Deputy Head Teacher Cover Letter

Generate your deputy head teacher cover letter in minutes, stand out from other candidates with our ai cover letter generator., deputy head teacher cover letter example:.

Deputy Head Teacher jobs are in high demand, and a well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the competition. Here is a high quality Deputy Head Teacher cover letter that you can use as a blueprint to write your own.

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Deputy Head Teacher position at XYZ Elementary School, as advertised on the school’s website. I am confident that my extensive experience in the field of education, combined with my leadership skills, make me an ideal candidate for this role.

Currently serving as the Assistant Head Teacher at ABC Primary School, I have successfully implemented various instructional programs and strategies to enhance students’ learning outcomes. I have played a pivotal role in developing and implementing the school’s curriculum, ensuring that it meets the educational standards and requirements set by the state education board. Additionally, I have led and coordinated numerous staff development programs aimed at continuously improving teaching methodologies and pedagogical practices.

Furthermore, my experience in successfully managing and resolving conflicts among students, teachers, and parents has allowed me to foster positive relationships within the school community. I believe effective communication and collaboration are vital to creating a harmonious learning environment, and I am committed to promoting these values in my work as a Deputy Head Teacher.

As an exceptionally organized and detail-oriented individual, I take pride in my ability to effectively manage administrative tasks. From overseeing budget allocations to coordinating school events and initiatives, I have consistently demonstrated my efficiency in handling various responsibilities concurrently. I am also proficient in using technology to streamline administrative processes and improve overall efficiency.

Moreover, I possess excellent interpersonal skills that enable me to establish rapport with students, teachers, and parents alike. I am a strong believer in cultivating a supportive and inclusive school culture where every individual feels valued and empowered. I am dedicated to promoting student engagement and fostering a love for learning by offering a stimulating and positive educational experience.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of XYZ Elementary School. I firmly believe that my experience, skills, and passion for education make me the right fit for the Deputy Head Teacher position. I am confident in my ability to make a positive impact on the academic and social development of the students, as well as the professional growth of the staff.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume and references for your review. I would welcome the chance to discuss how my qualifications align with the requirements of the position in greater detail. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.

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Head Teacher Cover Letter Example

Writing a head teacher cover letter can be a challenging task, but it is an important part of the job application process. It is your chance to demonstrate your skills and qualifications to potential employers, and ensure they have a favorable impression of you. To ensure you have the best chance of success, it is important to put in the time and effort to craft a well-crafted and targeted cover letter. This guide will provide you with practical advice and tips on how to write a successful head teacher cover letter, as well as an example to help get you started.

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Head Teacher Cover Letter Sample

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am writing to apply for the position of Head Teacher at [School Name]. With a strong background and years of experience in education, I am confident that I am the right candidate for the job.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and over 15 years of teaching experience. I have also served as a Head Teacher for two schools, where I established a positive environment and developed and implemented a successful curriculum.

I have a great passion for education and believe in creating an atmosphere that encourages students to learn and reach their full potential. I am also committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment in the classroom, and I use a variety of techniques to ensure that all student needs are met.

I have demonstrated my abilities to effectively manage student behavior, develop classroom rules and regulations, and lead a staff of teachers. I have also shown my talent for connecting with students and motivating them to work hard in all of their academic endeavors.

I am excited to have the opportunity to bring my expertise and leadership to your school and look forward to hearing from you. I am available to discuss my qualifications and experiences further at any time.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

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What should a Head Teacher cover letter include?

A head teacher cover letter should be concise, yet comprehensive, in providing the reader with pertinent information about the candidate’s qualifications and experiences. It should also demonstrate the candidate’s passion for education, their ability to manage and lead, and their ability to coordinate with other staff members and parents.

Specifically, the cover letter should include:

  • A brief introduction into the candidate’s educational background, including any relevant teaching experience and how the experience has prepared them to be a successful head teacher
  • A brief overview of the candidate’s key skills and competencies, including any leadership and managerial experience they may have
  • A discussion of the candidate’s personal qualities, such as their strong work ethic, sense of responsibility, and ability to work well in teams
  • A discussion of the candidate’s passion for teaching, their commitment to educating students, and their familiarity with best practices in education
  • A brief summary of the candidate’s future goals and objectives, and what they hope to accomplish as a head teacher
  • A closing statement expressing the candidate’s enthusiasm for the position and their desire to be part of the school’s mission and vision.

