#7. Digital Marketing Resume Example

best resume sample

Here’s what this digital marketing resume does right: 

  • Follows the reverse chronological format . This format is the most popular one worldwide and is easily the safest choice.
  • Grabs attention with a resume summary. In a single glance, the recruiter can tell that the candidate is a digital marketing professional with the right amount of experience.
  • Lists relevant skills. The digital marketing specialist resume above lists in-demand marketing skills like Google Ads, SEO, and others.

#8. Graduate Resume Example

graduate resume example

Here’s what this graduate resume example does right:

  • Starts off with a well-written resume objective . The resume objective does a great job of showing off the candidate’s promise and industry-related experience. 
  • Includes work experience. The candidate has gained professional experience while they were a student and they’ve made sure to include that in their resume. 
  • Takes advantage of optional sections. Sections like volunteer experience, and personal projects and achievements can help make up for the lack of extensive experience in the industry. 

#9. HR Resume Example

hr resume example

Here’s what this human resources resume example does right: 

  • Follows the right format. The reverse chronological format lists the candidate’s latest experience and achievements first, which is exactly what recruiters want to see. 
  • Highlights professional experience. With so many years in the industry, this candidate has dedicated the biggest part of their resume to their work history. 
  • Includes courses and certificates. To make their achievements even more impressive, the candidate has included all their courses and certifications. 

#10. Medical Assistant Resume Example

Medical Assistant Resume Example

Here’s what this medical assistant resume example does right: 

  • Starts off with a memorable resume summary. The candidate lists their years of experience, skills, and passion for the industry, making it more likely for the hiring manager to read the rest of their resume. 
  • Lists the candidate’s certificates. There are many certifications one can obtain in the medical field, and this candidate proves how professional they are by listing theirs. 
  • Highlights the candidate’s extensive work experience. Experience speaks louder than a thousand words, which is why this resume example provides the work experience section its due space. 

#11. Project Manager Resume Example

Project Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this project manager resume example does right: 

  • Uses bullet points. The candidate uses bullet points to organize and present the information which makes this project manager resume example look neat and structured.
  • Keeps their education section relevant. The candidate only includes their key education details, such as their Bachelor’s degree and a field-related minor.
  • Takes advantage of additional sections. The candidate takes advantage of the extra space on their project manager resume by including relevant additional sections, such as their industry-related certifications and academic achievements

#12. Bar Manager Resume Example

Bar Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this bar manager resume example does right:

  • Includes relevant social media profiles. Details such as your LinkedIn profile or Instagram handle make you look more professional (as long as they’re work-related). 
  • Mentions industry-related skills. Instead of listing a bunch of unrelated skills, the bar manager resume example above only lists industry-relevant skills.
  • Quantifiable achievements. This applicant quantifies their achievements as much as possible, showing the bar owner how they stand out amongst other candidates.

#13. Supervisor Resume Example

Supervisor Resume Example

Here’s what this supervisor resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant contact details . The supervisor resume example above leaves out redundancies like marital status or age and includes relevant information, like a LinkedIn URL. 
  • Features as many accomplishments as possible. To really highlight their candidate’s professional experience, the supervisor example lists achievements over responsibilities. 
  • Lists the right kind of skills. This supervisor's resume example doesn’t list every skill under the sun. Instead, they keep the section relevant by only listing skills required from a supervisor. 

#14. Teacher Resume Example

Teacher Resume Example

Here’s what this teacher resume example does right:

  • Mentions industry-relevant skills. The candidate lists all the soft and hard skills a teacher should have. 
  • Includes hobbies and interests . By including hobbies and interests, the hiring manager will see the candidate as more than just a resume. 
  • Lists volunteer experience. The candidate reinforces their teaching experience by including their teaching volunteer gigs and experience. 

#15. Writer Resume Example

Writer Resume Example

Here’s just what this writer resume example does right: 

  • Impressive resume summary. The resume includes a brief but effective resume summary that highlights the candidate’s skills and top achievements.
  • Relevant contact details. This writer resume example contains relevant contact information, including the candidate’s name and surname, email address, phone number, location, professional website URL, and LinkedIn URL. 
  • Short education section. A writer’s skills and experience matter more than their education. For this reason, this candidate kept their writer resume’s education section short and sweet. 

