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Matt Drudge

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Germans from East and West stand on the Berlin Wall in front of the Brandenburg Gate in the November 10, 1989, photo, one day after the wall opened.

Matt Drudge

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Matt Drudge

Matt Drudge (born October 27, 1966, Takoma Park , Maryland , U.S.) is an American journalist who is best known for the Drudge Report, a conservative news and commentary website that he founded in 1995.

Drudge grew up in the Washington, D.C. , a suburb of Takoma Park, Maryland. In 1989, a few years after he graduated from high school , he moved to Los Angeles , where he worked in the CBS Television studio gift shop. After his father bought him a computer in 1994, he began publishing an e-mail newsletter featuring hearsay about the entertainment industry that he picked up on the studio lot. In early 1995 he launched the online Drudge Report from his home, and a year later he quit his day job and began covering politics.

Drudge soon made waves in media and political circles. During the 1996 presidential campaign , he was the first to report Sen. Bob Dole ’s choice of a vice presidential running mate. In 1997, on the basis of an unpublished article from Newsweek magazine , he ran the story of Kathleen Willey’s sexual harassment accusations against Pres. Bill Clinton . Drudge ran into trouble later that year when he was slapped with a $30 million lawsuit after he ran—and then retracted—a story claiming that White House aide Sidney Blumenthal had a history of spousal abuse.

In early 1998 Drudge’s name became a household word. By January Newsweek had prepared an article on Bill Clinton’s affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky , but it was Drudge who first publicized the story, on January 17, after having learned that the magazine was holding its piece back. In an address before the National Press Club, he defended his tactics, characterizing himself as a “citizen journalist” who exposed stories that mainstream reporters were hesitant or refusing to print. Some observers praised Drudge for using the Internet to help change the way news was disseminated . Hits on the Drudge Report website, which had numbered around one million per day before the Lewinsky scandal, increased more than 10-fold.

(Read Monica Lewinsky’s Britannica essay on cyberbullying.)

Drudge’s notoriety landed him a weekly program on television’s Fox News Channel as well as his own radio show for ABC. His contract with Fox was terminated in November 1999 after Drudge accused Fox of censorship and refused to go on the air. The network had deemed Drudge’s plan to display a photo of a 21-week-old fetus (actually one that was undergoing surgery) to illustrate his objections to partial-birth abortion as “misrepresentation.” Though ABC originally intended to expand the broadcast of his New York City radio show to major cities nationwide, they also fired him, in late 2000.

Despite these setbacks, his 2001 book, The Drudge Manifesto , became a best seller . That year also marked the debut of The Matt Drudge Show on talk radio station WABC; it ran until 2007. In addition, he continued to update the Drudge Report, which remained a politically powerful, albeit sometimes fallible, news source.

How Drudge Broke the News | Interview: Chris Moody The Dispatch Podcast

Jamie is joined by Chris Moody, a journalism professor at Appalachian State University and the host of the Finding Matt Drudge podcast, to explore the career of Matt Drudge and the imprint he's left on American news media. The Agenda: —The birth of a rumor —Who runs the Drudge Report? —Drudge's betrayal of Trump —Getting that Drudge link —The vanishing Show Notes: -Watch this episode on YouTube —Finding Matt Drudge on Apple Podcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Drudge Report – Bias and Credibility

Right-center bias.

These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation.  See all Right-Center sources.

  • Overall, we rate the Drudge Report Right-Center Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that more frequently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to occasionally using poor sources with failed fact checks.

Detailed Report

Bias Rating: RIGHT-CENTER Factual Reporting: MIXED Country: USA MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Website Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY

Founded in 1995 as one of the first independent web-only news sources, The Drudge Report is a politically conservative American news aggregation website run by Matt Drudge. The site consists mainly of links to stories from the United States and international media about politics, entertainment, and current events; it also has links to many columnists. Occasionally, Drudge authors new stories himself, based on tips.  The Drudge Report focuses on sensationalized stories with a right-wing bias. Matt Drudge and Charles Hunt edit the website .

In 2016, Matt Drudge was a strong supporter of Donald Trump; however, in 2018, Drudge began distancing himself from Trump and openly criticized  him , primarily for Trump’s broken promises on the border wall and immigration.

Due to this change in position, some strong Trump supporters have labeled The Drudge Report as the progressive left. For example, Conservative/Libertarian Trump supporter Tucker Carlson stated that  Matt Drudge is “firmly a man of the progressive left,” with the conservative Fox News host comparing the Drudge Report founder to The Daily Beast or “any other woke propaganda outlet posing as a news company.”

