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Frequently asked questions, for steam users, q. do i need to have purchased a game in order to write a review of it.

A. Purchase is not required. You may write a review for any product in your Steam account. Whether you registered a Steam key obtained elsewhere, or played a free game, you will be able to write a review for that product. Your playtime in that game or time in that software title will appear next to your review.

Q. Can I write a negative review?

A. Yes. If you are unhappy with the product, or don't believe that it is delivering on what it promises, you may write a review and tell other customers why you do not recommend it.

Q. Can I report abusive reviews?

A. Yes, similar to other content shared on Steam, each review will have a 'flag' button to report offensive content or spam.

Q. What happened to the recommendations I've written to my friends?

A. All the Recommendations you've previously written on Steam have automatically been upgraded to Reviews for the product. They are all still marked as visible only to your friends by default. You may edit them and make them visible to the general public, if you wish, by going to your Reviews page .

Q. Does this replace Metacritic scores on games?

A. These reviews will be offered as additional data. Both Metacritic scores and Steam Reviews will be visible on store pages for both games and software.

For Developers

Q. i'm a game developer. can i respond to reviews.

A. Yes, there is a special section for developer replies on each review. Plus, when you post in the comments of reviews on your product, your comment will appear as being from the developer.

Q. I'm a developer. Can I delete reviews of my product?

A. Not directly. If you find abusive or offensive reviews written about your product, you can flag it as spam/abuse or off-topic. The review will continue to be listed on your store page, but in a collapsed form and marked as spam until a moderator can either delete the review or remove the spam flag.

Q. My game or software has changed a lot since it launched. Will reviews reflect that?

A. The reviews that are shown most prominently on your store page are selected from recently-written reviews, which should reflect the current state of your game or software. Additionally, if your game has released more than 45 days ago and has enough recent reviews, Steam will list a recent review score to let customers know what the game is like in its current state.

Let us know what you think

Post feedback, bugs, or suggestions.

How to Leave a Game Review on Steam

Do you have an opinion on a game you want to share on Steam? We'll show you how.

Every PC gamer knows that Steam is where to go for all your digital game needs. Valve’s platform offers a wide plethora of video games, sales, DLCs, mods, communities, and even multiplayer support, just to name a few major points.

But Steam has also become a voice for the masses, a place the public can use to share opinions about a game. You can be a part of that voice by giving your criticism to games you own on Steam. And we’ll show you how exactly to do it here.

Step 1: Log Into Steam and Find the Game in Your Library

Before you can review a game on Steam, you must first own the game. You can buy games by logging in through Steam’s website or installing Steam on your computer and launching the desktop app.

Here’s what to do:

  • Log into Steam (website or app).
  • App: Select Library from the top menu. You’ll find all your games on the left-side menu.
  • Website: Click All Games to see all your games.

Once you’re on this page, you should be able to skim and find the game you want to review. If you’ve been meaning to buy a game to review, you can check out our guide on tips to get the best deals on Steam games to make it a less expensive endeavor. Follow the next step as soon as you’re ready.

You can’t leave reviews for games through Steam’s mobile app.

Step 2: Open the Game’s Library Page, Then Store Page

You can’t leave reviews in your library; you must first access the game’s store page.

If you’re using the desktop app, this is what you should do:

  • Select the game you want to review in your library. It will open up your library page, showing you personal stats about the game.

If you’re using the website version of Steam, all you need to do is click the game’s title in the menu, and you’ll automatically go to the game’s store page.

Step 3: Leave a Review in the "Write a Review" Section

Once you’re on the store page, you only need to scroll down a bit to see the Write a review section. It’s a rectangular text box where you can type in.

If you wish to format your text, like adding a header, bold, or italics, for example, click the Formatting help in the bottom right of the input box to see how to do so.

Here are additional notes:

  • You can choose Visibility to make your post public or friends-only.
  • Select Language to choose what language tag you want to add to your review.
  • You can toggle Allow Comments to let people add their replies to your review.
  • Toggle Check this box if you received the product for free on or off, depending on whether you got it for free. It’s important so that readers know that you might have been paid for the review and you didn’t make a financial investment in the game.

