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2020 Award-Winning L&D and HR Case Studies

HR and L&D changemakers are in the spotlight with the case studies that made the biggest impact according to corporate learning and education leaders from over 20 countries globally .

The most powerful stories of HR and L&D transformation were honoured with the awards of the MERIT Annual Summit 2020.

#1 Case Study: Unlearn – How Learning Innovation Enables Business Transformation to “Unsmoke” the World, PMI

Award: “Leading and Motivating Teams with Emotional Intelligence” training module from PeopleSmart

How can learning support and accelerate business transformation? To power PMI’s shift from cigarettes to smoke-free products, employees across the global company had to adopt new priorities and ways of working. What are the design principles behind PMI’s new learning framework?

Nina Kreyer of Philip Morris International presents a L&D transformation case study at the MERIT Annual Summit

Dr Nina Kreyer, global head of Learning, Philip Morris International (PMI), impressed the audience with her clear and inspiring presentation of the L&D approach and contribution to business transformation. Nina shared examples of learning innovation at PMI as well as a perspective of where learning@PMI has come from, its vision, and progress to date. She highlighted the challenges, what comes next, and how this may be useful for other organisations and settings: sustained communications, change and momentum; from flagship solutions to delivering at scale; social enablement and peer-to-peer support; getting the technology right; offering choice and being globally integrated; balancing the need for expert and generalist capability; easy evidence tracking for sustained behavioural change; integrating strategic workforce planning, talent and learning; and winning hearts and minds.

#2 Case Study: Can HR Innovate? CERN

Award: Leadership programme from IE Business School

Arguably, the third industrial revolution was triggered by the invention of the World Wide Web at CERN. Recreating the big bang and studying the origins of our universe is a tremendous driving force for CERN’s engineers to innovate. But what about HR? Can an innovative workforce leave HR behind? How can HR create its own innovate mindset generating its own HR innovations? Well, at the home of the Large Hadron Collider, CERN HR leaders are trying an experiment in HR to achieve just that. Will it work for them and could it work for you? Can HR innovate?

James Purvis, Head of HR, CERN, presents a case study of HR biases at the MERIT Annual Summit

James Purvis, head of HR, CERN, challenged the audience to recognise the statements they hear every day, or say themselves, that can hinder innovation, the most detrimental of all being “ That’s the way we’ve always done it. ” His long list of innovation-busting attitudes included “ Millennials are just too demanding ”, “ How do we know it would even work? ”, and “ It’s already been done. ”

James argued against crowd-sourcing innovation proposals from your employees. He suggested that employees themselves may not be the best judge of what would improve HR services. At CERN, idea boxes, interviews, and brainstorming sessions generated a total of 250 proposals – yet none of them were that innovative. The highest-rated idea was to “simplify HR processes”; a runner-up was “enhancing well-being”. He quoted Henry Ford, who said, “ If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have asked for faster horses. ” James proposed a disruptive, iterative approach to HR – daring to try new things first, and validating them later.

#3 Case Study: Inclusion-for-All Strategy within the Entire Employee Lifecycle, Vodafone

Award: Executive education programme in Strategic Leadership, Change Management, or Corporate Social Responsibility from the Maastricht School of Management

How is Vodafone creating an impactful inclusion-for-all strategy within the entire employee lifecycle?

Felizitas Lichtenberg, Global D&I Lead, Vodafone, presents a case study on creating a culture of inclusion.

Felizitas Lichtenberg, Vodafone’s global Diversity & Inclusion Lead, brought up some thought-provoking and uncomfortable questions. “Is it okay to discuss a colleague’s looks at work?”, “How about looking into their personal life?” The answers of the HR audience varied: for each given workplace situation, some believed it was okay, while others found it unacceptable or a grey area.

The takeaway from this interactive presentation? There is no right answer, and no workplace rules can address all uncomfortable or confusing situations that can and will arise. Rather, HR’s main goal regarding diversity and inclusion should be to empower employees to speak up about how they feel. In a space that is safe for conversation, diversity will thrive.

#4 Case Study: Pioneering Talent Management in an Agile World, ING

Award: Coaching from LIVEsciences

More than two years ago, ING decided to change its organisational structure based on the agile principles. As a consequence, all HR processes needed to be rethought. Why Agile at ING? What was the impact for HR and the people in the organisation? Where are ING in the journey? What have they already learned?

Christophe vanden Eede presents a case study on Agile talent management at ING

In his case study, Christophe vanden Eede, global head of Career Management, ING, led the HR and L&D audience to turn the focus inward towards themselves as the main source of transformation. “ Agile starts with YOU ”, as he put it. Christophe acknowledged that work and careers in HR and L&D are in a state of disruption. “ The whole world around you looks dangerous, ” Christophe said, but this “ does not mean you need to be afraid to move forward. ” Based on his experience, he advised that HR leaders focus on their sense of purpose and build on that to move forward, even as specific roles change.

Why the MERIT Awards

The award-winning case studies were selected by over 150 corporate learning and education leaders from over 20 countries at the global MERIT Annual Summit, Seville, 5-6 February 2020.

Sharing real-business case studies boosts peer learning among HR and L&D leaders by bringing first-hand insight into challenges, failures, journeys, and achievements. Presenters themselves gain fresh perspectives and feedback from peers in the unique interactive and collaborative environment of MERIT.

Adiós, Sevilla! À bientôt, Paris.

Coming really soon – the next opportunity for immersion in HR and L&D leaders learning: “ Rethinking Learning in a Connected World”, the MERIT European Summit co-hosted with LinkedIn , Microsoft’s headquarters, Paris, 23 June 2020.

Connect with peers and find learning strategies that will make your organisation more innovative, resilient, and future-ready. With digital innovation, global connectivity, and the constant need for upskilling and reskilling, new frontiers are opening in corporate and executive learning. Explore them now .

Check out: MERIT Events

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Take advantage of the open loop of learning with unlimited access to MERIT events, on-demand peer-to-peer personal consulting, and complimentary leadership training. Join the exclusive professional HR / L&D / C-level network of like-minded peers who exchange ideas, share best practices, and co-create solutions to common challenges. Apply for membership to the MERIT Leadership Community .

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hr case studies 2020

13+ HR Case Studies: Recruiting, Learning, Analytics, and More

Reposting a piece from the blog over at Lighthouse Research because I know not all of you subscribe over there!

case study hr

While much of the work we do at Lighthouse Research & Advisory focuses on quantitative research studies, we do a fair amount of qualitative research as well. We’ve collected case studies over time (and continue to) that highlight interesting approaches and examples of innovation within human capital management. The list below offers a wide variety of industries, examples, and flavors for you to learn from.

