How To Give A Great Wedding Toast: Tips, Do’s and Dont’s & Examples

Wedding toasts are tricky. We’ve got some helpful tips to guide you towards a great wedding toast that you and your favorite couple will remember fondly for years, so grab your notepads and get ready for some key(note) advice.

By Monica Mercuri

bride and groom laughing as best man gives speech at a wedding reception

Wedding toasts are tricky—especially if it’s your first time. You’ve got a lot of different people to please, and couples can be extra-sensitive on their wedding day (or at their rehearsal dinner). After all, they’ve got a whole room of the most important people in their lives looking at them. Because of this, there’s a lot of pressure on these speeches. With that in mind, we’ve gathered some helpful tips to guide you towards the best wedding toast that you and your favorite couple will remember fondly for years. So, keep your notepad at the ready and prepare for some key(note) advice. This is our ultimate guide to writing and giving a wedding toast.

Who Gives a Wedding Toast?

Are you unsure if you need to come up with a wedding toast or not? Generally speaking, the following people give a toast at the reception:

  • The father of the bride
  • The bride and groom
  • The best man
  • The maid of honor

That being said, the couple may request that another important family member (such as a grandparent or the mother of the groom ), bridesmaid, or groomsman also speak.

Wedding Toast Tips

1. prepare..

Give some thought as to what you’re going to say and jot down some notes, whether or not you plan on using them at the reception. You might trip up your words or lose your train of thought if you “wing it,” so our advice is to, well, not. Respect the couple on their wedding day by giving your wedding toast the thoughtful preparation it deserves. That means preparing it well in advance and rehearsing a few times in order to gauge the length and flow of your speech. Trust us, both the couple and you will be grateful you did.

2. Be yourself.

Be true to yourself. If you’re not naturally funny, don’t try to be. If you’re not one for mushy sentimentality, don’t go there. Be honest and give a few words about why your relationship with the bride and/or groom is a special one and why you admire their partnership. It’s as simple as that.

3. Keep it short.

For those fearful of public speaking, you may be happy to hear that most wedding toasts are somewhere around three minutes long . Remember, you’re performing a wedding toast, not a filibuster. All you really need to do is introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the couple, share a special memory or story about the pair (or the bride and/or groom separately), say congratulations, and wish them a long, happy future. Keep it short and sweet.

4. Say congratulations.

You won’t believe how many people forget this essential wedding toast component. The whole purpose of a wedding coast is to wish the newlyweds well, so make sure this word makes it into your speech.

5. Look at the person you're toasting.

Don’t stare down the couple, but keep in mind that they are the recipients of your speech and the most important people in your audience. You are not putting on a show for the wedding guests, but toasting your good friend (or sibling, son, or daughter), their new spouse, and their future. A little eye contact goes a long way. That being said, don’t be afraid to glance down at some note cards here and there.

6. Coordinate with the wedding planner.

Make sure you know the reception timeline and general order of events—don’t even think about bugging the bride or groom with questions about when you’re “on.” Speak with the wedding planner (or the person acting in this capacity—even the DJ or bandleader might know) so you know when and where you are supposed to give your toast, what kind of mic you’ll have, and where to place your notes if necessary.

Wedding Toast Outline Template

Follow this general outline for your wedding toast, and you’ll be golden:

Greeting and self-introduction

Thanks to the hosts for the great party

Funny, attention-grabbing opening line

Great anecdote(s) about the bride/groom (best if it supports #3)

Reasons why the bride/groom is great (as demonstrated in #4)

Reasons why the bride/groom’s partner is great, and why they’re a great match

Great anecdote about them as a couple (best if it supports #6)

Congratulations, a beautiful quotation, and/or sweet wishes

Toast to the happy couple’s future

Wedding Toast Dos and Dont’s

There are many different types of toasts you can give. But whether you decide to give a funny wedding toast or a more sentimental one, there's a right and wrong way to do it. Here’s a list of things you should DO when giving a perfect wedding toast:

DO research and crowdsource.

The best wedding speeches are those that let the audience know a little bit more about the bride and/or groom—in a good way—so try to include some funny or sweet stories from their childhoods, adolescence, or young adulthoods. Ask the couple’s parents, siblings, or other close friends for any great tidbits that you could weave into your toast for greater authenticity.

DO be a storyteller.

Good stories make for good toasts. Take your listeners on a little journey about the couple and how we arrived at this special day. If you’re part of the wedding party representing just one of the newlyweds, explain what kind of person s/he is (as demonstrated by X anecdote from the past), how you know each other, how s/he met the other newlywed, how their relationship grew, why they are such a great match, and what you hope for their future. If you can weave in a little thematic joke or a narrative through-line, even better.

DO combine humor with emotion.

A perfect wedding toast includes a healthy mix of humor, sentimentality, good-natured ribbing, and sincerity. You want the couple, and the rest of the guests, to feel both amused and touched by your words. If you’re naturally funny, include some clean jokes that won’t hurt anyone’s feelings (jokes at your own expense are alway a safe bet). If you always botch the punch line, it’s perfectly fine to stick to a straightforward message of warmth and congratulations.

DO borrow language.

Not all of us were born with the gift of gab. If Wordsworth you are not, there’s no shame in stealing some great lines from the masters. Look up some quotations on love, relationships, or marriage to either guide your speech’s theme or to pepper in at the beginning and end for greatest impact. Writers and essayists like Martin Luther King Jr., Pablo Neruda, Shakespeare, or any of the Romantic poets are good places to look for inspiring quotations.

DO practice out loud.

Nowhere is the phrase “practice makes perfect” more true than in public speaking. Besides familiarizing yourself with the material, you’ll be able to hear any mistakes, awkward phrasing, or weird timing when experiencing the words out loud. Practice reading your speech to a partner or friend, get their feedback (and have them time you so you know if you need to add or cut), and practice again until you feel solid.

DO speak clearly.

If you have a bring-down-the-house kind of wedding toast but no one can understand it, what good will it do? Make sure your one-liners zing and your heartfelt wishes bring tears by speaking loudly and clearly, enunciating your words, and appropriately using a microphone or other AV equipment that’s provided.

DO keep it clean(ish).

This one is obvious, right? The key here is to know your audience. Remember that you’re addressing the entire guest list—which might include ages 3 to 93. Joking about adult topics must be done subtly and in good taste. To keep things classy, be intentionally vague and keep the examples lighthearted. Don’t go into sordid detail, don’t share anything that could get anyone in trouble, don’t reveal anything truly humiliating, and avoid bathroom humor.

DO address both newlyweds.

So that your speech doesn’t feel awkwardly lopsided, be sure to say some kind, sincere, and personal words to both of the people who just got married. If you are friends with both of them, even more reason to share an anecdote about why they are great individually and doubly great together.

DO end on a sweet note.

No matter what else you say or do, end your wedding speech with positivity. Congratulations on the marriage, happy wishes for the couple’s future together, and a general toast in their direction are customary (for a reason) and always well-received.

And here’s a list of things you should NOT DO when giving a great wedding toast:

DON’T ramble.

Tell a short (short) story, not a novel. No one wants to hear you digress about something unrelated to your key message, or worse, about yourself. Remember, this isn’t your show—this moment is about the newly married couple, so resist the urge to go off on a tangent .

DON’T be too mean, crass, or dirty.

Making people laugh is good. Making people uncomfortable is not. Offensive, off-color, or any mean-spirited joke at the expense of an individual or group is a no-fly zone. If you have to stop and ask yourself, “Should I say this?,” it’s a good indication that you should just not. And if you normally swear like a sailor, watch your language and avoid profanity.

DON’T tell inside jokes.

If only you and the bride or groom (or a small handful of other people) will understand what you’re talking about, then it’s probably not good material to include in a wedding speech. You don’t want to alienate your audience by making them feel like they’re not in on the joke. Stick to universal topics and be inclusive in your story- and joke-telling.

DON’T get tipsy.

While it might be tempting to throw back a few after the “I dos” to loosen up for your moment in the spotlight, use common sense. Has consuming alcohol in a short amount of time ever helped you be more articulate, quick on your feet, or sensitive to the passage of time? Our guess is no. Wait until after your speech to take advantage of the open bar, because it will be clear to the crowd if you are not in your best frame of mind.

DON’T dwell on your blunders.

Every public speaker misses a line or trips up their words now and then. Rather than drawing attention to an error by apologizing profusely or joking about how bad a public speaker you are, simply make a quick correction or skip over it and move on. Dwell any further, and your audience will get uncomfortable or lose confidence in you.

DON’T just read—engage.

While you certainly don’t need to memorize your speech, it’s public speaking 101 that just reading aloud from a piece of paper (or your phone) without acknowledging the crowd is a no-no. Know your speech well enough so that you don’t have to look at it word-for-word. Take time to look around, make eye contact (especially when you’re addressing the happy couple), and pause for laughter or applause.

DON’T rush.

Being nervous is totally normal—but if your nerves are too apparent, they can distract your audience or put them on edge. A clear sign of being nervous is racing through your speech like you’re competing for a NASCAR trophy. Take deep breaths, use the above tips about audience engagement, and speak clearly and slowly. We promise, it’ll be over before you know it.

DON’T go long.

That being said, don’t be long-winded or hog too much of the wedding reception’s precious timeline, or your audience will start wondering when they can get on the dance floor rather than pay attention to your eloquence. Stick to whatever time frame the couple recommended, or if you’re on your own, aim for 2-3 minutes.

DON’T talk about yourself.

This day is not about you, so your toast definitely shouldn’t be. A personal anecdote about you AND the bride and/or groom is great, so long as it illuminates funny (and flattering) points about the other’s personality, talents, or achievements. Watch how many times you say “I” and “me” and cut back if you find these words dominating your speech to avoid coming off as insincere.

DON’T mention exes.

At all. Ever. Seriously. Don’t do it. It will make things awkward, and like we said before, people are extra-sensitive on their big day.

DON’T say anything negative.

If you have any doubt whether a joke will offend the bride, groom, or their parents, leave it out of your toast. Keep in mind, it’s a toast, not a roast.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing

All the tips in the world can help you write your wedding speech to a point. Asking yourself a few important questions, however, can really aid you in honing in on what you’d like to say. As you sit down to write (or revisit) your wedding toast, remember to ask yourself the following. Give your answers some good thought and don’t be afraid to change them.

What tone should you be aiming for? Wedding toasts can span a variety of tones, from playful to very formal. Before writing anything down, ask yourself what tone would be most appropriate for the couple, their guests, and the occasion. For example, if the wedding is a black tie affair and the couple is going all out, we recommend avoiding embarrassing stories or dirty jokes. If the couple and reception are more laid back, feel free to go for a few laughs. If you’re unsure if your speech should lean heartfelt, funny, or elsewhere, ask the couple for their preference.

What story (or stories) are right to tell? As a best friend or family member, we’re betting you have a lot of stories and memories with the bride(s), groom(s), or both. That being said, not just any story should be included in your toast. Consider memories that display the couple’s best qualities, or one that shines a nice light on their relationship. You can also include the story of how you know the bride(s) and/or groom(s). We recommend sticking to two stories tops—how you know the couple and a fond memory.

How can I back up what I’m saying? When describing the bride(s) or groom(s) great qualities, try not to list them out and move on. If you want to mention how kind and thoughtful the bride is, ask yourself if you have a short story that can back that up. Doing so is more interesting and convincing for the audience.

Do I have any advice for the couple? Perhaps you’re married or are in a successful life partnership. If this is the case, ask yourself if there’s any advice you’d like to offer the couple that they can take into their new marriage and beyond. We recommend zeroing in on one detailed piece of advice or 1-3 quick ones (e.g. never stop dating your partner and always communicate).

How am I doing on time? Throughout the toast writing process, remember to check in with yourself and ask how long your speech is. It’s easier to be aware of timing while writing than to go back and have to edit things down. We suggest, after writing each “section” (introduction, story, etc.) that you time yourself while reading it allowed. When you’re finished, do the same to ensure you land around 2-5 minutes.

Wedding Toast Topics To Avoid

There are really never any circumstances under which the following topics are a good idea to bring up in a wedding toast or speech. Don’t touch these subject matters with a 10-foot pole:

  • Exes or previous marriages.
  • General negativity about marriage.
  • Illegal activity.
  • Pornography or strip clubs. Just don’t.
  • X-rated stuff.
  • Sex, drugs, drinking, gambling…use your judgment.
  • Bathroom stuff.
  • Your own drama.

Wedding Toast Examples

With plenty of tips in mind, let’s put them into practice. The following are a couple wedding toast examples. Feel free to take inspiration from them and personalize with your own stories, qualities, jokes, and more.

Maid of Honor/Best Man Toast Example

A maid of honor or best man speech should be heartfelt, earnest, and perhaps a bit humorous. For example:

Good evening, everyone. Tonight we gather to celebrate the marriage of [Name] and [Name]. As many of your already know, I’m [Your Name], the sibling/cousin/best friend of the bride/groom. I’m so grateful to be part of this important day and beautiful celebration.

Bride/Groom , as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been exceptionally kind and open-minded.

Share a story or two that display these traits.

I’m thrilled that you’ve found someone that shares and appreciates these qualities of yours, as well as many more.

Share a memory about the couple or spouse .

Tonight, we celebrate the union of two beautiful, wonderful people. Please join me in raising your glass as we toast to the Bride and Groom/Brides/Groom and their happiness for years to come.

Couple's Parents Toast Example

The father or mother of the bride or groom, or another important family member, may also share a toast with the crowd. For example:

Today I am overjoyed to officially welcome Bride/Groom into my family. As long as I’ve known them, they’ve made my son/daughter/child/niece/nephew/grandchild immensely happy and I look forward to watching this happiness grow for years to come.

Share 1-2 memories from the bride or groom’s childhood or young adult life.

When you first introduced me to Bride/Groom, I could immediately sense your immense love and care for one-another.

Share a memory about the couple.

Bride/Groom , I know you will always love and support [Name], as I have. I’m honored to join our families and love you both so much. Congratulations!

Being asked to give a rehearsal dinner or reception toast can bring on the pressure. However, if you follow our tips and speak from the heart, odds are you’ll do a wonderful job honoring the couple. Prepare, breathe, and be ready to celebrate!

For other need-to-knows regarding wedding planning and attending wedding ceremonies, take a good look at our Expert Advice .

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wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

100 Wedding Toasts to Inspire Your Perfect Speech

Wedding guides.

May 31, 2024

100 Wedding Toasts to Inspire Your Perfect Speech

Headline-making CEO, Author, Podcaster, Speaker, Educator, Determinista & the Sidekick who always brings a sizzling slice of pizza.

Hey, i'm jen glantz.

Hi, Friend!   Jen Glantz here. Let’s dive into 100 wedding toast example s that can inspire your perfect speech. Writing a wedding toast can be an intimidating task, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or a close friend of the couple, having a well-prepared toast can make all the difference in setting the tone for a memorable celebration. This extensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about crafting the perfect wedding toast, providing you with 70 examples across various categories to suit any wedding style.

In this comprehensive blog, we’ll cover the essential criteria for a memorable wedding toast , from understanding the structure and flow to incorporating personal anecdotes and humor. You’ll learn how to balance sentimentality with lighthearted moments, ensuring your toast resonates with the couple and the audience. We will provide detailed examples, categorized to fit different personalities and wedding themes, whether traditional, modern, humorous, or sentimental.

maid of honor speech banner

First things first, let’s talk about the basics. Here are some resources to check-out that can help you with all aspects of your maid of honor speech.

  • Need help? Try out  wedding speech writing tool . It turns your stories into a well-written maid of honor speech.
  • Want to engage the audience? Book a  1:1 speech delivery session . We’ll coach you on how to make your jokes land and be your practice buddy.

Let’s dive in and explore the art of writing a wedding toast, so you can raise your glass with pride and make this special moment truly remarkable!

Table of Contents

  • Understand the criteria for a memorable wedding toast: personal connection, length and structure, tone and audience, practice and delivery.
  • Explore various types of wedding toasts: traditional, humorous, emotional, quirky, and cultural.
  • Use wedding toast templates and quotes to enhance your speech.
  • Practice your toast multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Bridesmaid for Hire offers services to write personalized wedding toast s and provides public speaking coaching for confident delivery.

Crafting a Memorable Wedding Toast

Crafting a truly unforgettable wedding toast is an art that involves weaving together several essential elements. These key criteria ensure that your words resonate not only with the couple but also with everyone gathered to celebrate their love and union. Let’s delve into each of these criteria to understand how they contribute to creating a toast that leaves a lasting impression:

Crafting a Memorable Wedding Toast

Personal Connection

To make your toast meaningful, it should reflect your relationship with the couple. Use specific anecdotes or stories that highlight your connection. For example, you could share a funny story about how you met the groom in college and instantly knew he would make an amazing husband one day. Or recount a touching moment when the bride was there for you during a difficult time, showcasing her compassion and loyalty. The more personal and unique the details, the more heartfelt and genuine your toast will be.

Length and Structure

Your toast should be concise, usually around 3-5 minutes. Any longer and you risk losing the audience’s attention. To keep your toast focused and impactful, structure it with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction, like a quote about love or marriage. Then share your main story or message in the body. Finally, conclude with a heartfelt wish for the couple’s future together. Having a solid structure will help you stay on track and avoid awkward tangents.

Tone and Audience

The right tone is key for a great wedding toast. You want to balance humor with sincerity. A few lighthearted jokes can help put everyone at ease, but don’t let them overshadow the heartfelt sentiment. It’s also crucial to consider your audience. A room full of grandparents and young children may not appreciate off-color humor or inside jokes. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and keep things respectful and inclusive.

The Knot has a great guide on what to say and not say in a wedding toast.

Practice and Delivery

Even the most beautifully written toast can fall flat without practice and good delivery. Rehearse your toast multiple times leading up to the big day. Read it out loud to get a feel for the pacing and flow. Practice making eye contact while you speak, rather than staring down at your notes. Focus on projecting your voice so those in the back can hear you. The more comfortable and confident you appear, the more engaged your audience will be. With enough practice, you’ll be able to deliver your toast smoothly and genuinely.

10 Traditional Wedding Toast Examples

Traditional wedding toasts are often short and sweet, focusing on universal themes of love, happiness, and the future ahead. They are timeless and heartfelt, capturing the essence of the occasion while conveying genuine emotions and well-wishes. These toasts are perfect for expressing your joy and admiration for the newlyweds in a concise and meaningful way. Here are some examples:

10 Traditional Wedding Toast Examples

1. Best Man – Sentimental

Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Best Man’s Name], the best man and, more importantly, a lifelong friend of [Groom’s Name]. It’s an absolute honor to stand here today and share a few words about my best friend and his incredible bride.

[Groom’s Name] and I have been through thick and thin together. We’ve shared countless adventures, from our mischievous school days to our wild college years. Through it all, [Groom’s Name] has always been the one constant in my life, a friend who would drop everything to help you out, no questions asked.

When [Groom’s Name] met [Bride’s Name], it was clear that something special was happening. I’ve never seen him so happy, so full of life. [Bride’s Name], you’ve brought out the best in him, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You complement each other perfectly, and it’s evident that your love is built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and an abundance of laughter.

As I look at both of you today, I see a future filled with joy, adventure, and love. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, to creating memories that will last a lifetime, and to always finding strength in each other.

Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the newlyweds, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your life together be filled with love and endless laughter. Cheers!

 2. Maid of Honor – Humorous

Hello, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Maid of Honor’s Name], the maid of honor and [Bride’s Name]’s best friend. Today is a special day, and I promise to keep this toast short and sweet, just like [Bride’s Name].

I’ve known [Bride’s Name] for years, and let me tell you, she is one of the most amazing, funny, and slightly crazy people I know. We’ve shared countless memories, from late-night talks to our many misadventures that I probably shouldn’t mention here. But through it all, [Bride’s Name] has always been there for me, and I couldn’t ask for a better friend.

When [Bride’s Name] met [Groom’s Name], I knew something was different. Suddenly, she had this sparkle in her eye, and she couldn’t stop talking about this incredible guy she had met. [Groom’s Name], you are truly special, and it’s clear you make [Bride’s Name] incredibly happy.

Now, as we celebrate this beautiful union, I want to share a little advice with the happy couple. Remember, marriage is a partnership, and it’s essential to keep the romance alive. So, [Groom’s Name], don’t forget to bring home flowers for no reason, and [Bride’s Name], always pretend to love his cooking, even when it’s a disaster.

So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your life together be filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. Cheers!

3. Father of the Bride – Proud and Emotional

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Father’s Name], the proud father of the beautiful bride. Today is a day of immense joy and pride for me as I witness my daughter, [Bride’s Name], marry the love of her life.

From the moment [Bride’s Name] was born, she has been a source of immense pride and joy for our family. Watching her grow into the amazing woman she is today has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. She is strong, intelligent, kind, and beautiful inside and out.

When [Bride’s Name] introduced us to [Groom’s Name], I knew immediately that he was special. He has a kind heart, a good soul, and it’s clear that he loves my daughter deeply. [Groom’s Name], thank you for making [Bride’s Name] so happy and for becoming a part of our family.

As you embark on this new journey together, I want to share a piece of advice that has served me well in my own marriage: always communicate openly, support each other through thick and thin, and never forget to laugh together. Life will bring its challenges, but with love and commitment, you can overcome anything.

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a glass to the newlyweds, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your life together be filled with love, joy, and endless happiness. Cheers!

 4. Mother of the Groom – Warm and Welcoming

Hello, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Mother’s Name], the proud mother of the groom. Today is a day of joy and celebration as we witness the union of two wonderful people, [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name].

[Groom’s Name] has always been a source of immense pride for our family. He is compassionate, hardworking, and has a heart of gold. Watching him grow into the man he is today has been one of the greatest joys of my life. And now, seeing him marry the love of his life fills my heart with even more happiness.

[Bride’s Name], from the moment we met you, we knew you were special. You bring out the best in [Groom’s Name], and it’s clear that you two are a perfect match. You are kind, loving, and have become an integral part of our family. We are so grateful to have you as our daughter-in-law.

As you embark on this new chapter together, I want to share a little wisdom that has been passed down in our family: always cherish each other, never take each other for granted, and remember to show appreciation every day. Love is a beautiful journey, and it’s the little moments that make it truly special.

Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the newlyweds, [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name]. May your life together be filled with endless love, joy, and laughter. Cheers!

heartfelt maid of honor speech example

5. Best Friend – Touching and Personal

Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Best Friend’s Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being friends with [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] for many years. Today is an incredibly special day, and I’m honored to stand here and share a few words about these two amazing people.

[Bride’s Name] and I have shared so many wonderful memories together. We’ve laughed, cried, and supported each other through life’s ups and downs. She is one of the most genuine, kind-hearted, and beautiful souls I know. And when she met [Groom’s Name], I knew she had found someone who truly appreciates and loves her for who she is.

[Groom’s Name], you have not only become a great friend to me but also the perfect partner for [Bride’s Name]. Your love and commitment to each other are truly inspiring. Together, you make a fantastic team, and it’s clear that you bring out the best in each other.

As you embark on this new journey as husband and wife, I want to offer a piece of advice that I’ve learned from my own experiences: always communicate openly and honestly, support each other’s dreams, and never forget to make time for fun and laughter. Marriage is a beautiful adventure, and with love and dedication, it only gets better with time.

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a glass to the newlyweds, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your life together be filled with love, happiness, and countless cherished moments. Cheers!

6. Sibling – Heartfelt and Fun

Hello, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Sibling’s Name], [Bride’s Name]’s sibling. Today is a day of immense joy and celebration, and I couldn’t be happier to stand here and share a few words about my amazing sister and her wonderful husband, [Groom’s Name].

Growing up with [Bride’s Name] was always an adventure. From our childhood antics to our teenage shenanigans, we’ve shared so many incredible memories. [Bride’s Name], you have always been my best friend, my confidant, and my partner in crime. You are strong, beautiful, and have a heart of gold.

When [Bride’s Name] met [Groom’s Name], it was clear that they were meant to be. [Groom’s Name], you have become a brother to me, and I am so grateful for the love and happiness you bring to my sister’s life. Together, you make a fantastic couple, and it’s clear that your love is built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and endless laughter.

As you embark on this new chapter together, I want to share a piece of advice that has always been important in our family: always support each other, communicate openly, and never forget to have fun. Life is full of challenges, but with love and commitment, you can overcome anything.

Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the newlyweds, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your life together be filled with love, joy, and endless adventures. Cheers!