Once you’re done, choose Yes or No to the Do you recommend this game? section and click Post review .

How to View, Edit, and Delete Your Steam Review

Once your review is live, you can come back to make edits and changes to it. All you have to do is return to the game’s store page and scroll to where the review box used to be. You’ll notice it now says View your review .

Clicking it will open up a section where you can see your review and its comments. By the right, there’s a tab where you can edit the review, delete it, toggle comments, and change the visibility and language options.

While you can’t leave a review with the mobile Steam app, you can view your reviews on it by going to Menu > Library > [Game] > My Game Content > My Review .

Additional Info Concerning Steam Reviews

That’s not all; there are some other things about Steam reviews you should know:

  • Popular reviews can earn you awards and high ratings. Getting awards gives you Steam points , which you can exchange for Steam items.
  • Steam reviews have a character limit of 8,000 characters. That’s a generous number, but you can’t make an overly detailed analysis.
  • You can add GIFs and screenshots to your reviews. But you first must learn how to capture and manage screenshots on Steam and then add them as a link.

That's about all you need to know about leaving Steam reviews.

Remember to Leave Polite, Honest, and Thorough Steam Reviews

Making video games is no easy feat, and while you may be a customer, you must remember that humans are behind the game. Your review must be honest, and you should only post it after hours of playing.

While you don’t necessarily have to always leave a good review, try to leave constructive feedback for other players and the developers.

Auroch Digital

Game Studio, Game Development, and Consultancy

How and why you should review indie games

how to write a review steam

Game reviews are so important for an indie developer like us!

As a smaller games developer we can’t stress just how much reviews mean to us and how important they are.

Did you know 90% of all consumers will look at reviews before they purchase something online? Did you also know that Steam uses review numbers as a way to determine what games to promote ?

If you love a game, review it!

We are often so in love with indie games that we forget to pop over and give them a thumbs up and leave a comment saying how much we liked it. By doing this you’ll be making our week, as well as helping others find the games we make.

How can you review?

You can review our games on Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation. If you’ve never left a review on any of these platforms, keep reading to learn how to help out small indie developers like us!

The more reviews we get the more we can improve our games and make more games in future, so by reviewing a game you’ll be helping us make even more awesome games!

How to review on STEAM:

Step 1 : Once you’ve logged enough hours in a game, you’ll be prompted to write a review. OR If you’re not prompted then you can head over to the Store page of the game you want to review and start from there.

Steam Step 1.png

Step 2 : Scroll down until you see the review box, and then write your review!

Steam Step 2.png

Step 3: Let people know if you recommend the game, then post the review!

Steam Step 3.png

How to review on XBOX:

Step 1 : Go to the Microsoft store and find the game you want to review and go to its store page

Xbox Step 1.png

Step 2 : Scroll down the store page until you reach “Ratings and reviews”

Xbox step 2.png

Step 3 : Click on “Rate and review” and you will be taken to the review page

Xbox Step 3.png

Step 4 : Choose how many stars you want to give the game, and then click on “Add a review”.

Xbox Step 5.png

Step 5 : Write your review, and then click “Submit now”!

Xbox Step 6.png

How to review on PLAYSTATION:

Step 1 : Go to your Library


Step 2 : Find the game you want to review in your Library

PlayStation Step 2.png

Step 3 : Click on the three dots and click on Rate

PlayStation Step 3.png

Step 4 : Choose your star rating, and you’re done!

PlayStation Step 4.png

How to review on

Step 1 : Go to the store page


Step 2 : Scroll down to “User reviews”, and select the amount of stars you want to give the game, and click “+ Add your review”


Step 3 : Read GOG’s guidelines before you post


Step 4 : Write your review and then click “Save my review” and you’re done!


Auroch Digital

Auroch Digital is a Bristol-based independent video games development studio and consultancy, known for our high-quality, faithful board game IP adaptations including Ogre, Dark Future and Chainsaw Warrior.

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Developer Usage Rules

  • Don’t attempt to abuse or artificially manipulate the review system.
  • Don’t solicit reviews in exchange for any games, DLC, money, or other rewards. The exception is sending a copy of your game to press or internet personalities to get previews or reviews.
  • Don’t ask customers to review your product from within your application.

