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CV Formats: How to Write a Resume in Different European Countries

You are almost ready to kick off your dream career but first, you need to familiarise yourself with The Dos and Don'ts of Your CV: what works and what doesn't!

Despite some general rules that apply regardless of the country, industry or company, t here are also country-based CV requirements to follow that shouldn’t be ignored. Today, we are presenting you with both general and location-tailored CV insights and tips that will help you shape the perfect CV.

When it comes to writing your CV, appearance is key! A CV that is untidy, disorganised, and too long is extremely off-putting to recruiters and hiring managers. Although your experience may be incredible, the appearance of your CV could be damaging the chances of your CV being read by the recruiter.

To get started with your CV, let's have a look at the common CV Do's and Don'ts... Later on, we   will get into the location-based specifics!

infographics CV do's and don'ts

Dos and Dont's:

The cv dos , keep it concise.

Use keywords and bullet points and only include relevant and valuable information. You don't have a lot of space to sell yourself, so only include relevant information. 

Use The Reverse-Chronological Resume Format

In most of Europe, Recruiters want to see your most recent experience at the top. This helps them to see what you did last and from there they can continue reading your past experiences, qualifications and skills . 

Keep it neat and well-formatted

A neat, well-formatted CV will be a lot more appealing to a recruiter and should hopefully encourage them to continue reading. 

Use a professional font style and size

Use a clear, professional font such as Arial, Tahoma, Century Gothic, Times New Roman, etc. These fonts are easy for the recruiter to read. Stick to a font size of 12. It will make the recruiter's life easier. 

The CV Don'ts

Include too much irrelevant information.

Keep your CV relevant to the job you are applying for, you don't want to bore the recruiter. Only write about what's necessary for them to know about you in order to give you the job. 

Forget to update your contact details

This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make: you may have a WINNING resume, but if the recruiter has no way to contact you - what's the use!

Always make sure to include your current home address, updated phone number, and an email address you check regularly. 

Add too many colours and distractions

Although it is nice to think outside of the box and to make your CV stand out, there is a thin line between adding your own personal touch  through one or two colours and adding too many distractions.

As we have previously mentioned, your CV needs to look neat and well-formatted or the recruiter will discard it.

Make your CV longer than 2 pages

There's absolutely no use waffling on and adding unnecessary text just to make your CV longer. The more concise, the better.

Stick to a 2-page maximum - depending on how experienced you are, sometimes one page is best to keep your experience relevant! 

Country Specific CV Requirements in Europe

Although these rules apply to most if not all European countries , it's important to check what is expected in the country you are in or plan on moving to.

Different countries have different rules and expectations,  and it's important to familiarise yourself with these to increase your chances of employment in your dream destination!  

Spain, Portugal & Greece

CV length? 1-2 pages

Include a photograph of yourself? Yes

Include personal information? (Age/Exact Location)  Yes

We usually assign meticulousness and organisation to the Western EU countries, but recruiters from Spain, Portugal, and Greece also highlight the importance of a well-structured CV. Be as detailed as possible in the headlines, but don't write too much in the job descriptions - you can always elaborate more on that during the interview, so keep it concise in the CV. But the structure is everything!

Germany, Holland & Belgium

Include personal information? (Age/Exact Location) Yes 

Arrange your CV in reverse chronological order with education first, followed by qualifications and then work experience. 

Hungary, Bulgaria & Slovakia

Companies in those Eastern Eurpean countries very often use ATS (Applicant Tracking System). It's software designed to pick out the most relevant CVs based on the presence of specific keywords before a human recruiter even has access to them. Make sure to include keywords relevant to the position you're applying for in your CV. 

United Kingdom

Include a photograph of yourself? No

Include personal information? (Age/Exact Location) No

British recruiters put a strong emphasis on equal treatment of all candidates. That's why they advise against including a photo in your CV. They want to create a workplace free of bias and prejudice, and a picture in their belief might impact someone's judgement. HR Managers are generally not allowed to pick candidates based on their age, gender, or appearance, so they'd rather avoid seeing the face behind the document before the interview. 

