how to write student industrial training report

How to Write a SIWES Report – Sample and Format (Score A)

Photo of Saint Chinedu

Do you want to learn the proper way and steps in writing your industrial training/SIWES report?

Since I started this blog, I’ve received countless messages through email, WhatsApp, and my blog from industrial training students, who want to learn and know the proper way in writing a good and presentable report, but do not know how to go about it.

Some of you guys don’t have time on your side, as your report submission and presentation is around the corner.

Also, others weren’t given any orientation by their schools, and few actually didn’t undergo the training.

And now, you have been asked by your department to write and present reports.

Each time I receive such messages, I try to reply as soon as possible to prevent and possibly reduce the failure rate in this programme.

That’s why I feel it’s my duty to you, my readers, to aid you in understanding this subject, because I want you to succeed and to succeed as well as possible.

In this article, students of Accounting, Agriculture, Architecture, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Business Administration, Engineering, Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Office Technology and Management, Mass Communication etc. will easily learn how to write A-Grade SIWES report.

Just read on!

What is a SIWES Report?

Industrial Training Internship SIWES Report

This report is usually type-written using MS Word, printed, binded and is to be submitted by the students to their school lecturers/supervisors or department at the end of their training for review, presentation and grading.

The report should give succinct details of all work-related activities that took place in the place of industrial attachment.

It should be written in such a way that a layperson or one who hasn’t been to the workplace would easily and clearly understand the activities, projects, jobs carried out and products produced by the firm.

Also, the report should be free of grammatical blunders.

READ ⇒  How to Start ₦525k Weekly Earning Blog in Nigeria

SIWES Report Format

Here is the format for SIWES report writing using Microsoft Word:

  • Paper – A4 Sized White Paper
  • Font – Times New Roman
  • Font Size – 12
  • Line Spacing – 2.0 (Double Line)
  • Aligned/Justified on Both Sides

Part of the SIWES/I.T Report

The SIWES/I.T report is usually divided into three (3) main parts, namely:

(1) Preliminary Pages

  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract (Report Overview)

Note: The preliminary pages are numbered in Roman Numerals ( i, ii, iii, iv etc.) at the bottom of each page.

(2) Report Body (Chapters)

(3) References

Preliminary Pages

1. Title Page

how to write student industrial training report

You’ll have to include:

  • Your Full Name
  • I.T Company Name and Address
  • Matriculation or Reg. No.
  • Department, Faculty and School

The date to include can be the month and year you’re to submit your report to your department for grading or do your defense/presentation.

It can also be the duration of your training, i.e. when you began and ended your training. e.g. 06/01/2024  – 25/06/2024 .

The font size for the title page is 14  and in bold capital letters throughout.

2. Dedication

how to write student industrial training report

3. Acknowledgements

how to write student industrial training report

4. Table of Contents

how to write student industrial training report

The Table of Contents should show the orderly and sequential arrangement of the aforementioned pages, including the activities, projects carried out by you at your workplace.

This page enables a reader to easily know and find the exact pages of a particular topic or activity of interest without having to read the entire report.

5. Abstract 

how to write student industrial training report

Summary of the report.

Don’t give paragraphs when writing the report abstract, because it is usually jam-packed, as you can see in the picture above.

The length should also be 1/2 (half) or 3/4 (three-quarter) of the page you’ll be writing it on.

Use single line spacing (i.e. 1 ) for the abstract.

Report Body 

The body of the SIWES report is usually divided into four (4) chapters, although you can have up to 5 or more chapters.

But, it’s always advisable to make your report brief, except you’ve a lot to write about.

You’re not actually writing a textbook.

In short, your lecturers/supervisors may not have the time to read the complete report.

They will probably scan through important parts/pages of your report looking for errors, mistakes or interesting facts (activities).

Sometimes, “Quality over Quantity”

The manner and approach you’ll use in writing your report usually depends on the firm you work with, departments you worked in, and activities carried out by you.

For example, the way a SIWES report of an I.T student who worked in a medical laboratory is written, differs sometimes from the report of those who worked in fast food, bakeries, construction sites, farms, etc.

1. Chapter One

how to write student industrial training report

In this chapter, you’ll have to write on:

  • The s cope, aim and objectives of SIWES.
  • History and background of your workplace e.g. you can include the owner/manager(s) names, year of establishment, staff strength, etc. If it’s registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and NAFDAC, you can also include.
  • Company’s objectives (vision, mission, values) and scope of service. Scope of Service means the areas of specialization of the company. It can be what the company produces, sells, teaches or operates. For instance, a private hospital may specialize in a laboratory, pharmacy, gynecology, surgery, ultrasound scan, eye clinic, etc.
  • Board of Directors (if applicable).
  • Departments/sections in the company.
  • Branches of the company (if applicable).
  • Organizational chart/structure of the company.

Meanwhile, the Organizational Chart is simply a diagram showing the positions of workers/departments or flow of power in the firm from maybe the top (manager, director, CEO) to the bottom (drivers, cleaners etc.).

Organization Chart In A SIWES Report

2. Chapter Two

how to write student industrial training report

In this chapter, you can write on:

  • General introduction to the company or a specific unit/section in the company you worked in or a major activity, job, project you learnt and carried out.
  • Safety precautions or rules and regulations of the company.
  • Emergency in the company (optional).
  • Equipment’s, machines, tools, devices etc. used in the company or a specific unit/section in the company you worked in.

Note: Don’t include images of the equipment’s used, instead list them out orderly and state their various uses.

3. Chapter Three

how to write student industrial training report

In this chapter, it is expected that the activities carried out during training under various section(s) are discussed here in order of priorities and logically.

It may be numbered as 3.1, 3.2, 3.3…..

Another level, e.g. 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.3… may be added where 3.1 and 3.2 have other subheadings.

