How to Publish a Book

How to Publish a Book: The Ultimate Guide

So you’ve finished writing your book—perhaps a lifelong dream—and now you want to get it published.

Where do you go from here?

You poured your heart and soul into the writing, and I hope you also spent countless hours editing and revising.

Any seasoned expert will tell you: All writing is rewriting.

Certainly the writing alone took months, maybe years. But you did something few people ever do: You finished writing your book .

Maybe you’ve done your homework on the do’s and don’ts of publishing a book, but you’ve found so much conflicting advice that you’re overwhelmed.

How do you decide your next step?

I’ll give you my best advice from 40+ years in the publishing business.In this post, you’ll learn:

  • The 8 steps to publishing a book
  • How to pitch agents
  • How to self-publish a book
  • How to publish a children’s book
  • How much it costs to publish a book
  • Real talk on publishing a book

In simple terms, you have two options:

1—Traditional publishing


Which is best for you?

As one who has written and had published nearly 200 books since the 1970s, let me try to help you decide.

I’ll start with definitions so you know what you’re actually choosing.

  • Traditional Publishing

How to self-publish a book

In this scenario, a book publishing company offers you a contract for the right to publish your book. The publisher owns the copyright and you earn royalties from sales.In exchange, they pay for everything from editing, proofreading, typesetting, printing, binding, cover art and design, promotion, advertising, warehousing, shipping, billing, and more.Traditional publishers take all the risks.

If a “publisher” requires any money from you—even a minimum number of copies purchased—they are not a traditional publisher.

They might refer to themself as a co-op or a hybrid publisher, and they might even insist that they accept some manuscripts and reject others , but they are not traditional publishers.

Note that even if you get a publishing deal, it’s never hands-off. You will still have to share in marketing and promotional activities.

The Pros of Traditional Publishing

  • No out-of-pocket expenses if your manuscript is accepted.
  • Greater exposure.
  • Advance royalties. Most publishers offer an advance payment against royalties (which are yours to keep, regardless of sales), though amounts widely vary.
  • A team of professionals undertakes the editing, proofreading, and designing of your book.
  • Another team spearheads the marketing and promotion.

The Cons of Traditional Publishing

  • I won’t sugarcoat it — landing a book deal is rare. Thousands of wannabe writers flood agents and publishers with proposals every day.
  • It can be a slow process — from nine months to two or more years from signing a deal to actually releasing the book, let alone the time it can take to find an agent and for the agent to secure a deal.
  • You may have creative input but little control over the process. Traditional publishers take all the financial risks, so they reserve the right to final decisions on everything from the cover and interior design to the title, pricing, and promotion. While many of these things are negotiable, your only recourse in a stalemate is to withdraw the book. They want to keep you happy, of course, but they get the final say — on everything .
  • Too many writers overestimate the potential income. While you read about seven-figure deals and multi-million dollar bestsellers, these are as rare as lottery winners. The vast majority of books don’t make up the royalty advance and thus, never pay more.
  • Self-publishing

Regardless what services or suppliers you use to have your book printed, this option is rightly referred to as self-publishing.

Why? Because everything is on you. You are the publisher, the financier, the decision-maker, and the creator.Everything listed above under Traditional publishing falls to you. You decide who does it, you approve or reject their work, and you pay for it.

The term self-publishing is a bit of a misnomer, however, because what you’re paying for is not publishing, but printing. So, the question becomes, why pay to be printed if you could be paid to be published ?

The Pros of Self-Publishing

  • Anyone can do it. Your end product can now look much more professional, and your price per book is much more reasonable than it once was. Print-on-demand technology now allows for low-cost printing, so you can order as few as two or three books at a time for the same cost per book as you would pay if you were buying hundreds.
  • You determine the publishing timeline. It’s possible to publish almost instantly online.
  • You control the editing process.
  • You have creative control over the cover and interior design.
  • You set the price.
  • After expenses, the profit is 100% yours.

The Cons of Self-Publishing

  • Anyone can do it. The market is glutted, as literally thousands self-publish daily.
  • Everything falls to you, from page numbers to fulfilling orders. If you don’t do it, it doesn’t get done.
  • Lower visibility and exposure. Though local bookstores might display your book on consignment, few others will — regardless what distribution companies promise. They may expose it to thousands of stores in an online calendar, but they’re not handselling it into those. Some experts say only 5% of all published books actually reach bookstore shelves.
  • Self-publishing predators promise the world and often deliver very little. Do your homework. Get recommendations. Ask questions.

Whichever method you choose, there are a few steps that every author must take to get published.

  • 8 Steps to Publishing a Book

 Finish your first draft

Obvious? Yes — but few people ever achieve this .

 Come up with a great title

Start with a working title, but don’t finalize it until your first draft is complete.

 Get feedback and editing

Separate yourself from the competition and make sure your book is the best it can be . Agents and publishers reject manuscripts that need too much work.

 Get a great cover

Your book’s cover is your most important marketing tool. Your publisher knows what sells. If you’re self-publishing, invest in a professional designer.

 Write a strong book description

A good cover makes readers curious enough to pick up your book. Your book’s description will seal the deal.

 Format your manuscript

Poor formatting makes you look like an amateur, so do this right. Check out the recommendations in my guide, How to Write a Book .

 Create a launch plan

Your launch plan helps to build excitement and sell as many books as possible once it’s released. Your publisher will help with this, but they won’t do everything. Prepare Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) and reach out to your email list, your colleagues, and any influencers you know to ask them to submit reviews to Amazon or Apple Books during launch week.

 Market your book

Your work doesn’t stop after your book is published – it’s only just begun. Have a plan that will help you promote your books on an ongoing basis. Need help writing your novel? Click here to download my ultimate 12-step guide.

  • Let’s Get Real About How to Publish a Book

How much does it cost to publish a book

Some say writers can make a lot more money by self-publishing. They argue that rather than settling for just a 15% or so royalty of the sales by a traditional publisher, they enjoy all the profits.

The problem with this logic is that it too often underestimates what it costs to self-publish.

The likelihood is that the “profit” per sold book, often at best, equals about the same as a traditional royalty.

The drawback then is that as a self-publisher, you have vastly less experience promoting, advertising, marketing, selling, delivering, and billing than traditional publishers do.

Besides the fact that this is a full-time job that will likely rule out your having the time to write another book, with rare exceptions, traditional publishers sell many more copies than self-publishers do.

That said, self-publishing may be your choice under certain circumstances. Such as:

  • You’ve exhausted your efforts to land a traditional deal. That doesn’t always indicate that your writing is inferior. It could merely mean that your audience is limited, making your book a less viable business proposition for the publisher.
  • Your book is of interest to hundreds of people, as opposed to thousands. I self-published a couple of volumes of my father’s poetry, because it was of interest to several hundred friends and relatives but not to a mass market audience of thousands required by a traditional publisher.
  • You’re a college professor or in some similar occupation where you must “publish or perish,” but your area of expertise is so esoteric that your books would not likely be commercial successes on a mass scale.

In truth, there are many reasons you might opt to self-publish, so the issue becomes whom you can trust as a supplier for all the services you’ll be paying for.

That’s where you need to do your homework. Talk to others who have self-published to see whether they felt ripped off, over-promised, over-charged, etc.

Many vanity or subsidy or hybrid self-publishing suppliers have beautiful websites, rave reviews, and examples of beautifully produced books that will make your mouth water.

They’ll use terms like, “If we accept your manuscript…” when the truth is, many such firms would print anything you sent them as long as your check was attached.

They’ll offer all the services I listed above, but if you decide not to take advantage of those, you’ll pay less but also wind up with an inferior final product.

That’s why too many self-published books look self-published:

  • Amateur art on the cover.
  • No editing or proofreading.
  • Little thought to interior design or even typeface (many use sans serif type , while traditionally published books mostly use serif type ).
  • Many use the word “by” before the author’s name on the cover, which you rarely see with traditionally published books.
  • Some self-published books don’t even spell Foreword correctly, but rather spell it Forward or Forword or even Foreward. And many use the British spelling of Acknowledgments, adding another E for Acknowledgements.

But those are the least of the potential issues.

With careful planning, studying, and comparing, you should be able to self-publish your book for much less than the $10,000 or more that many of these companies charge for their “premium” packages.

How Much Does it Cost to Publish a Book?

As mentioned above, if you go the traditional route, your publisher will cover all related costs.

You’ll save time and energy — and also avoid a steep learning curve.

If you’re self-publishing, you’ll pay out of pocket. Your costs can vary widely depending on the types of services you need, your genre, and more.

Plan to set aside at least $3,000-$5,000 for everything.

You can find estimates for professional services here , as well as four authors’ actual book publishing costs .

How To Publish a Children’s Book

If you dream of becoming a children’s author — or of publishing children’s versions of your adult books — the process is similar.

But there are enough differences to make it worthwhile to learn specifically about the children’s book market and how to publish a children’s book. It’s highly competitive, largely because four-color illustrations are the most expensive printing there is.

However, the market is growing quickly and it’s highly rewarding. Learn how to write a children’s book and submit it to publishers .

Are the Odds Against Traditional Publishing too Great?

Few traditional publishers accept unsolicited manuscripts, but that doesn’t mean they don’t consider new writers and their work.

They accept submissions from agents — who are always on the lookout for the next great book or author — or from writers recommended to them by one of their current authors .

I’ve been coaching writers for decades, so I’m well aware of the confusion, the desperation, and the frustration you may be feeling.

Pursuing a traditional book deal takes:

  • Time — You can feel tempted to give up without the right knowledge and support.
  • Persistence — You must become comfortable learning to politely follow up when you don’t hear back right away and to keep moving forward.
  • A thick skin — You will have to learn to handle rejection with grace and not take it personally.
  • An open mind and willingness to be coached — Based on feedback you receive, you may have to make revisions to your draft.

Which is why I wrote this roadmap to the publishing process.

By the end, I want you confident and clear about which route to choose when publishing your book—and you’ll know the steps to take.

Deciding your publishing path

We’re in the busiest and noisiest era in publishing history. It has never been easier to get printed , and never harder to be traditionally published .

But don’t let that discourage you.

Getting a literary agent or a publisher to take a chance on you or your manuscript does not happen by accident. It requires time, focus, and excellence.

Begin by considering:

  • What genre or category is your book? The genre you choose determines your target audience, your potential agent, and even which publishers to pursue.
  • Are your genre and premise popular? As in any industry, there are always trends to consider. Vampire romance may be on the way out, for example, while historical fiction could be having a moment (Note: I’m not saying this is true!) The best way to know? Carefully read what agents are looking for as you research.
  • Who is your target reader and why will your book sell? And resist the temptation to say it’s for everybody. Naturally, we put that much effort into writing something and we wonder who wouldn’t want to read it? Truth is, that kind of thinking waves a red flag of amateurism to agents and publishers. Successful, even mega-bestselling, books don’t appeal to everyone. They are written to specific audiences, and if they cross over to other markets (as, for instance, the Harry Potter Young Adult titles—which have become vastly popular to adults as well), that’s a bonus.
  • Do you have a platform? If that’s a new term to you, it simply means the extent of your influence—how many people are interested in what you do. This is one of the first questions an agent or publisher asks. With the variety of social media and blogging vehicles available today, building a following and interacting with potential readers has never been easier.
  • How to Pitch to Traditional Publishers

Picthing to a Traditional Publisher

If you’re a nonfiction writer you’ll want to submit a book proposal that includes a brief, one- or two-sentence synopsis (summary) of each chapter, plus three sample chapters.

A first time fiction writer is expected to submit a complete manuscript for consideration.

  • How to Publish a Book: Landing a Traditional Publishing Deal

1. Edit Like Your Writing Life Depends On It, Because It Does

The most important step as you begin is to become a ferocious self-editor. Even if you choose to self-publish, the quality of your writing is determined by this.

Acquisition editors (first readers at publishing houses who decide whether your manuscript is worth showing to their bosses) and literary agents tell me they know within two minutes or as few as two pages whether your manuscript is worth pursuing.

That may not sound fair, but it’s the hard truth. If you wished they would have stuck with it till you got to the good part, next time start with the good part. 😊

All writing is rewriting. Put your best foot forward by learning to aggressively self-edit until you’re happy with every word.

If an agent decides to take you on and/or your manuscript is accepted by a publishing house, it will still go through editing there.

But your goal is to make it the best you know how so it will get past those first readers—potential agents or acquisition editors.

2. Determine your genre

You need to know where your book will sit on bookstore shelves and how it will be categorized in online marketplaces like Amazon. This lets your ideal readers find you and tells Amazon how to promote you.

Knowing your genre is also critical when you start pitching agents, because not all agents represent all genres. If you send your memoir to an agent who’s only interested in business topics or romance, you’ll get an automatic rejection.

3. Find An Agent

Landing an agent can be just as difficult as landing a publishing deal, because they are every bit as discerning regarding a manuscript’s (or an author’s) potential.

The advantage of an agent (which makes them worth their 15% of whatever you make) is that they serve as your manuscript’s cheerleader.

Agents know the business, the industry, the players—who’s publishing what and who might like what you’ve written.

They shop your manuscript to publishers and advocate on your behalf. Having landed an agent is a credit in itself.

It shows that you and your writing have already survived serious vetting.

Some (but not many) traditional publishers consider unsolicited or unagented manuscripts, but if you can land an agent, that’s your best bet.

Having an agent can make your life a lot easier. They can:

  • Coach you on refashioning your proposal
  • Help you understand the publishing process
  • Handle the business side so you can stay in your creative lane

Once you’ve researched and compiled a list of agents who seem to be a good fit, follow their submission guidelines to a T. (Google literary agents.)

4. Write A Query Letter

A query (question) letter is designed to determine whether an agent or publisher might be interested in your manuscript. It’s your first impression—your initial sales call.

Make it stimulating and intriguing.

You’re not selling your writing just yet; you’re merely asking to get in the door.

Position yourself as a colleague, not a fan. Make it short and to the point, preferably one page, and send electronically.

  • Your elevator pitch: a one-sentence summary of your book’s premise, called this because it’s what you should imagine saying to publishing professionals between the time you meet them on an elevator and when they get off.
  • Your synopsis: a one-paragraph summary that goes beyond the elevator pitch and tells what happens and how things turn out. For nonfiction books, explain what the book is about and what you hope to accomplish with it. For fiction, explain the basics of your plot .
  • Your target audience and why they’ll buy your book. Don’t oversell.
  • Your personal information—what qualifies you to write this book. The kind of platform you’ve built. The address of your blog . Your contact information.

Before you hit Send, proofread your letter. Then proofread it again.

While up to a half dozen typos in a 300-400-page manuscript are of little consequence, any typo in such a short document will make you look like an amateur.

Have a friend or relative proofread it with fresh eyes.

5. Write your proposal or send your manuscript

These are the documents agents want.

If you’re writing nonfiction, your proposal is often the only document they require before asking to see your manuscript.

If you’re writing fiction, agents will request either a partial or a full manuscript.

Every word should pique an agent’s interest—your goal is an invitation to send your entire manuscript.

Briefly but completely describe the details of your manuscript. Leave nothing out.

For nonfiction, include every issue you cover and the basics of what you’ve said about each.

For fiction, synopsize every chapter.

Proposals can contain any number of components, including:

  • Elevator pitch
  • Target audience
  • Chapter synopses
  • Marketing ideas
  • Endorsements
  • Your analysis of competing books, and where yours fits
  • Up to three sample chapters

The average proposal can range from between 10 to 25 pages. Keep it as tight as you can without leaving out anything crucial.

Which is best, a query or a proposal?

As a rule, a query letter precedes sending either a proposal or a full or partial manuscript. But check potential agents’ submissions guidelines on their websites

Some want to start with your proposal. Show them you’re thorough and willing to work.

  • How to Self-Publish a Book

Getting Self-Published

The biggest mistake many self-published authors make is spending more on design and marketing than on professional editing and proofreading.

A great looking book with a terrific cover and lots of promotion will die a quick death in the market unless the editing and proofreading are also evident.

Resist the urge to hire a relative who majored in English or even teaches English; book editing is a unique discipline.

The last thing you want is a handsome product that reads like the manuscript made the rounds of the traditional publishing houses, was rejected, and had to be self-published.

Writing quality sets you apart in a saturated marketplace. Amazon is by far the biggest player for self-publishers, so it’s worth your while to learn how to publish a book on Amazon .

Engaging a Self-Publishing Company vs. Doing It Yourself

Many companies offer all the services you need to self-publish, but some are more trustworthy than others. It takes a lot of success—and sales—to recoup the costs of such services.

You may run across the term “hybrid publishing,” referring to different pay-to-publish methods, but the bottom line is that it’s still self-publishing.

As I’ve said, you are the publisher. You pay the bills.

My friend Jane Friedman’s helpful article, What is a Hybrid Publisher? , explains this in detail.

In short, hybrid publishing companies claim to combine the best of a traditional publishing house with a self-publishing model. But beware.

Many of these are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Again, do your homework, get references, compare pricing. The more popular platforms to “publish” online:

  • Amazon Createspace: a print-on-demand option also prints paperback copies ordered  on Amazon.
  • Kindle Direct Publishing: you can publish an ebook online available for purchase on  Kindle and Kindle Apps worldwide via
  • iBooks: you can publish a book to the Apple iBooks store and distribute it anywhere on the internet.

Other considerations for self-published titles (unless you’ve hired someone to navigate this process):

  • Create an author website .
  • Format and upload your manuscript for the internet.
  • Purchase an ISBN (International Standard Book Number, a 13-digit unique identifier).

But hear me: Please exhaust all efforts to be traditionally published before resorting to self-publishing.

If you are fortunate enough to have your manuscript accepted by a traditional publishing house, they assume all the financial risk, so it costs you nothing.

Should you choose self-publishing, the cost varies greatly. You can “publish” virtually free online if you don’t engage an editor, proofreader, or designer.

Self-publishing actual books can range from between $1,500 and more than $10,000, depending on how many services you require or which company you hire.

  • My Opinion on How to Publish a Book

I’ve made it my life’s work to coach writers to get their work to a level where they can market it to traditional publishers. Even if you choose self-publishing, you want your writing up to that standard.

A great starting point? My 21 Ferocious Self-Editing Tips Checklist can turn you into an aggressive self-editor and give your writing the best chance to impress industry gatekeepers.

Regardless whether you choose to compete for a traditional publishing deal or self-publish, give everything you have to your writing.

Hone your skills . Read everything you can get your hands on about the craft.

Your reader deserves it.

And so do you.

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Blog • Understanding Publishing

Last updated on Feb 07, 2023

How to Get a Book Published: Your Guide to Success in 2024

If you’re a first-time author, we'd completely understand you not knowing how to get a book published. After all, there are now more publishing options than ever. Every author has to decide for themselves how to publish, taking into account the relative benefits and what they really want from of the experience — fame and fortune, literary repute, or simply being able to say they've done it.

In this post, we’re going to walk you through the traditional publishing route, which is what most writers will think of when they talk about "getting published." And if self-publishing sounds more up your alley, click here to read our guide about how to get started. (We’re also not going to discuss vanity presses in this article, for reasons explained here .)

Here's the simple 5-step process to get a book published:

1. Start with genre research in the publishing industry  

2. finish your book and get feedback from editors, 3. submit query letters to literary agents , 4. submit your manuscript to publishers , 5. sign a book deal to publish the book.

Wondering which path is the best fit for your skills, ambitions, and book? Take this 1-minute quiz to find out whether you're better-suited for self-publishing or traditional publishing.

Is self-publishing or traditional publishing right for you?

Takes one minute!

how to get a book published

Ask a hundred writing coaches, authors, and editors for advice on getting published, and 95 of them will tell you to read widely in your genre. The other five will probably assume that you’re already doing it.

Which genre (or subgenre) am I writing?

Find out which genre your book belongs to. It only takes a minute!

As an author, you should not only learn from your contemporaries (and the all-time greats), but also know what kinds of books people are buying. That will give you an idea of the books publishers are looking to acquire and how YOUR book will fit into that space.

A note on trends: it might sound like a good idea to write a book that capitalizes on a current trend (sexy vampires, hardened female heroines, etc.). But by the time that your book finally hits the shelves (it can take years,  even after you sign a deal), that trend might be over — something that acquiring editors are acutely aware of.

That said, there are definitely certain genres for which readers seem to have endless appetites. These are the trends to be aware of, rather than trends related to specific subject matter or character types. (We'll talk more about these genre trends, and about why Big 5 publishers love them, in step 5.)



Traditional Publishing 101

Learn the process behind book deals in 10 days.

how to get a book published

This entire article relies on your book actually being good. It doesn’t need to be the finest novel ever written, but it must be something its target readers will enjoy . Therefore, an agent mustn’t be the first person (other than you) to read your manuscript.



Manuscript Format Template

Get your manuscript ready for submission to agents and publishers.

Before you start looking for representation, consider working with beta readers : people with an interest in your genre who can offer you feedback from a third-party perspective. And try to get someone professional! Your cousin or college roommate might be happy to help, but they may not be your best choice, for two reasons:

  • As your friend, they’re inherently biased; and
  • They might not belong to your target readership.

Pay attention to what they say, and self-edit based on their feedback. You might also consider working with professional developmental and copy editors. A pro edit can be a crucial step in ensuring your manuscript reads well , for when an agent finally requests it.



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Should you go to writers' conferences?

Not all authors are lucky enough to live near cities with writers' conferences. But if you can afford to attend one, then you definitely should. It’s a great way to watch panels by published authors and industry insiders (editor and agents). In most cases, there will even be a chance to network directly with those people at the conference’s social events.

It’s also pretty common for there to be sessions where you can practice your pitch and get one-on-one feedback from attending agents or editors and (if you really, really hit it off) you might find that they’ll refer you to agents.

An inexpensive alternative to writing conferences are writing communities avaliable online , where you can get great advice, feedback, and case studies from people who have written and published books. Though you're unlikely to find any former Big 5 acquisition editors casually trolling the forums, these communities are a great place to start for first-time authors, and may even lead to you becoming a lifelong member.

Additional resources: What to Expect From Beta Readers  (blog), What are Sensitivity Readers  , and Editing a Book Yourself (blog)

how to get a book published

At this point, your manuscript is looking sharp, and you clearly understand whom it’s aimed at. With that in your back pocket, it’s time to get yourself an agent. This is where you can turn to our thoroughly vetted literary agents directory , which lists over 600 agents in every genre and category for you to peruse!

Start browsing our directory to find your dream literary agent today.

Do you need an agent?

While some indie presses accept “unagented submissions,” you’ll find that your best bet to scoring a traditional publishing deal will be to first secure an agent. Not only do they have the right connections at publishing companies, but they will also know how best to sell it to acquiring editors.

In addition, pitching your book is just one of the many tasks that falls to an agent. They are also advisors and editors, who will give you objective advice on your manuscript and act as a buffer between you and the publisher. They’ll handle a lot of the business side of things, leaving you free to write. Most importantly, they are deeply familiar with the industry and should know how to negotiate the best price for your book ( and avoid potential scams ). For that reason alone, they are worth their commission.


Query Submissions Tracker

Stay organized on your journey to find the right agent or publisher.

What are you looking for in an agent?

First of all, you are not just looking for any   professional agent who’s willing take you on. You want one that’s right for you and your manuscript. They should be passionate about your book, as they’ll be the one responsible for selling it! For that reason, you need to do your research and draw up a shortlist of candidates who represent books and authors within your specific genre.

Fortunately, our literary agents directory allows you save agents to your shortlist and email the list to yourself, so you won't lose track of who you want to query. For more information on how to find the perfect agent for you and your book, check out the resource below.

Find out about h ow to find a literary agent in our guide here .

What do agents look for in an author?

It's important to remember that everyone’s goal in this business is to make money . Agents work purely on commission, so they’re looking for books they have a high chance of selling to a Big 5 publisher (Big 6, if you're including Amazon Publishing imprints) — and that will sell enough copies to justify their investment of time.

