Current Affairs

Books and Authors 2024: Latest Updates

  • Books and Authors

A Book Titled "The Winner's Mindset," Authored by Shane Watson

April 29, 2024

Books and Authors 2024: List of Latest Book Writers and Authors_4.1

April 27, 2024

Books and Authors 2024: List of Latest Book Writers and Authors_5.1

April 24, 2024

The book, 'India — the Road to Renaissance: A Vision and an Agenda' by Bhimeswara Chall

April 18, 2024

"Just a Mercenary?": Duvvuri Subbarao's Memoir Unveils the Tensions Between the RBI and the Government

April 16, 2024

Books and Authors 2024: List of Latest Book Writers and Authors_9.1

April 15, 2024

Sam Pitroda's New Book 'The Idea of Democracy'

April 8, 2024

Indian-British Writer's Book on AI Shortlisted for Women's Prize

March 29, 2024

A book titled "From A Car Shed To The Corner Room & Beyond" by S. Raman

March 28, 2024

'Phool Bahadur' - The First Magahi Novel in English

March 26, 2024

Books and Authors 2024: List of Latest Book Writers and Authors_14.1

March 15, 2024

"The Conspiracy" By Gotabaya Rajapaksa

March 9, 2024

A book on Indian modern art “The Gems of Indian Art” launched

March 6, 2024

Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik releases book titled ‘FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023’

March 2, 2024

Books and Authors 2024: List of Latest Book Writers and Authors_18.1

March 1, 2024

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NPR's picks for 2021 books on current events

Denise Couture

Mano Sundaresan

LaTesha Harris

LaTesha Harris

Headshot of Scott Detrow, 2018

Scott Detrow

From NPR's yearly reading list, Books We Love, three NPR colleagues share their suggestions for reads on current events.

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14 Thought-Provoking Current Affairs Books Perfect for Social Action Book Clubs

A collection of six contemporary books with thought-provoking titles spread out on a dark surface, showcasing a variety of subjects from political exposés to personal narratives.

Committed to changing the world? These stirring reads for your book club are a great place to start.

The viral underclass: examining the intersection of social inequality and pandemic impact.

The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide

By dr. steven w. thrasher.

For readers interested in : Medical justice, poverty, HIV-AIDS, medical marginalization, health-care access for all

Two years after COVID-19 first swept the globe, a series of questions demands to be answered. Why have some communities avoided severe infection while others suffer the brunt of the disease? What social factors played a role in hindering — or accelerating — the virus’s impact? In The Viral Underclass, acclaimed LGBTQ scholar and social critic Dr. Steven W. Thrasher draws on years of studying the criminalization of HIV to explore the ways race, class, gender, and sexuality produce a “viral underclass” of individuals who are disproportionately vulnerable to viral spread. Filled with powerful first-person accounts of survival, Thrasher’s “compelling and compassionate analysis” ( Booklist, starred review) delivers an incisive critique of America’s health-care failings and humanizes the often overlooked while never losing sight of hope.

Black Skinhead by Brandi Collins-Dexter

Black Skinhead: Reflections on Blackness and Our Political Future

By brandi collins-dexter.

For readers interested in : Politics in America, racial justice, Black culture and identity, the future of Black votership in the Democratic Party

In her searing debut, former senior campaign manager for Color of Change Brandi Collins-Dexter presents an electric collection of essays that examines the fraying relationship between Black Americans and the Democratic Party. Black Skinhead brilliantly blends personal anecdotes with interviews, political analysis, and cultural critique to produce a multifaceted portrait of political disillusionment in the Black community. Exploring topics as far ranging as the lyrics of Kanye West and the stark reality of voter disenfranchisement, Collins-Dexter’s collection offers an honest and engaging look at identity and civic engagement and is a “must-read for anyone interested in politics and Black lives in America” ( Kirkus Reviews, starred review).

Publication date: 9/20/22

The january 6th report: a detailed analysis by david remnick on the events of the united states capitol attack, published in the new yorker magazine.

The January 6th Report

By select committee to investigate the january 6th attack on the united states capitol, with analysis by david remnick.

For readers interested in : American politics, the January 6th insurrection, the future of American democracy

In the wake of the January 6th attack on the U.S. capitol and the failed attempts of insurrectionists to thwart the peaceful transfer of power, a special congressional committee launched an investigation into how and why this act of domestic terrorism could occur. More than a year later, the committee now presents its final report to the world. Enhancing this eye-opening account is insightful political analysis from David Remnick, the Pulitzer Prize-winning editor of The New Yorker. The January 6th Report is fundamental to understanding this historic event and the growing internal threat against American democracy.

A striking book cover for 'the chaos machine,' depicting a cascade of social media emojis falling into a volatile pile, symbolizing the impact of social media on our minds and society.

The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds and Our World

By max fisher.

For readers interested in : Technology, social media, psychology, political polarization

In The Chaos Machine, Pulitzer Prize–winning author Max Fisher presents an in-depth investigation into the human toll of social media and Big Tech’s race for profit. Fisher adeptly demonstrates his abilities as a reporter here, crisscrossing the globe to cover a topic as unwieldy as the Internet with remarkable clarity and detail. Fisher exposes the many ways technology has destabilized our systems of government, fanned the flames of division and extremism, and wreaked havoc on our minds. Fisher also champions the efforts of Silicon Valley whistleblowers and outsiders who are leading the fight against Big Tech.

Book cover of "wastelands: the true story of farm country on trial" by corban addison with a foreword by john grisham, featuring a dramatic image of a barren field under a cloudy sky, indicating a theme of agricultural struggle and legal drama.

Wastelands: The True Story of Farm Country on Trial

By corban addison.

For readers interested in : Industrial farming, environmental racism, environmental justice

Wastelands is a spirited David and Goliath tale of a small North Carolina town and its battle against a neighboring industrial agricultural operation that polluted the community for years. Journalist and author Corban Addison chronicles the legal fight carried out by a spirited group of friends and neighbors who unite to protect one another and stop the ecological devastation of their coastal plain community. Expertly written with the pacing of a legal thriller, Wasteland both inspires with hope and warns against a future of unchecked corporate greed and pollution.

The cover of 'the trayvon generation' by elizabeth alexander, featuring a poignant portrait against a patterned backdrop, encapsulating themes of youth, identity, and social reflection.

The Trayvon Generation

By elizabeth alexander.

For readers interested in : American racial relations, racial justice, and Black culture and identity

In The Trayvon Generation, celebrated author and educator Elizabeth Alexander crafts a “profound and lyrical meditation on race, class, [and] justice” ( The New York Times ) that reckons with the reality of violence faced by young Black Americans today. Skillfully weaving together her own words with stirring works of art, Alexander speaks directly to the plight of teenagers and young adults who have come of age in the last 25 years, a generation burdened by the brutality and racist violence that killed George Floyd and Trayvon Martin. Alexander examines how this violence impacts the minds of Black youth today, heightening their anxiety and causing lasting damage to their mental health. The author also offers a guiding light to the future, highlighting the necessity of art on the path toward a brighter society.

Salmon wars: the dark underbelly of our favorite fish" - a provocative book cover with an image of a salmon set against a dramatic backdrop, hinting at a deep dive into the hidden complexities surrounding one of the world's most popular seafood choices.

