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Anchor vs Presenter: Which Should You Use In Writing?

Anchor vs Presenter: Which Should You Use In Writing?

Are you confused about the difference between an anchor and a presenter? You’re not alone. While the terms are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two. Let’s define each term:

An anchor is a person who hosts a news or sports program and guides the audience through the content. They are responsible for introducing stories, conducting interviews, and providing commentary.

A presenter, on the other hand, is a person who hosts a variety of programs, including talk shows, game shows, and documentaries. They are often chosen for their expertise in a particular field and are responsible for presenting information in an engaging and informative way.

So, which term is the proper word? It depends on the context. In a news or sports setting, anchor is the appropriate term. In other settings, such as a talk show or documentary, presenter is more commonly used.

Throughout this article, we will explore the differences between anchors and presenters, and provide insights into the skills and qualities required for each role.

Define Anchor

An anchor is a person who presents news, current affairs, or other programs on television or radio. Anchors are responsible for introducing stories, conducting interviews, and providing commentary on events. They are typically the main point of contact between the audience and the content being presented.

Define Presenter

A presenter is a person who hosts a program or event, often on television or radio. Presenters are responsible for introducing guests, conducting interviews, and providing commentary on the topic at hand. They may also be responsible for introducing pre-recorded segments or other media. Unlike anchors, presenters may not be focused solely on news or current affairs, and may host a variety of different types of programs.

How To Properly Use The Words In A Sentence

Choosing the right word to use in a sentence can make a significant difference in how effectively your message is communicated. In this section, we will explore the proper usage of the words “anchor” and “presenter” in a sentence.

How To Use “Anchor” In A Sentence

The word “anchor” can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, “anchor” refers to a heavy object used to keep a ship or boat in place. In a figurative sense, “anchor” can also refer to a person or thing that provides stability or support.

As a verb, “anchor” means to secure or fasten something in place. In a broadcasting context, “anchor” refers to the person who hosts a news program and is responsible for leading the discussion and introducing other reporters and segments.

Here are some examples of how to use “anchor” in a sentence:

  • The ship dropped anchor in the harbor.
  • The new park will anchor the revitalization of the downtown area.
  • She is the anchor of the nightly news program.
  • The reporter will anchor the segment on climate change.

How To Use “Presenter” In A Sentence

The word “presenter” is used to describe a person who presents or introduces something to an audience. This can include a television or radio host, a speaker at a conference, or someone who introduces a performer on stage.

Here are some examples of how to use “presenter” in a sentence:

  • The presenter introduced the keynote speaker at the conference.
  • The television presenter discussed the latest developments in the entertainment industry.
  • The museum presenter gave an informative tour of the dinosaur exhibit.
  • The radio presenter announced the upcoming weather forecast.

More Examples Of Anchor & Presenter Used In Sentences

In order to fully understand the differences between an anchor and a presenter, it is important to examine how each term is used in context. Here are some examples of how the terms anchor and presenter are used in sentences:

Examples Of Using Anchor In A Sentence

  • The news anchor delivered the breaking news with a sense of urgency.
  • The anchor of the show introduced the guest speaker with enthusiasm.
  • As the anchor for the debate, it was her job to keep the discussion on track.
  • The sports anchor provided live updates throughout the game.
  • The anchor for the morning show has a great sense of humor.
  • She has been the anchor of the evening news for over a decade.
  • The anchor’s job is to provide context and analysis for the news stories.
  • The news anchor signed off with a heartfelt message to the viewers.
  • The anchor’s professionalism and poise under pressure is admirable.
  • The anchor’s role is to guide the audience through the news of the day.

Examples Of Using Presenter In A Sentence

  • The presenter of the awards ceremony kept the audience entertained throughout the night.
  • The presenter introduced the new product with a flashy video presentation.
  • As the presenter of the show, she had to memorize a lot of lines.
  • The presenter’s job is to explain complex ideas in a simple and engaging way.
  • The presenter’s enthusiasm for the topic was infectious.
  • The presenter’s body language and tone of voice were both important in conveying the message.
  • The presenter’s slides were well-designed and easy to follow.
  • The presenter’s sense of humor helped to lighten the mood during the presentation.
  • The presenter’s expertise on the topic was evident throughout the talk.
  • The presenter’s charisma and stage presence made the event a success.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to media production, the terms “anchor” and “presenter” are often used interchangeably. However, this is a common mistake that can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when using these terms:

1. Using “Anchor” And “Presenter” Interchangeably

One of the most common mistakes people make is using “anchor” and “presenter” interchangeably. While both terms refer to someone who presents information on camera, there are some key differences between the two.

An anchor is typically a journalist or news reporter who is responsible for delivering the news and providing commentary on current events. They are often the face of a news program and are expected to have a deep understanding of the topics they are covering.

A presenter, on the other hand, is someone who presents information on a variety of topics, such as entertainment, lifestyle, or sports. They may not have the same level of expertise as an anchor, but they are still expected to be engaging and knowledgeable.

Using these terms interchangeably can lead to confusion and miscommunication, so it’s important to use them correctly.

2. Assuming Anyone Can Be An Anchor Or Presenter

Another common mistake is assuming that anyone can be an anchor or presenter. While it’s true that some people have a natural talent for presenting on camera, it takes a lot of hard work and practice to become a skilled anchor or presenter.

For anchors, this means developing a deep understanding of the topics they are covering, honing their interviewing skills, and learning how to deliver the news in a clear and concise manner.

For presenters, this means developing a strong on-camera presence, learning how to engage with their audience, and becoming an expert in the topics they are presenting.

Assuming that anyone can be an anchor or presenter can lead to subpar performances and a lack of credibility, so it’s important to recognize the skills and expertise required for these roles.

3. Neglecting To Prepare For The Role

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes people make is neglecting to prepare for the role of anchor or presenter. Whether it’s failing to research the topic they are presenting on or not practicing their delivery, lack of preparation can lead to a lackluster performance.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to do your research, practice your delivery, and be prepared for any unexpected situations that may arise.

Tips To Avoid These Mistakes

Now that you know some of the most common mistakes to avoid when using anchor and presenter, here are some tips to help you avoid them:

  • Take the time to understand the differences between the two roles.
  • Recognize the skills and expertise required for each role.
  • Practice, practice, practice! Whether you’re an anchor or presenter, preparation is key.
  • Stay up-to-date on current events and topics related to your role.
  • Be open to feedback and constructive criticism to help improve your performance.

Context Matters

When it comes to choosing between an anchor and a presenter, context is key. The decision ultimately depends on the specific context in which they are being used. Here are some examples of different contexts and how the choice between anchor and presenter might change:

News Broadcasting

In the context of news broadcasting, an anchor is typically used. An anchor is responsible for delivering the news in a straightforward and objective manner. They are the face of the news program and are expected to remain neutral and unbiased. In contrast, a presenter may be used in a more opinion-driven news program, where they are expected to share their personal opinions and perspectives on the news.

Corporate Events

For corporate events, the choice between an anchor and a presenter may depend on the type of event. An anchor may be more appropriate for a formal event, such as a product launch or shareholder meeting, where the focus is on delivering important information in a professional manner. A presenter, on the other hand, may be more appropriate for a less formal event, such as a company party or team-building exercise, where the focus is on entertainment and engagement.

Academic Conferences

At academic conferences, the choice between an anchor and a presenter may depend on the type of presentation. An anchor may be more appropriate for a panel discussion or keynote address, where the focus is on facilitating a discussion or delivering a message. A presenter, on the other hand, may be more appropriate for a research presentation or poster session, where the focus is on showcasing individual work and expertise.

Overall, the choice between an anchor and a presenter depends on the specific context in which they are being used. It is important to consider the goals and objectives of the event or program, as well as the expectations of the audience, when making this decision.

Exceptions To The Rules

While the rules for using anchor and presenter are generally straightforward, there are some exceptions to be aware of. In certain situations, the traditional roles of anchor and presenter may not apply, and it’s important to understand these exceptions to ensure effective communication.

When The Anchor Is Also The Expert

In some cases, the anchor may also be the expert on the topic being discussed. In this situation, the anchor may take on a more prominent role in the presentation, offering their own insights and analysis in addition to introducing other speakers or segments. This can be particularly effective in situations where the anchor has a high level of credibility on the topic, and can help to establish them as a thought leader in the field.

For example, in a news program about a major scientific discovery, the anchor may also be a renowned scientist in that field. In this case, the anchor may provide their own analysis of the discovery, in addition to introducing other experts who can provide further details.

When The Presenter Is Also The Host

In some cases, the presenter may also be the host of the event or program. In this situation, the presenter may take on additional responsibilities beyond simply introducing other speakers or segments. They may also be responsible for moderating discussion, engaging with the audience, or otherwise guiding the overall flow of the event.

For example, in a panel discussion about a controversial topic, the presenter may also be the host of the event. In addition to introducing the panelists and guiding the discussion, they may also be responsible for fielding questions from the audience and ensuring that the conversation remains civil and productive.

When The Format Requires Flexibility

In some cases, the specific format of an event or program may require flexibility in the roles of anchor and presenter. For example, in a live breaking news event, the anchor may need to be able to quickly switch between introducing new segments, providing updates on the situation, and conducting interviews with experts.

In situations like this, it may be necessary for the anchor to take on a more fluid role, adapting to the needs of the moment and ensuring that the audience is kept informed and engaged.

Practice Exercises

One of the best ways to improve your understanding and use of anchor and presenter is through practice exercises. Here are some examples:

Choose the correct word (anchor or presenter) to complete the following sentences:

1. The ________ of the news program introduced the next segment. Answer: presenter
2. The ________ dropped the microphone during the live broadcast. Answer: anchor
3. The ________ asked the interviewee a series of questions. Answer: anchor
4. The ________ reported on the latest political scandal. Answer: presenter

Write a sentence using each of the following words:

  • The anchor delivered the evening news.
  • The presenter introduced the keynote speaker.
  • She is anchoring the morning show tomorrow.
  • He will be presenting his research at the conference.

By practicing with exercises like these, you can improve your ability to use anchor and presenter correctly in sentences.

