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10 Creative Ways to Practice Your Spanish Writing Skills

Are you ready to start your Spanish writing practice?

Writing is one of the four core aspects of language learning. You simply can’t master a language without it! It’s time to learn about the types of Spanish writing and the best ways to practice your Spanish writing skills. 

The 10 creative and fun practices in this post will have your words flowing onto paper with ease. 

New skills come with time and Spanish writing practice. Keep writing regularly and you will see improvement in your abilities.

Ready? Set? Write!

How to Start Writing in Spanish

Writing in Spanish doesn’t have to be complicated. Just follow these three simple steps and you’ll be writing away in no time!

1. Start with Simple Sentences

Learning to write in Spanish takes practice and patience. Begin by writing simple sentences. These types of sentences normally have a single subject and verb. Stick with easy vocabulary words that you are already familiar with. 

Here are a few example sentences to get you started!

Mi gato es naranja. My cat is orange.

Tengo hambre. I am hungry. 

Quiero dormir.  I want to sleep. 

Esperó al tren. He waited for the train. 

2. Add Transition Words

Transition words are an easy way to connect your sentences. They show the reader how your ideas are related. Common transition words include

  • however – sin embargo
  • finally – finalmente
  • still – todavía
  • additionally – adicionalmente

Memorize this list of useful transitions so that you can easily add them into your paragraphs as you write. 

Here are a few ways to use transition words!

Primero, reúne los ingredientes. First, gather the ingredients.

Sin embargo, no estoy de acuerdo. However, I do not agree. 

Todavía estoy esperando. I am still waiting. 

3. Expand Your Vocabulary

Spice up your sentences! 

Strong writers stand out thanks to their illustrative and descriptive vocabulary words. Replace generic words like “good,” “bad,” and “said” with something more creative. Start with this guide to 100 describing words in Spanish !

Check out the before and after of these example sentences. 

Él dijo que no. He said “no.” 

El gerente enfadado gritó, “¡no!” The angry manager yelled “no!”

Me gusta comida.  I like food. 

La tarta de cereza es mi postre favorito. Cherry pie is my favorite dessert. 

Quería una bebida. He wanted a drink. 

El estudiante necesitaba desesperadamente otra taza de café.  The student desperately needed another cup of coffee. 

Types of Spanish Writing 

Not all Spanish writing practice is the same! Your school essays in English probably look a lot different than your text messages with your friends. Spanish is the same way. Knowing the difference between casual and formal writing in Spanish helps you sound appropriate and natural in every situation. 

Casual Writing

Casual writing includes messages, friendly letters, and journal entries. Each region and country has its own slang and colloquial terms that appear in casual writing.

What to Look For

  • Informal you ( tú )
  • First-person perspective
  • Colloquial terms

Formal Writing

Formal writing appears in books, articles, essays, and other important documents. It takes a more objective and scientific approach. Formal writing is usually written in third person. 

What to Look for

  • Complex structure
  • Objective approach
  • Third-person perspective
  • Scientific terms

10 Easy and Free Spanish Writing Practices

Grab your pen and paper—it’s time to jump start your Spanish writing practice! These creative exercises will help you master writing in your second language. 

1. Daily Journaling  

Journals are perfect for Spanish sentence writing practice! Pick up a new notebook or grab your laptop to start. Label each entry at the top to practice writing dates in Spanish . 

2. Download WordReference

WordReference is a must-have for any language learner! It’s the ultimate online language dictionary. Look up the translation of any word or phrase, even slang! Find out how to conjugate verbs, use words in a sentence, and pronounce words.

3. Use Spanish Writing Practice Prompts

Have a case of writer’s block? Don’t worry! There are thousands of writing prompts online to help inspire your creativity. 

4. Visit the Library

Ask your local librarian where the Spanish section is! Reading in Spanish is an excellent way to learn new vocabulary and writing skills. 

5. Add a Spanish Keyboard to Your Phone

Want to text your friends in Spanish? Whether you have Apple or Android , it’s super easy to add another language to your keyboard! This new keyboard will enable you to type in Spanish and add accent marks more easily. 

6. Start a Blog

Blogging is not only a fun way to document your life experiences, but also an amazing opportunity to write about your life and adventures in Spanish! Keep up your blog just as you would in English, but challenge yourself to use Spanish writing practice as much as possible. 

7. Find a Penpal

Write Spanish with a friend! Start sharing letters back and forth with a Spanish-speaking friend or acquaintance. Your penpal can give you writing pointers and help you sound like a native speaker!

8. Make To-Do Lists

Spanish writing is all about practice! An easy way to add a quick language lesson to your week is by writing all of your to-do lists in Spanish. You will automatically learn relevant vocabulary as you detail your chores, groceries, and errands. 

9. Make Sure Your Auto-Correct is in Spanish

If you plan to practice your Spanish on a laptop or computer, it’s important to check spelling and grammar in the proper language. Microsoft Word and Google Drive enable you to set the proofing language or even set it automatically.

10. Interact with Spanish Social Media

The best way to get better at Spanish is by making practice a daily habit. Spanish social media is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in the Spanish-speaking world while also improving your language skills.

Engage in Spanish Writing (and Speaking) Practices

Did you know that Spanish writing practice actually improves your cognition and decision-making abilities ? When you switch between languages, you’re actively working the neurons in your brain and strengthening their pathways. This is one of the many benefits of being bilingual!

Homeschool Spanish Academy enables you to gain fluency faster by practicing with native-speaking instructors from the comfort of your own home! Our flexible, 1-to-1 online classes are hosted by certified teachers from Guatemala who help you take your Spanish to the next level. Try out a free trial class today!

Want more free Spanish lessons, fun content, and easy learning strategies? Check these out!

  • Language Learning with Netflix: How to Use the Chrome Extension
  • Turn Your Life Around: From Passive Bilingualism to Fluency!
  • The Beauty of Spanish Sign Language
  • Multilingual Mastery: How Many Languages Can You Learn?
  • The Journey of Becoming Trilingual
  • Saying It Like a Native: Exploring Spanish Idioms
  • Adapting Education: Spanish Lessons for All Learning Styles
  • Speak Up! Enhance Your Conversational Spanish
  • Recent Posts
  • How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions - February 8, 2024
  • How To Use the Spanish Verb ‘Parecer’ - February 12, 2023
  • How To Write Dates in Spanish - January 28, 2023

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creative writing skills en español

Creative Writing in Spanish (MFA)

Program description.

Due to its location in New York City, home to an important and diverse Latino and Latin American community, NYU is uniquely situated to offer a graduate Creative Writing Program in Spanish. New York has been a meeting point for Spanish and Latin American writers and journalists since the 19th century and a home to many of them. José Martí (Cuba), Gabriela Mistral (Chile), Federico García Lorca (Spain), Julia de Burgos (Puerto Rico), Francisco Ayala (Spain), Pedro Pietri (Puerto Rico) Manuel Ramos Otero (Puerto Rico), Manuel Puig (Argentina) and Reinaldo Arenas (Cuba), among many others, have in the past either settled in New York or spent extended periods of time there.

The end of the 20th century has seen this community of writers grow considerably both in visibility and cultural significance. Nowadays many Spanish and Latin American writers, such as Carmen Boullosa (Mexico), Cecilia Vicuña (Chile), Eduardo Lago (Spain), Mercedes Roffé (Argentina), Carmen Valle (Puerto Rico), and Roger Santiváñez (Peru) make of New York their temporary or permanent home.

