TED’s Official Public Speaking Course

Master a variety of communication skills with TED’s official public speaking course, now available on YouTube Courses. This course will teach you how to identify, develop and share your best ideas with the world.

online presentation skills course

YouTube Courses are currently only available in the United States, but YouTube is working on expanding into other regions in 2023.

The proceeds from this course support TED-Ed's nonprofit mission of creating and distributing free, high-quality animations.

Master the art of public speaking

  • Craft them into compelling narratives.
  • Present so that people want to listen.

Become a better communicator

  • Establish a connection with your listeners.
  • Give more persuasive presentations.
  • Explain complex ideas.

© 2024 TED Conferences, LLC. All rights reserved. Please note that the TED Talks Usage policy does not apply to this content and is not subject to our creative commons license.


Best Presentation Skills Training

The ability to present your ideas confidently and persuasively is the single greatest skill you can learn to succeed in a globally competitive world. Here are the best Presentation Skills Training courses to you to help you achieve this.

online presentation skills course

What Makes an Effective Presentation?


On this course, you will have the opportunity to discuss the features of an effective presentation and investigate how to design and develop your own presentation. You will explore effective presentation techniques to help you evaluate and improve your presentation skills.

Course link:  Learn more

Auther: Andrew Preshous

online presentation skills course

Presenting on Video (with Online Practice)


Learn how to deliver successful video-based presentations on Zoom, Webex and more. Then you have the unique opportunity to practice, improve and build your confidence in our virtual presentation simulator.

Auther: Dom Barnard

online presentation skills course

High Impact Presentation

Dale carnegie.

Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure. This course teaches how to properly execute your presentation and stand out from the crowd.

Auther: Multiple

online presentation skills course

Seth Godin on Presenting to Persuade

Instead of focusing on the craft of making slides, Seth Godin takes you on a journey to understand what your presentation is actually for. He'll help you see that a presentation is a unique and powerful opportunity, a chance to be heard, a moment where you have the leverage to make something happen.

Auther: Seth Godin

online presentation skills course

Presenting Made Brilliant

Rada business.

This online course is an intensive, practical course that takes the focus away from what you present and instead focuses on how you present. You are taught how to build a confident and credible presence in highly pressured environments, how to open and close presentations convincingly, and more.

Auther: Jem Stein

online presentation skills course

Professional Business Presentations

This course discusses how to effectively create presentations with quality formatting, the proper design elements and organization. The learner will identify the proper presentation format and software for their audience.

Auther: Debora Sepich

online presentation skills course

The Art of Effective Presentations


Tell a story, engage the audience, leave them inspired. This course provides a roadmap for delivering effective presentations and motivating an audience through forming your message, designing visuals and demos, preparing for the unexpected, and effective delivery strategies.

Auther: John Papa

Presenting with Confidence

Learn how to present confidently to hook your audiences, stakeholders, and colleagues, keep them engaged and leave a lasting impression. Make an impact whether online or in-person.

Auther: Gagan Singh

online presentation skills course

Design Better Presentations


This class will teach you basic design principles you can apply to your presentation decks. You’ll learn how to work with type, color and image and lay out information with confidence. You’ll also Identify what type of presenter you are and design your presentation to support this.

Auther: Lara McCormick

online presentation skills course

Establishing Credibility as a Speaker

Linkedin learning.

Audiences will assess the credibility of presenters before they even begin speaking. In this course, Laura Bergells shares techniques that help speakers develop personal credibility. She shows you how to earn the attention and interest of your audience right away by using key nonverbal and emotional skills.

Auther: Laura Bergells

online presentation skills course


Through stories, videos and case examples, this program offers an actionable, step-by-step method anyone can adopt to create and deliver inspiring in person or virtual presentations that are engaging, persuasive and memorable.

Auther: Carmine Gallo

online presentation skills course

Mastering Presentation Design

Taking the time to customize decks to match an audience's style or to fit the mood of the project will set the best possible stage for your ideas or offer. You’ll learn step-by-step how to research visual styles, source free high-quality images and fonts, create strong layouts, customize slides to sell your ideas or project, and lots more.

