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dua to solve relationship problems

3 Powerful Dua for relationship problems (Fix Broken Relationship)

Assalamu alaikum to all. Today, we will provide you with a powerful  Dua for relationship problems  that have mended many broken relationships, and we assure you that it will also help you.

It’s rare to find a relationship without any conflicts.  Problems  are just a normal part of life, but it is also true that if they are  not handled  at the right time, they  do not take time to break.

If you are  going through the same situation  and want the help of Allah(SWT), then you are at the  right place . This article guides you with a powerful dua that will help you strengthen your relationship.

You can consult with us if you have any other problems related to your relationship. We’ll provide you with the best  dua for relationship problems.

No one can understand the pain of a falling apart relationship but don’t worry, read the article carefully to get proper guidance in fixing your relationship.

Importance of dua for relationship problems

Fixing a relationship is hard, but  ignoring the problem is worse . When there’s a fight or silence, it can hurt the relationship.

The  only way to fix it is by praying to Almighty  and sincerely asking for help. Remember, everything is in his hands.

We can  sincerely seek Allah’s (SWT) mercy  and blessings by performing this dua for relationship problems   with complete faith.

There is  no  such  relationship  without  fights or disagreements,  whether a couple or  husband-wife , but you should trust Allah(SWT) and Dua’s power to make it work.

If you  leave the problem as it is , the issues could get too serious to solve, causing constant  arguments, doubts about trust, and suspicions of cheating in the relationship.

At this time, there are  special prayers  for relationship issues that you can use along with other efforts to fix your relationship with your partner.

Some guidance before you start this dua for relationship problems

Before beginning the Dua for relationship problems, it’s advisable to follow specific guidance:

  • Perform  Wudu (Ablution)  for spiritual purity.
  • Face Qibla, the direction of the  Kaaba in Mecca,  during supplication.
  • Offer  Sadqah (charity)  as a gesture of sincerity.
  • Pray consistently , maintaining a regular practice of dua.
  • Have the  right intention,  seeking Allah’s guidance sincerely.
  • Seek  advice from scholars  or trusted individuals like Our Molana Basheer Khan.
  • Perform  Istikhara ,  seeking Allah’s guidance in decision-making.

#1 Dua for relationship problems

To remove problems in your relationship, recite,  “Qul in kuntum tuhibboonal laaha fattabi’ oonee yuhbibkumul laahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum; wallaahu Ghafoorur Raheem,”  this dua. Repeat this dua after every salah to seek Allah’s blessings.

Dua for relationship problems

Dua for relationship problems in steps:

  • Start with a fresh  Ablution.
  • Now read  “BISMILLAHIR RAHMAN NIR RAHIM” 786 times.
  • After that, Recite  verse 31  of  “Surah Al-Imran”  at least 1000 times.
  • Now, take the  name of your lover  thrice.
  • Lastly,  pray to Allah(SWT)  to remove all the problems in your relationship.

Follow this dua for 11 days, and Inshallah, soon all the problems will be removed. 

Dua for relationship problems

If you have any doubts or questions, consult our  Molana Ji via WhatsApp  for better understanding. 

To heal your broken heart, you can recite this  Dua for heartbreak . It will provide you comfort and peace in this situation.

If you think your relationship is under some evil or harmful thing, you should recite this  Dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy .

#2 Dua to fix broken relationship

The best Dua to improve or fix a broken relationship is:  “Wallazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa.”  Recite this Dua after isha salah with complete faith in Allah(SWT).

Dua to fix broken relationship

Dua to fix broken relationships in five simple steps:

  • Begin with reading  “Durood e Ibrahim”  11 times.
  • Then, recite  “Ya Wadoodo”  100 times.
  • After that, recite verse 74,  “ Surah-Furqan ,”  after Isha Salah.
  • Again, read  “Durood e Ibrahim”  11 times.
  • At last, ask  Allah(SWT)  to fix your relationship with his blessings.

Perform this dua at least for two weeks after morning and evening salah, and inshallah Allah(SWT) will soon accept your dua and bless your relationship.

Dua to fix broken relationship

Due to any arguments or misunderstandings, if your loved one is separated from you, then recite this  Dua to get your ex-love back  to reunite with them.

If your husband does not love you as before and you are having many arguments with him, recite this powerful  Dua for husband love  to increase love in his heart.

#3 Dua to solve relationship problems in simple steps:

  • Start with a fresh  Shower .
  • Read “ Ya Latifu Ya Wadoodo’  100 times.
  • After that, recite “ ALLAAHUMMA AH’ABBANEE ILAA QALBI”  this dua at least 1000 times.
  • Then send  “Salawat”  upon the Prophet (SAW)
  • At last,  pray to Allah(SWT)  to solve all the problems.

You have to perform this dua for  15 days  after isha salah with complete trust and faith in Allah(SWT) to get positive effects. 

Dua to solve relationship problems

If you need more details or have any questions, contact our Molana ji, who will assist you with a proper solution to your problem.

Note: All the dua given here are equally powerful and effective. You can perform any Dua as per your choice.

Surah for relationship problems

Surah Yasin  is among the best and most effective Surah to seek Allah’s blessings and mercy. Recite  Surah Yasin 7  times after any salah and blow upon the picture of your partner or loved one. 

Performing this  Surah Yasin  daily after performing Ablution will help you remove all the obstacles and problems in your relationship.

There are numerous hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) about the benefits of reciting  Surah Yasin.  One such hadith is as follows: 

“Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yasin. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people.” ( Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2887 )

Surah for relationship problems

#4 Dua for relationship

For healthy and good relationship recite this dua, “ (FAQAALA) INNEEE AH’BABTU H’UBBAL KHAYRI A’N D’IKRI RABBEE H’ATTAA TAWAARAT BIL H’IJAAB .” You have to repeat this dua for 500 times after reading two Rakat Salah and “Durood Shareef” three times.Perform it for 15 days and Isnahlalh Allah(SWT) will bless you relationship.

Dua for relationship

Here are some steps for having a Healthy Relationship:

  • Keep Love as your priority.
  •  Never bring ego in between you and your partner.
  •  Respect your partner by listening to them.
  •  Honesty and loyalty are the keys to a healthy relationship.
  •  Always respect each other’s needs and expectations.
  •  Don’t say anything that can trigger your partner.
  •  Be the bigger person here and apologize whether it’s your fault or not.
  •  Don’t blame each other for any fights.
  •  Bringing up the past is not a good option.
  •  Always have that trust in your partner.

If you follow these steps every day and pray, your relationship will stay strong. Arguments and misunderstandings are normal in relationships, but don’t let them define yours. Remember, what matters most is love and having your partner by your side.

This article provides many powerful  Dua for relationship problems to solve relationship problems,  which will help you overcome all the issues you face in your relationship.

Dua to solve relationship problems  is a powerful way to seek Allah’s guidance to resolve all the issues.

We promise  you if you perform this  dua carefully and sincerely,  Allah (SWT) will  approve your dua as soon as possible.

Ruhani Dua is a website created for the betterment of the Muslim  community, and all the information provided here is taken from authentic and halal sources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any simple dua for a broken relationship.

Recite “ QUL IN KUNTUM TUH’IBBOONALLAAHA FATTABI-O’ONEE YUH’BIBKUMULLAAHU WA YAGHFIR LAKUM D’UNOOBAKUM WALLAAHU GHAFOORURU RAH’EEM”  this dua to fix a broken relation. You must repeat it 1000 times during tahajjud to get Allah’s (SWT) acceptance. 

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Home » Dua For Relationship Problems

Relationship problems are very common and increasing day by day. Allah guided us through different duas for the betterment of relationships and told different duas specifically to solve specific problems. So, there is also a Dua for relationship problems.

We know that every problem has its solution. We heard different problems in relationships due to different reasons. And these problems are increasing day by day. So, in this article, I will tell you the dua which solves your relationship problems.

  Reasons for relationship problems

There are several reasons for the breakage or the problems of relationships. Such as;

  • Bad communication
  • Money issues – expectation for luxurious life
  • Extreme jealousy
  • Harsh or unhealthy behavior.
  • Not apologizing
  • Constantly fight eachother
  • Nothing is compromised

How to solve relationship problems?

If you have problems in your relationship, you can handle those problems by applying these steps.

Engage your partner in conversations 

It’s easy to stay out of things because doing so seems better than dealing with deeper issues head-on. But doing so is not the best method to get through a rough patch in a relationship.

Sometimes we hide things from our partners out of concern for their feelings. So, talk about everything you feel and make a conversation with your partners.

Expect nothing specific to happen

There are some things that you might require in a connection that others may not really. And there are some qualities that your partner could need in a relationship.

Talk about any aspects that are lacking if doing so will improve your connection.

Compromise is important

A great improvement in a relationship will occur if you both try to cooperate and communicate with one another. Also their is other solution dua for patience can help you to keep your relationship long lasting.

Reasonable Arguments

You might be able to discuss them in counseling if the arguments are the result of misunderstandings or unresolved concerns.

Wazifa for Relationship Issues

  •  Perform Isha Namaz first.
  • Then, on Thursday after Isha Namaz, send Salawat.
  • Then say “Al-Halim” one hundred times.
  • Repeat Salawat 150 times after that.
  • Perform this wazifa every day for 15 days.

Best way to solve relationship problems 

The best way to solve your relationship is to make a dua. So, you can make dua in front of Allah. You should be aware of this dua, which is found in Suratul Furqan verse 74 of the Quran. This dua is very effective to solve relationship problems.

وَٱلَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَٰجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّـٰتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍۢ وَٱجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا

This dua can be used both before marriage and after the wedding. You can use this dua as often as you like as a bachelor to beg Allah to provide you with the ideal partner.

The same dua can also be used to get the couple closer if you two are experiencing marital difficulties after being married because of its broad connotation.

Relationship-reconciliation Dua

The best technique to solve any relationship issue is to use the dua to restore strained bonds. Making sure that issues are addressed as quickly as possible. It is the best course of action when there are conflicts in a relationship.

I will provide you instructions on how to conduct dua for relationship problems if you need to heal your connection.

  •  This dua should be said following either the Fajr or the Isha namaz.
  • Following wuzu, start reciting Durood Shareef three times.
  • Then, recite this dua at least 10 times.
  • Once you’ve finished, blow over some candy and force your companion to consume it.

Many people have found this dua helpful in preventing their relationships from ending. Additionally, it has prevented many couples from divorcing. This dua will aid those interested in a relationship in developing a mutual understanding.

The Surah for Relationship Issues

This surah helps to fix the relationship problems. It’s a Muslim prayer taken from the Holy Quran. This prayer will promote your comfort and assist you in developing a deep connection.

  •  Recite this dua on Wednesday.
  • Take a bath and sit in a place where nobody can talk around you.
  • Recite “Ya Wadudu” 51 times.
  • After that, recite the second verse of Surah Jathiya 10 times.
  • Then recite the Surah Yaseen 7 times.
  • In the end, make a dua from Allah to give a strong relationship between you and your partner.

Final verdict

In summary, Allah has sent many duas to solve the issues in a relationship. In this era, there are many issues that arise in relationships. So, recite Dua for relationship problems to solve them.

Also, I described many solutions to solve the issues in any relationship. If you find any difficulty in your relationship, you can apply the solutions. And it will help you in the betterment of your relationship.

