The Craft Train

Crafty ideas for kids and parents

Roll A Story Creative Writing Dice

August 12, 2023 By Kate Leave a Comment This post may contain affiliate links. I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post at no cost to you.

This set of roll a story creative writing dice have been designed as a fun writing prompt for kids. Simply fold and glue the 3D paper cubes together and use them to kick-start imaginative writing ideas!

* This educational craft was first published in 2020 and has been updated and reshared for today’s audience

Get the printable template here

Roll a story creative writing dice printable for kids

Creative writing is fun! Sometimes though, getting started on a story is the hard part. Kids just don’t know what to write about and having a creative prompt can help take the “idea” pressure off.

I designed this printable set of creative writing dice to get my 10 and 11 year old girls feeling a bit more enthusiastic about writing while they were stuck at home in lockdown. They add an extra element of fun to narrative writing.

You can also use the dice to play a quick-thinking creative writing game which we had a lot of fun with.

Folding and gluing the dice together is easy and self explanatory. It’s a good idea to use card stock for sturdiness but you can make them from ordinary paper too.

roll a story dice template

How to use Roll A Story dice

Roll a place: Roll the place dice to set the scene of your story. Of course, the story only has to include this place somewhere in it, it doesn’t need to be the only place.

Roll a character: Roll the character dice and include the character within the story. They don’t need to be the main character, just in there somewhere.

Roll a sense: Something that you smell, hear of feel is always good to include in a story. Roll one of the senses and weave that into the creative writing somehow.

creative writing dice and paper

The printable also includes a blank set of creative writing dice. You can have kids come up with their own prompts, or create a set based on a theme you are studying like Space exploration, a particular period in history or a season.

creative writing dice game

Also included is some optional writing paper with spaces to draw a picture so kids can illustrate their stories.

How to play pass the story creative writing game

1. Get into groups of two or three and set a timer for five minutes.

2. Each player rolls a scene , and begins a story including that scene in their opening paragraph. Write in the first person and include as much as you can in five minutes. When the timer is up pass the story you have begun writing to another player in your team, and take the story which has been started by someone else. Take the time to read what they have written so far.

3. Each player rolls a character . Continue the story from where the last person left off, weaving the character you have rolled into the story somehow. Write as much as you can in five minutes and then pass the story again. If you are playing with two people, go back to your original story and if you’re playing with three take on the last story in your group.

4. Each player rolls a sense . Continue the story from where the last person left off, this time you must include the sense you have rolled in your writing. Write as much as you can in five minutes.

Note: It’s not necessary to conclude the stories. This is more of a fun, creative exercise to think quickly and get writing. However, if you wanted to conclude the stories you could pass the story back to the original player who began the story and they can come up with a conclusion.

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Kate Grono

I’m basically a big kid who never grew up and still loves to muck around with paint, glitter, glue and toilet rolls. With the crafts shared here on this website I’m hoping to give other parents and carers inspiration to get crafty with their kids at home – make our projects, or use them as a source of inspiration to spark ideas of your own. When it comes to crafting no rules apply!


creative writing dice game

Experiments in Creativity with Dave Birss - Author, Educator, Public Speaker, Experimenter

Story Dice – your handy story idea generator

Now the classic story ideas generator is available for free in your browser. In this version there’s over 50 options for each dice – with more options being added as I get around to drawing them. 

As well as being a fun diversion for parents and kids, this is also a handy tool for writers looking for inspiration to create their own story ideas. As a creative exercise, it’s a brilliant way of giving your imagination a workout. And because your imagination is where your ideas come from, that’s a great mental muscle to flex. The more practice you put into turning the prompts into stories, the better you will get at storytelling and articulating your own ideas. 

The tool below is fully functional but if you want a stand-alone version, just click on the button at the bottom of the page. (It may look a bit crushed on a smartphone screen. If that’s the case, scroll down and click that button when you’re ready.)

Are you sitting comfortably? Let’s begin…

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How to use story dice.

As you can see above, you get five story dice (or nine dice , if you prefer), each with a random image on it. Your job is quite simply to turn these prompts into a story.

I recommend you try to work with the order they appear on the screen but if you’re finding it tough, you can do some swapsies.

You also don’t need to take the image literally. You can use the dice metaphorically or as representations of other concepts . For example, a slice of pizza could represent food in general, cutting a slice out of something, Italy, gooiness, a chef and a heap of other more obscure things. The job of the dice is not necessarily to provide you with literal objects to work with but concepts to nudge your thinking in fresh directions.

You may just want to dive in as soon as you see them, working from left to right as you try to incorporate each image into your yarn. Or you may want to be more strategic and work out the ending first, using the dice to work out how you’re going to get to your big climax. Try different strategies to see what works best for you.

But let me give you an example. Imagine I was dealt these dice (I don’t need to imagine because I just have been):

creative writing dice game

When to use this story idea generator

  • As a regular creative exercise to develop your storytelling abilities 
  • As a warm-up creative exercise in a group idea-generation session
  • As a game to entertain children and help them develop their imaginations
  • As a creative prompt to inspire your writing
  • As a tool to build proficiency in a foreign language
  • As a drinking game in a caravan by the sea on a wet Sunday evening during a powercut

More help with creative ideas 

Check out my book, How To Get To Great Ideas , which has lots more advice, tools and techniques.

You can also find a bunch of other tools I’ve created to help develop your creative abilities and push your thinking in new directions. I keep adding to them whenever I find the time to do a bit of coding, so it’s probably best to keep an eye on my newsletter to see when I release new things.

Join my FREE Creative Bootcamp course

Whatever stage you are at in your creative journey, this course s designed to improve your ability to have knock-out ideas and increase the chances of the ideas actually happening.

The course consists of five short videos, each of which gives you an exercise to do.

If you’re not completely happy with it, I’ll give you a full refund!

Meeple Mountain

Rolling and Writing: The Definitive Guide to Storytelling Dice

When I grow up I want to… be an author.

As a child I wrote story after story, taking inspiration from the smallest things and imagining a hardback future. But as an adult, I’m a realist: the statistical chances of writing success are far more potent than my dreams. I have a family that I love. I have a job that I enjoy. I have responsibilities .

I still write though, not for a career but because putting one word next to another carries with it the same pleasure and satisfaction as a well-placed Carcassonne tile or rolling more than six brains on a turn in a game of Zombie Dice .

Which brings me to the subject of dice. The great totemic randomisers. Cuboidal conveyors of chance. Stake-selecting six-siders. And other writerly wrubbish.

creative writing dice game

Dice feature in some of the most thematic tabletop experiences around, including the majority of roleplaying games where dice separate benign Game Mastering from complete authorial dictatorship. Dice oxygenate games with an unpredictable element of chance; a single roll can bring a game to life, a shot of electricity delivered to the narrative’s neck-bolts. To briefly explore a single franchise: the Empire and Rebels are dice-iples to the dice-side in Imperial Assault, Star Wars: X-Wing/Armada, Star Wars: Destiny , Star Wars: Rebellion , and even Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game . Star Wars loves dice.

Yet dice can also be used to create stories.

Such dice have pictures or words that act as inspirational springboards. You can use them to play games, cultivate children’s creativity, as aids in the classroom, or even to develop your writing skills (check out this inspired list of uses ).

creative writing dice game

These types of dice stimulate the imagination. So, you’ve rolled a cow, some string and a globe? Maybe your children will invent a story about how Super-Cow tows the earth to safety. Perhaps you’ll write about how you celebrated Earth Day with a sumptuous roast beef dinner. My toddler might simply try drawing a round smiling cow-face with four legs and no body. This sort of cognitive flexibility is crucial for children’s development and for creative writing.

There are a number of different types of storytelling dice available; have a look below to see what works best for you.

Free-Form Picture Dice

What are they – Dice with different images on each side.

How do you use them – Roll them all and use the prompted ideas wherever feels right. Roll one at a time and add each new image to an ongoing story. Or a mix of these approaches.