By including these components in the cover letter, the candidate will be able to effectively demonstrate to the reader their qualifications as an excellent head teacher and their commitment to making a positive impact for the students, faculty, and staff at the school.

Head Teacher Cover Letter Writing Tips

Creating a winning head teacher cover letter can be challenging. A successful cover letter should be both professional and informative, clearly outlining your qualifications, experience, and accomplishments related to the position you are applying for. Here are some tips to help you write a compelling head teacher cover letter.

  • Research: Before beginning your cover letter, do your research. Look at the school’s website, read up on the school’s mission statement, and familiarize yourself with the school’s curriculum and students.
  • Use a Professional Tone: Your cover letter should be professional and free of errors. Be clear and concise, and avoid using slang or jargon.
  • Tailor the Content: Make sure you tailor the content of your cover letter to the specific job for which you are applying. Highlight your experience, skills, and qualifications that are relevant to the position.
  • Outline Your Accomplishments: Use your cover letter to outline your accomplishments as a head teacher. Showcase any awards, special projects, or certifications you have earned during your career.
  • Ask for an Interview: At the end of your cover letter, make sure to ask for an interview. Be sure to specify the days and times that you are available to meet.

With these tips in mind, you can create a winning head teacher cover letter that will help you land the job you want. Good luck!

Common mistakes to avoid when writing Head Teacher Cover letter

Writing a head teacher cover letter is a critical part of the job application process. A great cover letter can help you stand out from the competition and secure an interview. Unfortunately, many job seekers make common mistakes in their cover letters that can hurt their chances of getting noticed.

Here are some important mistakes to avoid when writing a head teacher cover letter:

  • Not Tailoring Your Cover Letter to the Job: Many job seekers make the mistake of sending the same generic cover letter to every job they apply for. This can give a hiring manager the impression that you are not particularly interested in the job. Before you send your cover letter, be sure to customize it to the job you are applying for.
  • Not Following Instructions: Before you submit your cover letter, carefully read through the job description and any other instructions the employer may have provided. Make sure you are following all the instructions exactly. Deviating from the instructions provided may result in your cover letter being overlooked.
  • Poor Grammar and Spelling: Grammatical and spelling errors in your cover letter can make a bad impression on the employer. Before submitting your cover letter, make sure to proofread it and double- check for any errors.
  • Focusing on Yourself Instead of the Employer: Your cover letter should focus on how you can help the employer, not on what you can get out of the job. Show the employer that you have taken the time to research their organization and explain why you are the right candidate for the job.
  • Being Too Vague: Your cover letter should be concise and specific. Avoid using clichés and generic phrases that could apply to any job. Focus on how your qualifications make you the perfect candidate for the job.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make sure your cover letter stands out from the competition and gives you the best chance of landing an interview.

Key takeaways

Writing a Head Teacher cover letter can be a challenge, but it’s an important part of the job application process. A great cover letter can help you stand out from the competition and show potential employers why you are the right person for the job. Here are some key takeaways for writing an impressive Head Teacher cover letter:

  • Focus on the specifics of the job: Make sure your cover letter is tailored to the specific job you are applying for. Highlight relevant skills and experience, and demonstrate how they make you a great candidate for the position.
  • Show your passion: Show potential employers that you’re passionate about teaching and the role of a head teacher. Show them that you’re the right choice for the job by showing your enthusiasm and dedication to the profession.
  • Show your commitment: Demonstrate your commitment to the job by showing your willingness to go above and beyond in your duties as a head teacher. Show that you’re willing to take on extra responsibilities and make sure the school is running smoothly.
  • Keep it succinct: Make sure to keep the cover letter succinct and to the point. You don’t want to overwhelm potential employers with too much information. Instead, focus on the key points and make sure they are clear and concise.
  • Proofread: Finally, make sure to proofread your cover letter. Poor grammar and spelling errors can be a huge turn off to potential employers. Before you submit your application, make sure to double check for any mistakes.

By following these key takeaways, you can ensure that your Head Teacher cover letter is impressive and stands out from the crowd. Good luck with your job search!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i write a cover letter for an head teacher job with no experience.

Writing a cover letter for an Head Teacher job with no experience can be a daunting task. However, there are a few steps you can take to make sure your cover letter stands out. First, start by introducing yourself and explaining your interest in the position. Elaborate on why you are the perfect candidate for the position by providing a brief summary of your qualifications and skills. Most importantly, focus on the strengths you can bring to the role, such as analytical skills, problem- solving, or communication. Lastly, thank the employer for their time and express your enthusiasm for the role.

