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A Letter To My Son On His 21st Birthday: 5 Samples (Copy Them)

Celebrating your son’s 21st birthday is a momentous occasion, marking his official entry into adulthood. As a father, mother, or a cherished member of his family and friends, it’s an opportunity to express profound emotions, share wisdom, and set the stage for the next chapter of his life.

In this blog post, we will explore the art of crafting a heartfelt letter to your son on this significant day, offering you not just ideas but actual samples to inspire and guide you. Join me in exploring the depth of love, pride, and guidance that can make this letter truly exceptional.

A Letter To Your Son On His 21st Birthday: Ideas What To Say

Stepping into the realm of adulthood is an extraordinary milestone for your son, and crafting a letter for his 21st birthday allows you to articulate the profound love and pride you feel. Let’s delve into each aspect more expansively, ensuring your letter becomes a heartfelt narrative that encapsulates the depth of emotions befitting this significant occasion.

#1. Express Your Love and Pride

Begin your letter by going beyond the surface of expressing love and pride. Share specific instances that deeply resonate with you. Recall the first time you held him, the shared laughter, and those quiet moments that define your unique bond. Be explicit about the qualities and characteristics that make him special, reinforcing your unwavering love and profound pride in being his parent.

#2. Reflect on His Growth

Take this opportunity to weave a narrative that spans his entire journey. Delve into the specifics of his growth – not just physically, but emotionally and intellectually. Reflect on pivotal moments, such as the first day of school, significant achievements, and personal triumphs. By doing so, you create a tapestry of memories that vividly illustrate the remarkable transformation he has undergone.

#3. Highlight His Achievements

In celebrating his achievements, consider a detailed exploration of the various facets of his life. Whether it’s academic excellence, athletic prowess, or kindness shown to others, provide a comprehensive acknowledgment. Share anecdotes that highlight not only the accomplishment itself but also the journey, effort, and resilience that went into each success. This adds a layer of appreciation and admiration, making him aware of the impact he has had on others.

#4. Offer Words of Encouragement

As he stands on the threshold of adulthood, your words of encouragement become a guiding light. Extend beyond generic phrases and delve into specifics. Share instances where you witnessed his determination, perseverance, and resilience. Connect these instances to his potential for future success, assuring him that you believe in his ability to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. This personalized encouragement fosters a sense of confidence and self-belief.

#5. Share Life Lessons

Infuse your letter with the wisdom gained from your own life experiences. Pick lessons that align with his current stage in life and share how these insights have shaped your journey. Be candid about your own challenges and triumphs, emphasizing that each obstacle is an opportunity for growth. By weaving personal narratives into your advice, you create a relatable and authentic guide for him to draw inspiration from.

#6. Convey Your Hopes and Dreams

Paint a vivid picture of the future you envision for him. Share your hopes and dreams, not as expectations, but as aspirations rooted in love. Discuss the exciting possibilities that lie ahead and express your confidence in his ability to carve out his unique path. By instilling optimism and anticipation, you set the tone for a future brimming with potential.

#7. Give Advice

Beyond general advice, offer practical insights tailored to his circumstances. Draw from your own experiences to provide guidance on navigating challenges, making decisions, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This practical advice, grounded in real-life scenarios, serves as a valuable roadmap for him as he embarks on his adult journey.

#8. Share Family Stories

Connect on a familial level by sharing stories that define your family. Revisit moments that reflect the values, traditions, and unique dynamics that characterize your household. This not only reinforces a sense of belonging but also highlights the importance of family bonds as a source of strength and support.

#9. Discuss the Importance of Values

Delve into a discussion about values and principles that you hold dear. Emphasize the impact of moral integrity, empathy, and compassion on personal growth and meaningful relationships. Provide examples of how adhering to these values has enriched your life, fostering a sense of responsibility and ethical decision-making in him.

#10. Encourage Independence

Acknowledge the necessity of independence in personal development. Encourage him to explore his individuality, make decisions, and take ownership of his choices. Highlight the value of self-discovery and learning from experiences, assuring him that you’re there to provide support and guidance whenever needed.

#11. Talk About Your Relationship

Reflect on the unique dynamics of your relationship. Acknowledge the shared laughter, inside jokes, and moments that strengthened your bond. Be open about any challenges you may have faced and express your commitment to being a supportive presence throughout his journey into adulthood.

#12. Offer Support

Reassure him of your unwavering support. Communicate that your support is not conditional on success or failure but is a constant, reliable foundation. This assurance creates a sense of security and instills confidence, allowing him to approach challenges with the knowledge that he has a safety net to fall back on.

#13. Acknowledge Milestones

Celebrate not only the present milestone but also the collective milestones that have shaped his journey. Acknowledge the significance of each accomplishment, no matter how seemingly trivial. This retrospective acknowledgment adds depth to your letter, emphasizing the continuous growth and progress he has achieved.

#14. Share Personal Anecdotes

Inject personal anecdotes that resonate with the essence of your message. Whether it’s a shared adventure, a humorous incident, or a poignant moment, these stories serve as anchors, making your letter more relatable and memorable. The personal touch adds warmth to your message, creating a connection that transcends the generality of advice.

#15. Express Gratitude

Express genuine gratitude for the joy and fulfillment he has brought into your life. Be specific about the instances or qualities that have made parenting an enriching experience. This expression of gratitude reinforces the positive impact he has had on your life and strengthens the emotional connection between you.

#16. Recognize Unique Qualities

Highlight the unique qualities that define him. Acknowledge his strengths, talents, and quirks that contribute to his individuality. By recognizing and appreciating these qualities, you affirm his sense of self-worth and uniqueness, fostering confidence and self-acceptance.

#17. Count Your Blessings

Take a moment to count the blessings your family shares. Reflect on the joy, laughter, and shared experiences that define your familial bond. Express gratitude for the privilege of having him as a son, creating a heartwarming closure to your letter.

#18. End with Warm Wishes

Conclude your letter with warm wishes for the future. Extend your hopes for a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and meaningful experiences. This concluding note sets a positive and uplifting tone, leaving your son with a sense of optimism and anticipation for the adventures that await him.

A Letter to My Son on His 21st Birthday: 5 Samples (Copy Them)

Now that we’ve explored the key elements to include in your heartfelt letter, let’s delve into five sample letters that you can use as inspiration. Each sample is crafted to capture a different facet of the celebratory occasion, offering you a diverse range of approaches to convey your emotions.

A Letter Celebrating Achievements

My Dearest [Son’s Name],

As I sit down to write you this letter on your 21st birthday, I can’t help but think back to the day you were born. It feels like just yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time, a tiny bundle of joy with the whole world ahead of you. Time has flown by, and now you stand on the threshold of adulthood, ready to take on the world.

One memory that always brings a smile to my face is when you took your first steps. You were so determined, wobbling and falling but never giving up. It was a glimpse into the tenacity and resilience that have become such a big part of who you are today. From those first uncertain steps to this momentous day, you have achieved so much, my son.

Your accomplishments are nothing short of remarkable. Graduating high school with honors, pursuing your passion for [mention his passion or field of study], and excelling at it every step of the way – it’s been a privilege to watch you grow and flourish. Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and I couldn’t be prouder of the person you’ve become.

But it’s not just about your academic achievements; it’s about the kind, compassionate, and empathetic young man you’ve grown into. Your ability to connect with others, to see the good in people, and to lend a helping hand when needed is truly remarkable. It’s a testament to your character and the values we’ve tried to instill in you.

As you enter this exciting new chapter in your life, I want you to know how much faith I have in you. You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, and I have no doubt that you will continue to accomplish great things. Embrace every opportunity, learn from every experience, and never be afraid to chase your dreams.

I hope for you a future filled with love, joy, and fulfillment. May you find a career that not only brings you success but also brings you joy and satisfaction. May you continue to nurture your relationships, cherishing the bonds with family and friends that have been a source of strength and support throughout your journey.

Always remember that life is full of ups and downs, but it’s how we navigate those challenges that define us. Never lose sight of your values, your integrity, and your kindness. They will be your compass in the darkest of times.

As you celebrate your 21st birthday, know that I am here, cheering you on every step of the way. I have every confidence that you will make the world a better place through your actions, your kindness, and your passion. Happy birthday, my dear son.

With all my love and pride,

[Your Name]

A Letter Reflecting on Childhood Memories

Wow, my boy, you’re finally 21! It feels like just yesterday you were a little toddler, and now you’re a grown man embarking on a new chapter of your life. I wanted to take a moment on this special day to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve had together.

From the very beginning, you brought immense joy and laughter into our lives. I can still vividly recall those early years when you took your first steps, stumbling and giggling, and the sheer delight on your face when you discovered the wonders of the world around you. Those were priceless moments, weren’t they?

As you grew, you showed an insatiable curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. I’ll never forget our trips to the library, where you would eagerly pick out stacks of books, your eyes filled with wonder and anticipation. Your passion for learning has always been an inspiration to me.

Our family vacations were some of the most cherished memories we’ve created together. Whether it was that unforgettable road trip to the Grand Canyon or our sunny beach days, those moments of togetherness were a reminder of the importance of family and creating lasting bonds.

Now, here you stand at 21, a remarkable young man with a heart full of dreams and a head full of ambitions. Your growth and maturity over the years have astounded me. You’ve faced challenges with resilience and approached every hurdle with determination. Your ability to adapt and learn from your experiences is a testament to your character.

I want you to know how incredibly proud I am of the person you’ve become. Your kindness, empathy, and unwavering support for those around you have warmed my heart. You have a rare gift of connecting with people, and I have no doubt that you will continue to make a positive impact on the world.

As you step into adulthood, my dear son, there are a few pieces of advice I’d like to offer. First and foremost, always stay true to yourself. Your uniqueness is your greatest strength, and I hope you never lose sight of that. Embrace change and uncertainty with an open heart; they are opportunities for growth. And never forget the value of gratitude, for it is in appreciating the present that we find happiness.

Finally, I want you to know that my love for you knows no bounds. It is an unconditional love that will always be there to support you, no matter where life takes you. We’ve shared countless memories, and I look forward to creating many more in the years to come.

On this momentous day, I hope you feel the warmth of our family’s love surrounding you. Happy 21st birthday, my dear son. May this year and all the ones that follow be filled with joy, success, and fulfillment.

With all my love,

A Letter Emphasizing Values and Morals

As I sit down to write you this letter on your 21st birthday, my heart swells with pride and love for the remarkable young man you’ve become. It feels like just yesterday you were taking your first steps, and now you’re taking the first steps into adulthood. I want to share some wisdom and values that I believe will guide you through this exciting journey ahead.

First and foremost, always remember the importance of integrity. Honesty and truthfulness are the cornerstones of a life well-lived. In a world that may sometimes test your moral compass, never compromise your values. The trust and respect you earn by being true to yourself will be your most precious assets.

Kindness and empathy should be your guiding stars. Treat others with the same compassion and respect that you’d like to receive. Empathize with people from all walks of life, for it’s through understanding their struggles that you’ll truly grow as a person.

Never stop learning. Knowledge is a lifelong journey. Embrace curiosity, ask questions, and seek wisdom from every experience. Be open to new ideas and perspectives, for they will expand your horizons and enrich your life.

Responsibility is another key virtue. Make choices that align with your principles and consider the impact of your actions on the world around you. Sometimes, you’ll face moral dilemmas, but trust in your inner compass and make choices that reflect your values, even when it’s challenging.

Remember that success is not just measured by material wealth or fame. True success is finding purpose and fulfillment in what you do. Pursue your passions with dedication, and the journey itself will be the reward.

Life will have its share of ups and downs. Embrace both joy and adversity, for they are the threads that weave the tapestry of your life. Seek happiness in the little moments and find strength in adversity.

Know that your family will always stand by your side, no matter what. We are your unwavering support system, here to celebrate your triumphs and help you through the tough times. Lean on us when faced with tough decisions, and we’ll navigate those moral crossroads together.

My dear son, as you step into adulthood, my heart is filled with hope and excitement for the incredible future that lies ahead of you. Always remember that you are loved beyond measure, and I couldn’t be prouder of the person you’ve become.

Happy 21st birthday, my beloved [Son’s Name]. May your journey be filled with love, purpose, and the fulfillment of your dreams.

A Letter Focusing on Family and Relationships

My dearest son,

I can hardly believe that today you are celebrating your 21st birthday. It feels like just yesterday that you were a little boy, full of curiosity and wonder. As I look at the remarkable person you have become, my heart swells with pride and gratitude.

21 is a significant milestone, a bridge between youth and adulthood. It’s a time to reflect on the journey you’ve been on and the path that lies ahead. I want to share some thoughts with you, as you step into this new phase of your life.

First and foremost, I want you to understand the immense value of family bonds. Our family has always been our anchor, a source of unwavering support and love. In the years to come, remember that no matter where life takes you, your family will always be here for you. Nurture these bonds, cherish them, and never underestimate the power of having a loving family by your side.

Our family’s history is rich and filled with stories of resilience, love, and unity. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation, and I encourage you to continue this tradition. Share our family’s history with your children someday, so they can appreciate their roots and the strength that runs through their veins.

Building meaningful connections with others is a skill that will serve you well throughout your life. Just as we treasure our family, don’t forget to invest time and effort in your friendships and relationships. Be a good friend, a compassionate listener, and a reliable companion. These connections will enrich your life in countless ways.

As you venture into adulthood, you will encounter challenges and obstacles. It’s part of life’s journey. But remember, you don’t have to face them alone. Reach out to your family and friends for guidance and support. We are here to help you navigate the ups and downs, just as you have been there for us.

I want to share a memory with you that has always been close to my heart. It’s the image of you as a little boy, reaching out to hold my hand whenever you felt unsure or scared. That simple act of trust reminded me of the profound bond between us. As you grow older, don’t hesitate to seek guidance and support from those who love you. Reach out for their hand, just as you reached out for mine.

