
Creative Writing Program

Dove Henry Hoyns Professor of Creative Writing [email protected] https://english.as.virginia.edu/people/profile/rfd4b

Kevin Moffett Assistant Professor

Petrosino Professor of Poetry and Director, Creative Writing Program [email protected] https://creativewriting.virginia.edu/ (434) 924-6074 Bryan Hall Charlottesville, VA 22904

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Creative Writing

The UVA Creative Writing Program offers one of the best MFA programs in the country, along with undergraduate English concentrations in poetry and literary prose and elective coursework.

Explore Creative Writing Events

Creative writing stories.

Three photos against an orange background: on the left, Georgia Hunter stands and smiles with director Thomas Kail; in the center, a promotional poster for Hulu series "We Were the Lucky Ones"; to the right, the leads of the show pose and smile in period costumes.

She Wrote ‘We Were the Lucky Ones’ and Co-Produced the Hit Hulu Series

Georgia Hunter’s journey to becoming a New York Times bestselling author and co-producer of the Hulu series based on her book, “We Were the Lucky Ones,” began with an English paper assignment when she was 15.


A drawing of a stack of books in front of the Rotunda.

The Educator’s Bookshelf — A List of Must Reads from U.Va. Professors

For any student unsure of what their first post-finals read should be, look no further than the favorite books of these four academics.


Ta-Nehisi Coates sits in a chair and speaks to Robert Greene, who sits and speaks into a microphone.

Ta-Nehisi Coates Speaks at UVA on the Future of Reparations and the Power of Writing

Author, journalist and activist Ta-Nehisi Coates, spoke on Friday, March 8, to a UVA audience and to attendees of the ninth annual conference of the African American Intellectual History Society hosted by the University’s Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies.


U.Va. Creative Writing Program Ranks Third in MFA Survey

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October 26, 2009


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Creative Writing for Undergraduates

The English Department is pleased to offer two creative writing concentrations for English majors who wish to specialize in creative writing. Students interested in poetry writing can apply to the  Area Program in Poetry Writing (APPW) , which allows undergraduate writers to pursue serious study of the craft of poetry writing and poetics within the context of the English major. The  Area Program in Literary Prose Writing (APLP)  is our fiction and nonfiction equivalent of the APPW, allowing English majors to specialize in the craft of narrative writing.

But you don't have to be an English major to take our courses. Undergraduates can take a full spectrum of elective poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, beginning with ENCW 2200, 2300, and 2600, introductory classes usually taught by MFA students in our graduate program. These 2000-level classes introduce students to poetic and narrative techniques, teach close reading of literary texts, and employ a workshop model of peer critique. The target audience for our 2000-level classes is mostly first- and second-year undergraduates (who can enroll directly in SIS) though we also create some sections in each genre open to third- and fourth-year registration. In addition, we sometimes feature themed introductory sections, ENCW 2530 or 2560, that we also keep open to third- and fourth-year registration.

As students hone their writing skills, they move into intermediate 3000- and 4000-level courses. While we prefer that students start in our 2000-level courses, students can also enroll directly in a 3000 or 4000 section. Advanced third- and fourth-year students can also take 5000-level workshops, which mix undergraduates and graduate students in the same classroom. All of these intermediate and advanced courses are taught by full-time English faculty members.  For details on how to apply to these intermediate and advanced creative writing courses, see the FAQ section below.  In recent years, our department has also begun to offer a number of creative nonfiction courses at the 3000- and 4000-level.

Undergraduates should also take advantage of our scheduled visits by Rea Writers and Lecturers and our Kapnick Distinguished Writer-in-Residence by attending public readings and other private sessions open to undergraduates


There is usually a high demand for seats in creative writing courses. Students who register for creative writing courses in SIS but who fail to attend the first class meeting after their registration may be dropped from the roll so that we can free up seats for other students on the waitlist. Students who cannot attend the first class meeting after their registration in SIS must, before the class meeting occurs, email their instructor with a valid excuse as to why they cannot attend, but the instructor is under no obligation to accept the excuse.  Bottom line: for creative writing courses, go to the first class after you register in SIS to ensure you stay on the roll.


Q: I can’t register for a 2000-level section, even though there are open seats. What gives?

A: If you have tried to add an open ENCW 2000-level section and cannot, you are most likely a third- or fourth-year student (or are a rising third-year student). This is because we initially configure most of our 2200/2300/2600 sections with the seats reserved for first- and second-years. The reason we tilt the early enrollment toward first- and second-year students is because it helps us create a large pool of undergraduates ready to take our intermediate and advanced coursework in their later years at UVA, as well as apply to our APPW and APLP concentrations in the English major. However, we do usually create some sections of 2300 and 2600 open to third- and fourth-year students, and we sometimes have themed ENCW 2560 (fiction) and ENCW 2530 (poetry) courses that are open to third- and fourth-years. ENCW 2560 and 2530 do not have any prerequisites and are open on a first-come, first-served basis.

Once all first- and second-years have had time to register in SIS, we try to remove the restrictions from our sections. This usually happens in the first weeks of August or November, so keep checking in SIS. We have to maintain the course restrictions over the entire summer to allow first-year students a chance to register for open seats. Transfer students who arrive at UVA in their third year and other special cases can email the instructors for ad hoc permission to join a section. Please do not email more than two instructors.

Q: Why does a fall section have just a few open seats available? I thought your classes took 15 students but only 8 seats are available. Why is that?

A: This situation usually happens in spring/summer semesters when students are trying to register for next fall. Because many first-years take our courses, the undergraduate registrar temporarily lowers the seating capacity of our fall courses. This is because the incoming first-year students come to grounds over several summer enrollment sessions, and the registrar is trying to make sure students in the later sessions have similar class choices to those in early sessions. So our 2000-level ENCWs may have restricted seats in the early part of summer, and the seating capacity rises throughout July as more first-years have a chance to register. Once all first-years have had a chance to register, we try to lift all our course restrictions, making them available to everyone. 

Q: What should I do if cannot register for ENCW 2300/2600?

A: If the section is restricted right now to first- and second-years and you are a third- or fourth-year, you likely cannot add that class or get on the waitlist. You should look for other unrestricted sections and check back when we lift the restrictions on our classes. If you are eligible for a section but there are no seats, we recommend you add yourself to the waitlist. Students on class waitlists might want to use the waitlist "Edit Enrollment" feature to configure SIS to drop another course if a slot in ENCW 2300/2600 opens. Remember: SIS takes the first eligible student off of a waitlist, not the first student on the waitlist. So configure SIS to drop other courses if adding out course would give you too many hours.

In addition, students with some writing experience and ready manuscripts can also consider registering for one of our intermediate or advanced classes; we prefer that students take a 2000-level class first, but they are not a firm prerequisite. See below for details.

Q: How do I apply for intermediate and advanced courses in creative writing?

A: To apply to one of our intermediate or advanced courses (ENCW 3000 and higher):

  • In SIS, request permission to take the class, and
  • Send the instructor a manuscript and cover letter.