You can discuss tests, projects, production, quality control, machines applications, sewing, repairs/maintenance, construction, crafts/design, web/software development, fish farming, etc.

In this chapter, you can also choose to include some pictures of the equipment’s, tools, machines, devices, materials used in the various section(s) you worked in.

The pictures can be black and white, coloured or both.

You can also include flowchart diagrams, e.g. If you worked in a bottled/sachet water production factory, you may choose to include diagrams showing the steps involved in water production, treatment, purification, packaging, etc.

You can equally include images of the finished product (i.e. bottled/sachet water).

If you also worked in a bakery, you can also include pictures showing the steps involved in bread production (from dough mixing to final packaging of the sliced/loaves of bread in nylons).

You can equally choose to include pictures of you alone or with other students/workers while carrying out some activities in the various sections of the company. Although, this isn’t really that necessary.

Note : Pictures shouldn’t be that much. Just a few necessary ones are enough.

Any picture or diagram included in the report must bear a title/description just like the one below.

how to write student industrial training report

4. Chapter Four

how to write student industrial training report

This chapter should contain the:

  • Summary of your activities at your I.T place.
  • Challenges you encountered during your training, e.g. cost of transportation, no payment, poor attitudes of customers or fellow workers/employees, night shifts, etc.
  • Personal suggestions, recommendations towards improvement of industrial training in the firm, state or the country at large.
  • Conclusion.

how to write student industrial training report

This should come at the end of your report writing.

You can’t say that you actually wrote your SIWES report by yourself without making use of the internet, textbooks, materials, your workplace handbooks/manuals or copy and pasting.

This section is where all sources referred in writing are listed.

Referencing is also known as a bibliographic listing of information sources cited or consulted at the end of every research. You must give credits where due.

“American Psychological Association (APA) Style of Referencing” is recommended.

The references must be arranged in alphabetical order.

All citations must be consistent, reflected in the references section, and must conform to standard scientific format.

The references above are based on/related to report i.e. training undergo in a Poultry Farm.  

Your report can’t be about laboratory tests and you’ll now be having reference sources and articles of water or bread production. It makes little sense. It has to be related.

READ ⇒ How to Get Your Own Quality SIWES Report Samples Today

If you undergo your training in two different companies, you can choose to write just one or two different SIWES reports.

But, I’ll recommend you write only one report, i.e. merge both together.

Below is the  Table of Contents for six months training (report) undergo in two different companies ( D Kings Kid Conglomerates and OUI Ozonized Water ).

how to write student industrial training report

How Many Pages Should My SIWES Report Be?

I’ve received so many questions from students as to how many pages their SIWES report should be.

Well, there’s no exact page number for the SIWES report.

But, by using the format outlined on this blog, not less than 20 pages are okay.

That means 20 – 60 pages are perfect for the SIWES report writing.

Your school, department or lecturers (supervisors) may instruct and give you a specific page limit to use in your report writing.

For instance, you may be told that your report shouldn’t be less than 40 pages .

If so, obey and abide by your lecturer or supervisor rule.

Your lecturer or supervisor can also order you to increase the report font size to 13 or above instead of 12 (the standard font size).

This can be due to eye defects or choice.

If so, also obey and abide by your lecturer (supervisor) rule.

How Many Report Copies Should I Print Out?

First, printing is within the range of ₦ 10 – ₦ 30   in most cyber cafes and business centres in Nigeria.

That means, if your report is 30 pages   and you print at ₦ 10   per page…

i.e. 30 pages X ₦ 10 = ₦ 300

If you should include report binding, which is usually ₦ 100 – ₦ 300 ,

Let’s say you bind your report at ₦ 100 .

Then, you’ll likely be spending ₦ 400   ( i.e. ₦ 100   +  ₦ 300 ) in printing out just one report copy.

You may decide to print out two report copies. One for yourself and the other copy you’ll submit to your school, department, or lecturer (supervisor).

You may also decide to print and have only one report copy, which will be the one for submission.

Maybe you don’t have or want to waste money or probably you see no reason and usefulness of getting additional report copy.

How to Write SIWES Report

To write a Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) report, follow these steps:

  • For chapter one, start by introducing SIWES.
  • For chapter two, introduce the company or organization where you did your training. Include the name of the company, its location, and a brief description of what it does.
  • In chapter three, describe the specific tasks and responsibilities you were given during your training. Be sure to include any technical skills or knowledge you gained during the training.
  • In chapter four, discuss the challenges and problems you faced during your training, and how you overcame them.
  • After discussing the challenges, you faced, provide a summary of the key lessons you learnt during your training. This could include new technical skills you acquired, or insights you gained about the industry.
  • Conclude your report by discussing how your training has prepared you for future employment, and how it will benefit your studies.
  • Provide recommendations for improving the SIWES program, based on your experiences.

Keep in mind that your SIWES report should be well-written and easy to read.

Be sure to proofread your report carefully and use clear and concise language throughout.

Follow any specific guidelines provided by your school or institution for writing a SIWES report.

Your Turn…

Are you encountering difficulties in your report writing?

Do you need quality SIWES report samples?

Get Quality Report Samples ⇒  HERE

Photo of Saint Chinedu

Saint Chinedu

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Thanks so much sir.

I am very grateful.

u too try sef

how to fill logbook

How can I learn how to report SIWES.

Thanks very much This information is very helpful

Grateful sir this is helpful

This was amazingly helpful!!! God bless you big time!

thank you so much sir

Thank you sir this is very helpful

Thanks for helping us.

Thank you so very much for this information. It is highly educative and very aiding for siwes report writing.

Plz what’s this recommendation all about?

Thanks so much for the guidelines it really help

Thank you, its has helpfull

Thanks so much

so helpful, thank you

Really appreciate your efforts

I really appreciate your effort for making it easy for student to easily know what is technical report and the steps to follow to write a wonderful report. thank you sir, you are doing well.