After examining the differences between an anchor and a presenter, it is clear that both play a crucial role in the world of media. While an anchor is responsible for delivering the news and guiding the audience through a program, a presenter is tasked with entertaining and engaging the audience through their personality and charisma.

It is important to understand the distinction between these two roles, as they require different skill sets and approaches. An anchor must be knowledgeable, professional, and authoritative in their delivery, while a presenter must be engaging, personable, and relatable to their audience.

Key Takeaways

  • An anchor delivers the news and guides the audience through a program.
  • A presenter entertains and engages the audience through their personality and charisma.
  • An anchor must be knowledgeable, professional, and authoritative in their delivery.
  • A presenter must be engaging, personable, and relatable to their audience.

By understanding the differences between an anchor and a presenter, individuals can better appreciate the unique skills and talents required for each role. Whether you are pursuing a career in media or simply interested in improving your communication skills, it is important to continue learning about grammar and language use to effectively convey your message to your audience.

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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What is the exact word for the person who calls the speakers in an event using a mic?

What is a person who speaks on the mic that which person is going to come next to speak called?

  • british-english
  • From the wiki- In broadcast media a presenter is, especially in British English, the person who hosts, narrates, or otherwise takes the main role in presenting a radio or television programme. Not a stretch to apply it to other speaking presentations. –  JohnP Aug 15, 2013 at 19:06
  • 1 What sort of event? Academic conference? Quiz show? Wedding? –  Tim Lymington Aug 15, 2013 at 21:22
  • Its an academic conference. –  user1478 Aug 16, 2013 at 15:37

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What does a news anchor do?

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What is a News Anchor?

A news anchor is a journalist or broadcaster who serves as the primary presenter of news programs on television or radio. They are the face of the news organization and are responsible for delivering the day's news stories to the audience in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. News anchors are typically seated at a news desk or standing in a studio, providing a professional and authoritative presence during news broadcasts.

The role of a news anchor goes beyond simply reading news scripts. They are often involved in researching and gathering news stories, interviewing guests, and conducting live reports from the field. News anchors work closely with producers, writers, and technical teams to ensure that news segments are well-coordinated and presented effectively. They must have excellent communication skills, a strong command of the language, and the ability to convey information with clarity and impartiality. News anchors also need to stay updated on current events, national and international news, and be able to provide context and analysis to help viewers understand complex issues.

What does a News Anchor do?

A female news anchor on set.

News anchors serve as a human connection between the news organization and the audience. Their presence on screen adds a personal touch, making the news more relatable and accessible. They can convey empathy, emotion, and a sense of shared experience, fostering a connection with viewers.

Duties and Responsibilities The duties and responsibilities of a news anchor can vary depending on the specific news organization and program format. However, here are some common duties and responsibilities associated with the role of a news anchor:

  • News Presentation: The primary responsibility of a news anchor is to present news stories to the audience in a clear, engaging, and professional manner. This involves reading news scripts, introducing news segments, and providing transitions between stories.
  • News Reporting: News anchors may also be involved in news reporting. They may conduct interviews, gather information, and report live from the field to provide first-hand accounts of events or developments.
  • Research and Fact-Checking: News anchors are expected to be well-informed about the news topics they cover. They research and verify information to ensure accuracy and credibility before presenting it to the audience.
  • News Writing and Editing: News anchors may be involved in writing and editing news scripts, headlines, and story summaries. They work closely with writers and producers to ensure that news content is concise, informative, and adheres to the organization's editorial standards.
  • Interviewing Guests: News anchors often conduct interviews with newsmakers, experts, or individuals relevant to the news stories. They prepare interview questions, lead the conversation, and elicit meaningful insights or information from the guests.
  • Engaging with the Audience: News anchors engage with the audience by establishing a connection, addressing viewer questions or comments, and providing context or analysis to help viewers understand complex topics.
  • Adhering to Professional Standards: News anchors are expected to maintain high ethical and professional standards in their reporting. They must adhere to journalistic principles of accuracy, fairness, and impartiality. They also follow the organization's editorial guidelines and maintain objectivity while delivering news.
  • Keeping Up with Current Events: News anchors must stay well-informed about current events, both nationally and internationally. They continuously monitor news sources, follow developments, and research background information to provide up-to-date and relevant news coverage.
  • Collaboration with Production Team: News anchors work closely with producers, writers, editors, and technical teams to ensure a smooth and well-coordinated news broadcast. They collaborate in planning news segments, discussing story angles, and providing input on the overall presentation of the news program.

Types of News Anchors There are various types of news anchors, each with their own specific roles and responsibilities within the field of journalism.

  • Main News Anchor: The main news anchor, also known as the lead anchor or primary anchor, is the face of the news program. They are responsible for delivering the main news stories and headlines of the day. They often lead the broadcast, introduce segments, and provide continuity throughout the program.
  • Co-Anchor: A co-anchor works alongside the main news anchor, sharing the responsibility of presenting the news. They may alternate delivering stories, conduct interviews, or provide analysis. Co-anchors often engage in discussions with each other and contribute their perspectives on the news.
  • Breaking News Anchor: When significant, time-sensitive events occur, breaking news anchors take over the broadcast to provide immediate coverage. They deliver breaking news updates, offer real-time information, and report live from the scene. Breaking news anchors need to be quick-thinking, adaptable, and able to handle high-pressure situations.
  • Sports Anchor: Sports anchors specialize in delivering news and updates related to sports events, teams, and athletes. They provide scores, highlights, analysis, and commentary on sporting events. Sports anchors often have a deep knowledge of various sports and engage with viewers who have an interest in athletics.
  • Weather Anchor : Weather anchors, also known as meteorologists, are responsible for delivering weather forecasts, climate updates, and weather-related information. They analyze weather patterns, use meteorological tools, and present the forecast using graphics and visuals. Weather anchors play a crucial role in informing viewers about current and upcoming weather conditions.
  • Investigative Anchor: Investigative anchors focus on in-depth reporting and investigative journalism. They conduct research, uncover newsworthy stories, interview sources, and present investigative reports. They may specialize in exposing corruption, wrongdoing, or uncovering important facts that require extensive research and analysis.
  • Morning Show Anchor: Morning show anchors typically host news programs that air during the early morning hours. They deliver news updates, conduct interviews, and provide a mix of news, entertainment, and lifestyle segments. Morning show anchors often have a conversational and engaging style to help viewers start their day.

Are you suited to be a news anchor?

News anchors have distinct personalities . They tend to be artistic individuals, which means they’re creative, intuitive, sensitive, articulate, and expressive. They are unstructured, original, nonconforming, and innovative. Some of them are also enterprising, meaning they’re adventurous, ambitious, assertive, extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic.

Does this sound like you? Take our free career test to find out if news anchor is one of your top career matches.

What is the workplace of a News Anchor like?

The workplace of a news anchor can vary depending on the type of news organization and program format. In general, news anchors work in a studio setting designed specifically for news broadcasts. The studio typically includes a news desk, where the anchor delivers the news, along with various technical equipment, cameras, and lighting setups. The studio is often equipped with teleprompters that display the news script for the anchor to read seamlessly.

News anchors may also have access to a control room adjacent to the studio. The control room is where the technical aspects of the broadcast are managed, such as camera angles, graphics, audio, and video playback. The anchor may communicate with the control room staff through an earpiece to receive cues and instructions during the live broadcast.

Additionally, news anchors may have their own personal workspace within the news organization's facilities. This workspace often includes a computer, where they can research, prepare scripts, review news stories, and communicate with producers or writers. They may also have access to a wardrobe area or dressing room for outfit changes and grooming.

News anchors often work alongside a production team, including producers, writers, editors, and technical staff. They collaborate closely with these professionals to plan and coordinate the news program, discuss story angles, and ensure a smooth and professional broadcast.

While the primary workplace for news anchors is the studio, they may also have opportunities to report from the field, especially in the case of breaking news or live event coverage. In such situations, they may be assigned to locations outside the studio, such as newsrooms, press conferences, or remote broadcast locations.

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Announcer or presenter ?

  • Thread starter Little_LIS
  • Start date Sep 15, 2009


Senior Member

  • Sep 15, 2009

envie de voyager

You can call that person the host of the show.  


Hello Little Lis In BE, this person would be called a presenter (of what sounds like a chat show).  


Charles Peete "Charlie" Rose, Jr. (born January 5, 1942) is an American television interviewer and journalist. Click to expand...



An interviewer conducts interviews - but that might just be a reporter for a minute or two during the news. A presenter is the host of a show: a presenter might conduct interviews, but might also announce guests (singers, perhaps), or discuss things with another presenter. A presenter takes an active part in the conversation in a show. An announcer says what things are - for example, plays a record and then says what the record was and who the performers were. An announcer might also read the news.  


entangledbank said: An interviewer conducts interviews - but that might just be a reporter for a minute or two during the news. A presenter is the host of a show: a presenter might conduct interviews, but might also announce guests (singers, perhaps), or discuss things with another presenter. A presenter takes an active part in the conversation in a show. An announcer says what things are - for example, plays a record and then says what the record was and who the performers were. An announcer might also read the news. Click to expand...


"Presenter" is BE. A person who interviews is called an interviewer. I would not say that every interviewer is necessarily a journalist. One need only watch the current collection of U.S. talk shows in which the host, i.e. interviewer, serves up mind-boggling pap to actors, writers and sports figures who have something to promote or whose attire is sufficiently revealing to attract salivating viewers. Another example is the U.S. "infomercial" where a phony interviewer "interviews" somebody who claims to have the magical herbal cure for hair loss, painful rectal itch, erectile dysfunction and memory loss. On the hand, comedian Stephen Colbert has achieved fame in the U.S. for conducting TV interviews, mostly of politicians, in which he savages them by stuffing words in their unsuspecting mouths all the while wearing a boyish grin. That's not journalism, either. A journalist can certainly interview people, but not all interviewers are journalists. Larry King of CNN's Larry King live is well regarded in the news business as a "slow-pitch" interviewer. "Announcers" usually announce the upcoming show, including, perhaps, the names of special guests and then have little to do.  



  • Sep 16, 2009

I agree that "presenter" used this way is strictly British English, and would not be used this way in American English. I would refer to Jay Leno, or David Letterman, or Oprah Winfrey, or Regis Philbin, as the "host" of a show. I would never describe any of them as a "presenter".  

