SEO Writing: How To Write SEO Content (12 Easy Tips)

Learn how to create SEO-Optimized content. Follow our tips to write SEO-friendly content that users love to read.

Alex Chris

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What Is SEO Writing?

Why is seo writing important, how to write seo content, key learnings, learn more about seo writing.

Writing for SEO is an art. The job of an SEO writer is to write content for search engines and users. To do that successfully, you must know how to apply basic SEO content principles in practice.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need about SEO writing. I will explain what SEO writing is and give you 12 SEO content writing tips to ensure that each content you write is search-engine friendly.

SEO writing is the process of writing content to rank high in search engines like Google, for related keywords.  This is done by doing keyword research and writing SEO-optimized and helpful content relevant to the user’s search intent.

SEO writing is also known as SEO copywriting or search engine optimization writing.

SEO writing is important because if you want your content to get traffic from search engines, it needs to appear in the top positions of the SERPs. According to studies, the majority of search engine traffic goes to the top 5 positions.

Importance of SEO Writing

Another reason is growth. If you consistently write content that keeps users and search engines happy, it will have a positive effect on your Google trust and you’ll be able to rank for more keywords.

Over time, you’ll experience a steady growth of organic traffic with numerous other benefits for your business.

SEO Training

Follow these rules to start creating optimized SEO content.

  • Find Your Primary And Secondary Keywords
  • Craft Your Page Title And Meta Description
  • Create An SEO Friendly URL
  • Satisfy Search Intent
  • Create Helpful, Unique Content
  • Use Keywords In Your Content
  • Create Meaningful Subheadings
  • Add Internal Links With Relevant Anchor Text
  • Optimize Content For E-E-A-T
  • Optimize Content For Featured Snippets
  • Add And Optimize Images
  • Make Your Content Easy To Read On Mobiles

1. Find Your Primary And Secondary Keywords

The first step before writing new content is to decide which keywords to target.

This process is known as keyword research, and it’s very important for a simple reason. You need to write content around topics that people search for and keyword research will tell you that.

When you do your keyword research, the outcome will be a set of SEO keywords both head (or primary keywords) and long tail keywords that people type in search engines.

The easiest way to do this is to:

  • Go to Google and search for your chosen topic (general).
  • Visit the top 5 pages and analyze the type of content they provide.
  • Take each URL and, using Semrush or other tools (Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, etc), find out for which keywords those pages are ranking and the traffic they get.
  • Then, depending on the results, decide which main keywords you will target in your content.
  • Take those keywords again and, using a tool, find out the associated long-tail keywords and related keywords.

Here is an example of how I followed the above steps when writing this post:

I did a general search on Google using “write for SEO”.

I analyzed the first results using Semrush and found out that the keyword that has a high volume for my chosen topic is “SEO writing.”

SEO Writing Keywords

I then used the Keyword Magic tool (utilizing the advanced filters feature) of SEMRUSH to find other related long-tail keywords.

Find long tail keywords to use in your content

If you take a closer look at the content, you’ll see that these keywords are used in different places throughout the article.

By following this process every time you write new content, you help search engines understand your content better, and if your content satisfies what users want, this will eventually translate to higher rankings, social media shares, and more incoming links.

2. Craft Your Page Title And Meta Description

The next step is to start thinking about your page title. Choosing a good page title is critical for the success of your content, so allocate the necessary time to come up with a title that:

  • Includes your target keyword
  • It’s unique for your website
  • It’s interesting for users to click
  • It’s around 60 characters
  • It’s not the same as the existing titles on the first page of Google.

Don’t omit any of the steps, especially the last one. Before deciding on your title, go to Google, type your target keyword, and analyze the first 10 titles.

Your goal is to create a title that is unique. Otherwise, you limit your chances of getting a top-10 position. Google rarely shows pages with the same title in the first 10 results.

Do the same when crafting your meta description . Make it unique, and try to describe your content in 160 characters or less. Include keywords so that users can know if the content matches their intent.

For example, look at the title and meta description below and notice how the keyword ‘learn digital marketing’ is used naturally in both.

Example of Page Title and Meta Description

3. Create An SEO Friendly URL

The next step is very easy to implement. When creating the permalink of your post, ensure it includes your target keywords and eliminates any unnecessary words.

Look, for example, at the URL of this post. By default, it was the same as the page title, i.e.

But I have shortened it down to:

Aim for having exact match URLs where possible. Read our guide on SEO-Friendly URLs for more details.

4. Satify Search Intent

After finding your target keywords, the next step before writing the content is to examine what kind of content users like to consume for the particular keywords. In other words, you need to find the search intent behind each keyword.

To do this successfully, search for your target keywords on Google and examine the top-ranking pages. What kind of content is ranking in the top positions? Are they short-form articles, long-form articles, or listicles? What is the average content length? How are the pages structured?

Also, look at the ‘People Also Ask’ section, which shows users’ common questions about a particular topic.

For example, let’s say you’re writing a post on “blogging tips”.

Search Intent Analysis

If you perform a search on Google, you can easily make these assumptions:

  • Most articles have a list of tips, so the appropriate format for this keyword is listicles .
  • For each tip, they give a summary and links to learn more.
  • The average article length is 3000 words.
  • Top-ranking articles have many custom-made visuals.

If you follow the above guidelines and provide content that is unique and useful, you’ll have more chances of achieving a high ranking.

Another example. If you are writing an article about ‘SEO tools,’ you will notice that almost all results are about lists with ‘Free Tools.’

This means that Google has found out that when users search for tools, although they don’t include the word ‘Free’, they intend to browse lists of Free tools.

This also means that if you target this keyword, you must adjust your title and content accordingly. Otherwise, you minimize your chances of rankings for that term.

Search Intent Analysis

Pro Tip: Make sure you research on both desktop and mobile, as the results are presented differently.

5. Create Helpful, Unique Content

Now it’s time to get your hands dirty and get into content writing .

You already know what your competitors have published, you have your title, and you know which keywords to include in your content. What else do you need?

You need content that has the following characteristics:

  • People-first – content produced to provide value to people and not search engines.
  • Original – content that is not a copy of existing content.
  • Unbiased – content that is not biased but presents both sides of a story.
  • Complete – content that provides a comprehensive description of a topic.
  • Better – content doesn’t have to be perfect, but it has to be better than what is already published.

Follow the checklist below, every time you start creating content.

High-Quality, Helpful Content Checklist

What is the ideal length of content?

I’ve mentioned above that you must make your content comprehensive enough so that users can get accurate and in-depth information about the topic.

Despite what you might have read, there is no magic number when it comes to word length.

It all depends on the topic and keywords. For some topics, you might need to write articles that are over 2000 words. For other topics, you can provide a comprehensive answer in 800 words.

Content length alone is NOT a ranking factor. What matters is the quality of the content and how well it can satisfy the user’s real intent.

To avoid any confusion, several studies have shown that the ideal article length for SEO is around 1800 words, and this is true for many cases.

Longer articles allow you to use more keywords (without keyword stuffing), and they tend to do better in social media.

But, this is a general guideline and not applicable to all cases. My recommendation is to find the average length of the first 10 results and try to provide a bit more content but better than what has already been published.

There is no reason to write a 3000-word article if you can have the same result as a 1500-word article.

6. Use Keywords In Your Content

Here is a nice tip that most SEO writers fail to follow. Once you are done with the first draft, you need to go back and revisit your post introduction.

Your goal is to make sure that your target keyword is included in your opening paragraph .

The reason is that Google always considers that content that is above the fold and high on a page is more important than content found down the page.

Adding your keywords in the first paragraph gives Google a big clue as to which keywords to associate this page with. It’s also good for the users since you can help them understand that they are on the right page.

With the introduction of machine learning to Google search algorithms (known as RankBrain), Google is trying to truly understand what the searcher wants by using natural language processing.

Understanding User Intent

This means that for a given keyword, Google will look for the deeper meaning of the query and not just for exact match keywords.

For you as an SEO copywriter, it means that you need to add related keywords in your content to help them during this process.

Related keywords are keywords that have the same or similar meaning. You can find these keywords using tools like Semrush. Here is a screenshot of the related keywords for “SEO writing”.

Related Keywords

So, you need to return to your copy and enrich it with these keywords naturally. You may have to rephrase some of your sentences, but it’s a step that can improve the relevance of your content.

7. Create Meaningful Subheadings

One of the characteristics of SEO-friendly content is that it’s easy to read by both search engines and users, and headings help in that direction.

Don’t be surprised but the majority of users won’t read your content, they will scan through it. Having meaningful headings helps them find the part they want faster.

Search engines follow the same pattern, especially for long-form content. They scan the page and look for certain elements to understand how it is structured and what topics or keywords the content covers.

To make their job easier, you can use predefined heading tags in your HTML, like the H1 tag , h2 tag, and h3.

Create Skimmable Headings

Usually, a page has only one H1 tag, which is used for the title, and then the rest of the content has H2 for the main headings and H3 for the sub-headings.

To further improve the SEO friendliness of your copy, try to use some of your long-tail keywords in the headings. Take a closer look at the headings of this article and notice how I have added long-tail keywords in my headings.

8. Add Internal Links With Relevant Anchor Text

One of the SEO principles most SEO content writers tend to forget is internal linking . An internal link is a link that points to a page on the same website.

Why is it important?

When you publish a new page, it has to match your site’s topics. This improves relevancy and rankings. One of the ways to ‘tell’ Google that your content is relevant to the rest of the site, is to use internal links.

Good and Bad Internal Linking

Although internal links are not as powerful as SEO backlinks, they are still used by Google to understand what the linked page is about, especially if the right anchor text is used in the link.

They also help users learn more about a topic (look at this article again and notice how I have used internal links to give users a way to find out more information about a topic).

Last but not least, internal links are followed by search engine crawlers, and this leads to better crawling and indexing of more site pages.

9. Optimize Content For E-E-A-T

A lot of content is published on the Internet, and to protect the quality of their search results, Google algorithms can detect which pages demonstrate Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness on a given topic.

In the SEO world, this is known as E-E-A-T and is a critical factor of SEO content and an indicator of content Quality.

Here is the relevant quote from Google’s guidelines on content quality.

Content Quality Guidelines - Google

How can you improve your SEO copy for E-E-A-T?

Follow these simple guidelines:

  • Every page should have the author’s name and bio published (see how I use this on all my posts).
  • A page should have outgoing links to trusted sources.
  • A page and website, in general, should have incoming links from other trusted and related websites.

As an SEO copywriter, you cannot control the last guideline (incoming links) since this has to do more with the content promotion part, but you can control the first two.

So, revisit your content again and ensure that it links to other trusted websites and that the author bio is clearly shown on all pages.

10. Optimize Content For Featured Snippets

Another important tip for making your content more visible to search engines is optimizing for featured snippets .

A featured snippet appears on position ‘zero’ of the organic results and has a higher CTR compared to normal listings. Here is an example:

Featured Snippet Paragraph Example

For every piece of content you publish, you should analyze the SERPs to find what kind of featured snippets Google shows for your target keywords and optimize your content accordingly. The most common types are paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos.

11. Add And Optimize Images

Before you hit the publish button, ensure your content includes optimized images.

Adding images to your content makes it more interesting and easier to read. While this is not directly related to SEO writing, it can help in many ways:

  • Users are more likely to share content with high-quality images in their social media networks than content with no images.
  • You can use the image alt text to give search engines more clues about your content.
  • When you properly optimize your images , you have more chances of appearing in Google image search for your target (or related) keywords.

12. Make Your Content Easy To Read On Mobiles

When writing content, ensure it is optimized for reading on mobile devices. This means:

  • Use a font that is big enough.
  • Breaking the text into short paragraphs.
  • Use lists where appropriate to make the information more digestible.
  • Use responsive images that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Ensure that the main content is not confused with ads.
  • The page loads fast and has no annoying popups.

Anyone can learn to write for SEO. It’s a skill that can be easily mastered through practice and by following some basic SEO principles.

If you work as a freelancer , you can apply for many SEO writing jobs. If you’re doing SEO for your website, learning how to write content for SEO will make your content get found on Google .

What you should not forget is always to put the user first. Your primary concern is providing content users want to read and then optimizing it for SEO.

This is why I have separated the process into several steps that involve writing the content naturally and then revising it for SEO.

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Alex Chris

Alex Chris is a digital marketing consultant, author, and instructor. He has more than 18 years of practical experience with SEO and digital marketing. Alex holds an MSc Degree in eCommerce and has consulted with Fortune 500 companies in different industries. He blogs regularly about SEO and Digital marketing, and his work has been referenced by leading marketing websites. Connect with Alex on Twitter and LinkedIn .

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Learn how to create high-ranking listicles. Includes writing tips, examples, and best practices.

Replicate my steps and learn how to write SEO-friendly blog posts optimized for both search engines and users.

A complete step-by-step guide on SEO content. Learn how to fully optimize your content for search engines.

The best content marketing tips to follow and boost the performance of your content marketing campaigns.


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July 8, 2014 at 7:52 pm

this article is very useful. As iam a new learner so it helps me a lot. Thanks for all this information 🙂

November 6, 2014 at 7:19 am

Thanks for explaining in detail about SEO Friendly Content, this will be helpful.

January 10, 2015 at 2:37 pm

Great article for content writing and seo optimization..

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May 25, 2016 at 8:30 am

Thanks for this wonderful post. SEO is an great part of blogging, and helps to get constant flow of traffic over long periods of time. Both on page and off page optimization are equally important, but I have been trying to learn more and more about on page optimization. Learned quite a few rocking tips on how to write SEO optimized posts.

Thanks bro.

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May 25, 2016 at 10:47 am

Thanks for commenting. Glad you find my post useful. You can also check for more actionable tips and advice about on-page and off-page SEO.

All the best Alex

January 29, 2017 at 7:19 am

Thanks i read it alreally. Really usefull for my site. Thank you so much bro.

July 15, 2016 at 8:46 am

Great little article! Giving the basics of SEO in an incredibly light and informative way. Very easy to read and understand thank you for your help!

July 16, 2016 at 10:49 am

well..informative blog..I am planning to rewrite content for one of my websites.I would like to ask about keyword density. please guide for the same..thanks in advance ..

July 21, 2016 at 8:01 am

Great article, many thanks.

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July 22, 2016 at 6:23 pm

Great tips Alex! Writing for SEO without sounding like an SEO is easier these days. Ridiculous keyword stuffing is redundant and luckily Google is better penalizing for it. I’m generating ideas on my next piece of content with keyword tools. I like search suggestion tools like or but being organic in your writing isn’t something you can acquire with a tool)

January 19, 2017 at 4:31 pm

You are write Alex. If you wanna have frequently visited web/blog, you must have a well prepared showcase.

