
10 Lines on Forest

We all have written essays on Forest in our childhood. It is a very important topic and perhaps the most important one for every student. We also need the importance of forests, but definitely, there is something which we don’t. Let’s read some interesting things about it through the few sets of 10 lines below.

Ten Lines on Forest in English

You can find here some well written sets of 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Forest for children and students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to get help in their school assignments.

1) Forest is a large wild area left to grow naturally.

2) They mostly have natural occurrences but in some cases may be planted by humans.

3) Forest Plays a vital role in balancing the ecosystem.

4) Forest occupies over 4 billion hectares of world land.

5) The major classifications of forest are tropical, temperate and boreal forests.

6) Forests provide clean air.

7) Forest causes rain in an area.

8) Forest prevents floods.

9) Forests preserve groundwater

10) Industrialization, pollution and fire are a threat to the forests.

10 Lines and Sentences on Forest

1) Forest is the large green ecosystem consisting of Trees and supporting various types of Life forms.

2) Forests are very much important for a balanced and sustainable development of mankind.

3) Forests cover around 30% of the world’s land surface area.

4) Forests help to clean the air, absorb harmful gases, regulate the earth’s temperature and mitigate climate change.

5) According to WWF, forests are home to 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity.

6) The industrial revolution in the world has affected the world’s forest heritage to a larger extent.

7) Deforestation is the main cause of the reduction of forest area day by day.

8) Many beautiful animal species have been extinct, and many are on the verge of extinction due to deforestation.

9) Cutting down of forests leads to major problems like global warming, climate change, floods, droughts etc.

10) Planting more trees, developing new forests and protecting the existing one helps us to safeguard from future disasters.

10 Lines on Forest

5 Lines on Forest

1) Forests are the vital part of the nature.

2) They support lives of all living organisms.

3) They give us fresh air to survive.

 4) They prevent soil erosion and floods.

5) We get food, shed, woods, etc from forests.

20 Lines on Forest

1) A forest is a large area covered with trees, plants, shrubs and bushes.

2) Forest is a beautiful creation of nature and the dwelling place of animals.

3) Forests are an important part of the ecosystem as they help in maintaining bio-diversity.

4) Temperature and rainfall also affect the development of different types of forests.

5) No forest exists in a desert area, only a few trees can grow, which survives on the groundwater.

6) A ‘Coniferous Forest’ is an evergreen forest found in the northern hemisphere.

7) A ‘Deciduous Forest’ sheds its leaves every year.

8) The ‘Tropical Rainforest’ is a very dense forest consisting of mainly evergreen trees all around the year.

9) Trees and forests help in purifying the air.

10) Forests regulate the atmospheric temperature by keeping the environment cool.

11) Forest helps to maintain climate change restricting the undesired change.

12) Forest is a house of thousands of species of animals, birds and insects.

13) It purifies the atmosphere and protects water bodies.

14) The wood available from the forests is very helpful for human.

15) For the millions of people, the forest is the major source of livelihood and daily household needs.

16) Australia, Brazil, China, Canada, Russia and America have the 67% forests of the world.

17) Indian states, Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Maharashtra, have lots of green forests.

18) Jim Corbett, Ranthambhore, Sundarbans, Gir, Khasi are some famous forest and reserves of India.

19) Deforestation on a very large scale to make cities, apartments, buildings and offices is hazardous for us.

20) Deforestation harms the environment resulting in soil erosion, climate change and disturbance in the water cycle etc.

Forests are very important not only for us but also for the ecosystem because forests are the natural habitat of wild animals and birds. We get lots of things from the forests which include foods, fruits, wood and herbal medicines etc. Deforestation is very harmful to the environment and also for us so we will have to wake up and stand against it until it is too late.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Forest

Ans. Amazon Rainforest is the largest forest on the Earth.

Ans. The Gilboa Site is the oldest forest in the world.

Ans. Approximately 30% of the Earth’s land is covered in forests.

Ans. There are many different types of forests, including tropical rainforests, temperate forests, and boreal forests.

Ans. You can help protect forests by reducing your paper and wood consumption, preventing deforestation, and getting involved in local forest conservation initiatives.

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Types of Forests: Definitions, Examples, and Importance

Explore the characteristics and role of forests in our planet's well-being.

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  • Conservation

On a global scale, forests are shaped by the amount of solar radiation and precipitation, both of which are influenced by latitude. These climatic conditions determine what organisms can survive in an area and have helped shape the evolution of forests for millions of years. Based on latitude, there are three types of forests: boreal, temperate, and tropical.

Boreal forests, found farthest north, experience long, cold winters with short growing seasons. Temperate forests, located in the mid-latitudes, have four distinct seasons. Tropical forests, found along the equator, experience high temperatures, long growing seasons, and harbor incredible amounts of biodiversity. 

Forests support humans on local and regional scales by providing ecosystem services like pollination, climate regulation, and soil conservation. Despite the value of intact forests for human well-being, forests around the world are threatened by human activities, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

What Is a Forest?

A forest is an ecosystem dominated by trees. According to the parameters established by the FAO , an area must cover at least half a hectare, or about one and a quarter acres, to be considered a forest. The trees in the area must also be able to grow to heights above 16 feet and have a canopy that covers at least 10% of the sky. 

Despite the precise definition laid out by the FAO, there is still controversy over what constitutes a forest. One issue with the organization's interpretation is that it does not differentiate between natural and planted forests. According to a study by leading forest ecologists published in the journal Ambio , because the current forest definition does not distinguish between forest types, it can be difficult to monitor changes in the amount of forest.

Boreal Forests

Boreal forests, or taiga , are found between 50 and 60 degrees latitude in North America, Asia, and Europe. Beneath boreal forests is land shaped by glaciers that left a legacy in the geology, hydrology, and soils of the area. Boreal forests’ bitter cold climate makes it difficult for life, leading to low species diversity compared to temperate and tropical forests. The plants and animals that do live in boreal forests are specially adapted to cope with short growing seasons and cold temperatures. Due to their vastness and remoteness, boreal forests are important storers of carbon.

Of the three forest types, boreal forests have the shortest growing season, about 130 days. Boreal forests tend to have shallow, acidic, nutrient-poor soils. Conifers are the most abundant type of tree, although there are some well-adapted deciduous trees , such as willows, poplars, and alders, as well. Prominent species include black and white fir, jackpine, balsam fir, and tamarack. In the understory, blueberry and cranberry bushes provide high-energy food for wildlife . 

The animals that live in boreal forests are specially adapted to cope with extremely cold temperatures—as low as -22 degrees Fahrenheit (-30 degrees Celsius)—and low resource availability for large portions of the year. Boreal caribou are one of the few animals that live in the taiga year-round, and they survive by ranging areas of nearly one million acres to find food. These once abundant caribou, however, are now at risk of extinction from loss of habitat and infrastructure carving up remaining forests. Many bird species visit boreal forest wetlands during their annual migrations, moving south as temperatures drop and food becomes scarce. 

Climate change is a major threat to boreal forests. Almost 80% of boreal forests are on top of permafrost, a layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year. As temperatures increase at unnaturally fast rates, the ground becomes soft and swampy and many trees eventually lose stability and die. Scientists from the International Boreal Forest Research Association believe that boreal forest conservation is key to slowing climate change.

Types of Boreal Forest

  • Open Canopy Boreal: Also known as lichen woodland , open canopy boreal forests occur at higher latitudes and have lower species diversity.
  • Closed Canopy Boreal: Found at lower latitudes, closed canopy boreal forests have richer soil and denser tree stands that allow little light to reach the forest floor. Less harsh conditions, however, lead to greater species diversity.

Temperate Forests

Temperate forests are located at mid-latitudes, which gives them their characteristic four seasons. Very few patches of old-growth temperate forest remain; the zone is dominated by secondary forests. As of 2020, temperate forests accounted for 16% of the Earth’s total forest cover.

Temperate forests are inhabited by species adapted for seasonality. Deciduous trees like maples, hickories, oaks, and many others drop their leaves and become dormant in the fall and winter to save energy. Bears, bobcats, squirrels, and deer make their homes in temperate forests and can store food, adapt their diet, or hibernate to cope with the lack of nutritious foods in the winter. 

Although temperate forests have seasonality in common, they vary widely in yearly precipitation and temperature. Annual temperatures range from -22 degrees F to 86 degrees F depending on location and season. Temperate forests receive an average of 30 to 59 inches of rain per year. Soils are generally fertile, with a thick layer of organic matter from which plants can extract nutrients to grow. 

Temperate forests are home to many endangered species. In the U.S., 12 mammal species listed as Endangered by the Fish and Wildlife Service live in temperate forest habitats. The red wolf , native to the temperate forests of eastern North Carolina, is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. The northern spotted owl was federally listed as Endangered in 1990 and is currently considered Threatened. These birds of prey prefer the old-growth forest habitat of Washington, Oregon, and California, which has continued to decline in recent decades.

Types of Temperate Forest

  • Deciduous Forest: This forest type is dominated by deciduous trees, which lose their leaves during colder months and enter a period of dormancy. 
  • Coniferous Forest: This biome has a higher proportion of evergreen, cone-producing trees. 
  • Temperate Rainforest: With moderate temperatures, these forests report extremely high amounts of precipitation— 140 to 167 inches per year .

Tropical Forests

Located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn at 23 degrees north and south, tropical forests are some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth. These forests cover only a tenth of the surface of the planet, yet harbor half of all species. They are also some of the most threatened by human activities.

Tropical forests have relatively stable conditions that have allowed life to thrive. They are the warmest and rainiest forests on Earth, with temperatures ranging between 68 degrees F and 77 degrees F, with 79 to 394 inches of rain annually.

Tropical forests are known for their extraordinary biodiversity. The Amazon rainforest, for example, is home to 10% of the world's described species.

The diversity of tropical forests makes them very efficient at processing nutrients . Dead and decaying matter is quickly broken down by decomposers and almost instantly taken up by another organism. This makes tropical forest soils nutrient-poor . To cope with poor soils, many tropical trees have adapted shallow root systems that spread across the forest floor and can more easily take in nutrients. 

Many charismatic tropical forest species are threatened with extinction. For example, the African forest elephant, found in West and Central Africa, is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN due to habitat loss and poaching. Primates live almost exclusively in the tropics, and most live in tropical forests. In some Brazilian forests, as many as 13 kinds of primates live in the same area.

Human activities such as logging, land clearing for agriculture, and poaching are a threat to the future of tropical forests. In 2020 alone, over 12 million hectares of tropical forests were lost, according to the World Resources Institute.

Types of Tropical Forest

  • Evergreen Rainforest: Often thought of as “real” rainforest, these are the wettest (~80 inches of rain per year) and most biodiverse tropical forests . 
  • Tropical Moist Forest: Further from the equator than evergreen rainforests, tropical moist forests experience less rainfall overall and bigger differences between seasons.
  • Tropical Dry Forest: Receive very little rain between four and six months out of the year . Plants and animals have specific adaptations to deal with this period of water scarcity. 
  • Mangrove: Coastal tropical forests with trees adapted to live in brackish water with changing levels. Mangroves protect the coast from storms and act as nurseries for aquatic species

Jenkins, Michael and Schaap, Brian. " Forest Ecosystem Services ." United Nations Forum on Forests .

" State of the World's Forests 2020 ." Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations .

" Boreal Forest in Alaska ." Alaska Department of Fish and Game .

Bichet, Orphe, et al. " Maintaining Animal Assemblages through Single-Species Management: the Case of Threatened Caribou in Boreal Forest ." Ecological Applications , vol. 26, no. 2, 2016, pp. 612-623., doi:10.1890/15-0525

Gauthier, S., et al. " Boreal Forest Health and Global Change ." Science , vol. 349, no. 6250, 2015, pp. 819-822., doi:10.1126/science.aaa9092

Carpino, Olivia, et al. " Climate Change and Permafrost Thaw-Induced Boreal Forest Loss in Northwestern Canada ." Environmental Research Letters , vol. 13, no. 8, 2018., doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aad74

Bernier, Pierre, et al. " How Can the Cicumboreal Forest Contribute to Mitigating Climate Change? " International Boreal Forest Research Association , 2018.

" Eastern Deciduous Forest ." National Park Service .

" Temperate Deciduous Forest ." NASA Earth Observatory .

" Northern Spotted Owl ." Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office .

Corlett, Richard. " Tropical Forests ." Encyclopedia of Life Sciences , 2014., doi:10.1002/9780470015902.a0003179.pub2

Tabor, Karyn, et al. "Tropical Protected Areas Under Increasing Threats from Climate Change and Deforestation." Land , vol. 7, no. 3, 2018, pp. 90., doi:10.3390/land7030090

" Rainforest ." NASA Earth Observatory .

Ruiz, Sarah. " How Rainforests are Formed, and How They Are Being Destroyed ." Global Forest Watch , 2020.

" African Elephant Species Now Endangered and Critically Endangered ." International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.

Serio-Silva, Juan-Carlos, et al. " Ecology and Behavior of Tropical Primates ." Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems Tropical Biology and Conservation Management , vol. 8.

Weisse, Mikaela and Goldman, Elizabeth. " Forest Pulse: the Latest on the World's Forests ." World Research Institute .

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How to Describe Forests in Your Writing

Pin or save this post for reference next time you're writing a forest. You can pull from these sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch sensations to add texture to your forest descriptions. 

  • Wildflowers
  • Hunting traps
  • Animal tracks
  • Dens/burrows
  • Birds nests
  • Abandoned campfire
  • Hollowed-out trees
  • Rising mist
  • Bracket fungi
  • Acorn shells
  • Fallen logs
  • Gnarled branches
  • Tree stumps
  • Dewdrops on leaves
  • Fallen pine needles
  • Patches of sunlight
  • Animal footprints
  • Smoky campfire
  • Warm, dry earth
  • Decaying logs
  • Freshly turned soil
  • Ripe blackberries
  • Wild garlic
  • Decaying fruit
  • Hot springs / sulphur
  • Wild rosemary
  • Rotting leaf pile
  • Honey of beehive?
  • Cooked meat (fire)
  • Resinous pine
  • Wild strawberries
  • Wood sorrel
  • Sweet chestnut
  • Sun-warmed bark

write 5 sentences about forest

  • Rustling leaves
  • Trickling water
  • Distant birdsong
  • Hooting owl
  • Crunching footfall
  • Snapping twigs
  • Buzzing insects
  • Wind rustling trees
  • Pattering rain
  • Hawk screech
  • Wasp/bee buzzing
  • Howl of wind
  • Gurgle of stream
  • Crisp leaves underfoot
  • Rustle of birds in nest
  • Scampering animal
  • Crackling fire
  • Gurgling stream
  • Distant wolf howls
  • Barking fox
  • Tart wild berries
  • Cooked mushrooms
  • Cold stream water
  • Hunted animals
  • Foraged eggs
  • Smooth stone
  • Prickly pine needles
  • Cool breeze
  • Warm sunlight
  • Spongy ferns underfoot
  • Sharp twigs
  • Velvety petals
  • Slippery mud
  • Sharp thorns
  • Tender grass
  • Tangled vines
  • Prickly brambles
  • Crunching acorns
  • Gentle raindrops
  • Bristly pinecones
  • Snail slime
  • Jagged, sharp stones

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Forest Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on forest.

Forests are an intricate ecosystem on earth which contains trees , shrubs, grasses and more. The constituents of forests which are trees and plants form a major part of the forests. Furthermore, they create a healthy environment so that various species of animals can breed and live there happily. Therefore, we see how forests are a habitat for a plethora of wild animals and birds. In addition to being of use to wildlife, forests benefit mankind greatly and hold immense significance.

Importance of Forests

Forests cover a significant area of the earth. They are a great natural asset to any region and hold immense value. For instance, forests fulfill all our needs of timber, fuel, fodder, bamboos and more. They also give us a variety of products that hold great commercial as well as industrial value.

Forest Essay

In addition, forests give us a large number of raw materials for various products like paper, rayon, gums, medicinal drugs and more. Other than that, forests are also a major source of employment for a significant population . For example, people are involved in their protection, harvesting , regeneration, raw material processing and more.

Moreover, forests are largely responsible for preserving the physical features of our planet. They monitor soil erosion and prevent it from happening. Further, they alleviate floods by making the streams flow continually. This, in turn, helps our agriculture to a great extent.

Most importantly, forests are a habitat for wildlife. They provide them with shelter and food. Thus, it is quite important to protect forests and furthermore enhance the forest cover for a greener and sustainable future.

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Improving Forest Cover

When we talk about forest cover, we do not merely refer to planting new trees but also improving the degraded forest land. To meet the fulfilments of the demand for timber and non-timber forests, we need to have a comprehensive approach to enhance the forest cover.

Forests are being wiped out and trees are being cut down at a rapid rate. To meet the other needs of humans, we are losing sight of the bigger picture. People need to take steps to improve the forest cover rather than decrease it. The government must regulate the cutting down of trees. We must adopt roper methods which ensure the regrowth of trees. This way, we will be able to fulfill both the needs.