Want to see another topic or example not listed here? Comment below and and I will see what we can do to find that for you!

Wal-Mart, Automation, and Compassion Training

Walmart’s Fastest Growing Line of Business is Delivering Experiences

The Motley Fool: Blending Talent Management and Engagement

Motley Fool: The Coolest Talent Processes You’ve Never Heard Of

Chipotle: How Internal Mobility Reduced Turnover by 64%

Internal promotion-how Chipotle reduced turnover by 64%

Adtran: Using Hackathons for Employer Branding, Employee Development, and Retention

Using Hackathons for Branding and Retention

Stout Advisory: Performance Management, Peer Feedback, and Employee Engagement

How to Radically Change Your Performance Management Practice [Podcast]

H&R Block: Seasonal Hiring, Strategic Recruiting, and Hiring Manager Communications

Patagonia: measuring the roi of hr programs, hr strategy, employee perks and benefits.

Measuring the ROI of HR Programs is Critical: Here’s How Patagonia Does It

Hot Chicken Takeover: Employee Benefits, Corporate Culture, Leadership, and Social Responsibility

Can a Business Grow Competitively While Doing Social Good? [Podcast]

AlliedUniversal: Talent Acquisition, Employee Referrals, and High-Volume Hiring

How Does AlliedUniversal Hire 90,000 Workers a Year? Referrals and PURPOSE [Podcast]

Duie Pyle: Remote Worker Engagement, Blue Collar Challenges, and Competitive Recruiting

Talent Lessons from the Transportation Industry [Podcast]

Ohio Living: Core Values, Company Culture, and Employee Recognition

We’re Only Human 39: Ohio Living Serves 70,000 Clients Annually with Core Values

Cox Enterprises: HR Analytics, Business Impact, and Strategy

We’re Only Human 53: How to Partner with Your Talent Analytics Team

McDonald’s: Learning Measurement, Business Impact, and ROI

Southwest airlines: corporate culture, employee perks, and employee engagement.

We’re Only Human 40: How Southwest Airlines Lives and Breathes Corporate Culture

HJF: HR Technology Selection and Implementation, HR Leadership, and Modernization

We’re Only Human 55:The HR Leader’s First Year on the Job

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How Netflix Reinvented HR

  • Patty McCord

hr case studies 2020

When Netflix executives wrote a PowerPoint deck about the organization’s talent management strategies, the document went viral—it’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. Now one of those executives, the company’s longtime chief talent officer, goes beyond the bullet points to paint a detailed picture of how Netflix attracts, retains, and manages stellar employees. The firm draws on five key tenets:

Hire, reward, and tolerate only fully formed adults. Ask workers to rely on logic and common sense instead of formal policies, whether the issue is communication, time off, or expenses.

Tell the truth about performance. Scrap formal reviews in favor of informal conversations. Offer generous severance rather than holding on to workers whose skills no longer fit your needs.

Managers must build great teams. This is their most important task. Don’t rate them on whether they are good mentors or fill out paperwork on time.

Leaders own the job of creating the company culture. You’ve got to actually model and encourage the behavior you talk up.

Talent managers should think like businesspeople and innovators first, and like HR people last. Forget throwing parties and handing out T‑shirts; make sure every employee understands what the company needs most and exactly what’s meant by “high performance.”

Trust people, not policies. Reward candor. And throw away the standard playbook.

Sheryl Sandberg has called it one of the most important documents ever to come out of Silicon Valley. It’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. But when Reed Hastings and I (along with some colleagues) wrote a PowerPoint deck explaining how we shaped the culture and motivated performance at Netflix, where Hastings is CEO and I was chief talent officer from 1998 to 2012, we had no idea it would go viral. We realized that some of the talent management ideas we’d pioneered, such as the concept that workers should be allowed to take whatever vacation time they feel is appropriate, had been seen as a little crazy (at least until other companies started adopting them). But we were surprised that an unadorned set of 127 slides—no music, no animation—would become so influential.

  • PM Patty McCord was the chief talent officer at Netflix from 1998 to 2012 and now advises start-ups and entrepreneurs. She is the author of Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility (Silicon Guild, 2018).

hr case studies 2020

Partner Center

Reimagining HR: Insights from people leaders

A global pandemic. Essential workers at risk. Whole companies suddenly working from home as offices fall silent. Millions reevaluating their lives and careers. The “Great Resignation.” Wage increases amid a tight labor market. Who’s responsible for navigating this upheaval? Human resources, which in many organizations now sits awkwardly between its history as a support function and its future as a strategic partner.

While the nature and purpose of the HR function have been evolving for years, the demands of the pandemic dramatically accelerated this transition. In interviews with more than 80 chief human resources officers (CHROs)  at some of the largest organizations in the United States and Europe, we found more than 90 percent predict significant changes to the HR operating model during the next two to three years.

“The pandemic showed HR is as relevant to business success as typical core functions like R&D, sales, or production,” said the CHRO of a European semiconductor company. “In fact, it was our duty as HR to ensure the entire company could still be operational during the pandemic.”

Stepping up to this new responsibility requires HR to transform itself, adopting the organizational principles and key performance indicators of core business functions. HR leaders need to drive more agile and fluid organizations, shift the role of business partners, and drive the employee experience—and do it all with a clear leadership mandate. We’re not suggesting it’s easy. But according to the vast majority of CHROs we interviewed, organizations may not have a choice.

A new HR operating model

The following situation may sound familiar: your organization faithfully follows the Ulrich model, with the HR function represented at the leadership table with its responsibilities split among three pillars: business partners, shared services, and centers of excellence (CoEs). HR endeavors to listen to employees, be an agent of change, and reflect the broader business strategy.

