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what are slides in music

  • Rhett Schmeler
  • 50 seconds on read

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  • Questions related to term slide
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1. The movable metal tube of a trombone which lengthens or shortens the tubing of the instrument , thus changing the fundamental and harmonic series of the instrument, enabling it to hit each chromatic note of its range .  2. A rapid run of notes ,without differentiating or  accenting each of the intermediate notes . See glissando .  3. An ornamentation of two accessory notes , when performed upwards it is called an "elevation", when downwards, a " double backfill " or a " slur ".  4. The small movable metal tube(s) of a brass instrument which lengthens or shortens the tubing of the instrument , thus changing the pitch to bring the instrument , in tune with other instruments in an ensemble . Typically, there is a slide associated with each valve , so they can be tuned individually. Pulling a slide out (or making the tubing longer) will lower the pitch or make the pitch flatter . Pushing a slide in (or making the tubing shorter) will raise the pitch or make the pitch sharper .

Popular questions related to slide

What is the meaning of slide in music.

It instructs the performer to begin two or three scale steps below the marked note and "slide" upward - that is, move stepwise diatonically between the initial and final notes. Though less frequently found, the slide can also be performed in a descending fashion.

What does a slide look like in music?

So when you're playing a slide on a violin you're hitting a lot more notes in between the notes then when you're playing on a guitar the guitar can only hit two notes on a slide the first note you

What type of tune is a slide?

Another tune type associated with the Sliabh Luachra area, slides are our first quadruple meter tune type. They are felt in 4, and often played faster than 6/8 jigs. The accent falls on beats 1 and 3, again to move the tune forward.

What is a slide in folk music?

It's a slide, which is kind of like a jig, but has a more "bouncy" nature to the tune -- similar to a hornpipe. They also are also generally played at really fast tempos, but the "bouncy" vibe of the tune makes it feel like you aren't playing so fast.

What is another word for a slide in music?

Glissando. From the French 'glisser', meaning to slide.

What does slide slide mean?

slide verb (MOVE EASILY) to cause something to move easily over a surface, or to move in this way: [ I ] My mother slid into the car seat next to me. [ T ] He slid his hand into his back pocket.

What is a slide on an instrument?

A slide is a part of a wind instrument consisting of two (or more) pieces of tubing fitted one closely inside the other, and used to vary the overall length of the tube, and therefore the pitch of the instrument. Often two sets of tubes are used, with a U bend attaching them; this arrangement is called a single slide.

What is a slide called in sheet music?

As you've seen in our lessons, many musical terms are Italian. The most common term for a slide is glissando [Gli-SHEN-doh]. It is often abbreviated “gliss”. Another term for sliding between notes is portamento.

What is the purpose of the tuning slide?

The purpose of the various slides on the trumpet is to allow the instrument to be tuned and to correct intonation problems built into the instrument.

What is this slide?

With a presentation or program like Microsoft PowerPoint, a slide is one page of text, images, or animations. For example, in the slide layout to the right, there are four slides shown.

Why are they called slides?

The term is descriptive in that this shoe is easy to 'slide' on and off the foot when the wearer wants to do so. Slides do not have a "Y" shaped strap, like the flip-flop. They generally consist of a sole and a simple upper strap, the latter having the purpose of keeping them attached to the foot.

What is a slide in easy words?

: a slippery surface for coasting. (2) : a chute with a slippery bed down which children slide in play. b. : a channel or track on which something is slid.

Video on the subject: slide

image slentando

slide trombone

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What is Glissando? Sliding Through the Sounds of Music

Explore the captivating world of glissando in music production. enhance melodies, transitions, and recordings with smooth and expressive slides..

Ever wondered how musicians create those mesmerizing slides between notes that make your heart skip a beat? Get ready to unlock the magic of glissando and discover the secret behind this captivating musical technique. Can you feel the anticipation building?

What is glissando? Glissando is a musical technique that involves a smooth slide from one note to another, creating a seamless transition that adds a touch of enchantment to the music.

What is glissando?

When we talk about a glissando in music, we’re referring to a squiggly line that appears on the sheet music, guiding the musician’s journey from one note to another. This line symbolizes the smooth slide we hear, allowing the melody to gracefully shift between pitches .

Image of a violinist in an orchestra and sheet music. Source: pexels

Now, the plural form of glissando is glissandi (pronounced “gliss-an-dee”). So, when you come across multiple glissando slides in a composition, you know it’s time for a melodic adventure filled with expressive twists and turns.

In George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue,” a renowned and beloved composition, you can hear the iconic glissando performed by a clarinet . It’s an exhilarating moment as the clarinet slides up to the first sustained note, adding a touch of flair and setting the tone for the rest of the piece. This glorious example demonstrates the power and impact of a well-executed glissando.

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What are the types of glissando?

Glissando comes in different flavors, each offering its unique musical character and charm. Let’s unravel the mystery of continuous and discrete glissandi and understand their distinctive qualities.

1. Continuous glissando

Imagine a smooth, uninterrupted slide through a range of notes. Instruments like the trombone, theremin, and unfretted string instruments (like violins) possess the ability to create this continuous glissando effect. With masterful control and technique, musicians seamlessly glide from one note to another, evoking a sense of fluidity and emotional depth.