Auther: Lara Evens

online presentation skills course

Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach

Explore how a combination of better understanding, filtering, and application of data can help you solve problems faster - leading to smarter and more effective decision-making. You'll learn how to present data to others in a way that gets them engaged in your story and motivated to act.

Auther: Alex Mannella

Communication Skills and Teamwork

Effective writing and presentation skills are essential for career success. Learn how to create and deliver high-impact communications, improve your soft skills, and effectively lead and collaborate on teams.

Auther: Jim Pautz

online presentation skills course

Designing a Presentation

In this course, designer Tony Harmer takes you through the essentials of presentation design to give you the tools you'll find most useful in thinking about, designing, and building successful presentations. Tony covers a variety of key topics, including mood boards, layout, color considerations, type, graphics and images, charts, transitions, and animations.

Auther: Tony Harmer

High-Impact Presentations (with Online Practice)

High-stakes presentations require more than just basic presentation skills. They require professional-level delivery techniques and the confidence to deliver at the highest level in any business setting. This course teaches you how to execute important presentations, which you can then practice in interactive exercises.

Auther: Julian Mayhew

online presentation skills course

Become a confident public speaker and deliver engaging presentations. Learn tools to overcome self-doubt so you can build your confidence, strategies to create your content, performance techniques to help you stay grounded and calm, and more.

Auther: Cherokee Lebon

13 Best + Free Presentation Skills Courses [2024 May] [UPDATED]

Giving presentations is crucial in today’s modern world. To succeed in one’s career, one must know the art of creating and delivering presentations. The best free and paid presentation courses are listed below. Have a look at our list of Best PowerPoint Courses .

13 Best + Free Presentation Skills Courses, Classes & Certifications [2024 May] [UPDATED]

Presentation skills secrets course: delivering the talk of your life (udemy).

The presentation skill secrets program includes topics like storytelling and creating audience maps. Learn about the types of content and how to extract and categorize information. Understand how to create emotional variety and sequence content. Know how to engage your senses during the communication process. Learn about topics like multisensory augmentation and know rehearsing tips . Understand the seven steps of the talk development journey. Know how to create effective PowerPoint presentations. The program includes a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee for students who are not satisfied with the course content.


-Students will receive a certificate after completing the program.

-Understand concepts like the SUCCESS model, signals, and noise.

-PDF worksheets help students practice their communication skills.

-The program is compatible with both a mobile phone and a television screen.

Duration: Self Paced

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

PowerPoint Presentation Course- design PowerPoint slides (Udemy)

The PowerPoint Presentation course will help you create engaging presentations for an audience. Understand how to work with text, slide layout, and transitions. Know the best design practices that you can follow. Understand the features of Microsoft PowerPoint-like editing paths and vector objects . Students must have access to Microsoft PowerPoint (version 2013 or later) before opting for the program. The modules are suitable for beginners.

-Students have lifetime access to the study material in the modules.

-Learners will receive a certificate after completing the course.

-Students can access a list of resources to help them create effective presentations.

The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking/Speech Course (Udemy)

The Presentation course covers understanding your audience and writing content relevant to them. Know how to appeal to your audience’s emotions. Understand how to start a presentation and introduce new speakers. Know how to structure content, overcome writer’s block, and end a presentation. Understand how you can obtain feedback on your presentation . Know how to critique a presentation and present your content by having the appropriate body language . The modules are suitable for beginners. Learners do not need to have any prior knowledge of giving or creating presentations. The program includes a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee.

-Understand how to customize images and add photographs to enhance your presentations.

-Students can preview some video lectures before purchasing the program.

-Know how to relax and be in a proper mental state while delivering presentations.

Confidence on Camera: Make Amazing Videos, Easily. (Udemy)

The Confidence on Camera program will help students learn to overcome their fears. Understand how to structure talking points and exercise your voice. Know how to create videos and have the correct body language. Understand how you can create a good first impression by working on your appearance . Learn tips for setting up lighting and how to decide the best equipment. The program includes a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee. Students need to have access to a video recording device and basic lighting equipment before pursuing the course.

