Letter Templates

Template Cover Letter to Agreement Contract: Streamline Your Contract Signing Process

Template Cover Letter to Agreement Contract: Streamline Your Contract Signing Process

Are you tired of spending hours agonizing over the perfect cover letter for your agreement contract? Look no further! We’ve created a template cover letter that you can use for any agreement contract. Whether you’re looking for a job, negotiating a partnership, or finalizing a deal, this template cover letter will ensure you stand out from the competition.

The best part? Our template cover letter can be customized to fit your specific needs. Want to emphasize certain skills or accomplishments? Edit the template accordingly. Need to align the letter with your company’s values and mission? No problem. Our flexible template cover letter allows for personalization without sacrificing efficiency.

Say goodbye to the stress of crafting a winning cover letter from scratch. With our template cover letter, you’ll save time and energy while impressing your recipient. So, what are you waiting for? Get started now and download our template cover letter for your agreement contract. Examples are provided, so you can easily adapt them to your own needs.

The Ideal Structure for a Template Cover Letter to an Agreement Contract

When it comes to drafting a template cover letter for an agreement contract, it is important to keep in mind that this letter serves as the first impression you make on the recipient. It is a crucial opportunity to showcase your professionalism, attention to detail, and willingness to fulfill the terms of the agreement. Thus, crafting an effective cover letter requires a thoughtful structure that conveys these qualities to the reader.

Below are the recommended sections to include in a template cover letter for an agreement contract:

Section 1: Introduction

This section should briefly introduce yourself, the purpose of the letter, and express enthusiasm for the opportunity to enter into an agreement. It should be succinct, polite, and professional.

Section 2: Background Information

In this section, you should provide some background information on your experience and qualifications, specifically relating to the terms of the agreement. Emphasize any relevant experience, accomplishments, and skills that make you the ideal candidate for the contract.

Section 3: Financial Terms

This section should address the financial aspect of the agreement including the terms of payment, billing cycles, and payment methods. Be clear about your expectations and willing to negotiate if necessary. Avoid ambiguity and ensure that all financial details are well understood by both parties.

Section 4: Timeline

In this section, outline a clear timeline for carrying out the terms of the agreement. Be specific about deadlines, deliverables, and milestones. This will help establish expectations and ensure that both parties are on the same page.

Section 5: Conclusion

In the conclusion, briefly summarize the main points of the letter, express appreciation for the opportunity to enter into the agreement, and reiterate your commitment to fulfilling the terms of the contract. Provide your contact information and make it clear that you are available for further discussion.

In summary, an effective cover letter for an agreement contract should have a clear structure that guides the reader through the important aspects of the agreement, showcases your professionalism, and sets the tone for future correspondence. By following the recommended structure, you can convey confidence and establish a strong foundation for a successful and mutually beneficial partnership.

Seven Template Cover Letters for Agreement Contracts

Template cover letter for rental agreement contract.

Dear [Landlord’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Tenant’s Name] as a tenant for your rental property. In the time that [Tenant’s Name] has resided in my building, they have exhibited excellent tenant behavior. They always pay rent on time and maintain their living space impeccably.

[Tenant’s Name] is a communicative and empathetic tenant, and I believe they would be a loyal and responsible tenant for your property. They have never caused any damages to the property, and I am confident that they would behave professionally in any rental situation.

I highly recommend [Tenant’s Name] for your rental property and believe that they would be an asset to your building.

[Your Name]

Template Cover Letter for Employment Agreement Contract

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am pleased to recommend [Employee’s Name] for an employment contract with your company. [Employee’s Name] has been an active and reliable employee for our team, and I believe they will be a valuable asset to your organization.

[Employee’s Name] has outstanding communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and a great work ethic. They have collaborated well in our team and always meet the deadlines on their projects. They execute their daily tasks with precision and care, and they are willing to go above and beyond to ensure positive outcomes.

I am confident that by offering [Employee’s Name] an employment contract, you will find a dependable and dedicated employee for your team.

Template Cover Letter for Service Agreement Contract

Dear [Client’s Name],

I am excited to write this recommendation for [Service Provider’s Name] for a service agreement contract with your company. [Service Provider’s Name] operated as an excellent service provider, and I am confident that they will deliver the same impeccable services to your company.

[Service Provider’s Name] is an expert in their service area and offers innovative approaches to complete the project precisely and on time. They have worked with our company for [Number of Years], and their work has been exceptional.

I highly suggest you to engage with [Service Provider’s Name] for your business and witness the remarkable services they bring to your team.

Template Cover Letter for Partnership Agreement Contract

Dear [Partner’s Name],

I am writing to endorse [Your Company Name] as a partner in your business. [Your Company Name] has proven to be a dependable and honorable partner to my company, and I believe that they will be the same for yours.

[Your Company Name] is a reliable and agile partner that has the aptitude to create a joint venture that is prosperous and beneficial to both parties. They are reputable professionals in their industry and have the expertise and experience that your business needs.

I highly recommend partnering with [Your Company Name] and believe that your collaboration will lead to success.

Template Cover Letter for Investment Agreement Contract

Dear [Investor’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Your Company Name] for investment. Your Company has exhibited growth potential and excellent business acumen, making them a suitable investment for your portfolio.

[Your Company Name] has innovative practices and has established itself as a leader in its sector. They are strategic with their investments, and always have a realistic mind about the fluctuations in the market. I have observed that their investment decisions have yielded positive returns in the past, and I am confident that they would do the same for your portfolio.

I strongly suggest investing with [Your Company Name] and believe that you will get the desired returns.

Template Cover Letter for Construction Agreement Contract

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

I am pleased to recommend [Your Company Name] for a construction agreement contract. You will find that [Your Company Name] is the best candidate to execute the construction works for your project.

[Your Company Name] comprises professionals with experience in handling complex projects. They adhere to safety protocols and maintain all regulatory requirements. Their commitment to excellence and strict adherence to deadlines has always amazed me.

I highly recommend [Your Company Name] and believe that you will be pleased with their work.

Template Cover Letter for Sponsorship Agreement Contract

Dear [Sponsor’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Your Team/Event’s Name] for sponsorship. I believe that partnering with [Your Team/Event’s Name] will be beneficial to your company.

[Your Team/Event’s Name] is a culmination of exceptional talent and hard work. They have established themselves as a respected and winning team in their respective field. They value collaboration and integrity and have a loyal fan base that speaks to their success.

I recommend sponsoring [Your Team/Event’s Name] and believe that this will be a groundbreaking opportunity for your company.

Tips for Writing a Template Cover Letter for Agreement Contracts

Writing a cover letter for an agreement contract may seem like a simple task, but it requires careful consideration and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write a template cover letter that will impress potential clients and help you stand out from the competition:

  • Personalize the letter: Address the letter to the specific person who will be reviewing your proposal. This shows that you have done your research and are serious about the contract.
  • Keep it concise: A template cover letter should not exceed one page. Use bullet points or short paragraphs to highlight the key points of your proposal.
  • Show your expertise: Highlight your skills and experience that make you the right candidate for the job. Use specific examples and numbers to demonstrate your success in similar past projects.
  • Make it easy to read: Use clear, concise language and avoid technical jargon that the client may not understand. Use headings and subheadings to break up the text and make the letter easy to scan.
  • Include a call to action: Let the client know what the next steps are and how they can contact you to discuss the contract further. Be proactive in following up with the client.
  • Show enthusiasm: Express your excitement about the project and let the client know that you are passionate about working with them. Show that you are willing to go above and beyond to make the project a success.

By following these tips, you can create a template cover letter that will impress potential clients and help you win more contract agreements.

FAQs related to template cover letter for agreement contract

What is a cover letter for an agreement contract?

A cover letter for an agreement contract is a formal letter that is written to accompany an agreement contract. The letter introduces the contract and provides a brief explanation of its purpose and terms.

What should be included in a cover letter for an agreement contract?

A cover letter for an agreement contract should include the names and addresses of the parties involved, the date of the agreement, a brief description of the agreement, and any other relevant information or special instructions.

Why do I need a cover letter for an agreement contract?

A cover letter for an agreement contract is important because it sets the tone for the agreement. It provides an opportunity for the parties involved to introduce themselves and establish a professional relationship. The letter also helps to ensure that all parties are on the same page in terms of the agreement’s purpose and terms.

How do I use a template cover letter for an agreement contract?

To use a template cover letter for an agreement contract, simply download the template and fill in the relevant information. Make sure to edit the text as necessary to reflect your agreement’s specific terms and conditions. You can use the template as a starting point for your own letter, or you can use it as is with minor modifications.

Where can I find a template cover letter for an agreement contract?

You can find a template cover letter for an agreement contract online. Many websites offer free templates that you can download and use. You can also check with your legal advisor or a contract attorney for a sample cover letter that you can use.

What are the benefits of using a template cover letter for an agreement contract?

Using a template cover letter for an agreement contract can save you time and effort. Rather than starting from scratch, you can use a pre-written letter that has been tested and proven effective. Templates also ensure that your letter is structured properly and contains all the relevant information.

Can I customize a template cover letter for an agreement contract?

Yes, you can customize a template cover letter for an agreement contract to suit your needs. You can edit the text, change the formatting, and add or remove information as necessary. The goal is to make the letter reflect your unique agreement and its terms.

Happy Contracting!

Now that you have learned how to write a template cover letter to agreement contract, you can start creating your personalized cover letter and win that dream project you have been dying to work on. Remember, a well-written cover letter shows your professionalism and can help to make a great first impression. Thanks for reading and wishing you all the best luck in your future endeavors! Be sure to visit us again soon for more handy tips and exciting articles.

  • Non Disclosure Agreement Cover Letter Template: Essential Elements You Need to Include
  • Streamline Your Contract Process with Our Contract Agreement Letter Template
  • Get Your Business Running with the Best Letter of Agreement Contract Template
  • Settlement Agreement Cover Letter Template: How to Write a Winning Letter
  • Unlocking the Power of a Letter of Intent Template Business Agreement

Just Cover Letters

Cover Letter for Agreement

A cover letter for an agreement is a formal letter that is sent to the other party involved in the agreement, usually the recipient of the offer. The letter should introduce the sender and state the purpose of the letter.

It should then summarize the terms of the offer and state that it is being made in accordance with the attached agreement. The sender should then ask the recipient to sign and return the agreement. Finally, the sender should thank the recipient for their time and consideration.

Cover Letter for Agreement

A cover letter for an agreement is a formal way to introduce the document and provide context for why it is being created. It can also be used to outline any specific terms or conditions that are important to the sender or recipient.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am interested in the Agreement position that is currently open at your company. I believe my skills and background would be a perfect fit for the role.

I have experience negotiating contracts and drafting legal agreements. I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss my qualifications further. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

When you are creating a cover letter to go along with an agreement, it is important to make sure that the cover letter is well written, and error free. The cover letter should be addressed to the person who will be signing the agreement, and it should briefly summarize the terms of the agreement. The cover letter should be professional and polite, and it should express your willingness to sign the agreement.

