summary biography of mahatma gandhi

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Mahatma Gandhi

By: Editors

Updated: June 6, 2019 | Original: July 30, 2010

Mahatma GandhiIndian statesman and activist Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 - 1948), circa 1940. (Photo by Dinodia Photos/Getty Images)

Revered the world over for his nonviolent philosophy of passive resistance, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was known to his many followers as Mahatma, or “the great-souled one.” He began his activism as an Indian immigrant in South Africa in the early 1900s, and in the years following World War I became the leading figure in India’s struggle to gain independence from Great Britain. Known for his ascetic lifestyle–he often dressed only in a loincloth and shawl–and devout Hindu faith, Gandhi was imprisoned several times during his pursuit of non-cooperation, and undertook a number of hunger strikes to protest the oppression of India’s poorest classes, among other injustices. After Partition in 1947, he continued to work toward peace between Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi was shot to death in Delhi in January 1948 by a Hindu fundamentalist.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, at Porbandar, in the present-day Indian state of Gujarat. His father was the dewan (chief minister) of Porbandar; his deeply religious mother was a devoted practitioner of Vaishnavism (worship of the Hindu god Vishnu), influenced by Jainism, an ascetic religion governed by tenets of self-discipline and nonviolence. At the age of 19, Mohandas left home to study law in London at the Inner Temple, one of the city’s four law colleges. Upon returning to India in mid-1891, he set up a law practice in Bombay, but met with little success. He soon accepted a position with an Indian firm that sent him to its office in South Africa. Along with his wife, Kasturbai, and their children, Gandhi remained in South Africa for nearly 20 years.

Did you know? In the famous Salt March of April-May 1930, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmadabad to the Arabian Sea. The march resulted in the arrest of nearly 60,000 people, including Gandhi himself.

Gandhi was appalled by the discrimination he experienced as an Indian immigrant in South Africa. When a European magistrate in Durban asked him to take off his turban, he refused and left the courtroom. On a train voyage to Pretoria, he was thrown out of a first-class railway compartment and beaten up by a white stagecoach driver after refusing to give up his seat for a European passenger. That train journey served as a turning point for Gandhi, and he soon began developing and teaching the concept of satyagraha (“truth and firmness”), or passive resistance, as a way of non-cooperation with authorities.

The Birth of Passive Resistance

In 1906, after the Transvaal government passed an ordinance regarding the registration of its Indian population, Gandhi led a campaign of civil disobedience that would last for the next eight years. During its final phase in 1913, hundreds of Indians living in South Africa, including women, went to jail, and thousands of striking Indian miners were imprisoned, flogged and even shot. Finally, under pressure from the British and Indian governments, the government of South Africa accepted a compromise negotiated by Gandhi and General Jan Christian Smuts, which included important concessions such as the recognition of Indian marriages and the abolition of the existing poll tax for Indians.

In July 1914, Gandhi left South Africa to return to India. He supported the British war effort in World War I but remained critical of colonial authorities for measures he felt were unjust. In 1919, Gandhi launched an organized campaign of passive resistance in response to Parliament’s passage of the Rowlatt Acts, which gave colonial authorities emergency powers to suppress subversive activities. He backed off after violence broke out–including the massacre by British-led soldiers of some 400 Indians attending a meeting at Amritsar–but only temporarily, and by 1920 he was the most visible figure in the movement for Indian independence.

Leader of a Movement

As part of his nonviolent non-cooperation campaign for home rule, Gandhi stressed the importance of economic independence for India. He particularly advocated the manufacture of khaddar, or homespun cloth, in order to replace imported textiles from Britain. Gandhi’s eloquence and embrace of an ascetic lifestyle based on prayer, fasting and meditation earned him the reverence of his followers, who called him Mahatma (Sanskrit for “the great-souled one”). Invested with all the authority of the Indian National Congress (INC or Congress Party), Gandhi turned the independence movement into a massive organization, leading boycotts of British manufacturers and institutions representing British influence in India, including legislatures and schools.

After sporadic violence broke out, Gandhi announced the end of the resistance movement, to the dismay of his followers. British authorities arrested Gandhi in March 1922 and tried him for sedition; he was sentenced to six years in prison but was released in 1924 after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. He refrained from active participation in politics for the next several years, but in 1930 launched a new civil disobedience campaign against the colonial government’s tax on salt, which greatly affected Indian’s poorest citizens.

A Divided Movement

In 1931, after British authorities made some concessions, Gandhi again called off the resistance movement and agreed to represent the Congress Party at the Round Table Conference in London. Meanwhile, some of his party colleagues–particularly Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a leading voice for India’s Muslim minority–grew frustrated with Gandhi’s methods, and what they saw as a lack of concrete gains. Arrested upon his return by a newly aggressive colonial government, Gandhi began a series of hunger strikes in protest of the treatment of India’s so-called “untouchables” (the poorer classes), whom he renamed Harijans, or “children of God.” The fasting caused an uproar among his followers and resulted in swift reforms by the Hindu community and the government.

In 1934, Gandhi announced his retirement from politics in, as well as his resignation from the Congress Party, in order to concentrate his efforts on working within rural communities. Drawn back into the political fray by the outbreak of World War II , Gandhi again took control of the INC, demanding a British withdrawal from India in return for Indian cooperation with the war effort. Instead, British forces imprisoned the entire Congress leadership, bringing Anglo-Indian relations to a new low point.

Partition and Death of Gandhi

After the Labor Party took power in Britain in 1947, negotiations over Indian home rule began between the British, the Congress Party and the Muslim League (now led by Jinnah). Later that year, Britain granted India its independence but split the country into two dominions: India and Pakistan. Gandhi strongly opposed Partition, but he agreed to it in hopes that after independence Hindus and Muslims could achieve peace internally. Amid the massive riots that followed Partition, Gandhi urged Hindus and Muslims to live peacefully together, and undertook a hunger strike until riots in Calcutta ceased.

In January 1948, Gandhi carried out yet another fast, this time to bring about peace in the city of Delhi. On January 30, 12 days after that fast ended, Gandhi was on his way to an evening prayer meeting in Delhi when he was shot to death by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu fanatic enraged by Mahatma’s efforts to negotiate with Jinnah and other Muslims. The next day, roughly 1 million people followed the procession as Gandhi’s body was carried in state through the streets of the city and cremated on the banks of the holy Jumna River.

salt march, 1930, indians, gandhi, ahmadabad, arabian sea, british salt taxes

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Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was the primary leader of India’s independence movement and also the architect of a form of non-violent civil disobedience that would influence the world. He was assassinated by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse.



Who Was Mahatma Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of India’s non-violent independence movement against British rule and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of Indians. Born in Porbandar, India, Gandhi studied law and organized boycotts against British institutions in peaceful forms of civil disobedience. He was killed by a fanatic in 1948.


Early Life and Education

Indian nationalist leader Gandhi (born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Kathiawar, India, which was then part of the British Empire.

Gandhi’s father, Karamchand Gandhi, served as a chief minister in Porbandar and other states in western India. His mother, Putlibai, was a deeply religious woman who fasted regularly.

Young Gandhi was a shy, unremarkable student who was so timid that he slept with the lights on even as a teenager. In the ensuing years, the teenager rebelled by smoking, eating meat and stealing change from household servants.

Although Gandhi was interested in becoming a doctor, his father hoped he would also become a government minister and steered him to enter the legal profession. In 1888, 18-year-old Gandhi sailed for London, England, to study law. The young Indian struggled with the transition to Western culture.

Upon returning to India in 1891, Gandhi learned that his mother had died just weeks earlier. He struggled to gain his footing as a lawyer. In his first courtroom case, a nervous Gandhi blanked when the time came to cross-examine a witness. He immediately fled the courtroom after reimbursing his client for his legal fees.

Gandhi’s Religion and Beliefs

Gandhi grew up worshiping the Hindu god Vishnu and following Jainism, a morally rigorous ancient Indian religion that espoused non-violence, fasting, meditation and vegetarianism.

During Gandhi’s first stay in London, from 1888 to 1891, he became more committed to a meatless diet, joining the executive committee of the London Vegetarian Society, and started to read a variety of sacred texts to learn more about world religions.

Living in South Africa, Gandhi continued to study world religions. “The religious spirit within me became a living force,” he wrote of his time there. He immersed himself in sacred Hindu spiritual texts and adopted a life of simplicity, austerity, fasting and celibacy that was free of material goods.

Gandhi in South Africa

After struggling to find work as a lawyer in India, Gandhi obtained a one-year contract to perform legal services in South Africa. In April 1893, he sailed for Durban in the South African state of Natal.

When Gandhi arrived in South Africa, he was quickly appalled by the discrimination and racial segregation faced by Indian immigrants at the hands of white British and Boer authorities. Upon his first appearance in a Durban courtroom, Gandhi was asked to remove his turban. He refused and left the court instead. The Natal Advertiser mocked him in print as “an unwelcome visitor.”

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience

A seminal moment occurred on June 7, 1893, during a train trip to Pretoria, South Africa, when a white man objected to Gandhi’s presence in the first-class railway compartment, although he had a ticket. Refusing to move to the back of the train, Gandhi was forcibly removed and thrown off the train at a station in Pietermaritzburg.

Gandhi’s act of civil disobedience awoke in him a determination to devote himself to fighting the “deep disease of color prejudice.” He vowed that night to “try, if possible, to root out the disease and suffer hardships in the process.”

From that night forward, the small, unassuming man would grow into a giant force for civil rights. Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress in 1894 to fight discrimination.

Gandhi prepared to return to India at the end of his year-long contract until he learned, at his farewell party, of a bill before the Natal Legislative Assembly that would deprive Indians of the right to vote. Fellow immigrants convinced Gandhi to stay and lead the fight against the legislation. Although Gandhi could not prevent the law’s passage, he drew international attention to the injustice.

After a brief trip to India in late 1896 and early 1897, Gandhi returned to South Africa with his wife and children. Gandhi ran a thriving legal practice, and at the outbreak of the Boer War, he raised an all-Indian ambulance corps of 1,100 volunteers to support the British cause, arguing that if Indians expected to have full rights of citizenship in the British Empire, they also needed to shoulder their responsibilities.

In 1906, Gandhi organized his first mass civil-disobedience campaign, which he called “Satyagraha” (“truth and firmness”), in reaction to the South African Transvaal government’s new restrictions on the rights of Indians, including the refusal to recognize Hindu marriages.

After years of protests, the government imprisoned hundreds of Indians in 1913, including Gandhi. Under pressure, the South African government accepted a compromise negotiated by Gandhi and General Jan Christian Smuts that included recognition of Hindu marriages and the abolition of a poll tax for Indians.

Return to India

In 1915 Gandhi founded an ashram in Ahmedabad, India, that was open to all castes. Wearing a simple loincloth and shawl, Gandhi lived an austere life devoted to prayer, fasting and meditation. He became known as “Mahatma,” which means “great soul.”

Opposition to British Rule in India

In 1919, with India still under the firm control of the British, Gandhi had a political reawakening when the newly enacted Rowlatt Act authorized British authorities to imprison people suspected of sedition without trial. In response, Gandhi called for a Satyagraha campaign of peaceful protests and strikes.

Violence broke out instead, which culminated on April 13, 1919, in the Massacre of Amritsar. Troops led by British Brigadier General Reginald Dyer fired machine guns into a crowd of unarmed demonstrators and killed nearly 400 people.

No longer able to pledge allegiance to the British government, Gandhi returned the medals he earned for his military service in South Africa and opposed Britain’s mandatory military draft of Indians to serve in World War I.

Gandhi became a leading figure in the Indian home-rule movement. Calling for mass boycotts, he urged government officials to stop working for the Crown, students to stop attending government schools, soldiers to leave their posts and citizens to stop paying taxes and purchasing British goods.

Rather than buy British-manufactured clothes, he began to use a portable spinning wheel to produce his own cloth. The spinning wheel soon became a symbol of Indian independence and self-reliance.

Gandhi assumed the leadership of the Indian National Congress and advocated a policy of non-violence and non-cooperation to achieve home rule.

After British authorities arrested Gandhi in 1922, he pleaded guilty to three counts of sedition. Although sentenced to a six-year imprisonment, Gandhi was released in February 1924 after appendicitis surgery.

He discovered upon his release that relations between India’s Hindus and Muslims devolved during his time in jail. When violence between the two religious groups flared again, Gandhi began a three-week fast in the autumn of 1924 to urge unity. He remained away from active politics during much of the latter 1920s.

Gandhi and the Salt March

Gandhi returned to active politics in 1930 to protest Britain’s Salt Acts, which not only prohibited Indians from collecting or selling salt—a dietary staple—but imposed a heavy tax that hit the country’s poorest particularly hard. Gandhi planned a new Satyagraha campaign, The Salt March , that entailed a 390-kilometer/240-mile march to the Arabian Sea, where he would collect salt in symbolic defiance of the government monopoly.

“My ambition is no less than to convert the British people through non-violence and thus make them see the wrong they have done to India,” he wrote days before the march to the British viceroy, Lord Irwin.

Wearing a homespun white shawl and sandals and carrying a walking stick, Gandhi set out from his religious retreat in Sabarmati on March 12, 1930, with a few dozen followers. By the time he arrived 24 days later in the coastal town of Dandi, the ranks of the marchers swelled, and Gandhi broke the law by making salt from evaporated seawater.

The Salt March sparked similar protests, and mass civil disobedience swept across India. Approximately 60,000 Indians were jailed for breaking the Salt Acts, including Gandhi, who was imprisoned in May 1930.

Still, the protests against the Salt Acts elevated Gandhi into a transcendent figure around the world. He was named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year” for 1930.

Gandhi was released from prison in January 1931, and two months later he made an agreement with Lord Irwin to end the Salt Satyagraha in exchange for concessions that included the release of thousands of political prisoners. The agreement, however, largely kept the Salt Acts intact. But it did give those who lived on the coasts the right to harvest salt from the sea.

Hoping that the agreement would be a stepping-stone to home rule, Gandhi attended the London Round Table Conference on Indian constitutional reform in August 1931 as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress. The conference, however, proved fruitless.


Gandhi Fact Card

Protesting "Untouchables" Segregation

Gandhi returned to India to find himself imprisoned once again in January 1932 during a crackdown by India’s new viceroy, Lord Willingdon. He embarked on a six-day fast to protest the British decision to segregate the “untouchables,” those on the lowest rung of India’s caste system, by allotting them separate electorates. The public outcry forced the British to amend the proposal.

After his eventual release, Gandhi left the Indian National Congress in 1934, and leadership passed to his protégé Jawaharlal Nehru . He again stepped away from politics to focus on education, poverty and the problems afflicting India’s rural areas.

India’s Independence from Great Britain

As Great Britain found itself engulfed in World War II in 1942, Gandhi launched the “Quit India” movement that called for the immediate British withdrawal from the country. In August 1942, the British arrested Gandhi, his wife and other leaders of the Indian National Congress and detained them in the Aga Khan Palace in present-day Pune.

“I have not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside at the liquidation of the British Empire,” Prime Minister Winston Churchill told Parliament in support of the crackdown.

With his health failing, Gandhi was released after a 19-month detainment in 1944.

After the Labour Party defeated Churchill’s Conservatives in the British general election of 1945, it began negotiations for Indian independence with the Indian National Congress and Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Muslim League. Gandhi played an active role in the negotiations, but he could not prevail in his hope for a unified India. Instead, the final plan called for the partition of the subcontinent along religious lines into two independent states—predominantly Hindu India and predominantly Muslim Pakistan.

Violence between Hindus and Muslims flared even before independence took effect on August 15, 1947. Afterwards, the killings multiplied. Gandhi toured riot-torn areas in an appeal for peace and fasted in an attempt to end the bloodshed. Some Hindus, however, increasingly viewed Gandhi as a traitor for expressing sympathy toward Muslims.

Gandhi’s Wife and Kids

At the age of 13, Gandhi wed Kasturba Makanji, a merchant’s daughter, in an arranged marriage. She died in Gandhi’s arms in February 1944 at the age of 74.

In 1885, Gandhi endured the passing of his father and shortly after that the death of his young baby.

In 1888, Gandhi’s wife gave birth to the first of four surviving sons. A second son was born in India 1893. Kasturba gave birth to two more sons while living in South Africa, one in 1897 and one in 1900.

Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi

On January 30, 1948, 78-year-old Gandhi was shot and killed by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse, who was upset at Gandhi’s tolerance of Muslims.

Weakened from repeated hunger strikes, Gandhi clung to his two grandnieces as they led him from his living quarters in New Delhi’s Birla House to a late-afternoon prayer meeting. Godse knelt before the Mahatma before pulling out a semiautomatic pistol and shooting him three times at point-blank range. The violent act took the life of a pacifist who spent his life preaching nonviolence.

Godse and a co-conspirator were executed by hanging in November 1949. Additional conspirators were sentenced to life in prison.

Even after Gandhi’s assassination, his commitment to nonviolence and his belief in simple living — making his own clothes, eating a vegetarian diet and using fasts for self-purification as well as a means of protest — have been a beacon of hope for oppressed and marginalized people throughout the world.