Even some woodwind and brass instruments can achieve a near-continuous glissando by skillfully manipulating their embouchure (pronounced “em-boo-shur”). By adjusting the mouth position, these instrumentalists can bend the notes, creating a gentle and expressive slide. It’s like adding a subtle vocal quality to the instrument’s voice, allowing it to sing with a touch of human emotion.

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Examples of musical notation of glissando wiki commons

2. Discrete or chromatic glissando

Now, picture quick note changes within the glissando, creating audible divisions. This type of glissando is known as a discrete or chromatic glissando. While the slide may not be as smooth as the continuous glissando, it still adds a captivating touch to the music.

The mechanics of certain instruments, such as fretted string instruments like guitars or pianos, prevent a completely smooth slide between notes. The frets on the neck of these instruments cause the strings to stop on different notes, resulting in a discrete glissando.

However, when written in musical notation, the composer still indicates a continuous glissando, leaving it to the instrumentalist’s interpretation to make it as smooth as the instrument allows. Picture those vibrant piano slides like the ones heard in “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis —those fiery glissandi electrify the music, adding a burst of energy and excitement.

What is the difference between glissando and portamento?

Glissando and portamento are often used interchangeably, but they do have subtle differences depending on different interpretations and musical contexts. Some musicians and composers consider them to be one and the same, while others draw distinctions based on the extent of the slide or the number of notes involved.

For some, a glissando represents a grandiose slide that moves through several different notes. It’s a sweeping gesture that carries the melody through a captivating journey. In this perspective, a glissando can be seen as a more extensive and expressive technique.

…some musicians view portamento as a slide between two adjacent notes, focusing on the smooth transition between those specific pitches.

On the other hand, some musicians view portamento as a slide between two adjacent notes , focusing on the smooth transition between those specific pitches. In this interpretation, a portamento occurs with every note movement within a glissando, emphasizing the sliding nature of the transition.

While the debate continues, it’s important to consider the context and the composer’s intentions when encountering these terms in musical notation . Understanding the subtle nuances between glissando and portamento allows musicians to approach them with accuracy and artistic flair.

To make the most of glissandi in your musical performances, here’s a handy list of dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

Advantages and disadvantages of incorporating glissando

Glissando techniques offer unique opportunities to enrich musical performances. Let’s explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating glissando into your compositions.

Advantages of Incorporating Glissando

  • Expressive melodic transitions: Glissando allows for smooth and expressive transitions between notes, adding emotional depth and enhancing the overall musical narrative.
  • Dynamic artistic expression: By incorporating glissando, musicians can infuse their performances with dynamic expression, capturing the attention and imagination of the listeners.
  • Enhanced sonic texture: Glissando techniques introduce a unique sonic texture, creating interesting and captivating moments in the music.

Disadvantages of incorporating glissando

  • Technical challenges: Executing glissando techniques requires skill and precision, which may present challenges for less experienced instrumentalists or producers.
  • Overuse and misapplication: Excessive or improper use of glissando techniques can diminish their impact and artistic value, leading to a lack of novelty or unintentional dissonance.
  • Instrument limitations: Some instruments may have physical limitations that hinder the smooth execution of glissando, requiring careful consideration of technique and instrumentation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As we near the end of this blog post, let’s address some commonly asked questions about glissando techniques and their application in music production and audio engineering.

Can glissando be used in any genre of music?

Yes, glissando techniques are versatile and can be utilized in various genres of music, including classical, jazz, rock, and more. Glissando adds a unique touch to melodies and transitions, enhancing the overall musical experience across different genres.

Are there any digital tools or plugins that can help create glissando effects in my recordings?

Absolutely! Many digital audio workstations (DAWs) offer plugins and tools that simulate glissando effects. These plugins allow you to create smooth slides between notes, adding expressiveness to your recordings. Explore the available options in your preferred DAW to experiment with a glissando in your music production.

Can glissando be achieved with vocal performances?

Yes, glissando techniques can be utilized in vocal performances to add expressive slides between pitches. Singers can use controlled and intentional transitions to create glissandi effects, enhancing the emotive quality of their vocal performances.

It’s time to wrap up this melodious journey through the world of glissando. Remember, when it comes to music, glissando opens up a world of expressive possibilities, allowing your melodies to soar and slide with finesse. So, whether you’re a composer, musician, or producer, let glissando be your secret weapon to captivate listeners and add that extra touch of musical magic.

Did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below. I read and reply to every comment . If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend, and check out my full blog for more tips and tricks on glissando and beyond. Thanks for reading and keep making beautiful music!

Key Takeaways

This article covered glissando techniques, including continuous and discrete glissandi, their applications in different genres of music, the distinction between glissando and portamento, and the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating glissando in music production.

  • Glissando can be utilized in various genres and adds expressiveness to melodies and transitions.
  • Digital tools and plugins in DAWs can help create glissando effects in recordings.
  • Glissando techniques can be applied to vocal performances to enhance expressiveness and emotive quality.
  • The two types of glissando are continuous glissando and discrete or chromatic glissando.
  • Glissando and portamento are often used interchangeably, but they do have subtle differences depending on different interpretations and musical contexts.

Helpful resources

  • Discovering Music – What is Glissando
  • The Many Uses Of Glissando In Music

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10 of the best slide guitar songs

From Derek Trucks to Elmore James, these slide tracks are essential listening

what are slides in music

Not content with the status quo, industrious young guitar players have endeavored over the decades to make things more difficult for themselves.

