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Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts

1.7 Problem Solving Process

Learning how to use a structured problem solving process will help you to be more organized and support your future courses. Also, it will train your brain how to approach problems. Just like basketball players practice jump shots over and over to train their body how to act in high pressure scenarios, if you are comfortable and familiar with a structured problem solving process, when you’re in a high pressure situation like a test, you can just jump into the problem like muscle memory.

6 Step Problem Solving Method:

  • Write out the answer with all necessary information that is given to you. It feels like it takes forever, but it’s important to have the problem and solution next to each other.
  • Draw the problem, this is usually a free-body diagram (don’t forget a coordinate frame). Eventually, as you get further into the course, you might need a few drawings. One would be a quick sketch of the problem in the real world, then modelling it into a simplified engineering drawing, and finally the free-body diagram.
  • Write out a list of the known/given values with the variable and unit, i.e m = 14 kg   (variable = number unit)
  • Write out a list of the unknown values that you will have to solve for in order to solve the problem
  • You can also add any assumptions you made here that change the problem.
  • Also state any constants, i.e. g = 32.2 ft/m 2   or g = 9.81 m/s 2
  • This step helps you to have all of the information in one place when you solve the problem. It’s also important because each number should include units, so you can see if the units match or if you need to convert some numbers so they are all in English or SI. This also gives you the variables side by side to ensure they are unique (so you don’t accidentally have 2 ‘d’ variables and can rename one with a subscript).
  • Write a simple sentence or phrase explaining what method/approach you will be using to solve the problem.
  • For example: ‘use method of joints’, or equilibrium equations for a rigid body, MMOI for a certain shape, etc.
  • This is going to be more important when you get to the later chapters and especially next semester in Dynamics where you can solve the same problem many ways. Might as well practice now!
  • This is the actual solving step. This is where you show all the work you have done to solve the problem.
  • When you get an answer, restate the variable you are solving for, include the unit, and put a box around the answer.
  • Write a simple sentence explaining why (or why not) your answer makes sense. Use logic and common sense for this step.
  • When possible, use a second quick numerical analysis to verify your answer. This is the “gut check” to do a quick calculation to ensure your answer is reasonable.
  • This is the most confusing step as students often don’t know what to put here and up just writing ‘The number looks reasonable’. This step is vitally important to help you learn how to think about your answer. What does that number mean? What is it close to? For example, if you find that x = 4000 m, that’s a very large distance! In the review, I would say, ‘the object is 4 km long which is reasonable for a long bridge’. See how this is compared to something similar? Or you could do a second calculation to verify the number is correct, such as adding up multiple parts of the problem to confirm the total length is accurate i.e. ‘x + y + z = total, yes it works!’

Additional notes for this course:

  • It’s important to include the number and label the steps so it’s clear what you’re doing, as shown in the example below.
  • It’s okay if you make mistakes, just put a line through it and keep going.
  • Remember your header should include your name, the page number, total number of pages, the course number, and the assignment number. If a problem spans a number of pages, you should include it in the header too.

Key Takeaways

Basically: Use a 6-step structured problem solving process: 1. Problem, 2. Draw, 3. Known & Unknown, 4. Approach, 5. Analysis (Solve), 6. Review

Application: In your future job there is likely a structure for analysis reports that will be used. Each company has a different approach, but most have a standard that should be followed. This is good practice.

Looking ahead: This will be part of every homework assignment.

Written by Gayla & Libby

Engineering Mechanics: Statics Copyright © by Libby (Elizabeth) Osgood; Gayla Cameron; Emma Christensen; Analiya Benny; and Matthew Hutchison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Oct 13, 2019

10 Steps to Problem Solving for Engineers

Updated: Dec 6, 2020

With the official launch of the engineering book 10+1 Steps to Problem Solving: An Engineer's Guide it may be interesting to know that formalization of the concept began in episode 2 of the Engineering IRL Podcast back in July 2018.

As noted in the book remnants of the steps had existed throughout my career and in this episode I actually recorded the episode off the top of my head.

My goal was to help engineers build a practical approach to problem solving.

Have a listen.

Who can advise on the best approach to problem solving other than the professional problem solvers - Yes. I'm talking about being an Engineer.

There are 2 main trains of thought with Engineering work for non-engineers and that's trying to change the world with leading edge tech and innovations, or plain old boring math nerd type things.

Whilst, somewhat the case what this means is most content I read around Tech and Engineering are either super technical and (excruciatingly) detailed. OR really riff raff at the high level reveling at the possibilities of changing the world as we know it. And so what we end up with is a base (engineer only details) and the topping (media innovation coverage) but what about the meat? The contents?

There's a lot of beauty and interesting things there too. And what's the centrepiece? The common ground between all engineers? Problem solving.

The number one thing an Engineer does is problem solving. Now you may say, "hey, that's the same as my profession" - well this would be true for virtually every single profession on earth. This is not saying there isn't problem solving required in other professions. Some problems require very basic problem solving techniques such is used in every day life, but sometimes problems get more complicated, maybe they involve other parties, maybe its a specific quirk of the system in a specific scenario. One thing you learn in engineering is that not all problems are equal. These are

 The stages of problem solving like a pro:

Is the problem identified (no, really, are you actually asking the right question?)

Have you applied related troubleshooting step to above problem?

Have you applied basic troubleshooting steps (i.e. check if its plugged in, turned it on and off again, checked your basics)

Tried step 2 again? (Desperation seeps in, but check your bases)

Asked a colleague or someone else that may have dealt with your problem? (50/50 at this point)

Asked DR. Google (This is still ok)

Deployed RTFM protocol (Read the F***ing Manual - Engineers are notorious for not doing this)

Repeated tests, changing slight things, checking relation to time, or number of people, or location or environment (we are getting DEEP now)

Go to the bottom level, in networking this is packet sniffers to inspect packets, in systems this is taking systems apart and testing in isolation, in software this is checking if 1 equals 1, you are trying to prove basic human facts that everyone knows. If 1 is not equal to 1, you're in deep trouble.At this point you are at rebuild from scratch, re install, start again as your answer (extremely expensive, very rare)

And there you have it! Those are your levels of problem solving. As you go through each step, the more expensive the problem is. -- BUT WAIT. I picked something up along the way and this is where I typically thrive. Somewhere between problem solving step 8 and 10. 

mechanical approaches to problem solving

The secret step

My recommendation at this point is to try tests that are seemingly unrelated to anything to do with the problem at all.Pull a random cable, test with a random system off/on, try it at a specific time of the day, try it specifically after restarting or replugging something in. Now, not completely random but within some sort of scope. These test are the ones that when someone is having a problem when you suggest they say "that shouldn't fix the problem, that shouldn't be related" and they are absolutely correct.But here's the thing -- at this stage they have already tried everything that SHOULD fix the problem. Now it's time for the hail mary's, the long shots, the clutching at straws. This method works wonders for many reasons. 1. You really are trying to try "anything" at this point.

2. Most of the time we may think we have problem solving step number 1 covered, but we really don't.

3. Triggering correlations.

This is important.

Triggering correlations

In a later post I will cover correlation vs causation, but for now understand that sometimes all you want to do is throw in new inputs to the system or problem you are solving in order to get clues or re identify problems or give new ways to approach earlier problem solving steps. There you have it. Problem solve like a ninja. Approach that extremely experienced and smart person what their problem and as they describe all the things they've tried, throw in a random thing they haven't tried. And when they say, well that shouldn't fix it, you ask them, well if you've exhausted everything that should  have worked, this is the time to try things that shouldn't. Either they will think of more tests they haven't considered so as to avoid doing your preposterous idea OR they try it and get a new clue to their problem. Heck, at worst they confirm that they do know SOMETHING about the system.

Go out and problem solve ! As always, thanks for reading and good luck with all of your side hustles.

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Solving the Complex Problems of Mechanical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

Solving the Complex Problems of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering combines physics and material science to analyze, design, make, and maintain things. This field is tackling some really tough problems these days.

To solve these tough problems, engineers need to start by really understanding what makes the problem tricky, which usually means looking at how different parts of the problem are connected. They have to come up with creative designs and use the newest tech out there. Using simulations to test how things will work is super important too. This way, they can spot issues before they even build a real model.

Working with experts from other fields is key because their different skills can make a solution even better. And since technology keeps changing, mechanical engineers have to keep learning new things to stay on top of their game and keep coming up with great solutions.

For example, when designing a new robotic arm, engineers might use computer programs to simulate how the arm moves and handles different weights. They might work with software developers to make sure the arm’s movements are precise. And they’ll keep up with the latest materials to make the arm stronger but still lightweight.

It’s all about being smart and creative, and always ready to learn something new.

Understanding Problem Complexity

Understanding the challenges of mechanical engineering is important because it helps us create safer and more efficient machines. Mechanical engineering problems are complex and require careful study and new ideas to solve them.

For example, understanding the strength and flexibility of materials is crucial to make sure things like bridges and buildings don’t break. Engineers must also combine mechanical parts with electronic controls, which means they need to know a lot about different types of engineering.

They use math and computer simulations to study heat movement, fluid flow, and how to save energy in machines. Additionally, new technologies, like smart materials that change properties and tiny nanotech devices, make the work even more complicated.

Engineers must keep learning and inventing new ways to handle these challenges.

Innovative Design Methodologies

To solve complex problems, engineers have come up with new and creative ways of designing things. For example, they use high-tech computer programs to test and improve machines and systems before they even build them. One of these programs is called finite element analysis (FEA), which helps them look at how a product will work under different conditions. Another is computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which lets them see how liquids and gases will flow through something they’re designing.

There’s also a method called parametric modeling. This lets engineers make quick changes to their designs and see how those changes affect the way the product works or performs. It’s like tweaking a recipe to see if it makes the cake taste better.

Another important idea is designing things so that they’re not only good at what they’re supposed to do but also easy and cheap to make. This is known as Design for Manufacturability (DFM). It’s like planning a birthday party—you want to have fun, but you also need to stay within your budget and make sure you can find all the things you need to make it happen.

Lastly, engineers are now using cutting-edge technology like 3D printing and artificial intelligence. These tools give them even more power to come up with smart solutions and fix tough problems faster than ever. It’s a bit like having a super advanced kitchen gadget that can help you whip up a gourmet meal in no time.

Advanced Simulation Techniques

Advanced simulation methods are key tools for solving problems in mechanical engineering. They allow engineers to closely examine how different systems behave under various conditions. These methods include using finite element analysis (FEA) to check for stress in materials and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study how liquids and gases move.

Now, with multi-physics simulations, engineers can look at how different physical forces interact. This gives a fuller understanding of what could go wrong and how things might perform.

By adding machine learning to the mix, these simulations get even better at predicting outcomes and fine-tuning designs. This means engineers can make sure their designs work well before they even build a prototype, saving time and money. Advanced simulations help get new and improved mechanical products out faster and more efficiently.

For instance, when designing a new car, engineers use simulations to test how the car will handle different driving conditions without having to build multiple physical models. This helps them make safer and more reliable vehicles more quickly.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies

Working together across different fields is key to solving complex problems in mechanical engineering. When experts from areas like materials science, electrical engineering, computer science, and psychology join forces, they create better-rounded solutions. They think about every stage of a product’s life, making sure it works well from start to finish. This team-up of different skills helps to come up with new and more efficient ways to solve tricky problems.

One way teams work together is through a method called concurrent engineering. This is when different groups work at the same time on different parts that fit into a bigger project. To do this well, they need clear rules for talking to each other and a strong plan to keep everyone’s work in line. When projects are very complicated, being able to bring together ideas and work from different fields isn’t just helpful; it’s necessary to do a good job.

In short, when engineers from various specialties collaborate, they can do amazing things. For example, by combining the lightweight properties of a new material with advanced electronic controls and user-friendly software, they could develop a cutting-edge drone that’s not only powerful but also easy and safe for anyone to fly. This kind of teamwork is what drives innovation and success in engineering today.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

In the field of mechanical engineering, it’s important to keep learning and adapting. Engineers need to keep up with new technologies and ways of doing things because tools, materials, and manufacturing methods are always changing. They have to keep studying and improving their skills to stay up-to-date with these new developments.

For engineers to stay ahead, they must use the latest theories and real-world data to make better designs and continually improve their work. They need to regularly check their own skills and be open to new ideas. What’s more, engineers need to be ready to work differently with others, especially since teamwork across different fields is key to solving complicated engineering problems.

Here’s why this matters: If engineers don’t learn and adapt, they won’t be able to compete in their field. They won’t be able to come up with the best solutions or use the latest materials and processes. And they won’t work as effectively with others on big projects.

To wrap things up, when we tackle tough issues in mechanical engineering, we need to use a variety of tools and methods. For instance, by using creative ways to design things, computer programs that simulate complex situations, and working with experts from different fields, engineers are able to create better, stronger solutions. It’s also crucial to keep learning and to start using new tech that comes out. Doing this helps us stay ready for new problems that might come up as the field grows and changes. This well-rounded plan is why mechanical engineering keeps getting better, solving hard problems with smart and effective answers.

For example, let’s say an engineer is designing a new type of engine that’s more fuel-efficient. They might use 3D modeling software to test different designs before making a prototype, saving time and resources. They could also work with environmental scientists to understand the impact of the engine on the environment. Plus, they might attend workshops on the latest materials to use in their design. It’s this kind of ongoing effort and teamwork that pushes the boundaries of what we can do in mechanical engineering.

