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150 Inspiring Picture Writing Prompts To Spark Creativity (Free Google Slides)

Use a picture to write a thousand words!

Picture writing prompts including a cartoon cat and mouse and a portrait of a Black family from the 1930s

Creative writing is a challenge for many students, often because they can’t come up with anything to write about. That’s why we love picture writing prompts. Each one sparks the imagination and helps young writers jump right into crafting a story to match. We rounded up a whole collection of intriguing images for use with kids in grades K-12 along. Plus we designed a set of free Google Slides featuring all of the prompts so you can easily share them with students.

Tip: Start by showing students the picture (or let them choose from among several) without making any comment about what they’re seeing. For kids who still struggle to get started, suggest a potential title or opening sentence, like the examples included here.

Don’t miss our free downloadable. Grab your full set of ready-to-go Picture Writing Prompts Google Slides with all of the prompts below.

Elementary Picture Writing Prompts

Middle school picture writing prompts, high school picture writing prompts, art picture writing prompts.

When kids first see these picture writing prompts, they may or may not immediately feel inspired. If they need some help, ask them questions like “What led up to this moment?” or “What’s going to happen next?”

Dog holding a rose in its mouth, with a heart-shaped cloud in the sky

When Larry fell in love, he fell hard.

Lighted sign reading ASK hanging from a building

When the new sign appeared on Main Street, everyone in town wondered exactly what it meant.

Snowy Footprints

A series of random footprints in the snow

After that crazy day, all that was left to show for it was footprints in the snow.

Dinosaur Bones

Child hiding inside a large toothy skull, reaching out a hand

“Come with me if you want to live!” Ash said, reaching out a hand.

Undersea Treasure

Goldfish swimming around a closed treasure chest sitting in the sand under the water

For years, no one saw the locked treasure chest but the local fish, who wondered what it could contain.

A Game of Fetch

A claymation dog bringing a stick to a snowman in a snowy scene

To Scout, it was a game, but to Mr. Freezy, it was much more.

Ladybug Gossip

Of pair of spotted red ladybugs perched on a leaf

The ladybug’s picnic was an excellent chance to meet up with old friends and hear all the latest gossip.

Two children peering in through a barred window

We met them when they peeked into our window, watching us as we ate lunch and watched cartoons.

King of the Jungle

Majestic lion perched on a log wearing a crown

It wasn’t the crown that made Amari the king of all he surveyed.

The Final Pitch

Small child waiting at home base for a baseball pitch that's about to arrive

It all came down to this—the final pitch in a game that was tied 2-2.

Doggie Massage

Two dogs sitting in a way that looks like one is giving the other a back massage

Every dog in the neighborhood knew that Rocky gave the best massages and was always willing to lend an ear too.

Skateboard Life

Girl in a striped shirt and red headband posing with a skateboard in front of some graffiti

When Charli got her first skateboard, she made herself a promise.

Garden of the Past

Painting of a woman in old-fashioned clothing walking in a cottage garden

The woman walked in the garden every day, never saying a word.

Sunset Friends

Two children on a jungle gym silhouetted against a setting sun

They met on the jungle gym every day at sunset, sharing everything about their days.

Pink Umbrellas

A sunny alleyway with pink umbrellas strung across it

When the pink umbrellas first appeared, Toni thought they might be magic.

Firefly Forest

Illustration of a forest at night filled with fireflies

Olivia was surprised to discover that the fireflies didn’t just glow, they also sang.

Robot Spider

A large mechanical spider standing on a stormy beach

When it first crawled ashore, the mechanical spider moved slowly.

Fallen House

House tipped on its side following a hurricane

Staring at their house, which was now on its side, the whole family was in shock.

Red Riding Hood

A young girl wearing a red hooded cape riding a brown horse in the forest

If only she’d been riding her faithful steed the day she’d met the Big Bad Wolf, things might have been very different.

Kangaroo Fall

A kangaroo sprawled on its back in the grass

“Well, this is embarrassing,” thought Bouncer, as laughter filled the air around him.

A child's hand-drawn sign for a lost cat attached to a tree

Daci’s big brother said her signs wouldn’t help them find their runaway cat, but he was wrong.

Penguin Bookshop

An illustration of a penguin wearing a top hat, standing in a booksshop

A visit to Mr. Pickerel’s Penguin Bookshop is always an adventure.

A carton of colorful eggs with faces drawn on them

Of all the eggs in the carton, Ella was the one who could always crack you up.

Children writing a fairground swing ride

That was the year Min was finally tall enough to ride the Sky Swings, but now she wasn’t so sure.

Rubber Duck Parade

A row of rubber ducks in various costumes floating down a water-filled gutter

It was truly an honor to be asked to lead the Spring Duck Parade.

Teddy Story Time

Three teddy bears posed to look as if they're reading a book

Every afternoon, the three friends gathered for story time in their favorite spot in the woods.

Underwater School

A child sitting at a desk, looking out the window at fish swimming by

Nia thought going to school underwater would be exciting, but some days she really missed going outside for recess.

A red ball with a smiley face floating on the water

The day Amos started his journey down the river, the sun was shining brightly.

Turtle Trouble

A grumpy looking sea turtle floating in clear water

“None shall pass,” growled the old sea turtle, blocking the way.

Dinosaur Race

An illustration of a young girl racing alongside a dinosaur

Pia was supposed to keep Balthazar on a leash, but once they reached the forest, she set him free and they both began to run.

Finally Seeing Eye to Eye

Cartoon illustration of a large bear with a tiny mouse standing on its nose, looking into its eyes (Picture Writing Prompts)

“So, we meet at last, face to face,” Lord Squeakerton said to his enemy, the Count of Catnip.

Monkey face with mouth and eyes open in surprise

It takes a lot to surprise a monkey, but you don’t see something like this every day.

Not Coming Out

Child hiding behind a heap of pillows on a beige couch (Picture Writing Prompts)

The day started out normally enough, but by the end, Chris knew he was in over his head.

Life on Other Planets

A space scene showing a robot and robot dog standing on the surface of an alien planet, with a domed habitat behind them

“Hurry up,” Grnklor told his robopup. “We have to get back inside before nightfall.”

Reindeer Games

Boy leading a reindeer along a snowy path into the setting sun (Picture Writing Prompts)

The wind had died down, but the setting sun seemed to take all the warmth of the day with it.

Something to Celebrate

A young boy raises his arms in triumph as a young girl points at a computer screen, smiling (Picture Writing Prompts)

Their classmates could hear their shouts of joy from all the way down the hall.

Home Sweet Mushroom

Illustration of a mushroom turned into a house, with a fence and lighted windows, under a full moon

When the fairies that lived in the garden invited her to stay with them for awhile, Maria wasn’t sure what to expect.

Loch Ness Mystery

Model of the Loch Ness Monster rising from a lake

“There it is! I told you Nessie is real!” Angus whispered to Lee.

Lonely Bear

Worn teddy bear sitting on a stone bridge

It was hard to say who was lonelier that night, Amil or his lost stuffed bear, Jasper.

Sometimes You Lose

Boy sitting on the ground with his face in his hands

When his team lost the championship, Miguel was crushed, but it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.   

Middle school writing prompts can be a little more complex, with pictures that have a lot of potential interpretations. Encourage students to delve deeper into the story by describing how the characters feel and why they behave the way they do.

A pair of light blue Converse sneakers

Morgan was incredibly proud of those shoes, paid for entirely with money from after-school jobs.

Never Lose Hope

Splotch of green paint with the words

With his last bit of energy, Kai scrawled his message in the wet paint.

Computer keyboard with a red button reading Get Me Out of Here

The keyboard button could only be used once, and no one knew exactly what happened when you pressed it.

Piano Lessons

A young child's hands on a piano keyboard

Before she could even speak, Arya was drawn to the black and white keys.

Rolled fern front photoshopped to look as if a baby is sleeping inside

There was no doubt about it, this was was indeed a very special kind of garden.

A person wearing a dingy bunny costume standing on the end of a dock

No matter how you looked at it, it had been a very rough day to be the Easter Bunny.

Empty Chairs

Four empty beach chairs on the shore, with seagulls flying overhead.

By sunset, all four chairs were empty, and the only signs of life were the gulls swooping down from above.

Floating Treasure

Two black birds sitting on a chest floating in the water

To the birds, it was simply a convenient place to land, but Ali and I knew it was much more than that.

Shadow Question

A pair of sneakers and a person's shadow in a puddle

That was the day they discovered that just because you were invisible didn’t mean your shadow was.

Letter and Key

An old key lying on an old handwritten letter

The day she turned 12, Vivi’s aunt handed her an envelope containing the family secret.

Space Target

An illustration of a woman aiming an arrow at a target against an outer space landscape

Onyx paused, knowing that once their arrow hit the target, there was no knowing what would happen.

Mermaid Mystery

A mysterious figure that could be a mermaid, seen from below

It was a mermaid—or was it?

World on a String

A girl standing on a path, holding a suitcase and a bunch of balloons that look like planets

Her dad had promised to give her the world, but she wasn’t expecting three more planets as well.

