How to Write an Article: A Proven Step-by-Step Guide

Tom Winter

Are you dreaming of becoming a notable writer or looking to enhance your content writing skills? Whatever your reasons for stepping into the writing world, crafting compelling articles can open numerous opportunities. Writing, when viewed as a skill rather than an innate talent, is something anyone can master with persistence, practice, and the proper guidance.

That’s precisely why I’ve created this comprehensive guide on ‘how to write an article.’ Whether you’re pursuing writing as a hobby or eyeing it as a potential career path, understanding the basics will lead you to higher levels of expertise. This step-by-step guide has been painstakingly designed based on my content creation experience. Let’s embark on this captivating journey toward becoming an accomplished article writer!

What is an Article?

what is an article

An article is more than words stitched together cohesively; it’s a carefully crafted medium expressing thoughts, presenting facts, sharing knowledge, or narrating stories. Essentially encapsulating any topic under the sun (or beyond!), an article is a versatile format meant to inform, entertain, or persuade readers.

Articles are ubiquitous; they grace your morning newspaper (or digital equivalents), illuminate blogs across various platforms, inhabit scholarly journals, and embellish magazines. Irrespective of their varying lengths and formats, which range from news reports and features to opinion pieces and how-to guides, all articles share some common objectives. Learning how to write this type of content involves mastering the ability to meet these underlying goals effectively.

Objectives of Article Writing

Objectives of Article Writing

The primary goal behind learning how to write an article is not merely putting words on paper. Instead, you’re trying to communicate ideas effectively. Each piece of writing carries unique objectives intricately tailored according to the creator’s intent and the target audience’s interests. Generally speaking, when you immerse yourself in writing an article, you should aim to achieve several fundamental goals.

First, deliver value to your readers. An engaging and informative article provides insightful information or tackles a problem your audience faces. You’re not merely filling up pages; you must offer solutions, present new perspectives, or provide educational material.

Next comes advancing knowledge within a specific field or subject matter. Especially relevant for academic or industry-focused writings, articles are often used to spread original research findings and innovative concepts that strengthen our collective understanding and drive progress.

Another vital objective for those mastering how to write an article is persuasion. This can come in various forms: convincing people about a particular viewpoint or motivating them to make a specific choice. Articles don’t always have to be neutral; they can be powerful tools for shifting public opinion.

Finally, let’s not forget entertainment – because who said only fictional work can entertain? Articles can stir our emotions or pique our interest with captivating storytelling techniques. It bridges the gap between reader and writer using shared experiences or universal truths.

Remember that high-quality content remains common across all boundaries despite these distinct objectives. No matter what type of writer you aspire to become—informative, persuasive, educational, or entertaining—strive for clarity, accuracy, and stimulation in every sentence you craft.

What is the Format of an Article?

What is the Format of an Article?

When considering how to write an article, understanding its foundation – in this case, the format – should be at the top of your list. A proper structure is like a blueprint, providing a direction for your creative construction.

First and foremost, let’s clarify one essential point: articles aren’t just homogenous chunks of text. A well-crafted article embodies different elements that merge to form an engaging, informative body of work. Here are those elements in order:

  • The Intriguing Title

At the top sits the title or heading; it’s your first chance to engage with a reader. This element requires serious consideration since it can determine whether someone will continue reading your material.

  • Engaging Introduction

Next comes the introduction, where you set expectations and hint at what’s to come. An artfully written introduction generates intrigue and gives readers a compelling reason to stick around.

  • Informative Body

The main body entails a detailed exploration of your topic, often broken down into subtopics or points for more manageable consumption and better flow of information.

  • Impactful Conclusion

Lastly, you have the conclusion, where you tie everything neatly together by revisiting key points and offering final thoughts.

While these components might appear straightforward on paper, mastering them requires practice, experimentation with writing styles, and a good understanding of your target audience. 

By putting in the work to familiarize yourself with how to create articles and how they’re structured, you’ll soon discover new ways to develop engaging content each time you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard!). Translating complex concepts into digestible content doesn’t need to feel daunting anymore! Now that we’ve tackled the format, our focus can shift to what should be included in an article.

What Should Be in an Article?

What Should Be in an Article?

Understanding that specific items should be featured in your writing is crucial. A well-crafted article resembles a neatly packed suitcase – everything has its place and purpose.

Key Information

First and foremost, you need essential information. Start by presenting the topic plainly so readers can grasp its relevance immediately. This sets the tone of why you are writing the article. The degree of depth at this point will depend on your audience; be mindful not to overwhelm beginners with too much jargon or over-simplify things for experts.


Secondly, every article must have an engaging introduction—this acts as the hook that reels your audience. Think of it as a movie trailer—it offers a taste of what’s to come without giving away all the details.

Third is the body, wherein you get into the crux of your argument or discussion. This is the point at which you present your ideas sequentially, along with supporting evidence or examples. Depending on the nature of your topic and personal style, this may vary from storytelling forms to more analytical breakdowns.

Lastly, you’ll need a fitting conclusion that wraps up all previously discussed points, effectively tying together every loose thread at the end. This helps cement your main ideas within the reader’s mind even after they’ve finished reading.

To summarize:  

  • Critical Information: Provides context for understanding
  • Introduction: Sheds further light on what will follow while piquing interest  
  • Body: Discusses topic intricacies using narratives or case studies
  • Conclusion: Ties up loose ends and reemphasizes important takeaways

In my experience writing articles for beginners and experts alike, I found these elements indispensable when conveying complex topics articulately and professionally. Always keep them at hand when looking to produce written material.

How should you structure an article?

How should you structure an article?

Crafting a well-structured article is akin to assembling a puzzle – every piece has its place and purpose. Let’s look at how to create the perfect skeleton for your content.

The introduction is your article’s welcome mat. It should be inviting and informative, briefly outlining what a reader can expect from your writing. Additionally, it must instantly grab the readers’ attention so they feel compelled to continue reading. To master the art of creating effective introductions, remember these key points:

  • Keep it short and precise.
  • Use compelling hooks like quotes or intriguing facts.
  • State clearly what the article will cover without revealing everything upfront.

Moving on, you encounter the body of your piece. This segment expands on the ideas outlined in the introduction while presenting fresh subtopics related to your core story. If we compare article writing to crossing a bridge, each paragraph represents a step toward the other side (the conclusion). Here are some tips for maintaining orderliness within your body:

  • Stick closely to one idea per paragraph as it enhances readability.
  • Ensure paragraphs flow logically by utilizing transitional words or sentences.
  • Offer evidence or examples supporting your claims and reinforce credibility.

As you approach the far side of our imaginary bridge, we reach an equally essential section of the article known as the conclusion. At this point, you should be looking to wrap your message up neatly while delivering on what was initially promised during the introduction. This section summarizes the main points, providing closure and ensuring readers feel satisfied.

Remember this golden rule when writing the conclusion: follow the  “Describe what you’re going to tell them (Introduction), tell them (Body), and then summarize what you told them (Conclusion).”  It’s a proven formula for delivering informative, engaging, and well-structured articles. 

One final tip before moving on: maintaining an active voice significantly enhances clarity for your readers. It makes them feel like they’re participating actively in the story unfolding within your article. In addition, it helps ensure easy readability, which is vital for keeping your audience engaged.

Tips for Writing a Good Article

Tips for Writing a Good Article

A persuasive, engaging, and insightful article requires careful thought and planning. Half the battle won is by knowing how to start writing and make content captivating. Below are vital tips that can enhance your article writing skills.

Heading or Title

An audience’s first impression hinges on the quality of your title. A good heading should be clear, attention-grabbing, and give an accurate snapshot of what’s contained in the piece’s body. Here are a few guidelines on how to create an impactful title:

  • Make it Compelling: Your title needs to spark interest and motivate readers to delve further into your work.
  • Keep it concise: You want to have a manageable heading. Aim for brevity yet inclusiveness.
  • Optimize with keywords: To boost search engine visibility, sprinkle relevant keywords naturally throughout your title.

By applying these techniques, you can increase reader engagement right from the get-go.

Body of the Article

After winning over potential readers with your catchy title, it’s time to provide substantial content in the form of the body text. Here’s how articles are typically structured:

Introduction:  Begin by providing an appealing overview that hooks your audience and baits them to read more. You can ask poignant questions or share interesting facts about your topic here.

Main Content:  Build on the groundwork set by your introduction. Lay out detailed information in a logical sequence with clear articulation.

Conclusion:  This reemphasizes the critical points discussed in the body while delivering a lasting impression of why those points matter.

Remember that clarity is critical when drafting each part because our objective here is to share information and communicate effectively. Properly understanding this approach ensures that the writing experience becomes creative and productive.

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing

How do you write an article that engages your readers from the first line until the last? That’s what most writers, whether beginners or seasoned pros are trying to achieve. I’ll describe a step-by-step process for crafting such gripping articles in this guide.

Step 1: Find Your Target Audience

First and foremost, identify your target readers. Speaking directly to a specific group improves engagement and helps you craft messages that resonate deeply. To pinpoint your audience:

  • Take note of demographic attributes like age, gender, and profession.
  • Consider their preferences and needs.
  • Look into how much knowledge they are likely to possess concerning your topic.

Knowing this will help you decide what tone, language, and style best suits your readers. Remember, by understanding your audience better, you make it much easier to provide them with engaging content.

Step 2: Select a Topic and an Attractive Heading

Having understood your audience, select a relevant topic based on their interests and questions. Be sure it’s one you can competently discuss. When deciding how to start writing an article, ensure it begins with a captivating title.

A title should hint at what readers will gain from the article without revealing everything. Maintain some element of intrigue or provocation. For example, ‘6 Essentials You Probably Don’t Know About Gardening’ instead of just ‘Gardening Tips’.

Step 3: Research is Key

Good research is crucial to building credibility for beginners and experts alike. It prevents errors that could tarnish your piece immensely.

Thoroughly explore relevant books, scholarly articles, or reputable online resources. Find facts that build authenticity while debunking misconceptions that relate to your topic. Take notes on critical points discovered during this process—it’ll save you time when creating your first draft.

Step 4: Write a Comprehensive Brief

Having done your research, it’s time to write an outline or a brief—a roadmap for your article. This conveys how articles are written systematically without losing track of the main points.

Begin by starting the introduction with a punchy opener that draws readers in and a summary of what they’ll glean from reading. Section out specific points and ideas as separate headings and bullet points under each section to form the body. A conclusion rounds things up by restating key takeaways.

Step 5: Write and Proofread

Now comes the bulk of the work—writing. Respect the brief created earlier to ensure consistency and structure while drafting content. Use short, clear sentences while largely avoiding jargon unless absolutely necessary.

Post-writing, proofread ardently to check for typographical errors, inconsistent tenses, and poor sentence structures—and don’t forget factual correctness! It helps to read aloud, which can reveal awkward phrases that slipped through initial edits.

Step 6: Add Images and Infographics

To break text monotony and increase comprehension, introduce visuals such as images, infographics, or videos into your piece. They provide aesthetic relief while supporting the main ideas, increasing overall engagement.

Remember to source royalty-free images or get permission for copyrighted ones—you don’t want legal battles later!

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

Regarding article writing, a few pitfalls can compromise the quality of your content. Knowing these and how to avoid them will enhance your work’s clarity, depth, and impact.

The first mistake often made is skimping on research. An article without solid underpinnings won’t merely be bland – it might mislead readers. Therefore, prioritize comprehensive investigation before penning down anything. Understanding common misconceptions or misinterpretations about your topic will strengthen your case. 

Next, sidestep unnecessary jargon or excessively complex language. While showcasing an impressive vocabulary might seem appealing, remember that your primary objective is imparting information efficiently and effectively.

Moreover, failing to structure articles effectively represents another standard error. A structured piece aids in delivering complex ideas coherently. Maintaining a logical sequence facilitates reader comprehension, whether explaining a detailed concept or narrating an incident.

A piece lacking aesthetic allure can fail its purpose regardless of the value of its text. That’s where images come into play. Neglecting them is an all-too-common mistake among beginners. Relevant pictures inserted at appropriate junctures serve as visual breaks from texts and stimulate interest among readers.

Lastly, proofreading is vital in determining whether you can deliver a well-written article. Typos and grammatical errors can significantly undermine professional credibility while disrupting a smooth reading experience.

So, when pondering how articles are written, avoiding these mistakes goes a long way toward producing high-quality content that embodies both substance and style. Remember: practice is paramount when learning how to write excellent material!

How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer?

How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence has been a major step in many industries. One such significant tool is SEOwind AI Writer , which is critical for those curious about how to write an article leveraging AI. In this section, I’ll cover how you can effectively use SEOwind AI writer to create compelling articles.

Step 1: Create a Brief and Outline

The first step in writing an article revolves around understanding your audience’s interests and then articulating them in a comprehensive brief that outlines the content’s framework.

  • Decide on the topic: What ideas will you share via your article?
  • Define your audience: Knowing who will read your text significantly influences your tone, style, and content depth.
  • Establish main points: Highlight the key points or arguments you wish to exhibit in your drafted piece. This helps create a skeleton for your work and maintain a logical flow of information.

With SEOwind:

  • you get all the content and keyword research for top-performing content in one place,
  • you can generate a comprehensive AI outline with one click,
  • users can quickly create a title, description, and keywords that match the topic you’re writing about.

As insightful as it might seem, having a roadmap doubles as a guide throughout the creative process. SEOwind offers a user-friendly interface that allows the easy input of essential elements like keywords, title suggestions, content length, etc. These provide an insightful outline, saving time with an indispensable tool that demonstrates the practicality of article writing.

Step 2: Write an AI Article using SEOwind

Once you have a brief ready, you can write an AI article with a single click. It will consider all the data you provided and much more, such as copywriting and SEO best practices , to deliver content that ranks.

Step 3: Give it a Human Touch

Finally, SEOwind’s intuitive platform delivers impeccably constructed content to dispel any confusion about writing an article. The result is inevitably exceptional, with well-structured sentences and logically sequenced sections that meet your demands.

However, artificial intelligence can sometimes miss the unique personal touch that enhances relatability in communication—making articles more compelling. Let’s master adding individualistic charm to personalize articles so that they resonate with audiences.

Tailoring the AI-generated piece with personal anecdotes or custom inputs helps to break the monotony and bolster engagement rates. Always remember to tweak essential SEO elements like meta descriptions and relevant backlinks.

So, whether it’s enhancing casual language flow or eliminating robotic consistency, the slightest modifications can breathe life into the text and transform your article into a harmonious man-machine effort. Remember – it’s not just about technology making life easy but also how effectively we utilize this emerging trend!

Common Questions on how to write an article

Delving into the writing world, especially regarding articles, can often lead to a swarm of questions. Let’s tackle some common queries that newbies and seasoned writers frequently stumble upon to make your journey more comfortable and rewarding.

What is the easiest way to write an article?

The easiest way to write an article begins with a clear structure. Here are five simple steps you can follow:

  • Identify your audience: The first thing you should consider while planning your article is who will read it? Identifying your target audience helps shape the article’s content, style, and purpose.
  • Decide on a topic and outline: Determining what to write about can sometimes be a formidable task. Try to ensure you cover a topic you can cover effectively or for which you feel great passion. Next, outline the main points you want to present throughout your piece.
  • Do the research: Dig deep into resources for pertinent information regarding your topic and gather as much knowledge as possible. An informed writer paves the way for a knowledgeable reader.
  • Drafting phase: Begin with an engaging introduction followed by systematically fleshing out each point from your outline in body paragraphs before ending with conclusive remarks tying together all the earlier arguments.
  • Fine-tune through editing and proofreading: Errors happen no matter how qualified or experienced a writer may be! So make sure to edit and proofread before publishing.

Keep these keys in mind and remain patient and persistent. There’s no easier alternative for writing an article.

How can I write an article without knowing about the topic?

We sometimes need to write about less familiar subjects – but do not fret! Here’s my approach:

  • First off, start by thoroughly researching subject-centric reliable sources. The more information you have, the better poised you are to write confidently about it.
  • While researching, take notes and highlight the most essential points.
  • Create an outline by organizing these points logically – this essentially becomes your article’s backbone.
  • Start writing based on your research and outlined structure. If certain aspects remain unclear, keep investigating until clarity prevails.

Getting outside your comfort zone can be daunting, but is also a thrilling chance to expand your horizons.

What is your process for writing an article quickly?

In terms of speed versus quality in writing an article – strikingly enough, they aren’t mutually exclusive. To produce a high-quality piece swiftly, adhere to the following steps:

  • Establish purpose and audience: Before cogs start turning on phrase-spinning, be clear on why you’re writing and who will likely read it.
  • Brainstorm broadly, then refine: Cast a wide net initially regarding ideas around your topic. Then, narrow down those areas that amplify your core message or meet objectives.
  • Create a robust outline: A detailed roadmap prevents meandering during actual writing and saves time!
  • Ignore perfection in the first draft: Speed up initial drafting by prioritizing getting your thoughts on paper over perfect grammar or sentence compositions.
  • Be disciplined with edits and revisions: Try adopting a cut, shorten, and replace mantra while trimming fluff without mercy!

Writing quickly requires practice and strategic planning – but rest assured, it’s entirely possible!