Am a public administration student doing my siwes in admin office in general hospital I don’t know what to write in my log book please

Thanks for the clew

Am criminology and security studies student doing my IT in the airport but I don’t know what to write in my log book. In my log book they stated crime/deviance, I don’t know how to fill it.

I need a siwes report for printing technology

Much appreciate, thank you so much for your encourage, pls I want to ask about how to write siwes logbook for computer science.

God bless you Boss

Please i need the full siwes log book for a mass com

Please I need a sample on how my IT Report should look like. My training is in a cyber cafe(computer institute)

Gratitudes. You explanation is really helpfull Also your step by step arrangements are accurate. Thanks alot I really appreciate

Thank you God bless you

nice job sir

Very nice write up.. Am so grateful for this

I appreciate sir, may God Almighty continue to bless n strengthen you.

Thanks so much sir very interesting report

This is awesome… I’m really grateful for this.

Plz am a banking and finance student but am doing my siwes in a Radio station as a marketer plz I dnt knw what to write in my log book plz I need help

Just what I needed. Thanks a lot.

Thanks, I appreciate your write up.

I have a challenge, am a computer science student but was posted to Health Safety and Environment (HSE) department, how will my report look like?

Your work is really Awesome….. How do you fill in, for Days absent due to illness?

Helpful report. Thanks sir

Great guide. I will like to know if your guide is academically certified as the Nou siwes guidelines please.

Am student of biochemistry pls I need in project consigning material’s and how to about it

Thanks sir I really appreciate. It’s a nice knowledge

Thank you so much. I appreciate Pls, how can I back date to fill my log book since we didn’t complete the six months IT due to Covid-19. Is it necessary to fill all?

I appreciate your efforts I really gained much knowledge to write this report. I appreciate thanks

I appreciate your efforts I really gained much knowledge to write this report.I appreciate thanks

With your guidance I have been able to write my report on my own with out paying any body to do the work for me .. thanks

Simple and clearly written. Appreciated.

Sir, are in text citations recommended in the report?

No, it is not recommended. Only do so if instructed by your school supervisor or lecturer.

God bless Sir. It’s been a very nice experience

It’s awesome and comprehensive. Thank you.

Wow, this is so helpful. Thanks so much.

You’ve done well Mr. Saint Chinedu.

Thanks for this enlightenment

This is so explanatory. God bless you Sir.

Thanks you sir

So interesting, thank you so my much sir.

Well done sir, you have done a great job.

Thank you ?

Sir is it compulsory that I draw the equipment seen in d description of activities done .

Drawing of equipment’s can make the report comprehensive and reading understandable thereby boosting your marks.

Please is there any way I can connect with you on WhatsApp?????

Thanks a lot.

You helped me out man. God bless you.

You’re good. Thanks.

Thank you for your additional knowledge on how to write good reports… Bless you.

Thank you very much. More knowledge.

Thank you very much

Thanks for the guard line it help

Thank you sir for this. Indeed you have helped a lot.

God will continue to bless you and endowed you with more knowledge. Cheers!

Thanks so much for this, it helped me construct my report and I was pleased with it.

This is very useful. Thank you so much sir.

Great Job Admin, this is quite innovative. I’m grateful.

Thank so much

Thanks so much, Clearer now.

This is helpful Thanks man

What is the difference between summary and conclusion?

In SUMMARY, you can summarize the activities, projects you learnt and carried out in specific departments in the company.

In CONCLUSION, you can conclude the training benefits and importance to you and your course of study.

Pls can I get a ciwes report foe civil engineering department

What if I make use of only internet do I have to write the link only?

Which link?

Thanks this was helpful God bless you.

Thank you so much sir I really appreciate.

Thanks, got understanding on how to start from this

I really appreciate this write-up sir, it was indeed helpful… I had been thinking on how to write my IT report properly but now everything is clear.

This is a very good guideline sir. God Bless you.

I really appreciate.

This is very helpful

Good work, I appreciate u for the work u have done in bringing down what is call difficulty on how student will have a proper siwes report.

Thank You So Much For This… This Is Very Helpful.

Thank you so much for this guideline. It made my work so easy.

Thank you so much sir.

Thanks so much for the excellent guideline??

Thank you for your full cooperation given to we students we highly appreciate.

If I don’t comment, I won’t feel alright, nice job sir, really good work here

You’re welcome.

Thanks for making this hectic job so easy. Don’t know how to express my feeling right now

How do I write on farming and livestock especially to know the Abstract, Chapter 2 nd 3 Table of Contents. Pls sir need ur help.

Thanks so much.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much bros.

I really appreciate, thanks

Thanks a lot for your help!

Thanks so much for sharing

Thanks so much. I deeply appreciate. This information has helped me.

Thank you. This has been of great help

Oh! This really great! Thanks

It boost my confidence, thanks bro.

Please I need help with my SIWES logbook on how to fill it. I need a filled SIWES logbook on nutrition and dietetics as a guide.

Boss I need your assistance

Thanks man. Really helpful.

Wow… It was awesome thanks a lot

I appreciate your tremendous effort towards helping students undertaken their internship.

Glad it was helpful.

This was very helpful. Wrote my report in less than 3 days. Thanks for the help!

Wow…. you have made my work easy.. thanks so much.

This is just so good, though I haven’t started my report but it’s just what I would definitely need.

I was to nervous on how to go about the report writing but reading through this has enlightened me to go ahead. Thanks and God bless you.

This make sense, it helped me. Thanks

Thanks very much for this…it’s actually explainable on it’s own. God bless you

Thank you so much for this. I’ve been writing rubbish since and I’m submitting on Monday, with this I’ve begun to do it right. Soni did the IT but I never went to submit my form at ITF does that mean I’ve failed? what do I do about it?

No. It doesn’t mean you’ve failed. If you have chance, still try and submit the form. Good luck!

