
Teaching Job Application Letter Sample: Free & Effective

As someone who has not only written their own teaching job application letters but also crafted them for friends, I can attest to the importance of a well-written letter in making a strong impression.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the Purpose : Learn why a teaching job application letter is crucial.
  • Getting Started : Key elements to include in your application.
  • Personalization : Tailoring your letter to the school and position.
  • Structure and Content : A step-by-step guide on what to write.
  • Final Touches : Proofreading and professional presentation.
  • Free Template : A customizable template for your convenience.

This guide will walk you through the process, drawing from my personal experiences and proven strategies.

Understanding the Purpose

A teaching job application letter is more than just a formality.

Watercolor painting of a non-binary teacher of South Asian descent conducting a hands-on science experiment.

It’s your chance to showcase your enthusiasm, qualifications, and fit for the role.

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

It’s not just about stating your experience; it’s about narrating your journey in the education field and how it aligns with the specific needs of the school you’re applying to.

Getting Started

Before you start writing, research the school thoroughly. Understand its culture, values, and educational approach. This insight will help you personalize your letter.

Watercolor painting of a female teacher of Hispanic descent reading a storybook to young children.

Essential Elements to Include:

  • Introduction : Briefly introduce yourself and state the position you’re applying for.
  • Body : Highlight your teaching philosophy, relevant experiences, and achievements.
  • Conclusion : Express your enthusiasm for the role and the school.


Personalization is key. For instance, when I applied to a school with a strong emphasis on technology in education, I highlighted my experience with digital learning tools.

This direct correlation showcased my suitability for their specific environment.

Structure and Content: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Opening : Start with a professional greeting. If possible, address the letter to a specific person.
  • First Paragraph : Introduce yourself. Mention the job you’re applying for and how you found out about it.
  • Second Paragraph : Discuss your teaching philosophy and methodology. Relate it to the school’s ethos.
  • Third Paragraph : Highlight relevant experiences and achievements. Use specific examples.
  • Conclusion : Reiterate your interest in the position and the school. Mention your desire to contribute positively to the school community.

Final Touches

Proofread your letter meticulously. Ensure it’s free of typos and grammatically correct. A professional, clean format is also crucial.

Proofreading Checklist:

  • Spelling and grammar
  • Consistent formatting
  • Clear, concise language

Template for a Teaching Job Application Letter

Dear [School’s Name or Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Title] at [School’s Name], as advertised [Where You Found the Job Posting].

As a dedicated and experienced educator with [X Years] of experience in [Your Specialization], I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your esteemed institution.

In my current role at [Your Current School/Institution], I have successfully [Mention a Key Achievement or Initiative].

My teaching philosophy centers on [Briefly Describe Your Teaching Philosophy], which aligns well with [School’s Name]’s commitment to [Mention School’s Unique Feature or Ethos].

I am particularly impressed by [Mention Something Specific About the School]. I believe my expertise in [Mention Your Skills or Experiences Relevant to the School] would make a valuable addition to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my passion for teaching and educational excellence to [School’s Name] and am excited about the prospect of contributing to [Mention a Specific Aspect of the School or Curriculum]. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in further detail.

[Your Name]

Tips for Writing an Effective Teaching Job Application Letter

  • Tailor each letter to the specific school and position.
  • Use a professional yet enthusiastic tone.
  • Avoid repeating your resume; instead, complement it with personal insights and experiences.
  • Keep it concise; one page is ideal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

application letter pdf for teachers

Q: What Should I Include in My Teaching Job Application Letter?

Answer: My application letter always includes a brief introduction about my passion for teaching and my educational background. I highlight my relevant teaching experiences, including any unique methods I’ve implemented in the classroom. 

Additionally, I mention any specific skills or certifications that make me a suitable candidate for the position. I make sure to tailor each letter to the school’s values and the specific role I’m applying for.

Q: How Do I Make My Application Stand Out?

Answer: To make my application stand out, I focus on showcasing my unique teaching philosophy and how it aligns with the school’s mission. 

I include specific examples of successful projects or initiatives I led in previous roles. Personalizing the letter to the school and the specific job, rather than using a generic template, also helps me stand out.

Q: Should I Mention My Experience With Special Education?

Answer: Absolutely. In my letters, I always mention any experience I have with special education, as it demonstrates my ability to cater to diverse learning needs. I share specific instances where I’ve successfully integrated inclusive teaching practices or adapted curriculum for students with special needs.

Q: How Important Is It to Include Extracurricular Experience?

Answer: Including extracurricular experience is very important, especially if it’s relevant to the job. In my letters, I discuss my involvement in after-school programs or clubs, showcasing my commitment to student development beyond academics. It also highlights my ability to engage students in different contexts.

Q: Can I Share a Challenge I Overcame in Teaching?

Answer: Sharing a challenge I’ve overcome in teaching can be powerful. It not only shows my problem-solving skills but also my resilience and commitment to improving as an educator. I make sure to describe the challenge, how I addressed it, and the positive outcomes that resulted from my actions

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5 Teacher Cover Letter Examples & Templates for 2024

Stephen Greet

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  • Writing Your Teacher Cover Letter 101

Teachers’ duties extend far beyond the 8 to 4 school day, encompassing lesson planning, grading, parent communication, faculty meetings, and guiding student extracurriculars.. 

The challenge of finding a new teaching position and the requirement to write a cover letter in addition to your teacher resume can seem daunting given your already full schedule.

We’re here to assist you in your job hunt with five teacher cover letter examples and a comprehensive guide. While it’s impossible to highlight every accomplishment, our resources, which include a free cover letter generator , are designed to help you effectively showcase your strengths and demonstrate to principals and departments why you’re the ideal candidate for the position.

application letter pdf for teachers

Teacher Cover Letter Example


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Block Format

Teacher cover letter example

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifiting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Elementary Teacher Cover Letter Example

Elementary teacher cover letter example

Art Teacher Cover Letter Example

Art teacher cover letter example

Why this cover letter works

  • Metrics bring your accomplishments to life, painting a vivid picture of your effectiveness for the role. For instance, Kaito reports a 12% increase in foot traffic to his mural projects.

Special Education Teacher Cover Letter Example

Special education teacher cover letter example

  • Passion equals commitment and even success. Not only does this align with the role she seeks, but it’s also an excellent trick to captivate the recruiter reading your piece.

AP English Teacher Cover Letter Example

AP English teacher cover letter example

AP English Teacher Resume

Need a resume to pair with your AP English teacher cover letter?

or download as PDF

AP English teacher resume example

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Teaching Job

Teacher on blue laptop types and questions how to write a teacher cover letter

The key to writing your teacher cover letter can be distilled into two main points: don’t be generic and don’t let it become a repeat of your resume. 

application letter pdf for teachers

Step 1: Don’t skimp on researching the teaching role

Just as you want to tailor your resume to the school where you want to work and to its accompanying  teacher job description , you should do the same with your cover letter. Sure, this requires extra research, but what’re 20 or 30 minutes when this effort can pay off in dividends? Not only will research ensure your cover letter is relevant—not vague and generic—it’ll also prepare you well for common  teacher interview questions .

Additionally, leverage your research to demonstrate a real interest in the role you’re applying for as well as in the school itself.

  • Discuss how your commitment to standardized testing has improved students’ performance at other schools.
  • Share how Google Classroom has transformed your STEM projects.

application letter pdf for teachers

Step 2: Go beyond your teaching resume

Addressing the specific needs and concerns mentioned in the job description will have the desired effect  as long as you go beyond what you included in your resume . Mentioning that you’re a rock star at using Google Classroom isn’t enough; principals have  already  gathered that from your resume bullet points and  skills section .  