7. Close Friend – Inspirational and Warm

Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Friend’s Name], a close friend of both [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. It is an absolute honor to stand here today and celebrate the love and commitment of two incredible people.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] for many years, and their love story is truly inspiring.

They are both kind, compassionate, and have hearts of gold. Watching their relationship grow and flourish has been a joy, and it’s clear that they are a perfect match.

[Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], you have shown us all what true love looks like. Your unwavering support for each other, your ability to find joy in the little things, and your commitment to always lifting each other up are qualities that we all admire.

As you embark on this new journey together, I want to share a piece of wisdom that has always resonated with me: love is not just about finding the right person, but about being the right person. Continue to nurture your love, communicate openly, and always strive to be the best partners you can be.

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a glass to the newlyweds, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your life together be filled with endless love, joy, and cherished moments. Cheers!

8. Cousin – Nostalgic and Loving

Hello, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Cousin’s Name], [Bride’s Name]’s cousin. Today is a day of immense joy and celebration, and I am so grateful to be here to witness the union of two amazing people.

Growing up with [Bride’s Name] was always an adventure. From our family gatherings to our late-night talks, we’ve shared so many wonderful memories. [Bride’s Name], you have always been more than just a cousin to me; you are a sister and a dear friend. You are kind, beautiful, and have a heart of gold.

When [Bride’s Name] met [Groom’s Name], it was clear that they were meant to be. [Groom’s Name], you have become a part of our family, and we are so grateful for the love and happiness you bring to [Bride’s Name]’s life. Together, you make a fantastic couple, and it’s clear that your love is built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and endless laughter.

9. College Friend – Fun and Light-hearted

Hello, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Friend’s Name], and I had the pleasure of meeting [Groom’s Name] during our college years. It’s an honor to stand here today and share a few words about my great friend and his wonderful bride, [Bride’s Name].

College was a time of discovery, late-night study sessions, and unforgettable memories. [Groom’s Name] and I shared many of those moments together, and I can honestly say that he is one of the most genuine and kind-hearted people I’ve ever met. He was always the life of the party, but also the first to lend a helping hand when you needed it.

When [Groom’s Name] met [Bride’s Name], we all noticed a change in him. He was happier, more grounded, and completely smitten. [Bride’s Name], you have brought out the best in [Groom’s Name], and for that, we are all incredibly grateful. Together, you make an amazing couple, and it’s clear that your love is built on a strong foundation of friendship and mutual respect.

As you embark on this new chapter together, I want to offer a little advice: never stop having fun. Keep the spark alive, continue to laugh together, and always cherish the moments that make your love unique.

Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the newlyweds, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your life together be filled with endless joy, love, and laughter. Cheers!

 10. Aunt/Uncle – Wise and Encouraging

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Aunt/Uncle’s Name], and I have the great honor of being [Bride’s/Groom’s Name]’s aunt/uncle. Today is a day of immense joy as we celebrate the union of two wonderful people.

I’ve had the pleasure of watching [Bride’s/Groom’s Name] grow into the amazing person they are today. They have always been a source of pride and joy for our family, and seeing them find true love with [Groom’s/Bride’s Name] is a blessing beyond words.

[Bride’s/Groom’s Name], from the moment we met you, we knew you were special. You bring out the best in [Bride’s/Groom’s Name], and it’s clear that you two are a perfect match. Together, you have a love that is strong, pure, and inspiring.

As you embark on this new journey together, I want to share a piece of wisdom that has been important in our family: always nurture your love, communicate openly, and support each other through life’s challenges. Marriage is a partnership, and with love and dedication, you can overcome anything.

These traditional toasts are classic for a reason – they’re simple, easy to remember, and universally relatable. They focus on the key elements of a happy marriage: love, laughter, and companionship. Delivering one of these tried-and-true blessings is a surefire way to wish the couple well.

How to Personalize Traditional Toasts

While traditional toasts are often generic, you can personalize them by adding specific anecdotes or stories about the couple. For instance, after delivering the classic line “to love, laughter, and happily ever after,” you could follow up with a story that embodies those qualities. Maybe it’s the time the groom accidentally wore mismatched shoes to his first date with the bride, proving that laughter has been a key part of their relationship from the start. Or perhaps you recount how the bride nursed her partner through a serious illness, exemplifying the depth of their love and commitment. Adding these personal touches will make even the most traditional toast feel unique and meaningful to the couple and the audience.

100% custom maid of honor speech banner

10 Humorous Wedding Toast Examples

Adding a touch of humor to your wedding toast can make the moment memorable and bring joy to the celebration. Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or a close friend, a funny toast can break the ice and get everyone laughing. Not only does a humorous toast lighten the mood, but it also helps everyone feel more relaxed and engaged. It’s a great way to highlight the fun side of the couple’s relationship and to share amusing anecdotes that everyone can enjoy.

When crafting a humorous wedding toast, it’s important to balance the jokes with heartfelt sentiments. You want to make sure that the humor is appropriate and that it complements the love and respect you have for the couple. A well-delivered funny toast can leave a lasting impression and create a memorable experience for everyone present. To help you get started, here are 10 full-length examples of humorous wedding toasts to inspire you:

10 Humorous Wedding Toast Examples

1: Best Man – Lighthearted and Fun

Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Best Man’s Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of knowing [Groom’s Name] since our college days. I’ve seen him do some pretty incredible things, like the time he tried to cook pasta without water. But today, I’m witnessing his most amazing feat yet: marrying the love of his life, [Bride’s Name].

[Groom’s Name], I always knew you’d find someone who could tolerate your snoring, your obsession with fantasy football, and your questionable dance moves. And [Bride’s Name], you are a saint for loving him through it all. Here’s to love, laughter, and a happily ever after. Cheers!

2: Maid of Honor – Witty and Charming

Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Maid of Honor’s Name], [Bride’s Name]’s best friend and partner in crime. I remember the first time [Bride’s Name] mentioned [Groom’s Name]. She said, “He’s the one.” And I thought, “The one what? The one who’s going to eat all your fries?”

But seriously, seeing you two together has restored my faith in love and maybe even in fairy tales. [Groom’s Name], you’ve found a princess, and [Bride’s Name], you’ve found your prince… or at least a guy who won’t mind watching Disney movies with you. Here’s to a lifetime of magical moments. Cheers!

3: Father of the Bride – Amusing and Endearing

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Father’s Name], proud father of the beautiful bride. When [Bride’s Name] was a little girl, she used to tell me she wanted to marry someone just like me. Well, [Groom’s Name], I guess you’re stuck with her now!

In all seriousness, I couldn’t have asked for a better person to marry my daughter. [Groom’s Name], welcome to the family. [Bride’s Name], you’ve always made me proud. Here’s to the two of you sharing a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless dad jokes. Cheers!

 4: Sister of the Groom – Playful and Sweet

Hello, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Sister’s Name], [Groom’s Name]’s sister. Growing up with [Groom’s Name] was like living with a tornado. A very messy, very noisy tornado. But today, he’s finally met his match in the calm and collected [Bride’s Name].

[Bride’s Name], I hope you’re ready for a lifetime of misplaced socks, burnt toast, and spontaneous dance parties. But I know you two will tackle everything together with love and laughter. Here’s to the whirlwind romance of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Cheers!

funny maid of honor speech examples

5: Friend of the Bride – Sarcastic and Heartfelt

Hi, everyone! I’m [Friend’s Name], [Bride’s Name]’s friend and confidant. When [Bride’s Name] first told me about [Groom’s Name], I thought, “Great, another guy who’s going to steal my friend away.” But then I met him, and I thought, “Okay, maybe he’s worth it.”

[Groom’s Name], you’ve not only stolen [Bride’s Name]’s heart but also her terrible taste in reality TV shows. But I couldn’t be happier for you both. Here’s to a lifetime of bad TV, great love, and endless laughter. Cheers!

6: Mother of the Groom – Funny and Affectionate

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Mother’s Name], [Groom’s Name]’s proud mother. When [Groom’s Name] was born, I never imagined he’d grow up to marry someone as wonderful as [Bride’s Name]. Mostly because he refused to wear pants for the first five years of his life.

[Bride’s Name], you’ve brought out the best in my son. [Groom’s Name], always remember how lucky you are. And [Bride’s Name], always remind him of how lucky he is. Here’s to a future filled with love, laughter, and pants. Cheers!

7: Brother of the Bride – Hilarious and Honest

Hi, everyone! I’m [Brother’s Name], [Bride’s Name]’s brother. Growing up with [Bride’s Name] was like living with a tornado. A very neat, very bossy tornado. But today, I see her marrying someone who can handle all that and more: [Groom’s Name].

[Groom’s Name], welcome to the family. You’ve got a lifetime of unsolicited advice ahead of you. [Bride’s Name], you’ve found your perfect match. Here’s to the whirlwind of love that is [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Cheers!

8: College Friend – Humorous and Heartfelt

Hello, everyone! I’m [Friend’s Name], and I’ve known [Groom’s Name] since college. We’ve shared many late-night study sessions, epic parties, and questionable decisions. But marrying [Bride’s Name] is by far the best decision he’s ever made.

[Bride’s Name], you’ve not only captured [Groom’s Name]’s heart but also his ability to make everything a competition. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and friendly rivalry. Cheers!

9: Co-worker – Funny and Genuine

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Co-worker’s Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of working with [Groom’s Name] for the past few years. If you’ve ever seen him at work, you know he’s dedicated, hardworking, and always up for a challenge. Except when it comes to keeping his desk clean.

[Bride’s Name], you’ve taken on the ultimate challenge: loving [Groom’s Name]. And you’re doing an amazing job. Here’s to a future filled with love, laughter, and maybe a little more organization. Cheers!

10: Neighbor – Amusing and Warm

Hello, everyone! I’m [Neighbor’s Name], and I’ve had the joy of living next door to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’ve seen their love grow through shared dinners, loud game nights, and the occasional borrowed lawnmower.

[Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], you’ve built a beautiful life together, one that’s filled with love and laughter. Here’s to many more years of neighborly love and joy. Cheers!

Balancing Humor and Sincerity

When delivering a humorous toast, it’s essential to balance the jokes with sincerity to ensure the couple feels honored and respected. Aim for a 70/30 split, with the majority of your toast focused on heartfelt sentiment. You can start off with a few lighthearted lines to get the crowd laughing, but then pivot to sharing what you genuinely love and admire about the couple.

For example, you might make a joke about how the groom’s dance moves at the reception prove he’s finally overcome his fear of rhythm. But then use that as a segue to talk about how he’s courageously overcome other obstacles in life with his partner’s steadfast support. Or poke fun at the bride’s obsession with color-coding everything for the wedding, but then highlight how that attention to detail is one of the many reasons she’ll make an incredible wife and partner.

Remember, a bit of humor is the icing on the wedding cake, but sincerity is the rich, delicious layers underneath. Make sure your toast reflects that balance.

10 Emotional Wedding Toast Examples

Emotional wedding toasts can create a memorable and touching moment. Here are some examples:

Wedding toasts that are heartfelt and emotional can touch the hearts of everyone present, leaving a lasting impression on the happy couple and their guests. These toasts are perfect for expressing deep love, gratitude, and well-wishes. Here are 10 full-length examples of emotional wedding toasts to inspire you:

10 Emotional Wedding Toast Examples

1: Best Man – Deeply Moving

Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please. I’m [Best Man’s Name], and I’ve known [Groom’s Name] for many years. Today, I stand before you to celebrate the beautiful union of [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name]. [Groom’s Name], you’ve been a brother to me, and seeing you find the love of your life fills my heart with joy.

[Bride’s Name], you are the perfect match for [Groom’s Name]. Together, you create a love that is inspiring and true. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, love, and endless memories. Cheers!

2: Maid of Honor – Heartfelt and Sincere

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Maid of Honor’s Name], [Bride’s Name]’s best friend. Growing up, [Bride’s Name] and I shared countless dreams about our future. Today, seeing her marry [Groom’s Name], I know that one of those dreams has come true in the most beautiful way.

[Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], your love for each other is a testament to the power of true partnership. May you always find joy in each other’s arms and strength in your love. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness together. Cheers!

3: Father of the Bride – Emotional and Proud

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Father’s Name], the proud father of the beautiful bride. [Bride’s Name], from the moment you were born, you have been the light of my life. Seeing you marry [Groom’s Name] today fills me with immense pride and joy.

[Groom’s Name], welcome to our family. I know that together, you and [Bride’s Name] will create a life filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. Here’s to your beautiful journey ahead. Cheers!

4: Sister of the Groom – Touching and Warm

Hello, everyone. I’m [Sister’s Name], [Groom’s Name]’s sister. Growing up with [Groom’s Name] has been a blessing. He’s always been my protector, my confidant, and my best friend. Today, I see him marrying the love of his life, [Bride’s Name], and my heart overflows with joy.

[Bride’s Name], you bring out the best in [Groom’s Name], and together, you create a love that is pure and beautiful. Here’s to a lifetime of love, joy, and unforgettable moments. Cheers!

5: Mother of the Groom – Sentimental and Loving

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Mother’s Name], [Groom’s Name]’s mother. From the moment [Groom’s Name] was born, he has been my pride and joy. Today, I see him standing beside the love of his life, [Bride’s Name], and I couldn’t be happier.

[Bride’s Name], you are a wonderful addition to our family. Together, you and [Groom’s Name] create a love that is strong and enduring. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and cherished memories. Cheers!

6: Brother of the Bride – Emotional and Heartwarming

Hi, everyone. I’m [Brother’s Name], [Bride’s Name]’s brother. Growing up with [Bride’s Name] has been an incredible journey. She has always been my rock, my friend, and my guide. Seeing her marry [Groom’s Name] today fills me with immense pride and happiness.

[Groom’s Name], you have found a treasure in [Bride’s Name], and I know that together, you will create a life filled with love and joy. Here’s to your beautiful journey ahead. Cheers!

7: College Friend – Moving and Heartfelt

Hello, everyone. I’m [Friend’s Name], and I’ve known [Groom’s Name] since college. We’ve shared countless memories, dreams, and aspirations. Today, seeing him marry the love of his life, [Bride’s Name], fills my heart with joy.

[Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], your love is a beautiful testament to the power of true partnership. May your life together be filled with endless love, joy, and unforgettable moments. Here’s to your future. Cheers!

 8: Co-worker – Genuine and Heartfelt

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Co-worker’s Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of working with [Groom’s Name] for the past few years. During this time, I’ve seen his dedication, hard work, and incredible spirit. Today, I see him marry the love of his life, [Bride’s Name], and I couldn’t be happier for them.

[Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], your love for each other is inspiring. Here’s to a future filled with love, happiness, and endless joy. Cheers!

9: Neighbor – Touching and Genuine

Hello, everyone. I’m [Neighbor’s Name], and I’ve had the joy of living next door to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’ve seen their love grow through shared dinners, game nights, and the occasional borrowed lawnmower. Their love is genuine and beautiful.

[Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], you’ve built a life together filled with love and happiness. Here’s to many more years of joy and cherished moments. Cheers!

 10: Childhood Friend – Deeply Emotional

Good evening, everyone. I’m [Friend’s Name], and I’ve known [Bride’s Name] since we were children. We’ve shared countless memories, dreams, and aspirations. Today, seeing her marry [Groom’s Name] fills my heart with joy and pride.

Tips for Delivering an Emotional Toast

Delivering an emotional toast can be challenging. It’s easy to get choked up or overwhelmed by the significance of the moment. Here are some tips to help you maintain composure and deliver your heartfelt message effectively:

1. Practice, practice, practice. Rehearse your toast multiple times leading up to the wedding day. The more familiar you are with your words, the less likely you are to get tripped up by emotions in the moment.

2. Write it down. Even if you plan to speak from the heart, having a written version of your toast can be a helpful safety net. You can refer to it if you lose your place or get too emotional.

3. Take deep breaths. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed during your toast, pause and take a few slow, deep breaths. This will help you center yourself and regain composure.

4. Speak slowly and clearly. When we’re emotional, we tend to speak quickly or mumble. Make a conscious effort to slow down your speech and enunciate each word. This will make your toast easier for the audience to understand, even if your voice is shaking with emotion.

5. Embrace the emotion. Remember, it’s okay to get choked up or even shed a few tears during your toast. Your emotional response is a testament to the depth of your love and affection for the couple. So don’t be afraid to let your feelings show – it will only make your words that much more meaningful.

The most important thing is that your toast comes from a place of sincere love and support for the newlyweds. If you speak from the heart, even if your voice shakes or you shed a few tears, your message will resonate with the couple and the audience.

Quirky and Unique Wedding Toasts

Crafting a quirky and unique wedding toast is an art form that can truly captivate the audience and make your speech stand out as a memorable highlight of the celebration. Let’s explore several examples of quirky and unique wedding toasts that are sure to leave a lasting impression:

Quirky and Unique Wedding Toasts

1. **The Storyteller’s Delight:** Imagine starting your toast with a whimsical tale about how the couple’s love story unfolded, sprinkled with magical elements and humorous twists. You could narrate their meeting as if it were a fairy tale, with unexpected characters and plot twists that lead to their happily ever after. This storytelling approach adds an element of fantasy and delight to your toast, engaging the audience’s imagination and setting a playful tone for the rest of your speech.

2. **The Songbird Serenade:** For a musical twist, consider crafting a wedding toast in the form of a song or a parody of a popular tune. You could rewrite the lyrics to reflect the couple’s journey together, incorporating inside jokes and heartfelt sentiments. Singing your toast or enlisting the help of a musical friend adds a dynamic and entertaining element to the celebration, leaving the audience humming along and smiling at the personalized lyrics.

3. **The Culinary Connoisseur’s Tribute:** If the couple shares a love for food and culinary adventures, why not create a wedding toast inspired by their favorite dishes and dining experiences? You could metaphorically compare their relationship to a delectable recipe, highlighting the perfect blend of ingredients that make their love so special. Incorporate food-related anecdotes and analogies that showcase their unique flavors and shared culinary adventures, adding a deliciously quirky touch to your toast.

4. **The Time Traveler’s Journey:** Transport the audience through time with a whimsical toast that imagines the couple’s future together in different eras or settings. Picture them as adventurers exploring ancient civilizations, futuristic worlds, or even alternate realities where their love remains constant and enduring. Use vivid descriptions and creative storytelling to paint a vivid picture of their journey through time, weaving in humorous anecdotes and heartfelt wishes for their timeless love story.

5. **The Quirky Quiz Show:** Turn your wedding toast into an interactive quiz show that tests the audience’s knowledge of the couple’s quirks and idiosyncrasies. Ask fun trivia questions about their favorite hobbies, inside jokes, and memorable moments together, encouraging guests to participate and laugh along. Incorporate prizes or funny penalties for correct and incorrect answers, adding an element of lighthearted competition and entertainment to your toast.

6. **The Literary Lover’s Tribute:** Craft a wedding toast inspired by famous literary works or genres that resonate with the couple’s interests and personalities. You could incorporate quotes from beloved books, poetry readings, or even create a short story that mirrors their own narrative. Infuse your toast with literary flair and eloquence, celebrating their love story through the timeless language of literature.

7. **The Retro Revival:** Take a trip down memory lane by infusing your wedding toast with nostalgic references from past decades or iconic pop culture moments. Incorporate retro-themed props, costumes, or references that reflect the couple’s shared nostalgia and fond memories. Whether it’s a throwback to the ’80s, ’90s, or any other era they cherish, adding a touch of retro charm to your toast creates a fun and memorable experience for everyone.

8. **The Nature’s Symphony:** Embrace the beauty of nature in your wedding toast by drawing parallels between the couple’s love and the natural world. Use metaphors inspired by elements like seasons, flowers, or celestial bodies to symbolize their journey together. For example, compare their love to a blooming garden, with each season representing a different phase of growth and renewal. Incorporate nature-inspired imagery and poetic language to evoke a sense of awe and beauty in your toast.

9. **The Tech-savvy Tribute:** If the couple shares a passion for technology and innovation, consider incorporating tech-themed elements into your wedding toast. Use digital presentations, interactive gadgets, or playful references to tech trends and gadgets that hold significance for the couple. Create a virtual journey through their relationship milestones, highlighting how technology has played a role in bringing them closer together in this digital age.

10. **The Cultural Celebration:** Celebrate the couple’s diverse backgrounds or shared cultural heritage in your wedding toast by incorporating traditions, customs, or language that hold special meaning for them. Pay homage to their roots with music, dance, or rituals that reflect their cultural identity and values. Embrace multiculturalism and inclusivity in your toast, fostering a sense of unity and celebration of diversity within the wedding festivities.

Each of these quirky and unique wedding toast ideas offers a creative and personalized way to celebrate the couple’s love and entertain the audience. Choose the approach that resonates most with the couple’s personalities and interests, adding your own heartfelt touch to create a truly unforgettable toast that will be cherished for years to come.

10 Examples of Quirky Wedding Toasts

Embarking on a journey to create a memorable and quirky wedding toast is like sprinkling a touch of whimsy and laughter into a momentous celebration of love. In this collection, you’ll discover ten delightful examples of quirky wedding toasts that are sure to bring smiles, chuckles, and heartfelt warmth to the newlyweds and guests alike. From humorous anecdotes to clever wordplay and unexpected twists, these toasts offer a refreshing and light-hearted take on celebrating love and partnership. So, grab your glass, raise it high, and let’s dive into a world of charming quirkiness and joyful celebration!

10 Examples of Quirky Wedding Toasts

Toasting to Fine Wine Love

“To [Bride] and [Groom]: May your love be like a fine wine – complex, intoxicating, and only getting better with age. And may you always have a well-stocked cellar to keep the romance flowing.”

Cheers to Wild Adventures

“Here’s to a lifetime of adventures, inside jokes, and never having to share the remote. May your marriage be as wild and wonderful as your first date at that weird underground art show.”

A Fairy Tale Written by a Mad Scientist

“In a world full of ordinary love stories, yours is a fairy tale written by a mad scientist. It’s quirky, it’s unpredictable, and it’s 100% uniquely you. Here’s to embracing the beautiful weirdness of your love.”

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Marriage

“To the bride and groom: May your marriage be like a thrilling choose-your-own-adventure novel, filled with plot twists, surprise endings, and always landing on the page that says ‘happily ever after.'”

Embracing Quirks and Delightful Weirdness

“Love is patient, love is kind, and apparently love is also really into [Groom’s unique hobby/interest]. [Bride], thank you for embracing all of [Groom’s] quirks and loving him for the delightfully weird human he is. And [Groom], thank you for finding someone who gets your brand of crazy. You two are proof that there’s a lid for every pot.”

A Best-Selling Love Story

“May your love story be a best-selling novel full of passion, comedy, and the occasional plot twist. And may the sequel be even better than the original.”

Quirky Couple in Life’s Rom-Com

“In the great romantic comedy of life, you two are the quirky couple that everyone’s rooting for. Keep writing your own script, keep laughing at your own jokes, and keep showing the world what true love looks like. Cheers!”

Ultimate #RelationshipGoals

“To [Bride] and [Groom], the Pam to my Jim, the cheese to my macaroni, the Netflix to my chill: Thank you for being the ultimate #RelationshipGoals. May your love be as evergreen as an episode of The Office.”

Finishing Each Other’s Sandwiches

“Here’s to a lifetime of finishing each other’s sandwiches and being each other’s lobsters. May your love be as strong as [Groom’s] coffee and as sweet as [Bride’s] famous chocolate chip cookies.”

Game Night Love

“To [Bride] and [Groom], may your life together be like a thrilling game night: full of laughter, healthy competition, and the occasional heated debate over Monopoly rules. Remember, in love and in board games, the goal is to have fun and enjoy the person you’re playing with.”

These quirky toasts think outside the box, drawing on the couple’s unique interests, inside jokes, and pop culture references. They’re equal parts clever and heartfelt, engaging the audience with their creativity while still expressing genuine affection for the newlyweds. The key is to tailor the quirkiness to the couple’s personalities, ensuring the toast feels special and authentic to their love story.

Engaging Your Audience with Unique Toasts

The best wedding toasts are the ones that captivate the audience from start to finish. A unique, personalized toast is more likely to grab and hold everyone’s attention than generic platitudes. Here are some tips for crafting a toast that will have the crowd hanging on your every word:

1. Tell a story. People love a good narrative, so weave a compelling story into your toast. It could be the tale of how the couple met, a funny anecdote from their courtship, or a heartwarming moment that encapsulates their love.