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Dua To Solve Relationship Problems

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Dua To Solve Relationship Problems

Dua To Solve Relationship Problems or to make relationship stronger can be use to fix broken relationship. We will provide you dua to strengthen relationship. Assalamualaikum! Everyone on this earth wants to live a happy and cherished life. But those are very unfortunate who fail to live happily with their partners. Whether it is a love relation or a wedded relationship problem in a particular relation disputes the overall life because a particular relationship problem can bring problem all in the life. Because the conflict with your dearest one can hamper whole your mind and soul.

In this situation, everyone tries the best to solve the problem immediately. But if you fail after long attempts, then ask for the help of the omnipotent Allah. InshAllah you will get a fruitful result if you can pay your whole soul while making the Dua. In this situation, the Dua to solve relationship problems is an effective way. If you deliberately want to recreate love within you and your partner, this is the time to start the powerful Dua.

Once in a while, most of the people among us have to face such problems in life. Then going to the Almighty Allah for help will be the sacred path to choose. You can solve this type of serious issue by presiding with the Dua to solve relationship problems.

“Laaqad Jaa aakumm Rasoolumiinn Anfusikuumm Azizuunn Aalaihhii Maa Aansuumm Harisuun Alaikumm Bilmuumineenaa Raufurr raheemm”.

The above-mentioned sacred words are the Dua to solve relationship problems. Please utter it with all your concentration and ask for the blessing of Allah. You will able to solve your relationship problem for sure.

Dua To Make Relationship Stronger

Dua To Make Relationship Stronger, Everyone wants to make a great bonding with his or her partner or lover. Not only in the love situation, but we also need a stronger bonding in every relation. Whether it is a relationship between siblings, with parents, or with friends. Every Relationship needs extra care. But the Almighty Allah is the one who can make the solution to all your problems. If you want to better your Relationship with someone, then start to ask Allah for his help. Therefore start to proceed with the Dua to make a relationship stronger .

Dua is a configuration of the prayer. And the only way to have the help of the superpower. So use this greatest medium to have a little part from the immense strength of Allah. But you must use the Dua to make a relationship stronger for a halal intention. If you do it with a haram purpose, then it will not work out.

“Qul in kuntum tuh ‘ibboonallaaha fattabi-o’onee yeh bibkumullaahu wa yaghfir lakum d’unoobakum wallaahu ghafooruru rah’em”

Utter the above Dua for your desire purpose. To get the best result, follow some steps while performing the Dua-

  • As a preface, do the Isha Salaah.
  • Start after personal sanitization.
  • Utter the sacred Durood Sharif for thrice.
  • Recite the initial two rhymes of Surah Ad-Duha a hundred and eleven times.
  • Now utter the sacred Durood Sharif for thrice one more time.
  • Think about him/her for whom the Dua is proceeding.
  • At the closure, ask the blessings of Almighty Allah.

Dua To Fix Broken Relationship

Dua To Fix Broken Relationship, Little conflicts are very common in each Relationship. But if it occurs regularly or on a larger scale, then it is not at all acceptable. This problem can lead your Relationship towards a breakage if your beloved one is angry with due to any reason. And you are not able to sort it. Apart from that, if you are facing issues to maintain any family relation, you should ask for Allah’s help. In these circumstances, it is better to start the Dua to Fix a Broken Relationship.

Suppose your close friend or brother or sister or lover has misunderstood you without any valid reason. You are trying to convince him/ her for a long time. But failed to make them understood. Then the at most out of harm’s way is the Dua to Fix Broken Relationship.

But starting the Dua is not the only way. You have to keep in mind some extremity to perform the Dua properly. Of course, the appropriate approach will help you to earn the best consequence. To fix broken your relationship and protect your relationship we will provide you dua to protect your relationship . These are-

  • Utter the following Dua with immense concentration and full of your heart-
“Sall Yaa Rasulluu ahiraa soola bi haqqi ishhrahiyaa maaleekii youmiddeenn maa arhiimu arrahmeenn”.
  • Utter the Dua followed by Isha prayer or fajr.
  • Read the sacred rhyme for hundred and one times a day for coming twenty-one days.
  • Perform the Dua along with reciting Durood-e- Shareef thrice.
  • After reciting the Dua for twenty-one days, you will get some upshot.
  • You can perform it once again for twenty days if you want to get more outcomes.
  • After the process, blows it on a sweet dessert to the concerned person.

But the thing is, you must proceed with the entire process with a clean heart and good intention. InshAllah you will achieve the power to fix it properly.

Dua To Strengthen Relationship

Know Dua To Strengthen Relationship, For every human Relationship to sustain strongly, Dua is very important. Dua to Strengthen Relationship helps to maintain a strong and successful relationship. The basic foundation of the Relationship needs to be strong for it to survive across all hardship. And Dua makes that foundation strong. When it becomes, weak nobody can stop t\from the Relationship to break. Therefore, to keep any strong relationship Dua is very important. Only then can a beautiful relationship will survive for the better.

  • You should initiate the reading on Wednesday.
  • Wearing black dresses is a big no while praying for your Dua.
  • Seven-time is a must to read your Surah Faith.
  • Then the next step is reading Durood Sharif seven times after reading surah Faith.
  • Following that is the reading of Dua eleven times, then two forces on the almond, and you must then provide the person with whom you want to strengthen your bond and Relationship.

Misunderstanding in any relationship can be solved after reading this particular prayer bound to resolve the issues and surely increase love instead. Dua to Strengthen Relationship also helps you garner love and attention from someone else, and you can easily take place for yourself in their heart. This Dua has no faulty effect on you. Rather, it will help you get a beautiful life with strong relationship bonds.

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Dua for For one whose affairs have become difficult

The dua for one whose affairs have become difficult has been taught by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and reported in Hisnul Muslim. In this dua, a believer asks Allah Azzawajal to make the challenge easy. It is a Muslim's belief that Allah does not burden them more than they can bear. Thus, the dua acts as a solace for Muslims and a request to the almighty to make the task easy, ease the burden, and make one strong and resilient to face the challenge with grace.

It is a fact of life that everyone must face difficulty in their affairs at some time. Some face problems in their careers, while others might be struggling to maintain their familial relationship. Whatever the difficulty, Allah is omnipotent and has the power to solve all. Thus, a believer must recite the dua to approach Allah and beseech Him for his mercy. This dua is grade sahih hadith noted in Hisnul Muslim. It was narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih.

The Etiquettes of Reciting Dua For When One's Affairs Have Become Difficult

The dua can be recited at anytime and anywhere. There are no set rules to offer this supplication. However, it is a general guideline that a dua is likely to be accepted if asked after reciting the praise of Allah and sending salat on His beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . Therefore, recite Allah's praise, then recite Darood three times, then say the dua, and then recite Darood three times again. You may even increase the number of times you recite the Darood. It is preferable to recite the Darood in odd numbers, i.e., 3, 5, 7, 11, etc.

Another opportune time to offer this dua is during or after salah. You may recite this dua between prostrations. When you sit up straight from your first sujood on your left foot, holding your right foot high, hands placed on your knees, hold your head high and straight, and recite this dua. According to al-Bara, the Holy Prophet ﷺ would spend the same amount of time sitting between two sujood as he would during ruku. To lengthen that time and ask for Allah's سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى mercy, recite this supplication and ask for His mercy. Once you finish reciting it, you can perform your second sajdah as usual.  

Hisnul Muslim

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Praising Allah Duas

اللَّهُمَّ لَا سَهْلَ إِلَاَّ مَا جَعَلتَهُ سَهْلاً وَأَنْتَ تَجْعَلُ الْحَزْنَ إِذَا شِئْتَ سَهْلاً

Allaahumma laa sahla 'illaa maal ja'altahu sahlan wa 'Anta taj'alul-hazna 'ithaa shi'ta sahlan.

O Allah, there is no ease other than what You make easy. If You please You ease sorrow.

[Hisnul 139] [Ibn Hibban (Hadith no. 2427), Ibn As- Sunni (Hadith no. 351).]

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Benefits of Reciting Dua When One's Affairs Have Become Difficult

This dua is said to have all the benefits of the world and the hereafter enclosed within. As you recite this dua sitting between the two sujood, you ask Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى for His mercy. You continue to remind yourself with this dua that all ease and relief comes from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى only, and there is no other power that can bring good things to you.

As you recite this dua, you bow before Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and ask for His assistance in your affairs that have become too hard to handle, and you acknowledge your trust in His and only His ability to ease your affairs. A continuous reminder like this in life would help individuals rely only on Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى no matter the situation.

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What is the dua for difficulty, is it obligatory to recite another supplication between sujood.

Islamic Nuskhe

Powerful Dua For Fixing Broken Relationship Problems

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to our Islamic Nuskhe readers; today, we give you a powerful  Dua for fixing broken relationship problems in the proper halal method.

So read this article; don’t adequately skip any part of it for better understanding.

It’s hard to imagine a relationship where there are no conflicts. A conflict-free relationship is almost a myth. Problems are part and parcel of life.

Without them, life and relationships will become lifeless. But, often, those problems can take a life of their own. And if you do not resolve those issues at the right time, they can step beyond the point of no return.

They can become too damaged to repair. Perhaps you are constantly fighting with each other as a girlfriend and boyfriend.

Or you may think that the person is not showing faith and loyalty. You may doubt that your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you.

At times, the relationship problem manifests itself in the form of difficulty getting married. Regardless of the type and nature of the problem, it would help if you worked on it. 

That’s why you are reading this post. The finest way to overcome relationship problems is through Islamic dua and wazifa.

This tried-and-tested technique is so powerful that you will be able to get out of whatever is troubling you. Now we share Dua for fix relationship problems .

Powerful Dua for fixing broken relationship problems

If you want to fix broken relationship problems, you have to recite this dua:  “Uhilla lakum laylatas Siyaamir rafasu ilaa nisaaa’ikum; hunna libaasullakum wa antum liblibaasullahun”  With the help of this powerful dua, you can easily save your broken relationship. Follow the steps to perform this dua carefully, which are given below.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from  Surah Al-Baqarah verse No.187 , and this supplication means: “Your spouses are a garment (a metaphor for comfort, chastity, and protection) for you as you are for them.”

Dua for fixing broken relationship problems

Method to Perform Dua for Fixing Broken Relationship Problems:

  • Start with performing an ablution.
  • Make clear intentions.
  • Now read  Ya Latifu Ya Wadoodo  47 times.
  • Then, recite  Surah Al-Baqarah Verse No. 18 7 343 times after any salaah.
  • Finally, pray to Allah Tala to fix your broken relationship soon.

Do this ritual for 21 days regularly to see a visible change in your condition.

If you want quick and effective low-time results and need help, then you can contact our  Molana Ashif Ali Khan  on WhatsApp.

Niyyah (the intention of why you are performing Dua)

Al-Hadi , you are my only guide and illuminator. My  Al-Azeez , you are the highest, and your glory is limitless. Today I am performing this dua to resolve my relationship problems. 

AL-BAARI ‘ i need your blessing to free my relationship from any issues. O Almighty, only with your grace can I make my life back on track with my partner. I know you will listen to my dua because my intention is genuine and correct.

Our Other Helping Article:

  • I love him. I Want a Dua To Get Him Back
  • Dua for a married couple having problems
  • Dua for love


The central aspect behind this article is to deliver a dua for fixing broken relationship problems taken from the Quran sharif to resolve any problems in a relationship, which can come from any reasons like misunderstandings, arguments, disputes, etc.

The regular recitation of this dua can strengthen your bond by increasing love and understanding in your partner. Many believers in Islamic Nuskhe got benefits in their lives from this dua.

If you have questions regarding this dua or anything, don’t think twice; contact our Molanna Ashif Ali Ji through WhatsApp.

