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  • 7 Rejection Letter Samples to...

7 Rejection Letter Samples to Send to Unsuccessful Applicants

10 min read · Updated on December 08, 2023

Ken Chase

Simplify the rejection notification process with these sample rejection letters

Whenever you hire a new employee, it almost always means that you selected them over other applicants. Obviously, the courteous thing to do is to let each of them know that you've decided not to offer them employment. But how should you notify them that they've been passed over for the position? For many companies, the answer is simple: send them a clear and professional rejection letter that confirms your decision. Unfortunately, writing those letters is not always the easiest thing to do.

In this post, we'll explain why rejection letters are important and offer some tips to help you craft your own rejection letter templates. We'll then provide seven sample employment rejection letters that you can customize to fit your company's needs.

Why send out a job rejection letter?

Obviously, sending out rejection letters to applicants does take up precious time, but there are good reasons why companies do this. First, a polite rejection notice is considered good etiquette, since it lets the candidate know that the job has been filled. That confirmation shows that you respect their time enough to help them avoid wasting it on a job that's no longer available. It also helps to avoid any candidate confusion by helping them to understand why they weren't selected for hire.

Companies that develop a habit of sending out formal rejection letters can also help themselves, by promoting their own commitment to respectful professionalism. This can leave a positive impact on the rejected candidate, as well as anyone else they might talk to about their job search experience.

Why use template rejection letters?

Template rejection letters can be a great way to save time and ensure a consistent approach to your communication with unsuccessful candidates. They can help you to provide uniform answers to explain why a candidate was rejected, as well as advice that you think may help the candidate as they continue their job search. Well-constructed rejection letters that offer helpful feedback to candidates can help to soften their disappointment, while providing useful information that can benefit their careers.

How to write your own employer rejection letters

So, how do you write a positive and helpful employment rejection letter? The following tips can help you to determine what to include in your template letters, and the best tone and method for addressing rejection in the clearest and most concise manner possible.

Don't delay the rejection. Once you've decided to move forward with a specific candidate, notify rejected applicants as soon as possible. Remember that they may also be pursuing other open positions, so you're doing them a favor by letting them know that your company's job has been filled.

You can send the rejection via email rather than by regular mail service. While a mailed letter might seem more formal, most candidates will appreciate receiving the news as soon as possible – and email is always quicker.

Keep your rejection letters short. No candidate wants to read through a lengthy explanation about why they didn't measure up to expectations. At the same time, though, your letter should include enough detail to ensure that you explain the decision.

Try to be as positive as possible. The rejection will be disappointing for the candidate, so there's no need to pile on with negative feedback or other criticism.

As a rule, keep your letter limited to no more than three short paragraphs. The first one can simply thank them for their interest and let them know that you've decided not to hire them. 

The second paragraph can include some positive affirmation, by focusing on anything that impressed you during their interview, and perhaps cite a reason why they've been rejected. If you might consider them for a different job in the future, tell them that too. 

Finally, your third paragraph should simply thank them again and wish them well in their efforts to land the right job in the future.

Seven rejection letter samples

Below, we've included seven example rejection letter templates that you can customize and send to unsuccessful applicants. This selection of templates covers a variety of different approaches for rejecting candidates, so you can choose one or several depending on your company's needs.

1.     Generic rejection letter template

Dear Mr / Ms [Applicant's name],

Thank you for submitting your application and resume for our [title of the position they applied for] position. We deeply appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. However, after reviewing your application, we have decided not to move forward with your application.

As you probably know, we received a tremendous amount of interest in this position, so this was an extremely difficult decision for our hiring team. Unfortunately, we concluded that your impressive array of skills and achievements were not what we were looking for at this time.

We want to thank you again for your interest in working with us and wish you the best of success in your future career endeavors.

[Your name and company name]

2.     Application rejection letter template

Thank you for submitting your application. We appreciate your interest in a position as a [job title] in our company and the effort you invested in reaching out to us. Unfortunately, our review of the many applications and resumes we received in response to our job posting has moved us to select another candidate for the role.

We do want to commend you for your impressive skill set and accomplishments, and hope that you will consider a different role with us at some future point in time. We will keep your resume on file and may reach out to you if we have another opening for a job that better aligns with your unique talents.

Again, thank you for getting in touch with us and providing us with your resume and application. We wish you luck and much success in your job search efforts.

Warmest regards,

3.     Screening stage rejection letter template

Thank you for your resume and application submission and for participating in our initial screening process. Unfortunately, our screening suggests that you may not be the best fit for this position or our company at this time. As a result, we have decided to decline moving forward with our interview process.

We should note that your skills, experience, and other qualifications are very close to what we need for this position. However, our screening results found that [provide reason for rejection, such as failed background check, failed drug test, etc.]. Those results led us to focus on other candidates to fill this position.

Again, we applaud your credentials and wish you nothing but the best in your job search efforts. Thanks for reaching out to us and good luck throughout your career.

Best regards,

4.     Early-stage interview rejection letter template

We truly appreciate you taking the time to meet with our hiring team to interview for our open [title of the job] position. I speak for everyone on the team when I say that we were really impressed with your overall performance and believe that you have a lot to offer to any company that hires you. Regrettably, however, we have decided to decline moving forward in our interview process.

While your interview was solid and compelling, and your resume qualifications are close to what we were looking for, we have decided to hire another candidate whose skills more closely align with our needs for this position. Make no mistake, though – this was a difficult decision.

Since we were so impressed with your candidacy, we will keep your resume on file and contact you if any other opportunities arise in the future. Until then, we wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors and hope for your continued career success.

5.     Final stage interview rejection letter template

Thank you so much for your time and attention throughout our application and interview process. We appreciate the patience you extended to everyone on our team during all [number of interviews] of your meetings with us. Unfortunately, after reviewing the results of our assessments of every candidate for the position, we have decided not to offer you the role.

Everyone on our team agrees that your skills and experience are beyond question, so this decision is in no way a reflection on your qualifications. Our decision was based solely on an evaluation of every candidate's experience and how well we believe they might fit with the specific needs of that open position. Regrettably, that decision process led us to another candidate.

We would appreciate it if you would allow us to contact you if or when another position opens, that we believe might be a better fit for your core competencies. Again, we want to thank you for your commitment to the process and extend our best wishes for your future success.

With our best regards,

6.     Post-phone call rejection letter template

Dear Mr /Ms [Applicant's name],

This letter is to follow up on our recent phone call with you confirming that we will not be hiring you for the position of [name of position the applicant applied for]. I wanted to personally contact you and let you know how much we all appreciated having the opportunity to get to know you throughout our interview process.

Though you have already been notified of our decision in that brief call, I still want to take a few moments to say how impressed we were with your qualifications and interview skills. We all recognize the potential value our company could enjoy if you were a member of our team.

Thank you again for your interest in our company. We wish you luck in your career journey.

7.     Rejection letter template advising candidate to reapply in the future

Thank you so much for interviewing for our position as a [job title]. Your qualifications are impressive, which made our hiring decision extremely difficult. However, the team here have decided to offer the job to another candidate.

Still, we want to let you know that we recognize your talents and are confident that you would do well in a different role within our organisation, if you focused on developing [cite a skill that the candidate needs to enhance]. With those added skills , we would be eager to consider you for a different role in our company.

Thanks again for your dedication and interest in joining our firm. Good luck to you in your job search!

Simplify your efforts to follow-up with rejected candidates

It's never easy to craft a letter letting job candidates know that they've been rejected. Still, it's something that every company should do, so it's important to streamline the process as much as possible. By using some variation of these rejection letter templates, and customizing them to fit your unique needs, sending out these notifications can be quicker and easier than ever before.

Looking to avoid a job rejection letter by bolstering your resume? Get a free resume review from our experts today!

Recommended reading:

Make the Perfect First Impression With Your Resume

How to Describe Yourself in an Interview

Top 15 Professional Goals and How to Achieve Them

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Nov 20, 2023

How to write polite rejection emails (14 examples), and how AI can help

Sophia Seltenreich

Sophia Seltenreich

In the words of Tim Ferris , "what you don’t do determines what you can do." But how do you turn down an offer or request without burning bridges? The answer lies in the art of crafting a polite and effective rejection email. It's not just about turning down an offer or request, but doing it in a way that maintains respect and goodwill .

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to craft an empathetic and effective rejection email by reviewing general guidelines, specific examples, and ways to speed up this workflow with the help of an AI Assistant.

General tips for writing a polite rejection

When writing a polite rejection, it's crucial to be clear and concise. Keep your message short and to the point, ensuring the recipient understands the rejection without having to read between the lines. While it's important to be empathetic, maintaining a professional tone is key to ensuring your message is taken seriously and respect between both parties is maintained.

If it's appropriate and you're comfortable doing so, providing a reason for the rejection can also help the recipient understand your decision. You should say something so you don't sound impersonal, but don't overshare as that could invite a conversation you don't want.

Always express gratitude for the recipient’s time, effort, or consideration, showing that you value their input and appreciate their understanding. Try to end the email on a positive note with a polite closing while looking forward to future interactions.

14 examples of polite rejection emails

Rejecting a candidate.

When rejecting a job application, it's crucial to maintain a balance between brevity and empathy. Even if a candidate isn't the right fit at the moment, a thoughtful response can enhance your company's reputation and potentially attract more suitable applicants in the future.

1. Rejecting a candidate after an interview

Hi [Candidate's Name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Job Title] position and the time you invested in this interview process. After careful consideration, we have decided to proceed with another candidate who more closely fits our current needs.

While your technical skills were strong, we felt that another candidate had more experience in [specific area]. Please know that this decision does not reflect negatively on your qualifications or experience. We encourage you to apply for future positions with us that align with your skills and interests.

[Your Name]

2. Rejecting a candidate without an interview

Thank you for taking the time to apply to [Company Name].

We know how much work goes into preparing a resume and how important the decision is to submit it for consideration. Although you have an impressive background, we've decided not to move forward at this time. But we hope you won't mind if we reach out to you in the future if a position opens up that we think may be a great fit and interests you.

Best wishes in your job search.

— [Your Name]

Declining a meeting

Sometimes, our schedules are just too packed. When declining a meeting, offer a brief reason and, if possible, suggest an alternative time. This shows respect for the other person's time and maintains the relationship.

3. Declining a meeting due to a scheduling conflict

Hey [Recipient's Name],

Just checked my schedule and it looks like I have something else lined up at the same time as our proposed meeting.

Would it be possible to find another slot? I'm typically free on [ask AI to insert available days and times here].

Thanks for being flexible!

4. Declining a meeting due to lack of relevance

Hi [Recipient's Name],

Thanks for the invite to the meeting. After reviewing the agenda, it seems like the topics being discussed might not be directly relevant to my current projects.

I want to make sure everyone's time is used effectively, so I think it might be best if I sit this one out. But please do keep me in the loop if anything comes up that you think I should be aware of.

Thanks for understanding.

Saying no to an investor

Turning down an investor can be tricky. Be honest about your reasons, but also express gratitude for their interest. This keeps the door open for future opportunities.

5. Politely declining an investment offer

I really appreciate the time and effort you've put into considering an investment in our venture. After careful consideration, I've decided that it might not be the right fit for us at this moment.

This decision doesn't reflect the value I see in your partnership. It's more about the specific terms and timing. I hope this doesn't discourage future conversations and potential collaborations.

Thanks again for considering us and for your understanding.

6. Rejecting a follow-up meeting with a potential investor

Thank you for reaching out and for the offer to meet again. I've given it some thought and at this point in time, I believe it's best for us to focus our efforts on our current projects and strategies.

While I appreciate the potential opportunity, I don't think a follow-up meeting would be the best use of our time right now.

I hope this doesn't discourage future conversations when the timing and circumstances might be more aligned with our goals.

Thanks again for your understanding.

Rejecting a business proposal

When rejecting a business proposal, such as a partnership proposal or a pitch from a vendor, it's important to communicate clearly and respectfully to maintain a positive relationship.

7. Declining a partnership proposal

Thank you for your partnership proposal. After careful consideration, we've decided not to proceed at this time. This decision is based on our current strategic focus and is not a reflection of the value of your proposal or company.

We appreciate your understanding and hope to explore potential collaborations in the future when our objectives align more closely.

8. Saying no to a vendor or service provider

Hi [Vendor's Name],

Thank you for taking the time to present your services to us. After reviewing your proposal with the broader team we've decided not to proceed with your services at this time.

While we can see [Vendor’s Company]’s value, this decision aligns with our current needs and strategic direction. We appreciate your understanding and will certainly keep you in mind for future needs.

Declining a job offer

Receiving a job offer is often flattering, but sometimes the role or company just isn't the right fit. When declining an offer, be gracious and express your appreciation, but explain why it's not the right fit for you.