Satyagraha remains one of the most potent philosophies in freedom struggles throughout the world today. Gandhi’s actions inspired future human rights movements around the globe, including those of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States and Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Martin Luther King


Winston Churchill

Nelson Mandela

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  • Name: Mahatma Gandhi
  • Birth Year: 1869
  • Birth date: October 2, 1869
  • Birth City: Porbandar, Kathiawar
  • Birth Country: India
  • Gender: Male
  • Best Known For: Mahatma Gandhi was the primary leader of India’s independence movement and also the architect of a form of non-violent civil disobedience that would influence the world. Until Gandhi was assassinated in 1948, his life and teachings inspired activists including Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
  • Civil Rights
  • Astrological Sign: Libra
  • University College London
  • Samaldas College at Bhavnagar, Gujarat
  • Nacionalities
  • Interesting Facts
  • As a young man, Mahatma Gandhi was a poor student and was terrified of public speaking.
  • Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress in 1894 to fight discrimination.
  • Gandhi was assassinated by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse, who was upset at Gandhi’s tolerance of Muslims.
  • Gandhi's non-violent civil disobedience inspired future world leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
  • Death Year: 1948
  • Death date: January 30, 1948
  • Death City: New Delhi
  • Death Country: India

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  • Article Title: Mahatma Gandhi Biography
  • Author: Editors
  • Website Name: The website
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  • Access Date:
  • Publisher: A&E; Television Networks
  • Last Updated: September 4, 2019
  • Original Published Date: April 3, 2014
  • An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
  • Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.
  • Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different roads, so long as we reach the same goal? In reality, there are as many religions as there are individuals.
  • The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
  • To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woman.
  • Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time.
  • A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
  • There are many things to do. Let each one of us choose our task and stick to it through thick and thin. Let us not think of the vastness. But let us pick up that portion which we can handle best.
  • An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.
  • For one man cannot do right in one department of life whilst he is occupied in doing wrong in any other department. Life is one indivisible whole.
  • If we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children.


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Biography Online


Mahatma Gandhi Biography

Mahatma Gandhi was a prominent Indian political leader who was a leading figure in the campaign for Indian independence. He employed non-violent principles and peaceful disobedience as a means to achieve his goal. He was assassinated in 1948, shortly after achieving his life goal of Indian independence. In India, he is known as ‘Father of the Nation’.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it–always.”

Short Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

mahatma gandhi

Around this time, he also studied the Bible and was struck by the teachings of Jesus Christ  – especially the emphasis on humility and forgiveness. He remained committed to the Bible and Bhagavad Gita throughout his life, though he was critical of aspects of both religions.

Gandhi in South Africa

On completing his degree in Law, Gandhi returned to India, where he was soon sent to South Africa to practise law. In South Africa, Gandhi was struck by the level of racial discrimination and injustice often experienced by Indians. In 1893, he was thrown off a train at the railway station in Pietermaritzburg after a white man complained about Gandhi travelling in first class. This experience was a pivotal moment for Gandhi and he began to represent other Indias who experienced discrimination. As a lawyer he was in high demand and soon he became the unofficial leader for Indians in South Africa. It was in South Africa that Gandhi first experimented with campaigns of civil disobedience and protest; he called his non-violent protests satyagraha . Despite being imprisoned for short periods of time, he also supported the British under certain conditions. During the Boer war, he served as a medic and stretcher-bearer. He felt that by doing his patriotic duty it would make the government more amenable to demands for fair treatment. Gandhi was at the Battle of Spion serving as a medic. An interesting historical anecdote, is that at this battle was also Winston Churchill and Louis Botha (future head of South Africa) He was decorated by the British for his efforts during the Boer War and Zulu rebellion.

Gandhi and Indian Independence

After 21 years in South Africa, Gandhi returned to India in 1915. He became the leader of the Indian nationalist movement campaigning for home rule or Swaraj .


Gandhi also encouraged his followers to practise inner discipline to get ready for independence. Gandhi said the Indians had to prove they were deserving of independence. This is in contrast to independence leaders such as Aurobindo Ghose , who argued that Indian independence was not about whether India would offer better or worse government, but that it was the right for India to have self-government.

Gandhi also clashed with others in the Indian independence movement such as Subhas Chandra Bose who advocated direct action to overthrow the British.

Gandhi frequently called off strikes and non-violent protest if he heard people were rioting or violence was involved.


In 1930, Gandhi led a famous march to the sea in protest at the new Salt Acts. In the sea, they made their own salt, in violation of British regulations. Many hundreds were arrested and Indian jails were full of Indian independence followers.

“With this I’m shaking the foundations of the British Empire.”

– Gandhi – after holding up a cup of salt at the end of the salt march.

However, whilst the campaign was at its peak some Indian protesters killed some British civilians, and as a result, Gandhi called off the independence movement saying that India was not ready. This broke the heart of many Indians committed to independence. It led to radicals like Bhagat Singh carrying on the campaign for independence, which was particularly strong in Bengal.

In 1931, Gandhi was invited to London to begin talks with the British government on greater self-government for India, but remaining a British colony. During his three month stay, he declined the government’s offer of a free hotel room, preferring to stay with the poor in the East End of London. During the talks, Gandhi opposed the British suggestions of dividing India along communal lines as he felt this would divide a nation which was ethnically mixed. However, at the summit, the British also invited other leaders of India, such as BR Ambedkar and representatives of the Sikhs and Muslims. Although the dominant personality of Indian independence, he could not always speak for the entire nation.

Gandhi’s humour and wit

During this trip, he visited King George in Buckingham Palace, one apocryphal story which illustrates Gandhi’s wit was the question by the king – what do you think of Western civilisation? To which Gandhi replied

“It would be a good idea.”

Gandhi wore a traditional Indian dress, even whilst visiting the king. It led Winston Churchill to make the disparaging remark about the half naked fakir. When Gandhi was asked if was sufficiently dressed to meet the king, Gandhi replied

“The king was wearing clothes enough for both of us.”

Gandhi once said he if did not have a sense of humour he would have committed suicide along time ago.

Gandhi and the Partition of India

After the war, Britain indicated that they would give India independence. However, with the support of the Muslims led by Jinnah, the British planned to partition India into two: India and Pakistan. Ideologically Gandhi was opposed to partition. He worked vigorously to show that Muslims and Hindus could live together peacefully. At his prayer meetings, Muslim prayers were read out alongside Hindu and Christian prayers. However, Gandhi agreed to the partition and spent the day of Independence in prayer mourning the partition. Even Gandhi’s fasts and appeals were insufficient to prevent the wave of sectarian violence and killing that followed the partition.

Away from the politics of Indian independence, Gandhi was harshly critical of the Hindu Caste system. In particular, he inveighed against the ‘untouchable’ caste, who were treated abysmally by society. He launched many campaigns to change the status of untouchables. Although his campaigns were met with much resistance, they did go a long way to changing century-old prejudices.

At the age of 78, Gandhi undertook another fast to try and prevent the sectarian killing. After 5 days, the leaders agreed to stop killing. But ten days later Gandhi was shot dead by a Hindu Brahmin opposed to Gandhi’s support for Muslims and the untouchables.

Gandhi and Religion

Gandhi was a seeker of the truth.

“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.”

Gandhi said his great aim in life was to have a vision of God. He sought to worship God and promote religious understanding. He sought inspiration from many different religions: Jainism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and incorporated them into his own philosophy.

On several occasions, he used religious practices and fasting as part of his political approach. Gandhi felt that personal example could influence public opinion.

“When every hope is gone, ‘when helpers fail and comforts flee,’ I find that help arrives somehow, from I know not where. Supplication, worship, prayer are no superstition; they are acts more real than the acts of eating, drinking, sitting or walking. It is no exaggeration to say that they alone are real, all else is unreal.”

– Gandhi Autobiography – The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Citation: Pettinger, Tejvan . “ Biography of Mahatma Gandhi” , Oxford, UK. 12th Jan 2011. Last updated 1 Feb 2020.

The Essential Gandhi

Book Cover

The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work, and Ideas at Amazon

Book Cover

Gandhi: An Autobiography – The Story of My Experiments With Truth at Amazon

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He stood out in his time in history. Non violence as he practised it was part of his spiritual learning usedvas a political tool. How can one say he wasn’t a good lawyer or he wasn’t a good leader when he had such a following and he was part of the negotiations thar brought about Indian Independance? I just dipped into this ti find out about the salt march.:)

  • February 09, 2019 9:31 AM
  • By Lakmali Gunawardena

mahatma gandhi was a good person but he wasn’t all good because when he freed the indian empire the partition grew between the muslims and they fought .this didn’t happen much when the british empire was in control because muslims and hindus had a common enemy to unite against.

I am not saying the british empire was a good thing.

  • January 01, 2019 3:24 PM
  • By marcus carpenter

Dear very nice information Gandhi ji always inspired us thanks a lot.

  • October 01, 2018 1:40 PM


  • June 03, 2018 8:34 AM

Gandhi was a lawyer who did not make a good impression as a lawyer. His success and influence was mediocre in law religion and politics. He rose to prominence by chance. He was neither a good lawyer or a leader circumstances conspired at a time in history for him to stand out as an astute leader both in South Africa and in India. The British were unable to control the tidal wave of independence in all the countries they ruled at that time. Gandhi was astute enough to seize the opportunity and used non violence as a tool which had no teeth but caused sufficient concern for the British to negotiate and hand over territories which they had milked dry.

  • February 09, 2018 2:30 PM
  • By A S Cassim

By being “astute enough to seize the opportunity” and not being pushed down/ defeated by an Empire, would you agree this is actually the reason why Gandhi made a good impression as a leader? Also, despite his mediocre success and influence as you mentioned, would you agree the outcome of his accomplishments are clearly a demonstration he actually was relevant to law, religion and politics?

  • November 23, 2018 12:45 AM

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Mahatma Gandhi: Biography, Beliefs, Religion

Mahatma Gandhi Biography

The biography of Mahatma Gandhi presents an intricate journey of a man deeply rooted in his beliefs and principles. His life story showcases a blend of spiritual, philosophical, and political endeavors that had profound impacts within and beyond religion. Across diverse contexts, Gandhi’s name resonates with notions of peace, nonviolence, and resilience. Dive into the comprehensive narrative of this influential figure and understand the ethos that defined his path.

Table of Contents

Biography Summary

Early Life and Education Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869, and tragically died on January 30, 1948. A beacon of peace and nonviolence, Gandhi was an exemplary figure who battled colonial subjugation and heralded India’s independence from oppressive British rule. His unwavering dedication to nonviolent resistance was instrumental in inspiring movements for civil rights and freedom on a global scale.

South African Sojourn

In the coastal state of Gujarat, within a devout Hindu family, Gandhi’s roots were planted. His legal proficiency was honed at the Inner Temple, London, where he achieved his accolade of being called to the bar in June 1891 at the age of 22. Struggling to cultivate a successful law practice in India, Gandhi sought opportunities in South Africa in 1893, representing an Indian merchant in legal matters. South Africa became his home for 21 years, where he not only nurtured a family but also cultivated the strategy of nonviolent resistance as a weapon against injustice and discrimination.

Return to India and National Leadership

1915 marked his return to India, and at 45, Gandhi embarked on a mission to consolidate peasants, farmers, and laborers, championing causes against discrimination and excessive land tax. Steering the Indian National Congress in 1921, his leadership illuminated paths toward mitigating poverty, broadening women’s rights, fostering religious and ethnic harmony, and terminating untouchability. With the embodiment of swaraj or self-rule as his objective, Gandhi became a paragon of simplicity, adopting a lifestyle resonating with the underprivileged.

Defiance Against British Rule

In a defining moment of defiance against British rule, Gandhi spearheaded the 400 km Dandi Salt March in 1930, challenging the stringent British salt tax. His clarion call for the British to “Quit India” echoed through the nation in 1942. Despite numerous incarcerations in South Africa and India, Gandhi’s spirit remained unyielding.

Partition and the Struggle for Peace

As the winds of freedom began to blow across the Indian subcontinent in the early 1940s, they carried with them the storms of partition, driven by the burgeoning demand for a separate Muslim homeland. The twilight of British rule in August 1947 unfurled the dawn of independence, heralding the birth of India and Pakistan. A crucible of turbulence, upheaval, and religious animosity ensued, marring the euphoria of emancipation with the stains of violence and bloodshed.

Gandhi, who envisioned an India resonating with religious pluralism, became a crucible of solace and peace, endeavoring tirelessly to assuage the tempests of violence and discord. Embarking on several hunger strikes, his life became an epitome of sacrifice aimed at halting the horrific religious carnage. His journey, however, was tragically ended by the bullets of Nathuram Godse, a militant Hindu nationalist, on January 30, 1948.

Remembered and revered as the Father of the Nation in the tapestry of post-colonial India, Gandhi’s legacy is enshrined in his unyielding devotion to peace and nonviolence. The global canvas commemorates his birth on October 2 as Gandhi Jayanti and the International Day of Nonviolence, celebrating the luminary who illuminated pathways towards peace, tolerance, and harmony.

Early Life and Background

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, a coastal town on the Kathiawar Peninsula in the then princely state of Porbandar, part of the Kathiawar Agency of the British Raj. He was born into a Gujarati Hindu Modh Bania family with a prominent status in the region. His father, Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi (1822–1885), held the esteemed Porbandar state’s dewan (chief minister) position, contributing actively to the governance and administration despite having a modest educational background.

The familial lineage of the Gandhis originated from Kutiana village in what was then the Junagadh State. Karamchand, Gandhi’s father, was particularly experienced in state administration, and his influential tenure included a remarriage with Putlibai (1844–1891), who became an essential figure in the family and Gandhi’s life. This union produced several children, with Mohandas being the youngest, born in a rather humble setting within the Gandhi family residence.

Childhood Influences and Education

Gandhi’s early years were marked by a blend of traditional Indian stories and diverse religious exposure, pivotal in shaping his moral compass and philosophical standings. His internalization of truth and love as supreme virtues was profoundly influenced by epic Indian classics, leaving an indelible mark on his conscience and thought processes. A salient feature of Gandhi’s upbringing was the eclectic religious atmosphere at home, rooted in Hindu traditions, enriched with teachings from various texts like the Bhagavad Gita, the Bhagavata Purana, and several others, offering him a well-rounded spiritual foundation.

A strategic relocation occurred in 1874 when Karamchand moved to Rajkot, assuming the role of a counselor to its ruler, ensuring a degree of security and prestige despite its lesser stature than Porbandar. Gandhi commenced his formal education in Rajkot, engaging in fundamental studies, including arithmetic, history, and the Gujarati language, at a school close to his residence. Furthering his education, he joined Alfred High School, where his academic journey was characterized as average, marked by a noticeable reservation and lack of interest in physical games and activities.

Personal Life and Marriage

Aligning with the prevailing customs of the region, Gandhi, at the age of 13, entered into an arranged marriage in May 1883 with Kasturbai Gokuldas Kapadia, commonly referred to as Kasturba or Ba. Traditional practices marked this marital union, and the initial phases saw Gandhi battling internal feelings of jealousy and possessiveness alongside navigating the typical aspirations and challenges faced by adolescents.

The demise of Karamchand in late 1885 and the death of Gandhi’s firstborn in the same period marked a phase of profound sorrow and loss for Gandhi. Overcoming these personal challenges, Gandhi and Kasturba went on to have four more sons: Harilal (born in 1888), Manilal (born in 1892), Ramdas (born in 1897), and Devdas (born in 1900).

Gandhi’s pursuit of higher education saw him graduate from high school in Ahmedabad in November 1887 and enroll at Samaldas College in Bhavnagar State in January 1888. However, his stint at Samaldas College was short-lived, resulting in a return to his family in Porbandar, marking a temporary pause in his educational journey.

Education: Law Student in London

The pivotal chapter of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s life unfolded when he embarked on a journey to London to delve into legal studies. Driven by advice from Mavji Dave Joshiji, a close Brahmin priest and confidant of the Gandhi family, the voyage was set into motion amidst familial uncertainties and emotional deliberations. Kasturba, Gandhi’s wife, had recently given birth to their first surviving son, Harilal, in July 1888, and the familial reservations, primarily from his mother Putlibai and uncle Tulsidas, weighed heavily against the backdrop of traditional and ethical considerations.

On August 10, 1888, an 18-year-old Gandhi embarked on his journey from Porbandar to Mumbai (then known as Bombay), facing a storm of warnings and skepticism from his community, which fervently questioned the moral implications of his travel to the West. Despite assurances of his unwavering adherence to his vows and cultural norms, Gandhi faced social repercussions, culminating in his excommunication from his caste. Undeterred, Gandhi sailed from Mumbai to London on September 4, 1888, entering a new phase of his life marked by exploration and academic pursuits.

In London, Gandhi’s academic journey found its path in illustrious institutions like the University College, London, where, under the tutelage of scholars like Henry Morley, he immersed himself in studies involving English literature from 1888 to 1889. His legal aspirations were channeled through his enrollment at the Inns of Court School of Law at Inner Temple, fostering his aim of becoming a barrister. London presented a tableau of challenges and avenues, resurrecting his childhood traits of shyness and introversion. His inclination towards personal improvement saw him engage in public speaking forums, which significantly aided in diminishing his reticence, cultivating a foundation crucial for his future legal practices.

