Writing skills

Genres of fiction and non-fiction, select lesson, punctuation, word endings, writing process, reading comprehension, reading - text types, explainer video, ​​in a nutshell.

Genre means 'type' so when a genre of a book is mentioned, it means the type of book it is. In this summary, you will learn more about some common genres in writing.

Fiction genres

There are lots of different genres in writing. Here are some common genres in fiction narratives:

Note:  Some stories might have more than one genre! Have you ever read a book that is scary but also adventurous? Before reading a book, you can find clues as to what the genre is by reading the title or the blurb on the back cover of the book.

Non-fiction genres

Non-fiction books also have genres. 

Recipe books, instruction manuals or history books. 

These all follow their own set of rules and style. You wouldn't usually find recipes in a history book, for example. 

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6 Exercises

4 Exercises

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Poetry, drama and genres of stories

Learning Goals

Types of non-fiction texts

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

How can you know the genre of a book.

You can find clues as to what the genre is by reading the title or the blurb of the book.

Does non-fiction have genres?

Yes non-fiction has genres such as instruction manuals, history books and cookbooks.

What does genre mean?

Genre means 'type' so when a genre of a book is mentioned, it means the type of book it is.

Night Box

Exploring the Different Types of Fiction Writing in KS2: Techniques and Strategies for Teaching Imaginative Narratives, Persuasive Texts, and Descriptive Storytelling

Get ready to dive into the world of fiction writing with KS2 students! In this article, we will explore the different types of fiction writing in KS2, including imaginative narratives, persuasive texts, and descriptive storytelling. Packed with techniques and strategies, this resource aims to equip educators with the tools they need to effectively teach and inspire young minds in the realm of fiction writing. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey together and unleash the creativity and literacy skills of our students!

Types Of Fiction Writing Ks2

Key Takeaways:

  • Fictional text is a form of writing based on imagination and creativity, using creative language to describe imaginary events or characters.
  • High-quality resources for teaching fiction writing to KS2 students can be found on websites like Twinkl, offering engaging activities and materials created specifically for this age group.
  • Teaching fiction writing to KS2 students provides an opportunity for them to unleash their creativity by exploring different genres such as science fiction, fairy stories, scary stories, and mysteries.
  • Fiction is not limited to books; it can also be found in films and poems, and introducing different types and genres of fiction can broaden students’ understanding and appreciation of the genre.

Table of Contents

Types of Fiction Writing in KS2: Techniques and Strategies for Teaching Imaginative Narratives, Persuasive Texts, and Descriptive Storytelling

What Are Fictional Texts?

Fictional texts are forms of writing that transport readers into imaginative worlds created by the writer. These stories are not based on real events or characters but are products of the writer’s creativity and imagination. Fictional texts can be found in various forms such as books, films, and poems, and they have been captivating readers for centuries.

When teaching fiction writing to Key Stage 2 (KS2) students, it is crucial to help them understand the nature of fictional texts and how they differ from nonfictional writing. By providing clear explanations and engaging examples, educators can create a solid foundation for teaching the different types of fiction writing.

Exploring Fiction Types with Students

As educators, we can broaden our KS2 students’ understanding and appreciation of fiction by introducing them to the various types and genres of fictional writing. By sharing examples and discussing different types of fiction, we can spark their curiosity and inspire their own creative writing.

Here are some popular types of fiction that you can explore with your KS2 students:

Imaginative Narratives : Imaginative narratives are stories that transport readers into different worlds or situations. They allow students to unleash their creativity and develop characters and plotlines that capture readers’ attention. Encourage your students to think outside the box and let their imaginations run wild as they create their own imaginative narratives.

Persuasive Texts : Persuasive texts aim to convince readers to adopt a particular viewpoint or take specific actions. This type of fiction writing requires students to use persuasive language and logical arguments to engage their audience. You can teach your students persuasive techniques such as using emotive language, providing evidence, and addressing counterarguments to strengthen their persuasive writing skills.

Descriptive Storytelling : Descriptive storytelling focuses on painting vivid pictures with words. It allows students to develop their descriptive writing skills and engage readers’ senses through detailed descriptions of characters, settings, and events. Encourage your students to use sensory language and figurative language techniques such as similes and metaphors to make their descriptive writing come alive.

By introducing these different types of fiction to your KS2 students, you can foster their creativity, expand their writing skills, and ignite their passion for storytelling.