-Students can preview some video courses before opting for the program.

-Learn tips for mental well-being that can help you during uncertain times.

-Understand time management and how you can set realistic goals.

-Resources like guide lists help students understand concepts in the modules better.

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

Related: High Income Skills You Can Learn Online

Complete Presentation Skills Masterclass for Every Occasion (Udemy)

The complete presentation skills course covers topics like body language and incorporating storytelling in presentations. Learn presentation skills from famous personalities like authors, leaders, and celebrities . Understand how you can eliminate your fear of public speaking . Know how presentation skills vary depending upon the event, like a workplace meeting or a wedding. Understand the best ways to motivate your audience . Know how to end and start presentations and choose a presentation topic. The program includes a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee for students who are not satisfied with the course content.

Public Speaking and Presentations Pro: No Beginners Allowed! (Udemy)

The public speaking course includes topics like engaging your audience and becoming confident. Know how to tailor your presentations according to the needs of the target audience. Understand how to use your body language and facial expressions . Know how you can answer the questions of your audience and speak at an appropriate pace. Understand how to be enthusiastic and handle any distractions. Know how to identify your key strengths while presenting. The program includes a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee for students who are not satisfied with the course content. The program is not suitable for beginner-level students.

-Learn the four presentation styles of keynote speakers and how to use them during presentations.

-Know how to incorporate humor in your presentations and use media to your advantage.

Seth Godin on Presenting to Persuade (Udemy)

The presenting to persuade course will help you make presentations using either PowerPoint or Keynote. Learn the ten principles of effective slide design. View sample presentations and understand how to improve your presentations . The program includes a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee for students who are not satisfied with the course content. The modules are appropriate for beginner-level learners. The program is for entrepreneurs, managers, fundraisers, public speakers, and people who need to make Presentations for work.

-Students can preview some video lectures before opting for the program.

Duration: 1 hour of video (Self-Paced)

Free Course Trial – Effective Communication: Writing, Design, and Presentation Specialization by University of Colorado (Coursera)

The effective presentations course covers business writing, graphic design, and presentation skills.  Learn the tools you can use to improve your writing and how to give your content a proper structure. Know how to create professional reports and resumes. Understand how to react to criticism and deliver presentations confidently. The program is suitable for beginner-level learners. Access to presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides , or Apple Keynote is required before pursuing the program . Learners can opt for financial aid if they are unable to afford the program fee.

Highlights –

-Learners can complete the applied learning project and create a memo and slide deck.

-Assignments and quizzes help students test their knowledge of the concepts in the course.

-The program deadlines are flexible, and learners can change them according to their convenience.

-Discussion forums enable learners to discuss concepts in the program with other learners.

-Students can create study notes within the modules and read the video transcripts.

-The program subtitles are available in languages like Chinese, Italian, Arabic, and French.

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

Related: How to Speak Like a CEO

Free Course Trial – Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach Specialization (Coursera)

The data analysis and presentation skills course covers topics like data-driven decision making and problem-solving. Understand how to build databases and data models using Microsoft Excel. Understand how to create presentations with supporting data and incorporate effective visuals. The program is for beginner-level students. Learners need to have access to Microsoft Excel 2013 to complete the exercises in the course . Learners who opt for the course will be invited to be a part of PwC’s talent network. Students can opt to receive financial aid if they are unable to afford the program fee.

-Students will receive a certificate if they opt for the paid version of the program.

-The program has flexible deadlines, and learners can reset them according to their convenience.

-Peer discussion groups help students share their knowledge with each other.

-Students can create study notes within the modules.

-Learners will solve mock client problems in the capstone project that will help them test their knowledge.

Rating: 4.7 out of 5

Free Course Trial – Dynamic Public Speaking Specialization by University of Washington (Coursera)

The dynamic public speaking course will help you learn how to be a confident speaker. Understand how you can prepare speeches for various occasions. Know the delivery techniques for voice and how to use movement and gestures. Understand speechwriting techniques and know how to discuss evidence and frame topics. Know how you can motivate your audience and frame arguments . Learn how to explain complex ideas clearly and incorporate storytelling and humor in your speeches. The program is for beginner-level students. Learners can opt to receive financial aid if they are unable to afford the program fee.