Gandhi’s London sojourn was also marked by a conscientious engagement with the societal canvas of the city, particularly the impoverished communities in London’s Docklands. His empathetic involvement became notably evident during a trade dispute in 1889, where dockworkers spearheaded a movement demanding equitable pay and improved working conditions, eliciting solidarity from various sectors, including seamen, shipbuilders, and factory workers. This convergence of collective voices found resolution through successful negotiations, facilitated notably by the mediation efforts of Cardinal Manning. This instance found Gandhi, accompanied by an Indian acquaintance, expressing gratitude towards the cardinal, reflecting his appreciation and respect for efforts fostering justice and welfare in society.

Vegetarianism and Committee Work

During his period of residence in London, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s lifestyle and commitments were profoundly molded by a vow of ethical and cultural fidelity to his mother. In an attempt to assimilate into the English societal fabric, Gandhi adopted local customs of the period, engaging in activities such as dancing lessons. However, his initial experiences, particularly concerning dietary habits, were marred by a struggle with the limited vegetarian options available, leaving him often in discomfort and hunger.

His culinary explorations eventually led him to some of London’s vegetarian establishments, where his ideological perspective was further enriched by literary influences such as the works of Henry Salt. Such exposures paved the way for Gandhi’s active involvement in the London Vegetarian Society (LVS), where he was elected to its executive committee, serving under the leadership of Arnold Hills, a prominent industrialist and the society’s president.

In the sociocultural spheres of society, Gandhi played a pivotal role in extending its influence, contributing to establishing a new chapter in Bayswater. His interactions within the society were characterized by diverse intellectual engagements, including associations with members of the Theosophical Society, an organization founded in 1875 dedicated to promoting universal brotherhood and an in-depth exploration of Buddhist and Hindu literature. This confluence of ideas and philosophies prompted Gandhi towards an enhanced engagement with sacred texts like the Bhagavad Gita, fostering a nuanced understanding and appreciation of its teachings both in original and translated forms.

Ethical Debates within the Society

Gandhi’s tenure at the LVS was also marked by notable disagreements, symbolizing his early forays into challenging authoritative perspectives despite an innate shyness and a general disposition to avoid confrontations. A significant episode of difference emerged between Gandhi and Hills concerning the LVS membership of Thomas Allinson, who was at the center of a debate due to his advocacies related to newly emerging birth control methodologies.

Gandhi’s interactions with Hills, characterized by mutual respect and productivity, faced divergent views regarding the ethical considerations surrounding vegetarianism and broader moral paradigms. Hills, a figure of significant societal standing, marked by accomplishments in industrial enterprises and sports, and a benefactor of LVS, upheld a perspective linking vegetarianism closely with broader moral constructs, positioning it as a movement reflecting Puritan societal values.

The deliberations reached a point of formal discussions and voting within the committee, testing Gandhi’s capacities to articulate and defend his viewpoints amidst personal reservations and shyness. Despite personal ideological differences, Gandhi’s defense of Allinson reflected a nuanced appreciation of individual rights to differing opinions within the collective organizational framework.

A documented reflection of this episode is captured in Gandhi’s autobiographical work, An Autobiography, Vol. I , where he articulated a strong advocacy for allowing diverse viewpoints within society, even if they did not necessarily align with commonly upheld moral perspectives. The culmination of these debates saw the exclusion of Allinson from society after a voting process. Still, the episode unfolded without animosities, maintaining the ethos of respect and dignified disagreements within the society’s operational dynamics.

Admittance to the Bar

In the legal progression of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s life, a pivotal milestone was achieved when he was called to the bar at 22 in June 1891. Gandhi embarked on his journey back to India from London after this significant professional attainment. Upon his return, he was confronted with the sad news of his mother’s demise during his stay in London, a fact his family had kept concealed.

Seeking to establish his professional foothold, Gandhi initially ventured into setting up a law practice in Bombay. However, these attempts did not fructify successfully, owing to psychological barriers that hindered his ability to cross-examine witnesses effectively. Consequently, Gandhi transitioned back to Rajkot, where he engaged in drafting petitions for litigants as a means of earning a living. This career phase was challenged when confrontations with a British officer, Sam Sunny, interrupted his professional pursuits.

Professional Opportunity in South Africa

The year 1893 marked a turning point in Gandhi’s career when a business proposition from Dada Abdullah, a Muslim merchant rooted in Kathiawar, was presented to him. Abdullah, well-established in the shipping industry in South Africa, was searching for a lawyer to represent his distant cousin in Johannesburg, expressing a preference for an individual sharing a Kathiawari heritage.

Negotiations regarding the professional compensation for the proposed assignment resulted in an offer of a total salary amounting to £105. When adjusted for inflation and currency valuation of the period, this would be approximately equivalent to $17,200 in 2019. In addition to the salary, provisions were made for covering travel expenses associated with the assignment. Gandhi’s acceptance of this offer was marked by the understanding that it would entail a commitment of at least a year in the Colony of Natal, South Africa, which was also under the dominion of the British Empire.

This professional opportunity signified a transformative phase in Gandhi’s legal career, marking the initiation of his impactful journey in South Africa, where his experiences and contributions would profoundly shape his ideological and activist orientations.

Civil Rights Journey in South Africa (1893–1914)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s odyssey as a civil rights activist unfolded in South Africa, a journey that spanned 21 years, commencing in April 1893, when a 23-year-old Gandhi set sail to represent Abdullah’s cousin in a legal case. His initial arrival in South Africa was marred by discrimination and racial prejudice due to his ethnic origin and skin color.

This phase of history was notably marked by the unveiling of a bronze statue commemorating Gandhi’s centenary at the Pietermaritzburg Railway Station by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in June 1993. The location had historical significance as the site where Gandhi was ousted from a train due to his refusal to vacate the first-class compartment, a space designated exclusively for Europeans. This incident was instrumental in propelling Gandhi to commit to civil rights activism, catalyzing his resolve to challenge and protest against racial injustices.

His initial perception was of self-identification primarily as a Briton, with his Indian identity being secondary. However, the extensive and entrenched discriminatory practices he experienced and witnessed were pivotal in reshaping his self-perception and ideological orientations. His advocacy extended beyond personal experiences, propelling initiatives aimed at confronting and challenging legislative and systemic manifestations of discrimination against the Indian community in South Africa.

A significant landmark in his South African journey was the conclusion of the Abdullah case in May 1894. However, Gandhi’s intent to return to India was altered by emergent political developments, specifically discriminatory legislative proposals. This prompted an extension of his stay, marking an enhanced engagement in organized activism, notably through the founding of the Natal Indian Congress in 1894. His strategic advocacy included petitions to British officials, such as Joseph Chamberlain, the British Colonial Secretary, seeking to reconsider discriminatory legislative provisions.

Gandhi’s journey also featured participation in the Boer War (1899–1902), where he played a role in forming the Natal Indian Ambulance Corps, engaging in humanitarian services in the conflict zones. This participation was emblematic of Gandhi’s multifaceted activism, integrating pursuits of civil rights advocacy with humanitarian contributions, seeking to challenge prevailing stereotypes and prejudices against the Indian community.

The evolution of his unique methodological approach to civil rights activism culminated in the conceptualization of Satyagraha, or devotion to truth, a form of nonviolent protest. This philosophy was first formally deployed in mass demonstrations against the Transvaal government’s discriminatory registration laws in 1906. The strategic evolution of Gandhi’s activism, characterized by nonviolent protests and civil disobedience, was further informed by cross-cultural intellectual engagements, such as correspondences with Leo Tolstoy.

The legacy of Gandhi’s South African sojourn constituted a transformative impact on his philosophical and strategic approaches to civil rights activism, contributing foundational elements to his subsequent influential role in India’s struggle for independence upon his return in 1915.

European, Indian, and African Intersectionality

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s transformative journey as a civil rights activist in South Africa evolved over the critical years from 1893 to 1914. During these defining decades, Gandhi navigated the tumultuous waters of racial discrimination, political awakening, and profound personal and ideological evolution.

Initially, Gandhi’s primary focus was directed towards the racial injustices faced by the Indian community. The formation of the Natal Indian Congress marked his entrance into the political arena. This political emergence was fueled by personal experiences of racial discrimination and victimization, driving him to channel his energies toward resisting and combating the prevalent racial prejudices and violations of rights. Gandhi’s experiences were characterized by overt racism, reflected in societal attitudes and systemic practices, where he was subjected to derogatory labels and overt expressions of racial hate.

Complexities and evolving perspectives marked the trajectory of Gandhi’s activism. His initial outlook exhibited racial bias, as illustrated in his initial speeches and legal advocacies where distinctions were made between the Indian and African communities. An exemplification of this is visible in his legal briefs prepared in 1895 and speeches made in September 1896, where he delineated the Indian society from the African population in the context of civil rights and societal positioning.

However, a transformative shift became apparent in Gandhi’s perspectives and actions as history unfolded. His activism began to encompass broader horizons, embodying a more inclusive approach toward resisting racial discrimination faced by Africans and Indians. Notable instances of this evolving solidarity included his participation in the Bambatha Rebellion in 1906, where, despite initial reservations, he contributed by forming a volunteer stretcher-bearer unit comprising both Indian and African individuals.

In a reflection of his expanding vision and activism, by 1910, Gandhi’s Indian Opinion newspaper began to address and highlight the racial injustices faced by the African community under the colonial regime inclusively. This period also saw the establishment of Tolstoy Farm near Johannesburg in 1910, a commune that symbolized Gandhi’s commitment to peaceful resistance and his developing philosophies of nonviolent activism.

Prominent figures such as Nelson Mandela have subsequently recognized and admired Gandhi’s contributions to fighting racism in Africa. His legacy in South Africa has been commemorated post-1994 by recognitions and monuments heralding him as a national hero, symbolizing his significant role in the broader struggles against racial discrimination and apartheid.

Through historical lenses, Gandhi’s journey in South Africa emerges as a tapestry woven with threads of complexities, transformative evolutions, and pivotal contributions towards resisting racial prejudices and promoting civil rights, leaving behind a legacy interlinked with the multifaceted histories of European, Indian, and African communities in the country.

Indian Independence Movement (1915–1947)

In 1915, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi returned to India, answering a patriotic call from Gopal Krishna Gokhale, as communicated through C.F. Andrews. This period marked the beginning of Gandhi’s intensive involvement in India’s fight for independence, bringing him a global stature as a profound nationalist, theorist, and formidable community organizer.

In the formative years of his involvement, Gandhi became affiliated with the Indian National Congress (INC). This monumental partnership was orchestrated primarily through the guidance of Gokhale, a distinguished Congress leader renowned for his tempered and measured approach toward political activism. Gokhale’s strategy was rooted in the principles of moderation and adherence to working within the confines of the existing political structures and systems.

Gandhi’s leadership emerged as transformative, recalibrating the liberal foundations laid by Gokhale within the spectrum of British Whiggish traditions to resonate more profoundly with the Indian context. In asserting his growing prominence and leadership, Gandhi spearheaded the Congress with escalating fervor post-1920. His stewardship reached a pivotal milestone on January 26, 1930, when the INC proclaimed India’s independence, marking an audacious stance in their struggle.

Despite the British authority’s non-recognition of this proclamation, it ushered in an era of negotiations and incremental recognitions, wherein the INC began participating in provincial governments by the late 1930s. However, the political landscape was marked by tumult and evolving complexities. In September 1939, a unilateral declaration of war against Germany by the Viceroy exacerbated tensions, prompting Gandhi and the INC to withdraw their support from the Raj.

The historical juncture of 1942 was marked by Gandhi’s vigorous demand for immediate independence, which was met with stringent British repression, resulting in the incarceration of Gandhi and many INC leaders. Concurrently, diverging pathways were being carved by the Muslim League, who, in contrast to Gandhi’s vision, collaborated with the British and championed the establishment of a distinct Muslim state of Pakistan.

The culmination of these struggles and negotiations came to a head in August 1947, witnessing the partitioning of the Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan. This partition unfolded under conditions and terms that Gandhi found profoundly disagreeable, marking a significant historical distinction in India’s arduous journey toward independence.

Throughout these pivotal decades (1915–1947), Gandhi’s leadership, principles, and strategies remained at the epicenter of India’s unwavering quest for independence, shaping the historical and political trajectories of the nation’s liberation movements.

Role in World War I

In the crucial phases of World War I, particularly in April 1918, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi found himself amidst a crucial historical conundrum. Invited by the Viceroy to partake in a War Conference held in Delhi, Gandhi embarked on a path distinctly divergent from his prior pacifist positions. In this period, unlike his previous involvements, such as during the Zulu War of 1906 and the initial stages of World War I in 1914—where his contributions were chiefly aligned with non-combatant roles, primarily recruiting volunteers for the Ambulance Corps—Gandhi sought to mobilize Indian individuals for active combat roles.

Through a leaflet disseminated in June 1918, titled “Appeal for Enlistment,” Gandhi elucidated his perspective, emphasizing the necessity for Indians to be adept in martial self-defense and bear arms if needed. He asserted that such preparedness was integral to the broader objectives of national strength and autonomy. However, a nuanced aspect of his position was elucidated in a letter addressed to the Viceroy’s private secretary, where Gandhi clarified his adherence to non-violence, stating unequivocally that he would abstain from harming any individual, irrespective of their alignment as a friend or foe.

The internal complexities and ethical inquiries surrounding Gandhi’s involvement in war recruitment processes surfaced prominently. Critical discussions and deliberations emerged, particularly concerning the unity of Gandhi’s proactive war recruitment strategies with his philosophical underpinning of ‘Ahimsa’ or non-violence. Such reviews underscored substantial discussions, reflecting the coherence and consistency of Gandhi’s principles and practical enactments.

By July 1918, a discerning admission emanated from Gandhi, illuminating the challenges and reluctances encountered in the recruitment endeavors. His written reflections documented a palpable absence of successful recruitments, attributing the hesitations to the prevailing fears of mortality and harm amongst the individuals approached for enlistment in the war efforts.

Gandhi’s involvement in the World War I recruitment spheres delineates a significant facet of historical examinations, delineating the intersections of ethical philosophies and the pragmatic difficulties of political and wartime landscapes. Throughout this period, the dynamism and debates surrounding Gandhi’s roles and stances remained imbued with multifaceted considerations and evolving strategic adaptations.

Champaran Agitations: Nonviolent Protests

1917, a significant chapter in the Indian independence movement unfolded in Bihar, with Mahatma Gandhi at the forefront – the Champaran agitation. This initiative marked Gandhi’s profound intervention in aligning with the local peasantry against the predominant Anglo-Indian plantation proprietors supported by the regional administrative mechanisms. The agrarian communities were subjected to compulsions predominantly geared towards cultivating indigo (Indigofera sp.), a crop integral to producing indigo dye. The essence of the conflict resonated with the imposition of fixed price mechanisms and the declining commercial viability of the indigo crops over the preceding two decades.

This scenario spurred discontent among the peasants, culminating in a collective appeal to Gandhi, who was stationed at his ashram in Ahmedabad then. With a strategic inclination towards nonviolent resistance, Gandhi orchestrated movements that took the administrative echelons by surprise, effectively garnering substantial concessions and alleviations in favor of the aggrieved agrarian communities.

Kheda Agitations: Mobilization and Advocacy

The subsequent year, 1918, witnessed another significant manifestation of resistance, this time in Kheda, which was beleaguered by the adversities of floods and famine. In this context, demands surfaced from the peasantry, advocating for tangible relief from incumbent tax impositions. Gandhi, channeling the ethos of non-cooperation, transitioned his operational base to Nadiad. A synergistic amalgamation of established supporters and newly recruited volunteers marked this phase, with notable personalities such as Vallabhbhai Patel contributing to the momentum.

A multifaceted approach characterized the agitation, with strategies such as signature campaigns gaining prominence. The central ethos resonated with a commitment to non-payment of revenue, underscored by the plausible threats of consequent land confiscations, and this period also witnessed the emergence of social boycotts targeting revenue-associated administrative officials such as mamlatdars and talatdars within the district spheres.

A period extending over five months marked consistent administrative reluctance to accommodate the demands of the agitation. However, a transformative shift occurred towards the end of May 1918, marking significant governmental concessions. Key adaptations included the suspension of revenue collections and facilitating conditions conducive to alleviating the tax burden, persisting until the resolution of the famine adversities. In this nuanced negotiation landscape, figures such as Vallabhbhai Patel emerged as pivotal representatives of the farmer communities, contributing to the advocacy and negotiation processes that led to the release of prisoners and the realization of crucial concessions.

Khilafat Movement: The Interplay of Politics and Communal Harmony

The Khilafat Movement emerged as a formidable political force post-World War I in 1919, positioning Gandhi, then 49, at the intersection of an intricate matrix involving British imperialism and the multifaceted dynamics of Hindu-Muslim relations in India. Gandhi embarked on an endeavor to solicit political cooperation from the Muslim community, an initiative contextualized within the broader resistance against British colonial rule. The strategy included aligning with the Ottomans, who had faced defeat in World War I.

