
Learn how Writing Skills Lab was developed to address college readiness gaps by Lumen Learning and the writing and rhetoric team at University of Mississippi.

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Content designed for frequent practice and learning by doing. 

Practice questions include adaptive feedback to reinforce correct thinking or redirect mistakes. 

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I appreciate the fact that Waymaker gives me the ability to use class time for discussions and interactive activities to help improve students’ writing, critical reading, and speaking skills.  Said by Audrey Fish, New Jersey City University

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Yes. Waymaker courses replace expensive textbooks with well-designed highly effective learning materials. Standard pricing is $25/student per course. Special pricing and payment terms may apply to some institutions, including making Lumen course materials available at no cost to students. 

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Waymaker Writing Skills Lab

Waymaker Writing Skills Lab focuses on the rhetorical content and strategies that are the baseline of effective college writing but also tend to give students trouble.

Course scope gives students a way to master rhetorical concepts and skills in small bites, through practice opportunities and targeted feedback.

Instructors can have students work through the material at their own pace or assign portions that align with what they’re covering in class.

  • Updates to course include two new modules, “Reflection” and “Revision." Learn more about the updates in our blog .

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What's Waymaker Courseware?

Waymaker courseware combines OER content with personalized learning tools and analytics aimed at continuously improving learning, term over term. 

Personalized study plans give students immediate feedback so they know where to focus and how to improve. 

Automated nudges send timely, personalized messages to students to coach them on better study habits or congratulate them on strong performance. 

Early alerts flag struggling students while there's still time to intervene and help where they need it most. 

Waymaker Self-guided Walkthrough

Coming June 30, 2020!

Lumen Learning will be releasing a new Corequisite Waymaker course for English Composition . This course will cover content traditionally taught in the first half of Composition, but supported with additional content for students to review and practice prerequisite reading and writing skills. 

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College Writing

Susan Oaks, Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 unless otherwise noted


Table of Contents

Introduction to college writing.

  • Navigating this Text
  • Essay Definition
  • Essays as Conversation
  • Simple vs. Sophisticated Writing

Essay Writing Processes

  • Product- vs. Process-Based Writing
  • Writing Process Overview
  • Considering Writing Contexts
  • Writing Process Summary
  • Developing Ideas for Writing
  • Freewriting
  • Brainstorming
  • Clustering/Mapping
  • Skimming & Responding to a Text
  • Asking Questions
  • Making a List
  • Idea Matrix for College Writing
  • Using Artificial Intelligence
  • Working with Prewriting

Thesis Sentences

  • Thesis Sentence Definition
  • Parts of a Thesis Sentence
  • Characteristics of a Strong Thesis
  • Thesis Sentence: Topic & Angle Examples
  • Organizational Statements in Thesis Sentences
  • Developing a Working Thesis
  • Thesis Sentence Self-Check
  • Thesis Sentence Summary
  • Thesis Generator

Topic Sentences

  • Topic Sentence Definition
  • Characteristics of a Strong Topic Sentence
  • Developing Topic Sentences
  • Topic Sentences & Units of Support
  • Placement of Topic Sentences
  • Topic Sentence Self-Check
  • Topic Sentence Summary
  • Developing Support
  • Types of Support
  • Working with Support
  • "Enough" Support
  • Support Summary

Writing the Essay Draft

  • General Drafting Process
  • Drafting from an Outline
  • Ordering Topic Sentences & Units of Support
  • Transitions
  • Conclusions
  • Introductions
  • Drafting Summary
  • Revision Overview
  • Revision Stage 1: Idea Structure, Purpose, Audience
  • Revision Stage 2: Idea Development
  • Revision Stage 3: Sentences, Words, Format
  • Revising for Style
  • Revising for Flow of Information
  • Revision Summary

Issue Analysis / Logical Argument

  • Issue and Argument Definition
  • Logical Argument and Critical Thinking
  • Issue Analysis/Logical Argument in College Writing
  • Understanding Claims
  • Types of Claims
  • Supporting Claims
  • Prewriting & Developing Support for a Logical Argument
  • Drafting a Logical Argument
  • Revising a Logical Argument
  • Logical Fallacies Definition
  • Evaluating an Argument for Logical Fallacies
  • Logical Fallacies Review