Agents are also looking for long-term working relationships. This means they'll put more stock in writers who not only have the potential to write lots of great books, but who also seem like nice people to work with. No matter how awesome your manuscript, if you come across like a delusional nightmare, people will think twice about signing you.

Do you need publishing experience or personal connections to land an agent?

A common misconception is that unsolicited queries are almost never successful. This, however, is largely untrue. Former agent Rachel Stout polled over twenty New York -based agents from a range of backgrounds and found that almost all of them are open to unsolicited queries (or “slush,” as they call it).

“I know that authors don't think most agents read their queries. Almost everybody reads them,” Stout suggests. “35% of the agents I asked — some with two decades of experience and others with two years — said that more than half of their current list comes directly from the slush pile.”

how to get a book published

Unless you get a personal introduction, this is the usual procedure for successfully landing an agent for the first time:

  • You send the agent a "query letter" that quickly pitches yourself and your novel.
  • The agent is intrigued. They request and read your manuscript.
  • They love your manuscript and you enter discussions re: your book and career.
  • You sign an agreement that allows the agent to represent your book.

Of course, this is the best-case scenario. Most writers find themselves querying multiple agents. It’s a common myth that you should only speak to one agent at a time: nobody, especially the agent, expects this to be the case.

Find out how to write a query letter here .

Bear in mind that most agents get a mountain of queries every month. The good news is that most of the queries they get are terrible, boilerplate messages that are copied-and-pasted indiscriminately for each agent.

Yes, each agency will have their own submission guidelines (which you should follow to the letter) — but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go the extra mile by further personalizing the query. Make sure you:

  • Address it directly to a specific agent;
  • Get their name right (a common pitfall); and
  • Let them know why you want them , specifically, to represent your book.

Sometimes, just showing an agent that you’ve done your research will give them confidence that you’re a hard-working writer who understands how the game works and doesn't cut corners.

Find out about personalizing your query letter here .

how to get a book published

You can expect to work with your agent to further develop your manuscript. In many cases, they’ll see potential in your book and will act as your first editor of sorts. Ideally, you will discuss how to make your book more sellable before signing with them.

Now, some writers might not love this idea. Why did they sign my book if all they want to do is change it? However, it’s wise to listen to their suggestions. They’ve been in the game longer than you, and if they’re good at their job, then their recommendations will help you reach more of your desired audience.

And once you’re both happy with the state of your manuscript, it’s then up to your agent to go out in the wilderness, pitch your book to publishers , and negotiate the best possible terms for your  book sales !

Can you query/submit a book that you’ve already self-published?

There are some cases, like with Andy Weir’s The Martian and 50 Shades of Grey , where a publisher has reissued a self-published book. But these cases are pretty rare. Most of the time, if your book has already been on the market, industry folks will wonder if it's already exhausted its market. After all, the 10,000 people who bought your self-pub book usually won’t buy it again just because Simon & Schuster has it now.

However, if you’ve self-published a book that has sold very well, you can bet that agents will be lining up to request your next manuscript.

How do you get a publishing deal with the Big 5?

If you’re an author currently trying to get traditionally published, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the Big 5 Publishers:  Penguin Random House, Hachette Livre, HarperCollins, Macmillan, and Simon & Schuster. All of these publishers have been around for decades, and getting your book published by one of them is a golden ticket to prestige and recognition.

However, keep in mind that these publishers are pretty selective, especially when it comes to novels. If you want to vie for one of them, you’ll have better luck if you write in certain genres. As you can probably surmise from the current market, the biggest genre trends in fiction lately are:

  • Thrillers and suspense novels (e.g. Gone Girl and The Woman in the Window )
  • Retellings and/or novels based on actual events (e.g. Circe and Room )
  • “Own voices” novels (e.g. The Hate U Give and There There )

That said, you still need to have some kind of original take or twist in order to capture a Big 5 publisher’s attention. Your book can't just be a poor man’s  Gone Girl; you have to take the most innovative and intriguing elements of your chosen genre, and make them even better. You have to truly make the story your own.

Check out the largest book publishers in 2024 here and our post all about upmarket fiction here.

And there you have it. Remember: if you have a strong manuscript and a desire to put in the work, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to secure a publishing deal of your very own. We can't wait to see your name on the shelves!

Want to know all the details of what really goes on behind the scenes at a big publishing house? Check out our free course: Inside a Traditional "Big 5" Publisher !

6 responses

Harvey Stanbrough says:

26/01/2019 – 10:47

I wish, just one time, articles that tout traditional publishing would warn authors that most traditional publishers today will acquire ownership of your copyright for the life of the copyright. When you go traditional in this day and age, you truly are "selling" your work outright for whatever pittance of an advance you get, if any. Today building their portfolio of IP is more valueable to publishers than publishing books. YOUR intellectual property becomes THEIR intellectual property and is vaulted to add value to the company. Please stop sending young writers to tradpub without warning them to very carefully read the contract.

↪️ Martin Cavannagh replied:

25/06/2019 – 12:46

I think you're right there, Harvey — when they're looking at trad. publishers, authors can easily forget to do their background research. We're working on a few pieces that should help authors understand their publishing rights — especially when it comes to rights reversion. At Reedsy, we're big proponents of self-publishing but we understand that it's hard work. There will always be a good chunk of authors who would prefer not to do any of the publishing or marketing elements and for them... traditional publishing is pretty much the only option. Thanks for your feedback!

↪️ Luis Petrizzo replied:

25/06/2019 – 16:13

That sounds good there at least some who would respect the author's IP? Just wondering.

Carl Dean says:

29/05/2019 – 04:53

Very helpful article. I believe I have something good and I am finally ready to share the story.

Marianne Calkins says:

15/12/2019 – 21:31

I have just finished a short children’s story. I have had it edited and illustrated. It haas been printed by a local printer. I originally wrote this for my grandchildren but I am interested in trying to get it published. I have 2 more short stories in the works also. The illustrator and editor would like to keep working with me. I was just going to send out copies to several different publishers to see what would happen. Is this too naive of me? Would appreciate any feedback.

18/12/2019 – 09:56

Most of the time, children's books publishers prefer to deal with literary agents. You could query an agent with your new book ideas and see if there's any interest. The fact that you've written and self-published a book already won't hurt your chances!

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Whether you’re a seasoned author or a first-time writer, understanding the various stages of the publishing process can help you navigate the path from idea to manuscript to published book with confidence.

Table of Contents: • Step 1: Story ideation    How to stimulate creativity • Step 2: Research the market • Step 3: Research your audience • Step 4: Writing the manuscript    Creating book outlines as a framework    Structure your chapters and pacing    Set realistic goals • Step 5: Editing and revising • Step 6: Publishing options    Traditional vs. self-publishing • Step 7: Marketing and promotion    Create your author platform    Leveraging online marketing channels

Step 1: Story ideation

Every book starts with an idea. The key is to find the one that gives you enough fuel to fire off an entire novel.

How to stimulate creativity

The first stage of the publishing process is coming up with the story itself. Many writers draw inspiration from their personal experiences, their imagination, dreams, or other art forms. Others immerse themselves in research to uncover captivating stories or unique perspectives.

However you find inspiration, reading as many books as possible — including works outside your genre and style — will expand your understanding of how stories can be told.

Many of the best ideas start with the sentence, “ What if…? ” For instance, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series was born from her train ride delays, which led to her imagining a young wizard attending a school of magic. This vivid imagination launched one of the most beloved book series in literary history. Another practical suggestion is to visit Manuscript Wish List to see what agents and editors are looking for.

Step 2: Research the market

Once you have an idea, it’s worth ensuring it’s not something that has been done to death. Of course, just because an idea has already been covered in a book or two doesn’t mean you shouldn’t write your book. After all, agents like it when there are comparable titles — especially if the books are successful. But you don’t want to have an idea that is too close to a hugely successful title — like writing a book series about a young boy discovering he has magic and going off to wizarding school.

Step 3: Research your audience

Knowing your audience is important, as it shapes the style, tone, and themes of your story. Research who your potential readers are, what they enjoy, and what resonates with them.

Step 4: Writing the manuscript

Once you’ve got an idea you’re excited about and you know who you’re writing for, it’s time to write.

Creating book outlines as a framework

Before diving into the actual writing process, creating a book outline can provide a structured framework for your story. Outlines act as roadmaps, guiding you through a plot’s progression and character development and can help prevent writer’s block and keep your story on track.

Structure your chapters and pacing

When writing your manuscript, consider how you structure your chapters and maintain a compelling pace. Engaging chapters with smooth transitions can keep readers turning the pages, eager to know what happens next. Strike a balance between tension and release to keep the story dynamic.

Set realistic goals

Writing a book is a significant endeavor, and setting realistic goals can keep you focused and motivated. Determine achievable daily/weekly word counts or writing milestones to break down the process into manageable steps. Celebrate your progress as you move closer to completing your manuscript.

Step 5: Editing and revising

Once the first draft of your manuscript is complete, it’s time for the crucial stage of editing and revising. These editing steps help refine your story and ensure its readiness for publication. Hiring beta readers or a developmental editor can make sure your manuscript is solid. If you’re writing fiction, especially, these early readers will tell you if your plot or character arcs have problems.

Once your novel or nonfiction book is tight, you’re ready for copy editing . This is not a step you can do on your own as writers cannot see their own mistakes, and while using software like Grammarly or ProWritingAid is a good first step, there’s no replacement for a human editor.

Step 6: Publishing options

Your manuscript is written and edited and ready for the world. Now what? Well, you have two publishing options.

Traditional vs. self-publishing

For ages, the only viable option for authors was publication through traditional publishing houses, which handle every aspect of the publishing process, from editing to distribution. However, self-publishing has become an empowering option for authors to retain creative control and a higher percentage of royalties.

Of course, we love self-publishing, not just because we partner with authors every day to help them publish their books, but because of how democratic and easy it is. Anyone can publish a book, without having to go through various gatekeepers first.

BookBaby offers powerful Complete Self-Publishing Packages that includes everything you need to create and distribute eBooks and printed books.

Step 7: Marketing and promotion

No matter if you’ve landed a traditional publishing deal or chosen to self-publish, once your book is ready, marketing and promotion are crucial to reach your target audience and build a following.

Create your author platform

An author platform includes your online presence, such as an author website, social media channels, and email newsletters. Building an author platform allows you to connect with readers, engage in discussions, and share updates about your work. In short, you need to be on the platforms your audience favors.

Leveraging online marketing channels

Online marketing channels — including social media, book bloggers, and virtual book tours — can help you reach a broader audience. Engaging with book communities and collaborating with influencers can boost your book’s visibility. Take out ads on social media platforms . Contact book reviewers. Spread the word as widely as you can!

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Navigating the Publishing Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

The publishing process for a book or article can be overwhelming, especially if you’re a first-time author. With so many steps to follow and decisions to make, it can be easy to feel lost or uncertain about what to do next. However, by understanding the publishing process and breaking it down into manageable steps, you can increase your chances of success and avoid common pitfalls along the way.

Guide to the Publishing Process

Step 1: Write Your Manuscript

publishing process

The first step to publishing a book or article is to write your manuscript. This may seem obvious, but it’s worth noting that the quality of your writing is essential to the success of your publication. Take the time to research your topic, create an outline, and write your content. Consider hiring an editor to help you refine your writing and ensure that your content is clear, concise, and engaging.

Step 2: Choose Your Publishing Path

Once you’ve completed your manuscript, you need to decide how you want to publish it. There are several options to consider, including traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid publishing. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to do your research and choose the path that is right for you and your book.

Step 3: Prepare Your Manuscript for Submission

Before submitting your manuscript to publishers or self-publishing platforms, it’s important to prepare it for submission. This may include formatting your manuscript, adding a cover page, and writing a synopsis. You may also want to consider hiring a professional editor to review your manuscript and provide feedback.

Step 4: Submit Your Manuscript

The next step is to submit your manuscript to publishers or self-publishing platforms. If you’re submitting to a traditional publisher, you may need to write a query letter and send it along with your manuscript. If you’re self-publishing, you’ll need to upload your manuscript and other materials to the platform of your choice.

Step 5: Market Your Book

Regardless of how you choose to publish your book, it’s important to market it to reach a wider audience. You can promote your book on social media, create a website, and reach out to book reviewers. You may also want to consider attending book signings, giving interviews, and participating in book clubs.

Step 6: Publish Your Book

The final step in the publishing process is to publish your book. If you’ve chosen traditional publishing, the publisher will handle this step for you. If you’re self-publishing, you’ll need to follow the steps provided by the platform you’ve chosen. This may include uploading your final manuscript, designing your book cover, and setting your book’s price.

In conclusion, the publishing process can be a long and challenging journey, but by breaking it down into manageable steps, you can increase your chances of success. Whether you choose traditional publishing, self-publishing, or hybrid publishing, the most important thing is to write a high-quality manuscript and market your book effectively.

Keywords: publishing, manuscript traditional publishing, self-publishing, hybrid publishing, query letter, marketing, book cover, price, publishing process, steps for the publishing process

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The Self-Publishing Advice Center

What Is Publishing? The Seven Processes of Book Publishing

  • November 18, 2019

Orna Ross

Orna Ross, Director of ALLi

Anyone who sets out to publish a book needs to understand the seven processes of publishing. If you're scratching your head or you've never heard of them, don't worry. In this extract from her book Creative Self-Publishing , ALLi Director Orna Ross explains each process and why they matter to indie authors and other publishers.

Tell someone you're an author and the next question they'll most likely ask is “are you published”?

What they usually mean by that is: “Has somebody else invested in your book?” (Subtext: “Are you actually an author — or are you really a deluded wannabe?” )

Few people outside the business understand that being “published” is not a matter of some other business deciding your book is good enough. But publishing is not just the act of making a book, with an appropriate cover and properly edited text. It’s not getting a book printed. It’s not the moment when you press the “publish” button on a self-publishing platform. And it’s certainly not when a commercial publisher in London or New York decides a manuscript deserves a contract.

So what is it?

Whether these are done by you, the author, or somebody else we call “a publisher”, is irrelevant to the reader–so long as the processes are properly done.

Knowing the seven processes of publishing is useful for all publishers, especially indie authors who can get confused — especially in the early days of their publishing business — about where the writing ends and the publishing begins.

Understanding the discrete nature of each process allows you to see which ones you can (or must) tackle yourself, and which you can hand over. And where you need to improve if you want to become a better publisher.

We can all be better publishers than we are today. Like writing, publishing is both art and craft, and that mean it's never perfected. But today's technology has made possible things that were never possible before –and gives authors scope for endless improvement and expansion in each process of publishing.

The Seven Processes of Publishing: The Formats

Before listing the seven processes of publishing, a quick look at formats. In the old days, books began as print and in a publishing contract, electronic or audio editions were handled as “subsidiary” to that ore format. Hence a whole section in publishing contracts covering subsidiary rights.

Today's indie authors use digital tools to produce books in three formats: ebook (electronic), pbook (print), and abook (audio) and most authors now start with the cheapest and easiest format which is ebooks.

We all have our preferred reading format and many older readers, in particular, are romantic about print, loving the feel, the smell and the weight of a print book in the hand. A good author-publisher knows that how we ourselves like to read, as a reader or writer, is irrelevant. Our job as a publisher is to get our books into as many formats as possible so that the readers can choose their own preferred format.

If you are currently publishing your first book, ALLi recommends you begin with making, supplying and sell an ebook first, as it's the easiest and cheapest format to work with. Ebooks will set you up fastest for book sales and allow you to make your inevitable mistakes more cheaply, and in a way that is easiest to rectify and change.

The elements and processes of publishing are the same across the three formats.  Once you've mastered ebooks, you can build on those skills to produce print and audio, the tricker formats that need more investment.

So what are those elements and processes?

The Seven Processes of Publishing: Three Elements

The three elements of commercial book publishing are: book making , books supply and book sales . These three elements encompass seven key processes that make up the craft of publishing.

Publishing Element One: Book Making

Publishing element two: book supply, publishing element three: book selling, the seven processes of publishing: questions that arise.

During the different processes of book publishing, very different questions arise.

Making the Book: Questions

This function includes editorial, design, and production: getting the text edited, the front cover and interior layout designed and produced. The kinds of questions we ask during the making phase include:

  • How do I master the editorial, design, and production tasks I can, need, and want to do?
  • What skills do I need to improve?
  • What skills can I improve, and which ones do I need to accept that I need help with?
  • Who do I get to help me? Where do I find good self-publishing services? (Hint: you can start with the ALLi Directory)
  • If I am self-publishing for the first time, will I use a full-service self-publishing company or assemble my own team of freelancers and publish directly to Amazon and/or others?
  • Where do I get feedback on my book, the cover, and other production matters?

Having mastered the intricacies of making a book, the author-publisher's attention then turns to reaching readers, book marketing, and promotion.

Supplying the Book: Questions

This function includes distribution and marketing. Distribution is about who's going to take your book out to the world, make it available. Then marketing is about ensuring that it is discoverable.

Book marketing and promotion are often confused, or spoken of together, but they are not the same thing. Marketing centers on what the book publishing business calls “discoverability”, ensuring that you and your books can be found by the right readers. Marketing includes your author platform, your book covers and descriptions and reviews, your email list and digital funnels,  and encompasses your promise to the reader. It's your marketing that allows readers to know what to expect from you and your books and it's an ongoing, ever-growing process.

Book promotion is time-based and sales-based, and usually a drive around a particular book. Promotions take many forms, including book launches, virtual or real-life book tours, advertising, and other purchased promotions.

  • What genres do I write in and who else writes in these genres?
  • Who is my ideal reader?
  • What is my USP, the one thing I do that other authors don't do?
  • How do I best reach my ideal readers?  What is my marketing plan?
  • How do I balance marketing and promotion tasks with writing more books?
  • How do I integrate the creative heart of my books into my marketing materials and sales pages?
  • Where do I best invest my resources of time and money?
  • What partnerships and collaborations can I make to increase my books' impact, influence, and income?

Selling the Book: Questions

Indie authors are careful about the contracts we sign and do what we call “selective licensing”, limiting the term and territory and time for which we license our rights to any trade publisher, or any other rights buyer. The kinds of questions we ask around rights management include:

  • What promotions give me the best return on investment
  • Where's the best place for me to advertise this book?
  • How might I sell my books abroad?
  • How can I profitably get my books into physical bookstores?
  • What do I do if I'm approached by a trade publisher?
  • What about subsidiary rights like radio, film, and television? Which do I self-publish, which do I trade?
  • How do I best exploit my intellectual property?
This is an extract from Creative Self-Publishing by Orna Ross.


What stage of the publishing process are you at? Have you faced any barriers or hurdles trying to get to the next process?

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Author: Orna Ross

Orna Ross is a bestselling and award-winning author of historical fiction and inspirational poetry, and a creativity facilitator. As founder-director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, she has been named one of The Bookseller’s Top 100 people in publishing. 

This article was helpful as a new author who has yet to publish. Thank you for making the information digestible and not too overwhelming.

Very interesting/informative since I finished my fictional novel and am looking to publish (new years resolution!). Have been and will continue to scour the ALLI Directory for quality independent publishers. Joined ALLI as Associate Member and will be accessing as many resources as my schedule allows (work 3 jobs on top of writing endeavors). While doing all of the above described activities (in addition to continuing to participate in local writers groups), my intention is to regularly reach out (targeted outreach) to publishers on the ALLI Directory. Wanted to run this by you as a strategy. Best wishes for 2020!!!

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Author : Charles Maynes

08th Feb 2024

The Basics of Book Publishing Process: A simple Guide for Writers

book Publishing process

Don’t Have Time to Read? Listen to this Article Instead!

Key Takeaways of the Book Publishing Process

  • The book publishing process is both exciting and challenging. It also involves hard decisions and a complex process.
  • The basics of the publishing process are essential to know for writers, especially new ones.
  • The process of publishing a book includes manuscript submission, contract negotiation, editing, design, production, distribution, book marketing, sales, and rights management.
  • Authors collaborate with professionals such as editors, designers, distributors, and marketers throughout the process.
  • A successful book publishing process requires quality content, professional editing, thorough research, and persistence in the face of challenges.

Navigate The Book Publishing Process

Set sail on your publishing journey with us and transform your manuscript into a masterpiece that makes a mark on the literary world.


The book publishing process can be an exciting episode in a writer’s life yet a challenging experience. The book publishing process is a difficult one. It involves tough decisions. In addition, the process takes thorny turns, from the birth of an idea to its being laid out on the compiled papers.

It is essential for every author to grasp the basics of publishing in the writing process. Also, it is vital for new authors who are taking this track for the first time. So, inside this book publishing process step by step guide, we will explain to you all book publishing steps.

By reading this blog, you will get an idea of how a book is published. This is a clear roadmap for you to navigate the difficulties of the vanity publishing industry. So, if you are an expert or a beginner, this simple guide will clear all your questions and will help you to understand each step clearly.

What is Publishing?

Publishing is the process in which you make a book available for public access and consumption. The process of book publishing has many stages. The stages include:

Manuscript Submission


The purpose of the book publishing process is to showcase the work of an author to the readers. So, you have to understand the publishing a book process as it is essential for writers. If you are a new writer, then this is even more important for you. In addition, if you want to be successful with your work, you need to learn the book publishing process.

The book publication process is complex. In addition, it requires collaboration between experienced professionals. Such professionals include:

  • Distributors

Every stage of the book publishing process requires attention to detail and to stick with specific guidelines. So, it is vital to ensure that the final product meets quality standards and reaches its intended audience.

What are 3 of the Stages in Books Review?

There are mainly 3 of the stages in book review. These three stages are:

Categorization Review

  • Transaction Review

Final Review

The first stage is where a publisher for a book classifies the book based on its specific aspects. This could include:

A romance novel will be categorized as a fiction book. In contrast, a biography / autobiography will be classified as a nonfiction book . This stage holds much importance as it ensures that the book goes through the correct criteria and standards.

Book Assessment

This stage might be more of an assessment of the book. The publishers check for various parts such as:

  • Sales Potential
  • Market Dynamics
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Distribution Plans

However, this does not stop here. It can include reviewing any agreements or contracts associated with the publication of the book, such as:

  • Author Agreements
  • Publishing Rights
  • Distribution Agreements

This step ensures that the book is viable from a commercial standpoint as well as that all transactions related to it are in order.

As the name suggests, the final review involves a comprehensive evaluation of the book. This includes the last check of:

  • Content Accuracy
  • Legal and Commercial Aspects

The final review also involves making sure the book meets the standards of the publishing house or the specific needs of the target audience.

What Is The Process of Publishing A Book?

The process of publishing a book is lengthy and technical. It has several steps which help transform the manuscript into a polished and marketable product.

The steps of publishing a book are:

Contract Negotiation

Design and layout, marketing and promotion, sales and distribution, rights management.

Authors submit their completed manuscripts to publishers or literary agents for consideration. Submission guidelines vary by publisher and genre. So, it is essential to research and follow instructions carefully.

If a publisher expresses interest in a book, the author and publisher negotiate the terms of the publishing contract. This includes royalty rates, rights, deadlines, and other vital details.

Once the contract is signed, the manuscript undergoes various rounds of editing, such as:

  • Developmental editing
  • Copyediting

Editors work closely with the author to refine the content, improve clarity, and ensure consistency.

Enhance Your Book Up to the Standards

Make your draft a masterpiece of clarity and grace. Choose our book editing services to put your writing to its polished best.

After editing, the design and layout of the book are finalized. It includes book cover design, interior layout, font selection, and formatting. The goal is to create an attractive and professional-looking book. A book that reflects the content and appeals to the target audience.

Once the design is approved, the book goes into production. In production, the book is printed in physical copies. Then, they formatted for digital editions for e-book distribution, if applicable. Quality control measures are implemented to ensure the final product meets standards.