Some have tried playing the guitar behind their back, over their head, with their teeth, with their friends' teeth, etc. And then there was the inventive guitarist who, many decades ago, decided to slip a bottle over his finger and slide it along his guitar's strings to produce a magical sound (He probably emptied the bottle himself, if you know what I mean).

While playing the guitar with your teeth is, was and always shall be a novelty, slide guitar - and slide guitarists - is and are here to stay. They actually started digging in their heels long before Robert Johnson made his haunting Delta blues recordings in Texas in the 1930s. 

Since Johnson's time, players - including guys like George Thorogood, Derek Trucks, Ry Cooder, Jerry Douglas and Roy Rogers - have built entire careers around slide guitar and its many stylistic varieties.

Below, we present 10 tracks that represent essential listening in the world of slide guitar. Please note that we're sticking with regular ol' six-string guitar - no lap steel, sacred steel, pedal steel, etc. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) These songs are presented in no particular order. I repeat: These songs are presented in no particular order.

  • For more slide goodness, check out the latest issue of Guitar World, where Slide Rules!

1. The Allman Brothers Band - Statesboro Blues

Guitarist: Duane Allman

A generation of blues-influenced rockers toyed with slide guitar for several years, slowly bringing it into mainstream music (Check out Jeff Beck's performance on Evil Hearted You by the Yardbirds), but no one dragged it into the modern era quite like Duane Allman of the Allman Brothers Band. 

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He used the slide to imitate the sound of a blues harp - not to mention mesmerize countless concert goers who were knocked out by his dexterity and intensity. Perhaps his quintessential slide performance is the Allmans' At Fillmore East version of Blind Willie McTell's Statesboro Blues. 

As Rolling Stone put it, it features the sort of playing that gives people chills. Of course, be sure to seek out other live versions of the song, including the one on the band's recently released SUNY at Stonybrook album.

2. Sonny Landreth - Überesso

Guitarist: Sonny Landreth

Respected Louisiana-based slide player Sonny Landreth started appearing on music fans' radar in earnest after the release of the 2007 Crossroads Blues Festival DVD. It features a few tracks by Landreth (jamming with Eric Clapton and such), including the uber-exciting instrumental, Überesso.

Landreth's unique slide technique lets him fret notes and play chords and chord fragments behind the slide. He plays with the slide on his little finger, so his other fingers have more room to fret. Check out his performance of Überesso from the 2007 Crossroads Guitar Festival below. Yes, he's awesome.

3. Steve Miller Band - The Joker

Guitarist: Steve Miller

Although not primarily known as a slide player, Steve Miller put the slide to fun and creative use on his 1973 hit single, The Joker, playing a hummable, tasteful slide solo for the masses (and imitating a whistle a few times in the process). 

Although it's no Überesso (See above), it shows that slide guitar has been invited to the chart-success party, especially in the early '70s, much like our next selection ...

4. George Harrison - Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)

Guitarist: George Harrison

You'll read it in other roundups of great slide guitar songs - comments like, "Although he wasn't a virtuoso like these other players..." Yeah, whatever. OK, he wasn't Jeff Beck, Steve Howe or Ritchie Blackmore, but George Harrison, who, as a member of the Beatles, influenced millions of humans to play guitar, suddenly started playing slide guitar in 1969, inventing an entirely new guitar persona for himself. 

What he came up with was a distinctive, non-blues-based style that incorporated hints of Indian music, some pointers he picked up while learning sitar and other Beatles-esque odds and ends. 

While My Sweet Lord and Badfinger's Day After Day (featuring Harrison on slide) are better known, 1973's Give Me Love perfectly displays his new-found style. For some quality later work, check out Cheer Down from 1989 and "Any Road" from 2002.

5. Foghat - Slow Ride

Guitarist: Rod Price

Staying in the '70s for a moment, let us consider Foghat's Slow Ride, another slide-based song that topped the charts. Perhaps the polar slide opposite of George Harrison, the heavily blues-influenced Rod "The Bottle" Price (Yes, they called him "The Bottle") let it all hang out in his solo near the fadeout of Foghat's signature track. Be sure to also check out Foghat's Drivin' Wheel and Stone Blue. Price, a product of the UK, died in 2005.

6. Led Zeppelin - In My Time of Dying

Guitarist: Jimmy Page

Although the "big three" guitarists who emerged from the '60s rock scene in England - Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page - flirted with slide guitar at different points in their careers, none took it as far, or used it with as much success, as Page. 

For proof, just listen to In My Time of Dying from Physical Graffiti. The recording (the most popular version of a song Josh White recorded in the mid-'40s), features Page sliding away in open A (E-A-E-A-C#-E). 

Although Page also played slide on When the Levee Breaks, Traveling Riverside Blues and What Is and What Should Never Be, his distinctive slide style simply defines the powerful and dark In My Time of Dying.

7. Elmore James - Dust My Broom

Guitarist: Elmore James

We've mentioned a few "blues-influenced" players, which is basically another way of saying "players who were influenced by Elmore James." James - who was actually dubbed the "King of the Slide Guitar" - is best known for his 1951 version of Dust My Broom (I Believe My Time Ain't Long). 