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Analysis

The Drudge Report is owned by Matt Drudge and is funded through online advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, the Drudge Report typically provides hyperlinks to external news sources, in which Matt Drudge writes the lead in headlines. In the past, almost all news stories favored the right and linked to right-leaning sources. Drudge is also frequently linked to conspiracy sources such as ZeroHedge and Infowars and Questionable sources, with very poor fact-check records, such as Breitbart , WND , and the Gateway Pundit .

Today, the Drudge Report typically links to more credible, lower-biased sources such as the Associated Press , Reuters , The Atlantic , and Fox News . However, there are still times when they publish the Questionable Breitbart as well as the Daily Mail .

Drudge Report also publishes columns from a wide range of journalists such as Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Ben Shapiro on the right and Paul Krugman and Maggie Haberman on the left. For the most part, the majority are right-leaning columnists, with many who have poor track records with fact-checkers.

Although the Drudge Report no longer supports Donald Trump, they clearly favor the right based on story selection and the right-leaning columnists that dominate the website. A review of 50 articles revealed that 16 favored the right and 9 favored the left, with the rest falling into a non-political category. In general, the Drudge Report has moderated toward a more Right-Center stance since the last review.

Finally, in the past, the Drudge Report has also promoted numerous debunked conspiracy theories such as The President Obama Birther conspiracy and that Undocumented children are violent criminals . A review of articles over the last two years indicates they have not failed a fact check and do not regularly publish conspiratorial content.

Failed Fact Checks (None recently)

  • “Reporters rehearse questions with White House press (secretary).” – PANTS ON FIRE
  • “Says Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald “Sterling is a Democrat.” – PANTS ON FIRE
  • A photograph shows children holding guns on the US-Mexico border. – FALSE
  • Is President Obama’s trip to India going to cost $200 million per day? – FALSE
  • BREAKING: Illegal Muslim From Iran Arrested For Starting California Wildfire – PANTS ON FIRE

Overall, we rate the Drudge Report Right-Center Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that more frequently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to occasionally using poor sources with failed fact checks. (7/19/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 05/26/2024)

Source: https://www.drudgereport.com/

  • Left-Center
  • Least Biased
  • Right-Center

Last Updated on May 26, 2024 by Media Bias Fact Check

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Left vs. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources

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Matt Drudge’s Impeachment: American Crime Story Debut and Strange Origin Story

By Julie Miller

Matt Drudges ‘Impeachment American Crime Story Debut and Strange Origin Story

Matt Drudge makes a dramatic debut in Impeachment: American Crime Story ’s third episode, “Not to Be Believed,” which premieres Tuesday night on FX. The character does not get an introduction so much as a down-and-dirty origin story. In the episode’s opening scene, set in 1995, Drudge (played by Billy Eichner ) manages the gift shop at CBS Studios. The character is lit and scripted like a screen villain—perhaps not surprising, given the show’s creators have said the true crime of Impeachment is the way Monica Lewinsky , Linda Tripp , and Paula Jones were maligned by media.

During the five-minute opening sequence, Drudge locks up the gift shop, throws on a trench coat, digs sensitive information out from a studio dumpster, and returns to his small, drab apartment to publish the biggest scoop of his career at that point: Jerry Seinfeld ’s negotiations for $1 million per episode. Three years later, Drudge would eclipse that news story with a political bombshell—breaking news of Bill Clinton ’s affair with a White House intern.

Ahead, a closer look at Drudge’s real-life beginnings and his role in making Clinton and Lewinsky’s affair the scandal spectacular that it became.

These days, Drudge is known for being a “mysterious media maven, conservative kingmaker, and arguably the most influential news aggregator in history,” according to a Vanity Fair feature last year. But in the early ’90s, his résumé was considerably less impressive.

Drudge grew up in the Maryland suburbs and graduated from high school 341st out of 355 students in 1984, according to Matthew Lysiak ’s The Drudge Revolution. While many of his peers went to college, Drudge spent the following years drifting aimlessly between jobs like 7-Eleven night manager, telemarketer, and McDonald’s team member.

“Drudge’s father ultimately changed his life,”  wrote New York magazine in 2007. “After high school, [Drudge] drifted to his father’s hometown, Los Angeles, where he worked for years in the gift shop at CBS studios. Worried about his son’s aimlessness, Bob Drudge insisted on buying him a Packard-Bell computer in 1994. The Drudge Report began as an e-mail sent out to a few friends.”