With the book produced, it is time to distribute it to retailers, wholesalers, libraries, and online platforms. Distribution channels include:

  • Bookstores.
  • Online retailers such as Amazon.
  • Direct sales through the website of the publisher.

To attract readers and generate sales, publishers undertake marketing and promotional activities. This includes:

  • Interviews of the authors.
  • Signings of the book.
  • Campaigns for social media.
  • Advertising.
  • Outreach to reviewers and influencers.

Once the book is available for purchase, sales and distribution efforts continue. It ensures it reaches its intended audience. Then, publishers monitor sales performance. They adjust strategies as needed for marketing a book and work to keep the book visible and accessible.

Publishers may also manage rights related to the book, such as

  • Foreign rights
  • Audio rights
  • Film rights
  • Merchandise rights

Writers should license the book for translation, audiobook production, or adaptation into other formats. It can expand its reach and revenue potential.

How Does Publishing A Book Work?

Publishing a book is a complex yet rewarding process. It all starts with the creative vision of the author and ends with a finished product in the hands of readers. The journey from manuscript to published book may seem daunting. However, if you understand the steps in publishing a book, it can help you navigate the publishing landscape with confidence.

Book Publishing Process


Before you get into the publishing process, you should ensure your book is polished and ready for submission. This stage takes multiple rounds of:

  • Feedback from Beta Readers
  • Professional Editing Services.

Writers should research potential publishers or literary agents that specialize in their genre or niche. It is key to understand the submission guidelines. In addition, the preferences and reputation of each publisher. It can increase the chances of you finding the right fit for your book.

Once the book is ready, writers can submit it to publishers or literary agents according to their guidelines. It may involve the following to accompany the submission:

  • Preparing a query letter
  • Sample chapters

After you submit a manuscript, you must be prepared for a waiting period as publishers review submissions and make decisions. This can be a tough time. However, patience and persistence are essential qualities for writers who seek publication.

If a book is accepted for publication, you can expect to receive feedback from editors during the editing process. This feedback may involve tips for the following to strengthen the manuscript:

  • Clarifications
  • Improvements


The book publishing process is a collaborative effort. It involves working closely with editors, designers, and other professionals to bring the book to life. So, writers should be open to feedback. In addition, they should be willing to collaborate with team members to achieve the best possible outcome.

Publishers handle much of the marketing and promotion for a book. However, writers can also play a role in promoting their work. They can:

  • Build an author platform.
  • Engage with readers on social media.
  • Participate in book events.
  • Seek opportunities for publicity.

The book launch is a critical moment in the book publishing process. It marks the official release of the book to the public. Writers can celebrate this milestone by doing the following:

  • Organize launch events.
  • Reach out to media outlets for coverage.
  • Engage with readers to generate excitement and buzz.

Long-Term Promotion

Beyond the initial launch, you should continue to promote your books through ongoing marketing efforts. They can do the following:

  • Participate in book tours.
  • Secure speaking engagements.
  • Seek reviews.
  • Leverage opportunities for exposure.

Finally, publishing a book is a major feat that deserves celebration and reflection. It would be best if you took the time to:

  • Acknowledge your achievements.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned during the publishing process.
  • Begin planning for future writing and publication

Requirements For Publishing A Book

Publishing a book requires careful planning, preparation, and perseverance. The specific needs may vary. It depends on the publisher and genre. However, several key steps are essential for success.

Quality Content

The most critical need for the book publishing process is a quality manuscript. So, writers should strive to produce well-written, engaging, and original content that resonates with readers.

Professional Editing

Before you submit a manuscript for publication, you should invest in professional editing services. It can ensure the text is polished and error-free. It may involve hiring a developmental editor, copyeditor, and proofreader to provide comprehensive feedback and corrections.

It would help if you researched potential publishers or literary agents to find the best fit for your manuscript. This includes knowing the submission guidelines, preferences, and editorial focus of each publisher.


The book publishing process can be a challenging and competitive process. It requires persistence and resilience in the face of rejection. So, writers should be prepared to face them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 7 steps of the book publishing process.

The book publishing process consists of the following:

  • Acquisitions.
  • Design and typesetting.
  • Proofreading.

What’s the process of publishing a book?

The book publishing process a book involves multiple stages. It begins with pitching your book idea to literary agents or editors. Then, they negotiate with publishers to secure a publishing deal. Once accepted, your manuscript undergoes editing, design, and production before being marketed and distributed to retailers and readers. All over this process, publishers and authors work collaboratively to ensure the success of the book in the marketplace.

How much does it cost to publish a book?

Publishing a book ranges from $500 to $5,000 in the United States. These costs primarily cover expenses such as hiring an editor, book design services, and marketing efforts. On average, self-publishing a book costs around $2,000. It includes editing, cover design, printing, and promotional activities. However, the total cost can vary. It depends on factors such as the length of the manuscript, quality of services hired, and the marketing budget.

How do I self-publish my first book?

To publish your first book, follow these steps:

  • Sign a book deal: Negotiate and sign a publishing contract with a reputable publisher such as Authors Breeze.
  • Start editing: Collaborate with your editor and publisher to edit, design, and prepare your book for publication.
  • Start signing your book: Engage in book signings and promotional events to connect with readers and promote your book effectively.

It is vital for all writers, experienced or new, to understand the book publishing process. This guide has shed light on the steps involved, from manuscript submission to distribution, marketing, and beyond. The book publishing process can be daunting. However, with knowledge and determination, you can overcome all obstacles and achieve success.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, writers can publish with confidence while knowing they have a clear roadmap to guide them through the complications of the industry. So, embrace the process, stay resilient, and let your literary vision come to life for readers to enjoy and cherish.

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Maximize your book’s reach and connect with your target audience. Authors Breeze’s specialized book marketing services are designed to increase your visibility and sales.

publishing books process

Charles Maynes

Charles Maynes is a seasoned writer with years of experience in the publishing industry. With a background in journalism and creative writing, he deeply understands the art of storytelling and the importance of crafting a compelling narrative. Throughout his career, he has worked with a range of clients, from bestselling authors to small business owners, helping them to bring their stories to life through the written word.

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How to Self-Publish a Book in 2024: A Beginner’s Guide to Success

publishing books process

Learning how to self-publish a book is one of the best things you can do for yourself as a writer. Self-publishing is taking the book world by storm…so what is self-publishing exactly?

If you're a writer researching how to self-publish a book, you're taking the right step by weighing all of your publishing options.

Self-publishing has become a household term for writers and authors all around the world, thanks to technology.

Being a writer in today’s digital age means you have more options than ever on how to become an author —and learning how to self-publish a book is among the best for those who want full creative control over their work. What's the big deal, you ask? Well, until recently, writers didn’t have much of an option outside of traditional publishing if they wanted to write a book.

The problem with traditional publishing is that it's insanely competitive, and there are a lot of hoops to jump through to even have a chance at getting your book accepted by a traditional publishing house.

But now, the game is changing, and it’s never been easier for writers to learn how to self-publish a book.

In this comprehensive beginner's guide, we’ll walk you through all the points you need to know about how to self-publish a book on your own. Of course, before you learn how to self-publish a book, let's make sure you understand a bit about what self-publishing is .

This guide to how to self-publish a book will cover:

What is self-publishing.

Self-publishing is the act of publishing media yourself without the use of a publishing house or company. Self-publishing is commonly referred to in the author and book publishing industry, but people can self-publish other works of art, such as music and visual art.

In terms of self-publishing a book, an author writes a book and completes the entire publishing process themselves, such as editing, designing, and formatting the book without the aid of a traditional publishing company.

An author who learns how to self-publish a book typically has complete creative control, higher book royalty rates, and full autonomy over the publishing process.

To self-publish, an author will publish a book at their own expense using a self-publishing platform, such as Amazon KDP , and typically maintains full rights to the book.

In short: When you learn how to self-publish a book, you will oversee the entire book writing and production process, from start to finish, at your own expense, and with full ownership of your book rights.

Why Self-Publish

Here are the steps on how to self-publish a book:

  • Write the book
  • Self-edit the book
  • Professionally edit the book
  • Format the book
  • Get illustrations (if you're writing a children's book)
  • Get a book cover design
  • Market the book
  • Keep up with book maintenance
  • Work with a self-publishing company if you so choose

You may feel a little overwhelmed looking at the steps for how to self-publish a book, but don't worry! You don't actually have to do all of those tasks yourself, but rather you will oversee and fund the process.

Because the entire book writing and production process is your responsibility when you learn how to self-publish a book, it's important to make room in your publishing budget to hire professionals for the services you need, such as book editing and cover design.

What Is Self-Publishing And Steps For How To Self-Publish A Book

The history of publishing

Now that you know what self-publishing is, it's important to realize that authors weren't always able to publish a book on their own.

Let’s embark on a quick journey through the history of publishing, which can help you understand how self-publishing is revolutionizing the modern author’s journey.

The printing press was created in 1440 , which was a breakthrough technology in making books widely distributed. Thus, the traditional publishing industry as we know it came to be.

In the past and even still today, traditional publishers bought certain rights from the author in order to publish the work.

However, this took the power away from the storyteller , since the traditional publishers served as a “gatekeeper” – ultimately deciding which books would be widely shared, and which would not.

But along came the digital revolution. As with many aspects of our society, the internet revolutionized many industries, including publishing.

The rise of self-publishing

  • Step 1.0: This phase began in the 1990s when eBooks began to be sold online. During this time, desktop publishing and print-on-demand technology came to be.
  • Step 2.0: In 2007, Amazon launched the Kindle eReader and Apple released the iPhone. These two devices changed how people read books.
  • Step 3.0: The industry is headed towards this third wave, which is characterized by direct sales from author to reader. We’ll cover more about this in a later section.

Self-publishing a book today

Today, writers can use powerful technology and the internet to learn how to self-publish a book and share their stories with a global readership.

Traditional publishers no longer control the storyteller’s narrative.

The only one that decides when to write and publish a story is the author themselves.

In fact, the $1 billion self-publishing market is evidence that it’s become the first choice for many authors.

With today’s growing industry, the road to being a self-published author has widened considerably.

Self-Publishing Quote

How to self-publish a book in 10 simple steps

Successfully learning how to self-publish a book on your own can be a time-consuming process, but it’s usually a lot quicker than the traditional publishing route.

While it does require time and effort, the good news is that the self-publishing method can be pretty clear-cut.

Here are the basic steps for how to self-publish a book:

1. Write a book

There's no getting around it, if you want to learn how to self-publish a book, then you need to write one first! Of course, most writers think this is the fun part of the process. It's also probably the step you are most accustomed to!

2. Choose a title for your book

If you want to publish your own book, then you absolutely need a title for it. Do some research to help yourself craft a catchy title that will sell (and that isn't already taken). You might try a book title generator if you aren't sure how to write book titles .

3. Hire a book editor

I don't care how well you can edit other people's work – we are all our own worst editors. We know exactly what we meant to say, so sometimes we skim over errors as if they weren't even there. Hiring a professional book editor will save you a ton of trouble when learning how to self-publish a book.

4. Finalize your manuscript

It will probably take multiple pass-throughs with copy editors and line editors before you have the perfect manuscript. Don't get yourself down during this process. It will be worth it to have your finished product in the end! Plus, you really do want to catch all those mistakes.

5. Hire a book cover designer

If you don't have the skills to design one yourself, hire a book cover designer to create an eye-catching cover for your finished manuscript.

6. Decide where to self-publish your book

The next step in learning how to self-publish a book is to determine whether you would like to self-publish on Amazon KDP, Apples iBooks, or Kobo (more on these options later). This is also a good time to learn how to copyright a book if you haven't already.

7. Format & publish your book on the platform

Next comes book formatting. You wouldn't want to release a book with different size fonts or uneven margins. Nor would you want to use a font that gives your readers a headache. There is plenty of book formatting software that you can use before letting a professional formatter take a pass at your manuscript.

8. Plan and launch your book marketing campaign

There are so many fun book marketing ideas for before, during, and after book launch. Working with a self-publishing company can help you master these marketing techniques if they aren't something you are accustomed to.

9. Price your book

Now it's time to price your book. When learning how to self-publish a book, you should think of the price based on format, genre, and publishing goals. Take a look at some similar books and how they are priced. You may also want to offer a lower price for a limited time during pre-sale or launch to get some early reviews.

10. Continue to promote, market, and distribute your book

Book marketing never ends. If you want to keep making sales, you should keep promoting your book! When you run out of ideas, you can always write another book or create a special edition to market.

Remember, this is a condensed process of how to self-publish a book. You'll want to educate yourself on the best process for each step to avoid making publishing mistakes .

And you'll notice that many of the steps involved can be tailored to your specific situation.

For example, you can hire a book cover designer , or with the right tools and skills, you can make your own .

It’s important to dive deep into each step when you are working through the process of how to self-publish a book.

If you aren't sure how to do a lot of the steps above, that's okay! A self-publishing company can help you.

What are self-publishing companies?

A self-publishing company helps authors learn how to self-publish a book through the use of technology, services, education, and other means.

Self-publishing companies are mostly for-profit, and depending on the type of services offered, can assist authors and writers in using a publishing platform, helping with editing and other publication services, and assistance with navigating the publishing process and industry.

These are the main types of self-publishing companies:

  • Self-publishing platform: This is the actual medium that you will publish your book on, which we’ll explain more about later.
  • Author services: These are companies that provide author services such as editing, formatting , and designing. They’re like a one-stop shop for book publishing services, such as Reedsy . It can also include tools, like Publisher Rocket . Please do your research before using these types of services since many can lack transparency and quality.
  • Self-publishing education: These are companies that teach authors how to self-publish a book . Since successful self-publishing can be tricky to navigate, these companies exist to provide authors with learning resources and mentorship. Self-Publishing School, Self-Publishing 101 , and Your First 10K Readers all offer guidance if you want to do it yourself, but need a bit of hand-holding.

Self-Publishing PlatformPublishes & prints booksKDP,
Editing, designing,
formatting, etc.
Self-Publish Education
(now with author services too)
Teach authors to self-publishSelf-Publishing

Traditional publishing vs self-publishing

It’s important to understand the differences between self-publishing vs traditional publishing as you determine how to navigate your own author career.

In order to see the big picture and decide whether you want to learn how to self-publish a book, taking an in-depth look at what exactly each publishing type entails is crucial.

What is traditional publishing?

In traditional publishing, you first need to land an agent, which can be a very competitive and time-consuming process, with no guarantees.

Once you have an agent, you need to find a publisher to accept your manuscript, which is also a very competitive and lengthy process (and again, no guarantees).

Then, the publisher will offer you a contract that essentially buys the rights to your book.

The publisher will take care of the publishing process from editing, formatting, and designing. You earn royalties based on how many books sell.

Here are the steps to traditionally publish a book:

  • Secure an agent with a query letter.
  • Secure a publisher with your manuscript.
  • Agree to the publishing contract (if offered).
  • Publisher buys the rights to your book and publishes your book at no upfront expense to you (the author).

Pros of traditional publishing

  • Fewer upfront costs for the author. Since the publisher handles the production expenses, the author doesn’t worry about paying directly out-of-pocket so the cost to publish a book is less.
  • Social prestige.  Having publishing connections means your book will be easier to get into major bookstores. It can also be validating for some authors.
  • Fewer responsibilities. You write the book, and let the publisher deal with the rest (ideally).

Cons of traditional publishing

  • Extremely competitive. The chances of being traditionally published are very slim, and it’s very challenging to be accepted by a publisher.
  • Less earnings. Royalty rates are often significantly less for authors in traditional publishing.
  • A ton of rejection. To even be considered by an agent or publisher nowadays, writers often must have a social following or fan base.
  • Not much marketing support. The publishers handle the actual book publishing, but marketing is often left up to the author.
  • Less creative control. Authors typically don’t have any say-so in the final product. So, your book may be edited and designed without your input.

Self-Publishing Vs Traditional Publishing

Pros and cons of self-publishing

To recap self-publishing, it goes something like this: You learn how to write a book , you write it, and then have the book edited, formatted, and designed.

Then, you have a printer or publishing platform publish your book, while you market the book and do book maintenance.

When you learn how to self-publish a book, it can be rewarding for a number of reasons. In fact, many self-published authors chose this route simply because of its many benefits.

However, there are also some cons to publishing a book on your own, which we highlight in this section. It's important to be mindful of the possible advantages and disadvantages as you decide whether or not to learn how to self-publish a book.

P ros of self-publishing

  • No gatekeeper. There isn’t anyone standing in your way of getting your book published. The only person that can stop you from sharing your book with the world is YOU!
  • Your own timeline. Authors who learn how to self-publish a book can get their book to market quicker than with the traditional publishing process.
  • Complete creative control. You have the final say in how you want your book to be edited, formatted, and designed.
  • Opportunity for greater earning potential. Royalty rates on publishing platforms like Amazon are significantly higher than traditional publishing rates.

Self-Publishing Main Advantage

For some authors, learning how to self-publish a book can have its downsides. Be sure to consider your own needs and preferences as you weigh the possible cons.

Cons of self-publishing

  • Less support. It’s all in your hands, which can be very scary for some authors. Learning how to self-publish a book also be lonely without a supportive community.
  • No one is pushing you. It’s up to you to set your own deadlines, make realistic writing goals , and get the ball rolling on your published book.
  • More upfront costs. When learning how to self-publish a book, you may have to hire professionals for publishing services like editing and designing.
  • Some stigma. Because traditional publishing has been the standard for so long, self-published authors are sometimes considered the underdog. But the tide is changing. We're seeing waves of successful authors who were traditionally published switch over to self-publishing, like Michael Hyatt , Ruth Soukup , and more. They're realizing they can invest in professional services to produce high-quality books and they can leverage their own platforms to sell more books at a higher royalty rate.

If you're curious to know whether traditional publishing or self-publishing has greater earning potential, try using our Book Royalties Calculator ! It may help you determine if you want to learn how to self-publish a book.

1. My book will be published by a...

2. my book will be an:, 3. my royalty rate will be:.

*Please note that this royalty rate is based on the market averages for paperback books. Actual royalty rates for traditional and indie publishing can vary by author depending on several factors.

4. My book’s retail price:

5. the # of books sold:, your results, your profit per book sold, for books sold, you earn:, for 1,000 books sold, you earn:, for 10,000 books sold, you earn:, royalties comparisons for 10,000 books sold, want to receive personalized tips on how to sell more books right in your inbox, how much does it cost to self-publish a book.

Since the author oversees all aspects of the process, the costs to self-publish a book will vary. You can self-publish a book for as little, or as much money as you can afford.

On average, the costs to self-publish a quality book will be about $1,500 – $5,000 depending on the professional services you use during the publishing process.

Many platforms to self-publish are actually free, but where the costs accrue is during the editing, illustrating, designing, and marketing phases.

Several factors affect how much it costs to self-publish and it really depends on each author’s needs.

This means that you can determine the budget when learning how to self-publish a book. Just remember – don’t cut too many corners as this could negatively affect your book’s quality!

The actual cost to publish a book yourself is free on self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

Cost To Self-Publish A Book

But at the minimum, authors need to hire a professional editor and cover designer.

For example, the table below covers the average cost of common professional services used to self-publish a book.

Again, it all falls back on you as the author, and what your motive is for publishing your book.

Are you looking to build a career? Then you’ll want to invest in hiring experienced professionals that can provide the best quality, this may include investing in a self-publishing company, like Self-Publishing School , to help you do it right.

Other services you may need to budget for as you consider how to self-publish a book are marketing tools and promotional sites to promote your book.

You can use this Book Profit Calculator to determine how much you can make off your book based on your book price and royalty fees.

Where to self-publish your book

Because there are many platforms to publish your book available, it can be confusing to decide which self-publishing company to actually choose.

However, there are some self-publishing platforms that offer services that you may or not may need. Not every platform is the same, so once you have a solid understanding of the type of services you seek from your publishing company, the easier it will be to narrow down the options and decide where to publish your book.

First off, you’ll need to know the two different types of platforms: retailers and aggregators, which have some overlap in services they offer, but there are some fundamental differences as well, which we'll cover below.

Tips on where to self-publish your book

  • Decide between a retailer or aggregator company
  • Determine your publishing budget
  • Choose the type of book you want to publish
  • Select the best publishing platform based on your region
  • Figure out which markets you want to reach
  • Decide your end goal for publishing
  • Research company reviews
  • Determine your technical skills and if you will need more assistance

Self-publishing retailers

Book retailers are platforms that host and sell your book directly. With a retailer, you will upload your book and it will sell directly to readers on the platform. Examples are Amazon’s KDP, Apple’s iBooks, and Kobo.

  • Amazon’s KDP has the most retail power. It dominates the self-publishing market with over 80% of the eBook market . When considering where to self-publish, KDP is a must. You will get paid 35% or 70% royalty rates, depending on which you choose.
  • Apple’s iBooks is steadily gaining more traction for self-publishing. It’s reported to have 10% of the market. If you use a Mac, this could be an option on where to self-publish. You will be paid 70% royalty rates.
  • Kobo holds a small but powerful percentage of the self-publishing sphere. But it has access to an international market, so don’t pass it up! To have your book available in Canada and over 190 countries, consider Kobo when figuring out where to publish. Royalty rates depend on the price of your book.

Self-Publishing Companies Market Share


Book aggregators are mediums that you submit your book to, and they send it to retailers and libraries all at once. While it may be more convenient so you don’t have to figure out where to self-publish, the cost to use these companies may be higher.

These are examples of self-publishing book aggregators:

  • Draft2Digital
  • PublishDrive

Decide where to self-publish your book after assessing which markets you want to reach, as well as your budget and needs. Some authors even use a combination of retailers and aggregators when learning how to self-publish a book.

Self-publishing industry trends in 2024 and beyond

All this talk about the past and the present, but what about the future?

It’s safe to say that self-publishing is not a fad – it’s here to stay as long as the internet is around, and will only continue to evolve.

In fact, the industry is now entering Self-Publishing 3.0. This phase will be direct sales from author to reader by way of subscription models, crowdsourced funding, and other income streams.

Self-publishing trends focus on the increased opportunities for authors to use technology and the internet to build sustainable businesses and writing careers.

Some forecasted industry trends for self-publishing are:

  • Direct author to reader without any middleman
  • The rise of the “authorpreneur” and indie authors
  • Blockchain technology
  • Decline of major publishers
  • Expanded eBook subscriptions
  • Less stigma
  • Voice marketing as a new avenue for authors
  • Increase in self-published books in the retail world

Self-Publishing Industry Trends

A clear best choice for aspiring authors

Learning how to self-publish a book allows you to publish your writing and share your stories with the world.

If you can make time for writing , execute a publishing strategy, and invest in the quality of your book, you can create a legacy from your book.

Whether you want to write a nonfiction book , write a novel , or create a children's picture book , the options for publishing a book on your own are virtually limitless.

In fact, you don’t even have to pass through the traditional publishing gatekeeper to become an author.

Today, writers and storytellers are more empowered than they ever have been in history.

Are you ready to self-publish your book?

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How To Publish a Book: An Overview of Traditional & Self-Publishing

For any writer who aspires to be an author, knowing how to publish a book is essential. It's a common scenario — you have an idea for a book but you have no way of knowing how to translate that idea from your computer screen into print or online.

Now, more than at any other time in history, there are more opportunities and possibilities to write, share, and publish a story — and interact with an audience. Whether you are after the traditional publishing experience, complete with an agent, editor, and publisher, or want to self publish your book, it's completely within your grasp. You decide what works best for you and your work.

We're going to guide you through the book publishing process and give you the resources to choose which publishing option fits your work best. But first, you should know about traditional and self-publishing.

Traditional Publishing

Traditional book publishing is when a publisher offers the author a contract and, in turn, prints, publishes, and sells your book through booksellers and other retailers. The publisher essentially buys the right to publish your book and pays you royalties from the sales.