Furthermore, we must control forest fires. We must adopt the latest techniques which will help in fire fighting more efficiently. This will prevent further loss of trees and animals. Most importantly, afforestation plus reforestation must be practiced. The people and government must plant new trees in place of the one cut down. Moreover, they must plant trees in new areas to develop a forest.

In short, forests are a great blessing of nature. Various types of forests are home to a thousand animals and also means of livelihood for numerous people. We must recognize the importance of forests and take proper measures to tackle the issue of deforestation.

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Essay On ‘The Forest’ For Children – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

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Key Points To Note: Essay On The Forest For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the forest for kids, a paragraph on the forest, short essay on importance of the forest for children, long essay on the forest in english for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

Young kids always benefit from writing essays on simple topics, such as essays on the forest. The whole essay writing process primarily improves a child’s thought process as they start writing about the things they experience and process. According to experts, essay writing enhances problem-solving, critical thinking, and thought formation skills. Forests are the earth’s lungs, so an essay on forests is one of the best topics for young children. This write-up will provide you with more details on how to write an essay about the forest.

As kids, before writing an essay on the forest, they need to understand that forests are crucial for the survival of humanity. The following are essential points to remember when writing an essay on forests for lower primary classes:

  • An essay has three segments – the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • In your introduction paragraph, define what a forest is. Mention that forests are home to an innumerable species on the planet earth.
  • The body can have one or two paragraphs, depending on the child’s grade. In this segment, one can cover information about the importance of forests on our planet.
  • The conclusion can speak about the effects of deforestation and how we can combat climate change by preserving forests.

Following are ten lines on the topic, which can help kids form short sentences about the topic:

  • A forest is a large green wild area that grows naturally.
  • A forest is usually a big space covered with trees, thick vegetation, and animals living within.
  • They are an essential part of our ecosystem that must be preserved and protected.
  • Forests cover a large chunk of the area on earth.
  • They are an essential natural asset and hold enormous value.
  • The trees absorb the carbon dioxide and generate oxygen for us to breathe.
  • Since forests produce oxygen, they are also known as green lungs of the earth.
  • Forests are precious resources that need preservation.
  • They are home to innumerable species in the plant and animal kingdom.
  • Humans should learn to use the resources of the forest and preserve them to help save nature.

When younger kids start writing essays, they start with short paragraphs. Their teachers can also ask them to write five sentences about the forest. Following is a short paragraph on the forest for classes 1 and 2.

A huge amount or number of trees on a portion of land make up a forest. Forests are an excellent source of oxygen as plants and trees breathe out a significant amount of oxygen daily and breathe in carbon dioxide. This process helps keep the environment clean and the air pure. The plants and trees of a forest help preserve biodiversity and ecological balance. Forests are critical in sustaining cycles of condensation and evaporation that cause rains. They are an important resource that provide medicines, as trees’ roots and wood are used to make various medicines. Deforestation has played a huge role in decreasing the cover of forests on earth, resulting in global warming.

When kids start writing an essay, they can begin with a short essay on any given topic. Following is a short essay for kids on the subject of forests:

Forests, also known as the “green lungs of the earth”, and play a crucial role in sustaining and maintaining the planet’s natural equilibrium and balancing the food cycle.

Forests cover approximately 30% of the surface of the earth. Forests provide a home to fauna, flora, wildlife, and various animal and plant species. Forests have always given humans a great source of livelihood. However, we have failed to preserve and protect the forests. Our actions like deforestation have resulted in environmental imbalance. Also, the sun’s harmful UV rays can easily pass through the ozone layer because of the reduced forest cover, and these UV rays are harming the planet. Forests are crucial to maintaining an ecological balance on earth. It is high time we correct our actions and make an oath to plant more trees and protect what’s left of the forests.

When writing an essay for class 3, kids must provide more details on the topic. Following is a long essay on forests:

Forests are crucial for the existence of the earth. Without any forest cover on this planet, the devastating effects of climate change may be witnessed with a horrible impact on human life. Forests are vital to humans as they provide multiple resources that human beings use for survival.

Forests are home to various wild animals such as tigers, elephants, cheetah, lions, rhinoceros, wolves, etc. These animals are essential for a healthy food cycle, and they would become extinct if there were absolutely no forests. Every animal or bird has to play its part in maintaining the food cycle of the planet, and any disturbance in this food cycle will eventually lead to the extinction of human beings and animals.

Forests provide resources such as nutrients, wood, food, timber, fuels, and so much more to human beings to help them survive. Irresponsible actions of humans like cutting down forest land for agricultural purposes, conducting deforestation drives to expand villages and cities, killing animals for horns, furs, organs, etc., have led to depleted forest cover.

Issues like global warming, desertification, floods, forest fires, biodiversity losses, extinction, and much more are the results of such actions. We should try to do what we can to make our forests bloom and spread wider, and keep the environment around them healthy. 

Essay On Forest For Children - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Different Types Of Forests

Various kinds of forests exist on planet earth. Following are the different types of forests:

  • Tropical Forests:  Tropical rain forests are around the equator in Africa, Central America, and Southeast Asia. These forests have the largest species diversity per area in the world.
  • Temperate Forests:  Temperate forests grow in the next latitude ring, in north-eastern Asia, North America, and Europe. There are four well-defined seasons in this zone, comprising winter.
  • Boreal Forests:  Also known as taiga, Boreal forests are located between 50 and 60 degrees of latitude in the sub-Arctic zone. This area contains Scandinavia, Siberia, Canada, and Alaska.

Why Are Forests Important?

Forests provide us with various things that we need in our daily lives. Following are the benefits of the forest:

  • Close to 1.6 billion humans depend on forests for their livelihood.
  • Forests are the most geographically-diverse ecosystems on land.
  • Forests help balance oxygen, humidity, and carbon dioxide in the air.
  • Forests offer priceless economic, ecological, social, and health benefits.

Effects Of Deforestation

Deforestation can result in catastrophic effects. Humans have to learn to live without misusing the resources of the forest. This planet does not belong to humans solely, and we need to learn to share all forest resources with all the living beings on the earth.

Following are the four major effects of deforestation:

  • Soil Erosion
  • Disruption of the water cycle
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Biodiversity losses
  • Animal extinction
  • Climate Change

Improving Forest Cover

Improving the forest cover will help prevent soil erosion during natural calamities like floods. Soil erosion is the elimination of topsoil which reduces the quality of the soil. Let us pledge to plant trees and prevent soil erosion.

In writing an essay on forests and the forest composition, your child won’t only learn about the definition of forests but will also know how important forests are for the existence of humanity and the survival of this planet. Your child will learn to respect mother nature.

1. Which One Is The Largest Forest In The World?

The world’s largest rainforest is the Amazon. It is home to more than 30 million people and one in ten known species on Earth.

2. When is International Forest Day Celebrated?

We celebrate International Forest Day on 21st March every year.

The existence of forests is imperative for human presence in the world, and they are the key source of many life-depending things like wood, medicines, etc. We must conserve our forests for the bright future of our upcoming generations.

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write 5 sentences about forest

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How To Describe A Forest In A Story

How To Describe A Forest In A Story (10 Best Tips)

In the heart of storytelling, the art of describing a forest transcends mere words; it is a symphony of sensory engagement that beckons readers into a realm of enchantment.

A forest, with its ancient tapestry of towering trees, hidden clearings, and elusive wildlife, holds the potential to be more than just a setting—it can be a character, a catalyst, and a living, breathing entity within the narrative.

Mastering the craft of forest description requires an alchemical blend of vivid imagery, tactile sensations, and the delicate balance of emotions.

Join me on a journey through the literary underbrush as we unravel the secrets of how to paint a forest with words, creating an immersive experience that transports readers into the very heart of nature’s embrace.

Table of Contents

How To Describe A Forest In A Story

Sure, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to describe a forest in a story:


Begin by observing the forest closely. Take note of its overall appearance, including the types of trees, the density of vegetation, and the presence of any undergrowth.

Sensory Details

Engage the reader’s senses by describing the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of the forest. Use vivid language to create a sensory experience for the reader.

Visual Description

Start with the visual elements of the forest. Describe the towering trees, the dappling sunlight filtering through the canopy, and the play of shadows on the forest floor.

Describe the sounds of the forest, such as the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, the buzzing of insects, and the occasional creaking of branches in the wind.

Explore the scents of the forest, including the earthy smell of damp soil, the fragrance of pine needles, the sweetness of wildflowers, and the musky odor of decaying vegetation.

Texture and Touch

Capture the tactile sensations of the forest, such as the rough bark of trees, the softness of moss-covered rocks, and the coolness of shaded pathways.

Emotional Response

Convey the emotional impact of the forest on the characters or narrator. Describe feelings of awe, tranquility, solitude, or unease inspired by the forest environment.

Symbolism and Metaphor

Use the forest as a symbol or metaphor to enhance the thematic depth of your story. Explore concepts like growth, renewal, mystery, or the cycle of life and death.

Character Interaction

Show how characters interact with the forest environment. Describe their movements through the trees, their reactions to its beauty or dangers, and the way they connect with nature.

Overall Atmosphere

Finally, convey the overall atmosphere of the forest. Is it a place of sanctuary and refuge, or does it harbor hidden dangers and mysteries? Use descriptive language to evoke the mood and tone of the forest setting.

By following these steps , you can effectively describe a forest in your story and immerse your readers in its rich and vibrant world.

How To Describe A Forest In A Story

Setting the Scene

In the enchanting realm of narrative, where words dance like fireflies in the dusk, setting the scene becomes an artistry of captivating strokes and vivid hues.

Imagine a canvas unfurling before your mind’s eye, a tapestry woven with the essence of anticipation and wonder.

As the curtain of imagination rises, the stage is meticulously crafted – a symphony of rustling leaves, a ballet of dappled sunlight filtering through the ancient canopy, and the whispered secrets of the wind weaving through towering trees. Here, time is but a transient spectator, enraptured by the choreography of nature’s opulence.

In this orchestration of sensory delights, the scene is not merely set; it is an invitation to wander, explore, and lose oneself in the immersive tapestry of a world waiting to be discovered.

Establishing the forest as a central element in the story

In the heart of my narrative, the forest emerges as more than just a backdrop; it is a living, breathing character, pulsating with its own heartbeat and secrets.

Its towering trees, ancient sentinels cloaked in emerald hues, whisper tales of forgotten epochs, and its sprawling underbrush teems with the untold stories of flora and fauna.

This sylvan sanctuary serves as the silent witness to the protagonist’s journey, offering solace, challenges, and the veiled wisdom of the wild.

The forest becomes a protagonist in its own right, shaping the narrative with its enigmatic allure and influencing the characters’ destinies.

It is not merely a setting but a realm where the very essence of the story unfolds, a realm where the characters are tested, transformed, and ultimately find a profound connection with the untamed spirit of nature. In this tale, the forest is not just a picturesque backdrop—it is the beating heart that propels the story forward with its mysterious rhythm.

Sensory Imagery

Embarking on the journey of sensory imagery is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of sensations that lie dormant within the pages of a story.

As words weave a tapestry of perception, the reader is not merely an observer but a participant in a symphony of senses. Picture the fragrance of nostalgia wafting through the narrative, the taste of bittersweet memories lingering on the tongue of imagination, and the visual kaleidoscope painted with the vivid brushstrokes of descriptive prowess.

With each sentence, the reader is invited to feel the soft caress of a gentle breeze, hear the melodic rustle of autumn leaves, and taste the intoxicating aroma of a moonlit forest.

Sensory imagery is not just a tool; it is an alchemy that transmutes the ordinary into the extraordinary, rendering the reader not just an audience but a willing captive of an immersive experience where every sensation is a note in the grand symphony of storytelling.

Tactile Experiences

In the palpable tapestry of storytelling, tactile experiences emerge as the loom upon which emotions are intricately woven.

The words become the weaver’s shuttle, threading through the fabric of imagination, leaving behind a tactile trail of sensations that dance upon the reader’s fingertips.

Texture, warmth, and the subtle shiver of anticipation become the protagonist, inviting readers to run their literary fingers across the coarse bark of an ancient tree, feel the silkiness of moonlit dew on a protagonist’s skin, or trace the edges of a weathered journal, worn by time.

Tactile experiences in a narrative are not mere descriptions; they are portals into a realm where readers don’t just see or hear, but they touch, and in that touch, they forge an intimate connection with the very essence of the story, where every sensation is a chapter waiting to be explored.

How To Describe A Forest In A Story

Emotional Impact

In the alchemy of storytelling, the emotional impact is the elixir that turns words into an unforgettable experience.

It’s the silent conductor orchestrating a symphony of heartbeats, seamlessly weaving the ethereal thread of empathy between the narrative and the reader. Each sentence becomes a resonating chord, vibrating with the raw intensity of joy, sorrow, and everything in between.

It’s the cathartic release that leaves a lingering echo, an indelible mark on the soul. Imagine words as keys unlocking the floodgates of sentiment, inviting readers to navigate the labyrinth of emotions with characters as guides.

The emotional impact is not just a byproduct; it’s the heartbeat of the story, a pulsating force that transcends the written word, creating a visceral connection where stories cease to be just tales and become transformative experiences etched into the very fabric of the reader’s heart.

Time and Season

In the grand tapestry of storytelling, time and season emerge as celestial weavers, gracefully threading the narrative with the hues of temporal magic.

Each moment is a fleeting symphony, a dance between the pendulum of past and future, painting the story with the brushstrokes of chronicles.

Seasons, like chapters, unfold in a kaleidoscopic display – the vibrant exuberance of spring, the sultry embrace of summer, the melancholic hues of autumn, and the hushed whispers of winter’s tale.

Time becomes a silent architect, constructing the very architecture of the plot, leaving readers to traverse its corridors and alcoves. It’s not just a backdrop; it’s the relentless heartbeat, a metronome guiding the rhythm of the narrative.

Together, time and season are the alchemists, transforming stories into timeless odysseys where the ticking clock and changing seasons are not just witnesses but active participants in the symphony of existence.

In the vast expanse of literary creation, symbolism and metaphor emerge as the elusive artisans, casting spells that transcend the mundane and elevate prose to the realm of enchantment.

Words become vessels, carrying hidden meanings like treasures in a mystic labyrinth. Symbols are the cryptic whispers, speaking in the silent language of archetypes, while metaphors are the alchemists, transmuting the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Each carefully chosen image is a puzzle piece, inviting readers to decode the layers of meaning woven into the narrative tapestry.

It’s a dance of ideas, where a rose isn’t just a flower, but a harbinger of passion, and a storm becomes a metaphorical tempest echoing the turmoil within.

Symbolism and metaphor are the keys to unlocking the door to a world where every word is a riddle, inviting readers to embark on a journey of intellectual unraveling, where the story isn’t just read but deciphered in a dance of linguistic sorcery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How to Describe a Forest in a Story

How can i make my forest description stand out in a story.

To make your forest description memorable, engage multiple senses. Describe not just the visual aspects but also the sounds, scents, and textures. Create a vivid tapestry that allows readers to feel the heartbeat of the forest.

What role does personification play in describing a forest?

Personification breathes life into the forest, transforming it from a mere backdrop to a dynamic character. Attribute human-like qualities to elements like trees or the wind to add depth and resonance to your description.

How do I balance detail without overwhelming the reader in a forest description?

Choose key details that contribute to the mood and atmosphere. Focus on significant elements that evoke emotions or propel the narrative forward, allowing readers to fill in the gaps with their imagination.

Can metaphors and symbolism enhance a forest description?

Absolutely! Metaphors and symbolism add layers of meaning, turning the forest into a metaphorical landscape that reflects the themes and emotions of your story. Use them thoughtfully to enrich your description.

Should I consider the time of day and seasons when describing a forest?

Yes, the time of day and seasons greatly impact the forest’s ambiance. Describing the interplay of sunlight through leaves or the crunch of autumn leaves underfoot adds richness and authenticity to your portrayal.

How can I evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue in my forest description?

Utilize the unknown to create intrigue. Mention hidden paths, ancient ruins, or unusual flora and fauna. Embrace the mysterious elements to captivate readers’ curiosity and invite them to explore your forest’s secrets.

Is it important to connect the forest description with the overall theme of the story?

Absolutely. Ensure that your forest description aligns with the themes and emotions of your narrative. The forest should not exist in isolation but contribute meaningfully to the overall story arc.

How do I avoid clichés when describing a forest?

Challenge yourself to find unique perspectives and details. Move beyond typical descriptions and explore lesser-known aspects of a forest. Injecting your personal observations and experiences will make your portrayal more authentic and fresh.

In the realm of storytelling, the art of describing a forest serves as a gateway to an enchanting world where words become the brushstrokes painting the canvas of imagination.

As we conclude our journey through the foliage of literary description, remember that a forest is not merely a backdrop but a living, breathing entity that can shape the very essence of your narrative.