9. Politely declining a job offer from a potential employer

Dear [Employer’s Name],

Thanks so much for considering me for the role. I sincerely appreciate the offer to be a part of your team.

After careful consideration, I have decided to pursue a different opportunity that aligns more closely with my career goals. This was not an easy decision to make, as I hold your [Company Name] in high regard.

I appreciate the time and effort you invested in this process and wish you the best of luck in finding the perfect person for this role.

Thanks again,

10. Rejecting a job offer after accepting another

I wanted to say thank you for the offer and for considering me for your team. It genuinely means a lot.

Unfortunately, I've accepted another offer that aligns more closely with where I see myself going in my career.

I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause and appreciate all the time you've put into this process. I wish [Company Name] the best of luck in finding the perfect person to join your team.

Saying no to a client request

Dealing with client requests can be a delicate situation, but you should aim to craft responses that balance firmness and politeness, effectively communicating your limits to a client while maintaining a positive brand image and relationship.

11. Declining a client's unrealistic request

Hey [Client's Name],

I just wanted to follow up about the request you sent over.

After reviewing with the team, we've concluded that we're unable to fulfill your request at this time. We understand the importance of this request to you, and it was not an easy decision to make.

Our goal is to ensure the highest quality of service and deliverables for our clients. In this case, we believe that the current request may compromise our ability to maintain the standards we've set, and we only want you to have the best.

We appreciate your understanding and are still open to brainstorming other ways to meet your needs. Feel free to throw any other ideas our way!

12. Saying no to a client's request for a discount

Hi [Client's Name],

Thank you for checking out [Your Product] and taking the time to contact us.

While we really appreciate your interest, unfortunately we are unable to offer further discounts at this time. Our current pricing reflects the value, expertise, and time that goes into building [Your Product].

We understand that budget constraints can be challenging, and our team is exploring ways to better support a wider range of folks in the future. We’ll let you know if there’s any update on this.

Thanks for your understanding.

Rejecting a request for a favor

When rejecting a request, it's crucial to handle such situations with tact and respect, as they often occur in professional relationships where maintaining positive rapport is essential. Balancing the need to protect your own time and resources while considering others' needs can be challenging. It’s important to write a polite and empathetic email that still respects your personal boundaries.

13. Saying no to a personal favor from a colleague

Hey [Colleague's Name],

Thanks for reaching out about this, I’m flattered you thought of me!

Unfortunately, I'm swamped with my current workload and won't be able to help out this time. It's not that I don't want to, it's just about juggling everything already on my plate right now.

I’d recommend syncing with [other colleague] to see who else on the team who might be able to step in.

Best of luck,

14. Declining a request to volunteer for an extra task

Hi [Requester's Name],

Thank you for considering me for this work. I'm all for taking on new challenges and helping the team.

However, after reviewing the scope of this further, I'm actually going to pass on taking this work on. I've got a lot on my plate with my current projects and in the interest of the company, I really need to focus on getting them across the finish line.

I'm definitely up for discussing other ways I can contribute more in the future.

Streamlining your workflow with an AI Assistant

Does the thought of crafting individual rejection emails start to make you anxious? You're not alone. But here's the good news: Shortwave’s AI Assistant can do much of the work for you when given the right prompt. Let's look at how AI can save you time and mental energy and make the process of writing rejection emails less daunting.

application rejection email

Personalize at scale: AI can help you personalize your rejection emails at scale. It can automatically insert the recipient's name, the position they applied for, and other relevant details, making each rejection email feel personal and considerate.

Prompt: reply with a personalized rejection for this role

Provide constructive feedback: AI can help you provide constructive feedback to the candidates, making the rejection more helpful for future pitches, proposals, and applications.

Prompt: reject this proposal and include feedback based on the discussion notes last week

Communicate consistently: With AI, you can ensure that all your rejection emails are consistent in tone and content. This can help maintain your company's professional image.

Prompt: politely decline this meeting but suggest another time to meet next month

The more you use Shortwave’s AI Assistant, the better it gets. It learns from your preferences and continually improves its suggestions based on your writing and communication style, making your job even easier over time!

Saying “no” nicely with AI

Mastering the art of saying "no" nicely is important in maintaining healthy work relationships. It's not just about turning down a request, it's about doing it in a way that respects the other person's time and effort.

Shortwave is the best email app for handling these delicate replies because the AI Assistant will ensure your email is clear, polite, and professional. It's like having an executive assistant who understands the nuances of communication and can draft personalized replies in your writing style.

Use the examples provided in this blog post as a starting point and adapt them to your specific needs with the help of our AI Assistant. In doing so, you can ensure every email you send is clear, empathetic, and an opportunity to build stronger professional relationships.

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5 candidate rejection email templates for various situations

Hiring means you get to add someone awesome to your team but it also means you have the unenviable task of telling everyone else who applied they are not getting the job. When you send a rejection letter, you want to provide clarity while also expressing empathy and encouragement.

Below 👇 we have 5 candidate rejection email templates that help you do just that. These templates will help you to share the reasoning behind your decision while giving candidates the encouragement and/or feedback they need to move forward and find the role that's right for them!

How to write a professional, clear and compassionate job rejection email

According to Homerun 's People Ops Manager Sanne Leunissen, when sending a candidate rejection email, it's important to "get straight to the point (without being too harsh) so people know where they’re at. Start with the news and then give a short explanation of the ‘why’ – being direct, emphatic and keeping it relatively short." Here are some more best practices to go along with her advice:

🎯 Always express gratitude for the candidate's interest in the position and for taking the time to apply. It's thoughtful to acknowledge their efforts and highlight any positive aspects you noticed during the application or interview process .

🎯   Do what you can to personalize the rejection letter . If it's an immediate rejection of an application or you have a massive amount of candidates, it may be as simple as addressing everyone by name. If you have a smaller candidate pool and/or certain candidates have gotten farther along in the interview process, find ways to acknowledge individuals (and if possible, share constructive feedback ) so that they feel valued and empowered.

🎯  Keep the message clear and concise . You don't want to go into excessive detail about why you're not hiring the candidate, which may end up overwhelming or confusing them. Just stick to the key points that help explain the decision – for example, the objective criteria that you used for the evaluation process like qualifications, experience, job requirements or value alignment.

🎯  Speak with empathy and encouragement . Not being selected for a job can be disheartening. Be sure to acknowledge the candidate's possible disappointment or any emotional investment they may have had during the hiring process. Encourage them to continue seeking opportunities that align with their strengths and goals, and if you see a possible future for them at your company, express that and invite them to apply again. You might also connect them to someone in your network who is hiring for a similar role.

🎯  Keep your inbox open. Let candidates know you're available to answer questions and that you welcome feedback on the hiring process. It's always good to know what you're doing right and where the process could be improved!

A final note from Sanne

“For a candidate that is further in the process and for example already has had one or more interviews, I find it a good courtesy to give them a call and explain why you’re not moving forward in that way. You can then follow up with an email confirming what you have said over the phone.” (See template #5 for an example of this!)

Candidate rejection email template #1: Not moving forward with an interview

Subject line: Your Application for [Position] at [Company] Dear [Candidate's First Name], Thank you for your interest in the [Position] role at [Company]. We appreciate the time and effort you invested in applying for this position. After careful consideration, we have decided not to move forward with your application at this time. We received a significant number of applications from qualified candidates like yourself, making this selection process extremely difficult. [Option 1: If you have a large candidate pool] Due to the high volume of applications, we are not able to provide individual feedback to candidates. However, we do hope you'll stay connected with us and keep an eye on our future career opportunities. If a suitable position opens up again, we would be happy to hear from you and consider your application. [Option 2: If you have a small candidate pool] We appreciate the strengths you demonstrated in [specific aspect related to their application or qualifications] and if a suitable position opens up in the future, we would be happy to hear from you and consider your application again. If you have any feedback for us about our application process, we welcome your input as it helps us learn and improve! We sincerely appreciate your interest in [Company] and wish you all the best in your job search. Best regards, [Your Name and Job Title] ‍

Pop any of the following email templates into Homerun's hiring software and streamline your entire hiring process from start to finish.

Candidate rejection email template #2: After an early-stage interview

Subject line: Update on Your Application for [Position] at [Company] Dear [Candidate's First Name], Thank you for your patience as we've conducted interviews for the [Position] role at [Company]. With so many amazing candidates like yourself, it's been hard to reach a decision! After careful consideration, we have decided not to move forward with your application at this time. While we were impressed with your qualifications and your interview, we are moving forward with candidates whose skills and experience align more closely with the needs of this position. Please know that our decision was not a reflection of your abilities or potential. We believe you have valuable skills and qualifications such as [name specific strengths, accomplishments or contributions] that will undoubtedly contribute to your success in future endeavors. We encourage you to continue pursuing opportunities that align with your goals and if a suitable position at [Company Name] opens up again, we would be happy to hear from you and consider your application! We sincerely value the time and effort you dedicated to the application and interview. If you have any feedback on our hiring process, we welcome your input as it helps us learn and grow. Also, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Best regards, [Your Name and Job Title] ‍

Candidate email rejection template #3: After an interview, including specific feedback

Subject line: Update on Your Application for [Position] at [Company] Dear [Candidate's First Name], Thank you for your interest in the [Position] role at [Company]. We appreciate the time and effort you’ve invested in the application and interview process. Our team was particularly impressed with your [skills], [specific positive aspect] and [specific positive aspect]. However, this role will require a future team member with a deep understanding of [add area of expertise]. For these reasons, we have decided to move forward with another candidate whose qualifications are better suited to this particular role. We hope you don't mind us providing constructive feedback to support your professional growth. To further develop your skill set in [area of expertise], we recommend [taking a course/obtaining a certificate/gaining specific experience]. Strengthening your expertise in this area will boost your qualifications and increase your chances of success in future applications for similar roles. If you have any questions for us or would like to share any feedback on the hiring process, we would be glad to hear from you. Your insights are valuable as we continually strive to improve our processes and provide a better experience for candidates. We genuinely appreciate your interest in [Company] and all the effort you put into the hiring process, and we wish you continued success in your career journey. Best regards, [Your Name and Job Title] ‍

No more scattered email threads. View all your conversations in one place with Homerun.

Candidate rejection email template #4: After the final interview round

Subject line: Decision Regarding Your Application for [Position] at [Company] Dear [Candidate's First Name], Thank you for your patience in this hiring process and for all the time and energy you've dedicated to it. We've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you during our interviews, and we've been impressed by your qualifications and your performance throughout. While your skills and experience are top-notch, we have ultimately chosen another candidate whose background and qualifications more closely align with the specific needs of this role. We understand this news may be disappointing, and we fully recognize the effort and emotional investment you put into the application and interview process. Please know that this decision does not diminish our recognition of your abilities and potential. Your [specific strengths, accomplishments, or contributions] were highly valued and we're confident your talent and dedication will lead you to success in your future endeavors. If it's alright with you, we would like to stay in touch with you for future opportunities that might be a good fit. If you're interested in remaining in our talent pool, please let us know. If you have any questions for us or feedback on the hiring process, we welcome your input as we continually strive to improve our processes and provide a better experience for candidates. Thank you again for your dedication throughout the hiring process. We hope this experience has provided takeaways that will be helpful in future hiring situations and we wish you the very best in your job search. Warmly, [Your Name and Job Title] ‍

Candidate email rejection template # 5: After the candidate has received a rejection by phone

Subject line: Following up on our phone call about the [Position] role at [Company] Dear [Candidate's First Name], I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for your time and effort throughout the hiring process for the [Position] role at [Company]. It was a pleasure speaking with you and getting to know you throughout the hiring process. I just wanted to take a moment to confirm what we discussed during our last phone call. First and foremost, I want to express our sincere appreciation for your interest in [Company] and the impressive qualifications you brought to the table. Your [specific strengths, skills, or accomplishments] were highly valued and recognized by our team. However, we’ve chosen a candidate whose qualifications more closely align with the specific needs of the position. I want to personally encourage you to keep an eye on our career opportunities in the future. Should a suitable role open up, we would be delighted to have you reapply and reconsider your application. In our conversation, we touched upon [specific topics or feedback discussed during the call, such as strengths, areas for growth, or future possibilities]. We appreciate your openness to the feedback provided and your positive attitude throughout the process. Speaking of feedback, we would greatly appreciate yours in regard to the hiring process and your overall experience with us. Your insights are valuable as we continuously strive to improve and provide a better experience for candidates. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us. Once again, I want to thank you for your time, energy and interest in [Company]. We wish you every success in your job search and future endeavors. If you have any questions or require any further information, please don't hesitate to reach out. All the best, [Your Name and Job Title] ‍

Add these templates into Homerun's hiring software and create a positive candidate experience.

application rejection email

Final tips on rejection emails

Although a rejection email could seem like a sure way to burn bridges with candidates, it's actually an opportunity to build them. When you present the information in a clear, tactful and encouraging way, you can help candidates move forward with valuable information and stay motivated in their job search . They may also end up reapplying one day!