2. Use vivid details. Don’t just say the couple’s love is inspiring – paint a picture of how they inspire you. Describe the way they look at each other, the little gestures of affection they share, the laughter that fills the room when they’re together. The more specific and vivid your details, the more engaged your audience will be.

3. Incorporate audience participation. Get the crowd involved in your toast! You could ask them to raise their glasses every time you mention the word “love,” or have them join in on a meaningful quote or song lyric.

4. Get creative with structure. Who says your toast has to follow the standard introduction-body-conclusion format? You could frame your speech as a top 10 list, a mock news report, or even a mini skit. Just make sure your creative structure enhances your message rather than overshadowing it.

5. Make it personal. Above all, your toast should be a reflection of your unique relationship with the couple. Share stories, jokes, and sentiments that could only come from you. The more personal your toast, the more memorable it will be for the couple and the audience.

Remember, a little creativity goes a long way in making your toast stand out. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and let your personality shine through. As long as your toast comes from a place of love and sincerity, you can’t go wrong.

Quick Resources:

  • Use our Speech and Vow Generator:   Write an engaging wedding toast that’s guaranteed to be memorable (for the right reasons).
  • Book a Wedding Speech Coaching session :  Get expert help on how to deliver your speech so the jokes land and the audience listens.

Cultural Wedding Toasts

Cultural wedding toasts honor traditions and add a unique element to the celebration. Here are some examples:

1. **Irish Blessing**: “May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

2. **Jewish Toast**: “ Mazel tov! May you be like Ruth and Boaz, may you be deserving of praise. Strengthen them, Oh Lord, and give them life that is long. May this couple be blessed with happiness all life long.”

3. **Spanish Toast**: “Que vuestro amor sea infinito, que dure para siempre. Que vuestros esfuerzos sean compartidos, y que vuestra felicidad sea la prioridad en vuestras vidas. ¡Vivan los novios!” (May your love be infinite, may it last forever. May your efforts be shared, and may your happiness be the priority in your lives. Long live the newlyweds!)

4. **African American Toast**: “ To \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], as you embark on this journey of marriage, may you always remember the love, strength, and resilience of those who came before you. May your love for each other be a reflection of the love that has sustained our community for generations. To Black love, family, and joy – may they be the cornerstones of your marriage.”

5. **Chinese Toast**: “Xǐshǒu yī bēi, zhù nǐmen bǎinián hǎo hé. Aìqíng ru jiǔ, yuè jiǔ yuè nóngliè!” (Let’s propose a toast, wishing you a harmonious union for a hundred years. May your love be like wine, growing stronger as it ages!)

6. **Mexican Toast**: “¡Arriba, abajo, al centro, pa’ dentro! ¡Viva los novios! Que su amor sea fuerte como el tequila, dulce como la miel, y que dure para siempre. ¡Salud!” (Glasses up, down, to the center, drink up! Long live the newlyweds! May your love be as strong as tequila, sweet as honey, and may it last forever. Cheers!)

7. **Filipino Toast**: “Mabuhay ang bagong kasal! Ang pag-ibig ninyo ay parang kanin, laging mainit at laging punung-puno. Sana ay pagpalain kayo ng Diyos ng walang hanggang pagmamahalan.” (Long live the newlyweds! May your love be like rice, always warm and always plentiful. May God bless you with everlasting love.)

8. **Greek Toast**: “Stin ygeia sas! Na zisete, na agapate, ki’ o ouranos na einai panta galanos gi’ afto to zeygari!” (To your health! May you live, may you love, and may the sky always be blue for this couple!)

9. **German Toast**: “ Ein Toast auf das Brautpaar! Möge eure Liebe so stark sein wie deutsches Bier, so beständig wie eine Schwarzwälder Kirsch, und so tief wie der Rhein. Prost!” (A toast to the bride and groom! May your love be as strong as German beer, as enduring as a Black Forest cake, and as deep as the Rhine. Cheers!)

10. **Indian Toast**: “Vivah ki shubhkamnayein! Aapke vivah ke is shubh avsar par, main aap dono ke liye pyaar, samarpan, aur anant khushiyon ki kamna karta hoon. Aapka sath sada banaa rahe.” (Congratulations on your wedding! On this auspicious occasion of your marriage, I wish for you both love, devotion, and infinite happiness. May your togetherness last forever.)

These cultural toasts honor the rich traditions and heritages that the couple brings to their union. They incorporate language, blessings, and symbolism specific to each culture, making the toast feel deeply meaningful and personal. Whether you share the couple’s cultural background or simply want to celebrate their heritage, a cultural toast can add a beautiful, unique element to the wedding festivities.

Respecting and Honoring Cultural Traditions

When delivering a cultural wedding toast, it’s crucial to approach the task with respect, understanding, and an open heart. You want to honor the couple’s heritage in a way that feels authentic and meaningful. Here are some tips for doing just that:

1. Do your research. If you’re not familiar with the couple’s cultural traditions, take the time to educate yourself. Read up on the history and significance of the rituals, Talk to family members or friends who share the couple’s background.

2. Incorporate language mindfully. If you plan to include phrases in the couple’s native language, make sure you have the pronunciation and meaning correct. Practice with a native speaker if possible, and provide translations for the rest of the audience.

3. Use symbolism appropriately. Many cultural traditions involve specific symbols or metaphors. For example, the Irish often use images of roads, wind, and sun to represent life’s journey. If you incorporate these symbols into your toast, make sure you understand their significance and use them respectfully.

4. Avoid stereotypes. It’s important to honor cultural traditions without relying on stereotypes or generalizations. Focus on the specific elements that are meaningful to the couple and their families, rather than broad or potentially offensive tropes.

5. Be inclusive. Remember, not everyone in the audience may share or be familiar with the couple’s cultural background. Make sure your toast is accessible and welcoming to all, providing context and explanations where necessary.

Ultimately, a cultural wedding toast is about celebrating the fusion of two families and two heritages. By approaching the task with respect, sensitivity, and an open heart, you can deliver a toast that honors the couple’s unique story and brings everyone together in shared joy and understanding.

maid of honor speech generator

75 Wedding Toast One-Liners to Include

Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, a family member, or a friend, crafting the perfect toast can be both a joy and a challenge. In this curated collection, you’ll find 75 diverse and delightful wedding toasts that capture the essence of love, celebration, and cherished memories. From traditional sentiments to quirky anecdotes and heartfelt blessings, these toasts are sure to inspire and delight as you raise a glass to the newlyweds. Cheers to love, laughter, and happily ever after!

75 Wedding Toast One-Liners to Include

1. To love, laughter, and happily ever after. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love story has been a beautiful tale of all three. Here’s to the next chapter being the best one yet.

2. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a fine wine – it’s only gotten better with time. Cheers to a lifetime of savoring every precious moment together.

3. They say that love is not about gazing at each other, but about looking outward together in the same direction. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], may your gazes always be fixed on the beautiful future ahead of you.

4. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], may you continue to fall head over heels for each other every single day.

5. \[Bride\], I’ve watched you grow from a little girl with big dreams into the incredible woman you are today. And \[Groom\], I’ve watched you become the man worthy of her dreams. Here’s to your happily ever after.

6. \[Groom\], I’ve been by your side through thick and thin. But I’ve never seen you as happy, as complete, as utterly in love as you are with \[Bride\]. Cherish each other always.

7. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is proof that soul mates exist. Watching you find each other and build this beautiful life together has been one of the great joys of my life. Cheers to your eternal love.

8. Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], may your mosaic be filled with joy, laughter, and countless cherished memories.

9. \[Bride\], you are the Pam to his Jim, the Rachel to his Ross, the Topanga to his Cory. \[Groom\], you are the Harry to her Sally, the Noah to her Allie, the Carl to her Ellie. Your love is a romance for the ages.

10. \[Groom\], I’ve never seen you as happy as you are with \[Bride\]. And \[Bride\], I’ve never seen you shine as brightly as you do with \[Groom\]. Your love brings out the best in each other, and that’s a rare and beautiful thing.

11. To the bride and groom: may your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love has already withstood so much. I know it will only grow stronger with time.

12. \[Bride\], you are the yin to his yang, the sunshine to his rain, the laughter to his seriousness. \[Groom\], you are the calm to her storm, the rock to her roll, the steady hand to her wild heart. Together, you are perfect balance.

13. Love isn’t perfect. It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn’t always come easy. But when it’s real, it’s always worth it. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is as real as it gets. Never forget that.

14. \[Groom\], take care of \[Bride\]’s heart. It’s the most precious thing she’ll ever give you. And \[Bride\], take care of \[Groom\]’s dreams. They’re the most valuable thing he’ll ever entrust you with.

15. May your love be like the wind, strong enough to move the clouds, soft enough to never hurt, loud enough to hear in the dark, and gentle enough to never be a burden.

16. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], you two are a perfect match, like bacon and eggs, peanut butter and jelly, Netflix and chill. Your love is comforting, satisfying, and always leaves us wanting more.

17. A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your quirks and contrasts are what make your love so special.

18. \[Groom\], remember: happy wife, happy life. \[Bride\], remember: the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Keep each other happy and well-fed, and you’ll be just fine.

19. \[Bride\], I’ve never seen you glow as much as you do when you’re with \[Groom\]. And \[Groom\], I’ve never seen you as content and at peace as you are with \[Bride\]. Your love is a beautiful thing to behold.

20. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a cup of coffee – warm, comforting, and the perfect start to every day. May your marriage be filled with countless perfect mornings together.

21. Love is not about how many days, weeks, or months you’ve been together. It’s all about how much you love each other every single day. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], watching you choose to love each other deeply every day is an inspiration to us all.

22. \[Groom\], you are the Jim to her Pam, the Chandler to her Monica, the Marshall to her Lily. \[Bride\], you are the Lucy to his Ricky, the Morticia to his Gomez, the Leia to his Han. Your love is a sitcom romance come to life.

23. Marriage is not just about finding the right person. It’s also about being the right person. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], you bring out the best in each other, and that’s what will make your marriage truly great.

24. May your love be as endless as your wedding rings. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love knows no bounds, no limits, no end. It’s a love that will last a lifetime and beyond.

25. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is a beautiful dance. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, but you’re always in perfect sync. Keep dancing through life together, and never miss a beat.

26. Love is a friendship set on fire. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your friendship has been the kindling, your passion the spark, and your commitment the fuel. May your love burn bright for all your days.

27. \[Groom\], remember: a happy wife is a happy life. \[Bride\], remember: behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. Keep each other laughing, and you’ll never go wrong.

28. \[Bride\], you are the cheese to his macaroni, the syrup to his pancakes, the sprinkles to his ice cream. \[Groom\], you are the crust to her pizza, the milk to her cookies, the bacon to her eggs. Your love is a perfect pairing.

29. Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love has survived the craziness of wedding planning – it can survive anything!

30. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love story is one for the books. It’s got romance, comedy, a little bit of drama, and a happily ever after that’s just beginning. Cheers to the greatest love story ever told.

31. May your love be like a fine wine – rich, robust, and only getting better with age. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], I can’t wait to see how your love story unfolds over the years.

32. \[Groom\], you are the avocado to her toast, the salsa to her chips, the guac to her tacos. \[Bride\], you are the hummus to his pita, the tzatziki to his gyro, the tahini to his falafel. Your love is a flavorful fusion.

33. Love is not about possession, it’s about appreciation. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], the way you appreciate and cherish each other is a beautiful example for us all.

34. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], you two go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong. Your love is a catchy tune that we can’t help but sing along to.

35. May your love be as endless as your honeymoon, as exciting as your wedding day, and as sweet as your first kiss as husband and wife.

36. \[Bride\], I’ve watched you dream of this day since we were little girls playing dress-up. And \[Groom\], I’ve watched you become the man of her dreams. Cheers to dreams coming true.

37. \[Groom\], remember: happy spouse, happy house. \[Bride\], remember: the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Keep each other happy and well-fed, and your marriage will thrive.

38. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a box of chocolates – sweet, surprising, and always leaving us wanting more. May your life together be filled with countless delicious moments.

39. Love isn’t about finding the perfect person. It’s about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], you see each other’s flaws and love each other all the more for them.

40. \[Bride\], you are the avo to his toast, the milk to his cookies, the cheese to his wine. \[Groom\], you are the peanut butter to her jelly, the chips to her guac, the cream to her coffee. Your love is a match made in foodie heaven.

41. A great marriage is not about the big moments, it’s about the million little moments. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], may your life together be filled with countless little moments of love and laughter.

42. \[Groom\], you are the rhythm to her blues, the melody to her harmony, the beat to her heart. \ Bride\], you are the lyrics to his song, the poetry to his prose, the meaning to his music. Together, you make beautiful music.

43. Love is not about grand gestures or expensive gifts. It’s about the little things – a smile across the room, a hand held during a hard day, a laugh shared over a silly joke. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is built on a thousand perfect little things.

44. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love story is like a rom-com – it’s got meet-cutes, misunderstandings, grand gestures, and a happily ever after that’s just beginning. Can’t wait to see the sequel!

45. May your love be as deep as the ocean, as constant as the tides, and as vast as the sea. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love knows no bounds.

46. \[Groom\], remember: happy wife, happy life. \[Bride\], remember: a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Keep each other happy and well-fed, and you’ll be just fine.

47. \[Bride\], you are the sunshine to his rain, the spring to his winter, the bloom to his frost. \[Groom\], you are the shade to her heat, the autumn to her summer, the harvest to her seed. Your love weathers all seasons.

48. Love isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being perfect for each other. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your quirks and flaws fit together like puzzle pieces, creating a beautiful, complete picture.

49. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a good book – it’s got adventure, romance, a few plot twists, and a story that keeps us turning the pages. Can’t wait to read the next chapter!

50. May your love be as sweet as your wedding cake, as intoxicating as your champagne, and as fun as your reception. Cheers to a lifetime of sweetness, celebration, and joy.

51. \[Bride\], I’ve watched you grow from a little girl with big dreams into the incredible woman you are today. And \[Groom\], I’ve watched you become the man worthy of her dreams. Here’s to your happily ever after.

52. \[Groom\], you are the Batman to her Catwoman, the Spider-Man to her MJ, the Superman to her Lois Lane. \[Bride\], you are the Hermione to his Ron, the Leia to his Han, the Buttercup to his Westley. Your love is a superhero story come to life.

53. Marriage is a journey, not a destination. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], as you embark on this adventure together, remember that the best part of any journey is who you have beside you.

54. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a good wine – it’s complex, it’s rich, and it only gets better with time. Cheers to a lifetime of savoring each other.

55. Love is not about being inseparable. It’s about two people facing the world together, side by side. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], you are each other’s partner, ally, and best friend. Together, you can face anything.

56. \[Groom\], remember: a happy wife is a happy life. \[Bride\], remember: the key to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Keep each other happy and well-fed, and your love will never go hungry.

57. \[Bride\], you are the Thelma to his Louise, the Bonnie to his Clyde, the Cher to his Sonny. \[Groom\], you are the Johnny to her June, the Jay-Z to her Beyoncé, the Johnny Cash to her June Carter. Your love is a duet for the ages.

58. Marriage is not about finding someone you can live with. It’s about finding someone you can’t live without. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], you are each other’s necessity, each other’s home, each other’s heart.

59. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a good cocktail – it’s got the perfect blend of sweetness, strength, and a little bit of kick. May your marriage be a lifelong toast to your love.

60. May your love be as limitless as the sky, as steady as the earth, and as renewing as the rain. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is a force of nature.

61. \[Groom\], remember: happy spouse, happy house. \[Bride\], remember: the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Keep each other happy and well-fed, and your home will always be full of love.

62. \[Bride\], you are the Luna to his Harry, the Ginny to his Harry, the Cho to his Cedric… wait, scratch that last one. \[Groom\], you are the Ron to her Hermione, the James to her Lily, the Arthur to her Molly. Your love is a magical tale.

63. Love isn’t about the big moments. It’s about the million little moments that make up a life together. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], may your life be filled with countless perfect little moments.

64. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a good cup of coffee – it’s warm, it’s comforting, and it’s the perfect way to start each day. May your marriage be filled with countless perfect mornings together.

65. May your love be as eternal as the stars, as constant as the moon, and as bright as the sun. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love lights up the sky.

66. \[Groom\], remember: happy wife, happy life. \[Bride\], remember: the secret to a happy marriage remains a secret. Keep each other laughing, and you’ll never go wrong.

67. \[Bride\], you are the Leia to his Han, the Padmé to his Anakin, the Rey to his Finn. \[Groom\], you are the Westley to her Buttercup, the Inigo to her Fezzik, the Miracle Max to her Valerie. Your love is a fairy tale in a galaxy far, far away.

68. Marriage is not about being perfect. It’s about being perfect for each other. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your quirks, your flaws, your silly habits – they’re what make you so perfectly matched.

69. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is like a good book – it’s got romance, adventure, a few plot twists, and a story that keeps us turning the pages. Can’t wait to read the next chapter!

70. May your love be as intoxicating as your wedding champagne, as sweet as your cake, and as joyful as the laughter filling this room. Cheers to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after.

71. \[Groom\], take care of my girl. She’s the most precious thing I’ve ever held, until the day I hold your first child. And \[Bride\], take care of this man. He’s been my best friend, my brother, and now, he’s your husband. Love each other fiercely.

72. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is proof that soulmates exist. Watching you find each other, choose each other, and commit to each other for life has been one of the greatest joys of my life. Your love is a light in this world.

73. Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], may your mosaic be filled with adventure, passion, laughter, and unwavering commitment.

74. \[Bride\], I remember the day you called me, giddy and breathless, telling me about this amazing man you’d just met. And \[Groom\], I remember the day you told me, with a smile I’d never seen before, that you’d found the one. I’ve watched your love story unfold, and it’s been the privilege of my life. Here’s to the next chapter.

75. \[Bride\] and \[Groom\], your love is a testament to the power of friendship, the importance of laughter, and the joy of finding your perfect partner in crime. As you embark on this grand adventure of marriage, know that you have an army of loved ones cheering you on, today and always. Cheers to your happily ever after. It’s only just begun.

10 Wedding Toast Templates

Crafting a memorable wedding toast is a special opportunity to honor the love and commitment between two people as they begin their journey together. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or new to toasting, having a structured template can help you convey your heartfelt sentiments with grace and sincerity. In this collection, you’ll find ten carefully crafted wedding toast templates, each offering a unique approach to celebrating the couple’s love story. From heartfelt reflections to light-hearted humor, these templates provide a versatile foundation for creating a toast that captures the essence of the occasion. Here’s to crafting beautiful words that resonate with love and joy on this special day!

10 Wedding Toast Templates 

1. The Childhood Friend Toast

[Introduction] Good evening everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of being [Bride/Groom]’s friend since we were [age] years old.

[Shared Memory] I still remember the day we first met, [brief anecdote about your first meeting or early friendship]. Even then, I knew that [Bride/Groom] was someone special, someone who would change lives with their [key quality].

[Transition to Couple] And then, [he/she] met [Partner’s Name]. I remember [Bride/Groom] calling me after their first date, gushing about this amazing person they’d just met. I could hear the excitement in their voice, and I knew that this was the start of something incredible.

[Couple’s Love Story] Over the years, I’ve watched [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]’s love grow. I’ve seen them support each other through [challenge], celebrate each other’s triumphs like [achievement], and create a bond that’s truly unbreakable. They bring out the best in each other, and their love is an inspiration to us all.

[Toast] So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing year. May you always find laughter, comfort, and joy in each other’s company. And may your life together be filled with all the happiness you so deeply deserve. To the happy couple!

2. The Sibling Toast

[Introduction] Hello everyone, I’m [Your Name], [Bride/Groom]’s [older/younger] [brother/sister].

[Sibling Bond] Growing up with [Bride/Groom] was an adventure. We had our share of [shared childhood experience], and through it all, [Bride/Groom] was always my [role model/confidant/partner in crime]. I learned so much from [him/her] about [life lesson].

[Welcoming Partner] When [Bride/Groom] first introduced me to [Partner’s Name], I could immediately see how happy they made my [brother/sister]. [Partner’s Name], you’ve been a wonderful addition to our family. You’re the [characteristic] to [Bride/Groom]’s [characteristic], and together, you make a perfect team.

[Love and Support] [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name], your love has weathered [challenge] and grown stronger through [milestone]. You’ve built a relationship based on [key quality], and it’s been a joy to witness. I know that you’ll continue to support and cherish each other in the years to come.

[Toast] Let’s raise our glasses to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with the same laughter, love, and [inside joke] that’s always defined your relationship. May you continue to bring out the best in each other. And may your love story be a shining example of what true partnership looks like. Cheers!

3. The College Friend Toast

[Introduction] Hi everyone, I’m [Your Name], and I had the good fortune of meeting [Bride/Groom] on our first day at [college name].

[College Memories] Those college years were unforgettable. We navigated [shared college experience] together, and through it all, [Bride/Groom] was always the [key quality] one. I remember [funny college anecdote].

[Meeting Partner] And then, in our [year] year, [Bride/Groom] met [Partner’s Name]. I’ve never seen [Bride/Groom] so smitten. They couldn’t stop talking about this [charming/brilliant/hilarious] person they’d met. It was clear from the start that this was something special.

[Couple’s Journey] Over the years, I’ve watched [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name] build a life together. They’ve supported each other through [milestone], laughed together through [funny moment], and created a love that’s truly one of a kind. Your relationship is a testament to the power of [key quality].

[Toast] So let’s toast to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with the same [key quality] that’s always defined your relationship. May you continue to be each other’s [silly nickname]. And may your love only grow stronger with each passing year. To the perfect couple!

4. The Parent Toast

[Introduction] Good evening everyone. As [Bride/Groom]’s [mother/father], I want to start by saying how incredibly proud I am of the [man/woman] [Bride/Groom] has become.

[Childhood Memories] From the moment [Bride/Groom] was born, [he/she] filled our lives with [key quality]. I remember [childhood anecdote showcasing key quality]. Even then, we knew [Bride/Groom] was destined for great things.

[Welcoming Partner] And then, [Bride/Groom] met [Partner’s Name]. [Partner’s Name], from the first time we met you, we knew you were perfect for our [son/daughter]. You [key quality] them in a way we’ve never seen. You’ve become such an integral part of our family, and we’re so happy to officially welcome you today.

[Marriage Wisdom] [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name], as you start this new chapter, always remember the importance of [marriage advice]. There will be challenges, but face them together. Celebrate each other’s successes. Be each other’s shelter in the storms of life. And never forget the love that brought you here today.

[Toast] Let’s raise our glasses to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your marriage be blessed with [blessing]. May you always find strength in each other. And may your love be a guiding light, not just to each other, but to all who know you. To the newlyweds!

5. The Best Friend Toast

[Introduction] Hi everyone, I’m [Your Name], and I’ve been lucky enough to be [Bride/Groom]’s best friend for [length of friendship].

[Friendship History] [Bride/Groom] and I have been through it all together. From [shared experience] to [milestone], we’ve always had each other’s backs. I remember [funny or touching anecdote about your friendship].

[Bride/Groom]’s Love When [Bride/Groom] first told me about [Partner’s Name], I knew this was different. The way [his/her] face lit up, the way [he/she] couldn’t stop smiling – it was clear that [Partner’s Name] was someone very special.

[Couple’s Relationship] Watching [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]’s relationship blossom has been one of my life’s greatest joys. You two are a perfect match, balancing each other out and bringing out the best in one another. Your love is built on [key quality], and that’s something truly rare and beautiful.

[Toast] So let’s toast to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your love continue to be the [key quality] force it’s always been. May you always find joy, comfort, and laughter in each other. And may your marriage be a shining example of what true love looks like. Cheers to the happy couple!

6. The Work Colleague Toast

[Introduction] Good evening everyone. I’m [Your Name], and I’ve had the pleasure of working with [Bride/Groom] at [company name] for [length of time].

[Professional Praise] In the office, [Bride/Groom] is known for [his/her] [professional quality]. [He/She] brings [key quality] to everything [he/she] does, and it’s been an honor to work alongside [him/her]. I remember [work anecdote showcasing key quality].

[Seeing Love Blossom] But as impressive as [Bride/Groom] is in the office, it’s been even more wonderful to watch [him/her] find love with [Partner’s Name]. The joy that [Partner’s Name] brings to [Bride/Groom]’s life is palpable. It’s clear that you two are truly meant for each other.