Yet we also know theory doesn’t always translate into practice. It’s never been more important for HR to be a true strategic partner and a bridge between the workforce and the organization. “We learned how to go significantly faster on the business side as a result of the pandemic,” said the CHRO of a US-based pharmaceutical company. When it comes to creating a more dynamic talent and work model for the future (exhibit), CHROs across Europe and the United States said the future operating model of HR will likely feature the following:

  • Elevating HR through digitalization by automating processes, especially traditional administrative tasks; by gathering, analyzing, and acting on employee data to make more informed decisions; and by implementing mobile self-services to elevate the quality of delivery. “Platforms? Large-scale ERP-style [enterprise resource planning–style] systems? We still focus too much on that,” said the CHRO of a European chemical company. “We have to start thinking of solutions, data, and employee experience when talking about digitalization in HR.”
  • Enabling agility and fluidity, not only throughout the company but also within the HR function itself. What does this mean in practice? Creating new operating models for HR, breaking down the traditional three-pillar model in favor of a pool of professionals who can be quickly deployed to deal with critical issues and priorities, or introducing agile tribe and squad models such as those used within digital companies. “We cannot preach agility without being agile within HR,” the CHRO of a European retailer said. “We need to break up the silos and the Ulrich-style separations in our own organization to be much more flexible and faster.”
  • Refocusing business partners on advising top management rather than working on routine administrative tasks that can be automated, pushed to self-service platforms, or undertaken by a shared-service center. This frees HR business partners to become true strategic partners.
  • Creating HR practice groups to tackle specific, strategic, cross-functional HR priorities from end to end, dissolving the usual separation between strategic and transactional tasks. Need to hire digital talent at scale? Create a team to undertake that process in its entirety, rather than delegating it to recruiting.
  • Organizing around the employee experience by taking an approach similar to how retailers define customer journeys—in this case, by identifying the employee moments that matter most and deploying resources accordingly. For example, critical moments for employees could include the recruitment process, onboarding, performance reviews, and promotions, and the roles and responsibilities of the HR function could be aligned around them.
  • Virtualizing CoEs and centers of competence (CoCs) by giving HR business partners a dual role: supporting specific areas of the business and creating a functional specialization spanning HR and the organization (such as compensation and benefits or organizational development). This creates workflow practice groups, rather than keeping business partners separate from their “corporate” HR colleagues. If successful, this approach may even make CoEs redundant.
  • Putting the business in the driver’s seat by shifting responsibility for traditional HR tasks to line managers. Giving line managers decision power and responsibility for processes such as recruiting and performance appraisals makes sense operationally and frees the HR function to take more of a leadership role within the organization by being more strategic and undertaking work that adds greater value.

There were some differences between European and US CHROs. First, almost 60 percent of European CHROs are considering virtualizing CoCs and CoEs, while none of their US peers discussed this. Second, US CHROs seem more inclined to use employee journeys as a mechanism for determining HR’s functional responsibilities and priorities. And third, European CHROs are planning to have HR business partners work on dedicated functional HR topics, bundling competencies virtually through chapter or cluster logic to virtual CoEs and CoCs. The reason for this is the multinational setup of many large European organizations, in which HR expertise is distributed across multiple countries and regions, requiring sophisticated systems of collaboration and coordination. Many large US organizations remain US-centric, given the size and relevance of their home market.

“We have a tendency to still align our HR organization very geographically,” said the CHRO of a European chemical company. “We still need that where we need to be close to the business, but where we need the best expertise in HR, we have to link that beyond geographic boundaries.”

Moving from support to leadership

Pivoting to this new HR operating model—in which the function has a legitimate seat at the leadership table, recognized for the critical role it plays strategically and operationally—requires significant change. Many companies are already on this path, with varying degrees of success. The CHROs we interviewed identified four areas of focus that will support such a refined approach:

  • Agility. Really developing organizational agility demands the HR function lead by example through measures such as adjusting its organizational structure and introducing agile methods and tools. Because these are not typical capabilities of HR employees with mid- to long-term tenure, this often requires a significant mindset shift.
  • Digitalization. Technology will continue to play an important role in HR. But now, it’s not so much about digitalizing processes to implement new self-service tools and the like, but about acquiring analytical capabilities to use big data.
  • Employee experience design. HR needs to shift its focus from a pure-process orientation to the customer journey and identify the “moments that matter” for the employees in their interactions with the company.
  • Adopting a governance model and moving beyond an Ulrich-style separation of tasks to enable cross-functional, cross-regional, and cross-divisional collaboration. Separating CoEs and business partners becomes more difficult as HR’s range and complexity increase. Business partners shouldn’t continue to act only as generalists but should instead specialize in certain topics to become content champions, applying their knowledge on a global scale.
  • Empowering line managers to take over people leadership tasks independently, since this is one of the most important leadership responsibilities. Crucial human-capital tasks such as recruiting and performance appraisals shouldn’t be “outsourced” to HR but championed by line managers, with HR providing tools and coaching.
  • Reevaluating the level of automation of HR and providing a “human interface” to employees where personal interaction adds value. In the past, HR has automated too many tasks. It needs to provide a real human interface at points in the employee journey where personal contact is generally expected.

Transforming HR isn’t easy, but it’s worth the effort. Driving more agile and fluid organizations, shifting the role of business partners, and elevating the employee experience are central to evolving the HR operating model—which benefits not only the function but also the broader organization.

Neel Gandhi

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Case Study: Carers Queensland

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MARCH 15, 2022

We hired an extra 400 staff via manual processes; conducted recruitment with handwritten notes for interviews; sent out letters with onboarding packs in the mail, and requested the new employees to post or deliver them back. How has the ‘ Recruitment ’ Module in EmployeeConnect solved your problems?

hr case studies 2020

Laser-Focused on Recruiting to Hire A Players | ClearCompany

ClearCompany HRM

APRIL 21, 2022

To view more real client case studies and see their success using ClearCompany, take a look at our client page. See how Milan revamped # recruiting with ClearCompany’s ATS: A Look into Milan Laser Hair Removal. . ClearCompany Transforms Recruitment at Milan. Cleared a critical bottleneck in the recruitment process.

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Top 100 HR and Recruitment Blogs [by Organic Traffic with Top 3 Articles Each]

APRIL 17, 2020

There are a ton of great HR/ Recruitment blogs. Ongig, of course, has its own recruiting blog — you’re reading it right now! This includes general HR blogs, recruiting blogs, talent acquisition blogs, employer branding blogs and more. Ok, here we go…these are the top 100 HR/ Recruitment blogs we found!

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SCS Manages the Complete Talent Lifecycle with ClearCompany

FEBRUARY 17, 2022

EXPLORE: For more success stories featuring real ClearCompany clients, browse our ClearCompany Case Study library. Recruiting , onboarding , and performance management are housed in one platform and designed to help you hire best-fit employees and retain them long-term. An End-to-End Talent Management Solution. A View Into SCS.