2. How do I write a cover letter for an Head Teacher job experience?

When writing a cover letter for an Head Teacher job with experience, it is important to focus on your accomplishments and highlight how your past experience makes you an ideal candidate. For example, provide tangible examples of successful projects you have worked on and how they benefited the school or organization. Additionally, mention any awards or recognition you have received, as well as any teaching certifications you may have earned. Lastly, make sure to portray a positive attitude in your cover letter, and be sure to thank the employer for their time.

3. How can I highlight my accomplishments in Head Teacher cover letter?

When highlighting your accomplishments in a Head Teacher cover letter, it is important to provide concrete examples of the successes you have achieved. Examples may include a successful project you completed, a significant increase in student engagement and performance, or any awards or recognition you have received. Additionally, you may want to include any teaching certifications you may have acquired as well as any additional certifications or training you have completed.

4. What is a good cover letter for an Head Teacher job?

A good cover letter for an Head Teacher job should start by introducing yourself and explaining your interest in the position. It should include a brief summary of your qualifications and skills and how they make you the perfect candidate for the role. Additionally, it should discuss any successes you have achieved as well as any awards or recognition you have earned. Lastly, it should express enthusiasm for the role and thank the employer for their time.

In addition to this, be sure to check out our cover letter templates , cover letter formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

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deputy headteacher cover letter example

Head Teacher Cover Letter Example

A cover letter should be engaging right from the first paragraph so that the employer should not get distracted and read it thoroughly. Your Head Teacher Cover Letter shall pass your reliable and proven teaching experience and ability to streamline the school’s teaching process.

We have a well-crafted Head Teacher Cover Letter Sample that can do wonders for you.

The role of a Head Teacher is to provide professional supervision and leadership to the school. He ensures that the school’s operations are running smoothly and efficiently. He has a wide array of significant tasks to perform, and hiring and appraising teachers’ performance is one of them. Formulating interesting learning strategies and classroom techniques is another primary responsibility of his.

Head Teacher Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters

What to Include in a Head Teacher Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

Several core responsibilities of Head Teacher are outlined below:

  • Devising overall goal for the school .
  • Recruit eligible teachers to join the teaching staff.
  • Formulating teaching and non-teaching policies for the school.
  • Make sure that the school’s activities adhere to the government-approved guidelines.
  • Participate in the monthly curriculum development process .
  • Draw up and allocate the budget.
  • Formulate interactive and exciting teaching methods.
  • Appraise teaching staff performance.
  • Keep track of students students’ academic results.
  • Address essential and complex matters efficiently.

Education & Skills

Head teacher skills:.

  • Remarkable communication skills to interact with teaching staff, students, and stakeholders.
  • Superior leadership ability to monitor the teachers’ performance and stimulate them to boost their productivity.
  • Great planner and innovative thinker to devise strategies to improve the quality of teaching plans.
  • Stay up to date with the recent amendments in the educational policy and acts.
  • Capable of acting responsibly in emergencies.

Head Teacher Educational Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in teaching or related discipline.
  • Postgraduate and doctorate are highly preferable.
  • Certification from an accredited institute to gain qualified teacher status.
  • Prior teaching experience of 5-6 years (minimum).
  • Proven track record of managing staff.
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office applications.

Head Teacher Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.,

When I came to know about your requirement for Head Teacher in your school, I immediately felt obliged to submit my job application for the same. To bring to your attention, I have developed a course curriculum, mentored subject teachers, and derived instructional strategies to smoothen the teaching process.

Below are the highlights of my work duties for you to gauge my strengths:

  • Devise short-range and long-range objectives for the schools.
  • Hire qualified personnel for the teaching staff and train them.
  • Formulate and implement rules and regulations for the teachers and the students.
  • Oversee the budgeting and allocation of funds.
  • Ensuring compliance of the school’s operations with the state and federal educational policies are followed.

I have excelled as the Head Teacher of ABC senior secondary school with my expertise in creating student engaging teaching methods, modifying the school’s disciplinary culture, and stimulating students’ learning.

You can take an inside tour of my academics and work credentials in the attached resume. I want to thank you in advance for reading through my application. I would be pleased to have further discussion about how my skills can propel the school results’ success.