Treating candidates with empathy and respect will not only soften the blow – it can also turn some of them into advocates for your company. Communicate with compassion 🫶 and in a timely manner ⏰ and you'll be remembered as an organization that cares throughout the recruitment process.

application rejection email

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How to Write a Job Rejection Email (Template & Examples)

By Ammar Ahmed

Published: January 31, 2024

Rejecting a job applicant is a delicate task, and it’s important to get it right. This article is here to guide you through the process. We’ll cover the best ways to communicate a job rejection with kindness and clarity. This guide offers practical tips and templates to help you handle these difficult conversations with professionalism and empathy. 

What Is the Purpose of a Job Rejection Email?

A job rejection communicates a decision while maintaining a positive relationship with the candidate. This email is an essential part of the recruitment process, reflecting the company’s professionalism and respect for the applicant’s efforts. It closes the application process, giving closure to the candidate and preserving the possibility of future interactions.

The Importance of Sending a Job Rejection Email

In today’s competitive job market, how a company handles job rejections can be as impactful as how it manages job offers .

Here are some reasons to send courteous and professional job rejection emails:

Positive Candidate Experience

Although rejection is never pleasant, a well-crafted email can leave candidates feeling respected and valued. It demonstrates that the company acknowledges the time and effort put into the application process. 

This thoughtful approach can turn a potentially negative experience into a constructive one, leaving candidates with a favorable impression of the organization. They’re more likely to reapply for future positions or recommend the company to peers, knowing that their efforts won’t go unnoticed.

Reputation Management

The practice of sending job rejection emails is pivotal for reputation management. In today’s interconnected world, a company’s recruitment practices are often as visible as its products or services. A respectful rejection email can enhance the company’s image as a considerate and ethical employer. 

This positive perception can spread through word-of-mouth and social media , bolstering the company’s reputation in the job market.


Transparency is a key element in modern HR practices, and sending a job rejection email is a direct demonstration of this value. It shows that the company is open and honest in its communications, even when the message might be difficult. 

This transparency is appreciated by candidates, who often face uncertainty and anxiety during job searches. Receiving a clear and direct response allows them to understand where they stand and focus their efforts on other opportunities.

Closing the Loop

Finally, sending a job rejection email is essential for closing the loop in the recruitment process. It offers a sense of resolution to candidates, who otherwise might be left wondering about the status of their application. 

This closure is not only beneficial for candidates but also for the company, as it prevents the need for follow-up inquiries and allows both parties to move forward. Moreover, it keeps the door open for future interactions, as candidates who are treated with respect and professionalism are more likely to reengage with the company when other opportunities arise.

How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job

This section provides a detailed guideline on how to tell someone they didn’t get the job, ensuring the message is conveyed with professionalism and empathy.

  • Clear and Concise Subject Line: The subject line of your job rejection email should be straightforward yet sensitive. Phrases like “Job Application Update” or “Regarding Your Application for [Position Name]” are appropriate. It’s crucial to avoid ambiguity, ensuring the candidate is not misled about the email’s purpose.
  • Personalized Greeting: Begin the email with a personalized greeting, using the candidate’s name. A personalized approach shows the candidate that they are not just another number in the process, but an individual whose application was considered seriously.
  • Gratitude and Acknowledgment: Acknowledge the time and effort the candidate invested in applying and interviewing. This appreciation helps soften the blow of rejection and leaves the candidate with a sense of respect and value.
  • Reason for Rejection: Providing a reason for the rejection can be beneficial, but it should be handled delicately. General factors like a highly competitive applicant pool or the need for specific skills that were not a strong match can be cited. If appropriate, gently mention a lack of fit with the company culture . However, ensure that the reasons are constructive and not personal.
  • Encouragement and Constructive Feedback: Offer encouragement by highlighting positive aspects of the candidate’s application or interview. If suitable, provide constructive feedback, focusing on areas for improvement. This can be invaluable for the candidate’s professional growth. The key is to be honest yet tactful, ensuring the feedback is useful without being disheartening.
  • Closing Statement: Conclude the email with a positive note. Wish them success in their future endeavors, leaving them with a sense of goodwill and optimism. This closing can help maintain a positive relationship with the candidate, who may be a perfect fit for a different role in the future.

Related Article: Asking for Feedback After a Job Rejection: Do’s and Don’ts 

Job Rejection Email Templates

Crafting a well-structured job rejection email is crucial in maintaining a professional and empathetic approach to recruitment. Below are templates for different scenarios, designed to assist HR professionals in effectively communicating job rejections.

Declined Interview Email

Sometimes, a candidate may not be the right fit even before the interview stage. In such cases, sending a declined interview email is necessary.

Here’s a template:

Subject: Update on Your Application for [Job Title] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and for the effort you put into your application.

After careful review, we wanted to inform you that we will not be proceeding with an interview at this time. This decision was challenging due to the high caliber of applicants we received. Please know that your qualifications were impressive, and we appreciate the time you invested in reaching out to us.

While we are unable to offer an interview currently, we would like to keep your resume on file for future opportunities that may better align with your skills and experience. We encourage you to apply for any future positions at [Company Name] that interest you.

Thank you again for considering a career with us. We wish you the best in your job search and all your future professional endeavors.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Company Name]

Job Rejection Email After Interview

After conducting interviews, it’s important to communicate with candidates who won’t be moving forward.

Subject: Your Interview for [Job Title] at [Company Name]

I hope this email finds you well. We want to extend our sincere thanks for taking the time to interview with us for the [Job Title] position. We truly appreciated the opportunity to learn about your skills and experiences.

After careful consideration and thorough review of all our candidates, we have made the difficult decision to move forward with another applicant whose qualifications more closely align with our needs for this particular role. This was not an easy choice given the impressive talents of all our interviewees, including yourself.

We are grateful for the interest you have shown in [Company Name] and for sharing your professional aspirations with us. Although this specific position was not the right fit, we were impressed by your [mention a specific strength or quality of the candidate], and we encourage you to apply for future openings at our company that align with your skills and career goals.

Thank you again for your time and effort, and we wish you all the best in your continued job search and future professional endeavors. Please feel free to stay in touch.

[Your Name] [Your Position]

Related Article: Job Rejection After an Interview? Here’s How to Handle It

Job Rejection Email for Internal Candidates

Rejecting an internal candidate requires a delicate approach, as these individuals are already part of your organization. Such emails should focus on maintaining a good working relationship and encouraging their continued growth within the company.

Subject: Regarding Your Application for [Job Title] Within [Company Name]

I hope this message finds you well. I want to start by expressing our sincere appreciation for your ongoing contributions to [Company Name] and for expressing interest in the [Job Title] position.

After thorough consideration, we have decided to move forward with another candidate for this role. This decision was particularly difficult given your valuable work and dedication to our team. We were impressed by your [mention any specific strengths or contributions of the candidate] but ultimately felt that another candidate’s specific skill set was better suited to the needs of this position.

We truly value your commitment to [Company Name] and encourage you to continue seeking growth and development opportunities within our organization. Please know that this decision does not diminish the importance of your role and your accomplishments here.

We are more than willing to discuss your career path and future opportunities within [Company Name], and I am personally available to provide guidance or support in your professional development.

Thank you again for your interest in the [Job Title] position, and we look forward to your continued success and contributions to our team.

Job Rejection Email for Post-Internship Candidates

Interns often hope their internship will lead to a permanent position. When this isn’t possible, it’s crucial to communicate this delicately. Here’s a template that will help you acknowledge their contributions and encourage them in their future endeavors.

Subject: Follow-Up on Your Application for [Job Title] at [Company Name]

I hope you are doing well. Firstly, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication during your internship with us at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure having you as part of our team and witnessing your growth and contributions.

Regarding your application for the [Job Title] position, after much consideration, we have decided to move forward with a candidate who has specific experience and qualifications that align more closely with our current needs. This decision was not easy, especially given your commitment and the skills you demonstrated throughout your internship.

We recognize and appreciate the effort you put into both your internship and your application. While this specific role was not the right fit, your potential did not go unnoticed. We encourage you to continue developing your skills and would be delighted to consider you for future opportunities that match your qualifications and career aspirations.

Please keep in touch and consider [Company Name] for future applications. We wish you all the best in your academic pursuits and upcoming professional endeavors.

Personalized Job Rejection Email Example

Personalizing a job rejection email, especially when offering feedback, is crucial in showing respect and care for the candidate’s professional development.

Below is an example of a personalized job rejection email that includes specific feedback:

Subject: Regarding Your Application for the Marketing Manager Role at Zenith Innovations

Dear Emily,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. First and foremost, thank you for the time and energy you dedicated to the interview process for the Marketing Manager position at Zenith Innovations. We were particularly impressed by your enthusiasm for digital marketing and your innovative approach to brand strategy, evident in your successful campaign with ABC Corp.

After a thorough review of all our candidates, we have decided to move forward with someone whose background in international market expansion more closely aligns with our current strategic goals. This decision was by no means an easy one, especially given your strong expertise in domestic market strategies.

I would like to offer some specific feedback to assist you in your career journey. Your experience in developing comprehensive social media campaigns and managing a dynamic team is commendable. However, for a role like Marketing Manager at Zenith, a deeper understanding of global marketing trends and experience in navigating diverse international markets could greatly enhance your candidacy for future opportunities. Additionally, while your creative approach is a significant strength, expanding your skill set in data analytics could provide a more balanced strategy perspective, which is highly valued in our company’s marketing approach.

We truly appreciate your interest in Zenith Innovations and the unique ideas you brought to the table during our discussions. While this particular role wasn’t the right fit, your talent and passion for marketing are clear, and I have no doubt you’ll find a position that suits your impressive skill set. Please feel free to stay in touch, and should a suitable role arise in the future, I hope you will consider reapplying.

Thank you once again for considering a career with us, and I wish you the best of luck in your ongoing job search. If you would like to discuss your application or our feedback further, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Jonathan Smith Director of Human Resources Zenith Innovations [email protected]

Best Practices for Crafting Compassionate Job Rejection Emails

Crafting a compassionate job rejection email is a critical aspect of the recruitment process. Below are best practices for creating job rejection emails that are empathetic and professional.

It’s respectful to inform applicants of their status as soon as a decision has been made. Timely communication demonstrates that your company values the candidate’s time and effort. It also helps candidates to move on quickly in their job search, potentially reducing the emotional impact of the rejection.

Provide Constructive Feedback

Offering constructive feedback shows that you have taken the time to evaluate the candidate’s application thoroughly and are interested in their professional growth. Feedback should be specific, actionable, and framed positively. However, it’s important to balance honesty with sensitivity, ensuring that your comments are helpful and not discouraging.

Encourage Future Applications

If you see potential in a candidate for future roles, explicitly encourage them to reapply. This can be particularly important for candidates who were strong contenders but weren’t the right fit for the current role. By inviting them to apply for future positions, you maintain a relationship with them and create a pool of pre-vetted candidates for your company. This gesture can also boost the candidate’s confidence and willingness to re-engage with your organization.

Legal and Compliance Considerations

When crafting job rejection emails, it’s vital to be mindful of legal and compliance considerations. Avoid statements that could be interpreted as discriminatory or that imply an unlawful basis for the decision. Stick to factual, job-related reasons for the rejection. It’s advisable to consult with your legal team to ensure that all communications are compliant with employment laws and regulations.

The Future of Job Rejection Emails

The future of job rejection emails is set to evolve significantly with advancements in technology and a greater focus on candidate experience. Let’s explore how these changes will shape the way companies communicate rejections.

Personalization through AI

AI can analyze a candidate’s application and generate a customized response that addresses specific aspects of their profile. This technology can identify the key strengths of the candidate and tailor the message to provide relevant and individualized feedback. 

The use of AI in crafting personalized rejection emails not only enhances the candidate experience but also reflects a company’s commitment to thoughtful and respectful communication. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, we can expect even more nuanced and personalized interactions in the recruitment process.

Automated Feedback Systems

Automated feedback systems represent another innovative trend. These systems can provide more detailed and constructive feedback to candidates by analyzing their interviews or assessments using predefined criteria. By offering insights into areas of strength and those needing improvement, automated feedback systems help candidates in their professional development. 