The Drudge Report started taking off in March 1995, and Drudge’s “first big break came straight out of the garbage” while he was working at CBS Studios, according to The Drudge Revolution:

Matt had been searching through the trash cans on the ground-floor Xerox room when he discovered the previous day’s Nielsen ratings, not yet released to the public, discarded below piles of trash.… For Matt, it was information gold, even if he didn’t exactly know what to do with the pilfered information. Matt studied the schedule of the cleaning crew. He learned there was a short window of time in the morning after the Nielsen numbers were tossed into the garbage by the executive suits and before the crew would arrive to shred it. Matt took his dumpster-diving routine elsewhere—including to Daily Variety. He began posting the Nielsen ratings and other tidbits of information he learned on various internet newsgroups, including pilfering Friday night’s box office take for newly released movies, which he would release the very next day, ahead of the studios.

Tuesday’s episode also flashes back to a trip Drudge made to the capitol—which Jeffrey Toobin described in his book A Vast Conspiracy, on which Impeachment is based. The trip would include a fateful conversation with Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff ( Danny A. Jacobs ), who was on the Clinton sexual harassment beat. While Drudge had been digging scoops out of the trash, Isikoff was operating on the opposite end of the reporting-morality spectrum—vetting sources and declining access to illegally recorded audio . Toobin writes:

In late June 1997, Matt Drudge visited Washington at a time when his celebrity was still rather modest. Two years earlier, Drudge had started posting various news items and gossip—mostly early reports of weekend movie grosses along with occasional news of show business contract disputes—on the fledgling World Wide Web. His popularity grew with that of the Internet, and Drudge soon developed a following in the tens of thousands, especially among journalists. Drudge wrote with a cranky anti-Clinton slant, but his juicy tidbits and old-time tabloid style made his intermittently reliable Drudge Report a must-read in political and media circles. By the time he toured Newsweek ’s offices, in the summer of 1997, he could promenade through them like a visiting dignitary. (On the same trip to Washington, Drudge was a guest of honor at a dinner thrown by the ubiquitous David Brock. ) In a conversation with Drudge at Newsweek, Isikoff accidentally confirmed that he was working on an article about a possible act of sexual harassment by the president in the White House.

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In May 1997, The Washington Post formally introduced Drudge to the world in a profile entitled “The Dirt on Matt Drudge” :

He’s a one-man media machine, an obsessive gossip who cheerfully pleads guilty to occasional unethical behavior. He’s a 30-year-old Takoma Park native whose last job was managing the CBS gift shop in Studio City, Calif. He describes his gig this way: “I don’t have an editor. I can write whatever I want and 50,000-plus readers will see it within an hour.” Matt Drudge would be possible only in the age of Web-surfing. From a cluttered apartment near Hollywood and Vine, he cranks out a World Wide Web site called the Drudge Report (www.drudgereport.com), a strange brew of media, political and show biz tidbits that has drawn all kinds of fans in high places.

Though Drudge had a reputation for being hit-or-miss with its news breaks—he incorrectly reported that Microsoft was buying Netscape, and that Independence Day would bomb at the box office, according to The Drudge Revolution —he managed to break the Clinton affair news.

On January 17, 1998, Drudge published the story with the headline “NEWSWEEK KILLS STORY ON WHITE HOUSE INTERN:”

At the last minute, at 6 p.m. on Saturday evening, NEWSWEEK magazine killed a story that was destined to shake official Washington to its foundation: A White House intern carried on a sexual affair with the President of the United States! The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that reporter Michael Isikoff developed the story of his career, only to have it spiked by top NEWSWEEK suits hours before publication. A young woman, 23, sexually involved with the love of her life, the President of the United States, since she was a 21-year-old intern at the White House. She was a frequent visitor to a small study just off the Oval Office where she claims to have indulged the president's sexual preference. Reports of the relationship spread in White House quarters and she was moved to a job at the Pentagon, where she worked until last month. The young intern wrote long love letters to President Clinton, which she delivered through a delivery service. She was a frequent visitor at the White House after midnight, where she checked in the WAVE logs as visiting a secretary named Betty Curry, 57. The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that tapes of intimate phone conversations exist. The relationship between the president and the young woman become strained when the president believed that the young woman was bragging about the affair to others.