Click On This Important Note Before Doing Any Dua or Wazifa

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the re any Surah or Ayat to fix relationship problems ?

Surah Ar-Rahman  is the best and most powerful surah to fix your relationship problems. First recite “Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim” 100 times. Then recite Surah Ar-Rahman (1–5) ten times with your pure intention.

We also provide Ayat to fix any kind of relationship problem, which is “ Wama tawfeeqee illa billahiAAalayhi tawakkaltu wa-ilayhi oneeb. ” Recite this ayat 100 times for one week. Within one week, you get your desired results.

Is there any special dua or trick to make someone yours?

You can follow the  Dua to make someone fall in love with you . In addition, to know the Dua procedure, you should communicate with the Maulana Ji. He will also advise you on the right solutions to your problems .

What is the most powerful way to get back your love?

Islamic   Dua to get lost love back  This is the most powerful dua to get back your love. You should generally give Salah and recite Quran-e-Pak to make a solid appeal to Allah.

What are some benefits of becoming physically stronger?

You can contact Molana Ji to learn how you can be physically stronger. You can pray to Allah so he can offer his blessing to you. 

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3 Most Powerful Dua to Make Relationship Stronger In Islam Get Lost Love Back With Power of Dua and Wazifa

You can solve your dispute issue with partner with some powerful dua and wazifa shared in islamic holy book..

There are some Powerful dua to make relationship stronger in Islam. You can revive your love and intimacy with loved one with these Islamic wazifa and dua.

Is your marriage feeling dull and lacking passion?

No need to worry!

We have effective solutions for you. In this blog post, we’ll introduce five impactful prayers in Islam that can boost intimacy between spouses and bring back the spark in your relationship.

Whether you’re dealing with communication issues, a lack of romance, or any other challenges causing distance, these powerful prayers can help rekindle love, understanding, and affection in your marriage.

Dua To Make Relationship Stronger

If you’re looking for “Dua to Make Relationship Stronger,” we’ll share 5 Simple and Powerful Dua that can help you strengthen your relationship.

Read on in this article to learn more about the dua for healing a broken relationship.

Spiritual benefit of Dua and Wazifa

Dua to making your relationship strong

Dua to protect relationship from evil eye attack

Dua to fix broken relationship

Powerful dua to make relationship stronger in Islam

You need to understand what is wazifa and dua in Islam used to solve any kind of issue.

There are only a few better way of reviving your relationship and reciting duas, or Islamic prayers is one of them.

Duas and wazifa in Islam are a powerful way for interacting with Allah and can be used to seek His guidance and assistance in all aspects of life.

When it comes to your loved one intimacy, dua for love between husband and wife can be used to seek Allah’s blessings for stronger relationships.

You can revive your broken relationship with these powerful dua and wazifa to heal your relationship. They can also be used to seek mercy for past transgressions that have damaged the relationship.

Spiritual benefits of reciting dua to make relationship stronger

There are many benefits to using dua to bring husband and wife closer and boost intimacy between partners.

To get started with, dua for husband and wife love helps us in recalling Allah and keeping Him at the center of our lives.

This is important to any Muslim relationship, as our connection with Allah should be the most powerful bond in our lives.

Also, the dua to create love between husband and wife reminds us of our responsibilities to our partners and helps us in focusing on making positive changes in our relationships.

They also offer strength and comfort during difficult times. These powerful and 100% effective Dua to Make Relationship Stronger can help you to revive your love and romance back with your partner.

Finally, dua to increase love between husband and wife enable us to express our love and gratitude to Allah for the gift of our spouse.

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Dua to make your relationship strong

You may experience issues with your spouse, lover, husband, wife, or parents.

Whatever the issue, the “Wazifa to make relationship stronger” can help you in resolving it. It allows you with keeping a long-lasting, happy, and healthy relationship with your beloved.

Mutual fights or disputes can sometimes end a relationship, and you may be separated. In such cases, pray the “Dua for love back” Which is one of the powerful Dua To Make Relationship Stronger and get your lost love back.

The procedure for performing “Wazifa to make relationship stronger” are as follows:

You have to begin performing the Wazifa to make relationship stronger on Wednesday.

  • Begin by performing a proper ablution. (Wudu)
  • It would be best to recite “Ya Wadoodo” forty-seven more times.
  • Ten times, recite Surah Al-Jathiyah Verse [45:02].
  • Next, you will need to recite the Wazifa written below 500 times.

Wazifa to make relationship stronger is given follow.

Notre Tamale Ukon Siyoree Tromine Otterr Allah Bismillah Zin Tamay 

Do this for 30 days without any break. You will be amazed at the mysterious results if you do this properly.

Love is the most innocent and most natural emotion we can experience. Every person wishes to be loved. You can follow our effective Dua To Make Relationship Stronger to restore your love back.

Life is full of both happy and sad moments. Don’t give up hope, and thank Allah for everything you have. Just follow our Islamic Dua for Love shared in this article.

Here is another one method shared you can follow

  • In order to make any dua work Start with performing wudu.
  • Now hold a straight posture, wear clean clothes and keep your mind focused.
  • Perform dua to fix broken relationship in front of Mecca with total faith in almighty Allah.
  • Recite this dua to make relationship stronger “Ar Rahmaanu’al’ Arshis Tawaa” (Most Gracious and Merciful has firmly established himself on the throne) before you start and complete your Salah namaz.
  • While you are reciting the dua to heal broken relationship and restore love don’t forget to chant: “Bismillah” 5 times.
  • This Wazifa will make your relationship stronger if you perform it for seven days.

This is another dua to make a stronger relationship with your partner.

Dua to Protect Your Romantic Relationship from Evil Eyes

Dua to fix broken relationship

It is common for two people to be happy together, even if it is difficult for others to embrace.

Your relationship suffers because other people cast evil eyes at it. Sometime you need some Dua To Make Relationship Stronger in order to heal your love from evil eye casted by people.

We will tell you a prayer to protect your relationship from such emergencies.

There is only one requirements that you should pray with good intentions. If you have faith in Almighty Allah you can follow this 100% working Dua to Make Relationship Stronger and restore love.

We offer the following advice: “Dua to protect your relationship from evil eyes”:

Remember to always make wudu before you begin. Recite “Allah Hu Akbar” 10 times.

After that take some Holy Zamzam Water and recite “Tanzeelal” (“A Revelation sent by the Most Merciful”).

Finally, drink that water and pray for your lover and relationship’s protection.

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How to stay safe from evil eye and black magic attack?

You should take these precautions to protect your relationship from evil eyes and other kind of black magic attacks.

A dua for strengthening a relationship is a prayer to Allah that must be performed clearly. If it is not done correctly, it will be considered an act of sin.

Before performing any dua, make sure you are following these instructions.

  • When you pray for something, have complete faith in Allah.
  • During their periods, women should not perform any duas or wazifas.
  • As Allah pleases, send Salawaat to the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Don’t get impatient while waiting for your dua to work.
  • Only say your dua in places where you won’t be disturbed.

These are the basic rule you should follow to make any dua work and show effective result in your life.

There are many reasons for a broken relationship. These are at times serious reasons that can be solved by reading the dua to fix a relationship.

In Islam you can recite a few of most powerful Dua to Make Relationship Stronger.

Other times, it’s minor problems that don’t really matter. Ego clashes between partners are possible, and a lack of understanding or compromise may result in a breakup.

Dua to fix Relationship Issues

Dua for Healing Broken Relationships is a Holy Quran remedy that will solve all of your problems with your partner.

The husband-wife relationship is the most beautiful form of love. You can recite Dua To Make Relationship Stronger in order to strengthen your relationship and love with your partner.

However, misunderstandings and evil eyes may accelerate the problems and cause the marriage to end.

To avoid this from happening in your marriage, read the “dua for marriage problems.”

The Holy Quran provides all of the solutions to our problems through the Dua to Strengthen Your Relationship.

As a result, you can seek Allah’s guidance to keep your relationships safe from harm and to strengthen them.

Read the dua to fix relationship for immediate answers to all of your relationship problems.

Here is how to perform “Dua to make relationship stronger.”

  • First, do Proper ablution to clean yourself properly. (WUDU)
  • Now, recite the Durood Sharif 11 times after completing the ASR namaz.
  • Then, recite Surah Ya-Sin Verse [36:51] written below fifty times.
  • To strengthen your relationship with your lover, make Dua to Allah (SWT) with a sincere heart.
  • Surah yaseen Verse [36:51] – “WA Nuufikha Fiss-soori Faaizaa Humm Miinal Ajd Daasi Ilaa Raabbi Him Yann Siloon.”

After completing your reciting, think the person with whom you want to strong your relationship.

If you need more help with dua for long distance relationship, please contact spiritual guru or a professional love spell caster who can help you.

How to revive love with Dua to Make Your Relationship Stronger Conclusion

If you are looking for an approach that can bring husband and wife closer together through Islamic wazifas and duas, the most powerful duas in Islam mentioned above can be of great help.

Most powerful Dua to Make Relationship Stronger in Islam will help with the development of a stronger bond and connection between the two of you that will last for years to come.

Couples can find peace and harmony in their marriages by strengthening their love for each other by reciting these duas with sincerity, faith, and dedication.

You can heal your broken relationship and revive love with your partner back if you follow these powerful dua and wazifa shared in this article.

Which Surah Can Help You Make Your Relationship Stronger?

Surah an Nisa can strengthen a relationship by invoking Niyyah and then reciting Surah An Nisa Verse (4:24). Do your Salah Namaz, then make Dua to Allah to strengthen your relationship.

Are there Duas that can strengthen your friendship?

Recite Surah Al-Jathiyah after Fajr Namaz if you want to strengthen your friendship. Next, read any five names of Allah from a pure heart. Last, make a Dua to Allah to strengthen your friendship. This ritual and Dua to Make Relationship Stronger should be performed for five days. 

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Dua to solve any problem

dua to solve relationship problems

When you recite this Dua every morning and every evening three times than Allah solves all your problems and protects you from all harms:

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لاَ يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَىْءٌ فِي الأَرْضِ وَلاَ فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ

Listen the Dua here :

Transliteration: Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma’as-mihi shai’un fil-ardi wa la fis-sama’i, wa Huwas-Sami’ul-‘Alim

Translation: In the  name of Allah  with Whose Name nothing on earth or in heaven harms and He is the All-Hearing the All-Knowing and is then harmed by anything.

‘Uthman bin ‘Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “He who recites three times every morning and evening: ‘Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma’as-mihi shai’un fil-ardi wa la fis-sama’i, wa Huwas-Sami’ul-‘Alim (In the Name of Allah with Whose Name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heaven, and He is the All-Hearing and All- Knowing),’ nothing will harm him.” [Abu Dawud and At- Tirmidhi].

Riyad as-Salihin 1457

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Fajr Dua

Powerful Dua For Marriage Problems

If you are looking for the perfect solution for your married life issues, you need the dua for marriage problems . It is a powerful dua to restore marriage to strengthen the marital relationship. This dua for marriage couple is an effective method to save a marriage from ending in a divorce. The dua to fix marriage problems will repair your bond for marriage.

We all understand how sacred the commitment between a man and woman is. Islam is a religion which has very high regards for marriage. People who understand this relationship also know that it is not an easy thing to maintain. There are many problems that creates struggles between spouses. The dua for solving marriage problems in Urdu is a prayer to fix all issues between husband and wife.

Some Important Facts to Remember Before Beginning Dua

There is a specific Dua for marriage troubles. However, you can do some basic things to make Dua for your marriage-related concerns.