Best Regards, [Your Name]

Strategizing creative teaching techniques and training teachers to induce a quality classroom environment are the two critical tips to interest the employer. You can look out for more job-specific skills in our Head Teacher Resume Sample to make your resume stronger and eye-catching.


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Professional Deputy Director Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your deputy director cover letter must immediately demonstrate your leadership capabilities. Highlight your track record of effectively managing teams and projects. Focus on your strategic planning skills in the second paragraph. Showcase how you have successfully executed company vision and objectives.

Cover Letter Guide

Deputy Director Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Deputy Director Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Deputy Director cover letter

Embarking on the job hunt, you've likely realized a compelling deputy director cover letter is your ticket to standing out. Unlike a resume, your cover letter shouldn't just list achievements—it should weave your proudest professional moment into a captivating narrative. Remember, formality matters, yet falling into the trap of cliches can dull your sparkle. And brevity is key; keep it to one gripping page that showcases your story, not just your history. Let's craft a letter that opens doors.

  • Writing the essential deputy director cover letter sections: balancing your professionalism and personality;
  • Mixing storytelling, your unique skill set, and your greatest achievement;
  • Providing relevant (and interesting) information with your deputy director cover letter, despite your lack of professional experience;
  • Finding the perfect format for your[ deputy director cover letter, using templates from industry experts.

Leverage the power of Enhancv's AI: upload your resume and our platform will map out how your deputy director cover letter should look, in mere moments.

If the deputy director isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Deputy Director resume guide and example
  • Operations Manager cover letter example
  • Functional Manager cover letter example
  • Operations Supervisor cover letter example
  • CCO cover letter example
  • Executive cover letter example
  • CTO cover letter example
  • Entry-Level Operations Manager cover letter example
  • Chief Operational Officer cover letter example
  • Chief Human Resources Officer cover letter example
  • Senior Executive Assistant cover letter example

Deputy Director cover letter example


Charlotte, North Carolina


[email protected]

  • Highlighting relevant senior management experience shows a track record of leadership and the ability to handle responsibilities pertinent to the role.
  • Emphasizing successful community health project management demonstrates concrete achievements and the ability to scale initiatives effectively, which is attractive to employers looking for impactful contributors.
  • Detailing the successful formation of cross-sector partnerships indicates strong relationship-building skills and a strategic approach to community engagement, both of which are vital for roles focused on community-oriented initiatives.
  • Including quantifiable metrics, such as a 20% increase in program outreach, provides tangible evidence of past successes and suggests a data-driven approach to project management.

What are the basics of the design or format of your deputy director cover letter?

To start, here's a reminder for you: the Applicant Tracker System (or software that is used to assess candidate profiles), won't be reading your deputy director cover letter.

Recruiters enjoy reading deputy director cover letters with a standardized format that uses:

  • the same font as the resume (e.g. modern ones like Raleway or Volkhov are prefered over the clichéd Times New Roman or Arial);
  • single spacing to keep the content concise and organized (this is all ready for you in our cover letter templates );
  • a one-inch margin to wrap around the text, like in our cover letter builder ;
  • PDF as a file format, as it allows your design (and visual element) to stay the same.

Finally, we can't go on without mentioning the key sections of your deputy director cover letter.

In the top one-third, make sure to include a header (with your contact information, name, role, and date), a salutation, and an introduction.

Next, follows the heart and soul of your deputy director cover letter or its body.

End your deputy director cover letter with a closing paragraph and, if you wish, a signature.

The top sections on a deputy director cover letter

  • Header: This should include the applicant's name, contact information, and the date, which is standard for any professional cover letter and provides the recruiter with essential contact details.
  • Greeting: A personalized greeting to the hiring manager shows the applicant has done their research and is seriously interested in the position, which is crucial for a deputy director role requiring a strong attention to detail.
  • Introduction: The introduction should clearly state the applicant's intent to apply for the deputy director position and briefly mention their most relevant experience or qualification, as this sets the stage for the recruiter to understand their suitability for leadership.
  • Body: Within one to two paragraphs, the applicant should highlight their previous management experience, accomplishments, and how they align with the responsibilities of a deputy director, illustrating their capability to fulfill the job requirements.
  • Closing: The closing should reiterate the applicant’s enthusiasm for the role, include a call to action such as requesting an interview, and thank the recruiter for considering the application, demonstrating professionalism and eagerness for the leadership position.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Proven leadership and management skills: Recruiters look for candidates who have demonstrated their ability to lead teams, manage projects, and guide an organization toward its goals.
  • Strategic thinking and decision-making abilities: Candidates must be able to develop and implement long-term strategies, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems.
  • Extensive industry-specific knowledge: Recruiters prioritize candidates with a deep understanding of the particular sector in which the organization operates, including relevant laws, regulations, and market trends.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills: Being able to effectively communicate with internal teams, stakeholders, and external partners and negotiate when necessary is crucial for a deputy director.
  • Financial acumen and budget management: Candidates should have experience overseeing budgets, allocating resources, and ensuring financial sustainability of programs or departments.
  • Adaptability and change management: The role often requires adapting to changing circumstances and steering the organization through transitions, calling for resilience and the ability to manage change effectively.