  • Jan 26, 2017

What about the person who presents a show all by himself/herself with no guest or interviews? What should we call him/her?  


Moderator Emeritus

emanko said: What about the person who presents a show all by himself/herself with no guest or interviews? What should we call him/her? Click to expand...

What if it's someone who just expresses their own views or explains scientific topics? He neither narrates nor reports news and there are no guests.  

Keith Bradford

Keith Bradford

That's a presenter in BE. Example: " The Sky at Night , written and presented by Brian Cox."  


Thank you. I googled the name "Vanna White" , but from what I understood, her job wasn't just flipping questions on board. I don't know if I'm right , but wasn't she the hostess of the show? So, is there a word that means "presenter" in American English, one that doesn't have the connotations you mentioned?  

emanko said: Thank you. I googled the name "Vanna White" , but from what I understood, her job wasn't just flipping questions on board. I don't know if I'm right , but wasn't she the hostess of the show? So, is there a word that means "presenter" in American English, one that doesn't have the connotations you mentioned? Click to expand...

@Packard Thank you. Forgive me, please, but I got a bit confused. You're saying that your understanding is a minority, but then most of the results on google back it up?  

emanko said: @Packard Thank you. Forgive me, please, but I got a bit confused. You're saying that your understanding is a minority, but then most of the results on google back it up? Click to expand...

So, in #15 you meant to say that most Americans use presenter to mean "host" and there is proof on google. But your understanding of presenter is that it's more or less a model. And you also found proof of that on google. I hope I understood your reply right.  

emanko said: What if it's someone who just expresses their own views or explains scientific topics? He neither narrates nor reports news and there are no guests. Click to expand...

london calling

london calling

Loob said: Etb captures the way I use the terms... Click to expand...
  • Jan 27, 2017

Thank you.  


  • Apr 13, 2018
North American An anchorman or anchorwoman. ‘he signed off after nineteen years as CBS news anchor’ Click to expand...


We use different words for different kinds of TV show. The person that runs a talk show is called a "host", because these shows have relaxed, casual conversations like people have in their homes. When you are invited into a home, there is a "host" and "guests", so these terms are used for the shows. The "host" is always there, carrying on casual conversations with celebrity "guests" sitting on sofas and padded armchairs. There is no formality. There are no podiums, memorized speeches, etc. Normally there is only one "anchor" on a news show: the word "anchor" implies they are the most important person: people watch the show just to see that person; they "anchor" the show. If a news show has 15 people presenting news stories and/or weather, the 15 people are not all called "anchors".  

TV Presenters

Right Icon This ranking is based on an algorithm that combines various factors, including the votes of our users and search trends on the internet.

David Attenborough

Widely regarded as a national treasure in the United Kingdom, Sir David Attenborough is the only person to have received BAFTAs for TV shows meant for different television sets, such as black and white, color, 3D, HD, and 4K. In 2002, he was mentioned in BBC's 100 Greatest Britons list.

Steve Irwin

Australian Steve Irwin was a world famous, high-spirited, lively host of The Crocodile Hunter television series. A conservationist, he was also part of other shows and documentaries on wildlife and environment. He was known for close encounters with some of the most dangerous and endangered animals in various jungles. He died after being pierced in the chest by a stingray barb while filming in Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

Steve Harvey

Comedian, businessman and entertainer Steve Harvey has been active in the entertainment world since 1985. Born to parents who were avid movie lovers, he developed an early love for performing. He began his entertainment career as a stand-up comedian and soon started performing in TV shows and films. Also an entrepreneur, he founded Steve Harvey Global (SHG).

Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson has come a long way from being a local journalist to becoming a recognized public personality, thanks to his appearance as a presenter in the popular TV show Top Gear . He is credited with making Top Gear one of the most successful shows in the UK. His tongue-in-cheek presenting style and writing often provoke a public reaction.

Jimmy Fallon

Trevor Noah is a writer, political commentator, comedian and television host and hosts the American satirical news programme, The Daily Show . He has also hosted several other shows, including the late-night talk show,  Tonight with Trevor Noah . He is an actor too. He has written an autobiographical book, Born A Crime, and has received numerous accolades and awards, including the Emmy Award.

Bear Grylls

A former Special Air Service serviceman and honorary lieutenant-colonel, Bear Grylls is best known as an adventurer who does interesting things—from eating goat testicles to drinking elephant dung juice—in the TV series Man vs. Wild . Also known for his charity and humanitarian efforts, Bear was appointed OBE in 2019 for services to charity, young people, and the media.

Bill Nye

Bill Nye is an American mechanical engineer, television presenter, and science communicator. He is known for hosting the live-action science program Bill Nye the Science Guy . He is credited with inventing a hydraulic resonance suppressor tube, which is used on the Boeing 747 airplanes. He also helped develop MarsDial , a sundial that became part of the Mars Exploration Rover missions.

Amanda Holden

Amanda Holden is an English actress, TV personality, author, and musician. Her autobiography book No Holding Back was ranked first on the Sunday Times bestseller list. Apart from being a media personality, Amanda Holden is also known for her charity work; in 2018, she posed as a mermaid underwater as part of a PETA awareness campaign against the SeaWorld .

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart is an American actor, writer, political commentator, television host, and filmmaker. He is credited with popularizing Comedy Central's satirical news program The Daily Show . Also a prominent comedian, Jon Stewart has influenced and inspired several other comedians like Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Larry Wilmore, Hasan Minhaj, Jordan Klepper, Samantha Bee, and Bassem Youssef.

Holly Willoughby

Oprah Winfrey is arguably one of the most iconic figures in America who broke many barriers to become one of the most influential women in the country. She is a role model for the black community and is also a fierce feminist. Her path-breaking The Oprah Winfrey Show mostly based on lives of common people catapulted her to unprecedented stardom.

David Letterman

Starting off as a radio weatherman, David Letterman has come a long way. He has been the longest-serving American late-night talk-show host and ranked 45th on TV Guide ’s 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time list. He later dabbled in production, with hit sitcoms such as Everybody Loves Raymond .

Anderson Cooper

As one of the leading television journalists for the past 10 years, Anderson Cooper has played a prominent role in influencing several important events in the United States of America. An openly gay man, Anderson Cooper has also served as an inspiration to the entire LGBTQ community.

Paul Hollywood

Paul Hollywood is an English television presenter and celebrity chef. Since 2010, he has been appearing as a judge on the popular television baking competition, The Great British Bake Off . Paul Hollywood is also a motor racer. He has competed in several tournaments, such as GT Cup . In 2017, he took part in a race at Circuit of the Americas.

Ryan Seacrest

Ryan Seacrest is an American television host, radio personality, and producer. He gained national recognition after hosting the popular singing competition TV series,  American Idol . Also known for his humanitarian efforts, Seacrest established the Ryan Seacrest Foundation in 2010. He is also credited with producing a men's skincare line called Polished .

Brian Cox

Brian Cox is an English physicist and former musician. He has presented numerous science programs for BBC radio and TV, especially the Wonders of...  series. He is also the author of several popular science books. He has been lauded for his efforts to publicize science and was awarded the British Association's Lord Kelvin Award in 2006. 

Graham Norton

Irish television and radio presenter, comedian, and actor, Graham Norton, is an eight-time BAFTA TV Award winner. He is best known for his comedy chat show The Graham Norton Show. His innuendo-laden dialogue and flamboyant presentation style have made him a fan favorite. He is openly gay and is the winner of one Gaytime Award.

Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose is an Australian actress, model, and TV presenter. After coming out as a lesbian at the age of 12, Ruby faced many difficulties and has experienced suicidal thoughts throughout her life. Despite struggling with mental health issues, Ruby has gone on to establish herself in the field of entertainment, thereby serving as an inspiration to many across the world.

Pat Sajak

Alyson Hannigan is one of the most recognized celebrities, thanks to her role in the popular sitcom How I Met Your Mother and her role in one of the most popular sex comedy film series of all time - American Pie . She has been presenting the television show, Penn & Teller: Fool Us, since 2016.

Jay Leno

Craig Ferguson is a Scottish-American comedian, television host, and author. He helped popularize The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson , which he hosted and received the prestigious Peabody Award for the same. A recovering alcoholic, Craig Ferguson has stayed sober since 1992 and is an inspiration to those trying to quit drinking.

Richard Hammond

James May is an English journalist and television presenter. May is known for co-presenting the popular factual television show Top Gear alongside Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson. James May is credited with co-founding the independent TV production company W. Chump and Sons.

Kathie Lee Gifford

Kathie Lee Gifford achieved celebrity status by working as a television presenter. She then became a singer-songwriter and author, cementing her place in the entertainment industry. Also known for her charity work, Kathie serves as an ambassador for Childhelp , a non-profit organization working towards preventing child abuse.

Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters is an American retired television personality and broadcast journalist. Renowned for her popularity with viewers, Walters appeared as the host of several popular TV shows. A pioneer for women in broadcasting , Walters became the first woman to co-host shows like Today and ABC Evening News . In 1996, she was named in TV Guide’s 50 Greatest TV Stars list.

Kimberly Guilfoyle

One of the prominent speakers at the Republican National Convention 2020 and a vocal supporter of American President, Donald Trump, Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle is a senior advisor and top fundraiser at Trump’s re-election campaign. A former deputy district attorney, prosecutor, legal analyst at CNN and TV host at Fox News , Guilfoyle is rumoured to be the Donald Trump Jr.’s partner.  

Henry Rollins

Henry Rollins is an American musician. Rollins is credited with forming the Rollins Band , which was active from 1987 to 2006. He is also credited with founding the publishing company and record label 2.13.61, Inc . Also a well-known activist, Henry Rollins has campaigned for various causes, including the promotion of peace movement and LGBT rights.

Dick Strawbridge

Dick Strawbridge is a British engineer, television personality, and former army officer. In 1993, he was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire for his service in Northern Ireland. After his military career, Strawbridge has established himself as a TV personality, appearing on several TV programs. He is popularly referred to as Colonel Dick in the media.

