Colling Media

Viral Marketing Case Study: Stanley’s TikTok Marketing Triumph

Stanley tumbler viral marketing case study.

In a world where social media can turn a single moment into a global conversation, the power of viral content in shaping brand perception is undeniable. The Stanley Tumbler viral moment was seen when a TikTok video by @danimarielttering captured a remarkable event: her car caught fire, and amidst the devastation, a Stanley tumbler emerged unscathed. Showcasing the product’s durability, the surprising survival story set the stage for an exemplary response from Stanley and produced social media brand success. Exploring the strategic nuances of Stanley’s reaction and drawing parallels with the viral Ocean Spray incident, let’s find key lessons for marketing directors and social media managers, serving as a real-life viral marketing case study.

Leveraging Viral Content

Achieving over 3.1 million views, 1.1 million likes, 102,000 comments, and 52,000 shares, the TikTok video by @danimarielttering quickly captured the internet’s attention. Its extraordinary reach is a testament to the power of viral content in today’s digital landscape. Skyrocketing Stanley’s visibility, the incident highlighted the potential of social media as a platform for organic brand promotion. Similarly, the Ocean Spray TikTok case , where a simple video of a man skateboarding and drinking cranberry juice went viral, demonstrates how unplanned moments can become pivotal marketing opportunities. Both cases underscore the importance of being prepared to leverage unexpected opportunities to amplify brand messaging and connect with a broader audience.

@danimarielettering Thirsty after you catch on fire? @Stanley 1913 is like no problem i gotchu #fyp #carfire #accident #stanleycup ♬ original sound – Danielle

How to Leverage Viral Marketing Moments

Recognizing the unique opportunity presented by @danimarielttering’s video, they quickly reached out with a gesture that was both generous and astute: offering to replace her car. Going beyond standard corporate communication, this move showcased Stanley’s commitment to customer satisfaction and its product’s reliability. It also highlighted the importance of timely and empathetic responses in today’s fast-paced digital world, where brands are expected to engage with their audience in real time. Enhancing brand reputation and setting a new standard for customer engagement, such responsiveness demonstrates how brands can effectively use digital platforms to connect with audiences and build lasting relationships.

Empathy and Authenticity in Viral Marketing

A masterclass in empathetic and authentic brand messaging was displayed by Stanley’s response to the viral incident. By offering to replace the woman’s car, they not only acknowledged the customer’s ordeal but also reinforced confidence in the product’s durability. Deeply resonating with the audience, this human-centric approach reflected genuine care and empathy, qualities highly valued by consumers. In today’s market, where customers increasingly look for brands that align with their values and demonstrate social responsibility, such gestures of goodwill can significantly enhance brand loyalty and trust. Contrasting with traditional marketing tactics, the approach focuses on building a genuine connection with the audience and showcasing the brand’s values in action.

Leveraging User-Generated Content for Authentic Viral Marketing

Highlighted by the incident is the power of user-generated content as a marketing tool. Stanley’s strategic use of @danimarielttering’s experience to showcase their product’s durability is a prime example of how brands can leverage real customer stories to authenticate its claims. Validating the brand’s messaging and fostering a sense of community and customer involvement, the approach is crucial for building brand loyalty in the digital age. Providing a level of authenticity that cannot be achieved through traditional advertising, user-generated content comes directly from the experiences of real customers. Particularly effective on social media platforms, this form of content is highly valued for its authenticity and relatability.

The Ripple Effect of Viral Marketing

Significantly boosted by the viral incident was Stanley’s brand awareness, showcasing the expansive reach and impact of viral marketing. The surge in engagement following its response not only increased the brand’s visibility but also demonstrated the potential of viral moments to enhance a brand’s market presence. Serving as a powerful tool in the digital marketing arsenal, the ripple effect allows brands to reach new audiences and gain exposure in a way that traditional marketing methods cannot match. Recognizing these opportunities and responding in a way that aligns with the brand’s values and resonates with the audience is key.

Social Media Crisis Management

Stanley’s handling of the situation is a prime example of effective crisis management and opportunity seizure. Turning a potentially negative situation into a positive narrative, it not only mitigated any potential damage but also used the opportunity to reinforce the brand’s image. Agility and creativity in crisis management are highlighted by the strategic response, demonstrating how brands can use unexpected situations. Further engaging with the community, the CEO of Stanley created a stitched response on TikTok, showcasing effective leadership and a commitment to open communication.

@stanleybrand #stitch with @Danielle Stanley has your back ❤️ ♬ original sound – Stanley 1913

Brand Responsiveness in Viral Marketing

Likely to have a lasting impact on Stanley’s marketing strategies is this incident, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and readiness to capitalize on unforeseen opportunities. In a rapidly changing digital landscape, brands must be prepared to pivot strategies in response to viral moments, using them as opportunities to enhance a brand image and connect with an audience in meaningful ways.

Offering invaluable lessons in adaptability, empathy, and strategic social media engagement, the Stanley Tumbler incident, paralleled with the Ocean Spray TikTok phenomenon, highlighting the importance of being prepared to leverage viral moments for brand success. 

Social Media Viral Marketing Response Checklist

  • Monitor Social Media Regularly: Stay alert to potential viral moments.
  • Act Quickly: Time is of the essence in responding to viral content.
  • Show Empathy: Humanize your brand with a compassionate approach.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Use authentic customer experiences in your messaging.
  • Maintain Authenticity: Ensure your response aligns with your brand values.
  • Engage Directly: Use social media platforms for direct interaction with your audience.
  • Evaluate Impact: Assess the response and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Q: How important is the speed in responding to a viral moment on social media?

A: Speed is crucial. A timely response can capitalize on the moment’s momentum and maximize its impact.

Q: Can any social media viral content be beneficial for a brand?

A: Not all viral content is beneficial. Brands must assess each situation carefully to ensure alignment with their values and public image.

Q: How can small brands leverage social media viral moments?

A: Small brands can leverage viral moments by being agile, authentic, and engaging directly with their audience to build a strong community presence.

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50+ Best Viral Marketing Campaign Examples & Case Studies To Get You Inspired (2024)

In this guide, I’ve curated some of the best viral marketing examples and campaigns that I’ve saved on my own personal swipe file over the years, and did some further research on others that are so good to learn from. Regardless of the growth stage of your business (large brand or small), you’re going to pick up some epic takeaways and learnings that you may be able to apply to your own campaigns for growth. Either way, they’re just fun to read, watch and go through! And you never know, you may have the next best viral campaign that gets millions of eyeballs (just let me know and I’ll add you to this guide ;).

case study viral marketing

If you’ve been on this site and read my articles before, you know I love a good case study (haha). I always enjoy coming across new ones as there’s always new things you can pick up that you can add to your marketing ideas bank or your own swipe file. 

Now for this particular guide, this was really fun to create and analyse/summarise.

I’m excited to introduce you to some of the top viral marketing examples and campaigns that truly went viral (some of the numbers these campaigns have achieved are insane). 

You would have seen many of these campaigns over the years play out in real-time, and whilst there’s always good analysis at the time of people sharing their thoughts/ideas (you know, over LinkedIn and the Twittersphere in particular), it’s actually awesome to look back and see what the end results were, and how it impacted the business in terms of awareness, acquisition, sales, and overall business growth. 

So, what makes these case studies and examples worth reading further into?

There are lots of ‘viral’ studies and examples out there, but I picked a good balance between those businesses who experienced insane viral numbers, to then those who achieved impressive results based on the budget/resources they had available at their disposal. 

What can you can learn from going through the summaries and reading the dedicated studies? Also, what makes these case studies good quality?

Here’s what I kept in mind when going through these case studies (and a small checklist of what to analyse/pick up as ‘golden nuggets’ that you can learn from and potentially incorporate into your marketing strategy):

  • Strategies/tactics they used - Is there a good analysis and why campaigns were successful? (some do a really good job at this, whilst others brush over it a bit. However, they were still good to include). 

Note: In many of the summaries, I shared my own thoughts/takeaways.

  • Data/stats performance - Do they share a good breakdown in terms of numbers? 
  • Budgets - some of the studies share budgets, but most of the time, you can tell whether or not serious investment went into it due to the nature of the campaign.
  • Uniqueness of campaign - what made the campaign stand out in their industry, and why were audiences drawn into engaging/sharing?
  • What made the campaign perform? - what were the psychological/emotional triggers that sparked people to share?
  • When it comes to the content, what’s the nature of it? Do you think it involve numerous resources to achieve the outcome? Was the content entertaining in nature? Or was is thought-provoking, problem-focused content that sparked further thoughts and actions from audiences?

Depending on your context and the industry/role you’re in, you’ll naturally have some other attributes and criteria that you’re looking to get out of those studies.

So, can you replicate similar success like these example viral campaigns? 

This is obviously down to the business you’re involved in, but this should be a criteria you should think about (I mean, that’s the primary reason you’re probably here, right?). 

Some of the video campaigns are hard to replicate due to the nature of the videos, and keeping in mind how big the brands are. Unless you’re someone from a bigger brand reading this with a big customer and subscriber base across your channels, it can be hard to replicate success if you’re a smaller startup or eCommerce brand on a lean budget. 

However, there are always (yes, always) key takeaways that you can cherry pick from and formulate into your own strategy.

Without further ado everyone, I hope you enjoy this guide I put together. 

Oh, and feel free to share with other marketing friends, founders, colleagues (or even family members) that you think will enjoy this. :) 

Related reading: In this guide, I talk about social media, UGC and viral competition campaigns that brands utilised to generate some epic results. Some of those platforms/tools that these brands have used (and that I have used as well) are in this pre-launch waitlist and viral competition platforms guide I put together. The good news is that there is a plethora of software solutions that are cost-effective and accessible to any brand, regardless of their size. So, it’s worth the read if you’re serious about viral growth.

Video Viral Campaigns

1. this video campaign reached the youtube top 100 charts in over a hundred countries.

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 270+ million views).

  • Created to inform the public about rail safety, Dumb Ways to Die has over 270 million views on Youtube.
  • When ideating, the team emphasised the thought process of the audience .
  • They produced a relevant video with a catchy song, appealing to a wide market.
  • This turned into karaoke versions, posters, books, and more.
  • After the campaign was released, there was a 21% decrease in railway accidents and near misses.

2. This campaign incited engagement, generating over 338,000 UGC photos in two weeks

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 42k+ views). 

  • TOMS’ One Day Without Shoes Campaign promised that for every photo without shoes posted on Instagram with their hashtag, they will sponsor a pair of shoes for a child in need.
  • The premise is simple, easy to do, and builds towards a greater purpose.
  • By participating in the campaign, people feel like they contributed to a good cause.
  • This resulted in more brand exposure for TOMS’.
  • The participation of big stars and brands also helped spread the word.

3. This challenge-based campaign took a viral trend and turned it into something better

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here of the Ice bucket challenge with Bill Gates - you’ll find plenty of others with a simple search on YouTube (over 37+ million views). 

  • Good chance you won’t forget how big the ice bucket challenge was (and the amazing viral success and eyeballs it gained).
  • The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge took the existing ice bucket challenge and made it into a fundraising tool .
  • People who did the challenge were tasked to nominate others to help raise money for research towards ALS.
  • The ice bucket challenge campaign was literally shared everywhere (like you couldn’t stop seeing it at the time), across different social media channels, gaining impressive traction.
  • The campaign made waves in over 150 countries, raising $220 million.
  • Hashtags and celebrity endorsements propelled the growth of the campaign.

4. Volvo launched a video that gained over 90 million views

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 116+ million views).

  • Volvo Trucks decided to make an ad that would appeal beyond their usual audience, and it worked.
  • They used to focus primarily on physical marketing materials, and this was their way of making a name in the digital space.
  • The video included a stunt done by a famous action star, sparking spoofs and challenges.
  • Themes in the video were 100% relevant to their target market and were designed to be entertaining for others.

5. This Dove video ad hit over 100 million views a month after it was released

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 70+ million views).

  • Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” experienced insane view counts across multiple platforms and media outlets, and even became one of the most-watched video ads of all time .
  • The video was made available in over 30 languages and sparked a series on Youtube.
  • By appealing to the beauty pain points that women may experience, the campaign became an encouraging and empowering tool.
  • Because of its messaging, women naturally shared it with other women, inciting virality.
  • To maintain the distribution, Dove did a seeding strategy by launching in key markets before releasing the video worldwide.

6. The Range Rover video which has managed to gain over 100 million views

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 100+ million views).

  • The Range Rover Evoque's marketing campaign in London successfully tackled a notorious speed bump by showcasing the car's capabilities. 
  • It went viral on social media platforms, resulting in millions of views, which increased brand awareness.
  • The team behind the campaign addressed a common problem faced by drivers and connected with the audience emotionally, which made the campaign effective.

7. This campaign was the most popular ad in 2015

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (credit: Droga5)

  • Google’s Furever Friends campaign was shared over 6 million times across different social media channels.
  • These numbers actually make it the most shared video ad of all time.
  • The ad tapped into the affection and nostalgia people would generally feel for pets.
  • This incited strong feelings of warmth and investment from the viewers, leading to them sharing the video.

8. The Old Spice deodorant commercial which drove an increase of over 100% in sales

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 60+ million views)

  • Ah yes, who could forget the infamous Old Spice ad which was seen all over the net back in 2010 - "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign. - it was designed to be multi-platform, incorporating TV ads, social media, and a dedicated website. Almost like I couldn't escape seeing it everywhere at one stage.
  • The company established a unique brand voice by creating a humorous and irreverent character that connected with their market.
  • They had a team respond to comments and create personalised videos during the campaign to increase user engagement.
  • When the video went viral, followers were further encouraged to participate in user-generated content and social sharing.
  • Overall, the strategies leaned into the importance of data-driven marketing.

9. The "Love Has No Labels" video focused on breaking biases and promoting gender acceptance

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 60+ million views).

  • The "Love Has No Labels" campaign celebrates diversity and inclusion, highlighting the beauty and uniqueness of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, age, religion, or sexuality.
  • Upworthy leveraged social media to reach a wider audience, using hashtags and images to encourage user engagement and sharing.
  • The video fostered an emotional connection with the audience, showing people and their loved ones embracing each other in public, which elicits feelings of love, acceptance, and unity.
  • This drove millions of people to the campaign website, increasing the reach across all channels.
  • Media support eventually resulted in over $6 million in coverage.

10. The "World's Toughest Job" campaign got over 6 million views within two days

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (credit: Mullenlowe)

  • The "World's Toughest Job" campaign featured a fake job interview for a position that requires standing for 135 hours straight, working on holidays, and having no breaks.
  • There was then a revelation that this job perfectly fit mothers everywhere.
  • They utilised a hashtag, #worldstoughestjob, encouraging people to share their stories and appreciation for their moms.
  • Measuring the success of the campaign as two-fold: it positively impacted the brand's perception and sales, as well as the cultural conversation around Mother's Day and motherhood.
  • In the end, the campaign generated over 25 million views, millions of social media engagements, and significant media coverage and awards.

11. This toilet deodorant campaign went viral with over 40 million views and counting

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 44+ million views)

  • Poo Pouri released a video advertisement titled "Girls Don't Poop", which quickly gained the attention of people on the internet.
  • It features a woman in a fancy bathroom explaining the benefits of using Poo-Pourri - hilarious yet relatable.
  • The campaign’s humour and real messaging helped it gain widespread popularity.
  • Its approach departed from traditional advertising techniques and relied on social media for attention.

12. Budweiser promoted responsible drinking and went viral because of it

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 2+ million views).

  • The Budweiser "Don't Drink and Drive" ad featured an emotional storyline that resonated with viewers and encouraged them to make safer choices.
  • It established the heartfelt relationship between pet and owner and used this relatability to convey their message effectively.
  • The ad received widespread recognition and has won multiple awards with the fact is resonated with large audiences (and a super important message to push).
  • Its messaging also helped Budweiser establish be seen in the market as a socially responsible brand, helping reinforce strong brand credibility.
  • This shows us how effective marketing can be used to promote social responsibility and make a positive impact on society, all while scaling the brand name.

13. This Super Bowl ad helped boost a cat food brand

case study viral marketing

Watch the video here (over 4+ million views).

  • "Dear Kitten" is a video ad campaign created by Friskies to promote their cat food products, which they released during the Super Bowl.
  • It features a series of videos with an older cat giving advice to a new kitten in the house, using humour and relatable situations to engage its audience.
  • Beyond the Super Bowl, the ad was promoted through social media and online advertising, making it accessible to a wide audience.
  • This helped Friskies establish a strong brand identity and increase sales of their cat food products.
  • The success of the campaign shows the importance of understanding the target market and using creative and innovative marketing techniques to connect with them.

14. Volkswagen's "The Force" ad banked on pop culture to gain traction

case study viral marketing

Watch the video in link below (credit:

  • Volkswagen's "The Force" ad, which also aired during the Super Bowl, is widely considered one of the most successful ads in Super Bowl history.
  • With almost 100 million views, it’s also the most shared Super Bowl ad to this day.
  • The ad's use of nostalgia and pop culture references helped it connect with its target audience on a deeper level.
  • As released during a time when Volkswagen was facing controversy, the ad helped improve its image and restore positive marketing.

Social Media & Hashtag Campaigns - TikTok, Facebook & Instagram 

15. this campaign by coca-cola helped pull in millions of dollars over the past decade.

case study viral marketing

(image credit: Coca-Cola Company )

  • One of my personal favourite campaigns from Coca-Cola, which anyone reading this would know quite well, is the "Share a coke" campaign .
  • It was certainly one of the more highly successful marketing campaigns Coca-Cola has run (and they've done plenty of them over the years) that aimed to make the brand more relatable and shareable - which ultimately helped them to an increase in sales.
  • It used personalisation to engage its audience at scale, which is great for audiences to feel connected more with Coca-Cola.
  • The team behind the campaign had to run through thousands of ideas in order to come to their catchphrase, “Share a Coke with…”
  • This happened during a time when most other brands were still banking on traditional marketing.
  • The campaign encouraged user-generated content and social sharing, which helped it go viral and reach a wider audience.

16. The “Do Us a Flavor” campaign in just 10 months saw over 20 million page visits per week

case study viral marketing

( image credit )

  • Frito-Lay Lay’s was an already popular brand, but they wanted to create buzz about their flavour line-up.
  • They came up with a campaign, “Do Us a Flavor”, which is a contest primarily targeting millennials.
  • The goal is to have contestants submit ideas for new Lay’s flavours.
  • An app was created to increase access to interested participants, where they could also see mock-ups of their proposed flavour.
  • In the end, almost 4 million flavours were submitted, and enthusiasm for the brand was reignited.

17. Purina, a pet food company, used a hashtag to reach almost 40 million people on Twitter

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Shorty Awards )

  • The Purina #PetsAtWork campaign won the Best in Pets Social Media Campaign at the 6th Shorty Awards.
  • The program aims to encourage companies to allow pets in the workplace, based on the idea that pets in the workplace can improve employee well-being and productivity.
  • Purina conducted research to support this claim and created a toolkit for companies to help them implement a pets-at-work policy.
  • User-generated content ran this campaign, including photos and stories of pets in the workplace.
  • As a result, the Purina Pets at Work program has been adopted by many companies worldwide, with over 5,000 companies participating.

18. An organic interaction inspired this hashtag campaign crafted by Audi

case study viral marketing

( Image credit )

  • Audi's hashtag campaign on Twitter, called #WantAnR8, started when a user wouldn’t stop tweeting about wanting an R8.
  • After a while, Audi decided to give her a chance to drive an R8 for one weekend, then went on to use the hashtag she started as an entire campaign.
  • The hashtag quickly became popular on Twitter, with celebrities and influencers joining in on the conversation.
  • It generated over 75,000 tweets and over 100 million impressions, and Audi's Twitter following grew by over 700% during the campaign.
  • This ended up birthing a sequel campaign, #WantAnRS5

19. This UGC campaign by Red Bull is 100% organic and drew up thousands of posts - one of the first UGC successes

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Redbull )

  • The Red Bull #PutACanonOnIt campaign won the Best Use of Instagram at the 7th Shorty Awards.
  • It encouraged users to share creative photos featuring their Red Bull on top of vehicles.
  • This spiralled and drew users to put cans on top of places, people, and even pets.
  • Overall, the #PutACanonOnIt campaign is an example of how a brand can use social media to engage with its audience and increase brand awareness through user-generated content.

20. This campaign by Chipotle was a huge hit among the Gen Z market

case study viral marketing

( Image credit & video ) 

  • Chipotle’s "Lid Flip Challenge” encouraged users to upload videos of themselves flipping their Chipotle bowl lids onto their bowls.
  • The challenge was started by a Chipotle employee, who was really good at assembling the bowls.
  • This helped increase sales, as participants had to use an actual Chipotle bowl.
  • TikTok saw over 100,000 videos use the hashtag within one week.
  • Engagement with younger customers and positive brand recall were boosted after the campaign.

21. Peloton leaned on social impact to gain greater brand awareness

case study viral marketing

(image credit: Pelobuddy )

  • Peloton’s marketing approach focuses on building a strong community of users who feel connected to each other and the company's values.
  • They promote their products as a way to achieve fitness and health goals, while emphasising the social and emotional benefits of working out with others.
  • The company has also launched various social impact initiatives, such as “The Comeback ,” where people can nominate someone they think deserves a free bike.
  • Partnerships with charitable organisations and fundraising events also helped further these initiatives.
  • This approach helped Peloton build a loyal customer base and establish a strong brand identity as a responsible and community-oriented company.

22. This hashtag campaign by Apple ended up on over 10,000 billboards across the world

case study viral marketing

(image credit: Adweek )

  • The #ShotOniPhone campaign was released by Apple to showcase the iPhone's camera capabilities.
  • Apple selected the best photos and videos from the hashtag and featured them on their website, billboards, and even in-store displays.
  • This led to a huge success, with millions of people using the hashtag to showcase their photography skills.
  • In the process, Apple was able to establish a reputation for producing high-quality cameras on their iPhones.
  • The campaign also helped create a community of iPhone users, further building their brand loyalty.

23. The e.l.f Cosmetics hashtag challenge got over 9 billion views on videos in 6 days

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: TikTok)

  • e.l.f. Cosmetics partnered with TikTok creators to create a successful marketing campaign, #TikTokGGT.
  • It aimed to build brand awareness and reach a younger demographic, featuring music, dancing, and creative use of e.l.f. Cosmetics products.
  • Their videos went viral, and the company gained millions of views and new followers on TikTok.
  • It was a big success in terms of view counts due to the authenticity and creativity of the TikTok creators, who were able to showcase the products in a fun and engaging way.
Related reading: I talk about the effectiveness of creators as part of your TikTok growth strategy when it comes to accelerating growth.

24. ASUS saw over 80,000 UGC submissions through their TikTok hashtag

case study viral marketing

(Image source: TikTok)

  • ASUS came out with a targeted TikTok campaign to reach gamers and promote their ROG gaming laptop, called #CreateWithASUS.
  • The videos were created by TikTok creators who were gamers themselves and had large followings within the gaming community, amassing over 220 million views.
  • Delivery was highly targeted, with the company using data analysis to identify potential customers and deliver the videos to them.
  • The authenticity and expertise of the creators made this ASUS campaign a success, as they were able to showcase the features of the laptop in a way that resonated with gamers.
  • This helped ASUS establish a reputation for producing high-quality gaming laptops.

25. Grammarly reached over 5 million people on Facebook and Youtube

case study viral marketing

Watch video here .

  • Grammarly’s “Write the Future” campaign used a storytelling approach to generate brand awareness.
  • The videos are designed to appeal to a large audience, showcasing customer archetypes and the impact Grammarly had on their lives.
  • It was successful, reaching over 5 million people and achieving a lower CPM and higher engagement rate than direct response campaigns.
  • Video-view rate increased by 33%, and cost-wise, they landed on $0.02 video views, and $0.59 video completes, with a reasonable CPC of $1.87.

26. This campaign saw over 4 billion image impressions within the first three months

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Effie )

  • Always came up with the #LikeAGirl campaign to challenge gender stereotypes and inspire girls to stay confident.
  • It started with an ad that highlighted the negative stereotypes associated with doing something "like a girl" and how these stereotypes can affect a girl's self-esteem.
  • This went viral, sparking a global conversation about gender stereotypes.
  • The company expanded the campaign with the social media hashtag #LikeAGirl and encouraged people to share their stories and pictures using the hashtag.
  • They also partnered with organisations like TED and Girls Scouts of the USA to amplify the message of the campaign.

27. Under Armour saw over 4 million views in 8 days

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: from article)

  • Under Armour launched its #IWillWhatIWant campaign , which targeted women and aimed to challenge traditional notions of femininity and beauty in sports.
  • The campaign showcased female athletes who had overcome obstacles to achieve success in their respective fields, such as Misty Copeland and Lindsey Vonn.
  • They also had a digital component with a website that allowed users to create inspirational messages using the hashtag.
  • Their sales increased by 28% in the quarter following the campaign's launch, leading to an increase in brand awareness and affinity.
  • As a plus, its success led to the expansion of Under Armour's product line for women and the inclusion of more female athletes in its marketing campaigns.

28. KFC’s campaign was released across multiple channels, resulting in an almost 20% increase in sales

case study viral marketing

  • The #UnboringMorning campaign of KFC came out in Singapore, aiming to promote its breakfast offerings and attract a younger audience.
  • While the ad was released in traditional media like television, the brand leveraged social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to reach its target audience and encourage engagement with the campaign.
  • The campaign also included interactive elements such as a social media contest that encouraged users to share their own "unboring" morning routines for a chance to win prizes.
  • They partnered with local influencers to create buzz around the campaign and generate more attention.
  • Search activity increased by 18% in the first month of the campaign, significantly increasing brand awareness and affinity.

29. Calvin Klein, the clothing giant, became even more iconic after it launched its social media campaign

case study viral marketing

  • Calvin Klein had the #mycalvins campaign , featuring celebrities Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, and other young stars, to target millennials.
  • The ads featured the stars and other well-known internet personalities in their underwear, using their massive social media following to drive engagement and shares.
  • This helped the company increase their followers by millions across all social media channels.
  • The brand used the campaign to move away from its previous branding, which was seen as too conservative and not targeting younger consumers.
  • Through this move, Calvin Klein became a brand perceived as current and cool.

30. Adidas, the footwear and sportswear clothing behemoth, made personalised videos for over 30,000 athletes 

case study viral marketing

  • Adidas' "Here to Create Legend" campaign utilised cutting-edge technology to personalise content for each runner joining the Boston Marathon.
  • It was based on the idea that young people want to create their own legacies rather than just follow in the footsteps of others.
  • The company used data to understand the interests and preferences of its target audience and created content that resonated with them.
  • This meant utilising a mix of content formats, including video, social media, and experiential activations.
  • Personalised efforts made the athletes feel seen and important, which led to a sales spike of over 1,000% post-marathon season.

31. This Disney campaign raised millions of dollars for charity

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Disney )

  • The #ShareYourEars campaign was run by Disney and involved asking people to take photos of themselves wearing Mickey Mouse ears and sharing them on social media.
  • Disney committed to donating $5 to Make-A-Wish Foundation for every photo shared, up to a total of $2 million.
  • It was timed to coincide with the holiday season. Good timing for a campaign like this when audiences/people in general are in a ‘giving’/charitable state of mind.
  • Use of user-generated content (UGC) also helped to build a sense of ‘momentum’, inclusiveness and community, which in turn helped encourage more every day people to get involved in some way.
  • In the end, so many people joined in that Disney saw itself making a profit of $150,000 because of how many ears were sold during the campaign.

32. Zoom banked on community to build its audience (and paid off big time)

case study viral marketing

(image credit: from article)

  • Zoom's success during the COVID-19 pandemic can be attributed to its leveraging user-generated content to build engagement and credibility with its audience.
  • They used humour and light-hearted content to connect with their audience and show they understood the challenges of working from home.
  • The company also responded to customer feedback and complaints on social media, demonstrating its commitment to customer service.
  • This social media strategy helped to drive brand awareness and adoption.
  • Zoom's success on social media shows the importance of staying agile and responsive during times of crisis and how providing value to customers can help build brand loyalty and trust.

Viral & UGC Competitions 

33. gopro, an established action camera brand, launched a contest with a million-dollar prize.

case study viral marketing

  • GoPro came out with the Million Dollar Challenge , which asked users of the new HERO8 Black + MAX to come out with highlight reels of their shots.
  • The contest was promoted primarily through social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, with the use of influencers helping to increase reach and engagement.
  • There was a big focus on UGC, which in turn helped build a thriving and engaging community for GoPro.
  • In total, the company got over 40,000 videos amounting to over 350 hours of reel time.
  • As a plus, the contest provided valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences by analysing the data collected.