  • First and foremost, remember to say your five daily prayers. The most crucial thing you can do to make Dua for your Marriage is this.
  • Second, recite the Quran regularly and attempt to memorise as much as possible. The Quran is an extremely powerful Dua for marriage problems tool that can assist you in all aspects of your life, including marriage.
  • Third, compose Dua for marriage problems specifically for yourself and your spouse. A dua is more likely to be accepted when it is specific and honest.
  • Finally, be patient. Dua is a process, and your Dua may take some time to be addressed. Be patient and keep making Dua for marriage problems. Allah will respond to your Dua in His own time and manner.

Dua For Husband And Wife Problems

The relationship between a husband and wife is a valuable one, yet arguments and misunderstandings can occasionally cause difficulties in the relationship. If you are experiencing troubles in your marriage and are looking for a solution to restore peace and harmony to your home, you can pray to Allah for happiness.

  • Begin by reciting Durood Sharif eleven times.
  • Then, recite the following stanza 121 times:
  • 11 times more, recite Durood sharif.
  • Finally, ask Allah Almighty to resolve any issues between you and your spouse.

Perform Dua for husband and wife problems for 31 to peacefully overcome marital disputes. The Dua for solving marriage problems might assist you in achieving a stress-free life with your spouse.

Keep on reading this article for the best dua to fix marriage problems.

The Power of Dua To Heal Your Marriage

The dua for solving marriage problems are performed while keeping a few things in mind. Always remember these general things about the wazifa or dua for marriage problems .

  • Always perform all five prayers for being closer to Allah Tala. This aspect is most important to get your dua for marriage accepted.
  • Never forget to read Quran and memorizing it by heart. The dua for marriage problems, surah or wazifa for marriage problems from the Quran are the tools to make your life easier.
  • Make a dua for marriage problems while thinking of your spouse specifically.
  • Have patience and faith in the powers of your surah or dua for marriage problems and the Almighty.

Tips For Solving Marriage Issues are in the Following Steps:

  • To begin performing the dua for problems in marriage, sit on your prayer mat in a quiet place after performing ablution.
  • Recite Ya Wadudu 1000 times while keeping a photo of your spouse in front of you.
  • Then, recite this dua for solving marriage problem s: “Allahumma la tusallit ‘alaina man-la yarhamuna” 101 times.
  • At last, pray to Allah Talah for a solution to resolve all your marriage problems.

Wazifa For Marriage Problems

The wazifa for marriage problems is a prayer that is an alternate to the dua to restore marriage . To perform this wazifa for problems in marriage, follow these steps:

  • Perform the wazifa for marriage problems after completing the Fazr namaz.
  • Then, begin reciting Al-Maniu to appease the preventer as many times as possible.
  • By reciting his name, you will be blessed with a happy marriage.
  • At the end of this process, raise your hands and praise the Almighty. Ask him to bless you with a happy marriage and to take away all the problems you have been dealing with.

Reading this wazifa for marriage problems until all your problems disappear will be best for you. You can easily get more guidance about this dua to fix married life issues between husband and wife from our Islamic scholar. He will help you with any personal problems that do not seem resolvable. With his help, you can easily get the peace and happiness, you and your spouse deserve in your marriage.

How To Fix Marriage Problems

In the faith of Islam, marriage is a very holy commitment between a man and a woman. It is difficult to have a marriage that is always cheerful and free of issues. The Dua to fix marriage problems is the prayer that best addresses these issues. If you are tired of disagreements and clashes with your spouse and are looking for a dua to save your marriage from divorce and solve your marriage difficulties. In that case, you should read dua for solving marriage problems to resolve marital conflict.

Key Points To Remember While Reading Dua To Fix Married Life Problems

  • Everyone must behave morally and ethically toward one another.
  • Love and commitment are the foundations of each successful marriage. That’s why treating one another fairly and always sharing resources is essential.
  • The marriage can be saved, and the love between the spouses can be strengthened by praying to Allah daily.
  • The most important thing you can do is pray to Allah and offer dua for marriage problems the healing of your marriage while caring for one another.
  • Constantly put your partner first and see to their every need.

For any questions related to the dua to fix marriage problems or the surah for marriage problems , you can contact us. You can call us on the number: +91-9041350758 or connect with us on Instagram for instant solutions.

5 Quranic Steps For Dua To Strengthen Marriage

The Dua to strengthen marriage can help you if your husband or wife wants to break your marriage and want to give you a divorce.

  • Begin by purifying yourself through wudu (ablution).
  • Recite Durood Shareef seven times.
  • Proceed to recite verse 255 of Surah Al-Baqarah from the Quran Shareef a thousand times.
  • Follow this with another recitation of Durood Shareef Nine times.
  • Conclude by raising your hands in supplication to Allah SWT, earnestly asking Him to fortify your marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions

My marriage is in trouble, my spouse and i argue all the time. is there a prayer or dua that the two of us may repeat to strengthen our relationship and make it easier to talk to one another.

Difficulties in relationships can be tough, but seeking guidance through prayer and dua for marriage problems is a positive step. One particular dua that you and your spouse can recite together to seek harmony and ease in communication is:

“Rab banā hābil lanā min azwājinā wadhur riyātinā qurrataa a‘yu niin wa-j‘alnā lil-muttaa qīnaa imāmaā”

Financial issues are affecting my marriage. Can you suggest any specific supplications to ask Allah for help with our finances and home peace?

Dua for Removing Worries and Gaining Sufficiency:

Allahumma inni as’aluka al-‘afiyah fi’d-dunya wal-akhirah.

This dua for marriage problems seeks protection and well-being in both this life and the hereafter. Reciting it regularly can help ease your concerns about financial matters and bring a sense of peace to your home.

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Powerful Dua for Marriage Problems (100% Solution For Marital Problems)

Photo of Peer Muhammad Qadri

We all face hardship and problems in our life, marriage, relationships, and business or jobs. To face these problems with ease, we make a plea to Allah Subhan Wa Taala. Day and night, we make dua for marriage   problems because we always like a positive environment.

No human wants to be sad and in trouble that is why, we want to share our 100% working dua for marriage problems in Islam, love marriage, business and job with our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Powerful Dua For Marriage Problems

You have come to the right place if you want to solve your marriage issues and reignite the fire that used to keep things interesting. This article will discuss what you can do to ensure that all of your marital difficulties will vanish quickly. Our Molvi Ji will guide you with the appropriate dua for marriage problems in Islam . Do you want to know how you can accomplish that?

Following are the steps in the following Dua for marriage problems :

  • First, after performing wudu, Read any five Dhikr with proper body posture and controlled breathing.
  • Afterwards, recite Surah Al-Baqarah (verses 1 to2 3) five times.
  • Now say aloud 100 times Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Al-Malik Al-Razzaaq Al-Azeez .
  • At last, Make a dua to Allah (SWT) to end all of your marital issues.
  • You will soon meet your Hajat, inshallah.

A man and woman make a lifelong commitment to one another through marriage. The Dua for marriage problems can heal a broken marriage or rebuild a broken relationship.

Dua For Married Couple

No matter, how terrible your life is, you may feel that there’s no way you can change it but this dua for marriage problems in life can make the impossible, possible for you. If you feel that your marriage is on the verge of breaking down then you can try our dua for married couple or dua for marriage problems and see the changes.

This dua for married couple will make your bond stronger with your spouse. To resolve all your money problems, you can use our wazifa for financial issues. Thus, there are many duas and wazifas for every situation, all you need to do is raise your hands in prayers as told by us and Insha Allah, and you’ll be benefitted from it soon, Ameen!

Surah Baqarah For Marriage Problems

E very woman wants to control her husband. It gives immense pleasure to any woman when she can control her husband. Powerful dua to control their husband is an effective way by which she can control her husband.

When a woman can control her husband she can make him do anything. As well a wife can fulfill her every dream. She can control her husband from leaving her. She can control her husband from being attracted to another woman. Our Molvi Ji will tell you about Surah Baqarah For Marriage Problems.

Dua for misunderstanding between husband and wife will be very helpful in solving such a problem. Misunderstanding is a very serious problem. Sometimes these misunderstandings become so severe that it can end the marital relationship.

There is often misunderstanding created between husband and wife on various small issues. It is the duty of both husband and wife to solve their misunderstandings as quickly as possible and if they are not able to do so then they can take the help of surah baqarah for marriage problems. 

The most powerful Islamic tool to solve any marital issue is the Surah Baqarah . Here, we describe the exact steps for performing this powerful Surah Baqarah For Marriage Problems with the help of our Islamic Scholar Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji :

  • First, do the appropriate ablutions and clean up. 
  • Then simply read the following five Surah names of Allah                                                           

Al-Fatihah the entirely merciful, Surah Baqarah verses 1 to 10, Surah Zilzal, Surah Haqqah and Surah Al-Qalam.

  • Reciting this ritual for an entire week with a pure heart and faith in Allah SWT should do the trick

As a matter of fact, you should perform surah baqarah for marriage problems daily to repair your marriage and love each other ideally. According to Surah Dua, verse 12, the priority is to pray to Allah and ask Him to mend your marriage by caring for each other. You must keep your spouse in mind and care for their needs.

Dua For Misunderstanding Between Husband and Wife

A wife wants her husband should listen to her so that she can make him fulfill her wish. Some husbands don’t listen to their wives. Such wives can go for dua for husband should listen to his wife .

Similarly, there are some misunderstandings between husband and wife who need to be solved very quickly otherwise these misunderstandings can become very serious and seriously affect their relationship. 

Some husbands are very arrogant and they treat their wives very badly. They shout at their wives the whole day. They make their wives work like a servant. The woman also wants love from her husband . She also wants respect from her husband.

When she is not able to get such things from her husband her life becomes lifeless. She becomes so depressed that she wants to commit suicide. No woman can tolerate such bad behavior from her husband.

Dua To Solve Problems Between Husband and wife

She wants her husband should give her the same amount of respect that she deserves. Dua for marriage problems will help the wife in achieving her goal. For any queries, you can call our molvi sahab . immediately.

Normally husbands are attracted to other women. Some husbands find another woman more attractive in comparison to their wives. Powerful dua to control husband will help the wife in stopping her husband from getting attracted to other women. 

How To Solve Misunderstanding Between Husband and Wife is given below:-

  • Firstly the wife should recite Durood Shareef 98 times.
  • After that wife should read this Dua to solve husband wife problems “Allaummaj Almin Azwajina”. 
  • Recite this dua for marriage problems 958 times.
  • After that take some hair from her husband. 
  • She can take them while her husband is sleeping.
  • After that read the Second Kalma 97 times.
  • Then blow your breath on the hair of your husband.
  • After that take the name of your husband 100 times.
  • After that throw the hair outside your house.
  • Then read Surah Ikhlas 85 times.
  • Perform this Dua for husband should listen to his wife for 9 days.

Wazifa for Financial Issues

It doesn’t matter how terrible it is the wazifa for problems in marriage, love marriage, business and job will definitely solve it, with Allah Subhan Wa Taala’s will. When a person recites the wazifa and dua for success, hardship & marriage related problems, he or she gets freedom from all sorts of issues and difficulties in a very short span of time, Masha Allah.

If you feel that your life is full of negativity and there’s no hope left for betterment then believe in the greatness of almighty Lord, who has the power to erase off your troubles, in just few seconds.

Wazifa For Solving Any Problem

Yes, problems will definitely lighten up with this well-tested dua for marriage problems ; you just need to give it a try, with complete belief and dedication towards it.