This technology ensures that each candidate receives valuable feedback without significantly increasing the workload for HR professionals. As these systems develop, they could become a standard feature in the recruitment process, benefiting both candidates and employers by fostering transparency and growth.

Integration with Learning Platforms

An emerging concept is the integration of job rejection emails with learning platforms. For instance, a rejection email could include links to online courses or workshops that align with the areas of development identified during the application process. 

This approach positions the company as an enabler of professional growth, extending the relationship beyond the recruitment process. It demonstrates a commitment to the long-term success of all candidates, enhancing the company’s reputation as a supportive and developmental organization.

Ammar Ahmed

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Mar 23, 2021

How to write the perfect candidate rejection email

Learn how to craft a polite, personalized, and professional candidate rejection email that protects your reputation and strengthens your brand.

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Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Telling a prospective candidate that they've not got a job is one of the most challenging things anyone can do, but it's crucial that you do. Jobseekers have taken the time, effort and, in some cases, the expense to submit an application and attend an interview, so the least you can do is to tell them if they haven't got a job.

The best candidate rejection emails are personal and professional, providing just enough feedback to the job seeker. They find the right balance between being positive, informative and encouraging while still saying no.

Get it right, and you can improve the reputation of your business. Get it wrong, and a bad job rejection email can quickly spread across the world, damaging your reputation and credibility.

Do you send a lot of candidate rejection letters? Try Flowrite's smart email templates to write repetitive emails faster. Here's how it works:

What is a rejection email?

 A job rejection email response is a professional courtesy to job seekers who haven't been successful after submitting an application or attending an interview.

Once you've decided whom to interview or employ, it's essential that you let unsuccessful candidates know as soon as possible.

There are no real rules on job rejection emails, but you should definitely send one. Sadly, many organizations don't bother.

Job platform Workable found that  75% of job seekers never receive a reply  after sending an application. A further 60% never received any feedback after an interview.

Why do I need to know about job rejection emails?

The task of crafting a rejection letter is often delegated to staff who may not have been involved in the selection process. The key is to find the right tone between being encouraging and positive but honest and professional.

If you've never written an applicant rejection letter before, it can take some practice before you hit all the right notes. Even experienced recruiters may find rejection emails can be challenging to create.

Telling someone bad news is always tricky but writing rejection letters is particularly challenging. Jobseekers become  emotionally invested  in the recruitment process, and rejection can be hard to take.

From application to an appointment, the average recruitment process takes 27 days,  Glassdoor  found. If candidates have been invited to interview and have met prospective employers, a 'no' can be difficult to take. When rejected, jobseekers will  experience a range of emotions , including disappointment, anger, and frustration.

A missing or poorly written letter could harm the self-concept of the recipient and future intentions of potential recruits,"  researchers found.  Simply put, a bad rejection letter could do lasting damage to someone's mental health.

In  another study , academics found that applicants rejected without receiving correspondence were more likely to believe that the organization failed to fulfill its obligations. Those who didn't receive a personalized rejection letter had what the researchers describe as "more negative intentions" toward the organization. ‍

A well-written rejection letter can achieve three things: ‍

  • Deliver essential news promptly.
  • Provide emotional closure for the job seeker.
  • Protect the reputation and improve their perception of your organization.

A rejection letter before interview or a post-job interview rejection email can be as short or long as you wish, but it needs to contain some specifics that we'll cover next.

What makes an excellent candidate rejection email?

We've written before on  professional email etiquette , but a rejection letter for job vacancies is slightly different. Our research has identified that there are four core parts of any successful rejection email.

  • Thank the applicant
  • Give the bad news
  • Explain the reasons
  • End positively

Let's look at these in more detail.

1. Thank the applicant

Jobseekers have put time and effort to apply and craft a resume . They're enthusiastic, excited, and have invested emotionally in the process. Applying for a job is hard , and rejection is even harder. Hence, it's essential to recognize that by thanking them for their effort .

2. Give the bad news

Rejection letters are about bad news, so be clear and upfront. If it's a no, then say so.

Your response must be definitive and leave the applicant under no illusion that they have a chance. A clean break is the fairest approach.

3. Explain the reasons

It's vital that you explain why the person didn't get a job.

You can enter into as much detail here as you wish. In some cases, it may be as simple as stating there were more suitable candidates, or you may want to provide lengthy and detailed feedback. See our examples below for some inspiration.

Even brief feedback is better than no feedback. If you struggle with finding time or the right words for writing feedback, check out Flowrite's smart feedback email template , that uses AI to write your feedback emails for you.

4. End positively

Finishing your email on a positive note is essential. You haven't given this person a job, but there's a role out there for them.

Thank the applicant, recognize their strengths, and encourage them to apply again. If you're prepared to follow through, then offer to give the applicant feedback.

How to reject a candidate via email

You've read our framework for constructing the perfect email, but you may wonder how that translates into a rejection email? Let's take a look at some of the crucial tips for writing an application rejection letter.

1. Use the person's name

It may be tempting to send out a group email to all interviewees but don't. Always address the person by name. They will appreciate it.

We prefer using the first name as it sounds much more personal. You can learn more about  how to start a professional email  in our in-depth blog.

2. Thank them for applying

Every application and interview represent hours of effort on behalf of a jobseeker, so a thank you isn't just welcome; it's a necessity.

application rejection email

3. Start with the bad news (and don't apologize for picking the best candidate)

Tell people straight away that they have been unsuccessful. Don't leave it to the end of the email to give the bad news. Jobseekers will read and re-read your email, so be clear, not vague.

For example: ‍

  • On this occasion, we've decided not to take your application further.
  • I'm writing to let you know that you've not been selected for an interview.
  • Unfortunately, we won't be proceeding with your application at this time.

You may want to say sorry but don't . The decisions you take are what's best for your business, and there's no need to apologize.

4. Be personal

Spending a little time reflecting on a candidate's experience can make the jobseeker feel your decision is considered and fair. A rejection with no explanation can lead to confusion, frustration, and upset.

5. If you offer to provide feedback, make sure you really mean it

So many organizations offer to provide feedback but don't (for many reasons). If you aren't prepared to provide feedback, then don't offer to do so.

6. Encourage them to apply again

The door is never shut to great candidates, so encourage them to apply again. Include details of how they can search for new opportunities.

You can suggest job seekers connect with you on social media platforms such as LinkedIn to learn about new opportunities. ‍

7. End professionally

We've written a detailed blog on the best practices for ending professional emails .

8. Proofread all emails

There's nothing worse than a poorly written rejection email, so be sure to check it before sending it.

How long should my rejection letter be?

There is no right or wrong answer, but following a professional email format is advised. The first thing is that you write a job rejection letter, as so many businesses and organizations don't even take this step.

A good guide is that the longer someone has been involved in the job selection process, the more detailed a candidate rejection letter should be. In most cases, three or four paragraphs is enough.

Subject line for the rejection email

It's best to keep things simple, clear, and professional. We recommend that you list the job title in the subject line. As an example, you could use the following.

Rejection email template

You should personalize your rejection emails for each role and each organization, but here are some basic examples you can follow.

Example 1: Basic candidate rejection email

This is a pretty standard rejection letter that is tailored for the person. It's professional, to the point, and clear.

Example 2: Formal rejection letter

If you are writing on behalf of someone else, keep it brief and formal. Here's an example.

Example 3: Detailed rejection email

If you're prepared to provide detailed feedback, it can be highly beneficial for the job seeker. This template is a suitable sample rejection letter after the interview. It's modeled on the rejection email used by Apple.

Example 4: Personal job rejection email

If you run a business yourself and want to do something slightly different (while following our basic principles), then why not?

Are you still struggling to write that candidate rejection email? Flowrite turns sequences of words into ready-to-send email that's both personal and professional. ‍

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thanks for the interview earlier this week decided not to proceed not enough experience

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Candidate rejection emails for every stage of the application process (free templates).

Candidate rejection emails for every stage of the application process (FREE TEMPLATES)

Want to professionally, thoughtfully, and empathetically reject job applicants? The following are different types of rejection email templates for each stage of the interview process. These will assist you to turn down job applicants at various stages in the process, whether when they are not called to interview or rejected following an interview.

It’s crucial you don’t skip or delay this step or fall into the busyness trap and use it as an excuse to fail to treat your job candidates with respect. You owe your job candidates graceful and timely communicated rejections, no matter at what stage they are screened out. 

Use these sample rejection templates as a guide, but they should come with a safety precaution: ‘Handle with care.’ There’s always the risk of sounding hollow and like a bot when you use ‘one-size-fits-all’ templates. Opt for messages that mirror your company’s employer brand tone and style, and are similar to human face-to-face conversations.

Additionally, candidates that progress interviews and commit a significant amount of time to the process, priority should always be given to rejection by a courtesy phone call first. But if time and competing schedules are not on your side, we have also included an email template you can use. 

Sending rejection emails to candidates is an integral part of the hiring process. Signup for free to Occupop’s all-in-one recruiting software for better candidate experience.

So, what should I include in a rejection email?

A thorough rejection email should touch on the following elements:

#1 Say thank you Always thank a candidate for their time and interest in your company. Whether it was in application, or coming in for interviews in addition to being polite, this message also shows applicants your organisation values others’ time.

#2 Humanise it Always use the applicant’s first name and the title of the position. If possible, you may also include a note from the conversation or mention something that impressed you.

#3 Where possible, give feedback Where time permits and especially if candidates have given up a significant amount of time interviewing, provide some feedback as it provides valuable insight for the candidate that may help inform their next move. 

#4 Invitation to apply again If you feel a candidate is a good fit for the company, just not now, keep the door open and let them know you would like to contact them for other opportunities in the future. 

application rejection email

Candidate rejection email template: When not selected for an interview

Email Subject Line: Your application to [ Company_name ]

Hi [ Candidate_name ],

Thank you for your application for the  [ Job_title ] at [Company Name]. We really appreciate your interest in joining our company and we want to thank you for the time and energy you invested in your application for the [Job_title] position.

We received a large number of applications, and after carefully reviewing all of them, unfortunately, we have to inform you that this time we won’t be able to invite you to the next round of our hiring process.

Due to the high number of applications we are, unfortunately, not able to provide individual feedback to your application at this early stage of the process. 

However, we really appreciated your application and you are welcome to apply again at [Company name] in the future.

We wish you all the best in your job search.

Kind regards,

[ Your name ]

[ Your email signature ]

‍ Candidate rejection email template: After the team interview

It was a great pleasure to meet you and thank you so much for your interest in [ Company_name ] and the nice chat we had earlier. Unfortunately, I’m a bringer of bad news.  

After careful review, your experience and interests didn’t quite line up with what we were looking for. We have decided to move forward with other candidates at this time. We know you’ve got a lot of options when seeking a community where your skills and talents will shine, so we really appreciate that you considered us.

While this is a ‘no’ for now, it may not be forever. We think you could be a good fit for other future openings and will reach out again if we find a good match, and hopefully our paths will cross again.

Thanks once again for your time and interest. 

application rejection email

Candidate rejection email template: After the final interview

It was a great pleasure to meet you and we really appreciate your interest in a career with [ Company_name ]. 

Your skills and accomplishments impressed us. However after careful consideration, we wanted to let you know that we have chosen to move forward with another candidate for the [ Job_title ] position because they have more exposure to (.......) that more closely matched our hiring needs.

Our team was impressed by your skills and experience. Especially (.....). While it's a ‘no’ for now, we think you could be a good fit for other future openings and will reach out again if we find a good match.

Thank you for your time in interviewing with us and we wish you all the best in your job search and future professional endeavors.

Use ChatGPT to help you script empathetic rejection emails

Looking to use ChatGPT to help you script empathetic candidate rejection emails? Check out our ChatGPT Prompt Library for recruitment , with some great examples and use cases you can simply copy and paste into ChatGPT.

application rejection email

If you are looking for more time saving recruitment email templates, make sure to check out our Time-saving Email Templates for HR & Recruitment Teams resource. This includes templates for every stage of the hiring process such as; first touch sourcing email templates, recruiting email templates, interview email templates, hiring email templates, onboarding email templates and new hire announcement templates.


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Occupop is a beautifully simple recruitment software built for small and medium businesses. We empower our customers to become great at hiring through our smart hiring technology and suite of solutions that almost anyone can use. So whether you're a team of five or fifty, it only takes a few minutes to onboard your team members, set permissions, and start recruiting. If you think Occupop could be a good small business recruitment software solution for you, try it out today with a free 14-day trial.

Summary Points

What should i include in a rejection email.

#1 Say thank you Always thank a candidate for their time and interest in your company.

#2 Humanise it Always use the applicant’s first name and the title of the position.

application rejection email

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application rejection email

How to write a job rejection email (templates included)

application rejection email

A corporate job typically gets 250 applications. Of these applicants, about 2% to 6% are called in for an interview. Of course, the offer is made to just one.

