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What’s the difference: english vs. creative writing.

literature degree vs english degree

In high school your favorite class was English, you loved to write, and you loved to read.  Now it’s time for college and your deciding which of our top Bachelor’s in English or Creative Writing degrees is best for you.  But the only problem is that your not quite sure exactly what the difference is between a Bachelor of Arts in English or a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing.  We decided to take the time to answer the question: What’s the different between a Bachelor’s of English and a Bachelor’s of Creative Writing.

Bachelor’s of English

As a student studying for a Bachelor of Arts in English degree, you will primarily be working with a variety of different types of literature.  English majors deal in the close reading, analysis, and interpretation of literature.  Students who are studying a Bachelor of English will more often than not be asked to critically think about and dissect works of literature.  If you were a student who enjoyed reading different types of books and stories in high school, a Bachelor’s of English will be right up your alley.  Through this type of program, students will develop soft skills including critical thinking, critical analysis, communication, and an appreciation and understanding of culture.  Typically, English majors will not be asked to create original works very often.

Featured Programs

Bachelor’s of creative writing.

By pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, students will be more concerned with the generation of writing.  Students will study works of literature but from the perspective of learning the craft of writing as to apply different techniques of the trade to their own writing.  Creative Writing majors will be tasked with writing a great deal of different pieces throughout their studies.  They will focus on honing their prose and their grammar.  In these programs, students will experiment with a variety of different genres and types of literature in order to get a feel for and find which is best for them.  Those in this type of degree program will find that most of their time is spent writing versus reading.  However, a large part of this program is learning to critique and review the works of your peers.

So what’s the difference?

Whether your choosing to study a Bachelor of Arts in English or a Bachelor of Arts in Creative writing, you will be following a degree program that is quite similar to one another save for a few nuances.  Those who choose to study English will be focused more on the study of existing literature.  They will learn to analyze, interpret, and understand a variety of different types of writings.  Those who choose to pursue a Creative Writing degree will be focused more on the generation of new literature.  They will still read and study existing works, but a large amount of the curriculum will focus on the development of one’s own writing ability.

Bottom line:

A Bachelor’s of English and a Bachelor’s of Creative Writing are like two different sides of the same coin. By pursuing either of these degrees, you will gain a skillset of interpreting, analyzing, and writing literature.  The main difference is whether your ambition lies in the academic pursuit of studying literature or the creative pursuit of producing literature.

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creative writing degree vs english degree

Is a Creative Writing Degree Worth It? Let’s Get Into It.

creative writing degree vs english degree

In my day—by which I mean the early 2000s—a creative writing degree was considered one of the less practical academic pursuits, only a little more reasonable than a philosophy degree and a theatre arts degree (which, incidentally, is what I have).

These days, we have a bit more appreciation for what a person can do with some well-rounded creative writing skills. Such a person can write novels and poetry, sure, but they can also compose speeches for politicians, create written content to refresh a major corporation’s brand, and craft compelling ad copy.

There’s no question about it. Creative writing is a skill that earns , depending on how you use it.

But as is the case in a lot of modern industries, we’re starting to see that a degree doesn’t carry the weight it used to. And not having a degree isn’t always a barrier to entry.

So where does that leave aspiring writers? Should you bother to pursue a creative writing degree? If so, what should you be trying to get out of it?

We’re about to go over all the ins and outs of this educational path. We’ll talk about:

  • The advantages of pursuing a degree in creative writing
  • The different types of creative writing programs
  • How to choose the program that’s best for you
  • How creative writing is taught
  • The career opportunities that come with a creative writing degree

Let’s start by looking at the perks.

Benefits of Pursuing a Creative Writing Degree

A smiling graduate in a cap and gown holds out a rolled-up diploma.

I’m about to list the four biggest benefits of attending a creative writing program. But I want to be clear about something:

Every one of these perks is something you can also get without a degree in creative writing.

I don’t say that to discourage you from taking this path. This might still be the best next step for your career. See, the biggest difference between getting a formal education and DIY-ing one isn’t what you learn but how you learn it.

That’s why we’re not just looking at what these four benefits are but also how you achieve them in a creative writing program.

Develop Strong Writing Skills

This is the reason most creative writing students pursue a degree. A good program offers a range of courses to help you sharpen your skills, faculty members who have real-life experience with the publishing industry, and access to visiting writers who can offer additional inspiration and insight .

Most programs incorporate writing workshops where you and your fellow students share and give feedback on your work, all under the guidance of a professor. Many universities also put out literary journals, giving students the opportunity to participate in the publishing process .

And of course, enrolling in a creative writing program ensures that you’ll be constantly writing , which is the best way to sharpen your skills.

Explore Diverse Genres and Styles

A self-guided learner has full authority to choose which areas of writing and literature they’ll explore. This is mostly a good thing, but the benefit of pursuing a creative writing degree is that your professors will see to it that you get familiar with a range of formats, genres , and styles .

This is especially true in undergraduate creative writing programs. Expect to read and analyze a wide spectrum of literature, from ancient epic poems to modern mainstream novels.

Build Your Network

This is such a notable perk that many of my friends who went to graduate school for screenwriting highlight this as the number one benefit.

Of course, you can build a network of peers and mentors without shelling out a ton of money for a formal education. But in a creative writing program, you spend all your time with other writers. You read each other’s work, struggle through the same coursework, and connect on a personal level.

Plus, if you happen to go to a school with a robust alumni network, you might find it easier to connect with those in your industry who share your alma mater after you graduate.

Widen Career Options

There are plenty of writers who don’t have a degree in creative writing—or don’t have a degree at all —who are making a decent living off of their words.

Nevertheless, a formal education can offer a wider range of options. It will give you a better shot with employers who place high value on college degrees or want to know that you have specialized knowledge regarding a specific type of writing.

And if you think you might enjoy teaching creative writing, a degree is a must. 

Types of Creative Writing Degrees

A person works on a laptop at a table on the sidewalk outside of a café.

Intrigued? Then let’s explore your options more in depth.

There are several different types of creative writing degrees you can pursue, each with a slightly different focus and different opportunities once you leave school to practice your craft in the real world.

We’ll break this down one by one.

Undergraduate Degrees

College students sit in an auditorium.

It typically takes four years to complete an undergraduate creative writing program, though the timeline can be longer or shorter depending on your schedule and any credits you’ve already earned and transferred over.

We’re covering some general creative writing degrees available at the undergraduate level, but I highly recommend doing additional research. There are several more specific degrees that zero in on a particular aspect of writing, like a Bachelor of Arts in Communication or Journalism.

If you have a clear-cut vision for your writing career, start there and work backward to find the degree that makes sense for you. If you only know that you want to be writing one way or another, start by looking at these three options:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing

When you pursue a Bachelor of Arts, you can expect to get a well-rounded education that includes writing instruction as well as a balanced emphasis on the sciences and humanities.

It’s a liberal arts degree, basically, and it’s the most common choice for students seeking a creative writing education. 

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Creative Writing

BFA programs are much rarer than BA programs, but it’s worth considering one if you want an education that puts a heavy emphasis on the “arts” part.

This type of program focuses less on sciences and humanities. It often includes hands-on writing workshops (more on those in a bit) and is favored by students who fully intend to become authors, playwrights, screenwriters, or poets.

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Writing

If you think you might enjoy applying your creative writing skills to something more scientific or analytical, a BS might be the best option for you.

This is a popular option for students who see themselves getting into technical writing, cultural studies, or communication.

Graduate Degrees

A group of smiling people sit around a table in a meeting room, surrounded by coffee cups and laptops.

Postgraduate education—or grad school, as the cool kids call it—comes after you’ve earned an undergraduate degree. The most common reasons to seek out a graduate degree in creative writing include:

  • You think you might like to teach creative writing at the college level one day
  • You earned an undergraduate degree in a different field and now you want to study writing
  • You just really want to go deep on this subject

Just as with undergrad degrees, there are highly specific grad programs you can explore. Or you can dive into one of these:

Master of Arts (MA) in Creative Writing

While an MA program doesn’t have the humanities and sciences components of a BA program, it still maintains a balance between participating in the arts and observing them. 

That is to say, you’ll do a ton of writing in this program, but you’ll also read and analyze a fair amount of literature.

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing

MFA programs tend to be super hands-on, with workshops in which students share and give feedback on each other’s writing. Over the course of the program, you’ll complete a book-length work like a novel or poetry collection.

You also might find that you need more credits to earn an MFA degree than an MA in creative writing. 

PhD in Creative Writing

Now you’re just stalling. Write your book already.

I’m kidding. A PhD is a perfectly reasonable option if you want to study literature and creative writing in great depth. Most students who take their writing education this far are also planning to build a career in academia in addition to being a published author.

PhD programs are extremely rigorous, can last four years, and conclude with a dissertation project.

Writing Workshops vs. Writing Courses

A professor stands at the front of an auditorium, lecturing creative writing students.

At this point, we should probably discuss the difference between writing courses and workshops in an academic setting. You’ll find both in many programs, but the balance between these two educational experiences will depend on which type of creative writing degree you pursue.

It will also influence your entire learning experience.

What Makes a Course a Course?

A creative writing course is exactly what you think of when you imagine any class in a formal education setting.

In a course, a professor lectures on specific topics, assigns projects, and grades students on their performance. There may be class discussions and even opportunities for students to share and engage with each others’ writing. But the overall structure of a course focuses on conveying information.

What Makes a Workshop a Workshop?

A creative writing workshop is more hands-on. While the professor will share insights and guide discussions, the primary purpose of a workshop is to help students refine their craft. They share their work and give each other feedback.

You see much more of this learning style in BFA and MFA programs, which put greater emphasis on honing creative skills. If you want your writing education to include analyzing literature or studying the business end of publishing, you’ll probably want to look into more course-heavy BA or MA programs.  

Renowned Creative Writing Programs

A person sitting at a computer smiles and gives a thumbs up.

This is usually when a person wants to know where they should go to get these degrees. What are the best creative writing programs out there?

Really, the best program is the one that fits you. Reputation is just one of many factors you should consider when you decide where to pursue a degree in creative writing. 

That said, it’s always a good move to know the respected institutions in your field. It helps you sound informed at cocktail parties. To that end, here are some of the most revered schools in the world of creative writing (in the U.S., anyway):

  • The Iowa Writers’ Workshop
  • Brown University
  • Columbia University
  • Duke University
  • Emory University
  • Mizzou (Journalism)
  • Northwestern University

Choosing the Right Creative Writing Program

A person stares at laptop, brow furrowed.

If prestige shouldn’t be a top consideration when deciding where to earn a degree in creative writing, what should you prioritize?

Here are a few factors to keep in mind as you research your options:

Career goals - Do you want a program that’s going to prepare you for a job in marketing that pays the bills while you write poetry on the side? Do you want to become a globe-trotting journalist or a high-earning technical writer?

Decide what will be the best degree for you, then zero in on the schools that excel in that area of study.

And don’t forget to consider genre! If you want to earn an MFA but are interested in commercial fiction writing, make sure you find a program that matches your goals. Literary fiction tends to get all the love in higher education.

Faculty - Research who you’ll be learning from. Do they seem like the right folks to guide you on your professional journey?