How Reviews Are Displayed

  • Early Access: Once a product fully releases from Early Access, reviews from the Early Access period will be marked on the store page. If a user updates their Early Access review after the product has been released, the Early Access flag on the review will be removed.
  • Free Reviews: When leaving a review, customers may specify if they acquired a product for free. This is recommended for press or promotional copies.
  • Pre-Release Reviews: If someone receives a copy of your product before release (usually via a release-override key) and writes a review, that review will be marked as a "Pre-Release Review."
  • Review Score: At the top of the store page are two review scores - one from the past 30 days, and one for the product's lifetime. Only purchases (not key activation) made by the reviewing account are included in the review score.

Reviews In the Steam Library

Moderating reviews, flagging reviews.

  • The review is abusive or contains abusive language.
  • The review is off-topic or not a review of the game, software, or the service.
  • The review violates one or more of the Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content.
  • Click the "Recommended" or "Not Recommended" headline of a review to open up the detail view of that review.
  • You will find a orange section in the right-hand column for "moderator controls" where you will see a drop-down for flagging the review.
  • Select "Abusive" if the review contains a scam, harassment, or is otherwise abusive to developers or users.
  • Select "Off-Topic" only if the review doesn't relate to your product or the service you are providing. An example is if the review talks about ice cream instead of your strategy game.
  • With either choice, you will get a confirmation dialogue. Then select "OK". Steam Community Moderators or Valve Employees will then review flagged reviews and delete or unflag as appropriate.

Did we get it wrong?

Responding to reviews.

  • You will find a orange section in the right-hand column for "moderator controls" where you will see a link for "Write Official Developer Response."
  • Once you click the link, you will be provided with a text field to enter your response. Please remember to keep it clear and concise.
  • This response will then appear immediately below the related review and will be visible to anyone that can see the review.

Best Practices

  • Set a limit on the amount of time spent reading reviews. Once the meaningful high-level feedback has been extracted, direct your attention back to working on the product.
  • Don't respond to every review. There will be times that something is worth clarifying with a response, but be very thoughtful about how your communication will be received.
  • Don't argue with reviewers. Let your community answer each others' questions. Your response can be seen as an attempt to silence or refute someone's opinion.
  • Read our Moderation Best Practices article, as much of the information there applies to reviews as well.

Review Bombing

What should i do.

  • Reach out to us via email or through our Partner Support channel. We can give you more information, along with adding extra moderators to help you flag abuse and keep an eye on your discussion hub.
  • Spend time figuring out where the review bomb came from. If you broke a feature or introduced a new bug, it's probably as simple as getting to work on fixing it and weathering the storm of negativity. If it's something that is unrelated to the product or provided service, the abnormal period of volume will be removed from the overall score. You can read more about how we make that distinction here .
  • Don't censor or publicly argue with reviewers - it's a battle you won't win. We've never seen it work at stopping negative reviews, but it's an effective way to keep them coming.
  • Don't let someone on your team become a target. If you do communicate, consider doing so from an anonymous developer account. You can create an account specifically for this and add it to your partner group from your Permissions Overview page.
  • Prioritize the mental and emotional well-being of your team. This is a potential cost of a review bomb that is hard to measure, but will likely be the biggest challenge faced during an event like this.

It will return to normal

Api access to reviews.

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Helldivers 2 fans rally to undo ‘review bomb’ on Steam

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Rachael Davies has spent six years reporting on tech and entertainment, writing for publications like the Evening Standard, Huffington Post, Dazed, and more. From niche…

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Sam Shedden is an experienced journalist and editor with over a decade of experience in online news. A seasoned technology writer and content strategist, he…

Helldivers 2 screenshot

  • Fans of Helldivers 2 unite to reverse a Steam review bomb after Sony's decision backtrack.
  • Sony cancels account linking update following fan feedback on X, leading to reversal.
  • Helldivers 2 fans rally on reddit to encourage others to reverse negative reviews.

Helldivers 2 fans are uniting to undo a Steam review bomb on the newly-released game after a decision backtrack from Sony.