Salmon Wars: The Dark Underbelly of Our Favorite Fish

By douglas frantz and catherine collins.

For readers interested in : Environmental justice, climate change, marine ecology, the future of the food industry

Acclaimed author and private investigator Catherine Collins teams up with Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Douglas Frantz to plumb the depths of salmon farming and the slippery industry practices that feed our hunger for the fish. In Salmon Wars, the authors reveal the ways the Atlantic salmon industry pollutes the environment, harms consumers, and mistreats its product with parasite-infested cages and massive ocean feedlots. This piece of investigative journalism also profiles a cast of activists fighting to save our fragile coastal ecosystems and outlines the steps we can take as everyday consumers to disrupt the toxic cycle of industrialized fish farming.

A poignant book cover featuring illustrated portraits of two black women against a red and white backdrop, with the title "america, goddam: violence, black women, and the struggle for justice" by treva b. lindsey, suggesting a powerful exploration of social issues.

America, Goddam: Violence, Black Women, and the Struggle for Justice

By treva b. lindsey.

For readers interested in : Intersectionality, historical injustice, misogynoir

America, Goddam zeroes in on the plight of Black women and girls in America and the impact anti-Black racism, misogyny, and patriarchal greed have had on their lives. Author Treva B. Lindsey draws on her training as a Black feminist historian to trace the legacy of violence against Black women and to champion the work of Black women and girls who fight for liberation. Through personal stories, America, Goddam argues that justice cannot exist in America without a collective reckoning of the horrific violence faced by Black women.

A book cover with a minimalist design featuring the title "bi: the hidden culture, history, and science of bisexuality" by julia shaw, presented with a two-tone circle that blends shades of pink with deep blue, symbolizing the bisexual flag colors, and the word "bi" prominently centered in white font.

Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality

By julia shaw.

For readers interested in : LGBTQ+ community, bisexuality, identity, human rights, activism, sexuality

Bi is a rigorous examination of sexuality from Dr. Julia Shaw, a criminal psychologist at University College London and founder of the International Bisexual Research Group. The book draws from both science and popular culture to disprove common misconceptions about bisexuality. Shaw writes passionately and eloquently about her own experiences as a bisexual person and the struggle for the bisexual community to be recognized as its own independent identity. Engaging and informative, Bi should be required reading for anyone seeking to better understand who they are.

A book cover featuring the title "they want to kill americans: the militias, terrorists, and deranged ideology of the trump insurgency" by malcolm nance, with a backdrop of a cloudy sky over the united states capitol building and protest flags in the foreground.

They Want to Kill Americans: The Militias, Terrorists, and Deranged Ideology of the Trump Insurgency

By malcolm nance.

For readers interested in : The January 6th insurrection, Trump’s America, domestic terrorism in America, the future of American democracy

They Want to Kill Americans offers an unflinching look at what author Malcolm Nance calls TITUS: the Trump Insurgency in The United States. Nance attributes TITUS and the January 6th insurrection to President Donald Trump’s lies, his mockery of political opponents, and the heightened confusion and fear brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. While many Americans viewed Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential victory as a return to some semblance of civic normalcy, Nance strongly cautions against this kind of thinking, instead warning that the domestic threat against American democracy has only just begun.

Close-up view of two individuals seated with a focus on their lower legs and shoes, symbolizing a personal encounter, set against the backdrop of a book cover titled "the inheritors" by eve fairbanks.

The Inheritors: An Intimate Portrait of South Africa’s Racial Reckoning

By eve fairbanks.

For readers interested in : Post-Apartheid South Africa, the legacy of racial injustice, international politics, societal reckoning

In The Inheritors, award-winning journalist Eve Fairbanks draws on her journalistic expertise to produce a sweeping investigation of South Africa’s transition from an apartheid state to a democratic society. Fairbanks’ psychologically probing account tracks this transformation through the eyes of three everyday South Africans, capturing both the seismic cultural shifts and the individual changes necessary for South Africa to move beyond its dark past. Throughout, the author’s “empathetic, comprehensive reporting shines” as she presents a highly personal current affairs book that offers universal “insight into how ordinary people build lives in the aftermath of political upheaval” ( New York Times Book Review ).

A person sitting on a stool with an american flag cone hat evoking a sense of political satire.

Profiles in Ignorance: How America’s Politicians Got Dumb and Dumber

By andy borowitz.

For readers interested in : American culture, American politics, mass media, media literacy, political personalities

Humorist Andy Borowitz, hailed by CBS Sunday Morning as “one of the funniest people in America” and the author of the satirical news column “The Borowitz Report,” offers a devastatingly hilarious analysis of our country’s political ineptitude in this new release. Profiles in Ignorance tracks the alarming rise of ignorant leaders in America over the last 50 years, skewering their buffoonery while highlighting the very real damage they’ve done to American culture and government. Meanwhile, as more aspiring politicians swap out substance for smarminess, mass media compounds the issue by rewarding candidates for their stage presence. Yet not all hope is lost: Threaded through Borowitz’s dark political satire is a rousing call to action to reverse the trend before it’s too late.

Publication date: 9/13/22

A monochrome book cover featuring a man in a suit, with the title "confidence man: the making of donald trump and the breaking of america" by maggie haberman, overlaying the image.

Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America

By maggie haberman.

For readers interested in : Donald Trump, political deep dives, personality politics, American democracy

What makes Donald Trump tick? Everyone seems to have an opinion. Yet Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman knows more about Trump and his vision of America than perhaps any other commentator, having spent years reporting on his rise to power. In this sensational new account, Haberman tracks Trump’s journey from his early years moving through Manhattan’s elite inner circles and his foray into politics to his ascent to the White House and his current post-presidency state of limbo. Confidence Man examines Trump’s motivations, his personality, and his connections, and how they combined to shape a movement that has baffled political pundits while capturing the attention and support of millions of Americans.  

Publication date: 10/4/22

A graphic book cover with a strong political theme titled "american resistance" by david rothkopf, featuring an image of the white house overlaid with bold, red and white stripes.

American Resistance: The Inside Story of How the Deep State Saved the Nation

By david rothkopf.

For readers interested in : Donald Trump, politics, political corruption, American democracy

The Trump presidency was strikingly different from all other administrations in American history. For many government employees, it was an era defined by impossible choices about how to serve the U.S. government while protecting the American people. David Rothkopf’s American Resistance studies the unprecedented role that government officials played throughout the Trump era as safeguards of American democracy. The book reveals how harrowingly close the government came to falling apart and showcases the hundreds of individuals whose steadfast commitment to American democracy saved the country from a total collapse into authoritarianism.

Publication date: 11/1/22

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  • Latest Books and Authors Current Affairs 2024 for Competitive Exams: Full List

Explore the recent books and their authors with our exclusive “ Books and Authors Current Affairs 2024 guide .” This month-wise list keeps you in the loop about the latest releases and notable writers, providing a comprehensive overview of the dynamic landscape of literary achievements throughout the year. Stay tuned for a curated journey through the vibrant world of books and authors, keeping you informed and inspired every step of the way.