Scandinavia:  Norway, Sweden, Finland & Denmark

Arrange your CV in reverse chronological order with the relevant, recent experiences at the top, followed by qualifications and then education. 

If your country isn't on here, don't panic! Have a look at these country-specific examples  to see what is accepted in your destination. 

When you feel as though your CV is ready to send, we highly recommend using a CV review service for a second (expert) opinion. You will receive valuable feedback on the look of your CV, the content and the overall format.

Using a CV review service will give you the added confidence and security you need to kickstart your job search!

Feeling inspired? Visit our blog for more career advice! How can you be sure the information we provide is top-notch? We are a group of professionals working with recruiters, career coaches, and HR specialists from all over the world! 

Trust our experience and let us help you find a new job in Europe !

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What is a Europass CV [Examples, Template & Usage in 2023]

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In This Guide:

What is a europass cv, how to write a europass cv, advantages and disadvantages of a europass cv, writing tips for europass cv, example of a europass cv.

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If you want to apply for a job in any country in Europe, you need to take into account all the differences there are between the US and European application documents.

In the US, what you typically would send out when applying for a job is a resume. In Europe, the document you would send out to potential employers is similar to a resume, but there it is called a CV (which is not the same as the US CV format)

A popular option in Europe is using the Europass CV format.

We are here to help, in this article, we are going to answer some of the most important questions about the Europass CV:

  • What are the advantages of the Europass CV?
  • What are the disadvantages of the Europass CV?

And once we are done, we are going to leave you off with some great writing tips , and an example of a Europass CV to get you going.

So, if you are ready to learn about Europass CV, let’s dive in.

Does your CV pass the ATS checks? Upload & check it now!

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The Europass CV is a popular CV template that is often used Europe. It is the European equivalent of what we call a resume in the US.

It provides an easy way to create a CV that would be recognized all over Europe, and it also lets you create a matching cover letter for your application .

When it comes to layout & design, though, the Europass format can be lacking, since it results in VERY long CVs (resumes). It also defaults to including some unnecessary information and can look quite dated. There is more on the advantages and disadvantage of the Europass format, but let's take a look at a more modern alternative, with the same timeline layout that Europass is known for.

timeline europass.webp

Europass has provided a specialized website that allows you to build your standardized European CV for free, you can check it out right here .

The only thing you need to do before start using their free tool is create a profile, which should consist of your personal information , work experience, education and training, and personal skills .

But all that is not in vain, as that helps you create as many Europass CVs you want by selecting the information you want to include in each document.

To get the best out of your Europass CV, you need to do 5 things:

  • Present your experience clearly – highlight examples of your skills and experiences matching the job you are applying for and pay close attention to the details published in the job offer
  • Tailor your Europass CV – make sure you update the ‘About Me’ section to highlight why you are the best person for the job and focus on facts and main points that match the job you have in mind, rather than listing your full detailed history
  • Make your document readable – make sure your Europass CV is easy to read, use clear and simple language, and strong verbs (e.g., managed, developed, increased)
  • Use reverse chronological order – always list the most recent experience on the top, followed by previous ones. In case of long gaps in working or learning, include an explanation
  • Polish and proofread – check for spelling and grammar mistakes, provide a professional e-mail address, and add a professional photograph of yourself.

Now that you know what a Europass CV is, and how you can write one , let’s look at its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Europass CV

Even though Europass CV is widely criticized, it has some key advantages that we need to take a look at.

First, it is completely free to use, and allows you to create, store and share CVs in 29 different languages . The Europass format also allows you to create a matching cover letter for your application.

Furthermore, the format is recognized internationally among hiring managers, which means that they understand the format, structure, and layout the second they open your CV.

Last but not least, it helps you create your application documents quickly without omitting any important information, like your work experience, volunteer work , academic background, skills, etc.

However, the advantages of the Europass CV are quite limited. Other than the ones specified above, that format can be considered as an advantage only if a candidate has no time or resources to invest in a good CV, or the hiring manager is not interested in the quality or design of the document.

Disadvantages of Europass CV

Now that we know the advantages of Europass CV, let’s take a look at why is it so criticized.