Research Writing

  • Research Essay Defintion
  • Research Purpose
  • How Not/To Approach a Research Essay
  • The Research Process
  • Developing a Research Question
  • Research Essay in Process

Finding Sources

  • Preliminary Research Strategies
  • Finding Sources - Initial Searching with Google Scholar
  • Primary and Secondary Sources
  • Scholarly Articles
  • Finding Scholarly Articles in Databases
  • Database Search Tips
  • Additional Search Strategies
  • Evaluating Sources
  • CRAAP Analysis
  • Evaluating Websites

Using Sources

  • Using Sources Overview
  • Using Sources Ethically
  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarizing
  • Practice Attributing & Using Sources
  • Using Sources Summary

Citing Sources

  • Citing Sources Overview
  • Identifying Plagiarism
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • MLA In-Text Citations
  • MLA End-of-Text Citations
  • Citation Resources, Tools, & Games

Common Essay Structures / Patterns of Development

  • Patterns of Development Overview
  • Process Analysis
  • Comparison and Contrast
  • Classification and Division
  • Cause and Effect
  • Thesis Sentences for Patterns of Development

Sample Essays

  • Thesis-Support Essays
  • Sarah's Essay in Process
  • Logical Argument
  • Artificial Intelligence Samples

Select Grammar, Punctuation, & Writing Resources

  • Sentence Fragments
  • Run-on Sentences
  • Parallel Structure
  • Semicolons and Colons
  • Apostrophes and Quotation Marks
  • Commonly Confused Words
  • Links to Writing Sites

This courseware includes resources copyrighted and openly licensed by multiple individuals and organizations. Click the words "Licenses and Attributions" at the bottom of each page for copyright and licensing information specific to the material on that page. If you believe that this courseware violates your copyright, please contact us .

Cover Image: "Notebook and pen with laptop computer." Authored by: Engin_Akyurt. Provided by: Pixabay. Located at: . Content Type: CC Licensed Content, Shared Previously. License: CC0: No Rights Reserved .

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2: The Writing Process

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  • 2.1: Lesson 1: Writing Preferences and The Writing Process
  • 2.2: Exercise 1: Identify Your Writing Preferences
  • 2.3: Lesson 2: Writer’s Block
  • 2.4: Video: Writer’s Block Instant Cure
  • 2.5: Exercise 2: Your Experience with Writer’s Block

Articles on Creative writing

Displaying 1 - 20 of 46 articles.

lumen learning creative writing

UK’s creative industries bring in more revenue than cars, oil and gas – so why is arts education facing cuts?

Adam Behr , Newcastle University

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An ode to the social realism of ‘boring’ lyrics – from The Kinks to The Streets

Glenn Fosbraey , University of Winchester

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How to write a love song – three tips for beginners from a songwriting expert

lumen learning creative writing

‘ Cli-fi ’ might not save the world, but writing it could help with your  eco-anxiety

Rachel Hennessy , The University of Melbourne ; Alex Cothren , Flinders University , and Amy T Matthews , Flinders University

lumen learning creative writing

I research the therapeutic qualities of writing about art – here are three steps for trying it yourself

Patrick Wright , The Open University

lumen learning creative writing

Creative writing can help improve one’s health: a South African study shows how

Dawn Garisch , University of Cape Town and Steve Reid , University of Cape Town

lumen learning creative writing

Boxing empowered me to express my trauma – now, I help other abuse survivors do the same, combining it with creative writing

Donna Lyon , The University of Melbourne

lumen learning creative writing

How a poet and professor promotes racial understanding with lessons from history

Quraysh Ali Lansana , Oklahoma State University

lumen learning creative writing

How to understand your grief through writing

Catherine Cole , Liverpool John Moores University

lumen learning creative writing

Write what you know: the COVID experience is a rich resource for year 12 English exams

Janet Dutton , Macquarie University

lumen learning creative writing

5 ways to teach the link between grammar and imagination for better creative writing