#16. Web Developer Resume Example

Web Developer Resume Example

Here’s what this web developer resume example does right: 

  • Focuses on technical skills. Technical skills are essential for web development, which is why this candidate has prioritized theirs.
  • Grabs attention with their work experience. Their rich work experience, listed in reverse chronological order, shows the candidate is a promising professional.
  • Keeps their education section minimal. With such extensive work experience and training, the candidate has kept their education section concise.

65+ More Resume Examples and Guides 

Couldn’t find a resume example for your field? Worry not!

Below you can find a number of other resume examples for different fields and industries:

  • Accountant Resume
  • Administrative Assistant Resume
  • AI Engineer Resume
  • Animator Resume
  • Babysitter Resume
  • Banking Resume
  • Bank Teller Resume
  • Barbie's Resume
  • Barista Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • Bookkeeper Resume
  • Business Analyst Resume
  • Career Change Resume
  • Caregiver Resume
  • Cashier Resume
  • College Application Resume
  • College Freshman Resume
  • Consultant Resume
  • Construction Project Manager
  • Creative Resume Examples
  • Data Entry Specialist Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Dentist Resume
  • DevOps Engineer Resume
  • Digital Marketing Manager Resume
  • Editor Resume
  • Electrical Engineer Resume
  • Elon Musk's One-Page Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Esthetician Resume
  • Europass CV
  • Event Planner Resume
  • Executive Assistant Resume
  • Federal Resume
  • Financial Analyst Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume
  • Game Designer Resume 
  • Graphic Designer Resume
  • High School Resume
  • Illustrator Resume 
  • Interior Designer Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Military to Civilian Resume
  • Marketing Executive Resume
  • Minimalistic Resume Examples
  • Nanny Resume Example
  • Nurse Resume
  • Office Assistant Resume
  • Office Manager Resume
  • Operations Manager Resume
  • Paralegal Resume
  • Pharmacist Resume
  • Photographer Resume
  • Program Manager Resume
  • Real Estate Agent Resume
  • Receptionist Resume
  • Recruiter Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • Restaurant Manager Resume
  • Retail Manager Resume
  • Richard Branson's One-Page Resume
  • Sales Resume
  • Sales Associate Resume
  • Satya Nadella's One-Page Resume
  • Server Resume
  • Social Worker Resume
  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Stay-at-home Mom Resume
  • Student Resume
  • Student Resume Templates
  • Taylor Swift Resume
  • Video Editor Resume
  • Volunteer Resume
  • Waiter/Waitress Resume
  • Warehouse Worker Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Welder Resume

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5+ Examples of Resume Templates

Your resume template can play an important role in helping you make a great first impression on the hiring manager. 

Specifically, your industry, work experience, or skills all impact how your resume should look, so make sure to choose the right template when making your resume: 

#1. Traditional Resume

traditional resume example

A straightforward format that gives equal importance to all resume sections , emphasizing skills and work experience.

#2. Creative Resume

Creative Resume example

Land your dream job in the creative industry by using this creative resume template. 

#3. Minimalist Resume

Minimalist Resume example

A simple and easy-to-follow resume template. Perfect for more conservative industries which prefer less flashy templates.

#4. Basic Resume

basic resume example

This easy-to-personalize basic resume layout can be ready in under ten minutes through our resume builder .

#5. IT Resume

IT Resume example

One of the best resume layouts to choose when you wish to showcase your IT expertise.

#6. Modern Resume 

modern resume example

It can be hard to stand out from the crowd, but this modern resume sample will take care of this.

#7. General Resume

general resume example

5+ Resume Examples by Career Level

#1. no experience resume .

No Experience Resume example

Are you a student with no experience ? Learn how to write a compelling resume with our guide! 

#2. College Freshman Resume

College Freshman Resume example

Learn how to ace your college freshman resume with our comprehensive guide! 

#3. Graduate Resume

graduate resume sample

Fresh out of college? Write an impactful graduate resume to land your first gig after college. 

#4. Career Change Resume

Career Change Resume example

Going through a career change? Perfect your career change resume to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

#5. Manager Resume

Manager Resume example

#6. Executive Resume

Executive Resume example

The Perfect Resume Structure 

The Perfect Resume Structure

Not sure how to structure your resume?