Balancing sensory engagement, weaving in metaphors and symbolism, and embracing the mystical allure of the unknown, you transform the forest into a dynamic character within your story .

So, as you embark on the exploration of your narrative woodland, let your words sway like branches in the wind and your descriptions bloom like the vibrant flora under the forest canopy, creating an immersive experience that lingers in the hearts of your readers long after they’ve ventured beyond the last page.

The art of describing a forest is an ever-evolving dance between the tangible and the ethereal, inviting storytellers to embrace the magic hidden within the leaves and shadows, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape.

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Writing Tips Oasis

Writing Tips Oasis - A website dedicated to helping writers to write and publish books.

How to Describe a Forest in a Story

By Isobel Coughlan

how to describe a forest in a story

Do you require some tips on how to describe a forest in a story? Take a look at the 10 words below. Some of them might be useful for your writing.

Something that seems frightening and strange or makes people feel nervous.

“The eerie forest beckoned the children. They were deeply afraid of it, but against their better instincts, they started following the trail.”

“Amanda looked out at the eerie forest. It has scared her ever since she was a child.”

How it Adds Description

If you want to portray your forest as a frightening or creepy place, consider using the word “eerie.” This adjective shows that the forest has a scary aura, and it might put some characters off entering the woodland. It could also imply that dark characters or antagonists lurk beneath the canopy, making it a dangerous place for others.

Something that’s bright yellow in color.

“By late autumn, the forest was completely golden . The lush green leaves had all withered away as the weather cooled.”

“The sun set over the sprawling forest, making it a golden paradise for a short while.”

“Golden” gives your readers a clear visual of the forest and its color. This can show it’s a yellowish color due to the leaves changing color in the autumn. It can also show the forest has a golden tint from the sun setting over it, something that happens during summer evenings. Both occurrences can make the forest feel magical and sometimes even romantic.

Something that has a large number of things placed very close together.

“The prince was surprised when he arrived at the forest. It was too thick to see through.”

“The young boy sprinted through the thick forest, but it seemed like he was running in circles.”

You can use “thick” to describe something that’s very densely packed — and in the case of a forest, this is one with lots of trees and leaves within a small space. A “thick” forest might be hard to navigate or even see through, and this might scare characters or make them feel like they’re trapped. It’s also easy to get lost in a “thick” forest.

Somewhere that has lots of plants and trees .

“The leafy forest was a paradise for the caterpillar.”

“The good witch felt at home in the leafy forest. Anywhere green and natural woke up her powers.”

“Leafy” is often used to draw attention to the abundance of plants and leaves in a setting. You can use “leafy” to show your forest is particularly verdant or green, and this might attract animals, insects, or nature-loving characters.

Something that smells or looks like earth .

“The traveler inhaled the earthy forest’s scent before he even saw the trees.”

“As he trudged through the earthy forest, Paul realized he’d never spent so much time away from the city.”

Sometimes, forests have an “earthy” scent due to the earth on the ground and the smells of the trees. You can use “earthy” to give your readers a vivid image of the forest, allowing them to understand what your characters are experiencing. Some characters might be comforted by an “earthy” forest, but city dwellers might feel uneasy here because they’re not used to so much nature.

Something that’s very large .

“The pixies lived in a vast forest that spanned over three thousand acres.”

“Annie gazed at the vast forest in amazement. It was hard to believe it crossed into two different states.”

If you want to emphasize how large your fictional forest is, consider using “vast.” This adjective shows how large the size of the whole forest is, which is great for helping your reader understand the layout of the setting. Some characters might be fascinated with the “vast” forest, especially if it’s unexplored. However, some might feel uneasy about its size as they don’t know what’s lurking in the shadows.

Something that is small in amount or number.

“Freddy had expected a plentiful and green forest. But sadly, he was met by a few sparse trees.”

“In the winter months, the forest was sparse . All the animals hibernated, and the leaves disappeared.”

Not all forests are abundant, and you can use “sparse” to show yours has fewer trees or is very spread out. Forests might become “sparse” in the winter months due to the cold weather conditions. A forest that’s “sparse” for no apparent reason might worry characters, as this change could foreshadow negative plot events. Helpful characters might try to plant trees in a “sparse” forest in order to restore life to the area.

Somewhere that is very old that belongs to the distant past .

“The ancient forest held secrets from every generation.”

“Quentin shuddered at the thought of the ancient forest. It was definitely haunted.”

“Ancient” can be used to show how old the forest is or that it’s linked to a specific period from the past. Some characters might find the forest’s age scary, as over time, lots of secrets and bad things could have occurred — in a fantasy novel, this could even mean it’s haunted.

Somewhere that’s full of things or people.

“Every Sunday, the villagers visited the crowded forest and paid their respects to the forest fairies.”

“The emerald forest was crowded with trees of every species.”

You can use “crowded” to show that the forest is full of people, trees, or both. This can create a sense of life in the forest, as it’s not empty or barren. However, a “crowded” forest might make some characters feel claustrophobic as there might not be much room, or the exits might be blocked.

10. Mystical

Somewhere with influences and powers that aren’t understood.

“No one knew why the mystical forest glowed at night, and no one was brave enough to ask why.”

“The old woman searched for a mystical forest with a spring that granted eternal life.”

In fiction, some forests can have magical powers or spiritual influences. Describing your forest as “mystical” shows that it has unknown abilities that could help or hinder your characters, depending on whether your forest is good or evil. Your characters may have to complete an epic journey to access the “mystical” forest, setting up the premise for the story.

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Helping writers become bestselling authors

Setting Description Entry: Forest

August 23, 2008 by BECCA PUGLISI

write 5 sentences about forest

green, brown, dead fall, fallen trees, logs, branches, twigs, fallen leaves, ferns, underbrush, moss, brambles, thickets, ivy, berry bushes, pine needles, pine cones, acorns, insects, rabbits, birds, squirrels, lizards, mice, foxes, spider webs, deer, sun-dappled, shady, shafts…

Sounds branches creaking, feet shuffling through detritus, squirrels chattering, leaves rustling, wind whistling around trunks/disturbing the leaves, birds singing, insects humming/ churring, rustle of animals rooting in underbrush, scrabbling of lizards on tree bark, limbs..

Smells tree smells (pine, etc), wildflowers, earthy smell, animal scents, rotting wood, fresh, stale, dry, damp, wet, scents on the wind from nearby places (water, wood smoke, ocean), wild mint/herbs, decay (bogs, stagnant pools of water, dead animals), skunks, skunk weed…

Tastes earthy air, sweet/sour berries, nuts, mushrooms, wild onions, seeds, bitter, mint, gritty, mealy, meaty, relish, savor, sample, salty, acidic, sweet, flavorful, sour, tart, flavorless, swallow, mild, nutty, relish…

Touch rough tree bark, kiss of falling leaves, branches slapping, uneven ground, knobby roots underfoot, sticky sap, underbrush that tangles/grabs, prickle of briars, slick leaves, twigs snagging at hair/scratching face, tickle of hanging moss, spider web strands on skin, soft…

Helpful hints:

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1: I lifted my face, letting the light and shadow dance across my skin. Bees hummed in and out of the pennyroyal. I inhaled its minty smell and continued on, delighting in the sound of my feet sliding through the leaves.

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile) The trees lashed and crashed against each other like drum sticks in the hands of a giant…

Does your setting take place at night? Check out this similar Entry: WOODS AT NIGHT

Think beyond what a character sees, and provide a sensory feast for readers


Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers . Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict , people commonly found in these locales , and setting-specific notes and tips , and the collection itself has been augmented to include a whopping 230 entries—all of which have been cross-referenced with our other thesauruses for easy searchability. So if you’re interested in seeing a free sample of this powerful Setting Thesaurus, head on over and register at One Stop.

The Setting Thesaurus Duo

On the other hand, if you prefer your references in book form, we’ve got you covered, too, because both books are now available for purchase in digital and print copies . In addition to the entries, each book contains instructional front matter to help you maximize your settings. With advice on topics like making your setting do double duty and using figurative language to bring them to life, these books offer ample information to help you maximize your settings and write them effectively.


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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October 11, 2021 at 6:06 am

That helped me a lot!

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October 7, 2021 at 2:08 pm

I love descriptive writing but can you help me to write a forest setting description?

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February 26, 2021 at 10:01 am

Thank you for this great help…☺️☺️

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February 23, 2021 at 4:37 am

Thanks this helped a lot!

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January 19, 2021 at 1:39 am

Lovely book, It helped me a lot thanks

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August 19, 2020 at 10:54 pm

Are you lovely ladies planning to put these descriptions into an ebook? I’m enjoying all seven of your thesaurus books.

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August 20, 2020 at 8:13 am

Hi, Michelle! I’m so glad you’re enjoying our books. Are you asking when the setting thesaurus is going to be turned into a book? If so, you’ll be happy to know that those books are published and available. You can find ebook information on our Bookstore page. https://writershelpingwriters.net/bookstore/

If you have other questions or need to clarify anything, just let us know!

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July 13, 2020 at 8:35 pm

OMG! This is powerful. God bless you richly. Please ma, can you help me to proofread my short fiction. I’m begging in the name of God. I have written a short fiction, but no one to help me to proofread it. [email protected] . Thanks in anticipation.

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July 14, 2020 at 10:44 am

Sorry, we are unable to do that, but if you join a writing group or have a good critique partner, they should be able to help you. Good luck and all the best. 🙂

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May 21, 2020 at 4:59 pm

amazing thankyou so much 🙂

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March 11, 2020 at 3:19 pm

thanks! these will help a lot with the forested settings in my book series: the elemental masters.

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June 26, 2020 at 5:42 am

Oh wow, your books are absolutely amazing. I’ve read all of them

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March 9, 2020 at 1:50 am

Thank you for this, however, could you also do the same setting description based on the setting of a beach? That would be extremely helpful for me. THank yoU!

March 7, 2020 at 10:28 pm

Hi, this is extremely helpful, but could you make another setting description, the same as this one, except about a beach scene? That would be super helpful for me. Thanks!

March 8, 2020 at 1:56 pm

Hi, Stacey! We actually do have a Beach entry. You can find it here: https://writershelpingwriters.net/2008/09/setting-thesaurus-entry-beach/ . And our TOC also contains a list of the entries you can find here: https://writershelpingwriters.net/occupation-thesaurus/

But if you’re looking for settings that we don’t have, you might consider checking out our website, One Stop for Writers. All of our thesaurus collection are there, and most of them have been expanded to include additional entries. For instance, here is the complete list of setting entries you can find at One Stop: https://onestopforwriters.com/scene_settings

Best of luck to you!

March 9, 2020 at 5:47 am

Thank you so much Becca, i just really appreciate it, i love the websites you gave me and it is simply WONDERFUL!!!

March 6, 2020 at 3:12 am

This is wonderful, thank you! Very helpful!

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October 24, 2019 at 6:10 am


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January 1, 2019 at 7:15 pm

this really helped me. thank you lol 🙂

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July 12, 2017 at 1:21 pm

I am helping a friend open a bar in a small town…the lifestyle here is of the following: Fishing, boating on our two rivers….Wabash and Tippecanoe and hunting deer. Cannot come up with a name to incorporate both of the passions our customers would enjoy. I have gone to your description setting entry for ideas…but just can not gel together this duo!!! Help?

July 12, 2017 at 8:00 pm

Hi, Patti. I’m sorry, but I’m not clear on what you’re after. Are you looking for help coming up with a name for a fictional town?

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October 5, 2014 at 2:41 am


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February 29, 2012 at 1:40 pm

Thank you so much for this! I have been struggling with my forest scenes for the longest time, stuck on the same small handful of descriptors–this is brilliant. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

May 1, 2011 at 4:48 pm

Thank you very much for these amazing words! keep the work up!

March 7, 2011 at 7:54 am

Thank you so much. These beautiful words makes picturing a scene extremely easy.

February 1, 2011 at 2:13 pm

I absaloutly loved thease words i really needed them to help me get my English paper to life

January 25, 2011 at 6:47 am

It’s a great Help for me. I was looking for such post that could give some interesting wording to describe a greenery and forest scene.

Thank you very much 🙂

April 7, 2010 at 6:13 am

I showed my teacher and she said you rocked. Thank you 🙂

March 26, 2010 at 2:52 pm

Great help for my book! Thank you!

December 13, 2009 at 12:30 pm

Thanks. Great Guide for a descriptive piece of writing A*

December 11, 2009 at 12:26 am

Creatively helpful , specially to beginning writers like me. Thanks for this web.

October 2, 2009 at 10:38 am

very helpful thanxx cood u include more sentance exxampils thanx that wood be helpful! miss m

September 23, 2009 at 11:35 am

April 21, 2009 at 8:29 pm

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!! Just what I am writing about!!! THANKS!!!!!!!

August 24, 2008 at 1:17 pm

Thanks for the kind words. When Angela and I started this blog, one of our main goals was to keep it relevant to writers. Glad to know we’re doing alright on that front :).

August 24, 2008 at 12:07 pm

This is fabulous!! I love it!

August 23, 2008 at 8:02 pm

Angela and Becca, you one-hit wonders, you’ve done it again! You’re very good at relating to the reader (and making it easy on the writer).

August 23, 2008 at 5:51 pm

Great job. And I really like the drumsticks simile.

August 23, 2008 at 10:45 am

So perfect! Thanks! I love the simile and metaphor section!

[…] Forest […]

[…] is a forest entry already, but I think that at night the woods can be an entirely different setting, full of mystery […]

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Forest Sentence Examples

The forest air was cool and damp.

She entered the forest , and the darkness was crushing, suffocating her.

The forest was cold, the rustle of pine trees against one another faint.

The whole forest was already clothed in green.

Once past the open vista, the road deteriorated, dropping into the forest on federal land.

It terminated in a forest meadow.

It's hard to sleep in a forest that's not …alive.

World class vistas, trickling silver rivers of high snow melt-off, sky as blue as a queen's velvet robe, and the green and grey of forest and rock towering in every direction—all went unseen.

An old forest fence which had seen its best days was a great haul for me.

Sunday began with a lost boy who we located in a local forest but was found by the time we called in the tip.

Deidre stared into the forest where he'd disappeared.

The forest was similar but there was a trail I followed for a time.

She eyed the forest around them.

One was of medium height and slender, an older man with sharp green eyes the color of forest moss who seemed out of place in the middle of the room.

It's private land, not national forest or park lands, and even though you or the Dawkinses own all this, it's not posted, except for the mine tunnel.

We are riding into the forest today.

You may tell by looking at any twig of the forest , ay, at your very wood-pile, whether its winter is past or not.

Trekkers, campers and bikers will enjoy the forest , swimmers will love dipping in the lakes, and skiers will adore the pristine slopes in the winter.

He flew to the forest and shape shifted into a jaguar as he dropped to the ground, taking off through the forest .

She walked slowly, taking in everything from the patches of blue sky visible through the trees to the spring flowers sprinkling the forest floor.

This, noble Horse, is my friend the Cowardly Lion, who is the valiant King of the Forest , but at the same time a faithful vassal of Princess Ozma.

In the forest it was almost hot, no wind could be felt.

The death dealer didn't challenge her, instead melting back into the forest shadows.

There are demons in the forest surrounding the Immortals. winter stronghold.

The turrets of a convent stood out beyond a wild virgin pine forest , and far away on the other side of the Enns the enemy's horse patrols could be discerned.

But on the road, the highroad along which the troops marched, there was no such freshness even at night or when the road passed through the forest ; the dew was imperceptible on the sandy dust churned up more than six inches deep.

The supermodel all but bolted from the midst of the male forest around her.

With forest colored eyes and an athletic body, she towered over most men.

Hardening, Jenn turned away and retreated through the forest and rocks to the compound.

Orienting herself, she caught sight of the green haze again and walked along the edge of the forest , seeking a path.

The forest swallowed the city before she could orient herself.

The final leg of the journey was a long dirt road that climbed first through a grove of fir followed by an unbroken forest of hard­wood just beginning to bud.

You saw something in the forest ; Brutus was growling and you had to be told to get out of there?

This incident is also found in the first continuation to the Perceval, where the prediction is due to a lady met with beside a forest spring, clearly here a water fairy.

His administration also did much to ameliorate the condition of the Indian tribes and to arrest the spoliation of the public forest lands.

She was running from someone in the forest and instead of helping her, Gabriel would only watch.

We've got plenty of wood, though, from the forest .

Domesday Book mentions Salford as held by Edward the Confessor and as having a forest three leagues long and the same broad.

Special interest attaches to this trace of their earlier origin, because of the famous cult of Diana Nemorensis, whose temple in the forest close by Aricia, beside the laces Nemorensis, was served by "the priest who slew the slayer, and shall himself be slain"; that is to say, the priest, who was called rex Nemorensis, held office only so long as he could defend himself from any stronger rival.