Curriculum - Learn everything you can about a school’s course options and creative writing majors before you commit. Will you be able to focus on the area of writing that matters most to you? Will the skills you learn help you do fun things in the real world like eat and pay rent?

Location - There are accredited creative writing programs that are entirely online. However, many of your best options will be in-person or low residency . Not only is the location relevant for practical reasons—you have to be able to get there—it can also influence how much you pay to go. 

If you attend a state school in your own state, for example, you can expect to pay less than the out-of-state students.

Results - Do a little digging to find out what graduates say about their experience in the program. What did they like about it? What didn’t they like? Would they say it was worth it? What are they doing with their creative writing degree now?

Cost - You’re probably way ahead of me here, but I’ll mention it, anyway. The less you pay for a degree in creative writing, the greater your return on investment will be. Look at tuition costs, possible scholarships, out-of-state versus in-state expenses, and the local cost of living.

Career Opportunities with a Creative Writing Degree

Two people shake hands over a desk after a job interview.

Maybe you decided long ago that you definitely want to go to college. Maybe for you, the question isn’t whether you want a degree at all but whether a degree in creative writing is a good use of your college fund.

In that case, we should talk career opportunities. What exactly can you do with a creative writing degree?

A lot, as it turns out. In fact, we have this ridiculously long list of jobs that require strong creative writing skills. You can follow the link to explore them in depth, but here’s a quick sample of what’s in there:

  • Proofreader
  • Content writer
  • Technical writer
  • Social media writer
  • Screenwriter
  • Speechwriter
  • Literary agent
  • Brand strategist
  • Corporate communications specialist

That’s really only scratching the surface, and it doesn’t even touch on the ways your writing skills might serve you in less creative professions. I know multiple lawyers with a creative writing degree they credit for making them significantly better at drafting legal arguments. (On the flip side, an alarming number of lawyers become screenwriters or novelists.)

The important thing is to consider different creative writing majors carefully. Between the different schools, degrees, and areas of concentration, you’ve got lots of options and plenty of opportunities to select the education path that leads to your ideal writing career.

Whatever You Do, Keep Learning

A screenshot of the Story Craft Café homepage with a post reading 'I beleaf in you."

Only you can decide if a creative writing degree is the right move for you. Whether you go for it or not, remember that continuous learning is the best thing you can do to ensure a successful and fulfilling writing career.

Keep reading work that inspires you. Build and nurture your writer network. Proactively seek out workshops, seminars, conferences , books, articles… anything you can get your hands on that will help you sharpen your skills.

And while I wouldn’t claim it’s a one-to-one replacement for the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, remember that Dabble is always here for you with a shocking amount of free educational resources and a supportive community in the Story Craft Café .

Peruse the hundreds of articles, templates, and worksheets in DabbleU . Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly guidance delivered straight to your inbox. Download this free, 100-page ebook walking you through the entire novel-writing process.

Even if you need a little more time to decide if you want a degree in creative writing, you can start boosting your skills now.

So what are you waiting for?

Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. When she’s not writing, Abi is most likely hiking, reading, or texting her mother pictures of her houseplants to ask why they look like that.


creative writing degree vs english degree


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What to Know About Creative Writing Degrees

Many creative writing degree recipients pursue careers as authors while others work as copywriters or ghostwriters.

Tips on Creative Writing Degrees

A student sitting beside the bed in bedroom with her coffee cup and writing on the note pad.

Getty Images

Prospective writing students should think about their goals and figure out if a creative writing degree will help them achieve those goals.

Many people see something magical in a beautiful work of art, and artists of all kinds often take pride in their craftsmanship. Creative writers say they find fulfillment in the writing process.

"I believe that making art is a human need, and so to get to do that is amazing," says Andrea Lawlor, an author who this year received a Whiting Award – a national $50,000 prize that recognizes 10 excellent emerging authors each year – and who is also the Clara Willis Phillips Assistant Professor of English at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts.

"We all are seeing more and more of the way that writing can help us understand perspectives we don't share," says Lawlor, whose recent novel "Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl" addresses the issue of gender identity.

"Writing can help us cope with hard situations," Lawlor says. "We can find people who we have something in common with even if there's nobody around us who shares our experience through writing. It's a really powerful tool for connection and social change and understanding."

Creative writing faculty, many of whom are acclaimed published authors, say that people are well-suited toward degrees in creative writing if they are highly verbal and enjoy expressing themselves.

"Creative imaginative types who have stories burning inside them and who gravitate toward stories and language might want to pursue a degree in creative writing," Jessica Bane Robert, who teaches Introduction to Creative Writing at Clark University in Massachusetts, wrote in an email. "Through formal study you will hone your voice, gain confidence, find a support system for what can otherwise be a lonely endeavor."

Read the guide below to gain more insight into what it means to pursue a creative writing education, how writing impacts society and whether it is prudent to invest in a creative writing degree. Learn about the difference between degree-based and non-degree creative writing programs, how to craft a solid application to a top-notch creative writing program and how to figure out which program is the best fit.

Why Creative Writing Matters and Reasons to Study It

Creative writers say a common misconception about their job is that their work is frivolous and impractical, but they emphasize that creative writing is an extremely effective way to convey messages that are hard to share in any other way.

Kelly Caldwell, dean of faculty at Gotham Writers Workshop in New York City, says prospective writing students are often discouraged from taking writing courses because of concerns about whether a writing life is somehow unattainable or "unrealistic."

Although creative writers are sometimes unable to financially support themselves entirely on the basis of their creative projects, Caldwell says, they often juggle that work with other types of jobs and lead successful careers.

She says that many students in her introductory creative writing class were previously forbidden by parents to study creative writing. "You have to give yourself permission for the simple reason that you want to do it," she suggests.

Creative writing faculty acknowledge that a formal academic credential in creative writing is not needed in order to get writing published. However, they suggest, creative writing programs help aspiring authors develop their writing skills and allow space and time to complete long-term writing projects.

Working writers often juggle multiple projects at once and sometimes have more than one gig, which can make it difficult to finish an especially ambitious undertaking such as a novel, a play for the screen or stage, or a well-assembled collection of poems, short stories or essays. Grants and fellowships for authors are often designed to ensure that those authors can afford to concentrate on their writing.

Samuel Ace, a published poet and a visiting lecturer in poetry at Mount Holyoke, says his goal is to show students how to write in an authentic way that conveys real feeling. "It helps students to become more direct, not to bury their thoughts under a cascade of academic language, to be more forthright," he says.

Tips on Choosing Between a Non-Degree or Degree-Based Creative Writing Program

Experts note that someone needs to be ready to get immersed in the writing process and devote significant time to writing projects before pursuing a creative writing degree. Prospective writing students should not sign up for a degree program until they have reached that sense of preparedness, warns Kim Todd, an associate professor at the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts and director of its creative writing program.

She says prospective writing students need to think about their personal goals and figure out if a creative writing degree will help them achieve those goals.

Aspiring writers who are not ready to invest in a creative writing degree program may want to sign up for a one-off writing class or begin participating in an informal writing workshop so they can test their level of interest in the field, Todd suggests.

How to Choose and Apply to a Creative Writing Program

In many cases, the most important component of an application to a writing program is the writing portfolio, writing program experts say. Prospective writing students need to think about which pieces of writing they include in their portfolio and need to be especially mindful about which item they put at the beginning of their portfolio. They should have a trusted mentor critique the portfolio before they submit it, experts suggest.

Because creative writing often involves self-expression, it is important for aspiring writing students to find a program where they feel comfortable expressing their true identity.

This is particularly pertinent to aspiring authors who are members of minority groups, including people of color or LGBTQ individuals, says Lawlor, who identifies as queer, transgender and nonbinary.

How to Use a Creative Writing Degree

Creative writing program professors and alumni say creative writing programs cultivate a variety of in-demand skills, including the ability to communicate effectively.

"While yes, many creative writers are idealists and dreamers, these are also typically highly flexible and competent people with a range of personal strengths. And a good creative writing program helps them understand their particular strengths and marketability and translate these for potential employers, alongside the more traditional craft development work," Melissa Ridley Elmes, an assistant professor of English at Lindenwood University in Missouri, wrote in an email.

Elmes – an author who writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction – says creative writing programs force students to develop personal discipline because they have to consistently produce a significant amount of writing. In addition, participating in writing workshops requires writing students "to give and receive constructive feedback," Elmes says.

Cindy Childress, who has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Louisiana—Lafayatte and did a creative writing dissertation where she submitted poetry, says creative writing grads are well-equipped for good-paying positions as advertising and marketing copywriters, speechwriters, grant writers and ghostwriters.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual compensation for writers and authors was $63,200 as of May 2019.

"I think the Internet, and writing communities online and in social media, have been very helpful for debunking the idea that if you publish a New York Times Bestseller you will have 'made it' and can quit your day job and write full time," Elmes explains. "Unless you are independently wealthy, the odds are very much against you in this regard."

Childress emphasizes that creative writing degree recipients have "skills that are absolutely transferable to the real world." For example, the same storytelling techniques that copywriters use to shape public perceptions about a commercial brand are often taught in introductory creative writing courses, she says. The ability to tell a good story does not necessarily come easily to people who haven't been trained on how to do it, she explains.

Childress says she was able to translate her creative writing education into a lucrative career and start her own ghostwriting and book editing company, where she earns a six-figure salary. She says her background in poetry taught her how to be pithy.

"Anything that we want to write nowadays, particularly for social media, is going to have to be immediately understood, so there is a sense of immediacy," she says."The language has to be crisp and direct and exact, and really those are exactly the same kind of ways you would describe a successful poem."

Searching for a grad school? Access our complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

10 Ways to Discover College Essay Ideas

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Creative Writing

Stanford’s Creative Writing Program--one of the best-known in the country--cultivates the power of individual expression within a vibrant community of writers. Many of our English majors pursue a concentration in creative writing, and the minor in Creative Writing is among the most popular minors on campus. These majors and minors participate in workshop-based courses or independent tutorials with Stegner Fellows, Stanford’s distinguished writers-in-residence.

English Major with a Creative Writing Emphasis

The English major with a Creative Writing emphasis is a fourteen-course major. These fourteen courses comprise eight English courses and six Creative Writing courses.

English majors with a Creative Writing emphasis should note the following:

All courses must be taken for a letter grade.

Courses taken abroad or at other institutions may not be counted towards the workshop requirements.

Any 190 series course (190F, 190G, etc.), 191 series course (191T, etc.), or 192 series course (192V, etc.) counts toward the 190, 191, or 192 requirement.

PWR 1 is a prerequisite for all creative writing courses.

Minor in Creative Writing

The Minor in Creative Writing offers a structured environment in which students interested in writing fiction or poetry develop their skills while receiving an introduction to literary forms. Students may choose a concentration in fiction, poetry.

In order to graduate with a minor in Creative Writing, students must complete the following three courses plus three courses in either the prose or poetry tracks. Courses counted towards the requirements for the minor may not be applied to student's major requirements. 30 units are required. All courses must be taken for a letter grade.