Teaching Strategies and Techniques

To effectively teach and inspire your KS2 students in the realm of fiction writing, consider incorporating the following strategies and techniques:

Modeling and Guided Practice : Begin by modeling different types of fiction writing and providing guided practice to help students understand the characteristics and structure of each genre. Show examples of imaginative narratives, persuasive texts, and descriptive storytelling, and discuss the key elements with your students.

Brainstorming Sessions : Encourage students to brainstorm ideas and themes for their own fictional stories. Provide prompts or story starters to stimulate their imaginations and help them develop engaging plots and characters.

Interactive Discussions : Foster an interactive classroom environment where students can discuss and share their ideas. Encourage them to provide constructive feedback to their peers, helping each other improve their writing skills.

Drafting and Revision : Teach students the importance of drafting and revision in the writing process. Guide them in developing their stories step by step, and emphasize the importance of revisiting and improving their initial drafts.

Incorporating Technology : Utilize technology to enhance the learning experience. Websites like Twinkl offer resources specifically designed for KS2 fiction writing, providing visuals, prompts, and interactive activities to engage students.

Celebrating and Publishing : Create opportunities for students to showcase and share their fictional stories. Organize class readings, create a class book, or collaborate with other classes to celebrate and recognize their achievements.

By implementing these strategies and techniques, you can create an engaging and inspiring learning environment that encourages your KS2 students to explore different types of fiction writing.

Teaching and inspiring KS2 students in the realm of fiction writing opens up endless possibilities for their creativity and literacy skills. By introducing them to the different types of fiction writing, guiding them through the writing process, and providing them with valuable resources, educators can empower their students to become confident and imaginative storytellers.

Remember, fostering a love for fiction writing in KS2 students goes beyond the classroom. Encourage them to read widely, discover new authors, and explore different genres of fiction. The more they engage with fiction, the more their own writing skills will flourish. So let’s embark on this exciting journey together and watch our young minds unleash their creative potential through the power of fiction writing!

Here are some active internal links with their respective anchor texts and URLs:

Types of Feature Articles PDF – Discover the diverse world of feature articles with this handy PDF guide.

Types of Feature Writing PDF – Expand your knowledge on feature writing techniques and styles by downloading this informative PDF.

Types of Fiction Writing – Explore the various genres and techniques employed in fiction writing to enhance your storytelling skills.

Types of Fish in Charleston SC – Dive into the fascinating underwater world of Charleston SC and learn about the different fish species that inhabit its waters.

What are the Different Types of Bodybuilding Competitions – Unveil the wide range of bodybuilding competitions available and discover which one suits your fitness goals best.

What are the Different Types of Horse Competitions – Gallop through the world of equestrian sports and explore the various types of horse competitions that showcase these magnificent creatures’ skills and abilities.

2. Persuasive texts: guiding students in developing persuasive arguments and techniques in their writing

Persuasive writing is a crucial skill that Key Stage 2 students should develop to effectively express their ideas and opinions. By mastering persuasive techniques and arguments, students can advocate for their beliefs and influence others through their writing. As educators, it is important to guide students in honing their persuasive writing skills. In this article, we will explore effective strategies and techniques for teaching persuasive texts to KS2 students.

What Makes Persuasive Writing Powerful?

Persuasive writing relies on various techniques and tools to captivate readers and convince them of a certain point of view. By understanding and utilizing these elements, students can write more compelling and impactful persuasive texts.

1. Emotional Appeals

One powerful technique in persuasive writing is the use of emotional appeals. Encourage students to evoke emotions in their readers by incorporating vivid language, sensory details, and relatable examples. By tugging at the heartstrings of their audience, students can create a stronger connection and convince them to see things from their perspective.

2. Credible Evidence

To make a convincing argument, students need to back up their claims with credible evidence. Teach them how to conduct research using reputable sources and how to incorporate statistics, facts, and expert opinions into their writing. By providing evidence-based arguments, students can enhance the credibility of their persuasive texts.

3. Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can engage readers and make persuasive writing more memorable. Encourage students to incorporate narratives, anecdotes, and personal experiences into their texts. By integrating storytelling techniques, students can create a compelling narrative that resonates with their audience and strengthens their persuasive arguments.

4. Strong Persuasive Techniques

Teach students a range of persuasive techniques that they can use to influence their readers. These techniques include rhetorical questions, repetition, exaggeration, and using powerful words and phrases. By mastering these techniques, students can effectively convey their message, engage their audience, and sway their opinion.

Guiding Students in Developing Persuasive Arguments

Now that we have explored some persuasive techniques, let’s delve into strategies for guiding students in developing persuasive arguments for their writing.