Tom Winter

Seasoned SaaS and agency growth expert with deep expertise in AI, content marketing, and SEO. With SEOwind, he crafts AI-powered content that tops Google searches and magnetizes clicks. With a track record of rocketing startups to global reach and coaching teams to smash growth, Tom's all about sharing his rich arsenal of strategies through engaging podcasts and webinars. He's your go-to guy for transforming organic traffic, supercharging content creation, and driving sales through the roof.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is an Article?
  • 2 Objectives of Article Writing
  • 3 What is the Format of an Article?
  • 4 What Should Be in an Article?
  • 5 How should you structure an article?
  • 6 Tips for Writing a Good Article
  • 7 Step By Step Guide for Article Writing
  • 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing
  • 9 How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer?
  • 10 Common Questions on how to write an article

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Article Writing

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  • Nov 8, 2023

article writing

There is so much to read and learn these days. Have you noticed how your favourite bloggers or writers come up with unique content on new topics almost every day? In the digital era, writers have to be extra careful about how they present their ideas. It should be collated in such a way that it influences a larger audience at the same time. However, article writing is not everyone’s cup of tea and needs creative thinking .  Whether you want to pursue Content Writing courses or want to flourish your Journalism career , adhering to the structure along with presenting ideas in a well-structured way is what a writer needs to take care of. Yes, even articles have a distinct structure. Before delving into how to write an article should look, let us first understand the basics of it. 

How To Be A Content Writer? [Step-by-Step 2022 Guide]

This Blog Includes:

What is article writing, objectives of article writing, tips for writing a good article, heading or title, byline or name of the author, body of the article, step 1: find your target audience, step 2: select a topic and an attractive heading, step 3: research is the key, step 4: write and proofread, step 5: add images and infographics, sample of article writing, article writing on covid-19 for students, article on my vision of india in the future, article writing topics, common mistakes to avoid in article writing, points to keep in mind, ppt on article writing , scope of article writing.

Playing a major role in society, an article is a piece of information that is written to influence or provide information to people at large. The form and the style of article writing may vary from one topic or writer to another. Yet, an ideal article provides all the relevant factual information to the people which catches their attention, allows them to think and triggers them to act. There are several types of articles, including:

  • Expository article – The most common type of article, which allows the writer to disseminate information on any topic without imposing their own opinions.
  • Argumentative article – An article in which the author poses a problem or issue, proposes a solution and provides arguments to support why their suggestions/solutions are good.
  • A narrative article is one in which the author is required to narrate primarily in the form of a story.
  • Descriptive article – An article written to provide a vivid description that allows readers to visualise what is being described. Using the appropriate adjectives/adjective phrases will assist you in writing a descriptive article.
  • Persuasive article – An article written to persuade or convince readers to accept an idea or a point of view.

An article must be written with the following objectives in mind:

  • It should bring the topic or subject of interest to the foreground.
  • The article must discuss all the necessary information.
  • It must make or suggest recommendations to the readers.
  • It must be eligible to have an impact on the readers and make them think.
  • The article must cover a wide range of topics, including people, places, emerging challenges, and technological advancements.

Here’s a step-by-step guide with plenty of helpful hints to help you write an excellent article in no time:

  • The first and most important thing to consider when you decide to write an article is whether or not you are well-versed in the subject matter.
  • The second question you must answer is why you are writing the article.
  • The next thing you must consider is the type of audience for whom you are writing the article because you will not be able to write it in a way that will entice them to read it unless you know your audience.
  • The language you use is critical because the article would be unable to sell itself without proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Make use of keywords to attract a large number of readers.
  • Maintain coherence between and within paragraphs.
  • Regardless of the type of article, double-check the data and information you provide.
  • Keep the title and description as brief and memorable as possible.
  • Before it is published, it should be edited and proofread.

Know the Difference Between an Author and a Writer !

Article Writing Format

Whatever you wish to write, it is important for you to first know the structure of the article and then mention the details accordingly. Divided mainly into 3 sections- Heading, Byline and Body , let us have a look at the article writing format you should keep in mind while composing your piece of information.

The first thing to be noticed and the most important component in article writing is the heading/title. To draw the attention of the readers, it is important to give a catchy heading of not more than 5 to 6 words to the article. 

Below the title comes the byline which states the name of the author who has written the article. This part helps the writer earn the actual credit that they deserve.

The body consists of the main content of an article. Be it story writing or article writing, it is completely upon the author to fix the length of the composition and the number of paragraphs that would embed the information. Generally, an article contains 3 or 4 paragraphs wherein, the first paragraph introduces the readers to what the article will be about and all the prerequisite information. The second and third paragraphs will cover the crux of the topic and here, all the relevant data, case studies and statistics are presented. Following this, the fourth paragraph will conclude the article where the solutions to the problems, as presented in the second and third passages (if any) will be discussed. 

Also Read: How to Write a Book?

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing 

After knowing the format, let us have a look at the 5 simple steps involved in the process of article writing: 

Before writing on any topic, it is important for a writer to first identify the audience the article targets. It can be a particular group of people, children, students, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged, elderly people, business people, service class, etc. Whichever group of people you choose to write for, select a topic that directly or indirectly impacts their lives or spreads the relevant information. 

For example, if the article focuses on parents, then you might write about child psychology, the daily nutritional diet of a child, etc. The tone and the language should also match the suitable audience in article writing. 

After you have chosen your target audience, the second important step in article writing is to choose an apt topic for your composition. This gives an idea of how you should process with the article. After you select the topic, then think of an intriguing title for the same. 

For example, if you want to make the students aware of the various MBA specializations available, you can write – “ Everything you need to know about MBA specializations ”.

Consequent to selecting your targeted audience, topic and title of the article, research is the most important thing in article writing. Read umpteen articles, statistics, facts, data, and new governing laws (if any) to get a hang of all the information to be incorporated in the article. Additionally, check the authenticity of the data, so that you do not state anything outdated. Before proceeding with the article writing, prepare a rough draft or an outline of the article in bullet points and keywords so that you don’t miss out on the important information. 

Once you have collected all the facts and data, you can now begin your article writing. As discussed, start the article with an introductory paragraph, followed by a descriptive and a concluding paragraph. While writing all the things, you should keep a consistent, unique, and simple tone. Here, using a paraphrase online will be a helpful option for you. It will make you write original, engaging, as well as user-friendly articles. So, with the help of this tool, you can easily manage all the aspects of writing and successfully complete the articles. After you have written everything, it is pertinent to proofread your entire article and check whether there are any grammatical errors. As a reader, it becomes a major turn-off when you spot even the minutest of a mistake. Also, make sure that the content is not copied from some other website. 

To make your content even more attractive for people to read, you can also include some infographics. Adding images makes the article even more engaging and it proves to be more influential. Thus making the purpose of your article writing successful!

Given below is a sample that can give you more clarity on how to write an impeccable article: 

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Covid -19 for Students By Sahil

Covid-19 has affected all sections of human life. While it affected all industry sectors it has a major impact on education. Classes were switched from offline to online at night but it created confusion among students, especially the ones that were about to enter college. Students even took a gap year hoping for the situation to get better. While schools and colleges are opening because vaccination is in full swing across the globe there are still many challenges.

Understanding COVID-19, how it spreads, and how to protect ourselves are the most important things to be learned first as soon as the school reopens. Students should know the rules they are going to follow and the benefits of following the covid-19 Safety Rules in the School Classroom. It’s very difficult to make the children understand because innocent minds may not get acquainted with the current situation.

To avoid the risk of contracting the Covid- 19, these rules should be followed by every student and school faculty at all times. Students must carry hand sanitisers at all times. Students should never sneeze on their hands, rather they should cover them with their elbows, or may use a tissue or a handkerchief. Inform students not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth frequently. As chances are high that the virus gets spread through the touching of the eyes and nose. If students and teachers follow these basic rules, the spread can be stopped and schools can reopen.

My Vision of India in the Future By Aayush

Most of us have a psychological barrier to looking at India’s future vision, and those who perceive the future as coming straight out of the present typically have their perspective narrowed as well. I believe that the year 2050 will belong to individuals who strive to recognise diversity as a virtue in and of itself, rather than as a tool for combating new mental monocultures or a necessary compromise for social and ethical concord. In the future, India will be in the centre of the world, with variety valued as a goal in itself. My vision statement is neither a forecast of what will happen nor a wish list of desirable but unreachable goals.

It’s a statement of what we believe our country can achieve, given the level of concern that our current youth has about issues like corruption, pollution, and mismanagement of natural resources, among other things. Recognize that the elements that affect national development have changed in recent years and will continue to change in the future when imagining India in 2050. This is expected to create more opportunities than ever before.

The expanding impact and influence of India in domains such as technology, education, information, and productive skills supports the belief that India will attain and sustain higher economic growth and development in the decades ahead.

how to write a good sample article

Do you have to write an article that is trending right now and will help you score better or help you practice better? Here is the list of current topics for article writing:

  • Global Warming
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Impact of Internet
  • Women Empowerment
  • Education and Movies
  • Value of Games in Education
  • Yoga and Mind Healing
  • Importance of Mental Health
  • Importance of Education in Society

Explore some Creative Writing Topics

The likelihood of errors increases now that you understand the phases of article writing and the article writing format. The following are some examples of common blunders: 

  • Not using facts or quotes or similar cases
  • Using a tone that is too formal
  • Using difficult vocabulary without knowing its meaning 
  • Not using a catchy title for your article 
  • No use of paragraphs to bifurcate information
  • Not expressing personal views or opinions
  • The topics of the articles should be unique and relevant
  • The article has to get the attention
  • It has to be interesting
  • It has to be easy to read
  • Find the main goal of writing an article. The goal can be anything from providing information, entertainment, advice for comparing, etc.
  • The title must be eye-catching, clear, and interesting
  • The introduction or the starting paragraph must be highly attentive. Use your vocabulary skills or try to use some interrogative words at the start
  • Use clear statements and make assertions
  • Avoid repetition and over-the-top logic and reasons
  • Use the style of paragraph writing and write the contents uniquely and unambiguously
  • Avoid using the points which interest you only and not for the general public
  • Always end your article writing on a good and logical note

6 Recommended Travel Writing Courses

  • Article on the Importance of Education
  • Article Rules
  • Essay on Global Warming
  • Essay on Internet
  • Essay on My Aim in Life
  • Essay on Education System
  • Essay on Democracy
  • How to Write a Career Goals Essay?
  • Essay on Digital India

Whether you want to work as an article writer for your current employer or make a name for yourself in the journalism world, your voice and skill are in high demand. What matters is that you keep writing and learning.

The road may be difficult at first. Even if you have a good idea of who you are as a writer and where you fit best, there will be obstacles. At first, every writer experiences this.

Or you may have no idea what intrigues you or what format works best with your natural writing strengths. Keep your cool! You’ll keep learning as you go. When your work is published and assignments begin to flood your inbox, the road will become smoother.

When written well, it becomes a natural part of the audience’s experience. Article writers influence how content is presented and how people think. Even when trying to write someone else’s vision, your talent makes it worthwhile to read.

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An article is a piece of information that is written to influence or provide information to people at large. The form and the style of article writing may vary from one topic or writer to another.

Not using facts or quotes or similar cases Using a tone that is too formal Using difficult vocabulary without knowing its meaning Not using a catchy title for your article No use of paragraphs to bifurcate information Not expressing personal views or opinions

The style of article writing varies from one topic or writer to another.

Thus, article writing is a form of art that improves only with practice and the right approach. If you want to pursue a career in a field where writing plays an essential role but are confused about the program then take the assistance of Leverage Edu ’s AI tool which will curate a list of the most suitable universities and courses that align with your professional goals!

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How to Write a Good Article: Expert Tips for Crafting Engaging Content

how to write a good sample article

How to Write a Good Article?

Before we get into the article, let's answer How to write a good article.

A good article meets the target audience, includes detailed research, and has a structure with logical headings and flow. A great article is written in easy-to-understand language and visuals (images and graphs) whenever relevant.

Today we're going to explain how to create a good, no, exceptional article.

In fact, we've used this exact process to write over 10 million words for 300+ clients.

So, if you're a blogging newbie or an experienced writer, there's something for everyone.

Ready? Let's go.

Are you wondering what makes a good article truly engaging? Direct, clear, and impactful writing are the pillars of compelling content. Here, we break down the essentials so you can create articles that not just draw readers in, but keep them hooked from start to finish.

The Art of Engaging Titles

A title should captivate readers, persuading them to explore the content further. It’s the enticing headline that grabs attention, the promise that quality content awaits. Hence, consider the title carefully before penning down your article. It’s not just a collection of words; it’s the invitation to your reader, the spotlight on your main point.

Your title is the first thing that readers see, and it can be the deciding factor whether they will read the article or move on. So, how do you craft such a title?

The Power of Keywords

Incorporating keywords into the title sends a signal to both the search engine and the reader about the article’s content. Think of it as a beacon, leading the appropriate audience to your content. But remember, the key lies in balance.

While it’s important to start with the main keyword at the beginning of the title, it’s equally essential to ensure that the title remains both creative and clear. After all, you’re writing for humans, not just search engines. Thus, strive to keep your titles engaging, informative, and abundant in keywords.

Example: If my page is targeting "yoga tops for summer" as its primary keyword, a good title might look like:

  • The best yoga tops for summer 2024
  • Yoga tops for summer: Our picks for 2024
  • A spammy version might look something like this:
  • Yoga tops summer: Our pick of the best yoga tops for summer

Notice in the example below how the keyword is used at the beginning, but after the colon, there's an additional piece of information to compel the reader to click, not the keyword stuffed in again.

how to write a good sample article

Compels the reader to click

A creative yet clear title can significantly increase reader engagement. It sparks curiosity, invites clicks, and ensures that the reader immediately understands the content’s subject. Imagine a title like ‘Meme Master’ or ‘Employee Success Curator’; they are creative, intriguing, and clear.

The balance between creativity and clarity ensures that your titles are not just visually appealing but also informative, serving as an effective bridge between the reader and the content.

Studies have shown that certain features in a blog title significantly increase click-through rates. Here are a few examples:

  • Insert a number at the beginning of the title — 7 best tools to scale your agency
  • Use the terms “how to,” “tips,” and “tricks” at the start of your title — How to grow your business by 1000% in the next 12 months
  • Ask a conversational question — Is your skincare routine ready for winter?
  • Add some fear and jeopardy — Lost revenue? Stop blaming your SDR.
  • Include words like “guide”, “complete”, and “ultimate” in the title — The ultimate guide to SEO
  • Use action words, such as "grow" or "increase", at the beginning of the title — How to grow your revenue with cold outreach

How to write a compelling heading and write a great article

Writing a Captivating Introduction

The introduction serves as the gateway to your article. It’s the moment when the reader decides whether to continue reading or exit. A captivating introduction can be likened to a tantalizing appetizer, stimulating the reader’s craving for the main course. It sets the tone, offers a taste of what’s to come, and ideally, leaves the reader wanting more.

The characteristics of an effective introduction are:

  • Explain the significance of the article to the reader.
  • Offers an overview of the subject or issue to be discussed.
  • Establishes a foundation for the subsequent content of the poster.
  • Outlines the aims and objectives for the reader.

But that's much too simple. Those characteristics could lead to an introduction that looks like this:

How to write an intruction for a great article

The introduction should hook the reader’s attention, provide a brief overview, and culminate in a powerful thesis statement. Think of it as a movie trailer; it should give just enough to intrigue the reader but not give away the entire plot. But how does one craft such an introduction?

Brian Dean makes a compelling case for keeping blog intros to 4 - 7 sentences to ensure you hook the reader quickly and entice them to continue with the article. Here's an example of his intro...

How to write a compelling introduction for a great article

As a content writing agency, we've written millions of words for clients. I personally LOVE the Brian Dean style, but for some clients, especially more B2B, this style is a touch too conversational. Although it's my personal fave :)

Opening with Impact

The first sentence in your article holds immense power. It’s the hook that can either reel in the reader or let them slip away. An impactful opening can manifest in various forms, such as a thought-provoking question, a shocking statement, or an intriguing anecdote. The goal is to spark curiosity, evoke emotions, and compel the reader to read on.

After the hook, the introduction should provide a clear benefit or promise that will motivate the reader to continue reading. The promise could be a solution to a problem, an answer to a question, or a new perspective on a common issue. The key is making the reader believe they will gain something valuable from reading your article.

Setting the Tone

Are you aware that your writing possesses a voice? It’s not just about what you say but how you say it. The tone of your writing can convey a range of attitudes and emotions, from formal and serious to casual and humorous. It’s essential in engaging your readers and creating a cohesive reading experience.

The tone you choose depends on your audience and the purpose of your article. An informative article might require a more formal and serious tone, while a personal blog post could benefit from a more casual and conversational tone. Regardless of the tone you choose, consistency is key. A consistent tone helps create a smooth reading experience and strengthens your connection with the reader.

Crafting Informative and Appealing Content

After enticing your readers with an intriguing title and an engaging introduction, your subsequent task is to maintain their interest with content that is both informative and appealing. But how can you guarantee your content is not just informative, but also able to engage readers? The answer lies in readability and visuals.

Readability is about making your content easy to read and understand. It’s about structuring your article in a way that allows the reader to easily navigate and absorb the information. On the other hand, visuals are about enhancing the reading experience by breaking up large chunks of text and providing visual representations of your points.

Structuring for Readability

Effective structuring plays a crucial role in promoting readability. It involves organizing your content in a way that guides the reader through your article. This can be achieved through the use of:

  • Descriptive subheadings
  • Short paragraphs
  • Bullet points
  • Numbered lists

Descriptive subheadings serve as signposts, guiding the reader through your article. They break down your content into manageable chunks, making it easier for your reader to process the information. Keeping paragraphs short, on the other hand, make your article visually appealing and less daunting to read. Remember, a wall of dense paragraphs can repel readers, but well-structured content can engage them.

Integrating Visuals

Visuals have become potent tools for amplifying reader engagement. They not only break up text but also provide a visual representation of your points, making your content more engaging and easier to understand.

Images, charts, infographics, and videos can all be used to enhance your content. For instance, an infographic can provide a visual summary of a complex concept, making it easier for the reader to understand. Similarly, an image or a video can add a new dimension to your content, providing a break from text and keeping the reader engaged. The key is to ensure that your visuals are relevant and contribute to the overall understanding of your content.