This is your opportunity to specifically share what you’ve done with Google Classroom. Many teachers set up Google Classroom for their students but don’t get around to using it. What have you done that sets the standard for every teacher following you? This is when quantifying your experience becomes exceptionally valuable. 

  • Demonstrate how this resource has decreased late submissions by 53 percent.
  • What did you do exactly to accomplish such a feat? One-on-one tutoring, an after-school club, unique teaching methodologies?

application letter pdf for teachers

Step 3: Convey the right message

Beyond specific and descriptive paragraphs in your teacher cover letter, keep your document  at  or less than a page. Eliminate wordiness and avoid pleasantries. Be sincere and gracious, but, really, no one likes a teacher’s pet.   

So, consider your tone of voice. Be professional, avoiding clichés, contractions, colloquialisms, and the like. Remember you’re applying for a teaching position, not a quirky tech startup.

Consider your tone. Remember you’re applying for a teaching role, not a quirky tech startup.

And when you think your cover letter is ready to go, hold up! You’re, indeed, almost at the finish line, but what is it you tell your students to do before they submit an essay (which they inevitably  never  do)? 

Yep—it’s time to practice what you preach. Invite a few people you trust to review your cover letter and offer constructive criticism while your eyes and brain rest. Then, return to your work, consider the feedback, and scour for any last content issues and spelling and grammar errors. Make revisions, save your document, and send your best teacher cover letter to the principal and hiring department with your resume, application, and any other requested materials.

Your Teacher Cover Letter Format & Outline

Teacher in yellow dress outlines cover letter on blackboard with yellow chalk

Now, if you’re staring at a blinking cursor on a blank document, not sure how to make the examples and steps work for you, don’t fret. It’ll come together beautifully like a perfectly executed lesson plan.

You just need a comprehensive outline that breaks the cover letter for a teaching position into distinct sections, making it easy to understand what to include in each part.

application letter pdf for teachers

How to start a teacher cover letter

Your contact info: If you’re using a template, fill in the letterhead to suit your needs. Just ensure you replace all filler text and don’t accidentally exclude critical information like your name, email, and phone number. 

  • Formatting:  If you write a block business letter rather than use a template, including your address is standard. Additionally, while your name will be prominently displayed on a letterhead on a template, a basic but professional block letter should omit your name (the principal will find your name easily in your signature line).

Date:  If you write your cover letter today but don’t submit it until next week, edit the date, to reflect the day you submit the letter and other career documents for the specific teaching role. 

  • Formatting:  Write out the full date, e.g. January 12, 2023.

Inside address:  This is the contact information for the principal or hiring department at the school. Name the specific person; then, include the school and position title, e.g., Ryan High School Principal. Complete this section with the school’s address.

  • Formatting:  Each piece of the inside address should be on a new line. You’ll want a double space between the inside address and the greeting. 

Kyndra Marque Ryan High School Principal  5101 E McKinney St Denton, TX 76208

Greeting:  Your goal is to start on the right foot with your principal, so avoid issuing a generic greeting, also known as a salutation, like:

  • Dear Principal,
  • Dear Hiring Department,
  • To Whom it May Concern:

While it can take some sleuth skills to track down the name of the hiring manager for some jobs,  most, if not all,  schools have staff listings on their website. You’re already researching the school to help you write an amazing cover letter, so take a couple of extra minutes to put a real name to the greeting:

  • Dear Mr. Thatcher:
  • Dear Ms. Li:
  • Formatting:  Err on the side of caution and use a colon at the end of the greeting. A comma is more casual while a colon denotes professionalism, which will likely serve you best for a teaching role.  

application letter pdf for teachers

How to write your teacher cover letter

Body:  The body of your teacher cover letter should be three to four brief paragraphs that state your interest, demonstrate your teaching credentials, and convey enthusiasm for further discussion. Let’s break it down further: 

  • Formatting:  The body of your teaching cover letter should be single-spaced although you’ll need to double-space between paragraphs.

Opening paragraph:  The goal is simple—state your interest in the position and your overarching credentials that reflect your research for the specific role. While the goal is simple, the execution often leaves little to be desired. Too many teacher cover letters start the same way.

I found your posting online and am interested in filling the English III position. 

No. Just no. Bore the principal and the English department right out of the gate, and they’ll wonder whether you’ll hold the attention of your students. Instead, try:

With 12 percent of Ryan High’s student population slotted to graduate with honors, I am eager to lead the initiation of the English Advanced Placement program as stated in the job description. With seven years of experience teaching AP courses, I am confident that Ryan High’s students will excel in my classroom and beyond.

Not only does this signal that you’ve done your homework and researched the school’s unique standing and areas for growth, this opening paragraph hooks the reader. Clearly, you’re interested in the role, offer valuable experience, and with phrases like “lead the initiation” and “excel in my classroom,” there’s no doubt you’re confident and capable.

Paragraphs 2-3:  If you can squeeze in the third paragraph, we recommend it as each paragraph is an opportunity to demonstrate indisputable evidence of the credentials and qualifications you boldly state in your opening paragraph. 

Each paragraph should not be a repeat of your resume; rather, each paragraph should hone in on  one  clear accomplishment, be it the results of your teaching methodology, values, or something else. Don’t try to tackle multiple topics in a paragraph. Be detailed, specific, and quantify your results when possible. 

Closing paragraph:  Clench an interview with this final paragraph. Now’s not the time to lay your head on your desk and call it a day. Don’t let this be your closing paragraph:

I believe I am the perfect candidate for this teaching position, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. 

At best, it exudes laziness. At worst, no one will believe you’re actually interested in the job but just need something to put beans on the table. 

Instead, demonstrate that your unique values and qualifications align with the school’s needs, which will indicate a genuine interest in the role— even if you are  desperate to put beans on the table.

Finally, add a call to action that anticipates a follow-up or interview. With the following closing paragraph, it’s clear that teaching is far more to you than just a job:

Solving students’ pain points is more than acknowledging their existence. To me, pain points are a starting point to discovery. I firmly believe that some of the most challenging endeavors have the power to yield the most fruitful results. If these results speak to you, I am eager to share more of what my non-traditional classroom looks like and what you can expect from Belleville’s students and from me as their geometry instructor.  

application letter pdf for teachers

How to end a teacher cover letter

Signature:  While you can include your gratitude at the end of the closing paragraph, you can also express thanks when you sign off. Keep it professional, and use your real name here just as you will on your resume and application form. 

  • Formatting:  Typically, you’ll send your cover letter to the principal’s email; however, if you deliver your career docs in person or—gasp—by mail, be sure to quadruple space and sign your name in blue or black ink between your closing line and typed name.

Thank you for your consideration,

Marcus DeWitt 

Enclosure(s):  This is important, and most job seekers, including teachers, fail to include it. “Enclosure(s)” means that more documents follow your cover letter.

What information would that be? Well, hopefully, your  teacher resume , likely the school’s application, potentially your teaching license, also your college transcripts, and maybe even a reference letter or two, depending on the requirements detailed in the  teacher job ad . 

After your signature, you’ll include “Enclosure(s),” followed by the exact documents in order of appearance. 

  • Formatting:  Use the singular form of “enclosure” if you’re only including one document. Also, include each additional document on a new line. 

Enclosures: Resume Application 2 letters of recommendation

See, including this final section is literally easier than writing your own address. Include it, and automatically set yourself apart from other teachers vying for the same role. 

Finish Strong with Your Teacher Resume

Teacher works on purple laptop to finish teacher resume

Now, that you’ve got the tools to confidently wow principals and departmental heads with your teacher cover letter, have you considered the current state of your resume? Maybe you’ve already updated and polished it, and if that’s you, kudos to you—you’re ahead of the game! 

If you’re blowing out an exaggerated breath because you’ve relegated your resume to the nether regions of your mind, we get it. But teacher resumes are judged more harshly than most. Hiring teams don’t cut a lot of slack when they’re looking for talent who will teach their students to communicate, read, and write well.   