Brett Healey , Curtin University

lumen learning creative writing

Writing can improve mental health – here’s how

Christina Thatcher , Cardiff Metropolitan University

lumen learning creative writing

In an AI world we need to teach students how to work with robot writers

Lucinda McKnight , Deakin University

lumen learning creative writing

To succeed in an AI world, students must learn the human traits of writing

lumen learning creative writing

‘Lit therapy’ in the classroom: writing about trauma can be valuable, if done right

Yannick Thoraval , RMIT University

lumen learning creative writing

Too many adjectives, not enough ideas: how NAPLAN forces us to teach bad writing

lumen learning creative writing

What my students taught me about reading: old books hold new insights for the digital generation

Kate Flaherty , Australian National University

lumen learning creative writing

Life sentences – what creative writing by prisoners tells us about the inside

Dr Michael X. Savvas , Flinders University

lumen learning creative writing

Frozen in time, the casts of Indigenous Australians who performed in ‘human zoos’ are chilling

Katherine Johnson , University of Tasmania

lumen learning creative writing

‘I’m in another world’: writing without rules lets kids find their voice, just like professional authors

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Top contributors

lumen learning creative writing

Visiting Fellow, Centre for Cultural and Creative Research, University of Canberra, University of Canberra

lumen learning creative writing

Adjunct assistant professor, University of New England

lumen learning creative writing

Associate professor, Deakin University

lumen learning creative writing

Associate Professor in Media, University of Notre Dame Australia

lumen learning creative writing

PhD Student, School of Education, Curtin University

lumen learning creative writing

Executive Dean (interim) Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra

lumen learning creative writing

Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of Southern Queensland

lumen learning creative writing

Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of Stirling

lumen learning creative writing

Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Winchester

lumen learning creative writing

Dean of Research (Creative), University of South Australia

lumen learning creative writing

Honorary Associate in Creative Writing, The Open University

lumen learning creative writing

Lecturer of English, University of Liverpool

lumen learning creative writing

Professor of Creative Arts, Griffith University

lumen learning creative writing

Honorary Professor, The University of Queensland

lumen learning creative writing

Associate Professor. Associate Director of the Creative Lab., Queensland University of Technology

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lumen learning creative writing

Creative Writing, MFA

Pen a future in writing..

Fiction. Poetry. Nonfiction. No matter your genre, if you want a career in the literary arts, this program provides the rigorous instruction and expert guidance you need to polish your craft and develop your voice as a professional writer.

As an MFA student, you will undergo intensive theoretical and practical training across genres – including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, editing and publishing. You will complete a thesis in the form of a collection of poetry, short stories, essays, a novel or memoir.

The MFA program features an intimate, supportive learning environment with an award-winning faculty of published writers. Students have opportunities to publish their works in national literary magazines and for mentorship from nationally recognized authors through the Distinguished Visiting Writers Program.

  • Are an aspiring professional writer
  • Want to teach creative writing at university or college level
  • Have a strong background in creative writing
  • Self-motivated and goal-oriented
  • Eager to be challenged, technically and creatively
  • Committed to developing your craft

Career Outcomes

  • Environmental writer
  • Magazine writer
  • Writing conference/program director
  • Public relations specialist
  • Advertising professional
  • Freelance business writer
  • Arts manager

Available On-Campus

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lumen learning creative writing

History, M.A.

Enrich your historical perspective through the in-depth study of the history of the United States, Europe or North American West.

lumen learning creative writing

Interdisciplinary Studies, M.A./M.S.

Integrate courses from two or more departments to create a customized plan of study that supports your unique interests and professional goals.

More degrees below. Enjoy!

Theatre arts: performance.

Prepare for a career performing, directing, writing or designing for professional theatre.

Music: Performance

Develop your talents as a professional performer, composer, music educator or studio teacher.

Theatre Arts: Lighting


Gain advanced training and research skills in the study of people and cultures of the past and present.

Political Science

Learn how to research and analyze the relationships, behaviors and other factors that drive governments and political systems around the world.