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Student Approaches to Engineering Problem-Solving - School of Engineering Education - Purdue University

Purdue University

Student Approaches to Engineering Problem-Solving

Open-ended problem solving is a skill that is central to engineering practice. As a consequence, developing skills in solving such problems is imperative for engineering graduates. Open-ended problems are often ill-defined and can have more than one viable solution, which can create additional challenges for students and teachers. For example, solving open-ended problems can require consideration of a complex array of constraints, and the paths to a solution are many. This presentation presents results from a mixed methods project to understand open-ended problem solving of engineering undergraduate students. The overall goal of this project is to describe and understand the contributions of reflective judgment (i.e., students’ views of knowledge) and their cognitive ability (i.e., working memory capacity), when solving open-ended problems. We are particularly interested in specific problem-solving strategies undergraduate engineering students use when dealing with the ambiguity of open-ended problems.

Data were collected using a multi-stage process. Students were first given a set of quantitative instruments that measured their engineering content knowledge, epistemic views on knowledge, and working memory capacity. In the second stage students were asked to solve four problems that differed in their open-endedness and complexity; students were provided a text to use as a resource while solving the problems. Some of these students solved the problems using a think aloud protocol in which they were videotaped while speaking aloud about the strategies they were using. These students were subsequently interviewed to gain further information on their problem-solving processes. A number of insights regarding problem-solving by students have been obtained. For example, there was a significant negative correlation between time spent on the text and score on the problems. From the qualitative data three primary problem-solving strategies were identified: extreme fixation/distraction; fixated and uncertain; systematic and linear. Overall, the results indicate the importance of educating students in how to solve engineering problems that are complex and open-ended.

Dr. Elliot P. Douglas is Associate Chair, Associate Professor, and Distinguished Teaching Scholar in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Florida. His research activities are in the areas of active learning, problem solving, critical thinking, and use of qualitative methodologies in engineering education. Specifically, he has published and presented work on the use of guided inquiry as an active learning technique for engineering; how critical thinking is used in practice by students; and how different epistemological stances are enacted in engineering education research. He has been involved in faculty development activities since 1998, through the ExCEEd Teaching Workshops of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Essential Teaching Seminars of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the US National Science Foundation-sponsored SUCCEED Coalition. He has received several awards for his work, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the Ralph Teetor Education Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers, and being named the University of Florida Teacher of the Year for 2003-04. He is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education and the American Educational Research Association and is currently Editor-in-Chief of Polymer Reviews .

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A consistent approach to problem solving in mechanical vibrations

  • School of Engineering (Behrend)

Research output : Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution

A consistent approach to solving problems in an undergraduate vibrations course in Mechanical Engineering is presented in this paper. The traditional approach of solving vibration problems involves several steps such as classifying the system according to degrees of freedom, free or forced vibrations and with or without damping. Based on the classification, an appropriate solution technique is applied and the results are obtained. Since the mathematical solution technique is strictly tied to the classification, students have to learn and apply a variety of solution methods based on the particular form of the mathematical model. The course was literally more like a math course rather than an engineering course. By introducing students to the state-space solution method early in the course and using it as the main/dominant solution method, students can focus more on learning both the physical modeling and mathematical modeling of the vibration systems as well as interpreting results in the engineering context. Since state-space computational solvers are readily available to students (MATLAB, Mathcad, etc.) and they can be applied to solve most (but not all) vibration problems including free or forced SDOF, 2DOF, MDOF systems with or without damping, it allows for consistency when teaching students how to solve vibration problems. State-space solvers can solve for either the time or the frequency response and provides a graphical solution. The students can go from modeling to visually exploring and interpreting results. The students' response to this approach is also discussed.

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  • Mechanical Engineering

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  • 10.1115/IMECE2018-88241

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  • Students Engineering & Materials Science 100%
  • Damping Engineering & Materials Science 29%
  • Mechanical engineering Engineering & Materials Science 21%
  • Frequency response Engineering & Materials Science 17%
  • Teaching Engineering & Materials Science 17%
  • MATLAB Engineering & Materials Science 15%
  • Mathematical models Engineering & Materials Science 13%

T1 - A consistent approach to problem solving in mechanical vibrations

AU - Danesh Yazdi, Amir Hossein

AU - Wu, Yi

AU - Onipede, Jr., Oladipo

PY - 2018/1/1

Y1 - 2018/1/1

N2 - A consistent approach to solving problems in an undergraduate vibrations course in Mechanical Engineering is presented in this paper. The traditional approach of solving vibration problems involves several steps such as classifying the system according to degrees of freedom, free or forced vibrations and with or without damping. Based on the classification, an appropriate solution technique is applied and the results are obtained. Since the mathematical solution technique is strictly tied to the classification, students have to learn and apply a variety of solution methods based on the particular form of the mathematical model. The course was literally more like a math course rather than an engineering course. By introducing students to the state-space solution method early in the course and using it as the main/dominant solution method, students can focus more on learning both the physical modeling and mathematical modeling of the vibration systems as well as interpreting results in the engineering context. Since state-space computational solvers are readily available to students (MATLAB, Mathcad, etc.) and they can be applied to solve most (but not all) vibration problems including free or forced SDOF, 2DOF, MDOF systems with or without damping, it allows for consistency when teaching students how to solve vibration problems. State-space solvers can solve for either the time or the frequency response and provides a graphical solution. The students can go from modeling to visually exploring and interpreting results. The students' response to this approach is also discussed.

AB - A consistent approach to solving problems in an undergraduate vibrations course in Mechanical Engineering is presented in this paper. The traditional approach of solving vibration problems involves several steps such as classifying the system according to degrees of freedom, free or forced vibrations and with or without damping. Based on the classification, an appropriate solution technique is applied and the results are obtained. Since the mathematical solution technique is strictly tied to the classification, students have to learn and apply a variety of solution methods based on the particular form of the mathematical model. The course was literally more like a math course rather than an engineering course. By introducing students to the state-space solution method early in the course and using it as the main/dominant solution method, students can focus more on learning both the physical modeling and mathematical modeling of the vibration systems as well as interpreting results in the engineering context. Since state-space computational solvers are readily available to students (MATLAB, Mathcad, etc.) and they can be applied to solve most (but not all) vibration problems including free or forced SDOF, 2DOF, MDOF systems with or without damping, it allows for consistency when teaching students how to solve vibration problems. State-space solvers can solve for either the time or the frequency response and provides a graphical solution. The students can go from modeling to visually exploring and interpreting results. The students' response to this approach is also discussed.

UR - http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?scp=85060278047&partnerID=8YFLogxK

UR - http://www.scopus.com/inward/citedby.url?scp=85060278047&partnerID=8YFLogxK

U2 - 10.1115/IMECE2018-88241

DO - 10.1115/IMECE2018-88241

M3 - Conference contribution

AN - SCOPUS:85060278047

T3 - ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

BT - Engineering Education

PB - American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

T2 - ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2018

Y2 - 9 November 2018 through 15 November 2018

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, crystal structure optimization approach to problem solving in mechanical engineering design.

Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures

ISSN : 1573-6105

Article publication date: 1 March 2022

Issue publication date: 4 March 2022

In this paper, the authors aim to examine and comparatively evaluate a recently-developed metaheuristic called crystal structure algorithm (CryStAl) – which is inspired by the symmetries in the internal structure of crystalline solids – in solving engineering mechanics and design problems.


A total number of 20 benchmark mathematical functions are employed as test functions to evaluate the overall performance of the proposed method in handling various functions. Moreover, different classical and modern metaheuristic algorithms are selected from the optimization literature for a comparative evaluation of the performance of the proposed approach. Furthermore, five well-known mechanical design examples are utilized to examine the capability of the proposed method in dealing with challenging optimization problems.

The results of this study indicated that, in most cases, CryStAl produced more accurate outputs when compared to the other metaheuristics examined as competitors.

Research limitations/implications

This paper can provide motivation and justification for the application of CryStAl to solve more complex problems in engineering design and mechanics, as well as in other branches of engineering.


CryStAl is one of the newest metaheuristic algorithms, the mathematical details of which were recently introduced and published. This is the first time that this algorithm is applied to solving engineering mechanics and design problems.

  • Metaheuristic
  • Optimization
  • Statistical analysis
  • Crystal structure


Data availability: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Talatahari, B. , Azizi, M. , Talatahari, S. , Tolouei, M. and Sareh, P. (2022), "Crystal structure optimization approach to problem solving in mechanical engineering design", Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures , Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1108/MMMS-10-2021-0174

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited

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A Consistent Approach to Problem Solving in Mechanical Vibrations

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Danesh-Yazdi, AH, Wu, Y, & Onipede, O. "A Consistent Approach to Problem Solving in Mechanical Vibrations." Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition . Volume 5: Engineering Education . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. November 9–15, 2018. V005T07A005. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/IMECE2018-88241

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A consistent approach to solving problems in an undergraduate vibrations course in Mechanical Engineering is presented in this paper. The traditional approach of solving vibration problems involves several steps such as classifying the system according to degrees of freedom, free or forced vibrations and with or without damping. Based on the classification, an appropriate solution technique is applied and the results are obtained. Since the mathematical solution technique is strictly tied to the classification, students have to learn and apply a variety of solution methods based on the particular form of the mathematical model. The course was literally more like a math course rather than an engineering course. By introducing students to the state-space solution method early in the course and using it as the main/dominant solution method, students can focus more on learning both the physical modeling and mathematical modeling of the vibration systems as well as interpreting results in the engineering context. Since state-space computational solvers are readily available to students (MATLAB, Mathcad, etc.) and they can be applied to solve most (but not all) vibration problems including free or forced SDOF, 2DOF, MDOF systems with or without damping, it allows for consistency when teaching students how to solve vibration problems. State-space solvers can solve for either the time or the frequency response and provides a graphical solution. The students can go from modeling to visually exploring and interpreting results. The students’ response to this approach is also discussed.

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mechanical approaches to problem solving

Romulus’s Substack

The mckinsey problem solving approach to consulting: a comprehensive guide, by: jason branin.

mechanical approaches to problem solving

In the realm of management consulting, McKinsey & Company stands out as a beacon of excellence and innovation. Since its founding in 1926 by James O. McKinsey, the firm has grown to become one of the most prestigious and influential consulting firms in the world. Central to McKinsey's success is its unique problem-solving approach, which has not only shaped the firm’s own practices but has also significantly influenced the broader consulting industry. This article delves into the intricacies of the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach, exploring its methodologies, tools, and the impact it has on delivering high-value solutions to clients.

The Essence of the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach

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At its core, the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach is a structured methodology designed to tackle complex business challenges through a combination of rigorous analysis, strategic thinking, and practical recommendations. This approach is characterized by its systematic nature, emphasizing clarity, precision, and thoroughness in every step of the problem-solving process. The primary objective is to deliver actionable insights and sustainable solutions that drive tangible results for clients.

Key Components of the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach

1. Defining the Problem

The first and most crucial step in the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach is defining the problem. This involves clearly articulating the issue at hand, setting the boundaries for the analysis, and establishing the objectives of the engagement. McKinsey consultants use a structured framework known as the “problem statement” to capture the essence of the challenge. A well-defined problem statement typically includes:

- Context: The background information and relevant facts about the client and the issue.

- Objective: The desired outcome or goal of the analysis.

- Scope: The boundaries and constraints of the problem.

- Hypotheses: Initial assumptions or potential solutions that will be tested during the analysis.

By investing time and effort in defining the problem accurately, McKinsey ensures that the subsequent analysis is focused, relevant, and aligned with the client’s needs.

2. Disaggregating the Problem

Once the problem is defined, the next step is to break it down into smaller, manageable components. This process, known as disaggregation, allows consultants to tackle each part of the problem systematically. McKinsey employs the MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) principle to ensure that all aspects of the problem are covered without any overlap or gaps. The MECE framework helps in organizing information logically and ensures that the analysis is comprehensive.

For example, if the problem involves improving a company's profitability, McKinsey might disaggregate it into components such as revenue enhancement, cost reduction, and operational efficiency. Each of these components is then further broken down into sub-components, allowing for a detailed and focused analysis.

3. Conducting the Analysis

The analysis phase is where McKinsey's analytical rigor comes to the fore. This phase involves gathering data, testing hypotheses, and developing insights. McKinsey consultants use a variety of tools and techniques to conduct their analysis, including:

- Benchmarking: Comparing the client’s performance against industry standards or best practices.

- Financial Modeling: Building detailed models to simulate different scenarios and their financial impact.

-Root Cause Analysis: Identifying the underlying causes of the problem rather than just addressing the symptoms.

-Scenario Planning: Exploring different future scenarios to anticipate potential challenges and opportunities.

Data-driven decision-making is a hallmark of McKinsey’s approach. The firm places a strong emphasis on using quantitative data to support its findings and recommendations. This ensures that the solutions proposed are not only theoretically sound but also practically viable.

4. Synthesizing Insights

After conducting the analysis, the next step is to synthesize the insights and draw conclusions. This involves distilling the vast amount of data and information into clear, actionable insights that address the client’s problem. McKinsey consultants use the “Pyramid Principle,” a communication technique developed by Barbara Minto, a former McKinsey consultant, to present their findings. The Pyramid Principle advocates starting with the main conclusion or recommendation and then supporting it with key arguments and data.

This top-down approach ensures that the most important insights are communicated upfront, making it easier for clients to understand and act upon the recommendations. It also helps in structuring complex information in a logical and coherent manner.