Prose Track

Suggested order of requirements:

English 90. Fiction Writing or English 91. Creative Nonfiction

English 146S Secret Lives of the Short Story

One 5-unit English literature elective course

English 190. Intermediate Fiction Writing or English 191. Intermediate Creative Nonfiction Writing

English 92. Reading and Writing Poetry

Another English 190, 191, 290. Advanced Fiction, 291. Advanced Nonfiction, or 198L. Levinthal Tutorial

Poetry Track

English 92.Reading and Writing Poetry

English 160. Poetry and Poetics

English 192. Intermediate Poetry Writing

Another English 192, or 292.Advanced Poetry or 198L.Levinthal Tutorial

Creative Writing minors should note the following:

To declare a Creative Writing minor, visit the Student page in Axess. To expedite your declaration, make sure to list all 6 courses you have taken or plan to take for your minor.

Any 190 series course (190F, 190G, etc.), 191series course (191T, etc.), or 192 series course (192V, etc.) counts toward the 190, 191, or 192 requirement.

For more information, visit the Stanford Creative Writing Program.

English (Creative Writing), BA

On this page:.

At a Glance: program details

  • Location: Tempe campus
  • Additional Program Fee: No
  • Second Language Requirement: No

program math intensity general

  • Initial Math Course: MAT 142 - College Mathematics

Required Courses (Major Map)

Major Map on-campus archive

eAdvisor Tracking Tool

Program Description

The BA in English with a concentration in creative writing focuses on the study and practice of the literary arts, with courses in poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction.

Students gain practical experience through writing workshops and internship opportunities.

The undergraduate program features an outstanding faculty whose many books have received major national and international recognition.

In addition to the guidelines in the Concurrent Program Options section below, students interested in pursuing concurrent or second baccalaureate degrees in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are advised to visit The College's website for more information and requirements.

Admission to the Creative Writing Concentration (Fiction & Poetry)

Portfolio submission period opens: february 20, 2023, portfolios due: march 17, 2023 by 5:00pm, submit here: spring 2023 creative writing concentration  .

Note: You need to be logged into your ASU Gmail account to connect to the portfolio submission form.  

About the Creative Writing Concentration

The Creative Writing Program encourages all interested students, regardless of their field of study, to join our community of writers through beginning and intermediate workshops in fiction and poetry (ENG 287/ENG 288 , ENG 387/ENG 388), diverse special topics courses (ENG 394/ENG 494), and various, exciting writing events held on campus. 

Interested students*, who have already taken beginning and intermediate workshops, and are committed to continuing their study of Creative Writing, have an opportunity to develop their skills in supportive, highly focused workshops through the Creative Writing Concentration. Instruction in the tradition(s) to which concentration students can aspire and uphold, and from which they may draw inspiration, will be provided by the Creative Writing Program's nationally recognized faculty of writers.

Please note that acceptance into the Creative Writing Concentration is restricted.   Students must submit a portfolio for review and be offered a seat in the advanced workshops. (Please see the "Portfolio Review Guidelines" below.) 

*Students interested in pursuing both fiction and poetry at the 400-level, must check with their academic advisor to ensure that the necessary courses (ENG 487, ENG 488, ENG 498: Fiction, ENG 498: Poetry) will fit their degree plan. Students must submit two portfolios--one in fiction, one in poetry--to be considered for admittance into advanced coursework in both areas. 

Students pursuing the Creative Writing Concentration must either select as their major the bachelor's in English with a concentration in creative writing upon being admitted to ASU or, after entering the university, meet with an English advisor to change to this major and concentration.  Non English-majors will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  • To complete the concentration, English majors who have already declared themselves in the creative writing concentration must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in their major.
  • Concentration students must complete the two advanced courses in their genre (ENG 487 and ENG 498 in poetry, or ENG 488 and ENG 498 in fiction). Note that enrollment into these courses is restricted. Spaces are limited. Students must submit a portfolio and be selected to move forward.  (See the "Portfolio Review Guidelines" below.)
  • Transfer students must seek advisement as to whether they will be able to successfully fulfill the creative writing concentration requirements.
  • PLEASE NOTE :  Students admitted to begin 400-level coursework through the Fall 2020 Portfolio Review will start their coursework in Spring 2021. ENG 488 (fiction) will be taken in the Spring semester. The capstone course, ENG 498, will be taken in the Fall 2021 semester. ENG 487/488 and ENG 498 may not be taken simultaneously. 
  • The next portfolio review for fiction will be offered in Fall 2022. The next portfolio review for fiction and poetry will be offered in Spring 2023.
  • Students are only allowed to apply for the creative writing concentration twice during their time at ASU.

Portfolio Submission: How to Apply

Submit your completed portfolio online via the link below. Your portfolio should include:

1.     COVER SHEET (Available Online)


     a.      Poetry Sample: 5 poems

     b.      Fiction Sample: 1 piece of fiction of at least 5 double-spaced pages and not longer than 10 double-spaced pages

3.     PERSONAL STATEMENT (2 double spaced pages or 500 words)

     a.    Discuss your interest in the relevant genre (poetry or fiction)

     b.     What do you hope to gain from the creative writing concentration

4.     CRAFT ESSAY (2 double spaced pages or 500 words)

     a.     Submit an essay on a single poem or short story focusing an element(s) of craft you learned from the piece, how that craft element(s) works within the poem/story, and  why this aspect of craft is pertinent to your own writing

     b.     Please provide textual examples from the creative piece in your essay


        NOTE: You need to be logged into your ASU Gmail account to connect to the portfolio submission form. 

Further Information  

To receive further information about the bachelor's in English with a concentration in creative writing, make an appointment to speak with English undergraduate advisor at 480-965-3168. You may also contact Creative Writing Program Manager, Justin Petropoulos ( [email protected] ), RBH 152.

Portfolio Review Guidelines

Admission Requirements

All students are required to meet general university admission requirements.

Transfer Options

ASU is committed to helping students thrive by offering tools that allow personalization of the transfer path to ASU. Students may use the Transfer Map search to outline a list of recommended courses to take prior to transfer.

Change of Major Requirements

A current ASU student has no additional requirements for changing majors.

Students should refer to for information about how to change a major to this program.

Flexible Degree Options

Accelerated program options.

This program allows students to obtain both a bachelor's and master's degree in as little as five years. It is offered as an accelerated bachelor's and master's degree with:

English -->

Website | Locations: TEMPE,ONLNE

Acceptance to the graduate program requires a separate application. During their junior year, eligible students will be advised by their academic departments to apply.

Next Steps to attend ASU

Learn about our programs, apply to a program, visit our campus, affording college, tuition calculator, scholarships, financial aid, career outlook.

Degree programs in English prepare students for graduate studies in a number of programs, including English, creative writing, education, law and business. They also lead to a variety of careers in diverse fields. Employers seek those with strong writing, communication and critical thinking skills. Some of the most common professions for English majors are in the fields of:

  • nonprofit service

Graduates often find roles where they spend time:

  • developing web content
  • managing public relations
  • writing professional and technical content

Example Careers

Students who complete this degree program may be prepared for the following careers. Advanced degrees or certifications may be required for academic or clinical positions. Career examples include but are not limited to:

Writers and Authors

  • Growth: 3.7%
  • Median Salary*: 73150
  • Growth: -4%
  • Median Salary*: 73080

English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary

  • Growth: 1.2%
  • Median Salary*: 74280

Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers

Secondary school teachers, except special and career/technical education.

  • Median Salary*: 62360

Public Relations Specialists

  • Growth: 6.1%
  • Median Salary*: 67440

Bright Outlook

Search Marketing Strategists

  • Growth: 13.4%
  • Median Salary*: 68230

Technical Writers

  • Growth: 6.9%
  • Median Salary*: 79960

* Data obtained from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA).

Bright Outlook

Global Opportunities

Global experience.

Studying abroad expands students' perspectives by exposing them to new and distinct cultures, communities and people. Students can explore the English language at a deeper level through an extended lens of dialects, literature and terminology in one of more than 300 study abroad programs.

Students can enhance their resumes with the educational experience and heightened cultural competency, communication and critical thinking skills they acquire through study abroad programs.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends these study abroad programs for students majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing .

Program Contact Information

If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly. For questions regarding faculty or courses, please use the contact information below.

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What I Wish I Knew as a Creative Writing Major



I thought I’d make a career out of writing. That’s what I went to college for. I majored in English: Creative Writing because I loved it. I enjoyed sitting in the classroom, talking to my peers about short stories and poetry… until my senior year rolled around.

What was after college? What was I going to do with this degree that I so loved pursuing? Could I really make a career out of writing?

I worked a slew of odd jobs and writing internships before I landed at Pearson as a Registrar Support Specialist, something I never imagined I’d be doing. Now that I’m 30 and working a job I enjoy, I look back on my college career wishing I had known a few things before graduating. Things like what jobs I could get with this degree and what skills should I be learning to better prepare me for life after college—because it turns out, life after college wasn’t anything like I’d imagined.

If you’re considering majoring in Creative Writing, here are a few things to keep in mind:

A Degree Doesn’t Always Mean A Job

The first question for any  English major  is “what do you hope to do with an English degree?” It’s a legitimate question and sometimes a hard one. What can one do with an English degree other than teach? Is a creative writing degree even marketable?

As a whole, the purpose of getting a college degree is not primarily about  getting a job . The purpose of going to college is to educate yourself, grow as a person, and gain experience and knowledge that will last you a lifetime.

I don’t think I’d be writing this post or any of  my past blog posts  if I hadn’t pursued writing in college and worked as a writing intern for a couple years. However, I don’t think I would have ended up in my current position as a registrar support specialist—the job that actually pays my bills—if I hadn’t gotten 8+ years of administrative experience and a couple years of management experience  alongside  my degree.

Just because you’re getting a Creative Writing degree doesn’t mean you’ll end up as a best-selling author or poet. If you want to make yourself marketable for a wide array of jobs, consider gaining specialized experience alongside your writing education.

So, what are some creative job ideas for creative writing majors? Here are just a few ideas:

Marketing communications or copywriting

Web content writer or blogger

Public relations

Technical writer

Communications director

Social media specialist

Grant writer

Are you looking to get a college degree? Accelerated Pathways offers custom degree plans that allow students to achieve their degree and save money.  Reach out to our student counselors  to get more specialized degree guidance and information about our programs.

A note on freelancing

Thanks to the internet, the demand for freelance writers has grown. Some companies seek help for projects that require excellent writing and communication skills but don’t feel the need to hire someone full-time, so they turn to agencies and job boards that can get the word out. This is a great opportunity for the entrepreneurial-minded writer.

A few such agencies are  The Creative Group ,  Creative Circle , and  24 Seven . You simply give them your resume and portfolio, indicate what kind of work you’re looking for, and they dish out your resume to jobs that may be a good fit. You can also browse job opportunities on their websites on your own and send your resume.

Check job boards like Indeed or LinkedIn. You can often find someone looking for a writer, editor, or expert communicator for various reasons. Just make sure you do a bit of research into the job and/or the company so you know what you’re getting yourself into.

Learn Non-Writing Skills

I  love  writing short stories and poems. Some of my best college memories are writing stories for my peers to review or talking to my writing professor about how to be a better writer over burgers. The skills I learned by taking writing courses are skills that I cherish even years after graduation.