Bee Standoff

Two bees face ot face on a purple flower

“This flower ain’t big enough for the both of us!” said Bianca.

Solitary Seat

A leather chair next to an old woodstove with a valise and old books

For as long as anyone could remember, Angus McGee spent his evenings in the same chair next to the woodstove.

Best Friends

A little girl holding a very large teddy bear, dragging it down a dirt road

When you decide to run away from home forever, you can’t possibly leave your best friend behind.

Dinosaur Demise

Illustration of dinosaurs panicking as a meteor is about to hit the earth

In retrospect, setting the time machine to randomly choose a day and time in the past might not have been such a good idea.

Magic Lamps

A collection of green

“Choose wisely,” said the old shopkeeper, “for only one of these lamps is truly magic.”

Message in a Bottle

Glass bottle on a seashore with a rolled up paper inside

The message floated at sea for more than 50 years before the day we found it on the beach.

Barrel Boat

Man wearing a life jacket and paddling half a barrel in a lake

Of all the ways to impress someone, Jonah thought to himself, this had to be one of the most ridiculous.

Dragon Guardian

A child sitting in the grass, with a dragon curled up around her

When your parents give you your own dragon guardian, your childhood is bound to be enchanted.

Octopus’s Garden

Diver encountering a large octopus with fish in the background (Middle School Picture Writing Prompts)

Wouldn’t you like to be under the sea, in an octopus’s garden in the shade?

Around the Corner

Girl peering around a corner at a boy walking a dog

After finally pressing “send,” she couldn’t resist peeking around the corner to watch him read the text.

Beam Me Up!

Small child sitting in a field watching a flying saucer beam up its tricycle (Middle School Picture Writing Prompts)

Milo’s earliest memory was of watching his beloved tricycle float into the sky above him, caught in a beam of light.

Poison Apple

A red apple held in a skeleton's hand

To join the club, all Aaron had to do was creep up and snatch the apple from the skeleton’s hand without being seen.

Giraffe Council

Three giraffes shown from the neck up against a cloudy blue sku

“It is now 3 p.m., and I call this meeting of the Mighty Council of Giraffes to order,” announced Imari.

Mystery Creature

Computer illustrated creature with blue scales, pink spikes, and large eyes

At first glance, it was hard to tell whether the little creature was friend or foe.

Woman leaping across a chasm silhouetted by an orange sky

As the sky turned orange, Keisha ran faster than ever and used the last of her energy to push off and soar over the water below.

The End of Days

A boy stands with his bicycle watching as bombs rain down on a city skyline (Picture Writing Prompts)

Despite their best efforts, they arrived too late—the battle had already begun.

Out of the Book

Woman dressed in a blue ball gown peering out of a book lit from inside, with a mouse nearby

“Happily ever after” was about to take on a whole new meaning.

Stopped Clock

Old broken alarm clock stopped at 11:17

I was sure that the time on the broken clock was the clue to solving the mystery.

Dueling Webs

Two dew-covered spiderwebs in the early morning sun

It’s never a good idea to build your web too close to another spider’s, but this time I had no choice.

Do Shoes Grow on Trees?

A bare tree covered with hanging pairs of shoes against a clear blue sky

The day I threw my own shoes into the tree was the day I really started to grow up.

Abstract Art

Closeup of splotches of colorful paint

“So,” asked their art teacher, “what do you think this painting means?”

Wandering Robots

Small cardboard robot in a field of daisies (Picture Writing Prompts)

Everything about NB-317 was made of cardboard except his heart—that was made of flesh and blood and very capable of being broken.

Dream Come True

Blue house floating in the sky above mountains, held up by blue balloons

It all started when Quinn watched her favorite movie the night before they assigned partners for the eighth grade science fair project.

Mysterious Cave

Rocky cave with strange geometric patterns in the rock

The cave was unlike anything we’d ever seen before, and what was more, it almost seemed like the rock was alive.

Storm at Sea

A pirate ship on stormy seas, with a purple sky and dramatic streaks of lightning

As the rain lashed his face and lightning tore apart the sky, Kiran had to admit he’d always thought it would be a lot more fun being a pirate.

Grasshopper Close-Up

A closeup view of a grasshopper looking directly at the camera

That’s when Javed realized it wasn’t that the grasshopper was too big—it was that he was suddenly very, very small.

UFO Parking

Sign saying UFO Parking with picture of a flying saucer

“Well, that’s convenient,” Javdok remarked to Qabow when they saw the sign.   

High school writers are ready to dig deep, exploring character development and detailed plots. These pictures offer a jumping-off point to set their imaginations free.

Cyborg Girl

An altered image showing a young girl in a black dress with a white collar, with a neck made of mechanical gears

When she was 14, Tasha’s parents finally told her the truth about what she really was.

BBQ Cookout

Barbeque grill with many different kinds of meat

“So, I’m guessing no one told you I’m a vegetarian?” asked Sadie with a smile.

Hands holding up a phone with a picture of a baby's face in front an old man's face

The latest app was like a time machine, allowing people to look back in time, but it also had a dark side.

Woman sitting on a sidewalk with her head on her knees as others walk by

She was surrounded by people but never felt more alone.

Hippo Troubles

A hippo mother and baby with its mouth open

Like all parents, hippos sometimes really need a break from their kids.

iPad Farmer

Old man in overalls using an iPad while snapping green beans

Grandpa Jack never failed to surprise us.

Marching Band Blues

Black man in a red shirt sitting on a bench, wearing a sousaphone

Kaleel sat sadly on the bench, watching the rest of the band march away in jaunty time to the music.

Never-Ending Tunnel

A white-tiled tunnel stretching far into the distance

The tunnel seemed to stretch to infinity, but Jayma knew what was at the end, and it terrified her.

Carving Out Love

A birch tree with

For years, we wondered who “WP” was, and who it was who loved them so much they carved it into a tree for all to see.

Glowing Globe

Man holding a glowing globe in a misty library

Just then, the globe began to glow, and Jaxson knew he was about to leap through space and time once again—destination unknown.

See No Evil

Three skeletons posed in the classic

It seemed like a funny joke to pose the skeletons in front of old Mrs. Petoski’s house, but then she turned up dead, and the police said it was murder.

Upside Down

Woman hanging upside down from the ceiling in a kitchen

It’s an odd feeling to wake up one morning and find yourself able to walk on the ceiling.

Face at the Fence

Child with their face pressed up against a wire fence

So much depended on which side of the fence you were on.

Bicycle Race

Three people competing in a bicycle race

Finley had trained too hard for this race to come in third—it just wasn’t good enough.

Family Travels

Vintage photo of a Black family strapping luggage to a car, with a young girl posing in front

In the picture, my grandmother’s expression is hard to interpret, but she’s told me the story many times.

Laundromat Antics

A pair of legs waving out of a dryer in a laundromat

Dani never expected to meet her first love feet first.

Black and white photo of a wedding ring lying on a sheet of notepaper saying "I'm sorry!"

Molly’s mom probably didn’t mean for her to be the one to find the note, but that’s how things turned out.

Through the Storm

Pickup truck driving through flooded streets in a storm

Javier knew it would have been smarter to stay put, but he had to make sure his mom was safe before the worst of the storm arrived.

Lifetime Friends

Two babies holding hands while being held by adults

They’d been friends for as long as they could remember—even longer, in fact.

Stray Kitten

A small kitten facing a person's legs, in black and white

“I am NOT taking you home with me,” Kai told the tiny mewling kitten firmly.

Abandoned Greenhouse

Woman inside an abandoned ramshackle greenhouse in the woods

Willow was free to leave at any time, but she couldn’t make herself go.

A fence topped by rolls of razor wire against a blue sky

Amani’s earliest memory was razor wire—miles and miles of it.

Church Graveyard

An old graveyard outside a stone church

Everyone feels differently in a graveyard, but for me, they’re very peaceful places.

Orb of Death

A hooded figure folding out a crystal ball with a spooky image in it

“Do you really want to know?” Death asked. “Because once you know, you won’t be able to forget.”

Missed Shot

Men in wheelchairs playing basketball, as one laments a missed shot

Steve was sure his shot would make it, but it bounced off the rim just as the buzzer rang to end the game.

First Contact

Alien figure with a human in a spacesuit visible in the window behind them (High School Picture Writing Prompts)

This was it—the moment that would change what it meant to be human forever.

One Life To Live

An old man wearing a cowboy hat sits in front of a house (Picture Writing Prompts)

His face said his life had been a hard one, but his eyes told a different tale.

Winter Walk

Snow-covered field with a winding trail of footprints

Snow fell, creating a blank canvas to record the story of that fateful walk.

Train to Nowhere

Sepia-toned image of an old sleeper train car in disrepair

It certainly wasn’t the most luxurious way to travel, but then again, no one really wanted to make this trip in the first place.

Modern Mary Poppins

Woman standing in the middle of a wheat field on a gray day, holding an umbrella and bag

She dropped into our lives on a gray day in midwinter, a hint of the spring that was to come.

All That Remains

A chair sits in the hallway of an abandoned building under a shaft of light from above (High School Picture Writing Prompts)

Dust motes filled the air of the abandoned hallway, replacing the voices once heard there.