5. Developing Recommendations

Based on the synthesized insights, McKinsey consultants develop specific recommendations for the client. These recommendations are not just theoretical ideas but practical, actionable steps that the client can implement to address the problem. McKinsey places a strong emphasis on creating “value-driven” recommendations that deliver measurable impact.

To ensure the recommendations are actionable, McKinsey follows a few guiding principles:

- Feasibility: Ensuring that the recommendations are realistic and can be implemented within the client’s constraints.

- Sustainability: Focusing on long-term solutions that deliver sustained benefits rather than short-term fixes.

- Client Buy-in: Engaging the client throughout the process to ensure they understand and are committed to the recommendations.

6. Implementing Solutions

The final step in the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach is implementing the solutions. McKinsey often works closely with clients to support the implementation phase, ensuring that the recommendations are executed effectively. This involves developing detailed implementation plans, setting up monitoring mechanisms, and providing ongoing support and guidance.

McKinsey’s commitment to implementation reflects its philosophy of “seeing it through.” The firm recognizes that the true value of its consulting services lies not just in developing insightful recommendations but in helping clients achieve tangible results.

Tools and Techniques in the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach

McKinsey employs a wide range of tools and techniques to support its problem-solving approach. Some of the most commonly used tools include:

1. The Issue Tree

The Issue Tree is a visual representation of the problem and its sub-components. It helps in organizing the problem into a hierarchical structure, making it easier to identify the key issues and areas of focus. The Issue Tree is typically used during the disaggregation phase to break down the problem into smaller, manageable parts.

2. The Decision Tree

The Decision Tree is a tool used to map out different decision paths and their potential outcomes. It helps in evaluating the implications of different choices and identifying the most optimal decision. The Decision Tree is particularly useful in scenarios where there are multiple possible solutions or courses of action.

3. The Hypothesis Pyramid

The Hypothesis Pyramid is a tool used to structure hypotheses in a logical manner. It helps in organizing hypotheses into a hierarchy, with the main hypothesis at the top and supporting hypotheses underneath. This tool is used to guide the analysis and ensure that all relevant hypotheses are tested systematically.

4. The MECE Framework

The MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) framework is a key principle in the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach. It ensures that all aspects of the problem are covered without any overlap or gaps. The MECE framework is used during the disaggregation phase to organize information logically and comprehensively.

5. The Pyramid Principle

The Pyramid Principle is a communication technique used to present findings and recommendations in a clear and structured manner. It advocates starting with the main conclusion or recommendation and then supporting it with key arguments and data. This top-down approach ensures that the most important insights are communicated upfront.

The Impact of the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach

The McKinsey Problem Solving Approach has had a profound impact on the field of management consulting and beyond. Some of the key impacts include:

1. Driving Business Success

McKinsey’s structured and rigorous approach to problem-solving has helped countless organizations achieve significant improvements in performance and profitability. By providing data-driven insights and practical recommendations, McKinsey has enabled clients to address complex challenges and capitalize on new opportunities.

2. Setting Industry Standards

McKinsey’s methodologies and best practices have set industry standards for consulting. Many of the tools and techniques developed by McKinsey, such as the MECE framework and the Pyramid Principle, have become widely adopted across the consulting industry. McKinsey’s emphasis on analytical rigor and strategic thinking has influenced the way consulting firms approach problem-solving.

3. Fostering Innovation

McKinsey’s approach to problem-solving fosters innovation by encouraging consultants to think creatively and challenge conventional wisdom. The firm’s focus on developing hypotheses and testing them systematically promotes a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement. This has led to the development of innovative solutions that drive business success.

4. Building Client Capabilities

McKinsey’s commitment to implementation and client engagement helps build the capabilities of client organizations. By working closely with clients throughout the problem-solving process, McKinsey ensures that clients not only achieve immediate results but also develop the skills and knowledge to sustain improvements over the long term.

The McKinsey Problem Solving Approach is a testament to the firm’s commitment to excellence and innovation. Its structured methodology, emphasis on analytical rigor, and focus on delivering actionable insights have made McKinsey a trusted advisor to some of the world’s most successful organizations. By continually refining its approach and embracing new tools and techniques, McKinsey remains at the forefront of the consulting industry, helping clients navigate complex challenges and achieve sustainable growth.

As businesses continue to face an ever-changing landscape, the principles and practices of the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach will remain highly relevant. Its focus on defining the problem accurately, conducting rigorous analysis, and developing practical recommendations provides a robust framework for tackling the most pressing business issues. For organizations seeking to drive performance and innovation, embracing the McKinsey Problem Solving Approach can be a powerful catalyst for success.

If you are looking to continue this conversation or are looking for some advice, please, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

mechanical approaches to problem solving

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35 problem-solving techniques and methods for solving complex problems

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All teams and organizations encounter challenges as they grow. There are problems that might occur for teams when it comes to miscommunication or resolving business-critical issues . You may face challenges around growth , design , user engagement, and even team culture and happiness. In short, problem-solving techniques should be part of every team’s skillset.

Problem-solving methods are primarily designed to help a group or team through a process of first identifying problems and challenges , ideating possible solutions , and then evaluating the most suitable .

Finding effective solutions to complex problems isn’t easy, but by using the right process and techniques, you can help your team be more efficient in the process.

So how do you develop strategies that are engaging, and empower your team to solve problems effectively?

In this blog post, we share a series of problem-solving tools you can use in your next workshop or team meeting. You’ll also find some tips for facilitating the process and how to enable others to solve complex problems.

Let’s get started! 

How do you identify problems?

How do you identify the right solution.

  • Tips for more effective problem-solving

Complete problem-solving methods

  • Problem-solving techniques to identify and analyze problems
  • Problem-solving techniques for developing solutions

Problem-solving warm-up activities

Closing activities for a problem-solving process.

Before you can move towards finding the right solution for a given problem, you first need to identify and define the problem you wish to solve. 

Here, you want to clearly articulate what the problem is and allow your group to do the same. Remember that everyone in a group is likely to have differing perspectives and alignment is necessary in order to help the group move forward. 

Identifying a problem accurately also requires that all members of a group are able to contribute their views in an open and safe manner. It can be scary for people to stand up and contribute, especially if the problems or challenges are emotive or personal in nature. Be sure to try and create a psychologically safe space for these kinds of discussions.

Remember that problem analysis and further discussion are also important. Not taking the time to fully analyze and discuss a challenge can result in the development of solutions that are not fit for purpose or do not address the underlying issue.

Successfully identifying and then analyzing a problem means facilitating a group through activities designed to help them clearly and honestly articulate their thoughts and produce usable insight.

With this data, you might then produce a problem statement that clearly describes the problem you wish to be addressed and also state the goal of any process you undertake to tackle this issue.  

Finding solutions is the end goal of any process. Complex organizational challenges can only be solved with an appropriate solution but discovering them requires using the right problem-solving tool.

After you’ve explored a problem and discussed ideas, you need to help a team discuss and choose the right solution. Consensus tools and methods such as those below help a group explore possible solutions before then voting for the best. They’re a great way to tap into the collective intelligence of the group for great results!

Remember that the process is often iterative. Great problem solvers often roadtest a viable solution in a measured way to see what works too. While you might not get the right solution on your first try, the methods below help teams land on the most likely to succeed solution while also holding space for improvement.

Every effective problem solving process begins with an agenda . A well-structured workshop is one of the best methods for successfully guiding a group from exploring a problem to implementing a solution.

In SessionLab, it’s easy to go from an idea to a complete agenda . Start by dragging and dropping your core problem solving activities into place . Add timings, breaks and necessary materials before sharing your agenda with your colleagues.

The resulting agenda will be your guide to an effective and productive problem solving session that will also help you stay organized on the day!

mechanical approaches to problem solving

Tips for more effective problem solving

Problem-solving activities are only one part of the puzzle. While a great method can help unlock your team’s ability to solve problems, without a thoughtful approach and strong facilitation the solutions may not be fit for purpose.

Let’s take a look at some problem-solving tips you can apply to any process to help it be a success!

Clearly define the problem

Jumping straight to solutions can be tempting, though without first clearly articulating a problem, the solution might not be the right one. Many of the problem-solving activities below include sections where the problem is explored and clearly defined before moving on.

This is a vital part of the problem-solving process and taking the time to fully define an issue can save time and effort later. A clear definition helps identify irrelevant information and it also ensures that your team sets off on the right track.

Don’t jump to conclusions

It’s easy for groups to exhibit cognitive bias or have preconceived ideas about both problems and potential solutions. Be sure to back up any problem statements or potential solutions with facts, research, and adequate forethought.

The best techniques ask participants to be methodical and challenge preconceived notions. Make sure you give the group enough time and space to collect relevant information and consider the problem in a new way. By approaching the process with a clear, rational mindset, you’ll often find that better solutions are more forthcoming.  

Try different approaches  

Problems come in all shapes and sizes and so too should the methods you use to solve them. If you find that one approach isn’t yielding results and your team isn’t finding different solutions, try mixing it up. You’ll be surprised at how using a new creative activity can unblock your team and generate great solutions.

Don’t take it personally 

Depending on the nature of your team or organizational problems, it’s easy for conversations to get heated. While it’s good for participants to be engaged in the discussions, ensure that emotions don’t run too high and that blame isn’t thrown around while finding solutions.

You’re all in it together, and even if your team or area is seeing problems, that isn’t necessarily a disparagement of you personally. Using facilitation skills to manage group dynamics is one effective method of helping conversations be more constructive.

Get the right people in the room

Your problem-solving method is often only as effective as the group using it. Getting the right people on the job and managing the number of people present is important too!

If the group is too small, you may not get enough different perspectives to effectively solve a problem. If the group is too large, you can go round and round during the ideation stages.

Creating the right group makeup is also important in ensuring you have the necessary expertise and skillset to both identify and follow up on potential solutions. Carefully consider who to include at each stage to help ensure your problem-solving method is followed and positioned for success.

Document everything

The best solutions can take refinement, iteration, and reflection to come out. Get into a habit of documenting your process in order to keep all the learnings from the session and to allow ideas to mature and develop. Many of the methods below involve the creation of documents or shared resources. Be sure to keep and share these so everyone can benefit from the work done!

Bring a facilitator 

Facilitation is all about making group processes easier. With a subject as potentially emotive and important as problem-solving, having an impartial third party in the form of a facilitator can make all the difference in finding great solutions and keeping the process moving. Consider bringing a facilitator to your problem-solving session to get better results and generate meaningful solutions!

Develop your problem-solving skills

It takes time and practice to be an effective problem solver. While some roles or participants might more naturally gravitate towards problem-solving, it can take development and planning to help everyone create better solutions.

You might develop a training program, run a problem-solving workshop or simply ask your team to practice using the techniques below. Check out our post on problem-solving skills to see how you and your group can develop the right mental process and be more resilient to issues too!

Design a great agenda

Workshops are a great format for solving problems. With the right approach, you can focus a group and help them find the solutions to their own problems. But designing a process can be time-consuming and finding the right activities can be difficult.

Check out our workshop planning guide to level-up your agenda design and start running more effective workshops. Need inspiration? Check out templates designed by expert facilitators to help you kickstart your process!

In this section, we’ll look at in-depth problem-solving methods that provide a complete end-to-end process for developing effective solutions. These will help guide your team from the discovery and definition of a problem through to delivering the right solution.

If you’re looking for an all-encompassing method or problem-solving model, these processes are a great place to start. They’ll ask your team to challenge preconceived ideas and adopt a mindset for solving problems more effectively.

  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Lightning Decision Jam
  • Problem Definition Process
  • Discovery & Action Dialogue
Design Sprint 2.0
  • Open Space Technology

1. Six Thinking Hats

Individual approaches to solving a problem can be very different based on what team or role an individual holds. It can be easy for existing biases or perspectives to find their way into the mix, or for internal politics to direct a conversation.

Six Thinking Hats is a classic method for identifying the problems that need to be solved and enables your team to consider them from different angles, whether that is by focusing on facts and data, creative solutions, or by considering why a particular solution might not work.

Like all problem-solving frameworks, Six Thinking Hats is effective at helping teams remove roadblocks from a conversation or discussion and come to terms with all the aspects necessary to solve complex problems.

2. Lightning Decision Jam

Featured courtesy of Jonathan Courtney of AJ&Smart Berlin, Lightning Decision Jam is one of those strategies that should be in every facilitation toolbox. Exploring problems and finding solutions is often creative in nature, though as with any creative process, there is the potential to lose focus and get lost.

Unstructured discussions might get you there in the end, but it’s much more effective to use a method that creates a clear process and team focus.

In Lightning Decision Jam, participants are invited to begin by writing challenges, concerns, or mistakes on post-its without discussing them before then being invited by the moderator to present them to the group.

From there, the team vote on which problems to solve and are guided through steps that will allow them to reframe those problems, create solutions and then decide what to execute on. 

By deciding the problems that need to be solved as a team before moving on, this group process is great for ensuring the whole team is aligned and can take ownership over the next stages. 

Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ)   #action   #decision making   #problem solving   #issue analysis   #innovation   #design   #remote-friendly   The problem with anything that requires creative thinking is that it’s easy to get lost—lose focus and fall into the trap of having useless, open-ended, unstructured discussions. Here’s the most effective solution I’ve found: Replace all open, unstructured discussion with a clear process. What to use this exercise for: Anything which requires a group of people to make decisions, solve problems or discuss challenges. It’s always good to frame an LDJ session with a broad topic, here are some examples: The conversion flow of our checkout Our internal design process How we organise events Keeping up with our competition Improving sales flow

3. Problem Definition Process

While problems can be complex, the problem-solving methods you use to identify and solve those problems can often be simple in design. 