You need to believe the advice of our Molvi Ji because it is coming in its original form from the Holy Scriptures. It is given to you to make your life better and easier. It is help from our Almighty, raise your hands and grab the opportunity.

Dua For Solving Problem

Below given is the Islamic dua for marriage problems .

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Bi Rahmatika Astaghees

Translation for dua for solving marriage problems – Ever-Living One, Self-Existing One, On Whom We Rely, I Seek For Help And Mercy.

أَسْتَغِيْث بِرَحْمَتِكَ قَيُّوْمُ يَا حَيُّ يَا

You can read this dua for solving any problem in just few days. If you have relationship problems or health issues or money problems, etc, you can rely on this dua for marriage problems . This is one of the best wazifa for financial issues or marriage related problems or for many other troubles. 

Dua For Husband and Wife Problems

A marriage stands on 4 vital pillars which comprise love, compatibility, trust, and honesty. According to Islam, marriage is the purest ground to create an eternal and long relationship between a husband and his wife. The relationship describes happiness and everlasting love and it will continue even in the heavens too. But, alas, the journey isn’t as smooth as seen from a distance.

Often you see distance emerging between couples because of small fights or misunderstandings. A lot of marriages tend to fail amidst. However, you can keep your marital relation healthy and flourishing by reciting dua for husband and wife problems or dua for marriage problems.

Often small arguments lead to big fights which cause talaq. Post marriage, there are a lot of things that you need to take care of to make the relationship go smooth. If not handled wisely, it may hamper your relationship and create rift between you two.

However, when you recite the best dua for husband and wife relationship or dua for marriage problems , it helps in ending up the matter instantly, and in days you will see that things will become normal between you two.

Related Post:  Dua for Husband Wife Love

Dua To Solve Problems Between Husband and Wife

Dua To Solve Problems Between Husband and Wife

Often because of financial crisis or other family problems, it is your marriage that suffers. Loss in business leads to fighting between husbands and wives, pressure from in-laws leads to arguments between couples. Well, you cannot end all these things in one glance.

But, you can surely make your relationship stable and healthy by performing the dua for marriage problems . Make sure you perform the dua to solve problems between husband and wife with great faith. Indeed Allah (SWT) blesses those who show faith in the Almighty and the Holy Quran and Hadith.

This dua will bring peace and happiness to your relationship and prevent love and trust from going away from you. You can acquire the dua to solve problems between husband and wife by getting in touch with an Islamic specialist.

The Islamic astrologer will guide you all through the procedure and help you by providing you with minute details. They have years of knowledge and experience and thus have the potential to make your relationship work with dua for marriage problems . You just have to approach them and explain the complete matter to them. They know it well, how to handle it.

Dua For Husband and Wife To Get Back Together

The best dua for husband and wife relationship is mentioned below:

  • Make a sweet dish with saffron.
  • Recite Durood Shareef 11 times
  • Recite the 99 names of Allah (SWT) 7 times.
  • Every time you’re done, blow it on the sweet dish.
  • Recite Durood Shareef in the end also.
  • Then make both the partner eat the sweet dish.
  • Insha Allah, you will see a change in their relationship and things will start getting normal.

Dua For Problems To Go Away

There are a lot of issues that need to be resolved in every human’s existence. Issues may arise in one’s personal life, interpersonal connections, professional life, or economic status. Your sense of calm and serenity in life may be lost as a result of these issues. Whenever one member of a family goes through difficulty, the rest of the family feels the effects.

If you have a problem and want it gone from your life soon, try the dua for marriage problems. For generations, Muslims have turned to the dua for problems to go away, or prayer, as a solution to their problems. With the guidance of the dua for problem-solving, your patience will be appreciated, and your difficulties will gradually fade away.

  • Make wudu (ablution).
  • Then, after the Friday and Thursday evening Isha prayers, recite Durood Ibraheem 11 times.
Laillaaha Allaahh Antaa Subhanaak in Kuntu Minaaz Zalimeen 901 times after Isha Namaz.
  • Ask Allah to help you work out your differences and save your marriage from ending in divorce.
  • May Allah hasten your meeting with Hajat.

It is very important that you get the dua without delay as a little delay could lead to a big misunderstanding and fallout between the couple. So, do not waste a single day and speak to an Islamic astrologer instantly without fail.

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Photo of Peer Muhammad Qadri

Peer Muhammad Qadri

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Dua For Studies

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Duas in Islam

how to solve marriage problems in islam

So today I’m Gona say uh about how to solve marriage problems in islam . If your husband is day by day ignoring you and his about you decreasing day by day about you. He is dating other women, and he is talking to them. You don’t like your husband doing this type of things. So if you do this dua, your husband will totally under your control. This dua will remove all the women from his life.

How to do this Dua in Islam

  • You have to do this dua before Fajar namaz.
  • Take a bath the time you start the Dua.
  • You have to do this dua for 145 times for two days.
  • After doing this dua, you have to read ya latefu for 11 times.
  • You have to do this dua for three days continuously.

Once you have done this dua, this dua will Change the thinking of your husband. Your husband loves you so much. This dua will remove the girls from your husband life and give you a good husband as you expect your husband to be a good husband. This dua will help you to bring your husband to come back home if your husband is not living with you he will go back again in your life and you know.

It will also remove the anger of your husband altogether. This dua has so many profits, but you don’t have to miss a day you have to do this dua for two days continuously. If you left a single day then again you have to read back the dua for three days. Married women or men only do this dua if you want to ask anything about this dua you can contact our maulana Sahab. He will help you to solve all problems in your life. This is a pak halal ‘ how to solve your marriage problems in islam ‘ by Islamic way.

If you want to get your dua for wife love back, then Click Here.

How to deal with difficult husband in islam

More than 4,500 peoples use this dua by using this dua now they have a good life. It will help you to increase your love in your life. Husband wife relationship is like a parallel Railway track. The person who is doing this dua this will open your path to Allah pak. So use this dua will tell you how to deal with difficult husband in islam .

If you are facing problems in your marriage, so using this dua it will help you to have a good married life with your partner. This dua will removal the davil eye also if someone has an eye on your Marriage relationship. This dua is taken from the verses of Quran Pak, and this dua is the only dua to solve your marriage problems completely by Islamic ways. So this is the Pak dua and now you know “ how to solve marriage problems in Islam ” by dua.

Your husband is ignoring you and shouting on you, and he is not listening to a single word of your always shouting on your the and earlier your husband is a good man. He loves you so much, and he is never shouting at you, but suddenly everything has been changed. Your husband is ignoring you and using bad words for you and your family too. He comes home late at night, and he doesn’t talk to you. So today from this website ill tell you how to solve marriage problems in Islam . The dua today I will tell you its a pak dua to solve your all marriage problems whether you had done love marriage or arrange it doesn’t matter. This dua is a pak dua; it will also help you to solve all your marriage problems.

Question & Answerer

Molana ji thanks so much to solve my marriage problem.

How much time i have to read this dua?

You have to read this dua for 145 times in a day.

Molvi ji thanks so much meri shaadi fix ho gi.

How many days i have to read this dua for marriage solution?

You have to this dua for continuously 3 days.

Is there is any side effect of this dua?

This is a pak dua so this dua has no side effects.

I had done love marriage and my husband is ignoring me for last 15 days. He is talking with other women they are working in his office, can I bring my husband as earlier he is from this dua in Islam.

Yes, you will read this dua how to solve marriage problems in Islam. This will help you to bring your husband love back again in his life and from this dua, all the girls will also remove from his life.

Quranic Wazifa

Dua For Marriage Problems in Quran

Dua for marriage problems.

Dua For Problems in Marriage

A relationship will come through ups and downs, which is bound to happen as no relationship is perfect. Fights, conflicts, and disagreements are all a part of the relationship that affects the proximity in the relationship. But there is a way to solve these marital issues through the  dua for marriage problems . 

Read the  dua for problems in marriage  to solve all kinds of issues and conflicts within your marriage life. Whether you want to get rid of the problems with your partner or increase the love, the dua for married couples having problems will serve you the best results.

If there are conflicts in your marriage due to the complexities of life, then take the help of Islamic dua for life problems.

Dua For Problems in Marriage

This  dua to fix marriage problems  will be the best tool to solve those issues while at the same time infusing love into your relationship. It will help you to find out the causes of your problems and replace them with feelings of attachment. Many couples had used the  dua for all situations  when they faced tough times in their married life and got the best results.

Related Post:  Dua For Newly Married Couple

If your partner is showing no respect towards you, scolds you every day, and is negligent towards his duty as the partner, then the  dua for married couples having problems . This dua is prudent in solving extramarital affairs and caring for the love that fades away with time. 

Commonly, after a particular time, the love and attraction between the husband and wife fade away, which causes issues within the relationship. This is when most extramarital affairs start to fill the void of love and passion. If you wish to save your marriage from its doom, the dua for all problems should be read daily.

  • Recite Surah Baqrah every day to solve the issues within the relationship.
  • You can also take the help of the Surah Yasin .
  • Read it every day after your obligatory prayers to maintain harmony in the marriage.

Dua For Married Couple Having Problems

The dua for married couples having problems will remove the bitterness due to the fights and issues from your relationship. This is a very effective way of praying to solve marital issues from married couples.

Dua For Married Couple Having Problems

Every kind of problem in the relationship can be solved with the help of the dua for married couples having problems. You can use Islamic solutions for marriage problems if you feel someone is trying to break your marriage with black magic. The dua for problems in marriage can negate issues and the effect of black magic on the marriage. Consult our Maulvi Ji for more information regarding the Islamic solution and dua for all problems. He will also help you if you want to share the issues related to married life and want the remedies to solve them. For online consultations or bookings, dial the numbers provided.

Dua for Blessings in Marriage

Marriage is an exceptional and beautiful relationship in a person’s life. The  dua for marriage blessings  is a unique Islamic prayer married people read for benefits in marriage. When a man and a woman begin their married life, they should make sure that they start their new life with the blessings of Allah. Every Muslim knows that taking benefits from Allah SWT can be done through dua and Wazifa.

Marriage is a relationship that should begin with the blessings of the Almighty. With the happiness of parents and family, a man and woman should start a new life together. This unique beginning of married life should begin with a very special  dua on marriage . It is read to ask Allah to bless the marriage of two people forever.

The dua about marriage is often read by women who wish for a happy marriage. There is no restriction that men cannot read this dua for marriage. We will now tell you the dua to be read in your marital life.

AllahUmma La SahlaIlla Maa Ja’altaahuSahlaan, Waa Anta Taj’alulHaznaaSahlanIzaaShitaa

Dua About Marriage

dua on marriage

A person’s married life is one of life’s most essential phases. A person spends most of their life in a commitment to marriage. They have all the right to be happy in married life. The issues in marriage can destroy the peace and happiness in any person’s life. This is why people pray to find joy in their married life. They perform the  dua for marriage problems  to keep the peace in their family forever.

Dua for marriage problems  is essential in the life of every married person. This is a dua that makes people think about how to make their marriage better. This makes them work harder to create a healthy bond with their spouse. This is done to always keep their married life safe and happy.

Related Post:  Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents

Dua For Marriage in Quran

dua about marriage

Marriage dua in Islam  is read for many intentions. People who follow Islam and Allah religiously understand that the marriage dua works differently in different aspects. The first and most important reason for performing the dua on marriage is for people who are not getting married. People facing difficulties in getting married should read the dua for getting married.

Another reason for using the nikah  dua in Islam  is for those who wish to marry their lover. This dua is read so that the love marriage between two lovers happens quickly. This helps them get rid of all the problems creating delays and obstacles in their marriage. Our Islamic scholar has helped many people eliminate the frustration of not getting married.