The town reached its highest degree of prosperity under Charles IV., who bestowed upon it large tracts of forest , agricultural land and vineyards.

The lower ridges of the frontier mountain system are usually bare and treeless, but here and there, as in the Kaitu valley, in northern Waziristan and round Kaniguram in the south, are forest clad and enclose narrow but fertile and well-irrigated dales.

Situated on the ancient road which runs by the Hollenpass between the valleys of the Danube and the Rhine, Freiburg early acquired commercial importance, and it is still the principal centre of the trade of the Black Forest .

Turenne's force was little more than 6000, and these were wearied with a long day of marching and fighting on the steep and wooded hillsides of the Black Forest .

For three days after this the armies lay in position without fighting, the French well supplied with provisions and comforts from Breisach, the Bavarians suffering somewhat severely from want of food, and especially forage, as all their supplies had to be hauled from Villingen over the rough roads of the Black Forest .

The destruction of considerable portions of the forests by cattle, goats, insects, fire and cutting has been followed by reforesting, the planting of hitherto barren tracts, the passage of severe forest fire laws, and the establishment of forest reserves, of which the area in 1909 was 545,746 acres, of which 357,180 were government land.

The kukui (Aleurites triloba) and the algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) are the principal species of forest trees that occur below elevations of 2000 ft.

An Anglo-Saxon derivation, signifying " forest clearing," is indicated for the name.

But German realism lacks critical power, and is little better than a weed overshadowed by the luxuriant forest of German idealism.

In fact, as well as in Celtic etymology, it was " the town in the forest ."

While holding this office he was selected to officiate as preacher when the friar, John Forest , whom he vainly endeavoured to move to submission, was burned at the stake for denying the royal supremacy.

The state has forest reserves (918,000 acres in 1910) in 26 counties, the largest areas being in Potter, Clinton, Center, Cameron, Lycoming, Huntingdon, Union and Mifflin counties; and there is an efficient department of forestry under a state commissioner of forestry.

A state forest academy (the only one in the United States) is at Mont Alto, where there is one of the three state nurseries; its first class graduated in 1906.

In 1909 the state legislature passed an act authorizing any city, borough or township of the first class to acquire, subject to the approval of the commissioner of forestry, a municipal forest ; and it authorized the distribution of seedling forest trees, at cost, to those who would plant and protect them, for growing private forests.

Extending from the south-west corner of the state through Greene, Washington, Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Venango, Clarion, Forest , Elk, Warren, McKean and Tioga counties is the Pennsylvania section of the Appalachian oil-field which, with the small section in New York, furnished nearly all of the country's supply of petroleum for some years following the discovery of its value for illuminating purposes.

The fine park of Tervueren is really part of the forest of Soignies.

Generally met with in large droves of from fifty to a hundred, it is of a more pugnacious disposition than the former species, and a hunter who encounters a herd in a forest has often to climb a tree as his only chance of safety.

At its northern edge, where the waterless forest tract of the Bhabar ends, a series of springs burst from the surface, and these, increasing and uniting in their progress, form the numerous streams that intersect the Tarai.

In 1787 the Moors were still building pirate vessels here, the timber for which came from the neighbouring forest of M'amora.

A low blueberry (Vaccinium myrtilis) forms a thick underbrush in much of the forest .

After the destruction of one forest by volcanic eruptions another grew over it; it, too, was buried under volcanic material, and the process was repeated several times.

The yearly out-turn is estimated at over 20,000 logs, and forest officers have estimated that an annual out-turn of 9000 logs might be kept up without injury to the forests.

As he came out of the forest he saw a little boy by the roadside, who seemed to be watching for some one.

She definitely didn't know how to survive in the forest .

It is covered almost completely with dense forest , and has anumberof streams abounding with salmon.

In many parts all the finer trees have been cut down, but large woods of it still exist in the less accessible districts; it abounds especially near Lake St John, Quebec, and in Newfoundland is the prevalent tree in some of the forest tracts; it is likewise common in Maine and Vermont.

It is situated in the midst of the forest of Fontevrault.

Rubber and palm oil are natural forest products of the coastal zone.

Sherwood was a crown forest from the time of Henry II.

The forest is traditionally noted as the retreat of Robin Hood, whose cave is seen at Papplewick near Newstead.

There is much forest on its northward slopes, and good red earth on the higher parts, which bears abundant crops of barley, much desired by European maltsters.

Adjoining it is the Forest Lawn cemetery, in which are monuments to President Millard Fillmore, and to the famous Seneca chief Red Jacket (1751-1830), a friend of the whites, who was faithful when approached by Tecumseh and the Prophet, and warned the Americans of their danger; by many he has been considered the greatest orator of his race.

Dresden (Old Slav Drezga, forest , Drezgajan, forestdwellers), which is known to have existed in 1206, is of Slavonic origin, and was originally founded on the right bank of the Elbe, on the site of the present Neustadt, which is thus actually the old town.

At fourteen he was taken through Flanders, along the Rhine, and through the Black Forest to Switzerland, where he first imbibed his dominant passion for the Alps.

Other valuable forest produce exists, but is not exported.

This is one of the villages which has become the centre of a residential district, and is frequented by holiday-makers from London, owing to its proximity to the pleasant woodland scenery of Epping Forest .

It lies on the eastern outskirts of the Forest , near the river Roding.

About another quarter is utterly barren, consisting of snow-fields, glaciers, bare rock, lakes and the beds of streams. There remains about one-half, which is divided between forest and pasture, and it is the produce of this half which mainly supports the relatively large population.

The attraction of the south was too strong for both the Forest Cantons and the Grisons, so that both tried to secure, and actually did secure, various bits of the Milanese.

Further, in 1512, the Swiss Confederation as a whole won the valleys of Locarno with Lugano, which, combined with the 15th century conquests by the Forest Cantons, were formed in 1803 into the new Canton of Ticino or Tessin.

Outside this arc lies a depression along which the waters of the upper Danube and the lower Rhone find their way towards the sea; and beyond rise the ancient crystalline masses of Bohemia, the Black Forest and the central plateau of France, together with the intervening Mesozoic beds of southern Germany and the Jura.

Lana's heart skipped a beat, and she pulled out the tracker Elise gave her, starting through the forest towards the stream.

They seemed to walk for hours, until the first rays of morning lightened the forest .

Dan had given her a jacket, but their slow crawl through the forest had left her soaked and shivering.

She watched dark shapes mill and drop as the smoke cleared until they wised up and took refuge in the forest .

He wrapped a thick arm around her throat and dragged her from the forest .

Two more of his men moved cautiously from the forest , looking for Elise or Dan to appear.

Brady gripped her arm, pulling her quickly through the forest .

Brady turned away and started towards the forest .

She watched him disappear into the dark forest , her body thrumming with desire.

Brady started down the trail towards the darkness of the forest .

She heard disconcerting sounds of heavy weapons fire in the distance, and the forest smelled as if it were burning.

She started towards the forest hedging the road adjacent to the condo community.

Lana picked her way through the forest and stopped at the edge, peering at her destination.

She'd traveled nonstop, sticking to narrow country roads and the forest to avoid both people and zones marked as having any sort of radiation fallout from the nuke strikes.

She'd run into no one in her two weeks and grown comfortable in the forest with Jack.

With a deep breath, Lana left the forest .

Brady scanned the surrounding forest again, trying to figure out which way Lana had gone.

Brady pushed her from his mind, focusing on the deer path leading away from the condo community into the forest .

Brady's attention shifted again to the forest .

She led him to the other side, where a group of toddlers were playing with toys carved from the forest 's trees.

Ahead of her was the darkness of a thinning forest .

A figure appeared from the forest between her and the river.

The blond Amazon and Dan raced toward her from the gutted forest .

Katie stared at the necklace, horrified by the idea of looking at a soul and fascinated by the fact they looked like emeralds.  Gabe turned away and started through the forest again.

Gabe asked, returning through the forest to her side.

We need to leave the forest , he said, shifting after a long moment.

Toby emerged from the early morning shadows of the forest .

No matter what he wanted to say or do, he was stuck with the angel in the forest .

And as Dean left Sherwood Forest behind, he had a strong feeling Cynthia Byrne wasn't telling stories.

It was still early when the group left Café Richard, but to Dean's surprise Fred suggested Dean drop him off before taking Cynthia Byrne back to Sherwood Forest .

Just that maybe Sherwood Forest wasn't heaven for Mr. Byrne after all.

Instead they ask me if I want some Burmese Rain forest mixture or some leaves pressed by cloistered nuns in Nepal.

She stiffened and peered into the forest .

I saw something move in the forest near the deer carcass.

Once outside the pen, she latched the gate back and turned Ed toward the forest .

Better. Breakfast in the forest where we went the first night we made love.

He maneuvered his way through the forest until he found the place near the warm springs at the center of the stream, where they'd gone their first night together.

Claire twisted to see who spoke and was struck by the tall, slender man who stepped from the shadows of the forest .

She trotted until she was parallel to the lights then plunged into the deep snow, forcing her way into the forest .

Why were the Others lurking in the forest outside the Black God's fortress, if not to kill them all?

The vantage point from there would let her see anything coming up the driveway or through the forest , though the pines were thick.

It was too snowy to move quietly through the forest .

Darian's voice carried a dark note, one that made her uncomfortable alone with him in the dark forest .

Jenn couldn't help feeling more comfortable here than in the forest , when it was just the two of them.

After her discovery in the forest , Jenn wasn't certain what to believe.

She crossed the road and walked into the pine forest , towards the small town.

Jenn jogged until she was warm then settled into as quick of a walk as she could through the thick forest and tall snow.

The ocean air was fragrant and heavy, and moonlight pierced the forest canopy in patches.

The trail entered another dark thatch of forest , and she arrived soon at the agreed upon meeting place, a meadow marked with a single obelisk.

He was swallowed by the dark forest before she could return the wave.

A bellow sounded in the forest behind them, and moonlight gleamed off of the tips of falling arrows and the raised swords of the men that followed them.

Taran watched him fade into the forest with a warrior's stealth.

The sound of men crashing through the forest grew near fast.

Moonlight glinted off pursuers' weapons as they crashed through the forest .

The quiet city smelled of the ocean and the forest .

He closed his eyes and imagined himself to be one of the great cats he tracked in the forest .

The shaded forest was cool and quiet, as if all the animals and trees watched and waited.

The cool forest shade was soon defeated by the lack of air movement.

Three guards surrounded Rissa, whose writhing, squealing horse was as much of a menace to her as the attackers flooding from the forest .

They rode in silence through the forest .

You saved me in the forest , and I'm trying to save you now.

The return journey must be undertaken soon, despite the heat and danger lurking in the forest .

A dark green forest hedged the bay, hiding the inhabitants from sight.

Vara was still for only a moment before he whirled and grabbed Taran, pulling him toward the forest .

Vara gave a flurry of urgent words in the foreign tongue, succeeding in dragging him to the edge of the forest before Taran yanked free.

His shout drew the gaze of several of the barbarians, who started toward the forest .

A battle broke out on the beach as dozens of barbarians poured from the forest and attacked his people.

The youth was smaller and nimble, accustomed to navigating the forest .

Taran struggled to keep up, acutely aware of the sounds of men crashing through the forest behind him.

She made her way through the forest until she reached the trap-riddled meadow.

It had been the night she left the forest fortress, the night she was captured.

We'll see them coming before they arrive, but the forest hides the armies south and north of the city too well.

She whirled her horse and trotted into the forest .

It leapt toward the dark forest .

Moonlight glinted off the swords at his hip, and a cold ocean breeze swept up the Western Cliffs, rolled over them, and rustled the branches of the nearby forest .

Vara clapped him on the arm and retreated toward the forest .

His gaze traveled the length of the glowing forest to the walls and settled in the direction of the magic Springs.

The people of Tiyan were gathered on the north side of the city, near the forest .

Cursing, he went to the wall overlooking the meadow and spotted Vara atop his horse, awaiting his signal at the edge of the forest .

Relieved, he snatched a torch and waved it thrice, until Vara wheeled and disappeared into the forest .

He waited until Vara disappeared into the forest before turning.

Tonight, we ride to the forest to find her.

Vara snatched a horse and raced through a doorway in the eastern wall toward the glowing forest .

Battle erupted to the north, and the hidden Dierdirien warriors erupted from the forest to challenge Memon's allies.

The forest to the north was afire, the dead strewn around the north and south walls.

At long last, Vara appeared from the forest , barreling toward the city.

Sirian staggered through the forest , agony tearing through him as he tripped and landed hard.

They rode out of the forest on the hillside above the guest house and rested the horses again.

Would it make you feel any better to know they can out-maneuver the horses in the forest ?

He posed for their cameras and finally leaped from one ledge to another along the face of the cliff until he disappeared over the lip and into the forest above them.

Aaron glanced around the clearing and examined the forest beyond.

As the trio disappeared into the forest , Carmen spoke to Gerald.

Megan closed her eyes and imagined she was in a rain forest along the Amazon.

She rose and opened the window, but a breeze didn't stand a chance with the forest surrounding the cabin.

Through the window the forest invited, but what about snakes?

A steady chirping and whistling came from the forest .

Brush crackled near the edge of the forest and then a deer leaped into the open.

Megan reached inside the door and grabbed the broom as the deer disappeared into the forest again.

The dog plunged from the forest as she dodged the closing screen door.

The forest floor was rocky, with occasional yellow flowers and some kind of ground cover with tiny blue flowers.

It was unwise to be in the forest knowing so little about it.

She hurried from the forest , vowing she would never go back.

This was where man had made his first medicines - not from dried herbs on a store shelf, but from the forest itself.

Again the forest beckoned, but she resisted.

It was tempting to untie the twine from her waist and wander a little further, but the forest was too confusing.

He guided her back toward the forest .

She tucked a strand of hair back into her topknot and followed him into the forest .

Here. From now on, when you get the urge to explore the forest , call me.

He has a huge house in the forest .

At the comparatively remote epoch when the Deccan was a forest tract, they were probably also met with there, but the swamps of the Bengal Sundarbans appear unsuited to their habits.

In the area of the Newer Appalachian Mountains, the eastern Panhandle region has a forest similar to that of the plateau district; but between these two areas of hardwood there is a long belt where spruce and white pine cover the mountain ridges.

The forest products of the state include fine woods, rubber, ipecacuanha, sarsaparilla, jaborandi, vanilla and copaiba.

The hills give the town a beautiful appearance, as the forest was allowed to remain closely embracing it, being preserved in the public ground named the Town Belt.

The forest regions of Cochin-China harbour the tiger, panther, leopard, tiger-cat, ichneumon, wild boar, deer, buffalo, rhinoceros and elephant, as well as many varieties of monkeys and rats.

The lower districts are hot and often unhealthy in the summer, while the climate of the mountainous portion of the island is less oppressive, and would be still cooler if it possessed more forest .

A collection of woody plants, one of the largest and finest in the world, and a broad forest and hunting preserve, known as Pisgah Forest (ioo,000 acres), are also maintained by the owner.

A few colonists sent out by the Susque hanna Company settled at Mill Creek near the present site of 1 In place of De Forest Richards, deceased.

There are valuable forests in the mountainous districts, a part of which has been set aside for preservation under the name of the Luquillo forest reserve.

Vessels of light draught easily ascend the Orinoco to this point, and a considerable trade is carried on, the exports being cocoa, sugar, cotton, hides, jerked beef and various forest products.

Below this region, where the Andean barrier is low and broken, the moist westerly winds sweep over the land freely and give it a large rainfall, good pastures and a vigorous forest growth.

The forest habit in this region is close association of species, and there are " palmares," " algarrobales," " chanarales," &c., and among these open pasture lands, giving to a distant landscape a park-like appearance.

Included under the denomination of forest N rd are landssurfaces boisieswhich are bush rather than T rrito forest .

French's best-known work is "Death Staying the Hand of the Sculptor," a memorial for the tomb of the sculptor Martin Milmore, in the Forest Hills cemetery, Boston; this received a medal of honour at Paris, in 1900.

The extensive forest of Eu lies to the southeast of the town.

Among the inoffensive species are counted the graceful green "tree snake," which pursues frogs, birds and lizards to the topmost branches of the forest ; also several species of pythons, the commonest of which is known as the carpet snake.

The mallee scrub appears like a forest of dried osier, growing so close that it is not always easy to ride through it.

The Moreton Bay pine (Araucania Cunninghamii) is reckoned amongst the giants of the forest .

Stringent rules, too, governed the food of women and the youth of both sexes, and it was only after initiation that boys were allowed to eat of all the game the forest provided.

He then pushed on, through a very thick forest , with scarcely any water, till he came to the streams which supply the Roper, a river flowing into the western part of the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Malarial fevers make their appearance in places where the forest has been recently felled, or where the surface earth has been disturbed.

In most places the jungle is so dense that it is impossible to force a way through it without the aid of a wood-knife, and even the wild beasts use well-worn game-tracks through the forest .