-The program deadlines are flexible, and students can reset them according to their convenience.

-Students can complete the applied learning project and record or practice speeches.

-The modules have subtitles in various languages like Arabic, French, Chinese, and Italian.

-Assignments and quizzes help students test their knowledge of the concepts in the program.

-Learn how to speak from notes or manuscripts and design clear presentations.

Inspired Presentation Skills (Dale Carnegie)

The presentation courses cover how to present complex material and communicate clearly . Know how to create presentations that have an impact on the target audience. Learn how you can overcome your fear of public speaking. Understand tips you can follow to compel listeners to take action. Understand how to structure presentations. Do have a look at our take on Best Communication skills Courses .

-Some programs help learners obtain unlimited access to programs for one year.

Duration: Variable

Rating: 4.3 out of 5

Online Presentation Skills Training Seminars (American Management Association)

The online presentation skills course includes topics like speaking in a persuasive manner and being confident . Understand how you can create PowerPoint presentations using data from Excel . Know how to understand your emotional triggers. Understand how you can improve your visual storytelling skills. Understand how you can build a professional brand for yourself.

-Know how to combine verbal and non-verbal techniques to communicate efficiently.

-Understand concepts like leadership, emotional intelligence, and managing emotions under stress.

Related: How to Become a Marketing Thought Leader

Individual and Corporate Training Programs (Effective Presentations)

Learners can opt for hands-on remote workshops, personalized coaching, or 1-hour remote workshops. The sessions are conducted face-to-face with a Nationally Certified instructor . Students will receive constructive and immediate feedback from an expert. Check out our curation of Best Excel Courses .

-Learn how to build meaningful relationships with your target audience.

-Know how you can notice verbal and non-verbal cues.

-Understand how you can overcome your fears in social settings.

-Know how you can persuade others with your thoughts.

Presentation Skills: Speechwriting, Slides and Delivery Specialization by National Research Tomsk State University (Coursera)

Program has been discontinued

The presentation skills program covers topics like storytelling and speechwriting. Understand how to talk about facts and figures confidently. Learn how to ensure that PowerPoint slides are clear and use the correct format. Understand how factors like typology, color schemes, and photographs can impact the quality of a presentation. Learn how to interact with your audience, answer questions, and ensure the correct voice pace . Know how to cope with fear and anxiety before a significant presentation. Students must have a basic understanding of Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote before opting for the program. The course is suitable for beginner-level students.

-Students will receive a certificate after completing the course.

-The program deadlines are flexible, and learners can pursue the course as per their convenient time.

-Discussion forums help students discuss concepts in the course with other learners.

-Quizzes, reading material, and assignments help learners test their knowledge of the concepts in the modules.

-The public speaking project will help students create and deliver a presentation to test their skills.

Presentation skills: Designing Presentation Slides by National Research Tomsk State University (Coursera)

The presentation skills course covers key elements of design, colors, fonts, and templates. Understand typography and photographic illustrations . Know how to use photographs and vector art in your slides. Learn how to create diagrams and charts. Students can opt to receive financial aid if they are unable to afford the program fee.

-Learners will receive a certificate after completing the program.

-The course deadlines are flexible, and students can reset them according to their convenience.

-Learn through quizzes, a list of reading material, and assignments.

-The modules are available in multiple languages like French, Korean, German, and Spanish.

-Discussion forums enable students to discuss topics in the program with others.

Enroll in the above presentation skills courses to grow in your career. We hope you discovered a program that meets your requirements. The course will help you succeed in delivering your message to your target audience.

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We help you find the best courses, certifications, and tutorials online. Hundreds of experts come together to handpick these recommendations based on decades of collective experience. So far we have served 4 Million+ satisfied learners and counting.