Theatre Arts

Develop advanced critical thinking and writing skills through the scholarly study of language, literature and rhetoric.

Psychology: Human Factors Emphasis

Explore the psychology of the human mind and its role in decision-making, behaviors, relationships, work and more.

Theatre Arts: Dramatic Writing

Public administration.

Gain management, planning and budgeting skills for a leadership role in a public agency or nonprofit organization.

Emerging Media

Learn to manage media projects and communication strategies while creating digital media content.

Music: Piano Pedagogy & Performance Studies

Theatre arts: scenery, music: choral conducting.

Develop your talents as a professional performer, composer, conductor or studio teacher.

Music: Composition

Theatre arts: costumes, music: collaborative piano, interdisciplinary studies.

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  • London South Bank University
  • University of East London

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Upcoming open days.

  • Brunel University London
  • BIMM University
  • Falmouth University

Article search

Popular topics.

  • League tables
  • Choosing what to study
  • Financing your studies
  • Choosing where to study
  • Career prospects

Popular articles

  • How to use the league tables
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  • Creative Writing

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A Creative Writing degree will let you flex your storytelling abilities and study the work of literary legends.Our university rankings for Creative Writing include Scriptwriting and Poetry Writing.


  • University League Tables
  • Arts, Drama & Music League Table
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  • Overall score
  • Entry standards
  • Student satisfaction
  • Research quality
  • Graduate prospects
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  • University of Warwick VIEW COURSES Royal Holloway, University of Londo... VIEW COURSES University of Birmingham VIEW COURSES University of Leeds VIEW COURSES Newcastle University VIEW COURSES Lancaster University VIEW COURSES University of East Anglia UEA VIEW COURSES University of Strathclyde VIEW COURSES University of Kent VIEW COURSES University of Plymouth VIEW COURSES University of Lincoln VIEW COURSES Keele University VIEW COURSES Manchester Metropolitan University VIEW COURSES University of Hull VIEW COURSES Kingston University VIEW COURSES University of Chester VIEW COURSES Edge Hill University VIEW COURSES Bournemouth University VIEW COURSES Bristol, University of the West of ... VIEW COURSES Canterbury Christ Church University VIEW COURSES Aberystwyth University VIEW COURSES Nottingham Trent University VIEW COURSES Brunel University London VIEW COURSES University of Essex VIEW COURSES University of Westminster, London VIEW COURSES Bangor University VIEW COURSES University of Portsmouth VIEW COURSES Teesside University, Middlesbrough VIEW COURSES Bath Spa University VIEW COURSES University of Brighton VIEW COURSES GET PROSPECTUS University of Greenwich VIEW COURSES De Montfort University VIEW COURSES University of Gloucestershire VIEW COURSES Sheffield Hallam University VIEW COURSES Anglia Ruskin University VIEW COURSES York St John University VIEW COURSES Birmingham City University VIEW COURSES University of Chichester VIEW COURSES Liverpool Hope University VIEW COURSES University of Winchester VIEW COURSES University of Salford VIEW COURSES University of Central Lancashire VIEW COURSES Arts University Bournemouth VIEW COURSES University of Worcester VIEW COURSES University of Bolton VIEW COURSES Liverpool John Moores University VIEW COURSES University of Derby VIEW COURSES Falmouth University VIEW COURSES St Mary's University, Twickenham VIEW COURSES University of Wolverhampton VIEW COURSES
  • 100% 100% 99% 98% 97% 97% 97% 97% 95% 95% 94% 93% 93% 92% 91% 91% 90% 90% 90% 90% 89% 89% 89% 89% 89% 88% 88% 88% 88% 88% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 81% 80% 79%
  • 79% 74% 73% 76% 68% 71% 75% 100% 62% 68% 62% 55% 60% 60% 55% 59% 61% n/a 56% 60% 61% 55% 64% 58% 54% 53% 52% 62% 58% 47% 58% 54% 51% 54% 49% 55% 57% 56% 58% 55% 56% 56% 60% 50% 48% 62% 64% 57% n/a n/a
  • 77% 77% 76% 74% 79% 78% 74% 71% 77% 80% 88% 87% 80% 92% 83% 80% 80% 75% 79% 84% 81% 81% 82% 78% 72% 77% 85% 82% 76% 78% 82% 77% 79% 76% 79% 87% 76% 83% 76% 77% 81% 85% 89% 77% 82% 84% 80% 80% 76% 72%
  • 86% 87% 89% 90% 94% 82% 87% 85% 87% 86% 75% 83% 86% 84% 77% 70% 73% 70% 71% 82% 69% 75% 77% 81% 84% 77% 71% 79% 81% 78% 68% 82% 67% 80% 79% 63% 88% 72% 72% 64% 70% 74% 64% 63% 65% n/a 62% n/a n/a 80%
  • 74% 82% 78% n/a 76% 74% 72% n/a 78% 66% n/a 76% 76% n/a n/a 78% 60% 78% 92% 64% 62% n/a 58% 62% n/a 64% 68% n/a 66% 68% 56% 56% 54% 64% 64% 62% 54% 46% n/a 58% 70% 40% 60% 58% 66% 60% 60% 54% 72% 46%