How to add visuals to make a great article.

Connecting with Your Target Audience

A deep understanding of the target audience lies at the core of every successful article. Who are you writing for? What are their interests, needs, and pain points? A deep understanding of your audience enables you to customize your content to their preferences, guaranteeing that your message resonates with them.

However, establishing a connection with your audience goes beyond merely understanding their needs. It’s about building trust and establishing credibility. Your readers must trust the information you provide and see you as a credible source. So, what’s the strategy for building trust and credibility?

Understanding Your Readers

Understanding your readers entails stepping into their shoes and viewing the world from their viewpoint. What are their pain points? What are their interests? What motivates them? Answering these questions can provide valuable insights into your audience’s needs and preferences, helping you tailor your content to readers interested in personal stories.

Audience analysis involves researching and gathering data about your audience. This can include demographic information, such as age, gender, and location, as well as psychographic information, such as interests, attitudes, and behaviors. This information can then be used to create a detailed profile of your target audience, known as a buyer persona.

Building Trust and Credibility

Building trust and credibility involves:

  • Showcasing your expertise
  • Providing accurate, reliable information
  • Being seen as a credible source of information, someone who knows what they’re talking about.

This can be achieved through a step-by-step guide that includes:

  • Thorough research and fact-checking
  • Making sure your facts are accurate and up-to-date
  • Always citing your sources
  • Showcasing your expertise in your field to establish yourself as an authority and build trust with your readers.

Remember, trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and it’s no different in the relationship between a writer and their readers.

Polishing Your Work: Editing and Proofreading

The writing process of article writing extends beyond the last sentence of a good article. The real refinement happens in the editing and proofreading phase. It’s in this phase that you refine your work, ensuring every word, every sentence, every paragraph adds value to your entire article.

Editing involves revising your content for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. It’s about making sure your message is clear and your arguments are logical. Proofreading, on the other hand, involves checking for grammatical errors, typos, and punctuation mistakes. But how do you effectively edit and proofread your work?

Self-Editing Techniques

For any writer, self-editing is a vital skill. It’s about being your own critic, looking at your work objectively and making necessary improvements. Effective self-editing involves several techniques.

Some effective techniques for proofreading your work include:

  • Taking a break once you have finished writing and coming back to your work with fresh eyes
  • Reading your work aloud to catch awkward phrasing and long, convoluted sentences
  • Using spell-check and grammar-check tools to catch errors that you might have missed

These techniques can help you spot errors and inconsistencies in your writing.

Seeking Feedback

Beyond self-editing, seeking feedback from others also proves beneficial. A fresh pair of eyes can provide a new perspective, helping you catch errors and readability issues that you might have missed.

Whether it’s a professional editor, a trusted colleague, or a friend, getting someone else’s input can provide valuable insights and help you improve your work.

Mastering the Art of Content Creation

The mastery of content creation is more of a journey than a destination. It’s about continuous learning and improvement, honing your skills, and pushing your boundaries. Whether you’re a seasoned freelance writer or a novice, there’s always room for growth.

So, what’s the path to mastering the art of content creation? It involves two key elements: analyzing good articles and consistent practice. You can learn from their structure, style, and techniques by reading and engaging with high-quality articles. And through consistent practice, you can improve your writing skills and become a better writer, able to create articles with ease.

Reading and Analyzing Good Articles

Analyzing high-quality articles equates to a behind-the-scenes tour of a successful production. You get to see the structure, the style, and the techniques that make the article engaging and informative. But more than that, you get to learn from the best.

Whether it’s a thought-provoking piece in The New England Journal of Medicine or a captivating blog post on your favorite site, each article offers unique insights that can help you improve your writing. Pay attention to:

  • the headline
  • the structure
  • the arguments
  • the evidence

What makes the news article engaging? What makes it informative? What can you learn from it?

Consistent Practice

The adage ‘practice makes perfect’ holds true in writing as well. The more you practice writing, the better you get. But consistent practice is more than just about quantity. It’s also about variety and experimentation.

To start writing different types of articles, from how-to guides to opinion pieces, experiment with different tones, from formal to casual. Write about different topics, from your areas of expertise to topics you’re curious about. Consistent practice doesn’t mean doing the same thing over and over. It means pushing your boundaries, exploring new territories, and constantly challenging yourself.

In this journey, we’ve explored the art of crafting excellent articles, from engaging titles and captivating introductions to informative content and connecting with the audience. We’ve delved into the importance of editing and proofreading, and the power of consistent practice. But the journey doesn’t end here. As you continue to write, remember to keep your reader at the heart of your writing, strive for clarity and creativity, and never stop learning and improving. After all, the art of content creation is a journey, not a destination.

Key Takeaways

  • Crafting an engaging article begins with a captivating title that balances creativity and clarity, incorporating keywords while being inviting and informative.
  • A successful article features an introduction that hooks the reader’s attention and sets the right tone, followed by structured content enhanced with visuals for readability and engagement.
  • Connecting with your target audience by understanding their needs and building trust through credible content is essential, complemented by thorough editing, proofreading, and continuous practice and learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What determines a good article.

A good article is determined by its engaging language, valuable information, and an organized, logical structure that captivates and informs the reader.

How can you write a good article?

To write a good article, start by selecting a topic, identifying your target audience, and conducting thorough research. Then, create an outline, write a rough draft, and refine your subject matter. Finally, read your article aloud to ensure it is error-free. Now, go ahead and start writing your fantastic article!

How can I create an engaging title for my article?

To create an engaging title for your article, start with the main keyword and balance creativity with clarity. Make sure the title is intriguing and informative to attract clicks and inform the reader about the content. Good luck!

How can I make the introduction of my article captivating?

To make your article introduction captivating, use an impactful opening sentence or a hook, such as a provocative question, shocking statement, or intriguing anecdote, and then provide a clear benefit or promise to motivate the reader to continue reading. This will grab the reader's attention and compel them to explore further.

How can I improve the readability of my article?

To improve the readability of your article, use descriptive subheadings, keep paragraphs short, and utilize bullet points and numbered lists. Additionally, break up large chunks of text with visuals to enhance the reading experience.


Article Writing

Ai generator.

how to write a good sample article

Different writing compositions are used to inform various target audiences. They can be find in almost any source, which includes print media and online sources. With the advancement of modern technology, such sources have become more easier to access by the day. The word article can be used to refer to a brief written composition which is often found among other compositions typically included in different publications (e.g. newspaper , magazines, online, etc). An article can tackle about different topics, depending on the writer, and is usually intended for a target audience.

What Is Article Writing? Article writing is a process of creating written pieces of content, paragraphs to reach a broad audience through different platforms. These platforms include newspapers, magazines, journals, and other publishing mediums. The goal is to engage readers by sharing information, stories, or opinions in a written format. This type of writing is common in various media outlets, making it an essential way to communicate and connect with people.

Writers present information in various ways, such as in an informative writing  or argumentative writing form. Basis of information written on articles may vary. Such facts may be gathered from different sources, such as eyewitness accounts, one on one interviews, and online, among others.

Article Writing Bundle

Download Sample Article Writing Bundle

Article Writing Format

An article will have an Introduction, Body Paragraphs and Conclusion . The introduction Briefly explains the topic and makes user strict to the content. The body paragraphs explains the subject in detail with evidence, examples, stats, arguments. The conclusion summarizes the important points to give overview to the reader.

1. Introduction

The introduction in article writing is the first section that sets the stage for the entire article. It serves to grab the reader’s attention and give them a reason to keep reading. This part typically includes:

Hook : Start with an interesting fact, question, or statement to grab attention. Background Information : Provide context or background related to the topic. Thesis Statement : Clearly state the main idea or purpose of the article.

2. Body Paragraph

In article writing, a body paragraph is a key section where the main ideas and arguments are developed. Each body paragraph typically follows this structure

Subheadings : Organize the content with relevant subheadings. Main Points : Discuss each main point in separate paragraphs. Supporting Information : Provide evidence, examples, and details. Clarity and Flow : Use simple language and smooth transitions.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion in article writing is the final section where the writer wraps up the discussion. It serves several key purposes:

Summary : Recap the main arguments or points. Final Thoughts : Conclude with a compelling closing statement or call to action.

Article Samples on Various Topics

Environment article samples.

  • Water Conservation
  • Need to Save Water
  • Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Deforestation
  • Environment and Nature

Society and Culture Article Samples

  • Importance of Education
  • Teacher’s Day
  • US Independence Day
  • Discrimination
  • Homelessness
  • Women Empowerment
  • Child Labor
  • Globalization

Technology and Innovation Article Samples

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The Future of Technology
  • Machine Learning
  • Robotics and Automachines Manufacturing
  • Wearable Technology and Its Health Applications
  • 3D Printing Innovations and Applications
  • Nano-technology: Advancements and Future Prospects
  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency
  • 5G Network Expansion and Its Impacts
  • The Future of Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting Our Digital World
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Education
  • Big Data Analytics and Its Role in Business Decision Making
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Home Innovations

Health and Lifestyle Article Samples

  • Health is Wealth
  • Healthy Eating
  • Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
  • The Importance of Physical Fitness in Student Life
  • Mental Health

Education Article Samples

  • The Evaluation of Online Learning and its Impacts
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Education
  • Road Safety

Articles Writing Examples & Templates in PDF and DOC

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Newspaper Article Writing2

Creative Article Writing for School

Article for School

Technical Article Writing Example

Technical Article Example1

Short Article Writing  Example

Short Article Writing2

Medical Article Sample Writing  Example

Medical Article1

Sample Article Writing  Example

Sample Article Writing1

Free SEO Article Writing  Example

SEO Article Tips

Persuasive Article Travel  Example

Article Persuasive1

Importance of Article Writing

Articles deliver information effectively, like other persuasive writing compositions. Which explains why article writing is an important skill which needs to be developed. The process of article writing, as compared to writing other compositions can be tricky.

For example, a news article needs to be written without carrying any biased opinion from the writer. Article writing requires the writer to gather accurate information from reliable sources of information. You may also see essay writing examples

Basically, article writing helps the writer develop both the writing and data gathering writing skills—which in turn develops his/her communication skills. At the end of the day, article writing, or writing in general, helps in improving an individual’s communication skills in general.

Types of Article Writing

Article writing is a versatile form of writing used in various contexts, including journalism, blogging, academic writing, and more. Here are some examples of different types of articles:

1. News Article

News articles report current events and provide facts and information about newsworthy topics. They typically follow the “inverted pyramid” structure, with the most important information presented at the beginning.

Example : “COVID-19 Vaccination Drive Reaches Milestone with 1 Billion Doses Administered Worldwide”

2. Feature Article

Feature articles offer in-depth coverage of a particular topic, often with a more narrative or storytelling approach. They provide background, analysis, and context, going beyond the surface details.

Example : “The Hidden Wonders of the Amazon Rainforest: A Journey into Biodiversity and Conservation Efforts”

3. Opinion or Editorial Article

Opinion articles express the author’s viewpoint on a particular issue. They are often persuasive in nature and present arguments or personal perspectives.

Example : “Why We Should Prioritize Renewable Energy Sources for a Sustainable Future”

4. How-To Article

How-to articles provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform a specific task, solve a problem, or achieve a goal.

Example : “How to Start Your Own Vegetable Garden: A Beginner’s Guide”

5. Review Article

Review articles assess and provide an opinion on a product, service, book, movie, or any subject of interest. They often include an evaluation of the item’s pros and cons.

Example : “Film Review: ‘The Trial of the Chicago 7’ – A Riveting Dive into 1960s Political Turmoil”

6. Academic or Research Article

Academic articles are scholarly publications that present research findings or discuss academic topics. They often follow specific formats and are published in academic journals.

Example : “The Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs: A Comprehensive Ecological Study”

7. Blog Post

Blog articles cover a wide range of topics and are typically written in a conversational, engaging style. They are commonly found on personal blogs, corporate blogs, and news websites.

Example : “10 Tips for Effective Time Management in a Remote Work Environment”

8. Travel Article

Travel articles describe and share experiences about specific travel destinations, providing insights, tips, and recommendations for travelers.

Example : “Exploring the Rich History and Culture of Rome: A Traveler’s Guide”

9. Technical or Instructional Article

Technical articles focus on complex or specialized subjects and are often used in industries like technology, science, or engineering. They explain technical concepts or processes.

Example: “A Comprehensive Guide to Data Encryption Algorithms for Cybersecurity Professionals”

10. Entertainment or Lifestyle Article

These articles cover topics related to entertainment, lifestyle, and popular culture, including celebrity news, fashion, food, and more.

Example: “10 Must-Watch Movies for Film Buffs this Summer”

How Do I Write a Good Article? – Step by Step Guide

Understand your audience and purpose.

  • Identify Your Readers : Understand who your audience is – their interests, level of understanding, and what they are looking for in an article.
  • Define Your Purpose : Clearly state your objective. Are you informing, persuading, or entertaining?

Choose a Compelling Topic

Select a topic that resonates with your audience. It should be relevant, timely, and offer a fresh perspective.

Research and Gather Information

  • Source Credible Information : Use reliable sources to gather facts, statistics, and other pertinent data.
  • Organize Your Research : Group similar information together for coherence.

Create an Outline

An outline helps in organizing thoughts and ensuring a logical flow. It typically includes:

  • Introduction 
  • Body Paragraphs – Sub Headings (H2), Child Headings (H3)

Write the Article

  • Introduction : Start with a hook – a fact, question, or statement that grabs attention. Briefly outline what the article will cover.
  • Body Paragraphs : Each paragraph should focus on a single idea, supported by facts, examples, and explanations.
  • Transitions : Use smooth transitions to maintain flow and coherence.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the main points and leave the reader with something to think about.

Starting an Article

What is written at the beginning of an article? At the beginning of an article, you typically find an introduction. This part is crucial because it aims to grab the reader’s attention. It usually starts with something interesting like a surprising fact, a question, or a short story related to the topic. The introduction also gives a brief idea of what the article is about and sets the tone for the rest of the content.

Crafting a well-written article requires planning, research, and a keen understanding of your audience. By following this format, you can create articles that are not only informative and engaging but also resonate with your readers.

What is the Easiest way to write an Article? To write an effective article, first choose a topic that aligns with your interests and knowledge. Clearly determine your article’s purpose, such as informing or persuading. Conduct thorough research from reliable sources to support your content. Plan your article with a structured outline. Begin with an engaging introduction that includes a clear thesis statement. In the body, develop focused paragraphs, each addressing a single point, supported by evidence like facts or statistics. Write using clear, simple language for better understanding. Ensure your paragraphs smoothly transition to maintain flow. Conclude by summarizing the main points and restating the central message.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

  • Ignoring the Audience : Not tailoring the content to the interests and understanding of your target readers.
  • Lack of Clear Purpose : Not having a clear goal or message in your article.
  • Poor Structure : Failing to organize the article in a logical, coherent manner.
  • Overcomplicating Language : Using complex words or sentences that confuse readers.
  • Repetitive Content : Repeating the same ideas or examples.
  • Inadequate Research : Not backing up your points with accurate and reliable information.
  • Plagiarism : Copying someone else’s work without giving credit.
  • Ignoring SEO Principles : Not including relevant keywords for online articles, which helps in search engine ranking.
  • Skipping Proofreading : Not checking for spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
  • Neglecting a Strong Conclusion : Failing to summarize the main points or ending the article abruptly.

Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of your article writing.

Do’s and Don’ts of Article Writing

Quick overview on how to write an article – tips & tricks.

Discover key tips for writing an engaging article: select a relevant topic, conduct thorough research, create a clear structure, and write with simplicity for an impactful, reader-friendly piece.

  • Understand Your Audience: Tailor to audience interests and knowledge.
  • Choose a Clear, Relevant Topic: Focus on specific, timely topics.
  • Organize Your Ideas: Structure with clear outline and logical flow.
  • Engaging Introduction: Start with an interesting hook; set tone.
  • Strong Body Content: Maintain one idea per paragraph; use subheadings.
  • Concise and Clear Language: Use simple language and active voice.
  • Incorporate Research and Examples: Back points with research; cite sources.
  • SEO Optimization: Include relevant keywords; write concise meta descriptions.
  • Edit and Proofread: Review for errors; seek feedback.
  • Effective Conclusion: Summarize key points; end impactfully.
  • Stay Consistent: Write regularly; learn from feedback.

What Is An Article?

An article is a written piece that informs, educates, entertains, or persuades readers about a specific subject. It can take various forms, including news reports, opinion pieces, how-to guides, or in-depth features. Articles are published in newspapers, magazines, websites, and academic journals, offering information, analysis, and commentary to a wide audience.

What Makes a Strong Article?

A strong article is well-researched, clearly written, engaging, and informative. It should have a compelling introduction, a coherent structure, and a conclusive ending.

Are Articles Hard to Write?

Writing articles can be challenging but rewarding. It requires research, planning, and the ability to clearly convey ideas to your audience.

How Does an Article Look Like?

An article typically has a clear title, an engaging introduction, body paragraphs with headings, and a summarizing conclusion. It’s structured logically to guide the reader.

How many words should there be in an article?

The word count for an article can vary widely, typically ranging from 500 to 2000 words, depending on the topic, audience, and publication requirements.

Mastering article writing involves understanding your audience, choosing engaging topics, structuring your content logically, and using clear language. Remember to research thoroughly, use SEO strategies, and edit meticulously. By following these guidelines and tips, you can craft compelling articles that captivate and inform your readers, enhancing your writing skills in the process.


Text prompt

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How to Write an Article

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Writing is a complex skill. A very complex skill.