Table of Contents

List of Important Books and Authors 2024 (January to December)

Books and authors list april 2024, books and authors current affairs march 2024, books and authors current affairs february 2024, books and authors current affairs january 2024, list of important books and authors 2023 (january to december), important books and authors december 2023, important books and authors november 2023, important books and authors october 2023, 4 books on g20 summit: showcasing g20’s presidency success.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi released these books during the G20 University Connect Finale program held at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi, and they are available in ebook format on the G20 India website and application.

Important Books and Authors September 2023

Important books and authors august 2023, important books and authors july 2023, important books and authors june 2023, important books and authors may 2023, important books and authors april 2023, important books and authors march 2023, important books and authors february 2023, important books and authors january 2023, find more current affairs 2024.

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Category: current affairs.

Writing a History of Ignorance

  • Writing a History of Ignorance

April 30, 2024

Peter Burke— Since the 1990s, a new kind of history has been flourishing: the history of knowledge—or better, the history of different kinds of knowledge, knowledges in the plural. Turning… READ MORE

Fashion or Function?

Fashion or Function?

April 24, 2024

Rachel S. Gross— In the 1970s, outdoor clothing and equipment catalogs were full of products that might have seemed completely unrelated to the outdoors a decade earlier. One old-school REI… READ MORE

We Can’t Innovate Our Way Out of Ecocide

We Can’t Innovate Our Way Out of Ecocide

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Gregory M. Thaler— Palm oil is the world’s most traded vegetable oil, popping up in everything from ice cream to packaged bread to lipstick. This global glut of cheap palm-based… READ MORE

Selected Poems From The Earth in the Attic

Selected Poems From The Earth in the Attic

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In The Earth in the Attic, Fady Joudah, a Palestinian-American physician, explores big themes—identity, war, religion, what we hold in common—while never losing sight of the quotidian, the specific. Join us as… READ MORE

Prius Politics: How Toyota Won the Hybrid Car Market

Prius Politics: How Toyota Won the Hybrid Car Market

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Uri Gneezy— In 1999, just a few months apart, Toyota and Honda introduced their hybrid cars to the US market. They were the first, and much anticipated, hybrid cars in… READ MORE

The High-Tech Revolution is Transforming the Very Foundations of Human Existence

The High-Tech Revolution is Transforming the Very Foundations of Human Existence

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Bruce Ackerman— For the first time in history, all of us are living two lives at once — engaging  in distant relationships on the internet while dealing with one another… READ MORE

Earth Month Reading List 2024

Earth Month Reading List 2024

April 1, 2024

First observed on April 22nd, 1970, Earth Day mobilizes support for environmental protection across the globe. Earth Month emerged in 1990, reconizing the global impact of Earth Day. Celebrate Earth… READ MORE

The Sky Turns Black from Smoke

The Sky Turns Black from Smoke

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Marci Shore— The Sky Turns Black from Smoke Close to midnight on Tuesday, 18 February 2014, twenty-one-year-old Misha Martynenko, reeking of smoke, returned to the Kiev apartment he shared with… READ MORE

Ep. 132 — Building Pluralistic Campuses with Michael S. Roth

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The Library of Books By Current Affairs Interview Guests

Dozens of great authors have been interviewed for Current Affairs. If you’re looking to read something new and insightful, check out one of these titles.

  • Nathan J. Robinson

On the Current Affairs podcast , we frequently bring on authors to have deep, lively, fascinating conversations about their books. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with some of the most thoughtful and well-read people in in the world on topics of critical importance to the present and future of humanity. Here, I’d like to introduce you to some of the books they’ve written. Every one of these books educated me in some way, and together they form an extraordinary little library of some of the best contemporary political and social analysis. If you are looking for something to read that will challenge your thinking or give you fresh insight, pick up one of these writers’ works! Then, of course, subscribe to the Current Affairs podcast on Patreon and listen to the interview with them about their work. These books cover racism, climate change, healthcare, law, the military-industrial complex, and so much more.

The Age of Jihad

Patrick Cockburn  has been a Middle East correspondent for The Independent for over 30 years and has become known for his combination of a deep knowledge of the region and a healthy skepticism toward the propaganda of governments. His books The Age of Jihad and War In The Age of Trump collect his extraordinary on-the-ground dispatches from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria in the decades since 9/11 and provide a rich understanding of the devastating wars of the last years, filled with the perspectives of the ordinary people trying to survive these conflicts. In our conversation, we discussed what Cockburn has learned during his decades as a foreign correspondent about how to sift through competing narratives and arrive at something approximating the truth.

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The Anatomy of Racial Inequality

Glenn Loury , professor of economics at Brown University, has had a distinguished career—he was the youngest-ever tenured Black economics professor at Harvard and is known for coining the term “social capital.” Prof. Loury is generally associated with political conservatism, but his books The Anatomy of Racial Inequality and Race, Incarceration, and American Values actually offer a rebuke to conservative “color blindness” rhetoric and sketch precise explanations for why contemporary racial inequality can only be understood in the context of historical racism. In our conversation, we explored some of the apparent contradictions between Prof. Loury’s written work on systemic racial inequality and his public statements heavily emphasizing the role of “culture.”

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview of Glenn Loury
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Animal, Vegetable, Junk: A History of Food, From Sustainable To Suicidal

Mark Bittman  spent many years as a food columnist for the  New York Times  and is the author of some of the best-selling cookbooks in the world. (I used his  How To Cook Everything Vegetarian  to prepare a meal in one of our  Current Affairs  cooking videos .) But Mark hasn’t just thought about  making  food. He’s also deeply knowledgable about the politics of food, the economic system that determines what stocks grocery store shelves and fills our bellies. In his book Animal, Vegetable, Junk , Mark explains why so much of what we’re fed is so bad for us—and what the alternative looks like.

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Another Now

Yanis Varoufakis is the former Finance Minister of Greece, professor of economics at the University of Athens, co-founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement , and member of the Greek Parliament. The Guardian describes him as”a motorcycling, leather jacketed former academic and self-styled rebel who took pleasure in winding up the besuited political class.” He calls himself an “ erratic Marxist ,” and has written economics textbooks , a memoir , and popular explainers of economic ideas . Another Now is a novel of ideas, more like one of Plato’s dialogues than an airport potboiler. Varoufakis draws on the tradition of leftist utopian fiction seen in 19th century works like William Morris’ News From Nowhere and Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward. He shows us what our existing 21st century world might look like if the economy operated very differently and capitalism was done away with. He imagines a different timeline in which Occupy Wall Street had won and Wall Street itself had been consigned to the dustbin of history.

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Beyond Belief: How Pentecostal Christianity is Taking Over The World

Pentecostalism is the fastest-growing religious faith in the world—by one estimate it obtains around 35,000 new converts per day globally. It now has over 600,000,000 adherents. Elle Hardy is a journalist who has contributed previously to Current Affairs and has traveled the world to speak with Pentecostals from South Korea to London to Nigeria to South Africa. Beyond Belief documents the rise of this faith and what it means for the rest of us. In our conversation, we discuss what Pentecostalism is, why it’s attracting so many people, and the political changes that are likely to result from its continuing growth. Elle shows that many of the working poor around the world are attracted to Pentecostalism because it offers both meaning and material gains—but it also pushes a reactionary social agenda that attacks LGBT people and is linked to the rise of far-right “populists” like Trump, Bolsonaro, and Duterte.