  • Address the letter to a specific person
  • Keep it brief
  • one page is ideal
  • Customize your letter for each job application
  • Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct
  • Use strong, positive language
  • Tailor your letter to the company and the specific job opening

In conclusion, having a cover letter for an agreement is a great way to ensure that the agreement is clear and concise. It also helps to protect both parties in the event of any misunderstandings or disputes.

A cover letter for an agreement can be used in any type of business transaction, and it is a good idea to have one in place before starting any project or negotiation.

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Transmit a Contract

Please find enclosed a purchase agreement for the sale of your home. Although it is a standard real estate contract, we should both demonstrate that we understand the terms by initialing each line. I have already initialed each line so your initials need to be added. Also, please sign on the signature line at the bottom to acknowledge your acceptance of the contract terms. Thank you for your cooperation. As you know, the tentative closing date is four weeks away so I'll need the contract back immediately.

Enclosed is the first draft of the proposed contract between Doe Corporation and Jane Doe. Please review the entire contract for compliance with state law and make any necessary changes directly to the draft copy. Please return the draft to me by March 19. Thank you for your help.

Attached is the second draft of the Jamestown contract with my comments in red. Most of my comments are simple matters of taste; however, paragraphs B(1) and D(2) (A) still have serious problems. Please see if you can address my concerns.

I would like to have the contract executed by Friday, March 29, 2019. It might be helpful to FAX further revisions. Thanks for your help on this.

How to Write this Transmittal Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

This letter accompanies a contract that you are sending for signatures or returning with signatures. You will often send drafts of contracts for review or approval with this letter.

  • Identify what you are sending and why you are sending it.
  • Explain what the reader needs to do with the document. If the document is lengthy or in several parts, or if your instructions are complex, carefully itemize the steps.
  • Express appreciation, and state a deadline for returning the contract, if appropriate.

Write Your transmittal in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 identify what you are sending and why you are sending it., sample sentences for step 1.

  • Enclosed is the Smith contract which we are now submitting for your review.
  • Attached to this cover letter is a draft of the contract for your review and comments.
  • Enclosed is your signed copy of the final contract.
  • Attached is a revised version of the contract, modified according to our discussions on August 23, 2018, and now ready for final signatures.
  • Enclosed is your Doe Mutual Title insurance policy #12345, covering the property located at 1600 Main Street in Springfield, Kansas, 12345.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • attached is a draft copy
  • contract we are submitting
  • contract to be reviewed
  • copies that need your signature
  • enclosed you will find
  • for your approval
  • for your review
  • review and comment
  • revised version of the contract
  • the copy I agreed to send
  • the attached copy of the contract
  • to approve the enclosed contract

2 Explain what the reader needs to do with the document. If the document is lengthy or in several parts, or if your instructions are complex, carefully itemize the steps.

Sample sentences for step 2.

  • The contract is in three parts. Each part needs to be signed in the signature block at the end, and each page needs to be initialed at the bottom.
  • This is a draft document only. Please redline this copy and make any changes or corrections that you feel are necessary.
  • If you agree to the contract as presently worded, including the revisions and modifications inserted yesterday, please sign the instrument, notarize the signatures, and return it to our office by certified mail.
  • Keep this insurance policy in a safe place with your other important papers.
  • Please review the lease agreement carefully, and if it is satisfactory, sign in the signature block at the end of each of the two copies. You may take possession as soon as I have my copy in hand, along with the security deposit.

Key Phrases for Step 2

  • accept the report as accurate
  • contract in its present form
  • draft document
  • have your signature notarized
  • if you agree with
  • if it is satisfactory
  • initial each page
  • make a copy if needed
  • make the necessary changes
  • meet with your approval
  • needs corrections
  • parts one (1) and two (2) must be
  • redline this copy
  • return it to our office by Friday
  • review and return
  • sign where indicated
  • sign on the specified line
  • signed copy of the final contract

3 Express appreciation, and state a deadline for returning the contract, if appropriate.

Sample sentences for step 3.

  • We are very happy with the progress of the negotiations and the wording of the contract as it now stands. We would like to finalize these arrangements as soon as possible. We hope you can return the draft by Friday, July 23, 2019.
  • To finalize the sale, please return the document to us by certified mail within three working days.
  • It has been good working with you. If we can do business again, please let me know.
  • It has been a pleasure working with you. If you have any questions or further real estate needs, please let me know.
  • Thanks again for thinking of Doe Associates for your management consulting needs. We are ready to go to work as soon as you return the contract.

Key Phrases for Step 3

  • any further needs
  • appreciate your business
  • as soon as you have finished reviewing
  • as it now stands
  • by the end of this week
  • by certified mail
  • finalize these arrangements
  • finalize the sale
  • if you have any questions
  • make a copy for your records
  • please return the signed contract
  • pleasure working with you
  • return the original
  • signature verifying
  • stamp of approval
  • thank you for your cooperation
  • when you have looked over the material
  • will get to work as soon as

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How to Sign a Cover Letter (With Signature Examples)

cover letter for signing agreement

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  • Cover Letter Signatures Examples
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Which Email Address to Use

How to add a digital signature, need more cover letter help.

  South_agency / E+ / Getty Images

When writing a cover letter to include with your resume, it's important to pay attention to every detail, since you only get one chance to make that first impression. So, what exactly should you include in your signature when you're writing your cover letter to apply for a job?

It varies, depending on how you apply for the position. The format and information included in your signature will change according to whether you are mailing, uploading, or emailing your cover letter document. 

Does Your Cover Letter Need a Written Signature?

When distributing your cover letter online by emailing it or uploading it onto a company’s web portal, it is not necessary to hand sign your cover letter. Employers don’t expect to see your handwritten signature on your cover letter. You could add a scanned image of your signature to your document, but it is optional and not required.

How To Sign an Uploaded or Printed Cover Letter

Uploaded Letter:  If you're uploading your cover letter to a job site, your signature will simply include an  appropriate closing phrase and your full name. Place a comma after your close, such as  Best,  or  Sincerely yours,  and then insert your name in the line below. 

Use a formal business-style letter format that includes a heading, salutation, the body of the letter, closing phrase, and your signature. Review these  guidelines for what to include in your letter .

Hard Copy Letter:  When you're printing a hard copy letter, include a closing phrase, your handwritten signature, and your typed full name. Leave several spaces between the closing phrase and your typed name. That way, you'll have room for your signature when you print out the letter. Sign it using either blue or black ink. 

Signature Examples for Uploaded or Printed Letters

For uploaded or hard copy printed letters, there is no need to include as much information as you would in an email message, because the  heading of your cover letter  includes your contact information.

Signature Example (uploaded letter)

Best regards,

Janet Dolan

Signature Format (signed letter)

Closing phrase, 

Handwritten Signature 

First Name Last Name

Signature Example (signed letter)

Janet Dolan (Your Signature)

What to Include in an Email Signature 

If you are emailing your cover letter or inquiry letter, end with a polite sign-off followed by your full name. There is no need to sign a cover letter that's being sent electronically. Write out your full name in the same font as the rest of the letter, and don't use italics or a handwriting font. 

The formatting here is very similar to that in an uploaded cover letter. However, emails do not contain a header with your phone number or other contact information. 

It's a good idea to include these details in your closing paragraph or after your typed signature. That makes it easy for the employer or networking contact to get in touch with you.

You can also include links to online portfolios, if appropriate, or a link to your professional social media accounts, such as LinkedIn or Twitter.

You don't want to make this section too cluttered, so restrict yourself to the most relevant information. Here's how to set up an email signature, along with more advice on what to include in it and what to leave out. 

Signature Examples for Emailed Documents

When you are  sending email cover letters , it's important to include contact information so the hiring manager can easily see how to contact you. At the very least, include your name, email address, and phone number. You can also add other optional information, such as your street address, online portfolio, or social media accounts.

Email Signature Format

Your Name Email Phone

Email Signature Example

Karina Hoffman karina.hoffman@email.com 555-123-5678

Sample Email Signature With Full Address

Your Name Street City, State Zip Code Email Phone

Sample Email Signature With Social Media Handles

Your Name Email Phone LinkedIn Profile  (Optional)  Twitter Account  (Optional)

Don't use your work email address for job searching. Use your personal email account, or set up a unique account to use just for your job hunt. Many free online email services exist, like Gmail and Yahoo Mail, which you can use to set up a new email account exclusively for your job search.

Even though you are using a personal account, choose an email address that looks professional.

Your best bet is some variation on first initial, last name (e.g., jdoe@gmail.com) or first name, last name (janedoe@gmail.com). Here's how to set up an email account just for your job search.

Adding a handwritten signature is an optional touch, though definitely not required, and it is possible to add your handwritten signature digitally. The simplest way is to use a scanner or a scanner app on your smartphone:

Simply sign a piece of printer paper and then scan the page.

After scanning, the software will give you the opportunity to crop the scanned image (that is, cut the image down to the size of your written signature) or you can crop it in Word.

Once you’ve cropped your signature image to the appropriate size, save your signature as a .gif, .jpg, or .png file to your desktop or a folder on your computer.

Open the Word document where you composed your cover letter and then insert the image of your signature into the document underneath your closing phrase.

Remember to type your name below your handwritten signature.

Get information on  how to write a cover letter , including what to include in your cover letter, cover letter format, targeted cover letters, and cover letter samples and examples.

Georgetown University. Cawley Career Education Center. " Cover Letters ."

Microsoft Office. " Insert a Signature ."


Contract Agreement Sample Letter: Free & Customizable

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a contract agreement letter, complete with a customizable template to get you started.

Key Takeaways Understanding the Purpose : Learn why contract agreement letters are crucial for clear communication and legal clarity. Essential Components : Discover the key elements that every contract agreement letter must include. Step-by-Step Guide : Follow a detailed, step-by-step process to write your contract agreement letter effectively. Personal Insights : Gain valuable tips and insights from my extensive experience in drafting contract agreements. Template Usage : Utilize a customizable template to streamline your contract writing process. Best Practices : Adopt best practices to ensure your contract is legally sound and mutually beneficial.

Essential Components of a Contract Agreement Letter

  • Parties Involved : Clearly identify all parties involved, using full legal names and titles.
  • Terms and Conditions : Specify the obligations, duties, rights, and privileges of each party.
  • Duration : State the effective date and the duration of the agreement.
  • Confidentiality Clause : If applicable, include a clause to protect sensitive information.
  • Termination Clause : Outline the conditions under which the contract can be terminated.
  • Signature and Date : Ensure all parties sign and date the document for it to be legally binding.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Contract Agreement Letter

Step 1: start with a clear title.