Dua After Marriage

Marriage is a blessing in life. When a person gets married, they have to show gratitude towards Allah. They should not waste time thanking Allah for letting them experience a beautiful marriage relationship. People who have a conscience of thanking Allah SWT for marriage should know that it can be done with the  dua after marriage .

Another use of  dua after marriage  is for people who are facing troubles in marriage. They read this dua to solve all the problems in their married life. It is a tried and tested remedy suggested by our scholars. It has helped many married couples resolve the problems creating issues in their marriage. This is a beneficial dua that helps people bring back happiness in their married life.

To learn more about the duas about marriage, you can directly contact our Maulvi Sahab.

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Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » What duas should I make to find solutions to various problems I am curently facing n my life?

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What duas should I make to find solutions to various problems I am curently facing n my life?

Salam Mufti Sahab: I am facing problems with my parents as they are developing very negative approach towards every issue in life. They criticize on people alot and find faults in every person. They think there way is always the best. I have tried convinsing them and also tried to show them the other side of the picture but they never listen and start arguing. I am so scared cuz I donno where this is going to lead all of us please tell me any duas to make during this month of ramadan and any help or suggestions or tips u can offer me to make things better? also please note I don’t misbehave with them nor do I yell or scream to make my point through but their constant negativeness annoys me.

To convince one’s parents is not always an easy task, but always remember that you must always respect you parents ans follow them as long as their request s are within the Shariah. If this is not possible and you have tried to talk to them with wisdom and they are still not changing then you need to dicuss this problem with an elder that they show some respect to and ask of him to talk to the parents, this would help, Inshallah.

You must also make a lot of Dua for Allah to guide them and us all to attain understanding. You can make the following Dua, “All praise is due to Allah Who saved me from which He tested you with and Who most certainly favoured me over much of His creation.” Also “Allah is sufficient for me and how fine a trustee (Allah is).”

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Shaykh Irshaadh Amod for: FATWA DEPT.

This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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Noble Marriage

How Can Solve The Family Issues: Dua For Family Problems

No matter how religious a family is, there will still be issues among members. It can be within the husband and wife, parents, siblings, and other blood-connected relatives.

Unlike other problems, family issues require immense patience to deal with. Sometimes it seems that you need to take a quick action, but it rather generates more issues within the family. And you are not alone in facing this thing of stuff.

This article will address some of the common family issues, dua for family problems, and how you need to deal with those issues in a wise manner after getting married .

Table of Contents

Common Scenario of Family Problems

Muslim Life Partner?

To address family issues, let’s categorize them into different parts to make sure you can relate to exactly what you are going through.

How Can Solve The Family Issues: Dua For Family Problems

Family Problems Between Husband and Wife

The relationship of husband and wife is the most beloved, yet it is the most vulnerable. Your spouse is the closest one to you, knows almost all your secrets, and whatnot, which are something that even your parents might not know.

But this relationship isn’t as strong as blood-connect relations. You make a mistake, you will most likely have to pay for it.

However, if the understanding between husband wife is strong, a lot of problems can be minimized. This requires you to recognize what is the cause of family problem in the first place. Then you can address the issue accordingly.

Regardless of what you are going through with your spouse, try to implement the following advices –

– Do not act instantly

Time heals. After a few hours, days, weeks, and months, you might not have the same anger towards your spouse. Take advantage of the time. The less you react, the better you can handle issues.

– Put Your Spouse’s Need Before You

If both the husband and wife only think about themselves, and don’t give priority to the spouse over him/herself, the cold war will be never ending.

Put your spouse’s priority over yours, and within a short time, you will notice some changes in your spouse. He/she will do the same, hopefully.

– Do Not Jump in an Argument

From my experience, the less I argued with my spouse, the more control I had over the situation.

If you are a husband, then take this advice seriously. You cannot win an argument with a lady.

Take time, and bring this issue later when you find it is appropriate and your spouse is less likely to freak out.

– Expect Less from Your Partner

The less you expect from a person, the less you will be hurt. The same goes when it comes to marriage life. Even though you guys are the closest to each other, still do not expect too much from each other.

If you expect much, most likely you will end up with more frustration. Expecting less eliminates it in the first place.

– Do Not Compare Yourselves to Other Couples

Oftentimes when we get frustrated with our spouse, we compare ourselves with couples that appear to be happier than us. And this is a bold bad practice, which often leads men to seek other women .

It is not about competing with other couples that we think are happy.

Better point out issues you both have, and try to resolve those.

– Appreciate Your Spouse’s Efforts

No matter how small it is, always appreciate whatever good your spouse is doing for you. When your partner sees you are appreciating and glad for things that he/she has been doing, it is more likely that the bonding will get stronger.

Often, wives always complain and do not appreciate it regardless of how hardwork a husband has to do to provide for the family and her. Such behavior doesn’t end up with good results. So, stop complaining in a relationship , and start appreciating more and more.

– Stay Further Away from Major Sins

Family matters will be highly affected by your sins. In the life of salaf, there are many incidents that sum up that when a husband commits any major sin , he sees disobedience in his wife, children, even horse. The same goes for the wife as well.

Most people try to fix everything and anything except for this matter. They do not take this fact seriously, which results in endless family issues one after another. So, spiritual purification is a must.

Dua for Husband and Wife

There is a profound dua in Surah Furqan verse no 74 –

وَالَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا

“ Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous .”

Make this dua whenever you are asking Allah . Make dua between adhan and iqamah, in tahajjud, and other times when duas get accepted.

Family Problems Between Parents

After Allah SWT. and his Messenger fdfa, the most worthy of our respect, attention, and love is our parents.

Disobedience of parents is so severe that it is considered among the top 5 major sins. According to some scholars, after shirk, the most severe sin is disobeying parents.

But the thing is, not always our parents are right. These are the matters where we freak out, and do or say things that we shouldn’t have said.

Disagree with Due Respect

During disagreements, we often talk with anger, and do the same to our parents. Yes, they are not always right. In such circumstances, we should not even bother discussing or talking regarding any matter until the anger is no longer in ourselves.

Once we cool down, then we should discuss some disagreement. Do not make your voice louder while talking to them as well.

Regularly Communicate with Parents

A lot of times with family issues, we do not talk to our parents. This can be anything to do with our wives and kids. But this approach is entirely wrong.

No matter what, you keep your blood-relation, and maintain it well. Talk to them on a regular basis. It will make things smoother over the time. Time is the best healer in this case as well.

For your parents, make this dua often, which is mentioned in Surah Al Isra, verse 24 –

رَّبِّ ٱرْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِى صَغِيرًۭا

“My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.”

If you want to know more on how to deal with unfair parents in a respectful manner, give this article a read.

Family Problems Between Siblings

Our childhood fight with siblings goes through a slow pace when we enter adulthood. But after that, for status, money, property, etc. matters, the family fights come back.

Keep in mind, maintaining the blood relation is obligatory. If we do not take care of it, Allah SWT. will not allow us to enter into Jannah. The Prophet Muhammad fdfa said in a hadith –

“People who cut the blood relation, will not enter into Jannah.”

Risking your jannah for worldly gains, positions, money, property do not make any sense.

When it comes to siblings, emotion is the key to deal with them. Also, generic advice like not reacting instantly and not talking with a loud voice set here as well.

Family Problems Between In-Laws

Things are a bit more sensitive when it comes to in-laws. In most cases, it is hard to make them feel what you feel. So, here, you will have to be even more patient while dealing with them.

  • Do not act instantly. It will make things worse.
  • Time is the best healer. If someone hurts you, forget it for a few days. It will seem a lot lighter to you.
  • There is no need to reply to each and every talk that hurts you somehow.
  • Keep doing your duties properly and without any expectations. It may take a few weeks, months, or even years, but if you are not doing anything wrong, things will come to your favor.

Dua For Family Problems

There are some specific duas for couples, parents, children, and blood-connected people mentioned in the Quran and Hadith, which I have mentioned in the earlier section.

However, you can make duas in your own words. Just before you make dua, glorify your Lord, send Durud to the Prophet, and then make your dua.

I highly recommend you to make dua during times when duas get accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the dua for problems.

Whenever you come with something complicated, make this dua, which is mentioned in a hadith –

اللَّهُمَّ لَا سَهْلَ إِلَّا مَا جَعَلْتَهُ سَهْلًا، وَأَنْتَ تَجْعَلُ الْحَزْنَ سَهْلًا إِذَا شِئْت َ

O Allah, there is nothing made easy except what you make easy, and You make difficulty easy, if You wish.

2. What does Islam say about family issues?

Family issues are sensitive to deal with. You have to be more patient while resolving any matter be the issue is with your spouse, parents, kids, siblings, in-laws.

The key things are –

  • Not to get angry, and discuss the matter with anger.
  • Not to react instantly. When you calm down, then deal with it.
  • Let the time do its work. It is the best healer.

3. How can I make dua for my family?

I have mentioned a few duas addressing family issues. However, you can also make dua in your own words. There is no hard and strict stuff for this.

4. How do you ask Allah to solve problems?

Other than making dua, you can make lots of istighfar, charity as much as possible for you, and keep doing your duties towards those you are having issues with.

Final Words

The most important thing about making dua for family problems is that you may not see quick results, but if you keep on doing it, things will come to your favor. Also make sure you do not commit any major sin, otherwise, that sin will be as a barrier between you and your dua.

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Powerful Dua For Marriage Problems

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No marriage is perfect and every married couple faces different problems in their marital relationship. The reasons behind these problems affecting marriage are mainly related to the issues of compatibility or the lack of trust. No matter how big or small a problem in the marriage is, the spouses should look for remedies to get rid of them. We are going to tell you about the remedy called the dua for husband and wife problems .This dua for marriage problems will help you.

Read The Instructions Below, Before You Begin These Duas-

  • Make wudu (Ablutions) and get yourself clean before beginning Dua.
  • To avoid interruptions when reciting the dua for marriage problems, find a clean and peaceful spot.
  • Face the direction of Qibla while reciting these Duas.
  • Concentrate on your words and have faith in Allah’s ability to help you fix your marriage so that you can move on.
  • When a woman is having her period, she should not do these Duas.

Dua For Husband And Wife Problems in Islam

The dua for husband and wife problems is a prayer that will end all the problems in your relationship. If you have found out that your partner has been cheating on you, then we understand how disheartened you feel. This dua for intimacy between husband and wife will bring you closer.

Insha Allah with the help of the dua for husband and wife problems, your partner will come back to you. This dua for love and attraction will also make sure that they let go of their cheating habits forever.

With the help of this powerful dua to solve problems between husband and wife , you will be able to forgive your husband/wife. You both will be able to give another chance to your marriage to make it successful.

Dua For Love And Attraction

Powerful Dua To Solve Marriage Problems

There are a lot of marriages where partners don’t get along very well. To change this situation, a person can read the dua for marriage problems to strengthen their marital bond. An Islamic dua for attraction will bring you closer to your partner and all the differences between you both will disappear. The Islamic dua for attraction is a prayer that is also helpful for newly-weds. It is very effective in increasing compassion and intimacy between husband and wife.

If a married couple reads this dua for love and attraction, they will be guaranteed a lifetime of happiness together. Praying the “surah for attraction” is common practice to strengthen romantic feelings between partners. Your companion will start loving you as much as you love them if you read this dua with no ulterior motives.

If you are facing any kind of problem in your married life, begin reciting wazifa to get love back in 3 days . With the grace of Allah Tala, your relationship with your spouse will begin to improve. Within a short span of time, your partner will begin loving you.

