How to Write a Great Postdoc Cover Letter

While a good cover letter makes an explicit connection between how your past experience will help you succeed in the postdoc position, a great cover letter sparks the PI’s interest and ensures they read your CV. Here are some tips to make sure your cover letter is a great one.

Before you start writing, learn as much as you can about the position and the lab. Do some research on the department’s website and talk to your mentors about the group. It’s also a good idea to take a look at their recent papers to familiarize yourself with the kind of work they do. Once you have a good understanding of the position and group, you can determine which of your qualifications would be most applicable. Be sure to emphasize them in your cover letter.

The Cover Letter Format

A cover letter starts like a formal letter with the date at the top followed by the name and work address of the job poster. This is followed by the salutation. For a postdoc position, you will often be addressing your letter to the PI. However, if it is not clear from the advertisement who the job poster is, you can always address the letter to “members of the search committee).

The Introduction

The opening paragraph should explain why you are writing this letter. Indicate the specific position you are applying for and where you saw it advertised. If another professor at the university or someone the PI knows suggested that you apply for the position, mention it here. Follow it up with a short description of yourself that will allow the reader to place you academically. This could be something like “I am in the final year of my PhD in (field) at (name of university) and will be graduating/defending/finishing in (month). My dissertation is titled (title) and is supervised by Professor (name)”.

The Body Paragraphs

The bulk of your cover letter will be spent demonstrating how you are the right candidate for this postdoc by highlighting your qualifications and showing how they will benefit this specific project. One of the biggest mistakes you make is not tailoring this section to each position you apply for.

In a postdoc cover letter, it is common to dedicate one paragraph to your dissertation or current research project. Summarize your research topic, your key findings or arguments and why they matter to the field.

Now, this next step is important: you must translate your dissertation and previous research to the postdoc project. What expertise will you bring to the project by virtue of your past research that no one else can? Give specific examples that show you understand the proposed projects. Work in reference to you major awards and accomplishments while doing so. Depending on the requirements of the position, it might also be relevant to discuss your teaching experience here. Remember, the theme throughout the body paragraphs should be how your research experience will make this postdoc project successful.

The Final Paragraph

This last paragraph covers some job applicant formalities. In it, you should write that you have attached your CV and other necessary documents in your application. Mention that you look forward to hearing from them and are available to discuss the position further in an interview. Finally, thank them for their consideration before signing off.

Get Feedback

Once you have written your postdoc cover letter, ask your supervisor or a mentor to review it for you. They are likely to have had some experience hiring and will be able to make valuable suggestions from the other side of the table. They can also check that your cover letter is formatted according to the conventions of your field.

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cover letter postdoctoral position

How to write a killer cover letter for a postdoctoral application

Bill Sullivan

Many graduate students applying for their first postdoctoral positions underestimate the importance of the cover letter. While it may be true that your awesomeness is beautifully outlined on your curriculum vitae, your cover letter often will dictate whether the busy principal investigator puts your application at the top of the heaping pile or into triage.

First impressions are everything for some people, so leave nothing to chance. If you provide only your CV, you aren’t being very personable, and you lose a precious opportunity to highlight some things that make you stand out. On the other hand, a cover letter is also an opportunity to shoot yourself in the foot, so here are a few do’s and don’ts.

A few do's

Start off right. Address your potential future PI properly, as “Dr. (insert surname here).” If you begin your letter with “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern,” your application could be dismissed as generic and untailored for the position. A letter that appears to come off an assembly line is likely to ride directly into the trash bin. If you do not invest the time to learn about the PI and his or her research, then the PI is not likely to invest the time to read your application.

After the salutation, the first statement should be a formality that states why you are writing to the PI. It is important to respect how hectic a day in the life of a PI can be, so get right to the point — something like, “I am applying for the postdoctoral position available in your laboratory that was recently advertised (where).”

The second sentence should specify your current position, place of work and mentor. If you are not immediately available for hire, it is useful to mention when you will be able to start. End the first paragraph with just one or two concise sentences that hint at why you are the ideal candidate for the position — you will expand on these points next.

In the second paragraph, elaborate on why you should be considered for the postdoc — not just any postdoc, mind you, but this particular postdoc in this particular lab. Yes, it is infinitely easier to use the same cover letter for the dozens of postdoctoral positions for which you are applying, but that is not going to cut it. These uniform letters are easy to detect and usually dismissed as lazy and insincere. If you fail to convince the PI that you are taking the postdoc search seriously, then the PI is not likely to take you seriously. It is essential that you customize your letter, emphasizing how your background is aligned to the PI’s studies and the specifics called for in the advertisement. Consider this the first demonstration to your future PI that you are resourceful and thoughtful — if you fail to do your homework, it does not build confidence that you will be diligent with your project. Equally important to convincing the PI that you have the right stuff is conveying your excitement for learning something special that is studied by his or her lab. Strive to balance what you would give to the lab and what you would gain from it.

In paragraph three, it is time to brag about a few key achievements, such as your most important paper or two, a grant or fellowship, or other notable honors (an award-winning presentation at a conference, for example). You also can briefly mention that you have experience training more junior people if that is the case. But don’t give a laundry list of every minor award — that is why you submit a CV. The cover letter is the trailer, and your CV is the movie.

End your cover letter with the same professionalism you used at the opening. Thank the PI for his or her time and consideration. Be sure to provide your contact information and state that you look forward to hearing from him or her. Everything discussed above should fit onto a single page — 1 ½ pages at most.  

A few don'ts

There are a number of important don’ts that apply to cover letters. Things that might seem trivial to you actually can be turnoffs. Use plain email stationary free of distracting backgrounds or pictures. Choose a font that is not too big, not too small, not in color, definitely not comic sans and NOT IN CAPS. A plain, boring font like 12-point Arial or Helvetica is easy on the sore eyes of a PI struggling to read the 87th postdoc application. At midnight. After struggling with an online manuscript submission. I can hear the chorus of nonconformists arguing that unconventional fonts and graphics make their applications stand out. Of course it does, but I contend that it is a gamble to present yourself in this manner. If you have the goods, you don’t need the glam.

Some applicants waste valuable sentences describing how they “deeply admire” the “esteemed” laboratory or how they always dreamed about working with the PI. When the cover letter is heavy on flattery, the applicant usually is light on talent or productivity. If your cover letter contains significant blocks of text copied straight from the advertisement, you may be construed as someone with poor language skills or unable to paraphrase. It should go without saying that spelling and grammatical mistakes are inexcusable and often taken as a sign of laziness and carelessness — two of the worst attributes a scientist could possess. Finally, avoid slang and attempts at humor, and do not end your sentences with an exclamation point!

I hope these tips help you land that perfect postdoctoral position.

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Bill Sullivan is a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine and the author of several books.

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cover letter postdoctoral position

Postdoc Cover Letter Example

cover letter postdoctoral position

Written by Mark DeGrasso

May 4, 2023.

A postdoctoral position is an excellent opportunity for early-career scientists to develop their research skills and make significant contributions to their chosen field. However, before securing a postdoc position, you must write a compelling postdoc cover letter that captures the attention of potential employers. In this article, we will discuss the essential components of an effective postdoc cover letter, common mistakes to avoid, and provide an example to guide you in crafting a cover letter that will help you stand out in the fierce competition.

What Employers Look for In A Postdoc Cover Letter

Postdoctoral positions are highly competitive, and employers receive numerous applications from qualified candidates. A well-written postdoc cover letter can make a significant difference in your chances of getting selected. Employers use postdoc cover letters to assess your qualifications and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the position. To increase your chances of getting selected, it’s essential to identify the needs of your potential employer and tailor your cover letter accordingly.

One of the critical factors that employers look out for in postdoc cover letters is relevant research experience. Employers seek postdocs who are skilled in conducting research and have experience in the field. Highlighting your research experience and how it aligns with the position you are applying for can make you a desirable candidate.

Another essential factor that employers consider is publications. Having one or more scholarly publications to your name is a valuable asset. It shows that you have a track record of producing high-quality research that has been peer-reviewed and published in reputable journals. If you have publications, be sure to mention them in your cover letter and highlight their relevance to the position.

Collaboration is an essential aspect of postdoc research. Employers look for candidates who can work effectively in a team and collaborate with others. Highlighting your ability and experience in collaboration can make you a desirable candidate. Provide examples of collaborative projects you have undertaken and how you contributed to their success.

Finally, employers also look for unique qualifications. Emphasizing your unique skills and experience relevant to the postdoc position can distinguish you from other candidates. If you have specialized skills or experience that aligns with the position, be sure to highlight them in your cover letter.

In conclusion, keeping these factors in mind as you write your postdoc cover letter ensures that you capture your potential employer’s attention and improves your chances of success. Remember to tailor your cover letter to the specific position and employer, highlighting your qualifications and how they align with the job requirements. Good luck!

A postdoctoral position is an exciting opportunity to further your research career and gain valuable experience. As such, it is essential to craft a cover letter that showcases your skills and experiences in a clear and concise manner. In the header section of your cover letter, include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Additionally, add the date of writing the cover letter to show that you are timely and organized. When addressing your cover letter, it is crucial to avoid using a generic ‘Dear Sir/Madam.’ Instead, research the name of the person who will be reviewing your application, and address them directly. This personal touch shows that you have put in effort and are genuinely interested in the position. In the introduction section, introduce yourself and state the postdoctoral position you are applying for. Keep this section brief, as the body of your cover letter will provide more detail about your qualifications. The body of your cover letter should address the essential components of the postdoc position. For example, if the position requires experience in a specific research technique, highlight your experience in that area. Additionally, highlight any publications, presentations, or awards that demonstrate your research skills. Be sure to connect your skills and experiences to the requirements of the position. In the conclusion section, summarize your main points and express your enthusiasm for the position. This section is your final opportunity to make a strong impression on the hiring committee, so make it count. Finally, end your cover letter with a professional sign-off and your name. Ensure that your formatting is appropriate and that your letter does not exceed two pages. These factors demonstrate your attention to detail and professionalism, which can set you apart from other applicants. In conclusion, crafting a well-organized and professional postdoc cover letter can increase your chances of being selected for an interview. Highlight your skills and experiences, connect them to the requirements of the position, and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Good luck!When it comes to applying for a postdoc position, the cover letter is one of the most important documents you’ll submit. It’s your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and passion for the field. However, there are several common mistakes that applicants make that can hurt their chances of getting the job.One of the most common mistakes is not following the instructions provided in the job advertisement. Employers often provide specific guidelines on what they want to see in a cover letter, such as the skills and experiences they’re looking for. If you don’t follow these instructions, you risk coming across as unprofessional or not paying attention to detail.Another mistake is forgetting to address the cover letter to the potential employer. Using a generic salutation such as “To Whom It May Concern” can give the impression that you didn’t take the time to research the company or the person who will be reading your cover letter. It’s important to personalize the letter and make a connection with the reader.Failing to demonstrate compatibility with the postdoc position advertised is another common mistake. Your cover letter should show that you have the skills and experience needed to excel in the position. It’s important to highlight your relevant accomplishments and explain how they make you a good fit for the job.Using too much technical jargon and acronyms is also a mistake that can make your cover letter difficult to read and understand. While it’s important to showcase your knowledge and expertise, it’s equally important to communicate clearly and concisely. Always define technical terms if necessary.Lastly, including information that is not relevant to the postdoc position that you’re applying for is a mistake that can make your cover letter seem unfocused and unprofessional. Stick to the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job and explain how they make you a good fit for the position.By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your cover letter stands out and gains the attention of your potential employer. Remember to personalize the letter, highlight your relevant accomplishments, and communicate clearly and concisely. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream postdoc position.

Final Steps On Writing Your Postdoc Cover Letter

Writing a postdoc cover letter can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience. As you near the end of the writing process, there are a few final steps you should take to ensure your cover letter is as strong as possible.

First and foremost, it’s important to proofread your cover letter thoroughly. This means checking for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and formatting issues. Even the smallest typo can detract from the overall quality of your letter, so it’s worth taking the time to go over it with a fine-tooth comb.

Once you’ve proofread your cover letter, it’s a good idea to have someone else read it as well. This could be an academic mentor, a colleague, or a career development officer. Getting an outside perspective can help you identify any areas that may need improvement, and can give you valuable feedback on how to make your cover letter even stronger.

When you receive feedback on your cover letter, it’s important to take it seriously and make any necessary changes. This may involve rewording certain sentences, expanding on certain points, or reorganizing the overall structure of your letter. Remember, the goal of your cover letter is to convey your suitability for the postdoc position you’re applying for, so every word and sentence counts.

Finally, before you hit send on your cover letter, take a moment to review the job posting one last time. Make sure you’ve addressed all of the key requirements and qualifications mentioned in the posting, and that you’ve highlighted your relevant skills and experience. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of standing out from the competition and landing the postdoc position you’ve been dreaming of.

Example Postdoc Cover Letter

Here’s an example postdoc cover letter to help you write your cover letter.

Overall, I believe that my research experience, teaching and mentoring skills, and collaborative nature make me a strong candidate for this position. I am excited about the opportunity to work with your team and contribute to the ongoing research projects in your department. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Postdoc Cover Letter FAQ

Are you looking to apply for a postdoc position? Do you want to make your application stand out from the rest? Here are some frequently asked questions about a postdoc cover letter to help you get started:

What is the purpose of a postdoc cover letter?

A postdoc cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to your potential employer and showcase your skills and qualifications. It is a critical component of your application that can help you stand out from other candidates. Your cover letter should highlight your achievements, research experience, and your passion for the field.

How long should a postdoc cover letter be?

A postdoc cover letter should be concise and not exceed more than two pages. It is essential to keep your cover letter brief and to the point while still providing enough information to convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate for the position.

When writing your cover letter, ensure that you use a simple font and spacing to give your cover letter an organized appearance. The hiring manager should be able to read your letter easily without any distractions.

Should I follow up after submitting a postdoc cover letter?

Yes, it’s ok to follow up with an email to check the status of your application. Following up shows that you’re interested and keeps your application at the top of the hiring manager’s mind. However, avoid making multiple follow-up attempts, which can seem pushy and harm your chances.

When following up, make sure to be polite and professional. Thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration and express your continued interest in the position. This gesture can go a long way in showing your enthusiasm for the postdoc position.

Can I use the same cover letter for different postdoc positions?

While it may be tempting to use the same cover letter for different postdoc positions, it’s best to tailor your cover letter to the specific job that you are applying for. Employers appreciate when applicants take the time to customize their cover letters to the job advertisement.

Make sure to highlight the skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the position you are seeking. This approach shows the hiring manager that you have taken the time to research the position and that you are genuinely interested in the job.

In conclusion, writing an effective postdoc cover letter requires understanding the essential components, crafting it to fit the job advertisement, and proofreading it to eliminate errors. Follow our recommendations, avoid common mistakes and use our example to guide you in writing an excellent cover letter. With these tips, you can improve your postdoc application and increase your chances of securing the postdoc position you seek in your field.

Remember, your cover letter is your chance to make a great first impression. Take the time to craft a compelling letter that showcases your skills, experience, and passion for the field. Good luck with your postdoc application!

Table of Contents

  • Your Job Search
  • Developing Application Materials
  • Academic Job Market

Academic Cover Letters

The cover letter is a single spaced, two-page introductory document that creates a narrative for your application package. It introduces the search committee to your:

  • Enthusiasm for the position and your expected availability (e.g., expected defense date)
  • Teaching and teaching assistantships
  • Other relevant experience (internships, previous professional experience, etc.)
  • Fit (why you are the right person for the position, understanding of campus culture and values, etc.)

Because no cover letter can convey all this information appropriately in only two pages, you will need to tailor your letter depending on the department, the university, the requirements specified in the job call, your application package, etc.

Keep in mind, the cover letter should not directly lift content from other supporting material. For example, if a job call also asks for a Teaching Statement or Philosophy, you should not feel pressure to condense all of that content into a paragraph. Rather use the cover letter to illustrate how your teaching fits into your scholarly identity. Consider how it is informed by your research, commitment to equity and inclusion, etc.

  • How the job call is written, which responsibilities are presented and in what order – is teaching prioritized over research?
  • What application documents are requested – is there something not requested that you could elaborate on in the cover letter?
  • What student populations would you engage with as a faculty member in the department – undergraduate? graduate? both?
  • Is the institution mission-driven – how does that impact your professional narrative?

The cover letter could include a combination of the following paragraphs:

Opening Paragraph

Just like articles and dissertations have a central “thesis” or research question, this paragraph gives the letter’s thesis statement, clarifying how your mix of experience makes you the best candidate for the job. This paragraph lists the basics of the cover letter:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain your interest in the position and institution
  • Basic rundown of who you are as a scholar in relation to the role

Body Paragraphs

This content could address your research project(s), areas of interest, methodological training, and future research agendas. Think about how you would fit into the department and the expertise you would provide. If you are applying to a research institution, your research paragraphs should come first.

You will want to include some of the following points:

  • Your current research project (dissertation)
  • Potential future projects (dissertation to book, next research project, etc.)
  • Impact of your project(s) (publications, conference or poster presentations, public lectures, etc.)
  • Other achievements (grants and funding won, awards earned, public-facing work, etc.)
  • Potential collaborations within the department and/or across the institution, depending on the interdisciplinary nature of the position.

This content discusses your teaching experience, whether as an instructor of record or a TA, your pedagogical training, and any mentoring/advising. If the job is teaching-focused, this should be where you start. Use this space to introduce how your teaching is a part of who you are as a scholar.

  • Your approach to teaching
  • Other ways you have engaged with and/or mentored students (office hours, summer research opportunities, etc.)
  • Expertise in relation to courses you are prepared to teach

This content communicates how you contribute to the collegial nature of the institution or department to which you are applying. It might range from a full paragraph to a few sentences supplementing your research or teaching paragraphs.