The most common Europass CV disadvantages, described by many sources, are:

  • Outdated CV designs
  • Questionable CV builder interface
  • Bugs on the website

But the biggest deal-breaker for users is usually the design, which has the following issues:

  • Questionable text formatting
  • Gapping white spaces that leave lots of space unused
  • A way too big logo of Europass that takes up a great deal of space
  • Huge spaces between bullet points and text
  • Justified text that spaces words out in a weird way
  • Most of the information is displayed on the left side of the page, which leaves the right one almost completely blank

Using a Europass CV can leave you at a disadvantage from other candidates, as it make your CV less memorable, so you should carefully consider using it.

However, if your potential employer requires you to send out a Europass CV, you should not hesitate to create one.

If you are determined to create your Europass CV, or your potential employer requires you to provide one, you need to get the best out of it.

That’s why you should follow a few simple writing tips to get the best results.

Make your writing compelling

The first thing you need to do with your Europass CV is really grab the hiring manager’s attention with your words.

Make sure you use strong action verbs and vivid adjectives to describe why you are the right person for the job through your qualifications, achievements, and skills.

Don’t forget to scan the job listing for any important keywords . You need to use those to both grab the hiring manager’s attention, and pass through any ATS (Applicant Tracking System) the company may be using for pre-selection.

Avoid clichés

As your design won’t help you get the job, you need to make your words do it for you.

And clichés are definitely something to avoid anywhere in your CV.

You need to make your CV sound original, so make sure you use language that hiring managers haven’t seen a thousand times before.

Be specific

A great way to stand out from the crowd of candidates is showing your qualifications in a detailed manner.

Using facts and hard numbers to quantify your work-related accomplishments makes them stronger and more memorable for the hiring manager.

Consider the CV length

Just like with a US resume, you should limit your Europass CV length to a one-pager .

In this case, it would be a bit more difficult because of all the white space issues, but you can make it work by keeping your text as short as possible.

The best way to go is removing any words that cause your text to go over to a new line with a single word standing on the second line.

By trimming such words, you can effectively eliminate the white-space problem from your Europass CV and show everything you need to in just one page.

You can go for a two-pager if you think it’s better , but you need to make sure you have enough experience and skills for such a long document.

Lastly, there is still one thing you need to do, and you should never forget about it.

What you should be particularly on the lookout for are:

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Inconsistent punctuation
  • Broken website links
  • Incorrect contact information
  • Long or unclear sentences

If you want to be extra careful, you can always ask some family and friends to proofread it for you as well.

And, as promised, we are going to leave you off with an example of a Europass CV to get you going.

resume format europe

We are all done, now you know what a Europass CV is, and all its pros and cons.

If you have decided you need to write your Europass CV, make sure you follow all the important steps in writing one:

  • Present your experience clearly, so that the focus would fall on your most relevant skills and experience
  • Tailor your Europass CV to the job you are applying for, just like you would do with a standard US resume
  • Make sure your document is easy-to-read, and uses clear and simple language, along with strong verbs
  • Use reverse chronological order (your most recent entries come first)
  • Make your writing compelling, so that you would grab the hiring manager’s attention with your words
  • Avoid clichés, as they are widely disliked and the chances of your CV being remembered would sink
  • Be specific and use some examples and hard numbers to quantify your work-related achievements
  • Make sure your Europass CV does not exceed one page (unless you have lots of relevant work experience)
  • Proofread it to eliminate any spelling and grammar errors

Take a look at our example of Europass CV, and create your own for your next job opportunity in Europe.

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How to prepare a European-style resume

Ah, the thrill of the hunt. The job hunt , that is. There’s nothing quite like it, especially when your residency in a foreign country depends on it. High stakes or go home! That’s a motto to live by, amiright?

When I first moved to Germany, I was more or less recruited without so much as a glance at my CV (they needed a computer scientist who knew Latin – it’s safe to say the competition was not stiff) – but the second job search was a bit more…involved. A lot more research, applications, interviews, and even a few rejections. But what’s worse than a rejection? A SILENT rejection (here’s looking at you, Google Paris). Not even getting an interview in the first place is way worse.