Step 1: Understanding Persuasive Language

Start by helping students understand what persuasive language is and why it is important. Discuss the purpose of persuasive writing and how it differs from other forms of writing. Show them examples of persuasive texts and discuss the persuasive techniques used.

Step 2: Analyzing Persuasive Texts

Next, guide students in analyzing persuasive texts from various sources. Ask them to identify the persuasive techniques used, such as emotional appeals, credible evidence, and storytelling. Discuss the effectiveness of these techniques and how they contribute to the overall impact of the text.

Step 3: Planning and Organizing

Teach students the importance of planning and organizing their persuasive writing. Encourage them to brainstorm ideas, outline their arguments, and structure their texts using clear paragraphs and headings. Emphasize the need for logical sequencing to ensure their arguments flow smoothly.

Step 4: Tailoring to the Audience

Help students understand that effective persuasion depends on considering their audience. Encourage them to analyze their readers’ beliefs, values, and perspectives. Guide them in tailoring their arguments and language to effectively appeal to their specific audience.

Step 5: Drafting, Revising, and Editing

Guide students in the process of drafting, revising, and editing their persuasive texts. Teach them the importance of revisiting and refining their arguments, checking for coherence and clarity, and polishing their language and style. Encourage peer and teacher feedback to further enhance their writing.

Step 6: Authentic Writing Assignments

Assign authentic writing tasks that mimic real-world situations to engage students in persuasive writing. For example, ask students to write persuasive letters to request something from the school librarian. This provides a meaningful context for students to apply their persuasive writing skills.

Step 7: Celebrating and Publishing

Celebrate students’ persuasive writing achievements by providing opportunities for them to share their work with authentic audiences. Encourage them to present their writing to classmates, engage in debates, or publish their work online. Through this process, students gain confidence and motivation to further develop their persuasive writing skills.

  • Persuasive writing relies on emotional appeals, credible evidence, storytelling, and strong persuasive techniques.
  • Guiding students in developing persuasive arguments involves understanding persuasive language, analyzing persuasive texts, planning and organizing, tailoring to the audience, drafting, revising, and editing, assigning authentic writing tasks, and celebrating and publishing.
  • By teaching persuasive writing, educators empower students to express their ideas effectively and advocate for their beliefs.

3. Descriptive storytelling: helping students enhance their descriptive writing skills to create vivid and engaging narratives

Descriptive storytelling is a powerful tool that can help students enhance their descriptive writing skills and create engaging narratives. By using vivid and sensory language, students can transport their readers into the world of their story and bring their ideas to life.

Developing Descriptive Writing Skills

Enhancing descriptive writing skills involves teaching students how to effectively use language to create detailed and vivid descriptions. Here are some strategies to help students develop their descriptive storytelling abilities:

1. Show, don’t tell

Encourage students to use descriptive language that engages the reader’s senses. Instead of simply stating that a character is sad, they can describe how the character’s tears welled up and their voice quivered with emotion. This approach allows readers to experience the story and connect with the characters on a deeper level.

2. Use figurative language

Teach students to incorporate figurative language, such as similes, metaphors, and personification, into their writing. These literary devices add richness and depth to their descriptions and make the narrative more engaging. For example, a writer can describe the sun as a blazing ball of fire, bringing the scene to life in the reader’s mind.

3. Engage the senses

Encourage students to tap into all five senses when describing a scene or character. By describing not only what characters see, but also what they hear, smell, taste, and touch, students can create a more immersive experience for their readers. This helps in creating vivid and engaging narratives.

4. Incorporate details

Encourage students to pay attention to small details that can enhance their descriptions. By including specific details about the setting, characters, and objects, students can paint a clearer picture in the reader’s mind. This attention to detail also helps to create a more immersive reading experience.

5. Use descriptive words and phrases

Teach students to choose powerful and descriptive words and phrases to convey their ideas. Encourage them to use a thesaurus to expand their vocabulary and find words that capture the essence of what they want to express. This will help make their writing more vivid and engaging.