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Crush Your Next Virtual Presentation

online presentation skills course

A little prep can go a long way.

While virtual communication platforms help keep remote teams connected, they’re not always the ideal venue for delivering engaging presentations. It’s difficult (or impossible) to read your audience’s nonverbal cues over video and audio — if you’ve lost them, you might not even realize it. You’re also up against the many distractions inherent to working from home. Delivering effective presentations over video requires a little extra preparation. Ask a few people you trust to help you out before and after the meeting by being ready to participate when called on and by giving you actionable feedback afterward. Learn about your audience in advance and build in a short, relevant personal story that will make them feel included. Above all, be concise and clear.

My coaching client, an engineer named Carlos, is a magnificent in-person storyteller. He talks with his hands and tells lengthy, animated stories replete with humorous metaphors and plot twists. His wit and warmth used to be received positively.

online presentation skills course

  • GS Gia Storms is a leadership coach and member of The Boda Group. She facilitates team and executive coaching from Los Angeles.

Partner Center

Harvard ManageMentor: Presentation Skills

By: Harvard Business Publishing

In this course, students will learn how to analyze an audience and their setting (whether in-person or remote) to more effectively prepare for and deliver a presentation. They will discover how to…

  • Length: 2 hours, 44 minutes
  • Publication Date: Aug 27, 2019
  • Discipline: General Management
  • Product #: 7178-HTM-ENG

What's included:

  • Facilitator Guide
  • Supplements

$10.00 per student

degree granting course

$25.00 per student

non-degree granting course

Get access to this material, plus much more with a free Educator Account:

  • Access to world-famous HBS cases
  • Up to 60% off materials for your students
  • Resources for teaching online
  • Tips and reviews from other Educators

Already registered? Sign in

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  • Non-Academic Registration
  • Included Materials

Harvard ManageMentor helps students develop the skills they need to thrive in the workforce. These online courses combine the latest in business thinking from management experts with interactive assignments to empower students with the skills employers seek.

In this course, students will learn how to analyze an audience and their setting (whether in-person or remote) to more effectively prepare for and deliver a presentation. They will discover how to gather and use facts, evidence, stories, and media (including visual aids) to support their main messages. As well as explore tactics for rehearsing and managing challenges that can arise while presenting, whether it's "stage fright" or provocative, tough questions from the audience. They will have the opportunity to learn strategies and best practices from business leaders, authors, and coaches like Brad Holst, Nancy Duarte, Eddie Yoon, Nick Morgan, Liz Keever, and Amy Cuddy.

Students have the option to view the content in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Chinese. This online course has been designed and developed with the intention of complying with WCAG 2.0 AA standards. Explore all Harvard ManageMentor courses at https://hbsp.harvard.edu/harvard-manage-mentor/

Learning Objectives

Clarify your objective, identify your audience, and consider the setting for your presentation

Identify the single key point of your presentation

Construct a presentation that hooks your audience and communicates your message

Use visuals and other media in a presentation to support and enhance your words

Create an engaging remote presentation

Practice, refine, and prepare effectively for your presentation

Keep your audience engaged during a presentation

Objectively evaluate the style and substance of your presentation

Aug 27, 2019 (Revised: Nov 4, 2014)


General Management

Harvard Business Publishing


2 hours, 44 minutes

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New SEMI University Online Certification Programs to Fast-Track Semiconductor Skills Development

Initial Course Programs Designed to Meet Rising Industry Demand for Technicians

MILPITAS, Calif. — May 14, 2023 — Aiming to help the global semiconductor industry address its talent gap by training and upskilling workers, SEMI today announced that its SEMI University ™ learning platform now offers online course certification programs designed to fast-track semiconductor career development. Tailored to help meet burgeoning industry demand for technicians, the first two SEMI University Semiconductor Certification Programs are designed for new talent seeking rewarding careers in the industry and experienced workers looking to keep their skills current.

online presentation skills course

“SEMI University’s new Semiconductor Certification Programs give the industry a fast way to train new talent while enabling current workers to keep pace with its expanding skills requirements,” said SEMI University Director Naresh Naik. “The first two certification programs address critical technician roles. We look forward to adding new certifications to support the industry’s growing workforce needs and career development for our learners.”