[Couple’s Compatibility] [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name], your relationship is a testament to the power of [key quality]. You balance each other perfectly, and your love has only grown stronger through [milestone/challenge]. It’s clear that you’re not just partners in love, but partners in life.

[Toast] So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with the same [key quality] that you bring to everything you do. May you always be each other’s [role]. And may your love continue to inspire all who know you. To the newlyweds!

7. The Maid of Honor / Best Man Toast

[Introduction] Hello everyone. As [Bride/Groom]’s [Maid of Honor/Best Man], I have the privilege of toasting this incredible couple today.

[Friendship with Bride/Groom] [Bride/Groom], our friendship has been a cornerstone of my life. From [shared experience] to [milestone], you’ve been my [role]. I remember [anecdote showcasing Bride/Groom’s key quality].

[Meeting Partner] When you first introduced me to [Partner’s Name], I knew this was something special. The way you [looked at/talked about] [him/her] – I’d never seen you so [key emotion]. And [Partner’s Name], I quickly understood why. Your [key quality] perfectly complements [Bride/Groom]’s [key quality].

[Couple’s Journey] Watching your love story unfold has been a true privilege. You’ve weathered [challenge] together and celebrated [milestone]. You bring out the best in each other, and your love is a beautiful reminder of what true partnership looks like.

[Toast] So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with the same [key quality] that’s always defined your relationship. May you continue to be each other’s [role model/support system/best friend]. And may your love be a guiding light, today and always. To the perfect pair!

8. The Short and Sweet Toast

[Introduction] Hi everyone, I’m [Your Name], [Your Relation to the Couple].

[Couple’s Love] [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name], your love is a beautiful thing. It’s [key quality], it’s [key quality], and it’s an inspiration to us all.

[Well Wishes] As you start this new chapter, know that you have a community here that loves and supports you. We’re so happy to celebrate with you today.

[Toast] So let’s raise our glasses to the newlyweds. May your love continue to grow, may your laughter never cease, and may your happiness know no bounds. To [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]!

9. The Funny Toast

[Introduction] Good evening everyone. I’m [Your Name], and I’ve been [Bride/Groom]’s [Your Relation] for [length of time].

[Funny Anecdote] Now, I could stand up here and tell you about all of [Bride/Groom]’s wonderful qualities, but instead, I’m going to share a little story that I think sums up [his/her] [key funny quality] perfectly. [Humorous anecdote].

[Couple’s Humor] But what’s even better is that [Partner’s Name] not only puts up with [Bride/Groom]’s [funny quality], but matches it with [his/her] own [complementary funny quality]. Together, you two are like [funny comparison]. It’s a joy to watch.

[Heartfelt Sentiment] But in all seriousness, [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name], your love is truly special. You’ve found in each other a [key quality] that’s rare and wonderful. Your relationship is built on [key quality] and [key quality], and that’s something to be celebrated.

[Toast] So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with the same laughter and [inside joke] that’s always been a hallmark of your relationship. May you continue to [funny well wish]. And may your love be a source of joy, today and always. To the happy couple!

10. The Sentimental Toast

[Introduction] Good evening everyone. I’m [Your Name], and I’ve known [Bride/Groom] for [length of time].

[Emotional Connection] [Bride/Groom], our friendship has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. You’ve been there for me through [difficult time], and you’ve celebrated with me during [happy milestone]. Your [key quality] and [key quality] have made you an invaluable part of my life.

[Love for Partner] And then you met [Partner’s Name]. I’ve never seen you so [key emotion]. The love between you two is palpable – it radiates in your smiles, your laughter, your every interaction. [Partner’s Name], you bring out a [key quality] in [Bride/Groom] that’s truly beautiful to see.

[Future Wishes] As you start this new chapter, I wish for you a lifetime of that same love and happiness. May your marriage be a testament to the power of [key quality]. May you always find solace, joy, and strength in each other. And may your love story be one for the ages.

[Toast] So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride/Groom] and [Partner’s Name]. To a love that’s [key quality], [key quality], and everything in between. To a partnership that’s as beautiful as it is strong. And to a lifetime of happiness together. Cheers to the newlyweds!

How Bridesmaid for Hire Can Help

Bridesmaid for Hire can offer invaluable support in crafting and delivering the perfect wedding toast.

Here are some resources to check-out that can help you with all aspects of your maid of honor speech.

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wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

7 Wedding Toast Examples to Help You Write a Pitch-Perfect Speech

  • The Speaker Lab
  • June 14, 2024

Table of Contents

Raising a glass to the newlyweds is a cherished tradition at weddings. But when it’s your turn to deliver a toast, finding the right words can be daunting. Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or a proud parent, crafting a memorable speech takes some thought and preparation. That’s where wedding toast examples come in handy.

In this article, we’ve pulled together several toast examples to spark your own toast-making magic. Dive into our collection of emotional stories and fun jests if you want unique ways to say “I love you” and “We’ve got your back!” to the happy couple. Let’s get started!

Wedding Toast Examples for the Best Man

If you’ve been tasked with giving a best man speech , you know it’s a big responsibility. You want to honor your friend, make the bride feel welcome, and maybe even get a few laughs. But where do you start?

The key to a great best man toast is to speak from the heart. Share a funny story or two about your friendship with the groom. Talk about how you’ve seen him grow and change for the better since meeting his new spouse. And don’t be afraid to get a little sentimental—this is a day for celebrating love, after all.

Wedding Toast About Shared Memories or Funny Stories

One of the best ways to personalize your best man toast is to share a funny story about the groom. Maybe it’s a tale of a crazy adventure you had together, or a time when he did something so ridiculous you couldn’t help but laugh. Just make sure it’s a story that paints him in a positive light and shows off his best qualities.

For example, you could say something like:

“I’ll never forget the time John and I went camping and he insisted on bringing his entire collection of Star Wars action figures. He spent hours setting up elaborate battle scenes and making sound effects. It was like watching a kid in a candy store—except instead of candy, it was Ewoks and Stormtroopers.”

A story like this shows off the groom’s playful side and lets the audience see him through your eyes. It’s a great way to make your toast more engaging and memorable.

Quotes to Use

Including a quote in your best man toast can be a great way to sum up your feelings or add a touch of humor. Here are a few examples:

  • “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin
  • “I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner
  • “Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.” – Joyce Brothers

When choosing a quote for your best man speech , look for something that reflects the couple’s relationship or your own views on love and marriage.

At the end of the day, though, the most important thing is to speak from the heart. Share your love for the couple, your hopes for their future together, and your joy at being a part of their special day. With a little humor, a lot of heart, and maybe a quote or two, you’ll give a best man toast they’ll never forget.

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Maid of Honor Wedding Toast Examples

As the maid of honor, you’ve been by the bride’s side through thick and thin. You’ve seen her at her best and her worst, and you know just how amazing she is. So when it comes time to give your maid of honor toast , you want to do her justice.

The key is to focus on the bride’s best qualities and the love she shares with her new spouse. Share stories that highlight her kindness, her humor, her intelligence, and her beauty—inside and out. And don’t forget to welcome the groom to the family and let him know how lucky he is to be marrying your best friend.

Highlighting the Bride’s Best Qualities

One of the best ways to make your maid of honor toast memorable is to highlight the bride’s best qualities. Think about what makes her special and what you admire most about her. Is she always there for you when you need her? Does she have a wicked sense of humor? Is she the most loyal friend you’ve ever had?

“Sarah has been my best friend since we were five years old. Even then, I knew she was someone special. She’s always been the first to lend a helping hand, the last to judge, and the best shoulder to cry on. She’s the kind of person who lights up a room just by walking into it, and I feel so lucky to have her in my life.”

A toast like this not only shows off the bride’s best qualities, but it also lets the audience see her through your eyes. It’s a great way to make your toast more personal and heartfelt.

Welcoming the Groom to the Family

As the maid of honor, you’re not just there to celebrate the bride. You’re also there to welcome the groom into your family. Take a moment in your toast to acknowledge him and the love he shares with your best friend.

You could say something like:

“John, I’ve watched you and Sarah fall in love over the past few years, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen two people more perfect for each other. You bring out the best in each other, and I know you’ll continue to do so for the rest of your lives. Welcome to the family—we’re so lucky to have you.”

A toast like this shows that you support the couple’s relationship and that you’re excited to have the groom as part of your family. It’s a great way to make him feel included and appreciated on his special day.

Remember, the most important thing is to speak from the heart. Share your love for the bride, your excitement for her future with the groom, and your joy at being a part of their special day. With a focus on her best qualities and a warm welcome for her new spouse, you’ll give a maid of honor toast that she’ll cherish forever.

Wedding Toast Examples From the Parents

For many parents, watching their child get married is a moment filled with love, pride, and a touch of bittersweet emotion. As they reflect on watching them grow up, it’s natural to want to express their love and wish the newlyweds a lifetime of happiness together. If you’re a parent tasked with giving a wedding toast, these examples can help you find the right words to capture your feelings and share your hopes for the couple’s future.

Reflecting on Watching Them Grow up

One of the most heartfelt themes in a parent’s wedding toast is reminiscing about watching their child grow up. You might share a funny or touching story from their childhood that highlights their personality or values. For example, you could say something like:

“From the moment Sarah learned to walk, she was always on the move, eager to explore the world around her. That curiosity and zest for life has never left her, and it’s one of the things I admire most about the woman she’s become.”

These anecdotes give guests a glimpse into your unique relationship with your child. Additionally, they help everyone feel more connected to the couple’s journey.

Wishing Them a Lifetime of Love

Of course, a parent’s wedding toast should also acknowledge and celebrate the couple’s love for each other. You might share your hopes and wishes for their marriage, such as:

“May your love for each other continue to grow deeper with each passing year. May you always be each other’s best friend, strongest supporter, and most loving partner. And may your marriage be filled with laughter, adventure, and endless joy.”

By focusing on the couple’s future together, you’re setting a positive tone and reminding everyone of the reason for the celebration.

Wedding Toast Examples for the Newlyweds

While the majority of wedding toasts are given by family and friends, many couples also choose to give a toast themselves. This is a wonderful opportunity to thank your guests for their support, express your love for each other, and share your excitement for the future. If you’re a newlywed looking for inspiration, these examples can help you craft the perfect wedding toast.

Thanking Guests for Their Support

One of the main purposes of a couple’s wedding toast is to thank their guests for being there to celebrate with them. You might say something like:

“We are so incredibly grateful to have all of you here with us today. Your love, support, and friendship mean the world to us, and we feel so lucky to be surrounded by such an amazing group of people as we start this new chapter in our lives.”

Acknowledging your guests’ presence shows them how much you value their role in your lives and your special day.

Expressing Gratitude for Help with the Wedding

In addition to thanking guests for their attendance, you should also give special recognition to those who helped make your wedding day possible. This could include your parents, wedding party, or anyone else who went above and beyond. For example:

“We also want to say a huge thank you to our incredible parents, who have been there for us every step of the way. From helping us plan this amazing celebration to offering endless love and guidance, we couldn’t have done it without you. We are so grateful for everything you’ve done for us.”

By specifically acknowledging those who contributed to your wedding, you’re showing your appreciation and letting them know how much their efforts mean to you.

As you craft your wedding toast, remember to speak from the heart and let your unique personality and love story shine through. Whether you’re a parent reflecting on precious memories or a newlywed couple expressing gratitude, a sincere and heartfelt toast will be cherished by all who hear it.

Tips for Delivering a Great Wedding Toast

Giving a wedding toast can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little preparation and our wedding toast examples, you can deliver a memorable toast that will have the happy couple and their guests smiling from ear to ear.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when giving a wedding toast is to keep it short and sweet. The best wedding toasts are concise, typically around 2-3 minutes. A shorter toast is more likely to hold the audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact.

Keeping It Short and Sweet

So, how do you keep your toast short and sweet? Start by focusing on one or two key points you want to make about the couple. Maybe it’s a funny story about how they met or a heartfelt memory that showcases their love for each other. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that will resonate with the audience and the couple.

Another tip for keeping your toast concise is to practice, practice, practice. The more you rehearse your toast, the more comfortable you’ll feel delivering it on the big day. And don’t be afraid to use notes. It’s better to glance down at your notes than to ramble on and lose your place.

Speaking from the Heart

While it’s important to keep your toast short, it’s equally important to speak from the heart. The more authentic you are, the more meaningful the toast. So don’t be afraid to get a little emotional. Share a story that showcases the couple’s love for each other or express how much they mean to you. Just remember to keep it appropriate for the occasion and the audience.

Raising a Glass to the Happy Couple

Finally, don’t forget to actually raise a glass to the happy couple. This traditional gesture serves as a celebratory exclamation point to the speech and signals the end of your toast. So, as you wrap up your toast, invite everyone to join you in raising a glass to the happy couple. You can even use a classic toast like “To love, laughter, and happily ever after.” Alternatively, come up with your own unique phrase that captures the essence of the couple’s love story.

By following these wedding toast tips, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a toast that will be remembered for years to come. Just remember to keep it short, speak from the heart, and raise a glass to the happy couple. Cheers!

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Wedding Toast Quotes to Include

When it comes to giving a wedding toast, sometimes the hardest part is finding the right words to express your feelings about the happy couple. That’s where wedding toast quotes come in handy. By incorporating a few well-chosen quotes into your toast, you can add a touch of humor, romance, or wisdom to your words. Let’s look at a few examples you might want to include in your own wedding toast.

Romantic Quotes About Love

If you’re looking to add a touch of romance to your toast, consider using a quote about love. One classic option is from the beloved children’s book author Dr. Seuss: “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” This quote perfectly captures the excitement and joy of falling in love.

Another romantic quote comes from the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.” This quote speaks to the transformative power of love and how it can bring out the best in us.

Humorous Quotes to Lighten the Mood

If you want to keep things light and fun, consider using a humorous quote in your toast. One option is from the comedian Rita Rudner: “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” This quote is sure to get a laugh from the audience while also acknowledging the ups and downs of married life.

Another funny quote comes from the actress Audrey Hepburn: “If I get married, I want to be very married.” This quote is a playful way to express the commitment and dedication that comes with marriage.

Classic Quotes for a Traditional Toast

If you’re looking for a more traditional quote to use in your toast, consider one from the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” This quote emphasizes the importance of friendship and companionship in a successful marriage.

Another classic quote comes from the author Mark Twain: “To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.” This quote speaks to the idea that happiness is meant to be shared with the one you love.

No matter which wedding toast quotes you choose to include in your speech, make sure they reflect the couple’s unique love story and personality. By incorporating a mix of romantic, humorous, and classic quotes, you’ll be sure to deliver a toast that is both meaningful and memorable.

FAQs on Wedding Toast Examples

What do you say in a wedding toast.

Kick off with how you know the couple. Share a short, sweet story or compliment. Wrap up by wishing them joy and love.

What is the best short wedding toast?

“To love, laughter, and happily ever after.” It’s quick, classic, and covers all bases for celebrating the couple’s future.

What are some examples of toasts?

Toasts can range from “Here’s to new beginnings.” to “May your love be modern enough to survive the times but old-fashioned enough to last forever.”

What is the best opening line for a wedding speech?

“I’m here today not just as [relation], but as someone who has seen their love grow firsthand.”

Wedding toast examples offer a wealth of inspiration for crafting your own unforgettable speech. By blending heartfelt sentiments with a dash of humor, you can create a toast that perfectly captures your unique relationship with the newlyweds.

Remember, the key is to speak from the heart and let your genuine emotions shine through. Whether you share a funny story, express your admiration, or offer words of wisdom, your toast will be a cherished part of the couple’s special day.

So raise your glass, take a deep breath, and deliver a wedding toast that will have everyone laughing, crying, and celebrating the incredible love story unfolding before them.

  • Last Updated: June 12, 2024

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Ask a Wedding Expert: How to Write the Perfect Wedding Toast

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Ever find yourself wondering how BAZAAR brides (or any brides for that matter) do it? Planning a wedding, navigating your relationship as it transitions from dating to your engagement and from planning the big day to marital bliss is challenging. Here,'s Weddings Editor and industry experts answer the questions of brides and grooms to be, bridesmaids, parents and guests struggling to elegantly navigate the style, etiquette, traditions, expectations and pressures of wedding planning and newlywed life. Ask A Wedding Expert by submitting questions to [email protected].

Dear Harper's BAZAAR : My best friend just asked me to speak at her wedding–and I am terrified. Public speaking is not my forte, and I have been to more than my fair share of weddings where the maid of honor makes a complete fool of herself with a drunken diatribe or the best man loses his train of thought and turns what should have been a short, sweet and possibly funny speech into a full-on roast. How do I avoid making all the common mistakes? — Anonymous

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Dear Anonymous : The lukewarm chicken marsalas have been consumed. The choreographed first dance has been executed. And the part-time-actors-turned-hand-models-turned cater-waiters have just distributed the champagne glasses. C link, clink, clink . You hear a knife tapping a glass or—wait, is that the Jaws theme song?

All of a sudden, the only thing holding you back from breaking it down to that great drum solo in "In the Air Tonight" is…your toast. And are those inflatable saxophones? Damn, you haven't seen one of those since Jerry Brownstein's Bar Mitzvah. Okay, just gotta get through this , you think.

But how? There are so many obvious don'ts when it comes to a wedding speech, but what about the dos? What do you do when it's your turn at the mic?

First, focus. Choose a theme and stick to it. Think of your speech like a paper; put forth a hypothesis and support it. Slot in stories that work to corroborate your theme. That time you got trapped in an elevator with the bride and she made you laugh until the firefighters arrived? That story works perfectly if you want to show how she makes the best out of any situation.

But not all stories are for all ears. For everyone's sake, stay away from any memories involving shots of Fireball. Or body shots. In fact, think of your toast as your only shot. If you want to succeed, you must consider your audience. Before you share an anecdote, visualize your 92-year-old grandma and your 11-year-old second cousin. If it's right for both sets of ears, proceed with confidence.

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But don't get carried away! Keep it short. You don't want to lose the audience's attention, and that means keeping things brief. Sure, the crowd wants to hear a story about the couple, but they don't want to hear every story about the couple. Your speech should be more CliffsNotes and less Tolstoy.

In short: edit, edit, edit. You've likely used these skills before, when sending text messages to your hot neighbor–so use them here, too. Then, practice out loud in front of people you trust. Did you get "aaws" when you were supposed to, and laughs when you thought you were being funny? Make notes and try again. May this be the only cliché you use in your speechwriting: practice makes perfect. No one has ever left the stage and said, "I practiced too much."

Most important, remind yourself to relax. Remember that there's a reason you were awarded this honor. Trust that the couple believes in you, and get to believing in yourself. Now, doesn't that clink clink clink sound a little more like music to your ears?

Headshot of Carrie Goldberg

Carrie Goldberg is’s Weddings & Travel Director. She oversees the site’s BAZAAR Bride channel, travel & dining content, and styles fashion and bridal editorials for When she’s not traveling, she spends her free time in her hometown–New York City–where there is no shortage of new places to shop, eat, drink, see and explore.

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Wedding speeches are an essential part of every wedding. They let all the members of the bridal party and guests share their overwhelming emotions about the big day. Best wedding speeches stay in our memory forever, marking the significance of the wedding day for everyone involved. It can be quite challenging to fit all the feelings you want to share into a single toast . In this article, you will find invaluable tips from the expert Amanda Layton, an experienced wedding vow and speechwriter, in crafting memorable wedding speeches.


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Wedding Speeches Examples

Best wedding speeches.

Writing a wedding speech can seem daunting, but with some preparation and guidance, you can deliver a heartfelt and memorable speech that will be cherished by the newlyweds and their guests.

Good evening, everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sarah, and I’m the ___ I’ve known the bride, Emily, since we were little girls, and we’ve been best friends ever since. I remember the first time she told me about Alex, and how excited she was to go on a date with him. From that moment on, I knew he was something special. Seeing them together over the years has been such a joy, and I’m so happy to be here today to celebrate their love. Emily, you are the most kind, caring, and generous person I know. And Alex, you are her perfect match. I’ve never seen her so happy as she is with you. I know you will continue to be each other’s best friend, confidant, and partner in all of life’s adventures. So, let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations!

Groom Wedding Speech

“I would like to thank my parents for all the help they have given me over the years, if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here now. I would also like to thank (my wife’s) parents for making me feel like the son they never wanted, sorry the son they never had, right from day 2. Day 1 was a bit rough, but hey, they’re over it now. I would also like to thank them for having such a beautiful, intelligent, kind, and caring daughter. I hope to do you both proud and thank you both for everything you have done today and to make today happen.”

The groom’s wedding speech starts at the reception. On behalf of himself and his bride, he expresses his gratitude to everyone involved in the wedding preparations. He toasts his parents, bridesmaids, and the groom’s party, and mentions their help and support. His speech is often quite sentimental, as he shares some personal memories. He also mentions how his life has changed since he met his bride.

Wedding Speeches for Parents

When the kids find love, the parents are also happy. So, it rests upon them to give wedding reception speeches in honor of their children. Now, depending on the chosen style, you’ll have to fit in with the wedding theme. Most times, a funny speech is just perfect, because it works for every wedding. Below, we’ll see wedding speech examples for different parents.

Wedding Speeches for Mother of the Groom

“The first time I saw you, it was love. My little baby grew into a wobbly toddler, and then a smart child. The pre-teen and teen years and the next thing I knew, you’ve become a man. I am so proud of you. You’ve made us proud of everything you’ve done. And on your wedding today, we wish you only the best.”

As a mother of the groom, wedding speeches for your son will be an emotional one. You’ll talk about his growing up, the bond you share, and how he was well-raised. You can add one or two romantic quotes  and close. See the wedding speeches sample below.

Wedding Speeches for Mother of the Bride

“It’s no news that we love our kids so much, and seeing them grow up is hard. Everything they do fills you with pride. But you also miss the little girl who cuddles into you. And cried to you when she scraped her knee. Now my daughter is older and I’m grateful and proud that she found love in the groom. May your lives be long, happy, and peaceful together.”

The wedding speeches for mother of the bride isn’t a norm. But today, it’s becoming acceptable especially if the father isn’t involved. Tell your daughter that she’s beautiful and strong. Talk about the good memories in her growing years. And if her father has passed, talk about him with fondness.

Wedding Speeches for Father of the Groom

“My greatest blessing is having a son, one that mirrors me in many ways. But like his dream, he’s grown into his own person. He has taught me as much as I’ve taught him and I’m proud. My son is someone who goes the extra mile for people and I know he’ll make an amazing husband. I wish you every best, as we raise our glass to the groom and his amazing bride.”

Your son getting married excites you because he carries on the torch. Again, he will be looking to you for support and wisdom for marriage. So, good wedding speeches from the father of the groom must contain lots of quotes about marriage . Draw inspiration from talking about your own marriage, the bond you share, and why he’s a great son.

Wedding Speeches for Father of the Bride

“Looking at both of you in your beautiful dress and dapper suit, my wedding day comes to mind. We were quite excited, filled with love, merriment, and of course nervousness. From me to you, I’ll tell you for free that a successful marriage requires falling in love many times. And doing it with the same person always.”

As the father of the bride, you have responsibilities to your baby girl. From walking her down the aisle to the father-daughter dance. Throwing in a great speech is just perfect. Let your love for your baby shine through and talk about her growing up. Remember the groom, give them pieces of advice, and your best wishes. See the wedding speeches template below for some inspiration.

Wedding Speeches for Sister

Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you with immense pride and joy as I celebrate my sister’s union with [Groom’s Name]. As her older sister, I’ve had the privilege of watching her grow into the amazing woman she is today. She has found in [Groom’s Name] the love and support she deserves. Here’s to a lifetime filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Cheers to the newlyweds!

When delivering a wedding speech for your sister, begin by expressing your love and pride for her. Share heartfelt stories that illustrate her special qualities, highlight her relationship with the groom, and offer well-wishes for their future. End your speech by raising a toast to the newlyweds.

Best Man Wedding Speech

Take a look at this great example of a witty speech, presented by the best man.

“There comes a time in everyone’s life when they meet their one true love, their soul mate, the person that’s going to know and love them for the rest of their life. That moment came for the groom…3 years ago when he met me. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, for those of you that don’t know me my name, is Dan, What-would-you-like-to-drink. I hope you’ll come and say hello at the bar later, but please…call me by my full name. On behalf of the bride and groom, I’d like to thank you all for coming. And I want to give special thanks to the parents of the bride and groom… it’s amazing how far some people are willing to travel, just for some free food and drink. And finally, I’d like to thank my best friend (the groom), for giving me the first EVER opportunity…. to be able to speak for five minutes without him interrupting!”