Before this phase, the subcontinent was marred by communal tensions and disturbances, with religiously motivated riots, such as those witnessed between 1917-1918, illustrating the volatile Hindu-Muslim relations. Gandhi had previously manifested support for the British during the War, a stance reflective of both material and human resource contributions, including the mobilization of Indian soldiers for the European war fronts.

Motivations underpinning Gandhi’s supportive gestures were significantly influenced by British assurances of conceding Swaraj (self-government) to the Indian populace post-war. However, the actual reciprocations from the British governance structures were marked by minor reformative gestures, falling short of the anticipations for self-government, leading to Gandhi’s disillusionment.

Responding to the evolving political landscape, Gandhi articulated his commitment to a satyagraha (civil disobedience) approach. The British administrative response was characterized by the introduction of the Rowlatt Act, legislation that imbued the colonial apparatus with extensive powers, including provisions for indefinite detentions devoid of judicial oversight or requiring trials.

The Khilafat Movement period witnessed Gandhi navigating the complexities of Hindu-Muslim collaboration. This collaboration was visualized as a pivotal foundation for facilitating collective political advancements against British rule. The movement, spearheaded by Sunni Muslim leadership such as the Ali brothers, positioned the Turkish Caliph as a symbolic fulcrum of Islamic solidarity and advocacy for Islamic legal frameworks after the Ottoman Empire’s decline in World War I.

Gandhi’s association with the Khilafat Movement cultivated varied outcomes, including enhanced support from the Muslim community. However, it also elicited skepticism and reservations from Hindu luminaries, notably figures such as Rabindranath Tagore, who questioned the broader implications of recognizing the Sunni Islamic Caliph in Turkey.

Intermittent phases of communal harmony and political solidarity against the British characterized the trajectory of the movement. The joint participation of diverse communities in the Rowlatt satyagraha is noteworthy, bolstering Gandhi’s stature and political leadership.

However, the unfolding political scenarios also witnessed strategic divergences and contestations, exemplified by figures like Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Jinnah’s perspectives gravitated towards constitutional negotiations with the British, diverging from Gandhi’s mass agitation strategies. This led to the crystallization of independent support bases and evolving political paradigms, contributing to subsequent historical trajectories, including the demands for separate geopolitical entities, notably West and East Pakistan.

The movement culminated in a decline around 1922, coinciding with the cessation of the non-cooperation activity, marked by Gandhi’s arrest. This period also witnessed the resurgence of communal conflicts, evidencing the fragility of the Hindu-Muslim unity fostered during the movement and signaling the complexities and challenges characterizing the political and communal landscapes of the period.

Non-Cooperation Movement: A Paradigm Shift in India’s Struggle for Independence

The Non-Cooperation Movement was a significant chapter in India’s freedom struggle, orchestrated by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Inspired by the ideologies articulated in his book Hind Swaraj (1909), Gandhi, at the age of 40, proclaimed that the sustenance of British rule in India was facilitated through the cooperation of the Indian populace. Gandhi espoused the philosophy that refusing this cooperation would be instrumental in dismantling British rule, heralding the advent of Swaraj (Indian Independence).

A momentous event unfolded in Madurai on September 21, 1921, when Gandhi adopted the loincloth, symbolizing his solidarity with the impoverished masses of India. A crescendo in political activities also marked this period. In February 1919, Gandhi, employing cable communication, cautioned the Viceroy of India against enacting the Rowlatt Act, pledging the initiation of civil disobedience in retaliation. Undeterred by this warning, the British administration proceeded to pass the legislation.

On March 30, 1919, this scenario culminated in a tumultuous episode where British law officers resorted to firing upon an unarmed assemblage of individuals participating in a satyagraha in Delhi peacefully protesting against the Rowlatt Act. This incident catalyzed agitation, culminating in significant unrest and riots.

A profound testament to Gandhi’s philosophy was exhibited on April 6, 1919, when he implored a gathering to embody the principles of non-violence and peace in expressing their opposition to British policies, notwithstanding the violent tendencies of the opposition. His strategic foresight in advocating the boycott of British goods was a nuanced approach aimed at undermining the economic foundations of British rule.

The historic Jallianwala Bagh massacre occurred on April 13, 1919, marking a grim chapter in the struggle, where a multitude, including women and children, faced indiscriminate firing commanded by British Indian Army officer Reginald Dyer. The aftermath of this incident saw Gandhi emphasizing non-violence and love as the cornerstone of the Indian response to British atrocities.

Evolving strategically, Gandhi endeavored to recalibrate the focus towards Swaraj and political independence, catalyzed by the cumulative impact of the ongoing events, notably the massacre and subsequent British responses. By 1921, Gandhi emerged as a pivotal figure in the Indian National Congress, reorganizing the political landscape and intertwining the Non-Cooperation Movement’s objectives with the Khilafat Movement’s aspirations.

Advocating a comprehensive non-cooperation strategy, Gandhi encouraged the boycott of foreign goods, mainly British, promoting instead the adoption of Swadeshi products such as khadi. He encouraged widespread participation in spinning khadi as an expression of support for the independence movement. His broader vision also encompassed the boycott of British institutions, urging a collective renunciation of governmental employment and British honors and titles.

The resonance of the Non-Cooperation Movement traversed various strata of Indian society, manifesting in a groundswell of support and participation. This phase saw Gandhi facing arrest on March 10, 1922, and subsequent imprisonment following a sedition trial. His imprisonment marked a period of factional divisions within the Indian National Congress, signifying variances in strategic approaches towards the British.

Post 1922, the movement encountered challenges, including the dissipation of Hindu-Muslim unity, epitomized by the decline of the Khilafat Movement and the emergence of divergent political factions. Gandhi was released from imprisonment in February 1924, having served a portion of his sentence, signifying the conclusion of this chapter of the freedom struggle.

Salt Satyagraha (Salt March)

Pursuit of swaraj.

Following his premature release from incarceration for political dissent in 1924, Mahatma Gandhi remained resolute in his quest for Swaraj or self-rule. He orchestrated a pivotal resolution in December 1928 at the Calcutta Congress, demanding the British government to endow India with dominion status. Gandhi warned that failure to consent to this demand would usher in a new epoch of non-cooperation, with the ultimate goal of absolute independence for India.

His prior endorsements, such as the support for World War I and the unsuccessful Khilafat Movement—which sought to safeguard the Ottoman Caliphate—did foster some internal criticisms and skepticism from contemporaries like Subhas Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh. These individuals questioned his commitment to non-violence and his broader ideological framework.

Manifestation of Resistance: The Unfurling of the Flag and the Ultimatum

The British government’s reluctance and subsequent lack of a favorable response to Gandhi’s demands culminated in symbolic acts of defiance. On December 31, 1929, the Indian flag was proudly unfurled in Lahore, symbolizing a collective yearning for autonomy. Furthermore, Gandhi spearheaded a grand commemoration on January 26, 1930, in Lahore, marking it as India’s Independence Day—a day echoed by many Indian organizations in a symphony of solidarity.

The saga of resistance further unfolded as Gandhi embarked on the Salt Satyagraha in March 1930—a profound manifestation of civil disobedience against the oppressive British salt tax. He ceremoniously dispatched a poignant letter to Lord Irwin, the then Viceroy of India, on March 2, 1930. The letter, a tapestry of condemnation, depicted British rule as an economic and political scourge that had subjugated and impoverished millions.

The Odyssey of Defiance: March to Dandi

In a defiant odyssey from March 12 to April 6, 1930, Gandhi, accompanied by a cadre of 78 volunteers, embarked on a 388-kilometer march from Ahmedabad to Dandi, Gujarat. This monumental march, which spanned 25 days and covered 240 miles, was punctuated by Gandhi’s interactions with colossal crowds, wherein he sowed the seeds of resistance and non-cooperation.

Gandhi’s journey culminated in a symbolic act of making salt, thereby transgressing the draconian salt laws imposed by the British. The aftermath saw his internment on May 5, 1930, invoking regulations established in 1827.

The Echo of Non-violence: The Dharasana Satyagraha

Even in Gandhi’s absence, the flame of resistance continued to blaze. On May 21, 1930, protestors assembled at the Dharasana salt works. A hallowed silence marked the scene as the protestors, armed with the armor of non-violence, advanced towards the enclosure. They were met with a storm of violence as British officials unleashed a torrent of brutality, leaving many battered and bruised.

This spectacle of peaceful protest juxtaposed against the brutality of authority marked a pivotal moment in the struggle, capturing global attention and shaking the foundations of British dominion.

Women in the Satyagraha: An Unfurling Feminine Force

Gandhi’s call for resistance also echoed within the corridors of feminine solidarity. Despite initial reservations and conditional participation based on familial consent and logistical considerations, women surged forward in defiance. Their participation, marked by courage and conviction, carved spaces of protest and resistance within India’s broader spectrum of public life.

The fabric of the Satyagraha was thus woven with threads of diverse participation, embodying a collective spirit of resistance against the yoke of imperial oppression. This tapestry of non-cooperation and defiance underscored the Indian struggle, leaving an indelible mark on the historical chronicle of India’s journey to independence.

The Embodiment of a Folk Hero

Cultural resonance in andhra pradesh.

In the intricate tapestry of India’s struggle for independence, Mahatma Gandhi emerged as a seminal figure, weaving threads of cultural and mythological relevance into the fabric of political activism. In the 1920s, the Indian National Congress ingeniously harnessed the vernacular potency of Telugu language plays in Andhra Pradesh, infusing them with narratives intertwined with Indian mythology and legends, which were then seamlessly interlaced with Gandhi’s transformative ideologies. Such creative endeavors portrayed Gandhi as a divine messenger, akin to revered nationalist leaders and saints from India’s illustrious past. This portrayal resonated profoundly with the peasants, who were deeply entrenched in the rich soils of traditional Hindu culture. Consequently, Gandhi metamorphosed into a folk hero, an ethereal figure bathed in the aura of sacrality, particularly in the Telugu-speaking villages.

The Philosophical Foundations: Soul Force vs. Brute Force

The global appeal of Gandhi’s philosophies was pivotal in sculpting his widespread following. According to scholars like Dennis Dalton, Gandhi’s criticisms of Western civilization, which he depicted as marinated in “brute force and immorality,” instead of his portrayal of Indian civilization as a beacon of “soul force and morality,” struck a powerful chord. These profound ideas, curated with notions of vanquishing hate with the weaponry of love, found expression in his pamphlets, dating back to the 1890s in South Africa. Here, amidst the Indian indentured workers, Gandhi’s ideologies found fertile ground, resulting in a blooming popularity.

Geographic Overtures: Connecting Rural India

The topographic canvas of Gandhi’s activism was vast and vividly rural. His journeys, an odyssey through the diverse rural landscapes of the Indian subcontinent, were marked by a strategic utilization of cultural symbols and terminologies. Employing phrases imbued with cultural and religious resonance, such as Rama-rajya from the epic Ramayana, and evoking paradigmatic icons like Prahlada, Gandhi enriched his concepts of Swaraj and Satyagraha with a potent cultural ethos. These ideological seeds, though seemingly esoteric beyond the Indian landscapes, found deep roots within the native soils of Indian cultural and historical values.

A Confluence of Ideas and Tradition

Gandhi’s inaugural visit to Odisha on an unrecorded date in 1921 was marked by a significant congregation alongside the Kathajodi River, symbolizing his outreach and deep connections with diverse regional identities. Through the harmonization of cultural symbols, traditional ethos, and innovative political philosophies, Gandhi became not just a political leader but a reflection of the people’s values and aspirations, metamorphosing into an embodiment of a collective conscience and a resonating folk hero in the annals of Indian history.

Negotiations and Opposition

The gandhi-irwin pact.

In a pivotal negotiation moment in India’s freedom struggle, the British government, represented by Lord Irwin, engaged in talks with Mahatma Gandhi. The consequential Gandhi-Irwin Pact was formalized in March 1931. A cornerstone of this agreement was the British government’s commitment to release all incarcerated political activists. This decision was counterbalanced by Gandhi’s pledge to suspend the civil disobedience movement temporarily.

Following the pact, Gandhi, embodying the sole representation of the Indian National Congress, was extended an invitation to the Round Table Conference in London. This gathering, however, did not meet the expectations of the Indian nationalists. Rather than pivoting towards discussions on the transfer of power and the realization of India’s independence, the conference seemed to be nestled in deliberations focused on the Indian princes and minorities.

Transition in British Stance

Following Lord Irwin, his successor, Lord Willingdon, espoused a rigorous position, acting with renewed vigor against the aspirations of an independent India. This phase saw a strategic tightening of control over the nationalist movements, marked by repressive measures aimed at subduing the voices clamoring for freedom. Gandhi, symbolic of the freedom struggle, was trapped in the web of arrest again as the authorities sought to diminish his influence by severing his connections with the masses.

Churchill’s Perspective

Winston Churchill, who would later ascend as the Prime Minister of Britain, emerged as a vociferous critic of Gandhi and his vision for India’s future. Positioned outside the corridors of power during this period, Churchill articulated his criticisms with striking vigor and candidness. His speeches reverberated with a distinctive aversion towards Gandhi, whom he dismissed as a “seditious Middle Temple lawyer,” metamorphosing into a fakir. Churchill’s rhetoric, infused with scathing comments, portrayed Gandhi as a nefarious figure, orchestrating movements with “seditious aims” and labeled him as a “Hindu Mussolini.”

Churchill’s adversarial stance against Gandhi was not confined to the British Isles but found resonance in international arenas, including the European and American press. His efforts to politically isolate Gandhi were met with a spectrum of responses. While his critiques found sympathetic ears, they also inadvertently bolstered support for Gandhi, creating a nuanced global perspective on the Indian freedom struggle.

The unfolding political sagas of negotiations, marked by the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, and opposition, epitomized by Churchill’s critiques, painted a complex canvas of the struggle for India’s independence. Each stroke, whether diplomatic engagements or the enthusiasm of opposition, shaped the contours of this historical journey toward freedom.

Round Table Conferences: 1931-1932

Deliberations and disagreements.

Between 1931 and 1932, pivotal discussions unfolded at the Round Table Conferences, engaging key figures such as Mahatma Gandhi in dialogues with the British government. Gandhi, aged around 62 at that time, carried the mantle of aspirations for constitutional reforms, visualizing them as foundational steps towards the cessation of British colonial rule and the inception of Indian self-governance.

The British delegates, however, navigated the discussions with a vision anchored in retaining the colonial grip over the Indian subcontinent. Their proposition involved constitutional refinements modeled after the British Dominion, advocating for establishing separate electorates delineated by religious and societal stratification.

Diverging visions surfaced as the British questioned the Indian National Congress and Gandhi’s capacity to be the comprehensive voice of India’s multifaceted society. In a strategic maneuver, they incorporated diverse religious leaders, including representatives from Muslim and Sikh communities, and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the spokesperson for the Dalits or the “untouchables,” encouraging a discourse enriched by diverse societal and religious nuances.

Steadfast in his principles, Gandhi countered proposals advocating constitutional provisions delineated by communal identities. He envisaged the potential repercussions of such provisions as detrimental, fostering divisions and hindering the unifying spirit essential for a collective struggle against colonial rule.

Residing Amongst the Common People

An illustrative episode during these deliberations was Gandhi’s solitary voyage outside India between 1914 and his demise in 1948. Opting against the allure of luxurious accommodations in London’s West End, Gandhi chose proximity to the working-class populace residing in East End’s Kingsley Hall. This decision mirrored his intrinsic alignment with the grassroots, reflecting his life and struggles in India.

Protests and The Poona Pact

After his return to India, after the Second Round Table Conference, Gandhi spearheaded a renewed wave of Satyagraha. Following his arrest, his unwavering spirit was confined within the walls of Yerwada Jail, Pune.

A significant constitutional development during his incarceration was the British government’s enactment of legislation ushering in separate electorates for the “untouchables,” famously termed the Communal Award. Propelled by a spirit of protest, Gandhi embraced a fast-unto-death in prison, catalyzing a potent wave of public outcry. This led to consultative resolutions involving Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, resulting in the transformative Poona Pact, which replaced the initial Communal Award.

The Round Table Conferences emerged as crucibles of intense deliberations and diverging visions, navigating the turbulent terrains of constitutional reforms amidst India’s freedom struggle. Key protagonists such as Gandhi, embodying the spirit of nonviolent resistance, navigated these discussions with a vision of a united struggle against colonial rule, leading to significant historical milestones like the Poona Pact.

The Dynamics of Congress Politics: 1934-1938

Gandhi’s resignation and its implications.

In a strategic repositioning, Mahatma Gandhi resigned from the membership of the Indian National Congress in 1934. This was not a manifestation of dissent against the party’s stances. Instead, Gandhi’s resignation was imbued with a vision of revitalizing the party’s internal dynamics. He envisioned that his absence would dismantle the overshadowing influence of his immense popularity, facilitating a more vibrant and pluralistic participation from diverse factions within the Congress. These factions encapsulated a spectrum of ideological orientations, including communists, socialists, trade unionists, students, religious conservatives, and proponents of pro-business philosophies.

Gandhi also sought to strategically preclude the potential utilization of his leadership status for propagandist objectives by the Raj. This was emblematic of his nuanced approach to ensuring that his leadership did not inadvertently become a conduit for the Raj’s propaganda machinery.

