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Report Writing for Class 12

Report Writing for Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

A report is a factual description of an issue or a problem. A report is written for a clear purpose and for a particular audience. Various forms of reports are: newspaper reports, inquiry reports, progress or action taken report, a police report, a report of a meeting, etc., each having a distinct character and format.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 12 English Chapter wise.

A report is a description of an event that has already taken place. It is a factual account of some event or happening that may have occurred somewhere, but is of interest to the general masses or the readers for whom it is meant.

The way a report is written depends upon two major considerations:

  • who is going to read it
  • why is (s)he going to read it

Report Writing Examples For Class 12 CBSE

♦ It may include:

  • the record of a sequence of events.
  • interpretation of the significance of these events or facts.
  • evaluation of the facts or results of the research presented.
  • discussion of the outcome of a decision or course of action.
  • conclusions.
  • recommendations.

♦ Language focus:

The language must be:

  • well structured (use shorter words rather than longer, with short sentences)
  • free of jargon (may include a few)
  • of uniform verb tense, preferably past tense

♦ Important Points to Remember:

  • A report should be practical and convey all the necessary information.
  • It should be well structured with a title, run into small paragraphs, and should be factual.
  • All information should be factual.
  • Report should have an appropriate conclusion or recommendation.
  • Word limit of 150-200 words.

Report Writing Sample Example for Class 12 CBSE

Format Of Report Writing For Class 12 Cbse

Queen’s School, Secunderabad, organized a cultural show in aid of the flood-affected people of West Bengal. Complete the following newspaper report based on this activity for publication in The Gazette.

Answer: (a) A cultural show (b) flood-affected people (c) students presented a (d) enacted a skit on (e) were performed (f) The tickets were priced (g) was presented to (h) commended the students for

Report Writing Practice Example for Class 12 CBSE

1. 5th June has been recognised as World Environment Day. Your school conducted various activities to commemorate the day. Write a report about it in about 150-200 words for your school magazine. You are Karuna/Karan. (10 marks) [CBSE Sample Paper 2017] Answer:

World Environment Day By Karan

5 June 20XX, Cuttack – Our school, Odisha Senior Secondary School Cuttack celebrated World Environment Day from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the school campus. The Educational Minister of the state, Mr. Y.S. Patra, inaugurated the exhibition put up by the SST Dept and students of the middle school. There were stalls exhibiting various recycled products, waste management methods, pollution control methods and schemes, awareness through posters, PowerPoint presentations, and role-plays.

The centre stage on the playground used Preserve Our Environment as a theme for songs, dances, mimes, and one-act play saplings were generously distributed to encourage tree plantation at an individual’s level. A debate and recitation competition was held on an inter-school basis. Our school got the Runners-up Trophy while GKP Public was adjudged the Best All-Rounder. The celebration came to an end with a vote of thanks by the Headmistress, Sundarilaal Pathak, and the National Anthem was sung by all of us.

2. The Orissa Government is about to launch an eye-testing drive for schoolchildren in Bhubaneswar. Nilanjana Dalmia interviewed Aditi Mitra, the chief coordinator of the programme, and took down some notes. On the basis of the notes, write Nilanjana’s report in 100–125 words.

3. A newspaper reporter has been sent to report on a road accident. Below you can see one page of his notes. Use the information to complete the report he wrote for his newspaper in 100–125 words. Do not add any new information.

4. Spring Field School recently organized a course in origami for students of senior classes. Vivek of Class XII writes a report on the program giving necessary details in the school magazine. Write the report in 100–125 words.

5. The Art and Craft Club of your school organized a special clay-modeling competition in the school. As the Secretary of the club, write a report in 100–125 words giving details of the competition. You are Deepanita of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Pondicherry.

6. You have witnessed a clash between a group of college students and a State Transport bus crew which finally ended in the students stoning the buses and the bus crew calling for a flash strike. You are Bimal/Sheenum, a reporter for a national daily. Write a report in 100-125 words about the incident.

7. You are Neeraj/Nandita working for a leading magazine. Last week you attended a seminar on ‘Pleasures of Eye Donation’, organized by the Young Buzz of your school. Write a report on this seminar is not more than 100-125 words for publication in the magazine.

8. You are Abhinav/Akanksha working as a news correspondent for the Indian News Report at Mumbai. You were invited by the organizers to cover the much-awaited programme of pop star Bryan Adams in Mumbai. Write a report on this historic event giving necessary details in not more than 100-125 words for the benefit of the fans of Bryan Adams.

9. You are Rohit/Rashi of Vivekananda Sr. Secondary School of Bangalore. Your school has recently conducted a charity show in aid of the flood-affected people of Andhra Pradesh. As Cultural Secretary of the Students’ Council of your school, write a brief report in not more than 100–125 words on this activity of the school for publication in your local daily.

10. You are Sudarshan/Seema of Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Sr. Secondary School, Allahabad. Your school has inaugurated its new computer wing, constructed with generous grants from the Rajeev Gandhi Foundation. Write a report in not more than 100–125 words for your school magazine on the programme organized by the school on this occasion.

11. You are Savant/Shobha of Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Sr. Secondary School, Pune. Your school just celebrated its Silver Jubilee on completion of its meritorious services to the cause of education. Now write a report in not more than 100–125 words on the programmes that your school conducted on this occasion to be published in The Indian Chronicler.

12. You were a member of your school quiz team which won the CBSE Quiz Contest at the national level. Draft a report about it to be published in your school magazine in about 100–125 words. Sign as Sagar/Sagarika.

13. Your school has celebrated Library Week. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school, write a report on it to be published in your school newsletter.

14. You are Pankaj/Parvi. The other day you happened to attend a seminar on ‘Case for Reducing the Retirement Age in Public Sector from 60 to 55’, organized by the Rotary Club of your district. Write a report on this seminar in not more than 100–125 words for publication in a local daily.

15. You are Mukul/Mandakini working as a reporter for a leading newspaper. Yesterday you were invited to a press conference called by the Union Home Minister on the proposed changes in the Constitution of India to provide a stable government to the country. Write a report for the paper in not more than 100–125 words covering what the Home Minister proposed.

16 Write a report in about 100–125 words on the ‘No Tobacco Day’ organized by your school on 4 June 20XX. 3.152 While returning from school you witnessed an accident involving a motorcycle and a bus resulting in the death of the motorcyclist on the spot. Write a report of the accident in about 100–125 words.

17. You are Rajan/Leela. You have observed that health clubs and beauty parlors are mushrooming everywhere. Recently the residents of your colony had attended a seminar on the subject wherein people talked about the growing awareness of health and beauty. Write a report in not more than 125 words for publication in a magazine.

18. Your school has organized an exhibition-cum-sale of the items made by students in their work experience classes. You had an excellent and overwhelming response from the parents and the visitors. The proceeds of the sale have been donated by your school in a function to Helpline India, an organization supporting the cause of orphans. Make a report of the same in 125 words to be published in your school bulletin/magazine.

19. You are Usha/Umesh. As the president of a voluntary organization, you have visited a slum area in your city that was destroyed in a massive fire. Write a report on the tragic situation of these homeless people to be published in a magazine. (Word limit: 125 words)

Report Writing Format for Class 12, Get Newspaper Report Writing Topics_0.1

Report Writing Format for Class 12, Get Newspaper Report Writing Topics

Report writing Format is a formal style of writing elaborately on a topic. The Format of a report and report writing format is always formal. Get Newspaper Report Writing Topics here in this article.

report writing format

Table of Contents

Report Writing

Report writing is a formal way of writing in-depth about a subject. A report’s writing style and tone are always formal. The target audience is the segment on which you should concentrate. Writing a report about a school event, a business case, etc. are a few examples.

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Report Writing Format

When it comes to writing a report, there are various formats to choose from depending on the specific requirements and guidelines provided by your organization, institution, or supervisor. However, the following format provides a general structure that can be adapted to most report writing situations:

  • Title of the Report: Clearly and concisely state the title of the report.
  • Author’s Name: Include the name of the person or team responsible for writing the report.
  • Date: Mention the date the report is submitted.
  • Provide a list of sections and subsections with their respective page numbers for easy navigation.
  • Offer a brief overview of the report, summarizing the main objectives, findings, and recommendations.
  • Keep it concise, highlighting the key points in a clear and understandable manner.
  • State the purpose and objectives of the report.
  • Provide background information or context relevant to the report’s subject matter.
  • Outline the scope and limitations of the report.
  • Describe the research methods or approaches used in gathering data or conducting the study.
  • Explain the sources of information, data collection techniques, and any tools or instruments employed.
  • Present the main findings, observations, or results of the study or research.
  • Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points for clarity and organization.
  • Include relevant data, facts, figures, or statistics, and support them with proper references or citations.
  • Interpret and analyze the findings, providing insights and explanations.
  • Relate the results to the objectives or research questions.
  • Compare and contrast different findings, identify patterns, or highlight significant trends.
  • Discuss any limitations or challenges encountered during the research process.
  • Summarize the key points discussed in the report.
  • Draw conclusions based on the findings and analysis.
  • Address the research objectives and whether they were achieved.
  • Offer practical suggestions, proposals, or actions based on the report’s findings.
  • Clearly outline the steps or measures that should be taken to address the identified issues or capitalize on opportunities.
  • List all the sources, references, and citations used in the report, following the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).
  • Include supplementary materials such as raw data, charts, graphs, maps, or detailed calculations that support the report.

Report Writing Format Class 12

Reports are written summaries of what has been seen, heard, done, or investigated. It is a methodical and well-organized exposition of the details and conclusions of an incident that has already occurred. Reports are used as a kind of written assessment to determine what you have learned from your reading, research, or experience as well as to provide you practice using a crucial skill that is frequently utilized in the workplace. Typically, the exam will ask you to write a newspaper article or a magazine report. Reports that are published in newspapers are known as newspaper reports, while magazine reports are typically written for student publications.

Read more: Notice Writing Class 12, 10, Format, Topics With Examples

Newspaper Report Writing

A well-written report must possess the following qualities

  • Analyze the information whether it is true or not.
  • Structure the events in sequence.
  • Present in an impressive manner.
  • Make an appropriate conclusion on true evidence.

Last but not least, it is important to follow the proper format and not forget that the format carries the marks.


Newspaper Magzine Report Writing Format

  • Heading: A title that catches the attention of the reader so that readers may get interested in reading the full report.
  • Byline: Name of the person writing a report, Not to mention your personal details in the answer.
  • Opening Paragraph:  It can include the ‘5 Ws’ namely, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and WHERE along with WHO was invited as the chief guest.
  • Sequence of the event in detail: The correct order in which the events took place, along with a description of each. It serves as the primary paragraph and can, if necessary, be divided into two short paragraphs.
  • Conclusion: This will include the ending of an event along with the description.

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Report Writing Class 12 in English

Newspaper report writing format.

  • Headline-  A descriptive title which is expressed the news in short.
  • Byline- Name of the person writing the report along with the designation. It is generally given in the question. Remember, you are not supposed to mention your personal details in your answer.
  • Place and date of reporting-  It is generally not mentioned in a magazine report separately, but in a newspaper report, you have to.
  • Opening paragraph-  It includes an expansion of the headline.  It needs to be short as it is a general overview of the report.
  • Account of the event in detail – It is generally written in two parts: First, a complete account of what happened in its chronological sequence (preferably), and second, the witness remarks.
  • Concluding paragraph-  This will include the action that has been taken so far or that will be taken. It is the last paragraph of the report.

Online Live Classes for CBSE BOARD CLASS 12TH

Report Writing Format Important Points

  • Make sure the language you use is appropriate for the group of people you are speaking to. It is not advisable to speak to children using complex words.
  • Make sure to use paragraphs when writing.
  • Practice with exam papers from prior years.
  • Read all the examples as much as you can. You will get a sense of how things are genuinely written from it.
  • At least twice through the question, highlight the key details. It’s crucial to comprehend the question and look beyond the obvious. Once, Albert Einstein said,

“If you can’t explain it simply, you didn’t understand it well enough.”

Format of Report Writing- To the point

A report must include the answers of the following questions:

  • What – name of the occasion and event, who conducted it
  • Where- venue of the event
  • Date and timing of the events (teaching and social work)
  • An ending of the standard of the planned activities

Report Writing Topics

Here are some report writing topics across various fields:

  • Climate Change and Its Impacts on the Environment
  • The Future of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Prevention Strategies for Businesses
  • The Effects of Social Media on Society and Mental Health
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Various Industries
  • Sustainable Development and Green Initiatives
  • The Rise of E-commerce: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
  • The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • The Role of Education in Economic Growth and Development
  • Healthcare Technologies: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations
  • The Impact of Automation and Robotics on the Job Market
  • Strategies for Effective Project Management in a Globalized World
  • The Role of Government in Promoting Economic Growth and Stability
  • Human Rights Issues: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Influence of Media on Politics and Public Opinion
  • The Future of Transportation: Innovations and Sustainability
  • Emerging Trends in Marketing and Consumer Behavior
  • Mental Health Awareness and Support Systems
  • Strategies for Effective Teamwork and Collaboration in the Workplace
  • The Impact of Globalization on Local Cultures and Traditions

Report Writing Examples

Magazine report writing examples.

You are Rahul/ Riddhi of ABC Public School, Delhi. Your school has adopted a village as a social responsibility. Students are being taken to teach the children of that village on a regular basis. Write a report, for your school magazine, on the various other programmes organized there in 120 – 150 words.

(SOURCE- CBSE Sample Question Paper 2018-19)



On the occasion of World Literacy Day, ABC Public School, Delhi has taken an oath to embrace the village named Rajpur.

The school has taken the responsibility of educating the people residing in the village. Selected students from each standard are taken there every weekend, during school hours to impart knowledge. The first 6 month motive is to make each and every person capable of reading and writing. Free books and stationery is being provided for quality education. Children are given time to spend with each other, play games and interact. Apart from the educational needs, special care is devoted to hygiene and sanitation. Girls are being given awareness on the importance of menstrual hygiene as well. Various talent hunts have been organised which left everyone overawed. The immense enthusiasm and zeal in the people to learn is the main driving factor.

A family kind of environment is being created. The school treats the people of the village as its own students and is unbiased. By adopting a village, the school is making its students sensitive towards the needs of the environment at a young age. It is committed towards raising the leaders of tomorrow.

Newspaper Report Writing Examples

2. Write a newspaper report on a Bus Accident taking ideas from the following hints:

Shimla, April 4, Bus skidded, Chamba district, Koti village, 10 killed, villagers, 25 injured, third incident, mini truck accident, a pickup van fell into the gorge.

Answer                                                        Ten Killed In Himachal Accident

(Thursday, April 04, 2013, by TANS)

Shimla, April 4

The people were killed and 25 injured when a private bus skidded off the road and fell into a gorge in Himachal Pradesh’s Chamba district Monday morning, police said. This is the third major road accident in Chamba district in less than a month. The accident took place in Koti Village, about 22 km from Chamba town where it was headed to. Superintendent of police Madhusudhan told TANS over the phone from the spot. He said the injured were admitted to the zonal hospital, some 450 km from state capital Shimla. The dead were mainly men and belonged to nearby villages. Last month, 32 members of a marriage party were killed when their mini-truck rolled into a 500-metre deep gorge near Sherpur village, some 50 km from Chamba. On the same day in the other accident, a pick up a van carrying employees of a private company executing a hydropower project fell into a gorge near Bharmour, 65 km from Chamba, killing nine people on the spot.