Kick off your deputy director cover letter: the salutation or greeting

When writing your deputy director cover letter, remember that you're not writing for some complex AI or robot, but for actual human beings.

And recruiters, while on the lookout to understand your experience, would enjoy seeing a cover letter that is tailored to the role and addresses them . Personally.

So, if you haven't done so, invest some time in finding out who's the hiring manager for the role you're applying to. A good place to start would be LinkedIn and the corporate website.

Alternatively, you could also get in touch with the company to find out more information about the role and the name of the recruiter.

If you haven't met the hiring manager, yet, your deputy director cover letter salutation should be on a last-name basis (e.g. "Dear Mr. Donaldson" or "Dear Ms. Estephan").

A good old, "Dear HR Professional" (or something along those lines) could work as your last resort if you're struggling to find out the recruiter's name.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear Director [Last Name],
  • Dear Dr. [Last Name],
  • Dear Search Committee,

Get creative with your deputy director cover letter introduction

Recruiters are going to assess plenty of candidate profiles for the role. Thus, anything you do to stand out will win you brownie points.

Use your deputy director cover letter introduction to share something memorable about your experience .

But before you go down the rabbit hole of creativity and humor, align your message with the company culture.

For example, if you are applying for a role in some startup, use those first two sentences to tell a funny story (about your experience) to quickly connect with the recruiter.

The middle or body of your deputy director cover letter body: a great instrument to tell a story

Now that you've set the right tone with the greeting and introduction of your deputy director cover letter, it's time to get down to business .

Hear us out, the body of your deputy director cover letter is the best storytelling instrument you have, in your job-hunting arsenal.

Writing the next three to six paragraphs, take the time to reassess the advert to discover job-crucial requirements.

Next, choose one accomplishment that covers those key skills and talents.

Use precisely that achievement to tell an exciting story of how you match the ideal candidate profile.

In the undertones of your story or deputy director cover letter body, hint at the difference you'd make and sell your application as the perfect one for the job.

Finishing off your deputy director cover letter with what matters most

So far, you've done a fantastic job in tailoring your deputy director cover letter for the role and recruiter.

Your final opportunity to make a good impression is your closing paragraph.

And, no, a "Sincerely yours" just won't do, as it sounds too vague and impersonal.

End your deputy director cover letter with the future in mind.

So, if you get this opportunity, what do you plan to achieve? Be as specific, as possible, of what value you'd bring to the organization.

You could also thank recruiters for their interest in your profile and prompt for follow-up actions (and organizing your first interview).

No experience deputy director cover letter: making the most out of your profile

Candidates who happen to have no professional experience use their deputy director cover letter to stand out.

Instead of focusing on a professional achievement, aim to quantify all the relevant, transferrable skills from your life experience.

Once again, the best practice to do so would be to select an accomplishment - from your whole career history.

Another option would be to plan out your career goals and objectives: how do you see yourself growing, as a professional, in the next five years, thanks to this opportunity?

Be precise and concise about your dreams, and align them with the company vision.

Key takeaways

Writing your deputy director cover letter has never been easier, so remember to:

  • Select a deputy director cover letter template that automatically meets industry formatting (e.g. has one-inch margins, is single-spaced, is in PDF, etc.);
  • Make your deputy director cover letter personal by mentioning the recruiters' first or last name;
  • Within the introduction, describe what you like best about the company in no more than two sentences;
  • Use your deputy director cover letter body to tell a story of your greatest achievement, backed up by job-relevant skills and technologies;
  • If you have no professional experience, be honest about it in your deputy director cover letter, but also write about your unique talents.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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  • Lightning-fast responses

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Head Teacher cover letter 1

Christine Graham Hiring Manager Dayjob Ltd 120 Vyse Street Birmingham B18 6NF

17th September 2014

Dear Ms Graham,

I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for the Head Teacher position within your company that I saw advertised today on the website.