The SEMI University Semiconductor Certification Programs include:

  • The Semiconductor Technician Certification equips new semiconductor industry workers with the skills necessary to excel in chip manufacturing. The certification program provides comprehensive training in the semiconductor process and on-the-job tasks. Courses cover the function of semiconductors and their manufacture, how electrical circuits work and the physical laws that apply to electrical current, as well as the various applications of electrical testing equipment.
  • The Pneumatics/Hydraulics Technician Certification covers the use of vacuum technology in pneumatic systems and hydraulics theory. Courses address the properties of gases and vacuums, how various vacuum types are generated, and hydraulic systems and their components including actuators. The curriculum also compares hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

About SEMI University The SEMI University learning platform offers more than 575 online courses tailored for the semiconductor industry, providing easy-to-use online training in multiple languages for employees ranging from recently hired facility operators to experienced technicians, engineers and non-technical staff. SEMI U also offers in-person trainings. See the SEMI University Course Calendar .

About the SEMI Workforce Development Program SEMI has offered in-person training and technology trend for updates more than 50 years, and it hosts webinars covering SEMI standards, market dynamics and semiconductor manufacturing and design best practices. SEMI University builds on this experience and adds to the association’s holistic Workforce Development program offered by the SEMI Foundation.

The non-profit arm of SEMI, the SEMI Foundation works to increase awareness of semiconductor industry careers, connect member companies with university students for mentoring and internships, attract and train military veterans, and develop a more diverse and inclusive workforce. Learn more about semiconductor industry career paths at the SEMI Foundation Career Portal .

About SEMI SEMI ®  is the global industry association connecting over 3,000 member companies and 1.5 million professionals worldwide across the semiconductor and electronics design and manufacturing supply chain. We accelerate member collaboration on solutions to top industry challenges through Advocacy, Workforce Development, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management and other programs. Our SEMICON ®  expositions and events, technology communities, standards and market intelligence help advance our members’ business growth and innovations in design, devices, equipment, materials, services and software, enabling smarter, faster, more secure electronics. Visit  www.semi.org , contact a regional office, and connect with SEMI on  LinkedIn  and  X  to learn more.

Association Contact

Michael Hall/SEMI US Phone: 1.408.943.7988 Email: [email protected]

Mayor O'Connell has unveiled details of his transportation plan.

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Metropolitan Council Member Announcements and Presentations Meeting, May 21, 2024

Members of the public may view the meeting live online at stream.nashville.gov via the Metro Nashville Network, Metro Nashville Network 2, and the Metro Nashville Network YouTube channel , and Metro Nashville and Davidson County residents can watch Metro Nashville Network on Comcast channel 3, AT&T Uverse channel 99, and streaming on the Metro Nashville Network Roku channel for meetings available on all Metro Nashville Network platforms.

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Water Safety Instructor® -BL (Blended)

This course also known as WSI™ trains American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor candidates to teach courses and presentations in the Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety program by developing their understanding of how to use the course materials how to conduct training sessions and how to evaluate participants’ progress. The courses and presentations include Parent and Child Aquatics Levels 1 and 2 Preschool Aquatics Levels 1 - 3 Learn-to-Swim Levels 1 - 6 three adult courses as well as the Basic Water Rescue and Personal Water Safety courses and more. To enroll instructor candidates must be at least 16 years of age on or before the last day of the instructor course and successfully complete the precourse session which includes demonstration of swimming skill at Learn-to-Swim Level 4.

Equipment Terms & Conditions

Combines The Flexibility Of Online With Hands-On Training, Provides Full Certification, Start Taking Your Course Immediately

Class Online

Online + Classroom

  • Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check
  • Start taking your online portion immediately
  • Convenient locations and times for in-person or virtual skills check with experienced instructors


Red Cross courses offer Digital Certification, an online version of a Red Cross certificate, which provides anytime, anywhere access to student training history and course certificates. Digital certificates can be viewed, printed or shared online and can be accessed anytime through your Red Cross Account. Each certificate includes a unique ID and a QR code which meets employment requirements and allows employers to easily confirm your certificate is valid. There is no need to carry your printed certificate around anymore!