Report Writing Tips

Here are some tips for writing a good report

  • Start with a clear purpose. What do you want to achieve with your report? Once you know the purpose, you can start to gather information and organize your thoughts.
  • Do your research. Gather as much information as you can about the topic of your report. This information can come from a variety of sources, such as books, articles, websites, and interviews.
  • Organize your thoughts. Once you have gathered your information, it is important to organize your thoughts. This will help you to write a clear and concise report.
  • Write in a clear and concise style. Use simple language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon and technical terms.
  • Proofread your work. Before you submit your report, be sure to proofread it carefully for errors in grammar and spelling.

News Report Writing

Writing a news report involves summarizing and presenting factual information about a current event or story. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write a news report:

  • Choose a Newsworthy Topic: Select a topic that is relevant, timely, and of interest to your target audience. This could be a local, national, or international event, depending on your audience and the publication you are writing for.
  • Gather Information: Collect all the relevant facts and details about the event. This may involve conducting interviews, researching online, and consulting official sources. Ensure your information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing title summarizing the main point of the story.
  • Lead Paragraph (Lede): The opening paragraph should answer the essential questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. It provides the most crucial information and should be concise.
  • Body: Provide additional details, quotes, and context in subsequent paragraphs. Arrange the information in descending order of importance.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key points and provide any relevant background information.
  • Write the Report: Follow the inverted pyramid style, where the most important information comes first, followed by supporting details. Use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon and biased language. Write in the third person and maintain an objective tone.
  • Include Quotes: Incorporate quotes from relevant individuals involved in the event. Attribute quotes correctly and use quotation marks. Quotes add credibility and provide perspectives from people connected to the story.
  • Fact-Check: Verify all the information in your report to ensure accuracy. Check names, dates, and statistics. Avoid spreading false or misleading information.
  • Edit and Proofread: Review your report for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure the report flows logically and maintains a coherent structure. Read it aloud to check for clarity and readability.
  • Add Visual Elements: If applicable, include relevant photos, videos, or graphics to enhance your report. Visual elements can provide additional context and engage readers.
  • Craft a Headline: Create a compelling headline that summarizes the main point of the story. It should be attention-grabbing and concise.
  • Include a Byline: If you are the author of the report, include your name as the byline. If not, attribute the report to the appropriate author.
  • Cite Sources: If you used information from other sources, make sure to give proper credit and cite them according to the publication’s style guide.
  • Publish and Distribute: Once your news report is complete and reviewed by an editor if necessary, publish it in the appropriate media outlet. This may involve uploading it to a website, sending it to a newspaper, or sharing it through a broadcasting platform.

Remember that journalistic ethics, including accuracy, objectivity, and fairness, are essential when writing news reports. Always strive to provide the most reliable and unbiased information to your audience.

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Q: What are the factors to be considered while selecting report writing topics?

Ans: Factors to be considered while writing a report considers knowing the purpose of writing the report, the target audience, and the medium of its publication.

Q: What are the two types of report writing formats?

A: Newspaper report format and magazine report format are the two types of reports writing.

Q: Can I use informal language in a report?

A: No, informal language is not used in reports. Since the report has to be factual and objective in nature, it gives the purpose of giving an account of an event. Hence, the tone and language must be formal in nature.

Q: What is the ideal structure of report writing?

A: The best structure to write a report format is as follows: Heading Byline Content Conclusion

Q: What is the use of report writing?

A: Reporting writing is a type of writing that is widely used within academic as well as professional. Students must know how to write reports as it will greatly help them with skills needed in school and workplace.

Informal Letter Format, Samples, Example

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Report Writing Class 12

(PDF) Report Writing Class 12: Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types l Report Writing Example

In this article, we will discuss Report Writing Class 12’s format, examples, topics, samples and types. You can also attempt an online mcq test to judge your exam preparation.

The report is a formal way of writing and the person concerned is the witness of the event. It can be written by an individual or an organized body.

Report Writing Class 12, 11th, 10th and 9th Online Test

Table of Contents

#1. What important skill does a person need to report?

#2. a report is written in.............., #3. report will be written in ......................., #4. the report is always written in ..........., #5. which is the essential part to write a report, #6. reporting of an event is done as, #7. the length of informal report should be, #8. what is the first thing that you write in the report, #9. a report is an, #10. report writing by the individual should be written in, #11. a report does not contain......................., #12. report is ……, #13. what is put in the by line of a report, format of a newspaper report, (cbse) mark distribution in report writing, report writing video lecture, report writing mcqs, report writing class 12 answer sheet.

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  • Headline/Title: The headline or title of the report must be at the top. It should be short and eye-catching.
  • By Line: It is to be mentioned just below the report title in the right-hand corner. Many students prefer to write it in the middle or left-hand corner.
  • Place and Date: Then, we mention the place and date of the event.
  • The report must be written in the past tense.
  • The event must be in chronological sequence.

Video Credit: Dear Sir Youtube Channel

1. You are Navya or Nilesh reading in D.P.S Public School, Sec -4 Bokaro. Write a report on the election scene for your school magazine in not more than 150 words.

A Report on Election Scene

By – Harsh

Bokaro, Nov. 25, 2019: It was one of the most exciting days in our family. Everyone was busy finding their identification card like Aadhar card, voter id card etc to get a proper correction in name and address.

It was the time of the Member of Parliament Election that was going to be held in Oct. 2014. The whole state was running under of code of conduct. The election was to be completed in 6 steps. All the parties were busy in the election campaign. The candidate of the party was visiting door to door and making several promises to the public to win the election.

The people gathered at the tea- stall in the evening and morning to talk positive and negative aspects of the parties. Some people were criticizing the present government and asked the people to vote against him. The day of the election came.

The voters went to their respective booths for casting their votes. The election started early at 6 A.M in the presence of police inspectors and polling officers. The people stood in the queue to give their valuable votes. Everyone held their election receipt and voter id card. There was good management of security from the side of the Superintendant of Police. The police were alert during the election time. The election closed by 5 P.M. It was a successful day.

2. your school has organised a blood donation camp at the school campus to collect blood. You are Nandan or Neha, an editor of your school magazine. Write a report for your school magazine giving the details of the event.

A  Report on Blood Donation Camp


Bokaro , Feb. 09, 2019:   It was one of the best days of my life in school. There was organised a blood donation camp to help the victims of Uttrakhand.  There were almost 200 students to donate blood who had come from different colleges in our city. Some were young and some were middle-aged people. There was the proper arrangement.  Five doctors and ten nursing staff were managed from the Red Cross Unit of the city to collect blood. There was an ambulance for any emergency case. Blood donors were given fruits, juice, and milk after donating the blood. They were also given a certificate of appreciation to encourage them for such a noble cause. Our local M.L.A . was the guest of the day who also donated blood and inaugurated the programme.   Many volunteers were there to help the blood donors.  There was good discipline maintained between doctors and donors. The programme had been conducted successfully without any harm. At last, Our Principal and doctors thanked everyone for their cooperation to make this programme successful. I came back home at 6 o’clock in the evening. It was really an exciting day of my life.                                                                           

1. A report  is an

  • Informational work
  • Technical work
  • Professional work
  • None of these

2. Report is a ……

a.Formal b.Research c.Informal d. Resume

3. A report should b e written in…

(a) Sequential manner (b) Irregular manner (c) Horizontal manner (d) Regular Manner

4. What is written at the start of a report?

(a) Key Features (b) Introduction (c) Title (d) Conclusion

5. What is mentioned in the by line of the report?

  • Name of the newspaper
  • Date and place of the event
  • Heading of the Report
  •  Name of the reporter

6. Report is to be written in ………………………..

7. Reporting of an event is done as……………

  • First-hand information
  • Second-hand information
  • Third-hand information
  • Fourth hand information

8. What important skill does a person need to write a report?

  • Crowd handling skill
  • Standing skill
  • Communication skill

9. The length of an ideal report should be……..

( a) 13 pages (b) 1-3 pages                 (c) 1/5-page (d) full page

10. Report  by an individual should be written in :

(a) First person (b) Last person             (c) Both a and b (d) NOT

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Report Writing for Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

A report is a factual description of an issue or a problem. A report is written for a clear purpose and for a particular audience. Various forms of reports are: newspaper reports, inquiry reports, progress or action taken report, a police report, a report of a meeting, etc., each having a distinct character and format.

Looking for an easy way to learn English Grammar? then you are in right place. Here we providing basic  English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc. In this Section, we are explained Report Writing Class 12

A report is a written account of an event. It gives relaying information or recounts certain events in a widely presentable form. The events could be an exhibition, a seminar, a rally, a theatre event, a theft, blood donation campaign, etc. It is often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation or an inquiry. It may use graphics, images or specialized vocabulary to persuade the audience to undertake an action.

Report Writing Format

  • • Title and reporter’s name.
  • • Date and place.
  • • Content – The content covers the ‘wh’ questions – what happened, where, when, how, why, etc.

Points To Remember While Writing Report

  • Make an attractive heading for the topic of the report. This is where you can clue reader as to what to expect without detailing.
  • Provide background information in brief, but be insightful on the selection of your report. Perhaps it is related to something mentioned during class or it might be an answer to a burning question posed by yourself or a classmate.
  • Briefly describe the steps of inquiry or the method used. A good report leaves no questions unanswered. Note that readers always want to know exactly which steps were taken to reach the conclusion.
  • Explain the reasons why the report is meaningful for the audience or readers. Convince through your writing that it is something for them to remember.

Report Writing Notes Pdf

  • Read the report aloud to make sure it flows from concept to concept. Make it interesting enough so as to catch the attention of the reader.
  • Finally, check for spelling and grammar. Remember that a good report is properly edited.

Report Writing Sample Class 12

You are Sandhya/Sameer, the head girl/head boy of R.N. Sisodia School, Roop Nagar, Agra. Your school recently hosted Regional sports meet of eight schools. You have been asked by your principal to write a report in 150 – 200 words of the same for your school magazine. Write the report.

Value Points or Main Clues (a) Robbery I Accident/Calamity /Disease outbreak/Civic problem

  • Catchy headline – expansion of headline in the first sentence highlighting what/when/where
  • Give reason, if any/motive
  • Details in brief
  • Eyewitness account
  • Casualties, damage, etc. (if any)
  • Action taken
  • Relief measures (if applicable)
  • Conclusion/comments

(b) Cultural/Sports events

  • Occasion/organiser/sponsor, etc.
  • Date, venue (time optional)
  • Chief guest/special invitees
  • Objectives and main highlights Qf the programme
  • Prize distribution/Annual report (if applicable)
  • Message by chief guest/dignitary
  • Vote of thanks
  • Overall response

(c) Competitions

  • Occasion/organiser
  • Date, venue, objective
  • Name of the competition, level, topic, if any, participation
  • Inaugural ceremony/welcome
  • Chief guest, judges, etc.
  • Highlights related to performance, result, etc.
  • Prize distribution (viii) Special remarks/address (if any)

(d) Workshop!Seminar/Talk

  • What, by whom, for whom
  • Date, venue, duration, etc.
  • Guest speakers, panel of experts, etc.
  • Chief Guest, invitees, etc.
  • Activities undertaken
  • Aids used – MMP, audio – visual charts, documentary films, etc.
  • Literary or field activities (if any)
  • Interactive session, including question – answer round (if any)
  • Expert’s comments
  • Overall effect

(e) Rally /Drive / Campaign

  • What, by whom
  • Duration, venue or places covered
  • Objective, motto (if any)
  • Any display/educational material used, for example: placard, banner, pamphlet, etc.
  • Special remarks by a dignitary/chief guest, etc.
  • Overall success

(f) Camp/Visit I Exhibition, etc.

  • Place, destination, etc.
  • Organiser, sponsor (if any)
  • Duration, date, etc.
  • Number of persons/visitors, etc.
  • Description as applicable
  • theme of exhibition, type /range, etc./quality of exhibits
  • places of sightseeing, food, scenic beauty, etc.
  • purpose and nature of camp, activities undertaken

The following are the news clippings from newspapers. Notice carefully the tense and the form of the verbs used. Also pick out words and expressions which help express the content coherently and specifically. TVy to determine the essential elements of each report according to the following guidelines:

Notice the dateline which contains the place and date of reporting.

Headline and its expansion in the first sentence where and when it happened consequences/effects/results of the happening What happened. Why/How it happened.

People involved in the event, if any action taken/any conclusion… comments/evidence from people..

Remember, your report should be written within the prescribed word limit.


Report writing: class 12, solved examples and exercises of previous years boards’ exams.

report writing: solved examples of 12th class

  • What is the main subject or topic of the report?
  • What are the key objectives or goals?
  • Why is this topic important or relevant?
  • Why is the report being written? What is its purpose?
  • Who are the main stakeholders or participants involved?
  • Who is the target audience for the report?
  • Whom does the report impact or benefit?
  • To whom is the report addressed?
  • When did the events or activities under consideration take place?
  • When is the report due, and is there a specific timeframe being analyzed?
  • Where did the events or research occur?
  • Where is the geographical scope of the report?
  • Which specific aspects or components are being addressed?
  • Which methodologies or approaches were used in the research?
  • Whose perspectives, opinions, or data are being considered?
  • Whose responsibility is it to take action based on the report?
  • How was the research conducted or the information gathered?
  • How do the findings impact the subject under discussion?
  • How much data, resources, or evidence is available?
  • How much significance or impact does the report convey?
  • Explains an event or situation
  • The long-term results of an event or situation
  • Analytical or statistical data evaluation
  • Interpretations based on the report’s data
  • Predictions or recommendations based on the report’s information
  • What the information has to do with other events or reports
  • No personal opinions and arguments
  • Need to avoid modals like, should, may, and might
  • Only facts are revealed in reports
  • reports should be organized as per the incident that occurred
  • Step-by-step or beginning of incident to end without any alteration of facts
  • Generally, past tense is used in report writing

Table of Contents

Types of Reports Writing

There are a few different types of reports, depending on the purpose and to whom you present your report. Here’s a quick list of the common types of reports:

  • Academic report:  Tests a student’s comprehension of the subject matter, such as annual day report, cultural events reports, reports on historical events, and biographies
  • Business reports:  Identifies information useful in business strategies, such as marketing reports, internal memos, and feasibility reports
  • Scientific reports:  Shares research findings, such as research papers and case studies, typically in science journals
  • Formal reports
  • Informal reports
  • Short or Long reports

What is the report format?

The format of the report depends upon the type of report and the assignment criteria. Although each report has its structure, the basic template is the same:

  • In the beginning , there should be a summary of the report so that the readers can make out what will be in the report. The summary of the report increases the interest of the readers.
  • Introduction of the Report: The introduction of the report should be self-explanatory of the report and should explain what you’re about to explain.
  • Body of report: The body of the report should explain all major happenings. There should be headings and subheadings. It explains the whole event in detail. The introduction and conclusion contain one or two paragraphs, while the body may have more pages.
  • After a report, the reporter brings all of the facts in the report together and reaches a final interpretation or judgment.

What can be included in report writing?

There is no hard and fast rule about what should be included in a report, especially at the school level. We can create our format at our convenience. But still, we can include the following in report writing:

  • Generally, a report’s title is used if a person has to read multiple reports. In this way, he can easily make out which report is useful for him.
  • A table of contents can be used if the report is lean and has more than four subheadings.
  • Page numbering can be included in the report has more than one page. But for students, it is generally not required as they are writing a small report for the examination.
  • Headings and subheadings should be used as they help us when skimming or scanning. They make it easy for the reader to understand the facts easily.
  • If we used information from other articles, we must include references and quotations. We should always give credit to others’ written work if we used it to complete our report.