With this info and the breakdowns, you indeed will make this a very easy report to write, I really appreciate thanks

Please help send me your contact number I have a very serious issue to discuss with about I.T

I really appreciate this your work sir. Thank you

This is very helpful. Thanks a lot

This is a perfect work well done to enable undergraduates not to fall from their tracks of learning. Thank you for making life easier.

Tank u very much sir God bless sir.

Thanks very much But is it necessary to include the school logo to the front page?

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Thinkific Plus

The ultimate guide to using training report templates, share this article.

Creating a great training report can be tricky. You’ve put in so much effort to run your training sessions, but when it’s time to write it all down in a report, it’s not always easy to get it right. How do you ensure your report shows all the hard work and impact of your training?

This is a common challenge for training professionals. A good training report is more than just a list of what happened. It’s a key tool for looking at how well your training worked and where it can get even better. It’s about taking the big picture of your training and putting it into a clear and useful format.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide. We’re going to show you how to use training report templates effectively. We’re not just talking about filling in blanks — we’re giving you tips and strategies to make your reports really meaningful and a true reflection of your training’s worth. 

Skip Ahead: 

  • Introduction to training reports

What is a training report template?

Choosing the right training report template, step-by-step guide to filling out a training report, best practices in training report creation, tools and software for training report creation, introduction to training reports.

Training reports are essential in helping your organization grow and improve. They give you a detailed look at what’s working in your training programs and what needs a bit more attention. These reports help see how your training aligns with your company’s goals and figure out if the training is paying off.

These reports are super useful, especially for things like required training. Say you’re doing cybersecurity training — these reports can show you who’s keeping up and who’s not, which is really important because not following through can cost your company a lot.

Who needs these reports? Well, if you or one of your clients is managing employee training and development , you can use these templates to help ensure that the company follows certain rules and is compliant.

How to use them? It’s a good idea to run these reports regularly to make sure everyone is finishing their training. You can also look at progress reports and time logs to get a sense of how engaged everyone is, both as a team and individually.

Why is reporting learner progress important?

Reporting on how learners are doing is a big part of running a training program. Your Learning Management System (LMS) should make it easy to set up courses and get people enrolled and keep track of how everyone is doing. Sure, you can use other tools to check results and see how the training is going, but doing as much as possible in your LMS streamlines things.

If you don’t have an LMS, you probably know how tough it can be to keep track of everyone’s progress and performance — going through all those documents, spreadsheets, and assignments manually? That’s a headache.

Managing learner progress

The one in charge of training will need to see clearly how everyone is doing in their courses. A good LMS will help check out how far each learner has gotten, see their grades, and even look at their last login, among other things.

Analyzing training outputs

When you’re looking at how effective your training is, you want to see if the training is making a difference in how people do their jobs. Some LMS platforms let you compare how people are doing at work with how they did in the training, giving you a full picture of how effective your training is.

Receiving course feedback

Feedback from the people taking your courses is key. You need to hear what they think — the good and the bad. Especially if you’re hearing the same things repeatedly, that’s important for improving your courses.

A training report template is a tool to help you write up how your training session went. It makes gathering all the important info easier, like how engaged everyone was and how they’re applying what they learned.

Picking the right template for your training report means thinking about a few things:

  • Alignment with training goals: Your template should help you gather info that’s really relevant to what you’re trying to achieve with your training.
  • Ease of use: It should be simple to use so you can get your data in there without any fuss.
  • Customization options: Being able to tweak the template to fit different kinds of training is really handy.
  • Compatibility with analysis tools: Make sure the template works well with any tools you’re using to look at your data.
  • Scope for detailed feedback: You’ll want a template that lets you get into the nitty-gritty of how people felt about the training.

Components of a Training Report

Writing a training report well is key to capturing what your training program achieved. Here’s a simple guide on how to use a training report template effectively, along with some handy tips:

  • Start with clear objectives: Kick things off by spelling out what you wanted the training to achieve. This gives you a clear target for what you’re measuring.
  • Summarize the training content: Jot down a brief but thorough summary of what the training covered. Talk about the main topics, how you taught them, and any key materials you used.
  • Detail participant information: Write down who was in the training. Include their names, what they do, and any other info that might color how they took the training.
  • Describe methods of delivery: Talk about how you delivered the training. Was it a workshop, online, or a mix of both? This helps show how people might have interacted with and taken in the training.
  • Incorporate assessment results: If you had any tests or ways to measure how well people learned, detail those results here. This gives you hard facts on how well the material was understood.
  • Collect and include participant feedback: Get feedback from those who took the training. Surveys, chats, or interviews are great for this. This feedback tells you how the training was received and enjoyed.
  • Make observations and recommendations: Wrap up with your own thoughts on how the training went and ideas for future sessions. This should be a mix of what the data tells you and what you personally observed.

Crafting an effective training report is not just about documenting what happened — it’s about communicating the value and impact of the training in a clear and meaningful way. Here’s how you can make sure your training report really hits the mark:

  • Aim for clarity: The key is to use language that’s easy to understand. Avoid industry jargon or technical terms that might confuse readers. Think about explaining your points as if you’re talking to someone who wasn’t there. Your goal is for anyone, regardless of their background or familiarity with the subject, to grasp the key messages of your report.
  • Ensure completeness: A comprehensive report leaves no stone unturned. Start with your training objectives — what were you aiming to achieve? Detail who participated and the methods you used. Describe the training activities and the content covered. And don’t forget about the outcomes — what were the tangible results of the training? Finally, include any participant feedback or evaluations. This complete picture helps stakeholders understand the effectiveness of the training.
  • Maintain relevance: Stay laser-focused on the objectives of your training. Every piece of information in your report should tie back to these goals. If something doesn’t directly contribute to understanding how the training met (or didn’t meet) its objectives, it’s probably not essential. This focus helps keep your report streamlined and purposeful.
  • Incorporate feedback and evaluations: This is where you bring in both qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data, like test scores or completion rates, provide objective measures of success. Qualitative data, such as participant feedback and personal reflections, offer insights into the training’s impact on an individual level. Combining these two types of data gives a well-rounded view of your training’s effectiveness.