This means that there are about 249 candidates who get rejected each time you post an ad. Chances are you’re going to have to write a  job rejection email or two.

Now, no HR professional wants to break the bad news of rejection their candidates. But informing them about their application status is important. It helps them to track their application to closure.

Otherwise, they might end up investing more time on your job listing with follow up emails or calls – only to learn that they aren’t being considered anymore. Bad candidate experiences like these can negatively impact your employer branding .

Here’s where well-written and thought-out job rejection emails come in handy. They are great tools to update your candidates’ on their application status.

Let’s now look at the job rejection email templates you can send to your applicants. You’ll need a different kind of rejection based on the different hiring stages where they end their application.

job rejection email templates pdf

1. Post-application job rejection email template

The application stage is quite an early stage in the hiring process . At this point, all that the candidates have done is sent you their resume along with any other preliminary information you might have asked for.

Generally speaking, candidates aren’t very invested at this stage. They’re not expecting to be hired on the spot and they haven’t spent too much time in the application.

This means that a rejection at this point is usually not as discouraging as getting rejected in the more advanced hiring stages.

For these candidates, send a brief job rejection email such as:

Hello [first name] , Thank you for applying to be an [role] at [company name] . While we were really impressed by your resume and you clearly show the potential of doing some great [job core responsibility like customer service, writing, testing, etc.] , we sadly can’t move forward with your application at this point. But please feel free to re-apply when you see another relevant listing at [company name] . Thank you for applying. We appreciate your effort. [your name]

Always use the candidate’s name when delivering the rejection news as this little trick personalizes the email and it doesn’t read like a robotic mass mail.

A simple response, closing out the process is all it takes to provide a polite rejection letter at this stage.

2. Post-screening job rejection email template

The screening stage is an intermediate stage in the hiring process. Usually, at this point, you would have engaged the shortlisted candidates to work on some sample specs, had a phone call with them or got them to undertake a few pre-hiring assessment tests .

Candidates at this point feel that they’re in that zone where they have a good chance at landing the job.

So they’re somewhat hopeful and have also typically invested reasonable time and effort into getting closer to getting the job. This means that rejection at this point means more than what it does at the application stage.

Send a more thoughtful job rejection email to these candidates, such as:

Hi [first name] , Thanks so much for [sending over the trial specs or taking up the assessments tests or for participating in the screening call] to be our next [role] at [company name] . We really enjoyed reviewing your performance, and while you certainly have the skills to make it big in a [marketing or writing or customer service] role and also carry a right attitude, we sadly can’t move forward with you at this point. But please do re-apply when you see another relevant listing at [company name] . Thank you for applying. We really appreciate your effort. [your name]

Consider including personalized feedback where possible. This will help you author a polite rejection letter that candidates respond well to.

3. Post-interview job rejection email template

The interviewing stage is the most advanced stage in the hiring process. The candidate job rejection email after an interview is one of the most important, especially if you’ve had them participate in a job trial day .

Usually, at this point, your candidates have already invested a lot of time and effort to get the job and will feel much more confident and closer to getting the job. This means getting rejected after the interview can be disheartening.

Candidates don’t just lose all their time and effort, but they also experience discouragement of making it so far and still not getting hired.

To these candidates, it’s important to send a detailed job rejection email like:

Hey [first-name] , Thanks so much for interviewing to be our next [role] at [company name] . We thoroughly enjoyed talking to you about your skills, experience, and job expectations. What really stood out was your [one quality about the candidate or a complex project they might have handled or any constructive feedback they can use] . We can already tell that you have a great career ahead, but unfortunately, we can’t move forward with you this time. We went with the candidate who [explain the criteria on which the candidate lost out, for example, going with a candidate who had more experience, an additional skill, or better cultural fit]. But we’d love to have you re-apply when you see another relevant listing at [company name] . Thank you for applying at [company name]. We really appreciate your effort. [your name]

Notice that this email offers specific feedback to the candidate.

Often, this is the only way to compensate these candidates for making it this far and to give them some value in return for the time and effort they invested throughout the hiring process.

Besides, this also helps them with their future interviews.

3 principles to write polite rejection letters

Generally speaking, better job rejection emails create a better candidate experience . Every candidate will respond differently to rejection. However, there are some general best practices to abide by when writing your own job rejection letters and emails.

When using these job rejection emails samples to write yours, remember:

  • Convey empathy: Show the candidates that you know how it feels to be getting such an email. A little empathy goes a long way when improving the candidate experience.
  • Show gratitude: Thank the candidates for applying. You may not always be able to compensate candidates for their time, so demonstrating your gratitude for their time and effort is important.
  • Be personal: Customize your emails, so they feel like one-on-one conversations rather than a bulk update.

Why you should send unsuccessful candidates rejection emails

First, it is helpful to understand why you should send rejection emails at all.

Research suggests that more than half of job candidates have to wait weeks or more to get a response from prospective employers. Some never hear anything. This makes them feel disrespected and as if their time has been wasted.

Sending a rejection email is a nice way to recognize unsuccessful candidates and all the effort they put into applying. It also prevents them from having to wait around while wondering what will happen next.

Your rejection email can also be a chance to encourage them to apply again if you want them to.

In short, sending unsuccessful candidates rejection emails makes the experience more positive for them. Not only is this the kind thing to do, but it is also suitable for your business.

Candidates who have a positive relationship with employers are more likely to apply to future open positions, refer friends, and write positive reviews on websites such as Glassdoor.

In other words, you are expanding your future hiring pool by sending rejection emails.

Tips for sending better rejections emails

Sending a rejection email is always a good thing. However, sending the well-written email is even better. Many recruiters make the mistake of sending cold and mechanical emails.

These are some tips for making your emails warmer and more human:

  • Thank them: It is common courtesy to thank unsuccessful candidates for their applications. Consider expanding on this by thanking them for considering you (hiring is a two-way street). Also, acknowledge the time and effort they put in.
  • Make it personal: Whenever possible, make the email a little personal. Consider including a brief note referencing the conversation and highlighting a strength the person demonstrated.
  • Provide feedback: Offer some helpful feedback on why the person was not accepted. Ideally, this should be specific, constructive, and actionable. Providing even basic explanations can make the rejections more satisfying than merely telling unsuccessful candidates that they didn’t get the job.
  • Encourage future applications: If the person was the right candidate, encourage him or her to apply again. Consider making this more positive by writing something such as, “we hope you will be open to us reaching out about other opportunities.” This is a great way to make the email more positive.

Examples of great emails to unsuccessful candidates

Following the above tips will help to make your rejection emails more effective.

Below are some examples of well-written rejection emails to unsuccessful candidates that you can use as inspirations.

Rejection email to a candidate who was a good fit

Hi Jane, We really appreciate you applying to the Marketing Manager position at ABC Corporation. We know that many companies are hiring, and thank you for taking the time to visit us and interview with our team. At this time, we have chosen to move forward with a different candidate whose experience more closely matches our needs. We were very impressed by your in-depth knowledge of our product line and believe you would have made a great fit with our culture. Ultimately, the decision came down to the other candidate having a little more leadership experience. We expect to have other positions open soon in our marketing department. We hope that you will not mind us reaching out about any openings that we feel you would be a good fit for. Additionally, we encourage you to apply to any positions you are interested in. The best of luck with your search. We know that you will make a great team member wherever you end up. Warm regards, John Doe Marketing Director

Rejection email to a candidate who was not a good fit

Hi Jane, We appreciate you applying to the Marketing Manager position at ABC Corporation. We know that many companies are hiring, and thank you for taking the time to visit us and interview with our team. Although you have some great skills and experience, we have decided to move forward with a different candidate whose experience more closely matches our needs. Again, we really appreciate your time and effort. If you would appreciate additional feedback, please don’t hesitate to ask. The best of luck with your search. Warm Regards, John Doe Marketing Director

Key takeaways from these examples

The above two rejection email examples apply some of the aforementioned tips.

Useful tip:

While unsuccessful candidates will always be disappointed, that doesn’t mean that the rejection email needs to be devastating.

In the example for a good candidate, the hiring manager highlighted a specific strength (that she had done significant research into the product line).

He also made clear that the reason for selecting another candidate was because of the other applicant’s leadership experience.

Following this by encouraging future applications also helps keep the door open. Since she was a good candidate, the hiring manager indicates that he is considering reaching out about other openings.

This is more positive than merely asking the person to check back for other opportunities. However, you should only include this type of language if you mean it.

He also concludes with a positive note that she will make a good fit somewhere. While this isn’t going to salve the wound from rejection completely, it does help.

The example for the poorly fit candidate is shorter and more to the point. As with any other type of communication , it is best to say less when you don’t have positive things to say. There is no reason to kick the candidate when he or she is already down.

The hiring manager thanked the candidate in the same language as the first example. Regardless of whether someone was a good candidate or not, he or she put time and effort into applying, and that deserves gratitude. Conversely, the explanation is much shorter because the hiring manager has less to say.

Additionally, the hiring manager offers a chance to get some additional feedback. This is not necessary and should only be offered if you genuinely want to be helpful.

However, this can be a best practice when hiring. Providing feedback gives a good image of your company.

By offering a chance for feedback rather than just giving it, the hiring manager puts the control in the candidate’s hands. If he or she does not need to hear why the interview went poorly, he or she doesn’t have to.

The value of better recruitment

Talent is one of the most valuable resources for any organization. After all, it is the people working on your team that make it successful.

Improving your recruitment processes can help you to accelerate your business’s success.

Sending well-written and construction emails to unsuccessful candidates is a good way to enhance your recruitment efforts.

Another way is to use Recruitee. This talent acquisition platform will help you organize and streamline your recruitment process.

‍ Learn more about how Recruitee can help your team today.

Adrie is a content strategist at Foleon, and the former Head of Content & Branding at Recruitee!

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Rejection email template: How to follow up gracefully with candidates you don’t hire

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Key Points:

  • Silver-medalist candidates may still have a future with your company –  candidate relationship management keeps rejected applicants engaged for future positions.
  • Application status notifications and interview feedback can give candidates a positive impression of your brand, even if they’re rejected.
  • Rejection emails don’t have to mean goodbye; instead, the application conversation for “silver medalist” candidates can be continued.

For every successful candidate, you hire to fill a position, at least a few candidates won’t make the cut. It’s a good idea to follow up with them to let them know they’re no longer considered for the position. Otherwise, these candidates may feel like they’re left in limbo and may develop a poor opinion of your organization over time. In fact, 56% of applicants who are screened out never receive a rejection email or letter.

Responding to unsuccessful job applicants via email, whether it’s a rejection to a resume submission or follow-up after an interview, is a significant part of the candidate relationship management process. Following up with a rejection email serves several purposes for you and your organization:

  • Letting candidates down gently improves your brand image.   Only 22% of companies communicate with candidates in a timely manner, according to Aptitude Research. Following up with an unsuccessful candidate quickly and professionally can help leave a positive impression of your employer brand.
  • Rejections are a chance to boost your talent pipeline. Sometimes, a candidate isn’t a great fit for the position they applied to but could benefit your company in another role. By staying engaged with candidates you know are interested in your company, you can increase your talent pipeline and fill positions quickly.
  • A follow-up rejection email enhances the candidate experience. The majority of candidates with a previous negative impression of an organization indicated they would not apply again in the future. Professional, personalized rejection letters help give unsuccessful candidates a better experience and help your company’s future growth plans.

So, what does a positive rejection letter to an unsuccessful candidate look like? Below, we dive into the importance of rejection letters at each stage, as well as a few tips and customizable recruitment email templates to help you provide a better candidate experience, protect your brand image, and grow your talent pipeline.

Why applicant rejection emails are so important

While any rejection letter carries an air of negativity, sending one to an applicant is a decent gesture. It lets them know not to get their hopes up for the role and keep going with their job search. Otherwise, they may continue to hold out hope for an interview that will never come – hope that may eventually turn to resentment towards your brand.

However, you have a chance to earn goodwill towards your organization when you let candidates know that you’ll keep them in mind for other roles that may be a better fit for them. According to a Workplace Trends study, 80% of job seekers say they wouldn’t consider future relevant job openings at a company that didn’t follow up about their application – yet they would be three and a half times more likely to re-apply to a company if they were notified of the rejection.

Beyond that, sending a rejection letter that reads like it was written by a real person, rather than just a form letter, can help soften the blow and let the candidate know you value the time they spent researching and applying to your organization.