The story set off a full-on media frenzy around the Clinton White House on par with the press circus around Nixon’s Watergate scandal. Days later, The Washington Post , the Los Angeles Times and ABC radio followed with their own reporting that Kenneth Starr was investigating whether Clinton and his friend Vernon Jordan encouraged Lewinsky to lie to lawyers for Paula Jones about whether she had an affair with the president.

Incredibly, this was not the first time that Drudge scooped Isikoff. Drudge previously beat the Newsweek reporter to breaking the allegations that Clinton made advances towards another White House aide, Kathleen Willey. Speaking to press after breaking the Lewinsky-Clinton affair news, Drudge acknowledged his own controversial tactics in scooping Isikoff.

“There’s something in the culture of Washington where reporters share their stories, and now there’s an outlet, meaning me,” said Drudge. “Before we all talked about it, but who’s going to print it? … This thing just fell into my lap.”

The article not only opened the floodgates for political attacks, it also marked another important turning point. Per Toobin’s A Vast Conspiracy, “By launching the story into the public discourse via the Internet, Drudge’s post announced a fundamental reordering of our media hierarchies, a process that has only accelerated in subsequent years.”

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Drudge Shows His Hand on Romney

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Andrew Breitbart, Conservative Blogger, Dies at 43

The conservative provocateur died just after midnight on Thursday, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office.

By Jeremy W. Peters and Brian Stelter

Conservatives Criticize Drudge for Anti-Gingrich Assault

For the last 48 hours, the conservative Web site led by Matt Drudge has become a virtual campaign arm for Mitt Romney, featuring huge, screaming headlines about Mr. Gingrich and his past.

A Conservative Beachhead in the Sunshine

Far from Tea Party country, South Florida has become a magnet for conservative media personalities.

By Jeremy W. Peters

How Drudge Has Stayed on Top

The Drudge Report, outgrowing its roots in the Lewinsky scandal, is responsible for a surprisingly large portion of the hits at mainstream news sites like WashingtonPost.com.

By David Carr

Drudge Report (Official‪)‬ 17+

Siren tech, llc, designed for ipad.

  • 2.4 • 67 Ratings



Welcome to the all new version 7 of the one and only official Drudge Report app. Here's all you need to know to use the app to it's fullest: *** NOTIFICATIONS *** On first open, iOS will ask you to allow notifications. Tapping "Allow" results in alerts being sent to your phone whenever there is a siren, new banner or a highlighted headline (e.g. colored red.) Review these urgent headlines anytime by tapping on the urgent headlines button (bell with lines under it.) Then to modify which alerts you receive by tapping on the settings (gear) icon. *** SCROLL TO TOP *** Tap on the reload button. *** COLUMN SWITCHING (phones) *** Tap on the columns icon once to be taken to the top of the first column. Tap again for the top of the second column. Tap for the third column. Tap one more time and you'll be brought to the top. Repeat as desired. A personal response for those who email in bug reports or suggestions for improvement. Posting bugs in the comments may not get the attention they deserve. [email protected]

Version 7.0.3


Ratings and Reviews

Functionality review.

The app is fairly rudimentary, as the site is. But it has some functionality issues. There are times where having the application open will pause background music/podcasts and you have to restart your music and close the app. That could be fixed. The “alerts” or “breaking news” pings are absolutely dumb in the way they work. There’s also a cache issue with photos that were on the page associated with links - you can see as you’re scrolling the images get replaced. Old images remain cached and aren’t properly replaced or cleared in a timely fashion upon opening the app again. Overall, Matt Drudge (if he even runs the site anymore) should be ashamed that this application runs so poorly. It’s not hard to find a company who could make an iOS app better than this. Even if it’s a simple site, the application should work properly as such.

Discovered Drudge sold this to the liberal Otto family under condition of secrecy

I know that Matt drudge had a falling out with Trump in 2018 and I thought that was the reason for the one sided stories against him, but As the articles on this website become more and more one-sided and selective, for example, the betting odds, they only reported on the one outdated betting and said that Biden now overwhelmingly favored to beat Trump when all of the other betting I’d say that Trump is favored, I decided to investigate myself and found that Matt drudge sold this website to the liberal anti trump Otto family under condition of secrecy that he never disclosed it was sold to them. Basically so that they can be fraudulent. They can pretend like it’s a conservative website saying negative things about Trump and about conservative so it looks like they have more credibility so people will think a conservative website is saying it. I think that’s really sad that this is the Otto families life work, tricking people. Stand up for what you believe. No matter what side you’re on. And make a difference that way. They use the same tactics they accuse trump of. They’re frauds.