Since Helldivers 2’s release on February 8, fans have criticised Sony for its controversial decision to force PC gamers to account link to PlayStation Network . Despite the first reviews giving the game an ‘overwhelmingly positive’ ranking on Steam, the reactions sparked over 200,000 negative reviews that dragged it down to ‘mostly negative’.

However, it seems the review bomb has done its job, with Sony now announcing a swift backtrack on the decision.

“Helldivers fans — we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update,” the company wrote on X on May 6 . “The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward.

“We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans.”

Helldivers fans — we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward. We’re still… — PlayStation (@PlayStation) May 6, 2024

Helldivers 2 fans push to reverse review bomb

In response, Helldivers 2 fans are now uniting on reddit , with a vocal few led by the subreddit moderator encouraging others to reverse their negative reviews in a game-themed post.

“Helldivers, should you choose to accept this major order,” reads the post. “Please consider reversing your steam review. Arrowhead has worked very hard to make this game special, and you the player have shown both Sony and Arrowhead that your voice matters too.

“Let us restore Helldivers 2 on steam back to it’s formal glory. And let us restore this community back to normal.”

The post went live on May 6, gaining over 36,000 upvotes and more than 2000 comments. The subreddit is also in ‘clean-up mode’ to remove negative or toxic comments from the community. However, the push to reverse the review bomb appears to have gone well as, by May 7, Helldivers 2 has earned back the tag ‘mostly positive’ on Steam reviews.

Featured image: Arrowhead Game Studios

About ReadWrite’s Editorial Process

The ReadWrite Editorial policy involves closely monitoring the tech industry for major developments, new product launches, AI breakthroughs, video game releases and other newsworthy events. Editors assign relevant stories to staff writers or freelance contributors with expertise in each particular topic area. Before publication, articles go through a rigorous round of editing for accuracy, clarity, and to ensure adherence to ReadWrite's style guidelines.

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Rachael Davies Tech Journalist

Rachael Davies has spent six years reporting on tech and entertainment, writing for publications like the Evening Standard, Huffington Post, Dazed, and more. From niche topics like the latest gaming mods to consumer-faced guides on the latest tech, she puts her MA in Convergent Journalism to work, following avenues guided by a variety of interests. As well as writing, she also has experience in editing as the UK Editor of The Mary Sue , as well as speaking on the important of SEO in journalism at the Student Press Association National Conference. You can find her full portfolio over on…

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Troubleshooting Steamworks Common Redistributables Errors: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to fix common steamworks errors for a seamless gaming experience..

description: an anonymous gamer sitting at a desk with a computer, looking frustrated while trying to troubleshoot a steamworks common redistributables error on their screen.

If you get a missing file privileges error while waiting for your game to install/update on Steam, don't worry. It's often quite easy to fix. The issue may be related to the Steamworks common redistributables, which are necessary components for many games to run properly on Steam. In this article, we will explore various common errors related to Steamworks redistributables and provide solutions to help you get back to gaming.

Steam download stopping? Update stuck? The Steam disk write error can stop you from installing or updating a game; we've got 13 ways you can troubleshoot this issue. One common cause of the disk write error is related to the Steamworks common redistributables. By following our step-by-step guide, you can resolve this error and continue enjoying your favorite games on Steam.

  • Steamworks common redistributables disk write error · 1.1. Restart the Steam application · 1.2. Run Steam as an administrator · 1.3. Remove any conflicting software or antivirus programs that may be causing the issue. These are just a few of the troubleshooting steps you can take to address the disk write error and ensure a smooth gaming experience on Steam.

Resident Evil 4 Remake saw a huge launch with a record number of PC players. However, a lot of Resident Evil 4 PC players are unable to play due to errors related to the Steamworks common redistributables. It is essential to address these errors promptly to avoid any disruptions in your gaming sessions.

Palworld players report that they are unable to play the game due to the 'Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION' error. This error may be related to the Steamworks common redistributables, and our troubleshooting guide can help you resolve it and get back to playing Palworld without any interruptions.

Talos Principle launched in 2014 and it was an incredible game with a thought-provoking narrative. Talos Principle 2 launched almost a decade later, but players have encountered errors related to the Steamworks common redistributables. By following our troubleshooting tips, you can overcome these issues and fully enjoy the game.