Seth Meyers

Cha Eun-woo is a South Korean model, actor, and singer. He achieved popularity as part of the famous boy band Astro . His popularity increased after playing Do Kyung-seok in a television series titled Gangnam Beauty , after which he was named in GQ Korea magazine's  Men of the Year list in 2018.

Jameela Jamil

Jameela Jamil, who works as an actress, model, writer, and radio presenter, is a fighter in every sense of the word; she fought conditions like hearing loss, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, coeliac disease, and anorexia nervosa before establishing herself as an entertainer. Not to mention a car accident that damaged her spine when she was 17 years old!

Sandi Toksvig

NBC News anchor and broadcast journalist Savannah Guthrie is best known for co-anchoring the show Today . She appeared in the series finale of 30 Rock . She has penned two children’s books, too. She is also a practicing lawyer and has worked with domestic abuse victims.

Al Roker

Ree Drummond is an American author, blogger, food writer, television personality, and photographer. In 2010, she was named in Forbes magazine's Top 25 Web Celebrities list. Riding on the success of her blog The Pioneer Woman , which was adjudged Weblog of the Year for three consecutive years at the Weblog Awards , Drummond went on to present her own television program.

Oliver North

John Oliver is a British comedian, political commentator, and TV host whose work in the American talk show,  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, has influenced the US culture, policymaking, and legislation since 2014; the influence has been called the John Oliver effect . Also a philanthropist, Oliver forgave a medical debt of over $15 million owed by over 9,000 people.

Penn Jillette

American magician Penn Jillette is part of the magician duo Penn & Teller , which he formed with fellow magician Teller. A graduate of the Ringling Bros. clown college, he began his career with a Broadway touring show. He has been part of several TV shows and has penned the NYT bestseller God, No!

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The 33 Best Gifts for TV Lovers & Binge-Watchers

Author image: greta

PureWow editors select every item that appears on this page, and the company may earn compensation through affiliate links within the story. All prices are accurate upon date of publish. You can learn more about the affiliate process here .

This holiday season , we’re trying to fill our shopping list with items that our recipients will actually use. (Because there’s nothing worse than receiving a present that immediately goes into the regift pile.)

Since there’s never been a better time to invest in your own at-home streaming experience , we   compiled a list of 33 items that are ideal gifts for the TV lovers and binge-watchers in your life. From a cozy weighted blanket and Grubhub gift cards to Severance -themed tees, keep scrolling for details.

The Ultimate Gift Guide for 2022 Holiday Shopping

arlee home fashions suede oversized backrest pillow

1. Arlee Home Fashions Suede Oversized Backrest Pillow

Perhaps you invited some friends over and don’t have enough seats, or maybe your significant other prefers *extra* cushioning on the couch. Regardless, the Arlee Home Fashions Suede Oversized Backrest Pillow will elevate any movie night. This style comes in four colors: burgundy (pictured above), beige, blue and dark tan.

grubhub gift card

2. Grubhub Gift Card

Does your streaming buddy prefer to order in—rather than cook—when binge-watching a show? If so, consider gifting a Grubhub gift card that can be used at their leisure. The food delivery app has countless options, which vary by location.

natori faux shearling sherpa robe

3. Natori Faux-Shearling Sherpa Robe

Take comfort to a whole new level with the Natori Faux-Shearling Sherpa Robe, which features long sleeves, pockets, a shawl collar and a self-tie waist. The piece is sold at Saks Fifth Avenue, where it’s rated 5 out of 5 stars. One person wrote, “Great cozy winter robe. Quality material.” In addition to morning teal (pictured above), it also comes in deep sea (green) and bone (off white).

what do you meme the office game

4. What Do You Meme? The Office Game

Does a friend or a family member love The Office ? Be sure to check out this adult party game , where players compete to create the funniest memes inspired by the hit TV series. Although it’s ideal for parties, it can also serve as an icebreaker when friends arrive at your next movie night.

glam up facial sheet mask

5. Glam Up Facial Sheet Mask (Pack of 12)

The pack comes with 12 masks that target different skin types and issues, including refreshing green tea, rejuvenating tea tree, moisturizing avocado, firming pomegranate, revitalizing Japanese sake, soothing aloe vera, detoxifying oatmeal and more.

gifts for tv lovers watchers severance

6. Lumon Industries Severance T-Shirt

The bizarre sci-fi thriller has taken the world by storm, and so it comes as no surprise that it's returning for season two. It'll be a while before the new episodes drop, but on the bright side, you can prepare for the return of the innies by sporting this awesome Lumon Industries tee. (FYI, you are reading this caption freely and of your own accord...)

Best weighted blankets: A gray weighted blanket

7. Ynm Weighted Blanket

Do you know someone who could use a natural calming remedy during edge-of-your-seat flicks? Look no further than this weighted blanket. Not only does it come in 33—yes, 33—different colors, but it’s also available in several sizes and weights, ranging from five pounds to 30 pounds.

gifts for tv lovers watchers stranger things

8. Stranger Things Throw Pillow

This fun throw pillow features a pattern of objects from Stranger Things , including Eleven's dress, her favorite food (waffles), Dustin's hat and Joyce Byers's TV. (You can get the cover and insert for $24 or just the pillowcase for $18.)

office talking button

9. The Office : Talking Button 

If your binge-watching buddy tends to interrupt, try purchasing The Office : Talking Button, which also comes with a trivia book. It will eliminate the need to talk during scenes, but it will also serve as a reminder to continue the conversation later.

mini projector for outdoor movies

10. Mini Projector For Outdoor Movies

Users can bring it outside for an outdoor movie night, or they can set it up indoors for a makeshift theater. Either way, this mini projector is compatible with TV sticks, smartphones, USB plugs and SD cards. It also comes with a projector screen, making it a one-stop purchase.

tv lovers gifts white lotus

11. The White Lotus Resort & Spa Terry Cloth Cotton Robe

Ever wondered what it would feel like if you visited the White Lotus resort? Well, we can't promise you a trip to paradise, but we found the next best thing: a gorgeous spa robe to make you feel like a valued guest.

sony noise canceling overhead headphones

12. Sony Noise Canceling Overhead Headphones

If distractions are an issue, try using noise-canceling headphones during your next movie night.

great northern popcorn antique popcorn machine

13. Great Northern Popcorn Antique Popcorn Machine

Sure, anyone can pour some kennels in a pan and make half-popped homemade popcorn. But if you’re looking to take it up a notch, be sure to check out this easy-to-use antique popcorn machine, which is designed to fit on a countertop. (It makes about six gallons of popcorn.)

gifts tv lovers atn news mug waystar royco

14. Succession ATN News Mug

Sip your favorite beverages in style with this clever Succession mug—which, fun fact, is actually Kelly Ripa-approved .

you caroline kepnes

15. You By Caroline Kepnes

You’ve probably heard of Netflix’s popular series, You , but did you know that it’s based on the namesake book by Caroline Kepnes? Once you’ve finished reading the first novel, be sure to check out the rest of the series, which includes Hidden Bodies and You Love Me .

gifts for tv lovers watchers ugg

16. UGG Sherpa Blanket

If weighted blankets are a no-go, consider gifting a luxurious blanket—like the UGG Sherpa Throw. The piece comes in four different colors.

dearfoams sydney shearling scuff slipper

17. Dearfoams Sydney Shearling Scuff Slipper

Based on the product description, these slippers are a must-have. “Our plush and luxurious shearling will always keep you feeling relaxed, no matter what you’re doing,” it reads. “Sheepskin fibers are naturally breathable and have temperature-regulating properties to keep your feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter.”

samsung soundbar

18. Samsung Soundbar

There’s nothing quite like going to a movie theater to watch a brand-new flick. Along with the dark environment, the sound quality is always so extreme that the bone-chilling vibrations can be felt for long after. This setup will help you recreate that experience at home, complete with a soundbar and speakers.

trust me i m the producer coffee mug

19. 'Trust Me I'm The Producer' Coffee Mug

Whether you know an actual crew member or someone who thinks they work in the entertainment industry, this mug is a fantastic under $20 gift. The cup features “Trust Me I’m the Producer” written on both sides, and it’s safe to use in the dishwasher and microwave.

yankee candle in movie night cocoa

20. Yankee Candle Movie Night Cocoa Candle

This Yankee Candle scent—called Movie Night Cocoa—is a must-try for TV lovers and binge-watchers alike. The scent features notes of white moon, lit woods, sandalwood, vanilla blossom and patchouli.

gifts for tv lovers watchers derry girls

21. Derry Girls School Uniform Crewneck Sweatshirt

Derry Girls is easily one of the funniest shows on Netflix, thanks in part to the hilarious main characters. Wise up and join their squad with this stylish uniform crewneck shirt.