My dear son, as you embark on this exciting journey into adulthood, remember that you are loved beyond measure. Your family is your foundation, and the connections you forge with others will shape your life in profound ways. Embrace the challenges, cherish the moments, and never underestimate the power of love and unity.

Happy 21st birthday, my beloved son. May your path be filled with joy, adventure, and an abundance of meaningful relationships.

A Letter Wishing for a Bright Future

My dearest [Son’s Name],

Wow, I can hardly believe it’s here—your 21st birthday! It feels like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms as a newborn, and now you’ve grown into this incredible young man. Time really does fly, doesn’t it?

As you embark on this new chapter of your life, I want you to know just how proud I am of the person you’ve become. You’ve always had this incredible drive and passion for life, and it’s been such a joy to watch you chase your dreams with unwavering determination.

When I think about your career aspirations, I’m filled with hope and excitement. You’ve always had a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and I have no doubt that you will reach those lofty goals. Whether you’re pursuing a career in art, science, business, or anything else that sets your heart on fire, remember that I believe in you wholeheartedly. I hope you find a profession that not only provides financial stability but also fulfills your soul.

But beyond your career, my deepest hope for you is personal growth and happiness. Life is full of ups and downs, and I know you will face your fair share of challenges. It’s during these times that I want you to remember that growth often comes from adversity. Embrace every experience, both good and bad, for they are the building blocks of the person you are meant to be.

Never lose sight of your passions and dreams, my dear. They are the fuel that will drive you forward in life. Follow your heart, take risks, and never be afraid to venture into the unknown. I’ll be here cheering you on every step of the way, ready to celebrate your successes and provide a comforting shoulder during moments of doubt.

I want you to know that my love for you is unconditional. No matter where life takes you, I will always be your biggest supporter and your most steadfast ally. You can lean on me for guidance, for encouragement, or simply for a loving ear to listen.

As you celebrate this milestone birthday, take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey that has brought you here. Embrace the future with open arms, knowing that your family is behind you, believing in you, and loving you with all our hearts.

Happy 21st birthday, my dear son. May this year and all the ones to come be filled with boundless joy, endless adventures, and dreams that come true. Here’s to the amazing person you are and the incredible future that awaits you.

Closing Thoughts

As you embark on the journey of crafting a letter to your son on his 21st birthday, remember that these words are not just a gift for today but a keepsake for the future. Your sentiments, advice, and memories are a testament to the love and support that define your relationship.

Whether you draw inspiration from the samples provided or infuse your unique voice, let this letter be a symbol of enduring love, pride, and anticipation for the remarkable journey that lies ahead. Cherish the opportunity to encapsulate a moment in time, creating a timeless message that will resonate with your son for years to come.

Truly Expat

To my dear son, on his 21st birthday

21st birthday

On your 21st birthday

How do I start a letter that is 21 years in the making? How do I explain to you how very fortunate I am to call you my son and even more so on your 21st birthday? I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you, forever crying (yes, that is actually all you did for the first six weeks of your life). Never sleeping (how things have changed) and always ready to see what the day will bring. So here we are on your 21st birthday.

Nothing much has changed since the first day I brought you home from the hospital (well, maybe the crying has ceased). You have always been my bundle of energy, always asking a million questions, always wanting to kick the ball and although you may no longer sleep with your rugby ball before a game (yes, I have photos to prove it), but you do still carry a ball everywhere you go. Even now, I am sure if I opened the boot of your car, you would have at least two footies on the ready.

blaise barnes

You really were a fantastic baby, crawling at almost five months and then walking at 8.5 months. No wonder I was skinny back then!!! You could drop-kick a ball by the time you were 18 months; which of course was my party trick. Your love of superman moved to Harry Potter and then Star Wars. I think some things actually never change.

You have always been a quiet achiever, never wanting to bring attention to your self. Which you had no chance with a mother like me (sorry, son). Your humbleness is something I admire about you. Your great sportsmanship in all that you do and your loyalty to those who you value the most.

21st birthday

Although we often butt heads (more often than not), I think for the most parts it is who you are and the beliefs that you now have. You have never been one to worry what others may think if your views do not match theirs. Instead stood up for what and who you believe in, (even when they don’t necessarily match mine).

So, although I am not handing you a key on your 21st birthday which is significant to this part of your life (I think I gave that to you prematurely at 18). I am giving you a pat on the back for turning out to be a young man I am super proud to call my son. A young man with a big heart, a smart mind and a loyal personality.

Thank you for at times when our roles get reversed. When you give me sound advice, thank you for taking care of your siblings when I am abroad and thank you for being you.


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Cheers to 21 Years: Speech Writing Tips for the Perfect 21st Birthday Toast

how to write a 21st speech for my son

Stepping into the age of 21 is a significant milestone – a transition from adolescence to adulthood, a moment to celebrate achievements, and an opportunity to look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. If you find yourself tasked with delivering the perfect 21st birthday toast, fear not! In this article, we’ll explore speech writing tips that will help you craft a memorable and heartfelt toast that captures the essence of the occasion.

Start with a Warm Greeting: Setting the Tone

Begin your toast with a warm and genuine greeting to acknowledge the birthday celebrant. Consider incorporating a personal anecdote or a shared memory that highlights the significance of the day. Connecting with the audience from the start will create a comfortable and engaging atmosphere.

Reflect on Milestones: Celebrating Achievements

Take a moment to reflect on the achievements and milestones of the birthday honoree. Whether it’s academic accomplishments, personal growth, or unique experiences, acknowledge the journey that has led them to this moment. Highlighting these successes adds depth to the toast and underscores the significance of turning 21.

Share Anecdotes and Memories: Adding Personal Touches

Infuse your toast with personal anecdotes and cherished memories that showcase the celebrant’s personality, quirks, and positive qualities. Whether it’s a funny story from the past or a heartwarming moment, sharing personal experiences will resonate with the audience and make the toast more relatable.

Express Gratitude: Acknowledging Friends and Family

Acknowledge the importance of friends and family in the celebrant’s life. Express gratitude for the support, love, and shared experiences that have enriched their journey. This not only highlights the value of relationships but also involves the audience in the celebration.

Look to the Future: Embracing the Next Chapter

As the celebrant embarks on the journey of adulthood, express optimism and excitement for the future. Offer words of encouragement, share aspirations, and convey confidence in their ability to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This forward-looking perspective adds a hopeful and inspirational touch to the toast.

Inject Humor: Keeping the Atmosphere Light

A touch of humor can enhance the toast, creating a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere. Incorporate witty remarks or funny anecdotes that celebrate the celebrant’s sense of humor or playfully tease them in good spirits. Just ensure that the humor aligns with the celebrant’s personality and the tone of the celebration.

End with a Toast: Raising Your Glass to 21 Years

Conclude your speech by proposing a heartfelt toast. Encourage everyone to raise their glasses in celebration of the birthday honoree’s journey and the exciting years that lie ahead. A well-crafted toast not only wraps up the speech on a positive note but also invites everyone to actively participate in the celebration.

Crafting the perfect 21st birthday toast is an opportunity to celebrate the individual, share memories, and inspire hope for the future. By incorporating personal touches, expressing gratitude, and infusing humor, your toast can resonate with the audience and make the celebration truly memorable. So, raise your glass, offer your best wishes, and let your words create a moment that the birthday celebrant will cherish for years to come. Cheers to 21 years!

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Live Bold and Bloom

Write A Loving, Heartfelt Letter To Your Son Using These 15 Examples

Sometimes, nothing says it better than a letter.

But when you sit down to write, a blank page tauntingly stares back at you.

So today, we’re lending a helping hand to all the mothers out there writing heartfelt letters to their sons who may need a little inspiration to get started.

We’ve curated a list of 15 samples.

Feel free to steal them outright or tweak them to your situation.

How To Write a Heartfelt Letter to Your Son

What should i include in a letter to my son, proud parent letter to son, heartfelt letter to son from mom, emotional letter to son from mom, inspirational letter to son, letter to my grown son, letter to graduating son, letter to estranged son from mother.

Writing a heartfelt message to your son is a thoughtful way to express feelings, reveal your opinion about a given situation, or congratulate him — for feats big and small. When composing the prose, keep a few simple tips in mind.

  • Keep it Simple: Complicating things, including a letter to son from mom , is rarely a good idea.
  • Express Love: Even if the relationship is going through a rocky patch, express love. You won’t regret it down the road.
  • Be Positive: Strive to make your ”message to my son” positive. Use positive imagery and affirmations .
  • Be Honest: Honesty is the best policy — especially when communicating with your children. Moreover, kids have impeccable behavioral radars when it comes to their parents. If anyone can sense when you’re less than truthful, it’s your kids.

What you include in a letter to your son depends on their age and situation. If you’re penning prose just to let your little guy know you love him unconditionally, include affirmative words and phrases.

man outdoors reading letter Letter to Son from Mom

If you’re writing a letter to your son to express disappointment in something he said or did, be specific about your hurts, but don’t litter the page with insults and barbs.

Letter to Son from Mom: 15 Examples To Inspire the Right Words

It may seem quaint and old-fashioned, but writing a letter to your son is a loving act that he may cherish forever. Plus, it’s a great way to express your emotions. For several reasons, many people can better emote in letters than in face-to-face conversation.

To that end, we’ve cobbled together a few sample letters to a son from a mother. Feel free to use them any way you’d like.

1. Dearest Son,

I cannot believe you did it! Of course, I knew you were capable — because you’ve always accomplished everything to which you’ve set your mind — but there were times I thought you would give up. But now that you’ve graduated, the world is your oyster, and with your smarts, work ethic, and generous spirit, I know you’ll land somewhere wonderful doing admirable things.

I’m beyond proud of you — and yes, I’ve been bragging about you all over town. Sue me.

You’re tops, kid, and I’ll always love you, no matter what.

2. To My Dear Son,

I’ve always said that you needn’t follow the traditional path of success for me to be proud of you — and I meant it! And today, I could not be more filled with pride that you opted to follow your passion and calling instead of staying on the road to “Should-ville.”

So long as you work hard, stay true, and treat other people — regardless of who they are or what they look like — with respect and generosity, the Universe will reward you.

Be yourself. Work hard. Spread love. The rest will follow.

I love you,

3. Dearest [Son’s Name],

You continue to astound me. I’ve always thought you were amazing and talented — but I’m your mother! Of course, I felt that way! But your latest accomplishment makes me sit back in awe. I cannot believe I had a hand in creating you. It feels impossible!

woman sitting at desk writing Letter to Son from Mom

But remember, even if you didn’t achieve great professional and financial heights, I’d still think you’re marvelous — because you’re a good person on the inside. Stay true to yourself, respect other people, and let compassion and hard work be your guides.

All my love,

Your humble mother

4. To My Baby Boy,

I know I can be an overbearing gnat, but it’s just because I love you so darn much! My motherly instincts push me to micromanage. Unfortunately, that urge occasionally carries me over boundaries — for which I’m sorry and apologize.

It won’t happen again, and I hope you can find a way to forgive your well-meaning mom. Moreover, if I can do anything to set things right, just say the word and consider it done.

Sincerely, remorsefully, and with loads of love —

5. To My [Nickname],

It's unusual for me to write letters, but this is a special circumstance. I wanted to clarify how I feel, and a letter seemed right.

I know that growing up without a father figure was difficult, and I'm sorry for that. But you must have had a mighty guardian angel — because look how wonderful you've turned out! 

I'm inspired by the man you've become, and although it should probably be the other way around, you've always been an incredible pillar of strength for me.

People may come and go from our lives, but know that we'll always have each other. And when the time comes when you welcome a significant other into your life, I'll embrace them as my own. Because if they're good enough for you, then they're good enough for me.

I love you more than myself,

6. Dear Son [Name],

Remember when we first got you a bike? In the beginning, Dad and I would support you, but eventually, you were peddling away on your own. Today, you’re once again at a point where our support will taper off, and you’ll face the world without training wheels. I’m positive you’ll do excellent.

You’ve turned into an admirable man, and as you embark on your professional journey, I pray your path is paved with good things. There’s lots of work and big decisions ahead. But today, pat yourself on the back. You’ve done well, and I am so very proud of you.

Hope to see you soon,

7. Dearest Beloved Son,

Together, we’ve made it through hell and back. Life has not been kind or easy for either of us. And yet, here we are. Somehow — whether thanks to the grace of God or through our own perseverance — we [Last Name]s always land on our feet.

And so we will again. Things currently look bleak, but there’s a light at the end of this dark tunnel. I promise you that. So, in the meantime, we’ll put one foot in front of the other and keep trucking. Together, we can move mountains, and this is no exception.

Stay strong,

8. Sweet boy,

You’re my biggest blessing, and watching you grow has been my life’s joy. I love the personality you’re developing; to me, you’re perfect.

I wish I could fix some of the harsh realities you’ve already had to face. I want to banish them for your life and memory. It’s devastating that we already must deal with such toxic, cruel obstacles. But alas, nobody promised anybody an easy existence. In fact, some say life is all about suffering.

So, instead of letting the hard times get us down, let’s allow ourselves to feel whatever emotions arise, make peace with them, and then start again. Life is too long to spend it treading in a pool of negativity. Together, let’s find some joy.

Be well. I’m always here for you.

9. Happy 21st Birthday, Son:

You made it! You’re a full-fledged legal adult. In honor of the milestone, I’m passing on five “don’ts” that will make your life journey a heck of a lot smoother.