There is a state fish and game commissioner, and the state has a fish hatchery at Roxbury and a forest and game farm at Sharon.

All the species are arborescent or shrubby, varying in size from the most stately of forest trees to the dwarfish bush.

Duikers are animals of small or medium size, usually frequenting thick forest .

The country to the east and south-east of the Aravallis affords a striking contrast to the sandy plains on the north-west of the range, and is blessed with fertile lands, hill-ranges and long stretches of forest , where fuel and fodder are abundant.

Arrangements not very different in general principle were put into practice in the United States by Fessenden, de Forest and others.

It extends along the right bank of the Rhine from Basel to Kehl, and includes the principal peaks of the southern Black Forest and the Freiburg valley.

Wild boars are also found in mountainous and forest districts.

Forest nurseries have also been founded.

Similarly, the number of goats, which are reared only in hilly regions, is decreasing, especially on account of the existing forest laws, as they are the chief enemies of young plantations.

John and his friends feared lest the inquiry promised into the extent of the hated forest areas would be carried out too rigorously, and that these would be seriously curtailed, if not abolished altogether.

In future attendance at the forest courts is only obligatory on those who have business thereat.

By denouncing the evil deeds of John and the innovations practised by him, it shows what these were and how they were hated; how money had been raised, how forest areas had been extended, how minors and widows had been cheated and oppressed.

The issue of a separate forest charter at this time led subsequently to some confusion.

This, however, was not the original text, which was neglected until the time of Blackstone, who printed the various issues of the charter in his book The Great Charter and the Charter of the Forest (1759).

He lived first as an anchorite in the forest of Mendonk, and afterwards in the monastery founded with his assistance by Amandus at Ghent.

Broadly speaking, the American portion of the sub-region consists of an Atlantic and Pacific forest area and an intervening non- forest one, partly occupied by the Rocky Mountains, partly by intervening plains.

It lies beneath the considerable elevation of Rivington Pike, where formerly was a great forest .

In 1810 four citizens of Franklinton formed an association to secure the location of the capital on the higher ground of the east bank; in 1812 they were successful and the place was laid out while still a forest .

The streets of Portland are generally well paved, are unusually clean, and, in the residence districts, where the fire of 1866 did not extend, they are profusely shaded by elms and other large trees - Portland has been called the " Forest City."

Except such as are of coral formation, the Antilles are hilly, not to say mountainous, their summits rising in places to an elevation of 8000 ft., and nearly all, prior to their occupation by Europeans, were covered with luxuriant forest , which, assisting in the collection and condensation of the clouds brought by the trade winds, ensured its own vitality by precipitating frequent and long-continued rains; upon the fertile soil.

He approached St Faro, the bishop of Meaux, to whom he made known his desire to live a life of solitude in the forest .

It is even probable that Celtic was spoken in forest districts into the 4th century A.D.

There is no forest , timber of any size being found only in the valleys near running water.

The size and manner of growth of the adult plant show a great variety, from the small herb lasting for one season only, to the forest tree living for centuries.

The surface of the plateau is generally open campo and scrubby arboreal growth called caatingas, but the streams are generally bordered with forest , especially in the deeper valleys.

In many districts the land has been cleared and cultivated and then abandoned, and has relapsed into scrub and jungle which is gradually returning to the condition of forest .

The Nidi forest is noteworthy for its magnificent growth of Funtumia rubber trees.

The other birds are mainly those of Senegambia and of the West African forest region generally.

There are three species of crocodile, at least two chameleons (probably more when the forest is further explored), the large West African python (P. sebae) and a rare Boine snake (Calabaria).

A good deal of this absence of forest is directly due to the action of man.

Year by year the influence of the Mahommedan tribes on the north leads to the cutting down of the forest , the extension of both planting and pasture and the introduction of cattle and even horses.

The most striking trees in the forest region are, in the basin of the Cavalla, the giant Funtumia elastica, which grows to an altitude of 200 ft.; various kinds of Parinarium, Oldfieldia and Khaya; the bombax or cotton tree, giant dracaenas, many kinds of fig; Borassus palms, oil palms, the climbing Calamus palms, and on the coast the coconut.

Many trees offer magnificent displays of flowers at certain seasons of the year; perhaps the loveliest effect is derived from the bushes and trailing creepers of the Combretum genus, which, during the "winter" months from December to March, cover the scrub and the forest with mantles of rose colour.

The Forest Region of the Russian botanists includes the greater part of the country, from the Arctic tundras to the steppes, and over this immense expanse it maintains a remarkable uniformity of character.

Viewed from rising ground, the landscape presents a pleasing variety of cornfield and forest , while the horizon is broken by the bell-towers of the numerous villages strung along the banks of the streams.

To the south of the Nerbudda the Satpura range stretches across the province, containing the greater part of five districts, its crystalline and sandstone rocks rising in places through the superficial stratum of trap, and with large areas of shallow stony land still covered to a great extent with forest interspersed by black-soil valleys of great fertility.

With the decision of the two friends to proceed to the forest of cedars in which the goddess Irnina - a form of Ishtar - dwells, and which is guarded by Khumbaba, the 2nd tablet ends.

The 4th tablet contains a description of the formidable Khumbaba, the guardian of the cedar forest .

In the 5th tablet Gilgamesh and Eabani reach the forest .

Fir trees and branches from the neighbouring forest are collected and planted in front of the houses, so that for a few hours Hasselt has the appearance of being restored to its primitive condition as a wood.

A great part of the island is clothed with dense forest , in which many valuable hardwood trees are found.

As the slopes of the Rocky Mountains to the west are reached more trees are found, until in the foot-hills of the mountains bodies of forest timber occur.

On the 5th of November the army, misled by treacherous guides and thirst-stricken, was ambuscaded in dense forest at Kashgil, 30 m.

The remainder consists of the uplands of prairie and forest .

Much of this area is of primeval forest ; somewhat more than a third of the total, belonging to the government, was opened to sale (and speculative exspoliation) in 1904.

The jagaey (Ficus sp.), which stifles in its giant coils the greatest trees of the forest , and the copei (Clusia rosea) are remarkable parasitic lianas.

Alone, or in groups, or in long aisles, towering above the plantations or its fellow trees of the forest , its beautiful crest dominates every landscape.

In 1902 it was officially estimated that the public land available for permanent agrarian cultivation, including forest lands, was only 186,967 hectares (416,995 acres), almost wholly in the province of Oriente.

Forest resources have been but slightly touched (more so since the end of Spanish rule) except mahogany, which goes to the United States, and cedar, which is used to box the tobacco products of the island, much going also to the United States.

The value of forest products in 1901-1902 amounted to $320,528.

In this district, known as Gosha, are considerable tracts of forest , and the level of flood water is higher than much of the surrounding land.

Elsewhere three types of soil are distinguished - a black soil, of decayed vegetable matter, where the land is under forest , a reddish clay, and a white soil occurring along the shores.

Of existing species the bear, wild-boar, badger, roe-deer and chamois may occasionally be seen in the remotest wilds of mountain and forest .

About 50% of the occupied territory is clothed with forest .

On that date his army had crossed the Rhine and was entering the defiles of the Black Forest .

Forest there is none in all the country.

In 1875 appeared, anonymously, his Appeal to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland, and in that year he made the first of many visits to the forest of Fontainebleau.

A little north of the centre the state is traversed from northwest to south-east by the extensive forest known as the " Big Woods," in which also oak occurs most frequently.

In the northern part of the state the great pine belt stretches from the head of Lake Superior westward to the confines of the Red River Valley, while along the north border and in the north-east the forest growth is almost exclusively tamarack and dwarf pine.

A majestic oak, one of the finest trees in the Forest , stands near it.

In the adjoining forest of lime-trees, called Koshutnyak or the "deer-park," Prince Michael was assassinated in 1868.

Although the cost of transport from the remote forest regions of some districts is a serious consideration, this is not likely to be operative in reducing production until there has been a considerable and permanent fall in price, by which time new areas in those countries in which planting is now taking place will probably have come into bearing.

These vines are less satisfactory than trees as rubber producers, owing to the readiness with which they are injured and destroyed by careless tapping, and to the difficulty of regulating these methods in the case of vines distributed over enormous areas of forest .

The cost of clearing forest land and planting with rubber in Ceylon is estimated at about 100 Rs.

It is a large forest tree of upright habit extending to 60 or 70 ft.

The vines grow upon forest trees, and the stems are periodically tapped.

Its smaller northern part is a prolongation of the southern angle of the Bohemian forest and contains as culminating points the P16cklstein (4510 ft.) and the Sternstein (3690 ft.).

The whole is clothed with impenetrable forest .

Siberia is situated for the most part in what Grisebach describes as the " forest region of the Eastern continent."

Kjellmann, Vega Expeditionens Vetenskapliga Iakttagelser (Stockholm, 1872-1887) reckons their number at 182; 124 species were found by Middendorff on the Taymyr peninsula, 219 along the borders of the forest region of Olenek, and 344 species within the forest region of the same; 470 species were collected by Maack in the Vilui region.

But even in these districts the botanist and the geographer can easily distinguish between the chern or thick forest of the Altai and the taiga of East Siberia.

According to Nordenskjold r it numbers only twenty-nine species of mammals, of which seven are marine and seventeen or eighteen may be safely considered as living beyond the forest limit.

The forest area under supervision is about 30,000,000 acres (in Tobolsk, Tomsk, Yeniseisk and Irkutsk), out of a total area of forest land of 63,000,000 acres.

Ulm is the basis of operations for the German army behind the Black Forest , and can easily shelter a force of ioo,000 men; its peace garrison is 5600.

The best of his books after this date are those written expressly for boys, the favourites being Masterman Ready (1841), The Settlers in Canada (1844), and The Children of the New Forest (1847).

They raided into the British district of Darrang and carried off several native forest officers as hostages.

When the first settlers arrived, in 1897, it was covered with a dense forest of great trees and luxuriant under-shrubbery.

The mountain slopes are still masses of dense forest , though their lower elevations and neighbouring valleys have been cleared for cultivation and by dealers in rosewood and other valuable woods.

Of this smallest of birds there are fifty-nine well-known species, divided into two groups, the Phaethorninae, which prefer the forest shade and live on insects, and the Trochilinae, which frequent open sunny places where flowers are to be found.

The most numerous of all, however, and perhaps the most harmful to civilized man, are the termites and ants, which are found everywhere in the uninhabited campo and forest regions, as well as in the cultivated districts.

Brazil not only is marvellously rich in botanical species, but included at the beginning of the 10th century the largest area of virgin forest on the surface of the earth.

Along the coast, much of the virgin forest has been cut away, not only for the creation of cultivated plantations, but to meet the commercial demand for Brazil-wood and furniture woods.

The chief characteristic of the Amazonian forest , aside from its magnitude, is the great diversity of genera and species.

In the northern temperate zone we find forests of a single species, others of three or four species; in this great tropical forest the habit of growth is solitary and an acre of ground will contain hundreds of species - palms, myrtles, acacias, mimosas, cecropias, euphorbias, malvaceas, laurels, cedrellas, bignonias, bombaceas, apocyneas, malpigias, lecythises, swartzias, &c. The vegetation of the lower river-margins, which are periodically flooded, differs in some particulars from that of the higher ground, and the same variation is to be found between the forests of the upper and lower Amazon, and between the Amazon and its principal tributaries.

The density of the forest is greatly augmented by the cipos, or lianas, which overgrow the largest trees to their tops, and by a profusion of epiphytes which cover the highest branches.

As a rule the trees of the Amazon forest are not conspicuously high, a few species rarely reaching a height of 200 ft.

This is especially true of the flood plains where the annual inundations prevent the formation of humus and retard forest growth.

The largest of the Amazon forest trees are the massaranduba (Mimusops data), called the cow-tree because of its milky sap, the samadma (Eriodendron samauma) or silk-cotton tree, the pdu d'arco (Tecoma speciosa), pdu d'alho (Catraeva tapia), bacori (Symphonea coccinea), sapucaia (Lecythis ollaria), and castanheira or brazil-nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa).

This dry, thinly-wooded region extends south to the states of Parahyba, where a more regular rainfall favours forest growth nearer the coast.

The extractive or forest industries of Brazil were among the first to engage the attention of Europeans, and have always been considered a principal source of colonial and national wealth.

The nuts are the fruit of the Bertholletia excelsa, one of the largest trees of the Amazon forest region, and are enclosed, sixteen to eighteen in number, in a hard, thick pericarp. Another nut-producing tree is the sapucaia (Lecythis ollaria), whose nuts are enclosed in a larger pericarp, and are considered to be better flavoured than those first described.

The export of cabinet woods is not large, considering the forest area of Brazil and the variety and quality of the woods.

It lies at the foot of Birnam Hill (1324 ft.), once covered with a royal forest that has been partly replaced by plantations.

His one act of wanton devastation, the clearing of the New Forest , has been grossly exaggerated.

The pleasant wooded district was formerly part of Brewood Forest , which extended into Staffordshire.

Hyenas, jackals, wild pig, polecats and wild dogs (Canis pictus) of different species are still found in or about bush jungles and forest clumps; elands (Antilope oreas) are preserved on some estates, and there are at least ten distinct species of antelope (hartebeest, bushbok, duiker, rietbok, rhebok, rovibok, blauwbok, &c.).

The greatest possible care is bestowed on the preparation of the seed bed - it must have good, very rich soil in fine tilth, be protected from winds, and yet well exposed to sunlight; the southern or south-eastern slope of an open place in a forest is often selected.

In The Downfall Matilda Fitz Walter escapes from the persecution of King John by following her lover to Sherwood Forest , where they took the names of Robin Hood and Maid Marian, and lived apart until they could be legally united.

Matilda or Mahaud, widow of Theobald Walter, escaped from John's solicitations by marrying the outlawed Fulk and following him to the forest .

Considerable forests are said to exist in Asir, and Burton found a few fine specimens which he regarded as the remains of an old forest , on the Tehama range in Midian.

Scandinavia had early been sought for its copper and iron, its forest products and its valuable fisheries, especially of herring at Schonen, but it was backward in its industrial development and its own commerce had seriously declined in the 14th century.

On the 12th of April Hecker and Struve sent a proclamation to the inhabitants of the Seekreis and of the Black Forest "to summon the people who can bear arms to Donaueschingen at mid-day on the 14th, with arms, ammunition and provisions for six days."

A large part of the surface is covered with virgin forest , consisting of screw-pines, palm trees, tree ferns, canariums, &c. The fauna is altogether Papuan.

William Gilpin, in his Forest Scenery, describes a cedar which, at an age of about 118 years, had attained to a height of 53 ft.

Lebanon, chiefly on the western slopes, not forming a continuous forest , but in groves, some of which contain several thousands of trees.

There is a Carnegie library, and Forest Park, within the city limits, is a popular meeting place of conventions and summer gatherings, including the annual Ottawa Chautauqua Assembly.

The bishopric still exists, with jurisdiction over the Cantons of the Grisons, Glarus, Zurich, and the three Forest Cantons, as well as the Austrian principality of Liechtenstein.

There are very few patches of real forest outside the Khmir country, though it is probable that in the time of the Romans the land was a good deal more covered with trees than at the present day.

The pardine lynx is found fairly abundantly in the west of Tunisia in the mountains and forest .

Others are intractable forest tribes, having no relations with the whites.

There are small ports, or trading posts, on all the large rivers, and occasional steamers are sent to them with supplies and to bring away rubber and other forest products.

There are two Forest kinds of rubber supplied by the Peruvian montana products.

Many of the forest 'trees of the upper Amazon valley of Brazil are likewise found in Peru.

Cereals, cotton, forest products, cattle, and hides, and brass and copper vessels are the chief exports from the district.

In Forest Hill Cemetery are the graves of Horatio Seymour and Roscoe Conkling.

Within the area thus defined tsetse-flies are not found continuously, however, but occur only in small tracts called" belts " or " patches," which, since cover and shade are necessities of life to these insects, are always situated in forest , bush or banana plantations, or among other shady vegetation.

They moved to High Beech, in Epping Forest , which was their home until 1840.

He spends his days chasing the beasts of the forest , running them down by sheer speed, or killing them with darts (javelots) or bow and arrows, the only weapons he knows.

Its situation in the broad and fertile valley of the Main, the northern horizon formed by the soft outlines of the Taunus range, is one of great natural beauty, the surrounding country being richly clad with orchard and forest .

In actual wealth of blossom or dimensions of forest trees the Japanese islands cannot claim any special distinction.

Lying on the south slope of the Thuringian Forest , and in the Franconian plain, the duchy of Coburg is an undulating and fertile district, reaching its highest point in the Senichshohe (1716 ft.) near Mirsdorf.

The more open and level district on the north is spoken of as the "open country" (das Land) in contrast to the wooded hills of the " forest " (der Wald).

According to the returns for 1905, about 50% of the area was occupied by arable land, 10% by meadow-land and pasture and 30% by forest .