34. This viral contest leaderboard generated over 7,000 leads

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Vyper)

  • Vyper's viral leaderboard contest is an effective marketing tool for increasing engagement and driving user-generated content.
  • It incentivised participants to share the contest with their friends and followers, which helped increase the reach and impact of the campaign.
  • The company platform makes it easy to track and measure the results of the contest, which helped their marketers understand what was working and make adjustments as needed.
  • The turnout also saw 8,000 new email sign-ups as new people became interested in the brand through their campaign.

35. IKEA used targeted UGC to increase conversion by 3x

case study viral marketing

Watch video here . 

  • IKEA invited customers to submit photos of their homes , and the company selected some of the best ones to feature in a print advertisement. 
  • As a result, the campaign captured IKEA's products in real-life situations and helped build a sense of community and connection with its customers.
  • It also helped create a more diverse and inclusive representation of IKEA's customer base.
  • The UGC element helped drive social media engagement, as people shared their photos and encouraged others to participate.
  • Overall they got an epic result where they saw a 27% increase in reach and 3x increase in conversion.

36. FlySafair went from inception to a famous carrier in four years

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Viral Sweep)

  • FlySafair, a low-cost South African airline , used a social media contest to make a name for itself.
  • They created a contest that asked people to submit photos of their pets, and the winner received a free flight for themselves and their pets. 
  • Along the way, FlySafair was responsive to customer feedback and complaints on social media, which helped demonstrate its commitment to customer service.
  • The prize was attractive and aligned with the airline's brand personality, which helped to strengthen its overall image.
  • Further, the contest fostered a sense of community among participants who shared their photos and engaged with the airline on social media.

37. Adore Me, a lingerie company, ran a contest to gain market share

case study viral marketing

(Image credit:

  • Adore Me created a giveaway that asked people to follow them on social media and share the contest with their friends for a chance to win a year's worth of free lingerie. 
  • Leaning into the sharing aspect of the contest helped increase the brand's reach and exposure.
  • The prize promoted the brand's product offerings, which added to the contest's appeal - they’re offering things customers won’t get anywhere else.
  • Propping up the brand’s items helped increase sales by driving traffic to the website and encouraging people to purchase.
  • Their social media strategy also utilised Pinterest, with product images as the focal point.

38. 40,000+ followers were added to this eCommerce store’s audience after they ran a giveaway (one of my favs)

case study viral marketing

  • The Instagram giveaway of Coconut Bowls was also used to collect over 40,000 email addresses and drive sales -  and guess what!? It only cost them $1,000 to run the campaign (wow!)
  • They capitalised on FOMO messaging, partnering with influencers to get the word out.
  • Because the campaign was set up to generate UGC, they saw over 15,000 posts come up promoting their brand within 4 weeks.

39. This music producer capitalised on his connections to run a viral campaign

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Upviral)

  • Gabe Schillinger is a hip-hop engineer who has worked with Snoop Dogg.
  • By banking on this connection to promote his campaign, he was able to set up a collaboration with Snoop Dogg as a prize.
  • He ran a referral program to incentivise customers with a chance to win this on top of other rewards.
  • Gamifying the program, people understood that they could win more if they did more - so they did.
  • Along the way, he was even able to sell out a product he had propped up within minutes, just from the traction he got through this contest.

40. Mailchimp used company swag to increase brand recognition

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Viral Loops)

  • Mailchimp launched a series of giveaways , each with a unique theme and a grand prize of company merch.
  • They used a variety of promotional channels, including social media, email, and influencer partnerships, to reach a wider audience.
  • The company created a sense of urgency by limiting the time frame for entering the giveaways and promoting them heavily in the days leading up to the deadline.
  • Centering on swag helped to create a sense of community among Mailchimp's customers and incentivised them to engage with the brand on a deeper level.
  • It came to the point where the merch became collectibles, driving up value.

Marketing Focused 

41. this bank used social media influencers to help them gain over 3,000 new twitter followers.

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: article below)

  • Axis Bank's marketing strategy focuses on "The Thought Factory, " which is a platform for innovation and creative thinking.
  • They launched an event to which influencers were invited, which had a huge pool in their local market.
  • Further, the messaging is centred around the idea of "Progress," which resonates with its target audience.
  • The company backed this up with visual branding.
  • Making sure that their action follows the message, they leaned hard on customer service, which has helped to build trust and loyalty among users.

42. Netflix used a TikTok filter to promote a new show

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Neo Reach)

  • Netflix came out with its own creative filter and hashtag to promote Cobra Kai.
  • They identified and partnered with influencers who had a significant following and who would resonate with the show's target market.
  • Going with a mix of macro and micro-influencers helped them reach a wider audience and create more engagement.
  • This was a massive success, with #CobraKaiChop gaining over 4 billion views.
  • As a plus, they helped foster a sense of community among show fans, which helped build loyalty and excitement.

43. American Standard, a bathroom brand, created a renovation campaign to promote their products

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: The Shelf)

  • American Standard collaborated with micro-influencers who had a strong following in the DIY and home improvement niche, as well as home design and lifestyle bloggers.
  • The campaign was centred around #MyAmericanStandardJourney, which aimed to emphasise the role of the brand in their home living.
  • Before and after images and videos helped drive the hype and interest of the general public.
  • They were allowed to experiment with various content formats, including blog posts, Instagram stories, and YouTube videos.
  • This resulted in positive sentiment towards the brand, with many consumers expressing interest in purchasing the product after seeing the influencers' content.

44. Bacardi, a mojito company, used UGC to improve sales by 14%

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Tribe Group)

  • Bacardi, the spirits brand, leveraged organic marketing to promote their drinks as the product of choice.
  • First, they teamed up with several influencers to create content promoting the #MojitoMoment.
  • Then, they took the content tagged with the hashtag and scattered them across digital panels, which were located 15 minutes away from bars where their products were sold.
  • This allowed them to subconsciously incite desire among passers-by and old consumers alike to participate AND get the drink.
  • Overall, they generated over 1.5 million social media impressions and over 25,000 engagements.

45. This computer company partnered with influencers across Twitch, Youtube, and Twitter

case study viral marketing

  • Nvidia made sure they were visible on the platforms where their target market was present.
  • The influencers were chosen for their expertise in PC gaming and their influence over their respective gaming communities.
  • Content included product reviews, gameplay footage, and live streams showcasing the company’s new graphics cards in action - things that their audience would want to watch in their free time.
  • This helped Nvidia increase brand awareness and reach new audiences, particularly among PC gamers.
  • From just partnering with 11 creators, they saw over 40 million impressions.

Referral Marketing

Related reading: if you’re looking to replicate similar success to these studies below from some of these household names, then make sure to check out my ultimate guide to the best referral marketing platforms that you need to look into. 

46. Tesla hit $1 trillion in value without spending a dollar on advertising

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Referral Factory)

  • Tesla's referral program shows the importance of creating a straightforward yet rewarding program.
  • It was designed to incentivise customers to spread the word about Tesla and help the company grow its customer base.
  • They kept rewards attractive, like free $1,000 credits, limited edition merchandise, and even a free Tesla Roadster for those who referred the most number of new customers.
  • Customers loved the rewards, which caused them to share their experiences with their followers, increasing brand affinity even more.
  • Though it cost the company a bit, it helped them achieve significant growth without spending money on traditional advertising.

47. Harry’s had over 100,000 interested customers before it even launched

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: )

  • Harry's ran its referral program using a viral loop pre-launch to get the word out.
  • They gave out a free shave kit for every 5 referrals to keep the program attractive to customers.
  • A lot of teasers were involved in solidifying the interest in the product.
  • The referral program resulted in a significant increase in customer acquisition and sales for Harry's.
  • Overall, participants had a higher customer lifetime value than non-participants.
Related reading: if you’re in eCommerce, you will like these eCommerce referral marketing examples from top brands, where you can get inspiration on how they communicate and grow their referral strategy. 

48. Dropbox saw almost 4,000% in growth in just over a year

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Growsurf)

  • Dropbox's referral program offered users free extra storage space in exchange for inviting their friends to join.
  • Both the referrer and the referred user were incentivised, which helped encourage participation.
  • They made it easy for users to track their referrals and see how much storage space they earned.
  • It was largely because of this campaign that the company reached 100 million users in just five years.
  • The success of Dropbox's referral program shows the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

49. PayPal literally gave out money (one of the first ever successful referral campaigns)

case study viral marketing

(Image credit: Flyy)

  • PayPal’s referral program is considered as the first ‘famous’ (well-known within the tech startup scene) viral growth marketing campaign.
  • Dropbox’s campaign was actually inspired by the success of PayPal in this case.
  • The premise was simple: Give $20, get $20 - and the rest is history (as we all know, so many SaaS and eCommerce companies have double-sided referral programs).
  • Because of the nature of the company, they utilised social proof to encourage people to join by highlighting the success of others who had already referred friends.
  • The company’s focus on creating a positive user experience helped to retain users and drive repeat referrals.

50. Robinhood used referrals to hit 1 million users before it even launched

case study viral marketing

  • Robinhood offered a referral program where customers get others to join the platform and receive a free share of stock.
  • This was integrated into the onboarding process, making it easy for new users to invite their friends.
  • They also kept the signup process short and simple to fit the short attention span of its market.
  • Unlike others, Robinhood set a limit on the number of free shares each user could receive, creating a sense of exclusivity and urgency.
  • The referral program's success helped Robinhood establish itself as a disruptor in the financial industry.

51. Uber gave free rides and bonuses for successful referrals

case study viral marketing

(Image credit:

  • Uber’s referral program gave riders free rides in exchange for referring friends to the service, and it also gave drivers bonuses for referring new drivers.
  • It was easy to use and promoted heavily within the app , making it simple for everyone involved.
  • To make it more fun and engaging, users were able to personalise their referral code.
  • The company ​​also used social proof, displaying the number of successful referrals in the app to encourage others to participate.
  • This allowed Uber to acquire new customers at a low cost, which helped them grow rapidly.

⚡Frequently Asked Questions ⚡

Which are your favourite viral marketing case studies that are really worth reading and sharing with colleagues.

Well, as you can see, there are so many epic case studies and examples of brands that have achieved incredible results with virality. Some of the numbers are truly staggering. Pretty much all of them are worth reading and watching (I mean, that’s why I included them in this guide), but if I had to pick seven (7) of my favourites, they would have to be - Old Spice, Volvo Trucks (so good), Red Bull #putacanonit, Go Pro “Million Dollar Challenge”, Coconut Bowls, Harry’s, and of course, one of my favourite platforms and tools I love, Dropbox’s referral program (one of the most famous in the tech startup scene). If you can, try read/watch all these studies and take notes because there are a lot of learnings you’ll be able to pick out.

What are some of the key attributes and elements that go into a viral marketing campaign?

There are lots of advice out there around key elements that goes into making a viral campaign, and it’s also just as important to define what ‘viral’ is (expectation management is important here). The reality is, going viral into the millions is really tough (chances are really low), but you can still spark a level of virality that generates a good ROI and reach for your brand. Having worked on a few campaigns which haven’t gone ‘super viral’ (like the videos you see on YouTube like Volvo Trucks and Old Spice), you can still give yourself the best chance when going into campaign creation. So, whatever channel you’re working on or type of campaign, these are some of the key elements I believe that matter to focus on - First, follow a particular trend that’s happening (i.e. TikTok trends is a great example). Second, use your existing audience and relationship with influencers to generate that initial spark (i.e. a UGC social media comp and they engage/share with others to get involved who may not already be following you). Third, related to the above, ensure you have distribution channels in place, whether it be PR or larger influencers ready to share (again, need to create some sort of groundswell at the start). Fourth, have a great hook (e.g. maybe be somewhat controversial or have a reason for people wanting to read/engage/join the conversation - anything that taps into the emotional triggers of your target audience), and finally, make it super easy to share whatever it is you’re working on (i.e. if you’re driving people to a landing page, social share buttons should be obvious). There are plenty of other elements/variables that go into campaigns like this, but the above strategies/tactics I’ve seen work really well through clients/projects I’ve worked on and what I’ve seen/analysed from top brands.

What’s one of the top strategies you recommend for startups and eCommerce brands to consider to ‘go viral’?

One of my favourite strategies and initiatives I’ve done a few times now is by running viral competitions. You’ll see some of the examples I’ve mentioned above and the results some of them have achieved. Yes, even on a tighter budget, you can achieve pretty epic results similar to the brands/companies that ran great comps. You’ll see what I mean when you take a read through the studies. Although when you do read them, you’ll see the importance of having a good prize (which requires a budget) and using a platform like Gleam Viral Loops or Vyper (there are a few others as well). Additionally, depending on where you live/are located, you also do need to check jurisdiction laws around competitions. I’ve seen brands myself generate thousands of leads and even a decent number of customers (revenue) through these viral competitions. Highly recommend you check the studies out (and others you can find across the net) to get some inspiration that you can consider for your business/team.

For brands on a budget, what do you recommend are ‘viral’ based marketing initiatives that can generate sales and referrals?

In the above question, I mentioned that viral competitions are a great strategy for building up a huge list, awareness and drive sales, but there are some other low-cost initiatives that you should incorporate into your overall marketing strategy. First, make sure you have a referral program in place. The number of brands that I come across with no referral program in place astounds me, as there are plenty of cost-effective tools/solutions on the market. Even if it’s not performing, there’s always room for making optimisations and improvements. Second, in relation to competitions, is UGC social comps (which I mention more below in the next question). Third, do partner/collab campaigns with other related brands (that aren’t direct competitors). For example, you can do email campaigns through both your audiences to get exposure to new subscribers, as well as do social media collabs. Fourth, this strategy can add up if not careful, but I personally believe micro-influencers are really good for smaller brands on a budget. However, it can only work if you effectively measure the ROI from the engagement (i.e. use coupon codes, tracking links, etc.). Working with numerous brands, I’ve seen first-hand it can still work incredibly well, especially at scale when you grow. Plus, the benefits of awareness and sales is one thing, but it’s the accelerated trust building and content that can really pay off dividends for your business. Fifth and final strategy suggestion is getting good at creating engaging content, and then focus on building relationships for distribution. If you get good at this (and stay consistent), in no time, you’ll get the awareness and viral exposure you’re looking for. I’ve suggested five strong strategies here that have worked time and time again for myself and various clients I’ve worked with over the years. However, there are naturally plenty of others you’ll get exposed to - it all comes down to testing and experimenting but ensuring you measure it effectively to track ROI.

Do UGC campaigns on social platforms still work effectively for brands on a leaner budget?

The short answer is yes, UGC social comps and posts are a great way to build awareness as well as followers and, ultimately, drive sales of new customers. However, it’s becoming more of a challenge as social media platforms reduce/tighten their organic reach. A great strategy actually I’ve started to see a lot of brands do is co-branded/collab UGC competitions with other related (non-direct competitor) brands. It’s a win-win by cross-promoting audiences and getting that initial ‘boost’ of organic reach. Naturally, though, you’re always going to need some sort of budget (not just for the prize) to really get the wheels turning when it comes to getting awesome engagement that can increase your chances of getting huge numbers of entries. So for those on a budget, definitely look into UGC comp collabs on Instagram.

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Having fun writing & doing marketing from Sydney, Australia. 💛 

It's Fun Doing Marketing | Owned by Growth Marketers Worldwide Pty Ltd

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10 Incredible Viral Marketing Case Studies [2024]

Viral marketing is counted among the most successful strategies in the current marketing landscape, captivating viewers worldwide with its ability to amplify brand messaging through organic and explosive exposure. This collection of “10 Viral Marketing Case Studies” showcases various campaigns—from Old Spice’s humorous rebranding efforts to the profound social experiments of Heineken’s “Worlds Apart” campaign. Each case study is a testament to the innovative use of digital platforms, emotional engagement, and clever content creation that achieved tremendous reach and fostered deep, meaningful connections with consumers. Through these examples, we explore how brands like GoPro, KFC, etc., have successfully navigated the tests of standing out in a saturated market by deploying creative strategies that resonate on a global scale, leading to increased sales, enhanced brand loyalty, and in some cases, societal impact.

Related: Digital Marketing Case Studies

1. Old Spice: “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”

Task or Conflict

Old Spice faced a significant branding challenge as perceptions of the brand were increasingly tied to older generations, limiting its appeal among younger consumers. The task was formidable: reposition Old Spice as a desirable and modern choice for personal grooming among the young generation.

Old Spice responded to this challenge by launching the “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign, featuring the charismatic Isaiah Mustafa. This campaign was designed to capture attention through high-energy, humorous monologues that transitioned swiftly between surreal and exotic locales, emphasizing the fantastical effects of using Old Spice products. The campaign utilized a unique blend of humor, sex appeal, and a rapid-fire delivery of dialogue that made it stand out in the media landscape.

Overall Impact

  • Sales Increase: Old Spice saw a remarkable 125% increase in product sales following the campaign.
  • Social Media Growth: There was a significant spike in social media followers, particularly on Twitter and YouTube, where the videos accumulated millions of views.

Key Learnings

  • Humor Works: Effectively using humor can engage a younger audience and refresh a brand’s image.
  • Direct Engagement: Speaking directly to the audience can create a personal connection that enhances message retention.

2. Dove: “Real Beauty Sketches”

Dove aimed to challenge and transform the conventional standards of beauty imposed by the beauty industry, which often glorified unrealistic and narrow ideals. The brand faced the critical task of reinforcing its ongoing commitment to its “Real Beauty” campaign, which seeks to celebrate diverse and natural beauty across all women.

Dove addressed this challenge through the innovative “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign. The initiative involved a forensic artist who drew two portraits of women without ever seeing them—first based on their own descriptions and then dependent on a stranger’s description. This poignant approach highlighted the discrepancy between self-perception and external perceptions, revealing that women often have a harsher view of their appearance than is warranted.

  • Viral Sensation: The campaign video quickly became one of the most viewed advertisements on YouTube, garnering widespread attention.
  • Global Conversation: It sparked global conversations about beauty standards and self-esteem, reinforcing Dove’s position as a thought leader in beauty positivity.
  • Emotional Engagement: Leveraging emotional storytelling can powerfully resonate with audiences, driving message impact and sharing.
  • Authentic Content: Campaigns that reflect genuine and relatable experiences can enhance brand credibility and audience connection.

3. ALS Association: “Ice Bucket Challenge”

The ALS Association faced a significant challenge in raising awareness and funds for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease. ALS was relatively unknown to the broader public, and the organization needed a creative strategy to draw widespread attention and inspire donations to support research and patient care.

To tackle this challenge, the ALS Association launched the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” a campaign hinged on social media’s viral potential. Partakers were filmed pouring ice-cold water on them and then challenging friends to do it or donate to the ALS cause. This initiative not only aimed to simulate the sensation of the disease, which affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, but also used a peer-pressure element creatively to spread the activity virally.

  • Awareness Boost: Significantly increased global awareness of ALS, with numerous celebrities and millions of individuals participating.
  • Research Advancements: Funds raised directly contributed to research breakthroughs, including the discovery of a new ALS gene.
  • Celebrity Involvement: Leveraging celebrity participation can amplify reach and impact.
  • Social Good: Campaigns tied to social causes can generate substantial public support and meaningful outcomes.

Related: Weird Marketing Strategies that Worked

4. Blendtec: “Will It Blend?”

Blendtec faced the challenge of demonstrating the strength and durability of their blenders in a market crowded with competing products. The company needed an innovative marketing strategy to showcase the superior performance of its blenders.

Blendtec met this challenge head-on by creating the “Will It Blend?” video series. Tom Dickson, the company’s founder, starred in these quirky and captivating videos, blending everything from marbles to smartphones to show the power of Blendtec blenders. Its humorous and sometimes shocking visual content drove the campaign’s success.

  • Sales Increase: The campaign led to an incredible 700% increase in sales.
  • Media Coverage: Attracted extensive media coverage, further amplifying the brand’s message.
  • Product Demonstration: Creative and extreme product demonstrations can effectively highlight product quality and durability.
  • Viral Potential: Content with shock value and humor has high viral potential.

5. Burger King: “Subservient Chicken”

Burger King sought to differentiate its brand in the highly competitive fast-food market by reinforcing its ‘Have it Your Way’ brand philosophy. The test was to create a marketing campaign that would highlight this customer-centric message and engage consumers in an innovative and memorable way.

Burger King introduced the “Subservient Chicken” campaign, featuring a website where consumers could interact with a man in a chicken suit who would perform actions based on user commands. This bizarre yet intriguing setup was designed to emphasize customer choice and control, mirroring the brand’s promise that customers could have their meals exactly how they wanted them. The campaign combined humor, interactivity, and a slight edge of surrealism, engaging consumers by giving them direct control over the content.

  • Sales Growth: Contributed to a noticeable increase in Burger King’s sales.
  • Brand Engagement: Enhanced consumer engagement and reinforced Burger King’s brand identity as fun and customer-focused.
  • Alignment with Brand Message: Creative campaigns that align closely with the brand message resonate more with audiences.
  • Innovative Approaches: Employing innovative and slightly unconventional approaches can set a brand apart in a crowded market.

6. KFC: “FCK” Apology Ad

In 2018, KFC faced a significant crisis in the UK when supply chain issues led to a chicken shortage, forcing the closure of hundreds of its restaurants. This disruption not only risked tarnishing the brand’s reputation but also disappointed countless customers expecting their favorite meals.

KFC addressed this crisis head-on with a bold and clever print ad. The ad featured a KFC chicken bucket with its letters rearranged to “FCK” on the front, humorously playing on a swear word, with an apology note below it. This straightforward, humorous approach acknowledged the mistake directly, showcasing the brand’s humility and human side.

  • Media Praise: Received widespread acclaim across media for its clever approach to crisis management.
  • Customer Loyalty: Enhanced brand loyalty through transparent and relatable communication.
  • Crisis Humor: Using humor in a crisis can defuse tension and humanize a brand.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Showing understanding and responsibility towards customer inconveniences builds trust and loyalty.

7. Netflix: “Spoiler Billboards”

Netflix aimed to promote its vast array of series in a way that sparked curiosity and engagement among potential new subscribers and existing users in France.

Netflix creatively launched a campaign featuring billboards with spoilers from popular TV series and movies available on its platform. The idea was to intrigue those who saw the billboards and motivate them to watch the series on Netflix to avoid spoilers in the future. This campaign played on the fear of missing out (FOMO) and utilized the element of surprise to grab attention and create buzz.

  • Subscription Boost: Contributed to an increase in new subscriptions in the French market.
  • Social Media Buzz: Generated extensive buzz and discussion on social media platforms.
  • Leveraging FOMO: Effectively using FOMO can drive people to take immediate action.
  • Engagement Through Curiosity: Provoking curiosity can lead to increased engagement with a brand’s offerings.

Related: How can data engineering be used in Marketing?

8. Heineken: “Worlds Apart”

In a polarized world, Heineken sought to position itself as a brand that promotes open conversations and brings people together, despite their differences.

Heineken launched the “Worlds Apart” campaign, a social experiment that paired strangers with opposing views on various social and political issues to work together on a task. After the task, their differing opinions were revealed, and they were given the option to discuss their differences over a Heineken.

  • Social Impact: Sparked conversations about the importance of dialogue and understanding.
  • Brand Perception: Enhanced Heineken’s image as a socially conscious and unifying brand.
  • Emotional Connection: Creating emotional connections through storytelling can significantly enhance brand image.
  • Promoting Unity: Campaigns that promote unity and understanding can foster positive brand associations and customer loyalty.

9. GoPro: “Fireman Saves Kitten”

GoPro, known for its action cameras, needed to showcase its products’ versatility and emotional impact beyond just extreme sports usage. The brand aimed to reach a broader audience by demonstrating that GoPro cameras could capture profound, heartwarming moments in everyday life.

GoPro capitalized on user-generated content for an emotional viral marketing campaign. The company shared a video called “Fireman Saves Kitten,” which featured footage from a firefighter’s GoPro helmet cam. The video showed the firefighter rescuing an unconscious kitten from a smoke-filled house and subsequently reviving it. This touching rescue was a showcase of heroism and highlighted the GoPro camera’s ability to capture intimate, first-person perspectives of real-life heroes at work.

  • Brand Image Enhancement: Enhanced GoPro’s brand image by associating it with positive, emotional storytelling.
  • Increased Product Interest: Sparked interest in GoPro cameras from consumers outside the traditional sports and adventure niche.
  • Emotional Storytelling: Leveraging emotional storytelling in marketing can create a strong connection with audiences, driving engagement and brand loyalty.
  • Versatility of Product Use: Demonstrating the versatility of a product in various scenarios can broaden its appeal and market reach.

10. IKEA: “Bookbook”

IKEA aimed to promote its annual catalog in a way that would stand out in the digital age, where traditional print media often gets overlooked.

IKEA created a tongue-in-cheek promotional video titled “Bookbook,” parodying Apple product launches. The video treated the IKEA catalog as a revolutionary technological innovation, highlighting its “features” like eternal battery life and tactile touch technology—cleverly alluding to the physical pages of the catalog. This humorous approach showcased the catalog’s content and played on the tech obsession prevalent in contemporary culture.

  • Media Coverage: Received extensive media coverage for its creative approach to traditional advertising.
  • Catalog Interest: Increased interest and anticipation for the annual IKEA catalog release.
  • Humor in Marketing: Effectively using humor can make traditional products appealing in the digital era.
  • Engagement Through Innovation: Innovative approaches to presenting traditional media can rejuvenate interest and engagement.

Related: How can you switch careers from Technology Marketing?

Closing Thoughts

As demonstrated by these ten case studies, the power of viral marketing lies in its reach and remarkable ability to engage and connect with audiences personally and emotionally. These campaigns highlight the creativity and strategic thinking necessary to cut through the noise of the digital age. As we reflect on these diverse examples, it becomes clear that the most successful viral campaigns understand and leverage human emotions effectively, aligning brand values with the consumer’s experience.

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Viral Marketing: 7 quick case studies to help you get word-of-mouth and organic attention for your brand

When you hear the words “viral marketing” you may think of your brand becoming instantly internet famous all thanks to a clever meme or compelling video you share.

And sure, we’ve all seen stories of that happening. But…

…they are anecdotal outliers not consistent blueprints for success. So the real question you should be asking is – “what can I do to give my brand incremental organic attention and word-of-mouth reach?”

We hope to spark your thinking by bringing you examples from BEER NUTS, university research, a family-owned jewelry business, a lawn care platform, an agency, a startup, and an app.

Viral Marketing: 7 quick case studies to help you get word-of-mouth and organic attention for your brand

This article was originally published in the MarketingSherpa email newsletter .

Quick Case Study #1: Four- and five-act videos get more than four times the shares of zero- to three-act videos

“Add drama to your online videos by telling a complete story. The results are increased shares and views irrespective of company size,” advised Keith A. Quesenberry, Associate Professor of Marketing, Messiah University .

Quesenberry and co-author Michael Coolsen, Professor of Marketing, Shippensburg University published research in the Journal of Interactive Marketing analyzing 155 viral marketing videos. They coded the videos for story development following the five acts of Freytag’s Pyramid – introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.

On average, four- and five-act videos gained more than four times the shares of zero- to three-act videos.

“Base the story around characters and situations your target audience can relate to or is relevant to their life. Yet add a twist or surprise of the unexpected to create the fascinating familiar. The resulting emotion they experience from the story and surprise is something they will want to share with others,” Quesenberry said.

Quick Case Study #2: Family-owned jewelry business gets more then 5 million video views with video about unique subject

For years, Moriarty’s Gem Art put out content in videos, but nothing ever took off. In 2018, the team found a unique gemstone called Hyalite Opal – it glowed because of the radiation inside of it. They joked about how it looked like Kryptonite.

That gave them an idea for a video. They spent about 10 to 20 hours on this video and even brought in a radiation expert. They made an in-depth video about this rare stone, really pushing the amazing glow.

“We then posted the video on YouTube and made a clever title on Reddit,” said Jeff Moriarty, Marketing Manager, Moriarty’s Gem Art.

Creative Sample #1: Viral video for family-owned jewelry business

Creative Sample #1: Viral video for jewelry business

The video was viewed more than 3,000,000 times in its first few weeks. After three years, the video now has 5,323,222 views.