This table was first published on 14 May 2024. 

Read the  University and subject tables methodology  to find out where the data comes from, how the tables are compiled and explanations of the measures used. 

All measures used to compile the tables are available on the full table view. Maximum scores for the measures: 

Overall score: maximum score of 1000 

Entry standards: no maximum score  

Student satisfaction: maximum score of 4

Research quality: maximum score of 4 

Continuation: maximum score of 100 

Graduate prospects – outcomes: maximum score of 100 

Graduate prospects – on track: maximum score of 100 

The following institutions have courses in this subject but insufficient data to be included in the ranking:  

  • - Birmingham Newman University
  • - Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • - Cardiff University
  • - Coventry University
  • - Goldsmiths, University of London
  • - Leeds Arts University
  • - Leeds Beckett University
  • - Leeds Trinity University
  • - London Metropolitan University
  • - Loughborough University
  • - Middlesex University
  • - Oxford Brookes University
  • - Plymouth Marjon University
  • - Queen's University Belfast
  • - Staffordshire University
  • - Swansea University
  • - University of Aberdeen
  • - University of Bedfordshire
  • - University of Dundee
  • - University of East London
  • - University of Hertfordshire
  • - University of Huddersfield
  • - University of Leicester
  • - University of Nottingham
  • - University of Oxford
  • - University of Reading
  • - University of South Wales
  • - University of Suffolk
  • - University of Surrey
  • - University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  • - University of West London
  • - University of the West of Scotland

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Subject league tables

  • Accounting & Finance
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  1. Introduction to Writing

    This chapter covers the types of reading and writing assignments you will encounter as a college student. You will also learn a variety of strategies for mastering these new challenges—and becoming a more confident student and writer. Throughout this chapter, you will follow a first-year student named Crystal.

  2. Book: Introduction to Creative Writing (Lumen)

    Book: Introduction to Creative Writing (Lumen) Last updated; Save as PDF Page ID 87003 ... Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120 ...

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    The Importance of Writing in the Workplace. In 2010, a survey of employers conducted by the Association of American Colleges and Universities found that 89 percent of employers say that colleges and universities should place more emphasis on "the ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing." [1] It was the single-most favored skill in this survey.

  4. Introduction to Creative Writing

    The Writing Process. Lesson 1: Writing Preferences and The Writing Process. Exercise 1: Identify Your Writing Preferences. Lesson 2: Writer's Block. Video: Writer's Block Instant Cure. Exercise 2: Your Experience with Writer's Block.

  5. 3.1: Lesson 3: Elements of Fiction

    Characters, setting, plot, conflict, point of view, and theme are six key elements for writing fiction. Characters. Characters are the people, animals, or aliens in the story. Readers come to know the characters through what they say, what they think, and how they act. E. M. Forster, an English novelist, identified that characters are either ...

  6. About This Course

    About This Course. The Writing Skills Lab was developed in collaboration with faculty from the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Mississippi. It focuses on the rhetorical content and strategies that are the baseline of effective college writing but also tend to give students trouble (and eat into valuable class time).