Begin your letter with a clear and concise title that reflects the nature of the agreement. For example, “Service Agreement Contract” or “Employment Agreement Letter”.

Step 2: Address the Parties Involved

Clearly state the names and addresses of all the parties involved. This sets the stage for a transparent and unambiguous agreement.

Step 3: Define the Scope of the Agreement

Outline the services, products, or obligations that are the focus of the contract. Be as detailed as possible to avoid any ambiguity.

Step 4: Detail the Terms and Conditions

This is the heart of your contract. Clearly outline every term and condition, including payment terms, deadlines, and the specific obligations of each party.

Step 5: Include Additional Clauses

Based on the nature of the agreement, include any additional clauses such as confidentiality, dispute resolution, and termination clauses.

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Step 6: sign-off with a call to action.

Conclude the letter with a section for signatures. Indicate that signing the document signifies understanding and agreement with the terms outlined.

Tips from Personal Experience

  • Clarity is Key : Always use clear and concise language to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Customize for Context : While templates are helpful, always tailor your contract to the specific context of the agreement.
  • Review and Revise : Never hesitate to review and revise the contract until all parties are satisfied with the terms.

Contract Agreement Sample Letter Template

[Title of the Contract Agreement Letter]

[Parties Involved]: 1. Party A: [Full Legal Name], [Title] 2. Party B: [Full Legal Name], [Title]

[Scope of the Agreement] [Detailed Description]

[Terms and Conditions] 1. [Term/Condition 1] 2. [Term/Condition 2] …

[Additional Clauses (if any)] – Confidentiality Clause – Termination Clause …

[Signature Section] This agreement is entered into voluntarily and with a full understanding of the terms and conditions mentioned above.

Signature: Party A: ______________________ Date: __________ Party B: ______________________ Date: __________

Crafting a contract agreement letter is a nuanced art that balances legal precision with clear communication. By following this guide and utilizing the tips and template provided, you’ll be well on your way to creating effective and robust contract agreements. I hope my experiences and insights have shed some light on this intricate process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A professional and inviting office setting with a person sitting at a desk, writing a letter

Q: How do I ensure that my contract agreement letter covers all necessary legal bases? 

Answer : In my experience, I always consult with a legal expert to review my contract agreement letters. This practice has saved me from potential legal loopholes and ensured that all my agreements are comprehensive and enforceable.

Q: What’s the best way to negotiate terms in a contract agreement letter? 

Answer : From my experience, I’ve learned that clear communication and understanding the other party’s needs are crucial. By being open and flexible, I’ve successfully negotiated terms that benefit both sides and foster long-term relationships.

Q: How can I make my contract agreement letter more understandable to non-legal professionals? 

Answer : In my approach, I focus on using plain language and avoiding legal jargon. I’ve found that simplifying the language while ensuring the legal accuracy of the contract makes it more accessible and easier for all parties to understand.

Q: Is it essential to include a dispute resolution clause in my contract agreement letter? 

Answer : Absolutely, based on my past experiences, including a dispute resolution clause has been invaluable. It provides a clear roadmap for handling disagreements and can prevent costly legal battles, ensuring that both parties know what steps to take if a dispute arises.

Q: How often should I review and update my contract agreement letters?

Answer : I make it a point to review my contract agreement letters annually. This practice allows me to update them according to changes in laws or my business operations, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.

Q: Can I use a template for my contract agreement letter, or should it be customized? 

Answer : While templates can be a good starting point, I’ve found that customizing the agreement to the specific needs of the transaction or relationship adds more value and security. Personalizing the contract reflects the unique aspects of the agreement and can reduce misunderstandings in the future.

Q: What should I do if the other party breaches the contract outlined in the agreement letter?

Answer : In my experience, it’s crucial to address breaches promptly and professionally. I always refer to the contract’s dispute resolution clause and seek legal advice to ensure my response is appropriate and effective, protecting my interests.

Q: How do I ensure that my contract agreement letter is legally binding? 

Answer : To make my contract agreement letters legally binding, I ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of the terms, sign voluntarily, and that the agreement includes all essential elements of a contract. Additionally, I often have a witness or notary public for added legal robustness.

Q: What’s the significance of the termination clause in a contract agreement letter? 

Answer : I’ve learned the hard way that a well-defined termination clause is crucial. It outlines the conditions under which the contract can be ended, providing a clear exit strategy for all parties involved and helping to avoid potential legal disputes.

Q: How detailed should the scope of work be in a contract agreement letter?

Answer : In my practice, being detailed in the scope of work section has prevented misunderstandings and disputes. I specify the services or products to be delivered, timelines, and any other expectations to ensure all parties are on the same page.

Q: Can digital signatures be used for contract agreement letters, and are they legally valid? 

Answer : Based on my digital transition, I’ve adopted digital signatures for their convenience and efficiency. I ensure their legal validity by using reputable digital signature services that comply with laws, making my contracts as enforceable as those signed in ink.

Q: How can I address confidentiality in my contract agreement letter? 

Answer : From dealing with sensitive information, I’ve learned to include a comprehensive confidentiality clause in my contract agreement letters. This clause specifies what is considered confidential, the obligations of the parties, and the consequences of breaches, safeguarding my business information effectively

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How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter: Examples + Free Template

Posted by: Cinthya Soto

Proposal cover letters are brief overviews that introduce the more in-depth content of a proposal. Cover letters are normally the first page of a proposal, making them the first impression you will give and your first opportunity to convince the reader to work with you. These letters directly communicate with the client and set the stage for the following proposal details.

If your proposal cover letter is not convincing enough, the reader might not read your entire proposal and choose a competitor. That’s why understanding the do’s and don’ts of proposal cover letter writing is crucial. 

In this blog, we’ll teach you how to structure and write a proposal cover letter, what makes a good and a bad proposal, and we even provide a free downloadable template for your firm to use. 

What Is a Proposal Cover Letter? 

A proposal cover letter is a letter that accompanies an RFP response or bid submission. Its primary purpose is to introduce the proposal, explain its relevance to the recipient, and persuade the reader of the value and credibility of what’s being offered. It sets the tone for the entire proposal, so make sure it’s well-crafted. 

The cover letter needs to be persuasive and blow your prospect away because it provides a first impression. Since it’s often the first thing the recipient will see, it plays a key role in the recipient’s decision to even consider reading the full proposal. 

The cover letter is frequently the initial opportunity for your proposal to align with the reader’s objectives. While it goes on top of the proposal, it shouldn’t be confused with an executive summary that outlines the main highlights of your proposal. 

Why Your Proposal Cover Letter Matters 

Your proposal cover letter is made up of the most important paragraphs you’ll ever write because it’s the section everyone will read. That’s why it’s essential to nail it, or you stand the chance of losing the project. A cover letter helps busy clients decide if they’re interested in reading the complete proposal. Therefore, having a winning proposal cover letter is equally important as the actual proposal. 

The proposal cover letter gives you a chance to leave clients with a memorable first impression. While proposals lean towards factual information, cover letters offer a more personal touch. Establishing an emotional connection from the beginning significantly increases the likelihood of the reader engaging with your entire proposal. 

What Should Be on a Proposal Cover Letter? 

Though the specifics of your proposal may vary based on the nature of your offer and your sector, the proposal cover letter should consistently stick to the following structure: 

Contact Information 

It’s essential to include your contact details, including your name, email, and phone number, as well as your organization’s information such as its name, email, phone number, website, and even its social media handles. For bonus points, include the link to your LinkedIn profile in the heading too so the reader can get a deeper understanding of who you are. 

Make these details easy to find by placing them at the top or bottom of the cover letter, ensuring they’re in a bold and easy-to-read font so potential clients have no problem finding them. Using the company’s letterhead for the letter not only ensures the inclusion of this information but also gives a professional touch. 


This is your chance to introduce your company and what you do. It’s your first opportunity to make a positive impression and establish a connection with the reader. 

Begin with a concise statement about your company. This could be your mission statement, a brief history, or an overview of what makes your organization unique. This is your chance to highlight areas where your company excels, which helps you establish credibility. 

Additionally, highlight your primary areas of specialization or the main services/products you offer. This will give the reader a clear understanding of your role and what you do. 


Often, decision-makers are drowned in proposals, and they might not have the time or patience to go through every detail initially. A concise summary ensures that they can quickly understand your proposal’s primary objectives and value.

You should provide details about your value propositions at a high level and connect how they meet your client’s requirements. By summarizing how your proposal addresses the client’s specific challenges or needs, you can instantly resonate with them, emphasizing that your solution is tailored to their situation.


Continuing to the offer, this is where you should further explain how you can provide a personalized solution. Clarify to the client the unique value your solution brings to solve their problem. 

Having captured your potential client’s interest, you now have to focus on keeping it. Achieve this by highlighting the clear benefits that directly compellingly address their challenges, making it easy to understand. 

While you’ll be mentioning how your work will benefit the prospect, you should also explain what they will win from choosing to work with you. 

Here are some tips on how you can accomplish this: 

  • Select the three to five primary attributes of your solution 
  • Explain their advantages for your client in a concise statement 
  • Be straightforward– This is what we provide. This is how it solves your issue 


In situations where multiple firms submit proposals, having strong and relevant references can set you apart from competitors. It offers an added layer of reassurance to prospective clients about your experience and competence. Essentially, relevant references help the client understand why they should choose you over others. 

References also show the prospective client or partner that others have trusted you and that you’ve delivered results. By showcasing references from satisfied clients or partners, you demonstrate that you have been trusted in the past, which can solve any insecurity or concerns the potential client might have. 


Visuals aren’t a must for proposal cover letters. However, they can enhance its impact by emphasizing crucial information. If you have a designer on your team, you can incorporate graphics that highlight the key points of the letter. 

Some examples of what this might look like: 

  • Highlighting a customer satisfaction quote in a different font to make it stand out 
  • Using callout boxes to draw attention to your key value propositions (especially helpful for busy teams skimming the page) 
  • Using the company letterhead
  • Including the signature from a senior person at your company 


Similar to introductions, many cover letters tend to focus more on the body content than the concluding paragraph. However, ending on a powerful note is as crucial as creating a compelling start. It’s recommended to conclude your cover letter by highlighting a significant benefit and the value your project will offer to the company. 

Additionally, when wrapping up your proposal cover letter, always encourage them to continue by reading the complete proposal.

How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter 

Now that you know the structure to follow on the proposal cover letter, it’s time to go into the details of how to write a proposal letter. 

Powerful First Sentence 

Starting with a powerful opening sentence can grab the reader’s attention immediately, encourage them to continue reading, and make your proposal stand out among the endless others they may have received. It’s beneficial to use impactful verbs and straightforward wording to ensure your initial sentence remains engaging and brief.  

Demonstrate You Understand the Problem 

In any proposal, it’s essential to demonstrate to your client that you understand the problem they’re facing. Highlight their goals and the reasons behind your collaboration. Present the company’s challenges in an easily comprehensible manner. Dedicate a section to focus on the company’s concerns, and later in the cover letter, you can introduce the proposed solutions. 