Please email the instructor only one document. First, create a cover page that has your name, email, phone, year at UVA, major, and a brief explanation of why you want to take the course. If you are applying to other ENCW 3000+ courses for the same semester, please note that too (this does not hurt or help your application—it just helps us distribute students among our sections). Poetry applicants should then append up to ten pages of poetry, which is generally single-spaced. Please compile your poems and your cover sheet into ONE document/attachment. Fiction and nonfiction applicants should append up to fifteen pages of prose to the cover letter. The prose must be double-spaced. Please use traditional fonts in the 12-point range and save the file as one document in a .PDF or MS Word .doc or .docx. For full consideration, email your application as soon as possible, but before noon on December 15 for spring courses, or by August 5 for fall. The instructor will let you know by mid-January for spring courses, and by late August for fall courses. Of course, submitting  earlier  than these deadlines is encouraged, and our classes do sometimes fill before the final submission deadline—so send early if you can. Once the instructor grants you permission in SIS to add the class, you must also log in and accept the course to your schedule. If you fail to accept the course into your schedule promptly, the permission request goes "stale" in SIS, and you must delete your original permission request in SIS and submit a new one.

Q: I’m not a humanities student, or even in the College of Arts & Sciences. Can I take your courses?

A: Yes, if SIS allows you to register, you can enroll just like any other student. If SIS will not allow you to enroll, contact our office to see if course action might be an option. Our ENCW courses often satisfy humanities requirements from other schools. See your local registrar.

Q: Do your ENCW courses satisfy academic requirements?

A: All ENCW courses can satisfy three credits under artistic, interpretive, & philosophical inquiry under the new curriculum, and for a few more senior undergrads who started here under a different curriculum, three credits of their humanities area requirement (fine arts). See the Arts & Sciences  General Education Page . ENCW 2300 and 2600 courses can satisfy the first writing requirement for some UVA first-years on an exception basis as determined by the  UVA Writing and Rhetoric Program . At present, the only ENCW course that satisfies the second writing requirement is ENCW 2200. Our courses may satisfy humanities and/or writing requirements for other schools like Engineering, Architecture, or Nursing. Please contact your school's registrar for confirmation.

Q: Can I take one of your courses more than once?

A: In most cases, yes. This includes our 2000-level courses. We generally encourage students to try higher-level ENCW courses, but we understand that some students do not feel ready to move on, and sometimes the day/time of a lower-level course just fits a student's schedule better. Second enrollments generally do not satisfy very many requirements. See your advisor or our office for additional details.

Q: Do you offer independent studies in creative writing? There's a novel I want to write ...

A: Yes, we do offer independent studies, but we generally only set them up for APPW and APLP students and advanced English majors who have exhausted our standard course offerings and have a well-defined semester-length project in mind. We rarely agree to independent study requests from non-English majors. Those students are encouraged to try our intermediate and advanced coursework first. In any case, students hoping for independent studies must begin negotiating with our creative writing faculty members at least one semester before their independent study actually starts. Ad hoc requests made at the beginning of a semester will almost always be rejected.

Q: I’m a local resident. Can I take your undergraduate courses?

A: Yes, but usually at the 3000-level or higher. Our 2000-level ENCW courses are primarily for UVA undergraduates in their first few years at the university. Citizen scholars have usually been writing on their own for a while, and 3000-level and higher courses are typically a better fit (this includes 5000-level courses, which are open to undergraduate and graduate enrollment). To enroll, first email the instructor* and ask if they would consider your application. If they are willing, ask them to reserve a seat in the course for you. Then contact the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS) at  http://www.scps.virginia.edu/  to officially enroll in the course and pay your fees. SCPS may ask you to have the instructor email them saying you have permission to enroll. 

You can view current and historical course offerings in our Student Information System (SIS) . Click on "Search for Classes by Semester" and enter "ENCW" into the "Subject" box. Undergraduate classes are 5000 and lower.

Q: Can I audit or enroll in one of your graduate-level workshops?

A: Yes, but only at the 5000 level. Our ENCW 7310 and 7610 courses are reserved for our current MFAs only, and we do not currently allow others to audit or take the courses. You can, however, enroll in some of the same graduate-level literature courses that our MFA students attend.

Q: But what if I’ve tried all this (or most of it) and can’t get into any of your classes?

A: Remember that Charlottesville is blessed with a vibrant creative writing community. UVA is not your only option.  Piedmont Community College  offers wonderful courses, some of which may be transferrable to a UVA degree. The UVA School of Continuing and Professional Studies ( http://www.scps.virginia.edu/ ) offers shorter-duration fiction/poetry/nonfiction writing courses in the evenings. And local organizations like  WriterHouse  also offer excellent programs.

Q: Can I sit in on a workshop course to see what it is like?

A: In general, no. Workshops require a level of intimacy and trust that is disrupted by visitors, however quiet or well-intended they might be.

Q: Will taking undergraduate creative writing at UVA help me get into your MFA Program?

A: Probably not. By the time an undergraduate takes our upper-level creative writing courses, they are working with the same faculty who teach in our MFA Program. We generally believe these students are better served by experiencing teachers and writers beyond our university rather than continuing their studies in Charlottesville.

Q: I want to go to the Young Writers Workshop. Is that you?

A: No, the  Young Writers Workshop  is a wonderful program for high schoolers run out of UVA's Curry School. Several of our MFA students and APLP/APPW graduates have worked there, but we are unaffiliated.

  • How to Apply
  • About Our MFA
  • MFA Funding
  • MFA Curriculum
  • Curriculum and FAQ's
  • Area Program in Poetry Writing
  • Area Program in Literary Prose
  • Calendar of Events
  • Alumni Books
  • Alumni Awards
  • Rea Writers
  • Kapnick Writers
  • Henfield Prize
  • Sydney Hall Blair Fellowship
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University of Virginia Fully Funded MFA in Creative Writing

University of virginia.

The University of Virginia (UVA) based in Charlottesville, VA offers a three-year fully funded MFA in creative writing. This MFA program admits five poets and five fiction writers each academic year. This degree of master of fine arts in creative writing is a full-time residency program. Students will receive fellowship support and/or teaching income in the amount of $30,000 each academic year, as well as full funding of their tuition, enrollment fees, and the health insurance premium for single-person coverage through the university.

  • Deadline: Dec 15, 2024 (Confirmed)*
  • Work Experience: Any
  • Location: North America
  • Citizenship: Any
  • Residency: United States

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These are the Best Creative Writing MFA Programs in the U.S.

This article offers a comprehensive guide to the top Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs in the U.S., tailored for aspiring writers aiming to refine their craft in poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. Highlighting the importance of faculty expertise, alumni success, curriculum diversity, financial support, and location, it delves into what makes each program stand out. Featured programs include the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, known for its prestigious alumni and faculty; the University of Michigan’s Helen Zell Writers’ Program, offering generous funding; and the Columbia University School of the Arts, with its unparalleled access to the New York literary scene. These programs are evaluated on their ability to provide a nurturing environment for writers to develop their voice and style, alongside offering practical advice on navigating the literary world.

Reflection Questions

  • Many MFA programs are intense and require a significant time commitment. How do you plan to balance writing, workshops, and any teaching responsibilities with your personal life and possibly other professional obligations?
  • Considering the diversity of faculty and the curriculum, how important is representation to you in an MFA program? How do you hope to see your own experiences and perspectives reflected in the program?
  • Receiving and giving feedback is a cornerstone of MFA programs. How do you approach critique, both in giving it to others and receiving it about your work? How do you plan to use critique to further your development as a writer?

Journal Prompt

Think about the stories of women that have influenced you the most. How do these narratives shape your own writing? Write about how you plan to contribute to the landscape of female narratives within the literary world through your work.

Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs play an important part in shaping the careers of aspiring writers, offering them a structured environment to hone their craft. The evaluation of these programs hinges on several key factors: the expertise and reputation of the faculty, the success and influence of alumni, the rigor and diversity of the curriculum, the availability of financial support, and the geographical location which can influence literary connections and opportunities. In this article, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the leading Creative Writing MFA programs in the United States, scrutinizing each of these criteria to guide prospective students in making informed decisions about their educational and professional trajectories in the field of creative writing. Whether you seek a poetry MFA program or one in creative nonfiction, read on to learn about the best MFA programs for creative writing students below.

The Role of MFA Programs in Creative Writing

best mfa programs best mfa programs creative writing best mfa creative writing programs

MFA programs in Creative Writing fundamentally contribute to a writer’s development by providing a structured and rigorous academic environment. These programs are designed to immerse students in a world of literary critique and craft, offering dedicated time for writing, reflection, and improvement.

Through workshops, seminars, and individual mentoring, students gain critical feedback on their work, learn to refine their voice, and explore various genres and techniques. This intensive focus on writing, combined with exposure to a breadth of literary styles and theories, equips aspiring writers with the skills and knowledge necessary to advance their craft and develop a unique literary style.

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Community and networking opportunities in mfa programs.

MFA programs offer significant community and networking opportunities, serving as a nexus for like-minded individuals passionate about writing. These programs foster a sense of community through collaborative workshops, readings, and group discussions, creating an environment conducive to sharing ideas and experiences.

Networking opportunities with established writers, publishers, and literary agents are often facilitated by the program, providing students with valuable industry connections. Alumni networks further extend these opportunities, allowing graduates to remain connected to a supportive literary community that can play a crucial role in their professional development and success in the literary world.

What is the Coursework Like?

The coursework for a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and immersive experience in writing, critical analysis, and literary theory. While specific course offerings and structures can vary by program, there are several common elements found across most MFA programs that graduate students can expect. These include the following.

Writing Workshops : These are the cornerstone of most MFA programs. Workshops focus on the student’s own writing, providing a space for peer review and critical feedback. Students typically submit their work—be it poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or another genre—and the class discusses each piece in detail, offering constructive critiques. These workshops are often led by experienced visiting writers and faculty members who can help guide the writing process as you pursue your graduate degree.

Literature Classes : Literature courses are a staple of many MFA programs. They offer a study of literary works from various genres, periods, and cultures. These courses are designed to give students a deeper understanding of literary traditions, styles, and techniques, which can then be applied to their own writing.

Craft Classes : Focusing on specific aspects of writing, such as narrative structure, character development, or dialogue, craft classes help students refine their skills in particular areas of writing. These might also include studies in genre-specific writing, like mystery, fantasy, or memoir.

Electives : Many programs offer elective courses that allow students to explore areas outside of their primary genre or delve into specialized topics like screenwriting, children’s literature, or digital storytelling.

mfa creative writing university of virginia

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Thesis or Capstone Project : Most MFA programs culminate in a thesis or capstone project. This typically involves creating a substantial body of work, such as a novel, a collection of short stories or poems, or a nonfiction manuscript. The project is usually completed under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

Professional Development : Courses or workshops focused on the business side of writing, such as publishing, literary agent representation, and marketing, are also common. These are designed to prepare students for the practical aspects of a writing career.

Guest Lectures and Readings : Many programs bring in established writers, editors, and literary agents to speak with students, providing insights into the literary world and opportunities for networking.

Teaching Opportunities : Some programs offer teaching assistantships, where MFA students teach undergraduate writing courses. A graduate teaching assistantship provides valuable teaching experience and often helps with funding. Low residency programs in particular offer these opportunities.

Top Creative Writing MFA Programs in the U.S.

mfa creative writing university of virginia

The United States boasts a range of top-tier Creative Writing MFA programs, each with its unique strengths and focus. Many are low-residency MFA programs with both incredible tenured professors and amazing visiting faculty. Let’s take a look at a few creative writing programs.

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa, a pioneer in the field, is known for its tradition of producing distinguished writers. Columbia University’s program in New York City stands out for its comprehensive approach and proximity to the publishing world.

The Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan offers an intimate setting with a strong emphasis on community and craft. The Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin distinguishes itself with its interdisciplinary approach and generous funding.

Other notable programs include those at New York University, Brown University, the University of Virginia, and Johns Hopkins University, each offering a blend of rigorous coursework, accomplished faculty, and a supportive writing community. Let’s delve deeper into these and a few more of the top graduate creative writing programs below. Bear in mind that the following MFA creative writing programs are not listed in any particular order.

Iowa Writers’ Workshop, University of Iowa

Iowa City

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa stands as one of the most prestigious Creative Writing MFA programs in the United States. Renowned for its history of nurturing successful writers, the program has been a seminal influence in the literary world. Incoming MFA students will walk in the footsteps of incredible writers like John Irving and Flannery O’Connor.

The workshop model of teaching, which fosters peer review and close interaction with faculty, has been instrumental in shaping the skills of budding writers. The program’s alumni include numerous Pulitzer Prize winners and acclaimed authors, underlining its significant impact on the literary landscape.

Iowa Writers’ Workshop Alumni

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa is renowned for its impressive roster of alumni, many of whom have achieved significant acclaim in the literary world. Some well-known alumni include the following.

Flannery O’Connor: An American novelist and short story writer known for her sardonic, Southern Gothic style and often grotesque characters.

John Irving: A bestselling novelist and screenwriter, famous for works such as “The World According to Garp” and “A Prayer for Owen Meany.”

Jane Smiley: A Pulitzer Prize-winning author, recognized for her novel “A Thousand Acres,” which is a modernized retelling of Shakespeare’s “King Lear.”

Michael Cunningham: Known for his novel “The Hours,” which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the PEN/Faulkner Award.

T.C. Boyle: A prolific writer known for his novels and short stories that often reflect on contemporary society and the human condition.

Marilynne Robinson: Celebrated for her novel “Gilead,” which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction; she is also known for her essays and teaching at the Workshop.

Columbia University School of the Arts

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Columbia University’s School of the Arts offers a Creative Writing MFA program known for its rigorous approach and outstanding faculty. Located in the heart of New York City, the program provides students with an immersive experience in one of the world’s most dynamic literary communities.

The curriculum emphasizes not only creative writing skills but also a critical understanding of literary theory and history, supported by a faculty comprising some of the most distinguished writers and intellectuals in the field.

University of Michigan, Helen Zell Writers’ Program

mfa creative writing university of virginia

The University of Michigan’s Helen Zell Writers’ Program is celebrated for its unique blend of academic rigor and creative flexibility. This program distinguishes itself by offering a supportive and collaborative environment where students can explore a wide range of writing styles and genres.

The faculty, composed of esteemed writers, provides personalized guidance, ensuring a rich learning experience that fosters both technical skill and artistic expression.

New York University

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Located in the vibrant literary heart of New York, New York University’s creative writing program is notable for its distinguished faculty and diverse student body. The program offers unparalleled access to the city’s rich cultural life, including readings, workshops, and networking events with industry professionals.

This urban setting, combined with the program’s strong focus on mentorship and development, creates an ideal environment for MFA students to flourish.

The Michener Center for Writers, University of Texas at Austin

mfa creative writing university of virginia

The Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin is known for its interdisciplinary approach and generous funding opportunities for students. The program stands out for its emphasis on cross-genre exploration, allowing students to delve into various forms of writing. With its robust funding, the center attracts a diverse group of talented writers, creating a dynamic and supportive community.