Application rejection email template:

Hello [Candidate Name],

Thank you for expressing interest in [Company] and the [Job Title] position you applied for. While we were impressed with your qualifications, unfortunately, we’ve decided to move forward with other applicants whose skills and experience better meet our needs at this time.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in [Company] and hope that you’ll stay in touch. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we have another open role that interests you.

To stay up to date on current job openings and ensure you’re included in our search for future great candidates, we encourage you to join our talent community and connect with us here: <Link to Talent 

Pipeline Nurture Page>.

Best wishes,

<Sender Name>

Here are some tips for writing a rejection email following a resume submission or application:

  • Do not send the email out immediately after you’ve decided to reject the candidate. It would help if you let enough time pass for the candidate to know you thoroughly reviewed their application.
  • Let the candidate know that they should feel free to apply for other positions they may find at your company.
  • Give the candidate a choice to opt into your candidate relationship management program to receive notifications about new, relevant job openings.

Interview rejection emails need a delicate touch

A rejection after an interview requires a delicate touch. Remember, the candidate took time to meet with you and spent time researching your organization. A connection was developed on some level, so a personalized rejection letter is a must when you decide to move on from a candidate.

All the same reasons for sending an application rejection email also apply here, but an interview rejection can also serve a few additional purposes. First, it allows you to give the candidate feedback on their interview; this is a critical component of the interview process that many candidates crave. They’re most likely applying for many jobs simultaneously and want as much feedback as they can get to make themselves desirable candidates. At the same time, you can continue your relationship with “silver medalist” candidates – those candidates that were very strong but were either missing a couple of key requirements or would be better suited to a different position. Instead of a “goodbye,” the rejection letter becomes a tool to keep the conversation going.

Phone or live interview rejection email template:

Thank you for taking the time to speak to me regarding our [Job Title] position. While I was impressed with your qualifications and experience, especially [information you learned in the interview], we’ve unfortunately decided to move forward with other applicants whose skills and experience better meet our needs at this time.

To stay up to date on current job openings and ensure you’re included in our search for future great candidates, we encourage you to join our talent community and connect with us here: <Link to Talent Pipeline Nurture Page>.

[Sender Name]

Who or how a candidate interviews doesn’t matter; treat rejections from phone interviews, in-person interviews, and live or pre-recorded video interviews with the same level of care. Here are some tips for writing a rejection email following a phone screen or other interview:

  • Make sure you customize the email and, if possible, mention something positive about the candidate that you learned from their phone or in-person interview.
  • Don’t use a tone that’s too stiff or formal – the email should feel personal and not like a form letter. After all, your goal is to keep good candidates open to applying again in the future by joining your talent pipeline.
  • Provide an opportunity for the candidate to opt into a candidate relationship management system (which manages your talent pipelines) to receive communications about job openings and networking events.

iCIMS Candidate Relationship Management software gives recruiters the tools to regularly communicate through email campaigns with prospective candidates and silver-medalist candidates who weren’t right for a specific role. Recruiters can then use reporting technology to track how they apply to jobs or register for networking events. You can also track important email metrics like open- and click-through rates to help improve the impact of future recruitment campaigns.

Ready to learn more about engaging silver medalist candidates and building diverse talent pools that help you source faster? Check out The definitive guide to building your talent pools .

The definitive guide to building your talent pipeline

Reviewed for accuracy on March 26, 2021, by Alex Oliver . 

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Writing A Rejection Email? How To Break The Bad News

Rejection emails are difficult to receive—and they're also difficult to send. Unfortunately, they are an inevitable part of every hiring process.

For hiring managers and recruiters, it's important to recognize that what you say is just as important as how you say it. Many job seekers start to lose confidence after about five rejections . But when a rejection is written with a sense of empathy and respect, it can actually create valuable connections that last beyond the application or interview stage.

While you cannot offer every candidate a job, it’s important to recognize the time and effort that candidates put into each application—not to mention the emotional attachment they may have to the outcome.

Read on to discover what you need to know to turn a professional rejection into a future opportunity for both the company and the candidate.

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How Rejected Candidates Impact Your Employer Brand

For better or worse, how you reject candidates is part of your employer brand. If candidates feel that you are harsh in your rejection—or if you leave them hanging with no response—they’ll spread the word. This may make other qualified candidates hesitate to apply with your company in the future.

The process of writing a job rejection email should be handled with care. It’s respectful to candidates to offer them a sense of closure in their job search instead of leaving them wondering. This is one way to show that you care about a person’s mental and emotional wellbeing.

Additionally, the right rejection email can help you maintain relationships with prospects. Keeping resumes on file keeps your pipeline full for future opportunities, and letting candidates know that you’re doing so can make a rejection email feel less discouraging. This is a smart move, especially when labor shortages arise and the talent landscape becomes more competitive.

What Should You Include in a Rejection Email?

Every employment rejection email will be a reflection of the company’s individual philosophy about how to handle candidates. However, there are some common elements that every hiring manager should strive to include.

The first is a personalized greeting . Personalizing a rejection email projects warmth and makes the candidate feel individually considered and valued. It’s even better if you can add information about the role they applied for and speak to their individual strengths and weaknesses.

You should also make sure your letter is succinct and uses clear, upfront language . Don’t confuse the candidate about where they stand in the application process or about whether you want them to apply for alternative or future roles.

When possible, seek to provide the candidate with specific feedback about their application or interview. Know that 46% of Gen Z applicants care about receiving feedback from the direct hiring manager.

Though these personalized responses may not be possible for every applicant, it’s important to send them to the few who have made it to the interview, especially if you want them to be prepared for future opportunities with your company. If you believe the candidate is a great cultural fit, invite them to apply for future roles or tell them you’ll contact them if an appropriate position arises.

Always seek to keep the lines of communication open by inviting the candidate to ask more questions or provide feedback. This enhances your employer brand and highlights how personable your company and team are.

Email Rejection Examples

Example 1: rejection email after application.

Dear [Candidate Name],

I hope this message finds you well. First, thank you for taking the time to apply for the security analyst position at Pembroke Hospital. We appreciate the care you put into this application and your efforts to tell us about yourself and your skills.

After careful consideration of your background and experience, we regret to inform you that we will not be moving forward with your application for this role at this time. We received many applications from highly qualified individuals. Our decision is a reflection of the overall qualifications of a very competitive applicant pool, not of your individual skills.

We are not able to provide individual feedback to every candidate because of the high volume of applications we received. However, please know that we will keep your application on file and contact you should another position become available that closely aligns with your skill set.

If you have any further questions or feedback for our recruitment team, please feel free to reply to this email and share it with us. We wish you all the best moving forward with your career.

[Hiring Manager Name and Title]

Example 2: Rejection Email After Interview

Thank you for your interest in the tech sales role at Wyatt Innovations. We enjoyed getting to know you better during the interview and appreciate the care and thought you have put into the process from the start.

While your knowledge, experience, and skill set are impressive, we have decided to hire another candidate with more experience closing high-value deals. This skill will be necessary to help Wyatt achieve its growth targets over the next five years.

Though we fully understand any disappointment you may feel in this decision, we would like to offer some constructive feedback to help you strengthen your skill set for your next application.

We recommend obtaining a certification in Sales Development from a hands-on program or boot camp. This will provide you with the skills you need to close deals with high-dollar clients.

Please know that we believe in your potential as someone looking to further their career in sales. Your personable demeanor and go-getter attitude make you a great fit for this path. We would love to keep in touch with you in case any future opportunities arise that align with your qualifications and professional goals.

Please feel free to share any feedback or questions you have for our team. We wish you continued success and hope to cross paths in the future.

How to Keep Rejected Candidates Engaged for Future Outreach

Keeping candidates engaged for future outreach is a critical part of a good talent acquisition strategy. In a competitive talent landscape, it can help you maintain relationships with qualified people who may be able to fill alternative or future roles at your company.

Strike a Positive Tone

The first thing you need to do to make the process successful is to be cordial and encouraging in your candidate rejection email. If you don’t make a good impression on the candidate in the letter, it may sour them on wanting to pursue future opportunities with your company.

You’ll also want to maintain a hopeful tone throughout your rejection message. If the candidate is truly a good fit for your organization and you're serious about staying in touch, explicitly let the candidate know that you welcome their application for future roles.

Provide Feedback

Be responsive to candidates who contact you with questions or to provide feedback. This is yet another way to leave a good impression and remind them that you care about them.

Provide candidates with specific feedback on how they can enhance their skills for the future. This will help them understand exactly what they need to work on, and it will build their confidence in their ability to be successful in applying for future roles.

Follow Through

Finally, be true to your word about reaching out for future opportunities. If you tell a candidate that you’ll contact them in the future and you follow through, they’ll likely be much more enthusiastic about the possibility of working with you.

Remember that a rejection doesn’t have to be the end of the road for either party. When done right, it can actually build a bridge to a bright future for both the candidate and the employer.

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How to Write a Candidate Rejection Email

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

Candidates rejection letter

If you’re interviewing candidates for roles at your company, you might be required to send out rejection emails to the candidates who didn’t make the cut.

It can be tough to write a rejection email because you need to maintain a professional tone while delivering information that will be hard for a candidate to hear. So how do you write a good one?

This article will share ten tips for writing a candidate rejection email and show you two templates that you can use in your hiring process.

What Is a Job Rejection Email?

10 tips for writing the perfect candidate rejection email, job rejection email samples.

A job rejection email is a notification you send to job applicants to let them know you won’t be moving forward with their application.

Some organizations don’t send one at all, which leaves candidates with a bad impression of your company or brand. Neglecting to send a rejection email in the professional world is like ghosting someone in the dating world—a clean break-up is always better.

As soon as you’re sure you won’t be proceeding with a candidate’s job application, you should send them a rejection email as a professional courtesy. Doing so helps the applicant get closure on their hopes of joining your company and protects your company’s reputation.

When to send a candidate rejection email

Delivering bad news is never easy but writing the email doesn’t have to be difficult. You can draft a template, using a few basic tips, that you can reuse whenever you need it.

Here are our ten favorite tips for how to write a rejection email.

Tip #1: Thank the Applicant for Their Time

Job candidates often put a lot of time and effort into the recruitment process.

Early on in a candidate rejection email, you should let them know you appreciate the effort they put into applying to your company. If they took the time to complete a job interview, you should thank them for that as well.

Here are some sentences you can use:

  • Thank you for taking the time to apply for [job title].
  • We appreciate the time you’ve invested in applying for [job title].
  • We appreciate you taking the time to visit our office for an interview. It was a pleasure to learn more about you and your accomplishments.

Tip #2: Be Clear About the Bad News

Make sure the candidate understands that this is a rejection letter. Don’t leave any room for the applicant to think they still have a chance to get the job.

You should deliver this news early on in the email, immediately after thanking them for their application. The clearer your email is, the easier it will be for everyone to move on.

Here are some examples of clear ways to deliver the rejection:

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a position.
  • I’m writing to let you know that you have not been selected for an interview.
  • We’ve decided not to proceed with your application at this time.

How to deliver bad news

Tip #3: Don’t Apologize

You might be tempted to apologize for not accepting the candidate, but there's no need to. You chose the best candidate for your business, and that’s the right thing to do.

Offering an apology when none is necessary will make the interaction feel more personal than it needs to be. This is purely a business decision, and you should remember that you have nothing to apologize for.

Tip #4: Show Empathy

Even though you shouldn’t apologize, you can still express your empathy. This is an optional component, but it can make applicants feel more heard and understood.

It’s tough for candidates to receive these emails. You can let them know that you understand their point of view.

Show empathy in a rejection email

You could say something like:

  • We recognize this may be a disappointment to you.
  • I know you might be disappointed about this news.
  • We know the job search can be tough.

Tip #5: Give a Reason

It’s a good idea to include a reason why this candidate wasn’t selected, even if the reason has nothing to do with them.

Keep it focused on the positives—the strengths of the person you did hire, rather than the qualities the unsuccessful candidate lacked.

Here are some examples:

  • We received a significant number of strong applications, and we weren’t able to select all of them.
  • Competition for jobs at our company is always strong, and this choice wasn’t easy.
  • We chose to proceed with a candidate who more closely fits the requirements for this role.

Tip #6: Consider Offering Personal Feedback

Giving the candidate feedback is optional, but it can be very valuable to write a more personalized rejection letter if you have time.

According to an Indeed survey, 86% of job seekers want constructive feedback about their interview performance. Giving them that feedback will give them a better impression of your company.

You can highlight one or more of the candidate’s specific strengths that stood out to you. It’s best to focus on strengths, rather than weaknesses.

If there’s a clear reason why you decided not to proceed with their application, you can let them know. Many candidates will find your feedback valuable, because it will help them nail the next job application.

For example, if you decide they’re not a good fit because they’re lacking experience with a specific tool, you can tell them that directly.