If you want to publish a book traditionally, most writers need to find an agent . In order to find one, you must identify the right category for your writing. If you are or want to be a non-fiction writer , you will need to submit a book proposal with three sample chapters, and a synopsis of each chapter. If you are writing fiction, you must have your manuscript complete.

Once these steps are accomplished, you're ready to write a query letter . This letter is what you will send to potential agents. It's important to mention the different parts that make up a query letter. You should be sure to mention the synopsis of your book, the chapter summary, the market or audience your book is meant for, and a description of yourself.


publishing books process

There are a variety of different publishing models , including print-on-demand, vanity, subsidy, and self-publishing.

Print-on-demand (POD) publishers accept all submissions &emdash; anyone who is willing to pay is published. POD publishing uses printing technology to produce books one at a time through a company at a cost-effective price. The books are printed individually as orders come in. Therefore, you can adjust the book's supply to meet the reader's demand.

POD cuts back on costs and eliminates the need for space to store unsold copies. Typically editing, proofreading, or marketing is offered at an additional cost and you make money off of royalties from sales. In terms of rights, some can go to the POD publisher for a set amount of time but this varies depending on the publisher.

A vanity publisher , also known as a book manufacturer, publishes any anyone's work provided they have the money to pay for their services. The manufacturer prints and binds a book on the author's dime and does not offer editing, marketing, or promotional assistance. However, the author owns the printed books and retains all profit from sales.

A subsidy publisher is similar to a vanity publisher in that the author has to pay for the printing and binding process of the book. However, this type of publisher contributes a portion of the cost to editing, distribution, warehousing, and marketing. In this case, the publisher owns the books until they are sold and the author makes money from royalties.

Self-publishing requires the author to invest their own money to produce, market, distribute, and warehouse the book. While this can be a huge time commitment, the process can be more cost-effective than vanity or subsidy publishing.

What's the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing?

In traditional publishing , the publisher handles the marketing, distribution, and warehousing for your book. This is the traditional method to book publishing because there is no expense to the author—mainstream publishers make a profit from the book's sales.

Whereas in self-publishing , depending on which type of publisher or platform you choose, the majority of the work falls on your shoulders and you pay for all expenses. The main advantages of self-publishing are that you control when the book is published, you retain all rights to your book, and you receive 100 percent of the profits.

In both cases, you have the option to choose what format your book will be published in—printed book, e-book , audio book, cd, dvd, and many more. If you pick an e-book, which is essentially a book published in digital form and available on e-Readers and other electronic devices, it can be downloaded instantly, has the ability to be translated into different languages, and can never go out of print. However, the as e-book formats and file types develop and change over time, many may need to be converted to a new file or format.

How do I know which one is right for me?

If seeing your work in print is to fulfill a personal goal you have or you view yourself as a hobbyist, choose vanity publishing.

If you're writing a family history, memoir or book of poetry that has a limited audience, and don't want your book stocked at bookstores, using POD is probably to your advantage. They are often nonreturnable, not sold at a discount, and you won't have to store any unsold books.

Printing in bulk via self-publishing may be your best bet if you have a visible platform established to reach your audience, both online and offline (such as a website, Twitter handle, and Facebook fan page), have credibility with your readers in your genre/category and are prepared to dedicate your time to marketing and promoting your work.

Self-publishing is also a good option if you have a time-sensitive manuscript, as a commercial publishing company can take up to 18 months to get your book from manuscript to final production.

On the flip side, here are a few things to consider. If you don't know how to find or reach your readers , don't have an online presence, don't have the time to spend online or dislike social media, want to be in a brick-and-mortar type of bookstore and have a publisher handle the marketing for you, the traditional publishing route may be the best option.

Ultimately it is up to you to decide!

How do I publish my book, traditionally?

publishing books process

Once you a ready to find an agent , do your research. Check out websites such as and Writer's Digest magazine. Contact agents by sending them your query letter . The best case scenario is for one of them to accept your proposal and offer you a contract.

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How to Publish a Book: Your Go-To Guide to Becoming an Author

Publishing a book is easier than you may think. These days, you have a variety of options available to you on ways to get your book published.

With my experience as a published author of over 80 books, I have created this guide on how to write and publish a book so you too can have the tools you need to become a published author.

I will explain how to publish a book  using self-publishing and traditional publishing methods.

Table of Contents

How to write a book, how to publish a book, how to self-publish a book, how to publish a book on amazon, the traditional book publishing process, how much does it cost to publish a book, popular book publishing faqs.

I will also give you tips about the book publishing process, talk about the costs involved in publishing a book, and answer some common questions about writing and publishing a book.

When you know the steps and useful tips on how to write and publish a book , you can overcome the obstacles you may face and accomplish your dream of becoming a published author!

The first step to publishing a book is, of course, to write one first.

You might already have an idea for your book and are ready to start writing. Or maybe you have been developing your book in your mind for years and don’t know how or when to get started.

Regardless of where you are in the writing process, the right tools and advice can help bring your book to life. Follow these steps to start and finish writing your book.

Decide What You Want to Write Your Book About

To help you get started on your writing journey, you’ll first need to decide what you want to write about and why you want to write a book .

Consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • What do you want to share with others?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What do you have a lot of knowledge and experience on?
  • What story do you want to tell?
  • What can you pass on that will improve the lives of others?

Think about your audience too. Who do you want to share your book with? Who would benefit from knowing what you have to share? Do you want to entertain, uplift, inspire, or teach? Do you hope to impact children, adults, teens, parents, people who love to cook, those who love science fiction, entrepreneurs, DIYers, and so on?

Also, decide if you will write fiction or non-fiction. You might want to write a non-fiction self-help book, instruction manual, how-to book, educational book, or autobiography.

Maybe you prefer fiction and want to write a children’s book, romance novel, historical fiction, or mystery?

Learn How to Write a Book

With your why, what, and who finally established, it’s time to learn how to write your book in the most efficient way possible.

Often, how to start writing a book is the most important step. After all, you can’t finish something you don’t start in the first place. Many people struggle to get started though. But once you do, the motivation to keep going can grow and grow as you stay focused.

Having a book writing formula in place will help you navigate how to write and publish a book. It helps you get started and keep going — even when you have writer’s block.

Writing a book outline is actually the secret to my success as an author! I use an outline for every book I write, even after all these years as an author.

Additional things you need to do to start and finish your book include:

  • Doing research on your topic
  • Setting word-count goals that you can reach
  • Asking for feedback from people you trust or are knowledgeable on your topic
  • Editing and revising your book for accuracy and flow

Once you have successfully written a book, it’s time to publish it so people can actually read it.

In general, there are two primary methods of publishing. You can choose to work with a traditional publisher, or you can publish the book on your own.

When you choose to work with a traditional publisher, you will start by finding a suitable publishing company and convincing that company that your book will be successful.

You could also hire a literary agent — sometimes called a booking agent — to help you get your book published. They will contact publishing companies for you, taking the work and stress off of you.

If a company agrees to publish your book, you will then sign a contract that determines how much you will be paid in royalties.

If you decide to publish on your own, though, you have a range of options. You can use a free publishing service to publish your book digitally, in print, or both.

You can also purchase other self-publishing services to print, distribute and store your book if an all-in-one service is more attractive to you.

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

As hinted above, self-publishing differs from traditional publishing in several ways.

For example, in traditional publishing, you work with a publishing company that handles all of your expenses and the tasks related to the printing, storage, and distribution of your book.

If you choose to self-publish, however, all of these tasks and expenses become your responsibility.

Additionally, when you choose traditional publishing, the publishing company will have control over some of the rights to your book and will likely take a large portion of the profits.

If you self-publish, you can retain full rights to the book and the revenue it earns. Some self-publishing platforms will require some rights to your book, however.

Be sure to consider these factors, and what is important to you as you decide which path to take in the book publishing process.

Tips On How To Get A Book Published

Hopefully, you’re starting to understand that getting your book published requires some effort and perseverance.

Whether you are considering how to self-publish a book or how to use a traditional book publisher, some of the steps and requirements will still be the same.

Here are some tips on how to get a book published that will help streamline the process.

1. Edit your book carefully

Before submitting your book to any publisher, make sure you have edited it carefully for grammar, spelling, and content.

Editing your book thoroughly ensures that you have the best possible chance of getting it published successfully.

If you are self-published, a polished book free of errors will give readers a good experience. They will be more encouraged to recommend your book to others and give positive online reviews. This can lead to more book sales for you.

2. Research your options

To make the best decisions in becoming a published author, research your publishing options before you move forward.

If your book is accepted by more than one publishing company, for example, you should compare offers carefully to make the best selection.

If you partner with a literary agent, they will help you navigate the steps of how to get a book published. Research your options for literary agents well too. Consider their fees, experience, and how well they connect with you and your book idea.

3. Pitch to the right companies

Some publishing companies may be more willing to accept your book than others. Research different companies to determine which ones are most likely to be interested in your book.

Don’t waste your time or your resources pitching your book to companies that are unlikely to invest in your career.

If you’re self-publishing, make sure you can still generate a good pitch to your ideal audience. This will help you with things like writing book descriptions your audience will read to help them decide if they want to buy and read your book.

4. Be willing to publish yourself

If you cannot find a publishing company that is willing to invest in your book or would rather try the self-publishing route, consider publishing it yourself.

Even if you don’t have the funds to self-publish using more traditional methods, you can use a free publishing service to distribute your book to millions of readers online or in print. These services guide you through the steps of how to get a book published.

These days, future-authors-to-be benefit from the availability of a plethora of self-publishing companies. The variety of options helps lower the barrier to entry and makes publishing a book more affordable.

What Is Self-Publishing?

Self-publishing involves publishing a book without the help of a traditional publishing company.

When you choose to self-publish a book, you either may pay for and arrange all aspects of the publishing process on your own, or you may sometimes work with a company that handles some of these tasks for you.

Reasons to Self-Publish

One of the biggest reasons people choose to take the self-publishing route is because it can be easier than traditional publishing, and it can get your book in front of readers faster.

There are times when this is the best choice to make and times when traditional publishing might be your best option.

Make sure you are choosing self-publishing for the right reasons. These can include the following:

  • You have the time, money, and ambition needed to produce, promote and manage your book business.
  • You prefer to have the most control possible over the content, marketing, cost, and design of your book.
  • You already have a large audience to sell to.
  • You are writing a romance novel because they typically have a huge audience of ebook readers.

Some of the wrong reasons for publishing a book using self-publishing include these:

  • You are in hurry instead of taking the time to write a good book and get it published.
  • You think it is a shortcut to getting a contract with a traditional publisher.
  • You are afraid of having your book rejected by a publisher.
  • You do not think you are popular enough to be accepted by a traditional publisher.
  • You do not want to share your earnings with an agent or publisher.

To self-publish your book, you have two main options.

You can self-publish completely on your own. This means you will print, store, distribute, and market copies of your book.

Or, you can use a self-publishing platform, which takes care of many of these processes for you.

Steps to Self-Publish a Book

Here is how to publish a book using self-publishing. These steps may vary depending on how you choose to self-publish or the type of book you are writing. You can do all of them yourself or hire others to help you with different steps:

  • Write your book and edit it yourself.
  • Have your book professionally edited.
  • Format your book for how it will be printed or in ebook format.
  • Create illustrations or hire an artist to make them.
  • Design your book cover.
  • Print your book or decide on a self-publishing platform.
  • Market your book initially and on an ongoing basis.
  • Maintain the distribution, storage, printing, and budgeting aspects of your book.

Self-Publishing Companies

Because of the popularity of the internet, you have hundreds of self-publishing companies to choose from for publishing a book. Some are better than others. These are among the best self-publishing companies:

  • Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)
  • Apple Books
  • Barnes & Noble Press
  • IngramSpark
  • Rakuten Kobo

How to Market Your Book

Now that your book is getting ready to launch, you need to generate buzz around it with marketing.

Marketing your book successfully can take more time and effort than writing your book. But when you do it right, it can pay off.

One of the most important parts of promoting your book is planning your book launch. This can begin even before your book is finished. Set up an author website to get people excited about your upcoming book.

Ask your target audience what they think your book title will be or how a plot should develop or what content they most want to see in your book.

You can use social media along with your website to promote your book. Consider forming a book group on Facebook, filming a YouTube announcement, or uploading a post to Instagram.

Hosting a reading of your work at a book store is also a great way to promote your book. Use word of mouth and social media to generate interest, and don’t forget to tell your family and friends to share the word, too!

Another fantastic way to market your book is to ask for online reviews once people have read it. Most people look for an endorsement from others before making a purchase.

It seems like Amazon does everything nowadays…they can even help you publish your book!

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a self-publishing company operated by It is one of the most popular self-publishing companies in operation and has an audience of over 300 million people around the world.

You can have your book ready for readers in a matter of days if you choose to take the Kindle Direct Publishing route.

To get started with self-publishing on Amazon, simply navigate to Amazon’s website and follow the instructions provided.

Many people who decide to self-publish do so on Amazon. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this choice.

Possible pros of publishing a book on Amazon KDP:

  • Access to huge audience of readers including internationally
  • Print on demand means no overhead costs
  • Option to publish audiobooks, ebooks and print books
  • Up to 70% royalties earnings
  • Can fix errors after publishing

Possible cons of publishing a book on Amazon KDP:

  • Cannot sell your book digitally anywhere else for the first 90 days
  • Cannot post more than 10% of your book content anywhere else online
  • Delivery costs come out of royalty earnings
  • Cannot take Amazon reviews with you if you leave Amazon
  • You cannot market directly to Amazon customers, except through purchasing ads

A publishing company is a company that handles the printing, distribution, and storage of an author’s book. Additionally, their job is to find books that are likely to sell well, execute contracts with their authors, print and sell the book.

When you are utilizing the traditional publishing method, the book publishing process begins when you or your agent submits your book draft to a publisher.

The publisher will review your draft and decide whether or not to proceed. In some cases, the publisher may ask for revisions before accepting the book.

Once the book has been accepted and you have signed a contract with the publisher, the book will go to print. Eventually, it will be distributed to retailers for sale.

Use an Agent

A literary agent can take a lot of the responsibilities of getting your book published off of your shoulders. Working with an agent might be especially helpful for a first-time author.

An agent helps you find publishers, negotiate contracts, book speaking engagements and keep track of your budget. Professional agents will also review your manuscript and make sure it is ready for submission to publishers.

One of the positive aspects of using an agent allows you to focus on writing and leave the business side of book publishing to someone else. They’ll navigate through the details of how to publish a book for you, so you can focus on what’s next.

However, you must find a literary agent that you trust. To help you find a trusted agent, start by looking for one who is a member of the Association of Author’s Representatives.

An agent charges fees. You will usually pay around a 15% commission of each book sale to your agent.

Be aware, though, using an agent might take longer than approaching a publisher directly. This is because you first have to submit your book to an agent and follow their requirements. Then you wait while they submit your book to publishers.

Submit Your Book Proposal

Whether you use an agent or not, in order to find a publisher for your book, you first need to submit a book proposal or manuscript draft to several publishers. If you do choose to use an agent, this is a step they’ll do for you.

When writing a book proposal , you will need to explain what your book is about, the value it will provide to your readers, and any unique stand-out points regarding how your book differs from any other one like it.

And of course, don’t forget to explain why readers will want to purchase your book once it’s been published!

Sign a Contract

Once you or your agent receives an offer from a publisher — or offers from multiple publishers — it’s time to negotiate your contract.

When seeking out how to publish a book successfully, make sure you’re aware that includes negotiating a contract you will be happy with now, in addition to years from now.

To help, consider consulting the recommendations from the Authors Guild Fair Contract Initiative and the Book Division of the National Writers Union for trusted advice on negotiating your book contract before signing it.

Edit Your Book

Once you have signed your book contract, you will put the finishing touches on writing your book  by passing your work along to in-house editors.

Once revisions are made, you’ll then agree on a final version for submission and print.

Production and Publication

Now that the copy of your book has been cleaned up for readers, the publisher will take care of the finishing bells and whistles, like the cover design, typesetting, and proofreading parts of publishing your book.

They will also take care of the printing, storing, and distributing of your book.

Marketing and Promotion

Your publisher will also take care of marketing and promoting your book, and hopefully, their efforts will lead to sales.

You can also add your own self-marketing and promotion efforts to theirs, especially since no one knows your book better than you! Use social media, word of mouth, your email list, website, and friends and family to draw more readers to your published book.

The amount of money it will cost to publish a book varies considerably based on the way you plan to publish.

Consider the following costs for publishing a book with self-publishing and traditional publishing.

Self-Publishing Costs

How much does it cost to publish a book when you self-publish? The amount of money depends on how you choose to publish, the length of your book, and the level of quality you want.

If you decide to self-publish with a free service online, you may not have to pay anything.

However, if you don’t use one of these services, you will need to pay for printing, distributing, storage, advertising, and any other costs related to the release of your book.

Costs of hiring others to help you edit, proofread, illustrate, format, design, and market your book vary, but can be between $2,000 and $4,000.

Traditional Publishing Costs

If you are working with a traditional publishing company and the company views your book as a good investment, the cost to you will be minimal.

The publishing company will handle the majority of the expenses in return for the rights to your book, and you will receive royalties when copies of the book are sold.

How to Publish a Book for Free

You can publish a book for free by working with a traditional publisher who is willing to cover the costs for you.

You can also use self-publishing platforms and publish your ebook or print-on-demand book for free.

While initial publishing is free with these two options, you will pay royalty fees each time your book sells.

The way to avoid royalty fees is to completely self-publish your book, although the upfront costs are much higher.

How Long Does It Take to Publish a Book?

The length of time it takes to publish a book can vary. If you are self-publishing, you can publish very quickly. However, if you are working with a publishing company, it may take longer.

Using a book publisher typically takes the longest time. Publishing your book on your own cuts down the time it takes . And using a self-publishing platform like Amazon is generally the fastest way to get your book published.

Traditional publishing may take nine months to two years. The publishing company will determine the schedule and the amount of time required to prepare your book for release.

So how long does it take to publish a book if you are self-publishing?

If you are using a self-publishing platform, you can publish your book within 72 hours once it is written, revised, edited and the cover design is ready to go.

But keep in mind all of the steps that are needed to get your book ready to be published. For self-publishing, here is an idea of what you can expect once your book is written:

  • Have your book copyedited for spelling and grammar: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Have your book developmentally edited for content: 2 weeks to 8 weeks
  • Format and publish your ebook: 1 to 4 weeks
  • Format and layout your print book: 5 weeks
  • Have a proofreader proof the final version of your book for errors: 1 to 2 weeks
  • Have the cover design for your book created: 4 to 5 weeks
  • Have illustrations created for your book: 1 to 5 weeks
  • Register a copyright, LCCN or ISBN for your book: up to 1 year for copyright, 2 weeks for LCCN, 1 day for an ISBN
  • Have a pre-sale period to boost rankings if you are using a publishing platform like Amazon: 2 to 12 weeks
  • Release your book for public listings across various retail outlets: 3 to 14 days

How Hard Is It to Get a Book Published?

Publishing a book can be difficult, depending on how you choose to publish it. However, anyone can self-publish a book.

You can also succeed if you go the traditional publishing route. If you have written a book that will sell effectively, publishing it is well worth the trouble.

Knowing the steps of how to get a book published, such as how I’ve outlined here, will make the process much easier.

Two of the most important elements to becoming a published author are to stay motivated as you write your book and patiently but persistently go through the process of publishing.

How Much Does an Author Earn Per Book?

How much you earn as an author depends on the type of publishing you use, your royalty rate, and the price of your book.

Amazon will pay you 70% royalties on ebooks that are priced between $2.99 and $9.99. You might earn 40% to 60% royalties on printed books.

Traditional publishers generally pay an author 5% to 20% royalties on print books and 25% on ebooks. You might earn 10% to 25% on audiobooks.

More Help on How to Get Your Book Published

I hope this guide has helped you better understand how to get your book published. Over one million books are published each year, and there is no reason why your book cannot be one of them.

To further help you become a published author, I encourage you to take my free training on how to write a book. As a published author and a New York Times bestseller, I want to share with you want I have learned to break past the barriers that may be holding you back.

Sign up for my free webinar, 5 Steps to Planning and Publishing a Best-Selling Book and get closer to making your dream of becoming a published author come true.

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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How to Publish a Book in 2023 (Your Ultimate Guide to Success)

How to Publish a Book in 2022 (Your Ultimate Guide to Success)

If you have just finished writing your book and you are planning on having it published this year, it is important that you know where to start. The book publishing process is a very time-consuming one, and if you don't know how to publish a book, then your chances of success will surely decrease.

When you publish a book, you should have a set strategy and the necessary knowledge of the publishing industry. Remember that publishing a book takes time and resources, and you will want to make the most of both.

How Much Does It Cost to Publish a Book?

There is no hard and fast rule about how much money it takes to publish a book. Remember that there are many publishing methods that you could choose from, and each option has a different cost. You should remember, though, that publishing a book is a costly endeavor, so you should make sure to check your budget before you take the next step.

At a rough estimate, the average cost of self-publishing is somewhere between $2,000 to $4,000 per book. This usually depends on the quality of the materials and services that you use. On the other hand, if you are given the chance to work with a traditional publishing house, then the cost is exponentially lower. It may even cost nothing, because the traditional publishing house pays for a majority of the services and materials.

How Much Money Does An Author Make Per Book?

How much money you can earn per book depends on your pricing and how many books you can sell. If you sell your book in a hardcover or softcover format, then you could stand to earn more compared to selling it in an eBook format. You should note, though, that you will have to pay a larger amount to have your work printed in physical form.

As for pricing, it may differ from book to book and what type of publishing you choose.

For example, you are selling your book for around $14.99. If you take the traditional publishing route, you are usually expected to earn a royalty of 10% for each book sold. This means you will get around $1.79 for each book.

On the other hand, if you are going to take up self-publishing and you sell the book for the same price, you stand to gain around 60% or more for the book royalties. This means you may get around $5.74 for each book that is sold. This means you would be able to earn more if you self-published your book.

There is a tradeoff, though, because self-publishing a book costs money, so you will have to add up how much you invested in self-publishing your book, and subtract it from your earnings.

Here’s a step-by-step process on how to publish a book:

Choosing a Publishing Path

  • Editing your Draft or Manuscript

Get Early Feedback on Your Manuscript

Pick a bestselling book title, formatting your book for publishing, design a creative book cover.

  • Write 'Publish-Ready' Book Description

Create a Book Launch Strategy

Publish your book on amazon, market your book to increase sales.

publishing books process

Before you publish a book, it is important that you know the best options open to you. Remember that publishing a book is a time consuming and stressful endeavor, so you will need to choose an option that is best for you. The option should not only match your level of experience as a writer, but your resources as well. Here are some of the best publishing options that are open to you.

Traditional Publishing

publishing books process

This type of publishing option is one of the most well-known. When people say they want to publish a book, this is the first thing that comes to mind. Traditional publishers are usually very well-established, and writers usually want to get a publishing deal with them. When it comes to traditional publishers, the most established are known as the “Big Five Publishers.” This group consists of Penguin Random House , HarperCollins , Simon & Schuster , Macmillan , and Hachette .

Indie or Self-Publishing

While traditional publishing is the most widely used option, this does not mean that it is the only option. This type of publishing entails the writer to publish a book without the help of a traditional publishing house. This type of publishing could be difficult for first-time writers. However, there are established self-publishing companies that offer great yet affordable services.

Small Presses

These types of publishers are not part of the larger conglomerate of traditional publishers, and have a limited number of titles published. This leads them to specialize in genre fiction, poetry, and limited eBooks and magazines. However, there are some small press publishers that deal with non-fiction books as well.

What Is the Difference Between Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing?

When it comes to publishing a book, one of the most innovative options you could choose is self-publishing. This option foregoes working with a traditional publishing house and publishing your book yourself. The key difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing is that self-publishing entails the writer having to pay for the whole process and doing most of the work. The writer will also get to keep all the rights to his or her book and decide how to publish and market it.

Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing

If you are going to take the self-publishing route, you should know that it has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Here is a short list of the pros and cons of self-publishing.

  • You won’t have to wait for a publishing contract. You could get started right away.
  • Complete control of the book publishing and marketing process.
  • You will get to keep all your book royalties .
  • The author is obligated to pay for the whole project.
  • You will have to do the majority of the work. This is a tricky prospect for newbie writers.
  • Traditional brick and mortar stores usually consider self-published books as risk, so they don’t invest in them.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Publishing

  • Traditional publishing houses usually pay for the whole publishing process.
  • Most traditional publishing houses have a roster of publishing professionals who will do most of the work for the author.
  • Traditional publishing houses are usually affiliated with various book marketing platforms. This will make marketing the books a lot easier.
  • Traditional publishing houses are very particular about their choice of authors. This makes it difficult for unheralded authors to get a publishing deal.
  • Authors are expected to give up some of their book rights and royalties to traditional publishing houses.

Editing Your Draft or Manuscript

Before you send out your book to get published, it is very important that you know how to edit a book. Remember that once you have a book printed, it could no longer be changed. This is a very bad prospect because readers may form a negative perception of your writing skills. As a rule, you should be aware of the best book editing services and book editing software that are available to you.

3 Simple Ways to Edit Your Book

When it comes to editing your book, it is important that you take the best steps. Here are some of the best ways to have your book edited.

1. Self-editing

Self-editing is technically the very first part of the editing process. This is particularly important for first-time writers because it will help you hone key aspects of your writing skills, such as grammar, spelling, and story structure. When you self-edit, it is important that you be as thorough and systematic as possible.

2. Beta Readers

The beta reader could be a professional or a friend or family member. The main objective of the beta reader is to go through your book and take note of any structural or grammatical inconsistencies in it. By doing so, you will know these errors and make the necessary changes.

3. Professional editors

When it comes to book editing, professional editors are by far the most thorough. They are skilled editors who specialize in specific parts of the editing process. The most common are the copy editors and the developmental editors. The copy editor checks the technical aspects of your writing, such as grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. The developmental editor, on the other hand, specializes in the overall structure of your story and aims to rewrite it in the most seamless way possible. By getting their book editing services, your book will be published in the best condition.

6 Simple Ways to Self-Edit Your Book

If you are a new writer, it is also a good idea to self-edit your book. Even if you are going to hire a professional book editor, it is still necessary to edit your work book yourself. Two pairs of eyes on your book will ensure that your book is published in the best condition possible. Here are some tips for self-editing your book.

1. Slow down

Before you start self-editing your book, it is a good idea to just slow down and take a break from the writing process. Remember that the editing process is a new part of the book publishing process, so take some time off from work. Leave the editing for at least a week or two. This will help prevent you from burning yourself out.

2. Make sure the story structure is efficient

Once you start editing your book, you should check the overall story structure. Check if there are plotlines and subplots that are too short or too long. It is also a good idea to check on your character’s motivations and how they grow throughout the story. Cut out any unnecessary plot points, and make the story structure as efficient as possible.

3. Read aloud your work

It is important that your dialogue and sentence constructions are arranged in the most efficient way possible. Take the time to read your work aloud. This will allow you to hear your writing, and check if the sentence composition sounds good.

4. Look for technical writing errors

While you could hire a copyeditor, it is also a good idea to look for technical writing errors by yourself. This will ensure that any errors are rectified as soon as possible. It will also help you improve your proofreading skills.

5. Check for inaccuracies

Take the time to check the details of your writing. Check for any inaccuracies in dates, characters, and events. You don’t want to leave any loopholes for your readers to spot.

6. Use book editing software

It is always a good idea to use book editing software during the editing process. There is a myriad of editing software out there, such as ProWritingAid, Grammarly, and Scrivener, to name just a few. They are mostly free, and can spot and even suggest key changes to your manuscript.

Aside from having your manuscript edited, it is critical that you receive early feedback on your work. This is not only a way to boost your confidence in your work, it is also a way to determine whether or not your book will sell. Keep in mind that there are many books out there, and if you want your book to truly stand out, you should get the right feedback. Here are some excellent methods for receiving feedback on your work.

Beta Readers

They are readers who review finished manuscripts before they are published. You don’t have to pay the beta reader to critique your work. They could be family and friends or anyone who is interested in reviewing your work.

Writing Communities

Yet another great source of book reviews is the writing communities. They could provide great critique work because writing communities have a good number of writers, and they are usually more than willing to read your work.

Critique Circles

This is an online community that offers book review services. Critique Circle works like this. To gain credit, you must first critique the works of other members. Once you gain enough credits, you will be able to submit your own work for review.

Book Reviewers

Book reviewers are usually professionals who offer their critiquing expertise for a fee. If you are going to have a book reviewer check your work, it is important that you choose carefully. Take a look at his or her track record and ask for credentials such as the names of the writers the book reviewer has worked with.

A very important aspect of publishing a book is the choice of book title. Remember that the first thing that your potential readers will notice is your book title, so learning how to write a book title is essential. If you are going to choose a book title, it is important that you choose carefully.

Why Do Book Titles Matter?

Book titles are very important because they help create an impression with potential readers. Your book title should give your readers a hint as to what your book is about. You should also remember that there are so many books out there. If your book title is too commonplace, then it won’t be able to get your reader’s attention.

What Are the Attributes of a Good Book Title?

  • It is short and sweet.
  • It should capture the overall concept of your book.
  • Simple to say and remember.
  • It should be easy to search online.
  • It should have striking words that will attract the reader’s attention.

How to Find Book Title Ideas

Aside from knowing the key attributes of a good book title, you should also know how to actually create a book title. Here are some book title ideas to help you out.

  • Use a book title generator
  • Create a list of book titles.
  • Use your character in the title.
  • Have your book title reviewed.

If you want your book to be as easy to read as possible, it is important that you know how to format a book manuscript efficiently. Remember that a well-formatted book is a sign of professionalism. If your readers see that your book has sloppy formatting, it will lead to dissatisfaction with your work and may even damage your reputation as a writer.

Different Ways to Format Your Book

Formatting a book could be a time-consuming task. However, it is essential that you know how to format your manuscript. A badly formatted book is usually frowned upon by most readers, and it could even derail the overall reading experience. While you could hire a professional typesetter to do most of the formatting, you could also try doing the formatting yourself. Here are some key tips on how to format a book manuscript.

When it comes to fonts, it is safest to use a font size of 12 and Times New Roman. While some editors use Arial or Courier New, Times New Roman is still considered the standard within the publishing industry.


The industry standard is usually a half-inch for the very first line of every new paragraph. This is easy enough to achieve. Just hit the tab key once, and you will have this indentation setting.

Line spacing

When it comes to using line spacing, it is important that all lines are double spaced. By double-spacing your lines, you will be able to make the manuscript easier to read. This is especially important if you are sending in your work to be checked by traditional publishing editors.

The best way to align your book is to align it on the left-hand side of the page. However, it should not be justified.

When it comes to margins, it is important that there are one-inch margins on all sides. This makes the margins uniform. This is the default in most book formatting software.

The most commonly used page size in the publishing industry is 8.5 by 11 inches.

Sentence separation

When you separate your sentences, there should always be one space between sentences after each period.

It is industry standard to write the word “END” at the end of your manuscript. Place it at the center after the last line.

Free and Paid Book Formatting Software

Aside from editing your own book, it is critical that you use book formatting software. This type of software makes formatting your book a breeze. Here are some great examples of both free and paid book formatting software.


This software is considered one of the best book formatting tools. It is very multifaceted and can be used to format both eBooks and physical books. It is very easy to use and can be used on multiple platforms, such as Windows, Mac, and Chromebook. Atticus is a bit pricey at $147, but is still a very powerful theme builder. The only downside is that it is relatively new, so there are some glitches that need to be updated.

2. Kindle Create

When it comes to marketing reach, Kindle Create is by far the best option. It is a free formatting tool that is affiliated with Kindle Direct Publishing. It allows you to format your manuscript and give your eBook a visual theme. You could use Kindle Create to format your manuscript in both eBook and print publishing formats. You could also check out a preview of your eBook as it will appear on a phone, tablet, or e-reader.


When it comes to book formatting software, Vellum is extremely potent. It is very easy to use and has a myriad of ready-made templates that you could use. All of their templates are of the highest quality. They also give direct access to formatting options. The only setback is that it could be a bit pricey. While there are no subscription fees, it still costs around $199.99 for eBook publishing and $249.99 for printed books. It is also limited to Mac computers.

MS Word

This software is by far the most widely used by most writers. Various companies also use it, and its simplicity is its greatest strength. It also has various design options that are very easy to use. While a majority of people own at least a version of MS Word, the software could be a bit pricey at $139.99 or $150 for the whole Microsoft suite.

5. Scrivener


If you want to stay organized throughout the formatting process, then Scrivener is the best option. It offers a 30-day trial and costs around $49 for both Mac and Windows, and $19.99 for IOS. It has various templates that will make the formatting process so much easier. Its default formatting settings are also very easy to use.

Your book cover design is yet another important aspect of the book publishing process. It is one of the first aspects of your book that potential readers will get to see. If your book cover is boring, it won’t be able to attract a potential reader’s attention. As a rule, you should make sure your book cover is as eye-catching as possible. Here are some types of book covers that you could make.

Photo-Based Cover

publishing books process

This type of book cover uses stock photos from online sources. Aside from getting your pictures online, you could also provide your own photos.

Illustration-Based Cover

publishing books process

This kind of book cover uses illustrations provided by the author. The author could also hire a professional artist to draft the design. These are usually used for art books or children’s books. However, they could also be used for other genres, just as long as they are all aesthetically pleasing.

Typography-Based Cover

publishing books process

This book cover design uses typographical designs to create a beautiful and eye-catching book cover design. If you are going to use this type of book cover design, it is important that you utilize a great font for your book title. The design should match the overall theme of your book.

Steps to Design a Book Cover

Now that you know the most common types of book covers, you should now get started on your book cover design. However, before you start the process, you should have a set strategy. Here are some tips for designing a book cover.

1. Look for a source of inspiration

Before you start designing your book cover, it is important that you look for a great source of inspiration. If you start your book cover design without a set strategy, then your book cover will have no cohesion. There are many sources of inspiration that you could draw from. If you are artistic, you could use your own concepts. However, you could also check out websites such as Pinterest or Shutterstock to gain inspiration.

2. Stick to your genre

Aside from looking for inspiration, you should also make sure that your book cover matches your genre. Remember that your genre should be a big factor in how you design your book cover. For example, your book is a thriller. In order to make your book cover pop, you should utilize thriller themes such as dark lighting, shadows, and suspicious-looking characters.

3. Hire a book cover designer

When it comes to designing your book cover, it is important that you hire a book cover designer. While you may know a thing or two about designing a book cover, these men and women specialize in the task. They will not only design your work according to your wishes, but they will also give professional advice on your book cover designs. Some book cover designers even have book cover templates that you could choose from.

4. Select your book font

A key aspect of designing a book cover is the font you use. Remember that book fonts add character and depth to your book cover design. It gives your book a sense of identity and could also give your readers hints as to what your book is really about.

5. Choose the best color

Color is yet another important aspect of book cover design. When you choose your book cover color, you should make sure that it fits your overall concept and adds to your book’s unique design.

Write 'Published-Ready' Book Description

Book descriptions are also very important because they give readers an efficient account of the concepts or the stories that your book contains. It is technically a short teaser for your book. If you are going to write a book description for your book, it should be published ready. The book description should pique your reader’s interest without divulging too much of the key aspects of your book.

How to Write a Book Description That Sells?

Use striking words..

It is important that you use striking words when you write your book description. By remembering that your book description is meant to attract the reader’s attention, and by using striking words, you will be able to draw their eyes to your book. This is especially important if you are going to write a book description for Amazon, because your book will compete with other book descriptions.

Use a great hook.

Aside from using striking words, it is important that you use hooks to draw your readers in. While the striking words are meant to draw your potential reader’s gaze, the hook is what will keep their attention. The hook should be a main concept that you use in your story and make the readers curious enough to actually read the book.

Give hints about your overall story.

It is a good idea to give some hints about your overall story. It will give the reader a glimpse into your book without divulging the overall story. This could consist of a short introduction to your characters and the key events that happen in the story.

Use a 3 rd person point of view.

When you write your book description, it is important that you use a third-person point of view. It is far more efficient, and you could encapsulate your storyline more effectively.

Be wary of spoilers.

As a rule, you should avoid spoilers when writing a book description. Remember that your book description is meant to attract readers to your book and divulge enough details to keep their attention. However, you should be wary of sharing too much. Your main goal is to make them buy your book. If you share too much, then they will already know what is happening and no longer feel the need to purchase your book.

Use a book description generator.

If you are having a hard time coming up with a book description, you could also try a book description generator. They are usually very efficient, and even if you don’t use the book description they give, you will at least get some ideas on how to write book descriptions.

Once you have finished publishing your book, it is now time to launch your book. The book launch process is very important because it is technically your book’s debut on the public scene. This is the very first time readers will get to see your work, and it needs to be as noteworthy as possible.

What is a Book Launch?

A book launch is a planned series of marketing activities that will take place within the first few weeks or months. They are meant to draw attention to your book and persuade potential readers to purchase it. If you want your book to sell well, it is imperative that you have a successful book launch.

Benefits of Planning a Book Launch

Why is a book launch so important? It is very important because it will be the very first instance that the public will be exposed to your book. Here are some key benefits of having a book launch.

  • It will act as a hallmark in your writing career. Think of it as a celebration of having published a book of your very own.
  • It is a great way to sell your books as early as possible.
  • It can potentially get your book onto a bestsellers list.
  • It helps get your book much-needed media exposure.

How to Run a Successful Book Launch?

If you are going to run a book launch, it is important that you have a book launch formula. This is a set of strategies that will ensure your book launch goes smoothly. Remember that a lot depends on your book launch, so it is imperative that you know where to start. Here is a book launch checklist to help you out.

Choose a release date

If you are going to run a book launch, it is important that you choose an efficient release date. Remember that your choice of date could potentially affect how your book is received by potential readers. It is best if you release your book during a specific event, such as Christmas or World Book Day. The festive atmosphere or the event’s close relationship to books usually compels readers to buy more books.

Offer discounts

Potential book buyers always love a good deal on books. If you want your book launch to be a success, it is a good idea to offer discounts during your book launch day or even week. You could even hold an online contest wherein a limited number of people get your books for free. This will help spread the work of your book and create a festive atmosphere for your book launch.

Use social media to advertise your books

When it comes to holding a book launch, your most potent weapon will always be social media. Take the time to create social media advertisements, such as Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Bookbub ads, and Amazon ads, a few weeks before your book release. This will help create anticipation for your book's release.

Have a book launch party

publishing books process

If you want your book launch to have a festive feel to it, then you should hold a book launch party. By holding a book launch party, you will be able to hold a sort of celebration. The event is also a great way to meet potential fans. You could do a book reading and book signing to help attract them. The party is also a great opportunity to sell as many books as possible, so you should have as many books available as possible. You should also choose a great place to hold your book launch party.

While it is reasonable to do the majority of the self-publishing yourself, it does not hurt to seek professional assistance as well. A great way to accomplish this is to write and publish a book on Amazon. You could sell digital and physical copies of your book through Amazon and other affiliated sites using their various publishing platforms. This is a significant advantage because Amazon is a massive online retail hub and a large number of readers use it every day to find new books to read.

How Does Amazon Self-Publishing Work?

Before you begin using Amazon services, you should first understand how they work and how you can use them to your advantage. The first thing you should know is that Amazon has some of the best options for eBook publishing. They have a variety of publishing platforms where you can publish your work in a variety of formats.

How to Publish on Amazon?

Kindle direct publishing.

This platform is geared towards eBook publishing. By signing up with this platform, you will be able to sell digital versions of your book through Amazon. It is free to upload a file through KDP, and for every copy sold, the author will get 35% to 70% of the sales price. If you are going to use KDP to self-publish your book, you should know that the platform uses the ‘mobi’ format, which allows all files in this format to be used on Kindle devices.

This platform is very potent and will allow you to gain more royalties for your books. To gain access to this service, you must grant Amazon a 90-day exclusive on your digital book. As compensation, KDP Select will pay you close to 70% of your royalties. Your books will also be part of the lending library for prime members. You will be paid a percentage of the total amount if your digital book is used by Amazon Prime members.

Amazon Author Central

This platform allows authors to create their own author pages. Through this service, you will be able to add your photo, biography, and even editorial reviews. You could even use Tweets to share upcoming events such as book signings and book conventions that you will be taking part in.

Engaging other Self-Publishing Companies

Amazon is not the only option for self-publishing your book. There are other self-publishing companies that provide high-quality book publishing and marketing services at very reasonable prices. Take the example of Writers Republic, a well-known self-publishing company that provides the complete publishing experience. They not only publish your work, but they also market and distribute it through various media and retail outlets.

A key aspect of publishing a book is the book marketing process. Remember that your book is just being released. This means that you have yet to make a name for yourself as a writer. This means the whole process is an uphill battle, and you will have to employ various book promotion services in order to get the limelight to shine on your work.

What is book marketing?

Book marketing is the process of creating awareness of a specific book amongst booksellers and readers alike. This is a very important process, because no matter how great your book is, if your book marketing is lacking, then you will have a very difficult time selling it.

Book Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Sales

As stated earlier, you will need to employ a myriad of methods to market your book. Remember, the more effectively you market your book, the greater the chances you will have of boosting your book's sales.

Set up an author blog. This is a perfect way to expand your book marketing reach. Think of the author's blog as a platform from which you could advertise your book and other works. 

Make extensive use of social media sites.  In this day and age, social media has become one of the most powerful media forms in the world. If you are going to use social media to advertise your work, the best sites you could use are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Have your book reviewed. Yet another way you could expand your marketing reach is to have your book reviewed. Remember that a majority of readers usually look at book reviews before they buy a book. By posting positive book reviews on your social media sites, you could expand your reach exponentially. 

Post a book trailer on YouTube. Why not make a book trailer for your book and post it on YouTube? This will help create anticipation for your book, and it is particularly easy to do.

Make use of podcasts to promote your book. In the past few years, podcasts have become a widely used media form. Why not pay podcasters to mention your book during one of their shows?

Announce an online  contest. Create a sense of anticipation by announcing an online contest during your book release. Make sure you give a designated time and terms for your contest.

Offer freebies. Aside from an online contest, you could also give away freebies during your book release. This will allow you to have a bit of a fanfare during your book's release. 

Utilize  book discount sites. People always love to get discounts on stuff. Why not sell your book through various discount sites? This will make it easier for you to sell your work and still make a profit. 

Invest in a beautiful book cover design. You can never go wrong with investing in a beautiful book cover. Remember, your book cover is one of the first things your potential readers will see, so you should have a book cover that will draw their eyes to your work.

Expand your distribution channels. Aside from the usual distribution channels such as online stores, and brick and mortar bookstores, you could also try alternative distribution channels such as your website or other author’s blogs. 

Make use of Amazon's distribution tools. Amazon is one of the most powerful retail hubs in the world, so you should not waste the chance to use their features. The more efficiently you learn about and use their distribution tools, the better. 

Write a great author  description. You should make sure your author description is good. Remember that you are also trying to sell yourself as a writer, so your author description should be interesting and efficient. 

Make good use of SEO. Make sure to use search engine optimization techniques in your book marketing campaigns. The more effectively you use keywords, the more likely potential buyers will see your book.

Run a preorder  campaign. You don’t really need to wait for your book's release to start selling your book. You may run a preorder campaign and have your customers order books as early as possible. This will help ensure sales and create a sense of anticipation as well. 

Tweet about your  book. When it comes to getting word out about your book, few social media sites can beat Twitter. The site is very efficient and has an extremely wide reach. Just make sure your tweets are entertaining and not overly long. 

Upload a picture of your book through  Instagram. When it comes to sharing images of a product, Instagram is definitely one of the most effective. Why not run an Instagram campaign and post pictures of your work and life as a writer on your feed?

Sell merchandise that uses themes from your  book. You can never go wrong with merchandise. People always love themed merchandise, and will usually pay good money to get it. Just make sure your merchandise is good quality.

Advertise your book through online  magazines. Why not have your book advertised through online magazines? They usually have a broad reach and are relatively affordable. Just make sure the online magazine you choose has the same genres as your book. 

Reach out to influencers to review your  book. Why not reach out to online influencers to feature your book in their content? There are many book-centric influencers out there. They usually have a following and are a great source of sales for you.

Launch a social media  campaign. If you are going to launch a social media campaign for your book, you should make sure that you utilize the best sites and that you coordinate them according to your book’s target market. Take the time to check the most likely demographic to market to.

Closing Thoughts

Publishing a book in any format is a tough endeavor for any writer, so you should make sure that you know what you are doing. With this guide, you will know how to publish your book in the most efficient way possible.

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How to Publish Your Book in 7 Steps

You finished writing, and now you are ready to publish your book! Here’s how to publish your novel, non-fiction or even a collection of poetry.

publishing books process

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Publishing a book may seem mysterious, but it’s actually quite straightforward. Here we’ll go over the 7 steps of publishing your book and how to decide which publishing method is best for you.

book publishing traditional typewriter

Today’s writers have more choices than ever when it comes to publishing, especially with the popularity of print-on-demand and self publishing services. Whether you wrote a novel, non-fiction book or chapbook of poetry, it’s important to know your options.

When you understand the way the publishing industry works as a whole, and the many different factors that influence whether a book will be successful, it will be easier for you to make a decision that meets your writing goals.

Having a basic overview of the process will help you decide which publishing method is best for you. Whether you wrote a novel, a non-fiction book, or even have a collection of essays or poems, there are a lot of great options to help you get your book in print.

how to publish a book

How to Publish Your Book

Step 1: write, edit, and proofread your book.

If you are seriously considering publishing a book, then you of course likely already have a book already prepared. However, just because you finished writing that novel in a few days doesn’t necessarily mean it’s really ready to be published. It is very important before you take the next steps that you have made the book as best as you can.

You want to make sure your book is truly ready to be published before you share it with the world. This is important whether you plan to self publish or submit for traditional publishing.

If writing fiction, this means you should have a strong novel plot , clear dialogue between characters , and of course you have followed all of the basic guidelines for editing and revising your novel .

While it is possible to submit a query and a book proposal to a publisher for non-fiction books before the book is written, you will be much more confident in your querying if you know the book is already mostly complete.


There are services which you can hire for editing, proofreading and critique. If you do employ any of these services, be sure you are paying a fair rate and are not being taken advantage of. Sadly, many people out there prey on the hopeless author who wants to be published.

Check for references and always ask for sample work. Always do your own due diligence whenever possible to verify information is accurate.

Being part of a local writing group can offer you a lot of valuable insight on your work, and you can often network to find a qualified editor who can help proofread and critique your work.

Be very wary of asking family and friends for opinions, this can have disastrous results. Friends and family will always inevitably have bias towards you. Your friends and family, unless they are published authors themselves, are also very unlikely to possess the industry experience necessary to give you any valuable feedback.

Step 2: Research the Right Publisher for Your Book

No two publishers are exactly alike, so it’s important to spend some time researching which publishers make a good fit for your book.

There are two main methods of publishing:

  • Traditional Publishing: This is when you submit your work to a large publisher who publishes the book on your behalf. Examples of well-known publishers are HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, and Macmillan.
  • Self Publishing: In self publishing, YOU are the publisher. You are in charge of every aspect of the book, including the printing and fulfillment of orders. Fortunately today it’s easier than ever through services such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct.

Each of these has pros and cons. We will talk more about how to decide which one is right for you at the bottom of this post. While the two methods of publishing are very, very different, the process for publishing a book still remains for the most part the same.