A very small bunny being carried in a shirt pocket

From the day he found the little creature, Luis refused to go anywhere without him.

The Question

Figure holding flowers behind its back, with a woman turning to look in the background

Their happily ever after began quietly, with a bouquet of wildflowers.

Night Lights

A person holding an umbrella walks down an alley toward a street filled with neon lights

Misty rain both blurred and emphasized the lights that lit Suri’s way home that evening.

Forest of Fear

Black and white photo of tree trunks with arms and hands reach out from behind them (Picture Writing Prompts)

At first, Mateo thought it was a joke, but the screams that followed told him there was nothing remotely funny about it.

Closeup of a human eye, with the pupil represented as a camera lens

At the elite level, being a spy meant serious commitments.

The Yellow Door

A row of white doors with one yellow door (Picture Writing Prompts)

On their 14th birthday, every resident of Fresnia was required to stand before the Wall of Doors and make a choice.

Graffiti Palace

Abandoned warehouse with graffiti on the walls

To strangers, it seemed random, but every mark on those walls had deep meaning for us.

Fossil Fish

Fish fossil in light-colored stone

Millions of years ago, the fish gave one final flop before lying still in the deep mud.

On the Rails

Woman standing on railroad tracks holding a guitar and looking off into the distant sunset (Picture Writing Prompts)

Aliyah stood on the tracks, uncertain of where to go next.

These picture prompts are all works of art, some more well known than others. Try providing them to students without sharing the titles first, then offer up the titles if they need some help getting started.

The Dance Class (Edgar Degas)

The Dance Class by Edgar Degas

Greek Funerary Plaque (520-510 BCE)

Greek Funerary Plaque

Washington Crossing the Delaware (Emanuel Leutze)

Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze

Kyōsai’s Pictures of One Hundred Demons

Kyōsai’s Pictures of One Hundred Demons

First Steps, After Millet (Vincent van Gogh)

First Steps by Vincent Van Gogh

Lady Lilith (Dante Gabriel Rossetti)

Lady Lilith by Dante Gabriel Rosetti

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (Georges Seurat)

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat

After the Hurricane, Bahamas (Winslow Homer)

After the Hurricane, Bahamas by Winslow Homer

Drawing Lots for Prizes (Kitagawa Utamaro)

Drawing Lots for Prizes by Kitagawa Utamaro

Portions of Field Armor (Jacob Halder)

Portions of a Field Armor by Jacob Halder

Sadie Pfeifer, a Cotton Mill Spinner (Lewis Wickes Hine)

Sadie Pfeifer, a Cotton Mill Spinner by Lewis Wickes Hine

Still Life With Monkey, Fruits, and Flowers (Jean Baptiste Oudry)

Still Life With Monkey, Fruits, and Flowers by Jean Baptiste Oudry

Man Leading a Giraffe, 5th Century Byzantine

Man Leading a Giraffe, 5th Century Byzantine

The Three Skulls (Paul Cézanne)

The Three Skulls by Paul Cézanne

The Madame B Album (Marie-Blanche Hennelle Fournier)

The Madame B Album by Marie-Blanche Hennelle Fournier

Coiled Trumpet in the Form of a Snarling Feline Face (c. 100 BCE to 500 CE)

Coiled Trumpet in the Form of a Snarling Feline Face (c. 100 BCE to 500 CE)

Crazy Quilt With Animals (Florence Elizabeth Marvin)

Crazy Quilt with Animals by Florence Elizabeth Marvin

Storytime (Eugenio Zampighi)

Storytime by Eugenio Zampighi

Cubist Village (Georges Gaudion)

Cubist Village by Georges Gaudion

Zig-Zag Passenger and Freight Train (Unknown)

Zig-zag Passenger and Freight Train (Unknown)

The Power of Music (William Sidney Mount)

The Power of Music by William Sidney Mount

The Large Tree (Paul Gauguin)

The Large Tree (Paul Gaugin)

After the Bath (Mary Cassatt)

After the Bath (Mary Cassatt)

Wedding Gown (Korea, Late 1800s)

Wedding Gown (Korea, Late 1800s)

The Contemplator (Eugène Carrière)

The Contemplator (Eugène Carrière)

The Girl I Left Behind Me (Eastman Johnson)

The Girl I Left Behind Me (Eastman Johnson)

24c Curtiss Jenny Invert Single

24c Curtiss Jenny invert single

Creeping Baby Doll Patent Model

Creeping Baby Doll Patent Model

Wrecked Zeppelin (British Library)

Wrecked Zeppelin photograph from The British Library

Skeleton (Tales of Terror Frontispiece)

Skeletons Frontispiece from Tales of Terror

Get Your Free Picture Writing Prompts Google Slides

Just click the button below to fill out the form and get instant access to free downloadable Picture Writing Prompts Google Slides with all the prompts included above.

How do you use picture writing prompts in your classroom? Come share ideas and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

These picture writing prompts are a unique way to excite young creative writers. Find options for all grades on a variety of subjects.

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  • Image Prompts

85+ Picture Writing Prompts For Kids (+ Free Printable)

A picture is worth a thousand words. So how many words can you write for these 85 picture writing prompts for kids and grow-ups alike! Pictures, whether something as simple as an apple or as complex as an action scene can spark the imagination in more ways than one.

Of course, when looking at pictures you can take the literal route, and describe whatever you see in front of you. Or you can explore your imagination, and think about the ‘What Ifs..’ of a picture. What if that person is actually upset? What if this picture is of a broken family? What if the world looked like this years ago? A picture can have so many hidden meanings and can hide so many secrets. The slightest detail could mean everything. Just imagine you’re a detective solving a crime from one picture alone. Examine every detail, write it down and think why? Only then can you fully understand a picture.

For more inspiration take part in our daily picture writing prompt challenge . Each day you will be given a new picture prompt to write about.

Picture Prompt Generator

In this post, we have included a mix of simple pictures, story picture prompts, photographs, fantasy images and even some action-packed images.

You can find the complete list of our picture writing prompts below. We’ve also created a smaller PDF version that includes 30 random picture prompts. Download the printable PDF here .

You might also be interested in the following posts:

  • 30 Christmas Pictures To Get You Writing ‘Tis Jolly Season
  • 25+ Halloween Image Prompts For Mastering Horror Stories
  • How to Use Image prompts To Inspire You

150 Picture Prompts To Inspire

Over 85 picture prompts for creative writing, story-telling and descriptive writing assignments:

picture writing prompt 1

How to Use these Prompts

Picture prompts are the perfect writing stimulus especially when you hit writer’s block . Here are a number of ways you can use these picture writing prompts to spark your imagination:

  • Descriptive Writing: Directly describe everything you see in extreme detail. You could even go beyond the physical appearance of things, and explore your other senses, such as smell, hear, feel and taste.
  • Story-Telling: Pick just one image, and tell a whole story based on this one image.
  • Story Starter: Similarly you can pick one image, and use it as the starting place of your story.
  • Collaborative Story-Telling: In a group of 5 – 7 students, each student can have a random picture. The first student uses their picture as the story starter, and then the next student continues the story based on their own image. Keep going until the final student ends the story.
  • Idea Generation: Pick one image and try to think of at least 3 story ideas related to that one image. 
  • Daily Writing Challenge: Give your students 7 images, and tell them to write a description for each image every day. 

These are just some ways to use images as writing prompts. You can also check our post on 8 fun story-telling games using image prompts for more ideas.  Did you find our picture writing prompts useful? Let us know in the comments below!

picture writing prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Story Writing Academy

108 Engaging Creative Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

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Creative writing is the perfect way to get kids interested in writing. Students’ imaginations are bursting with ideas and they’re usually still willing to share them at this age. The more we can get them writing poems, songs, stories, and paragraphs now, the more they’ll start to see themselves as writers with valuable original thoughts worth expressing. For those times when imaginations are running dry and kids need a little inspiration, or when you want them to practice a specific writing skill, these 108 creative writing prompts for 3rd grade are here to spark creativity. Enjoy!

108 Creative Writing prompts for 3rd Grade

Story Starters and Other Narrative Writing Prompts

Writing stories—fictional or real—gives children a chance to develop several creative writing skills. They practice writing dialogue, developing characters, and fashioning situations that ignite their creativity and send them gallivanting down rabbit trails. 

Although 3rd-grade students are still relatively new writers and most won’t produce complete narratives yet, practicing story writing is the best way to introduce concepts like plot, character, conflict, and setting. 

Choose one of these concepts to focus on for several lessons and select third-grade writing prompts that lend themselves well to highlighting these aspects of writing. For example, you might ask students to spend a day or two focusing on their descriptions of the characters in their stories and another few days trying out different types of conflict. 

Later, they might choose to take the parts they like best from these various assignments and put them together to form a larger narrative. 

These story starters are fun writing prompts designed to push kids out of their comfort zones and put their imaginations to work. 