Benefits of Descriptive Storytelling

Descriptive storytelling offers several benefits to students:

  • It improves their writing skills by encouraging them to use language effectively and creatively.
  • It helps students develop their ability to create engaging and immersive narratives.
  • Descriptive storytelling allows students to practice using new words in meaningful contexts.
  • It enhances students’ creativity and imagination.
  • It fosters a love for storytelling and literature.
  • Descriptive storytelling is a valuable skill that can enhance students’ descriptive writing abilities.
  • Show, don’t tell, by using vivid and sensory language to engage readers and bring the story to life.
  • Encourage the use of figurative language to add depth and richness to descriptions.
  • Engage the senses by describing not just what characters see, but also what they hear, smell, taste, and touch.
  • Pay attention to small details and incorporate descriptive words and phrases to create a more vibrant narrative.
  • ResearchGate – Improving Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Through Digital Storytelling
  • Reading Rockets – Descriptive Writing

4. Exploring Different Genres of Fiction Writing: Introducing Students to Various Genres Such as Mystery, Adventure, and Fantasy

Imagine if every story you read or wrote was the same. It would quickly become boring and predictable, wouldn’t it? That’s why exploring different genres of fiction writing is such an exciting and important part of your journey as a young writer. When you dive into different genres like mystery, adventure, and fantasy, you open up a world of possibilities and allow your creativity to flourish.

But before we dive into the specifics of these genres, let’s take a quick look at what “genre” actually means. In literature, a genre refers to a category or type of writing that shares similar characteristics or themes. It helps readers and writers identify common elements and expectations within a specific genre, allowing for a richer and more engaging reading experience.

Now, let’s embark on a journey through the realms of mystery, adventure, and fantasy, and discover how they can inspire your own writing.

Mystery: Unraveling Enigmatic Tales

Mystery is a genre that thrives on suspense, intrigue, and the thrill of solving a puzzle. Whether it’s a detective trying to crack a case or ordinary people stumbling upon mysterious events, the mystery genre keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

  • Mystery writing revolves around an enigma or puzzle that needs to be solved.
  • It builds suspense and engages readers through clues, red herrings, and unexpected twists.
  • Prominent mystery subgenres include detective stories, whodunits, and psychological thrillers.

Adventure: Embarking on Thrilling Quests

Adventure stories transport readers to exciting and perilous landscapes, where protagonists embark on daring quests and face numerous challenges. These stories are filled with action, danger, and a sense of exploration.

  • Adventure writing takes readers on thrilling journeys and quests.
  • It often involves elements such as brave heroes, exotic locations, and high-stakes conflicts.
  • Popular subgenres of adventure include treasure hunts, survival stories, and historical adventures.

Fantasy: Unlocking the Realm of Imagination

In the world of fantasy, imagination knows no bounds. This genre allows authors to create entirely new worlds filled with magic, mythical creatures, and epic battles. Through fantasy, readers can escape to enchanting realms where anything is possible.

  • Fantasy writing transports readers to magical realms and introduces them to fantastical creatures.
  • It involves elements of magic, quests, supernatural powers, and mythical beings.
  • Subgenres of fantasy range from high fantasy (epic quests and battles) to urban fantasy (magic in contemporary settings).

As a young writer, exploring these different genres of fiction writing can broaden your horizons and unleash your creativity in unimaginable ways. So, how can you start delving into these genres and honing your writing skills?

Read widely : Immerse yourself in books from various genres, including mystery, adventure, and fantasy. Pay attention to the writing style, plot structure, and character development. This will help you understand and appreciate the unique elements of each genre.

Writing exercises : Challenge yourself by writing short stories or scenes in different genres. For example, try crafting a mysterious detective story or a thrilling adventure set in a fantasy world. This will stretch your creative muscles and expose you to different storytelling techniques.

Analyzing mentor texts : Study and analyze well-known authors who excel in specific genres. Look for the strategies they use to create suspense in mystery writing, the world-building techniques in fantasy, or the pacing and action in adventure stories. Incorporate these techniques into your own writing.

Experiment with tropes and themes : Each genre has its own set of tropes (commonly used elements) and themes. Explore these tropes and themes within different genres to understand how they impact a story. You can either follow or subvert these tropes to create a unique and engaging narrative.

Peer feedback and collaboration : Share your writing with peers or join a writing group to receive feedback and suggestions. Collaborating with others who have different perspectives can enrich your understanding of diverse genres and help you improve your own writing skills.

Remember, the world of fiction writing is vast and ever-evolving. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore different genres. Through mystery, adventure, and fantasy, you can hone your writing abilities, ignite your imagination, and embark on incredible literary journeys.

Sources: – The Write Practice – Literary Genres: Definition and Examples of the 4 Essential Genres – LinkedIn – How to Teach Different Writing Genres to Your Students

Types Of Fiction Writing Ks2

Q1: What is a fictional text?

A1: A fictional text is a form of writing that is based on the writer’s imagination and creativity. It uses creative language to follow a specific plot or narrative that describes imaginary events or characters.