Resurgence in Active Politics

Gandhi’s re-engagement with active politics unfurled in 1936, synchronized with Jawaharlal Nehru’s ascendancy to the Congress presidency and the significant Lucknow session of the Congress. Gandhi’s focus remained unwaveringly anchored on the imperative of attaining independence, prioritizing it over deliberations speculating on India’s prospective future post-independence.

In a paradigm of ideological diversities, Gandhi did not impose constraints on Congress to adopt socialism as an aspirational objective. However, the political landscape was characterized by emergent contentions, most notably with Subhas Chandra Bose. Bose, elected as the president of the Congress in 1938, epitomized a contrasting ideological orientation, reflecting skepticism towards nonviolence as a fundamental instrument of protest.

Ideological Clashes and Resignations

An ideological clash crescendoed between Gandhi and Bose, culminating in the electoral realm, with Bose securing a second presidential term despite Gandhi’s endorsement of Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramayya. In reflecting on the significance of the election, Gandhi interpreted Sitaramayya’s defeat as a personal loss. This period witnessed a tumultuous phase of All-India leaders resigning from a collective dissent against Bose’s deviation from the foundational Gandhian principles. These resignations underscored the profound ideological variances within the Congress, delineating the contours of a complex and dynamic political landscape during this historical juncture.

The period between 1934 and 1938 was emblematic of the multifaceted dynamics and ideological diversities within the Indian National Congress. Gandhi’s strategies, resignations, and ideological disagreements were reflective of a vibrant yet tumultuous phase in the evolution of the Congress and the broader contours of India’s freedom struggle.

World War II and the Evolution of the Quit India Movement

Initial resistance and opposition.

During the crucible of World War II, Mahatma Gandhi emerged as a staunch opponent of extending any form of support to the British war endeavor. Anchoring his resistance was a nuanced political rationale; Gandhi firmly believed that it was incongruous for India to contribute to a war that was ostensibly waged for the preservation of democratic freedoms while such freedoms remained elusive within India itself. This position catalyzed a spectrum of reactions, leading to a robust movement against Indian participation in the war.

The Pinnacle of Non-Cooperation: The Quit India Movement

In a historical address delivered in Bombay in August 1942, Gandhi underscored the urgency of British exit from India, inaugurating the Quit India Movement. This clarion call for liberation resonated with a spectrum of responses. While it orchestrated a symphony of collective action against British imperialism, it also faced opposition from various factions, notably leading to the mass incarceration of Congress leaders and the tragic loss of over 1,000 Indian lives in the tumult of the movement.

Gandhi’s advocacy was articulated with a profound philosophical coherence. He urged the Indian populace to abstain from initiating violence against the British, emphasizing a readiness to endure suffering and embrace martyrdom if confronted with violence from the British regime.

Arrest and Imprisonment

A profound challenge beset the movement with Gandhi’s arrest and subsequent two-year imprisonment in the Aga Khan Palace in Pune. This period was marked by deep personal losses for Gandhi, including the demise of his secretary, Mahadev Desai, and his wife, Kasturba Gandhi, on February 22, 1944. Amidst these tribulations, Gandhi navigated the complexities of political communication, including interactions with British journalists such as Stuart Gelder, leading to various nuances and controversies in representing Gandhi’s positions.

Political Transitions and Dialogues

Gandhi’s release on May 6, 1944, marked his reentry into a dynamically transformed political landscape. A significant feature of this transformation was the ascendency of the Muslim League and the intensification of dialogues around the prospect of partition. Protracted discussions, notably with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, unfolded against this backdrop, with Gandhi advocating for a vision of a united and pluralistic India, encompassing the diversity of its religious communities.

The Aftermath of the War

The terminal phase of World War II heralded shifts in the political configurations, with indications of the impending transfer of power into Indian hands becoming increasingly discernible. Gandhi’s leadership navigated these complexities, eventually leading to the cessation of the movement and the release of approximately 100,000 political prisoners. This epoch in history thus marked a confluence of resistance, negotiation, and the relentless quest for India’s freedom, reflecting the multifaceted dynamics of the Quit India Movement in the broader canvas of the struggle for Indian independence.

Partition and Independence: Gandhi’s Vision and Struggles

Unfolding dialogues and disagreements.

During the epoch of India’s imminent independence, Mahatma Gandhi steadfastly opposed the partitioning of the Indian subcontinent along religious demarcations. A pivotal moment unfolded in September 1944, when Gandhi engaged in dialogues with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, advocating for unity amidst the brewing sectarian divisions. Championing a strategy of cooperation and plebiscite, Gandhi proposed a provisional government comprising the Indian National Congress and the All-India Muslim League, envisioning a subsequent resolution of the partition question through democratic consultations in Muslim-majority districts.

The Onset of Direct Action Day: August 16, 1946

A significant historical juncture was marked by Direct Action Day on August 16, 1946. Championed by Jinnah, this day epitomized the intensification of demands for a partitioned Indian subcontinent. In the historical fabric of these developments, the city of Calcutta became an epicenter of communal conflagrations, witnessing significant upheavals, loss of life, and the unsettling turmoil of communal violence. The enforcement machinery exhibited a considerable lack of intervention, with historical accounts noting the absence of policing mechanisms in managing and mitigating conflict escalations during this period.

Negotiations, Criticisms, and British Perspectives

The political atmosphere was imbued with intricate negotiations and various perspectives, including those of Archibald Wavell, the Viceroy and Governor-General of British India, until February 1947. The interplay of dialogues, criticisms, and apprehensions marked this phase. Wavell’s critiques articulated a portrayal of Gandhi’s intentions and strategies, emphasizing a perception of Gandhi as primarily driven by objectives oriented towards eliminating British influence and establishing a predominantly Hindu governance structure.

The Contours of Partition and Independence

Historical narrations emphasize that tumultuous disagreements, intense violence, and the massive displacement of populations across the reconfigured borders of India and Pakistan marked the unfolding of partition. The magnitude of the humanitarian crisis was enormous, with the migration of 10 to 12 million individuals and significant loss of life keeping the landscapes of partition.

August 15, 1947: A Day of Solemn Reflection

The historic day of India’s independence on August 15, 1947, was marked by Gandhi’s deep reflections, acts of fasting, and appeals for peace amidst the pervasive atmosphere of communal unrest. Gandhi’s presence in Calcutta symbolized a beacon of peace advocacy, channeling efforts towards mitigating the religious violence that had engulfed various regions.

Gandhi’s journeys through the tumultuous pathways of partition and independence embodied a persistent vision for unity, democratic consultations, and peace. His leadership navigated the complexities of negotiations, critiques, and the profound challenges of communal violence, reflecting a multifaceted engagement with the historical transformations of his times.

A historical tragedy unfolded on January 30, 1948, as the sun set, marking an unforgettable loss. At 5:17 pm, within the serene surroundings of the Birla House garden (now Gandhi Smriti), Mahatma Gandhi, accompanied by his grandnieces, was ambushed by an act of violent extremism. Nathuram Godse, propelled by a radical Hindu nationalist ideology, unleashed three bullets into Gandhi’s chest, culminating in the tragic demise of a global apostle of peace and non-violence.

After the act of assassination, a cloud of sorrow and disbelief permeated the national consciousness. The solemn announcements and expressions of grief were epitomized by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s poignant address to the nation, communicating the enormity of the loss and the ensuing darkness experienced by millions.

The Assassination

In the aftermath of the tragic event, an immediate process of legal scrutiny and justice was initiated. Prominent among the accused were individuals such as Nathuram Vinayak Godse and Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, whose affiliations were traced to radical Hindu nationalist organizations. The judiciary process commenced on May 27, 1948, under the vigilance of Justice Atma Charan. The legal proceedings were meticulous, involving comprehensive testimonies and evidentiary presentations, culminating on February 10, 1949.

Verdicts and Sentencing

The outcome of the judicial proceedings led to pronounced verdicts, with diverse sentencing outcomes for the accused individuals. Godse and Narayan Apte faced the gravest consequences, receiving capital punishment sentences. Conversely, acquittals and varying degrees of imprisonment were apportioned to other individuals involved in the conspiracy.

The Funeral

An extraordinary display of national and global mourning marked Gandhi’s mortal departure. The funeral procession, a solemn journey spanning five miles, witnessed the participation of over a million individuals, reflecting the profound respect and reverence towards Gandhi’s legacy. Notably, the global diaspora, including communities within London, converged in expressions of grief and remembrance, reflecting the universal impact of Gandhi’s life and principles.

The physical departure of Mahatma Gandhi was marked with a solemn and significant cremation ceremony on January 31, 1948, at Rajghat, New Delhi. The event became a confluence of grief and reverence, attended by distinguished national leaders, including Jawaharlal Nehru, Louis and Edwina Mountbatten, Maulana Azad, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, and Sarojini Naidu. Devdas Gandhi, Gandhi’s son, had the poignant honor of lighting the funeral pyre, signifying a profoundly personal and national farewell.

Distribution and Immersion of Ashes

Following Hindu traditions, the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi were ceremoniously distributed into various urns, which found their resting places across diverse geographies of India and the world. A significant portion of his ashes were immersed at the Sangam in Allahabad on February 12, 1948. Intriguingly, some parts of his ashes embarked on global journeys, finding resting places near the Nile River in Uganda, symbolized with a memorial plaque, and as far away as the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in Los Angeles. Various other urns found their sanctified spaces in places significant to Gandhi’s life and struggle, including Pune and Girgaum Chowpatty, where specific immersion ceremonies were conducted in subsequent years, the last of which was conducted on January 30, 2008.

Memorials: Preserving the Legacy

The legacy of Mahatma Gandhi is preserved and commemorated through various memorials established in places intertwined with his life’s journey and sacrifices. Gandhi Smriti, the former Birla House, stands as a poignant tribute to his final moments, preserving the historical significance of his assassination. Raj Ghat, situated near the Yamuna River in New Delhi, has become an enduring place of remembrance, symbolizing the nation’s collective homage. The memorial at Raj Ghat is marked by a simple yet profound black marble platform engraved with the words “Hē Rāma” (हे ! राम), believed to be Gandhi’s last utterances, perpetuating the spiritual essence of his life’s philosophy and eternal departure.

Principles, Practices, and Beliefs

Examination and interpretation.

The principles, practices, and beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi have been the focal point of extensive analysis and interpretation by scholars and political analysts globally. Gandhi’s life, articulated through his profound statements and letters, has woven a tapestry of philosophical insights deeply influenced by cultural, historical, and personal paradigms.

Truth and Satyagraha: Ethical Cornerstones

Central to Gandhi’s philosophy was the pursuit of truth (Satya), which he meticulously cultivated throughout his life. This unwavering commitment evolved into the nonviolent resistance movement known as Satyagraha. This pivotal concept was first politically manifested in September 1920, during a session of the Indian Congress, where Gandhi meticulously articulated the “Resolution on Non-cooperation.”

The concept of Satyagraha reverberated profoundly within the cultural and spiritual ethos of the Indian populace, elevating Gandhi’s stature to that of a Mahatma or a “Great Soul.” Gandhi’s philosophical underpinnings were firmly rooted in ancient Indian traditions, drawing inspiration from Vedantic principles of self-realization, non-violence (ahimsa), and universal love. His convictions were further enriched by elements from Jainism and Buddhism, synthesizing a political philosophy that prioritized moral integrity and ethical action.

Spiritual Synthesis: The Convergence of Divine and Ethical Realms

Gandhi’s spiritual articulation evolved, reflecting a convergence of divine and ethical realms. His philosophical journey culminated in the realization that “Truth is God,” positioning truth (Satya) as the ultimate divine reality. This alignment resonated with the Advaita Vedanta tradition, identifying a non-dual universal essence pervading all life and existence.

Satyagraha: A Nonviolent Crusade

Satyagraha emerged as a universal force, embodying passive resistance and a determined non-cooperation towards oppression. It was characterized by a soul force seeking to eliminate antagonisms, aiming to purify and transform the oppressor spiritually. This ethical architecture, championed by Gandhi, advocated moral ascendance through the endurance of suffering, heralding the progression of individual and societal ethos.

While universally inclusive, Satyagraha’s philosophy also encountered diverging perspectives and criticisms from various quarters. Notably, there were objections from prominent personalities, such as Muslim leaders like Jinnah and socio-political reformers like Ambedkar, who presented alternative viewpoints based on varying political, religious, and social considerations.

Nonviolence: A Philosophical Imperative

While nonviolence (ahimsa) became synonymous with Gandhi’s philosophy, its application was deeply nuanced. While valuing nonviolence as an exemplary virtue, Gandhi also demonstrated a readiness to adopt a stance of valor over submission in the face of dishonor or adversity. This nuanced stance on non-violence was not merely a strategic choice but a reflection of Gandhi’s broader philosophical and ethical convictions.

Historical and Global Resonance

Gandhi’s ideological contributions have left an indelible mark on historical and global landscapes, guiding movements and inspiring leaders across diverse temporal and geographical realms. His teachings, underscored by nonviolence and moral righteousness principles, continue to resonate as guiding beacons in the global discourse on justice, ethics, and humanitarianism.

Legacy and Influence

Mahatma Gandhi holds a preeminent position as a stalwart who led the Indian independence movement against British rule, earning himself a significant place in the annals of modern Indian history. Esteemed American historian Stanley Wolpert lauded Gandhi as “India’s greatest revolutionary nationalist leader,” equating his historical magnitude to that of the Buddha.

Gandhi’s honorific title, “Mahatma,” derived from the Sanskrit words ‘maha’ (Great) and ‘atma’ (Soul), became synonymous with his identity. It was publicly conferred upon him in a farewell meeting at Town Hall, Durban, in July 1914. The esteemed poet Rabindranath Tagore is credited with bestowing this title on him by 1915.

His influence permeates the global landscape, with numerous streets, roads, and localities named in his honor, predominantly in India. Landmarks such as M.G. Road in various Indian cities, Gandhi Market in Mumbai, and Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat—his birth state, celebrate his enduring legacy. His impact was further commemorated through the issuance of stamps by over 150 countries as of 2008. Remarkably, in October 2019, approximately 87 countries, including Russia, Iran, and Turkey, released commemorative stamps marking the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi.

His legacy shaped global history and inspired leaders and movements worldwide. Icons of the civil rights movement in the United States, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and James Lawson, cultivated their philosophies of non-violence from Gandhi’s teachings. Nelson Mandela , the torchbearer against apartheid in South Africa, and other global figures like Steve Biko and Václav Havel also drew profound inspiration from Gandhi’s principles of peaceful resistance.

Prominent personalities like physicist Albert Einstein and political activist Farah Omar from Somaliland were captivated by his philosophy. Notable European philosopher Romain Rolland penned a book titled Mahatma Gandhi in 1924, delineating his admiration and respect for Gandhi’s ideals. The interconnected spheres of environmental and technological philosophies have recently rejuvenated interest in Gandhi’s perspectives in the wake of climate change debates.

Historical landmarks have also immortalized Gandhi’s legacy. For instance, in September 2020, the Florian asteroid 120461 was named in his honor. Subsequent memorials, such as the statues erected in Astana in October 2022 and at the United Nations headquarters in New York on December 15, 2022, underscore his indelible mark on history and global peace movements.

Internationally renowned personalities, ranging from British musician John Lennon to former U.S. President Barack Obama , have voiced their reverence for Gandhi’s ideologies. Obama notably proclaimed Gandhi as a significant source of inspiration in a public interaction in September 2009.

In summary, Mahatma Gandhi’s life, philosophies, and strategies for peaceful resistance remain luminous beacons of inspiration and have been instrumental in sculpting the moral and ethical frameworks of various global leaders and movements. His legacy, interwoven with the principles of non-violence and moral integrity, continues reverberating through contemporary discourses on justice, peace, and humanitarianism.

Mahatma Gandhi’s biography is a remarkable symphony of his beliefs, religion, and unyielding movements for justice and freedom. His enduring legacy, a testament to the power of peaceful resistance, continues to guide and inspire people worldwide toward hope, inspiration, and moral victory.

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History and Biography

Mahatma Gandhi

Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi   Biography

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, was a Hindu thinker, lawyer, and politician, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India . He was called against his will by the poet Rabindranath Tagore, “Mahatma” which means Great Soul.

Gandhi led India to independence from the British Raj without using violence. His name will be eternally associated with the doctrine of peaceful resistance.

Gandhi had a great influence since he was little, and he learned from a very young age to fast to purify himself, to not harm any living being, to tolerate other religious beliefs, and to be a vegetarian. He was the youngest of the three sons of the union between Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai.

Gandhi was a withdrawn young man, silent and not at all brilliant in school. At the age of thirteen, his parents, following the Hindu custom, married him to a girl of his age called Kasturbai, with whom from the age of six he was already committed without having any idea.

In 1884, his father, Karamchand Gandhi, died, and his mother would die six years later.