A compelling CV the first step in helping your potential employer see themselves hiring a foreign national, with all the extra hoops and paperwork it entails. You have to fight against local candidates with familiar credentials and better networking opportunities – to say it’s an uphill battle would be an understatement.

Here are some tips for brushing up your résumé for an international audience, lessons I learned when applying for jobs in Europe, and what I want to see when I’m looking at applications at my company.

Brushing up your résumé for an international audience

Loosley speaking, a résumé is a single page and a CV is more than one page. In the American sense of the world, a CV contains every tiny detail of your life: every job you’ve had since you were sixteen, every award you won in high school, every time you blew your nose – it’s all in there.

Europeans, however, take a middle ground between the American résumé in all its brevity and the American CV in all its verbosity. The result is a CV that is no more than two pages in length, unless you’re a fancy with papers spilling over onto a third page. This document should detail not only work experience, but all the other qualities you bring to the table. Oh, and a couple of extra personal details .

1. Add your picture

Although it’s not legally required, most employers would like to see a picture of you. This picture should:

  • Go in the top corner of the first page of your CV, and measure about an inch by an inch.
  • Be of professional quality, passport style, in color.
  • No selfies, no party photos to appear “fun”. This is business!*

* - Full disclosure, my CV has a Photobooth selfie and I’ve had plenty of success with it. In retrospect though, it’s a bit embarrassing 😅

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2. Include the languages you speak

Well, if you speak any foreign languages, chances are you’ve been putting it on your résumé for a long time as a badge of honor! But now that you’re moving to another country, it’s good to demonstrate some interest (and better yet, proficiency ) in the local language. Even if you can’t speak it fluently, you can still list your proficiency level using Common European Framework of Reference for Languages .

My languages are listed on my CV like this:

English (native — US Citizen), German (conversational)

Which brings me to the next point…

3. Indicate your country of citizenship

Tell them where you’re from! People are applying for jobs in Europe from all over the world, and just because you studied at an American university doesn’t automatically mean that you’re a US citizen.

Some countries are easier to hire from than others. Disclosing your citizenship is important so the hiring manager knows up front what kind of effort it’ll take to get you there and how soon they have to set the process in motion.

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4. Get your résumé translated

This one heavily depends on the type of work and work environment you are getting yourself into. Most workplaces populated with expats will be English-friendly, and therefore an English-language CV is important.

Chances are that if your résumé needs to be translated, you’re going to have to learn to work in a foreign language. In France, for example, the startup scene is criticized for being very French-focused, making it difficult for them to successfully import foreign talent. Therefore, CVs for French companies should absolutely be in French, and you’re pretty darn likely to find yourself learning French on the job to keep up. Germany, on the other hand, is pretty forgiving if you don’t know German – sure, they might expect you to learn it, but most of the time, international companies and startups are perfectly content with an English CV.

That said, if you do translate your CV, have it proofread by a native speaker . Even if you’re feeling plucky after dominating your introductory French class, nothing looks less professional than obvious typos or grammatical errors on a CV.

5. Use A4 format

We Americans like to do things differently. We like our feet, fahrenheit, and (American) football – and our paper sizes are no exception. Especially if you’re applying somewhere where bureaucracy has a strong foothold, paper format is critical , because your CV is definitely going to end up in a European-sized folder somewhere. Make sure it fits, use an A4 format for your CV.

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6. Go over two pages – if you need it

While more than two pages for an American résumé is an unforgivable sin , the same is not true for a European-style CV. A second page is warranted so long as your first page can hold the readers’ attention long enough to bring them to the second page. Presentations, publications, skills, hobbies, languages spoken, and professional internet presence are all good candidates for getting bumped to page two.

What I look for in an applicant

From time to time, I’m involved in the hiring process for web developers at my company. Our immediate team comprises people from five countries and a huge range of educational and professional backgrounds. Here are the some things that I look for from all applicants on their CVs:

  • Well-proofread, grammatically correct CV in English. – Since English is the business language of the company, being comfortable working in English is critical. Plus, an error-ridden CV is a sure sign of sloppiness.
  • Genuine expression of intent from the candidate. – Hiring international applicants can take a long time, especially if they’re not from the EU, and even more especially if they’re from a tricker country like Russia or Egypt. There’s no use expending the extra effort if the applicant isn’t going to commit.
  • What is their current living situation, and what will it take to get them here. – Do they have a work permit? Are they in Europe? When can they relocate?