The song's opening riff is one of the best-known and most influential slide guitar parts ever. Yes, it sounds a lot like what Robert Johnson played on his I Believe I'll Dust My Broom several years earlier, but James played his riff on an electric guitar , pretty much claiming it for himself in the process and sending chills down the spine of a new generation.

8. Johnny Winter - Highway 61 Revisited

Guitarist: Johnny Winter

The lanky Texan (and former Brit) simply burns it up in his legendary cover of Bob Dylan's Highway 61 Revisited from Second Winter , his second album. Be sure to investigate the acoustic Dallas from Winter's self-titled 1969 album. If you can convincingly play these two songs, it's time to hang up your T-square and/or apron and look for session work!

9. Derek Trucks Band - Sahib Teri Bandi/Maki Madni

Guitarist: Derek Trucks

The list takes an exotic turn with this middle-eastern-flavored track by Derek Trucks. With his deep Allman Brothers Band lineage, we know Trucks (and Warren Haynes, of course) can tackle roots rock, extended blues jams and more, but this 10-minute instrumental track from his 2006 album, Songlines, steps way out of those boundaries and truly shows what Trucks is capable of. 

He makes the guitar sound like an exotic instrument from a distant land and time. Check out this live performance from 2008, below.

10. Rory Gallagher - Want Ad Blues/Wanted Blues

Guitarist: Rory Gallagher

For our official acoustic guitar entry, let's not forget the late, great Rory Gallagher, shown here playing a version of John Lee Hooker's Wanted Blues. It's hard to believe this Irish master of the Stratocaster was also a ridiculously accomplished traditional blues slide player.

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Damian Fanelli

Damian is Editor-in-Chief of Guitar World magazine. In past lives, he was GW’s managing editor and online managing editor. He's written liner notes for major-label releases, including Stevie Ray Vaughan's 'The Complete Epic Recordings Collection' (Sony Legacy) and has interviewed everyone from Yngwie Malmsteen to Kevin Bacon (with a few memorable Eric Clapton chats thrown into the mix). Damian, a former member of Brooklyn's The Gas House Gorillas , was the sole guitarist in Mister Neutron , a trio that toured the U.S. and released three albums . He now plays in two NYC-area bands.

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Adding Music to a Google Slides Presentation

Last Updated: July 31, 2023 Fact Checked

Adding a Music File

Inserting a youtube video, linking to a streaming service.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,734 times. Learn more...

Do you want to add music or audio to your Google Slides slideshow? Whether you want gentle background music playing throughout your slideshow or just an outro to play as you get to the last slide, adding music or audio to Google Slides isn't difficult. Using the right music with your slideshow can also increase audience engagement and understanding. This wikiHow article teaches you how to add music to Google Slides.

Things You Should Know

  • Add music directly from your computer by going to "Insert > Audio" if you already have WAV or MP3 files in your Google Drive or local storage.
  • Link to a song with a streaming service (like SoundCloud, Apple Music, or Spotify) if you don't have a compatible file by adding a link to an image.
  • Alternatively, insert a YouTube video by going to "Insert > Video".

Step 1 Go to your slideshow in Google Slides.

  • Use this option if you have an audio file in the WAV or MP3 format on your computer or in Google Drive .
  • You can also convert YouTube videos to MP3 if you have permission, or convert other audio files to MP3s so they'll work with Google Slides.
  • If you don't have a music file, you can download download royalty-free music from a site like Jamendo or Free Music Archive .

Step 2 Click Insert.

  • You can also use this method to add a voiceover.

Step 4 Choose the settings for your audio.

  • Use this method to play a musical YouTube video in your presentation.

Step 2 Click Insert.

  • To continue, you'll need the URL for the video you want to add. To get the URL, go to the video on YouTube, highlight the URL in the address bar, then press Ctrl + C (PC) or Cmd + C (Mac) to copy it.

Step 3 Insert the YouTube URL.

  • Use the panel on the right side of your screen to make more changes, like making it play automatically.

Step 1 Go to your slideshow in Google Slides.

  • Use this method if the song you want to add to your presentation is on a streaming service like Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, or Pandora.
  • When you add a streaming song to Google Slides, you'll need to click a link to open the player in the background. The song will continue playing until you close the streaming player.

Step 2 Click Insert.

  • Now that you have the link, you need something to click on once you start the slideshow that'll take you to that link. This can be text, an image, or any object in your presentation.

Step 4 Add text or an image for your link.

  • Click the image, then click the Insert tab.
  • Click Link at the bottom of the menu. Alternatively, press Ctrl + K (Windows) or Cmd + K (Mac) when the text or image is selected, and the window to add a link will open.
  • Press Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac) to paste the link from your clipboard. This is the link for the song using the streaming service you copied earlier.
  • Finally, click Apply .
  • When you start the slideshow, click the link to play the music in a separate web player. Click the Play icon or button in the web player to play the song and then return to your slideshow. If you ever want to pause or stop the music, go to the player and press the Stop or Pause icons.

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You can't use famous songs in your slideshows - to use music in a slideshow to need to have proper rights for it. Permission is necessary to use the song in your video and derivative works, such as making the video available on YouTube or Vimeo.

Royalty free slideshow music

However, you have to choose the music for your slideshows carefully. First, ensure that the tunes you pick work well with the images you want to include in the slideshow if you get the desired effect. Secondly, you must pay attention to copyright restrictions before starting your creative process because you don't want to deal with legal trouble for using music you don't own.