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How Financial Wellness Benefits can Tackle Staffing Shortages in Healthcare

NOVEMBER 29, 2022

According to a 2021 study conducted by Mercer, healthcare staffing shortages will likely continue for the next five to 10 years. 1 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . 2 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . 3 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . 4 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . 5 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . 6 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 .

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How Will The Recruitment Game Change In 2021?

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JANUARY 4, 2021

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Case Study Preview: How a Global Direct Selling Wellness Company Digitized Workforce Performance and Onboarding

Rallyware for Human Resources

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At Rallyware, we recently published a case study on a direct selling wellness company that digitized workforce performance, onboarding, and enablement. In 2020 , markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America joined the company’s workforce. in recruitment and onboarding. What Is a Direct Selling Company?

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Increase Employee Retention to Offset Rising Labor Costs

JANUARY 17, 2023

The average cost of filling a senior-level healthcare role is $5,699 in recruitment costs and takes an average of 207 days to fill, according to survey data collected by AKASA, a healthcare AI-tech company. 1 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . 2 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . 3 [link] : DailyPay, 2020 . The average hospital lost $5.2–9

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Case Study Preview: How a Global Direct Selling Wellness Company Digitized Workforce Performance and Onboarding?

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Looking for Digital Recruiting Case Studies For New Book

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The book is expected to be out Spring 2020 called Digitizing Talent: Creative Strategies for the Digital Recruiting Age. Workology is the art and science of work, HR and recruitment . I’m excited to announce that I’m working on a new book. Join the resource revolution.

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Philips Case Study

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Dell Technologies veteran hiring case study

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developed veteran recruitment marketing content to support Dell Technologies’ veteran hiring initiative. ’s recruitment marketing content for Dell Technologies ‘ intern programs outperformed Dell’s expectations. has experience with recruitment marketing content that attracts veterans , so we got to work. .

5 Major Challenges in Healthcare Recruitment Today

Hospital Recruiting

MARCH 16, 2016

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Episode 392: Gaining Knowledge and Experience by Opening up to New Opportunities With Leslie Aument

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Empxtrack Streamlines Job Application Process for a Leading Cloud Solutions Provider

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Recruiting, Retention and More: What QSR Operators Need to Know Now

AUGUST 24, 2021

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Recruitment Tools in 2020- Everything with What, Why & Which

Vantage Circle

APRIL 18, 2020

Such work requires a lot of research and hence the requirement for proper Recruitment Tools. Here to help you choose wisely today, we present you with everything about Recruitment Tools for 2020 ! Recruitment processes are hard in every organization, no matter how good the employer brand is. What are Recruitment Tools.

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People Analytics and HR-Tech Reading List

Littal Shemer

OCTOBER 11, 2022

“The book helps professionals, researchers, employers, and everybody interested in the world of work to understand the past, present, and future of recruitment . The authors describe the modern technologies and ideas that are changing recruitment , many driven by artificial intelligence.

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13 Employee Engagement Trends for 2020

DECEMBER 5, 2019

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HR Tech Conference 2021: Why EX is at the forefront of HR technology


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How the Retirement Boom Has Impacted HR and Recruiting

Accurate Background

SEPTEMBER 20, 2023

” A Case Study : Nursing Let’s take this idea of the power of plain old numbers down to a smaller level. In 2020 , the survey showed the following: There were 4.2 million RNs in the US in 2020 . Employers and HR departments must adapt their recruitment and retention strategies to address these changing dynamics.

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Best Human Resources Book You Should Read in 2020

APRIL 16, 2020

In 2020 , there are a plethora of human resource management books to choose from. The book also looks at case studies about how managers have failed and succeeded, analyzes the many faces of the modern work environment, and even discusses Gallup’s newest workplace platform called Gallup Access.

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4 Trends Changing the Way You Hire and Retain Talent in 2020

Linkedin Talent Blog

JANUARY 22, 2020

If ever a year demanded acute vision, it’s this one, 2020 . The full report walks you through tips and case studies from companies around the globe. The full report contains tips for handling data as well as case studies and three guides to help your organization develop its people analytics efforts. The result?

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AI in HR: Can You Trust Your Pay Equity Software Provider?

JUNE 29, 2023

Concerns include: In 2018 , Amazon ended its use of an AI recruiting tool that had developed bias against women. In May 2022, Harvard Business School professor Tsedal Neeley published a case study urging tech companies to consider the potential risks of bias in AI based systems without effective regulation in place.

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How to Run an Effective Vetting Process for Employment in 2020


AUGUST 24, 2020

Recruiting and hiring employees is a time-consuming and expensive process. Similarly, you can give out coding assessments for software or engineering roles, or case studies for functional positions. The post How to Run an Effective Vetting Process for Employment in 2020 appeared first on Peopletrail.

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The Benefits & Challenges of the 4-Day Workweek

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

The popularity of the 4-day workweek has boomed in the last few years as more and more companies are recognizing that they can work smarter and gain a competitive edge in recruiting and retaining employees. When I moved my past company, Uncharted, to a 4-day workweek in the middle of 2020 , we didn’t know what to expect.

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Reputable Staffing Company Reduces Turnover

DECEMBER 3, 2020

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Tactics for Effortless High Volume Hiring

JULY 29, 2021

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Research Explores the Benefits of Work-Life Balance Policies for Organizations

Pollack Peacebuilding

OCTOBER 6, 2021

Rodriguez-Sanchez, Gonzalez-Torres, Montero-Navarro, and Gallego-Losada, in “Investing time and resources for work-life balance: The effect on talent retention” ( 2020 ), seek to address the following question: What are the most important components of a positive work-life balance, and what is the best way to implement these into the workplace?

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Episode 395: Bringing a Fulfilling and Engaging Experience Into the Workplace With Karoline Saffi

APRIL 20, 2023

Join host Jessica Miller-Merrell, founder of Workology.com as she sits down and gets to the bottom of trends, tools, and case studies for the business leader, HR, and recruiting professional who is tired of the status quo. Now here’s Jessica with this episode of Workology. Share your insights at www.HRBenchmarkSurvey.com.

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7 Ways HR Looks Different in 2020

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These were some of the key shifts that differentiate today’s HR from legacy approaches, and what they mean in 2020 : Inclusion over diversity. We need X of Y demographic in our recruiting pipeline.” He explores modern HR & recruiting practices in regular Fast Company and Forbes columns and his podcast, 21st Century HR.