So, if it’s time to think seriously about re-writing or, let’s face it,  writing  your resume  from scratch, take a page from us (literally) and get inspired with our  free resume templates  and  teacher resume examples  like the one below.

Elementary Teacher Resume

Need a resume to pair with your elementary teacher cover letter?

Elementary teacher resume example

Your career documents are a pain in the tush, we know, but think of us as your biggest cheerleaders. With our  resume builder ,  Google resume templates ,  Word resume templates , and expert-approved guidance, your teacher resume and cover letter are sure to win you interviews and secure your next role, where you just might earn Teacher of the Year at your next school. 

Every school you apply to will likely have slightly different teaching styles, cultures, and objectives they would like to achieve throughout the year. You can use your cover letter to connect your previous experiences to their mission and goals. For instance, if you volunteered for an early-age reading program, that would be a great experience to connect when applying to a K-5 position where the school wants to improve student reading scores.

Ideally, you want to match your tone to the feel of each school’s job description. Does the school have a very formal and knowledgeable tone in the description? Then being more formal and factual about your knowledge and experiences in different teaching styles they emphasize would be a great idea. For example, citing factual information about how you used hybrid learning to create 75% higher material retention in math subjects would work well in this instance.

Try to address your cover letter to a specific person in the school. Typically, this will be a principal, superintendent, or human resources hiring manager that would be reviewing teacher resumes . Check through the job description to see if a specific name is listed who will be reviewing applications, or review the school’s website for this information. If you can’t find anything, you can simply address it to “[Name of school] hiring staff” or something similar.

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How to Write an Application Letter for a Teaching Job

Last Updated: December 11, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC . Adrian Klaphaak is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a mindfulness-based boutique career and life coaching company in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an accredited Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC). Klaphaak has used his training with the Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Somatic Psychology, and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) to help thousands of people build successful careers and live more purposeful lives. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 93,257 times.

Applying for teaching positions can be daunting because of all of the materials you need to submit. Your cover letter is an especially important part of the application since it highlights your best skills. Writing an excellent cover letter can set you apart from other applicants, so it’s important to take your time and write a targeted letter for every application. Start by researching the position and getting all of the necessary information before you start writing. Then, use the intro and body paragraphs to emphasize your qualifications for the job. Conclude your letter by emphasizing your interest in the position and requesting an interview, and don’t forget to revise and proofread before you send your letter to the prospective employer.

Application Letter Template

application letter pdf for teachers

Gathering Information Before Writing

Step 1 Read the job posting carefully and underline or highlight key terms.

  • For example, if the position is for a Kindergarten teacher, then the position may indicate that you need to have undergone a preparatory teaching program.
  • If the job posting is online, you can transfer the text into a word processor and highlight using the highlight tool.

Step 2 Find out the name of the hiring manager.

  • Make sure to find out the person’s preferred prefix. For example, if the hiring manager is a woman named Nancy Cardigan, ask if she goes by Ms., Mrs., or something else.

Warning : Never write “To whom it may concern” to start a cover letter! This is too informal and it makes your letter seem generic from the start.

Step 3 Research the school, district, and position.

  • The school’s student population
  • Special challenges facing the school, such as budgetary issues or overcrowding
  • Extracurricular programs available to students

Step 4 Identify 3 experiences or skills that qualify you for the position.

  • For example, if you’re applying for a Spanish teacher position, you might want to mention your study abroad experience that enhanced your Spanish speaking skills, or your additional certification as a TESOL teacher.

Writing the Introduction and Body Paragraphs

Step 1 Include your address and the date followed by 3 spaces.

  • For example, you might list your address as “100 Main Street, Everytown, ND, 12345.”
  • Then, after adding a space, list today’s date in long form, such as August 8th, 2019.

Step 2 Provide the full name and address of the hiring manager.

  • For example, “Mrs. Sherri Mascarpone, Executive Director of Personnel, Sacramento School District, 1000 Johnson Lane, Sacramento, CA, 12345.”

Step 3 Greet the person with a formal salutation.

  • For example, you might start with “Dear Mr. Rodgers,” and then add a space and begin your introduction.

Step 4 Indicate the job you’re applying for and why you’d be a good fit.

  • For example, you might open with something like, “I’m writing to apply for the Math Teacher position that was advertised in this week’s paper.”
  • It’s also a good idea to give the employer some indication of who you are, such as by mentioning where you attended school and when you graduated or expect to graduate. For example, you might follow your first sentence with something like, “As a recent graduate of Universal University’s teacher education program, I am well-qualified for the position.” [6] X Research source

Step 5 End the first paragraph with 3 reasons you're qualified.

  • For example, you might write something like, “I’ve had a broad range of professional experiences that qualify me for the position, including working in the school district as a teacher’s aide while working on my college education, getting the opportunity to tutor at-risk youth in an after-school program run by a local charity, and completing my student teaching at this school.”

Step 6 Provide evidence of your experiences and skills.

  • For example, if you mention that you completed one of your student teaching rotations at the school you’re applying to work at, then you might expand on what you learned about the school and its teachers during that experience and how that knowledge would make you a good fit for this position.
  • If you mentioned that you hold a special certification, then you might expand on how that could enhance your ability to fulfill the needs of the position to which you’re applying.

Step 7 Emphasize what you’d contribute as a teacher at this school.

  • For example, you might include a line about your persistence and refusal to give up on students who struggle with course material, or you might mention that your professors or former employers have praised you for your ingenuity in designing engaging lessons.

Tip : Try to be as specific as possible whenever you talk about your qualifications. Point to professional experiences, certifications, training, and other evidence to support your claims.

Concluding Your Letter

Step 1 Reemphasize your qualifications and interest in the position.

  • For example, you might write something like, “Because of my professional experiences and special certifications, I’m very interested in the 7-12 French teacher position at Northwestern Central School.”

Step 2 Thank the employer for their time and consideration and look ahead.

  • Try saying something like, “Thank you for considering my application! I hope we can meet soon to discuss my qualifications further.” [14] X Research source
  • You may also indicate when you’re available or suggest a time and date for an even stronger option. For example, you could say something like, “I’m available to meet in person most weekday mornings and on Friday afternoons.” Or, you could say, “I’m available next Friday afternoon between 1:00 and 4:00 pm if you’d like to schedule an interview.”

Step 3 Provide an email address and phone number where you can be reached.

  • For example, you might write something like, “My cell phone number is (123) 555-1234 and my email is [email protected].”

Tip : You can skip this if you have included this information on your resume.

Step 4 End with a simple sign off and your name.

Revising and Proofreading Your Letter

Step 1 Check the content of your letter and revise as needed.

  • For example, if the job posting emphasizes that the ideal candidate should have evidence that their teaching strategies are successful, then you might want to add more detail on the positive feedback you’ve received during teaching observations.

Tip : If you’re a recent graduate or student applying for a teaching position, you might ask your advisor to review your cover letter for you and provide feedback. If they’re unavailable, visit your college’s career development center and ask one of the career counselors to review it for you.

Step 2 Ensure that your letter is brief and to the point.

  • Not making your letter more than 1 page long
  • Describing your skills using action verbs similar to the ones in the job posting
  • Avoiding long, intricate sentences that may be difficult to follow

Step 3 Read through the letter again to check for errors.

  • Try reading the letter out loud to help you spot any errors that you might miss while reading the letter silently.
  • Don’t rely on your word processing software to catch errors. These programs are not foolproof for spotting errors.

Step 4 Print the letter on high-quality bond paper and sign it.

  • If you need to submit the letter electronically, convert it to PDF format.