Dada su ubicación privilegiada—la ciudad alberga a numerosas y diversas comunidades latinoamericanas—New York University es el lugar ideal para cursar un programa de escritura creativa en español. Desde el siglo XIX Nueva York viene atrayendo a escritores y periodistas españoles y latinoamericanos, y ha sido lugar de residencia de muchos de ellos. José Martí (Cuba), Gabriela Mistral (Chile), Federico García Lorca (España), Julia de Burgos (Puerto Rico), Francisco Ayala (España), Pedro Pietri (Puerto Rico), Manuel Ramos Otero (Puerto Rico), Manuel Puig (Argentina) y Reinaldo Arenas (Cuba), entre otros, vivieron en Nueva York o pasaron allí largas temporadas.

Esta comunidad de escritores ha aumentado considerablemente a lo largo del siglo veinte. Hoy son muchos los escritores hispanos que residen en esta ciudad o que alternan largas permanencias en ella con regresos a sus respectivos países, como Carmen Boullosa (México), Cecilia Vicuña (Chile), Eduardo Lago (España), Mercedes Roffé (Argentina), Carmen Valle (Puerto Rico) o Roger Santiváñez (Perú), para nombrar sólo algunos.

All applicants to the Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) are required to submit the  general application requirements , which include:

  • Academic Transcripts
  • Test Scores  (if required)
  • Applicant Statements
  • Résumé or Curriculum Vitae
  • Letters of Recommendation , and
  • A non-refundable  application fee .

See Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.

Program Requirements

Master of fine arts thesis.

This program is a two-year program of 32 credits (i.e., eight courses, two per semester) and a creative writing thesis at the end. Workshops will be offered in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, theater, and translation. Additional workshops will be added to the program as needed.

At least two in the field in which the student plans to specialize.

May be in the Creative Writing Program, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, or in another department, with an adviser’s approval.

Additional Program Requirements

Students will also write a thesis with the counsel of a faculty member and a second reader at the second year of their course of study. Students write this final independent project consisting of between 50-80 pages for prose, 40-50 pages for theater or translation (including source and target languages), 30 pages for poetry. This final project may include, or may be an expansion of work begun during previous courses, but it should represent a culminating effort to shape stories, prose pieces, a long narrative, a literary translation or a group of poems into a coherent, self-sufficient work.

Sample Plan of Study

Learning outcomes.

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will:

  • Learn to write, read, and revise creative pieces including the following genres and forms: Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Theater, Literary Translation, Film Script, Hybrid Writing, Digital Writing. They will become proficient in copy-editing and style editing.
  • Gain expertise in selection and organization of materials, and virtually proofreading, copy editing and style editing of literary texts submitted by participating as Committee Members and/or Board Members in the layout and contents supervision of Temporales , our MFA online magazine.
  • Be able to teach Language courses in Spanish, including elementary and intermediate levels.
  • Be able to study and revise the literary traditions of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as that of Spain, and the USA, including those written and performed in Spanish, English and Spanglish.

NYU Policies

Graduate school of arts and science policies.

University-wide policies can be found on the New York University Policy pages .

Academic Policies for the Graduate School of Arts and Science can be found on the Academic Policies page . 

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Spanish Writing Practice

Spanish writing exercises by level.

Practise your Spanish writing skills with our ever-growing collection of interactive Spanish writing exercises for every  CEFR level from A0 to C1! If you're unsure about your current proficiency, try our  test to get your Spanish level before diving into the exercises.

Spanish writing exercise with Answer

All writing exercises are made by our qualified native Spanish teachers to help you improve your writing skills and confidence.

Kwizbot  will give you a series of prompts to translate to Spanish. He’ll show you where you make mistakes as you go along and will suggest related lessons for you.

Boost your Spanish writing skills by adding the lessons you find most interesting to your  Notebook and practising them later.

Click on any exercise to get started.

A1: Beginner Spanish writing exercises

  • A business meeting Employment Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Noelia tells us about her business meeting.
  • A day out with my daughter Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Artículo definido Isabel plans to spend a delightful day out with her daughter.
  • A declaration of love Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Read this declaration of love from Enrique.
  • A hotel booking Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Borja is going to spend a week in Barcelona and tells us about the hotel that he is going to book.
  • A love story Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Apócope Marta and Andrew meet in a bar...
  • A march for rare diseases Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Diego is participating today in a charity march.
  • A mysterious invitation Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Guillermo tells us about a mysterious note he found inside his locker.
  • A new space suit Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Sergio is going to travel to the moon in a new space suit!
  • A perfect day in Granada Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Travel with Enrique to Granada.
  • A piece of cake, please Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Carolina loves celebrating her birthday in style with her favourite cake.
  • A purple tide Politics, History & Economics Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Learn about the purple tide in Spain.
  • A royal dinner in Santo Domingo Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Indulge yourself with a royal dinner experience in Santo Domingo.
  • A sunny Christmas in the Southern Cone Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Artículo definido Humberto tells us about Christmas in Uruguay.
  • A ticket for Malaga, please! Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio Artículo indefinido César wants to get a train ticket to travel to Malaga.
  • A trip to the Sierra de Atapuerca Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Pedro and Miguel are visiting Atapuerca tomorrow.
  • A very interactive lesson with Kwiziq Language & Education Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adverbio Clara is using kwiziq for the first time and tells us about a lesson she is taking.
  • Alexis Sánchez: a famous soccer player Famous People Adjetivo Adverbio Artículo indefinido Learn about Alexis Sánchez, a famous soccer player.
  • Almendra market Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Experience the charm of Vitoria's medieval market.
  • Amelia Valcárcel: a famous Spanish philosopher Famous People Language & Education Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Learn about Amelia Valcárcel, a famous Spanish philosopher.
  • An ergonomic steering wheel Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Discover Sofia's revolutionary ergonomic steering wheel for the ultimate driving experience!
  • An exhibition by Frida Kahlo Art & Design Famous People Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Marcos is going to a Frida Kahlo exhibition.
  • An exotic flower Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Learn about this Argentinian flower.
  • An original costume Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Adverbio Lucía's mum tells us about her daughter's costume.
  • Ana's baby shower Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Artículo definido Some friends are planning Ana's baby shower.
  • Animal welfare Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Step into the realm of animal welfare, where compassion guides us to protect and care for our animal companions.
  • Arón Bitrán: a Chilean violinist Music Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Learn about Arón Bitrán, a famous Chilean violinist.
  • At El Corte Inglés Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Have you ever been to El Corte Ingles?
  • At the cocktail bar Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Raúl is having a refreshing cocktail in Majorca.
  • At the laundromat Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Álvaro shows us how a laundromat works.
  • At the nutritionist Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Sheila is at the nutritionist looking for a healthier lifestyle.
  • At the opera Music Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Ana plans to go to the opera tonight.
  • At the science lab Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Marta and Javier love spending time in the lab.
  • Bank of Spain Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Adjetivo Artículo definido Artículo indefinido Learn about Bank of Spain.
  • Be quiet! Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Immerse yourself in the enchanting silence of a northern Spanish procession.
  • Benefits of sport Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Mara tells us about exercising at the gym and its benefits.
  • Blanca Paloma: Spanish candidate 2023 Music Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adverbio Meet Blanca Paloma, Spain's candidate for Eurovision 2023.
  • Booking a table in a restaurant Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Artículo indefinido Learn how to book a table in a Spanish restaurant.
  • Breakfast at home Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Raúl loves having a healthy breakfast at home every morning.
  • Buenos Aires International Book Fair Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo demostrativo Artículo definido Artículo indefinido Learn about this cultural event in Buenos Aires.
  • Calva: a traditional Spanish game Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Learn about calva, a traditional Spanish game.
  • Carnival in Rio de Janeiro Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Julio is in Rio de Janeiro to visit its famous carnival.
  • Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Artículo definido Contracción de artículo El Futuro Próximo John would like to visit the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
  • Celebrating a new year Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Artículo definido Juan tells us his plans for New Year's Eve.
  • Chocolate and roses Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Patricia describes us the most common presents for Saint Valentine's Day.
  • Cibeles: a monument in Madrid Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Learn about Cibeles, a famous monument in Madrid.
  • Climate change Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio Aspecto progresivo Patricia doesn't feel happy at all about climate change.
  • Coco: a lovely poodle Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Meet Coco, a lovely poodle.
  • Colombian coffee Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Adverbio There is always a nice cup of Colombian coffee at Carlos Alberto's house!
  • Colon Theatre in Buenos Aires Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Pedro tells us about a famous theatre building in Buenos Aires.
  • Cuban rum Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Patricia tells us about her favourite Cuban drink.
  • Load more …