Here’s our tried-and-tested resume layout :

  • Choose the right resume format or pick a template. If you’re formatting your resume yourself, follow the reverse-chronological format and make sure to follow the right layout rules. Alternatively, you can use one of our premade resume templates and not have to worry about formatting your resume one bit. 
  • Add relevant contact details and make sure they’re mistake-free. You shouldn’t be missing information such as your full name and job title, e-mail address, and where you’re based. Optionally, you can also include some relevant social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn.
  • Include a resume summary or a resume objective. Done right, a resume summary will show the hiring manager you’re a relevant candidate from the get-go and have them read the rest of your resume.
  • List your work experience, placing special focus on your achievements. Your work experience becomes more meaningful if you include your achievements in your past roles and manage to make them quantifiable.
  • Mention your top soft and hard skills. List any skills you have that are relevant to the job you’re applying for in a seperate section. 
  • Keep your education section short and concise. Unless you’re an entry-level candidate with little-to-no work experience, keep your education section short and to the point. 
  • Leverage optional sections like “Languages,” “Certifications,” or “Hobbies and Interests.” Fill up the rest of your resume space with optional sections that can highlight your strengths and qualifications as a candidate (e.g. foreign languages you speak, certifications you’ve obtained over the years, or your hobbies and interests).

3 Examples of Resume Formats 

#1. reverse chronological resume format.

Reverse Chronological Resume Format example

This resume format highlights your experience and key professional achievements by listing your latest position and acquired skills first. It’s the most popular resume format among recruiters and the one we advise job seekers to use in 99% of cases. 

#2. Functional Resume Format

Functional Resume Format Example

A functional resume , also known as the skill-based resume, is a resume format that focuses on your professional skill test as opposed to work experience. You’re better off using a functional resume if you’re a recent graduate with no work experience, if you’re switching careers, or if you have a long employment gap . 

#3. Hybrid Resume Format

Hybrid Resume Format Example

A combination resume combines the two traditional resume formats: the reverse-chronological resume and the functional resume.

As such, this format places emphasis on a candidate’s skills and work experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Examples

1. Are resume examples helpful?

Resume examples are helpful for several reasons. For starters, they can inspire you to write an A+ resume that meets the industry’s requirements. 

Also, resume examples can show you the best practices for listing your work experience and achievements, can guide you through your resume formatting and can help you understand exactly what the end result should look like.

2. How were these resume examples created?

All our resume examples and resume templates were created in full collaboration with industry-leading HR professionals.

This means that they meet all job market requirements, are modern and impactful, and meet recruiters’ standards worldwide.

3. What if I can’t find a resume example for my job?

While we’ve tried to list as many resume examples as possible for different jobs across several industries, it might happen that you can’t find the resume example that perfectly matches your needs. 

If that’s the case, you can check out our guide on how to write a resume , and learn to create an effective resume regardless of industry.

4. What is the best resume format in 2024?

The reverse-chronological format is still the best resume format in 2024. It remains the most widely used and preferred format by employers and recruiters alike. In this format, you list your work experience in reverse chronological format, starting with your most recent position and working backward.

This format showcases our most recent and relevant experience, making it easier for employers to see our career progression and accomplishments. 

5. Are these resume examples free? 

Yes, most of these resume examples can be used for free in the Basic account, while there is also a selection of templates included in the Premium account. All of them though can be tested for free in our editor. 

6. Do you also have cover letter examples?

Yes, we have an entire article dedicated to cover letter examples for different fields and jobs. Not just that, but you can also find tips on how to write a great cover letter and an FAQ section to answer any question you may have. 

7. Should my resume and cover letter match?

Yes, having a cover letter that’s consistent with your resume in terms of style, tone, and content can be a plus for your overall job application. In a nutshell, a matching resume and cover letter can increase your chances of getting an interview by demonstrating your professionalism, attention to detail, and suitability for the role. 


And that’s a wrap!

We hope the examples and guides provided in this article can help you create a powerful and effective resume that highlights your unique qualifications and experiences. 

Whether you're a recent graduate, a mid-career employee, or a seasoned professional, there are tips and templates here to help you create a compelling resume for any job.

For more career advice, make sure to check out our career blog . 

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    Some samples might include how well you summarize complex ideas, research papers, editorials, critiques (be sure to omit names), articles, journals, and blogs. On rare occasions the employer may request a specific kind of writing sample (e.g., a case study). If you have to create one, stick very closely to the guidelines provided.

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