Q2: What are some types of resources that can be used to teach fiction writing to KS2 students?

A2: Websites like Twinkl offer a range of engaging activities and materials created by teachers specifically for KS2 students. These resources include displays, picture prompts, PowerPoints, and word mats to support children during their writing process.

Q3: How can teachers effectively teach writing to KS2 students?

A3: Teachers can encourage their students to explore different genres of fiction, such as science fiction, fairy stories, scary stories, and mysteries. By introducing these various fiction types, teachers can inspire and engage students in the writing process.

Q4: How can digital storytelling improve students’ descriptive writing skills?

A4: Digital storytelling is a meaningful tool for teaching descriptive texts, as it helps students organize the development of their ideas and the purpose of the text. It also creates opportunities for students to practice using new words in meaningful contexts, making their writing more interesting and engaging to read.

Q5: What are some common subgenres of science fiction?

A5: Some common science fiction subgenres include adventure, mystery, love story, and morality sci-fi. These subgenres offer students different avenues to explore and expand their imaginative thinking within the realm of fiction writing.

fiction writing genres ks2

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Writing Genre Resources

Fiction Genres | Non- Fiction Genres

Fiction Genres

Types of Texts Posters (SB5829)

Simple posters with basic descriptions of common text types that young children encounter.

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(Fiction) Writing Genres Display Banners (SB10376)

Printable banners for your Fiction Writing Genres wall display.

fiction writing genres ks2

(Fiction) Writing Genres Display Posters (SB10377)

Printable poster headings for your Fiction Writing Genres wall display.

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Fiction Genre Posters (SB9405)

A set of posters with definitions of the main fiction genres including Historical Fiction, Humour, Romance, Science Fiction, Adventure, Horror and more.

Fairytales Display Banner (SB1955)

A colourful banner for your ‘Fairytales’ display.

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Traditional Tales Display Banner (SB2052)

A colourful banner for your ‘Traditional tales’ display.

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Myths and Legends Display Banner (SB6512)

A colourful banner for your ‘Myths and Legends’ display.

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Horror Stories Display Banner (SB10521)

A printable banner for your classroom Horror Stories writing display.

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Romance Stories / Romance Display Banners (SB10522)

Printable banners for your classroom Romance Stories writing display.

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Humorous Stories / Humour Writing Display Banners (SB10524)

Printable banners for your classroom Humorous Stories / Humour Writing display.

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Science Fiction Writing Display Banners (SB10549)

Colourful banners for your ‘Science Fiction’ display.

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Mystery Writing / Detective Stories Display Banners (SB10550)

Colourful banners for your mystery/detective stories display.

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Historical Fiction/Stories Display Banners (SB10581)

Colourful banners for your Historical Fiction/Stories display.

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Stories Set In Imaginary Worlds Display Banner (SB6506)

A colourful banner for your ‘Stories Set In Imaginary Worlds’ Literacy display.

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Poetry/Poems Display Banners (SB4920)

Printable banners for your Poetry or Poems classroom displays.

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Narrative Writing Display Banners (SB10853)

Printable banners for your Narrative Writing wall display.

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Forms of Fiction Display Banner (SB10872)

Printable banners for your Forms of Fiction wall display.

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Non-Fiction Genres

Non- Fiction Writing Genres Display Banner (SB10499)

A printable banner for your Non- Fiction Writing Genres wall display.

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Non- Fiction Writing Genres Display Poster (SB10500)

A printable poster heading for your Non- Fiction Writing Genres wall display.

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Non- Fiction Writing Genre Checklist Posters (SB9312)

A set of posters featuring checklists for the common non- fiction genres.  Includes posters for recounts, non- chronological reports, instructions, explanations, persuasive texts and more.

Writing Instructions Display Banners (SB10510)

Printable banners for your classroom Instructions writing display.

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Persuasive Writing Display Banners (SB7958)

Printable banners for your classroom Persuasive Writing display.

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Recount Writing Display Banners (SB10501)

Printable banners for your classroom Recount Writing display.

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Newspaper Reports Display Banners (SB10502)

Printable banners for your classroom Newspaper Reports writing display.

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Letter Writing Display Banners (SB10503)

Printable banners for your classroom Letter Writing display.

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Explanation Writing Display Banners (SB10533)

Printable banners for your classroom Explanation Writing display.

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Diary Writing Display Banners (SB10535)

Printable banners for your classroom Diary Writing display.

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Writing Biographies Display Banners (SB10579)

Printable banners for your classroom Biographies display.