A2: Lower Intermediate Spanish writing exercises

  • A Christmas cocktail Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Celebrate the season in style with our special cocktail.
  • A Spanish course in Bogota Language & Education Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Patrick tells us about his Spanish course in Colombia.
  • A creepy recipe for this Halloween Food & Drink Adjetivo Adverbio El Futuro Próximo Enjoy a terrifying Halloween recipe!
  • A cruise to Puerto Rico Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Manuel feels excited about his next cruise trip to Puerto Rico.
  • A day in Las Burgas Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo posesivo Borja tells us about a relaxing day in Las Burgas.
  • A day out at the park Family & Relationships Adverbio interrogativo Artículo definido Conjunción subordinante Pedro and Rosa are gearing up for a park day tomorrow.
  • A day outside Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Julián tells us about his amazing weekend.
  • A different look Art & Design Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Adverbio de cantidad Carmela went to the beauty salon and tells us about her experience.
  • A documentary about the Sun Film & TV Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Artículo definido Javier watched a documentary about the Sun last night.
  • A ghost tour Celebrations & Important Dates Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido David has booked a ghost tour for Halloween night in Madrid.
  • A handmade gift Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Discover Juan's artistic touch in every detail of this special handmade gift.
  • A horrible campsite Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio María describes us her unpleasant experience at a campsite.
  • A horror film Film & TV Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Aspecto imperfectivo Marta watched a terrifying film yesterday.
  • A job interview Employment Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo posesivo Ainhoa is ready to do her first job interview.
  • A letter to Melchior Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo El Presente Alberto wrote a letter to Melchior, his favourite wise man.
  • A luxurious day in Marbella Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Aspecto imperfectivo El Pretérito Imperfecto El Pretérito Indefinido Aurelia tells us about her luxurious visit to a friend in Marbella.
  • A memory-based challenge Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Embark on an enchanting journey with Julia through the enigmatic labyrinth of memories.
  • A mountaineering adventure in Jalisco Sports & Leisure Adjetivo indefinido Aspecto imperfectivo Conjunción coordinante While mountaineering El Diente in Jalisco, Julio faced tough trails and reveled in the breathtaking summit views.
  • A movie marathon Film & TV Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Carlos plans to have a movie marathon this weekend at home.
  • A postcard from Madrid Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Conjunción Raquel received a postcard from her best friend.
  • A story of personal triumph Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Pedro tells us his story of personal improvement after being in an accident.
  • A stunning car in the newspaper Sports & Leisure Aspecto imperfectivo El Pretérito Imperfecto El Pretérito Indefinido Discover Antonio's latest passion.
  • A superbike event Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adverbio El Futuro Próximo Two friends have been to a superbike event.
  • A surprise party Family & Relationships Adverbio Adverbio de cantidad Adverbio interrogativo Raquel doesn't know where her family is today.
  • A tour of Buenos Aires Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio El Futuro Próximo Manuel tells us about his visit to Buenos Aires.
  • A very healthy barbecue Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo posesivo Discover Pedro and Maribel's recipes for their barbecue.
  • A very noisy neighbour Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Sara has to deal with a really noisy neighbour living downstairs.
  • A wedding in Las Vegas Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Discover what a wedding in Las Vegas means!
  • A weekend in Sierra Nevada Monuments, Tourism & Vacations El Pretérito Indefinido Expresión idiomática con "estar" Gender of nouns in Spanish: masculine Mercedes tells us about her weekend in Sierra Nevada in the south of Spain.
  • Acid rain Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Learn about some interesting facts about the acid rain.
  • Aid to emancipate myself Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Miguel tells us about his struggle to pay rent.
  • Ainhoa Arteta: a Spanish soprano Famous People Music Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Aspecto imperfectivo Learn about Ainhoa Arteta, a famous Spanish soprano.
  • Aire fresco: an Argentinian film Film & TV Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Adverbio Learn about the Argentinian movie that Rodrigo saw yesterday.
  • An afternoon in Caracas Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido María Elena spent an exciting afternoon with her friend Gabriela in Caracas.
  • An aromatherapy session Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Conjunción subordinante El Futuro Próximo Discover what an aromatherapy session is like!
  • An interview with Juanes Famous People Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Learn about Juanes' music with this interview.
  • An unusual taxi ride Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Pretérito Imperfecto Juan tells us about his strange experience in a taxi. In this exercise you'll practise El Pretérito Imperfecto and El Pretérito Indefinido.
  • Aragonese jota Music Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Pilar tells us about her local dance, the Aragonese jota.
  • Argentina's journey towards a zero-waste lifestyle Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo invariable Argentina is striving for zero waste, prioritizing reduction, reuse, and recycling for a sustainable future.
  • Arguiñano and his set menu Famous People Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Adverbio Minerva loves Zarauz and Arguiñano's restaurant.
  • Armed Forces Immigration & Citizenship Politics, History & Economics Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Learn about The Spanish Armed Forces
  • Art therapy in Spain Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Learn about some art therapy exercises.
  • At Cartagena beach Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adverbio Adverbio de cantidad Aspecto imperfectivo Juan went to the beach with some of his friends yesterday.
  • At a barbecue Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Grill and chill at Sandra and her friends' barbecues.
  • At a karate competition Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Gabriel just participated in a karate competition.
  • At our deli shop Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Are you looking for something different to eat? If so, visit Leila's deli.
  • At the circus Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adjetivo posesivo Irene tells us about a circus afternoon with her son.
  • At the dry cleaner's Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adjetivo indefinido Raquel just left the dry cleaners with a lovely just-ironed shirt.
  • At the florist Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Adjetivo posesivo Marta is at the florist to buy her sister some flowers.
  • At the office gym Employment Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo posesivo Artículo indefinido Do you have a gym in your office?