However, looking back, I wish I had learned more skills than just creative writing. There’s more to jobs and careers than just simply writing. A lot of other skills and knowledge are necessary as well.

For example, I wish I had learned more about  marketing  and branding. This may have opened up opportunities for me in marketing and communications. For instance, when I interned for a branding agency, I had no idea what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was or what the difference was between user experience and user interface. Were these pertinent to my role there? Not really, but my co-workers talked about them a lot, and I often felt lost.

Writing is great but learn other things too.

Don’t take odd jobs for granted either. Before I landed my job at Pearson, I worked as a front desk agent at a hotel, as a receiving assistant manager in a grocery store, and had a temporary job for a standardized testing service. While none of these by any means are dream jobs, I learned valuable skills in customer service, administration, management, and communication.

These odd jobs can be good ways to learn other skills that can give you a leg up in the race for employment, and while learning new skills or improving them, these various jobs can also help give you a boost in creativity based on your everyday interactions or duties.

Use Your Minor to Specialize

Minors are another great way to get some perspective in other fields.

On average, a minor takes up approximately 15-18 credits and usually helps fill up  elective space  in your degree. Don’t fill yours with writing classes. Some minors I would recommend to someone majoring in creative writing are education, business (specifically marketing, if available), journalism, and communications. All of these fields require creative writing in some way, and they are fields you’re most likely to pursue after college.

But ultimately, minor in anything you’re interested in. This will help you learn more, and give you more to write about! Besides, following your interests is a great way to land  a job you love .

Pursue Internships

You’ll hear a lot of negative things about internships, like how they don’t pay well (or at all) or don’t teach you enough. To be honest, these things are true. But don’t be so quick to throw out the opportunity.

There are many well-meaning companies offering college students the opportunity to learn practical, on-the-job skills, and sometimes an internship can be a stepping stone to something better.

Making the decision to pursue an internship can be tough, and it comes with risks. You may not make any money, you might be new to the field, and you seriously have no idea what you’re doing. So, here are things you can do when  pursuing an internship :

Make a budget. Can you afford to do something for free with the hope of something better in the future? After all, you do need to eat and to pay for the gas to get to your internship.

Make a list of local companies that may offer internships in your desired field. This may include companies that require you to commute, which will affect the aforementioned budget.

Contact your advisor and/or professors. They may have some very helpful information and connections. Depending on your school, degree, or major, you may even be  required  to complete an internship for graduation.

Treat it just like searching for any other job. You’ll be competing with hundreds—maybe thousands—of other eager students like yourself. You can’t win them all, but you should be persistent, professional, and confident.

When you interview for an internship, listen and ask good questions. Make sure you understand what the interviewer is asking of you, and if you don’t know something, ask because you’re there to learn.

Pursue What You Value

When deciding on a major, a minor, side jobs, or any of the myriad of decisions you’ll make in college, it’s important to know what you want to do in the future and set goals. These goals will help orient you and make the decision-making process a lot easier.

But even more important than setting goals is  defining your values . The things you value are the motivators for reaching your goals. These values answer the question of “why?” Why do you want to achieve this or that goal? Why is this goal important to you?

For example, as a writer, I want to get a short story published, a common goal that many writers share. The value (or the motivator to reach this goal) is that I want to tell people about the things I care about, struggle with, and think about, to share my story and my perspective. That value is true even as I write this blog post. If and when I achieve this goal, I will make a new goal, but my values will remain more or less consistent for months and years to come, possibly for the rest of my life.

It’s your  values  that will carry you through all of the writing, job searching, skill acquiring, and interning you can muster, not your goals. So, what do you value? How do those values motivate you to reach your goals or your dream job as it were?

As long as you consistently pursue what you value, no matter what other choices you make about your major, you’re guaranteed to walk toward a meaningful future career.

Learn more about how  Accelerated Pathways can help you get an affordable English degree  that also gives you the flexibility you need to build other important career skills at the same time.

  • Levi Shultz

creative writing degree vs english degree

Levi is a Registrar Support Specialist here at Pearson by day, short-story author by night. When he’s not working (or writing), you can find him playing board games with friends, playing guitar, watching tv with his wife, or eating a delicious home-cooked meal.


Choose Your Test

Sat / act prep online guides and tips, the 12 best creative writing colleges and programs.

College Info


Finding a dedicated creative writing program at a school you're excited about can be a real challenge, and that's even before you start worrying about getting in. Nonetheless, there are some great options. In order to help you find the best school for you, this list rounds up some of the best colleges for creative writing in the United States .

The Best Creative Writing Programs: Ranking Criteria

You should never take college rankings as absolute truth —not even the very official-seeming US News ones. Instead, use these kinds of lists as a jumping-off place for your own exploration of colleges. Pay attention not just to what the rankings are but to how the rankings are determined.

To help with that, I'll explain how I came up with this highly unscientific list of great creative writing colleges. I started by narrowing my search down to schools that offered a specific creative writing major. (If you don't see a school you were expecting, it's likely because they only have a minor.)

In ranking the schools, I considered five major criteria:

  • #1: MFA Ranking —If a school has a great graduate creative writing program, it means you'll be taught by those same professors and the excellent graduate students they attract. Schools with strong MFA programs are also more likely to have solid alumni networks and internship opportunities. However, many schools with great undergrad programs do not offer MFAs, in which case I simply focused on the other four options.
  • #2: General School Reputation —The vast majority of your classes won't be in creative writing, so it's important that other parts of the school, especially the English department, are great as well.
  • #3: Extracurricular Opportunities —One of the key advantages of majoring in creative writing is that it can provide access to writing opportunities outside the classroom, so I took what kind of internship programs, author readings, and literary magazines the school offers into consideration.
  • #4: Diversity of Class Options —I gave extra points to schools with a variety of genre options and specific, interesting classes.
  • #5: Alumni/Prestige —This last criterion is a bit more subjective: is the school known for turning out good writers? Certainly it's less important than what kind of education you'll actually get, but having a brand-name degree (so to speak) can be helpful.

The Best Creative Writing Schools

Now, let's get to the good stuff: the list of schools! The exact numbering is always arguable, so look at it as a general trend from absolutely amazing to still super great, rather than fixating on why one school is ranked #3 and another is ranked #4.

#1: Northwestern University

Northwestern's undergrad creative writing program boasts acclaimed professors and an unparalleled track record of turning out successful writers (including Divergent author Veronica Roth and short-story writer Karen Russell).

Outside the classroom, you can work on the student-run literary journal, intern at a publication in nearby Chicago, or submit to the Department of English's yearly writing competition . The university is also home to a top journalism program , so if you want to try your hand at nonfiction as well, you'll have plenty of opportunities to do so.

#2: Columbia University

Like Northwestern, Columbia is home to both a world-class creative writing program and a top journalism school (plus one of the best English departments in the country), so you have a wide range of writing-related course options. Columbia also benefits from its location in New York City, which is bursting at the seams with publishing houses, literary journals, and talented authors.


#3: University of Iowa

The University of Iowa's big draw is the infrastructure of its graduate Writers' Workshop, which is often considered the best MFA program in the country.

As an English and Creative Writing major here, you'll take classes from great young writers and established professors alike, and get to choose from a wide range of topics. This major provides transferable skills important for a liberal arts major with a creative focus. You'll also have access to the university's impressive literary community, including frequent readings, writing prizes and scholarships, and the acclaimed literary journal The Iowa Review .

#4: Emory University

Emory is renowned for its dedicated undergrad creative writing program , which draws the very best visiting scholars and writers. Students here have the chance to attend intimate question-and-answer sessions with award-winning authors, study a range of genres, compete for writing awards and scholarships, and work closely with an adviser to complete an honors project.

#5: Oberlin College

A small liberal arts school in Ohio, Oberlin offers very different advantages than the schools above do. You'll have fewer opportunities to pursue writing in the surrounding city, but the quality of the teachers and the range of courses might make up for that. Moreover, it boasts just as impressive alumni, including actress and writer Lena Dunham.

#6: Hamilton College

Hamilton is another small college, located in upstate New York. It's known for giving students the freedom to pursue their interests and the support to help them explore topics in real depth, both inside and outside the classroom. Hamilton's creative writing program takes full advantage with small classes and lots of opportunities to intern and publish; it also has one of the best writing centers in the country.

#7: Brown University

Brown's Literary Arts program offers one of the top MFAs in the US as well as an undergraduate major . For the major, you must take four creative writing workshops and six reading-intensive courses, which span an array of departments and topics, from music and literature to Middle East studies and Egyptology.


#8: Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University has an excellent creative writing MFA program, lots of super specific class options, and a number of scholarships specifically earmarked for creative writing students. This school’s undergraduate English program also offers a concentration in creative writing that allows students to specialize in a specific genre: poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. If you’re interested in exploring your potential in a specific writing genre, Washington University could be a great pick for you.

#9: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT might not be a school you generally associate with writing, but it actually has an excellent program that offers courses in digital media and science writing, as well as creative writing, and provides plenty of guidance on how graduates can navigate the tricky job market.

Not to mention the school is located in Cambridge, a haven for book lovers and writers of all kinds. Though it probably isn’t a good fit for students who hate science, MIT is a great place for aspiring writers who want to build writing skills that are marketable in a wide range of industries.

#10: University of Michigan

University of Michigan is one of the best state universities in the country and has a top-notch MFA program. This school’s undergrad creative writing sub-concentration requires students to submit applications for admittance to advanced creative writing courses. These applications give students crucial practice in both building a writing portfolio and articulating their interest in creative writing to an audience who will evaluate their work. If you're looking to attend a big school with a great creative writing major, this is a fantastic choice.

#11: Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins is another school that's known more for engineering than it is for writing, but, like MIT, it has a dedicated writing program. As a major here, you must take not only courses in prose, poetry, and literature, but also classes on topics such as philosophy and history.

#12: Colorado College

Colorado College is a small liberal arts school known for its block plan , which allows students to focus on one class per three-and-a-half-week block. The creative writing track of the English major includes a sequence of four writing workshops and also requires students to attend every reading of the Visiting Writers Series.

Bonus School: New York University

I didn't include NYU in the main list because it doesn't have a dedicated creative writing major, but it's a great school for aspiring writers nonetheless, offering one of the most impressive creative writing faculties in the country and all the benefits of a Manhattan location.


How To Pick the Best Creative Writing School for You

Just because Northwestern is a great school for creative writing doesn't mean you should set your heart on going there. (The football fans are completely terrifying, for one thing.) So where should you go then?

Here are some questions to ask yourself when looking at creative writing programs to help you determine the best school for you:

Does It Have Courses You're Interested In?

Look at the course offerings and see whether they interest you. While you can't predict exactly what classes you'll love, you want to avoid a mismatch where what you want to study and what the program offers are completely different. For example, if you want to write sonnets but the school focuses more on teaching fiction, it probably won't be a great fit for you.

Also, don't forget to look at the English courses and creative writing workshops! In most programs, you'll be taking a lot of these, too.

What Opportunities Are There To Pursue Writing Outside of Class?