Instructions for students

  • These storytelling prompts are written in a few different styles. Some of them offer you the first line of a story. For these prompts, copy the first line onto your page and continue writing from there. 
  • Other prompts give you a specific situation and then ask you to think about what you might do or say in that situation. They could also ask you to take the idea as a starting point and expand it to make it more your own. Don’t feel like you need to answer the questions directly. They are there to give you more ideas to think about as you develop your story idea. You can write your story as answers to the questions if you like, but you can also just use them as inspiration. 
  • When you see an ellipsis (three dots) at the end of a writing prompt, that means the sentence is incomplete and your version of the sentence should replace the three dots with your own words. 

24 Story Starters and Creative Writing Prompts for Third Graders

  • Imagine you have the ability to become characters in video games. Write a short story that shows how you would use this power.
  • Do you have a best friend? If so, write the story of how you met and became friends. (You can write what really happened or make up your own version of events to show how two people might become best friends).
  • Write a story about a group of friends who build or discover a time machine. What time period do they travel to? Describe what they see, hear, smell, and eat.
  • You and your friends are kayaking on a lake when you discover a hidden island. Describe what it looks like, how you explore it, and what you find there. 
  • It’s the hottest day of the year. You turn on your air conditioner and, instead of giving you an icy blast, it transports you to a snow-covered tundra. You see a small cottage with lights on and knock on the door. Who greets you and how do they help you get back home?
  • Your doorbell rings. You answer the door, but there’s nobody there. Then you look down and see two lizards talking on cell phones. “We need to talk,” the smaller one says to you. What do they tell you? How do you respond?
  • You just learned that your good friend has special powers she’s kept secret forever. All she needs is a cup of sand, three fish scales, and a splash of mud and she can make the most incredible thing happen. Write about what happens when she shows you her secret talent. 
  • There’s a big windstorm one night. The lights flicker and the power goes out. A few minutes later, it comes back on and your favorite character from the last book you read is sitting at your table. Who is it, what are they doing, and how do you make them feel welcome?
  • Think about a fairy tale you know well, such as The Three Little Pigs or Little Red Riding Hood. Write your own version of the story with a few key details changed. For example, instead of The Three Little Pigs, you could write about The Three Shy Turtles or The Three Little Pigs and Their Big Sister. 
  • You go to watch a play at a theater, but when the curtains open, something unexpected happens. What is it and how do you respond?
  • Write about a day in which time moves backward from night to morning. 
  • Write a story about two characters who don’t seem like they should be friends but somehow are. For example, you could write about a cat and a mouse, or an old woman and a little boy. What brought them together and in what ways does their friendship help them?
  • You’re playing hide-and-seek with a friend and you hide in the attic. It takes her a while to find you and, while you are waiting, you start looking through some old boxes up there. You find letters written to a family member a long time ago. Who are they from? What do they say? Imagine you learn about a family secret while reading them. What could it be? 
  • Write a story that happens completely in one small space like a closet or a car. Include at least two characters. 
  • A young cat finds itself alone in the forest. How did it get there? What does it do? Who does it meet? Does it find its way home or stay there? Tell its story using lots of descriptive words. 
  • “It’s not all your fault,” my mom said. “There’s something you don’t know.” 
  • One day, everybody brings their favorite stuffie to class. A mix up happens and all the stuffies go home with the wrong kids to the wrong houses. What happens that night? Try to write from more than one perspective. For example, you could write a paragraph or two from the perspective of one of the students and then a paragraph or two from the point of view of a stuffie. You could also have a paragraph that quickly highlights the action at several houses. (“Kimmy’s little sister cried all night. Panda freaked out when he missed his dinner and tried to eat the toilet paper. Leah wanted to call the police but her mom wouldn’t give her the phone.”
  • Your aunt shows up at your house with a box of glazed donuts and a canoe strapped to the roof of her car. “Time for a little trip,” she says. 
  • Write a story that’s told entirely in letters between two friends. They might write about the last time they saw each other, the upcoming summer break, or some of their favorite book characters. Tell us as much as you can about the characters and their friendship without writing  about  them. Let everything come out through the letters they send. 
  • What if you could invent a new planet? What sounds, sights, and smells would it have? Would people live there or some other kind of creatures? After you write down the details of your planet, write a short story that takes place there. You might write about how it was discovered or you could write a scene that shows what life is like there. 
  • You’re walking through the park with your family. You come around a curve in the path and spot a fox sitting under a tree writing in a notebook. What do you do? Do you talk to it? Does it speak? What is it writing?
  • You’re sitting on the sofa watching a TV show when your sister, who is an artist, comes into the room. She has taken all your favorite toys and used them in her art project. Describe what you see, the conversation you have with her, and the lengths you’ll go to to recover your treasured toys. 
  • “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” said Alex. “If the owl hadn’t climbed the treehouse and eaten the fish…”
  • The school year ended. You were supposed to be on holidays. Then your parents signed you up for summer school without telling you. It might have been okay if it weren’t for… 

For another take on third-grade writing prompts, check out  70 Picture Prompts for Creative Writing . 

Poetry Writing Prompts for Third-Grade Students

Another great way to introduce 3rd graders to creative writing is to get them writing free verse poetry. …

Students should be encouraged to brainstorm their own topics, as the ones they come up with will likely be the most inspiring for them. However, if they’re stuck for ideas or you want to give them a list of things to write about, have them pick one of the topics below. They may also find it helpful to use a brainstorming sheet to flesh out their ideas. 

  • Make a list of three things that happened to you this week. Choose one of them and draft a poem that tells what happened and how you felt about it.
  • Write a poem about a special tradition from your favorite holiday. 
  • Write an ode that celebrates your favorite subject in school. For example, “The Joys of Math” or “Ode to Art Class.”
  • Write a poem describing the best pet you can imagine.
  • Write a poem from the perspective of an animal.
  • Write a poem that tells about an imaginary being. Try to convey details about its size, appearance, feelings, problems, abilities, and lifestyle. 
  • Write a haiku about your favorite summer activity.
  • Write a poem detailing the first time you tried your favorite food. If you don’t remember that experience, feel free to make it up. How do you imagine it would be tasting that amazing dish for the first time?
  • Write about a poem that describes a time when you lost something important. 
  • Write a poem about your favorite place without naming the place. Use lots of details that help the reader see this place in their minds. 
  • Write a poem about a recent dream you had. Try not to mention that it was a dream. 
  • Choose one of the four seasons and write a poem describing what makes it special. 
  • Write a poem about something that’s really special to you but that seems ordinary to everyone else such as an old t-shirt or a craft you made out of recycled materials. Try to help your reader understand why it’s so important to you. 
  • Write a poem describing a day when everything goes wrong. 
  • Write a poem about your favorite person. Include details about why they’re so important to you. Consider giving your poem to them as a gift. 
  • Write a poem about a secret place (real or imagined) that only you know about. 
  • Write a poem about all the things you love to do outside. 
  • Write a poem that introduces your city or town to a visitor who has never been there. 
  • Write a poem about a game you love playing such as Hide and Seek, Pictionary, or Charades. 
  • Write a poem that includes dialogue. You could write the whole poem as a conversation or sprinkle dialogue throughout. 
  • Write a funny poem listing everything you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night. 
  • Write a poem that imagines something about your future. It could be a single event such as “When I Finally Go to Disneyland” or it could be a more general description of what you’d like your future life to be like such as “What I’ll Eat When I Grow Up.”
  • Write a poem that explains how to do a simple task such as one of your favorite (or least favorite) household chores.
  • Write a poem that uses as many sound words as possible such as bang, splash, chirp, and buzz. 

For more poetic inspiration, check out  100 Inspiring Poetry Writing Prompts for Kids . 

Journal Writing Prompts

Kids can also stretch their creative muscles through journal writing. Journaling is a precursor to memoir writing and storytelling is the heart of memoir. While journal entries can sometimes gravitate toward a mundane recitation of chronological events, they’re also an opportunity to challenge kids to become better writers. 

A nice thing about journalling is that you don’t have to invent completely original material from scratch. You are taking events from your life and making an interesting story out of them, playing with language and sentence structure, and experimenting with what to include and exclude until you end up with something enjoyable to read. 

Challenge kids to keep a running list of things that have happened to them in their writing journals so they always have a creative writing topic ready. Remind them that writing topics don’t have to be sensational (the birth of a new sibling, say). Simple events that might otherwise be overlooked—the sighting of the first blue jay to return in the spring, for example—can form the basis of strong pieces of writing when we take the time to reflect on the event and make connections. 

Continuing with the blue jay example, such an experience might lead curious children to think about the changes that come with the season and, perhaps, the seasons of their own young lives thus far. Or they might ponder the bird and wonder what she’s been up to since she last visited the backyard. Maybe they’ll see two birds competing for a choice tree and reflect on an argument they had with a sibling. The more we can get them thinking about, reflecting on, and making connections between their experiences, the more we’ll see these themes emerge in their writing. 