  • Don’t overspend in your 20s. It may feel like you’re Scrooge McDuck when you get your first “real” job. I promise you’re not. So limit yourself to going out once a week. If you stick to that rule, in 10 years, you’ll have a nice nest egg. Your friends who were partying every night will not.
  • Don’t lead women on. Don’t ghost them either. If you go on a date with someone and aren’t feeling it, let her know instead of ignoring her. It’s unkind, and I didn’t raise an unking son.
  • Don’t dump friends because they don’t appear to be “making it.” A lot of second-rate self-help authors advise ridding yourself of people who aren’t at your “level.” That’s a bunch of hogwash. Always be good to people who are good to you, regardless of their material status. Besides, life is filled with twists and turns, and you never know where people may end up.
  • Don’t indulge in gossip. Nothing good ever comes of it, and in the worst cases, gossip will come back to bite you in the butt. Plus, you never know what’s going on in someone’s life behind closed doors. Be compassionate and curious instead of judgmental and punishing.
  • Don’t overestimate your opinions. The human brain is a complex engine that frequently lies straight to our senses. And all too often, what we think we know for certain is frequently wrong. To put it another way: nobody is as wonderful and good as they think, including you. So don’t let an inflated ego trip you up.

Now get out there and get ‘em, tiger!

I love you a whole lot,

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10. Dearest Child,

Have I ever told you about the time I colossally messed up? [Insert details of a big mistake here.]

And look at me now. I’m still here. I’m still breathing. I’m still pestering you. And most would say I have a pretty good life. It all goes to show that picking yourself up after a fall is possible. I beg you: don’t let mistakes define you. If you do, you’ll trap yourself in a rumination spiral — a place where progress dies.

man at desk reading letter Letter to Son from Mom

You are loved. You are brilliant. You can do this. At the end of the day, turning things around is a mere trick of the mind. So dust yourself off and get back up. You’ve got this.

I have faith in you,

11. To My Favorite Son,

OK, you’re my only son, but you’re still my favorite!

Alas, your wedding day has arrived, and I wanted to take a private moment to congratulate you. I love [daughter-in-law’s name] and couldn’t be happier for you. You’re an incredible human being, and I know you’ll be a wonderful husband and father.

Stick to your commitment, be an A+ listener, and try to temper your ego in times of difficulty. If you stick to those three things, you two will create a solid foundation to build a loving family.

12. Dearest Son,

I see you now and can hardly believe it. I know it's cliche to say, but my memories wander back to the day we brought you home. You were a spit of a person, and we were so scared. The responsibility felt overwhelming.

But we quickly got the hang of everything — and you ensured we were as sleep-deprived as possible. During those early, exhausting days, our family bond began. It's grown stronger every day since.

And today, we're elated to welcome another bonding force to our clan, your newborn, our grandchild. For the next several years, your days will be long and weary, but know that it's all for good. Not only are you building an unbreakable connection with your baby, but you're adding another pillar of strength to our family.

Welcome to parenthood. I'm so proud of you for making it here.

13. Dearest Baby,

I know you’re a grown man, but you’ll always be my baby — and what a wonderful baby you’ve grown up to be.

No, you may not be a top CEO, and you certainly don’t make millions of dollars trading stocks. In my eyes, you’re better than that: you’re one of the few people on this planet who grew up to know the difference between genuine and performative kindness. You don’t just say you’re generous; you prove it with actions.

Money isn’t everything — but being a good person is. I’m so glad you chose the latter.

14. Dear Son,

Congratulations on your high school graduation. You did it!

As I write this letter to you, I cannot help but reflect on the past and how far you've come. From an early age, I knew that you were going to do great things. And now, as you've reached this first of many milestones, I am bursting with pride and admiration for the amazing young man you have become.

It feels like only yesterday when I was packing your lunch for your first day of school. Now years later, your hard work, dedication, and commitment have paid off.

Going forward, I want you to know that I have the utmost confidence in you. You have shown time and time again that you have the determination and drive to overcome obstacles and succeed.

I am grateful for every moment we've shared together these last eighteen years and am excited to see what the future holds for you. I hope you always know that your family loves you and will support you every step of the way.

I love you more than words can express.

With much love and pride, Mom

15. Dear [Name],

It’s been a while — too long. Yes, we have our differences, but you’re still my son no matter what. We may fight and argue, but my love is unconditional. Moreover, I now realize I wasn’t 100% right. Ultimately, the way I’ve behaved is inexcusable. I did not live up to my responsibilities as a parent. I let appearances guide my way instead of the unconditional love I should have had for my child.

Proving that I’m sorry will take time. I don’t expect you to accept me back without effort. But I hope we can try again.

I’m sorry, and I love you,

16. Dear Son,

It may be difficult for you to believe, but there isn’t a day that I don’t think about you. What transpired between us was unfortunate, but it didn’t wipe out my love for you.

We’ve forgiven you, and we miss you. If you want, you’re more than welcome back home.

Also, although your dad may think otherwise, I recognize that we, too, weren’t perfect and made mistakes that led to the situation.

Son, families experience ups and downs; moreover, we won’t always agree on some pretty big things. Regardless, I’m confident we can find common-enough ground on which to rebuild a relationship.

You may not be ready to come back — and, ultimately, that decision is yours to make. All I ask is that before you go to sleep tonight, try to think of all the loving times we spent together as a family.

Give me a call whenever you’re ready to talk. Let’s start patching things up.

I love you.

Good luck writing a heartfelt letter to your son. If you’re sincere and loving, you have nothing to worry about.         

21st Birthday Speech

Amy has a B.A. in Communications and has worked in a wide variety of industries.

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Toast your friend or family member on his birthday with a great speech that celebrates what turning 21 is all about. Whether your friend is planning to have a few drinks or just wants to celebrate this milestone occasion, tailor your speech to suit your friend's birthday style. Each speech is editable and can be downloaded using Adobe Reader .

Make Your 21st Memorable Speech

A 21st birthday is often one that stands out in people's minds for years, simply because of the milestone year. For a fun-loving birthday gal or guy who is excited to have a first alcoholic drink, this is definitely one s/he will remember for years. Bring up some past birthday moments and allude to making more in your speech.

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Exciting Adulthood Ahead Speech

Not every 21-year-old is going to have a birthday bash that involves a wild party. Instead, they may simply want a low-key adult birthday party. A speech for this celebrating 20-something and friends can focus on their full entrance to adulthood, past accomplishments, and future endeavors. It should be optimistic and celebratory.

Tips for Customizing Your Speech

Tailor the speech to suit your friend's personality and the specific party theme. For example:

  • At a party with a theme, such as tropical oasis or retro 90s, tie the speech into the theme. Work in related phrases and even rhymes!
  • For a truly unique birthday speech, consider writing a list of 21 "things" about your friend or family member. This could be related to anything; for example, you could talk about 21 funny moments in their life or 21 things you love about him or her.
  • Don't make too many jokes about drinking unless you know it's okay with the birthday person. This can be something he or she is worried or nervous about, and you don't want to add stress to the event.
  • Keep things clean; don't include raunchy or risque jokes, even among friends at a party where people are imbibing. You don't want to give a speech in poor taste, especially if someone is recording the event.
  • End the speech by raising your glass in a toast. If the birthday person isn't a drinker, end by wishing him or her Happy Birthday and invite others to join you.

Toasting the 21st Birthday

A great birthday speech for a 21st birthday is one that honors the birthday person and suits his or her personality. Add a few light-hearted jokes, and you're sure to give a speech that makes them feel great about this milestone celebration.


How to nail your 21st birthday party speech


21st birthday parties  are a big deal, not to mention the all-important speech. It’s a tricky one: how do you find that perfect balance of sassy sarcasm and a serious expression of gratitude for the people around you? At  VenueNow , we’ve all been through it! And our crack team of venue experts plenty of tips to ensure you nail your have 21st birthday party speech.

It’s the milestone birthday that you’ve been waiting 20 long years to celebrate, and EVERYONE is going to be there to celebrate your significant milestone. Your best mates, oldest friends, new beau and extended family are expecting you to be on-game for the big occasion.

21st birthday party speech

You definitely don’t want to slip up when it gets to crunch time, so how do you avoid a flop during your birthday speech? There are a few things you can do to make sure you rise to the occasion and deliver a tasteful speech that will be remembered. A few words of thanks are the least you can do; so let’s figure out how to make that moment a memorable one, and start with these tips.

Be prepared

The party is in full swing, you’re lost for the right words, but everyone is egging you on. This scene is very common, but it’s not where you want to be on the big day. Prepare your 21st birthday speech well ahead of time and practice it at least a few times before presenting it to the party. The most effective way to get your entire speech into your head is to practice!

21st birthday party speech

If you’re forgetful, a little vague, or know you’re not a great speaker, it’s definitely worth having notes to prompt you during the speech. Some people prefer to write their speech out word-for-word to maximise efficiency and minimise the chance of forgetting key details, but your speech will actually flow better, and be heaps more engaging if you’re not looking down at a page for the entire time.

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Thank the key players

Your 21st birthday party speech isn’t a chore, but an opportunity to acknowledge the things and people that have made you the adult that you’ve become. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to thank the key players in the narrative that is your life. Your birthday speech is a great way to express gratitude to your family and friends for their endless support. To ensure you don’t forget to acknowledge mum and dad, a family member, your oldest pals, your best friend, or your lover, position the thank-yous at the start of your speech. It will be a great joy to watch their faces light up when you thank them.

21st birthday party speech

Funny comes naturally to some of us, but if you’re not blessed with the humour gene, it’s easy to get some laughs with an anecdote from your past. Think of the time you laughed the hardest, the dumbest thing you did on that Contiki tour across Europe, or the holiday that went horribly wrong, then build a story around it to include in your speech. The trick here is to tell a genuinely hilarious story but avoid offending anyone in attendance. Your own speech should be cheeky but don’t cross a line when talking about people in your life.

21st birthday party speech

The first time you got wasted and threw up on mum’s favourite gnome may be funny for some, but if your elderly grandparents are around, you’ll completely spoil their image of you as the angelic, innocent grandchild. Instead, have a dig at yourself, and try including an anecdote about that time you failed to read 24-hour time and ended up stranded at a bus stop in sleepy Somerset at 2 am on the last day of your holiday.

Know your audience and craft a speech with tasteful humour that will get the laughs, not the room-silencing, disapproving glares on your very day.

Choose your topic

Say something meaningful, interesting and relevant to your audience. Choose a topic that you know your guests can relate to, like the importance of friendship, lessons you’ve learnt over the past year or how much you’ve matured as a person since turning 21. Alternatively, if you want to keep it light-hearted and fun, tell a few stories about your most cherished memories from childhood, or how you’ve been affected by the people in your life. Keep it short and sweet, but make sure that every sentence packs a punch and resonates with your audience.

Say your birthday wish

Be sure to include your birthday wish in your speech as well. Make a thoughtful and heartfelt request or hope for the year ahead, be it world peace, an end to poverty or an abundance of career opportunities. And if you’re feeling brave, make it unique and personal like a romantic gesture or a plea for never-ending friendship!

While your guests are definitely expecting a speech on your special day, they’re not here to listen to you mumble about the great life that you live or tell dumb long-winded stories about the people that you love. They’re here to party, and party they will, as long as you don’t kill the vibe with an uncomfortable speech.

After a few drinks, and a bit of dancing, the attention span of your mates is likely to dwindle, so it’s important to keep things brief. Stick to a couple of minutes, and prepare a dancey playlist to lift the atmosphere and get the dance floor going post-speech.

21st birthday party speech

The best speeches are those that are obviously prepared but allow room for a little flexibility. Who knows what’ll happen on the day. Your best mate or mum might interrupt with their own anecdote just as you’re getting to the best bit.

If your nearest and dearest are a talkative bunch, let them know your plan before the big day so that you (and your guests) are not bombarded with five boring, overly sappy speeches. This situation is a guaranteed mood killer and a sure-fire way to have your 21st birthday party remembered for all the wrong reasons.

Brace yourself, praise your party, cut the crap and add a bit of humour. You’ll be nailing that 21st birthday party speech in no time at all! Happy birthday!

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24 Tips For The Perfect 21st Birthday Speech

how to write a 21st speech for my son

21st Birthday Speech Writing Tips

Birthdays: cake, presents, parties … speeches. Yep, Dad’s getting on and wants to reminisce, friends are celebrating their 21st birthday party  and want jokes that’ll dull the pain, and your third cousin just wants some filler while the candles are being lit. If you’ve been “privileged” with the task of presenting for a shindig, we’ve lined up a few birthday speech writing tips to keep the event as quick and painless as possible for everyone involved.

Scroll down for more 21st speech writing tips .

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In the introduction, you should welcome the guests and the guest of honor to the party. You can start by saying a few words about the importance of the 21st birthday milestone and how honored you are to be speaking at the party.

Share Memories

Sharing memories is an excellent way to make your speech more personal and heartfelt. You can share some memories you have of the guest of honor, such as when you first met or a funny story that you both shared.

Highlight Achievements

Turning 21 is a significant milestone, and it is essential to recognize the guest of honor’s achievements so far. You can talk about their academic or professional accomplishments or any personal milestones they have achieved.

Give Advice

As someone who has more life experience, you can offer some advice to the guest of honor. You can share some words of wisdom on how to make the most of their twenties or offer advice on how to overcome challenges they may face.

Humor is an excellent way to keep your speech light-hearted and entertaining. You can tell a funny story or make a joke to break the ice and make the audience laugh.

Share Future Aspirations

It is always inspiring to hear about someone’s future aspirations. You can ask the guest of honor about their goals and dreams and share them with the audience. This will show them that you support their ambitions and encourage them to pursue their passions.

how to write a 21st speech for my son

Speak from the Heart

The most important thing to remember when writing a 21st birthday speech is to speak from the heart. Your speech should come from a place of sincerity and authenticity. Don’t be afraid to be emotional and let the guest of honor know how much they mean to you.