By taking the time to truly identify and define a problem before asking the group to reframe the challenge as an opportunity, this method is a great way to enable change.

Begin by identifying a focus question and exploring the ways in which it manifests before splitting into five teams who will each consider the problem using a different method: escape, reversal, exaggeration, distortion or wishful. Teams develop a problem objective and create ideas in line with their method before then feeding them back to the group.

This method is great for enabling in-depth discussions while also creating space for finding creative solutions too!

Problem Definition   #problem solving   #idea generation   #creativity   #online   #remote-friendly   A problem solving technique to define a problem, challenge or opportunity and to generate ideas.

4. The 5 Whys 

Sometimes, a group needs to go further with their strategies and analyze the root cause at the heart of organizational issues. An RCA or root cause analysis is the process of identifying what is at the heart of business problems or recurring challenges. 

The 5 Whys is a simple and effective method of helping a group go find the root cause of any problem or challenge and conduct analysis that will deliver results. 

By beginning with the creation of a problem statement and going through five stages to refine it, The 5 Whys provides everything you need to truly discover the cause of an issue.

The 5 Whys   #hyperisland   #innovation   This simple and powerful method is useful for getting to the core of a problem or challenge. As the title suggests, the group defines a problems, then asks the question “why” five times, often using the resulting explanation as a starting point for creative problem solving.

5. World Cafe

World Cafe is a simple but powerful facilitation technique to help bigger groups to focus their energy and attention on solving complex problems.

World Cafe enables this approach by creating a relaxed atmosphere where participants are able to self-organize and explore topics relevant and important to them which are themed around a central problem-solving purpose. Create the right atmosphere by modeling your space after a cafe and after guiding the group through the method, let them take the lead!

Making problem-solving a part of your organization’s culture in the long term can be a difficult undertaking. More approachable formats like World Cafe can be especially effective in bringing people unfamiliar with workshops into the fold. 

World Cafe   #hyperisland   #innovation   #issue analysis   World Café is a simple yet powerful method, originated by Juanita Brown, for enabling meaningful conversations driven completely by participants and the topics that are relevant and important to them. Facilitators create a cafe-style space and provide simple guidelines. Participants then self-organize and explore a set of relevant topics or questions for conversation.

6. Discovery & Action Dialogue (DAD)

One of the best approaches is to create a safe space for a group to share and discover practices and behaviors that can help them find their own solutions.

With DAD, you can help a group choose which problems they wish to solve and which approaches they will take to do so. It’s great at helping remove resistance to change and can help get buy-in at every level too!

This process of enabling frontline ownership is great in ensuring follow-through and is one of the methods you will want in your toolbox as a facilitator.

Discovery & Action Dialogue (DAD)   #idea generation   #liberating structures   #action   #issue analysis   #remote-friendly   DADs make it easy for a group or community to discover practices and behaviors that enable some individuals (without access to special resources and facing the same constraints) to find better solutions than their peers to common problems. These are called positive deviant (PD) behaviors and practices. DADs make it possible for people in the group, unit, or community to discover by themselves these PD practices. DADs also create favorable conditions for stimulating participants’ creativity in spaces where they can feel safe to invent new and more effective practices. Resistance to change evaporates as participants are unleashed to choose freely which practices they will adopt or try and which problems they will tackle. DADs make it possible to achieve frontline ownership of solutions.

7. Design Sprint 2.0

Want to see how a team can solve big problems and move forward with prototyping and testing solutions in a few days? The Design Sprint 2.0 template from Jake Knapp, author of Sprint, is a complete agenda for a with proven results.

Developing the right agenda can involve difficult but necessary planning. Ensuring all the correct steps are followed can also be stressful or time-consuming depending on your level of experience.

Use this complete 4-day workshop template if you are finding there is no obvious solution to your challenge and want to focus your team around a specific problem that might require a shortcut to launching a minimum viable product or waiting for the organization-wide implementation of a solution.

8. Open space technology

Open space technology- developed by Harrison Owen – creates a space where large groups are invited to take ownership of their problem solving and lead individual sessions. Open space technology is a great format when you have a great deal of expertise and insight in the room and want to allow for different takes and approaches on a particular theme or problem you need to be solved.

Start by bringing your participants together to align around a central theme and focus their efforts. Explain the ground rules to help guide the problem-solving process and then invite members to identify any issue connecting to the central theme that they are interested in and are prepared to take responsibility for.

Once participants have decided on their approach to the core theme, they write their issue on a piece of paper, announce it to the group, pick a session time and place, and post the paper on the wall. As the wall fills up with sessions, the group is then invited to join the sessions that interest them the most and which they can contribute to, then you’re ready to begin!

Everyone joins the problem-solving group they’ve signed up to, record the discussion and if appropriate, findings can then be shared with the rest of the group afterward.

Open Space Technology   #action plan   #idea generation   #problem solving   #issue analysis   #large group   #online   #remote-friendly   Open Space is a methodology for large groups to create their agenda discerning important topics for discussion, suitable for conferences, community gatherings and whole system facilitation

Techniques to identify and analyze problems

Using a problem-solving method to help a team identify and analyze a problem can be a quick and effective addition to any workshop or meeting.

While further actions are always necessary, you can generate momentum and alignment easily, and these activities are a great place to get started.

We’ve put together this list of techniques to help you and your team with problem identification, analysis, and discussion that sets the foundation for developing effective solutions.

Let’s take a look!

  • The Creativity Dice
  • Fishbone Analysis
  • Problem Tree
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Agreement-Certainty Matrix
  • The Journalistic Six
  • LEGO Challenge
  • What, So What, Now What?
  • Journalists

Individual and group perspectives are incredibly important, but what happens if people are set in their minds and need a change of perspective in order to approach a problem more effectively?

Flip It is a method we love because it is both simple to understand and run, and allows groups to understand how their perspectives and biases are formed. 

Participants in Flip It are first invited to consider concerns, issues, or problems from a perspective of fear and write them on a flip chart. Then, the group is asked to consider those same issues from a perspective of hope and flip their understanding.  

No problem and solution is free from existing bias and by changing perspectives with Flip It, you can then develop a problem solving model quickly and effectively.

Flip It!   #gamestorming   #problem solving   #action   Often, a change in a problem or situation comes simply from a change in our perspectives. Flip It! is a quick game designed to show players that perspectives are made, not born.

10. The Creativity Dice

One of the most useful problem solving skills you can teach your team is of approaching challenges with creativity, flexibility, and openness. Games like The Creativity Dice allow teams to overcome the potential hurdle of too much linear thinking and approach the process with a sense of fun and speed. 

In The Creativity Dice, participants are organized around a topic and roll a dice to determine what they will work on for a period of 3 minutes at a time. They might roll a 3 and work on investigating factual information on the chosen topic. They might roll a 1 and work on identifying the specific goals, standards, or criteria for the session.

Encouraging rapid work and iteration while asking participants to be flexible are great skills to cultivate. Having a stage for idea incubation in this game is also important. Moments of pause can help ensure the ideas that are put forward are the most suitable. 

The Creativity Dice   #creativity   #problem solving   #thiagi   #issue analysis   Too much linear thinking is hazardous to creative problem solving. To be creative, you should approach the problem (or the opportunity) from different points of view. You should leave a thought hanging in mid-air and move to another. This skipping around prevents premature closure and lets your brain incubate one line of thought while you consciously pursue another.

11. Fishbone Analysis

Organizational or team challenges are rarely simple, and it’s important to remember that one problem can be an indication of something that goes deeper and may require further consideration to be solved.

Fishbone Analysis helps groups to dig deeper and understand the origins of a problem. It’s a great example of a root cause analysis method that is simple for everyone on a team to get their head around. 

Participants in this activity are asked to annotate a diagram of a fish, first adding the problem or issue to be worked on at the head of a fish before then brainstorming the root causes of the problem and adding them as bones on the fish. 

Using abstractions such as a diagram of a fish can really help a team break out of their regular thinking and develop a creative approach.

Fishbone Analysis   #problem solving   ##root cause analysis   #decision making   #online facilitation   A process to help identify and understand the origins of problems, issues or observations.

12. Problem Tree 

Encouraging visual thinking can be an essential part of many strategies. By simply reframing and clarifying problems, a group can move towards developing a problem solving model that works for them. 

In Problem Tree, groups are asked to first brainstorm a list of problems – these can be design problems, team problems or larger business problems – and then organize them into a hierarchy. The hierarchy could be from most important to least important or abstract to practical, though the key thing with problem solving games that involve this aspect is that your group has some way of managing and sorting all the issues that are raised.

Once you have a list of problems that need to be solved and have organized them accordingly, you’re then well-positioned for the next problem solving steps.

Problem tree   #define intentions   #create   #design   #issue analysis   A problem tree is a tool to clarify the hierarchy of problems addressed by the team within a design project; it represents high level problems or related sublevel problems.

13. SWOT Analysis

Chances are you’ve heard of the SWOT Analysis before. This problem-solving method focuses on identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is a tried and tested method for both individuals and teams.

Start by creating a desired end state or outcome and bare this in mind – any process solving model is made more effective by knowing what you are moving towards. Create a quadrant made up of the four categories of a SWOT analysis and ask participants to generate ideas based on each of those quadrants.

Once you have those ideas assembled in their quadrants, cluster them together based on their affinity with other ideas. These clusters are then used to facilitate group conversations and move things forward. 

SWOT analysis   #gamestorming   #problem solving   #action   #meeting facilitation   The SWOT Analysis is a long-standing technique of looking at what we have, with respect to the desired end state, as well as what we could improve on. It gives us an opportunity to gauge approaching opportunities and dangers, and assess the seriousness of the conditions that affect our future. When we understand those conditions, we can influence what comes next.

14. Agreement-Certainty Matrix

Not every problem-solving approach is right for every challenge, and deciding on the right method for the challenge at hand is a key part of being an effective team.

The Agreement Certainty matrix helps teams align on the nature of the challenges facing them. By sorting problems from simple to chaotic, your team can understand what methods are suitable for each problem and what they can do to ensure effective results. 

If you are already using Liberating Structures techniques as part of your problem-solving strategy, the Agreement-Certainty Matrix can be an invaluable addition to your process. We’ve found it particularly if you are having issues with recurring problems in your organization and want to go deeper in understanding the root cause. 

Agreement-Certainty Matrix   #issue analysis   #liberating structures   #problem solving   You can help individuals or groups avoid the frequent mistake of trying to solve a problem with methods that are not adapted to the nature of their challenge. The combination of two questions makes it possible to easily sort challenges into four categories: simple, complicated, complex , and chaotic .  A problem is simple when it can be solved reliably with practices that are easy to duplicate.  It is complicated when experts are required to devise a sophisticated solution that will yield the desired results predictably.  A problem is complex when there are several valid ways to proceed but outcomes are not predictable in detail.  Chaotic is when the context is too turbulent to identify a path forward.  A loose analogy may be used to describe these differences: simple is like following a recipe, complicated like sending a rocket to the moon, complex like raising a child, and chaotic is like the game “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.”  The Liberating Structures Matching Matrix in Chapter 5 can be used as the first step to clarify the nature of a challenge and avoid the mismatches between problems and solutions that are frequently at the root of chronic, recurring problems.

Organizing and charting a team’s progress can be important in ensuring its success. SQUID (Sequential Question and Insight Diagram) is a great model that allows a team to effectively switch between giving questions and answers and develop the skills they need to stay on track throughout the process. 

Begin with two different colored sticky notes – one for questions and one for answers – and with your central topic (the head of the squid) on the board. Ask the group to first come up with a series of questions connected to their best guess of how to approach the topic. Ask the group to come up with answers to those questions, fix them to the board and connect them with a line. After some discussion, go back to question mode by responding to the generated answers or other points on the board.

It’s rewarding to see a diagram grow throughout the exercise, and a completed SQUID can provide a visual resource for future effort and as an example for other teams.

SQUID   #gamestorming   #project planning   #issue analysis   #problem solving   When exploring an information space, it’s important for a group to know where they are at any given time. By using SQUID, a group charts out the territory as they go and can navigate accordingly. SQUID stands for Sequential Question and Insight Diagram.

16. Speed Boat

To continue with our nautical theme, Speed Boat is a short and sweet activity that can help a team quickly identify what employees, clients or service users might have a problem with and analyze what might be standing in the way of achieving a solution.

Methods that allow for a group to make observations, have insights and obtain those eureka moments quickly are invaluable when trying to solve complex problems.

In Speed Boat, the approach is to first consider what anchors and challenges might be holding an organization (or boat) back. Bonus points if you are able to identify any sharks in the water and develop ideas that can also deal with competitors!   

Speed Boat   #gamestorming   #problem solving   #action   Speedboat is a short and sweet way to identify what your employees or clients don’t like about your product/service or what’s standing in the way of a desired goal.

17. The Journalistic Six

Some of the most effective ways of solving problems is by encouraging teams to be more inclusive and diverse in their thinking.

Based on the six key questions journalism students are taught to answer in articles and news stories, The Journalistic Six helps create teams to see the whole picture. By using who, what, when, where, why, and how to facilitate the conversation and encourage creative thinking, your team can make sure that the problem identification and problem analysis stages of the are covered exhaustively and thoughtfully. Reporter’s notebook and dictaphone optional.

The Journalistic Six – Who What When Where Why How   #idea generation   #issue analysis   #problem solving   #online   #creative thinking   #remote-friendly   A questioning method for generating, explaining, investigating ideas.