B1: Intermediate Spanish writing exercises

  • 5G network Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio El Futuro Simple Learn about the 5G network.
  • 6th of January Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Futuro Simple Eduardo is thinking about the 6th of January in order to get his Christmas presents.
  • A Christmas jumper Art & Design Adjetivo El Futuro Simple El Presente de Subjuntivo Marcos must wear a Christmas jumper (US: sweater) for a party, but he is not very excited about it.
  • A Halloween wish Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Daniela tells us about her special Halloween wish.
  • A Mediterranean breakfast Food & Drink Adjetivo Adverbio de cantidad Adverbio interrogativo This food company has prepared a magnificent Mediterranean breakfast for you to start your day!
  • A Tinder date Family & Relationships Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio de duda Artículo neutro Learn about Tomás's Tinder date.
  • A bumpy flight Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Rosa tells us about her bumpy flight to Costa Rica.
  • A day among dolphins Family & Relationships El Futuro Simple El Presente El Presente de Subjuntivo Marisa tells us about her mother's passion: dolphins.
  • A family lunch on Easter Sunday Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Conjunción Javier tells us about what lunch on Easter Sunday is like for his family.
  • A gala evening Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Sara has received an invitation for a special event.
  • A human anatomy class Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Dive into the marvels of the human body in our anatomy class!
  • A jungle trip Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Conjunción subordinante Andrea tells us about her ideal holiday.
  • A luxurious stay in Madrid Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Conjunción Stay in a top luxurious hotel in Madrid!
  • A magic show in hospital Employment Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Apócope Alberto is starting a new job next week in a hospital.
  • A night hike Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio de cantidad Experience the thrill of a night hike with María and Alberto.
  • A photo of our grandparents Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Adjetivo invariable Two brothers show us a heartwarming snapshot of their cherished grandparents.
  • A roadside breakdown Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Juan's roadside breakdown transformed his routine drive into an unexpected adventure.
  • A romantic dinner Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo demostrativo Adverbio Sergio and Tania have a romantic dinner.
  • A second chance Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Comparativo Manuela is asking Mateo to give their relationship a second chance.
  • A trip to Majorca Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio interrogativo Discover the beautiful city of Majorca.
  • A video game night Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Imperativo Learn about the benefits of playing with video games.
  • A weekend in the Pyrenees Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Apócope El Presente Last weekend, Samuel and his friends ventured out of the city to seek adventure in the magnificent Pyrenees.
  • A wonderful gardener Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Learn about Pedro, a high-skilled gardener.
  • Acupuncture Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Learn about acupuncture in Spanish.
  • Adventures with friends Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Raquel loves spending time with her friends and going on trips with them.
  • All Saints' Day Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Artículo neutro Learn about how All Saints' Day is celebrated in Spain.
  • As bestas by Rodrigo Sorogoyen Film & TV Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio interrogativo Discover As bestas, a Spanish thriller by the film director Rodrigo Sorogoyen.
  • At Carlos Baute's concert Music Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio interrogativo María Fernanda went to a Carlos Baute's concert, a famous Venezuelan singer.
  • At summer camp Employment Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Conjunción Maribel feels very excited about working as a group leader at a summer camp.
  • At the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Apócope Ester plans to start the New Year at the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc.
  • At the butcher's Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Learn how to order some meat at the butcher's.
  • At the gym Sports & Leisure Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Conjunción Samuel wants to lose some weight and keep healthy.
  • At the local gym Sports & Leisure Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Pedro tells us about his workout at the local gym.
  • At the market Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Join us at the market for a delightful shopping experience.
  • At the pediatrician Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Lucia's baby is not feeling well and she is at the pediatrician to get some advice.
  • At the street market Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Learn about the most famous street market in Madrid.
  • At the tourist office Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Mónica and Ángel are at the tourist office to get some information for their day trip to San Jose.
  • At the vet Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Rodrigo takes Max to the vet as he is not feeling well.
  • B-Travel Barcelona: a tourism fair Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adverbio de duda Learn about this interesting tourism fair in Barcelona.
  • Baroque in Latin America Art & Design Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Learn about the baroque in Latin America.
  • Bartering Politics, History & Economics Technology & Science Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Condicional Simple Interested in exchanging your stuff without using money?
  • Buena Vista Social Club: a Cuban band Music Adjetivo Apócope Aspecto progresivo Learn about the Buena Vista Social Club, a famous Cuban band.
  • Buying a second home in Spain Politics, History & Economics Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo This couple feels very excited about buying a house in Spain for their retirement.
  • Captain Thunder Literature, Poetry, Theatre Adjetivo El Pretérito Imperfecto El Pretérito Indefinido Ramiro tells us about Captain Thunder.
  • Changing schools Language & Education Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Conjunción María is starting at a new school.
  • Cheap smart homes Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Learn about how to set up a cheap smart home.
  • Circuit of Jarama Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adverbio Apócope Learn about Rodrigo, a high-speed motorcyclist.
  • Classical music in Mexico Music Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Apócope Learn about classical music in Mexico.
  • Cleaning bots: revolutionizing household cleaning Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Transform your cleaning routine with revolutionary cleaning bots!
  • Climbing up and down stairs Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo invariable Explore the benefits for your health and well-being by climbing the stairs.