Brown University

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Brown University’s MFA program in Creative Writing is recognized for its innovative approach and strong emphasis on the literary arts. The program encourages experimental and boundary-pushing work, supported by a faculty renowned for their artistic contributions.

Brown’s emphasis on a wide range of literary styles and mediums provides students with a broad and enriching educational experience.

University of Virginia

mfa creative writing university of virginia

The University of Virginia’s MFA program in Creative Writing boasts a high-quality faculty and a strong alumni network. Known for its selective admissions and intimate class sizes, the program offers personalized attention and mentorship to each student. The alumni success stories speak to the program’s effectiveness in fostering literary talent and career development.

Johns Hopkins University

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Johns Hopkins University offers a Creative Writing MFA program known for its tight-knit community and focus on craft and theory. The program emphasizes intensive writing workshops coupled with critical analysis, fostering a deep understanding of literary craft. This approach, along with the supportive environment of peers and faculty, makes it an ideal place for writers committed to honing their craft.

University of California, Irvine

The University of California, Irvine’s MFA program is distinguished by its strong emphasis on both critical skills and creative work. The program blends rigorous writing workshops with a theoretical understanding of the craft, offering a comprehensive approach to literary study. This balance ensures that graduate students are well-equipped both as writers and critical thinkers in the literary field.

Boston University

Boston University’s Creative Writing MFA program is renowned for its intensive one-year curriculum and close mentorship. The program offers a fast-paced, deeply immersive educational experience, with a strong emphasis on completing a substantial body of work. The faculty’s close guidance helps students rapidly develop their skills and prepare for a professional writing career.

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mfa creative writing university of virginia

Cornell University

Cornell University’s MFA program offers a diverse range of creative writing courses, supported by an experienced and accomplished faculty. The program is designed to cater to a wide array of interests and styles, allowing students to explore various aspects of creative writing. Cornell’s commitment to literary scholarship and creative excellence makes it a nurturing environment for aspiring writers.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, features a supportive Creative Writing MFA program that focuses on personal growth as a writer. The program is characterized by its welcoming community and emphasis on individual development. Students are encouraged to find their unique voice and explore their creative potential in a nurturing environment.

M. University of Wisconsin, Madison

The University of Wisconsin, Madison, offers a comprehensive Creative Writing MFA program with a vibrant writing community. The curriculum covers a wide range of genres and styles, providing students with a broad understanding of literary forms and practices. The program’s engaged community and comprehensive approach make it an ideal place for writers seeking both breadth and depth in their literary education.

Stanford University

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Stanford University’s Creative Writing MFA program is notable for its unique fellowships and focus on creative innovation. The program offers significant financial support and resources, allowing writers to fully immerse themselves in their craft, whether that be fiction, poetry, or another form of creative writing. Stanford’s commitment to creative experimentation and innovation provides an ideal environment for writers looking to push the boundaries of their work.

University of Oregon

The University of Oregon’s MFA program is committed to teaching excellence and provides a supportive learning environment for aspiring writers. The program emphasizes both the artistic and professional aspects of writing, preparing students for a career in the literary world. With a focus on mentorship and development, the University of Oregon offers a nurturing space for writers to grow and succeed.

Other MFA Creative Writing Programs in the United States

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Below is a selection of additional notable programs to give creative writing students a broader sense of the options available. Keep in mind this is not exhaustive but includes a range of well-regarded programs.

Syracuse University

Syracuse University’s MFA in Creative Writing is renowned for its rigorous, supportive atmosphere and a strong emphasis on teaching. The program is celebrated for its distinguished faculty and has produced a number of successful writers, such as George Saunders, a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship and author of several acclaimed books, including “Lincoln in the Bardo.”

Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt’s MFA program is known for its selective nature and intimate workshop environment, focusing primarily on literary fiction. Alumni include Beth Bachmann, a poet whose work has received significant recognition, including the Kate Tufts Discovery Award for her book “Temper.”

University of Pittsburgh

The MFA program at the University of Pittsburgh offers a balance of creative writing and academic study. Among its alumni is poet Terrance Hayes, a National Book Award winner and MacArthur Fellow, known for his innovative use of language and exploration of identity.

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

UNCG’s MFA program is notable for its strong faculty-student relationships and emphasis on personal growth. Notable alumni include Craig Nova, an award-winning author known for his novels, including “The Good Son.”

University of Florida

The University of Florida’s MFA program emphasizes a balance between creative writing and critical analysis. Alumni include Padgett Powell, known for his novel “Edisto,” which was nominated for the American Book Award.

Indiana University

Indiana University’s MFA program is celebrated for its nurturing environment and community of writers. Notable alumni include poet Ross Gay, whose book “Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude” won the National Book Critics Circle Award.

University of Maryland

The MFA program at the University of Maryland offers a diverse range of courses and workshops. Notably, it has produced alumni like Michael Collier, a poet and former director of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.

University of Alabama

The University of Alabama’s MFA program is diverse in its genre offerings, from traditional literary forms to experimental writing. Its alumni include Alina Stefanescu, a Romanian-American poet and author noted for her unique prose style.

Temple University

Temple University’s MFA program is distinctive for its interdisciplinary opportunities, allowing students to engage with various forms of writing and media. A notable alumnus is Liz Moore, author of the acclaimed novel “Heft.”

University of Arizona

The University of Arizona’s MFA program is known for its strong faculty and commitment to student development. Alumni include Ander Monson, a versatile writer known for his essays, poetry, and fiction.

George Mason University

George Mason University’s MFA program offers a well-rounded approach with a diverse faculty. Notable alumni include Jennifer Atkinson, a poet whose work has been widely published and praised.

Louisiana State University

LSU’s MFA program places a strong focus on literary craft and theory. Among its alumni is Moira Crone, a novelist and short story writer recognized for her narrative craftsmanship.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

UNLV’s MFA program stands out for its international emphasis, offering students a global perspective on literature. Notable alumni include Claire Vaye Watkins, author of “Battleborn,” which received critical acclaim.

Oregon State University

OSU’s MFA program is distinct for its emphasis on community outreach and engagement, preparing students for a career in writing and teaching. Alumni include Marjorie Sandor, an award-winning author known for her short stories and essays.

University of New Hampshire

UNH’s MFA program is recognized for its supportive faculty and commitment to student development. Notable alumni include Tom Barbash, known for his novel “The Last Good Chance.”

Tips for Financing Your Creative Writing Degree

mfa creative writing university of virginia

The financial aspect of pursuing a Creative Writing MFA can be significant, with tuition costs varying widely among programs. Many students will require some form of financial aid. Top-tier programs often have higher tuition fees, reflecting their prestigious faculty and comprehensive resources.

However, many of these programs offer a range of scholarships and fellowships to alleviate the financial burden. Scholarships may be merit-based, recognizing exceptional writing talent, while fellowships often provide a stipend for living expenses in addition to tuition waivers.

Some programs, like the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas, are known for offering generous funding packages to all students. A few are fully-funded MFA programs. Prospective students should thoroughly research the funding opportunities available at each program to understand the financial commitment required.

Ways to Finance Creative Writing Degrees

Financing an MFA in Creative Writing requires careful planning and exploration of various funding sources. Applicants should start by seeking information on scholarships and fellowships directly from the programs they are interested in, as these can significantly reduce the cost. Additionally, teaching assistantships, where students teach undergraduate classes, can provide a salary and tuition remission.