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Discussion Writing Display Banners (SB10503)

Printable banners for your classroom Discussion Writing display.

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Non- Chronological/Information Reports Display Banners (SB11567)

Printable banners for your classroom Non- Chronological Reports / Information Reports writing display.

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Poetry/Poems Display Posters (SB11737)

Printable A4 poster headings for your Poetry or Poems classroom displays.

fiction writing genres ks2

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fiction writing genres ks2

Resources you can trust

Writing for different genres teaching pack

Image of Writing for different genres pack

Writing for different genres is a downloadable key stage 2 English pack featuring seven original comic strips as prompts to engage and inspire reluctant writers. 

The pack includes lesson plans, scaffolded writing templates and worksheets to support children in writing for different text types: a fictional diary, a formal letter, a playscript, a fictional recount, a list, a poem and their own comic strip. It also includes additional teaching ideas to develop children’s own writing skills, including an activity to develop their understanding of metaphor and simile.  

The pack comes with a PowerPoint which features a starter activity for each session and useful checklists of the language features and structure of each writing genre.  

What's included?

  • Includes lesson plans and scaffolded writing templates for each writing genre
  • Features seven original comic strips as writing prompts
  • Includes a PowerPoint with starter activities and checklists for the language features and structures of each text type

The sessions can be taught in any order and adapted for different year groups. Perfect for your key stage 2 English lessons to develop children's skills in writing for a range of purposes. 

What's inside?

‘A Week’s Excuses’ – writing a diary (pages 4-11)

  • Teaching notes
  • Comic strip
  • Diary writing template
  • Sentence starters
  • Using direct speech

‘Something Odd Out There’ – writing a formal letter (pages 12-19)

  • Letter template with prompts
  • Letter template without prompts
  • Blank-bubbled version of ‘Something Odd Out There’

‘Alien Arrival’ – writing a playscript (pages 20-14)

  • Playscript template
  • Blank-bubbled version of ‘Alien Arrival’

‘Jennifer Jones’ – writing a recount (pages 25-28)

  • Match report planning template
  • ‘Jennifer Jones’ – all of a muddle

‘Sad I Ams’ – writing a bulleted list (pages 29-32)

  • ‘Happy I Ams’ – metaphors
  • ‘Happy I Ams’ – list template

‘StereoHead’ – writing poetry (pages 33-36)

  • A sense poem planning template
  • A sense poem writing template

‘The Dark Avenger’ – writing a comic strip (pages 37-42)

  • Blank comic strip template and checklist
  • Blank-bubbled version of ‘The Dark Avenger’

An extract from the teaching notes:

Read the completed version of the comic strip, either individually or as a class. What do the children notice about the rhyme scheme? What do they think of Jennifer?

Invite the children to suggest which writing genre they might be focusing on today. Clarify that they will be writing a match report, which is a type of recount. They will have to channel their inner sports reporter to write an exciting account of Jennifer’s match!

Refer to PowerPoint slides 12-13 and ask the children to get into pairs to revise the features of a recount. Ask them to pick a feature to share that they think others may not remember (in the style of the game show ‘Pointless’). They then win a point for every group that didn’t think of their feature.

  • Recounts are chronological (written in the order events happened).
  • They should include a title.
  • They should explain who, what, when, where and why.
  • They are written in the first or third person.
  • Recounts are written in the past tense.
  • They feature time connectives.
  • They should include facts and descriptive language (to give the reader a clear picture).

Share the planning template with the children. You may want to discuss the order of events and list them in chronological order before the children begin filling in the planning templates independently.

Once they have completed their plan, they should write their match report.

Once completed, invite the children to share their match reports and ask the class to use the features on the PowerPoint as a checklist. Celebrate any descriptive language and add the best words and phrases to any word wall or word bank you may have.

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28 Writing Planning Frames for Different Genres (Fiction & Non-Fiction) - KS2

28 Writing Planning Frames for Different Genres (Fiction & Non-Fiction) - KS2

Subject: English

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Explore Education Resources

Last updated

16 May 2023

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fiction writing genres ks2

Unlock the creative potential of your KS2 students with our comprehensive collection of 28 Writing Frames. These versatile resources are carefully designed to support children in planning and organizing their written work, spanning both fiction and non-fiction genres. Whether it’s developing captivating adventure and mystery stories, crafting spine-chilling tales, or honing dialogue skills, our Writing Frames offer a wealth of opportunities for young writers to express their ideas.