Keeping your team sharp with the latest skills is key, and that’s where employee training software shines. It makes it a breeze to keep tabs on your team’s training progress with comprehensive tools to assign and track training modules, helping everyone grow professionally.

Benefits of employee training tracking software

Using this kind of software comes with some big pluses:

  • Centralized information: It puts all your training info in one spot, so you can easily see how everyone’s doing and spot areas to beef up.
  • Loads of options: There’s a whole bunch of software out there, each with its own cool features. We’ve scoped out the top ones to give you the lowdown and help you choose the best fit.

Key features to look for in software for tracking employee training

Picking the right software? Keep an eye out for these features:

  • Easy and customizable: You want something that’s a cinch to use and can be tweaked to suit your business.
  • Tracks it all: Look for software that lets you see who’s finished their training, who’s on track, and who might need a nudge.
  • One-stop database: A place where all your training data lives, making it super easy to get to and sift through.
  • Smart reporting: Being able to whip up reports is huge. They show you how effective your training is and where you can make it even better.
  • Plays well with others: Find software that can buddy up with other systems you use, like HR or payroll, to smooth out your processes.
  • Stay in touch: Features that let you talk directly to your team, like notifications, keep everyone in the loop and engaged.
  • Keeps records straight: Good record-keeping is essential to stay on top of HR compliance and track everyone’s progress.
  • Friendly on the wallet: Especially for smaller businesses, you want something that won’t break the bank but still does the job.

Tools to consider

Thinkific plus .

how to write student industrial training report

Thinkific Plus is a top-notch platform for creating, marketing, and delivering online courses. It’s a perfect fit for businesses keen on offering professional training.

Key features of Thinkific

  • Comprehensive Course Creation Tools: Offers intuitive tools for creating engaging and interactive online courses.
  • Detailed Tracking and Reporting: Tracks learner progress, course completion rates, and engagement metrics.
  • Customizable Learning Experience: Allows for the personalization of courses to align with specific training objectives.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with various marketing, analytics, and CRM tools to enhance training management.
  • Automated Communication: Features tools for automated communication with learners, including reminders and notifications.

Pros and cons of Thinkific

  • Easy-to-use interface for hassle-free course creation.
  • Detailed tracking for a clear picture of learner progress.
  • Customizable content to fit all kinds of training needs.
  • Integrates with a bunch of other tools for seamless management.
  • Automated messages make keeping in touch a breeze.
  • Might take a bit to get the hang of the advanced stuff.
  • Some of the cooler features are in the pricier plans.
  • Focused more on online courses, which might not fit every training scenario.

Thinkific stands out as a one-stop shop for companies diving into online training. Its focus on customization and keeping learners engaged makes it a super valuable tool for impactful training programs. Plus, its easy-to-use interface and wide range of integrations make it a solid choice for creating training reports.

how to write student industrial training report

Absorb is a Learning Management System (LMS) that’s all about boosting your training programs.

Key features:

  • On-the-dot time tracking: Keeps a precise log of training hours.
  • Smooth session management: Makes setting up and running training sessions a piece of cake.
  • In-depth reports and analytics: Lets you dig into the data to fine-tune your training.
  • Integrates like a dream: Works seamlessly with other systems for a smooth operation.

Pros and cons of Absorb

  • Pinpoint accuracy in tracking training time.
  • Makes managing training sessions super easy.
  • Gives you the lowdown with detailed reports.
  • Links up well with other business systems.
  • Might be a bit much to grasp at first.
  • Could be pricier than other options.
  • May not be as flexible for unique training needs.

how to write student industrial training report

Tovuti is an all-in-one LMS that’s got everything you need to create, run, and track top-notch digital training programs.

  • Engaging digital training: Easy to set up and deliver training that sticks.
  • Sharp tracking and reporting: Keeps tabs on progress and completion rates.
  • KPI dashboards and custom reports: Offers insights to make your training even better.
  • Certification management: Keeps track of certs, from issuing to renewing.

Pros and cons of Tovuti

  • Comprehensive LMS with all the bells and whistles.
  • User-friendly, so you can focus on the training, not the tech.
  • Solid tracking and reporting for a clear view of your program’s success.
  • Customizable certs to recognize your team’s hard work.
  • Might need some tech smarts for the fancier customizations.
  • New users might need a little time to get the hang of it.
  • Pricing could be steep for smaller businesses.

how to write student industrial training report

TalentLMS is built for hassle-free training delivery, with all the support you need to make it a success.

  • Customizable training portal: Keep an eye on everyone’s progress and training time.
  • Flexible reports: Get the scoop with a range of report options.
  • Automatic updates: Stay informed when courses are wrapped up or certificates need renewal.

Pros and cons of TalentLMS

  • Super user-friendly, so you can get your training up and running fast.
  • Tailor-made portal for tracking exactly what you need.
  • Range of reporting options for deep dives into your data.
  • Keeps you updated automatically, so nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Some of the fancier custom stuff might need a bit of tech know-how.
  • Pricing varies, so it might be a bit much for smaller teams.
  • Could do with a bit of a facelift on the interface.

how to write student industrial training report

Trainual is all about making it easier to get your team aligned and onboarded with clear, easy-to-follow playbooks.

  • Straightforward playbook builder: Get everyone on the same page, fast.
  • Detailed progress tracking: See how each person and subject is doing.
  • Insightful reports: Get the lowdown on completion rates, test scores, and more.
  • Easy export options: Take your data and run with it for more analysis.