I am an exceptional leader with a proven track record of running highly successful schools. I have the ability to create a teaching environment that is unique in character and designed to meet the needs of a specific location. I consider myself to be at the forefront of contemporary educational practice and am someone who can easily engage with students, teachers, parents and community leaders alike in a manner that is open and inclusive.

At the moment I am employed as a Deputy Head at The Southern School in Birmingham. I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the School and play a leading role in the school’s development. My current employers have commended me for creating a positive and nurturing environment that will give the children happy memories they can cherish forever.

Right now I am looking for an outstanding opportunity in an outstanding school that has facilities that are second to none and where no expense has been spared on the learning environment to ensure the comfort of students and teachers alike.

In addition to this letter I have also attached my CV which will give you a much more comprehensive picture of my competencies.

I sincerely hope you will be in touch with me within the next few days as regards an interview and I would like to remind you that I can be contacted directly either on my mobile…………… or by email on …………………………

Yours sincerely,

Name Address 1 Address 2 Tel: 0044 121 638 0026 Email: [email protected]

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How to write an outstanding job application

Everyone dreads those personal statement boxes on the job application form but we’ve all had to write ‘em and, if we’re in employment, they’ve clearly done the trick. Why would anyone literate need a guide to writing job applications?

Well, as an English teacher I certainly consider myself to be more than merely functionally literate and I some of the feedback on my ability to write a letter of application I had last year was very hard to hear.

The head teacher of a school at which I’d applied to become an assistant head told me the reason I wasn’t called for interview was because he’d been put off by my application letter. He didn’t like my writing style and thought it wasn’t specific enough. In particular he disliked the fact that I’d put several phrases in ‘inverted commas’ and used too many italics.

What do you do with this kind of criticism? Should I write it off as the views of one individual and stay true to myself, or should I take on board the advice offered wholesale? This sounds like a trite rhetorical question, but for a few weeks I felt really torn. I know it’s impossible to second guess exactly what someone else wants to hear and even if you could, you’d probably regret it, but still: if only there was a winning formula.

A few weeks later, I attended a course rune by  Hays Leadership  called Aspiring Leaders. I had very little idea what to expect and was pleasantly surprised to discover the thrust of the course was on securing and succeeding at interviews for school leadership positions. Perfect.

The advice was that applicants should use the National Standards for Headship to structure their applications. A copy of these can be downloaded   here .

The standards are:

  • shaping the future
  • leading learning and teaching
  • developing self and working with others
  • managing the organisation
  • securing accountability and
  • strengthening community.

I am ashamed to say, I knew nothing about these standards beforehand and it made perfect sense to demonstrate my understanding of these qualities in any application. The course leader went through what they each meant and I would recommend reading through them and making some detailed notes before beginning the application process.

Some schools design their job description and person specification around these standards which makes it very straightforward to construct your application. Others don’t. The advice offered in these cases is to work out which parts of the person spec/job description apply to which standards. So, if you’re asked to demonstrate  “ Courageous and committed leadership through effective role modeling”  you would slot this into your ‘managing the organisation’ section and, “ A significant contributor to strategic thinking and development”  would come under ‘shaping the future’ .  I’d advise putting the whole lot into a speadsheet to work out exactly what should go where.

The other important piece of advice is to make sure that for each of the standards you have a clear example which shows the  context  you are working in, what your  vision  was or is, the  actions  you have taken to implement your vision and the  impact  they have had (CVAI).  By doing this you avoid wooly hypothetical statements.

All of this was, needless to say, extraordinarily helpful. The next two applications I completed resulted in being offered an interview. One head told me that my application was “outstanding” and one of the best she had ever read! Sadly I didn’t get either job but that doesn’t matter. I now know how to write a leadership application and am confident that when the next job comes along I stand a very good chance of being interviewed for it.

Whilst this advice is aimed at leadership applications, the CVAI structure should be used in all applications and interviews whether you’re an NQT or a headteacher.

Another useful post on writing job applications from Simon Warburton here .

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This is excellent advice. We have a free job application at our site. Though it was designed for employers, it may be useful for your viewers as you can download and practice filling it out before you actually go in and fill out a real job application.

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Not sure if this is spam? Possibly useful although I’m not endorsing

[…] How to write an outstanding job application […]

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I would like to say that this blog really convinced me, you give me best information! Thanks, very good post.