Our extensive range of Writing Frames includes a diverse selection of genres to ignite imagination and cultivate essential writing techniques. With dedicated templates for adventure and mystery stories (opening and main), scary stories, dialogue, dilemma narratives, familiar settings, flashback stories, historical stories, and two templates for imaginary worlds, your students will find inspiration at every turn.

Additionally, our Writing Frames provide structured support for retelling legends, crafting playscripts, composing quest myths (opening and main), maintaining reading journals, exploring stories from other cultures, crafting explanation texts, writing formal and informal letters, generating persuasive arguments, creating point of view charts, developing newspaper reports, constructing informative posters, and producing engaging recounts and reports.

Designed to cater to the varied interests and learning styles of KS2 children, these Writing Frames foster creativity, critical thinking, and language skills development. Encourage your students to explore different genres, experiment with storytelling techniques, and express their ideas with confidence. Elevate their writing prowess with our comprehensive set of 28 Writing Frames for KS2, opening doors to endless possibilities in written expression.

  • Adventure and mystery (opening and main)
  • Scary stories
  • Dilemma story
  • Familiar settings
  • Flashback stories
  • Historical story
  • Imaginary worlds (x2)
  • Legend retell
  • Legend story
  • Quest myth (opening and main)
  • Reading journal
  • Stories from other cultures
  • Explanation text
  • Formal letter
  • Informal letter
  • Instructions
  • Newspaper report
  • Persuasive argument
  • Point of view chart

Have any issues with this resource or a request? Contact us directly for the quickest response at: [email protected]

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    fiction writing genres ks2

  4. Knowledge Tree

    fiction writing genres ks2

  5. Writing for different genres

    fiction writing genres ks2

  6. English Chart: T38044 Genres of Literature Learning Chart, 17

    fiction writing genres ks2


  1. Write Club 47

  2. 14 Types of Novels

  3. Writing (Different business writing genres)

  4. Mastering Your Genre: 5 SIMPLE STEPS

  5. Learning Different Genre's Writing Styles at VSA Future

  6. Types of Writing Genres: A Short Guide


  1. Recognising genre

    When we talk about a book's genre, we mean the type or kind of book it is. There are lots of different genres. In fiction texts (ones that have been made up from a writer's imagination) you ...

  2. Writing for a Purpose: Exploring Fiction Genres KS2+

    Last updated. "Writing for a Purpose: Exploring Fiction Genres" is a comprehensive learning resource designed to assist Key Stage 2+ students in understanding and mastering 6 forms of writing. This resource covers a range of genres, including historical fiction, comics, fairy tales, fantasy, myths and legends and science-fiction.

  3. PDF Guide to text types DRAFT

    Text Types. Information on a range of text types for literacy is contained here. The text types are broken into three genres: Narrative, Non- fiction and poetry. Each of these genres has then been sub-divided into specific text types such as adventure, explanation or a specific form of poetry, e.g. haiku. 1.

  4. Writing genres and text types| KS1-2 English

    English writing resources for KS1 and KS2. Equip your primary school classes with the skills to analyse and write fiction and non-fiction in different forms and different genres. Here you'll find writing English templates, worksheets and PowerPoints for all key stages and year groups. Our downloadable English writing activities for non ...

  5. Fiction

    It is also important to note that fiction is the opposite of non-fiction. There are also many genres including mysteries, romance, fantasy, and crime thrillers. ... How can I teach writing to KS2? Fiction writing is an exciting topic for many KS2 students. It gives them a chance to be creative, but it's also an opportunity to develop their ...

  6. Genres of fiction and non-fiction

    Genres of fiction and non-fiction In a nutshell. Genre means 'type' so when a genre of a book is mentioned, it means the type of book it is. In this summary, you will learn more about some common genres in writing. Fiction genres. There are lots of different genres in writing. Here are some common genres in fiction narratives:

  7. Exploring the Different Types of Fiction Writing in KS2: Techniques and

    As educators, we can broaden our KS2 students' understanding and appreciation of fiction by introducing them to the various types and genres of fictional writing. By sharing examples and discussing different types of fiction, we can spark their curiosity and inspire their own creative writing.

  8. Writing Genres Primary Resources and Printables

    Printable poster headings for your Fiction Writing Genres wall display. Preview & Download. Fiction Genre Posters (SB9405) A set of posters with definitions of the main fiction genres including Historical Fiction, Humour, Romance, Science Fiction, Adventure, Horror and more. Preview & Download. Fairytales Display Banner (SB1955) A colourful ...