B2: Upper Intermediate Spanish writing exercises

  • 12 self-portraits by Pablo Picasso Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Learn about Pablo Picasso's self-portraits.
  • A Christmas surprise Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio de cantidad Daniela is wondering who wrote her an anonymous message.
  • A Christmas tale Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adverbio A forgotten Christmas gift sparks a heartwarming holiday story.
  • A big surprise! Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo El Presente de Subjuntivo El Pretérito Imperfecto Adela tells us about an axciting surprise she got from her boyfriend.
  • A change of career Employment Language & Education Adjetivo Apócope Conjunción Discover Vanessa's career plans.
  • A delayed train Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo El Condicional Simple El Futuro Perfecto Ana is furious about the fact that her train is delayed.
  • A family of potters Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo invariable Adverbio Get into the fascinating world of a family of master potters.
  • A gift woven with care Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Clara's skilled hands knit more than just a sweater.
  • A homemade costume Art & Design Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adverbio de negación Conjunción coordinante Amalia plans to make her own costume for carnival.
  • A letter to Santa Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Conjunción El Condicional Simple Read this letter from my nephew.
  • A letter to my love Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Sandra wrote a romantic letter to her love.
  • A lost Nazarene Celebrations & Important Dates Adverbio Adverbio de duda Adverbio interrogativo Rodrigo got lost during a celebration!
  • A magic piano Music Adjetivo Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Adverbio interrogativo Learn about Pablo Alborán and his excellent piano skills.
  • A message from the Three Wise Men Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Lucas is enchanted by a celestial message from the Three Wise Men.
  • A saeta Celebrations & Important Dates Music Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Futuro Simple Jaime tells us about his experience in Seville during Easter celebrations.
  • A snow storm Technology & Science Adjetivo Apócope El Pretérito Imperfecto Have you ever experienced a big snow storm?
  • A special lunch Food & Drink Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Arancha enjoyed a special lunch today.
  • A tourist in my own city Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio de duda Artículo neutro Marta tells us about the pleasure of being in an empty city during the summer.
  • A true friendship Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Apócope What does a true friendship look like?
  • A very nosy parrot Family & Relationships Aspecto progresivo Conjunción El Condicional Simple Meet Beru the parrot. It's hard to have a secret conversation with him around!
  • A walk along the Guayas river Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio Conjunción Have a fun learning jorney with this tourist leaflet about the Guayas river in Ecuador.
  • A weekend without new technology Family & Relationships Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio de cantidad Conjunción coordinante Carlos' mum was concerned about his health and recommended him to spend a weekend away.
  • An afternoon around the fire Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Aspecto progresivo Conjunción subordinante What do you think of a warm afternoon around the fire?
  • An appointment with the ENT specialist Family & Relationships Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Adverbio interrogativo Conjunción Carlos got an appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to get a treatment for his anosmia.
  • An inspiring extreme sports story Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Unleash your adrenaline with an inspiring story of extreme sports triumph.
  • An oasis in the middle of the desert Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo In the barren desert, a hidden oasis offers solace to weary travelers.
  • An online Carnival party Celebrations & Important Dates Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Victoria is very excited about her upcoming online Carnival party.
  • An online shopping gift voucher Technology & Science Adjetivo El Condicional Simple El Futuro Simple Lorena feels very lucky today with her online shopping gift voucher.
  • An undercover investigation Employment Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo In the shadows of the drug underworld, an undercover investigation reveals the truth.
  • Apology letter to a client Free Language & Education Adjetivo Conjunción Conjunción subordinante Learn how to write a formal letter of apology in Spanish.
  • Are you ready to adopt an animal? Family & Relationships Conjunción subordinante El Condicional Simple El Futuro Simple Find out if you are ready to adopt an animal.
  • Art therapy exercises Art & Design Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Learn about some art therapy exercises.
  • At the hairdresser's Art & Design Adjetivo indefinido Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Adverbio de duda Clara goes to the hairdresser to change her look.
  • Athleisure on social media Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Laura loves following social media athleisure accounts.
  • Basque Pottery Museum Art & Design Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Have you ever been to the Basque Pottery Museum?
  • Be my Valentine! Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Miguel is declaring his love for Jimena in front of everyone!
  • Blanca Suárez: a Spanish actress Famous People Film & TV Adjetivo Conjunción coordinante El Pretérito Perfecto Subjuntivo Learn about the famous Spanish actress Blanca Suárez
  • Breakfast, the most important meal of the day Food & Drink Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo Discover why breakfast is such an important meal for performing well at work.
  • Campervan trip Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio Jesús and Mateo love their campervan and travelling around Spain
  • Campsite activities Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Apócope Artículo neutro Get some fresh ideas for things to do when you go camping.
  • Casa Decor Madrid Art & Design Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Apócope Adriana plans to attend an exclusive exhibition next year.
  • Casillero del Diablo Food & Drink Adjetivo El Presente de Subjuntivo El Pretérito Imperfecto Rosa and Enrique tell us about their experience with this Chilean wine.
  • Changing my wardrobe Art & Design Adjetivo Adverbio Adverbio interrogativo María plans to change the clothes in her closet for the new season.
  • Chupachups: the Spanish lollipop Food & Drink Adjetivo Apócope El Pretérito Imperfecto Did you know that these lollipops were a Spanish invention?
  • Colombia in the world Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Apócope Conjunción Why is Colombia a great place to visit?
  • Couchsurfing in Spain Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Adverbio interrogativo Learn about Couchsurfing, a service that connects a global community of travelers.
  • DIY Art & Design El Condicional Perfecto El Futuro Perfecto El Futuro Simple Do some DIY with Marta!
  • Dancing an aurresku Music Adjetivo Adverbio El Imperativo Learn about the aurresku, a famous dance from the Basque Country.
  • Dominican style salted cod Food & Drink Adjetivo Adverbio Artículo neutro Savor the Dominican touch with our Dominican style salted cod.
  • Dream trips Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Have you ever experienced a dream trip?

C1: Advanced Spanish writing exercises

  • 2021: the Year of the Ox Celebrations & Important Dates El Infinitivo Compuesto Jerga/ Expresión idiomática Modo subjuntivo Learn about the new Chinese year for 2021.
  • A TikTok dance challenge Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Adverbio Adverbio de duda Artículo definido Celia's dance got popular in TikTok.
  • A coffee shop for cats Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Artículo neutro Gerundio/Spanish present participle Discover this unusual coffee shop where cats are the stars!
  • A film review Film & TV Adjetivo Artículo neutro Aspecto progresivo Antonio makes us a review of a movie.
  • A handyman at home Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo indefinido Apócope Transform your living space with the expert touch of our skilled handyman services!
  • A rock 'n' roll grandmother Family & Relationships Music Adjetivo Artículo definido Artículo neutro Sandra tells us about her unconventional grandmother, Carmen.
  • A tornado Family & Relationships Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción A fierce tornado struck Mar Azul, turning its tranquil shores into a tempestuous battleground.
  • Alcoy and its textile industry Art & Design Adjetivo Artículo definido Artículo neutro Inés is telling her son Alberto about Alcoy's industry.
  • Antonio Gaudi's architecture Art & Design Famous People Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción coordinante Learn about Gaudí's architecture in Barcelona and practise relative pronouns and the passive voice.
  • Benefits of art therapy Art & Design Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción coordinante Have you ever heard about art therapy?
  • Bilbao Book Fair Literature, Poetry, Theatre El Infinitivo Compuesto El Presente de Subjuntivo El Pretérito Imperfecto Subjuntivo Ready to visit the Bilbao Book Fair?
  • Bungee Jumping Sports & Leisure El Condicional Perfecto El Condicional Simple El Futuro Perfecto Candela tells us about her first bungee jump.
  • Castile comes from 'castle' Language & Education Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción coordinante Learn about the etymological origin of the word 'Castile'.
  • Cataract surgery Family & Relationships Artículo definido Artículo neutro Aspecto perfectivo Cecilia tells us about her upcoming cataract surgery.
  • Centennial oak trees Sports & Leisure Artículo neutro Conjunción subordinante El Presente de Subjuntivo Shelter beneath the magnificent centennial oak trees.
  • Charity Kings Parade Celebrations & Important Dates Artículo definido Artículo neutro Conjunción Are you a fan of The Three Wise Men?
  • Chinese horoscope Technology & Science Artículo neutro Aspecto progresivo Conjunción Learn about the Chinese horoscope.
  • Climbing the Gorbea Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Aspecto progresivo Conjunción Learn about this hill in the north of Spain.
  • Cognitive inclusion at school Language & Education Artículo definido Artículo indefinido Artículo neutro Learn about this cognitive inclusion project.
  • Combat sports: sport or violence? Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Conjunción coordinante Expressing need and obligation (deber, tener que, haber que, necesitar [que]) Do you think that combat sports are violent? Look at what Pedro thinks about them.
  • Corruption Politics, History & Economics Adjetivo Aspecto progresivo El Presente Corruption in Spain is a serious problem that dates back centuries.
  • Council housing challenges Art & Design Aspecto progresivo Conjunción subordinante El Condicional Simple Learn about the council housing situation in a Spanish city.
  • Eating in the heights of Barcelona Food & Drink Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Interested in getting a high-flying meal?
  • Elcano: sailing into history's horizon Politics, History & Economics Adjetivo Cambio de tiempos verbales inesperados Conjunción subordinante Join Elcano on a historic voyage, where the seas become a canvas for extraordinary tales.
  • Frozen Film & TV Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción Experience the magic of ice and adventure in 'Frozen'.
  • Handicrafts Art & Design Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción Discover what the traditional Honduran handicrafts are.
  • Hatless women Politics, History & Economics Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Condicional Simple Learn about the hatless women from the twenties.
  • History of Valencia FC Sports & Leisure Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Pretérito Imperfecto Learn about Valencia FC's history.
  • History of ceramics in America Art & Design Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Pretérito Imperfecto Trace the evolution of American ceramics through the centuries.
  • How to become an au pair Employment Language & Education Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Presente Are you looking for a host family to do some au pair work while improving a foreign language?
  • I'm going everywhere with my GPS! Sports & Leisure Artículo definido Artículo neutro El Infinitivo Compuesto Pedro tells us about the GPS he just bought.
  • Ice on the moon? Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Aspecto progresivo Is there or was there water on the Moon?
  • Improving the circulation of my veins Technology & Science Adjetivo Adjetivo interrogativo y exclamativo Adverbio Elisa has decided she needs to improve her circulation and embrace a healthier lifestyle.
  • Intarsia Art & Design Adjetivo Expresión idiomática con "ser" Infinitivo Learn about intarsia, a very old traditional woodwork technique.
  • Is it cake? Film & TV Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Learn about an amazing TV show on Netflix.
  • Jose Ortega y Gasset: a Spanish philosopher Famous People Language & Education Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Pretérito Imperfecto Learn about Ortega y Gasset and his philosophy.
  • Kitchen Nightmares Film & TV Adjetivo Artículo neutro Expressing need and obligation (deber, tener que, haber que, necesitar [que]) Step into the world of 'Kitchen Nightmares', where culinary rescues and transformations unfold in each episode.
  • Last-minute travelling Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Artículo definido Marisa is tempted to travel last minute this summer.
  • Lost among cacti Family & Relationships Adjetivo Conjunción subordinante El Pretérito Imperfecto Lucía found herself adrift in a prickly sea of cacti.
  • Madeira Centro hotel Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjetivo Conjunción coordinante Gerundio/Spanish present participle Discover this beautiful hotel in Benidorm.
  • Marmitako to keep warm Food & Drink Adjetivo Artículo neutro El Condicional Simple Blanca feels like cooking a hot tuna dish to warm herself up after a rainy day.
  • Mexicans in the USA Immigration & Citizenship Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción coordinante Amelia is impressed by Mexican culture and cuisine in the USA.
  • Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Conjunción Expresión idiomática con "ser" Expressing need and obligation (deber, tener que, haber que, necesitar [que]) Have you ever visited the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba?
  • My father's self-portrait Art & Design Adverbio de cantidad Expresión idiomática con "estar" Gerundio/Spanish present participle Daniel had a lot of fun with his father's self-portrait.
  • My relationship with my parents Family & Relationships Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción Learn about Pablo's relationship with his parents.
  • Myths associated with Valentine's Day Celebrations & Important Dates Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción Discover some myths behind Valentine's Day.
  • On the moon Technology & Science Adjetivo Adverbio interrogativo Adverbio relativo Learn about Clara's adventure in an unknown place.
  • One day on the radio Film & TV Adjetivo Adverbio de duda Artículo neutro María is looking forward to participating in a radio session.
  • Our energy bill Technology & Science Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción Samuel and his wife are not happy at all with their last electricity bill.
  • PISA report: Spain Language & Education Adjetivo Artículo neutro Conjunción coordinante Carlos, headmaster of a Spanish school, shares his thoughts about the latest PISA report.