22. Hulu Subscription

If your family is growing tired of Netflix’s streaming options, then you should consider adding Hulu to the mix. Not only does it offer live TV options, but it also has a few original titles, like Nine Perfect Strangers , Normal People , Only Murders in the Building , The Handmaid's Tale and Dopesick .

disney plus

23. Disney+ Subscription

In addition to classic Disney movies—like The Parent Trap, Home Alone, High School Musical, A Bug’s Life and Hocus Pocus —subscribers also have access to new releases, including The Mandalorian, Just Beyond, Soul and Luca . Oh, and did we mention it’s only $8 per month (or $80 per year)?

paramount plus

24. Paramount+ Subscription

Original titles include Behind the Music, Evil, The Good Fight, Guilty Party, Mayor of Kingstown, The Harper House One Dollar and the iCarly reboot. Since Paramount+ is the new CBS All Access, it also features specials, sneak peeks and never-before-seen clips from your favorite CBS shows.

hbo max

25. HBO Max Subscription

The streaming service has loads of binge-worthy titles and original content, like The Other Two, The White Lotus , Gossip Girl, Scenes from a Marriage and Dune . If someone’s a sucker for documentaries, tell them to add The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin to their streaming queue.

gifts for tv lovers watchers wednesday

26. What Would Wednesday Do? T-Shirt

If you take pride in being creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky, then this tee is the perfect way to channel your inner Wednesday Addams. Wear this awesome shirt as you catch up on the popular Netflix comedy .

coluzpro led string lights

27. Coluzpro Led String Lights

These string lights are rated 4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon. One reviewer wrote, “Besides great lighting over an outdoor dining area for 40 people, they can attach to another string of lights, making it very easy add more footage to the area you’re working with. Quality is excellent.”

tenmiro led strip lights

28. Tenmiro Led Strip Lights

If simple string lights aren’t enough to set the mood, try adding some color with these LED lights. The strip is remote controlled, so once it’s installed, you can change the color, brightness and other effects from the comfort of your couch.

chill shirt

29. Netflix and Chill Red T-Shirt

Because what else would you wear for an intimate binge-watching sesh with your partner? Add a simple date night recipe and you're in for an epic night.

cup holder

30. Sofa Buddy Cup Holder

Want to take your binge-watching experience to the next level? Try this sturdy, soft cup holder, which can hold multiple drinks, your snacks and your remote.

bings watching survival kit

31. Pinch Provisions Binge-Watching Survival Kit 

There's no such thing as being too prepared for a binge session. Whether you're prone to spills or desperate to get that stubborn popcorn kernel out our your teeth, Pinch Provisions has got you covered with this tiny box kit of emergency essential items, including a pair of socks, dental floss, cleansing towelettes, snack clips and a handy sofa yoga guide.

eat sleep tv

32. Eat Sleep TV Repeat Shirt

Well, why not sport a cozy T-shirt that pokes fun at every TV-lover's schedule? If only we could get away with doing this every single day...

schitt s creek crew socks

33. Schitt's Creek Crew Socks (Pack of 3)

Since there’s no such thing as having too many socks, you should add these Schitt’s Creek ones to your shopping cart. The pack comes with three different pairs and phrases: “Have a blessed day — David,” “Love that journey for me — Alexis” and “Welcome to Rosebud Motel.”

55 Binge-Worthy TV Shows & Where to Watch Them


Senior Editor

  • Recommendations
  • For the Fans
  • Live Musicals

Best Live Musicals

Live TV Musicals have become more and more popular over the last decade. As opposed to movie adaptations or pro-shots (musicals that are professionally filmed live on stage but edited and released later – think Hamilton on Disney+ or Come From Away on AppleTV+), a live tv musical is filmed and broadcast live especially for television. It’s less about recreating the feeling of in person, live theater and more about creating something entirely distinct and new. 

Here are the musical productions that have been on broadcast tv over the last ten years and where to watch them now:

The Sound of Music Live!

Network : NBC in 2013

Where to Watch Now: Peacock

Starring Carrie Underwood as Maria, Stephen Moyer as Captain Von Trapp, Audra McDonald as Mother Abbess, Laura Benanti as Fraulein Schweiger, and Christian Borle as Max Detweiler, this musical was directed by Rob Ashford and Beth McCarthy-Miller. This Tony Award winning musical was broadcast live from a sound stage in New York and was NBC’s first live musical special in almost 50 years.  The Los Angeles Times said, “If I could sing these songs as well as Underwood, I would sing them until the world was sick of me.”

Peter Pan Live!

Network : NBC in 2014

Where to Watch Now : Vudu

Starring Allison Williams as Peter Pan, Christopher Walken as Captain Hook, Christian Borle as Mr. Smee/George Darling, Kelli O’Hara as Mrs. Darling, and Minnie Driver as Adult Wendy/Narrator, this musical was directed by Rob Ashford and Glenn Weiss. This larger-than-life musical theatre show featured a cast and crew of almost 400, including a CGI Tinkerbell.  The New York Times called it “a loving, lavish tribute to a beloved musical.”

The Wiz Live!

Network : NBC in 2015

Starring Shanice Williams as Dorothy, Common as the Bouncer/Gatekeeper to the Emerald City, Amber Riley as the Good Witch of the North, Uzo Aduba as Glinda, David Alan Grier as the Cowardly Lion, Mary J. Blige as the Wicked Witch of the West, and Queen Latifah as the Wiz, this reinterpretation of The Wizard of Oz was written by Harvey Fierstein and directed by Kenny Leon and Matthew Diamond. The Hollywood Reporter called it “a colorful triumph.”

The Passion: New Orleans

Network : Fox in 2016 

Where to Watch Now : Tubi

With Tyler Perry narrating the special, the show starred Jencarlos as Jesus Christ, Trisha Yearwood as Mary Magdalene, Chris Daughtry as Judas, and Seal as Pontius Pilate. The show aired from various locations in New Orleans and told the story of the last hours of Jesus Christ’s life, with the cast singing popular music specially arranged for the program. The Guardian said, “the production was magnificent and the talent undeniable.”

Hairspray Live!

Network : NBC in 2016

This live tv broadcast was star-studded with Ariana Grande as Penny Pingleton, Harvey Fierstein as Edna Turnblad, Kristin Chenoweth as Velma Von Tussle, Dove Cameron as Amber Von Tussle, Jennifer Hudson as Motormouth Maybelle, Martin Short as Wilbur Turnblad, Sean Hayes as Mr. Pinky, Rosie O’Donnell as the Gym Teacher, Billy Eichner as Rob Barker, and Shahadi Wright Joseph as Little Inez. Hairspray follows teenager Tracy Turnblad (Maddie Baillio) as she auditions for a spot on “The Corny Collins Show” and wins, becoming an overnight sensation then striving to integrate the formerly all-white tv show. The event was hosted by Darren Criss and directed by Kenny Leon and Alex Rudzinski. Variety called it, “dynamic, colorful, and stacked with stellar performances.”

Grease Live!

Network : Fox in 2016

Starring Vanessa Hudgens as Rizzo, Aaron Tveit as Danny, Julianne Hough as Sandy, Carly Rae Jepson as Frenchy, Joe Jonas as Johnny Casino, Keke Palmer as Marty Maraschino, and Jordan Fisher as Doody, this beloved musical was directed by Tommy Kail and Alex Rudzinksi, who won an Emmy for Outstanding Directing for a Variety Special. Variety called it “as sweet and tasty as a root beer float.”

Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again

Where to Watch Now : Amazon , Vudu

Starring Laverne Cox as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Adam Lambert as Eddie, Ben Vereen as Dr. Everett Von Scott, and Tim Curry as the Narrator/Criminologist (Tim Curry starred as Frank-N-Furter in the original film), this remake of the cult classic was directed by Kenny Ortega. This show wasn’t filmed live and was shot mostly in a gothic mansion in Toronto, and The Guardian called it “faithful, fast-paced, and largely entertaining.”

A Christmas Story Live!

Network : Fox in 2017

Where to Watch Now: Amazon , Vudu

Starring Matthew Broderick as Adult Ralphie, Maya Rudolph as Mother, Jane Krawkowski as Miss Shields, Ana Gasteyer as Mrs. Schwartz, Fred Armisen as Mall Elf, Ken Jeong as Restaurant Owner, and Andy Walken as Ralphie Parker, this live musical was directed by Scott Ellis and Alex Rudzinski. Based on the classic film and composed by Pasek & Paul ( Dear Evan Hansen, The Greatest Showman, La La Land ), A Christmas Story Live! offers a warm adaption of the seasonal classic.

Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert

Network : NBC in 2018

Where to Watch Now : Not Currently Streaming

Starring John Legend as Jesus Christ, Brandon Victor Dixon as Judas, Sara Bareilles as Mary Magdalene, Norm Lewis as Caiaphas, and Alice Cooper as King Herod, this rock opera was directed by David Leveaux and Alex Rudzinski, choreographed by Camille A. Brown, and is loosely based on the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John about the last week of Jesus Christ’s life. The New York Times called it “a conceptual and artistic triumph” and “genuinely thrilling.”

The Little Mermaid Live!

Network : ABC in 2019

Where to Watch Now : Disney+

Starring Auli’I Cravalho as Ariel, Graham Phillips as Prince Eric, John Stamos as Chef Louis, Queen Latifah as Ursula, Shaggy as Sebastian and Amber Riley as The Emcee (a new character), this musical based on the beloved Disney film was directed by Hamish Hamilton. This special was a hybrid production – the animated film played while live musical performances from the movie and from the Broadway production were performed. The AV Club called it “a love letter to Disney fans.”

Network : Fox in 2019

Where to Watch Now : Amazon Prime

Starring Vanessa Hudgens as Maureen, Jordan Fisher as Mark Cohen, Brennin Hunt as Roger Davis, Valentina as Angel, Brandon Victor Dixon as Tom Collins, and Kaela Settle as Cy, this musical directed by Michael Greif and Alex Rudzinski also features an appearance from the original Broadway cast including Idina Menzel, Adam Pascal, Anthony Rapp, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Jesse L. Martin and Taye Diggs. This musical actually wasn’t filmed live (mostly) – actor Brennin Hunt, starring as Roger, broke his right foot during the dress rehearsal, forcing a last-minute change. But the show must go on, and what was aired was pre-taped footage from the dress rehearsal, ending with a live performance where the cast was joined by most of the original Broadway cast. The AV Club called it a “heartfelt production.” 

Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Musical Live!

Network : NBC in 2020

Starring Matthew Morrison as the Grinch, Denis O’Hare as Old Max, Amelia Minto as Cindy-Lou Who and Booboo Stewart as Young Max, this Dr. Seuss classic was directed by Max Webster and Julia Knowles. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the special was filmed on the stage of London’s Troubadour Theatre and then released rather than broadcast live. “Watching Denis O’Hare ( American Horror Story ) attempt to tone down his inherent intensity as an older version of The Grinch’s beloved hench-dog was a trip, and Booboo Stewart ( Julie and the Phantoms ) was endearing as always playing O’Hare’s younger counterpart.” - TVLine

Annie Live!

Network : NBC in 2021

Where to Watch Now : , Peacock

Starring Nicole Scherzinger as Grace Farrell, Harry Connick Jr as Daddy Warbucks, Taraji P. Henson as Miss Hannigan, Tituss Burgess as Rooster, Megan Hilty as Lily St. Regis, and Celina Smith as the titular orphan Annie, this live musical was directed by Lear deBessonet and Alex Rudzinski with choreography by Sergio Trujillo. The New York Times praised the “rousing rendition of one of the show’s best-known songs, ‘Hard Knock Life,’ performed by children doing dynamic gymnastic moves. The number ‘N.Y.C.’ also was a wonder.”

Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration

Network: ABC in 2022

Where to Watch Now: Disney+

Starring H.E.R. as Belle, Josh Groban as the Beast, Joshua Henry as Gaston, Rita Moreno as the narrator, Martin Short as Lumiere, Shania Twain as Mrs. Potts, David Alan Grier as Cogsworth, Rizwan Manju as LeFou, Jon Jon Briones as Maurice, and Leo Abelo Perry as Chip, this live show is full of Broadway and singing talent and combines both animation and live action to create a unique experience. It was directed by Hamish Hamilton and produced by Jon M. Chu and recorded in front of a live audience. The Daily Mail said “H.E.R. enchants viewers with portrayal of bookwork Belle on Beauty And The Beast Live!”

Can’t get enough live theater on tv? Check out:

The Real Dirty Dancing on Fox . This reality show follows celebrities as they learn iconic dance routines from Dirty Dancing – and it’s shot at Mountain Lake Lodge in Virginia where the movie was filmed. 

Tony Award Musical Performances on Youtube. The opening song is often sung by hosts like Neil Patrick Harris , Hugh Jackman or James Corden and celebrates the musicals on Broadway that year – from The Lion King to The Book of Mormon to Hamilton , you’ll get a taste of everything. 

Streaming Broadway Shows : check out our article on streaming Broadway shows to find out about theater-specific digital streaming platforms as well as what Broadway shows are available to watch on the traditional streamers like Netflix , Apple TV+ and Disney+ .

Kathryn Willingham

Head of creative development at jean doumanian productions.

Kathryn Willingham has worked in entertainment for over ten years, and recent credits include: Co-producer of SHRINK currently streaming on Peacock, Associate Producer of the independent film UNA, and Creative Executive on multiple theatrical productions including HANGMEN by Martin McDonagh on Broadway, NASSIM by Nassim Soleimanpour Off-broadway and Associate on productions EVERY BRILLIANT THING by Duncan Macmillan with Jonny Donahoe and THE EFFECT by Lucy Prebble. She was Producer of Todd Almond’s musical travelogue “Wyoming and Parts of Kansas” and Production Coordinator for Karen O and KK Barrett's “Stop the Virgens.”

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20 Gifts Made For Your Most TV-Obsessed Friend

Besides, like, a Netflix subscription.


Delish editors handpick every product we feature. We may earn commission from the links on this page.

USAOPOLY Clue: The Golden Girls Edition

Clue: The Golden Girls Edition

If you're not solving the mystery that is "Who ate the cheesecake?" on a Friday night with your family, well, you're really just not living. This board game comes with all the makings of a classic Clue set, just with a  Golden Girls twist: The board is a layout of the ladies' home and the weapon pieces include a can of hairspray, a bathrobe, a handbag, a tube of lipstick, a lounge chair, and a high heel. Sold? Same.

Hello Mammoth I Feel God In This Chili's Tonight T-Shirt

I Feel God In This Chili's Tonight T-Shirt

Right now, Chili's is giving you the chance to win an "I Feel God In This Chili's Tonight" t-shirt in honor of its birthday. Didn't win? You can purchase a similar shirt right here off of Amazon. 

Golden Girls Hot Sauce Set

Golden Girls Hot Sauce Set

One for each of the girls, of course. 

Well5Krafts Friends- Inspired Reusable Coffee Cups

Friends- Inspired Reusable Coffee Cups

This Etsy shop will customize your tumbler so your name is in the Friends font. Or, buy the Central Park or iconic yellow picture frame-themed cups. 

Bravo TV The Real Housewives of New York City Wine Glass

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Any aspiring chef will like this  MasterChef Junior  kit. It comes with  real cookware designed for kids, plus recipes and an apron .

Headshot of Madison Flager

Madison Flager is the Lifestyle Editor at; she covers food news and trends, travel-worthy food experiences, and the products you need in your kitchen right now. She has a deep love of coffee and manchego cheese.

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Céline Dion vows to return to the stage after her diagnosis: ‘Even if I have to crawl’

Céline Dion is not going to allow her health struggles to prevent her from performing again. 

The music icon, who publicly revealed in December 2022 that she was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome , has canceled her concerts over the past two years. But that doesn’t mean she won’t return to the stage one day.

In an interview Hoda Kotb, airing in full in an NBC primetime special June 11, Dion reveals that she will do whatever it takes to reunite with her fans. 

More from Celine Dion’s interview with Hoda Kotb

  • Céline Dion says singing with stiff person syndrome is 'like somebody is strangling you'
  • Céline Dion on why she publicly shared stiff person syndrome: ‘I could not do it anymore’

“What did this disease take away from you?” Hoda asks in a preview that aired on TODAY June 11.

The singer replies, “It didn’t take anything away from me. I’m going to go back onstage, even if I have to crawl. Even if I have to talk with my hands, I will. I will.”

She adds, “I am Céline Dion, because today my voice will be heard for the first time, not just because I have to, or because I need to. It’s because I want to and I miss it.”

Dion, 56, will open up about the rare neurological condition and what she has overcome the past two years in her full interview with Hoda, airing June 11 at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.  

The interview arrives about a week before her documentary, “I Am: Céline Dion,” is released on Amazon Prime Video on June 25.

The Grammy winner’s journey back to the stage has been difficult. Stiff person syndrome is a progressive disorder that can dramatically alter quality of life. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke , stiff person syndrome can cause muscle stiffness in a person’s torso and limbs and can also lead to heightened sensitivity to noise, touch and emotional stress. The disorder can cause painful muscle spasms, as well. 

In another clip from her talk with Hoda , the “My Heart Will Go On” singer described what it now feels like for her to sing. 

“It’s like somebody is strangling you,” she said. “It’s like somebody is pushing your larynx/pharynx this way.”

After demonstrating, she continued, “It was like talking like that, and you cannot go high or lower. It gets into a spasm.” 

The pain can travel throughout her entire body. 

“It can also be in the abdominal, can be in the spine, can be in the ribs. But it feels like if I point my feet, they will stay in a (stuck position), or if I cook — because I love to cook — my fingers, my hands will get in a position,” she explained. 

She said sometimes her feet will start cramping up and stay in that position because she “cannot unlock them.” These repeated spasms have caused injuries. 

“I have broken ribs at one point because sometimes, when it’s very severe, it can break some ribs as well,” she shared. 

She first spoke about stiff person syndrome in a video uploaded to her Instagram in December 2022. At the time, she was supposed to go on tour in February 2023. She said in her announcement that she needed to cancel the dates. In May 2023, she confirmed that the rest of her world tour was canceled due to her ongoing health problems. 

In a May interview with Vogue , Dion revealed she felt early symptoms in 2008 during her “Taking Chances World Tour.”

Dion acknowledges in her new documentary that she did not want to publicly address her health issues in the past.  

“I have been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder and I wasn’t ready to say anything before, but I’m ready now,” she says in a trailer for the film. 

Dion told Hoda in a third preview from their upcoming interview that she reached a point where she couldn’t hide her pain, which had increased over the years. 

“I could not do this anymore,” she said. “We did not know what was going on.”

She explained to Hoda why she initially didn’t take a break from performing before changing her mind. 

“I should have stopped, take the time to figure it out,” Dion said. “My (late) husband (René Angélil), as well, was fighting for his own life. I had to raise my kids. I had to hide. I had to try to be a hero. Feeling my body leaving me, holding onto my own dreams. And the lying for me ... the burden was too much.”

Ariana Brockington is a trending news reporter at TODAY digital. She is based in Los Angeles.

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Daytime Emmys 2024 Full Winners List: ‘General Hospital,’ ‘Kelly Clarkson Show’ Win Top Awards

By Michael Schneider

Michael Schneider

Variety Editor at Large

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Kelly Clarkson at the 51st Daytime Emmy Awards held at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel on June 7, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Gilbert Flores/Variety via Getty Images)

“ General Hospital ” led night one of the 51st annual Daytime Emmy Awards, winning four prizes — including the outstanding daytime drama Emmy. “General Hospital” won the top daytime drama award for the fourth year in a row.

“GH” took an early lead as proceedings got underway, including writing, directing and supporting actor performance in a daytime drama series (Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford). While accepting the honor for daytime drama directing, the show’s team paid tribute to Johnny Wactor, the former “GH” performer who was recently killed.

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This is the second year in a two-year telecast deal that NATAS had set with CBS, which has broadcast the Daytime Emmys 18 times, more than any other network. The rest of the awards will be handed out on Saturday, June 8, at Daytime Creative Arts & Lifestyle Emmy Awards. That ceremony will be streamed on The Emmys apps and at

“Entertainment Tonight” anchors  Kevin Frazier  and  Nischelle Turner  were back to once again host the  Daytime Emmys . Frazier and Turner previously hosted the Daytime Emmys in 2022 and 2023. The duo is also nominated this year in the outstanding daytime personality – daily category, while “Entertainment Tonight” is nominated in outstanding entertainment news series.

The telecast opened with more CBS hosts, “The Talk’s” Amanda Kloots and Jerry O’Connell, in a tongue-in-cheek song and dance number. Later, the In Memoriam segment kicked off with a nod to late KTLA entertainment reporter Sam Rubin.

Among other highlights, legendary star Dick Van Dyke, at age 98, is now the oldest actor to receive a Daytime Emmy win . Van Dyke was nominated as a guest performer in a daytime drama series for “Days of Our Lives.” And “The Young and the Restless” icon  Melody Thomas Scott , veteran soap opera producer Edward J. Scott and public TV food host  Lidia Bastianich  are all set to receive Lifetime Achievement awards. “Be My Guest with Ina Garten” received its first Emmy for Culinary Series.

On night two, Robert Downey Jr. won his first-ever Emmy for “Downey’s Dream Cars” in the lifestyle program category., while Buddy Valastro also received his first Emmy as culinary host for “Legends of the Fork.” Also, Dwyane Wade won his first Daytime Emmy as an executive producer of “Dads,” for short form programming.

Effective this  Daytime Emmys  will no longer include a category devoted to younger performers in a daytime drama; they’ll now be required to enter lead, supporting or guest categories.