As Gandhi’s school grades did not improve, in 1888, his family decided to send him to London to obtain a law degree; he was nineteen years old and had just been a father for the first time. In the English capital, he began to frequent the Theosophists, who initiated him in the reading of the first Indian classic, the Bhagavad Gita – which is part of the Mahabharata, the sacred book of the Hindus – which he would consider “the best book to find the truth” for the knowledge of the truth. In London, Gandhi also began to know about Christ, and for a time he was fascinated by the Christian belief and even hesitated between Hinduism and it. “The Sermon on the Mount” by Jesus inspired his ideals of nonviolence.

In 1893, Gandhi sailed to South Africa to work. Gandhi always said that the most decisive experience of his life, which led him to be a political leader of the first magnitude and a tenacious defender of human equality and fraternity, was while traveling on a train from Durban to Pretoria, in South Africa. In the middle of the tour, a white man entered his inn and ordered him to go to the baggage car, which was the place reserved for the “Blacks” Gandhi, who had a first-class ticket, refused. The man called the police and Gandhi was expelled from the train in the middle of the night. Since then, Mahatma Gandhi decided to fight against any form of colonialism and racism with the weapons of nonviolence.

After his work, Gandhi was about to return to India when he learned about the law to withdraw the right of suffrage to Hindus, so he decided to delay his departure for a month to organize the resistance of his countrymen. Gandhi trained his countrymen in the doctrine of Satyagraha (The Creed of Nonviolence). The Satyagraha would be edited sometime later to achieve the political force that showed in the fight for the independence of India.

Gandhi entered politics because he believed that religion was the foundation of everything and wanted to use his moral principles to all aspects of life. That is why he was so extreme in the defense of nonviolence, as his phrase shows:

“My national service is part of my training to free my soul from the bondage of the body.” Mahatma Gandhi

His way of thinking must have been influenced by his family and social context in which he grew up and developed. Despite his failures, Gandhi became one of the most important historical figures of the twentieth century. His example inspired several leaders that looked for freedom such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. Most of Gandhi’s ideas and practices continue to be analyzed and used throughout the world by environmental groups and anti-globalization organizations.

In 1906, he made his vow of sexual abstinence, and also he started a passive resistance and spent four months in jail. Seven years later, in 1913, he received another nine months in prison for the epic march of Natal (South Africa). After Gandhi left South Africa, the politicians who had battled strongly started admiring him. Even today, thanks to Gandhi’s legacy, the South African Indians enjoy privileges that the black population has not been able to achieve.

The return of Mahatma Gandhi to India in 1915 coincides with the outbreak of the First World War. It was then that Europe experienced the peak of the political violence of Hitler and Mussolini when Gandhi sowed in his campaigns of civil disobedience one of the greatest political successes of the twentieth century: the peaceful independence of India. Gandhi used his fine psychology, to his extensive knowledge of the British mentality: in the name of Fair Play, he renounces fighting against the English while the war lasts. While announcing his intention not to fight against England, he creates a farm in the city of Ahmedabad, an apparently almost monastic institution where he gathers his disciples. Wherever those peaceful communities of vegetarian mystics emerge, it appears later under the direction of Gandhi, a gigantic revolution.

Since the American Civil War, England is left without cotton and India becomes the first exporter of this product. India exports raw cotton and Britain converts it into cloth, thus giving work to the English working population. When an Indian purchases Western dresses, he is paying the price in gold for the cotton he grows. That is why Gandhi fought against the British textile industry; that is why he asked for the return of the craftsman yarn, which is why he forbids the use of Western garments. That is why he created the farm in Ahmedabad, that monasticism that is the powder keg of a great revolution.

The end of the First World War brought an essential change in the policy of British colonies. If in the Bihar campaign all the proposals of Gandhi had been heard in favor of the peasants, the scene was very different by 1919. Many Indians were imprisoned, and in the province of Punjab, a strong terrorist movement was organized. From that year Gandhi increased his political campaign, showing decidedly his intention to achieve independence.

Years after the massacre, Gandhi became the undisputed nationalist leader, achieving the presidency of the Indian National Congress. The great campaigns of civil disobedience were launched. Thousands of Indians filled the prisons and Gandhi himself was arrested in March 1922. Ten days later he started “the Great Judgment”; the British judge had to sentence him to six years in prison. Gandhi on the other hand, accepts “As an honor” the sentence. When he became ill in prison, in 1923, the entire European press launched a campaign in his favor, and the viceroy decided to let him go free.

The “Salt March ” was Gandhi’s first great battle for independence. On March 12, 1930, in which, along with 78 worshipers, he left Sabarmati and traveled 390 km by walking for 24 days, followed by a growing number of admirers. He reached the sea and grabbed a handful of salt, symbolic act with which he invited the population to oppose the British monopoly of salt. Thus began the campaign of civil disobedience. And from the prison of Yervada, where he had been exiled again, he made in 1932 a “fast unto death.” The outbreak of the Second World War in the year 1939-1945. Britain pressured and exhausted by the United States, in February 1947 trusted the cousin of King George VI and great-grandson of Queen Victoria, Lord Mountbatten, the negotiation of Indian independence with Jinnah (head of the Muslim League) and Gandhi. In just seven months, India regained the freedom they had lost three centuries ago. Mahatma Gandhi had several attacks by fanatical Hindu and Muslim extremists. During his last days in Delhi he made a fast to reconcile the two communities, which was affecting his health. Even so, he left again in public a few days before his death.

On January 30, 1948, when Gandhi was addressing the crowd in New Delhi, Hindu extremist Nathuram V. Godse came up to him and took advantage of the confusion and shot him three times. Gandhi muttered “Hei, Rama” (Oh, God) and died.


  • A Satyagrahi , that is, a civilian resistance, will not feel anger.
  • He will suffer the rage of his opponent.
  • By doing so, he will withstand the assaults of his opponent, he will never retreat; but he will not submit, for fear of punishment or something similar, to any order expressed with anger.
  • When any person with authority tries to arrest a civilian resistant, he will voluntarily lend himself to arrest, and will not resist the theft of his property when the authorities want to confiscate it.
  • If a civilian resistant has some property in his possession as trustee, he will refuse to surrender it, although in defending it he may lose his life. In no case shall he retaliate.
  • No retaliation includes insulting and cursing.
  • Therefore, a civilian resistant will never insult his opponent, and therefore he will not take part in any of the new insults that are contrary to the spirit of Ahimsa.
  • A civilian resistant will not salute the United Kingdom flag, nor insult her or the officers, English or Indians.
  • In the course of the fight, if someone insults or assaults an officer, the resistant civilian should protect said officer or officers from the insult or the attack even with his life.
“I am just a poor lost soul who strives to be totally good. ” Mahatma Gandhi

summary biography of mahatma gandhi

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Robert Oppenheimer Biography

Robert Oppenheimer

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Robert Oppenheimer Biography

Robert Oppenheimer Biography

Julius Robert Oppenheimer (April 22, 1904 – February 18, 1967) was a physicist widely acknowledged as the father of atomic bomb . He was born in New York City, United States. Oppenheimer is renowned for his pivotal role in the development of the Manhattan Project during World War II, which culminated in the creation of the first atomic bombs.

Early years

Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist, scientist, and university professor. He was the son of German-born Julius S. Oppenheimer and artist Ella Friedman. Coming from a wealthy and educated family in New York, his father was a Jewish owner of a significant fortune amassed through his textile factory. This allowed Oppenheimer to enjoy certain comforts and attend the best schools in the city.

In this regard, he was educated at the Ethical Culture School in New York, where he excelled as the top student, with some teachers even asserting that he was better than many of them. Upon graduating from school, he enrolled at Harvard University , where he stood out in all areas, from chemistry to Eastern philosophy, Greek, and Latin, completing his studies at the age of 21.

After some time, Robert Oppenheimer decided to delve into the world of physics, capitalizing on both his aptitude for the subject and its burgeoning prominence across Europe. He moved to England, where he worked with Ernest Rutherford and J. J. Thomson. Alongside these two great scientists, he felt somewhat inadequate, as he believed his performance did not meet the required standards. However, Oppenheimer did not give up.

With the passage of time, he learned from his mentors, and by 1925, feeling more adapted, he began researching atomic energy and secondary-atomic particle energy processes at the Cavendish Laboratory.

A year later, he was at the University of Göttingen , collaborating with Max Born to develop his classical contribution to molecular quantum theory, known in physics as the “Born-Oppenheimer method”. He returned to his home country to teach theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Berkeley between 1929 and 1942. Oppenheimer was a highly political person. Therefore, in the 1930s, he decided to align himself with communist students to support the Republic during the Spanish Civil War, but certain actions led to the demise of his sympathy for the Communist Party.

Contribution to the Manhattan Project

Oppenheimer Biography

General Leslie Groves alongside Oppenheimer in the development of the Manhattan Project (Circa 1944)

The civil and political situation in Europe was becoming increasingly dangerous. By 1939, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard warned the U.S. government about the dangers of nuclear energy falling into the hands of the Nazis. In response, President Franklin Roosevelt initiated the project for creating the atomic bomb, which was initially under military control, led by General Leslie Groves, an engineer known for overseeing construction projects, including the Pentagon. Later, Oppenheimer was brought on board to manage the administration of the project, which culminated in the construction of the atomic bomb by 1945.

Oppenheimer’s most significant contribution to the Manhattan Project was his leadership and effective coordination among diverse teams of scientists. His vision and problem-solving skills were crucial in overcoming the scientific and technological challenges involved in building an atomic bomb. He supervised the design and testing of the first atomic bombs, including the successful detonation of the plutonium bomb at the Trinity test site in New Mexico on July 16, 1945.

This American physicist had the support of many prominent figures in science, such as the great scientist Werner Heisenberg , Erwin Schrödinger, Max Born, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, and Enrico Fermi , with whom he also developed close friendships. The work carried out by these scientists on quantum physics provided significant support for his own research. He gained valuable insights into quantum and relativistic physics, which kept him abreast of new scientific developments. He made contributions to the application of quantum theory to the concept of electron spin.

In his role as the director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, he fostered discussion and research in quantum and relativistic physics. In 1953, his past ties with the Communist Party led to certain defamation issues. As a result, he was called to a security hearing where the accusation was dismissed, but his access to military secrets was still prohibited. One of the institutions that attacked the scientist the most was the Federation of American Scientists. Oppenheimer was humiliated, and his communications were monitored. Nine years later, President John F. Kennedy , in an effort to rectify this mistake, awarded him the Enrico Fermi Award , granted by the Atomic Energy Commission , which he received from President Johnson himself.

“Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds”.

Oppenheimer, confessed to President Harry Truman, that he was not entirely comfortable with the fate of the atomic bomb. After some time, the Cold War erupted, and the Soviet Union announced its possession of an atomic weapon. In response, the United States decided to develop an even more powerful weapon. They approached Oppenheimer to lead the Atomic Energy Commission, but he declined the offer, resulting in his removal from the position. However, he remained the director at the Institute for Advanced Study, thanks to the support given by Einstein , Von Neumann , and Bohr.

After this event, his life took a different turn as he decided to distance himself from the laboratories and leaned towards writing about the studies conducted throughout his scientific career. Notable works include “Science and the Common Understanding” (1954) and a book related to electrodynamics (published posthumously in 1970). In the aftermath of the events in Japan and the grave consequences the atomic bomb had on humanity, he made several proposals aimed at internationally regulating the use of atomic energy to ensure peace.

He staunchly opposed the creation of the hydrogen bomb. However, despite his efforts and those of the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission , its development continued. Disheartened, Oppenheimer made the decision to retire from Princeton in 1966 . A year later, on February 18, 1967, he passed away from throat cancer.


Visual works inspired by Robert Oppenheimer:

  • “Fat Man and Little Boy” (1989): Oppenheimer was portrayed by Dwight Schultz in this film.
  • “One Day” (1989): The scientist was portrayed by David Strathairn.
  • “Oppenheimer” (2023): The biography of Julius Robert Oppenheimer was brought to the screen in this movie, based on the biographical work “American Prometheus” by author Kai Bird. The character of Julius Robert Oppenheimer was played by Cillian Murphy and directed by Christopher Nolan.

Threads History

History of Threads

Threads (July 5, 2023) is an application and social media developed by the Meta group, designed to compete with Twitter. While it shares some features with Twitter, it has its own distinctive approach. This application has been specifically designed to share text-based updates and engage in interactive public conversations.

What is Threads?

Threads is a new application and social network created by the Instagram team, which is part of the Meta group, led by billionaire entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg . The launch of Threads has had a positive impact on the market, as Meta’s stocks experienced an increase of nearly 3% during an unfavorable session on Wall Street. Furthermore, in after-hours trading, the stocks continued to rise, increasing by almost 1%. This indicates a favorable reception from investors and the market.

The application has been specifically designed to share moments through text-based updates. It provides a unique and standalone space for real-time posting and engaging in public conversations. With the new application, you have the opportunity to follow and connect with friends and creators who share your same or similar interests, including the people you follow on Instagram.

Threads has been developed with the aim of competing with Twitter and presents features and similarities that go beyond simple text sharing. Just like on Twitter, in this new app, users can create threads, share photos, videos, and links. The application is currently available for launch on iOS and Android devices. It is worth noting that currently, an Instagram account is required to access the app.

Mark Zuckerberg and his Meta team have taken advantage of the recent changes in Twitter following the acquisition by Elon Musk . Twitter has reduced some of its security options, reserving them exclusively for users who purchase Twitter Blue. Meta has identified this gap and has seized the opportunity to attract users to join Threads. The new application stands out for maintaining a wide variety of security controls and providing a safe experience for users.

“The idea is to build an open and friendly space for communities”- Adam Mosseri.

Differences between Threads and Twitter

  • Threads currently follows the same security policies as Instagram.
  • In Threads , it is not possible to save posts as drafts. You must share posts immediately or delete them.
  • Threads does not have a set limit on the number of posts that can be viewed. There is no maximum limit on viewed posts in Threads, unlike the recent limitation imposed by Twitter of 600 posts.
  • The new social media does not yet have direct messaging, unlike Twitter.

How to create an account on Threads?

To get started, you need to go to the mobile device’s app store and search for “Instagram Threads”. Once found, click on download and install the application. Once installed, open the app and access Threads using your Instagram username.

Next, complete your personal information and adjust the security options according to your preferences. Once this process is done, you will be ready to explore the application, change your profile picture, and start following people and topics that interest you.

It should be noted that automatically, anyone under the age of 16, or under the age of 18 in certain countries, their profile will be set to private when joining Threads.

When Instagram users sign up for this new social network, they receive a Threads badge on their Instagram profile. This badge displays a number indicating the sequence in which they created their account on this new app.

How is Threads used?

Threads offers a user interface similar to that of Twitter, allowing users to interact with other users’ posts from the “Home” section. Additionally, through the search icon, it is possible to find other users on this red social.

In the “Home” section, you will find posts from the people you follow, as well as recommended content from new creators that you have yet to discover. Posts have a limit of 500 characters and can include links, photos, and videos up to five minutes in length. Additionally, you have the option to easily share a Threads post to your Instagram Story or share it as a link on the platform of your choice.

To create a thread in this app, simply click on the notebook icon. Once you have written your message, publish it and continue with the text at the bottom. Just like on Instagram, the heart icon shows recent activity on your account, allowing you to see feedback and interaction with your posts.

Similarly, it is important to note that if you block an account on Threads, the same account will also be blocked on Instagram. This means that blocking actions are applied collectively on both platforms.

How to delete an account on Threads?

It is important for users to note that if they wish to delete their account on Threads, it is likely that their Instagram account will also be deleted. Currently, the only available option is to temporarily deactivate the account on this application, but it can only be permanently deleted if you delete your Instagram account.

Metallica history

Metallica history

Metallica is an American thrash metal band from Los Angeles and based in San Francisco. It is considered one of the leading groups in the subgenre and throughout its 35-year career it has won numerous awards, including 9 Grammys, 2 American Music Awards, 2 MTV awards, 2 Billboard awards, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

1980 – Beginnings

The history of the band begins in 1980 when Lars Ulrich, the son of tennis player Torben Ulrich, placed an ad in the magazine Recycler looking for a guitarist for a metal band influenced by the British New Wave of Heavy Metal. James Hetfield responded to the ad and joined Ulrich as the first members of the band. Ron McGovney joined as bassist and Lloyd Grant as lead guitarist. With this first formation, the band recorded its first demo, Hit the Lights, considered one of the first thrash metal songs. However, they soon realized that the lineup was not working and Lloyd was replaced by Dave Mustaine.

Despite the early disastrous performances due to the lack of experience of the members, the band continued and released No Life ’till Leather, showing a more aggressive sound. Additionally, Ron McGovney was replaced by Cliff Burton as bassist and Dave Mustaine was replaced by Kirk Hammett due to his alcohol addiction. Since then, James Hetfield has taken on both the role of rhythm guitarist and singer.

1983 – Release of ‘Kill ‘Em All’

With this new lineup and having Johnny Zazula as their manager, t he band released in 1983 Kill ‘Em All, which gained notoriety in the metal scene and sold more than 300,000 copies. After a tour of the United States and a concert in Holland where they reached their largest audience to date, with 5,000 people, the band released the album Ride the Lightening with Megaforce Records in 1984, which received critical acclaim for its melodic sound.