These things tell me that an applicant is serious off the bat, and worth the time to evaluate their skills and work history. Communicating that you are not only qualified for the job but prepared to start in a reasonable time frame is very appealing!

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With all of that said – don’t stress about it!

Having the perfect, European format résumé might be important for fancy financial jobs at Umbrella Corp, but most places won’t expect a foreigner to format their CV perfectly like a local. Focus instead on compelling content and organizing the information clearly, and you’ve got a better shot of getting the attention of someone who spends way too much time poring over résumés.

Additional resources

  • Dutch First Impressions: Cover Letters and CVs in the Netherlands
  • American Resume vs. European CV
  • Ten tips for writing the perfect French CV
  • How to write a German Lebenslauf

What’s your experience applying for work overseas?

How did you have to adapt your CV for an international audience? Were there any weird things your employer wanted to know before putting pen to paper? Share it in the comments!

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About the author

Hi there! I'm Monica, an American expat living in Germany for over six years and using every opportunity to explore the world from my homebase in Berlin. My goal is to capture my memories in photos and posts that show how easy it is to start from scratch and travel the world by working abroad.

Follow along on Instagram , Twitter , Bloglovin , & Facebook .

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American Résumé VS European CV: 5 Key Differences to Know

On face value, CVs and resumes might sound like different names for the same document, but there are several key differences. American resumes and European CVs are very different in terms of their layout and purpose.

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This article discusses five key differences between CVs and resumes and differing attitudes towards them in Europe and the US.

CVs VS Résumés: What’s in a name?

CVs and resumes are similar, but not exactly the same. The term CV, which stands for the Latin Curriculum Vitae or ‘course of my life’ in English, is more widely-used in the UK, but is also used interchangeably with ‘résumé’ in Europe.

In the US, CVs are used, but only required for applications to educational or government roles. Resumes are used to apply for everything else.

CVs tend to be longer than resumes. They include more sections, such as a full educational history, volunteering details, and supplementary information such as hobbies or interests.

Common consensus suggests that the ideal length of a European CV is between two to three appropriately sized and spaced A4 pages.

An American résumé is a little more abridged. Whereas a CV might include information not directly connected to professional achievements (such as early academic history or volunteering), a résumé is only focused on information related to your professional life.

three chairs and a man sitting on the first chair with some papers on his hand

This will be limited to relevant work history, recent education or your most senior qualification, and skills or attainment directly connected to your career path. An American résumé is also a little shorter, ranging from one side of A4 for someone in the early stages of their career to two pages for someone a little more experienced.

Differences in American resumes and European CVs

A key place to begin in discussing the difference between European and US resumes is considering attitudes towards these documents.

In Europe, a CV or résumé is considered a detailed, thorough document supporting a wider suite of application information. It is commonly submitted with a cover letter and sometimes a portfolio including internship or practical training information.

In the US, a résumé is shorter and more like a succinct summary of the most relevant information for a particular job application. Therefore, it is common for American applicants to have a few different versions of a résumé , whereas European candidates might have only one document used for multiple job applications.

There are some similarities and differences in layout between American resumes and European CVs. The next section explores these differences.

  • In Europe, a professional in the creative industry might include a detailed CV showcasing a comprehensive list of all projects, exhibitions, and publications, adhering to the European preference for thoroughness.
  • Conversely, in the U.S., a tech professional would likely submit a concise, 1-page resume emphasizing specific achievements and skills relevant to the job applied for, reflecting the American emphasis on brevity and relevance.

Personal information and photographs

In Europe, personal information shared on a CV varies a little from country to country.  

Some personal information is commonly found on a CV, but the advice from employers is to usually limit it to nationality or the right to work in a specific country. No other information is requested.

Adding a photo onto a European CV is commonplace and often encouraged, as long as the photo is professionally taken, and head-and-shoulders only.

In the US, hiring managers and candidates must be a little more careful with personal information on a résumé as anything that can allude to discriminating factors such as gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, or race can—and does—result in lawsuits. Photos on a résumé are generally seen to take up space and are therefore avoided.