You can pull from:

  • Graduate Assistantships or other service you have done within your department (e.g., serving on committees), the institution, or professional organizations
  • Conference volunteering and service
  • Search committee participation
  • Other volunteer work and community involvement

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This content discusses how your current and future experiences consider diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility. Commitment to DEI can be shown through:

  • Research areas, pedagogical applications, or service in and outside of institutions
  • Where you align with the mission statement of the institution and/or department
  • How you can contribute to the student population or wider community

These considerations are communicated most seamlessly not as stand-alone paragraphs, but woven into your document as a whole.

Closing Paragraph

Think back to your thesis statement and reinforce your excitement about the role. Keep it short and to the point – thank them for their time and consideration, ending with a professional sign off and full name.

General Tips Before Submission

  • Prior to submitting, double check that the cover letter is signed and saved as a PDF (preferably on Northwestern letterhead).
  • As with all application documents, make sure to have multiple eyes on the content before submitting it to the hiring committee.
  • Take advantage of the support Northwestern provides from the Graduate Writing Place and Northwestern Career Advancement.
  • Postdocs can make appointments for individualized feedback with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.


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How to write a cover letter for a postdoctoral position

  • Jun 9, 2018
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How to write a cover letter for a postdoctoral position

Knowing how to write a cover letter for a postdoctoral position is considered a critical phase in this process. It may be true that your experiences and skills are beautifully outlined in your curriculum vitae, however, your cover letter often will dictate whether your application will stand out and be unique. First impressions are everything and cover letter gives you the opportunity to tell your story and show your personality somehow. We shall discuss some do’s and don’ts of writing a killer cover letter here.

Start off right. Address your potential future Principle Investigator (PI) properly, as “Dr. (insert surname here).” If you begin your letter with “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern,” your application could be dismissed as generic and untailored for the position. You need to invest time to learn about the PI and his/her research and try to customize the letter as much as possible.

After the salutation, the first statement should be a formality that states why you are writing to the PI. Keep it short and to the point. Something along the line of, “I am applying for the postdoctoral position available in your laboratory that was recently advertised (where).”

The second sentence should specify your current position, place of work and mentor. State your availability from the get-go as well. End the first paragraph with just one or two concise sentences that hint at why you are the ideal candidate for the position, you will expand on these points in the next paragraphs with your personal experiences and such.

In the second paragraph, elaborate on why you should be considered for the postdoc, be careful not to sound general again, you have to talk about that particular position and navigate your story towards the exact position you are applying for. It is essential that you customize your letter, emphasizing on how your background is aligned to the PI’s studies and the specifics called for in the advertisement. Consider this the first demonstration to your future PI that you are resourceful and thoughtful. You have to sound eager and excited to be learning something new which is studied by the PI team. Strive to balance what you would give to the team and what you would gain from it.

In the next paragraphs, it is time to talk about a few key achievements, such as your most important paper or two, a grant or fellowship, or other notable honors (presentation at a conference, training you have taken part at etc). Remember that your C.V. will cover all your experiences in detail, so what you mention in the cover letter are few bold accomplishments and some statements explaining your personal experiences and learning outcomes from each position in a story format kind of thing.

End your cover letter with the same professionalism you used at the opening. You need to thank the PI for the time and consideration, provide your contact information, and it is always nice to end with a relevant and inspiring quote as well. All this needs to fit in one single page or one and a half page at most. So preciseness is the key here. Some of the don’t of writing a cover letter is: do not use email stationery with backgrounds or pictures, choose the right font, A plain, boring font like 12-point Arial or Helvetica will usually do, proofread your letter and use short but interesting sentences and avoid sounding generic. Do not be heavy on the flattery because then your real talent and productivity will be questioned. Last but not least do not use humor and slangs and do not end a letter with an exclamation point. Hope these small tips will be of a help when writing a postdoctoral cover letter.

Source:   /  Bill Sullivan


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A Postdoctoral Associate position is available at the Duke University CIVM – Duke Imaging Innovation Laboratory (DIIL) - ( in Durham, NC to work in magnetic resonance histology.  This will be a one-year appointment with a second-year renewal to follow based on suitable progress and grant-funding.

The Center for In Vivo Microscopy (CIVM) – DIIL is an NIH funded laboratory dedicated to the

development of preclinical imaging methods and application of those methods to important biomedical questions. The CIVM-DIIL is seeking a highly motivated, creative, individual to pursue applications in magnetic resonance microscopy in an innovative, collaborative environment. We are engaged in both development of magnetic resonance histology and its application in understanding mouse models of neurodegeneration.

We have two existing NIH proposals to develop and apply magnetic resonance histology (MRH) in the study of Alzheimer's Disease. A new proposal recently approved by the CHDI foundation will create a comprehensive atlas of the evolution of Huntington's Disease.  The successful applicant will gain experience in the physics of MRI and diffusion tensor imaging, light sheet microscopy (LSM), integration of the two, a wide range of novel new image processing algorithms, and the rapidly evolving applications of MRH/LSM in mouse models of neurologic disease.

The above statements describe the general nature and level of work being performed by individuals assigned to this classification. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and duties required of personnel so classified.

If interested, submit your application and include a cover letter and 3 reference letters.


  • PhD in Engineering, Physics, or similar discipline


  • Published experience in the physics and engineering elements of MR histology and/or light
  • sheet microscopy
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English
  • Proficiency with programming languages (C, C++, R, Perl, MATLAB)
  • Ability to conduct independent research progress with collaboration and teamwork, as
  • appropriate

Preferred Departmental skills:

  • Experience working in a high-performance computing environment
  • Experience with image processing, machine learning, and analysis of large data sets
  • Familiarity with light sheet microscopy

Job Code: 00003820 POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE Job Level: 00

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Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas—an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values.

Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University and Duke University Health System may include essential job functions that require specific physical and/or mental abilities. Additional information and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation will be provided by each hiring department.

Nearest Major Market: Durham Nearest Secondary Market: Raleigh

Duke is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual’s age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Read more about Duke’s commitment to affirmative action and nondiscrimination at

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Postdoctoral Research Associate Cover Letter Sample

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Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Postdoctoral Research Associate Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Martin lambert.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am a Doctorate of Molecular and Cellular Biology graduate and I am excited to apply for this opportunity.

While studying at the University of Sunnybank, I served as a part-time undergraduate Microbiology Instructor, teaching Genome Expression and Organization and Genetic Manipulation. I was responsible for planning and delivering high-quality instruction in both physical and virtual settings, as well as administering and evaluating assessments. I am proud to mention that my classes achieved an average pass rate of 97%.

In addition to my instructional responsibilities, I contributed to the research and writing of "Chapter 2: Molecular Cell Biology of Diabetic Complications" in Erick Miska’s (2017) Molecular Cell Biology Advances in the 21st Century (Persimmon Press).

With six years of research and teaching experience, along with my recent doctorate and Master of Biology degree, I have also participated in various professional workshops and courses.

I have greatly appreciated the research opportunities at the University of Sunnybank, and now that my doctorate is complete, I am seeking a postdoctoral research associate role that will allow me to further contribute to the field of molecular cell biology.

I have attached my curriculum vitae for your review. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you regarding next steps.

Sincerely, Martin Lambert

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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  • Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Open Postdoc Positions

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Available Postdoc Positions

Position Descriptions and Contact Information are provided below. Click on a position title to reveal the detail.

Use the form below to perform a new search.

If interested in any of these positions, please apply directly to the contact provided. Please do not send your applications to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

Postdoc Position in Neuroinflammation

PI: Wei Cao, Ph.D.

One federally funded, fully supported postdoc position is available in the Department of Anesthesiology, Center for Perioperative Medicine, at the McGovern Medical School of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

The Cao laboratory studies the molecular underpinning of the pathogenic events leading to neurodegenerative diseases. A leading health and economic burden to an aging society, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a condition with complex etiology and manifests in dysregulated neuronal functions and intercellular communications in the brain. Increasingly, neuroinflammatory responses are critically implicated in AD and other neurodegenerative diseases. We are keen to illuminate the fundamental principles that govern the neuroinflammatory phenomena in driving AD and brain aging (check our recent publications Immunity 55, 879 (2022) ; J. Clin. Invest. 130:1912 (2020) ; Front Neurosci 14:577744 (2020) ).

Establishing a brand-new presence at UTHealth, we are seeking an enthusiastic candidate to join our spirited group. The focus of the immediate project is to characterize the molecular responses by glial cells to tauopathy and stress in vitro and in vivo, with an aim to illuminate the key pathways and factors involved in neuroinflammation and eventual degeneration.

Motivated candidates with in-depth training and knowledge in neuroscience, immunology, and/or molecular biology are encouraged to apply. Previous experience with biochemistry, confocal microscopy, and/or in vivo disease modeling is a plus. 

  • Initiate, conduct, and lead research projects based on sound and innovative scientific hypothesis.
  • Develop technical expertise in areas such as genetic animal models, recombinant viral vectors, confocal imaging, molecular biology and multiomics analysis.
  • Plan, direct and conduct specialized and advanced research experiments, establish new research protocols and procedures, and evaluate and analyze data.
  • Summarize research findings, write, and publish results in research journals.
  • Responsible for laboratory operations in a team environment. 
  • Participate in educational events such as journal club, presentation of research in both formal and informal settings on regular basis.
  • Collaborate with investigators outside the lab and main effective communication

Application Requirements:

  • Education: MD or Ph.D. in Basic Science, Health Science,
  • No experience required

How to apply:

Please send a current resume/CV, a cover letter and contact information of three references by email to  [email protected]

UTHealth is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment-related activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law or university policy. Reasonable accommodation, based on disability or religious observances, will be considered in accordance with applicable law and UTHealth policy. The University maintains affirmative action programs with respect to women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and eligible veterans in accordance with applicable law.

Postdoc Position in Alcohol-associated Liver Disease

A federally funded, fully supported postdoc position is immediately available in the Department of Anesthesiology, Center for Perioperative Medicine, at the McGovern Medical School of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

The Poulsen laboratory is interested in studying the inflammatory mechanisms that lead to tissue injury in Alcohol-associate liver disease (ALD). ALD is now a leading indication for liver transplantation and the rate of ALD continues to increase with few advances in therapies for the past 4 decades.  Our laboratory has established that the pleiotropic cytokine/chemokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pivotal controller of hepatic inflammation, steatosis and cellular stress in ALD.  Our current studies are focused on the array of MIF receptors and the cell-specific contributions of MIF to ethanol-induced liver injury.   We are seeking a talented and highly motivated postdoc fellow to join our lab. Ongoing studies will involve an integrated approach with access to clinically relevant samples from patients with ALD, in vivo models of ethanol feeding in rodents and mechanistic studies in vitro . 

  • The candidate must have a Doctorate degree in Basic Science or Medicine.
  • The candidate must demonstrate initiative and the capability to conduct independent research. Strong written and verbal communication and organization skills are required.
  • Review scientific literature to define specific problems and possible solutions.
  • Establish novel methods to test scientific problems.
  • Perform experimental models related to handling and manipulation of mice and collection of animal tissue samples; Perform cell culture and relevant in vitro assays; Perform molecular and cellular biology assays, such as DNA, RNA and protein isolation, Western blotting, real-time PCR, transcription reporter assays, immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry assays, from animal tissue samples and cultured cells.
  • Compile, analyze and evaluate data independently.
  • Draft manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed journals; have experience in submitting or writing grants.

How to apply

Please send a current resume/CV, a cover letter and contact information of three references to:

Dr. Kyle Poulsen, 6431 Fannin St., University of Texas McGovern Medical School, Department of Anesthesiology, Houston, TX 77030

Or email to  [email protected]

UTHealth is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment-related activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law or university policy. Reasonable accommodation, based on disability or religious observances, will be considered in accordance with applicable law and UTHealth policy. The  University maintains affirmative action programs with respect to women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and eligible veterans in accordance with applicable law.

Inflammation in heart disease and neurodegeneration

Position details:.

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Matthew (Matt) DeBerge in the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine in the McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

We study the origin and role of inflammation in homeostasis and disease with a current focus on inflammatory cells and pathways that link cardiovascular disease to neurodegeneration. This involves studying tissue resident immune cells, including cardiac macrophages and brain-resident microglia, as well as recruited monocytes and T cells. Using mouse models of heart failure and dementia, we determine the requirements for these immune cells in disease pathogenesis. This is followed by mechanistic studies using primary cells isolated in vivo or cultured in vitro. Finally, we validate our findings using human samples and test therapeutic efficacy by targeting inflammatory signaling in our preclinical mouse models.

Job Duties:

  • Establish knowledge of immunology and neuroimmunology.
  • Develop technical expertise in mouse models of heart failure, flow cytometry, cell sorting, ELISA, immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, and multiomics analyses.
  • Create an individual development plan for use in bi-monthly meetings with Dr. DeBerge to discuss research updates and career goals.
  • Apply for internal awards and federally-funded or private foundation research grants.
  • Collaborate with lab members and other labs or institutions.
  • Present research findings in lab meetings, departmental seminars, and conferences.
  • Prepare manuscripts and publish results in research journals.


Education: PhD or equivalent in basic sciences or related field.

Please send a current resume/CV by email to [email protected] .

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in lipid metabolism

An NIH-funded postdoctoral fellow position is immediately available in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School. The fellow will study bacterial phospholipid metabolism in the laboratory of Dr. Lei Zheng. The project will use multidisciplinary approaches including gene editing, protein interaction mapping, and protein biochemistry characterizations, to study membrane proteins involved in novel protein interactions within the lipid metabolic network. The candidate will also have an opportunity to learn the latest structural biology techniques, such as cryoEM analysis. Salary will be based on the NIH standards and individual experience.

Minimum Requirements:

The ideal candidate should be a highly self-motivated fellow and have a recent Ph.D. in Biochemistry or Molecular Biology with demonstrated experience in protein expression, purification, and characterizations.

Description of Qualified Candidates:

A background in Microbiology is strongly encouraged to apply.

Required Application Materials:

To apply, applicants should send their CV and the names of three references to Dr. Lei Zheng ( [email protected] ).

Postdoctoral Research Fellows Positions available in the Cordero-Vásquez Research Group at UTHealth Houston

Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions are available for highly motivated individuals with an interest in the molecular basis of sensory ion channel regulation by membrane lipids and the cytoskeleton, as well as the structure-function relationship of ion channels involved in neurological disorders, in the laboratories of Dr. Valeria Vásquez and Dr. Julio Cordero-Morales at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. We combine electrophysiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, animal behavior ( C. elegans and mice), and structural biology to determine the mechanisms behind sensory ion channel function (e.g., mechanosensitive and transient receptor potential ion channels).

Publications from the group that represent ongoing projects:

Regulation of sensory mechanosensitive ion channels by membrane lipids:

Romero LO, Caires R, Victor AK, et al. 2023. Linoleic acid improves PIEZO2 dysfunction in a mouse model of Angelman Syndrome. Nature Communications .

Role of bioactive lipids in TRPs channels involved in blood pressure:

Caires R,  Garrud T.A.C., Romero L.O., et al. 2022. Genetic- and diet-induced ω-3 fatty acid enrichment enhances TRPV4-mediated vasodilation in mice. Cell Reports .

Determining the role of sensory ion channels in C. elegans :

Millet JRM, Romero LO, Lee J, et al. 2022. C. elegans PEZO-1 is a mechanosensitive ion channel involved in food sensation. Journal of General Physiology .

Structure-function of ion channels involved in neurological disorders:

Sierra-Valdez F, Azumaya CM, Romero LO, et al. 2018. Structure-function analyses of the ion channel TRPC3 reveal that its cytoplasmic domain allosterically modulates channel gating. Journal of Biological Chemistry .

Velisetty P, Stein RA, Sierra-Valdez F, Vásquez V, Cordero-Morales JF. 2017. Expression and Purification of the Pain Receptor TRPV1 for Spectroscopic Analysis. Scientific Reports .

Group members can expect individualized mentorship, a team-oriented environment, and the opportunity to interact with talented faculty across the Texas Medical Center. All work is supported by recently awarded federal and institutional funding. Experience in electrophysiology, biochemistry/ protein purification, cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM), electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR), or animal behavior ( C. elegans or mice) is preferred but not required.

Highly motivated individuals are encouraged to email [email protected] or [email protected] a CV, as well as the name and contact information of three references. More information:

Postdoctoral Position - Structure & Function of Ion Channels

A postdoctoral research position in structural biology is available in the laboratory of Irina Serysheva, PhD in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Our university offers a state-of-the-art infrastructure and great conditions to employ excellent researchers.

We are seeking a motivated person to join our research team and contribute to our projects focused on molecular mechanisms underlying molecular transport across cellular membranes with specific emphasis on calcium channels. Our research integrates a diverse array of methods, including biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, cell biology, electron cryo-microscopy and bioinformatics. The postdoctoral fellow will have ready access to the top-of-the-line equipment and resources necessary for the above approaches. For cryo-EM, we have access to eight microscopes on our campus: Titan Krios, two Glacios, Aquilos Cryo-FIB/iFLM™, JEOL3200FSC, JEOL2200FS, JEOL2100, JEOL1230 and dedicated GPU+CPU clusters. The position is funded for 2.5 years (possible extension up to 4 years).

Lab Website:

Candidates must hold a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree. Experience in biochemistry and/or structural biology would be an advantage. Interested individuals should send a CV, a statement of interest, and a list of three references as a single pdf file to: Irina Serysheva ( [email protected] ).

Our University fosters a learning community committed to excellence to support the best scientists.

Postdoctoral Fellow in the BRAINS Research Laboratory at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

A postdoctoral fellow position is available to study on microglial inflammation in aged brains and following stroke in the BRAINS laboratory in the Department of Neurology. This is a NIH-funded postdoctoral fellow position. The laboratory focuses on how interferon signaling drives neuroinflammation in aged brains and post-stroke brains, which could cause blood brain barrier disruption. The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting animal surgery and utilizing FACS and bioinformatics techniques to analyze data in research projects focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cerebrovascular disease progression and neuroinflammation following stroke.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Perform animal surgeries and in vivo viral injection, including rodent survival surgeries (MCAO and pdMCAO), tissue dissections, behavioral tests and post-operative care
  • Collect and process biological samples, including blood, tissue, and organs
  • Perform biochemical experiments and FACS analysis on collected biological samples
  • Collaborate with other team members to design and perform experiments and interpret results
  • Maintain accurate records of experimental procedures and data
  • Communicate research findings through presentations, publications, and scientific meetings
  • Participate in lab meetings, journal clubs, and other research activities within the BRAINS Research Laboratory

We offer a competitive salary in accordance with UTHSC and NIH guidelines, as well as a benefits package, and the opportunity to work in a dynamic and collaborative research environment. The initial term of the position is one year, with the possibility of extension based on performance and funding availability.