External scholarships and grants, available through literary organizations and foundations, are also worth exploring. Students should also consider federal and private student loans, though these should be approached cautiously due to the long-term financial commitment they entail. Lastly, maintaining part-time employment or freelance writing during the program can offer financial support and practical experience in the field.

Career Prospects After Graduation

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Graduates of Creative Writing MFA programs have a diverse array of career paths available to them, reflecting the versatile skills they acquire during their studies. Many pursue traditional literary careers as novelists, poets, or short story writers, often securing book deals and publishing contracts.

Others find success in related fields such as journalism, publishing, and editing, leveraging their strong writing and critical thinking skills. The digital age has expanded opportunities in content creation, copywriting, and writing for online platforms. Additionally, an MFA degree can lead to academic careers, with graduates taking up roles as educators and professors in universities and colleges.

The broad skill set developed in MFA programs also enables graduates to work in fields like public relations, advertising, and communications, where effective writing and storytelling are highly valued.

Success Stories of Alumni in Various Writing and Academic Fields

The success stories of MFA alumni highlight the potential for diverse and fulfilling careers in writing and academia. Numerous alumni have achieved critical and commercial success as authors, with their works published by prestigious publishing houses and translated into multiple languages.

For instance, alumni from programs like the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and Columbia University have gone on to win major literary awards, including the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. In the academic realm, many MFA graduates hold faculty positions at universities, contributing to literary scholarship and nurturing the next generation of writers.

Success is also evident in the digital space, with graduates excelling as content creators, bloggers, and digital marketing professionals.

Admission Requirements and Tips

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Admission to Creative Writing MFA programs typically involves several key components. Foremost are writing samples, which are the most critical part of the application. These samples, either in the form of poetry, fiction, or non-fiction, should showcase the applicant’s unique voice and skill. Letters of recommendation are also required, generally from individuals familiar with the applicant’s writing and academic abilities, like former professors or mentors.

A statement of purpose or personal essay is another crucial element, where applicants articulate their reasons for pursuing an MFA, their literary influences, and their career aspirations. Additionally, most programs require transcripts from previous academic institutions to assess the applicant’s academic background. Some programs may also request a resume or CV, highlighting relevant experiences and achievements.

If you are pursuing a terminal degree in creative writing, you might need to provide further information.

Advice on How to Prepare a Strong Application

To prepare a strong application for a Creative Writing MFA program, candidates should focus foremost on their writing samples. These should be carefully selected and refined to reflect the applicant’s best work, showcasing originality, technical skill, and a clear artistic vision.

Letters of recommendation should come from individuals who can speak to the candidate’s potential as a writer and commitment to the craft. The statement of purpose needs to be well-crafted and thoughtful, clearly conveying the applicant’s goals and reasons for choosing the specific program. It’s beneficial for candidates to familiarize themselves with the faculty and ethos of the program to tailor their application accordingly.

Lastly, applicants should ensure all components of their application, including transcripts and resumes, are complete, accurate, and presented professionally, adhering to each program’s specific requirements and deadlines.

The Future of MFA Programs

mfa creative writing university of virginia

The landscape of creative writing education, particularly within MFA programs, is continually evolving with emerging trends that reflect broader cultural and technological shifts. A notable trend is the increasing emphasis on diverse voices and global perspectives in writing, encouraging inclusivity and representation in literary works.

Additionally, there is a growing focus on interdisciplinary approaches, where students explore the intersection of writing with other art forms like digital media, film, and visual arts. Environmental and social justice themes are also becoming more prevalent, as writers engage with pressing contemporary issues. Furthermore, the rise of genre fiction, such as fantasy and science fiction, marks a departure from traditional literary norms, expanding the scope of creative exploration within these programs.

Impact of Digital Media and Online Learning Platforms on MFA Programs

Digital media and online learning platforms are significantly impacting MFA programs, transforming how writing is taught, shared, and published. Online platforms have made MFA programs more accessible, allowing for a broader range of participants, including those who may not be able to attend in-person due to geographical or financial constraints.

These platforms facilitate a more collaborative and interactive learning environment where students can easily share work and receive feedback. The rise of digital media also encourages writers to explore new forms of storytelling, such as interactive fiction and digital narratives. However, this shift poses challenges, including the need to adapt teaching methods for the digital realm and ensuring that the depth and quality of mentorship and peer interaction are maintained in an online setting.

Final Thoughts on Attending Graduate School for Creative Writing

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing in the U.S. presents a unique opportunity for individuals to refine their writing craft, connect with a community of like-minded peers, and launch a successful career in the literary world. The value of these programs extends beyond technical skill development. They serve as incubators for creativity, thought leadership, and cultural contribution.

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Dee Dee Vogt

I found this article timely and enlightening. I will be entering an MFA Creative Writing program at Belmont University in Nashville in 2024 and the article opened my mind about ways in which I might maximize the experience. Thank you for the inspiration!

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Elizabeth Burton

We are so happy to hear that you gained useful information from this article. Please keep us posted on your journey! Best of luck in your program.

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Department of English

College of humanities and sciences, creative writing faculty.

Students work closely with outstanding writers to strengthen their craft, develop their literary aesthetics, and enrich their understanding of existing traditions.

Geoff Bouvier

Geoff Bouvier, PhD

[email protected]

Creative Writing

Gretchen Comba

Gretchen Comba, MFA

Teaching Professor

and Associate Chair

[email protected]

20th/21st Century

Gregory Donovan

Gregory Donovan, PhD

[email protected]

Kathleen Graber

Kathleen Graber, MFA

and Director, MFA in Creative Writing

[email protected]

Sonja Livingston

Sonja Livingston, MFA

Associate Professor

[email protected]

Clint McCown

Clint McCown, MFA

[email protected]

Jessica Nelson

Jessica Hendry Nelson, MFA

Assistant Professor

[email protected]

SJ Sindu

SJ Sindu, PhD

[email protected]

creative writing

David Wojahn

David Wojahn, MFA

[email protected]

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Virginia Tech

MFA in Creative Writing

Virginia Tech

Why Virginia Tech?

July 1, 2020 By VTCWMFA

Our 3-year MFA program is consistently ranked among the top MFA programs in the country. We offer tracks in poetry and fiction, encourage cross-genre writing, and fully fund all students with stipends of $20,000+.

mfa creative writing university of virginia


August 31, 2023 By Matthew Vollmer

mfa creative writing university of virginia

2022-2023 Faculty and Alumni Publications

July 24, 2023 By Florence Gonsalves

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Welcome, Class of 2026!

June 9, 2023 By Florence Gonsalves

mfa creative writing university of virginia

August 31, 2023 Matthew Vollmer

mfa creative writing university of virginia

July 24, 2023 Florence Gonsalves

Faculty Books: Alumni Books: Community Events & Readings:

mfa creative writing university of virginia

June 9, 2023 Florence Gonsalves

Jesus Govea Jesus Govea is a writer from Chicago, Illinois. He received his B.A in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago. He has been published in Poetry, Respect the Mic: […]

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Visiting Writers Series 2022-2023

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October 19, 2021 VTCWMFA

FREEDOM REVOLUTIONS: Reading with Lucinda Roy and Bessie Flores Zaldivar

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mfa creative writing university of virginia

Virginia Tech Visiting Writers Series 2021-22

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Congrats Alum! Shaina Phenix: WICW Fellow 2021-2022.