Fallout 76 Wastelanders PC players experience errors and issues like Error 4:8:2009, Error 3:0:7, crashes, stuttering, and more. These issues may be linked to the Steamworks common redistributables, and our guide can help you troubleshoot them effectively to enhance your gaming experience.

PC users are experiencing Dragon's Dogma 2 crash at startup issue. There are multiple reasons for it, including problems with the Steamworks common redistributables. By following our detailed fixes, you can address these issues and launch the game successfully without any crashes.

PC users report that Last Epoch is crashing while playing or at startup. These crashes may be related to the Steamworks common redistributables, and our troubleshooting guide offers solutions to help you resolve them and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.

how to write a review steam


how to write a review steam


  1. How to Write a Review on Steam

    how to write a review steam

  2. How to Write a Review on Steam

    how to write a review steam

  3. How to Write a Review on Steam

    how to write a review steam

  4. How To Write Review For Game In Steam

    how to write a review steam

  5. How To Review A Game On Steam

    how to write a review steam

  6. How To Write A Review On Steam 2016 (EASY)

    how to write a review steam


  1. How to change preferences on steam ( Steam. )

  2. How to Hide Your Steam Profile

  3. How to Gift Someone Steam Points (2024)

  4. How to change launch options on steam ( Steam. )

  5. What Your Steam Year in Review is and How to See It!

  6. How to view guide in steam overlay?


  1. Steam Community :: Guide :: Writing Steam Reviews

    When you're done writing your review select " Post Review ". At anytime you can modify your review by selecting the Reviews link on your Steam profile. The " Owner Controls " box on each page will give you the ability to edit or delete the review, you can also adjust its visibility and language settings.

  2. How To Review A Game On Steam

    In this video tutorial, I show you how to review a game on Steam. This video shows you a quick way to leave a review on any game you own/have played on Steam...

  3. Introducing Steam Reviews

    A. Purchase is not required. You may write a review for any product in your Steam account. Whether you registered a Steam key obtained elsewhere, or played a free game, you will be able to write a review for that product. Your playtime in that game or time in that software title will appear next to your review. Q.

  4. [Guide] A comprehensive guide about making reviews on Steam

    Simply describing how the game works in its mechanics, or how the music, how visuals are and so on, isn't going to cut it. As a reviewer you should criticize and evaluate how the various components of the game come together, work individually, and compare in relation to the game's genre as a whole.

  5. How to Leave a Game Review on Steam

    Step 2: Open the Game's Library Page, Then Store Page. You can't leave reviews in your library; you must first access the game's store page. If you're using the desktop app, this is what you should do: Select the game you want to review in your library. It will open up your library page, showing you personal stats about the game.

  6. How To Write A Review On A Steam Game (Quick & Easy)

    This tutorial will explain how to write a review on a Steam game. You can use these steps to write your own reviews for games in your Steam library.Have a go...

  7. How to review a game in Steam library?

    If you scroll down on the game page in your library, there is a button that lets you post a review: Alternatively, if you have played a game for some time but have yet to write a review, there is a feedback panel that leads to a review prompt page: Which leads to:



  9. How to Write a Helpful Game Review on Steam

    When reviewing a game on Steam, the first step is to log into your Steam account and find the game in your library. Once you have located the game, open its library page, where you will find the option to write a review. Click on the review button to start composing your thoughts about the game. It's essential to provide detailed feedback that ...

  10. How to write good reviews on Steam Store pages

    Write your review like you would write an essay: start with an introduction, continue with what you're trying to achieve with your review and end it with a conclusion that sums up your review. Use Steam formatting. It makes your review much easier to read. If possible, divide your review in a few parts and use headers to name those parts.

  11. How to Write a Review on Steam

    To write a Steam review: Open the Steam website or Steam client and sign in. Press the Store button on the menu at the top. Locate the game you want to review in the store. On the game's store page, you'll see a Write a review box below the splash image and information if you own the game.