“My advice to anyone trying to get something to go viral – find something unique and exciting you can really go into depth about, then spend more time than you want on creating the content, whether it’s video or just textual content,” Moriarty said.

While the team hasn’t had this big of a hit since, the success inspired them to change the way they make videos and they now get ten times more views than they used to. Instead of a quick setup and one-hour block to complete a video, they spend more time and put more effort into the creation of the videos. “While this was very time consuming and more stressful, it paid off for us!” he said.

Quick Case Study #3: Lawn care platform uses data it already had to reward customers, sparking organic social posts

“Unexpected, exceptional customer service should be every business’s best practice to bring a smile to a customer’s face – or their pet’s face – to ensure a viral marketing campaign. These acts can also be done at a very low cost,” said Gene Caballero, Co-founder, GreenPal .

The team brainstormed an idea to win over customers through their pets by tapping into data they already had. When a homeowner signs up for the service, they provide information on if they have pets, and if so, the pets’ names. This information enables the platform to tell lawn vendors to be careful when entering the lawn.

They decided they could also use this info about customers to send a personalized gift to customers’ pets, addressed to the pet.

“This really wowed our customers, we received personal thank you notes, videos of their dog chewing the bone we sent posted to Facebook, and thank you tweets. It worked really well for the time and money we invested and even landed us a few TV interviews. Monitoring our social media accounts gave us great insight into how this program was working,” said Caballero said.

Creative Sample #2: YouTube comment about lawn care platform

Creative Sample #2: YouTube comment about lawn care platform

The company saw an uptick of five to ten percent in homeowner sign-ups in a specific market if a homeowner posted on Facebook. “Over 20 to 30 markets, we could see that this was working. Our goal was for our customers to promote us on Facebook or Instagram and socially vet our service,” he said.

Quick Case Study #4: Product launch gets more than 1,000 new user signups for app in first week

“Having a successful Product Hunt launch can catapult your new startup to quickly get visibility and new users, provided that your startup is one of the most-hunted products on the day that it launches,” said Andy Cabasso, Co-Founder, Postaga .

Postaga’s product launch garnered more than 1,000 new user signups for its app in the first week, several requests for interviews from media, as well as outreach from investors. Its app was rated #1 Product of the Day and #2 Product of the Week on Product Hunt after receiving 1,275 upvotes. Here is Cabasso’s advice for using Product Hunt to create a viral launch based on this success:

  • Have really good visuals – images (not just screenshots, but annotated images that show off your product), a quick one-minute explainer video that is very polished and shows what your product does, and an animated gif for your listing.  
  • Launch at the right time (12am Pacific) and promote your Product Hunt launch to any audience you have and online communities you are a part of to get them to upvote your product, which helps increase the likelihood you are in the Top 5 early on (and getting Top 5 early on is a significant boost to the likelihood you are one of the top ones by the end of the day).  
  • Have good copy for your Maker’s comment when your product launches.  
  • Block out your whole day the day of the Product Hunt launch to answer any questions on your product page as well as from new visitors to your website. “It's gonna be a busy day if your launch is going well, ” he said.

Quick Case Study #5: Humorous videos on LinkedIn help agency sign more than $1 million of business

“Most people still aren’t posting funny content on LinkedIn, and contrary to popular belief, most business professionals DO have a sense of humor,” said Jackie Hermes, CEO, Accelity . “I wasn't showing my or my company’s true personality on LinkedIn by making exclusively serious content, and that felt inauthentic. Some of my most popular content includes humor.”

For example, Hermes posted a video on LinkedIn about working from home with kids during COVID, and got 1,553 reactions and 282 comments.

Creative Sample #3: Humorous video posted by agency on LinkedIn

Creative Sample #3: Humorous video posted by agency on LinkedIn

The team used to shoot with a professional camera and mics but found that level of production was not needed for social content. Since COVID started, Hermes shoots all of her videos on her phone. “Then, we use Zubtitle to caption and voila!” she said.

“I posted it on LinkedIn and Instagram. I focus heavily on LinkedIn – I think brands/personal brands should only do what they have time to do well and a lot of people make the mistake of starting a YouTube channel and trying to have a big presence on every social site,” Hermes said.

Prospects mention the funny videos in the agency’s sales process and the company has signed more than one million dollars in business from LinkedIn. “Outside of that, my funny sales-related videos earned a connection to Ryan Deiss of DigitalMarketer and I have now been on their stages at Traffic and Conversion Summit and Digital Agency Expo,” she said.

Quick Case Study #6: Startup utilizes a moment with a lot of existing energy to get a brand lift and increase sales 60%

“We see brands apply this tactic all the time around sporting events such as the Super Bowl and big-time holidays such as Mother’s Day. With many moments to come in 2021, how brands strategize around activating their big moments could result in brand loyalty, increase the share of voice, and ultimately big sales,” said Sanja Komljenovic, Founder and CEO, ONA Creative .

For example, the agency activated the #EATGREEN campaign in service of its client Lettuce Grow for Earth Day 2020. Last year’s Earth Day theme was climate action. As part of brand planning, the team focused the startup’s messaging around sustainability since Lettuce Grow’s product allows consumers to grow family-sized vegetables at home, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions added by the global food system which directly contributes to global warming. The global food system – including farming and grazing, transportation, packaging, and feed production – produces 37% of greenhouse gas emissions according to a UN report .

“As part of our overall brand strategy, Lettuce Grow is making fresh, tasty and nutritiously alive food easy and fun to grow at home, so leaning into Earth Day’s 50th anniversary was a no brainer,” said Jacob Pechenik, CEO, Lettuce Grow. “We worked with the team to activate our #EATGREEN campaign, taking advantage of the milestone to make a meaningful connection with and – more importantly – to grow our community of fresh food enthusiasts.”

 The #EATGREEN campaign leveraged influencers and celebrities to challenge and inform consumers, showing them that their food choices can impact climate change and support the health of our planet. “We created a campaign with its own look and feel, carefully strategized which influencers to use – we opted for athletes, doctors, and nutritionists – and obsessed over the details that went into the Instagram stories and posts, focusing on share-ability every step of the way,” Komljenovic said.

Creative Sample #4: Instagram post for startup’s viral Earth Day campaign

Creative Sample #4: Instagram post for startup’s viral Earth Day campaign

“[Lettuce Grow] Cofounder Zooey Deschanel, fitness expert Denise Austin, Olympian Julia Mancuso, and bloggers Whitney Morris and Koko shared their #EATGREEN commitment. Earth Day is both a challenge and a celebration. These posts captured just that,” she said.

To get the influencers involved, the team leveraged personal and business relationships, sent free products to select influencers, and never asked them to sell anything…just promote eating green for the health of the planet.

 Creative Sample #5: Social media posts from influencers in support of startup’s Earth Day campaign

Creative Sample #5: Social media posts from influencers in support of startup’s Earth Day campaign

The viral campaign not only grew brand sentiment by communicating the brand’s values but also drove conversions. At the time, Lettuce Grow saw record sales of the Farmstand product at full price – a 60% increase above the 30-day average – with many first-time buyers and visitors to the site.

“Take advantage of moments with existing energy. This is a strategy every brand should have in their marketing playbooks. However, these moments have to be authentic to the brand. Mother’s Day for mom and baby brands. Earth Day for sustainability brands. Sports moments for athletic brands. Brands also need to think through the details and the messaging carefully. Utilize the right positioning. Make sure they connect with the right kind of influencers that care about these moments as well,” Komljenovic advised.

Quick Case Study #7: Snack food brand increases conversion 9.8% with customer-generated reviews

“Marketers know that favorable product reviews can help with conversion, but they should also think about supporting marketing efforts further up the funnel. With an understanding of reviewer motivations, brands can devise winning strategies to win over their advocacy and generate more user engagement and ratings and reviews,” said Andrew Smith, Vice President of Marketing for PowerReviews .

PowerReviews’ recent survey research into the motivations of 10,000 shoppers revealed 40% of Gen Zers said they were motivated to provide photos or video in their review submissions on the chance their image might be subsequently shared on a brand’s website. More than three quarters (77%) of Gen Zers polled said they were motivated to provide reviews for the purpose of guiding and helping others.

Smith continued, “Brands can also leverage user-generated content as a valuable customer feedback source to improve your business. Above and beyond its obvious conversion power, brands should also leverage the analytics value of this content. It’s a highly valuable form of customer feedback that can drive improvements in products, customer experience, and overall marketing and messaging efforts.”

For example, review content has helped BEER NUTS engage with consumers and align its ecommerce efforts with how Gen Z shops.

“Most consumers today shop by reviews and ‘social proof’ – they care about what other people think,” said Jonathan Strupek, Marketing Manager, BEER NUTS® BRAND SNACKS. “Ratings and reviews are a big part of building an ecommerce experience that consumers have come to expect via their interactions with companies such as Amazon and Walmart.”

“We know that five seconds is the average attention span,” said Strupek. “So how much content can we give them in a well-organized manner and in a format that is as high-level or in-depth as they like, along with transparency in highest versus lowest reviews? This creates multiple touchpoints with the customer and gives them confidence to purchase.”

BEER NUTS was traditionally found in bars and taverns all across the country. Like many retailers, they have pursued a new direct-to-consumer sales channel and their website is the anchor for this effort. They’ve used product sampling for a reviews program to gain consumer ratings and reviews and new product imagery since they recently changed their packaging.

The company went live with PowerReviews in March 2020 – right during the start of the COVID pandemic shelter-in-place mandates, which ushered in significant changes in consumer buying behavior.

“We wanted to understand how consumers buying habits were shifting post-COVID so we could put forward the best pricing and product availability and Shopify Plus® and PowerReviews helped with our understanding of that. Consumer behavior is always changing – having the ability to have our finger on the pulse of that is critical,” says Strupek. “As we are building BEER NUTS’ direct-to-consumer business, we are taking advantage of this significant opportunity to have a conversation with consumers that our giant retail sales arm doesn’t have. They can’t get real-time feedback or understand what consumers are saying about our products. This is incredibly vital to tap into this Voice of the Customer since we physically can’t be across the nation,” he says.

BEER NUTS was able to generate a 9.8% conversion lift when website visitors interacted with customer-generated media – photos and videos – that customers submitted in conjunction with reviews.

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Email Marketing Chart: Tactics used by the top 1% of viral emails

Community Marketing: 1 million Instagram impressions via creative design contest

Social Media Marketing: Going viral is so easy it’s hard

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You are here: Influencer Marketing Hub » Influencer Marketing » Top 3 TikTok Marketing Case Studies & Insights 2024

Top 3 TikTok Marketing Case Studies & Insights 2024

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2023 has been one hell of a year for TikTok. It is one of the fastest-growing social platforms in the world, overtaking even Facebook & Instagram, and marking a 75% growth since 2020. Not only has TikTok’s user-base grown substantially but so has the variety and amount of brands who have flocked to get even a tiny piece of the platform. 

At Fanbytes by Brainlabs , we have had the pleasure of working with an assortment of brands to activate TikTok campaigns tailored to their goals such as Warner, Vestiaire, Burger King to more unorthodox brands such as the UK Government & the ACCA. 

This year has posed unique challenges and opportunities for brands, and we’ve created 3 distinctive case studies that will provide insight into how we’ve helped brands navigate TikTok in 2024 and how we were able to collaborate and activate blockbuster campaigns amidst its challenges.

Top 3 TikTok Marketing Case Studies for 2024:

1. idahoan foods, 2. vestiaire collective, 3. wrap me in plastic.

One thing that we saw during early Coronavirus concerns and lockdown measures is a noticeable rise in food content. From the infamous viral ‘Dalgona Coffee’, banana bread, and pancake cereal , users were quick to run to their kitchens and attack all of these recipes with little else to do in isolation.

This presented a unique opportunity for Idahoan Foods , a US instant mashed potato brand who were looking to engage a Gen Z demographic in the US who they have had difficulty connecting previously.

To insert the brand into the ongoing food content craze on the app, we knew that we had to get innovative whilst also incorporating popular TikTok conventions that would help Idahoan Foods stand out and appear as organic as possible.

With the brief set to build awareness of Idahoan Foods on the platform, our solution was to create a two-part activation leveraging 14 influencers, which we found by utilizing our industry leading in-house TikTok analytics tool, Bytesights.

For the first activation, we combined two of TikTok’s most effective and magical viral ingredients: sounds and dances. Firstly, our in-house team created a custom sound to build Idahoan Foods’ brand image, and we coupled it up with a choreographed organic hashtag dance challenge where the #mashoutchallenge was born.

The challenge consisted of simple dance moves which included the famous 1960s ‘Mashed Potato Dance’, making it easy and accessible to all types of users. We guaranteed 2 million views for this segment of the activation, but we over delivered by nearly 4x with a mammoth 7.6 million views! Our custom sound even inspired 178 pieces of user-generated content and reached an incredible 50K plays overall. 

#mashoutchallenge tiktok

The goal for the second part of the activation was to showcase the product in a fun way so that users can begin to build positive brand connotations. We knew the best way to do this was to trust those who spend 24/7 creating content in the app and know their audiences' likes and dislikes better than anyone. So, we gave our influencers creative freedom to align their videos with their personal brand and audiences, essentially “making it their own.” 

tiktok campaign #mashoutchallenge

The overall results from the campaign were outstanding. We were able to drive awareness by surpassing guaranteed views by over 700%, garnering an impressive 14,000,000 million views across the campaign. 

What’s more, our influencers videos hit a 20.13% engagement rate, well over the successful industry benchmark of 14% for TikTok, and as a bonus, the Idahoan Foods TikTok account drove 3,700 followers following the end of the campaign. 9

Fashion content soared earlier this year and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. We saw Dior host the first live virtual catwalk on TikTok paving the way for the future of luxury fashion, TikTok hosted their #TikTokFashionMonth in September, and household fashion brands started to recognize this and allocate real budgets to the app. 

Vestiaire Collective is an example of a luxury fashion marketplace that approached Fanbytes by Brainlabs to build a presence on the platform and explore TikTok as a channel of growth amidst these exciting changes. Vestiaire Collective is a leading global platform for pre-loved luxury fashion items. Their goal was to drive awareness around their new ‘direct shipping’ feature to a targeted US Gen Z audience and d rive cost-effective app installs, benchmarked against Instagram.

With this brief in mind, we took a creative approach that combined an organic influencer activation and paid ads. Paired with our data-driven influencer selection process utilizing our in-house Bytesights tool, we briefed our 8 influencers to create compelling creatives that incorporated highly-effective CTA’s to drive installs and ensure a high conversion rate. 

Vestiaire Collective - #TikTokFashionMonth

Whilst we asked the influencers to position themselves as buyers, showcasing how they styled Vestiaire Collective items, the creatives varied from influencer to influencer. We wanted to enable them enough creative freedom to ensure it remained organic to their feed so it appeared less of an ad created exclusively to sell, effectively working with them and not against them. In doing so, we drove a huge 1,000+ organic installs and a 17.5% ad conversion rate. 

In order to deliver a cost-effective CPI, we also did a lot of A/B testing and took the best-performing creatives and doubled them up as paid ads. Our ads drove a further 4,000+ installs and most notably, we reduced the clients CPI by 50% when compared to other channels, making TikTok more effective for Vestiaire Collective than Instagram and YouTube.

Vestiaire Collective items tiktok

The overall results were far from average. We drove twice the amount of guaranteed views with a massive 1,307,200 views across the campaign and Vestiaire Collective were so astounded with the outcome that they decided to run a 2nd US campaign which delivered 2.6M views whilst maintaining a similar CPI. What’s more, we’ve since become Vestiaire Collective’s official TikTok partner, helping them conquer new territories like the UK and EU whilst achieving record-breaking CPI’s of £0.40 in the process. 

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These days, it’s rare to see a song receive ultimate fame without going through TikTok first. However, this doesn’t mean that TikTok promises every song viral success. At Fanbytes by Brainlabs, we have collaborated with 2,000+ artists from all over the world and know a thing or two about how to marry songs and influencers to concoct the perfect recipe for roaring success.

‘Wrap Me In Plastic’, a song by Chromance and Marcus Layton, is an example of a song that took the TikTok world by storm after working with us to create a tailored approach. It had already gained some traction among st the cosplay community and surpassing 100k videos on TikTok at a steady rate. We were tasked with really supercharging the song globally on the platform - in particular across the US, UK, Russia, Brazil & Germany.

To do this, we delivered a TikTok dance, something that felt organic and authentic to TikTok, and activated across three key phases. We selected highly engaged influencer @itsahlyssa to produce a new catchy choreographed dance that aligned with the song and asked her to shed it out amongst her following. Afterwards, we enlisted several other influencers to continue the trend, making it feel like a real organic trending moment.

‘Wrap Me In Plastic’ by @itsahlyssa tiktok

Subsequently, we realized that a remixed version of the song was gaining traction on the platform which gave birth to the organic #photogenicchallenge that drove a staggering 85.6 million views. Other than this, we saw @imjoeyreed go viral from a dance he created leveraging the remixed version and gaining 19.7 million views and 1.7 million likes. After discussing with our client, we agreed that we should be reactive and collectively decided that our second activation should tap into the popularity of this dance. 

Appropriately, for the second activation in the UK, Russia, Germany & Brazil, we selected influencers to perform @imjoeyreed’s dance in obscure locations to inspire mass participation.

The results from this campaign completely blasted through the targets. Our first activation guaranteed 250k influencers, and we delivered by 9x more with 2.1 million+ views and a humongous 18.41% engagement rate. This wasn’t all - we inspired 25k+ user-generated content in the first two weeks. 

Our second activation in Russia, Brazil, Germany & UK guaranteed 1.45 million views, and we delivered 6x more with 9.2M+ views. We also saw 1.5M+ new users make videos on the sound since the start of the activation and achieved a huge engagement rate of 20%. 

These activations enabled us to fulfil the brief of ‘ driving further awareness and engagement of the song on TikTok’ as there are now 822.8k videos on the original sound and 6.8 million videos on the remixed version. Our activation strategy helped us drive sustained growth and engagement, allowing ‘Wrap Me In Plastic’ to cement itself within the TikTok community and experience a real trending moment. 

Every successful TikTok marketing case study has common threads, all of which can be found through the 3 E’s: expertise, experience and efficiency. There are some real gems to take from these case studies but if you’d like to know more about how to deliver a disruptive brand activation on the app, get in touch with us today.

Author bio 

case study viral marketing

Shelly Chadha

Shelly is the Content Manager at Fanbytes by Brainlabs, an award-winning influencer marketing agency that is dedicated to bringing you the latest Gen Z insights. Fanbytes by Brainlabs has helped top brands such as Universal, Missguided, Mcdonalds & youGov win the hearts of young people on social media. She heads up Fanbytes' content strategy, and her insights can be seen in top marketing publications such as The Drum & Talking Influence.

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What is viral marketing (and does it work in 2024)?

Written by by Brent Barnhart

Published on  February 21, 2023

Reading time  10 minutes

If you work in social, chances are you’ve wondered or been asked how to go viral . It makes sense that so many businesses look at viral marketing as the ticket to social media superstardom. After all, who doesn’t want to get their brand and content in front of as many people as possible?

And the pressure is on. According to a Q4 2022 Sprout pulse survey, 72% of marketers cited “keeping up with changing social trends” as their biggest challenge.

So what is viral marketing today? And does chasing trends still make sense these days, or should brands focus on social as part of a bigger marketing funnel instead?

With the many changes social has experienced in recent years, the concept of viral marketing deserves to be revisited. Let’s get into it.

What is viral marketing today?

Viral marketing is a style of promotion that relies on an audience to organically generate and push the message of a product or service. On social media, marketing is considered “viral” when it’s being shared rapidly by the public at large (with a compounding effect) rather than just its target audience.

If achieved, your message will be in nearly everyone’s social media feed.

A definition graphic that reads what is viral marketing. The definition text reads as follows: A style of promotion that relies on an audience to organically generate and push the message of a product or service.

How does viral marketing work, though?

Modern viral marketing on social can be illustrated by the popularity of social media memes or trending TikTok sounds. Think about how seemingly random phenomena like Baby Yoda, the Milky Way meme or the “It’s Corn” trend take over your social feeds out of nowhere. Memes get shared and promoted like crazy because they resonate with people.

Be diligent and check your child's candy this year, just found an invasive silver carp shoved inside a Milky Way. No words. — Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (@OKWildlifeDept) October 10, 2022

The same rules apply to viral marketing, when followers and customers share a brand’s content because it’s buzz-worthy. But while platforms like TikTok and formats like Instagram Reels have made viral marketing easier for brands, not all brands will achieve the universal reach they’re looking for.

Pro tip: When it comes to knowing what will resonate with your audience and beyond, you don’t need to start at square one. Just look at your data.

Find out what resonates with your audience with Sprout Analytics Sprout’s analytics options provide presentation-ready insights that let you advocate for the power of social across your organization. Dive even deeper into audience and content insights with our Advanced Analytics and Listening options. Start a free trial to test out our analytics dashboards.

What are the pros and cons of viral marketing?

There’s no question that achieving at least one social media viral video is on many marketers’ bucket lists.

But, hot take: Going viral has its downsides.

A big reason why when clients say "let's get this viral" is a concern of mine… ummmm are you ready for what's to come??? — Codi (@Codishaa) June 22, 2022

Let’s look at the pros and cons of viral marketing:

  • Increased brand awareness: When you go from 10-1,000 average engagements to 10,000,000, you’ve officially supercharged your brand awareness and potentially gained thousands of new fans or customers.
  • Audience growth: More eyes on your brand inevitably leads to more fans and followers. For example, Shedd Aquarium’s viral “penguin field trips” campaign led to thousands of new followers gained in a matter of days.

  • Increased sales: With more fans and brand awareness come more potential sales to be made.
  • Becoming an “it” brand: Your name in Adweek, your posts in articles like this; viral marketing puts your brand, and your marketing team, on the map and positions you as an industry trendsetter. The aforementioned Shedd Aquarium is a local destination. But they reached people on all seven continents—yes, even Antarctica.
  • The reception may not be what you expect: Viral campaigns are meant to create buzz. But sometimes, that buzz isn’t the positive response you’re hoping for.
  • Losing control of your content and message: Once your content is out there, it’s out there. It can be re-posted and commented on by anyone else with a computer, and you cannot control what they do with it.
  • More fans doesn’t always mean more customers: New followers and more commenters doesn’t always translate to more sales.
  • The mountain of messages: When you go viral, it’s not unusual to have thousands of new messages in your inbox—every day, or even every hour. You need to stay on top of monitoring messages, without battling additional social media burnout . If you want to lean into viral marketing, using a tool like Sprout lets you capture all incoming messages across all your channels, filter and manage them in one central Smart Inbox hub .

Sprout's Smart Inbox where there is a feed of comments and messages from multiple social channels in one feed and a graph showing an incoming message surge.

What are some notable viral marketing examples?

One of our favorite viral marketing examples is the McDonald’s “can I get uhhhhhh” campaign—a commercial that played during The Big Game in 2022 (you know the one) and translated into wildly popular Tweets. By tapping into a relatable customer experience familiar to their audience, this campaign took off.

can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh — McDonald's (@McDonalds) February 13, 2022

In 2022, Iceland tourism created a viral campaign that advertised their stunning scenery to potential travelers…with a touch of absurdism. They “trained” three horses to “respond” to visitors’ emails while they were away from work.

A landing page for Iceland tourism featuring a horse standing on a giant keyboard, and text that jokingly suggests letting Iceland's horses send your out of office emails when you're on vacation.

And one of the co-founders of break-out water brand “Liquid Death” credits viral marketing , in part, for the brand’s meteoric rise. In 2017, they launched a commercial on a minimal budget before they had a product. The commercial went viral, and their Facebook page racked up more followers than their major competitors in just a few months.

Since then, they’ve continued to tap into viral marketing campaigns that lean on humor and shock. In 2021, they sold a skateboard designed with paint mixed with Tony Hawk’s blood.

Although it could arguably make the world a better place, never ever use these boards to make clones of Tony Hawk. — Liquid Death (@LiquidDeath) August 24, 2021

IHOP’s 2018 “IHOB” campaign, which saw the brand temporarily deem themselves the “International House of Burgers,” is another of the most notable viral marketing examples.

We’re giving away 60¢ short stacks on July 17 from 7a-7p for IHOP’s 60th birthday. That’s right, IHOP! We’d never turn our back on pancakes (except for that time we faked it to promote our new burgers) — IHOP (@IHOP) July 9, 2018

Although the brand saw some criticism for their bait-and-switch, the numbers from the campaign don’t lie.

. @IHOP CMO shares insights from the IHOB stunt: 1.2 M tweets in first 10 days 27,082 earned media articles 100+ brands/celebs join convo 42.6 B earned impressions More burgers sold than pre-campaign Finally, countless questions about what IHOP will do next #Brandweek — ADWEEK (@Adweek) February 7, 2019

Bear in mind that viral campaigns aren’t always humorous or light-hearted.

Popular campaigns like Always’ “Like a Girl,” the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and Gillette’s “Be a Man” ads tackle serious issues and stigmas. The popularity of these ads goes hand-in-hand with the rise of the need for authenticity on social and brands getting real .

What do most viral marketing campaigns have in common?

Although viral content varies wildly from business to business, there are three distinct elements that most campaigns share. Keep these in mind when trying to assess whether or not a campaign has the potential for serious buzz.

1. They’re organic

Reality check: Viral campaigns can’t be forced.

Content spreads organically. That’s how viral marketing works. Your audience ultimately decides what’s worth sharing.

Often, it’s about being at the right place at the right time (or rather, saying the right thing at the right time). You can’t really rationalize memes or crazes such as the “does pineapple belong on pizza” debate.

That said, marketers can set up their content for sharing by having a pulse on social trends (more on how you can achieve that later).

2. They’re timely

Trends come and go.

Although viral marketing campaigns have the potential to leave an impression on customers or the public, people have short attention spans for hot topics and trends. By the time one trend blows up, we’re often looking for the next craze.

Brands should be wary of trying to repeat viral campaigns or exhaust a popular trend. Just because something’s hot now doesn’t mean it’ll have staying power for years to come. It’s the reason why brands aren’t still parodying the “Harlem Shake” or “Gangnam Style.”

3. They’re bold

Bear in mind, there’s an inherent risk involved with viral marketing campaigns and tactics.

Going viral means doing something that grabs the public’s attention. That doesn’t happen by accident, nor does it happen by playing it safe.

For example, Liquid Death’s initial commercial and campaigns like their Tony Hawk collab are bold, and hard to scroll past.

Not all viral marketing campaigns are controversial, but they tend to be out of left field.

And with that, we uncover the big potential downside of viral marketing: going viral for the wrong reasons. Remember Kendall Jenner’s infamous 2017 Pepsi ad ?

Where to start with viral marketing

As highlighted in our list of 2023 social media trends , marketers want concrete results from their investments in social media.

This means that going viral is a benefit—not a replacement for a scalable social strategy.

Even so, all brands can benefit from tapping into what audiences are buzzing about and reacting in a way that fits and furthers your brand identity .

If nothing else, all marketers should have a handle on what makes social content shareable.

Here are our six tips for marketers looking to produce viral, share-worthy content and increase their visibility on social.

1. Reflect on why you want to go viral in the first place

Are you looking for more mentions? Brand awareness? Trying to catch the eyes of customers?

Aligning your viral attempts with your overall goals will guide you toward creating meaningful content rather than just throwing something together and hoping that it sticks.

You need a plan of action with your content, and viral campaigns are no different. Years ago, marketers might have tried to argue that viral content has to catch on in whatever way possible.

Times have changed, though. Not all press is “good” press anymore.

2. Become a master of social media reporting

Remember what we said earlier about your audience playing a pivotal role in what gets shared?

Whether you’re looking to curate or create viral content, you need to know what resonates with your followers.

How do you figure that out? For starters, look at which pieces of content perform best by monitoring these social media metrics :

  • Audience engagement
  • Keyword traffic and performance
  • Page impressions
  • Clicks and reach
  • Demographic data

Each of these social media metrics can give you insight into what has shareable potential.

Maybe it’s a video. Perhaps it’s a meme.

Regardless, social media analytics in Sprout can break down the performance of individual pieces of content and campaigns alike.

Sprout's Twitter Keyword report showing a graph of keyword volume and a chart showing keyword share of volume.

From there, you can start to build future campaigns based on what’s worked in the past.

3. Make sure your content is primed for sharing

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you have to make sure your content is optimized for quick and easy sharing.

For example, social campaigns shouldn’t be confined to your business’ main account. From blogs and newsletters to events in your network, consider how far you can spread your message.