The eligibility period for the 2024 Daytime Emmys is Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023. Here are this year’s winners:

NIGHT ONE: The 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards 

Daytime Drama Series

WINNER: “General Hospital” (ABC) “The Bay” (Popstar! TV) “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) “Neighbours” (Amazon Freevee) “The Young and the Restless” (CBS)

Daytime Talk Series

WINNER: “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated) “The Jennifer Hudson Show” (Syndicated) “Tamron Hall” (Syndicated) “Turning The Tables with Robin Roberts” (Disney+) “The View” (ABC)

Entertainment News Series

WINNER: “Entertainment Tonight” (Syndicated) “Access Hollywood” (Syndicated) “Extra”(Syndicated)

Lead Performance in a Daytime Drama Series: Actor

WINNER: Thorsten Kaye as Ridge Forrester, “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) Eric Braeden as Victor Newman, “The Young and the Restless” (CBS) Scott Clifton as Liam Spencer, “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) Eric Martsolf as Brady Black, “Days of Our Lives” (Peacock) John McCook as Eric Forrester, “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS)

Lead Performance in a Daytime Drama Series: Actress

WINNER: Michelle Stafford as Phyllis Summers, “The Young and the Restless” (CBS) Tamara Braun as Ava Vitali, “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) Finola Hughes as Anna Devane, “General Hospital” (ABC) Katherine Kelly Lang as Brooke Logan, “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) Annika Noelle as Hope Logan, “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) Cynthia Watros as Nina Reeves, “General Hospital” (ABC)

Supporting Performance in a Daytime Drama Series: Actress

WINNER: Courtney Hope as Sally Spectra, “The Young and the Restless” (CBS) Jennifer Gareis as Donna Logan, “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) Linsey Godfrey as Sarah Horton, “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) Allison Lanier as Summer Newman Abbott, “The Young and the Restless” (CBS) Emily O’Brien as Gwen Rizczech, “Days of our Lives” (Peacock)

Supporting Performance in a Daytime Drama Series: Actor

WINNER: Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford, “General Hospital” (ABC) Bryton James as Devon Winters, “The Young and the Restless” (CBS) Wally Kurth as Justin Kiriakis, “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) A Martinez as Nardo Ramos, “The Bay” (Popstar! TV) Mike Manning as Caleb McKinnon, “The Bay” (Popstar! TV)

Guest Performance in a Daytime Drama Series

WINNER: Dick Van Dyke as Mystery Man/Timothy Robicheaux, “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) Linden Ashby as Cameron Kirsten, “The Young and the Restless” (CBS) Ashley Jones as Dr. Bridget Forrester, “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) Alley Mills as Heather Webber, “General Hospital” (ABC) Guy Pearce as Mike Young, “Neighbours” (Amazon Freevee)

Daytime Talk Host

WINNER: Mark Consuelos, Kelly Ripa, “Live with Kelly and Mark” (Syndicated) Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Alyssa Farah Griffin, Sara Haines, Sunny Hostin, Ana Navarro, “The View” (ABC) Kelly Clarkson, “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated) Akbar Gbajabiamila, Amanda Kloots, Natalie Morales, Jerry O’Connell, Sheryl Underwood, “The Talk” (CBS) Tamron Hall, “Tamron Hall” (Syndicated)

WINNER: Kevin Frazier, Nischelle Turner, Matt Cohen, Cassie DiLaura, Denny Directo, Will Marfuggi, Rachel Smith, “Entertainment Tonight” (Syndicated) Frank Caprio, “Caught in Providence” (Facebook Watch) Deborah Norville, Steven Fabian, Lisa Guerrero, Ann Mercogliano, Jim Moret, Les Trent, “Inside Edition” (Syndicated) Star Jones, Robert Hernandez, “Divorce Court” (Syndicated) Judge Judy Sheindlin, Whitney Kumar, Kevin Rasco, Sarah Rose, “Judy Justice” (Amazon Freevee)

Writing Team for a Daytime Drama Series

WINNER: “General Hospital” (ABC) “The Bay” (Popstar! TV) “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) “The Young and the Restless” (CBS)

Directing Team for a Daytime Drama Series

Culinary Series

WINNER: “Be My Guest with Ina Garten” (Food Network) “Family Dinner” (Magnolia Network) “Selena + Chef: Home for the Holidays” (Food Network) “Valerie’s Home Cooking” (Food Network) “What Am I Eating? with Zooey Deschanel” (Max)

NIGHT TWO: The 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Creative Arts & Lifestyle Awards

Legal/Courtroom Program

WINNER: “Judy Justice” (Amazon Freevee) “Hot Bench” (Syndicated) “Justice For The People with Judge Milian” (Syndicated) “The People’s Court” (Syndicated) “We The People with Judge Lauren Lake” (Syndicated)

Travel, Adventure and Nature Program

WINNER: “Animals Up Close with Bertie Gregory” (National Geographic) “Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper” (National Geographic) “Guy’s All-American Road Trip” (Food Network) “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild” (NBC) “Street Somm” (Tastemade)

Instructional/How-To Program

WINNER: “Hack My Home” (Netflix) “Fixer to Fabulous” (HGTV) “Fixer Upper: The Hotel” (Magnolia Network) “Martha Gardens” (Roku) “Windy City Rehab” (HGTV)

Lifestyle Program

WINNER: “Downey’s Dream Cars” (Max) “George to the Rescue” (NBC) “Growing Floret” (Magnolia Network) “Homegrown” (Magnolia Network) “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” (Netflix)

Arts and Popular Culture Program

WINNER: “Oprah and ‘The Color Purple’ Journey” (Max) “Billion Dollar Babies: The True Story of the Cabbage Patch Kids” (Vimeo) “King of Collectibles: The Goldin Touch” (Netflix) “Off Script With The Hollywood Reporter” (SundanceTV) “ Variety Studio: Actors on Actors” (PBS) “Working in the Theatre” (

Educational and Informational Program

WINNER: “Leveling Lincoln” (PBS) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Harlem Globetrotters Play It Forward” (NBC) “Ireland Made with Love” (PBS) “What Really Happened: America’s Wild” (National Geographic)

Daytime Special

WINNER: “Culture Quest: Ukraine” (PBS) “Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade” (ABC) “97th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade” (NBC) “Recipe for Change: Celebrating Black Men” (SpringHill) “Unexpected” (Hulu)

Short Form Program

WINNER: “The Dads” (Netflix) “Catalyst” (LinkedIn News) “Hollywood Atelier: Rob Pickens” (The Hollywood Reporter) “How Una Pizza Napoletana Became the No.1 Ranked Pizza in the World” (Eater) “Temple of Film: 100 Years of the Egyptian Theatre” (Netflix)

Culinary Host

WINNER: Buddy Valastro, “Legends of the Fork” (A&E) Lidia Bastianich, “25 Years with Lidia: A Culinary Jubilee” (PBS) Valerie Bertinelli, “Valerie’s Home Cooking” (Food Network) Eduardo Garcia, “Big Sky Kitchen with Eduardo Garcia” (Magnolia Network) Emeril Lagasse, “Emeril Cooks” (Roku) Sophia Roe, “Counter Space” (Tastemade)

Daytime Personality — Non-Daily

WINNER: Christian Cooper, “Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper” (National Geographic) Samantha Brown, “Samantha Brown’s Places To Love” (PBS) Derrick Campana, “The Wizard of Paws” (BYUtv) Zoë François, Andrew Zimmern, “Holiday Party with Andrew & Zoë” (Magnolia Network) Jet Tila, “Ready Jet Cook” (Food Network)

Writing Team for a Daytime Non-Fiction Series

WINNER: “Reconnecting Roots” (PBS) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild” (NBC) “Super Animals” (Syndicated) “Team Rubicon” (Roku)

WINNER: “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” (Netflix) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Billion Dollar Babies: The True Story of the Cabbage Patch Kids” (Vimeo) “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild” (NBC) “Searching for Soul Food” (Hulu) “TrueSouth” (ESPN/ABC/SEC Network)

Directing Team for a Multiple-Camera Daytime Non-Fiction Program

WINNER: “The View” (ABC) “Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade” (ABC) “The Drew Barrymore Show” (Syndicated) “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated) “Turning The Tables with Robin Roberts” (Disney+)

Outstanding Music Direction and Composition

WINNER: “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” (Netflix) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild” (NBC) “Mysteries of the Faith” (Netflix) “Temple of Film: 100 Years of the Egyptian Theatre” (Netflix)

Original Song

WINNER: “We’re Home” (Reconnecting Roots) (PBS) “Shine” (“General Hospital”) (ABC) “Unexpected Truth” (“Unexpected”) (Hulu)

Lighting Direction

WINNER: “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated) “General Hospital” (ABC) “The Jennifer Hudson Show” (Syndicated) “The View” (ABC)

Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video

WINNER: “Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade” (ABC) “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated)


WINNER: “Animals Up Close with Bertie Gregory” (National Geographic) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” (Netflix) “Living For The Dead” (Hulu) “Oracles of God: The Story of the Old Testament” (CBN)

Single Camera Editing

WINNER: “Drive with Swizz Beatz” (Hulu) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” (Netflix) “Oprah and ‘The Color Purple’ Journey” (Max) “Searching for Soul Food” (Hulu)

Multiple Camera Editing

WINNER: “TrueSouth” (ESPN/ABC/SEC Network) “Family Ingredients” (PBS) “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated) “Team Rubicon” (Roku) “The Wizard of Paws” (BYUtv)

Outstanding Live Sound Mixing and Sound Editing

WINNER: “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated) “The Jennifer Hudson Show” (Syndicated) “The Talk” (CBS) “Tamron Hall” (Syndicated)

Sound Mixing and Sound Editing

WINNER: “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” (Netflix) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Downey’s Dream Cars” (Max) “Drive with Swizz Beatz” (Hulu) “Temple of Film: 100 Years of the Egyptian Theatre” (Netflix)

Main Title and Graphic Design

WINNER: “Searching for Soul Food” (Hulu) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Car Masters: Rust to Riches” (Netflix) “Super Animals” (Syndicated) “Tex Mex Motors” (Netflix)

WINNER: “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “Days of our Lives” (Peacock) “General Hospital” (ABC) “Start Up” (PBS) “The Young and the Restless” (CBS)

Art Direction/Set Direction/Scenic Design

WINNER: “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “The Drew Barrymore Show” (Syndicated) “General Hospital” (ABC) “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (Syndicated) “The View” (ABC) “The Young and the Restless” (CBS)

Costume Design/Styling

WINNER: “The Bold and the Beautiful” (CBS) “African Queens: Njinga” (Netflix) “The Jennifer Hudson Show” (Syndicated)j “Sherri” (Syndicated)

Hairstyling and Makeup

Among this year’s category changes, eliminated is the category for outstanding promotional announcement. Meanwhile, the categories devoted to outstanding writing for a daytime non-fiction series and outstanding writing for daytime non-fiction special have been merged into a new category: Outstanding writing for a daytime non-fiction program. And the daytime program host category has been split into two categories: “daytime personality–daily,” and “daytime personality—non-daily.”