I touched on this idea in the criteria section, but it's important enough that I want to reiterate it here. Some of the best writing experience you can get is found outside the classroom, so see what kind of writing-related extracurriculars a school has before committing to it.

Great options include getting involved with the campus newspaper, working on the school's literary journal, or interning at the university press.

Who Will Be Teaching You?

Who are the professors? What kind of work have they published? Check teacher ratings on Rate My Professors (but make sure to read the actual reviews—and always take them with a grain of salt).

If you're looking at a big school, there's a good chance that a lot of your teachers will be graduate students. But that's not necessarily a bad thing: a lot of the best teachers I had in college were graduate students. Just take into consideration what kind of graduate program the school has. If there's a great creative writing MFA program, then the graduate students are likely to be better writers and more engaged teachers.

What Are the Alumni Doing Now?

If you have a sense of what you want to do after you graduate, see if any alumni of the program are pursuing that type of career. The stronger the alumni network is, the more connections you'll have when it comes time to get a job.

What About the Rest of the School?

Don't pick a school for which you like the creative writing program but dread everything else about it. Most of your time will be spent doing other things, whether hanging out in the dorms, exploring off campus, or fulfilling general education requirements.

Many schools require you to apply to the creative writing major, so make doubly sure you'll be happy with your choice even if you aren't accepted to the program.

What's Next?

Are you sure a creative writing major is the right fit for you? Read our post on the pros and cons of the major to help you decide what path to take in college.

For more general advice about choosing a college, check out our complete guide to finding the right school for you. Some major factors to consider include deciding whether you're interested in a small college or a big university , an in-state or out-of-state institution , and a public or private school .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Alex is an experienced tutor and writer. Over the past five years, she has worked with almost a hundred students and written about pop culture for a wide range of publications. She graduated with honors from University of Chicago, receiving a BA in English and Anthropology, and then went on to earn an MA at NYU in Cultural Reporting and Criticism. In high school, she was a National Merit Scholar, took 12 AP tests and scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and ACT.

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Holly R. "I am absolutely overjoyed and cannot thank you enough for helping me!”

Southern New Hampshire University

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Mariel Embry, a 2022 graduate of SNHU's online BA in Creative Writing degree program, writing on a tablet.

Creative Writing Degree Online Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Clock Icon

Write Your Own Story 

  • $330/credit (120 credits)
  • Transfer up to 90 credits
  • Receive credit for prior learning
  • 4 genre options for concentrations
  • Advanced writing workshops
  • No application fee or SAT/ACT scores required

Creative Writing Degree Program Overview

If you have a passion for storytelling and want to pursue a career using your writing talents, the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing and English program can help you get on the right path.

You'll develop your writing skills alongside students from across the country, who represent an incredible range of voices and experiences. Together, you'll participate in workshops, producing work and presenting it to your peers for commentary and discussion.

"Everything I learned during my degree journey added to my understanding of how to write and boosted my creativity," said Aubrie Arnold '20 , a graduate of the creative writing program. "I now feel like I can and will write novels – I’m working on that now – and I feel like I have the correct tools to make those novels successful.”

This degree is also an attractive option for transfer students, as it offers a number of free electives.

Checklist Icon

What You'll Learn

  • Essential writing and critical-thinking skill sets
  • Literary analysis to inform the application of storytelling elements
  • Literary form, genre, structure and style
  • Conventions and techniques used by varying genres

Laptop Icon

How You'll Learn

At SNHU, you'll get support from day 1 to graduation and beyond. And with no set class times, 24/7 access to the online classroom, and helpful learning resources along the way, you'll have everything you need to reach your goals.

Mother Reacts to Her Daughter Earning an Online Degree from SNHU

An Online Creative Writing Degree Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Whether you are looking to advance your career or simply want to pursue your passion for writing, the online creative writing bachelor's program at SNHU offers a supportive community, comprehensive curriculum, and flexible format that can help you achieve your goals.

Concentration Options

When you choose to study creative writing at SNHU, you have the option to stay with the general track – which gives you the flexibility to study a variety of genres – or you can opt to add one of our 4 concentrations to your degree : fiction, nonfiction, poetry or screenwriting.

Fiction Aspiring authors and storytellers who are looking for a way to gain inspiration and foster their imaginations will find the online Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing and English with a concentration in Fiction Writing to be the perfect balance of craft and critical analysis. This BA program emphasizes the craft of fiction writing and helps you develop an appreciation for all forms of fiction while honing your writing skills and philosophy of composition. You'll gain insights into publishing technologies and the industry as you enhance your fundamental knowledge of fiction writing's most crucial elements. This comprehensive program gives you a powerful understanding of plot, character development, narrative voice and other mechanics of creative writing. Studying fiction writing at Southern New Hampshire University doesn't just focus on developing your skill and technique. This program also gives you the opportunity to explore your creative boundaries, perfect your craft and dive deeper into your preferred genre. From fantasy to sci-fi and mystery to young adult, you can embrace the style of writing that you're drawn to and bring your original stories to life. The format of this BA program encourages collaboration and direct interaction with faculty and peers. You'll also have the chance to get published and learn from experienced authors through The Penmen Review, our own online journal for writers. Nicholas Patterson '22 found peer interaction through writing workshops to be a favorite part of his program. "I have learned tons of new skills," he said, "but most importantly learned how to grow from constructive criticism." Career outlook: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for writers and authors was $73,150 in 2022. 1 The BLS notes that a degree and publication is typically required for a full-time writing position. Writers who concentrate in fiction have career opportunities in a range of professions, including content writing, editing, copywriting, publishing, communications and more. Courses may include: New Media: Writing and Publishing Fiction Writing Workshop Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop Request Info Apply Now Nonfiction Discover your niche with a nonfiction writing degree online at Southern New Hampshire University. Our online Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing and English with a concentration in Nonfiction delves into a wide variety of styles and subjects – everything from the personal essay to autobiography, memoir, travel writing and magazine features. Our creative writing online program can help you combine research and reflection with compelling storytelling. You'll also gain insights into publishing technologies and the industry, explore your creative boundaries and develop a unique voice. A solid foundation in the broader scope of creative writing is critical to the craft of nonfiction writing. In our comprehensive nonfiction writing program, you'll acquire a powerful understanding of research, narrative voice and other mechanics of creative writing. The online nonfiction writing degree program's format encourages collaboration and ongoing interaction with faculty and peers. You'll also have the chance to get published and learn from experienced authors through The Penmen Review, our own online journal for writers. Career outlook: The median annual salary for writers and authors was $73,150 in 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1 Nonfiction writers can publish in magazines, newspapers, and literary journals, as well as find career opportunities in digital content writing, social media/communications, copywriting and editing. Courses may include: New Media: Writing and Publishing Nonfiction Writing Workshop Intermediate Nonfiction Writing Workshop Advanced Nonfiction Writing Workshop Request Info Apply Now Poetry The online Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing with a concentration in Poetry degree program is an opportunity for aspiring poets to find inspiration, engagement and creative collaboration with peers and faculty alike. Our specialized program enables you to hone your craft and unleash your imagination, helping you create imagery in verse. While a poetry degree is valuable in and of itself, it can also prepare you for many professional paths. You can explore careers in creative writing, advertising, journalism, publishing and advertising copywriting. Southern New Hampshire University also offers an online Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Poetry. As a student in our poetry degree online program, you'll begin taking writing courses during your first year. You'll also have the chance to get published and learn from experienced authors through The Penmen Review, our own online journal for writers. Career outlook: Career paths with a BA in creative writing include work as a creative writer, advertising copywriter, journalist, publisher or poet. Writers have also found careers in communications, digital content writing and editing. Courses may include: New Media: Writing and Publishing Poetry Writing Workshop Intermediate Poetry Writing Workshop Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop Request Info Apply Now Screenwriting Whether you have dreams of writing blockbusters, developing documentaries or working with other writers on sitcoms, the online Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing and English with a concentration in Screenwriting is an excellent way to hone your writing skills and put your passion to work. The classes in this specialized online screenwriting degree are based on a comprehensive study of creative writing, with a special focus on story structure, character development and the visual medium of film. You'll have the opportunity to explore all of the forms that screenwriting takes – feature-length and short films, television episodes and miniseries, commercial and internet-based video. While creative writing is at the core of this program, your screenwriting classes will place a special emphasis on visual storytelling. Designed by experienced and distinguished faculty, this creative writing program will give you a powerful understanding of how story, character, theme, action, visuals and dialogue intertwine to create a compelling moment in time. The format for the screenwriting degree online program encourages collaboration and direct interaction with faculty and peers. You'll also have the chance to get published and learn from experienced authors through The Penmen Review, our own online journal for writers. Career outlook: Blockbuster movies, independent films and shorts, commercials, television dramas and sitcoms all rest their success on the backbone of their scripts. Screenwriters have lots of options when it comes to navigating their careers. You could pursue independent work and make your stories come to life – or you could develop scripts for specific projects that need a writer's touch. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, writers and authors earned a median annual salary of $73,150 in 2022. 1 Courses may include: New Media: Writing and Publishing Introduction to Screenwriting Workshop Intermediate Screenwriting Workshop Advanced Screenwriting Workshop Request Info Apply Now if (typeof accordionGroup === "undefined") { window.accordionGroup = new accordion(); } accordionGroup.init(document.getElementById('a7db942c2ff94e9783a92e9b328572c0')); Career Outlook

Use storytelling skills to write everything from children’s books and novels to biographies, essays and memoirs.

Apply your understanding of the written word to plan, review and revise content for publication in books, periodicals or online platforms.

Promote a product, service or organization with content for advertisements, marketing campaigns or websites.

Research topics, investigate story ideas and interview sources to write compelling nonfiction articles for newspapers, magazines, blogs and television news programs.


Use the power of writing to create visual and auditory experiences for everything from major blockbuster films to television episodes and commercials.


Write speeches for business leaders, politicians and others, using words to engage with and move an audience.

And with today's technology, it's easy for writers and authors to work from just about anywhere as long as they have internet access – meaning jobs aren't limited to major cities anymore.

In addition to the writing skills you'll develop in a creative writing degree program, you could also pick up a handful of other career skills 1 the workforce desperately needs, like:

  • Adaptability: Adapt to updates in software platforms and programs, including various content management systems (CMS).
  • Creativity: Develop interesting plots, characters or ideas for new stories.
  • Critical-thinking skills: Understand concepts that must be conveyed through writing.
  • Determination: Gain the focus to meet deadlines.
  • Persuasion: Convince others to feel a certain way about a good or service – especially if you choose a career in advertising.
  • Social perceptiveness: Develop an understanding of how readers respond to and connect with your work.

"This [program] not only allowed me to explore my creativity through writing," said Nicholas Patterson '22 . "It taught me the fundamentals of the industry and how to pursue a career in it."