Not only do we put students under pressure to master the inconsistent spelling patterns and complex grammar of the English language, but we require them to know how to write for a variety of purposes in both fiction and nonfiction genres.

On top of this, writing is just one aspect of one subject among many.

The best way to help our students to overcome the challenge of writing in any genre is to help them to break things down into their component parts and give them a basic formula to follow.

In this article, we will break article writing down into its components and present a formulaic approach that will provide a basic structure for our students to follow.

Once this structure is mastered, students can, of course, begin to play with things.

But, until then, there is plenty of room within the discipline of the basic structure for students to express themselves in the article form.

Visual Writing


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With over  FORTY GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS in this  ENGAGING   UNIT, you can complete a  WEEKLY  journalistic / Newspaper reporting task  ALL YEAR LONG   as classwork or homework.

These templates take students through a  PROVEN  four-step article writing process on some  AMAZING  images. Students will learn how to.


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The Cambridge Dictionary defines an article as, “a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet.”

An article’s shape and structure will vary depending on whether it’s intended for publication in a newspaper, magazine, or online.

Each of these media has its own requirements. For example, a magazine feature article may go into great depth on a topic, allowing for long, evocative paragraphs of exposition, while an online blog article may be full of lots of short paragraphs that get to the point without too much fanfare.

Each of these forms makes different demands on the writer, and it’s for this reason that most newspapers, magazines, and big websites provide writers with specific submission guidelines.

So, with such diverse demands placed on article writers, how do we go about teaching the diverse skill required to our students?

Luckily, we can break most types of articles down into some common key features.

Below we’ll take a look at the most important of these, along with an activity to get your students practicing each aspect right away.

Finally, we’ll take a look at a few general tips on article writing.


The headline.

The purpose of the headline is to capture the reader’s attention and let them know what the article is about. All of this in usually no more than 4 or 5 words!

There is an art to good headline writing and all sorts of literary devices (e.g alliteration and metaphor) can be used to create an eye-catching and intriguing headline.

The best way for students to learn how headlines work is to view some historical samples.

Newspaper headlines especially are known for being short and pithy. Here are just a few examples to whet the appetite:

  • Hitler Is Dead
  • Lincoln Shot
  • Men Walk On The Moon
  • Berlin Wall Crumbles

You could encourage students to find some pithy examples of their own. It’s amazing how much information can be condensed into so few words – this is the essence of good headline writing.

Headlines Practice Activity:

Give students opportunities to practice headline writing in isolation from article writing itself. For example, take sample stories from newspapers and magazines and challenge students to write new headlines for them. Set a word limit appropriate to the skills and age of the students. For example, younger, more inexperienced students might write 9-word headlines, while older, more skilled students might thrive with the challenge of a 4-word limit.


Subheadings give the reader more information on what the article is about. For this reason, they’re often a little longer than headlines and use a smaller font, though still larger (or in bold) than the font used in the body of the text.

Subheadings provide a little more of the necessary detail to inform readers what’s going on. If a headline is a jab, the subheading is the cross.

In magazines and online articles especially, there are often subheadings throughout the article. In this context, they let the reader know what each paragraph/section is about.

Subheadings also help the reader’s eye to scan the article and quickly get a sense of the story, for the writer they help immensely to organize the structure of the story.

Practice Activity:

One way to help organize paragraphs in an article is to use parallel structure.

Parallel structure is when we use similar words, phrases, and grammar structures. We might see this being used in a series of subheadings in a ‘How to’ article where the subheadings all start with an imperative such as choose , attach , cut , etc.

Have you noticed how all the sections in this ‘Key Features’ part of this article start simply with the word ‘The’? This is another example of a parallel structure.

Yet another example of parallel structure is when all the subheadings appear in the form of a question.

Whichever type of parallel structure students use, they need to be sure that they all in some way relate to the original title of the article.

To give students a chance to practice writing subheadings using parallel structure, instruct them to write subheadings for a piece of text that doesn’t already have them.


Writing good, solid paragraphs is an art in itself. Luckily, you’ll find comprehensive guidance on this aspect of writing articles elsewhere on this site.

But, for now, let’s take a look at some general considerations for students when writing articles.

The length of the paragraphs will depend on the medium. For example, for online articles paragraphs are generally brief and to the point. Usually no more than a sentence or two and rarely more than five.

This style is often replicated in newspapers and magazines of a more tabloid nature.

Short paragraphs allow for more white space on the page or screen. This is much less daunting for the reader and makes it easier for them to focus their attention on what’s being said – a crucial advantage in these attention-hungry times.

Lots of white space makes articles much more readable on devices with smaller screens such as phones and tablets. Chunking information into brief paragraphs enables online readers to scan articles more quickly too, which is how much of the information on the internet is consumed – I do hope you’re not scanning this!

Conversely, articles that are written more formally, for example, academic articles, can benefit from longer paragraphs which allow for more space to provide supporting evidence for the topic sentence.

Deciding on the length of paragraphs in an article can be done by first thinking about the intended audience, the purpose of the article, as well as the nature of the information to be communicated.

A fun activity to practice paragraphing is to organize your students into groups and provide them with a copy of an article with the original paragraph breaks removed. In their groups, students read the article and decide on where they think the paragraphs should go.

To do this successfully, they’ll need to consider the type of publication they think the article is intended for, the purpose of the article, the language level, and the nature of the information.

When the groups have finished adding in their paragraph breaks they can share and compare their decisions with the other groups before you finally reveal where the breaks were in the original article.

Article Photos and Captions

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Photos and captions aren’t always necessary in articles, but when they are, our students must understand how to make the most of them.

Just like the previous key features on our list, there are specific things students need to know to make the most of this specific aspect of article writing.

  The internet has given us the gift of access to innumerable copyright-free images to accompany our articles, but what criteria should students use when choosing an image?

To choose the perfect accompanying image/s for their article, students need to identify images that match the tone of their article.

Quirky or risque images won’t match the more serious tone of an academic article well, but they might work perfectly for that feature of tattoo artists.

Photos are meant to bring value to an article – they speak a thousand words after all. It’s important then that the image is of a high enough resolution that the detail of those ‘thousand words’ is clearly visible to the reader.

Just as the tone of the photo should match the tone of the article, the tone of the caption should match the tone of the photo.

Captions should be informative and engaging. Often, the first thing a reader will look at in an article is the photos and then the caption. Frequently, they’ll use the information therein to decide whether or not they’ll continue to read.

When writing captions, students must avoid redundancy. They need to add information to that which is already available to the reader by looking at the image.

There’s no point merely describing in words what the reader can clearly see with their own two eyes. Students should describe things that are not immediately obvious, such as date, location, or the name of the event.

One last point, captions should be written in the present tense. By definition, the photo will show something that has happened already. Despite this, students should write as if the action in the image is happening right now.

Remind students that their captions should be brief; they must be careful not to waste words with such a tight format.

For this fun activity, you’ll need some old magazines and newspapers. Cut some of the photos out minus their captions. All the accompanying captions should be cut out and jumbled up. It’s the students’ job to match each image with the correct accompanying caption.

Students can present their decisions and explanations when they’ve finished.

A good extension exercise would be to challenge the students to write a superior caption for each of the images they’ve worked on.


Now your students have the key features of article writing sewn up tightly, let’s take a look at a few quick and easy tips to help them polish up their general article writing skills.

1. Read Widely – Reading widely, all manner of articles, is the best way students can internalize some of the habits of good article writing. Luckily, with the internet, it’s easy to find articles on any topic of interest at the click of a mouse.

2. Choose Interesting Topics – It’s hard to engage the reader when the writer is not themselves engaged. Be sure students choose article topics that pique their own interest (as far as possible!).

3. Research and Outline – Regardless of the type of article the student is writing, some research will be required. The research will help an article take shape in the form of an outline. Without these two crucial stages, articles run the danger of wandering aimlessly and, worse still, of containing inaccurate information and details.

4. Keep Things Simple – All articles are about communicating information in one form or another. The most effective way of doing this is to keep things easily understood by the reader. This is especially true when the topic is complex.

5. Edit and Proofread – This can be said of any type of writing, but it still bears repeating. Students need to ensure they comprehensively proofread and edit their work when they’ve ‘finished’. The importance of this part of the writing process can’t be overstated.

And to Conclude…

how to write an article, article writing | article writing guide | How to Write an Article |

With time and plenty of practice, students will soon internalize the formula as outlined above.

This will enable students to efficiently research, outline, and structure their ideas before writing.

This ability, along with the general tips mentioned, will soon enable your students to produce well-written articles on a wide range of topics to meet the needs of a diverse range of audiences.


writing checklists

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Primacy of the research question, structure of the paper, writing a research article: advice to beginners.

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Thomas V. Perneger, Patricia M. Hudelson, Writing a research article: advice to beginners, International Journal for Quality in Health Care , Volume 16, Issue 3, June 2004, Pages 191–192,

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Writing research papers does not come naturally to most of us. The typical research paper is a highly codified rhetorical form [ 1 , 2 ]. Knowledge of the rules—some explicit, others implied—goes a long way toward writing a paper that will get accepted in a peer-reviewed journal.

A good research paper addresses a specific research question. The research question—or study objective or main research hypothesis—is the central organizing principle of the paper. Whatever relates to the research question belongs in the paper; the rest doesn’t. This is perhaps obvious when the paper reports on a well planned research project. However, in applied domains such as quality improvement, some papers are written based on projects that were undertaken for operational reasons, and not with the primary aim of producing new knowledge. In such cases, authors should define the main research question a posteriori and design the paper around it.

Generally, only one main research question should be addressed in a paper (secondary but related questions are allowed). If a project allows you to explore several distinct research questions, write several papers. For instance, if you measured the impact of obtaining written consent on patient satisfaction at a specialized clinic using a newly developed questionnaire, you may want to write one paper on the questionnaire development and validation, and another on the impact of the intervention. The idea is not to split results into ‘least publishable units’, a practice that is rightly decried, but rather into ‘optimally publishable units’.

What is a good research question? The key attributes are: (i) specificity; (ii) originality or novelty; and (iii) general relevance to a broad scientific community. The research question should be precise and not merely identify a general area of inquiry. It can often (but not always) be expressed in terms of a possible association between X and Y in a population Z, for example ‘we examined whether providing patients about to be discharged from the hospital with written information about their medications would improve their compliance with the treatment 1 month later’. A study does not necessarily have to break completely new ground, but it should extend previous knowledge in a useful way, or alternatively refute existing knowledge. Finally, the question should be of interest to others who work in the same scientific area. The latter requirement is more challenging for those who work in applied science than for basic scientists. While it may safely be assumed that the human genome is the same worldwide, whether the results of a local quality improvement project have wider relevance requires careful consideration and argument.

Once the research question is clearly defined, writing the paper becomes considerably easier. The paper will ask the question, then answer it. The key to successful scientific writing is getting the structure of the paper right. The basic structure of a typical research paper is the sequence of Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (sometimes abbreviated as IMRAD). Each section addresses a different objective. The authors state: (i) the problem they intend to address—in other terms, the research question—in the Introduction; (ii) what they did to answer the question in the Methods section; (iii) what they observed in the Results section; and (iv) what they think the results mean in the Discussion.

In turn, each basic section addresses several topics, and may be divided into subsections (Table 1 ). In the Introduction, the authors should explain the rationale and background to the study. What is the research question, and why is it important to ask it? While it is neither necessary nor desirable to provide a full-blown review of the literature as a prelude to the study, it is helpful to situate the study within some larger field of enquiry. The research question should always be spelled out, and not merely left for the reader to guess.

Typical structure of a research paper

The Methods section should provide the readers with sufficient detail about the study methods to be able to reproduce the study if so desired. Thus, this section should be specific, concrete, technical, and fairly detailed. The study setting, the sampling strategy used, instruments, data collection methods, and analysis strategies should be described. In the case of qualitative research studies, it is also useful to tell the reader which research tradition the study utilizes and to link the choice of methodological strategies with the research goals [ 3 ].

The Results section is typically fairly straightforward and factual. All results that relate to the research question should be given in detail, including simple counts and percentages. Resist the temptation to demonstrate analytic ability and the richness of the dataset by providing numerous tables of non-essential results.

The Discussion section allows the most freedom. This is why the Discussion is the most difficult to write, and is often the weakest part of a paper. Structured Discussion sections have been proposed by some journal editors [ 4 ]. While strict adherence to such rules may not be necessary, following a plan such as that proposed in Table 1 may help the novice writer stay on track.

References should be used wisely. Key assertions should be referenced, as well as the methods and instruments used. However, unless the paper is a comprehensive review of a topic, there is no need to be exhaustive. Also, references to unpublished work, to documents in the grey literature (technical reports), or to any source that the reader will have difficulty finding or understanding should be avoided.

Having the structure of the paper in place is a good start. However, there are many details that have to be attended to while writing. An obvious recommendation is to read, and follow, the instructions to authors published by the journal (typically found on the journal’s website). Another concerns non-native writers of English: do have a native speaker edit the manuscript. A paper usually goes through several drafts before it is submitted. When revising a paper, it is useful to keep an eye out for the most common mistakes (Table 2 ). If you avoid all those, your paper should be in good shape.

Common mistakes seen in manuscripts submitted to this journal

Huth EJ . How to Write and Publish Papers in the Medical Sciences , 2nd edition. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1990 .

Browner WS . Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research . Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1999 .

Devers KJ , Frankel RM. Getting qualitative research published. Educ Health 2001 ; 14 : 109 –117.

Docherty M , Smith R. The case for structuring the discussion of scientific papers. Br Med J 1999 ; 318 : 1224 –1225.

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How to Write an Article Review (With Examples)

Last Updated: April 24, 2024 Fact Checked

Preparing to Write Your Review

Writing the article review, sample article reviews, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,100,887 times.

An article review is both a summary and an evaluation of another writer's article. Teachers often assign article reviews to introduce students to the work of experts in the field. Experts also are often asked to review the work of other professionals. Understanding the main points and arguments of the article is essential for an accurate summation. Logical evaluation of the article's main theme, supporting arguments, and implications for further research is an important element of a review . Here are a few guidelines for writing an article review.

Education specialist Alexander Peterman recommends: "In the case of a review, your objective should be to reflect on the effectiveness of what has already been written, rather than writing to inform your audience about a subject."

Article Review 101

  • Read the article very closely, and then take time to reflect on your evaluation. Consider whether the article effectively achieves what it set out to.
  • Write out a full article review by completing your intro, summary, evaluation, and conclusion. Don't forget to add a title, too!
  • Proofread your review for mistakes (like grammar and usage), while also cutting down on needless information.

Step 1 Understand what an article review is.

  • Article reviews present more than just an opinion. You will engage with the text to create a response to the scholarly writer's ideas. You will respond to and use ideas, theories, and research from your studies. Your critique of the article will be based on proof and your own thoughtful reasoning.
  • An article review only responds to the author's research. It typically does not provide any new research. However, if you are correcting misleading or otherwise incorrect points, some new data may be presented.
  • An article review both summarizes and evaluates the article.

Step 2 Think about the organization of the review article.

  • Summarize the article. Focus on the important points, claims, and information.
  • Discuss the positive aspects of the article. Think about what the author does well, good points she makes, and insightful observations.
  • Identify contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the text. Determine if there is enough data or research included to support the author's claims. Find any unanswered questions left in the article.

Step 3 Preview the article.

  • Make note of words or issues you don't understand and questions you have.
  • Look up terms or concepts you are unfamiliar with, so you can fully understand the article. Read about concepts in-depth to make sure you understand their full context.

Step 4 Read the article closely.

  • Pay careful attention to the meaning of the article. Make sure you fully understand the article. The only way to write a good article review is to understand the article.

Step 5 Put the article into your words.

  • With either method, make an outline of the main points made in the article and the supporting research or arguments. It is strictly a restatement of the main points of the article and does not include your opinions.
  • After putting the article in your own words, decide which parts of the article you want to discuss in your review. You can focus on the theoretical approach, the content, the presentation or interpretation of evidence, or the style. You will always discuss the main issues of the article, but you can sometimes also focus on certain aspects. This comes in handy if you want to focus the review towards the content of a course.
  • Review the summary outline to eliminate unnecessary items. Erase or cross out the less important arguments or supplemental information. Your revised summary can serve as the basis for the summary you provide at the beginning of your review.

Step 6 Write an outline of your evaluation.

  • What does the article set out to do?
  • What is the theoretical framework or assumptions?
  • Are the central concepts clearly defined?
  • How adequate is the evidence?
  • How does the article fit into the literature and field?
  • Does it advance the knowledge of the subject?
  • How clear is the author's writing? Don't: include superficial opinions or your personal reaction. Do: pay attention to your biases, so you can overcome them.

Step 1 Come up with...

  • For example, in MLA , a citation may look like: Duvall, John N. "The (Super)Marketplace of Images: Television as Unmediated Mediation in DeLillo's White Noise ." Arizona Quarterly 50.3 (1994): 127-53. Print. [9] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source

Step 3 Identify the article.

  • For example: The article, "Condom use will increase the spread of AIDS," was written by Anthony Zimmerman, a Catholic priest.

Step 4 Write the introduction.

  • Your introduction should only be 10-25% of your review.
  • End the introduction with your thesis. Your thesis should address the above issues. For example: Although the author has some good points, his article is biased and contains some misinterpretation of data from others’ analysis of the effectiveness of the condom.

Step 5 Summarize the article.

  • Use direct quotes from the author sparingly.
  • Review the summary you have written. Read over your summary many times to ensure that your words are an accurate description of the author's article.

Step 6 Write your critique.

  • Support your critique with evidence from the article or other texts.
  • The summary portion is very important for your critique. You must make the author's argument clear in the summary section for your evaluation to make sense.
  • Remember, this is not where you say if you liked the article or not. You are assessing the significance and relevance of the article.
  • Use a topic sentence and supportive arguments for each opinion. For example, you might address a particular strength in the first sentence of the opinion section, followed by several sentences elaborating on the significance of the point.