Here are some examples of feedback you could offer:

  • I was personally impressed with your…
  • We were impressed with your skill set, particularly…
  • For this particular job, we were looking for someone who had more…

Alternatively, you can let the candidate choose how much feedback they want by saying something like, “I would be happy to chat further if you would like specific feedback about your application."

Tip #7: Include the Job Title in the Subject Line

A clear and simple subject line is the best policy. Include the job title and the company name.

A simple subject line, like “Your Application for [job title] at [company name] ”, is always an effective option.

Tip #8: Use First Names

Using first names will personalize the email and make it feel less like a form rejection that you’re sending to people en masse. Address the email to the candidate’s first name, rather than saying “Dear Candidate” or “To Whom It May Concern.”

Tip #9: Keep It Short and Sweet

No candidate wants to spend time reading a long rejection email. As much as possible, keep it short and sweet.

It’s worth noting, however, that the longer the application process has been, the less this rule applies. If the candidate has already had multiple interviews with the company, you can write a longer and more personalized email to acknowledge the time they’ve put in.

Tip #10: Wish Them Well in Their Job Search

Whenever possible, you should end your email on a positive note. You can invite the candidate to apply for another job in the future if you feel they’d be a good fit for your company. Alternatively, you can simply wish them well in their future job search.

Here are some examples of closing sentences you can include in your email:

  • I wish you well in your job search and your future professional endeavors.
  • We encourage you to apply again.
  • We’ll be posting a few similar positions soon and welcome you to apply again.

Here are two email templates you can use, depending on the situation.

Sample #1: Basic Rejection Email (for early on in the hiring process)

You can use a basic rejection email for applicants whom you haven’t interviewed yet and don’t feel personally invested in.

Subject Line: Your Application for [position title]

Dear [candidate’s first name],

Thank you for applying for [position title] at [company name]. I am writing to let you know that,unfortunately, you have not been invited for an interview.

We know this may be a disappointment to you. We received many strong applications for this position, and we were only able to proceed with a few.

We wish you the best of luck in your future career endeavors.

[your full name]

[your job title]

Of course, you may have a template already based on your company. In that case, ensure that it's free from grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The last thing you want is to seem unprofessional. Run your emails through ProWritingAid's grammar checker so they'll always have a polished look and read.

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Sample #2: Personalized Rejection Email (for after the interview process)

If you’ve met an applicant personally, or if they’ve invested a significant amount of time into applying to your company, it’s better to send a more personalized email.

Thank you for taking the time to apply for [job position]. It was a pleasure to meet you when you came to our office to interview with our team. I was personally impressed with your [strengths], and I enjoyed hearing about your past work experience.

Unfortunately, our team has chosen not to proceed with your application. At this moment, we’re looking for [specific skills], so we ultimately decided to go with another candidate who has more experience in that area.

We’ll be posting more jobs in the coming months, and we encourage you to apply again if one of them is a good fit.

We wish you the best of luck with your future career endeavors. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn if you’d like to stay in touch.

[your first name]

What are your favorite tips for writing candidate rejection emails? Let us know in the comments.

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application rejection email

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Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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Candidate Rejection Email Templates for Every Stage of Hiring

  • August 2, 2023

Picture of Edgar Abong

Ever faced the cringe-worthy awkwardness of breaking up with someone over a text?

Yep, sending a candidate rejection email can feel just as dicey.

It’s that dreaded dance between being professional yet personal, direct but not cold.

You want to be gentle and clear , all while avoiding the business rendition of the age-old, “It’s not you, it’s me.”

Throw in the fear of accidentally hitting ‘reply all’ and you’ve got yourself a modern-day corporate horror story! But fear not, dear reader.

If you’re ready to master the elegant tango of tactful rejection in the hiring world without any missteps or faux pas, you’ve landed on the right dance floor.

Loosen up those typing fingers, find your rhythm, and let’s dive right into the groove!

Understanding the Basics of Candidate Rejection

Navigating the hiring waters, you’ll inevitably face the task of sending rejection emails to candidates. A rejection email is your friendly tap on the shoulder, letting a job applicant know they didn’t clinch the role this time around.

Think of it as a virtual handshake, acknowledging their effort and interest . Sending these rejection emails to candidates might feel awkward, but it’s a hallmark of professionalism.

Not only does a timely candidate rejection email save them from prolonged anxiety, but it also paints your company in a good light. Plus, remember, every rejection email to a candidate is a door left slightly ajar for potential future opportunities.

Candidate rejection email template

What is a Rejection Email?

When you dive into the hiring process, you’ll encounter the need to send a rejection email. Essentially, a rejection email is a courteous message sent to a job applicant to inform them they haven’t been selected for the role.

Think of it as the professional equivalent of letting someone know they didn’t make the team, but still appreciating their effort.

Why is it Essential to Send a Rejection Email to Candidates?

Now, you might wonder, why bother with a rejection email to candidates? Well, here’s the scoop. Sending a candidate rejection email not only preserves your company’s image but also maintains a positive relationship with potential future hires .

Imagine the anxiety of waiting for a response, any response! A well-crafted rejection email to candidates ensures they aren’t left hanging. Moreover, it demonstrates your company’s respect and professionalism.

After all, who knows? Today’s rejected candidate email might be tomorrow’s welcome aboard message for a different role.

Key Elements of a Polite Rejection Email

Crafting the ideal candidate rejection email? Bravo! Here’s the secret sauce: a rejection email should sound like a soft whisper rather than a thunderclap. When your goal is to reject a job applicant politely , you’re not just dismissing them; you’re nurturing a future relationship.

For a rejection email that resonates the right way, consider diving deeper into these key elements:

Clear Communication

When you’re drafting that rejection email to a candidate, clarity is your best friend. Candidates appreciate directness. Ensure your message is concise and free of jargon . They should know, without a doubt, that they haven’t been selected, but also feel that your rejection email to the candidate has been crafted with care .

A Touch of Gratitude

Every job applicant has invested time and hope in your organization. Recognize that! Start or end your rejection emails to candidates with a genuine thank-you . It tells them that you value the effort they took , turning a simple reject application email into a message of appreciation.

Constructive Feedback

Here’s where you can go the extra mile. When appropriate, offer a brief reason or suggestion in your reject candidate email . Maybe their skills align better with another role, or perhaps additional training could make them an ideal fit down the road. This turns the rejection email into an avenue for growth.

Open Door Policy

Today might be a “no,” but who knows about tomorrow? Make sure your rejection emails hint at future possibilities. Let the candidates know that there may be opportunities ahead .

When they read your rejection candidate email, they should feel there’s a chance for a renewed connection in the future.

Sample candidate rejection email

Rejection Email Templates for Various Stages

Navigating the hiring process, you’ll find that one-size-fits-all rarely works, especially when it comes to rejection emails to candidates.

Tailoring your rejection email templates based on the recruitment stage can make all the difference, ensuring your communication remains relevant and considerate .

Rejecting Right After Receiving an Application

Fresh out of the gate, and you already know a candidate isn’t the right fit? It happens. When you send an application denial email or a rejection email after application, it’s crucial to be swift and appreciative of the candidate’s eagerness .

Here’s an email template:

Subject: Your Application with [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate’s Name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Position Name] role at [Company Name]. We’ve reviewed your application, and while you have impressive credentials, we’re currently looking for a different fit for this position.

We genuinely appreciate your desire to be part of our team and encourage you to apply for any future roles that align with your skills and experience.

Wishing you all the best in your job search.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Sample candidate rejection email after reviewing application

Post-Interview Rejection

This is a tricky one. After a face-to-face chat or a virtual meeting, your rejection email needs a touch more delicacy. Whether it’s a regret email to a candidate or a more specific candidate not selected email, keep it professional while conveying genuine gratitude for their time and insights .

Subject: Your Interview for [Position Name] at [Company Name]

It was a pleasure getting to know you and discussing your experiences for the [Position Name]. After careful consideration, we’ve chosen to move forward with another candidate for this particular role.

We value the time and effort you invested in getting to know us and want to thank you for that.

Please consider this just one step in a long journey, and we hope you’ll think of [Company Name] in the future.

Best wishes, [Your Name]

Sample Post-Interview Job Rejection Letter

Internship Applications

Young, eager minds looking for a start often send in applications for internships. Crafting an intern rejection email or internship rejection email requires a gentle hand. These budding professionals are just stepping into the world of work, so even in rejection, aim to motivate and encourage.

Subject: Your Internship Application with [Company Name]

We received your application for the internship position at [Company Name], and we’re genuinely impressed with your passion and drive. After reviewing all applications, we’ve selected candidates who more closely match our current requirements.

However, don’t be disheartened. The road ahead is long, filled with opportunities. Keep honing your skills, and don’t hesitate to apply with us again in the future.

Keep chasing your dreams, and all the best on your journey.

Warmly, [Your Name]

Sample Internship Application Candidate Rejection Letter

Rejection Email Templates for Various Scenarios

Dive into the realm of candidate rejection, and you’ll quickly realize that every scenario demands its unique touch. Sending rejection emails to candidates is more than just a procedural step; it’s about crafting a message that resonates with the situation .

Let’s break down some common scenarios and the essentials for each:

Overqualified Candidates

That moment when you discover a candidate’s skills overshoot the mark! It’s almost like buying a sports car for a daily commute. When sending a rejection email to overqualified applicants, it’s essential to acknowledge their expertise while gently explaining the mismatch.

Subject: Your Application with [Company Name] for [Position Name]

First and foremost, we’re genuinely impressed with your skills and experiences. You have a remarkable background. However, after a thorough review, we believe that the [Position Name] role might not fully harness your potential.

We’d hate to see such talent underutilized.

We truly hope you find a position soon that aligns more closely with your advanced skill set, and we’re grateful you considered joining our team.

All the best, [Your Name]

Rejecting Overqualified Candidates Letter

After Multiple Interview Rounds

Ah, the long-haulers. They’ve been with you through thick and thin, multiple interview rounds, maybe even some trials. Crafting a rejection email after several interviews demands a higher degree of sensitivity . It’s not just about the rejection email itself, but how to decline a job applicant who has invested so much time .

Subject: Update on Your Interviews for [Position Name] at [Company Name]

Thank you for being an integral part of our interview process for the [Position Name]. We genuinely appreciate the time, effort, and passion you’ve demonstrated throughout the multiple rounds. After careful deliberation, we’ve decided to proceed with another candidate.

We understand this might be disappointing after such an investment of time, but we wanted to acknowledge your dedication and express our gratitude.

We hope you consider us again in the future.

Sample Job Rejection Letter After Interview

No Open Positions

Sometimes, you get applications when there aren’t even open positions. They’re shooting their shots, hoping for a chance. Your rejection email in such cases? It needs to encourage their initiative while clarifying the current situation .

Subject: About Your Application to [Company Name]

We must commend your proactiveness in reaching out even when we haven’t listed open positions. It’s this kind of initiative that often catches our eye! Currently, we don’t have any positions that match your profile.

However, we’ve kept your details on file, and should a suitable opportunity arise, we’ll think of you.

Keep the spirit high and continue to chase opportunities. Wishing you the best in your endeavors.

Kindly, [Your Name]

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Candidate Rejection

Navigating the waters of candidate rejection can be tricky, can’t it? There’s a thin line between being professional and unintentionally causing disappointment.

You might be tempted to send a quick decline email to a candidate or think that a generic rejected mail does the trick. But, believe me, avoiding some common pitfalls can make this process smoother for both parties . Let’s pinpoint those mistakes:

  • Using Overly Generic Templates : Imagine getting a "Thanks, but no thanks" email. It doesn’t sit right, does it? Always personalize your rejection emails for a touch of human connection.
  • Delaying the Inevitable : Procrastination is never a good strategy. If you've decided to reject a job application, don't let the candidate hang in anticipation. A timely rejection email for job applicants demonstrates respect.
  • Avoiding Clear Communication : The "It's not you, it's us" trope doesn’t always cut it. While you don’t have to delve into deep specifics, clarity helps. How to reject a candidate? With straightforwardness.
  • Forgetting Feedback : Some candidates appreciate feedback. While it's not mandatory, if you can offer constructive insights, especially after interviews, it’s a positive gesture.
  • Neglecting the Subject Line : A misleading subject line can set the wrong expectations. A clear rejection email subject line helps manage those expectations right from the get-go.

Keep these in mind, and your rejection process will be as graceful as a dance, ensuring that even those not moving forward with your company still leave with a positive impression.