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#NowPlaying: RBM’s Favorite One-Hit Wonders (& RBM’s Most Memorable Moments)

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Watch the Full Interview at the RBM HQ: Read the Full Case Study Here: A reliable WordPress partner Red Branch Media can trust. We filmed in November 2019, and the official video interview and case study was posted in April 2020 . Watch the video and read the case study above! Preacta Recruitment .

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Better Employee Recruiting With An Employee Value Proposition

MAY 22, 2018

It refers to the rise of ever fiercer competition to recruit and retain employees when too few workers are available. Billion People” reveals that by 2020 employers in Europe and North America will require 16–18 million more college-educated workers than will be available. Our hiring philosophy is that you must recruit to retain.

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Episode 377: The Importance of Creating Inclusive Apprenticeships for Veterans With Kristin Strand

NOVEMBER 17, 2022

Join host Jessica Miller-Merrell, founder of Workology.com, as she sits down and gets to the bottom of trends, tools, and case studies for the business leader, HR and recruiting professional who is tired of the status quo. Welcome to the Workology Podcast, a podcast for the disruptive workplace leader.

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Top 10 hiring resources to help you hire in 2022

DECEMBER 29, 2021

And our top hiring resources are, indisputably, the ones that have the most value to you as employers, recruiters , and HR professionals. Most helpful when building a case for a hiring solution. Awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion shot into the stratosphere in mid- 2020 and it’s still top of mind for many employers worldwide.

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3 Forward-Thinking Recruiting Practices from Industry Leader Lars Schmidt’s New Book — ‘Redefining HR’

JANUARY 28, 2021

Redefining HR (Kogan Page, $26) could be described the same way: An experimental lab on how to move HR forward, filled with ideas and case studies from companies such as HubSpot , Reddit , Eventbrite , and Mastercard. Here are three forward-looking practices Lars shares that are central to recruiting : 1.

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Develop Your Talent Acquisition Strategy With 6 Practical Examples

Analytics in HR

JULY 31, 2023

How to develop a talent acquisition strategy Talent acquisition strategy best practices 6 Talent acquisition strategy examples Case study : Unilever’s successful talent acquisition strategy What is a talent acquisition strategy? Contents What is a talent acquisition strategy? This is a funnel-like process that begins with a vacancy.

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RedBranchWeekly: Action-Packed Recruitment Tips & Management Ideas

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Hello, Friday and hello recruiting and management tips! If you work in HR and recruiting , you may want to listen up. WCN: Action-Packed Tips for Recruiting Generation Z Employees. population by 2020 . This case study , originally published on HROS, explores the successful partnership between Virgin Media and PH.Creative.

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Episode 390: Enhancing the Workplace With Neurodiversity With Dr. Scott Robertson, ODEP

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Plus, employers can drive efforts to recruit , hire, retain and advance neurodivergent people like me to tap these assets and adopt enhanced work supports and accommodations. In November of 2020 , ODEP launched PIA to ensure all apprenticeship programs are inclusive and accessible to people with disabilities. PIA is funded by the U.S.

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Recruiting and HR Solutions for Fast-Growing Companies 888.220.9286

Case Studies

Case study 1: neurelis, hiring 74 territory managers for neurelis in 2 months.

hr case studies 2020

After approval of Neurelis’ first clinical product, Valtoco, in January 2020, the company was ready to quickly hire a team of Territory Managers to inform, educate, and sell the product to the vulnerable epilepsy population in the targeted US cities.  Their goal was to recruit and hire 74 national Territory Managers in two months or less. Neurelis wanted to ensure their new sales team was made up of individuals who would emulate their company culture, centered on integrity and accountability, with the focus on the patient. Not only were our recruiters looking for candidates who were experienced in the CNS/neuro therapeutic pharmaceutical industry, but we also wanted to find good-hearted employees, who strive to improve the lives of those who suffer from seizure disorders, and their families.

SDHR Consulting offered a hybrid, customized solution to fit Neurelis’ recruiting needs. Not only was SDHR Consulting looking for candidates, but we were able to capitalize on the Sales Directors’ network, past employees, and referrals. We were able to incorporate these candidates into our interviewing and screening process to ensure the absolute best candidates were hired.

Our team first screened 401 candidates and then scheduled follow-up phone and in-person interviews. To help accomplish this, we planned and executed several hiring “hub” events in Dallas and Chicago with candidate volumes ranging from 8 to 40 candidates. Arranging all travel and accommodation logistics for candidates was an important aspect of this project. 

At the events, our recruiters were there to greet candidates, escort them to all interviews, answer questions, coordinate debrief and feedback sessions, and ensure a wonderful candidate experience, while adhering to a tight timeline.

hr case studies 2020

Not only did our team of 12 recruiters execute the hire of 74 Territory Managers for Neurelis within a 2-month timeframe, but we also accomplished this at the onset of the pandemic. Just after the hiring events were held in February 2020, there was enormous uncertainty around the availability of medical supplies, if doctor offices would remain open, air travel, etc., yet we were able to excel. Our team pivoted and arranged for some in-person interviews to be conducted virtually and newly hired employees started virtually with Neurelis as opposed to in-person orientation at headquarters. A testament to the project’s success is that we had a 100% retention rate after 90 days in the position.

Quick Facts

• client name: neurelis, • industry: pharmaceutical, • project start date: february 2020, • length of project: 2 months, • location of client: san diego, ca, • location of hiring event: dallas, tx and chicago, il, key statistics, • 74 hires completed, • 2 month project deadline, • 100% retention rate after 90 days, • 12 sdhrc recruiters utilized, • screened 400+ candidates, case study 2: b. wood insurance, partnering with b. wood insurance agency to hire key employees.

B. Wood Insurance Agency, one of the fastest-growing employee benefits brokerages in California, was faced with several human resources consulting dilemmas. The agency had minimal HR infrastructure and policies in place. Their roster of employees consisted of family members or friends who placed concern about compliance in the ever-changing legal climate in California. Due to their growth, B. Wood also needed to hire a new Bilingual Insurance candidate. This candidate would be a critical hire because they needed someone outside their usual hiring pool.

This company attempted to find a candidate on its own without success. They needed help but with a limited budget, so a staffing agency with enormous fees was out of the question. Cue music…enter SDHRC.

By doing our due diligence and really getting to know B. Wood Insurance prior to searching for candidates, we knew we had to find the right candidates to fit their fun company culture that values team-bonding, diversity, and inclusion. 