January 20, 2017 at 1:43 pm

Very well said! Prepare your content from the beginning so that it’s ready and in good shape once the traffic starts to flow in.

Thanks Alex

January 23, 2017 at 9:37 pm

Really amazing information with full detail but in point 5 you have a spelling mistake “big fun” instead of” big fan”. Thanks Alex

January 23, 2017 at 10:33 pm

Thanks for your comment. Spelling mistake corrected.

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April 6, 2017 at 1:23 pm

This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I genuinely enjoy reading through your posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that deal with the same subjects? Thanks a lot!

April 19, 2017 at 8:54 am

Thank you for your advice. I have a question for you: my blog is new, how to develop content the most effectively and get more traffic with content marketing.

April 20, 2017 at 1:40 pm

Take a look at these two posts: and . They describe the process I use to create new content and increase my traffic.

October 27, 2017 at 4:15 am

Hey Alex, your article is awesome. You start easy and basic and I think everyone can follow your step by step description. What do you think is the worst mistake one can make while writing friendly SEO content?

October 27, 2017 at 8:40 am

Keyword stuffing. SEO Friendly content has to be written naturally without exaggerating with the use of keywords.

December 20, 2017 at 9:24 am

Impressive article on SEO. Very easy to read and understand thank you for your help!

January 11, 2018 at 10:58 am

hey Alex, your post is excellent and so informative. it is really helpful for a beginner blogger like me. keep up the good work. i have a question, what would be the minimum word limit of the article??

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June 7, 2018 at 7:05 pm

I am a beginner in the blogging industry. I really benefited by your super reach article. That helps me to write an SEO optimized post. Do I have some question, How to write a perfect SEO title and meta title? and how to find the best keyword? please help me, sir…..

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November 6, 2018 at 2:04 pm

Can you please let me know that if I use an image for which I don’t have copyright like images from direct Google search.Then what will be the effect to my website?Are there any risk of penalized my website by Google.

March 26, 2019 at 10:55 am

You should always reference the source of the image by adding a link to your content. There is no Google penalty from using images from Google search.

Hope this helps Alex

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October 10, 2019 at 4:18 pm

hi there, informative clear updated thanks for the detailed explanation with a presentation, it will be really helpful to enhance in-depth knowledge about Content Writing Skills.

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November 23, 2022 at 3:28 pm

Thanks! Glad I could help.

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November 1, 2019 at 3:29 pm

Best article for a beginner to kick start with basic SEO for a blog 2019. I am a beginner and it’s very helpful to me.

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January 3, 2021 at 9:27 pm

Hey Alex, thanks a lot. This is a very informative post and you have written all the things about SEO in a very easy way. Thanks for sharing this kind of nice content.

Regards Mohit

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May 25, 2021 at 2:23 pm

Writing a content with SEO tactics is not an easy task, but here you wrote a wonderful post which make easy to write SEO friendly content.

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September 2, 2021 at 5:54 pm

Wow Very informative article Alex as usual. Thanks for sharing.

November 23, 2022 at 3:29 pm

Thanks a lot for commenting.

January 2, 2024 at 8:58 am

Thank you for this incredibly helpful guide on SEO writing! Your 12 easy tips provide a clear roadmap for creating SEO-friendly content. The breakdown makes it so much simpler to understand and implement these strategies. Grateful for the valuable insights that will surely improve content creation. Much appreciated!

how to write a seo friendly content

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how to write a seo friendly content

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SEO Writing: 13 Tips on Writing Blog Posts That Rank on Google

Published: November 09, 2023

If you've ever written a blog post before, you know how much time it can take.

bblogging for seo: magnifying glass and typewriter

From topic selection and gathering research to writing the post and pressing “Publish,” the process often demands hours. That‘s why, if your post doesn’t earn the traffic you expected, it can be a major letdown.

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Fortunately, there's a way to combat low traffic: search engine optimization . As marketers, we‘re always aiming to write content that’ll rank highly on Google, and SEO is the bridge that'll help you get there. That begs the question: How do you incorporate that into your content?

Don‘t worry — we’ve got you covered. In this post, we're going to dive into 12 ways to master SEO writing.

What is SEO writing?

SEO writing is the process of writing content to rank on the first page of search engines like Google. This involves researching keywords, writing high-quality content that matches user intent, and optimizing your headers for easy page crawling.

how to write a seo friendly content

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With higher rankings, your website increases its overall visibility. The ultimate goal is to drive organic traffic, increase conversions, and achieve business objectives through effective optimization.

If you don’t optimize your content for search engines, your website may suffer from low visibility and poor rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). As a result, the potential reach and exposure of your content may be significantly reduced.

Why is SEO content writing important?

Without SEO, your content is less likely to rank highly on search engines. Ranking lower may hinder your ability to attract and engage with your target audience. It may also make your content seem less credible and authoritative.

A 2020 Search Engine Journal study found that the clickthrough rate for websites in position one on the SERP is 25%. This number drops drastically to 15% for websites in position two and then down to 2.5% for websites in position 10. When you get to page two of Google, that number gets even lower.

This means that if your website is not on the first page, there’s a small chance consumers will find your website organically. Fewer visits to your site mean fewer opportunities to generate leads, and ultimately, revenue.

Your next best option is investing in advertising to get those users to your site. But that costs money, and if you’re on a tight budget, why not invest time in SEO writing? It’s free and will likely bring you traffic for much longer than a campaign would.

The Basics of SEO Content Writing

When getting started with SEO content writing, it’s important to understand the basics. Here are some fundamental principles to follow when incorporating SEO into your writing.

Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization is all about strategically using relevant keywords and phrases in your content to boost its visibility and ranking. This aspect of SEO is super important because it helps search engines better understand your content, thereby increasing the chances of it appearing in relevant search queries and attracting organic traffic.

To select the best keywords, you’ll need to research and identify what exactly your target audience is looking for and align it with your content’s topic. Finding the right balance between incorporating keywords in a way that makes sense to readers and satisfies search engine algorithms is key.

We’ll go more in-depth about how to find keywords and how to disperse them throughout your content in the tips section .

User Intent

User intent refers to the motivation or purpose behind a user's search query. It’s all about figuring out what they really want to discover when typing something into a search engine.

There are generally four types of user intent:

  • Informational intent: When someone is seeking information or answers to their questions. They may be looking for definitions, explanations, how-to guides, or research materials.
  • Navigational intent: When someone is searching for a specific website or brand. They already know what they want to find and are using a search engine to navigate to a particular webpage.
  • Transactional intent: When someone is ready to take action, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a service, or booking an appointment.
  • Commercial intent: When someone is researching products or services with the intention to buy later. They are comparing products, reading reviews, and looking for the best deals before making a decision.

By understanding user intent, you can create content that aligns with what people are looking for and boost your chances of showing up in search results. Each industry and niche also changes your user intent. For example, SEO for lawyers will be a lot different compared to SEO for marketers. It's all about giving people what they need and providing them with a good search experience.


Writing for SEO isn’t just about what you write, it’s also about how you write. It isn’t enough to just place keywords into your content and call it a day. You need to consider how your audience’s experience will be when they read it.

This is where readability comes in.

Readability is all about striking the right balance between optimizing for search engines and ensuring that your content is enjoyable and valuable to human readers.

In addition to optimizing your content with keywords and internal links, you’ll want to focus on user experience. Write in a reader-friendly manner by using clear and concise language and avoiding jargon. You’ll also want to utilize headings and make your content more scannable (more on that below).

When writing and editing your content ask yourself: Is this easy to understand? Does this have a logical flow? Is this engaging? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” you may need to make some changes.

Historical Optimization

Every SEO writer knows that an evergreen blog post will never be completely finished, even after it’s been published. Thanks to algorithm updates and competitors targeting the same keywords, search results are always changing.

That’s why it’s important to have a content update strategy in place to ensure your older web content remains fresh and relevant in search engine rankings. This practice is called historical optimization .

To figure out which blog posts you need to update, assess your older content by conducting a content audit to find underperforming or outdated pieces. Then, determine how to improve the piece. This usually involves refreshing the content by adding new information, removing outdated information, optimizing keywords, and improving formatting and readability.

Tips on How To Incorporate SEO in Your Writing

  • Start with keyword research.
  • Use headings to your benefit.
  • Optimize your content for featured snippets.
  • Write for humans, not search engines.
  • Optimize your title.
  • Include keywords in your meta description.
  • Add alt text to images.
  • Resist the urge to keyword stuff.
  • Link to high-authority websites.
  • Aim for scannable, longer posts.
  • Link to other posts on your site.
  • Compress images for fast page load speed.
  • Design a link-building strategy.

1. Start with keyword research.

It’s estimated that Google processes over 70,000 search queries a second. Staggering, right?

If you want to cut through SERP clutter and outrank your competitors, you need to target the specific keywords and phrases your potential customers are searching for. Otherwise, how else will they find your content and website?

Start with a keyword research tool . Sites like Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner give you details on what users are searching for and how popular those queries are. For an inside look into how Ahrefs can aid you in your SEO keyword research and beyond, check out our case study and exclusive interview here.

Google Trends can also give you a feel for what keywords are popular at any given time. If you see searches are steadily declining over time for a specific keyword, you know that’s probably not the right keyword to target for your marketing. The opposite is true for rising trends.

If you’re ever running low on keyword ideas, get inspiration from your competition. Use competitive intelligence tools to see what keywords their domains currently rank for. If these keywords are relevant to your business, consider using them too.

However, keep in mind that the most obvious keywords don’t always align with your strategy. Additionally, your focus keywords will evolve over time as trends shift, terminology changes or your product/service line grows.

Be sure to conduct keyword research periodically to ensure you’re still focusing on the right keywords for your target audience and not missing out on vital ranking opportunities.

2. Use headings to your benefit.

Headers help Google’s web crawlers understand your blog post and the sections within it.

Think of the crawlers as readers who are skimming your blog. They want an overview of what your article will cover, that’s your H1. Then your H2s, H3s, H4s break down the subtopics within the piece.

So, your subheaders should reflect the content in the body and include high-intent keywords . When you use the right keywords, meaning the ones your target audience is using, you have a much higher chance of ranking on the SERP.

3. Optimize your content for featured snippets.

Featured snippets on Google are the most direct answers to search queries. For instance, if I were to search, “How do you write a blog post?” Google might use a featured snippet to show the best answer.

featured snippet on Google search engines results page (SERP)

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You can then go through that draft and add the personal touches and optimizations that make it fun for humans to read.

5. Optimize your title.

Even with a great, SEO-friendly post body, a bad headline could hurt you in the SERP.

To title your post with SEO in mind, write something compelling that also incorporates your main keyword. Here are a few tips:

  • Incorporate numbers. E.g.: “5 Ways to Rock a Matte Lipstick.”
  • Include your offer in the title. E.g.: “How to Write a Cover Letter [+ Free Template]”
  • Add a teaser. E.g.: “We Tried the New [Insert App Name] App: Here's What Happened”

Pro tip: You can speed up the process with tools like HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator . Aside from helping you brainstorm relevant titles, the platform can also pull and display keyword search volume data from Semrush — perfect for quick and easy title optimization. 

6. Include keywords in your meta description.

Are you adding meta descriptions to your post? If your answer is “no,” then you‘re probably not getting as much traffic as you could. Let’s get into why they're important.

By now, we‘ve talked about a couple of the ways a blog post can communicate with Google: subheaders, keywords, and snippets. However, that’s not an exhaustive list.

Meta descriptions are another area Google crawls to determine search rankings. Meta descriptions are the one- to three-sentence descriptions, you'll find underneath the title of a result.

example how to include keywords in a meta description

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10 tips for an awesome and SEO-friendly blog post

how to write a seo friendly content

Writing blog posts requires skill. To keep readers interested, you should think about the structure of your content and keep it enjoyable. Because if people like and understand your post, they’re much more likely going to share it with others – and that will increase your rankings. So, if you want to improve your writing skills and your rankings, start with these tips on how to write an SEO-friendly blog post!

It might sound like writing for SEO and writing to attract and engage your audience are two conflicting goals. But that’s actually not true. Sure, if you want to write an SEO-friendly post, you should feature the words you want to be found in a prominent place. But  over -using keywords severely damages the readability of your text. In fact, a high keyphrase density can even be a signal to Google that you might be stuffing keywords in your text, which can negatively affect your rankings.

This post provides tips on writing blog posts that are SEO-friendly and readable. These two goals should always go hand in hand. Because we believe that writing in understandable language gets you more visitors and keeps them on your site!

Master SEO copywriting and other vital SEO skills by getting Yoast SEO academy Premium . This gives you access to all our courses and the Yoast SEO Premium plugin!

Before you start: do keyword research

Before you start writing , you have to do  keyword research . If you want to dominate the search results, you’ll have to figure out which words your audience actually searches for. These are the topics you should write about and the keywords you should use in your text.

When you’ve done your keyword research and have a list of focus keywords to write about, it’s time to get on with writing. Here are 10 tips to help you end up with an awesome blog post!

Writing tips for SEO-friendly blog posts

Above all, your blog post has to be a good piece of writing. When starting a new post, many bloggers just start writing. While this may work for some people, others need more guidance. Personally, I always follow these ‘rules’ when I write a new blog.

1. Think before you write!

Before you start, think carefully about the message of your piece. It helps to answer the following questions:

  • What do you want to tell your readers, or which central question do you want to answer?
  • What’s the purpose of your article?
  • What do you want your readers to do at the end of the page?

It’s also good to think about the search intent someone may have. An easy way to get an insight into this is by looking at the search results for the search term you want to rank with.

2. Devise a structure for your post

To write a readable and SEO-friendly blog post, you need to create a clear structure . This means that every post should have:

  • some sort of introduction (in which you introduce your topic).
  • a body (in which the main message is written).
  • a conclusion (in which you summarize the main ideas or draw a conclusion).

In a few sentences, write down what you want to say in all three sections. You’ve now created a summary of your post. This will help you create a structured and readable blog post. Now the real writing can begin.

3. Use paragraphs and headings

Everybody uses paragraphs, but not everybody uses them well. For example, it might be tempting to start each new sentence on a new line because it looks nice. But you shouldn’t do that! You also shouldn’t make your paragraphs too lengthy , as each paragraph should have its own idea or subject. So, ask yourself what the main idea of each paragraph is. You should be able to summarize that main idea in one sentence. If that’s not possible and you need more sentences to explain the main idea, you simply need to use more paragraphs .

Proper headings also help your readers understand what a specific part of your text is about. If you want people to find their way through your articles, use subheadings to lead them. Subheadings help readers scan your page, and clarify the structure of your articles. They’re not just important for readability, but  for SEO as well . That’s why we also advise to use your keyword in some of your subheadings . Don’t use your keyword in every heading! It will make your text read clunky and unnatural. Plus, it will put people off from reading further.