No longer relevant

Drudge Report used to be a decent (a term I will use loosely) fairly unbiased new reporting source. Fast forward 5 years later and it’s become nothing but a propaganda based, over the top leftist shell of its former self. When you are constantly posting stories from Yahoo, you know that a company has truly hit Rockbottom. Some of the absolutely worst “news” website used as links on the DrudgeReport page, have made in an irrelevant source for any reliable news. But hey, if you like senseless gossip sites like the Dailymail UK, TMZ, andthe National Enquirer, then you’ve come to the right place. Read, be angry and be stupid.

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About this Item

  • Drudge Report
  • "The Drudge Report is a politically conservative American news aggregation website. Run by Matt Drudge with the help of Charles Hurt, the site consists mainly of links to stories from the United States and international mainstream media about politics, entertainment, and current events; it also has links to many columnists. Occasionally, Drudge authors new stories himself, based on tips. The Drudge Report originated in 1996 as a weekly subscriber-based email dispatch. It was the first news source to break the Monica Lewinsky scandal to the public, after Newsweek decided to hold its story." -- Summary retrieved on October 7, 2019 http://dbpedia.org/resource/Drudge_Report

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  • United States.
  • Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 20540 USA
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  • http://www.drudgereport.com/

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  • 2001 to 2023
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Trump supporters and their opponents spar outside of the criminal court where the former president is on trial on Wednesday in New York City. The prosecution and defense presented their closing arguments in the former president's hush money trial with prosecutor Joshua Steinglass speaking for four hours and 40 minutes. Judge Juan Merchan will give the jury their instructions before they begin their deliberations today. Former U.S. President Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first of his criminal cases to go to trial. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

Trump supporters and their opponents spar outside of the criminal court where the former president is on trial on Wednesday in New York City. Stephanie Keith/Getty Images hide caption

Most people say the outcome of former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial in New York will not have an impact on their vote in the 2024 presidential election, but it could have an effect on some key groups, according to the latest NPR/ PBS NewsHour /Marist poll. The full survey results will be released Thursday morning.

Overall, two-thirds (67%) said a guilty verdict would make no difference to their vote; three-quarters (76%) said the same of a not guilty verdict.

Former President Donald Trump walks out of the courtroom Wednesday to make remarks to the media during his criminal trial at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York City.

The jury finishes a 1st day of deliberations in Trump’s hush money case

Roughly 1 in 6 voters (17%) said a guilty verdict would make them less likely to vote for Trump. That was true of a quarter of nonwhites and 1 in 5 voters who make less than $50,000 a year and those under 45.

Surveys have shown Trump making inroads with younger voters and non-white voters, but that support has often appeared soft, meaning they haven’t fully made up their minds.

A not-guilty verdict would have somewhat of an inverse effect of a guilty verdict. Almost 1 in 5 voters under 45, non-white voters, those who make less than $50,000 a year and others said an acquittal would make them more likely to vote for Trump.

Mike Burr, a Democrat from Georgia, told NPR the trial won’t affect his vote because he’s voting against Trump.

“The trial kind of affirms that I don't think anybody should be voting for Donald Trump,” Burr said. “I don't think Donald Trump is good for the country.”

John Duvall, a Republican from Tennessee, had the opposite view.

“I think it’s a big farce,” Duvall said. “It’s an attack on Donald Trump. … I’ll vote for him more because of what they’re doing, because it’s illegal. If they send him to jail, I’ll still vote for him, because the whole thing is a political attack on him.”

Former President Donald Trump leaves Manhattan Criminal Court at the end of the day's proceedings during his criminal trial for allegedly covering up hush money payments in New York City on Tuesday.

The last words: What each side said in closing arguments for Trump's New York trial

Small, but perhaps important, percentages of core Trump voter groups also said they would be less likely to vote for Trump if he were found guilty — those who live in small towns (17%), whites without college degrees (14%), those who live in rural areas (11%) and Republicans (10%).

Just 11% of independents said a guilty verdict would make them less likely to vote for Trump.

In a race that’s expected to be close, any decline, even at the margins, could have an effect, but the numbers demonstrate just how little the trial is likely to swing many voters at all, no matter the verdict.

Views of both Trump and Biden are simply very locked-in.


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