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mfa creative writing university of virginia

Khadijah Queen Wins 2021 William Carlos Williams Award

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Click here to read one of the winning poems

mfa creative writing university of virginia

MFA Bookshelf

mfa creative writing university of virginia

8 Lessons From Nikki Giovanni

mfa creative writing university of virginia

Creative Writing (M.F.A.)


Campus:   Virginia Tech Blacksburg Campus,  Instructions: Residential/On Campus

Program Overview

Our three-year M.F.A. degree offers tracks in Poetry and Fiction, and all students are fully and equally funded via GTA-ships of more than $20,000 per year. We encourage cross-genre experimentation, offer additional courses in creative nonfiction, playwriting, new media creative writing, and literary editing, and all students have the opportunity to teach creative writing and composition, as well as serve as editors of our literary journal,  The New River Journal .

Mathew and Soraya stand together and smile at the viewer.

Why choose this program?

Our three-year M.F.A. degree offers tracks in Poetry and Fiction, and all students are fully and equally funded via GTA-ships of more than $20,000 per year. We encourage cross-genre experimentation, offer additional courses in creative nonfiction, playwriting, new media creative writing, and literary editing, and all students have the opportunity to teach creative writing and composition, as well as serve as editors of our literary journal, The New River Journal .

In the years since the program started, we’ve been consistently ranked among the top 30 programs in the country by Poets & Writers in their  M.F.A. rankings .

The faculty members in our creative writing program at Virginia Tech are accomplished, prize-winning, innovative, and diverse: Ed Falco ,  Evan Lavender-Smith ,  Khadijah Queen ,  Lucinda Roy , Sophia Terazawa , and Matthew Vollmer .

Our program is small—we admit 4–5 students a year in each genre—and we pride ourselves on the diversity and rigor of our program, our respect for our students’ voices, our financial support for our students, the individual attention students receive from faculty, and our robust  Visiting Writers Series . 

Our  students  and  alumni  are exceptional; they have  published books , received prestigious awards and fellowships for their writing, and gone on to further success as writers, teachers, and professionals.

All students have the opportunity to to hold editorial positions and gain publishing experience working on the digital journal, The New River Journal .

Emily Morrison Prizes in Fiction and Poetry, and other M.F.A. writing awards offered each year.

What You'll Study

The M.F.A. in Creative Writing is designed to be completed in three years. Students may specialize in Fiction or Poetry. A minimum of 49 hours is required for this terminal degree. A series of creative writing workshops, courses in form and theory, new media writing, composition pedagogy, and literature and theory electives are designed for students wishing to pursue careers as writers or writer/scholars at the college level. Students also have the opportunity to work as editors on The New River: a Journal of Digital Writing and Art . A creative thesis, a written final exam, and an oral defense are required.

The 49 hours required for the degree must be distributed as follows:

  • Creative Writing Workshops: 15 hours (6704/Fiction, 6714/Poetry, 6724/Playwriting, 6734/Creative Nonfiction, 6744/New Media Writing); at least 9 hours must be in the designated specialty; students are encouraged to explore other genres in 6 hours of workshops.
  • Form and Theory Courses: 6 hours (5734/Form and Theory of Fiction, 5744/Form and Theory of Poetry).
  • GTA Training and Composition Pedagogy: 3 hours.
  • Creative Writing Pedagogy and Practicum: 3 hours.
  • Editing a Literary Journal (5774): 6 hours 
  • Research & Thesis (5994): 6 hours; a book-length creative thesis (a collection of poetry; a collection of short stories, or a novel)
  • Graduate English courses: 9 hours; students may use an independent study in Editing a Digital Journal to help fulfill this requirement.

Admissions Requirements

  • Minimum GPA 3.0 (4 Scale)
  • TOEFL/ IELTS score Required  (If Applicable)

Learn more 

Tuition and Fee

Tuition & Fee Rates

Funding Opportunities

The Department of English has a limited number of  graduate assistantships and fellowships  available for students applying for full time study on the Blacksburg Campus. Entering students can apply for such funding as part of their admissions application.  No separate application  required.

  • All students equally and fully funded through Graduate Teaching Assistantships.
  • GTA-ships include tuition remission, health insurance, and stipends of more than $20,000 per year for all three years of the program

Find out what loans are available as a graduate student and other opportunities.

How to Apply?

Visit the Admission Requirements page for information on how to apply, including requirements, deadlines, and application fee.

Course List

Course List 

Plan of Study

Download Plan of Study

Applications Deadlines

Deadline is Jan. 15, 2024. 

Visit Campus

Visit Campus / Attend an Open House

Contact Program Leader

Matthew Vollmer 431 Shanks Hall  540-231-8322 [email protected]

Contact Program Specialist

Marie Trimmer Graduate Programs Coodinator 310 Shanks Hall 540-231-4659  [email protected]

Meet Our M.F.A. Students

Our Students

Current Students

  • Visiting Writers Series
  • Meet Our Graduates
  • M.F.A. Bookshelf
  • Graduate School
  • Forms and Documents
  • Time Table of Classes
  • Add/Drop Online

Matthew Vollmer 431 Shanks Halll 540-231-8322l [email protected]

Faculty In Creative Writing

  • --> General Item Ed Falco -->
  • --> General Item Khadijah Queen -->
  • --> General Item Evan Lavender-Smith -->
  • --> General Item Lucinda Roy -->
  • --> General Item Matthew Vollmer -->
  • --> General Item Sophia Terazawa -->

Literary Awards 

  • Creative non-fiction nomination
  • Emily Morrison prize for fiction
  • Emily Morrison prize for poetry 

Faculty Bookshelf

Championing a Public Good | A Call to Advocate for Higher Education

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Celebrating the Spring 2024 MFA Graduates

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Last MFA@123 Reading of 2023

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MFA students reading at 123 Pleasant St. December 2023

MFA@123 October 2023 Readings!

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The MFAs who participated in the first reading at 123 Pleasant St. this semester!

Meeting Our New MFAs!

September 26, 2023

Colson Hall, Downtown Campus at WVU

September 19, 2022

A photo of Colson Hall in the late summer.

Celebrating Our WVU MFA Graduation Reading

May 03, 2022

A highlight of the end of the semester here in the Creative Writing Program has been the opportunity to have a reading from our graduating third-year MFA cohort.  It was amazing to hear everyone read from their theses and see them get presented with their graduation hoods.  Best wishes to the Class of 2022!

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Creative Writing Programs Online

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LUO Family

Online Undergraduate and Graduate Creative Writing Programs

Do you want to learn how to tell stories or create art through your words? If you want to write poetry, script plays, or write novels, Liberty has creative writing programs that can help you learn the skills you need. You can start with the basics and develop your skills under the teaching and mentorship of teachers who know their craft. But what program is right for you?

Associate Degrees

Liberty’s 100% online Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Creative Writing offers you the opportunity to enhance your writing skills as you prepare for a future career or a bachelor’s degree.

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Bachelor’s Degrees

Bachelor of science in creative writing – christian literature, bachelor of science in creative writing – english.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language.

Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing – Journalism

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Journalism allows you to develop investigative and reporting abilities and build your portfolio. 