Pros and cons of Trainual

  • Makes aligning and onboarding your team a breeze.
  • Keeps a close eye on how everyone’s doing.
  • Packs a punch with detailed insights and reports.
  • Lets you take your data further with easy export options.
  • New users might need a bit of time to learn the ropes.
  • Customizing things could need some extra tech skills.
  • Pricing could be a bit much for smaller businesses.
  • The interface could use a touch-up for a smoother experience.

What should be included in a training report?

A training report should include training objectives, participant details, training content, delivery methods, assessment results, participant feedback, and recommendations for future training.

How often should training reports be updated?

The frequency of updates depends on the training program. Regular training programs may require monthly or quarterly updates, while one-off sessions might only need a single report post-training.

Can training report templates be customized for different types of training?

Yes, most training report templates are designed to be adaptable and can be customized to fit various types of training programs.

What are common mistakes to avoid in training report creation?

Common mistakes include overlooking important data, failing to align the report with training objectives, ignoring participant feedback, and using overly complex or technical language.

Set your customers up for success. 

[ Note for writer: The use case related to the blog topic goes here in this section. Change the headline, and tweak the paragraph below according to the Use Case of the blog you are writing about, make sure to mention how Thinkific Plus helps!] 

One of the most effective strategies to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty is by helping them achieve the desired results with your product or service. This is where knowledge becomes a game-changer, and Customer Training LMS Software stands as a pivotal tool in this journey. 

A Customer Training LMS Software will help you educate your customers on how to get the most out of what you offer, ensuring they have a satisfying experience, and helping increase customer retention along the way. Learn more about how you can achieve this with Thinkific Plus. 


Thank you for exploring the world of training report creation with us.

If you’re ready to elevate your training reporting process and earp the benefits of online learning, our team is here to provide personalized guidance. To learn more about streamlining your training reports and to get pricing details along with a live demo of Thinkific Plus, request a call with a member of our Thinkific Plus solutions team today. 

Daniela Ochoa is the go-to Content Marketing Specialist here at Thinkific Plus! With years of experience in marketing and communications, she is passionate about helping businesses grow through strategic storytelling, innovative digital campaigns, and online learning at scale.On this blog, she shares her expertise in content marketing, lead generation, and more.

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Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme

Guideline for The Industrial Training Report

An Industrial Training report should be prepared for each period of approved employment. The report is expected to demonstrate development of practical and professional skills in Engineering through technical experience and application of theoretical knowledge and research project/topic if there is. Development of skills in dealing with people, and communication skills form part of the training experience. Students should seek advice from their employers to ensure that no confidential material is included into the report. The student should be able to present the report to prospective employers, as a complement to their degree. The following should be observed:

  • Length of training
  • Preliminary information
  • Technical report/diary

References should be made in the text to books, technical papers, standards etc., used during the training period and should be listed.

Finally, a conclusion should include comprehensive comments on the type and value of experience gained, and how this relates to your professional career.

A copy of the report should be submitted to your employer (advised), another copy to the Faculty (required-through the respective Adviser). Students should also retain a personal copy (advised) of the report.

  Guideline for Preparation of Industrial Training Report

 1.  Introduction

The purpose of the Industrial Training is to provide exposure for the students on practical engineering fields. Through this exposure, students will have better understanding of engineering practice in general and sense of frequent and possible problems. This training is part of the learning process. So, the exposure that uplifts the knowledge and experience of a student needs to be properly documented in the form of a report. Through this report, the experience gain can be delivered to their peers. A properly prepared report can facilitate the presentation of the practical experience in an orderly, precise and interesting manner.

2. Purpose of the Report

a) Put down in writing the record of the training experience i.e personal performance reflection;

b) Implanting engineering expertise onto the students, that is, preparation of technical reports, communications, technical evaluation and design;

c) Means of summarizing the experience of a student;

d) Train student in effective writing as a preparation for the Final Year Project.

3. Contents and Format of Report

The procedure for preparation of the report has to follow the format determined by the Faculty based on the guidelines below.

a) General Report Format

The report has to be typewritten on white A4 size paper, font-size of 12 points with type face of Times New Roman has to be used throughout the report, with line spacing of 1.5 (Appendix A).

            The report has to be properly bound with ‘staple and tape binding’.

b) Front Cover Format

Students are advised to use ‘310 gram Whiteart Card’ in as the front cover. The format for the front cover should be as shown in appendix.

c) Abstract/Preface

This section of the report should consist of brief description of the following:

  • Activities of the Organization
  • Summary of the Report
  • Acknowledgement

This section of the report is limited to two (2) pages only. A sample is shown in Appendix.

d) Table of Contents

This section of the report should consist of:

  • Page numbers

Every appendix must have a title and each page must be page numbered accordingly.

e) Background of Company/Organization

Brief and concise description of the company/organization in which the student is undertaking the industrial training. The main items are:

  • Structural organization of main activity
  • Title and position of the officer in responsible
  • Others deemed necessary (no more than three (3) pages)

f) Summary of Duties (This section will be separate as LOG BOOK)

This section should be the brief description of the time, duration and types of duty carried out during the training. The description must follow the schedule of the training, that is, in chronological order (24 weeks). The days when the student is not on duty must be properly recorded with reasons given. Letter of permission must be attached in the appendix.

g) Working Experience

In this section, the student must descript the experience gained according to titles considered appropriate. For example, the main items are:

  • Projects carried out
  • Supervisory works
  • Problems encountered
  • Problems solved

Student should provide an overall discussion in this section and arrive at a conclusion with regards to the industrial training undergone. Subjects that may be presented are:

  • Types of experience gained
  • Views and recommendations

i) References

Provided that there are important resources that are used as references while preparing the report, a complete list of the titles of references concern must be included.

j) Appendix

Appendixes are additional information considered appropriate to support the main text. Suggested appendixes are:

  • Investigation/project report during the industrial training
  • Technical drawings etc.

a) Figures/Tables

All figures, tables and similar contents must be captioned and labeled. Every figure or table must be mentioned in the main text.

b) List of Notations and Symbols

If the report contains notations and symbols, the full definition must be given when each notation or symbol first appeared in the main text. The list of notations and symbols with the full definitions can be placed after ‘Table of Contents’.