18. LEGO Challenge

Now for an activity that is a little out of the (toy) box. LEGO Serious Play is a facilitation methodology that can be used to improve creative thinking and problem-solving skills. 

The LEGO Challenge includes giving each member of the team an assignment that is hidden from the rest of the group while they create a structure without speaking.

What the LEGO challenge brings to the table is a fun working example of working with stakeholders who might not be on the same page to solve problems. Also, it’s LEGO! Who doesn’t love LEGO! 

LEGO Challenge   #hyperisland   #team   A team-building activity in which groups must work together to build a structure out of LEGO, but each individual has a secret “assignment” which makes the collaborative process more challenging. It emphasizes group communication, leadership dynamics, conflict, cooperation, patience and problem solving strategy.

19. What, So What, Now What?

If not carefully managed, the problem identification and problem analysis stages of the problem-solving process can actually create more problems and misunderstandings.

The What, So What, Now What? problem-solving activity is designed to help collect insights and move forward while also eliminating the possibility of disagreement when it comes to identifying, clarifying, and analyzing organizational or work problems. 

Facilitation is all about bringing groups together so that might work on a shared goal and the best problem-solving strategies ensure that teams are aligned in purpose, if not initially in opinion or insight.

Throughout the three steps of this game, you give everyone on a team to reflect on a problem by asking what happened, why it is important, and what actions should then be taken. 

This can be a great activity for bringing our individual perceptions about a problem or challenge and contextualizing it in a larger group setting. This is one of the most important problem-solving skills you can bring to your organization.

W³ – What, So What, Now What?   #issue analysis   #innovation   #liberating structures   You can help groups reflect on a shared experience in a way that builds understanding and spurs coordinated action while avoiding unproductive conflict. It is possible for every voice to be heard while simultaneously sifting for insights and shaping new direction. Progressing in stages makes this practical—from collecting facts about What Happened to making sense of these facts with So What and finally to what actions logically follow with Now What . The shared progression eliminates most of the misunderstandings that otherwise fuel disagreements about what to do. Voila!

20. Journalists  

Problem analysis can be one of the most important and decisive stages of all problem-solving tools. Sometimes, a team can become bogged down in the details and are unable to move forward.

Journalists is an activity that can avoid a group from getting stuck in the problem identification or problem analysis stages of the process.

In Journalists, the group is invited to draft the front page of a fictional newspaper and figure out what stories deserve to be on the cover and what headlines those stories will have. By reframing how your problems and challenges are approached, you can help a team move productively through the process and be better prepared for the steps to follow.

Journalists   #vision   #big picture   #issue analysis   #remote-friendly   This is an exercise to use when the group gets stuck in details and struggles to see the big picture. Also good for defining a vision.

Problem-solving techniques for developing solutions 

The success of any problem-solving process can be measured by the solutions it produces. After you’ve defined the issue, explored existing ideas, and ideated, it’s time to narrow down to the correct solution.

Use these problem-solving techniques when you want to help your team find consensus, compare possible solutions, and move towards taking action on a particular problem.

  • Improved Solutions
  • Four-Step Sketch
  • 15% Solutions
  • How-Now-Wow matrix
  • Impact Effort Matrix

21. Mindspin  

Brainstorming is part of the bread and butter of the problem-solving process and all problem-solving strategies benefit from getting ideas out and challenging a team to generate solutions quickly. 

With Mindspin, participants are encouraged not only to generate ideas but to do so under time constraints and by slamming down cards and passing them on. By doing multiple rounds, your team can begin with a free generation of possible solutions before moving on to developing those solutions and encouraging further ideation. 

This is one of our favorite problem-solving activities and can be great for keeping the energy up throughout the workshop. Remember the importance of helping people become engaged in the process – energizing problem-solving techniques like Mindspin can help ensure your team stays engaged and happy, even when the problems they’re coming together to solve are complex. 

MindSpin   #teampedia   #idea generation   #problem solving   #action   A fast and loud method to enhance brainstorming within a team. Since this activity has more than round ideas that are repetitive can be ruled out leaving more creative and innovative answers to the challenge.

22. Improved Solutions

After a team has successfully identified a problem and come up with a few solutions, it can be tempting to call the work of the problem-solving process complete. That said, the first solution is not necessarily the best, and by including a further review and reflection activity into your problem-solving model, you can ensure your group reaches the best possible result. 

One of a number of problem-solving games from Thiagi Group, Improved Solutions helps you go the extra mile and develop suggested solutions with close consideration and peer review. By supporting the discussion of several problems at once and by shifting team roles throughout, this problem-solving technique is a dynamic way of finding the best solution. 

Improved Solutions   #creativity   #thiagi   #problem solving   #action   #team   You can improve any solution by objectively reviewing its strengths and weaknesses and making suitable adjustments. In this creativity framegame, you improve the solutions to several problems. To maintain objective detachment, you deal with a different problem during each of six rounds and assume different roles (problem owner, consultant, basher, booster, enhancer, and evaluator) during each round. At the conclusion of the activity, each player ends up with two solutions to her problem.

23. Four Step Sketch

Creative thinking and visual ideation does not need to be confined to the opening stages of your problem-solving strategies. Exercises that include sketching and prototyping on paper can be effective at the solution finding and development stage of the process, and can be great for keeping a team engaged. 

By going from simple notes to a crazy 8s round that involves rapidly sketching 8 variations on their ideas before then producing a final solution sketch, the group is able to iterate quickly and visually. Problem-solving techniques like Four-Step Sketch are great if you have a group of different thinkers and want to change things up from a more textual or discussion-based approach.

Four-Step Sketch   #design sprint   #innovation   #idea generation   #remote-friendly   The four-step sketch is an exercise that helps people to create well-formed concepts through a structured process that includes: Review key information Start design work on paper,  Consider multiple variations , Create a detailed solution . This exercise is preceded by a set of other activities allowing the group to clarify the challenge they want to solve. See how the Four Step Sketch exercise fits into a Design Sprint

24. 15% Solutions

Some problems are simpler than others and with the right problem-solving activities, you can empower people to take immediate actions that can help create organizational change. 

Part of the liberating structures toolkit, 15% solutions is a problem-solving technique that focuses on finding and implementing solutions quickly. A process of iterating and making small changes quickly can help generate momentum and an appetite for solving complex problems.

Problem-solving strategies can live and die on whether people are onboard. Getting some quick wins is a great way of getting people behind the process.   

It can be extremely empowering for a team to realize that problem-solving techniques can be deployed quickly and easily and delineate between things they can positively impact and those things they cannot change. 

15% Solutions   #action   #liberating structures   #remote-friendly   You can reveal the actions, however small, that everyone can do immediately. At a minimum, these will create momentum, and that may make a BIG difference.  15% Solutions show that there is no reason to wait around, feel powerless, or fearful. They help people pick it up a level. They get individuals and the group to focus on what is within their discretion instead of what they cannot change.  With a very simple question, you can flip the conversation to what can be done and find solutions to big problems that are often distributed widely in places not known in advance. Shifting a few grains of sand may trigger a landslide and change the whole landscape.

25. How-Now-Wow Matrix

The problem-solving process is often creative, as complex problems usually require a change of thinking and creative response in order to find the best solutions. While it’s common for the first stages to encourage creative thinking, groups can often gravitate to familiar solutions when it comes to the end of the process. 

When selecting solutions, you don’t want to lose your creative energy! The How-Now-Wow Matrix from Gamestorming is a great problem-solving activity that enables a group to stay creative and think out of the box when it comes to selecting the right solution for a given problem.

Problem-solving techniques that encourage creative thinking and the ideation and selection of new solutions can be the most effective in organisational change. Give the How-Now-Wow Matrix a go, and not just for how pleasant it is to say out loud. 

How-Now-Wow Matrix   #gamestorming   #idea generation   #remote-friendly   When people want to develop new ideas, they most often think out of the box in the brainstorming or divergent phase. However, when it comes to convergence, people often end up picking ideas that are most familiar to them. This is called a ‘creative paradox’ or a ‘creadox’. The How-Now-Wow matrix is an idea selection tool that breaks the creadox by forcing people to weigh each idea on 2 parameters.

26. Impact and Effort Matrix

All problem-solving techniques hope to not only find solutions to a given problem or challenge but to find the best solution. When it comes to finding a solution, groups are invited to put on their decision-making hats and really think about how a proposed idea would work in practice. 

The Impact and Effort Matrix is one of the problem-solving techniques that fall into this camp, empowering participants to first generate ideas and then categorize them into a 2×2 matrix based on impact and effort.

Activities that invite critical thinking while remaining simple are invaluable. Use the Impact and Effort Matrix to move from ideation and towards evaluating potential solutions before then committing to them. 

Impact and Effort Matrix   #gamestorming   #decision making   #action   #remote-friendly   In this decision-making exercise, possible actions are mapped based on two factors: effort required to implement and potential impact. Categorizing ideas along these lines is a useful technique in decision making, as it obliges contributors to balance and evaluate suggested actions before committing to them.

27. Dotmocracy

If you’ve followed each of the problem-solving steps with your group successfully, you should move towards the end of your process with heaps of possible solutions developed with a specific problem in mind. But how do you help a group go from ideation to putting a solution into action? 

Dotmocracy – or Dot Voting -is a tried and tested method of helping a team in the problem-solving process make decisions and put actions in place with a degree of oversight and consensus. 

One of the problem-solving techniques that should be in every facilitator’s toolbox, Dot Voting is fast and effective and can help identify the most popular and best solutions and help bring a group to a decision effectively. 

Dotmocracy   #action   #decision making   #group prioritization   #hyperisland   #remote-friendly   Dotmocracy is a simple method for group prioritization or decision-making. It is not an activity on its own, but a method to use in processes where prioritization or decision-making is the aim. The method supports a group to quickly see which options are most popular or relevant. The options or ideas are written on post-its and stuck up on a wall for the whole group to see. Each person votes for the options they think are the strongest, and that information is used to inform a decision.

All facilitators know that warm-ups and icebreakers are useful for any workshop or group process. Problem-solving workshops are no different.

Use these problem-solving techniques to warm up a group and prepare them for the rest of the process. Activating your group by tapping into some of the top problem-solving skills can be one of the best ways to see great outcomes from your session.

  • Check-in/Check-out
  • Doodling Together
  • Show and Tell
  • Constellations
  • Draw a Tree

28. Check-in / Check-out

Solid processes are planned from beginning to end, and the best facilitators know that setting the tone and establishing a safe, open environment can be integral to a successful problem-solving process.

Check-in / Check-out is a great way to begin and/or bookend a problem-solving workshop. Checking in to a session emphasizes that everyone will be seen, heard, and expected to contribute. 

If you are running a series of meetings, setting a consistent pattern of checking in and checking out can really help your team get into a groove. We recommend this opening-closing activity for small to medium-sized groups though it can work with large groups if they’re disciplined!

Check-in / Check-out   #team   #opening   #closing   #hyperisland   #remote-friendly   Either checking-in or checking-out is a simple way for a team to open or close a process, symbolically and in a collaborative way. Checking-in/out invites each member in a group to be present, seen and heard, and to express a reflection or a feeling. Checking-in emphasizes presence, focus and group commitment; checking-out emphasizes reflection and symbolic closure.

29. Doodling Together  

Thinking creatively and not being afraid to make suggestions are important problem-solving skills for any group or team, and warming up by encouraging these behaviors is a great way to start. 

Doodling Together is one of our favorite creative ice breaker games – it’s quick, effective, and fun and can make all following problem-solving steps easier by encouraging a group to collaborate visually. By passing cards and adding additional items as they go, the workshop group gets into a groove of co-creation and idea development that is crucial to finding solutions to problems. 

Doodling Together   #collaboration   #creativity   #teamwork   #fun   #team   #visual methods   #energiser   #icebreaker   #remote-friendly   Create wild, weird and often funny postcards together & establish a group’s creative confidence.

30. Show and Tell

You might remember some version of Show and Tell from being a kid in school and it’s a great problem-solving activity to kick off a session.

Asking participants to prepare a little something before a workshop by bringing an object for show and tell can help them warm up before the session has even begun! Games that include a physical object can also help encourage early engagement before moving onto more big-picture thinking.

By asking your participants to tell stories about why they chose to bring a particular item to the group, you can help teams see things from new perspectives and see both differences and similarities in the way they approach a topic. Great groundwork for approaching a problem-solving process as a team! 

Show and Tell   #gamestorming   #action   #opening   #meeting facilitation   Show and Tell taps into the power of metaphors to reveal players’ underlying assumptions and associations around a topic The aim of the game is to get a deeper understanding of stakeholders’ perspectives on anything—a new project, an organizational restructuring, a shift in the company’s vision or team dynamic.

31. Constellations

Who doesn’t love stars? Constellations is a great warm-up activity for any workshop as it gets people up off their feet, energized, and ready to engage in new ways with established topics. It’s also great for showing existing beliefs, biases, and patterns that can come into play as part of your session.

Using warm-up games that help build trust and connection while also allowing for non-verbal responses can be great for easing people into the problem-solving process and encouraging engagement from everyone in the group. Constellations is great in large spaces that allow for movement and is definitely a practical exercise to allow the group to see patterns that are otherwise invisible. 

Constellations   #trust   #connection   #opening   #coaching   #patterns   #system   Individuals express their response to a statement or idea by standing closer or further from a central object. Used with teams to reveal system, hidden patterns, perspectives.