Example – Rory’s Story Cubes . What started off as a neat orange box of nine dice has expanded into an empire with nine sets of nine dice, a dozen or so themed three dice sets, several licenced dice sets (yes, of course there’s a Star Wars set) and even a board game (Untold). All told there are twenty-nine different sets, seven compilations, a giant version plus the board game at the time of writing. It’s best to start with the original set and then you can mix and match from there. The dice are tactile with a silky finish, whilst the images manage to balance being specific enough to prompt ideas but broad enough to allow for multiple interpretations – it’s definitely an apple but there’s nothing in the image to suggest what you do with it.

creative writing dice game

Example – Magma For Laurence King Dice Sets contain nine large wooden dice with beautiful illustrations by Hannah Waldron. Each set has a specific theme (Fairy Tales, Pirates, Ghosts and Space) and contains a special die that adds a theme-related superpower when a specific symbol is rolled. It’s a great narrative jolt discovering that the hero can breathe underwater or has binocular vision (examples from the pirate set). The images are not as crystal clear as Rory’s Story Cubes , but they’re more evocative and for roughly the same price you’re getting a themed set of dice rather than having to purchase add-ons.

Free-form picture dice are the most common form of storytelling dice on the market so I’ve only highlighted two that seem especially noteworthy. Most sets contain nine dice, although the Imagidice! set contains twelve (and predates pretty much all other story-telling picture dice). There’s also nothing stopping you from mixing multiple brands together.

Pros – Free-form picture dice are the most popular for a reason – each image can be used and interpreted however you want: the horse could be a mode of transport, the hero or even dinner. For anyone using them as a writing exercise there’s a world of possibilities and little to hold you back.

Cons – That openness and flexibility can be a little overwhelming: nine images staring up at you doesn’t automatically prompt an easy way to tell a story around them. Younger users in particular may need an adult to assist them when getting started.

Structured Picture Dice

What are they – Sets with dice representing particular story elements: one die might have different hero-types, another die might be for the location, etc.

How do you use them – Structured dice give you the bones of a story from a single roll and ask you to fill in the blanks. Maybe the story is set in a laboratory, your protagonist is a detective and there’s a telephone that plays an integral part – from these central elements the story is yours to tell.

creative writing dice game

Example – Story Time Dice are sets of seven polyhedral dice corresponding to different story elements. The themed sets are especially fun – a shimmery fairy tale set and a glow-in-the-dark spooky story set. The polyhedral shapes increase the number of options for each story element – there’s only one items die but it has twenty sides providing plenty of options. The dice are chunky, interesting and immediately engaging, although some of the images can be hard to interpret without the instructions.

creative writing dice game

Example – Junior Learning Roll-A-Story Dice contains ten six-sided dice, each with its own story element, such as people, actions, objects, and feelings, along with a bag to hold them all. The dice are colour-coded and the illustrations are similar to those on Rory’s Story Cubes – very clear and easy to interpret. They aren’t as instantly attention-grabbing as the Story Time Dice but, in the UK at least, they’re much easier to get hold of.

Pros – It can be hard to pull a coherent plot from a bunch of jumbled images so Structured Picture Dice are great for younger children or those who want a few elements pre-formed. They provide just enough of a framework to reassure you, whilst letting you build whatever tale you like around it – after all, the detective you rolled doesn’t have to answer that telephone.

Cons – The structure may be restrictive if your primary use for the dice is as a writing tool or you’re using them with older kids (although there’s nothing forcing you to use the images as their designated story elements). You can also achieve a similar effect by pre-assigning story elements to individual Free-Form Picture Dice.

Word-Prompt Dice

What are they – Dice where the sides have words on them instead of pictures. They could be components of a story or even a starting phrase.

How do you use them – Similar to the Picture Dice, roll one or more dice and use the words to inspire your creativity.

Example – Learning Resources Writing Prompt Cubes are a set of six foam dice with a total of thirty-six opening lines, such as “I opened the door and there was…” and “When I grow I want to…”* They provide a concrete starting point and then leave the rest entirely up to you.

creative writing dice game

Example – Like the Structured Picture Dice, Learning Resources Story Starter Word Cubes are a set of six foam dice that by themselves create skeleton stories like “woman wins a contest at the zoo” or “doctor finds a dog in the desert”. In total there are twelve options for each of the three story elements: two characters dice, two settings dice, and two situations dice.

Both sets of the Learning Resources dice are chunky, colourful and, being made of foam, quiet. The writing is clear and easy to read but they fall into quite a narrow age range – between children old enough to read but young enough to not find them too simplistic.

Pros – Pictures provide a lot of freedom for interpretation but they can be overwhelming for children (and adults if they aren’t in the right mood). Word-Prompt Dice give the user something definite to latch on to without stifling creativity around those anchor points. The Writing Prompt Cubes are especially good as they give the user a starting structure but don’t influence where it then goes, great for getting children to practice their writing and imaginative thinking.

Cons – The reliance on words and not pictures means that younger children may struggle and parents explaining what the dice say will have to work harder to maintain interest. The dice are also language dependent and whilst there’s plenty of scope for interpretation, words often have a limited set of definitions meaning that if the dice says “doctor” there’s only so much you can do with it.

*Bonus points if you spotted that I opened the article with this line.

Poetry Dice

What are they – Dice with words or images specifically designed to inspire poetry.

How do you use them – Roll the dice and start rhyming (or not!).

Example – Haikubes come in a solid brick of sixty-three dice and are designed to be used to create haiku: micro-poems consisting of three lines that are five, seven and five syllables long ( that’s a simplistic take on haiku ). The words have been chosen to produce atmospheric poems where interpretation and imagery are everything. In addition to the word dice there are two suggestion dice that provide a subject and a mood to inspire your haiku. The dice themselves are heavy cream cubes that lend a satisfying substance to your creations.

creative writing dice game

Pros – Poetry tends to convey more information and emotions than its reduced word-count suggests, prompting the reader’s imagination to fill in the gaps and interpret the meanings. The process of creating a cohesive narrative from a handful of dice involves a similar process – reading a lot from comparatively little – and this mirrored process of creative interpretation can help the writer to create evocative poems, whether using the dice directly or as starting points.

Cons – Haikubes are, admittedly, the only poetry-specific dice that I know of and staring at a collection of up to sixty-one words trying to write a poem of set syllables can be an incredibly daunting process. There’s also nothing stopping you from writing poetry using any of the other dice types.

Virtual Dice

What are they – App-based alternatives to Free-Form Picture Dice.

How do you use them – Tap the screen or shake the device to ‘roll’ the dice. Once ‘rolled’ you can move individual dice on the screen about to organise them how you wish.

Example – Rory’s Story Cubes has an inexpensive app version that provides the original nine dice starter set and the three dice Clues booster set. Prices aren’t too dear to purchase additional nine and three dice sets to add them to the mix. A nice feature is that you can press and hold an individual die to ‘re-roll’ it, letting you change a single image if it isn’t working with your story.

Example – The Story Dice app is a free-to-use alternative with the ability to ‘roll’ up to ten dice at a time, from the categories General, Kids, Mystery and Star Wars (honestly, Star Wars loves dice). It’s fun to shake your device to ‘roll’ the dice, although dice frequently get stuck on top of one another at cocked angles so you’ll have to individually move them apart or ‘roll’ again. But with ten dice and four categories to select from this is an excellent free-to-use app.

creative writing dice game

Pros – App equivalents are generally much cheaper and often provide a greater range of available images from the start. They also don’t take up any physical storage space, making them especially good for travelling.

Cons – The tactile element is largely absent since part of the fun comes from physically handling the dice (although shaking a device and dragging dice around a screen does have a degree of tactility to it). There are generally fewer options for how you use them: all nine dice will be virtually rolled at the same time so you can’t build a story bit by bit. Currently Free-Form Picture Dice are the only options on the market. Finally, working from a screen might present the temptation of using the tablet/phone for other purposes; physical dice give you something to focus on away from other distractions.