To quote a talk given by  Ted Weinstein : All publishing is self-publishing.

If you know you want to self-publish, you’re ready to move onto Step 3. However, if you are considering learning how to publish your book with a major publisher, then you should use this step to also consider whether or not you might need an agent.

What is a Literary Agent? Do I Need One?

hire an agent

An agent is a person who negotiates on your behalf to get your book into the major leagues. In many ways, it is no different than having an agent if you are a baseball player or an actress. If you want to get in with the major leagues as a writer, it takes a major amount of time and effort to get there.

An agent does all of the hard work of building a network, staying on top of industry trends, and understanding things like rights management contracts. While an agent won’t eliminate all of the work you have to do in publishing and marketing your book, it can be a huge help.

Do you need an agent? It greatly depends on which publishers you believe are the best fit for your work. If you are set on striking a deal with large publishing companies, you will need to have an agent first. The top 5 major publishing houses generally only accept book proposals and manuscript submissions from agents.

Most agents will charge a flat rate of 15% of book sales, and are only going to work with you if your book has enough market demand to sell over 20,000 copies. An agent can be very helpful if your goal is to sell millions of books, but unless your book has that kind of market demand, it may not always be the best interest for your bottom line.

There are also many mid-sized and smaller publishers who accept manuscript submissions without an agent. These smaller publishers may be a better fit for your work, especially if your book caters to a very specific niche market and there is not much profit potential for an agent to take interest in your work.

When hiring a literary agent and researching publishers, it is important that you do your homework to make sure the people you choose to work with are reputable.

You want to make sure the agent you work with is truly going to offer the best representation of your work. You also want to make sure the publisher you choose is one who supports your goals as a writer to create a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Be sure that you don’t make the mistake of venturing into vanity publisher territory. These types of publishers are predatory on authors and do not care whether your book ever sells a single copy.

Vanity publishers such as this often will claim all of the rights to your book, but they don’t make any money from selling copies of the book itself. They instead make their money from the “contribution fee” they charge authors and selling copies of the book back to the author.

One such example of a vanity publisher is the now out-of-business Vantage Press , which was court ordered to pay over 3.5 million in damages to authors.  Many of these companies go out of business relatively quickly, but they can do long term damage to authors and their reputation.

Don’t let this scare you however – there are many great publishers out there! If you take the time to research a company and what authors are saying, you will be likely to find a good fit for your book.

Here are some questions to ask when seeking an agent and/or publisher:

  • What is their publishing experience?
  • What notable authors have they published?
  • Are the books they’ve published distributed in large national chain bookstores and retailers?
  • Is my book a good match for the styles of books they offer?

Ultimately, the publisher and/or literary agent you choose will depend on your goals as a writer and the type of books you are writing. And of course, don’t forget YOU can always be your own publisher!

Step 3: Write Your Query Letter

A query letter is what you send to publishers or agents to convince them to request more of your work. Most publishers and agents require a query letter before you send them a full manuscript or book proposal.

If you are self publishing, you might think to yourself you don’t need a query letter, but I suggest you write one anyway. It will help prepare you to easily talk about your book with others.

Writing query letters can be an eye opening and fun experience even if you have no intentions of getting an agent or traditional publishing. It gives you a good idea of how ready you might be to seriously publish a book.

A good query letter should have these main qualities:

  • It builds rapport and interest. Your goal of the first line of the letter should be to make the agent or editor want to read the full letter in its entirety.
  • It clearly explains what your book is about quickly. It should take no more than one sentence to understand what your book is about.
  • It explains the commercial viability of your book. There are people who will pay money to read it.
  • It explains your own experience as a writer. If you already have your own author website with a following, this is good to mention.

It also helps to have someone double check your query letter before you send it for grammar errors and typos. Most agents and editors recommend you send this digitally, but always check their requirements they list on their submissions page on their website, as a few select groups still require mailed in letters.

No matter how tempting it may be, you should NEVER send a full manuscript or book proposal until it formally requested in response to your query letter.

query letter publishing

You should also NOT try to bribe the editor or agent. Roses are nice, but they are also a fast way to get your book rejected.

Step 4: Send your Manuscript/Write a Book Proposal

If you get confirmation from an agent or publisher that they would like to read your manuscript or book proposal, you are ready to send it to them to review.

The amount of time this process can take varies. It can take weeks or months before you hear any sort of response on the manuscript.

Of course,  this can be antagonizing. Try to be patient as possible, and accept that you may not get any response at all. Be prepared to face rejection, but don’t let that discourage you.

If you are sending a book after a successful query letter, be sure to follow all of their requirements and instructions for manuscript submission guidelines . This is not the time to be cute or creative – this is a time to show your ability to be professional.

If you are writing non-fiction or self-publishing, your step in this stage will be a little bit different. For non-fiction, you will typically not submit a full out manuscript, but rather a book proposal.

A book proposal is much like a business plan, and I believe every writer should write one, even if it’s not required by the publisher and especially if you intend to self publish. When you write a book proposal, you outline some very important things, such as who the target market is for your book and how you will reach them.

Step 5: Negotiate and Accept a Contract

publishing book contract

Once you hear the good news your book has been accepted, you will likely be presented with a contract. This is where having an experienced agent on your side can be very beneficial. Many agents will often work on your behalf to ensure your rights are protected in a way that is a mutual win-win situation for all parties involved.

In traditional publishing, once your book is accepted for submission you will be presented with a contract that will outline your publishing rights and the royalties you will receive. It is recommended that you have an agent or lawyer review the contract to ensure your rights are protected and to prevent any misunderstandings later down the road.

Even if you are self-publishing, you will need to practice your negotiation skills at this point. This is the point where you will likely need to hire someone to take care of details such as cover design, eBook formatting, print typesetting, and more. You may also need to hire a web developer.

If self-publishing, always be sure to check references and reviews for people who offer services. Make sure you see examples of what they do as well. It can be very discouraging to hire someone to do something and then they disappear, leaving you scrambling.

Anyone who is worth working with will require a contract which specifically outlines their responsibilities and rights in the process of getting your book to print and setting up your author website if you don’t already have one.

Step 6: The Ready-Set-Print Review Process

old wooden printing press

We’re getting closer to having an actual book in our hands than ever! I call this the “Ready-Set-Print” time, because you are basically going to be doing a lot of work in getting your book ready to be printed.

This process will greatly depend on which publisher you are working with and the type of book you have written. In this step we will be doing all of the things that are necessary to put a book on a shelf.

It is during this time when artwork will be finalized, all editing and proofreading will be done, and all necessary formatting will be completed.

If you are working with a traditional publisher, it is a long and tedious time to wait, and can take several months. If you are self-publishing, you may need to order several proof copies before you finally get it just right.

Fortunately, during this time you can begin to develop and execute your marketing plan for your book if you have not already. Begin by making a checklist of actions to do before the big book launch to ensure the day it is released will be a success.

Now is a good time to get your website ready, start your author email marketing and further build your online presence through social media sites like Pinterest while you await for the final proof copy.

Step 7: Publish and Market Your Book!

marketing your book

Once everything is finalized, your book will be ready to be published at full scale and available to sell to people. You should already have a marketing plan in place to maximize sales and to reach your audience. Celebrate the launch of your book with a launch party, go to book tours, and start spreading the word.

You may choose to hire a publicist or marketing agency to help you reach your goals if it is something you prefer to not do yourself, though this may require a large upfront sum that could ultimately cut into your bottom line.

Publishing a book through a traditional publishing house can seem like a daunting task and an overwhelming process. However, it is still a very good option to consider, even when self publishing is so readily available in today’s digital age.

Traditional Publishing Vs. Self Publishing

In today’s digital age, self publishing is a popular option. It’s easier than ever to write your book, upload to a platform such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct and have a book on the marketplace, in both digital and physical formats in less than a few weeks.

Self publishing is especially enticing if you just want your book out in the world quickly. One of the major caveats of traditional publishing methods is that it can take a considerably longer time to go through the process from manuscript to finished physical copy of the book in your hand.

The lengthy process is enough to turn many authors away from these methods all together, even if they did write something great that would be a good fit to successfully query and submit to publishers.

Book Publishing Profits: Which One Makes the Most Sense?

Many people, once learning how little they receive in royalties from a traditional publisher ask, “Why would I even bother submitting my query letter and manuscript to agencies or publishers?”

It’s not a totally out of place question. After all, if the agent is taking a 15% cut, and the publishing house takes their cut, that doesn’t leave much margin for profit. It begins to look even more dismal when you realize most books retail for less than $14.

The key to remember with book sales through large publishing houses it is largely a numbers game. If you sell 20,000 copies with a major publisher, and only see maybe $1 of profit per book sold, that’s still $20,000.

On the other hand, if you only sell 2,000 self published copies, even if you do see $4 in profit per copy sold, you will only have made $8,000.

There is no right answer of course, and many books may only sell 2,000 copies even if they are sold with a traditional publishing house. Again, much of it comes down to you, the author, and the amount of leg work you are willing to do for marketing and sales.

For many self-published authors, it becomes a quest to crank out as many books as possible, in order to maximize a return. If you are self publishing 6 books every single year, this makes it a lot easier to see a decent return in profit compared to someone who writes only one book every six years.

The Reason Traditional Publishing Houses Still Exist

Self publishing may seem easier, but there are still very good reasons to go the traditional route of publishing.

For starters, being picked up by one of the top major publishing houses will make it much easier for you to get distribution in book stores.

If your goal is to make it Oprah’s reading list, it’s probably a good idea to aim big and start submitting queries to agents to have a chance to get a publishing deal with a mid-sized publishing company.

And of course, it’s important to know that there is also a new hybrid model emerging. Many popular writers begin with self-published work which garners enough attention that major publishing houses become very interested in working with you, especially since you are an established author.

If you see enough success on your own with self published work, publishers may be willing to take on the risk for any of your current or future books.

You Can Make a Living Writing, But Selling Books Doesn’t Have to Be Your End Goal

There are many ways of making money as a writer. While selling books seems like an obvious method, it is not always the quickest or even most profitable method to supporting your financial goals.

For example, we all know that poetry is notoriously difficult to get published. Most agents and publishing houses don’t even want to touch it. Still, despite this there are many viable ways to make money with poetry , even if you never publish a single poem in a traditional book.

Another option to consider is to take on speaking gigs and teaching workshops, especially if your work is in the non-fiction genre. Speaking gigs and workshops can result in a very lucrative pay and require just a short amount of time.

Some speaking events, depending on the venue, will pay you up to $5,000 plus travel expenses simply to offer a day long presentation to a large audience. Workshops are another interesting option to explore, especially if you offer instruction on a topic.

And of course, there is also always freelance writing to pay the bills. While it may not be as glamorous to write informative styles of articles  compared to a major book deal, it can be nice to have the flexibility to write on a broad range of subjects with relatively little commitment.

Do you have any questions about the publishing process? Do you have any experiences you would like to share? Your comments are always welcomed in the comments section below!

Chelle Stein wrote her first embarrassingly bad novel at the age of 14 and hasn't stopped writing since. As the founder of ThinkWritten, she enjoys encouraging writers and creatives of all types.

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Home / Guides / Book Publishing / How to Publish a Book on Amazon: The Full Step-by-Step Guide

How to Publish a Book on Amazon: The Full Step-by-Step Guide

  • What You Will Need: Publishing Essentials
  • Setting up Your Amazon KDP Account
  • How to Publish an Ebook on Amazon
  • How to Publish a Paperback on Amazon
  • How to Publish a Hardcover on Amazon
  • How to Create a Series Page
  • How to Publish to Kindle Vella

We talk a lot about self-publishing on this site, everything from beginner strategies to advance tactics.

But how exactly do you publish a book on Amazon? What is the actual process of taking this book that you wrote, turning it into something publishable, then actually getting it out into the world?

That is what we will cover in this article.

  • What you need in order to publish a book on Amazon
  • How to publish an eBook through Amazon
  • How to publish a paperback or hardcover on Amazon
  • How to set up your series page

Unfortunately, we cannot simply open up Amazon and immediately start publishing books. We have to have a few assets already prepped and ready to go. In this section, we'll go over the most important ones.

Let's walk through a few of the essentials:

1. The Title and Subtitle

It may seem obvious, but choosing your title and subtitle may involve more than you think.

There are a few considerations, such as the genre that you are targeting, keywords you want to include, etc.

We recommend you pick a title that matches your genre (especially if you are writing fiction) and that you do keyword research ahead of time to know which keywords to include in your title or subtitle.

See our articles about how to title a book , and how to choose a subtitle that sells .

2. Your Author Name

You should also know whether you want to use your real name, or if you want to use a pen name. Many authors start with their real name, but there are multiple reasons why a pen name they might also be a good idea.

See our article about how to choose a good pen name .

3. Your Book Description

A book description is more than just a summary of your book, in fact it should never be that.

Instead, a book description is a piece of copywriting, i.e. a tool to sell books.

Your book description should hook your reader, make them feel emotionally invested, and spur them to action.

See our article about how to write a fantastic book description .

4. Your Keywords

I've already mentioned keywords for your title and subtitle, but Amazon also allows you to input seven more keywords, which is handy if there are keywords you wanted to target but weren't able to fit them into your title or subtitle.

Doing proper keyword research is a great way to get people to organically find your book on Amazon. But you want to make sure you have good keywords, not just anything. You will want to choose keywords with low competition, but still have a lot of people searching for them.

See our ultimate guide to selecting the best Kindle keywords .

See also our guide for selecting keywords based on fiction or nonfiction books.

Side Note: Use Publisher Rocket for Keywords and Categories

Keyword research is difficult if you don't have a good tool. It is possible, but requires a lot of work. Additionally, researching categories (see below) is equally difficult without help.

That is why we recommend Publisher Rocket as the best way to find low competition keywords and categories that are regularly searched by potential readers.

5. Your Categories

Amazon allows you to select two BISAC categories. BISAC stands for Book Industry Standards And Communications, and these are the main categories used by professionals throughout the publishing industry.

However, you don't need to worry about these too much. Simply select the two that best match your book, and move on.

Instead, you want to pay close attention to Amazon categories. You cannot select these during the publishing process, but you will want a list of 10 Amazon categories that best fit your book. Why? Because Amazon automatically picks your categories based on the BISAC categories you selected, and they are not always accurate.

So you want to contact Amazon after you have published to make sure that your book appears in those categories.

Like keywords, you want to pick categories that are low in competition but still get a lot of use. It's possible to do this manually, but a program like Publisher Rocket will make the process much easier.

See our in-depth article about selecting your categories .

6. Your Ebook File

In order to publish your book on Amazon, the single most important asset you need is your eBook file. Amazon accepts multiple file types, but the one you want is the EPUB.

If you don't have a good formatting software, you can use Microsoft Word, and then use a converter to switch your DOCX file to an EPUB file. Be sure to look it over, however, because doing a conversion in this way will often lead to mistakes. 

See our article on eBook file types here.

Side Note: Use Atticus for Formatting Ebooks

Formatting an eBook can be a tedious process if you don't have a good formatting software. It is possible in Microsoft Word or Scrivener , but very difficult.

That is why we recommend Atticus as the best formatting software around. It will not only help you create amazing ebooks, but will also help you format print books (see below).

Atticus is an all-in-one software that works on virtually every platform, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebook. Plus, it is over $100 cheaper than the leading alternative.

7. Your Print File

In addition to an eBook file, if you want to have a paperback or hardcover version of your book, you will need a print-ready file as well. This will need to be formatted as a PDF.

Formatting for print is even more complicated than formatting for eBooks, which is why we recommend using Atticus to do so. Atticus will make this process a whole lot simpler, and give you a print file that is ready-made to pass all of Amazon's inspections.

Read our in-depth guide to how to format a book for eBook or print.

8. Your Book Cover

Besides your manuscript file, the book cover is another of the most important assets that you will need ahead of time.

Ideally, most authors will need to hire someone to create their book cover, and they can provide it in the sizes that Amazon recommends .

Additionally, you will need separate files for your eBook cover, and for your print cover. The eBook file only includes the front portion of the cover, whereas the print cover will also need a back cover and spine.

If this portion seems overwhelming, I recommend speaking to your book cover designer to help you determine what you need.

See also our complete guide to book covers .

9. Your ISBN (Optional)

Many authors choose not to have their own ISBN, as Amazon will provide one for you. However, if you want to show up as the publisher of your book instead of Amazon, you will need your own ISBN.

Does this give you any advantage? Not really, but it can be nice to have.

See our two articles about what an ISBN is , and how to get one .

10. Your Price

While this is something that doesn't take as much time to prepare, it is good to have an idea of the price you want to set.

Many authors choose to price their book at $0.99 or $2.99 at launch, later raising their price. But the price you have on your book can vary anywhere from $0.99 to $9.99 (we don't recommend more than this, since Amazon gives you lesser royalties on anything over $9.99)

The best way to know what an appropriate price is, is to look at other books in your genre, and other books with a similar length to yours, and analyze their prices. Chances are, you want to do something in that same range.

Before we can actually start publishing, you will need to create an Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account. Thankfully, this is an easy process, especially if you already have a regular Amazon account.

Start by following these steps:

  • Start by visiting the Kindle direct publishing website.
  • Sign in to your Amazon account, or create one
  • Input your author and publisher information , which should include your full legal name (not your pen name), as well as your address and phone number
  • Input your bank account information so Amazon can pay you when you earn royalties
  • Input your tax information so that Amazon can correctly send you the tax forms you need at the end of the year

Once all of this is in order, you should be able to log into Amazon KDP, and see your KDP dashboard. There, you will see a big button labeled Create .

From here, we can start publishing books!

Click on Create , and it will take you to a new screen with several options:

  • Kindle eBook
  • Series page
  • Kindle Vella

We will spend time breaking down each one of these.

We will spend the majority of our time discussing how to publish an eBook, as it is the most important, and publishing a paperback and hardcover follow many of the same steps.

The process of uploading a book to Amazon falls into three main steps:

  • Ebook details
  • Ebook content
  • Ebook pricing

Let's break down each one…

Step 1: Input Your Ebook Details

Ebook details is the page where you input your title, subtitle, description, keywords, etc. Basically, it is all the metadata associated with your book. Let's walk through this page:

At the very top, you will see a place to select the language of your book. For most self publishers reading this article, you probably want English. However, if you are publishing a translation of the book, you will want to switch this to the appropriate language.

Here, you will input your book title and subtitle that you have prepared previously. Note that the subtitle is optional.

If your book is part of a series, input the series title here, as well as the number of your book in that series (i.e. 1 for the first book in the series, 2 for the second, etc.).

If you are uploading more than one book in a series, make sure that the series title matches exactly.

You can make adjustments to the series after the fact, which we will talk about below.

Edition Number

This is an optional field if your book is a specific edition. You are most likely to use this if you are writing nonfiction.

This is where you put your name, or your pen name. Like the series title, make sure that this is exactly the same as other books that use your same name.


If your book was cowritten with someone else, you will want to put their name here as well, though this is an optional field. You can also put the name of your editor, book cover designer, etc.

Keep in mind that these names will show on the sales page for your book.


If you have already written your book description, you can copy and paste it into this field.

However, make sure that the formatting is appropriate. You don't want to end up with too many spaces between paragraphs, bolded text when you don't want bolded text, etc.

Amazon provides some basic formatting tools like bolding, italics, underlining, list making, and basic headings. If you are familiar with HTML, you can also format the source code this way. See our book description generator for a great way to get the HTML code for your book description.

Publishing Rights

You will find two options under publishing rights: publishing work that you own, and publishing public domain work. Selecting public domain publishing rights will restrict some of your options later on, so only select it if the book you are publishing is in the public domain.

If you have done your prep work, you should have seven keywords to input in these spaces.

As mentioned above, we recommend using Publisher Rocket to do your research and come up with the best keywords to give your book maximum exposure.

This is where you select your two BISAC book categories. Simply browse through the list that Amazon provides, and select the two that best fit your book.

As mentioned above, you can select which Amazon categories you want for later, after your book has been published.

Age and Grade Range

This is an optional section that allows you to select your ideal readership age and grade range. I recommend leaving this blank unless:

  • You are publishing a children's book
  • You have explicit content for an 18+ audience

If you are publishing YA fiction, I recommend leaving this alone, since selecting an age range is likely to restrict where your book will show up.

In this space, you can select whether you want to hit publish as soon as you are done, or if you want the book to be published at a later date.

We typically don't recommend preorders, see this video for why , but it is often a needed tool. Use wisely.

Once you have completed this section, you can hit Save As Draft or Save and Continue to move onto the next step.

Step 2: Input Your Ebook Content

The Ebook Content page is where you upload the actual content of your book, making this a very important step.

Let's walk through each element of this page.

This is where you upload the actual written portion of your book. Ideally, this should be an EPUB file, although Amazon will also take DOCX and KPF files (KPF is what Amazon's own Kindle Create produces).

Hit the Upload eBook manuscript button, and select your file from your computer.

Kindle eBook Cover

This is the section where you upload your ebook cover. Amazon does offer a Cover Creator to create a rudimentary cover, but we do not recommend this in any situation. Always have your own book cover file.

You will need to upload either a JPG or TIFF file in this section.

Kindle eBook Preview

Once you have uploaded your ebook manuscript and cover, you can preview what it will look like on Kindle devices. I recommend you do this, as sometimes small formatting errors can arise that need to be addressed.

Kindle eBook ISBN

If you have an ISBN number that you want to use, you can input that here, and include the publisher name.

However, this is optional, and Amazon will provide an ISBN for you if you don't have one.

Once this is all complete, you can move on to the final step…

Step 3: Input Your Ebook Price

Like the last two pages, the eBook Pricing page is divided into various sections. Let's break down what they all mean:

KDP Select Enrollment

KDP gives you an option to enroll your eBook in the KDP Select program. This puts your eBook in Kindle Unlimited, which is a subscription service for books.

However, there is a big price to pay for enrolling your book in KDP Select. Your eBook must remain exclusive to this program, meaning you cannot publish an eBook on any other platform (i.e. Apple, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, etc.) if you are enrolled in KDP Select.

Thankfully, you can unenroll your book after a period of 90 days, so if you want to give it a try, you can do so without lasting consequences.

There is a lot of debate about whether it is better to enroll your book in KDP select, or to publish your ebook wide on all platforms. The true answer, however, is that it depends on your needs and those of your book. 

Enrolling in the KDP Select program can be quite lucrative for some authors, but so can publishing wide. 

If you are just starting out, KDP Select might be good for you, as it is simpler than publishing wide, and can lead to strong royalties.

However, I know many authors who choose to publish wide regardless of the financial circumstances, because they want to build an audience outside of just one platform, so not all eggs are in one basket.

What you choose is up to you, but this is where you choose whether to select it or not.


In most cases, you will want to select all territories so that your book is available anywhere Amazon books are sold.

However, if you only want to sell in specific regions, click on Individual territories and select your desired territory.

Primary marketplace

For many, this will simply be, although depending on where you live, you might want to pick something else such as, or

Pricing, royalty, and distribution

This is where you select the price of your ebook. First of all, you have the option of selecting 35% or 70% royalties. If you are selecting a price between $2.99 and $9.99, you should always select the 70% royalties.

However, there are situations where you will need to select 35% royalties, particularly if you are pricing your book at $0.99.

Next, select the price for your primary marketplace. This will automatically create an equivalent price for all of the other marketplaces, but you can adjust these on a case-by-case basis.

For example, as of this writing, if I input $4.99 in US Dollars, it shows a price of £4.27 in British Pounds, which is kind of an awkward number. I might want to change that to £4.99 in British Pounds instead.

Book Lending

Below the pricing is a checkbox to allow lending for this book. This will allow readers to temporarily lend their eBook to someone else for a 14-day period. Since more exposure is usually good exposure, and it is a good sign when someone wants to lend your book, I recommend you check this box.