Then, brainstorm the best social media channels for any promotion or piece of content. For example, image-based content is fair game for Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Viral videos are prime for YouTube, TikTok and Instagram.

A Tweet by Shedd Aquarium showing a video of a penguin wandering through the Amazon exhibit of the aquarium. And a TikTok post featuring the same video.

It’s smart to make sharing as seamless as possible. You can make your audience have an easier time sharing your campaign by:

  • Providing several different routes to share (like the above penguin video published on Twitter and TikTok)
  • Giving away free products or services
  • Finding the common motivations of your main audience
  • Asking questions that get viewers or readers thinking and talking
  • Never restricting or gating your content

4. Use hashtags to spread the word

Hashtags go hand in hand with more social shares.

For the sake of awareness and easy sharing, tacking a hashtag on any given campaign is a smart move to make it more visible and memorable to your audience.

Taking the time to create a hashtag is likewise worthwhile for tracking the success of your campaigns in terms of mentions and shares.

And with the help of hashtag analytics , you can uncover other relevant hashtags your audience is using while also measuring the performance of your own.

Sprout social hashtag analytics report showing hashtags most frequently used alongside a brand hashtag.

5. When in doubt, consider trendjacking

This is arguably the easiest way to raise brand awareness without going viral yourself. Trendjacking means piggybacking your brand onto a meme, relevant pop culture reference or viral trend. This has become one of the staple marketing practices for those trying to get a piece of the viral market.

Take the “It’s Corn” trend we’ve mentioned a few times. Compare  the original to how several other brands— Sprout , Shedd Aquarium and Grammarly in this case—used this trending sound to tell their own story.

Three TikToks, two featuring people from brands and one featuring a red parrot, all using the same TikTok sound and trend but creating a different story around it.

Through social listening , you can tap into these sorts of trends in real time and understand whether or not they’re relevant to your audience.

6. Humanize your content

This is a straightforward tip, but an important one.

A common thread between most pieces of viral content is that they’re human.

That is, they’re organic, personable and relatable. Authenticity is essential to reaching Gen Z and younger Millennials who are often the arbiters of what goes viral.

Brands tend to see a lot more shares when their content is humanized or appears genuine. Anything you can do to remove the corporate taste of your content is a plus.

Does viral marketing make sense for your brand?

Let’s be honest: going viral in the traditional sense is tough.

That said, there’s plenty to learn from the principles of viral marketing and what it takes to produce content that catches fire.

The tips above and technology like Sprout’s analytics and social listening tools can help you keep a constant pulse on what your audience wants, and which trends to watch.

Want to see how Sprout can help you as you develop viral content, and manage your viral success? Sign up for a free 30-day trial to see how our tools change the game.

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Viral Marketing: Strategies, Insights, Lessons, and Examples from Successful Campaigns

Viral Marketing: Strategies, Insights, Lessons, and Examples from Successful Campaigns

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Remember the guy on a horse who could bake gourmet cakes in the dream kitchen you always wanted, all while swan-diving off a waterfall?

Ah, the “Old Spice Guy”! A marvelous blend of humor, absurdity, and charisma, this character didn’t just sell deodorant; he sold a wildly amusing experience.

Those commercials didn’t just reach out to those looking for a new scent; they painted a creative, fun mural across TV, social media, and YouTube, captivating audiences with their unpredictable charm.

The outcome? A wave of viral hilarity, birthing a legion of fans who didn’t just watch—they shared, mimicked, and even integrated the quirks into their videos!

Did Old Spice know they were onto a jackpot of viral gold when they came up with the concept? They might have had an inkling, but the explosion of fandom? That’s the unpredictable magic of viral marketing .

What is viral marketing?

Viral marketing is a strategy that encourages people to share a product message across their networks, primarily on social media, creating an organic buzz. It's 'viral' because of how quickly and broadly a message can spread, just like a virus, reaching beyond the intended audience to the general public. It's about sparking conversations and leveraging audience interactions to promote a product or service, making the message resonate so much that people can't help but share it.

case study viral marketing

Hitting the viral jackpot isn’t about having a foolproof formula. It’s about blending strategy, ingenuity, and a hearty dose of understanding your target audience.

In the last 15+ years, I’ve mentored hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners, helping all kinds of businesses, from the small and mighty to some established players, get their messages out there and make a real impact.

This guide is packed with all those real-world lessons and insights I’ve picked up along the way. Whether you’re just starting or looking to boost your marketing, I’m here to share what I know to help you get your content out there and make it stick with your audience.

Viral Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

  • Key takeaways - the benefits of virality

The downsides of viral marketing

Best practices for crafting viral magic, viral marketing campaign examples, key takeaways – the benefits of virality.

What makes letting your content catch the viral fever worth it?

  • Explosive exposure. Viral marketing catapults your content into the limelight, exposing it to a broader audience and increasing visibility and reach. The “Ice Bucket Challenge” swept the internet, racking views and sparking global conversation about ALS. Post-it notes became omnipresent through widespread free samples, spotlighting the product in various settings.
  • Cost-effective buzz. Viral campaigns create substantial buzz without draining your budget , maximizing ROI. Dollar Shave Club’s offbeat video captured attention, creating a buzz without a mega budget. “Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man” generated attention with minimal cost through roadside visibility.
  • Enhanced credibility. When your content goes viral, it earns consumer trust and enhances brand credibility through widespread approval. Wikipedia earned user trust and became a go-to source through viral word-of-mouth recommendations. Tupperware won over consumers with product demonstrations and user testimonials.
  • Community building. It fosters a community around your brand, encouraging user interaction and brand loyalty . Reddit’s diverse communities garnered followers, fostering a sense of belonging and interaction. Local book clubs have nurtured offline communal spaces for literary discussions.
  • Increased lead generation. Viral content attracts potential customers, generating leads and conversions. Dropbox’s referral feature sparked widespread sharing, attracting many new users. Word-of-mouth referral programs at local gyms have drawn in new members through community buzz.
  • Boosted sales. The heightened exposure and engagement drive sales upwards, impacting the bottom line positively. The Instant Pot became a household name through online chatter, leading to a surge in sales on platforms like Amazon. The annual return of Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte has consistently spiked sales, courtesy of its offline and online buzz.
  • Heightened brand awareness. Viral campaigns engrain your brand in the consumer’s mind, enhancing brand recall and recognition . Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign bolstered its brand image and increased visibility. Burger King’s “Have it your way” campaign resonated with consumers, reinforcing brand identity.
  • SEO perks. The backlinks and mentions from viral content can boost your SEO rankings , improving online visibility. Viral “How to Tie a Tie” content enabled fashion blogs to climb SEO rankings through increased backlinks. High demand and word-of-mouth for local restaurants can influence their search engine standings locally.
  • Customer engagement boost. Interactive and engaging viral content keeps the consumers hooked, fostering a stronger connection with the brand. Old Spice’s interactive video campaign spurred conversations and interactions, deepening customer relations. McDonald’s interactive billboards have engaged passersby, making the brand more relatable and accessible.
  • Market insight gains. The widespread use and feedback from viral content offer valuable insights into market trends and consumer preferences. The extensive utilization of Google Forms and its alternatives has allowed companies to gather rich market insights. The responses from sampling campaigns at Costco have provided insights into consumer preferences and product performance.

brand archetype illustration of the magician

We’ve all seen our fair share of viral hits and misses. While going viral can be a game-changer, it’s not always a walk in the park. A few bumps and pitfalls can make the journey a bit tricky. Here are some of those hiccups you might run into:

  • Unpredictability. You can put in all the work and whip up a killer campaign, but there’s no guarantee it’ll catch fire. It’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. Have you ever heard of a company betting on a flashy ad only to get a few likes and shares (or the wrong type of publicity)? This happens more often than you think!
  • Negative buzz. Sometimes, campaigns grab attention for all the wrong reasons. A misstep can have people talking, but not in a good way. An online ad might spark controversy and get folks heated on X (Twitter). That’s a lot of damage control to do.
  • Brand dilution. When your content spreads like wildfire, you lose a bit of control. Your message might get twisted, and your brand might lose its essence. A catchy slogan gets memeified; before you know it, it’s no longer about your brand.
  • Resource intensive. Creating content that stands out takes time, effort, and serious creativity. And even then, it’s a gamble. That super cool video that took ages to make? It might just blend into the background noise of the internet.
  • Short-lived impact. Going viral can be a flash in the pan. Today’s hot topic is tomorrow’s old news. A trending hashtag can have everyone buzzing one day and be forgotten the next.
  • High expectations. Once you go viral, people expect more hits. Keeping that momentum can be a tough act to follow. After a smashing success, your next big thing might not hit as hard, and fans might be left wanting.
  • Audience misalignment. Sometimes, the folks loving and sharing your content aren’t the ones you’re trying to reach. Getting a million shares is cool, but not if it’s not reaching the folks who’ll buy what you’re selling. This scenario is typical for B2B businesses dabbling in viral TikTok videos .
  • Privacy concerns. In the bid to go viral, there’s a risk of overstepping boundaries and getting into hot water over data and privacy issues. An app that asks for too much personal info can quickly turn from a hit to a privacy nightmare.*
  • ROI uncertainty. It’s hard to predict if all the buzz will translate to dollars and cents. Many likes and shares feel good but don’t always mean more sales.
  • Overemphasis on quantity. The race for likes and shares can sometimes make quality take a backseat. Chasing trends might get attention, but it might not be the kind of attention that’s good for your brand in the long run.

It’s not about luck but connecting, resonating, and striking the right chords, much like Mr. Beast does with his philanthropic stunts on YouTube. Let’s dissect some practices that can infuse your campaigns with that viral spark.

1. Know your target audience inside out

To make a campaign stick, you’ve got to understand the heartbeats and mindsets of your target audience . It’s about creating content that echoes their values, aspirations, and emotions.

When launching crowdspring, we considered releasing a quirky potato launcher video (a student film crew created it). It had the makings of a fun, share-worthy piece. But, a closer look at our strategy revealed a mismatch. Success in virality could mean drawing in a crowd of creatives, a vibrant bunch, but not our primary target of business owners.

Netflix does a stellar job creating tailor-made trailers based on viewing habits, resonating with individual viewers, and making them share-worthy!

Many offline businesses create viral sensations, too. Think about those local cafes with witty, relatable chalkboard signs out front, creating a buzz and drawing crowds.

2. Leverage strong visuals that speak

A picture is worth a thousand shares! Strong visuals narrate your story, captivate the audience, and serve as bait for the eyes.

Instagram’s success is built on visually enticing content, making every post a potential viral hit. Innovative billboards with eye-catching imagery can turn heads and become the talk of the town, enhancing brand recall.

3. Creativity is king

An out-of-the-box, original idea is the backbone of a viral campaign. It should leave an imprint and be the conversation starter.

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was groundbreaking, turning a simple idea into a global phenomenon. Red Bull’s Stratos jump was a masterstroke in creative marketing, skydiving from the stratosphere and leaving the world in awe.

4. Emotional connections are essential

Emotional hooks make campaigns memorable . The goal is to evoke feelings, leading to a cascade of shares. Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches Campaign struck chords by addressing self-esteem issues, sparking worldwide conversations. Charity events that tug at heartstrings, leveraging emotional stories to gain support and spread awareness, are stellar examples.

5. Optimize for shareability

A campaign’s reach is amplified when it’s share-friendly. Embedding sharing options like streamlining links using Linktree alternatives and leveraging influencers can catapult your content into the viral sphere. Memes are inherently shareable, transforming simple ideas into viral sensations through platforms like Reddit and Twitter. Word-of-mouth is the oldest form of shareable content. A remarkable customer service story can spread like wildfire, drawing customers in.

6. Timing is everything

Releasing content when your audience is most active can be the difference between a hit and a miss. Aligning with major events or holidays can amplify your reach. Tweeting during high-profile events like the Oscars can see engagement soar; just ask Oreo and their blackout tweet! Launching a new product around Black Friday can capitalize on the shopping frenzy, creating buzz and boosting sales.

Crafting a viral campaign isn’t about throwing content into the wind and hoping it flies; it’s about precision, resonance, and marketing magic. Whether it’s an infectious meme or a heartfelt offline event, understanding your audience, being visually compelling, staying original, hitting emotional cords, ensuring shareability, and timing it right are the ingredients for viral success.

Let’s look at some of the most popular viral marketing campaigns and what small businesses can learn from each:

Old Spice: “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”

Old Spice needed to redefine its brand image and appeal to a new demographic, women, who often purchase men’s hygiene products. They created humorous, over-the-top ads featuring “The Old Spice Man,” addressing women directly.

This campaign went viral due to its humorous, unexpected approach and direct engagement with a new demographic, demonstrating the effectiveness of humor and direct engagement in viral marketing.

Insights for small businesses and startups:

  • Identifying and addressing your actual buyer, even if indirectly related to the end user, can enhance the campaign’s impact.
  • Humor and creativity stand out and can significantly increase brand recall and recognition.

Popeyes Chicken Sandwich

Popeyes aimed to advertise its new chicken sandwich in 2019 in a market dominated by competitors like Chick-fil-A. It cleverly engaged in online discussions and humorous debates comparing its sandwich to others. This smart utilization of user-generated content and online buzz allowed Popeyes to become a major contender in the fast-food industry. It became viral because it tapped into existing debates with humor and engaged directly with consumers, creating anticipation and scarcity around the product.

  • Aligning your product launch with current discussions and debates can give it more visibility.
  • Humorous and timely responses can help maintain engagement and keep the discussion alive, which benefits online and offline businesses.

Blendtec’s “Will it Blend?”

Blendtec faced the challenge of showcasing the power of their blenders engagingly. They initiated the “Will it Blend?” series, blending unconventional objects like smartphones and marbles. This solution provided proof of the blender’s capability while entertaining viewers. The unique and amusing content naturally encouraged sharing, making the series a viral sensation.

  • Demonstrating product capability uniquely and entertainingly can drive engagement and sales.
  • Regularly releasing content keeps the audience engaged and coming back for more.

Spotify Wrapped

Spotify’s challenge was maintaining user engagement and promoting the app during year-end when multiple platforms released year-end reviews. Spotify Wrapped gives users a personalized overview of their listening habits, becoming an annual event users eagerly anticipate and share. The campaign’s success hinges on its personalization and the user’s desire to share their music tastes, creating a surge in app downloads and interactions, thereby cementing its virality.

  • Personalization is key in engaging your audience; it gives them something unique to share.
  • Regularly updating your content keeps your audience anticipating and engaged, ensuring consistent interaction with the brand.

Nike “Just Do It” with Colin Kaepernick

Nike embraced the challenge of societal issues and racial injustice by featuring Colin Kaepernick in their “Just Do It” campaign. Kaepernick was a polarizing figure due to his kneeling protests during the national anthem at NFL games. This campaign sparked discussions about racial inequality and rights, becoming viral as it took a stand on prevailing societal issues and resonated with people’s sentiments and beliefs.

  • Taking a stand on societal and cultural issues can drive discussions and visibility.
  • Aligning brand values with the campaign message can enhance brand image and loyalty.

Old Town Road by Lil Nas X

Lil Nas X sought to jump-start his music career in a saturated market. He strategically released catchy snippets of “Old Town Road,” creating anticipation and buzz around the full song. The combination of a catchy, meme-able song, with strategic, anticipatory releases and ensuing debates about music genres, made the song and Lil Nas X immensely popular, illustrating how anticipation and uniqueness can drive virality.

  • A unique and catchy product (or content) appeals to a broad audience and sparks discussions.
  • Leveraging controversy can keep the conversation going and maintain visibility for your brand.

Always “#LikeAGirl”

Always aimed to address and change the negative connotation of the phrase “like a girl.” They created a video showing different interpretations of the phrase “like a girl” and highlighting the strength and confidence of young girls. The campaign’s impactful message and challenge to societal norms resonated with many. They sparked discussions about gender stereotypes, demonstrating the power of addressing societal issues and redefining derogatory phrases in creating viral content.

  • Addressing societal norms and stereotypes can resonate with a wider audience, driving conversations.
  • Hashtags can be powerful tools in maintaining and tracking engagement and discussions around the campaign.

#eyeslipsface Challenge by e.l.f. Cosmetics

e.l.f. Cosmetics’ goal was to create brand awareness on a platform dominated by various trends, TikTok. They leveraged a branded song and encouraged users to post makeup videos with the hashtag #eyeslipsface. Combining a catchy song with user-generated content led to immense brand visibility, showcasing the importance of leveraging platform-specific trends and user participation in creating viral campaigns.

  • Creating shareable, relatable content can rapidly enhance brand visibility and interaction.
  • Engaging with popular trends and platforms can help reach a younger and wider audience .

ALS: “Ice Bucket Challenge”

The ALS Association aimed to raise awareness and funds for ALS research. The Ice Bucket Challenge involved pouring ice-cold water over one’s head and nominating others to do the same. This campaign’s success was driven by its participatory, challenge-based nature, celebrity involvement, and representation of a larger cause, showcasing how combining entertainment with cause advocacy can lead to widespread engagement and awareness.

  • Campaigns that are enjoyable and make participants feel part of a bigger cause can have a lasting impact.
  • Social media challenges can exponentially increase visibility and engagement.

Dove “Real Beauty Sketches”

The challenge for Dove was to highlight women’s real beauty in a world obsessed with unrealistic beauty standards. Dove used a forensic artist to draw women as they described themselves and then as strangers described them. The contrast showed how women harshly view themselves compared to others. This campaign became viral because it addressed universal insecurities and encouraged a conversation about self-esteem and body image, making it highly relatable and shareable.

  • Emotional and relatable content can drive more shares and discussions.
  • Addressing real-world issues and insecurities can establish a deeper connection with the audience.

Mr. Beast’s YouTube Campaigns

Mr. Beast, a YouTuber, is known for his philanthropy and extravagant stunts. The challenge was to create content that stood out in the oversaturated YouTube environment. Mr. Beast combined philanthropy with entertaining content, like giving thousands of dollars to unsuspecting individuals. These campaigns went viral due to their shock value, heartwarming reactions, and genuine display of kindness, prompting shares and discussions across platforms.

  • Philanthropy and giving back resonate well with audiences, creating a positive brand image.
  • Consistency in content and engagement is key to building and maintaining a dedicated audience base.

Grasshopper’s Chocolate Covered Grasshoppers

In an unorthodox and unforgettable manner, Grasshopper, a provider of virtual phone systems , leveraged an unusual product to create buzz – chocolate-covered grasshoppers. Grasshopper needed a way to bring attention to its services and to differentiate itself from competitors. It wanted not only to reach potential customers but also to create a buzz and get people talking.

Grasshopper sent boxes of chocolate-covered grasshoppers to influential entrepreneurs. This wasn’t just a random snack choice but a symbolic gesture aligning with their brand name and reinforcing their image. This gift’s bizarre and unconventional nature meant recipients were likely to share their experience online, adding to the campaign’s virality.

This campaign tapped into the human love for the peculiar and unexpected. People were intrigued and amused by the idea of receiving such an unconventional gift, prompting conversations across social media platforms and beyond. The alignment of the gift with the brand name made it memorable and helped to cement Grasshopper’s image in the minds of the recipients and their audiences.

  • Use marketing strategies that align with your brand identity. Even an unconventional approach can yield positive results when it is consistent with your brand image and message.
  • Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Sometimes, unconventional and surprising brand strategies can capture attention more effectively than traditional methods, encouraging sharing and discussions to increase brand visibility and engagement.

Coca-Cola “Share a Coke”

Coca-Cola wanted to create a more personalized experience for their consumers. They introduced the “Share a Coke” campaign, featuring names on Coke bottles. The personal touch encouraged people to find bottles with their names or friends’ names and share pictures online, making it viral. It catered to the human instinct of personal connection and recognition, inducing widespread engagement and interaction.

  • Personalization and customization make the content more shareable and relatable.
  • Involving the audience in your campaign encourages more interaction and engagement.

GoPro User-Generated Content

GoPro aimed to showcase the versatility and quality of their cameras. They encouraged users to share their adventures captured on GoPro. The authenticity and variety of user-generated content demonstrated the product’s value and created a sense of community among users. This approach made the content relatable and shareable, allowing GoPro to reach wider audiences organically.

  • User-generated content provides authenticity and relatability.
  • Encouraging users to share their experiences enhances brand loyalty and reach.

Toms “One for One”

Toms wanted to make an impact and also create a sustainable business model. They introduced the “One for One” model, donating a pair of shoes for every pair purchased. This clear, charitable mission appealed to consumers’ altruistic side, creating a buzz as it blended consumerism with philanthropy, making people feel good about their purchases and promoting widespread sharing and advocacy.

  • A strong, charitable mission can drive purchases and brand loyalty.
  • Clear and concise messaging helps in better understanding and recall of the campaign.

Airbnb “Live There” Campaign

Airbnb aimed to distinguish itself from conventional travel options. The “Live There” campaign encouraged users to experience destinations as locals rather than tourists. User-shared experiences and the promise of authentic travel made the campaign relatable and attractive. The concept became viral as it resonated with the evolving travel preferences of experiencing rather than observing, thus creating a ripple effect of sharing and discussions.

  • Encouraging users to share their unique experiences can drive brand engagement and trust .
  • Showcasing diversity and inclusivity can appeal to a broader audience and drive brand values.

Achieving viral success is more art than science, with no one-size-fits-all formula. Looking at past successes can offer useful clues, but at its heart, going viral is about making a genuine connection with your audience. It’s about creating content that speaks to people on a personal level, making them eager to share. So, focus on crafting content that resonates, engages, and excites, and who knows? Your brand might just be the next big talk of the town!

case study viral marketing

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case study viral marketing

Viral Marketing Case Studies: What Made These 5 Campaigns Successful and How You Can Apply the Same Ingredients to Your Marketing Strategy

Viral marketing is a strategy that uses social media, email, and other online platforms to spread a message or promote a product, service, or idea. The goal is to create content that people want to share with others, resulting in exponential growth in reach and engagement. In this article, we will examine five case studies that exemplify viral marketing campaigns, analysing what made them successful and what lessons we can learn from them. Often misunderstood, viral marketing at its core is a social interaction and engagement between a brand and its audiences –intended or unintended.

In India, many brands engage in what we refer to as moment marketing, or responding to a particular moment or trend with content that’s on-brand, i.e. ties in with the brand’s positioning, or communication style. 

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was a fundraising campaign that went viral in the summer of 2014. Participants were challenged to dump a bucket of ice water over their heads and donate to the ALS Association, a nonprofit that funds research and support for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

The campaign was successful because it tapped into people’s desire to do something fun, silly, and for a good cause. Participants were encouraged to challenge others, creating a sense of friendly competition and social pressure to participate. Celebrities and public figures also got involved, amplifying the message and creating a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) among their followers.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches

The Dove Real Beauty Sketches campaign was launched in 2013 with the goal of redefining beauty standards and promoting self-esteem among women. The campaign featured a forensic sketch artist who drew portraits of women based on their own descriptions and then based on descriptions given by others who met them briefly.

The campaign was successful because it tapped into people’s emotions and desire for self-improvement. It resonated with women of all ages and backgrounds who had experienced self-doubt and negative body image. The campaign also leveraged social media and earned media, with the video going viral and being featured on major news outlets.

Dollar Shave Club

The Dollar Shave Club was launched in 2012 with the goal of disrupting the razor market dominated by major brands like Gillette and Schick. The company offered a subscription service that delivered high-quality razors and other grooming products to customers’ doors for a fraction of the cost 

The founder, Michael Dubin, starred in a video that went viral, showcasing the company’s quirky personality and value proposition. By using humour, the company was able to showcase its offering and connect with audiences that were accustomed to big brands selling razors on the merits of manliness, and other selling points. Refreshing as a take, the campaign also leveraged social media and influencer marketing to reach a wider audience.

Oreo’s Lights Out Super Bowl

During the 2013 Super Bowl, there was a power outage that caused a delay in the game. Oreo seized the opportunity and tweeted a picture of an Oreo cookie in the dark with the caption “You can still dunk in the dark.”

The campaign was successful because it was timely, relevant, and clever. It demonstrated the brand’s quick thinking and agility in response to unexpected events. The tweet went viral and was retweeted over 10,000 times, earning the brand significant media attention and brand awareness.

Back in February 2015, there was a viral image on social media that caused a lot of buzz. The image was a picture of a dress that people couldn't agree on the colour of – some saw it as blue and black, while others saw it as white and gold. This caused confusion and curiosity, and the phenomenon quickly spread. The viral sensation generated millions of views and thousands of tweets from people all over the world who wanted to weigh in on the colour debate. Interestingly, some brands even took advantage of the situation to join the conversation and use the viral moment to their own advantage. Overall, the dress picture was a simple but highly effective way to generate a lot of engagement and get people talking. It just goes to show how powerful viral marketing can be when something as basic as a dress can create a global sensation.

While there was no brand associated with it, many brands used this as an opportunity to jump into the conversation and leverage the conversation to piggyback on the subject. 

What makes these 5 case studies universal benchmarks of success?

These five case studies are benchmarks of success due to reach, engagement, and brand awareness they generated through these campaigns. They tap into people’s emotions, desires, and values, creating content that people want to share with. Many well-known brands tapped into these moments and essentially established themselves into a moment of pop culture that is immutable. Social shareability, conversation building and simplicity of the idea is what drives virality of the campaign. 

Is there a measure for viral marketing campaigns? 

The single best measure for a marketing campaign’s effectiveness off social media [apart from the mentions, hashtags impressions, and reach of the content] is the direct, and organic traffic spike you might see on your website, or app. One such example was when WhatsApp was faced with rumours of privacy issues, the new platform Signal was inundated with traffic. This started on Twitter, but soon the surge crashed the servers till the small team was able to add extra traffic. This surge is never a delta but in fact a seismic shift in the brand’s perception. Thanks to the earned media, any brand that is able to leverage viral marketing gains more in organic SEO, domain ranks, page links and much more as a result of one possible campaign. 

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What is Viral Marketing, and Why Does it Matter?

Viral marketing refers to marketing techniques that seek to spread information about a product or service from person to person as a virus spreads from one host to another. It leverages the power of social media, email, and other digital channels to achieve exponential reach and exposure.

As people increasingly rely on technology and online networks for information, viral marketing has emerged as one of the most potent, cost-effective strategies for brands looking to supercharge their growth. This guide will explore what makes viral marketing campaigns tick, spotlighting some of the most spellbinding examples while unpacking the psychology underpinning their success.

Table of Contents

The Anatomy of Virality: Key Ingredients for Potent Campaigns

How Viral Marketing Works

Viral marketing campaigns succeed when they incorporate specific emotional and psychological triggers that motivate people to engage and share with their networks. These include:

  • Surprise/unexpectedness: Content that subverts expectations piques curiosity and interest
  • Positivity: Feel-good, uplifting messages resonate more widely.
  • Humour: Laughter transcends barriers and makes ideas stick
  • Controversy: Ideas that stir debate tend to spread as people take sides
  • Utility: Useful, practical content drives shares by providing value
  • Emotion: Stories that make people  feel  inspired engagement
  • Social currency: Content seen as conveying status often goes viral

Skilfully incorporating these ingredients can spur ordinary people into unpaid brand ambassadors as they eagerly share posts that make them look intelligent, in-the-know or generous to their peers.

Key Virality Triggers

  • Surprise/unexpectedness 
  • Controversy
  • Social currency

But viral success doesn't happen by chance. Brands increase their odds by strategically seeding content to amplify and direct the spread.

Seeding for Scale: How to Strategically Kickstart the Viral Process

Releasing a viral marketing campaign into the digital wilderness without a distribution plan is like throwing a party without sending the invites. For campaigns to explode, brands must proactively seed content within relevant networks. This stimulates the sharing momentum and word-of-mouth buzz vital for exposure and traffic growth.

Potential seeding strategies include:

  • Influencer marketing:  Get influencers or industry leaders to share posts with their followers
  • Owned media:  Share new campaigns prominently across owned sites and social channels
  • Employee activation:  Mobilise staff to communicate content within their networks
  • Paid amplification:  Run targeted ads linking to the viral content to widen its reach
  • Community outreach:  Activate brand advocates and loyal customers to kickstart organic spread
  • Email marketing:  Deploy to current subscriber lists to build initial momentum
  • Cross-promotion:  Feature the campaign prominently on on-site pop-ups, banners and tooltips

The exact combination of seeding tactics depends on budget, owned assets, influencer relationships and campaign goals. But the focus should be on igniting that initial spark to get people engaging and fuel sustainable viral momentum.