Step 7 Conclude the article review.

  • This should only be about 10% of your overall essay.
  • For example: This critical review has evaluated the article "Condom use will increase the spread of AIDS" by Anthony Zimmerman. The arguments in the article show the presence of bias, prejudice, argumentative writing without supporting details, and misinformation. These points weaken the author’s arguments and reduce his credibility.

Step 8 Proofread.

  • Make sure you have identified and discussed the 3-4 key issues in the article.

how to write a good sample article

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About This Article

Jake Adams

If you have to write an article review, read through the original article closely, taking notes and highlighting important sections as you read. Next, rewrite the article in your own words, either in a long paragraph or as an outline. Open your article review by citing the article, then write an introduction which states the article’s thesis. Next, summarize the article, followed by your opinion about whether the article was clear, thorough, and useful. Finish with a paragraph that summarizes the main points of the article and your opinions. To learn more about what to include in your personal critique of the article, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how to write a good sample article

How to write an article? | B2 First (FCE)

how to write a good sample article

In the B2 First Writing Paper you could be asked to write an article about a variety of topics. However, it’s often something you’ve recently learned to do or know a lot about. For example, the question might be about a concert you’ve been to recently, you favourite hobby or your hometown.

The idea is to write in a way that grabs the reader’s attention and keeps them interested until the very end.

Differences between articles and essays

  • In an article, you need to constantly be telling the reader what  you think .
  • The  article is informal,  the essay is formal and neutral.
  • The essay has a clear organisation, whereas the article  might not .

B2 First (FCE) Article: Structure

Fce, cae, cpe, practice, write & improve, b2 first (fce) article: writing guide.

Articles usually have a title. The title should be informative (give the reader an idea of the subject) and attractive ( make the reader want to read the article ).

  • No need for a complete sentence

Title A: The Internet: A Great Invention

Title B: Keep It Healthy!


The start of the article should be linked to the title, introduce the topic and engage the reader. Often, an article starts with a question that introduces the topic which will be discussed in the article.

  • General statement about the topic.
  • Start with a question, problem or quotation.

Introduction A: The Internet has changed the way we live. It started as something that we could access only through a computer, but nowadays it is everywhere, and I love it!

Introduction B:  Are you a busy college student? Do you struggle to keep fit and eat healthily? Don’t worry! I am going to tell you exactly what you should do. Keep on reading, you will thank me later!

Paragraphs 1-2

Each should be clearly defined, not too long and clearly linked.

  • Describe issues in detail and use one paragraph per issue.
  • Use linkers, sequencing and sophisticated vocabulary.

Paragraph A1: One of the cool things about the world wide web is that you can ….. Paragraph A2: However, the greatest thing about the Internet is how you can learn tons of things… Paragraph 1B: First of all, you must start moving your body. You could go to the gym if ….. Paragraph B2: Secondly, your diet is just as important. I suppose you live on a low budget

An ending can state an opinion, give the reader something to think about, summarise the article or even end with a quotation.

Conclusion A: If you follow all these tips, I’m sure you will keep fit easily! And if you already tried that, let me know how you feel now

Conclusion B: In conclusion, the Internet has a lot of great things. For me, the best are finding information and learning online. What about you? What are your favourite things about it?

  Let’s summarize! – How to write an Article?

how to write a good sample article

  • Try and engage the reader’s attention and interest. Ask questions at the beginning.
  • There should be a link between the opening sentence and the title.
  • Personalise the article using true stories or anecdotes.
  • If you decide to take a light-hearted approach or a more serious one, maintain the same style throughout the article.
  • Check your work for accuracy, punctuation and spelling.

Article could be light or serious (but should be consistent), depending on who the target reader is. May use some rhetorical questions e.g. Can you imagine a school where every student enjoys themselves?

More than Practice Tests

B2 first (fce) article: model answers, fce article example 1.

A local magazine has asked readers to write an article about their favourite things about the Internet. Write the article talking about the things you do with the Internet and recommend a website to other readers.

Write your article.

Student’s FCE Article Answer:

The Internet: A Great Invention

The Internet has changed the way we live. It started as something that we could access only through a computer, but nowadays it is everywhere, and I love it!

One of the cool things about the world wide web is that you can look up anything you want and nd out the answer straight away. Isn’t that fantastic? For example, imagine you are arguing with your friends about how to do something. Easy solution! Go online and find the answer.

However, the greatest thing about the Internet is how you can learn tons of things very cheaply or even for free! In fact, my favourite website is,where people register to teach and learn about different things: music, website design, making apps, history, etc. So I totally recommend it to everyone!

In conclusion, the Internet has a lot of great things. For me, the best are finding information and learning online. What about you? What are your favourite things about it?

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Get Your (FCE) Article Checked!

Fce article example 2.

Fitness bloggers wanted!

Our fitness magazine is looking for influencers to write an article on how to stay fit when you are a college student. So if you have any cool ideas, send us an article in which you:

• Explain the type of exercise you recommend • Recommend a healthy but cheap diet • Give other ideas you like

Write your article .

Keep It Healthy!

Are you a busy college student? Do you struggle to keep fit and eat healthily? Don’t worry! I am going to tell you exactly what you should do. Keep on reading, you will thank me later!

First of all, you must start moving your body. You could go to the gym if you have the time. But if you’re busy – you’re a student, you should be busy! – don’t sign up for a gym. Instead, start cycling to college and give up using elevators. You’ll see how your fitness improves quickly!

Secondly, your diet is just as important. I suppose you live on a low budget, so I suggest you don’t eat out much. Eating out can be unhealthy and expensive. Sogo to your local supermarket and buy healthy, inexpensive vegetables and fruit.

Finally, pay attention to how you sit when you are studying. Posture is super important to feel well, especially if you are a student or an office worker.

If you follow all these tips, I’m sure you will keep fit easily! And if you already tried that, let me know how you feel now

B2 First (FCE) Article: Example topics

Fce sample article topic 1.

You see this announcement in the Leisure and Entertainment  magazine.

Could you live without internet for a month? Write and tell us what difference this would make to your life. We will publish the best article.

FCE Sample Article Topic 2

You see this announcement in a magazine.

We invite you to write an article on ‘The City of the Future’. In what ways will Cities be different in the future? In what ways will they be the same? The writer of the best article will receive a prize.

FCE Sample Article Topic 3

You have seen this notice in an international magazine.

Inventions have affected all our lives! Write us an article about one invention, explaining why you think it is important and saying how it has affected your own life.

The best article will be published in the magazine.

B2 First (FCE) Article: Writing Checklist

how to write a good sample article

After writing your text, you can check it yourself using the writing checklist below.

How to do that? Simply check your text/email by answering the questions one by one:

  • Have I covered all the key information required by the task?
  • Have I written only information which is relevant to the task?
  • Have I developed the basic points in the task with my own ideas?

Communicative Achievement

  • Have I achieved the main purpose(s) of the text (for example, explaining, persuading, suggesting, apologising, comparing, etc.)?
  • Have I communicated a balance of straightforward and more complex ideas?
  • Have I used a suitable style and register (formal or informal) for the task?


  • Have I used paragraphs appropriately to organise my ideas?
  • Have I used other organisational features appropriately for the genre of the text (for example, titles, headings, openings, closings, etc.)?
  • Is the connection between my ideas clear and easy for the reader to follow? (For example, have I used appropriate linking words, pronouns, etc. to refer to different things within the text?)
  • Are the ideas balanced appropriately, with suitable attention and space given to each one?
  • Have I used a wide range of vocabulary?
  • Have I avoided repeating the same words and phrases?
  • Have I used a range of simple and more complex grammatical structures?
  • Have I correctly used any common phrases which are relevant to the specific task or topic?
  • Is my use of grammar accurate?
  • Is my spelling accurate?

B2 First (FCE) Article: Tips

how to write a good sample article

  • PLAN your article.
  • Give your article a title.
  • Ask rhetorical questions to get your readers’ attention. Eg. What would the world be like without oil? What will life be like in 20 years time?
  • Speak directly to your readers. Eg. Let’s just imagine some of the possibilities.
  • Give examples where appropriate.
  • Use humour where appropriate
  • Give a conclusion and summary in the last paragraph.
  • Finally, give your opinion where appropriate.
  • REVISE your article to correct mistakes

Would you pass B2 First (FCE)?

B2 first (fce) article: useful phrases & expressions.

We will finish it with some useful vocabulary mostly used to organize information. Although it is taking a shortcut, if you learn several expressions for each paragraph in each type of text that could be on your exam, you will certainly be able to create a very consistent and well-organized text.

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Rhetorical phrases:

Have you ever ……..?  What do you think about ……..?  Are you one of those people who thinks that ……? Are you one of those people who …….? What would life be like if ……? Will the future bring us ….. ?

Introducing your first point:

Firstly In the first place First of all   The first thing to consider is  One thing to consider is  To begin with

Introducing more points:

Secondly   Another consideration  Yet another consideration  Another thing to consider is Added to that  Apart from that  In addition to this

Introducing your final points:

In conclusion  To conclude  To sum up  So

Introducing your opinion:

I think   In my opinion  Personally, I believe that   In my view  If you ask me  To my mind  My personal opinion is

What is your level of English?

Career Sidekick

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How to Write a Reference Letter (Template & Examples)

By Ammar Ahmed

Published: January 29, 2024

A reference letter serves as a formal endorsement of an individual’s skills, character, and achievements, typically penned by a former employer, colleague, or academic mentor. 

This guide aims to empower professionals with the tools and knowledge to craft effective reference letters, combining best practices with practical templates to streamline this essential task.

Types of Reference Letters

Understanding the different types of reference letters is crucial for professionals, as each type caters to specific contexts and highlights various aspects of an individual’s profile. Below, we explore three key types: Professional, Academic, and Character Reference Letters.

Professional Reference Letters

Professional reference letters are written by a previous employer, supervisor, or professional colleague. They focus on the applicant’s work experience, skills, and professional achievements. These letters are often required during job applications or for career advancement opportunities. 

These letters should detail the individual’s role, responsibilities, key accomplishments, and work ethic. It’s essential to mention specific instances where the individual demonstrated their skills and contributed to the organization’s success.

Related Article: Who to Use for Professional References 

Academic Reference Letters

Academic reference letters are typically requested for educational pursuits, such as college admissions, scholarships, or academic awards. Written by teachers, professors, or academic advisors, these letters highlight the individual’s academic achievements, intellectual capabilities, and potential for future success in their field of study. 

They should reflect on the individual’s academic performance, participation in class, and any notable projects or research work. This type of letter often emphasizes the individual’s dedication, curiosity, and ability to overcome academic challenges.

Character Reference Letters

Character reference letters focus primarily on the personal attributes of an individual. They are usually written by someone who knows the person well but is not a family member, such as a mentor, family friend, or community leader. 

These letters are particularly important when assessing an individual’s suitability for a role that requires a high degree of trust and integrity. They should provide insights into the individual’s character, values, and behaviors, illustrating how these traits have been beneficial in various situations.

Related Article : How Many References Should You Have? 

Letter of Recommendation Examples

In crafting a letter of recommendation, it’s essential to tailor the content to the specific needs and strengths of the individual. Whether it’s for a professional role, character assessment, or a remote work position, each letter should effectively highlight the candidate’s unique qualities and contributions. 

These examples are designed to provide a clear understanding of how to articulate a candidate’s abilities and achievements in a manner that resonates with the recipient, ensuring the letter is both compelling and relevant to the candidate’s desired opportunity.

Professional Employment Reference Letter

Taylor Robinson Hiring Committee Chair Innovatech Solutions 321 Future St. Techville, TV 32167 April 5, 2024

Dear Mr./Ms. Robinson,

It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Laura Smith for the position of Project Manager at Innovatech Solutions. As the Senior Director of Project Management at TechGenius, I had the privilege of observing Laura’s professional growth and remarkable contributions over her four-year tenure as an Assistant Project Manager.

Laura’s standout achievement was her leadership in the “GreenTech Initiative” project in 2020. Under her guidance, the project not only met but exceeded its objectives, achieving a 30% increase in energy efficiency for our client’s products. Her strategic planning, combined with her ability to seamlessly integrate new technology into existing systems, was critical to the project’s success. Laura’s innovative approach and meticulous attention to detail were instrumental in securing a 15% grant for future sustainability projects for TechGenius.

Beyond her technical skills, Laura’s interpersonal abilities truly set her apart. Her team leadership and conflict resolution skills were pivotal during challenging project phases, ensuring team cohesion and maintaining client satisfaction. Her mentorship of junior staff members has left a lasting positive impact on our department.

I am confident that Laura will bring the same level of exceptional performance, dedication, and innovation to the Project Manager role at Innovatech Solutions. Her blend of strategic foresight, technical expertise, and leadership ability makes her an excellent fit for your team. I strongly recommend her for this position and believe she will be a valuable asset to your organization.

Please feel free to contact me for any further information or clarification.

John Doe Senior Director of Project Management, TechGenius [email protected] +1 555 123 4567

Character Reference Letter for a Coworker

Jane Doe Human Resources Manager Green Earth Initiatives 123 Business Rd. Business City, BC 12345 January 1, 2024

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Emily Johnson’s application for the Community Outreach Coordinator position at Green Earth Initiatives. As Emily’s coworker at Design & Innovate Corp for over five years, I have had the privilege of witnessing her exceptional character and dedication to community service.

Emily has always been more than just a proficient graphic designer ; she is a driving force for positive change within our community. One of her most notable contributions was her volunteer work with the local “Food for All” campaign, where she not only designed impactful promotional materials but also played a crucial role in organizing community food drives. Her efforts helped raise awareness and significant donations for the cause, demonstrating her compassion and commitment to helping those in need.

What truly sets Emily apart is her genuine empathy and integrity. She often takes the initiative to support new team members and creates an inclusive and welcoming work environment. Her ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, combined with her strong ethical values, makes her an outstanding role model and team player.

Emily’s passion for community engagement, along with her innate ability to inspire and mobilize people toward a common goal, makes her an ideal candidate for the Community Outreach Coordinator role. I am confident that her exceptional interpersonal skills and dedication to social causes will enable her to excel in this position and make a meaningful impact at Green Earth Initiatives.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or insights regarding Emily’s character and abilities.

Warm regards,

David Thompson Senior Graphic Designer, Design & Innovate Corp [email protected] +1 555 678 9101

Remote Work Employment Reference Letter

Alex Martinez Hiring Manager VirtualTech Inc 456 Justice Ave. Law City, LC 45678 March 10, 2024

Dear Attorney Martinez,

I am delighted to recommend Mark Benson for the position of Lead Software Engineer at VirtualTech Inc. As the CTO of NetSolutions, where Mark has been working remotely for the past three years, I have had ample opportunity to observe his exceptional technical abilities and adaptability to the remote working model.

During his tenure with us, Mark was instrumental in developing our flagship product, CloudSync, a complex cloud storage solution. His technical expertise, particularly in cloud computing and cybersecurity, was vital in overcoming the project’s significant challenges. Despite the remote setting, Mark’s consistent communication and collaboration were standout qualities. He regularly led virtual team meetings and coding sessions, ensuring that all team members, regardless of their location, were aligned and engaged.

What impresses me most about Mark is his self-motivation and time management skills, crucial in a remote work environment. He has an innate ability to prioritize tasks effectively and meet deadlines without compromising on the quality of work. His initiative to conduct weekly virtual training sessions for the team not only enhanced our collective skill set but also fostered a sense of community and teamwork among remote employees.

Mark’s blend of technical acumen, excellent communication, and leadership skills, along with his proven ability to thrive in a remote work environment, makes him an ideal candidate for VirtualTech Inc. I am confident that he will be a valuable asset to your team and contribute significantly to your company’s success in the digital realm.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like further information or specific examples of Mark’s work and achievements.

Susan Lee Chief Technology Officer , NetSolutions [email protected] +1 555 234 5678

What to Include in a Reference Letter

When composing a reference letter, it’s essential to include certain key elements to ensure the letter is effective and provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate’s qualifications.

These elements include:

1. Sender’s Information

The sender’s information is a critical component of any reference letter, as it establishes the credibility and authority of the person writing the letter.

This section should be clearly outlined at the top of the letter and include the following details:

  • Name: The full name of the individual writing the reference letter.
  • Title or Position: The professional title or position of the sender, which adds weight to the reference. This should be the current title or the one held while working with the individual being recommended.
  • Company or Organization: The name of the company or organization where the sender is employed or affiliated.
  • Contact Information: Including an address, phone number, and email address is crucial. It not only offers a means for the recipient to verify the information or seek further clarification but also demonstrates transparency and openness.

2. Recipient’s Information

  • Name: The full name of the recipient. If the recipient’s name is not known, a general title or department can be used, such as “Hiring Manager” or “Admissions Committee.”
  • Title or Position: Including the recipient’s professional title or position helps in directing the letter to the appropriate person, especially in large organizations where multiple individuals may be involved in the decision-making process.
  • Company or Organization: The name of the company or organization where the recipient works. This acknowledges the professional setting into which the candidate is seeking entry or advancement.
  • Address: The full postal address of the company or organization. 

3. Salutation

The salutation in a reference letter is more than just a formality; it sets the tone for the communication and shows respect for the recipient.

Here are key elements to consider:

  • A Formal Greeting: Begin with a formal greeting such as “Dear,” which is universally recognized as professional and respectful.
  • Addressing the Recipient: If you know the recipient’s name, use it directly after the greeting, e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Dr. Jones.” 
  • Inclusive and Respectful Language: If the recipient’s name or gender is unknown, use a neutral and inclusive salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager,” “Dear Selection Committee,” or “To Whom It May Concern”. 

4. Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph of a reference letter is pivotal in establishing the context of your relationship with the candidate and setting the stage for the endorsement to follow.

Here are some elements to include in this initial section:

  • Introduce Yourself: Start by introducing yourself to give the recipient an understanding of who you are. Mention your name and your professional position or title, as this adds credibility to your recommendation.
  • Your Relationship with the Candidate: Clearly state your professional or academic relationship with the person you are recommending. This could be as their supervisor, colleague, professor, or mentor.
  • Duration of Relationship: Include how long you have known the individual. This time frame helps the recipient gauge the depth and extent of your experience with the candidate.
  • Purpose of the Letter: Briefly mention the purpose of your letter – to recommend the individual for a specific position, program, or opportunity. This sets a clear context for the rest of your letter.

5. Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are the core of the reference letter, where you provide detailed insights into the candidate’s qualifications, skills, achievements, and character.

Here’s how to structure this section effectively:

  • Specific Examples and Details: Use concrete examples to illustrate the person’s skills and qualifications. For instance, if you are highlighting their leadership skills, mention a specific project they led and the positive outcomes that resulted from it.
  • Highlight Relevant Experiences and Accomplishments: Discuss experiences that directly relate to the position or opportunity the individual is pursuing. For example, if they’re applying for a managerial role focus on instances where they demonstrated effective management skills.
  • Unique Qualities or Strengths: Point out any unique strengths or qualities that make the individual stand out. This could include exceptional problem-solving skills, innovative thinking, or a strong commitment to teamwork.
  • Personal Anecdotes or Stories: Including a brief story or anecdote can make your letter more engaging and memorable. This could be an instance where the individual overcame a significant challenge or went above and beyond in their role.
  • Balanced Perspective: While it’s important to focus on positive attributes, offering a balanced perspective can add authenticity to your letter. If appropriate, you can mention areas where the candidate has shown growth during your relationship.

Remember, the goal of these paragraphs is to provide a vivid picture of the candidate’s abilities and character. Well-chosen examples and stories make your endorsement more convincing and help the recipient understand why the individual is an excellent fit for the opportunity.

6. Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph of a reference letter is where you encapsulate your overall recommendation and express your support for the individual.

Here are some elements to include:

  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly restate the most important qualities, achievements, or skills of the candidate that you have highlighted in the letter. This reinforces your endorsement and reminds the reader of the candidate’s suitability for the position or opportunity.
  • Express Your Strong Recommendation: Clearly state your confidence in the candidate and your belief in their suitability for the role or opportunity. Use affirmative language like, “I highly recommend,” or “I am confident that,” to leave no doubt about your support.
  • Offer to Provide Further Information: Indicate your willingness to provide additional information or clarification if needed. This shows your genuine support and readiness to assist further in the candidate’s application process.
  • Contact Information Reminder: Although your contact information is already at the top, a brief reminder here ensures that it is easily accessible for the reader, should they wish to follow up with you.

7. Closing Salutation

Here’s how to conclude your letter appropriately:

  • Use a Professional Closing: Opt for a formal and universally accepted closing phrase. Common examples include “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours truly.” 
  • Consistency with the Tone: Ensure that the closing salutation matches the overall tone of your letter. If your letter is highly formal, a closing like “Sincerely” is appropriate. For a slightly less formal tone, “Best regards” can be a good choice.
  • Space for Signature: If you are sending a hard copy or a scanned version of the letter, leave space for your handwritten signature above your typed name. This personal touch adds authenticity to the document.
  • Typed Name and Title: Below the signature space, type your full name and title again. 

Related Article: When Do Employers Check References?

Reference Letter Template

This reference letter template is designed for professionals to easily adapt and customize according to the specific needs of the individual being recommended. Simply fill in the blanks and modify the text as necessary to suit your context.

[Your Name] [Your Title or Position] [Your Company or Organization] [Your Contact Information (Address, Phone Number, Email)] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title or Position] [Recipient’s Company or Organization] [Recipient’s Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to recommend [Candidate’s Full Name] for [Position/Opportunity/Program] at [Recipient’s Company/Organization/School]. As [Your Position] at [Your Company/Organization], I have had the pleasure of working with [Candidate’s Name] for [Duration of Relationship] and have witnessed [his/her/their] significant contributions first-hand.

[In this paragraph, provide specific examples of the candidate’s skills, achievements, and qualities. Mention a particular project or responsibility and the impact of their work. Highlight any unique attributes that set the candidate apart.]

[This paragraph should continue to build on the candidate’s qualifications. Include personal anecdotes or stories that illustrate their capabilities and character. Focus on how their contributions positively affected your team or organization.]

I am confident that [Candidate’s Name] will bring [his/her/their] remarkable [skills/qualities, such as leadership, creativity, dedication] to [Recipient’s Company/Organization/School]. [His/Her/Their] ability to [specific skill or contribution] makes [him/her/them] well-suited for [Position/Opportunity/Program]. I strongly endorse [his/her/their] candidacy and believe [he/she/they] will be a valuable addition to your [team/program/organization].

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you require any further information or specific examples of [Candidate’s Name]’s work and achievements.

[Your Handwritten Signature (if applicable)]

[Your Typed Name] [Your Position]

Related Article: How to Provide References for a Job

Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation

Crafting effective letters of recommendation requires a delicate balance of showcasing the candidate’s strengths, providing specific examples, and employing persuasive language. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the intricacies of this crucial task.

Quantify Achievements

When writing a letter of recommendation, it’s powerful to quantify the candidate’s achievements. Use specific figures and statistics to illustrate their accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “significantly increased sales,” specify “increased sales by 30% over six months.” This provides concrete evidence of their capabilities and makes their achievements more tangible and credible. Quantifying contributions also helps the recipient gauge the scale and impact of these accomplishments, offering a clearer picture of the candidate’s potential.

Connect to the Position or Opportunity

Tailor the letter to the specific position or opportunity the candidate is applying for. Highlight skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the job requirements or academic program. For instance, if the candidate is applying for a leadership role, emphasize their successful team management experiences. This shows that you understand what the role entails and have thoughtfully considered how the candidate’s skills and experiences make them a good fit, making your recommendation more relevant and persuasive.

Include Keywords

Identify important terms in the job listing or academic program description, such as “project management,” “analytical thinking,” or “creative problem-solving,” and weave them into your letter. This not only tailors the letter to the specific role but also ensures it passes through any automated screenings, increasing the chance that your recommendation will be read by decision-makers.

Leverage Technology for Reference Letter Management

Utilize technology platforms for efficient reference letter management. For example, online reference request platforms simplify the process of requesting, writing, storing, and submitting letters of recommendation. These tools often offer templates, reminders, and the ability to submit letters directly to institutions or employers. 

Leveraging such technology can streamline the process, ensuring timely submission and organization of your reference letters, while also offering a secure way to manage sensitive personal information contained within these documents.

Related Article: Reference Check Questions

Ammar Ahmed

About the Author

Read more articles by Ammar Ahmed

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'ZDNET Recommends': What exactly does it mean?

ZDNET's recommendations are based on many hours of testing, research, and comparison shopping. We gather data from the best available sources, including vendor and retailer listings as well as other relevant and independent reviews sites. And we pore over customer reviews to find out what matters to real people who already own and use the products and services we’re assessing.

When you click through from our site to a retailer and buy a product or service, we may earn affiliate commissions. This helps support our work, but does not affect what we cover or how, and it does not affect the price you pay. Neither ZDNET nor the author are compensated for these independent reviews. Indeed, we follow strict guidelines that ensure our editorial content is never influenced by advertisers.

ZDNET's editorial team writes on behalf of you, our reader. Our goal is to deliver the most accurate information and the most knowledgeable advice possible in order to help you make smarter buying decisions on tech gear and a wide array of products and services. Our editors thoroughly review and fact-check every article to ensure that our content meets the highest standards. If we have made an error or published misleading information, we will correct or clarify the article. If you see inaccuracies in our content, please report the mistake via this form .

How to use ChatGPT to write code: What it can and can't do for you


One of the more intriguing discoveries about ChatGPT is that it can write pretty good code. I first tested this out last year when I asked it to write a WordPress plugin my wife could use on her website. ChatGPT did a fine job, but it was a very simple project. 

How to use ChatGPT to write: Resumes  | Excel formulas | Essays | Cover letters  

So, how can you use ChatGPT to write code as part of your daily coding practice? Here's a quick summary:

  • ChatGPT can produce both useful and unusable code. For best results, provide clear and detailed prompts.
  • ChatGPT excels in assisting with specific coding tasks or routines, rather than building complete applications from scratch.
  • Use ChatGPT to find and choose the right coding libraries for specific purposes, and engage in an interactive discussion to narrow down options.
  • Be cautious about the ownership of AI-generated code and always verify the code's reliability. Don't blindly trust the generated output.
  • Treat interactions with ChatGPT as a conversation. Refine your questions based on the AI's responses to get closer to the desired output.

Now, let's explore ChatGPT in considerably more depth.

What types of coding can ChatGPT do well?

There are two important facts about ChatGPT and coding. The first is that the AI can, in fact, write useful code. 

The second is that it can get completely lost, fall down a rabbit hole, chase its own tail, and produce unusable garbage.

Also: The best free AI courses

I found this out the hard way. After I finished the WordPress plugin, I decided to see how far ChatGPT could go. 

I wrote out a very careful prompt for a Mac application, including detailed descriptions of user interface elements, interactions, what would be provided in settings, how they would work, and so on. Then, I fed the prompt to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT responded with a flood of text and code. Then, it stopped mid-code. When I asked it to continue, it vomited out even more code and text. I requested continue after continue, and it dumped out more and more code. But... none of it was usable . It didn't identify where the code should go, how to construct the project, and -- when I looked carefully at the code produced -- it left out major operations I requested, leaving in simple text descriptions stating "program logic goes here".

Also: Yikes! Microsoft Copilot failed every single one of my coding tests

After a bunch of repeated tests, it became clear to me that if you ask ChatGPT to deliver a complete application, it will fail. A corollary to this observation is that if you know nothing about coding and want ChatGPT to build you something, it will fail.

Where ChatGPT succeeds -- and does so very well -- is in helping someone who already knows how to code to build specific routines and get specific tasks done. Don't ask for an app that runs on the menu bar. But if you ask ChatGPT for a routine to put a menu on the menu bar, and then paste that into your project, the tool will do quite well.

Also, keep in mind that while ChatGPT appears  to have a tremendous amount of domain-specific knowledge (and it often does), it lacks wisdom . As such, the tool may be able to write code, but it won't be able to write code containing the nuances for very specific or complex problems that require deep experience to understand.

Also:  How to use ChatGPT to create an app

Use ChatGPT to demo techniques, write small algorithms, and produce subroutines. You can even get ChatGPT to help you break down a bigger project into chunks, and then you can ask it to help you code those chunks.

So, with that in mind, let's look at some specific steps for how ChatGPT can help you write code.

How to use ChatGPT to write code

1. narrow down and sharpen up your request.

This first step is to decide what you are going to ask of ChatGPT -- but not yet ask it anything. Decide what you want your function or routine to do, or what you want to learn about to incorporate into your code. Decide on the parameters you're going to pass into your code and what you want to get out. And then look at how you're going to describe it.

Also: How to write better ChatGPT prompts

Imagine you're paying a human programmer to do this task. Are you giving that person enough information to be able to work on your assignment? Or are you too vague and the person you're paying is more likely to either ask questions or turn in something entirely unrelated to what you want?

Here's an example. Let's say I want to be able to summarize any web page. I want to feed it something like this article and get back a short summary that's well-considered and appropriate. As my input, I'll specify a web page URL. As my output, it's a block of text with a summary.

2. Use ChatGPT to explore libraries and resources

Continuing with the example above, a very old school way of extracting web page data was to find the text between HTML paragraph tags.

But with the rise of AI tools , it makes more sense to use an AI library to do an intelligent extract and summary. One of the places ChatGPT excels (and it's also an area you can easily verify to avoid its authoritative-but-wrong behavior pattern) is finding libraries and resources. 

Also: How to make ChatGPT provide sources and citations

OpenAI (the maker of ChatGPT) sells API access to the GPT-3 and GPT-4 engines that will do exactly what we want. But in the case of this example, let's assume we don't want to pay transaction fees.

So let's look at interacting with ChatGPT to figure out how to use such a tool, for free, with a project that runs in PHP.

I started with a prompt that was designed to elicit information about what libraries would provide the functionality I wanted. A library (for those of you reading along who aren't programmers) is a body of code a programmer can access that does a lot of the heavy lifting for a specific purpose. A big part of modern programming is finding and choosing the right libraries, so this is a good starting point.

In this case, I'm looking at blocks of code written by other people that will summarize text. Here's my first prompt:

Describe ten different open source AI libraries (and the languages they work with) that I can use to generate a summary of the main core contents of any web page, ignoring any ads or embedded materials.

This prompt gave me exactly what I wanted, including a mention of OpenAI's offerings. I think OpenAI would do great here, but for this hypothetical project, I don't want to budget for API fees. So. I'll narrow down the question:

Are any of these free?

ChatGPT hedged its bets with its answer. Here's what it said: "Yes, all ten of these AI libraries are open source and free to use. However, some of them may have usage limits or require payment for access to additional features or resources." So, based on that, I clarified my query:

Which of these libraries have no usage limits and don't require any additional payment or licensing?

Notice how this is very much a conversation. I don't have to re-ask the originating question. I'm just drilling down in the same way I might if I had an expert at hand and was seeking clarification. In this case, ChatGPT gave me eight library choices, but none of them mentioned the PHP language that I was planning to code in. So, here's the next prompt:

Of those 8 libraries, can I use any with PHP?

It returned three libraries, but I wasn't sure about what each did. So, another question:

What's the difference between Sumy, Gensim, and NLTK?

I still wasn't sure, so I clarified my use plan and then asked:

If I want to create summaries of web page news articles, which library would work better?

The answer I got was clear and promising: "Sumy is specifically designed for text summarization, which is the task of creating a summary that captures the most important information from a piece of text." So, now it was time to see what was involved in using Sumy with PHP. I asked my last question for this part of the project:

Can you explain how to use Sumy from PHP?

Feel free to play along on your computer and paste these prompts into your instance of ChatGPT. Notice that, in step one, I decided what program module I was going to get help on. Then, in this step, I had a conversation with ChatGPT to decide what library to use and how to integrate it into my project.

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That may not seem like programming, but I assure you it is. Programming isn't just blasting lines of code onto a page. Programming is figuring out how to integrate all the various resources and systems together, and how to talk to all the various components of your solution. Here, ChatGPT helped me do that integration analysis.

By the way, I was curious whether Google's Gemini AI (formerly Bard) could help in the same way. Gemini can't actually write code, but it did give some extra insights into the planning aspect of programming over ChatGPT's responses. So, don't hesitate to use multiple tools to triangulate on answers you want. Here's that story: Gemini vs. ChatGPT: Can Gemini help you code?  Since I wrote that article, Google added some coding capabilities to Gemini, but they're not all that great. You can read about it here: I tested Google Gemini's new coding skills. It didn't go well . And even more recently, I dug into Gemini Advanced . It's still not passing many tests.

Also: How I test an AI chatbot's coding ability - and you can too

Coding is next. 

3. Ask ChatGPT to write example code

OK, let's pause here. This article is entitled "How to use ChatGPT to write code." And it will. But what we're really doing is asking ChatGPT to write example code.

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Let's be clear: Unless you're writing a very small function (like the line sorter/randomizer ChatGPT wrote for my wife), ChatGPT isn't going to be able to write your final code. First, you're going to have to maintain it. ChatGPT is terrible at modifying already-written code. Terrible, as in, it doesn't do it. So, to get new code, you have to ask ChatGPT to generate something new. As I found previously, even if your prompt is virtually identical, ChatGPT may change what it gives you in very unexpected ways.

So, bottom line: ChatGPT can't maintain your code, or even tweak it.

That limitation means you have to do it yourself. As we know, the first draft of a piece of code is rarely the final code. So, even if you were to expect ChatGPT to generate final code, it would really be a starting point, one where you need to take it to completion, integrate it into your bigger project, test it, refine it, debug it, and so on.

Also:   I asked ChatGPT to write a short Star Trek episode. It actually succeeded

But that doesn't mean the example code is worthless -- far from it. Let's take a look at a prompt I wrote based on the project I described earlier. Here's the first part:

Wite a PHP function called summarize_article. As input, summarize_article will be passed a URL to an article on a news-related site like or

I'm telling ChatGPT the programming language it should use. I'm also telling it the input but, while doing so, providing two sites as samples to help ChatGPT understand the style of article. Honestly, I'm not sure ChatGPT didn't ignore that bit of guidance. Next, I'll tell it how to do the bulk of the work:

Inside summarize_article, retrieve the contents of the web page at the URL provided. Using the library Sumy from within PHP and any other libraries necessary, extract the main body of the article, ignoring any ads or embedded materials, and summarize it to approximately 50 words. Make sure the summary consists of complete sentences. You can go above the 50 words to finish the last sentence, if necessary.

This is very similar to how I'd instruct an employee. I'd want that person to know that they weren't only restricted to Sumy. If they needed another tool, I wanted them to use it. 

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I also specified an approximate number of words to create bounds for what I wanted as a summary. A later version of the routine might take that number as a parameter. I then ended by saying what I wanted as a result:

Once processing is complete, code summarize_article so it returns the summary in plain text.

The resulting code is pretty simple. ChatGPT did call on another library (Goose) to retrieve the article contents. It then passed that summary to Sumy with a 50-word limit and then returned the result. But once the basics are written, it's a mere matter of programming to go back in and add tweaks, customize what's passed to the two libraries, and delivering the results.