[…] Update – the link in the comment from David Didau is not an activated link so here it is in glorious technicolour – The Learning Spy – How to write an outstanding job application. […]

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This is great info for those that really need it, thanks for adding!

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StandOut CV

Headteacher CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

A role as a headteacher gives you the unique opportunity to shape the minds of both students and teachers and to have a positive impact on the school as a whole.

While that’s very exciting, it’s also a big responsibility. So, to show the recruiter you’ve got what it takes to succeed you need a standout CV.

How do you create this? You can start by letting us be the teachers for once as we guide you through how to write a strong application and share with you a headteacher CV example for inspiration.

CV templates 

Headteacher CV example

Headteacher CV 1

Before you start writing your CV, take a look at the example Headteacher CV above to give yourself a good idea of the style and format that works best in today’s job market.

Also, take note of the type of content that is included to impress recruiters, and how the most relevant information is made prominent, to ensure it gets noticed.

CV builder

Headteacher CV layout and format

Your CV is the first impression you’ll make on anybody who reads it.

A disorganised, cluttered and barely-readable CV could seriously decrease your chances of landing interviews, so it’s essential to make sure yours is slick, professional and easy to navigate.

You can do this by using a clear structure and formatting your content with some savvy formatting techniques – check them out below:

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Headteacher CV

  • Length: If you want to hold the reader’s attention and ensure your CV isn’t yawn-worthy, it’s best to stick to two sides of A4 or less. This is more than enough room to highlight why you’re a good match for the role – anything more can quickly become tedious!
  • Readability : By clearly formatting your section headings (bold, or a different colour font, do the trick) and breaking up big chunks of text into snappy bullet points, time-strapped recruiters will be able to skim through your CV with ease.
  • Design: It’s generally best to stick to a simple CV design, as funky or elaborate designs rarely add any value to your application. A clear, modern font and a subtle colour scheme work perfectly and allow your skills, experience and achievements to speak for themselves.
  • Photos: Don’t add profile photos to your CV unless you work in an industry or region which prefers to see them. Most employers in the UK will not need to see one.

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

As you write your CV , divide and sub-head into the following sections:

  • Name and contact details – Always start with these, so employers know exactly how to get in touch with you.
  • CV profile – Add a short summary of your relevant experience, skills and achievements, which highlights your suitability.
  • Core skills section – A 2-3 columned list of your key skills.
  • Work experience – A detailed list of any relevant work experience, whether paid or voluntary.
  • Education – An overview of your academic background and any training you may have completed.
  • Hobbies and interests – A brief overview of your hobbies and interests, if they’re relevant (optional).

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Begin by sharing your contact details, so it’s easy for employers to give you a call. Keep to the basics, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, with no slang or nicknames. Make a new one for your job applications if necessary.
  • Location – Simply share your vague location, for example ‘Manchester’, rather than a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Remember to update them before you send your application.

Headteacher CV Profile

Recruiters read through countless applications every day.

If they don’t find what they’re looking for quickly, they’ll simply move onto the next one.

That’s what makes your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level/graduate candidate) so important.

This short and snappy summary sits at the top of your CV, and should give a high-level overview of why you’re a good match for the job.

This way, you can ensure that busy recruiters see your suitability from the outset, and so, feel your CV is worth their time.

CV profile

CV profile writing tips:

  • Make it short and sharp: Recruiters are busy, so to ensure your profile is actually read, it’s best to keep it short and snappy. 3-5 punchy lines makes for the perfect profile.
  • Tailor it: No matter how much time you put into your CV profile, it won’t impress if it’s irrelevant to the role you’re applying for. Before you start writing, make a list of the skills, knowledge and experience your target employer is looking for. Then, make sure to mention them in your CV profile and throughout the rest of your application.
  • Don’t add an objective: Avoid discussing your career goals in your CV profile – if you think they’re necessary, briefly mention them in your cover letter instead.
  • Avoid generic phrases: Cheesy clichès and generic phrases won’t impress recruiters, who read the same statements several times per day. Impress them with your skill-set, experience and accomplishments instead!

Example CV profile for a Headteacher

What to include in your headteacher cv profile.