Minimum Requirements: 

PhD, MD, or MD/PhD in a relevant field (e.g., Neuroscience, Immunology, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, or related discipline)

  • Expertise in animal surgery techniques, including aseptic technique and surgical instrumentation, is preferred.
  • Strong analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively as part of a team

To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references to Gab Seok Kim, PhD. ( [email protected] ).

Cerebrovascular imaging in neurodegenerative diseases

UTHealth BRAINS research lab is looking for a postdoctoral fellow or research scientist to join a dynamic research team focused on the function of the blood-brain barrier in both normal brains as well as models of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and neurodegenerative lysosomal storage.

Current projects are developed around intravital two-photon microscopy imaging of cerebrovasculature in brain aging and neurodegeneration. Future work includes the integration of vascular mechanosensing and neuroimmunology with cytokine/chemokine stimulations in aging and disease progression.

This position is an NIH Research grant funded position. The laboratory is fully equipped with a custom-build two-photon laser-scanning microscope with imaging and stimulation laser lines and primary cell culture equipment. The lab is a part of the UTHealth BRAINS research laboratories and the Graduate Program in Neuroscience. These entities form a vibrant research community.

Applicants should have experience in quantitative optical methods in vivo and in vitro, contemporary molecular/biochemical analyses, neuroimmunology and/or behavioral neuroscience. 

Self-motivated and independent applicants are encouraged to apply for the position and after an initial application are expected to include 3 letters of reference.  Salary and stipends are commensurable with experience and granting standards in UTHealth. The position is available immediately.

All application materials should be sent electronically to:

Aki Urayama, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Neurology

University of Texas Medical School at Houston

[email protected]  

National Cancer Institute-funded Postdoctoral Fellowships 

Two Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions Available Now!

Position Description

The National Cancer Institute-funded Cancer Control Fellowship at the UTHealth School of Public Health is a quality program with an established, 31-year track record for postdoctoral fellows with an academic interest in cancer prevention and control. Join a thriving interdisciplinary research environment with research and engagement opportunities in diverse populations and areas of Texas and a focus on underserved groups and the reduction of cancer-related health disparities.


  • Individuals with a PhD, DrPH, MD, or other doctoral degree in public health, health promotion, behavioral or social science, epidemiology, health services research, health policy, health economics, biostatistics, or data science.
  • Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only.
  • Fellows will receive support for up to 2 years
  • Annual stipend starting at $ 56,880, depending on experience
  • Health insurance, tuition, fees, books, software, and travel
  • Weekly contact with faculty, postdocs, and other doctoral fellows through a seminar focused on proposals, publications, and career development

World Class Mentors

Over 25 accomplished mentors from all public health disciplines with robust research portfolios.

"The mentors are wonderful! They do a great job involving you in projects and connecting you with the resources you need to succeed." - Postdoctoral Fellow Ashley Hedrick, PhD

Research Environment

Join us at any one of our six campuses in Austin, Brownsville, El Paso, Dallas, San Antonio or Houston. Experience the unique opportunities available in each region.

Institutional Resources

  • Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research
  • UTHealth Institute for Implementation Science
  • Center for Healthcare Data
  • Center for Big Data in Health Sciences
  • Center for Pediatric Population Health
  • And many others

Program Leads

  • María E. Fernández, PhD
  • Bijal Balasubramanian MBBS, PhD
  • Patricia Dolan Mullen, DrPH, MLS

Additional Information

Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, subject to award availability. 

Questions, e-mail: [email protected]  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Affective Neuroscience and Computations

Multiple post-doctoral fellowship positions are open at the recently established and fast-growing CAN-C within the department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas-Health Sciences Center at Houston. Currently, there are multiple NIMH-funded projects running within CAN-C with a primary focus on the study of intersect between emotion regulation and cognitive control mediating associative learning in health and disease in the human brain. The center is directed by Dr. Mohammed R Milad (google scholar link ), Endowed Chair, Vice-Chair for Behavioral Neuroscience Research, and Tenured Professor of Psychiatry at UTHealth. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art experimental tools such as TMS, fMRI, EEG, and has robust computational equipment and power to conduct innovative research in the domains of computational psychiatry and machine learning. We are seeking to hire post-doctoral fellows that are eager to be part of a rapidly growing and highly productive team to help conduct ongoing projects and to develop new and exciting projects associated with the mission of our center. And being located in the Texas Medical Center at Houston, considered as the largest medical center in the world, there will ample opportunities to collaborate with outstanding investigators at multiple collaborative institutions, including Baylor College of Medicine, Texas A&M, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and several others. Post-doctoral fellows joining us would also benefit from the highly affordable cost of living and enjoy the enormous cultural variety that Houston has to offer- being the 4th largest city in the USA.

Candidates must have PhD. Experience in neuroscience and computations is preferred.


  •  Initiates, interprets, organizes, executes, and coordinates research assignments critical to department’s mission.
  • Programming and computational modeling, and computer-machine interface.
  • Formulates and conducts research on problems of considerable scope and complexity.
  • Explores subject area and defines scope and selection of problems for investigation through conceptually related studies or series of projects of lesser scope.
  • Develops new ideas that promote current research. Exercises a high degree of creativity, foresight, and mature judgment in planning, organizing, and guiding extensive scientific research programs and activities of outstanding novelty and/or importance.
  • Ensures timely and accurate completion of research projects.
  • May be responsible research/lab quality control and compliance.
  • May develop protocol for the collection and quality of research data.
  • Develops complex programming scripts and computational tools to analyze large and complex neuroimaging datasets.
  • Develops tools to analyze neuroimaging data to be utilized for grant applications.
  • Takes the lead in manuscript preparations and publications.

To Apply: 

Mohammed R. Milad, PhD Professor Vice Chair for Behavioral Neuroscience research Executive Director, Center for Affective Neuroscience and Computation Training Director, Neuroimaging Fellowship Program John S. Dunn Endowed Chair [email protected]  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Skeletal Stem Cell Biology

A postdoctoral fellow position is available to study the role of skeletal stem cells in bone development, regeneration, and diseases at the Center of Craniofacial Research of the School of Dentistry. The Ono laboratory focuses on the fundamental biology of skeletal stem cells in bone and cartilage, including those in the craniofacial region, using mouse genetic approaches, particularly in vivo lineage-tracing approaches. The Ono lab is located in the UTHealth Houston Research Park Complex of the Texas Medical Center (TMC). It is a core member of the Bone Disease Program of Texas, a collaborative program of UTHealth Houston, Baylor College of Medicine, and UT MD Anderson Cancer Center. A successful candidate will engage in a dynamic, collaborative project involving multiple research teams, focusing on the central role of skeletal stem cells in bone diseases.

Ph.D. in relevant fields within four years of terminal degree. Prior experience in mouse (or other equivalent rodent) research is required.

Prior experiences in advanced imaging (confocal, light sheet microscopy), flow cytometry/FACS, and genomics (single-cell, bulk) are desired but not required. Candidates with prior experiences in mouse genetics and high-level colony management will be favored.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and contact information of three references to Noriaki Ono, [email protected]

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Religion and Medicine/Health (2024-2027)

The John P. McGovern, M.D., Center for Humanities and Ethics (McGovern Center) at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston invites applicants for a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in religion and medicine and/or health, from September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2027. This position is in collaboration with the Institute for Spirituality and Health at the Texas Medical Center (ISH) in Houston, Texas.

This position will require the successful candidate to engage in and help carry out the work of the McGovern Center and ISH, while encouraging their development as a medical humanist and scholar.

The McGovern Center was established in September 2004 as an integral part of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston). While housed in McGovern Medical School, the McGovern Center works closely with all six professional schools of UTHealth Houston—schools of nursing, medicine, dentistry, public health, biomedical sciences, and biomedical informatics. Educationally, the McGovern Center addresses the dehumanizing forces in contemporary healthcare by studying and teaching forms of care and research that are ethically-sound, spiritually-informed, and culturally-sensitive. The McGovern Center’s scholarship and research focus on contexts, experiences, power, meanings, ethics, and professional formation in medicine and healthcare using the methods of the humanities and the interpretive social sciences. Learn more at:  

The Institute for Spirituality and Health at the Texas Medical Center was founded in 1955 with the mission to enhance well-being by exploring the relationship between spirituality and health. It is an interfaith, independent 501(c)(3) that does not align with a particular religious body, spiritual tradition, health system, or university—it is open to all. The Institute has an extensive history of collaborating with agencies across sectors to provide expertise in dealing with spiritual/religious belief, practice, and community life as they relate to health and healing at the individual, clinical, and systems levels. Learn more at: .

Houston is the nation’s fourth-largest city, with ample intellectual, cultural, artistic, and gastronomic attractions.

Position Requirements

The successful candidate should meet the following criteria:

  • Ph.D. in religious studies, theology, or a field related to religion and health;
  • Experience in teaching; and
  • Potential for publication in medical humanities.


The successful candidate will split their time between the McGovern Center (40%) and ISH (40%). This will include time supporting faculty members and existing programs, such as teaching in required and elective courses as well as helping with research projects. The additional 20% will be in pursuit of their own research and scholarship either independently or in collaboration with others.

The search will continue until filled. Preference will be given to candidates who apply by March 1, 2024. Fellowship will be awarded for three years, with an annual stipend of $60,000 (plus benefits) and $2,500 allowance for research and travel.

Applicants should submit a single PDF file containing a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and contact information for three references.

Please visit the application portal for more information about the position and the McGovern Center. Link:  

Questions can be directed to Alejandro Zapata at [email protected] .

A position is available for postdoctoral research in the Kolonin laboratory:

There are two projects to choose for a PhD / candidate:

  • Using cell and mouse models of senescence to identify molecules inducing telomerase and suppressing aging. Experience in genomics / bioinformatics would help. Specifically, scRNAseq analysis using R.
  • Developing new targeted peptide cancer therapeutics. Experience in click chemistry and physical chemistry would help.

Contact Dr. Mikhail Kolonin directly at [email protected] .

In the email, indicate Project 1 or 2 as your fit.

Attach your CV, and a cover letter briefly describing your fit for the position.

Include contact information for 3 references.

Fellowship/Post-Doc Information

Fellowship: NIGMS T32 Trauma Research Fellowship Length: 2 Years Total number of positions: 4 (1-3 available/year) Program Director: Charles S. Cox, Jr., MD


The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) is currently seeking postdoctoral candidates for a National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)-funded T32 research fellowship in the following research areas: traumatic brain injury, resuscitation (including hemorrhagic shock), and organ injury and/or dysfunction. These are two year fellowships devoted to clinical or translational research. UTHealth and its primary clinical site, Memorial Hermann Hospital, are located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center in Houston, the largest incorporated medical center in the world. UTHealth’s Trauma Research Training Program was created in 1988, and over the last 25 years, multidisciplinary faculty have successfully mentored residents and postdocs to become competitive, productive, and independent clinical researchers.

Program Goals

The goal of this comprehensive program is to provide mentorship as well as didactic and practical training in clinical and translational research, resulting in significant contributions to the care of traumatically-injured patients and future academic independence. Upon the completion of the fellowship, fellows will be able to 1) formulate focused research questions and develop appropriate protocols to answer those questions; 2) analyze the resulting data and draw appropriate conclusions from these data; 3) collaborate with other scientists in a multidisciplinary setting; and 4) organize both oral and written presentations of research results, defend conclusions, and translate them to the care of the traumatically-injured patient. Fellows will participate in didactic coursework, including courses in clinical trial design, scientific writing, epidemiology, biostatistics, ethics and career development and have the opportunity to complete a Master of Science in Clinical Research. T32 fellows will be directly advised by a primary faculty mentor at UTHealth.

Other Requirements

UTHealth provides equal employment opportunities and is committed to recruiting a talented workforce. Applicants must have an MD or PhD and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should send a current CV, a one page statement of research interests, a half page statement of career goals and three letters of reference to [email protected] . Starting dates can be any time after July 1, 2022.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the New Center of Spatial-temporal Modeling of Applications in Population Sciences

This postdoctoral research fellow position will support a number of ongoing projects with the newly established Center of Spatial-temporal Modeling of Applications in Population Sciences in the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, School of Public Health. The main projects include neighborhood characteristics and social determinants of health, and their impacts on various health outcomes. 

Minimum Requirements

PhD in Biostatistics, Statistics, Epidemiology, or relevant fields. 

Description of Qualified Candidates

Must be proficient in R, with experience of processing georeference data either in R (preferred) or Arc GIS. Experience with Python language is preferred but not required. Previous experience working with georeferenced data (e.g., polygon/raster data) is preferred.

Interested candidates should send the application package including: cover letter, CV, a research statement (1 page), and contact information of at least 3 references to  [email protected]

Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow

The Children’s Learning Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow to work in the Dan L Duncan Children’s Neurodevelopmental Clinic.  The Institute is seeking applications from candidates from doctoral clinical, counseling, or school psychology programs who will complete their clinical internship by September 1, 2022. The Dan L. Duncan Children’s Neurodevelopmental Clinic receives referrals from schools, physicians, and treatment professionals from the community to evaluate children with  suspected neurodevelopmental conditions including learning differences, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, language disorders, as well as neurological conditions (e.g., seizure disorders, traumatic brain injury), and psychological health concerns. Candidates must have expertise in evidence-based assessment of children, adolescents, and young adults with neurodevelopmental conditions.  Primary responsibilities will include providing comprehensive clinical assessments and developing educational and intervention programs for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders within an interdisciplinary clinic setting.  Successful applicants will have experience implementing cognitive behavioral interventions, a working knowledge of a range of assessment procedures, and possess excellent writing and communication skills.

The Children’s Learning Institute is uniquely comprised of faculty from a variety of disciplines who engage in applied scientific research, provision of clinical and educational services, and policy activities aimed at improving the quality of life of vulnerable children and their families. The candidate will have opportunities to participate in research in a range of clinical and educational areas. Submit curriculum vitae, statement of interest, and names of references to  [email protected] .

Learn about the UTHealth Children's Learning Institute here:

Postdoctoral Fellow Research Position – Pharmacology of Betel (Areca) Nut

A National Institute of Health (NIH)-funded post-doctoral fellow research position is immediately available in the laboratory of Dr. Alan L. Myers ( ) in the Department of Diagnostic and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Houston, TX).

The Myers lab focuses on unraveling the toxicokinetic profile of betel nut chemicals (alkaloids) in mice and humans.  Specifically, projects will acquire a deeper understanding of the enzyme mechanisms that drive alkaloid metabolism, deleterious interactions with drugs of abuse and therapeutic substances, and utilize novel microphysiological systems to model alkaloid cytotoxicity. This NIH funded project will also involve probing new areas of betel nut addiction and developing methods to mitigate this harmful habit. The general research approaches will constitute identification of alkaloids and their novel metabolites using bioanalytical methods such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mathematical modeling of pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic data sets, animal handing, and cell culture work.

Qualified candidates should have earned a PhD, PharmD, PhD/PharmD or related degree. A strong background in Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacokinetics, Toxicology, Biomedical Sciences or a related field is preferred. Previous experience with drug metabolism research, quantitative drug analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-MS), and/or in vivo animal lab work is highly desirable. The candidate should be highly motivated and must be able to work independently, demonstrate excellent communication and writing skills, and take the lead in defining the direction of a given project.  Additionally, candidates should be fluent in spoken and written English.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Alan Myers directly by email at [email protected] .

In the email, please use the subject title “Postdoc Application” and attach the following in a single pdf file:

  • Cover Letter (briefly describe your accomplishments and research interests and how they are a good fit for the position)
  • Contact information for 3 references

Salary and benefits will follow NIH and UTHealth Houston guidelines. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Neuroimmune Regulation after Infection

A post doctoral fellow position is available to study the influence of central and peripheral inflammation on cognitive dysfunction and the progression of Alzheimer's pathology. This research aims to shed light on the complex relationship between inflammation and Alzheimer's disease, with a particular emphasis on understanding how inflammation may contribute to cognitive impairments associated with the disease.

Our research team employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining clinical studies and laboratory investigations to gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved. We utilize both human subjects and animal models to examine the impact of inflammation on cognitive function and the development of Alzheimer's pathology.

Our laboratory specializes in investigating the long-term behavioral alterations triggered by infections. Specifically, we utilize animal models of sepsis and meningitis to explore the underlying neuroimmune mechanisms involved in these processes. Additionally, we analyze clinical samples obtained from individuals with sepsis, meningitis, and COVID-19 to unravel the molecular pathology associated with the long-term neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric consequences.

By employing animal models of sepsis and meningitis, we aim to simulate infection-induced conditions and understand the subsequent impact on behavior. Our research focuses on elucidating the intricate interactions between the immune system and the nervous system, shedding light on the underlying processes that contribute to long-term behavioral changes.

PhD with or with out experience.

The Post doctoral fellow will help in performing basic science research in the model of infection. Responsibilities include conducting histological (tissue staining) and molecular experiments (like western blot), animal handling and colony maintenance, and maintaining lab. The individual will be working in a lab focused on studying the brain and behavior. The individual will be expected to work with other researchers in the lab to complete experiments.

  • Histological methods (immunofluorescence and DAB staining)
  • Molecular methods
  • Animal handling and colony management
  • Maintaining the lab

Interested applicants please send your CV to [email protected]  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in investigating Long COVID induced Mental Illness

1. The project entitled to investigate the long COVID-induced neuropsychiatric complications in a clinical population. 2. Faillace Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 3. PI: Vijayasree V Giridharan

Postdoc: Shahrazad Polk (In the process of hiring) The postdoctoral position is available to study the post COVID induced mental health complication in longitudinal way using the COVID-19 patients samples across aging in both male and female population.