Our team partnered with B. Wood Insurance to not only find the candidates for their open positions but also conducted an HR audit to review B. Wood’s HR processes. By doing so we were able to ensure legal compliance and best practices which would help with the onboarding process and ensure proper business growth.

SDHRC created a new employee handbook that matched the culture of B. Wood, as well as, the legally required new hire and termination paperwork. Additionally, our team updated all employee job descriptions, provided exempt/non-exempt guidance, and created the legally required Injury Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP).

SDHRC identified the perfect match within a very short timeframe and found the right bilingual candidate! This individual had the right experience and the right cultural fit! SDHRC successfully led the entire interview process and conducted the reference checks…. with room to spare! This outstanding bilingual insurance representative was hired within a 9-hour time frame, which cost B. Wood 2% of base salary! The average staffing firm would charge roughly 20%-30% of base salary!

• Client Name: B. Wood Insurance Agency

• industry: insurance, • length of project: 2 weeks, • location: san diego, ca, • cost b. wood 2% of base salary, • compared to average cost of 20%-30% of base salary, • candidate hired within 9-hours, • working with b. wood insurance 6+ years later.

Contact us  today to learn more about our services and how we can support your organization. Together we’ll come up with your goals and work towards a solution with measurable results. 

Michael Bussio

Tom frederick.

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HRM Case Studies With Solutions

Let’s study Human Resource Management Case Studies with solutions. HRM Case studies play a vital role in management education especially in subjects like Human Resource Management (HRM), Personnel Management, PAAP and related subjects.

It gives a clear picture of the concepts when you practise them through case studies. Here we have given some live HRM case studies that are short, useful & interesting. This will allow you to think beyond the theoretical part and make you capable to apply the concepts in real-time situations.

Table of Contents

We are also providing solutions which are free of cost. We welcome your feedback about these HRM case studies.

Below are short and simple Case Studies on HRM with Solutions, Questions, and Answers.

HRM Case Study 1

Harsha and Franklin both of them are postgraduates in management under different streams from the same B-School. Both of them are close to each other from the college days itself and the same friendship is continuing in the organization too as they are placed in the same company, Hy-tech technology solutions. Harsha placed in the HR department as employee counsellor and Franklin in the finance department as a key finance executive. As per the grade is concerned both are at the same level but when responsibility is concerned Franklin is holding more responsibility being in core finance.

By nature, Harsha is friendly in nature and ready to help the needy. Franklin is silent in nature ready to help if approached personally and always a bit egoistic in nature. They have successfully completed 4 years in the organization. And management is very much satisfied with both of them as they are equally talented and constant performers.

Harsha felt that now a day’s Franklin is not like as he uses to be in the past. She noticed some behavioural changes with him. During general conversations, she feels that Franklin is taunting her that she is famous among the employees in the organization, on the other hand, he is not even recognized by fellow employees.

One morning Mr. Mehta General Manager Hy-tech technology solutions shocked while going through the mail received from Franklin about his resignation. Mr. Mehta called Harsha immediately and discussed the same as she is close to Franklin. By hearing the news Harsha got stunned and said that she does not know this before she also revealed here current experience with him. Mr. Mehta who does not want to lose both of them promised her that he will handle this and he won’t allow Franklin to resign.

In the afternoon Mr. Metha took Franklin to Canteen to make him comfortable after some general discussion he starts on the issue. Franklin, after some hesitation, opened his thinking in front of Mr. Mehta. The problem of Franklin is

1) when he comes alone to canteen the people from others don’t even recognize him but if he accompanied by Harsha he gets well treated by others.

2) one day Both of them entered the company together the security in the gate wished them but the next day when he came alone the same security did not do so.

3) Even in meetings held in the office, the points raised by Harsha will get more value so many times he keeps silent in the meeting.

It happens to Franklin that he has to face such degradation in each day of work which totally disturbs him. Franklin also questioned that ” Harsha and myself have the same qualification, from the same institute, passed out in the same year both with first class. We have the same number of experiences in this organization. Moreover, the responsibilities with me are more valuable than those of Harsha. After all these things if I am been ignored or unrecognized by the fellow employees my ego does not allow me to continue here”.

By listening to this statement Mr.Metha felt that it is not going to be very difficult to stop his resignation. Mr. Mehta explained Franklin the reasons for such partial behaviour of the employees. After listening to Mr. Mehta Franklin said sorry for his reaction and ready to take back his resignation. And he called Harsha and spoke with like before.

Questions for HRM Case Studies: Case Study 1

Find the reason that Mr. Mehta would have given to Franklin.

Solution for HRM Case Study 1

Mr. Mehta listening to this case understood the situation and realized the reason behind the partial response given by the employees towards Franklin and Harsha. As Franklin said both Harsha and Franklin are passed out from the same college in the same year. Both of them joined the company together both have the same experience. Even in performance-wise, both stands in the same level i.e. both are constant performers and good performers.

Franklin analyzed all the above-said similarities between him and Harsha. He also stated that he holds more responsibility than that of Harsha. One thing Franklin did not notice or analyzed is the job profile of Harsha. It is true that Franklin holds more responsibility than that of Harsha but when it comes to direct interaction with employees Harsha wins the employees’ attention in this aspect. Harsha being a counsellor in HR she faces the employees every day. She developed good rapport among the employees due to her friendly nature. She is always remembered by the employees whenever they face any problem as she gives good counselling and most of the time she suggests the best solutions for such issues.

Franklin though holding a key position in finance his profile does not allow him to interact with the employees. Though he has a helping tendency he does only when someone approached him personally. As the employees of other departments do not have any relation with him they never approach him for help. Mr. Mehta having a good experience understood these things when Franklin explained his problems one by one. Later he relates each situation, explained by Franklin with the above said reasons and made Franklin understood the reality.

Mr. Mehta said that the security in the gate or the employees in the canteen who recognized Harsha and not Franklin would have interacted with her during counselling or approached her for any issues. And as usual, she would have counselled well or solved the issues of them that is the reason why they treat her and wish her whenever where ever they meet her. When it comes to the case of Franklin they would have hardly met him or interacted with him.

When it comes to the point that even in-office meetings Harsha, points are valued so Franklin keeps mum. For this, Mr. Mehta replied that the points put forward by her would be related to employees or from the employees’ point of view which actually the management wants to know so they give value to her points. And as quoted Fraklin after, one or two such incidents keep silent in the meeting. He never made an attempt to raise some suggestions so management does not have any option to listen to that suggestion.