Offer to Discuss the Proposal Further 

Before ending your cover letter, you should stress your readiness to dive deeper into the proposal and address any questions or concerns the reader might have. Additionally, this serves as a chance for you to propose a face-to-face meeting with the potential client to further increase your chances of landing the project. 

Thank the Issuer for the Opportunity 

In the cover letter, you have the opportunity to express gratitude to the proposal’s recipients. Recognizing their participation in the process and expressing appreciation for the opportunity not only demonstrates courtesy but also signals to all reviewers that you’ve closely read the RFP guidelines. 

Persuasive Closing

After completing the structure and details of your proposal cover letter, end with a persuasive closing demonstrating your understanding of the next steps. Clients want to understand how you’ll assist them in achieving their objectives and the next steps for moving forward. This demonstrates to them that you can simplify the process by detailing the necessary steps to advance. 

As mentioned earlier, you’ll want to encourage the reader to read the entire proposal. However, you should also mention the opportunity to discuss the proposal further. Some examples of what this might look like include: 

  • “We look forward to the opportunity to discuss our proposal further.” 
  • “Once you’ve had an opportunity to review our proposal, please don’t hesitate to reach out and follow up with any questions.” 
  • “Our team will be following up in a week for an update and see if there are any additional ways we can support your team. “


Don’t forget to include a signature! But who signs it? Who signs the proposal cover letter varies based on different factors. The person who has the relationship with the client is in charge of the strategy, and probably carried out the research leading to the proposal is typically the one that should sign the proposal cover letter. 

However, it’s recommended that you have the proposal cover letter signed by the individual with the highest authorization level, ideally someone the client knows. 

Otherwise, you should consider having the executive director of your organization sign the cover letter and include their contact details for professionalism. People to consider for signing the proposal cover letter include: 

  • Executive director 
  • Account manager  
  • Executive of executives 
  • CEO (a strategy used by small firms or when the RFP represents a large portion of a responder’s annual revenue) 
  • Someone with a senior title 

What Makes a Good Proposal Cover Letter?

So, now we know how to structure a proposal cover letter and how to write one, but how can we make it stand out? Here are some tips you should follow to craft a good proposal cover letter. 

Capture Reader’s Attention Early 

Within the framework of a proposal, the first paragraph is the best chance you have to catch your reader’s interest. This means the introduction is one of the most essential parts of your proposal cover letter. It’s crucial to catch the reader’s attention immediately, so think of an engaging way to introduce yourself and your company. You can do this by finding a way to relate to them or showing that you understand their needs. 

Mirror Clients’ Words and Phrases 

When writing a proposal cover letter, it’s essential to align your language with the client’s terminology to show that you understand their needs. Failing to do so might not only display a lack of alignment and agreement. 

Prioritize the Prospect 

A common mistake is making a proposal letter about yourself. Clients aren’t focused on your achievements or your professional journey. They want to understand how you’ll assist them in reaching their objectives. Therefore, the cover letter should focus on how you plan to help the client in reaching their objectives.

If you do want to mention special company achievements, make sure they are relevant to your client’s objectives and provide value. 

Get Straight to the Point

Keep it simple. Be clear and avoid any uncertainty. Being unclear can break trust quickly. So, gather all your information before writing, so you don’t sound unsure. Make sure what you write is accurate. You’re the expert. Write confidently and avoid wasting your client’s (or your) time by putting unnecessary information in your proposal cover letter. The goal is to have clients read to the conclusion and sign. 

Stand Out From the Competition

The proposal cover letter shows that you understand the client’s worries. It helps you be different from others and encourages clients to read your entire proposal. After reading the cover letter, they can then look at the more detailed parts.

Moreover, the proposal cover letter is your first chance to highlight your value proposition and what makes your offer unique compared to others. For the cover letter, you should focus on how you can distinguish yourself from competitors.  You don’t want to “sound” the same as the competition. 

RFP Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid 

Now that we’ve seen what makes a cover letter good, let’s take a look at what makes a cover letter bad. Here are the proposal cover letter mistakes to avoid. 

Repeating the Executive Summary 

Avoid repeating content from the executive summary within your proposal cover letter. Each document — the executive summary, proposal, and cover letter — should be separate. Repetitive information can damage the impact of your message and possibly bore or discourage the reader. 

Not Utilizing the Right Software 

When creating RFP responses, you need to manage digital assets while keeping everything accurate and up to date. With the right software, like a DAM system , you can store and manage all your project images, videos, and other media in one place. This makes it easy to find and incorporate the most relevant and impressive visuals into your RFP to make it more compelling.

With a DAM, you can quickly search, access, and integrate assets from the software directly into your RFP documents. This means that with the right DAM integrations for your industry, you can create documents in seconds with pre-designed templates. 

Additionally, a DAM helps ensure that all images and media used are in line with your brand guidelines and accessed by the right people. 

TIP: Want to know more ways a digital asset management (DAM) system can help you create RFP responses and win more clients? Read our Ultimate DAM Guide now. 

Not Reading the RFP Multiple Times

Overlooking details is the first challenge in the RFP response process. The data presented by the client within the RFP serves to guide and inform your proposal. Hence, it’s crucial to carefully review the RFP multiple times to ensure all essential elements are seen and there is no critical information missing. 

Moreover, if you don’t follow the client’s RFP guidelines, they’ll most likely ignore your response, and all your effort will be lost to those who did thoroughly read the RFP.

Not Understanding the Client’s Needs 

This might seem like a general mistake, but it’s a big one. If you don’t understand what the client wants, your whole response won’t matter. For this reason, you need to read the RFP carefully to know what the client looking for. Don’t send a proposal that’s missing details or doesn’t match what they need. 

Making the Length Too Long 

Your cover letter should always be one page unless you’re dealing with a long proposal of 100+ pages. If you do end up with a longer cover letter, it might be because you are including too much detail. Instead of describing every detail of your proposal (save that for the executive summary), focus on the top three aspects that will catch the reader’s attention. This will leave the reader wanting to know more, encouraging them to read the entire proposal.  

Proposal Cover Letter Examples 

It’s time to take a look at good proposal cover letter examples to help you further understand what is expected. 

Construction Proposal Letter Example 

Here is a construction RFP response cover letter example that works: 

Sample construction proposal letter

Source: Examples   

Architecture RFP Cover Page Example

Here is an architecture RFP cover page example that works: 

Sample architecture rfp cover page

Source: Utley Strategies 

Engineering Cover Letter for a Proposal 

Here is an engineering cover letter example that works: 

Sample engineering cover letter for a proposal

Free Cover Letter for Proposal Template 

Below, you can download a FREE proposal cover letter template made for the AEC industry from OpenAsset partner and proposal writing guru, Rachelle Ray. Just enter your name and email for immediate access.

AEC Cover Letter Template

Responding to an RFP? The downloadable RFP cover letter sample has the structure you need for a proposal cover letter that wins more clients. 

How to Create Quality Proposal Cover Letters Every Time 

Creating quality proposal cover letters every time isn’t an easy task. However, as the #1 DAM for AEC and Real Estate, OpenAsset can help you find, share, and use the digital assets you need to create high-quality AEC proposals quickly and easily. 

With dozens of integrations and useful features, OpenAsset makes it easy to share and manage the heavy amounts of digital assets needed to create winning proposals . 

Get your free downloadable proposal cover letter template today. And if you’d like to learn more about our DAM technology, you can reach out to one of our digital asset experts today to schedule a demo . 

Get OpenAsset DAM Insights

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How to Create Winning Proposals

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How to Sign a Cover Letter (With Examples)

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  • Use Dear Sir Or Madam?
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With so many applicants competing for the same job, you want to make sure every element of your application leaves the right impression .

Regardless of your letter’s contents, an improper closing section conveys a sense of unprofessionalism and ruins the entire application.

This article will show you exactly how to sign and end your cover letter professionally — so you leave a positive impression rather than a negative one.

Key Takeaways:

The end of your cover letter is what will create your final impression, so it’s important to summarize what makes you a good fit for the job, convey confidence, and thank the reader .

Avoid more casual phrases and avoid using exclamation points; express excitement about the job without slipping into less formal prose.

To be as professional as possible, you might want to physically sign your cover letter if you’re giving someone a hard copy, or use a digital signature for an electronic submission.

how to sign a cover letter

How to End a Cover Letter

Examples of how to end a cover letter, examples of how not to end a cover letter, does your cover letter need a written signature, how to sign an uploaded or printed cover letter, cover letter signature examples, how to sign an emailed cover letter, signature examples for emailed documents, final thoughts.

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Your cover letter should maintain a professional and formal tone throughout. This is especially true for the closing, as it’s the section that leaves a final impression on the reader.

“Formal” doesn’t require that you’re robotic and cold. Feel free to be friendly or positive, but always avoid casual language. Don’t use “thanks” or “cheers”, and avoid acronyms.

Every effective cover letter closing accomplishes three goals:

Summarizes your strengths. Sum up the relevant skills and qualifications you’ve mentioned and explain how you can bring value to the company.

Shows confidence and initiative. A generic cover letter closing such as “I look forward to your reply” will be read as nothing more than an empty courtesy.

Stand-out and convey a more action-oriented tone, with a line such as : “I look forward to discussing with you how my skills can create value and solutions for the team.”

Thank the reader. Be sure to show appreciation and offer thanks to the reader for their time and consideration.

As always, remain professional rather than casual. Avoid phrases such as “Cheers” or “Yours.”

While reading the following examples, note how they achieve the three goals:

Summarizes strengths

Conveys initiative and confidence

Thanks the reader

“I believe my six years of experience as a marketing specialist , specifically in the food industry, will be a perfect match for this role. I look forward to speaking with you on how my skills can bring value to the team. Thank you for considering my application.”
“With my extensive software engineering experience, I believe I can develop effective technical solutions for your firm. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss with you how my qualifications can contribute to the team’s success. Thank you for your time.”
“With my eight years of experience as managing director of similar projects, I am confident I can provide insight and value towards your firm’s goals. I would love the chance to speak with you on the position and what skills I could bring. Thank you for your consideration.”
“I am fascinated by your firm’s approach to creating effective user experiences. I would be delighted to discuss with you how I could leverage my ten years of UX experience to upgrade your solutions even further. Thank you for considering my application.”
“I look forward to any chance to speak about the position and what I can bring to the firm. I believe my personal values and extensive experience in the medical research field would make me a great fit for your organization. I appreciate your time and consideration.”

See if you can spot the more subtle errors in the next few examples.

“I believe my eight years of experience as a commercial trucker , especially in long-haul, will be a great match for this role. I look forward to speaking with you on how my skills can bring value to the team.”
“I look forward to an opportunity to discuss with you the position. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration.”
“With my two years of experience as a sales representative , I am confident I can provide the necessary qualifications and skills. Thank you for considering my application.”