Every appendix must have a title and be mentioned in the main text where appropriate. All page numbers must for appendixes must be continual from the main text.

DO NOT include irrelevant materials, e.g. brochures from the organizations, order forms, organization newsletters and similar materials.

how to write student industrial training report


Complete Guide on How to Write an Exemplary Industrial Training (SIWES) Report

An Industrial Training Report is very important for internship students and they are advised to learn the proper way of writing it. There has been a various question about How to Write an Industrial Training Report because this is very useful. There are also some very useful tips available on how to carry out this process.

Complete Guide on How to Write an Exemplary Industrial Training (SIWES) Report

You should note that this report is a document that contains activities, experience gained topics and jobs carried by internship students during the period of training. What this content will be about is the complete guide on How to Write an Industrial Training Report. Candidates who are to write this are to read the guidelines properly and understand them.

What You Need to Know About Industrial Training Report

Like earlier, Industrial Training Report is a document that contains activities, experience gained topics and job carried by internship students during the Industrial Training. Students are to submit this document to their supervision at the end of the training and is usually written using Microsoft Word and it is to be printed.

Candidates are to note that this report should be written clearly so as it improves clarity and ease of understanding. With this, the products and jobs carried out are to be pointed out and it should be free from error, which means the grammar should be very accurate.

General Formats for Industrial Training Report

The list below would contain the General Formats for Industrial Training Report as this one is used by most schools. One point you should note is that it should be written in Microsoft Word. Check the list below to see the format

  • The paper size for printing the Industrial Training Report is A4 that is 210 x 297 and sit should be a white sheet
  • Times New Roman is the recommended font that should be used for writing this report by all students
  • Font Size of the text should be 12
  • You should also use a 2.0 (Double Line) as your spacing
  • It is recommended that you justified your paragraph

How to Write an Industrial Training Report

If you are wondering about the steps on How to Write an Industrial Training (SIWES) Report then below you should check out the guidelines. Whereas you should first take note of the general format of the report. The list would guide on how to write this report as it contains all the sections

1. Cover Page

You should first provide an adequate cover page for your Industrial Training Report. Check the format above as it would guide you on how to work on your while preparing your cover page.

2. Approval Page and Company Information

You are also meant to provide your company information and the approval page. That means the page should contain the seal of an authorized officer.

3. Weekly Work Plan

You are also meant to provide your weekly work plan that is the objectives of your weekly studies. You should note that the objective should be sealed and signed.

one of your pages should also contain the index of your section titles

5. Company Index

You are to provide the company name and location where your training was held, its organization structure, product information and others.

This part should contain all your activities held in the company and also your experience. You should note that it is one of the most important parts of the Industrial Training Report so you should be very careful.

This part should be a summary of your report and including your experience and other additional information.

With this, when trying to Write an Industrial Training Report, you should follow the guidelines and they would help you in a lot of ways.

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Training Report

how to write student industrial training report

Naturally skilled and competent employees are not that easy to come by. As a matter of fact, many business owners are more inclined to developing them instead. After all, it’s better to hire someone coachable and then put them through the right training program . The results often speak for themselves. If you are a business owner and you find yourself in need of tools to further sharpen your training programs’ results, then a training report sample doc is just what you need. Read on to not only discover how to make one yourself but to download the best sample training summary report from our list.

Training Report Examples & Templates

1. post training report template.

Post Training Report Template

  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US

2. Employee Training Report Template

Employee Training Report Templates

3. Industrial Training Report Template

Industrial Training Report Templates

4. Annual Training Report Template

Annual Training Report Template

5. Training Evaluation Report Template

Training Evaluation Report Template

6. Training Report Template

how to write student industrial training report

Size: A4, US

7. Free Sample Training Report Template

Free Sample Training Report Template

  • Editable PDF

8. Free Employee Training Report Template

Free Employee Training Report Template

9. Training Report Format Template

Training Report Format Template

Size: 20 KB

10. Free Sample Employee Training Report Template

Free Sample Employee Training Report Template

Size: 24 KB

11. Sample Training Report Template

Sample Training Report Template

Size: 22 KB

12. Agency Training Report Template

Agency Training Report Template

Size: 31 KB

13. Training Report Card Template

Training Report Card Template

  • Illustrator

Size: 67 KB

14. Dog Training Report Card Template

Dog Training Report Card Template

  • MS Publisher

Size: 206 KB

15. Free Real Estate Client Tracking Report Template

Free Real Estate Client Tracking Report Template

Size: 35 KB

16. Test Tracking Report Template

Test Tracking Report Template

  • Apple Pages

Size: 96 KB

17. Industrial Training Report Template

Industrial Training Report Template

Size: US, A4

18. Employee Training Report Template

Employee Training Report Template

19. Post Training Report Template

Post Training Report Template

20. Annual Training Report Template

Annual Training Report Template

21. Summer Training Report Example

Summer Training Report Example

Size: 58 KB

22. Sample Training Report Example

Sample Training Report Example

Size: 627 KB

23. Basic Training Report Example

Basic Training Report Example

Size: 516 KB

24. Patient Side Training Report

Patient Side Training Report

Size: 76 KB

25. Professional Training Report Example

Professional Training Report Example

What Is a Training Report?

A training report is a business report that summarizes and documents the results of a company’s training program. It is also written for the purpose of analysis; without this, a training program may not change or evolve over time. With a training report on hand, business owners can make better decisions over how and where their training programs or workshops can improve.