Wedding speeches best man deliver are usually the most humorous of all the others. Thank you’s are also appropriate, especially to the bridesmaids and fellow groomsmen. Some anecdotes about the groom would be also much anticipated. People expect wedding best man speeches to be memorable, funny, with well wishes to the couple . Humor is a must.

100+ Best Wedding Toasts For Different Types Of Guests

100+ Best Wedding Toasts For Different Types Of Guests

Maid of honor speech.

“Before I go any further, I just want to say, Bride, you look absolutely beautiful and Groom, you’ve never looked more handsome. For those of you who don’t know me and for those who can’t tell, I’m Bride’s sister. Thank you Bride for the honor of being your bridesmaid. Obviously, I’ve known Bride all of my life and we know more about each other than we would probably care to. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and laughed until we’ve cried. We’ve also had the odd fight! We also have so many inside jokes that only we find funny.”

There is one thing all wedding speeches maid of honor makes have in common: they boost the bride. Like any other wedding speech, the maid of honor’s speech can be witty and humorous, but the most important feature of this category is love and sentimentality. Add a couple of memorable stories you have of the newlyweds. Don’t forget well wishes!

Wedding Speeches for Best Friends

“I’m here to talk about two very special people, John and Eve. I’ve been friends with Eve since kindergarten. On our first day at school, we met and formed a friendship that has lived two decades and some. We got into trouble a lot and got grounded many times by the parents. My bestie is free-spirited and has a strong will to date. James, I hope you’re prepared for marriage with a woman who is full of life and spirit. With her, you’ll never live the same day twice. I wish you heaven’s best all your life. A toast…”

Wedding Welcoming Speeches

“Welcome to the celebration of James and Eve’s wedding. A tale of love that promises to last forever. Today promises to be one of beauty, friendships formed, and bonds lasting forever. For you all who have come from far and near to celebrate, we hope you take joy home with you. The happiness of marriage is the highest happiness on earth. And this is what we’ve witnessed today. Sit back, relax, have the time of your lives, and thank you for choosing to share in our joy.

Funny Wedding Speeches

Good evening everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m the groom’s brother. I’d like to start by saying that I’m delighted to see so many people here tonight, and I hope you’re all enjoying the celebrations as much as we are. Now, it’s not often that you get to make a speech at your brother’s wedding, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to share a few stories about him. Growing up, my brother was always the smart one. He was top of his class and excelled at everything he did. And then he met his beautiful bride-to-be, and everything changed. Suddenly he became clumsy, forgetful, and absent-minded. I guess you could say that love really does make you do crazy things. But in all seriousness, I couldn’t be happier for the two of them. They truly are a perfect match, and I have no doubt that they will have a long and happy life together. So let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds – may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and lots of adventures!

Writing a funny wedding speech can entertain guests and create lasting memories. Keep it appropriate, short, know your audience, and practice for a smooth delivery.

Short Wedding Speech Ideas

“Groom, thank you for being an anchor, a friend, and brother. And I can’t be more proud that you married an amazing bride. Man! You’ve won a lottery! We celebrate both of you tonight, and all of the good things you are. You care for everyone and I’m sure you’ll care for her. We wish you success, laughter, and love. May your humor in bad times and appreciation in good times never leave you. May you get answers to prayers. May the friendship you share keep growing till death parts you. Cheers to you!”

Whether you’re giving wedding speeches for the bride, best man, or brother; the shorter the better. This will help make sure you don’t bore the audience. 11 /14

Wedding Thank You Speeches

“We (couple) worked really hard to make this day perfect. But we remembered that being bound to the one you love in the presence of your loved ones — is what makes the day perfect. I’m overjoyed that we had beautiful weather. The food and drinks were great and everyone is happy. Thank you all, especially my beloved, because today I’m bound to him to start a beautiful journey together. And after all my fears and jitters, today turned out to be much more memorable than we planned. Thank you.”

Wedding thank you speeches give you the opportunity to thank your guests. You will also extend your appreciation to everyone who made your day possible. If you intend to mention names, have a list, so that you don’t leave anyone out. This speech can come from the bride or groom. But it’s always better to skip the names. Also, infuse some humor. 12 /14

Wedding Officiant Speeches

“Shall we all sit? Today, we gather to witness and celebrate the matrimony of Eve and James. What they have is an existing bond, and we’ve come together to strengthen it. As family and friends, it’s our honor to witness today. Marriage is a lifetime commitment where two people work tirelessly to bring out the best in each other. You get an opportunity to share your joys, success, failures, and burdens with an ally for life. You get an opportunity to share and grow. One relationship which no other can equal. You are in for a physical and emotional binding that has the promise of a lifetime.”

Great wedding officiant speeches must be short, sweet, and have the perfect length to keep guests dialed in. The officiant should leverage the relationship and how much they know the couple. You must also tailor your speech in line with the wedding style. 13 /14

Wedding Anniversary Speeches

“Anniversaries are beautiful recollections of the past years and reflections for the years to come. The years past were happy and successful ones in many ways. They’re shrouded in a kaleidoscope of great relationships, supportive families, and happy memories. I’m not saying it’s smooth, but with your support, the journey became easier. We can only be grateful, even as we look forward to better years. As we celebrate our 50th year, I want to thank you for walking with us. It’s not a question of where you, it’s who goes with you. Thank you, everyone.”

A wedding anniversary speech must be heartfelt, sweet, and short. Whoever is giving the speech must know that it’s a time to reminisce and give good wishes. So, you’ll talk about the marriage, throw in some humor and bless the couple. If it’s the couple giving the speech, some advice will go a long way. 14 /14

Wedding Quotes for Speeches

“I’ve seen nothing more satisfying than two people coming together to become one. They share in each other’s pleasure, and bear each other’s pain. They crush their enemies together and make home with their friends.” “The pain and weight of life vanish from our lives by one word. It sets us free and we live again. It’s called LOVE.” “If you want to keep your marriage cup filled and running over, always admit your wrongs. And, if you’re right, be kind to shut up.”

Wedding Speeches Tips

wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

Ready to seize the mic, command the room, and leave everyone applauding your wedding speech? Not quite yet? Amanda Layton, a Professional Wedding Speech Writer, shared top 5 tips to help you craft and deliver an epic wedding speech. With a little bit of guidance, you’ll be delivering an unforgettable wedding toast template that captures hearts and makes memories for years to come!

  • Keep it Short and Sweet First things first–when it comes to wedding speeches less is more. Did you know that a 5-minute speech is approximately 700 words? It’s important to keep your speech concise and to the point, ensuring that every word is impactful and resonates with the audience.
  • Skip the Roasts Steer clear of roasting the couple. It might sound funny in your head, but trust me, some things are better left unsaid. Avoid cringeworthy moments by focusing on heartwarming and positive anecdotes that celebrate the couple’s journey and love.
  • Harness the Power of Storytelling Capture everyone’s attention by using storytelling to highlight either the bride or groom’s wonderful qualities. Is she loyal, adventurous, generous, or kind-hearted? Is he optimistic, resilient, hilarious, etc? Share a touching story that really showcases one of these character traits, allowing everyone to get a deeper insight into how amazing this person truly is.
  • Celebrate the Path to Becoming a Husband or Wife Remember that this is a wedding celebration and your wedding speech is a great opportunity to encourage the bride in her new role as a wife or the groom in his new role as a husband. Share your heartfelt wishes and why you believe they will make an amazing partner in this new chapter of their life.
  • Practice Makes Perfect Confidence is key! Practice your speech a few times to build up your self-assurance. Remember to speak slowly when practicing because you are more likely to speed up in front of a crowd. Think of the areas you might tear up at and remember to pause and take a second to breathe. You don’t have to rush through the toast. Everyone wants to hear what you clearly have to say. Here’s the thing, the audience wants you to succeed, so embrace those nerves and let them fuel your confident delivery! You’ve got this, my friend! With these tips and a little bit of preparation, your speech is bound to be a show-stopper that leaves everyone applauding and reaching for the tissues! Crafting a memorable wedding speech is an art form, and your words have the power to touch hearts and create lasting memories.

Wedding Speeches Order

The order of wedding speeches can vary depending on cultural traditions and personal preferences. However, a common order for wedding speeches is as follows:

  • Father of the Bride: Welcomes guests, and expresses love and pride for his daughter.
  • Groom: Thanks guests, expresses gratitude to both families, and shares love for the bride.
  • Best Man: Shares humorous anecdotes about the groom, and proposes a toast.
  • Maid/Matron of Honor: Expresses friendship and admiration for the bride, offers wisdom, and proposes a toast.
  • Additional speeches: Other family members or friends may give shorter speeches or toasts as desired. Note: The order and inclusion of speeches can be customized to the couple’s preferences. Communication with the wedding party beforehand is essential for a smooth flow of the reception.

Wedding Speeches Template

Learning how to write a wedding speech involves creating a heartfelt and memorable outline.


  • Greet the guests and introduce yourself.
  • Express your gratitude for being chosen to speak at the wedding.

Personal Connection:

  • Share a personal story or memory about the couple.
  • Talk about your relationship with either the bride or groom (or both) and how you’ve seen their love grow.

Compliments and Qualities:

  • Compliment the couple individually and as a pair.
  • Highlight their qualities and what makes them a great match.

Anecdotes and Humor:

  • Share light-hearted and funny anecdotes about the couple.
  • Keep the humor appropriate and avoid embarrassing stories.

Words of Wisdom:

  • Offer advice or lessons on love, marriage, or relationships.
  • Use heartfelt and meaningful quotes or poems if desired.
  • Raise a toast to the couple’s happiness and future together.
  • Invite guests to join in raising their glasses and toasting.
  • Express well wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds.
  • End with a final heartfelt message or a toast to love.

Remember to personalize the speech to your relationship with the couple and make it heartfelt and authentic. Practice it beforehand to ensure a smooth delivery and consider keeping the speech around 3-5 minutes in length.

Things You’d Better Exclude From Any Wedding Speech

At the same time, there are things great wedding speeches avoid.

  • Do not include any embarrassing information.
  • Do not mention previous boyfriends or girlfriends of the newlyweds.
  • Do not say rude things like ‘We thought that day would never come’.
  • Do not include any crude language, there are all sorts of guests around, and what is totally appropriate in a group of friends is inappropriate at the celebration.
  • Adding humor, don’t make fun of the bride or groom. This is your best friend’s wedding, do not spoil it! If in doubt – use examples above, but by no means copy them. It is only a piece of speech to boost your imagination.

Wedding Speeches can be tricky to write, but we hope that now you have everything you need to deliver a perfect speech. A couple of jokes, a sentimental story, and letting your love for the couple shine is all it takes.

What Not to Say in a Wedding Speech

  • Embarrassing Stories : Steer clear of tales that could embarrass the couple.
  • Negative Remarks : Refrain from negative comments or jokes.
  • Excessive Inside Jokes : Ensure your speech is inclusive for all guests.
  • Lengthy Monologues : Keep it concise and engaging.
  • Controversial Topics : Avoid sensitive or controversial subjects.
  • Overuse of Clichés : Aim for originality over clichés.
  • Inappropriate Humor : Be mindful of cultural or personal sensitivities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you say in a wedding speech.

  • Express your love and support for the couple.
  • Share personal anecdotes or stories about them.
  • Offer well-wishes for their future together.

How long should a wedding speech be?

What is an example of a short marriage speech.

To [Couple’s Name], may your love be as endless as the horizon, your laughter as infectious as a melody, and your journey together full of joy. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness. Cheers!

Save This Helpful Information And You Will Know What & When Say!


wedding speeches tips for a good wedding speech infographics

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How To Write A Wedding Toast: Examples, Tips, And Advice.

Table of Contents:

Samples, suggestions, and guidance on how to write a wedding toast. [Expert Opinion]

What is the most important thing to remember when giving a wedding toast?

The most important part of the speech is letting the bride or groom know how much they mean to you, and how happy you are to see them find the person they want to spend their life with . Give an overview of the relationship you have with that person and let them know how much they’ve influenced your life.


What are their most memorable moments? When have they truly been there for you? Like, when can we tell that’s going to honor them? So that’s something you definitely want to do with your toast. Second, you want to keep it at around five minutes in length. You don’t want any points.

Yes, everyone loves that rule, and I wish everyone would follow it right i’ve been to weddings where you know it’s 15 to 20 minutes for somebody’s toast and you’ve lost your audience after maybe seven minutes at the most so you want to keep them short and sweet we’re talking just one great story to tell and that’s really it so those are my two big do’s and I think three would be preparation and rehearsal What are your most memorable moments? When were they there for you? What are some funny stories that you have about them? not jokes or anything embarrassing but something that could be a truly funny story to actually tell in the toast so they they send in the questionnaire and then we get on the phone and we talk through the answers and we go in depth into them this allows me to hear what they’re talking about their their voice their point of view um everything that they want to say from all those ideas i take them and i whittle them down into about a five to seven minute wedding toast just depending on how much we have and i will apply like a structure and an outline to it that we talked about earlier so i can go into that a little bit right now yeah where you start off by introducing yourself telling people how you’re related to the member of the couple that you’re toasting because half the co half the group that’s there probably isn’t going to know who you are so you want that really just quick opening then usually it’s just one really good story that you want to tell and you simply say look i’m here to give i hear i’m here to tell one story and here it is after that story you give a heartfelt message to one member of the couple heartfelt message to the other member of the couple and then you end with a cheers just a one to two line quotation it could be us from a song a movie a book and you just end with raise your glass end with that quote and then just say cheers afterwards and you’ve got the structure of your speech down okay awesome so with you you actually write these for people to perform that’s correct oh that is so cool there’s there’s like your little nugget right there folks don’t be stressed out on uh if you’re a groomsman bridesmaid or i mean even the couple i’m sure could use some speech writing or toast writing parents everybody actually that’s that real that right there is like so relieving to hear that somebody can actually help you with this if you’re like one of those folks that don’t want to do it you’re really nervous there’s people out there like eddie there are we’re a small group but there are freelance speech writers that exist it’s a pretty lucrative freelance business so if you want to get into it i can give you tips for that or if you just need the speech yourself i can help you and i’ve got referrals as well across an entire network of writers that do this it’s just kind of an unknown niche That is so cool okay let’s talk about kind of the practice and rehearse because you say that’s something that people often get it like you might even happen to people who actually have you write their speeches like okay great i got the speech and then they don’t even rehearse or practice it let’s talk about that a little bit how much time and well how much time in advance do you recommend writing a speech and kind of giving yourself to practice i Wow, that’s for five minutes.

Funny wedding toast examples

What is a simple wedding toast example?

“To the bride and groom, may I wish you health, may I wish you happiness, may I wish you wealth – and everything else you could wish for.” “May your love always be added. May it never be subtracted. May your household multiply and may your hearts never be divided!”


I mean, obviously, if you’re a professional or seasoned speaker, you can probably shorten it a little bit, but I try to give people as much time and as much leeway as possible because stuff comes up. I just don’t want you trying to cram it in at the last minute thinking that you can do it a week ahead of time you might be able to um it’s just going to be a lot more difficult and a little more stressful than you want it to be of course and it’s not like you’re rehearsing this for eight hours a day for a month it’s probably no it’s five minutes here five minutes there when you’re in the shower when you’ yeah that is so cool and it doesn’t sound like you recommend doing jokes and no roasts yeah it’s just so difficult to pull off like I wish I could recognize i think you have a humorous personality you can probably do it but too often people just find jokes on the internet and try to retell those either we’ve heard them before or they’re just not very good and they just don’t land so i would much rather have someone tell a heartfelt story that Finally hitting submit on a lot of these websites, so by April 18th it should be available in multiple outlets for purchase in print and ebook form, and eventually audio form as well.

Awesome wedding toasts

What are 3 famous examples of speeches you can find?

You’re sure to find at least a few speeches in this list which will capture you with the sheer power of their words and meaning! I have a dream by MLK. … Tilbury Speech by Queen Elizabeth I. … Woodrow Wilson, address to Congress (April 2, 1917) … Ain’t I A Woman by Sojourner Truth. … The Gettsyburg Address by Abraham Lincoln.


You’re 100 percent right. It walks you through the entire speech writing process as if you were one of my clients, so I thought to myself, what if I could distill what I’ve done with other people into a book, and that’s what I did, I wrote it down, and then the second half of the book is actual speeches that people have given, so it’s wedding toast promotion speeches award speeches, and you can look those up and read them for your own pleasure but also to get ideas and inspiration about how I believe that five minutes is the ideal length for any toast and that it will help keep things moving no one has ever complained that a speech was too short that’s a perfect way to say it so cool and then actually if somebody was interested in having you know hiring you directly where can we find out more about you uh rice speechwriting cool okay and then do you have Instagram or any other place that we can find you? I’ve got linkedin, and I post there, not regularly, but often enough that you can get speech tips from me. If you go to my website, you can sign up for my newsletter, and that’s where you’re going to get most of the great information.

Example of a toast speech

What is a good wedding toast?

“A toast: may all sweethearts become married couples, and may all married couples remain sweethearts .” “May you live as long as you like, and have all you like for as long as you live.” “The man or woman you really love will never grow old to you. the warm heart union of your eternal love.”

Well, thank you so much for being on the show and sharing all these awesome tips. Is there anything else you’d like to share with us before we get off? “I would just say just remember to honor the person and honor the event at the event with your speech. If you can do those two things, you’re going to have a memorable toast. This was wonderful.

How To Write A Wedding Toast: Examples, Tips, And Advice.

Frequent Questions – 💬

❓ what is the advice for giving a toast.

There's a simple formula to a good toast: Introduce yourself, tell a story, connect that story to the event and wrap it up (time to hit the dance floor!) The biggest challenge is choosing the right story for the occasion and audience.

❓ How do you start a wedding toast speech?

❓ what are some examples of a toast speech, ❓ how do you write a good wedding speech.

  • Start planning early. ...
  • Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom. ...
  • Thank hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple. ...
  • Make it personal. ...
  • Think of 3 traits with 3 stories. ...
  • Talk about the couple. ...
  • Have a beginning, middle, and end. ...
  • Consider your audience.

How to Write a Wedding Toast: Examples, Tips, and Advice.

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Wedding Toast Examples for a Speech They'll Remember

Don't worry about crafting the perfect wedding speech. We've got your covered with some perfect examples for every situation.

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Don't stress if you're not sure what to say in a wedding toast. A few great wedding toast examples can inspire you to finally tackle writing yours. A wedding toast is nothing more than a short speech, and you can easily modify examples of wedding toasts to reflect your feelings and the personality of the couple.

Whether you're the best man, maid of honor, parents of the bridal couple, bride, or groom, getting up to speak at a wedding can be a bit of a stress bomb. The key here is preparation. Get inspired with the perfect wedding toast examples for your situation, spend a little time practicing in front of the mirror, and then get up there and wish the couple well. You've got this.

Start Off With a Short Wedding Toast or One-Liner

Knowing how to start a wedding toast can be a little tricky. After you introduce yourself, it's not always easy to transition into giving the toast. That's where a one-liner can come in handy and help you set the tone. Try one of these examples:

  • Tonight, we get to eat cake! But first, I have a few things to say about two very special people.
  • Hi everyone! There are a few thing Jessica asked me never to bring up in public, so I thought I'd start with those.
  • I'm here to talk to you for the next 45 minutes. No, actually, I'm going to keep this short.
  • I'm beyond honored to be here sharing this important moment, and I just have a few things I want to say.
  • What a lucky thing it is to meet your soulmate. I'm so happy for these two!
  • Join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. To a lifetime of shared experiences and love!
  • 48 Marriage Proposal Speech Examples They'll Remember Forever
  • Maid of Honor Speech Examples for the Sister of the Bride
  • 15 Powerful Attention Getters for Any Type of Speech

Use wedding day toast examples to begin writing your own toast. No matter what your role in the wedding is, use a short toast to jumpstart your own ideas. Adding personalized names and details easily helps you turn a sample toast into a customized wedding toast speech worthy of any bridal party member from the best man, to the maid of honor, to parents.

Best Man Wedding Toast Examples

If you're the best man, you have to do a lot more than stand there looking suave in your tux. You also need to give a toast at the wedding reception. This doesn't have to be long or super involved, but it should be nice (bonus points if it's funny too). Examples can help you give the perfect best man toast . Substitute names and details for the italicized text.

  • Free Short Best Man Speeches

Wedding Toast About Shared Memories

Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we are all here to honor Name and Name . As the groom's best friend/brother/cousin , I feel honored to be standing next to him on such an important day in his life. We have gone through so much together in life, and I cannot imagine being anywhere but here on this special occasion.

Discuss one to two memories for a few minutes.

Groom , you have such a love of life, and I am so happy that you have found a wife to share that love with for the rest of your days.

Talk about specific traits of the groom and the bride.

Tonight, we celebrate the union of our two wonderful friends, Name and Name . Let us raise a glass in high hopes of happiness for many years to come!

After applause, introduce the maid of honor for her speech.

Best Man Toast Example With Funny Story

Good evening. I just want to say that this has been a wonderful day! I'm so happy to be a part of such a joyous celebration of the love that Name and Name have for each other. I have to admit, I never thought I'd see Name happier than the year his football team won the Super Bowl (or insert other instance of sports team win), but Name , you have made him the happiest I've ever seen him. As Groom Name 's brother/friend/cousin , I am so grateful that he found you.

Insert a humorous story about your relationship with the groom and finish with a heartfelt wish for the couple.

Bride and Groom , I wish you the best life has to offer, and I know the two of you will continue to love and support each other. Join me in raising your glasses in a toast to Name and Name , may you forever be as happy as you are tonight.

You can't go wrong by telling a hilarious but kind anecdote about the groom if you want to give a funny wedding toast. Think about a time you got into an embarrassing situation together or managed to get out of trouble.

  • Funny Wedding Toasts

Best Man Wedding Toast Quotes

Including a quote can help you sum up your best man wedding speech or start your toast:

  • "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." - Maya Angelou
  • "Grow old with me. The best is yet to be, the last of life for which the first was made." - Robert Browning
  • "Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." - Khalil Gibran
  • "May she share everything with her husband, including the housework." - Unknown Proverb

Maid of Honor Wedding Toast Examples

Find the perfect words to honor your girl with these sample maid of honor speeches . You don't have to say a lot, but it's really nice if you make it special. Make your maid of honor or matron of honor toast personal by adding details and names where there's italicized text.

Maid of Honor Sample Toast About Good Qualities

Thank you, Best Man . As Best Man said, we have gathered to honor the wedding of Bride and Spouse . Bride has been such a wonderful friend/sister to me throughout the years, that I cannot in good conscience let her marry anyone who does not deserve her - and Spouse , you more than deserve Bride .

Include specific reasons why you are happy about the wedding, such as personality traits or a certain incident from their relationship.

These two people have committed themselves to one another today, and I know I consider myself a lucky person to be honored by being included in their wedding day. This is truly an occasion to celebrate, so let's raise our glasses and toast to a life full of love. Congratulations, Bride and Spouse !

Maid of Honor Welcome for New Spouse

Thank you, Best Man . Bride , we grew up together and I've never been happier for you than I am tonight. As your sister/ best friend/cousin I know how much you love Spouse . And Spouse , I've watched how you dote on Bride and truly care for her. I'm thrilled to welcome you into our family/our circle of friends and wish both of you the very best that life has to offer.

I have to share a short story about Bride . Insert a short story about you and the bride. You can tell a humorous one or you can share a deep emotional sentiment you want to share with everyone that reflects your relationship. Once finished, conclude your toast.

Please join me in toasting the best couple I've ever known, Bride and Spouse ! Heartfelt wishes for a happy and abundant life together!

  • Maid of Honor Toasts: Tips & Examples to Inspire

Example Wedding Speeches From the Couple's Parents

Toasting gives the parents of the couple a chance to offer an official welcome and share their joy at this happy occasion with family and friends. You can personalize these wedding toast examples by replacing italicized text with specific names and memories.

Watching Them Grow

Today, I am honored to count Name as a member of my family. I have watched Name grow from a small baby to making his/her/their way into the world.

Talk about a couple of memories from childhood.

Of course, I realized that Name was no longer a child when she/he/they met the person seated next to him/her/them at the table. Name came into my son/daughter/child's life and has not only loved my child as I did but helped him/her/them become the person she/he/they are today.