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Bigger Than Bernie

Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht are organizers and Jacobin writers who have thought seriously about the practical challenges facing the left in the wake of the impressive but ultimately unsuccessful presidential campaigns of Bernie Sanders. In this book, they trace the resurgence of the contemporary radical left, assess where we are, and plot out a course for how leftism can continue to flourish.

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  • Watch the Current Affairs interview of Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht
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Capitalism vs. Freedom

Rob Larson is a professor of economics at Tacoma Community College and the in-house economist here at Current Affairs , where his duties include everything from explaining inflation and the IMF to reviewing libertarian children’s books . Prof. Larson’s book Capitalism vs. Freedom is a useful primer on why arguments that capitalism makes us “free” are specious. His book Bit Tyrants: The Political Economy of Silicon Valley is a look at tech titans like Google, Apple, and Microsoft, showing how their fortunes were made and why we can’t trust them with power over our lives.

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  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview with Rob Larson about Bit Tyrants
  • Watch the Current Affairs interview with Rob Larson about Bit Tyrants
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Class Notes

Adolph Reed is one of the left’s most insightful and provocative public intellectuals. He demolishes sacred cows and challenges thoughtless cliches, cutting through bullshit with wit and deep learning. His classic book Class Notes collects some of his most bracing essays of the 90s, including the satisfying “ Liberals, I Do Despise ,” and can still be read with pleasure today. His 2022 book The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives is a moving semi-autobiographical account of changes in the South from Reed’s childhood in 1950s New Orleans to today.

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  • Watch the Current Affairs interview of Adolph Reed
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The Congo Trials in the International Criminal Court

Can international law succeed? That’s the question at the heart of my conversation with Brandeis professor Richard Gaskins , whose book is about the first-ever trials to be held in the International Criminal Court. The ICC in the Hague is the place where war criminals are supposed to be tried and punished. It embodies a vision of global justice in which war crimes are universally forbidden, intended to carry forward humanitarian principles. But so far, the court has only completed a handful of trials, and it has been heavily criticized for focusing on crimes committed in Africa while ignoring Western atrocities. Yet the court has only existed since 2002, and many hold hope that it can someday be an institution that ensures victims of atrocities around the world receive justice. Prof. Gaskins discussed what the court has managed to accomplish so far, what its limitations are, and how close it is to achieving its mission of being a place where war criminals from around the world are held to account. 

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Consequences of Capitalism

Noam Chomsky is the world’s most cited living intellectual and one of the most powerful critics of United States foreign policy, the mass media, and the capitalist economy. At the time I interviewed him in 2018, Chomsky and Prof. Marv Waterstone were delivering the series of lectures that would form the basis for their book Consequences of Capitalism . The book exposes how what passes for “common sense” about the economic and political system is in fact highly irrational.

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  • Watch the Current Affairs interview with Noam Chomsky
  • Read the Current Affairs interview with Noam Chomsky
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The Cult of We

Maureen Farrell is a business reporter for the New York Times . In The Cult of We she and co-author Eliot Brown look at the fascinating story of WeWork, a company that (for a brief moment) looked like it might take over the world. WeWork’s charismatic and sociopathic founder, Adam Neumann, got some of the (supposedly) savviest investors in the world to buy into a strange quasi-religious vision for the future of office space, before it all came tumbling down. In our conversation, Maureen and I discuss what WeWork can tell us about the role of hype and bullshit in the 21st century capitalist economy.

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The Deficit Myth

Stephanie Kelton is an economist who served as an adviser to Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. She is a leading figure in what is known as “modern monetary theory,” a heterodox school of economists who critique traditional thinking about the undesirability of government deficits. (For a deeper exploration of their ideas, listen to the Rabbithole Investigations Podcast series on it.) In our conversation we discussed why the United States is richer than austerity-promoters would have us believe.

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview with Stephanie Kelton
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Democracy Without Journalism?

Victor Pickard is a professor of Media Studies at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. His book Democracy Without Journalism? is about the problem of misinformation: people not knowing what’s going on in the world, or thinking they know what’s going on but actually believing in propaganda or bullshit (see, e.g., Joe Rogan ). There has been a lot of chatter about the problem of “fake news” and how it can be stopped, with many proposing that social media companies need to do more regulation of the internet and “content moderation.” Victor thinks that this conversation misses something crucial: the need for well-funded public interest journalism. He believes that we cannot escape the “misinformation society” without changing the way that journalism is produced, since (regulated or not) the private market is incapable of fulfilling the public need for truthful information about topics that matter. In a democracy, where the citizens themselves are in charge of making important decisions, it’s vital that we find a way to fund the production and dissemination of quality journalism.

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Divining Desire: Focus Groups and the Culture of Consultation

Liza Featherstone is a journalist and columnist for the Nation and Jacobin . Her book Divining Desire is a history of focus groups. From the 60s “Mad Men” of Madison Avenue to the Hillary Clinton campaign, focus groups have create the illusion that the public is making its own decisions and being heard. Liza’s fascinating book traces how focus groups emerged and how they function as a substitute for true democracy.

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Drawing Blood

Molly Crabapple is one of the most talented and prolific artists of our time, producing beautiful, fun, moving illustrations that both critique our times and offer a humanistic and colorful vision for the good life tomorrow. (She illustrated the cover of Current Affairs Issue 25.) Molly has always seemed to me to be something of a throwback, like a master transplanted from the 19th century to our own, and in our conversation we discussed what’s wrong with the arts today and what her own work tries to do. Drawing Blood is Molly’s memoir.

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The Feminist War on Crime

Aya Gruber teaches criminal law at the University of Colorado Law School. Her book The Feminist War on Crime: The Unexpected Role of Women’s Liberation in Mass Incarceration makes the case that many feminists have been too quick to push for more severe criminal punishments for crimes against women, and have as a result ended up legitimizing or even contributing to the expansion of mass incarceration. Prof. Gruber makes a strong argument against “carceral feminism,” claiming that it sees “putting offenders in prison” as the solution to harms women face, but that this remedy at best only imperfectly guarantees justice, and at worst reproduces cruel racist state violence.

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Freedom From The Market

Mike Konczal is a director at the Roosevelt Institute, columnist at The Nation and contributing editor at Dissent . In his book Freedom from the Market: America’s Fight to Liberate Itself from the Grip of the Invisible Hand , Mike dives into American history to show how, “from the earliest days of the republic, Americans have defined freedom as what we keep free from the control of the market.” It’s an inspiring story of successful attempts by popular movements to restrain the worst features of capitalism and provides many useful models for our time.

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Give Them An Argument: Logic For The Left

Ben Burgis is a philosophy professor who specializes in examining and exposing faulty arguments, many on the right but sometimes those on the left too. Ben’s book Give Them an Argument (like his YouTube show, also called Give Them an Argument ) is a great primer on how leftists can think more clearly and rigorously and make sure their arguments hold up under scrutiny. Ben is also the author of Canceling Comedians While The World Burns and Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, What He Got Right, and Why He Still Matters , discussed in a separate interview.