4. Use transition words

Transition words help people scan through your text and understand the relationship between sentences and paragraphs. For example, let’s say there are three reasons for people to buy your product. You should use signal words like: ‘first of all’; ‘secondly’ and ‘finally’. Also, words like ‘however’, ‘similarly’ and ‘for example’ give a clear signal to your readers. Readers will instantly get that a conclusion will follow after words like ‘to sum up’ or ‘in short’. Transition words are therefore very important to add structure to your text.

5. Use related keywords

Stuffing your article with your focus keyword makes it less attractive to read, and it can hurt your rankings. Google is getting smarter, after all. It wants you to write content that users will love. It doesn’t want you to use your focus keyword in every other sentence, because Google now has other ways to analyze what your text is about. For example, one of the ways Google understands the topic of your text is by recognizing synonyms and other keywords that are related to your focus keyphrase. That’s why you should use synonyms and related keywords throughout your copy.

Synonyms are relatively easy to think of, but finding the right related keywords is a bit more challenging. That’s why the Yoast SEO plugin comes with a feature that helps you find related keyphrases right away. Based on your focus keyword, our plugin can generate a number of related keyphrases with the click of a button! Along with how many times that keyword is searched for and what the search trend looks like. This feature is powered by SEMrush and can be used in both our free and Premium plugins. So use this related keyphrase feature !

6. Optimize the length of your article

Make sure your blog posts have a minimum of 300 words but keep the length of your article balanced. Google likes long articles. However, if your article is too long, you might scare users away. So, what should you do? Our advice is to write short to medium-length articles. When you know you’re a skilled writer, you can also try your hand at longer articles. Check out this article if you’re not quite sure how long a blog post should be .

And remember to keep using your focus keyphrase throughout your text to make sure you end up with an SEO-friendly blog post!

7. Link to existing content

If you’ve already written content on the same topic as your current post, don’t forget to link to and from these posts. We call this internal linking . Both your readers and Google will thank you for it, because it helps them manage your content and understand relationships between different content on your site. So, take some time to link to and from your previous content. Our internal linking tool can help you by suggesting relevant pages and posts on your site that you can link to.

To summarize, internal linking is useful because:

  • Your link structure is also important for your rankings in Google.
  • Linking to other content about a subject is great for your readers, as they may be interested in reading these related posts too. It helps them navigate your site!
  • It will make your new blog post (and the existing posts) stronger, because you show your authority on the subject.

8. Let other people read your post

Before publishing your post, make sure to let someone else read it first. Ask them whether they understand the main concept of your post, and invite them to correct any typos and grammatical errors. They can help you by providing an objective view of the readability and attractiveness of your text. If you have someone in your team who happens to be an expert on the topic you’re writing about, make sure to run your post past them. That way, they can check whether you’re covering everything you need to and give suggestions to make your post even better.

9. Add content regularly

Regularly adding new blog posts to your website tells Google that your website is alive. This is important! Because if your site isn’t active, Google will crawl it less often and this might negatively affect your rankings. But don’t just post for the sake of posting. Make sure that everything you post is high-quality content : informative, well-written articles that entertain readers and fit their search intent .

If you have difficulty posting on a regular basis, it might be a great idea to create an editorial calendar for your blog. This allows you to structure the process in a way that fits you and your team. It’s also a good idea to update your old blog posts once in a while to avoid them getting stale.

10. Use our Yoast SEO plugin

The analysis tool in our Yoast SEO plugin helps you write readable and SEO-friendly blog posts. Start by choosing the most important search term you want people to find this particular page for. This will be your focus keyphrase. After you fill this in, our plugin runs all kinds of checks to see whether your post is optimized or still needs improving. Such as:

  • Our plugin checks your post to see whether you’ve used the keyphrase in the right places, like your copy, SEO title, meta description, alt text and URL. Yoast SEO Premium also recognizes different word forms of your keyphrase.
  • It gives you suggestions for related keyphrases that you can add to boost the quality and relevance of your content .
  • It checks the readability of your text: Are your sentences or paragraphs too long? Do you use transition words?
  • It checks the internal and external links in your article. Yoast SEO Premium even provides suggestions for links to related articles on your site.
  • It calculates how often you use your keyphrase throughout your text: not enough or too often? When you have Premium it also checks if you’ve distributed your keyphrase evenly throughout your post.
  • It checks if you’ve used potentially non-inclusive words or phrases , so you can make your content relatable for everyone.
  • It also checks if other pages on your website use the same focus keyword, to prevent you from competing with yourself .

If you write a relatively SEO-friendly blog post (based on the aspects discussed above) the plugin will indicate this with a green light. Posts and pages with green lights will help you improve the ranking of the pages on your website.

It’s good to remember that not every light has to be green for your overall SEO score to be good. For example, these are the results of this blog post. As you can see, it does have an overall green light for the focus keyphrase “SEO-friendly blog post”:

analysis results Yoast SEO sidebar showing bullets

Kind of a cool way to get feedback on your content, right? When you use the Yoast SEO plugin you’ll find this feedback in the Yoast SEO sidebar next to your post and in the Yoast meta box under your post (while editing). If you’re interested in learning more about all the aspects this analysis tool looks at, read our article on how to use the Yoast SEO content analysis tool .

The days when a few SEO tricks were enough to get your website to rank well in Google are long gone. Nowadays, quality content is king. And good content also leads to more links, shares, tweets and returning visitors to your website. Of course, there are always other things you can do to maximize the SEO friendliness of your post, but the most important thing is to just write very, very good posts! Still not sure if your blog post is ready to publish? Take a look at this checklist for your blog post to make sure you’re good to go!

Read more: SEO copywriting: the ultimate guide »

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Cindy is a content manager at Yoast. She writes and optimizes blog posts, and enjoys writing content that will help people create better content for their site and users.

Avatar of Cindy Paul

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how to write a seo friendly content

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Webinar: How to start with SEO (July 16, 2024)

2 responses to 10 tips for an awesome and seo-friendly blog post.

Milena Boehm

I have the following question: if I am following the strategy of writing a friendly blog post and my concurrence is doing the same, how I can outrank their post, related to content creation? Let’s say we have the same focus keyword and we use the same friendly blog post strategy. I would appreciate commenting on this. I am just starting with blogging and the topic I like is sort of not highly competitive but averagely. So for me it is a big question, how to write the blog like this that mine gets positioned higher than the concurrence similar one by creating THE better content.

Camille Cunningham

Hi there, Milena. Thank you for your question :) You can stand out by bringing your unique point of view to the content you’re writing. So follow the tips in this article, but also think to yourself: what can I say about this topic that’s relevant for readers and shows my expertise on the topic? This sets you apart from the competition and will help you create content that’s both helpful and original. Good luck!

How to Write SEO Friendly Content: 15 Blog Posts & Article Tips

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In this guide, you’ll learn how to write SEO friendly content.

As you’ll discover below, the basic process for how to write SEO friendly blog posts and articles starts with keyword research and understanding user search intent, then uses a variety of methods to optimize the content for search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

By the end of this step-by-step guide, you’ll know how to write an SEO friendly article that can rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords. Consider this your ultimate list of tips and advice for writing better SEO writing.

Table of Contents

How to Write SEO Friendly Content

1. choose the right seo keywords.

Picking target keywords to focus on is important because this guides the entire writing process and ensures you’re writing content that users are actually searching for on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

The best place to start is with a keyword research tool like KWFinder, Ubersuggest, or Google Keyword Planner. These tools can help you uncover good search terms to target for your content by using a “seed keyword” to generate relevant ideas. Then, based on SEO metrics like keyword competition and monthly search volume, you can choose the optimal search terms to target based on your website’s Domain Authority and long-term content goals.

If you need help with this step, then you can check out my Keyword Accelerator Playbook to learn a proven process for finding the best— and easiest to rank —keywords that are perfect for your individual blog or website.

2. Identify User Search Intent

The next step in the writing process is to identify the user search intent for your target keywords.

A common mistake beginners make is not formatting their content in a way that matches user search intent. And when this happens, the article or blog is not SEO friendly enough for the search engine algorithms to rank it high in the search engines for the target keywords.

Now, compare that to a transactional keyword phrase such as “ best SEO books to buy ”. The SERP results look much different and the ranking blog posts and articles are formatted as list-style content with multiple book recommendations, individual book reviews, book cover images, and links to purchase the SEO books.

As you can see, each keyword Google ranks content that is SEO friendly which also matches the format and structure its algorithm has determined is the best match for the user search intent. Therefore, you need to make sure your articles and blog posts do the same.

To do that, just do a quick search on Google to find out what type of content it’s favoring for your target keyword. Then make something similar.

3. Create An SEO Friendly Content Structure

The next step for how to write SEO friendly blog posts is to create a good content structure for your articles.

After going through step 2 above, you’ll already know the basic format for how your content should be structured based on the user search intent. However, there are a few key elements you need to pay attention to in order to make your content the friendliest it can be for the search engine crawlers.

Essentially, you want your SEO content to have three sections:

If you look at the outline of this blog post, you’ll see that it follows this SEO friendly structure. After the introduction, there’s a main H2 subheading that’s followed by 15 H3 subheadings that explain the sub-points of the main topic. Next, there are additional H2 subheadings that answer related questions to the main topic of writing SEO friendly blog posts and articles. Finally, there’s a summary paragraph.

4. Pick the Best Article Length

Once your article has the basic structure in place, the next step you should follow before actually writing the SEO content is to pick the best length for it.

Another article explains the ideal blog post length for SEO which is between 2,100 to 2,400 words.

You can check out those other blog posts for more details on this topic or just get a feel for how long your SEO content should be by analyzing the competitors in SERPs. It may be a 1,500-word article, 3,000-word blog post, or 5,000-word piece of content based on what Google’s algorithm is preferring to show users in the SERPs for specific search queries.

5. Write the SEO Friendly Blog Post or Article

Now, you just need to write the blog post or article.

6. Add SEO Keywords to the Content

With your first draft complete, the next step is to add your SEO keywords to the content.

Go back through your article or blog post and look for areas where you can add your target keywords in a natural way. Don’t just force them into random sentences.

However, you don’t want to overoptimize your on-page SEO , otherwise, Google, Yahoo, or Bing may devalue your rankings. So make sure to follow the guidelines in that linked post for the best practices for on-page SEO.

7. Optimize for Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets are highlighted excerpts from indexed content that appears at the top of Google’s search results pages and is known as “Position 0”. These Featured Snippets provide users with a quick answer to their search query and can drive a lot of quality traffic to your website.

If you see a table, for example, include a table with similar data in your article with a relevant H2 tag above it. If you see a paragraph snippet, analyze the bolded words being used and try to write a better (and more SEO friendly) paragraph with a keyword-optimized H2 tag above it to hopefully grab that Featured Snippet spot.

8. Add SEO Friendly Images

At this point, you’ve completed the bulk of the writing process. Now, you need to go back through your article and add SEO friendly images to further improve the relevancy of the content for your target keywords.

Image optimization is not only great for on-page search engine optimization but it also helps your blog posts and articles get additional traffic from Google Image Search. The images you optimize for SEO can rank in the Image search engine to drive more qualified traffic to your website.

A good rule of thumb is to add one image for each keyword you’re targeting in the content to make it the most friendly for SEO. For example, if you’re targeting 3 keywords in a blog post, then make sure to have 3 images uploaded to the page.

9. Add Relevant Internal Links

Another important step for writing SEO friendly blog posts and articles is to add internal links to other relevant articles.

By adding internal links like this, you’re adding to the expertise, trust, and authority (E-A-T) factors that Google’s algorithm takes into consideration when indexing and ranking content in the SERPs.

High-quality and trustworthy articles often have internal links that improve the user experience, which is a signal that Google can measure. These links also help improve the topical relevance of the page by connecting it to other related content. You can read more about this idea of creating a topic cluster content strategy here .

You can see that I’ve followed this same advice throughout this entire article by linking other relevant pages on the SEO Chatter website.

10. Add Authority Outbound Links

Reboot Online Marketing Ltd conducted an outbound linking experiment (twice) that revealed external links can help improve a web page’s rankings. However, this 2016 article on Search Engine Roundtable indicates otherwise (i.e., John Mueller said links to specific websites are not a ranking factor).

But in this July 2019 Google Webmasters video , John Mueller said: “Linking to other websites is a great way to provide value to your users. Oftentimes, links help users to find out more, to check out your sources, and to better understand how your content is relevant to the questions that they have.”

Now, regardless if linking out to other websites is a direct ranking factor or not, the fact is that user experience and the value provided to users is Google’s top priority. Therefore, adding outbound links to highly relevant, and high-authority, websites is a great way to provide extra value to your visitors that can be rewarded with higher rankings for your blog posts and articles in the SERPs.

11. Make the Meta Tags SEO Friendly

Once you’ve followed all of the previous steps of this guide, and have your content written as SEO friendly as possible, the next thing you should do is optimize the meta tags. This includes the meta title tag and meta description for the article.

The meta title tag appears in Google’s search engine results pages as the title for your indexed web page. The meta description shows up as the short summary of the content.

The basic strategy here is to include your main SEO keyword as close as possible to the start of your meta title tag and keep the total length of this text less than 60 characters. You also want to put your keyword in the meta description field and limit its length to 160 characters.

Now, Google may or may show your optimized meta description based on the search query the content is ranking for, but you don’t need to worry about that. The SEO relevancy has already been established by inserting your keyword into that field.

12. Optimize the H1 Page Title

If you’re serious about writing SEO friendly articles, then you need to know how to optimize the H1 tag properly. You can read my complete guide on SEO H1 tag best practices or just follow this simple tip for your blog posts:

Copy your SEO friendly meta title tag into the H1 tag, which is typically your blog post or article title. That’s it.

13. Create An SEO Optimized URL

The URL structure of your blog posts and articles is also important for SEO. To optimize this HTML attribute to make it as friendly as possible for the search engines, all you need to do is put your main target keyword in the URL.

For example, the URL for the article “ What Is SEO Content? ” is simply /what-is-seo-content/ . You can clearly see what the target keyword phrase is just by looking at the SEO optimized URL.

14. Review the Content

It’s easy to miss things when you’re writing a long article, but having every important component of a properly optimized piece of content can ensure your blog post has the best chance of ranking higher in the SERPs from start.

15. Publish the Blog Post or Article

The final step is to publish your content on the website. And once it’s live, you can open up other relevant articles to add keyword-optimized internal links (mentioned in step 9) to help add topical relevance to your newly published blog post.

What Is An SEO Friendly Blog?