Choosing Melody Loops' royalty-free music for your slideshows can easily avoid copyright infringement issues. You can rest assured that your work is entirely legal, and your slideshows will be accompanied by great music. Countless high-quality tunes are legal for you to use in your presentations.

It's now easier than ever to find the perfect music for your slideshows and create awesome presentations that everyone will enjoy. If you're worried about not being able to find the right tunes, with stock music downloads, you can get all the music you want with just a few clicks.

There's a wide variety of songs from every music genre under the sun, so it's virtually impossible not to find what you are looking for. It's a practical and cost-effective option when you need that perfect tune to engage the audience. So next time you want to add a bit of oomph to your slideshows, all you have to do is download slideshow stock music and let your creativity do the rest.

Slideshows Playlists

Springtime Playlist

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  • On Hold Music
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Off the Beaten Path

Tips & Tricks for Using Google Slides in Music

Google Slides remains to be one of my favorite of the G Suite tools. It is so versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes. This post continues my series on back-to-school tech tools.

Tips and Tricks for Using Google Slides

There are endless uses for Google Slides when teaching music! Many of them were discussed in my previous post, Google Slides in Music . As the teacher, you can use Slides to project and display the lesson or rehearsal plan for the day, or introduce new content through a slide show. Google Slides are also great for collaborative tasks, where small groups or the entire class contribute to one slide deck. You can even package entire lessons or units within Google Slides! This can be especially useful in virtual or hybrid learning experiences, when students are often working at their own pace.

Creating With Google Slides

With all the various uses for Google Slides, it’s good to know how to use them most effectively. There are several design tools that make the slides even easier and more attractive.

Change Page Size

what are slides in music

The default Google Slides size is widescreen 16:9. This is optimal for most presentations and computer screens. However, it doesn’t work for everything. You can easily change the page size to any dimensions, including 8.5′ x 11″ (the same as a standard sheet of paper) or a square. From the File menu, select Page Setup to change the page size.

Themes and Templates

Google Slides has a selection of pre-made themes you can choose from when designing. However, there are several website that offer themes and templates you can use. Simply find the theme you are interested in, select “Use as a Google Slides Theme” and it will create a copy of that presentation theme for you. Some of my favorite sites for finding Google Slides themes are:

  • Slides Carnival
  • Slides Mania

Be warned: it’s easy to get lost searching any of these sites! There are so many fun themes to choose from. Remember, the most important thing in your creation is the content, not the design. Also, be sure to always keep the copyright and attribution information, giving credit to the original creator of your theme. It’s the right thing to do and models good digital citizenship for your students.

Editing Slide Themes

Once you have determined what theme to use, you can modify things within that theme. For example, changing the primary color or font. To do this, you will use the Theme Builder. From the View menu select “Theme builder” and there you can make any desired changes. Any edits you make on the master slides will apply to the entire slide deck.

Editing master slides

Creating Background Images

what are slides in music

If you are using Google Slides as an assignment that students will interact with (in edit mode), you may want elements on the slide that students can’t alter. Here, you will create a background image. After designing your slide, download it as a JPEG image – File, Download, JPEG image. That will save your current slide as an image file. Then go to the Background menu and select your image file. You can add that image to the theme which will add it to every slide in your deck. The background can be any image or color you like!

Inserting and Searching For Images

Any time you are inserting an image in Google Slides (even if it’s a background image) one option you will have is to do a Google Image search. This search will find images on the web labeled for fair use, and you don’t have to leave the slides! You can access this search from the Insert menu, then select Image, and Search the Web. You can also use the Explore function (lower right-hand corner) to search the web that way.

Other things to consider: the Unsplash and Noun Project add-ons are both great for finding additional images. Unsplash contains high-resolution images that are all royalty free. The Noun Project gives you access to thousands of icons. Learn more here: Four Easy Tools for Creating Digital Resources .

Cropping Images

what are slides in music

You can crop images in Google Slides, not only as a square or rectangle, but into many other shapes as well! Use the down-arrow next to the crop tool and select from shapes, arrows, callouts, and equation symbols. You can alter images even more by using the Format Options menu. Recolor the image, adjust the contrasts, add a drop shadow, or a reflection!

Linking Slides

what are slides in music

Sometimes when creating lesson experiences in Google Slides you don’t always want students to move sequentially through the slides. In this case you can link slides for students to navigate. To link slides, select the shape, image, or text that will act as the link. Click the link button, then select “Slides in this presentation.” The slides will either be named by slide number or the title of the slide. This can be useful any time you are offering choice within your Google Slides, such as in a choice board or choose your own adventure activity.

Download and Publish Options

With Google Slides, you have several download options. For example, you can download the entire slide deck as a PDF. You can also download individual slides as image files, JPEG or PNG. (Download options are found in the File menu.)

what are slides in music

Another option for sharing Google Slides is to Publish to the Web. When you publish to the web, you are creating a website with its own URL for people to view your content. They will not have any editing abilities, regardless of the share settings. Additional options include having the slides auto-advance at various rates, having the slide show start right away, or having the slide show restart once complete. You can even embed a published slide deck on a website. This is a great way to share content you have created with others. The Publish to the Web options are also found in the File menu.