A laptopa on a table with a résumé on top and a black coffee on the right

Personal statement

In Europe, a personal statement added at the top of the CV is an expectation, and must be written carefully and professionally , supplementing the cover letter (also a common and expected part of any European job application). This personal statement is a paragraph long and is typically written in the third person.

In the US, personal statements are commonly left off resumes, unless the reason for a career move (such as a change in industry or specialism) needs a little more explanation. Even in these cases, personal statements are a little briefer and will only be a short paragraph of two to three lines.

Work experience

In the EU, there is more space on a CV to elaborate on work experience. Candidates can write about each experience in more detail, covering job duties, achievements, and tying this into their general profile. Professional training, internships, and volunteering opportunities will also be included.

Many people keep their whole life’s working experience on their CV, although it is more common these days to cut off earlier work experience to keep the document within three pages.

In the US, a traditional résumé will only focus on what is most relevant. Therefore, the work experience section is a lot more abridged. It is commonplace for candidates to concentrate their resumes on work experience directly related to the job they are applying for.

This work experience is typically written out in only a few short bullet points, or a few lines of text for each role. Less relevant experience or early-years’ experience is left off the résumé completely.

Education and skills

In Europe, the education section of a CV is quite important, so you are expected to include all education from secondary school onwards, including grades (or grade summaries) and the details of the educational institution attended.

Training courses or non-academic qualifications are added if they are work-related.

The brief nature of US resumes means that education is kept to what is relevant for the role being applied for. High school qualifications are only included if the candidate hasn’t studied for any subsequent qualifications. Typically, only the most advanced qualification(s) is added onto a résumé.

Any non-work-related qualifications are usually left off an American résumé, unless there is a relevant reason to include them.

In the EU, skills and interests section is a common part of CV and therefore can be quite long. Skills are split into sections, such as technical skills, languages, and software or IT. Interests are considered to add an element of personality to a CV and are added at the end of the document.

In the US, skills and interests are still included and expected, but these sections are kept a little shorter. Interests are welcomed, but the approach is to make them somewhat relevant to professional experience or leave them off entirely.

a men on the left with a laptop and a curriculum vitae screen and a woman on the right writing on a paper

In both Europe and the US, references are now being omitted from CVs and resumes due to space constraints and various data protection guidelines requiring that permission is sought from both the candidate and referee before the reference is followed up.

Along with references, the line ‘references available on request’ is also omitted. It’s generally expected that you would enter a recruitment process with the references prepared, in case you are asked for them.

We have discussed the key differences in American resumes and European CV. To maximize your chances for application success, it helps to ensure that your application paperwork is aligned to the region where you are applying for the job.

It is also useful to research your industry sector, and in Europe, the individual country where the job is located, as there might be other practical considerations you need to take into account when writing a CV or résumé.

Whether you have a CV or a résumé, it helps to tailor job applications to where you are applying for. LoopCV can automate this process. LoopCV allows you to upload your CV and create your profile, then specify which job title(s) and other job search criteria you are looking for.

LoopCV homepage

LoopCV will then apply for suitable roles on your behalf. This is a great way to streamline the application process, whether you’re applying for roles in Europe, the US, or beyond.

There are several differences between American résumés and European CVs. These differences include their purpose, the length, and the contents of the documents.

Originally published Nov 15 2021

Automate your job search with LoopCV

Frequently Asked Questions

1. does europe use cv or résumé.

Europe uses both CVs and resumes, although CVs are more popular as they include more information, which many European recruiters are looking for.

2. Which is more popular amongst Americans: résumé or CV?

In America, the term ‘résumé’ is much more widely used. CVs are only referred to when people apply for jobs in the education or government sectors.

3. What is the main difference between CV and résumé?

Resumes are shorter and more to the point than CVs. They are often tailored to one specific job and will largely include details pertaining to that job. CVs are longer and more comprehensive, offering recruiters a detailed insight into someone’s overall career.

4. What should a European CV include?

European CVs should include clear sections for personal statement, work history, education, and skills and interests. The document should be kept to three sides of A4 and illustrate someone’s career and educational progression in chronological order.