Steps of Report Writing for students

Let us explain the different steps of report writing with an example:

Question: You are Bhavan/Bhavika. As an active member of the Mountaineering Club of your school, you participated in a summer camp organized by the Indian Mountaineering Association. Write a report on the camp and its activities for your school newsletter in about 150-200 words. (HBSE 2019, SET A)

Step 1. First find out the topic or title of the report from the question: Report on Summer Camp and its Activities

Step 2. Write down the summary of the report in a few sentences:

The Indian Mountaineering Association of Morni Hills organized a seven-day summer camp at Morni Hills for children from various Haryana schools to teach them about life in the hills. It aided pupils in developing discipline, cooperation, and team spirit.

Step 3. Introduction of the report:

My school, like many others in Haryana, teaches children to be independent, self-sufficient, disciplined, and cooperative. All students reached Morni hills on the tenth of June in the evening. This summer camp was an important component of our growth as citizens of the country. As a member of our school’s Mountaineering Club, I was allowed to write a comprehensive report on the summer camp for our school’s newsletter.

Step 4. Body of the report:

We were offered a variety of activities such as mountaineering, trekking, rock climbing, living in unusual conditions, cooking instruction, and cultural activities. Every year, a fresh topic is chosen for this camp. This year’s summer camp theme was “Culture.” We were taught extensively about many cultures as well as a practical understanding of various states, such as music, lifestyle, and many other things.

We were assigned to research the customs and traditions of several cultures. We were asked to present what we had learned to everyone at the end of the program. This was a great and interesting activity since we got to hear everyone’s thoughts on the value of the camp. Our teachers also spoke up about the value of such camps and the wonderful impact they have on our children’s minds .

Step 5. Conclusion of the Report:

This camp was a fantastic experience for all of us because we came away with so many useful skills and knowledge. This camp taught us not just about different states and their cultures, but also how to work efficiently as part of a team.

ReadLearnExcel English Grammar:

  • 12 Tenses in English Grammar: The Beginning of the English Learning Language 
  • English Grammar: Active and Passive Voices with Examples of 12 Tenses 
  • Direct and Indirect Speech: Steps & Rules to Change Narration
  • Modal Auxiliaries for all Classes: PDF
  • Articles in English: The Beginning of Learning English Grammar PDF
  • Articles in English: The Beginning of Learning English Grammar

Template: Report Writing

Report Template

Report Writing Format

Title of the report.

Name of the Reporter

Name of the City where the Report is Issued:


Date: …………………..

Write down the summary of the report in a few sentences:

The Indian Mountaineering Association of Morni Hills organized a seven-day summer camp at Morni Hills for children………………

Introduction of the Report:

All students reached Morni hills on the tenth of June in the evening. This summer camp was an important component of our growth as citizens of the country………………..

Body of the report:

First Paragraph(Introduction)

We were offered a variety of activities such as mountaineering, trekking, rock climbing, living in unusual conditions, cooking instruction, and cultural activities………..

Second Paragraph(Details of the Report)

We were assigned to research the customs and traditions of several cultures. We were asked to present what we had learned to everyone at the end of the program………..

Conclusion of the Report:

This camp was a fantastic experience for all of us because we came away with so many useful skills and knowledge……………..

Example 1 Report Writing: Career Counselling

Question: you are ankit/ankita. you participated in a career counseling program organised by 'careers'. you had the opportunity of listening to professionals from various fields like food technology, biometric sciences, nanotechnology, media management, etc. write a report on the program of about 150-200 words for 'employment avenues.'(hbse 2019, set c).

Career Counselling Report

20th March 2020

“Careers” organised a career counseling program to help students understand the various fields. On March 20th, an eminent career counseling firm from Delhi visited our school’s auditorium to discuss various fields such as food technology, biometric sciences, nanotechnology, media management, and others.

The program was designed primarily for 12th-grade students. Initially, our school counselor discussed the values of various fields. The chief counselor of ‘Careers’ spoke to the students about various fields and inquired about their interests and choices in selecting subjects for class 12th. He detailed the future of various fields and subjects covered in college under various fields to the students.

He had one-on-one discussions with the students, and he attempted to understand and resolve their concerns. We were given two forms to fill out at the end of the program: a feedback form and our data forms. The forms were filled out by the students and turned in to the counselor. The session ended at 3 p.m. We discovered a lot about the various streams and their values. I thanked the guest for his helpful advice to the students.

Class 12th Science

Example 2 Report Writing: Cultural Exchange Programme

Exercise: you are tapan/tripti, a student of modern public school, kalka. students of two schools from germany visited your school as a part of a cultural exchange program. students of your school put up a cultural program to welcome them. write a report on the program for your school magazine in 150-200 words(hbse 2019, set d), example 3 report writing: teachers' day celebration, question: you are rohit/simran from g.s.s.s., bhiwani road, rohtak. you took part in your school's celebration of teachers day. create an event report for your school magazine..

Report on Teacher’s Day Celebration

By Rohit, Tagore House

On September 5th, our school, G.S.S.S., Bhiwani Road, Rohtak, celebrated Teacher’s Day and honored the teachers with the help of students.

The school day began at 8 a.m., and after prayer, all of the students who had been appointed as teachers for teacher’s day went to their respective classes to teach. There were three levels of teachers: senior secondary, secondary, and primary. After two periods, the teacher’s day celebration began in the school auditorium. After collecting students’ feedback on teachers, the ranking among teachers was finalized. The first prize was awarded to a primary teacher, the second to a senior secondary teacher, and the third to a Math teacher.

The principal addressed the audience, emphasizing the importance of teachers in today’s society. Then there was a Haryanvi dance performance. The principal was followed by the District Education Officer, who spoke to the students about the teacher’s day. He distributed the prizes to various teachers. There was a refreshment party after the prize distribution.

It was a wonderful day when the students of the school announced the best teacher award.

Browse more Topics on Writing Skills

Browse the following topics to boost your writing skills . These topics will provide you with the ultimate solution to your writing skills. You will be an expert in writing skills after understanding these topics. Readlearexcel’s writing skills are designed by an expert English teacher with 25 years of teaching experience.

  • Advertisement Writing
  • Article Writing
  • Notice Writing
  • Report Writing
  • Letter Writing
  • Speech Writing
  • Essay Writing
  • Paragraph Writing
  • Note-Making
  • Email Writing

Example 4 Report Writing: Accident

Question: write a report in not more than 125 words on a road accident you witnessed on your way to school. sign as meena/mahesh.(hbse 2018, set c), example 5 report writing: cultural week celebration, question: write a report in not more than 125 words on the cultural week celebrated in your school. you are shalini/shekhar, cultural secretary of your school.(hbse 2018 set d).

A Report on Cultural Week

By Shalini/Shekhar

20th March, 2018

The D.A.V.School cultural week was held on March 20th, 2018 with great pomp and circumstance. The formal ceremony lasted four days. At 09:30 a.m., the Principal of the school began the ceremony, which was attended by all of the school’s teachers and students. On that day, the entire campus was festooned with festoons and placards. To commemorate the programme, a committee led by the Principal was formed.

Songs, music, debate, recitation, sports, procession, tree planting, and other activities were part of the cultural programme. The first day was all about songs and music. The competitions drew at least 40 students. There were different types of songs, such as folk songs, modern songs, band songs, and so on. The second day was dedicated to the drama competition. At least four different groups performed. The third day concentrated on debate, recitation, and sports. 

The first session of the final day featured a seminar on the “Future of English in India.” During the function, renowned educator XYZ read a paper. The programme was attended by students from all years and classes. The seminar was also attended by distinguished guests and guardians.

The prize-giving ceremony took place during the second session. The chief guest was the Deputy Commissioner of District Karnal. He gave a brief speech emphasising cultural activities in the realm of education. Then he distributed the prizes among the winners.

Finally, the Principal declared the week’s end with a vote of thanks. This cultural week was a fantastic celebration that enthralled everyone in the school.

Example 6 Report Writing: Historical Place Visit

Exercise: write a report in not more than 125 words giving all the relevant details of your visit to a historical place. sign in as sheetal/shyam of class xii( hbse 2018 set a).

Report on Visit to a Historical Place

By Sheetal/Shyam

Our school’s Education Society organised a trip to the Red Fort in Delhi last week. It was only a one-day trip. There were 80 students in total. We were all excited to see this monumental relic of India’s freedom struggle.

 We arrived at 10:30 a.m. The Red Fort is located in the heart of Delhi. For about 200 years,  the fort was the main residence of the Mughal emperors. In 1639, it was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.

This massive walled citadel with red sandstone walls took around ten years to build. A trip to the Red Fort is not only educational but also cultural. This magnificent monument is a living example of rich Indian culture mingling with Mughal culture, which the Mughals brought to India with them.

Example 7 Report Writing: Independence Day/Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

You are neha of g.s.s.s., bahadurgarh, jhajjar. your school celebrated independence day. write a report on azadi ka amrit mahotsav/ independence day 2022..

Report on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day2022

By Neha, Class 12


August 15, 2022

Being a student of class 12, I am writing a report on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day2022, which was celebrated in G.S.S.S., Bahadurgarh, and Jhajjar. Independence Day function. The school entrance was filled with national flags. Children at a primary school were holding national flags in their hands. The 75th Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in India, with the theme “Nation First, Always First,” was celebrated with different programs. The Rangoli was created in tricolour by class 12 students. The Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav started at 9 A.M. with the flag hoisting by a girl who was highly qualified with excellent academic records. The National Anthem was sung at the time of the flag hoisting.

The Principal, Sh Suresh Kumar, gave a speech on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day2022. He asked the students to celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in their neighbourhood.

Then, the cultural programmes started with Saraswati Vandna by class 11 girls. After that, there was a speech on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in English by Payal, a student of class 12 (Commerce). Then, there was Ragni a teacher on patriotism, which explained the freedom movement of India. After that, the poster-making programmes on Independence Day started.

After cultural and other competitions, the prize distribution programmes started. The chief guest distributed the prizes for the different activities. In the end, sweets were distributed to all, which were organised by our Physical Education Teacher. Thus, the programme ended with flag hoisting by all the students and a song on national integration. The school commemorated the freedom fighters by raising the national flag on the whole campus. Finally, the Principal declared a holiday on August 16.

Example 8 Report Writing: International Yoga Day 2022

You are mahesh of class 12. your school celebrated international yoga day 2022 on june 21. write a report for the newspaper, 'the tribune'..

Report on International Yoga Day 2022.

By Mahesh, class 12.

On June 21, the Govt. Model Sanskriti School in Dhakla observed International Yoga Day 2022. I had the opportunity to attend the school’s yoga day. The programme began at 8 a.m. with the National Anthem.

Sh. Daya Kishan, the principal, spoke to the students about the importance of Yoga for students. People believe that youth are free of stress, anxiety, and tension. That is not correct. The students spend the entire day sitting on the floor and at desks, under the stress of academic pressure. As a result, yoga can provide them with relief from all-day exhaustion while also significantly improving their academic performance. Yoga assists students in reducing stress and mental pressure. Yoga provides students with peace of mind if they practise it on a daily basis at home or at their institutions. Yoga improves students’ memory levels by increasing their attention levels in class, which in turn improves their academic performance.

Our Physical Education teacher instructed the students to be prepared for yoga. The yoga session began at 9 a.m. The programme was attended by all teachers and students. The students were having a good time with the programme. Villagers also attended the school and participated in yoga exercises. Fruit was distributed to the participants at the end. The students were greatly inspired by International Yoga.

Example 9 Report Writing: Tablet Distribution in School

You are himansi of class 12 of g.s.s.s., karnal. the students of your school received free tablets under haryana government free tablet scheme. write a report for the newspaper ‘the tribune’..

A Tablet Distribution Report

By Himansi, Class 12.

14th of June

Under the “Haryana Government Free Scheme,” the Government Senior Sec. School, Karnal held a camp to distribute tablets to pupils of classes 10 and 12. I also had the chance to get the tablet. The tablets were given to students of classes 10 and 12 who arrived at the school. At 8.30 a.m., the enrolment and distribution program began under the supervision of our computer teacher, Sh. Ashish Kumar. The tablets were distributed by the teachers in charge of each class in accordance with Haryana’s Secondary Education department’s directives.

Under the e-Adhigam scheme (Advance Digital Haryana Initiative of the Government with Adaptive Modules), the Haryana government provided free tablets to students in grades 10 and 12.  On the campus of Government Senior Secondary School, Karnal, Haryana, students were ecstatic to receive a free present from the Haryana government, led by our Honourable Chief Minister, Shri Manohar Lal Khattar. The students were ecstatic to use the tablet, and their joy could be shown on their faces. They were enticed by the tablet’s function, the Galaxy Tab A7 light.

For more information, all pupils in both classes were directed to gather in the school’s hall. Our computer teacher went over the features of the tablet and how it works. Finally, Sh. M.S. Yadav, our senior teacher, spoke to the kids about the relevance of Digital India and the use of technology in education. The youngsters were ecstatic to get their hands on the iPads. The National Anthem brought the event to a close.

Example 10 Report Writing: World Environment Day

G.s.s.s. dadri toye, jhajjar, celeberated world environment day on 5th june in the school campus. you are sameer/mansi, the head boy/girl of the school. write a report on the function in not more than 200 words for newspaper, the tribune.

Report on World Environment Day

By Mansi, Class 12

5th June 2022

I, Mansi, the head girl of G.S.S.S., Dadri Toye, got the opportunity to cover the function of the school on World Environment Day on June 5. The function on World Environment Day started at 10 a.m. The function started with the National Anthem and Saraswati Vandana on the prayer ground. Students and staff welcomed the chief guest, Sh. Subhash Bhardwaj, D.E.E.O, Jhajjar. In the beginning, a tree was planted on the school premises by the chief guest. A student from class 12 was handling the stage and declared the details of the program.

Our English teacher, Sh. M. S. Yadav, gave a welcome speech. He gave a detailed speech on the history, theme, and importance of World Environment Day. He told the gathering that the First World Environment was celebrated in 1974 and that this year, Sweden is hosting the conference on that day.

This year, the theme of World Environment Day was ‘# OnlyOneEarth’ and a student of class 12th gave a speech on the importance of ‘# OnlyOneEarth’. Then, the poster-making competition started in the school. Ten students participated in the competition, and a girl from the 12th Science Stream won the first prize. Our school principal and chief guest gave her the trophy and a certificate of appreciation.

In the last, the Principal and the Chief Guest briefed the students about the value of trees in our lives. Sweets were distributed among the students. The program ended with a pledge by the scouts and NSS students.

Example 1 Report Writing: Annual Sports Day

You are Radha/Rajesh, the Sports Captain of your school P.B. Bose Public School. The Annual Sports Day was conducted last Monday. As a sports reporter, write a report in about 120 150 words covering all the details such as day, date, time, venue, Chief Guest, march past, field events, award ceremony, etc. (CBSE 2022)

Reporting on different topics is an art and can be learned with a lot of practise in writing reports on different topics. Reporting on Annual Sports Day is the most common report type which appears in different exams. Before writing a report on Annual Sports Day, you need to know the basics of report writing. You might have seen different events, but sports day is totally different than other events where there is great applause from the audience. Therefore, writing a report on Sports Day must be thrilling, like a game.

The answer to the above question on report writing will help you to excel in report writing on the annual sports day and, hence, your score in the examination for class 12 English will be 100%.

Report Writing on Annual Sports Day

Report on annual sports day of p.b. bose public school.