Keep it Short and Sweet

It is essential to keep your speech short and sweet. While you want to make sure you cover all the important points, you don’t want to bore the audience. Keep your speech between three to five minutes.

how to write a 21st speech for my son

Scan the room

Ask the 21st party planner about the guests rocking up. If toddlers or grandparents with heart conditions are in the front row, you may want to steer clear of any risqué anecdotes. Your buddy’s wife probably doesn’t want to hear an extended speech about his dating record, either. Know your crowd.

how to write a 21st speech for my son

Let everyone get a few drinks in

Barring drunk uncle Larry, who’s bound to have tottered in half-cut anyway, most guests will probably take a little while to loosen up. Give them an hour or so to pound back a couple of beers before trying your hand at entertainment. Trust us: the jokes will seem infinitely funnier.

how to write a 21st speech for my son

Chuck in a joke

On that note, it’s a good idea to keep 21st birthday speeches light and fluffy. Let’s face it, half the guests are probably annoyed at how long the cake’s taking, and the other half are probably trying to break up a family brawl across the room. A funny speech can set a great vibe and act as a welcome distraction.

how to write a 21st speech for my son

Sadly, you’re not immortal

Before you start teasing the birthday boy or girl relentlessly, be aware that you probably don’t have the power to stay 29 forever. Your time will come, and they will find you.

The best speeches for parties and events end with a toast to the guest of honour. Whether that’s in an effort to tug at everyone’s heartstrings or simply dull the pain with a tonne of alcoholic beverages, it doesn’t really matter. Grab a boozy drink, raise your glass, and breathe easy. You’re done.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is crucial when it comes to delivering a great speech. You should practice your speech several times before the party. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable when you deliver it.

Be Prepared for Last-Minute Changes

It is always best to be prepared for last-minute changes. The party may not go according to plan, and you may need to make some adjustments to your speech on the fly.

Thank the Audience

In the end, make sure you thank the audience for listening to your speech. You can thank them for coming to the party and for supporting the guest of honor.

Our best 21st speech writing tip ? Tell Dad you’re out of town for next year’s festivities.


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Cheers To You! Your Guide To Your 21st Birthday Speech

  • February 16, 2022

Congratulations! You will soon turn 21 and brace yourself up for the rest of your adult life. Your 18th birthday was unique because you reached the age of majority and became a legal adult. But your 21st birthday is a big deal, and not to forget your speech.

Writing your 21st birthday speech can be a daunting task as you have hit a significant milestone. As your friends and loved ones gear up to celebrate your special day, this is an opportunity to share exciting anecdotes with them and show them you care.

If you are wondering how to put it all together, don’t worry, as we have some fantastic tips that will make your 21st birthday speech unforgettable.

Why Your 21st Birthday Should Be Memorable

Youngsters are very excited to turn 21 as this is the age where you are officially a responsible adult. From a historical perspective, the 21st birthday was celebrated as a momentous occasion during mediaeval times when a boy became a knight . However, 21st birthdays are no longer gender exclusive but are still considered a significant milestone. Traditionally young people were given the key to the family’s house at 21, making the event all the more special.

Enhance Your 21st Birthday Speech with These Amazing Tips!

Your 21st birthday speech should charm your audience and make your special occasion memorable. If you are looking for some terrific 21st birthday speech ideas, follow these tips to enthral your audience.

Be Prepared and Write It All Down

Make a list of all the wishes, memories, and sentiments you want to include in your speech. This will give you a clue on what you want to focus on in your speech. Once you have listed all the points, you can elaborate on them.

Prepare your speech in advance and practice it a couple of times till you are confident of presenting it to friends and family. If you think that you might forget something, write your speech word-to-word so that you don’t miss out on anything. But make sure not to read out the entire speech from the paper as your guests might die of boredom!

Let Everyone Get a Few Drinks In

Give everyone some time to sit back and enjoy so that they are ready to get entertained. Your jokes will seem funnier once your mates chug a few beers and loosen up.

Thank the Key Players

So many people, including your parents, siblings, and friends, have come together to make this occasion memorable. It is good to start your speech by thanking all the guests for coming. Make sure that you thank the host and let everyone know that you appreciate their efforts. After all, gratitude nurtures your relationships.

Chuck In a Joke

Grab some eyeballs with a funny anecdote ; after all, everyone is here to enjoy your special evening.

It’s okay if humour doesn’t come naturally to you; think about the last time you laughed uncontrollably. Share one of the dumbest things you did on a trip or a plan that went incredibly wrong, and you will take the entertainment quotient up a notch! But make sure not to crack a joke that offends anyone.

Here are a few sample funny 21st birthday speech ideas:

“Happy 21st birthday to my best friend/sibling/child! I can’t believe you’re finally legal… now we can get into all sorts of trouble together! Just kidding, please don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Or wait, scratch that. Do everything I wouldn’t do because that’s probably more fun. Either way, happy birthday and here’s to many more years of mischief and mayhem!”

“Welcome to the adult world, [name]! It’s a weird place filled with responsibility and boring things like paying bills and doing your own laundry. But on the bright side, you can finally drink alcohol! Just remember, it’s all fun and games until someone pukes on the carpet. Happy 21st birthday!”

“Happy 21st birthday, [name]! You’re finally old enough to do all the things your parents told you not to do when you were younger. Just kidding, please don’t actually do those things. But on a serious note, congratulations on reaching this milestone and cheers to many more years of good times ahead!”

Show Sincerity

It is good to have some kind words at the end of your speech. You can share briefly how your friends and family have added meaning to your life and show how much you care for all the people who’ve gathered to make your birthday memorable.

Keep Your Birthday Speech Short

Make your speech short and simple as people have other things vying for their attention. Wondering how long your speech should be? Ideally, it shouldn’t be more than five minutes, so avoid log stories and keep it to the point. Have a party playlist ready, as your guests might be in the mood to hit the dancefloor right after.

Keep Them Wanting More

Twenty-one years is a truly momentous occasion, and you can make it all the more special with a short and exciting speech. Your birthday speech is a great way to express gratitude to your family and friends for their endless support. Moreover, you can also share your future plans with them. The best advice is to make it crisp, straightforward, and funny.

Are you looking for the perfect venue for your 21st birthday bash? We manage all the nitty-gritty details so that you can have a fun bash! Check out Navarra Venues for Hire in Sydney to celebrate in style.

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Best Wish Message

58+ Happy 21st Birthday Wishes for Son | Turning 21 Messages

When your loving son is turning, you need some ‘21st Birthday Wishes for Son’ to wish him all the best. In this guide, we have got so many loving and sweet wishes for your son. 

21st Birthday Wishes for Son

21st birthday messages for son, birthday wishes for son turning 21, heartfelt 21st birthday greetings to son, 21st birthday wishes for son from mom and dad.

Today is a very happy day for me and for the entire family, sending all the love and good wishes to my son on his 21st birthday, Happy birthday to you.

My handsome son is turning 21 today. This is a huge milestone, now it’s time to take on some responsibilities, Happy birthday to you.

Happy 21st birthday to the most handsome and wonderful son in the whole world, I am so lucky to have a responsible boy.

Happy birthday my dear son, you are the most beautiful gift in my life, and I am so blessed to have a son like you.

21st Birthday Wishes for Son

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At this young age you have done so many good things and I am always proud of you, Happy Birthday to my wonderful son.

You are such a lovely and kind person, I am so blessed that you are turning 21 today. Sending all my love and good wishes to my handsome son, Happy birthday to you.

I have always been so happy to have you in my life. Today it’s wonderful to see you turning 21, Happy Birthday to my loving son.

You have a wonderful heart, I have not seen anyone kind like you. All my good wishes in love to the most wonderful son in the world who is turning 21 today.

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To my wonderful son who is turning 21 today, I am so blessed to have a son like you, Happy birthday to you.

Happy 21st birthday to my loving son wishing you all the best and success in your life ahead.

To the sweetest and the most loving son, I am so thrilled to celebrate your 21st birthday. I can’t believe it has been so many years, Happy birthday to you my dear.

Thank you so much for being such a wonderful part of my life, I am so blessed to have a son like you, Happy birthday to you dear.

It’s a wonderful feeling to see my sound turning 21. I am a lucky father to see my son doing great in his life, Happy birthday to you dear.

I can’t stop being happy for my loving son who is turning 21 today. Sending all my love and good wishes to you, Happy birthday.

You have been the most wonderful part of the family, sending all the love and blessings to my loving son who is turning 21, Happy birthday to you.

You are such a wonderful man with a kind heart, I am sending beautiful wishes and blessings on your 21st birthday, happy birthday to you.

My sweet and handsome son is turning 21 today, and I am the happiest father in the world right now, Happy birthday to you dear son.

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Life has been so meaningful when you came to our life, today you are turning 21 and it is a wonderful feeling for us, Happy Birthday to my lovely son.

You are such a wonderful and handsome man, we are so proud of you my dear. Sending all the love and blessings on your 21st birthday.

Having a son like you is like a blessing in life, I am so blessed and happy to have you in my life, Happy 21st birthday to my handsome son.

Birthday Wishes for Son Turning 21

Similar: 20th Birthday Wishes for Son

Hey dear son, I am proud of you and I want to tell you that you are doing great in your life, Happy 21st birthday to you.

Hey son, you are 21 now and a beautiful life is waiting for you with so many opportunities and so many challenges, I know you will overcome everything and will reach success, Happy birthday to you.

Happy 21st birthday to my loving son, sending all the good wishes for all the future challenges you are going to face in your life.

You are going to face so many challenges in your life and I know you will overcome everything, all of my good wishes and love are with you, Happy 21st birthday to my loving son. 

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You have added all the happiness and joy in our family with your dedication and kind heart, Happy 21st birthday to the most hard-working son in the world.

At such a young age, you are doing wonderful with your life. I am so happy to have a son like you, Happy 21st birthday to you.

You have been the most talented and smart kid I have ever seen around me, it’s great to see you turning 21, Happy Birthday to my loving son.

Hey dear son, thank you so much for being so kind and patient with your life, sending all the love and good wishes on your 21st birthday, Happy birthday to you.

Today my handsome boy is turning 21 and this is such a wonderful milestone for you, Happy birthday to you dear.

I wish you all the success, happiness, joy, and blessings in your life, Happy 21st birthday to my loving son.

It’s a great experience to have a son like you, and so blessed to have you in my life, Happy 21st birthday to you dear.

You are the sweetest kid I have ever seen in my life, we are so blessed to have you in the family, Happy 21st birthday to you dear son.

See More:  18th Birthday Wishes for Son

Our family has been such a beautiful place to live because of you, kids. Today my loving son is turning 21, Happy birthday to you dear.

Seeing you turning 21 is a beautiful thing to me. I wish you all the success and happiness in your life, Happy birthday to you.

Now you are 21, this age comes with so many responsibilities and duties, I know you will be able to fulfill everything, Happy birthday to you dear.

Happy birthday to my loving son who is turning 21 today, may all of your dreams come true.

On this beautiful eve of your birthday, I’m sending all my love and good wishes for you, Happy 21st birthday to my wonderful son.

Dear son, you are the most valuable person for me in this world. May you have all the successes and happiness in your life, Happy 21st birthday to you.

Happy 21st birthday to my handsome son, sending you all the love and good wishes on this beautiful day.

This is such a beautiful day because my handsome son is turning 21 today. We are so happy and blessed to have a son like you, Happy birthday to your dear.

Thank you so much for taking a look at this massive guide on ‘21st Birthday Wishes for Son’. 

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Free 21st Birthday Speeches - Celebrate in Style

Free 21st birthday speeches - celebrate this magical milestone in style.

Less can sometimes be more - especially at a 21st birthday party where speeches have the potential to overwhelm the occasion.

how to write a 21st speech for my son

Free 21st Birthday Speeches

A meaningful 21st birthday speech to honor and celebrate a great day is a necessity. But, let's face it, everyone wants to party!

And why not - champagne, flowers, innovative 21st birthday gift ideas to surprise your friends and loved ones , excellent catering and creative decor design -  they all come together to create a night to remember.

So, keep it short and simple - then let the party begin!

Good evening Ladies, Gentlemen, family and friends -

What a truly special evening it is that we are celebrating this evening - an evening all the more special  because we are sharing this celebration with all of you.

A warm welcome to everyone and thank you so much for sharing [insert name]'s 21st birthday with us tonight. It just wouldn't have been the same without all of you - all the people who have played such an amazing role in [his / her] life.

Tonight is [insert name] night and we hope it will be a night that [he / she] remembers fondly in the years ahead.

Twenty one years have seen [insert name ] through many milestones. We've seen [his /her] baby years turning into toddling years. We've seen [insert name] learning to talk and walk - unsteadily at first but growing in confidence daily.

And those determined  footsteps have continued through elementary and secondary school,  through sporting teams and academic achievements. We seen obstacles overcome and accolades accomplished and we've witnessed such remarkable growth and development in every facet of [insert name] life.  * [highlight some of their achievements here to make your speech personal and meaningful]

Daily, incrementally and exponentially,  we've seen [insert name] walking steadfast and purposefully through tears and laughter, in and out of relationships and onwards towards [his / her] goals still to be achieved.

Through all of these magical milestone [insert name] has remained positive and empathetic.  [He / She]  embodies a passion and zest for life that is infectious and we have all shared in these moments - they have been magical and many and everyday!

What an honor and a privilege it has been to witness this amazing young [man / lady] and their journey  towards adulthood. And tonight, [insert name] as you stand on the brink of a new chapter in your life, please know that we are so incredibly proud of you and we love you.

May you continue to walk as sure-footed as you always have, may you remain as grounded as you have always been...and may you stay in mind and spirit, forever young .

Happy birthday!

Free 21st birthday speeches - done and dusted.

Now get to work on buying or making an incredible dress or tuxedo for that million dollar babe[or dude]look and planning a great party with easy party ideas and games - your complete guide to the perfect party or birthday with fun games, themes, invitations, recipes and more!

Let's not forget an amazing birthday cake and candles. All about Cupcakes has creative and innovative ideas to further enhance what is going to be a very special evening .

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Dreams Quote

birthday wishes

140 heart touching 21st birthday wishes for son | happy birthday son.