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  • Read the Current Affairs review of Give Them An Argument
  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview with Ben Burgis about Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, What He Got Right, and Why He Still Matters
  • Buy Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, What He Got Right, and Why He Still Matters

Health Justice Now

Timothy Faust ‘s Health Justice Now was called “the best concise explanation of why the United States needs single-payer health care — and needs to widen the definition of health care itself” by the Washington Post . It’s a refreshingly clear and accessible explanation of the incredibly complicated American health care system. In a 2019 conversation with Current Affairs editors, Faust discussed. the ins and outs of single payer—what it is, what it isn’t, and why it’s necessary for a healthy and just society.  

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Hedged Out: Inequality and Insecurity on Wall Street

Megan Tobias Neely is a sociologist whose book Hedged Out takes a deep look inside the world of hedge funds, those small boutique investment banks that play with a sizable chunk of the world’s wealth. Neely’s book draws on her observations from time working in a hedge fund as well as from dozens of interviews with professionals in the industry. In our conversation, we discussed how hedge fund managers justify their value to society and why there are reasons to doubt them.

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The Hidden History of Monopolies

Thom Hartmann i s the #1 progressive talk radio show host in the country. His Hidden History series of books fills the gaps in American history textbooks, showing the dark side of American healthcare, law, policing, and more. In our conversation, we discussed his book on monopolies as it relates to his own profession: talk radio. We discussed why the right has been so dominant in talk radio, and how leftists can effectively counter them. We talked about why Rush Limbaugh was so successful and how giant radio corporations limit the reach of progressive voices (including the billionaire station owner who once told Thom “I won’t put anyone on the air who wants to raise my taxes”).

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview of Thom Hartmann
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Hostile Takeover

David Sirota is one of the best investigative reporters of our time. His independent publication The Daily Poster does the kind of muckraking journalism that mainstream outlets have been conspicuously failing to do. On a shoestring budget they produce critical reporting on corporate crime and political corruption. David’s book Hostile Takeover was published in 2006 but I still refer to it frequently, since it’s an incredibly useful handbook demolishing right-wing free-market talking points. David is also an Academy Award nominee, having co-written the story for Netflix’s climate change allegory Don’t Look Up .

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview of David Sirota
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How Are You Going To Pay For That?

Ryan Cooper is the managing editor of The American Prospect and co-host of the Left Anchor podcast. His book exposes the faulty economic assumptions that are used to convince Americans that they can’t afford generous social democratic programs. Ryan shows how to argue with libertarians and neoliberals who believe that the private sector drives the economy and that government is necessarily wasteful, inefficient, and parasitic. Ryan exposes the fallacious ideas underlying the prioritization of private property rights over the common good, and provides a blueprint for sensible policies on climate, labor, health care, and welfare. He shows that when it comes to funding collective social needs, we can absolutely “pay for that.” Ryan’s book is insightful and thorough and demolishes many of the bad ideas that prevent us from solving urgent problems.

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We live in an age where economic success can depend a lot more on hype and branding than offering actual useful things that help people. Occasionally, we see extreme examples of fakers and frauds, like Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos and Billy McFarland of the Fyre Festival. But those are the few that have seen their lies exposed and their careers come crashing down. There are others, like Tesla’s Elon Musk , WeWork’s Adam Neumann , and America’s Donald Trump , who have reaped riches beyond comprehension by bullshitting and betraying people. Journalist and attorney Gabrielle Bluestone exposes the ways that con artists take advantage of people’s desire for status and fulfillment, in particular the pernicious and fictitious content produced by social media “influencers.”

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview with Gabrielle Bluestone

Listen, Liberal

For decades, Thomas Frank has been one of the most engaging and funny writers on the progressive left. As a founder and editor editor of The Baffler , he showed that leftist writing didn’t need to be dull or didactic. His book Listen, Liberal is a satisfying “J’Accuse” against the corporate wing of the Democratic Party, and a sincere plea for a return to New Deal politics.

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Lost Connections

Johann Hari writes beautiful books that take a topic we might think we know about (drugs, depression, or social media) and—through both a wealth of scientific studies and stories from Hari’s travels across the world—show the holes in received wisdom. His book Chasing the Scream showed the flawed assumptions behind the War on Drugs, and Lost Connections shows the limits approaches to depression that emphasize problems inside the individual’s brain (rather than in the social environment). His latest, Stolen Focus , shows how tech companies have engineered platforms and apps that destroy our ability to focus on the things that make life meaningful.

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Ludicrous: The Unvarnished Story of Tesla Motors

Edward Niedermeyer is an investigative journalist and auto industry expert whose book Ludicrous is the definitive critical account of the rise of Elon Musk and Tesla. In our conversation, we discussed how Tesla has been built into a powerhouse in the automotive industry, and Edward argues that it has required a lot of deception. I asked why Tesla has been so successful—is it mostly branding and hype or are there real innovations underneath it all?

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  • Watch the Current Affairs interview of Edward Niedermeyer
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Money and Class in America

Lewis Lapham is one of the great observers of the American class system. Kurt Vonnegut said of Lewis Lapham that he was “without doubt our greatest satirist—elegant, honorable, learned and fair.” His book Money and Class in America is a classic study of the lives, cultures, and aspirations of the ruling class (also explored in his delightfully quirky documentary The American Ruling Class ) . In our conversation, we discussed how the insatiable thirst for wealth and status pervades American life.

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  • Read the Current Affairs interview of Lewis Lapham
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Medicare For All: A Citizen’s Guide

Abdul El-Sayed is a doctor and CNN contributor who previously served as the director of Detroit’s municipal health department. I first heard of Abdul during his inspiring run for governor of Michigan , which I was so fascinated by that I went to Michigan to cover for New York magazine . Abdul has written for Current Affairs before about Medicare For All, and in this book he and co-author Micah Johnson explain the basics of the proposal and respond to all of the major arguments against M4A. It’s a very useful and encouraging guide to what different American healthcare system could be like.

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview of Abdul El-Sayed
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  • Buy Healing Politics: A Doctor’s Journey Into The Heart of Our Political Epidemic

No Such Thing As A Free Gift

Bill Gates has long cultivated a reputation as the Good Billionaire, giving away vast sums of money toward global health and education initiatives through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. For many years, the Gates Foundation was rarely criticized at all in the mainstream press, its work considered unambiguously good. The shine has come off Gates a bit recently, thanks to the negative publicity surrounding both his divorce and his staunch defense of corporate intellectual property rights over vaccines during the pandemic. Linsey McGoey was one of the earliest major critics of the Gates Foundation’s work, and her 2015 book No Such Thing As A Free Gift: The Gates Foundation and the Price of Philanthropy is a stinging criticism of “philanthrocapitalism.” McGoey’s book goes through the history of business tycoons trying to save the world through charity, beginning with Andrew Carnegie in the 19th century. McGoey explains clearly why charitable giving, though it may look like an unambiguous positive, has a number of major downsides.