By Radha/Rajaesh, Sports Captain

November 1, 2022


On November 1, 2022, the P.B. Public hosted its annual sports day meet in honour of Haryana Day in the school play ground. The sports meet starts at 10 a.m. with the speech of The Deputy Commissioner of Jhajjar, Sh. Shakti Singh, the chief guest, spoke to the gathering about the importance of games in our lives. He permitted to start the annual sports day of the school by unfurling the green flag. All the participating teams of houses marched past on the ground with the flags of their houses, and they were cheered by the students and audience gathered on the ground. The annual sports day function began with the athletics of different wings of the school. Then, the four houses participated in Khoko, kabaddi, and badminton. The judges made their decision on the champion house, and Subhash House was declared the overall winner of the annual sports day. In the end, the award ceremony began and the Deputy Commissioner handed over the trophy to the captain of the Subhash House. Thus, the annual sports day came to an end at 6 p.m. with the closing speech by the Principal, Dr. Parbhu Arya.

Report Writing on Annual Day Function at School

On March 25, 2022, G.S.S.S. Dadri Toye, Jhajjar, celebrated its annual day. The Annual Day Celebration started at 10 a.m. in the school auditorium. The programme started with the National Anthem, and there was no class on that day. The students were welcoming the guests and parents. The girls from class 9 were there at the main gate of the school to welcome the visitors. The stage was beautifully decorated by the students. The D.E.O. Jhajjar was the Chief Guest of the Annual Day Function. The principal of the school introduced the guest and gave an introductory speech. Then, the cultural programmes started with the students of the primary wing. There was a drama programme. The Haryanvi dance was performed by the girls of class 12 and the skit play was also performed. The students of class 10 gave a speech on the importance of exams. The prizes for the different activities were given by D.E.O. and, at last, the Principal delivered a speech of thanks and extended his warm regards to the Chief Guest and everyone in the programme at the Annual Day Celebration.

Exercise:  Prepare a report of the Annual Prize Distribution function held in your school last week. You are Lokesh and student editor of school magazine.( HBSE 2017 SET B)

Exercise: The Health Minister of Haryana inaugurated the new Science Block of your school. As the editor of school magazine, prepare a report of the function.(HBSE 2017,SET D)

Related Articles on Report Writing

Write a report on the Teachers’ Day 2022 celebration in your school. Consider yourself Neha/Shyam.

Write a report on Haryana Veer Saheedi Diwas on September 23: Rao Tula Ram Jayanti.

Report on Diwali 2022 Celebration in your School

Report Writing on Haryana Day, November 1, 2022, for 12th

Your school celebrated Gandhi Jayanti on October 2, 2022. You are Luxmi of class 12. Write a report on Gandhi Jayanti.

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Smart English Notes

Report Writing in English – Preparation and Planning, Format, Types, Samples / Examples, Presentation | Class 8th to 12th

Table of Contents


Reports are responses to specific requirements. A report discusses a topic in a structured, easy-to-follow format. Reports are divided into sections with headings and subheadings. Reports can be academic, technical or business related and feature recommendations for specific actions. Reports are written to present facts about a situation, project or process and define and analyze the issue at hand. Reports relay observations to a specific audience in a clear and concise style.

Unlike an essay which is written in a single narrative style from start to finish, each section of a report has its own purpose and will need to be written in an appropriate style to suit – for example, the methods and results sections are mainly descriptive, whereas the discussion section needs to be analytical.

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Preparation and Planning

First identify the audience. Report should be written and tailored to the readers’ needs and expectations. When planning, ask yourself several questions to understand the objective of the report better. Some questions to consider include:

  • Who are the readers?
  • What is the purpose of the report and why is it needed?
  • What important information has to be included in the report?

Once you identify the basics of your report, you may begin to collect supporting information, then sort and evaluate that information. The next step is to organize your information and begin putting it together in an outline. With proper planning, it will be easier to write your report and stay organized.

1. Status Report 2. Event Report 3. Survey Report

The steps are:

  • Problem analysis
  • Data collection
  • Classification of data

Presentation and Style

Present the report in a simple and concise style that is easy to read and navigate. Readers want to be able to look through a report and get to the information they need as quickly as possible. That way a report has a greater impact on the reader.

There are simple formatting styles that can be used throughout a report that will make it easy to read and look organized and presentable. For example:

These will help keep the report organized and can be listed in the table of contents so they can be found quickly.

There are also some writing styles to consider:

  • Keep it simple. Do not try to impress, rather try to communicate. Keep the sentences short and to the point. Do not go into a lot of details unless it is needed. Make sure every word needs to be there that contributes to the purpose of the report.
  • Use active voice rather than passive where possible. Active voice makes the writing move smoothly and easily. For example: “Bad customer service reduces regular business” is more concise and direct than “Regular business is reduced by bad customer service.”
  • Good grammar and punctuation are also important. Read the report aloud and have someone proofread it for you.
  • Remember that the computer cannot catch all the mistakes, especially with words like “red / read” or “there / their.” You may even want to wait for some time after you write it to come back and look at it with fresh eyes.
  • Make the Right Impact Reports should be well organized and easy to follow. To achieve this, follow a structured format. How a report is presented to the reader makes not only a lasting impact but also makes the writer seem credible and the information contained in the report reliable. A finishing touch that can make a great impact on the reader is how you package the report. Always print the final report on good quality paper. You may also consider placing the report in a binder or a folder.

Questions About Report writing Answered

Question 1.

What is report writing in Class 12?

Report writing in Class 12 is a crucial component of the creative writing skills section. It involves composing a report that can be either descriptive or analytical, depending on the given verbal inputs. Students are required to answer a report writing question within a word limit of 120-150 words. They are provided with two options to choose from, and they must attempt only one of them. This question holds a weightage of 5 Marks, with each aspect being assessed individually. The evaluation criteria for report writing include the format, which accounts for 1 mark, the organization of ideas which also holds 1 mark, the content, which carries 2 marks, and the accuracy of spelling and grammar, proportionately assigned 1 mark. Report writing in Class 12 thus presents an opportunity for students to demonstrate their writing skills and effectively convey information in a structured manner.

Question 2.

What are some report writing topics for CBSE?

Report writing is an essential skill for CBSE students, and there are numerous topics that can be explored. Here are some report writing topics for CBSE students:

  • School Annual Day Celebrations: Describing the name of the event, who conducted it, the venue, date, and time. Highlighting the various activities, such as cultural performances, prize distribution, speeches, and the overall quality of the event.

Field Trip Report: Documenting a recent field trip, including the purpose, destination, date, and time. Detailing the places visited, activities undertaken, and the educational value derived from the trip.

Science Exhibition: Providing information about a science exhibition conducted in school, including the name of the event, organizing committee, venue, date, and time. Describing the different projects, experiments, and innovations showcased, as well as evaluating their impact and overall quality.

Community Service Campaign: Reporting on a social work initiative undertaken by the school or a specific group of students. Highlighting the cause, activities conducted, benefitted community, date, and time. Assessing the significance and impact of the campaign in addressing the issue at hand.

Inter-School Sports Tournament: Describing an inter-school sports event, mentioning the name of the tournament, organizing committee, participating schools, venue, date, and time. Detailing the different sports activities, matches played, winners, and the level of competition displayed. Evaluating the organization and management of the tournament.

Book Fair Review: Documenting a book fair held in school or in the local community, including the name, organizers, venue, date, and time. Explaining the variety of books available, their relevance, and the overall arrangement of the fair. Offering an assessment of the fair’s success in promoting reading habits among students.

Remember, while writing a report, it is crucial to include factual information, provide a clear structure, and offer an objective evaluation of the activities or events being reported on.

Question 3.

What are the suggested value points for a report on various activities in an adopted village?

The suggested value points for a report on various activities in an adopted village, as provided by the CBSE sample paper 2021-22, include the following aspects:

  • Description of the event and occasion: The report should mention the name of the event or activity, along with providing details about the occasion. Additionally, it should specify the entity or organization responsible for conducting the event.

Location: The report should include information about where the activity took place, such as the name of the adopted village or any specific venue within the village.

Date and time: It is important to mention the specific date and time of the event or activity in the report.

Activities conducted: The report should provide a detailed account of the various teaching and social work activities that were organized during the event. This could include specifics about the nature of the activities, the beneficiaries, and any significant outcomes or impacts.

Quality assessment: An essential component of the report is to provide an evaluative commentary on the quality of the activities organized. This could involve assessing factors such as the effectiveness of the teaching methods used, the level of community engagement, and the overall impact of the social work efforts.

By addressing these suggested value points, the report will provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse activities undertaken in an adopted village and offer insights into their significance and outcomes.

Question 4.

What are some tips for writing a report effectively?

To write a report effectively, there are several tips to consider. First and foremost, it is crucial to use language that is appropriate for the intended audience. Avoid complex vocabulary when addressing children, as it may hinder comprehension.

Organizing your report into paragraphs is also essential. This helps to structure your ideas and present information in a clear manner. Furthermore, practicing with previous year question papers can be highly beneficial. It allows you to familiarize yourself with the format and style of report writing.

Reading as many report samples as possible is another helpful tip. This provides insight into how reports are typically written and gives you a sense of the expected style and tone. Additionally, when approaching a report question, read it at least twice. By doing so, you can identify and highlight the key information necessary to form a comprehensive response. It is crucial to understand the question fully and read between the lines.

Before you begin writing, it is advisable to plan your report. Make a list of all the important points on a rough sheet of paper, such as the last sheet of your answer booklet. This ensures that you don’t forget any relevant information while writing and helps maintain a logical sequence of ideas.

Presentation plays a vital role in the effectiveness of a report. Double-check for grammatical accuracy and spelling errors, as they can impact your overall marks. Leaving enough space between paragraphs to create a neat appearance is important. Underlining the main points is also recommended, but it’s best to do so after completing the exam. Use a pencil and a ruler for underlining.

Lastly, when writing your report, try to keep your sentences concise. Using shorter sentences reduces the likelihood of grammatical errors and helps maintain clarity throughout your writing.

By following these tips, you can enhance your report writing skills and effectively convey your thoughts and ideas in a well-structured manner.

Question 5.

How are marks allocated for a report writing question in an exam?

Marks for a report writing question in an exam are allocated according to the CBSE Marking scheme for the year 2022-23. The question typically carries 5 marks, which are divided as follows:

  • Format (Heading and Reporter’s name) – This criteria carries 1 mark. It is important to include an appropriate heading and mention the name of the reporter in the format.

Organization of ideas – 1 mark is allocated to the organization of ideas in the report. This entails structuring the report in a logical manner, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Content – 2 marks are awarded on the basis of the content provided in the report. It is crucial to provide relevant and accurate information related to the topic.

Spelling and grammar – 1 mark is dedicated to evaluating the spelling and grammar in the report. Attention should be given to proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar usage to ensure clarity and coherence.

In total, the report writing question is worth 5 marks. Students should focus on all aspects mentioned above to maximize their chances of scoring well on this type of question.

Question 6.

What are the instructions for answering a report writing question in an exam?

When answering a report writing question in an exam, there are several instructions that you should follow:

  • Adapt your language to your audience: It is important to use language that is suitable for the audience you are addressing. For instance, when writing for children, it is advisable to avoid complex vocabulary.

Organize your writing into paragraphs: To ensure clarity and structure in your report, it is essential to write in paragraphs. This helps to break down your ideas and makes it easier for the reader to follow along.

Familiarize yourself with previous year question papers: Practicing previous year question papers can provide valuable insights into the types of questions that may be asked and the format expected for a report.

Read samples to understand the writing style: Reading samples of well-written reports can give you a better understanding of how they are typically structured and what makes them effective.

Carefully analyze the question: Before starting to write, read the question prompt at least twice and highlight the important information. Make sure to grasp the question’s requirements and look for any hidden clues or additional points that need to be addressed.

Plan your answer before writing: To ensure a well-organized and coherent report, take a moment to jot down a list of your main points on the rough sheet provided. This will help you keep track of your ideas and maintain a logical sequence of information.

Focus on presentation: Presentation matters when it comes to writing a report. Pay attention to formatting, spacing, and overall neatness to make your report visually appealing and easy to read.

Check for grammar and spelling errors: Grammatical accuracy and proper spelling are crucial in any written work. Take the time to double-check your report for any mistakes before submitting it, as these errors can affect your overall marks.

Leave adequate space between paragraphs: To enhance readability and give your report a clean appearance, make sure to leave enough space between paragraphs.

Underline key points after completing your exam: Underlining important points can help bring attention to key ideas in your report. However, it is advisable to do this after finishing your exam. Use a pencil and a ruler to ensure neatness.

Keep sentences concise: Writing in small and concise sentences can help minimize the chances of grammatical inaccuracies. Avoid long and complex sentence structures that may increase the risk of making errors.

Question 7.

What are the components of a magazine report?

A magazine report typically consists of several key components that contribute to its structure and overall content. These components include:

  • Heading: The heading of a magazine report provides a brief description of the subject matter or topic being discussed. It helps readers quickly ascertain what the report is about.

Byline: The byline of a magazine report includes the name and designation of the person who has written the report. It helps establish the author’s credibility and expertise on the topic.

Date and Place: The date and place of reporting are mentioned in a magazine report, providing readers with specific information about when and where the event or incident took place.

Opening Paragraph: The opening paragraph serves as an introduction to the report, expanding on the heading and capturing the reader’s attention. It provides a concise overview of the main points to be discussed.

Account of the Event: The main body of the magazine report details the event or incident being reported. This section typically involves a comprehensive chronological account of what transpired, presenting the facts and relevant information in a logical sequence.

Witness Remarks: In a magazine report, witness remarks or statements from individuals involved or present during the event are often included. These comments provide firsthand accounts and perspectives that add depth and authenticity to the report.

Conclusion: The concluding paragraph summarizes the key findings or outcomes of the event and may also mention any actions taken or planned as a result. It wraps up the report by offering a final perspective or recommendation related to the topic at hand.

By incorporating these components effectively, a magazine report can provide readers with a well-rounded and informative account of a specific event or incident.

Question 8.

What are the differences between a newspaper report and a magazine report?

Newspaper reports and magazine reports differ in various aspects, including their format and content. Firstly, in a newspaper report, the headline serves as a descriptive title that accurately represents the contents of the report. In contrast, a magazine report typically has a heading that fulfills a similar purpose.

Secondly, the author’s attribution in a newspaper report is included in the byline, which consists of the writer’s name and their designation. Similarly, a magazine report also includes the writer’s name along with their designation in the byline.

Furthermore, the place and date of reporting are usually mentioned separately in a newspaper report. However, in a magazine report, the date and place of reporting are generally not mentioned separately.

Moreover, the opening paragraph of a newspaper report expands upon the headline and should be concise. On the other hand, a magazine report’s opening paragraph provides an overview of the report but may have more flexibility in terms of length.

Additionally, both newspaper and magazine reports present an account of the event along with witness remarks. This chronologically-organized sequence of the event and its related information is common to both types of reports.

However, the concluding paragraph in a newspaper report typically provides information on the actions taken or to be taken. In contrast, a magazine report’s conclusion focuses on summarizing the report and may offer additional insights or perspectives.

It is worth noting that the language used in both newspaper and magazine reports should be appropriate for the intended audience. Moreover, presentation, organization of ideas, content, spelling, and grammar are critical considerations for writing both types of reports.

Overall, while there are similarities in format and content, the specific differences between a newspaper report and a magazine report lie in the structure, the inclusion of certain details, and the focus of the conclusion.

Question 9.

What is the format of a magazine report?

The format of a magazine report typically includes several key components:

  • Headline : A descriptive title that captures the essence of the report’s content and grabs the reader’s attention.

Byline : The name and designation of the person responsible for writing the report. Personal details should generally be avoided in the report.

Place and Date: Usually not separate in a magazine report, but it is mentioned to provide context and reference.

Opening Paragraph : Provides a succinct and concise overview of the report, expanding on the headline and setting the stage for the subsequent details.