Expert Q&A

Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

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Teaching job application letter examples (+ PDF and MS Word samples)

Cover Image for Teaching job application letter examples (+ PDF and MS Word samples)

This article will show how to write write teacher jobs application letter so you increase your chances of landing the job. We'll provide samples of teacher job application letter here and also in PDF and MS Word that you can use as a template.

  • Tips for writing teacher job application letter

Sample application letter for teacher

  • Download sample application letters for the post of teacher

Before getting start writing the application letter for teaching job, here are some tips that will help you do it best:

Tips for writing teacher job application cover letter

  • Know about the school you're applying for and the specific requirements for the job position
  • Emphasise on your academic and extracurricular experience, especially as it applies to the job you're applying for
  • Highlight your experiences and accomplishments but as much as possible keep those relevant to the job you're applying for
  • As much as possible, know the name of the person you should address the letter to. It is better to use a name in the recipient's address than to use some generic "Dear Sir/Madam"
  • Proofread and do proper spelling checks before submitting the letter
  • Use a suitable font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri

Teacher in classroom

Jumoke Lawson 123 Yaba Ugo Street Yaba Lagos [email protected]

September 24, 2021

Mr. Umar Kabiru Green Peak School 123 Main Street Victoria Island Lagos

Dear Mr. Umar,

I am interested in applying for a secondary teaching position in your school. As a graduate of Yaba College of Education, I have required teaching experience on the JSS 1, 2 and 3 level, in both Physics and Mathematics. I believe my years of teaching experience, coupled with my passion for community engagement make me an ideal candidate for this teaching position.

I am currently teaching JSS 2 students at Bright Stars Secondary School and I have experience teaching secondary school students in a variety of settings. Having held the position of education coordinator at my previous roles, I also have experience in management in the school system. Based on my understanding that this position requires a teacher with varied experiences in the school system, I think my varied experiences would make me a valuable asset for your school.

Part of your school's mission is to engage students from diverse cultures. I have extensive experience incorporating teaching styles that promote cultural diversity and inclusion into my classrooms. For example, as a teacher at Bright Stars Secondary School, I helped the management incorporate Culture Times in the extracurricular activities for the students, which helps students learn about the different cultures of fellow students in a fun way.

My goal is to combine my wide experience and quality of being a compassionate and intelligent teacher to make positive contributions that will benefit your students, school district and community at large.

I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely, [signature hard copy letter] Jumoke Lawson

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Download application letters for the post of teacher in PDF and MS Word

Grab a free sample of Teacher Job Application Letter (MS Word) OR Teacher Job Application Letter (PDF) .

Wishing you all the best in your interview and that you ultimately land the job!

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12 Excerpts from Sample Application Letters for Teacher Positions

12 excerpts from sample application letters for teacher positions

How to write a cover letter, a.k.a. a letter of application for a teacher, that convinces the reader to move on to your resume and ultimately land a job interview. To help you, I’ve assembled hard-hitting excerpts from application letters for teaching positions.

Use your academic cover letter to introduce yourself as a professional educator, highlight your hands-on teaching experience, demonstrate your talents and skills, and portray your unwavering commitment to education. These various teacher application letters’ selections include individuals focusing on elementary education, special education, substitute teaching, and school administration.

A cover letter for a teaching position should be designed and written to showcase your greatest strengths as an educator. Display concrete examples of how you have actively engaged students, implemented creative lesson plans, and differentiated instruction.

Below you will find excerpts from the various sections that make up the sample application letters for teacher positions: introduction, body, and conclusion (or concluding paragraph). Remember that your letter’s structure is important: it should contain an introductory paragraph, one or two body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

Sample Applicant Letters – Three Introduction Paragraphs

  • It is with great pleasure to present my resume to you for a Special Education Teacher position with ABC School District. I have earned a Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education and Florida Teaching Certification. As a hardworking and dedicated teaching professional, I am confident in my ability to become a valuable member of your academic team.
  • I am excited to present my well-rounded resume to you for the position of Elementary School Teacher. With a Master’s Degree in Education and 12 years of teaching expertise, I am confident in my ability to be an asset to your exceptional teaching team.
  • With over ten years of hands-on teaching experience in the classroom, a Master of Art in Teaching Degree, and an Administrative Credential, I am eager to transition into Assistant Principal’s leadership role . My enclosed resume will demonstrate my commitment to education, excellent leadership skills, and my passion for academics.

Six Examples of Sentences in an Application Letter Body for a Teaching Position

  • The enclosed resume will highlight my career accomplishments and showcase my expertise in education. I have had the opportunity to instruct a diverse student population, including those with ADD/ADHD, autism, developmental delays, learning disabilities, non-compliant behavior, and physical challenges. As a result, I possess the ability to remain calm, patient, and persistent. I administer frequent assessments, communicate regularly with parents, and adapt instructional techniques to facilitate students’ changing goals and needs.
  • Being a versatile educator, I have had the fantastic opportunity to teach an academically and socially diverse group of children from grades one to five. I have developed excellent communication, interpersonal, organization, and problem-solving skills, enabling me to effectively teach any elementary grade level. I have proven my ability to adapt quickly to a changing student population while maintaining a well-behaved and focused learning environment.
  • My teaching style is very flexible and student-focused. I take the time to get to know my students individually, allowing me to tailor my instruction according to their unique learning goals. I design adaptable lesson plans, exciting hands-on activities, and engaging thematic units to spark students’ interest, attention, and imagination.
  • I facilitate student learning by developing innovative lessons that students can find relatable, understandable, and memorable. I utilize strategies centered on the latest research-based instruction to incorporate engaging activities effectively and relevant materials that capture my students’ interest.
  • By integrating exciting technology, meaningful manipulatives, and cooperative learning projects, I have provided students with a well-balanced educational experience that promotes academic, social, cognitive, and physical development.
  • My greatest strength as an educator is my ability to actively engage the class. By incorporating up-to-date technology, appropriate literature, and meaningful thematic units, I can effectively facilitate all learners’ types and levels while sparking their interest in education.

Three Examples of a Conclusion Found in Sample Application Letters for Teacher Postings

  • Being a very innovative and dedicated educator, I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my extensive experience and skills will benefit your academic program. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • As a collaborative and student-focused teacher, I welcome the chance to discuss how my expertise, skillset, and passion will benefit your academic program. Thank you for your time and attention, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
  • I am a resourceful, dedicated, and determined instructor willing to lead extracurricular activities. I am confident you will find me to be a valuable member of your team. I can be reached by telephone or email and welcome the opportunity to speak with you further.

With these examples, you will now have a great starting point from developing your academic application letter or cover letter. Use these example sentences to help you write a compelling letter that will get school districts’ attention.

Below you can view an application letter sample for an Education Consultant. It will provide you with a full version of how the letter should be written and formatted.  

education consultant application letter sample

Whether you are writing a new teacher resume or an educational leadership resume , the font and design should match the application letter.

Do you need assistance with writing your academic resume or application letter?

As a professional resume writer with dual certification in resume writing, I know what it takes to grab potential schools’ attention.

When it comes to your future educational career, seeking out a career coach’s help is always a great idea.

We can help you with your teacher’s cover letter, resume, LinkedIn profile, interviewing skills, and numerous other services . Find out more about Candace Alstad – Davies .

Feel free to contact me  or call 1-877-738-8052 to speak to me directly.

Next post: How to Discover Your Education Accomplishments to Write a Credible Resume

Previous post: 5 Ways an Application Letter for a Teacher Can Communicate Passion

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Teacher Cover Letter

teacher cover letter

Cover Letter Examples for Teacher - 8+ Free Documents in Word, PDF

Sample job application cover letter - 8+ free documents in pdf ..., sample cover letter example - 12+ free documents in pdf, doc.

teacher cover letter bundle 1024x530

Download Teacher Cover Letter Bundle

What is a Teacher Cover Letter?