Be on time for the mandatory namaz when you start reciting this dua. Ask the All-Mighty Allah to pardon your sins while you do the dua for marriage problems . You might ask him for help by saying the dua for husband-wife difficulties.

Here Is The Dua For Husband Wife Relationship

Follow the steps of the dua for husband wife relationship step by step to get the desired results.

  • After any of the obligatory namaz , begin reciting the dua for love from someone that you love mentioned below.
  • Chant this verse:
“Allah Humma Al Lif Baina Kuluu Binaa Waa Aslihh Zataa Baininaa. Wa Adinaa Subulas Salam WaNajjina Minaz Zulumat iIlan Noor”
  • Then completing any of the obligatory namaz, recite this dua for marriage problems 101 times.
  • Pray to Allah to end all the problems between you and your spouse and bring back happiness in your marriage.
  • Insha Allah, within a very short span of time, things will begin to get better in your married life.

To always have a happy marriage, you can keep on reciting this dua for marriage problems on a regular basis. If you don’t observe any changes from this dua within 21 days, contact our Molvi Ji.

Dua For Husband And Wife Relationship

Dua For Problems In Marriage

Relationships will have ups and downs, which is unavoidable because no relationship is flawless. Fights, conflicts, and disagreements are all aspects of a relationship that affect its proximity. Yet, there is a technique to resolve these marital troubles with the dua for problems in marriage .

Read the dua for marriage problems to resolve all kinds of challenges and conflicts in your marriage. Whether you want to solve problems with your partner or increase your love, the dua for married couples with issues will provide you with the most remarkable results. If there are disagreements in your marriage due to life’s complexity, seek the assistance of the Islamic dua.

How To Fix Marriage Problems

If you’re having marital problems, this dua to fix them will be crucial to resolving them and rekindling your love for one another. It will help you zero in on the causes of your problems and replace them with loving emotions. Numerous married people have turned to the dua for help whenever they’ve had problems, and it’s always worked.

If your partner does not respect you, scolds you every day, and is careless in his role as a partner, then the dua for troubled married couples is for you. This dua to fix marriage problems is wise in resolving adulterous affairs and caring for love that fades with time.

Typically, after a certain period, the husband and wife’s love and attraction decrease, causing problems in the relationship. This is when most extramarital affairs begin to fill the hole left by love and desire. To save your marriage, read the  dua to solve problems between husband and wife for all issues daily.

Dua to fix marriage problems is mentioned below-

  • Recite Surah Baqrah every day to resolve troubles in your relationship.
  • You can also consult Surah Yasin.
  • To keep the marriage harmonious, read it daily after your mandatory prayers.

Dua For Married Couple Having Problems

The dua for married couples having problems will help you, and your spouse forgive each other and move past your arguments. If a married couple is experiencing marital issues, this kind of prayer can help. The dua for married couple having problems is a powerful tool that may mend any broken relationship. If you believe someone is attempting to use black magic to destroy your marriage, you might turn to Islamic remedies for marital strife.

There is hope for a troubled marriage thanks to the dua for problems in marriage, which can counteract the adverse effects of black magic. For further information on the Islamic answer and dua for married couple having problems, don’t hesitate to contact our Maulvi Ji. If you’re having problems in your marriage and are looking for advice, he can help.

Wazifa For Husband And Wife Problems

Have faith in Allah Talah if your marriage has reached the point of divorce and you don’t see any way to save it. And according to Islam, recite this wazifa for marriage problems. Things will fall into place, as Allah wills, in due time. All the issues in your marriage will be easily solved.

And whether the marriage troubles are the result of a third party’s interference or not, you and your partner will eventually enjoy a healthy and productive partnership. That, or your in-laws are being overbearing. If you’re having challenges in your marriage, this English wazifa might help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any dua to get husband back after divorce in islam.

Yes, You can get closer to your husband and get back him by reciting this dua to get husband back after divorce . This powerful dua make your husband come back in your life happily. 

My husband is suddenly losing interest in me. I don’t know the issue behind it, but I want him to love me as before?

If you feel that your husband neglects you and does not pay attention to what you are saying then use this powerful dua for husband love . This dua will invoke understanding in the relationship. Your better half will start treating you with respect and will also start loving you as before. 

What are the most powerful duas for love in Islam.

To get to know about most powerful duas you can visit this dua for love . These love duas are the perfect Islamic solution for your problems. 

How to do dua to bring husband and wife closer?

You can get the dua to bring husband and wife closer by consulting our Maulvi Sahab Abdullah Hussain Ji . In addition, he will instruct you on how to properly read the effective dua to win your husband’s affection again. Just follow his instructions with a clean heart and faith on almighty god Allah SWT Talah.

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Marriage Dua

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Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer

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8 duas for wealth, provision, debt relief & other money problems.

by Amaliah Team in Ramadan on 14th June, 2022

dua to solve relationship problems

The duas listed have been researched and sourced from the Quran and Sunnah

The Prophet ﷺ told us: “Tie your camel and put your trust in Allah.” 

Tying our camels when it comes to rizq (sustenance) and barakah (blessings) looks different at different stages of life. Sometimes it’s looking for work, putting in long hours, trying to stretch a budget or making a big purchase towards a big change in life. The Prophet ﷺ encouraged us to take ownership of these decisions, to be present for them and to put in the hard work. 

Alongside this, putting our trust in Allah is essential. This looks like raising our hands in dua and asking Him for our needs and with as much Tawakkul (trust in Him) as possible, we wait with contentment for our duas to come to fruition, whether in this life or the next. 

The Etiquettes of Making Dua: How to Get Your Prayers Answered | Amaliah

In this piece, we put together a list of duas asking Allah for all kinds of rizq and barakah. 

Duas Asking Allah for Wealth and Blessings: 

1. اللَّهُمَّ إَنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ

Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadlika

O Allah, I ask for Your favour.

[Abu Dawud]

2. اَللَّهُمَّ اِغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَاهْدِنِي وَعَافِنِي وَارْزُقْنِي

Allahumma-ighfir li, warhamni, wa-hdini, wa ‘afini, warzuqni

 O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, guard me against harm and provide me with sustenance and salvation.

3. اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْماً نَافِعاً وَرِزْقاً طَيِّباً وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً

Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘Ilman naafi’an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan

O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision, and deeds that will be accepted.

[Ibn Majah]

4. رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِى ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ ٱلنَّارِ

Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasanatan wafil akhirati hasanatan waqina adhabannaar

Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.

[Qur’an 2:201]

5. رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ  

Rabbi inni limaa ‘anzalta ‘ilayya min khayrin-faqeer 

O my Lord! I am indeed needy of whatever good You may send to me.

[Qur’an 28:24]

Dua before eating

6. اللّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيمَا رَزَقْتَنَا وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ

Allahumma barik lana fima razaqtana wa-qina adhaban-naar. Bismillah 

O Allah! Bless (the food) You provided us with and save us from the punishment of the Hellfire. In the Name of Allah.

Dua for debt relief

7. اللَّهمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنَ الهَمِّ وَالحُزْنِ وَالعَجْزِ وَالكَسَلِ وَالبُخْلِ وَالجُبْنِ وَضَلْعِ الدَّيْنِ وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ

Allahumma inni a‛oodhu bika mi-nal-ham-mi wal-hazzan, wal-‛ajzi wal-kasal, wal-bukhli wal-jubn, wa da-la‛id-day-ni, wa ghalaba-tir-rijaal

O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men.

8. اللّهُمَّ اكْفِني بِحَلالِكَ عَنْ حَرامِك وَأَغْنِني بِفَضْلِكَ عَمَّنْ سِواك 

Allahumma akfini bi halallika ‘an haraamika, wa aghnini bi fadlika ‘amman siwaka 

O Allah! Provide me with lawful (Halal) livelihood, adequate to my needs instead of the unlawful (Haram), and make me suffice with Your graces needing nothing from anyone else.


May Allah make it easy for us all, increase us in halal rizq and shower us with barakah. Ameen! 

Amaliah Team

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Web3 meets ai: blockchain technology revolutionizes the ai landscape.

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A visitor watches an AI (Artificial Intelligence) sign on an animated screen at the Mobile World ... [+] Congress (MWC), the telecom industry's biggest annual gathering, in Barcelona. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP) (Photo by JOSEP LAGO/AFP via Getty Images)

The intersection of Web3 and artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly gaining traction, with blockchain technology playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI. As the world witnesses the exponential growth of AI, the need for decentralization, transparency, and democratization of AI resources has become more apparent than ever.

Industry experts are addressing the centralization issues in AI development by using blockchain technology to democratize access to AI resources, ensuring fair compensation for contributors, and allowing secure usage of proprietary data, aiming to reshape the AI space toward a more equitable future.

Democratizing Access To AI

One of the primary goals of decentralized AI is to democratize access to AI resources, including data, models, and compute power. This democratization is crucial as the AI industry grows and the computation costs of large data sets increase, which could otherwise limit the number of entities capable of competing in the space. Decentralized AI uses blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies to prevent a small group of dominant players from monopolizing the AI landscape, thus promoting a more equitable distribution of resources. This approach helps in addressing the problems of centralized AI systems, such as lack of innovation and transparency, by fostering a collaborative environment where contributions from a wide range of participants are incentivized and valued.

I contacted Miguel Palencia, Co-Founder of Qtum , a proof-of-stake blockchain that just onboarded 10,000 NVIDIA GPUs to power an AI image generator called Qtum Qurator and chatbot dubbed Qtum Solstice for his take on AI centralization. “Giving everyone true ownership and provenance of AI assets is of the utmost importance. There is a pressing need to address the concentration of AI power in the hands of a few companies. The current centralized structure of AI development raises concerns about the potential misuse of these sophisticated tools, which have the power to shape society. Decentralization serves as a means to achieve self-sovereignty and ensure that AI benefits everyone, not just a select few.”

Rewarding Contributors In The AI Economy

The rise of generative AI models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT brought to light the importance of fairly compensating contributors in the AI economy. These models rely on vast amounts of open-source data, such as Wikipedia, GitHub, and Reddit, to train and fine-tune their capabilities. However, the monetary benefits generated by these models often fail to trickle down to the original contributors of the data.

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In fact, “Until now, the Times was the only major newspaper to take legal action against AI firms for copyright infringement,” according to Axios . Eight major U.S. newspapers, part of Alden Global Capital, are suing OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement in New York, claiming the firms used their copyrighted articles to train AI models without permission, which could fundamentally alter compensation for news content in the AI era.

Decentralized AI aims to solve this problem by creating a more equitable AI ecosystem. By leveraging blockchain technology, it becomes possible to track and reward contributors for their valuable data and resources. This approach incentivizes participation and fosters a more collaborative and inclusive AI development process where people can be compensated for their contributions.

Proprietary Data And AI Development

While open-source AI has its merits in accelerating model development and promoting transparency, it may not always be the optimal approach for businesses with proprietary data. Industries such as finance and healthcare often possess sensitive information that cannot be openly shared. Decentralized AI offers a solution by allowing these businesses to become part of the development flow without compromising their data privacy, utilizing technologies like federated learning, differential privacy, and homomorphic encryption to securely contribute to AI without exposing sensitive information.

Through decentralized AI platforms, businesses can contribute their proprietary data to build valuable models and access, which others can then utilize to create a web of applications and monetize them. This approach enables businesses to become shareholders in the entire AI ecosystem, earning rewards for their contributions without having to undertake the entire end-to-end process.