Case Study: Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club Design

Dollar Shave Club launched in 2012 with a viral product demo video that exploded, triggering 12,000 orders within 48 hours. The  irreverent, mock-infomercial style ad  resonated widely thanks to humour, novelty and an innate understanding of internet culture.

Dollar Shave Club's Initial Seeding Tactics

  • Shared by founder Michael Dubin to his social followers 
  • Sent to a small list of friends and family to kickstart momentum
  • Embedded on the startup's essential website to capture visitor shares

This strategic approach meant the video didn't emerge and die in obscurity. Instead, it steadily accumulated social chatter before crossing the threshold for rapid sharing. The rest was viral history.

Psychology-Driven Design: Crafting Contagious Content

Viral content doesn't spread itself. To inspire epidemic levels of sharing, brands need to bake viral triggers into their creative strategy and campaign architecture.

The CASE Framework

Developed by Harvard researchers, CASE offers a blueprint for engineering viral sharing. It asks creators to consider four key questions:

Currency:  Does the content offer timely, helpful information that people want to stay updated? Trending topics and news-jackable moments often trend online.

Altruism:  Does it make people seem kind or generous for sharing it? We share to make ourselves look good.

Social:  Does the idea resonate with groups and relationships? Network-oriented content spreads faster.

Emotion:  Does it capture attention and imagination through powerful feelings? We share what we  feel.

Thinking through CASE when conceptualising campaigns encourages viral thinking from the start. But psychology should inform design, too…

Applying Social Psychology

Powerful sharing triggers are woven into our collective behavioural DNA. Calls-to-action can activate them.

  • Reciprocity – ‘Share this, and I'll share your page.'
  • Social proof – '87k people shared this!
  • Scarcity – ‘Limited time only!' ‘Only three remaining!'
  • Authority – ‘As featured in…' logos and citations
  • Liking – Images/spokespeople people find attractive or relate to

These principles subtly yet profoundly impact sharing behaviours at scale. By strategically highlighting them, brands inspire faster, more frequent viral spread.

Optimising for Shareability

Beyond psychology and strategy, campaign construction matters hugely for contagiousness. Formats should remove friction from engaging and sharing, putting virality on autopilot.

Shareability Optimisation Tips

  • Lead with intriguing headlines/questions 
  • Use captions/subtitles to preview content
  • Front-load key moments  
  • Add clickbait thumbnail images 
  • Include forward-facing calls-to-action  
  • Make sharing frictionless with social plug-ins

With creativity and intelligent UX design, campaigns can practically share themselves.

Mastering the Art of Storytelling

Hero Brand Archetype

Stories represent the underlying dialect of human connection, and ideas spread stories. That's why narrative-driven marketing tends to tear through networks. But great yarns don't just happen. Skilful story architects intentionally engineer narrative tension, empathy and resolution into their tales.

The Hero's Journey: A Blueprint for Viral Stories

All compelling myths and legends seem to share a fundamental structure. Joseph Campbell called it ‘the hero's journey' in his seminal text  The Hero with a Thousand Faces . He noted that ‘go viral' memes often echo this universal storytelling roadmap.

The hero's journey unfolds as follows:

  • The Ordinary World:  We meet the hero pre-transformation in their everyday environment.
  • Call to Adventure:  The inciting incident/opportunity that kickstarts change.
  • Refusal: The hero initially hesitates, afraid to embrace the journey
  • Mentorship: A mentor arrives to convince the hero to take action
  • Crossing the Threshold: The hero commits wholeheartedly to the adventure.
  • Tests + Trials: Obstacles and challenges arise to frustrate the mission
  • Approach to Crisis: The journey culminates in an ultimate ‘do or die' showdown
  • Reward – Victory! The hero's efforts pay off as the goal is achieved.
  • The Return: They return home transformed by the experience
  • New Equilibrium: Life resumes, but it will never be the same again…

This narrative arc taps into timeless storytelling patterns etched into our minds. Emulating it makes viral content feel richer, more compelling and ‘share-worthy.'

Crafting Relatable Characters

The hero represents us. They express our hopes, dreams and struggles. That's why we catastrophise over their fate like they're old friends. To inspire viral engagement, brands should craft messages starring everyday protagonists their communities can connect with.

Relatable Character Tropes

  • Passionate Mavericks  
  • Quirky Misfits
  • ‘The Zany One'
  • Aspiring Learners
  • People who look like your audience

Relatability, vulnerability and imperfection – not polished celebrity tropes – forge bonds with audiences that turn them into receptive viral vehicles.

Storytelling Through Multiple Formats

Baking virality into modern campaigns requires matching formats with moments to drive narrative tension and resolution through touchpoints.

E.g. Awareness > Interest > Consideration > Action

Viral Storytelling Formats  

  • Video trailers and product demos
  • Interactive polls, quizzes and games 
  • Daily email journeys and challenge sequences 
  • Serialised cartoon strips and comics
  • Multi-part blogs, vlogs and podcast episodes 
  • Augmented reality try-ons and engagements
  • Phygital experiences blending AR, VR and real-world moments

Formatting content for episodic consumption keeps audiences leaning forward, awaiting the next instalment. This strings out attention while multiplying touchpoints to convert viewers into evangelists who corral others into the journey.

Growth Hacking: Unconventional Marketing for Exponential Reach

Growth Hacking Funnel

Growth hacking represents the building and executing of rapid experiments across platforms to supercharge viral adoption. It provides rocket fuel for early-stage startups looking to gain traction fast by any means necessary.

The Four Tenets of Growth Hacking

  • Product Marketing – Optimising product virality triggers 
  • Creative Marketing – Producing viral content for amplification  
  • Analytical Marketing – Data-driven optimisation and testing  
  • Tech Marketing – Automation and strategic integrations

While the lines between growth hacking and marketing blur over time, the emphasis remains on aggressive testing and non-traditional tricks to kickstart exponential growth.

How Growth Hackers' Hack Growth

With an entrepreneur's risk tolerance and hunger for scale, growth hackers commandeer the entire marketing stack to find cracks where viral momentum hides. Tactics stretch far beyond the realms of conventionality, including:

  • Referral program testing – Experimenting with discounts, tiers and rewards to maximise conversion and sharing
  • Social channel testing – Trying multiple platforms to uncover the most viral content/messaging fit
  • Influencer experiments – Getting creative with equity offers, collaborations and co-marketing deals
  • Syndication and aggregation – Repurposing and licensing content to third-party sites
  • Algorithm manipulation – Reverse-engineering platforms through rapid testing to increase visibility
  • reviews and integrations – Making it ultra-easy for fans to share and spread the word
  • PR stunts and exclusives – Pitching newsworthy stories to grab attention and social heat

Where traditional marketers see boundaries, growth hackers see hurdles to overcome however possible. Every platform and channel represents a potential launchpad for exponential takeoff.

Hustling > Budgets

Growth hacking thrives on hustle over hefty budgets. With enough drive and creativity, it's surprising how dramatically startups can boost traction through unconventional experiments.

Legendary examples include:

  • Airbnb using election night Obama/McCain cereal to spark early PR
  • Spotify incentivising sharing by enabling listeners to access playlists
  • Uber surprising users with UberKITTENS and UberPUPPIES on demand
  • The Skimm incentivising readers to act as brand ambassadors and content co-creators

Scrappy startups willing to take risks and leverage their networks creatively gain early footing. This momentum unlocks access to capital that funds increasing-scale future experiments and platform testing.

Viral Marketing Case Studies

The following case studies showcase viral marketing campaigns of differing shapes and sizes that took the world by storm. They offer a window into the strategy and execution factors driving breakthrough success.

Blippi Videos for Kids: Viewed Over 8 Billion Times

Blippi Viral Marketing Example

Blippi , the wildly popular children's educational YouTube channel, understands better than anyone how to engineer videos to trigger algorithmic amplification. With almost 200 million subscribers, Blippi (aka Stevin John) invites toddlers and preschoolers into fantastic worlds blending music, physical comedy, and skills-based learning.

Virality lessons:

  • Ultra-frequent video output sustains visibility
  • Videos target trending kid topics and themes
  • Maximise watch time and engaging moments throughout
  • The upbeat tone keeps toddlers transfixed
  • Family-focused collaborative consumption model
  • YouTube data-driven topic selection and optimisation

Blippi's formula for consistent, copious engagement continually wins algorithmic promotion, compounding an astronomical view count into the billions.

The Ice Bucket Challenge: From Zero to $250 Million for ALS

The 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge remains the poster child for viral fundraising campaigns. It began with former Boston College baseball player Pete Frates, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2012. To raise awareness, he created a campaign where participants filmed themselves getting doused in ice water before nominating others to repeat the stunt.

This sparked a chain reaction on social media, with celebrities from Oprah to Lady Gaga embracing #IceBucketChallenge. Views exploded into the billions, securing millions in donations for ALS charities.

Virality Lessons:

  • The nomination element baked into social sharing
  • Unexpected spectacle tapped into voyeurism
  • Involved celebrities droves amplification
  • A tight feedback loop maintains momentum
  • Easy to replicate and participate

By blending entertainment, mobility and social competition, the Ice Bucket Challenge won hearts and headlines and opened wallets en masse.

Will it Blend?: 79 Million Views on YouTube

Will It Blend Viral Marketing Campaign

When Blendtec founder Tom Dickson began uploading grainy videos showing his industrial blenders pulverise iPhones, glow sticks and other household objects, few could've predicted their viral ascendance. But the “Will It Blend?” series exploded, demonstrating how niche product marketing can flourish in the internet's untamed waters.

Virality Lessons

  • Short runtimes fit viewing habits
  • Shock factor/unexpectedness
  • Serialised episodes build anticipation
  • Interactive channel community rewards engagement
  • Vital visual payoff/money shot

Will it Blend didn't try to mimic the slick corporate video. Instead, it embraced the medium's raw, unscripted feel while leaning into shareable moments week after week. This authenticity struck a chord with 79 million curious viewers and counting.

Leveraging Influencers for Maximum Impact

Niche Social Influencers

Influencer marketing represents collaborating with personalities who wield sizable social clout to expand campaign reach. It hinges on the psychological principles of liking and social proof, with audiences more receptive to ideas trumpeted by voices they know and relate to.

The Anatomy of Impactful Influencer Partnerships

Successful influencer collaborations blend brand needs with influencer strengths to craft something resonating authentically for both sides. Core elements include:

  • Complementary values + aesthetics – Ensures conceptual alignment from the start
  • Multi-platform seeding – Leverages owned, earned and influencer channels
  • Co-created + customised content – Resonates more genuinely with persona-specific communities
  • Performance metrics + analysis – Provides a blueprint for campaign optimisation and expansion

The most effective partnerships feel less like mercenary commercial transactions and more like strategic friendships. This leads to long-term wins as creativity flows and communities unite behind collaborative viral visions.

Influencer Archetype Examples

Brands seeking maximum amplification should scout influencers spanning archetypes that engage distinct yet similarly valuable audiences through differing viral currencies.

Key Influencer Archetypes

  • Celebrities – Followers: Vast. Virality: Very High 
  • Macro-influencers – Followers: Multi-million. Virality: High
  • Power Niche Micros – Followers: 100k-500k. Virality: High 
  • Hyper-Engaged Nano Influencers – Followers: <10k. Virality: Moderate
  • E&E's – Employees & Enthusiasts. Followers: Small. Virality: Low

Layering multiple tiers gives campaigns the best chance of resonating widely while retaining niche depth where it matters most. Micro and nano influencers drive credibility and engagement efficiently when strategically activated.

The Rise of Virtual Influencers

CGI influencers with fictional identities, backstories and values are exploding in popularity across platforms from Instagram to TikTok. Mirrored on real-world role models, these “virtual humans” wield disproportionate sway thanks to their idealised (and tirelessly optimised) existence.

Top examples include:

Notable Virtual Influencers

  • Lil Miquela – 3 million IG followers   
  • Knox Frost – 1.8 million TikTok followers
  • Shudu – 245k IG followers  
  • Imma – 367k IG followers

Free from the constraints of reality, virtual influencers represent the frontier of fabricated virality. They also raise intriguing questions about disclosure and ethics, given the inability to discern real from fake identity in the digital domain.

Harnessing the Power of Going Viral

Likelihood Of Going Viral

Once unleashed, viral content can take on a life of its own – spreading far beyond campaign KPIs. But exponential growth doesn't happen randomly:

Preparing for Turbulence: Managing Campaigns That Go Super Viral

When campaigns explode faster and broader than expected, brands can be overwhelmed by the influx of sudden attention. Without contingency protocols, infrastructure strains under the load. Customer experience suffers. Opportunities get missed.

To ride unpredictable viral waves smoothly, marketers should:

  • Stress test site capacity – Use load testing tools (e.g. to find and fix bottlenecks
  • Line up extra creative assets – Have additional images, gifs and videos approved and on standby
  • Prepare CRMs and sales teams – Scale support capabilities to handle spikes in inquiries
  • Automate where possible – Set up chatbots, email nurture streams and basic feedback handling
  • Get leadership aligned – Ensure decision-makers are briefed and ready to go

With the stability to withstand flashes of intensity, brands transform internet brushfires into catalysts driving exponential business progress.

Case Study: Exploding Kid

In 2007, Utah teenager David DeVore Jr accidentally became an early viral icon when his dad uploaded a video of David emerging from anaesthetic. His woozy, meme-worthy reaction spawned hundreds of musical remixes and parodies.

Unprepared for the spotlight, David retreated from public view despite coveting fame. He later reflected:

“ It was too much attention for me to handle. I didn't know how to control it. I made some mistakes. I'll be ready if I ever get another chance at fame. “

Monetising Memetic Moments

Lightning traction brings commercial possibilities. But brands must strategically strike before momentum melts. Potential revenue streams include:

  • Merchandise – T-shirts, mugs, and socks featuring viral slogans/images
  • Advertising – Monetize site traffic spikes via Google AdSense
  • Donations – Add payment integrations while urgency and eyes accelerate generosity
  • Transactional Conversions – Offer special promotions to capture sales
  • Licensing content – Let media companies compensate for redistribution rights
  • Crowdfunding – Launch projects while public awareness and goodwill peak
  • Selling data assets – Consumer data gains value from virality
  • Paid content subscriptions – Offer exclusive materials to paying members

With creative commercialisation, brands transform social currency into economic currency before invisible internet points disappear back into the ether.

The Risks of Going Viral

Despite the headline-grabbing hype and hockey stick growth charts, viral launches can boomerang if strategy neglects broader imperatives around safety, ethics and brand building beyond clicks.

The Pitfalls of Prioritising Virality Above All Else

While tentpole viral marketing campaigns can break through the noise, focusing too narrowly on explosions often obscures broader business fundamentals still required for sustainable success.

Potential Downsides Include:

  • Forced gimmicks – Trying too hard for novelty backfires
  • Budget burn – Expensive campaigns fail more spectacularly
  • Attention displacement – Fleeting spikes undermine long-term metrics
  • Infrastructure overload – Platforms crash under the weight of their success
  • Community misalignment – Reach exceeds relevance
  • Exposes blindspots – Sudden scale stresses expose operational cracks

Like an inferno burning through cash reserves and public goodwill, chasing viral pyrotechnics risks spectacular collapse unless ignited carefully and grounded in business basics beyond the hype.

Safeguarding Reputation Amidst Rampant Misinformation

Virality favours sensationalism over truth. Inattention allows misinformation and conspiracies to metastasise rapidly amidst potent outrage. Psychological blindspots impede self-correction. This necessitates added vigilance.

Brands should:

  • Rapidly issue clarifications – Don't let false claims gain traction
  • Contact platform admins – Report verifiably fake or misleading content
  • Moderate communities tightly – Keep discussions constructive
  • Avoid knee-jerk reactions – Carefully evaluate the validity of critiques
  • Prioritise transparency – Proactively share processes and data

While neutralising disinformation entirely may prove impossible, facts hold power. Even limited reach helps inoculate audiences against the viral spread of lies.

Preserving Organic Authority Over the Long Haul

Gamed trends and engineered moments seed doubts over authenticity. Once magic wears off, engagement falls back to earth. This necessitates balancing top-down orchestration with organic community connection.

Tips to Sustain Engagement Authority 

❏ Encourage user-generated content and co-creation  

❏ Cultivate niche community conversations

❏ Gradually decentralise publishing power  

❏ Maintain candid dialogue amidst critique

❏ Invest in relationships beyond transactions

Marketers must toggle between pouring rocket fuel on embers while fanning flames bottom-up through lasting human relationships that turn ephemeral excitement into movements with meaningful momentum.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is viral marketing.

Viral marketing refers to branded content and ideas designed to spread rapidly from person to person on digital platforms through techniques that trigger high levels of organic sharing and engagement.

What makes a campaign go viral?

Viral campaigns tend to incorporate specific ingredients like humour, surprise, controversy and intense emotions that motivate people to share content with their networks, exponentially amplifying reach.

How do you make viral content?

To make viral content, identify critical psychological sharing triggers to bake into your campaign narrative and presentation strategy. Craft relatable stories starring everyday characters. And strategically format and structure content to remove friction from engaging and sharing.

What is an example of successful viral marketing?

Classic examples of viral success include the Will It Blends YouTube videos (79 million views) and the 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge, which raised $250 million for ALS charities. Both leveraged unexpected spectacles and potent social dynamics to achieve exponential amplification.

How can I make my business go viral?

Boost your chances of viral success by obsessing over shareability and social currency signals when crafting content. Proactively seed campaigns within your existing communities and networks. And don't hesitate to experiment with unconventional guerrilla marketing tactics if growth remains elusive.

Viral marketing represents a unique chance to spark movements through messages that sell themselves. Campaigns take flight on their momentum as people eagerly spread ideas offering value, entertainment or meaning.

Yet manufactured memetic moments mean little without lasting substance grounded in human connection and business fundamentals beyond the hype. Great campaigns balance orchestration with community collaboration to sustain liftoff beyond initial explosions.

The rest comes down to understanding social psychology, embracing creativity and taking bold risks to produce sparks amplified by networks ready to watch campaigns soar higher and faster than imaginable, even in today's hyper-connected cultural landscape.

So, are you ready to architect ideas built to spread? The world awaits whatever viral visions you're prepared to unleash…

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Stuart Crawford

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case study viral marketing

Viral Marketing: What Is It & Why It Matters? (Types & Examples)

  • by Nikitas Filosofof
  • July 11, 2022
  • 11 minute read

Every now and then, we hear the term ‘viral’ being thrown around the digital space, especially on social media.

It’s when a post spreads fast like wildfire and everyone is talking about it. 

Every brand, regardless of its industry, wants to have a piece of that cake and go viral.

There’s just one question that seems to bug most people: 

Does going viral happen by chance or through effort ?

We will provide more context to the question in this guide. 

More precisely, we’ll look at:

  • What viral marketing is
  • Why it’s important
  • Different types of viral marketing  

That said, let’s jump right in!

Table of Contents

What is viral marketing, viral marketing vs. word-of-mouth marketing, why is viral marketing important, 2 types of viral marketing campaigns.

5 Examples of Viral Marketing Elements

Viral marketing is a type of marketing campaign that occurs when an individual or brand creates shareable content or crafts a marketing message that people can relate to . 

It uses word-of-mouth marketing over social networks to spread information about a product or service . 

What’s interesting about viral marketing is that it’s the customers themselves that spread the word.

What happens when they do this?

Well, when a company’s product goes viral , there’s a significant increase in its engagement on social media, brand awareness, and of course, sales. 

That’s the end goal of a viral ads campaign .

Since it’s other people doing the main work, what do you have to do?

There are two important parts you need to play:

  • Introduce something worth sharing such as a viral video, image, or meme
  • Get ready for the engagements the campaign should bring

A good example of a successful viral marketing effort is Apple’s #shotoniphone.

case study viral marketing

Image Source: Instagram

It began in 2014 and is still active to date! 

Guess what?

The hashtag has got over 25 million posts on Instagram alone and counting . 

The campaign has become so popular that other brands are using it to promote their phone cameras.

Apple uses the images from the Shot on iPhone series for billboards, TV commercials, and print ads.

They even selected winners from the campaign. 

This means more awareness for their audiences offline and online including an increase in sales. 

Talk about a product gone viral!

Now, does the fact that viral marketing works with word-of-mouth marketing make both terms the same?

The short answer is no.

Nonetheless, let’s look at how both terms are different in the next section.

The main difference between viral marketing and word-of-mouth marketing is found in the extent to which shareable content is shared . 

Let’s explain a little further. 

Word-of-mouth marketing is when a consumer shares details about your product or service to their peers . 

But, that’s where it ends.

Word-of-mouth marketing usually begins with a loud bang but fades out after the first generation of promotion —like an echo. 

Simply put, people participate because of the value they get from a product. 

Viral marketing, on the other hand, also involves the consumer sharing your product but this extends beyond the first generation of promotion . 

In other words, consumers derive value from your product,  become passionate about its benefit, and as a result, go on to share it with their peers…

… and it doesn’t end with them either. 

Another point worth noting is that brands have control over the outcome of word-of-mouth marketing by using different marketing tactics to initiate engagement. 

For viral marketing techniques, you have little control over the outcome of the results. Marketers can only increase their chances of getting their product to go viral! 

Wanna know about the advantages of viral marketing? 

Let’s find out more in the next section. 

Viral marketing is a good option for brands that want to get their message across to a wider demographic . 

As a matter of fact, 82% of online businesses leverage word of mouth to raise awareness for their brand.

So, what’s in it for you?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of viral marketing.

  • Grabs people’s attention : Viral marketing makes it easy for you to grab your audience’s attention. 

As stated above, what you need to do is create content that appeals to your audience and promote it on different platforms. Then they take it up from there. 

The main reason viral marketing can help your content go viral is that other people are sharing it… 

…and statistics show that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people who are close to them. 

That means more people’s attention is drawn to the viral post because it’s coming from their peers. 

  • Affordable advertising costs :  Viral campaigns are cost-effective for brands , small businesses,  or startups that don’t have a huge marketing ad spend. 

You get increased brand awareness, engagement on your social media networks, and more sales at relatively low costs.

Well, because the hard work of getting the word out about your product or services is done by consumers .

Just like in the case of Apple’s Shot on iPhone series.

The main cost associated with viral marketing is the cost involved in creating the content and promoting it . 

Plus, the moment it kicks off, it’s quick to perform.  

  • Gives your brand more credibility : As more people become passionate about the campaign and keep talking about your brand, credibility among your target audience increases .  

In other words, they trust that your brand is genuine and that in turn increases the recognition of your product or service.

The viral content will be like a seal of trust whenever users see it when you run social media marketing campaigns or upload a post on your website.  

As such, your brand gets better engagement on its social sites every time and more traffic to the website. 

  • More reach : Do you want more people to be aware of your brand’s product or services? If yes, viral marketing can get your brand in front of a large number of potential customers. 

A single message can spread the message further than you could have predicted. It might look like nothing is happening in the beginning but it spreads rapidly beyond the first wave of promotion . 

That gives your business better visibility.

And if your content is able to ignite your audience’s emotions enough, the reach will eventually lead to the growth of your brand .

Viral content can reach more people better than paid advertising can. 

  • It’s non-evasive :  You know how frustrating it is when ads pop up on your screen while you are browsing. Everyone kinda wishes that doesn’t happen to them, even the advertiser. 

Well, viral content fulfills that wish. 

In fact, people love watching it because it is worth sharing. 

It’s an ad that doesn’t register as an ad and that’s one of the things that makes it likable. 

Let’s move on to see the two types of viral marketing we’ve got available.

Viral marketing which can be considered as consumer spread growth is one of the most effective marketing campaigns out there . 

It’s people within and outside your brand marketing your company. 

Every marketer or brand owner certainly loves the idea of their message spreading exponentially. 

Well, who wouldn’t?

To provide more context to what viral marketing really is, we take another step into two types of this marketing campaign.

1. Organic viral marketing

It is also known as an in-the-wild campaign and it basically means marketers have little to no control over the outcome of this campaign .  

Organic viral marketing occurs when a message is being spread exponentially without the marketer setting it in motion.

In some cases, it’s a positive message around the brand, and other times a negative one that turns out to be a good thing in the long run. 

There are also times that brands just happen to be goofing around with the negative message of another brand and all of a sudden, it blows up. 

Oreo’s Dunk in the Dark is a good example of organic viral marketing.

Here’s what happened:

Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers were in an intense third-quarter battle at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. 

Suddenly, there was a blackout that lasted for 34 minutes. 

In response to that situation, Oreo’s social media team tweeted: Power out? No problem  

Orea viral marketing example

Image Source: Twitter

It was not an ad, just a quick response to a situation that lovers of the game were experiencing. 

What was the outcome?

Well, in less than an hour, their post got massive engagement which included over 10k retweets, 18k+ likes, and over 5k shares.

The point is when an organic viral campaign is successful, brands don’t have to spend so much to build their brand credibility.

For starters, consumers are able to relate to the content in question because interaction takes place between consumers alone. 

You only have to be willing to let the flow of communication flow and avoid interrupting it. 

There are key takeaways to take into consideration:

  • Organic viral marketing isn’t planned. Just like Oreo’s post; who would have thought there would be a power outage for that long? 
  • Users make the choice to engage with the content. 

2. Amplified viral marketing

The second type of viral marketing strategy we talk about is amplified marketing also referred to as a controlled campaign. 

In other words, you have control over this campaign. 

More specifically, marketers are able to plan the campaign by setting goals they want to achieve including which method they want to transmit the viral message. 

A good example of this is Zoom’s Virtual Background Challenge in 2020.

Zoom viral marketing example

People were stuck at home so Zoom introduced a competition for remote workers. 

Participants were to share videos or pictures using the platform’s virtual background feature if they wanted to win prizes.

So, what happened next?

Well, it blew up and over 50k people signed up on Zoom just to participate in the competition.

The campaign brought in new customers and got them to explore the platform’s different features. 

They got new customers who were able to learn what Zoom had to offer and recommend it to others. 

Essentially, they had control over how they wanted the marketing campaign to go even though customers were going to be the driving force behind it. 

Aside from planning how the campaign will go, marketers are also able to track the results of amplified viral promotion. 

To make it easy for you to get started and understand better, we’ll look at top examples of viral marketing campaigns in the next section.

5 Examples of Viral Marketing

The results from viral marketing can sometimes seem like magic was involved. 

Another look at some of the scenarios from Apple and Oreos that we looked at above would make it seem so… 

…but, trust us there’s no magic .

It’s an effective way to spread awareness about your brand’s product or service but then we know coming up with viral content can be somewhat challenging. 

That’s why we decided to inspire you with some viral marketing examples. 

We’re going to do a breakdown of what makes them good inspiration for your campaign. 

1. Engaging coming soon page

A coming soon page is the type of content that can make your brand go viral . 

It helps spark curiosity in the minds of your users. For them, the value proposition you are offering makes them intrigued. 

Disney Plus’s coming soon page does a good job of illustrating what we mean.

They set a date, state what studio films will be shown and the price, and even set a countdown timer.

case study viral marketing

Pages like this get users anticipating the launch date and that’s the kind of build-up you want. 

They begin to ask questions like:

  • What does it have to offer?
  • When is it coming out?
  • Are there freebies attached?

So, why do you need a coming soon page?

You get to communicate how your product works, see what your consumers are expecting, and brace yourself for lead generation . 

 2. Referrals

Another viral marketing example is a referral campaign. 

Referral marketing leverages word of mouth from customers to make your brand go viral.

You offer users rewards or incentives that would motivate them to share whatever message you want them to pass across. 

A referral marketing example that made a brand grow and go viral is from Robinhood—a stock trading app… 

                             … you thought it was the old tale, didn’t you ?

Robinhood is one company that was able to build a customer base before it launched officially. 

case study viral marketing

How did they do that?

They leveraged the fear of missing out to create buzz around the product compelling people to sign up. 

They invited people who were likely to like the app to only gain an invitation to access Robinhood in its beta stage.

It wasn’t an invitation to join their mailing list, but to be among the first people to experience what it had to offer. 

When they proceeded to enter their email, Robinhood made it more interesting by subtly introducing a waiting list. 

People were automatically placed on a list after deciding to experience what the company had to offer. 

Here’s where their referral program came into play: users were incentivized to share Robinhood’s offer to move their position higher up the list . 

Who doesn’t like to be ahead in a queue?

Well, that was what led to them having a million users even before launching their product. 

3. Puzzles and riddles

Another way to make your brand go viral is through puzzles and riddles.

