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  • KWT005 - Key Word Transformation
  • KWT004 - Key Word Transformation
  • KWT003 - Key Word Transformation
  • KWT002 - Key Word Transformation
  • KWT001 - Key Word Transformation
  • Adjective - Adverb
  • Gerund and Infinitive
  • Modal Verbs
  • Reported Speech
  • Passive Voice
  • Definite and Indefinite Articles
  • Quantifiers
  • Relative Clauses
  • Prepositions
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  • Key Word Transformation

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Rephrasing B1+

English Grammar Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets

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  • Key Word Transformation

Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced

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  • KWT009 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate
  • KWT008 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate
  • KWT007 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate
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  • KWT005 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate
  • KWT004 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate
  • KWT003 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate
  • KWT001- Key Word Transformation Intermediate
  • KWT002- Key Word Transformation Intermediate
  • Gerund - Infinitive
  • Adjective - Adverb
  • Modal Verbs
  • Passive Voice
  • Reported Speech
  • Definite and Indefinite Articles
  • Prepositions
  • Connectives and Linking Words
  • Quantifiers
  • Question and Negations
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  • Indefinite Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns
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  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Editing - One Word Too Many
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  • Adjectives - Adverbs
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  • Conjunctions and Linking Words
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Purdue OWL® Exercises Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Exercise : Intermediate-level Paraphrase Exercises

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Paraphrase Exercise

  • Please read the following passages carefully and paraphrase it. “In the United States, about six out of ten students in graduate schools are women. The same is true of today’s young adults who already have a degree beyond college. As a result, the Census Bureau expects that more women than men will hold professions such as doctors, lawyers and professors.” (Women Edge Past Men in Getting Doctorates, Voice of America, learningenglish.com)
  • “The Human Relations Commission (HRC) was established by the City of West Lafayette to protect the rights of our citizens and to ensure that West Lafayette remains a fair and inclusive community.” (What is the Human Relations Commission?, City of West Lafayette Indiana, westlafayette.in.gov)
  • “The years after World War One were an important turning point in the making of the American nation. The country turned away from the problems of Europe. Now it would deal with problems of its own.” (American History Series: The United States Turns Inward After World War One, Voice of America, learning English.voa.com)

Summary Exercise

Please read the following passage carefully and write a summary for them.

  • “Business is the most popular subject for international students in the United States. At last count, 21% of foreign students at American colleges and universities were studying business and management.” (Business English Speakers Can Still be Divided by a Common Language, Voice of America, learningenglish.voanews.com)
  • “There were more victories for supporters of the Tea Party movement. This movement centers on cutting taxes and government spending. It brings together conservatives and libertarians -- strong believers in individual liberty.” (More Wins for TEA Party Activists, but Will They Win in November?, Voice of America, learningenglish.voanews.com)
  • “In the years after World War I, new technologies changed America. Technology made it possible for millions of people to improve their lives. It also brought great changes in American society.” (Movies Become Big Business in the 1920s, Voice of America, learningenglish.voanews.com)


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Academic English UK

 Academic Paraphrasing Skills

Paraphrasing is  presenting ideas and information in your own words and acknowledging where they come from. By using your own words, you demonstrate your understanding and your ability to convey this information.

Paraphrasing video

A 10-minute video on how to paraphrase effectively using t he 4-key stages of paraphrasing.

What is paraphrasing?

  • Paraphrasing shows you have a clear understanding of the topic.
  • Paraphrasing ensures that the text used is relevant to your specific assignment.
  • Direct copying is plagiarism . Quotation is acceptable but only when defining terms or a very central statement.

Which is a summary, quotation and paraphrase?

Poor paraphrasing..

Why is this a poor paraphrase?

Original source

“Exeter Council spends £3.3 million each year on biofuel heating rather than the £7 million it would spend if it still relied on oil and gas” (Smith, 2021, p.221).

Poor paraphrase

Smith (2021) highlights that Exeter Council pays £3.3 million every year on biofuel heating instead of the £7 million if it relied on oil and gas.

It’s a poor paraphrase because the writer has only changed a couple of the words. If this was put through a plagiarism checker it would score a very high originality score. 