A Teacher Cover Letter is a personalized document accompanying your resume, explicitly designed to highlight your teaching experience, educational philosophy, and the unique qualities that make you the ideal candidate for a teaching position. It serves as a professional introduction, aiming to capture the attention of potential employers and persuade them to consider you for an interview. Crafting a well-thought-out cover letter is crucial in the competitive education job market.

Teacher Cover Letter Format


  • Start with your contact information.
  • Mention the date.
  • Include the recipient’s details.
  • Open with a polite salutation and the hiring manager’s name if known.

Opening Paragraph

  • Clearly state the position you’re applying for.
  • Express your enthusiasm for the role.
  • Briefly mention how you found the job listing.

Middle Paragraph(s)

  • Highlight your relevant experience and achievements.
  • Discuss how your skills and educational background make you a good fit for the job and the school’s culture.
  • Mention any special projects or initiatives that align with the school’s goals.

Closing Paragraph

  • Reiterate your interest in the position and the school.
  • Mention your resume is attached (for emails) or enclosed (for letters).
  • Indicate your eagerness to discuss your application in more detail during an interview.
  • Thank the reader for considering your application.
  • Close with a professional sign-off (“Sincerely,” “Best regards,” etc.) and your name.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep the tone professional yet personal.
  • Tailor each cover letter to the specific school and job listing.
  • Proofread for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Keep it concise, aiming for one page.

Cover Letter for Teaching Job PDF, Word, Google Docs

cover letter for teaching job pdf

PDF Word Google Docs

Maximize your application’s impact with a Cover Letter for Teaching Job PDF. This format ensures accessibility and professionalism, incorporating elements from a Job Application Cover Letter to articulate your suitability for the role distinctly. You may also see  Teacher Resignation Letter .

Sample Teacher Cover Letter with Experience

sample teacher cover letter with experience

Elevate your application with a Sample Teacher Cover Letter with Experience, showcasing your achievements and teaching philosophy. Integrate aspects of a Resume Cover Letter , highlighting how your past experiences make you an ideal candidate. You may also see  Letter of Resignation .

High School Teacher Cover Letter

high school teacher cover letter

A High School Teacher Cover Letter focuses on subject expertise and the ability to engage and inspire teenagers. Mentioning an Example Cover Letter can guide structuring content that resonates with secondary education institutions. You may also see  Letter of Application Form

Teacher Cover Letter No Experience

teacher cover letter no experience

Crafting a Teacher Cover Letter No Experience requires highlighting your potential, enthusiasm, and educational background. Utilize components from a Cover Letter for Internship to demonstrate your readiness to contribute and grow in the educational field. You may also see  Cover Letter for Administrative Assistant

 Cover Letter Example For Teacher

cover letter example for teacher

This Cover Letter Example For Teacher is your ultimate guide to composing an outstanding cover letter. It briefly covers all the essential parts including skill, academic qualification and why you are most well suited for the job.

Sample Teacher Cover Letter With Experience

sample teacher cover letter with experience

Make a great first impression with this Sample Teacher Cover Letter With Experience, which can showcase all your skills and qualification in a very compact manner without sounding too overwhelming.

Teacher Assistant Cover Letter

teacher assistant cover letter

Size: 39 KB

Here’s the best Teacher Assistant Cover Letter you can get your hands on. With this, you can cite your qualification from your CV and subtly mention why you fit the job description and make necessary changes to personalize it. You may also see Teacher Letter of Recommendation .

Elementary Teacher Cover Letter

elementary teacher cover letter

Size: 43 KB

Try this Elementary Teacher Cover Letter for the job of your dreams. It offers three different samples which can be modified easily without any hassle and mentions all the general criteria which make you an eligible candidate. You may also see  Offer Letter .

Teacher Resume Cover Letter

teacher resume cover letter

Size: 603 KB

This Teacher Resume Cover Letter is everything you need to write up a great cover letter and woo the HR. It consists of brief guidelines to make your very own cover letter that speaks a ton about your expertise.

New Teacher Cover Letter

new teacher cover letter1

Size: 277 KB

Get this New Teacher Cover Letter and create the best cover letter ever. It has several formatting tips, objectives with examples about what goes well as heading, degree, certification etc.

Biology Teacher Cover Letter

biology teacher cover letter

Size: 36 KB

Try this Biology teacher cover letter and get your dream job. This is a clear example of what a cover letter must have and how briefly it can be written to point out the best in you.

College Teacher Cover Letter

college teacher cover letter

Size: 34 KB

This College teacher cover letter goes to show what can be included and how one should format a cover letter. It has tips for formatting, writing style suggestion and a great sample as well.

Daycare Teacher Cover Letter

daycare teacher cover letter

Size: 139 KB

This Daycare teacher cover letter is a very simple example of what an ideal cover letter must look like and consist of. It has the right format and writing style which can be modified according to your preference.

Music Teacher Cover Letter

music teacher cover letter

Size: 28 KB

With this Music Teacher Cover Letter, you have to customize your personalized cover letter that speaks of your proficiency in the field. This is an ideal one for all music teachers and alike.

Uses of Teacher Cover Letter

uses of teacher cover letter 1024x530

  • Introducing qualifications and experience.
  • Expressing passion for teaching.
  • Highlighting relevant skills and expertise.
  • Demonstrating knowledge of educational principles.
  • Personalizing application for specific school or position.
  • Addressing gaps in resume or experience.
  • Sharing teaching philosophy.
  • Mentioning innovative teaching methods.
  • Emphasizing commitment to student success.
  • Requesting consideration for the teaching position.

What do you Write in a Cover Letter for a Teaching Job?

Writing a cover letter for a teaching job involves showcasing your passion for education, teaching experience, and how you can contribute to the institution. Start with a personalized greeting, then move on to express your enthusiasm for the position and the school. Highlight your teaching philosophy, achievements in previous roles, and how these align with the school’s values and goals. Incorporate an example or story that demonstrates your skills and impact on students’ learning. Conclude with a strong closing statement, expressing your eagerness to bring your skills to their team, and include a call to action, inviting them to review your attached resume or to contact you for an interview. Letter of Reference your Teacher Recommendation Letter or Letter of Intent to strengthen your application.

Who should I Address my Cover Letter to teacher?

Address your cover letter to the specific individual responsible for hiring, if known. Start by researching the school’s website or calling the administrative office to find out the name of the hiring manager or principal. If this information is not available, you can use a general salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [School Name] Selection Committee.” Personalizing the greeting when possible shows attention to detail and genuine interest in the position. Including a respectful address lays the groundwork for a professional tone throughout your Sample letter , akin to a Job Acceptance Letter formality.

How do you Write an Introduction Letter for a New Teacher?

An introduction letter for a new teacher to parents or colleagues should begin with a warm greeting and a brief introduction of yourself, including your educational background and teaching experience. Mention what led you to teaching and any specific teaching philosophy or methodologies you adhere to. Share your excitement about joining the school community and the positive impact you hope to have on your students’ academic and personal growth. It’s helpful to include how you plan to communicate and collaborate with parents and colleagues throughout the school year. End with an invitation for open communication, mirroring the inclusive tone of a Teacher Appreciation Letter .

How do I Write a Short Cover Letter with No Experience?

Writing a short cover letter when you have no direct teaching experience requires focusing on your potential, enthusiasm, educational qualifications, and transferable skills that are relevant to teaching. Start with a strong introduction, expressing your passion for education and the specific teaching position. Highlight your educational background, including any relevant coursework, workshops, or volunteer experiences that demonstrate your commitment to education and ability to engage with students. Discuss soft skills such as communication, creativity, and adaptability, providing examples that showcase these qualities. Conclude by expressing your eagerness to learn and contribute to the school community, similar to the proactive approach seen in an Authorization Letter .