Job Growth and Salary

Prospects for writer and author occupations appear promising in the coming years. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the industry shift from print to online media should result in employment growth. 1

Growth Icon

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, career opportunities for writers and authors are projected to grow 4% through 2032 — that's as fast as average for all occupations. 1

Salary Icon

In 2022, the median annual wage for writers and authors was $73,150 . 1

Understanding the Numbers When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that actual numbers can vary due to many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Start Your Journey Toward an Online Creative Writing Degree

Why snhu for your creative writing degree flexible with no set class meeting times, you can learn on your schedule and access online course materials 24/7. affordable as part of our mission to make higher education more accessible, we’re committed to keeping our tuition rates low. in fact, we offer some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation. prior coursework could also help you save time and money. snhu’s transfer policy  allows you to transfer up to 90 credits toward your bachelor's degree and 45 credits for an associate degree from your previous institutions—that means you could save up to 75% off the cost of tuition. you could also save time and money by getting college credit for previous work experience , or by taking advantage of military discounts and employer tuition assistance if available to you. respected founded in 1932 , southern new hampshire university is a private, nonprofit institution with over 160,000 graduates across the country. snhu is accredited by the new england commission of higher education (neche), a regional accreditor, which advocates for institutional improvement and public assurance of quality.  recently, snhu has been nationally recognized for leading the way toward more innovative, affordable and achievable education: u.s. news & world report named snhu the 2021 most innovative university in the north and one of the nation's "best regional universities" awarded the 21st century distance learning award for excellence in online technology by the united states distance learning association (usdla) a $1 million grant from to explore soft skills assessments for high-need youth network at southern new hampshire university, you'll have access to a powerful network of more than 300,000 students, alumni and staff that can help support you long after graduation. our instructors offer relevant, real-world expertise to help you understand and navigate the field. plus, with our growing, nationwide alumni network, you'll have the potential to tap into a number of internship and career opportunities. opportunities you'll have the chance to share your work with the vibrant creative writing community at snhu: the penmen review , our online journal that accepts submissions 12 times a year word for word, a bimonthly livestream event featuring published writers reading from their work fall fiction contest, a short-story competition that offers snhu scholarships among its prizes student writers spotlight, a livestream reading showcasing the best of snhu's creative writing students 93.6% of online students would recommend snhu (according to a 2022 survey with 17,000+ respondents). discover why snhu may be right for you . admission requirements expanding access to quality higher education means removing the barriers that may stand between you and your degree. that’s why you can apply at any time and get a decision within days of submitting all required materials: completed free undergraduate application prior transcripts, which we can retrieve at no cost to you test scores are not required as part of your application acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis throughout the year for our 6 (8-week) undergraduate terms . how to apply if you’re ready to apply, follow these simple steps to get the process going: complete a free undergraduate application submit any additional documents required work with an admission counselor  to explore financial options  and walk through the application process if you have questions or need help filling out your application, call 1.888.387.0861 or email [email protected] . if (typeof accordiongroup === "undefined") { window.accordiongroup = new accordion(); } accordiongroup.init(document.getelementbyid('06235c05b74e467bb258c6a2eee81259')); what snhu students are saying.

Nicholas Patterson, a 2022 online creative writing degree graduate and current SNHU staff member

"I came [to SNHU] originally to have more freedoms and explore my creativity in a new environment. This program has given me that and more – this program has enabled me to improve myself in every facet of writing, from brainstorming a new idea to learning about genres and even how to market myself and my writing."


120 Credits


8-Week Terms


100% Online

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No Set Class Times

Southern New Hampshire University is home to one of the largest creative writing programs in the country.

Our unique online creative writing degree allows you to take writing courses from the start. The program features 4 writing workshops, including an advanced workshop in which you'll complete a polished piece in the genre of your choice.

The courses in our BA in Creative Writing can help develop your talent for creating stories, novels and characters and turning them into finished, professional pieces. Whether you choose the general track or a specific genre, you'll learn from published writers with valuable industry insights.

In addition to the courses and electives within the major, SNHU's online writing degree program includes 30 credits of free electives. This leaves you with room to choose courses or a minor in an area of study that you'd like to write about – like history or psychology – or the opportunity to complement your studies with career skills, such as graphic design or marketing. The amount of free electives also makes our creative writing degree an attractive option for transfer students.

Throughout your program, you'll learn from published writers, professional editors, publishers and established literary critics – subject-matter experts who can help guide you to improving your craft.

As a bonus at SNHU, you can choose to further your study of creative writing with one of our popular graduate programs:

  • Online MA in English and Creative Writing: Building on the learnings from your bachelor's degree, you can choose from the same 4 concentrations – fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting or poetry – in this 36-credit online master's in writing  program,  which allows you to develop creative works that can contribute to your professional advancement.
  • Online MFA in Creative Writing: Gain both the writing skills and the professional skills to succeed in areas like marketing, publishing, content writing, teaching and freelancing in this fully online, 48-credit online MFA in creative writing  program. You can also focus on a wide range of fiction genres – such as contemporary, romance, young adult or speculative – plus you'll add one of two embedded certificates to your program: professional writing or the online teaching of writing.
  • Low-Residency MFA in Fiction or Nonfiction: This highly focused 2-year program consists of 4 workshops and 4 in-person, weeklong residencies in New Hampshire. Within the 60-credit low-residency MFA  program, you'll complete both a manuscript suitable for submission to editors and a critical essay that's ideal for literary journals.

Curriculum Requirements & Resources

General education.

All undergraduate students are required to take general education courses , which are part of SNHU's newly redesigned program, The Commons. The goal of The Commons' curriculum is to empower you with some of the most in-demand skills, so you can succeed not only in your academic career, but in your personal and professional life too.

Technology Resources

We provide cloud-based virtual environments in some courses to give you access to the technology you need for your degree – and your career. Learn more about our virtual environments .

Earn Math Credits

Save time and tuition with our Pathways to Math Success assessments. Depending on your scores, you could earn up to 12 math credits – the equivalent of 4 courses – toward your degree for less than $50 per assessment. For additional information, or to register for a Pathways to Math Success assessment, contact your admission counselor or academic advisor today.

Minimum Hardware Requirements Component Type   PC (Windows OS)   Apple (Mac OS)   Operating System  Currently supported operating system from Microsoft.   Currently supported operating system from Apple.  Memory (RAM)  8GB or higher  8GB or higher  Hard Drive  100GB or higher  100GB or higher  Antivirus Software  Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.  Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.  SNHU Purchase Programs  Visit Dell   Visit Apple   Internet/ Bandwidth  5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100 ms Latency  5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100 ms Latency  Notes:   Laptop or desktop?   Whichever you choose depends on your personal preference and work style, though laptops tend to offer more flexibility.  Note:   Chromebooks (Chrome OS) and iPads (iOS) do not meet the minimum requirements for coursework at SNHU. These offer limited functionality and do not work with some course technologies. They are not acceptable as the only device you use for coursework. While these devices are convenient and may be used for some course functions, they cannot be your primary device. SNHU does, however, have an affordable laptop option that it recommends: Dell Latitude 3301 with Windows 10.  Office 365 Pro Plus  is available free of charge to all SNHU students and faculty. The Office suite will remain free while you are a student at SNHU. Upon graduation you may convert to a paid subscription if you wish. Terms subject to change at Microsoft's discretion. Review system requirements for  Microsoft 365 plans  for business, education and government.  Antivirus software:  Check with your ISP as they may offer antivirus software free of charge to subscribers.  if (typeof accordionGroup === "undefined") { window.accordionGroup = new accordion(); } accordionGroup.init(document.getElementById('f756dce5bd874c61855f6f6e92d88470')); What to Expect as an Online Student No set class times: Asynchronous classes let you do your coursework when and where you want Pick your pace: Choose between full time (2 courses) or part time (1 course) each term Student support: 24/7 access to online student services like the library, tech and academic support if (typeof carouselContainer === "undefined") { window.carouselContainer = new carousel(); } let vc_0a2c09e41977426b8f3008e18ed9a68a = document.getElementById('carousel-0a2c09e41977426b8f3008e18ed9a68a') if (vc_0a2c09e41977426b8f3008e18ed9a68a !== null) { carouselContainer.init(vc_0a2c09e41977426b8f3008e18ed9a68a); } University Accreditation

New England Commission of Higher Education

Tuition & Fees

As a private, nonprofit university, we’re committed to making college more accessible by making it more affordable. That’s why we offer some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation.

We also offer financial aid packages to those who qualify, plus a 30% tuition discount for U.S. service members, both full and part time, and the spouses of those on active duty.

Tuition Rates are subject to change and are reviewed annually. *Note: students receiving this rate are not eligible for additional discounts.

Additional Costs No Application Fee, Course Materials ($ varies by course)

Frequently Asked Questions

A woman reading poetry to celebrate national poetry month and demonstrate why poetry is important

Why is Poetry Important? Celebrating National Poetry Month

SNHU graduate Stephanie Gould holding her diploma with SNHU's executive vice president and university provost, Lisa Marsh Ryerson

Actor Stephanie Gould Surprised Onstage With Diploma Delivery

SNHU associate dean of liberal arts Dr. Robert Denning wearing a dark suit and blue tie.

Associate Dean of Liberal Arts Dr. Robert Denning: A Faculty Q&A

creative writing degree vs english degree

Bachelor of Arts in English Professional and Creative Writing

About the English Professional and Creative Writing, BA

In the Professional and Creative Writing major, you will nurture your creative potential and sharpen your writing skills to excel as an accomplished writer, communicator, and professional. Through a blend of workshops, seminars, internship opportunities, and a lot of writing, you will cultivate the skills you need to thrive in today's dynamic job market. We are committed to the idea that with persistence, dedication, and passion, you will make a significant impact on the world through your writing.

Why Study English Professional and Creative Writing at CWU?

In the Creative Writing major, our faculty members are accomplished writers, published authors, and experienced educators.

Through a wide range of genres and forms, including fiction, poetry, screenwriting, and creative nonfiction, you will receive personalized guidance, mentorship, and valuable insights to help you succeed in your creative endeavors.

Where is this program offered?

How much does this program cost.

Explore information on  Cost, Aid, and Value to make an informed decision about investing in your education at CWU.

Where can I find more information?

Please visit the CWU Academic Catalog for current information about admission requirements, course descriptions, learner outcomes, and credit information.

Careers and Opportunities

At CWU, we will help you achieve your goals and make a meaningful impact through your writing.

  • Writer or Author: Work as freelance writers, journalists, or novelists, creating content for newspapers, magazines, websites, or books. This is a wonderful job if you are interested in remote work.
  • Copywriter: Consider using your skills in advertising, marketing, or public relations, crafting compelling copy for ads, social media, or other marketing materials.
  • Technical Writer: Fields like healthcare, engineering, or technology, need skilled writers to create user manuals, technical documentation, or instructional materials.
  • Editor: You could work as an editor for publishing houses, literary magazines, or online publications

Take the Next Steps

Visit central.

  • Schedule an In-Person Tour
  • Explore Campus Virtually

Admissions & Aid

  • Apply to CWU
  • Cost, Aid, Value

Interested in CWU?

  • Request Information

"The English department at CWU equipped me with both the creativity and critical thinking skills necessary to engage the future generation. I was taught the importance of self-reflection and how crucial it is for effective teaching. I now have gained the confidence to be an educator who both understands and can convey the importance of English to students." Haley Cottingham graduated in 2022 with a degree in English Language Arts Teaching.

A Wealth of Scholarships in English

At Central Washington University, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality education, regardless of their financial background. View Department of English Scholarships today. You belong at CWU.