Taller de Escritura en Español

Comparta sus historias e ideas en este taller de escritura creativa, que se enfoca en descubrir la belleza de cada historia mientras discute los temas y la cultura. Cada sesión está diseñada para brindarles a los participantes la oportunidad de probar varios géneros mientras aprenden habilidades clave y técnicas de escritura. Los participantes aprenderán sobre la formación de personajes, el diálogo, las descripciones vívidas, la voz, el tiempo y más en poesía, prosa y escritura de no ficción.

Duración: 6 semanas Fecha: martes 13 de abril hasta el martes 25 de mayo del 2021 (Todos los martes)

Hora: 7:00 pm. – 8:30 pm. Este es un evento virtual que utiliza la plataforma Zoom. Para unirse, haga clic en el enlace Zoom a continuación o, alternativamente, ingrese la siguiente ID en Zoom: 873 4228 1499. También puede usar el siguiente número de teléfono para llamar: +1 929 436 2866 EE. UU.

A Spanish creative writing workshop that focuses on uncovering stories discussed in class. Each session is designed to give participants the opportunity to try their hand at various genres while learning key skills and writing techniques. Participants will learn about character building, dialogue, vivid descriptions, voice, time and more in poetry, prose and non-fiction writing. For information on attending, click here .

Duration: 6 weeks

Tuesdays, March 2nd – May 25th from 7-8:30 p.m.

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Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales: Developing Writing Skills in Spanish by Javier Muñoz-Basols y Yolanda Pérez Sinusía (review)

  • José Rigoberto Guevara
  • Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Volume 105, Number 4, December 2022
  • pp. 639-641
  • 10.1353/hpn.2022.0111
  • View Citation

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  • Hispanic Studies
  • College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Ph.D. in Spanish with a Concentration in Creative Writing (Ph.D. en Español con Concentración en Escritura Creativa) (PRESENCIAL/FACE-TO-FACE)

Department of Hispanic Studies University of Houston 3553 Cullen Boulevard, Room 416 Houston, TX 77204-3062 713.743.3007 Contact Us

creative writing skills en español

First Class of the Ph.D. in Spanish with a Concentration in Creative Writing On August 21st, the same day as the solar eclipse, the first class of the Ph.D. in Spanish with a concentration in creative writing program took place at Arte Público Press. María José Delgadillo, Dinorah García, Emilia Felker, Judith Santopietro, Daniele Zaratin, Nayeli García, Úrsula Fuentesberain, Natalia Trigo and Génesis Guerrero attended Dr. Cristina Rivera Garza’s class “Writing and Community.” This Ph.D. program is the first of its kind in the U.S.

Ph.D. in Spanish with a concentration in creative writing (concentración en escritura creativa en Español-Ph.D./ECE)

Cristina Rivera Garza

The Ph.D. in Spanish with a concentration in creative writing provides an interdisciplinary approach to literary arts through workshops and seminars designed to explore writing — prose and poetry, essay and crónica , as well as writing modes that exist between or beyond established literary genres — and digital writing. As part of a cosmopolitan metropolis and a greatly diverse campus, the program emphasizes the relationship between writing and community, non-traditional methods of editing and literary distribution, research of experimental aesthetics and their relationship to ethical intervention.

The Ph.D./ECE is part of the department of Hispanic studies that offers Ph.D. programs with specialization on literature — Latin American, Peninsular and U.S. Latino — and linguistics. Our relationship with the MFA and Ph.D. in Creative Writing incentivizes the teaching and practice of translation as well as bilingual Spanish-English writing in its multiple variations. In the same way, our relationship with the Non-Invasive Brain Machine Systems Laboratory  and the program of visual arts encourages students to produce writing informed by other disciplines and in alternative supports. The program benefits from Arte Público Press and G ulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts , which provide theoretical and practical emphasis on editing methodology and contemporary literary distribution. The program is also enriched by the historical and literary documents at the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project  and the Serie de Escritores [Author Series] invited and organized by the ECE, as well as the various Reading Series that take place on campus on regular basis.

The Ph.D./ECE will accept a small number of students every year, which will assure a close working relationship between students and faculty in creative writing and the department and will provide economic support through competitive teaching and research assistantships. Aside from taking seminars in the department of Hispanic studies, students may choose to take seven of the seminars/workshops specially designed by the Ph.D.-ECE: Theory and Writing; Community and Writing; Editing; Cross-Genre Writing; Digital Writing; Translation; and Creative Writing in English (with approval from the Ph.D./MFA Program in Creative Writing).

Each candidate must submit official copies of their diploma and transcripts, three letters of recommendation, TOEFL scores, an academic writing sample (15 pages), creative writing sample (15 pages), personal poetic statement and a short essay on the relationship between writing and community.