Account of the Event in Detail : This section is typically presented in two parts. Firstly, a comprehensive account of the event is provided, following a chronological sequence if possible. Secondly, any witness remarks or statements related to the event are included to provide additional perspectives.

Concluding Paragraph : The final paragraph wraps up the report by highlighting any actions that have been taken or are planned to address the event or situation discussed in the report.

Overall, the format of a magazine report ensures a structured approach to presenting information in a clear and organized manner, allowing readers to easily understand the content and its implications.

Question 10.

What should be included in the concluding paragraph of a newspaper report?

The concluding paragraph of a newspaper report plays a crucial role in providing a comprehensive closure to the events described. It should encompass several key elements that ensure the reader is informed about the outcome or resolution of the situation being reported. Firstly, it should include a summary of any actions that have been taken or are planned to be implemented as a result of the reported incident or event. These measures or steps signify the proactive response taken by the relevant parties involved. Furthermore, the concluding paragraph should emphasize the significance and impact of the events on the community or relevant individuals. By doing so, it offers a sense of completeness to the report and highlights the importance of understanding the consequences of the described incidents. In essence, the concluding paragraph of a newspaper report should seamlessly combine a summary of actions taken, an emphasis on the events’ significance, and their impact on the community or relevant parties to provide a well-rounded and conclusive closure to the report.

Question 11.

What should be included in the account of the event in a newspaper report?

In crafting a newspaper report on an event, there are two vital components that should be included. First and foremost, it is crucial to provide a comprehensive and accurate account of the event itself, presenting the details in a clear, chronological sequence. This includes reporting on what transpired from the beginning to the end, highlighting key moments and developments as they unfolded. By presenting a complete picture of the event, readers will gain a thorough understanding of the situation.

Equally important is the inclusion of witness remarks. These statements provide firsthand perspectives and add depth to the report. Including quotes or paraphrases from witnesses helps to further contextualize the event and offers a range of viewpoints. By incorporating witness remarks, readers can gain insight into how individuals experienced the event, their emotions, and any relevant details they can contribute.

Additionally, the report should strive to provide a detailed description of the event, capturing the atmosphere, surroundings, and any pertinent details as observed by both the reporter and witnesses. Descriptive language can help paint a vivid picture, allowing the readers to visualize the scene and better comprehend the event.

Ultimately, a comprehensive newspaper report should encompass a complete chronological account of the event, incorporating witness remarks and providing a detailed description. By fulfilling these criteria, the report will inform readers accurately and allow them to fully grasp and engage with the event being reported.

Question 12.

What is the purpose of the opening paragraph in a newspaper report?

The purpose of the opening paragraph in a newspaper report is to captivate the reader’s interest and quickly provide them with an overview of the report. It serves as a bridge between the headline and the main body of the article, offering a concise summary of the key points and setting the tone for the rest of the report. A successful opening paragraph should be engaging, compelling the reader to continue delving into the details of the report.

Question 13.

What are the components of a newspaper report?

A newspaper report consists of several components that help convey information in a concise and organized manner. These components include:

  • Headline : A descriptive title that summarizes the main content of the report.

Byline : The name and designation of the person responsible for writing the report. Personal details are generally omitted.

Place and Date : The location and date of the event or incident being reported. This information may not be explicitly mentioned in all newspaper reports.

Opening Paragraph : A brief introduction that expands upon the headline and provides an overview of the report. It should be concise and capture the reader’s attention.

Account of the Event : This section presents a detailed account of the event or incident, typically organized chronologically. It describes what happened, who was involved, and any significant details or developments.

Witness Remarks : In many cases, newspaper reports include statements or quotes from witnesses or individuals directly involved in the event. These remarks add credibility and provide different perspectives.

Concluding Paragraph : The final paragraph of the report summarizes the actions that have been taken or will be taken based on the event. It may include information on investigations, legal proceedings, or any follow-up actions.

By including these components, a newspaper report ensures that readers receive a comprehensive and factual understanding of the event or incident being reported.

Question 14.

What is the format of a newspaper report?

The format of a newspaper report typically consists of several key elements. Firstly, there is the headline, which serves as a descriptive title that conveys the main theme of the report. This is followed by the byline, which includes the name and designation of the writer responsible for the report. Unlike magazine reports, newspaper reports also mention the place and date of reporting separately.

The opening paragraph of a newspaper report provides a concise overview of the report, expanding on the information presented in the headline. It sets the context for the reader and grabs their attention. The report then continues with a detailed account of the event, generally divided into two parts. The first part presents a chronological sequence of what occurred, while the second part includes any witness remarks or key statements related to the event.

A concluding paragraph is also included in a newspaper report. This section provides information on any actions that have been or will be taken in response to the event. It could involve discussing measures to address the situation, highlighting further investigations, or providing updates on any ongoing developments.

In terms of writing style, it is crucial to use appropriate language suitable for the intended audience. Structuring the report with paragraphs aids readability and understanding. Prior preparation, such as practicing with previous year question papers and reading samples, is beneficial to familiarize oneself with the necessary writing style. Effective planning before writing ensures a clear and organized sequence of ideas. Additionally, attentiveness to presentation, grammatical accuracy, and spelling is essential. Underlining main points and breaking down sentences into smaller ones can help minimize grammatical errors. Leaving adequate space between paragraphs enhances the overall appearance of the report.

In summary, a newspaper report format includes a headline, byline, place and date of reporting, opening paragraph, detailed account of the event, and a concluding paragraph. Language suitable for the audience, paragraph structuring, prior practice, and attention to presentation, grammar, and spelling are key to writing an effective report.

Question 15.

What are the traits of a well-written report?

A well-written report must exhibit several essential traits. Firstly, it should strictly adhere to the specifications outlined in the report brief, ensuring that all required elements are included. Additionally, it should demonstrate a thorough analysis of relevant information, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, the report should present its material in a logical and coherent order, allowing readers to easily follow the flow of ideas and arguments. This involves organizing the content in a structured manner, so that each section builds upon the previous one, leading to a clear and concise conclusion.

Furthermore, the report should be presented in a consistent manner, aligning with the instructions provided in the report brief. This includes standardizing elements such as formatting, citation style, and overall presentation, ensuring a professional and polished appearance.

Lastly, a well-written report must draw appropriate conclusions that are supported by the evidence and analysis presented throughout the report. These conclusions should be logical and objective, providing a summary of the findings in a way that demonstrates a careful consideration of the available information.

Question 16.

What are some report writing examples for class 12?

Sure! Here are some report writing examples for class 12:

  • Report on the Impact of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health and Well-being

This report examines the influence of social media on teenagers, focusing on its effect on mental health indicators such as self-esteem, body image, and social interactions. It also discusses the potential risks and benefits of social media usage among this age group.

  • Report on the Causes and Consequences of Air Pollution in Urban Areas

This report investigates the reasons behind air pollution in urban areas, analyzing the sources of pollutants, their environmental impacts, and the health effects on the community. It also suggests possible measures or policies to mitigate air pollution.

  • Report on the Importance of Integrating Physical Fitness Activities into School Curriculum

This report explores the significance of incorporating physical fitness activities into the school curriculum, highlighting the potential benefits on students’ overall well-being, academic performance, and long-term health. It also discusses effective strategies for implementing physical fitness programs in schools.

  • Report on the Scope and Implications of Cyberbullying in the Digital Age

This report delves into the issue of cyberbullying, discussing its prevalence, different forms, and the psychological effects on victims. It also provides recommendations on how to raise awareness, address cyberbullying incidents, and create a safe online environment for young individuals.

  • Report on the Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Practices and Food Security

This report examines the impact of climate change on agricultural systems, analyzing its effects on crop yields, water resources, and food security. It also discusses adaptation strategies, technological innovations, and policy measures to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change on agriculture and enhance food security.

  • Report on the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Development

This report investigates the advantages and feasibility of utilizing renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, in promoting sustainable development. It explores the environmental and economic benefits, technologies, and policy frameworks associated with renewable energy adoption.

  • Report on the Importance of Water Conservation in Addressing Global Water Scarcity

This report emphasizes the urgency of water conservation in the face of global water scarcity, discussing current challenges, sustainable water management practices, and innovative technologies. It also highlights the role of individuals, communities, and governments in conserving water resources.

  • Report on Promoting Gender Equality in Leadership Positions

This report explores the importance of promoting women’s participation and representation in leadership positions, examining the challenges faced by women in various sectors and the benefits of gender diversity . It provides insights and recommendations for promoting equal opportunities and inclusivity in leadership roles.

  • Report on the Integration of Technology in Education for Enhanced Learning Outcomes

This report analyzes the impact of technology on education, highlighting its potential to enhance teaching and learning processes. It discusses the benefits, challenges, and best practices for integrating technology in the classroom, as well as the role of educators and policymakers in ensuring effective implementation.

  • Report on Student Mental Health: Understanding Stressors and Promoting Well-being

This report investigates the factors contributing to stress among students, analyzing the impact on their mental health and academic performance. It explores strategies for managing stress effectively, including support systems, intervention programs, and mental health awareness campaigns in educational settings.


What is the format of report writing?


What are the specific formats for magazine reports and newspaper reports?

The specific formats for magazine reports and newspaper reports may include headings, bylines, opening paragraphs, accounts of the event in detail, and concluding paragraphs. Magazine reports may also include additional elements such as images, captions, sidebars, or pull quotes to enhance the visual appeal. Newspaper reports often follow a specific structure called the “inverted pyramid,” where the most important information is presented first, followed by supporting details in descending order of significance.

How should the report be presented consistently according to the instructions of the report brief?

The report should be presented consistently according to the instructions of the report brief. This means following any specified formatting guidelines, such as font size, margins, line spacing, and referencing style. Additionally, the report should maintain a consistent tone and writing style throughout, adhering to the requirements outlined in the report brief.

How should the material be structured in a report?

The material in a report should be structured in a logical and coherent order. This typically involves organizing the report into sections such as an introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion, and recommendations. The sections should flow smoothly, with clear headings and subheadings to guide the reader through the report.

What are the specifications of a report brief?

The specifications of a report brief refer to the specific instructions or guidelines provided for the report. These instructions may include details such as the purpose of the report, the target audience, the required format, the length or word count, the deadline, and any specific sections or headings that need to be included.

What traits should a well-written report possess?

A well-written report should possess the traits of adherence to the specifications of the report brief, analysis of relevant information, structuring material in a logical and coherent order, presentation in a consistent manner according to the instructions of the report brief, and making appropriate conclusions that are supported by the evidence and analysis of the report.

Format of Report Writing

“The format of report writing encompasses several key components that ensure a well-structured and informative document. These components include the findings, discussion, conclusion, recommendations, references, bibliography, and appendices.

Findings: The findings section presents the factual information discovered during the research or investigation. It is essential to provide only the facts without any interpretation by the report writer. To enhance clarity, tables, graphs, or diagrams can be utilized in this section. The findings should be directly relevant to the issues and problems identified in the Terms of Reference. Moreover, it is crucial to arrange the findings in a logical order with appropriate headings and sub-headings.

Discussion: In some cases, the report may require an analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of the findings. The discussion section aims to bring together different aspects of the findings and may reference relevant theories. This section allows for a deeper understanding of the information presented.

Conclusion: The conclusion section presents the inferences drawn from the previous sections. It includes brief statements summarizing the key findings of the report, with a more detailed explanation provided in the Findings and/or Discussion sections. The major conclusions should be presented first and directly relate to the objectives outlined in the Terms of Reference or Introduction.

Recommendations: While optional, the recommendations section provides an opportunity for the report writer to propose suggestions or solutions to the identified problems. This section may include the writer’s opinions on necessary changes, actions to be taken, and who should be responsible for implementing them. It is essential to specify what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done.

References: The references section is not included in the word count and serves as a list of sources used and referred to in the report. It is important to follow the APA referencing style when listing the sources.

Bibliography: The bibliography section, though not always required, lists sources that were consulted during the research but were not directly cited in the report. This section provides additional resources for readers interested in further exploration of the topic. The bibliography is not included in the word count.

Appendices: Also not always required, the appendices section allows for the inclusion of relevant additional information. This may consist of interview questions, surveys, a glossary, or other pertinent materials. It is important to note that appendices are not included in the word count and should be clearly labeled.”

By including the details from Their article while maintaining the voice and tone of Your article, the passage now offers a more thorough explanation of the format of report writing. It covers the key components outlined in Your article while incorporating the specific traits and guidelines mentioned in Their article, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the report writing process.

General Template of a Report

Introduction / terms if reference.

This section briefly states the purpose and scope of the report. This includes who requested the report, the main issues or problems to be identified, the reason for undertaking the report and the due date of the report.

This section addresses three questions:

i. Why the report was written?

ii. Who it was written for?

iii. What the scope of the report is?

In this section the writer explains the procedures used or the processes involved. For example, visits to places/sites, interviews with people and so on.

Findings /Discussion

This is the main part of the report because it gives facts and evidence collected by following the procedures.

  • What was found during the research or investigation.
  • Gives the facts only – no interpretation by the writer of the report.
  • Tables, graphs or diagrams can be used.
  • Must be relevant to the issues and
  • problems identified in the Terms of Reference.
  • Arranged in a logical order with headings and sub-headings.

Discussion :

You may also be required to analyse, interpret and evaluate the findings. The discussion draws together different parts of the findings and may refer to findings of theories.

The inferences drawn from what is mentioned in the previous section are presented here.

  • Brief statements of the key findings of the report (full explanation is given in the Findings and/or Discussion).
  • Arranged so the major conclusions come first.
  • Should relate directly to the objectives set out in the Terms of Reference or Introduction.


This section is optional. If the writer has been asked to make suggestions or recommendations, they will be presented here. It includes the opinions of the writer of the report about possible changes, or solutions to the problems, including who should take action, what should be done, when and how it should be done.


  • Not part of the word count
  • A list of the sources that are used in and referred to in the report.
  • Use APA referencing style.


  • Not always required
  • Lists any sources that were read for the research but were not cited in the report.
  • Bibliography is not included in the word count.
  • Additional relevant information. May
  • include interview questions, surveys, glossary etc.
  • Appendices are not included in the word count) .


On a Civil Engineering Project

The Chief Executive Engineer

BBMP Head Office

Hudson Circle, Bengaluru-02

Title: Status of construction of the flyover at West of Chord Road, Rajajinagara.

Terms of Reference:

On July 22, 2019, Larsen & Turbo, a construction company, entered into a contract with BBMP to construct a two way flyover at West of Chord Road, Rajajinagara, Ist Block signal toat a cost of 17 crores. The construction was to begin on 1st December, 2019 and be completed by October, 2020. It was agreed that the Government would be provided interim progress reports on 15th January, 15th July and 15th December, 2020.

Work completed to date:

The construction company has completed the following jobs:

  • Survey and planning completed on 31st October.

The foundation work started on 15th November.

Pillar work completed on 15th July.

Work in progress:

Insertion of the cables began on 2nd August and the work has been going on as per the schedule.

Work to be completed:

The company has assured that they would complete the following works by 31st October:

a) Assembling the Slabs.

b) Concreting the road.

Anticipated problems:

As a result of the nationwide lorry strike which is a week old, the construction company anticipates problems in procuring steel in time. But efforts are being made to use their lorries overtime and get the work done in time.But for this problem, there does not seem to be any other hitch in getting the work completed on schedule.


Such a report is about an event that takes place in a college or any other place. It begins with a dramatic note and is followed by the details of the programme or the event. It should have a proper beginning and a conclusion. The sentences should be clear and short. The details should be specific. The report should be divided into suitable paragraphs.

