Home Blog Presentation Ideas About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

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From conference talks to client demos, it’s always essential to include an About Me slide in any presentation you are giving. Introducing yourself early into the presentation helps build a better rapport with the audience.

You can start with several fun facts about me slide to break the ice or go for a more formal professional bio to explain your background and what makes you qualified to talk about the topic at hand. At any rate, your goal is to get the audience on your side by revealing some of your personality. 

How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation: 4 Approaches 

It’s a good practice to include self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation. If you are looking to answer how to introduce yourself professionally, typically somewhere after the title, opening slide , and the main agenda. However, the presentation structure will be somewhat different depending on whether you are presenting to a new audience or a group of people familiar with (e.g., your team, clients, or business partners). 

Here are four about me slide ideas you can try out, plus an About me template you can use to present yourself in a presentation. 

get to know presentation

1. Mention Your Name and Affiliations

Start with the introduction basics. State your name, company, title/position, and several quick facts about who you are and what you do. Even if you present to a familiar audience, a brief recap is always welcome. 

To keep things a bit more engaging, consider adding some lesser-known facts about yourself. For example:

  • Your interests 
  • Recent accomplishments
  • Testimonial/quote from a team member 
  • Fun nicknames you got 

The above can be nice ice breakers for less formal team presentations, project updates, or catch-ups with clients. 

Here are several unique About Me examples you can try out:

For a client case study presentation : 

“Hi, I’m Lynda, Chief Customer Success Specialist with Acme Corp. (Also, someone you thought was a chatbot for the first few encounters)

47 NPS | 15% Churn Rate | 40% repeat purchase rate”

For a team after-action review presentation :

Mike, Project Manager at Cool Project

(aka Maximizer)

Personal Project stats:

387 Slack messages answered

56 cups of coffee consumed

Project profit gross margin: $1.2 million 

2. Work On Your Elevator Pitch 

One of the best ways to introduce yourself in a presentation is to share a punchy elevator pitch. This works extra well if you are presenting to a new audience. 

An elevator pitch is a concise statement (1-2 sentences) that summarizes your unique strengths, skills, and abilities and explains how these can benefit your listener. 

It’s nice to have one ready for your presentations and networking in general since it helps you immediately connect with new people and communicate your value. 

Writing a solid elevator pitch may require several attempts and iterations. But the sooner you start — the faster you’ll arrive at the best formula! 

To get your creative juices flowing, here are several elevator pitch ideas you can incorporate in an introduction slide about yourself. 

For professionals: 

“Certified Salesforce Administrator, data visualization specialist, and analytics for top SaaS brands. I help businesses make more sense of their data to drive better outcomes”.

For a mentor :

“Adjunct professor of creative writing at Columbia University, published author, former lifestyle editor at Esquire, the New York Times. I can teach you how to find, shape, pitch, and publish stories for web & print.”

For a student: 

“Third-year Marine Biology student at Denver State Uni. Volunteer at Lake Life Protection NGO, climate change activist, looking to expand my research about water conservation”.

3. Answer Popular Questions or Assumptions 

If you are a frequent presenter , chances are you get asked a lot of the same “About Me questions” after your speeches and during the networking bits. So why not address a roaster of these in your About Me slide? Select 4-5 most common questions and list them as quick FAQs on your slide deck. 

4. Focus on Telling a Story 

Strong introductions are personable. They are meant to offer a sneak-peak into your personality and the passion behind your work. That’s why for less formal presentations, you can (and should!) start with a short personal story. 

Remember: reliability is important to “click” with your audience. 

For instance, neuroscience research of political ads recently found that ads featuring real people performed better than those with genetic stock footage. Among viewers, emotional engagement and memory encoding (recall) increased dramatically when political ads showed relatable people. 

The same holds true for commerce. In 2015, GE launched a viral “What’s the Matter With Owen?” video ad series to attract more young talent to the company. The clips featured a relatable protagonist, struggling to explain what his work at GE entails e.g. that the company isn’t building railroads, but actually does some very innovative pilots. Many engineers related to the promo and work applications to GE shoot up by 800% ! 

As the above examples show, a good relatable story can go a long way. So think about how you can make a PowerPoint presentation about yourself more representative of who you really are as a person. 

How to Give a Presentation About Yourself: 4 Fool-Proof Tips

On other occasions, you may be asked to give a full-length “about me” presentation. Typically, this is the case during a second interview, onboarding , or if you are in attending a training program or workshop where everyone needs to present themselves and their work. 

Obviously, you’ll need more than one good about me slide in this case. So here’s how to prepare a superb presentation about me. 

What to Put in a Presentation About Yourself?

The audience will expect to learn a mix of personal and professional facts about you. Thus, it’s a good idea to include the following information: 

  • Your name, contact info, website , social media handles, digital portfolio .
  • Short bio or some interesting snippets. 
  • Career timeline (if applicable).
  • Main achievements (preferably quantifiable).
  • Education, special training.
  • Digital badging awards , accolades, and other types of recognition.
  • Something more personal — an interest, hobby, aspiration. 

The above mix of items will change a bit, depending on whether you are giving an interview presentation about yourself or introduce yourself post-hiring. For example, in some cases a dedicated bio slide may be useful, but other times focusing on main achievements and goals can be better.

That being said, let’s take a closer look at how to organize the above information in a memorable presentation. 

P.S. Grab an about me slide template to make the design process easier! 

get to know presentation

1. Create a List of “Facts About Me”

The easiest way to answer the “tell me about yourself” question is by having an array of facts you can easily fetch from your brain. 

When it comes to a full-length about me presentation , it’s best to have a longer list ready. To keep your brainstorming process productive, organize all your ideas in the following buckets: 

  • Key skills (soft and hard)
  • Educational accolades, training
  • Accomplishments and other “bragging rights”
  • Personal tidbits (a.k.a. fun facts ) 

Once you have a list, it gets easier to build a series of slides around it. 

2. Think Like Your Audience 

Most likely you’d be asked to make a presentation about yourself by a recruiter. There’s a good reason why many ask this — they want to determine if you are a good “cultural fit” for their organization. 

After all, 33% of people quit within the first 3 months of accepting a new job. Among these:

  • 43% of employees quit because their day-to-day role was different than what they were told it would be during the hiring process.
  • 32% cite company culture as a factor for leaving within the first three months. 

About me presentations often serve as an extra “filter” helping both parties ensure that they are on the same page expectations- and work style-wise. Thus, when you prepare your slide deck, do some background company research. Then try to align the presentation with it by matching the company tone, communication style, and cultural values. 

3. Include Testimonials and Recommendations

Use the voice of others to back up the claims you are making in your presentation. After all, trumping your own horn is what you are expected to do in such a presentation. But the voices of others can strengthen the claims you are personally making. 

Depending on your role and industry, try to sprinkle some of the following testimonials: 

  • LinkedIn recommendations
  • Quotes from personal or professional references
  • Social media comments 
  • Data metrics of your performance
  • Funny assessments from your colleagues/friends 

The above not just strengthen your narrative, but also help the audience learn some extras about you and your background. Testimonial slides can be of help for this purpose.

4. Include a Case Study 

One of the best ways to illustrate who you are is to show what you are best in. Remember, an about me presentation often needs to “soft sell” your qualifications, experience, and personality. 

One of the best ways to do that is to showcase how you can feel in a specific need and solve issues the business is facing. 

So if you have the timeframe, use some of the ending slides to deliver a quick case study. You can present: 

  • Short retrospective of a past successful project
  • Before-after transformations you’ve achieved 
  • Spotlight of the main accomplishments within the previous role 
  • Main customer results obtained
  • Specific solution delivered by you (or the team you’ve worked with) 

Ending your presentation on such a high note will leave the audience positively impressed and wondering what results you could achieve for them.

To Conclude 

It’s easy to feel stumped when you are asked to talk about yourself. Because there are so many things you could mention (but not necessarily should). At the same time, you don’t want to make your introduction sound like a bragging context. So always think from the position of your audience. Do the facts you choose to share benefit them in any way? If yes, place them confidently on your About Me slides! 

1. Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

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Use This Template

2. Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

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3. Meet the Team PowerPoint Template Slides

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4. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

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5. Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint

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6. Modern Resume Presentation Template

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Introduce Yourself, Introduction, Presentation Ideas Filed under Presentation Ideas

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Blog > 20 Poll Ice Breaker Questions to ask in your next Presentation

20 Poll Ice Breaker Questions to ask in your next Presentation

01.01.20   •  #icebreaker #ideas #presentation #tutorial.

Live polls are an ideal way to make a rousing start to your presentation or meeting, and to get your attendees' attention right from the beginning. Of course it is not always easy to create a suitable poll which can break the ice. That's why we've collected the best poll ideas and helpful tips for you to get started!

Iceberg in the cold ozean

Tips for your first icebreaker poll

  • Create Polls that at least the majority of your attendees can participate in. Your audience should be interested and have an opinion on the question. Also, be sure to keep the result exciting and not to carry out too predictable polls. The icebreaker polls are most effective as an introduction to a presentation and should therefore fit to your topic as well as possible.
  • Formulate the question and the answer options clear and understandable. Here, less is more! Also pay attention to the fact that the answer options should be easy to tell apart, especially in single-choice polls.
  • Avoid problem areas and try to make your icebreaker poll as positive and motivating as possible.
  • Make your poll more appealing by adding emoji or your own pictures, which additionally represent the answer options.
  • Don't worry if you don't know your audience very well yet: You can still add new polls, even during the presentation.

Ready to conduct a poll? Choose from these four types of icebreaker polls and get started:

  • Funny poll questions

Informative icebreaker poll questions

  • Communicative icebreaker poll questions
  • Introductory icebreaker poll questions

Funny Icebreaker poll questions to loosen up

Lighten your audience’s mood and start with a positive first impression.

If you could have one of these superpowers, which one would you choose?

  • 👀Be invisible whenever you want
  • 💪🏻Superhuman Strength
  • 🐶Talk to animals
  • 🧠Read minds
  • 🦅Be able to fly

Which Harry Potter house do you belong in?

  • I’ve never seen or read Harry Potter

If you could choose any age, to stay in for the rest of your life, which would it be?

If you could travel in time, what would you want to see?

  • 🤖The future
  • 🛩There is enough in the present

Have you ever…

  • Had a crush on your boss?
  • Peed in the swimming pool?
  • Taken shampoo and conditioner from hotels?
  • Told barefaced lies to your mother?
  • Denied receiving work emails when in fact you did?

Get to know your participants better and adapt your presentation accordingly.

Which languages do you speak? (multiple-choice)

What’s your level of understanding of the topic?

  • 🧢I’m completely green
  • 🤓I have some basic knowledge
  • 🎓I have solid background
  • 🧠I’m an expert

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What is your current role?

  • Business Development
  • Technical Development

How old are you?

Which technology trend will have the greatest impact on our industry over the next year?

  • Internet of Things and smart home tech
  • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)
  • Machine learning
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How did you get here?

  • 🛩By airplane

How are you feeling?

Describe your mood today

Why did you decide to join this event today?

  • Knowledge building
  • Speaker line-up
  • Networking opportunities
  • My boss made me

Communicative icebreaker polls

Take the chance to get your participants, of small as well as large groups, in touch witch each other, for example in preparation for a workshop. I’d like to meet someone from…

  • The person at my left
  • The person at my right
  • Both people next to me
  • None of the people next to me yet

I believe/know that the person to my left… (multiple choice)

  • Loves to read
  • Works in a big company
  • Has studied a year abroad
  • Has children
  • Likes to do crossword puzzles

Create a poll to find out how well your participants already know each other. After that, according to the outcome of your poll, ask them to get to know each other.

Introductory icebreaker polls

Use live polls to introduce yourself or your company in a fun and engaging way. Prepare a few true statements about yourself, add some lies, then let your participants vote for the answer they believe to be true. Examples: Which statement is true?

  • I’ve been working in this sector for more than 10 years
  • I’m color-blind
  • I speak three languages

Which statement is true?

  • In the last year our company’s sales increased by 10%
  • At the time our Company was founded, it had a different name
  • Our company has five locations for distribution in Germany

If you want to speed things up, you can rephrase the question like this: Which of the following statements are true? (multiple-choice)

SlideLizard Templates

But wait! There is no need to remember all the cool poll ideas. SlideLizard is the best tool to conduct interactive surveys in your presentation. Moreover, it has already a lot of useful poll templates directly built in. Try SlideLizard for free . Here is how you can use them in your presentations:

  • In the SlideLizard Plugin click on Polls in the menu
  • Click on Create from Template
  • Choose one of the templates
  • Optionally adapt the question or the answers to your presentation

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About the author.

get to know presentation

Christoph Berghuber

Having realized the unexploited potential of many presentations of these days, Christoph especially uses his skills in logic an algorithms for finding creative solutions.

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Do you want to make your presentations more interactive.

With SlideLizard you can engage your audience with live polls, questions and feedback . Directly within your PowerPoint Presentation. Learn more


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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Slide transitions.

Slide transitions are visual effects which appear in PowerPoint when one slide moves to the next. There are many different transitions, like for example fade and dissolve.

Computer Based Training (CBT)

Computer Based Traing (CBT) means digital learning programs, which work without internet. Exercises can be downloaded over the internet or can be distributed via storage media like a USB stick or a CD.

Persuasive Presentations

A persuasive presentation is made, for example, to introduce an amendment. There are usually several options to choose from. It is particularly important to provide good arguments and reasons.

Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning means that one group of students are in class at school. Another group of students takes part in class from home at the same time. They both get taught at the same time.

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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

Click to jump ahead:

What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

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2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

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5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

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8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

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4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

get to know presentation

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

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5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

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8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

get to know presentation

1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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Presentation Icebreakers that Really Work

  • Audience Response Tools , Event Planning , Leadership Techniques

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Meetings and presentations in the workplace can be pretty rigid, right? Not only do you have the responsibility to make sure the meeting is engaging, but you also need to effectively convey the required information to everyone in the room with a certain degree of professionalism. Striking a balance between these two goals can seem tough.

The more conversations and interactions a presentation initiates, the more fun and informative it can be. In order to make that happen, icebreakers are key. They can work absolute wonders by helping everyone there feel more comfortable and connect with one another.

Icebreakers remove the awkwardness, allow people to relax, boost audience energy, develop a friendly atmosphere, and encourage networking. Let’s take a look at some fun icebreakers that can be utilized in different situations.

What’s An Icebreaker And What Can it Do?

An icebreaker means to breaks the “ice” or coldness around your attendees . In a room (physical or virtual) full of people who may or may not know one another, the atmosphere can be cold. If you plunge into your presentation in that environment, it won’t go over as well as it could. Attendees who feel out of place won’t interact or engage. Take the time to “warm-up” the room.

There are several advantages to beginning with an icebreaker:

  • They help people to relax and have fun. Relaxation allows people to learn and entertain new ideas. An icebreaker is especially useful if you plan to get audience participation at some point in your presentation.
  • Icebreakers are energizers . It’s great to start the meeting with one, but also throughout the session, if you notice your audience is looking tired, restless, or down at their phones more often than necessary – pull out a lively icebreaker.
  • Icebreakers provide networking opportunities . Your audience can discover what they have in common.
  • Finally, icebreakers create a positive atmosphere. If you want your presentation to be remembered for all the right reasons, begin with a happy, comfortable audience.

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Here are a few tips that will make your icebreakers work

  • Know your audience . Not every icebreaker suits every audience. Be careful not to offend or embarrass anyone.
  • Try to include everyone , but again, don’t offend or embarrass your audience.
  • Keep your objective in mind . The icebreakers you choose should help you reach your objectives, not just make your audience laugh.
  • Make sure everyone is having fun . It’s not an icebreaker if it results in people feeling uncomfortable.
  • Finally, avoid calling it an icebreaker. Unfortunately, the term has become associated with an unpleasant experience. So if you announce that you’re doing an icebreaker, you’re likely to be met with groans and resistance. Instead, say, “I have an idea; let’s try something new!”

Two women meeting

Icebreakers for One-On-One Sessions

Try these for one-on-one presentations:

Introduce yourself

This is obvious, but introduce yourself unless you already know one another. If you know one another, maybe you can share a fact about yourself that the other person might not know.

Have a conversation

Have a quick chat about current affairs, the weather, or family. Whatever interests both of you and creates a warm environment.

Ask open-ended questions

While you chat, use open-ended questions . These will allow you to know your prospect better.

Ask what they expect from the presentation

As you talk with your prospect, figure out what they expect to gain from the presentation . If their expectations are incorrect, you can correct them. And you can adjust your presentation, if necessary.

Give them a present

Present them with a small token of appreciation , just for showing up to your presentation. No doubt you’ve been stood-up before, so a thank you gift is appropriate.

Compliment them

There’s a lot of power in a genuine compliment . Be kind to your prospect and notice something to compliment-worthy. Now let’s take a look at some fun icebreakers that can be utilized in different situations.

‍ Related : 35 Funny Poll Questions to Engage Your Audience and Brighten Someone’s Day

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Icebreakers for Small Groups

If you’re looking for some fun icebreaking ideas among small groups, here’s a place to start: ‍

Two Truths and a Lie

‍ Two Truths and a Lie can be an extremely fun game. The idea is that each and every member makes three statements about themselves. Two are true and the other is a lie. Players will then guess which ones are the truths and which one is the lie. The statements could be as simple as “I’ve gone skydiving in Spain,” “I owned a turtle as a kid,” and “I have never had sushi.”

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Most Unique

‍ Most Unique, too, helps everyone in a small group loosen up before a meeting or a presentation. It takes less time than the previous game, but similarly aims to help coworkers learn fun facts about each other.

The idea is simple: every person in the room gets to state something about themselves that’s unique and makes them different from the rest. For example, “I have ten siblings‚” “I can speak five languages‚” “I have lived in six different countries till date‚” and so on.

‍ Get-to-Know-You Questions

‍ This is one of the simplest ice breakers. Each group member can ask the other some questions that will help them get to know each other better. Examples of great questions to ask include:

  • What do you enjoy doing on the weekend?
  • Do you own any pets?
  • What is your favorite holiday destination?
  • What are your pet peeves?
  • What are your future goals?

‍ Would You Rather

‍ Would You Rather is a game that initiates discussions on perspectives and individual personalities. It helps your team members learn a little more about each other. Every person is given a choice between two scenarios, and they have to pick one. After making a choice, they also have to explain why they picked that option.

The choices could be something like:

  • Would you rather have summer or winter your whole life?
  • Would you rather prepare your meal yourself and have different options each day or have your meal prepared for you without getting to choose the dish?
  • Would you rather watch a new movie every day or re-watch your favorites without getting to watch anything new again?

And so on. The questions might seem silly, but you’d be surprised about what you can learn about your colleagues’ unique perspectives.

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Going on a Picnic

‍ If you’re giving a presentation to people who don’t know each other that well, this is a great way to get group members to learn each other’s names in a fun way.

For example, if your name is Pauline, you will state your name, say you’re going on a picnic, and then say you’re bringing an item that starts with the first letter of your name. So, the sentence will be, “My name is Pauline, I am going on a picnic, and I’m bringing popcorn.”

The next person has to state not only what they’re bringing, but what the person before them is bringing as well. It’s basically a memory game and a name game combined.

‍ Related : 20 Interactive Presentation Games

Icebreakers for Large Groups

If your group is slightly bigger and has more members, there are even more options for icebreakers. Here are some interesting ones to opt for.

‍ Scavenger Hunt

‍ Remember the scavenger hunts your school made you participate in? Remember how it helped bring out your positively competitive side while you and your team members came together to win the game? The idea is the same here, with office members engaging in developing their problem-solving skills and working together towards a common goal.

You can divide the members in about 4-5 groups, and have the clues take them from one place to another. Try keeping fun prizes as well for the team or teams that perform the best.

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Marshmallow Challenge

‍ Dividing everyone into groups of about four to five members, give every group a long piece of string, 20 sticks of dry spaghetti, some tape, and a marshmallow. The aim is to see which group can use the given elements to build the strongest structure with the marshmallow on top. This allows everyone to collaborate and pitch in ideas to execute the plan.

‍ Celebrity Heads

‍ For this game, there are about six members in every group. Two players are required for every round, where one member will have the picture of a celebrity stuck on their forehead. They will ask “yes or no” questions about the celebrity until they can guess who it is.

‍ M&M’s Exchange

‍ Give every member the same amount of M&Ms. Have everyone say one thing that they haven’t done that they think the others might have. Anyone who has done that thing needs to give the speaker an M&M, and if there’s someone who hasn’t done it, the person who made the statement gives that person an M&M. The game goes on till someone runs out of M&Ms.

‍ True or False Running

‍ Yet another fun icebreaker for large groups is the True or False Running game. Draw a line in the middle of the room, with the right side being the true side and the left side being the false side. Make statements related to general knowledge, and have members hop on either side depending on whether the statement is true or false. The one who gets the most correct answers wins.

‍ Related: How to Get People to Take a Survey

Ice Breakers for Training Seminars

Those attending training seminars are often nervous about the whole process. In order to make the attendees more comfortable, these are some great icebreaker sessions to choose from.

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Blind Drawing

‍ This game requires two members to pair up. They need to be made to sit back-to-back, with one person having a picture, and the other person having a pen and a paper. The person holding the picture needs to describe it to the other individual, and the latter needs to draw it. The duo with the best picture can be given a small prize as a token of appreciation. Image source: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik

‍ Five of Anything

‍ Divide the members of the training seminar into groups of four or five. Each group gets a topic, such as a book or a movie or so, and every member needs to list their five favorite things under that topic. After that, everyone gets to discuss their answers and learn a little more about the people around them.

‍ 10 Things in Common

‍ This game can help members find common traits with one another. Pair up two people and let them list 10 things that they have in common. It could be something as simple as them both having three siblings or owning a dog, and so on.

‍ For One Word, divide the members into groups and give each of them a discussion topic. Using this topic, they all have to come up with a word that they think will best describe the subject. For example, if it’s about company culture, ask them the one word they think best describes it. This facilitates interesting discussions among everyone.

‍ Related: How to Moderate Panel Discussion

Icebreakers for Team Building

The main aim of most icebreakers is to create a spirit of team effort and team bonding. If that’s what you’re looking to build before a meeting or in any other situation, the following icebreakers can help:

‍ Whodunit works well with both small and big groups. Have every member write something they have done on a piece of paper, be it scuba diving or going for a solo trip, and put all the notes in a basket. Every member picks a random note, and depending on which one they’ve picked up, they have to guess who it belongs to or which person had that particular experience.

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The Egg Drop

‍ This team building icebreaker gets everyone engaged and is super-fun to both witness and perform. Divide the members into groups of about five people, and give each group an uncooked egg.

Have a few office supplies ready in a pile, and using those supplies, each team has to build a contraption around the egg that prevents it from breaking when it’s dropped. Image source: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik

‍ The Barter Puzzle

‍ In this icebreaker game, groups are made and each team is given a puzzle to solve. However, some pieces of every puzzle are mixed with the other groups. Every group then has to decide how to acquire the piece from the other group in order to complete their puzzle.

‍ Human Rock-Paper-Scissors

‍ Who knew this classic game could be turned into an icebreaker method? Well, turns out it can. Break the members into different teams, and have each team come up with unique body signals for rock-paper-scissors. Each team can have a face-off in a best-of-five series, and the team that performs the best wins the game.

A Final Note

Keeping your audience engaged with icebreakers can help set the tone for the rest of the meeting. For more advice on how to make your presentations engaging, and for unique meeting tools visit Meeting Pulse !

You can use our live polling features to make question-and-answer games easier and visually pleasing, and gauge audience engagement with upvotes, downvotes, and emojis. With a slew of great icebreakers and simple, yet innovative tools, you can kick off your meetings right.

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Virtual Icebreakers Your Team Will Love

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"I am always searching for fun, engaging, and unique experiences to facilitate with a group. I discovered Slides With Friends and was blown away! What a great way to get all session attendees laughing, sharing, and connecting."

Elaine Schwartz, Digital Enablement Leader

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"My team absolutely loves Slides With Friends. The interactions are so fun and it's easy to create custom polls & quizzes just for our group. This has quickly become one of my favorite tools for online team experiences."

Matthijs Keij, CEO

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"As someone who’s been professionally gathering folks for years, I can 100% say that Slides With Friends is a huge breakthrough for any group looking to connect more deeply."

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Najva Sol, Head of Product & Marketing

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"Slides With Friends has been such an amazing addition to our team's remote stack. This tool brings people together in a way that is rare across the internet."

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Steph Smith, Head of Paid Products

How to play these icebreakers, pick or build an icebreaker deck.

Grab a great, ready-to-play game, and start a presentation like you would for any typical slide deck. Your team can join in on their phones with a simple QR code or link (no downloads or logins required).

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Play and interact seamlessly

It's easy for your group to join in from their phones or laptops and actively participate with these interactive icebreaker questions, trivia games, live photo show & tell, word clouds, and more.

See real engagement & enjoyment

Elevate your icebreaker into something engaging and fun, without any extra work. Your remote team, hybrid workers, audience, students, (or any group) will love interacting and having their voice heard.

Ready-to-play Icebreaker Decks

Try out our pre-made icebreaker games — just launch and play! Or you can customize with personal touches to make any deck your own.

Make icebreaking easy and interactive

A great, engaging icebreaker is one where you're hearing from everyone, and enabling everyone to actively participate. SlidesWith lets your team join in without needing to download or learn any new systems, and interact easily and enjoyably as a group.

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Know how it went

It's just as important to know the results! Get automatic ratings & feedback, so you have real insight into your team's experience. You can even review your event stats and export post-event data. It's not "just playing games" — SlidesWith gives you tangible results you can show your boss or board.

Remote & hybrid friendly

From a conference hall to a Zoom call, you can use these interactive slides to give everyone a voice. Hear from everyone in your group, not just the loudest, fastest ones in the room. You can use SlidesWith anywhere you can share your screen, from Microsoft Teams to Webex to Google Meet.

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Bring everyone together

It can be easy to feel disconnected if your team is hybrid or remote. This just means that we need to put more energy into bringing our group together. Fortunately there are great, easy ways to do this! Here are some tested and loved interactive slide deck icebreaker games that you can use to create team alignment, engagement, and enjoyment.

Customer Stories

Brings people together.

Slides With has been such an amazing addition to our team's remote work. This tool brings people together in a way that is rare across the internet. We use it for trivia at The Hustle, but could easily see how it could be expanded to other use cases!

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Favorite of my team

My team absolutely loved SlidesWith. The interactions were so fun and it was easy to create a custom “around the world quiz” just for our group. SlidesWith has quickly become one of my favorite tools for online team experiences.

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Great for education and young adults

Slides with Friends is a great tool for anyone wanting to connect with and engage a live audience, whether online or in person. The user interface is easy and intuitive, and the outcome is fun, interactive, and involving. (Oh and the soundboard, my teenagers loved it... a little too much!)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? We've got some answers.

Go to your account, select a deck, and open it! You'll see a big pink "Launch an event" button on the top right corner. When you click this, it will start a live, full-screen event (just like a powerpoint or google slides presentation). Display this live event page to your group (eg. "share your screen" on Zoom), and have them join in! Then advance through the slides by clicking the next arrow or pressing the arrow keys.

On the first slide of your launched event, you'll see an auto-generated QR code and a URL link. Tell your players to get their smartphone and open their camera. They just need to hold their camera up to the QR code, and they'll be taken to a join page. If they don't have a phone or are having trouble with the QR code, they can use the link displayed on that page, which goes to the same page. On this page, they'll be able to select an avatar, enter their name, and click "Join Event"! You'll see each person appear on your main screen, as they join. From there they can send in responses, photos, and fun sound reactions.

With a Pro account you can have up to 200 players join, and with a Starter account you can have up to 50 players. Our forever-free account lets small groups of up to 10 people play your event, no charge :)

Yes! Our forever free account is fully-featured. We believe in building strong connections and community, and for that reason SlidesWith will always be no-cost for smaller groups — you can create a deck and play with up to 10 people for free. The only time payment is required is if you want to run events with larger groups.

No, this is a slide deck presentation tool that you can use in any video call or in person. We recommend using SlidesWith wherever you can show your screen to your audience. So whether that's on a video call platform like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex, (or any other video conferencing software), or live at an in-person or hybrid conference or meeting, as long as you can share your screen, you can use SlidesWith. Think of it like using a powerpoint presentation, but with superpowers ;)

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"We received tons of positive feedback after using Slides With Friends. The beauty of this app is that it's so simple to design a unique branded game with questions and tasks on any topic. We loved this as an ice breaker!"

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14 effective presentation tips to impress your audience

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Anete Ezera July 15, 2022

An effective presentation can communicate key ideas and opinions, save time, and contribute to your overall success as a business, but good presentation skills don’t come naturally to everyone. In this blog post, you’ll find 14 effective presentation tips you can implement in your next presentation to make it a success. 

Whether you’re preparing for an important presentation at work or school, or you’re looking for ways to generally improve your presentation skills, you’ll find these presentation tips useful. We’ve gathered a list to help you impress your audience from the get-go. You’ll find tips for creating and presenting your slides, talking in front of an audience, and other effective presentation techniques to help you stand out. 

Confident businessman talking into microphone during seminar. Happy male professional is giving presentation to colleagues. He is wearing smart casuals.

Most common presentation mistakes

Before we list our top effective presentation tips, let’s explore the most common presentation mistakes. If you’ve made one or more mistakes in this list, you’re not alone. Most people have made at least one mistake. However, what’s important is to be aware of these errors and try avoiding them next time.

#1 A poor start

One of the most common mistakes people make is undermining the importance of the first few minutes or seconds of their presentation. 

Let’s say you’ve practiced your key talking points meticulously and gone over your slides a million times, but when you’re in the spotlight and need to say your first line, do you know exactly what to say to wow the audience? 

The start of your presentation is crucial. Not only because how you start sets the tone for the rest of your presentation, but also because people generally require around 8 seconds to decide whether they find the subject interesting enough to keep listening. Starting your presentation with a captivating intro is even more important than you think. To ensure you start off right, read our guide on how to start your presentation . 

#2 Lack of preparation

Yes, even though it’s clear that you should prepare before giving a presentation, it’s still a common mistake amongst presenters. Preparing content and talking points is an obvious start, but there are other steps that you might be overlooking.

Before you even join a meeting or walk into a room where you’re going to present, consider the technical requirements and get familiar with the equipment. If you’re presenting online, make sure to test-run your presentation and the visual aids you’re going to use. The last thing you want is a broken video link, poor audio, or a weak connection when you’re presenting. 

Also, consider the questions your audience might want to ask you about the topic. Think about how you’d answer those questions, or do even further research to really impress the audience with your answers. 

Explore other ways to prepare for a presentation to feel even more confident when presenting.

effective presentation tips

#3 Losing track of time

It’s great to feel passionate about your topic. However, you’ll have to consider your audience’s level of interest and knowledge. Some details might seem fascinating to you, and you’d like to talk about them for hours, but for your audience, too much information will drain their energy and lose their attention. 

Therefore, make sure to keep track of time. Also, consider your audience’s interests. A concise presentation is always better than a long one with a ton of information. Plus, you’ll have a higher chance of keeping your audience’s attention throughout the presentation. 

Effective presentation tips

Now that we’ve looked at some of the most common presentation mistakes – let’s dive into effective presentation tips that’ll help you excel in future presentations. 

#1 Tell a story

Stories connect, inspire, and empower people. Telling a story can entice action, help understand an idea, and make people feel connected to the storyteller. It’s also one of the most effective presentation tips. A study by organizational psychologist Peg Neuhauser found that a well-told story is easier to remember than facts, which makes it a highly effective learning technique. 

With that in mind, telling a story when you’re presenting can engage your audience and make it a more memorable experience. You can either share a personal story or a historical event, just make sure to have a clear connection between the story and the topic you’re presenting. 

effective presentation in a company

#2 Work on your body language

Body language can make a huge difference in how your presentation is perceived. It’s one of the presentation tips you definitely shouldn’t overlook. 

Body language says a lot about a person’s confidence level, emotions, state of mind, and even credibility. For the audience, it’s a way to understand what the person is saying and how interested they are in the topic. 

Therefore, work on your body language to better convey the message you’re trying to communicate. Practice in front of a mirror before your presentation and be conscious of your hand gestures and facial expressions. 

#3 Understand your audience

Before crafting your presentation, you must know who you’re speaking to. Understanding the interests, demographics, professional background, and other valuable information of your audience is crucial in making your speech successful. 

Back view of large group of business peoplein a board room. Someone is presenting in front.

If you’re speaking at an event, contact the organizers to get more information about other speakers and the audience. If you’re presenting at work, you may already know your audience fairly well. Use this information to your advantage and create content you know they’ll resonate with.

#4 Use high-quality visuals

What’s one of the most effective presentation techniques? Use of visuals. They play a crucial role in your presentation. However, only high-quality visuals will make a good impression and effectively communicate your message. Use high-quality visuals like images, videos, graphs, maps, and others to really land your point. 

Using visuals is a great way to convey your ideas as they’re easier to process than text. If you’re not sure where to find great visuals, check out our blog post on presentation visuals for five free resources.

P.S. the Prezi library holds a variety of images, videos, GIFs, stickers, and other visuals, including different charts and maps to spice up your presentation. It’s all available in your dashboard .

#5 Use data visualizations

Do you want to showcase statistics or other datasets in your presentation? Use data visualizations to make your data stand out and impress your audience. 

There’s nothing more boring than a bunch of data presented in a flat way. If you want to tell a story with your data, use interactive infographics or slides enriched with eye-catching visuals. Showcasing data will make your ideas appear more trustworthy and credible. 

Prezi Design offers a range of templates to choose from. You can start creating data visualizations from scratch or choose a template and edit the data there. 

#6 Make it engaging with interactive elements

It’s not easy to deliver an engaging presentation. People can easily get distracted or try to multitask, especially in the virtual environment. Sometimes, it’s difficult to focus on the speaker and the written text. Other times, the content just isn’t impressive enough to hold the audience’s attention. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can make your presentation more engaging for everyone by including interactive content like graphs and charts. With interactive data visualizations, you’ll make the data discovery process more engaging and exciting for your audience. 

Your audience will be able to hover over data points and click on certain icons or datasets to discover information on their own. Interactive visualizations will make the presentation more memorable and impressive. 

As you can see in the example below, you can discover different data by engaging with the infographic. 

#7 Stay consistent with fonts and color styles

You want your presentation to look visually appealing and highlight essential information. To make that happen, stay consistent with font styles and color schemes throughout your presentation. 

Use one or two fonts max to make the text easy to read and understand. Also, use a carefully selected color scheme that’s not too distracting. If you’re using Prezi Design, you can easily copy and paste styles by right-clicking on your data visualizations and selecting “copy styles.” This makes it easier to stay consistent and saves time when picking matching colors. 

#8 Structure your presentation properly

Before creating your presentation, think about its structure. What’s the main idea you want to convey? Use that as your starting point, and only include information that adds value to the narrative. 

Plan out the first topics carefully to properly introduce your argument. Add the essential information in the middle part of your presentation. Lastly, close your presentation with a summary of the main points and leave your audience with an afterthought. Also, plan when you’re taking questions and for how long. 

For more insight, watch this tutorial on how to structure your presentation:

#9 Practice your public speaking skills

Public speaking may not be your forte, but you can get better with practice. Don’t decline a great opportunity to share your ideas with a larger audience just because you feel nervous speaking in front of a group of people. 

One of the best ways to improve your public speaking skills is to practice in front of your family or friends – people you feel comfortable with. Also, focus on the topic you’re presenting and get excited about the idea you want to convey. This way you’ll appear more confident and feel less nervous about public speaking. 

Explore other public speaking tips from Jessica Chen, the founder, and CEO of Soulcast Media: 

#10 Show your slides next to you on-screen

If you’re presenting on Zoom or in a virtual meeting , think twice before you share your screen. The days of hiding behind slides are over. People want to see and connect with other people, not sit through another run-of-the-mill screen share. To do that, use Prezi Video to showcase all your content right next to you in your video feed. 

As a result, your presentation will look more engaging than a traditional virtual presentation . Also, your audience will have the chance to read your body language and follow along with what you’re saying even better. 

If you already have your slides prepared, don’t worry – you can easily integrate them into Prezi. 

See Prezi Video in action and check out our video templates to get started.

#11 Calm down before presenting

Being in front of an audience can feel nerve-racking. However, there are ways to calm down before presenting that will make you feel more centered and confident. The last thing you want is all your hard work to go to waste just because of stress. 

Try breathing exercises or a five-minute guided meditation before presenting. The trick is to remove all distractions and focus on the present moment so you’re not overthinking right before starting your presentation. Also, be fully prepared and know exactly what to say and when which will help you feel more collected. If you want to discover other ways to feel and look more confident, read how not to be nervous before a presentation . 

#12 Use transitions and animations 

Add movement to your slides with transitions and animations. You’ll make your presentation more visually appealing and engaging. However, be careful not to overwhelm your audience with your choice of transitions and animations. 

Choose a transition that matches your presentation visually and use it throughout your presentation. Consider what animations will be relevant to your audience and select a few to add to your slides. Don’t overdo it. Keep the focus on the message you’re trying to convey, and use animations to only support that message. 

#13 Be enthusiastic 

When you’re in a room with a positive and enthusiastic person, you can’t help but feel uplifted as well. High-energy people have this effect on others. Most importantly, a lot of people tend to mimic people’s behavior and mirror their energy when they feel a connection or relate to them. That’s called the chameleon effect . 

effective presentation tips

When you’re presenting, you want your audience to feel curious about what you’re presenting. You may also want to leave your audience feeling uplifted, interested to know more, or inspired. To have that effect on others, try to convey those emotions when presenting. Practice your speech, slow down your narration at times, or take a pause after you’ve delivered a statement, and use different presentation techniques to present your project and really drive your points home. 

#14 End your presentation in a memorable way

The first few minutes of your presentation are crucial for captivating your audience’s attention. However, don’t underestimate the importance of ending your presentation as powerfully as you started it. 

The way you end your presentation will play a crucial part in how your audience will remember it. You want to make a memorable impression by closing your presentation with a summarizing statement, a rhetorical question, a call to action, or another impactful way. Discover 10 ways you can end your presentation in our guide.  

Young woman sharing her views with team in office meeting.

There are a lot of factors to consider when creating and delivering a presentation. You want your slides to look professional and visually appealing while conveying your main points. You also want to look and sound confident even if you’re nervous about public speaking. Whatever your concerns may be, remember that preparation is essential. Practice and dedication are the keys to giving a successful presentation . Make sure to follow these effective presentation tips to excel in your future presentations. If you’re interested in creating a captivating presentation with Prezi, contact us to learn more or try it for free . 

Elevating presentations with Prezi AI

Embrace the innovation of Prezi to bring your presentations to life. With its unique platform, Prezi AI offers more than just visually appealing templates; it provides an immersive narrative experience, engaging your audience with a story-driven approach. By integrating Prezi AI , our platform’s capabilities are further enhanced, offering intelligent design suggestions and optimizing content layouts to ensure your presentations are not only beautiful but impactful. This integration is a perfect example of effective presentation techniques in action, using technology to create a more engaging presentation.

Interactive elements: transforming passive listening into active engagement

Prezi revolutionizes the way information is presented by incorporating interactive elements that invite audience participation. With Prezi AI, these features become even more accessible, suggesting ways to make your presentation more engaging through clickable areas, zoomable images, and dynamic visualizations. This level of interaction encourages exploration, making your message more memorable and transforming a standard presentation into an effective presentation.

Adding a personal touch in digital presentation with video

Prezi Video stands out by seamlessly integrating your content alongside your video feed, bridging the gap between traditional presentations and personal engagement. This feature is crucial for those looking to follow presentation tips that emphasize the importance of connecting with your audience on a more personal level. Prezi AI enhances this experience, ensuring your content is displayed in the most effective way possible, making your virtual presentations feel as though you’re directly conversing with your audience.

Mastering presentation artistry with Prezi

The journey to becoming a skilled presenter involves continuously refining your approach and embracing tools that elevate your ability to communicate effectively. Prezi, enriched with Prezi AI, is one such tool that transforms ordinary presentations into captivating experiences. By leveraging these advanced features, you can deliver presentations that are successful, memorable, and truly unforgettable, embodying the essence of tips for presentation mastery.

Whether you’re an experienced speaker or preparing for your first presentation, Prezi equips you with the tools to succeed. Engage your audience, tell compelling stories, and deliver your message with confidence and creativity. Following effective presentation tips and exploring how Prezi AI can transform your next presentation is a step towards mastering the art of impactful communication. Delve into the features and begin your journey to presentation mastery today.

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160 Get to Know Me Questions: Fun Ice Breakers

get to know me questions

160 Get to Know Me Questions

Do you want to get to know someone better ? Perhaps you’re working with a new group of people, and you want to build a sense of community with some ice-breaker questions? Or maybe you just want to participate in a “Get to Know Me Tag” with some fresh questions.

Whatever the case, these “get to know you” questions can help you start the conversation and keep it going. You can go through the different categories of get-to-know-me questions or randomly choose some to answer.

The list ranges from deep get to know you questions to more light-hearted ones. Remember, there are many benefits to being vulnerable – including stronger relationships, greater empathy, and increased self-acceptance. The more vulnerable you are, the more potential to build trust and belonging.

That being said, make sure you create an environment in which everyone feels comfortable sharing. Vulnerability is not full disclosure or forced shared. Nobody should feel obligated to share something they don’t want to.

These get-to-know-me questions can also serve as a great way to improve your self-awareness . Being self-aware is a never-ending process, and these questions to ask yourself can help you learn something new.

The key is to have fun, get vulnerable, and strive for authentic connection !

Get to Know Me Questions About:

  • Funny Moments
  • Relationships
  • Entertainment
  • Possessions
  • Random Things

160 Get to Know Me Questions: Ice Breakers for Every Occasion

Get to know me questions about growing up.

  • Where did you grow up?
  • What did you do for fun as a child?
  • Who was a role model in your life?
  • Did you have any childhood pets?
  • When you were young, what did you want to be?
  • What family traditions were important to you?
  • What was your favorite childhood memory?
  • What was your favorite childhood possession?
  • What challenges did you experience when you were young?
  • What is a defining moment from your childhood?

Get to Know Me Questions About Interests

  • What do you do for fun?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What is something that you’re really passionate about?
  • What is something you could spend hours doing?
  • What is something you wish you did more often?
  • If you had to watch a documentary, what would you want it to be about?
  • What do you always have on in the background?
  • How do you feel about travel?
  • What is a guilty pleasure you enjoy?
  • How have your interests changed over the years?

Get to Know Me Questions About Work

  • What made you get into your field of work?
  • How did you end up at your current job?
  • What about your work gives you joy?
  • What is something about your work that you find stressful?
  • How passionately do you feel about your work?
  • What do you want to be doing in five years? Ten?
  • How have your career ambitions changed?
  • What is one of your strengths?
  • When have you been challenged the most in your professional life?
  • How do you feel about the environment that you work in?

Get to Know Me Questions About Beliefs

  • How comfortable are you sharing what you believe in?
  • What is your political position?
  • How has your political position changed over your lifetime?
  • If you could change something about the country, what would it be?
  • What is a fundamental principle that you believe everyone should adhere to?
  • What makes you most angry?
  • What do you wish you saw more of in society?
  • How often do you question your viewpoints?
  • What in your life has inspired your beliefs the most?
  • How have your beliefs changed over time?

Get to Know Me Questions About Motivation

  • What drives you out of bed each morning?
  • What do you feel most passionate about doing?
  • What goals do you have for yourself?
  • What life events have helped shape your goals?
  • How easy or difficult is it to motivate yourself?
  • What obstacles get in the way of your motivation?
  • What accomplishment do you feel most proud of?
  • What do you want to accomplish before you die?
  • What is something that fills you with purpose?
  • When have you felt the most lost in life?

Get to Know Me Questions About Funny Moments

  • What was an embarrassing moment that you experienced?
  • What was your worst haircut?
  • What is your worst late-night story?
  • What is the most ridiculous thing that you’ve purchased?
  • What is something you did when you were younger that makes you cringe to think about?
  • How has your fashion sense changed over the years?
  • What is the most adventurous thing that you’ve done?
  • What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?
  • What is something that always makes you laugh?
  • When have you done something outlandish for what you usually do?

Get to Know Me Questions About Love Life

  • What are you looking for in a partner?
  • What is the most romantic thing you have ever experienced?
  • What is the most romantic thing you have orchestrated?
  • What does your ideal date look like?
  • How many relationships have you been in?
  • What drew you to your current partner?
  • What are your beliefs about marriage?
  • How has your idea of love changed over your lifetime?
  • What do you think is the most essential quality in a healthy relationship?
  • What is your love language?

Get to Know Me Questions About Parenting

  • When did you know that you wanted to have children?
  • How did you decide on the number of children to have?
  • What similarities do you see between your children and yourself?
  • What aspect of parenting gives you the most joy?
  • What aspect of parenting gives you the most stress?
  • How have you grown as a parent?
  • What are your biggest hopes for your children?
  • What are your biggest fears for your children?
  • What is your parenting philosophy?
  • What has parenting taught you about yourself?

Get to Know Me Questions About Relationships

  • What relationships in your life are the most meaningful?
  • Who in your life knows the most secrets about you?
  • How open are you to making new friends?
  • What do you think is an essential quality of a friend?
  • Are you more extroverted or introverted?
  • Which friend have you had the longest relationship with?
  • How are your relationships with your coworkers?
  • When you make social plans, who do you hang out with the most?
  • Who is somebody that serves as a mentor for you?
  • What relationships do you feel like you’re missing in life?

Get to Know Me Questions About Family

  • What family member are you closest to?
  • How close are you with your parents?
  • How has your relationship with your parents changed over the years?
  • What is one of the most important lessons that you learned from your family?
  • When does your family cause you to stress?
  • What does the word family mean to you?
  • When you envision your ideal family, what do you see?
  • How vulnerable is your family with each other?
  • What is a family trait that isn’t necessarily the healthiest?
  • What relatives had the biggest impact on you growing up?

Get to Know Me Questions About Habits

  • What are some of your most productive habits?
  • What unhealthy habits do you struggle with?
  • When have you significantly changed your behaviors?
  • What inspired a significant change in your life?
  • What do you wish you did better?
  • What habits have you continued since childhood?
  • What does your typical morning routine look like?
  • What daily rituals do you have that give you joy?
  • How much do you prioritize health in your life?
  • How important is exercise for you?

Get to Know Me Questions About Education

  • Where did you go to college?
  • What did you major in?
  • What type of student were you in high school?
  • How did you change as a student throughout your academic journey?
  • What subject interested you the most?
  • What’s the most interesting class you’ve ever taken?
  • If you could redo a school experience, what would it be?
  • How important is your education to you?
  • What do you think needs to change about our current education system?
  • How do you incorporate learning into your everyday life?

Get to Know Me Questions About Entertainment

  • What do you watch on television?
  • What is one of your favorite movies?
  • If you could have free tickets to any event, what would it be?
  • What is your favorite type of media?
  • What role does music play in your life?
  • What is one of your favorite books?
  • How often do you watch sporting events?
  • What would your ideal weekend getaway look like?
  • Who are popular figures that you love to learn from?
  • What celebrity would you love to meet in real life?

Get to Know Me Questions About Possessions

  • What is your most valuable possession?
  • If you could save three things from your home, what would you save?
  • If you got stranded on an island with two things, what would they be?
  • How often do you shop for new things?
  • How easy is it for you to get rid of old possessions?
  • What possessions fill you with joy?
  • What is something that you paid too much money for but don’t regret it?
  • What is something you use every day (or almost every day)?
  • What do you wish you had?
  • If you were given a $1,000 gift card, what store would you want it to be for?

Get to Know Me Questions About Mindset

  • What is your general outlook on life?
  • Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
  • What is your attitude when faced with a challenge?
  • What is a limiting belief that has held you back in life?
  • How open are you to learning new things?
  • How often do you reflect in an attempt to grow?
  • Where do you fall between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset?
  • What is the most influential advice you’ve ever received?
  • How much has your mindset changed?
  • What defining experiences helped solidify your current mindset?

Get to Know Me Questions About Random Things

  • If you wrote a memoir about your life, what would it be called?
  • What fictional world would you want to travel to for a day?
  • What room in your house most represents who you are as a person?
  • How clean a person are you?
  • What is a pet peeve that you have?
  • What behavior do you do that is most likely a pet peeve to others?
  • What phrase or word do you overuse when you talk?
  • If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • What is something about your personality that you like? Don’t like?
  • What would your friends be surprised to learn about you?

Interested in more questions? Subscribe below to receive 10 bizarre questions that will unlock your self-awareness. You can also choose a question from the list and comment below.

Want to test your self-awareness? Take my free, quick self-awareness quiz to see where you might be lacking self-awareness in your life.

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1 thought on “160 get to know me questions: fun ice breakers”.

' src=

These questions are mostly right on the mark! I have used quite a few of them when getting to know someone. The only subjects I try to stay away from are politics and religion!

Comments are closed.

get to know presentation

The Complete List of 200 Icebreaker Questions For Meetings and Tips On How to Use Them

Profile picture Rosie Gizauskas

As a meeting host, preparing a strong opening is key. Kicking the meeting off on a high note is especially important, because it sets the tone and expectations of how the rest of it will go. 

So how can you make your attendees feel invested and welcome right from the start? 

One of the fastest and easiest ways is to begin with an icebreaker question . It can be either light and fun or deep and meaningful.

To go straight to the list of icebreaker questions, click here: List of 200 icebreaker questions

slido icebreaker how was your weekend emoji

If used purposefully, icebreakers can not only help you improve engagement and collaboration, but also deepen a sense of belonging and trust within your team. 

That’s why we’ve put our years of expertise in making meetings engaging to good use and asked our Slido colleagues to come up with this list of the 200  best icebreaker questions for your meetings. 

Whether you are designing a team-building exercise, onboarding a new team member or just needing a lighthearted start to your weekly meeting, find your perfect icebreaker question from the list below.

Read also: The Best 110 Trivia Questions for Team Bonding Quizzes

What is an icebreaker?

An icebreaker is a game, an activity, or a question intended for people who don’t know each other to start talking and help them to become comfortable in a group setting, like a meeting. 

slido icebreaker TV show child

Alternatively, icebreakers are also used in a team setting, where everyone is already familiar with each other – such as a regular department meeting – but when you just need a little help in setting the stage or loosening the atmosphere. 

In either case, in our experience, the easiest sort of icebreaker ideas especially for virtual and hybrid meetings is an icebreaker question.

Why use icebreaker questions in the meeting?

You might work in a team where not everyone knows each other that well, or have a new employee joining you. 

Or perhaps, you just became a manager of a freshly formed team. In all of these situations, you need to break down the initial barriers and get to know each other. 

Even if you know your team quite well, icebreaker questions can open up a new topic of conversation that will lead to a deeper connection within a team. Generally, both fun and deep discussions will help strengthen your team’s bond.

Here are a few tips on how to use icebreaker questions in the right way

Coming up with the right, work-appropriate icebreaker questions for your meeting is easier said than done. We’ve put together a quick list of key tips to help you pick the right icebreaker for your meeting:

  • Use icebreaker questions that are suitable to the specific audience in your meeting. An icebreaker that works in your day-to-day team meeting may not be suitable if you’re presenting something to the senior management team, for example.
  • Make sure that people on your team will feel comfortable with your choice of icebreaker questions and be sensitive to their situations. Using meeting icebreaker questions isn’t about putting on a performance, it’s about getting everyone to open up so you can have a productive session together. 
  • It’s important to make sure that questions are inclusive to your audience, too, for example when it comes to subjects such as religious holidays, or if a question will still apply for parts of your audience who are not in the same country as you. 
  • Be original and constantly evolve your approach to delivering icebreakers from one meeting to the next. 

A few ideas on how to use Slido for the best results with icebreaker questions

From our experience, the key to success and getting truly positive results from icebreaker questions is interactivity, which engages everyone in the meeting regardless of where they are joining from. That’s why it’s great to use Slido’s live polling feature. 

Participants can comment on the poll results as they come in, and as a meeting leader, you can invite team members to share and elaborate on their poll submissions. 

Often, this leads to many fun moments, laughs, and inside jokes. The team gets to know each others’ likes and dislikes, as well as how they spend time outside of work. 

The goal is to create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable speaking up and thus avoid a meeting dominated by the presenter. When the group feels at ease from the beginning, people are more likely to engage throughout the rest of the meeting.

Why and how to use live polls for icebreaker questions

Live polls are a great way to facilitate icebreaker questions as they allow you to engage with everyone from your team in a matter of seconds, no matter where they are.

In this way, you can start your in-person, virtual and hybrid meeting with an innovative and fun feature that will set the atmosphere for the rest of the meeting.

Slido allows you to run multiple versions of icebreaker questions. There are several different poll types to choose from: Word cloud poll , Open text , Multiple choice poll , Ranking poll and a Rating poll .

We recommend using word cloud polls for short answers. You can achieve that by framing your question ‘in one or two words’ to get short and snappy answers.

An example of a word cloud poll icebreaker question:

  • In one word, how would you describe the past week?
  • Where did you spend your summer vacation this year?
  • Using an emoji, how do you feel before this meeting?

slido icebreaker word cloud remote

Open text polls are great for longer or more complex answers, where your team will have a little more time to think about their response. 

An example of an open text poll icebreaker question:

  • Without using the title of your job, tell me what you do? 
  • What would you improve in our meetings?
  • What was your personal highlight of the past month?

slido icebreakers personal highlight open text poll

Multiple choice

Multiple choice polls are a good fit for meetings where you don’t have much time, as predetermined answers are speedier for people to choose from.

The downside is that participants won’t have the space to creatively think about their input. However, multiple choice is perfect for a quick quiz, or forgetting to know your team, for example with ‘two truths, one lie’. 

  • Which of these statements about Frankie is a lie? Options: I saw a volcano erupted in Italy, I practiced karate as a child, My first job was in a shoe shop.
  • Do you usually manage to meet the deadline? Options: Yes, No
  • Would you rather have your browser history revealed before your company CEO or your parent?

slido icebreaker multiple choice CEO parent

A ranking poll is ideal if you wish for your participants to rank options in the order of importance or preference. An example of a ranking poll icebreaker question:

  • What brand of car do you prefer out of these? Options: 1. Mercedes, 2. Ferrari, 3. Peugeot, 4. Lada, 5. Fred Flinstone car
  • Which of these Christmas movies do you like best? Options: 1. The Grinch, 2. Home Alone, 3. Love Actually, 4. A Christmas Carol, 5. Die Hard
  • What gift would you give to your business partner? Options: 1. Branded socks, 2. Custom Moleskine notebook, 3. Eco water bottle, 4. Bluetooth speaker, 5. Branded power bank

slido icebreakers ranking poll gift

Rating polls are great to get a quick pulse check of your audience or team, and what they’re thinking or feeling.

An example of a rating poll icebreaker question:

  • How excited are you about this project? (Scale of 1-6)
  • How was your last weekend? (1 – terrible, 10 – the best I’ve ever had)
  • Which emoji best describes your energy level? (There’s an option on Slido to set up ratings polls with emojis that participants can choose from)

slido icebreaker rating poll

How we use icebreaker questions in Slido and how our Customer Success team benefits from it

Slido’s Customer Success Manager Team Lead, Mirka Chromkova, has used icebreaker questions extensively to bring her fully remote team together. 

We asked her to share some insights about why they’ve been so successful in helping her team to build a strong bond. 

‘The Slido CSM team has 17 staff across all regions, so both distance and time zones are against us,’ Mirka reveals. ‘Even though we work in the same team, on the same things, we didn’t really know each other well at first, and many of us have never met in person.’ 

Mirka says that she started using icebreakers intentionally during meetings to enable her team to get to know each other better. ‘ I was choosing icebreaker questions that help people get to know each other and allow me to pick on the answers and dig deeper,’ she says. 

You can find the list of the best icebreaker questions according to Mirka here .

‘I would focus on purposefully dedicating 15 minutes of our weekly meeting to these icebreaker questions – sometimes focusing on work-related things, sometimes on fun, outside-of-work topics.’ 

Icebreakers might seem like a simple concept, but Mirka reveals that the returns have been enormous for her team. 

‘By starting on a positive and fun note, people would then be so much more open to speaking up during the meeting itself. They’d participate more and would be looking forward to our meetings. 

‘The side-benefit that is even more important is that my team is now much more comfortable with each other and our Slack sharing channel has become much more active. 

‘Team members have started sharing their learnings, their knowledge, and experiences in their work with clients. This has benefited our whole team and helped us progress and provide a better service to our clients.’ 

List of icebreaker questions by category

In this section, you can find a handy list of icebreaker questions divided into categories. Each has a different focus and may be suitable for a different situation.

Take a few minutes to browse the various categories, dive deeper into the one that feels like the right fit for you, and then start trying out our suggested icebreaker questions.

  • The best icebreaker questions according to Mirka, Slido’s Customer Success Manager Team Lead
  • Quick icebreaker questions that help build momentum

Good ice breaker questions for work

The best icebreaker questions for virtual meetings.

  • ‘If you could’ icebreaker questions to stimulate hybrid meetings
  • Technology icebreaker questions that get the whole team thinking

Best icebreaker questions for Webex and Zoom meetings

  • Team ice breaker questions that reveal hidden talents and progress
  • Hobby icebreaker questions that help the team get to know one another
  • Funny icebreaker questions that lighten the mood and break down barriers

Find the ultimate would you rather icebreaker question

Icebreaker questions focused on traveling.

  • Deep ice breaker questions that get everyone thinking outside the box

Awkward and weird icebreaker questions that blow away the cobwebs

Icebreaker questions for adults.

  • Christmas icebreaker questions that get the whole team into a holiday mood

The best icebreaker questions according to Mirka, Slido’s Customer Success Manager Team Lead 

slido icebreaker dislikes

This is a list of icebreaker questions that works the best for Mirka when she’s meeting with her fully remote team:

  • What did you want to be when you were a kid?
  • What advice would you give to your younger self? 
  • If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be? 
  • What helps you to feel better on those days when you feel crappy? 
  • What’s your go-to guilty pleasure? 
  • If your job role was made into a movie, what would it be called? 
  • What is one thing in life that you really disliked and then changed your mind about? 
  • Do you have a favorite routine at the moment?

Mirka likes to use them in virtual meetings with her international team. Simply put, they are verified by success.

get to know presentation

Quick icebreaker questions that help build momentum 

Good icebreaker questions are short, sharp, and straight to the point. 

icebreaker slido holiday

Encouraging your team to give the first answer that comes into their head helps remove inhibitions and shyness, allows people to see how their peers think, and gets the ball rolling so much faster. Take a look at these quick and easy ways to do exactly that: 

  • What’s your favorite place to go on holiday?
  • What’s your favorite time of the year?
  • What’s your favorite type of weather?
  • What’s your middle name?
  • What’s the one thing you’re really scared of?
  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
  • Which school subject did you find the most interesting?
  • What’s the one skill you wished you’d learned as a child?
  • If you could speak another language, which one would you choose?
  • Where would you like to retire when you’re older?
  • What’s your favorite type of pet?
  • What’s the one animal you’d never leave the zoo without seeing first?
  • Who’s the funniest person you’ve seen on TV recently?
  • What’s the one movie you always watch when you have a sick day?
  • What’s the one country you want to visit more than any other?
  • What’s your favorite book?
  • What’s your favorite color?
  • What’s the one song that always gets you on the dance floor?

When you’re in a work situation, you’ll need to make sure your icebreakers are appropriate for a professional setting and audience. Here are some ice breaker questions that we believe are the right ones for any work occasion:

  • As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • Would you like to know other peoples’ thoughts?
  • If you could bring one thing from your home to the office what would it be? 
  • What’s one work tool you can’t live without?
  • What’s your favorite office snack?
  • What’s your favorite memory from the office?
  • Is there somebody at work who has inspired you? 
  • What is a small act of kindness you were once shown that you’ll never forget?
  • What’s something you wish you’d learned earlier in life?
  • What was the last thing you did that gave you child-like joy?
  • What’s one activity that grants you pure escapism?
  • What’s an adult problem nobody prepared you for?
  • What is a lesson you feel you learned too late in life?
  • What’s a personal side project you’re working on or want to work on?
  • How would teenage you describe your job?
  • How will you feel when this meeting is over?

Virtual meetings can sometimes feel less personal, as the participants may not know each other, or maybe they have never even met. Therefore, it is good to use questions that are fun, simple, and will lighten the mood. 

slido icebreaker movie

Ideally, they allow you to get to know each other better. For the ultimate rundown on how to host a virtual meeting from start to finish, have a look at our guide , or you can find a few examples below:

  • What was the last movie you watched? 
  • What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done in the last week? 
  • What did you do on your last vacation? 
  • What’s the best way to start off your day? 
  • What is your favorite hobby? 
  • What is something you are passionate about? 
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? 
  • What is the most interesting thing you have learned recently? 
  • What is your favorite type of music? 
  • What is your favorite comfort food?

‘If you could’ icebreaker questions to stimulate hybrid meetings 

When you have some people physically present in the room, and others who are on the screen, it’s important to get them talking together. These simple questions do just that.

slido icebreaker hybrid working

They are ideal if you want to break down the barriers that so often stop great ideas from gaining momentum. Before you dive into the questions, check out our best practices on how to run hybrid meetings in the first place. Now let’s dive into the icebreaker questions: 

  • If you could change one thing about hybrid working what would it be?
  • If you could share some words of wisdom with yourself on your first day here, what would you say?
  • If you could work 365 days a year, take the next year off, and repeat, would you?
  • Do you prefer working from home, or in the office?
  • How many days per week is your preference for working at home?
  • What don’t you miss about being in the office every day?
  • What word best describes how you feel about hybrid working?
  • If you could work from anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
  • If you could employ any historical figure in our company, who would you choose?

Technology icebreaker questions that get the whole team thinking 

Creating icebreaker questions for small groups who need to discuss in-depth technical issues can be a little challenging at first. 

The key is to keep everyone thinking in an analytical way by asking them to recall something related to their role, or their wider technical skills. Not sure how to do that? Take a look at this quick list: 

  • What’s the last book you read that related to your role?
  • If you could explore a new project for one day a week what would it be?
  • Who do you think has the broadest technical knowledge in the team?
  • How do you think Elon Musk would change the way we do things if he was part of the team?
  • What’s the one thing you would remove from your role to make yourself 10% more productive?
  • How can you use tech to strike the right balance between being busy and being productive?
  • How do you think we can maintain our momentum in two sentences or less?
  • How do you think the world would be different if you had to pay every time you sent an email?
  • What’s the one piece of technology you want to see us integrate and adapt over the next 12-18 months?
  • If you could work in the metaverse how important would it be for you to have an avatar that looks exactly like you?

slido icebreakers multiple choice

We’ve all gotten used to spending hours of our day on video calls via Webex or Zoom , but they don’t have to all be the same! Break out of the routine and spruce up your next video meeting with these fun questions: 

  • What was the last concert you went to?
  • What is your proudest accomplishment?
  • What is the one thing you can’t live without?
  • What would you do if you had a million dollars?
  • If you could work for any company in the world, which one would you choose?
  • Would you rather be a bank robber or a policeman?
  • What is one thing you would like to learn or do in the next year?
  • What is the strangest flavor combination you love?
  • If you could be in a movie, which would it be?
  • What is your favorite emoji?
  • Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
  • Are you more of a winter or a summer person?
  • Would you rather prefer a couch or table football in your office?
  • What is your favorite app for work?
  • If you can choose one space from where you can work, which one would you choose?

Team ice breaker questions that reveal hidden talents and progress 

Ice breaker questions for work that allow everyone to show what they do best are really worth considering. 

They’re also a great way to give everyone who answers that little bit of extra self-confidence. Take a look at your options below and make a start at your next meeting: 

  • Who will always be on time, even if the meeting is brought forward at the last minute?
  • Who is most likely to make the rest of the team laugh with a clever one-liner?
  • Which member of the team always has some wise words for new hires who join us?
  • If you could be someone else on the team for a day, who would you choose?
  • Who has the tidiest home office?
  • Who has the craziest home office arrangement?
  • Which team member is most likely to make an excuse to get another cup of coffee mid-meeting?
  • Who came up with the worst excuse for being late and what was it?

Hobby icebreaker questions that help the team get to know one another 

One of the best icebreaker questions, especially for virtual meetings, is to ask everyone to share something about them the rest of the room doesn’t know. Hobbies, favorite pastimes, and even goals for the future will all come to the fore here. 

These questions are ideal if you want to get everyone talking and sharing a little bit more about themselves. Take a look at a few of our suggestions and then put them into action: 

  • What’s the latest hobby you’ve taken up?
  • What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?
  • Who do you think is the most active outside of work?
  • If you could master one skill this week, what would it be?
  • Who do you think you could teach to master your favorite hobby the fastest?
  • What’s your favorite way to relax on a Sunday afternoon if you have the house to yourself?
  • Who do you wish to play a team sport alongside?
  • How many hours a week do you spend on your hobbies?
  • If you had to give up one hobby for a year while all your friends mastered it, what would it be?
  • What’s the one thing outside of work you think you can do better than anyone else in the office?

Funny icebreaker questions that lighten the mood and break down barriers 

When placed strategically in your meeting between topics, icebreakers can serve as instant mood elevators. 

You’ll need to be able to read the room, though, in terms of if humor is appropriate depending on who is in the meeting.

Here are a few ways to try adding a little humor to break the ice: 

  • If you could create your dream band, who would be playing alongside you?
  • What’s the first thing you would do if you were invisible in the office and no one could hear you?
  • Which computer game do you think you’d beat everyone in the office at?
  • If you had to play Tetris for 24 hours, how would you stop yourself from going crazy?
  • If you run for president, who would be your vice president?
  • Describe something that’d made you laugh or smile today
  • How would you rate your skills with a yo-yo from one to 10?
  • You’re now a pro wrestler. What’s your ring name going to be?

Nothing gets people thinking like these ice breaker questions. There is something very enjoyable about having to choose a side and debate your stance in a playful manner during the meeting. 

Discovering others who share your opinion on a topic helps to create instant connections, no matter where your teammate is.

slido icebreakers multiple choice poll

We are such huge fans of ‘would-you-rather’ questions, that we even dedicated a whole article to them. Here we include our favorite ones for you to choose from: 

  • Would you rather have super strength or x-ray vision?
  • Would you rather be the world’s biggest person or the world’s smallest person?
  • Would you rather be the world’s richest person or the world’s most popular person?
  • Would you rather be president for a year or a medieval king for a year?
  • Would you rather be able to swim as fast as a shark or run as fast as a cheetah?
  • Would you rather have free car travel for life or free airfares for life?
  • Would you rather be incredibly famous or incredibly respected?
  • Would you rather have brains or beauty?
  • Would you rather be Rocky or Rambo?
  • Would you rather find some hidden treasure or win the lottery?
  • Would you rather be a pirate or a knight in shining armor?
  • Would you rather eat junk food every day or have a single pill that gives you perfect nutrition and never eat again?
  • Would you rather be a child for 10 extra years or be exactly how you are now for 10 extra years?
  • Would you rather be able to read minds or live in a world where no one can tell a lie?
  • Would you rather be a cat or a dog?

slido icebreaker traveling

Travelers tend to be open-minded and eager to learn, and often develop unique perspectives on the world. 

If you have people on your team who love to travel, don’t forget to include these icebreaker questions in your meeting session.

Once the responses start rolling in, you can ask people why they answered that way and really break the ice. 

  • Sea or mountains? 
  • Swimming or hiking?
  • On holiday are you a culture vulture or a beach bum?
  • What city have you had your best night out in? 
  • Favorite country in the world?
  • Which country has the best food?
  • Which country has the worst food?
  • What’s the most interesting place you have ever traveled to? 
  • What place has made the biggest impression on you? 
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten while traveling? 
  • Have you ever missed a train or a plane while traveling? If yes, what was the reason?
  • What’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to you while traveling? 
  • What’s the best thing you’ve learned about a different culture? 
  • Do you remember the best thing about your most recent trip? 
  • What’s your favorite travel memory? 
  • What’s the most memorable photo you’ve taken while traveling?
  • Would you rather stay in a 5* hotel or in a tent somewhere in nature?
  • What has been your favorite travel experience so far?

slido icebreakers multiple choice poll

Deep ice breaker questions that get everyone thinking outside the box 

If you want to get the creativity flowing, it’s all about asking meeting icebreaker questions that are deep and meaningful. 

Here we recommend using open text polls that allow for longer answers, or opening up the conversation and getting your audience to discuss after they’ve answered the poll.

  • What’s your personal definition of success and how will you make sure you achieve it this year?
  • Why do you think some people are particularly suited to remote working and hybrid roles?
  • How do you think the world would be different right now if we had had the internet 100 years ago?
  • What’s the one piece of advice you would give to a new hire joining our team for the very first time?
  • Are there any mental preparation secrets you’d like to share for hybrid meetings, and how do they differ from in-person meetings?
  • Do you think people talk more freely online over video than they do face-to-face and in person at the office?
  • To what extent do you think that reducing your commuting time would improve your productivity during working hours?
  • If you could work 4 x 10-hour days – the four day work week – instead of the regular 9-5, do you think you’d get more done?

Meeting icebreaker questions that make everyone in the room do a double take and wonder if they heard right are sure to get people talking. 

slido icebreaker 24 hours meeting

Here are a few suggestions:

  • What’s the one thing you hope no one is going to ask you in this meeting?
  • How would you cope if you found out this meeting was going to last 24 hours?
  • Have you ever joined a meeting from the comfort of your bed?
  • Have you already made your lunch and got it waiting for you just out of shot so no one on this call knows?
  • Who do you think is the most likely to say something silly during the meeting ?
  •  If you suddenly ended up in the Stone Age after this meeting what’s the first thing you would do?
  • Who would you most like by your side if this meeting suddenly turned into Squid Game?
  • Have you ever screen-grabbed a meeting and sent it to a friend? 

This list of icebreaker questions for adults will let you know more about your colleagues’ childhoods, history, and backgrounds, and what they dreamed of when they were little.

It will help to know your teammates better, and give them the space to feel comfortable and maybe a little nostalgic.

  • What’s something you rebelled against as a kid?
  • What were some of your favorite activities as a kid?
  • What’s a landmark, popular destination, or local hangout spot that you either frequented when growing up?
  • What are you nostalgic about recently?
  • What’s something you were really into as a kid?
  • What’s the naughtiest thing you got away with in school?
  • What do you think has been the most important invention in your lifetime?
  • Are you a morning or a night person?
  • What is your earliest childhood memory?
  • Have you worked in more than three jobs so far during your career?
  • What will you do in retirement?
  • Who is your childhood hero?
  • What was your favorite subject in school? 
  • What was your favorite cartoon character as a child?
  • What’s a dish that always reminds you of childhood?
  • What was your favorite ice cream as a kid?
  • What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  • What cartoon would you get up early to watch when you were young?
  • How would you describe your job to your parents?
  • What is one thing you wish you’d been taught in school?

Christmas icebreaker questions that get the whole team into a holiday mood 

The best ice breaker questions for small groups are often ones that resonate with what the team is going through right now. 

By keeping things cheery and positive, and focusing on something like the holidays (if it’s the right time of year), you can really bring everyone out of their shells.

Here are a few festive icebreaker questions to ask so that everyone can get involved:

  • What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
  • What’s the best thing about the Christmas buildup?
  • How do you feel the morning after Christmas?
  • You can only have turkey or presents. Which would you choose?
  • What’s your earliest Christmas memory?
  • Have you ever been carol singing?
  • What’s your favorite Christmas Eve tradition?
  • What’s the best Christmas song you’ve ever heard?
  • What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever been given?
  • Who bought you the worst Christmas present ever and what was it?
  • If you could only buy one person a gift this year, who would it be?
  • Do you do any charity or volunteer work over the festive season?
  • What’s your favorite part of Christmas dinner?
  • If you could swap out the turkey for one meal, what would it be??
  • Artificial Christmas tree or real Christmas tree?
  • What’s the one Christmas decoration you cannot do without?
  • What’s on your Christmas list this year?

How to facilitate icebreaker questions

After deciding on your poll type, here are three tips to help you prepare for icebreaker facilitation:

slido typing indicator

  • Slido has a handy ‘typing indicator’ feature, which means you can easily check if participants are still typing their answers before you move on
  • After collecting the votes, you can get the conversation going by following up on the answers and asking your audience ‘why’ they responded in a certain way
  • Watch for your audience’s cues and be prepared to answer the question first to create a safe space for your attendees to follow with their input

Final thoughts 

When it comes to icebreakers, one of the biggest struggles we hear about from leaders is how to find the time and inspiration for this ‘fun’ activity during their meetings. With so much content to cover, aren’t icebreakers just yet another distraction? 

We believe the opposite. The time invested in getting to know your teammates as people and creating a sense of connection will not only enable you to work together better in the meeting, but can also prove fruitful in the long run.

As a result, a purposeful use of icebreaker questions can improve your team’s collaboration, communication, and team culture, which ultimately leads to better work results.

Want to get the most out of our new library of icebreaker questions for hybrid meetings ? Sign up for your free Slido account and integrate the icebreakers seamlessly into your next meeting.

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  • + The Vault , How-To

5 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience

  • By: Scott Schwertly

How can you connect to your audience if you know nothing about them? The truth is, you can’t. You must use every tool in your arsenal to know as much as you can about the people you are speaking to.

To put on a great presentation you have to get your audience on your side. This requires confidence, but not too much! It takes information, but what kind? It requires you to listen, but to what?

Here are five winning tips to that most important first step in any great presentation: knowing your audience.

1. Do Your Homework Obviously, knowing more about your audience is great. Knowing sooner, it better. Try to find out all you can about your audience before you start working on your presentation. A good journalist will understand the audience of a publication before he writes an article, and the same goes for presenting. How many people will be in the audience? Can you find any demographic information? How big is the room itself and how is it laid out? Everything you know in advance will help you to create a knockout presentation.

2. Get Personal If you can, spend some time meeting and greeting with your audience before your presentation. Who organized this event? Who is the boss? Being able to connect to important audience members – who everyone knows by name – will give you legitimacy and create rapport with the group as a whole. Making a humorous, self-effacing remark that connects you to a familiar figure in your audience is always a great way to start a presentation.

3. The Old Milton Berle Technique Milton Berle – the classic one-liner comedian – used to open up his public appearances with a handful of diverse material. In the first few minutes of a routine he could test the waters and know if his audience  wanted to hear silly plays on words, topical humor, political jabs or dark blue raunchiness. For presenters, a series of probing questions can be a great way to engage the audience right from the start. It can also give you all the insight you need to deliver a pitch-perfect presentation every time.

4. Know What They Know You – of course – are an expert on your subject. But how much does your audience know? This is a crucial question that can make or break a presentation. No matter how slick and together you are, if you talk over everyone’s head, they’ll be baffled, not enthralled. On the other hand, if the audience is up to speed, they may find that your presentation is less-than-engaging. Knowing how much your audience knows about your subject can make or break your time on the stage.

5. Don’t Be A Star No one likes a self-centered speaker, and nothing derails a good presentation faster than a presenter who is more interested in presenting themselves than their subject. You must be authoritative and confident when you step in front of a group of peers, but you must never be cocky or over-confident. One sure fire way to walk this fine line is to keep the focus on the material. It’s not about you. It’s about the presentation.

Picture of Scott Schwertly

Scott Schwertly

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What you need to know about education for sustainable development

What is education for sustainable development  .

Education for sustainable development (ESD) gives learners of all ages the knowledge, skills, values and agency to address interconnected global challenges including climate change, loss of biodiversity, unsustainable use of resources, and inequality. It empowers learners of all ages to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change society and care for the planet. ESD is a lifelong learning process and an integral part of quality education. It enhances the cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural dimensions of learning and encompasses learning content and outcomes, pedagogy and the learning environment itself. 

How does UNESCO work on this theme?  

UNESCO is the United Nations leading agency for ESD and is responsible for the implementation of ESD for 2030 , the current global framework for ESD which takes up and continues the work of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) and the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD (2015-2019). 

UNESCO’s work on ESD focuses on five main areas: 

  • Advancing policy
  • Transforming learning environments
  • Building capacities of educators
  • Empowering and mobilizing youth
  • Accelerating local level action

UNESCO supports countries to develop and expand educational activities that focus on sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity, disaster risk reduction, water, the oceans, sustainable urbanisation and sustainable lifestyles through ESD. UNESCO leads and advocates globally on ESD and provides guidance and standards. It also provides data on the status of ESD and monitors progress on SDG Indicator 4.7.1, on the extent to which global citizenship education and ESD are mainstreamed in national education policies, curricula, teacher education and student assessment.  

How does UNESCO mobilize education to address climate change?   

Climate change education is the main thematic focus of ESD as it helps people understand and address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change. The importance of education and training to address climate change is recognized in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , the Paris Agreement and the associated Action for Climate Empowerment agenda which all call on governments to educate, empower and engage all stakeholders and major groups on policies and actions relating to climate change. Through its ESD programme, UNESCO works to make education a more central and visible part of the international response to climate change. It produces and shares knowledge, provides policy guidance and technical support to countries, and implements projects on the ground. 

UNESCO encourages Member States to develop and implement their  country initiative  to mainstream education for sustainable development. 

What is the Greening Education Partnership?

To coordinate actions and efforts in the field of climate change education the  Greening Education Partnership  was launched in 2022 during the UN Secretary General's Summit on Transforming Education. This partnership, coordinated by a UNESCO Secretariat, is driving a global movement to get every learner climate-ready. The Partnership addresses four key areas of transformative education: greening schools, curricula, teachers training and education system's capacities, and communities.

How can I get involved?   

Every single person can take action in many different ways every day to protect the planet. To complement the ESD for 2030 roadmap , UNESCO has developed the ESD for 2030 toolbox to provide an evolving set of selected resources to support Member States, regional and global stakeholders to develop activities in the five priority action areas and activities in support of the six key areas of implementation. 

UNESCO also launched the Trash Hack campaign in response to the 2 billion tons of waste that the world produces every year, waste which clog up the oceans, fill the streets and litter huge areas. Trash Hacks are small changes everyone can make every day to reduce waste in their lives, their communities and the world.   

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WWDC 2024: Everything you need to know before the big show

Apple WWDC24 logo

Of the big Apple events of the year, WWDC is the most reliable: In each of the past 17 Junes, like clockwork, Apple has held a big get-together for its developer partners and announced a raft of important software updates. The September iPhone launch and the March/April spring event (which didn’t happen in 2023) seem almost unpredictable by comparison.

In this article, we list the major announcements (and some of the smaller titbits) you can expect to hear about at WWDC 2024. Some of these–updates to the five big Apple operating systems, most obviously–are as predictable as the timing of the event. But we reckon Apple will spring a few surprises this year.

Apple has announced that WWDC24 will be held from June 10-14 . Apple has confirmed that the keynote is on June 10.

When is WWDC 2024?

Apple will kick off WWDC24 with a keynote at 10am Pacific Time on June 10, and the event for developers continues through June 14.

Apple traditionally holds WWDC during the first weeks of June and the keynote is always on a Monday. Here are the dates from the past few years:

  • WWDC 2023: June 5-9
  • WWDC 2022: June 6-10
  • WWDC 2021: June 7-11
  • WWDC 2020: June 22-26
  • WWDC 2019: June 3-7
  • WWDC 2018: June 4-8

What time does WWDC 2024 start?

The keynote event will start at 10 a.m. in California. If you are wondering what time will the WWDC keynote start where you are it translates to:

  • US: at 10 a.m. (PDT), 11 a.m. (MDT), noon (CDT), 1 p.m. (EDT)
  • Canada: at 2 p.m. (ADT)
  • UK: at 6 p.m. (BST)
  • Europe: at 7 p.m. (CEST)
  • India: at 10.30 p.m. (IST)
  • Singapore and China: next day at 1 a.m.
  • Japan: following day at 2 a.m. (JST)
  • Australia: following day at 1 a.m. (AWST), 2.30 a.m. (ACST), 3 a.m. (AEST)
  • New Zealand: following day at 5 a.m. (NZST)

How to watch WWDC 2024

When WWDC starts Apple will live stream the opening keynote on its website and elsewhere, including on YouTube and on the Apple TV app. This means you’ll be able to watch the presentation on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and even PC.

Here is the WWDC keynote video from 2023:

Get in the mood for WWDC24!

To help promote WWDC24, Apple has created a music playlist “of summer sounds.” Go to the playlist .

#WWDC24 is almost here! Check out this playlist of summer sounds to get ready for the biggest Apple developer event of the year. https://t.co/6BxZT3Ozau pic.twitter.com/uSHqq4clN3 — Apple Music (@AppleMusic) May 29, 2024

What will Apple announce at WWDC 2024?

WWDC stands for the Worldwide Developers Conference and is dedicated to the third-party software and hardware developers that create apps and accessories for Apple’s platforms: iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and now Vision Pro . If you are a developer we have more information about getting an invite below.

While devs are at the heart of the event, it’s also a press event that Apple uses to announce its software plans and potentially some new Macs and other products to the world. A week before the event, Apple issued a reminder about the keynote with the phrase “Action packed,” so we’re expected quite a lot of new stuff. Read on to find out what we expect to see Apple unveil at the event, from software and hardware to some entirely new products.


WWDC 2024: Software releases

WWDC is all about the software, so we can be certain that Apple will reveal details of its upcoming operating system updates for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, HomePod, and Apple Watch. Those updates will then be issued to developers as a beta to test, and then a few weeks later a public beta will start. Eventually, the new software will be available for everyone to download in the fall (usually September for iOS/iPadOS/watchOS and October for macOS, although in 2023 macOS Sonoma arrived in September). Here’s what to expect:

The headliner of the event simply because of the sheer number of iPhone owners across the planet. If you’ve got an iPhone made within the past five years, you’ll likely be able to install the new version of iOS when it’s released in the fall of 2024.

The rumors we’ve heard about iOS 18 so far indicate that it could be one of the biggest iOS updates ever. You can expect AI-specific features, including generative AI updates to Siri, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Sarafi, and Messages . RCS support is also said to be coming to iPhones in that time frame. User interface updates are also rumored, with new ways to organize icons on the Home screen.

But before then, there’s a whole beta-testing cycle to get through. iOS 18 will be announced at WWDC 2024, and then released as a developer beta (for registered app developers only) almost immediately after the keynote. Developers will then be able to install the iOS beta and a few weeks later a public beta version will be made available for all users who want to try the new features. Our advice is to be cautious and prepared for serious flaws with the beta software–it might even brick your device.

Over the course of the next few months, the developer and public betas will go through a testing process where features will be tweaked, changed, fixed, and updated until we reach the finished iOS 18.0 public release, most likely in September.

Read all the rumors and our hopes for iOS 18 in our iOS 18 guide.

The accompanying update for iPad owners, iPadOS 18 is likely to incorporate most of the new features of iOS 18 but adapted to a larger-screen interface. When Apple’s two mobile operating systems split in 2019 they were similar in most respects, but the iPad version is heading steadily into its own realm.

In 2022, Apple released iPad OS 16 a month after iOS 16, so it’s possible that the two versions don’t arrive at the same time.

What’s Apple got in store for its follow-up to macOS Sonoma ? We’ll find out at WWDC 2024.

This version will be numbered macOS 15, but what is less predictable is the California landmark Apple will name the version after. So far we’ve had: Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura and Sonoma. Based on the trademarks Apple has applied for , macOS Rincon or Skyline could be likely.

We’ll share all the rumors and our hopes for macOS 15 in our macOS 15 guide .

Now that the Vision Pro is on sale you can expect to hear about new software features coming to the device at WWDC. Apple is likely to have things to say about new apps being made for the device as well as third-party software that is being created for Vision Pro. Reports claims that visionOS 2 will fix some of the issues, including the lack of some native Apple apps.

The new operating system for the Apple Watch will be revealed at WWDC 2024. This is more of a niche than the iPhone, iPad, and Mac updates discussed above but could bring more health and fitness features to Apple Watch owners around the world. Expect AI to have an impact here as well.

The lowest-profile of the big Apple operating systems, tvOS is the platform that runs on the Apple TV. tvOS is generally light on new features, but the push into AI could change that, with new discovery and search tools.

HomePod software version 18

Apple is also likely to update the software on the HomePod and HomePod mini alongside the other operating systems. In 2022 Apple introduced HomePod Software Version 16 which didn’t bring a lot of new features at the time, but a later update: HomePod Software Version 16.3 brought temperature and humidity sensing to the HomePod mini and more. We may hear more about Apple’s plans for the HomePod during the WWDC event–especially as Apple is rumored to planning big changes to the HomePod .

Other software

You can also expect Apple to update its developer-focused apps, like Swift, Xcode, and TestFlight.


WWDC 2024: Hardware releases

WWDC tends to be a software-focused event, but Apple has often found time during its WWDC keynotes to launch hardware products too. The first few iPhone revisions—iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S—were all released at WWDC, and the HomePod had its unveiling at the event in 2017 as well.

However, the event has focused on Mac releases in recent years. Apple unveiled the iMac Pro in 2017 alongside updates to the iMac, MacBook, and MacBook Pro, and announced a new Mac Pro and the Pro Display XDR in June 2019. At WWDC 2020, Apple announced the transition from Intel to Apple silicon, and WWDC 2022 saw Apple launch the M2 chip in the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. WWDC 2023 saw Apple introduce the Vision Pro, 15-inch MacBook Air, and the Mac Studio and Mac Pro with M2 Ultra chip.

What’s in the hardware pipeline for Apple right now? Hardware seems unlikely for this event due to a heavy focus on AI, but there are still some possibilities for surprises:

The Vision Pro launched in the U.S. in February, but it’s still not available elsewhere in the world. We expect Apple to announce availability for the U.K., Europe, Canada and Australia at WWDC in June. Less likely is the launch of a cheaper model, which we’ve heard is in the work but not likely to launch until later next year. Read more here: Apple Vision Pro: Everything you need to know .

We already have M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max, and updates to the Mac mini and Mac Studio are overdue. However, the Mac Studio and Mac Pro aren’t on Apple’s 2024 release schedule . Apple introduced the M4 chip with the new iPad Pro, so it looks like Apple is done with the M3 series. The M4 MacBook Pro isn’t expected until later this year, so it’s possible we may not see any new Macs at WWDC24.

Over the years, including in 2023, new Mac Pro models have been launched at WWDC. However, a Mac Pro update may not happen at WWDC24. Read what we know about the M3/M4 Mac Pro .

A recent report stated that the Mac Studio is not on Apple’s 2024 release schedule, so it may not be upgraded at WWDC24. Read more here: Mac Studio M3/M4 rumors .

Now that the iMac and MacBook Air have an M3 chip, and the MacBook Pro an M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max chip, it seems as if it’s only a matter of time before those same chips make their way into the Mac mini. However, Apple may decide to wait until 2025 to update the Mac mini with M4-series chips. Read our new Mac mini rumors .

For some time there have been rumors that the iMac Pro will make a return, in the form of a M3 Pro and possibly M3 Max version of Apple’s all-in-one. This could make an appearance at WWDC 2024, but rumors do seem to suggest we could be waiting a little longer for this larger iMac. Read the rumors about Apple’s plans for the iMac Pro .

How to attend WWDC

If you want to attend the WWDC Keynote in person you need to be prepared to enter a lottery and apply for a ticket alongside other developers. There is a lot of competition for those tickets, which are randomly selected from those to apply and aren’t transferable. The good news is that tickets are free. The bad news is they have already been allocated for 2024.

Apple invites developers to participate in a series of classes, workshops, and sessions to learn about the system-wide changes coming to the major software platforms in the coming year so they can update their apps. Some lucky developers even get to watch the event live in person.

Apple has stopped taking requests to attend the keynote. It was open to the following:

  • Current Apple Developer Program members.
  • Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni.
  • Swift Student Challenge winners; 2024 challenge applicants will be included in a separate random selection process for winners (in early May 2023 Apple began alerting the lucky few of their status as winners).
  • Current Apple Developer Enterprise Program members.

The lucky applicants were notified of their success in getting a ticket at the beginning of April 2024.

You can find out more about how to get tickets to WWDC in our FAQ.

WWDC keynote tickets have been free and randomly distributed for the past few years, but it previously cost $1,599 for developers to attend and those tickets sold out very quickly.

Even without a ticket, all registered Apple developers get online access to session videos, slides, and sample code throughout the week.

Apple will share additional conference information in advance of WWDC24 through the  Apple Developer app .

Further reading

We’ll update this article regularly in the run-up to WWDC, so check back to see the latest news.

For a broader view of the year’s plans, check out our guide to the new Apple products coming in 2024 .

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How to Get Microsoft 365 for Free

You could get Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other apps for free, saving up to $100 a year with these tips.

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You can use Microsoft Office apps for free. 

Microsoft 365  is a productivity suite that includes programs such as Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneDrive cloud storage. Because these tools are useful for work and school, you’ll likely want access to them.

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A paid Microsoft 365 membership is the most common way to enjoy these apps, and you’ve got multiple tiers to pick from, starting with the $2 a month or $20 a year Microsoft 365 Basic plan. Normally, you’ll pay anywhere from $20 to $100 annually for a subscription depending on the plan you pick. You can sometimes bag Microsoft 365 at no cost.

Here’s how to get Microsoft 365 for free. 

Get Microsoft Office 365 Education free if you're a student or a teacher

Say you're a student, teacher or faculty member with an active school email address. You're probably eligible to get access to Office 365 for free through Microsoft, with access to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Teams, plus other classroom tools.

All you have to do is punch in your school email address on this page on Microsoft's website: Office 365 Education . In many cases, you'll be instantly granted access thanks to an automated verification process. If you attend an institution that needs to be verified, it might take up to a month to confirm your eligibility. 

College students can also get Microsoft 365 Personal for $3 a month with a valid school email address.

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How to get Microsoft 365 for free if you're not a student or faculty member

Not everyone can take advantage of an email address through an academic institution to get the Microsoft Office suite at no cost. Thankfully, anyone can get a one-month free trial of Microsoft 365. You do need to enter a credit card number. If you don't cancel your subscription before the month is up, you'll be charged $100 for a one-year subscription to Microsoft 365 Family (formerly called Office 365 Home). 

The good news is that you can access a number of apps online for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Outlook, Calendar, My Content, Skype, Designer and Clipchamp as long as you don't need the full suite of Microsoft 365 tools. Here's how to get them: 

1 . Go to Microsoft365.com .

2 . Click Sign up for the free version of Office under the "Sign in" button.

3 . Log in to your Microsoft account or create one for free . If you already have a Windows, Skype or Xbox Live login, you have an active Microsoft account.

4 . Select the app you want to use and save your work in the cloud with OneDrive.

Microsoft Word running in a web browser

Use the browser-based version of the Microsoft Word app for free.

So what's the catch for the free version?

You might be saying, "Wait a minute, if I can get all of those apps for free, why pay for Microsoft 365 in the first place?" The functionality of the free apps is limited, so they only run in your web browser and you can only use them while you're actively connected to the internet -- there’s no online version. They also have fewer features than the full Microsoft 365 versions. 

There are still benefits to the free version, including the ability to share links to your work and collaborate in real-time, similar to what the Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) productivity tools allow. If you're looking for basic versions of each of these apps, the free version should work well for you. 

For more productivity coverage, check out what Microsoft 365 Basic offers customers , all of the  best features in Windows 11  and  how to take screenshots in Windows 10 or 11 . You can also take a look at CNET's list of the best Windows laptops .

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