Here are some ideas to get them thinking about what to write in their journals:

  • A trip you’ve taken
  • Your feelings about a situation (losing an important toy, having to share a bedroom, or passing a swimming test, for example)
  • How you spent a recent birthday or holiday
  • A new skill you’ve just mastered
  • A skill you wish you had but haven’t learned yet
  • A food you tried but didn’t like
  • A walk you’ve taken in nature
  • A change in one of your friendships
  • Something that scared you until you worked up the courage to try and then enjoyed doing
  • A time when you really wanted something and finally got it
  • A time when you really wanted something and didn’t get it
  • A time when someone made you feel good
  • Something you saw that turned out not to be what you expected it to be
  • A time when you did something that scared you
  • The way your favorite song makes you feel
  • Something you’ve learned about recently that you wish you’d known sooner
  • Describe your perfect day
  • The toy or special thing you treasure the most and why it’s so special to you
  • Your earliest memory
  • A gift you received that meant a lot to you
  • A time when you laughed until your belly hurt
  • A teacher you’ve enjoyed learning from
  • A book you’ve read over and over again
  • Three things you love about your family

Need journal prompts for older kids? Check out these  60 Creative Journal Prompts for Teens

Songwriting Prompts

Writing songs is another fun way for kids to practice their creative thinking skills while also processing their emotions and experiences. Coming up with the lyrics to a song can provide stress relief for kids and give them an opportunity to express their emotions safely. 

For some kids, coming up with lyrics and a melody to a song may be too challenging. Encourage them to choose a song, jingle, or nursery rhyme they already know and write new lyrics to the same tune. Examples of simple songs they might start with include: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa-Baa Black Sheep, London Bridge is Falling Down, Rock-A-Bye Baby, and Waltzing Matilda. You can find more kid-friendly songs in this  playlist for kids . 

As an extra challenge, kids may want to initially write their lyrics to fit an existing tune and then come up with a new tune once they have their lyrics down. This would be a good extension activity for kids who finish their lyric writing early. 

  • Write a song about your favorite animal.
  • Think about three or four possessions (things you own) that are important to you. Write a song that celebrates the special role these items play in your life. 
  • Think about the last time you got angry. What made you angry? How did you feel? What did you want to do about it? What did you actually do? Write a song that helps someone else understand how you felt and why. 
  • What is your favorite show or movie? Choose a main character from that story and write a song inspired by them. It could be about them or it might be from their point of view. Think about what’s important to them and what they might want people to know. 
  • Write a song that describes your dream day. What would you do if you could do anything you wanted? Who would be with you? Make the details as specific as possible. 
  • Think about someone in your family who has an annoying habit. For example, your little brother who tells your parents everything you do wrong. Write a song that reimagines that annoying habit as a good thing. (“He must love me to pay so much attention to me…”)
  • Write a song that is meant to be sung by a whole class of students. 
  • Write a song about someone you look up to. 
  • Write a song about something that most people seem to like but that you hate. Try to convince them they’re wrong about the thing and that it’s truly awful. 
  • Write a song about someone you don’t see anymore such as an old neighbor or a friend who moved away. What do you miss about the times you had with that person?
  • Think about something you loved doing when you were younger but haven’t done in a while. Write a song that shares your memories of that activity. 
  • Write a song about something you hope for or would like to see happen. 

Descriptive Writing Prompts

Descriptive writing adds color and texture to many forms of writing including travel writing, poetry, fiction, and memoirs. One of our challenges as teachers is ensuring kids know how to write effective descriptions while also helping them learn how to balance descriptive prose with other written elements such as dialogue and action. A written work too heavy in descriptive writing might help the reader create vivid pictures in their minds without ever telling them anything. 

In third grade, these young writers are generally too young to discern this delicate balance between showing and telling, but it’s still a great time to develop their use of descriptive words. 

Before giving them these writing prompts, introduce them to the importance of using specific nouns and vivid verbs and adjectives in their writing. This is a wonderful time to instill thesaurus skills and show them how to choose the most appropriate words for each situation. 

When assigning prompts from this section, tell students their goal is to paint a picture with their words. If they read their work to a classmate who closes their eyes, can the classmate picture the scene clearly? If not, where do they need to add or change details?

  • Write about the most memorable dream you’ve ever had. Describe it in as much detail as possible. Where did it take place? What did you see, hear, and smell? Who was there? What did they look like? What did they do?
  • Choose a room in your house and describe its most important features.
  • Go outside and find a tree, flower, or other plant that intrigues you. Describe it in detail: what does it look like? How big is it? What does it feel like? If one of your friends took your description and went to the same outdoor area, could they find your plant based on your description?
  • If you could decorate your bedroom any way you wanted with no limits, what would it look like?
  • Imagine the coziest outfit you can. Describe how it looks and feels. How do you feel when you put it on?
  • Describe your mom or another woman you know well. What does she look like? What does her voice sound like? Does she have wear a certain perfume? How do you feel when she gives you a hug or puts her arm around you?
  • Describe a regular tradition you have with your family, such as having a large pancake breakfast on Saturdays. Help your reader feel like they’re living the memory with you by painting a detailed picture of the scene. 
  • Write about the inside of your family’s car. What does it smell like? How many seats are there? What would you find if you looked between or underneath the seats? Describe the music you listen to in the car and the kinds of conversations you have there. 
  • Describe a store you go to frequently. If possible, try to visit the store before you write about it and make notes about the things you notice there using your five senses. Tell about what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. 
  • Describe your writing process, that is, what you do when you write. Do you sharpen pencils and put an eraser nearby? Do you start writing right away or do you make an outline or brainstorm ideas first? Do you write single-spaced or double-spaced? Is your writing neat or messy? How do you feel when you write?
  • What is the best thing about being you? Maybe it’s your sense of humor, your Lego-building skills, or the way you ride your bike fearlessly down hills. Maybe you live in a really cool city with lots of fun things to do. Whatever makes your life special, write about that and describe why you love it.
  • What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday morning? Describe what you do, who does it with you, and how you do it.  

Other Creative Writing Prompts for 3rd-Grade Students

  • Write a scene where a famous person from another time period shows up in your classroom. 
  • Write a diary entry from the perspective of a Disney character or a character from a book you’ve read. 
  • Think about a scene you didn’t love in your favorite movie. Rewrite the scene to make it more enjoyable. 
  • Write a letter to your favorite author and tell them what you love about their book(s).
  • Invent a new country with its own language, customs, and history. Write about how your country came to be and what makes it special. If you want, you can draw a map to go with your writing.
  • Write a scene from the point of view of an object in your house such as a toaster, the dining table, or a video game console. 
  • Write a story or poem in which each sentence starts with the next letter in the alphabet. In other words, the first sentence or line starts with A, the second with B, the third with C, and so on. 
  • Write about a lost object that was found after many years. 
  • Pick a city you’ve visited and make a travel brochure about it. Include a section in which you describe the city and another in which you talk about your experience there.
  • Write a comic book* based on your favorite book or story. Try to include both dialogue (in speech bubbles) and descriptions of what’s happening. 
  • On a big piece of paper, draw a picture of the inside of a really cool house with loads of interesting rooms. Then write a short story about the people who live there and what life is like inside their amazing house.
  • Write an imaginary interview with a character from a book or movie. Pretend you’re asking them questions to publish in a magazine or newspaper and invent their answers.  

Comic book templates are available in our post,  10 Fun Writing Activities for Kids . 

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Third Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

TeacherVision Staff

  • The Parts of a Letter
  • Write Your Own Mad Libs ®
  • Writing a Descriptive Paragraph (Gr. 3)
  • Fill-in Story: The Halloween Party
  • Fill-in Halloween Story: A Scary Night
  • Fill-in Story: Halloween Carnival
  • Writing a Personal Narrative (Gr. 3)
  • My Friend Writing Printable
  • Student Proofreading Checklist
  • Creative Writing with Photo Inspiration
  • Same Name Word Puzzle
  • Life in the Sea
  • Bio Poem Handout
  • Writing a Research Report (Gr. 3)
  • Favorite Foods
  • Script Writing Handout
  • Make Your Own Holiday
  • A Note About Witches: Fill-in-the-Blanks
  • Antonyms and Synonyms
  • Immigration Picture Prompts
  • Post Card Template
  • My New Year's Resolutions (3-6)
  • Discovering Pronouns 10
  • Discovering Punctuation 2
  • Discovering Capitalization 4
  • Discovering Punctuation 9
  • If I Were the Teacher
  • Writing Activity: Describe the Rain Scene
  • Change the Dialog in a Comic Strip
  • Discovering Conjunctions
  • More Creative Writing Printables, 3rd Grade

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Grade 3 Picture Writing Prompts

20 picture prompts for grade 3.

pictures for creative writing grade 3

1. The spiders are closing in on the giraffe. What could he do to try and escape?

Sam in the Night Zoo

2. Can you write a story that includes a rocketship, a bear, and a cup of hot chocolate?

Rocket, Bear, and Hot Chocolate

3. You are walking through the forest and meet a talking fox. What would you say to him to get him to come home with you?

Fox sitting in the woods

4. The children just discovered a land made out of books. What would you build with the books and why?

Kids cheering about books

5. Can you write an adventure story about a penguin, a crab, a magical map, and an airplane?

Crab, airplane, penguin, and map

6. You just discovered this magical animal. How would you care for him? What would they eat and where in the world could they live?