You probably are wondering if there’s even such a thing as puzzle marketing. 

Well, puzzles as you well know are interactive games that you can engage your customers with. 

It keeps them busy and encourages them to stay on your website or social media page. 

Puzzles? Who uses them anyway?

Well, popular ketchup brand, Heinz, used it to spark engagement and awareness on their social media networks. 

Heinz viral marketing example

It was a social media giveaway that saw the popular ketchup brand give away puzzles in over 17 countries. 

The campaign got over 20k engagements in Northern America alone. 

So, if you’re wondering what puzzles have got to do with a business?

Well, it keeps people engaged on their website.

In Heinz’s case, people who played kept seeing red all the way through and that was a subtle way of advertising the brand. 

4. Storytelling

Everyone loves a good and relatable story and if the story’s done right, it can cause your brand to go viral. 

Here’s an interesting fact that supports what we’re saying:

People remember stories 22 times more than they do facts and figures. 

Simply put, they can boost your engagement and conversion rate . 

Popular streaming service, Netflix, turned up the notch with this one and it sparked engagement on their social media platforms.

They got customers to tell them stories on Twitter.

Here was what they tweeted: 

case study viral marketing

As you would expect, people responded to their tweets and got a movie recommendation to watch for the weekend.

5. Stand out from the crowd

Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches is the perfect example of how a brand can go viral by doing something different from what others are doing.

They got a forensic artist to sketch different women—not by looking at them but by listening to them describe how they looked and other people describe them too.

case study viral marketing

Image Source: Youtube

The whole point of their digital marketing campaign was to prove to women that they are more beautiful than they think they are . 

They created a piece of content that was unique and most importantly, appealed to people’s emotions in a good way.

That’s one of the key factors that make content go viral.

Within two weeks, the video had over 3 million shares, and nine years after it was published, people are still engaging with the post.

It’s gone beyond the second generation as we talked about earlier.

It’s time to wrap this up!

Now Over to You

We’ve come to the end of this guide. 

We hope you learned a thing or two, especially from the examples that were added for you to draw inspiration from them. 

Wondering what your next steps should be?

Feel free to book a demo with Viral Loops to add virality to your campaigns. 

Thanks for stopping by!

case study viral marketing

Nikitas Filosofof

Nikitas has launched products in many industries for himself and his clients. He's responsible for growth at Viral Loops and has worked in marketing since he was 17. Passionate about applying psychology to marketing. My favourite number: 42. Let's connect on LinkedIn!

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Hollywood Branded

4 Case Studies Of Real-Time Viral Marketing Responses

Table of contents, showing off your brand in real time.

With the help of the Internet, everything's so much faster: we can message friends from the other side of the world in less than a second, video chat with families away from home, and even check what's happening internationally in real-time. For marketers, it means that every single event can now be an opportunity to improve the publicity of their products.

Advertising is no longer just about putting up a commercial on TV or designing a billboard, but being able to respond to real-time events, which provides brands a chance to demonstrate the true "who is" of their brand.  In this blog post, Hollywood Branded shares 4 examples of real-time viral marketing responses and provides insight into 4 case studies of successful viral campaigns.

4 Case Studies Of Real-Time Viral Marketing Responses

How to Make Real-Time Viral Marketing Responses?

To be able to respond to viral topics, companies need to stay on top of social media trends. There are four ways to do that:

  • Twitter trends : On the left side of your Twitter homepage, there is a section called "Trends for You". Pretty simple. It tells you what's trending on Twitter;
  • Buzzsumo : a paid app that shows you the hottest trends in your industry;
  • Trending section on TODAY : Sometimes the easiest way to figure out the trend is to read some news! Here's TODAY's website:
  • Keep up with your competitors' accounts : Of course, no one wants to plagiarize anyone else's idea, but sometimes a little conversation between you and your competitors can benefit both of you. This worked pretty well on the IHOb campaign which is discussed in more detail below.

This seems easy, but real-time response means it's more likely to make mistakes.

Often, controversies on trending social media posts emerge when companies try to make a real-time response without scrutinizing the message. For example, Wendy's has always been known for giving sassy responses on Twitter. However, in January 2017, Wendy's posted a meme featuring an anti-Semitic hate symbol, Pepe the Frog (as shown below). Although Wendy's immediately deleted the post after it backfired, it still caused some unnecessary chaos, if its social media team did a little research on Pepe the Frog.  It IS hard to keep up with everything on the Internet, especially in our politically correct environment. Therefore, marketers need to be careful when they give a real-time response.

Here are two quick tips to avoid making mistakes:

  • Google your messages and images before you publish. It never hurts to double-check your content before it's too late.
  • Check your ideas with your team or preferably a diverse focus group (we all remember what happened to the Pepsi commercial featuring Kendall Jenner, don't we?) before you post your content. 

New call-to-action

1. Banksy-Inspired Social Media Posts

On October 6 th , 2018, the mysterious British street artist Banksy was at it again. His work, “Girl With Balloon”, a spray paint made in 2006, shredded itself right after it was auctioned for $1.4 million at Sotheby’s “Frieze Week” evening contemporary art sale.

Banksy then posted a video on his Instagram showing that he had built a shredder into the frame of that painting. "A few years ago, I secretly built a shredder into a painting, in case it was ever put up for auction." The video soon hit 2 million views. Many marketers quickly hopped on this viral marketing train and created social media content related to the shredded painting.

As Banksy once again impressed us with his creativity, many marketing-minded creatives also shared their pieces inspired by the street artist. 

One of the first to get on this trend was McDonald's. The agency that it often works with, DDB Vienna, posted the following image on its Facebook page about 2 days after the incident.  This image cleverly incorporated the shredded painting with McDonald's beloved French fries coming out of the frame. 


Millennial-focused insurer Lemonade had a different way to relate itself to the conversation. Destruction? We've got you covered!

In case your art starts self-destructing… #banksy #banksyed — Lemonade (@Lemonade_Inc) October 9, 2018

Perrier, on the other hand, tweaked it into a visual metaphor to illustrate the natural quality of its own product.

No need to break the bank for a work of art 😏 #PerrierLemon #GoForTheExtraordinaire — Perrier (@Perrier) October 9, 2018

2. IHOP Became the Center of the Conversation

IHOP tried to re-brand itself as a burger house as a publicity stunt. As someone who had never been to IHOP then, I really thought I could never say I've been to IHOP anymore (seriously, they ACTUALLY changed the signage in some IHOP locations). The whole thing started on June 4th, 2018, when IHOP announced on Twitter that they were changing their name from "IHOP" to "IHOb". Although the whole thing about changing its name to "IHOb" - International House of Burgers - was later revealed to be temporary in the light of promoting their burger menu, it became the trending topic on Twitter during its 7-day campaign.

At first, IHOP didn't specify what "b" stood for in "IHOb", which not only let its fans wonder but also created an opportunity for other brands to participate in the conversation. 

For 60 pancakin' years, we've been IHOP. Now, we're flippin' our name to IHOb. Find out what it could b on 6.11.18. #IHOb — IHOP (@IHOP) June 4, 2018

Chiquita Bananas joined the fun by saying it stood for "International House of Bananas".

IHOB-Marketing method

It only stirred up the conversation more when IHOP announced that "b" stands for burgers and invited its burger competitors, such as Wendy's, White Castle, and Burger King, into the conversation.

White Castle "threatened" to rename to "Pancake Castle."

white castle

Wendy's response to its new competitor was rather sassy: "Not really afraid of the burgers from a place that decided pancakes were too hard."


Burger King, on the other hand, changed its profile picture and Twitter handle to "Pancake King" for a day. 

Pancake King: Marketing

 3. Tide Tackled The Tide Pod Eating Challenge

In 2012, P&G released a new form of detergent, Tide Pods. The combination of stain remover, color protector, and detergent all in one little pod is such a life-saver for millennials. It saves so much time from pouring out the right amount of detergent and trying to figure out the ratio between that and other fabric conditioners. However, at around the beginning of 2018, a weird Tide Pod eating challenge went viral on YouTube. 

The Tide Pod challenge became a video trend involving people popping the detergent pods and chewing on it. Many teenagers posted videos of them doing the challenge, even some major YouTube influencers. This viral trend, however, led to major health issues. According to the American of Poison Control Centers, in the first month of 2018 alone, at least 86 cases of intentional misuse of laundry detergent were reported among teenagers, while there were only 53 in total in 2017. It was so bad that YouTube had to delete all the Tide Pod Challenge videos. You'd think kids are smart enough to not consume laundry detergent, something that's used in washing clothes. Naturally, the moment inspired a meme world that went crazy about the challenge as well. Some people even concluded that people eat Tide Pods because the color combination reminds them of candy. 

Instead of burying its head in the sand and waiting for the negative publicity to pass, Tide created a meme-like video featuring Rob Gronkowski exclaiming that Tide Pods are not for anything but washing clothes. 

What should Tide PODs be used for? DOING LAUNDRY. Nothing else. Eating a Tide POD is a BAD IDEA, and we asked our friend @robgronkowski to help explain. — Tide (@tide) January 12, 2018

4. ASOS Responded To Their Misprinted Bags

Unlike the examples we mentioned above, social media also enables brands to respond in real-time to their own mistakes. ASOS was able to respond to their misprinted bags with a sense of humor. Their fast response gave them a chance to laugh at themselves before everyone else made a comment about it. It also allows them to establish a brand personality that's more relevant to their customers.

This tween received more than 500 comments, 8,400 retweets, and 49,000 likes. 


Brands like Wendy's have even captured new fans and followers through unique social media marketing that is more about finding humor in trending events than it is about their own industry. Social platforms are not just a way to promote your brand through paid advertising but to connect organically with a sense of humor, proving that effective social media marketing isn't just about your product or imaging but your brand's ability position itself in a world of constant inter-connectivity.

Want to learn more about other forms of viral brand marketing? Check out some other blog posts we've written about digital marketing...

  • 10 Social Media Marketing Tips For Small Businesses
  • 4 Social Media Platforms You Should Use That Your Brand Probably Isn't
  • 5 Ways To Make Your Brand Stand Out To A Social Media Influencer
  • 5 Tips For Social Media Marketing In The Wellness Industry

Want to learn more about promoting your brand through social campaigns and the entertainment industry? Check out our free Product Placement & Promotions e-book!

Product Placement & Co-Promotions 101 Guide


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15 Marketing Case Study Examples With Standout Success Stories

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Tomas Laurinavicius

15 Marketing Case Study Examples With Standout Success Stories

Certain marketing campaigns leave a lasting impression. We’ve gathered insights from CEOs and marketing leaders to share one standout marketing case study that resonates with them.

From Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign’s impact to Dollar Shave Club’s viral launch video, explore fifteen memorable marketing triumphs that these experts can’t forget.

Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign Impact

Oatly’s bold brand strategy, rockervox’s tax credit success, local bookstore’s community engagement, coca-cola’s personalized brand experience, dropbox’s viral referral program, authentic influencer marketing for cpg brand, airbnb’s “we accept” social impact, amul’s topical and humorous campaigns.

  • AXE’s ‘Find Your Magic’ Brand Refresh

Squatty Potty’s Humorous Viral Video

Old spice’s viral humor campaign, red bull stratos’s high-flying publicity, maple dental’s seo success story, dollar shave club’s viral launch video.

One marketing case study that has always stayed with me is the Dove Real Beauty Campaign. It really struck a chord when it launched in 2004, challenging the beauty standards and celebrating women’s diversity. What made it stand out was the “Real Beauty Sketches” video, where women described themselves to a sketch artist. Seeing the stark contrast between their self-perceptions and how others saw them was incredibly eye-opening and touching.

What I found so compelling about this campaign was its message of self-acceptance and empowerment. Dove didn’t just try to sell products; they took a stand for something much bigger, and it resonated deeply with people. Using video storytelling was a genius move as it made the message more impactful and shareable. I believe Dove showed how brands can make a real difference by addressing important social issues in an authentic and meaningful way.

case study viral marketing

Nicole Dunn , CEO, PR and Marketing Expert, Dunn Pellier Media

As a content and brand marketer, Oatly’s brand strategy always inspires me. They are a textbook example of comprehensive brand-building.

Their visual style is instantly recognizable—bold, disruptive, and often filled with humor, making oat milk a statement and something you’d be proud to display on your shelves or socials.

Their tone of voice is witty, sometimes cheeky. They’ve even printed negative feedback on their packaging, which really just shows how they court controversy to spark conversations and enhance their brand’s visibility.

And there’s a strong story behind Oatly, too. They promote sustainability and aren’t shy about their environmental impact, which has simply helped them grow an enthusiastic community of environmental advocates. Clever in endless ways, such that tons of oat milk brands have followed suit.

case study viral marketing

Wisia Neo , Content Marketing Manager, ViB

One standout marketing case study that sticks with me is the implementation of our RockerVox Restaurant Bundle, aimed at optimizing cash flow through targeted use of employer-based tax credits. The power of this case study lies in its immediate financial impact on the client, a local restaurant chain that was struggling to keep its doors open in the wake of the pandemic.

By integrating the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and other relevant tax schemes into their payroll setup, we enabled the restaurant to reclaim a significant amount in tax credits. The real game-changer was not just the financial relief but also how it was achieved. We combined this with StaffedUp’s Applicant Tracking System, which improved their hiring processes and decreased employee turnover. This holistic approach led to a sustainable improvement in their operations and cash flow.

What made this case study so great was its tangible results. The restaurant saw a cash flow improvement of over 100%. This wasn’t just a number on a report—it meant being able to invest back into the business, enhance their services, and ultimately, keep their community fed and employed. This approach of integrating technology with financial strategy can be adapted by other businesses striving for similar resilience and growth, especially in times of economic difficulty.

case study viral marketing

Philip Wentworth, Jr , Co-Founder and CEO, Rockerbox

Certainly, one particularly impactful marketing strategy I led at FireRock Marketing involved a small local bookstore that was facing steep competition from online retailers. Our challenge was to increase foot traffic and reinforce the store’s brand presence in a highly digitalized market.

We initiated a campaign called “Local Pages, Local Stages,” where we leveraged digital marketing alongside community engagement. The bookstore held monthly events featuring local authors and artists, which we promoted heavily through targeted social media ads, email marketing, and local influencer partnerships. This multifaceted approach tapped into the community’s growing interest in supporting local ventures, enhancing visibility significantly.

The outcomes were remarkable. Over the campaign’s six-month duration, in-store sales increased by 40%, and the bookstore saw a 65% rise in attendance at events, which also boosted ancillary revenue from merchandise and cafe sales. Additionally, social media engagement metrics increased by over 150%, reflecting greater brand awareness.

This case study sticks with me because it exemplifies the power of combining digital strategies with community-based marketing to create a sustainable growth model. It shows how businesses can use holistic, integrated approaches to effectively adapt to new consumer behaviors and competitive landscapes.

case study viral marketing

Ryan Esco , Chief Marketing Officer, FireRock Marketing

A memorable marketing case study is the “Share a Coke” campaign by Coca-Cola. Initially launched in Australia in 2011, this campaign personalized the Coke experience by replacing the iconic Coca-Cola logo on bottles with common first names.

The idea was to encourage people to find bottles with their names or those of their friends and family, creating a more personal connection to the brand. The campaign was an enormous hit and was quickly rolled out worldwide, incorporating more names and even terms of endearment in different languages.

The brilliance of this campaign lay in its use of personalization, which tapped directly into the social media trend of sharing personal moments. People enthusiastically shared their personalized Coke bottles on various social media platforms, significantly amplifying the campaign’s reach beyond traditional advertising media.

This strategy boosted sales and reinforced Coca-Cola’s position as a fun and innovative brand. The “Share a Coke” campaign is a powerful example of how traditional products can be revitalized through creative marketing strategies that engage consumers personally.

case study viral marketing

Sahil Kakkar , CEO and Founder, RankWatch

For me, a standout marketing case study that really sticks with me is Dropbox’s referral program strategy back in their early days. By offering free storage space for every successful referral, they incentivized existing users to spread the word organically, resulting in exponential growth at virtually no acquisition cost.

What made this case study so brilliant was how elegantly it aligned product experience with viral sharing. Users had a vested interest in sharing Dropbox since it directly expanded their own cloud storage. This created a self-perpetuating cycle where better product engagement fueled more referrals, which then improved engagement further.

It was an ingenious lever that capitalized on the inherent sharing dynamics of their service to ignite explosive growth. The simplicity and potency of this growth hack is what truly resonates as a paragon of effective guerrilla marketing.

case study viral marketing

Ben Walker , Founder and CEO, Ditto Transcripts

One marketing case study that has always stuck with me was a campaign I led for a major CPG brand a few years back. The goal was to increase awareness and trial of their new line of organic snacks among millennial moms in a crowded market.

We developed an influencer seeding strategy focused on relatable mom micro-influencers on Instagram. Instead of just sending products, we worked with the influencers to develop authentic content that told real stories about the role of snacking and nutrition in busy family life. The photos and videos felt genuine, not overly polished or promotional.

Engagement was through the roof—the content resonated so strongly with the target audience. By the end of the 3-month campaign, we increased awareness by 45% and trial by over 20%. The CPG brand was thrilled, and the case study became an example we still reference today of the power of influencer marketing done right. Authenticity wins.

case study viral marketing

Gert Kulla , CEO, RedBat.Agency

One marketing case study that stuck with me was the Airbnb “We Accept” campaign, launched in 2017, focusing on social impact. This response to the global refugee crisis aimed to promote inclusivity, diversity, and acceptance within communities worldwide.

What made this case study remarkable was its ability to leverage the Airbnb platform to facilitate connections between hosts and displaced persons, providing them with temporary housing and support.

Airbnb demonstrated its commitment to using its platform for social good and making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. This aligned with its mission to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.

At the end of the day, Airbnb’s “We Accept” campaign was a compelling case study showing brands how to address social issues, promote inclusivity, and drive positive change in communities worldwide.

case study viral marketing

Peter Bryla , Community Manager, ResumeLab

One standout marketing case study that sticks with me is the “Amul” marketing campaigns by Amul, the iconic Indian dairy cooperative, make for excellent and impactful case studies as well. Here’s why Amul’s marketing stands out:

The Amul Girl – The mascot of a mischievous, friendly butter girl has become one of India’s most recognizable brand icons since her inception in 1966. Her presence on topical ads commenting on the latest news and pop culture trends has made Amul’s billboards a long-standing source of joy and relevance.

Topicality – Amul’s billboards and newspaper ads are renowned for their topicality and ability to humorously comment on major events, celebrity happenings, and political developments within hours. This real-time marketing has kept the brand part of daily conversations for decades.

Humor – The not-so-secret sauce is the brilliant use of puns, wordplay, and satirical humor that Amul consistently delivers through the eyes of the Amul Girl. The healthy, inoffensive jokes have earned a cult following.

Longevity – Very few brands can boast an equally iconic and successful campaign running for over 50 years, still keeping audiences engaged across multiple generations. The long-running property itself has become a case study in sustaining relevance.

Local Connect – While achieving pan-India recognition, the puns often play on regional language nuances, striking a chord with Amul’s Gujarati roots and building a personal connection with local consumers.

The impact of Amul’s long-running topical billboard campaign is unmatched—it has not only strengthened brand recognition and loyalty but has also made the cooperative a beloved part of India’s popular culture and daily life. Creativity, agility, and contextual marketing at its best!

case study viral marketing

Yash Gangwal , Founder, Urban Monkey

AXE’s “Find Your Magic” Brand Refresh

Axe (Lynx in the UK) had created a problematic brand image from past marketing efforts. Their focus on ‘attraction is connected to conquest’ hadn’t dissuaded men from buying their deodorants, but had a toxic effect on perceptions of women. Research conducted on brand equity showed that brand equity was declining, with this perception of the brand aging poorly and desperately needing a refresh to continue allowing the brand to be relevant for the future.

That led to a superb partnership with creative agency 72andSunny Amsterdam. Unilever was able to tap into an entirely new philosophy for its brand:

Empower men to be the most attractive man they could be – themselves.

With that idea in mind, 2016 saw the launch of the AXE ‘Find Your Magic’ commercial, a stunning celebration of the diversity of modern masculinity. The campaign also saw the release of a new range of premium grooming products and a supporting influencer marketing campaign featuring brand ambassadors, including John Legend.

While not all parts of the creative were successful, the campaign drove more than 39 million views and 4 billion media impressions in the first quarter after the launch. But most critically, AXE saw a 30+% increase in positive perception of their brand.

This campaign will stand the test of time because it combines several important and brave initiatives:

  • A forward-thinking mentality that the brand image you have today may not be suited for a future world
  • A broader understanding of what your customer base looks like – women also play a big role in men’s choice of deodorant
  • A big and bold attempt to change the way your brand is perceived – and succeeding with flying colors.

case study viral marketing

Yannis Dimitroulas , SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist, Front & Centre

One standout marketing case study that sticks with me is the campaign for Squatty Potty. The brand created a humorous video featuring a unicorn pooping rainbow ice cream to demonstrate the benefits of using their product. This unconventional approach garnered widespread attention and went viral, generating millions of views and shares on social media platforms.

The success of this campaign can be attributed to its creative storytelling, humor, and shock value, which made it memorable and engaging for viewers. By thinking outside the box and taking a risk with their messaging, Squatty Potty was able to create a unique and effective marketing strategy that resonated with consumers.

This case study serves as a reminder that creativity and originality can set a brand apart in a crowded marketplace, ultimately leading to increased brand awareness and customer engagement.

case study viral marketing

Carly Hill , Operations Manager, Virtual Holiday Party

The Old Spice ‘The Man Your Man Could Smell Like’ campaign remains etched in my memory. Its brilliance lies in its humor and creativity. By featuring a charismatic spokesperson and employing absurd scenarios, it captured viewers’ attention and went viral.

The campaign seamlessly integrated across platforms, from TV to social media, maximizing its reach. Its cleverness and entertainment value made it unforgettable, setting a benchmark for engaging marketing strategies. The case study showcases the importance of storytelling and humor in capturing audience interest and driving brand awareness.

case study viral marketing

Dan Ponomarenko , CEO, Webvizio

A marketing case study that has made a lasting impression on me is the Red Bull Stratos Jump. This campaign was for Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking jump from the edge of space, sponsored by Red Bull. The goal of this campaign was to create buzz and generate brand awareness through this extreme event.

The reason why this case study stands out to me is because of its successful execution in capturing the attention and interest of not just extreme sports enthusiasts, but also the general public.

The live broadcast of Baumgartner’s jump on various channels and social media platforms garnered over 52 million views, making it one of the most-watched live events ever. Red Bull’s strategic use of real-time marketing, storytelling, and high-quality visuals made this campaign a huge success, resulting in a significant increase in sales and brand recognition for the company.

This case study serves as a great example of how a well-planned and executed marketing campaign can effectively reach and engage with a wide audience.

case study viral marketing

Brian Hemmerle , Founder and CEO, Kentucky Sell Now

One standout marketing case study that resonates with me is the SEO transformation for Maple Dental. This campaign dramatically improved their local online visibility, leading to a substantial increase in new patient appointments. The integration of Google Maps SEO proved to be a game-changer, emphasizing the power of local search optimization in attracting nearby clients.

What made this case study exceptional was the measurable impact on the clinic’s business. For instance, the campaign led to a 230% increase in phone calls and a 223% increase in website visits. Such clear, quantifiable results showcased a direct contribution to business growth. These metrics are vital for demonstrating the return on investment in digital marketing efforts.

Additionally, the use of a targeted approach to enhance Google Maps visibility was particularly compelling. By optimizing their presence on Google Maps, Maple Dental saw a 250% increase in monthly maps impressions, which directly correlated with increased patient inquiries and visits.

case study viral marketing

Ihor Lavrenenko , CEO, Dental SEO Expert

One case study that always comes to mind is Dollar Shave Club’s launch video in 2012. It was called “Our Blades Are F*cking Great,” and let’s just say it got people talking! This video was hilarious and totally different from those fancy shaving commercials we were used to seeing. It spoke directly to guys, poked fun at expensive razor prices, and offered a way to get awesome blades for much less.

Additionally, it told everyone to check out their website. It was short, catchy, and made a huge impact. This is a perfect example of how a creative and funny video can grab attention, make people remember your brand, and get them to become customers.

case study viral marketing

Perry Zheng , Founder and CEO, Pallas

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What Is Viral Marketing?

  • How It Works
  • Characteristics
  • Pros and Cons

The Bottom Line

  • Marketing Essentials

Viral Marketing: What It Is, How It Works, Examples, Pros & Cons

Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia.

case study viral marketing

Amilcar has 10 years of FinTech, blockchain, and crypto startup experience and advises financial institutions, governments, regulators, and startups.

case study viral marketing

Pete Rathburn is a copy editor and fact-checker with expertise in economics and personal finance and over twenty years of experience in the classroom.

case study viral marketing

Viral marketing seeks to spread information about a product or service from person to person by word of mouth or sharing via the Internet or email. The goal of viral marketing is to inspire individuals to share a marketing message with friends, family, and other individuals to create exponential growth in the number of its recipients. 

Key Takeaways

  • Viral marketing is a sales technique that involves organic or word-of-mouth information about a product or service to spread at an ever-increasing rate.
  • The Internet and the advent of social media have greatly increased the number of viral messages in the form of memes, shares, likes, and forwards.
  • Some marketing campaigns try to trigger virality; however, many times just exactly what goes viral remains a mystery.
  • Once something goes viral, it is an easy and cheap way for a message to gain popularity.
  • Viral marketing can increase a company's reach and, ultimately, its customer base.

Understanding Viral Marketing

In the case of viral marketing, "viral" refers to something that spreads quickly and widely across its audience. Viral marketing is a deliberate enterprise, though the distribution of a message happens organically. As such, social media provides the perfect ecosystem for viral marketing, though it has its roots in traditional word-of-mouth marketing .

While the practice was much more widely used in the early to mid-2000s, as new Internet businesses were being created in extreme numbers, it is still common among Internet-based business-to-consumer (B-to-C) companies. The widespread adoption of social media networks—including YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook—has enabled modern viral marketing efforts and increased their efficacy. 

Examples of Viral Marketing

A frequently used example of early viral marketing is Hotmail, the free web-based email service launched in 1996 that included in its users' outgoing messages an embedded advertisement and direct link inviting recipients to sign up for an account. This practice led to the fastest growth among user-based media companies at the time. 

Another example that illustrates how varied viral marketing can be is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The ice bucket challenge existed before The ALS Association utilized it to raise awareness and generate donations; however, the massive dissemination on social media of ALS Ice Bucket videos created a worldwide sensation that tremendously increased ALS awareness.

$115 million

The amount of donations raised from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Viral Marketing Characteristics

All viral marketing examples—deliberate or accidental—have three things in common: the message, messenger, and environment. Each part must be leveraged to create a successful viral marketing campaign. Viral marketing campaigns may be created by any size business and can stand alone or be a part of a larger traditional campaign.

These campaigns may use several tools (e.g., videos, games, images, email, text messaging, and free products) to appeal to the emotions of users or viewers , raise awareness of a worthy cause, and make it easier to consume and share. Viral marketing often relies on the help of an influencer, who has a large network of followers.

With the help of social networks as a "force multiplier," viral marketing is quicker than traditional marketing campaigns, as well as less expensive. Since it can receive so much traffic in a short time, it can also lead to mainstream media attention. Social media can also cause viral marketing efforts to misfire, as messages are altered, misconstrued, considered spam, or called out for missing the mark. Viral marketing success can also be hard to measure.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Viral Marketing

Viral marketing allows companies to better market their products by reaching consumers that ordinarily would not be targeted by its traditional marketing campaigns . This expanded reach allows the company to enter new markets and potentially expand its customer base.

When done creatively, companies can trigger viral responses. For example, Burger King created a buzz when it posted pictures of its month-old, moldy Whopper in response to McDonald's claim that its burgers don't decompose. Burger King asserts that it uses only fresh ingredients and no preservatives, which should provide a better and healthier outcome for its customers. Its unappealing-looking burger was visible proof of that claim.

Viral marketing costs are a fraction of traditional advertising campaigns. And advertising is essentially free when consumers infectiously share their positive experiences with a company's products and services with others.

Because the Internet allows content to be shared easily and quickly, viral marketing can also trigger exponential and rapid growth ; however, it is important to note that how quickly and easily content is shared is largely dependent on whether the company uses the right tools that make this possible.