Story Sheets

What are they – Regular dice and a sheet of paper with a grid drawn on it, the columns numbered one to six and the rows labelled with story structural elements such as setting and character. Each cell within the grid then has a word or a picture in it.

How do you use them – Roll the dice for each story element and look up your results in the table.

Example – Below is a quick example of a Story Sheet that I’ve made. You’d roll a die six times (or six dice once) to get each element of the story.

creative writing dice game

Anyone familiar with role-playing games may find this format familiar: Story Sheets are very similar to results tables you might encounter in a traditional RPG, or one of the many prompt tables found in journaling RPGs for solo play .

Pros – Story Sheets are common classroom teaching aids so Meeple Mountain’s resident elementary school teacher, Ashley Gariepy , has kindly offered to provide some of her expert insight:

Mme Ashley: Story Sheets are a super popular tool for Language Arts/Writing because, in comparison to the other types of dice mentioned, they are inexpensive, can easily accommodate large groups (so that each student has their own sheet), and can be a little easier for teachers (who aren’t gamers) to implement into their teaching. They also encourage creative writing in a fun way: kiddos love getting to roll dice during instructional time and these sheets help students struggling to get their creative juices flowing.

As Ashley says, Story Sheets are inexpensive and can be an incredibly flexible option for those on a budget. A quick search online will produce plenty of Story Sheet variants for you to try, most are free but you can also pay for more professional looking ones. There’s no need to pay for sets of custom dice, you probably have some dice and paper already. Unlike the other options, Story Sheets are only limited by your imagination:

– Give them a theme if you’re playing with a child who has a favourite topic.

– Challenge yourself with words or ideas that you wouldn’t normally write about.

– Dice with more than six sides can be used with larger grids for more options.

– When playing with other people, design custom grids for each other (thanks to David McMillan for this idea).

Cons – Story Sheets ask that bit more from you: you need to find or create the sheets and then once you’ve rolled your dice it’s hard to keep just the result in your mind when there’s a whole grid of possibilities right there in front of you (although who says you’re restricted to what you rolled – if something else inspires you or your child then don’t let the dice hold you back!). Also, regular numbered dice are not as exciting as picture or word dice and it can be harder to keep younger minds interested – the physicality of custom picture/word dice means that the ideas you come up with are grounded in something real.

And they all lived…

So there we have it, six different ways of using dice to tell stories: from custom picture dice to regular number dice and a word grid. Have you seen any other types out there? Let us know in the comments!

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  • Star Wars: Imperial Assault
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  • Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
  • Story Time Dice
  • Story Time Dice: Fairy Tales
  • Zombie Dice

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About the author

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Andrew Holmes

Andrew Holmes is a husband, father, scientist, poet and, of course, gamer who lives in Wales, works in England and owns a Scottish rugby shirt. He has never passed up a challenge to play Carcassonne.

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Elements of a Story

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  • Great design
  • Perfect for classroom use
  • Collaborative

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Elements of a Story: A Creative Writing Dice Game (Printable Version)

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Walking by the Way

the road to inspired learning

Engaging Creative Writing Lessons for Your Students

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I often hear students protest, “But I’m not creative.” And moms look at me with a shoulder shrug and a mirror claim, “I’m not creative either.”

I don’t buy in.

We have been gifted with a creativity muscle. It’s just that it doesn’t work properly if it hasn’t been exercised.

As I design creative writing lessons , my goal is to provide you with engaging, hands-on activities–creative writing exercises to keep your students smiling, laughing, and moving that yellow pencil (or purple marker!) across the page.

creative writing dice game

The Importance of Creative Writing

Why should you care about creative writing? Because creative writers are creative thinkers.

Creative thinkers are resourceful problem-solvers. They aren’t afraid to try new things as their curiosity leads them to experiment. Creative thinkers gain emotional intelligence as they explore their own thoughts and feelings, the thoughts and feelings of others, and the big, big world around them.

Creative writing doesn’t have to be hard, scary, or dreadful. I promise. I’m here to help you deliver interesting, enjoyable lessons to your students.

Browse the lessons below to find the just-right creative writing activity for your students.

Creative Writing Lessons and Activities for Early Elementary

Character Sketch: My Pet Dragon Even young students can write a character sketch with this guided writing activity. Students fill out the pet dragon form and then write a short sketch using the information on the form.

Christmas Story Writing Prompts Flip, flap, and mix until you find a setting, characters, and conflict you want to use for your short story.

creative writing dice game

Circus Writing Prompt Cards This set of writing prompt cards is great for kids who need help generating ideas. The prompts are questions. As the students answer the questions, they will have ample ideas for writing a circus themed story.

Creative Writing Activities for Kids This group of activities from other bloggers will provide you with lots of new ideas for your students.

Creative Writing Dice Game You can partner with your student for this fun dice game; it is the perfect remedy for students who balk at pushing their pencils.

creative writing dice game

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Dialogue Lesson Plan for Young Writers Introduce the importance of dialogue with This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen. This lesson also includes a hands-on dice writing game that helps students write their own dialogue examples.

Dinosaur Creative Writing Prompts This set of writing prompts will help your student write a paragraph or journal entry about dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Writing Prompt Cards This set of writing prompt cards will motivate your student to write a dinosaur themed short story. The cards are structured in a way to help your student generate gobs of ideas for a short story.

Fairy Tale Writing Prompts Inspire your student to write with fairy tale settings, objects, and characters.

Halloween Story Writing Prompts Write spooky stories with this set of flip, mix, and match strips. Students are given various options for settings, characters, and conflicts.

creative writing dice game

Hot Air Balloon Writing Prompt Cards If your student complains about not knowing what to write about, try this set of adventure themed writing prompt cards. You can easily guide your student through the writing process with these prompts.

Imaginary Animals Writing Activity Even young students in kindergarten and first grade can enjoy a creative writing lesson. Your students will love creating crazy animals with playdough and using the writing form to compose simple paragraphs.

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Mad Science: Adjectives Writing Lab First, students will imagine wonderful and strange things hissing and fizzing in a mad scientist’s lab. Next, students will name and write a description for each item. Finally, students will use their descriptions to write paragraphs about the mad scientist’s lab.

Monster Creative Writing Prompt Cards Boost your student’s imagination with these monster creative writing prompts. You can use these for paragraph writing or journal entries; some of the prompts might even lead to short stories.

Mystery Writing Prompts Do you have a super sleuth? Let your detective try writing some mystery stories using these prompts.

creative writing dice game

Nurture Creative Thinking with Wordless Books The precursor to creative writing is creative thinking. This activity, designed to build your student’s creative thinking skills, is based on Aaron Becker’s wordless books, Journey and Quest .

Pet Picture Writing Prompts I love using pictures for prompts! Grab this set of free pet pictures and use some of the ideas in the post to get your students writing about pets.

Pirate Writing Prompts It’s a pirate’s life with these fun prompts. Print and cut out the cards. Laminate and put them on a ring and let your student pick one and write.

Teach Parts of a Story with a Picture Book Use Help! We Need a Title!  by Herve Tullet to teach your student about author, title, characters, setting, conflict, and resolution.

Super Hero Writing Prompts Save the day with these fun prompts for your students.

Thanksgiving Dice Writing Activity Your students will laugh out loud as they create silly sentences about Thanksgiving.

Use a Picture Book Teach the Story Element of Conflict The Pencil  by Allan Ahlberg is a fantastic base for teaching how to add conflict and resolution to a short story. Use the lesson and game to teach it to your students.

creative writing dice game

Writing Activity for Sam and Dave Dig a Hole: Make a List Use the book Sam and Dave Dig a Hole to inspire your student to create a fun (and funny!) list.

Write Backstories for Fairy Tale Characters Have you ever wondered what Rapunzel was doing before she got trapped in that tower? Or what about Goldilocks? What was she doing before she invaded the Three Bears’ house? Explore all kinds of writing possibilities with this fun creative writing lesson.

You can also find an assortment of creative writing lessons and activities for elementary students in the Tip-Top Printables Shop .