Cover Letter for a Teacher Writing Tips

tips for teacher cover letter 1024x530

What should a Cover Letter Say Example?

A cover letter should introduce you, highlight your teaching philosophy, experiences, and achievements. Use a Resume Cover Letter to connect your skills with the job requirements, showing how you’ll benefit the school.

What is a Personal Statement for a New Teacher?

A Personal Statement for a new teacher outlines their teaching philosophy, passion for education, and goals for fostering student growth. It’s akin to a Personal Reference Letter , showcasing your character and commitment.

How long Should a Cover Letter be for a Teaching Position?

A cover letter for a teaching position should be concise, ideally one page long, encapsulating your qualifications and enthusiasm similar to an Application Letter , without overwhelming the reader with excessive details. You may also see  Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

How do you Start a letter to a New Teacher?

Start a letter to a new teacher with a warm greeting, followed by an introduction of yourself. Reference a Recommendation Letter ‘s tone, expressing support and eagerness to collaborate for student success.

How long Should a Cover Letter be?

A cover letter should be succinct, ideally one page, mirroring the brevity and focus of a Job Offer Letter . It should detail your qualifications and interest in the position effectively. You may also see  Personal Letter of Recommendation

A Teacher Cover Letter serves as a vital tool in the job application process, enabling educators to express their dedication, experience, and suitability for a teaching role. Including a Letter of Consent in your application can further attest to your professionalism and readiness to engage in the teaching community. This document, alongside your resume and other application materials, plays a pivotal role in securing opportunities and advancing your teaching career.

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Application for the Position of Teacher (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for the position of teacher.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for a Teaching Position

First, find the sample template for application for the position of teacher below.

The Principal, [Name of School], [School Address], [City], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for the Position of Teacher

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], am writing this letter to express my sincere interest in the advertised teaching position in your esteemed institution. I came across this opportunity in [wherever you found out about the job], dated [date of the job advertisement].

Equipped with a Bachelor’s degree in Education from [Your University’s Name] and [number of years] years of teaching experience, I believe I possess the necessary qualifications for this role. I have taught [subjects you’ve taught] to [the standard or grade you’ve taught] students at [name of your previous school(s)].

My teaching methodology involves making learning interactive and interesting to ensure better comprehension and retention. I strive to motivate students, understand their individual needs, and help them overcome academic challenges. I am also adept at using technology and innovative teaching aids to enhance the learning process.

What attracts me to your institution is its reputation for nurturing young minds and providing a holistic education. I am confident that my passion for teaching, dedication to student development, and my subject knowledge would make a significant contribution to your school.

Please find my resume enclosed with this application. It gives a detailed account of my academic and professional journey. I am looking forward to an opportunity to discuss my candidacy further.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City], [Postal Code] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application for the position of teacher” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for the Position of Teacher Citing Passion for Education and Learning

Application for the Position of Teacher Citing Passion for Education and Learning

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City Name, State, Postal Code].

I, [Your Full Name], am writing to express my interest in the position of a teacher at your esteemed institution, as advertised recently in [mention where you found the job posting]. I am passionate about education and believe that learning is a lifelong journey that should be embarked upon with enthusiasm and curiosity.

I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from [Your University’s Name] and have [number of years of experience] in teaching [mention the subject or grade you specialize in]. My teaching philosophy revolves around making learning interesting, relatable, and fun for the students. I strive to create a nurturing and encouraging environment, which I believe is essential for the overall growth of a student.

I am well-versed in the CBSE curriculum and am adept at using various teaching methodologies to cater to the diverse learning styles of students. I am confident in my ability to incorporate modern teaching aids effectively in my lessons, making the content more engaging and easy to understand.

Apart from academics, I also encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities to develop their overall personality. I firmly believe that every child has unique potential and as a teacher, it’s my duty to help them discover and nurture it.

I am excited at the prospect of being part of [School’s Name] and contributing to the intellectual growth of your students. I assure you of my dedication and commitment towards creating a positive and stimulating learning environment.

Enclosed with this letter are my resume and relevant documents for your perusal. I would be delighted to discuss my application further in an interview.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to serve at your esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

Application for the Position of Teacher Highlighting Experience and Expertise

Application for the Position of Teacher Highlighting Experience and Expertise

To, The Principal, [School’s Name], [School’s Address], [City], [State], [Postal Code]

I, [Your Name], am writing this letter with reference to the recent advertisement in [Advertisement Source] dated [Date] for the vacancy of a teacher in your esteemed institution.

I have completed my Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from [University Name] and hold a Master’s degree in [Subject Name] from [University Name]. I have an overall teaching experience of [Number of Years of Experience] years. For the past [Number of Years] years, I have been working as a [Subject Name] teacher at [Previous School’s Name] where I was responsible for creating lesson plans, assessing student’s performance, and conducting parent-teacher meetings.

My teaching methodology focuses on making concepts simple and relatable for the students, thus aiding them in understanding and retaining the knowledge. I firmly believe that a good teacher is not just a deliverer of information, but a mentor and guide who can shape the students’ character and inspire them towards lifelong learning.

I am confident that my educational qualifications, teaching experience, and passion for teaching would make me a valuable addition to your team of educators. I am excited about the prospect of joining [School’s Name] and contributing to the academic growth and holistic development of the students.

Kindly find attached my resume for your perusal. I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my application further.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City], [State], [Postal Code] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Application for the Position of Teacher Emphasizing Ability to Handle Diverse Learning Styles

Application for the Position of Teacher Emphasizing Ability to Handle Diverse Learning Styles

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

I am writing to express my interest in applying for the vacant Teacher position at your esteemed institution. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from [University Name] and a total teaching experience of [Number of Years]. I am confident that my unique blend of skills and experience make me the perfect candidate for this role.

My teaching philosophy is based on inclusivity and diversity. I believe in creating a learning environment that accommodates different learning styles. From visual learners to kinesthetic learners, I strive to develop teaching methods that cater to the varied needs of students. I understand that each student is unique and it is my responsibility as an educator to nurture their individual talents and potentials.

I have had the privilege of implementing these practices in my previous roles at [Previous School Name] where I was able to see a marked improvement in the students’ performance. My approachable demeanor and ability to connect with students on a personal level have always enabled me to provide the best support and guidance.

In addition to my teaching skills, I am fluent in English, Hindi, and [Local Language], which allows me to effectively communicate with a diverse group of students and parents. I am also proficient in using various educational technologies to enhance the learning experience.

I am confident that my passion for teaching, dedication towards the growth of students, and the ability to handle diverse learning styles would make a significant contribution to your school. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eagerly waiting for your positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Application for the Position of Teacher Focusing on Technological Integration in Classroom

Application for the Position of Teacher Focusing on Technological Integration in Classroom

To, The Principal, [School’s Name], [School’s Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for the Position of Teacher Focusing on Technological Integration in the Classroom

I, [Your Name], am writing to express my interest in the position of Teacher focusing on Technological Integration in the Classroom, as advertised on your school’s website. I am a qualified teacher with a Bachelor’s degree in Education from [Your University Name] and a Master’s degree in Technology in Education from [Your University Name]. I believe that my academic qualifications combined with my teaching experience make me an ideal candidate for this role.

In my previous role at [Previous School’s Name], I successfully incorporated technology in the classroom, enhancing the learning experiences for students. I used digital tools such as interactive whiteboards, learning management systems and educational apps to make classes more engaging and interactive.

I understand that in today’s digital age, it is crucial for students to be comfortable with technology. I am passionate about instilling this comfort and knowledge in my students, and I am confident that I can bring a fresh and innovative approach to your esteemed institution.

I am a firm believer in the power of technology to transform education. I am excited about the prospect of bringing my skills and passion to [School’s Name] and to contribute to the technological advancement of the teaching-learning process at your esteemed institution.