  9. Writing Genres KS2

    Persuasive writing (discussions and arguments) Instructional writings. Interviews. Narrative writing. Interviews. Non-chronological reports. Newspaper articles. Each of our types of writing posters presents students with 8 fantastic tips and pointers for identifying and writing each of these types of writing.

  10. Story Genres Display Posters Pack (teacher made)

    This pack contains all of our fab story genre display posters to reinforce knowledge of the definitions and key features of KS2 genres of writing in stories. These are great for helping your children to familiarise themselves with different fiction texts and perfect for any book corner or reading area. Each poster features a different story genre, with a definition, key features, key words ...

  11. Fiction

    KS2 English Fiction learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers.

  12. PDF Talk for Writing Text Types and Genres by Year Group

    For longer texts in KS2, the teacher may choose to use only a small section e.g. page or paragraph, to illustrate a particular skill. Model Text This is the text the children will learn (imitate) and adapt (innovate). May be teachers own version of the key text or a pre-existing Pie Corbett model Non-Fiction Genre e.g. explanation, discussion,

  13. Fiction

    It is also important to note that fiction is the opposite of non-fiction. There are also many genres including mysteries, romance, fantasy, and crime thrillers. ... How can I teach writing to KS2? Fiction writing is an exciting topic for many KS2 students. It gives them a chance to be creative, but it's also an opportunity to develop their ...

  14. Writing Genres KS2 Checklist Pack (Teacher-Made)

    This Writing Genres KS2 Checklist Pack features a handy set of checklists for your children to use when writing in a variety of different creative text types.Use these Writing Genres KS2 Checklist Pack to ensure that your KS2 students are writing creatively and using their imaginations at every stage of the story writing process. Story writing is a perfect way to explore writing genres in ...

  15. Writing for different genres

    Writing. Writing for different genres is a downloadable key stage 2 English pack featuring seven original comic strips as prompts to engage and inspire reluctant writers. The pack includes lesson plans, scaffolded writing templates and worksheets to support children in writing for different text types: a fictional diary, a formal letter, a ...

  16. Writing for a Purpose: Historical Fiction KS2+

    Writing for a Purpose: Exploring Fiction Genres KS2+ "Writing for a Purpose: Exploring Fiction Genres" is a comprehensive learning resource designed to assist Key Stage 2+ students in understanding and mastering 6 forms of writing. This resource covers a range of genres, including historical fiction, comics, fairy tales, fantasy, myths and ...

  17. Whole school overview of writing genres

    docx, 19.72 KB. An incredible whole school overview of writing genres based on the new national curriculum. The first document sets out what is covered across the school in a detailed overview. The units are colour coded so cross over between year groups and text types is clear. There is also a map of writing genres for each year group covering ...

  18. Fiction Book Genres PowerPoint

    The PowerPoint covers seven different genres: adventure, traditional fairy tales, fantasy, horror, detective/mystery, science fiction and cultural stories. Teaching children about these genres will deepen their knowledge of stories in general. For each genre, there's a clear and easy-to-read definition alongside key features, key words and ...

  19. Writing Genres KS2 Checklist Pack (teacher made)

    What are some non-fiction writing genres for KS2 students to explore? Some fantastic non-fiction writing genres for KS2 students to explore when writing are: Newspaper Article; Book Review; Memoir; Biography; The above video may be from a third-party source. We accept no responsibility for any videos from third-party sources.

  20. Fiction Writing Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates

    Fiction Writing Genres. Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates. Template genres include: Horror, Dilemmas, Adventure, Comedy, Fables, Greek Myths, Flashbacks, Fantasy, Playscripts, Sci-Fi, Historical (Knights), Raising issues, Mystery, Conversations. Each template includes a bullet point reminder list of the rules for writing in a specific genre and ...

  21. Story Genres Matching Activity (teacher made)

    Interactive Resources & Games. AI Talk To A Historical Figure. AI Talk To a Fictional Character. Lesson Plans. EYFS Planning Materials. PSHE, RSE, & Wellbeing. Handwriting Schemes. EYFS Teaching Resources. This fantastic resource features different story genres and different definitions, features, keywords and settings to match; can your ...

  22. 28 Writing Planning Frames for Different Genres (Fiction & Non-Fiction

    doc, 25 KB. Unlock the creative potential of your KS2 students with our comprehensive collection of 28 Writing Frames. These versatile resources are carefully designed to support children in planning and organizing their written work, spanning both fiction and non-fiction genres. Whether it's developing captivating adventure and mystery ...