Creative Writing Lessons and Activities for Upper Elementary

Pictures to Inspire Creative Writing If you are looking for an easy way to boost interest in creative writing, try this simple activity.

Pourquoi Tales Writing Lesson Why does the leopard have spots? How did the bear lose its tail? Let your students build their creative thinking skills while composing pourquoi tales with this lesson plan.

Creative Writing Lessons for a Homeschool Co-op

I taught this series of posts for a local homeschool co-op, but you can use them however you want.

creative writing dice game

Creative Writing Lesson One: Cliché and Metaphor Students learn the importance of words with this lesson–including how to avoid clichés and what makes a great metaphor.

Creative Writing Lesson Two: Sensory Details Students consider how a reader experiences the world through writing and how sensory details are a key part of that experience.

Creative Writing Lesson Three: Showing vs. Telling Students learn how to recognize authors who utilize showing, and students will be able to articulate the difference between showing and telling.

Creative Writing Lesson Four: Capturing Images Image is essential. Students learn why images are necessary and how to capture their own.

Creative Writing Lesson Five: Character and Conflict Introduce character and conflict and why these story elements are vital for short story writers.

Creative Writing Lesson Six: Point of View Students learn about point of view and then enjoy reading poems and using pictures to write descriptions from different points of view (and perspectives).

Creative Writing Lesson Seven: Fractured Fairy Tales As we work to put together everything we’ve learned in the previous lessons, students begin composing their own fractured fairy tales.

Creative Writing Lesson Eight: Revision After a mini-lesson about revision, students partner up for peer editing.

You can use this Writing Ideas Notebook to help your students record and explore dozens of writing ideas.


Mobile apps for education.


Story Dice 3D

Story Dice 3D is a new interactive version of our Story Dice creative writing tool to come up with ideas for plot, character, and setting. It can be used for both written and oral storytelling, as well as other creative games and activities.

This app can be used with a wide variety of age groups ranging from preschoolers to middle school and high school language arts students. The user interface is simple enough for ages 3+ to use without any additional instruction. The use of the app does not require reading, so it is an ideal tool for using in a preschool story circle as well as a general writing prompt for all ages without reading or native language barriers.

This app is available on the iTunes Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

  • Universal App!
  • Dice can be rotated and rearranged manually!
  • Re-roll individual dice or the entire group!
  • High-resolution graphics supporting Retina Display
  • Choose number of dice to roll, 1-10.
  • 170 pictograms in dictionary.
  • No reading necessary.
  • Optional game instructions included in app.

Game Ideas :

  • Charades – Use the single die roll to determine a charade item.
  • Stories With Friends – Form a circle. Roll the Story Dice (any number, 1-10). Create a sentence including all of the items from the dice. Pass to the next person and repeat, adding onto the story each time.
  • Song Challenge – Roll a single story die. Come up with a song that includes that item in the lyrics.
  • Poems With Friends – Same as Stories With Friends above, using only 1-2 dice, and create rhyming lines.
  • Drama Club – Roll dice (any number). Form a character using these items, then create an improv skit with friends as your characters!

Education Applications:

Story Dice 3D is primarily useful in higher order activities under the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, particularly Creating, where you create, invent, compose, predict, plan, construct, design, imagine, propose, devise, and/or formulate. You can devise less and more challenging activities, as in the following example.

Sample Journal Activity “My Perfect Day” using the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Student/Short Version: Student will create a character using Story Dice 3D, then describe/write/dramatize their own “perfect day” from their character’s perspective.

Teacher Version: Student will create a unique character using the Story Dice 3D for seed ideas. After writing a short character sketch, student will compose a Journal Entry called “My Perfect Day” writing from their new character’s perspective. The evaluation step is the highest order activity and is a self-grading option.. Finally, a fun bonus option in a classroom or small workgroup setting is to have students perform their journal entries as monologues, in character, possibly interacting with each other, adding a drama element.

1. Remembering : Roll five or more Story Dice 3D. Identify and describe the pictures on dice. 2. Understanding : Paraphrase the task (Journal Activity “My Perfect Day”) in which you will use the dice. 3. Applying : Prepare a chart with five categories: name, age, job, pets, hobbies. Place each dice image within a category. Imagine that you are this character and write a short paragraph describing yourself in detail. 4. Analyzing : Examine each feature of your character and determine what makes them special. 5. Evaluating : Decide what worked and what didn’t in your journal entry. Were you successful at combining the dice pictures in a believable way? 6. Creating : Compose a journal entry called “My Perfect Day” from the character’s perspective. BONUS Activities : Perform journal entry as a monologue and interact with other students. Stay in character!

Story Dice for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch – available from the App Store.

Roll A Story creative writing dice

Roll A Story creative writing dice

Regular price $3.50 Sale

Help kids get their creative writing started with this set of printable roll-a-story dice. 

The set of three dice work as a creative writing prompt. Roll the dice to come up with a place, a character and a sense to include in narrative writing.

This writing activity has been designed to kick-start imaginations but still give plenty of room to move and expand on ideas.

You can also use the dice in a "pass the story" quick thinking creative writing game.

This Digital download file includes:

  • A set of 3 creative writing "roll a story" dice to cut out and glue together
  • A set of blank dice, so you can create your own unique writing prompts
  • Printable instructions for how to use the dice along with instructions on how to play "pass the story"
  • Optional printable writing paper with lines and space to draw pictures
  • The file in both A4 and US Letter size. Download the zipped file and double click on it to open a folder with both versions inside


  • Writing Games

Interactive Creative Writing Games

Fun interactive writing games to get your creative juices flowing...

  • Visual Poetry  : Explore your creativity by drawing word mosaics with your poetry.
  • Haiku Madlibs  : Fill out the text fields to generate 16 haikus, madlibs style - using templates from the masters, including: Basho, Buson, Issa, Shiki, Shuson, and Soseki.
  • Madlib Poem  : A madlib poem is a fun and creative way to write poems using a fill-in-the-blank format using poem templates from famous poems.
  • Electronic Poetry  : Similiar to magnetic poetry. Create poems using the words of your favorite authors or create magnets from your own text. Includes author kits for: Antonin Artaud, Charles Baudelaire, Francesca Lia Block, André Breton, Poppy Z. Brite, Charles Bukowski, William S. Burroughs, Angela Carter, ee cummings, Hilda Doolittle, Brett Easton Ellis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Allen Ginsberg, Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Stephen King, Comte de Lautréamont, The Smiths, Anaïs Nin, Flannery O'Connor, Mary Oliver, Sylvia Plath, Edgar Allan Poe, Marcel Proust, Anne Rice, Arthur Rimbaud, J.D. Salinger, William Shakespeare, Robert Smith, Gertrude Stein, Donna Tartt, Michelle Tea, Tristan Tzara, Oscar Wilde.
  • Poem Collage  : Enter your poem and click Generate. Poem Collage will generate your poem as a series of draggable lines. Rearrange the lines to form a new poem.
  • Poem Builder  : Flip 3 cards to build a poem - one: the subject of the poem, two: the poetic form you should write the poem in, and three: 10 words you should incorporate into the poem.
  • Exquisite Corpse  : A writing game that originated in the Surrealist movement of the early 20th century. The game involves a group of writers who each contribute a sentence or phrase to a collective work without being able to see what the other writers have written. Add a word or line to the exquisite corpse poem - started in 2000!
  • Poetry Stamp  : Poetry stamp will randomly generate lines of poetry, which you can then modify by changing or removing words.
  • Letter Link Poetry  : When we play Boggle, we then like to use the words we found to write a poem, using each word to start each line of the poem.
  • Ring Game [Vowels vs Consonants]  : Use letters to chain together words to write poems.
  • Text Collage  : Linguasso - dynamic emotional design linguasso (for lingual and Picasso) creates totally random works of art, composed of text and based on varying emotions.
  • Story Dice  : Roll the dice to get 6 different words - a setting, a character, an object, an action, an emotion, and an adjective. Use all of these words as prompts to write a story.
  • Never­ending­ Story  : Add a line to the neverending story - started in 2000!
  • Tarot Reading Writing Game  : Use a Tarot Reading to flesh out characters, come up with plot twists, and character conflict. Tarot readings can be a powerful tool for writers looking to generate ideas for their creative work. By interpreting the symbolism and meanings of the tarot cards, you can access your subconscious mind and tap into a rich source of inspiration and creativity.
  • Fade Out  : Fade Out is a writing game that forces you to be creative with limited word choices.
  • Alliterator  : An alliteration text generator that only uses words starting with the same letter.
  • Ring Game  : Use letters to chain together words to write poems.
  • Graffiti Wall  : Add to or edit the writing on the Graffiti Wall! Yes, your additions may be altered or deleted by someone else and you may change or delete other's additions. That is the game...
  • Blind Finish-the-Story  : A modified version of the popular writing game where at least three players take turns adding to a story on numbered index cards, creating a surreal dreamlike tale that can inspire or be used for fun.