What is an seo friendly article.

An SEO friendly article is a type of content that’s written in a way that helps the search engines rank it high in the SERPs. Articles that are SEO friendly include target keywords on the page, match the search intent of the user, and contain high-quality content.

How Do I Know If My Article Is SEO Friendly?

Seo friendly blog posts & article writing tools.

Below is a list of tools you can use to check, verify, and write SEO friendly blog posts, articles, and other types of content for your website.

Learn More About SEO Friendly Writing

The links below explain more about SEO friendly content to help you better optimize your articles and blog posts. Use these resources to expand your knowledge on the subject.

Writing SEO Friendly Content Summary

As you discovered, the basic process for how to write SEO friendly blog posts and articles includes proper keyword research, followed by user intent analysis, then adding SEO keywords in the right locations throughout the content. The tips on this page explained how to write an SEO friendly article; however, there are also effective writing assistant tools you can use to check and verify your content is well-optimized for search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

SEO Chatter is dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of search engine marketing to help marketers understand how to increase organic website traffic and improve search engine rankings.

Image showing a large magnifying glass over a webpage with wifi symbols and a graph on the left hand side. SEO content writing blog post and guide

How to Write SEO Optimized Content

Sep 29, 2023

12 min. read

Let’s be honest: all that time, effort, and brainpower you put into content marketing for your brand are useless if no one sees it. Sure, you can always share your blogs on social media or with your email subscribers. But for many brands, the bread and butter of their business comes from search traffic. That’s where writing SEO optimized content plays a huge role.

Search engine optimization, or SEO , is the practice of making your content easily understood and discoverable by search engine algorithms. This way, when someone searches for something you offer, you stand a better chance of appearing higher in the search rankings.

Here’s a rapid-fire guide on how to write SEO-optimized content.

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Why is seo important in content writing, how to think about your seo content strategy.

7 SEO Content Writing Tips to Try Today

Tools to Help You with SEO Content Writing

SEO is the process of optimizing your web content to help increase your rankings placement in a search engine. Blog posts, landing pages, and even images can be SEO optimized to make them easier to find via search.

For example, let’s say your company offers a media intelligence platform 😏. In this case, you want anyone searching for keywords like “ reputation management ” or “ how to contact journalists ” or “ PR marketing strategy ” to find and click on you in search results. If you have SEO optimized content, you'll show up before, or close to your competitors, ideally "above the fold" on a search engine page.

SEO is an amalgamation of many moving parts, including:

  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Keyword research
  • LSI keywords
  • Anchor text
  • Meta descriptions and title tags
  • Internal links
  • External links
  • Bounce rate

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but these are some of the most important considerations when optimizing content for SEO.

  • Earn organic traffic
  • Reduce customer acquisition costs
  • Rank higher in search engines
  • Brand recognition
  • Outrank competitors for industry searches

Google's algorithm favors high-quality content , plain and simple. Content quality is determined based on based on several factors, such as the presence of  internal links and external links , keyword frequency and placement, content length, headings, and more.

Logically speaking, a search engine's role is to return the most relevant search results to its users . That’s why it looks for certain signals that indicate a good match between query and content .

The more high-quality content you write, the better chances you have of ranking for your desired keywords.

Ranking matters because it helps to drive more people to your brand . And the more people who discover your brand, the more authoritative you become. This means more reputable websites will link to you, which leads to more brand awareness on the part of the consumer. So when they search again for related keywords, they will recognize your name above others. Good SEO optimized content is a self fulfilling prophecy!

Every time someone clicks on your content on the Search Engine Results Page ( SERP ), it indicates to Google that they returned a good match to your search query .

SEO content helps you earn organic website traffic . Search engine optimization does a lot of the heavy lifting for you simply by positioning you in front of people actively searching for what you know, sell, or provide. In turn, this can help you lower customer acquisition costs, reduce ad spend, and increase brand awareness .

Simply checking the boxes on a list of SEO-focused suggestions isn’t enough to rank well. There’s a rhyme and reason behind  SEO-friendly content .

Here’s how to approach an SEO content strategy:

Keyword Usage in SEO

Backlinks in seo, content ideas for seo.

Quality Content for SEO

Tip: Learn more about search engine optimization in one of the best SEO podcasts .

List of keywords in a content marketing strategy

Keywords are what drive every SEO content strategy. A keyword is a term that someone types into a search engine, such as Google, with the goal of finding information, solutions, or a product.

Tip: A "keyword" can mean a single word, or a phrase

You can use data-driven SEO tools like AHREFS or SEMRush to find relevant keywords in your niche or industry. In most cases you will want to choose keywords that have a high search volume and low competition. There are times, however, when your strategy should take into consideration what are called "long tail keywords". These are keywords that may have far less search volume, but are also far less competitive. Meaning that you have a better chance of dominating those search results.

Where to place your keywords

Where you place keywords within your content matters.

Your main keyword should be included in the...

  • Title (and title tag and meta description)
  • First paragraph
  • At least one H2 header within the content
  • Sprinkled naturally throughout the rest of the content

Aim for a 1-2% keyword density , as using the keyword too many times can get you flagged for keyword stuffing.

Use LSI keywords

You should also include  Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords , which are keywords that are related to your main keyword .

For example, if you’re writing about SEO, an LSI keyword could be “search engine optimization” or “SEO copywriting.” LSI keywords add context to your content and help the algorithms better understand what your content is about .

Consider search intent

Last but certainly not least, consider the intent behind the search . Keyword intent takes the user’s thought process into account. In other words, why would a user be searching for this keyword?

For example, if someone is searching for a “red blazer,” chances are they want to buy a red blazer. They’re likely not interested in how to make a red blazer or when blazers first entered the fashion industry.

The three most common search intent types are informational , transactional , and navigational . Using long-tail keywords can help you get more specific about the type of searches you want to attract.

Internal links and external links in your content are quality indicators . It’s an easy way to provide access to additional information or sources to support your own content, and it also signals that you're not trying to operate in an echo-chamber or only link to yourself.

Ideally, you have a link-building strategy in place to gain links from outside sources that point back to your own website, using descriptive and contextual anchor text . Inbound links demonstrate that other sources have deemed your content reliable and high-quality, and search algorithms pick up on this activity and reflect positively on you.


If you want to increase your rankings, and are looking for content ideas, a good place to start is to discover what people are already searching for in your wheelhouse, and then build content clusters around them.

Again, this circles back to good keyword research . When you can find high-volume keywords, you can potentially reach more people with your content.

Tip: If you aren't ready to dive into an in-depth keyword research exercise, you can use the " People also ask " and related searches that Google provides.

In this example, we used the keyword "How to garden". In "People also ask" Google has hinted at plenty of other ways we could expand on this search, to provide users with more relevant articles:

Example of a Google search result including "people also ask"

Quality content for SEO

Serving its users quality content is Google’s main goal . But since the term “quality” is subjective, how can you ensure your content is higher quality than other content that’s already ranking well?

There's more to well-optimized content than being well-written.

The best practice is to r esearch what’s already been said about the topics you want to write about. Pay attention to the sources they link to, the length of the content, and any missed opportunities for improvement (e.g. adding an image, infographic, etc.).

Also, consider the user intent and make sure you’re writing to address the  why  behind the search. Your target keyword and related keywords should be specific enough to reflect the intent of your audience.

For example, if everyone else is writing in-depth guides on a topic, chances are you can’t write a 500-word blog post on that same topic and expect to rank well.

7 Content Optimization Tips to Try Today

Now that you have a baseline understanding of the role SEO plays content marketing and business strategy, let’s put it into practice in your writing. Use these SEO content writing tips when fleshing out your strategy:

1. Write for humans first, algorithms second

2. don't discount the headline, 3. include a meta description, 4. illustrate with images, 5. write long-form content in short sentences.

6. Keep creating fresh content

7. Hire an SEO copywriter

Human and robot working at a desk.

While SEO copywriting should appeal to algorithms, it must also make your human readers happy . You’re catering to real people, after all, so don’t make your writing so formulaic and robotic that it loses any emotion or clarity . This investment could have a big impact on boosting your campaign performance through semantic SEO .

This is especially important if you are using content marketing as part of your  PR strategy . PR is all about humanizing your brand and appealing to your target audience through emotional connections.

Your headline will be the first thing users see and help them decide if your content will meet their needs.  Studies show  that 70% of us only read the headlines before sharing an article.

If you want people to share your content and drive even more free website traffic, you need to spend time crafting a good headline that sets the right expectations.

Google search results.

The meta description is the small snippet of text that appears under the search result title . It’s a preview that shows the reader what the article is about, which can encourage them to click through.

If you do not specify a meta description, Google might create one for you based on your content. It’s best to choose how this meta description reads. You can usually make it more compelling than the search engines.

To optimize your meta description, include your  main keyword  and give a brief description of what your content is about.

Images help to break up long walls of text and make your content more attractive . Plus, images can help to illustrate your story or article and provide even more value to the reader (think charts, graphs, etc.).

Images can help keep your content engaging. A content marketing metric that Google also takes into account is bounce rate . If users leave your page shortly after arriving, this means your content wasn't relevant to them (so you may have had too click-baity of a meta title. Tsk tsk!). And this action can result in a penalty from search engines.

Google is starting to favor websites that provide better accessibility, so another positive reason to use imagery with descriptive alt text is to help the visually impaired .

Your content should be written to cater to the average reader. Using short sentences (~20 words or fewer) supports user-friendly content. Plus, it’s easier for algorithms to skim and comb your content, especially if it's a longer piece.

6. Keep Creating Fresh Content

Fresh apple to spoiled apple.

Another quality signal is the age of your content . SEO content marketing isn’t a one-and-done activity, but rather an ongoing journey. Regularly creating fresh content helps you continue building authority and brand awareness .

You can also update existing content with new facts, links, stats, and images. Search engines take notice when content has been updated.

7. Hire an SEO Copywriter

If you’re not ready to dive into an SEO strategy yourself, hire someone who is already skilled in all things SEO. An SEO copywriter is like a secret superpower that helps you start leveraging all of these tips immediately. 

As you’re beginning your SEO content marketing journey, there are plenty of tools to help you on your way. The right digital marketing tools can help you spot opportunities to discover topics to write about, improve optimization, and even track analytics and performance.

Here are our favorite tools for SEO, in no particular order:


Hemingway app.

UberSuggest keyword overview.

If you’re just getting started with keyword research, UberSuggest is a simple yet powerful keyword tool. It’s free to try and will give you a long list of relevant keywords, search volume, and difficulty.

Ahrefs results.

For more advanced keyword research and backlink building, ahrefs is a tool used by larger agencies. It will track your backlink performance so you can monitor your brand authority. Plus, get insight into the keywords your competitors are ranking for so you can one-up them.

Hemingway app page.

For help with SEO writing, there’s Hemingway App. This free online tool lets you copy and paste your content and “grades” it based on complexity. It highlights areas that you can simplify to make them more reader-friendly, helping you appeal to your target audience and search algorithms alike.

Meltwater Media Monitoring page.

Just fill out the form below for a free tour!

Writing SEO content takes all the pieces of a very large puzzle into account. The good news: it gets easier the more you practice. You’ve got to start somewhere, so put this guide to SEO into practice today and watch your impact grow over time.

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13 tips to help you create seo friendly content.

Home Blog Digital Marketing 13 Tips to Help You Create SEO Friendly Content

Updated on May 24th 2023

Irina Weber | 18 min read

Optimizing for both search engines and users is one of the most important things you can do for your content.

However, creating SEO friendly content often requires time and efforts. But in the end, you can expect them to pay off – if you do it right.

Many people think that SEO-optimized content can’t be user-friendly. This actually happens to be a total misconception because well-optimized, high-quality content essentially improves your chances of ranking higher in search results .

In order to help you get your content ranking better in search engines, check out this set of SEO rules and tips that I’ve collected in this article.

Digital marketing campaign

1. Carry out a keyword research

Although SEO is leaning towards encouraging users to create thought-leadership types of content, keywords still play an important role. Finding the right keywords will help you dominate the search results and satisfy your target audience. While choosing your target keywords, define the following:

  • The volume of searches for a particular keyword in a given timeframe. Using the wrong keywords will lead to a waste of your time and budget.
  • Understand the searcher intent  behind the keywords you want to use.
  • Research resources to create competitive content have already shown up in the search results.
  • Focus on long-tail keywords. They might have a low search volume, but they still give a high possibility to rank on the SERPs. People usually use longer keyword phrases when they want to find out more specific information about a particular topic.

Here are some great sources to let you perform excellent  keyword research for your SEO friendly content:

1. Use the tools like SE Ranking Keyword Suggestion tool , AnswerThePublic , or Google Keyword Planner  to find the best keywords.

how to write a seo friendly content

2. Generate new variations of your target keywords using Quora . People use this tool to discuss industry-related topics that aren’t filtered by search.

how to write a seo friendly content

3. Use Related Searches on Google to learn more about your customers and what their intent is.

how to write a seo friendly content

4. Google Autocomplete will provide keyword suggestions based on real user queries. By the way, SE Ranking also have a tool – Keyword suggestions – that helps to pick the keywords just the way people do the search.

how to write a seo friendly content

5. Search for topic-specific pages on Wikipedia. It’s the online resource made by humans that people trust, use, and reference. It also ranks very high in SERP.

how to write a seo friendly content

6. Reach different industry forums to see what questions and topics your customers are interested in.

7. Spy on your main competitors and figure out which keywords are driving tons of quality traffic.

8. Find keyword ideas on Amazon. It has total domination of the organic search results for any transactional keywords.

how to write a seo friendly content

Once you find the target keywords, make sure to include them in the right places:

  • Meta description: keep it between 150-160 characters
  • Within your content: use keywords in H1-H6 tags
  • Image names and alt image tags

Notice that over-using keywords will hamper your content readability. So avoid doing this and don’t confuse your readers. In addition to this – avoid keyword stuffing.

Create blog posts and other types of content that solve problems or answer questions of your audience. Include your keywords throughout the content in a natural way.

2. Structure your content

how to write a seo friendly content

If you want to create great content, follow a solid structure.

First, identify the main part of your post. Dividing it into different parts can make your writing easier and faster. Once you structure your content, you can work on each part separately without any time to organize your thoughts.

Each piece of content should include an introduction, main body and conclusion. You can divide the body into different parts and write content that showcases your personality and resonates with your audience.

Something people may miss is to make the most of their conclusion. End your content with a strong call to action for people to take the desired action.

For example, I liked the guide from West Coast Shipping . They outlined 6 main steps to ship a car and explore each step by adding compelling calls to action to each part.

how to write a seo friendly content

3. Write catchy titles

Titles have a huge impact on your SEO purposes and user-friendliness.