Parrot body with Tiger head

7. This elephant has discovered a magical room. Describe what the elephant sees.

Maji the Elephant

8. These children bought some presents to donate to charity. Why is it important to help others?

Magical gifts in tree shape

9. The giraffe has lost his way in the woods. How could he use his five senses to find his way home?

Sam the Giraffe in the woods

10. Super Pig likes to exercise. Can you write an exercise workout for him?

Drawing of pig in track suit

11. The flamingo is flapping her wings trying to fly. Where do you think she wants to go and why?

12. The boy isn’t sure he wants this food. Can you write up the recipe so he knows what it is made of?

Will with bowl of pasta

13. It is the first day of winter. Can you write a poem to celebrate?

Write a poem about winter

14. You have been asked to invent a new video game. What are the rules to play?

Will and Riya playing video games

15. Elephants are in danger of becoming extinct. Write a persuasive story on why people should protect and appreciate them.

Will and Riya with Elephant

16. You discover a magical glowing pizza crust. What toppings could you add to it? What happens when someone eats it?

Will holding a glowing pizza

17. Writing means different things to different people. Can you explain what you love about writing?

Pencil with Why I love writing

18. The children aren’t sure how to scare their parents on Halloween. Can you write a plan for them?

Will and Riya in Halloween costumes

19. The hareplane is an amazing creation! Can you write a story about them?

A rabbit airplane drawing

20. What is happening in this scene? Can you write about what happens next?

Mouse trying to hide from owl

How Night Zookeeper can help

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Night Zookeeper makes writing fantastically fun for children aged six to twelve!

Our reading & writing program for kids boasts a wide range of creative writing prompts, word games, and interactive lessons, all designed to spark your child's love for writing. Ideal for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers, our adaptable writing program works seamlessly in both home and school settings.

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  • Elementary Writing Prompts - Grade 3
  • Grade 3 Writing Activities

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Picture Prompts

145 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

A school year’s worth of short, accessible image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of writing.

pictures for creative writing grade 3

By The Learning Network

Image from our related Picture Prompt “ Creative Juices .”

We’ve been publishing our Picture Prompts series four days a week since 2016. Below, we’ve rounded up all the prompts we published for the 2021-22 school year.

These short, accessible, image-driven prompts invite students to pen short stories, poems and memoirs; share experiences from their lives; analyze illustrations, graphs and charts; and tell us their opinions on hot-button issues.

You can find even more in our roundups for the 2016-17 , 2017-18 , 2018-19 , 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years. That’s nearly 900 prompts, many still open for comment by students 13 and up. We have also published a short, visual post highlighting four popular prompts from this school year.

To learn how you can use Picture Prompts to build literacy skills, promote critical thinking, inspire discussion and foster creativity in your classroom, watch our three-minute tutorial video or our on-demand webinar . For dozens more ideas, see our lesson plan, “ How to Teach With Our Picture Prompts (and Other Times Images) .”

If you use this feature with your students, or if you have other ideas for how to use photos, illustrations and graphics to encourage writing, let us know in the comments.

What story does this image inspire for you?

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Phone Booth in the Wilderness Roller Coasters In the Waves In the Lunchroom Den of Toys Butterflies Flight Delays Two Roads Dog Park Friendship Under the Sea Found in the Crowd Under the Desk Barren Landscape Park Bench Other Selves On the Court Holiday Party Little Red House Candy Cornucopia Doors Mystery Money Royal Dining Up in a Tree Around the Fire Galaxy Plundered Shelves Confetti Solo Climb At the Fountain Heated Conversation Yellow Creatures Meadow in Starlight Storm On the Subway Giant Jar Family

Share experiences from your own life.

Pet Ownership Creative Juices Horror Stories One Great Summer Memory Dining Out Riddle Me This Your Go-To Recipes Hitting the Road Comic Con Craze October Thrifting Harry Potter Self-Compassion Holiday Shopping Giving Gratitude Festive Wear Measuring Time Winter TV Shows Sacred Spaces Your Tech Local Celebrities Winter Olympics Wildlife in Winter Group Chat Winter Getaways D.I.Y. Taste Test Spring Fashion March Madness Mask Withdrawal Your Favorite Tree Rites of Spring Fortuitous Finds Hanging Out Heartbroken Best Pizza? Everyday Pleasures Musical Instruments

What do you think this image, chart or cartoon is saying?

Hands Blasting Out of a Phone Dings and Pings Pulling at a Reflection Memorial Twisting Track Elephant and Donkey Tiny Dollar Clouds Vision Test The Whole World Work and Home Bedroom Staring Crossed-Out Words Clicking Her Heels Weapon Burger Quitting Spoonfed Brady Mesmerized Skates Melting Man Lit-Up Landmarks Literary Allusions A Brick on an Egg Listening and Clapping Between the Ears Smiling X’s on Bubbles Eyeballs Inside Vs. Outside Amazon Boxes Area Closed High Wire Very, Very Tired

What’s your opinion on this issue?

A New Social App Morality Plays Flamboyant Fashion Home Games Powering Down Facebook Outage Old Glory Custom Cars Tourist Surveillance E-Scooters, E-Bikes Motorcycle Adventures Veterans Day Book Lovers Speed Skydiving Gift-Giving, Gift-Getting Solstice Favorite Moments in Sports Your Word of the Year Guilty Pleasures Smart Watch Wordle True Love? Prized Possessions Audiobooks Separate Together TV-Themed Trips Forgiveness Life at Sea Constructive Criticism Electric Cars Little Free Libraries Met Gala #VanLife Responding to the Shooting in Uvalde


Creative Writing Worksheets for 3rd Graders

Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 3rd Graders aligned with Common Core Standards. SplashLearn is an award-winning learning program used by more than 40 million children.

pictures for creative writing grade 3


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  • Estimate Quotients (5)
  • Long Division (3)
  • Divide 3-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (3)
  • Fractions (101)
  • Fractions Using Models (42)
  • Fractions On A Number Line (15)
  • Compare Fractions (11)
  • Order Fractions (18)
  • Order Fractions Using Models (10)
  • Equivalent Fractions (14)
  • Equivalent Fractions Using Models (6)
  • Fractions Operations (3)
  • Geometry (20)
  • Shapes (17)
  • 2D Shapes (17)
  • Attributes Of 2D Shapes (5)
  • Partition Into Equal Parts (2)
  • Data Handling (16)
  • Measurement (31)
  • Length (10)
  • Measure Lengths Using The Ruler (8)
  • Estimate Lengths (2)
  • Capacity (4)
  • Conversion Of Measurement Units (8)
  • Perimeter (5)
  • Time In Quarter Hours (10)
  • Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes (6)
  • Time To The Nearest Minute (1)
  • Digital Clock (14)
  • Elapsed Time (2)
  • Multiply And Divide Money (2)
  • Algebra (10)
  • Factors And Multiples (9)
  • Word Problems (160)
  • Addition Word Problems (44)
  • 2-Digit Addition Word Problems (18)
  • 3-Digit Addition Word Problems (18)
  • Subtraction Word Problems (16)
  • Subtraction Word Problems Within 20 (1)
  • Multiplication Word Problems (42)
  • Division Word Problems (12)
  • Multi-Step Word Problems (19)
  • Reading (98)
  • Phonics (3)
  • Diphthongs (2)
  • Reading Comprehension (96)
  • Cause And Effect (4)
  • Inference (8)
  • Prediction (18)
  • Sequencing (8)
  • Story Elements (6)
  • Authors Purpose (6)
  • Compare And Contrast (4)
  • Ask And Answer Questions (13)
  • Point Of View (3)
  • Reality And Fantasy (4)
  • Using Illustrations (5)
  • Using Text Features (3)
  • Context Clues (4)
  • Writing (305)
  • Handwriting (259)
  • Word Tracing (83)
  • Sentence Tracing (50)
  • Cursive Writing (126)
  • Cursive Words (74)
  • Cursive Sentences (52)
  • Creative Writing (46)
  • Opinion Writing (15)
  • Descriptive Writing (20)
  • Writing Paragraphs (45)
  • Grammar (193)
  • Adverbs (27)
  • Adjectives (23)
  • Singular And Plural Nouns (16)
  • Pronouns (14)
  • Parts Of Speech (6)
  • Prepositions (6)
  • Punctuation (7)
  • Tenses (32)
  • Article A An The (2)
  • Spelling (16)
  • Common Misspellings (6)
  • Unscramble (7)
  • Vocabulary (73)
  • Affixes (4)
  • Commonly Confused Words (2)
  • Compound Words (9)
  • Figures Of Speech (4)
  • Synonyms And Antonyms (9)
  • Word Puzzles (45)
  • Word Search (34)

Complete the Story Worksheet

Complete the Story Worksheet

Complete the story by examining pictures. Enjoy this engaging and interactive task to enhance your storytelling skills. Join the adventure today!

Let's Predict: What Happens Next?

Let's Predict: What Happens Next?

Engage your child with this printable reading worksheet to enhance their prediction skills with a fun writing activity.

Prediction Practice: What Happens Next?

Prediction Practice: What Happens Next?

Inspire children to practice prediction with this engaging spaceship-themed worksheet, designed to build comprehension skills.