Incorporate a few specific traits of the couple's relationship that stand out.

Your love is obvious to anyone who looks at you. We all have faith renewed in love as we gazed upon you two tonight. Your mother and I/We love you both forever. Congratulations!

Always Be My Little Girl

Letting your daughter grow up is the hardest thing a father can do. Bride , you will always be my little girl, but you've grown into such a beautiful and accomplished woman. When you first introduced me to Spouse , I was immediately relieved because I could tell he/she/they truly love you. All my worries about you growing up and leaving home vanished when I first shook hands with you, Spouse . I know you will cherish, love, and honor my little girl the way she deserves. Welcome to the family, Spouse . I wish you, Bride and Spouse, all the happiness a father wants for his daughter and her partner. I love you both!

  • Father of the Bride: All About the Role

Lifetime of Love

When Groom told me that he'd found the love of his life, I was overjoyed for him. And, when I met Spouse , I could see that Groom was the love of her/his/their life too. My joy doubled beyond anything I expected. Today was a magical day and your mom/your dad and I are so happy we could share your special day with you and everyone here. You know what's in our hearts and how much we love you both. May you have a lifetime of the same kind of joy and love that your mother and I/father and I have . We love you!

Wedding Couple Toast to Guests Examples

After everyone else has finished giving their wedding toast, the couple may stand and say a few words. This is usually a much shorter toast than those made by the wedding party and should include heartfelt thanks to the wedding party, parents, and guests who helped them in their lives and with the wedding itself. This is a quick and easy wedding speech to make.

Thank You to Everyone Who Has Helped Us

Today, we are honored to stand before all of you and pledge our love to one another. Our lives have only been enhanced by the love brought into it by all of you. We especially want to thank our parents for everything they have done.

Wedding couple each takes the microphone and separately thank parents.

We also want to thank everyone who has helped us on our journey together.

List anyone who has made the day possible, such as clergy members, special relatives, or friends.

Finally, we want to thank everyone who has joined us today. We know some of you traveled long distances to be here, and we thank you all for your sacrifice to celebrate with us. You all are truly special to us, and we would not be here without everyone in this room.

Thank you all for your love and generosity. We love you all. Cheers!

Thank You for Supporting Our Dreams

First of all, we want to thank all of you for coming here tonight and sharing in our happiness. It means the world to both of us that each one of you is here. We want to first thank our parents. We would not be the people we are today without our parents' love and guidance.

Insert individual thank you to parents by taking turns. Keep this part short but sincere.

Now, we'd both like to thank everyone who has helped us over the years and supported our dreams. It was so important to us that we share our joy with you on this special day. Thank you for choosing to celebrate with us.

Insert an individual thank you to people important in your lives. You should keep it short and simple, and then end with a toast to your guests.

To all of you, thank you! We love you all!

Groom to the Groomsmen Toast

To my best man and groomsmen, thank you for being here today. I couldn't have made it to the wedding on time without all of you. You are my best buds, and sharing our happiness with you today made our wedding more complete. Each of you has a special place in my heart and Spouse's heart. We look forward to having a lots of barbecues and making more memories together with you as we continue to share our lives.

Bride to the Bridesmaids Toast

To my maid of honor/matron of honor and bridesmaids, each of you knows my heart and what your friendship means to me. Without you, I would never have gotten my hair and makeup done in time today. You are my best friends. You will never know how it made Spouse and me feel having you here today to share in what is the biggest day in our lives. We are both blessed to have each of you in our lives. We are so excited to be starting our lives together with such amazing women on our side. Thank you so much, and I love each of you dearly!

If you're nervous about giving a wedding toast, try to keep it short and memorize what you're going to say. This will help keep some of the stress at bay.

Wedding Toasts for Each Other

Toast your new spouse with a few well-chosen words. These toast examples can help you get inspired.

Toast to the Bride

Bride , the first time I saw you, I was thunderstruck. I knew I had to get to know you, and the more we were together, the more I was overwhelmed by your personality and intellect. I couldn't believe we liked the same things, or that you were not only beautiful on the outside, but gorgeous on the inside. I'm so lucky that you love me, and I promise I will cherish you every second we have together. I love you.

Toast to the Groom

Groom , when I first met you, I was so impressed. You are handsome, smart, and funny, but most of all you are the kindest person I've ever known. You have spoiled me with your thoughtfulness and tender caring for my well-being. I never have to worry about whether you're going to be supportive about anything I choose to undertake because you give me unconditional love and support. I am so blessed to be married to you, and I shall make it my mission every day to show you just how much I love and appreciate you. I love you!

Customize a Wedding Reception Toast

Customizing a sample toast for a wedding is a great way to spark additional thoughts, some touching and some humorous, that will truly personalize the toast you plan to give at the wedding. Write down a few thoughts, practice giving the speech, and it is sure to go off without a hitch.

How To Write A Wedding Toast: Tips And Examples

  • Share Connections
  • Organize Your Thoughts
  • Be Detailed
  • Talk About Before And After
  • Stick The Landing
  • Be Sentimental
  • Careful With Jokes
  • Write It Down
  • Keep It Short

Summertime isn’t just about s’mores, fireworks, and trips to the beach. It’s also wedding season. Summer is one of the most popular times of the year for happy couples to say their “I dos.” In fact, about 65% of all couples get married during the summer and fall. If you factor in all the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and parents of the couples at these many weddings, that’s a lot of people who have a speech to write!

Writing a wedding speech can feel daunting. It’s a really important occasion, and there is so much pressure to strike the exact right tone. Your speech will likely be immortalized on videos and social media. But, before you let the pressure get to you, take a deep breath. We’re here to help with 11 simple tips to write a wedding speech that will have every guest laughing, crying, and celebrating your favorite couple right along with you.

1. Share your connection to the couple.

When you first rise to give your speech, you’ll be in front of a mixed audience of people who know you well and people who don’t. For that reason, it’s a good idea to start the speech by introducing yourself. Briefly share how you know the couple and how excited you are to have the chance to speak at their wedding. To break the ice, you might even start with a joke or funny anecdote.

Example: It’s an honor to be here tonight as the best man. As many of you know, I’m Greg’s older brother.

Example: Thank you so much for being here to celebrate with us tonight. When Luisa came up to me at Target and asked me to be her maid of honor, I was so touched she’d take a chance on a stranger like that. I’m just kidding! I’ve known this amazing woman for 15 years.

2. Write a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Speeches are an important and memorable part of a wedding, so don’t wing it. Take some time before the big day to write out what you plan to say and organize your thoughts into parts. Having a clear beginning, middle, and end can give your speech a natural arc that makes it more pleasant to listen to and prevents rambling. The parts of your speech may include:

  • Beginning: Introduction and story of how you know the couple.
  • Middle: Fond memories of the couple’s meeting, courtship, and love story.
  • Ending: Talk about all they have to look forward to and wish them future happiness.

3. Be detailed.

If you’ve been asked to speak at a wedding, it’s likely because you’re a treasured loved one. You know the couple well, and you can use that to your advantage. Include plenty of details in your speech about what makes each member of the couple unique and meaningful memories from your relationship with them. The more special details you include, the more intimate and heartfelt your speech will seem.

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4. Talk about before and after.

If you’ve known one or both partners for many years before their wedding day, you have a great lens for sharing how wonderful things have been since they met their significant other. Talk about how finding love has changed them for the better and all the ways you’ve noticed the increase in their happiness. You can even share how much you hoped they’d meet the right person for them, and how thrilled you are now that they have.

5. Stick the landing.

The ending of your speech should leave a lasting impression, so finish strong. Drive the speech toward a single point or observation that really drives home why the couple is so great together and why it’s such a joy to share in this moment. Then, encourage the audience to join you in a toast or congratulations. Here are some examples:

Example: Greg has inspired me since we were kids, and now I find myself inspired once again by the love you both share. Congratulations, Greg and Sarah!

Example: I’m so excited that my best friend Claudia has found the very best person to be her wife. Let’s toast to a lifetime of love and happiness for these amazing brides.

6. Make it your own.

Use your unique sense of humor, style, and talents to make your speech stand out. If you’re an excellent musician, maybe you want to serenade the couple with a short love song instead. If you’re a talented comedian, pepper your speech with jokes. If you’re an awesome storyteller, experiment with structure or even write your speech in the style of a short story about the couple’s meeting. Your speech is your chance to celebrate the couple, and adding your personal flair can help make that celebration even more meaningful.

7. Don’t be afraid to get sentimental.

Weddings are all about sharing the love, so don’t be afraid to be mushy. This is one of those rare opportunities to dwell on what two people really mean to you and why they are so important in your life. Talk openly about how much the bride or groom has impacted your life and how genuinely happy you are to see them find love with the perfect person for them. To make it extra sweet, you might even include:

  • Song lyrics.
  • A story from your youth.
  • Special nicknames you share.

8. Cut the inappropriate jokes and stories.

Yes, that time the bride threw up at a pool party in college was hilarious, but would you really want someone to share that story about you in front of dozens of your family and friends? A wedding speech can be light-hearted, but it should never be humiliating or mean-spirited. The speech needs to appeal to a broad audience and celebrate the couple without embarrassing them. This isn’t the time for overly specific inside jokes, stories that are way too personal, or to “roast” anyone.

Funny ? Smart ? Talented ? Replace these overused words with much more colorful and vibrant alternatives to describe the beloved people in your life.

9. Write it down.

Even if you don’t plan to read your speech from a piece of paper, you should still write it down. This will help you get your ideas in order and start to memorize what you’d like to say. On the day of the wedding, don’t be afraid to bring note cards or a digital note on your phone with some reminders about the key points you need to hit. It’s an important moment and you might be nervous, so having these cues available will ensure you get through it with ease.

10. Keep it short and sweet.

Once you have your speech drafted, time yourself reading it to make sure it goes no longer than 3-5 minutes. Weddings typically have several speakers, and the speeches often come while people are waiting for food or drinks to start being served. It’s important for speakers to be aware of this and not make guests sit through anything long-winded. Short, simple, and to the point works here!

11. Practice, practice, practice.

Rehearse your speech several times before the wedding. Reading it out loud will help you catch issues with flow or wording. Reading it out loud to someone else may be especially helpful. When you have an audience, even if it’s just one other person, they can tell you if they’re connecting to what you’ve said, how your jokes land, and if you have the timing down. The more comfortable you are with your speech, the more likely the big day will go perfectly.

"Love" is only one word for this emotion. Discover the many words the Ancient Greeks had for love in its different forms.

wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

Ways To Say

Synonym of the day

wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

How to Write a Good Wedding Toast (with examples)

wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

Being asked to give a speech as the best man or maid of honor can be extremely nerve-wracking. If you’re wondering how to write a good wedding toast, here are some great tips and examples that you might find helpful.

Whatever you do, don’t sweat it too much. Your best friend wouldn’t have asked you to stand by him/her on their big day if they didn’t trust you. Whatever you come up with will be great, just trust yourself and breathe.

Keep Your Wedding Toast Simple

When making speeches, the simpler the better. Instead of searching for free wedding speeches off the internet, sharing fun and thoughtful memories keep your speech fun and engaging.

When you’re asked to give a wedding toast, here are the basic things you talk about:

tell the guests about you met the bride or groom (keep it light and funny or sweet and personal)

share your perspective of how the bride and groom met and how they meant for each other

wish the newlyweds happiness for the rest of their lives

You don’t need a cookie-cutter, boring speech. All you need is memories and your genuine care for the new couple.

You likely still have butterflies in your stomach about giving the wedding toast. Here are some great tips that will help:

Don’t Give Unwanted Advice

You likely know the couple pretty well if they asked you to be the best man or maid of honor. You know what the couple may or may not want when it comes to advice.

Long borning speeches can happen if you spend a bunch of time giving marriage advice that the couple didn’t ask for. Instead, most couples appreciate the nostalgia of a few well chosen memories.

Find a funny or a touching memory you have of the couple and share it with the room, plus a few well wishes and you’re done.

Make Your Taost Short But Effective

Many of us know that a long speech is very boring; you don’t want to dull the night with talks of your childhood as friends.

No need for a biography, leave it at one or two of your favorite memories to make a short but sweet wedding toast.

Write or Share a Poem

Poems might seem like the choice for sissies, but it depends on the person’s point of view along with the couple. However, a wedding is a very emotional moment and it’s sure that most people won’t mind a sentimental moment and maybe a few tears.

Don’t Forget to Introduce Yourself

Don’t make the wedding toast all about you, but also don’t forget to introduce yourself so people know the connection you have with the bride or groom. You can simply say something like, “Maggie has been my best friend since high school and I’ve never seen her fall so deeply in love until she met Andrew”.

When talking about the newlyweds, making yourself a credible witness is key. You want people to enjoy your speech even if they don’t know who the heck you are!

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Hi, I’m Kristin. While I haven’t found my Prince Charming yet, I’ve been dreaming of getting married for a long long time. I started this site as a place to record all the things I’ve found and researched in preparation for my own wedding someday. I can’t wait to share it all with you!

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

60 Wedding Toast Quotes for Every Speech

Raise a glass and write these down.

Cristina Montemayor is a freelance writer and makeup artist whose work has appeared on HelloGiggles, Slate, Elite Daily, and Bustle.

wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

Photo by David Bastianoni

In This Article

Wedding day jitters  aren’t just for the couple. If you’ve been asked to give a  wedding toast , you may feel just as nervous on the big day as the couple getting married in anticipation of your speech. Public speaking is a nerve-wracking experience on its own, but when someone you’re extremely close to asks you to give a speech on what’s supposed to be the best day of their lives, the pressure is most certainly on. 

Unless you’re a standup comedian or an exceptionally gifted writer,  writing a wedding toast  can feel like a truly daunting task. If you can’t find the words to adequately express the emotions you felt watching these newlyweds get together, tie the knot, and eventually plan a future together, don’t sweat it—just borrow someone else’s. 

Incorporating famous  wedding toast quotes and sayings into your speech is a great trick to get the audience to laugh or tug at their heartstrings, which are both qualities of a memorable toast. Sure, you’ll also want to include a few personal anecdotes, but don’t feel the need to overdo it: The best wedding toasts are short, sweet, and make everyone in the room believe in true love.

If you’re not sure where to start with writing a wedding toast , we’re here to help. Get inspired with these 60 memorable wedding quotes for every speech. 

Classic Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "There is only one happiness in life: To love and be loved." — George Sand
  • "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." — Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • "The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time." — Julia Child
  • "Where there is love there is life." — Mahatma Gandhi
  • "The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now." — Rick Warren
  • "A  happy marriage  is a long conversation which always seems too short." — Andre Maurois
  • "There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage." — Martin Luther
  • "Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." — Oscar Wilde
  • "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." — Audrey Hepburn
  • "When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." — The Alchemist
  • "You don't marry the person you can live with—you marry the person you can't live without." — Unknown
  • "May this marriage be full of laughter, our every day in paradise." — Rumi

Funny Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." — Rita Rudner
  • "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards." — Benjamin Franklin
  • "Marry a man your own age; as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight." — Phyllis Diller
  • "May she share everything with her husband, including the housework." — Unknown Proverb
  • "The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgets that she took him." — Oscar Wilde
  • "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?" — Groucho Marx
  • "By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." — Socrates
  • "Getting married is like trading the adoration of many for the sarcasm of one." — Mae West
  • "Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed." — Albert Einstein
  • "My husband and I have never considered divorce ... murder sometimes, but never divorce." — Dr. Joyce Brothers
  • "Being a good husband is like being a stand-up comic. You need 10 years before you can call yourself a beginner." — Jerry Seinfeld
  • "Marriages are made in heaven. But so again, are thunder and lightning." — Clint Eastwood

Romantic Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." — Mignon McLaughlin
  • "Grow old with me. The best is yet to be, the last of life for which the first was made." — Robert Browning
  • " Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get—only with what you are expecting to give—which is everything." — Katharine Hepburn
  • "In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." — Maya Angelou
  • "Being married is like having somebody permanently in your corner. It feels limitless, not limited." — Gloria Steinem
  • "To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness." — Robert Brault
  • "Love seems the swiftest but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century." — Mark Twain
  • "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." — Romeo and Juliet
  • "You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." — Dr. Seuss

Famous Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." — When Harry Met Sally
  • "The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." — Moulin Rouge
  • "To me, you are perfect." — Love Actually
  • "It’s like at that moment the whole universe existed just to bring us together." — Serendipity
  • "Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy." — My Best Friend’s Wedding
  • "True love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another." — Wedding Crashers
  • "I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone." — The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • "It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other." — Good Will Hunting
  • "May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life. And if you must cheat, then please cheat death. Because I couldn't live a day without you." — Leap Year
  • "To love another person is to see the face of God." — Les Miserables
  • "The heart’s not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love." — Her

Religious Wedding Toast Quotes

  • "Two are better than one." — Ecclesiastes 4:9
  • "Through love serve one another." — Galatians 5:13 
  • "I found the one whom my soul loves." — Song of Solomon 3:4
  • "Follow the way of love." — I Corinthians 14:1
  • "Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away." — Song of Solomon 8:7
  • "Deep love is stronger than life." — Jewish Proverb
  • "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." — 1 John 3:18
  • "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." — Genesis 2:24
  • "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." — Corinthians 13:4-5
  • "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us." — 1 John 4:18-19
  • "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." —Corinthians 13
  • "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." —Proverbs 10:12
  • "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." — 1 Corinthians 13:13
  • "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." — Matthew 19:6
  • "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." — Romans 12:9
  • "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." —Psalm 143:8

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
  • Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips
  • currently on 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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Happy Wedding App

50+ Wedding Toast Examples for Every Speech

50+ Wedding Toast Examples for Every Speech

Weddings are once-in-a-lifetime events for every couple. No matter which religion or culture you belong to, every couple wishes to host a memorable wedding. There are numerous important parts of wedding celebrations, including wedding toast.

Yes, wedding toasts play a crucial role in a successful and memorable wedding celebration. Saying wedding toast may seem like a task to some people.

When given the responsibility of saying wedding toasts, you can become nervous all of a sudden. However, giving a wedding toast can be easy, especially when you are prepared. Anyone can be called upon to give a wedding toast as a speech. It doesn’t matter if you’re related to the newlyweds or not. Whether you’re the Best Man, Maid of Honor, a parent, or a close friend, raise a glass to the newlyweds.

If you are not sure of what to say as a wedding toast speech, we’ve got you covered on this! All you need is to get prepared ahead of time. Do a lot of practice in front of your mirror, and you’re ready!

In this post, we’ll dive into the various unique, heartfelt wedding toast examples for every speech. Irrespective of your role in the wedding, our list of wedding toast examples will help you make an amazing wedding toast speech that will leave the couples feeling joyful!

So, let’s get started …

Table of Contents

What is a Wedding Toast? The Order of Toasts Guide To Give Memorable Wedding Toasts 50+ Wedding Toast Examples For Every Speech For Best Man/Maid Of Honor For Parents For Friends And Family For Sisters General Toast For The Couple

First, let’s take a look at what a wedding toast is and how you can write one. Here we go…

What is a Wedding Toast?

A wedding toast is a group of words that are said to express happiness and wish or bless the married couple at their wedding reception or rehearsal dinners. After a wedding toast all of the attendees of the wedding raise a toast and take a sip of their beverage to show their agreement. Wedding toasts are a great way to express your feelings towards the newlyweds. A well-crafted wedding toast strikes a perfect balance between humour and emotion while being concise and memorable, ensuring it serves as a wonderful conclusion to your speech.

Take a look at the order of wedding toast…

The Order of Toasts

Usually, wedding toasts are given both on the rehearsal dinner and the receptions. The ones given on rehearsal dinners are typically informal. However, the wedding toasts at the reception should be sweet, short, and crisp. Here is the order of toasts:


Traditionally, the best man should deliver the first toast. It is okay is only the best man is giving the toast. However, it is likely that others will also want to convey their joy to the newly married couple. In addition to the best man, the maid of honour may also have the opportunity to offer a toast.

Next, the groom, bride, or both of them together may raise a toast to each other. They can then raise their glasses to acknowledge and express gratitude to the wedding party and guests for being a part of their special day.

The parents follow the bride and groom. If the bride’s parents host the wedding, they have the honour of speaking first. They should begin by toasting the newlyweds and the groom’s parents while also extending a warm welcome to all the guests.

Here is our guide to writing an amazing wedding toast speech. Take a look…

Guide To Give Memorable Wedding Toasts

To give a memorable wedding toast, you need to be sincere and genuine in expressing your feelings towards the newlyweds. Your speech should reflect on how you are related to the couple, and it should create lasting memories for everyone.

Here’s how you should prepare a short, precise, and memorable wedding toast speech.

●  STEP 1: Introduce yourself

The first and foremost step to writing a memorable wedding toast is to introduce yourself. You should briefly explain to everyone present who you are and your relationship with the newlyweds. This way, the guests will know why you have been appointed to give a toast speech.

●  STEP 2: Know Your Audience

It’s also important for you to know your audience if you have been appointed to give a wedding toast speech. You should consider the speech that will go well with the couple and wedding guests.

●  STEP 3: Add a touch of humour to your toast speech

When writing your speech, make sure to include funny words or incidents that are related to the couple. This will help to lighten up everyone’s mood while giving your speech. Make sure to avoid using insulting or humiliating words, phrases, or stories in your wedding toast speech. You should avoid making any comment that could embarrass the couple or guests.

●  STEP 4: Structure and Length

The structure and length of your wedding toast should be short and concise. Don’t make a very lengthy speech; rather, aim to give a toast that will last for just 2-3 minutes.

●  STEP 5: Practice and Rehearse

Rehearse your toast continuously in order to familiarise yourself with the content you have written. Make sure you do this, especially if you’re a shy person who can’t stand before a crowd. This will help you build your confidence and leave a lasting impression on the couple and their guest on the wedding day.

●  STEP 6: Express Gratitude

Show gratitude to the couple for giving you the opportunity and for making you witness their special day. Also, remember to thank every guest who has graced the occasion with their presence.

●  STEP 7: Raise a Toast

Finally, give your best wishes to the couple as you invite everyone to raise their glasses of wine. Wish newlyweds a lifetime of happiness and love.

●  STEP 8: Enjoy!

That’s all! The whole process of giving a wedding speech takes only 2 – 3 minutes in all. Following these tips will help you give an excellent wedding toast at your friend’s, sister’s, or anybody else’s wedding.

50+ Wedding Toast Examples For Every Speech

Here’s a complete list of over 50 wedding toasts speeches that can serve as inspiration for you. The list below contains wedding toast speeches in different categories. Take a look…

➤  For Best Man/Maid Of Honor

1. To the [Groom/Bride], my bestie, indeed, the journey of your love story is one to mimic. All I wish is that your union will be adventurous and filled with endless memories as we make this toast.

2. Being the Best Man/Maid of Honour, I’ve seen the unwavering love between these two love birds. Myself and everyone present here today wish you both a lifetime of happiness together as newlyweds. Cheers!

3. To [Groom/Bride], you are both perfect for each other. May this union bring beautiful memories of love, joy, laughter, peace, and unwavering support! We all wish you the best in your marriage. Cheers to lasting memories!

4. [Groom], you’ll always admire the beautiful face of your bride. Waking up every morning with your wife beside will forever make you joyful. We make a toast to endless satisfaction in your union. Always keep her by your side, man.

5. As your best man, I pray for you both on this special day as everyone raise their glasses. May you always walk on the path of light together with your bride! May the playful sounds of laughter and joy fill your home. I wish you a happy beginning, cheers!

6. I call on everyone present here today as a witness to join me. Let’s make a toast to this fantastic couple. I’d like to wish both [Mr and Mrs Name] all the best things in life. May tears and regrets be far from your home. To the bride and groom! Cheers!

7. Finding a wife is a good thing; don’t you all agree with me? So, to my friend here [Groom], you’ve got a great wife! I pray that you always find favour both in the sight of God and man. Congratulations man! Cheers to beautiful moments.

8. As the maid of honour, the best kind of toast I can offer to the newlyweds is French toast. So, join me as we make a toast, saying, ‘Buvons à ce couple heureux!

9. It’s an honour to be the best man to my friend here. Everyone, I’d like you all to join me. Let’s make a toast to the happy couple. Cheers and congratulations to the newlyweds.

10. It’s a great privilege to serve as my friend’s best man today. Please, everyone, come with me. Let’s make a toast to the happy couple. Heartist congratulation to the newlyweds. May you two have a great life ahead! Cheers.