I am enclosing my resume and relevant certificates for your perusal. I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my suitability for this position at an interview.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [School’s Name].

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City], [State], [Pin Code] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Application for the Position of Teacher Outlining Dedication to Foster Student Growth

Application for the Position of Teacher Outlining Dedication to Foster Student Growth

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address of the School], [City, State, Pin Code]

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my keen interest in the vacant position of a teacher at your esteemed school. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Education from [Your University’s Name], and I have [Number of Years] years of experience in teaching [Subject Name] at primary/secondary level.

My passion for teaching and love for children drives me to commit myself to the noble profession of teaching. I strongly believe in nurturing young minds and fostering their growth to ensure they reach their full potential. I am confident that my educational background and relevant experience make me an ideal candidate for this job.

I aim to create an engaging and welcoming learning environment, where students feel comfortable to ask questions and share their views. I focus on enhancing students’ critical thinking skills, encouraging their curiosity, and developing their confidence.

I have been praised for my ability to explain complex concepts in simple, easy-to-understand language that even a school-going child can comprehend. I am comfortable with the use of technology in teaching and have experience in using various interactive educational tools.

I am confident that I can contribute significantly to your school’s mission to provide high-quality education to all students. If given the opportunity, I intend to instil a love for learning in my students and guide them in their journey of knowledge discovery.

For your convenience, I have attached my resume, which provides a detailed overview of my qualifications and experiences. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss my application with you further.

Thank you for considering my application. I hope to have the privilege of contributing to your esteemed institution as a dedicated teacher.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

How to Write Application for the Position of Teacher

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • State the position you’re applying for upfront.
  • Mention your qualifications related to teaching.
  • Include your teaching experience and achievements.
  • Express passion for the subject you plan to teach.
  • Highlight skills in classroom management and lesson planning.
  • Explain how you can contribute to the school or institution.
  • Showcase any special skills or certifications.
  • Provide information about relevant awards or honors.
  • End with a professional closing and your contact details.

Related Topics:

  • Application for the Position of English Teacher
  • Application for the Post of Assistant Teacher
  • Scholarship Request Application

View all topics →

I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application for the position of teacher”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Job Application for Teachers Template

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Home Business Letter of Recommendation Teacher

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Template

Create a teacher letter of recommendation to showcase a teacher’s accomplishments and emphasize their qualifications for a new teaching position.

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher

Updated May 13, 2024 Written by Raina Chou | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A Letter of Recommendation for Teacher is a vital document that showcases a teacher’s professional abilities and personal qualities. It helps decision-makers in educational institutions understand why a candidate is the perfect fit for a specific teaching position.

Key Takeaways

  • The letter writer should be someone of educational authority, such as a principal, department head, or another teaching colleague.
  • Highlight the teacher’s unique skills and experiences that match the role they are applying for.
  • Explain how the teacher’s values align with the prespective school’s culture.
  • Use examples like improved test scores, leadership initiatives, or innovative projects to showcase the teacher’s impact.

Who Should Write

Keys for an effective teacher recommendation letter, how to write a letter of recommendation for teacher, sample letter of recommendation for teacher.

A teacher letter of recommendation should be written by someone who has closely observed the teacher’s professional conduct. This could be a  principal, department head, another teaching colleague, or someone in a supervisory educational role .

Can a parent write a letter of recommendation for a teacher?

While parents can provide valuable perspectives, they are often not ideal for writing a teacher’s recommendation letter due to potential bias and lack of direct supervision. Letters from colleagues or educational supervisors carry more weight, as they can objectively assess teaching skills, classroom management, and contributions to the school’s educational goals.

Reference the Position

Tailor the recommendation to the specific teaching position. Highlight how the teacher’s skills and experiences make them particularly suited for the role.

Here are ways to effectively align the recommendation with the job requirements:

  • Large Classroom Management : Highlight their proven ability to manage multiple students effectively . For example, mention a time when the teacher successfully implemented group projects and cooperative learning strategies that engaged a diverse group of students in a large classroom setting.
  • Subject Specialization : Focus on the teacher’s depth of knowledge and passion for the subject. Discuss instances where the teacher went beyond the curriculum to enrich students’ understanding and interest, perhaps through innovative experiments, historical reenactments, or by integrating technology to create immersive learning experiences.
  • Contributions to Private Institutions : Emphasize attributes that align with the institution’s specific philosophy and values . Mention the teacher’s ability to tailor lessons to individual learning styles, their involvement in extracurricular activities that support the school’s mission, or their contribution to community service initiatives that reflect the institution’s values.

Discuss the Candidate’s Values

Emphasize the teacher’s educational values and how they manifest in their teaching style and classroom management. Link these values to the school’s culture and mission to show alignment and potential contributions.

Examples can include:

  • Commitment to Inclusivity : Explain how the teacher adapts lessons to accommodate different learning needs, encourages respectful discussions among students from diverse backgrounds, or creates a safe space where students are comfortable sharing their thoughts.
  • Fostering Collaboration : Many schools prioritize a collaborative culture among students and staff. If the teacher excels in fostering teamwork, describe how they engage students in group activities, facilitate peer learning, or contribute to collaborative curriculum development.
  • Dedication to Character Building : Some schools prioritize character development alongside academics. If the teacher emphasizes this value in their classroom, highlight examples where they encouraged kindness, perseverance, or responsibility among students.

Include Desirable Qualities

Highlight key attributes that distinguish great educators. Based on insights from both academic research and educational professionals , consider emphasizing the following qualities:

  • Strong Listening and Communication Skills : Teachers must effectively convey concepts while listening to students’ needs, adapting lessons to ensure comprehension and engagement.
  • Collaboration and Adaptability : Successful teachers work well within educational ecosystems, adapting teaching strategies to suit varying classroom dynamics and learning styles.
  • Engagement and Empathy : Engaging teachers connect learning with real-world applications and approach each student with empathy and a positive attitude. They build deep student-teacher relationships and are able to recognize unique backgrounds and learning hurdles.
  • Patience and Real-World Learning : Patience is vital in managing diverse classroom environments. Teachers who integrate real-world learning enhance engagement and understanding.
  • Lifelong Learning and Best Practice Sharing : Effective teachers are committed to continual learning and willingly share knowledge and best practices, enriching the school community.

Provide Concrete Examples

Use specific examples to illustrate the teacher’s achievements and effectiveness. Detail instances where they have gone above and beyond. Quantify the examples’ positive results (e.g., student outcomes, student achievement) if possible.

Concrete examples to demonstrate a teacher’s achievements may include:

  • Language development activities (X% improvement in early literacy scores)
  • Sensory learning stations (X% increase in children’s engagement levels)
  • Games initiative (X% increase in standardized test scores)
  • Environmental awareness project (reducing monthly waste by X%)
  • Technology integration (boosted assessment scores by X%)
  • Student leadership program (reduced absenteeism by X%)
  • Advanced Placement (AP) or SAT success (increased pass rate by X%; improved average scores by X points)
  • Career and technical education (CTE) (X% employment rate in technical fields after graduation)

Step 1: Introduction

Address the purpose of the letter. Establish your authority by mentioning:

  • Your role in the current institution;
  • Your professional relationship with the teacher;
  • How long and in what capacity you have known the teacher.

Remember to use business letter format when crafting the letter. If sending via email, title the message as “Letter of Recommendation for [Teacher’s Name].”

Introduction Sample

Dear Hiring Committee,

I am pleased to recommend Jennifer Smith for the English Teacher position at Meadowbrook High School. As Jennifer’s department head during her tenure at Riverside Middle School, where she has been a valued educator for five years, my extensive secondary education background allows me to attest to her teaching skills and dedication confidently.