At the 2023 event, which awarded programs that aired through the 2022 calendar year, “General Hospital” dominated the competition, winning seven awards, while “The Kelly Clarkson Show” pulled off six wins.

Associated Television International produce the Daytime Emmys with NATAS. ATI also produced Daytime Emmy Award ceremonies on The CW in 2009 and on CBS in 2010, 2011, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Adam Sharp and Lisa Ar

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Long COVID Basics

  • Long COVID is a serious illness that can result in chronic conditions requiring comprehensive care.
  • Long COVID can include a wide range of ongoing symptoms and conditions that can last weeks, months, or even years after COVID-19 illness.
  • Anyone who had a SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus that causes COVID-19, can experience Long COVID, including children.
  • COVID-19 vaccination is the best available tool to prevent Long COVID.
  • Living with Long COVID can be difficult and isolating, especially when there are no immediate answers or solutions.

About Long COVID

Long COVID is defined as a chronic condition that occurs after SARS-CoV-2 infection and is present for at least 3 months. Long COVID includes a wide range of symptoms or conditions that may improve, worsen, or be ongoing.

Long COVID occurs more often in people who had severe COVID-19 illness, but anyone who gets COVID-19 can experience it, including children.

Most people with Long COVID experience symptoms days after first learning they had COVID-19, but some people who later develop Long COVID do not know when they were infected. People can be reinfected with SARS-CoV-2 multiple times. Each time a person is infected with SARS-CoV-2, they have a risk of developing Long COVID. Long COVID symptoms and conditions can emerge, persist, resolve, and reemerge over weeks and months. These symptoms and conditions can range from mild to severe, may require comprehensive care, and can even result in a disability .

While rates of new cases of Long COVID have decreased since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains a serious public health concern as millions of U.S. adults and children have been affected by Long COVID.

Signs and symptoms

woman sitting on floor

People with Long COVID can have a wide variety of symptoms that can range from mild to severe and may be similar to symptoms from other illnesses. Symptoms can last weeks, months, or years after COVID-19 illness and can emerge, persist, resolve, and reemerge over different lengths of time. Long COVID may not affect everyone the same way. Some people can experience health problems from different types and combinations of symptoms that may:

  • Be difficult to recognize or diagnose
  • Require comprehensive care
  • Result in disability

Fatigue, brain fog, and post-exertional malaise (PEM) are commonly reported symptoms, but more than 200 Long COVID symptoms have been identified.

General symptoms 

  • Tiredness or fatigue that interferes with daily life
  • Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort

  Respiratory and heart symptoms

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)

  Neurological symptoms

  • Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
  • Sleep problems
  • Dizziness when you stand up (lightheadedness)
  • Pins-and-needles feelings
  • Change in smell or taste
  • Depression or anxiety

  Digestive symptoms

  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation

  Other symptoms

  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Changes in menstrual cycles

Symptoms that are hard to explain and manage

Some people with Long COVID have symptoms that are hard to explain or difficult to manage. There is no laboratory test that can determine if your unexplained symptoms are due to Long COVID. People with these unexplained symptoms may sometimes even be misunderstood or experience stigma. This can result in a delay in diagnosis and receiving the appropriate care or treatment. Long COVID treatment is focused on managing symptoms, reducing their impact on daily activities, and improving your quality of life.

Talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms that are hard to explain or that persist, or if you think you or your child has Long COVID.


Some people, especially those who had severe COVID-19, may experience multi-organ effects or autoimmune conditions lasting weeks, months, or even years after COVID-19 illness. Multi-organ effects can involve many body systems, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, and brain. Symptoms for many of these multi-organ complications are similar to commonly reported Long COVID symptoms. As a result of these effects, people who have had COVID-19 may be more likely to develop new or worsening of health conditions such as:

  • Heart conditions
  • Blood clots
  • Neurological conditions

Who is at risk

group illustration

While anyone who gets COVID-19 can develop Long COVID, studies have shown that some groups of people are more likely to develop Long COVID than others, including (not a comprehensive list):

  • Hispanic and Latino people
  • People who have experienced more severe COVID-19 illness, especially those who were hospitalized or needed intensive care
  • People with underlying health conditions and adults who are 65 or older
  • People who did not get a COVID-19 vaccine

Health inequities affect populations at risk for Long COVID

Health inequities from disability , economic, geographic, and other social factors disproportionately affect some groups of people. These inequities can increase the risk of negative health outcomes and impact from Long COVID.

CDC emphasizes core strategies  to lower health risks from COVID-19, including severe outcomes such as hospitalization and death. Preventing severe outcomes from COVID-19 illness helps prevent Long COVID. Steps you can take to protect yourself and others include:

  • Staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccination .
  • Practicing good hygiene  (practices like handwashing that improve cleanliness)
  • Taking steps for cleaner air
  • Use precautions to prevent spread
  • Seek healthcare promptly for testing and/or treatment if you have risk factors for severe illness ; treatment  may help lower your risk of severe illness

Research shows COVID-19 vaccination  is the best available tool to prevent Long COVID.

Testing and diagnosis

Long COVID is not one illness. There is no laboratory test that can determine if your symptoms or conditions are due to Long COVID. A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is not required for a Long COVID diagnosis. Your healthcare provider considers a diagnosis of Long COVID based on:

  • Your health history
  • If you had a diagnosis of COVID-19 by a positive test, symptoms, or exposure
  • A health examination

Clinical evaluations and results of routine blood tests, chest X-rays, and electrocardiograms may be normal in someone with Long COVID. People experiencing Long COVID should seek care from a healthcare provider to create a personal medical management plan and improve their symptoms and quality of life. Talk to your healthcare provider if you think you or your child has Long COVID.

Similar conditions

Some people experiencing Long COVID symptoms have symptoms similar to those reported by people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)  and other poorly understood chronic illnesses that may occur after other infections. These unexplained symptoms or conditions may be misunderstood by healthcare providers, which can result in a delay in diagnosis and people receiving the appropriate care or treatment.

What CDC is doing

CDC is working with other federal agencies to better understand and address the long-term impacts of Long COVID , who gets Long COVID, and why. CDC supports these goals by:

  • Partnering with state and local jurisdictions
  • Supporting healthcare providers
  • Promoting and conducting research

Studies are in progress to learn more about Long COVID and identify further measures to help prevent Long COVID. CDC and partners use multiple approaches to support and conduct research that estimates:

  • How many people experience Long COVID and why
  • Which groups of people are disproportionately impacted by Long COVID
  • How new variants may affect Long COVID
  • The role that COVID-19 vaccination plays in preventing Long COVID

Each approach helps CDC and its partners better understand Long COVID and how healthcare providers can treat or support patients living with these long-term effects. CDC posts data on Long COVID and provides analyses. The most recent CDC data and analyses on Long COVID can be found on the  U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey . CDC will continue to share information with healthcare providers to help them evaluate and manage these conditions.

  • The Office of Long COVID Research and Practice (OLC) (HHS)
  • Long COVID (Veterans Affairs)
  • Coronavirus Resources (Department of Labor)
  • RECOVER COVID Initiative

Long COVID Reports

  • A Long COVID Definition: A Chronic, Systemic Disease State with Profound Consequences | The National Academies Press
  • Long-Term Health Effects of COVID-19: Disability and Function Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection | The National Academies Press
  • Implementation of the Government-wide Response to Long COVID (HHS)
  • National Research Action Plan (
  • Services and Supports for Longer-Term Impacts of COVID-19
  • Health+ Long Covid Human-Centered Design Report (HHS)
  • Whole Health System Approach to Long COVID (Veterans Affairs)

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Celine Dion Opens Up About Her Incurable Stiff-Person Syndrome In Rare Interview Teased By ‘Today’

By Bruce Haring

Bruce Haring


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A frail Céline Dion has granted her first televised interview since being diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome in 2022.

The five-time Grammy winner talked about her condition to NBC News ‘ Hoda Kotb . A first-look of their talk ran on the Today show this morning.

“It’s like somebody is strangling you. It’s like somebody is pushing your larynx/pharynx,” she said of the disease, briefly altering her voice to demonstrate the effect. “It was like talking like that, and you cannot go high or lower.”

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The condition sometimes feels like it locks on to a certain body area.

“It feels like, if I point my feet, they will stay in [that position],” she said. “Or, if I cook — because I love to cook — my fingers, my hands, will get in position… It’s cramping. But it’s like in a position where you cannot unlock them.”

Stiff-person syndrome is an incurable neurological disease that can cause debilitating muscle spasms.

Its advent caused Dion to cancel all upcoming performances.

“Unfortunately, these spasms affect every aspect of my daily life … sometimes causing difficulties when I walk and not allowing me to use my vocal cords to sing the way I’m used to,” she said at the time.

“All I know is singing,” she added. “It’s what I’ve done all my life. And it’s what I love to do the most.”

Kotb spoke to co-host Jenna Bush on Today about the interview, which took place last month.

“[Céline] is now much better, but at some point she almost died, which is something that she says. It was a scary time, and she’s dealing with this,” Kotb said.

Dion’s conversation with Kotb airs in full on Tuesday, June 11, at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.

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