The candidates who do not have an M.A. will have to complete that degree in literature before continuing with Ph.D./ECE. These students may indicate, on their personal statement, that they want to be considered for the M.A./Ph.D. program, which means that even though they are seeking admission to the M.A. program, they would like to also obtain a Ph.D. at the University of Houston. The students in the Ph.D. in Spanish with a concentration in creative writing can graduate with a dissertation in creative writing with a substantial theoretical analysis in order to receive a Ph.D. in Spanish with a concentration in creative writing. Applications can be submitted until January 15 th .

With its interdisciplinary approach to theory and practice, its community and collaborative service, as well as its attention to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the campus and city where it takes place, this is the first national Ph.D. program in Spanish with a concentration in creative writing in the United States and offers a unique opportunity for writers of the 21st century.

Concentración en Escritura Creativa en Español (Ph.D./ECE) Cristina Rivera Garza

El concentración en escritura creativa en Español (Ph.D./ECE) ofrece un enfoque interdisciplinario a las artes verbales a través de talleres de producción y seminarios de análisis diseñados para la exploración de escrituras — la prosa y la poesía, el ensayo y la crónica, así como modos de escritura que existen entre o más allá de los géneros literarios reconocidos — y escrituras digitales. Como parte de una metrópolis cosmopolita y un campus de gran diversidad, el programa enfatiza las relaciones entre escritura y comunidad, métodos no tradicionales de edición y distribución literaria, investigación de estéticas experimentales, y las relaciones entre la innovación formal y la intervención ética.

El Ph.D./ECE es parte del departamento de estudios Hispánicos, el cual ofrece programas de doctorado con concentraciones en literatura —Latinoamericana, Peninsular y Latina de Estado Unidos— y lingüística. Nuestra relación con el MFA y Ph.D. en escritura creativa incentiva la enseñanza y práctica de la traducción así como la escritura bilingüe español-inglés en sus múltiples variantes. De la misma forma, nuestra relación con Non-Invasive Brain Machine Systems Laboratory  y el programa de Artes Visuales alienta a los estudiantes a producir escrituras informadas por otras disciplinas y en distintos soportes. La articulación con Arte Público Press y Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts   permite un énfasis teórico y práctico en métodos de edición y distribución literaria contemporánea. El programa también se beneficia de los archivos concentrados en el Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Litearary Heritage Project , la Serie de Escritores invitados organizada desde el ECE, así como de las distintas Readings Series que se llevan a cabo en el campus.   

El Ph.D./ECE aceptará un número reducido de estudiantes cada año, lo cual incentivará relaciones cercanas de trabajo entre estudiantes y profesores de la sección y el departamento, y hará posible brindar apoyo económico en forma de teaching assistanships o research assistanships, las cuales son competitivas. Además de cursar los seminarios de análisis ofrecidos por el departamento de estudios Hispánicos, los alumnos podrán elegir entre 7 seminarios-talleres especialmente diseñados para el Ph.D./ECE: Teoría y Escritura; Comunidad y Escritura; Edición; Taller de Escrituras Cross-Genre, Escritura Digital; Traducción; y Creative Writing in English (en colaboración con el Ph.D./MFA Program in Creative Writing).

Cada candidato deberá presentar el título y las calificaciones, tres cartas de recomendación, el TOEFL, el GRE, una muestra de no más de 15 páginas de trabajo académico y no más de 15 páginas de trabajo creativo, una breve poética personal, y un ensayo corto sobre la relación entre escritura y comunidad. Los candidatos que no tengan una maestría podrán solicitar ser admitidos al Ph.D., pero tendrán que cursar primero la maestría en literatura dentro del programa M.A./Ph.D. Los estudiantes del Ph.D.concentración en escritura creativa en Español (Ph.D./ECE) podrán graduarse con una disertación de escritura creativa con un componente analítico-teórico importante, recibiendo un título de doctorado en estudios Hispánicos con concentración en escritura creativa en español. El período de recepción de solicitudes estará abierto hasta el 15 de enero.

Con su enfoque teórico-práctico e interdisciplinario, su vocación comunitaria y colaborativa, así como su atención a la diversidad cultural y lingüística del campus y ciudad en el que está situado, este primer Ph.D. en concentración en escritura creativa en Español (Ph.D./ECE) a nivel nacional es una oportunidad única para la formación de los escritores del siglo XXI.

Verba Hispanica

Javier Muñoz-Basols y Yolanda Pérez Sinusía (2022). Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish

  • Reyes Llopis-García Columbia University, New York, United States
  • Alejandro Rodríguez Díaz del Real University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia

La obra Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish es un volumen publicado por dos prestigiosos profesionales de la enseñanza del español: Javier Muñoz-Basols, profesor titular y coordinador de español en la Universidad de Oxford (Reino Unido), y Yolanda Pérez Sinusía, profesora titular de español en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas n.⁰ 1 de Zaragoza (España). La segunda edición de Routledge incluye numerosas novedades respecto a la de 2011, que consisten en un esfuerzo de enriquecimiento al incluir la consulta de diferentes obras como el Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (2005), la Nueva gramática de la lengua española (2009), la Nueva gramática básica de la lengua española (2010), la 23.ᵃ edición del Diccionario de la lengua española (2014) y el Libro de estilo de la lengua española según la norma panhispánica (2018), así como los nuevos descriptores del Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (2018) o MCER, teniendo sobre todo en cuenta el modo en que se potencia la mediación lingüística en la enseñanza de las lenguas.

Javier Muñoz-Basols y Yolanda Pérez Sinusía (2022). Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish. 2a ed. London and New York: Routledge. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315105215

creative writing skills en español

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Copyright (c) 2022 Reyes Llopis-García, Alejandro Rodríguez Díaz del Real

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  • Authors are confirming that they are the authors of the submitting article, which will be published (print and online) in journal  Verba Hispanica  by Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia). Author’s name will be evident in the article in journal. All decisions regarding layout and distribution of the work are in hands of the publisher.
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Verba Hispanica University of Ljubljana Press, Slovenia (Založba Univerze v Ljubljani)

Print ISSN: 0353-9660 Online ISSN: 2350-4250

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La Maestría de Escritura Creativa en Español de NYU es un programa de dos años que consta de 32 créditos (8 cursos) y de una tesis de creación que completan los estudiantes al finalizar los cursos.

The Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing in Spanish is a 2-year program of 32 credits (i.e. 8 courses) and a creative thesis at the end.

SPAN-GA 4001 - Introducción a la narrativa y la poesía (4 créditos)  En este curso introductorio se conjuga la lectura de reflexiones de escritores acerca de la escritura con  la lectura de textos de teoría y crítica literarias. Las lecturas de dicho curso no se limitan al corpus literario español o latinoamericano pero las discusiones en clase se llevan a cabo en español. Como parte del curso, se invita regularmente a escritores latinoamericanos, españoles y latinos a dictar conferencias en clase.  Se imparte una vez al año. Requisito para todos los estudiantes. 

SPAN-GA 4002 - Modalidades y técnicas de la ficción narrativa y de la no-ficción. (4 créditos) Este curso supone algún conocimiento previo de la literatura de lengua española. Los estudiantes exploran las diversas técnicas de escritura de ficción y no-ficción empleadas en los textos a discutir en clase. Además se estudian distintas modalidades de la escritura en prosa, tales como memorias, periodismo literario, diario íntimo y ensayo.  Se dicta una vez al año. Requisito para todos los estudiantes que eligen trabajar en prosa. 