  • American Resume
  • European CV

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George Avgenakis

CEO @ Loopcv

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The new Europass CV and cover letter online tool

Europass has a new CV and Cover letter tool, offering new templates in 29 languages, for free.

Take the next step!

How to create new CVs or cover letters with the new Europass?

With a few clicks, you use the skills, qualifications and work experiences stored in your Europass profile to create different versions of CVs and cover letters.

You don’t need to have a Europass profile to generate CVs and cover letters with the new platform.

However, a Europass profile allows you to

  • store your Europass CVs and cover letters in your personal library;
  • import them in the new editor and update them according to your needs.

You can also share your profile, for example with an employer.

The new online Europass tool will help you communicate your skills and qualifications effectively when looking for a job or training in Europe.

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A machine learning engineer shares the résumé template that got him his first job and his senior role at Google

  • Sahil Dua taught himself the basics of software engineering while at university.
  • Dua shares the résumé that helped him land his first job, a software development role in Amsterdam.
  • He also emphasizes the importance of gaining visibility both in-person and online.

Insider Today

Sahil Dua's journey into software and computer science began with a robotics competition.

In his first year of college in Delhi, where he studied electronics engineering, he started building some robots with friends. He soon realized he was more passionate about software than hardware, which led him to learn outside the classroom.

"Everything I learned in computer science is actually what I learned in my own time on top of studying for my electronics degree as well," he told Business Insider.

Over the next three years of university, Dua taught himself coding and learned about different operating systems and networks. He applied those lessons at several tech internships and by cofounding a startup.

While students in India often seek job placements through their university, Dua proactively applied to jobs on his own as well, including opportunities overseas.

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This is the résumé he used to land a software development graduate program role at in Amsterdam right after college. Later, he used an updated version of that résumé — with the same template — for a software engineering role at Google, where he's worked for more than four years.

Dua is currently a senior machine learning engineer at Google's Zurich office.

BI has verified his employment history.

Looking back on the document, Dua said two things on his résumé helped in his job search. He would also change two things if he were a junior developer now.

Emphasize projects: Dedicating a section to projects and listing them out helped give interviewers starting points for discussion before he had a lot of job experience, he said. "Those projects would make me stand out because they demonstrated that I had practical experience, even when I was looking for a job straight out of university." Dua said he applies the same principle to his LinkedIn profile, where he lists 26 projects.

Use unique formats: Dua wanted a template to solve two purposes. First, he found that a single-column résumé would not give him enough space to list everything. "The second reason was that I wanted my résumé to stand out" but also not be so "extreme that it seems weird to look at," he said about his two-column template. He found this template on GitHub .

While he would make a couple of tweaks, such as removing links to his personal Twitter account and decreasing emphasis on education, there are two other ways he would enhance his profile now.

Build a personal brand: Dua said that he would revamp the "achievements" section of his résumé to include projects such as giving talks at technical conferences. Speaking at events like Python-focused conference PyCon gave him visibility within the industry, even in the early years of his career, and led to the opportunity to write a book.

Make yourself searchable online : Dua adds links to his online profiles on his résumé and takes steps to build more online visibility. "Anytime I'm doing any courses online, I make sure that I post it on LinkedIn as a certificate," he said about learning new skills like machine learning. This ensures that "my profile is getting clicks or it's getting up there when people are searching for those fields." On LinkedIn, he uses his current job section to add more about his role and achievements than his one-page résumé allows.

Career experts recommend Dua's approach to enhancing LinkedIn profiles to be more search-friendly.

Recruiters actively seek candidates using keywords, said Nick Shah, founder of Peterson Technology Partners, a 26-year-old tech staffing agency based in Park Ridge, Illinois.

"Job seekers should research the keywords that are relevant to their industry and incorporate them into their profile to increase their chances of appearing in search results and catching the attention of recruiters," Shah previously told BI .

Shah said job seekers should clearly define their roles in LinkedIn's work experience section and provide examples and achievements, much like what Dua does on his profile.

Do you work in tech, finance, or consulting and have a story to share about your personal résumé journey? Email this reporter at [email protected] .

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