Tips for Creating Your Own Training Report

As important as professional reports are, there is no need to really fear or be hesitant about its creation process. To make things easier for you, be sure to follow these simple tips for creating your own training report sample.

Tip 1: Utilize a Template

When in doubt, there’s always the option of downloading free report templates. You can even get them from the list above. This will not only hasten the process but you now have a reference to study if you are still determined to write your own report from scratch.

Tip 2: Make Everything Clear

There’s nothing good about a training report that is difficult to understand. Even when the results of the actual training program are not simple to discuss, how you put it into words must be clear cut. Readers who do not get what they are reading won’t find any content useful, which will defeat the purpose of the report.

Tip 3: Write for Your Audience

When you come up with a training report in PDF , keep in mind that you are submitting this to specific people. Are they the type to enjoy a lot of details or are they only looking at the big picture? Thinking about things in that manner can help you go far with your reports. Write for them and everybody will benefit from it more.

Tip 4: Ensure the Complete Lack of Errors

Besides being overly convoluted, there is another thing that you have to avoid when it comes to your reports: mistakes. These can range from simple typos to outright misinformation. Double-check your report before submitting it so that you can be sure that you are properly reporting on the right training progress.

What is the purpose of a training report?

A training report is often utilized by business owners to keep track of any key takeaways from their training programs . That way, improvements can be made to areas that need them and management can see which areas are working out just fine.

Is there a strict format to adhere to when writing reports?

Due to the general nature of report templates , there is no single format to follow. However, it may help your company to adopt a singular training report format for the sake of uniformity.

What are the common elements of a report?

No matter what kind of report you are making, be it a feedback report on training attended by your employees or otherwise, there will always be common elements in each one. A title page will always be included, along with a table of contents and an executive summary .

It takes a while to find an employee that truly fits your ideal standards, which is why training those good enough to reach your desired level is often better recommended. That way, you can have a say in their development too. Now that you are better educated about how a training report doc works, what are you planning to do? Will you download examples like the monthly training report template or is creating one from scratch more up your alley? Either way, make your decision soon so you can act as soon as possible!


Report Generator

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    concluded should be mentioned but briefly and concisely. 5. Table of contents. List the important headings and sub headings in the report with page numbers. Also. make a separate list of tables ...

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    a) Put down in writing the record of the training experience i.e personal performance reflection; b) Implanting engineering expertise onto the students, that is, preparation of technical reports, communications, technical evaluation and design; c) Means of summarizing the experience of a student; d) Train student in effective writing as a ...

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    C. For PTR on Integrated Training Module. C1. The Introduction section. state the objective/s of the project/tasks; and provide a general overview of the design and manufacturing processes in the project. C2. The Technical Content section. avoid too simple or general descriptions; describe concisely the outline of the workflow and collaboration ...

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    The paper size for printing the Industrial Training Report is A4 that is 210 x 297 and sit should be a white sheet. Times New Roman is the recommended font that should be used for writing this report by all students. Font Size of the text should be 12. You should also use a 2.0 (Double Line) as your spacing.

  12. Format for Industrial Training Report

    An Industrial Training report is a document that has to be submitted to the university in order to evidence a student's knowledge, skills and experience gained throughout the Industrial Training program. Generally, students can write the Industrial Training report by following through the guidelines provided by the university.

  13. Student Industrial Report

    student industrial training (sit) idb 3037 may 2020 industrial training report rumah selangorku cyber valley (rskucv) name : puvaneswari a/p danarajan student id : 24812 programme : civil engineering host company : gamuda engineering sdn bhd host company supervisor : prem a/l mohgan utp supervisor : dr ehsan nikbakht

  14. (PDF) Industrial training work report

    Abstract and Figures. This Report presents the experience and skills gained during my 3 months of industrial training undertaken at Trecons and Partners, 41 Ibikunle Avenue, Bodija Ibadan. My ...

  15. Industrial Training Report Format and Guidelines

    Industrial Training Report Format and Guidelines - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This slide help you to make an industrial report.

  16. PDF Industrial Training Report

    3. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORTS i) Daily Training Dairy & Departmental Report. ii) Industrial Training Report 3.1 DAILY TRAINING DAIRY The main purpose of writing daily training diary is to cultivate the habit of documenting and to encourage the students to search for details. It develops the students'own thought process and reasoning abilities.


    This report discusses the technical skills gained during the training period and justifying the relevance of the scheme in equipping students with needed technical competence to thrive in the real ...

  18. Sample report

    INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT Prepared by Sarina binti Abu Bakar INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FINAL REPORT SESSION : xxxxxxx 201x. Student Name : Sarina binti Abu Bakar. ID No. : PTM140xxxxxxxxxxx. Student E-mail : [email protected]. Handphone No. : 019-Organization Name: ABC Company Sdn Bhd. Address : Tingkat 1, Taman Sri Indah. Jalan 123, 20300 ...

  19. (Doc) a Technical Report on Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme

    The student should avoid change of placement without seeking permission from the institutional based supervisor, the employer and the industrial training fund. The student should handle the equipment if the firm with great care and they should take pride in protecting the interest of the company throughout the period of industrial attachment. 4 ...



  21. Final report

    Industrial training is an important phase of a student life. A well planned, properly executed and evaluated industrial training helps a lot in developing a professional attitude. It develops an awareness of industrial approach to problem solving, based on a broad understanding of process and mode of operation of organization.

  22. Training Report

    To make things easier for you, be sure to follow these simple tips for creating your own training report sample. Tip 1: Utilize a Template. When in doubt, there's always the option of downloading free reporttemplates. You can even get them from the list above.

  23. HOW TO Write AN Industrial Training Report

    The Students' Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) was initiated in 1973 by the industrial training fund (ITF). The initiation helps in promoting and encouraging the acquisition of skills in industries commerce with the view to generating a trained indigenous manpower sufficient to meet the needs of economy.