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview of Linsey McGoey
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Obstacle Course: The Everyday Struggle to Get an Abortion in America

Carol Joffe is one of the foremost experts on reproductive rights in the United States. A professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco, she has been studying and writing about the battle over abortion rights for decades and received lifetime achievement awards from the Abortion Care Network and the Society of Family Planning. Her book Obstacle Course , co-authored with David S. Cohen, discusses the various ways that the anti-abortion movement has already succeeded in creating obstacles to having abortions. Our conversation focuses on the state of abortion access in the contemporary U.S. and the possible futures for the right to choice.

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On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal

Naomi Klein is a legendary activist whose books No Logo and The Shock Doctrine have become classics. In On Fire she shows what we need to do if we want to tackle the climate crisis. Here she discusses some of the positive trends in environmental activism, and critiques the “climate quietism” of Jonathan Franzen.

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Out of the Wreckage

George Monbiot has been working on issues of climate and environmental justice for three decades. A columnist for The Guardian and public communicator on climate change, George has experienced deep frustration in trying to convey the urgency of the crisis to a media and and political establishment that refuse to confront reality or accept the need for drastic changes to the status quo. In our conversation, we discussed why it’s so difficult for climate scientists and activists to get their message across, and what we need to face up to when it comes to the climate crisis. George’s work is not hopeless or apocalyptic, and is built around solutions and the determination to work for a better world. But to reach that world, we need to first look up, and start talking and behaving differently, demanding a political response that is proportionate to the magnitude of the problem. We can deal with this crisis but it requires willpower and focus.

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People’s Republic of Walmart

One argument often made against socialists is that “central planning” does not work as well as market exchanges. The Soviet Union, it is argued, was inefficient in part because it did not operate according to free market principles. Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski offer a fascinating refutation of this argument, by showing that in fact, the features that supposedly make “centrally planned” economies dysfunctional already exist within companies like Amazon and Walmart. In other words, the American economy is already largely planned by bureaucrats, we just need to make the planning democratic. This book will challenge your preconceived notions of what makes a “capitalist” versus “socialist” institution.

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview of Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
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The Pivotal Generation

Oxford University philosophy professor Henry Shue writes about the moral obligations conferred on people by the historical circumstances they find themselves in. The actions of living people have huge consequences for those born to subsequent generations. What responsibilities do we have to those who come after us? His book argues that we have a strong moral obligation to address climate change, and draws out what the implications of that obligation are. The Pivotal Generation is a useful demonstration of how philosophy can be used to illuminate practical and urgent questions.

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The Prince: Andrew Cuomo, Coronavirus, and the Fall of New York

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has said of journalist Ross Barkan that he is “one of the sharpest state policy minds I know.” Barkan’s The Prince is an important document of the lies and manipulation of one of our era’s shadiest state leaders. It offers an important case study in how centrists govern and the kind of politics we need to overthrow. In our conversation, Ross takes us through how an un-charismatic and unpleasant bully made his inspiring journey from humble beginnings as the son of the governor of New York to become the governor of New York. Barkan hows us how Cuomo managed to keep a blue state from actually passing progressive legislation and how his Machiavellian ruthlessness kept him in power for so long.

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Race For Profit

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is a professor of African American Studies at Princeton University. Prof. Taylor’s book Race For Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership demolishes the idea that the free market in housing is racially neutral, by showing the ways that the structure of the market has deprived Black families of the equal chance to own their homes. The book was a finalist for both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award.

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The Rage of Innocence

Kristin Henning directs the Juvenile Justice Clinic at Georgetown University Law Center. She has worked as a public defender for juveniles in Washington, D.C. Her book “explains how discriminatory and aggressive policing has socialized a generation of Black teenagers to fear, resent, and resist the police.” In our conversation, we talked about why over-policing destroys the ability of many Black children to have normal childhoods and why it’s so essential to respond to the transgressions of kids with empathy and compassion rather than brutality. It’s not that difficult: it just means treating all young people, regardless of race, with the kind of mercy and generous due process that some (e.g. Kyle Rittenhouse) are already given. 

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The Reactionary Mind

Corey Robin studies the American right wing, and his book The Reactionary Mind tries to explain the common ideological underpinnings of conservative thought across generations. In every generation, he shows, there are movements that try to change the existing social hierarchy, and reactionaries arise to defend it. Robin’s book has been credited with anticipating the rise of Donald Trump by showing how right-wing backlash in the United States works.

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Red State Revolt

Eric Blanc is a sociologist and labor scholar whose book Red State Revolt: The Teachers’ Strikes and Working-Class Politics is about the remarkable 2018-2019 educators’ strikes that began in red states. It shows how successful labor struggles can be waged even in the seemingly unlikeliest of places and is a useful case study of one of the most important fights of our time. In the time since these strikes, however, educators have struggled. The COVID-19 pandemic meant that fights over school funding were sidelined, as teachers had to fight just to keep their classrooms free of coronavirus, and try to keep up teaching in an impossible situation. But now it may be the case that we will once again start seeing the kind of labor activism among educators that we saw in 2018-19. 

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Say It Loud!

Randall Kennedy is a professor at Harvard Law School and one of the most interesting and heterodox thinkers and writers on race and law in the U.S. In the 1990s he was known as a public critic of “critical race theory,” but his essay collection Say It Loud!: On Race, History, Law, and Culture contains a long and deeply personal tribute to one of CRT’s founding scholars, Derrick Bell. In our conversation, I talked to Prof. Kennedy about why, even though he has his criticisms of CRT, he thinks its scholars have enriched our discourse on race and are nothing like the right-wing caricature.

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Silicon Values

Jillian C. York is the Director for International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Her book Silicon Values: The Future of Free Speech Under Surveillance Capitalism is about the difficult question of who should decide what we see on the internet. In our conversation, we discuss how tech giants side with authoritarian governments over the dissidents repressed by those governments, and how U.S. foreign policy is enforced by private corporations. Social media companies’ decisions about censorship and speech are now in many ways more important than the Supreme Court and the First Amendment.

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The Socialist Manifesto

Bhaskar Sunkara founded Jacobin magazine, without which there would be no Current Affairs. Bhaskar’s work helped revitalize left media, and Jacobin ‘s combination of informed radical analysis and gorgeous graphic design was genuinely revolutionary among political periodicals. It was a joy to get to speak to him about left media in the 21st century. Bhaskar’s The Socialist Manifesto is a useful introduction to the principles of the radical left and a compelling case for socialist ideas.

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The Spoils of War

Andrew Cockburn is a veteran journalist who serves as the Washington Editor of Harper’s magazine. The Spoils of War: Power, Profit, and the American War Machine collects his reporting on the military-industrial complex and the way the public coffers are looted by profiteers. In our conversation, we discussed why Andrew thinks the ever-bloating military has become an out-of-control “virus,” and why profit, rather than war, is what the military is built for. Andrew also explains why progressives should not just focus on critiquing “militarism” and disastrous wars but on scaling back the giant institution that channels so many of our social resources into manufacturing “weapons that don’t work for threats that don’t exist.” 

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Strange Rites: New Religions For A Godless World

Tara Isabella Burton is a novelist and religious scholar whose book Strange Rites discusses changing religious practices in the United States. Traditional organized religion has been on the decline for years, as more and more young people are identifying as nonreligious. But are we really? Tara’s book looks at the way that new communities and spiritual practices, from SoulCycle to astrology to online political communities, have arisen in the place of churches.