Paraphrasing websites

Paraphrasing is a difficult skill and needs constant practice. However, there a range of websites to help you paraphrase words and change the sentence structure. These four websites are important for good paraphrasing. For more information go here

useful websites for paraphrasing

Key steps to effective paraphrasing

1.highlight important words / key terms (words that cannot be changed), 2.find synonyms / alternative words for high frequency words, 3.change grammar:   sentence structure,   active to passive, nouns to verbs, adjectives to adverbs, word order, etc.., 4.check meaning, paraphrasing step by step examples (using synonyms), original sentence: ‘memory is the capacity for storing and retrieving information’ (smith, 2021)., 1: choose keywords that cannot be changed , memory has the capacity for storing and retrieving information (smith, 2021), 2: find synonyms for the other words, memory  is the  capacity  for  storing  and  retrieving  information., use google or thesaurus.com to find a range of synonyms – like below.

paraphrasing synonyms

3. Choose the words that are similar in meaning or change the form (storing to storage)

B) memory is the facility for storage  and recovering data.  [paraphrases sentence – ok]  , 4. change the grammar, word forms and structure, c) data recovery and storage are facilitated in the memory. [paraphrased sentence – very good].

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Paraphrasing Lesson

Paraphrasing lesson 1 – how to paraphrase effectively.

 It starts by discussing the differences between quotation, paraphrase and summary. It takes students through the basics of identifying keywords, finding synonyms and then changing the grammatical structure. There is plenty of practice, all with efficient teacher’s notes.  Level ** ** * [B1/B2/C1]   Example  / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP  / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Paraphrasing Lesson 2 – improve your paraphrasing skills

This lesson helps students to improve their paraphrasing skills. The guided learning approach includes a text analysis activity where students identify the paraphrasing strategies, five sentence-level tasks to practise the strategies and two paragraph-level exercises to build on the previous tasks..  Level ** ** * [B1/B2/C1]   Example  / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP  / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Writing a paragraph: paraphrasing.

This lesson provides a number of quotations based around smoking. The lesson ask students to pick three quotes, paraphrase them and write a coherent paragraph using the paraphrases. It includes a model answer. More info.

      Writing a paragraph – using quotes about smoking

Students are given a worksheet with nine quotes taken from The New Scientist, BBC News, The Economist, etc… and choose only three. They use these three quotes to write a paragraph trying to paraphrase the quotes and produce a cohesion piece of writing.  Level ** ** * [B1/B2/C1]    Example / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP  / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


academic English uk courses

Free lesson: Paraphrasing quotes

Here are a range of quotations adapted from an academic text on the topic of the Environment. Take the quotations and paraphrase them into suitable sentences with similar meaning.

Paraphrasing: writing worksheet 

This worksheet provides paraphrasing practice. There are five sentences taken from an academic text and students paraphrase the sentences to keep the same meaning. Includes possible answers. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP  / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Practice Exercise  

  • Paraphrasing

Smith et al., (2010) state that ‘human activities can also change the climate.’