Predict the Mystery: Sarah's Midnight Adventure

Predict the Mystery: Sarah's Midnight Adventure

Discover the joy of creative writing and practice prediction with our fun worksheet on a midnight adventure.

Making Predictions: What Will Happen Next?

Making Predictions: What Will Happen Next?

Introduce kids to the skill of prediction with this fun worksheet while reading a story about a strange discovery in a jungle.

Can You Predict What Happens Next?

Can You Predict What Happens Next?

Build creative writing skills with our fun worksheet on prediction and read a story to predict where a map leads.

Predict the Discovery: Dr. Anderson's Science Marvel

Predict the Discovery: Dr. Anderson's Science Marvel

Explore the world of creative writing with our fun science-themed worksheet focused on developing prediction skills.

Read and Predict: The Mansion on the Hill

Read and Predict: The Mansion on the Hill

Advance your child's creative writing skills with our exciting prediction worksheet with a story about a mansion on the hill.

Read and Predict: Daniel the Explorer

Read and Predict: Daniel the Explorer

Develop creative writing skills with our fun prediction printable while reading about the adventures of Daniel the explorer.

Let's Predict: The Talking Tree

Let's Predict: The Talking Tree

Practice creative writing with our fun worksheet, while honing your prediction skills using the story of a talking tree.

Let's Predict: Museum Mysteries

Let's Predict: Museum Mysteries

Encourage creative writing practice with our exciting museum-themed worksheet, focusing on the skill of prediction.

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Food

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Food

Improve your child's creative writing practice with our fun worksheet, focusing on writing about their favorite food.

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Hobby

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Hobby

Strengthen your child's creative writing practice with our hobby-themed printable worksheet focusing on writing sentences.

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Season

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Season

Help your child learn opinion writing with our enjoyable printable worksheet, focusing on writing about their favorite season.

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Festival

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Festival

Practice opinion writing with this engaging printable worksheet centered on writing about your favorite festival.

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Animal

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Animal

Refine your kid's opinion writing skills with our printable worksheet as they write all about their favorite animal.

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Movie

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Movie

Master opinion writing practice with this engaging, movie-themed printable worksheet for honing creative writing skills.

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Book

Opinion Writing: My Favorite Book

Elevate your child's opinion writing practice with this engaging worksheet, focused on writing about their favorite book.

Opinion Writing: Favorite Holiday Destination

Opinion Writing: Favorite Holiday Destination

Excel in opinion writing practice with our printable worksheet focused on writing about a favorite holiday destination.

Opinion Writing: Favorite Flavor of Ice-Cream

Opinion Writing: Favorite Flavor of Ice-Cream

Augment your kid's opinion writing practice with our fun, printable worksheet themed on their favorite flavor of ice-cream.

Opinion Writing: Favorite Sport

Opinion Writing: Favorite Sport

Boost your child's opinion writing practice with our exciting sports-themed worksheet, perfect for enhancing writing skills!

Opinion Writing: Favorite Teacher

Opinion Writing: Favorite Teacher

Improve your child's opinion writing with this engaging creative writing worksheet to write about their favorite teacher.

Opinion Writing: Favorite Board Game

Opinion Writing: Favorite Board Game

Engage in creative writing practice with our fun, board game-themed printable worksheet focused on opinion writing.

Opinion Writing: Favorite School Subject

Opinion Writing: Favorite School Subject

Inspire children with this printable worksheet, focusing on opinion writing as they write about their favorite school subject.

Opinion Writing: Favorite Restaurant

Opinion Writing: Favorite Restaurant

Discover the joy of creative writing with our opinion writing practice worksheet, and enjoy writing about a favorite restaurant.

Opinion Writing: Favorite Pet Animal

Opinion Writing: Favorite Pet Animal

Introduce your child to opinion writing with our enjoyable worksheet focused on writing about their favorite pet animal.

Descriptive Writing: A Day at the beach

Descriptive Writing: A Day at the beach

Excel in creative writing with our printable worksheet, focusing on writing a picture description about a day at the beach.

Descriptive Writing: A Snowy Day

Descriptive Writing: A Snowy Day

Augment creative writing with this engaging printable worksheet, while writing about a snowy day.

Descriptive Writing: At the Park

Descriptive Writing: At the Park

Boost your kid's creative writing practice with our printable worksheet while writing a description about a day at the park.

Descriptive Writing: At the Zoo

Descriptive Writing: At the Zoo

Improve creative writing practice with this engaging printable worksheet, focusing on writing about a day at the zoo.

Descriptive Writing: Camping with Friends

Descriptive Writing: Camping with Friends

Engage in creative writing practice with our enjoyable printable worksheet while writing about a camping trip with friends.

Descriptive Writing: A Visit to the Farm

Descriptive Writing: A Visit to the Farm

Inspire your child with this printable worksheet, enhancing creative writing practice while writing about a farm visit.

Descriptive Writing: Out on a Hike

Descriptive Writing: Out on a Hike

Discover the world of creative writing with our engaging practice worksheet, and write about a fun hike.

Descriptive Writing: Museum Adventures

Descriptive Writing: Museum Adventures

Introduce creative writing skills with our fun practice worksheet, while writing about a visit to the museum.

Descriptive Writing: A Memorable Performance

Descriptive Writing: A Memorable Performance

Build creative writing skills with our engaging printable worksheet, while writing about a memorable stage performance.

Descriptive Writing: Christmas Celebrations

Descriptive Writing: Christmas Celebrations

Explore creative writing practice with this worksheet, and write about your special Christmas celebrations.

Descriptive Writing: Helping the Community

Descriptive Writing: Helping the Community

Boost your child's creative writing skills with our fun, practice worksheet while learning about helping the community.

Descriptive Writing: Science Fair

Descriptive Writing: Science Fair

Develop your creative writing skills with this engaging science fair-themed printable worksheet for writing practice.

Descriptive Writing: Family Trip

Descriptive Writing: Family Trip

Learn creative writing with our engaging printable worksheet, focusing on descriptive writing about a family trip.

Descriptive Writing: Theme Park Fun

Descriptive Writing: Theme Park Fun

Build creative and descriptive writing skills with this engaging printable worksheet on the theme of theme parks!

Descriptive Writing: Art Class

Descriptive Writing: Art Class

Elevate your child's creative writing skills with our engaging printable worksheet, while writing about a fun art class

Descriptive Writing: At the Lemonade Stand

Descriptive Writing: At the Lemonade Stand

Develop creative writing skills with this fun printable worksheet as you write about what happens at the lemonade stand.

Descriptive Writing: Chefs at Work

Descriptive Writing: Chefs at Work

Discover the world of picture descriptions with our engaging creative writing worksheet as you write about chefs at work.

Descriptive Writing: Family Meal

Descriptive Writing: Family Meal

Elevate creative writing skills with our engaging picture-based printable worksheet while writing about a family meal.

Descriptive Writing: Tree House Time!

Descriptive Writing: Tree House Time!

Engage in creative writing practice with our printable worksheet while writing a descriptive paragraph about tree house time.

Descriptive Writing: Off to School

Descriptive Writing: Off to School

Refine your child's picture description skills with this printable writing worksheet, while write about being back at school.

Your one stop solution for all grade learning needs.

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Writing Worksheets - Story Pictures

Students can write stories to go along with these pictures. Each worksheet includes a fun cartoon picture, and a few sheets of lined writing paper.

Writing Story Picture Worksheets

Story Pictures

Common Core

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Fairy Tale Story Pics

Holiday story pictures.

Multiple Versions Available

Read the paragraphs and use editing marks to correct the errors.

Ideas for creative writing journals that involve critical and creative thinking.

Even more worksheets to help teach writing skills.

Students form an opinion on a given topic and write a persuasive essay to support their view.

Sample Worksheet Images

Story Picture Worksheets

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PDF no answer key:

creative writing for grade 3

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Creative writing for grade 3

Preview of Writing Creative Narrative Writing Prompts for Grades 3, 4, 5 with Brainstorming

Writing Creative Narrative Writing Prompts for Grades 3 , 4, 5 with Brainstorming

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Fiction Writing Fantasy Genre Creative Writing Student Packet Grades 3 -5

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Soils in the Environment Workbook ( Grade 3 Ontario Science)

pictures for creative writing grade 3

  • Easel Activity
  • Easel Assessment

Preview of At Home Learning Creative Writing Activities Bundle - Grades 1-3

At Home Learning Creative Writing Activities Bundle - Grades 1- 3

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Fiction / Creative Writing Action & Adventure Genre Student Packet Grades 3 - 5

Preview of Writing Creative Narrative Digital Writing Prompts for Grades 3, 4, 5

Writing Creative Narrative Digital Writing Prompts for Grades 3 , 4, 5

  • Google Slides™

Preview of No Prep Creative Common Core Writing Activity {Grades 3-5}

No Prep Creative Common Core Writing Activity { Grades 3 -5}

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Creative Writing Unit [ Grades 3 -6] MEETS NEW ONTARIO LANGUAGE CURRICULUM

pictures for creative writing grade 3

  • Google Drive™ folder

Preview of Earth Day Booklet - Creative Writing/Drawing Activities (Grades 3,4,5,6)