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Strangers In Their Own Land

Arlie Russell Hochschild is a legendary sociologist credited with defining the concept of “ emotional labor .” In Strangers in Their Own Land she documents her experience leaving her Berkeley bubble and getting to know Tea Party activists in Louisiana. The book, a finalist for the National Book Award, is essential reading for those who want to understand the anger that fuels grassroots right-wing activism.

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Tangled Up In Blue

Rosa Brooks is a professor of law at Georgetown University. Tangled Up in Blue , named one of the best books of 2021 by the Washington Post , chronicles Prof. Brooks’ experiences as a reserve police officer with the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. As an academic raised in a socialist household (her mother is a former Current Affairs podcast guest ), Prof. Brooks wanted to get a better understanding of how police saw themselves and the sources of dysfunction in the system. In our conversation, we discussed how police officers are trained to fear the populations they police, the limits of police training, how police officers are often called on to perform “social work” responsibilities that they are ill-equipped to handle, and why arresting and jailing people becomes an all-purpose tool.

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Thomas Paine and the Promise of America

Prof. Harvey J. Kaye argues that the social democratic left should draw more on the richness of the American radical tradition and take greater pride in the history of those who have struggled to achieve the promise of democratic equality. In this interview, we talk about why Kaye rejects the idea of leftist history as pure “debunking” of nationalist myths and sees it as important to create our own inspiring story about the path trodden by our ancestors. In our conversation, we talked about why Thomas Paine—without whom the American Revolution would probably not have happened, and who alienated the other Founding Fathers and made himself despised—is the one member of the Founding generation radicals can be proud of and should celebrate.

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Wall Street: How It Works and For Whom

Doug Henwood , host of the Behind the News radio program, is one of the most well-informed leftist commentators on economics. His book Wall Street is a classic explainer of how finance works, going carefully through every part of the system and providing lucid (and even fun ) breakdowns of the basics of Wall Street. It’s a must-have handbook. (Don’t take my word for it. Even though Henwood writes from a Marxist perspective, the Harvard Business Review called this the Wall Street book everyone should read. ) Doug has been a guest on Current Affairs twice, once to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the world economy and once to give his thoughts on Modern Monetary theory (which he does not care for ).

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview with Doug Henwood about COVID-19 and the economy
  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview with Doug Henwood about Modern Monetary Theory
  • Read Wall Street for FREE on Doug Henwood’s Left Business Observer website
  • Listen to Doug Henwood’s extraordinary archive of radio interviews from Behind the News

War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning

Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and the author of many bestselling nonfiction books. He began his career as a war correspondent, and was a reporter for the New York Times for fifteen years, reporting from over 50 countries. He has written books on religion, culture, poverty, and war. In our conversation, we discussed both Hedges’ time reporting on war and his experiences as an educator in prisons. There are connections here: both the battlefield and the prisons are places of terrible human deprivation and suffering—suffering that is imposed by violent institutions based on stories about why it is justified and necessary. Hedges has dedicated his journalistic career to going to the places that most people prefer not to go, seeing the things we prefer not to see, and forcing us to confront them. 

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  • Buy Our Class: Trauma and Transformation in An American Prison

The Web of Meaning

Jeremy Lent is one of the most interesting writers I know of. George Monbiot (a fellow CA podcast guest, see above) calls him “one of the greatest thinkers of our age.” Jeremy’s The Web of Meaning shows how the individualistic philosophical underpinnings of capitalism destroy our ability to find meaning and our appreciation of the wonders of nature. He shows us the environmental horrors that are unleashed by free market thinking, but then begins to construct an alternative worldview that can help us live harmoniously and sustainably in the universe. He integrates both the insights of the hard sciences and wisdom from traditional religious and cultural practices around the world, showing how even slime molds have something to teach us. 

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Whipping Girl

Julia Serano is a PhD biologist and trans activist who specializes in debunking the erroneous and bigoted arguments made to demonize or stigmatize the trans community. In our conversation, Julia and I go through some of the bad anti-trans talking points put forward by people like Ben Shapiro and Abigail Shrier.

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview of Julia Serano
  • Read the Current Affairs interview of Julia Serano
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White Space, Black Hood

Sheryll Cashin is a Georgetown law professor who has been called “one of the most important civil rights scholars of our time.” Her book “exposes the ways in which American policy decisions, from the early twentieth century to the present, have constructed a ‘residential caste system’ resulting in the entrapment of Black people in high-poverty neighborhoods while ‘overinvesting in affluent white space.’” In our conversation, we talked about how racial segregation was created and why it persists. We dive deep into the mechanisms by which inequality reproduces itself from generation to generation. 

  • Listen to the  Current Affairs  interview of Sheryll Cashin
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The Work of Living

Maximillian Alvarez is the host of the Working People podcast and the editor in chief of The Real News Network . His 2018 essay “ Can The Working Class Speak? ” is one of my favorite pieces that Current Affairs has ever published. For years, Max has been the Studs Terkel of our time, conducting deep, fascinating interviews with working people about their lives. His book The Work of Living collects a number of these stories to present a panoramic portrait of working life in the time of COVID-19. (Note that the interview with Max was conducted in 2019, before the book’s release, so it isn’t directly discussed.)

  • Listen to the Current Affairs interview with Maximillian Alvarez
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Work Pray Code: When Work Becomes Religion In Silicon Valley

Carolyn Chen  is a sociologist at UC-Berkeley whose book  Work Pray Code  is a study of white collar workers whose devotion to their companies is so extreme that it takes on the form of religious worship. Prof. Chen shows how some companies have turned their employees into “true believers”—and eroded their interest in family, the wider community community, and democratic institutions. Karl Marx thought a central characteristic of capitalism was that people were  alienated  from their work. Prof. Chen profiles workers who claim not to be alienated at all: they see their work as a manifestation of their truest self. 

  • Listen to the  Current Affairs  interview of Carolyn Chen
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Yesterday’s Man

Branko Marcetic is a staff writer for Jacobin . His book Yesterday’s Man is a comprehensive excavation of Joe Biden’s horrible political record from his earliest days in D.C. It is a vital primer on Biden’s background and the history of American politics in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

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The Latest From Current Affairs

Bright, colorful snippets from 16 book jackets are tessellated against a light green background.

17 New Books Coming in May

New novels from R.O. Kwon, Kevin Kwan and Miranda July; a reappraisal of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy; memoirs from Brittney Griner and Kathleen Hanna — and more.

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The book cover of “Chop Fry Watch Learn” is white bordered by a blue flower pattern with various illustrations of plates and ingredients. The title and the author’s name are in blue.

Chop Fry Watch Learn , by Michelle T. King

Once called “the Julia Child of Chinese cooking,” Fu Pei-Mei taught generations of Taiwanese people to cook through her long-running TV show and many cookbooks. King presents not just a biography of an indomitable woman, but a portrait of how cultures eat.

Norton, May 7

Coming Home , by Brittney Griner and Michelle Burford

In February 2022, Griner — arriving in Russia to play basketball in the off-season — was detained by Russian authorities, who claimed she had hash oil in her luggage. The W.N.B.A. star spent 10 months in a women’s penal colony before she was freed in a prisoner swap; this is the story of her ordeal.