Peterson et al., (2010) point out that ‘climate is controlled by the long term balance of energy of the earth and its atmosphere.’, smith et al., (2010) note that ‘winds and ocean currents redistribute heat over the surface of the earth.’, jones & smith, (2010) argue that ‘the atmospheric amounts of many greenhouse gases are increasing, especially carbon dioxide, which has increased by 30 % over the last 200 years, primarily as a result of changes in land use (e.g., deforestation) and burning coal, and natural gas (e.g., in automobiles, industry, and electricity generation).’, lucus et al., (2010) mention that ‘the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities will change the climate by enhancing the natural greenhouse effect, leading to an increase in in the earth’s average temperature.,   paraphrasing answers, academic english / paraphrasing exercises                    , 1) smith et al., (2010) state that ‘human activities can also change the climate.’, it has been suggested that climate change is influenced by human activity (smith et al., 2010), 2) peterson et al., (2010) point out that ‘climate is controlled by the long term balance of energy of the earth and its atmosphere.’, according to peterson et al, (2010) the lasting equilibrium of energy between the earth and the atmosphere is regulated by the climate., 3) smith et al., (2010) note that ‘winds and ocean currents redistribute heat over the surface of the earth.’, the continuous distribution of warmth is through wind and ocean currents across the periphery of the planet (smith et al., 2010)., 4) jones & smith, (2010) argue that ‘the atmospheric amounts of many greenhouse gases are increasing, especially carbon dioxide, which has increased by 30 % over the last 200 years, primarily as a result of changes in land use (e.g., deforestation) and burning coal, and natural gas (e.g., in automobiles, industry, and electricity generation).’, jones & smith’s (2010) argument holds validity that over the last 20 years there has been a 30% increase in greenhouse gases (co2) due to the manipulation of the environment for the benefit of globalisation., 5) lucus et al., (2010) mention that ‘the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities will change the climate by enhancing the natural greenhouse effect, leading to an increase in in the earth’s average temperature.’, lucus et al., (2010) argue that the earth’s average temperature is increasing because of human activity through the intensification of atmospheric greenhouse gases., more  writing  resources  , academic phrases, academic style [1], academic style [2], academic style [3], academic style [4], academic word list , writing websites, error correction, hedging [1], hedging [2], nominalisation, noun phrases [1], noun phrases [2], the syllabus, referencing, in-text referencing, harvard ref. [1], harvard ref. [2], apa ref [1], apa ref [2], ref. generators, reference lists, reporting verbs, credible sources, evaluating sources, academic integrity, 'me' in writing, writer's voice  , writing skills, paraphrasing [1], paraphrasing [2], paraphrase (quotes), summary writing  , summary language, critical thinking, analysis &  evaluation, fact vs opinion, argument essays, spse essays, sentence str.  [1], sentence str.  [2],     sentence str. [3], punctuation, academic posters, structure    , essay structure, introductions, thesis statements, paragraphing, paragraphs: quotes, topic sentences  [1], topic sentences [2], definitions, exemplification , conclusions, linking words, parallelism, marking criteria, more digital resources and lessons.

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  1. paraphrasing exercises liveworksheets

    paraphrasing exercises b1

  2. Paraphrasing

    paraphrasing exercises b1

  3. Paraphrasing Practice Worksheet Paraphrasing Exercise Worksheet

    paraphrasing exercises b1

  4. Paraphrase activity.: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    paraphrasing exercises b1

  5. Paraphrasing Worksheets

    paraphrasing exercises b1

  6. Paraphrasing free online exercise

    paraphrasing exercises b1


  1. Answers for Exercises B1 Grammar / D.Aya Mansour

  2. Paraphrasing and Rephrasing

  3. Paraphrasing and Rephrasing


  5. Grammar Test 5 I Mixed grammar quiz

  6. English Listening B1 Health Club/Gym/Sports Centre Enquiry


  1. Key Word Transformation (B1)

    KWT006 - Key Word Transformation. KWT005 - Key Word Transformation. KWT004 - Key Word Transformation. KWT003 - Key Word Transformation. KWT002 - Key Word Transformation. KWT001 - Key Word Transformation. Language in Use - PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Intermediate Level (B1)

  2. Pet b1 rephrasing worksheet

    Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. Pet b1 rephrasing worksheet | Live Worksheets

  3. Exercise : Basic-level Paraphrase and Summary Writing

    Summary. "Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in the United States. And writer Liel Leibovitz says the students are following an example that began in the eighteen seventies. Mr. Leibovitz and writer Matthew Miller joined forces to tell the story of the students in their book, "Fortunate Sons.".

  4. Rephrasing B1+ interactive worksheet

    Country: Argentina. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Modals (2012923) From worksheet author: Rewrite the sentences using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. Other contents: present tenses.

  5. 162 Sentence transformation, rephrasing, Grammar Practice En…

    This activity contains sentences to practice paraphrasing for PET. Students need to practice expressing similar ideas/words in different ways. Paraphrasing is an indica... 4006 uses. A selection of English ESL printables with sentence transformation, rephrasing, grammar practice.

  6. English Exercises: PET

    Age: 11-14. Downloads: 1366. PET Practice - B1 Paraphrasing. Complete each sentence using the word given so that it means the same as the sentence before it. Use no more than five words. 1. My grandfather always said there was an explanation for everything. USED. My grandfather always there was an explanation for everything.


    B1 REPHRASING - END OF THE YEAR REVISION. rmartinandres. 7374. 56. 87. 0. 1/2. Let's do English ESL general grammar practice. B1 Rephrasing practice.