While they thanked the reader and summarized their abilities, the writer offered no call to action for the reader to follow-up with them.

It’s commonly asked if it’s really required to end cover letters with a handwritten signature. The answer is it depends on your letter’s format.

Cover letters written on paper should always include a handwritten signature. Doing so is considered proper business etiquette, and forgetting to do so will be seen as unprofessional by recruiters .

Even if the particular reader of your letter doesn’t care, it’s smart to err on the side of caution.

For cover letters delivered through email, a signature isn’t required. However, there’s no harm in creating an electronic signature to add a touch of professionalism.

Keep reading to see exactly how you should sign both an emailed and printed cover letter.

The formal rules for how to write a cover letter may seem numerous and pointless, but it’s important to follow them to avoid standing out as unprofessional amongst other applicants following them.

Most cover letters are emailed these days. However, you might find yourself needing to upload or mail a printer cover letter and wonder how to sign it.

In these cases, a handwritten signature would be included between the sign-off and your printed full name. Keep this in mind when you’re typing it out so you remember to leave enough room.

Your signature should always be written in black ink. The sign-off should always use professional language. Use the same font as the rest of your cover letter and avoid using italics. Consider the following choices:


“Sincerely Yours,”

“Best Regards,”

“Most Sincerely,”

Avoid casual sign-offs such as:

[Your Name]

There is never really any reason to use a sign-off other than the proper four listed above. Just as is the case for greetings such as ” Dear Hiring Manager ” or “ Dear Sir Or Madam ,” using uncommon sign-offs just isn’t worth the risk.

The cover letter should be formatted single-spaced throughout, with an additional space between sections. This includes between your closing paragraph and sign-off. If your contact details are not written in the header, include them after your name.

Here we’ll provide you both a template and a visual example to help you sign your own printed cover letter. Note the spacing used in these examples.

Template Example:

“….thank you for considering my application.” [Sincerely, Best Regards] [Written signature in black ink] [Your full name (typed)] [Your e-mail address] [Tel:(including country/area code)]

Visual Example:

“…thank you for considering my application.” Sincerely, Alex Loizos [email protected] (555) 333 2222

Emailed cover letters do not need a handwritten signature. However, doing so adds a touch of professionalism and won’t hurt your letter.

An emailed letter with a signature looks the exact same as a printed one, except that your signature would be created electronically. Look up how to generate an electronic signature for whatever email service you use.

If you choose to not include a signature, then the rest of the sign-off stays the same. Same single-spacing, with consistent font and no italics.

Visual Example #1:

Visual Example #2:

“…thank you for your time.” Best Regards, Stacy Smith [email protected] (321) 412 2552

The importance of sending a well-written cover letter is underrated. Even with an impressive resume , hiring managers know you as nothing more than a name on a paper and a list of achievements.

Cover letters convey two things that resumes alone cannot: professionalism and initiative.

A discussion of your qualifications and achievements in your letter, followed by an offer for further discussion, is what will lead the recruiter to pick up the phone.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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How to Sign a Cover Letter (With 70+ Signatures)


The job application process can be stressful, and one question that many job seekers find themselves asking is, "Should I sign my cover letter?" In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the history of signing documents, the pros and cons of signing a cover letter, and the psychology behind signed cover letters. Our aim is to help you make an informed decision on whether to sign your cover letter and how to do it professionally.

Signing a cover letter can demonstrate professionalism and attention to detail, making a positive impression on potential employers. Although it is not strictly required, it can set you apart from other applicants and show that you have taken the time to personalize your application.

The History of Signing Documents

Understanding the history of signing documents can provide context for the modern job application process and the relevance of signed cover letters. Historically, signatures were used for authentication and agreement, and people signed documents to confirm their identity or consent to the terms of a contract. This practice dates back to ancient civilizations, where rulers and officials would use seals or other unique marks to authenticate written records.

As technology evolved, the transition from physical signatures to electronic signatures began. Today, electronic signatures are widely accepted and legally binding in many countries. The role of signatures in the job application process has also evolved, with many job seekers now submitting electronic cover letters and resumes. However, the history of signing documents and the perceived importance of signed cover letters remain relevant, as they can demonstrate a level of formality and personal touch that hiring managers may appreciate.

The Psychology Behind Signed Cover Letters

The impact of a signed cover letter on hiring managers can be better understood by examining the psychology behind the perception of signed documents. One study published in Psychology Today found that signatures can convey a sense of trustworthiness and commitment. By signing your cover letter, you are essentially putting your name behind your words and expressing your genuine interest in the position.

A signed cover letter may also help establish a personal connection between the applicant and the hiring manager. As mentioned in Authors Cast , using a professional sign-off followed by your full name can create a sense of authenticity and sincerity. This personal touch can make your application more memorable and help you stand out from other candidates.

However, it's important to consider potential negative psychological effects of a signed cover letter. For example, if your signature is illegible or overly casual, it may give the impression that you lack professionalism or attention to detail. To maximize the positive psychological impact of a signed cover letter, ensure that your signature is clear, professional, and consistent with the tone of your application.

How to Sign a Paper Cover Letter

Properly signing a paper cover letter can demonstrate professionalism and attention to detail. Follow these steps to ensure that your signature adds value to your application:

Placement : Your signature should be placed at the end of your cover letter, after your closing statement. Leave a space between your closing statement (e.g., "Sincerely" or "Best regards") and your signature to give your signature room to stand out.

Professional sign-off : Use a professional closing statement, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours faithfully," to set the tone for your signature. Avoid overly casual or informal sign-offs, which may give a negative impression.

Pen and ink color : According to Modern Fuel , it's best to use blue or black ink for signing documents, as these colors are considered professional and easy to read. Blue ink is often preferred, as it can help your signature stand out from the rest of the black text on your cover letter.

Size and legibility : Your signature should be large enough to be easily read, but not so large that it dominates the page. Legibility is key; if your signature is difficult to read, it may give the impression that you lack attention to detail.

Neatness : Sign your cover letter neatly and cleanly, avoiding any smudges or ink blots. This demonstrates care and professionalism, reinforcing the positive impression you want to make on potential employers.

Common Concerns and Misconceptions

Addressing common concerns and misconceptions about signing cover letters can help job seekers make informed decisions and avoid potential mistakes.

Formality : Some job seekers worry that signing a cover letter may appear too formal. While it's true that a signature can add a level of formality, it's important to consider the specific job application and industry. In more traditional or conservative industries, a signed cover letter may be expected and appreciated. In more casual settings, a typed name may suffice.

Necessity : There's a misconception that signing a cover letter is no longer necessary due to electronic submissions. While it's true that electronic submissions have become more common, signing a cover letter (even electronically) can still convey professionalism and attention to detail.

Adapting to the job application and industry : The decision to sign your cover letter should be based on the specific job application and industry. If you're unsure whether a signature is expected or appropriate, research the company culture and industry norms to make an informed decision.

Consequences of not signing : Not signing a cover letter when it's expected can make your application appear incomplete or careless. However, in many cases, a missing signature is unlikely to be a deal-breaker. It's more important to focus on creating a well-written, tailored cover letter that highlights your skills and experience.

When a signature may not be required but could be beneficial : In some cases, a signature may not be strictly required, but including one can still make a positive impression. If you're unsure whether to sign your cover letter, consider the potential benefits of demonstrating professionalism and attention to detail, and weigh these against any potential drawbacks.

Signature Examples in Cover Letters

It's important to sign your cover letter with a suitable closing that reflects your level of professionalism and aligns with the company's culture. Below are examples of professional and appropriate signatures:

Example 1: Simple and Classic

This approach is straightforward and appropriate for any professional context.

Sincerely, John Doe

Example 2: Respectful and Formal

This sign-off conveys a high degree of formality and respect, suitable for traditional industries or companies.

Yours faithfully, Jane Smith

Example 3: Courteous and Personal

This closing adds a touch of personal warmth while still maintaining a professional tone.

Best regards, Robert Johnson

Example 4: Warm and Professional

This closing is slightly less formal, but still conveys respect and professionalism, making it suitable for many modern businesses.

Kind regards, Emily Davis

Example 5: Professional and Polite

This closing demonstrates a high level of respect and formality, making it a safe choice when you are unsure of the company's expectations.

Respectfully, Samuel Johnson

Remember, it's important to match the formality of your sign-off with the company's culture and the nature of the role you are applying for. These signatures are professionally acceptable and can be adapted to most situations, making them excellent choices when signing your cover letter.

Full List Of Signatures For A Cover Letter

In a professional setting, the way you close your cover letter can leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. It's an opportunity to exude professionalism and reflect your personal style. To help you leave a positive and memorable impression, we've compiled a list of 70 professional cover letter signatures. These range from traditional closings starting with "Best Regards" and "Sincerely," to more unique ones like "Yours in Faithful Service" and "In Earnest Hope". Remember, it's essential to match the tone and formality of your signature with the culture of the company and the role you're applying for.

Choose the signature that best aligns with your personal style and the tone set in your cover letter. Whether you opt for a traditional closing or decide to stand out with something a bit more unique, this list offers a wide range of options to suit every professional context.

  • Best Regards
  • Warm Regards
  • Kind Regards
  • With Appreciation
  • Yours Truly
  • Respectfully
  • Best Wishes
  • Yours Respectfully
  • With Gratitude
  • Sincere Regards
  • Many Thanks
  • Yours Sincerely
  • Thanks in Advance
  • Yours in Service
  • With Thanks
  • Yours With Gratitude
  • Sincere Thanks
  • Yours in Partnership
  • Appreciatively
  • Sincerely Yours
  • Faithfully Yours
  • In Gratitude
  • Respectfully Yours
  • Wishing You Well
  • Yours in Gratitude
  • With Respect
  • Thanking You
  • With Warmth
  • Thank You for Your Consideration
  • Best to You
  • Yours in Appreciation
  • Cordially Yours
  • In Kindness
  • Thank You for Your Time
  • With Sincerity
  • Warmly Yours
  • With Best Wishes
  • Warmest Regards
  • Looking Forward
  • With Anticipation
  • In Anticipation
  • Yours Eagerly
  • With Assurance
  • Yours Hopefully
  • Best Regards to You
  • Wishing You the Best
  • Yours Expectantly
  • In Respectful Anticipation
  • Regards to You
  • In Hopeful Expectation
  • With High Hopes
  • Yours in Hope
  • Hopeful Regards
  • Yours in Anticipation
  • With Great Expectation

Signing a cover letter can demonstrate professionalism and attention to detail, making a positive impression on potential employers, although it is not strictly required. Throughout this article, we've explored the history of signing documents, the pros and cons of signing a cover letter, the psychological impact of signed cover letters on hiring managers, and best practices for signing both paper and electronic cover letters. We've also addressed common concerns and misconceptions about cover letter signatures.