Descriptive and catchy titles can help readers tell what your blog post is about, and what they will get from reading it.

To increase your chances of ranking higher, optimize your titles for SEO by following these simple tips:

  • Use your target keyword at the beginning of your title.
  • Keep your title under 60 characters . Google displays the first 60 characters in the search results.
  • Make sure to describe the post’s content accurately.

Once you craft your title, check out its overall score with  CoSchedule . The tool shows an analysis of grammar, readability, and the length of your title. You will also get Google Search Preview and Email Subject Line Preview.

how to write a seo friendly content

To hook your audience and increase your CTR, you can use emotional modifiers in your titles, such as “best,” “amazing,” “funny,” “free,” “how to,” “surprising” and so on.

Heading tags

Creating compelling subtitles will improve your content readability. Using subtitles in a hierarchical mode is essential. The title of a blog post should contain only one H1 tag on the page and include a target keyword. The main sections should contain an H2 tag, and the subsections should be H3.

how to write a seo friendly content

It makes sense to create different heading tags. Using similar tags can mislead users and search engines that you’re presenting the same information twice.

4. Write SEO friendly URLs

Well-crafted URLs are one of the most important SEO elements.

According to  Backlinko , URLs are a significant ranking factor. They provide a better user experience and are easier to share.

When it comes to creating SEO friendly URLs, use the following rules:

  • Include the target keyword for each page. That will improve the search visibility of your website and help search engines better categorize and identify the page.
  • Shorten your URLs by removing unnecessary words. The average URL should be around 60 characters  or three to five words.
  • Use hyphens to separate words. For example, -seo-friendly-posts/
  • Use lowercase letters. Uppercase letters can result in redirects or 404 errors on some servers.
  • Avoid stop words, such as a, an, but, and or.
  • Keep your URLs simple, compelling and relevant.

Here is a good example from Rosen Injury Lawyers  that create well-structured SEO friendly URLs. They look concise and clean and identify the core keyword.

how to write a seo friendly content

5. Use small paragraphs

One thing to keep in mind is to keep your paragraphs short.

It doesn’t mean that each sentence needs to start on a new line, but the paragraphs should be arranged logically and have their own idea. Stick to small paragraphs (about 2-3 sentences).

Use different formatting options, such as bullet points, highlight text, and change your font. That makes it easier for mobile users to read the content and make your content less boring.

6. Optimize meta description

The meta description is a summary of your content that Google uses to show beneath your title in the search results. It is important to make it appealing and informative to encourage readers to click your blog post.

The meta description should explain what your article is about and include your target keywords. The meta description length is between 155-160 characters .

how to write a seo friendly content

There’s no guarantee that the original meta description you’ve labored over will appear in the search results.

So, the best solution is to figure out your target keyword and include it naturally in your meta description. If Google finds a match in your meta description, they will probably use your tag.

7. Optimize images

Including and optimizing images  in your content is a great way to effectively get your points across and improve the reader’s experience. Image optimization is similar to traditional SEO.

Google Images can’t read a text in images , but they can interpret the content of images to define images’ relevance in the search results. You need to give proper Alt text and descriptive titles, captions, and filenames.

The ALT text is not visible to website visitors, but search engines use this information to understand the subject matter of an image better. In case images don’t load on a given device, people will see ALT texts instead. Try to create useful and informative content that contains your core keywords appropriately and naturally in your ALT text.

Here is the example of an ALT text for an image: <img src=”puppy.jpg” alt=”Dalmatian puppy playing fetch”/>

8. Add links that make sense

Whenever you write a new blog post, include some words, statistics or points that could benefit from further clarification.

What this means is don’t refrain from adding internal and external links to your article. They help your readers explore a topic in more depth while staying focused on the main point.

Internal linking is an effective way to: help search engines understand the relevance of your content, make your readers spend more time on your site, and reduce the bounce rate. Linking out to useful external resources like Wikipedia will build trust and improve user experience.

Also, you’ll want to add descriptive anchor text to the links as people can better understand what the link is about. Try to use a reasonable number of links. No one knows what number of links  you should include. Just make sure that your links are relevant, natural, and useful for readers.

9. Use the optimal content length

For a typical blog post, 1300 to 1500 words should be the minimum word count.

This is because Google likes longer content, as it tends to get more likes and mentions on social media. Therefore, longer posts have good chances of ranking better in the search.

The optimal content length is around 2000 words . But it shouldn’t be your number one goal to write 2000 words every time.

First and foremost, you need to provide the most useful and informative content for your readers that determine their search intent.

Quality is more important than quantity. So, check out your top ranking content to see what articles get the most views and analyze the impact of content length.

10. Optimize your content for mobile

Now mobile/tablet internet usage sits at 56%  globally.

Optimizing your blog for mobile device s is a must for search engines, as Google is now ranking mobile-friendly websites higher.

It is therefore essential to have a responsive website design as Google penalizes non-mobile-friendly sites.

how to write a seo friendly content

You’ll also want to adapt your web design for mobile, tablet and desktop devices. Simple navigation and layout make it easier for users to find all necessary information quickly. This means you’ll want to analyze the load speed of your site.

how to write a seo friendly content

Use Accelerated Mobile Pages  to build content that loads instantly and improve the overall user experience.

To check out whether your site has any issues, such as site speed, mobile optimization, HTML validation, etc., I recommend SE Ranking Website Audit . The tool evaluates all key parameters and provides actionable tips on how to fix issues if necessary.

11. Update your content regularly

Even if you create engaging and high-converting content, you need to write blog posts and update your site content on a regular basis.

This is because Google wants to provide searchers the best results for their search queries. As a result – if you don’t publish regularly, Google won’t consider your blog as a good resource for searchers.

Once or twice per week is a great starting point. Give your readers some time to digest your fresh content, and respond to comments on your post. Use copywriting tips  to improve your writing skills.

12. Use social media share buttons

Want to get free links? Make it easier for users to find your social share buttons and spread your content around the web.

Beautifully designed buttons will encourage people to click and share your publications.

how to write a seo friendly content

13. Include schema markup

Implementing schema markup will help search engines better analyze your content. It divides each part of your publications and explains search engines what these parts mean.

Use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper  to add markup to your blog posts easily. For example, if you want to add schema markup to your title, choose the right section “Articles,” enter the URL and start tagging.

how to write a seo friendly content

In the left panel, highlight your title, choose the type of schema markup and create HTML. Copy this code and replace your source code for this post with this HTML.

how to write a seo friendly content

Bonus tip: use SEO analysis Tools

If you want to write readable and SEO-friendly blog posts, you can’t do without SEO analysis tools.

Powerful SEO tools  can help you find the best performing keywords for your content, create and submit a sitemap, check your mobile optimization, analyze your link profile, detect and disavow bad links, etc.

Examine your writing before pushing it to the web. Make sure that it is free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Check the readability of your text with  Grammarly .

To figure out the most popular content on your site, you can use a tool like  Finteza . It offers detailed estimations, such as bounce rates, page depth, visits, conversions, and the actions of leads. Using this data you can optimize your links and content accordingly.

how to write a seo friendly content

The bottom line

It will take some time to find out how to create an SEO friendly content for your site but in the long run, it will be extremely worthwhile.

Follow these practical tips to write SEO friendly content and drive value from your copywriting efforts. They will help you ensure that good content leads to more shares, leads, links and repeat visitors.

Irina Weber

My name is Irina Weber, a freelance writer, and content strategist. I love helping brands to create, publish, repurpose, and distribute content through different marketing channels. I am a regular contributor to a lot of media outlets like SEW, SME, SMT, CMI, etc.

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9 SEO-Friendly Content Writing Tips to Outrank Your Competition

February 5, 2020

By Alison Lillie

Search engine optimization has come a long way over the past 25 years . Long gone are the days of publishing high volumes of low-quality, wafer-thin content and expecting your search engine rankings to increase. Today, SEO is as much an art as it is a science. It requires content writers and digital marketers (now one and the same) to understand search engine ranking factors, prioritize searcher intent, and publish valuable, high-quality content that appeals users and Google’s algorithms. 

This blog post will cover nine SEO-friendly content writing tips to improve rankings. But before we get into it, I have a PSA for all the digital marketers and content writers out there: When devising a strategy to drive organic traffic to your website, remember that content writing and SEO go hand in hand. SEO is not some magic skill only technical people can execute properly. At its core, SEO is about writing content that’s better than the competition —and yes, utilizing on-page and technical SEO best practices along the way.  

So, without further ado, here are nine tactics you can use to outrank your competitors in search engine results.

  • Understand Search Engine Ranking Factors
  • Use the Right Keywords
  • Identify and Capture Search Intent
  • Optimize Content to Obtain Google Featured Snippets
  • Update Old Content
  • Apply the Skyscraper Method
  • Prioritize High-Quality Inbound and Outbound Links
  • Boost User Signals with On-Page Best Practices
  • Be Aware of Site Structure and Technical SEO Best Practices

1. Understand Search Engine Ranking Factors

Before you can outrank your competition, you need to understand the foundational signals that search engines look at when evaluating and ranking content. The four most important ranking factors are content, links, site structure, and HTML tags.

Ever since the 2011 Panda algorithm update , Google has prioritized content as its number one ranking factor. When you publish any piece of content—whether it be a blog, webpage, or pillar page—it should clearly cover a specific topic in-depth, be well-written, and above all else, provide value to the reader. 

According to Search Engine Land’s Periodic Table of SEO Factors , the seven most heavily weighted content ranking factors are:

  • Quality: Well-written and valuable
  • Research: Demonstrates authority 
  • Keywords: Incorporates search terms appropriately
  • Freshness: Is timely and relevant 
  • Multimedia: Contains images, video, or audio to enhance user experience
  • Answers: Directly answers the search query
  • Depth: Covers a topic thoroughly

Understanding what each of these factors means and how to apply them is the first step toward writing content that’s competitive.  

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Links, Site Structure, and HTML Tags

Aside from content, the second, third, and fourth most heavily weighted ranking factors are links, site architecture (how your site is built), and HTML tags. 

When a search engine crawls and indexes your site, it also looks at non-content factors like inbound and outbound links, URL structure, page load speed, time on page, and keyword usage in tags to understand what your site is about and how to rank your pages. 

Search engine algorithms are designed to deliver users the best content from the best websites . Implementing linking, site structure, and HTML best practices within your website content makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content. The quicker and more accurately a search engine crawls and indexes your content, the faster you can increase rankings and traffic.

2. Use the Right Keywords

Although there’s been debate in the digital marketing community as to whether or not keyword research is dead , keywords are still a crucial part of SEO. 

Keyword research helps you:

  • Determine what topics people are talking about.
  • Identify search volumes for topics.
  • Understand how difficult it may be to rank for a topic.

Each piece of crawlable content you create should have a unique primary keyword target and also use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords (natural variations of your primary keyword) throughout.

Before you start writing, brainstorm topics you know your buyer personas care about. Then, perform keyword research to identify the best ranking opportunity. The type of keyword you target will depend on the type of content you’re creating.

Blog posts should target mid- to low-volume, low-competition long-tail keywords, while comprehensive resources like pillar pages can go after shorter-tail seed keywords that have high volume and high competition. When creating blog posts, remember that longer-tail, lower competition keywords have higher conversion rates and are easier to rank for .

3. Identify and Capture Search Intent 

Once you’ve found a viable primary keyword target, validate and decide how you will write about it by digging into searcher intent. Identify what the searcher is looking for when they type the query into a search bar, and then cover the topic in a way that directly meets their needs.

According to Google’s search evaluation quality guidelines, there are four categories of searcher intent:

  • Know: The searcher wants to find information on a topic to answer a question.
  • Do: The searcher wants to learn how to take a specific action.
  • Website: The searcher wants to find a specific resource.
  • Visit in person: The searcher wants to find a location to go to.

Before you start writing, identify which of these four categories your primary keyword target falls under. Then, validate the category by looking at the content currently ranking for the keyword. Are your competitors targeting the same type of search intent you’ve identified for the query? Look at how they’ve structured their content to satisfy searcher needs. Structure your content in a similar and better way. 

Pro Tip: Use SERP Features to Satisfy Searcher Intent Better Than Your Competition

How do you satisfy searcher intent better than your competitors? Pinpoint the aspects of searcher intent that top-ranking articles are failing to satisfy. 

Are there any important nuggets the competition is leaving out that your reader may want to know about? You can clue into what these gaps could be by looking at the “People also ask” and “Related searches” sections of the search engine results page (SERP). Include answers to the relevant queries in your content.

4. Optimize Content to Obtain Google Featured Snippets 

A relatively new search engine feature is the Google Featured Snippet. This SERP feature aims to answer a user’s question immediately. You can optimize your content in a way that increases your chances of obtaining this feature. Here’s how to do it:

  • Use SEMrush or another SERP analysis tool to identify if a featured snippet exists for the keyword you’re targeting. Only 12.3 percent of queries have one. 
  • Identify how the featured snippet is structured. Is it a paragraph, list, or table ?
  • Ask the question the snippet answers in one of your blog post subheadings. 
  • Answer the question immediately after the subheading. Write a concise answer that’s better than the current one in the featured snippet. Be sure to use the same structure as the current snippet.

More Tips for Obtaining the Featured Snippet

There are several other tactics you can use to increase your chances of obtaining the featured snippet: 

  • Optimize content you’re already ranking high for with a featured snippet answer; 99.58 percent of snippets come from pages already on page one of a SERP.
  • Use facts and figures in your answers. 
  • Answer multiple “People also ask” questions within your content. Ahrefs found that most featured snippets are triggered by longer-tail keywords like those found in this section of the SERP.

5. Update Old Content

Search engines prioritize fresh content. As previously mentioned, freshness is the fourth most heavily weighted content ranking factor. Updating old blog posts with better, more helpful, and authoritative information can boost rankings and traffic drastically. 

In fact, when HubSpot made updating old content a priority on its editorial calendar (optimizing multiple posts per week), it saw an average increase in organic search views of 106 percent per post .

Here’s how to execute this strategy yourself:

  • Identify blog posts with the potential to rank higher for keywords that have substantial search volume.
  • Update or rewrite the post to improve accuracy and thoroughness.
  • Implement on-page SEO best practices and optimize for conversion with relevant in-line and end-of-post CTAs.
  • Publish the optimized article—making sure to change the publish date so that search engines re-crawl and re-index the content.

6. Apply the Skyscraper Method

The Skyscraper method is the process of identifying content you want to outrank and creating something better. It is both a content writing and link-building strategy, but for the purpose of this blog post, we’ll focus on how to execute it in terms of writing.