PhD with one or two years of experience. Responsibilities include conducting histological (tissue staining) and molecular experiments (like western blot, and PCR) and maintaining lab. The individual will be working in a lab focused on studying the brain and behavior. The individual will be expected to work with other researchers in the lab to complete experiments. Experience handling rodents and performing Animal behavioral tasks.

1. Cover letter 2. CV 3. Reference

Human Neuroimaging - Postdoctoral Associate

The University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth) at Houston is located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center (TMC), the world' s largest medical center. UTHealth Houston in the TMC provides an unique environments to facilitate collaborations among labs with dynamic interactions between researchers and clinicians.

A new position in the field of bioengineering and translational research is available for a highly enthusiastic Postdoctoral Fellow to lead NIH-funded research to study human brain function using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We utilize a mixture of human experiments and computational modeling to enable detailed measurements of the physics and physiology of human brain function. We believe that fMRI provides an extremely informative window in brain function when interpreted as a quantitative metric of metabolic substrates rather than a rough correlate of neuronal electrical activity.

The lab currently collaborates with various teams in the UTHealth at Houston, University of Southern California, Siemens and Max Planck Institute at Tubingen (Germany). The lab has immediate access to two top-of-the-line Siemens Prisma 3T scanners, as well as a Siemens Terra 7T scanner at Methodist Hospital (the first 7T human scanner in Texas).

Computational work makes use of a local cluster of high-performance compute and file servers owned exclusively by our lab.

Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Psychology, Engineering (Biomedical, Mechanical, Electrical), Physics or a related field.

Description of Qualified Candidates: 

The role requires various abilities to work independently and as part of various multidisciplinary teams. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are essential. The successful candidate will work with various collaborative and innovative research teams consisting of scientists, engineers and clinicians in the fields of cognitive neuroscience, MR physics, neurology and neurosurgery. 

Strong coding ability in Matlab or equivalent is highly desirable. Basic understanding of MR pulse sequences and MRI physics is also desirable. Background of computational modeling of biological system is a plus.

Please email 1) a cover letter including their research interests, 2) a CV, and 3) a list of at least 3 references to Jung Hwan Kim, Ph.D.,  [email protected]

Postdoctoral Fellow – brain control of metabolism, feeding and related behaviors.

A postdoctoral position is available immediately at The Institute of Molecular Medicine of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). The position involves studies on central mechanisms of feeding, energy homeostasis and glucose homeostasis. A recent PhD in biology or a related field is required. Highly motivated individuals with experience in animal physiology, molecular biology and neuroscience are desired. The ideal candidates should be skilled in handling animals, mouse genetics, brain anatomy and basic biochemical methods. Projects will be centered on mapping and understanding neurocircuitry in the brain controlling body weight, feeding and related stress and anxiety behaviors using advanced tracing, optogenetics, chemogenetics, in vivo Ca2+ imaging, stereotaxic viral delivery and mouse genetics. Salary and benefits will follow National Institutes of Health and UTHealth guidelines. The Tong lab is located in the Institute of Molecular Medicine of McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. UTHealth Houston is one of the several institutions located at the world-renowned Texas Medical Center (TMC). The vast resources within the TMC make it an ideal place to facilitate the success of projects, provide avenues for collaborations with other laboratories and nurture career development. Please refer to our recent publications (Xu et al., Cell Metabolism 2013; Mangieri et al., Nature Communications 2018; Xu et al., Nature Communications 2019; Cassidy et al. Science Advances 2019; Zhu et al., Nature Metabolism 2020; and Fan et al., Nature Communications, 2021) for specific research directions in the lab. Application review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter stating their research interests, a curriculum vitae, and relevant reprints to:

Qingchun Tong, Ph.D.

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Institute of Molecular Medicine

1825 Pressler Street

Houston, TX 77030

E-mail: [email protected]  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position

A recent PhD in biology or a related field is required.

Highly motivated individuals with experience in animal physiology, molecular biology and neuroscience are desired. The ideal candidates should be skilled in handling animals, mouse genetics, brain anatomy and basic biochemical methods. Projects will be centered on mapping and understanding neurocircuitry in the brain controlling body weight, feeding and related stress and anxiety behaviors using advanced tracing, optogenetics, chemogenetics, in vivo Ca2+ imaging, stereotaxic viral delivery and mouse genetics.

UTHealth is an EEO/AA employer

A CPRIT-funded position is immediately available for a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Molecular Imaging. The project focuses on lymphatic delivery of cancer immunotherapies to tumor draining lymph nodes to provide robust anti-tumor immunity without causing immune related adverse events that currently limit effectiveness. A successful candidate would be deploying numerous techniques in orthotopic tumor models to track lymphatic delivery, evaluate tumor and immune cell response, and elucidate immune escape mechanisms. In addition, there are opportunities for a successful candidate to participate in clinical studies of lymphatic delivery systems.


A PhD in molecular biology, genetics, cancer biology, immunology, or other relevant field. Experience in animal models of cancer, flow cytometry, and molecular biology techniques are necessary and a desire to learn new imaging approaches. The candidate should be highly motivated, able to work independently, and demonstrate excellent communication and writing skills.


Qualified candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Eva Sevick directly at [email protected]. In the email, please attach your CV, and a cover letter briefly describing your accomplishments and research interests and how those are a good fit for the position. In addition, include contact information for 3 references. Please use subject title “Postdoc Application”.

A postdoctoral position is available immediately at The Institute of Molecular Medicine of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). The position involves studies related to circadian regulation of healthy metabolism and disease prevention. A recent PhD in biology or a related field is required.

A highly motivated individuals with experience in animal physiology and biochemistry are desired. The ideal candidates should be skilled in handling animals, mouse genetics, microscopy, and basic biochemical methods. Projects in the laboratory are centered on elucidating the cellular mechanisms of the circadian clock involved in regulation of metabolic tissues, including liver, muscle, adipose tissue, and brain.

Salary and benefits will follow National Institutes of Health and UTHealth guidelines. The Eckel-Mahan laboratory is located in the Institute of Molecular Medicine of McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. UTHealth Houston is located at the world-renowned Texas Medical Center (TMC). The vast resources within the TMC make it an ideal place to provide avenues for collaborations with other laboratories and nurture career development.

Please refer to our recent publications (Ribas-Latre et al., Nature Communications 2021; Fekry et al., Nature Communications 2018; Fekry et al., FASEB J 2022;) for current and specific research directions in the laboratory. Application review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

PhD or equivalent in a related scientific field is required

We are seeking candidates who are highly motivated, science-driven, collaborative, and have excellent writing and verbal communication skills to join our research team. An ideal candidate will have a strong background in animal physiology, and possess hands-on experience in biochemistry and microscopy. Previous experience with metabolomics, molecular biology, and cell culture will be considered as additional advantages.

To apply, please email CV, contact information for three references, and a brief statement of research experience and goals to: [email protected]  

UTHealth is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment-related activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,  national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law or university policy. Reasonable accommodation, based on disability or religious observances, will be considered in accordance with applicable law and UTHealth policy. The University maintains affirmative action programs with respect to women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and eligible veterans in accordance with applicable law.

Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Molecular Medicine: Center for Translational Cancer Research

Supported by NIH/NCI and CPRIT, a position is available for a postdoctoral researcher to study the function and signaling mechanism of seven-transmembrane receptors in colorectal cancer and cancer stem cells. The successful candidate will also help lead the development and evaluation of unique antibody-drug conjugates to target cancer stem cell plasticity using cancer cell lines and patient-derived xenograft organoid models. The position is in a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment in the Institute of Molecular Medicine ( ) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

A Ph.D. in molecular and cellular biology, cancer biology, experimental therapeutics, or a relevant field. Expertise in molecular cloning, cell culture, protein expression, western blot, and xenograft tumor models is essential. Experience with animal orthotopic models and organoid cultures is preferred, but not required. The candidate should be highly motivated, able to work independently, and demonstrate excellent communication and writing skills.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Kendra Carmon directly at [email protected] . In the email, please attach your CV and a cover letter briefly describing your accomplishments and research interests and how those are a good fit for the position. In addition, include contact information for 3 references. Please use subject title “Postdoc Application”.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Statistical and Computational Genomics

A position at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston is available for a Postdoctoral fellow in Statistical and Computational Genomics. The position will provide opportunities for a talented individual interested in working with large-scale genomic data in a collaborative research setting of international studies on cerebrovascular disease and dementia.

The postdoctoral position will be supported by NIH grants that seek to identify the genetic and epigenetic determinants of cerebrovascular disease and dementia. The project will focus on utilizing whole genome sequence and genome-wide genotype data and DNA methylation array data on large epidemiologic cohort samples to identify biomarkers influencing risk of disease. As part of the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium, we are performing integrative analysis of functional omics data, whole genome sequence, and clinical data in population-based cohorts.

The successful candidate will be primarily responsible for: (1) computational analyses of whole-genome/exome sequencing datasets and genome-wide SNP array; (2) computational analyses of DNA methylation array data and their integration with genetic data, with the aim to identify novel mechanisms in neurological diseases. (3) Integrative analyses of omics data. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to lead several projects within the lab and develop active collaborations with other labs and universities in the US and Europe.

The candidate should have completed a PhD in Statistical Genetics, Computational Biology, Population Genetics/Genomics, Computer Science, or a related discipline, and have experience in the field of complex disease research. The ideal candidate would have expertise in genetics and statistical methods for genome data analysis. Experience with large-scale biological datasets, next-generation sequencing and epigenetic data is advantageous. Strong programming skills in the R language on a Linux environment is required.  The position requires excellent organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills, and the ability to work, both independently and as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

Interested applicants should forward a CV and a statement of qualifications and research interests for this position, as well as the names and contact information for three professional references to:

Myriam Fornage, PhD

Professor of Molecular Medicine and Human Genetics

Laurence and Johanna Favrot Distinguished Professor

[email protected]  

Summary: Postdoc position in the world’s largest medical center, studying and targeting novel regulators for cancer metastasis, cellular plasticity and drug resistance. 

A postdoc position to study novel molecular mechanisms of cancer progression and to discover novel therapeutic antibodies or kinase inhibitors are available in Dr. Wenliang Li’s lab at the Texas Therapeutics Institute ( ) in University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Metastasis is responsible for over 90% of cancer death but its mechanisms are still poorly understood and current treatments are largely unsuccessful for metastatic tumors. Research in Dr. Li’s lab is to study novel regulators of cancer metastasis, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and drug resistance, through a unique combination of RNAi/cDNA screens, molecular and cell biology, cancer genomics, epigenomics, tumor immune-microenvironment analysis, mouse genetic and xenograft models, and patient specimens.

The goals of our works are to gain new knowledge of cancer progression, identify novel cancer drug targets and develop better therapeutics, including new kinase inhibitors and antibody-based therapies, such as mAb, ADC, bi-specific Ab and CART. Please follow this link ( ) to learn more about our research programs and publications.

Qualified candidates should have a doctoral degree, strong background and good first-authored publications in cancer biology, molecular cell biology, or signal transduction. Prior experience in mouse models is desirable but not required. The postdoc fellows are expected to have strong work ethic, critical thinking abilities, excellent organization and communication skills.

You can expect the PI to have a sincere interest in your work and support you at every stage of your career. We will help you realize your potential, do meaningful and fun science with the team, and develop a vision as an independent scientist.

For those interested, please email a CV, contact information of three references, and a cover letter describing past achievements and research interests to Dr. Wenliang Li at: [email protected] . Applicants for other types of positions, such as technicians and research scientists, will also be considered.  

Salaries of postdoctoral fellows will follow NIH and university guidelines, with a minimum of $54,835 annually. The Institute is located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center, the world's largest medical center, in the 4th largest US city with a relatively low living cost. 

Postdoctoral Research Position in Metabolic Diseases and Cancer

The laboratory is dedicated to uncovering and studying novel factors influencing adipose tissue remodeling during obesity and cancer progression. The overarching goal is to elucidate the clinical relevance of these factors in conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The laboratory has published extensively in the field, and the current total citations from the laboratory are more than 10,000 (based on the Google Scholar Reports). Research in the laboratory is well funded by NIH, the American Diabetes Association, and other funding resources. The current project aims to investigate several newly identified enzymes critical to lipid metabolism, utilizing genetic and pharmacological tools to explore their roles in lipogenesis and lipolysis within adipose tissue, the liver, and the tumor tissues. This research will extend to examining the metabolic consequences on an organismal level.

We are looking for candidates who are highly motivated, dedicated to science, capable of working collaboratively, and possess outstanding writing and verbal communication skills. The ideal applicant will have:

  • A robust background in animal metabolism studies.
  • Practical experience in metabolic assessments using mouse models.

(Preferred) Experience with lipid omics and metabolomics data analysis, molecular biology, cell culture, and biochemical assays will be viewed favorably.

Interested candidates should submit the following documents via email:

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Contact information for three references

A statement of research interests

Please send your application to Dr. Kai Sun at [email protected]  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in proteomics in the Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Ph.D. or equivalent in a related scientific field is required. The lab’s research centers on development and application of proteomics and other molecular techniques to study cancer, neurodegeneration and other diseases.

The focus of the immediate project is to elucidate the molecular interplays of how gut microbiome is implicated in the development of ulcerative colitis associated colorectal cancer and identify the key functional networks and factors involved, using a combined approach of proteomics, metaproteomics, metabolomics and systems biology.

We are seeking candidates who are highly motivated, science-driven, collaborative, and have excellent writing and verbal communication skills to join our research team. An ideal candidate will have a strong background in proteomics, and possess hands-on experience in HPLC and mass spectrometry. Previous experience with metabolomics, bioinformatics, functional genomics, molecular biology, cell culture and biological assays will be considered as additional advantages.

To apply, please email CV, contact information for three references, and a statement of research experience and goals to: [email protected]  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Proteomics

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in proteomics in the Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston). PhD or equivalent in a related scientific field is required. The lab’s research centers on development and application of mass spectrometry-based proteomics and other molecular techniques to study cancer, neurodegeneration and other diseases.

As a postdoctoral fellow, you will work with a collaborative and cross functional team of scientists from the university and other institutions. You will have a unique opportunity to develop innovative proteomic approaches to study molecular mechanisms underlying key protein networks and factors implicated in pancreatic cancer and other diseases using a combined approach of proteomics and systems biology, while being a key contributor to advancing research projects supported by NIH and CPRIT.

The salary will be based on the NIH postdoctoral salary guideline.

Description of Qualified Candidates 

Postdoctoral research fellow position in structural biology.

An exciting opportunity for a postdoctoral fellow is currently open to contribute to groundbreaking research in vaccine and antibody therapeutic development within the Structural Biology Section at the Institute of Molecular Medicine. Our laboratory is at the forefront of understanding fundamental mechanisms governing viral entry and immune recognition, employing a multidisciplinary approach encompassing immunology, virology, and advanced structural biology techniques such as electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography. We leverage this knowledge to design innovative countermeasures using structure-assisted methods. In addition to our primary focus on infectious diseases, we are expanding our research scope to include non-infectious diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in advancing our understanding and application of structural biology principles to design therapeutics across a broad spectrum of health challenges. Join our dynamic team and contribute to groundbreaking research at the intersection of structural biology and medical innovation.

  • Ph.D. in a relevant field (e.g., Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or a related discipline).
  • Demonstrated expertise and a minimum of three years of experience in the field of structural biology, with a strong focus on techniques such as electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography.

We are seeking highly motivated and qualified candidates with the following attributes:

  • A Ph.D. in a relevant field (e.g., Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or a related discipline).
  • Substantial hands-on experience in structural biology, specifically in techniques such as electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, with a minimum of 3 years of demonstrated expertise.
  • Proven track record of impactful research in structural biology, as evidenced by publications, conference presentations, or other significant achievements.
  • Strong background or a keen interest in immunology, virology, or related disciplines, with the passion to apply this knowledge to the development of vaccines and antibody therapeutics.
  • Capacity for interdisciplinary collaboration and effective communication within a team setting.
  • Demonstrated ability to design and execute experiments independently.

The successful candidate will play a key role in advancing our research objectives, contributing to the cutting-edge work at the forefront of structural biology and therapeutic development.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter stating their research interests, a curriculum vitae, and relevant reprints to: Dr. Kai Xu, ( [email protected] )

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Cancer Drug Discovery

A postdoctoral position is available to discover novel protein-based therapeutics for cancer treatment in the laboratory of Dr. Qingyun "Jim" Liu, Center for Translational Cancer Research, Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine. The Liu laboratory is focused on understanding the function and mechanism of LGR4/5/6 (leucine-rich repeat-containing, G protein-coupled receptors 4, 5, and 6) in Wnt signaling and targeting the three receptors for cancer treatment. LGR4/5/6 are abundantly expressed in gastrointestinal cancer with LGR5 being a marker of cancer stem cells/tumor-initiating cells. Our lab is using multiple approaches that target LGR4/5/6 for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer, including drug conjugates of modified ligands and proteolysis targeting of oncogenes. The postdoctoral position will focus on the creation and characterization of bi-specific molecules that target oncogenic driver genes and immune modulators for degradation using cutting edge technology of drug discovery.

A Ph.D. in the field of biochemistry, cell biology, cancer biology, pharmacology, or therapeutics.

Experience with molecular cloning, protein purification, cancer cell line culturing, and xenograft cancer models is highly desirable but not required.

Please send a cover letter, CV, and names of references to [email protected]

Post-Doctoral Position in Autophagy Research

Salary:  Commensurate with experience Closing Date:  Open until filled

A postdoctoral fellow position is available in Dr. Yang Liu in the Dept. of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). The Liu lab specializes in utilizing cell and molecular biological techniques along with animal models to understand the regulation and function of autophagy in physiological and pathological conditions. The current research focus in the Liu lab is to dissect the molecular mechanisms and physiological consequences of autophagy cargo selection during fasting, exercise and cancer development. Dr. Liu received the American Heart Association (AHA) Career Development Award and the University of Texas System Rising STARs Award to facilitate and promote research. For more information about Dr. Liu’s research, please visit .