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing offers you advanced training in composition and literature, creative writing, and modern grammar.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Christian Literature can help you hone your writing and critical thinking skills as you explore the works of some of the greatest Christian writers in history.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Creative Writing degree offers advanced training in grammar, technical writing, and storytelling.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Journalism offers you a journalism education that can teach you to write compelling stories and help you pursue exciting writing opportunities.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Composition will guide you through the fundamentals of writing and grammar and help prepare you to teach composition at the collegiate level.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Professional Writing can help you craft effective communication using digital media, traditional publishing, and cutting-edge technology as you master advanced grammar and composition.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Professional Writing – Research Administration and Sponsored Programs blends studies in writing with practical business applications, which can help you become a more marketable job candidate.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing is designed to help you build on your writing skills with specific workshops dedicated to the craft of fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, or screenwriting.

Creative Writing

Master’s Degrees


Professional Writing

Professional Writing – Research Administration and Sponsored Programs

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Professional Writing – Research Administration and Sponsored Programs blends studies in writing with practical business applications, which can help you become a more marketable job candidate.

Creative Writing – Christian Literature

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Christian Literature allows you to study prominent authors and works of Christian literature of the past and present. 

Creative Writing – English

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language.

Creative Writing – Journalism

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Journalism allows you to develop investigative and reporting abilities and build your portfolio. 

English and Writing

English and Writing – Christian Literature

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Christian Literature can help you hone your writing and critical thinking skills as you explore the works of some of the greatest Christian writers in history.

English and Writing – Creative Writing

English and Writing – Journalism

Associate of Arts in Creative Writing

Apply Now Request Information  

Apply Now Request Information    

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language while sharpening your writing skills.

Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Creative Writing  offers you advanced training in composition and literature, creative writing, and modern grammar.

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing can help you learn new concepts, grow your understanding, and hone your writing skills to their highest form.

Which kind of creative writing program fits my needs?

  • If you don’t have a degree and aren’t ready to commit to a bachelor’s – Liberty’s online Associate of Arts in Creative Writing gives you an entry point into creative writing. Designed as a halfway step to a bachelor’s degree, our A.A. in Creative Writing will cover foundational courses and training that can help you get started while opening the door to a more in-depth Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing after you graduate. 
  • If you want a full bachelor’s degree focused on creative writing and English language – Liberty’s Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing is designed to equip you with a thorough background in English language studies to support your creative writing skills. The skills you learn in this program can also help you pursue teaching or roles in communication and writing for business. 
  • If you already have a bachelor’s degree and want a career in writing – Liberty’s online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing could be the best choice for you. The M.F.A. in Creative Writing is designed to help you refine your craft and gain a mastery in your writing discipline. And because an M.F.A. is considered a terminal degree, earning a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing can open the door to university teaching. 
Karen Kingsbury Center for Creative Writing An exciting part of our creative writing programs is that you will have the opportunity to take courses that were created in partnership with #1 New York Times bestselling author and Christian novelist Karen Kingsbury. Kingsbury has contributed course content to the degrees above, providing firsthand training in all areas of interest. We are proud to partner with her through our Karen Kingsbury Center for Creative Writing .

Potential Career Options with a Creative Writing Degree

  • Book and magazine writer
  • Business communications specialist
  • Creative writing instructor
  • Professional blogger
  • Public relations
  • Publications editor
  • Screenwriter
  • Social media coordinator
  • Website copy editor and writer
  • Writing manager

What Are the Benefits of Studying Creative Writing at Liberty University?

  • We are recognized by multiple institutions for our academic quality, affordability, and accessibility . Our commitment to excellence also helped us rank in the top 10% of Niche.com’s best online schools in America . Earning your online creative writing degree from a nonprofit university with this kind of recognition can help set you apart from others in your field.
  • Liberty University’s state-of-the-art online learning environment offers you a wide variety of learning methods, including simulations, recorded lectures, and digital collaboration tools that will help you engage with your studies and learn practical teaching skills.
  • The majority of tuition for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs has not increased in 9 years. While many other online colleges have raised tuition, Liberty has been able to keep costs low as a nonprofit university.
  • You can complete your online creative writing program in less time than you think, due to our 8-week format and 8 start times per year.

Military Benefits

Service is important to us, so whether you’re currently serving in the Armed Forces, have served, or are married to someone who serves, we’re here to serve you. Liberty’s military benefits are available to:

  • Active duty service members of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/retirees
  • Spouses of service members and veterans/retirees
  • Current Department of Defense employees

We are proud to support you in your pursuit of a flexible and affordable online education by offering you the following benefits: 

For undergraduate programs:

  • Tuition discounts –  $250 per credit hour for undergraduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who serve in a civilian capacity as a  First Responder (less than $565 per course)
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)
  • Potential college credit for military training

For graduate programs:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for graduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who serve in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course)

mfa creative writing university of virginia

“In the times in which we’re living today, Liberty University’s mission , the mission of training up a generation of Champions for Christ in literally every occupation, has never been more important .”


Experience That Matters to You

As an accredited Christian college with a 7,000-acre campus in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University offers you an education that is both academically challenging and rooted in a biblical worldview.

At Liberty, you’ll benefit from 35+ years of learning, growing, adapting, and innovating for the distance learner — and more than a decade of researching the needs of the online student. You can be confident that we’ve taken the time to learn what’s important to you.

And what’s that?

  • Affordability
  • Accessibility
  • Academic Quality

These important factors challenged us to find new financial solutions, get ahead of industry trends, and blaze trails into cutting-edge career fields — and it’s paid off. That’s the difference experience makes.

Ranked in the top 10% of Niche.com’s best online schools in America   and recognized by multiple institutions for   academic quality, affordability, and accessibility.


Why Choose Liberty University?

Enjoy flexible courses.

Choose from a wide variety of programs at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level, most of which are 100% online*. With an 8-week format and 8 start dates per year, it’s easy to fit your courses around your schedule!

* Some exclusions apply. Please refer to our exclusions page for more information.

Maximize Your Time

Start and finish your degree faster! Liberty requires no standardized testing for admission, and you can transfer previous course credit — transfer in up to 75% of a bachelor’s degree and up to 50% of a master’s, postgraduate, or doctoral degree — or discover how your life, career, or military experience may count toward your college degree.

Grow in Your Faith

All of our courses are taught from a Christian perspective, and our faculty see themselves as mentors. Our mission is to Train Champions for Christ — we’re committed to championing you as you study to go further in your field, become a leader in your industry, or start a new career.

Access Academic Support

Throughout your educational journey, you will have access to academic resources that will aid in the completion of your degree. Services include our Jerry Falwell Library, writing center, tutoring, study aids, IT assistance, 30+ tutorial videos, live webinars, and personalized help from our academic advising team.

An Online Education with On-Campus Benefits

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Graduate with your peers

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Be inspired by world-renowned speakers at Convocation

Why we’re nonprofit.

As a nonprofit (not-for-profit) university, Liberty is in the business of training skilled professionals to make a difference in the world – not gaining profit, revenue, or producing dividends for shareholders. In keeping with our commitment to your education, we invest our resources back into degree programs and into your student experience.

While many other online colleges have raised tuition, Liberty has been able to keep costs low as a nonprofit university and has not increased tuition for 9 straight years. Lower tuition means less student loan debt for students.

For Liberty University, nonprofit is more than a status; it is a valuable opportunity to invest in the lives of students who will go out and impact the world.

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Financing Options

Financial aid.

Nearly 80% of all Liberty students in an online program are awarded financial aid. Virginia residents may qualify for additional aid — learn more !

Corporate Tuition Assistance

Deferred – If your company reimburses you for the cost of your education, you pay only a portion of your balance up front. You submit your grades to your employer who pays you, and then you pay the remaining balance for your classes.