32. Draw a Tree

Problem-solving games that help raise group awareness through a central, unifying metaphor can be effective ways to warm-up a group in any problem-solving model.

Draw a Tree is a simple warm-up activity you can use in any group and which can provide a quick jolt of energy. Start by asking your participants to draw a tree in just 45 seconds – they can choose whether it will be abstract or realistic. 

Once the timer is up, ask the group how many people included the roots of the tree and use this as a means to discuss how we can ignore important parts of any system simply because they are not visible.

All problem-solving strategies are made more effective by thinking of problems critically and by exposing things that may not normally come to light. Warm-up games like Draw a Tree are great in that they quickly demonstrate some key problem-solving skills in an accessible and effective way.

Draw a Tree   #thiagi   #opening   #perspectives   #remote-friendly   With this game you can raise awarness about being more mindful, and aware of the environment we live in.

Each step of the problem-solving workshop benefits from an intelligent deployment of activities, games, and techniques. Bringing your session to an effective close helps ensure that solutions are followed through on and that you also celebrate what has been achieved.

Here are some problem-solving activities you can use to effectively close a workshop or meeting and ensure the great work you’ve done can continue afterward.

  • One Breath Feedback
  • Who What When Matrix
  • Response Cards

How do I conclude a problem-solving process?

All good things must come to an end. With the bulk of the work done, it can be tempting to conclude your workshop swiftly and without a moment to debrief and align. This can be problematic in that it doesn’t allow your team to fully process the results or reflect on the process.

At the end of an effective session, your team will have gone through a process that, while productive, can be exhausting. It’s important to give your group a moment to take a breath, ensure that they are clear on future actions, and provide short feedback before leaving the space. 

The primary purpose of any problem-solving method is to generate solutions and then implement them. Be sure to take the opportunity to ensure everyone is aligned and ready to effectively implement the solutions you produced in the workshop.

Remember that every process can be improved and by giving a short moment to collect feedback in the session, you can further refine your problem-solving methods and see further success in the future too.

33. One Breath Feedback

Maintaining attention and focus during the closing stages of a problem-solving workshop can be tricky and so being concise when giving feedback can be important. It’s easy to incur “death by feedback” should some team members go on for too long sharing their perspectives in a quick feedback round. 

One Breath Feedback is a great closing activity for workshops. You give everyone an opportunity to provide feedback on what they’ve done but only in the space of a single breath. This keeps feedback short and to the point and means that everyone is encouraged to provide the most important piece of feedback to them. 

One breath feedback   #closing   #feedback   #action   This is a feedback round in just one breath that excels in maintaining attention: each participants is able to speak during just one breath … for most people that’s around 20 to 25 seconds … unless of course you’ve been a deep sea diver in which case you’ll be able to do it for longer.

34. Who What When Matrix 

Matrices feature as part of many effective problem-solving strategies and with good reason. They are easily recognizable, simple to use, and generate results.

The Who What When Matrix is a great tool to use when closing your problem-solving session by attributing a who, what and when to the actions and solutions you have decided upon. The resulting matrix is a simple, easy-to-follow way of ensuring your team can move forward. 

Great solutions can’t be enacted without action and ownership. Your problem-solving process should include a stage for allocating tasks to individuals or teams and creating a realistic timeframe for those solutions to be implemented or checked out. Use this method to keep the solution implementation process clear and simple for all involved. 

Who/What/When Matrix   #gamestorming   #action   #project planning   With Who/What/When matrix, you can connect people with clear actions they have defined and have committed to.

35. Response cards

Group discussion can comprise the bulk of most problem-solving activities and by the end of the process, you might find that your team is talked out! 

Providing a means for your team to give feedback with short written notes can ensure everyone is head and can contribute without the need to stand up and talk. Depending on the needs of the group, giving an alternative can help ensure everyone can contribute to your problem-solving model in the way that makes the most sense for them.

Response Cards is a great way to close a workshop if you are looking for a gentle warm-down and want to get some swift discussion around some of the feedback that is raised. 

Response Cards   #debriefing   #closing   #structured sharing   #questions and answers   #thiagi   #action   It can be hard to involve everyone during a closing of a session. Some might stay in the background or get unheard because of louder participants. However, with the use of Response Cards, everyone will be involved in providing feedback or clarify questions at the end of a session.

Save time and effort discovering the right solutions

A structured problem solving process is a surefire way of solving tough problems, discovering creative solutions and driving organizational change. But how can you design for successful outcomes?

With SessionLab, it’s easy to design engaging workshops that deliver results. Drag, drop and reorder blocks  to build your agenda. When you make changes or update your agenda, your session  timing   adjusts automatically , saving you time on manual adjustments.

Collaborating with stakeholders or clients? Share your agenda with a single click and collaborate in real-time. No more sending documents back and forth over email.

Explore  how to use SessionLab  to design effective problem solving workshops or  watch this five minute video  to see the planner in action!

mechanical approaches to problem solving

Over to you

The problem-solving process can often be as complicated and multifaceted as the problems they are set-up to solve. With the right problem-solving techniques and a mix of creative exercises designed to guide discussion and generate purposeful ideas, we hope we’ve given you the tools to find the best solutions as simply and easily as possible.

Is there a problem-solving technique that you are missing here? Do you have a favorite activity or method you use when facilitating? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you! 

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thank you very much for these excellent techniques

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Certainly wonderful article, very detailed. Shared!

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Assembly line balancing and optimal scheduling for flexible manufacturing workshop

  • Original Article
  • Published: 05 June 2024

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mechanical approaches to problem solving

  • Wen Hou 1 , 2 &
  • Song Zhang 1 , 2  

In order to adapt to the changing and personalized market demand, the traditional single-type mass production manufacturing mode is gradually changing to multi-species small batch personalized custom production, flexible manufacturing in machinery manufacturing occupies an increasingly important position. However, complexity, uncertainty, multi-objective and multi-constraints are the problems faced by production scheduling in flexible manufacturing workshop, which restricts the intelligent transformation of enterprises. This paper takes an assembly shop as the research object, and carries out research on assembly line balancing and multi-automatic guided vehicle (AGV) scheduling problems in shop production. Firstly, for the multi-objective assembly line balancing problem with fluctuating demand, the relevant assembly line model is established by changing only the number of workstations and replanning the boundary, and an improved multi-objective whale optimization algorithm is proposed to reduce the rebalancing cost of the assembly line. Secondly, the multi-AGV dynamic scheduling problem with corresponding scheduling objective weights according to the current number of AGVs is analyzed, and a mathematical model is established to maximize the value of the objective function by considering a variety of factors under the premise of meeting the production requirements of the assembly line. Then, a scheduling rule selection method based on neural network and knowledge base is proposed to determine the optimal combination of scheduling rules for different system states. Finally, a simulation analysis of an assembly workshop example is carried out to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method in solving the assembly line balancing problem and the multi-AGV scheduling problem, which improves the manufacturing efficiency and the resilience of the workshop.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51975333) and Jinan University and Institute Innovation Team Program (Grant No. 2020GXRC025).

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School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, 250061, China

Wen Hou & Song Zhang

Key Laboratory of High-efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan, 250061, China

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Correspondence to Song Zhang .

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Wen Hou is a current Ph.D. student in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China. His research interests include intelligent manufacturing and cutting process monitoring.

Song Zhang is a Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China. His research interests include precision retention of CNC machine tools, efficient cutting mechanism and intelligent monitoring of machining status.

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About this article

Hou, W., Zhang, S. Assembly line balancing and optimal scheduling for flexible manufacturing workshop. J Mech Sci Technol (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12206-024-2206-2

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Received : 28 December 2023

Revised : 25 February 2024

Accepted : 25 February 2024

Published : 05 June 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12206-024-2206-2

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Getting the most out of the UK Chemistry Olympiad

  • 2 Your complete guide to the UK Chemistry Olympiad
  • 3 What you and your students will gain from the Olympiad
  • 4 ‘It’s a really enjoyable experience and good preparation for A-level’
  • 5 Join the problem-solving set
  • 6 ‘Having a go at something really difficult builds confidence’
  • 7 Questions, questions, questions …

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Top tips from two heads of science on how to run a successful Olympiad club

A chemistry teacher

Source: © Olivia Waller/Folio Art

Let pupils find their own groups, but be ready to intervene and prompt them to find solutions

Meet Helen Alonzi and Ryan Beattie, heads of science at secondary schools in the UK who’ve both entered students into the UK Chemistry Olympiad and been rewarded with success. In this article they share their top tips on how to set up and run extracurricular Olympiad clubs and their favourite resources.

Helen’s top tips

‘There’s been an increase in students wanting to do the Olympiad and applying for chemistry at university, so we set up a problem-solving club,’ explains Helen Alonzi, who introduced her school’s club in 2012. ‘The focus is from September to December, but it runs all year in a classroom after school, with about a dozen 16 to 18 year-old learners. Some come throughout; others drop off after Round one.’

1. Spread the word

We promote the club via a poster for classroom doors, a list of all co-curricular clubs on the school website for students and parents, and as one of the general notices that go to all year 12 students (via our homework setting app) at the start of the year.

2. Mix it up

It’s a mixed group. Sometimes the older year peer-teach the younger, sometimes I give the same question to all, knowing the more confident will work at their own speed while I use whiteboards to help the others. This year we had some particularly strong year 13 chemists, who worked through a bank of past Olympiad papers to produce model answers that a teacher could use in future.

3. Manage group work

Pupils naturally fall into their own groups; it’s best to let them get started and intervene if they need prompts. I go through solutions with individual groups once they’ve completed small sections. The more confident like to have access to a mark scheme so they can check themselves. In the early days, less confident students may not get through much of a question, and that’s fine – it promotes resilience to just keep trying each week.

4. Use the explainers

When I first started looking at Olympiad questions, the explainers gave me confidence to talk about less familiar topics. Now, I direct students to them, especially when Round one is approaching. Cambridge Chemistry Challenge papers are good for running a problem-solving class – the questions are written for year 12 so tend to be shorter and accessible.

When I first started looking at Olympiad questions, the explainers gave me confidence to talk about less familiar topics. Now, I direct students to them, especially when Round one is approaching. Cambridge Chemistry Challenge papers ( bit.ly/3UI20OQ ) are good for running a problem-solving class – the questions are written for year 12 so tend to be shorter and accessible.

Helen’s favourite online resources

When students can’t attend the club, Helen directs them to:  How to prepare for the Chemistry Olympiad , the Chemistry Olympiad support booklet , Chemistry Olympiad introductory questions and Chemistry Olympiad explainers .

When students can’t attend the club, Helen directs them to: How to prepare for the Chemistry Olympiad ( rsc.li/4dNDsN6 ), the Chemistry Olympiad support booklet ( rsc.li/3UTcYB4 ), Chemistry Olympiad introductory questions ( rsc.li/4bLNXi3 ) and Chemistry Olympiad explainers ( rsc.li/3yDpayj ).

A boy with a chemistry symbol on his t-shirt with a tennis racket

Finding the right level is important. Chunking, mini whiteboards and reteaching all have a part to play

Ryan’s top tips

‘Our club begins in October and ends in December, with five timetabled, fortnightly hour-long workshops,’ says Ryan Beattie, who oversees about 15 chemistry students a year entering the Olympiad. ‘It includes explicit idea instruction, followed by modelling of answers, content chunking and whiteboards to check understanding.’

1. Get started

Promotion is on an online learning platform, like Moodle or Google Classroom, with an overview of the UK Chemistry Olympiad , date and time of the first session.

I use flipped learning before sessions – a YouTube video, RSC resource or accessible question from Round one papers – plus signposted questions relating to the area we’ve covered at the end.

2. Choose your topic

We choose from topics assessed by Round one that aren’t on the A-level specification. I use Olympiad explainers and for deeper understanding of organic mechanisms, for example, we might look at curly arrows .

We choose from topics assessed by Round one that aren’t on the A-level specification. I use Olympiad explainers and for deeper understanding of organic mechanisms, for example, we might look at curly arrows ( rsc.li/4bQnJv3 ).

3. Find the right level

Pitching the level can be tricky, so I deliver content in small chunks and check understanding after each. Students write responses on mini whiteboards and reveal them at the end of a countdown, allowing me to identify anyone struggling. A quick reteach is often all that’s needed. I set pupils independent practice and get them to collaborate in groups of two or three. High achieving students use the mark scheme to check their answers after they’ve completed a number of questions, leaving me free to support others. At the end, I go through solutions using a visualiser.

Get Ryan’s catalogue of questions

‘I’ve created a user-friendly catalogue of the Olympiad questions from previous Round one papers, loosely split by topic, with links to key resources, says Ryan. ‘It came about for students wanting to work on specific topics after meetings and saves me time in planning sessions. I can use questions in the session and signpost others to practise independently later.’

‘I’ve created a user-friendly catalogue of the Olympiad questions ( bit.ly/3yrvHw1 ) from previous Round one papers, loosely split by topic, with links to key resources,’ says Ryan. ‘It came about for students wanting to work on specific topics after meetings and saves me time in planning sessions. I can use questions in the session and signpost others to practise independently later.’

Lynne Maxwell

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Overview of the Problem-Solving Mental Process

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

mechanical approaches to problem solving

Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in eating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change.

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  • Identify the Problem
  • Define the Problem
  • Form a Strategy
  • Organize Information
  • Allocate Resources
  • Monitor Progress
  • Evaluate the Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Problem-solving is a mental process that involves discovering, analyzing, and solving problems. The ultimate goal of problem-solving is to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue.