From the Lake of Constance in the south to the river Neckar in the north is a portion of the Black Forest or Schwarzwald, which is divided by the valley of the Kinzig into two districts of different elevation.

A part, however, of the eastern slope of the Black Forest belongs to the basin of the Danube, which there takes its rise in a number of mountain streams. Among the numerous lakes which belong to the duchy are the Mummel, Wilder, Eichener and Schluch, but none of them is of any size.

The Rhine valley is the warmest district in Germany, but the higher elevations of the Black Forest record the greatest degrees of cold experienced in the south.

Beet sugar is also largely manufactured, and the inhabitants of the Black Forest have long been celebrated for their dexterity in the manufacture of wooden ornaments and toys, musical boxes and organs.

The ground is broken up into picturesque gorges and deep ravines, and the whole is covered with fine forest trees and a rich undergrowth.

The great mass of the vegetation, however, is of the low-growing type (maquis or garrigue of the western Mediterranean), with small and stiff leaves, and frequently thorny and aromatic, as for example the ilex (Quercus coccifera), Smilax, Cistus, Lentiscus, Calycotome, &c. (2) Next comes, from 1600 to 6500 ft., the mountain region, which may also be called the forest region, still exhibiting sparse woods and isolated trees wherever shelter, moisture and the inhabitants have permitted their growth.

The state of war with Soviet Russia, however, continued until the Peace Treaty of July 12 1920, whereunder the Lithuanian claim to Vilna and Grodno was recognized by the Bolsheviks and Lithuania received three million rubles in gold and 100,000 hectares of forest land for exploitation.

It was formerly called Frome or Froome Selwood, after the neighbouring forest of Selwood; and the country round is still richly wooded and picturesque.

Selwood forest was long a favourite haunt of brigands, and even in the 18th century gave shelter to a gang of coiners and highwaymen.

It is an oldfashioned place on the skirts of Savernake Forest , lying in a valley of the chalk uplands known as Marlborough Downs, and traversed by the river Kennet.

Cautin lies within the temperate agricultural and forest region of the south, and produces wheat, cattle, lumber, tan-bark and fruit.

Pigs and a hardy breed of ponies find a good living in the forest ; and in spite of an act in 1851 providing for their extermination or removal, a few red deer still survive.

The tract derives its name from the extensive afforestation carried through in this region by William the Conqueror in 1079; and the deaths of two of his sons within its confines - Richard killed by a stag, and William Rufus by an arrow - were regarded in their generation as a judgment of Heaven for the cruelty and injustice perpetrated by their father when appropriating the forest .

The principal village within the forest is Lyndhurst (pop. 2167 in 1901); its church contains a fresco by Lord Leighton, and here is held the verderers' court, which since 1887 has had charge of the crown portion of the forest .

The New Forest gives name to a parliamentary division of the county.

The New Forest is one of the five forests mentioned in Domesday.

One of the chief sources of the wealth of the forest in early times was the herds of pigs fed there.

The chief officer of this, as of other forests, was the justice in eyre who held the justice seat, the highest forest court and the only court of record capable of entering and executing judgments on offenders; the lower courts were the Swainmote and Wodemote, the former of which is still held, in a modified form, in the Verderers' Hall of the King's House at Lyndhurst.

The lower officers of the forest , who held merely local appointments, were the verderers, the regarders (one of whose duties was that of seeing to the expeditation of "great dogs"), the foresters, the woodwards and the agisters.

The Deer Removal Act (1851) resulted in the almost total extinction of the forest deer.

Under the act of 1877 the forest is administered rather as a national park than for the growing of timber on commercial principles.

That home was situated on the border of the Middlesex Fells, a rough and rocky woodland, 4000 acres in extent, as wild and savage in many places as the primeval forest .

Against this savage background of the forest Parkman shows the rise, progress and dramatic termination of the colossal struggle between France and Great Britain for colonial empire.

In 1662, as appears by a map still extant, there were i 50 houses within the wall, forming five streets and as many lanes; and the upland districts around were one dense forest of giant oaks and sycamores, yielding an unfailing supply of timber to the woodmen of Carrickfergus.

It is partly surrounded by a small forest belonging to the state.

Vegetation is generally luxuriant, and forest clothes portions of the mountain slopes.

His retreat from Jaroslau to Warsaw, with the fragments of his host, amidst three converging armies, in a marshy forest region, intersected in every direction by well-guarded rivers, was one of his most brilliant achievements.

The derivation offered for its name is from Oak-town, in reference to the extensive forest which formerly covered the locality.

The town slopes to the ocean, with a background of forest surmounted by the snow-clad volcanic cone of Mount Egmont (8270 ft.).

Smaller isolated fields are those of the Forest of Dean (Gloucestershire) and the field on either side of the Avon above Bristol.

Coal lying under the sea below low-water mark belongs to the crown, and can only be worked upon payment of royalties, even when it is approached from shafts sunk upon land in private ownership. In the Forest of Dean, which is the property of the crown as a royal forest ,there are certain curious rights held by a portion of the inhabitants known as the Free Miners of the Forest , who are entitled to mine for coal and iron ore, under leases, known as gales, granted by the principal agent or gaveller representing the crown, in tracts not otherwise occupied.

Two men, Miles Forest and John Dighton, then smothered the youths under pillows while they were asleep. The murder was committed most probably in August or September 1483.

Nearly one-fifth of the whole area consists of forest .

The tree vegetation consists rather of jungle or copse than forest , abounding in game which is preserved by the native chiefs.

The long-leaf pine is the dominant forest tree on the uplands of the Coastal Plain, north of the Colorado river, for 100 m.

Outside of these general areas, forest products are of relatively little value, the exceptions being the dense growths, in certain restricted areas, of live-oak, which is in demand for ship timbers; and scattering patches of hickory, which is requisite for certain manufactures.

The whole district, from the water's edge to the loftiest mountain on the eastern boundary, may be regarded as almost unbroken forest .

The river banks are lined with belts of dense forest , in which useful timber occurs.

The slopes of the plateau which face the rain-bringing monsoon are in some places covered with primeval forest , in which timber is plentiful.

The plateau is partly grass land without bush and forest , partly steppe covered with mimosa bush, which sometimes is almost impenetrable.

The government possesses large forest reserves.

In the Kisumu province of East Africa even, there are several West African mammals such as the broad-horned tragelaph and the forest pig.

Some other towns, including Bern, followed Zurich's example, but the Forest cantons refused to accept the innovations.

The leading crops and their percentages of the total crop value were hay and forage (39.1%), vegetables (23.9%), fruits and nuts (11.7%), forest products (8.4%), and flowers and plants (7.1%).

The ancient forest had an area of about 20,000 acres, and was enclosed in 1815.

The locality where aurochs survived in Herberstein's time was the forest of Jaktozowka, situated about 55 kilometres west-south-west of Warsaw, in the provinces of Bolemow and Sochaczew.

From other evidence it appears that the last aurochs was killed in this forest in the year 1627.

He had enunciated in his theses the far-reaching new principle that the congregation, and not the hierarchy, was the representative of the Church; and he sought henceforward to reorganize the Swiss constitution on the principles of representative democracy so as to reduce the wholly disproportionate voting power which, till then, the Forest Cantons had exercised.

Jean, and would accept battle there, in a selected position to the south of the Forest of Soignes, provided he was assured of the support of one of Blucher's corps.

Argues is situated near the confluence of the rivers Varenne and Bethune; the forest of Argues stretches to the north-east.

The exact date of the abandonment of the town itself and the incorporation of its territory with that of Lavinium is uncertain, but it may be placed in the latter part of the republic. Under the empire a portion of it must have been imperial domain and forest .

This consists in selecting a spot of virgin soil, clearing it of forest and jungle by burning, and scraping the surface with the rudest agricultural implements.

Even the higher summits are worn to a rounded condition, and are therefore for the most part forest covered up to the timber line which, on Mount Marcy, is at an elevation of about 4900 ft.

The valley walls rise to undulating, and often fairly level uplands, which are, in large part, cleared of forest ; but the uplands are remote from markets, and the soil is thin.

Like the Adirondacks, this region is largely forest covered, and is a favourite summer resort; but it is far less a wilderness than the Adirondacks, and in places is cleared for farming, especially for pasturage.

The original varieties of trees still abound, though in less numbers, on lands illadapted to agriculture, and in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains, where the state has established forest preserves, and the Forest , Fish and Game Commissioner began reforesting in 1901, principally with pine, spruce and larch.

The moose, the elk and the beaver have been placed under the protection of the Forest , Fish and Game Commissioner.

The principal forest area is in the Adirondack region where the state has a forest preserve (in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Lewis, Oneida, St Lawrence, Saratoga, Warren and Washington counties) containing (1909) 1, 53 0, 559 acres, and there is as much or more in private preserves and in tracts owned by lumbermen.

The state has a forest preserve also in the Catskill region (in Delaware, Greene, Sullivan and Ulster counties) of 110,964 acres, and there are wood-lots on many farms throughout the state that produce commercial timber.

Under the present system, therefore, there is a biennial election (in even-numbered years) of a governor, a lieutenant-governor, a secretary of state, a state comptroller, a state treasurer, an attorney-general and a state engineer and surveyor; and the governor appoints, subject to the approval of the Senate, a superintendent of public works, a superintendent of state prisons, a superintendent of insurance, a superintendent of banks, a commissioner of excise, a commissioner of agriculture, a forest , fish and game commissioner, a commissioner of health, a commissioner of labour, a state architect, a state historian, a state librarian, two public service commissions, a civil service commission, a board of charities, a commission of prisons, a commission in lunacy, three tax commissioners and several other boards and commissions.

Egmont (8340 ft.) is quiescent, but its symmetrical form and dense clothing of forest make it the most beautiful of the three.

On the east coast the same fertility is seen with less forest , and, round Hawkes Bay, a hotter and drier summer.

West of the dividing crest they are forest clad; east thereof their stony grimness is but slightly softened by growths of scrub and tussock grass.

To the west of Aorangi glaciers crawl into the forest as low as 400 ft.

The early colonists found quite half the surface of the archipelago covered with dense, evergreen forest , a luxuriant growth of pines and beeches, tangled and intertwined with palms, ferns of all sizes, wild vines and other parasites, and a rank, bushy, mossed undergrowth.

The destruction of the forest is telling fatally on the ' See the geological map of New Zealand by Sir James Hector (1884).

Until recent years the forest birds did much to atone for this deficiency, for among them the tui and makomako rank high as songsters, while the apteryxes, kakapo, weka and stitch-bird are of peculiar interest to science.

Outside the forest country the weka, an almost wingless bird, is numerous, and in the Alps a hawk-like green parrot, the kea, has learned to kill sheep and holds its ground.

The development of dairyfarming has led to the spread of settlement, especially in the west of North Island, where large tracts of fertile soil formerly covered with forest have now been cleared and converted into dairy-farms. Of 1,850,000 cattle in the colony, two-sevenths are dairy cows.

So profitable was sheep-farming seen to be that energetic settlers began to burn off the bracken and cut and burn the forest in the North Island and sow English grasses on the cleared land.

On the northern confines of the great forest belt live races of cannibals, whose existence was first made known by Captain d'0110ne in 1899.

In the forest regions of eastern Washington the underbrush is light, but grasses and a great variety of flowering plants abound.

The forest reserves are included in ten national parks, named the Chelan, Columbia, Colville, Kaniksu, Olympic, Ranier, Snoqualmie, Washington, Wanaha and Wenatchee, the Chelan being the largest, with an area of 2,492,500 acres.

About 857,000 acres, or 85% of the whole forest land, are planted with conifers; and about 143,000 acres, or 15%, with deciduous trees, among which beeches and birches are the commonest.

Cathedral Park in the southern portion, Spearfish Canon in the north, and the extensive fossil forest at the foot of Mattie's Peak are noteworthy; while the Crystal Cave, near Piedmont, and the Wind Cave, near Hot Springs, are almost unrivalled.

Most of the forest consists of yellow pine, but the spruce, aspen, white birch, bur oak, box elder, red cedar, white elm and cottonwood are among the other varieties found.

Of the several cemeteries, that of Forest Home, south-west of the city, is the largest and most beautiful.

The Medway, however, cuts through the entire hill system, rising in the Forest Ridges of Sussex, flowing N.E.

Much of the Weald, which originally was occupied by a forest , is still densely wooded, and woods are specially extensive in the valley of the Medway.

Valuable timber was afforded by the vast forest of the Weald, but the restrictions imposed on the felling of wood for fuel did serious detriment to the iron-trade, and after the statute of 1558 forbidding the felling of timber for iron-smelting within fourteen miles of the coast the industry steadily declined.

For a century the Appalachians were a barrier to the westward expansion of the English colonies; the continuity of the system, the bewildering multiplicity of its succeeding ridges, the tortuous courses and roughness of its transverse passes, a heavy forest and dense undergrowth all conspired to hold the settlers on the seaward-sloping plateaus and coastal plains.

After working as a civil engineer on the Dean Forest railway he went (1861) to Italy, where he resided for the next thirty-three years, taking a considerable part in the railway construction of the peninsula, and at the same time keeping alive the Hungarian independence question by a whole series of pamphlets and newspaper articles.

It strictly designates only that district in upper Saxony that is bounded by the Werra, the Harz Mountains, the Saale and the Thuringian Forest ; in common parlance, however, it is frequently used as equivalent to the Thuringian states, i.e.

The northern portion of the kingdom was given to the Saxons who had joined him against Hermannfried; the southern part was added to Austrasia; and the name of Thuringia was confined to the district bounded by the Harz Mountains, the Werra, the Thuringian Forest and the Saale.

Many trees of the eastern forest , such as basswood, sugar, river and red maple, red, white and black ash, red and rock elm, black and bur oak, white and red pine and red cedar find their western limit here.

No other state in the Union has such a relatively small area of forest .

The hills are clothed with a thin shadeless growth of stunted forest , which only here and there assumes the character- istics of ordinary jungle.

There is practically no forest growth in central Siam, except on the slopes of the hills which bound this section.

The remainder is covered for the most part with dense forest containing several kinds of valuable timber.

Among other valuable forest products are thingan wood (Hopea odorata), largely used for boat-building; damar oil, taken throughout Indo-China from the Dipterocarpus levis; agilla wood, sapan, rosewood, ironwood, ebony, rattan.

A Forest Department, in which experienced officers recruited from the Indian Forest Service are employed, has for many years controlled the forests of Siam.

Bruzen Lamartiniere states in his Dictionnaire Geographique that the Gauls and Bretons called it by a word signifying "the forest ," which was turned into Latin as Arduenna silva, and he thinks it quite probable that the name was really derived from the Celtic word ardu (dark, obscure).

At the division of the empire of Charlemagne between the three sons of Louis the Debonnaire, effected by the pact of Verdun in 843, the forest had become a district and is called therein pagus Arduensis.

Notable among these portions of the great forest are the woods of St Hubert, the woods round La Roche, and those of the Amerois, Herbeumont, and Chiny on the Semois.

In the grand duchy the forest has almost entirely disappeared, but owing to the compulsory law of replanting in Belgium this fate does not seem likely to attend the Belgian Ardennes.

In addition to being a forest the Ardennes is a plateau, and it offers to the geologist a most interesting field of investigation.

There are many species of forest trees and more than 1300 species of flowering plants and ferns.

Pepper, nutmegs and cloves were long the objects of the most important branch of Dutch commerce; and gutta-percha, camphor, dammar, benzoin and other forest products have a place among the exports.

The principal articles of export are sugar, tobacco, copra, forest products (various gums, &c.), coffee, petroleum, tea, cinchona, tin, rice, pepper, spices and gambier.

This route is extremely picturesque, traverses part of the forest of Soignies, and is lined by many fashionable villas and country houses.

Mark, hunting in the forest , comes upon them sleeping in a cave, and as Tristan, who knows that the king is in the neighbourhood, has placed his sword between them, is convinced of their innocence.

Tristan is here the son of Meliadus, king of Loonois; his father does not die, but is decoyed away by an enchantress, and the mother, searching for her husband, gives birth to her child in the forest and dies.

It is a native of the greater part of Canada and the United States, wherever there is any remnant of the original forest left.

George Cabot lived for many years in Beverly, which he represented in the provincial congress (1779); Nathan Dane (1752-1835) was also a resident; and it was the birthplace of Wilson Flagg (1805-1884), the author of Studies in the Field and Forest (1857), The Woods and By-Ways of New England (1872), The Birds and Seasons of New England (1875), and A Year with the Birds (1881).

Forestry is a state-protected industry, the government owning over 500,000 acres of forest .

Extensive forest areas still remain both in the east and the west, In the east oak, maple, beech, chestnut, elm, tulip-tree (locally " yellow poplar "), walnut, pine and cedar trees are the most numerous; in the west the forests are composed largely of cypress, ash, oak, hickory, chestnut, walnut, beech, tulip-tree, gum and sycamore trees.