Once you find the piece of content you want to outrank, you should:

  • Think about why Google has prioritized this page in its results. Chances are, the ranking piece of content is comprehensive, goes in-depth, and provides high value to the reader. Understand why the content is performing well so you can take your piece of content to the next level.
  • Create something better than the ranking article. You can do this by adding length, depth, freshness, and improving the user experience.

Be strategic and intentional about the improvements you make. Anything you create should first and foremost add value. Ahrefs cautions writers that “adding 25 mediocre tips to an existing list of 25 excellent tips isn’t an improvement. Sure, your new version might be lengthier, but you’re not adding any real value.”

When executed correctly, the Skyscraper method generates results. Brian Dean of Backlinko was able to double organic traffic in 14 days by using the method.

7. Prioritize High-Quality Inbound and Outbound Links

Links tell search engines and users a lot about the value, reputation, and quality of your content. When linking to outbound sources in your blog posts and pillar pages, make sure that they are to trusted, quality websites. When seeking backlinks, target websites that are authorities on the topic you’re writing about. 

Remember that backlinks to your content are one of the most heavily weighted Google ranking factors, dictating 20.94 percent of what ranks versus what doesn’t. High-quality links can drive up rankings and traffic just as much as low-quality and spammy links can hurt your ability to rank. 

8. Boost User Signals with On-Page Best Practices

Over the past few years, Google has started to incorporate User Experience Signals into its search algorithms. The way you use HTML tags in your content can have an indirect impact on these types of signals. 

Because HTML tags are one of the first things search engines crawl to understand what your content is about, content writers need to understand the importance of using the target keyword and LSI keywords in the title, meta description, headings, and first 100 words of a piece of content. Placing keywords in these HTML tags can improve user experience, bounce rate, dwell time, and click-through rate. High performance in these areas has been shown to correlate with higher search engine rankings .

9. Be Aware of Site Structure and Technical SEO Best Practices

Although optimizing site structure and improving technical SEO isn’t necessarily part of a content writer’s job, it’s important to be aware of how these factors can impact your content’s ability to rank. 

How your site is built, page load speed, security, and crawlability all directly impact a search engine’s ability to index and rank your content quickly and accurately. For example, over the past few years, search engines have started prioritizing sites that use a topic cluster-driven site structure —a structure that links blog posts targeting longer-tail keywords to comprehensive resources or pillar pages targeting shorter tail, high-volume seed keywords. 

If you have poor site structure and technical SEO errors, getting your content to rank is next to impossible—no matter how well-written it is. If you’re having a hard time seeing organic traffic results from your well-written content, work with a developer or technical SEO expert to monitor site health and tackle errors that can have the biggest impact on crawlability.

Start Executing an SEO-Friendly Content Strategy Today

Want to learn more about how to develop an SEO-friendly content strategy? Request a consultation with an expert today .


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About the author

Alison Lillie is an Inbound Marketing Strategist at SmartBug Media. Throughout her career, she's helped create lead generation engines for agency clients and in-house departments with Inbound. Prior to SmartBug, she worked for a HubSpot Gold partner agency where she specialized in writing search engine-optimized content for B2B and B2C clients, email marketing, social media management and campaign quality assurance. In her free time, Alison enjoys playing golf in the SoCal sunshine, listening to podcasts and spending time with her standard poodle, Jett! Read more articles by Alison Lillie .

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What Is SEO Content? Your Guide to Creating Content for SEO

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  • Sarah Berry is a Lead Web Marketing Consultant at WebFX . With more than 10,000 hours of experience, she offers practical insights and strategies you can use to grow your digital revenue. When she isn’t polishing her Time Magazine Person of the Year Award, she’s spending time with her flock of ducks.

What is SEO content? SEO content is content created to help your site’s pages rank higher in search results. Creating content for SEO involves keyword research, content writing, and more.

When it comes to dynamic duos in digital marketing, you can’t beat search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing . With SEO content, you can create a site that not only ranks well in search results but also performs well in conversions.

Now, if you’re ready to start learning more about and producing SEO content for your business, keep reading. This post covers not just how to write SEO content but how to write good content for SEO. Even better, it includes a free and fast tool for analyzing your existing SEO content — try it now !

Here’s a quick overview of everything we’ll cover:

What is SEO content?

Types of seo content.

  • How to write SEO content

Let’s get started!

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SEO content is content created to help your website rank higher in search results, typically optimized for a specific keyword that users will search for online. Creating content for SEO involves keyword research, content writing, and more with the intention to drive more organic traffic to your website.

Now that you know the answer to the question, “what is SEO content,” let’s dive into its different types you might come across and create.

There are types of SEO content types, including:

  • Blog posts:  A blog can host tons of content topics and formats, including the ones on this list, making it one of the easiest ways to product content for SEO. You can create a blog post to answer common questions your audience searches for online, a how-to guide to explain a process, and much more.
  • Product pages:  Product pages include detailed information about your products so consumers can easily learn more about them. This content type is a great way to get your products in front of your target audience right when they start their search online.
  • Articles:   Articles are usually longer and more detailed than blog posts. They can include things like news articles, interviews, or feature pieces.
  • Guides:  Guides are in-depth pieces of content that explain how to something, what something is, or how something works. Some guides may contain chapters that span across multiple pages or they can be one large page.
  • Videos: Videos are one of the most engaging tpyes of content for SEO. You can create videos to showcase your products or services in action or create information and how to videos to explain a process or topic.
  • Infographics:  Like the name suggests, an infographic is essentially a visual type of content that contains a lot of info about a specific topic, usually in the format of graphs, charts, or images. Infographics are a great way to engage your audience with visuals and present info in an easily-digestable way.
  • Glossaries: Many people use search engines to find the definition of words and phrases.  Creating a glossary of definitions related to your business, industry, and products or services is a great way to give these users the answers they need, and bring them to your website.

How to write SEO content for your website

Start writing SEO content for your website by following these nine tips:

  • Focus on creating shareable content for SEO to earn links
  • Choose a content format
  • Target long-tail keywords
  • Place keywords in the title tag
  • Include keywords in header tags
  • Feature related keywords throughout the body text
  • Optimize image ALT text for SEO
  • Make SEO content easy to skim
  • Add in-page links that use the targeted keyword

1. Focus on creating shareable content for SEO to earn links

Links are vital for SEO. If other sites think your content is worth linking to (inbound links), search engines see it as a vote of quality. At the same time, linking to other sites (outbound links), helps readers find additional resources on your topic.

As far as inbound links are concerned, your concern should be creating content that is worth linking to and getting the word out via social media and promotion. Don’t try to spam forums or comment sections with links to your site, and never buy links from other site owners.

In the case of outbound links, always be sure that the sites and pages you link to are relevant and useful. If search engines notice that you are linking to spammy, low-quality sites, they’ll start to recognize your site as falling into the same category.

2. Choose a content format

Example of content for SEO

3. Target long-tail keywords

Long-tail keyword example

Your business will have trouble ranking for this keyword, even if you create SEO-friendly content. Optimizing for a keyword like “sushi restaurants in Harrisburg” would attract searchers who are looking for restaurants like yours (instead of, say, a Mexican restaurant in Philadelphia), and are likely to become customers.

4. Place keywords in the title tag

Content for SEO: Title tag example

  • Include your core keyword
  • Keep your title tag to 55 characters
  • Use your core keyword at the beginning, versus the end, of your title tag
  • Add your related keyword, if possible

In coordination with these tips, you also want to keep in mind the following factors:

  • Readability: A readable title tag matters more than an optimized title tag. Generally, you’ll have readability issues when you try to over-optimize your title tag, like by including a related keyword that makes your title tag wordy.
  • Accuracy: A title tag motivates people to click. If they arrive on your site, though, and find your SEO content doesn’t match your title tag, they’ll bounce back to the search results, which will hurt your rankings. Avoid click-bait titles and aim for accuracy instead.

If you want to see how well your title tag performs for existing SEO content, try our SEO checker .

It’ll analyze your title tag and check its optimization. Based on its findings, it’ll provide tips for improving not only your title tag’s optimization but also your content’s optimization overall. Even better, it’ll include some related resources to help you write better title tags.

5. Include keywords in header tags

If you’re unfamiliar with HTML, header tags help readers see what your page is about and skim it. Header tags are like chapter names for a book. If someone wants to skip to a particular topic, they can use your header tags to find it. Header tags range from H1 to H6.

Content for SEO: Header examples

  • H1: The Pros and Cons of Sushi
  • H2: The Advantages of Sushi
  • H2: The Disadvantages of Sushi

These header tags can target a few keywords related to this topic, including:

  • Sushi benefits
  • Sushi disadvantages
  • Sushi benefits and risks

By including a keyword or two in your page headers, search engines will have an easier time identifying your page’s topic, which means more accurate rankings. As a bonus, it makes it a lot easier for site visitors to skim your content and find what they want.

6. Feature related keywords throughout the body text

Every piece of SEO content should target more than one keyword. That’s because people use different words or phrases to ask the same question.

Content for SEO: Finding keywords

You can even use it to discover new content ideas, which can help you expand your SEO content strategy.

Once you know which keywords you’ll target, use them throughout your content. Besides including keywords in your title tags and headings, for example, you want to use your keywords in your body text too.

If you’re writing a how-to guide on making sushi at home, your introductory paragraph may include the following text — and keyword:

“Are you ready to learn how to make sushi at home ? Then gather the following ingredients!”

Like your title tags and headings, you should always aim for readability. If you stuff content with keywords, you will push users away from not only your SEO content but also your business.

Web crawlers have also become quite advanced over the years. They’ll have zero trouble spotting keyword stuffing, which translates to a low ranking for your content.

SEO checker is a neat tool you can use to see if crawlers understand your content and its keyword targeting. Does Google, for instance, realize that you’re explaining how to make sushi at home, or does it think you’re talking about something else? Enter your page URL into our SEO checker and find out!

It’ll analyze your page and then compile a list of words or phrases that seem to represent your content. This information can help your business assess its keyword targeting, as well as determine where you need to improve.

7. Optimize image alt text for SEO

Although most site visitors won’t see your image alt tags, they’re essential for SEO. Search engines can’t process visual content like human eyes, and they rely on these descriptions to determine what appears on your page.

Content for SEO: Alt Text

  • Describe the image exactly as it appears, like “sushi tray”
  • Use the core keyword if applicable, like “woman learning how to make sushi”
  • Keep the image alt text to 125 characters

If you haven’t used image alt text consistently, you can quickly determine which pieces of SEO content need it. Just enter the content’s URL into our SEO checker . It’ll analyze your content, check your alt text, and report which images need image alt text.

If you haven’t already included alt text for your images, now’s the time to start. In addition to being useful for SEO, image alt text also ensures that your site is Section 508 compliant , which you want as non-compliance can result in hefty fines .

8. Make SEO content easy to skim

Usability is an SEO ranking factor that often gets overlooked. You can produce an excellent guide on how to make sushi at home, but if you fail to format your content in a way that makes it easy to read, you will struggle to earn that page-one ranking — and all the traffic that comes with it.

SEO content formatting example

  • Using header tags to organize content
  • Limiting paragraphs to around three lines or sentences
  • Including visuals, like images or videos to break up content
  • Having a sans serif font versus a serif font

You can upgrade the user-friendliness of your content and site even more with software that allows users to customize your website’s font size, spacing, and more. Most Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance software will allow you to offer these features instantly.

9. Add in-page links that use the targeted keyword

A good practice for SEO content creation involves sending internal links , or links from other pages on your site, to your newest piece of SEO content. This move helps Google, as well as users, index your new content and explore your website. As a quick refresher, there are two parts to internal links:

  • The link itself: The link is the URL, like “”
  • The anchor text: The anchor text is the text that represents the URL and gets displayed to users.

You can think of the link as your street address, “100 Blueberry Drive,” and the anchor text as your home’s physical description, like “The house with the blue mailbox on Blueberry Drive.”

That description gives people an accurate description of where they’re headed. Your anchor text should do the same. It should accurately and confidently direct users to a new page. An internal or in-page link to your newest blog post, “How to Make Sushi at Home,” for example, should feature anchor text like “making sushi at home” or “how to make sushi as a beginner.”

If you use inaccurate anchor text, like “sushi is delicious,” it sends a mixed message to search engines and users. Both parties think they’ll arrive on a page about sushi’s benefits but instead come to a page that explains how to make it, which leaves Google with questions about how to rank your page.

For the best results with this step in how to write SEO content, aim to:

  • Send three in-page, internal links to every piece of new content you produce
  • Use accurate anchor text for each link

If you aren’t sure about the current status of existing content, you can download and use a tool like Screaming Frog . Or, you can input your URL into the SEO checker and get an instant analysis that looks at a page’s internal and external links.

Looking to get more value from your SEO content strategy?

SEO content is an excellent way for your business to attract website traffic, leads, and sales. Building an SEO content strategy and maintaining it, however, isn’t easy.

It requires time, dedication, and skill to manage a strategy that achieves your company’s goals. That’s why many companies invest in SEO content services. At WebFX, for example, we offer SEO services that include SEO content development, creation, and writing.

With our custom SEO content writing strategies, we’ve helped our clients earn more than $10 billion in revenue in the past five years — and we’re ready to help your business too. Contact us online or give us a ring at 888-601-5359 to learn more about our SEO services !

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Boost your site’s search performance with our free SEO Checker. Analyze your website for optimization tips on titles, headers, content, speed, and more.

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Table of Contents

  • What is SEO Content?
  • Types of SEO Content
  • How to Write SEO Content for Your Website
  • 1. Focus on Creating Shareable Content for SEO to Earn Links
  • 2. Choose a Content Format
  • 3. Target Long-tail Keywords
  • 4. Place Keywords in the Title Tag
  • 5. Include Keywords in Header Tags
  • 6. Feature Related Keywords Throughout the Body Text
  • 7. Optimize Image Alt Text for SEO
  • 8. Make SEO Content Easy to Skim
  • 9. Add In-page Links That Use the Targeted Keyword
  • Looking to Get More Value from Your SEO Content Strategy?

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How To Write SEO-Friendly Content: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Write SEO-Friendly Content: A Comprehensive Guide

Table Of Contents

What is seo content, seo-friendly content tips: how does seo content work, top 10 seo ranking factors.

  • Use relevant keywords for improved search engine optimization
  • Prove your content’s relevance with headings
  • Content is king
  • Have plenty of high-quality, fresh content
  • Site architecture
  • How relevant are your topics?
  • Responsiveness
  • Page load time
  • Having external links in the content
  • Links to internal resources

Key Takeaways

SEO (search engine optimization) has always been a necessary and valuable digital marketing tool. But, its implications have dramatically changed in present times. Today, it’s an indispensable content marketing strategy that businesses, digital marketing professionals, and content creators are keen to learn about.