There are several URL sharing tricks for Google Slides that give you a lot of options as the owner. This tricks include forcing someone to make a copy of your document, sharing a preview link, or sharing a PDF link. To learn more about these tricks, check out Google Document URL Tricks by Tony Vincent .

Google Slides, like most of the Google tools, can be customize with add-ons. There are several Google Slides add-ons that I use often.

  • Music Snippet – insert music notation directly into your slides
  • Pear Deck – makes Google Slides presentations interactive
  • Unsplash – insert high-resolution images into Google Slides
  • The Noun Project – insert icons into Google Slides

For more details about these add-ons and how to use them, check out Seven Google Add-ons and Extensions for Music Teachers .

While there are many other features of Google Slides, hopefully this is a good start! If you are interested in seeing some of these tricks in context, check out my choice board, Menu – Dynamics in Music . In this slide deck, students are given a variety of ways to learn about, interact with, and experience dynamics in music.

For an example of Google Slides being used in a music class, check out this post by Kathryn Finch , Transform a Composition Project From Teacher-Led to Student-Led .

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How-To Geek

How to add music to google slides.

Looking to jazz up your Google Slides presentations with a little music? Here's how to do it.

Quick Links

Add a youtube video, add a google drive video, add music from an online streaming service.

Adding music to an otherwise text-heavy Google Slides presentation can spice it up. If you want to add music to Google Slides, you'll need to use a YouTube or Google Drive video, or link to a third-party streaming service instead.

You can't add audio files to Google Slides presentations, but you can add videos. The easiest solution for users who want to add music to their Google Slides presentation is to add a YouTube video.

This adds a YouTube video to your Google Slides presentation directly, loading the YouTube video player with playback options. Once a video starts playing, it will continue playing until you move onto the next slide.

To start, open your Google Slides presentation and click on the slide where you want to add your YouTube video. In the top menu, click Insert > Video.

You can search for YouTube videos in the "Search" tab of the "Insert Video" selection box. If you don't have a specific YouTube URL, use this search tool to find a relevant video.

Once you've found a video, select it and then click the "Select" button at the bottom to add it to your presentation.

If you already have a YouTube video you want to add and have the URL ready, click the "By URL" tab and then paste the web address in the provided box.

A preview of your video will appear below it. Once you're ready, click the "Select" button.

Your video will be inserted into your chosen slide where you can resize it and move it into position.

As an alternative to inserting YouTube videos, Google Slides users can insert their own private Google Drive videos. You can insert these videos from the same "Insert Video" selection box as above.

As with YouTube videos, inserted Google Drive videos will continue playing until you move to another slide.

To add a Google Drive video, go to your chosen slide, click Insert > Video, click the "Google Drive" tab, and then find your video from your cloud storage.

You'll need to sync your video files to Google Drive first, using the PC app or by uploading the video from the Google Drive website .

Related: How to Sync Your Desktop PC with Google Drive (and Google Photos)

Once you've found a video in your Google Drive storage, click on it and then click the "Select" button.

Your video will be inserted onto your slide. You can then move and resize it to suit your presentation.

You can use this method to add videos only from the same Google account you're using to create your Google Slides presentation. If you want to insert other types of videos, you'll need to use a public YouTube video instead.

Unfortunately, Google doesn't allow you to insert music files directly as you can with a YouTube or a Google Drive video. As a workaround, you can link to songs hosted on online streaming services like Spotify or SoundCloud instead.

The music from one of these services will load in a background tab, where it'll continue playing until you close it manually or the audio finishes.

To start, insert a suitable playback object for you to easily click during your presentation, such as an image, a shape, or a large text box. To insert a shape, for instance, click Insert > Shape and then select your chosen shape from the additional menus.

With your mouse, drag to create your chosen shape. Once created, you can begin typing to add text to your shape to clarify its purpose.

Right-click on your object and click "Link" from the menu. You'll need the URL for your chosen audio ready at this point.

In the "Link" box, paste your audio URL from your chosen third-party service. Click the "Apply" button to confirm.

During your Google Slides presentation, clicking on this object will load your chosen audio content.

It can do this in a separate tab only, however, so if you'd prefer to keep everything inside your presentation, use a Google Drive or YouTube video instead.

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How to Add Music to Google Slides

Keep your slides engaging with a bit of music

what are slides in music

  • Pima College

What to Know

  • You can spruce up your Google Slides presentation by adding music or sound effects to specific slides.
  • Google Slides accepts WAV and MP3 audio formats.
  • The files must be uploaded to Google Drive before you can insert the music into the presentation.

When you want to jazz up your next Google Slides presentation, add music or sound effects. This guide shows you how to insert audio files into specific slides and details the formatting options available for the music.

Google Slides supports WAV and MP3 files. Here's how to add these types of files to your presentation:

You must upload the audio files to Google Drive before you can insert the files into your presentation.

Open the presentation in Google Slides and go to the slide to which you want to add music.

Select Insert > Audio .

Go to the My Drive tab and find the audio file you want to add. Double-click the file or highlight it and choose Select .

An audio player icon appears on the slide. You can drag it around or resize it if you wish.

The right pane contains a list of formatting options. Choose whether the audio starts automatically or on a loop. You can change the size and rotation of the audio icon. You can also move its position, change its color, give it a drop shadow, or add a reflection.