Applicant Profile

  • D. in cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, or related discipline
  • Highly motivated and capable to conduct independent research
  • Strong communication and writing skills with a track record of research productivity
  • Experience with rodent animal models and tissue culture techniques highly desirable, but not required

Email the following materials to [email protected]:

  • Cover letter with a brief statement of candidate’s research interest
  • CV or NIH biosketch
  • Names and contact info for three references

A postdoctoral position to study cancer cachexia

A Postdoctoral Fellow position funded by NIH is available immediately in Dr. Yi-Ping Li’s lab in the Dept. of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Prospective candidates will join a research team to study the molecular mechanism of cancer cachexia, a wasting syndrome characterized by progressive loss of muscle mass and function seen in half of all cancer patients, and a major cause of cancer-related death. NIH has issued several Provocative Questions in recent years solicitating research to address this understudied disorder.  Utilizing cell and molecular biological approaches, Dr. Li’s team has made significant progress recently in uncovering the signaling mechanisms of cancer cachexia using cell culture and animal models ( DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00726-x|, and ). The funded projects seek to extend the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cancer cachexia that inflicts skeletal and cardiac muscles, as well as fat tissues, and to translate preclinical findings to clinical interventions of cancer cachexia. Highly motivated individuals with recent Ph.D. and strong background in cell biology, molecular biology and muscle physiology are encouraged to apply.  Salary is based on NIH scale.  Interested individuals should send CV and cover letter to Dr. Yi-Ping Li via e-mail: [email protected] . For more information about the laboratory see .

Postdoctoral Research Position in the Kwartler Lab

A postdoctoral research position is available in the laboratory of Callie Kwartler, Ph.D. in the Division of Medical Genetics at McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston (UTHealth). The Kwartler lab focuses on vascular smooth muscle cell development, with a particular focus on epigenetic regulation of smooth muscle identity.

The available position entails a basic and translational research project on moyamoya disease, which causes pediatric-onset strokes and is primarily genetically triggered. To study this disease, we use human pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) differentiated into vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), Crispr/Cas9 gene correction, in vivo mouse experiments, cellular metabolism studies, and next generation sequencing.

Our lab is newly established, which means the successful candidate will work closely and directly with Dr. Kwartler and will have a major impact in shaping the lab's culture. We are committed to building a productive research environment. Candidate will be paid according to NIH payscale and will have opportunities for career development based on their individual career goals.

Candidates must have a doctoral degree (Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent). Priority will be given to recent graduates or those with fewer than 2 years of postdoctoral research experience.

Successful candidates should have a strong background in molecular biology. Experience with stem cells, mouse models, or bioinformatics analysis of next generation sequencing datasets preferred. We prioritize hiring team members with creative and critical thinking skills and the ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively.

Please send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and contact information for 2-4 references to Dr. Kwartler at [email protected]  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Medical Genetics

Postdoctoral research fellowships are available in the research program lead by Dianna M. Milewicz, MD, PhD in the Division of Medical Genetics at McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston (UTHealth). Research is focused on identifying causative genes for vascular diseases and rigorously address the mechanistic link between the mutant gene and the resulting vascular disease, using cell cultures, iPSCs, and mouse model systems. Vascular diseases include aortic dissections, thoracic aortic aneurysms, early onset coronary artery disease, and large artery cerebrovascular disease. The research environment is highly collaborative and productive, involving graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty members, senior scientists, genetic counselors, technicians, research nurses and coordinators. Candidates should be highly motivated for an independent career in biomedical research and expertise in one or more of the following areas: genetics, cell and molecular biology, iPSCs, and/or animal models of disease.

MD or PhD degree with a minimum of 1 year research experience

Be highly motivated for an independent career in biomedical research and expertise in one or more of the following areas: genetics, cell and molecular biology, iPSCs, and/or animal models of disease.

Please submit a cover letter with a brief description of research experience, CV and the names and contract information for three references to  [email protected]

Postdoctoral position in studies of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases 

We are searching for motivated and ambitious postdoctoral fellows, who share our view of performing high impact, high innovation research as well as to translate the knowledge generated in the lab into novel strategies for treatment and diagnosis of various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's and prion diseases among others. We are searching for people with a variety of expertise to complement and expand the existing expertise available in our lab.

We study the molecular basis of degenerative diseases associated with misfolding and accumulation of proteins, particularly focusing in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and prion-related disorders. We perform multidisciplinary research, aiming for highly innovative discoveries and rapid translation to medical solutions. Our goal is to produce knowledge that will have a profound impact in Science and Society, by combining high innovation with attacking the most important problems in modern biomedicine and aiming to translate the knowledge into clinical advances. Our lab has maintained funding to support an average of 25 members for the last 20 years. We strongly value creativity and courage to question existing knowledge. Collegiality and team spirit of the lab members provide an environment that promotes sharing of ideas and expertise, which are values that we look for in a prospective postdoctoral candidate.

  • A cover letter indicating the candidate interest and ideally a brief proposal for a highly innovative project that the applicant will be interested to address in our field.
  • An updated Curriculum Vitae, preferably in the current NIH Bio sketch format.
  • The names of 3 referees, who can attest to your scientific/intellectual achievements and your collegiality.

Send all materials to [email protected] .

A postdoctoral fellowship position is available at the BRAINS (Brain, Rejuvenation, Aging, Inflammation, Neurodegeneration, and Stroke) Research Laboratory, the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC) at Houston. The BRAINS Research Laboratory is one of the biggest Neuroscience research groups worldwide that consists of total 14 well-established PIs, and we study molecular/genetic mechanisms and identify biomarkers underlying various central nervous system (CNS) malignancies and disorders, including Glioblastoma, Cerebrovascular diseases, BBB disruption, Alzheimer’s Disease, TBI, etc. This multidisciplinary research group provides tremendous training resources to postdoctoral fellows that aim at independent faculty level career development. This position will mainly focus on developing and/or applying computational pipelines/machine learning methods for integrative omics data analyses in various CNS-related diseases, at both the bulk and single-cell level.

Most recent PhD graduate Coding experience with R/python >= 3 years

Description of the Qualified Candidates:

The ideal candidate will be a recent PhD graduate with a strong background of computational biology and artificial intelligence applications.

To apply for this position, send your CV with names/contact info of 3 references to Dr. Huihui Fan ( [email protected] ).

Postdoctoral Fellow Position Opening at UTHSC Houston

A postdoctoral fellowship position is available at the BRAINS (Brain, Rejuvenation, Aging, Inflammation, Neurodegeneration, and Stroke) Research Laboratory, at the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC) in Houston. The BRAINS Research Laboratory is one of the biggest Neuroscience research groups worldwide that consists of thirteen well-established PIs, and we study molecular/genetic mechanisms underlying various CNS disorders, including Stroke, Atrial fibrillation, Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Vascular dementia, BBB disruption, Alzheimer’s Disease, etc. This multidisciplinary research group provides tremendous training resources to postdoctoral fellows that aim at independent faculty level career development. This current position will focus on identifying sex differences in cardio-embolism (study of atrial fibrillation) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Experience in mouse handling, minor surgeries like subcutaneous implants, animal cognitive behavior testing, flow cytometry, ELISA is preferred. State of the art, brain 7T MRI imaging and RNA sequencing will be utilized in this project and part of the postdoctoral training.

The ideal candidate will be a recent PhD with a strong publication record and experience in above techniques. To apply for this position, send your CV with names/contact info of 3 references to Dr. Bharti Manwani, [email protected].

Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience and based on the prevailing wage of postdoctoral research trainees set by the U.S. Department of Labor. Full-scale state employee benefits will be provided in general. Houston is a dynamic world-class city that is alive with energy and rich in culture, history, sports, music, and cuisine. Located in Texas Medical Center, UTHSC Houston is an excellent academic environment and provides plentiful opportunities for career development.

The Chauhan Lab at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston is seeking a postdoctoral fellow. The lab focuses on understanding the sex-specific mechanisms involved in ischemic stroke with the aim to facilitate sex-specific drug discovery. The ideal candidate will join a dynamic, fast-paced group, and study the role of endogenous signaling molecules including, immune cells, and non-immune cells in our translational stroke models.

  • Acquires thorough technical and theoretical knowledge of research projects and objectives during the postdoctoral appointment.
  • Works independently on funded projects designed by the mentor and collaboratively with the mentor within the interest of the lab.
  • Detailed data collection, and apply novel data analysis workflows as needed.
  • Conduct hypotheses-driven experiments and progress continuously.
  • Prepare manuscripts and scientific presentations for novel findings.

Required experience and skills

  • Demonstrated aptitude to perform experimental protocols and procedures including rodent handling, rodent behavior, techniques (Western blotting, PCR, ELISA, immunohistochemistry), and flow cytometry.
  • Demonstrate mature lab skills and a strong interest in lab-based analytical work.
  • Proven record of innovation with publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at leading scientific conferences.
  • Must be highly motivated, self-initiating, and have a keen sense of urgency.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills; ability to excel in a team-interactive environment.

Minimum Qualifications

Ph.D. or MD or the equivalent education, training, and experience from which comparable skills can be acquired. Some experience in surgery, and skills in bioinformatic analyses of large-scale/big data (RNA sequencing) would be an advantage.

Minimum Competencies

Must have good computer skills, including good English language and writing skills

Please apply by email AND send a cover letter, personal statement, CV, and contact information of three references to Dr. Anjali Chauhan for consideration ( [email protected] ).

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in studies of Inflammatory Neuropathies

We are searching for motivated and ambitious postdoctoral fellows who share our commitment to conducting impactful and innovative research, and translating lab-generated knowledge into novel strategies for treating and diagnosing various inflammatory neuropathies.

Our laboratory focusses on the pathophysiology and treatment of autoimmune neuropathies, including Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Unlike the central nervous system, neurons in the peripheral nervous system have the capacity to regenerate. However, achieving satisfactory nerve repair after injury requires an orchestrated interplay of immune responses with glial cells and neurons. We apply different approaches to delineate the distinct roles of systemic and endoneurial immune responses, including immune cell responses (macrophages and T cells) and chemokines/cytokines production, etc., in disease development. Additionally, we explore novel therapeutic strategies to promote nerve repair in patients with peripheral neuropathies by modulating immune responses. Our goal is to generate knowledge that significantly impacts both science and society. Finally, our laboratory is characterized by an outstanding interpersonal support, accompanied by the great scientific and interpersonal skills of our PIs, which creates an enjoyable working environment.

Candidates with experience in animal research and expertise in molecular techniques are preferred.

E-mail the following to Kazim Sheikh, MD & Gang Zhang, MD, PhD

  • A cover letter highlighting your relevant research experience, skills, and accomplishments.
  • A recently updated CV, preferably formatted in the current NIH Biosketch style.
  • Contact details for three references who can attest to your qualifications and research capabilities.

Postdoctoral Fellow Position Opening at UTHealth, Houston USA

A postdoctoral fellowship position is available at the BRAINS (Brain, Rejuvenation, Aging, Inflammation, Neurodegeneration, and Stroke) Research Laboratory at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). The BRAINS Research Laboratory is one of the biggest Neuroscience research groups worldwide that consists of total 13 well-established PIs, and we study molecular/genetic mechanisms and identify biomarkers underlying various CNS malignancies and disorders, including Glioblastoma, Cerebrovascular diseases, BBB disruption, Alzheimer’s Disease, TBI, etc. This multidisciplinary research group provides tremendous training resources to postdoctoral fellows that aim at independent faculty level career development. This position will mainly focus on developing computational pipelines for integrative omics data analyses in various CNS diseases, at both the bulk and single-cell level.

The ideal candidate will be a recent PhD with a strong background of computational biology and artificial intelligence applications. To apply for this position, send your CV with names/contact info of 3 references to Dr. Huihui Fan ( [email protected] ).

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the development and maintenance of blood-brain barrier (BBB) in the CNS endothelial cells in the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas.

The blood-brain barrier protects the brain from circulating toxins and foreign bodies. Compromise in BBB integrity is reported in several neurological diseases including stroke, traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and neurodegenerative diseases. We have been using various epigenetic, molecular, transgenic and gene targeting approaches to study the BBB gene regulation in CNS endothelial cells and target this regulatory mechanism to restore BBB.

NIH scale salary and excellent work environment are offered. Self-motivated individuals with a Ph.D. degree in any area of biomedical sciences and especially those who are skilled in epigenetic, molecular biology and animal experience are encouraged to apply. Please send CV and names of three references to [email protected] .

One Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in the Cerebrovascular Research Laboratory at the Department of Neurosurgery, McGovern Medical School, UTHealth

Cerebrovascular Research Lab (PI: Eunhee Kim): Our research is focused on understanding molecular mechanisms in stroke and brain arteriovenous malformation (bAVM). Our ultimate research goal is to translate the findings into novel therapeutic strategies for the patients.

Eunhee Kim, Phd Faculty Page:  

Laboratory of Eunhee Kim, PhD:  

Stroke is one of the major causes of disability and death worldwide, however there are limited treatment options available for the stroke patients. Several risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes have been involved in the higher stroke incidence and poorer outcomes, but the underlying mechanism(s) of the negative impact is not clear. By incorporating the risk factors in animal models of stroke, we are particularly interested in investigating how post-stroke stress response is regulated in the comorbid conditions, and how it affects stroke-induced immune response and stroke outcomes including acute injury and long-term recovery.

Another line of research is focused on understanding the pathophysiology of brain arteriovenous malformation (bAVM). The bAVM is a critical risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke in young patients however, the etiology and pathology of bAVM are largely unknown. We are currently investigating the role of several molecular factors related to endothelial dysfunction, angiogenesis, and inflammation in bAVM pathophysiology. By modulating the factors in vivo and in vitro, the ongoing bAVM research includes generating a clinically-relevant bAVM animal models and defining the underlying mechanisms in bAVM formation and pathology, and investigating the subsequent impact of bAVM in cerebral hemorrhage. We recently found the role of KRAS mutation in bAVM development and published the data in Annals of Neurology (Park et al., 2021 Annals of Neurology, ).

We actively collaborate with clinicians by sharing the resources from human patients. Our translational approaches using animal models and collaborating with clinical teams will narrow the gap between the pre-clinical and clinical setting and facilitate our ultimate goal, the development of therapeutic strategies for patients.

Fellowship specifics: The postdoctoral fellow will participate in the technical and conceptual support of the projects. Briefly, the fellow will design and perform experiments including animal modeling, molecular works, and image analyses. The fellow will 1) search the study-related literature and information to support our projects and 2) contribute to reporting new findings from our research by writing and publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals, and 3) present in scientific conferences. The fellow will assist with developing collaborative projects within and outside of the lab throughout the basic and clinical parts. While the fellow is trained in methods and concepts of basic and clinical research, he/she will obtain mentorship and career development guidance to develop his/her future research career as an independent scientist.

Position Requirements: Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience or Biology (or Ph.D. candidate)

Salary Range: UTHealth Houston requires that Postdoctoral Research Fellow salaries meet the NIH/NRSA salary guidelines. Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience. Full-scale state employee benefits will be provided in general.

To apply for this position: Please attach the application to [email protected]  with a Curriculum Vitae and a brief description of your research interests.

Houston is a dynamic world-class city that is alive with energy and rich in culture, history, sports, music, and cuisine. Located in Texas Medical Center that is the biggest medical center worldwide, UTHSC Houston is an excellent academic environment and provides plentiful opportunities for career development. UTHealth is an EOE/AA employer.

Postdoctoral Fellow Position (UT Houston)

A full-time postdoctoral fellowship position is available in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.  Our research is done in conjunction with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Lab interests:  cluster headache, migraine, neuropathic pain, circadian rhythms.  We are interested in the relationship between fundamental circadian rhythms and specific pain disorders, such as cluster headache where patients have headaches at the same time every day.  In one major area of research we have shown how the first-line cluster headache medication verapamil, a blood pressure medication, has circadian features in animal and cell models.

This research effort is a collaboration between a circadian PhD molecular biologist (Seung-Hee Yoo) and a neuroscience MD/PhD headache specialist (Mark Burish).  Accepted candidates will work with both of these fully funded faculty members.  By design the lab has access to animal and rodent transgenic models as well as human patient samples. We hope that this combination of exposures will provide a unique opportunity to develop a breadth of research skills.

Qualifications (these are preferred, however all candidates will be considered):

  • Ph.D. or equivalent degree with a strong background in neuroscience, molecular biology, or circadian research
  • Publication in recognized journals with fluency in written/spoken English
  • Prior experience with cell culture and qPCR is desired
  • Prior experience with mice is desired
  • Experience with circadian models (mouse actigraphy, LumiCycle, EnVision) is a plus

Highly motivated candidates with a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree, preferably recently obtained, are encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate should have a demonstrated publication record and solid background in neuroscience areas. Working experience with laboratory mice is desirable. The candidate should also be proficient with English, and have the personality and professionalism to work productively in a team setting. However, all candidates will be considered. Competitive salary/benefits in line with NIH standards will be offered based on qualification.

The city of Houston also offers a comfortable lifestyle and ample career opportunities.

Please send a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references in a single PDF file to Dr. Mark Burish ( [email protected] ).

Dr. Yoo’s research page:  

Dr. Burish’s research page:

Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in Cerebrovascular Research

A postdoctoral position is available to study how endothelial signaling regulates cerebrovascular integrity under pathophysiological conditions such as intracranial aneurysm formation, growth and rupture. Intracranial aneurysm is a cerebrovascular disorder mainly affecting the arterial integrity in the brain. The rupture of an intracranial aneurysm causes subarachnoid hemorrhage, the most devastating form of stroke, and is responsible for high morbidity and mortality in patients.