SEO is the art of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to a website via organic search engine results. It ensures a higher ranking of your site when someone searches for terms in your industry. This increases your brand’s visibility over the Internet and your chances of converting qualified prospects into customers. 

Now that you are familiar with the concept of SEO let’s try to answer the question, “What Is SEO Content?”

SEO content is designed to rank high on search engines like Google and is mainly optimized for specific keywords. Content is and will always be the key when it comes to SEO.

Here’s what you need to do to optimize your web content. 

  • Keyword research 

Before writing, conduct in-depth research on keywords to use to ensure high search traffic. Choose keywords that have a high volume of searches.

  • Keyword optimization 

Learn where and how keywords can be used in your content to maximize your site’s visibility.

  • Content organization 

Coherently organize your content. This is important for SEO and helps your visitors find related content quickly.

  • Content promotion 

Share your new content on social media for a greater reach.

Effectively executed SEO ensures that a website shows higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). It focuses on creating and updating content and gaining relevant backlinks to the website to appear above its competitors’ sites. The goal is to appear on the first page of a search engine, resulting in free traffic. The process can be complex, but the result is worthwhile.

Different types of SEO tactics can help you increase your search engine rankings. There are on-page and off-page SEO methods, and each has certain specific benefits. Remember that search engines use complex algorithms to determine site ranking. By following the right SEO strategy, you can get your website displayed on the first page of search engines and enjoy a steady stream of targeted traffic and increased sales.

SEO is like learning a new language; you need to follow the rules and best practices. To get the highest ranking possible, you must optimize your website to include relevant keywords. Optimization can be done around both informational and product-related keywords. However, it is vital to consider user intent when using SEO strategies. This ensures that your site is listed high up on the SERPs and receives the traffic it deserves.

Although there are numerous search engines out there, Google is an absolute go-to for most Internet users. So, trying to understand Google’s way of ranking pages makes sense. 

Google’s algorithm is mainly based on three factors. The first is Googlebot, which uses a complex algorithm to rank websites based on their relevance. The second is a website’s architecture and layout, which play a crucial role in its overall ranking. The third is the content and the presence or absence of appropriate keywords. These three factors heavily influence a site’s foothold in the world of the Internet. Businesses try to apply all three while devising content marketing strategies to strengthen their online presence. By incorporating SEO into their websites, they improve their website’s visibility and usability. This, in turn, increases traffic and company profits.

1. Use relevant keywords for improved SEO

how to write a seo friendly content

Search engines use keyword skimming to assess the relevance of a piece of content to the query entered by a user. Most search engine algorithms use this technique to scan web pages. Your chosen keywords should be words and phrases that you believe people will type into search engines searching for your products, services, businesses, and general information.

Be sure to distribute your keyword throughout the content evenly. Also, make sure it is both in the headings and subheadings. Search engines may consider your page “spammy” if it is overstuffed with keywords.

2. Prove your content’s relevance with headings

how to write a seo friendly content

Again, if you know what SEO content writing is, then there is no reason why you wouldn’t know how important content headings are. But in case you are new to content writing, headings are titles that appear at the start of pages, sections, or paragraphs. Search engines often scan the headings to determine a page’s content quality and SEO. 

Most search engines like it when

• The page’s main headings contain relevant keywords and related words.

• The subheadings of the page reflect the main headings.

• The page’s paragraph text elaborates on the subheadings.

3. Content is king

how to write a seo friendly content

SEO is heavily dependent on content. If you don’t know what SEO-based content writing is, it’s time you rolled up your sleeves and actively trained yourself. Search engines won’t be able to properly index your pages and rank you if your content is not SEO optimized. Your pages will not even be shared or seen by Internet users without a solid SEO strategy. Your site will live online without visitors, which simply defeats the purpose of having a website.

SEO content increases your site’s visibility on search engines, which leads to more traffic and encourages people to buy your products/services. Put simply, SEO content can bring real value to your company’s bottom line.

4. Have plenty of high-quality, fresh content

how to write a seo friendly content

Knowing how to write SEO-friendly content i s not enough; it’s also important to keep updating your site with high-quality, SEO-optimized content to rank well on search engines. Adding more relevant content to your site will also please those visitors who are genuinely interested in reading articles and blogs on your site. However, you need to make sure that every piece of content uploaded on your website is fresh and engaging. It’s good to have content with a promotional tone as you seek traffic for a purpose, but don’t overdo it. Also, note that the higher the number of pages a site has, the better its SEO ranking could be. However, what content the pages carry is the ultimate determinant of success.

5. Site architecture

how to write a seo friendly content

One of the most important SEO ranking factors is site architecture. A site with a clumsy structure is a waste of your time and resources and is of no value to search engines. Hence, designing the right architecture for your site is crucial for its success. You also need to have clear navigation. A page that is easy to navigate is more likely to attract visitors and be ranked well on search engines.

6. How relevant are your topics?

how to write a seo friendly content

If you know how to write SEO-friendly content or understand what SEO is in content writing, you will agree that the relevance of content topics is crucial for ranking in search engines. Don’t think that the topics should just be relevant for your readers. They should also be relevant to the theme of your business and the other blog posts on your site.

For instance, the organic traffic to your local movie theater’s site could plummet if it started publishing software reviews instead of showtimes. After all, search engines will use the topics of content on your site to determine its ranking. Sites that only sell product X need not publish content on products Y or Z without any reasonable purpose. And a site that does so is probably clueless or trying to rank unethically.

7. Responsiveness

how to write a seo friendly content

A site is considered responsive when it can adjust its layout according to the size of the device on which it is being viewed. A responsive website basically shrinks itself to fit mobile devices while allowing users to access content, navigate the site, and reach their goals as easily as on its desktop version. 

SEO is all about responsiveness or mobile-friendliness. It’s actually a ranking factor for a lot of search engines. As a matter of fact, mobile-friendly websites generally rank higher on search engines than non-mobile-friendly sites. Mobile-friendliness is especially important for SEO if you have a website that relies on mobile traffic. Even if it doesn’t depend on mobile traffic, Google’s mobile-first index will soon make it necessary for sites to be responsive.

8. Page load time

how to write a seo friendly content

Your website speed is a major SEO ranking factor. The faster your website is, the more visitors it will attract. That means the slower your page load time is, the more likely it is to appear higher in search results. Similarly, the more reliable your content is, the higher your SEO ranking will be. The more authoritative your business is, the higher your SEO ranking factors will be. The best SEO strategy will include a combination of both, and you need to be aware of both of these factors to make your website as effective as possible.

9. Having external links in the content

how to write a seo friendly content

Those who want to learn what SEO-based content writing is and wish to excel at it must also acquaint themselves with the concept of linking. Two types of links are used in content: external and internal. External links are links to other domains from your content. Why use them? Because you can earn SEO points by providing links to domains that have content similar to your topic.

The text in the content that you transform into a hyperlink is referred to as the anchor text. Bonus points are awarded if your anchor text, too, is contextually related to the content of the page you are linking to. 

10. Links to internal resources

how to write a seo friendly content

Internal links are the same as external links. The only difference is that the former helps you redirect your visitors to pages within your website and not to external pages. Your internal links will be stronger if you use relevant content and anchor text. This is a great way to give your favorite pages from the site more visibility and value. 

  • SEO content is content created to rank well on search engines.
  • SEO works because search engines use advanced algorithms to determine what queries a website should show up for in search results.
  • A site’s ranking can be improved by using relevant keywords in the content.
  • Always use power-packed headings with keywords.
  • Sites should carry a lot of good quality and relevant content.
  • The content should be written in a well-structured format.
  • Produce quality content on relevant topics.
  • The topics should be relevant to the business and other content on the site.
  • Responsive websites rank better on search engine sites.
  • Faster page load times ensure higher ranking.
  • Have external and internal links in the content to increase visibility. 

The discussion above must have deepened your understanding of optimized content. And now, it’s also probably easy for you to infer its importance in the world of digital marketing. However, good SEO alone doesn’t guarantee success. Yes, well-structured, search engine optimized content is often easy to find and engage with, but the true success of any content lies in the value it offers its readers.

how to write a seo friendly content

Although most content writers know what SEO-friendly content is, many are relatively new to the world of search marketing. SEO writing refers to the use of key phrases and keywords in web content. Marketers and copywriters use SEO to improve their website’s visibility in search engines and rank higher on SERPs. Combining high-quality copy and targeted search terms is important to achieve SEO.

“SEO” or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of optimizing a website for search engines such as Google. “Content,” on the other hand, refers to any information available over the Internet and can be consumed online. Put these two concepts together, and you get the definition of SEO content. Described simply, SEO content is the content created to attract search engine traffic.

Many people wonder if they can do SEO themselves. Good news! You can do SEO by yourself. Anyone can learn SEO for their business with a bit of research and a lot of practice. You can browse the Internet to know

The benefits of SEO can’t be fully realized without quality content. Relevant, useful content on your site motivates visitors to stay longer. This can positively impact your search engine rankings. SEO and content can’t be viewed independently of each other. Marketers need to understand that both go hand in hand. Hence, it is important to create great content if your goal is to increase your site’s search engine rankings. Start with ensuring high CTR and a great user experience, generate backlinks, and enable the incorporation of keywords, optimized content for numerous benefits to businesses. Write targeted content. Try to answer people’s queries, and offer information they might be looking for.

Focus on originality. • Offer relevant, punchy headings with incorporated keywords. • Use relevant keywords throughout the content. • Create an organized and efficient content format. • Incorporate multimedia, if possible. • Use social media to propel your content. • Use external or internal linking wherever necessary.

Although any kind of content can be search engine optimized, specific content types hook visitors better. Examples include how-to guides, lists, trending content, infographics, and authoritative blog posts.

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In this blog, explore the golden rules of using AI marketing tools so you can leverage the benefits to their maximum potential.

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How to Write SEO-Friendly Content for a Website

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In the digital age, having a stunning website is just the beginning. To truly make your mark on the web, you need to ensure that your content is not only engaging but also optimized for search engines. That’s where SEO-friendly content comes into play. By creating content that search engines love, you can improve your website’s visibility, drive more organic traffic, and ultimately achieve your online goals.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to craft content that not only captures your audience’s attention but also ranks well on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is the first step to crafting content that truly resonates. Your audience is the heartbeat of your online presence, and catering to their needs and preferences is paramount. This involves delving into the specifics of who they are, what they seek, and how they engage with content. By gaining a deep understanding of your target demographic, you can tailor your content to not only attract their attention but also keep them engaged and coming back for more.

Before you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), take the time to understand your target audience. Knowing who you’re writing for is crucial in tailoring your content to their needs and preferences. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Audience Research : Use analytics tools and surveys to gather insights into your audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points.
  • Create Personas : Develop buyer personas to represent your ideal customers. This helps you write content that resonates with them.

Content Structure

Imagine your content structure as the architectural blueprint of your SEO success. A well-organized and logically structured piece of content not only enhances readability but also supports search engine optimization. Clear headings and a well-defined content hierarchy guide your readers through your content, making it easier for them to grasp your message. This not only keeps your audience engaged but also helps search engines understand the significance and organization of your content.

A well-organized content structure not only makes your content more reader-friendly but also SEO-friendly:

  • Headings (H1, H2, H3) : Use headings to structure your content logically and improve readability.
  • Content Hierarchy : Ensure a clear hierarchy, with main points and subpoints clearly defined.

Quality Content

Quality content isn’t just about impressing readers; it’s about convincing search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy. In the digital landscape, quality is the currency of trust. Your content should not only be informative but also demonstrate expertise and reliability. By creating content that is well-researched, authoritative, and backed by credible sources, you build a solid foundation for gaining search engine favor and earning your audience’s trust.

High-quality, informative content is the cornerstone of SEO:

  • E-A-T : Focus on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness in your content.
  • Thorough Research : Back up your claims with research and data to establish authority.

Optimized Meta Tags

Meta tags are your content’s first impression on search engines and users alike. Your title tag and meta description serve as the initial point of contact, influencing whether users click through to your content. Crafting compelling meta tags within the character limits is an art form. These tags should not only be optimized for relevant keywords but should also entice users to explore your content further.

Meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, play a crucial role in SEO:

  • Compelling Titles : Write descriptive and compelling titles within the character limits.
  • Engaging Descriptions : Create meta descriptions that entice users to click through.

Keyword Placement

Strategically placing keywords within your content is akin to leaving breadcrumbs for search engines to follow. Search engines use keywords to understand the context and relevance of your content. This begins with including your target keyword in the title, establishing the theme of your content. But it doesn’t stop there. Skillfully integrating keywords throughout your content in a natural and informative manner ensures that both readers and search engines find your content valuable.

Strategically place keywords within your content:

  • Title : Include your target keyword in the title.
  • Introduction : Introduce your keyword naturally in the opening paragraph.
  • Body : Use keywords throughout the content, but avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Conclusion : Summarize your content and include the keyword if relevant.

Content-Length Matters

Content length is not just a matter of quantity but quality. While the internet is flooded with content of varying lengths, what truly matters is the depth and completeness of your content. Each piece of content should aim to provide comprehensive information on the topic. Whether it’s a concise blog post or an extensive article, ensure that it fulfills the informational needs of your audience.

Content length can impact SEO:

  • Varied Lengths : Different types of content may require different word counts. Aim for depth and completeness.
  • Valuable Information : Longer content should provide substantial value to the reader.

Mobile Optimization

In a mobile-centric world, optimizing your content for smaller screens is no longer optional—it’s essential. With the majority of internet users browsing on mobile devices, mobile optimization is a critical aspect of SEO-friendly content. Responsive design ensures that your content looks and functions seamlessly on smartphones and tablets, delivering a satisfying user experience and earning search engine favor in the process.

Mobile-friendliness is a must:

  • Responsive Design : Ensure your content looks and functions well on mobile devices.
  • Mobile User Experience : Prioritize a seamless mobile user experience.

Internal and External Linking

Links are the bridges that connect your content to a wider web of information. Both internal and external linking serve valuable roles in SEO. Internal links guide users to related content within your website, improving navigation and encouraging further exploration. On the other hand, external links to reputable sources bolster your content’s credibility and authority, both of which are valued by search engines.

Links can improve SEO and user experience:

  • Internal Links : Link to related content within your website.
  • External Links : Include reputable external links when relevant.

Regular Updates

Freshness matters in the world of SEO, and regularly updating your content can breathe new life into your website’s rankings. As the digital landscape evolves, so too should your content. Outdated information can harm your SEO efforts, while regularly refreshed content keeps your website relevant and signals to search engines that you’re actively maintaining and improving your site.