As you consider whether to sign your cover letter, remember to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks, and consider the specific job application and industry. Ultimately, the decision to sign your cover letter is up to you, but understanding the factors at play can help you make an informed choice.

We encourage you to share your experiences and ask any questions you may have in the comments below. Good luck with your job search, and may your cover letter – signed or unsigned – help you secure the position you desire!



Cover Letter For Contract Needing Signature Letter

123 Lane, Area 456,

City, State, Pin Code

February 23, 2012 [Mention Recipient’s Address Here] Hello, We are delighted to get associated with your company and pleased to do business with you. Please find the attached contract which outlines our agreement. [description.]

Upon completion of the contracts, [next steps]. We look forward to doing business with you. Please feel free to contact us for any further doubts and clarifications. Thanking you,

Warm Regards,

Bob Travolta Encl: [List of enclosed items goes here]

  Download Sample Cover Letter For Contract Needing Signature Letter In Word Format

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How to Sign a Cover Letter: Paper vs Digital

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In This Guide:

Do you need to hand sign your cover letter

What to include in your cover letter signature

How to sign a cover letter when emailing

How to sign a paper cover letter

How to sign a cover letter when it is an attached file

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When it comes to your cover letter, you usually have just one chance to make a good first impression.

That’s why you would want to make it all perfect.

You might think that your signature is not important, and it wouldn’t matter what you put there, but you can not be more wrong.§

As employers receive hundreds of resumes for every open job position they have, even the smallest detail might be used against you for the purpose of pre-selection.

So, how to perfect your cover letter signature?

Well, that depends greatly on the method you choose for sending your cover letter. So we are going to explore the 3 cases:

  • Signing your email cover letter
  • Signing your hard copy cover letter
  • Signing your uploaded cover letter

And as we go along, we are going to give you examples for each method .

If you have some doubts about your overall cover letter performance, that would be a good time to learn how to tell a story with your cover letter and build your perfect cover letter .

But if you are ready to dive into the details of your cover letter signature, stick around.

Do you need to hand sign your cover letter?

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Every cover letter needs some kind of sign-off with at least a closing phrase and your names.

But apart from that, a hand signature inserted into your cover letter is entirely up to you.

If you are emailing your cover letter, your potential employer would not be expecting a hand signature. However, if you are mailing a physical cover letter, or uploading it, hand signing your cover letter can be a nice touch.

What to include in your cover letter signature?

What you include in your cover letter signature depends on the method you use for sending it over to your potential employer.

However, every cover letter signature should include a closing phrase and your names.

From this point forward, you can include a handwritten signature, or your contact information, depending on the type of cover letter you are sending.

If you have chosen to email your cover letter, it is nice to include your contact information just after your names, but you usually don’t need a handwritten signature.

And if you decide to mail a hard copy of your cover letter, it is a charming touch to include a handwritten signature, but don’t really need the contact information, as it would only clutter the page.

How to sign a cover letter when emailing?

When emailing your cover letter to a potential employer, it is essential for you to list your contact information in the bottom of your email .

At the very least, a hiring manager should be able to find your name, email address, and phone number, but you can also include an address, LinkedIn profile , or a portfolio.

Your contact information is so essential because the hiring manager would need to be able to easily contact you.

It would be a shame if you nailed your cover letter, and build a perfect resume , and the hiring manager has no way to contact you for an interview.

If you want to really nail it, you need to make sure you are sticking to the same font throughout, and not use anything too special in your signature, as it might come across as childish.

Last but not least, send out your cover letter using a professional email address. That does not mean that you need to use your work email address, as that would be a huge mistake.

To get the best result, use a free online email service like Gmail, and set up your email in the format [email protected] .

Just to make things easier on your part, here is how your email signature should look like:

[email protected]

(555) 555-5555

And if you want to add in some additional contacts, you can do so by listing them below these like this:

Sincerely, John Doe [email protected] (555) 555-5555 https://linkedin.com/in/john-doe

How to sign a paper cover letter?

When it comes to a hard copy of your cover letter, you no longer need to list the contact information in your signature. In most cases, both your contact information and that of the employer is listed at the top of the page.

Here, just like in any other cover letter sign-off, you need to add a closing phrase and your names.

What you can add here as a nice touch is including a handwritten signature.

Typically, you would want it to be positioned between the closing phrase and your full name, so make sure you leave enough space between the two for you to sign it after you print it out.

And here is how your paper cover letter sign-off should look like:

Sincerely, (leave enough white space here) Jane Doe

So that when you print it out, you can add in your signature in the blank space.

When you have decided to attach your cover letter to your email, or upload it to a job site, you can only type in a closing phrase and your names, and that would be perfectly fine for a signature.

However, a handwritten signature might really make some good impression on the hiring manager.

If you decide to go for it, you have two options:

  • Print out your cover letter with a structure for a hard copy, sign it and then scan it, and you are ready to upload it
  • You can sign on a blank piece of paper and scan it, and then insert it into your cover letter digital file

Either way, it would make a good impression.

Just make sure you leave enough blank space for a signature if you go for it.

If you decide to go for the basic version of your cover letter signature, you just need that:

Sincerely, Jane Doe

But if you are determined to add in your handwritten signature, make sure you go for that:

Sincerely, (leave enough white space here)

So that when you print it out, you can add in your signature in the blank space. And from that point forward, you only need to scan it, and you are ready to go.

We are all done, now you know how to get the best out of your cover letter signature.

Let’s go through the most important points once again:

  • If you are emailing your cover letter, make sure you list your essential contact information in your email signature, so that it would be easy for the hiring manager to contact you
  • If you are sending out a hard copy of your cover letter, you don’t need to list your contact information in the signature, but it is a nice touch to include a handwritten signature
  • When you are attaching your cover letter to an email, or uploading it to a website, you can go with the basics – closing phrase and your names, but it is again a nice touch to add your scanned signature to the document

Now upgrade your cover letter signature, and perfect your application documents to get your dream job.

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Business-in-a-Box's Cover Letter_Employment Agreement Template

Cover Letter_Employment Agreement Template

Document description.

This cover letter_employment agreement template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our cover letter_employment agreement template:

OBJECT: EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHED Dear [EMPLOYEE NAME], Following our recent conversations, please find attached a proposed Employment Agreement. Please understand that the terms set forth in this draft will only come into effect once the agreement is actually signed by all parties. We hope you will find the terms of the proposed agreement to be acceptable. Please review it carefully. Should you feel something was overlooked or you would like to propose a change, please feel free to let me know. As with all contracts, you m

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How to Sign a Cover Letter (With Signature Examples)

cover letter for signing agreement

  • Do You Need to Sign a Cover Letter?
  • Sign Uploaded or Printed Cover Letters
  • Cover Letter Signatures Examples
  • Signatures If You're Emailing
  • Signature Examples for Emails

Which Email Address to Use

How to add a digital signature, need more cover letter help.

  South_agency / E+ / Getty Images

When writing a cover letter to include with your resume, it's important to pay attention to every detail, since you only get one chance to make that first impression. So, what exactly should you include in your signature when you're writing your cover letter to apply for a job?

It varies, depending on how you apply for the position. The format and information included in your signature will change according to whether you are mailing, uploading, or emailing your cover letter document. 

Does Your Cover Letter Need a Written Signature?

When distributing your cover letter online by emailing it or uploading it onto a company’s web portal, it is not necessary to hand sign your cover letter. Employers don’t expect to see your handwritten signature on your cover letter. You could add a scanned image of your signature to your document, but it is optional and not required.

How To Sign an Uploaded or Printed Cover Letter

Uploaded Letter:  If you're uploading your cover letter to a job site, your signature will simply include an  appropriate closing phrase and your full name. Place a comma after your close, such as  Best,  or  Sincerely yours,  and then insert your name in the line below. 

Use a formal business-style letter format that includes a heading, salutation, the body of the letter, closing phrase, and your signature. Review these  guidelines for what to include in your letter .

Hard Copy Letter:  When you're printing a hard copy letter, include a closing phrase, your handwritten signature, and your typed full name. Leave several spaces between the closing phrase and your typed name. That way, you'll have room for your signature when you print out the letter. Sign it using either blue or black ink. 

Signature Examples for Uploaded or Printed Letters

For uploaded or hard copy printed letters, there is no need to include as much information as you would in an email message, because the  heading of your cover letter  includes your contact information.

Signature Example (uploaded letter)

Best regards,

Janet Dolan

Signature Format (signed letter)

Closing phrase, 

Handwritten Signature 

First Name Last Name

Signature Example (signed letter)

Janet Dolan (Your Signature)

What to Include in an Email Signature 

If you are emailing your cover letter or inquiry letter, end with a polite sign-off followed by your full name. There is no need to sign a cover letter that's being sent electronically. Write out your full name in the same font as the rest of the letter, and don't use italics or a handwriting font. 

The formatting here is very similar to that in an uploaded cover letter. However, emails do not contain a header with your phone number or other contact information. 

It's a good idea to include these details in your closing paragraph or after your typed signature. That makes it easy for the employer or networking contact to get in touch with you.

You can also include links to online portfolios, if appropriate, or a link to your professional social media accounts, such as LinkedIn or Twitter.

You don't want to make this section too cluttered, so restrict yourself to the most relevant information. Here's how to set up an email signature, along with more advice on what to include in it and what to leave out. 

Signature Examples for Emailed Documents

When you are  sending email cover letters , it's important to include contact information so the hiring manager can easily see how to contact you. At the very least, include your name, email address, and phone number. You can also add other optional information, such as your street address, online portfolio, or social media accounts.

Email Signature Format

Your Name Email Phone

Email Signature Example

Karina Hoffman karina.hoffman@email.com 555-123-5678

Sample Email Signature With Full Address

Your Name Street City, State Zip Code Email Phone

Sample Email Signature With Social Media Handles

Your Name Email Phone LinkedIn Profile  (Optional)  Twitter Account  (Optional)

Don't use your work email address for job searching. Use your personal email account, or set up a unique account to use just for your job hunt. Many free online email services exist, like Gmail and Yahoo Mail, which you can use to set up a new email account exclusively for your job search.

Even though you are using a personal account, choose an email address that looks professional.

Your best bet is some variation on first initial, last name (e.g., jdoe@gmail.com) or first name, last name (janedoe@gmail.com). Here's how to set up an email account just for your job search.

Adding a handwritten signature is an optional touch, though definitely not required, and it is possible to add your handwritten signature digitally. The simplest way is to use a scanner or a scanner app on your smartphone:

Simply sign a piece of printer paper and then scan the page.

After scanning, the software will give you the opportunity to crop the scanned image (that is, cut the image down to the size of your written signature) or you can crop it in Word.

Once you’ve cropped your signature image to the appropriate size, save your signature as a .gif, .jpg, or .png file to your desktop or a folder on your computer.