One interesting point of note. When I originally tried this test in early 2023, ChatGPT created a sample call to the routine it wrote, using a URL from after 2021. At that time, in March 2023, ChatGPT's dataset only went to 2021. Now, the ChatGPT knowledge base extends to the end of December 2023. But my point is that ChatGPT made up a sample link that it couldn't possibly know about:

I checked that URL against both Reuters' site and the Wayback Machine, and it doesn't exist. Never assume ChatGPT is accurate. Always double-check everything it gives you.

Does ChatGPT replace programmers? 

Not now -- or, at least -- not yet. ChatGPT programs at the level of a talented first-year programming student, but it's lazy (like that first-year student). The tool might reduce the need for entry-level programmers, but at its current level, I think it will just make life easier for entry-level programmers (and even programmers with more experience) to write code and look up information. It's definitely a time-saver, but there are few programming projects it can do on its own -- at least now. In 2030? Who knows.

How do I get coding answers in ChatGPT?

Just ask it. You saw above how I used an interactive discussion dialog to narrow down the answers I wanted. When you're working with ChatGPT, don't expect one question to magically do all your work for you. But use ChatGPT as a helper and resource, and it will give you a lot of very helpful information. Of course, test that information -- because, as John Schulman, a co-founder of OpenAI, says , "Our biggest concern was around factuality, because the model likes to fabricate things."

Is the code generated by ChatGPT guaranteed to be error-free?

Hell, no! But you also can't trust the code human programmers write. I certainly don't trust any code I write. Code comes out of the code-making process incredibly flawed. There are always bugs. Before you ship, you need to test, test, and test again. Then, alpha test with a few chosen victims. Then beta test with your wider user community. Even after all that, there will be bugs. Just because an AI is playing at this coding thing doesn't mean it can do bug-free code. Do not trust. Always verify. And you still won't have it fully bug-free. Such is the nature of the universe.

How detailed should my description of a programming issue be when asking ChatGPT?

Detailed. Look at it this way: the more you leave open for interpretation, the more the AI will go its own way. When I give prompts to ChatGPT to help me while programming, I imagine I'm assigning a programming task to one of my students or someone who works for me. Did I give that person enough details to go off and create a first draft or will that person have to ask me a ton of additional questions? Worse, will that person have so little guidance that they'll go off in entirely the wrong direction? Don't be lazy here. ChatGPT can save you hours or even days programming (it has for me), but only if you give it useful instructions to begin with.

If I use ChatGPT to write my code, who owns it?

As it turns out, there's not a lot of case law yet to definitively answer this question. The US, Canada, and the UK require something that's copyrighted to have been created by human hands, so code generated by an AI tool may not be copyrightable. There are also issues of liability based on where the training code came from and how the resulting code is used. ZDNET did a deep dive on this topic, spoke to legal experts, and produced the following three articles. If you're concerned about this issue (and if you're using AI to help with code, you should be), I recommend you give them a read.

  • Who owns the code? If ChatGPT's AI helps write your app, does it still belong to you?
  • If you use AI-generated code, what's your liability exposure?
  • A thorny question: Who owns code, images, and narratives generated by AI?

What programming languages does ChatGPT know?

Most of them.  I tested common modern languages , like PHP, Python, Java, Kotlin, Swift, C#, and more. But then I had the tool  write code in obscure dark-age languages like COBOL, Fortran, Forth, LISP, ALGOL, RPG (the report program generator, not the role-playing game), and even IBM/360 assembly language. 

As the icing on the cake, I gave it this prompt:

Write a sequence that displays 'Hello, world' in ascii blinking lights on the front panel of a PDP 8/e

The PDP 8/e was my very first computer , and ChatGPT actually gave me instructions for toggling in a program using front-panel switches. I was impressed, gleeful, and ever so slightly afraid.

Can ChatGPT help me with data analysis and visualization tasks?

Yes, and a lot of it can be done without code. Check out my entire article on this topic:  The moment I realized ChatGPT Plus was a game-changer for my business .

I also did a piece on generated charts and tables:  How to use ChatGPT to make charts and tables

But here's where it gets fun. In the article above, I asked ChatGPT Plus "Make a bar chart of the top five cities in the world by population," and it did. But do you want code? Try asking:

Make a bar chart of the top five cities in the world by population in Swift. Pull the population data from online. Be sure to include any necessary libraries.

By adding "in Swift," you're specifying the programming language. By specifying where the data comes from and forcing ChatGPT Plus to include libraries, it knows to bring in the other resources the program needs. That's why, fundamentally, programming with an AI's help requires you to know things about programming. But if you do, it's cool. Because three sentences can get you a nice chunk of annotated code. Cool, huh?  

How does ChatGPT handle the differences between dialects and implementations of a given programming language?

We don't have exact details on this issue from OpenAI, but our understanding of how ChatGPT is trained can shed some light on this question. Keep in mind that dialects and implementations of programming languages (and their little quirks) change much more rapidly than the full language itself. This reality makes it harder for ChatGPT (and many programming professionals) to keep up.

Also:  How I used ChatGPT to write a custom JavaScript bookmarklet

As such, I'd work off these two assumptions:

  • The more recent the dialectic change, the less likely ChatGPT knows about it, and
  • The more popular a language overall, the more training data it likely has learned from, and therefore the more accurate it will be.

What's the bottom line? ChatGPT can be a very helpful tool. Just don't ascribe superpowers to it. Yet.

You can follow my day-to-day project updates on social media. Be sure to follow me on Twitter at @DavidGewirtz , on Facebook at , on Instagram at , and on YouTube at .

Code faster with generative AI, but beware the risks when you do

How to use chatgpt, how i test an ai chatbot's coding ability - and you can too.

A portrait of Shaun Barcavage, who holds his forehead as though in pain.

Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?

All vaccines have at least occasional side effects. But people who say they were injured by Covid vaccines believe their cases have been ignored.

Shaun Barcavage, 54, a nurse practitioner in New York City, said that ever since his first Covid shot, standing up has sent his heart racing. Credit... Hannah Yoon for The New York Times

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Apoorva Mandavilli

By Apoorva Mandavilli

Apoorva Mandavilli spent more than a year talking to dozens of experts in vaccine science, policymakers and people who said they had experienced serious side effects after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine.

  • Published May 3, 2024 Updated May 4, 2024

Within minutes of getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, Michelle Zimmerman felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts.

She was 37, with a Ph.D. in neuroscience, and until then could ride her bicycle 20 miles, teach a dance class and give a lecture on artificial intelligence, all in the same day. Now, more than three years later, she lives with her parents. Eventually diagnosed with brain damage, she cannot work, drive or even stand for long periods of time.

“When I let myself think about the devastation of what this has done to my life, and how much I’ve lost, sometimes it feels even too hard to comprehend,” said Dr. Zimmerman, who believes her injury is due to a contaminated vaccine batch .

The Covid vaccines, a triumph of science and public health, are estimated to have prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths . Yet even the best vaccines produce rare but serious side effects . And the Covid vaccines have been given to more than 270 million people in the United States, in nearly 677 million doses .

Dr. Zimmerman’s account is among the more harrowing, but thousands of Americans believe they suffered serious side effects following Covid vaccination. As of April, just over 13,000 vaccine-injury compensation claims have been filed with the federal government — but to little avail. Only 19 percent have been reviewed. Only 47 of those were deemed eligible for compensation, and only 12 have been paid out, at an average of about $3,600 .

Some scientists fear that patients with real injuries are being denied help and believe that more needs to be done to clarify the possible risks.

“At least long Covid has been somewhat recognized,” said Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist and vaccine expert at Yale University. But people who say they have post-vaccination injuries are “just completely ignored and dismissed and gaslighted,” she added.

Michelle Zimmerman sits on the floor of a ballroom where she used to dance, with a pair of dancing shoes next to her. She wears a dark skirt and a red velvet shirt.

In interviews and email exchanges conducted over several months, federal health officials insisted that serious side effects were extremely rare and that their surveillance efforts were more than sufficient to detect patterns of adverse events.

“Hundreds of millions of people in the United States have safely received Covid vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history,” Jeff Nesbit, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, said in an emailed statement.

But in a recent interview, Dr. Janet Woodcock, a longtime leader of the Food and Drug Administration, who retired in February, said she believed that some recipients had experienced uncommon but “serious” and “life-changing” reactions beyond those described by federal agencies.

“I feel bad for those people,” said Dr. Woodcock, who became the F.D.A.’s acting commissioner in January 2021 as the vaccines were rolling out. “I believe their suffering should be acknowledged, that they have real problems, and they should be taken seriously.”

“I’m disappointed in myself,” she added. “I did a lot of things I feel very good about, but this is one of the few things I feel I just didn’t bring it home.”

Federal officials and independent scientists face a number of challenges in identifying potential vaccine side effects.

The nation’s fragmented health care system complicates detection of very rare side effects, a process that depends on an analysis of huge amounts of data. That’s a difficult task when a patient may be tested for Covid at Walgreens, get vaccinated at CVS, go to a local clinic for minor ailments and seek care at a hospital for serious conditions. Each place may rely on different health record systems.

There is no central repository of vaccine recipients, nor of medical records, and no easy to way to pool these data. Reports to the largest federal database of so-called adverse events can be made by anyone, about anything. It’s not even clear what officials should be looking for.

“I mean, you’re not going to find ‘brain fog’ in the medical record or claims data, and so then you’re not going to find” a signal that it may be linked to vaccination, Dr. Woodcock said. If such a side effect is not acknowledged by federal officials, “it’s because it doesn’t have a good research definition,” she added. “It isn’t, like, malevolence on their part.”

The government’s understaffed compensation fund has paid so little because it officially recognizes few side effects for Covid vaccines. And vaccine supporters, including federal officials, worry that even a whisper of possible side effects feeds into misinformation spread by a vitriolic anti-vaccine movement.

‘I’m Not Real’

Patients who believe they experienced serious side effects say they have received little support or acknowledgment.

Shaun Barcavage, 54, a nurse practitioner in New York City who has worked on clinical trials for H.I.V. and Covid, said that ever since his first Covid shot, merely standing up sent his heart racing — a symptom suggestive of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome , a neurological disorder that some studies have linked to both Covid and, much less often, vaccination .

He also experienced stinging pain in his eyes, mouth and genitals, which has abated, and tinnitus, which has not.

“I can’t get the government to help me,” Mr. Barcavage said of his fruitless pleas to federal agencies and elected representatives. “I am told I’m not real. I’m told I’m rare. I’m told I’m coincidence.”

Renee France, 49, a physical therapist in Seattle, developed Bell’s palsy — a form of facial paralysis, usually temporary — and a dramatic rash that neatly bisected her face. Bell’s palsy is a known side effect of other vaccines, and it has been linked to Covid vaccination in some studies.

But Dr. France said doctors were dismissive of any connection to the Covid vaccines. The rash, a bout of shingles, debilitated her for three weeks, so Dr. France reported it to federal databases twice.

“I thought for sure someone would reach out, but no one ever did,” she said.

Similar sentiments were echoed in interviews, conducted over more than a year, with 30 people who said they had been harmed by Covid shots. They described a variety of symptoms following vaccination, some neurological, some autoimmune, some cardiovascular.

All said they had been turned away by physicians, told their symptoms were psychosomatic, or labeled anti-vaccine by family and friends — despite the fact that they supported vaccines.

Even leading experts in vaccine science have run up against disbelief and ambivalence.

Dr. Gregory Poland, 68, editor in chief of the journal Vaccine, said that a loud whooshing sound in his ears had accompanied every moment since his first shot, but that his entreaties to colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to explore the phenomenon, tinnitus, had led nowhere.

He received polite responses to his many emails, but “I just don’t get any sense of movement,” he said.

“If they have done studies, those studies should be published,” Dr. Poland added. In despair that he might “never hear silence again,” he has sought solace in meditation and his religious faith.

Dr. Buddy Creech, 50, who led several Covid vaccine trials at Vanderbilt University, said his tinnitus and racing heart lasted about a week after each shot. “It’s very similar to what I experienced during acute Covid, back in March of 2020,” Dr. Creech said.

Research may ultimately find that most reported side effects are unrelated to the vaccine, he acknowledged. Many can be caused by Covid itself.

“Regardless, when our patients experience a side effect that may or may not be related to the vaccine, we owe it to them to investigate that as completely as we can,” Dr. Creech said.

Federal health officials say they do not believe that the Covid vaccines caused the illnesses described by patients like Mr. Barcavage, Dr. Zimmerman and Dr. France. The vaccines may cause transient reactions, such as swelling, fatigue and fever, according to the C.D.C., but the agency has documented only four serious but rare side effects .

Two are associated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is no longer available in the United States: Guillain-Barré syndrome , a known side effect of other vaccines , including the flu shot; and a blood-clotting disorder.

The C.D.C. also links mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna to heart inflammation, or myocarditis, especially in boys and young men. And the agency warns of anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, which can occur after any vaccination.

Listening for Signals

Agency scientists are monitoring large databases containing medical information on millions of Americans for patterns that might suggest a hitherto unknown side effect of vaccination, said Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, director of the C.D.C.’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

“We toe the line by reporting the signals that we think are real signals and reporting them as soon as we identify them as signals,” he said. The agency’s systems for monitoring vaccine safety are “pretty close” to ideal, he said.

how to write a good sample article

Those national surveillance efforts include the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It is the largest database, but also the least reliable: Reports of side effects can be submitted by anyone and are not vetted, so they may be subject to bias or manipulation.

The system contains roughly one million reports regarding Covid vaccination, the vast majority for mild events, according to the C.D.C.

Federal researchers also comb through databases that combine electronic health records and insurance claims on tens of millions of Americans. The scientists monitor the data for 23 conditions that may occur following Covid vaccination. Officials remain alert to others that may pop up, Dr. Daskalakis said.

But there are gaps, some experts noted. The Covid shots administered at mass vaccination sites were not recorded in insurance claims databases, for example, and medical records in the United States are not centralized.

“It’s harder to see signals when you have so many people, and things are happening in different parts of the country, and they’re not all collected in the same system,” said Rebecca Chandler, a vaccine safety expert at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.

An expert panel convened by the National Academies concluded in April that for the vast majority of side effects, there was not enough data to accept or reject a link.

Asked at a recent congressional hearing whether the nation’s vaccine-safety surveillance was sufficient, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the F.D.A.’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said, “I do believe we could do better.”

In some countries with centralized health care systems, officials have actively sought out reports of serious side effects of Covid vaccines and reached conclusions that U.S. health authorities have not.

In Hong Kong, the government analyzed centralized medical records of patients after vaccination and paid people to come forward with problems. The strategy identified “a lot of mild cases that other countries would not otherwise pick up,” said Ian Wong, a researcher at the University of Hong Kong who led the nation’s vaccine safety efforts.

That included the finding that in rare instances — about seven per million doses — the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine triggered a bout of shingles serious enough to require hospitalization.

The European Medicines Agency has linked the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to facial paralysis, tingling sensations and numbness. The E.M.A. also counts tinnitus as a side effect of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, although the American health agencies do not. There are more than 17,000 reports of tinnitus following Covid vaccination in VAERS.

Are the two linked? It’s not clear. As many as one in four adults has some form of tinnitus. Stress, anxiety, grief and aging can lead to the condition, as can infections like Covid itself and the flu.

There is no test or scan for tinnitus, and scientists cannot easily study it because the inner ear is tiny, delicate and encased in bone, said Dr. Konstantina Stankovic, an otolaryngologist at Stanford University.

Still, an analysis of health records from nearly 2.6 million people in the United States found that about 0.04 percent , or about 1,000, were diagnosed with tinnitus within three weeks of their first mRNA shot. In March, researchers in Australia published a study linking tinnitus and vertigo to the vaccines .

The F.D.A. is monitoring reports of tinnitus, but “at this time, the available evidence does not suggest a causal association with the Covid-19 vaccines,” the agency said in a statement.

Despite surveillance efforts, U.S. officials were not the first to identify a significant Covid vaccine side effect: myocarditis in young people receiving mRNA vaccines. It was Israeli authorities who first raised the alarm in April 2021. Officials in the United States said at the time that they had not seen a link.

On May 22, 2021, news broke that the C.D.C. was investigating a “relatively few” cases of myocarditis. By June 23, the number of myocarditis reports in VAERS had risen to more than 1,200 — a hint that it is important to tell doctors and patients what to look for.

Later analyses showed that the risk for myocarditis and pericarditis, a related condition, is highest after a second dose of an mRNA Covid vaccine in adolescent males aged 12 to 17 years.

In many people, vaccine-related myocarditis is transient. But some patients continue to experience pain, breathlessness and depression, and some show persistent changes on heart scans . The C.D.C. has said there were no confirmed deaths related to myocarditis, but in fact there have been several accounts of deaths reported post-vaccination .

Pervasive Misinformation

The rise of the anti-vaccine movement has made it difficult for scientists, in and out of government, to candidly address potential side effects, some experts said. Much of the narrative on the purported dangers of Covid vaccines is patently false, or at least exaggerated, cooked up by savvy anti-vaccine campaigns.

Questions about Covid vaccine safety are core to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign. Citing debunked theories about altered DNA, Florida’s surgeon general has called for a halt to Covid vaccination in the state.

“The sheer nature of misinformation, the scale of misinformation, is staggering, and anything will be twisted to make it seem like it’s not just a devastating side effect but proof of a massive cover-up,” said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, a vice dean at Johns Hopkins University.

Among the hundreds of millions of Americans who were immunized for Covid, some number would have had heart attacks or strokes anyway. Some women would have miscarried. How to distinguish those caused by the vaccine from those that are coincidences? The only way to resolve the question is intense research .