Heart Touching 21st Birthday Wishes for Son: 21st Birthday Wishes for Son: Turning 21 is unquestionably one of the occasions, moments, and events that a person would love to keep fairly close to his heart, and it is one of the handfuls of occasions, moments, and events that a person would love to keep pretty close to his heart. When your kid turns 21, it is a particularly momentous occasion since at that age he is expected to become a mature, responsible adult who is actively pursuing his goals and passions. On the most important day of your son’s life, you need to craft some heartfelt, funny , and motivational 21st birthday wishes for your son. These wishes should serve as a constant reminder of how much you value and cherish your son, no matter how old he gets. With these enticing birthday wishes for your son turning 21, you can make all of your son’s most memorable experiences into something truly unforgettable and spectacular.

A new age is never counted twice by anyone. For this reason, it’s essential to make sure that birthday celebrants are in the best possible mood on their special day. With the assistance of lovely birthday greetings, you are able to create moments in the celebrant’s heart that will remain unforgettable. Therefore, in order to assist you as a parent in making your 21-year-old son feel as pleased as possible on the occasion of his birthday , I have penned suitable happy 21st birthday son wishes and quotations. You’ll also find other categories, like funny happy 21st birthday son quotes and religious 21st birthday wishes for boys, in addition to the birthday greetings.

Happy Birthday Messages for Son on His 21st Birthday Happy Birthday Images

Happy Birthday Son Turning 21 – This indicates that you are able to contribute to making your kid feel really special on his birthday and also spark a burst of loud laughter with the use of my humorous birthday quotes. Do you still not understand? Simply continuing to read through this list until you reach the conclusion will allow you to locate more than two wishes and phrases that are appropriate. Take a look at them below: The fact that you are my son is an incredible blessing. Because of this, I want to spend your birth anniversary expressing my thanks to you and just observing you as you go about your day. On this momentous occasion, I want to send you my best wishes for a lifetime filled with happiness and amazing victories. I adore you, darling son.

21st Birthday Wishes for Son

1. Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and huge accomplishments. May this new age be the best you’ve ever had.

2. Your birthday brings so much joy into my heart. It reminds me of the moment you graced our world. Thank you for staying, dear son. Happy 21st birthday, my love. I wish you many happy returns of the day. I hope you find many favourite moments on this day.

3. May your 21st birthday celebration turn out to be a chaotic and electrifying affair so that you can know what it feels like when your life becomes a mess and exciting at the same time. You are such an endearing personality that you deserve the birthday party of a lifetime. Happy 21st birthday and have a great day ahead!

21st Birthday Wishes for son From Mom and DAD Happy Birthday Pictures

4. You’ve got many dreams. Hence, I wish they all come to pass this year. Happy 21st birthday, my boy. May line fall in pleasant places for you. I cherish you.

5. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you nothing but joy and strength. I also wish you the best life has to offer a youngster. I love you forever, son.

6. Lovely happy 21st birthday son! May you make your name in the pages of history with your amazing works! You are a good son. Happy birthday again!

7. I’ll be more than pleased to birth you again as a son. Happy birthday, my love. May your 21st year bring you all the good things you desire and dream of. I cherish you.

8. You are my dearest son. I never want to lose you. Happy birthday to you! You are of 21 years of age. It seems how quickly you grow and how time has passed. May you always enjoy the company of yourself! May you never doubt and underestimate yourself!

Heart Touching 21st Birthday Wishes for Son Happy Birthday Son

9. I’ve been privileged to have you as my son for years. Happy 21st birthday, sweetness. I wish you happiness that never runs out of style. I love you, baby.

10. Happy 21st birthday, dear son. I’m thankful for the privilege to raise you. I’ll make all the sacrifices again. And I wish you the most fantastic year you’ve ever had. I love you.

11. You’ll live long in good health, bliss and wealth. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. You make parenting so sweet and easy. I love you.

12. My heart is so pleased to welcome you into a new era of your life. Happy 21st birthday, deary. I wish you a life full of joy and void of troubles. I love you.

13. looks so good on you and I say this not because you’re my son. Happy birthday, deary. I wish you fulfilment and happiness in all you do. I love you.

14. Happy 21st birthday, my love. May you age like fine wine. May this new age take you to a phase of fulfilment and gratitude. I love you forever.

15. Love you mate. You are my boy and mate too. Wishing happy birthday on turning 21! I wish you always follow your heart.

16. 21 is such a confusing age because at one moment all your dream about is ruling the world with your intelligence and at another moment, you start dreaming about the love or crush of your life. I just want you to take care of yourself and live your life intelligently. Happy 21st birthday son!

17. I won’t hold back my emotions for you on this day. So I’ll say this; you’re the best thing that happened to me years ago. Happy 21st birthday, dear boy. I wish you fulfilment in all your endeavours.

18. Happy 21st birthday, angel. I wish you joy everlasting and peace unending. You’re my muse. Enjoy your day to the brim.

19. Today, you have turned into a 21-year-old gentleman and I am pretty sure you will also live this phase of your life gracefully and smarty as you have lived your childhood and teenage. May god’s blessings always be with you. Happy birthday to my 21-year-old hunk son!

20. I’ve got so much to say but I’ll tell you that you’re amazing, super special, and outstandingly kind. Happy 21st birthday, my sweet boy. I wish you good health and bliss.

21. Dear son, you’re amazing in the true sense of the word. And I hope this new year launches you into the best phase of your life yet. Happy 21st birthday, sweet son.

22. Happy 21st birthday, angel. I couldn’t be prouder of the son and being that you are. I wish you the most beautiful year ever. You’re so precious.

23. Love you my boy. You have turned 21. It is really an awesome feeling. Wising you happy 21st birthday! May you forever have vigor and will to change and achieve anything you want!

24. You deserve to have the best experiences. So I wish you a 21st year full of grace, joy, warmth, and bliss. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I love you.

25. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. May you continue to soar. And may your new age be better than the former. I love you.

26. I am still in awe about the fact that how expeditiously you turned 21 and started carrying all the responsibilities on your own. Time flies like a butterfly and gives us umpteen enchanting memories to ponder upon. Happy 21st birthday son and have fun!

27. May you always run after the literal gold of life like wisdom, knowledge, humility, and gratefulness not after instant pleasures like beauty, intoxicants, and materialism. Have a scintillating 21st birthday celebration, son. I love you and God bless you!

28. I love you more than words can say. Happy 21st birthday. May you enjoy every day of this new age. You’re so precious to me.

29. Nothing beats the smile you give. So I hope you have many reasons to smile often. Happy 21st birthday, my dear. I wish you many happy returns of the day.

30. Wishing you happy 21st birthday son! You have grown and I don’t have any idea you have turned 21. May you enjoy your life as you wish to!

31. You’re the most intelligent and admirable 21-year-old boy in the world. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie. I wish you all the best and I love you.

Happy Birthday Messages for Son on His 21st Birthday

33. You make ageing such a beautiful thing. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. May you pass through this phase with grace. I cherish you.

34. These are my birthday wishes for you, dear son; may lines fall in pleasant places for you, and may all your precious dreams come true. Happy 21st birthday, my love.

35. I wouldn’t exchange anything for you, because you’re the best. Happy 21st birthday to you. You make me so proud and you never fail to make me smile, too.

36. Keep your heart from bile and will certainly be the best you’ve ever had. Happy birthday, my baby. It’s going to be flavourful.

37. The past promises nothing so I hope you have the courage to take advantage of today and make tomorrow a better day. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie.

38. Don’t worry about the coming days. I assure you that your new age will be the best yet. Happy 21st birthday. I wish you unexpected breakthroughs and favour. I love you.

39. My heart believes this will be the best year you’ve ever had. Happy 21st birthday, prince. May you bask in health and wealth.

40. May each day of your new age make you express the most genuine forms of gratitude. Happy 21st birthday, my love.

41. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you wisdom to make true your dreams. May your health continue to blossom and may you wax strong in the company of your loved ones.

42. I won’t forget to wish you the fulfilment of your secret heart desires. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I love you to the moon and back.

43. I’m so proud of you and forever will be. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you many more happy and prosperous years on earth. May you not fail. I love you.

44. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you peace of mind, clarity of purpose, and prosperity in what you do. Enjoy your day.

45. Happiness comes in different forms. May you feel it truly. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you health and wealth.

46. Make room to express more happiness, because I wish you all the joy your heart can take. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie.

47. Don’t worry about friends because you’ll always have a true one in me. Happy 21st birthday, my superhero. I love you for a lifetime.

48. You don’t need so much to be happy but I wish that you have more than enough to be happy. Happy 21st birth anniversary. I love you.

49. Cheers to your 21st age. Happy birthday, my love. I wish you a life that scents of favour, prosperity, and bliss. I love and appreciate you.

50. Happy 21st cake day, my love. I wish you many of this day. And I hope you’ll always find reasons to enjoy life. I love you.

51. Happy 21st birthday, dear son. I’m not asking for another son, I’m only wishing for an older, better, and stronger you. I love you.

52. Aside from being your parent, I’m happy to be your confidant and best friend whether you admit it or not. Happy 21st birthday, my love.

53. May you wake up on each day of this new age just to express gratitude and love. Happy 21st birthday. I wish you all the joy in the world.

54. I hope you find new things to love, new pursuits to chase, and new dreams to dream. Happy 21st birthday, my darling.

55. Happy birthday, my prince. I wish you many more years of sonorous laughter and undeniable blessings. I love you forever.

56. May you find everything good and may the best things find you. Happy 21st birthday, my angel. I love you from here to the moon and back.

57. You can always be the best and be happy wherever you may be. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I cherish you forever.

58. I think your smile melts my heart the most. So when you see me in these new days of your life, smile all the more. Happy 21st birthday, angel.

59. It’s not just another day in the world, it’s the best day of the year. Happy 21st birth anniversary. May you continue to give so much love and warmth. I cherish you.

60. Your health will flourish and your dreams will come to pass. Happy 21st birthday, my prince. I love you forever.

61. Get ready to experience the most blissful year of your life. I hope your heart can take it. Happy 21st birthday, my darling.

62. A good son deserves a thousand hugs, be sure to have more than enough from me. Happy 21st birthday, my love. Being your parent gives meaning to everything. And I have to say that I’m so proud of you. I wish you all the very best, sweetie.

63. You’re more fantastic than the rainbow in the sky and I feel so blessed to have you. Happy 21st birthday, my angel. I love you.

21st Birthday Wishes for son From Mom and DAD

65. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie. Your new age will be all shades of amazing. Thank you for bringing so much colour to our world just like the rainbow.

66. Dear son, you make both mama and papa so proud. Happy 21st birthday to you. We absolutely wish you a life full of love and accomplishments. We love you.

67. Thank you for gracing my world. Happy 21st birthday, my love. You’ll always be the best thing that happened to me. You’re so precious.

68. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. Being your parent is the greatest privilege we’ve had. We wish you a life full of joy, decorated with wealth and perfected by serenity.

69. I believe in your dreams and in the captivating smile you give. Work hard to make it true, and smile effortlessly as you do. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie.

70. You are hardworking and one of the most wonderful things about you is you never lose yourself. May you never lose yourself and have the strength to change yourself whenever you want! Wishing happy 21st birthday dear son!

71. 21 is an age when you feel you can easily conquer the world and sow the seeds of a million dreams in your mind. However, your vision only becomes your reality when you channelize your youthful force into something productive. May you never lose focus from your goals. Wishing a mirthful 21st birthday to my dearest son!

72. You are the best son in the world because you inspire the best smiles. Happy 21st birthday, my love. No doubt, this year will be the best you’ve ever experienced.

73. I don’t care how many times I say it; I love you and always will. I hope you enjoy your new age like never before. Happy birth anniversary, my darling.

74. You’re a precious jewel to us and we wouldn’t have asked for a better son. Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. We wish you all that you wish yourself and more.

75. Be grateful for how far you’ve come. And be hopeful that you’ll go even further. Happy 21st birthday, my prince. I love you from here to the moon and back.

76. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie. no doubt, looks great on you. I wish you many happy returns of the day. I love you forever.

77. I’ll stay up all night just to be the first to wish you a happy 21st birth anniversary, son. Happy birthday to you. I wish you a life full of joy and awesome achievements.

78. No matter how tall stature you achieve in life, no matter how many laurels you rack up in your cabinet, for me, you will always be my little rabbit. Whenever you need love, support, and affection, your mom and dad are always standing for you. Happy 21st birthday to my wonderful son!

79. The sound of your voice is what I want to hear forever. Therefore, I wish you many happy returns of the day. Happy 21st birthday, my love.

80. Happy 21st womb escape day, my darling. There’s no way I want another besides you. For more than enough times, you’ve proven to be the best and most treasurable gift in my possession. From the depth of my heart, I wish you all that you wish for yourself, sweetie. Happy birthday!

81. You deserve to live a happy life. So I wish you all the bliss your world can take. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you many more happy years, too. I love you.

82. I have lived one heck of a turbulent life and I always make sure you don’t have to go through that type of phase in yours. May you forever prosper, happy, feral, and lively. Wishing happy 21st birthday to my dearest son!

83. When I was a 21-year-old, I was completely purposeless, directionless, and wasting the most valuable time of my life. I am glad you are manifold times intelligent than me at 21. You have all my blessings and love forever. May you smash all your goals! Happy 21st birthday, son!

84. You’ve been at the centre of our worlds. Happy 21st birthday, my love. I wish you joy unending and health that near fails so that you can accomplish all your dreams.

85. I wish you joy and laughter, health and wealth. Happy 21st birthday, my love. You’re the sweetest being on earth.

86. The best day of the year is here. Happy 21st birth anniversary, my darling. Never forget that you’re amazing, and the best at what you do. I love you.

87. By this time next year, may you be thankful for many things. Happy 21st birthday, my love. You’ll always be special to me.

88. You are a beautiful son and kind one. So mannered and humble. We are so proud of you. May you never lose your belief in yourself! Wishing happy 21st birthday to you!

89. May nothing stop you! May no hurdles down you! May you always win! Wishing happy 21st birthday to our dear son!

90. Hey son, this is perhaps the last birthday you will celebrate with no worries, concerns, and stress. Be ready to face trials and tribulations of life, and man up yourself to go head to head with anyone who challenges your authority. Happy 21st birthday to a lovely son from a proud father!

91. Happy 21st birthday, super son. Your parents wish you all the best. We love you more than we can ever say. We also think you deserve to have the best things in life. So we wish you all of that and more. We love you, absolutely.

92. You are our darling son. We always wish you always keep smiling. May you do wonders in life! Wishing happy 21st birthday dear son!

93. You are our son and most wonderful human being you are. We are lucky we have you. Wishing you happy 21st birthday dear son! May you touch the stars of your sky!

94. At you’ll be needing lots of wisdom for direction. So as your parents, we wish you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May your ways be prosperous. Happy 21st birthday.

95. May you not be weak, and may your health not fail. Happy 21st birthday to the best son in the world. We love you more than we can say.

Funny 21st birthday wishes for son

97. Don’t start thinking about girls just because you’re now Instead, think about how to create the next big thing, whatever that is. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie.

98. How do you put up with the fact that I’m your father since you’re the smartest 21-year-old I know? Happy 21st birthday, my love.

99. I don’t know why your new age makes me feel like I need to join a gym class. Happy 21st birthday, son.

100. How can you be and the earth still exists? Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. I hope you’ll be soon.

101. Happy 21st birthday, dear cute son. I just wish you were 9 that would mean I am not as old as I already am.

102. You are dearest and brightest son. May you always have love in your life! May love and happiness never leave the lap of you! These all wishes cost dear! Wishing happy 21st birthday dear son!

103. May you always live upto your expectations! Before that you buckle up your pants tight! Wishing happy 21st birthday dearest son!

104. I don’t know how you are cause the last time I checked I was Happy 21st birthday, son. I love you.

105. Very happy 21st birthday to the most lethargic son from the most handsome, dynamic, and dashing father. May you get a real job pretty soon so that I get to enjoy my hard-earned money.

106. It’s been years with you and I don’t think I’m used to the fact that you are my son. Happy 21st birthday, champ.

107. I don’t know what you’ve heard about but I’ll tell you it is the closest age to Happy 21st birthday, sweetie.

108. Dear son, maybe you have a humongous fan following on social media platforms but your fans won’t give you money to eat, drink, and buy useful things. You better focus on your education and get a good job or else I will abandon you for sure. Happy 21st birthday and stay blessed!

109. I just have to face the fact that I’m getting old, I mean you’re already. Time sure flies. Happy birthday, son.

110. May you find a girlfriend that never leave you for a single second! You are our cutest son. Wishing you happy 21st birthday dear son!

111. Hey son, I want to give you the biggest birthday surprise on the most special birthday of your life. From now on, there won’t be any pocket money or credit call bills payment from my end. You better learn to cover up your own expenses. Jokes apart, have a thrilling birthday celebration!

112. Hey son, I must say your utterly valuable presence has taught us numerous valuable attributes like tolerance, controlling rage, and keeping money safe. Happy 21st birthday to my rock star son.

113. Kids at your age are either becoming start-up owners or getting admission into the top-notch business colleges and you are playing videos games with your useless friends. My blessings won’t work anymore on you. God bless you and happy 21st birthday!

114. Oh my, you can’t be cause that means I’m older than Now I wish you can be that cute baby once again. Happy birth anniversary, sweety.

115. You are a gift for us from God. May your every wish come true! May you go beyond the limits for what you want! But first you try to make your bed! Wishing happy 21st birthday lovely son!

116. May you always have a short hair cut! We don’t like your long hair cut. Happy 21st birthday to our long hairs bear son!

Happy 21st Birthday Images for Son

118. Every day, I’m in awe of the gift of you. Happy 21st birthday, son. You’re more precious to me than my words can say. I cherish you.

119. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. May the Lord cause you to soar and to abide by His commandments. Enjoy your day, deary. I love you.

120. Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. From the moment we had you, we knew you’d bring so much joy to us. And thank you for doing just that. I love you.

121. May the Lord cause His face to shine upon you for good. Happy 21st birthday, my love. May your new age bring God’s promises to pass upon your life. I love you.

122. Happy 21st birthday, my baby. May this new age be a bang. May it explode with successes and bliss. I cherish you.

123. Stay happy and hopeful. Do not be anxious for anything, cause your 21st year is in the Lord’s hands. Trust that He has the best plans for you. Happy birthday, sweetie.

124. The Lord will perfect all that concerns you as you clock a new age today. Happy 21st birthday, son.

125. You make parenting the most wonderful experience on earth. Happy 21st birthday, my angel. I love being your one and only mom. Plus, I love you.

126. You are so wonderful and I’m proud of all of your achievements. Happy 21st birthday, my best friend and son.

127. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. You’ve inspired me to fly and to live. I hope your new.

128. From the south, north, east and west shall all men come to celebrate you. Happy 21st birthday, my love. You’re loved by the most high.

129. Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. I wish you the most blissful year you’ve ever had. I love you from here to the moon and back.

130. May the Lord direct your path and grant you favour in all you do. Happy 21st birthday, my love. You’re the best.

131. Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. May the good Lord bless you with good health, prosperity, wisdom, and knowledge to live a fulfilling life. I love you.

132. Happy 21st birth anniversary, my dear son. You’ll always have reasons to laugh heartily and to smile endlessly. I love you.

133. May the Lord encompass you with His angels and grant your many heart desires. I pray that each day brings you peace and joy. Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart.

134. I’m so thankful to God who made you and blessed me with you. I’m so grateful that He kept you. Happy 21st birthday, dear son. I pray that the Lord surrounds you with His angels. And keep wisdom in your heart to direct your path. I love you, my boy.

135. Happy 21st birth anniversary. By the Lord’s mercy and grace, may you live a life that pleases Him and that helps you fulfil your destiny. You’re blessed.

136. May God be your present help in every step of this new age. Happy 21st birthday, my love. I wish you a life of gratitude and pure joy.

137. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. You’re the reason why life is so meaningful and I can’t believe I’ve been blessed with you. I love you, deary.

138. You’re an unquantifiable gift from above. Happy 21st birthday, my love. I wish you all the good things in life.

how to write a 21st speech for my son

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150 Sweet And Beautiful Happy 21st Birthday Son Wishes

By Author Kirsten Hill

Categories Birthday Wishes

150 Sweet And Beautiful Happy 21st Birthday Son Wishes

To turn twenty-one is to start a new life chapter where all your dreams can come true.

If you’re a proud parent of a boy about to reach this special milestone, here are 150 absolutely wonderful happy 21st birthday son wishes for him.

Your little boy is not so little anymore.

He’s reaching adulthood and is now ready to take on the world. He has big plans and dreams for his future. It’s an exciting time of life, indeed.

Such a special birthday deserves a special birthday greeting too.

To save you the time and stress of searching for the right words, I’ve put together this collection of heartwarming happy birthday wishes you can use to make his special day even better.

True happiness is to be able to share joyous moments with your loved ones.

Scroll down and you’ll find 150 ideas for the loveliest 21st birthday message for your son.

Top 10 Happy 21st Birthday Son

1. “These are the best days of your life , make sure you enjoy them to their fullest. Happy 21st birthday !”

illustration of a cupcake representing happy 21st birthday son wish

2. “Happy 21st birthday to my son. May this be your best one yet! May all of your amazing dreams come true. I love you so much.”

3. “Do you know the definition of true freedom? It is turning 21! Hope you have a super-duper 21st birthday celebration!”

4. “Go forth and do great things; I’m so excited to be a part of the life you build for yourself.”

5. “From birth until today and all of the tomorrows, I’ll love you to the moon and back with all that I am. Welcome to 21, my child.”

6. “For who you were, who you are, and who you are becoming; I am thankful every step of the way. Happy 21st birthday, my son.”

7. “Who would’ve thought it would take 21 years to perfect a person like you? Cheers to 21 years of life. Happy 21st birthday!”

8. “You only turn 21 once! Seize this moment and enjoy the experience. It’s worth every moment. Happy 21st birthday son!”

9. “Son, I am so proud of the man you have become. I wish you the happiest of birthdays as you enter this next phase of your life.”

10. “As you become 21 today, may God bless you with all the desires of your heart now and always. Happy birthday my shining star.”

birthday cupcake image representing happy 21st birthday son wish

See also: 70 Beautiful May God Bless You Quotes For Your Loved Ones

Sweet Happy 21st Birthday Wishes For Son

1. “Aside from being your parent, I’m happy to be your confidant and best friend whether you admit it or not. Happy 21st birthday , my love.”

Aside from being your parent, I’m happy to be your confidant and best friend whether you admit it or not

2. “Happy 21st birthday. Always remember that life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself. I wish you all the best for the next chapter.”

3. “Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and huge accomplishments. May this new age be the best you’ve ever had.”

4. “On this special day of your life, I want to wish you a year of peaceful slumber, the sweetest dreams, and an exciting new chapter in life. May all your wishes come true!”

5. “There’s nothing in the world that could come between me and your 21st birthday celebration. I had to be here to support you in this wonderful moment. Happy birthday, son!”

6. “You are my dearest son. I never want to lose you. Happy birthday to you! You are of 21 years of age. It seems how quickly you grow and how time has passed. May you always enjoy the company of yourself! May you never doubt and underestimate yourself!”

7. “It’s 21 years on earth, my super boy, and I am looking forward to seeing you spend many more years and birthdays that will have me in your pictures. Happy birthday, son.”

8. “I know that you will be rocking your twenties because you slayed your teenage years. This is the decade of your life where you will learn a lot of things through experience. Don’t be afraid to try. Don’t be afraid to go after your heart and chase after your dreams. I will always be here to guide you. I love you, kiddo. Happy 21st birthday!”

9. “Our biggest blessing has always been our children. They hold our hearts in their tiny hands – happy 21st Birthday Son. We love you so much.”

10. “Grown child of mine, I wish you all the happiness in the world for a fabulous 21st birthday and the spectacular life you deserve.”

Grown child of mine, I wish you all the happiness in the world for a fabulous 21st birthday and the spectacular life you deserve

11. “Happy 21st birthday, my darling. You’ve inspired me to fly and to live. I hope your new age makes you the happiest 21-year-old in the world.”

12. “You deserve all the velvet and chocolate cakes, the fruit wines and smoothies, the shining lights and sounds that will spark up your day. Happy 21st birthday, Son.”

13. “My dear son, as you go through each year, don’t forget to count your blessings one by one and not your age. Count your amazing experiences, not your faults. Happy 21st birthday, son.”

14. “May God bless you today and always, may you be healthy and wealthy. My son, I wish that your 21st birthday be the best one ever. May all your wishes come true!”

15. “Twenty-one years before you came into this world and made our lives happier than ever. We are so blessed to have you as our son. Happy birthday, our child. May you live a happy and long life.”

16. “My favorite day is here! Happy Birthday to a son who is funny, smart, brave, and makes the stars shine brighter.”

17. “Happy 21st birthday, son. Words cannot express how happy I am to witness this day with you. You are so special to me, and I wish you the very best today.”

18. “On your birthday, my dear, I wish that you will live your life to the fullest, that you will always find reasons to smile, that you will always have something to laugh about and that you will love someone like there’s no more tomorrow. I wish you nothing but the best in life. I love you so much. Happy 21st birthday to my son!”

19. “We have the bravest and strongest boy around to blow the candles tonight! Happy Birthday to you!”

20. “As you celebrate your 21st birthday, I wish you zero worries, zero fears, zero disappointment, and 100 percent joy and happiness. Happy birthday, my beloved son.”

As you celebrate your 21st birthday, I wish you zero worries, zero fears, zero disappointment, and 100 percent joy and happiness

21. “I thank God for allowing you another year of life and that you can enjoy it with your family, friends, and loved ones, learning more things, and above all, achieving all your goals. I wish you the best and happy birthday, son.”

22. “As you start your next year, I want you to know that I will always be there for you, my sweet boy, no matter how many miles separate us. Your dreams should all come true!”

23. “You have turned twenty-one today. This age is not just a number but the beginning of many new things and opportunities in one’s life. Happy birthday, son. Enjoy and learn throughout this new life journey of yours.”

24. “You are now a 21-year-old man, and I’m sure you’ll live this part of your life as gracefully and wisely as you did your childhood and teenage years. May God’s blessings be with you always. Happy 21st birthday to my handsome son!”

25. “May God bless you today and always, and may you be healthy and wealthy. My son, I wish that your 21st birthday be the best one ever. May all your wishes come true!”

Read also: 120 Best And Most Inspiring Birthday Prayers To My Son

Heartfelt Birthday Wishes For Son From Mom

1. “Nothing beats the smile you give. So I hope you have many reasons to smile often. Happy 21st birthday , my dear.”

Nothing beats the smile you give

2. “21 years ago today, God blessed me with one of the greatest gifts He could have ever given me…you! Happy 21st birthday, son! I love you more than words can say.”

3. “May you always run after the literal gold of life like wisdom, knowledge, humility, and gratefulness, not after instant pleasures like beauty, intoxicants, and materialism. Have a scintillating 21st birthday celebration, son. I love you, and God bless you!”

4. “You make parenting the most wonderful experience on earth. Happy 21st birthday, my angel. I love being your one and only mom. Plus, I love you.”

5. “As your life changes over the next year, remember that mommy will always be here for you. May you live your life filled with joy and happiness today and always! Happy 21st birthday, my beautiful son!”

6. “ The bond between mother and child is so special. It’s like a relationship between two best friends who can’t live without talking to each other, even after having a fight. Happy 21st birthday to my dear son.”

7. “I am still in awe about the fact how expeditiously you turned 21 and started carrying all the responsibilities on your own. Time flies like a butterfly and gives us umpteen enchanting memories to ponder upon. Happy 21st birthday, son and have fun!”

8. “Happy Birthday to my handsome son. Remember that you were born to make a difference in the world. And I was born to share your beautiful face with everyone I know.”

9. “From the day I gave birth to you, I have always been grateful that you are a part of my life, and I will always be grateful for that. All the best on your birthday, Son.”

10. “ Dear son , we’re so proud of the person you are. You’ll always be our all-star. Happy birthday!”

Dear son, we’re so proud of the person you are.

11. “Happy 21st birthday to my lovely son! Today is considered a special day for you, But actually, every day for the past 21 years has been special because you exist in this world. Enjoy your day as much as everyone enjoys life with you in it.”

12. “Today, I wish you a thrilling future, so just forget the past and look on to the great things tomorrow has for you. Happy birthday, Son.”

13. “I’m proud of the person you’ve become. So responsible and wise beyond your years. I hope your 21st birthday inspires you to make the most out of life.”

14. “My heart is so pleased to welcome you into a new era of your life. Happy 21st birthday, dear. I wish you a life full of joy and void of troubles. I love you.”

15. “I knew you were special before you were born. It has been an honor to see you grow up and become the incredible person that you are today as we join together to celebrate your 21st birthday.”

16. “You’ll always be my superstar. Whatever you do in life, I’m sure you’ll go far. The year 21 is finally here, but you’ll always be, in my heart, my dear. Happy birthday, son!”

17. “Happy 21st birthday to my handsome son! May God’s grace shine down upon you today and always. I’m such a proud mom to a wonderful boy ! Have a wonderful day filled with fun and laughter!”

18. “Happy birthday to my amazing son! You’re 21 now, let this day be the foundation for a better and more promising future. I am proud of you and know you will continue to grow into a responsible man. Mum loves you.”

19. “Love you, my boy. You have turned 21. It is really an awesome feeling. Wishing you a happy 21st birthday! May you forever have vigor and will to change and achieve anything you want!”

20. “ Happy 21st birthday , angel. I couldn’t be prouder of the son and being that you are. I wish you the most beautiful year ever. You’re so precious.”

Happy 21st birthday, angel

See also: 120 Sweet & Emotional Birthday Wishes For Son From Mom

Happy 21st Birthday For Son From Dad

1. “I cannot believe you are 21 now. It’s the best time of your life to create special memories. Happy 21st birthday !”

I cannot believe you are 21 now

2. “Happy birthday, son! On your special day, I want to tell you how proud I am of the man you have become and how much I love you. May all your dreams come true!”

3. “I won’t forget to wish you the fulfillment of your secret heart desires. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I love you to the moon and back.”

4. “I can’t believe you are twenty-one. Don’t forget, buddy, the time is always different everywhere. Don’t care about your age, always have fun, but be responsible. Happy 21st birthday!”

5. “Happy birthday to my best buddy! I am so proud of you, and I am excited to see what the future holds for you on this special day. You are stronger than you think.”

6. “I have lived one heck of a turbulent life, and I always make sure you don’t have to go through that type of phase in yours. May you forever prosper, happy, feral, and lively. Wishing a happy 21st birthday to my dearest son!”

7. “I wish you a spectacular 21st birthday, my buddy. May your 21st birthday bring you immeasurable happiness and good luck in your life.”

8. “Love you, mate. You are my boy and mate too. Wishing happy birthday on turning 21! I wish you always follow your heart.”

9. “It’s the little things that make me proud to be your dad. We’re celebrating your twenty-first Birthday today, but, more importantly, it’s you who has taught me lessons about life.”

10. “You’re an unquantifiable gift from above. Happy 21st birthday , my love. I wish you all the good things in life.”

You’re an unquantifiable gift from above

11. “Congratulations, dear, today is your another high point. Goodbye childhood, and say hello to your great future with amazing opportunities. Happy 21st birthday, have a wonderful day as you want.”

12. “Hurray! Congratulations on finally making it to the land of adulthood. In this land, you are the master of your own self. Enjoy every single moment of your adult life.”

13. “Son, I believed in you yesterday, I believe in you today, and I will also believe in you in years to come cos you’re my first strength. Happy 21st birthday, dear.”

14. “When I remember our conversations and heart-to-heart talk, I just have to show gratitude to God for the man you are becoming. Happy 21st birthday, son.”

15. “Happy birthday, son. May you always know joy. May you always choose hope. May you always feel loved no matter where in this great, big, beautiful world you roam.”

16. “I wouldn’t exchange anything for you because you’re the best. Happy 21st birthday to you. You make me so proud, and you never fail to make me smile, too.”

17. “You are becoming a man most people can look up to! I hope you have the most amazing birthday today and one that is full of so much love.”

18. “When I turned 21, the times were simpler, slower, and quite frankly, more boring. Today, 21, is your ticket to a new and exciting world. It’s time to celebrate! Happy 21st birthday, my son!”

19. “Happy 21st birthday to my handsome son! I’m so happy to be celebrating this day with you, and I wish you the best on your special day.”

20. “No matter how many birthdays come and go, you’ll always be my little boy . Congratulations on your new chapter . I love you so much!”

No matter how many birthdays come and go, you’ll always be my little boy

Funny 21st Birthday Wishes For Son

1. “You can now officially retire your fake ID! You are finally 21 years old. Let the party begin! Happy 21st birthday !”

You can now officially retire your fake ID

2. “Very happy 21st birthday to the most lethargic son from the most handsome, dynamic, and dashing father. May you get a real job pretty soon so that I get to enjoy my hard-earned money.”

3. “I’m so happy that you’re turning 21. Now you can finally pay for your own drinks! Happy 21st birthday!”

4. “Here is my 21st birthday message for you: Believe me, this is the last birthday you’ll ever have with no concerns and responsibilities! Enjoy this unique day as much as you can! Happy 21st birthday son.”

5. “Every year, I notice you growing taller and taller. At least in some aspect, you are “growing up”. sigh Well, I am happy nonetheless. Happy birthday, son.”

6. “At 21 years old, you’ve outlived most of the bugs I sprayed with Raid. Happy birthday to my exterminator son!”

7. “I wish that your walk home from the party will be more appealing than your walk when you were still a baby. Happy 21st birthday!”

8. “Now that you’re 21, let me remind you that just because you’re of legal age doesn’t mean you stop doing stupid things. It’s actually the other way around! Happy 21st birthday!”

9. “Watching you grow up is like watching your favorite reality show… full of drama and excitement! Happy 21st birthday son!”

10. “If you’re turning 21 that means it’s been 21 years since I’ve had to put up with your little rebellious teenage phase. Happy 21st birthday !”

If you’re turning 21 that means it’s been 21 years since I’ve had to put up with your little rebellious teenage phase

11. “You’re 21! Now you can legally do everything you’ve been doing all along!”

12. “Does turning 21 mean that you won’t ask for money anymore? If that’s true, let’s celebrate it every year.”

13. “When I first saw you, you were just a tiny dot on a sonogram screen. Now you’re an adult with a job and a driver’s license… That’s an improvement! Have a happy 21st birthday!”

14. “As your mother, I will always be there for you, even if you do something embarrassing. I love you!”

15. “Son, you are so special that your birthday should be a national holiday, I will be the first to take the day off! Happy birthday.”

See also: 80 National Son Day Quotes From Mom To Share Your Love

Heart Touching 21st Birthday Wishes For Son

1. “ Happy 21st birthday , my precious son ! May this coming year be full of security, blessing, and joy for you.”

Happy 21st birthday, my precious son

2. “Happy 21st birthday! It’s been an amazing 21 years watching you grow, learn, and laugh as you chase your dreams with the power to achieve anything.”

3. “You are the best son in the world because you inspire the best smiles. Happy twenty-first birthday, my love. No doubt, this year will be the best you’ve ever experienced.”

4. “Happy birthday and best wishes for more years of life with health, peace, and love. Thank you for being who you are and always be like that.”

5. “To my dearest son, I want you to know that I love you for the wonderful little boy that you were, for the strong and kind young man that you are now, and the incredible son that I know you will always be. Never stop reaching for your dreams. Never stop making others happy. Never stop making us proud. We love you, son!”

6. “Today, I wish you love, courage, and everlasting joy and pleasure as always. Make the best of it as you celebrate in a grand style. Happy 21st birthday, son.”

7. “You’ve finally walked into the world of real adulthood. I hope you enjoy every beautiful thing that resides in this fabulously exciting world. Happy 21st birthday!”

8. “You’re a precious jewel to us, and we wouldn’t have asked for a better son. Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart. We wish you all that you wish yourself and more.”

9. “Today is not only your Birthday but also the beginning of a new chapter in your life: you become one after all! Congratulations, and wishing you all the best.”

10. “ Happy 21st birthday , my darling. May you continue to soar. And may your new age be better than the former. I love you.”

Happy 21st birthday, my darling

11. “On your 21st birthday, I am truly happy for you, and I wish you the best that life can offer you. Many more years of celebrations, son.”

12. “If I forget a thousand dates, I will not forget your special day. I wish you lots of love, happiness, joy, sound health, and success. Happy Birthday, son.”

13. “Today’s a very special day. Your 21st Birthday! I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed watching you grow into the wonderful person that you are today. Happy birthday, my son.”

14. “At 21, you’ll be needing lots of wisdom for direction. So as your parents, we wish you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May your ways be prosperous. Happy 21st birthday.”

15. “You don’t need so much to be happy, but I wish that you have more than enough to be happy. Happy 21st birth anniversary. I love you.”

16. “Happy 21st birthday, my child! You’re the most precious gift of my life and the biggest reason for my happiness. May you have many years of a healthy life, and God give you the strength to win your goal! Lots of love for you.”

17. “Only a few parents are privileged to be blessed with a gifted son like you. Happy 21st birthday to the best son in the whole wide world.”

18. “Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your 21st birthday, son! Have a fantastic celebration today because of how great you are.”

19. “You’re the most intelligent and admirable 21-year-old boy in the world. Happy 21st birthday, sweetie. I wish you all the best, and I love you.”

20. “ Happy 21st birthday , sweetheart. May the good Lord bless you with good health , prosperity, wisdom, and knowledge to live a fulfilling life.”

Happy 21st birthday, sweetheart.

Read also: 120 Heart-Touching Missing My Son Quotes To Comfort You

To My Son On His Birthday

1. “It’s not just another day in the world, it’s the best day of the year. Happy 21st birth anniversary. May you continue to give so much love and warmth.”

birthday cupcake image representing 21st birthday message

2. “Dear son: This is your day, and we all wish you everything that makes life worth it! Wishing you joy, love, and abundance in every sphere of life that comes your way this year and beyond.”

3. “Today, you have turned into a 21-year-old gentleman, and I am pretty sure you will also live this phase of your life gracefully and smarty as you have lived your childhood and teenage. May god’s blessings always be with you. Happy birthday to my 21-year-old hunk son!”

4. “The 21st breakthrough is so much more than an age. It’s about great moments, lots of fun, and impatience with all the wonderful things that are about to come.”

5. “Happy 21st birthday! You will forever be my little darling, but you’ll also be a wonderful soul with a warm heart that can take on the world with kindness and love. You are a remarkable person.”

6. “Dear son, you make both mama and papa so proud. Happy 21st birthday to you. We absolutely wish you a life full of love and accomplishments. We love you.”

7. “May your 21st birthday celebration turn out to be a chaotic and electrifying affair so that you can know what it feels like when your life becomes a mess and exciting at the same time. You are such an endearing personality that you deserve the birthday party of a lifetime. Happy 21st birthday and have a great day ahead!”

8. “Happy 21st birthday son! You’re such a wonderful young man, and I can only wish the absolute best for you this next year. May it be filled with love, passion, and joy.”

9. “I promise you today to always be there for you every step of the way as I have been in the past 21 years. I’ll be by your side in every special moment. I wish you a happy birthday so.”

10. “Happy birthday to you, wonderful son. Your best is yet to come and your finest is just beginning. See you at the top, dear.”

Happy birthday to you, wonderful son

11. “Make sure you dream big and accomplish your goals. In all of your success, remember that the simplest things lead to the happiest life. Love always, happy 21st birthday son.”

12. “Dear son, you’re amazing in the true sense of the word. And I hope this new year launches you into the best phase of your life yet. Happy 21st birthday son.”

13. “The last 21 years have been amazing, and they all went by in a blur. I’m so proud of the person that you have grown up to be. But there’s still a lot of growing up to do. Don’t worry because the next few years will be quite interesting. Slow down when you need to and enjoy every single bit of it.”

14. “Happy birthday to my son who does easy tasks, shares silly jokes, and laughs crazily. It’s your special dear, and I wish you more fun.

15. “You are such an amazing young man, and I cannot wait to see where life takes you today and in the future. Happy 21st birthday son!”

16. “On your 21st birthday, I wish that you have more dreams than memories, more opportunities than regrets, more determination than luck, more good friends than acquaintances, and more love than uncertainties. May you have all the best things in this world. Happy birthday!”

17. “Happy 21st! Your future does not lie in front of you, it lies deep inside you. When life becomes a rollercoaster, climb into the front seat, throw your arms in the air and enjoy the ride.”

18. “Thank you, son, for bringing so much joy to my life. My wishes are to see you succeed as early as today, and I pray that you have a birthday full of blessings and surprises! Happy 21st birthday!”

19. “I’ve got so much to say but I’ll tell you that you’re amazing, super special, and outstandingly kind. Happy 21st birthday son. I wish you good health and bliss.”

20. “It’s a wonderful day to celebrate someone special. I wish you a blissful season as you celebrate your 21. Happy birthday. You are always loved.”

It’s a wonderful day to celebrate someone special

See also: 300 Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Special Person

Cute 21st Birthday Wishes For Son

1. “ Happy 21st birthday , my darling. I wish you peace of mind, clarity of purpose, and prosperity in what you do. Enjoy your day.”

Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you peace of mind, clarity of purpose, and prosperity in what you do

2. “I wish you a super happy and blessed 21st birthday and tons of success in your future. May this day makes you proud and grateful. Stay golden, baby.”

3. “Life is like a box of chocolates; For one person it can be pure ecstasy, while for another it can be an awful experience. I hope that you are having a wonderful 21st birthday, son!”

4. “Don’t worry about friends because you’ll always have a true one in me. Happy 21st birthday, my superhero. I love you for a lifetime.”

5. “Happy 21st birthday to one of the most amazing people on this planet! I hope that you have a day filled with cake, fun, and endless happiness. May your new life be full of great wonders!”

6. “I’m so proud of you and forever will be. Happy 21st birthday, my darling. I wish you many more happy and prosperous years on earth. May you not fail. I love you.”

7. “Oh, happy 21st birthday, son! On this occasion, I would like to wish you a happy birthday and many more to come! You are my pride, my joy, my sunshine. I love you from the core of my heart.”

8. “I cannot believe my baby is 21 today. You were chasing me so fast, and now I am chasing you! I wish you a very happy birthday! Today is to celebrate your special day and make a toast to many more!”

9. “For 21 years, I’ve watched you grow, change, and mature. I have lived in awe of your ever-burning spirit and your unbridled passion for every second of those years. May your birthday shine as bright as you.”

10. “Son, wishing you a wonderful 21st birthday is the greatest honor of my life. I am so proud of the man you are.”

Son, wishing you a wonderful 21st birthday is the greatest honor of my life

11. “You have accomplished so much in such little time! What a role model you are for those that know you. I’m so proud of the grown-up you have become.”

12. “Here’s celebrating 21 years of good times, great friends, wonderful family, and lessons learned. May you be blessed with the best things in life. Happy 21st birthday, son!”

13. “New directions come your way; promise me that you will make good use of being 21. Happy Twenty First Birthday, my dear son!”

14. “Dear son, your 21st birthday is almost here. These last few years have been filled with all kinds of fun adventures as we’ve shared life together. I have cherished every moment.”

15. “Son, on your birthday, I ask God to bless you and allow each day to come to offer you thousands of reasons to smile. Congratulations!”

16. “You’ve been a spectacular son since the day you were born. Now that you’re 21, you’re an even more spectacular adult.”

17. “Let’s pop open the champagne, for it’s the 21st birthday of someone very special!  Wishing you all the very best on this momentous birthday and a lifetime of success and happiness to follow. Have a truly fantastic time today, my dear!”

18. “A child like you is a gift from heaven to be celebrated day after day. Like your parents, we honor and appreciate your presence at all times, and even more so on a date as important as your birthday. Congratulations, son! You are our greatest blessing.”

19. “Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were at least a year younger? Time does fly fast! It seems like yesterday you were just a clueless kid, And now you’ve entered adulthood. I hope you find the right path in life, and may this year top the last. Happy 21st birthday son!”

20. “I can’t believe that the baby I was holding 21 years ago is now an adult. I wish you all the best in life, my son. You make me a proud mother !”

I can’t believe that the baby I was holding 21 years ago is now an adult

See also: 130 Inspiring Proud Momma Quotes That Will Impress You

To Conclude

With this many beautiful happy 21st birthday son wishes, you’ll have no problems finding the perfect one.

Until next time!

100 Fantastic Ways To Wish Someone A Happy 22nd Birthday

130 Lovely Happy 25th Birthday Son Wishes And Messages

150 Sweet And Beautiful Happy 21st Birthday Son Wishes

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What to Write In a 21st Birthday Messages - 69 Different Ideas

Turning 21 is a big birthday! It’s one we take very seriously in western cultures, as after an 18th birthday, it’s the next birthday that signifies your arrival to adulthood. When we turn 18, most age restrictions don’t apply to us, but still a few. At 21 the world is your oyster!

Any big birthday, and especially a 21st birthday, deserves a gift and most importantly a birthday greeting card. However, knowing what to write on a 21st birthday isn’t always that easy.

Even a short 21st birthday message needs a bit of consideration. How close are you to the recipient, and what is your relationship with them? Can they see the humour in your card and can they take a joke, or should you stick to being friendly and celebrative? Do they like heartwarming messages, or do they prefer to keep it light?

Luckily for you, we have curated some of the best messages to write in a 21 st Birthday card to take all the pressure off your shoulders.

Funny Things To Write In A 21st Birthday Card

Most 21 year olds will take a joke, and most likely won’t be insulted with a card being humorous about their age. Funny birthday card messages would be perfect from siblings and friends - we can leave the gushing heartwarming messages for the parents and grandparents! Choose one of our funny 21st birthday wishes below, and personalise it where you see fit. Perhaps use some personal details that you and the recipient share, for example a trip that you both went on, or how you both met all those many years ago.

  • Enjoy turning 21 today - it’s all downhill from now on!
  • By 21, Jane Austen had written Pride and Prejudice. But you’re still doing great!
  • By 21, Steve Jobs had founded Apple. But you’re still doing great!
  • You’re 21! You are officially an adult… and old.
  • 21 years of being a muppet.
  • 21 looks good on you.
  • Look out world, here you come!
  • 21 today! Time to get your sh*t together.
  • Happy 21st Birthday! Drink responsibly… don’t spill any of it.
  • Time to get drunk and forget you’re getting old. Happy 21st!
  • Time to grow up! Happy Birthday.
  • Happy 21st Birthday! Don’t grow up… it’s a trap!
  • Here’s your annual reminder of how thoughtful I am - Happy 21st Birthday!

21st birthday card

Heartwarming Things To Write In A 21st Birthday Card

Perhaps humour isn’t the way to go, but instead a heartfelt and thoughtful message will work. You could use this opportunity to wish them a happy 21st birthday, and let them know how proud you are of them and what they mean to you. This is officially their entrance into adulthood, and that means a lot!

  • Have a wonderful day today on your 21st Birthday.
  • How time flies - Happy 21st Birthday.
  • So proud of who you have become over these 21 years.
  • You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. Happy 21st!
  • 21 - This is big! So proud of you and all you have accomplished so far.
  • So proud of what you have achieved and what you are going to achieve. Happy 21st birthday!
  • Life isn’t about finding yourself - it’s about creating yourself. Happy birthday!
  • Can’t quite believe you are 21! I remember you running around in nappies.
  • 21 and amazing.

Happy 21st Birthday Message for Daughter

Your daughter is turning 21. This is the perfect opportunity to wish them a happy birthday, and explain how proud you are of them and why. This greeting card you send may well become a keepsake card for them, that they will treasure for a number of years after this birthday. Choosing a beautifully designed card and well thought out personal message is a must!

  • We are so proud of you - Happy 21st Birthday daughter.
  • To the most amazing daughter we could have wished for - Happy 21st Birthday!
  • I can’t wait to see what your future holds for you!
  • So proud of the woman you have become.
  • No matter what, you’ll always be our little girl.
  • You’ll always be our princess!
  • You make us so proud, each and every single day.
  • I know that the path ahead for you is bright – you deserve every success
  • You know I’ll always be here for you son, cheering you on, with a shoulder to cry on.
  • I can’t believe the little baby girl I held in my arms is turning 21 today.

Happy 21st Birthday Message for Son

So your son is finally turning 21, and where has that time gone! Choosing the perfect message for their birthday card is a great way to let them know how proud you are of who they have become over these 21 years. 

  • We are so proud of you - Happy 21st Birthday Son.
  • To the most amazing son we could have wished for - Happy 21st Birthday!
  • So proud of the man you have become.
  • No matter what, you’ll always be our little boy.
  • You’ll always be our prince charming!
  • You know I’ll always be here for you son, cheering you on, with a listening ear, and doing your ironing.
  • I can’t believe the little baby boy I held in my arms is turning 21 today.

Happy 21st Birthday Message for Sister

Happy 21st Birthday Sister - Forever looking up to you!

Happy 21st Birthday Little Sister. I still remember when we used to dress up!

I’m so lucky to have a sister like you.

Forever my partner in crime.

So lucky to have a sister and a best friend in one.

21st birthday cake

Happy 21st Birthday Message for Brother

Happy 21st Birthday Brother - Forever looking up to you!

Happy 21st Birthday Little Brother. I still remember when we used to wrestle!

I’m so lucky to have a brother like you.

Bro - I can’t believe you’re 21! Happy Birthday.

Inspirational 21st Birthday Message

Using a more inspirational message is always appropriate when you are truly proud and impressed by the recipient, and what they have achieved or overcome in their time. It might be that the recipient has had a tough time up until their 21st birthday, but yet they have persevered and overcome their challenges. It may be that the recipient has achieved a great deal in a relatively short amount of time - this could be related to starting their own business, buying their own home, striving to help others through charitable work etc. 

  • I’ve always looked up to you and I’m so proud of the person you have become. It’s a blessing to have you in my life.
  • On your 21st birthday, you deserve all of the happiness and joy that life can bring.
  • You have always inspired me. With all you’ve been through so far, you persevere and move forward. Stronger than ever on your 21st birthday.
  • All you’ve accomplished in your 21 brief years on this earth - it’s astounding!
  • You have accomplished so much in such little time! What a role model you are for those that know you. I’m so proud of the grown-up you have become.
  • What does life have in store for you? An adulthood filled with joy, happiness and success is my birthday wish for you.
  • You’ve so many choices left to make as you turn the corner past 21. Whatever path you take, may it provide all of the happiness and success that you deserve.
  • What an impressive person you have become.
  • Go now, and do amazing things!

21st Birthday Quotes

Sometimes you can say all you need to say with a quote. Below we have compiled a list of quotes that can be applied to reaching that 21st birthday milestone. Of course, you could always accompany a message along with one of these 21st birthday quotes.

  • “Always remember – you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and more loved than you know.” – Christopher Robin, Pooh’s Grand Adventure
  • “All the world is a birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.” George Harrison
  • “21, if truth be told, is partly young and partly old.” Unknown
  • “Birthdays are good for you, the more you have the longer you’ll live.” Unknown
  • “Don’t just count your years, make your years count.” – George Meredith
  • “Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.” – Lucy Larcom:
  • “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” – Doctor Seuss
  • “Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” – Franz Kafka

Hopefully the above 21st birthday best wishes have inspired you in some way. Choosing any of the above messages should be a great place to start from in writing the perfect 21st birthday card. The one tip we could give is to personalise the message to a memory or connection you have with the recipient. This will make it a truly personal and unique message that they are sure to love and treasure. If you are stuck on finding the perfect 21st birthday card, then please take a look at our collection of birthday greeting cards. There are a number of designs to choose from.

What to Write In a 21st Birthday Messages - 69 Different Ideas - Pinterest

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Maid of Honor Speech Ideas for Sisters

Writing a speech in general can be a challenging endeavor; however, when you write about family members, the task becomes even more daunting. The trick to a successful speech about a family member is to balance between facts and sticking with a theme plus adding anecdotal information that gives the speech a personal touch. A speech about your son could serve any number of purposes, from talking about the hardships of raising a male child and the pitfalls to anticipate, to discussing specific situations in which your son has overcome a common youth issue.

Determine a theme so your speech remains focused. This is key because despite the fact that your speech is about your child, there still needs to be an underlying point to keep your audience interested in what you have to say. Generally, a speech about your child will center on some component of child rearing or some youth-related issues your son has had to overcome, which you can share with your audience. Choose the direction for your speech and stick with it throughout.

Inject humor into your speech. Speeches about children are often most successful when interspersed with humorous stories and tidbits about the focal point of your conversation with the audience. For example, you might talk about your son's struggle with bullying--which is a more serious topic--but to lighten the mood, perhaps you might interject a funny story about him bullying you in the womb with his penchant for kicking anytime you ate your favorite food. This keeps with the theme of the speech, but lightens a heavier topic.

Ask for your son's input during the writing process. Since it is about him, your son might offer constructive suggestions on elements to include, details that are a bit too personal and general feedback from the viewpoint of the audience.

Audition your speech for the rest of the family. As a group that knows your son and the story behind your speech, family members can also provide feedback on missing details, key aspects of your theme and opinions from a different viewpoint. Doing this for your family before you give your speech gives you an opportunity to go back and tweak anything you need to.

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Lynda Moultry Belcher is a writer, editor and public relations professional. She worked for a daily newspaper for 10 years and has been a freelance writer for more than 15 years. She has contributed to Divorce360 and Revolution Health Group, among other publications. She is also the author of "101 Plus-Size Women's Clothing Tips" and writes "Style At Any Size," a bi-weekly newspaper column.


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    Free 21st birthday speeches - done and dusted.. Now get to work on buying or making an incredible dress or tuxedo for that million dollar babe[or dude]look and planning a great party with easy party ideas and games - your complete guide to the perfect party or birthday with fun games, themes, invitations, recipes and more!. Let's not forget an amazing birthday cake and candles.

  17. 21ST Birthday Speech or Letter from Mom to Son or Daughter

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  20. What to Write In a 21st Birthday Messages

    Time to get your sh*t together. Happy 21st Birthday! Drink responsibly… don't spill any of it. Time to get drunk and forget you're getting old. Happy 21st! Time to grow up! Happy Birthday. Happy 21st Birthday! Don't grow up… it's a trap!

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    Ask for your son's input during the writing process. Since it is about him, your son might offer constructive suggestions on elements to include, details that are a bit too personal and general feedback from the viewpoint of the audience. Audition your speech for the rest of the family. As a group that knows your son and the story behind your ...

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    21st birthday speech for my son. by trudi. Rated: 13+ · Other · Family · # 1150817. Speech (given verbally on tape) and later used in speech contest - & won! Early December I received an email from Alun advising the date of his 21st Party - YOU MUST COME MUM - He said. Turns out what he REALLY wanted was a speech!

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