The best strategy for solving a problem depends largely on the unique situation. In some cases, people are better off learning everything they can about the issue and then using factual knowledge to come up with a solution. In other instances, creativity and insight are the best options.

It is not necessary to follow problem-solving steps sequentially, It is common to skip steps or even go back through steps multiple times until the desired solution is reached.

In order to correctly solve a problem, it is often important to follow a series of steps. Researchers sometimes refer to this as the problem-solving cycle. While this cycle is portrayed sequentially, people rarely follow a rigid series of steps to find a solution.

The following steps include developing strategies and organizing knowledge.

1. Identifying the Problem

While it may seem like an obvious step, identifying the problem is not always as simple as it sounds. In some cases, people might mistakenly identify the wrong source of a problem, which will make attempts to solve it inefficient or even useless.

Some strategies that you might use to figure out the source of a problem include :

  • Asking questions about the problem
  • Breaking the problem down into smaller pieces
  • Looking at the problem from different perspectives
  • Conducting research to figure out what relationships exist between different variables

2. Defining the Problem

After the problem has been identified, it is important to fully define the problem so that it can be solved. You can define a problem by operationally defining each aspect of the problem and setting goals for what aspects of the problem you will address

At this point, you should focus on figuring out which aspects of the problems are facts and which are opinions. State the problem clearly and identify the scope of the solution.

3. Forming a Strategy

After the problem has been identified, it is time to start brainstorming potential solutions. This step usually involves generating as many ideas as possible without judging their quality. Once several possibilities have been generated, they can be evaluated and narrowed down.

The next step is to develop a strategy to solve the problem. The approach used will vary depending upon the situation and the individual's unique preferences. Common problem-solving strategies include heuristics and algorithms.

  • Heuristics are mental shortcuts that are often based on solutions that have worked in the past. They can work well if the problem is similar to something you have encountered before and are often the best choice if you need a fast solution.
  • Algorithms are step-by-step strategies that are guaranteed to produce a correct result. While this approach is great for accuracy, it can also consume time and resources.

Heuristics are often best used when time is of the essence, while algorithms are a better choice when a decision needs to be as accurate as possible.

4. Organizing Information

Before coming up with a solution, you need to first organize the available information. What do you know about the problem? What do you not know? The more information that is available the better prepared you will be to come up with an accurate solution.

When approaching a problem, it is important to make sure that you have all the data you need. Making a decision without adequate information can lead to biased or inaccurate results.

5. Allocating Resources

Of course, we don't always have unlimited money, time, and other resources to solve a problem. Before you begin to solve a problem, you need to determine how high priority it is.

If it is an important problem, it is probably worth allocating more resources to solving it. If, however, it is a fairly unimportant problem, then you do not want to spend too much of your available resources on coming up with a solution.

At this stage, it is important to consider all of the factors that might affect the problem at hand. This includes looking at the available resources, deadlines that need to be met, and any possible risks involved in each solution. After careful evaluation, a decision can be made about which solution to pursue.

6. Monitoring Progress

After selecting a problem-solving strategy, it is time to put the plan into action and see if it works. This step might involve trying out different solutions to see which one is the most effective.

It is also important to monitor the situation after implementing a solution to ensure that the problem has been solved and that no new problems have arisen as a result of the proposed solution.

Effective problem-solvers tend to monitor their progress as they work towards a solution. If they are not making good progress toward reaching their goal, they will reevaluate their approach or look for new strategies .

7. Evaluating the Results

After a solution has been reached, it is important to evaluate the results to determine if it is the best possible solution to the problem. This evaluation might be immediate, such as checking the results of a math problem to ensure the answer is correct, or it can be delayed, such as evaluating the success of a therapy program after several months of treatment.

Once a problem has been solved, it is important to take some time to reflect on the process that was used and evaluate the results. This will help you to improve your problem-solving skills and become more efficient at solving future problems.

A Word From Verywell​

It is important to remember that there are many different problem-solving processes with different steps, and this is just one example. Problem-solving in real-world situations requires a great deal of resourcefulness, flexibility, resilience, and continuous interaction with the environment.

Get Advice From The Verywell Mind Podcast

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how you can stop dwelling in a negative mindset.

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You can become a better problem solving by:

  • Practicing brainstorming and coming up with multiple potential solutions to problems
  • Being open-minded and considering all possible options before making a decision
  • Breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable pieces
  • Asking for help when needed
  • Researching different problem-solving techniques and trying out new ones
  • Learning from mistakes and using them as opportunities to grow

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about what's going on. Try to see things from their perspective as well as your own. Work together to find a resolution that works for both of you. Be willing to compromise and accept that there may not be a perfect solution.

Take breaks if things are getting too heated, and come back to the problem when you feel calm and collected. Don't try to fix every problem on your own—consider asking a therapist or counselor for help and insight.

If you've tried everything and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix the problem, you may have to learn to accept it. This can be difficult, but try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and remember that every situation is temporary. Don't dwell on what's going wrong—instead, think about what's going right. Find support by talking to friends or family. Seek professional help if you're having trouble coping.

Davidson JE, Sternberg RJ, editors.  The Psychology of Problem Solving .  Cambridge University Press; 2003. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511615771

Sarathy V. Real world problem-solving .  Front Hum Neurosci . 2018;12:261. Published 2018 Jun 26. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2018.00261

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

mechanical approaches to problem solving

Grayson Path selected to lead Amarillo as new city manager

A MARILLO, Texas (KFDA) - Following an extensive selection process, the Amarillo City Council has selected their top choice for city manager.

In a special meeting, the council met and made a decision between the two finalists: Matthew Allen from Garden City, Kansas and Grayson Path from Paris, Texas.

After deliberation, along with community input , Grayson Path was selected to serve as the new city manager.

The position for city manager has been vacant for almost a year . The Amarillo City Council is ready to have a full team.

“When you don’t have a permanent leader in place, it’s kind of hard to think longer term,” said Les Simpson, city council place 4. “And so I think what this will help us to do is not only the budgeting and other things that we’re looking at, problems that we’re trying to solve, it’s being able to take a longer term approach with the leader that’s going to be here permanently for the long haul.”

Council says it was a tough decision, as both candidates were highly qualified for the position.

Mayor Cole Stanley says it was Grayson Path’s candidness and problem-solving approach that ultimately stood out.

“Who’s the guy who’s most eager to get in this fight that we have for a wastewater treatment plant? You’re talking a $300 million problem that’s been 20 years in the making and we’re asking you to literally show up here and help us clean up this mess,” said Mayor Cole Stanley, City of Amarillo.

Simpson also praised Path’s track record in problem-solving, particularly in his previous role in Paris, Texas.

“If you look at some of the problems even in Paris, they had problems with trash, we have problems with trash. You know, they have problems with a underfunded pension plan with their fire department and he was able to solve that problem and get the community to buy into it,” said Simpson.

Path says it is all about carrying out the policies and procedures of the council.

“My vision is to have an efficient, effective, transparent and responsive team from the managers to the staff. My role is to give them the resources they need, the support they need, so we can get a good job done for the citizens, a good job for the council,” said Path.

After today’s decision, staff will put together a contract for Grayson Path. If he accepts, the mayor says he would like to see him start his role by mid-August, right in time for budget discussions.

Following an extensive selection process, the Amarillo City Council has selected their top choice for city manager.

What is decision making?

Signpost with three blank signs on sky backgrounds

Decisions, decisions. When was the last time you struggled with a choice? Maybe it was this morning, when you decided to hit the snooze button—again. Perhaps it was at a restaurant, with a miles-long menu and the server standing over you. Or maybe it was when you left your closet in a shambles after trying on seven different outfits before a big presentation. Often, making a decision—even a seemingly simple one—can be difficult. And people will go to great lengths—and pay serious sums of money—to avoid having to make a choice. The expensive tasting menu at the restaurant, for example. Or limiting your closet choices to black turtlenecks, à la Steve Jobs.

Get to know and directly engage with senior McKinsey experts on decision making

Aaron De Smet is a senior partner in McKinsey’s New Jersey office, Eileen Kelly Rinaudo  is McKinsey’s global director of advancing women executives and is based in the New York office, Frithjof Lund is a senior partner in the Oslo office, and Leigh Weiss is a senior adviser in the Boston office.

If you’ve ever wrestled with a decision at work, you’re definitely not alone. According to McKinsey research, executives spend a significant portion of their time— nearly 40 percent , on average—making decisions. Worse, they believe most of that time is poorly used. People struggle with decisions so much so that we actually get exhausted from having to decide too much, a phenomenon called decision fatigue.

But decision fatigue isn’t the only cost of ineffective decision making. According to a McKinsey survey of more than 1,200 global business leaders, inefficient decision making costs a typical Fortune 500 company 530,000 days  of managers’ time each year, equivalent to about $250 million in annual wages. That’s a lot of turtlenecks.

How can business leaders ease the burden of decision making and put this time and money to better use? Read on to learn the ins and outs of smart decision making—and how to put it to work.

Learn more about our People & Organizational Performance Practice .

How can organizations untangle ineffective decision-making processes?

McKinsey research has shown that agile is the ultimate solution for many organizations looking to streamline their decision making . Agile organizations are more likely to put decision making in the right hands, are faster at reacting to (or anticipating) shifts in the business environment, and often attract top talent who prefer working at companies with greater empowerment and fewer layers of management.

For organizations looking to become more agile, it’s possible to quickly boost decision-making efficiency by categorizing the type of decision to be made and adjusting the approach accordingly. In the next section, we review three types of decision making and how to optimize the process for each.

What are three keys to faster, better decisions?

Business leaders today have access to more sophisticated data than ever before. But it hasn’t necessarily made decision making any easier. For one thing, organizational dynamics—such as unclear roles, overreliance on consensus, and death by committee—can get in the way of straightforward decision making. And more data often means more decisions to be taken, which can become too much for one person, team, or department. This can make it more difficult for leaders to cleanly delegate, which in turn can lead to a decline in productivity.

Leaders are growing increasingly frustrated with broken decision-making processes, slow deliberations, and uneven decision-making outcomes. Fewer than half  of the 1,200 respondents of a McKinsey survey report that decisions are timely, and 61 percent say that at least half the time they spend making decisions is ineffective.

What’s the solution? According to McKinsey research, effective solutions center around categorizing decision types and organizing different processes to support each type. Further, each decision category should be assigned its own practice—stimulating debate, for example, or empowering employees—to yield improvements in effectiveness.

Here are the three decision categories  that matter most to senior leaders, and the standout practice that makes the biggest difference for each type of decision.

  • Big-bet decisions are infrequent but high risk, such as acquisitions. These decisions carry the potential to shape the future of the company, and as a result are generally made by top leaders and the board. Spurring productive debate by assigning someone to argue the case for and against a potential decision can improve big-bet decision making.
  • Cross-cutting decisions, such as pricing, can be frequent and high risk. These are usually made by business unit heads, in cross-functional forums as part of a collaborative process. These types of decisions can be improved by doubling down on process refinement. The ideal process should be one that helps clarify objectives, measures, and targets.
  • Delegated decisions are frequent but low risk and are handled by an individual or working team with some input from others. Delegated decision making can be improved by ensuring that the responsibility for the decision is firmly in the hands of those closest to the work. This approach also enhances engagement and accountability.

In addition, business leaders can take the following four actions to help sustain rapid decision making :

  • Focus on the game-changing decisions, ones that will help an organization create value and serve its purpose.
  • Convene only necessary meetings, and eliminate lengthy reports. Turn unnecessary meetings into emails, and watch productivity bloom. For necessary meetings, provide short, well-prepared prereads to aid in decision making.
  • Clarify the roles of decision makers and other voices. Who has a vote, and who has a voice?
  • Push decision-making authority to the front line—and tolerate mistakes.

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How can business leaders effectively delegate decision making.

Business is more complex and dynamic than ever, meaning business leaders are faced with needing to make more decisions in less time. Decision making takes up an inordinate amount of management’s time—up to 70 percent for some executives—which leads to inefficiencies and opportunity costs.

As discussed above, organizations should treat different types of decisions differently . Decisions should be classified  according to their frequency, risk, and importance. Delegated decisions are the most mysterious for many organizations: they are the most frequent, and yet the least understood. Only about a quarter of survey respondents  report that their organizations make high-quality and speedy delegated decisions. And yet delegated decisions, because they happen so often, can have a big impact on organizational culture.

The key to better delegated decisions is to empower employees by giving them the authority and confidence to act. That means not simply telling employees which decisions they can or can’t make; it means giving employees the tools they need to make high-quality decisions and the right level of guidance as they do so.

Here’s how to support delegation and employee empowerment:

  • Ensure that your organization has a well-defined, universally understood strategy. When the strategic intent of an organization is clear, empowerment is much easier because it allows teams to pull in the same direction.
  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities. At the foundation of all empowerment efforts is a clear understanding of who is responsible for what, including who has input and who doesn’t.
  • Invest in capability building (and coaching) up front. To help managers spend meaningful coaching time, organizations should also invest in managers’ leadership skills.
  • Build an empowerment-oriented culture. Leaders should role model mindsets that promote empowerment, and managers should build the coaching skills they want to see. Managers and employees, in particular, will need to get comfortable with failure as a necessary step to success.
  • Decide when to get involved. Managers should spend effort up front to decide what is worth their focused attention. They should know when it’s appropriate to provide close guidance and when not to.

How can you guard against bias in decision making?