Once your details are all ready to go, it is time to hit the Publish Your Kindle eBook button!

It is now time to start getting the word out about your books. But wait! What about the physical books? Well, that leads us to our next section…

If you have already gone through the ebook-publishing process, most of this will be very familiar to you.

In fact, if you have already published your eBook, you can simply find it in your dashboard, and select Create paperback to start, and it will automatically populate many of the fields.

The Book Details and Book Pricing pages are almost exactly the same as the ebook, and many of these fields should be filled out already, if you have already gone through the ebook publishing process.

However, it is in the Book Content page where things are slightly different.

Uploading your manuscript is very similar to uploading your eBook manuscript, except this time you specifically need a PDF manuscript that is formatted for print. We recommend using Atticus to create this, as it can be a long and difficult process with other programs.

Print Options: Book Interior

You will also notice a special section called Print Options . The first part of this section is where you select the ink and paper type. You have four options:

  • Black & white interior with cream paper
  • Black & white interor with white paper
  • Standard color interior with white paper
  • Premium color interior with white paper

Which one you choose depends on you and your needs. For me personally, I choose Black & white interior with white paper for most of my books, but that's me. A lot of people like the cream color, or require colored ink for their book (i.e. in comic books).

Print Options: Sizes and Finishes

Below the ink and paper type, you will see a section to select your trim size, bleed settings, and paperback cover finish.

Trim size is the actual width and height of your book. 5 x 8, 5.5 x 8.5, and 6 x 9 are the most common, but there are many more. See our article on trim sizes.

You only need Bleed if you have images that need to extend to the edges of the book.

Finally, you can choose between Matte and Glossy finishes for your book cover. Which you choose is up to you.

Finally, you have the option to upload your book cover. A paperback book cover is different than an ebook cover, as it includes the back cover and spine to wrap around the entire book.

The width of your spine will vary depending on the length of your book, so it is important that you select a paperback template , so you know exactly how to size your book. You can also provide this template to your cover designer, so they can create a wraparound cover that works.

If you would also like to create a hardcover of your book, you can do this as well. Start by finding your book in the Amazon KDP dashboard, and select Create hardcover.

This will walk you through almost the exact same process as the paperback book.

However, there are two key differences:

1. Limited Trim Sizes

For hardcover books, there are fewer trim sizes than for paperback books, so if you have selected a trim size that is different than your paperback, you will need to provide a different PDF file in that size.

Once again, you can use Atticus to quickly change your trim size and generate a new file.

2. A Different Cover Template

Your hardcover cover file will also need to be different than your paperback cover file. Thankfully, Amazon provides templates for these as well, which you can then send to your designer to create a hardcover-compatible version of your book cover.

See also our complete guide to publishing a hardcover book on Amazon.

If you have input your series into the series field of your ebook details, this automatically creates a new series that you can then adjust.

If you look at your book from the KDP dashboard, you will see a button called Manage series . Click on that, and you can make adjustments to your series from there.

However, you can also hit the big Create button from your KDP dashboard, then select Series page from the list of options.

Here is what you will find when you create a new series or manage an existing one:

Series title

In this field, you put the series title. Make sure this is consistent for all your books.

Reading order

In this field, you have the option to select and “ Ordered ” series or an “ Un-ordered ” series. Only select unordered if your series can be read in any order. This is common for nonfiction series, or a series of standalone novels.

Series image

Amazon has a section here for your series image, but this is not a field that you can influence. Your series image is automatically pulled from the first three books in the series.

You can have a description specific to your book series page, which I recommend you do. If you do not have this space filled out, Amazon will automatically populate it with the description from your first book, which is not always relevant to the series as a whole.

Once you have filled out your details, and have more than one book in the series, you can manage and edit the series from this window:

Thankfully, Amazon lets you adjust things like the order of the series, and other useful features.

From your KDP dashboard, you also have the option of creating a Kindle Vella story.

Kindle Vella is a way of serializing your stories in 500 to 5000 word increments. It is considerably different than publishing a book, although some authors have found a lot of success in serialized storytelling.

For a complete breakdown on how to publish a Kindle Vella story, see our article on the subject .

Video: How to Upload a Book to Amazon

For a nice summary of this article, along with a few personal thoughts on the subject, be sure to check out this video on how to format upload your book to Amazon.

Want more videos like this? Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly videos!

Go Publish Your Book!

Now that you have the basics down on how to publish your book on Amazon, it's time to get started!

Hitting publish for the first time is a thrilling adventure, and I wish you the best of luck in your publishing journey.

But what do you do next? Well, it is time to market your book. For a complete breakdown on how to do this, visit our Book Marketing 101 page.

Happy publishing!

Jason Hamilton

Related posts, cyber monday deals for writers 2023, how to write a nonfiction book in 2024: the ultimate guide for authors, launching a book: the ultimate step by step guide, sell more books on amazon, amazon kindle rankings e-book.

Learn how to rank your Kindle book #1 on Amazon with our collection of time-tested tips and tricks.

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publishing books process

Book Publishing: Detailed Instructions for Publishing a Book

Publishing a book in 2023: your options, choosing a company, cost, and more.

It’s one thing to write a book — it’s something else entirely to release it out into the world. Book publishing is how you get your book from manuscript stage to a published work that is available for readers to buy.

Publishing a book can seem like a daunting process, especially if you’re a new author. You may wonder what your publishing options are, maybe even how much it will cost to publish a book. This guide will help you learn what you need to know so you can begin your publishing journey.

What’s new in book publishing in 2023

Before we break down the different components of book publishing, it’s worth taking a moment to highlight up-and-coming trends. Knowing what’s likely on the horizon for 2023 and beyond will help you make informed decisions when publishing your own work.

The book publishing industry had to abruptly adapt to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and the aftershocks of that event that carried forward.

Audiobooks continue to rise:

We expect authors and publishers to continue their focus on audiobooks as a growing trend. Readers who once listened to audiobooks during their commute are likely to renew the habit as work returns to offices across the country. And those who were introduced to the convenience and comfort of listening to a book while performing household activities aren’t likely to let go.

As Kirkus Reviews notes, self-published authors may be well-served to consider adding an audiobook release to their print and eBook publishing plans to capitalize on this trend.

Diversity matters

One thing that stands out in the shakeups of 2020 is the rising importance of diversity in books. From new author voices to the characters who take shape on the page, readers are hungry for new stories. Sticking to the same, stale, homogeneous voice closes off new opportunities.

Authors and publishers who embrace a variety of representations will find loyal readers who are eager for the diversity and find it enriches their experience.

Hybrid publishing options

We’ll explain a little more about your publishing options below, but it’s important to note the growing trend in 2023 of a hybrid, or collaborative, publishing path, which blends the DIY ethos of publishing your own book with the deep and rich experience of the traditional publishing world. We expect to see this blend continue, with serious-minded independent authors increasingly reaching out to traditional publishing experts on their path to authorship.

Publishing options

You have many choices when it comes to publishing a book. The two main methods are traditional publishing and self-publishing.

Traditional publishing:

With traditional publishing, a publishing company takes complete control of the publishing process. You, as the author, may get an “advance,” which is like paying you royalties ahead of time. You write the book, and the publishing company edits, formats, designs, and prints it. They distribute it to bookstores and handle all of the advertising and marketing. In return, they keep a portion of the profits.

To get published with a traditional publisher typical requires that you find yourself a book agent or literary agent. An agent is someone who works on your behalf, helping you make your book the best (and most marketable) it can be. They pitch your book to publishing houses until one of them agrees to publish your work; the agent also helps you land the deal.

Working with traditional publishers and agents will require you to send out many, many query letters, which are letters that inquire as to whether someone would be interested in working with your book. Therefore, the traditional publishing method is not completely hands-off, but it does mean you won’t have to deal with printing and marketing if you don’t want to.

There are big publishing houses (see below) and small ones. Who you work with may depend on who is interested in your book.


This method is a DIY affair. You as the author don’t get an advance from a publishing company — you ARE the publishing company. You’re responsible for editing, formatting, designing, printing, distribution, and marketing. On the other hand, you get to keep 100% of the profits, and you don’t need to work with an agent, either.

Pros and cons

Traditional publishing.

There is definitely a high barrier to entry with traditional publishing. You are not fully in control of how and whether your book is published. If you can’t find someone to work with you, or if you find an agent but they are unsuccessful in landing a book deal, the publishing path hits a dead end.

Also, you’ll need to split your profits if you do sell your book, and that can take quite a big bite out of your book income. If you’re trying to make money from your book, you’ll lose some directly off the top to the publishing company as well as to your agent.


While this method gives you complete control over your book, it’s a process that’s not for the timid. You will be completely responsible for every stage of the book publishing process.

Whether you DIY the entire thing or hire outside help, the buck—and your book’s success— ultimately stop with you.

Choosing the best publisher

To choose the best publisher requires two things: knowing the biggest names in publishing and knowing your book inside and out. You may be inclined to go with one of the “Big 5”, but competition is heavy and they might not be the best publisher for your work, anyway.

You should pick a publisher that will work with you, is suited to the nature and scope of your book, and will pay you a fair sum (not necessarily a huge one— a fair one).

The Big 5 book publishers

The Big 5 are the largest and most well-known publishing houses. You’ll recognize the names.

  • Penguin/Random House
  • Hachette Book Group
  • Harper Collins
  • Simon and Schuster

Getting your book noticed by one of the big five publishers is no easy feat, but if you manage it, you’ll earn instant credibility as an author. It can definitely be worth the effort to polish your manuscript to be the absolute best it can be.

You’ll also want to thoroughly research your chosen genre, as well as your target publishing company, in order to submit a book to a Big 5 publisher that stands head and shoulders abovethe competition.

Small publishers

Of course, the Big 5 aren't the only publishers out there. You may find a smaller publisher or independent press is the right choice for you. These smaller book publishing companies might offer a more connected, personal publishing experience, or they could be experts in your niche.

Make sure to include these smaller publishers in your research. They could wind up being just the right fit.

How to Publish a Book

It’s important to understand the various stages of the publishing process, so you know what to expect.

The publishing process kicks off with the writing stage. After all, there’s nothing to publish until you have written your manuscript. You may find it helpful to work in several phases, beginning with a rough draft and following it up with one or more polished drafts. Self-editing will be an important part of the writing process.

Pitching and Querying

When your book is complete, you can hire an agent and pitch your book to publishers using query letters.

Finding an agent requires some research into your book genre and the agents available who specialize in your niche. You’ll need to pitch several of them on the merits of working with you and your book. You’ll likely need to have some meetings in order for you both to consider working with each other. As much as you want to find the right agent for your book, agents want to find authors. With enough time and effort, you’ll land on the right one for your needs.

Once your agent is in place, you’ll work together to pitch publishers on your book.

For non-fiction books, you’ll write a book proposal that sums up your idea and the structure of your book. For fiction books, you’ll probably submit the manuscript as a whole.

Even though you have hopefully self-edited your book as thoroughly as possible, it’s no substitute for a professional view. Not only will your book benefit from beta readers (who make sure the plot or structure make sense and offer feedback from an “average reader” point of view), but also from hired editors.

The editing process can be quite long, even arduous for a writer, and have several “rounds,” which can include:

  • Developmental editing (editing or even reorganizing entire blocks, sections, or chapters)
  • Copy editing (editing for tone, grammar, and logic)
  • Proofing (hunting for typos and other mistakes)

Editing can last from the writing stage all the way (in some form) to the final printed proofs. It’s one of the most important parts of publishing a high-quality, error-free work, ensuring it’s the best it can be.

Publishers will often have a team of editors who take on this work for your book.

Formatting and Design

Once your manuscript is polished and spotless, the production process begins. Designers and typesetters take over, formatting the book for the printed (or digital) page. Formatting a book makes your manuscript conform to common, standard book conventions — chapter breaks, page numbers, title page, and so on.

Book design concerns the aesthetic design of the book, both the inside pages and the cover. And since the cover is what people will notice first, it’s a crucial part of the book design process. Publishers have designers who specialize in book cover design, which is an art unto itself.

Files in hand, the publisher arranges for your book to be printed. There are many different options for printing, including offset and digital presses. The printing process transfers your words to paper, prints and attaches the cover, and binds all pages together. The final result will be the tangible, physical product you can hold in your hands and sign for loyal readers.

Digital conversion

For digital books, there is no “printing,” but there is a special file format conversion process that takes place. This process insures that your book can be read on eReaders, such as an Amazon Kindle. The eBook conversion process retains basic book formatting and font styling so that the eBook reading experience is as pleasant as the print one.


When your book is complete, the publisher will distribute it to bookstores, warehouses, and online marketplaces — wherever books are sold. This gets your book to the bookstore shelves and other places that readers can encounter it. But distribution is only one part of getting books to readers — the other is marketing, which is the process of raising awareness of a particular book with its target audience.

Like it or not, marketing is hugely important to the success of your book. If no one knows about your book, they can hardly be expected to seek it out. Marketing your book lets people know what it’s about and why they should read. It may also let them know a little about yourself as the author and what makes you tick. There are many, many methods to marketing a book, but you’ll commonly be expected to have an author website and a social media presence at minimum. Publishers will often have entire marketing departments devoted to promoting a book, but you can promote your book yourself, too.

How long it takes to publish a book

The book publishing process can definitely take some time. You can expect the process to take several months, with a realistic timeline of nine months or more.

When you work with publishers, there are a lot of moving pieces and back and forth for each stage of the process, including the negotiating stage. If you have a lot of rewriting to do (or if something unexpected like the coronavirus pandemic comes along), it could add to the time frame.

The average cost to publish a book

If you decide to do it yourself, you should expect to spend at least a couple thousand dollars on preparing, printing, distributing, and marketing your book. That figure can easily trend way upwards, too, especially if you hire professional help. However, the cost can easily be worth it; if you establish a professional presence in your work, you’ll be more likely to win over readers and make up the cost in sales.

How to get paid for publishing a book

If you go the traditional publishing route, it may seem as though there are no costs at all. You’ll likely receive a book advance (even a small one) on your royalties, and the company takes over the expenses of printing and distributing the book. However, keep in mind that while you may not shell out money out-of-pocket for those expenses, they will come from your book’s sales, which means those are profits you won’t receive later. You may only receive 10% of your book’s cover price when all is said and done.

Can I make money writing a book?

You certainly can. You’ll need to be strategic, though. Carefully calculate the expected costs of each method. You may need to do several calculations when you take variables such as book price into account. Do you already have an established audience?

Then you may be able to leapfrog to a good number of sales. If you’re starting from scratch, it may take longer. You may find it easier to make money doing it yourself because you can trim a lot of the costs.

Watch us make a book at 48 Hour Books!

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publishing books process

How To Publish a Book in 5 Steps

Financial Recovery book

The book publishing process is arduous, time-consuming, and incredibly difficult to do on your own. However, with our independent publishing model, we take the heavy workload, and you keep the rights to your book. Learn how to publish a book in 5 simple steps with our independent publishing model. 

How Long Does it Take To Publish a Book With Forbes Books?

Each author’s experience is different, based on the package you choose and your individual pace. Once your book is ready for print, it’s important to remember that  printing can take 6-22 weeks, depending on your cover choice, so please be sure to budget for that additional time.

There are a few questions you can ask yourself to get an idea for how long the process will take.

  • Do you need a ghostwriter? 
  • Do you already have a manuscript? 
  • Do you want your book in brick & mortar stores? 

Finding the correct compatibility with a ghostwriter takes time to work through. If you already have a manuscript, you can save yourself time without hiring a ghostwriter. 

If you’d like your book in brick & mortar stores, we can do that too! Since printing timelines are so long, we’ll have to get started 7-9 months ahead to ensure the book is ready for retail. 

Furthermore, once you decide on a publishing date , it can’t be changed. This is why it’s vital to hit certain milestones we set during your Blueprint meeting. 

We have some of the best in business to guide you through the process, so listen to your member team. This will ensure you have your book in retail stores across the country (we have international publishing packages too).

Chart of Publishing Models

Step 1: Decide on a Independent Publishing Model

There are 3 types of publishing models to choose from, including self, traditional , and independent publishing . If you’re wanting to learn more about each one, we explain them in our blog, How to Write a Book in 10 Simple Steps . 

Forbes Books is an independent publishing company , meaning our authors make all decisions on their book and keep 100% of their book rights . We’re here to guide you through the entire publishing process and offer our professional insights. 

Step 2: Vision Session

Your Master Book Planner works with you and your editorial and strategy team to discuss your goals, ideas, and desired outcomes. We’ll brainstorm with you to develop your content concepts, narrowing down an approach that is both engaging to your readers and builds on your authority in your field.

Approximately 10 business days after your vision session, you’ll receive a robust Master Book Plan . 

The Book Plan will not only outline the structure and flow of your chapters and overarching theme, but also break down important elements such as target audience, purpose, summary, and voice/style. 

We will review the Master Book Plan with you as part of your Blueprint Day, adjusting the structure as needed and delivering an updated version to you shortly thereafter.

Step 3: Decide on Publishing Program

Forbes Books has three publishing programs : Standard, Select, Global . Each program requires the same review and selection process from the Forbes Books team. However, each program offers a different tier of value and services to help expand your brand authority and awareness. 

It’s important to consider your goals as you decide which program fits you best. The Select and Global programs offer extended reach by using advanced book promotion and distribution strategies . 

From a book creation perspective, the main difference between the three programs is the use of premium versus elite ghostwriters . For a comprehensive list of differences in the overall programs, view our comparative chart .

Which Publishing Program Is Best for Me?

Before we discuss each publishing program, it’s important to understand the Forbes Books Application process. Each prospective author must be approved to join the select men and women that make up Forbes Books. If you qualify, one of our 3 exclusive publishing programs will be open to you.

Choosing the right publishing program for your needs can be an arduous task that causes unnecessary stress. There are positives to every program, but not every program is right for every author. Let’s go through each program and discuss which programs are best for specific authors.

Forbes Books Publishing Chart

Tier 1: Standard Publishing Program

Our Standard Publishing Program is the most affordable package that we offer our members. First, we’d like to dispel the myth that “affordable” means “cheap.” Although there may not be as many services as you will find in the Select and Global packages, you’ll be given every opportunity to excel. 

The important thing is all three programs provide the same amount of book creation and publishing services. The differences are in programs that align to your book distribution goals, such as the number and types of platforms we sell your book from and additional services that provide credibility, such as the best seller recognition programs. 

Our Standard Publishing Program includes:

  • 45,000 word ghostwritten manuscript with your own editorial team
  • Our award-winning design team, led by our Creative Director & Director of Production , David Taylor , will design your book cover.
  • We will package both an eBook and your print copy for sale
  • Forbes Books creates and publishes an audiobook version for added promotion
  • The Forbes Books writing team ( Henry Clougherty , Dan Dunkin , and Max Coffey ) led by Lead Writer Ronnie Blair , writes an exclusive news release announcing your signing as a Forbes Books or Advantage Media member. 
  • Forbes Books also publishes a news release on, announcing your publication to the millions of readers on their platform. 
  • 1,000 print copies of your hardcover book are included in your initial price for all three packages.
  • Placement at Amazon and Barnes and Noble online to distribute your book to the masses. Corrin Foster , our Sr. Director of Book Marketing and Promotions, will organize and curate a 4 month book reviewer campaign. This campaign includes an exclusive book seeding and reader review campaign.
  • Our Public Relations team will also craft and execute a 4-month book launch publicity campaign to promote your book through earned media channels.

Why Should I Choose the Standard Publishing Program?

The Standard Publishing Program is not only the most affordable, but it’s perfect for new authors that aren’t tying their authorship success directly to book sales.. For example, if your goal is more about using the book as a “business card “to build credibility with your target audience and less about book sales directly, then this plan will save you time and money.

Tier 2: Select Publishing Program

Our Select Publishing Program is the middle ground of branding and book distribution. For those authors that want their books in as many places as possible without the extensive international reach features of our Global program, the Select Publishing Program is ideal. 

Our Select Publishing Program includes:

  • We will sell your book in online and brick and mortar stores across the country (Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, ect…).
  • You’ll be given one of our Elite Ghostwriters to write your book.
  • Forbes Books has the connections to place your book in public libraries across the United States.
  • You’ll be entered into the exclusive Amazon Best Sellers program , which will display your eBook book ahead of the pack for your genre and industry. 
  • Our Corporate Marketing team will provide a customized Amazon advertising campaign, targeting your audience.
  • Forbes Books provides an exclusive Branding and Visibility program to ensure your brand is top of mind.

Why Should I Choose the Select Publishing Program?

Not only will we leverage your book to build your authority online, but the Select Publishing Program also gives you access to brick and mortar stores across the country. Brick and mortar stores made about 863 million dollars in 2022 , according to Statista . 

With hundreds of millions of dollars still being spent in stores, our Select Publishing Model grants you access to malls and bookstores all over the United States.

Tier 3: Global Publishing Program

The Forbes Books Global Publishing Program is the highest level of publishing services we offer. This is for members that want to reach readers on the global scale. 

Our Global Publishing Program includes:

  • Elite Ghostwriter for your book
  • Foreign language rights sales representation
  • A 3-month front table book promotion in airports all over the world !
  • We’ll add your book to the Wall Street Journal  book campaign

Why Should I Choose the Global Publishing Program?

If you’re looking to expedite your process to greater brand visibility and name recognition, the Global Publishing Program is right for you. An impressive aspect of the Global Publishing Package is the access to airports across the world. 

Our Global Publishing Model positions your book in front of hundreds of thousands of travelers across airports worldwide. Become the international authority you always dreamed of with our Global Publishing Program.

What’s the Difference Between Premium Ghostwriters & Elite Ghostwriters?

All of our ghostwriters are highly rated, so you’re in excellent hands no matter what platform you choose.

All of our ghostwriters go through an extensive vetting process, and we pride ourselves on representing the best in business, only presenting you with ghostwriters with A+ ratings across the board. 

What Makes a Great Ghostwriter?

Along with being an excellent writer, our ghostwriters also excel in areas such as client/writer relationships, communication, and adaptability.

Where we distinguish between premium and elite ghostwriting tiers is simply a matter of seniority and proven quality, professionalism, and results over time. Elite ghostwriters have:

  • Written a greater number of well-received books
  • Are veteran writers with our company
  • Are regularly in high demand

If you want to work with an elite ghostwriter, consider choosing the Forbes Books Select or Global program .

Step 4: Establish Publishing Roadmap

To become a published author with Forbes Books, we focus on three foundational meetings . The roadmap for each author will look differently, based on the publishing program you choose.

Manuscript Review

If you’ve written a full or almost-complete manuscript, a professional manuscript reviewer will write a detailed analysis, providing feedback on elements such as structure, appropriate length/tone for your audience, and potential areas for improvement. Once the review is complete, we will discuss the edits in your Blueprint Session .

Blueprint Session

Every author receives a Blueprint Session, regardless of their publishing program. A Blueprint Session builds on the vision of your book, with the media team. We will walk through authority-building opportunities opened up by your book as part of your unique Authority Strategy Plan . 

Your Authority Strategy Plan will focus on how we can strategically build your authority and thought-leadership through the utilization of multiple types of media. 

Step 5: Book Creation

Forbes Books has three paths to choose from when deciding how you want to create the book. Most of our authors choose to use one of our expert ghostwriters for their manuscript. However, you can also write your own manuscript and have us review and edit, or write with the help from our book coaches or book doctors . 

Person proofreading a manuscript

Choosing a Ghostwriter

We have some of the most talented ghostwriters in the world working with us and each one has a remarkable range of knowledge and skills. Choosing to work with a ghostwriter is by far the most popular approach for  our authors, who rarely have time to write for several hours, and who are often far more comfortable speaking rather than writing. 