Much scarcer is the second species, the sand-lizard (Lacerta agilis), which is confined to some localities in the south of England, the New Forest and its vicinity; it does not appear to attain on English soil the same size as on the continent of Europe where it abounds, growing sometimes to a length of 9 in.

At the close of a day of victory he was reconnoitring the hostile positions when suddenly the Confederate outposts opened fire upon his staff, whom they mistook in the dark and tangled forest for Federal cavalry.

The Hystore was turned into verse (alexandrines) by Jacot de Forest (latter part of the 13th century) under the title of Roman de Julius Cesar.

The southern part of the island has an undulating surface, and is covered either with an open forest or with high ferns.

In the sierras, above the tierras frias, which are not " cold lands " at all, are the colder climates of the temperate zone, suitable for cereals, grazing and forest industries, and, farther up, the isolated peaks which rise into the regions of snow and ice.

In the Southern Sierra Madre, the " oyamel " and " ocote pine are the giants of the forest , sometimes rising to a height of 100 ft.

Among the well-known forest products of this zone are arnotto, jalap, ipecacuanha, sarsaparilla, rubber, orchids and a great variety of gums.

The denuded mountain slopes and plateaus of southern Mexico are due to the prehistoric inhabitants who cleared away the tropical forest for their Indian corn fields, and then left them to the erosive action of the tropical rains and subsequent occupation by coarse grasses.

The exports include gold, silver, copper, coffee, henequen or sisal, ixtle and other fibres, cabinet woods, chicle, rubber and other forest products, hides and skins, chickpeas, tobacco and sugar.

The natural and forest products of Mexico include the agave and yucca (ixtle) fibres already mentioned; the " ceibon " fibre derived from the silk-cotton tree (Bombax pentandria); rubber and vanilla in addition to the cultivated products; palm oil; castor beans; ginger; chicle, the gum extracted from the " chico-zapote " tree (Achras sapota); logwood and other dye-woods; mahogany, rosewood, ebony, cedar and other valuable woods; " cascalote " or divi-divi; jalap root (Ipomaea); sarsaparilla (Smilax); nuts and fruits.

Forests.-The White Mountain region and Coos county to the north of it, embracing in all nearly one-third of the total area of the state, is essentially a forest country.

In 1903, however, only about 12% of this was still occupied by a virgin merchantable forest and 69.8% was cut-over or culled land.

There is very little forest land.

It is sheltered on the north and east by low hills formerly included in Epping Forest .

There are a number of educational institutions, including a school of art; Forest School, founded in 1834 in connexion with King's College, now ranks as one of the well-known English public schools.

Its proximity to the southern outskirts of Epping Forest has brought it into favour both with residents and with holiday visitors from London.

Forest trees, no less than cereals, have their indwelling spirits; the fauns and satyrs of classical Literature were goat-footed and the tree spirit of the Russian peasantry takes the form of a goat; in Bengal and the East Indies wood-cutters endeavour to propitiate the spirit of the tree which they cut down; and in many parts of the world trees are regarded as the abode of the spirits of the dead.

Its population is almost pure Hindu, except in the two great tracts of hill and forest , where the aboriginal tribes retired before the Aryan invasion.

Much of the soil is still covered with forest , but it includes fertile rice land.

Atkinson (author of Primal Law) told him that he had met and caressed the girl of his heart in the forest , that she had vanished and must have been a fairy.

The area of forest has only been seriously diminished in the west, and amounted to 2030 sq.

The lower coastal parts, from their accessibility and their smaller relief, are more densely populated; the higher and more rugged interior is still largely forested and thinly settled; there are large tracts of unbroken forest in northern Maine, hardly 150 m.

Although the relief is strong, the mountain forms are rounded rather than rugged; few of the summits deserve or receive the name of peaks; some are called domes, from their broadly rounded tons, others are known as balds, becatise the widespread forest cover is replaced over their heads by a grassy cap.

In the eastern forest region the number of species decreases somewhat from south to north, but the entire region differs from the densely forested region of the Pacific Coast Transition zone in that it is essentially a region of deciduous or hardwood forests, while the latter is essentially one of coniferous trees; it differs from the forested region of the Rocky Mountains in that the latter is not only essentially a region of coniferous trees, but one where the forests do not by any means occupy the whole area, neither do they approach in density or economic importance those of the eastern division of the country.

The magnitude of these items is so great as to defy exact determination; data for the formation of some idea of them can be found in the account of the mineral, forest and agricultural resources of the country.

He stood high 3 "Reddle or Red Ochre from the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire is very little inferior to the Sort brought from the Island of Ormuz in the Persian Gulph and so much valued and used by our Painters under the name of Indian Red" (Sir John Hill, Theophrastus's History of Stones, London, 2774).

Owing its real origin, as a distinct foundation of reformed Benedictines, in the year 1098, to Stephen Harding (a native of Dorsetshire, educated in the monastery of Sherborne), and deriving its name from Citeaux (Cistercium), a desolate and almost inaccessible forest solitude, on the borders of Champagne and Burgundy, the rapid growth and wide celebrity of the order are undoubtedly to be attributed to the enthusiastic piety of St Bernard, abbot of the first of the monastic colonies, subsequently sent forth in such quick succession by the first Cistercian houses, the far-famed abbey of Clairvaux (de Clara Valle), A.D.

Its origin is obscure, and has been variously connected with a Saxon royal residence (King's town), a family of the name of Chenesi, and the word Caen, meaning wood, from the forest which originally covered the district and was still traceable in Tudor times.

The town, which is a favourite summer resort, stands on the north-west border of the forest of Compiegne and on the left bank of the Oise, less than 1 m.

It has two facades, one overlooking the Place du Palais and the town, the other, more imposing, facing towards a fine park and the forest , which is chiefly of oak and beech and covers over 36,000 acres.

The forest of Soignies extended in the middle ages over the southern part of Brabant up to the walls of Brussels, and is immortalized in Byron's Childe Harold.

Originally it was part of the Ardenne forest , and even at the time of the French Revolution it was very extensive.

A considerable portion of the forest in the neighbourhood of Waterloo was assigned in 1815 to the duke of Wellington, and to the holder of the title as long a s it endured.

This portion of the forest was only converted into farms in the time of the second duke.

The Bois de la Cambre (456 acres) on the outskirts of Brussels was formed out of the forest , and beyond it stretches the Foret de Soignies, still so called, to Tervueren, Groenendael, and Argenteuil close to Mont Saint Jean and Waterloo.

As a result of the geological causes just mentioned many parts of Canada are lavishly strewn with lakes of all sizes and shapes, from bodies of water hundreds of miles long and a thousand feet deep to ponds lost to sight in the forest .

Its surface was originally almost entirely wooded, and the products of the forest continue to hold a prominent place.

On the eastern flanks of the ranges the forest is much thinner, and on the interior plateau and in many of the valleys largely gives way to open grass land.

In the forest regions north of the lakes the vegetation on the shores of Lake Erie requires a high winter temperature, while the east and north shores of Lake Superior have a boreal vegetation that shows the summer temperature of this enormous water-stretch to be quite low.

Beyond the forest country of Ontario come the prairies of Manitoba and the North-West Territories.

Northwards, in the Saskatchewan country, the flora of the forest and that of the prairies intermingle.

The flora of the forest belt of the North-West Territories differs little from that of northern Ontario.

In spite of great improvidence, and of loss by fire, the forest wealth of Canada is still the greatest in the world.

The Black Forest produces excellent timber, which is partly sawn in the valleys and partly exported down the Rhine in logs.

The Black Forest is a favourite tourist resort and is opened up by numerous railways.

The birch is one of the most wide-spread and generally useful of forest trees of Russia, occurring in that empire in vast forests, in many instances alone, and in other cases mingled with pines, poplars and other forest trees.

The musk-deer inhabits the forest districts in the Himalaya as far west as Gilgit, always, however, at great elevations - being rarely found in summer below 8000 ft.

Large areas of forest or swamp were reclaimed for agriculture; the great Silesian industries of mining and weaving were called into existence, and Breslau grew to be a leading centre of exchange for the wares of East and West.

Near it is the noble chase with its ancient oaks, the remains of the Caledonian Forest , where are still preserved some of the aboriginal breed of wild cattle.

In the case of the Alps it seems natural enough that the crystalline masses of Bohemia, the Black Forest and the central plateau of France should be firmer than the more modern sedimentary deposits; but it is not so easy to understand why the Mesozoic rocks of southern Germany resisted the folding, while those of the Jura yielded.

We must observe, as regards the plants of the lower alpine region, that it is the actual presence of a forest vegetation, rather than the theoretical treelimit, which affects their vertical distribution; so that, e.g.

The effects of badly-executed pruning, or rather hacking, are most noticeable in the case of forest trees, the mutilation of which often results in rotting, canker and other diseases.

If the situation is not naturally well sheltered, the defect may be remedied by masses of forest trees disposed at a considerable distance so as not to shade the walls or fruit trees.

The neighbouring country is devoted principally to raising horses, mules and cattle; and in addition to hides and leather, it exports rubber and other forest products.

Of the total surface of Bavaria about one-half is under cultivation, one-third forest , and the remaining sixth mostly pasture.

In Franconia are numerous paper-mills, and the manufacture of wooden toys is largely carried on in the forest districts of Upper Bavaria.

The term survives in the Forest of Dean, for leases granted to the "free miners" of the forest , granted by the "gaveller" or agent of the crown, and the term is also applied to the royalty paid to the crown, and to the area mined.

The eastern part of the chain passed from South France through the Vosges, the Black Forest , Thuringia, Harz, the Fichtelgebirge, Bohemia, the Sudetes, and possibly farther east; this constitutes the " Varischen Alps " of Suess.

As waterways all the rivers labour under the drawbacks of rapids, mud-banks at their mouths, banks overgrown with forest , sparse population, and currents liable to serious variations due to irregularity of supply from the mountains and sudden rainfalls.

The plains on the east and west lie at a lower level and are eroded by larger rivers, clothed with forest , showing more sawahs and ladangs, or dry ricefields, and, near the rivers, planted with jagong (maize), coffee and fruits.

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The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com.

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write 5 sentences about forest

Write that Scene

May your writing spirit live on forever

write 5 sentences about forest

How to Write a Forest Scene

A. write more about the trees and greenery. give the reader insight to the location and the weather..


B. Write about the animals and the life that exist in this Forest. You can even make up your own and/ or it could be humans that live in the forest.

  •  Orangutans spend most of their time in the forest canopy where they feed on leaves, figs and other fruit, bark, nuts, and insects. Large trees of the old-growth forests support woody vines that serve as aerial ladders, enabling the animals to move about, build their nests, and forage for food.
  • The largest of all primates, the gorilla. Too large and clumsy to move about in the forest canopy, the gorilla lives on the forest floor where it forages for a variety of plant materials.
  • The jaguar. Its endangered status is the result of hunting and habitat loss.
  • The Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata), a medium-sized, green bird with blue wing feathers
  • Below the canopy the waters are filled with fish life. Kelp bass find the middle of the kelp forest to be a good hunting area, while Sheephead, a boldly colored fish, like to feed on the larger invertebrates that live among the kelp stipes and tend to hang out towards the bottom of the forest.
  • Insects (morpho butterfly, Julia butterfly, Monarch butterfly, and millions of other insects) mammals (jaguar, ocelot, didelphid opossums, sloth, howler monkey, spider monkey, capybara, many bats, marmosets, procyonids, peccaries)
  • Birds (quetzal, macaw, tinamous, curassows, hoatzins, hummingbirds, eagles, ovenbirds, antbirds, flycatchers, puffbirds, toucans, jacamars, tanagers, tapirs, troupials, honeycreepers, cardinal grosbeaks, xenops) reptiles (anaconda, caiman, iguanas, lizards, microteiid lizards, boas, and coral snakes), amphibians (poison arrow frog, etc.)
  • Fish (electric eel, piranha), and millions of other animals.Australia – mammals (tree kangaroo, rat kangaroo, yellow-footed Antechinus, Giant White-tailed Uromys, opossums, bandicoot, echidna, duck-billed platypus, sugar glider, red legged pademelon)
  • Reptiles (frilled lizard, carpet python, Green Tree Snake, Spotted Tree Monitor, Eastern Water Dragon, Boyd’s Forest Dragon, Northern Leaf Tailed Gecko)
  • Amphibians (Giant Tree frog, Striped marsh frog, Northern Barred frog, Dainty Green Tree frog), and millions of other animals.Southeast Asia –
  • mammals (tarsiers, orangutans, Siamangs, gibbons, colobine monkeys, tigers, tree shrews, binturong, moonrats, most flying foxes, colugos, bamboo rats, Oriental dormice)
  • birds (tree swifts, leafbirds, fairy bluebirds, fantails, whistlers, flowerpeckers, wood swallows)
  • insects (Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing butterfly, Goliath Birdwing butterfly, Saturn Butterfly) to name a few.West Africa –
  • mammals (antelopes, bonobo, chimpanzee, gorilla, Mandrill, scaly-tailed squirrels, otter shrews, duikers, okapi, hippopotamus, Cercopithecus monkeys, bushbabies, pygmy hippo, duiker)
  • birds (Congo peafowl, African Gray Parrot) to name a few.

C. Describe how these things have a connection to the story and to the overall plot. Give hint to how they will be a part of the journey.

I. What about the animals and the forest is important to the story and to the character? How are they a vital allie to the trail and the path of the rain forest?

I I. Ultimately how are these things good? Give signs and behavior patterns that will differentiate them from good and evil. Or keep it a mystery to enhance the dynamics of your story.

I I I. Use ideologies, metaphors, and similes to create an experience your character is having. How they connect with the forest atmosphere and the creatures who dwell inside this area.

 A. Why is your character there in the first place and how long do they plan on staying? Their journey can all the sudden become extended or shortened by anything.

I.  Think of all the things you might find in a dark forest and make them experience it.

  • Insects in the mouth and eyes
  • Branches in the face and tearing at clothes
  • Tripping over roots and rocks
  • Feet crunching on dirt, snapping twigs
  • His/her own gasping breath in the silence
  • Sounds of creatures pursuing him
  • Howling of wolves in the distance
  • Owls hooting in the night

I I. Explain their thoughts, the worries, even ultimately telling the reader what’s at stake for the character.

I I I. Do they meet someone along the way? Is there a barrier or path they cannot take or overcome? Or do they find a great shortcut? Is a shortcut even safe?

B. Is there anything out of the usual? Does it become too much for the character to handle to where they will need someone or something to help them? Maybe it’s the animals and life that live in the forest or the forest itself.

I. Is there magic involved? Are there a new philosophies or new rules that doesn’t pertain to our own world, involved? If so, who is controlling this? Does the character have an idea who might be behind these doing?

I I. Does the character actively call out loud for someone or something to help them? Does anyone come to their aid? Is it magical or ordinary? Where has this person or being been all that time? Was this all a test to begin with?

I I I. Must the character return the favor somehow or is it given for free? Does the character somehow speak to this thing or person or are they dumbfounded? Do they just accept what happened or begin to question the place they’re in? Does this mean they’re about to escape or try to at least?

C. Show some relief of the problem or a solution that is at a near distance. Give the reader hope for the character.

I. How are they coping with these sudden changes and surprises? Are they able to take a break at all and stop to get some air from what is going on?

I I.  If s/he’s running to vent because she heard something emotionally traumatizing and they’re running away from the impact it has on them, then s/he would be tripping and stumbling not out of fear but out of anxiety to get away.

If s/he’s running through the woods because it’s a pass time and they enjoy it, then you select words and thoughts and structure your sentences to give a peaceful tone (or whatever emotion you’re aiming for).

I I I. What talents skills or abilities does the character have the makes them seem not so hopeless?      

 A. Show how the forest becomes an aide to the character and/or the character becomes an aide/savior to the forest.

I. Can the animals speak English, can the character all the sudden communicate with the animals, or do they have to find a creative way to speak with each other?

I I. Maybe the trees sway in the wind and gives direction to the character on where to go, what if something randomly falls down as a way to direct the character to a specific path? You can use sound, you can use smell, you can use all the human senses. Be creative.

B. Is there any magic that is in the place? How about the connection between the scenery and the character? How does it strengthen them or how does it weaken them?

I. What type of Magic? Is it something that can be learned? Is it something that can be avoided or counteracted? Does the magic bring anything alive or keeps things dead? Does the magic prevent the forest from doing anything or allows it to do more than what it once could?

I I. Does the character softly walk through the forest to avoid from causing any harm? Does the character do anything weird to the forest such as pray to it or use the trees leaves as clothing? Why are they acting this way?

I I I. How about the forest? Does the forest do anything out of character to gain the character’s interest? Does it offer the character anything?

C. Are there hints in the forest that the character can only see and their enemy cannot? How does the forest communicate with the character? How does the character communicate with the forest?