Shaping The Future Of Decentralized AI

As the AI industry continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the role of decentralization becomes increasingly crucial. The Web3 community has the opportunity to shape what decentralized AI will look like in the coming years. It’s essential to build products that cater to the needs of millions of users outside the crypto space, focusing on simplicity and ease of use.

In my conversation with David Jones, CEO of Athene Network — a Layer 2 solution for Ethereum with AI integration with nearly 4 million users — he shared, “The lawsuit filed by The New York Times against OpenAI and Microsoft highlights the growing unease among content creators over the unauthorized use of their intellectual property. This case points to the broader implications of using copyrighted material without permission to train AI models that might compete with traditional information sources. As the industry evolves, we can expect these challenges to drive stricter regulations and ethical standards, which will be interesting to watch unfold for anyone on the outside looking in. I expect industries will be made over.”

As the convergence of Web3 and AI gains momentum, decentralized AI is poised to revolutionize the world as we know it. By democratizing access to AI resources, rewarding contributors fairly, and enabling businesses to leverage proprietary data securely, decentralized AI is paving the way for a future that might make us unable to recognize the turbulent times we’re in today.

While skepticism surrounding the viability of decentralized AI persists, industry experts remain confident in its transformative potential. AI could account for at least 30% of the market cap in the near future. We are witnessing the unfolding of this exciting new frontier in front of our eyes, and it is evident that the fusion of Web3 and AI is going to continue to redefine the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.

Victoria Chynoweth

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Indesign relies on culture that prizes teamwork, problem solving to deliever for customers

For Indesign, putting people first isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s integral to its ability to compete for contracts and talent.

The company earned the Top Workplaces special award for appreciation, with employees reporting they genuinely feel appreciated. And engineers there dive headlong into deeply technical projects that require close relationships with clients and a high level of collaboration between employees.

For that kind of work, you need innovative problem-solvers and a culture that prizes teamwork – and that’s just the way the company says it’s wired, according to those who work there.

"I think as a service company, relationships are really important,” says Rex Bennett, a project manager at Indesign. “We don’t develop our own products. We don’t own … intellectual property. All of the designs belong to the clients that we work for, and we try to build strong relationships with our clients.”

The same is true for relationships inside the company, Bennett adds. “Projects can be challenging, and when you have a team that goes through challenging things together, those relationships get stronger,” he says.

In that same vein, rather than running into a heavily hierarchical, top-down leadership structure, new employees are assigned a mentor or coach to help with their development, while being able to work directly with people at all levels of the company.

“I think we’re a fairly flat company – we don’t have a lot of tiers to work up,” says Mason Burgess, a software engineer who joined Indesign two years ago. That collaboration goes all the way to the top with engineers even working directly with company president and CEO Jerry Gotway on some projects, something Mason says he’s experienced firsthand. It’s not that smaller teams aren’t assigned to specific projects – they are; it’s just that everyone is willing to lend a hand if their expertise is a good fit and help is needed, employees say.

The complex and varied nature of the work certainly demands it – and that also keeps it interesting. “The variety is very fun,” Bennett says. “We work on consumer electronics, industrial systems, medical products – all kinds of things.”

Employees say the company offers competitive benefits; flexibility, with a hybrid work model, giving employees the ability to work from home and at the office; and opportunities to relax, recoup and bond with fellow employees through everything from organized walks at nearby Fort Harrison State Park to video game tournaments over lunch breaks, says Austin Kirchhoff, a principal software engineer who has been with the company for more than 16 years.

That latter also helps coworkers connect, Kirchhoff says, which helps with retention. “It’s really those connections with people that keep you tied to the company.”

Bottom Line

•  Founded:  1997

•  Headquarters:  Indianapolis

•  Company profile:  Multi-discipline engineering design firm that develops electronic products for consumer, medical, computer, communications, military industrial and transportation markets.

•  Locations:  One

•  Number of employees:  69

•  Special award:  Appreciation

•  Website:   indesign-llc.com


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    Dua to fix broken relationships in five simple steps: Begin with reading "Durood e Ibrahim" 11 times. Then, recite "Ya Wadoodo" 100 times. After that, recite verse 74, " Surah-Furqan ," after Isha Salah. Again, read "Durood e Ibrahim" 11 times. At last, ask Allah (SWT) to fix your relationship with his blessings.

  2. Dua For Relationship Problems

    In summary, Allah has sent many duas to solve the issues in a relationship. In this era, there are many issues that arise in relationships. So, recite Dua for relationship problems to solve them. Also, I described many solutions to solve the issues in any relationship. If you find any difficulty in your relationship, you can apply the solutions.

  3. Dua To Solve Relationship Problems

    Every Relationship needs extra care. But the Almighty Allah is the one who can make the solution to all your problems. If you want to better your Relationship with someone, then start to ask Allah for his help. Therefore start to proceed with the Dua to make a relationship stronger. Dua is a configuration of the prayer.

  4. Dua for For one whose affairs have become difficult

    Some face problems in their careers, while others might be struggling to maintain their familial relationship. Whatever the difficulty, Allah is omnipotent and has the power to solve all. Thus, a believer must recite the dua to approach Allah and beseech Him for his mercy. This dua is grade sahih hadith noted in Hisnul Muslim.

  5. Powerful Dua For Relationship Stronger (Halal+Tested) 2024

    Procedure To Perform Dua For Relationship Problems: Perform Wudu to purify yourself. Take a picture of your partner. Recite this Dua for your relationship problems: "Rabbana atmim lana noorana waighfir lana innaka 'ala kulli shay-in qadeer." 100 times, and seek Allah's help in resolving the problems in your relationship.

  6. Powerful Dua For Fixing Broken Relationship Problems

    First recite "Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim" 100 times. Then recite Surah Ar-Rahman (1-5) ten times with your pure intention. We also provide Ayat to fix any kind of relationship problem, which is "Wama tawfeeqee illa billahiAAalayhi tawakkaltu wa-ilayhi oneeb.". Recite this ayat 100 times for one week.

  7. Powerful dua to make relationship stronger in Islam

    Dua to fix Relationship Issues. Dua for Healing Broken Relationships is a Holy Quran remedy that will solve all of your problems with your partner. The husband-wife relationship is the most beautiful form of love. You can recite Dua To Make Relationship Stronger in order to strengthen your relationship and love with your partner.

  8. Dua To Solve Relationship Problems

    Dua will keep your Relationship happy and upbeat, and sooner or later, all of your problems will be fixed. The dua for cherish love to make the Relationship work is powerful and can release significant others from stress or pressure with Allah Miyan. You should start this prayer on Sunday when the sun rises.

  9. Duas for Relationship Problems

    The same goes for the kids. If you are having any kind of issue with your kids, this is the same dua you should recite to solve those issues. In nutshell, this powerful dua for problems is suitable before marriage to help you find the right person, after marriage to solve the issues between spouses and to solve issues with kids.

  10. Dua for Relationship Problems

    The dua for a healthy relationship is the best prayer to solve all the relationship problems. To perform this dua for effective results, follow the steps mentioned below: This dua should be performed on a Wednesday after the Fajr namaz .

  11. Dua To Make Relationship Stronger

    To solve these difficult problems, you should read the dua for relationship problems. The dua for relationship problems is a dua to be strong enough to solve all the issues. Dua to be strong and survive all the difficult times is a very necessary thing to have when things go downhill in life. With the help of the dua or surah for relationship ...

  12. Dua To Solve Relationship Problems & Increase Love Between Husband

    Dua To Solve Relationship Problems Increase Love Between Husband & Wife And Family ᴴᴰ ♥ Recited by Saad Al Qureshiیَا وَدُودُ یَااَللہThe Most Loving, O AL...

  13. Dua to solve any problem • Islam The Ultimate Peace

    Listen the Dua here: Islam The Ultimate Peace · DUA THAT WILL SOLVE ALL OF YOUR PROBLEMS. Transliteration: Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma'as-mihi shai'un fil-ardi wa la fis-sama'i, wa Huwas-Sami'ul-'Alim. Translation: In the name of Allah with Whose Name nothing on earth or in heaven harms and He is the All-Hearing the All-Knowing ...

  14. Dua for Marriage Problems in Quran

    To begin performing the dua for problems in marriage, sit on your prayer mat in a quiet place after performing ablution. Recite Ya Wadudu 1000 times while keeping a photo of your spouse in front of you. Then, recite this dua for solving marriage problem s: "Allahumma la tusallit 'alaina man-la yarhamuna" 101 times.

  15. Dua for Marriage Problems

    How To Solve Misunderstanding Between Husband and Wife is given below:-. Firstly the wife should recite Durood Shareef 98 times. After that wife should read this Dua to solve husband wife problems "Allaummaj Almin Azwajina". Recite this dua for marriage problems 958 times. After that take some hair from her husband.

  16. 1 One Powerful Dua To Make Relationship Strong, Solve Problems And Put

    1 One Powerful Dua To Make Relationship Strong , Solve Problems And Put Love Between Husband And Wife Recited By Saad Al QureshiPowerful Dua To Make Relation...

  17. how to solve marriage problems in islam

    This dua will removal the davil eye also if someone has an eye on your Marriage relationship. This dua is taken from the verses of Quran Pak, and this dua is the only dua to solve your marriage problems completely by Islamic ways. So this is the Pak dua and now you know "how to solve marriage problems in Islam" by dua.

  18. Dua For Marriage Problems in Quran

    Dua About Marriage. 4. Dua For Marriage in Quran. 5. Dua After Marriage. A relationship will come through ups and downs, which is bound to happen as no relationship is perfect. Fights, conflicts, and disagreements are all a part of the relationship that affects the proximity in the relationship. But there is a way to solve these marital issues ...

  19. What duas should I make to find solutions to various problems ...

    understanding. You can make the following Dua, "All praise is due to Allah. Who saved me from which He tested you with and Who most certainly favoured. me over much of His creation.". Also "Allah is sufficient for me and how fine. a trustee (Allah is).". and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best. Shaykh Irshaadh Amod. for: FATWA DEPT.

  20. How Can Solve The Family Issues: Dua For Family Problems

    No matter what, you keep your blood-relation, and maintain it well. Talk to them on a regular basis. It will make things smoother over the time. Time is the best healer in this case as well. For your parents, make this dua often, which is mentioned in Surah Al Isra, verse 24 -.

  21. Dua To Resolve Fight & Problems Between Husband And Wife ᴴᴰ

    DON'T FORGET TO Like, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE !!!PLEASE Like Saad Al Qureshi's Facebook page | https://www.facebook.com/SaadAlQureshiOfficial Subscribe on Youtube ...

  22. Dua For Husband And Wife Problems

    Typically, after a certain period, the husband and wife's love and attraction decrease, causing problems in the relationship. This is when most extramarital affairs begin to fill the hole left by love and desire. To save your marriage, read the dua to solve problems between husband and wife for all issues daily.

  23. 8 Duas for Wealth, Provision, Debt Relief & Other Money Problems

    Duas Asking Allah for Wealth and Blessings: 1. اللَّهُمَّ إَنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ. Allahumma inni as'aluka min fadlika. O Allah, I ask for Your favour. [Abu Dawud] 2. اَللَّهُمَّ اِغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَاهْدِنِي وَعَافِنِي ...

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    Decentralized AI aims to solve this problem by creating a more equitable AI ecosystem. By leveraging blockchain technology, it becomes possible to track and reward contributors for their valuable ...

  25. Indesign relies on culture that prizes teamwork, problem solving to

    For that kind of work, you need innovative problem-solvers and a culture that prizes teamwork - and that's just the way the company says it's wired, according to those who work there. "I ...