For more information about continuing education and CEUs, please visit redcross.org/take-a-class/certificates-ceus .

The content of these reviews regarding the quality and value of this course is based on data collected across all American Red Cross classes with this title and does not reflect ratings of any specific instructor or provider.

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online presentation skills course


  1. Online Presentation Skills

    online presentation skills course

  2. Presentation Skills Training Course Materials

    online presentation skills course

  3. Presentation Skills

    online presentation skills course

  4. Presentation skills

    online presentation skills course

  5. Free Online Presentation Skills Training Course

    online presentation skills course

  6. Online Presentation Skills Course

    online presentation skills course


  1. Quick Presentation Skills Tips That Everyone Can Use: Introduction

  2. Presentation Skills

  3. How to prepare and use Presentation (PPT) for Online Teaching

  4. Soft Skills & presentation Skills Course 03


  6. AI Tools for Productivity


  1. Best Presentation Skills Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    Online Presentation Skills courses offer a convenient and flexible way to enhance your knowledge or learn new Presentation Skills skills. Choose from a wide range of Presentation Skills courses offered by top universities and industry leaders tailored to various skill levels.

  2. Presentations Online Training Courses

    Course. 42,572 viewers Released Jul 30, 2020. Our Presentations online training courses from LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) provide you with the skills you need, from the fundamentals to ...

  3. 800+ Presentation Skills Online Courses for 2024

    Learn Presentation Skills, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.

  4. The Complete PowerPoint and Presentation Skills Masterclass

    This is the only PowerPoint course you will need if you want to learn how to design PowerPoint Presentations AND Create Compelling PowerPoint slides AND Deliver PowerPoint Presentations in a compelling, memorable and engaging manner. Most Important: You will learn how to communicate effectively with every aspect of your visual and verbal tools. TJ Walker is the #1 Bestseller of public speaking ...

  5. Presentation Skills Training Courses

    3min video. View free Presentation Skills courses. Top companies choose to build in-demand career skills. Become a better presenter with courses taught by top-ranked Udemy instructors. Whether you're getting ready for a big presentation, or practicing your on-camera speaking skills, Udemy has a course to help you develop into a confident ...

  6. Presentation Skills & Public Speaking: Complete Masterclass

    Welcome to this top-rated (4.7/5) and most comprehensive (over 11 hours of content) presentation skills & public speaking course available on the web.Get INSTANT access to 140 (!) professionally filmed video lectures. + My 2023 GIFT for you: NEW Videos (142-174) about Leadership! If you want to become amazing at presenting yourself and your message in front of any group (team meeting, business ...

  7. TED Masterclass: TED's Official Public Speaking Course

    Master a variety of communication skills with TED's official public speaking course, now available on YouTube Courses. This course will teach you how to identify, develop and share your best ideas with the world. YouTube Courses are currently only available in the United States, but YouTube is working on expanding into other regions in 2023.

  8. Best Presentation Skills Training in 2024

    Tell a story, engage the audience, leave them inspired. This course provides a roadmap for delivering effective presentations and motivating an audience through forming your message, designing visuals and demos, preparing for the unexpected, and effective delivery strategies. Course link: Learn more. Auther: John Papa.

  9. 13 Best + Free Presentation Skills Courses [2024 May] [UPDATED]

    The online presentation skills course includes topics like speaking in a persuasive manner and being confident. Understand how you can create PowerPoint presentations using data from Excel. Know how to understand your emotional triggers. Understand how you can improve your visual storytelling skills.

  10. PowerPoint Online Training Courses

    Learn all about PowerPoint with our expert-taught PowerPoint training videos. Watch a beginner, intermediate, or advanced PowerPoint how-to on designing compelling slide presentations, editing ...