I. Why can the character see these hints and the enemy cannot? How do they know that these are going to protect them? What has the forest done that makes the character believe it’s okay to to follow unknowingly or even listen to?

I I. How desperate does they forest become? Will they go to great lengths to protect the character? Or will the character go through great lengths to protect the forest? Where does this bond come from and how does it help the character easily flow through the forest?

I I I. Or maybe the forest is silent. Maybe the forest has no magic or is on no one side. If so, how does the character use the forest as they please?

A. Add some drama, some danger, what is breaking… what is causing Mayhem? How is the character mentally handling it and what might be their demise?

I. Give details about the great enemy. What is the character learning thus far? Who are their allies? At what point in their Journey are they at and how close are they to finishing?

I I. Are there any swamps, quicksand, spiders, snakes, or otherwise that wouldn’t necessarily be in another land? How much harder is it to journey through the forest than it is somewhere else?

I I I. Do they get injured, do they somehow make a mistake that they cannot take back? Has the forest abandoned them? Have the animals abandoned them? Have they abandoned themselves and their will to live?

B. If the enemy is directed towards the forest, then how does the forest cope with it and what is it doing to protect itself? How is the character helping to protect the forest if at all?

I. Why is this evil thing having a war with the forest? Does the character understand why? Is it a being? Is it nature? Is it a Mystic being? Is it the forest itself that’s their own enemy?

I I. Do the branches hit and sway? Do the leaves fall down from the branches to the ground as a way of surrender? Do the animals bite, bark growl? Do trees fall down? Do trees move as if they had feet?

C. Put a bit of focus on the enemy; the danger. How do they look? what are they doing? how does it seem for them to be in this Forest? what threats are they saying? what weapons do they have? how many people are on the enemy army? How much more powerful is this threat?

I. How does the face look? How powerful is this evil? How weak are they; what is their weak link? How long has the war/battle been going on?

I I. Where did this enemy come from? How evil are they or do they have some kindness to them? Is it never ending or does it have a downfall? Is it hurting itself by battling the forest or the character? Or is battling the forest or the character making it stronger?

I I I. If the character or the forest is battling themselves, then describe the pain they are inflicting on itself through the eyes of who is watching. How much longer until the end is near? In other words, is it hopeless to help?

 A. Is everything complete, is everything at peace, how does the character feel?

I. What are the goodbyes like? What actions do they take to make sure they are thanking the forest and that the forest understands what they’re saying?

I I. How much has the character contributed? Where does the health of the character and the forest lie? Are they both to thank for a good ending? Who’s to blame for a bad ending? Is there any animosity between the character and the forest? Remember, the animals are considered to be part of the forest.

I I I. Is there any gifts exchanged? Are there any songs sang? Is there a promise of return?

B. How about if the threat is still alive? how has the character left the threat or if they decide to stay how are they keeping the threat at bay?

I. Is threat gone away for a while? Is it sure to return? Will the character return before the threat returns but with more weapons or people to battle?

I I. If the character stayed, what are they doing in order to protect the forest? How much do they have to sacrifice to keep the forest in good shape? Is the forest doing anything to thank them or to protect the character in return? Is this a completely selfless act?

I I I. Vice versa. What must the forest do in order to continue to protect the character? How’s the character thanking the forest?

C. Let the reader know who’s in charge, whether it’s the character the forest or the enemy at the end of the scene. Let them know where it should start the next time you begin this scene. If it is finished then make sure you bring out the person you want to bring out on top. But not without consequence; there must be signs of a battle.

I. Who left the battle? Who had the most battle scars? Who showed signs of fear? And how did they show these signs if they weren’t human?

I I. Is there a prophecy? Were there hostile words exchanged? Was there a time when the character or the forest felt like they failed or were about to lose? Is this a false win?

I I I. Is there peace at the end of the scene? Or is there a lot to be desired? What is the last thing that the character remembers about the forest or sees?

!You might have to scroll down the textbox with your mouse!

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Examples of 'forest' in a sentence

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Basic English Speaking

“Forest” in a Sentence (with Audio)

Examples of how to use the word “forest” in a sentence. How to connect “forest” with other words to make correct English sentences.

forest (n): a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood, or the trees and plantsthemselves

Use “forest” in a sentence

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Question 25 "Forests are our lifeline". Write five sentences on this topic.

Forest products play a vital role in socio-economic development. we get food (cereals, pulses and fruits), firewood, fibre, construction material, industrial products (tannins, lubricants, dyes, resins and perfumes) and products of medicinal importance. it is also the home to diverse wildlife which maintains the ecosystem. forests are excellent, perfect and natural recycling factories. all animals whether it may be herbivores or carnivores or omnivores depend ultimately on plants for food. forests give oxygen to keep us alive and absorb carbon dioxide and it also helps in maintaining water cycle in nature. forests save the soil from erosion and help in maintaining the groundwater level. thus, forests are valuable resources..


Question 10.

Write five sentences to conserve water.

Question 6 Write a note on how forests influence the quality of our air, soil and water resources.

Question 24

All the needs of animals living in a forest are fulfilled. Justify this statement in a few sentences.


Describing a Setting: Forest

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Jamie Thomas

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  • Jun 15, 2020

Day 44 - 5 Sentence Stories (creative ideas for home schooling)

For anyone new to this blog, the idea is simple - each day my boys (Joshua - 9 and Archie - 8) choose a stimulus that drives the learning. We hope that you enjoy the blog and can take some inspiration from what we love doing - making learning as engaging as possible!

write 5 sentences about forest

5 Sentence Stories

Talk for Writing is rooted in great story telling. When I train teachers, I always begin with the 5 sentence story as it is what underpins early storytelling and invention.

All stories can be condensed into 5 sentences. Of course, you cannot go into all the depths and details, but a talented storyteller needs no more than 5 sentences to get something moving. In fact, you may not even need this many - Kevin Crossley-Holland is famous for his single sentence story.

Today is a delve into the playful nature of storytelling. It is something very close to my heart. We hope you enjoy!

English / Art

Story invention

Storytelling language

Story planning / boxing up


Being able to quickly invent stories is one of the joys of a rich English curriculum. In Talk for Writing schools, children ooze confidence as storytellers as it is what we do each and every day - we build the imagination and ensure that they have the tools to be able to manipulate ideas and make them their own.

The 5 sentence story does exactly what it says on the tin. We began by looking at how stories develop. This follows the traditional opening / build up / problem / resolution / ending but in a far more child-friendly scaffold.

Using the 'S' planner, I showed the boys how there are 5 key elements in a story. We then played lots of storytelling oral games, taking it in turn to create a story. You can have great fun with this telling it word by word or sentence by sentence. The idea is to build up confidence and fluency, as well as generating some initial ideas, whilst internalising some of the storytelling language (grammar in context).

Here is the writing scaffold I created with the boys:

write 5 sentences about forest

Playing with the scaffold, you can quickly make a simple story. For example:

Many moons ago their lived a lonely T-Rex called Reg who lived in a forest.

Early one morning, he decided to go and visit his best friend Sid.

Unfortunately, he did not realise that Sid was away camping.

Luckily, he took a detour via the park and met a lot of his other dino chums.

Finally, they all had a great play and Reg was lonely no more.

It is also really fun to try summarise a well-known story into 5 sentences. For example:

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy called Harry Potter who discovered that he was really a wizard.

Shortly after turning 11, his life was turned upside down as he departed for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Unfortunately, there were many demons in Harry's past that haunted him throughout his time as Hogwarts, including the most evil, notorious wizard of them all - Lord Voldermort.

Luckily, Harry, with the help of his friends and teachers, rose to overcome the dark arts that threatened to destroy them all.

Finally, with Voldermort defeated, Harry went on to live a life full of fun and friendship, proud of the wizard he had become.

Having played around with these rapid-fire storytelling games, we then had a go at quickly planning some stories. To add in a slight challenge, I used a random name picker that I use for story improvisation assemblies to help us choose the type of story and the genre. This is a really fun tool to play around with: https://www.classtools.net/random-name-picker/

In essence, the computer then generates a story type (e.g. warning story) with a genre (e.g. crime). The challenge is then to create a 5 sentence story using this.

write 5 sentences about forest

Here are the boys having a go at the initial planning, using the S-planners:

write 5 sentences about forest

To model the story creation to the boys, I showed them how to create a couple of stories. They loved being able to spin the wheel and I encouraged them to pitch in with ideas.

The first story was a science fiction 'finding' story:

Zane gazed out at the barren landscape, longing for some form of life. A sudden glint in the distance caught his attention - what was it?

As he arrived at the mysterious object, he realised that this was the Orb of Zanda - the magical sphere that had brought such ruin to the lands. Raising his fire-axe above his head, Zane took a deep breath and brought the blade down with all his might. The world erupted into light as the magic was released, restoring the land to its former glory.

The second was a period drama 'rags to riches' tale:

Darcy longed for happiness but knew that Great Mama would never let him marry his one true love. As he watched Emma stoke the fire in the hearth, he felt his heart groan in pain. Plucking up courage, Darcy decided that he had to act; she had to be his. Deliberately knocking over his glass of elderflower pressé, he saw Emma turn to survey the situation. As their eyes met, they both knew that a new chapter in their lives had just begun.

Here are the boys efforts. They also designed a front cover to go with their short tale:

write 5 sentences about forest

The Cake Thief by Archie

(an adventure 'character flaw' story)

Once upon a time there lived a greedy boy named Runny, who loved eating lots and lots of food.

At the dead of night, Runny stole a cheeky chocolate cake from the local bakery.

Unfortunately, he fell into the shop keeper's trap and was plunged into the sewers beneath the shop.

Luckily, he escaped out of his toilet and then bathed for two hours to get rid of the smell.

Finally, he decided to never be greedy again.

write 5 sentences about forest

The Cake Thief by Joshua

(a fairy tale 'warning' story)

"Don't go into that wood!" shouted Jamie's mum.

But Jamie did not listen and skipped off into the wood to find the gingerbread house.

Suddenly, a black ghost jumped out of nowhere.

Luckily, Jamie knew the magical password.

Finally, he screamed the password and the door creaked open.

write 5 sentences about forest

If you are enjoying this blog, please do share it and spread the word. Thank you to all of you who have got in touch and shared some of the outcomes from what you have tried - we love to hear from you.

Do tune in tomorrow where we exploring:

My thanks to Pie Corbett, Julia Strong and the Talk for Writing team for inspiring many of the ideas explored in this blog.

This blog is copyright. All materials herein, texts and supporting resources are copyright to Jamie Thomas & Talk for Writing. They may be used to support children/staff/parents in home-learning ONLY and not for commercial gain or for training or sharing widely, in their original form or any variations. They must also not be shared online or on any social media platforms without prior permission.

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  1. 10 Lines about Forest for Students and Children in English

    November 3, 2023 by Ram. 10 Lines about Forest: Forests are justly called the 'Lungs of the Earth'. Forests are the heart of our ecosystem and play a pivotal role in maintaining the natural equilibrium on the planet and balancing the food cycle. Forests cover almost 31 per cent of the Earth's surface and habitat not only flora, fauna, and ...

  2. Paragraph on Forest

    Paragraph on Forests in 250 Words. Forests are made up of a large number of trees grouped together in one location. It helps in the maintenance of oxygen levels since they are a rich source of oxygen that absorbs carbon dioxide exhaled by everyone and helps to sustain the environment. Forests aid in the preservation of a pure and clean ...

  3. 10 Lines on Forest for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    10 Lines and Sentences on Forest. 1) Forest is the large green ecosystem consisting of Trees and supporting various types of Life forms. 2) Forests are very much important for a balanced and sustainable development of mankind. 3) Forests cover around 30% of the world's land surface area. 4) Forests help to clean the air, absorb harmful gases ...

  4. Types of Forests: Definitions, Examples, and Importance

    Based on latitude, there are three types of forests: boreal, temperate, and tropical. Boreal forests, found farthest north, experience long, cold winters with short growing seasons. Temperate ...

  5. Forest

    Forests are among the most complex ecosystems in the world, and they exhibit extensive vertical stratification. Conifer forests have the simplest structure: a tree layer rising to about 30 metres (98 feet), a shrub layer that is spotty or even absent, and a ground layer covered with lichens, mosses, and liverworts.

  6. "Forests are our lifeline." Write five sentences on this topic

    Solution. Forests are our lifeline. We all depend upon forests in some way or the other for survival. Forests provide us with fresh air to breathe, food, medicines, and other sources like wood, fodder and other raw materials for the industries. Forests prevent soil erosion and hold the earth firmly.

  7. How to Describe Forests in Your Writing

    Gentle raindrops. Bristly pinecones. Soft fur. Snail slime. Dewy grass. Jagged, sharp stones. Pin or save this post for reference next time you're writing a forest. You can pull from these sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch sensations to add texture to your forest descriptions. Free Writing Cheat Sheets Body language cheat sheet, settings ...

  8. Forest

    1) Coniferous Forest. As the name suggests, the trees found in these forests mainly consists of cone-bearing trees like the spruce, pine, fir, and hemlock. These are found mostly in the northern parts of North America, Asia, and Europe. 2) Deciduous Forest. The trees of these forests are broadleaved and are shed between late summer to early autumn.

  9. Importance of Forest Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Importance of Forest. Forests provide the house for many living beings. Thus, it is one of the precious resources provided by nature to human beings. Also, the organisms that live in Forrests are independent of each other. Life in Forrest is run by various factors like air, water, and sunlight.

  10. Sentence writing: In the Forest

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. Students are prompted to write a series of sentences about things in the forest. Free | Writing | Worksheets | Grade 2 | Printable.

  11. Forest Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Forest. Forests are an intricate ecosystem on earth which contains trees, shrubs, grasses and more. The constituents of forests which are trees and plants form a major part of the forests. Furthermore, they create a healthy environment so that various species of animals can breed and live there happily.

  12. Essay On 'The Forest' (in English) for Classes 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines

    A Paragraph On The Forest. When younger kids start writing essays, they start with short paragraphs. Their teachers can also ask them to write five sentences about the forest. Following is a short paragraph on the forest for classes 1 and 2. A huge amount or number of trees on a portion of land make up a forest.

  13. How To Describe A Forest In A Story (10 Best Tips)

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  14. "Forests are our lifeline." Write five sentences on this topic

    Advertisements. Answer in Brief. "Forests are our lifeline.". Write five sentences on this topic. Advertisements. Solution. Forests are a very important renewable natural resource. They are useful in the following ways : Plants in the forest purify the air by absorbing CO 2 and releasing O 2 and also maintaining a balance between O 2 and CO ...

  15. How to Describe a Forest in a Story

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  16. Setting Description Entry: Forest

    Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers.Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict, people commonly found in these locales, and setting-specific notes and tips, and the ...

  17. Examples of "Forest" in a Sentence

    The fine park of Tervueren is really part of the forest of Soignies. 2. 0. Generally met with in large droves of from fifty to a hundred, it is of a more pugnacious disposition than the former species, and a hunter who encounters a herd in a forest has often to climb a tree as his only chance of safety. 2.

  18. How to Write a Forest Scene

    Some words to describe a mossy green forest are: a deep green carpet; a sea of deep green plant life; a green habitat; spores engulfing the trees; full of moss; overgrown with moss; and moss-like growth. B. Write about the animals and the life that exist in this Forest. You can even make up your own and/ or it could be humans that live in the ...

  19. Examples of 'FOREST' in a sentence

    Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations. ( 1989) The park is simultaneously an incredible wetland and one of the best examples of tropical dry forest remaining anywhere. Times, Sunday Times. ( 2012) You pass by lakes and through forests, rising to grassy ridges. Times, Sunday Times.

  20. "Forest" in a Sentence (with Audio)

    Examples of how to use the word 'forest' in a sentence. How to connect 'forest' with other words to make correct English sentences.forest (n): a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood, or the trees and plantsthemselvesUse 'forest' in a sentence The forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. You can see many animals in this forest. I got lost in the ...

  21. "Forests are our lifeline". Write five sentences on this topic.

    Forests are excellent, perfect and natural recycling factories. All animals whether it may be herbivores or carnivores or omnivores depend ultimately on plants for food. Forests give oxygen to keep us alive and absorb carbon dioxide and it also helps in maintaining water cycle in nature. Forests save the soil from erosion and help in ...

  22. Describing a Setting: Forest

    This resource focuses on using the 5 senses (see, hear, smell, taste, feel) to describe a story setting. There are a range of templates to allow for use as you please in your classroom. The variety of tasks means this resource can be used effectively from Grade 1 to Grade 3 (and beyond).

  23. Day 44

    For anyone new to this blog, the idea is simple - each day my boys (Joshua - 9 and Archie - 8) choose a stimulus that drives the learning. We hope that you enjoy the blog and can take some inspiration from what we love doing - making learning as engaging as possible!5 Sentence Stories Talk for Writing is rooted in great story telling. When I train teachers, I always begin with the 5 sentence ...