  12. How and why you should review indie games

    Step 1: Go to the Microsoft store and find the game you want to review and go to its store page. Step 2: Scroll down the store page until you reach "Ratings and reviews". Step 3: Click on "Rate and review" and you will be taken to the review page. Step 4: Choose how many stars you want to give the game, and then click on "Add a review".

  13. How do I write a review? :: Help and Tips

    Marble Feb 16, 2014 @ 11:54am. Just go onto the store page of the game and you can write a review there. Or click "Write a review" on the right side of the game page in your library. #1. Pelmz Feb 16, 2014 @ 12:00pm. Open your library and clikc write review! #2.

  14. In your opinion, what do you consider a good Steam Review?

    If you feel your English isn't great, the time-honoured "I'm ESL" might be wise. Note your current playtime in the review. The number that steam attaches to it stupidly updates over time, even though OP doesn't edit the review. This means a review written at 0.3 hours looks like it was written at 30. Update the number if you edit the review.

  15. How To Write A Review On Steam

    ⭐DON'T CLICK THIS: had a hard time finding the option of writing a review for a Steam game so in this video we show you how to write ...

  16. How do I write a review for a game? : r/Steam

    I have 6 hours in the game, but I heard I need at least 3-5 hours to write one. You can't write reviews that haven't been released. You only have time in the demo. I want to write a review on deltarune, but I can't find the "write a review" button. I have 6 hours in the game, but I heard I need at least 3-….

  17. User Reviews (Steamworks Documentation)

    A. Purchase is not required. Customers may write a review for any product they have launched via Steam. Whether that customer registered a Steam key obtained elsewhere, participated in a Steam Free Weekend, played a Free game, or played a game via Family Library Sharing, they will be able to write a review for your product if they have playtime.

  18. Writing a review for a game that I don't own! :: Help and Tips

    Whether you registered a Steam key obtained elsewhere, participated in a Steam Free Weekend, played a Free game, or played a game via Family Sharing, you will be able to write a review for that product. Your playtime in that game or time in that software title will appear next to your review.

  19. How To Write A Review For Game on Steam (Easiest Way)

    Today we talk about How To Write A Review For Game on Steam, so stay until the end of the video to see the full explanation.If you have any questions, feel f...

  20. Helldivers 2 fans rally to undo 'review bomb' on Steam

    However, the push to reverse the review bomb appears to have gone well as, by May 7, Helldivers 2 has earned back the tag 'mostly positive' on Steam reviews. Featured image: Arrowhead Game Studios

  21. Steam Community :: Guide :: How to Write Reviews for Demos

    Long Answer. Bzzzt Demo will be used as an example throughout the guide. For all normal games, you can write reviews on their corresponding Steam Store pages, or within Steam client and Steam Library via the dropdown menu and game detail pages. On rare occasions, some game demos are treated as normal standalone games and thus have their own ...

  22. How To Write A Review On Steam 2016 (EASY)

    How to write a review on steam 2016. This quick & easy tutorial will show you how to quickly post a review on steam and whether you recommend it or not to yo...

  23. Troubleshooting Steamworks Common Redistributables Errors: A

    Learn how to fix common Steamworks errors for a seamless gaming experience.

  24. How to write a good review (in my opinion) :: Steam Community

    Well reviews are either good or bad we will look at how to write both. Good: No game is good for every person, somebody will hate the game you love. Accept that and dont get your nickers in a twist when someone disagrees with you. Dont say "I enjoy" or "it wasnt fun" that is immediately wrong. Write about what the game does well, and what it ...

  25. can i write a review second time ? :: Steam Discussions

    Sure, you can. #1. 「 SAY10 」 May 6, 2021 @ 12:21am. Originally posted by ReBoot: Sure, you can. but how ? i dont have this option to write review in a steam shop. #2. ReBoot May 6, 2021 @ 12:25am. Originally posted by IM ONLY A SILVER:

  26. Steam Community :: ANIMAL WELL

    ANIMAL WELL - Hatch from your flower and spelunk through the beautiful and sometimes haunting world of Animal Well, a pixelated wonder rendered in intricate audio and visual detail. Encounter lively creatures small and large, helpful and ominous as you discover unconventional upgrades and unravel the well's secrets. This is a truly unique experience that can make you laugh in fear, surprise ...