Open the Word document where you composed your cover letter and then insert the image of your signature into the document underneath your closing phrase.

Remember to type your name below your handwritten signature.

Get information on  how to write a cover letter , including what to include in your cover letter, cover letter format, targeted cover letters, and cover letter samples and examples.

Georgetown University. Cawley Career Education Center. " Cover Letters ."

Microsoft Office. " Insert a Signature ."


Posts Misrepresent Unfreezing of $16 Billion in Iranian Funds

By Saranac Hale Spencer

Posted on May 10, 2024

Este artículo estará disponible en español en El Tiempo Latino .

A recent deal involving a prisoner swap and the extension of a Trump-era waiver have freed $16 billion in previously frozen Iranian funds. Social media posts distort the sources of the money to falsely claim “Joe Biden gave 16 billion to Iran.” The Iranian money has been unfrozen with restrictions that it be used for humanitarian purposes.

Two separate agreements in the fall allowed Iran to access up to $16 billion of its previously frozen assets, including a reported $10 billion as the result of an extension of a Trump-era waiver that allows Iran to access funds for humanitarian purposes.

Posts on social media have misrepresented those agreements, claiming , “Joe Biden gave 16 billion to Iran.” One early version of the claim, which spread widely on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, showed a picture of President Joe Biden with this text: “Anyone remember when this guy handed $16,000,000,000 to Iran last year?” It came from an account that describes itself as “Conservative populist.” When the post went viral, the account added a marketing link to a survivalist goods company.

“This use of the word ‘gave’ is certainly intended to mislead,” Heather Williams , a senior policy researcher at RAND who specializes in Middle East regional issues, told us in an email. “[P]eople often try to portray this issue in a way that gives the impression that America is giving funds to Iran.”

The agreements don’t provide any U.S. money to Iran, as the posts suggest. Rather, they allow Iran to access its own assets that had been frozen in foreign banks due to earlier sanctions. The money can only be used for humanitarian purposes.

It’s also not clear how much of the $16 billion – which is held in accounts in Qatar and Oman – has been spent. As of December, U.S. officials said no Iranian money held in Qatar had been spent, but there were two transactions from the funds in Oman. The amounts of the transactions have not been disclosed.

Williams said she isn’t as familiar with the details of the money held in Oman. But as for Qatar, “There is no clear evidence Iran has used any of this money,” she said — although there are still questions about how Qatar plans to enforce the restrictions on the money, and Iran has claimed to have access to the money.

Here’s the deal with each of the two agreements.

$6 Billion in Foreign Banks

In September, the U.S. and Iran exchanged prisoners in a deal that also included the unfreezing of $6 billion in Iranian assets.

Five Americans were released from Iranian jails and returned to the U.S., and five Iranians who had either been charged or convicted in the U.S. received clemency. The other part of the deal freed up $6 billion in previously frozen Iranian assets.

As we’ve explained before , none of it was U.S. money. It was Iranian money that had been held in South Korean banks.

The money was from South Korea’s purchases of Iranian energy products. It was held in the bank accounts after then-President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action , better known as the Iran nuclear deal, in May 2018. Months later, the administration reinstated sanctions on Iran that were lifted after Iran agreed to the nuclear deal, which was negotiated by the U.S., China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union. Those sanctions included a partial ban on oil exports, and the next year, the Trump administration made it a total ban . The sanctions were also aimed at stopping “transactions by foreign financial institutions with the Central Bank of Iran.”

In October 2019, the Trump administration made the money in those accounts available to Iran for limited humanitarian purposes, although the banks didn’t use that accommodation much due to the increased reporting it required.

As the Washington Institute for Near East Policy  explained , “participants and observers complained that the ‘enhanced due diligence’ requirements were too much of a burden.”

So, even though there were mechanisms to disperse Iranian assets, “the South Koreans weren’t interested,”  Patrick Clawson , director of research at the Washington Institute, told us last year. “From the beginning, South Korean banks were reluctant to use it because they feared the U.S. could change its mind and come back and fine them.”

The prisoner swap deal in September moved that money from South Korea to Qatar, although it is available only for humanitarian purposes. John Kirby, spokesman for the National Security Council, said in October that Iran hadn’t accessed any of the money.

Abram Paley , the State Department deputy special envoy for Iran, said the same thing in December during a House Financial Services Committee hearing .

“Not a penny of this money has been spent and these funds will not go anywhere anytime soon,” Paley said , although he didn’t explain what mechanism was keeping the funds static.

After the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo reportedly told House Democrats in a closed-door meeting in October that the U.S. and Qatar had reached an agreement to prevent Iran from accessing the $6 billion that had been unfrozen as part of the prisoner swap, according to ABC News .

The Biden administration was under pressure to act because of Iran’s support for Hamas. “The Iranian government has backed Hamas for decades, going back nearly to the group’s inception in the 1980s,” according to a Congressional Research Service report on the history of U.S. policy toward Iran.

The CRS report, which was last updated on April 22, cited the same news reports and noted that the apparent agreement was “for an unspecified period of time.”

We reached out to the State Department for more information but didn’t get a response.

At the same December House hearing , Elizabeth Rosenberg , the assistant secretary for terrorist financing and financial crimes at the Treasury Department, also confirmed that no money had left those accounts. “There have been no transfers out of this, from the $6 billion sum held in Qatari financial institutions,” she said.

$10 Billion in Energy Sales to Iraq

In 2018, after Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal and reinstated sanctions, his administration issued a waiver that allowed Iraq to continue purchasing electricity from Iran, with restrictions that Iran only use the proceeds for humanitarian purposes.

That waiver has been consistently renewed, typically in 120-day increments .

On Nov. 14, Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed another waiver , “the twenty-first such waiver across multiple administrations,” Paley, the State Department’s deputy special envoy, said at the hearing . That waiver expired in March and was, again, renewed .

News stories noted the estimated reserve of money that had built up from the sale of energy from Iran to Iraq was about $10 billion.

The decision to extend the waiver was criticized by some conservative politicians, who highlighted the $10 billion figure, including Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina and Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina. And that number has now found its way to social media posts.

It’s unclear exactly how much has accrued from the sale of Iranian energy to Iraq, though. It’s also unclear how much has been accessed by Iran, which, as we said, can use the money only to fund humanitarian purchases.

The $10 billion figure — which has been referenced by many U.S. officials over the last several months — appears to have come up over the summer, in an Iranian media report.

When the previous waiver was renewed in July, the State Department allowed for money to be held in bank accounts outside of Iraq to prevent Iran from pressuring Iraq to give it access to the funds. That money is now largely held in Oman . As of December, there had been two transactions from those accounts, according to Rosenberg, who declined to give details about them during the House hearing.

Also in July, the Persian-language broadcaster Iran International reported that the chairman of the Iran-Iraq chamber of commerce had estimated the amount of money in the Iraqi accounts for Iran was $10 billion, which is the earliest reference we could find to that amount.

A month earlier, in June, the U.S. had reportedly approved a payment of $2.7 billion from restricted funds held for Iran in Iraq.

Neither the State Department nor the White House responded to our requests for more details.

When the waiver was reissued in November, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller explained that the money “is held in accounts that are restricted where they can only be used to pay for food, medicine, humanitarian purposes, and other non-sanctionable activities.”

Referring to Iraq, Miller said, “We’ve had a number of policies we’ve worked with to try to ensure their energy independence, but in the meantime, they continue to buy Iranian electricity. And so we have in the past, as has the Trump administration, issued waivers to allow these funds to move to restricted accounts, or as I said, that can be used for humanitarian and other non-sanctionable purposes.”

And, more recently, Kirby, the NSC spokesman, answered a reporter’s question in April about the unfreezing of Iranian assets, saying , “none of those funds — funds set up in an account, by the way, by the previous administration — goes directly to the Supreme Leader of the [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps]. It can only be used for humanitarian purposes. And we’re watching that account very, very closely to make sure that that’s what happens.”

So, saying only that “Joe Biden gave 16 billion to Iran” leaves the false impression that the administration has provided new, unrestricted money to Iran. That money already belonged to Iran, and its use is restricted. It’s also unclear how much of it Iran has actually accessed.

Editor’s note:  FactCheck.org  is one of several organizations  working with Facebook  to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Our previous stories can be found  here . Facebook has  no control  over our editorial content.

Chappell, Bill. “ 5 Americans freed from prison in Iran land on U.S. soil .” NPR. 19 Sep 2023.

Press release. “ Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on the Return of American Detainees from Iran .” Whitehouse.gov. 17 Sep 2023.

Farley, Robert and Lori Robertson. “ Republican Claims on Hamas Attack and Iran Funds Distort the Facts .” FactCheck.org. Updated 12 Oct 2023.

Robinson, Kali. “ What Is the Iran Nuclear Deal? ” Council on Foreign Relations. Updated 27 Oct 2023.

Press release. “ Statement from the President on the Reimposition of United States Sanctions with Respect to Iran .” Whitehouse.gov. 6 Aug 2018.

Rome, Henry. “ The Iran Hostage Deal: Clarifying the $6 Billion Transfer .” Washington Institute for Near East Policy. 18 Sep 2023.

“ Iran prisoner swap for $6 billion in spotlight after Hamas attacks Israel .” Reuters. 9 Oct 2023.

Bruce, Mary, et al. “ US, Qatar agree to prevent Iran from tapping previously frozen $6 billion fund .” ABC News. 12 Oct 2023.

Thomas, Clayton. “ Iran Sanctions .” Congressional Research Service. 2 Feb 2022.

Lewis, Simon and Humeyra Pamuk. “ US renews waiver letting Iraq pay Iran for electricity .” Reuters. 14 Nov 2023.

Tillis, Thom. Press release. “ Tillis, Colleagues Demand Answers from Biden on Latest Iran Sanctions Waiver .” 4 Dec 2023.


U.S. Department of State. “ Department Press Briefing – November 14, 2023 .” 14 Nov 2023.

White House. “ Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby .” 15 Apr 2024.


Stormy Daniels and Trump Have Met in Court Before, to Her Detriment

Stormy Daniels sued Donald J. Trump for defamation and lost. Her lawyer wound up in prison for stealing from her.

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Story Daniels walking in a purple suit.

By Alan Feuer

  • May 7, 2024

Stormy Daniels’s testimony on Tuesday against Donald J. Trump at his criminal trial in Manhattan was not the first time that the porn star and the former president have clashed in court.

Six years ago, Ms. Daniels — then known by her off-camera name, Stephanie Clifford — filed a defamation lawsuit against Mr. Trump that ultimately failed, leading to damaging consequences for both her and her lawyer.

The lawsuit, first filed in Manhattan federal court in April 2018 and then transferred to California, accused Mr. Trump of posting a social media message that called into question Ms. Daniels’s credibility.