Sometimes, viral marketing sparks a response counter to what was intended. Consumers tend to share negative news more often than positive news, and studies show that people have a stronger emotional response to negative news. Negative buzz can be detrimental to business and sometimes hard to recover from.

The effects of viral marketing are hard to measure as it is difficult to determine if a lead or sale resulted from it. And there is no consensus among businesses on how to measure its success.

If customers believe the viral campaign will compromise their privacy and security, they will likely not share. As a result, the company's marketing mission fails, and its reputation may be tarnished. Future viral marketing campaigns may be adversely affected by previous unsuccessful attempts.

Wider reach

Faster and exponential growth

Lower costs

Negative word-of-mouth

Hard to measure

Low virality

How Do You Make Money If Your Video Goes Viral?

To make money on a viral video, you must monetize it, generally by requiring subscribers to pay to view it or by allowing companies to advertise to your audience in exchange for a fee. Companies either pay the creator to mention their products or services or run company-created ads before, during, or after their videos.

There are other ways to make money from a viral video other than the ones mentioned. For example, creators can license their videos, allowing third parties to use their content.

Why Is Transparency So Important in Viral Marketing?

Being transparent means being honest and open about operations and motives. Transparency in viral marketing is important as consumers are more critical of traditional marketing campaigns and are holding companies accountable for their actions more often than before. Approximately 94% of consumers are likely to be loyal to companies that are transparent in marketing.

What Does "Seeding" Mean in Relation to a Viral Marketing Campaign?

Seeding is a marketing technique in which companies purposefully distribute viral information or content to select users who they think will effectively share the campaign. Most often, social media influencers are chosen as seeds to spread the word and solicit feedback about a product.

What Are the Steps to Start a Viral Marketing Campaign?

First, identify the purpose of going viral. Are you seeking to improve your brand's image or increase awareness? Then, find out more about your audience. Social media reporting is a good source of information about what is preferred by your target audience. The content you want to go viral needs to be configured to where it can be easily and quickly shared. If not, the campaign will likely fail at the start. Make sure that the content you want to be shared is organic and relatable. Lastly, use trends and hashtags to promote the content as they will capture the attention of your followers.

What Are Good Tools for Viral Marketing Campaigns?

There are many tools companies can use in their viral marketing campaigns. Companies can create and sponsor communities, which can be tapped to promote your products or services. Create and promote sweepstakes, contests, and rewards to generate buzz and capture a large audience. Other tools include sponsoring messages and chat blasts.

Viral marketing is an inexpensive and effective technique for increasing awareness and promoting a brand or product. Companies depend on their audience or targeted users to share advertising campaigns and their positive experiences with others. Successful campaigns can help the company grow, enter new markets, and increase revenues. Companies must choose the right platforms to advertise and format their content to where it can be easily shared. If done poorly, it can produce unfavorable results that could erode earnings and tarnish a company's reputation.

ALS Association. " ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Commitments ."

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. " Cross-National Evidence of a Negativity Bias in Psychological Reactions to News ."

Global Marketing Professor. " The Importance of Transparency in Social Media Marketing ."

Business to Community. " Seeding Strategies for Viral Marketing Campaigns – An Introduction ."

case study viral marketing

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Kartoffel Films – Video Production Company

Viral Video Campaigns: 7 Fantastic Case Studies to Learn From

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Although ‘it’s gone viral ’ is a line that every marketing team longs to hear in their office, it’s not a common occurrence.

Stats from Stanford University suggest that only one per cent of all online content goes viral.


Research shows you’ve got a better chance of going viral if you deliver your content in video form.

Not all videos are made equal.

viral video campaigns

In this article, we’ll look at some of the most sensational viral video campaigns of both the past and present to see what the secret sauce to their success might be.

A bit of background.

Viral campaign marketing in a nutshell

So what counts as a viral video campaign?

The jury is actually still out on that one.

In an analysis of dozens of different opinions and studies , Forbes writer Robert Wynne concluded:

“If your friend in the next cubicle posts a video on YouTube and it spreads to 100,000 people in four hours, that’s probably viral.”

viral video campaign examples

The advantages and disadvantages of viral marketing

We’ll keep this brief:

Advantages of viral marketing

  • A better bottom line – after the Greggs video mentioned below was released, the company’s shares hit an all time high and annual sales broke the billion pound barrier for the first time
  • Exposure to new demographics and audiences
  • Better brand loyalty – because sharing videos is an interactive activity, so it helps potential customers feel more connected to the brand.

Disadvantages of viral marketing

  • Lack of control: once a video goes viral, the brand that made it has no control over how people respond to it and has no power to retract it if the message is received the wrong way
  • Effort: because there’s no silver bullet when it comes to trying to get a video to go viral, marketing departments can end up putting a lot of effort in for little return

viral video campaign case studies

7 sensational viral video campaigns you can learn from

One of the top viral marketing campaigns of 2019 has to be the video in which Greggs introduced its new vegan sausage roll to the world.

The film parodied the revelatory techy tone of an iPhone commercial and it garnered five million views on social media within 10 days of its launch.

What exactly did this video do right?

It was short. Lasting just 37 seconds, it was a quick watch, freeing up viewers’ time to go on to share it.

It was humorous. A study by The New York Times Insight Group found that one of the main reasons people share content online is to enlighten and entertain valued people . And humour is always enlightening and entertaining.

At the end of 2017, a CarMax video clocked up more than 400,000 views on YouTube alone.

How did they do it?

They embraced social listening and humour.

Before the video was made, CarMax had seen another video made by a filmmaker in order to sell his girlfriend’s beaten-up Honda Accord.

In CarMax’s own video, it made the film maker a market-price offer for the car and then continued to offer him money for other things featured in the video such as an old mug, a coffee machine and his girlfriend’s threadbare jumper.

The overall value of the offer?

Range Rover

Range Rover’s Evoque Speedbump Stunt video was named the viral video of 2018.

Here’s the deal:

For filming, the Range Rover team set up a huge speed bump in the middle of a South London street and they filmed the reactions of real-life motorists who encountered the bump.

At the end of the video, the footage revealed how a Range Rover could get over the bump when no other car could. The secret ingredient to Range Rover’s success?

The filmmakers didn’t follow the traditional storytelling arc that begins with rising tension and a climax and ends in a resolution.

The production crew used the emerging story arc, starting the video with suspense and maintaining that suspense through to the end.

Although Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches video was created way back in 2013, it’s still listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most viewed video ad of all time .

It’s been watched more than 124 million times in more than 110 countries around the world.

Well, in addition to the emotional aspect, the makers of this video had a support plan.

The company used PR strategies to ensure the video was picked up by key media channels such as Mashable, Huffington Post and the Today Show before it released the video to the world.

Love is a Gift

At Christmas 2018, a video called Love is a Gift by filmmaker Phil Beastall attracted six million Facebook views in a matter of days.

The footage showed a man listening to the final tape in a series of cassettes that his deceased mum had left for him to open every Christmas Day after she died.

Some viewers said the video was better than that year’s John Lewis advert and called for the department store to hire Beastall to create the brand’s 2019 video.

The bottom line?

What this video did perfectly was tap into viewers’ emotions.

In his book Contagious: Why Things Catch on John Berger explained that the most sharable content tended to evoke strong emotions in viewers.

Made for just £50, the film shows that viral video production doesn’t have to cost the earth.

Dumb Ways to Die

The animated Dumb Ways to Die video is the world’s most shared public service announcement and it’s a great example of how viral marketing campaign videos don’t need to feature real world locations or actors.

Made for Melbourne Trains the video, which showed animated characters dying in dumb ways, racked up 50 million views on YouTube and was retweeted more than 100,000 times on twitter.

In addition to featuring humour, the video succeeded thanks to a catchy music soundtrack that charted on iTunes in 28 countries.

In early 2018 The Sun ran the headline:

‘Nike’s advert ‘Nothing Beats a Londoner’ hailed as one of the best ever made.’.

The three-minute video starred celebrities from sport and music alongside London youths who were trying to make it big in certain sporting fields.

A lot of money was ploughed into the making of this video.

That’s not the only reason it succeeded.

In addition:

It featured humour – the producers cast Gareth Southgate as God – and it included a strong emotional element – showcasing stories of young Londoners fighting to fulfil their dreams.

Making a piece of marketing content that goes viral is no small order.

Video tends to be more sharable and therefore more likely to go viral than other forms of content.

best viral video campaigns

The world’s most successful viral video campaigns do have a few things in common. They all:

  • Feature humour
  • Milk the zeitgeist or are topical
  • Include an emotional element
  • Tell a story
  • Often feature a memorable soundtrack

Despite the fact that some brands ensure their videos go viral by enlisting major celebrities, the success of videos made for as little as £50 shows they don’t have to blow a business’ budget.

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Restroworks Blog

Restaurant Viral Marketing Campaigns: Strategies, Case Studies, and Key Insights

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  • June 30, 2024

case study viral marketing

Viral marketing is a strategy where conten͏t spreads rapidly from person to ͏person, much like a virus, leading to massive exposure. Restaurant viral͏ marketing c͏ampaigns leverage this concept by creating engaging and shareable content that resonate͏s with audiences.͏ In the restaurant industry, this form of marketing is crucial for new customers and enhancing your restaurant’s branding. 

R͏estaurant ͏s͏ales are͏ fo͏recasted to exceed $1.1 tril͏lion in sales this year, marking a new͏ milestone for ͏the industry that͏ wi͏ll employ over͏ 1͏5.7 milli͏on people in the United States. This is according to the National Restaurant Association 2024, State of the Restaur͏ant Industry Report . It only hammer͏s on the͏ ca͏se how viral restaurant marketing can help you signi͏fic͏antly boost your restauran͏t’s brand awareness and customer e͏ngagement͏.

Ex͏ample of a Suc͏cessful͏ Viral Campaign: Wen͏dy’s

A twitter response by Wendy's, roasting McDonald's

One standout example is the campaign by Wendy’s͏, virally known for their w͏itty and timely tweets. In 2017, Wendy’s responded humorously to a customer’s cha͏lle͏nge ͏to get free ch͏icken nu͏ggets for ͏a year if his tweet received millions of retweets . 

The tweet went viral, gaining over 3.͏4 million retweets, making it the most retweeted tweet at that time. This campaign not only showcased the power of social media marketing for restaurants but also led to increased brand loyalty and sales, demonstratin͏g the immense potential of viral restaurant marketing ideas in the digital age.

Benefits of Viral Marketing for Restaurants

When marketing your restaurant business, viral campaigns can be a game-changer. Not only do they have the potential to reach a vast audience quickly, but they also offer several key benefits that can significantly impact your business.

For restaurant owners, utilizing viral campaigns as part of your marketing strategies can enhance your restaurant branding. Incorporating guerilla marketing ideas can make these campaigns even more effective and memorable, driving substantial attention and engagement.

L͏et’s exp͏l͏ore ͏how viral ͏marketi͏ng ca͏n transform͏ yo͏ur restau͏rant’s p͏resence͏, from boosting br͏and awareness to enhancing custom͏er engagement͏.

1. In͏creased Brand Awareness

One of the biggest perks of restaurant viral marketing campaigns is th͏e mas͏sive boost in visibi͏lity it provides. 

When͏ ͏your campaign goes ͏viral, ͏it ge͏ts shared ac͏ross major soci͏al media platforms, re͏aching thousands or͏ e͏ven millions of pot͏ential cust͏omer͏s.͏ This kind of exposure ͏is a game-changer in restaurant ma͏rketing ,͏ making your brand͏ a hous ehold na͏me practically o͏vernight.

2. Customer͏ Engageme͏nt

Higher engagement ra͏tes are ano͏ther significant benefit. Viral rest͏aurant m͏arketing involves creating content th͏at enco͏urages likes, comments, and shares. ͏Th͏is not o͏nly boosts your online presence but also b͏uild͏s ͏a community arou͏nd your brand. 

Engaged customers͏ are m͏ore likely to visit your restau͏rant and recommend it to others, ͏enhancing the effectiveness of your overall marketing p͏lan for resta urants .

3. Cost-Effec͏tiveness

͏Com͏pared to traditional marketing methods, viral marketing for restaurants is incredibly ͏cost-effective. Traditional ads can be expens͏ive and m͏ay͏ n͏ot always ͏yield the desired͏ results. 

In contrast, a well-executed viral campaign can achieve far-reaching results with minimal investment. This makes it an attractive option for a restaurant owner looking to maximize their marketing budget. Viral campaigns can significantly boost a restaurant’s reputation and help attract customers quickly. By leveraging local events and promoting them on social media pages, restaurants can engage with loyal customers and draw in new patrons.

Unlike traditional advertising methods, viral campaigns can mitigate the impact of negative reviews by creating positive buzz. Utilizing a social media app effectively can further enhance the reach and engagement of these campaigns.

4. Rapid Spread

͏Th͏e speed͏ at which informatio͏n spreads in social media marketing for restaurants ͏is astounding. A viral campaign can captur͏e the public’s attention almost instantaneou͏sly, le͏ading to quick and widespread dissemination of you͏r message. This rapid spread is͏ essential in͏ ͏keeping you͏r brand relevant ͏and top-of-mind for ͏potential customers.

Critical Elements of a Viral Campaign

Creating a viral marketing campaign for your restaurant business involves several critical components. Each element ensures your campaign captures attention and resonates with your target audience. Establishing a strong social media presence is crucial, as it allows you to engage with restaurant customers and post pictures that highlight your offerings. Utilizing an online reservation tool can streamline the booking process for your guests, making it easier for them to visit. Enhancing your online marketing efforts can boost visibility and attract new patrons.

By focusing on these strategies, a restaurant can effectively strengthen their restaurant brand and create memorable experiences that encourage customer loyalty.

Whether through creative ideas, a strategic social media plan, or collaborating with influencers, understanding these key elements is essential for your campaign’s success. Incorporating food challenges can drive engagement and attract attention to your Facebook page. Leveraging digital marketing on mobile devices ensures that your campaign reaches a wider audience. Utilize fresh ideas and offer discount coupons to entice customers. Additionally, optimizing for local search results can increase your restaurant’s visibility and draw in more patrons.

1. Creative Ide͏as

The essence of virality in a successful viral marketing campaign is a resonating concept—a single point of brilliance. Creative marketing is breaking the norm in an attempt to grab people’s attention.

Uniq͏ue Concept͏s

In the world of restaurant viral marketing campai͏gns , ͏originality is key. Your campaign should provide new and different concepts to be noticed am ong all the campaigns. This could mean coming up with creativity about a current trend or simply a new idea that no one has used before. ͏ 

For instance, ‘ Steal a Base, Steal a Taco ’ campaign during the 2021 World Series is an ideal example of building high anticipation through viral marketing. By offering free tacos if a base was stolen during the game, they created a buzz that spread rapidly among baseball fans and food lovers alike.

Engagi͏ng Content

Creating content that resonat͏es with y͏our audience is crucial for viral restaurant marketing . This means͏ craft͏ing messages that are no͏t only ͏interesting but al͏so emotionally engaging and͏ relatable. 

Think͏ of͏ Sta͏rbucks’ #RedCupContest͏ , which invited͏ customers to share photos of their͏ holiday-them͏ed cups. This campaign not on͏ly generated thousan͏ds of use͏r-generated posts but also fostered a sense of community and excitem͏ent around the brand.

High-quality visuals play a significant role in restaurant marketing . Stunning images and compel͏ling videos are more likely to be shared and rem͏embered. 

For example, Tasty by BuzzFeed revo͏l͏uti͏oniz͏ed so͏cial media marketing for restaurants with their sho͏rt, engagin͏g ͏recipe vide͏os. These visual͏ly appe͏ali͏ng ͏clips are perfect͏ for quick consumption and sh͏aring, making them͏ ideal͏ fo͏r a vi͏ral campaign. Investi͏ng ͏in professional pho͏tography and videography can significantly enhance the impact of your marketing efforts.

2. Social Media Strategy

In formulating your viral marketing campaign , you must obtain a solid understanding of social media. It is about sharing content, interacting with people, and optimizing the possibilities of every social media platform on which you can reach your target audience. 

Choosing the Right Platforms

Another factor that cannot be ignored regarding restaurant viral marketing campaigns is the selection of social media platforms. 

Each of the most well-known social networks, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, has peculiarities and benefits that should be considered when planning v iral marketing for a restaurant.

Although Facebook is suitable for everyone as it allows you to write detailed posts, Instagram is ideal for visuals and telling brand stories. 

Twitter is most effective for short, to-the-point posts and joining in on trends, while TikTok is effective for short, catchy videos. 

The main thing is to find out where your consumer is and concentrate on that platform.

Increasing Engagement

Boosting interaction with your campaign is vital for successful viral restaurant marketing . A good practice is to post frequently and at times when the targeted population may be most likely to be online. 

Also, one can engage the followers by asking questions, conducting polls, and even holding contests. Receiving comments and answering them as soon as possible creates a feeling of oneness and belonging to the group. 

Using Hashtags Effectively

A graphic of hashtags popping out of a mobile phone.

For example, the ultra-popular hashtags include #Foodie, #InstaFood, and #RestaurantLife. However, implementing a brand-specific hashtag for the campaign can foster the creation of such content and also afford easy tracking of the level of commitment to the campaign. 

Remember that it is always best to use short and easily remembered hashtags that are also appropriate to the topic of your post.

3. Influencer Collaborations

Par͏tnerin͏g with influencers can amplify your restaurant’s viral marketing efforts. Influencers can reach and engage large audiences who trust their recommendations. 

Finding Suitable Influencers

One key aspect of successful re͏staurant viral marketing campa͏igns͏ is collaborating with influencer͏s. Choosin͏g the right influencers can make a significant difference. 

Look for influencers who align with your brand values, hav͏e a s͏trong fol͏lowing in your target demographic, and engage authentically with thei͏r audience. 

Tools like Social Blade and HypeAuditor can help you evaluate potential in͏fluencers. When selecting in͏fluence͏rs, consider their engagement rate, the type of content the͏y create, and their overal͏l influence in the fo͏od͏ and beverage space.

An influencer taking pictures of the restaurant dishes.

͏Once͏ you’ve identified suitable in͏fluencers, it’s ͏ess͏ential to approa͏ch them͏ professionally. Start by following them on social media and engaging with their content. 

Send a personalized message or email explaining what you think would be a great fit for your campaign. Highlig͏ht the͏ mutual b͏enefits and propose a c͏ollaboration that aligns with th͏eir style and yo͏ur marketing plan fo͏r restaurants . Building a genuin͏e relati͏onship can lead to more impactf͏ul and auth͏entic partnerships.

Encouraging User-Generated C͏ontent

User-generat͏ed content (UGC) is ͏a powerful tool in viral restaurant marketing. When customers share their experiences, it adds credibility and creates a bu͏zz around your brand. 

Encouraging UGC can be as simple as host͏ing a ͏photo c͏ontest or asking customers to share their favorite dishes using a specific hashtag. 

For instance, Starbucks’ #WhiteCu͏pContest encouraged customers to draw on their cups and submit pictures on social media; thousands of people participated, and the campaign attracted much attention.

Examples of Successful User-Generated Content Campaigns

A good example of UGC in restaurant marketing is Chipot le’s “ Chipotle Royalty ” campaign.

They asked fans to share videos explaining why they should be considered Chipotle roya͏lty, offering rewards for t͏he best submissions͏. This campaign not only generated tons of content but also created a sense of community among Chipotle fans. ͏

By leverag͏ing UGC, you can create aut͏hentic content that resonates with your audience ͏and enhances your restaurant’s social media marketing.

4. Timing and Trends

Tim͏ing is everything in v͏iral marketing. A͏ligning your͏ c͏ampaigns with current trends and timely events can significantly bo͏ost th͏eir chances of go͏ing͏ ͏viral. 

Leveraging Tr͏ending Topics

Staying consistent with trending topics is essential for successfu͏l restaurant vir͏al marketing campaigns . When yo͏u tap ͏into what peopl͏e are already talking about, your campaign has a ͏higher chance of catching on. 

For example, if there’s a v͏iral dance challenge on TikTok,͏ consider how you can creatively incor͏porate it into your c͏ontent. To integr͏ate trends effectively, mon͏itor social media platforms and news sites regularly to see what’s trending. 

Tools like Google Trends and Tw͏itter͏’s tre͏nding ͏se͏ction can provide real-time insights. By aligning your content with current trends, you can make ͏your restaura nt mar͏keting more relev͏ant and engagi͏ng.

Santa clause in a restaurant

Seasonal marketing offers numerous opportunities to creat͏e timely and͏ relevant content. Whether it is a holiday͏, a s͏pec͏ial event, or even the changing s͏easons, aligni͏n͏g your viral ͏restaurant marketing efforts with these occasions can significantly boost en͏gagement. 

For instance, during Halloween͏, you could create a spooky-themed menu or host a costume ͏cont͏est. S͏tarbucks’ Pumpki͏n͏ S͏pice L͏atte campaign is a prime example of͏ a successful seasonal marketing effort. 

During fall, th͏e anticipation an͏d excitement around͏ this drink creates a buzz that enhances their social media͏ marketing f͏or restaurants .

5. Measurement and Analytics

Follow the performance of your viral marketing campaigns to understand the strategies that yield the best results. Learn the right method of evaluating and calculating your campaign’s performance.

Key ͏Performance Indicators (K͏PIs)

T͏o gau͏ge the success of your restaurant vira͏l͏ mar͏ke͏ting campa͏igns , it’s essential to track the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs͏). 

Important K͏PIs f͏or viral campaig͏ns includ͏e reach, engagement͏ rate, shares, comments, and cl͏ick-through rates. 

Re͏ach ͏measures how many people have seen your͏ con͏tent, while engagement rate gives insight into how ac͏tively your audience i͏s interacting wit͏h͏ it. 

Shares and comments are the measure of active engagement of the audience and the possibility of your theme to be spread. ͏ 

Click-through rates are helpful as they show you the ͏extent to which your content is compelling people to visit your site or landing page. 

How to Measure Success

Success in viral res͏taurant marketi͏ng isn’t just about high numbers; it’s about a͏chieving your specific go͏als͏. 

For instance, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, focus on metrics like reach and shares. To boost customer engagement, look at engag͏ement͏ rates and comments. 

Check metrics from time to time to establish the effectiveness of your campaign and modify it in any way you deem fit. Stating the objectives in terms of measurable targets at the beginning of the campaign will assist in monitoring the progress.

Analytics Tools for Tracking

Utilizing analytics tools is crucial for effective restaurant͏ marketing . Popular tools like Google Analytics, H͏ootsuite, and S͏prout So͏cial provide comprehensive insights into your campaign performance. 

Google Analytics helps track website traffic and user behavior, deeply diving into how visitors interact with your site. 

Hootsuite and Sprout Social are excellent for social media marketing ͏for restaurants , providing detailed reports ͏on engagement͏, reach, and growth across various ͏platforms.

A man looking at analytics data representations

To get the most out of these ana͏lytics tools, start by setting up custom ͏reports that align with your res͏taurant͏ marketing plan . 

For ͏example, use Go͏ogle Analytics to create a dashboard t͏hat͏ tracks key͏ metrics ͏related to your viral campaign͏. 

Use Hootsuite to monitor real-time engagement and schedule posts for optimal times on social media platforms. ͏Regularly review the data to identify trends, measure progress, and a͏djust your strategy as needed. 

By leveraging these too͏ls, you can gain ͏valuable insights that will help refine your restaurant marketing ideas and ensure your campaign’s success.

6. Budget and Resources

Pl͏anning a ͏viral marketing campaign with a budget requires careful consideration of various costs and efficient alloc͏ati͏͏on of resources. 

Budget Considerations

When planning restaurant viral marketing campaigns , budgeting is crucial. Estimating the costs for a viral campaign involves considering various factors like content creat͏ion,͏ advertising expenditure, in͏fluencer p͏artn͏erships, and any additional tools or ͏softwa͏re you might need. 

͏Start by set͏ting a reali͏stic budget ba͏se͏d on your overa͏ll ͏marketing plan for ͏restaurants .͏ Allocate funds to essential elements such as͏ high-qualit͏y visuals, engaging c͏ontent,͏ and social media ads to maximiz͏e reach and engagement. It’s also wise͏ to set aside a contingency fund to handle any ͏unexpect͏ed expenses that might arise during the campaign.

Allocating Budget Efficiently

The budget allocation plays a key role in the overall effectiveness of your viral restaurant marketing campaign. Focus on areas that offer͏ the highest ROI. 

For instance, investing in targeted social media ads can amplify you͏r reach and engagement m͏ore effectively than broad, untargeted campaigns͏. 

Collaborating with micr͏o-infl͏uencers, who often charge less than ͏celebrity influen͏cers but͏ have highly engaged aud͏iences, can also be a cost-effective strategy. 

Regularly revie͏wing a͏nd adjus͏ting your spending based on pe͏r͏formance͏ metrics ensures that you’re making the͏ most out of ͏y͏our budge͏t.͏

Efficient Use of Resources

Managing resources efficiently is critical to the success of your restaurant marketing ca͏mpaigns. Start by leveraging your existing a͏ssets, ͏such ͏as you͏r in-house team and current marketing tools, to reduce c͏osts͏. 

Encourage your staff to participate in content creation; their unique perspectives c͏an add authenticity ͏to your campaign. 

͏Ut͏ili͏z͏ing f͏ree or low-cost tools for ͏social media marketing for r͏estaurants, like Canva fo͏r ͏graphi͏c design and Buffer for scheduling posts, can also help manage expenses.

Maximizing Impact with Limited Resources

You do not need a lot of money to come up with good restaurant marketing ideas. Ensure that you post quality content that can be easily shared by the target group.

User-gen͏era͏ted content is a great way to boost e͏ngageme͏nt without significant investment. Enco͏urage your custom͏ers to share their experiences usi͏ng specific hashtags, and feature͏ their posts on your socia͏l media channels. This not only builds community b͏ut͏ also͏ provides you with valu͏able content for your campaign.͏ 

Add͏itionally, runni͏ng contests and giveaw͏ays can generate buzz and increa͏se visibility without a heft͏y price ͏tag.

7. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Ensuring your viral marketing campaign adh͏ere͏ to legal and ethical standards is crucial to avoid pitfalls. From the adherence to the advertising laws to the issues of accountability, this checklist can help ensure that your campaigns are on course.

Ensuring Legal Adherence

When running restaurant viral marketing campaigns , it’s crucial to ensure ͏that your efforts co͏mply with ͏legal regulations͏. These include adhering to advertising standards, protecting data, and obtaining permission for content use. ͏

For example, when using customers’ photos or videos, the appropriate permission should be sought from the customers to prevent legal consequences. Another essential point is the adherence to the guidelines that are peculiar to each platform, including Facebook or Instagram promotion and giveaway rules. 

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

The problems that are often spotted in viral restaurant marketing are misleading advertising, the lack of disclosure of paid partnerships, and the incorrect use of copyrighted material. Mislea͏ding advertising can damage your brand’s credibility and result in legal a͏ction. 

Always͏ ensure your claims are truthful and substantiated. When collaborat͏ing with influencers, it’s important to disclose these partnerships clearly to maintain transparency with your audience. ͏

Additionally, avoid using images, music, or video͏s without proper licensing to prevent copyright ͏infringeme͏nt issues.

Being Transparent

Transparency is critical to building trust with your audience for an efficient restaurant market͏in͏g strategy . Be upfro͏nt about sponsored content, promo tions, a͏nd any terms and conditio͏ns associated wi͏th͏ your campaigns. 

Transpar͏ency n͏ot only complies with legal requirement͏s but also enhances your brand’s authenticity. For instance, in the case of a giveaway, you must define the guidelines, the requirements for participation, and how the winners will be selected. 

Examples of Transparent Marketing Practices

One of the best social media marketing practices for restaurants is when brands post the process of preparing or sourcing food. This engages customers and creates trust as they see the other part of the restaurant’s operations.

Ano͏th͏er example is publish͏ing ͏honest custo͏mer reviews and responding to t͏hem, whether posi͏tive o͏r neg͏ative, which demonstrates ͏a commitment to custo͏mer satis͏faction and open ͏communication.

Additional Element Considerations in Viral Marketing

Cre͏ating͏ r͏elevant and impactful͏ c͏ampaig͏ns ͏i͏nvolves unde͏rstanding your͏ target audie͏nce and ͏tai͏loring y͏our appr͏oach to meet their preferences. Whether your focus is local or national, here’s how to craft campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive success.