The candidate will benefit from a multi-disciplinary training experience in a highly collaborative environment. The main approaches used in our lab include, but are not limited to, human genetics, mouse and zebrafish models, signaling mechanisms in primary cell culture system, advanced imaging modalities such as micro-CT and MRI. We have long-term collaborations with clinicians and successfully identified several aneurysm genes from patient samples by genetic approaches. Our lab recently developed multiple new animal models for studying the pathophysiology of intracranial aneurysms. We applied the CRISPR-CAS9 technique to human endothelial cells for loss-of-function analyses in signaling pathways. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to gain the combined training in both in vivo aneurysm models and in vitro biochemical techniques such as, quantitative RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, carotid artery surgery, stereotaxic injection, minipump implantation, behavioral testing, among others.

Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States and is characterized by its low cost of living in comparison to other major metropolitan areas. As the largest medical center in the world, the TMC has a robust scientific community that includes multiple institutions including Baylor College of Medicine, Methodist Research Institute, Texas A&M IBT, and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center with whom we share a joint Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS).

Interested applicants should be highly motivated and have a Ph.D. degree with a research background preferably in mouse genetics and vascular research. Prior publication in internationally recognized journals is required. To apply for this position, please send a curriculum vitae and contact information for three references in a single pdf file to: [email protected] .

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Intracranial Aneurysm Research

A postdoctoral fellow positions is available in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, to identify and study the genes that play causative roles in intracranial aneurysms with an emphasis on analyses in mice. The rupture of an intracranial aneurysm causes subarachnoid hemorrhage, a type of stroke that is responsible for >25% of years lost among all stroke victims under the age of 65.

Recently, we discovered the first gene whose mutation is implicated in intracranial aneurysm (both familial and sporadic cases) and have confirmed its contribution to pathogenesis using a mouse loss-of-function model. The major research interests in the lab are: (2) to elucidate the functions of identified aneurysm gene(s) using cell based and animal models; (2) to characterize additional novel aneurysm genes using both candidate and genome-wide techniques; (3) to translate these discoveries into potential new therapies. Projects rely upon in vitro methodologies, cell culture studies, high-throughput genomics, and in vivo functional analyses in genetically engineered mouse models and zebrafish.


Interested applicants should be highly motivated and have a Ph.D. degree with a strong background in molecular biology and preferably mouse genetics and cerebrovascular research. Prior publication in internationally recognized journals is required and candidates should possess excellent oral and written communication skills.

Please send a cover letter, a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae and contact information for three references in a single pdf file to: [email protected]

A postdoctoral fellowship position is available to conduct research in the field of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, traumatic brain injury. The ideal candidate will be an MD, PhD or MD, PhD graduate with a strong background or interest in neuroscience, stroke and neurocritical care. The project will involve a multidisciplinary approach combining: culturing of  human and murine cell lines (endothelia, microglia, and neurons), transfection of cells with siRNA and shRNA, breeding of Cre-Loxp mice, handling and dissection of mice and collection of brain tissue for molecular and cellular assays, isolation and culturing of mouse  primary brain endothelia cells, microglia, neurons, isolation and analysis of RNA from cells and tissues (real-time PCR, RNA-seq), confocal microscopy, western blot. Experience with molecular biology and/or next generation sequencing techniques (e.g., bioinformatics, targeted NGS panels, RNA-Seq, WES) is desirable but not required. The candidate must be a self-starter, motivated, and enthusiastic scientist. It is anticipated that the individuals selected will take responsibility for designing and carrying out research projects, assembling results of research into manuscripts for publications, and participate in laboratory maintenance. Additionally, the individuals will participate in the preparation of grants for submission to funding agencies and in providing guidance and assistance to other student members of the laboratory.

The postdoctoral researcher will work under the guidance of Dr. Xuefang Sophie Ren, MD, Phd. (Assistant professor, Department of Neurosurgery). To apply for this position, send your CV with names/contact info of 3 references to  [email protected]

Dr. Ren Laboratory website:

Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience and based on the prevailing wage of postdoctoral research trainees set by the U.S. Department of Labor. Full-scale state employee benefits will be provided in general. Houston is a dynamic world-class city that is alive with energy and rich in culture, history, sports, music, and cuisine. Located in Texas Medical Center that is the biggest medical center worldwide, UTHSC Houston is an excellent academic environment and provides plentiful opportunities for career development.

Postdoctoral Fellow, UTHealth Houston

The Pandit Lab in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston seeks a Postdoctoral Fellow to participate in NIH/NINDS-funded studies as part of an ongoing lab effort to uncover the mechanisms that control the formation, maintenance, and repair of the blood-brain barrier, incorporating genetic, biochemical, neuroanatomical, and behavioral approaches and transgenic mouse models.

The Postdoctoral Fellow will take the lead in conducting and coordinating a wide array of experiments and procedures, for example, ischemic stroke mouse model, ChIP-qPCR, isolation of endothelial cells from the brain, brain slice preparations coupled with, embryonic injections and neuropharmacology in the developing and mature brain, immunohistochemistry, Western blot analysis, and behavioral testing.

The Pandit Lab encourages each trainee to explore and develop his/her own research directions. UTHealth Houston offers outstanding collaborative research and learning environment. The PI is committed to mentoring postdoctoral fellows to achieve their professional and career aspirations.

Minimum requirements include (1) Ph.D. in neuroscience or related discipline, (2) working expertise in at least two of the above-mentioned experimental approaches, (3) strong motivation to learning new experimental approaches, (4) ability to function independently and as part of a research team, and (5) commitment toward achieving scientific and career goals. A start date in 2021 is preferred.

Please send a cover letter describing research experience, interests, and aspirations, CV, and contact information of 3 referees to Dr. Peeyush Pandit at [email protected]

Postdoctoral position in RNA Biology/Breast Cancer Research

A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the lab of Dr. John Hagan at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) located within the Texas Medical Center (TMC). Our research is focused on elucidating the functions of a newly discovered form of posttranscriptional gene regulation mediated by 3’ RNA uridylation that plays critical roles in mammalian development and disease, including cancer. Uridylation is a form of epitranscriptomics where the non-templated addition of uridine(s) controls directly mRNA stability and microRNA biogenesis.

The major interests in the lab are: (1) to elucidate the functions of the TUTases including Zcchc11 that regulates the tumor suppressor let-7 microRNA family via the oncogene and reprogramming factor LIN28A; (2) to determine how 3’ RNA uridylation drives poor prognosis in breast cancer and gliomas, independent of the LIN28/let-7 pathway; (3) to translate these discoveries into potential new therapies. Projects rely upon biochemistry, cell culture studies, high-throughput genomics, and in vivo functional analyses in genetically engineered mouse models with an emphasis on breast cancer models.

Interested applicants should be highly motivated and have a Ph.D. degree with a strong background in molecular biology and mouse studies. Prior publication in internationally recognized journals is required and candidates should be fluent in spoken and written English.

Please send a cover letter that includes a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references in a single pdf file to: [email protected] .

Postdoctoral Associate

Position summary:.

UTHealth Houston is located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center (TMC), the world’s largest medical center. UTHealth Houston in the TMC provides a unique environment to facilitate collaborations among labs with dynamic interactions between researchers and clinicians.

A candidate who wants to advance her/his career in Academia is highly desirable. The successful candidate expects to submit her/his own training grant within 4 years at the end of the postdoctoral training to advance her/his independent career.

Please email 1) a cover letter including their research interests, 2) a CV, and 3) a list of at least 3 references to Jung Hwan Kim, Ph.D.  [email protected]

Position Key Accountabilities:

The role requires various abilities to work independently and as part of various multidisciplinary teams. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are essential. The successful candidate will work with various collaborative and innovative research teams consisting of scientists, engineers and clinicians in the fields of cognitive neuroscience, MR physics, neurology and neurosurgery. The lab currently collaborates with various teams in Siemens, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, University of Southern California and Max Planck Institute at Tubingen (Germany). The lab has immediate access to two top-of-the-line Siemens Prisma 3T scanners, as well as a Siemens Terra 7T scanner at Methodist Hospital (the first 7T human scanner in Texas). Computational work makes use of a local cluster of high-performance compute and file servers owned exclusively by our lab.

  • Designs, executes, and analyzes experiments that investigate the physics and physiology of brain function for project goals.
  • Develops appropriate stimuli for experiments using tools, such as the PsychToolbox.
  • Configures protocols on local MRI scanners.
  • Recruits and scans subjects, then analyze results.


  • Matlab (high proficiency is required)
  • MRI data analysis (e.g., AFNI, FSL, SPM, and Freesurfer), image processing
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office for publication and grant writing
  • Experience of the finite-difference method (FDM) and finite-volume method (FVM) analysis
  • Background of computational modeling of biological system  

Minimum Education

  • Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Psychology, Physics, Engineering (Biomedical, Mechanical, Electrical), Physics or a related field.

Minimum Experience

  • This position requires strong familiarity with MRI including the physics and physiology of fMRI.
  • Strong coding ability in Matlab or equivalent is highly desirable.
  • Basic understanding of MR pulse sequences and MRI physics is also desirable.
  • Background of computational modeling of biological system is a plus.

 Dr. Hui-Wen Lo’s Lab is recruiting energetic motivated postdoctoral fellows/associates who are interested in  translational cancer biology and novel therapeutics for hard-to-treat human cancers. The Lab is located at the McGovern Medical School within the Texas Medical Center. Dr. Lo has led a successful cancer research program for more than 16 years and have published more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. Her past postdoctoral fellows have successfully completed training and moved onto either academic faculty or industrial positions. More information about Dr. Lo and her lab can be found at  and

Interested individuals please contact her via email, [email protected] .

Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience. Full-scale state employee benefits will be provided in general. Houston is a dynamic world-class city that is alive with energy and rich in culture, history, diversity, sports, music and cuisine. Located in Texas Medical Center that is the biggest medical center worldwide, UTHSC Houston is an excellent academic environment and provides plentiful opportunities for career development.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Neurobiology of Epilepsy

Postdoctoral research positions are available in the Tandon Lab at The University of Texas in Houston (UTHealth; ) as part of the newly formed Texas Institute for Restorative Neurotechnologies (TIRN; ). The position is fully funded via a multi-year NIH (UH3) grant for the experimental trial of implantable neurostimulation devices in humans. 

Applicants must have an interest in the neurobiology of epilepsy or epilepsy modulation using novel devices and stimulation parameters. Ideal candidates will be MD, PhD or MD/PhD graduates with a background or interest in neural time series analysis and the neuroscience of epilepsy or related diseases of the central nervous system. They must be able to independently code in any or all of the following: MATLAB, R or Python. Experience with electronic devices and an interest in engineering principles is desirable but not required. 

The candidates must be self-starters, motivated, and enthusiastic scientists. It is anticipated that the individuals selected will take responsibility for carrying out research projects, assembling results of research into manuscripts for publication, and participate in laboratory maintenance. Additionally, the individuals will participate in the preparation of grants for submission to funding agencies and in providing guidance and assistance to other student members of the laboratory. 

The postdoctoral researchers will work under the guidance of Nitin Tandon, MD (Neurosurgeon, Chair ad interim , Department of Neurosurgery and Director of the Epilepsy Surgery Program at Memorial Hermann Hospital) in his lab that focuses on treating epilepsy and improving epilepsy patient outcomes. 

To apply for this position, send your CV with names/contact information of three references to  [email protected]  and [email protected]

Dr. Tandon Laboratory website :  

Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience and based on the prevailing wage of postdoctoral research trainees set by the U.S. Department of Labor. Full-scale state employee benefits will be provided in general. Houston is a dynamic world-class city that is alive with energy and rich in culture, history, sports, music, and cuisine. Located in Texas Medical Center that is the biggest medical center worldwide,   UTHSC   Houston is an excellent academic environment and provides plentiful opportunities for career development. 

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship position is available in the Laboratory of Glia Biology


This Glia biology laboratory focuses on the studies related to brain arteriovenous malformation ( ), hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Aging. Primarily, we are interested in the role of glia in the cross-talk between cells in the blood-brain barrier (BBB), blood immune cells, neurons. Using the cerebrovascular disease and neurological disease mouse model, we will investigate the molecular and genetic mechanisms, biomarkers, and immune system changes. In addition, we collaborate with research clinicians by sharing the resources from human patients. The translational approaches using animal models with risk factors and collaborating with clinical teams will narrow the gap between the pre-clinical and clinical setting and facilitate our ultimate goal, the development of therapeutic strategies for patients. We are also currently exploring the brain injury mechanisms against COVID-19 infection using human blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (the samples are biologically deactivated).

Fellowship specifics:

The postdoctoral fellow will participate in the technical and conceptual support of the projects. Briefly, the fellow will design and perform experiments including animal modeling, molecular works, and image analyses. The fellow will 1) search the study-related literature and information to support our projects and 2) contribute to reporting new findings from our research by writing and publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals, and 3) present in scientific conferences. The fellow will assist with developing collaborative projects within and outside of the lab throughout the basic and clinical parts. While the fellow is trained in methods and concepts of basic and clinical research, he/she will obtain mentorship and career development guidance to develop his/her future research career as an independent scientist.

Education level: PhD in Neuroscience field

Training: Laboratory and field research/experimentation in neuroscience

To apply for this position:

Applications should email to [email protected] with a curriculum vitae, two pages of brief research interests (Past, current, and future) and contact information for 3 references.

Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience and based on the prevailing wage of postdoctoral research trainees set by the NIH. Full-scale state employee benefits will be provided in general. Houston is a dynamic world-class city that is alive with energy and rich in culture, history, sports, music, and cuisine. Located in Texas Medical Center that is the biggest medical center worldwide, UTHSC Houston is an excellent academic environment and provides plentiful opportunities for career development. UTHealth is an EOE/AA employer.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Lower Limb Biomechanics

Are you passionate about advancing biomechanics to enhance lives? Join the Human Biomotion Lab at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston (UTHSC-Houston) for a transformative postdoctoral position in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Our lab is at the forefront of investigating the impact of Somatosensory Augmentation on Gait Biomechanics, Postural Balance, and Prosthetic Perception in transfemoral amputees. Here, you'll immerse yourself in pioneering research, working alongside a collaborative team of clinician-scientists and engineers.

As a postdoctoral fellow, you'll drive a groundbreaking longitudinal study on the effect of somatosensory biofeedback devices on mobility, balance, and prosthetic perception in transfemoral amputees. You'll leverage our state-of-the-art biomechanical assessment machines, receiving mentorship from Dr. Payam Zandiyeh and help from a team of experts.

This is a full-time position, renewable upon satisfactory performance and funding availability.

In this role, you'll collect and analyze data, contribute to publications, and spearhead the development of MATLAB codes for advanced lower limb biomechanical analyses. Your work will directly impact patient care and shape future advancements in the field.

Salary and stipends are commensurable with experience and granting standards at UTHealth. The position is available immediately.

  • Ph.D. in Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Biomedical Engineering, or a related field. The selected candidate must have a conferred Ph.D. upon hire.
  • Passionate commitment to scientific writing and publishing study findings.
  • Extensive experience conducting clinical research.
  • Knowledge and experience in biomechanical analyses using Visual3D or similar.
  • Strong programming skills in MATLAB.
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work independently and collaboratively with a multidisciplinary team.
  • Strong publication record of peer-reviewed journal papers and conference abstracts.
  • We prioritize hiring team members with creative and critical thinking skills and the ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively.
  • Your updated CV or resume
  • Cover letter
  • Contact information for at least three professional references
  • Please forward the above-mentioned items to the hiring manager, Dr. Payam Zandiyeh ( [email protected] ).

The Department of Pediatric Surgery is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to participate in studies of neuroinflammation, white matter injury, pharmacologic therapy and stem cell biology in the context of pediatric and neonatal brain injury. Current NIH-funded projects are focused on the consequences of neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage and therapeutic strategies to reduce inflammation and brain injury. Techniques employed include stereotactic injections, histology, biochemistry, neurobehavior assessment and primary CNS cell culture.

The fellow will have their own dedicated office space within the new SCRB3 building in the Texas Medical Center. Lab benches, surgical suites, microscopy and cell culture facilities are located on the same floor as the office space and are shared with members of the Pediatric Program in Regenerative Medicine with whom the postdoctoral fellow will collaborate.

The fellow is expected to develop their own independent projects and collaborate on group projects within the program. There will be access to many collaborators within the departments of Pediatric Surgery, Neurology, and Neurosurgery at the University of Texas and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Applicants should have experience with small animal surgery, molecular biology and cell culture. A PhD in Neuroscience or a related field is required.

Postdoctoral fellows at UTH receive benefits such as retirement programs as well as specific resources for postdoctoral fellows such as workshops in grant writing and manuscript production. Relocation funding is available. Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States and is characterized by its low cost of living in comparison to other major metropolitan areas. It has a rich culture, vibrant food and music scenes, and two international airports.

As the largest medical center in the world, the TMC has a robust scientific community that includes multiple institutions including Baylor College of Medicine, Methodist Research Institute, Texas A&M IBT, and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center with whom we share a joint Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS).

Please send a cover letter indicating current study and future research interests, curriculum vitae/resume and the names and email addresses of three references to:

[email protected]  

[email protected]

Check us out:  

Manages the day-to-day activities for pediatric neurosurgical research projects of considerable scope and complexity.

  • Collects, evaluates, interprets, and documents research pediatric brain MRI and optical imaging data to accomplish the objectives of a variety of research projects.
  • Uses Python, C++, R, MATLAB and common neuroimaging programs such as FSL, AFNI. 3D Slicer and Freesurfer to analyze neuroimaging data.
  • Influences project direction and outcomes by identifying opportunities to enhance, terminate, or re-direct research activities.
  • Helps in the recruiting and documentation of study participants.
  • Evaluates and interprets data and provides results to investigators to support publication
  • Maintains quality control checks and a safe environment in compliance with all governmental and University policies, rules, regulation and codes.
  • Assists in the preparation and writing of research reports, manuscripts, papers and grant proposals for presentation and publication.
  • Attends laboratory meetings of affiliated co-investigators.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.