Metaphor Dice

The writing tool that plays like a game!

Write poetry by chance.

creative writing dice game

Shop the game

metaphor dice

Metaphor Dice Set

Four red, four white, and four blue, for a total of 12 dice. Roll at least one of each color, arrange them in order—red, white, and blue—and read the resulting metaphor aloud, supplying whatever smaller linking or auxiliary words you want. Then start writing!

creative writing dice game

PAPER Metaphor Dice (30 Cards)

The same concept as the original acrylic dice but made out of paper, each card contains three dice (red, white, and blue) that can be easily popped out and folded into dice without using any tape or glue. The dice are reversible, with example words on one side and nothing on the other side so that you can write in your own words. Currently only available in the USA. Priority shipping included.

creative writing dice game

Erudite Expansion Set

A slightly smaller set—9 dice total—with slightly more challenging words. No words are repeated from the original set, but they are likely to be bigger, rarer, or just a little quirkier. Some may send you to the dictionary, but not all. This set works seamlessly with the original 12-dice set but can absolutely be used as a standalone set by itself.

Metaphor Dice Wholesale


July 11 Button Poetry Releases “Poetry By Chance”

July 14 “Poetry By Chance” Release Party at Brooklyn Poets. Register to attend or watch for free.

Gift a set to a teacher

teacher gift

Your lucky recipient will be randomly selected from our list of teachers who have been following the project for years but have never received a previous set of samples. The teacher will receive the gift anonymously , and you will absolutely make their day!

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I have been in the room and watched as Metaphor Dice transformed a class of students into studious and prolific poets.

Mahogany L. Browne writer, educator, organizer, curator

The hardest part of writing poetry is getting started. Metaphor Dice make it hard to stop.

Brendan Constantine poet and educator

The dice provide a clever and effective way for beginning writers to make connections, collaborate, and develop their ideas.

Liza Barrett 32-year veteran and MS teacher

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Two Tumbleweeds Art Dice - Drawing & Painting Game for Adults, Artists & Teachers - Set of 9 Dice for Creative Inspiration - Art Supplies for Studio and Classroom - Gift for Artist - 1+ Players

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Two Tumbleweeds Art Dice - Drawing & Painting Game for Adults, Artists & Teachers - Set of 9 Dice for Creative Inspiration - Art Supplies for Studio and Classroom - Gift for Artist - 1+ Players

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • THE FIRST & ORIGINAL ART DICE! Includes: 9 color-coded wood dice (1 inch with easy to read text). Just roll, brainstorm, & create!
  • PERFECT SOLUTION TO ARTIST’S BLOCK: Whether you’re an experienced artist or you just want to dabble — with thousands of combinations, you’ll never fear a blank canvas again!
  • DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS & CREATIVITY: Art Dice encourages you to break out of your comfort zone and vary your medium, style, subject, mood, texture, setting, and color.
  • PLAY ALONE OR TOGETHER: Can be played alone, with friends and family for a fun family game night, or to encourage creativity and collaboration in the classroom. Connect through art!
  • MULTIPLE WAYS TO PLAY: Full instructions include variations for creating a series, drawing in speed mode, making collaborative pieces, and teaching demonstration
  • GREAT GIFT: Makes a perfect gift for artists, teachers, or art students, especially paired with art supplies or a sketchbook. Works great for novice or experienced artists.

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Two Tumbleweeds Art Dice - Drawing & Painting Game for Adults, Artists & Teachers - Set of 9 Dice for Creative Inspiration -

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Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice - Creative Writing Game for Adults, Writers & Teachers - Set of 9 Dice for Story Inspiration - G

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Two Tumbleweeds - notepads and notebooks for planning, organization, productivity and creativity

Conquer artist's block with Art Dice

Art Dice provide endless inspiration for drawing and painting

From the creators of Foodie Dice comes a new way to inspire creativity, Art Dice. When faced with a blank canvas, it can be hard to know where to start. Art Dice are the solution to artist's block. Whether you’re an artist, a teacher, or you just want to dabble with drawing or painting, Art Dice can help you find inspiration, develop your skills, vary your style, or collaborate creatively with others. With thousands of combos, you’re bound to encounter something unexpected and different. So roll the dice. Create fearlessly. You never know what’s inside of you until you try! Works great for novice or experienced artists, and as a tool for teachers to use to foster creativity, experimentation, learning, and fun. Makes a perfect gift for artists, teachers, and art students.

Looking for more inspiration or a memorable gift? Check out our other sets of dice:

Liz & Sarah - Two Tumbleweeds

Two sisters who wanted to work together on something fun, we started out on a mission to inspire creativity in the kitchen with our first product, Foodie Dice, but we found that our own creativity didn't end there. Since then, we've added other thoughtfully designed items to our product collection, all designed with the purpose of inspiring creativity, connection, fun, & flow!

When you purchase one of our products you're supporting a USA-based, women-owned small business. We appreciate our customers and are here if you need support for any of our products.

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LOVE! Two Tumbleweeds Art Dice - Drawing & Painting Game

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Art Dice for Art Ideas! #art #crafts #artist #artblock

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Two Tumbleweeds Art Dice - Drawing & Painting Game

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Customers like the fun and added creativity the game dice brings to their drawing. They say it's an excellent tool for connection with creativity and stimulating inspiration. They also mention it'd be a great gift for the artist in your life, art teachers, or fellow artists. However, some customers differ on quality.

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Customers find the game dice fun and add creativity to their drawings. They also say it's an excellent tool for connecting with their creativity and keeps the creative juices flowing.

"...There is large range of combinations to use that make it perfect for ideas , especially if you get art block!..." Read more

"...This simple yet ingenious tool not only helps in developing artistic skills but also adds a fun, interactive element to the creative process, making..." Read more

"this game is super cool and a lot of fun to mess around with. if you ever feel uninspired but are in an artsy mood it’s perfect!" Read more

"...But on a good note they are light weight, colorful and fun ." Read more

Customers find the game dice a great, wonderful, and creative gift for artists. They also say it's an excellent gift for art teachers and fellow artists, and a perfect stocking stuffer for the holidays.

"...These work very well for me, and I think they would make excellent gifts for art teachers or fellow artists...." Read more

"...element to the creative process, making it an excellent gift for artists of all levels ." Read more

"...It was still a cute and creative/different side gift that brought some smiles!" Read more

"...They recently arrived and are a perfect gift for someone who loves art . They are attractive- really pretty colors and the package design is lovely...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the quality of the game dice. Some mention it's a great gift for art lovers, and the dice are real wood. However, others say the quality isn't great, the words are printed very sloppily, and that the dice look faded or misprinted.

"Super creative idea. Well made and fun" Read more

"...Important note: one side of one of my dice was printed wrong . There are two prompts on one side, and another side is blank...." Read more

"My cousin loved receiving this as a gift. Also made with great quality ! I’m definitely going to purchase another for myself" Read more

" Good quality . Just what I needed." Read more

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English Language Creative Writing Story Building Prompts. Dice Board Activity, Build your Story

English Language Creative Writing Story Building Prompts. Dice Board Activity, Build your Story

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Miss Charlton's Educational Resources

Last updated

8 February 2024

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pdf, 3.74 MB

A fun English game designed for my KS3 class to help them with their creative writing. The board contains a series of 5 prompts which will allow the learner to build their story: setting, main character, genre, main theme and conflict.