After listening to all the explanations given by Mr. Mehta Franklin realized his mistake and felt proud of the Rapport developed by Harsha among the employees. He said to Mr. Mehta that he will take back his resignation. And rushed to Harsha to make an apology and to meet her as a friend as like his college days.

HRM Case Studies Part 2:

HRM Case Study 2

Watson Public Ltd Company is well known for its welfare activities and employee-oriented schemes in the manufacturing industry for more than ten decades. The company employs more than 800 workers and 150 administrative staff and 80 management-level employees. The Top-level management views all the employees at the same level. This can be clearly understood by seeing the uniform of the company which is the Same for all starting from MD to floor level workers. The company has 2 different cafeterias at different places one near the plant for workers and others near the Administration building. Though the place is different the amenities, infrastructure and the food provided are of the same quality. In short, the company stands by the rule of Employee Equality.

The company has one registered trade union. The relationship between the union and the management is very cordial. The company has not lost a single man day due to strike. The company is not a paymaster in that industry. The compensation policy of that company, when compared to other similar companies, is very less still the employees don’t have many grievances due to the other benefits provided by the company. But the company is facing a countable number of problems in supplying the materials in the recent past days. Problems like quality issues, mismatch in packing materials (placing material A in the box of material B) incorrect labelling of material, not dispatching the material on time, etc…

The management views the case as there are loopholes in the system of various departments and hand over the responsibility to the HR department to solve the issue. When the HR manager goes through the issues he realized that the issues are not relating to the system but it relates to the employees. When investigated he come to know that the reason behind the casual approach by employees in work is

  • The company hired new employees for a higher-level post without considering the potential internal candidates.
  • The newly hired employees are placed with higher packages than that of existing employees in the same cadre.
  • Narrate the case with a suitable title for the case. Justify your title.

Solution for HRM Case Case Study 2

Employee Equality is not the need for every hour. In the above-said case, Watson Ltd had provided all facilities to employees at each grade in an equal manner. But still, the employees started creating certain issues like materials are meeting the quality supply schedule is not met etc. And the HR manager said that the policy of hiring new employees for the higher post without considering old potential employees is the major problem.

“Employee recognition VS Employee equality ”. As the HR manager states that employees are not been recognized for the potential rather the company has gone for new recruitment. Because of which the company faces problems.

  • The points rose by the HR manager as the reason for the latest issues in the organization is justifiable or not. Support your answer with Human resource related concepts.

Yes, the points raised by the HR manager is justifiable because “Human beings are social Animals as popularly” said by many Human resources Scholars. So human minds demand social recognition, self-respect, consideration, etc for their work and performance.

In the above-said case, even the company provides and stands by the concept of employee equality when it fails to recognize the potential talents of existing employee they felt dissatisfaction towards the organization and they showed in the way of quality issues and slow down production.

Related HR concept.

Slow down Production:

The concept of slow down production is a type of employee’s strike. The Industrial Relations sates that when the employee wants to show their dissatisfaction to the management but don’t want to go for strike they follow slow down strike. The impact of which will be understood after a particular time period.

Employee Recognition:

Human beings can be easily motivated by Rewards and recognition than that of money. In this case, also the employee is not satisfied even after all facilities just because of the reason that they are not recognized.

Hawthrone Experiment:

In the four types of test conducted by Elton Mayo, the remarkable hike in production is recognized in the stage when they consulted the employees for the management decisions regarding them. The same thing was missing in Watson Ltd. Before the new hires if the management consulted the employees both management and employees would have avoided this issue

Hygiene Factor:

The theory of hygiene factors states that there are certain factors related to employees the presence of which will not create a major impact but the absence of such things will lead to a de motivation to the employees. Employee Recognition is one such factor when the management fails to do so it will Detroit the employees to a great extent.

  • Help the organization to come out from this critical issue. If you are in the role of HR manager what will be your immediate step to solve this case.

If I was in the post of the HR manager I will try to discuss the issue and ask for the reason from the management for new recruiting rather than considering available potential talents. I will personally analyse the reasons provided by management and if acceptable I will discuss the same with the employees. Everything is possible with a discussion. So I will discuss and convince the employee that this won’t happen again in the organization. I will also initiate the collective bargaining process for reasonable salary hike for the existing employees.

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  • Zoonotic Disease Prioritization
  • National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)

At a glance

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach — working at the local, regional, national, and global levels — with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

What is One Health?

One Health is an approach that recognizes that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. One Health is not new, but it has become more important in recent years. This is because many factors have changed interactions between people, animals, plants, and our environment.

A girls stoops by a fence holding her hand out while looking at a pig. A pig on the other side of the fence looks at the girl.

  • Human populations are growing and expanding into new geographic areas. As a result, more people live in close contact with wild and domestic animals, both livestock and pets. Animals play an important role in our lives, whether for food, fiber, livelihoods, travel, sport, education, or companionship. Close contact with animals and their environments provides more opportunities for diseases to pass between animals and people.
  • The earth has experienced changes in climate and land use, such as deforestation and intensive farming practices. Disruptions in environmental conditions and habitats can provide new opportunities for diseases to pass to animals.
  • The movement of people, animals, and animal products has increased from international travel and trade. As a result, diseases can spread quickly across borders and around the globe.

These changes have led to the spread of existing or known (endemic) and new or emerging zoonotic diseases , which are diseases that can spread between animals and people. Every year, millions of people and animals around the world are affected by zoonotic diseases. Examples of zoonotic diseases include:

  • Salmonella infection
  • West Nile virus infection
  • Q Fever (Coxiella burnetii)
  • Brucellosis
  • Lyme disease

Similar to humans, animals are also at risk of getting sick from some diseases and environmental hazards. Because of this, they can sometimes serve as early warning signs of potential human illness. For example, birds often die of West Nile virus before people in the same area get sick with West Nile virus infection.

One Health Fact Sheet‎

What are common one health issues.

One Health issues include emerging, re-emerging, and endemic zoonotic diseases, neglected tropical diseases, vector-borne diseases, antimicrobial resistance , food safety and food security, environmental contamination, climate change and other health threats shared by people, animals, and the environment. For example:

  • Antimicrobial-resistant germs can quickly spread through communities, the food supply, healthcare facilities, and the environment (soil, water), making it harder to treat certain infections in animals and people.
  • Vector-borne diseases are on the rise with warmer temperatures and expanded mosquito and tick habitats.
  • Diseases in food animals can threaten supplies, livelihoods, and economies.
  • The human-animal bond can help improve mental well-being.
  • Contamination of water used for drinking, recreation, and more can make people and animals sick.