  • Certification for Protection of Human Research Subject may be required or must be completed within 5 days of employment.
  • Python coding experience
  • UNIX experience
  • Familiarity with neuroimaging software such as FSL, AFNI and Freesurfer
  • Matlab, C++ and R coding experience preferred
  • Web-development and Machine learning experience preferred

Minimum Education:

Ph.D. in research related field required. 

Minimum Experience:

2 years related research or clinical or other experience.

Physical Requirements: 

Exerts up to 20 pounds of force occasionally and/or up to 10 pounds frequently and/or a negligible amount constantly to move mobile computer workstation.

Security Sensitive: 

This job class may contain positions that are security sensitive and thereby subject to the provisions of Texas Education Code § 51.215

Postdoctoral Associate Position in the Wang Lab

A postdoctoral position immediately available to work on cardiovascular study at Department of Pediatrics, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree or equivalent in a relevant research area is required. Highly motivated individuals are encouraged to apply, especially candidates that are capable and independent to conquer ‘challenges’ and seek novel discoveries. Studies need background in molecular cell biology and/or biochemistry. Prior experience with mouse genetics or stem cells/iPSCs or bioinformatics is valuable but not required.

Wang lab research is aimed at understanding molecular and genetic regulations of cardiovascular and craniofacial development, diseases and regeneration. The research approaches in lab include a combination of genetic mouse models, molecular and biochemical techniques, electrophysiology studies, imaging techniques, genomics, proteomics, and next generation sequencing techniques. Candidate’s study will need to use mouse genetics, cell culture and manipulation, electrophysiology studies, molecular biological and biochemical techniques such as immunofluorescence and CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, as well as sequencing techniques such as scRNA-seq, Cut-Tag seq and ATAC-seq. Candidate’s study will also involve development of new methods, and collaborations with physicians and different research groups that are expertise in bioinformatics, neural science and biochemistry. Candidate is expected to be collaborative and have good oral & written communication skills.

McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston has exceptional resources in biomedical research. McGovern Medical School is located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center, the largest medical complex in the world, providing an outstanding environment for innovation. Researchers collaborate across institutions creating a vast biomedical research ecosystem. Houston, the fourth most populous city in the United States, has a modest cost of living and is family friendly.  

Salary will follow NIH guideline depending on experience. Candidate will also have opportunities to apply for research fund and fellowships. Applicants should send a cover letter briefly describing your research interests and future goals, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Dr. Jun Wang (email: [email protected] )

URL to a full list of published work in My Bibliography:

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Patient-Based Cognitive Neuroscience

The Schnur laboratory at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship as part of the NIH project “Recovery of Language and Theory of Mind after Stroke”. The position is a full-time paid position starting Summer 2024.

Our laboratory enrolls participants in the acute phase of stroke for behavioral testing and neuroimaging from three comprehensive stroke centers in the Houston Texas Medical Center. The goal of the project is to understand the neural, cognitive, and social communication systems which contribute to recovery of language in the year following stroke. We enjoy collaborations with research groups in Houston as well as nationally and internationally. Our laboratory is located within the TIRR Memorial Hermann Research Center in the center of Houston, a 10-minute walk to patient recruitment sites in the Texas Medical Center, 5-minutes from the Baylor College of Medicine’s Center for Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CAMRI), and a 10-minute walk to the Houston METRO Rail. At CAMRI, we collect quantitative and functional neuroimaging from patients and neurotypical controls on a state-of-the art 3T Siemens Prisma scanner.

Informal inquiries can be made to Dr. Tatiana Schnur ( [email protected] ). Ideally, candidates will begin in late summer 2024.

The successful candidate should have a PhD in a field related to cognitive neuroscience. Strong expertise in human fMRI and/or quantitative neuroimaging data analysis as evidenced by the Ph.D. thesis and/or publications is required.

Desirable additional qualifications include experience in cognitive psychology of language, with evidence of successful manuscript preparation.

In addition, please prepare the below materials combined into one document (.doc or .pdf) and send to [email protected].  We will begin reviewing applications mid-March.

• a one-page cover letter (include specific examples of qualifications for the position, why the position is of interest, and your career goals) • CV • statement of research interests (up to 1-page, including relevant background for this position) • the name and email addresses of three references

Postdoctoral Fellow Neurorehabilitation Research

  Our goal is to improve the lives of those living with spinal cord injury.

Join a team of experienced rehabilitation researchers with ongoing clinical trials in neuromodulation, neurogenic bladder, autonomic dysfunction, heart rate variability, spasticity, and neuropathic pain in the spinal cord injury (SCI) population, in both the acute and chronic setting.    

We seek candidates with strong research potential who are highly motivated to conduct and develop systematic research in the domains of neurorehabilitation and autonomic dysfunction.  This is an opportunity for the candidate to develop major research strengths in SCI, clinical trials, neuromodulation, and autonomic dysfunction.  The candidate will have an opportunity to be part of all aspects of clinical trials- from the systematic review and retrospective studies, to the study design and statistical plan, to the IRB submission and pilot trials, and to the eventual grant application for a randomized control trial.  

Applicants must have a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD) in rehabilitation science, neurophysiology or related area.  Applicants must have experience in human subjects research, data collection, and analyses

The start date of the fellowship is flexible, but no later than September 1, 2021. Benefits include vacation, sick days, and health care coverage. Salary is commensurate with experience.

To apply for this 2-3-year postdoctoral fellowship please email your CV, statement of research interests and experience, and contact information for two references to:

Dr. Argy Stampas

[email protected]

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Neurorehabilitation Research

The NeuroRecovery Research Center at TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital is seeking a highly motivated researcher to contribute to ongoing projects. The research center is part of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at the University of Texas – Medical School at Houston. The research center is housed in TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital that allows easy and convenient access to patient populations, including stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, amputation and pain. TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital is ranked #2 in Rehabilitation according to US News and World Report.

A successful candidate must have a Doctorate degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD) or Master’s degree (MSc) in rehabilitation science, rehabilitation engineering, neurophysiology or related areas. The candidate must be highly motivated to advance his/her research career in neurorehabilitation. Proficiency in Electroencephalography (EEG) data processing, LabView and MatLab are required. Experience with functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), EEG and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in human subjects is desired.

The successful candidate is expected to contribute to ongoing projects on neuromodulation for stroke and spinal cord injury recovery. Development of new projects for possible grant proposal submission and collaboration with other faculty members are strongly encouraged. See our website for details:

The position is available immediately. Benefits include vacation, sick days, and health care coverage. Salary is commensurate with experience.

To apply for this position please email your CV, statement of research interests and experience, and contact information for two references to:

Dr. Gerard Francisco

[email protected]

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Neuroimaging and Psychosis Research

The Department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston) has an open fellowship position with scientific focus on major neuropsychiatric disorders research using behavioral imaging, biomarker, Big Data, neuromodulation and/or genetics techniques.

The position offers many opportunities to participate in large national and international studies on psychosis and other neuropsychiatric disorders with leading scientists in the field. Applicants with an interest in big data/machine learning methods, connectomics, diffusion, functional or spectroscopy imaging, neuromodulation, and/or brain-body systems research are the best fit. This position will be mentored by Drs. Elliot Hong and Peter Kochunov. Our primary goal is to foster rapid advance of our fellows to an independent researcher career.

General educational activities including internal or external courses on statistics, data analysis, biological psychiatry, psychopathology, neuroimaging, and genetics, and other activities including journal clubs, meetings with invited outside senior researchers, conferences, and workshops on grant writing and individualized career development are provided or strongly encouraged.

Applicants are expected to hold an advanced degree (Ph.D., M.D. or M.D./Ph.D.) in computer science, biomedical engineering, psychology, neuroscience, psychiatry, medical physics, computational biology or related fields. This position is open to US and international scholars.

PhD, MD, and/or MD/PhD.

The fellowship will consider PhD, MD, or MD/PhD from various backgrounds from basic neuroscience, computer science to brain imaging and clinically trained candidates. 

Applicants should send a brief statement of research interest and a resume to Dr. Kochunov Ph.D. or Dr. Hong, M.D., at [email protected] or [email protected]

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neuro-Immune imaging (1.0 FTE): Methods for Analyzing Molecular Neuro-Immune Imaging Data

Job description.

We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Scientist to investigate methods to process and analyze multimodal neuroimmune imaging data in the human brain. This will develop novel techniques or enhance existing techniques to process/analyze multi-modal datasets that combine data from various imaging modalities including PET imaging (PBR28, ER176, CFN, etc.), ultra-high-field (7T) and/or standard (3T) MR imaging (including resting state, structural T1 & T2, iron density, etc.), and/or plasma inflammatory proteins. The data derives from studies seeking to discover and validate novel bio-signatures of pain in healthy human subjects, subjects that have experienced brain injury, and/or subjects that are awaiting surgery. The researcher will be supervised by Dr. Alan Prossin (and collaborating statisticians/scientists) in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, McGovern Medical School at UT Health, Houston, TX. This PhD/Post-doc is funded for 1 year by 1 or more grants including Dr. Prossin’s current NIH/NINDS R61/R33 NIH/NINDS grant award as well as other grants on which he collaborates. The starting date is between September and October of 2020. Ideally, the position will involve 1.0 FTE (full-time) research, but we are willing to consider highly focused (and qualified) applicants that are interested in a part time position.

We are looking for someone who:

  • holds (or nearly holds) a PhD in Neuroscience, Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field;
  • is a self-starter
  • takes a strong quantitative, computational view of neuroscience;
  • has strong computer programming skills;
  • takes a practical approach to solving technical problems;
  • has excellent written and spoken English communication skills;
  • has a strong drive for publication;
  • is effective and efficient, able to work within a team, and able to think critically and conceptually.

The following experience is desirable, but not required:

  • PET and/or MRI data acquisition and analysis;
  • MacOS, scripting within MacOS, networking within MacOS
  • Multi-modal data analysis;
  • proficiency with SPM/MATLAB, R, PMOD, FreeSurfer, FSL
  • iron imaging
  • quantitative analysis of brain connectivity.

How to Apply:

Interested applicants should submit the following materials to Dr. Alan Prossin (mailto: [email protected] , subject: Postdoctoral Fellow):

  • A cover letter detailing the applicant’s clinical and research interests and fit with the program
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Names and contact information from three references

We offer a temporary position (1.0 FTE) for one year but will consider a part time position for the ideal candidate that cannot commit to a full-time position. Upon a positive performance and availability of funds, the contract may be followed by a period of a further 6-12 months.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Position in Biomedical Informatics - Center for Biomedical Semantics and Data Intelligence 

The School of Biomedical Informatics at University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston announces a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow position focusing on biomedical data and knowledge integration/management, big data science, and machine learning approaches applied to health and health behavioral research including cancer research, clinical decision support, and patient communication.

The position is under the direct supervision of Cui Tao, PhD to support a skilled computer scientist and informatician interested in developing a career in data science applied to biomedical informatics research. The position includes opportunities to receive training in data management, developing machine learning methods to analyze big biomedical data, proposal/paper writing, and developing an independent area of research. The candidate will also have opportunities in working closely with students including co-mentoring graduate/intern students and providing supports in lectures.

Requirements for this position include having completed a PhD degree preferably from Computer Science, Statistics, biomedical informatics, or Engineering, demonstrated strong quantitative analytic skills including programming skills, and evidence in publishing research article related to biomedical informatics and computer sciences. his position offers a competitive stipend/salary, benefits, office space, and access to internal sources of pilot project support. Candidates should email a current CV and names of at least two references to Cui Tao ( [email protected] ),

Postdoctoral Fellow – Biomedical AI/ML

Overview: The groups of Drs. Kim and Jiang at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston are on the hunt for a highly motivated and talented Postdoctoral Fellow. This position is perfect for someone eager to lead groundbreaking research projects in multi-modal biomedical data analysis, leveraging advanced machine learning techniques to propel biomedical discovery and therapy development.

  • Conduct innovative independent research under the guidance of Drs. Kim and Jiang, pushing the boundaries of biomedical AI/ML.
  • Develop and implement innovative machine learning models tailored for multimodal disease and drug data analysis, including clinical registries, imaging, genomics, protein sequences, and protein 3D structures.
  • Collaborate closely with domain experts in neuroscience and biology, translating complex data into actionable insights and scientific advancements.
  • Publish high-impact research findings in top-tier journals, highlighting novel methodologies and contributions to the biomedical field.
  • A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Informatics, Statistics, Biostatistics, Computational Biology, or a related discipline.
  • Proven expertise in designing, implementing, and applying contemporary machine learning techniques for biomedical data analysis, with proficiency in tools such as PyTorch and HuggingFace.
  • Excellent communication skills, with a demonstrated ability to articulate complex biomedical issues to both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • An independent and highly motivated researcher with a strong penchant for collaboration, capable of thriving in interdisciplinary teams alongside computational scientists and medical professionals.
  • Dr. Kim's lab, nestled within the Department of Health Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, is renowned for its innovative approach to analyzing multimodal data for complex disease research, supported by multiple prestigious research awards (National Institutes of Health R01s, RWJF HD4A). Dr. Kim authored 60+ articles with 900+ citations as a primary author, from prestigious data science conferences and high-impact translational journals. For more information about Dr. Kim and the lab's research focus, please visit
  • Dr. Jiang is the Associate Vice President of Medical AI at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). He also holds the Department Chair of Data Science and artificial Intelligence position and is honored to be the Christopher Sarofim family professor. He is an expert on machine learning and privacy, with a focus on data and model harmonization. In the last six years, Dr. Jiang received R00, R13, R21, R01, U01, OT3, CPRIT Rising Stars, UT STARs awards as principal investigator, as well as distinguished and best paper awards from AMIA Summit on Clinical Research Informatics (CRI), Translational Bioinformatics (TBI), and Annual Symposium in 2012, 2013, 2016, 2020, and 2024.
  • The McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics stands as a beacon of excellence, dedicated to transforming patient care, disease prevention, and biomedical discovery through the power of AI, data science, and informatics.
  • Located in Houston's vibrant and diverse Texas Medical Center, UTHealth offers an enriching environment with access to unparalleled resources and collaboration opportunities.

Why UTHealth?

  • Experience working in the largest and most comprehensive biomedical informatics program in Texas and the nation.
  • Enjoy a dynamic cultural atmosphere within a city known for its low cost of living.
  • Benefit from exceptional computing resources, including industry-level supercomputing GPUs.
  • Annual stipend ranges from $56,500 to $68,000, commensurate with postdoctoral experience and following NIH guidelines.

Application Process:

To apply, please email the following documents to [email protected]

  • Cover letter including a brief statement of research interests.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV).

Position Description:

Multiple research projects are available for GRA and Postdoctoral researchers at SAFE/CPH with Dr. Arif Harmanci at McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics. Projects involve developing new methods using multimodal and high-throughput molecular, phenotype, clinical, and imaging databases in following:

  • Statistical Genetics
  • Federated Machine Learning
  • Single cell biology, Cancer Biology
  • Integrate into a highly collaborative and very dynamic research team consisting multiple laboratories
  • Perform exploratory analysis and build hypothesis
  • Develop cutting edge statistical/ML tools for solving problems
  • Written and oral communication of results, manuscript drafting, and building presentations for weekly meetings and for disseminating results


  • Established coding skills preferably in R/Python/C/C++
  • Understanding of statistical concepts and/or machine learning concepts
  • Ability to use a development environment in Linux/Jupyter or similar platforms
  • Able to integrate into fast-paced projects in a large team of researchers
  • Ability to use external libraries using repository management tools, communicate with other developers
  • Good written communication skills

Interested Applicants:

Email following to  [email protected]

  • List of references
  • One paragraph of which project you would like to work in

The positions are available through multiple projects in joint laboratories funded by multiple agencies and will be filled on a regular basis.

We have an open position of Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the School of Biomedical Informatics (SBMI), University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston).

The successful candidate will conduct innovative and reproducible research in biomedical data science. Develop data mining, analytics, and informatics algorithms.

The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will also participate in the following duties:

  • Development of advanced data mining and machine learning algorithms for analyzing big biomedical data;
  • Present and report results of data analytics projects in written scientific manuscripts;
  • Facilitate grant proposal writing and development;
  • Explore advanced research areas in health information technology;
  • Co-mentor graduate students in research projects;
  • Other duties as assigned
  • PhD degree in computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, biomedical informatics, or a related field;
  • Experienced with data mining and deep learning methods
  • Proficient with computer programming languages such as Python and Java
  • Strong written and oral English communication skills
  • Two years of experience in performing research in biomedical informatics

Application materials should include:

  • Three letters of reference preferred, or contact info of references
  • Sample publications with clearly stated individual contributions

Please send application materials to  [email protected] .

Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioinformatics, Deep Learning, Single Cell Omics

Postdoctoral positions are available in Dr. Zhongming Zhao's Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine Laboratory (BSML, ), Center for Precision Health, School of Biomedical Informatics, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). The successful candidate is expected to join an established bioinformatics team. The ongoing projects in BSML focus on precision medicine, functional roles of genetic variants in complex disease, next-generation sequencing and single cell omics, deep learning, and regulatory networks. Integrative genomics and deep learning approaches are often applied. Funding (multiple NIH grants, CPRIT, and lab/center/professorship startup) is available to support this position for 3+ years and promotion to faculty positions is possible. The candidate will have the opportunity to access many high throughput datasets and interact with investigators across UTHealth and Texas Medical Center. The lab is highly productive (>350 papers since 2009) and has an excellent post-doctoral training track record (e.g. 24 former postdocs are currently faculty members, two received Young Investigator Awards from national foundations, two received CPRIT Scholar faculty recruitment, one NIH K99 awardee, one received NIH MIRA grant, and three were finalists for the Vanderbilt University Postdoc of the Year Award). Recent publications appeared or accepted in journals such as Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Neurosciences, Nature Communications, Nature Machine Intelligence, Cancer Discovery, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Genome Medicine, NAR, Advances Science, GigaScience, etc. The BSML lab is part of the new Center for Precision Health (CPH), a joint enterprise by the School of Biomedical Informatics and School of Public Health, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The center is established in UTHealth in response to the emerging need of precision health and artificial intelligence. The center focuses on precision cancer medicine, pharmacogenomics, deep learning, and translational bioinformatics. UTHealth is part of the world-renowned Texas Medical Center located in cosmopolitan Houston, Texas, the fourth largest city in the United States. SBMI is the first School of its kind and one of the largest biomedical informatics programs in the country.