Earth Day Booklet - Creative Writing /Drawing Activities ( Grades 3 ,4,5,6)

pictures for creative writing grade 3

3 FREE Creative Writing Prompts for Grades 3 , 4, 5 & 6

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Pirate Adventure Roll-A-Story: Creative Writing Kit for Grades 1- 3 - Engaging, N

pictures for creative writing grade 3

St. Patrick's Creative Writing BUNDLE & Prompts - Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2 & 3

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Vikings Journal: Creative Writing & Coloring Activity, Grades 3 -6

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Spring Activities - Creative Writing Prompts ( Grades 3 , 4, 5, 6)

Preview of Earth Day / FREE Creative Writing Prompts for Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6

Earth Day / FREE Creative Writing Prompts for Grades 3 , 4, 5 & 6

Preview of Summer Fun Booklet - Creative Writing/Drawing Activities (Grades 3,4,5,6)

Summer Fun Booklet - Creative Writing /Drawing Activities ( Grades 3 ,4,5,6)

Preview of Haunted House - Creative Writing Project (grades 3-8)

Haunted House - Creative Writing Project ( grades 3 -8)

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Winter and Christmas Creative Writing Package for Grades 3 -5

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Father's Day Activities & Crafts and MORE Bundle | Unique Holidays | Grades 3 /4

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Full-Year Writer's Workshop Writing Curriculum Grades 3 -5 Interactive Notebook

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Growth and Changes in Plants Workbook ( Grade 3 Ontario Science)

Preview of Fractured Fairy Tales & Tall Tales Readers Theater Scripts & More, Grade 3 4 5 6

Fractured Fairy Tales & Tall Tales Readers Theater Scripts & More, Grade 3 4 5 6

pictures for creative writing grade 3

Strong and Stable Structures Workbook ( Grade 3 Ontario Science)

Preview of Forces and Motion Workbook (Grade 3 Ontario Science)

Forces and Motion Workbook ( Grade 3 Ontario Science)

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Picture Prompt Writing

Free picture writing prompts for grade 3. get the full packet here. writing is an important skill for all students, visit www.grade1to6.com now..

pictures for creative writing grade 3

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  1. Creative Writing For 3rd Graders

    pictures for creative writing grade 3

  2. English Creative Writing Worksheets For Grade 3 Pdf

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  3. creative writing worksheets for grade 3 pdf writing worksheets free

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  4. Creative Writing Prompts For 3Rd Grade

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  5. Creative Writing Rubric Grade 3

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  6. English Creative Writing Worksheets For Grade 3 Pdf

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  1. Imagery, Diction, and Figurative Language ┃Creative Writing ┃Grade 11

  2. English Lang CREATIVE WRITING STORY #grade9 #fullmarks #creativewriting

  3. Third Grade Homeschool Curriculum Picks + Flip-Through 2023-2024 School Year! 3rd Grade Curriculum📚

  4. | Creative writing

  5. Creative Nonfiction HUMSS Lesson 2

  6. Third Grade Pretzel Waldorf Form Drawing Lesson


  1. 150 Inspiring Picture Writing Prompts (Free Google Slides)

    150 Inspiring Picture Writing Prompts To Spark Creativity (Free Google Slides) Use a picture to write a thousand words! Creative writing is a challenge for many students, often because they can't come up with anything to write about. That's why we love picture writing prompts. Each one sparks the imagination and helps young writers jump ...

  2. 70 Picture Prompts for Creative Writing (with Free Slides)

    Pictures make a fun alternative to your typical writing prompts and story starters and can help shake up your regular routine. How to Use Picture Prompts for Creative Writing. There's no limit to the ways you can use writing prompts. Here are some of our favorite ways to incorporate image prompts into your weekly lesson plans. Writing Center.

  3. 85+ Picture Writing Prompts For Kids (+ Free Printable)

    85+ Picture Writing Prompts For Kids (+ Free Printable) December 18, 2021. A picture is worth a thousand words. So how many words can you write for these 85 picture writing prompts for kids and grow-ups alike! Pictures, whether something as simple as an apple or as complex as an action scene can spark the imagination in more ways than one.

  4. 144 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    Write a short story, poem or memoir inspired by this illustration. Related Picture Prompt Glenn Harvey. Trapped Inside. Wilderness Wayfaring. Magical Chores. I'm Sorry. Dollar Bills. Dinosaurs ...

  5. 108 Engaging Creative Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

    Writing stories—fictional or real—gives children a chance to develop several creative writing skills. They practice writing dialogue, developing characters, and fashioning situations that ignite their creativity and send them gallivanting down rabbit trails. Although 3rd-grade students are still relatively new writers and most won't ...

  6. Creative Writing Worksheets for Grade 3

    Third Grade Creative Writing Worksheets. Encourage your third-grade students to show their creative sides, with our most popular creative writing printables. They'll be inspired by these poetry and story-writing activities and lessons. We have holiday-themed worksheets, daily writing prompts, rubrics for grading work, literature guide extension ...

  7. Grade 3 Picture Writing Prompts

    Spark your Grade 3 child's imagination with 20 fantastically fun picture writing prompts - guaranteed to get your child's creativity flowing! ... Our reading & writing program for kids boasts a wide range of creative writing prompts, word games, and interactive lessons, all designed to spark your child's love for writing. Ideal for parents ...

  8. Over 140 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    Since 2016, we've been featuring these images in our daily Picture Prompts: short, image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of student writing. Teachers tell us they use these prompts ...

  9. 145 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

    These short, accessible, image-driven prompts invite students to pen short stories, poems and memoirs; share experiences from their lives; analyze illustrations, graphs and charts; and tell us ...

  10. Picture Story Writing for Grade 3

    This lets children's natural creative streak shine as they have a clear focus. Using picture story writing for grade 3 can stop them from getting stumped. These templates give children clear instructions on the information they should get from the picture. They need to work out the 'who' and the 'what', as well as the problem to be solved and ...

  11. 27 Amazing Picture Writing Prompts for Kids » JournalBuddies.com

    The best way to get kids hooked on writing is by making it fun for them, and creative writing prompts with pictures are a great way to do just that! Obviously, a great way of doing that is by giving them a picture prompt to write about. ... Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7-8 Grade 9-12 All Ages. Tags begin writing ...

  12. Creative Writing Worksheets for 3rd Graders Online

    Teachers, Use for Free. 4413+. 4567+. Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 3rd Graders aligned with Common Core Standards. SplashLearn is an award-winning learning program used by more than 40 million children.

  13. Grade 3 Creative Writing Prompts

    Included in just one download, is a great range of worksheets that act as brilliant writing prompts for grades 1-3 children. They're designed to spark their imagination, prompting them to write creative and engaging stories. With over 30 worksheets, you'll be able to provide children with a range of prompts to spark their creativity. Each worksheet includes an illustration of along with a ...

  14. 30 Creative Writing Topics for Grade 3 » JournalBuddies.com

    In these 30 writing topics for grade 3 students, your class will get to explore wild hypotheticals such as what three wishes they would request from a magic genie and what new ways of life people might experience in the future. They'll also practice self-reflection as they think about big topics like what it means to be a good friend and the ...

  15. Writing Visual Aids

    Having pictures to write about is helpful because they allow a person's imagination to flow and potentially stop writer's block. Using picture aids for writing can give a writer new ideas they had never considered before. Also, looking at visual aids gives you the chance to develop every aspect of writing.

  16. The Images Shed

    There is a Wizard in My Potting Shed. Imagine you discover this 'shed' at the bottom of your garden, What is inside? I can imagine it's magical inside, much bigger than it seems on the outside. Perhaps lit by candles, strange instruments on the tables, cobwebbed and dusty. Behind you the door closes gently and you espy this man sat in emerald ...

  17. Worksheets to Teach Writing

    Students can write stories to go along with these pictures. Each worksheet includes a fun cartoon picture, and a few sheets of lined writing paper. Fishing FREE. Write a story to go along with the picture. The illustration shows a father and son on a fishing trip. The father's got a tiny fish and his son has a giant fish. 2nd through 5th Grades.

  18. creative writing for grade 3

    Grade 3 Creative Writing Worksheets based on Common Core Standards. It contains premium images to activate writing schema and writing lines to guide learners in writing creatively using 40 writing prompts which mainly focused on expressing various feelings.The PDF file includes the link to Google sl. Subjects:

  19. 3rd Grade Picture Prompt Worksheets for Creative Writing

    Download Now. Learning made easy. 1000's of worksheets sign up. FREE Picture Writing Prompts for Grade 3. Get the FULL PACKET here. Writing is an important skill for all students, visit www.grade1to6.com now.

  20. grade 3 creative writing

    Feb 10, 2016 - Explore Bindu Khicha's board "grade 3 creative writing" on Pinterest. See more ideas about creative writing, writing, creative writing prompts.

  21. Picture and Story Writing Activity

    These story writing sheets are a great way to get your students thinking creatively! Each sheet provides a picture with sequential word prompts beneath to help them build their story. If you've enjoyed using the Picture and Story Writing Activity, there's a whole bunch of fun in our 1st Grade Writing Worksheets collection!