Even the fields of chronic disease, mental health, injury, occupational health, and noncommunicable diseases can benefit from a One Health approach involving collaboration across disciplines and sectors.

How does a One Health approach work?

One Health is gaining recognition in the United States and globally as an effective way to fight health issues at the human-animal-environment interface, including zoonotic diseases. CDC uses a One Health approach by involving experts in human, animal, environmental health, and other relevant disciplines and sectors in monitoring and controlling public health threats and to learn about how diseases spread among people, animals, plants, and the environment.

Successful public health interventions require the cooperation of human, animal, and environmental health partners. Professionals in human health (doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, epidemiologists), animal health (veterinarians, paraprofessionals, agricultural workers), environment (ecologists, wildlife experts), and other areas of expertise need to communicate, collaborate on, and coordinate activities. Other relevant players in a One Health approach could include law enforcement, policymakers, agriculture, communities, and even pet owners. No one person, organization, or sector can address issues at the animal-human-environment interface alone.

A graphic showing the importance of collaboration, communication, and coordination in One Health. Text reads: People who protect human, animal, and environmental health, and other partners coordinate, collaborate, and communicate to achieve the best health outcomes for people, animals, plants, and our environment. 

The One Health approach can:

  • Prevent outbreaks of zoonotic disease in animals and people.
  • Improve food safety and security.
  • Reduce antimicrobial-resistant infections and improve human and animal health.
  • Protect global health security.
  • Protect biodiversity and conservation.

By promoting collaboration across all sectors, a One Health approach can achieve the best health outcomes for people, animals, and plants in a shared environment.

Other Resources

One Health in Action

Three people sit near a white goat and focus their attention on the goat as if they are caring for it.

CDC’s One Health Office leads the agency’s One Health efforts in the United States and supports One Health activities worldwide.

For Everyone

Public health.

Blog The Education Hub


New RSHE guidance: What it means for sex education lessons in schools

RSHE guidance

R elationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is a subject taught at both primary and secondary school.  

In 2020, Relationships and Sex Education was made compulsory for all secondary school pupils in England and Health Education compulsory for all pupils in state-funded schools.  

Last year, the Prime Minister and Education Secretary brought forward the first review of the curriculum following reports of pupils being taught inappropriate content in RSHE in some schools.  

The review was informed by the advice of an independent panel of experts. The results of the review and updated guidance for consultation has now been published.   

We are now asking for views from parents, schools and others before the guidance is finalised. You can find the consultation here .   

What is new in the updated curriculum?  

Following the panel’s advice, w e’re introducing age limits, to ensure children aren’t being taught about sensitive and complex subjects before they are ready to fully understand them.    

We are also making clear that the concept of gender identity – the sense a person may have of their own gender, whether male, female or a number of other categories   – is highly contested and should not be taught. This is in line with the cautious approach taken in our gu idance on gender questioning children.  

Along with other factors, teaching this theory in the classroom could prompt some children to start to question their gender when they may not have done so otherwise, and is a complex theory for children to understand.   

The facts about biological sex and gender reassignment will still be taught.  

The guidance for schools also contains a new section on transparency with parents, making it absolutely clear that parents have a legal right to know what their children are being taught in RSHE and can request to see teaching materials.   

In addition, we’re seeking views on adding several new subjects to the curriculum, and more detail on others. These include:   

  • Suicide prevention  
  • Sexual harassment and sexual violence  
  • L oneliness  
  • The prevalence of 'deepfakes’  
  • Healthy behaviours during pregnancy, as well as miscarriage  
  • Illegal online behaviours including drug and knife supply  
  • The dangers of vaping   
  • Menstrual and gynaecological health including endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and heavy menstrual bleeding.  

What are the age limits?   

In primary school, we’ve set out that subjects such as the risks about online gaming, social media and scams should not be taught before year 3.   

Puberty shouldn’t be taught before year 4, whilst sex education shouldn’t be taught before year 5, in line with what pupils learn about conception and birth as part of the national curriculum for science.  

In secondary school, issues regarding sexual harassment shouldn’t be taught before year 7, direct references to suicide before year 8 and any explicit discussion of sexual activity before year 9.  

Do schools have to follow the guidance?  

Following the consultation, the guidance will be statutory, which means schools must follow it unless there are exceptional circumstances.   

There is some flexibility w ithin the age ratings, as schools will sometimes need to respond to questions from pupils about age-restricted content, if they come up earlier within their school community.   

In these circumstances, schools are instructed to make sure that teaching is limited to the essential facts without going into unnecessary details, and parents should be informed.  

When will schools start teaching this?  

School s will be able to use the guidance as soon as we publish the final version later this year.   

However, schools will need time to make changes to their curriculum, so we will allow an implementation period before the guidance comes into force.     

What can parents do with these resources once they have been shared?

This guidance has openness with parents at its heart. Parents are not able to veto curriculum content, but they should be able to see what their children are being taught, which gives them the opportunity to raise issues or concerns through the school’s own processes, if they want to.

Parents can also share copyrighted materials they have received from their school more widely under certain circumstances.

If they are not able to understand materials without assistance, parents can share the materials with translators to help them understand the content, on the basis that the material is not shared further.

Copyrighted material can also be shared under the law for so-called ‘fair dealing’ - for the purposes of quotation, criticism or review, which could include sharing for the purpose of making a complaint about the material.

This could consist of sharing with friends, families, faith leaders, lawyers, school organisations, governing bodies and trustees, local authorities, Ofsted and the media.  In each case, the sharing of the material must be proportionate and accompanied by an acknowledgment of the author and its ownership.

Under the same principle, parents can also share relevant extracts of materials with the general public, but except in cases where the material is very small, it is unlikely that it would be lawful to share the entirety of the material.

These principles would apply to any material which is being made available for teaching in schools, even if that material was provided subject to confidentiality restrictions.

Do all children have to learn RSHE?  

Parents still have the right to withdraw their child from sex education, but not from the essential content covered in relationships educatio n.  

You may also be interested in:

  • Education Secretary's letter to parents: You have the right to see RSHE lesson material
  • Sex education: What is RSHE and can parents access curriculum materials?
  • What do children and young people learn in relationship, sex and health education

Tags: age ratings , Gender , Relationships and Sex Education , RSHE , sex ed , Sex education

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