Inauguration of Sports Activities:

It was a memorable day in the annals of our college. Santhosh Dravid, the most popular cricket player of our country as well as the world, had arrived as the chief guest to inaugurate the sports activities of the college for the present year. All of us were excited to receive such a star of cricket. We had taken interest in decorating the entrance as well as the auditorium. Some of us had exhibited a collage of pictures marking the milestones of his cricket career. The guest arrived at 10 am and he was ceremoniously welcomed by the Physical Instructor, the Sports Secretary and a few office bearers of the Association. Hundreds of us were there, indeed, to cheer him and click pictures. He was taken to the Principal’s chamber for a cup of tea. He was happy to see the creative collage of his cricket career.

The function began at 10.30 am. The programme was anchored by Ms. Meena, Joint Secretary for Sports. It began with an invocation followed by lighting the lamp as a token of inauguration. Our Physical Instructor, Ramanna introduced the guest highlighting his unique achievements, his awards and his contribution to the world of cricket. He also welcomed the guest as well as the audience. The Principal honoured him with a bouquet, a shawl, a fruit bowl and a memento.

Then the chief guest rose to speak. The auditorium was silent to listen to every word of the cricketing hero. He mentioned a few major events of his life that led him to play cricket and learn it.

He thanked his cricket coach for his invaluable guidance and motivation. He explained that there were quite a number of ups and downs in his career before he could reach the peak. He ended his talk with a suggestion that we should do well in the field of our passion. He made it clear that we should not worry about the hurdles and face them with confidence. Hard work is the only way to success, he said. He sat down to a thunderous applause.

The vote of thanks was proposed by the Sports Secretary. Later all of us thronged him for photos. It was a memorable day for us and we shared our photos as well as the message with our friends.



To: Shankar Das, Chairman



In July you asked us to investigate the reasons for the fall in attendance the the concerts and to submit a report with recommendations by December.


a) The attendance figures of the previous year were obtained.

b) Members of the academy and some others were interviewed.

c) A questionnaire was sent to all the current members and also those who discontinued membership in the last 12 months.


a) The attendance figures in the previous year were as follows:

First Quarter 3000

Second Quarter 2400

Third Quarter 1900

Fourth Quarter 1300

  • Majority of the members are of the opinion that the quality of music has deteriorated and that they miss the maestros of the previous era.
  • Most of the artistes who performed in the last two years actually experimented on stage in the name of innovation.
  • Lack of discretion in the choice of programmes.
  • Inadequate communication. Members were not informed about the last minute changes in concert schedules and also about the change in artistes sometimes.


Attendance at concerts shows a noticeable decline because of dissatisfaction with the quality of music and administrative lapses in sending communication to the members and the general public. Failure to redress them may lead to a further decline in

membership and might gradually erode the reputation of the Academy.


  • The organising committee should be objective in their selection of programmes and artistes and should set aside personal preferences.

There should be a wide range of programmes.

Members should be informed of the concerts for a whole quarter and changes in them, if any, should be notified in the press immediately. This should also be followed by personal communication.

There should be a campaign for enrolling life members.

A number of schemes should be planned to attract membership.

The programmes should be given wider publicity.

Sunil Kumar

Madan Mohan

Sangeetha Biswas

Members, Reporting Committee.

Appendix: Questionnaire

  • Imagine that you have been asked to conduct a survey as the Student Welfare Officer of your institution about the use of the library and reading room facilities and submit a report to him/her with your recommendations.

Consider the following points:

  • Do students read magazines of general interest or sports / Film magazines?
  • What types of books are generally issued out, text books or reference books?
  • How many students refer to dictionaries, encyclopaedia or other books kept for reference only?
  • Do students prefer CDs to books?
  • Wherever available, do students use the internet facility more than the reference section in the library?

2. The Department of Student Welfare is concerned about the deteriorating food habits of students in the city. Imagine that you have been asked to conduct a survey and present a report.

You may use the following hints:

  • Preference for junk food among youth
  • Fast food consumption- as a fashion statement/ increased availability
  • Irregular food timings
  • Effects of these food habits lead to early onset of lifestyle-related diseases
  • Solutions to the issue could be achieved through awareness, availability of healthy food on campuses

3. Your college conducted an intercollegiate youth fest in the month of October.

Write an event report for the college magazine using the following hints.

Inaugurals – various competitions – participation by various colleges – festive atmosphere – prize distribution – valedictory.

4. You are an officer working for PWD. You have been entrusted with the task of construction of a public library.

Write a status report to The Chief Engineer by using the following hints.

Survey and planning is complete – foundation work started delay due to heavy rains – work likely to be completed by

December 2019.

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newspaper report writing for class 12


Newspaper Report Writing

Report generator.

newspaper report writing for class 12

One of the essentials of becoming a journalist is writing a newspaper report. When writing the said report in the newspaper, it is essential that your report must be able to answer these following questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. But aside from these questions, the most important one remains to be: so what? The question “so what” refers to the impact of the said news report and how it affects the general public in any way. For instance, Cable News Network (CNN) reports that North Korea and US representatives will meet in Finland.

So what will this meeting mean to the American citizens? What about to the North Koreans or even the South Koreans? Who are the participants going to be? Will the concept of peace talks between the two countries push through? Is it going to be successful? And if ever it does, does that mean that North Korea is planning to go for denuclearization? These are the kinds of questions that the journalist needs to ask for the curious public to know and find out as they read about it.

According to the book The Elements of Journalism written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in their book, they stated that the first two principles of journalism would be to the truth and to its citizens. You may or may not be taking up journalism or any of its related courses, but it is important for you to know how actual journalists gather the news. You may also see news article outline example .

Skillswise Football Newspaper Article Example

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How to Write a Newspaper Report

Figure out what to write about.

Normally, it would be the assignments editor or the desk editor that would give you the occasion or incident that you would need to write about. Other styles of journalism are better for things like profiles, advice articles, and opinion pieces. But there are times that they would not be around to hand you your assignment for the day. So what would you then? You may also see Interview Report Examples .

a. The first thing you can do is to ask around for story ideas, especially government officials and public relations representatives.

b. Take a copy of today’s newspaper and check for an interesting news article that piques your interest, or maybe you can scan the news to see what is already happening. This could lead to you finding other story ideas that are related.

c. Check for any updates in social media to find out about the local events that might be occurring soon.

d. Attend city council meetings to find out if there are any local issues happening in your area. For instance, you can sit in with the regional health department and listen to the seminars or any health advisories given by the doctors on a certain disease.

e. If you are assigned to cover as a court reporter, sit in on trials at the courthouse and see if anything interesting happens that you could report on.

Newspaper Report

Go to the scene

Journalists are not office people. Let’s get that straight. They do not get their news by sitting in the office, browsing through social media just waiting for it to happen. The journalist has to go out and get his or her hands dirty (figuratively, and not literally nor morally). Once you find out what you want to write about, conduct some field work. It might take minutes, or it might even take hours, but regardless, you still need to go out there. It will be difficult to write about something that you are not present at. You may also see How to Write a Report .

a. Write down everything you see and everything that takes place.

b. Record and take notes of any speeches that occur at events. Make sure to get the names, position and contact details of the speaker in case you might have further questions or clarifications that need answering.

newspaper report writing for class 12

Conduct interviews

Who your interview will depend on what you are reporting on. But take note that you cannot interview just anyone. For instance, if your report will be about the effects of marijuana in the body, interviewing just any doctor would not suffice. You would need to interview a specialist whose field and research lies on these illegal drugs. You would want to get a broad range of quotes for your report, so try to interview an array of people.

Good people to interview are event coordinators, lawyers, police, business owners, volunteers, participants, and witnesses. If you need to find people to schedule interviews with them, use the internet to find contact information or gather contact information about them in the field. You can also interview people directly at the scene, depending on your news report topic.

a. If the story is controversial or political, make sure to get multiple points of view from different sides of the issue. In journalism, only getting two sides is considered “armageddon”, meaning it only represents a good and evil side.

b. Prepare a sample list of questions. But do not always stick with them. Ask more questions should the need arise to make your report as comprehensive as possible, making your story newsworthy.

c. Think of an interview as a conversation. Do not be too casual, and do not be too demanding as well. It is important to speak to someone with authority. You may also see Report Outline Examples .

d. Record the interview. But as you record the interview, make sure that you take down notes as well in the interview and jot the specific time frame as to when the answer was given so that you would not have to listen to the whole interview for that specific comment.

e. Make sure to get the full names (spelled correctly) of anyone you interviewed. Try to get their contact details as well so that you can ask them for further questions or clarifications.

newspaper report writing for class 12

Transcribe the interviews and speeches

This would probably be the most tiring of step of them all, but you gotta do it anyway. Every word, every pause, every sentence. Take note of them all. So that it would be easier on your part to find all the necessary quotes required for the story. In case if a certain quote needs clarification, best contact the source so that he or she can verify that.

Do research on the subject

Research, research, research. If you do not know something and would like to find out about it, Google it. Almost everything can be found on the Internet now. One important thing about conducting research is that you can add additional information about that certain topic which can make your story more substantial and newsworthy. You may also see Recommendation Report Examples .

The Daily News Report Example


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The Elements of News

There are elements that need to be considered when one writes a news report. In the book “The Daily Miracle: An Introduction to Journalism”, Conley and Lamble (2006) present these eight updated elements of news as the basis in determining newsworthiness for news stories that are being published namely: impact, conflict, timeliness, proximity, prominence, currency, human interest and unusual.

newspaper report writing for class 12

1. Impact. According to the proponents, an impact is equivalent to newsworthiness. This value not only represents a story’s importance to society but also mirrors a greater significance of the decisions one makes in his or her life.

2 . Conflict. When one thinks about conflict stories, the first thing that would pop in mind would be issues surrounding murder, crimes of any scale, terrorist attacks, even political clashes and war between nations. Conflict-based stories usually entice interest to the general public. You may also see Progress Report writing .

3 . Timeliness. This is the quality that pertains to “being news”. Currency and timeliness are both similar news values since they relate to the significance of the ‘when’ element.

4 . Proximity. This value is particularly associated with the ‘where’ element of the story. Sometimes, proximity-based stories involving ethnic and cultural differences would result in gaps among the minorities and community at large. A national story can also be considered a local news story if the story is framed in a local context. You may also see Short Report 

5 . Prominence. This value most often associated with people who are highly recognizable locally, nationally and even internationally that the common public takes an interest in their solo lives as well. However, prominence is more associated with credibility than with position.

6 . Currency. Also known as the concept of “now”, currency not only relates to controversy, trends but also towards lifestyle and technology. But in determining news value through currency leaning on a more serious light, the media must be able to assess on whether the strength and relevance of the new conditions being added to the ongoing story incite intellectual discussion. You may also see Business Report .

7 . Human interest. One thing that comes to mind when human interest is mentioned is a feature or ‘soft’ stories in newspapers; though it can be said that all news stories possess a human interest to a certain degree. Human interest stories can range from humorous to tragic incidents to the basic necessities that are sometimes taken for granted like food clothes, and shelter, to rising social issues. It is these types of news that can sometimes ‘give a human face’ to the issue that can sometimes bring out the best of a person’s good heart and nature. You may also see Formal Report .

8 . Unusual. And finally, there is the news value of the unusual which from the word itself, dictates that the story is simply out of the ordinary; not to mention it conflicts with existing practices and contradicts current trends as well.

School Newspaper Report Writing Example

School Newspaper Report Writing Example

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The Basic News Structure

Writing the news takes practice and skill that requires you to gather the necessary information that the public needs to be aware of. Most, if not all journalists follow a specific format called the inverted pyramid wherein the most important information is written first all the way down to the least important information. Remember that in news writing, a sentence is equivalent to a paragraph, so it is important to only place one thought per sentence in order for the article not to become too wordy in one paragraph. The inverted pyramid consists of four parts:

1. Lead.  This opening paragraph is considered most essential part of a news report that can be written in one to two sentences or 27 words to be exact. A good lead manages to grab the audience’s interests and must answer the question: “So what?” The lead gives readers the most important information in a clear, concise and interesting manner. It also establishes the voice and direction of an article. You may also see  Performance Report Examples

2. Context or Contrast or Controversy or Conflict.  Context is defined as the parts of a discourse that surround a word (or in this case, an event). What parts do you think the audience already knows and what do you think is new they would need to know? Contrast presents the readers with opposites of the said issue.

3. Quote.  Quotes add substantial basis to the said issue at hand, and it is one way to prove that the reporter is not lying and that the source has really said it. Quotes are also written to give the people a voice that allows them to be heard by society.

4. Core.  The core is the final part of your news outline wherein all other supporting details that the journalist would want to include is going to be written there.

You may also see writing entertainment news outline to give you another idea on how the ‘soft’ news can be written. Writing the news is never easy. It is challenging and tough. There are days that the source will not answer your questions, or the story itself is bigger than it seems that you are not able to submit the story on time. It’s OK. Just remember to do what you can in your situation and be persistent!


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Report Writing


  • Updated on  
  • Nov 4, 2023

Report Writing

The term “report” refers to a nonfiction work that presents and/or paraphrases the facts on a specific occasion, subject, or problem. The notion is that a good report will contain all the information that someone who is not familiar with the subject needs to know. Reports make it simple to bring someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is far from simple. This blog will walk you through the fundamentals of report writing, including the structure and practice themes.

This Blog Includes:

What is a report, reporting formats, newspaper or magazine reports, business reports, technical reports, what is report writing, report writing: things to keep in mind, structure of report writing, magazine vs newspaper report writing format, report writing format for class 10th to 12th, report writing example, report writing for school students: practice questions, report writing slideshare.

  • Report Writing in 7 steps

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A report is a short document written for a particular purpose or audience. It usually sets out and analyses a problem often recommended for future purposes. Requirements for the precise form of the report depend on the department and organization. Technically, a report is defined as “any account, verbal or written, of the matters pertaining to a given topic.” This could be used to describe anything, from a witness’s evidence in court to a student’s book report.

Actually, when people use the word “report,” they usually mean official documents that lay out the details of a subject. These documents are typically written by an authority on the subject or someone who has been tasked with conducting research on it. Although there are other forms of reports, which are discussed in the following section, they primarily fulfil this definition.

What information does reporting contain? All facts are appreciated, but reports, in particular, frequently contain the following kinds of information:

  • Information about a circumstance or event
  • The aftereffects or ongoing impact of an incident or occurrence
  • Analytical or statistical data evaluation
  • Interpretations based on the report’s data
  • Based on the report’s information, make predictions or suggestions
  • Relationships between the information and other reports or events

Although there are some fundamental differences, producing reports and essays share many similarities. Both rely on facts, but essays also include the author’s personal viewpoints and justifications. Reports normally stick to the facts only, however, they could include some of the author’s interpretation in the conclusion.

Reports are also quite well ordered, frequently with tables of contents of headers and subheadings. This makes it simpler for readers to quickly scan reports for the data they need. Essays, on the other hand, should be read from beginning to end rather than being perused for particular information.

Depending on the objective and audience for your report, there are a few distinct types of reports. The most typical report types are listed briefly below:

  • Academic report: Examines a student’s knowledge of the subject; examples include book reports, historical event reports, and biographies.
  • Identifies data from company reports, such as marketing reports, internal memoranda, SWOT analyses, and feasibility reports, that is useful in corporate planning.
  • Shares research findings in the form of case studies and research articles, usually in scientific publications.

Depending on how they are written, reports can be further categorised. A report, for instance, could be professional or casual, brief or lengthy, and internal or external. A lateral report is for persons on the author’s level but in separate departments, whereas a vertical report is for those on the author’s level but with different levels of the hierarchy (i.e., people who work above you and below you).