How to Add Video to a Slide

You can add a video clip to your presentation using a YouTube link or a file stored on Google Drive. This option might be preferable if you want to enhance your presentation with a brief soundbite or a music video. Here's how to insert a video into a slide:

Open the presentation and go to the slide where you want the video to appear.

Select Insert > Video .

Search for a video on YouTube, paste a URL to the video, or choose a video file in Google Drive. Once you select the clip you want to use, choose Select .

The video clip appears on the slide. You can drag it around or resize it. In the right pane, you'll find a list of formatting options. Here you can choose to start the video at a specific point. You can also choose whether the video automatically starts when the slide appears during the presentation. You can choose to mute the audio if you only want the visuals. There are also various size, rotation, and drop shadow options.

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How to Add and Edit Audio or Music in Google Slides

How to Add and Edit Audio or Music in Google Slides | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

Do you want your presentation to be more dynamic? If you need to engage your audience by giving a professional presentation, you can add music to your slide deck. We’re going to teach you how to add and configure audio or music for your presentations .

Adding Audio from the Insert Tab

Editing audio, adding online audio, adding audio from youtube.

  • Before you add any audio, please note that Google Slides only works with audio files stored in your Google Drive account, so you need to upload them beforehand. The supported formats are .mp3 and .wav.
  • Open your presentation in Google Slides and select the slide where you want to add audio or music. If you want the audio to be played in all the slides, you’ll need to add it to the first slide.
  • Click Insert → Audio. A new window will open. Please note that this option might not be available in some countries where the update that includes it hasn’t been applied yet.
  • The audio files stored in your Google Drive will be displayed here. Choose the one you want to add to your presentation and click Select. An icon will appear in the slide. Click it to access the playback functions.
  • Click the audio icon.
  • Go to the toolbar and click Format options. As an alternative, you can right-click the loudspeaker icon → Format options. You can also click Format → Format options. A new panel will open on the right side of the screen.

On this panel you’ll find the following settings:

  • From the Audio playback tab, you can configure everything regarding the playback. For example, you can determine whether the audio plays on click or automatically. You’ll find below the volume slider and three checkboxes to stop the playback when going to the next slide, loop the audio or hide the audio icon (the latter can only be modified if the “Automatically” option is selected under “Start playing”).
  • From the Size & Rotation tab you can modify the width and height values for the audio icon. You can also lock the aspect ratio so that you can keep the proportions of the icon.
  • From the Position tab you can determine where to place the audio icon, having its top-left corner or its center point as reference. To move the icon, just modify the values of the X and Y axes.
  • From the Recolor tab you can change the color of the icon, choosing from different presets generated according to the palette of your presentation.
  • From the Adjustments tab you can set the transparency, the lightness and the contrast of the icon.
  • The remaining tabs, Drop shadow and Reflection, contain a checkbox to enable or disable these effects. Click their respective drop-down arrows to access their settings, such as color (only for the drop shadow) and behavior (angle, transparency, distance and blur).
  • You can replace the audio icon with your own, or even a picture, by right-clicking → Replace image. If you want to find out how to insert images, please refer to the How to Insert, Crop or Mask Images in Google Slides tutorial.
  • Open your presentation in Google Slides and select the slide where you want to add audio.
  • Insert an icon or image. We’ll use this resource to link the online audio. Please refer to the How to Add and Modify Icons in Google Slides tutorial if you don’t know how.
  • Add the link to the online audio. If you don’t know how to do it, please refer to the How to Add Hyperlinks in Google Slides tutorial.
  • Once linked, click the icon. A new window will appear, where you must click the Play button of the online audio from the specified URL. Some audio platforms, such as Soundcloud, allow you to generate an autoplay sharing link. With that, you just need to click the icon to play the audio automatically.
  • If you want to pause the playback, you’ll need to exit the presentation mode and do it manually.
  • Insert the video that you want for your presentation. Please refer to the How to Add a Video in Google Slides tutorial if you don’t know how.
  • Decrease the size of the video and place it outside the visible part of the slide.
  • Go to the Video playback options and set the video to autoplay. To do this, right-click the video → Format options. Then, click the Video playback drop-down arrow and check “Autoplay when presenting”. If you want to learn more about this panel, please refer to the How to Add a Video in Google Slides tutorial.
  • Please note that the audio will stop when changing slides.

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Download them to use with PowerPoint or edit them in Google Slides and start creating!

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Fandral, retro vibes with popping colors slides.

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Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. High impact podcast presentation template. Reegan has big titles (some of them made with wordart – double click them to edit them -) and large circles, lines and other geometric shapes. If you want to impact your audience, Reegan presentation template is the […]

Reegan, high impact presentation template.

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Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. Free Template to create video playlists, your class channel or video lessons. Since YouTube doesn’t allow playlists to be made from videos that are intended for kids, with this template you can create your playlists in Google Slides and keep the YouTube esthetics. […]

YouTube Channel interactive template.

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Free Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides Sinatra Music is beautiful and everywhere…just like our templates 🙂 Enjoy this colorful and vintage record-style theme, perfect for any artistic presentation. It’s available for Google Slides and PowerPoint. #Music #Records #Vinyl #School #Kids #Children DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT OPEN IN GOOGLE SLIDES

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Blanchard’s Poke Salad Festival brings community water slides, treasure hunts, and a car show

B LANCHARD, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – Dating back to 1975, Blanchard’s Poke Salad Festival is an annual tradition for residents and the community. The week-long event includes parades, bounce houses, water slides, a car show, live music, and food.