“1991 – Release of the ‘The Black Album'”

After this work, the band released Master of Puppets in 1986 and embarked on a promotional tour that was cut short by an accident in which the bassist Cliff Burton died. After reflecting on their future, the band incorporated Jason Newsted and recorded …And Justice for All, an album with a denser sound that, despite its commercial success and a Grammy nomination, received criticism for being unoriginal and moving away from heavy metal. However, it wouldn’t be until the release of their album Metallica in 1991, known as The Black Album, that they reached great success, selling half a million copies in the first week of sales in the United States and reaching the top of the Billboard chart. This work led to two similar albums, Load in 1996 and ReLoad in 1997, which received negative reviews for their proximity to alternative rock and their distance from traditional heavy metal, disappointing their older fanbase.

“2001 – Documentary, Tours, Awards”

In 2001, Jason Newsted left the band and Metallica struggled to find a suitable replacement for some time. Therefore, they had to record their next album, St. Anger, with their producer Bob Rock playing bass. However, Robert Trujillo soon joined the band’s lineup. Three years later, the documentary Some Kind of Monster was released, which portrays the recording process of the last album and the internal conflicts that the band had with Dave Mustaine. After a tour in 2006 in which they played Master of Puppets again to celebrate its 20th anniversary, and the release of a compilation of their videos titled The Videos, Metallica was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Later, they released Death Magnetic in 2008 and the conceptual album Lulu in 2011, which was poorly received by their fans. In 2012, the band founded their own record label, Blackened, and performed a concert in Antarctica to raise awareness about polar melting and environmental crisis . In 2016, they released Hardwired… to Self-Destruct. Currently, the band is still active.


Biography of Cleopatra

Cleopatra (69 BC – August 12, 30 BC) was the last Queen of Egypt, belonging to the Ptolemaic dynasty. She was born in Alexandria, Egypt. Her father was Ptolemy XII and her mother was Cleopatra V Tryphena. Cleopatra married her brother Ptolemy XIII, as a strategy to maintain the reign, then they both inherited the throne in 51 BC. Cleopatra is said to have possessed exceptional beauty. Her father was not well-liked by his people as he showed little interest in the problems of the Egyptian people, He was a corrupt ruler who squandered the kingdom’s money on lavish parties.

She was able to maintain her throne thanks to the Roman help she received in exchange for her continuous bribes and promises of various tributes. The Romans supported the king because he promised them easy access to the gold and wealth of Egypt. In each conflict, Rome played the role of arbitrator in the popular uprising, Ptolemy, went to Rome in search of military aid to suppress it. His wife Cleopatra and one of her daughters were left as regents of the country, then his wife died. The Alexandrians placed Queen Berenice IV on the throne and sent a delegation to Rome to arbitrate the conflict between father and daughter.

Soon after, Ptolemy XII was able to defeat the army of Archelaus, second husband of Berenice IV, and was returned to the throne. To ensure power, he had his daughter Berenice executed, it was the year 55 BC. The king died four years later, leaving the throne to his daughter Cleopatra VII Philopator and his son Ptolemy XIII Dionysus II. Cleopatra was the first of this dynasty to learn to speak the Egyptian language; she also learned Greek, Hebrew, Syrian and Aramaic and possibly Latin. She was also educated in literature, music, political science, mathematics, astronomy and medicine.

The situation in Egypt was becoming worse, farmers suffered severe famines, the Egyptian currency was weakening and the slow bureaucracy was hindering recovery: the country was becoming increasingly dependent on Rome. In response, farmers staged uprisings and created bands of outlaws that caused great harm; Additionally, the royal family also did not have good relations. Her younger sister Arsinoe, disagreed with her policy of helping the Romans and wanted to reach the throne. Ptolemy XIII, very young and manipulable, was practically handled by three advisors who forced him to expel his sister from the throne by overthrowing her with a command led by his advisors Potino and Aquilas.

Cleopatra attempted to regain power, gathering a good army for this purpose, although she did not succeed. Soon conflicts broke out between the two brothers and spouses, which led to the overthrow of Cleopatra. However, when the Roman civil wars began: Julius Caesar went to Egypt and helped Cleopatra in the conflict with her brother. During the Alexandrian War, both Pompey and Ptolemy XIII died, and the legendary Alexandria Library was burned.

Cleopatra was first and foremost a solution for Julius Caesar, and also his lover, she tried to use her influence over Caesar to restore Egypt’s hegemony in the Eastern Mediterranean as an ally of Rome; the situation intensified when she had a son with Julius Caesar: Caesarion. When Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC, Cleopatra attempted to seduce his immediate successor: consul Mark Antony. Being allies, they imposed their force in the East, creating a new Hellenistic kingdom that managed to conquer Armenia in 34.

Cleopatra, in addition to being a skilled ruler, was also known for her beauty and intelligence. She was fluent in several languages, including Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew, Syrian, and Aramaic, and was well-educated in literature, music, politics, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. She used her charm and wit to strategically seduce powerful men in order to maintain control of her kingdom. She had a son, Cesarian, with Julius Caesar and later became the lover of Mark Antony. However, after the defeat of their alliance and the death of Antony, she was captured by Augustus and brought to Rome as a war trophy.

In the face of this situation, Cleopatra had herself bitten by an asp to end her life. Augustus took advantage of the situation to also murder her son Cesarión, thus extinguishing the Ptolemaic dynasty and later annexing Egypt to the Roman Empire. Cleopatra’s life inspired many writers, painters, sculptors and filmmakers. For example, between 1540 and 1905, over 200 plays, five operas and five ballets emerged. Let’s mention some important literary works: Cleopatra and Mark Antony (1606) by William Shakespeare, All for Love (1678) by the Englishman John Dryden and Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) by George Bernard Shaw. Even one of the comics of the popular Asterix the Gaul was dedicated to her.

Cleopatra has been the subject of many paintings and sculptures. Additionally, her life has been depicted in films, such as Cléopâtre (1899) and the famous and controversial 1963 production directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz: Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor. Another production, Marco Antonio y Cleopatra was released in 1972. A more recent, less ambitious film was Cleopatra (1999). Later, the British Museum dedicated an exhibition to Cleopatra, sparking an interesting debate about her beauty.

Grupo Firme

History of the Grupo Firme

History of Grupo Firme

Grupo Firme is a musical group of Mexican regional music from Tijuana . It was created in 2014 and its members are: Eduin Cazares (leader and vocalist); Joaquín Ruiz (bass guitar); Jhonny Caz (vocalist), Abraham Hernández (second voice); Christian Téllez (bass); Dylan Camacho (accordion); and Fito Rubio (drums). Initially they made themselves known on social networks with some covers and in 2017 they made their debut with their first album Past, Present, Future. In 2018, their first hits, Pídeme, El Roto and Juro Por Dios came out and a year later they became famous with the hit El Amor No Fue Pa’ Mi, among other hits. Currently they are seen as the new fashionable group.

The beginnings

United by their love of music and coming from different parts of Mexico, the seven members of the group met in Tijuana. They grew up and began their careers in this city as members of different groups, although they knew each other from their work in the artistic industry. The founders of the group were Eduin and Joaquín , who coincidentally joined various groups before founding the group in early 2013 or 2014.

Joaquín and Eduin started in the group Reto Sierreño, then moved on to the groups Aventado2 de Tijuana and Los 4 de la frontera, and finally coincidentally joined the group Fuerza Oculta. This last group became, after some changes, the Grupo Firme , although it was initially called Grupo Fuerza. Because many groups had the same name, the members decided to opt for a synonym and chose “Firme”.

This is how Grupo Firme was born, with Eduin as the vocalist and leader, Joaquín on the bass guitar, Abraham and Jhonny as second voice, Christian on the bass, Dylan on the accordion, and Fito on the drums.

With the help of their manager and representative Isael Gutiérrez, who is also the head of the Music VIP Entertainment label, the group took its first steps in bars and events. At the same time, they made themselves known on social networks and other platforms by uploading covers of recognized artists, such as Los Tigres del Norte , José Alfredo Jiménez, Los Tucanes de Tijuana, and others. Often, the group uploaded songs at the request of the public, so they didn’t take long to have their own fanbase.

Grupo Firme: debut and career

In April 2017, after three years of performances and covers on social media, the group released its debut album, “Past, Present, Future” . This album consisted of twelve songs, highlighting “De Sol a Sol”, “Metas Cumplidas”, “Perdóname”, and “El de los Huaraches”. Although the album was not very successful, it managed to make the group known. A few months later, the group returned with “El Barco” (2017) , a fifteen-song album with the tracks “El Bueno de Tijuana”, “Dile”, “Gente de Verdad”, and “La Interezada”.

In addition, that year, the group collaborated with Los Buitres de Culiacán Sinaloa on the album “En Vivo Desde Tijuana los Buitrones y los Firmes” (2017). Success finally arrived in 2018 with the singles “Pídeme”, “El Roto”, and “Juro Por Dios”. That year, the group was quite active, releasing singles, collaborations, and making several appearances. They even went to Colombia, where they were well received and recorded their “En Vivo desde Medellín Colombia” (2018). The album, which included the tracks “El Teclas”, “El Peña”, and “El Flaquito”, was quite popular within and outside of Mexico.

The group finally achieved fame in 2019 thanks to the releases of “Me Cansé de Amarte” and the hit “El Amor No Fue Pa’ Mí” (ft. Banda Coloso). Later came the successful “El Muelas”, “En Realidad” with Banda Coloso, “Lujos y Secretos” with Quinto V Imperio, and “Porque Te Quiero” with Luis Alfonso Partida “El Yaki”. They also released that year the singles “Qué Me Vas A Dar Si Vuelvo”, “El Panal”, and “A Ti Te Conviene” with Calibre 50 .

The successes continued in 2020. The group began the year by releasing the single “La Estoy Pasando Mal” , and later collaborating with Enigma Norteño on the song “Mi Pretexto de Borracho”. Later they appeared on the single “Yo Diría” by Uziel Payan and collaborated with Marca MP on “El Güero”. In March, “Acábame de Matar” was released and in April they premiered “Quiero Pistear” with Luis Ángel “El Flaco”.

Their second live album, “En Vivo Desde Anaheim, CA”, was released in July of this year , including their biggest hits: “Pídeme”, “Que Me Vas a Dar Si Vuelvo”, “El Roto”, “Descuide”, “Porque Te Quiero”, “El Amor No Fue Pa’ Mí”, among others.

In 2022, the news is released that the band, Grupo Firme, breaks the attendance record with more than 280,000 people in Mexico City’s Zócalo. In this way, this renowned band surpasses the record that belonged to Vicente Fernández, who had 217,000 people. Prior to these last two, Justin Bieber and Shakira had the record, with the attendance of 210,000 people present in the Zócalo.


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  • Mahatma Gandhi Biography and Political Career


Biography of Mahatma Gandhi (Father of Nation)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , more popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi . His birth place was in the small city of Porbandar in Gujarat (October 2, 1869 - January 30, 1948). Mahatma Gandhi's father's name was Karamchand Gandhi, and his mother's name was Putlibai Gandhi. He was a politician, social activist, Indian lawyer, and writer who became the prominent Leader of the nationwide surge movement against the British rule of India. He came to be known as the Father of The Nation. October 2, 2023, marks Gandhi Ji’s 154th birth anniversary , celebrated worldwide as International Day of Non-Violence, and Gandhi Jayanti in India.

Gandhi Ji was a living embodiment of non-violent protests (Satyagraha) to achieve independence from the British Empire's clutches and thereby achieve political and social progress. Gandhi Ji is considered ‘The Great Soul’ or ‘ The Mahatma ’ in the eyes of millions of his followers worldwide. His fame spread throughout the world during his lifetime and only increased after his demise. Mahatma Gandhi , thus, is the most renowned person on earth.

Education of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's education was a major factor in his development into one of the finest persons in history. Although he attended a primary school in Porbandar and received awards and scholarships there, his approach to his education was ordinary. Gandhi joined Samaldas College in Bhavnagar after passing his matriculation exams at the University of Bombay in 1887.

Gandhiji's father insisted he become a lawyer even though he intended to be a docto. During those days, England was the centre of knowledge, and he had to leave Smaladas College to pursue his father's desire. He was adamant about travelling to England despite his mother's objections and his limited financial resources.

Finally, he left for England in September 1888, where he joined Inner Temple, one of the four London Law Schools. In 1890, he also took the matriculation exam at the University of London.

When he was in London, he took his studies seriously and joined a public speaking practice group. This helped him get over his nervousness so he could practise law. Gandhi had always been passionate about assisting impoverished and marginalised people.

Mahatma Gandhi During His Youth

Gandhi was the youngest child of his father's fourth wife. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the dewan Chief Minister of Porbandar, the then capital of a small municipality in western India (now Gujarat state) under the British constituency.

Gandhi's mother, Putlibai, was a pious religious woman.Mohandas grew up in Vaishnavism, a practice followed by the worship of the Hindu god Vishnu, along with a strong presence of Jainism, which has a strong sense of non-violence.Therefore, he took up the practice of Ahimsa (non-violence towards all living beings), fasting for self-purification, vegetarianism, and mutual tolerance between the sanctions of various castes and colours.

His adolescence was probably no stormier than most children of his age and class. Not until the age of 18 had Gandhi read a single newspaper. Neither as a budding barrister in India nor as a student in England nor had he shown much interest in politics. Indeed, he was overwhelmed by terrifying stage fright each time he stood up to read a speech at a social gathering or to defend a client in court.

In London, Gandhiji's vegetarianism missionary was a noteworthy occurrence. He became a member of the executive committee in joined the London Vegetarian Society. He also participated in several conferences and published papers in its journal. Gandhi met prominent Socialists, Fabians, and Theosophists like Edward Carpenter, George Bernard Shaw, and Annie Besant while dining at vegetarian restaurants in England.

Political Career of Mahatma Gandhi

When we talk about Mahatma Gandhi’s political career, in July 1894, when he was barely 25, he blossomed overnight into a proficient campaigner . He drafted several petitions to the British government and the Natal Legislature signed by hundreds of his compatriots. He could not prevent the passage of the bill but succeeded in drawing the attention of the public and the press in Natal, India, and England to the Natal Indian's problems.

He still was persuaded to settle down in Durban to practice law and thus organised the Indian community. The Natal Indian Congress was founded in 1894, and he became the unwearying secretary. He infused a solidarity spirit in the heterogeneous Indian community through that standard political organisation. He gave ample statements to the Government, Legislature, and media regarding Indian Grievances.

Finally, he got exposed to the discrimination based on his colour and race, which was pre-dominant against the Indian subjects of Queen Victoria in one of her colonies, South Africa.

Mahatma Gandhi spent almost 21 years in South Africa. But during that time, there was a lot of discrimination because of skin colour. Even on the train, he could not sit with white European people. But he refused to do so, got beaten up, and had to sit on the floor. So he decided to fight against these injustices, and finally succeeded after a lot of struggle.

It was proof of his success as a publicist that such vital newspapers as The Statesman, Englishman of Calcutta (now Kolkata) and The Times of London editorially commented on the Natal Indians' grievances.

In 1896, Gandhi returned to India to fetch his wife, Kasturba (or Kasturbai), their two oldest children, and amass support for the Indians overseas. He met the prominent leaders and persuaded them to address the public meetings in the centre of the country's principal cities.

Unfortunately for him, some of his activities reached Natal and provoked its European population. Joseph Chamberlain, the colonial secretary in the British Cabinet, urged Natal's government to bring the guilty men to proper jurisdiction, but Gandhi refused to prosecute his assailants. He said he believed the court of law would not be used to satisfy someone's vendetta.

Political Teacher of Mahatma Gandhi

Gopal Krishna Gokhale was one of the prominent political teachers and mentors of Mahatma Gandhi. Gokhale, a renowned Indian nationalist leader, played a significant role in shaping Gandhi's political ideology and approach to leadership. He emphasized the importance of nonviolence, constitutional methods, and constructive work in achieving social and political change. Gandhi referred to Gokhale as his political guru and credited him with influencing many of his principles and strategies in the Indian freedom struggle. Gokhale's teachings and guidance had a profound impact on Gandhi's development as a leader and advocate for India's independence.

Death of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's death was a tragic event and brought clouds of sorrow to millions of people. On the 29th of January, a man named Nathuram Godse came to Delhi with an automatic pistol. About 5 pm in the afternoon of the next day, he went to the Gardens of Birla house, and suddenly, a man from the crowd came out and bowed before him.

Then Godse fired three bullets at his chest and stomach, who was Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was in such a posture that he to the ground. During his death, he uttered: “Ram! Ram!” Although someone could have called the doctor in this critical situation during that time, no one thought of that, and Gandhiji died within half an hour.

How Shaheed Day is Celebrated at Gandhiji’s Samadhi (Raj Ghat)?

As Gandhiji died on January 30, the government of India declared this day as ‘Shaheed Diwas’.

On this day, the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister, and the Defence Minister every year gather at the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi at the Raj Ghat memorial in Delhi to pay tribute to Indian martyrs and Mahatma Gandhi, followed by a two-minute silence.