Give the student a dice piece. They will roll the dice piece 5 times moving from left to right of the board.

for example: The first number is a 4 which refers to the setting. Therefore, their story will be set on a train. The next number rolled is a 1, which mean the genre will be gothic / horror.

the learner will then write a short story based on what they rolled on the prompt board. #

E.g: A gothic short story set on a train featuring a teenage boy. The main theme is survival with the conflict in the story being the character vs the supernatural.

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The English Classroom


Roll-The-Dice… Story Generator

The situation.

Your student(s) enjoys games and hands on learning…but they need to write a story. 

The Solution

All of the  Writing   Activities  sections are designed to making writing easier for your students. But sometimes students simply do not want to write. They are tactile and have a need to touch and interact – talking and looking at images may simply not be enough for them.

This activity is simple and effective for students who enjoy games and physical interaction. 

creative writing dice game

Simply roll the dice to discover the story they will write. You could run this one of two ways:

  • Roll the dice once to find the  character ,  setting  and  conflict.

2. Roll the dice three times, each time for  character ,  setting  and  conflict.

creative writing dice game

From there you can focus on getting students to write their plot diagram. This is how their plot diagram should look. 

creative writing dice game

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Creative Tech Teacher

10-Minute Writing Games to Play with Your Students

Jen Schneider Blog , Writing writing 1

Want some quick games to share with your students during transitions or as attention-getters. Play these fun games independently or with groups! Here are a few of my favorites 10-minute writing games to play with your students. This post uses some affiliate links. Purchases from these links result in a small commission to help sustain this site.

sticky notes for writing games for students

Word Association Game

Word association games are perfect for 10-minute writing games! Start by giving students a random word and ask them to write down the first word that comes to their mind when they hear it. Then, have them pass their paper to the person next to them and repeat the process with the new word. Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how far around the circle they can go, building off of each other’s words. This game is a blast for generating vocabulary words or words to use in future writing prompts or stories.

Writing Roulette

My students beg to play writing roulette! I give each student five different colored sticky notes (or use this FREE Jamboard template ).

Writing Roulette game for writing prompts using sticky notes

Each sticky note has a different topic. For example, here are the literary elements I use for my students. You can change these up depending on your grade level.

  • Yellow: character
  • Blue: quotation
  • Pink: setting
  • Green: conflict
  • Orange: theme

Have your students each generate one of the literary elements on each colored sticky note. Make sure they write only one idea per note. Mix up the sticky notes, then give the students five sticky notes (one on each topic) to generate their own story. We LOVE sharing these with the class. As a bonus, expand on the quick stories and create a published, polished piece.

Literary Jenga

Literally playing a game when writing is so much fun! Write creative writing prompts on the sides of Jenga blocks (such as “Write a story in which the main character is an animal” or “Describe a place you’ve never been”) and stack them up. Students take turns pulling a block and then writing for 2-3 minutes based on the prompt they see. The game continues until the tower falls, and then students can read aloud what they’ve written.

Finish the Story Writing Game

This game is also called story or paper pass. I remember playing this writing game in school. I loved it then as much as I love it as a teacher! First, give students the first line of a story and have them write for 2-3 minutes. Then, have them pass their paper to the person next to them and that person continues the story for 2-3 minutes. Continue this process until everyone has contributed, and see how the story turned out in the end.

Random Word Stories

Use this random word generator to pick a fun, unique word. Have your students write a story using that word as a focus. You can have each student select their own word or use a class word.

Descriptive Writing Game

Many ELA curriculums have descriptive writing as an assessment. Why not teach descriptive writing skills with a 10-minute writing game! First, ask students to close their eyes and imagine a scene you describe to them, such as a beach or a forest. Give them 10 minutes to write a detailed description of what they see in their mind’s eye. Encourage them to use sensory language and descriptive adjectives to really paint a picture with their words. Share the stories, and as a bonus, have students illustrate their writing. You can also adapt this and share a picture as a writing prompt starter. Show students a picture or image and give them 10 minutes to write a story or poem based on what they see. Encourage them to be creative and use their imagination to build a story around the picture.

Character Creation Game

Students love creating their own characters! Have students brainstorm a character by answering questions about them, such as their name, age, occupation, likes and dislikes, fears, etc. Then, set a timer for 10 minutes and have them write a short story or scene featuring that character. You can add to the fun by having two characters team up together to create a new story or have a conversation with one another based on their characters’ backgrounds.

Six-Word Stories

Challenge students to write a complete story in just six words, such as “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how many six-word stories they can create.

Mad Libs Game

The old Mad Libs games are so much fun! I remember having paper Mad Libs books that my siblings and I giggled over with delight. Online Mad Libs games let students work independently to create funny stories. I love using Mad Libs online !

Fan Fiction

My students absolutely love writing fan fiction. This gives them a chance to explore stories on a deeper level, and change the outcomes to what they really wanted to happen in the book! Have students choose a favorite book or movie character and write a short story featuring that character in a new adventure or scenario. Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how well they can capture the voice and personality of the character in their writing.

Story Cubes

Use storytelling dice or story cubes with pictures on each side, and have students roll the dice to create a story. Set a timer for 10 minutes and challenge students to create a story that includes all of the pictures they rolled. Share the stories in small groups or with the full class.

Writing Prompts

Using writing prompts in the classroom is an effective way to encourage a love for writing in students. Here are five ways to inspire and engage middle school students:

Daily writing prompts

Start the day with a short 10-minute writing exercise that covers various genres and themes. Use this list of 25 daily prompts to get started.

Structured writing prompts

Use prompts as a starting point for more structured writing assignments such as essays or research papers. This encourages students to think critically and provides specific guidelines for the writing task. Use this list of 10 structured prompts to get started.

Group brainstorming

Encourage students to work together in small groups to generate their own writing prompts. This fosters collaboration and creativity.

Writing prompt dares

Students can create their own writing prompt dares or use these 15 writing prompt dare examples to get started. These are great for group brainstorming prompts.

Try out this 52 writing prompt workbook . You even get an editable Canva link to add your own unique prompts!

Creative Writing Prompts 52 on TpT

Get ready for 10-minute writing games to use in your classroom! These games can be scaffolded and differentiated for all grade levels. What writing games do you use in your classroom!


Creative writing games: A great way to unleash your creative side @

[…] technique of creative writing involves the creation of tales. The exploration of worlds, and the creation of people and situations that come to […]

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Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring Writers: Boost Skills with Writing Prompts & Unique Gifts

by Jack Thomas August 01, 2023

Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring Writers: Boost Skills with Writing Prompts & Unique Gifts

Creative writing can be a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby for many individuals. Having the right tools and exercises to inspire and spark the imagination is essential for any aspiring writer. Games and writing prompts are specifically designed to help writers break free from mental blocks and encourage the flow of ideas.

One genre of products that can stimulate the creative process is writing prompt sets and writer gifts. These can range from story cubes to idea-generating card decks. Providing a mixture of genres and themes, these tools encourage writers to explore their creativity without limitations. Whether it's for a seasoned writer looking to sharpen their skills or a beginner seeking inspiration, these gifts might just be the answer.

When choosing a creative writing product, it's important to consider personal preferences and the target audience. Material, variety, and ease of use are critical factors when selecting the perfect game or exercise. Furthermore, the format – whether digital, physical, or both – may appeal differently to various users.

We compiled a list of the funniest puzzles for book lovers that you might like as well. 

With these considerations in mind, we have carefully evaluated a myriad of creative games and exercises to present you with the top choices that will truly inspire and aid writers in their craft.