Additional Tips for Rejecting Candidates

Sprinkling in some extra savvy can take your rejection emails from good to great. And trust me, the little things often make the most significant difference. Let’s get into some pro tips that can elevate your game:

  • Empathy is Everything : Remember, behind every application is a person. When you send that rejection email to a candidate, a sprinkle of understanding can soften the blow.
  • Consistency Across the Board : Whether it's a job applicant rejection email or an intern rejection email, maintaining a consistent tone and format speaks volumes about your company's professionalism.
  • Open Doors for Future Opportunities : Sometimes, the candidate is great, but the timing isn't. Letting them know about potential future opportunities can leave them with a glimmer of hope.
  • Ensure Team Alignment : Before hitting send on that rejection email to the candidate, make sure all decision-makers are on board. No one likes mixed signals.
  • Protect Candidate Data : After the process, ensure that you handle and store the candidate’s data appropriately. It’s not just about the rejection email; it’s about the entire experience.

Incorporating these nuggets of wisdom will not only enhance your rejection process but will also bolster your company’s reputation in the eyes of potential future hires.

Best Practices in Rejecting a Job Applicant

Frequently Asked Questions on Candidate Rejection Emails

Alright, diving into the realm of candidate rejection emails can often feel like opening Pandora’s box, right? It’s common to have a handful of questions swirling in your head. So, let’s demystify a few more things for you by tackling some of those frequently asked questions:

What's the best timing to send a rejection email to candidates?

Ah, timing. When you’re rejecting candidate email decisions, it’s not just about content but also when you hit that ‘send’ button. Ideally, once you’ve made a decision, it’s respectful to inform the candidate ASAP .

Delaying it doesn’t do you any favors. For instance, if you’ve decided post-interview to go in a different direction, aim to inform the interviewee within a week . Quick, respectful communication underscores your company’s professional approach.

How do I handle a candidate who asks for detailed feedback?

So, you sent a rejection email, and now you’ve received a reply with a “Thanks, but can you tell me why?” It’s a slippery slope. While it’s commendable for candidates to seek feedback, giving in-depth criticism isn’t always feasible, especially when there are legal considerations. Start by acknowledging their drive to improve .

Then, offer generalized feedback if possible. For instance, mentioning they lacked a specific skill set or experience without diving into subjective critiques. Remember, it’s all about striking a balance between being helpful and maintaining professionalism .

Should the rejection email always come from HR, or can the hiring manager send it?

The source of that not-so-fun rejection email to a candidate can vary. Typically, for a broader reach or initial application stages, HR often takes the lead. It streamlines the process.

However, if the candidate progressed to later stages or had more personal interactions with a hiring manager, a rejection coming from that manager can add a personal touch .

It’s like saying, “Hey, we genuinely considered you and here’s our decision from someone you’ve interacted with.” It’s a nuanced touch that candidates can appreciate.

Key Takeaways on Candidate Rejection Emails

In our journey through the nuanced realm of candidate rejection emails, we’ve unraveled some key truths. It’s about more than just delivering a verdict – it’s about doing it with grace, tact, and a touch of empathy .

Every candidate, regardless of your decision, deserves respect and clarity. From understanding the basics of rejection emails to expertly crafting them for various scenarios and stages, you’ve got the roadmap.

The golden rule? Always remember the human on the other side. Be prompt, precise, and personable . And those frequently asked questions? They reminded us that even in rejection, there’s room for growth, learning, and building bridges for potential future collaborations.

So, the next time you’re about to hit ‘send’ on a rejection email, pause for a second, and consider the weight of your words and the impact they might have . Remember, it’s not just about informing; it’s also about leaving a lasting, positive impression.

To achieve the best results with email outreach, we recommend using a professional email automation software

13 best cold email platforms rated and compared

Picture of Edgar Abong

Edgar Abong

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Last Updated on August 2, 2023 by Edgar Abong

10 Candidate Rejection Email After Interview Templates in 2024

Hiring managers have a tough job. Not only do they have to sift through a pile of resumes and cover letters to find the right candidates, but they also have to conduct multiple rounds of interviews to determine who would be the best fit for the job.

And at the end of it all, they have to let some candidates know that they didn't make the cut.

According to Zippia , the average corporate job opening receives about 250 job applications .

That's a lot of candidates that aren't hired. In order to let them know, hiring managers must send candidate rejection emails after they conduct interview, go through application materials, and decide on who they will ultimately hire.

Candidate rejection emails after an interview should be respectful and professional, but you also don't want to sugarcoat the outcome. While it's never easy to deliver bad news, a well-crafted rejection email can help candidates move on and keep your company's reputation intact.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at how hiring managers can write effective candidate rejection emails after an interview as well as provide templates you can use to get started today.

How to Professionally Reject a Candidate After an Interview

The process of rejecting a candidate, while never pleasant, is a crucial aspect of the recruitment journey. It's important to approach this with a blend of professionalism and kindness.

Here are some key tips for responding gracefully when rejecting a candidate after an interview:

Timeliness : Respond to candidates as soon as a decision is made. Delaying can increase anxiety and frustration.

Clarity : Be clear about the decision, but avoid unnecessary detail that might lead to confusion or false hope.

Empathy : Acknowledge the effort and interest the candidate has shown. A little empathy goes a long way.

Feedback : Offer constructive feedback, if appropriate, to help the candidate in future applications.

Politeness : Always maintain a polite and respectful tone, regardless of the candidate's performance.

Confidentiality : Ensure that the process respects the candidate’s privacy.

After delivering the news, it’s crucial to remain open to any questions they might have and respond with the same level of professionalism.

This approach not only maintains your company’s reputation but also respects the candidate's efforts and time.

How to Write Candidate Rejection Emails After Interviews

Writing a candidate rejection email requires careful consideration to ensure the message is conveyed respectfully.

Here's what should be included in your candidate rejection email:

An Expression of Gratitude : Show that you're thankful for the candidate’s time, interest, and effort.

Your Decision : Clearly state that the candidate has not been selected for the role.

A Positive Note : Where possible, include a positive comment about the candidate’s qualifications or interview.

Your Feedback : Provide constructive feedback, if appropriate, to assist the candidate in future.

Some Encouragement : Encourage them to apply for future positions, if you feel they could be a fit later.

A Professional Closing : End the email with a professional sign-off, maintaining the respectful tone.

Before hitting send, it’s important to review the email to ensure it’s empathetic and clear.

Remember, the way a rejection is handled can significantly impact a candidate’s view of your company and can even influence their decision to apply for future roles.

Check out our 10 Best Apps for Recruiters for the best time-saving tools in 2024!

10 Rejection Letter After Interview Email Templates

Templates can be a great starting point for crafting rejection emails. They provide a structure that you can personalize for each candidate.

Give the following a try to quickly send professional candidate rejection emails with ease.

Copy templates to use them anywhere:

Professional Candidate Rejection Email Template

Sample rejection letter after an interview template, 'thank you for interviewing' email template, after careful consideration template, rejection email with feedback template, negative interview feedback sample email template, nice rejection after interview template, high competition rejection email template, position not filled email template, short and sweet email after interview sample.

Check out our Recruiters page for more templates you can use today!

How to Automate Common Emails With Keyboard Shortcuts

Use Text Blaze to help simplify the hiring process with keyboard shortcuts that allow you to insert common recruiting messages.

With Text Blaze, you can create dynamic text templates for any scenario and insert them anywhere you work with keyboard shortcuts.

Text Blaze helps you:

  • Automate repetitive typing on any site/app!
  • Get the right message every time with powerful templates & dynamic output
  • Stay on brand and boost consistency with templatized responses!

Whether you are sending a candidate rejection email after an interview, following up with candidates, or inviting them to apply to job postings, Text Blaze has you covered.

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Send Professional Rejection Emails With Ease!

Sending a candidate rejection email after an interview is an essential part of the hiring process, but can be time-consuming if your job opening recived lots of applications.

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  2. Job Rejection Email

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  3. Candidate Rejection Email Template

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  4. How to Respond to a Job Rejection Email

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  5. How To Write Job Rejection Emails And Templates

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  6. Free Employment Rejection Letter

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  2. 7 Rejection Letter Samples to Send to Unsuccessful Applicants

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  3. How to Write Job Rejection Emails (With Template & Samples)

    Job rejection email template. 1. Appropriate subject line. A candidate should be able to tell what the email is about by just a glance at the subject line. Mention the job title to give them a clue as to the email's content. 2. Acknowledgment. A candidate rejection email should always be polite.

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    Learn how to write a professional and polite rejection email to job candidates who are not moving forward in your hiring process. See a sample email and tips for different stages of the application cycle.

  9. Candidate rejection emails for every stage of the application ...

    A thorough rejection email should touch on the following elements: #1 Say thank you. Always thank a candidate for their time and interest in your company. Whether it was in application, or coming in for interviews in addition to being polite, this message also shows applicants your organisation values others' time. #2 Humanise it.

  10. Job application rejection email template

    Learn how to write a polite and professional email to reject job applicants who don't qualify for your open roles. See a sample email, tips and FAQs on when and how to send rejection letters.

  11. How to write a job rejection email (with templates!)

    1. Post-application job rejection email template. The application stage is quite an early stage in the hiring process. At this point, all that the candidates have done is sent you their resume along with any other preliminary information you might have asked for. Generally speaking, candidates aren't very invested at this stage.

  12. Write a Professional Candidate Rejection Email [+Samples & Template

    Candidate Rejection Email Template. Subject Line: Your Application with [Company Name] Dear [Candidate Name], Thank you for applying for [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We have reviewed your application among the pool of candidates and have decided to move forward with other candidates at this time.

  13. Rejection email template: How to follow up with candidates you ...

    Rejection emails don't have to mean goodbye; instead, the application conversation for "silver medalist" candidates can be continued. For every successful candidate, you hire to fill a position, at least a few candidates won't make the cut. It's a good idea to follow up with them to let them know they're no longer considered for the ...

  14. How to write a rejection email for a candidate + 3 templates

    Rejection emails don't have to mean the end. The key to a successful rejection email is compassionate candor: telling candidates the truth in a timely manner while also thanking them for their time and contributions.. If you handle your interview and rejection process right, you'll be able to maintain a pipeline of pre-vetted applicants who are acquainted with your organization and are ...

  15. Writing A Rejection Email? How To Break The Bad News

    Email Rejection Examples Example 1: Rejection Email After Application. Dear [Candidate Name], I hope this message finds you well. First, thank you for taking the time to apply for the security analyst position at Pembroke Hospital. We appreciate the care you put into this application and your efforts to tell us about yourself and your skills.

  16. How to Write a Candidate Rejection Email

    Tip #1: Thank the Applicant for Their Time. Job candidates often put a lot of time and effort into the recruitment process. Early on in a candidate rejection email, you should let them know you appreciate the effort they put into applying to your company. If they took the time to complete a job interview, you should thank them for that as well.

  17. Candidate Rejection Email Templates for Every Stage of Hiring

    Consistency Across the Board: Whether it's a job applicant rejection email or an intern rejection email, maintaining a consistent tone and format speaks volumes about your company's professionalism. Open Doors for Future Opportunities: Sometimes, the candidate is great, but the timing isn't. Letting them know about potential future ...

  18. Rejection letter or email to applicants

    Use this rejection letter sample or rejection email template and feel free to customize it to fit your own needs. Dear Mr./Ms. [ insert applicant's last name ], Thank you for your application for the [ insert your job position title] at [ insert your company's name ]. We really appreciate your interest in joining our company and we want to ...

  19. How to Write a Candidate Rejection Email

    A thorough rejection email should include the following elements: A "thank you" Always thank an applicant for their interest in the company and any time they spent completing an application or interviewing with staff. In addition to being polite, this message also shows applicants that your organisation values others' time.

  20. How to write a rejection letter (with template and example)

    1. Write an informative subject line. Most rejection letters are sent as emails. This means that it's a good idea to provide an appropriate subject line. Keep it short, concise and immediately obvious in the recipient's inbox. For example, you may use the company name and the name of the position you're hiring for.

  21. Job Applicant Rejection Letter Sample Template

    Save time writing your application rejection letter, or email, with this all-purpose template. Just copy, paste, and customize for your specific needs. This sample job application rejection letter can be used to reach out to job applicants seeking employment that will not be receiving an interview or moving to your second stage.

  22. 10 Candidate Rejection Email After Interview Templates in 2024

    Clarity: Be clear about the decision, but avoid unnecessary detail that might lead to confusion or false hope. Empathy: Acknowledge the effort and interest the candidate has shown. A little empathy goes a long way. Feedback: Offer constructive feedback, if appropriate, to help the candidate in future applications.

  23. Senators ask for Formula 1 investigation over Andretti Global rejection

    Formula 1, commonly known as F1, in January rejected former American racing star Michael Andretti's application to join the sport's racing grid with a new team, which has caused an uproar in ...