Tuition Discounts

Qualified military service members, veterans, and their spouses can receive up to 55% off their tuition rate for eligible programs!

Contact one of our Admissions Counselors for more information by calling (800) 424-9595 .

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*Some restrictions may occur for this promotion to apply. This promotion also excludes active faculty and staff, military, Non-Degree Seeking, DGIA, Continuing Education, WSB, and Certificates.

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  1. Homepage

    At a Glance. The University of Virginia's Creative Writing Program offers a master of fine arts in poetry and fiction writing, undergraduate English concentrations in poetry and literary prose, and elective coursework at the undergraduate and graduate levels. If you are just beginning, we have 2000-level classes in our undergraduate curriculum ...

  2. About Our MFA

    THE UVA MFA PROGRAM The University of Virginia's MFA in Creative Writing Program is a three-year graduate program that, starting in 2023-24, admits four poets and four fiction writers each academic year. Students have the option to graduate in two years on an accelerated schedule. Our program is full time and residency is required for all years of study.*

  3. How to Apply

    THE MFA PROGRAM The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program at the University of Virginia is a three-year graduate program that admits four poets and four fiction writers each academic year. Our program is full time and residency is required.* Because the program is so small, our admissions process is extremely competitive.

  4. UVA Creative Writing

    The University of Virginia Creative Writing Program is the home of a two-year, fully funded MFA program and undergraduate concentrations in poetry writing and literary prose. We offer creative writing courses starting at the introductory level for undergraduates on up to our graduate workshops and form of fiction/poetry classes. All of our graduate students are fully funded and our MFA Program ...

  5. MFA Curriculum

    MFA Curriculum. To receive the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, a student accepted into the UVA Graduate School of Arts and Sciences completes twenty-four hours of required coursework and up to forty-eight hours of non-topical research. Applicants can view current and historical course offerings in our Student Information ...

  6. Creative Writing Program

    © 2024 By the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Legal Links. Privacy; Consumer Information ; Accessibility; Non-Discrimination Notice

  7. Creative Writing

    The UVA Creative Writing Program offers one of the best MFA programs in the country, ... Creative Writing. [email protected] (434) 924-6074; ... University of Virginia. Vice Provost of the Arts. PO Box 400308. Charlottesville, VA 22904.

  8. People

    MFA Program. How to Apply; About Our MFA; MFA Funding; MFA Curriculum; Undergraduate CW. Curriculum and FAQ's; Area Program in Poetry Writing; Area Program in Literary Prose; Kudos and More. Calendar of Events; Alumni Books; Alumni Awards; Rea Writers; Kapnick Writers; Henfield Prize; Sydney Hall Blair Fellowship; Media Links; MFA Instructor ...

  9. MFA Funding

    If you join our three-year MFA program in 2024, you will receive fellowship support and/or teaching income in the amount of up to $30,600 in the first two academic years and up to $24,480 in the third, as well as full funding of your tuition, enrollment fees, and the health insurance premium for single-person coverage through the university.

  10. U.Va. Creative Writing Program Ranks Third in MFA Survey

    October 26, 2009. October 26, 2009 — The University of Virginia's Creative Writing Program ranks third among 140 full-residency programs offering a Master of Fine Arts degree in poetry, fiction or nonfiction, according to a survey by Poets & Writers magazine, reported in its November/December issue. The Creative Writing Program was ranked ...

  11. Creative Writing, Master

    The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program at the University of Virginia is a three-year graduate program that, starting in 2023-24, admits four poets and four fiction writers each academic year. University of Virginia Multiple locations. Charlottesville, Virginia, United States. Top 1% worldwide.

  12. Creative Writing for Undergraduates

    Undergraduates can take a full spectrum of elective poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, beginning with ENCW 2200, 2300, and 2600, introductory classes usually taught by MFA students in our graduate program. These 2000-level classes introduce students to poetic and narrative techniques, teach close reading of literary texts, and employ a ...

  13. University of Virginia Fully Funded MFA in Creative Writing

    The University of Virginia (UVA) based in Charlottesville, VA offers a three-year fully funded MFA in creative writing. This MFA program admits five poets and five fiction writers each academic year. This degree of master of fine arts in creative writing is a full-time residency program. Students will receive fellowship support and/or teaching ...

  14. M.F.A. in Creative Writing

    M.F.A. in Creative Writing. The Master of Fine Arts at West Virginia University is a three-year program that combines work in a primary genre and at least one other genre with course offerings in literature, pedagogy and professional writing and editing. Genres include fiction, nonfiction and poetry. All Master of Fine Arts students receive a ...

  15. These are the Best Creative Writing MFA Programs in the U.S

    The University of Virginia's MFA program in Creative Writing boasts a high-quality faculty and a strong alumni network. Known for its selective admissions and intimate class sizes, the program offers personalized attention and mentorship to each student.

  16. MFA in Creative Writing

    MFA in Creative Writing. Our selective and academically rigorous 48-credit, three-year program is designed to provide talented writers with the opportunity to work closely with both outstanding faculty and gifted peers. Students will strengthen their craft, develop their literary aesthetics, enrich their understanding of existing traditions and ...

  17. Application

    Admission to VCU's MFA program in Creative Writing is quite competitive, with roughly 200 applications received yearly for only 8-10 spots. ... Virginia Commonwealth University. College of Humanities and Sciences. Department of English. Hibbs Hall, Room 306 900 Park Ave. Box 842005 Richmond, Virginia 23284-2005 (804) 828-1331. [email protected].

  18. Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

    Unleash your creativity with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Virginia Tech. Our dynamic program offers a comprehensive and hands-on approach to creative writing, ranging from fiction to non-fiction and poetry. Learn from accomplished writers and mentors, hone your craft, and advance your career in writing, publishing, or academia.

  19. MFA Program Guide

    Virginia Commonwealth University is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and value of every member of its community and that is free from sexual misconduct, assault, harassment or any form of discrimination based on sex/gender." ... Kathleen Graber, Director of MFA in Creative Writing Thom Didato, Graduate ...

  20. Faculty

    MFA in Creative Writing PhD in Media, Art and Text Courses Internships ... Creative Writing Faculty. ... Virginia Commonwealth University. College of Humanities and Sciences. Department of English. Hibbs Hall, Room 306 900 Park Ave. Box 842005 Richmond, Virginia 23284-2005

  21. Virginia Tech

    Why Virginia Tech? July 1, 2020 By VTCWMFA. Our 3-year MFA program is consistently ranked among the top MFA programs in the country. We offer tracks in poetry and fiction, encourage cross-genre writing, and fully fund all students with stipends of $20,000+. August 31, 2023 By Matthew Vollmer.

  22. Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

    The M.F.A. in Creative Writing is designed to be completed in three years. Students may specialize in Fiction or Poetry. A minimum of 49 hours is required for this terminal degree. A series of creative writing workshops, courses in form and theory, new media writing, composition pedagogy, and literature and theory electives are designed for ...

  23. Creative Writing Blog

    Celebrating Our WVU MFA Graduation Reading. May 03, 2022. A highlight of the end of the semester here in the Creative Writing Program has been the opportunity to have a reading from our graduating third-year MFA cohort. ... West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-6296 Phone: 304-293-9711 | Fax: 304-293-5380 | Accreditations;

  24. Online Creative Writing Programs

    And because an M.F.A. is considered a terminal degree, earning a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing can open the door to university teaching. ... 1971 University Blvd., Lynchburg, Virginia 24515.