SPAN- GA 4003 - Modalidades y técnicas de la poesía (4 créditos)   Este curso que supone cierto conocimiento de la poesía en lengua española, familiariza a los estudiantes con modalidades y técnicas poéticas mediante lecturas de poesía latinoamericana y española. La reflexión en torno a estas lecturas propicia la exploración de posibilidades creativas para la propia escritura.  Se ofrece una vez al año. Requisito para todos los estudiantes que eligen trabajar en poesía.

SPAN-GA 4001 - Approaches to Narrative and Poetry (4 credits) An introductory course, combining readings of writers' reflections on writing with readings in literary theory and criticism. The readings are not limited to an exclusively Spanish or Latin American corpus; class discussion, however, is in Spanish. Visiting Spanish, Latin American and Latino writers are invited regularly to lecture in the course. Taught once a year. Required of all students.

SPAN-GA 4002 - Forms and Techniques of Fiction and Non-Fiction Prose (4 credits) The course assumes some familiarity with major fiction writers in Spanish. Students discuss fiction and non-fiction techniques in relation to assigned readings and explore various aspects of prose writing, including memoir, literary journalism, journals, and essays. Taught once a year. Required of all students working in prose.

SPAN-GA 4003 - Forms and Techniques of Poetry (4 credits) This class introduces students to the craft of writing poetry through readings of Spanish and Latin American poets, encourages them to reflect on that poetry and to discover in it possibilities for their own writing. Taught once a year. Required of all students working in poetry.

En los talleres se conjugan la exploración de diversas técnicas de escritura y  ejercicios prácticos recurrentes con el comentario y la crítica grupal. Los estudiantes deben asistir a cuatro talleres, de los cuales por lo menos dos deben ser de su concentración.

SPAN-GA  4101  - Taller de ficción (4 créditos) SPAN-GA 4101-01  - Taller de ficción (4 créditos)   SPAN-GA 4101.02  - Taller de ficción (4 créditos)   SPAN-GA 4102  - Taller de poesía (4 créditos) SPAN-GA 4102.01  - Taller de poesía (4 créditos) SPAN-GA 4102.02  - Taller de poesía (4 créditos) SPAN-GA 4103   - Taller de ficción (4 créditos) SPAN-GA 4103.02  - Taller de ficción (4 créditos) SPAN-GA 4104  - Taller de traducción literaria (4 créditos) SPAN-GA 4105  - Taller de tema variable (4 créditos)

Workshops combine exploration of writing techniques, sustained writing exercises, and practice of peer criticism. Students should take  four  workshops, at least  two  in the field in which they choose to specialize:

SPAN-GA 4101  – Workshop in Fiction (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4101.01  – Workshop in Fiction (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4101.02  – Workshop in Fiction (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4102  – Workshop in Poetry (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4102.01  – Workshop in Poetry (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4102.02  – Workshop in Poetry (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4103  – Workshop in Creative Non-Fiction (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4103.01  – Workshop in Creative Non-Fiction (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4103.02  – Workshop in Creative Non-Fiction (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4104  – Workshop in Literary Translation (4 credits) SPAN-GA 4105  – Variable Topics Workshop (4 credits).


Estos cursos pueden tomarse en el programa de Escritura Creativa, en el Departamento de Español y Portugués o, con permiso de un consejero académico,  en otro programa de NYU que se relacione con el proyecto del estudiante.


These courses are either in the Creative Writing program, in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese or, with an advisor's approval, in another related program.


En el cuarto semestre de estudios, los estudiantes deberán desarrollar un proyecto de escritura independiente o tesis bajo la supervisión de un miembro de la facultad. Este consistirá de 50 a 75 páginas en el caso de un proyecto de prosa, y de 30 páginas para los proyectos de poesía. El trabajo puede constar de un texto largo o de una serie de textos más breves. Este proyecto podría consistir en la elaboración y desarrollo de algún trabajo realizado previamente para algún curso, en cuyo caso deberá conformar un texto más pulido en forma de cuento, prosa, relatos o poesía, de tal manera que constituya una obra en sí misma.

El plazo para la entrega del proyecto final será el 1º de septiembre que siga al último semestre de cursos.


In their fourth semester, under the supervision of a faculty member, students are expected to write a thesis or final independent project consisting of between 50-75 pages for prose or 30 pages for poetry. The final project may be one long piece or a series of shorter pieces. It may include or may be an expansion of work begun during previous courses, but it should represent a culminating effort to shape stories, prose pieces, a long work, or a group of poems into a coherent, self-sufficient work.

The deadline for the final project is the last day of the summer following the final semester.


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  2. Escritura Creativa en Español

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    Career Development and Communication Skills. Career Development; Workplace Communications; Creative Writing. Creative Non-Fiction; Escritura Creativa en Español; Literary Fiction; Multi-genre; Poetry and Songwriting; Popular Fiction; Stage and Screenwriting; U of T Summer Writing School; Writing for Children; Health and Social Sciences. Public ...

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  7. Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales ...

    Description. Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish es la primera publicación concebida para desarrollar y perfeccionar la expresión escrita en español a partir de una metodología basada en géneros textuales. Cada capítulo se ocupa de un género y está diseñado para guiar al ...

  8. Developing writing skills in Spanish

    Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish es la primera publicación concebida para desarrollar y perfeccionar la expresión escrita en español a partir de una metodología basada en géneros textuales. Cada capítulo se ocupa de un género y está diseñado para guiar al escritor en la planificación, el desarrollo y la revisión de textos.

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    Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish es la primera publicación concebida para desarrollar y perfeccionar la expresión escrita en español a partir de una metodología basada en géneros textuales. Cada capítulo se ocupa de un género y está diseñado para guiar al escritor en la planificación, el desarrollo y la revisión de textos.

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    Taller de Escritura en Español. ... A Spanish creative writing workshop that focuses on uncovering stories discussed in class. Each session is designed to give participants the opportunity to try their hand at various genres while learning key skills and writing techniques. Participants will learn about character building, dialogue, vivid ...

  13. 3635

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    MFA PROGRAM. Dada su ubicación privilegiada—la ciudad alberga a numerosas y diversas comunidades latinoamericanas—New York University es el lugar ideal para cursar un programa de escritura creativa en español. Desde el siglo XIX Nueva York viene atrayendo a escritores y periodistas españoles y latinoamericanos, y ha sido lugar de ...

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  19. M.F.A. Program Content And Requirements

    The Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing in Spanish is a 2-year program of 32 credits (i.e. 8 courses) and a creative thesis at the end. ... Las lecturas de dicho curso no se limitan al corpus literario español o latinoamericano pero las discusiones en clase se llevan a cabo en español. Como parte del curso, se invita regularmente a ...

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    Career Development and Communication Skills. Career Development; Workplace Communications; Creative Writing. Creative Non-Fiction; Escritura Creativa en Español; Literary Fiction; Multi-genre; Poetry and Songwriting; Popular Fiction; Stage and Screenwriting; U of T Summer Writing School; Writing for Children; Health and Social Sciences. Public ...

  22. creative writing skills en español

    Creative Writing in Spanish (MFA) Program description. Due to its location in New York City, home to an important and diverse Latino and Latin American community, NYU is uniquely

  23. 3348

    Career Development and Communication Skills. Career Development; Workplace Communications; Creative Writing. Creative Non-Fiction; Escritura Creativa en Español; Literary Fiction; Multi-genre; Poetry and Songwriting; Popular Fiction; Stage and Screenwriting; U of T Summer Writing School; Writing for Children; Health and Social Sciences. Public ...