Report formats can be as varied as writing styles, but in this manual, we’ll concentrate on academic reports, which are often formal and informational.

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Major Types of Reports

While the most common type of reports corresponds to the ones we read in newspapers and magazines, there are other kinds of reports that are curated for business or research purposes. Here are the major forms of report writing that you must know about:

The main purpose of newspaper or magazine reports is to cover a particular event or happening. They generally elaborate upon the 4Ws and 1H, i.e. What, Where, When, Why, and How. The key elements of newspaper or magazine report writing are as follows:

  • Headline (Title)
  • Report’s Name, Place, and Date
  • Conclusion (Citation of sources)

Here is an example of a news report:

Credit: Pinterest

Business reports aim to analyze a situation or case study by implementing business theories and suggest improvements accordingly. In business report writing, you must adhere to a formal style of writing and these reports are usually lengthier than news reports since they aim to assess a particular issue in detail and provide solutions. The basic structure of business reports includes:

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive summary
  • Findings/Recommendations

The main purpose of the technical report is to provide an empirical explanation of research-based material. Technical report writing is generally carried out by a researcher for scientific journals or product development and presentation, etc. A technical report mainly contains 

  • Introduction
  • Experimental details
  • Results and discussions
  • Body (elaborating upon the findings)

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A report is a written record of what you’ve seen, heard, done, or looked into. It is a well-organized and methodical presentation of facts and results from an event that has already occurred. Reports are a sort of written assessment that is used to determine what you have learned through your reading, study, or experience, as well as to provide you with hands-on experience with a crucial skill that is often used in the business.

Before writing a report, there are certain things you must know to ensure that you draft a precise and structured report, and these points to remember are listed below:

  • Write a concise and clear title of the report.
  • Always use the past tense.
  • Don’t explain the issue in the first person, i.e. ‘I’ or ‘Me’. Always write in the third person.
  • Put the date, name of the place as well as the reporter’s name after the heading.
  • Structure the report by dividing it into paragraphs.
  • Stick to the facts and keep it descriptive.

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The format of a report is determined by the kind of report it is and the assignment’s requirements. While reports can have their own particular format, the majority use the following general framework:

  • Executive summary: A stand-alone section that highlights the findings in your report so that readers will know what to expect, much like an abstract in an academic paper. These are more frequently used for official reports than for academic ones.
  • Introduction: Your introduction introduces the main subject you’re going to explore in the report, along with your thesis statement and any previous knowledge that is necessary before you get into your own results.
  • Body: Using headings and subheadings, the report’s body discusses all of your significant findings. The majority of the report is made up of the body; in contrast to the introduction and conclusion, which are each only a few paragraphs long, the body can span many pages.
  • In the conclusion, you should summarize all the data in your report and offer a clear interpretation or conclusion. Usually, the author inserts their own personal judgments or inferences here.

Report Writing Formats

It is quintessential to follow a proper format in report writing to provide it with a compact structure. Business reports and technical reports don’t have a uniform structure and are generally based on the topic or content they are elaborating on. Let’s have a look at the proper format of report writing generally for news and magazines and the key elements you must add to a news report:

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The report writing structure for students in grades 10 and 12 is as follows.

  • Heading :  A title that expresses the contents of the report in a descriptive manner.
  • Byline : The name of the person who is responsible for drafting the report. It’s usually included in the query. Remember that you are not allowed to include any personal information in your response.
  •  (introduction) : The ‘5 Ws,’ or WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and WHERE, as well as WHO was invited as the main guest, might be included.
  • The account of the event in detail : The order in which events occurred, as well as their descriptions. It is the primary paragraph, and if necessary, it can be divided into two smaller paragraphs.
  • Conclusion : This will give a summary of the event’s conclusion. It might include quotes from the Chief Guest’s address or a summary of the event’s outcome.


Credit: SlideShare

Now that you are familiar with all the formats of report writing, here are some questions that you can practice to understand the structure and style of writing a report.

  • You are a student of Delhi Public School Srinagar handling a campus magazine in an editorial role. On the increasing level of global warming, write a report on the event for your school magazine. 
  • On the Jammu-Srinagar highway, a mishap took place, where a driver lost his control and skidded off into a deep gorge. Write a report on it and include all the necessary details and eyewitness accounts. 
  • As a reporter for the Delhi Times, you are assigned to report on the influx of migrants coming from other states of the country. Take an official statement to justify your report.
  • There is a cultural program in Central Park Rajiv Chowk New Delhi. The home minister of India is supposed to attend the event apart from other delegates. Report the event within the 150-200 word limit. 
  • Write today’s trend of COVID-19 cases in India. As per the official statement. include all the necessary details and factual information. Mention the state with a higher number of cases so far.
  • In Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi, a table tennis tournament was held between Delhi Public School New Delhi and DPS Punjab. Report the event in 250-300 words.

Also Read: Formal Letter Format, Types & Samples

Credits: Slideshare

Report Writ ing in 7 steps

  • Choose a topic based on the assignment
  • Conduct research
  • Write a thesis statement
  • Prepare an outline
  • Write a rough draft
  • Revise and edit your report
  • Proofread and check for mistakes

Make sure that every piece of information you have supplied is pertinent. Remember to double-check your grammar, spelling, tenses, and the person you are writing in. A final inspection against any structural criteria is also important. You have appropriately and completely referenced academic work. Check to make sure you haven’t unintentionally, purposefully, or both duplicated something without giving credit.

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Any business professional’s toolkit must include business reports. Therefore, how can you create a thorough business report? You must first confirm that you are familiar with the responses to the following three questions.

Every company report starts with an issue that needs to be fixed. This could be something straightforward, like figuring out a better way to organise procuring office supplies, or it could be a more challenging issue, like putting in place a brand-new, multimillion-dollar computer system.

You must therefore compile the data you intend to include in your report. How do you do this? If you’ve never conducted in-depth research before, it can be quite a daunting task, so discovering the most efficient techniques is a real plus.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you with a comprehensive understanding of report writing and its essential components. Aiming to pursue a degree in Writing? Sign up for an e-meeting with our study abroad experts and we will help you in selecting the best course and university as well as sorting the admission process to ensure that you get successfully shortlisted.

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Ankita Mishra

A writer with more than 10 years of experience, including 5 years in a newsroom, Ankita takes great pleasure in helping students via study abroad news updates about universities and visa policies. When not busy working you can find her creating memes and discussing social issues with her colleagues.

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  • Report Writing On Flood

Report Writing on Flood

One of the most common topics that are included in the English language is report writing. Report writing is generally introduced in the syllabus of students who are in higher classes. Students can be asked to write reports about various topics, and one of such topics is floods.

Floods are quite common in low-lying areas and areas that are near water bodies. Floods mostly happen when rivers overflow due to heavy or incessant rain. Areas that get submerged in water don’t have adequate dams built to hold the flowing water. Almost every year, many areas and farming lands go under water. Hundreds of people get affected and either lose their livelihoods or homes during this situation.

So when you are writing a report about floods, you need to mention factors including the reasons that have led to the floods, the areas that have been flooded, the damage that has been caused by the floods, the measures taken to help with the damage, and the people affected.

The following flood reports will help you write the same even if you are writing them for the first time. So without wasting much time, go through the reports given below.

Report of Flood in West Bengal

The entire district of Bakura, West Bengal, faced heavy rainfall for hours this week. More than five villages were flooded and over five lakh people were affected. The flood was mainly caused due to the increased level of water in the Damodar. The areas drained by the river were affected badly as most of the land went under water. The agricultural lands and livestock were badly affected too. Though the authorities had moved around three lakh people to different flood shelters, many were still stuck. The NDRF and army personnel were deployed to handle the situation and ensure no lives were lost during the flood. The government had opened many helpline numbers to assist the people in distress. Various authorities were instructed to help people with clean water, proper food and medicines. Health inspectors were deployed to check the medical condition of the people in the shelter. The government had announced that people who were severely affected by the flood would be given monetary assistance. The Chief Minister had formed a committee that would look into the areas where people were severely affected and provide them with the necessary assistance they needed. The Irrigation and Waterways Minister was instructed by the Chief Minister to look into the situation and come up with a plan to prevent loss of life and property during floods in the future.

Report of Flood in Assam

On 15th July 2021, due to heavy rainfall, the Brahmaputra river flooded and, as a result, affected many areas. Almost 10 lakh people were affected due to the flooding of the Brahmaputra, and several houses in the village and agricultural lands went under water. The government released a statement saying 50 people in the low-lying areas had drowned due to the severe flooding around it. The government said that, in spite of their flood control efforts, more than ten villages were under water. They informed the press that this mainly happened due to continuous heavy rainfall for the past four days. The Chief Minister instructed the Irrigation and Waterways Minister to look into the situation and prepare a report on it. Many houses, even in the cities, were affected, and houses along the river had either gone underwater or had been severely damaged. The army and NDRF team had worked quite hard to get the people to a safe shelter. To ensure that people don’t get affected by waterborne diseases, the Chief Minister had asked a team of doctors to visit the shelter homes and provide the people with proper medical assistance. Various local authorities and NGOs worked together to provide clean drinking water, food and clothes to the affected people. The government announced monetary and medical assistance for the affected.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Define report writing..

Detailed accounts or write ups on any topic based on given information and evidence is known as report writing.

How to write a report on a flood?

To write a report on a flood, one has to add details like why the flooding took place, how many people were affected and what steps were taken to help people affected in the flood.

newspaper report writing for class 12

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Q&A on Trump’s Criminal Conviction

By Robert Farley , D'Angelo Gore , Lori Robertson and Eugene Kiely

Posted on May 31, 2024

Este artículo estará disponible en español en El Tiempo Latino .

Donald Trump became the first U.S. president, current or former, to be convicted of a criminal offense when a 12-person jury in New York on May 30 found him guilty on 34 felony counts of business fraud as part of an illegal scheme to influence the 2016 election by making payments to suppress a sordid tale of sex with a porn star.

The unprecedented conviction raises questions about what’s next for the 77-year-old man who is in line to become the Republican Party’s nominee for president in 2024.

In remarks at Trump Tower a day after his conviction, Trump called the United States “ a corrupt country ” and declared that he would be “ appealing this scam .”

(Trump also repeated many of the false, misleading and unsupported claims he has made about the judge, the judge’s rulings, the district attorney and other issues related to the trial. For more about Trump’s talking points, see our May 30 article, “ Trump’s Repeated Claims on His New York Hush Money Trial .” He also repeated false and unsubstantiated claims on other issues, such as taxes and migrants .)

Here, we answer some of the questions raised by the former president’s conviction:

What are the next steps in the case? What punishment could Trump face? Will he go to prison? Can Trump vote in the 2024 election? Can a felon run for president, hold office? Can Trump pardon himself on this conviction, if he wins?

What are the next steps in the case?

Sentencing and an appeal are up next in this case.

Sentencing by Justice Juan Merchan is scheduled for July 11. Before that date, a probation officer or someone in that department will interview Trump, and potentially others involved in the case or connected to Trump, and prepare  a pre-sentence report  for the judge. The report includes the personal history and criminal record of the defendant, and it recommends what sentence the defendant should receive, according to the New York State Unified Court System.

“The pre-sentence interview is a chance for the defendant to try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment,” the state court system explains.

Trump’s lawyers have to wait until after the sentencing to appeal the conviction. First, Trump’s lawyers will file motions before the judge “in a couple weeks” saying why they found the trial to be “unfair,” Trump’s defense attorney Todd Blanche  told CNN  hours after the guilty verdict.

newspaper report writing for class 12

Cheryl Bader , a clinical associate professor of law at Fordham University School of Law, said these motions are typical when a defendant is convicted. The defense attorneys will ask the judge to overturn the jury’s conviction. “It’s rarely, rarely granted, and I don’t think there’s a chance that will happen in this case,” she told us in a phone interview.

Blanche told CNN that if the motions aren’t successful, “then as soon as we can appeal, we will. And the process in New York is there’s a sentencing, and then — and then we appeal from there.”

Bader, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey, walked us through the appeals process. “The case is considered completed at sentencing,” she said. “At that point, his lawyers file a notice of appeal … letting the court know that he intends to appeal.”

At that point, they will also request a “stay” on the sentence, meaning a pause on imposing the sentence while the case is being appealed.

This appeal goes to the  Appellate Division, First Judicial Department  in Manhattan. The appeals court doesn’t retry the case. “They’re not going to substitute their judgment on the facts for the jury’s judgment,” Bader explained. Instead, “they’re looking for where there was error that would have led to an improper prosecution or an unfair trial.”

The appeals process would take several months to a year, she said. After the notice of appeal is given, the record of the case is gathered, including trial transcripts, the indictment, pretrial motions, evidentiary rulings, jury selection and instructions, and more. Trump could also appeal the sentencing. The lawyers need to write their arguments for all of the issues they’re objecting to, and that takes time, Bader said.

And then the appeals court needs to consider the case and write a decision on it.

If Trump ultimately isn’t successful at the appellate level, he can appeal to the highest court in New York state, which is called the  Court of Appeals . But the court decides whether or not it takes the case.

After such an appeal to the highest state court, the case would be over — unless Trump tries to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. But there has to be a U.S. constitutional issue for that. “I don’t see one,” Bader said, but perhaps Trump’s lawyers would try to make an argument.

What punishment could Trump face? Will he go to prison?

Whether Trump is sentenced to any time in prison is up to the judge.

Each of the 34 counts of  falsifying business records in the first degree , a class E felony, carries a maximum sentence of up to  four years in prison . The judge could decide to impose the sentences consecutively or simultaneously. However, under New York law,  20 years  is the maximum prison time that Trump could get — not 187 years, as Trump  falsely claimed  in his May 31 remarks.

Norman Eisen , a CNN legal analyst and a senior fellow in governance studies for the Brookings Institution, said that “in the most serious” cases of business records falsification in New York that he studied, “a sentence of imprisonment was routinely imposed.” Trump’s case “is the most serious one in NY history,”  he wrote  on X, predicting that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin “Bragg will likely ask for incarceration & Merchan will consider it.”

newspaper report writing for class 12

While possible, Bader, with Fordham’s School of Law, told us she doesn’t think incarceration will happen.

For a first-time convicted felon, with a low-level, nonviolent felony and a person of advanced age, “under any circumstance like that, there’d be a relatively low chance of incarceration,” she said.

“On the other hand, I could see the prosecutor arguing that here’s a man who has shown disrespect for the court system and the rule of law and has violated the court’s orders on numerous occasions. He is not remorseful. And that in order to promote general deterrence, he needs to be punished,” she said in describing a possible argument from the prosecutor.

Bader said any incarceration sentence “would be only a token amount of time to make the point that Trump is not above the law.” Other sentencing possibilities include probation or a “conditional discharge” with conditions other than incarceration or probation.

The “simplest” option might be for the judge to fine Trump, she said.

Can Trump vote in the 2024 election?

Yes, Trump can vote as long as he is not in jail on Election Day, which this year is on Nov. 5.

Trump owns homes in New York and Florida, but in 2019 he changed his primary residence to Florida. However, Florida law does not apply in Trump’s case because he was convicted in New York. Instead, New York law applies.

“If you were convicted outside Florida, your voting rights are governed by the state where you were convicted,” as the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida explains on its website.

In 2021, New York state enacted a law that “restores the right to vote for a person convicted of a felony upon release from incarceration, regardless of if they are on parole or have a term of post-release supervision,” the New York State Board of Elections says . “If a convicted felon is not incarcerated, they are eligible to register to vote.”

Can a felon run for president, hold office?

Yes. According to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, there are three qualifications to serve as president: He or she must be at least 35 years old upon taking office, a U.S. resident for at least 14 years and a “natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States.”