Related Programs

Students working on art projects in the hallway

Join a dynamic and vibrant community of artists and a faculty of accomplished professionals in the Art, BA at CWU.

Students learning about art at a Poster Show

Art Education, BA

Your future as an art educator starts here, and we can't wait for you to teach the next generation of artists.

Questions? Contact Us.

English department.

creative writing degree vs english degree

English (BA) – Creative Writing

Program at a glance.

  • In State Tuition
  • Out of State Tuition

Learn more about the cost to attend UCF.

U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges - Most Innovative 2024

English (B.A.) - Creative Writing may be completed fully online, although not all elective options or program prerequisites may be offered online. Newly admitted students choosing to complete this program exclusively via UCF online classes may enroll with a reduction in campus-based fees.

Admission Requirements

Degree requirements.

  • Students who change degree programs and select this major must adopt the most current catalog
  • Students must earn at least a "C" (2.0) in each required course
  • Co-op or internship credit cannot be used in the major without prior approval from the department
  • Students should consult with a departmental advisor
  • Departmental Residency Requirement consists of at least 15 semester hours of regularly scheduled 3000-4000 level courses taken from the UCF English Department
  • Courses designated in General Education Program and Common Program Prerequisites are usually completed in the first 60 hours.

Online English - Creative Writing, BA

Undergraduate Application Deadlines

  • International

Ready to get started?

Career opportunities.

  • ESL Teacher
  • Educational Publishing Researcher
  • Grant Writer
  • High School English Teacher
  • Higher Education Personnel
  • Marketing/Communications Content Creator
  • Technical Writer

University of Central Florida Colleges

creative writing degree vs english degree

Core Requirements: Basic Level

  • CRW3013 - Creative Writing for English Majors (3)
  • ENG3014 - Theories and Techniques of Literature Study (3)
  • CRW3053 - Theory & Practice of Creative Writing (3)
  • *ENG 3014 - This is a prerequisite for all 4000 level AML, ENG, ENL, or LIT courses

Core Requirements: Advanced Level

  • Literary History Requirement
  • Choose four courses total from these two groupings
  • Select at least one of these pre-1865 literature courses
  • Note: Each semester, additional courses may satisfy these requirements. Check with an advisor for details.
  • AML3031 - American Literature I (3)
  • AML3613 - Narratives of Slavery (3)
  • ENL2012 - English Literature I (3)
  • ENL3220 - English Renaissance Poetry and Prose (3)
  • ENL4230 - Eighteenth-Century Studies (3)
  • ENL4240 - English Romantic Writers (3)
  • ENL4311 - Chaucer (3)
  • ENL4333 - Shakespeare Studies (3)
  • ENL4341 - Milton and His Age (3)
  • AML3286 - Early American Women's Words (3)
  • AML3640 - Native American Literature (3)
  • LIT4374 - The Literature of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles (3)
  • ENL3296 - Gothic Literature (3)
  • Select at least one of these post-1865 literature courses
  • Each semester, additional courses may satisfy this requirement. Check with an advisor for details.
  • AML3041 - American Literature II (3)
  • AML3261 - Literature of the South (3)
  • AML3614 - Topics in African-American Literature (3)
  • AML3615 - Harlem, Haiti, and Havana (3)
  • AML3643 - Contemporary Native American Prose and Poetry (3)
  • AML4101 - American Novel (3)
  • AML4155 - Modern American Poetry (3)
  • AML4265 - Florida Writers (3)
  • AML4321 - Modern American Literature (3)
  • AML3630 - Latinx Literature (3)
  • ENL2022 - English Literature II (3)
  • ENL4101 - English Novel (3)
  • ENL4253 - The Victorian Age (3)
  • ENL4262 - Nineteenth Century British Prose (3)
  • ENL4273 - Modern British Literature (3)
  • LIT3082 - Continental European Fiction Since 1900 (3)
  • LIT3192 - Caribbean Literature (3)
  • LIT4043 - Modern Drama As Literature (3)
  • LIT4184 - Irish Literature (3)
  • LIT4303 - Post-World War II Fiction (3)
  • LIT3823 - Hispanic Women Writers (3)
  • Earn at least 6 credits from the following types of courses: Pre-1865 Literature courses or Post-1865 Literature courses

Restricted Electives

  • Please note that students must take 4 but no more than 6 of the courses listed in a. and b. below.
  • A list of approved restricted elective courses is found in the myKnight audit.
  • CRW3120 - Fiction Writing Workshop (3)
  • CRW3211 - Creative Nonfiction Writing (3)
  • CRW3310 - Poetry Writing Workshop (3)
  • CRW3610 - Writing Scripts (3)
  • CRW4122 - Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop (3)
  • CRW4224 - Advanced Nonfiction Workshop (3)
  • CRW4320 - Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop (3)
  • CRW4616 - Advanced Scriptwriting Workshop (3)
  • *May take ENC 4360 - Nature Writing instead of CRW 4224 but not both.
  • CRW3311 - Readings in Poetry for Creative Writing (3)
  • CRW3540 - Literary Magazines (3)
  • CRW4114 - History of Prose Style (3)
  • CRW4724 - The Florida Review (3)
  • CRW4722 - Editing for Creative Writers (3)
  • any other CRW elective or Special Topics course Credit Hours: 3

Grand Total Credits: 36

Capstone requirements.

  • Select primarily from upper level courses, with departmental advisor's approval. May be outside of the department.

Foreign Language Requirements

  • Met by graduation requirement
  • Proficiency equivalent to three semesters of college instruction in a foreign language taught by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures or the Department of History (Hebrew). Standardized examinations for foreign languages may be used to meet the requirement. With departmental approval, a cultural/multicultural or related course offered by the Department of English may be used to satisfy one semester of the Graduation requirement.

Additional Requirements

  • The English Department offers multiple opportunities to complete the signature experience requirement. Please consult the Undergraduate Advisor for a full listing.

Required Minors

Departmental exit requirements.

  • Maintain and achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in all courses used towards the major.

University Minimum Exit Requirements

  • A 2.0 UCF GPA
  • 42 semester hours of upper division credit completed
  • 60 semester hours earned after CLEP awarded
  • 30 of the last 39 hours of course work must be completed in residency at UCF.
  • A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence, CLEP, Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted.
  • Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon Rule, and nine hours of Summer credit.

Total Undergraduate Credit Hours Required: 120

Additional information, honors in major (9 credit hours).

  • Application and admission through the English Honors Committee and the Honors College.
  • Fulfill University requirements for Honors in the Major.
  • Grade of "B" (3.0) or better in an English graduate or undergraduate course or in a graduate or undergraduate course outside the major that relates to thesis with approval (3 hrs), Directed Readings (3 hrs), and Thesis hours (3 hrs).
  • Successful completion and oral defense of Honors thesis.

Related Programs

  • English, Technical Communication (B.A.)
  • English, Literature (B.A.)


  • Editing and Publishing Certificate

Related Minors

  • English, Linguistics Minor
  • English, Technical Communication Minor
  • Writing and Rhetoric Minor
  • English, Literature Minor

Advising Notes

Transfer notes.

  • Lower division courses do not substitute for upper division courses.
  • Courses transferred from private and out-of-state schools must be evaluated for equivalency credit. The student must provide all supporting information.

Acceptable Substitutes for Transfer Courses

Program academic learning compacts.

  • Program Academic Learning Compacts (student learning outcomes) for undergraduate programs are located at:

Plan of Study

Freshman Year - Fall (15 Credit Hours)

  • ENC 1101 - Composition I Credit Hours: 3
  • GEP Credit Hours: 3

Freshman Year - Spring (16 Credit Hours)

  • ENC 1102 - Composition II Credit Hours: 3
  • Foreign Language Elementary I Credit Hours: 4

Sophomore Year - Fall (16 Credit Hours)

  • LIT 2110 or LIT 2120 Credit Hours: 3
  • Foreign Language Elementary II Credit Hours: 4
  • Elective Credit Hours: 3

Sophomore Year - Spring (15 Credit Hours)

  • CRW 3013 - Creative Writing for English Majors Credit Hours: 3
  • CRW 3053 - Theory & Practice of Creative Writing Credit Hours: 3
  • Pre-1865 Literary History Elective Credit Hours: 3
  • Pre- or Post-1865 Literary History Elective Credit Hours: 3
  • Foreign Language Intermediate I or English Diversity or Elective Credit Hours: 3

Junior Year - Fall (15 Credit Hours)

  • ENG 3014 - Theories and Techniques of Literature Study Credit Hours: 3
  • Post-1865 Literary History Elective Credit Hours: 3
  • Writing Workshop Credit Hours: 3

Junior Year - Spring (15 Credit Hours)

  • Advanced Writing Workshop Credit Hours: 3

Senior Year - Fall (15 Credit Hours)

  • Creative Writing Elective Credit Hours: 3
  • Upper Level Elective Credit Hours: 3

Senior Year - Spring (13 Credit Hours)

  • Elective Credit Hours: 1

Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing – Journalism Captivate Your Readers

creative writing degree vs english degree

Credit Hours

View Courses

100% online, 8-week courses

Transfer in up to 75% of the degree total

Expand Your Reporting and Writing Skills with an Online Journalism Degree from Liberty University

Have you ever wanted to write for a magazine, news journal, or website? If so, then this program might be for you! At Liberty, you can learn how to compose original text with your own creative flair. Our journalism degree can help you gain the research and writing skills needed to craft compelling pieces that captivate your reader and move them emotionally.

Liberty University’s Bachelor of Science (BS) in Creative Writing – Journalism is an exciting and dynamic degree program that can help prepare you for a career in the media industry. With a focus on writing for social media, news and print, and multimedia storytelling, this journalism major can help equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to excel in a variety of fields.

Military Friendly School

Ranked in the Top 10% of’s Best Online Schools in America

  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Why Choose Liberty’s BS in Creative Writing – Journalism Degree?

There are many reasons why you might choose to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing – Journalism. One of the main benefits of this degree is that it is 100% online, making it convenient and accessible for students with busy schedules. Additionally, this program is designed to be completed in just 120 credit hours, allowing you to earn your degree quickly and start your career sooner.

Furthermore, the Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing – Journalism program is unique in its focus on both creative writing and journalism. This means you’ll gain a well-rounded education that can provide a great foundation to begin a career in news media and content writing. Whether you want to be a journalist or branch out into other areas of writing, this degree can provide a pathway to accomplishing your goals.

Liberty’s online journalism degree is taught by experienced writers and journalists who have a wealth of knowledge to share. They’ll provide you with guidance and feedback as you develop your skills and work on your writing.

What Will You Study in Our Online Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism?

In the Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing – Journalism program, you can learn competencies that are essential for success in a variety of journalism and creative writing industries. From writing novellas to writing for theater and film, you have the opportunity to develop many abilities that can help boost your marketability. Some of the skills you can develop include:

  • Writing and Storytelling : You can learn how to craft compelling stories that engage and inform your audience, whether writing news articles, feature stories, or multimedia content.
  • Journalism Fundamentals : You will explore the basics of journalism, including how to conduct interviews, fact-check information, and write in a style that is appropriate for different types of media.
  • Print and Digital Publishing : In today’s media landscape, digital skills are essential. You can learn how to use a variety of digital tools and build platforms that focus on maturing your writing skill and brand.
  • Professional Skills : In addition to creative and technical skills, you can also develop the professional skills you need to succeed in the workplace – including teamwork, communication, and project management.