  7. Lumen Learning Writing Skills Lab Waymaker

    Lumen Learning will be releasing a new Corequisite Waymaker course for English Composition. This course will cover content traditionally taught in the first half of Composition, but supported with additional content for students to review and practice prerequisite reading and writing skills. This ready-to-teach course is a great fit for faculty ...

  8. Writing

    You usually create writing for a specific reading audience to read, with a specific purpose or outcome in mind, whether that audience consists of your co-workers, your boss, your peers in a community endeavor, your peers in an online course, or even yourself. However, active consideration of context often happens subconsciously, if at all.

  9. Writing Skills Lab

    Writing Skills Lab is a self-paced online course that helps students improve their academic writing skills through interactive practice and feedback.

  10. College Writing

    College Writing. Susan Oaks, Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 unless otherwise noted . Table of Contents. Introduction to College Writing Navigating this Text; Why Write? ... Lumen Learning Lumen Learning provides a simple, supported path for faculty members to adopt and teach effectively with open educational resources (OER). Read ...

  11. 3: Writing Fiction

    Lumen Learning Book: Introduction to Creative Writing (Lumen) 3: Writing Fiction Expand/collapse global location 3: Writing Fiction ... 3.11: Writing Assignment: Character Story; 3.12: Rubric: Character Story; 3.13: Lesson 6: Building a Setting; 3.14: Short Story: A White Heron;

  12. 3.23: Lesson 8: Exploring Points of View

    As stated before, stories are generally told in one of two points of views: First-person point of view. Third-person point of view. First-person point of view means that one of the characters in the story will narrate-give an account-of the story. The narrator may be the protagonist, the main character. Writing in first-person point of view ...

  13. 2.3: Lesson 2: Writer's Block

    Writer's block is the inability to write because the writer doesn't know what to write, doesn't know how to proceed in a piece of writing, or doesn't have the confidence to write. The condition can last for several minutes to days to weeks, and even months and years for some writers. Often, the inner critic, a still, small, critical ...

  14. Rubric: Sound Poem

    Rubric: Sound Poem. Consistently in first-person or third-person point of view. Uses one or more literary devices that create musicality in a poem: alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm, end-stopped lines, enjambment, casura. Does not use unnecessary words: very, really, always, gotten.

  15. 2: The Writing Process

    Lumen Learning Book: Introduction to Creative Writing (Lumen) 2: The Writing Process Expand/collapse global location 2: The Writing Process ... 2.2: Exercise 1: Identify Your Writing Preferences; 2.3: Lesson 2: Writer's Block; 2.4: Video: Writer's Block Instant Cure;

  16. Earning A Master's In Creative Writing: What To Know

    Postsecondary Creative Writing Teacher. Median Annual Salary: $74,280. Minimum Required Education: Ph.D. or another doctoral degree; master's degree may be accepted at some schools and community ...

  17. Lumen Learning

    Lumen Learning offers affordable digital courseware & professional development resources to enhance effective teaching and increase student success. Explore our 50+ college courses today!

  18. Creative writing News, Research and Analysis

    Brett Healey, Curtin University. What children say about free writing is similar to how professional authors describe the creative process. Teachers should give kids freedom to explore, providing ...

  19. Introduction to Creative Writing

    This book is a cloned version of Introduction to Creative Writing by Linda Frances Lein, Alexandria Technical and Community College - Distance Minnesota, published using Pressbooks under a ... Introduction to Creative Writing by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise ...

  20. Creative Writing, MFA

    As an MFA student, you will undergo intensive theoretical and practical training across genres - including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, editing and publishing. You will complete a thesis in the form of a collection of poetry, short stories, essays, a novel or memoir. The MFA program features an intimate, supportive learning ...

  21. Creative Writing Rankings 2025

    SUBJECT LEAGUE TABLE 2025. A Creative Writing degree will let you flex your storytelling abilities and study the work of literary legends.Our university rankings for Creative Writing include Scriptwriting and Poetry Writing. Share.