Knopf, May 7

Free and Equal , by Daniel Chandler

If liberal democracy is to survive as a form of government, it needs a complete rethink. So argues Chandler, a British economist and philosopher, in this rousing homage to the political philosopher John Rawls, whose “realistic utopia,” the book contends, provides a blueprint for a society premised on both individual freedom and true equality.

Shanghailanders , by Juli Min

Min’s debut novel is a complicated family story, told in reverse. The novel opens in 2040 with a family simmering with secrets and tensions, and then the story works its way backward to 2014, revealing how each person got to where they are.

Spiegel & Grau, May 7

Whale Fall , by Elizabeth O’Connor

It’s 1938, and 18-year-old Manod has never known a life outside the harsh, sparsely populated confines of her remote and rocky home off the coast of Wales — until a pair of self-styled English ethnographers arrive to both document and disrupt the island’s residents.

Pantheon, May 7

All Fours , by Miranda July

How to survive the strains of middle-age marriage? The unnamed heroine of July’s comic novel plans a cross-country road trip, only to stop 30 minutes from home. There she lavishly redecorates a motel room and begins an odd, passionate but platonic affair with a younger man who works at a rental-car agency.

Riverhead, May 14

Another Word for Love , by Carvell Wallace

Wallace, an award-winning journalist, turns a thoughtful lens on his own grapplings with sexuality, intermittent homelessness and life as the son of a Black single mother fighting to stay afloat. But bleakness is not the operative mode of this debut memoir; the book turns as often toward joy and self-discovery as it does hardship.

MCD, May 14

Challenger , by Adam Higginbotham

The Challenger space shuttle disaster — in which millions of people watched, in real time, as the shuttle exploded, killing all on board — was a pivotal moment for American culture, and certainly its space program. Higginbotham, the author of “Midnight in Chernobyl,” tells the 1986 story in granular detail, using vivid reporting and new archival research to describe a true-life thriller with all-too-real consequences.

Avid Reader Press, May 14

Blue Ruin , by Hari Kunzru

A heady novelist with the instincts of a thriller writer, Kunzru brings his singular mix of dread and intrigue to his latest fiction, an intricate tale of artistic creation, greed and exploitation set in upstate New York under the specter of Covid.

Knopf, May 14

Fat Leonard , by Craig Whitlock

This is the story of a Malaysian high school dropout who bribed and extorted U.S. Navy personnel with gifts, favors and sex to make a steady profit as a military contractor servicing American ships in East Asia ports for inflated prices. As Whitlock, an investigative journalist for The Washington Post, makes clear, the bigger problem is that so many in the Navy decided to look the other way.

Simon & Schuster, May 14

Rebel Girl , by Kathleen Hanna

As the fiery front woman of the seminal alt-punk band Bikini Kill and later Le Tigre, Hanna was foundational to the ’90s riot-grrrl movement; she also famously inspired the title of Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Her wide-ranging memoir offers a snapshot of that era, as well as the challenging childhood that shaped her.

Ecco, May 14

Skies of Thunder , by Caroline Alexander

When the Japanese military took control of a crucial road near the border of Burma in 1942, the Allies were left with no choice but to transport supplies to China by air over a dangerous stretch of the Himalayas. As the conflict drags on, Alexander matches immersive descriptions of perilous flights through blizzards and monsoons with the uneasy negotiations between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek.

Viking, May 14

Exhibit , by R.O. Kwon

A photographer begins a clandestine relationship with an injured ballet dancer in Kwon’s second novel, which she recently described as “shot through with physical longing, queer lust and kink.”

Riverhead, May 21

Lies and Weddings , by Kevin Kwan

The author of “Crazy Rich Asians” returns with another beach-ready confection starring pampered people in designer clothing behaving badly — this time at a decadent Hawaiian wedding where secrets erupt with the force and heat of lava.

Doubleday, May 21

Once Upon a Time , by Elizabeth Beller

What do we know about Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, aside from the fact that she was married to John F. Kennedy Jr.? Twenty-five years after their death in a plane crash, Beller asks this question, then fills in the blanks with a thorough examination of a life cut short.

Gallery, May 21

Wait , by Gabriella Burnham

In this coming-of-age novel, a pair of sisters reunite at their home on Nantucket, Mass., after their mother is deported to Brazil.

One World, May 21

The Editor , by Sara B. Franklin

A noted food journalist pays tribute to a mentor and role model — the former Knopf editor Judith Jones, who, over a six-decade career, published Julia Child, James Beard, John Updike and Sylvia Plath, and was instrumental in seeing Anne Frank’s “The Diary of a Young Girl” translated into English.

Atria, May 28

Explore More in Books

Want to know about the best books to read and the latest news start here..

The complicated, generous life  of Paul Auster, who died on April 30 , yielded a body of work of staggering scope and variety .

“Real Americans,” a new novel by Rachel Khong , follows three generations of Chinese Americans as they all fight for self-determination in their own way .

“The Chocolate War,” published 50 years ago, became one of the most challenged books in the United States. Its author, Robert Cormier, spent years fighting attempts to ban it .

Joan Didion’s distinctive prose and sharp eye were tuned to an outsider’s frequency, telling us about ourselves in essays that are almost reflexively skeptical. Here are her essential works .

Each week, top authors and critics join the Book Review’s podcast to talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here .


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Best Current Affairs Books of 2023

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SEPT. 26, 2023

by Cameron McWhirter & Zusha Elinson

A riveting exploration of the cost of the nation’s fascination with an iconic weapon. Full review >

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JUNE 20, 2023

by Alejandra Oliva

A humane, elegantly written book that gives voice to the voiceless at our borders. Full review >


JULY 25, 2023

by Liran Einav & Amy Finkelstein

One of the best entries in the health care reform genre. Full review >


JUNE 27, 2023

by Aidan Key

Essential guidance on proactively navigating the challenges of gender-diverse student bodies. Full review >


MARCH 14, 2023

by Alissa Quart

A provocative, important repudiation of gig-economy capitalism that proposes utopian rather than dystopian solutions. Full review >


by Heather Cox Richardson

Reminding us that “how it comes out rests…in our own hands,” Richardson empowers us for the chapters yet to come. Full review >


by Alexandra Robbins

An important and eye-opening book that all parents, teachers, and educational administrators should read. Full review >


MAY 9, 2023

by Héctor Tobar

A powerful look at what it means to be a member of a community that, though large, remains marginalized. Full review >


MARCH 7, 2023

by Murong Xuecun

A shocking, heart-rending report from the front lines of the Covid-19 pandemic in China. Full review >


SEPT. 5, 2023

by Myriam Gurba

A truly exceptional essay collection about safety, fear, and power. Full review >


by Lisa M. Hamilton

A sensitive and carefully written story that sympathetically depicts the hard lives of refugees in a strange land. Full review >


SEPT. 19, 2023

by Rory Stewart

A biting, captivating memoir. Full review >

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    Higginbotham, the author of "Midnight in Chernobyl," tells the 1986 story in granular detail, using vivid reporting and new archival research to describe a true-life thriller with all-too-real ...

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