The qualified candidates should be highly motivated in research and have a Ph.D. in bioinformatics, quantitative science, computational biology, genetics, molecular biology, pharmacology, or related field upon the job start date. 

The successful candidate should have some experience in analyzing high-throughput genomic data and proven skills in at least one programming language (e.g., Perl, Python, R, or C/C++). Good understanding of genetics or molecular biology is a plus, but not required. For more information about our research, please visit the web site .

Applicants should send a CV and reference to: Zhongming Zhao ( [email protected] ) Chair, Precision Health Professor and Director, Center for Precision Health University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Postdoctoral Fellow at  UTHealth Houston School of Public Health

The Department of Biostatistics and Data Science at the UTHealth School of Public Health is seeking an exceptional candidate for a post-doctoral fellowship position. This person will have the opportunity to conduct statistical/biostatistical studies on a wide range of research topics, including NIH funded studies. The main research focus is the Bayesian spatial-temporal analysis, with application to opioid overdose research, infectious disease modeling, and environmental health. Specific research areas will be determined based on the research interests of the candidate. This position will be involved in conducting analyses using existing data from multiple large cohort and cross-sectional studies, writing manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication, reports, and for presentation to academic and community audiences. The candidate will also gain experience in grantsmanship, as well as research design, planning, and execution.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in statistics, biostatistics or related disciplines. Applicants with a doctoral degree in another discipline may be considered if they possess adequate skills to conduct population research. Candidates must have strong R programming skills, and are familiar with using R for spatial-temporal data processing, visualization and modeling.

Questions about the position can be directed to [email protected] . To apply for this position, please email the following documents to Dr. Bauer: 1) a letter of interest that describes research accomplishments and future research plans, 2) full curriculum vitae, and 3) names and contact information of 2-3 individuals who will provide letters of recommendation if asked.  Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Starting date is flexible and negotiable.

The Division of Epidemiology, Human Genetics and Environmental Sciences at the UTHealth School of Public Health is seeking an exceptional candidate for a post-doctoral fellowship position. This person will have the opportunity to conduct epidemiological studies on a wide range of research topics, including NIH funded studies. Potential research topics include examining the population health effects of sleep deficiency and disruption of diurnal behaviors such as rest and activities, and eating and fasting rhythms; investigating the role of metabolomics in mediating the health impact of unhealthy behaviors, particularly circadian disruption and Alzheimer’s diseases; and studying how neighborhood environment and socioeconomic deprivation shape health behaviors and contribute to health disparities of chronic diseases, including metabolic disorders, obesity and cancer. Specific research areas will be determined based on the research interests of the candidate. This position will be involved in conducting analyses using existing data from multiple large cohort and cross-sectional studies, writing manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication, reports, and for presentation to academic and community audiences. The candidate will also gain experience in grantsmanship, as well as research design, planning, and execution.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in public health or related disciplines. Applicants with a doctoral degree in another discipline may be considered if they possess adequate skills to conduct population research. Preferred skills include epidemiological/statistical approaches, population cohort studies and secondary data analyses. Candidates with experience in geographic information system, data analysis using wearable device, and omics are strongly encouraged to apply.

Questions about the position can be directed to [email protected] . To apply for this position, please email the following documents to Dr Xiao: 1) a letter of interest that describes research accomplishments and future research plans, 2) full curriculum vitae, and 3) names and contact information of 2-3 individuals who will provide letters of recommendation if asked. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Starting date is flexible and negotiable.

Postdoctoral Associate Position in Infectious Diseases

We are seeking an exceptional candidate for a postdoctoral position in infectious diseases and environmental science. The candidate will be expected to develop molecular assays to detect pathogens of interest in the sample, with genomic sequencing and quantitative analysis for further validation. Ideal candidates would have solid experience in molecular biology (or microbiology), and bioinformatical analysis.

The ideal candidate will have a doctoral degree in microbiology, bioinformatics, computation biology, molecular biology, environmental science, or a related field.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Analyze environmental samples for molecular diagnostics, including assay development, sample processing, and molecular detection.
  • Have experience in next-generation sequencing data analysis and/or generation.
  • Good communication and written skills with publication records.

To apply, please send application materials including a detailed CV and a brief statement of research interests to Dr. Fuqing Wu at [email protected] . The position is available immediately, until filled. Additional information can be found: and . Please contact Dr. Wu for inquiries. 

Postdoctoral Fellow in Social, Emotional and Academic Competence - School of Public Health

(San Antonio, Texas)

The UTHealth School of Public Health invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow in Social, Emotional and Academic Competence. The Postdoctoral Fellow will work with the PI, Professor Roisin Corcoran, on school-based interventions to promote social, emotional and academic competence.

The purpose of the position is to collaborate on the implementation and evaluation of active projects involving school-based programs. A second major activity will entail assisting with grant applications. A third key role will be disseminating results through collaborative scholarly publications and presentations.

Prior experience as a researcher and/or practitioner in educational settings conducting quantitative and qualitative research is desired. The preferred candidate will bring expertise in social and emotional learning (SEL), teacher and/or principal well-being interventions, school-based mental health programs, and/or evidence-based practices in schools.

Individuals must have a PhD, DrPH, or other doctoral degree in education, psychology, public health, health promotion, behavioral or social science

Interested applicants should submit the following materials in a single pdf to Professor Roisin Corcoran at: [email protected]  

  • A cover letter detailing research interests and fit with the position,
  • Curriculum vitae,
  • One scholarly writing sample,
  • Names and contact information for three references.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Postdoctoral Associate in Infectious Diseases and Genomics

Postdoctoral Associate positions are immediately available to work on genomics of infectious diseases at the UTHealth Science Center at Houston School of Public Health (UTSPH) Center for Infectious Diseases . The candidate will work in the laboratory of Dr. Fuqing Wu ( ) . Successful candidates are capable to apply open-source software for basic and advanced analysis of next-generation sequencing data, e.g., genomic and metagenomic datasets. The candidate should be able to work independently to execute and/or develop bioinformatics pipelines. Prior experience in wet lab is valuable but not required. The candidate will have an opportunity to generate and access high-throughput sequencing datasets and work closely with leading scientists at UTHealth, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Texas Epidemic Public Health Institute (TEPHI).

The lab is young and enthusiastic for innovative and quality research. We believe interdisciplinarity is the future. The PI has experience in virology, microbiology, synthetic biology, mathematical modeling, microbiome, environmental surveillance, and genomic sequencing. The lab is now mostly working on wastewater surveillance and microbiome projects, but we will support you to explore your ideas with all the laboratory resources.

The qualified candidates should be highly motivated in research and have experience in analysis of next-generation sequencing data.

  • Have a doctoral degree in bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatistics, genetics, molecular biology, environmental science, bioengineering, microbiology, or related field.
  • Able to analyze sequencing datasets.
  • Have experience in developing scripts using R, Python, Linux or Unix.
  • Good communication and written skills
  • Have a desire and record of paper publication.

Applicants should send an email containing your CV and a description of your qualifications and research interests to Dr. Fuqing Wu at [email protected] .

Would you like to remove your ad? Fill out this form . 

  • Faculty Mentors
  • Administrator Resources

Resources for Postdocs

  • Library Resources
  • UTH Shared Resources
  • Work/Life Resources
  • Campus Maps
  • UTHealth Shuttle Tracker
  • Compliance Hotline

UTHealth Houston Office of Postdoctoral Affairs 6431 Fannin St. Houston, TX 77030

E-mail: [email protected]  

Telephone: +1 713 500 6612

Directions to the Office

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Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar positions in Immunology, Stem Cells, and Cancer

cover letter postdoctoral position

Job Details

University of Connecticut is one of the top public research universities in USA. Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Visiting Scholar positions are immediately available in Dr. Laijun Lai’s laboratory at University of Connecticut. Highly motivated candidates will join projects funded by multiple NIH grants to study immunodeficiency, autoimmunity and antitumor immunity by stem cell technology and gene engineering approaches. Candidates should have PhD, MD/PhD, or MD. A strong background in Cellular & Molecular Biology and previous research experience or training in immunology, stem cells, or cancer, and mouse models is preferred.

The interested candidates can review our publications: EMBO Mol Med. 13(5):e13404, 2021; Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 18(8): 1920-1933, 2021; Rheumatology. 61(3):1255-1264, 2022; J Neuroinflammation, 18(1):268, 2021; Am J Cancer Res. 7:1714-1723, 2017; Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 15(10):2413-2421, 2016; Cancer Research. 71:61-67, 2011),  J Immunol. 203:400, 2020; Front Immunol. 11:1781, 2020; J Immunol. 203:400-407, 2019; Stem Cell Res Ther. 10:239, 2019; Adv Healthc Mater. 8(9):e1800987, 2019; Frontiers in Immunology.9:2657, 2018; Stem Cells Transl Med. 6:121-130, 2017; Cell Immunol. 322:84-91, 2017; Br J Haematol. 175:505-516, 2016; Scientific Reports. 5: 9882, 2015; J Autoimmun. 58:36-47, 2015; Stem cells and Development. 23:1491-500, 2014; Journal of Clinical Investigation. 122:3552, 2012; Blood. 118:3410, 2011; Cell Immunol. 335:22-29, 2019; Immunology. 144:245-253, 2015; Plos ONE 8(12): e82998, 2013; Journal of Immunology, 186: 1915, 2011; Transplantation. 92:516, 2011.

How to Apply:  Interested applicants should send a cover letter describing your research experience/skills, a curriculum vitae, and the contact information of three referees to Dr. Laijun Lai ( [email protected] )

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Apply for Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar positions in Immunology, Stem Cells, and Cancer

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    This postdoc cover letter sample comes from Sam, who is due to complete his PhD in 2023, and is applying for a research position. Let's see how he presents his arguments. Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 18+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now.

  4. Postdoc Cover Letter Sample [+Postdoctoral Template]

    Here's how to write a postdoc cover letter: 1. Use the proper postdoc cover letter format. Use 1" cover letter margins on all sides. Choose single or 1.15 line spacing. Use a professional cover letter font in 12pt size. Read more: The Best Covering Letter Layout. 2. Create a professional postdoc cover letter header.

  5. How to Write a Great Postdoc Cover Letter

    A cover letter starts like a formal letter with the date at the top followed by the name and work address of the job poster. This is followed by the salutation. For a postdoc position, you will often be addressing your letter to the PI. However, if it is not clear from the advertisement who the job poster is, you can always address the letter ...

  6. Postdoc Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips ·

    With 125+ cover letter examples and occupation-specific writing guides, is here to make an impressive postdoc cover letter easier than you think. This guide, along with our postdoc cover letter examples, will cover these topics: The best format for structuring a postdoc cover letter. How each cover letter section speaks to your ...

  7. How to write a killer cover letter for a postdoctoral application

    End your cover letter with the same professionalism you used at the opening. Thank the PI for his or her time and consideration. Be sure to provide your contact information and state that you look forward to hearing from him or her. Everything discussed above should fit onto a single page — 1 ½ pages at most.

  8. How to Write a Postdoc Cover Letter (With Example)

    A postdoctoral cover letter helps to express your enthusiasm and passion for continuing further research in your preferred field of study. When applying for a postdoc position, the cover letter helps to distinguish your profile from other eligible candidates and highlights your suitability for the role.

  9. Cover Letter for Postdoc Position: Sample Application Letter

    It needs to match the highest cover letter standards. The contents of your postdoc cover letter must be neatly divided into paragraphs. With each part proving why you're perfect for the role. Here are the steps you must follow to compose an awe-inspiring cover letter for a postdoc position: 1. Format Your Cover Letter for Postdoc Positions ...

  10. How to write a convincing cover letter for your PhD or postdoc application?

    Name the position as it was advertised. I prefer not to start by saying "I am xx", your name should be at the bottom of your letter. Talk about your background. If it's a postdoc position, say ...

  11. Cover Letter Best Practices: PhD and Postdoc Success

    Use a business-letter format and stick to one page of 3-5 paragraphs. Like a résumé, each cover letter you write should be tailored to the specific position and employer to align with the organization's culture and the requirements of the role. Use the same header on both your cover letter and résumé for a cohesive and polished look.

  12. Best Postdoc Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    Some of the hard skills you may include for a postdoctoral cover letter include: Responsible research methods. Social media skills. Data analysis skills. Some soft skills that most postdoc applicants should have include: Communication skills. Professionalism. Leadership skills. 3.

  13. PDF Writing your CV and Cover Letter

    that you lay out the 'backbone' of your CV first, by. picking 3-8 section headings that reflect the scope of your work. Then, begin writing/cutting and pasting your information into those sections. Then keep trying to fill out each section by fleshing out the descriptive text of each of your experiences. Write in 20-60 minute bursts.

  14. How to write a postdoc cover letter (with example)

    Postdoc cover letter example Below is an example of a postdoc cover letter to give you an idea of what to include in your own: Laura Summers 123 Main Road, Bristol, Avon 01234 567890 [email protected] 02/02/2022 Dr Melissa Sykes General University 345 Country Road, Bristol, Avon Dear Dr Sykes, I am writing to you to express my interest in the open postdoc laboratory position at General ...

  15. Postdoc Cover Letter: Samples & Templates to Fill

    This postdoc cover letter sample comes from Sam, who was due to complete his PhD in 2023, and is applying for a research position. Let's see how he presents his arguments. Sam Marks PhD. 37 Sunset Boulevard. New Haven, CT 06520. 211-978-1043. [email protected]. New Haven, June 26, 2020.

  16. Postdoc Cover Letter Example

    What Employers Look for In A Postdoc Cover Letter . Postdoctoral positions are highly competitive, and employers receive numerous applications from qualified candidates. A well-written postdoc cover letter can make a significant difference in your chances of getting selected. Employers use postdoc cover letters to assess your qualifications and ...

  17. Academic Cover Letters: PhD and Postdoc Success

    Academic Cover Letters. The cover letter is a single spaced, two-page introductory document that creates a narrative for your application package. It introduces the search committee to your: Enthusiasm for the position and your expected availability (e.g., expected defense date) Research. Teaching and teaching assistantships.

  18. PDF How to write a cover letter

    If you are sending an unsolicited postdoc application, show willingness to discuss potential funding opportunities and apply for independent postdoctoral fellowships. We suggest preparing to write your cover letter by: 1. Reading several examples of cover-letters for positions at the same level / field as you. 2.

  19. Postdoctoral Researcher Cover Letter Sample

    Kickresume's AI Cover Letter Writer runs on GPT-4 and can generate human-like cover letters in a matter of seconds. Try it now and say goodbye to writer's block. Get invited for more job interviews & learn creative tricks to use in your cover letter with our free, easily editable Postdoctoral Researcher cover letter sample.

  20. PDF CVs and Cover Letters

    some positions outside academia, such as in think tanks or research institutes, or for research positions in industry. As you progress through graduate school, you will, of course, add to your CV, but the basic areas to include are your contact information, education, research experience, teaching experience, publications,

  21. PDF How Do I Apply for a Postdoc Position?

    o CV and cover letter for postdoc position (UCSF) How Do I Write a Cover Letter? Step #1: Do your homework - First Impressions Count! Do not use the same version for multiple employers, especially if you are applying for similar types of positions. A stock letter is obvious will make a bad first impression. Tailor each and every letter to the ...

  22. How to write a cover letter for a postdoctoral position

    Something along the line of, "I am applying for the postdoctoral position available in your laboratory that was recently advertised (where).". The second sentence should specify your current position, place of work and mentor. State your availability from the get-go as well. End the first paragraph with just one or two concise sentences ...

  23. Securing Your Dream Postdoc: Insider Tips and Strategies

    Cover Letter: Draft a tailored cover letter addressing the specific postdoctoral position. Introduce yourself, outline your research background and interests, articulate your enthusiasm for the position, and demonstrate how your skills align with the research group's objectives.


    A Postdoctoral Associate position is available at the Duke University CIVM - Duke Imaging Innovation Laboratory (DIIL) - ( in Durham, NC to work in magnetic resonance histology. ... If interested, submit your application and include a cover letter and 3 reference letters. ...

  25. PDF Open Position: Postdoctoral Researcher

    The postdoctoral researcher will manage aspects of these studies that will include iPSC derived neural and ... Position open immediately, with funding for up to a five-year period through an NIH grant. ... a cover letter, and contact information for 3 references (including email addresses). Title:

  26. Postdoctoral Research Associate Cover Letter Sample

    Martin Lambert. 555-555-5555. [email protected]. London, United Kingdom. 18 February 2021. Application for Postdoctoral Research Associate. Dear Hiring Manager, I am a Doctorate of Molecular and Cellular Biology graduate and I am excited to apply for this opportunity.

  27. Open Postdoc Positions

    Summary: Postdoc position in the world's largest medical center, studying and targeting novel regulators for cancer metastasis, cellular plasticity and drug resistance. ... Please apply by email AND send a cover letter, personal statement, CV, and contact information of three references to Dr. Anjali Chauhan for consideration (anjali.chauhan ...

  28. Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar positions in Immunology ...

    Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar positions in Immunology, Stem Cells, and Cancer job in Storrs Mansfield, Connecticut with University of Connecticut-Lai's Lab. Apply Today.

  29. Division of Cardiovascular Disease

    The applicant must have a Ph.D. in biology or a related field with no more than 2-3 years of postdoctoral training. We highly encourage the fress PhD awardees to apply. The candidate should be independent, self-motivated, and have excellent verbal and written communication skills. The ability to work cooperatively on a research team is a must.

  30. Postdoctoral Fellow: Light-element superconductivity in Washington, DC

    The position is available starting summer 2024 and will remain open until filled. Interested parties should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae (including publications), statement of research interests, and contact information for a minimum of three references. Only complete applications submitted via the following website will be considered: