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how many types of content writing are there

15 Main Types of Content Writing Every Marketer Should Master

Content writing is a diverse field that includes various writing styles, each with its unique characteristics and requirements. From informative blogs to engaging social media posts, there are different types of content writing that serve different purposes and target different audiences.

Understanding the different types of content writing is essential for businesses, bloggers, and marketers looking to create compelling content that resonates with their audience.

In this blog, we'll explore 15 main types of content writing to help you diversify your content strategy and attract your target audience.

What is content writing?

Content writing is the process of creating textual content for various platforms and mediums, such as websites, blogs, and social media.

It involves creating informative, and meaningful content that deeply connects with the intended audience. Effective content writing requires research, an understanding of the audience, and the ability to convey information in a compelling and persuasive manner.

The goal of content writing is to engage and connect with the audience, build brand authority, drive traffic, and ultimately achieve the desired objectives of the content marketing strategy .

Importance of content writing

Content writing is crucial for businesses and individuals who want to establish an online presence, build brand awareness and drive traffic to their websites.

Effective content writing provides value to the audience and helps establish a business as an authoritative source in the industry. In fact, according to SEMrush content marketing statistics in 2023, a significant 69% of businesses are aiming to boost their content marketing budgets.

Having said that here are some of the key reasons why content writing is important:

  • Establishes brand identity: Well-written content helps establish a brand's voice, tone, and personality, which helps differentiate it from competitors.
  • Increases search engine visibility: SEO-optimized content helps improve a website's search engine ranking, which makes it easier for potential customers to find the brand online.
  • Drives traffic: Engaging and valuable content can attract and retain visitors to a website, which can lead to increased conversions and sales.
  • Builds trust: High-quality content helps establish trust and credibility with the audience, which is essential for building long-term relationships.
  • Boosts social media engagement: Well-written content can drive social media engagement, increase followers, and ultimately increase brand awareness.

Content writing takes on various forms and styles to cater to different mediums and purposes. Understanding these different types of content writing will empower you to create compelling, targeted, and impactful content that resonates with your audience.

1. Blog content writing

Content writers create blog posts for websites that focus on a particular topic or niche. Blog writing is an essential part of content marketing because it enables businesses and individuals to establish themselves as thought leaders and build relationships with their audience. The purpose of blog writing is to provide valuable information to readers on a particular topic and increase website traffic and engagement.

Examples of popular blogs:

how many types of content writing are there

The Ahrefs blog provides valuable insights and expert guidance on topics related to SEO, content marketing, and digital marketing strategies.

how many types of content writing are there

TechCrunch is a prominent technology news and analysis blog that provides concise and insightful coverage of the latest developments in the tech industry. With a strong focus on startups, gadgets, and innovation.

Tips for effective blog post writing include:

  • Define your niche and audience before starting to write.
  • Create a content calendar for planning out your blog posts in advance.
  • Write for your audience while keeping your blog post optimized for search engines.
  • Use a clear and engaging writing style.
  • Incorporate visuals like images, videos, and other graphical elements to enhance readability and break up long paragraphs of text.

Bonus: Writing the perfect blog post with StoryChief’s AI

2. Social media writing

Social media writing encompasses the creation of content specifically designed for popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. Its primary emphasis is on crafting concise, attention-grabbing messages that resonate with the target audience.

To succeed in social media writing, it's essential to employ techniques that capture attention and encourage engagement. This includes generating catchy headlines, using compelling visuals, incorporating hashtags, writing concise and impactful captions, and leveraging storytelling techniques .

3. Email writing

Email writing involves composing effective and professional messages for communication via email, such as newsletters, email automation, etc. It is a widely used form of business communication that requires clear and concise writing skills to convey information. The purpose of email writing is to convey a message clearly and effectively while maintaining a professional tone and avoiding misinterpretations.

Tips for effective email writing

To write effective emails, it is essential to follow best practices, such as:

  • Define the purpose of the email and the intended audience before composing the message.
  • Keep the email brief and to the point, focusing on the most important information.
  • Use an appropriate salutation and closing based on the relationship with the recipient.
  • Proofread the email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors before sending it.
  • Avoid using jargon or slang that may be unclear to the recipient.

4. Technical writing

Technical writing involves the creation of written content that effectively communicates complex or technical information in a clear and concise manner. It is commonly used in industries such as technology, healthcare, and finance, where precise and accurate information is crucial. Technical writing is characterized by its clarity, accuracy, and usability. Its primary purpose is to convey technical information effectively and efficiently to its intended audience. This type of writing typically avoids jargon and focuses on presenting information in a logical and organized manner.

For example , technical writing may take the form of business reports , user manuals, product specifications, and scientific papers. These types of documents require a deep understanding of the subject matter and an ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.

5. Infographics writing

Infographic writing revolves around the creation of visually appealing and informative graphics that effectively present data or complex information in an easily understandable format. The purpose of infographics is to simplify complex concepts, communicate data-driven insights, and make information more accessible to the target audience.

how many types of content writing are there

There are various online tools and resources available to assist in creating infographics, such as Canva, Piktochart, and Adobe Illustrator. These tools provide templates, design elements, and intuitive interfaces that make it easier to create visually appealing infographics.

6. Product description writing

Product description writing involves creating written content that accurately describes a product's features, benefits, and value proposition. It is a critical component of e-commerce and online sales as it helps potential customers make informed purchase decisions. The objectives of product description writing are to showcase the product's unique selling points, highlight its key features, and communicate how it addresses the customer's needs or pain points.

7. Website content

Website content writing is a process of creating written content that appears on a website, including homepages, about pages, product pages, blog posts, and other sections. It plays a crucial role in shaping a website's overall user experience and conveying the brand's message.. Effective website content writing requires a deep understanding of the target audience, the brand's messaging and tone, and the user experience design of the website.

8. SEO content writing

SEO writing involves producing content that is specifically optimized to rank well on search engine result pages . It involves incorporating relevant keywords, structuring the content effectively, and providing valuable information to improve organic visibility. SEO writing is crucial as it helps websites rank higher in (SERPs) and increases the chances of being discovered by potential customers.

Key Principles and Techniques of SEO Writing

Effective SEO writing involves several principles and techniques, including:

  • Keyword research, identifying relevant and high-traffic keywords to include in the content.
  • Writing high-quality, informative, and engaging content that incorporates relevant keywords.
  • Using descriptive and compelling meta descriptions and title tags.
  • Optimizing content structure, including the use of headings, subheadings, and bullet points.
  • Incorporating internal and external links to relevant content.
  • Regularly updating and refreshing content to keep it relevant and engaging.

9. Report writing

Report writing refers to the process of documenting and presenting information in a structured and organized format commonly known as the report writing format . Reports are typically prepared for specific purposes, such as providing insights, making informed decisions, or communicating research findings. They are often used in academic, professional, and business contexts. Some of the common types of reports include research reports, business reports, technical reports, etc.

10. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting involves the art of generating content on behalf of individuals who are credited as the author. Ghostwriters are hired to create books, articles, speeches, blog posts, and various other written resources. The role of a ghostwriter is to capture the author's voice, style, and ideas, and translate them into compelling and engaging written content . There are various types of ghostwriting, including Book ghostwriting, Article ghostwriting, Blog ghostwriting, and Social media ghostwriting.

11. Business writing

Business writing involves all forms of written communication utilized within a business environment. It includes emails, memos, reports, proposals, and other written documents used for internal and external communication. Effective business writing is crucial for conveying information, and making informed decisions.

12. Press release writing

Press releases are written announcements that are distributed to the media to generate publicity and coverage for a specific event, product, or company. It requires a clear understanding of journalistic writing style and the ability to convey key messages concisely and effectively. Press releases are an important tool for businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to communicate with the media and the public.

13. Copywriting

Copywriting refers to the art of crafting compelling written content with the goal of influencing the audience to take a specific action. It is commonly used in advertising, marketing campaigns, and promotional materials. Copywriting involves using language and tone to evoke emotions and engage the reader, with the ultimate goal of driving conversions.

Elements of persuasive copywriting

Effective copywriting incorporates several key elements to engage and persuade the audience:

  • Compelling headlines: Attention-grabbing headlines that pique the interest of the readers and entice them to continue reading.
  • Clear value proposition: Clearly communicating the benefits and unique selling points of a product or service.
  • Emotional appeal: Triggering emotions and connecting with the readers on a personal level.
  • Persuasive language: Using persuasive techniques such as storytelling, testimonials, and strong calls to action.
  • Conciseness: Delivering the message concisely and efficiently to maintain reader engagement.

14. Video Scriptwriting

Video script writing refers to the process of writing a script for a video, such as a promotional video, instructional video, or corporate video. The purpose of video script writing is to create a compelling narrative that communicates the key message of the video in a clear and concise manner.

Video scripts can be formatted in various ways, but commonly include the following elements:

  • Scene headings : Indicate the location or setting of each scene.
  • Action lines: Describe the actions and movements of presenters.
  • Dialogue or narration: Present the spoken words or narration, with clear indications of who is speaking or narrating.
  • Visual descriptions: Provide details of the visuals, such as shots, camera angles, or visual effects.

15. E-books

E-book writing involves the creation of written content in a digital book format that can be read on devices such as tablets or smartphones. E-books are often longer and more in-depth than traditional printed books and cover a wide range of topics. They are used in various contexts, such as marketing, education, self-publishing, and fiction or nonfiction storytelling.

How to come up with content writing topics

Coming up with content writing topics can be a challenging task, especially if you are trying to create content that is engaging, relevant, and valuable to your target audience. Here are some tips to help you generate content writing ideas:

  • Understand Your Audience: Start by gaining a deep understanding of your target audience. Consider their interests, needs, pain points, and frequently asked questions. This insight will help you create content that is relevant and valuable to them.
  • Conduct Keyword Research: Start by identifying the keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business or industry. This will help you understand what people are searching for and give you ideas for potential topics.
  • Social Media Listening: Monitor social media platforms and online communities related to your industry. Look for discussions, questions, or conversations that provide insights into what your audience is interested in or what topics they are discussing.
  • Use Tools: Utilize content research tools like Buzzsumo or Google Trends to identify popular topics or trends that you can leverage.

Understanding the different types of content writing is crucial for content creators and marketers to effectively engage their target audience. Each type of content writing serves a unique purpose, from informative to persuasive to narrative and more. By incorporating these types into their content creation strategies, marketers can tailor their approach to meet the preferences and needs of their audience, whether it be through social media, technical writing, email marketing, or other mediums.

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12 Types Of Content Writing Explained

how many types of content writing are there

Content has a vast number of formats that are intended for different audiences, platforms, and objectives. Each type of content plays a crucial role in providing customers and prospects with the information they need. 

Written content, however, remains the most popular way to communicate with audiences.

It's vital to understand the differences in written content types to navigate the content marketing landscape and choose the most appropriate format of content writing for you.

The best form of written content will mainly depend on your audience's preferences, sales funnel stages, and the platform you're writing on.

Here are 12 content writing types to use in your campaigns.

Blog posts are the most popular form of website content used by many businesses for driving traffic, establishing authority, and engaging with their audience.

A blog post is a longer content form that allows you to convey a lot of information in one piece and attach additional media formats for illustration.

Businesses publish articles in the form of blog posts in a blog section of their website. These articles cover topics related to the industry their audience would be interested in. 

Blog posts generally range in length from 1200 to 2500 words, with the majority falling somewhere in between.

Hootsuite's blog is an example of this type of content. As a social media management tool, they create articles on various topics related to social media marketing.

how many types of content writing are there

Blog posts can be informative, educational, or even entertaining. There are various types of blog articles, such as:

  • How-to guides
  • Expanded definition posts
  • Templates and checklists
  • Reports or statistics

The type of blog posts you choose should depend on the topic you write about, how in-depth you want to cover it, and who you want to address.

Blog posts are a great way to gain new audiences because most people search for topics through search engines.

This poses a great opportunity to use search engine optimization and get your website pages in front of as many people as possible. As a result, you can boost brand visibility and awareness for your product or service.

Blogging can also be a powerful content strategy to build authority in your niche. Writing about topics relevant to people interested in your industry will create the impression that you have expert knowledge.

With the help of AI writing tools, you can now generate complete articles that are optimized for search engines in minutes.

Take the example of Surfer AI , which created this article in about twenty minutes.

how many types of content writing are there

SEO writing can be time and effort intensive, not to mention requiring tasks like keyword research and on-page optimization.

You can obviously write articles manually but leveraging artificial intelligence can greatly increase the scale and output of your content creation efforts.

Website copywriting

Website copywriters create content for landing pages, product pages, home pages and more.

Effective website copy communicates clearly and engages visitors to take actionable steps.

For example, if you visit a company website, you will know what the company does, what it offers, and how to purchase the product or contact the company.

Trello's hero section, for example, communicates its value in a simple, easy-to-understand sentence.

how many types of content writing are there

While this seems easy, the role of website copywriting is to provide this information clearly and concisely and encourage a visitor to engage with the brand by registering, booking a demo, or buying a product.

A great company website should include the most essential pages, such as:

  • Product or Services Page
  • Contact Page

These pages should list the key benefits of your products and your unique value proposition. Website copywriters are often trained in conversion copywriting.

Advertising and sales copywriting

Ad copywriting or sales copywriting is the most common type of copywriting in marketing campaigns.

You can see it everywhere in real life—on TV, in papers, on fliers, or on billboards. There are also various ads you can see on the internet, such as Google Ads, social media ads, pop-ups, and website banners.

Advertising content is meant to get you interested in a product and then persuade you to buy it.

Sales copywriting aims to capture the prospect's attention quickly and convince them to engage with your offer.

While the ultimate goal is to convince users to purchase, sales copywriting also targets other actions like:

  • registering for a webinar or lead magnet
  • subscribing to a newsletter
  • filling a call-back form

This advertisement by Monday, a work management platform, serves as an example of sales copy.

The ad copy taps into the emotional connection a person may have with their work and promises to do better.

how many types of content writing are there

Sales copywriting involves various psychological and sales techniques that allow the creation of short, powerful messages.

Some copywriting techniques commonly used in ad copy are:

  • PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solution
  • AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
  • FAB: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

These copywriting techniques are meant to trigger strong emotional reactions, such as the fear of missing out leading to a purchase.

Technical writing

Technical writing is content written for specific industries that need to present information precisely and accurately.

Technical writers are usually skilled industry professionals with relevant degrees, certifications, or experience.

Technical writing involves describing and documenting complex processes in certain disciplines such as science, medicine, engineering, computer science, or finance.

It usually has a very targeted audience that often involves industry professionals. Technical content is often long-form because it has to be comprehensive and communicate concepts and walkthroughs in extensive detail.

An example of technical writing is Stripe's documentation for developers.  

how many types of content writing are there

Technical writing is a blanket term that may include:

  • Technical documentation
  • Policies and procedures
  • Industry white papers and case studies
  • Business documentation
  • User manuals

The key to understanding technical writing is that it has to be applied in professional settings, such as a company or another organization.

The purpose of technical writing is strictly informational or educational and is often meant to further the reader's knowledge or to help them accomplish a task.

Social media posts

Social media posts vary depending on the platform you use. While social media is associated with short messages, the length of posts varies for different social media platforms.

For example, people use Facebook or LinkedIn to write longer posts, where users are receptive to longer content.

On the other hand, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest are predominantly visual platforms with little written content, such as captions and descriptions.

Even though X, formerly Twitter, now allows long-form content, most of the posts there are short-form writing.

Social media writing is characterized by simple, informal language that grabs users' attention and persuades them to share, like, or comment on the post.

Here's an example of a social media post from Starbucks on Instagram.

Starbucks IG

The purpose of social media content is to engage with the target audience, and reveal your brand's personality, and take on current trends.

Writing for social media is unique because digital marketing platforms rely on a combination of visual media and memorable captioning to perform well.

Unlike other types of content writing, which are mainly driven by the quality of the writing alone.

Ebooks and white papers

Ebooks are a way for businesses to share their insights related to their product or service. It proves the business has the right skills and knowledge to provide a beneficial experience to customers.

Ebooks can cover various topics and take many forms, from how-to guides to product overviews.

They can also be a workbook if they include interactive elements such as exercises. 

Whitepapers, similarly to ebooks, are meant to demonstrate expertise and establish thought leadership.

Even though they are widely used, ebooks and white papers are an essential part of B2B digital marketing strategies.

They present research, expert analysis, or an insight into a topic or solution to a problem.

Because ebooks and white papers are long-form content that is supposed to demonstrate a company's expertise, the author must have a deep understanding of the topic.

This is also why it's almost impossible to recruit freelance writers to help you create these content formats.

Just like you wouldn't hire a freelancer to publish press releases, white papers must be written by insiders.

They are usually read by industry professionals, and the writer should, therefore, conduct extensive research or have previous experience in the field.

Gartner, for example, has several ebooks to demonstrate their expertise.

how many types of content writing are there

Often, ebooks are also used as lead magnets in exchange for user information.

You've probably seen ads that proclaim "the 10 best ways" to do something in exchange for your email.

It's not uncommon for these types of content to be over 50 pages or 10,000 words in length.

Case studies

Case studies refer to actual instances where customers have successfully achieved their goals through the use of a product.

It allows brands to foster credibility and trust among potential customers.

The main purpose of a case study is to prove to potential users that you understand their problems and have the expertise to solve them.

A case study should follow your client's success story without focusing too much on your product.

Instead, try educating readers on the challenges and how they were overcome with your tools. 

While writing a case study, focus on the details and make your content actionable. Don't just gloss over the methods used to achieve the results you're showing.

We created a case study that showcases how a niche site, Aquarium Store Depot, was able to attract 400,000 visitors a month using Surfer's tools.

And dive deep into the 5 steps the site's owner, Mark Valderrama took to grow his traffic.

how many types of content writing are there

Case studies can also allow decision-makers to see how similar businesses successfully use your product, which acts as social proof and instills trust.

A well-written case study includes:

  • A thorough analysis of the problem
  • the challenges encountered
  • The results you achieved
  • Proof of results via a screenshot
  • Quotes and testimonials from actual clients

Including these essential elements will ensure your product is shown in the best possible light.

User manuals and documentation

User manuals and documentation are often part of technical writing.

Often, businesses create guides and tutorials to help users get the full benefit of the product.

User manuals and documentation are meant to replace human support and serve two purposes.

  • Users are able to get started on their own quickly
  • The business doesn't need to maintain a large support department

To create this type of content, the content writer needs a deep understanding and knowledge of the product to explain it clearly to the user.

Here's an example of a guide by WordPress that goes over the basics of setting up your website.

how many types of content writing are there

Writers need to consider the depth of information and what users can figure out independently.

This should result from understanding how complex the product is, whether there is something similar on the market, and who the product's audience is.

You'll find that hosting documentation about a product on a separate subdomain is also common. Helpful notes like this are also referred to as a knowledge base.

Creating manuals can be time-consuming but it is often worth the effort. You don't want to ignore them as part of your content creation process.

Companies may also recruit the services of power users to monitor support forums and answer questions from other users.

UX writing is communicating with software users in a way that allows them to take action and achieve a desired result. It involves all text that appears in software or in-app, such as buttons, pop-ups, error messages, and more.

UX writers work with product teams to create a seamless onboarding process based on user research and testing.

Take the example of Surfer's Content Editor app, which prompts users to enter their main keyword.

how many types of content writing are there

It provides users with a seamless experience to improve the adoption of a product so that they will use the software to achieve the result they desire.

UX content writing often overlaps with conversion copywriting because they share a similar goal: moving users to the next step.

Comparison and versus pages

Also called alternative pages, comparison or versus pages highlight differences and similarities between products or services.

Companies frequently use this kind of content to directly compete with their rivals by showcasing the advantages their product has over others on the market.

A well-structured versus page typically follows a feature-by-feature comparison, allowing readers to thoroughly compare the products and make an informed purchasing decision.

By directly addressing the competition and highlighting your product's superior features and benefits, you provide potential customers with a clear choice and a strong reason to choose your product over others.

While you will want to present your product in the best light possible, it's vital to stay objective and not turn your versus page into a sales page.

Podia, for example, has a great "alternatives hub' with several pages compared to its competitors.

how many types of content writing are there

These pages provide a detailed, feature-by-feature comparison, allowing potential customers to clearly see the advantages of choosing Podia.

Since versus pages cover features in depth, hiring freelance content writers or content writing services isn't going to result in a high-quality page.

Instead, write the content yourself, relying on your own knowledge of the product while sharing effective ways to use it.

Reviews and testimonials

Product reviews and testimonials offer prospects a sneak peek into the product, providing them with an idea of what to expect after purchasing it.

Online reviews usually take the form of comprehensive blog posts where a writer delves deep into the product's specifications, characteristics, functionalities, and benefits for the user.

An unbiased, comprehensive product overview in a review can greatly influence a reader's purchasing decision.

Reviews aren't just about listing features and benefits.

Users are more likely to trust a review if they can verify its source and credibility.

Although they don't sell any products, Wirecutter does a great job of reviewing tools and gadgets. They even explain their methodology and include a ton of first hand experience.

how many types of content writing are there

On the other hand, testimonials are accounts of real customers who have used the product.

They often include the results that customers achieve with the product, making the brand and its products more relatable to potential customers.

Collecting and showcasing customer testimonials can be done in various ways.

You can take testimonials from video content and interviews with customers.

Reach out to satisfied customers and ask them to share their positive experiences.

These testimonials can be showcased on the business's website, social media platforms, or email campaigns, increasing the product's credibility while building trust among potential customers.

Newsletters and email campaigns

Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to subscribers and can take various forms, but the most common are newsletters and email campaigns.

Email campaigns are more focused and typically revolve around a single event or promotion, such as a product launch or a seasonal sale. In contrast, newsletters are regular emails that provide subscribers with industry or niche updates.

Short emails are probably the most effective since most people read emails on their phones and the limited space phones offer.

However, emails can sometimes have much longer variations, especially for newsletters.

Writing emails can involve,

  • email subject lines
  • pre headers

Both newsletters and email campaigns play a crucial role in customer retention and sales.

By keeping subscribers informed about the latest developments and offers, these emails keep the brand fresh in the minds of the customers, encouraging repeat business and fostering a sense of loyalty.

Here's an example of a newsletter called The Industry that covers the film industry.

how many types of content writing are there

Newsletters aren't easy to write because they require insider knowledge and must be updated every day - quite like the news.

They are often long form and must be written well, in a noninvasive, engaging manner.

Choosing the right type of content

Your choice of content must depend on your audience and the types of content they are receptive to.

For example, a younger audience will likely prefer social media, whereas an older demographic may prefer long-form content like blog posts and white papers.

Similarly, B2B target audiences will respond better to formal communication via traditional mediums like email, whereas you can engage B2C consumers on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Most companies choose a combination of content types and platforms to reach their target audience effectively.

You need to show that you are knowledgeable on every topic you write about and can give your audience high-quality content irrespective of where you communicate with them.

Creating content must start with a goal.

Your objective can be, for example, brand awareness, lead generation, or increasing sales.

Your choice of written content will ultimately depend on your audience demographics, whether you are in a B2B or B2C industry and what you want to accomplish.

Key takeaways

  • Content writing types differ depending on the publishing platform, target audience, and purpose. Numerous content writing types serve different purposes, from educating to connecting with customers.
  • Depending on the type, content can achieve various goals, from brand awareness to increased sales.
  • Long-form content types include blog articles, reviews, case studies, ebooks, white papers, and guides.
  • Short-form content types include website copywriting, sales copywriting, UX copywriting, social media posts, and emails.
  • Choosing the right content for your business should be based on audience research, business goals, and your reader's sales funnel stages.

Even though we're most familiar with blogs and social media captions, several content writing types exist, differing by use case, audience, length, and platform.

Don't try and do everything together. It will only spread you thin.

For the best results, combine two or three types of written content to achieve your business goals.

Tailor your content's strategy based on your performance. Seek feedback, adapt your approach, and explore new content types to ensure your audience is engaged.

Ideally, begin with a content type that you know works in your industry. If you're not sure, look at your competitors and analyze which mediums work for them.

Given a similar offer and positioning, the same should work for you.

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The 5 Types of Content Writing You Need to Know

Pragati Gupta

Table of contents

The world of content writing is a dynamic one; the rules are ever-changing and new subgenres are emerging all the time. Content writing is no different. Over the years, it has evolved into different types based on the medium, audience, or objective of your content. They all have their own unique characteristics as well as similarities that help define them as subcategories of content writing. There are several different types of content writing—so many, in fact, that it can be a little overwhelming at first. But don’t worry! This article will break down each type to help you determine which one is right for you. Keep reading to find out more about each subgenre and see which one you think would suit your needs best.

What is Content Writing?

Content writing is a form of writing that is used to create informational or educational pieces. As the name suggests, content writing is the process of creating a piece of writing that is meant to attract, engage, and inform an audience. Examples include articles, blog posts, eBooks, white papers, case studies, and how-to guides. Content writing is used for many different purposes, including marketing, sales, and lead generation . Content can be published on your own website or on someone else’s site, such as a publication’s blog. You can create your own content or write on behalf of a client. Some content writing jobs are ongoing (e.g., an e-newsletter), while others are one-offs (e.g., a guest post ).

Like a piece of clothing, content has many layers that combine to create a final product. The fabric, design, stitching, and color all come together to create an item that is both beautiful and functional. In the same way, content writing is all about crafting a piece of content written specifically for a certain audience. Whether it’s a blog post, article, or press release, the content marketing goal remains the same: to provide your reader with relevant, useful information that furthers your intended message.

Content is often considered one of the cornerstones of SEO, and is often the first place that users go when they want to learn more about a specific topic. The process of content writing involves more than just penning a pretty piece; it also covers choosing the right topic, researching, and formatting that content for optimum results.

Why is Content Writing Important for Marketing?

Content writing is a crucial aspect of any digital marketing campaign. 82% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing . It is often the first point of contact between your brand and potential customers. If your content is engaging enough, it can spark their interest and encourage them to take the next step and visit your website. If it’s not, then you’ve lost them before you’ve even had the chance to make your case. The right content can improve your click-through rates, conversion rates, and brand awareness. Content can also be used to position yourself as an authority in your niche and drive links back to your website. If done correctly, content can be a huge asset to your brand.

So the day came when I decided to quit my job, pack my bags, hit the road and travel the world. Planning the trip was almost as exciting as embarking on it. This picture provides the fond memory of the work done to help fulfill those dreams.

How to become a freelance content writer?

In the world of content, the demand for quality writing is growing by the day. Content writing freelancing can be a great way to make money from home while also keeping your creative juices flowing. If you have excellent writing skills and are ready to invest time, energy, and focus into this entrepreneurial venture, becoming a freelance content writer can be an extremely rewarding experience. You may feel like there’s some sort of catch to this, surely it can’t be that easy? And indeed, it won’t be easy at first. Any new business venture takes time and effort to get off the ground. However, with the right attitude and strategy, you can learn how to become a successful freelance content writer in no time.

Know your audience

It’s crucial to know your audience if you want to make a living as a freelance content writer. Without a clear understanding of how your content will benefit your readers, you’ll have a hard time landing clients and making a decent profit from your writing. You might be tempted to think that anyone would be happy to read your work, but that’s simply not true. To make a living as a freelance content writer, you need to know exactly who you’re writing for and what they want to get out of your content. If you don’t know who you’re writing for, you run the risk of writing content that is off-topic, bland, and uninspiring. The last thing you want to do is write content that doesn’t resonate with your readers.

Network, network, and network some more

You may find that you have to write a few articles before you start getting paid work. This is normal and shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Freelance content writing is a skill that you develop over time, so you’ll need to give yourself some time to get your name out there. You can do this by getting involved in freelance content writing communities online. Joining online forums and groups that connect freelance content writers and clients can help you get your name out there. It’s also a great way to get feedback and advice from fellow content writers. You can also try to get in touch with existing clients by writing an email and letting them know that you’re interested in expanding your portfolio of work.

Learn how to write well

Freelance content writing is all about the quality of your writing. If you’re not a skilled writer, or if you don’t have good grammar, you won’t be able to make a living off of content writing. It’s really as simple as that. You may think you can get away with being a bad writer if you have other skills, but you’d be mistaken. There’s a lot more to freelance content writing than just slapping words on a page. You have to have a clear understanding of how to write for different audiences, understand how to create engaging content, and know-how to format your work properly.

Find your niche and play to your strengths

As you start to write, you’ll want to make sure you’re targeting a specific niche. This will help you gain a reputation in your field and help you stand out as a writer. For example, if you’re interested in writing about fitness and nutrition, you could create content for websites that promote healthy living. Or if you have a love of travel, you could create content for websites that specialize in travel writing.

Don’t rely on just one platform for income

As a freelance content writer, you need to diversify your income as much as possible. This will help you create a consistent and reliable source of income and will also help to minimize your risk. If you rely on one client for a majority of your income, you’re taking a huge risk. What if that client decides to cut ties with you? What if that client decides to stop paying you for your work? There are a lot of things that can go wrong. Instead, try to build a portfolio of clients so you aren’t relying on one client for a majority of your income. This will help to mitigate your risk and will also help you work with a variety of different clients and projects.

Freelance content writing can be an incredibly rewarding career, but it’s not easy. To get started as a freelance content writer, you’ll need to have a strong portfolio of work, a solid understanding of how to write for different audiences, and an entrepreneurial spirit. You’ll also need to be ready to invest time and energy into it.

Types of content writing

Blog writing.

Blogs are one of the oldest forms of content writing. But do people still read blogs ? Well, yes blogging is still going strong. Blogging can be a great way to establish yourself as an industry expert, build a following, and establish your authority in your niche. But what exactly does blogging entail? Before you can get started writing your first blog post, you need to answer a few questions about your blog, such as: What type of blog will you be writing? What’s your blogging niche? How frequently will you be publishing posts? How will your blog be structured?

Most blogs are written in a conversational style, with a blogger discussing a relevant topic related to the company. As the name suggests, a blog is a chronological log of articles or posts that are published regularly on a publishing platform like WordPress or Blogger. Your blog’s tone of voice is how an audience will perceive you. It’s like an accent that helps your customers identify you. A blog post’s voice should be clear and concise, but also friendly and approachable.

how many types of content writing are there

SEO Writing

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a method of optimizing content for search engines like Google. In short, SEO optimized writing is the process of creating content that is geared towards readers and search engine algorithms. While it’s true that content is king, it’s also smart to remember that readers are the ones who truly wear the crown. They are the ones who ultimately decide whether to sit on your throne. In SEO writing, the reader’s experience is the priority. You’ll want to create content that is not only engaging but also designed to rank high in SERPs. See what keywords a website ranks for already to target relevant keyphrases with blog content and spot missed topic opportunities. .

Also, you need to focus on creating high-quality content as poorly written, low-quality content can actually damage a site’s SEO. Good SEO writing, on the other hand, can help boost your site’s SEO and bring you more traffic. A few AI writers like Writesonic can help you to generate high-quality SEO content in seconds.

Blogging with Writesonic is the perfect way to stay ahead of the content writing game. It's an AI blog writing and article generator that can help you produce top-notch content quickly and easily. Simply give Writesonic a topic and some keywords and it will automatically generate a well-written, SEO-friendly blog post. You can even customize the post with images, videos, and other media, making it more visually appealing.


If you’re looking to make some quick cash, ghostwriting could be the right type of content writing for you. Ghostwriting involves writing articles, eBooks, or blog posts on behalf of someone else. Ghostwriters are hired to create content for a client who either lacks the time or the talent to do so on their own. Since ghostwriters always work on multiple projects AI content generators help them scale their content activities. Though as a ghostwriter, you’re expected to be extremely efficient with your time. This includes researching and drafting your content, as well as getting it back to your client in a timely manner.

Ghostwriting is a fairly common practice in the publishing industry and can be lucrative for some. It can also be a great way to break into the writing industry. The only downside to ghostwriting is that you might not get credit for your work. In some cases, the author may not even properly cite you for your work.

Email Marketing

Email marketing, or email copywriting , is a type of content writing that is used for email marketing campaigns. Depending on your industry, you could be sending out newsletters, lead magnets , or other types of communications. Depending on your approach, there are several subcategories of email marketing content writing, such as demand generation, relationship building, sales, or retention emails. For example, demand-generation emails aim to encourage customers to purchase your product or service, while relationship-building emails focus on building trust with your audience and striving to retain your current customers. Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you to grow your business. You just need to leverage email marketing hacks to get the maximum power from this channel.

Want to create captivating emails that entice your readers to ask for more? Here is how to write a newsletter that not only engages but also helps to build authority.

Press Release Writing

A press release, or press release copywriting, is a written announcement that describes something significant, such as an event, new product, or financial achievement. Press releases are commonly used by businesses to generate media attention, which can lead to increased brand awareness and traffic to your website. Press releases are typically distributed through wire services, but you can also publish them on your own website.

A press release is a great way to announce a new product or service or to announce a partnership or merger. It’s also a great way to take advantage of free PR by syndicating your press release on third-party websites. When writing a press release, there are a few things to keep in mind like who is your press release meant to appeal to? What is their background? What are their interests? This will help you shape your message to resonate with your reader.

Website Copywriting

Website copywriting is the process of crafting effective copy for a website. It involves creating copy for pages like the homepage, product pages, and landing pages that is both engaging and informative. It is the job of the website copywriter to make sure that the written content is clear and concise, while also making sure that it is optimized for search engines. This means that the right keywords are used throughout the copy, and that the copy is structured in a way that can attract new visitors.

Landing page copy is a key part of website copywriting. You need to understand thoroughly on how to write a website copy . It is designed to capture the attention of visitors and convince them to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Landing page copy is usually short, but it needs to be persuasive and compelling. It should also be tailored to the specific audience that the website is targeting. Good website copywriting can make a huge difference in how successful a website is, so it's important for businesses to invest in the right copywriter if they want to make an impact.

To make it easier, use an AI website copy generator like Writesonic's.

As you can see, content writing is a diverse field with many different subgenres. Depending on your objectives, you could choose to write in any one of these subcategories.

You could write SEO articles, ghostwrite someone else’s work, publish press releases, or create interactive rich media content. The options are endless, and you could even mix and match different subgenres. Now that you know what content writing is, it’s time to explore the different subcategories to determine which one is right for you. Which one sounds most interesting to you?

Writesonic is a revolutionary AI-driven content writing platform that makes content creation effortless. The platform's intuitive interface allows you to quickly and easily create compelling, SEO-friendly content that engages readers and drives conversions. And with its AI-powered natural language generator, you can generate content faster than ever before, allowing you to focus more on other aspects of your business. With Writesonic, you'll never have to worry about content creation again. It's the perfect solution for busy entrepreneurs and marketers who want to save time and get better results. So if you're looking for a content writing solution, look no further than Writesonic.

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Content Writing 101: 10 Types of Content Writing You Should Know

how many types of content writing are there

From blog posts to social media updates, content comes in many forms these days. In this post, we'll explore the top 10 content writing styles so you can get familiar with the options.

Whether you're looking to start content writing or just want to learn more about the field, you'll get an overview of the main content types and examples of each.

What Is Content Writing?

Content writing is the practice of creating written materials for various purposes. As a content writer, your job is to communicate information through the written word in an engaging and accessible way.

Why Is Content Writing Important for Businesses and Marketers?

Content writing helps businesses engage with customers, explain products and services, establish credibility, and build trust. Well-written content can attract new customers, educate existing customers, and humanize a brand.

Creating high-quality, valuable content is crucial for any business or marketer looking to engage an audience and drive results. It's one of the most valuable tools in any successful marketing strategy today.

10 Types of Content Writing

Content writing comes in many forms and here are 10 common types.

Blog Articles

Blog articles are short pieces of written content published on a website or blog. They are usually between 500 to 2,500 words and cover a specific topic related to the site's niche.

Blog posts allow businesses and individuals to establish themselves as thought leaders, build an audience, and drive traffic. To streamline your content creation process, use Hypotenuse AI's blog writer .

how many types of content writing are there


Copywriting involves writing copy for advertising, websites, social media, emails, products, and more. It aims to persuade and motivate an audience to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Copywriters need to have a good grasp of language, marketing strategies, and audience psychology to craft compelling copy.

SEO Writing

SEO writing involves creating content that is optimized to rank well in search engine results. This means using relevant keywords, staying concise, and understanding what searchers are looking for.

By writing with SEO in mind, you can help a website or piece of content gain visibility and organic traffic from search engines like Google.

Social Media Posts

Social media posts are written content published on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They provide updates about a business's products, services, industry news, and company culture.

Social media posts aim to engage the business's target audience and drive interaction through likes, comments, and shares.

Scriptwriting involves writing scripts for movies, television shows, plays, and other performances. It requires crafting compelling stories, developing complex characters, and writing vivid and engaging dialogue.

Scriptwriters need strong creative writing skills, an understanding of story structure, and knowledge of film and television production.

Technical Writing

Technical writing involves creating technical documentation for products, software, machines, and processes. Technical writers must have strong research, writing, and communication skills, and an aptitude for understanding technical subjects. Sample types of technical writing include:

  • User manuals: Instructions to help users operate products and software. User manuals explain how to perform tasks in simple, step-by-step language with illustrations and screenshots.
  • Case studies: Reports that document an organization's experience using a product or service. Case studies highlight benefits, outcomes, lessons learned and recommendations to demonstrate value to potential customers.
  • API documentation: Descriptions of programming interfaces and code libraries to teach developers how to integrate an application with external systems.
  • Whitepapers: Provide in-depth analysis of a topic and are aimed at educating readers and influencing their opinions. They typically include research, data, case studies, and recommendations.
  • Reports: Present findings from research studies, case studies, surveys and analyses. They summarize key insights, trends, conclusions, and recommendations in an organized format.

Email Marketing

Email marketing refers to content writing for emails sent to subscribers and customers. Emails promote products, services, events, and other content from a company.

Email marketing aims to drive revenue through sales, leads, and customer engagement. Emails should be concise, informative, and provide value to the reader. To efficiently craft such emails, you can try using our email generator .


Ghostwriting involves writing content that is attributed to another person. Ghostwriters produce books, articles, blog posts, speeches, and other texts that are officially credited to a celebrity, executive, or other client.

Ghostwriting is common in autobiographies, memoirs, self-help books, and other projects where the credited author lacks the time or writing skills to produce the work themselves.

Press Releases

Press releases are written announcements distributed by companies to inform journalists and the public about news. They aim to generate media coverage and public awareness of a product, service, event, personnel change, or other news.

Effective press releases have a strong hook, include all relevant details in the first few paragraphs, and provide contact information for the media to follow up.

Creative Writing

Creative writing involves using the imagination to produce original works of fiction or poetry. It allows writers to explore their creativity and self-expression through storytelling and crafting of language.

Creative writing is one of the most enjoyable types of content writing as it gives writers the freedom to invent characters, plots, and settings limited only by their creativity and imagination.

How to Become a Content Writer

how many types of content writing are there

Content writing is an exciting and rewarding career. If you’re looking to dive into it, here are some good tips to follow.

Learn the Fundamentals

First, educate yourself on what good content writing entails. Read books and blogs to learn about different writing techniques. Study how successful writers are in your niche. Gain a solid understanding of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style guides. Hone your research skills to find credible sources for your writing.

Choose Your Niche

Next, identify one or two content niches you want to specialize in. For example, you might focus on technology, health and wellness, business, or travel content. Having a niche gives you more depth and helps you build a stronger expertise—that way, you gain trust with brands in the same industry. But don't limit yourself—branch out over time.

Build Your Portfolio

Start creating writing samples in your niche to include in your portfolio. Having published clips, whether on a blog, website, or publication, is essential for landing clients. Make sure to showcase different content types like blog posts, white papers, social media posts, and more. Quality trumps quantity here.

Learn New Skills

Continue expanding your skills through courses, reputable websites and even YouTube. Consider learning complementary skills like SEO copywriting,  graphic design basics, and CMS platforms like WordPress. The more well-rounded you are, the more opportunities will open up.

Network and Build Connections

Put yourself out there! Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Let people know you are available for hire and actively seek out content writing jobs. Sites like Upwork are great for finding remote gigs.

With hard work and dedication, you can build an amazing career in content writing.

What Skills Does a Content Writer Need?

A successful content writer needs a diverse set of skills to create compelling copy that engages readers. Here are some of the most important abilities to hone:

Strong Writing Skills

This one may seem obvious, but excellent grammar, spelling, and punctuation are must-have skills. You'll need to communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely. Vary your sentence structure and word choice. Craft smooth transitions between paragraphs.

Research Abilities

Content writers often have to quickly research unfamiliar topics. You'll need to dig up facts, statistics, quotes, and examples to back up your points. Learn where to find reliable sources and how to synthesize information from multiple places. Stay nimble as you move between subjects.

The best content keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Use storytelling elements like humor, surprise, and emotion. Employ metaphors, rhetorical questions, and other literary devices. Think visually and use words that paint pictures. Infuse your writing with your unique perspective.

Attention to Detail

Proofreading your own work is a must. You'll need a sharp eye to catch inconsistencies and anything else that needs polishing. Understanding your organization's tone and voice is also key—you want content that aligns with their brand.

Time Management Skills

Writers often juggle multiple projects with tight deadlines. You'll need to plan ahead, prioritize assignments, and avoid procrastination. Figure out when you're most productive. Set goals and stick to them. Don't be afraid to say no if your plate is full.

With this versatile mix of hard and soft skills, you'll be well-equipped to research, write, edit, and deliver quality content that meets your client's needs.

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Content writing can be a time-consuming process, but with the right tools, writers can streamline their workflow and produce high-quality material efficiently. With Hypotenuse AI , content writers generate ideas faster, produce higher-quality drafts, and stay productive.

Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, there's a content writing niche for you. Don't be afraid to experiment across different formats and find the types you enjoy most. What will you write next?

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What Is Content Writing? – Types, Importance, & Examples

content writing

Today, content is found in almost every aspect of modern life. People consume content through books, magazines, newspapers, blogs, websites, and even social media. In fact, an average person spends around 7 hours consuming online content, thanks to the internet.

With so much content being consumed daily, it’s no wonder that businesses are increasingly looking for talented writers to create content for their products, services, and websites.

This skill is in high demand, but what exactly is content writing? What all does it constitute? What does a content writer do?

Here’s a guide with a comprehensive overview of content writing, including its types, importance, and examples.

What is Content Writing?

Content writing is the creative process of generating content through careful planning and research, writing, and editing that is then published on online platforms with an aim to attract, engage, and retain readers.

This content writing definition can be simplified by breaking it into three key phrases:

  • The creative process of generating content: Content writing involves creative thinking and a flair for writing. It’s not just about regurgitating information but about presenting it in an engaging and interesting manner.
  • Careful planning, research, writing and editing: Any good piece of writing, be it an article, blog post, or even a social media update, requires careful planning, research, and editing. Without these elements, the content will likely be uninformative or poorly written.
  • Aiming to attract, engage, and retain readers: The ultimate goal of content writing is to reach and resonate with the target audience.

No matter what the form, all content must aim to serve a purpose, be it providing information, educating the reader, or entertaining them.

That’s where a content writer comes in – to create content that is not only compelling but also relevant and targeted to the right audience.

Who Is A Content Writer?

A content writer is a professional writer who specialises in creating content for various online platforms.

This content can take the form of articles, blog posts, social media updates, web page content, product descriptions, or even marketing collateral .

The content writer can wear the hat of a copywriter, ghostwriter, SEO specialist, or even a social media manager – all depending on the type of content they’re creating.

However, their ultimate goal remains the same – to create compelling, relevant, and engaging content.

Types Of Content Writing

While most people think of content writing as one homogenous entity, the reality is that there are different types of content writing, each with its own distinct style, purpose, and audience.

Some of the most popular types of content writing include:

  • Article Writing: Articles are usually informative pieces that are longer in length and provide detailed information on a particular topic. They are often published on digital publications or niche-oriented websites like Forbes, Huffington Post, and other such sites. Writing an article requires the content writer to have good SEO knowledge so as to ensure that the article ranks high on SERP.
  • Copywriting: Copywriting is a type of content writing that aims to sell an offering or fulfil a marketing goal. It’s usually short, persuasive, and to-the-point. Copywriters use various techniques like powerful headlines, call-to-actions, and even emotional triggers to get the reader to take the desired action. Content pieces that fit into this type include landing pages, social media marketing content, and even ads.
  • Press Releases: Press releases are official statements that are sent out to the media with an aim to generate press coverage for a particular product, service, event, or even an individual. Press releases are well-written and newsworthy with an aim to increase the chances of them being picked up by reporters and journalists.
  • Technical Writing: Technical writing is a type of content writing that focuses on providing information about technical subjects and products. This type of content is usually lengthy, detailed, and full of industry-specific jargon. It’s aimed at those who already have some knowledge about the subject and are looking for more in-depth information. Technical writing can be in the form of user manuals, installation guides, FAQs, and more.
  • Long-Form Content: Ebooks, case studies, whitepapers, and even research reports fall under the category of long-form content. These pieces are usually in-depth and provide detailed information on a particular subject. They are meant to be informative and as such, use formal language. These are usually used by businesses as lead magnets or even gated content to capture leads.
  • Content scriptwriting: This type of content writing is used for creating content for videos, podcasts, or even infographics. Such content is usually short, sweet, and to-the-point with an aim to communicate the message as little time as possible.
  • Professional writing: Professional writing is a type of content writing that involves interactions through professional communication channels such as business emails, memos, letters, and more. The style of writing is usually formal and covers a wide range of topics such as business proposals , marketing plans , employee communications, and more.

Importance Of Content Writing

With the boom of the internet and other internet-related industries, content has taken tremendous importance. Producing new and relevant content has become necessary to survive and stand out in the competitive market today.

Content writing is considered a necessary skill, as it is vital for a business to build and acquire customers. The following points elaborate on the importance of content writing in today’s business scenario:

  • Essential For SEO: In order to rank high on SERP, businesses need to ensure that their website contains quality and relevant content. This is because Google and other such search engines use algorithms that consider various factors like keyword density, content length, and more to determine the ranking of a website.
  • Key Lead Generation Tool: Quality content is an essential lead generation tool. By producing helpful and informative content, businesses can attract their target audience to their website and convert them into leads.
  • Builds Credibility: In order for customers to trust a business, they need to see that the business is an expert in its field. This can be achieved by producing quality content that is relevant to the business and its products or services.
  • Customer Retention: Customer retention is as important as acquiring new customers. Once a customer has been acquired, it is important to keep them engaged with the business. Good content writing skill is essential to produce various forms of content like email newsletters, blogs, etc., which can keep the customers coming back for more.

Content Writing Skills

Content writing is a skill that can be learned and perfected with practice.

However, there are certain inherent qualities that all content writers must possess:

  • Writing and communication skills: The ability to communicate clearly and concisely is crucial for a content writer. They must be able to understand the requirements of the project and express their thoughts in a well-written and structured manner that is free from grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Creativity: Creative thinking is essential for content writing as it helps to come up with new and interesting ideas that will engage the reader.
  • Attention to detail: Good attention to detail ensures that all information is accurately represented in the final piece of content.
  • Research skills: Researching and gaining information on the topic is vital to present in an understandable manner to the readers. The writers must also be aware of the latest trends in their area of expertise to produce relevant content.
  • Time management: Writers need to be consistent and work within deadlines to publish content on a regular basis. They need to be fluent in prioritisation and time management to complete the project on time.
  • Technical skills: Some forms of content writing may require the writer to have basic SEO and algorithm knowledge. They must also possess computer-operating proficiency to use different content management systems and content writing tools .

Content Writing Examples

Content writing can take many different forms. The following are some examples of content writing:

SEO Writing

SEO content writing article example

SEO writing is a type of content writing that focuses on creating content that is optimised for search engines. This involves the use of relevant keywords and phrases that help to improve the visibility of the website on SERP.

The above example is a very basic explanation of how an SEO writer uses targeted keywords to improve the ranking of a website . However, SEO writing is not just about using the right keywords. It also involves creating quality content that is relevant to the business and its products or services.


copywriting example

Copywriting is all about using the right words to persuade the reader to take a particular action. The aim is to create content that is so compelling that it convinces the reader to head in the desired direction that fulfils the brand’s marketing objectives.

The above copywriting example is a marketing campaign launched by the popular dating site OkCupid with an aim to make the readers try the application.

Press Release

Press releases focus on developing newsworthy content that can be used by media outlets to generate publicity . The content must be well-written and structured in a way that is easy for the media to pick up and use.

The following is an example of a press release written to answer all the relevant questions about the new head of the CITI solutions centre.

press release example

Product Description

product description example

Product descriptions aim to provide the reader with all the necessary information about the product so that they can make an informed purchase decision.

It includes features, benefits, specs, and anything else that would be useful for the customer. The language is used tactically to persuade the reader to buy the product.

The image above is an example of a product description of a toy robot. It provides all the necessary features and information about the robot in a short and concise format and relies on pictures to convey the information.

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

Did we miss something? Come on! Tell us what you think of this article on   what is content writing  in the comments section.

Satyaroop Kar

A lawyer dealing with corporate laws, a voracious reader and a keen writer. Satyaroop has a broad experience in the legal and startup industries and has worked with more than 15 companies, startups and legal publications on research-oriented projects. In his spare time, he enjoys reading fiction, biking and playing video games.

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16 Types of Content Writing to Consider for Your Business

Whether you’re a marketer or business owner looking for new ideas for your content calendar, or you’re a freelance writer looking for new services to offer, the following types of content writing can help you achieve your goals.

What is content writing?

Closely connected with the area of digital marketing called content marketing , content writing is the process of writing content for digital channels. The purpose of content is to attract, inform, engage, and/or convert readers.

16 different types of content writing

Once associated with online journals or personal diaries, blog posts are used today by most businesses and publishers as versatile content marketing tools. They can be used across multiple stages of the marketing funnel or buyer journey: awareness, consideration, and decision.

In addition, blog posts are critical pieces of a business’ SEO and social media marketing strategy. They can target four types of SEO keywords : informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional.

Therefore, blog content writers must be knowledgeable about SEO content writing concepts and techniques like keyword research, searcher intent, on-page optimization, and the benefits of link building .

Some examples of common blog post formats are:

  • How-to or tutorial
  • Ultimate guide
  • Product review or comparison
  • Best of (e.g., “8 Best AI Tools for Affiliate Marketing “)
  • Expert roundup
  • Sponsored post
  • Q&A or interview
  • Sponsored posts

In recent years, there has been widespread adoption of long-form and evergreen blog posts (1500 words-2000+ words), as some studies have shown they perform better in search.

For some companies, short, newsworthy blog posts (300-500 words) are still useful tools for publishing company updates and distributing them to an audience via email.

Freelance writers usually charge a per-word fee or a flat rate per post for blog writing . Rates range widely according to experience, typically from $0.05-$1 per word.

Social media content

The most common types of content you’ll find on social media are posts, descriptions (such as YouTube video descriptions and Pinterest board and pin descriptions), and hashtags.

Social media feeds refresh infinitely, and people’s attention spans are short. When they’re on social media, they’re usually looking to be entertained. Social media algorithms use engagement metrics to determine which content you should get the most exposure. So, when writing for social media, aim for likes, comments, shares, and clicks.

You can boost engagement by capitalizing on current trends or collecting data on your top-performing content (and competitors’ top-performing content) and using it to inform your social media marketing strategy.

Evergreen and trending topics are both appropriate for social media, so include a mix of the two types of content in your social media marketing strategy. Aim to create fresh posts as well as recycle your top-performing content. You can save time creating social media posts by using an AI-powered social media content generator .

Video scripts

The popularity of video is exploding, thanks to YouTube, TikTok and other video hosting services and private streaming platforms . Videos can be published on a company’s website or social media channels, or even hosted privately, behind a paywall or registration form.

Some common types of video content that may require a written script are:

  • Whiteboard or animated explainers
  • Product demos
  • Video sales letters (VSLs)
  • Corporate training and employee onboarding videos
  • E-learning, educational, and microlearning videos
  • Product reviews
  • Listicle videos

As AI technology advances, many companies are cutting costs at all levels of video production using AI video editing tools and even AI-powered video generators , which makes video creation easy even for novices. Video content writers may consider adapting these tools into their services as a value add.

Businesses and bloggers create e-books as free lead magnets to entice website visitors to opt in to their email list. (Yes, this still works!)

To create a successful e-book, quality content is just one part of the equation. To attract as many subscribers as possible, you’ll also need to choose a highly relevant topic, write an intriguing title, and design an attention-grabbing cover or banner graphic for your e-book.

The length of the e-book doesn’t matter as long as you deliver the information that was promised. Otherwise, your readers might get annoyed and unsubscribe.

You can further maximize signups by creating different e-books for different pages on your website and using an exit-intent popup to capture subscribers as they’re leaving your site.

You may also wish to split test different topics, titles, and covers over time to find out what resonates best with your audience.

  • White papers

White papers often look similar to e-books at first glance. However, they’re written for business professionals and, as such, tend to be more factual and statistic heavy in nature.

Organizations and corporations use white papers as tools for informing leads and customers about products and services. They can be offered as a lead magnet, uploaded to the company website as a resource, or distributed to a business’ target audience via email or other channels.

Like e-books, white papers can include design elements such as covers, images, charts, graphs, and tables. They are typically 6-10 pages in length (2500+ words).

For freelance writers, white paper writing can be a lucrative niche.


An infographic is a visual tool that highlights facts, statistics, tips, or other data using images, tables, charts, and graphs. Infographics contain only a small amount of text.

Infographics are especially popular with tech companies and marketing agencies as a tool for generating backlinks from other websites to improve their own site’s search engine rankings. They’re often published in an SEO-optimized blog post. They can also be shared on social media.

It’s acceptable to create infographics using information from other sources as long as you write them in your own words and cite your sources . Usually, citations are included in small print in a section at the bottom of the infographic.

In addition to clear, concise writing, an attractive visual presentation is a crucial part of a successful infographic. You can cut costs on graphic design by using a tool like Canva to produce your infographics.

Website content

Every website, no matter its purpose, needs content. At their most basic level, most websites follow a standard content structure or hierarchy. At minimum, a website should have the following core pages, which are typically linked to from the site’s primary navigation menu:

  • Privacy Policy

Other commonly used pages are Our Team, Careers, Pricing, Resources (or Blog), FAQ (or Help Center), and Terms of Service.

In addition, businesses also need webpages for their products and services – sometimes called “landing pages.” A small business website may only need a few such pages, while a large e-commerce business may eventually need hundreds or thousands of these product pages.

Depending on its size and budget, a business may either hire a content writer or a professional copywriter to create their website’s main pages.

Small businesses on a tight budget can usually get by with a content writer – that is, a writer skilled in writing SEO-optimized content.

Larger organizations and tech startups will usually need to hire a professional copywriter or so-called “conversion copywriter” with a track record of generating signups and conversions. Conversion copywriters may offer additional consulting services, such as building and testing sales funnels for SaaS companies.

Freelance writers take note: Conversion copywriting is one of the highest-paid types of writing.

Email content

Business use email for a huge variety of purposes. Some typical applications include:

  • B2B email outreach
  • Marketing messages sent to an email list
  • Sales transactions
  • Customer support
  • Internal communications

An email copywriter is a writer who specializes in creating email marketing content, such as drip and nurture campaigns, subject lines, email newsletters, promo emails, and surveys. They may offer additional consulting services, such as designing email sequences, setting up lead generation forms, creating automations , and executing entire campaigns using email marketing software.

Marketing and sales copy

Marketing and sales copy has one primary purpose: to persuade customers to make a purchase – or, in other words, to “convert” them. Unlike business writers, who typically persuade using logic, copywriters appeal to a prospective customers’ emotions.

Traditional forms of marketing and sales copywriting include:

  • Direct mail
  • Print advertisements
  • Marketing collateral such as brochures, flyers, catalogs, and case studies
  • Commercials for TV and radio

The Internet has created tremendous demand for many additional types of copywriting, including:

  • Sales pages
  • Landing pages
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Sales funnels
  • Advertorials
  • Digital ads, such as Google and Facebook ads

Copywriting is the highest paid type of freelance writing. As a freelance copywriter, you can niche down even further – for instance, into sales funnel or direct response copywriting – and get paid even more.

Digital advertising copy

Digital ad copy falls under the umbrella of marketing and sales copy – but, because of its vast importance to doing business today, it gets its own section here.

The two major players in PPC and digital advertising, particularly for small businesses, are Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

However, many other social media websites and search engines – such as Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bing, and even Reddit – have introduced their own digital ad platforms.

To write effective digital ad copy, it’s important to be familiar with the differences of each platform and their respective audiences. For instance, Google Ads are a type of “pull” marketing – that is, the searcher initiates the discovery of your ad by typing in a search for something.

Conversely, Facebook Ads are a type of “push” marketing, because Facebook users are scrolling through a feed looking to be entertained rather than actively looking for a product. In other words, the two platforms target users at different stages of the buyer journey.

There are additional differences between ad platforms to be aware of, such as ad length and format, user demographics, and campaign objective. Facebook, for example, offers ad campaign types for 11 different marketing objectives.

Digital ad copywriters can earn higher rates by managing clients’ ad campaigns from start to finish, including ad creation, audience targeting, bidding strategy, testing, and optimization.

  • Press releases

Organizations use press releases to inform media and the public about new and noteworthy happenings in their business, such as a company merger, the appointment of a new executive, or the release of a new product.

Press releases may be published on the company’s press page or distributed to a media list or press release submission site like Presswire or PR Newswire.

Press releases follow a standard template and usually run 300-400 words in length.

Some writers specialize in writing and distributing press releases. According to one edition of Writer’s Market , press releases can cost between $125 and $1500, depending on a writer’s experience. A rate of $1 per word is typical.

Thought leadership content

Organizations, company executives, and content marketers use thought leadership content to position themselves as industry experts. A type of digital PR, thought leadership can strengthen a company’s brand, attract engagement and backlinks, and drive traffic to a company’s website.

Thought leadership isn’t an appropriate content marketing strategy for every company. It’s most effective when used by established companies or business professionals with demonstrated expertise in their fields.

Some common approaches to thought leadership pieces include:

  • Opinion pieces, provocative or not
  • Predictions or commentary about upcoming industry trends
  • Original research
  • Advice and insights based on personal experience
  • Brand journalism

Thought leadership content may be published on a company’s own website or contributed to business and industry publications. For example, you can find plenty of thought leadership pieces on sites like Forbes , Inc. , Entrepreneur , and Business Insider . LinkedIn is another popular platform for thought leadership pieces.

It may surprise you to learn that a good deal of thought leadership content is written by skilled ghostwriters, as busy executives and consultants often don’t have the time to write their own articles. Instead, they hire someone else to write the article, review it to ensure it aligns with their perspectives, and sign off on the finished piece.

Writers can charge higher rates for thought leadership content, as it’s a form of ghostwriting (i.e., their byline will not be published alongside the article). It’s not uncommon for ghostwriters to charge $1 per word or more to write thought leadership pieces.

PR and journalistic writing

Traditional PR and journalistic writing includes material written for traditional media sources, including print media (e.g., newspapers, newsletters, magazines, trade journals), TV, and radio.

Online PR writing includes content written for digital news media such as online magazines and news sites, podcasts, company news feeds, and online video platforms. Examples of this type of content are:

  • News articles

For businesses, the primary purpose of PR writing is to build brand awareness and promote a positive image with the public, ultimately leading to increased sales.

So-called “digital PR” is a modern form of PR that overlaps with content marketing and SEO. It has all the benefits of traditional PR, plus the added advantage of link building, which can increase a company’s search engines rankings and website traffic.

Many businesses do their own digital PR using DIY SEO tools . Others hire a professional PR writer or consultant.

Technical content

Writing technical content requires the skill of breaking down complex terms and concepts and making them simple to the average person. Some examples of content, both print and digital, that fall under the category of technical writing include:

  • How-to guides
  • Instructions
  • Product manuals
  • FAQs and online knowledge bases
  • Educational and e-learning materials, such as corporate training and employee onboarding videos

UX writing is an increasingly in-demand form of online technical writing. UX is short for “user experience.” UX writers work with developers and UX designers to create content for digital products like websites, software, apps, and chatbots. The goal of UX writing is to help users navigate digital applications with ease.

E-commerce content

E-commerce businesses generate huge amounts of content, including product category pages, product descriptions, product guides, transactional messaging, blog posts, social media content, policy and FAQ pages, product demos and reviews, sponsored posts, and marketing emails.

One challenge that larger e-commerce companies face is optimizing their product catalogs for search engines. Because search engines don’t like duplicate or thin content, companies are faced with the monumental (and expensive!) task of writing original product description and category pages for hundreds or thousands of products.

E-commerce writers must understand how to optimize product descriptions for search by using keywords strategically throughout the header tags, title tags, image alt tags, and body copy.

They should also be able to write enticing meta descriptions that generate clicks on search engines results pages. Therefore, product description writing is like a hybrid of SEO content writing and copywriting.

Business writing

Business writing includes any kind of written material that is used in a professional setting, whether for internal purposes or for communicating with suppliers, partners, lenders, investors, and customers. Examples include:

  • Business plans
  • Policies and procedures
  • RFPs (Request for Proposals)
  • Grant proposals
  • Meeting minutes
  • Presentations

Business writing is often classified into four types: instructional, informational, persuasive, and transactional.

Many types of business writing follow a standard format – for example, a formal report will often include components such as a cover page, table of contents, abstract or executive summary, footnotes, appendix, and index.

In addition, business documents may contain visual components such as tables, charts, graphs, flowcharts, and diagrams.

As a freelance writer specializing in business content, you must be able to write with clarity and conciseness.

Content writing: FAQ

How many types of content writing are there.

There are too many different content writing types and styles to put an exact number on it, and the task is further complicated by the fact that many types of content marketing overlap. Instead, it’s often more useful to classify content based on what part of the buyer journey it targets – awareness, consideration, or decision.

Blog posts, for example, can target all three stages of the buyer journey (awareness, consideration, decision), whereas a sales page primarily targets one (decision).

What is SEO content writing?

SEO content writing combines the skill of writing with a knowledge of the fundamentals of on-page SEO, including:

  • Keyword research
  • Article structure
  • On-page optimization (e.g., target keyword in headers, title tag, and image alt tags)
  • Internal linking

Examples of content writing that are typically optimized for SEO include webpages, blog posts, e-commerce product descriptions, and even videos. Freelance content writers typically work from a content brief provided by a company or its client.

Types of content writing services

Freelance writers can charge higher rates by specializing in a specific niche or type of writing. The main categories of content writing services include:

  • SEO content writing
  • Copywriting
  • PR or journalistic writing
  • Technical writing

Each of these types of writing has a different purpose and, as such, requires a different set of skills.

Additionally, each of the above content writing services or jobs can be niched down even further. For example, a writer might specialize in writing Facebook ads and even offering ad campaign creation and consulting services.

Final thoughts: Remember Pareto’s principle

The types of content writing that work best for someone else’s business won’t necessarily work best for yours. Test a few different strategies to see what resonates best with your audience, eliminate the 80% that isn’t working, and focus on the 20% that brings you the best results.

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10 Types of Content Writers and When to Use Them

  • Written By Britt Skrabanek
  • Updated: November 15, 2023
What types of content writers do you need? The answer to that question depends on the business goals for the content you want to create. Before you begin hiring freelance talent, define the purpose and goal for each assignment to ensure you attract candidates with the skill sets to match the type of writing required.

Time and people. Do you have enough of either to fulfill your content vision? Like many, you may have limited time and resources to see your content vision through. You won the budget battle, and now you must assemble a powerful team. You have stories to tell, a brand reputation to protect, sales goals to reach, and a rebrand to finish. And thankfully, you can find a specialized writer to support all of these grand efforts.

Before you  hire a freelancer , take a moment to understand the types of content writers that exist. Then, you’ll have the foundation to make better hiring decisions for your content initiatives.

What does a content writer do?

What Does a Content Writer Do?

A content writer does many things because there are many types of freelance writing niches. Every writer specializes in different areas, bringing unique skills and experiences to the table. But you will also find plenty of overlap across the content types each writer can handle.

Once you fully grasp the common types of freelance writers for hire, you’ll be ready to select the appropriate ones for your team or project.

10 Popular Types of Content Writers

Some of the top challenges marketers face with content marketing include creating content that resonates with their target market, improving the SEO performance of content, and finding enough resources to produce content, according to Semrush’s State of Marketing Global Report .

Luckily, content writers can solve all of these problems and more. Learn the various types of content writers below to help you find the perfect one for your next project.

Types of content writers: Blog writer

1. Blog writer

A blog writer knows how to turn complex topics into warm conversations. They are devoted to making engaging content that performs well. For a single article, they will work four hours on the draft and consider two to three blog titles  along the way. Eventually, the blog writer will settle on a title with the highest click-through potential.

Blog writers use their inquisitive powers to hunt down and source data points that strengthen blog content. If they don’t understand a topic, they know content can’t be faked, so they reach out to subject matter experts for support. They also collaborate with influencers and experts to produce interviews or add contributor quotes that bring more credibility to content.

Since a published blog post is ultimately another page on your website, blog writers also tend to have SEO expertise. If scoped into the project, some blog writers will perform keyword research and optimize the content . Others will take direction from your overarching SEO strategy. A skilled blog writer always integrates keyword phrases appropriately without sacrificing the integrity of the content.

A blog writer handles:

2. Brand journalist

A brand journalist is a natural-born storyteller, and they don’t rest until they find their story. These writers are more extroverted by trade, and they feed off the energy of their interview subjects. They will send cold outreach emails and follow up with phone calls to see the story through.

Brand journalists make excellent brand ambassadors. Whether they are writing press releases or customer stories , they will show your brand in a positive light. They understand the fragility of a brand’s reputation, so it is in their nature to regularly fact-check data and quotes before anything is published.

A brand journalist excels at long-form content and human interest pieces that are pitched to third parties for media or publication placements. They also have a knack for writing highly compelling headlines that drive click-throughs and shares.

A brand journalist is ideal for:

  • Brand stories
  • Customer stories
  • Press releases
  • Internal communications
  • Boilerplates
  • Company bios

3. Copywriter

A copywriter is agile, able to switch their creative brain fluidly between an impressive range of topics and projects. They get how to connect blocks of information, so the reader finds ease in even the most complex digital journey.

They simultaneously speak the language of your brand and your customer. From product descriptions to website pages, copywriters cobble together experiences with every sentence. Copywriters are curious and analytical, so expect to provide details and data to help them craft messaging strategically.

A copywriter knocks out:

  • Website copy
  • Infographics
  • Traditional print media
  • Product descriptions
  • Sales collateral

4. Ghostwriter

A ghostwriter is a chameleon, so skilled at their writing craft that they shapeshift into the dedicated voice that belongs to both brands and people. Ghostwriters fill content resource gaps when your organization does not have the bandwidth, the skills, the motivation — or all of the above.

This writer churns out articles for various team members and thought leadership pieces for your CEO. They take on the ebooks and white papers your team has been unable to produce all year due to time constraints. A ghostwriter has a good bedside manner as they are used to asking people in-depth personal and professional questions to capture expertise, stories, and tone.

When you hire a ghostwriter, find someone with immense confidence and credibility, as you will entrust them with the greater voice of your brand and the people behind your brand.

A ghostwriter is perfect for:

  • White papers
  • Thought leadership
  • Off-page content

5. Technical writer

A technical writer is frequently confused with a tech writer, but their skills are distinctly different. A technical writer is an ace at making highly technical content easier for others to understand. They provide in-depth explanations of technology — how to use it, how to build it, the processes, the components, the inner workings, and the mechanics.

A tech writer doesn’t get into the fine details of product specs and details. Instead, they write about technology in a broader sense and usually the application of technology.

And, back to technical writers… these writers are methodical and detail-oriented. They will clearly demonstrate your product to non-technical users so they understand its capabilities, whether they are whipping up guides, FAQs, or manuals.

A technical writer produces:

  • Instructions
  • UX (user experience) messaging

6. Social media writer

A social media writer is arguably the loudest voice of a brand. Every day, this writer releases content into the social media chaos with the goal of sparking conversations and interactions. Social media content isn’t all about punchy copy and clever hashtags. It’s also technical and fast-paced.

Social media writers stay on top of ever-changing capabilities and algorithms with social platforms to ensure content success. They fluently speak the language of each platform to engage followers with relevant messaging and interactive elements, such as polls and questions.

When hiring a social media writer, trust is a major factor, as this person will become your brand’s spokesperson .

A social media writer is your go-to for:

  • Social media posts
  • Interactive content
  • Platform-specific content
  • PR outreach

7. Email writer

An email writer has one goal with their copy… driving action. They have a strong understanding of lead generation strategy and how content supports those efforts. Psychology is a huge part of their writing process.

They write headlines and call-to-action phrases, taking buyer stages and sales initiatives into consideration with the creation and placement of every word. A good email writer is adamant about A/B testing copy, and they will continually analyze and refine their writing to ensure optimal conversion results are achieved.

An email writer creates:

  • Newsletters
  • Drip campaigns
  • Transactional emails
  • Sales nurture
  • Customer nurture

8. Scriptwriter

A scriptwriter is a key player in multimedia projects. They provide storytelling expertise and stay aligned with the messaging strategy. Scriptwriters visualize how words on a page will eventually translate to richer formats, like videos and podcasts.

For explainer videos, they match fast-moving graphics with concise one-liners about product features and benefits. For customer story videos, they ask the necessary interview questions that draw out impactful brand experiences. You’ll know you found the right scriptwriter because they will see the big picture of your content vision from day one.

A scriptwriter is a creative resource for:

  • Video scripts
  • Explainer video scripts
  • Podcast scripts
  • Radio/audio advertising
  • Motion graphics scripts

9. Long-form content writer

A long-form content writer is somewhere between a novelist and a long-distance runner. They have levels of stamina and patience that cannot be matched. Self-proclaimed data nerds, long-form content writers maintain a large library of the latest industry research reports… just in case.

Because of their excitement for analytics and information, long-form content writers often become subject matter experts by default. As specialists in niche topics, they seamlessly pull together technical white papers and compelling ebooks.

While 2,000+ words will unnerve many writers, long-form content writers prefer lengthier formats because they have the skills to bring insights into a strong and cohesive format.

A long-form content writer crafts:

  • Data studies
  • Case studies
  • Pillar blog posts

10. Ad and promo writer

An ad and promo writer knows how to take advantage of prime real estate with any content they create. Powerful messages are quickly constructed within character count limits. The call to action is front and center, hell-bent on driving awareness and conversions.

Ad and promo writers are performance-driven creators. A landing page is “the closer” — and their job is to create messaging that both resonates with prospects while inspiring them to take a very specific course of action that results in a captured lead for sales. This writer wants to know about your goals because they need to visualize what they are aiming for.

An ad and promo writer is your best bet for:

  • Advertising copy
  • Direct mail copy
  • Landing pages
  • Promo blurbs onsite

Next Steps in Your Content Creation

It’s not one-size-fits-all, nor should it be. Content is complex, which is why a variety of types of content writers exist to help brands like yours succeed.

Now that you know which types of content writers you need to support your strategy, the next step is finding talent. Talk to a content specialist at ClearVoice and find out how we can help with everything from landing page copy to long-form blog posts.

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What is Content Writing? – Types, Examples & Tips

Ever since blogging became a buzzword, many people gravitated to this exciting and engaging form of communicating with the world through the internet. This was the beginning of content writing.

Fast forward to today, content writing has taken up a much bigger space than just blogs. Whether it is a LinkedIn post or a long-form health article, content writing is at the center of it. Companies, businesses , and individuals are looking to hire experienced and skilled content writers who can connect their brand with their audience and help them sell more.

So the question is: what exactly is content writing?

In this post, that is what we are going to discuss. We will begin by defining content writing and then move on to its types, examples, and some tips on how you can become a great content writer.

Without wasting any time, let us begin.

Table of Contents

What is Content Writing?

Before we can define what content writing is, we need to define content.

“Content is any type of information, data, or experience that an audience experiences through art, publishing, or communication.”

And today, content has many forms. Images, videos, text, and audio are all various forms of content around us. Therefore, content writing is basically:

“The practice of transferring data, information, or experience to an audience in the form of writing.”

Content writing is a process of generating content in a digital format for marketing and promotional purposes. The fact that 3 billion blog posts are published each year is proof of the prevalence and usefulness of content writing.

What Does a Content Writer Do?

The content comes in various shapes, sizes, and forms today.

Everything from a social media ad to an email blast is “content.” In fact, everything that you consume today on the internet is content. Therefore, it becomes quite challenging to specify a content writer’s role.

Some content writers write blog posts intending to rank them on the first page of Google (SEO), while others write lengthy white papers for a B2B organization . In short, wherever there is a need for written content, there is a need for a content writer.

Apart from having excellent command over language, a content writer can also understand their target audience, adjust the content according to the audience’s expectations, and write content for humans and search engines.

If we were to summarize the areas a content writer needs to be skilled in, they would be:

  • Content strategy
  • SEO & Keyword Research
  • Market/Audience Research
  • Topic Research
  • Proofreading and editing
  • Publishing and outreach

Since the content industry is continuously evolving, a content writer can undertake many other roles than mentioned here.

Types of Content Writing

Seo writing.

SEO writing is the most common type of content writing. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) writing refers to writing blog posts or articles so that they rank higher in search engine results, ideally on the first page. This means more visibility and more traffic to the website.

An SEO writer knows how to structure the content and place appropriate keywords throughout the content to increase the chances of ranking. Other SEO concepts like semantic SEO, backlinks, optimized heading tags, and NLP also come into play.


Ghostwriting means writing without credit. A ghostwriter is paid to write content without getting the rights to publish it under their name. Ghostwriters usually create content for businesses, content farms , agencies, outsourcers, or bloggers, helping them generate more content in less time.


Before content writing became common, copywriting referred to the practice of writing advertising and marketing content such as print ads, promotional mail, or TV ads.

Today, the scope of advertising has widened due to digital marketing, and so has the scope of a copywriter. Copywriters write content to drive engagement and generate sales for a business. A copywriter can be expected to write email copy, social media copy, landing page copy, ad copy, sales copy, and more.

Technical writing

A technical writer mainly handles the content of technical nature for niches like accounting, software, finance, robotics, technology, science, and engineering. More often than not, technical writers are specialists in their fields and have in-depth knowledge about them.

Technical writing can involve formats like reports, industry documentation, reviews, manuals, proposals, white papers, blog posts, and more.

Long-form content

As the name indicates, long-form content is lengthier than typical articles or blog posts. Instead, long-form content refers to detailed and in-depth formats such as eBooks, case studies, white papers, and evergreen content. Evergreen content is often a detailed discussion on a topic that isn’t influenced by what’s in fashion today. It will stay relevant for a long time to come.

Email Marketing

Email marketing content refers to the content sent to the audience in the form of emails. It involves various formats such as event announcements, newsletters, lead generation emails, sponsorship emails, etc.

Email marketing content aims to drive traffic, engagement, and sales through email, which has consistently proven to be a dependable marketing medium.

Content Scriptwriting

Many people wrongly assume that scriptwriting is limited to cinemas or movies. Content writers often write scripts for various video or audio media such as online advertisements, documentaries, YouTube videos, podcasts, etc. Writers with prior experience in scriptwriting can make a dependable career out of content scriptwriting.

Social Media Marketing

Many brands and businesses use their social media presence to reach more audiences and increase engagement. As a result, they need someone who can write social media content for them. The social media content writers understand how social media marketing works, and they create content for various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn as part of the SMM strategy.

Examples of Content Writing

Blog posts are arguably the most common example of content writing. Almost every brand, business, or company today has a blog page. The goal of a blog is to

  • Use SEO to rank better,
  • Generate content that is helpful for your target audience and indirectly push them to buy the company’s products or services.
  • Monetize blog content using digital advertising or affiliate marketing .

Blogs are a widely prevalent example of content writing, and a majority of content writers write blog posts.

Website Content

Website content is another example of content writing. The goal of website content is to write different pages on a website in such a way that they

  • Catch the attention of your visitors.
  • Make them aware of your brand/products/services.
  • Lead them to take a particular action (subscribe, buy, etc.)

Content writers write various types of website content such as about us pages, services pages, home pages, FAQ pages, terms and conditions, privacy policy pages, etc.

Social Media Posts

Social media posts are a great example of content writing and are meant to drive engagement and brand awareness . Social media post writers are expected to write engaging, snappy, and value-packed posts for a brand’s target audience.

Moreover, they also need to be aware of the differences in various social media platforms and use them to the brand’s advantage.

White Papers

White papers are an example of long-form and sometimes technical content writing. White papers aim to talk in detail about a particular subject. They are research-driven documents that are used for B2B or B2C purposes, such as:

  • Educating a key stakeholder in an organization about your product
  • Transferring internal information between shareholders, management, and business partners
  • Educating the audience about an emerging problem and how this organization can solve them

Tips for Effective Content Writing

Make an outline.

Outlining is the first step in the content writing process. It gives you an eagle’s eye view of the areas you need to research to write an engaging piece of content.

Creating an outline also helps you organize your thoughts and prevents your mind from wandering. Since there is so much content out there, having an outline clarifies what you need to write and what you need to omit.

Lastly, an outline helps you successfully cover all the topics you are asked to cover.

Develop an Interesting Angle

The angle refers to your perspective while writing a piece of content. Developing an interesting angle for your audience is vital because it helps you stand out from the rest. Millions of blogs are published daily, and if you are writing what everyone else is, your content will not perform any better.

A unique angle can be anything from a personal story to a controversial statement. Make sure that it is relevant to your target audience without appearing like clickbait.

Keep Things Engaging

An engaging piece of content is crisp, rich, and snappy. You need to write to capture people’s attention before they move on to the next thing. You can achieve that by writing short, clear paragraphs, using simple language, and delivering value. A balanced mix of visuals (infographics, images, etc.) and writing is also an excellent way to keep your readers engaged.

It is, however, important to consider the medium you’re writing for. You can’t write in a humorous tone if you’re writing a whitepaper for CEOs or managers.

Don’t Forget to Edit

“To write is human, to edit is divine.”

-Stephen King

Editing your content before publishing it is as important as writing, if not more. Editing helps you take a fresh look at your content and discover errors, mistakes, and inconsistencies you might have missed while writing. It is best to take a break after writing before you start editing.

Final Words

Content writing is not going anywhere; not in the near future. In fact, it is expected that the industry will see a boom in the coming decade. A writer who knows how to write content that is relevant to the audience and provides value can use their skills in writing to generate a sustainable income.

With the information in this post, you can also set out on the journey of becoming a content writer, and please let us know if we missed something important.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i start content writing.

Even though it takes time and consistency to become an expert content writer, here are a few things you can do to start your journey.

Begin by reading high-quality content online

Reading high-quality content across various formats and platforms will help you learn a great deal about structure, writing for various audiences, and different niches.

Create a portfolio

Develop your portfolio on topics and formats of your interest. You can use sites like Medium to publish your content or create your website.

Reach out to clients

Once you have a few writing samples, start reaching out to interested clients. You can find them on popular freelancing platforms like Upwork, People Per Hour, LinkedIn, Freelancer, or Fiverr. You can also join various content writing groups on Facebook or content writing mills. Another way to find clients is to look for guest post opportunities online.

There’s a lot more to becoming a skilled and experienced content writer, but these tips are enough to get you started.

How Much Do Content Writers Earn?

On average, a content writer can make up to $64,000 annually in the US. However, the numbers are likely lower for new and inexperienced writers.

How to Hire the Right Content Writer?

You can find content writers on freelancing platforms (Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Guru). You can also find writers on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Once you come across an interested candidate, look at their experience and portfolio and whether it is relevant to the nature of the job. Lastly, ask for a written test sample to understand their grasp of writing and the subject matter.

Once satisfied with their writing skills, you can interview them about their work ethic, salary expectations, and other relevant areas.

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shaharYar Ahmad Ranjhaa


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Types of Content Writing

December 10, 2020 • DJ Team

how many types of content writing are there

Content writing is a staple of marketing. Without content, there would be less communication with your audience, which means fewer leads and less conversion. However, there are several types of creative and engaging content you can write to place yourself high in the Google rankings. How many types of content are there? The answer is, a lot. But don’t worry, we will break a few down for you. From Facebook posts to ebooks and newsletters to websites, content marketing can take many shapes—and so should your content writing!

At DemandJump , we help you create a pillar-based content marketing plan, so you can boost your website content to the next level. We’re going to take a look at the different types of content writing, features of content writing, and how you can improve your content writing skills.

What Are the Types of Content Writing?

Content writing is about more than focusing on packing blogs full of SEO keywords or bland email marketing. Writing should be engaging and informative while being unique to your brand’s voice. So what does content writing include? While content writing can span many different genres, there are a few broad categories and types of writing that you will most likely encounter. When embarking on a content writing journey you could consider: blogging, copywriting, technical writing, social media posts, and emails.

Creating blog posts is a staple of content writing . Blog posts help to boost your website’s SEO rankings, since search engines reward websites that are constantly putting out new content. You’ll want to identify different high-ranking keywords to include in your posts so that when people search for them, your blog pops up first. That requires some research to understand the language your ideal customers use when searching for answers to their questions. But it’s important not to keyword stuff. Depending on the length of your content, you’ll want approximately one keyword per 100-150 words (so a 750-word blog should have between 5-8 keywords). DemandJump can help you determine the highest ranking keywords based on what customers are searching online. This takes out painstaking research and gives you high-value keywords quickly.

Blogging can cover a wide range of topics and have a variety of writing styles, depending on the topic and brand goals. Typically your blog posts will be more conversational and approachable—the key is to educate, inform, and entertain!


Copywriting is the core to building website and advertisement copy. Without copywriting, your informative content could be bland and not persuasive. The goal of copywriting is to sell your product to current and prospective customers. This type of content writing includes things like writing your:

  • Website copy
  • Product descriptions
  • Sales collateral
  • Advertisements
  • Press releases
  • Infographics.

This is the nuts-and-bolts type of content writing that people don’t often think about or spend a lot of time on. However, this is an important piece of the content marketing puzzle! You should craft these messages strategically while understanding that these types of written pieces are the foundation of your brand…and often the first thing that your potential customers will read.

Technical Writing/Long Form

Technical writing can seem intimidating, but as someone who understands your own business and products, this can sometimes be the easiest type of content to produce. From creating white papers to ebooks to how-tos, this is your chance to explain how your product or service works, how your customer can apply it, and educate your audience on the specifics. Keep in mind that you still want this to be approachable—try not to use too much jargon or explain it if you need to use it.

Social Media Posts

Did you know that over 58.4% of the world’s population is on social media? Not only that, but the daily average usage is nearly two and a half hours. There is a huge audience out there, and businesses are expected to have a social media presence on the major platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter).

Writing for social media means creating relevant, in touch, and platform-specific posts. To write well for social media, you need to understand the quirks of each online space—for example, a white paper about your products probably won’t go over well on Facebook, but could be a big hit on LinkedIn. It’s also important to understand the constraints of social media platforms—like Twitter only allowing 280 characters per tweet, with the opportunity to hashtag an important word or idea. Most often, social media posts are fun and engaging, while hooking the reader by prompting them to click on an ad or read a blog.

While email campaigns could fall under the category of copywriting, it is important to think of your emails a little bit differently. Copywriting pieces are geared toward an audience that is unfamiliar with your brand and the solutions you’re offering. With emails, you typically target your loyal fans and your customers who keep coming back for more. After all, how else would you have their email address?

Your approach to email should be different than other forms of content. It’s important to provide content to your email base that is full of added value to keep your customers engaged and interested in what you’re offering.

Types of Content Writing

What Skills Does a Content Writer Need?

First and foremost, a content writer needs knowledge, diligence, adaptability, and a mastery of words. You should also know your company, services, and products inside and out to write good content. Understanding what you’re selling is an important part of being a believable and convincing writer. Everything else can be improved upon, too. It doesn’t matter where you start, you should always be asking “how can I improve my content writing skills?” The best way to get better is to practice!

A/B testing can also help you improve. You can try out two different versions of the same email, send it to different lists, and see which gets more clicks and conversions. Pay attention to what works, and adjust your content writing going forward. The more you practice, the better you will get.

Understand what youre selling

Another key skill is the ability to work well with others. You won’t always be an expert on everything you write about, and in those instances you’ll need to be able to coordinate with subject matter experts to gather insights you can use to fuel your content. Not only is their input valuable, but their feedback is critical; learn to accept criticism on your writing and focus on producing the best end product you possibly can—even if it doesn’t match your initial vision.

How Do I Figure Out What to Write About?

When considering questions like “what is the content in writing,” you can do things the old fashioned way and spend your valuable time researching and combing through search results to manually find topics to write about. Another way to determine your content is to try DemandJump's quick and easy solutions. Try our free tier to get insights reports and see what your target audience cares about. These insights and content briefs give you ideas around any topic, with the click of a button. We can provide you with a prioritized list of questions and keywords to write content that will help you to gain market share. Not only that, but DemandJump can show you how your target audience behaves online, which helps you know what they are interested in. By comparing what keywords and questions your competitors are ranking high in, you’ll be able to build your content to reach page one of Google.

How Do You Write Content Writing?

There are key elements in content writing you need to ensure your blogs, copywriting, and other content engage your audience. But you might still be asking, “What are the parts of content writing you need to succeed?” There are several key steps to keep in mind when writing content for your business:

  • Know your audience. Determine who you want to target with your content. From there, figure out what those people want, need, and search for, as well as how they talk. Write content that appeals to those things. Do not go into a spiel about how great your product or service is. Show your audience how it will help them.
  • Know your type of content. Before you start writing, you should also make sure that you understand the type of content you’re writing since all the forms look so different. Figure out what makes each type successful and appealing to your audience, and try to use those same characteristics in your own content.
  • Do your research. You want to establish your business as an authority in whatever subject you decide to write about. Do so by providing specific examples of how your product or service has helped customers as well as finding relevant statistics from credible sources.
  • Stick to the point. You want to keep your reader engaged. To do so, you have to stay on topic. Ramble too much, and you risk your reader clicking off your content before they get to the call to action.
  • Stay organized. Similar to the previous step, organization is also important to keep the reader engaged. Make sure as you write you start with broad information on your topic and get more specific as you go on.
  • Call to action. By asking your audience to do something, like visit a website, you’ll have a higher engagement. This means an increased click-through rate, as well as higher interest in your product or service. If you’ve written your content well, your audience will see you as the go-to on certain topics and trust you enough to try out your offerings.
  • Keep track of progress. Once you share your content, be sure to keep track of how successful it is. This means how many people click on it, how many people stay on it for a significant amount of time, and how many leads come from that post. If something doesn’t work, take note of it and change it in your next piece of content.

How Do I Know if My Content Writing Is Working or Not?

Figuring out which pieces are effective has never been easier. With DemandJump you can easily see and understand which pieces of your content are ranking high on Google. You can figure out what content is working—and what is not—so you can continually refine and improve your content writing skills. DemandJump helps you easily prove the value of the content you are creating, and you can feel confident that your content writing is on the right path with DemandJump’s tools. You can experience how DemandJump transforms your content writing and boosts you to page one.

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Content Writing 101 | A Beginner’s Guide for Content Writer

Information flows very easily and the attention spans are getting really short in this revolutionary digital world which makes the ability to create content that grabs attention very valuable. But what is content writing and how can you master this skill to engage your audience and achieve the outcome that you desire? Here, we will discuss all the key aspects of content writing including types, skills required, and even career opportunities. So, let’s quickly get into the topic.

What is Content Writing and Who is a Content Writer?

Content writing is a skill that requires creating written information that is informative, interesting, and helpful to specific audiences in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. Blog posts, articles, website copy, social media posts, and email newsletters are some of its examples.

The one who possesses the above skill is known as a content writer. A content writer is a professional who creates written material for a variety of purposes online. They’re like the storytellers, educators, and brand voices of the digital world.

Not only writing but they are involved in multiple things like 

  • Proofreading and Editing the content piece, 
  • Analyzing the performance of their published content, 
  • Understanding the client’s requirements, managing the deadlines, and
  • Taking care of SEO to rank their content.

Table of Content

Skills Required for Content Writing

Types of content.

  • Types of Content Writers
  • Creating Ideal Content
  • How to be a Content Writer?

Final Thoughts

There are many types of content writers but all content writers need to inculcate the following basic skills to be excellent at their job.

1. Adaptability

The content writing world is constantly evolving, with new trends, platforms, and audience emerging preferences. Content writers should have the ability to adjust their style, voice, and approach to different formats, audiences, and platforms.

2. Grammar and Vocabulary

A solid grasp of grammar and vocabulary is non-negotiable because an understanding of sentence structure, tenses, punctuation, vocabulary, and other grammatical elements ensures that your writing is polished and professional.

3. Research Skills

Research is a content writer’s best friend as it enables a writer to gather information from various sources and present it in an organized and coherent manner adding depth and credibility to the writing. The writer should have an eye for credible sources while doing research. That makes their research skills stand out from the rest.

4. Creative Writing Skills

The foundation of content writing lies in the ability to express ideas clearly and engagingly. A good content writer has expertise in choosing the right words, constructing sentences, and telling stories that capture the reader’s attention.

5. Understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

In the digital age, knowing the basics of SEO is crucial for a content writer to incorporate relevant keywords, understand meta descriptions, and structure the content in a way that search engines can easily recognize and index.

Now that you have an overview of skills, it is the best time to know the types of content. Yes, there are types because what you read everywhere is not in the same tone or conveys the same message, right? So let’s read about them. 

There are several pieces of content that writers have to prepare. Below we have listed some of the top types of content that you should be aware of while embarking on a journey of becoming a successful content writer.

1. Copywriting

Copywriting refers to the art of writing persuasive and compelling content to promote a product, service, or brand. To increase conversions and sales, it is necessary to create attractive headlines, appealing sales content, and effective calls to action.

2. 10x Content

10x content is a term invented by Rand Fishkin that refers to exceptionally high-quality content that provides ten times the value compared to other similar pieces. It goes beyond just providing information and aims to be comprehensive, unique, visually appealing, and highly shareable.

3. Listicles

Listicles are articles presented in a list format, typically featuring a catchy title like “Top 10 Tips” or “5 Ways to Improve.” They are popular because they concisely provide easily digestible information. Listicles often attract readers’ attention due to their organized structure and promise of quick takeaways.

4. Lead Magnets

Lead magnets as the name itself suggests, a piece of content that acts as a magnet for leads are valuable pieces of content that businesses offer to their audience in exchange for their contact information and are designed to attract potential customers and generate leads such as e-books, whitepapers, or webinars. 

5. Evergreen Content

Evergreen content refers to timeless and enduring pieces of content that remain relevant and valuable over a long period and are not tied to specific trends or events, making it consistently useful for readers. Comprehensive guides, tutorials, or FAQs are good examples that continue to generate traffic.

6. Social Media

Social media content involves creating and sharing various forms of media, such as text, images, videos, or links, on social networking platforms. It aims to engage and interact with the target audience, build brand awareness, drive website traffic, and foster customer relationships.

After you have gained information on the types of content, we have prepared a list of types of content writers that top-notch companies hire today.

Types of Content Writers that Companies Hire

1. technical writer.

A writer who communicates complex technical information in a clear, concise, and user-friendly manner, often for specialized audiences is called a technical writers. They write

  • User manuals
  • Online help systems
  • Training materials
  • Technical specifications
  • White papers and research reports

2. Ghostwriter

A writer who produces content for someone else who then takes credit as the author is considered a ghostwriter. Basically, you get paid for your write-ups but cannot take the credits. Ghostwriters are usually responsible for writing

  • Books (fiction and nonfiction)
  • Articles and blog posts
  • Speeches and presentations
  • Memoirs and biographies
  • Social media content

3. Copywriter

A writer who creates persuasive text to promote products, services, or ideas, often to drive sales or engagement are the Copywriters. They create

  • Advertisements (print, digital, social media)
  • Website content
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Product descriptions
  • Sales letters and brochures

4. Brand Journalist

Brand journalists are those who create content that aligns with a company’s brand identity and values, often with a storytelling approach. They write:

  • Brand stories and feature articles
  • Case studies and customer testimonials
  • Thought leadership pieces
  • Blog posts and social media content
  • Internal communications materials

5. Social Media Writer

These types of writers create engaging content specifically for social media platforms, tailored to each platform’s unique format and audience. They are offered to write the following content.

  • Social media posts (text, images, videos)
  • Engaging captions and text-based content
  • Community management responses
  • Social media ad copy

6. Email Writer

These writers craft effective emails that capture attention, drive action, and build relationships with subscribers. They write:

  • Newsletters and email campaigns
  • Welcome emails and onboarding sequences
  • Promotional emails and sales offers
  • Transactional emails (order confirmations, receipts)
  • Customer service emails

7. Scriptwriter

A writer who creates scripts for various forms of media, including film, television, radio, podcasts, and video games. They write:

  • Screenplays for movies and TV shows
  • Radio and podcast scripts
  • Video game narratives and dialogue
  • Corporate videos and training scripts
  • Commercials and advertising scripts

Best Practices for Creating Ideal Content

Now, here is your guide to writing compelling content along with the essential tools and strategies that will help you along.

1. Develop a Reader’s Persona

Imagine your ideal reader and understand their demographics, interests, needs, and challenges to understand your audience better and tailor your content to their specific preferences. This ensures that it connects with them, fostering a deeper connection.

Tools: HubSpot’s Make My Persona, Xtensio, UserForge

2. Craft an Effective Outline

A well-organized outline is like a roadmap ensuring your readers navigate smoothly through your content. That’s why, you should structure your content logically for clarity and flow and develop a strong outline that guides your writing and keeps you on track. This increases user interaction and enhances the readability of your content.

Tools: MindMeister, Coggle, Evernote

3. Include relevant Facts & Statistics

Back up your claims with accurate and reliable information from trustworthy sources to add credibility and authority to your writing. The incorporation of relevant facts and statistics strengthens your argument and builds trust with your audience.

Tools: Google Scholar, Statista, Pew Research Center

4. Let Visuals Tell Your Story

Visual elements are not just decoration but they are powerful storytellers that enrich your content. So integrate relevant and high-quality images, videos, and infographics to enhance your message, capture attention, and make your content visually impactful.

Tools: Canva, Adobe Creative Cloud, Unsplash

5. Clear Call to Action, Without Being Salesy

Guide your readers towards taking the desired action after reading your content. However, avoid sounding pushy or overly promotional. A clear call to action is like extending an invitation rather than making a sales pitch, encouraging a genuine response from your audience.

Tools: CoSchedule Headline Analyzer, Hemingway Editor, Grammarly

6. Make SEO-friendly Content

SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization, which means creating and improving content using techniques to increase its visibility on search engines. If you want to learn more about SEO, read the article: Search Engine Optimization | SEO: A Complete Tutorial . Remember, mastering SEO is like giving your content a passport to be discovered in the vast digital landscape.

Tools: Ahrefs, SEMrush, Google Search Console

7. Proofread, Edit, and Edit Again

Before publishing your content, carefully proofread and edit it to ensure clarity, conciseness, and error-free writing because the final editing stage is like adding the finishing touches to your masterpiece.

Tools: Grammarly, ProWritingAid, Hemingway Editor

What Courses or Qualifications are required to be a Content Writer?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all path to content writing. However, aspiring writers can explore options like renowned online courses on platforms like  Udemy or Coursera . These online courses help you learn the basics of writing and enable you to kick-start your career.

In case, you are inclined towards taking the official degree road, bachelor programs can help you with that. You can opt for  a Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication or B.A. honors in English/literature.  These programs help you get a grasp of the language and gain insights into the plethora of writing career options available in the market. 

By that time, here’s a quick guide on how you can become a demanding content writer easily.

  • Identify your niche:  Identify a specific industry or field where your knowledge and passion intersect. This will let you establish yourself as a valued authority.
  • Read digital content:  Continuously consuming high-quality online content across various platforms will give you an idea of how to write different content for different audiences. 
  • Build a portfolio:  Actively develop a diverse portfolio showcasing your writing skillset and adaptability by creating samples for different content types and target audiences. You can use various free portfolio builder websites like WIX.

Content writing lets you to reach out to a wide range of people to spread knowledge and achieve your goals. To do all this effectively, you would require in-depth knowledge of skills and best practices, and this article contains it all. Remember that the path to content writing excellence is a never-ending cycle of learning, experimentation, and improvement but with commitment and passion, you can create meaningful content that leaves a lasting impression. So grab a pen or now a laptop as we are going digital, let your imagination run wild, and start writing! The world is ready to be enchanted by your distinct voice.

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Types Of Content Writing

16 Popular Types Of Content Writing You Can Select From

Jason Lava

Jason Lava | Sr. Content Writer |

Writing is a simple but most effective way to express feelings, emotions, knowledge, experience, etc. In today’s epoch, we have a bunch of creative and versatile writers on the planet. And, every single writer has his or her own style of writing, which perfectly represents his or her personality. Thus, every piece of Writing needs diverse stylishness as well as an unmatched tone that could decide on the basis of the content of the writing.

Now, if you are thinking about how many types of content are there? Then the answer is a lot. Right from social media posts to e-books content to newsletters to web content. Content marketing can take several silhouettes in today’s creative world—and so should your content writing.

In this blog post , we are going to discuss diverse  types of content writing , so that you can comprehend how each kind of writing is exceptional in its own way.

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Types of content writing

1. attractive blog posts.

In today’s brand’s race, where each brand is competing with other brands, blog posts come out as a top performer for brands. Blogs are not merely vital for powerful search engine optimization, also known as SEO, but also can enhance your thought leadership status, facilitate in building networking opportunities, and turn as a lead generator for your business.

2. Informative E-books

An e-book , also known as an electronic book, is a text presented in a format that permits it to be read on a laptop/computer or handheld device. E-books are authoritative lead generators for all brands either the new brand or exiting one. Hoping to nurture their email marketing subscriber list or lift engagement prospects for their sales teams.

3. Striking Social Media Posts

Did you know that more than 58.11% of the world’s population is active on social media ? There is a massive audience out there and most businesses (small or big) are likely to have a strong social media presence on key platforms such as YouTube , Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , and LinkedIn. Writing for social media channels basically means creating appropriate, in touch, and platform definite posts.

4. Enlightening White Papers

A white paper is a well-research and well-written report or guide that informs audiences succinctly about a complex problem and provides the issuing body’s philosophy on the matter. Basically, it is meant to facilitate audiences to easily comprehend a problem, fix a problem, or make the right decision.

5. Edifying Copywriting

There are a lot of things covers under these  types of writing  comprises infographics, sales collateral, website content copy , advertisements, content for social media, press releases, print advertisements, product descriptions, and others.

This is an absolute nuts-and-bolts types of content writing that frequently folks don’t think about or spend a lot of quality time on. Though, this is a vital piece of the content marketing puzzle.

Moreover, you must craft these messages purposefully even though comprehending that these types of written pieces are the real foundation of your brand and most probably the very initial thing that your prospective patrons will read.

6. Killer Client Success Stories

We’re more probably to purchase something when we actually know a real client has faced the same challenges and drastically benefited from that particular product or service. Furthermore, client success stories perfectly display how your organization performs in the real world.

7. Enriching Case Studies And Appealing Testimonials

Do you really know that more than 89% of marketers say that case studies and testimonials are the most powerful content types for manipulating purchases? Similar client stories, case studies show that your solutions work.

Case studies are particularly beneficial for conversion rate optimization. Presenting case studies as a component of your content marketing strategy can facilitate persuading patrons to attempt your product/service and are also very useful for long-term SEO (search engine optimization).

However, use case studies when you require to demonstrate value, highlight distinction points against your rivalries, or showcase your organization’s sales history within your industry. A testimonial on the home page of your internet site is a teaser; a case study provides the real results behind a testimonial teaser.

8. Well-Drafted Emails

Even though email campaigns could come under the category of copywriting, it is significant to think of your emails a little bit in a different way. With your exclusive copywriting pieces, frequently these are geared towards a reader. Who is completely unfamiliar with your brand and the solutions you’re providing.

With beautifully drafted emails, generally, these are your trustworthy fans and your patrons that keep coming back for more surely. Because these are two diverse audiences, your approach must be diverse. It’s essential to present content to your email base that is jam-packed with added value to keep your patrons engaged as well as interested.

9. Useful Comparison Sheet

Making side-by-side comparisons simple for prospective buyers is another best method to attain client trust and make buying decisions simpler. Sometimes, an easy chart is an excellent method to present useful data or information. You can easily use charts to compare your own products/services/solutions to one another or those of other organizations.

10. Elevating Technical Writing/Long Form

Technical writing could seem unapproachable, but as someone who perfectly comprehends your own business and your own products/services/solutions, this can sometimes be the simplest kind of content to develop.

Right from developing white papers to e-books, this is your best opportunity to elucidate how your product or service works, how your patron can simply apply it, and teach your audience the details.

11. Beneficial, Product Content and Guides

These facilitate addressing the exact concerns of bottom-of-the-funnel leads. In addition to this, they will feature keyword phrases with a smaller amount of competition, which is brilliant for search engine optimization.

On-site guides and demos display prospects what you actually do, how you do it and assist them to imagine using your products/services/solutions. Publish a set of product guides on your internet site that is unrestricted of jargon as well as salesmanship.

12. Interesting Research Papers

Research paper , also known as academic publishing, is a tremendously specialized arena of writing. Where a person with deep knowledge and comprehending of a subject can write. In most cases, these research papers get gauged by Ph.D. holders as well as researchers before they get published in key academic journals. Every single article that gets published in famous journals is peer-reviewed initially. Though, the quality as well as standards of editorial review fluctuate from one publisher to another.

13. Artistic Press Release Writing

If your organization is going to launch a brand-new product or service or thinking to expand its wings in the market, then a press release is the outstanding method to make folks fully aware of this development. In the previous days, company owners used to send a press release to local as well as a national newspapers.

14. Creative Ghost Writing

Don’t get so scared as Ghost Writing has absolutely nothing to do with dead men. It is just a type of content writing where you will hire someone or work as a consultant to write an eBook or an article for you. For this, the writer will get paid for his precious effort however you will hold the copyright over the content written by you. It is completely a win-win situation for both the parties engaged.

15. Inspiring Feature Writing

Feature writing is slightly related to news writing , but there is a variance. Unlike in news write-ups, in the featured post the writer inclines to soften.  the content a bit by adding some important elements of emotion and the aim is to educate and at the same time entertain the readers.

16. Helpful FAQs Writing

An FAQ, also known as frequently asked questions, page on your internet site could be instrumental in advancing prospective sales. You can simply answer questions about your products/services/solutions, industry, and so on.

Now you completely understand the different types of content writing. Know exactly what type of content you need to support your strategy. The next step is finding the right company for content writing services !

If you are looking for the best company in United State then reach to us immediately. We,, are a one-stop-shop that offers best-in-class writing services at very nominal prices.

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Different Types of Creative Content Writing in 2022

Different Types of Creative Content Writing in 2022

Table of Contents 

  • What is Creative Writing?

5 Types of Creative Content Writing

How to choose creative content writing type that works for you, tips for effective and engaging creative content, examples of successful creative content strategies.

Creative content writing focuses on creating original, compelling, and exciting content. It can be used for various purposes, such as promoting a product or service, generating leads, or simply entertaining and engaging an audience.

Businesses need creative web content writing because it is an effective way to reach and connect with their target audience. It can also help companies stand out from the competition and build a solid online presence.

how many types of content writing are there

What is Creative Content Writing?

Creative content writing is the process of putting words and ideas together to be both engaging and effective. It can be used for various purposes, such as marketing, advertising, or even communicating with others.

There are many different types of creative content writing, but all share common elements of creativity and engagement. It can be a challenge to create effective and engaging content, but with some tips and practice, you can master this skill.

Successful creative content strategies can be very effective in reaching your target audience. By understanding the different types of creative content writing and using the right one for your needs, you can create powerful and engaging content that will resonate with your audience.

how many types of content writing are there

1. Advertising copywriting

Advertising copywriting creates persuasive, attention-grabbing headlines and body copy to promote a product, service, or brand. The goal is to get people to take action, such as clicking on a link, buying a product, or signing up for a service.

2. Blog writing

Blog writing is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas. A blog can promote a business or product. Still, it can also be a unique platform to share your views on current affairs, lifestyle topics, or anything else you’re passionate about.

3. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting is when you write something that is not your original work. This can be for various reasons, such as writing a book or article on behalf of someone else or creating content for a website or blog.

4. Journalism

Journalism is the practice of reporting news and current events. Journalists gather information from various sources, conduct interviews, and write articles based on their findings. They must ensure that all information is accurate and unbiased before publishing it.

5. Technical writing

Technical writing is a specialized form of writing used to communicate complex information clearly and concisely. It is often used in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Technical writers must have a detailed understanding of the topic they are writing about and explain it easily for others to understand.

1. Consider your purpose

Before you start writing, take some time to think about what you want to achieve with your content. What is your goal? Are you trying to sell a product or service? Inform people about a topic? Entertain readers? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can choose the type of creative content writing that will best help you reach your goals.

2. Know your audience

It’s also important to consider your audience when choosing a type of creative content writing. What are their interests? What do they want to know more about? What type of tone do you think will be most engaging for them? Tailor your content to your audience, and you will be more successful in reaching them.

3. Choose the right medium

Not all types of creative content writing are suitable for every medium. For example, a blog is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, but it would not be ideal for writing an advertising campaign.

Likewise, an advertising campaign would not be very effective as a blog post. Think about the medium you are using and choose the type of creative content writing best suited to it.

4. Use your creativity

When it comes to creative content writing, the sky is the limit. Be creative and think outside the box. Try to develop new and exciting ways to present your information to engage your audience.

how many types of content writing are there

1. Be original

When it comes to creative content writing, originality is key. If you can find a new and interesting way to present your information, you will capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged.

2. Use visuals

Visuals are a great way to add interest and engagement to your content. Infographics, videos, images, and charts can help break up the text and make it more visually appealing.

3. Keep it concise

Creative content writing does not need to be wordy or overly complex. It’s often more practical to keep it concise and to the point. Be clear and direct in your writing, and you will engage your readers more effectively.

4. Make it interactive

Interactive content is more engaging than static content. If you can find ways to make your content interactive, such as through quizzes or polls, you will capture your audience’s attention and keep them coming back for more.

5. Tell a story

People love stories, so if you can find a way to tell a story with your creative content, you will be sure to engage your readers. Stories are a great way to convey information interestingly and engagingly.

Below are some famous examples of brands that absolutely nailed their creative content strategies.

1. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign

how many types of content writing are there

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign is a great example of successful creative content marketing. The campaign involved printing the names of popular people, places, and things on their bottles of Coke. This gave customers a personal connection to the product and encouraged them to share it with others.

2. GoPro’s video strategy

GoPro is another company that uses creative content marketing effectively. They produce amazing videos that show off the capabilities of their products in exciting and unique ways. This helps to engage potential customers and encourage them to buy their products.

3. Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign

how many types of content writing are there

Old Spice’s “The Man, Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign is a great example of successful creative content advertising. The humorous ads were highly effective in engaging potential customers and increasing Old Spice products’ sales.

4. Red Bull’s content strategy

Red Bull is well-known for its amazing content marketing strategy. They produce videos, articles, and even music to promote their brand. This helps engage potential customers and create a strong connection with the Red Bull brand.

5. Apple’s “Think Different” campaign

how many types of content writing are there

Apple’s “Think Different” campaign is a perfect example of successful creative content marketing. The ads featured powerful and inspiring quotes from famous people, which helped to differentiate Apple from its competitors. This campaign was highly influential in engaging potential customers and increasing Apple products’ sales.

If you want your creative content writing to be successful, use these five tips: be original, use visuals, keep it concise, make it interactive, and tell a story. There’s a lot of room to explore your creativity with this writing style, so make the most of it.

how many types of content writing are there

There are many types of content writing, but some of the most common are: – Press Releases – Blog Posts – Website Copy – Sales Letters/Emails – Product Descriptions – Social Media Posts – Articles for Publication – Speeches – Podcasts – Videos

Creative writing is a form of writing that imaginatively expresses ideas and thoughts. It can tell stories, create characters, or express feelings. There are many different types of creative writing, including poetry, short stories, and novels. Creative writing can be used for many other purposes, such as entertaining or educating readers.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best type of content for social media will vary depending on your specific audience and goals. However, some of the most popular types of content for social media include images, videos, infographics, and blogs.  If you’re unsure which kind of content will work best for you, try experimenting with a few different formats and see which ones generate the most engagement from your audience.

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Constant Content Blog

Types of content: 32 types and how to use them (with examples).

Posted December 12, 2018 by Isaac Justesen in Content Marketing , Content Strategy

how many types of content writing are there

In this digital era, it’s important to embrace all types of content to help your brand stand out.

Text-based content will always play a part in digital marketing, but creating and promoting visual and interactive content can bring huge benefits when you get them right.

Broadly speaking, we can categorize the different types of content into:

  • Written Content
  • Visual Content
  • Interactive Content
  • Video Content

In practice, many of these different types will overlap but the small differences can have a big impact.

Let’s jump in.

Written Types of Content

1. blog post.

Blog posts are consistently a top performer for brands.

Not only are blog posts essential for effective SEO (search engine optimization), they can increase your thought leadership status, help build networking opportunities, and act as a lead generator for your business.

Create blog posts when you want to inform your audience, increase brand awareness, highlight your company’s knowledge of current industry news, or build a long-term track record of providing helpful, valuable content.

If you’re wondering what type of blog post to try, there are no shortage of possibilities. Here is a list of 21 different types of blog content .

Try This : Think of a keyword that matters to your business and then plug that into a tool like BuzzSumo. What’s the most shared content? This will give you some ideas about what types of blog content resonates with your audience.

If you’re looking for an example of a great company blog, check out the Unbounce Landing Page and Conversion Blog

types of content: blogs

2. White Papers

White papers are effective for businesses wanting to prove industry expertise. Like e-books, white papers can be offered as a free digital download, or can be published online as PDFs for improved search engine optimization.

Use white papers when you want to solidify your reputation as a SME (subject matter expert) or when you want to offer a specific opinion that is best delivered in long format. Unlike a blog post or thought-piece offered as a guest post, white papers should be educational and backed up by hard evidence and statistics.

Try This : Create a white paper on a topic related to your most popular blog posts. Then, offer the white paper as a content upgrade on those blog posts.

E-books are powerful lead generators for brands hoping to grow their email marketing subscriber list or boost engagement opportunities for their sales teams.

E-books can be offered as a free digital download, provided as gated content to premium subscribers, or offered on marketplaces like Amazon to establish brand authority for a company CEO.

Use e-books when you want to offer in-depth or background information, when your audience isn’t time-constrained, or when you want to move past the building awareness stage and help guide potential customers deeper into your sales funnel.

Try This : Create an ebook on a topic that matters to your potential customers. Let people download the ebook by providing their name and email. Reach out to these people with targeted marketing advertising your products or services.

For example, we partnered with Convince and Convert to create an ebook on how to develop effective SEO strategy. When you create an ebook, be sure to also create a dedicated landing page with the gated ebook.

ebook example of content

4. Customer Success Stories

We’re more likely to buy something when we know a real customer has faced similar challenges and benefited from a product or service. Customer success stories show how your company performs in the real world.

Salesforce has a clear link on its homepage, taking users to dozens of customer stories.

Try This : Ask your top customers for feedback on how your company has helped them, and publish the results.

MailChimp, the email marketing platform, has some great examples of customer success stories.

Example of customer success story with Mailchimp

5. Case Studies

89 percent of marketers say that case studies and testimonials are the most effective content forms for influencing purchases. Like customer stories, case studies prove that your solutions work.

Case studies are especially useful for conversion rate optimization. Providing case studies as a component of your content marketing strategy can help convince customers to try your product/service and are also helpful for long-term search engine optimization.

Use case studies when you need to prove value, highlight differentiation points against your competitors, or showcase your company’s sales history within your industry. A testimonial on the front page of your website is a teaser; a case study delivers the real results behind a testimonial teaser.

Try This : Be sure to demonstrate a challenge faced by a customer and show how your solution provided the answer.

6. Product Content and Guides

These help to address the specific concerns of bottom-of-the-funnel leads. They will also feature keyword phrases with less competition, which is great for SEO.

On-site guides and demos show prospects what you do, how you do it and help them to imagine using your products. Publish a set of product guides on your website that is free of jargon and salesmanship.

Try This : Upload a product demo video to YouTube, which links back to your website.

For example, we created a Quick Start Guide that breaks down how to use your Constant Content account. It even has a video, featuring my goofy mug.

Guide type of content demo

7. Resource Centers

One of the best ways to address specific concerns of potential customers is through a help center page.

Olark offers live website chat software. Its help center page has a clear link from its homepage, showing prospects how to set up their product. Its articles cover account management, product features, and company policies. These guides are also great for SEO because they target very specific keywords.

8. Testimonials

According to a study by Dimensional Research, 90 percent of people surveyed said online reviews influenced their purchase decision. Reviews, ratings, and testimonials provide more evidence from genuine customers that your company delivers on its promises. Promoting these content assets to leads in the bottom of the funnel gives them one more reason to take further action.

Try This : Create a web page devoted to testimonials that show specific benefits to prospects.


9. Comparison Sheet

Making side-by-side comparison easy for potential buyers is another great way to gain customer trust and make buying decisions easier. Sometimes, a simple chart is the best way to present helpful information. You can use charts to compare your own products to one another or to those of other companies.

Try This : Limit products or features compared to five or six, and separate different entries with contrasting colors and clear spacing.

An FAQ page on your website can be instrumental in advancing potential sales. You can answer questions about your industry, products, services, and more. These are not just helpful to potential buyers; they can save your staff time by reducing the number of routine questions they get asked.

Try This : To make your FAQ page more accessible, separate your questions into different categories, and update it regularly to keep it relevant.

It’s always a good idea to remind your audience of your credibility and expertise. One simple way to do this is by showcasing your awards and achievements.

Try This : Display trust badges and any proof of achievements alongside bottom-of-the-funnel content and on purchase pages.


12. User Generated Content

User-generated content is great because it provides social proof to potential customers, and it’s free.

Whether you use Instagram to show off customers wearing or using your product or collect customer success stories to share on your website, try to incorporate at least some user-generated content into your content strategy.

Try this : Figure out who your most engaged customers are, then send them a survey asking about what challenges made them seek out a solution such as yours, why they chose to work with your company instead of another alternative, and how they are benefiting from your product. You can then turn that into a success story.

13. User Guides/User Manuals

User guide and manuals help customers get the most out of your product. They’re how you turn new customers into power-users.

Try This : Hire a professional technical writer to create or rewrite a user guide. Great user guides and documentation are key parts of an effective onboarding flow.

Visual Types of Content

In this digital era, it’s important to embrace all forms of content to help your brand stand out. Text-based content will always play a part in digital marketing, but creating and promoting visual content can bring huge benefits when you get it right.

There are three main advantages of using visual content:

  • It’s more attractive. Press release distribution company PR Newswire found that including photos, videos and other visual media in press releases attracted 77 percent more views than text-only content.
  • It’s more accessible. We can process visual information 60,000 times faster than textual content.
  • It’s more memorable. According to Brain Rules by Dr. John Medina, you’re six times more likely to remember information if visuals are attached.

According to a study by Venngage , images are the most frequently used type of visual content.

Visual types of content stat breakdown

While people may overlook a block of text, an image can communicate your message in a few seconds. You can find free stock photography images on sites like Flickr and Photobucket, but to make your social media and blog posts more memorable, create original images.

Cisco predicts that videos will make up 80 percent of all global Internet traffic by 2019.

Evernote has always made good use of video on its website and across social media. The brand’s detailed explainer videos educate users about their tools, and its website also features various videos of customer stories.

Example of subscribers gained from video content

How-to product videos, behind-the-scenes coverage, customer testimonials or employee interviews are a good place to start. Try to include a call to action that encourages viewers to take the next step, depending on your marketing goals.

16. Infographics

According to the Nielson Norman Group, infographics are “liked” and shared on social media three times more than any other type of content.


Pointvisible’s Content Marketing Statistics and Trends: 2017 Edition is a great example. Using bold graphics, they demonstrate the importance of content marketing using detailed stats and facts, but in a visual way that’s easy to follow.

Pull together some stats and interesting facts promoting the benefits of your company, and create your own infographic using tools like Canva or PicMonkey. You can then distribute this via your website, social media channels­ and email.

Related: 5 Reasons Why Your Readers Will Love Your Infographics

Memes are ideal for Twitter and Facebook and are easy to create. Think about your target audience and what they’ll find amusing or inspiring.

Grammarly is a great example of a company using memes well.

Meme content

Their Pinterest page also features sharable “Grammarly cards” that promote their tool and the importance of good grammar.

GIFs are perfect for sharing fun, light-hearted content. Twitter has made it easy to add GIFs to tweets, with a built-in option that lets you attach a GIF based on your chosen phrase

You can also create your own GIFs with GIF Maker by Giphy or And Then I Was Like, which helps you turn webcam video into a shareable GIF. You might already have video content that you can repurpose into a GIF.

19. Screenshots

With a screenshot, you can show your audience how your product or service works. You could also add marketing copy or a testimonial to the screenshot for added credibility. Have you read a testimonial or review from an industry forum about your product? Why not take a screenshot and include it in future content?

20. 360-Degree Video

Not every video is suited to the 360-degree makeover, but if it helps to highlight your brand in an interesting way, you could give it a try.

Visit Las Vegas uses 360-degree videos to give viewers virtual experiences of trademark Vegas scenes, from party events to a zip line over the Las Vegas Strip.

What unique experiences can you offer your audience with 360-degree video? For help with creating these interactive videos, see this article from HubSpot .

21. Magazines

One of the more recent types of visual content that has been gaining popularity are online magazines (“e-magazines”). Similar to the physical magazines we’re all familiar with, online magazines look to combine big, powerful imagery with interesting stories and snippets.

Red Bull, Harry’s and Fujitsu are all examples of companies that come out with their own magazines .

red bulletin

Types of Interactive Content

22. contest.

Many readers enjoy entering contests, especially if there’s a valuable prize. They’re a great way to encourage user-generated content and increase brand engagement. You can also collect email addresses because you need to inform the winner, right?

Online supermarket Ocado created an essay contest, asking customers to write about their fantasy restaurant, offering a Michelin-starred dinner party as a prize. The contest was promoted on social media and their blog.

how many types of content writing are there

Try this: Woobox helps you create sleek contests, coupons, deals and more, via social media and landing pages.

As well as being great for collecting audience insights, polls are quick to read and hard to ignore.

The career website The Muse used Twitter Polls to ask users what would make their workday better. Most people chose the “better boss” option and the company used the results to inspire a subsequent blog post.

Try this: Easypolls is a simple tool for creating polls that you can customize and embed on your website.

24. Quizzes

More and more companies are using fun Q&As in their marketing, whether it’s asking users what type of animal they are or which city they should be living in.

Art equipment suppliers Aaron Brothers created a color quiz asking users “What’s your color?” It generated around 500 leads that they could hopefully convert into customers at a later stage.

Try this : Qzzr makes it easy to create great-looking, customized quizzes that you can embed on your website or share on social media. It also gives you stats on user engagement.

25. Calculators

Assessments give users more personalized recommendations or results based on how users respond to a series of questions. They’re also a great way of collecting data from potential buyers.

how many types of content writing are there

Dell EMC, a global leader in the data storage industry, created an assessment featuring seven questions for potential clients about their current situation and future requirements. The results page highlighted which products would be the best fit for their business.

Try this : SnapApp is a powerful online tool for creating assessments, personality tests and much more.

26. Brackets

Brackets pit users against each other in a series of rounds until a winner is announced. Users cast votes on anything from their “favorite superhero” to “the best Beatles song.” The competitive element also encourages users to revisit the content.

Tech news site BostInno received over 100,000 votes for their startup-themed bracket, encouraging Bostonians to vote for which tech company they thought would have the greatest impact in five years’ time.

Try this : Woobox helps you create your own voting brackets which you can then embed on your site. You’re in control of the voting theme and deadlines; Brackify takes care of the rest.

27. Interactive White Papers

White papers tend to be information-heavy, which can turn off some readers. Thankfully, you can now convert longer content into interactive experiences with animations, hidden hover effects and more.

Athenahealth, which provides cloud-based services for health care professionals, created an interactive white paper entitled “Five Elements of a Successful Patient Engagement Strategy” with a magazine-style front page, scrolling stats, animations and tips for health professionals.

Try this : Ion Interactive helps marketers quickly create powerful interactive content, from landing pages to white papers. You can also access useful lead data from the built-in analytics.

Video Types of Content

28. product demonstrations.

Product demo videos are a fantastic way to show your product in action while also making potential customers feel like they are getting an exclusive inside look.

Demos tend to highlight key features and answer common questions to get shoppers to see how they can get value and move them closer to buying.

If you’ve been creating high-quality content for your blog, why not put it in a video format as well to give your audience a wider variety of ways to consume your insights.

These are some of the easiest types of videos to produce and they tend to get high engagement.

If you’re not sure where to begin, take some cues from some of the top YouTube celebrities who have been able to capture and hold the attention of wide audiences.

30. Company Culture

A major goal of content marketing is to showcase the vibrant, human side of your brand. One of the best ways to do this is to give viewers a peek at your company’s employees and culture. You don’t need to have a quirky, Google-esque culture to make this work.

Company culture videos can include interviews with employees, company parties, birthday celebrations and more. The key is to show that your company isn’t a faceless entity but a mosaic of real people and personalities.

31. How-To Tutorials

People tend to be visual learners and how-to tutorials are some of the most sought-after videos on the Internet.

In fact, the number of YouTube searches for tutorial videos soared by 70% in 2015 alone .

Providing helpful instructions and tutorials builds long-lasting customer loyalty and it also reaffirms your credibility and product knowledge.

32. Webinar

A webinar can be a highly effective way to engage with your audience, especially for marketers in the B2B realm.

In fact, a report from the Content Marketing Institute reveals that 66% of B2B marketers cite webinars as one of their most powerful content marketing strategies .

Since webinars require users to register, they can also act as valuable lead-generation tools. As an added bonus, the content from a webinar can also be repurposed into blog posts.

Looking at hiring freelance writers? Create your free Constant Content account today.

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, understanding the 4 writing styles: how to identify and use them.

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A piece’s writing style can help you figure out what kind of writing it is, what its purpose is, and how the author’s voice is unique. With so many different types of writing, you may think it’s difficult to figure out the specific writing style of a piece or you'll need to search through a long list of writing styles.

However, there are actually just four main types of writing styles, and together they cover practically all the writing you see, from textbooks to novels, to billboards and more.  Whether you’re studying writing styles for class or trying to develop your own writing style and looking for information, we’ve got you covered.

In this guide, we explain the four styles of writing, provide examples for each one, go over the one thing you need to know to identify writing style, and give tips to help you develop your own unique style of writing.

The 4 Types of Writing

There are four main different styles of writing. We discuss each of them below, list where you’re likely to see them, and include an example so you can see for yourself what each of the writing styles looks like.

Writers who use the narrative style are telling a story with a plot and characters. It’s the most common writing style for fiction, although nonfiction can also be narrative writing as long as its focus is on characters, what they do, and what happens to them.

Common Places You’d See Narrative Writing

  • Biography or autobiography
  • Short stories
  • Journals or diaries

“We had luncheon in the dining-room, darkened too against the heat, and drank down nervous gayety with the cold ale. ‘What’ll we do with ourselves this afternoon?’ cried Daisy, ‘and the day after that, and the next thirty years?’    ‘Don’t be morbid,’ Jordan said. ‘Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.’ ‘But it’s so hot,’ insisted Daisy, on the verge of tears, ‘and everything’s so confused. Let’s all go to town!’ - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

You can quickly tell that this passage from the novel The Great Gatsby is an example of narrative writing because it has the two key traits: characters and a plot. The group is discussing eating and drinking while trying to decide what to do for the rest of the day.

As in this example, narrative writing often has extended dialogue scenes since the dialogue is used to move the plot along and give readers greater insight into the characters.

Writers use the expository style when they are trying to explain a concept. Expository writing is fact-based and doesn’t include the author’s opinions or background. It’s basically giving facts from the writer to the reader.

Common Places You’d See Expository Writing

  • Newspaper articles
  • Academic journals
  • Business memos
  • Manuals for electronics
  • How-to books and articles

“The 1995/1996 reintroduction of gray wolves (Canis lupus) into Yellowstone National Park after a 70 year absence has allowed for studies of tri-trophic cascades involving wolves, elk (Cervus elaphus), and plant species such as aspen (Populus tremuloides), cottonwoods (Populus spp.), and willows (Salix spp.). To investigate the status of this cascade, in September of 2010 we repeated an earlier survey of aspen and measured browsing and heights of young aspen in 97 stands along four streams in the Lamar River catchment of the park’s northern winter range. We found that browsing on the five tallest young aspen in each stand decreased from 100% of all measured leaders in 1998 to means of <25% in the uplands and <20% in riparian areas by 2010. Correspondingly, aspen recruitment (i.e., growth of seedlings/sprouts above the browse level of ungulates) increased as browsing decreased over time in these same stands.” -”Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: The first 15 years after wolf reintroduction” by William J. Ripple and Robert L. Beschta

This abstract from an academic journal article is clearly expository because it only focuses on facts. The authors aren’t giving their opinion of wolves of Yellowstone, they’re not telling a story about the wolves, and the only descriptions are number of trees, streams, etc. so readers can understand the study better.

Because expository writing is focused on facts, without any unnecessary details or stories, the writing can sometimes feel dense and dry to read.


Descriptive writing is, as you may guess, when the author describes something. The writer could be describing a place, person, or an object, but descriptive writing will always include lots of details so the reader can get a clear and complete idea of what is being written about.

Common Places You’d See Descriptive Writing

  • Fiction passages that describe something

“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or eat: it was a hobbit hole and that means comfort. It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted...” - The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

This is the opening passage of the novel The Hobbit . While The Hobbit is primarily an example of narrative writing, since it explores the adventures of the hobbit and his companions, this scene is definitely descriptive. There is no plot or action going on in this passage; the point is to explain to readers exactly what the hobbit’s home looks like so they can get a clear picture of it while they read. There are lots of details, including the color of the door and exactly where the doorknob is placed.

You won’t often find long pieces of writing that are purely descriptive writing, since they’d be pretty boring to read (nothing would happen in them), instead many pieces of writing, including The Hobbit , will primarily be one of the other writing styles with some descriptive writing passages scattered throughout.

When you’re trying to persuade the reader to think a certain way or do a certain thing, you’ll use persuasive writing to try to convince them.  Your end goal could be to get the reader to purchase something you’re selling, give you a job, give an acquaintance of yours a job, or simply agree with your opinion on a topic.

Common Places You’d See Persuasive Writing

  • Advertisements
  • Cover letters
  • Opinion articles/letters to the editor
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Reviews of books/movies/restaurants etc.
  • Letter to a politician

“What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.’ - “This was their finest hour” by Winston Churchill

In this excerpt from his famous “Their finest hour” speech, Prime Minister Winston Churchill is clearing trying to convince his audience to see his viewpoint, and he lays out the actions he thinks they should take. In this case, Churchill is speaking to the House of Commons (knowing many other British people would also hear the speech), and he’s trying to prepare the British for the coming war and convince them how important it is to fight.

He emphasizes how important the fight will be (“Upon this battle depends the survival of the Christian civilization.” and clearly spells out what he thinks his audience should do (“Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties…”).


Common Writing Styles to Know

Each of the four main types of writing styles has multiple subsets of styles within it. Here are nine of the most common and important types of writing you’ll see.

Narrative Writing

Character voice.

Character voice is a common writing style in novels. Instead of having an unknown narrator, the audience knows who is telling the story. This first-person narrator can help the reader relate more both to the narrator and the storyline since knowing who is telling a story can help the reader feel more connected to it. Sometimes the narrator is completely truthful in telling what happens, while other times they are an unreliable narrator and will mislead or outright lie to readers to make themselves look better. 

To Kill a Mockingbird (Scout is the narrator) and The Hunger Games (Katniss is the narrator) are two examples of this writing style.


This writing style attempts to emulate the thought process of the character. Instead of only writing about what the character says or does, stream-of-consciousness will include all or most of the characters thoughts, even if they jump from one topic to another randomly or include incomplete thoughts.

For example, rather than writing “I decided to take a walk to the ice cream shop,” an author using the stream-of-consciousness writing style could write, “It’s pretty hot out, and I feel like I should eat something, but I’m not really that hungry. I wonder if we have leftovers of the burgers Mom made last night? Is Mom staying late at work tonight? I can’t remember if she said. Ice cream would be a good choice, and not too filling. I can’t drive there though because my car is still in for repairs. Why is the repair shop taking so long? I should have listened when David said to check for reviews online before choosing a place. I should text David later to see how he is. He’ll think I’m mad at him if I don’t. I guess I’ll just have to walk to the shop.”

James Joyce and William Faulkner are two of the most well-known writers to have regularly used the  stream-of-consciousness writing style.

Epistolary writing uses a series of documents, such as letters, diary entries, newspaper articles, or even text messages to tell a story. They don’t have a narrator, there’s just whoever purportedly gathered the documents together. This writing style can provide different points of view because a different person can be the author of each document.

Well-known examples of epistolary writing include the novels Dracula  (written as a series of letters, newspaper articles, and diary entries) and Frankenstein (written as a series of letters).

Expository Writing

You’ll find this style in textbooks or academic journal articles. It’ll focus on teaching a topic or discussing an experiment,  be heavy on facts, and include any sources it cited to get the information. Academic writing often assumes some previous knowledge of the topic and is more focused on providing information than being entertaining, which can make it difficult to read and understand at times.

Business writing refers to the writing done in a workplace. It can include reports, memos, and press releases. Business writing typically has a formal tone and standard formatting rules. Because employees are presumably very busy at work, business writing is very concise and to the point, without any additional flourishes intended to make the writing more interesting.

You’ll see this writing style most commonly in newspaper articles. It focuses on giving the facts in a concise, clear, and easy-to-understand way. Journalists often try to balance covering all the key facts, keeping their articles brief, and making the audience interested in the story.

This writing style is used to give information to people in a specific field, such as an explanation of a new computer programming system to people who work in software, a description of how to install pipes within a house for plumbers, or a guide to new gene modifications for microbiologists.

Technical writing is highly specialized for a certain occupational field. It assumes a high level of knowledge on the topic, and it focuses on sharing large amounts of information with the reader. If you’re not in that field, technical writing can be nearly impossible to understand because of the jargon and references to topics and facts you likely don’t know.


Descriptive Writing

Poetry is one of the most challenging styles of writing to define since it can come in many forms. In general, poems use rhythmic language and careful word choice to express an idea. A poem can be an example of descriptive writing or narrative writing, depending on whether it’s describing something or telling a story. Poetry doesn’t need to rhyme, and it often won’t follow standard grammatical or structural rules. Line breaks can, and often do, occur in the middle of sentences.

Persuasive Writing


Copywriting is writing that is done for advertising or marketing purposes. It’s attempting to get the reader to buy whatever the writer is trying to sell. Examples of copywriting include catalogs, billboards, ads in newspapers or magazines, and social media ads.

In an attempt to get the reader to spend their money, copywriters may use techniques such as descriptive language (“This vanilla was harvested from the lush and exotic island of Madagascar"), exciting language (Stop what you’re doing and learn about this new product that will transform your life!”) and exaggeration (“This is the best cup of coffee you will ever taste!”).


People write opinion pieces for the purpose of stating their beliefs on a certain topic and to try to get readers to agree with them. You can see opinion pieces in newspaper opinion sections, certain blog posts, and some social media posts. The quality of opinion writing can vary widely. Some papers or sites will only publish opinion pieces if all the facts in them can be backed up by evidence, but other opinion pieces, especially those that are self-published online, don't go through any fact-checking process and can include inaccuracies and misinformation.

What If You’re Unsure of a Work’s Writing Style?

If you’re reading a piece of writing and are unsure of its main writing style, how can you figure which style it is? The best method is to think about what the purpose or main idea of the writing is. Each of the four main writing styles has a specific purpose:

  • Descriptive: to describe things
  • Expository: to give facts
  • Narrative: to tell a story
  • Persuasive: to convince the reader of something

Here’s an example of a passage with a somewhat ambiguous writing style:

It can be tricky to determine the writing style of many poems since poetry is so varied and can fit many styles. For this poem, you might at first think it has a narrative writing style, since it begins with a narrator mentioning a walk he took after church. Character + plot = narrative writing style, right?

Before you decide, you need to read the entire passage. Once you do, it’ll become clear that there really isn’t much narrative. There’s a narrator, and he’s taking a walk to get a birch from another man, but that’s about all we have for character development and plot. We don’t know anything about the narrator or his friend’s personality, what’s going to happen next, what his motivations are, etc.

The poem doesn’t devote any space to that, instead, the majority of the lines are spent describing the scene. The narrator mentions the heat, scent of sap, the sound of frogs, what the ground is like, etc. It’s clear that, since the majority of the piece is dedicated to describing the scene, this is an example of descriptive writing.


How Can You Develop Your Own Writing Style?

A distinctive writing style is one of the hallmarks of a good writer, but how can you develop your own? Below are four tips to follow.

Read Many Different Styles of Writing

If you don’t read lots of different kinds of writing, you won’t be able to write in those styles, so before you try to get your own writing style, read different writing styles than what you’re used to.  This doesn’t mean that, if you mostly read novels, you suddenly need to shift to reading computer manuals. Instead, you can try to read novels that use unreliable narrators, stream-of-consciousness writing, etc.

The more you read, the more writing styles you’ll be exposed to, and the easier it’ll be able to combine some of those into your own writing style.

Consider Combining Multiple Types of Writing Styles

There’s no rule that you can only use one style for a piece of writing. In fact, many longer works will include multiple styles. A novel may be primarily narrative, but it can also contain highly descriptive passages as well as expository parts when the author wants the readers to understand a new concept.

However, make sure you don’t jump around too much. A paper or book that goes from dense academic text to impassioned plea for a cause to a story about your childhood and back again will confuse readers and make it difficult for them to understand the point you’re trying to make.

Find a Balance Between Comfort and Boundary-Pushing

You should write in a style that feels natural to you, since that will be what comes most easily and what feels most authentic to the reader. An academic who never ventures outside the city trying to write a book from the perspective of a weathered, unschooled cowboy may end up with writing that seems fake and forced.

A great way to change up your writing and see where it can be improved is to rewrite certain parts in a new writing style.  If you’ve been writing a novel with narrative voice, change a few scenes to stream-of-consciousness, then think about how it felt to be using that style and if you think it improved your writing or gave you any new ideas. If you’re worried that some writing you did is dull and lacking depth, add in a few passages that are purely descriptive and see if they help bring the writing to life.

You don’t always need to do this, and you don’t need to keep the new additions in what you wrote, but trying new things will help you get a better idea of what you want your own style to be like.

The best way to develop your own writing style is to expose yourself to numerous types of writing, both through reading and writing. As you come into contact with more writing styles and try them out for yourself, you’ll naturally begin to develop a writing style that you feel comfortable with.

Summary: The 4 Different Styles of Writing

There are four main writing styles, and each has a different purpose:

If you’re struggling to figure out the writing style of a piece, ask yourself what its purpose is and why the author wants you to read it.

To develop your own writing style, you should:

  • Read widely
  • Consider mixing styles
  • Balance writing what you know and trying new things

What's Next?

Literary devices are also an important part of understanding writing styles. Learn the 24 literary devices you must know by reading our guide on literary devices.

Writing a research paper for school but not sure what to write about?   Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you. 

Are you reading  The Great Gatsby for class or even just for fun?  Then you'll definitely want to check out our expert guides on the biggest themes in this classic book, from love and relationships to money and materialism .

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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The 4 Main Types of Writing Styles and How to Use Them as a Writer

Understanding the 4 main types of writing styles can help you grow as a writer and attract an audience for your written work. Here’s how to identify each style of writing and tips for using each of the 4 common writing styles to develop your written skills.

writing styles different types

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One of the things that can help you grow as a writer is to learn the 4 main types of writing styles and use the characteristics of each to further develop your own personal voice as a writer.

how many types of content writing are there

By learning how to use the different writing styles in your work, you will not only improve your skills as writer, but also learn ways to better connect with your audience of readers.

In this post we’ll cover the 4 main types of writing styles and how to use them as a writer to create compelling books, stories, essays, poetry, articles and more.

What are Writing Styles?

Writing styles are basically another way of saying the form or type of written work you are creating. Think of it as a classification for being able to identify what kind of writing you are creating.

For example, if you are writing a cookbook, that is a completely different style of writing than if you were writing a steamy romance novel!

Each writing style has a different purpose – and therefore, different characteristics are present when you are writing each type of different work.

Now that we understand what a writing style is – let’s talk about the 4 main writing styles which are commonly talked about amongst writers and literary educators.

The 4 Main Writing Styles & What They Mean

The four main writing styles which are commonly recognized are expository , descriptive , narrative , and persuasive .

Style #1: Expository

expository writing styles meaning

The definition of expository is this: “intended to explain or describe something.”

Most types of written work that fall into this category explain something in more detail, or provide insight and instruction in regards to a particular topic.

What types of writing fall into this category of expository writing style?

While there are many different types of written work which can be categorized as expository style of writing, you can often identify this type of writing by noticing the purpose of the work.

  • Does the work intend to explain something in more detail?
  • Does the written piece inform?
  • Does the written piece answer questions such as “what, how and why?”

expository newspaper writing style

Here are some examples of the different types of writing pieces which can fall into the category of expository writing:

  • Newspaper and Magazine Articles {not including editorials}
  • Non-Fiction Books
  • How-To Books
  • Self Help Books
  • Writing about Hobbies & Interests
  • Recipes & Cookbooks
  • Instructional Guides
  • Scientific Research
  • Textbooks & Educational Resources
  • Business Articles & Books
  • Medical Research, Journals and Articles

When you write expository style pieces, your main goal as a writer is to inform your readers with insight and facts that pertain to the subject of your piece.

For example, if you are writing about the history of ice cream, you would be including a lot of research and fun facts into your piece.

Note that this type of writing style is not intended to persuade or influence your audience. In writing your piece on the history of ice cream, you would NOT be trying to persuade your readers.

You would not want to say things like “Everybody should eat ice cream!” and “These 5 reasons will convince you forever to choose strawberry swirl flavored ice cream as your favorite flavor.”

Sometimes it can be confusing on whether an article is expository or persuasive. For example, an article called “The 5 Unexpected Health Benefits of Ice Cream” – would not fall into expository writing, even though it is providing information.

The word “benefits” has a positive connotation to the title. If you were to be writing an article on possible health benefits on ice cream, it would be very important that you as the writer keep your opinion separated from the facts and information if you plan for it to be an expository style piece. To be expository in nature, you would want to use a title such as “Scientists Research The Health Effects of Ice Cream.”

Books and articles that explain how to do something are also very popular examples of expository writing. Cookbooks are very popular, as they explain to others the tips, techniques, and recipes on how to cook something. How-to books for hobbies and crafts are also a good example of this type of writing.

Style #2: Descriptive Writing

descriptive writing styles

Descriptive writing goes deeper than expository writing. While expository writing might have some descriptive details and factual information, descriptive writing will make use of many writing elements and literary devices such as metaphors and similes.

The purpose and goal of descriptive writing is to bring your reader into the written work as if the reader were to be experiencing it first hand.

Most fictional pieces fall under the category of descriptive writing, and even some non-fiction pieces such as memoirs and creative non-fiction can fall under the category of a descriptive writing style.

If you are writing fiction, the more descriptive you can be with your words, the more relatable your story will be to the reader.

For example, we recommend that writers ask their characters questions as one way to really intimately understand the details about a character. Details about the setting, events, and people present in a story will help your readers be able to imagine and understand the piece.

This style also includes poetry. If you browse through some of our poetry writing prompts , you will see there is a lot of attention put on using details to create a scene or feeling in writing a poem!

Here are some examples of types of descriptive writing pieces:

  • Poetry & Prose
  • Travel Diaries
  • Personal Journals
  • Lyrics in Music and Songwriting

Most pieces using only a descriptive writing style are not very long. It is uncommon for a fictional novel to be 100% fully descriptive without getting into our next writing style, which is narrative writing.

Style #3: Narrative Writing

how many types of content writing are there

Narrative writing is far more complex that simple descriptive writing.

While a poem for example may describe a scene or even events or people – generally you do not get into the deep inner thoughts of the characters or even get a full story with a clear middle, beginning, and end complete with conflict and dialogue.

Nearly all fiction novels fall into the case of narrative writing, as well as longer epic poems and sagas.

In narrative writing, there is a story to be told – a clear plot complete with setting, characters, dialogue, conflict and resolution. A narrative piece often has a timeline or sequence of events which further build to the point of conflict and resolution.

Here are some examples of the works which would be considered to have a narrative writing style:

  • Fiction Novels
  • Memoirs & Biographies
  • Screenplays
  • Myths, Legends, and Fables
  • Historical accounts
  • Essays which talk about a lesson learned or valuable insight from an experience

Narrative writing pieces are generally easy to identify, although sometimes it can be confused with descriptive writing styles. The key difference in determining which one a written work might be is whether or not there is a developed storyline or plot.

If there is a well developed plot and storyline, you are most likely reading narrative writing.

Style #4: Persuasive Writing

A speech to convince others to vote for you is an example of persuasive writing.

Persuasive writing is a type of writing style where the purpose is to influence someone into believing or doing something. As the word “persuasive” suggests – your goal is to persuade someone’s actions or thoughts to align with your own goals as the writer.

The persuasive writing essay is a popular homework assignment for many kids. For example, a student might be assigned to write an essay to convince their parents of something. “Why We Should Get a Pet Rabbit” and “5 Reasons You Should Not Make Me Clean My Room”.

Persuasive writing is intended to convince someone of something, and so it usually needs to have a good bit of research and logical analysis – but also should attempt to make an emotional connection to the desired audience as well.

A classic piece of writing which serves as an example of persuasive writing is Thomas Paine’s book Common Sense , which was written in the Colonial times of the American Revolutionary War, urging citizens that separating from England was of utmost importance.

Here are some examples of types of writing which are persuasive writing:

  • Editorial & Opinion pieces in Newspapers and Magazines
  • Essays on a specific belief or “hot button” topic
  • Letters written to request an action or file a complaint
  • Advertisements {Convincing you to buy something}
  • Copywriting {Note, copywriting is different from copyright!}
  • Company Brochures
  • Business Proposals
  • Political speeches

When the intention of the work is to convince the audience of something – this falls into persuasive writing.

How to Use the 4 Main Different Writing Styles as a Writer

Now that we know the different types of writing styles, you may be wondering how do you use each style?

writing styles usage examples

The first thing to do is think about what you are planning to write and what the intention is. What is your goal and what type of message are you trying to communicate to your readers?

Expository Style Writing:

In this type of writing your goal is to inform your readers about research or data.

When writing expository style pieces, follow these guidelines:

  • Avoid using words which have a positive or negative connotation
  • Do not insert your opinion or attempt to persuade your audience into thinking, feeling, or doing something based on your beliefs
  • Use research and cite your sources
  • When writing online, link to additional resources or websites
  • Use quotes, illustrations or informative graphics to highlight the information
  • Give concise and clear directions

Descriptive Writing Style:

This type of writing has the goal to describe something and bring into your reader’s imaginations

Here are some tips for writing with descriptive writing styles:

  • Use literary devices such as metaphors and similes.
  • Use well thought out adjectives and adverbs to describe nouns and verbs.
  • Bring attention to small details
  • Use the 6 senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, sound, and feeling

Narrative Writing Style:

In narrative writing style, your goal is to convey a storyline to your readers.

Here is how to achieve this type of writing style:

  • Outline a storyline, plot or timeline sequence of events
  • Include detailed descriptions of your characters and scenes
  • Give your readers insight into the inner thoughts or behind-the-scenes information to elements of your story
  • Answer the 6 W questions in your writing: Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why?
  • Make it so your piece of work conveys an important lesson or insight – what is the moral of the story? What was the outcome of this experience?
  • Use concrete language which gives readers a specific image to visualize and relate to

Persuasive Writing Style:

When you are writing to persuade, your intention is to convince your readers to side with you. This can be as simple as convincing them to buy your latest new product, or even writing about important social and humanitarian issues.

Here are some tips for writing persuasively:

  • Include information, data, and facts to back up your argument
  • Cite your sources and give readers access to additional information
  • Appeal to your readers on an emotional level – how will siding with your opinion connect with them and make them feel?
  • Take into consideration your reader’s needs, wants, and desires and how your message will help your reader achieve these.

Understanding Writing Styles Can Help You Be a Better Writer

No matter what type of writing you enjoy creating – understanding the basic main 4 types of writing styles can help you become a better writer.

If you are writing a how-to article for example, you will be able to understand what types of elements to ensure your piece of work includes. If you’re writing a descriptive poem, knowing what type of language to use can help convey your message for abstract concepts.

Use these different writing styles as a fun writing exercise!

Even if you typically only write for one style, it can be a lot of fun to push yourself to try to write for the different types of styles. For example, try writing a persuasive essay, and then a descriptive essay on the same topic. It can also be fun to write a descriptive poem and then turn it into a narrative essay or short story.

Not sure what to write about using these different writing styles? We have TONS of ideas for you with many different writing prompts! Check out our list of 365 writing prompts ideas which are sure to inspire your creative muse!

Using prompts is a great way to help you start writing in different writing styles and push yourself to a new exciting challenge for your writing skills!

I hope this article about the different writing styles and how you can use them as a writer will be helpful for you in building and developing your written skillset.

What types of writing styles do you enjoy writing the most? Have any tips for writing in expository, descriptive, narrative or persuasive styles of writing? We’d love to hear your ideas and experiences in the comments section below!

Chelle Stein wrote her first embarrassingly bad novel at the age of 14 and hasn't stopped writing since. As the founder of ThinkWritten, she enjoys encouraging writers and creatives of all types.

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Enjoyed reading this artice. I stumbled across this website by chance and I don’t regret it. Best thing I read today. I am sure this information will be pretty helpful for my Notes in future. Thank you. 👍

Thank you! Glad you found it helpful 🙂

I am grateful I came across this article. It will come in handy in my writing work

Great! This is very helpful.

I am glad it is helpful for you Nazz!

I teach English to non-native speakers and I stress, on a regular basis, about the value of being able to write as well as speak. So when I stumbled across this article I had to post it to my linkedIn page.

Very informative article! Thank you.

Wow! Very exciting article. This help me rebuild my bad foundation. I have really had hard times writing a piece to finish. I never get to communicate my message the way i intend to because i get to a cross road of how best to relate with my audience with clarity. Quite EXPOSITORY! thanks

It’s really helpful 😊 it’s worth.

very helpful

To which writing style would a conversational manner apply best?

A writing that talks about the cages people Live can be classified as what type?

Great work!

Thanks Very useful It will be very helpful for me as a writer. I really appreciate this words of wisdom and knowledge. It was very insightful.

An article one can easily connect with. It brings clarity and understanding to the different writing styles as discussed. Kudos.

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Understanding the 11 Major Types of Copywriting (Infographic)

Understanding the 9 Major Types of Copywriting

What we know as copywriting today is not altogether new. Copywriting is one of the oldest professions known in history.

Mark Tungate in his 2007 book Adland notes that there are promotional pamphlets found as far back as Pompeii promoting a new brothel in town. Tungate even noted that some cave drawings could be interpreted as promotional material.

Copywriting has evolved from cryptic images on a wall to messages shared all over the world. You can find copywriting just about everywhere you look.

But which types of copywriting should you pay attention to when creating your marketing campaign? Here are the eleven major types and why they matter.

Table of Contents

  • Marketing Copywriting
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Email Copywriting
  • Social Media Copywriting
  • Website Copywriting
  • Direct Response Copywriting
  • Brand Copywriting
  • Public Relations Copywriting
  • Thought Leadership Copywriting
  • Product and Sales
  • Technical Copywriting

Understanding the 9 Major Types of Copywriting

1. Marketing Copywriting

This is the type of copywriting that people are most familiar with. Marketing copywriting can be anything you see and hear that is promotional in nature.

Marketing copywriting includes:

  • Online display ads.
  • YouTube videos.
  • Radio commercials.
  • TV commercials.
  • Billboards.
  • Branded stickers.
  • Direct mail.

Marketing copywriting can come in the form of paid advertisements or traditional marketing assets. They are clear sales-driven pieces of content that have an obvious goal of trying to sell.

how many types of content writing are there

Kate Spade’s ad demonstrates marketing copywriting by its copy written at the top of this Facebook ad. They opted for lower-case type for an on-brand writing style and immediately offered the discount to prompt their prospect to click on the ad. This advertisement is clearly created with the intent of selling their purses in this example.

Marketing copywriting is a tried and true way to communicate new products to potential customers. You can use a targeted paid ad like this Adidas promotion or reach a broader audience with a billboard or a radio commercial. As long as it is part of a marketing campaign, it is considered marketing copywriting.

how many types of content writing are there

2. SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting involves optimizing copy using keywords and phrases for search engines to more easily discover the copy and list it as a top result. A sales page can be optimized for a search engine results page (SERP) if done correctly.

This page from Hatfield includes SEO copywriting that is selling the company’s products while using keyphrases to optimize the page for a top SERP spot.

3. Email Copywriting

Among the many reasons to use email marketing, writing great email copy is the one of best ways to directly connect with your most targeted audience. There are many methods for writing great email copy that works with your marketing campaigns and your customers.

Email copywriting includes:

  • A great subject line.
  • A thoughtful preview sentence.
  • An intro sentence for the body of your email.
  • A compelling CTA.

how many types of content writing are there

This email from Wanderlust is promoting the company’s meditation webinar. The subject line for this email is “Don’t hesitate, meditate!” It’s an attention-grabbing subject line that is sure to stand out in the sea of emails for anyone’s inbox.

The image included in the email has the title of the webinar, the duration of the challenge and the host’s name. Following the key information is another eye-catching headline that urges subscribers to keep reading.

Email copy can be both educational, as with newsletters and roundups, or more sales-oriented in nature, like a direct response or free trial promotion.

B2B email copy is a little different from B2C in a few ways:

  • Write for a logical buying process vs. emotional.
  • Build a personal relationship with the subscriber.
  • Open up the email to engage in conversations.
  • Utilize more industry terminology.

Here is a sales email from Exectras. The email’s opening two lines speak directly to the customer’s questions and pain points, followed by a direct outlining of the nature of their service offering. 

how many types of content writing are there

You may notice that the email isn’t overly image-heavy — B2B email copy aims to get to the point quickly. Businesses go through a longer buying process because they need to consider budgets and how the purchase will affect their business. To which, a B2B copywriter should engage subscribers on a more logical basis to support an argument for making the purchase. This includes why the price of the product is justified, how it will help their business and the ways this collaboration could be leveraged in the future.

People who subscribe to your email list are some of your most valued prospects. They subscribe because they want to stay informed on your business’ new products and services. Writing email copy can be muddled with trials and errors, but direct communication with your subscribers is invaluable.

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4. Social Media Copywriting

There are many different social media platforms you can use to communicate with your audience. Doing research to find out where your customers are spending their time will help you write the right message for them.

Based on that research, you can tailor the voice and tone of your social media copywriting to speak to your audience effectively.

Smashburger is known to have funny, endearing social media posts because its audience is a younger generation of fast-casual diners who love great food. While the restaurant’s posts commonly depict young families enjoying a Smash burger meal accompanied by brand-nuanced copy, they don’t shy away from some comedic copywriting to engage their audience: 

how many types of content writing are there

Writing social media copy involves a few distinct elements because of its audience. Here are a few ways this type of copywriting is different:

  • Emojis are widely used and accepted.
  • An informal tone is more accepted.
  • Your copy is usually paired with a visual component.
  • You may be writing for paid ads across several platforms.
  • KPIs are measured differently on each platform.
  • Your ad will redirect to your website’s landing page directly.
  • Your copy should be brief.

Because of these key factors, focus on shareability and clearly show that you understand who your audience is when you’re writing copy for social media.

The structure of a social media post is also distinct. Whether or not they’re sponsored, most posts you’ve seen on social media have something visual like a picture, informational copy and promotional copy. And notably, social media copy can be used for both B2B and B2C marketing strategies.

5. Website Copywriting 

From the top-of-funnel appeal of a high-level, engaging article explaining a product to a highly targeted service landing page that speaks directly to those on the bottom-of-funnel, website copywriting is utilized by companies of all sizes and industries to communicate their offerings. 

Website copywriters adopt a handful of best practices and considerations: brand tone, SEO-friendliness and applicable CTAs among them. Further still on best practices, excellent website copywriting conveys a clear message about the brand and its products and services while also encouraging readers to take that next step down the funnel — whether that’s to sign up to an email list, consider subscribing or to make a purchase.

This website copywriting from Saphisle, worked out by the team at Brafton , takes an in-depth service offering and communicates it in simple, appealing language — accompanied by clear CTAs. The way the copy is laid out encourages readers to navigate to the landing page that best suits where they are on the consumer funnel.  

6. Direct Response Copywriting

Direct response copywriting is a type of communication that is compelling enough for the customer to take action. It is any form of copy that encourages the recipient to take an action right away.

Direct response copywriting can be used in:

  • Landing pages after clicking on an ad.
  • Open-ended emails.
  • Limited time offer explanations.

how many types of content writing are there

You’ll find here that Nuuly’s landing page has its logo, slogan and several CTAs that ask for an action. “Join Now” is the direct response button that will move the customer along in their sales process.

Oftentimes, as a customer scrolls through a website, a pop-up will appear before changing pages or exiting out. This is another form of direct response prompting them to stay on the page by signing up for something the company offers.

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These are great ways to see more responses from your customers. Sometimes all a customer needs to purchase or download your eBook is the CTA button or form inviting them to do so.

7. Brand Copywriting

Communicating what your brand represents is a big part of gaining recognition in your industry and connecting with customers. You can do that through writing with a specific image of your brand in mind. It can come in the form of a logo, theme song, phrase or a brand personality trait.

However, this image must resonate with your audience or else it will fall short. For brand copy to work, the customer needs to stay at the top of your mind. Take this brand copywriting from AirBnB for example — one that engages both the heart and mind. 

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Via Medium .

While knowing your audience is helpful, you can gather feedback on your brand copy through a series of trials, such as:

  • Audience surveys.
  • Focus groups.
  • Blind testing.
  • A/B testing.

8. Public Relations Copywriting

Through a uniform structure and journalistic voice , public relations copywriting aims to inform media publications and the public with a pointed directive of promoting a business, product or service. It’s often written by a public relations specialist. They write about an event from their organization and share the copy with several different media outlets.

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Public relations copywriting can be found on sites like PR Newswire , but the same story could be shared through news outlets and radio shows if it gets picked up. It works to form a relationship with the public and organizations in a direct communication medium via news media organizations.

The audience for a press release is specific to B2B reach like:

  • A journalist looking for leads.
  • An entrepreneur looking to invest.
  • A business owner doing research.

Although customers will eventually get the information in the press release, press releases are typically written for B2B marketing.

9. Thought Leadership Copywriting

Thought leadership copywriting comes in many forms but is usually from a prominent figure in an industry. If a top healthcare executive came out with an article recommending the public to adopt a new type of personal care practice, that article would be known as thought leadership copywriting.

This type of copywriting can be written for B2C markets, as well as for the general public. The articles are generally put together by writers who use the well-known news medium to communicate their thoughts on a particular issue. It amplifies their opinions on said issue and gains authority as an expert on that topic.

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Take this article on Search Engine Land, for example, where Danny Goodwin — Search Engine Land’s Managing Editor — expressed his opposition to an article put out by The Verge which conflates SEO specialists with the downfall of the internet. Beyond serving as a rebuttal, it also gave Danny Goodwin an opportunity to provide thought leadership for SEO more generally. 

While thought leadership copywriting isn’t selling a product, it is urging readers to believe in a particular subject.

10. Product and Sales 

Product and sales copywriting encompasses the online description of a product or service, brochures, product catalogs and packaging labels, among other forms — naturally, anything that is intended to bring about the purchase of a product or service. 

The nature of product and sales copy in more traditional forms of writing — whether that of newspapers, magazines or print media more generally — hasn’t changed too significantly compared to the copywriting involved in more conventional channels. At its core, product and sales copywriting is about crafting persuasive messages based on an in-depth understanding of the consumer, intended to bring about an intended end — generally, the sale of a product or service. 

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Semrush’s product catalog is to-the-point, easy to navigate and draws on action-oriented, persuasive language. Through their copywriting, businesses are crystal clear on what they stand to gain through Semrush’s service offerings, and are promoted to take action via direct CTAs. 

11. Technical Copywriting

Technical copywriting is a piece of copy that aims to explain technology (like cloud-based technology) while selling a product (like IBM’s new Mono2Micro).

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To sell a technical product, copywriters must first explain what it is, how it works and why customers should buy it instead of a competing product. Then, once the customer understands the product, they’re able to decide whether to buy or not.

Industries in the tech world are constantly changing and upgrading their products. Technical copywriting helps the business of tech progress.

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This is a sales page for IBM’s Cloud Infrastructure. Compare this sales page to that of the clothing brands Nuuly or SunChild above. Neither of these brands includes FAQ sections for their products because clothes are easy to understand. To demonstrate the importance of IBM’s new cloud services, the customer will likely need more information on how the service addresses their needs before they make a purchase.

A Deeper Look Into Website Copywriting

Website copywriting comes in a handful of forms, each with their own associated nuance and best practices. The way a copywriter crafts copy for a consumer is different from that of targeting a business. Further still, copy that appeals to an organization differs from that which is appealing/relevant to government organizations. Broadly speaking, and applying to content marketing more generally, we can split website copywriting into three forms: B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer) and B2G (Business to Government). 

B2B copywriting generally focuses on the utility of a product and/or service and its specific application to another company. Whether it’s Microsoft advertising their cloud computing services or IBM marketing their enterprise-level software solutions, B2B copywriting often emphasizes the technical specifications, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of an offering. 

B2C copywriting is a form of content marketing that speaks directly to the customer, aiming to invoke emotion, establish a relationship, invoke credibility and ultimately prompt an action. While the nature of B2C copywriting is ultimately determined by a company’s industry and target audience, it differs — generally speaking — from B2B copywriting in that it often relies less on selling efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and more on creating a connection with a niche’s occupants. It’s copy that is often persuasive, story-oriented and emotion-evoking, among other means of establishing connection and prompting action. 

B2G copywriting is oftentimes more technical and formal compared to its B2B and B2C counterparts, as it not only considers the specific needs of government organizations but also the associated legislation, regulations and protocols of such audiences. 

That’s not to say B2G copywriting ought to be dry, however. B2G copywriting still adopts persuasive, creative copywriting methods and clear, convincing call-to-actions to clearly communicate an offering and drive the call-to-action. 

Becoming a Successful Copywriter

Writing copy is a creative and fun process for connecting with your audience and promoting your organization’s products and services. A copywriter is someone who knows the most about their buyers. While not every piece you write has to be as iconic as a brothel promo from 70’s AD Pompeii, it should make every effort to speak to the people who like your product.

If you think you don’t have any copywriting experience, you might be surprised that you do. Think of the times you’ve written a cover letter, emailed someone asking if they want to go on a trip with you or sent a text urging a friend to try a new facial cream you got that actually helped.

Becoming a successful copywriter involves making a case for something that you want people to buy into, in a way they can get on board with Your cover letter has a formal tone and supporting arguments for why you should be hired. Meanwhile, a text to your friend about your new cream will be more laid back and personal.

When you write copy, keep in mind that you’re writing for whoever is reading it, not necessarily the business you’re working with.

In Ann Handley’s 2014 book Everybody Writes , she says writing is “part habit, part knowledge of some fundamental rules, and part giving a damn.” You don’t have to be a Pulitzer Prize winner to write great copy; you just have to step into the shoes of who you’re writing for and practice speaking to them.

Some skills a great copywriter has are:

  • Empathy for the reader.
  • Research-based writing skills.
  • Ability to take criticism.
  • Capacity to write the same thing in different ways.
  • Knowledge of grammar rules.
  • Drive to practice writing almost every day.

A great way to get started is as a freelance copywriter or asking your department leader to take on a few writing projects. Any way you can receive direct feedback is helpful to learn where you can grow as you build a writing portfolio.

And, as Handley says, it’s all about getting your hands moving to the point where “the typing becomes writing.”

On the other hand, you could always hire a copywriter or outsource one to fill your needs. An experienced writer could make all the difference in your marketing campaign if you’re looking for great results, fast.

Editor’s Note: Updated November 2023

Lauren Perrodin

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Lauren is a content writer at Brafton. She's from all over the U.S. and currently lives in on the Big Island of Hawai'i. She loves water color painting, water fall hunting, and being a pet mom for her three cats and one dog.

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  • How to Use ChatGPT for Content Writing? [Complete Guide]

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  • Justin McGill
  • May 23, 2024

The emergence of ChatGPT has ignited enthusiasm among content creators, writers, and anyone eager to harness AI’s capabilities for content generation. Our comprehensive guide empowers you to unlock its full potential.

Discover the core principles of leveraging ChatGPT for various applications, like writing essays, blogs, academic papers, and search-engine-optimized content. 

Learn expert strategies and practical advice to optimize this AI-powered tool, enhancing your workflow and producing exceptional written content across many domains.

Getting Started with ChatGPT

This section will explore how to get started with ChatGPT for content writing. ChatGPT can help you easily create engaging, high-quality content.

Creating an Account

To begin using ChatGPT, you must register an account with OpenAI . Once you’ve signed up, you can access ChatGPT through two primary channels: the API and the user interface.  

The API is designed for developers who want to integrate ChatGPT into their applications, while the user interface is perfect for individuals seeking a more user-friendly experience.

Finding Your Tone of Voice

When using ChatGPT, it’s crucial to establish a tone of voice that reflects your unique style. Start by analyzing a past piece of writing to identify the characteristics that make your content stand out. Next, create a brief for ChatGPT that includes your desired tone, target audience, and other essential details.  

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how many types of content writing are there

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to harnessing the power of ChatGPT for your content writing needs. Embrace this AI technology to elevate your writing and stand out in the competitive world of content creation.

Using ChatGPT for Different Types of Writing

This section will dive deeper into how you can use ChatGPT for various types of content writing, including essays, blog posts, academic papers, and SEO-focused content.

How to Use ChatGPT for Essay Writing?

Compelling essays require a clear focus, logical structure, and strong supporting evidence. To use ChatGPT for essay writing, follow these steps:

Step 1: Define your essay topic and outline. 

Clearly outline the main points you want to cover in your essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This will provide a roadmap for the content generated by ChatGPT.

Step 2: Set up the appropriate prompt for ChatGPT. 

Provide a concise prompt outlining the essay topic, main points, and any specific instructions or information you want the AI to include in the generated content.

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Step 3: Generate content and review the output. 

C hatGPT will create content based on your prompt. Review the generated text and make any necessary edits for coherence, consistency, and accuracy.

Step 4: Organize your essay into a logical structure. 

Arrange the AI-generated content into a coherent structure, ensuring that each paragraph flows logically from one to the next and that your essay has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Step 5: Add any necessary citations or references. 

If you’re using sources to support your essay’s claims, include proper citations and create a bibliography or works cited page according to your chosen citation style.

How to Use ChatGPT for Blog Posts?

Blog posts often require a more conversational tone and may cover various topics. To create engaging blog posts using ChatGPT, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose your blog post topic and create an outline. 

Develop a clear outline of the main points you want to cover in your blog post (Pro Tip: Read and take inspiration from your competitors’ blogs, and find out the structure they have used for the same topic). This will help guide the content generated by ChatGPT.

Step 2: Set up the appropriate prompt for ChatGPT that reflects your topic and desired tone.

Create a clear and concise prompt that outlines the blog post topic, main points, and any specific instructions, as well as the conversational tone you’d like the AI to use in the generated content.

how many types of content writing are there

Step 3: Generate content and review the output.

ChatGPT will create content based on your prompt. Review the generated text and make any necessary edits for coherence, consistency, and accuracy.

Step 4: Add headings, images, and other media to enhance your blog post’s visual appeal and readability.

Break up large blocks of text with relevant titles and include images, graphics, or videos to support your content and engage your readers. There are a lot of platforms provide with video marketing insights and tools. Try exploring them for better reach.

Step 5: Optimize your blog post for SEO, incorporating target keywords and following best practices for metadata, headings, and internal linking.

How to Use ChatGPT for Academic Writing?

Academic writing requires a more formal tone and adherence to citation standards. To create academic papers with ChatGPT, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify your research topic and develop a thesis statement or question.

Clearly define the focus of your academic paper, which will guide the content generated by ChatGPT.

Step 2: Conduct a literature review and gather relevant informational sources.

Research existing literature on your topic to identify gaps in knowledge and gather sources that will support your paper’s claims.

Step 3: Set up a prompt for ChatGPT that reflects your research question, desired tone, and any specific information you want to include from your sources. 

Create a clear and concise prompt that outlines the research question, main points, and any particular instructions or data from your sources that you want the AI to include in the generated content.

how many types of content writing are there

Step 4: Generate content and review the output.

ChatGPT will create content based on your prompt. Review the generated text and make any necessary edits for accuracy, coherence, and consistency.

Step 5: Organize your paper into a logical structure, following the guidelines of your chosen citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago).

Ensure that your paper has a clear introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Step 6: Include in-text citations and create a bibliography or reference list according to your chosen citation style.

As you incorporate information from your sources, include proper in-text citations and create a bibliography or reference list according to your selected citation style guidelines.

How to Use ChatGPT to Write SEO Optimized Content?

Optimizing your content for search engines is crucial for driving organic traffic and increasing online visibility. To use ChatGPT for SEO-focused content, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify your target keywords. 

Research and select the most relevant keywords for your content based on search volume, competition, and user intent.

Step 2: Set up a prompt for ChatGPT that includes your keywords. 

Create a concise prompt outlining the main topic, target keywords, and any specific instructions or information you want the AI to have in the generated content.

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ChatGPT will create content based on your prompt. Review the generated text and make necessary edits for proper keyword usage, density, coherence, and consistency.

Step 4: Implement other SEO best practices like metadata, headings, internal and external linking.

In addition to optimizing your content for target keywords, follow other SEO best practices, such as writing compelling meta titles and descriptions, using appropriate headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.), and incorporating external and internal links to relevant content on your website.

How to Use ChatGPT for Creative Writing?

ChatGPT isn’t just a fantastic tool for content writing; it can also be an invaluable resource for creative writers. Whether crafting poetry or developing characters and settings for a novel, ChatGPT can help spark your imagination and enrich your writing process.

Writing Poetry

Poetry often requires a unique combination of emotion, imagery, and rhythm. ChatGPT can assist in your poetic journey by:

Providing themes or prompts : Give ChatGPT a theme or specific prompt to generate poetry based on your chosen subject. Experiment with various prompts to explore different ideas and perspectives.

Exploring different writing styles: Use ChatGPT to experiment with poetic styles, such as sonnets, haikus, or free verse. Simply provide the desired style in your prompt and let ChatGPT generate text accordingly.

how many types of content writing are there

Developing Characters and Settings

Building captivating characters and immersive settings is essential for any great story. With ChatGPT, you can: 

Use prompts for character and setting development: Give ChatGPT prompts that detail your character’s personality traits, background, or physical appearance. Similarly, provide prompts describing a setting’s mood, climate, or architecture. ChatGPT will generate text to help you flesh out these elements. 

Stay focused on the book’s core idea: As you use ChatGPT for character and setting development, remember to keep your book’s central theme in mind. Ensure that the AI-generated content aligns with your story’s core idea, refining and editing the output as needed.

how many types of content writing are there

Creative authors may tap into deeper wells of inspiration and simplify their writing process without compromising their artistic vision by using ChatGPT.

Following these guidelines, you can effectively use ChatGPT to create content tailored to specific writing styles and purposes. Review and edit the AI-generated content to ensure accuracy, coherence, and consistency and adhere to relevant citation or formatting guidelines.

Tips for Using ChatGPT for Content: Boosting Creativity and Productivity

As content writers, bloggers, and creatives, we always look for ways to make our work more efficient and engaging. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help achieve just that! This section will discuss two key strategies to help you get the most out of this AI-driven technology.

Using Multiple Prompts for Comprehensive Content Generation

One of the most effective ways to use ChatGPT is by inputting multiple prompts. This approach allows you to get a more diverse range of ideas and perspectives, ultimately leading to richer and more comprehensive content. Here’s how to do it:

  • Identify your goals: Determine the specific objectives you want to achieve with your prompts. This could include generating content on various topics, exploring different writing styles, or getting more detailed responses from the AI.
  • Create a list of prompts: Develop various prompts that address different aspects of your goals. For example, you could create prompts for various essay topics, blog posts, creative writing pieces, or academic research questions.
  • Input prompts one at a time: Enter each prompt separately into ChatGPT and review the generated output. Take note of the quality and relevance of the AI’s responses and any areas where it may require further refinement.
  • Iterate and refine: Based on the AI’s responses, refine your prompts as needed. This may involve rephrasing the prompts, providing more context or detail, or using different keywords or phrases.
  • Experiment with prompt combinations: Try combining two or more prompts to see if ChatGPT can generate content that simultaneously addresses multiple topics or aspects. For example, ask the AI to write a blog post covering a particular technology’s benefits and challenges.
  • Analyze and learn: Review the generated content for each prompt, noting what works well and what doesn’t. This will help you gain insights into how to craft more effective prompts in the future.
  • Repeat the process: Continue experimenting with multiple prompts to further refine your skills and enhance the quality of the AI-generated content. With practice, you’ll become more adept at crafting prompts that yield desired results from ChatGPT.

Example: Here’s an example of practicing multiple prompting with ChatGPT using the topic of “remote work.”

  • Identify your goals: Your objective is to generate content that covers various aspects of remote work, such as its benefits, challenges, and tips for working effectively from home.
  • “Discuss the benefits of remote work for both employees and employers.” 
  • “Describe the challenges remote workers face and how to overcome them.” 
  • “Provide tips for creating a productive and comfortable home office setup.” 
  • “Explain how to maintain a healthy work-life balance while working remotely.”
  • Input prompts one at a time: Enter each prompt separately into ChatGPT and review the generated output. For example, start by entering prompt ‘a’ and examine the response.
  • Iterate and refine: If the AI’s response needs improvement, refine the prompt. For example, you could rephrase prompt ‘a’: “Explain the advantages of remote work, focusing on the benefits for both employees and employers.”
  • Experiment with prompt combinations: Combine two or more prompts to see if ChatGPT can generate content that addresses multiple aspects simultaneously. For example: “Discuss the benefits of remote work for both employees and employers, and provide tips for creating a productive home office setup.”
  • Analyze and learn: Assess the generated content for each prompt, noting what works well and what doesn’t. Use these insights to improve your future prompts.
  • Repeat the process: Continue experimenting with multiple prompts related to remote work to further refine your skills and enhance the quality of the AI-generated content.

how many types of content writing are there

Exploring Topics and Ideas with ChatGPT

Another great way to utilize ChatGPT is by using it as an idea generator. It’s like having a brainstorming partner available 24/7! Here’s how to explore topics and ideas with ChatGPT:

Input open-ended questions: Ask the AI open-ended questions instead of providing specific prompts. This will encourage the model to generate creative and diverse responses.

Use the AI’s output as a starting point: Take the generated content as a basis for your work, and expand, refine, or restructure it as needed. This can save you time and help you overcome writer’s block.

Iterate and refine: Feel free to ask follow-up questions or provide additional prompts based on the AI’s output. This iterative process can help you dive deeper into your topic and uncover valuable insights.

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can supercharge your content creation process. Embrace these strategies and watch your creativity and productivity soar!

After exploring the ins and outs of ChatGPT for content writing, it’s time to weigh the pros and cons and provide some recommendations for using this AI tool effectively.

Pros and Cons

  • ChatGPT generates content quickly, saving time and energy.
  • It can help overcome writer’s block by providing fresh ideas and perspectives.
  • The AI adapts to different styles, tones, and topics, making it versatile for various content needs.
  • ChatGPT’s content may sometimes require editing to ensure accuracy and coherence.
  • The AI-generated content may lack the personal touch and unique insights that human writers provide.
  • Balancing AI Assistance with Human Creativity and Expertise

To get the most out of ChatGPT, it’s essential to balance AI assistance and human input. While ChatGPT can generate ideas and draft content quickly, your expertise as a content writer ensures that the final product is polished, engaging, and tailored to your audience.


  • Use ChatGPT as a starting point or brainstorming tool to quickly generate ideas and first drafts.
  • Always proofread and edit the AI-generated content to ensure accuracy, coherence, and a personal touch.
  • Experiment with ChatGPT’s parameters to fine-tune the output to match your desired style and tone.

In conclusion, ChatGPT can be a valuable asset for content writers, bloggers, and anyone looking to leverage AI technology for content creation. By balancing its capabilities with your expertise and creativity, you can create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. 

Are there any limitations to using ChatGPT for content creation?

Yes, ChatGPT may produce less accurate information, biased content, or fall into verbosity. It may require human supervision for content quality and consistency. Additionally, it may not know about of recent developments or niche topics, resulting in limited expertise.

How do I maintain a consistent tone and voice throughout my content with ChatGPT?

To maintain consistency, provide clear instructions about your prompt’s desired tone and voice. Use examples or a style guide to guide the AI. Consistently review and edit the generated content to ensure alignment with your brand and messaging. Iterate the process for better results.

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The ICMJE is a small group of general medical journal editors and representatives of selected related organizations working together to improve the quality of medical science and its reporting. ICMJE meets annually to refine its Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals . Although ICMJE is not an open membership organization, it welcomes comments on the Recommendations . Learn more

Japanese/Japanese writing system

The Japanese language uses three different systems for writing. There are two syllabaries— hiragana and katakana —which have characters for each basic mora (syllable). Along with the syllabaries, there are also kanji , which is a writing system based on Chinese characters. However, kanji have changed since their adoption, so it would not be recommended to learn both Chinese and Japanese writing at the same time.

  • 3.1 Examples
  • 4 Latin alphabet
  • 5 Stroke order
  • 8 Vertical and horizontal writing, and page order
  • 9 Background reading

Kanji [ edit | edit source ]

The kanji are logograms (pictures representing words), or symbols, that each represent a morpheme (words or parts of words). Usually, each kanji represents a native Japanese morpheme as well as a loaned Chinese morpheme. This means that each kanji usually has two or more different pronunciations. The different pronunciations of a particular 漢字 ( かんじ )  ( kanji ) are called “readings.” It may seem daunting at first, but with extensive practice, knowing when to use which pronunciation will become second nature.

A 漢字 usually has two types of readings:

  • 音読み ( おんよみ ) ( on'yomi )
  • 訓読み ( くんよみ ) ( kun'yomi )

音読み readings are approximations of the Chinese pronunciations of that particular 漢字. This reading is mostly used for multi-kanji compound words, except for peoples' surnames where 訓読み-reading is used. A kanji may have multiple 音読み. Some kanji are of Japanese origin and thus do not have on-reading. 訓読み readings are the native Japanese sound(s) associated with that 漢字. There can be multiple or no kun readings for the same kanji.

Although there are over 50,000 漢字, the Japanese government has approved 2,136 so-called “daily use” 漢字, known as 常用漢字 ( じょうようかんじ ) ( jōyō kanji ) for publications, but usually about 3000 are recognized by an average adult.

Kana [ edit | edit source ]

While Chinese characters are useful for writing a language with so many homophones, the inflections of the Japanese language make it necessary to have a phonetic script to indicate the inflection. A set of Chinese characters, the man'yōgana , were used to represent pronunciation and write words that lacked Chinese characters. Around 800 A.D. these had developed into the cursive hiragana script.

This method of writing was used primarily for poetry or by women, and did not gain recognition as an acceptable way to record historical records or scholarly works. [ citation needed ]

Another script, the katakana also developed from Chinese characters, some from the same source as the hiragana , but others from different ones. This explains the similarities between some hiragana and katakana, while others are completely different. The katakana is primarily used for foreign loan-words. In other words, the katakana syllabary can be said to be the Japanese writing equivalent of writing in italics .

The two are collectively known as the kana ( 仮名 ( かな ) , e. false name). Both are syllabaries, so there are no isolated consonants, with one exception; the moraic nasal , which sounds similar to most pronunciations of the latin character “n.” Each of the kana contains 45 characters and are typically listed in a table formation called gojūonzu ( 五十 ( ごじゅう ) 音図 ( おんず ) , e. fifty sounds illustration) but the yi, ye, wi, wu, we sounds are obsolete in modern Japanese, so in fact only 45 sounds exist.

Punctuation [ edit | edit source ]

  • Japanese/Vocabulary/Punctuation

Common punctuation marks are the comma "、" which connects two sentences, and the full stop "。" which indicates the end of a sentence. To separate words that the reader might not otherwise know how to read (most often in the case of foreign words written consecutively in katakana), a middle point "・" is used. Instead of quotation marks, the brackets "「" and "」", and "『" and "』" (for quotes inside of quotes) are used.

Examples [ edit | edit source ]

Latin alphabet [ edit | edit source ].

The Latin alphabet (ローマ字, rōmaji ) is not part of the Japanese language but it is used as a fashionable way of writing words, mostly nouns such as the name of a company, business, sports team, etc. Rōmaji is also used for the transliteration of Japanese and to input Japanese text online and in word processors. There are two competing transliteration methods: the Kunrei-shiki developed by the Japanese government in the mid-20 th century and taught in elementary school; and the more widely used Hepburn-shiki developed by Reverend James Curtis Hepburn in the late 19 th century.

Stroke order [ edit | edit source ]

Japanese characters were originally written by brush, and later by pen and pencil, so the stroke order is important. When writing by hand, and particularly in cursive or calligraphic styles, using proper stroke order is crucial. Additionally, some characters look very similar but are written differently. Students who practice both reading and writing can easily distinguish these characters, but students who only practice reading may find it difficult.

The East Asian Calligraphy wikibook has some material on stroke orders.

Mixed usage and notes of interest [ edit | edit source ]

There are instances where kanji, hiragana, and katakana may be replaced by another writing style. Frequently, words that have kanji are written in hiragana. Some kanji are simply rarely used but their reading is known. The swallow is called tsubame and has the kanji "燕", but since it is obscure, the word will generally be written out with hiragana: "つばめ".

how many types of content writing are there

When writing for an audience that isn't expected to know certain kanji (such as in texts aimed at young people or kanji outside the standard set), their reading is often added on top of, or to the right of the characters, depending on whether they are written horizontally or vertically, respectively. This form of writing is called furigana (振り仮名) or yomigana (読み仮名).

Since kanji can have several different readings, it may not be straightforward to determine how to read a certain word. This problem is particularly pronounced in place names where readings may be highly irregular and archaic.

Though katakana are principally used for loan words from other languages, it can be used for stylistic purposes. Either to highlight a certain word, or give it a different feel (e.g. make it look more hip). Furthermore, since some personal names don't have kanji, but are written in hiragana, personal name readings are generally written in katakana to indicate that these are not the name itself, but simply the pronunciation.

Ateji [ edit | edit source ]

The word "club", as it is borrowed from English, will typically be written in katakana as クラブ; however, the kanji 倶楽部 kurabu will also sometimes be used; this use of kanji for phonetic value is called 当て字 ateji . Other times, typically in older texts, grammatical particles are also written in kanji, as in 東京迄行く Tokyo made iku ([I] go to Tokyo), where まで made (to/till) is written in kanji (迄) instead of hiragana.

Numerals [ edit | edit source ]

The Arabic numerals, called Arabia sūji (アラビア数字) or san'yō sūji (算用数字) in Japanese, are used in most circumstances (e.g. telephone numbers, pricing, zip codes, speed limit signs and percentages). Kanji numerals can still be found, however, in more traditional situations (e.g. on some restaurant menus, formal invitations and tomb stones).

Vertical and horizontal writing, and page order [ edit | edit source ]

Traditionally, Japanese is written in a format called 縦書き tategaki , or vertical writing . In this format, the characters are written in columns going from top to bottom. The columns are ordered from right to left, so at the bottom of each column the reader returns to the top of the next column on the left of the preceding one. This copies the column order of Chinese.

Modern Japanese also uses another writing format, called 横書き yokogaki , or horizontal writing . This writing format is identical to that of European languages such as English, with characters arranged in rows which are read from left to right, with successive rows going downwards.

There are no set rules for when each form has to be used, but usage tends to depend on the medium, genre, and subject. Tategaki is generally used to write essays, novels, poetry, newspapers, comics, and Japanese dictionaries. Yokogaki is generally used to write e-mails, how-to books, and scientific and mathematical writing (mathematical formulas are read from left to right, as in English).

Materials written in tategaki are bound on the right, with the reader reading from right to left and thus turning the pages from left to right to progress through the material. Materials written with yokogaki are bound on the left and the pages are turned from right to left, as in English.

Background reading [ edit | edit source ]

  • Okurigana Kana used as suffixes to kanji stems for verb conjugations. Historically, katakana was used. Nowadays, hiragana is used.
  • Katakana Angular script simplified down to constituent elements from kanji by monastary students. Historically used as okurigana by the educated and government. Nowadays used mainly for writing foreign words.
  • Hiragana Cursive script historically used for informal writing and literature. It became popular among women since they were denied higher education. Hence it also became known as 女手(おんなで) "onnade" (female hand -> women's writing). Nowadays, it has replaced katakana as okurigana and for writing native japanese words.
  • Hentaigana These are the remaining variants of hiragana that were not accepted as part of the standardized hiragana syllabary.
  • Iroha poem This famous poem is written using each mora (syllable) just once. It became the system used to organize the kana syllabary prior to reforms in the 19th century Meiji period, when it became reorganized into its current arrangement. ("n" was not part of the syllabary at the time. It was added later, and interestingly it's actually a hentaigana for "mu")
  • Rōmaji Roman characters (including Arabic numerals) There are three different systems.

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    The role of a ghostwriter is to capture the author's voice, style, and ideas, and translate them into compelling and engaging written content. There are various types of ghostwriting, including Book ghostwriting, Article ghostwriting, Blog ghostwriting, and Social media ghostwriting. 11. Business writing.

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  9. Explaining The Types Of Content Writing (With Examples)

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  26. Empire State University

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  30. Japanese/Japanese writing system

    The Japanese language uses three different systems for writing. There are two syllabaries— hiragana and katakana —which have characters for each basic mora (syllable). Along with the syllabaries, there are also kanji, which is a writing system based on Chinese characters. However, kanji have changed since their adoption, so it would not be ...