If you choose to work with one of our ghostwriters, our careful, highly customized process will introduce you to a curated selection of writers based on your book’s topic and your own unique personality. The ghostwriter selection process considers many aspects of compatibility before kicking off the book writing process, including:

  • A face-to-face online interview with each candidate
  • A written pitch post-interview demonstrating each ghostwriter’s understanding of your book concept and approach

Ghostwriter Kickoff Call

As you select your ghostwriter, we’ll set up a meeting for you to meet your team of experts! During this call, you’ll meet your editorial manager and speak with your ghostwriter. This call establishes a working interview cadence with your ghostwriter. 

For the next 6-8 weeks, we’ll schedule future calls to create chapter 1 of your book. Throughout these 6-8 weeks, your editorial manager will review and edit your chapter with you. We give each author time to review the edits and offer feedback calls to work through any hang-ups. 

Book Doctor or Book Coach

If you’re a CEO or thought-leader and want to write your own manuscript, then a book doctor or coach is best for you. 

Our best in business book coaches will help you refine the organizational structure of your manuscript, offering verbal feedback on written content and helping with the brainstorming process before writing. They’ll also discuss with you any problem areas in your manuscript that could distract or confuse your readers. 

Choosing to use a book coach is best for authors who enjoy guidance from an experienced writer, but prefer to do the writing on their own. 

A book doctor is typically needed when an author has completed – or almost completed – a manuscript but is in need of deep, reconstructive editing. A book doctor will tease apart a manuscript and piece it back together in a way that clarifies the core theme, cleans up linearity concerns, and identifies any gaps in content.

They work hand-in-hand with the author as they work through the edits, first considering the manuscript as a whole, and then rebuilding it chapter by chapter, consulting with the author in the process. The author may need to add missing material along the way, which the book doctor will incorporate, delivering the final manuscript at Line Edit quality.

Finished Manuscript

If you’ve written a manuscript and want to get the white-glove editorial treatment, we’re here to help. 

Following an evaluative manuscript review and consultation, we will conduct edits through your preferred process before moving into our standard Copy Edit phase, followed by layout and design.

With a finished manuscript, the book design process is the same for all three book creation paths. 

Until your first chapter is complete, your timeline is still a rough estimate. But once you’ve had a chance to review and approve the first chapter draft, your team will put together a firm timeline with set deadlines and milestones based on your pace and needs. We’ll also present you with estimated final sign-off and publication dates based on your timeline and binding selection.

Book coach working with author

Forbes Books Editorial Process

There are multiple editorial stages for each manuscript. Your manuscript will go through a Developmental Edit , Line Edit , Copy Edit , Editorial Proof, and Final Manuscript Proof, along with minor editorial reviews in between.

What Is a Developmental Edit?

This initial writing stage focuses on the interview process and developing the first draft based on your book plan.  Your writer will craft the initial draft in thirds, focusing more (at this stage) on content development and flow rather than detailed copy editing.

Our experts will provide editorial feedback throughout the manuscript development process. At this stage, they will provide insight from the reader’s perspective, suggesting where content can be improved. Once the full first draft of the manuscript is complete, you’ll move to the Line Edit . 

What Is a Line Edit?

The Line Edit is the polishing edit of your manuscript. Your ghostwriter will read through the full manuscript, ensuring there are no gaps, incomplete thoughts, or un-cited facts, and that transitions are smooth. 

You will then have the opportunity to do the same, reading through the manuscript in full to ensure nothing is missing and to do any final adjustments. The ghostwriter will then take one last pass, incorporating your edits before your manuscript is sent to a copy editor.

What Is a Copy Edit?

In Copy Edit, our experts review the technical aspects of your manuscript to ensure it’s in keeping with the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. They will review and fix any grammatical errors, checking for accuracy of spelling, syntax, and citations, among others. Once completed, your manuscript goes on to Editorial Proof.

What Is an Editorial Proof?

During this step, our editorial team once again reviews your manuscript, checking behind the copy editor to ensure accuracy before it goes to layout. After layout, you will receive a print-ready digital copy of your manuscript for review. 

At this stage, we’re 98% ready to go to print , so the review will consist mainly of correcting any minor inaccuracies and missed grammatical errors.

With your approval of the print-ready digital copy, our team will once again complete a Final Manuscript Proof , working in edits and checking again for any remaining errors. Once completed, your book will be ready for print and distribution.

Great Leaders Make Sure Monday Mornings Don't Suck Cover

Final Thoughts on How To Publish a Book

Over 2.2 million books are p ublished each year , according to wordsrated , a website that tracks book sales across the planet. Of those 2.2 million books, the vast majority will never be seen by more than a few people. If you’re a CEO or business thought-leader, and want to expand your brand awareness and extend your authority, Forbes Books is for you. 

We represent the best in business, in almost every industry, including over a dozen other countries. Our specialized team will help you become the authority in your field if you qualify for our services . 

If you’re interested in working with us, we encourage you to apply to be Forbes Books author and see if you qualify. 

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The Publishing Process

ACS Publications recognizes the hard work that goes into getting your research to the point of submission for publication. We appreciate that you are interested in submitting to one of our 75+ journals and are here to support you through your publishing journey. This page provides an overview of the ACS publishing process, fundamental guidance, and resources to help avoid common mistakes and be fully prepared every step of the way.

Stay Informed

Keeping up with the latest findings from your research community is essential to future publishing success. Seeing what’s being published, what your peers are reading, and where it is being published will help you advance your research and write with confidence.

  • Register for ACS Journal e-Alerts to receive relevant research from your favorite publications.
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  • Follow ACS Publications on Twitter , Facebook , and LinkedIn for daily updates, submission opportunities, and news.

Getting Started

  • Create your ACS ID for access to many of the platforms, systems, and resources you will need.
  • Become an ACS Member to connect with a global community of researchers and opportunities.
  • Top 10 Tips for Scholarly Publishing to help you along the way from ACS on Campus .
  • Top 10 Tips for Effective Science Writing will help you convey your ideas and write effectively whether for a manuscript, press release, or presentation.
  • Enroll in ACS Author Lab to learn the fundamentals of the publishing process outlined below with on demand, free-to-access, and self-paced modules.

Step 1: Journal Selection

When submitting your manuscript, you will need to choose the most appropriate journal for your research. Before you even start writing, you should have already familiarized yourself with a journal’s editorial scope, its policy on prior publication, its format, and the Author Guidelines. Doing so will help you avoid common mistakes and expedite the submission, review, and acceptance process.

You may also want to familiarize yourself with articles from your journals of interest to help determine the journal’s style, editorial voice, and target audience ahead of submission.

Check to see if your funder has an open access mandate. Our range of options provides you with multiple ways to make your research articles available via open access, including our fully open access journals, transformative hybrid journals, and transformative "read and publish" agreements that cover more than 1,000 individual institutions.

Quick Links

ACS Journal List

ACS Journal Finder

Journal Guidelines

ACS Open Science Website

Open Access Pricing for ACS journals

Top 10 Tips for Open Access Publishing

Step 2: Prepare

Carefully preparing your manuscript will help you successfully navigate the process with ease and confidence. The key components you will need to include upon submission are listed below, with links to full details, requirements, and resources to help.

Manuscript Submission Criteria

Conflict of Interest Disclosure - The Corresponding Author must provide this statement on behalf of all authors of the manuscript during the submission process to include a statement describing any financial conflicts and all potential sources of bias.

Ethical Guidelines - ACS journal Editors provide a set of ethical guidelines for persons engaged in the publication of chemical research, specifically, for editors, authors, and manuscript reviewers.

Author List and Co-author Notification - Authors must obtain the consent of all their co-authors before submitting a manuscript for publication.

Permissions - Authors are responsible for obtaining any permission necessary to reproduce tables, figures, charts, schemes, photographs, text excerpts, etc., from the copyright owner.

Funding Disclosures - Authors are required to report funding sources and grant/award numbers and are required to enter all sources of funding for all authors in both the FundRef tool in ACS Paragon Plus and in your manuscript to meet this requirement.

ACS Ethical Guidelines

Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research

Top 10 Tips for Ethical Authorship

Author and affiliation information guidelines

Permission requests and credit line instructions and forms

ACS Funder and Institutional Arrangements

Video Support

Pre-submission Tip: Familiarize yourself with submitting and authoring in ACS Paragon Plus prior to submitting your manuscript.

Step 3: Assemble

Manuscripts submitted for initial consideration must adhere to these standards:

  • Submissions must be complete with clearly identified standard sections used to report original research, free of annotations or highlights, and include all numbered and labeled components.
  • Figures, charts, tables, schemes, and equations should be embedded in the text at the point of relevance.
  • Templates are not required but may be useful to approximate how an article will be composed.
  • References can be provided in any style, but they must be complete, including titles.
  • Supporting Information must be submitted as a separate file(s) and may have journal-specific requirements, which can be found in the journal guidelines .
  • Author names and affiliations on the manuscript must match what is entered into ACS Paragon Plus.

Support to help prepare and assemble your manuscript.

Submission Standards

ACS Submission Checklist 

ACS Fast Format

Cover Letter

Writing your Cover Letter

ACS Manuscript Templates

ACS Author Guidelines

Writing Style and Language Usage

ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication  

ACS Author Lab

Software TeX/LaTeX

Acceptable Software by File Designation

How to Choose File Designations

Preparing and Submitting Using LaTeX

Manuscript Components

Supporting information viewers

Table of Contents/Abstract Graphics

Web Enhanced Object (WEO)

10 Tips for Creating Abstracts with Substance and Style

Graphical Abstracts - What Makes a Quality Abstract

Step 4: Submit

It is essential to review the journal’s Author Guidelines carefully before submitting your manuscript for consideration. Paying close attention to all requirements will help expedite review and reduce the time to publication.

Manuscripts, graphics, supporting information, and required forms must all be submitted and revised in digital format through the ACS Paragon Plus online submission site. Hardcopy manuscripts are not accepted.

The Submission Process

To learn more about the peer review process, please consider enrolling in our free course, ACS Reviewer Lab . The course covers all key aspects of peer review, including the assessment of manuscripts, tips for writing your review, and the ethical considerations inherent to the process.

Pre-screening - Your manuscript is first checked by the Journal Editorial Office for proper formatting and other requirements.

Assessment - It is then assessed by the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editors, or Development Editors for scope, scientific merit, and significance to ensure it is a good fit for the journal.

Evaluation - An Associate Editor evaluates your manuscript to select appropriate experts for peer review.

Review - Authors will have a chance to review and approve the PDF version of their manuscripts prior to formal submission to the Editor.

Submitting and authoring in ACS Paragon Plus

ACS Paragon Plus

Pre-publishing Tip: Submit your manuscript to a pre-print server. ChemRxiv is an openly accessible preprint platform for chemists, with no fees for readers or authors. Share your work with the research community to gain insights and stake a claim to your new findings while your manuscript is going through the review process with ACS.

Step 5: Peer Review

During submission, you will be asked to provide a list of recommended reviewers. The editors will take this list into consideration but may invite other experts if your article is selected for peer review.

Your manuscript will be thoroughly reviewed by at least three of your peers with the goal of validating and improving the content prior to publication. You may be asked to revise your manuscript slightly or to perform a few additional experiments. After revision, your manuscript will be re-evaluated considering your changes and additions.

Select - Peer Reviewers are selected.

Return - Detailed feedback from the reviews is returned to the author.

Revise - Revisions are made to the manuscript by the author.

Re-evaluate - The revisions from the author are re-evaluated by the editor and/or reviewers.

Decide - The final editorial decision is made.

The Peer Review Process

Introduction to ACS Reviewer Lab

ACS Reviewer Lab

Top 10 Peer Review Tips

Tip during the review wait time: Familiarize yourself with the Journal Publishing Agreement and process so you are prepared if your manuscript is accepted or the ACS Manuscript Transfer Service if you are invited to submit to an alternate ACS Journal to better highlight your work.

Step 6: Publish, Transfer, or Reject

After you approve the final PDF of your manuscript, the Editor will carefully read and examine each manuscript, analyze each review, and decide if the manuscript will be published, transferred, or rejected.

We have outlined the next steps and options you can take depending on the outcome below with links to ACS Publications resources to help and support your next steps.

If your manuscript is selected for publication, you will be notified to complete the publishing agreement, funding information, or payments that may be required. Refer to the quick links below to help navigate through these final steps.

Copyright & Journal Publishing Agreement

Understanding the Journal Publishing Agreement process (PDF)

Sometimes an editor finds that your research may have a greater impact and value in an alternate ACS journal. Our editors and editorial staff will work with other journal editors, when possible, to find the best placement for your hard work and to showcase your research to the best audience. The quick links below will provide you with more information.

Manuscript Transfer Service

This is not a decision ACS Editors take lightly or without careful consideration towards the Author(s) and the work put into the research. You may have revisions to make based on the feedback or need some extra help to get your manuscript to re-submit. Find options and support in the quick links section below.

ACS Authoring Services

Advice for Handling Rejection

Step 7: Share Your Work

When authors take action to share their research with the global scientific community, they help maximize its impact. ACS Publications makes it easy to share your newly published research with ACS Articles on Request and other ACS Author Benefits that can help your published research get views, downloads, and citations.

It is essential to promote your research and related data on social media, at conferences, and through scholarly communication networks. The quick links below will help you figure out the best way to get your published work in front of the right audience.

  • ACS Sharing Guidelines
  • Top 10 Social Media in Science Tips
  • Top 10 Tips for Cultivating Your Scientific Presentation Skills
  • ACS Certified Deposit

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McKinsey Global Publishing’s 2024 book picks

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Go to “What to read next: McKinsey’s 2024 annual book recommendations”

The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton Scribner/Simon & Schuster, March 1998

“I’m planning to reread this winner of the Pulitzer Prize and my all-time favorite book. The novel is a masterpiece in character and cultural critique. The witty, cutting prose that Wharton brings to her character study is unmatched.”

All Fours Miranda July Riverhead Books/Penguin Random House, May 2024

“Lots of women trip on the broken rung; others swap out the ladder. A heterodox Gen X creative explores ambition, rule breaking, and reinvention at midlife.”

Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the West, and the Epic Story of the Taiping Civil War Stephen R. Platt Vintage Books/Penguin Random House, December 2012

“Before, during, and after the US Civil War, a Hakka Chinese rebel leader who proclaimed himself the brother of Christ led an uprising against the Qing dynasty that killed upward of 20 million people and upended global politics, yet it’s almost forgotten today! The book is vivid and gripping.”

The Best Minds: A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions Jonathan Rosen Penguin Press/Penguin Random House, April 2023

“A Pulitzer Prize finalist in the memoir or autobiography category, this story follows childhood best friends Rosen and Michael Lauder as they accumulate success—before Michael has a serious psychotic break. The story illuminates the need for different mental disorder treatments. Given the focus area of mental health for the McKinsey Health Institute, it’s a ‘must read’ for me this summer.”

Come and Get It Kiley Reid G.P. Putnam’s Sons/Penguin Random House, January 2024

“This novel, set at a university in 2017, explores female friendship, race, power, and wealth. It appears to be a dark book marketed with the bright colors of a summer read, and I’m here for it!”

Family Furnishings: Selected Stories, 1995–2014 Alice Munro Vintage Books/Penguin Random House, September 2015

“These generous and wise stories about ordinary people facing powerful challenges are grounded in place with knowing detail. Munro, a Nobel Prize winner, died this year on May 14. She was ‘as good as it gets,’ said Richard Ford. ‘Her stories were widely considered to be without equal,’ wrote the New York Times .”

Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture Kyle Chayka Doubleday/Penguin Random House, January 2024

“AI knows what we like—and how to deliver it to us, ‘segment of one’ style. What does this mean for the way we experience culture, cultivate the creative skills so vital to innovation, and develop taste? Kyle Chayka is the Pierre Bourdieu of the digital era.”

The Forgotten Forest: In Search of the Lost Plants and Fungi of Aotearoa Robert Vennell HarperCollins Publishers, October 2023

“On a recent trip to New Zealand, I learned that the country contains the last large land masses to have been inhabited by humans and that much of its natural ecology is under threat from the predators and invasive plants that came along with people. It’s still a land of great natural beauty, and I’m interested in learning more about it.”

Hello Beautiful Ann Napolitano Dial Press/Penguin Random House, March 2023

“My mama recommended I read this (and I listen to my mama). So far, the setup to this love story is thoughtful, nontraditional, and compelling.”

How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and Everything In Between Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner Currency/Penguin Random House, February 2023

“Working on projects is my favorite thing to do—both at work and in my personal life. The process of learning, planning, building, and then seeing the final result is extremely satisfying. This book promises an entertaining review of projects we’ve all heard of, with lessons to apply to projects of our own.”

The Manicurist’s Daughter: A Memoir Susan Lieu Celadon Books/Macmillan Publishers, March 2024

“This is a brave and poignant memoir that explores grief, cultural identity, and resilience. My friend loved this book and recommended it to me.”

So Long, See You Tomorrow William Maxwell Vintage Books/Penguin Random House, January 1996

“After 50 years, a man looks back on a tragic murder that ruined his best childhood friendship and forever altered his view of the world. This is a short, gorgeous, emotional, sharp-as-day novel by a brilliant, underappreciated writer.”

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together Heather McGhee One World/Penguin Random House, February 2021

“McGhee skillfully elucidates how racism hurts everyone, but if we all work together to combat inequality, we can achieve great things in the form of a ‘solidarity dividend.’”

The Swans of Harlem: Five Black Ballerinas, Fifty Years of Sisterhood, and Their Reclamation of a Groundbreaking History Karen Valby Pantheon/Penguin Random House, April 2024

“A groundbreaking group of Black ballerinas formed a sisterhood that has endured for decades. Valby details their lives before and after taking center stage, including their struggle to obtain recognition of their forgotten story. I was wait-listed for the book on my library app for weeks—and it was worth it!”

To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf Penguin Books/Penguin Random House, May 2023

“I love how Woolf captures the minutiae of people’s psychology.”

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > What is a Manuscript?

What is a Manuscript?

An author engrossed in the process of crafting an incomplete, unpublished work is not typically described as having written a book. Instead, within literary circles, this work in progress is referred to as a manuscript. A refined manuscript is crucial to developing connections with literary agents and securing a publishing deal for your forthcoming book. Take the first step towards publishing your book by learning what a manuscript is, understanding its importance in the publishing process and how to refine your manuscript before submission.

An open book

What is the Definition of a Manuscript?

A manuscript is a document that contains writing that is intended to be published as a book. These works-in-progress may contain errors that need to be fixed before publication, showcasing the difference between a manuscript and a book. Although manuscripts are drafts, authors complete, revise, and edit their manuscripts before submission. Once they are highly polished, authors send query letters to literary agents, requesting to send them their manuscripts. If the agent responds, prospective authors send off their manuscripts, in hopes of getting published .

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How to Organize and Improve Your Manuscript

It’s crucial to make your manuscript as polished as possible before submitting it for publication. This includes revising and properly formatting your work. Take these steps to appropriately organize your manuscript:

Use a Consistent Font and Formatting

Employ a standard font and stick to a 12pt font size. Manuscripts are typically written in Times New Roman or a font specified by your publisher. Using one-inch margins throughout your document. This maintains uniformity in your pages and makes it easier for your reader to navigate. Adhering to specific formatting requirements ensures uniformity across the volumes of manuscripts that editors and publishers receive, so that they can easily read your work.

Mark Chapters with Page Breaks

Clearly indicate new chapters with page breaks. Page breaks help maintain the organization of your manuscript, making it easier for your readers to follow along.

Use Double or 1.5 Spacing

Make sure that your paragraphs are spaced in a manner that enhances readability. Paragraphs should be formatted with double or 1.5 spacing, which is in alignment with industry standards. Check with your publisher about their specific requirements.

Create a Title Page

The title page is the first element readers see in your manuscript, so don’t neglect any necessary information. Title pages should include essential information about your manuscript, such as the title, author’s name, and contact details.

Read Your Work Aloud

Identifying every minor grammar , punctuation, or spelling error in your writing can be cumbersome. Reading your work aloud helps ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and coherent. Another tip is to read it aloud backwards, which will make you pay close attention to the text and better able to spot errors in your writing.

Check Your Spelling

Lastly, meticulously review your manuscript for spelling errors. Spelling mistakes can undermine the professionalism of your work, so make sure to proofread thoroughly.

Increase your chances of your manuscript being picked up by a literary agent. Properly format, revise, and review your manuscript before submission, so you can make your publishing dreams a reality. For more assistance with improving the quality of your future book, learn more writing tips .

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    Before you start self-editing your book, it is a good idea to just slow down and take a break from the writing process. Remember that the editing process is a new part of the book publishing process, so take some time off from work. Leave the editing for at least a week or two. This will help prevent you from burning yourself out. 2.

  19. The Publishing Process: A Step-by-Step Overview

    Publishing a book can take as long or longer than writing it! The process varies, of course, depending on how an author chooses to publish their manuscript, but the basic elements remain the same. Here's a brief and general overview to help writers take a step back, and understand the path their manuscript takes to becoming a book and ...

  20. How to Publish a Book in 7 Steps

    Step 1: Write, Edit, and Proofread Your Book. If you are seriously considering publishing a book, then you of course likely already have a book already prepared. However, just because you finished writing that novel in a few days doesn't necessarily mean it's really ready to be published.

  21. How to Publish a Book on Amazon: The Full Step-by-Step Guide

    The Book Details and Book Pricing pages are almost exactly the same as the ebook, and many of these fields should be filled out already, if you have already gone through the ebook publishing process. However, it is in the Book Content page where things are slightly different.

  22. Book Publishing Ultimate Guide

    The book publishing process can definitely take some time. You can expect the process to take several months, with a realistic timeline of nine months or more. When you work with publishers, there are a lot of moving pieces and back and forth for each stage of the process, including the negotiating stage. If you have a lot of rewriting to do ...

  23. Publishing Roadmap

    The book publishing process is arduous, time-consuming, and incredibly difficult to do on your own. However, with our independent publishing model, we take the heavy workload, and you keep the rights to your book. Learn how to publish a book in 5 simple steps with our independent publishing model. ...

  24. The Publishing Process

    The Submission Process. To learn more about the peer review process, please consider enrolling in our free course, ACS Reviewer Lab. The course covers all key aspects of peer review, including the assessment of manuscripts, tips for writing your review, and the ethical considerations inherent to the process. Submission

  25. How to Publish a 'Timely' Scholarly Book

    Book proposals typically include a section on competing (or comparable) titles — books on your subject published in the last five years or so from similar presses (e.g., academic, indie, or ...

  26. McKinsey Global Publishing's 2024 book picks

    The process of learning, planning, building, and then seeing the final result is extremely satisfying. This book promises an entertaining review of projects we've all heard of, with lessons to apply to projects of our own." The Manicurist's Daughter: A Memoir Susan Lieu Celadon Books/Macmillan Publishers, March 2024

  27. What is a Manuscript?- Microsoft 365

    A refined manuscript is crucial to developing connections with literary agents and securing a publishing deal for your forthcoming book. Take the first step towards publishing your book by learning what a manuscript is, understanding its importance in the publishing process and how to refine your manuscript before submission.

  28. Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning

    Gaussian processes (GPs) provide a principled, practical, probabilistic approach to learning in kernel machines. GPs have received increased attention in the machine-learning community over the past decade, and this book provides a long-needed systematic and unified treatment of theoretical and practical aspects of GPs in machine learning.

  29. PDF Pre-Conference Workshops -Sunday July 14 th Morning 9:00am

    and practitioners in the GBV field, who would like to learn more about navigating the publication process. The workshop will cover both journal and book publishing and is intended to make the process both more transparent and less intimidating. The workshop will cover such topics as identifying an appropriate journal or publisher for

  30. 4 Ways Community Colleges Can Streamline Their Admissions Process

    The ability to quickly create and publish impactful forms equals a more efficient admissions process overall! #2 Use a Centralized Scheduling System. Scheduling appointments, tours, and information sessions can be a logistical nightmare for admissions teams. A centralized scheduling system simplifies the process for both staff and students.