➤  For Parents

11. As a parent, it’s a joy to witness this beautiful day. It is overwhelming to watch [Bride/Groom] grow up and find their life partner. This toast is to more years of love and commitment for you both. Cheers!

12. My heart is filled with immense joy for being alive today to witness this beautiful moment between these two lovers. May this legacy of love that’s between you two continue to blossom and move on to your children. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness!

13. Marriage is a beautiful thing that can happen to anyone. Don’t you agree with me? My child [Groom/Bride], I pray that peace and harmony will be the order of each day in your home. We make a toast to perfect harmony in your union.

14. As a parent, I want you to bear in mind that neither of you is perfect. However, perfection is possible only if you work together as newlyweds. Let’s make a toast to a perfect union.

15. To our beloved children [Bride/Groom], you have journeyed through life with so much love and dedication. May your new home be filled with so much love and joy, just as you’ve shared with us. Cheers to a new phase of life!

➤  For Friends And Family

16. The power of love is something we can’t explain. May the bond between you two continue to grow stronger through thick and thin. We make a toast to beautiful moments between you both and longevity!

17. As we make a toast to this newlywed couple, may this love that has brought us together here continue to radiate. Cheers to the newlyweds!

18. We are glad to see that [Groom/Bride] have found each other to be deserving of their love. We hope that their passion for each other deepens with each passing day. Let us all raise our glasses to the newlyweds as they’re about to build a new life together! Cheers!

19. Ladies and gentlemen, I kindly request your participation in raising your glasses to celebrate the newlywed couple. We wish you all the best as you embark on this new journey together. May you reach even greater heights as a united couple and always find happiness in everything you do together. Cheers!

20. Everyone, may I request you all to kindly join me raising your glasses to celebrate the wonderful couples. I wish you two a wonderful life ahead! May you always find happiness. Cheers!

21. As we raise our glasses to celebrate this newlywed couple, let us wish that the love between [ Mrs. and Mr. _____] become stronger with each passing day. May the two continue to shine brightly. Congratulations to the newly married couple! Cheers!

22. To the [Bride/Groom], your love story has really inspired every one of us present here. We are excited to be a part of this celebration today. May you have every reason to stay happy together. We all wish you both an unending journey of peace and joy. Cheers!

➤  For Sisters

23. Watching these two and reflecting on how their love story began, I’m reminded of the power of true love. I feel honoured to be a part of this significant day. Let’s raise a toast to the people who are the main reason we are all gathered here! Cheers!

24. To the newlyweds, we pray that you both have a successful and happy married life together. And you scale through life’s dark moments and shine forth. Good luck, and the favour will be yours. Let’s toast to beautiful moments!

25. As we gather here today on this special day, let’s make a toast to the beginning of a beautiful journey of my lovely sister. May celebration never cease from your home. Cheers to a happily ever after life with your love!

26. Since we have come here to be a part of this celebration today, it simply means we’re your well-wishers. In all that life has to offer, we wish you the very best. Let’s raise our glasses in a toast to [Bride/Groom]. May your happiness be forever.

27. To the extraordinary [Bride/Groom], may your new home be filled with joy and magic. The love that has brought you both together will never fade away. Cheers to a new start in your life! 28. Let’s make a toast to a love that knows no bounds. Your marriage will stand the test of time. Cheers to love and happiness!

29. Yeah! This toast is to the laughter you both will share together and the hurdles you’ll overcome. In everything you’ll face in this journey of marriage, your love will sustain you through it all. Happy married life. Cheers!

30. As we all raise our glasses to make a toast, may your new home be filled with happiness and love. May your union glitter with beautiful colours of understanding, laughter, and joy. Cheers to a new beginning!

➤  General Toast For The Couple

31. To [Bride] and [Groom], may the moments you both will share together be breathtaking. May your love for each other never wax cold. Welcome to a new phase of your life. Let’s raise our glasses, cheers!

32. We make a toast on this beautiful day to beautiful memories and years of togetherness till you both grow old. [Bride] and [Groom] will always stay joyful forever!

33. [Groom], you have made a perfect choice by choosing [Bride]; for this reason, we have gathered here to celebrate your union. We raise our glasses to make a toast to a lifetime of endless joy.

34. Here’s to a new beginning after exchanging marital vows. We’re excited to be a part of this lovely moment in your lives. Cheers to a great beginning!

35. As we raise our glasses to make a toast, may your marriage be a symphony of trust, respect, and unwavering commitment! Cheers!

36. As we witness this day, cheers to a love that will age like fine wine. The love will grow richer, deeper, and bigger with each passing year. Cheers to the best couple I know!

37. Every step you take in life together with your partner is guided with understanding. May your new home be filled with endless love and celebration always. Cheers to a new life!

38. As we raise our glasses to make a toast, we put a seal that your differences will only serve as strength to the bond you share. Cheers!

39. As we raise our glasses, I decree that your new home will be a testament to the power of love and unity. Amidst every challenge, there will be understanding to sail through. Cheers!

40. Here’s a toast to the couple who makes every moment feel like comedy and adventurous. May your life together as newlyweds be never-ending.

41. Here’s to a stress-free marriage filled with love and understanding. May your new home be filled with love, unity, and happiness. Cheers!

42. To forever and always, may your love story continue to inspire us all and your commitment to each other remain unwavering. Cheers to a new life!

43. As we make this toast, may your love story be the epitome of what true, enduring love is all about. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness and bliss.

44. We’re making a toast on this special day to seal your union. We pray you both a lifetime of happiness filled with unforgettable memories. Cheers to a blissful home!

45. As we prepare to raise our glasses for a toast, we pray for a future filled with abundant happiness for both of you. May you both enjoy good health and when the time comes, may you lovingly cradle your babies in your arms. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness together! Cheers!

46. We’re all here to celebrate this lovely couple. As we raise our glasses, may laughter never be far from your lips. May the two of you always cherish the joy of being together. Wishing you a blissful marriage.

47. Here’s a toast to a marriage filled with wealth, health, and happiness. Your steps will always be guided, and illness will be far from your home. To the latest bride and groom. (smiles) Cheers!

48. [Groom/Bride], we all love you so much. That’s why we’re here to honour this special day. We make a toast to happiness in your new home.

49. To the new couple, Mr and Mrs [Name], we raise our glasses, and we wish you both a Happy married life. May the love in your marriage be an anchor that’ll keep you both in stormy seasons. Thank you for inviting us here to share in your joy.

50. Everyone, please join me in raising your glasses to the newest bride and groom. We wish you greater heights as you embark on this new journey together as one. May you always stay happy.

51. Finding a beautiful and respectful bride is a good thing. We pray you both build a life of your dreams together. Let’s raise our glasses for a toast and say WISDOM! Yes, wisdom is what will keep you moving hand in hand through every thin and thick. Cheers!

52. To the groom, as you have found your soul mate, may you remain blessed always. Your bride will always compliment you. Let’s raise a glass to the bride and groom. Thanks for making us a part of your happiness!

53. I am so excited to be here today. Being a witness to beautiful moments like this is truly special. Life unfolds in various phases, indeed. Please join me in raising a glass to this stunning couple. May your joy and love know no bounds.

54. To the couple who make each day a memorable experience for all, may your life together be filled with endless, exciting memories. Cheers to a new and blissful life!

55. Everyone, please join me in raising a toast to the joy and success of the newlywed couple. Here is to the happily ever after! Wishing you a joyous and fulfilling married life. Cheers!

Wrapping it up…

So, there you have it: the top 50 wedding toast examples. You can use these wedding toast examples to craft unique wedding toast for the upcoming wedding of your best friend or daughter or friend. Make sure to keep your toast short, sweet, and crisp to have a lasting impression on all present out there. Make the couple feel special on their big day by sharing your best wishes with them. Whether you are related to the couple or not, it doesn’t matter. Give your best shot!

Wishing you a happy beginning!

Happy Wedding… 😊 😊

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Elevate your speech: wedding toast examples & quotes, wedding toast examples that will elevate your speech.

Wedding toasts are a beautiful way to celebrate love and union. They are a tradition that has been around for centuries, and yet they never get old. From classic wedding toast examples to unique and inspiring ideas, there is no limit to what you can do with your toast. In this blog, we will take you through the different types of wedding toasts, provide examples of each type, and give you tips on how to deliver a memorable wedding toast. We will also share some famous quotes that you can use in your toast and help you overcome any jitters you may have about speaking in front of an audience. So whether you’re the best man or the maid of honor, a parent or the bride and groom themselves, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know to make your wedding toast truly unforgettable.

Understanding Wedding Toasts

A beloved tradition at wedding receptions, wedding toasts offer a public speaking opportunity to honor the couple. Understanding the significance can help deliver the perfect toast, conveying love, joy, and best wishes. The speech should be heartfelt, funny, and appropriate, marking the special day with meaningful words.

Importance of Wedding Toasts

Adding a personal touch to the wedding day, wedding toasts create cherished memories. They symbolize the love and support of loved one’s, making the celebration unforgettable. Furthermore, delivering a heartfelt toast is a special role of the wedding party, contributing to the joy of the wedding reception. Through these toasts, deep affection and best wishes for the couple’s new life are expressed, setting the tone for a happy marriage.

Elements of a Great Wedding Toast

A memorable wedding toast incorporates love, joy, and heartfelt best wishes. Sincerity, honesty, and humor are essential for creating an impactful toast. It should eloquently reference love, marriage, and the couple’s special day. Capturing the couple’s journey and promising future adds depth to the toast. A successful wedding toast speech beautifully conveys the essence of true love and the significance of marriage. Incorporating these elements will ensure a remarkable and touching wedding toast that resonates with the couple and the guests.

Classic Wedding Toast Examples

Classic wedding toasts honor the special person, conveying joy and good luck for the couple’s lifetime of love. Timeless quotes from Robert Browning and famous love stories are often included, adding a personal touch to this special day. These toasts express the best wishes for a happy marriage, symbolizing the perfect match and the promise of the future. As the father of the bride raises his glass, he celebrates the new husband and new wife, adding honesty, humor, and sincerity to the big day. Each passing day becomes part of this special day, creating hours of joy and nights of my life. Cheers to love, Maya Angelou, and the record of wrongs, as tongues of men celebrate the new beginning.

Traditional Wedding Toasts

Capturing the essence of true love, traditional wedding toasts honor the couple on their special day. Quotes from classic literature and famous love stories evoke deep love and joy, reminding the couple of the gift of prophecy, love, and happiness. These heartfelt toasts celebrate the couple’s love and the promise of a happy marriage, making them an integral part of this special day. As you prepare your wedding speech, it’s important to convey the best wedding toast quotes that express the depth of emotions felt on this momentous occasion. From the father of the bride to the best friend, traditional wedding toasts unite everyone in wishing the couple hours of joy, love, and laughter as they begin the rest of their lives together.

Romantic Wedding Toasts

Expressing the deep love, joy, and good will of the couple, romantic wedding toasts honor the pair, wishing them nights of joy, love, and good luck. They capture the special place of the couple in each other’s hearts, expressing perfect love, happiness, and a lifetime of joy. Expert advice and the best wedding toast quotes make them even more special, emphasizing the right words to convey heartfelt wishes. Romantic wedding toasts are a testament to the couple’s love and a beautiful way to celebrate their happiness. Cheers to the perfect match and a happy marriage, may every passing day bring hours of joy and love to the new husband and wife.

Toasts by Key Wedding Figures

The father of the bride and the best friend raise a glass to honor the couple, celebrating their love and the big day. Parental wedding toasts express deep love, luck, and joy for the perfect match. The bride and groom share meaningful toast examples, capturing the joy and commitment to spending the rest of their lives together. Wedding speeches from key wedding figures add to the happiness of the passing day, wishing the new wife and new husband hours of joy. Short wedding toasts, part of this special day, are like tongues of men and angels. Each toast becomes a record of the wrongs and a celebration of the rights, just like in “Les Miserables,” “Moulin Rouge,” or “Good Will Hunting.” Honor the happy marriage with the best wedding toasts by these key wedding figures.

Best Man and Maid of Honor Toasts

Expressing the deep love, joy, and good will of the couple, the best man toast quotes honor the special day and the love shared. Meanwhile, maid of honor toast examples beautifully capture the joy, love, and lifetime of love of the couple. Both the best man wedding toasts and maid of honor wedding toasts express sincere wishes for a happy marriage and a perfect match. These heartfelt sentiments, combined with expert advice and the best wedding toast examples, make these toasts truly special. It’s an honor to share in the celebration as the best friend and part of this special day, wishing the newlyweds hours of joy and the passing days filled with love and happiness.

Parental Wedding Toasts

On this special day, parents honor the couple, expressing deep love, good luck, and joy. Through parental wedding toasts, they capture the unique bond and commitment of the couple, celebrating the start of a happy marriage. Their words encapsulate the journey of the couple, from childhood to finding the perfect match, as they embark on the rest of their lives together. With heartfelt quotes and sentiments, parental wedding toasts become a cherished part of this special day, symbolizing the love and support that will accompany the newlyweds in the passing days and beyond. As fathers of the bride and mothers of the groom raise their glasses, their words resonate with love, joy, and best wishes for the new husband and wife.

Bride and Groom Toast Examples

On this special day, we gather to honor the love, joy, and significance of bride and groom’s wedding day. As the groom, I want to express my deep affection for my beautiful bride, and the good fortune and happiness she has brought into my life. I am filled with gratitude for the love we share and the journey we are embarking on together. As the bride, I am overflowing with joy and love for my wonderful husband. I am filled with excitement for the lifetime of happiness we will share together.

Together, we are honored by the love and support of all our family and friends, who have come together to celebrate this momentous occasion with us. We are grateful for the memories we have already created, and we look forward to the many more we will make as husband and wife.

These wedding toast examples reflect the unique bond between us, marking the beginning of our happy marriage and the promise of a future filled with love and joy. We are humbled by the love and support shown to us today, and we are excited for the journey ahead as we embark on this new chapter of our lives together.

Unique Wedding Toast Ideas

Looking for more examples of wedding toasts that will elevate your speech? Consider starting with a heartfelt message that is tailored to the happy couple. Add in humorous anecdotes and special shared memories to make your toast truly memorable. Reflect on the unique love story of the bride and groom and celebrate their journey as they begin the rest of their lives together. To add an inspirational touch to your speech, try incorporating quotes from famous authors like Maya Angelou or lines from beloved movies such as “Good Will Hunting” or “Les Miserables.” If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out to the wedding planner or the best friend of the bride and groom. They can provide valuable insights to help create the perfect match of sentiments. Remember, this is a special day for the happy couple, so make the most of it by expressing your joy and best wishes for a happy marriage. Your toast will become a cherished part of their big day.

Humorous Wedding Toasts

If you want to make a lasting impression on the wedding party, delivering a humorous wedding toast is a great way to do it. Need some inspiration? Here are a few examples of funny wedding toasts that are sure to get the crowd laughing:

– “I’ve never seen two people more perfect for each other than [bride] and [groom]. It’s like they were made for each other…or at least their online dating profiles were.”

– “I’ve known [bride/groom] for a long time, and I have to say, this is the happiest I’ve ever seen them. [Bride/groom], if you ever need a reminder of how much you love each other, just picture the look on your parents’ faces when they found out how much the wedding cost.”

– “I was asked to give a toast to the happy couple, but I’m not sure what to say. I mean, what do you say to two people who are so in love that they don’t even need a prenup?”

Remember, the key to a successful funny wedding toast is to keep it lighthearted and charming. With these examples, you’re sure to bring laughter and joy to the special day and create memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Inspirational Wedding Toasts

Are you looking for inspiration to craft a memorable wedding toast? Look no further! Here are some examples of heartfelt and uplifting messages that will celebrate the true love of the happy couple:

– “As you start your journey together, I wish you a lifetime of happiness, love, and laughter. May your marriage be filled with all the joy and blessings that life has to offer.”

– “To [bride] and [groom], may your love grow stronger with each passing day, and may your commitment to each other remain unwavering. Congratulations on finding your perfect match.”

– “It’s an honor to witness the union of two people who are meant to be together. May your love story be as beautiful and inspiring as the two of you are. Cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!”

Remember, your words have the power to inspire and uplift the newlyweds and everyone gathered on this special day. So speak from the heart and offer your best wishes to the happy couple as they embark on this new journey together.

Short and Sweet Wedding Toasts

Craft a concise wedding toast to honor the couple’s love and offer a brief wedding toast to toast the happy couple. Keep your wedding toast short, sweet, and to the point, delivering a heartfelt wedding toast in a few meaningful words. Share your best wishes in a short and sweet wedding toast speech, expressing your love and hope for their happy marriage. Every passing day, may their bond become stronger, and their hearts grow fonder. As the father of the bride or the best friend, your role is crucial in sharing these short wedding toasts, becoming part of this special day as they embark on the rest of their lives together.

Wedding Toast Quotes

Incorporating famous wedding toast quotes adds depth to your toast and conveys deep love and emotion. As Shakespeare once said, “When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” This timeless wedding toast quote honors the special day and inspires you to craft a heartfelt toast. Drawing inspiration from famous wedding toast quotes like this helps express love, joy, and best wishes, making your speech memorable. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The love you give away is the only love you keep.” Whether it’s a sentimental quote like this or a classic one such as “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides” by David Viscott, incorporating these quotes into your toast will add a touch of elegance and significance to your words. Share wedding toast quotes that resonate with the couple and their journey as a perfect match, creating a moment they will treasure for the rest of their lives.

Famous Wedding Toast Quotes

Drawing inspiration from classic literature, you can enhance your wedding toast with quotes from famous love poems. Renowned authors and poets offer timeless words that could add elegance to your speech. Consider incorporating wedding toast quotes from well-known examples to inspire your own toast. These quotes can elevate your toast and convey deep love and emotion, making the moment unforgettable. With each passing day of their happy marriage, your words will become a cherished record of their love. Whether it’s a quote from Maya Angelou or a line from “Les Miserables,” these famous wedding toast quotes will honor the couple and their perfect match.

Sentimental Wedding Toast Quotes

Capturing the deep love of the couple, sentimental wedding toast quotes add warmth and honor to the special day. These touching quotes convey the beauty of love and serve as inspiration for creating a memorable toast. Drawing from quotes about love and marriage, you can craft a heartfelt toast that resonates with the audience, celebrating the perfect match of the newlyweds. Embracing sentiments from famous authors and poets like Maya Angelou, these quotes become a part of this special day, expressing joy and best wishes for a happy marriage. Incorporating sentimental wedding toast quotes ensures that each passing day is filled with the love and commitment expressed on this big day.

Tips for Delivering a Memorable Wedding Toast

Delivering a memorable wedding toast requires confident public speaking, tailored to the couple for personalization, and seamless preparation for smooth delivery. Speaking genuinely from the heart is essential for creating a lasting impact. Expert advice can help craft the perfect toast for the happy couple without feeling overwhelmed. Practice, tailoring, preparation, speaking from the heart, and expert advice are essential for a memorable wedding toast. Utilize these tips to make your speech a meaningful part of this special day.

Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Toasts

When delivering a wedding toast, it’s important to share heartwarming anecdotes that reflect the couple’s love. This adds a personal touch and resonates with the audience. However, it’s crucial to avoid including embarrassing stories that may tarnish the celebratory atmosphere. Instead, focus on keeping the toast lighthearted, positive, and respectful, creating an uplifting experience for everyone. Additionally, honoring the couple and their love story is key, making them feel special on their big day. Steering clear of going off-script or rambling maintains the toast’s sincerity and impact, ensuring the perfect delivery of well-wishes and blessings.

How to Add Personal Touch to Your Toast

Crafting a personalized wedding toast involves sharing meaningful memories, including inside jokes, and acknowledging the couple’s journey. Express your love and goodwill in the toast, reflecting your unique relationship with the couple. By doing so, you become part of this special day for them. Adding personal touches such as these creates a heartfelt wedding speech that resonates with the newlyweds and guests alike. As the best friend or father of the bride, your words will be cherished by the couple for the rest of their lives. Ensure your toast reflects the perfect match of the newlyweds and conveys your wishes for a happy marriage filled with hours of joy and love.

Overcoming Wedding Toast Jitters

On the big day, it’s completely normal to feel some jitters before delivering your wedding toast. Embrace those nervous feelings, as they can actually add authenticity and emotion to your speech. The key to overcoming your nerves is thorough preparation, relentless practice, and striving for perfection in your wedding speech delivery. Direct your focus on celebrating the happy couple rather than dwelling on your public speaking fears. As you raise your champagne glass to honor the new husband and wife, take a deep breath, and begin your wedding toast with confidence and warmth. Remember, this day is about the special couple and their journey, not about the public speaking performance of the best man or maid of honor.

What Makes a Wedding Toast Stand Out?

To make your wedding toast stand out, share heartfelt quotes that honor the couple and add a touch of humor to make everyone smile. Personalize your speech, conveying your deep love for the newlyweds, and end with a toast to their successful marriage.

In conclusion, a wedding toast is not just a formality but an opportunity to express love, joy, and well wishes for the couple. Whether you opt for a traditional, romantic, humorous, or inspirational toast, remember that the key to a great wedding toast lies in sincerity and personal touch. Take the time to understand the importance of wedding toasts and the elements that make them memorable. Consider incorporating famous quotes or sentimental words to add depth and meaning to your toast. And most importantly, don’t let jitters hold you back. Embrace the moment, speak from the heart, and celebrate the love and happiness of the newlyweds.

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wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

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Wedding toast examples and tips.

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Wedding toasts play an important role in celebrating the love and happiness of the newlyweds. Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or another close friend or family member, crafting an unforgettable speech can feel daunting. In this guide, we’ll share some inspiring wedding toast examples and essential tips for writing a heartfelt and memorable message.

Wedding Toast Examples

Here are some sample wedding toasts to inspire your own speech:

1. Best Man Toast

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to stand here today as [Groom’s] best man. I’ve known him for years, and I can say without a doubt that he has found his perfect match in [Bride]. Their love and support for each other are truly inspiring, and I know their future together will be filled with happiness. So, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the newlyweds – to a lifetime of love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Cheers!”

2. Maid of Honor Toast

“Hello, everyone. As [Bride’s] maid of honor and best friend, I couldn’t be happier to see her marry the love of her life, [Groom]. Their love story has been a beautiful journey, filled with laughter, adventure, and countless memories. As they embark on this new chapter, I have no doubt that their love will continue to grow stronger. So, let’s raise our glasses and toast to the happy couple – may your love be everlasting and your life together full of joy. Cheers!”

3. Father of the Bride Toast

“Ladies and gentlemen, as the proud father of the bride, I am filled with joy and gratitude to be here today, celebrating [Bride] and [Groom]’s love. [Bride], you have always been the light of my life, and today, I am honored to welcome [Groom] into our family. May your life together be filled with love, laughter, and happiness. To the newlyweds, may you continue to grow together and build a beautiful life. Cheers!”

Speech Writing Tips

Now that you’ve seen some examples, here are some essential tips to help you craft your own unforgettable wedding toast:

1. Start Early

Don’t wait until the last minute to write your speech. Give yourself plenty of time to gather your thoughts, reminisce about memorable moments, and perfect your message.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet

Remember, less is often more. Aim for a speech that’s around 2-5 minutes long, focusing on the key moments and emotions you want to convey.

3. Be Sincere and Heartfelt

Speak from the heart and share genuine emotions, anecdotes, and well-wishes for the couple. Your sincerity will shine through and create a memorable moment for everyone in attendance.

4. Include Humor, but Be Tasteful

Adding a touch of humor can help lighten the mood and engage the audience. However, be mindful of your jokes and avoid anything that could be offensive or embarrassing to the couple or guests.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearse your speech several times before the big day to build confidence and ensure a smooth delivery. Consider practicing in front of a friend or family member for constructive feedback and support.

6. Stay Calm and Composed

It’s natural to feel nervous when delivering a speech, especially at a wedding. Take a few deep breaths, focus on the couple, and remember that everyone is there to celebrate their love and happiness.

7. End with a Toast

Wrap up your speech by inviting guests to raise their glasses and join you in toasting the newlyweds. This gesture brings everyone together in celebrating the couple’s special day.

Final Thoughts

Writing and delivering an unforgettable wedding toast is an important responsibility, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Use the wedding toast examples and speech writing tips provided here as a starting point, and remember to speak from the heart, share genuine emotions, and convey your well-wishes for the couple’s future together. Cheers to creating a memorable moment that the newlyweds and their guests will cherish for years to come!