  • Experience overview: Demonstrate your suitability for your target jobs by giving a high level summary of your previous work work experience , including the industries you have worked in, types of employer, and the type of roles you have previous experience of.
  • Targeted skills: Make your most relevant Headteacher key skills clear in your profile. These should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for – so make sure to check the job description first, and aim to match their requirements as closely as you can.
  • Key qualifications: If the job postings require specific qualifications, it is essential to incorporate them in your profile to ensure visibility to hiring managers.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Create a core skills section underneath your profile to spotlight your most in-demand skills and grab the attention of readers.

This section should feature 2-3 columns of bullet points that emphasise your applicable skills for your target jobs. Before constructing this section, review the job description and compile a list of any specific skills, specialisms, or knowledge required.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Headteacher CV

Strategic leadership – Leading and managing staff, promoting a positive school culture, and making strategic decisions for the school.

Curriculum design and delivery – Designing and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all students.

Assessment and data analysis – Using data to inform decisions and improve student outcomes.

Safeguarding – Utilising knowledge of safeguarding procedures and regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff.

Behaviour management – Managing student behaviour effectively and implementing appropriate policies and practices.

Budgeting and financial management – Utilising knowledge of budgeting, financial planning, and resource allocation to manage the school’s finances effectively.

Professional development – Developing and delivering professional development opportunities for staff to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Performance management – Managing staff performance and setting objectives that align with the school’s strategic goals.

Compliance and regulation – Utilising knowledge of education laws, regulations, and policies to ensure the school meets its legal and regulatory obligations.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience section

Now it’s time to get stuck into your work experience, which should make up the bulk of your CV.

Begin with your current (or most recent) job, and work your way backwards.

If you’ve got too much experience to fit onto two pages, prioritise space for your most recent and relevant roles.

Work experience

Structuring each job

If you don’t pay attention to the structure of your career history section, it could quickly become bulky and overwhelming.

Get in recruiters’ good books by creating a pleasant reading experience, using the 3-step structure below:

Role descriptions

Start with a brief summary of your role as a whole, as well as the type of company you worked for.

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using bullet points.

Wherever you can, point out how you put your hard skills and knowledge to use – especially skills which are applicable to your target role.

Key achievements

Lastly, add impact by highlight 1-3 key achievements  that you made within the role.

Struggling to think of an achievement? If it had a positive impact on your company, it counts.

For example, you might increased company profits, improved processes, or something simpler, such as going above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.

Sample job description for a Headteacher CV

Direct the operations of a non-selective state secondary school in urban Newcastle with 900 students aged 11-16, working with the senior management team to develop and implement strategies for the curriculum, extracurricular activities, and budget.

Key Responsibilities

  • Work with teachers to set and uphold the school values and ethos
  • Ensure compliance with council policies, application of extra curricular programs, and effective operation of all school activities
  • Monitor instructional processes and provide resources and materials
  • Establish clear expectations for staff performance with regard to instructional strategies, classroom management, and communication

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education and qualifications

After your work experience, your education section should provide a detailed view of your academic background.

Begin with those most relevant to Headteacher jobs, such as vocational training or degrees. If you have space, you can also mention your academic qualifications, such as A-Levels and GCSEs.

Focus on the qualifications that are most relevant to the jobs you are applying for.

Hobbies and interests

Although this is an optional section, it can be useful if your hobbies and interests will add further depth to your CV.

Interests which are related to the sector you are applying to, or which show transferable skills like leadership or teamwork, can worth listing.

On the other hand, generic hobbies like “going out with friends” won’t add any value to your application, so are best left off your CV.

A strong, compelling CV is essential to get noticed and land interviews with the best employers.

To ensure your CV stands out from the competition, make sure to tailor it to your target role and pack it with sector-specific skills and results.

Remember to triple-check for spelling and grammar errors before hitting send.

Good luck with the job search!

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Deputy Headteacher Letter of Application

Deputy Headteacher Letter of Application

Subject: Pedagogy and professional development

Age range: Age not applicable

Resource type: Other

Teaching with Heart

Last updated

22 April 2023

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deputy headteacher cover letter example

A successful covering letter linked to the job description and person specification of a Deputy Headteacher.

You will find within the letter examples of how I linked my quantifiable experiences to the intended impact, highlighting my suitability to the role.

I hope it is useful to those looking to apply for a Deputy Headteacher position.

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    A successful covering letter linked to the job description and person specification of a Deputy Headteacher. You will find within the letter examples of how I linked my quantifiable experiences to the intended impact, highlighting my suitability to the role. I hope it is useful to those looking to apply for a Deputy Headteacher position.