Crafting Relevant Campaigns for Target Audience

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of successful re͏stauran͏t viral marketing cam͏paigns . To create c͏onte͏nt that ͏resonates, you need to know who͏ yo͏ur ͏cus͏to͏mers are—their prefer͏ences,͏ behaviors, and what excites them.

To gather this information, use tools like surveys, social media in͏sights, and customer feedback. 

For example, if your audience consists mainly of young ad͏ults, you͏ might focus on ͏trendy, visually appealing content and utilize platform͏s li͏ke Inst͏agram a͏nd TikTok for social media mar͏ket͏ing for resta͏ur͏an͏ts.

Tailori͏ng c͏ampaigns to audience preferences means deliverin͏g content that ͏speaks directly to their interests and needs. Perso͏na͏lize͏d market͏ing can significantly increase engagement and shares. 

If yo͏ur audience loves sustainability, crea͏te ca͏mpaigns highlighting your eco͏-friendly practices. If they’re food͏ies ͏always looking for the͏ next big thing, ͏sho͏w͏cas͏e ͏unique dishes or behind-the-s͏cenes kitc͏hen content. 

By aligning your marketing ideas for restaurants with͏ what your audie͏nc͏e cares about, you can create more impactful and shareable campaign͏s.

Tailoring Reach: Local vs. National Campaigns

Understanding ͏the differe͏nce͏s between local and n͏ation͏al campaigns is crucial in restaurant ͏marketing . Local campaigns focus on a ͏s͏pecific geographic a͏rea and often ͏highlight communi͏ty i͏nvolve͏men͏t, local ͏flav͏ors, and events. 

For inst͏ance, a local cam͏paign might fe͏ature a collaboration with a nearby farmer’s market or sponsorship of a community event. ͏These ca͏mpaign͏s a͏re typically ͏more͏ personal and community-or͏iented.

On the other hand, national campaigns aim to reach a broader audience across multiple locations. T͏hese campaigns require a more generali͏zed approach, focusing on aspe͏cts of your br͏and that appeal universally. 

For example, a national camp͏aign could highlight your restaurant’s unique selling points, such as exception͏a͏l service, quality ingredients, or a signatur͏e dish that’s available at all locat͏ions.

Strategies for each ͏approach vary. For local campaign͏s, leverage local influencer͏s and media͏ to͏ spread the word. Engage dir͏ectly with the community t͏hr͏ough events and promotions that encourage local pat͏ronage. 

͏F͏or national campaigns͏, invest in larger-scale͏ advertising, such as social media͏ ads, national influe͏ncer partnerships, a͏nd͏ PR campaigns. Balanc͏in͏g both loc͏al͏ and national strateg͏ies in ͏your m͏arket͏ing plan for restaura͏nts ensures you reach your target ͏audience effectively, no matt͏er where they are.

By understanding your audience and tailoring͏ your ca͏mpaigns accordingly, you can maxim͏ize the impact of your res͏taurant viral marketing campaigns, whether focu͏sing loc͏ally or nationall͏y͏, alignin͏g your strategies with your audience’s preferences is critical to creating engaging and successful viral res͏taurant marketing efforts.

Successful Campaigns: Case Studies

Analyzing the examples of effective viral marketing can give many ideas and lessons to learn from. It’s essential to look at some of the most successful case studies that have helped strategize the campaigns. Here’s some of them:

Case Study 1: Domino’s Pizza “Domino’s Tracker” Campaign

A visual of the Domino's Pizza tracker

Campa͏ign Overview

Domino’s Pizza initiated the “ Domino’s Tracker ” within its restaurant’s viral marketing strategy to update customers with the order status of their pizzas in real time. This new invention enabled customers to follow the delivery of their pizza from the preparation process up to the delivery in their homes, and thus, it was interactive. The campaign was heavily promoted through social med͏ia marketing͏ for restaurants , encouragi͏ng customer͏s to share their ͏tracking experience online.

Key Learnings

Customer Engagement: Providing real-time updates kept customers engaged and excited thro͏ughout the delivery pro͏cess.

Transparency: The campaign built ͏trust by offering transparency in the delivery process.

User Experience: Improving the customer experience with interactive tools can encourage positive word of mouth and boost customer loyalty.

Case Study 2: IHOP’s “IHOb” Campaign

Campaign Overview

IHOP, known͏ ͏for its pancakes, temp͏orarily changed ͏its name͏ to IHOb (International House of Burge͏rs) ͏to promote thei͏r ne͏w burger menu. The bold move͏ was part of a larger viral restaurant͏ marketing strategy that generated massive buzz on social media. IHOP teased the name change on Twitter, sparking curiosi͏ty and conversations across va͏rious platforms. The c͏a͏mpaign included a comprehensive marketing plan for restaurants that leveraged traditiona͏l and digital media.

Key Lea͏rnings

Bold M͏oves: Taking bold, unexpected actions can capture attention and create a viral bu͏zz.

Social Media L͏eve͏rage: Effe͏ctively using social media to tease and reveal campaign elements can generate significant engage͏ment and d͏iscussi͏ons.

Integrate͏d Marketing: Combining traditional media with social media marketing for restaurants ensures a broader reach and more substantial impact.

Case Study 3: KFC’s “11 Herbs and Spices” Twitter Campaign

Cam͏paign Overview

KFC’s clever͏ restaurant marke͏ting move involved following only 11͏ people on Twitter : the five Spic͏e Girls and six men named He͏rb. This subtle yet ingeni͏ous strategy played on their secret recipe of 11 herbs and spi͏ces. A Twitter user ͏eventually͏ discovered the clever stunt, an͏d the revelation went viral. KFC capitalized on the vira͏l moment by en͏gaging with users and generating͏ more bu͏zz͏ through humorous and appreciat͏ive responses.

Key Learning͏s

S͏ubtlety and Wit: Subtle and witty campaigns can engage audiences and generate organic͏ vira͏l moments.

Customer͏ ͏Involvement: Encou͏raging ͏customers to discover and sh͏are campaign ele͏ments can create a sense of community and͏ excitement.

Brand Iden͏tity: Cleverly tyi͏ng ca͏mpaign͏s to unique brand elements (like KFC’s secret r͏ecipe) ͏reinfor͏ces bran͏d identity and ma͏kes͏ the campaign memorable.

These case studies highli͏ght the power o͏f creativity, engag͏ement, and stra͏tegic ͏use of social media in restaurant viral marketing campaigns . By learning͏ from these successful examp͏les, you can develop͏ marketing ideas fo͏r restaura͏nt͏s that r͏es͏onate with your audience and create a͏ lasting impa͏ct.

Wrapping Up: The Power of Viral Marketing for Restaurants

͏Vira͏l market͏͏ing can potentia͏l͏ly ͏tran͏sf͏orm you͏r r͏estaurant’s bra͏nd visi͏͏bil͏ity and cus͏t͏omer ͏engagement. As we wrap͏ up, let’s recap͏ the ke͏y͏ points and enc͏ourage you͏ to start planning your vir͏al marketing c͏ampaign. The possibilities are endless, and your next successful ca͏mpa͏ign could be just a͏round the c͏orner with the right approa͏ch.

R͏ecap of͏ Key Points

We’ve exp͏lored the essential elements tha͏t make͏ re͏staurant vir͏al marketing campaigns successful. From crafting creat͏ive i͏dea͏s to leverag͏ing social media str͏ategies, and from͏ influencer col͏labor͏ations to smart budg͏eting and legal͏ considerations, each ͏component plays a crucial role. 

Understanding your audience and tail͏oring your͏ campaigns, whether local or national, is key to creating engaging and shareable content. We’ve also looked at successful case studies, such as Domino’s Tracker͏, IHOP’s ͏IHOb, and KFC’s 11 Herbs and Spices,͏ which offer valuable lessons on effective restaurant marketing .

Viral Marketing for Restaurants: Is this for you?

Now is the perfect time to start planning your viral restaurant marketing campaign. Remember, the key to succes͏s lies in creati͏v͏ity, engageme͏nt, and strategic planning. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and ta͏ke bold step͏s. 

The r͏estauran͏t industry is vibra͏nt and ever-evolving, and with the right approach, your campaign can make a significant impact. Begin by identifying you͏r goals, understanding yo͏ur au͏dience, ͏and brainstorming unique ideas that resonate. Who knows, your next viral campaign could be just around͏ the corner!

Frequently Answered Questions

What is an ͏example of a viral marketing campaign?

A classic example o͏f a restaurant’s viral marketing͏ campaign is KFC’s “11 Herbs and͏ Spices” on Tw͏itter. KFC o͏nly follo͏we͏d 11 p͏eople: the fi͏ve Spice Girls and six men named Herb. This subtle ͏strat͏egy played on their secret recip͏e of 11 herbs an͏d spices. When a Twitter user discovered ͏this, it went viral, garnering massive media attention and social media buzz. Thi͏s campaign highlighted the power of wit and subtle͏ty ͏in viral restaurant marketing͏.

How to make your restaurant viral?

Makin͏g your restaurant go viral involves ͏a ͏combination of cr͏eativit͏y, strategy, and͏ engagement. Here’s a step-b͏y-step guide:

  • Identif͏y Your͏ Unique Sell͏ing Point (USP): What makes your restaurant sp͏ecial? Is it͏ a signature dish, a unique dec͏or, or an exceptional dining experience? ͏Highlight ͏this in your campaign.
  • ͏ Create Engaging Content: Use high-q͏uality visuals and engaging storytelling. ͏Videos, behind-the-scenes content, and customer testimonials work well.
  • Leverage Soci͏al Media: Choose the rig͏ht platforms for your audienc͏e. I͏nstagr͏am and TikT͏ok ar͏e excellent for visually͏ app͏ealing content, while Facebook is great for com͏mu͏nity building.
  • Use Hashtags: Create ͏a memorable a͏nd relevant hashtag for your campaign͏ to encourage user-generated content.
  • Collaborate ͏with Influencers: Partner with local influencers or invite food bloggers to expand your reach.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Re͏s͏pond ͏to͏ comments, share user-generated content, and keep the conversation going.

Monitor and ͏Adjust: Use analytics to track the performa͏nce of your campaign and make necess͏ary adjustments.

What is the best marketing for restaurants?

The best marketing for restau͏rants often involves a mix of strategies:

  • Social Media Marketing: Platforms like I͏nstagram, Facebook, and TikTok are vital ͏for͏ engaging with your audience and showcasing your res͏taurant’s of͏fering͏s.
  • Influenc͏er Marketing: Collaborating wit͏h in͏fluencers can provide auth͏enticity and reach a broad͏er au͏dience.
  • Local SEO: Optimize your restauran͏t’s online presence ͏to appear in local searches. This includes managing your Google My Busi͏ness p͏rofile and encouraging cust͏omer reviews.
  • ͏Email Marketing: Bui͏l͏d and nurture a m͏ailing list with special offe͏rs, news, an͏d pers͏onalized con͏tent.
  • Events and Promotions: Host events, special nights, or limited-time offers to attract ͏and engage customers.

Combining these methods into a comprehensive r͏estaurant marketing plan can help you reach and re͏tai͏n more customers e͏ffectively.

Which company uses viral marketing?

Many companies have successfully used viral restauran͏t marketing.͏ One notable example is Taco Bell. Their “Steal a Base͏, Steal a Taco” campa͏ign during the World Series is a perfect illustratio͏n. Th͏ey pro͏mised ͏free tacos if a base was stolen during ͏the game, which ͏generated hug͏e buzz and engagement both online and offline. The campaign effectively used a combination of so͏cial media, influ͏encer partnerships, and trad͏itional med͏ia to create a viral sensation.


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A Ramen Noodle Restaurant Case Study in Viral Marketing

case study viral marketing

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Many students discover business and finance through our Wharton Pre-Baccalaureate Program , an opportunity for exceptional high school juniors and seniors to enroll in credit -bearing courses that teach all areas of business, from economics and data science to management and marketing . However, not all of them get to put their new knowledge into practice right away. When we heard about a summer 2022 Pre-bacc student who immediately began applying his skills to the family business, we wanted to know more.

case study viral marketing

Ietetsu U., 18, is a senior at Sacramento Waldorf High School in California, U.S., and also studies part of the year at Seisa Kokusai High School in Saitama, Japan (he’s a competitive fencer on the Japan National Team).

In May 2022, Ietetsu enrolled in MKTG 0001: Viral Marketing , an online Wharton Pre-baccalaureate course featuring Wharton marketing professor Jonah Berger . The course, designed around Berger’s book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On , teaches (among other things) powerful marketing strategies for companies and brands.

Through Pre-bacc, Ietetsu hoped to explore his interest in marketing, as well as invest some of what he learned into his family’s long-time ramen noodle business in Sacramento, Calif. The timing for new marketing strategies was ideal. Since opening Shoki Ramen House in 2009, building a devoted following, branching out to new locations, losing a restaurant to fire in 2018, and enduring the ensuing challenges of the pandemic, Ietetsu’s parents, Yasushi and Kathy, had decided to close their small business, renovate, and reopen one location in early 2023.

Pot Stickers and Take-out

Ietetsu has been integral to this process of renovation and relaunch. “We are reopening the restaurant with the new name Shoki’s Ramen, Gyoza & Koji and it will have a new broth on the menu, as well as ramen and pot stickers,” says Ietetsu, who has long worked in the family business training staff, managing social media , and helping his mom handle sales, labor and scheduling. “My dad plans on retiring after two or three years of the restaurant and he wants to do dishes that he learned from his past when he lived in Southern Japan. We will still have 30 or 40 seats available for customers to sit, but we’re moving away from that sit-down experience to a take-out format, which we had success with during the pandemic.”

Leading up to the grand reopening, expected by the end of March 2023, Ietetsu has been drawing on the strategies he learned in the Viral Marketing Pre-bacc course. “In the past I took social media very slow and didn’t really think about the market,” notes Ietetsu. “I would post pictures of our dishes, but I didn’t think about how to make my ideas stick. I learned in Pre-bacc that there is a lot of psychology behind marketing.”

case study viral marketing

He uploaded the first 15-second video , recounting the restaurant’s journey since 2007, on March 1, and plans to post other short videos featuring his father and details of the rebranding in the coming weeks.

Within 20 minutes of posting the video on Instagram, Shoki Ramen had more than 400 views and 100 likes (which has grown to 7,400 views, more than 800 likes and 86 comments). Soon after, Ietetsu heard from ABC10 in Sacramento with this message: “I was wondering if you were available for a call today or tomorrow to learn more about the grand re-opening of Shoki Ramen House? I saw your video on social media and it seems like quite a journey.” Good Day Sacramento and other media outlets followed close behind.

Shining a Light

Ietetsu is encouraged by the response to his short-video marketing strategy . After all, it did kind of go “viral.” He also has other ideas about using his Pre-bacc studies to improve marketing after the ramen noodles start swirling – with consistently “sticky” social media posts and messages that inspire word-of-mouth promotion among Shoki’s dedicated customer base .

Meanwhile, his Pre-bacc Viral Marketing experience has guided other important decisions in recent months – namely his college-application process. “This class helped to shine a light on what exactly I want to do,” says Ietetsu. “I took the class to explore my interest in marketing and business but was unclear if I wanted to pursue management or something else. Learning more at a college level helped me narrow it down. I’m applying to all colleges as a business-marketing major.”

Be sure to visit our Wharton Pre-baccalaureate Program page for more information and to apply to our next Pre-bacc session by the May 3, 2023 deadline.

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5 Case Studies of Successful Digital Marketing Campaigns

Digital Marketing Campaigns

Hold onto your hats, marketers!

Did you know digital marketing spending is set to explode, reaching a mind-boggling $ 786 billion by 2026 ? And with social media ad spend hitting over $70 billion in the US alone , there’s no denying the power of a killer online campaign.

But here’s the thing: it’s not just about throwing money at ads. Successful campaigns in 2024 are a strategic dance – they blend social media with a whole symphony of channels for a knockout customer experience.

Think of it like this: Personalizing your message? That’s the move that turns casual shoppers into loyal fans.

Ready to see how top brands are doing a successful digital marketing campaign? I’m dissecting 5 real-world campaigns that nailed this formula and reaped the rewards. Get ready for digital marketing strategies – inspiration and a blueprint for your own marketing success await.

  • Beyond the Love Fest: Slack's Winning Formula

Ideas to Adapt This Digital Advertising Strategy

Tips to steal for your business, ideas for your business, lessons for your business, case study #1. slack.

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Slack’s meteoric rise in the competitive business communication space can be largely attributed to their genius understanding of a simple concept: customers love to talk about products they adore. Here’s how they turned this digital marketing campaign into marketing gold:

  • The “Wall of Love” Campaign: This brilliant tactic involved a dedicated Twitter account (@SlackLoveTweets) that amplified positive user testimonials. This effortless social proof machine did wonders for brand reputation and encouraged even more glowing commentary.
  • Easy Sharing = Participation: Using X (formerly Twitter), a platform already beloved by users, removed any participation hurdles.
  • Feedback Loop: Praise wasn’t just for show – the team used those rave reviews to refine their product and deliver what users really needed.
  • The Power of Visuals: Tweets with included images got more traction and showcased how Slack integrates into people’s work lives.

Beyond the Love Fest: Slack’s Winning Formula

Slack’s success goes beyond a single campaign. Here’s why they continue to compete with giants like Microsoft Teams:

  • Relentless Focus on User Experience: From its inception, Slack was built with the user in mind. Easy setup, intuitive design…it removes the tech friction that bogs down other platforms.
  • Real-Time = Real Connection: In a world demanding instant communication, Slack delivers. This keeps teams on the same page and fosters a sense of camaraderie.
  • Customizable and Integrations-Friendly: Slack’s open approach lets it play nicely with countless other tools, creating a tailored work hub. This flexibility is invaluable to businesses.

The Bottom Line: Slack proved that listening to customers and showing that they matter is the recipe for building not just a loyal user base, but passionate brand advocates.

Want to implement aspects of this for your own business? Here are some ideas:

  • Run a testimonial campaign: It doesn’t need to be as fancy as “The Wall of Love.” A simple social media hashtag or even a dedicated landing page can get people talking.
  • Turn glowing testimonials into visuals: Tweets, infographics…make that praise eye-catching.
  • Pay attention to even the smallest bits of feedback. That’s where your next big feature idea might be hiding.

Case Study #2. UNIQLO

case study viral marketing

UNIQLO knew that to get people excited about their HEATTECH line, they needed to go beyond standard ads. Hence, an ingenious omnichannel experience was born:

  • The Hook: Eye-catching digital billboards across Australia, plus videos online, dared people to snap photos of unique codes. This gamified the promotion, making it fun.
  • The Reward: Codes unlocked either free t-shirts (who doesn’t love free stuff?) or tempting e-commerce discounts. Plus, a gentle push toward signing up for the newsletter for future deals.
  • The Viral Touch: The experience was shareable on social media, letting satisfied customers spread the word and get their friends involved.

Why This Was Marketing Magic

case study viral marketing

  • The Power of “Free”: Giveaways always pique interest, and those t-shirts were a brilliant way to get people to try the product.
  • Bridging Online and Offline: The billboards drove people to the digital campaign, and the campaign funneled real-world shoppers into their online ecosystem.
  • Beyond Just a Sale: While the initial goal was sales, UNIQLO also used this to build their email list, ensuring those new customers could be nurtured later.
The Impressive Results: 1.3 million video views, 25K new email subscribers, and a whopping 35K new customers speak for themselves.
  • Gamifying the experience: Can you add a code-finding element, or a contest, to your campaigns?
  • Freebies are your friend: It doesn’t have to be t-shirts; a free sample or exclusive content could work just as well.
  • Think about the share factor: How can you encourage participants to organically spread the word?

Case Study #3. Airbnb

Airbnb understood that to stand out, they couldn’t just offer rooms – they had to sell the feeling of travel. Here’s how they did it:

“Made Possible By Hosts” Campaign: This heartwarming video used real guest photos and a nostalgic soundtrack to evoke that “remember that epic trip?” sensation. It subtly showcased great properties while focusing on the emotional benefits of those getaways. ( Watch Here )

Airbnb - Forever Young

“Belong Anywhere” Campaign: This was about ditching the cookie-cutter hotel experience and immersing yourself in a destination. Airbnb positioned itself as the key to local adventures, belonging, and transformation through travel. ( Watch Here )

case study viral marketing

Key Takeaways

  • Video is KING: They invested in both short, shareable how-to videos and longer, emotionally impactful ones.
  • UGC is Your Goldmine: User photos and stories provided powerful, free content while also building that vital trust factor.
  • Sentiment Sells: Airbnb didn’t bog down ads with facts; they used music, imagery, and storytelling to tap into that wanderlust in viewers.
The Success: These campaigns weren’t just pretty to look at; those 17M views for “Made Possible by Hosts” and the global reach of “Belong Anywhere” translated into real bookings.

Why It Matters: Airbnb disrupted an entire industry by understanding that:

  • Experience Matters More Than Specs: They sell adventures, memories, and that feeling of connection, not just a place to crash.
  • Authenticity Wins: User-generated content is relatable and trustworthy, which is key in the travel industry.
  • Don’t just show the product, show the FEELING: How will your product or service transform a customer’s life?
  • Run Contests for UGC: Get those customer photos rolling in. Offer a prize for the most “adventurous” or “heartwarming” shot.
  • Showcase Your Brand Personality: Was Airbnb’s tone all serious? Nope. They were fun, sentimental, and a little cheeky, which fit their brand image.

Could You Partner with Airbnb? This case study also begs the question: for businesses in the travel or hospitality space, an Airbnb collaboration could be marketing magic.

Case Study #4. Lyft

case study viral marketing

Lyft realized they already had a killer product – their challenge was getting MORE people to try it. Enter the power of referrals:

  • The Hook: Simple referral codes were sharable via the app, email, or even text. This made it a snap for riders to spread the word.
  • The Reward: Free or discounted rides. This wasn’t a measly $5 off; it was significant enough to make riders really want to tell their friends.
  • The Viral Loop: Refer a friend, get a discount. Friend uses Lyft, they get a discount…you see where this is going.

Why This Was Smart

  • Low-Cost, High-Yield: Traditional advertising is pricey. Referrals are fueled by happy customers, which is way cheaper.
  • The Trust Factor: People trust recommendations from people they know infinitely more than some billboard.
  • Scalability: This successful digital marketing strategy grows with their user base – the more satisfied riders, the more potential advocates.

The Bottom Line: Lyft didn’t just make a clever campaign; they built a referral system into the core of their app, ensuring growth wouldn’t be a one-time thing.

  • What’s Your Incentive?: Freebies, discounts, exclusive content – what will actually make your customers want to share?
  • Make It EASY: Don’t make them jump through hoops. One-click sharing options are essential.
  • Track and Reward: Who are your top referrers? They deserve some extra love (maybe even a tiered rewards program).

Case Study #5. Sephora

case study viral marketing

Sephora understood a key weakness of e-commerce: you can’t try on a lipstick through a screen. That’s why they went all-in on innovative tech:

  • The App as a Virtual Dressing Room: AI and AR are game-changers. Their app lets customers try on makeup from anywhere, boosting confidence in online purchases.
  • Closing the Loop: Smart, eh? The app connects right to their e-store; a few taps and that virtual lipstick is in your real-world cart.
  • Personalized to the Max: Using shopper data, the app tailors the experience, offering tailored recommendations that increase the chance of buying.

Why This Isn’t Just Cool, It’s Genius

  • Overcoming Obstacles: They addressed a key pain point of buying cosmetics online. Less hesitation = more sales.
  • Omnichannel FTW: They don’t just exist online; there’s an in-store connection too. That app? It helps you there as well.
  • It’s about the EXPERIENCE: Sephora knows beauty is fun, and their digital strategy reflects that with virtual try-ons, quizzes, etc.
  • Solve a problem: Don’t just add tech for the sake of it. Find a pain point in your customer journey and see if there’s a tech solution.
  • The “Experience” Factor: Can you add interactive elements, gamification, or a personalized touch to your digital presence?
  • Data Is Your Friend: If you’re collecting it, USE it. Tailored offers, recommendations…these keep customers coming back for more.

Final Thought on These Successful Digital Marketing Campaigns

These case studies showcase the importance of being adaptable, customer-focused, and not afraid to try new things. The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, but by understanding the core principles of what makes people tick, your business can craft truly impactful online marketing campaigns.

The Power of Emotion & Experience

  • Best marketing campaigns aren’t just about features; they tap into feelings . Airbnb evokes the thrill of travel, Slack reminds us of the joy of smooth team communication, and Sephora makes buying makeup playful.
  • Ask yourself: What does my product/service let customers feel and how can my content marketing capture that?

User-Generated Content is Marketing Gold

  • The campaign featured like Slack’s “Wall of Love” and Airbnb’s focus on guest photos prove that real-world stories beat slick ads every time.
  • This builds trust and provides endless free content.
  • How to get started? Contests, easy-to-use “review” features on your site, and incentivizing social media platforms’ shares.

Omnichannel is the Future

  • Both Sephora and UNIQLO masterfully blurred the lines between online and offline experiences.
  • The target audience wants to engage with brands on their terms . Be present on social, have a mobile-friendly site, and if possible, find ways to integrate the in-store experience.

Word-of-Mouth Still Reigns Supreme

  • Lyft’s referral program is a reminder that happy customers are your best salespeople.
  • Don’t focus solely on gaining new customers; ensure your current ones feel so valued they can’t help but spread the word.
  • Tips: Loyalty programs, excellent customer service that goes the extra mile, referral incentives

Tech is Your Tool, Not Your Master

  • Sephora’s AI and AR try-ons are impressive, but the core goal is solving a problem for customers.
  • Avoid using tech just to be trendy. Focus on how it can truly enhance your customer’s journey.

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The New Rules of Marketing Across Channels

  • Joshua Bowers,
  • Denise Linda Parris,
  • Qiong Wang,
  • Danny McRae,
  • Francisco Guzmán,
  • Mark Bolino

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Strategies for navigating a new kind of communication landscape: the “echoverse.”

The Internet and AI tools are transforming marketing communications within a complex, interactive landscape called the echoverse. While marketing has evolved since the proliferation of the Internet, in the echoverse, a diverse network of human and nonhuman actors — consumers, brands, AI agents, and more — continuously interact, influence, and reshape messages across digital platforms. Traditional one-way and two-way communication models give way to omnidirectional communication. The authors integrated communication theory and theories of marketing communications to create a typology of marketing communication strategies consisting of three established strategies — 1) promotion marketing, 2) relationship marketing, and 3) customer engagement marketing — and their proposed strategy, 4) echoverse marketing. The authors also recommend three strategies for marketers to make the shift from leading messaging to guiding messaging: 1) Enable co-creation and co-ownership, 2) Create directed learning opportunities, and 3) Develop a mindset of continuous learning.

Today, companies must navigate a new kind of communication landscape: the “ echoverse .” This new terrain is defined by a complex web of feedback loops and reverberations that are created by consumers, brands, news media, investors, communities, society, and artificial intelligence (AI) agents. This assemblage of actors continuously interact, influence, and respond to each other across a myriad of digital channels, platforms, and devices, creating a dynamic where messages circulate and echo, being amplified, modified, or dampened by ongoing interactions.

case study viral marketing

  • JB Joshua Bowers is Co-CEO of Pavilion Intelligence, a marketing science consultancy and upcycled timber operation. He has a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Oklahoma and is a leader in new product development for enterprise and marketing technology.
  • DP Denise Linda Parris is Co-CEO Pavilion Intelligence, a marketing science consultancy and upcycled timber operation. She has been a professional athlete, entrepreneur, and academic with research focused on servant leadership, societal impact, and marketing technology.
  • QW Qiong Wang is the Ruby K. Powell Professor of Marketing and Associate Professor of Marketing and Supply Chain at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business. Her research focuses on the processes and boundaries of inter-organizational issues, including the development and management of strategic partnerships, marketing strategies, and supply chain management.
  • DM Danny McRae is a technology professional with over 20 years of experience in information architecture.
  • FG Francisco Guzmán is Professor of Marketing at the University of North Texas’ G. Brint Ryan College of Business. His research focuses on how brands can drive social transformation.
  • MB Mark Bolino is the David L. Boren Professor and the Michael F. Price Chair in International Business at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business. His research focuses on understanding how an organization can inspire its employees to go the extra mile without compromising their personal well-being.

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    Case Study #2. UNIQLO. UNIQLO knew that to get people excited about their HEATTECH line, they needed to go beyond standard ads. Hence, an ingenious omnichannel experience was born: The Hook: Eye-catching digital billboards across Australia, plus videos online, dared people to snap photos of unique codes.

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