  11. Presentation Skills Training

    Learn and practice presentation skills in AMA's live online or in-person courses and be a confident, effective presenter. Develop and enhance your public speaking capabilities, as well as your confidence and skill in giving in-person and virtual presentations. Gain knowledge and insight to help you inspire and engage your audience with ...

  12. Crush Your Next Virtual Presentation

    HBR Learning's online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Presentation Skills. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Access more than 40 courses trusted ...

  13. Harvard ManageMentor: Presentation Skills

    These online courses combine the latest in business thinking from management experts with interactive assignments to empower students with the skills employers seek. In this course, students will learn how to analyze an audience and their setting (whether in-person or remote) to more effectively prepare for and deliver a presentation.

  14. Business Presentation Skills

    This course will provide you with clear, easy to understand and implement ideas that will stand you out in a crowd of mediocre and boring business presenters. It will give you the confidence to plan, structure and deliver a professional business presentation that connects with your audience and moves people to take action on your ideas and key ...

  15. Free Online Presentation Skills Training Course

    This free online presentation skills training course will teach you how to create a basic presentation program by performing a needs analysis. You will learn how to understand your audience, choose your delivery methods, and develop your verbal and non-verbal communication skills to be able to provide an excellent presentation and overcome ...

  16. Presentation Skills Classes Online

    Online Presentation Skills Classes. Find what fascinates you as you explore these online classes. Start for Free. Sort By. Popular. Last 6 Months. Filter By. < 15 min. 15-30 min.

  17. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    Of course, that also means that you have limited customization options. But if you're looking for a simple solution and you don't trust your design skills, this may be a good option for you. Who Is It For. Beautiful.ai is a great tool for absolute beginners and non-designers who are looking for a no-nonsense presentation software.

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    Download and customize our Business Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates to create captivating presentations Free Easy to edit Professional. Got any suggestions? We want to hear from you! Send us a message and help improve Slidesgo ... boost your skills with our course. More. Freepik Free vectors, ...

  19. New SEMI University Online Certification Programs to Fast-Track

    Initial Course Programs Designed to Meet Rising Industry Demand for Technicians. MILPITAS, Calif. — May 14, 2023 — Aiming to help the global semiconductor industry address its talent gap by training and upskilling workers, SEMI today announced that its SEMI University™ learning platform now offers online course certification programs designed to fast-track semiconductor career development.

  20. Complete Presentation Skills Masterclass for Every Occasion

    Enroll now to join the Complete Presentation Skills Masterclass for Every Occasion! This course is also designed to help you in the following areas: selling with stories, pitching yourself, sales management, virtual sales presentations, remote selling, consumer sales training, communicating to drive change, and becoming a purpose driven leader.

  21. NSH HSE Training Schedule 18th MAY 2024 to23 th MAY 2024 UPDATED

    NSH HSE Training Schedule 18th MAY 2024 to23 th MAY 2024 UPDATED - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

  22. Metropolitan Council Member Announcements and Presentations Meeting

    Members of the public may view the meeting live online at stream.nashville.gov via the Metro Nashville Network, Metro Nashville Network 2, and the Metro Nashville Network YouTube channel, and Metro Nashville and Davidson County residents can watch Metro Nashville Network on Comcast channel 3, AT&T Uverse channel 99, and streaming on the Metro Nashville Network Roku channel for meetings ...

  23. Water Safety Instructor® -BL (Blended)

    This course also known as WSI™ trains American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor candidates to teach courses and presentations in the Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety program by developing their understanding of how to use the course materials how to conduct training sessions and how to evaluate participants' progress. The courses and presentations include Parent and Child Aquatics ...

  24. Top Free Presentation Skills Courses & Tutorials Online

    Top companies choose Udemy Business to build in-demand career skills. Become a better presenter with courses taught by top-ranked Udemy instructors. Whether you're getting ready for a big presentation, or practicing your on-camera speaking skills, Udemy has a course to help you develop into a confident public speaker.

  25. Contact Cisco

    Training and certifications. 1 800 553 6387, press 4. Explore support. Explore certification support. Cisco partners. Become a partner, locate a partner, get updates, and partner support. ...