The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises

The Writer's Toolbox: Creative Games and Exercises

Featured In This Review

This toolbox is a valuable resource for aspiring writers looking to tap into their creativity and combat writer's block

This toolbox is a valuable resource for aspiring writers looking to tap into their creativity and combat writer's block.

  • Fun and engaging writing exercises
  • Helpful in overcoming writer's block
  • Can be used individually or in groups
  • Some content may not be suitable for young children
  • Might lean towards modern romance themes
  • Not all exercises may suit every writer's preference

We recently got our hands on The Writer's Toolbox, and we have genuinely enjoyed exploring the various creative games and exercises for inspiring writers. This toolbox is designed to help unleash the 'write' side of your brain and push you out of your comfort zone.

What we appreciate the most about this product is the range of writing exercises it offers. From different creative prompts to insightful suggestions, it can help you break free from writer's block and spark your imagination. We've utilized these exercises both individually and in group settings, making it highly versatile for various purposes.

One aspect we found to be a slight drawback is that some content within the toolbox may not be suitable for younger audiences, particularly kids. Parents and educators should be mindful of this when considering The Writer's Toolbox for their young aspiring writers. Additionally, we noticed a few exercises seem to lean more towards the modern romance genre, which might not be everyone's cup of tea.

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Despite these minor drawbacks, we believe The Writer's Toolbox remains a valuable asset for writers looking to expand their creativity and dive into new writing styles. This unique compilation of writing exercises is a gift that any writer would cherish. We encourage you to give it a try and see how it can help you unleash your full writing potential.

Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice

Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice

The Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice are an engaging way to fuel inspiration for writers

The Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice are an engaging way to fuel inspiration for writers.

  • Encourages creativity with millions of combinations
  • Suitable for multiple types of writing
  • Can be played alone or with others
  • Some customers received slightly damaged dice
  • A bit pricey
  • May not be suitable for young children

We recently got our hands on the Writing Dice from Two Tumbleweeds, and we're nothing short of impressed. As writers, we're no strangers to the difficulty of facing a blank page, and sometimes our creativity just doesn't flow as easily as we would like it to. However, these dice have managed to spark our inspiration.

The dice are color-coded and each represents a different element of storytelling, such as Who, What, Where, and Why. With just a roll of the dice, we found ourselves creating unique stories and brainstorming various concepts effortlessly. The Writing Dice proved to be helpful not only in crafting short stories and novels but also in writing screenplays and comics.

What's great about these dice is that we could use them alone or with a group of fellow writers, making it a fun and collaborative activity. We particularly enjoyed the teaching variations provided in the instructions, which allowed us to effectively utilize the Writing Dice in a classroom setting.

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However, a few drawbacks were noticeable; a couple of our dice were slightly damaged, which was disappointing considering the price. Additionally, the age recommendation is 15 and up, so younger children may not benefit as much from this creative tool.

Despite these minor issues, we believe the Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice are a valuable addition to any writer's toolbox. We recommend this product for writers, students, and teachers in pursuit of a fresh wave of inspiration.

Creative Block - Brainstorming Ideas & Strategy Cards

Creative Block - Brainstorming Ideas & Strategy Cards

Get ready to overcome your writer's block with this engaging set of idea-provoking cards perfect for writers of all levels

Get ready to overcome your writer's block with this engaging set of idea-provoking cards perfect for writers of all levels.

  • Effective strategies for overcoming creative blocks
  • Easy-to-follow instructions
  • Beautifully crafted bamboo box
  • May not work for everyone
  • Might be distracting at times
  • Could achieve similar results online

As writers ourselves, we found the Creative Block to be an incredibly helpful addition to our collection of writer's tools. With 100+ curated breakthrough suggestions from various experts, the cards provide an interactive way to spark our creativity and help combat writer's block.

The simple three-step process of picking a card, following the directions, and achieving a breakthrough made it easy for us to approach problems from different perspectives. Throughout our experience, we felt encouraged to stay open and embrace the wide array of ideas presented in the cards.

While we value the 100+ proven methods of success, it's important to remember that not every suggestion will resonate with every person. Occasionally, we found some exercises to be slightly distracting, pulling our focus away from the task at hand. However, with the sheer number of cards available, we feel confident that most writers will find at least a few exercises that truly inspire them.

The Creative Block set is not only helpful for writers, but it's also presented in a beautifully handcrafted bamboo box, making it a perfect gift for aspiring or seasoned writers alike.

If you're buying some a gift, consider a book display case ! We picked some inspiring and unique options.

In conclusion, the Creative Block is a valuable resource for writers seeking a unique and engaging way to overcome their mental roadblocks and find fresh inspiration to fuel their projects. Although it might not be the ideal solution for everyone, its easy-to-follow instructions and diverse range of suggestions make it worth considering for those looking to enhance their writing experience.

The Storymatic Classic – Creative Writing Prompts and Story Games

The Storymatic Classic – Creative Writing Prompts and Story Games

The Storymatic Classic is a fantastic tool for inspiring writers and sparking creativity with its unique card-based storytelling prompts

The Storymatic Classic is a fantastic tool for inspiring writers and sparking creativity with its unique card-based storytelling prompts.

  • Abundance of writing prompts
  • Easy to use and understand
  • Suitable for various age groups and professions
  • Potential limitation on play value
  • Requires some imagination effort
  • Might not suit every writer's style

As we tried The Storymatic Classic, we found it to be a treasure trove of writing prompts. What sets it apart from other similar products is the sheer variety of ideas it provides through its 540 cards. Combining character cards with complication cards opens up countless possibilities for unique and engaging stories, helping to kickstart creativity and get those writer's block moments unstuck.

The simplicity of The Storymatic is one of its strengths. By just taking a couple of cards and letting your imagination run wild, you're instantly provided with interesting character combinations and challenges. Moreover, the included booklet lays out clear instructions and offers additional prompts, suggestions, and creative storytelling games for both solo and group activities.

The versatility of this product is commendable, as it can cater to a wide range of users – from aspiring novelists and students to improv clubs and families. Although it is best suited for ages 12 and up, we believe it can be adapted and enjoyed by younger children with a little guidance from adults. The fact that it's made in the USA and developed by a writer and teacher shows the dedication to quality and intended purpose.

However, it's essential to note that The Storymatic Classic might not be universally appealing. Depending on an individual's taste, it could feel like it lacks play value or specific direction. Also, relying solely on the cards may result in some creative limitations after extended use.

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That being said, if you're a writer, teacher, student, or anyone seeking a boost in creativity and storytelling, The Storymatic Classic is an excellent tool to have in your arsenal.

Storymatic Synapsis

Storymatic Synapsis

Storymatic Synapsis is a must-have for writers seeking inspiration and a fun way to spark creativity during game nights

Storymatic Synapsis is a must-have for writers seeking inspiration and a fun way to spark creativity during game nights.

  • Engaging writing prompts
  • Great for groups or solo play
  • Suitable for various ages (10 and up)
  • Some questions might feel repetitive
  • Specific card setups may limit creativity
  • Related words could be more original

We recently tried out Storymatic Synapsis, a creative writing prompts game that can be enjoyed by adults and young writers alike. With 250 story cards to choose from, we found it quite engaging, and it definitely helped with overcoming writer's block. The game works well both as a group activity (2-6 people) and for individual use.

The concept of the game is simple yet effective: draw cards and use the prompts to write a strange sentence, which then evolves into a story through answering various related questions. We loved how it pushed us to think differently and make connections we might not have considered otherwise. It's a fantastic tool to have in a teacher's toolbox, especially for fostering creativity, improvisational thinking, and empathy in students.

However, we found that some of the questions could be repetitive at times, which might limit the boundless creativity this game aims to inspire. We also noticed that a few of the related words provided with the prompts could be more original to make the game even more engaging. Despite these minor drawbacks, Storymatic Synapsis remains a valuable asset for aspiring writers and anyone interested in exploring language and stories.

If you love working out of the office, we recommend a Lap Desk for optimal couch productivity. 