Step 2: Body Paragraphs

Use the next 2-3 paragraphs to discuss the teacher’s specific qualities that make them a successful teacher. Mention:

  • Relevant anecdotes and skills that illustrate the teacher’s qualities;
  • How these qualities match the job description.

Body Paragraphs Sample #1: High school math teacher

Michael’s expertise in mathematics education and outstanding adaptability align perfectly with the demands of the Math Department Head role at Crestwood High School. A memorable example includes when he revamped the school’s Algebra curriculum to focus on real-world problem-solving, leading to a 20% improvement in students’ standardized test scores in just one year.

Throughout his tenure, Michael has consistently demonstrated strong leadership and commitment to fostering a positive learning environment. One notable achievement was his implementation of a peer tutoring program, which resulted in a 10% reduction in students struggling with foundational math concepts.

Additionally, Michael’s innovative approach to collaborative learning is a testament to his suitability for this role, particularly in a large educational institution like Crestwood High School. He effectively integrates group projects and technology into his lessons, enhancing student engagement and confidence. Thanks to Michael’s dedication, Crestwood’s math team secured the top spot in the regional math competition for the first time in five years.

Body Paragraphs Sample #2: Special education teacher

Maria demonstrates a deep understanding of special education strategies and unwavering commitment to her students’ well-being and academic growth. A memorable example includes when Maria developed a personalized learning plan for a student with autism, which significantly improved the student’s communication skills and social interactions.

Throughout her tenure, Maria has consistently demonstrated empathy, patience, and innovation. One notable achievement was her implementation of an inclusive classroom model that integrates special education students with their peers, resulting in a 35% increase in overall student engagement and collaboration, as measured by our yearly student assessments.

Moreover, Maria’s approach to individualized instruction and her ability to adapt lessons to meet diverse learning needs make her exceptionally well-suited for the role at Riverside Learning Center, an institution that prioritizes personalized and inclusive education. Thanks to her effective methods,  students improved academically and showed remarkable progress in social and emotional development.

Body Paragraphs Sample #3: Elementary teacher

Sarah has a profound understanding of child development and exceptional empathy in action. A memorable example includes when Sarah initiated a reading buddy system pairing older and younger students, which led to a measurable improvement in reading fluency across grades by 30%.

Throughout her tenure, Sarah has consistently demonstrated dedication and creativity. One notable achievement was her development of an integrated science and art curriculum, which, according to our yearly evaluations, resulted in a 20% increase in student engagement.

Moreover, Sarah’s approach to inclusive education is a testament to her suitability for this role, especially in an institution like Sunnydale Academy, which values diverse educational strategies. Thanks to her effective methods, students improved academically and exhibited significant enhancements in social skills and empathy.

Step 3: Closing

Reiterate your endorsement of the candidate’s abilities and your confidence in their suitability for the position. Provide your contact information for follow-up questions.

Closing Sample

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse Emily Parker, as she is the ideal candidate for the role of English Department Coordinator at Ridgeway Middle School. Her exceptional teaching methods, leadership skills, and unwavering dedication to student success assure me she will be a valuable addition to your team.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at 555-555-5555 or [email protected] .

Yours Sincerely,


Copy the free sample below or download our customizable teacher recommendation letter sample in both PDF and word formats.

___________________ [Referrer’s Name] ___________________ [Referrer’s Company] ______________________________________[Referrer’s Address] ___________________[Referrer’s Phone Number or Email Address]

_______________, 20_____

___________________ [Recipient’s Name] ___________________ [Recipient’s Company] ______________________________________ [Recipient’s Address] ___________________ [Recipient’s Phone Number or Email Address]

Dear ________________________ [Recipient’s name],

I am writing to recommend ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for ___________________ [Position applied for] at ___________________ [Name of entity]. As ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s ___________________ [Relation to applicant] for the past ___ years at ___________________ [Name of entity where the referrer and applicant worked], I have had the pleasure of witnessing ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s professional growth firsthand. With ___ years of experience in ___________________ [Referrer’s professional field], I believe I am well-positioned to provide an accurate assessment of ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s contributions and skills.

During their tenure, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] has consistently demonstrated ___________________ [Personal trait]. One notable achievement was their involvement in __________________________________________________________ [Applicant’s accomplishment], showcasing their ability to _______________________________ [Key quality relevant to the applied position] — key qualities for the role at your company. As a result, ________________________________________________________ [Result of accomplishment].

In addition, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] exhibits strong ___________________ [Personal trait]. This was evident in ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s commitment to __________________________________________________________ [Applicant’s accomplishment].

Thanks to ___________________ [Applicant’s name], _____________________________________________ [Result of accomplishment]. ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s skills in _______________________________________ [Professional skills relevant to the position applied for] also align seamlessly with the requirements of the position. With their expertise and impeccable work ethics, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] is sure to be an invaluable asset to your team.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for this position. I am confident that they will exceed your expectations and contribute positively to your team. Should you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact me at [phone number] or [email address].

___________________ [Referrer’s Signature]

___________________ [Referrer’s Print Name]

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    Subject: Application for the Position of Teacher. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], am writing this letter to express my sincere interest in the advertised teaching position in your esteemed institution. I came across this opportunity in [wherever you found out about the job], dated [date of the job advertisement].

  17. PDF Example Application Letter for A Teaching Post

    APPLICATION LETTER FOR A TEACHING POST Helping Qualified Teachers find Employment NOKWANDA MKHABELA 3963 Mkhwanazi Street, Orange Farm, Johannesburg, 1859 · (011) 896 4525 · 065 123 4521 [email protected] February 15, 2021 Mr. J Nkabinde Ikaneng Primary School Mahlangu Street Diepkloof, 1847 Dear Mr. Nkabinde

  18. 13+ Sample Job Application Letters for Teachers

    Advantages of Using Our Job Application Letter Templates for Teachers. The benefits that you may have in using our downloadable job application cover letters in PDF for teachers are as follows: . The printable templates that are available in this post are simple letters and editable letters.You can easily add or deduct information depending on the details that you would like to include in your ...

  19. Job Application for Teachers Template

    Once you've collected all the scholarship applicants through this form, you can move the data into Jotform's PDF editor. This editor provides you to format the applications easier. We prepared a PDF template by using this form for you. This scholarship application PDF template makes recording the applicants' data easy.

  20. Sample Application Letter (Teacher)

    SAMPLE APPLICATION LETTER (TEACHER) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document is a sample application letter from Karl Jeramil S. Lanuzo applying for a position as an elementary teacher at Sto. Nino SPED Central School. Some key points: - The applicant expresses their passion for teaching children with special needs and ...

  21. Teacher Cover Letter Example

    Size: A4, US. Free Download. The Teacher Cover Letter Template offers a structured outline to present your educational background, teaching experiences, and pedagogical skills in a compelling manner, enhancing your candidacy for teaching positions. It streamlines the application process, enabling you to highlight your qualifications effectively.

  22. Teacher Application Letter PDF

    teacher application letter.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Corazon M. Abriam is applying for a teaching position in your prestigious school. My student teaching experiences afforded me the opportunity to assume all the responsibilities of a high school teacher at multiple year levels. I am eager to demonstrate my talent and teaching skills in ...

  23. Free Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Template

    Step 2: Body Paragraphs. Use the next 2-3 paragraphs to discuss the teacher's specific qualities that make them a successful teacher. Mention: Relevant anecdotes and skills that illustrate the teacher's qualities; How these qualities match the job description. Body Paragraphs Sample #1: High school math teacher.

  24. Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion

    Nov. 6, 2023. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Management Guideline. View clinical recommendations for diagnosis and management of adults with mild TBI. Apr. 29, 2024. Health Care Provider Resources. View resources to manage and prevent concussions. Apr. 15, 2024.