Cognitive bias is real. We all fall prey, no matter how we try to guard ourselves against it. And cognitive and organizational bias undermines good decision making, whether you’re choosing what to have for lunch or whether to put in a bid to acquire another company.

Here are some of the most common cognitive biases and strategies for how to avoid them:

  • Confirmation bias. Often, when we already believe something, our minds seek out information to support that belief—whether or not it is actually true. Confirmation bias  involves overweighting evidence that supports our belief, underweighting evidence against our belief, or even failing to search impartially for evidence in the first place. Confirmation bias is one of the most common traps organizational decision makers fall into. One famous—and painful—example of confirmation bias is when Blockbuster passed up the opportunity  to buy a fledgling Netflix for $50 million in 2000. (Actually, that’s putting it politely. Netflix executives remember being “laughed out” of Blockbuster’s offices.) Fresh off the dot-com bubble burst of 2000, Blockbuster executives likely concluded that Netflix had approached them out of desperation—not that Netflix actually had a baby unicorn on its hands.
  • Herd mentality. First observed by Charles Mackay in his 1841 study of crowd psychology, herd mentality happens when information that’s available to the group is determined to be more useful than privately held knowledge. Individuals buy into this bias because there’s safety in the herd. But ignoring competing viewpoints might ultimately be costly. To counter this, try a teardown exercise , wherein two teams use scenarios, advanced analytics, and role-playing to identify how a herd might react to a decision, and to ensure they can refute public perceptions.
  • Sunk-cost fallacy. Executives frequently hold onto underperforming business units or projects because of emotional or legacy attachment . Equally, business leaders hate shutting projects down . This, researchers say, is due to the ingrained belief that if everyone works hard enough, anything can be turned into gold. McKinsey research indicates two techniques for understanding when to hold on and when to let go. First, change the burden of proof from why an asset should be cut to why it should be retained. Next, categorize business investments according to whether they should be grown, maintained, or disposed of—and follow clearly differentiated investment rules  for each group.
  • Ignoring unpleasant information. Researchers call this the “ostrich effect”—when people figuratively bury their heads in the sand , ignoring information that will make their lives more difficult. One study, for example, found that investors were more likely to check the value of their portfolios when the markets overall were rising, and less likely to do so when the markets were flat or falling. One way to help get around this is to engage in a readout process, where individuals or teams summarize discussions as they happen. This increases the likelihood that everyone leaves a meeting with the same understanding of what was said.
  • Halo effect. Important personal and professional choices are frequently affected by people’s tendency to make specific judgments based on general impressions . Humans are tempted to use simple mental frames to understand complicated ideas, which means we frequently draw conclusions faster than we should. The halo effect is particularly common in hiring decisions. To avoid this bias, structured interviews can help mitigate the essentializing tendency. When candidates are measured against indicators, intuition is less likely to play a role.

For more common biases and how to beat them, check out McKinsey’s Bias Busters Collection .

Learn more about Strategy & Corporate Finance consulting  at McKinsey—and check out job opportunities related to decision making if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced include:

  • “ Bias busters: When the crowd isn’t necessarily wise ,” McKinsey Quarterly , May 23, 2022, Eileen Kelly Rinaudo , Tim Koller , and Derek Schatz
  • “ Boards and decision making ,” April 8, 2021, Aaron De Smet , Frithjof Lund , Suzanne Nimocks, and Leigh Weiss
  • “ To unlock better decision making, plan better meetings ,” November 9, 2020, Aaron De Smet , Simon London, and Leigh Weiss
  • “ Reimagine decision making to improve speed and quality ,” September 14, 2020, Julie Hughes , J. R. Maxwell , and Leigh Weiss
  • “ For smarter decisions, empower your employees ,” September 9, 2020, Aaron De Smet , Caitlin Hewes, and Leigh Weiss
  • “ Bias busters: Lifting your head from the sand ,” McKinsey Quarterly , August 18, 2020, Eileen Kelly Rinaudo
  • “ Decision making in uncertain times ,” March 24, 2020, Andrea Alexander, Aaron De Smet , and Leigh Weiss
  • “ Bias busters: Avoiding snap judgments ,” McKinsey Quarterly , November 6, 2019, Tim Koller , Dan Lovallo, and Phil Rosenzweig
  • “ Three keys to faster, better decisions ,” McKinsey Quarterly , May 1, 2019, Aaron De Smet , Gregor Jost , and Leigh Weiss
  • “ Decision making in the age of urgency ,” April 30, 2019, Iskandar Aminov, Aaron De Smet , Gregor Jost , and David Mendelsohn
  • “ Bias busters: Pruning projects proactively ,” McKinsey Quarterly , February 6, 2019, Tim Koller , Dan Lovallo, and Zane Williams
  • “ Decision making in your organization: Cutting through the clutter ,” McKinsey Quarterly , January 16, 2018, Aaron De Smet , Simon London, and Leigh Weiss
  • “ Untangling your organization’s decision making ,” McKinsey Quarterly , June 21, 2017, Aaron De Smet , Gerald Lackey, and Leigh Weiss
  • “ Are you ready to decide? ,” McKinsey Quarterly , April 1, 2015, Philip Meissner, Olivier Sibony, and Torsten Wulf.

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  1. problem solving techniques in mechanical engineering

    mechanical approaches to problem solving

  2. Problem Solving Methods Steps Process Examples

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    mechanical approaches to problem solving

  5. Mechanical Problem Solving

    mechanical approaches to problem solving

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    mechanical approaches to problem solving


  1. Problem Solving Idea For Mechanical Engineering Project #engineering #shorts

  2. Problem Set 2.1, Solutions, Engineering Mechanics, Timoshenko, Young, J V Rao, Prob. 2.1 to 2.18

  3. ⚡ Engineering Mechanics

  4. ⚡ Engineering Mechanics

  5. How Zodiac Signs Solve Problems?

  6. The Ambition Mindset: Secrets to Success with Emma Grede


  1. 1.7 Problem Solving Process

    Basically: Use a 6-step structured problem solving process: 1. Problem, 2. Draw, 3. Known & Unknown, 4. Approach, 5. Analysis (Solve), 6. Review. Application: In your future job there is likely a structure for analysis reports that will be used. Each company has a different approach, but most have a standard that should be followed.

  2. 10 Steps to Problem Solving for Engineers

    Now it's time for the hail mary's, the long shots, the clutching at straws. This method works wonders for many reasons. 1. You really are trying to try "anything" at this point. 2. Most of the time we may think we have problem solving step number 1 covered, but we really don't. 3. Triggering correlations. This is important.

  3. Solving the Complex Problems of Mechanical Engineering

    Working together across different fields is key to solving complex problems in mechanical engineering. When experts from areas like materials science, electrical engineering, computer science, and psychology join forces, they create better-rounded solutions. They think about every stage of a product's life, making sure it works well from ...

  4. Mechanical Problem-Solving Strategies: A Practical Guide

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  5. Mechanical Engineers' Guide to Problem Solving Skills

    5. Plan Implementation. Be the first to add your personal experience. 6. Evaluate Results. Be the first to add your personal experience. 7. Here's what else to consider. As a mechanical engineer ...

  6. PDF MIT Open Access Articles Modeling applied to problem solving

    Our approach is a simplification of the modeling physics approach [2, 3, 4] that is focused on helping students learn expert problem solving. We call our ped- agogy Modeling Applied to Problem Solving (MAPS) to emphasize that its primary aim is enabling students to organize and activate their knowledge to solve prob- lems.

  7. Engineering Problem-Solving 101: Time-Tested and Timeless Techniques

    Part II - Physical/Mechanical Approaches to Problem-Solving Ch 16. Reverse Engineering Ch 17. Material Property Correlations Ch 18. Proof of Concept Models Ch 19. Experimental Models and Model Experiments Ch 20. Test Models and Model Testing Ch 21. Mockups and Masters Ch 22. Prototypes and Rapid Prototyping Ch 23. Trial and Error

  8. Discussion of the Method: Conducting the Engineer's Approach to Problem

    Furthermore, the methodology covered in this innovative book is extremely user-friendly, and easily synthesized with individual approaches to problem-solving. Discussion of the Method is an ideal supplement for introductory and advanced courses in engineering, philosophy, and other disciplines, as well as a compelling read for general audiences.

  9. Student Approaches to Engineering Problem-Solving

    Open-ended problem solving is a skill that is central to engineering practice. As a consequence, developing skills in solving such problems is imperative for engineering graduates. Open-ended problems are often ill-defined and can have more than one viable solution, which can create additional challenges for students and teachers.

  10. Enhancing spatial skills through mechanical problem solving

    Both mechanical conditions were associated with enhanced spatial visualization performance, an effect that was similar for both conditions and remained stable across immediate and delayed post-tests. These findings suggest that mechanical problem solving is a potentially viable approach to enhancing spatial thinking.

  11. PDF The Mechanics Problem Solver: A problem and goal-driven ...

    itself, as well as to clarify important differences between the human and mechanical problem solving systems. One of the important insights gained from studying human problem solving proto­ cols(3,4) has been to design the MECHO system as a forward or problem driven and a backward or goal driven problem solving system.

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    study examines this question by designing two contexts: (1) fixing a mechanical device that is broken. or healing a living entity that is sick, in which information on an artifact's causal mechanism, or how. its parts causally interact to produce its function, seems intuitively helpful and (2) selling a device or.

  13. PDF Crystal structure optimization approach to problem solving in

    evaluation of the performance of the proposed approach. F urthermore, five well-known mechanical design examples are utilized to examine the capability of the proposed method in dealing with c hallenging optimization problems. Findings - The results of this study indicated that, in most cases, CryStAl produced more accurate outputs

  14. Problem solving

    Problem solving is the process of achieving a goal by overcoming obstacles, a frequent part of most activities. Problems in need of solutions range from simple personal tasks (e.g. how to turn on an appliance) to complex issues in business and technical fields. The former is an example of simple problem solving (SPS) addressing one issue ...

  15. A consistent approach to problem solving in mechanical vibrations

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  16. Crystal structure optimization approach to problem solving in

    Furthermore, five well-known mechanical design examples are utilized to examine the capability of the proposed method in dealing with challenging optimization problems.,The results of this study indicated that, in most cases, CryStAl produced more accurate outputs when compared to the other metaheuristics examined as competitors.,This paper can ...

  17. A Consistent Approach to Problem Solving in Mechanical Vibrations

    A consistent approach to solving problems in an undergraduate vibrations course in Mechanical Engineering is presented in this paper. The traditional approach of solving vibration problems involves several steps such as classifying the system according to degrees of freedom, free or forced vibrations and with or without damping. Based on the classification, an appropriate solution technique is ...

  18. Enhancing spatial skills through mechanical problem solving

    Both mechanical conditions were associated with enhanced spatial visualization performance, an effect that was similar for both conditions and remained stable across immediate and delayed post-tests. These findings suggest that mechanical problem solving is a potentially viable approach to enhancing spatial thinking.

  19. The McKinsey Problem Solving Approach to Consulting: A Comprehensive Guide

    The McKinsey Problem Solving Approach has had a profound impact on the field of management consulting and beyond. Some of the key impacts include: 1. Driving Business Success. McKinsey's structured and rigorous approach to problem-solving has helped countless organizations achieve significant improvements in performance and profitability.

  20. PDF Enhancing spatial skills through mechanical problem solving

    following training. Both mechanical conditions were associated with enhanced spatial visualization performance, an effect that was similar for both conditions and remained stable across immediate and delayed post-tests. These findings suggest that mechanical problem solving is a potentially viable approach to enhancing spatial thinking.

  21. 35 problem-solving techniques and methods for solving complex problems

    6. Discovery & Action Dialogue (DAD) One of the best approaches is to create a safe space for a group to share and discover practices and behaviors that can help them find their own solutions. With DAD, you can help a group choose which problems they wish to solve and which approaches they will take to do so.

  22. A Modified Iterative Approach for Fixed Point Problem in Hadamard

    1. Introduction. Iterative algorithms and fixed point problems are key concepts in numerical analysis and optimization that offer a powerful and flexible framework for solving diverse mathematical problems in computer science, engineering, and industry.

  23. Assembly line balancing and optimal scheduling for flexible ...

    N. Schmid, Managing complex assembly lines: solving assembly line balancing and feeding problems, Ph.D. Thesis, Universiteit Gent, Belgium (2021). Google Scholar F. Serin, S. Mete and E. Çelik, An efficient algorithm for U-type assembly line re-balancing problem with stochastic task times, Assembly Automation, 39 (2019) 581-595.

  24. How to run a successful Chemistry Olympiad club

    1. Spread the word. We promote the club via a poster for classroom doors, a list of all co-curricular clubs on the school website for students and parents, and as one of the general notices that go to all year 12 students (via our homework setting app) at the start of the year. 2. Mix it up.

  25. The Problem-Solving Process

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  26. Grayson Path selected to lead Amarillo as new city manager

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  27. What is decision making?

    But decision fatigue isn't the only cost of ineffective decision making. According to a McKinsey survey of more than 1,200 global business leaders, inefficient decision making costs a typical Fortune 500 company 530,000 days of managers' time each year, equivalent to about $250 million in annual wages. That's a lot of turtlenecks.

  28. 12 Approaches To Problem-Solving for Every Situation

    Here are the seven steps of the rational approach: Define the problem. Identify possible causes. Brainstorm options to solve the problem. Select an option. Create an implementation plan. Execute the plan and monitor the results. Evaluate the solution. Read more: Effective Problem Solving Steps in the Workplace.