  8. Key Word Transformation

    KWT008 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate. KWT007 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate. KWT006 - Key Word Transformation Advanced. KWT005 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate. KWT004 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate. KWT003 - Key Word Transformation Intermediate. KWT001- Key Word Transformation Intermediate.

  9. Exercise : Intermediate-level Paraphrase Exercises

    Paraphrase Exercise. Please read the following passages carefully and paraphrase it. "In the United States, about six out of ten students in graduate schools are women. The same is true of today's young adults who already have a degree beyond college. As a result, the Census Bureau expects that more women than men will hold professions such ...

  10. PDF Writing Exercise

    Writing Exercise - paraphrasing Topic: general paraphrasing skills Computers / phones Time: 60 minutes Level: *****[B1/B2/C1] Lesson Plan Aim: to develop the students' ability to paraphrase effectively using internet tools and going through a 3-stage process. 1.Lead in - what is a paraphrase

  11. PARAPHRASING: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    PARAPHRASING. There are 9 exercises.SS have to rephrase sentences ( simple past-present perfect, passive voice,reported speech,too-enough,conditionals, so-such,rather-prefer,….

  12. ESL

    PET - B1 Practice paraphrasing. by Maria Ines. Date: 01 - Aug - 2012. Level: intermediate. Age: +10. Description: It´s a PET based exercises to practise used to and would. Comments (0) -. Link to this exercise from your website or blog:

  13. Paraphrasing worksheets

    A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Paraphrasing, shared by English language teachers. ... My First Paraphrasing Exercises Level: intermediate Age: 13-100 Downloads: 35 : Paraphrasing Level: intermediate Age: 12-17 Downloads: 34 : Paraphrasing the sentences Level: intermediate

  14. Improve your paraphrasing skills

    Paraphrasing Lesson 2 - improve your paraphrasing skills [new for 2021] This lesson helps students to improve their paraphrasing skills. The guided learning approach includes a text analysis activity where students identify the paraphrasing strategies, five sentence-level tasks to practise the strategies and two paragraph-level exercises to ...

  15. Academic Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing is presenting ideas and information in your own words and acknowledging where they come from. By using your own words, you demonstrate your understanding and your ability to convey this information. Paraphrasing shows you have a clear understanding of the topic. Paraphrasing ensures that the text used is relevant to your specific ...

  16. 260 Rephrasing English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    The ws consists of 27 sentences to practise rephrasing involving relative clauses, linking works, conditional clauses or passive voice. Thanks Phillip Martin for clipart. Hope it'... 6714 uses. A selection of English ESL rephrasing printables.

  17. paraphrasing exercises

    A paraphrasing exercise for students at 4th, 5th and 6th level. It revises conditionals, perfect modals, comparatives etc. Paraphrasing 1! A very nice on line exercise to practice paraphrasing! Hope you like it! PACCHY. Another paraphrsing exercise aimed at lower intermediate students, that is 3rd and 4th year level!

  18. Paraphrasing Worksheets

    The best way to approach paraphrasing is to start by reading the work a few times. Now write an original thought based on what you have read. Make sure what you write keeps the nature and tone the author was originally trying to create. When you complete your paraphrase make sure to include a citation of where the original source is given credit.

  19. 32 Paraphrasing English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    Paraphrase exercise. This is a letter sen. 131 uses. DarbyShaw. modal verbs paraphra. This exercise contai. 5753 uses. luchilasol. Paraphrasing for PET. This activity contai. 4006 uses. beagmeur. modals paraphrases K. Key to modals paraph. 712 uses. AimeeB. Hot Tips For Paraphr. A guide to help teac. 5940 uses.

  20. Paraphrase activity.: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    There are 2 passages. The phrases they have to paraphrase are underlined and numbered. The chpoices are provided. This is an excellent method for mastering the language. They could work on it in pairs. The answers are provided. I found these passages on the internet.

  21. English Exercises: Paraphrasing Intermediate evel

    Paraphrasing Intermediate evel. 1) �There will be a few changes around in the office. The boss announced that� � in the office. You �more often. If� �so many mistakes. 5) You shouldn't listen to anything she says. If �anything she says. There �last night.