Additionally, you can learn how to write for cultural engagement and convey nuanced meaning in your work. Your studies will culminate in a senior capstone that will synthesize the knowledge and training you have gained over the course of this journalism degree.

Potential Career Opportunities

  • Professional blogger
  • Social media coordinator

Featured Courses

  • WRIT 201 – Introduction to Creative Writing
  • WRIT 400 – Editing for Publishing
  • WRIT 404 – Print and Digital Publishing*
  • WRIT 417 – Writing for Cultural Engagement*

*Course guide coming soon

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the College of Arts and Sciences .
  • View our Undergraduate Arts and Sciences Course Guides (login required).

Degree Completion Plan (PDF)

Top 1% For Online Programs

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  • Tuition & Aid

Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

To continue our mission of providing affordable education,  electronic textbooks are provided for all undergraduate courses at no cost to you. As a full-time student, this could save you an estimated $800-2,000 per year on textbooks!

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Admission Information for Undergraduate Online Degrees

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Students may be allowed to enroll in up to 12 credit hours with Liberty with the submission of an unofficial high school transcript and our High School Self-Certification Form .
  • Unofficial transcripts can be used for acceptance purposes with the submission of a Transcript Request Form .

Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

*Official high school transcript requirement may be waived with college transcripts from an accredited college/university showing at least 12 earned credit hours with an acceptable GPA.

Note: A 2.0 or above cumulative GPA is required for admission in good standing.

Transcript Policies

High school transcript policy.

Applicants may submit an unofficial high school transcript with a High School Self-Certification Form in lieu of a final official high school transcript in order to enroll in up to 12 credit hours at Liberty University.

  • Applicants may submit a college transcript showing 12 or more credits from an accredited institution and a High School Self-Certification Form in lieu of high school transcripts.

Students must submit official high school transcripts, or official college transcripts showing at least 12 credit hours earned with an acceptable grade point average (GPA) from an accredited institution, in order to register for additional courses.

The official high school transcript, GED requirement, and unofficial high school transcript with a High School Self-Certification Form can be waived if the applicant has earned an associate degree or higher.

Final transcripts must reflect all coursework and final grades received for grades 9-12, a graduation date, and an overall GPA. (Mailed transcripts must be in a sealed and unopened envelope.)

Unofficial College Transcript Policy

Unofficial transcripts combined with a Transcript Request Form can be used for admission. Official transcripts are required within 60 days of the admissions decision or before non-attendance drops for the first set of matriculated classes, whichever comes first, and will prevent enrollment into future terms until all official transcripts have been received.

Before sending unofficial college transcripts, please make sure they include the following:

  • Your previous school’s name or logo printed on the document
  • Cumulative GPA
  • A list of completed courses and earned credit broken down by semester
  • Degree and date conferred (if applicable)

Official College Transcript Policy

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

If the student uses unofficial transcripts with a Transcript Request Form to gain acceptance, all official transcripts must be received within 60 days of the admissions decision or before non-attendance drops for the first set of matriculated classes, whichever comes first. Failure to send all official transcripts within the 60-day period will prevent enrollment into future terms until all official transcripts have been received.

Military Transfers

If you have military-only transfer credits (completed basic training and enlistment), you must request an official military transcript. Please go to the Military Transfer Credit webpage to request your military transcript.

International Applicants

If you are an international applicant, you may be required to have your international transcripts reviewed. Information regarding the transcript evaluation process for international students can be found by visiting NACES .

Admissions Office Contact Information

(800) 424-9595 Fax

(888) 301-3577

Email for Questions

[email protected] Email for Documents

[email protected]

Liberty University Online Admissions Verification

1971 University Blvd.

Lynchburg, VA 24515

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Submit your application online or over the phone.

Apply by phone: (800) 424-9595

Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees
  • Current Department of Defense Employees

Available Benefits:

  • Tuition discounts – $250 per credit hour for undergraduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who service in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $565 per course) *
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)
  • Potential college credit for military training

*Not applicable to certificates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does liberty partner with and bestselling authors.

Liberty University has partnered with New York Times bestselling author and Christian novelist, Karen Kingsbury, to create the Karen Kingsbury Center for Creative Writing. Your curriculum includes content developed by Karen Kingsbury herself.

Is Liberty University accredited by anyone?

Liberty University holds institutional accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges ( SACSCOC ).

Who teaches the classes in this degree program?

This online journalism bachelor’s degree is taught by experienced professionals who are experts in the fields of journalism and creative writing.

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Best UK universities for creative writing – league table

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Illustration: Yukai Du

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UK universities ranked by subject area: creative writing


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  1. Earning A Creative Writing Degree: All About A Bachelor's In Creative

    An English bachelor's degree focuses on both writing and literary studies. In this major, learners study various types of writing, such as creative, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, digital and ...

  2. What's the Difference: English vs. Creative Writing?

    Those who choose to study English will be focused more on the study of existing literature. They will learn to analyze, interpret, and understand a variety of different types of writings. Those who choose to pursue a Creative Writing degree will be focused more on the generation of new literature. They will still read and study existing works ...

  3. Is a Creative Writing Degree Worth It? Let's Get Into It

    Let's Get Into It. Abi Wurdeman. January 29, 2024. In my day—by which I mean the early 2000s—a creative writing degree was considered one of the less practical academic pursuits, only a little more reasonable than a philosophy degree and a theatre arts degree (which, incidentally, is what I have). These days, we have a bit more ...

  4. What to Know About Creative Writing Degrees

    Creative writing program professors and alumni say creative writing programs cultivate a variety of in-demand skills, including the ability to communicate effectively. "While yes, many creative ...

  5. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing. Stanford's Creative Writing Program--one of the best-known in the country--cultivates the power of individual expression within a vibrant community of writers. Many of our English majors pursue a concentration in creative writing, and the minor in Creative Writing is among the most popular minors on campus.

  6. Should You Really Be A Creative Writing Major?

    Creative writing majors offer a unique opportunity to focus on the craft of writing, but they aren't right for everyone. If the following statements apply to you, a creative writing major could be a great fit: You love to read and write. You take criticism well and don't mind other people reading your work. You want to pursue writing outside of ...

  7. English (Creative Writing), BA

    Further Information. To receive further information about the bachelor's in English with a concentration in creative writing, make an appointment to speak with English undergraduate advisor at 480-965-3168. You may also contact Creative Writing Program Manager, Justin Petropoulos ( [email protected] ), RBH 152.

  8. What I Wish I Knew as a Creative Writing Major

    On average, a minor takes up approximately 15-18 credits and usually helps fill up elective space in your degree. Don't fill yours with writing classes. Some minors I would recommend to someone majoring in creative writing are education, business (specifically marketing, if available), journalism, and communications.

  9. The 12 Best Creative Writing Colleges and Programs

    In ranking the schools, I considered five major criteria: #1: MFA Ranking —If a school has a great graduate creative writing program, it means you'll be taught by those same professors and the excellent graduate students they attract. Schools with strong MFA programs are also more likely to have solid alumni networks and internship opportunities.

  10. English Creative Writing BA

    Through UCF Online's creative writing courses, you'll become an expert communicator with a deep appreciation of fiction, poetry and non-fiction prose. This program will guide you through an understanding of rhetoric, communication and literary structure within a diverse array of texts. You'll also stretch your imagination as you hone your ...

  11. Creative Writing Degree, Online Writing Courses

    Creative Writing Degree Program Overview. If you have a passion for storytelling and want to pursue a career using your writing talents, the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing and English program can help you get on the right path.. You'll develop your writing skills alongside students from across the country, who represent an incredible range of voices and experiences.

  12. Central Washington University

    About the English Professional and Creative Writing, BA. In the Professional and Creative Writing major, you will nurture your creative potential and sharpen your writing skills to excel as an accomplished writer, communicator, and professional. Through a blend of workshops, seminars, internship opportunities, and a lot of writing, you will ...

  13. "English" Vs. "Creative Writing"? : r/writing

    At my school Creative writing majors switch out about half of the Literature classes for writing workshops. I don't think the difference between degrees will change job options that much. Internships and where you focus efforts on marketable experience/skills will be more important than the distinction between the two diplomas.

  14. UCO: Majors

    English - Creative Writing. The mission of the Department of English is to provide transformative learning experiences in the multiple fields that comprise English studies. To fulfill this mission, faculty teach students to read and think critically about texts, to write effectively and creatively for multiple audiences and in multiple contexts ...

  15. English (BA)

    English. In State. Out of State. $212.28 per credit hour. Learn more about the cost to attend UCF. English (B.A.) - Creative Writing may be completed fully online, although not all elective options or program prerequisites may be offered online. Newly admitted students choosing to complete this program exclusively via UCF online classes may ...

  16. 12 Jobs You Can Do With a Degree in Creative Writing

    There are many skills that you can learn through a creative writing degree program and others that you could work on to advance your career, such as: Storytelling abilities. Time management. Networking. Editing and proofreading skills. Creative thinking. Technology. Organization. Independent working.

  17. Deciding between a BA in English Lit or Professional/Creative writing

    While English lit is a great major if you want to pursue graduate school and can be marketable when paired with internship experience, employers will probably be more receptive to a professional writing degree. Regardless, internships are key to getting jobs after college. It really depends on what you want to study. Reply.

  18. Should I switch to a creative writing/English degree? : r/writing

    It's very difficult to make a living with only a writer's skills. If you pursue this degree, the only thing you will do is 1) read books, 2) write analyses of said books, and 3) maybe write a total of 10 poems and six to twelve short stories. You can easily do this without paying thousands of dollars for a degree. 3.

  19. Bachelor's in Creative Writing

    Liberty University's Bachelor of Science (BS) in Creative Writing - Journalism is an exciting and dynamic degree program that can help prepare you for a career in the media industry.

  20. Best UK universities for creative writing

    6 courses. BA (hons) screenwriting with film, TV & radio (optional foundation year, optional sandwich year) BA (hons) English literature & creative writing (foundation year, optional year abroad)

  21. Is a Creative Writing degree worth it? : r/writing

    You need to get a degree, any degree, in order to get a job and be employable at a certain level. I personally feel Creative Writing degrees are kind of a waste of time; English is more worth it, but really you can major in anything that teaches you critical thinking skills and apply it to a variety of careers.

  22. PDF English: Creative Writing, BA

    English: Creative Writing, BA 1 ENGLISH: CREATIVE WRITING, BA Degree Requirements Requirements for Students Matriculating in or before Academic Year 2024-2025. Learn more about University Academic Regulation ... degree program (i.e., in General Education, College Departmental Requirements, Major Requirements or Electives). e. The College of ...

  23. English literature or creative writing : r/writing

    An English Lit degree will build the analysis and writing skills that those jobs will require. Creative Writing will help you understand why certain choices were made. IMO English Lit is much more beneficial. Focus on learning to write and speak concisely. I wrote/debated circles around the full-time film students in the film classes that I ...