On this day, many schools host events where students perform plays and sing patriotic songs. Martyrs' Day is also observed on March 23 to honour the lives and sacrifices of Sukhdev Thapar, Shivaram Rajguru, and Bhagat Singh.

Gandhi believed it was his duty to defend India's rights. Mahatma Gandhi had a significant role in attaining India's independence from the British. He had an impact on many individuals and locations outside India. Gandhi also influenced Martin Luther King, and as a result, African-Americans now have equal rights. Peacefully winning India's independence, he altered the course of history worldwide.


FAQs on Mahatma Gandhi Biography and Political Career

1. What was people's reaction after Nathuram Godse killed Mahatma Gandhi?

When Nathuram Godse killed Mahatma Gandhi, people shouted to kill Nathuram. After killing Mahatma Gandhi, Nathuram Godse tried to kill himself but could not do so since the police seized his weapons and took him to jail. After that, Gandhiji's body was laid in the garden with a white cloth covered on his face. All the lights were turned off in honour of him. Then on the radio, honourable Prime minister Pandit Nehru Ji declared sadly that the Nation's Father was no more.

2. How vegetarianism impacted Mahatma Gandhi’s time in London?

During the three years he spent in England, he was in a great dilemma with personal and moral issues rather than academic ambitions.

The sudden transition from Porbandar's half-rural atmosphere to London's cosmopolitan life was not an easy task for him. And he struggled powerfully and painfully to adapt himself to Western food, dress, and etiquette, and he felt awkward.

His vegetarianism became a continual source of embarrassment and was like a curse to him; his friends warned him that it would disrupt his studies, health, and well-being. Fortunately, he came across a vegetarian restaurant and a book providing a well-defined defence of vegetarianism.

His missionary zeal for vegetarianism helped draw the pitifully shy youth out of his shell and gave him a new and robust personality. He also became a member of the London Vegetarian Society executive committee, contributing articles to its journal and attending conferences.

3. Who was the first person to write a biography of Mahatma Gandhi (Father of The Nation)?

Christian missionary Joseph Doke had written the first biography of Bapu. The best part is that Gandhiji had still not acquired the status of Mahatma when this biography was written.

4. Who was Gandhiji’s favorite writer?

Gandhiji’s favorite writer was Leo Tolstoy.

5. What is Mahatma Gandhi’s date of birth?

Mahatma Gandhi's date of birth is October 2, 1869. We celebrate every year on October 2nd as Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti.

6. Which are the famous Mahatma Gandhi books?

Mahatma Gandhi authored several influential books and writings that have left a lasting impact on the world. Some of his famous books include:


Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule

Satyagraha in South Africa

Young India

The Essential Gandhi

These books reflect Gandhi's deep commitment to nonviolence, truth, and social justice, making them essential reads for those interested in his life and principles.

Short Biography

May 13, 2024

Life Story of Famous People

Short Bio » Civil Rights Leader » Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 to a Hindu Modh Baniya family in Porbandar (also known as Sudamapuri ), a coastal town on the Kathiawar Peninsula and then part of the small princely state of Porbandar in the Kathiawar Agency of the Indian Empire. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

Gandhi famously led Indians in challenging the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 km (250 mi) Dandi Salt March in 1930, and later in calling for the British to Quit India in 1942. He was imprisoned for many years, upon many occasions, in both South Africa and India. One of Gandhi’s major strategies, first in South Africa and then in India, was uniting Muslims and Hindus to work together in opposition to British imperialism. In 1919–22 he won strong Muslim support for his leadership in the Khilafat Movement to support the historic Ottoman Caliphate. By 1924, that Muslim support had largely evaporated.

Time magazine named Gandhi the Man of the Year in 1930. Gandhi was also the runner-up to Albert Einstein as “Person of the Century” at the end of 1999. The Government of India awarded the annual Gandhi Peace Prize to distinguished social workers, world leaders and citizens. Nelson Mandela, the leader of South Africa’s struggle to eradicate racial discrimination and segregation, was a prominent non-Indian recipient. In 2011, Time magazine named Gandhi as one of the top 25 political icons of all time. Gandhi did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize, although he was nominated five times between 1937 and 1948, including the first-ever nomination by the American Friends Service Committee, though he made the short list only twice, in 1937 and 1947.

Indians widely describe Gandhi as the father of the nation. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared Gandhi’s birthday 2 October as “the International Day of Nonviolence.

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Gandhi by Mahatma Gandhi Summary and Analysis

posted on April 8, 2021

An Autobiography

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The Story of My Experiments with Truth is the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. The book covers Gandhi’s early life through to 1921 when he was in his early 50s. Initially, the book was written in weekly installments. Each week from 1925 to 1929, the journal Navjivan would publish a new part of the autobiography. However, this book summary will cover the final work, which was first published in the West in 1948. 

About Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most influential people of the 19th and 20th centuries. Gandhi was an Indian Lawyer and anti-colonialist. He used nonviolent resistance to campaign against Britain’s rule over India. This resistance eventually led to India’s independence from Britain. Plus, his peaceful approaches inspired civil rights movements across the world.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi’s Youth

Colonized india.

Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869, in Porbander. Porbander is a small coastal town in Northwest India. He was brought up by his mother and father. His father was a local politician who worked for local Indian princes. Both his parents were poorly educated. For example, his mother was illiterate, and his father only learned to write in his older years. Despite this, Gandhi’s parents were relatively wealthy for the area. Hence, Gandhi was able to have a good education.

Gandhi was born during the Victorian era. This was a time when the British Empire was in full force. One of the places they controlled large parts of was Gandhi’s native India. Gandhi describes the empire as being a peculiar mixture of commercial greed and an attempt to be missionaries. India was considered the jewel in the crown of Queen Victoria’s empire. This British rule over India was called the Raj by the British. They first colonized India in the 18th century through the British East India Company. In the late 19th century, it was more prominent than ever. The British had become rulers of India. 

Young Marriage

“I lost no time in assuming the authority of a husband . . . (she) could not go out without my permission.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was married at the very young age of thirteen. He was married to a local girl of the same age named Kasturbai. Later in life, he would challenge the inhumane practice of child marriage. However, at this time, he was happy with his marriage. As their relationship progressed, they experienced many quarrels. Some were so serious they did not speak for months.

“Of all the evils for which man has made himself responsible, none is so degrading, so shocking or so brutal as his abuse of the better half of humanity; the female sex.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Academic and Religious Mediocrity

Gandhi was a shy child. He would shy away from sport, and he struggled academically at school. Gandhi found the multiplication tables particularly challenging. Similarly, he had no particular affinity to religion at this age. His household, growing up, was religiously diverse. His mother was a devout Hindu, while his father and his friends often debated Islam. On top of this, Jainism was very popular in his local area. Therefore, from a young age, Gandhi was surrounded by a wide range of religions. Although this upbringing most probably molded the man he would become, he was not interested in religion at a young age. In fact, it bored him. He even describes how he ‘“leaned somewhat towards atheism.”

Traveling to London

Gandhi’s father passed away when Gandhi was a young adult. Gandhi was chosen as the successor as head of the family. Therefore, he was encouraged to travel to England and study law. His family wanted him to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a politician. Gandhi’s mother was actually worried before Gandhi left for England. She was worried England would corrupt Gandhi’s morals. To calm her nerves, Gandhi promised to avoid wine and meat. 

Before leaving, an issue arose. The elders of Gandhi’s caste learned of his proposed trip to England. They objected as no members of their caste were allowed to travel to England. England was seen as impure. Gandhi was determined to go, though. So, he decided to leave and be made an ‘out-caste’. Gandhi set sail for England. Among the loved ones he left behind was his three-month-old first child, a boy named Harilal.

London to South Africa

Gandhi struggled to adapt when he arrived in London. He was a slender Indian with protruding ears and a terrible shyness. Although he had learned English at school, he could not hold a conversation very well. In fact, he was so embarrassed on the trip to Southampton that he ate in his cabin to avoid embarrassment. 

After arriving in London, family friends took him under their wing. However, he still had obstacles to overcome. Firstly, vegetarian food was very hard to come by in Victorian London. Many Hindus living in London decided to abandon this Hindu scripture as it was hard to follow. Gandhi had made a promise, though. Gandhi was not the type of man to break promises. He mainly lived off porridge until he found a suitable restaurant. 

Adapting to Western Culture

Although Gandhi initially struggled to adapt, he did make a conscious attempt to westernize himself in some ways. He took lessons in French, dancing, elocution, and the violin. Gandhi didn’t keep these going for very long, but they were a sign of his intent. He then started dressing in the English fashion. On top of this, Gandhi began reading the Bible. He never accepted the idea of sin and redemption, but this did kickstart his passion for religion. Plus, he was inspired by Jesus’ sermon on the mount. He described this sermon as full of humility.

After reading the Bible, Gandhi first started reading one of the most sacred Hindu books: Bhagavad-Gita. He discovered the work through some friends involved in theosophy, a faddish mélange of superstition and Eastern, then fashionable in Victorian society. Its poetry and message soon enthralled him.

Gandhi Becomes a Barrister and Returns Home

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi studied extremely hard to pass the bar. He did pass and was enrolled as a lawyer. The very next day, he sailed back to Bombay. He had been away from his home, wife, and child for more than three years. He was desperate to see them again. 

However, his homecoming was not the welcome he was expecting. Gandhi’s mother had died while he was abroad, and the family had decided to keep the news from him until he got home. They did not want to disrupt his studies. 

He also was expecting to come back to lots of work opportunities. This did not transpire. He struggled to get well-paid work and he, and his growing family, struggled financially. His first lawsuit ended in a disaster when his shyness overcame him. He was unable to cross-examine a witness. Following this failure, he tried to obtain a teaching position but was unsuccessful. He eventually decided to accept an offer from a Muslim Indian Firm to travel to South Africa for a year and advise on a lawsuit. 

South Africa

South Africa was starting to display racist tendencies. These racist tendencies would eventually culminate in the apartheid regime of the 20th century. Although the black community was the most marginalized group in South Africa, the Indian population was also treated as second-class citizens.

Gandhi would experience this discrimination firsthand while living in South Africa. While traveling on a train, he was forced to wait overnight in Transvaal station as he refused to give up his first-class seat to a white passenger. This experience outraged him and led him to make his first public speech. He spoke to the assembly of Transvaal Indians and urged them to work hard and learn English. If they did this, they would be able to achieve political equality. 

On the day of Gandhi’s farewell party to South Africa, he was made aware of an Indian Franchise Bill. This bill was extremely discriminatory against Indians. The bill would deprive Indians of the right to vote. He was shocked that nobody had created an opposition to the bill. Hence, Gandhi’s friends begged him to stay and assist them in tackling this bill. He agreed to stay. However, he said he could only stay for a month. That month would end up being two years of campaigning in South Africa. By the time Gandhi left South Africa, he has been working there for over twenty years. Many people associated Gandhi with India. However, he was also hugely influential in South Africa. This country is where he was first given the title of Mahatma, which means great soul. 

He went home to India for a short while and was greeted by cheering fans. However, when he decided to return to South Africa, his welcome was slightly less friendly. Riotous crowds of whites awaited him at Port Natal. Gandhi had developed a bad reputation, and he was seen as a rebel and a troublemaker. Therefore, these whites were determined to prevent him from coming on-land. They failed in doing so, though. Although some disliked him, he still had allies who were willing to help him.

While living in South Africa, Gandhi had to live through the Boer War. Although few people realize this, Gandhi was loyal to Britain at this time. Through pacifist approaches, Gandhi supported the British fighting the Boers. For example, he led an Indian medical corps to help serve the British. He was a British patriot at this time. His views on the empire would change dramatically throughout his life. He initially believed that the empire was based on the principles of equality and liberty. These principles were ones he held dear.

The Making of Gandhi

“The seeker after truth should be humbler than the dust. The world crushes the dust under its feet, but the seeker after truth should so humble himself that even the dust could crush him. Only then, and not till then, will he have a glimpse of truth.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Several changes in Gandhi’s personal life would make him even more famous. Firstly, he obtained the personal achievement of Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is a voluntary abstention from sexual relations. Many Hindu men adhere to Brahmacharya later in life, but Gandhi did this in his 30s. This was very rare and showed his commitment to his religion. Gandhi explained that the reason behind this decision was that he succumbed too easily to lust as a young man. He gave the example of how he failed to be with his father when he died as he was making love to his wife. Gandhi never forgave himself.

Additionally, Gandhi added to his philosophy a specific approach to political protest. This type of protest would soon be named Satyagraha. Satyagraha translated as truth-force. Gandhi committed to refusing to obey unjust authority. He put this into action by encouraging the Indian community to take a vow of disobedience in 1906. This disobedience was in response to the Transvaal government making plans to register every Indian over the age of eight. Everybody at that meeting was willing to make a vow, even though it threatened their lives. Gandhi was one of the first to appear before a magistrate for refusing to register. He was sentenced to two months but actually asked for a longer sentence. This type of action was part of practicing Satyagraha. Gandhi devoted his time in prison to reading.

Rebellion and the Declaration of Independence

“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Another example of Satyagraha was shown in response to the Rowlatt Act in India. Gandhi proposed that the whole country engage in hartal. Hence, the entire country would spend a day fasting, praying, and abstaining from physical labor. These practices would be in response to the repressive new law. The response was overwhelming. Millions of Indians practiced Satyagraha. However, this approach was potentially too drastic at too early a stage. The British arrested him, and angry mobs of people filled the Indian cities. Violence spread throughout the country. Instead of utilizing this mob support, Gandhi told the mob to go home. He did not want Satyagraha if it meant violence would occur. 

In 1920, Gandhi started traveling around India, protesting against British customs. He encouraged Indian people to give up their Western clothing and British jobs. His commitment to the cause encouraged other volunteers to follow him. By 1922, Gandhi had deemed that the time was right for a move from non-cooperation into outright civil disobedience. However, during this time, a horrible event occurred. A mob hacked a local constable to death in Chauri Chauri, a city in India. Gandhi was horrified and withdrew from leading the civil disobedience movement. He spent time meditating and reading to recover. 

Gandhi would be arrested and serve time in prison again for treason. During his time in prison, his movement lost momentum. Indians drifted back into their jobs. However, more worryingly, the Indians and Muslims lost their unity. Gandhi was the one uniting these two religions, and without him, violence would ensue. Gandhi continued to fight for independence, and finally, in January of 1930, Gandhi had written up a Declaration of Independence of India. 

Gandhi’s Final Years

“I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.” – Mahatma Gandhi

During Gandhi’s final years, India gained independence from Britain. Churchill lost the British election to a left-wing Labour Party. Labour was determined to help push Indian independence through.

The three years after his wife’s death were a catastrophe. As well as losing his wife, he saw his country partitioned into India and Pakistan. Gandhi argued against the partition. He wanted unity. He felt that the partition would also lead to violence and forced migration. Gandhi was right. Hindus and Muslims killed each other at horrific numbers across the newly created borders. People had to seek safety across either side of the border for religious reasons. Hundreds of thousands of people died, perhaps even millions. Gandhi felt like India had not learned from his teaching of nonviolence and unity with others.

He tried to stop this violence but to no avail. He conducted multiple fasts’ until death’ or until there was peace in Delhi. One fast he started lasted five days until the Muslim and Hindu leaders promised to make peace. He was hoping to do the same for Punjab after recovering. However, it was not to be. On Friday 30th January 1948, a Hindu nationalist named Nathuram Vinayak Godse broke into Gandhi’s garden. Instead of being angry or aggressive to this intruder, Mahatma gave this man a Hindu blessing. However, the man proceeded to take a gun out of his pocket and shoot Gandhi four times. Smoke rose around Gandhi, while his hands were folded in a peaceful position. His dying words were Hei Ra…ma, which means ‘Oh God’. The assassinator’s motivation was that he felt Gandhi had been too accommodating to Muslims during the partition of India. Godse had hoped that Gandhi’s death would lead to war between India and Pakistan and the elimination of the Muslim state. Instead, it led to peace, as Hindus and Muslims alike joined in mourning for the slain Mahatma. Indeed, the entire world mourned: flags were lowered to half-mast, and kings, popes, and presidents sent condolences to India. 

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    First Edition, July 1955 This reprint, 15,000 Copies, December 2000 Total : 2,26,000 Copies. The price of this book is subsidised by Navajivan Trust. ISBN 81-7229-055-1. Printed and Published by Jitendra T. Desai Navajivan Mudranalaya, Ahmedabad-380 014.

  17. Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

    Biography of Mahatma Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India. He became one of the most respected spiritual and political leaders of the 1900's. Gandhi helped free the Indian people from British rule through nonviolent resistance, and is honoured by Indians as the father of the Indian Nation.

  18. PDF Summary of The Life of Mahatma Gandhi by Louis Fischer

    Chapter 2:Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence, or ahimsa, was the foundation of his approach to social and political change. One of the ways Fischer illustrates this is through Gandhi's inspiration to civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. In the book, Fischer delves into the profound impact Gandhi had on

  19. Gandhi by Mahatma Gandhi Summary and Analysis

    Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most influential people of the 19th and 20th centuries. Gandhi was an Indian Lawyer and anti-colonialist. He used nonviolent resistance to campaign against Britain's rule over India. This resistance eventually led to India's independence from Britain.