It came in response to one of her own posts, in which she included a sketch of a man who, she said, had threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011, telling her to keep silent when she was first considering revealing her account of having had sex with Mr. Trump.

In his tweet, Mr. Trump called the sketch “a total con job,” saying it depicted “a nonexistent man.” A lawyer who represented Ms. Daniels at the time, Michael Avenatti, called Mr. Trump’s statements an attack for which she should be compensated. He cited “harm to her reputation, emotional harm, exposure to contempt, ridicule, and shame.”

On Tuesday, Ms. Daniels briefly mentioned the threatening episode from the witness stand, saying that she did not report it when it happened because it would have been upsetting to her partner at the time. But she has not yet testified about the defamation lawsuit.

Within six months of the suit’s filing, a federal judge dismissed it , ruling that Mr. Trump’s post was an example of the “‘rhetorical hyperbole’ normally associated with politics and public discourse in the United States.”

“The First Amendment protects this type of rhetorical statement,” the judge, James S. Otero, wrote in his decision.

Judge Otero ordered Ms. Daniels in 2018 to reimburse Mr. Trump for the more than $100,000 he spent in legal fees to defend himself.

Months later, Ms. Daniels and Mr. Avenatti lost another lawsuit against Mr. Trump . This one, also brought in California, had sought to release Ms. Daniels from a nondisclosure agreement that is now central to the criminal trial in Manhattan. As part of that arrangement, she received $130,000 through Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer at the time, Michael D. Cohen.

While representing Ms. Daniels, Mr. Avenatti rose to such fame that he became a staple of the cable news circuit and at one point even considered running for president. But the consequences of losing the suits were even more severe for him than for his client.

Once joined at the hip, he and Ms. Daniels had a fiery falling out and she eventually accused him of stealing more than $300,000 in book payments meant for her. Those accusations led to a trial in Manhattan, where in 2022, Mr. Avenatti was convicted of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft and ultimately sentenced to four years in prison .

Mr. Avenatti remains behind bars, serving terms for two other theft and tax evasion convictions, but he recently weighed in on Mr. Trump’s own case in Manhattan.

On April 10, he posted a social media message attacking Ms. Daniels and Mr. Cohen, who is also expected to testify in the case, saying it was “outrageous” that they were permitted to go after Mr. Trump, but Mr. Trump could not react because of a gag order imposed on him.

Mr. Trump, appearing to appreciate the support, responded online to Mr. Avenatti.

“Thank you Michael Avenatti,” he wrote, “for revealing the truth about two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!”

Alan Feuer covers extremism and political violence for The Times, focusing on the criminal cases involving the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and against former President Donald J. Trump.  More about Alan Feuer

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

News and Analysis

Ahead of Michael Cohen’s testimony on Monday, Justice Juan M. Merchan told prosecutors to keep Mr. Cohen from speaking about the case .

Several witnesses have mentioned Keith Schiller , Donald Trump’s bodyguard, during their testimony. Where is he?

Custodial witnesses, who have discussed FedEx labels, Sharpies and stapling protocol, have made for little spectacle in the trial. But they’ve provided basic information  about the documents at the heart of the case.

More on Trump’s Legal Troubles

Key Inquiries: Trump faces several investigations  at both the state and the federal levels, into matters related to his business and political careers.

Case Tracker:  Keep track of the developments in the criminal cases  involving the former president.

What if Trump Is Convicted?: Could he go to prison ? And will any of the proceedings hinder Trump’s presidential campaign? Here is what we know , and what we don’t know .

Trump on Trial Newsletter: Sign up here  to get the latest news and analysis  on the cases in New York, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C.


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  2. Letter Of Agreement sample

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  3. Contract Cover Letter

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  4. Business Contract Cover Letter

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  5. Cover Letter Signature Form

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  6. Cover Letter With Signature Example

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  1. Template Cover Letter To Agreement Contract: Streamline Your Contract

    When it comes to drafting a template cover letter for an agreement contract, it is important to keep in mind that this letter serves as the first impression you make on the recipient. It is a crucial opportunity to showcase your professionalism, attention to detail, and willingness to fulfill the terms of the agreement.

  2. How to Sign a Cover Letter (5+ Examples of Signatures)

    Simply write your full name at the end of the email, using the same cover letter font you use for the rest of your cover letter. The proper format of an email cover letter signature looks like this: Regards, [First Name] [Last Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number] Although you should have already provided your contact details in your resume and ...

  3. Cover Letter for Agreement

    The cover letter should be addressed to the person who will be signing the agreement, and it should briefly summarize the terms of the agreement. The cover letter should be professional and polite, and it should express your willingness to sign the agreement. Address the letter to a specific person. Keep it brief. one page is ideal.

  4. How to Write a Cover Letter for Agreement Needing Signature

    Learn how to write a cover letter enclosing the original copy of the agreement and requesting the party to sign it.Check out other templates at: https://www....

  5. How To Write a Letter of Agreement (With Template)

    When writing a letter of agreement, try to use professional language and objectively write all the agreed-upon conditions in as much detail as possible. Here are the steps to write a letter of agreement: 1. Title the document. Add the title at the top of the document. You can use "Letter of Agreement" for simplicity.

  6. Transmit a Contract

    Sample Sentences for Step 1. Enclosed is the Smith contract which we are now submitting for your review. Attached to this cover letter is a draft of the contract for your review and comments. Enclosed is your signed copy of the final contract. Attached is a revised version of the contract, modified according to our discussions on August 23 ...

  7. How to Draft a Letter Agreement or an MOU

    A letter agreement — also called a "letter of agreement" or an "agreement letter" — documents an agreement between two or more parties. The agreement is structured as if it were a letter, with separate paragraphs, a date line, and places at the bottom for signatures. The contract will be as legally sound and enforceable as a document ...

  8. How to Sign a Cover Letter (With Signature Examples)

    If you are emailing your cover letter or inquiry letter, end with a polite sign-off followed by your full name. There is no need to sign a cover letter that's being sent electronically. Write out your full name in the same font as the rest of the letter, and don't use italics or a handwriting font.

  9. How to sign a cover letter: a guide to professional correspondence

    Key takeaways. When it comes to signing a cover letter, there are three main methods: typing your name, an electronic signature, and a handwritten signature. Pick the right type for the cover letter format you are using. Make sure you choose a sign-off such as "Kind regards" at the end.

  10. Contract Agreement Sample Letter: Free & Customizable

    Understanding the Purpose: Learn why contract agreement letters are crucial for clear communication and legal clarity. Essential Components: Discover the key elements that every contract agreement letter must include. Step-by-Step Guide: Follow a detailed, step-by-step process to write your contract agreement letter effectively.

  11. How To Write a Contract Specialist Cover Letter (With Template ...

    Here is a sample cover letter that shows the candidate's qualifications for their desired role: John Mallard. Charlotte, North Carolina. 704-222-2222. [email protected] March 22, 2021 Dear Kelly Myers, I'm writing to apply for the contract specialist position with Patrickson Energy Corporation.

  12. How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter: Examples + Free Template

    Proposal cover letters are brief overviews that introduce the more in-depth content of a proposal. Cover letters are normally the first page of a proposal, making them the first impression you will give and your first opportunity to convince the reader to work with you. These letters directly communicate with the client and set the stage for ...

  13. How to Sign a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Thanks the reader. Example 1. "I believe my six years of experience as a marketing specialist, specifically in the food industry, will be a perfect match for this role. I look forward to speaking with you on how my skills can bring value to the team. Thank you for considering my application.". Example 2.

  14. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  15. How to Sign a Cover Letter (With 70+ Signatures)

    Placement: Your signature should be placed at the end of your cover letter, after your closing statement. Leave a space between your closing statement (e.g., "Sincerely" or "Best regards") and your signature to give your signature room to stand out. Professional sign-off: Use a professional closing statement, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards ...

  16. How to Sign a Cover Letter: Signature Examples for 2024

    Put your cover letter signature after the last paragraph, which will include a call to action and a proposition of a precise date for your meeting with a recruiter. Your signature should include a closing salutation, your full name, and your contact information. It can also include your current job title, your home address, and a link to your ...

  17. Cover Letter For Contract Needing Signature Letter

    Cover Letter For Contract Needing Signature Letter. April 12, 2012 by emily. 123 Lane, Area 456, City, State, Pin Code. February 23, 2012. [Mention Recipient's Address Here] Hello, We are delighted to get associated with your company and pleased to do business with you. Please find the attached contract which outlines our agreement ...

  18. Enhancv's Guide to Signing Digital and Paper Cover Letters

    If you decide to go for it, you have two options: Print out your cover letter with a structure for a hard copy, sign it and then scan it, and you are ready to upload it. You can sign on a blank piece of paper and scan it, and then insert it into your cover letter digital file. Either way, it would make a good impression.

  19. Agreement Cover Letter

    Agreement Cover Letter. By signing below, with inclusion of the date of signature, the bidder declares that the undersigned complies with the requirements of the solicitation and that the information set forth within is true and correct. This document must be signed and returned along with the entire bid response.

  20. Professional Contract Analyst Cover Letter Examples

    [email protected]. Felicity Weeks, As a highly skilled Contract Analyst, I read your posting for a new Contract Analyst with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking at Harding and Banner, in particular my role as a Contract Analyst at Company Name, and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your ...

  21. Cover Letter_Employment Agreement Template

    Business in a Box templates are used by over 250,000 companies in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and 190 countries worldwide. Quickly create your Cover Letter_Employment Agreement Template - Download Word Template. Get 3,000+ templates to start, plan, organize, manage, finance and grow your business.

  22. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  23. Cover Letters

    The first example contains the very least you should include (name, email address, and phone number). The third is the ideal example of how to sign a cover letter via email. Example 1: Sincerely yours, Mary Washington. [email protected]. 70997654.

  24. How to Sign a Cover Letter (With Signature Examples)

    Learn what to include in the signature of cover letters when uploading, emailing, or mailing your documents, with examples of each type of signature.

  25. U.S., Japan, Korea Coast Guards sign trilateral agreement to increase

    This agreement aligns trilateral cooperation between Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States to include capacity-building efforts to Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Pacific Island countries. The letter of intent advances a joint statement between the three nations' leaders, which was held at Camp David in August 2023.

  26. Newly unsealed grand jury testimony from Trump's valet helps explain

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  27. Posts Misrepresent Unfreezing of $16 Billion in Iranian Funds

    Quick Take. A recent deal involving a prisoner swap and the extension of a Trump-era waiver have freed $16 billion in previously frozen Iranian funds. Social media posts distort the sources of the ...

  28. Here's Why Stormy Daniels Was Ordered to Pay Trump in 2018

    Judge Otero ordered Ms. Daniels in 2018 to reimburse Mr. Trump for the more than $100,000 he spent in legal fees to defend himself. Months later, Ms. Daniels and Mr. Avenatti lost another lawsuit ...