In conclusion, Storymatic Synapsis is an enjoyable and effective way to overcome writer's block, and it also doubles as a fun activity for game nights with family and friends. Although there is room for improvement with question variety and originality, it remains a fantastic creative tool for writers, teachers, and students alike.

The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling

The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling

We highly recommend The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling for those looking to enhance their storytelling skills and connect with others

We highly recommend The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling for those looking to enhance their storytelling skills and connect with others.

  • Inspires creativity
  • Encourages emotional connections
  • Suitable for various group settings
  • Serious topics may not be for everyone
  • Not for those looking for a casual game night
  • May require vulnerability and openness

We recently played The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling and found it to be a unique and engaging game for aspiring writers and storytellers. The game comes with a deck of 100 cards featuring diverse prompts that spark inspiration and helps unleash your creativity.

As we played, we discovered that this game has a profound ability to create emotional connections amongst players. This depth of interaction encourages vulnerability and openness, promoting the exchange of genuine stories. It is particularly well-suited for intimate gatherings, therapy sessions, or team-bonding activities.

However, this game may not be for everyone. The serious topics and emotional depth required for storytelling might not suit groups looking for a casual game night. It's important to consider your audience and their preferences before introducing this game.

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In conclusion, The Moth Presents: A Game of Storytelling is an exceptional tool for inspiring writers and fostering connections between players. Be prepared to dig deep, share stories, and create lasting memories with those around you.

The Writers Game: The Business Behind Your Story

The Writers Game: The Business Behind Your Story

We highly recommend The Writers Game for aspiring writers who want to create engaging stories while learning about the business side of writing

We highly recommend The Writers Game for aspiring writers who want to create engaging stories while learning about the business side of writing.

  • Comprehensive guide for story creation and business aspects
  • Inspirational and motivational for first-time writers
  • Inclusive of interactive elements to keep writers engaged
  • Focuses mainly on entrepreneurial aspects, which may not appeal to all writers
  • May not cater to writers who wish to publish traditionally
  • Limited to digital format only

After diving into The Writers Game, we found that the interactive and engaging elements within truly set it apart from other writing resources. The business angle was an intriguing addition that offers a fresh perspective on the literary world.

As we delved deeper into the book, we were pleased to see that it caters to writers in various stages of their career. The guidance offered is tailored to helping individuals find their unique writing style and voice while also providing essential tips on navigating the publishing industry.

One drawback we noticed was the heavy focus on the entrepreneurial side of writing. While this can be beneficial for many aspiring writers, it may not be a perfect fit for those who simply wish to hone their craft without pursuing the business aspect. Additionally, the book is only available in a digital format, which may not be ideal for those who prefer physical copies.

Take a look at this list of the 10 Best Books For Scaling Up A Company.

Overall, The Writers Game offers a fresh and innovative approach to creative writing and navigating the literary business. This resource is perfect for aspiring writers seeking direction on both building their skills and establishing a successful career in writing.

The Storymatic Kids – Writing Prompts for Young Writers

The Storymatic Kids – Writing Prompts for Young Writers

Unleash the creativity in young writers with The Storymatic Kids, a fun and engaging storytelling game perfect for the whole family

Unleash the creativity in young writers with The Storymatic Kids, a fun and engaging storytelling game perfect for the whole family.

  • Encourages creativity and storytelling skills
  • Easy to learn and adaptable gameplay
  • Enhances communication and empathy in children
  • May not be suitable for very young kids
  • Some children may need assistance in developing stories
  • Requires imagination and interest in storytelling

We recently tried The Storymatic Kids game and found it to be an exceptional tool for inspiring creativity in young minds. With 360 writing prompt cards and easy instructions, it's the perfect game for kids age 5 and up to explore their imagination and improve their storytelling abilities.

One of the things we loved about The Storymatic Kids is that it can be played solo or in a group, making it suitable for a variety of situations – whether it's a family game night or an activity in a classroom setting. From our own experience, we've observed it to be an excellent way to prompt children to think outside of the box and become more skilled communicators.

In addition to its storytelling aspect, The Storymatic Kids is also educational in nature. It helps build sequential thinking, speaking, and writing skills, which are essential for young learners. Although we found it to be an excellent product overall, parents or teachers may need to assist younger players in developing their stories, as it requires a certain level of imagination and interest in storytelling.

One final suggestion for a gift to a writer would be a luxurious new pen to journal with.

In conclusion, The Storymatic Kids is a well-designed and engaging game for young writers that not only sparks creativity but also teaches valuable communication skills. While it may not be suitable for very young children, it can be a fantastic addition to family game nights or educational settings for those with a passion for storytelling.

Jack Thomas

Jack Thomas

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  4. Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice

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  5. Rolling and Writing: The Definitive Guide to Storytelling Dice

    Rory's Story Cubes - the original starter set and the Prehistoria three dice booster set (the dice with green pictures). Rory's Story Cubes (Eco-Blister) | Storytelling Game for Kids and Adults | Fun Family Game | Creative | Ages 6 and up | 1+ Players | Average Playtime 10 Minutes | Made by Zygomatic. $13.99. Buy Now.

  6. Elements of a Story

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  7. Creative Writing Prompts Dice Set, W/13 Writing Skill Cards

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  10. Story Dice

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  12. Story Dice 3D

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  13. Roll A Story creative writing dice

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  14. Creative Writing Board Game: Creative Dice-ing!

    jpg, 128.54 KB. Roll the dice and create something amazing! This is a roll the dice board game for Creative Writing. It consists of a vibrant grid full of images, words and phrases to provoke outside-the-box thinking and writing! Students roll the dice to choose a genre, then roll again moving across the board to land on weird and wonderful ...

  15. Creative Writing Dice Set, Come with 13 Writing Prompts Cards

    Creative Writing Dice Set, Come with 13 Writing Prompts Cards - Story Writing/Telling Game for Adults, Writer & Teachers - Set of 9 Story Cubes for Inspiration - Gifts for Writers, Author . Visit the Garybank Store. Search this page . $19.99 $ 19. 99. Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime.

  16. Interactive Creative Writing Games

    Interactive Creative Writing Games. ... Story Dice : Roll the dice to get 6 different words - a setting, a character, an object, an action, an emotion, and an adjective. Use all of these words as prompts to write a story. Never­ending­ Story : Add a line to the neverending story - started in 2000!

  17. Metaphor Dice

    The writing tool that plays like a game! WRITE POETRY BY CHANCE. Shop the game. Metaphor Dice Set. Four red, four white, and four blue, for a total of 12 dice. Roll at least one of each color, arrange them in order—red, white, and blue—and read the resulting metaphor aloud, supplying whatever smaller linking or auxiliary words you want. ...

  18. Creative Writing Dice

    Check out our creative writing dice selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our dice & tile games shops.

  19. Two Tumbleweeds Art Dice

    Two Tumbleweeds Writing Dice - Creative Writing Game for Adults, Writers & Teachers - Set of 9 Dice for Story Inspiration - Gifts for Writers - 1+ Players. $19.95 $ 19. 95. Get it as soon as Saturday, May 18. In Stock. Sold by Two Tumbleweeds and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Total price:

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    A fun English game designed for my KS3 class to help them with their creative writing. The board contains a series of 5 prompts which will allow the learner to build their story: setting, main character, genre, main theme and conflict. Give the student a dice piece. They will roll the dice piece 5 times moving from left to right of the board.

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    Simply roll the dice to discover the story they will write. You could run this one of two ways: Roll the dice once to find the character , setting and conflict. 2. Roll the dice three times, each time for character , setting and conflict. Example 1: Example 2: From there you can focus on getting students to write their plot diagram.

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  23. Creative Games and Exercises for Inspiring Writers: Boost Skills with

    The Writing Dice proved to be helpful not only in crafting short stories and novels but also in writing screenplays and comics. ... We recently tried out Storymatic Synapsis, a creative writing prompts game that can be enjoyed by adults and young writers alike. With 250 story cards to choose from, we found it quite engaging, and it definitely ...