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How To Make A Wedding Toast Examples?

Table of Contents:

Wedding toasts are a crucial part of a wedding party, bringing together the couple, expressing love, sincerity, and romance. To create a memorable toast, it is essential to introduce the couple, state your name, and express gratitude. Some tips for writing a wedding toast include setting the tone, using biblical love quotes, sharing stories, anecdotes, and compliments, and using humor.

Some examples of wedding toasts include a toast to love and laughter, a toast to the couple, and a toast to the health of the bride and groom. Celebrities can also provide wise words for a funny wedding toast, such as Henny Youngman’s “secret of a happy marriage.”

To create a personalized wedding toast, use wedding day toast examples to jumpstart your ideas and add personalized names and details. For example, a toast to the bride and groom can include a heartfelt message about their love and happiness, while a toast to the couple can include a toast to their family and a toast to their children.

In summary, writing a memorable wedding toast requires a combination of personalization, humor, and thoughtfulness. By following these tips, you can create a toast that reflects the couple’s love, sincerity, and love for each other.

📹 How to Give a Wedding Toast

A lineup of experts explain what works and what to avoid when preparing a wedding speech. From time-tested tips to hilarious …

How To Make A Wedding Toast Examples?

How to make the perfect toast?

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What is an example of a short wedding speech?

I’ve known the bride since we were kids. She’s never been happier. Grooms name, you’ve brought joy to brides name’s life. I’m grateful to have you as a friend. May your love grow stronger every day. Wedding speeches are important at weddings because they let the couple, family, and friends say how much they love and support the newlyweds. Many people are nervous about giving wedding speeches. Having examples can help. Here are some examples of wedding speeches to help you deliver a heartfelt, memorable, and enjoyable speech. Use them as a model for your own writing. These are just samples. Add your own personal touches to make your speeches unique. This could mean including more gender-equal speeches than the traditional wedding speech lineup.

Awesome wedding toasts

What is the best line for a toast?

May your lips never blister! … May you live a long, happy life! … Shake hands. To absent friends and ourselves, because no one will care about our welfare. … Good health and wealth for those I love.

Toast with a song! Time for a toast. We asked Atlas Obscura readers to send us their funniest, most heartfelt, and most memorable drinking salutes, and we got a lot. We got lots of submissions. They include old sayings, toasts at bars, and embarrassing rhymes. Many celebrate togetherness or triumphing over adversity, but nearly all of them are unforgettable.

Fill your glass and check out some of our favorite submissions below. You might learn a few new ways to salute your crew. Either way, cheers!

Short wedding toast

How to start a toast?

2. Start with gratitude. Start your toast by thanking the moment. Thank the host and guests for coming. If you don’t know the people there, introduce yourself. A positive and thankful start sets the tone for your speech.

3. Thank the occasion. Thank everyone for coming, whether it’s a wedding, birthday, business achievement, or just a Saturday night. If you’re toasting to someone, say who it is and why. What do they mean to you? What makes them special?

4. Tell stories. Your stories make your toast more real. Tell stories about the person you’re toasting. These stories should be lighthearted, touching, or funny. Don’t share too much or something the recipient doesn’t want to hear.

Wedding toast closing line

How to begin a toast?

Start your speech with a positive note. Thank the audience. Acknowledge the reason you’re all there. It could be a wedding, birthday, business achievement, or even just a Saturday night. Tell personal stories. … Add a quote. Toasting is a time-honored tradition that can be enjoyable, but also intimidating. We have tips and tricks to help you give a great toast. Follow these steps to write your own or use our AI-powered generator for the perfect toast.

1. How to Start a Toast. First, think about your audience. Are you toasting at a wedding, birthday party, retirement celebration, or casual dinner? Do you know everyone there well, or are they strangers? Knowing the occasion and your audience will help you tailor your message. A wedding toast might include stories about the couple, while an informal birthday toast might include funny stories and well-wishes.

2. Start with gratitude. Start your toast by thanking the host and guests for being there. Thank the host and guests for coming. If you don’t know the people there, introduce yourself. A positive and thankful start sets the tone for your speech.

How do you give a toast example?

Introduction: Tell us your name. Then start your introduction. Start with a joke or funny story, but make sure it’s appropriate for the crowd. Self-deprecating humor and meta-humor might work well here. The crowd expects certain things, so you can work with that. You can also be sincere. A wedding toast doesn’t have to be funny, but it does have to be genuine. Body: Think about the message you want to get across. What do you want this audience to know about these people? Think of qualities you want to share about the couple. Choose a few top qualities and think about evidence. If you say the groom is kind and thoughtful, give examples. Tell a story. Talk about both people getting married, even if you know one better. Stories and anecdotes are often the body of a wedding toast. They prove that these excellent people are great for each other and have the love and support of their family and friends. A toast has a conclusion. Then you get to the toasts. Raise your glass and say, “Let’s all raise our glasses to…”. Many toasts wish for the couple’s future to be full of love and laughter. You can also use a quote or tie the toast back to your speech. Be sincere, complimentary, and uplifting at the end of the speech.

How to make a wedding toast examples funny

What is the format of a good toast?

Toast speeches need a clear structure. A toast speech has three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should get the audience’s attention, introduce you and the honorees, and explain why you’re giving the toast. The body should have one or two main points, like a story, compliment, joke, or quote. The conclusion should sum up your main points, thank the audience, and invite them to drink. A clear structure helps you organize your thoughts and deliver your toast with confidence.

Tips for great toasts: 1. Keep it short. A minute or less is best. Tell stories. Before you write, think about the most memorable stories you can tell about the honoree. Ask other friends for stories. Then choose a story that is memorable and makes a larger point. 3. If you tell a joke, practice it on others. Don’t tell a joke without testing it on your audience first. If you’re not a comedian, stick to one-liners. It’s too risky to forget a line or lose the audience.

What to say for a wedding toast?

The only happiness in life is love. To be loved. — Love is about looking outward together. … A happy marriage is about finding the right person. Love is life. — Wedding day jitters aren’t just for the couple. If you’ve been asked to give a wedding toast, you may feel nervous on the big day. Public speaking is nerve-wracking, but when someone close to you asks you to give a speech on their wedding day, the pressure is on. Unless you’re a stand-up comedian or a great writer, writing a wedding toast can feel daunting. If you can’t find the words to express your feelings about a couple getting married, don’t worry. Just use someone else’s words. Include famous wedding quotes in your speech to make the audience laugh or cry, which are both qualities of a memorable toast. Include a few personal anecdotes, but don’t overdo it. The best wedding toasts are short and sweet. They make everyone believe in true love.

How to make a wedding toast examples for sister

How to make a toast for a wedding?

Everyone’s speech will be different, but we’ve put together a general outline to help you get started. Congratulate the couple. Introduce yourself. … Tell a story. … Speak to both partners. … Make it fun. … Toast! Writing a wedding toast can be scary. Wedding toasts can be funny or embarrassing. They’re either funny, sweet, or a disaster. Every couple hopes the speeches at the reception are good, but there’s no guarantee. Marisa Polansky and Kristine Keller founded Speech Tank to help couples with awful speeches. Your best friend’s wedding is a great reason to turn to the experts. We talked to Polansky and Keller about writing a great speech. Your audience will love your speech!

Marisa Polansky is a book editor, author, and co-founder of Speech Tank, a speech-writing service. Kristine Keller is a writer and co-founder of Speech Tank.

Short funny wedding toasts

What is a good wedding toast example?

Templates. Short and Sweet Speech Template #1. To the happy couple, here’s to you! May your love grow and bring you happiness. And may you always find humor and never forget why you fell in love. Cheers!

Short and Sweet Speech Template #2. Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family of the bride and groom. I’m here today as a friend and witness to the love between these two people. Love is like a dance party, where you just try not to step on each other’s feet.

Wedding toast quotes

What is the best short wedding toast?

“Best wishes to the happy couple!” May your love grow stronger every day. “May today be the start of a beautiful journey together.” Congratulations! Best wishes!

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Give a memorable toast. Whether you’re the maid of honor, best man, father of the bride or someone near and dear to the …

How To Make A Wedding Toast Examples?

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wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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I really think I just got carried away with talking about our friendship, It has been a long road for us and I just wanted to make sure I got enough in there so people could understand the bond we had. I started out by saying. “lets give it up for the bride she looks beautiful today” But that was it.

This is crazy! I was just listening to a new song by Master P. feat. Nipsey Hussle and The Game and this was one of the recommended articles. I don’t know HOW it knew to recommend this particular article to me but it’s freakin me out right now because I have to give a wedding speech at my best friend’s wedding next week and I’ve been trying to figure out if I’m doing something wrong.

Hi ElectricGravity, we’re sorry you feel this way. On PODIUM, THNKR strives to provide useful content across a range of types of speeches. Wedding toasts are an important part of our cultural identity, and we felt our audience would benefit from some guidance here, as many don’t have experience giving public speeches. Stay tuned for more episodes where we dissect other types of speeches, from college commencements to political conventions to great moments in history.

Well, the ones I’m giving a toast to are very private people… I’m not sure if they’ll be okay with me talking about whatever happened within their relationship and/or drunk stories. They’re always like, “this stays between us.” I have a lot of ideas in mind but I feel like in the end I won’t be able to say anything because they’ll be mad at me for exposing them instead. Even if it’s not a bad exposure as long as it’s exposure they’ll hate it! So I don’t know what to do… 😭

Not quite. Actually not at *all* but I’m being nice XD I said the problem is not as Spunky stated, that we have to be 100% perfect at everything. The problem is people would rather tweet others hello than say it in person when given the opportunity. I’ve even seen that very thing happen several times. Add in someone used to pressing buttons than talking having to do that to a *full* room, I’d hope they would do some research before making a painful and awkward ‘toast’.

Maybe Im simple, but I think providing a good wedding toast is useful as I have sat thru many of weddings where the toasts did not implement any of these ideas – they were long, pointless, innappropriate, irrelevant, and when the speaker was done, I was waiting to be driven to an induced or near sub zero realm of perpetual horror in a subconscious, or near unconscious…\r \r I cant write like you 🙂 anyway, some toasts I went to sucked and they could have used these guidelines.

There are several components to writing a great speech including making it entertaining relevant and the right length One place I discovered that successfully combines these is the turbo template tactic (google it if you’re interested) without a doubt the best course that I have ever heard of. look at this awesome resource.

Don’t worry. I think your article was useful or near uber-useful in that it elevated me to a super real of knowledgeable, borderline sub-superior knowledge of…\r \r ElectricGravity does write weird, doesnt he? :)\r \r Anyway, I thought the article had useful tips. So thanks! or near-super thanks, or however ElectricGravity would say it…

Less ‘it has to be perfect’ and more ‘I have my girlfriend next to me and I’d rather tweet her hello instead of doing so in person.’ People don’t know how to speak to others’ corporeal form any more. Multiply that by 200 for the standard wedding and you either have someone in a full-on anxiety attack, or someone like they mentioned in this article, telling stories about guys peeing on each other. If someone searched for assistance, good for them. This article will help them immensely.

There are several components to writing a great speech such as making it humorous not boring and the right length One plan I found which succeeds in merging these is the Talking Template Bundle (google it if you’re interested) without a doubt the most helpful course that I’ve heard of. look at this interesting website.

Are they still together? Im trying to figure out if you mean you didnt think your friend should marry her\r \r My brother in law toasted and he didnt say much about me but he did say that I made his sister the happiest he ever saw her, so that was good enough for him. Hey, Ill take it!\r \r Later on he praised me when their father got ill – told my wife something nice that I was a keeper. But he never would say anything nice to my face.\r \r About her – Is she not a good choice for your friend?

Winner of a article, I’ve been looking for “how long should a maid of honor speech be?” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Senyatt Acclaimed Smasher – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? It is a great exclusive product for learning how to do an amazing maid of honor speech minus the hard work. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my partner got cool results with it.

Winner of a article, I’ve been looking for “does the groom make a speech at the wedding?” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Aanharlotte Outstanding Authority – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )? \r \r It is a good exclusive product for discovering how to get pre-written and tested groomsmen speeches without the headache. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my neighbour got great success with it.

Sorry, I have to agree with EG. This was fairly brainless. It was too informal to inspire, too “reality TV” to amuse, and too lacking in humor or sentiment to be powerful or meaningful. I’m a writer / editor. I’ve been best man at two weddings and thus given the toast twice. I’ve even performed the wedding ceremony once. I’ve given dozens of speeches on a huge variety of topics, and the one thing that you absolutely can’t give a speech without is passion… something your presenters lacked.

I thought you were just supposed to say whatever is in your heart and is appropriate; does every tool in this generation need “how to” articles to show them how to do everything? Does everything have to be precisely formulated these days? Are we going to start needing “how to” articles to learn how to wipe our own ass?

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Wedgewood Weddings - Remarkable Special Occasions

Writing a Wedding Speech: Do's, Don'ts & Tips

Picture of Wedgewood Weddings & Events

Writing a wedding speech shouldn't feel like a daunting task; it's an incredible opportunity to celebrate the happy couple and share cherished memories with their loved ones. Being asked to write a speech is a profound honor, as the soon-to-be newlyweds want you to play a special role in their big day. While crafting a speech may seem tricky, we've put together the do's and don'ts to make the process smoother and more enjoyable for those tasked with this meaningful responsibility. 


Traditionally, the parents, maid of honor, and best man deliver speeches at the reception. However, you can select whomever you'd like to speak at your wedding. If your best man is terrified of public speaking, you don't need to put that pressure on him. Instead, consider a groomsman or a close friend, or opt to skip that role entirely. Considering your inner circle's personalities is essential; you never want to make someone uncomfortable by asking them to write a speech. Standing in front of a crowd is intimidating, and public speaking is only for some. We all have that one friend who loves the limelight; they could be an excellent choice if your closest friends prefer to avoid taking on that task.


Getting started early is a good idea once you are asked to write a speech. Procrastinating can lead to unnecessary stress when this should be a fun task. There are different ways to begin - you could open with a lighthearted joke or simply introduce yourself. If you're going the humor route, make sure to still make your introduction. While most guests may know you, don't assume they all do. Remember to thank the hosts and congratulate the newlyweds. See, it's easier than you thought!  Personalize the speech, whether you are close with one or both of the couple, and share a beloved story about them. A good guideline is to share three traits and three anecdotes about the couple. Ensure you cover the newlywed you're closest with, but talk about them as a couple, too. 

Think simple and heartfelt, short and sweet. Keep it concise, add some jokes, and follow the classic structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Two to five minutes is ideal for a wedding speech, with five minutes being the absolute max. It isn't easy to keep people's attention for any longer than five minutes, even if it is the best speech you've ever written. There are probably other people speaking, so you also want to be mindful of their time.

FOB Speech at Boulder Creek by Wedgewood Weddings


When crafting a wedding speech, focusing on the couple's love story and the joyous occasion is essential. Avoid topics that might dampen the celebratory mood or offend any of the guests. For example, avoid bringing up sensitive subjects like politics, making fun of the couple, or dwelling on past challenges in their relationship. Keep your stories and humor lighthearted, tasteful, and appropriate for all ages, as grandparents and children will likely be in attendance. Refrain from using inside jokes or references that might exclude certain guests, as a wedding speech should be inclusive and relatable to everyone present. The goal is to create a warm, uplifting atmosphere reflecting the newlyweds' love and happiness.

Now that you know what to do and what not to do when writing your speech, here are a few tips for when it is time to give the speech. 

Practice makes perfect

Practicing your speech will boost your confidence and readiness. Stand in front of a mirror and deliver it aloud to spot any errors and refine your delivery. During the actual speech, avoid reading directly from your phone or notes. While you don't need to memorize every word, familiarize yourself with the key points. This approach allows you to connect with the audience and maintain eye contact effectively. 

Limit Alcohol

Speeches usually occur after meal service and before the dancing starts. Limit yourself to a drink or two, avoiding excessive indulgence. Delivering a speech is an esteemed honor; being intoxicated risks slurred speech, impaired performance, or forgetting your lines, which could embarrass both yourself and the newlyweds who entrusted you with this important role. Once your speech is done, take a deep breath, celebrate with a drink, and let the party begin! 

Be Yourself 

Remember that crafting your speech about the newlyweds is about sharing your genuine perspective, not putting on a show. Avoid the temptation to overload with jokes. Authenticity and a sincere focus on the couple will enhance your speech to its best form. 

Father of the Bride Speech at Hacienda De La Flores by Wedgewood Weddings

Writing a wedding speech is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the love and happiness of the newlywed couple. Following these do's, don'ts, and tips, you can craft a heartfelt and memorable speech that honors the couple's journey while entertaining their guests. Remember to personalize your speech with cherished anecdotes, keep it concise and meaningful, and deliver it with poise and authenticity. Embrace this chance to uniquely commemorate the couple's joyous new chapter as partners for life. 

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  1. The Definitive Guide to Wedding Speeches

    wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

  2. Wedding Toasts Quotes: 80+ Best Examples & Tips For Your Speech

    wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

  3. How to Write a Wedding Toast: Examples, Tips, and Advice

    wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

  4. wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

    wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

  5. Wedding Speech

    wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts

  6. How to Write a Wedding Speech: Examples, Tips, and Advice

    wedding toast examples and speech writing tips from the experts


  1. Wedding Toast song by Tony De Ribandar

  2. Wedding Toast Ideas: 5 Simple, Snappy Wedding Toasts

  3. Absolute Best Wedding Toast

  4. Wedding Toast song by Fr.Clive Diniz

  5. Wedding Toast Song by Jonas Vaz

  6. Sweetest Wedding Speech Ever


  1. How To Give A Great Wedding Toast: Tips, Do's and Dont's & Examples

    Respect the couple on their wedding day by giving your wedding toast the thoughtful preparation it deserves. That means preparing it well in advance and rehearsing a few times in order to gauge the length and flow of your speech. Trust us, both the couple and you will be grateful you did. 2. Be yourself.

  2. Wedding Toast Examples, Tips, and Advice

    Your wedding toast should be meaningful, but not drawn out. Make sure to have a beginning, middle, and end. While everyone's speech will be unique to them and their relationship with the couple ...

  3. How to Write a Wedding Speech: Examples, Tips, and Advice

    Public speaking experts provide tips on how to give the best toast at any wedding event. On the roster to give a wedding speech? 90 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple.

  4. Wedding Toast Guide: Expert Tips for a Memorable Speech

    A good wedding toast should include personal anecdotes about the couple, heartfelt congratulations and well wishes, a touch of humor, and a sincere expression of love and support. Keep it concise, around 3-5 minutes long, and remember to toast to the couple's future happiness together. Use this wedding toast guide to plan your toast.

  5. 100 Wedding Toasts to Inspire Your Perfect Speech

    Hi, Friend! Jen Glantz here. Let's dive into 100 wedding toast examples that can inspire your perfect speech. Writing a wedding toast can be an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you're the best man, maid of honor, or a close friend of the couple, having a well-prepared toast can make all the difference in setting the tone for a memorable celebration.

  6. 7 Wedding Toast Examples to Help You Write a Pitch-Perfect Speech

    You can even use a classic toast like "To love, laughter, and happily ever after.". Alternatively, come up with your own unique phrase that captures the essence of the couple's love story. By following these wedding toast tips, you'll be well on your way to delivering a toast that will be remembered for years to come.

  7. Wedding Toasts: How to Write With Quotes, Examples & a Template

    Giving wedding toasts are an honor, but it can certainly be a nerve-wracking experience too. But whether you're the best man, mother of the groom, daughter of the bride, or the soon-to-be newlyweds, making a wedding toast can be a breeze if you follow a few simple tips.For the best oratory advice, we turned to Katelyn Peterson, owner of Wedding Words writing services, and Beth Sherman, a ...

  8. Ask a Wedding Expert: How to Write the Perfect Wedding Toast

    We turned to Marisa Polansky and Kristine Keller, speech writing experts and co-founders of the new speech writing service, Speech Tank for their know-how on writing the perfect wedding speech ...

  9. How To Write A Wedding Toast: Full List Of Tips And Samples

    Tell a sweet story about whichever of the couple half you're closer to. Make it a hilarious story or one that showcases their virtues. On the other hand, you may say a funny story about yourself, but don't overstretch it. Keep it short and sweet. Be concise, go straight to the point, but ensure your toast has depth.

  10. Wedding Speeches: How To Write, Free Samples + Etiquette Tips

    Wedding Quotes for Speeches. "I've seen nothing more satisfying than two people coming together to become one. They share in each other's pleasure, and bear each other's pain. They crush their enemies together and make home with their friends.". "The pain and weight of life vanish from our lives by one word.

  11. How To Write A Wedding Toast: Examples, Tips, And Advice

    Um, what are some funny stories that you have about them—not jokes or anything embarrassing—but something that could be a truly funny story to actually tell in the toast? hey we have eddie rice on the show today and he's going to talk to us a little bit about writing a speech for weddings as well as I'm sure a lot of other great um tips ...

  12. Wedding Toast Examples for a Speech They'll Remember

    Use wedding day toast examples to begin writing your own toast. No matter what your role in the wedding is, use a short toast to jumpstart your own ideas. Adding personalized names and details easily helps you turn a sample toast into a customized wedding toast speech worthy of any bridal party member from the best man, to the maid of honor, to ...

  13. Mastering Speech for a Toast at a Wedding: Expert Guide

    A memorable wedding toast should be heartfelt, sincere, and personal to the couple. Incorporating anecdotes, well-wishes, and humor can make the wedding toast engaging and memorable. The best wedding toasts include genuine emotions, love, and optimism for the couple's future. It's essential to reflect the speaker's deep connection to the ...

  14. How To Write A Wedding Toast: Tips And Examples

    Writing the perfect wedding toast might be easier than you think. Learn how to deliver a speech that will have every guest celebrating the lucky couple!

  15. How to Write a Good Wedding Toast (with examples)

    Being asked to give a speech as the best man or maid of honor can be extremely nerve-wracking. If you're wondering how to write a good wedding toast, here are some great tips and examples that you might find helpful. Whatever you do, don't sweat it too much. Your best friend wouldn't have asked you to stand by him/her on their big day if they didn't trust you.

  16. 60 Wedding Toast Quotes for Every Speech

    Funny Wedding Toast Quotes. "It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." — Rita Rudner. "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut ...

  17. 50+ Wedding Toast Examples for Every Speech

    Waking up every morning with your wife beside will forever make you joyful. We make a toast to endless satisfaction in your union. Always keep her by your side, man. 5. As your best man, I pray for you both on this special day as everyone raise their glasses.

  18. 8 Tips for Giving the Best Wedding Toast EVER

    Keep it short and sweet. Remember, this isn't a one-man show. There are likely multiple people making speeches; therefore, we recommend keeping your toast between two and three minutes. Find out how many other people are speaking and adjust your time accordingly.

  19. Elevate Your Speech: Wedding Toast Examples & Quotes

    This timeless wedding toast quote honors the special day and inspires you to craft a heartfelt toast. Drawing inspiration from famous wedding toast quotes like this helps express love, joy, and best wishes, making your speech memorable. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "The love you give away is the only love you keep.".

  20. 4 Wedding Toast Examples and Tips

    In this article, we've got you covered with four wedding toast examples that will inspire you, as well as five expert tips for writing a memorable and meaningful speech. Whether you're the best man, maid of honor, family member, or friend, our tips and examples will help you deliver a wedding toast that the couple and their guests will never ...

  21. Wedding Toast Examples and Tips

    Writing and delivering an unforgettable wedding toast is an important responsibility, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Use the wedding toast examples and speech writing tips provided here as a starting point, and remember to speak from the heart, share genuine emotions, and convey your well ...

  22. Looking for Wedding Toast Examples? Find Ideas and Tips Here

    Some tips for writing a wedding toast include setting the tone, using biblical love quotes, sharing stories, anecdotes, and compliments, and using humor. Some examples of wedding toasts include a toast to love and laughter, a toast to the couple, and a toast to the health of the bride and groom. Celebrities can also provide wise words for a ...

  23. Writing a Wedding Speech: Do's, Don'ts & Tips

    When crafting a wedding speech, focusing on the couple's love story and the joyous occasion is essential. Avoid topics that might dampen the celebratory mood or offend any of the guests. For example, avoid bringing up sensitive subjects like politics, making fun of the couple, or dwelling on past challenges in their relationship.