“After the parade they’ll influx in here. I see a lot of people wandering around through the car show. That’s going to be a draw this year. We had one last year, but it’s getting bigger every year,” said Neil Kalberg, President of the Poke Salad Festival Committee.

Kalberg says there are more craft vendors than ever before, along with free face painting, and something new, a treasure hunt with two $500 cash prizes.

The car show was a crowd pleaser and Blake LeVasseur, the car show coordinator says the town has many “car guys” and it’s a great opportunity to fellowship and bring community together.

Over 50 cars entered the show.

“[Cars] In our community, in the Shreveport-Bossier area, but a lot of them right here in the Blanchard area and the outskirts of the small town of Blanchard so right here, local. And I do have some that came in from stonewall, area, but yeah these are right here in our community,” said LeVasseur.

In front of the car show was the populated water slide and inflatables area. The Tullis Family, Blanchard residents and owners of Tree House Party Rental entertainment said they have been coming to the festival for years.

“People getting together that haven’t seen each other in many, you know a year since the last Poke Salad, or maybe a few years. This is the place that everybody comes to every year to have fun with their kids and see their family and friends,” said mother, Jessica Tullis.

Jessica Tullis’ daughter added that the festival is better because it has fun for all ages.

“There used to be a carnival but now there’s this and all kids no matter their height cause when I went here, I was, I’m shorter so some of the rides I couldn’t get on and I feel like this can go for all ages.”

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to

Blanchard’s Poke Salad Festival brings community water slides, treasure hunts, and a car show


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  10. Music Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience. Suitable for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Get these music templates to create ...

  11. How to Add Music & Sound to Google Slides Presentations

    Click the Link to Play. To play the soundtrack during your presentation, click the Present option in the right of the screen to start the presentation: Presenting your Google Slides presentation with music. The presentation takes up the entire screen. Click the icon with the link to your soundtrack.

  12. Background Music For Slideshows (No Copyright)

    Royalty free instrumental background music for slideshows. All songs are available for free download. If you don't want to credit the artist in your video de...

  13. How to Play Music On All Slides In Google Slides

    In this video, I will walk you through how to add continuous sound or music to every slide in Google SlidesOVERVIEW0:00 Intro0:10 Upload Audio File0:45 Inser...

  14. Instrumental Background Music For Presentations (Free Download)

    Listen to Instrumental Background Music For Presentations (Free Download), a playlist curated by AShamaluevMusic on desktop and mobile.

  15. Music for Presentation

    Follow these steps to add music to a PowerPoint presentation: Select the slide you want to add music. On the Insert tab, click the Audio button. Select the option 'Audio on My PC..'. Find and select your music files and click the Insert button. Now you can set up a volume level for music.

  16. Slideshow Music Download Background Royalty Free MP3

    Hidden Gems. Click to Play Music. Click on to download MP3 / WAV at any length. With the right music playing in the background during the slideshow, you'll be able to set the right mood and take your photos to the next level. Choosing the right tunes is essential if you want everything to come together as expected.

  17. Tips & Tricks for Using Google Slides in Music

    Google Slides, like most of the Google tools, can be customize with add-ons. There are several Google Slides add-ons that I use often. Music Snippet - insert music notation directly into your slides. Pear Deck - makes Google Slides presentations interactive. Unsplash - insert high-resolution images into Google Slides.

  18. How to Add Music to Google Slides

    Once a video starts playing, it will continue playing until you move onto the next slide. To start, open your Google Slides presentation and click on the slide where you want to add your YouTube video. In the top menu, click Insert > Video. You can search for YouTube videos in the "Search" tab of the "Insert Video" selection box.

  19. How to Add Music to Google Slides

    Open the presentation in Google Slides and go to the slide to which you want to add music. Select Insert > Audio . Go to the My Drive tab and find the audio file you want to add. Double-click the file or highlight it and choose Select . An audio player icon appears on the slide. You can drag it around or resize it if you wish.

  20. How to Add and Edit Audio or Music in Google Slides

    The supported formats are .mp3 and .wav. Open your presentation in Google Slides and select the slide where you want to add audio or music. If you want the audio to be played in all the slides, you'll need to add it to the first slide. Click Insert → Audio. A new window will open.

  21. Free Templates for Music for PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. Free sound waves template for PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations. This free ppt template features colorful soundwaves and it's perfect for a presentation about music or sounds. Did you know that a sound wave is the pattern of disturbance caused by the movement […]

  22. What is music

    16. Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. • Expressing ‣ ‣ ‣ Classical Music is Music that has endured the test of time and requires a particular set of skills to perform or appreciate it; it relies chiefly on acoustic instruments, preset musical notation, tends to be lengthy, and involves a variety of moods.

  23. Musical slide NYT Crossword Clue

    MUSICAL SLIDE NYT. GLISSAND; Last confirmed on April 27, 2024 . Please note that sometimes clues appear in similar variants or with different answers. If this clue is similar to what you need but the answer is not here, type the exact clue on the search box. ← BACK TO NYT 05/10/24

  24. Blanchard's Poke Salad Festival brings community water slides ...

    The week-long event includes parades, bounce houses, water slides, a car show, live music, and food. ... In front of the car show was the populated water slide and inflatables area. The Tullis ...