“These qualifications are understood to be exclusive,” Josh Chafetz , a Georgetown University law professor, told us last year when we were writing about Trump’s federal indictment related to allegations of mishandling sensitive classified documents after he left office. “Anyone can be president so long as they meet the constitutional qualifications and do not trigger any constitutional disqualifications.”

“Someone can run for president while under indictment or even having been convicted and serving prison time,” said Chafetz, who pointed to the example of Eugene V. Debs, the late labor leader, who, in 1920, ran for president from prison on the Socialist Party ticket and got almost 1 million votes.

There is an exception to that rule. The Constitution says in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment that no U.S. officeholder, including the president, can serve if they are convicted of “engag[ing] in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. — something Trump has not been charged with either in this case or the three others he faces.

Six Colorado voters successfully sued in state court to prevent Trump from appearing on that state’s ballot, citing the constitutional amendment barring insurrectionists from holding federal office. But the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the state ruling, “[b]ecause the Constitution makes Congress, rather than the States, responsible for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates.”

Can Trump pardon himself on this conviction, if he wins?

The short answer is no.

Trump was convicted in New York for offenses in violation of state law. Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states that a president has the “[p]ower to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States.” According to Constitution Annotated , a government-sanctioned record of the interpretations of the Constitution, that means the power extends to “federal crimes but not state or civil wrongs.”

In a case decided in 1925, Ex parte Grossman , the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that interpretation, writing that the Constitution’s language specifying presidential pardon power for offenses “against the United States” was “presumably to make clear that the pardon of the President was to operate upon offenses against the United States as distinguished from offenses against the States.”

The New York governor has the power to pardon Trump for his conviction of crimes under state law. That’s currently Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat. After the verdict, Republican Rep. Nick LaLota called on Hochul “to immediately announce her intention to pardon President Trump and pre-emptively commute any sentence. To not do so is to allow America to become a banana republic.” Hochul released a statement on May 30 saying, “Today’s verdict reaffirms that no one is above the law.”

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Report Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

Report Writing Class 12

In Online Education A report is a factual description of an issue or a problem. A report is written for a clear purpose and for a particular audience. Various forms of reports are: newspaper reports, inquiry reports, progress or action taken report, a police report, a report of a meeting, etc., each having a distinct character and format.

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Online Education for Report Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

Report Writing Class 12

Newspaper Report

A newspaper report must be comprehensive, but brief, factual yet interesting. Hence, factual reporting is the accurate and truthful coverage of an event.

  • It is a brief review of a situation or a process that includes only the relevant points and information.
  • It is usually written in the third person and indirect speech.
  • Passive voice is used.
  • The language is neutral and figurative.
  • Ornamental language is avoided. The content should include answers to the questions when, where, why and how on the topic to be written about.

Characteristics of a Newspaper Report

  • A news report should have a headline, date, place of origin of the news.
  • It must contain the byline/name of the reporter.
  • It must contain only relevant information.
  • The newspaper report must have appropriate language for a report.
  • It must contain a logical development of ideas, i.e. causes/reasons, effects or consequences.
  • It must include the opinions of people and it should be comprehensive. It should contain views of all sides involved.
  • Personal pronouns are to be avoided.

Format: A newspaper report consists of the following elements:

Headline: Every news article has a headline to attract the attention of the reader. The headline must state the topic of the news in a strong, short phrase or statement.

A headline must be:

  • brief-articles, prepositions, etc. must be left out wherever possible; abbreviations and shortened word-forms may be used wherever required

Byline Since this is your news article, you need to let the reader know who wrote it. The line with your name on it is called the ‘By’ line because it tells by whom the article is written. Write the word ‘By’ followed by your first and last name.

Lead Paragraph A lead paragraph usually answers the questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why. The report usually begins with the name of the city where the report is being written and the date when it is being written.

Remember to write about these in your lead paragraph.

  • day, date, and time of the day when the incident happened
  • name/names of the person(s)/event(s), etc. that the news is about
  • a place where the incident happened
  • details of the incident
  • reasons why the incident happened

Report Writing Format Class 12

Paragraph 2 The second paragraph should tell the reader how the incident happened in detail. Narrate the incident in chronological order.

Paragraph 3 Eyewitness accounts add to the authenticity of the news. Also, they may interest the reader. Include some quotes from the eyewitness’ comments. Also, describe what they felt about the incident.

Paragraph 4

  • Describe the future course of action is planned.
  • Remember to use simple, clear but formal language.

Report Writing Examples For Class 12 Question 1. You are Pranjal/Paakhi. You have received training in first aid, as a member of the Red Cross Society, arranged by your school. Prepare your report for the school magazine about your training in 100–125 words.

Report Writing Class 12 Pdf Question 2. Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organised an Adult Literacy Camp in its neighbourhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues: no. of volunteers – hours spent in teaching – location of the class – chairs, blackboards – no. of people attending the camp – benefit (10 marks) [CBSE (Delhi) 2017]

Adult Literacy Camp By P.V. Sunitha, Secretary, Cultural Society, Sunshine Public School, Nellore

Nellore, May 01, 20XX: A commendable step was taken by the members of our Cultural Society of the school to organise a Literacy Camp to invite members of the local school- clubs, residents of various welfare organisations, and several NGOs to be a part of it. The camp started around 8 a.m. It was inaugurated by the District Literacy Chairperson, Dr. Nitin Rahtogi. Various NGOs, local clubs and schools had sent their representatives.

The total number of volunteers registered was 450. There were six experienced trainers who systematically explained with tools how the literacy programme is to be introduced in different pockets and continued in these phases to reach its target annually. Classes were held in six different spots within a short radius of the camp. The main tools were blackboards, chairs, basic texts on reading, writing and arithmetic. The camp lasted for five hours with a snack break for half an hour.

The volunteers expressed their gratitude for getting the opportunity of learning more than they expected, for the beneficial interactive sessions and for getting a scope to clear their doubts. The camp came to an end with the vote of thanks from the President of the host club.

Class 12 Report Writing Question 3. Your school is situated near a road intersection. Last week, in the morning, a bus coming at a great speed overturned when it braked suddenly. Senior students of your school rushed out and did everything to save the passengers. You were part of the rescue efforts. Write a report in 150-200 words on the accident and your friends’ role, for your school newsletter. You are George/Mary. (10 marks) [CBSE (AI) 2017]

Bus Overturns on NH2 and NHPC Crossing By Mary

Pari Chowk, March 10, 20XX

At about 8.30 a.m., yesterday, a private bus, carrying passengers, of Rome S-22, coming at break-neck speed, while trying to overtake a Honda City, braked suddenly as a boy ran to cross over the other side of NHPC or Pari Chowk. In seconds, the bus overturned. It could have been that the driver lost full control of the bus and the breaks failed or the size of the bus was incompatible with its speed and the sudden break. Passengers could be heard yelling and crying for help. As the school had not started, the High School students near the school gates immediately rushed to the spot, tried to get ladders and after breaking the glass panes, dragged passengers who were terrified and injured. Some were already with broken heads and limbs. Local help came in ten-fifteen minutes. The ambulance arrived and the police from the nearby police station on being called up by a senior student arrived to help in the rescue operation. There were 40 passengers on the whole. 3 women passed away, 5 children had serious injuries, some were moved to % the nearby hospital, while a few were given first-aid by the school medical team and sent away. The driver had serious head injury and a broken arm, while the helper died on spot.

It is high time that drivers become more responsible, frequent police patrol is arranged for at intersections and heavy penalty is imposed on crossing speed limits.

Report Writing For Class 12 Question 4. Last month, Adventure Club, Sunshine Public School, Rampur organised a trek around Corbett National Park. During the eight-hour trek, the group lost its way but ultimately reached the starting point. On return, you, Asim/Asha, the group leader made a report on the trek to the Principal. Write his/her report in 150-200 words. (10 marks) [CBSE (F) 2017]

School Trip: Trek Around Corbett National Park By Asim

The Adventure Club of our school organised an eight-hour trek around Corbett National Park. A group of 30 students and 3 teachers embarked on the trip. It was a fun-filled trip away from school and at home. Trekking through beautiful forests provided a glimpse of the beautiful scenic foothills and the Himalayan Mountain.

We reached Corbett in the morning at 6:00 a.m. in our school bus. After reaching there, we had our breakfast, which was not only healthy but also tasty. Then we began preparation for the trek. The teachers divided all the students in three groups for the trek. Each group was to be led by a teacher. Our guide gave us all the instructions of dos and don’ts during the trek. We were all very excited and enthusiastic.

Report Writing Topics For Class 12 Question 5. Traffic police have launched a special drive against pollution-causing vehicles. This has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections. Write a report in 150-200 words to be published in the ‘Chennai Times’. You are Prince/Priya, 12, M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai. (10 marks) [CBSE Delhi 2013]

Drive against Pollution-causing Vehicles -Priya Chennai Times

Traffic jams are a common sight in Chennai. But these days, they are on a rise. All because of the special drive-by traffic police against pollution-causing vehicles. Important intersections have been chosen and the concerned people can be seen in groups stationed at these points. Each and every vehicle is being stopped and their ‘No Pollution certificates’ are being checked. ? 1000/- is being charged as fine for the lapse. This drive is a positive step in achieving a pollution-free environment but has created a lot of inconvenience for the public and the daily commuters, as it has led to traffic jams. People are stranded on the roads for hours, getting late for their place of work. Though the new drive is highly appreciated by the people, they also feel that it is important that the public should not suffer. The authorities must find an alternative way for such a check that would cause less inconvenience to the general public.

Report Writing Class 12 Examples Question 6. You are Karan/Kirti of L.M. Memorial Public School, Dwarka. Your school has adopted a village as a social responsibility. Students are being taken to teach the children of the village on a regular basis. Write a report, for your school magazine, on the various other programmes organised there in 150-200 words. (10 marks) [CBSE Sample Paper 2019]

Village Adoption – A Social Responsibility By Karan

Recently, the students of L.M. Memorial Public School were taken to a village in the Periphery of Delhi. This village named as ‘Khyala’ near Najafgarh was adopted by our school for a month as a social responsibility. The main motive for this adoption was to spread awareness among the people about cleanliness, adult education, girl- child education, and removing the social evil of poverty and illiteracy. The students from Classes IX and XII participated in it.

The village students were given elementary knowledge. They were taught the alphabet, addition, subtraction, etc. Not only this, they cleaned the surroundings of the village and showed the people the need to maintain cleanliness through a street play. Old people were also attended with great care. The students provided them with some necessary day-to-day things. It was innovative and informative on the part of the villagers. The students learned how to connect with the roots of our country. Overall, it was a memorable experience for all to serve the people of this village.

Report Writing Questions For Class 12 Question 7. An NGO, ‘Health for All’ organised a health check-up camp in a slum at Amritsar. You are Ruchika/Raunak, and you visited the camp. Write a report in 150-200 words covering arrangements such as registration, check-up, tests carried out, etc. (10 marks) [CBSE 2019 (1/2/1)]

Health Check-up Camp By Ruchika

Amritsar, March 2, 20XX A medical health care camp was set up in Amritsar by the NGO-Health. In the camp, proper medical treatment of the people of Amritsar and nearby areas was done and remedial measures were provided, all free of cost, including the basic medicines required for early recovery.

Students of Guru Nanak University, Amritsar noted down the details of the people of slum area who had come for the health check-up. People were encouraged to do simple activities on a regular basis to get rid of excessive body pain. A Blood Pressure (BP) check was performed on every patient. After that, they were sent to their respective doctors where they were appropriate given the right directions regarding their health.

A large majority of people were suffering from chronic back pain, swelling, watery eyes and high/low BP. This is a prime example of how the slums can be served appropriately if we are interested. We need not be high-profile citizens to bring about a change in society. It is the willingness and enthusiasm which comes out from within that encourages you to work for the betterment of others.

Report Writing Topics Question 8. As part of an Entrepreneurship project the commerce students of your school recently launched a product called oatlicious. They not only set up a company to produce the product but also designed its advertising and marketing strategy. Write a report in about 150-200 words for your school magazine giving details of the enterprise and its launch. You are Akshay/Akshita of Graham Public School, Indore (10 marks)

Answer: Oatlicious – The product of Entrepreneurship project By Akshita July 25, 20XX: The commerce students of our school recently launched a new breakfast product, Oatlicious. This was a part of their entrepreneurship project. The students went ahead to not only set up a company to produce the product but also designed its advertising and marketing strategy. Just like its name, the product tastes and looks delicious.

The product box has a picture of a huge bowl of delicious looking oats. The group also revealed that they have already started selling the product in small 10 rupees pack at the canteen. On the first day of the launch, the students gave free oat packets to the first ten students. Baveen, one of the team members revealed how much struggle they had to face initially to come up with an innovative idea for the project. According to him, it was just a project earlier but now it has become their dream. Baveen and his team found it hard to get sponsors earlier. He revealed how they did part-time jobs and asked their parents to sponsor the project. Now that they are successful, Vibha, one of the teammates revealed that they are getting offers from many companies. They have, however, not decided anything and are just happy and thankful for the response they got.

Report Writing Class 12 Format Question 9. You are Sandhya/Sohan an active member of the Animal Lovers’ Club which works for the welfare of animals by preventing cruelty to them. Recently, you visited Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home. You were pleasantly surprised to see the good treatment given to the animals. Write a report in 150-200 words on your visit. You may use the following points: (10 marks) [CBSE (Compartment) 2018]

Answer: Visit Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home By Sandhya, Member of Animal Lovers’ Club

Recently, I visited Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home with my team. The existence of animals adds charm to the natural surroundings. They too are part of natural habitat. People leave them if they become old or have a disease. These abandoned pets are given shelter at Animal Care Home. My team was really surprised to see the care of these animals when I saw how well they were being treated. There was a well-equipped medical room.

A veterinary surgeon was also present. Animals were allowed to live in the natural surrounding there having their separate living places, huts, and kennels, etc. Injured dogs and cats were also given a congenial environment. This was a positive step on the part of Animal Care Home. All the abandoned animals are searched and then brought to this home by the officials where they are medically and emotionally cared for. Overall, the visit to this Animal Home proved fruitful as it gave inspiration to the youth (members) to spread awareness to love animals rather than treating them with cruelty.


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    Report Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types. Newspaper Report. A newspaper report must be comprehensive, but brief, factual yet interesting. Hence, factual reporting is the accurate and truthful coverage of an event. It is a brief review of a situation or a process that includes only the relevant points and information.

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    What is report writing in Class 12? ... What are the differences between a newspaper report and a magazine report? Newspaper reports and magazine reports differ in various aspects, including their format and content. Firstly, in a newspaper report, the headline serves as a descriptive title that accurately represents the contents of the report. ...

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    Various forms of reports are: newspaper reports, inquiry reports, progress or action taken report, a police report, a report of a meeting, etc., each having a distinct character and format. Generally, two types of reports are asked in the CBSE Class 12 English paper, namely, newspaper report or a magazine report.

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    A news report should include the following, Headline: It tells what the story is about. Byline: It tells about the writer of the story. Lead: Covers the most important facts. Body: Includes a detailed account of the event/occurrence. Ending: Talks about the solution or something to think about. To get a better understanding of how to write a ...

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    Donald Trump became the first U.S. president, current or former, to be convicted of a criminal offense when a 12-person jury in New York on May 30 found him guilty on 34 felony counts of business ...

  24. Report Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

    Report Writing Class 12. Newspaper Report. A newspaper report must be comprehensive, but brief, factual yet interesting. Hence, factual reporting is the accurate and truthful coverage of an event. It is a brief review of a situation or a process that includes only the relevant points and information.