But the National Institutes of Health is conducting virtually no studies on Covid vaccine safety, several experts noted. William Murphy, a cancer researcher who worked at the N.I.H. for 12 years, has been prodding federal health officials to initiate these studies since 2021.

The officials each responded with “that very tired mantra: ‘But the virus is worse,’” Dr. Murphy recalled. “Yes, the virus is worse, but that doesn’t obviate doing research to make sure that there may be other options.”

A deeper understanding of possible side effects, and who is at risk for them, could have implications for the design of future vaccines, or may indicate that for some young and healthy people, the benefit of Covid shots may no longer outweigh the risks — as some European countries have determined.

Thorough research might also speed assistance to thousands of Americans who say they were injured.

The federal government has long run the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program , designed to compensate people who suffer injuries after vaccination. Established more than three decades ago, the program sets no limit on the amounts awarded to people found to have been harmed.

But Covid vaccines are not covered by that fund because Congress has not made them subject to the excise tax that pays for it. Some lawmakers have introduced bills to make the change.

Instead, claims regarding Covid vaccines go to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program . Intended for public health emergencies, this program has narrow criteria to pay out and sets a limit of $50,000, with stringent standards of proof.

It requires applicants to prove within a year of the injury that it was “the direct result” of getting the Covid vaccine, based on “compelling, reliable, valid, medical, and scientific evidence.”

The program had only four staff members at the beginning of the pandemic, and now has 35 people evaluating claims. Still, it has reviewed only a fraction of the 13,000 claims filed, and has paid out only a dozen.

Dr. Ilka Warshawsky, a 58-year-old pathologist, said she lost all hearing in her right ear after a Covid booster shot. But hearing loss is not a recognized side effect of Covid vaccination.

The compensation program for Covid vaccines sets a high bar for proof, she said, yet offers little information on how to meet it: “These adverse events can be debilitating and life-altering, and so it’s very upsetting that they’re not acknowledged or addressed.”

Dr. Zimmerman, the neuroscientist, submitted her application in October 2021 and provided dozens of supporting medical documents. She received a claim number only in January 2023.

In adjudicating her claim for workers’ compensation, Washington State officials accepted that Covid vaccination caused her injury, but she has yet to get a decision from the federal program.

One of her therapists recently told her she might never be able to live independently again.

“That felt like a devastating blow,” Dr. Zimmerman said. “But I’m trying not to lose hope there will someday be a treatment and a way to cover it.”

Apoorva Mandavilli is a reporter focused on science and global health. She was a part of the team that won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for coverage of the pandemic. More about Apoorva Mandavilli


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How To Write a Sick Leave Letter (with Template and Example)

11 min read · Updated on October 17, 2023

Ken Chase

The next time you're sick, don't just call in - send an excuse letter for your absence too

In a perfect world, no one would ever need to take time off from work due to illness or injury. Unfortunately, however, there are a whole host of ailments that can force employees to call in sick with little warning. Most employers understand this simple fact, and few expect or want you to show up with an illness that could get others sick. But how should you handle those absences? Is it enough to simply call your employer or should you also provide an excuse letter when you're absent?

In this post, we'll explain why you should always try to provide an excuse letter for your absence. We'll also provide some helpful tips to guide you as you create your own formal excuse letter for being absent and provide an example of an absence excuse letter. Finally, we'll include a template that can be customized for your own absence letter needs.

Do you need an excuse letter when you're absent?

Before we begin, it might be helpful to address the question of whether you even need to send a formal excuse letter when you're absent from work. The simplest answer is a resounding yes . While many employers will allow you to simply call in or notify them via an app on your phone, you should always try to send a separate and more formal excuse letter too.

It's common courtesy to provide at least some details about your need for an absence, and a letter - even if it's sent by email - is the most professional way to achieve that goal. There are several benefits to sending such a letter, some of which include:

Your formal sick leave letter can provide some explanation for your absence, which employers will always appreciate .

A thoughtful letter that includes some measure of regret for the absence can make a positive impression on employers and help to maintain good relations with the company.

Many employers will want some form of documentation, which you will need to submit to them anyway. You should accompany that documentation with a professional sick leave request.

Tips for writing a formal excuse letter for being absent

It's always helpful to follow some simple guidelines when you're interacting with your employer and that's true in this instance as well. When you find yourself in a position where you need to send an excuse letter when you're absent, following these tips can help you ensure that you make the right impression.

Act promptly

As soon as you know you're not going to be able to make it to work, notify your employer. The last thing any employer wants to experience is receiving a notification after you've been missing for several days. As a rule, make sure that you or someone else contacts them by phone or email as soon as you know you're going to be absent. You can follow up with your sick leave letter later, if you plan to be gone for several days. That immediate notification is critical, though, so make sure that it occurs as promptly as possible.

Be sincere and apologetic

One of the most important things that you can do in any excuse letter for an absence is acknowledge how it inconveniences your employer. Yes, you have a human right to take a sick day when you're ill, but that doesn't mean that the company isn't negatively impacted by your absence. A sincere acknowledgment of that fact can help to maintain good will . For example, you might say:

“I know that my illness couldn't have come at a worse time for the team, and sincerely hope that it doesn't cause too much disruption for our current project. I hope to be up and around and back at work by [date], so please let me know if anyone has any questions that I need to answer in the meantime.”

Give a reason for the absence

Obviously, you have a right to some level of basic medical privacy, so we're not suggesting that you go into concise detail about your sickness, injury, or other reason for being absent. However, it's customary to provide some minimal level of explanation for an absence. If there are tests that need to be performed or sensitive treatments that you need to undergo, you do not need to disclose that information. However, if you're sick or have been diagnosed with a disease or other malady, there is little harm in telling your employer.

Set clear expectations for your return

Your letter should also try to provide some type of timeline for your anticipated return. Obviously, that's something that may be difficult to estimate, especially if you're suffering from any serious illness. However, it's polite to at least let your employer know what the current expectations might be. If your Doctor has said that you require physical rehabilitation, a period of bed rest, or some other lengthy recovery process, notify your employer.

Of course, there will be times when even your Doctor cannot forecast a reasonable timeline for recovery. If that's the case, you should provide your employer with some advance warning that your leave of absence may require more time away from work than anyone expects. Obviously, the most important thing is that you have time to recover from your condition, but it's still important to communicate as honestly as possible with your employer.

Follow up as necessary

You may need to send more than one excuse letter when you're absent for an extended period. Your employer will need to be kept informed about your recovery progress, so check in periodically with new communications to provide those updates. Unless you know for certain that you'll be able to return to work on a certain date, always provide anticipated return dates - while noting that everything is contingent on your Doctor's assessment of your recovery.

How to write the excuse letter for absence

With those basic tips in mind, let's examine a step-by-step process for writing your own sick leave letter. By following these simple steps and referring to the examples and template below, you should have no problem creating your own professional excuse letter when you're absent.

Use a professional format

Do not send your employer a letter with fancy fonts or colorful graphics. Keep it simple, professional, and easy to read. Use a normal font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, set to 11- or 12-point size. That will ensure that the letter is clear and pleasing to the eye.

Date each letter that you send

Don't forget to date the letter so that everything is well documented when your employer files the document in your employee records.

Use the recipient's contact information

To properly address your letter, you should use the recipient's full contact information - including their full name and title, company address, department, city, state, and zip.

Use formal greetings

Always greet the recipient with a standard “Dear [Mr. / Ms.] [Contact name] format. Even if you're on a first name basis with the contact, you should still stick to a more formal approach with this type of notification, to ensure that you appear as professional and respectful as possible.

Compose the body

The body of the letter may be as simple as a single paragraph - for example, if you plan to miss only one day - or it may require several paragraphs. Begin by diving right into the most important detail: your absence. This should be a direct statement that notifies your employer that you will be out of the office due to an illness or injury. It should also include some estimate of how long you expect to be gone, while noting that your return is dependent on your recovery progress.

For any absence that lasts longer than a day or two, it can be helpful to provide any pertinent information about your current workload, particularly if anything needs to be completed before your return. Depending on how sick you are, you may also want to let your employer know that you will be available to provide information to assist your colleagues and team.

Thank them for their consideration

Once those primary concerns are addressed, you should include some acknowledgment of the impact your absence may have on the company. Apologize for the inconvenience and express gratitude for the company's consideration of the matter. This is also a good place to note the inclusion of any documentation that your Doctor may have provided.

Simply close with the customary “Sincerely” or “Best regards” and sign the letter. This can be done by simply typing your name if you plan to send the message via email. If you're mailing it, though, you'll need to type your name below your handwritten signature. Given how slow postal mail can be, however, it's usually recommended that you just email your employer.

Examples of excuse absence letters

To give you an idea of what this type of excuse letter for an absence might look like, we've included an example that you can review at your leisure. Either use it as inspiration or customize parts of it to help you create your own message.

October 12, 2023

Mr. Sam Smith, Marketing Head

5555 Any Street Drive

Anytown, Anystate, 00000

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have contracted bronchitis and will need to be away from work for the next five days while I complete recover. I know that it is short notice and apologize for the disruption that it may cause to the team and our company.

If my Doctor's treatment plan works as he expects, I should return to work with plenty of time to complete the ABC project that we've been working on. However, if anyone there needs my input before my anticipated return, please have them contact me at 555-555-5555. While I will be resting to recover as quickly as possible, I don't want my illness to present an obstacle to our success.

Though I will be in bed throughout much of this recovery process, I will forward my work email to my phone so that I can be reached in emergency situations. If nothing changes, I expect to be back at work on the 17 th .

I appreciate your concern and understanding and look forward to returning to my duties as quickly as I can. I have attached documentation from my Physician, including office notes from my visit with him today.

Tom Thompson

Excuse letter for absence template

[Mr. / Ms.] [Contact last name], [Contact title]

[Company address]

[Company city], [Company state] [Company zip]

Dear [Mr. / Ms.] [Contact last name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that [briefly describe your illness or injury, and your need for an absence]. I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause for the team.

According to my doctor, I should be able to return to work by [estimated date of return]. If that expectation changes for any reason, I will notify you as quickly as I can.

[If you may be able to help your team from home, say so. Alternatively, provide any necessary details the company may need to know about your current workload - especially any projects that may have looming deadlines.]

I appreciate your understanding and look forward to recovering quickly and returning to my job. I am including documentation from my Doctor with this letter.

[Your name]

Sometimes, common courtesy makes all the difference

Everyone gets sick from time to time and sometimes that means missing work. As a professional, however, you should never miss work without notifying your employer. When you send an excuse letter when you're absent for illness, you're also sending your employer a message about the type of employee you are. You're telling them that you're a professional who takes their job and career seriously.

Is your resume conveying the right message to employers? Get a free resume review from our team of experts today to make sure that you're always making the best possible impression on employers.

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Happy Mother's Day 2024: Wishes to celebrate the extraordinary women in our lives, quotes and WhatsApp messages to share

Happy mother's day 2024: mother's day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate remarkable women who play vital roles in our lives, showing immense love and making sacrifices. the occasion is a special time to express gratitude and admiration..

Happy Mother's Day 2024: This Mother's Day 2024 is another special occasion to express gratitude and admiration for the unconditional care and support your mother provides (Pexels)

Happy Mother's Day 2024: Mother's Day is observed each year on the second Sunday of May, aiming to honour and appreciate the remarkable women who play vital roles in our lives, showing immense love and making sacrifices for us.

This Mother's Day 2024 is another special occasion to express gratitude and admiration for the unconditional care and support your mother provides — to their children and family, contributing selflessly to their well-being and success.

Also Read | Mother's Day 2024: From gold to Mutual Funds —6 financial gifts for mom

History of Mother's Day

Mother's Day , a celebration with roots dating back to the early 20th century, pays homage to Anna Jarvis' mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, a peace activist who passed away in 1905.

The BBC reports that Jarvis initiated the tradition by purchasing 500 white carnations for a memorial service held in her hometown on the second anniversary of her mother's passing. Subsequently, Jarvis advocated for the official recognition of Mother's Day as a holiday in the United States.

Also Read | Mothers Day 2024: Five Bollywood movies that you can watch with your mom this year

The historical roots of the occasion are associated with ancient Greeks and Romans traditions. There is a similar tradition of Mother's Day celebration among Christians in England.

Happy Mother's Day Wishes

  • Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom ever! I love you.
  • Although we’re far apart you are always in my heart. I love you and miss you more than words can say. Happy Mother's Day Mom!
  • Your sacrifices and unwavering love never go unnoticed. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Sending all my love and gratitude to the woman who has been my guiding light. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
  • A mother's love knows no boundaries, no limits, and no conditions.
  • Mom, your love has been my source of strength and courage. Thank you for being my guiding star. Happy Mother's Day!
  • Happy Mother's Day to the most incredible mom! Your love and support mean the world to me.

Also Read | Mother's Day 2024: Ten financial tips for empowering mothers on this day, May 12

Happy Mother's Day Quotes

  • To the world, you are a mother. To me, you are the world-Anonymous
  • When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway – Erma Bombeck
  • A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s – Princess Diana
  • Motherhood is the greatest gift, the greatest privilege, and the greatest responsibility- Anonymous
  • Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind – Kahil Gibran
  • A mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired. It need not be deserved - Erich Fromm

Also Read | Google Doodle Today: Honouring moms around the world, Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day WhatsApp status

  • Behind every great person is a truly amazing mother. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Your wisdom and guidance have shaped my life. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • A mother's love is like a candle that lights up the darkest corners of our lives.
  • Your love is God's greatest gift to me. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
  • A mother is like a flower, each one beautiful and unique.

Also Read | Mother's Day 2024: Last-minute useful gift ideas to make your mom feel special

Happy Mother's Day Images to Share

Happy Mother's Day 2024

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Imagine walking into a room filled with potential employers, each holding a pile of resumes. What sets your resume apart in that sea of papers? The answer is your resume objective! The best resume objective acts as your golden ticket, grabbing the attention of recruiters and making a strong first impression.

Your resume objective isn’t just a few lines of a goal statement or summary at the top of your resume; it’s an opportunity to create a great resume introduction that showcases your ambitions, skills, and passion for the job you’re applying for. Crafting an effective resume objective demands clarity, relevance, and conciseness. Fear not, this guide will delve into the art of writing a good objective for your resume, one that will leave recruiters eager to learn more about you. So, let’s revamp your resume objective from ordinary to extraordinary!”

A resume objective is a short statement positioned at the top of your resume. It serves as an opening statement that summarizes your career goals, skills, and what you bring to the table as a candidate. A good objective for a resume acts as your elevator pitch, providing you with an opportunity to impress recruiters and convey your qualities and enthusiasm for the role.

A resume objective gives an overview of your career goals and aspirations. It helps the recruiter understand your professional objectives and how they align with the position and the company’s values. The best resume objectives increase your chances of landing an interview.

  • Tips on How to Write Objective In Resume:

Resume objectives examples

As mentioned above, a resume objective is your opening statement. Begin it with a powerful statement that captures the recruiter’s attention right away. Use verbs and keywords related to the job requirements to convey enthusiasm and qualifications.

Clearly articulate your career objectives and the type of role you are seeking. Mention the industries and roles you’re interested in and how they align with your long-term aspirations.

A great resume introduction comprises information about your key skills, experiences, and achievements that are relevant to the role. Highlight what sets you apart from the crowd and how you can contribute to the success of the company.

Customize your resume for each job application by incorporating keywords from the job description. This ensures that your resume stands out on the ATS tracking system.

Your resume objective should be concise and focused, not exceeding 2-3 sentences. Avoid adding unnecessary details; stick to your professional objective and qualifications without overdoing it.

Read More: Know Why it is Important to List Technical Skills on Your Resume

  • Resume Objective Samples

Seeking an entry-level position where I can leverage my [relevant skills/qualifications] to contribute effectively to [company/organization]. Eager to learn and grow within a dynamic team environment while making meaningful contributions to organizational goals.

Innovative Interior Designer with a knack for transforming spaces into functional works of art. Seeking to leverage design expertise to create captivating environments that captivate clients.

Dedicated Customer Service Representative with a passion for delivering exceptional experiences. Eager to utilize communication skills to exceed customer expectations and drive satisfaction.

Results-oriented Project Manager adept at leading teams to successful project completion. Seeking to leverage leadership skills to deliver projects on time and within budget.

Analytical Data Scientist, skilled at uncovering insights from complex datasets. Seeking to apply statistical expertise to drive data-driven decision-making and business growth.

Dynamic Sales Manager with a proven track record of exceeding targets. Looking to leverage sales expertise to drive revenue growth and foster client relationships.

Motivated professional seeking an internship to gain hands-on experience. Eager to contribute skills and learn from industry leaders.

Efficient Data Entry Specialist with strong attention to detail. Seeking to support organizational efficiency with accurate data input and management.

An experienced HR professional, passionate about fostering positive work environments. Seeking to leverage recruitment and talent management skills to support organizational goals.

Detail-oriented Engineer with expertise in [specific field]. Looking to apply technical skills to drive continuous improvement and contribute to team success.

Engaging Educator, committed to student growth and development. Seeking to inspire and facilitate learning in a dynamic teaching environment.

A professionally crafted resume objective can make all the difference in your job search. By communicating your career objectives and highlighting your relevant skills and qualifications, you can capture the attention of recruiters and quickly land a chance for interviews. Remember to follow these tips and samples to customize your resume according to your job requirements. Keep it concise and clear to set you apart from the competition in this challenging job market.

Crafting attractive resumes is now easier than ever, generate creative resumes with Apna’s resume builder effortlessly with just one click to impress your recruiters.

The Apna app is your one-stop destination for finding jobs , connecting with HRs, creating resumes, and preparing for interviews with ease. Download the Apna App today and elevate your career.

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