Fresh content can improve rankings:

  • Content Calendar : Develop a schedule for updating and refreshing older content.
  • Stay Current : Keep your content up-to-date with the latest information in your niche.

Monitor and Analyze

To fine-tune your SEO strategy, you need to be your own detective, analyzing data to uncover opportunities for improvement. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console provide invaluable insights into your website’s performance. By tracking keyword rankings, user behavior, and conversion rates, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your content and enhance your SEO efforts.

Keep an eye on your SEO performance:

  • Google Analytics : Track traffic, user behavior, and conversions.
  • Google Search Console : Monitor keyword rankings and identify opportunities for improvement.

Putting it all together

Crafting SEO-friendly content is a blend of art and science. By understanding your audience, conducting keyword research, and following these optimization techniques, you can create content that not only resonates with your readers but also performs well in search engine rankings.

Start implementing these strategies today, and watch your website’s visibility soar. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so keep refining your skills and adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape.

Ready to take your website’s SEO to the next level? Contact us for professional assistance and watch your online presence flourish.

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how to write a seo friendly content

SEO Content Writing: Benefits & 5 Best Practices for Success

SEO content is high-quality content that answers a searcher’s question—with the goal of ranking on page 1 for that keyword.

AI pencils in rows: SEO content writing

Every day, millions of people turn to search engines to answer their burning questions—questions your brand may be uniquely positioned to answer. A search engine optimization (SEO) strategy involves writing content that aligns with what your target audience is searching for on Google, and it drives organic traffic to your website or ecommerce store. You do this by publishing articles or blog posts that register with search engine algorithms and appear on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here’s a primer on how to do some SEO content writing that improves your Google search visibility.

What is SEO content writing?

SEO content writing is the practice of creating high-quality content that aligns with internet users’ search intent—i.e., it delivers the answers they’re looking for when they type search queries into the search bar. The goal of SEO writing is to land your content on a search engine results page. 

For instance, if you have an ecommerce store that sells pet food, you might create blog posts about the best food for various breeds and age ranges of dogs and cats, with the intent to reach pet owners who try to answer these questions on Google. If your content is good, it will align with relevant search queries, and you’ll have the opportunity to build awareness and trust with readers—and potentially convert them to customers. 

Benefits of SEO content writing for your ecommerce business

Why do so many small business owners and ecommerce merchants embrace SEO content writing to drive traffic to their website? The answer boils down to three main benefits:

  • You reach an audience with high intent. Showing up in search queries improves your odds of reaching people who might already have an intent to buy your goods or pay for your services. They’ve already made the active choice to search for certain content, so your SEO article or blog post is likely to align with their interests.
  • It can be more cost-effective than running paid ads. You have to pay for every click you get from an ad. The cost per click (or impression) on a paid ad fluctuates, but the cost of Facebook ads or Google ads can add up quickly. With SEO, you make an investment upfront by paying a writer to write content. Once the article or blog post is published, every click it gets from organic search is free; if the article ranks on the first page of Google search results, it can become a steady driver of traffic to your website, eventually allowing you to recoup the upfront cost. 
  • Useful content helps you connect with customers. You can immediately build goodwill with potential clients by providing useful, accurate, entertaining content. A well-written SEO article may resonate more deeply with a reader than paid ads or paid social media posts, and this goodwill can lead to customer conversions.

5 SEO content writing best practices

  • Do keyword research
  • Create high-quality, unique, relevant content
  • Use header tags, meta descriptions, and alt tags
  • Use internal and external links
  • Strive to win featured snippets

SEO content writing is an artful form of SEO marketing . SEO marketers work to maximize their websites’ exposure by providing content that will be interesting, engaging, and helpful to the target audience. When you implement an SEO content strategy, focus on these five best practices:

1. Do keyword research

Keyword research is the act of examining online search trends related to your industry. This work answers the question: What is my target audience searching for on Google that’s relevant to my business? You can use SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, WordStream, and Moz to identify your target keywords—i.e., the keywords you want to try to rank for with blog posts.

There is an art to picking a target keyword. A short, commonly searched phrase (for instance, “running shoes”) can be a good starting point, but short keywords appear on many different websites, and it can be hard to outrank competitors on the SERP for those keywords. A more strategic option is focusing on long-tail keywords, which are longer phrases that don’t get as much search traffic (for example, “best running shoes for wide feet” or “how to choose running shoes”). The idea is that when users search for those longer phrases, you have a better shot of turning up in their search results. Keyword research tools can help you find long-tail related keywords that match user intent.

2. Create high-quality, unique, relevant content

SEO content is most effective when it’s legitimately informative with clear, cogent sentences and accurate information. Novice SEO content writers may make the mistake of keyword stuffing, where they pack their text with keywords at the expense of readability. While you want to include as many relevant keywords as possible, make sure they flow organically in the sentences you construct.

3. Use header tags, meta descriptions, and alt tags

One of the most valuable SEO article writing tips has less to do with actual writing than the structure of your articles. Proper formatting helps ensure that your articles rank on search engine results pages. Use your website builder to add elements like:

  • Meta descriptions. The meta description is the text under a page title in a search result. It’s best to write these yourself; if you don’t, Google will choose a line from your text to excerpt on the SERP. Aim to keep your meta description between 150 and 160 characters so the text doesn’t get cut off.
  • A title tag. A title tag is the webpage title that appears in a search engine result. Usually, the title tag includes the primary keyword. Google caps titles at a width of around 600 pixels, so keep your title tags under 50 to 60 characters to ensure that they appear in full on the SERP.
  • Header tags. Header tags are headings that separate sections in an article or blog post, like “H2,” “H3,” and so on. Headings can be picked up by search engines, so they should include target keywords as well.

If manually adding these elements seems intimidating, the Shopify App Store features products like the Plug In SEO Optimizer to speed you through the process.

4. Use internal and external links

Your SEO checklist should also include links to various pages on your website. Google’s search engine favors web pages that outside sources link to because it implies that someone considers the page worthy of a referral. The more your site becomes a valuable resource, the higher your chances of gaining external links. 

But you can also strengthen your content by providing internal linking to other pages on your own website. This works best if the text you link matches the title tag of the page it links to. For instance, a hyperlink attached to the phrase “muffin recipes” might link to a page titled “5 Easy Muffin Recipes.” Robust internal linking helps search engine crawlers find and index pages on your site. It also demonstrates that you have a comprehensive library of relevant content, establishing your brand’s authority on the subject.

5. Strive to win featured snippets

A featured snippet is a short text excerpt that appears at the top of a Google SERP before the list of search results. It contains a few sentences pulled directly from an article, and it provides a link to the article right below the text.

Featured snippets are very prominent on the SERP, so they can drive a lot of website traffic. One of the best ways to get a featured snippet is to include a heading (using H2 formatting) that poses a “what is” question, such as “What is a shoe bag?” Follow that heading with two to three to-the-point sentences that answer the question, i.e., “A shoe bag is a small bag designed to hold shoes and keep them clean.” With luck and the right target keywords, you can win a featured snippet in a Google search result.

SEO content writing FAQ

How do keywords play a role in seo content writing.

Using keywords appropriately helps ensure that Google understands what your article is about, so it can surface it in search results. A search engine provides content to users based on the kinds of words and phrases they type into a search bar. If the keywords you use are closely related to the user’s search query, your article is likely to provide the information they’re looking for. SEO best practices help you pepper your writing with relevant keywords that appeal to your potential audience while maintaining the overall quality of the content.

What’s the difference between thin and thick content?

In the world of SEO writing, “thin content” describes writing that lacks substance and useful information. It may contain a slew of keywords (known as “keyword packing” or “keyword stuffing”), but it doesn’t teach the reader anything useful. “Thick content” may also contain plenty of keywords, but those keywords fit into prose that is educational, insightful, entertaining, or all of the above.

How can I make sure my content is both SEO-friendly and readable?

SEO-friendly content contains relevant keywords, strong title tags, header tags, and meta descriptions. You can learn more about them in Shopify’s SEO marketing guide. Readable content requires solid sentence construction, careful organization, and a firm grasp of the topic you’re writing about. Your process will typically start with a good deal of research, including reading content published by your competitors. Outlining your blog posts in advance and giving each section a proper heading can also boost search engine visibility.

How often should I update my website’s content for SEO purposes?

Update your website whenever you see user traffic flagging. You can keep an eye on this with the help of Google Analytics, a tool that helps you learn how many people are visiting your site and what marketing channels brought them there. For many ecommerce store owners, the best way to update your website’s content is to add new articles or blog posts on topics related to your business. Completely upending your site and changing all the sections can temporarily “confuse” search engines and remove pages from SERPs for a period of time. Subtle changes are usually better.

How does internal linking affect SEO content writing?

Internal links take users from one of your site’s pages to another. This accomplishes a few things: First, it helps you cement authority within a given subject area by showcasing a range of related content. Second, internal linking makes your content more accessible to search engine crawlers, allowing them to index pages on your website and display them on SERPs. In addition to boosting your SEO, internal links can keep visitors on the site longer and may lead to more customer conversions.

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how to write a seo friendly content

How To Write SEO Friendly Content (From Beginner To Advanced)

How to write SEO friendly content on your blog.

If you're a new blogger, you may find it challenging to write SEO-friendly content. However, it's important to remember that SEO is just one part of the puzzle when it comes to driving traffic to your blog.

Optimizing your content for search engines can attract more readers and followers interested in what you are writing.

In addition, SEO-friendly content helps you rank higher in search engine results from pages and makes it easier for people to discover your work.

The purpose of a blog post is to inform, educate, or entertain the reader. However, if you want your blog post to be successful, you need to optimize it for search engines.

This means using specific keywords throughout the post so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The higher your post ranks, the more likely people will see and read it.

If you're not sure where to start with SEO writing, don't worry, This post today will show you step by step to help you write SEO-friendly content for your article.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when optimizing your blog post for search engines, and that is what I'm about to show you today.

  Also, remember that everything I'm sharing today took me almost two years to learn, but you definitely don't need that much time.

 Now you have a concise summary of all you need to know to generate an attractive, SEO-friendly article.

 All you have to do is take about 8 minutes to read the entire content of this article and take note of critical things and practice.

  The best result is at the end of the article journey.

 And because you're here now. And I know you can do it, and you are worth the effort.

 It is my sincere hope that this art will be the key to bringing your article and your writing career to the next level!

 For more helpful SEO blogs, check out here.

How to start blogging: 6 things you should know before starting blogging

10 Best essential blogging tools for beginners

22 Tips to Create a Successful Business Blog in 2022

What is SEO Writing?

SEO writing is a way of creating content that is optimized for search engines.

This means that the content is written in such a way as to rank highly for relevant keywords and phrases.

SEO writing is essential to any digital marketing strategy, as it can help drive traffic to a website and improve a brand's visibility.

Additionally, SEO writing is not about cramming keywords into your content; instead, it is about creating informative and engaging content that will appeal to both users and search engines.

In order to write SEO-friendly content, you need to understand how search engines work and what kinds of things they look for when ranking websites.

Once you have a good understanding of this, you can start incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into your content in a natural and organic way.

And if you want to learn how to write SEO-friendly content to optimize your blog, check out these tested SEO tips. 

How To Write SEO-Friendly Articles - Content Optimization  

Step 1: start with research..

With an empty head starting to write is a horrible thing . If you really want to get rid of it and do it easily, quickly, and efficiently, then research is a top priority in your first step.

Here are a few things you need to determine to write a different article: 

Target Keyword

Research Topic

Length of the article

Type of the article

Question people also ask

Outline article structure

In SEO, writing good content is the key . And to write SEO-friendly content, we need to prepare many things.

But it can be simpler if you follow the steps I guide below.

Do a favor to yourself and start with a tool such as SEMrush.

  SEMrush offers a 14-day free trial which helps you do your keyword research, find the hot topic, look for backlinking, track the keyword strategy of your competition users, and many more valuable things for content optimization.

  Step 2: Type of content: Keyword Search Intent 

Enter your keyword into Google search to see what kinds of articles are currently ranking.

This is a part of the study and will assist you in understanding the kind of content Google believes is best for these kinds of inquiries.

After clicking “the button finding”, Google will return the search results as shown below.

best SEO tools

Should you do the same thing?

Yes. Imitate the success of your predecessors intelligently.

First, determine the primary keyword you use.

Then add one or two of these modifiers from this list:

The current year

Step by step

You can't predict precisely what keywords these modifiers will rank for.

However, you'll receive more search engine traffic from them than you would otherwise.

And that’s what matters. 

Step 3: Research Topic

After coming up with a few keywords for your article, people often struggle to write articles.

It is a blind spot for those who are new to writing.

For example, you have a target keyword, "diet," and you start to think of topics related to it like

A diet suitable for beginners

The best diet for a beautiful body

Why should you have a good diet?

And you pick one of those three ideas and start writing?

No, that's not what I want you to do. Do you remember the purpose of writing SEO-friendly?

That's right, optimizing SEO simply to optimize answers in the most intelligent way to customer questions or concerns.

You should always consider what your audience finds important.

What is going to grab their attention?

What kind of content is going to address their biggest pain points?

Your reader is always wondering what's in it for them

The more accurate and detailed the answer, the higher the click-through rate, ROI, CTA, and ranking on the first page of Google.

What if your topic is not exactly what the customer is looking for? Yes, no one will read it because it's not because they need to.

So how do you find a hot topic that people want to read?

Here how. I use Answer The Public , one of my list's best SEO tools for the blog.

Answer the Public homepage

This FREE powerful tool will help you find out more about what your audience is looking for without registering or paying anything.

It immediately generates every helpful phrase and query people post around your term by listening to autocomplete data from search engines like Google.

The five Ws (Who, What, Where, Why) plus “how,” “can,” “are,” “which,” and “will” make up categories.

How to write SEO friendly content - Search results from Answer the Public

Awesome! Now you get a lot of perfect topic ideas in just a few seconds.

Those questions are relevant to what people search for on Google, so they're accurate and useful.

If possible, don't choose 1; choose 3-4 questions that match the topic you want to write about, add them to your writing and answer them, and write your readers valuable information, exactly what they need.

Alternatively, you can also use the Topic Research Tool of Semrush . The tool helps to find your reader's interests and displays a vast array of related topics, well-linked article titles, and often-asked questions for your main keyword.

Topic research is a crucial step in the blog optimization process. If you provide material that isn't relevant to their searches, people won't find it or be interested in it.

So save this tip if you don't want to spend more time brainstorming topics for your following articles.

Step 4: Optimize the Length of your article.

How long should a blog post be?

This is a common query among bloggers, but there isn't always a great one.

HubSpot research indicates that 2,100 to 2,400 words are the optimum blog article length for SEO.

However, John Mueller from Google has previously stated that “Word count does not indicate quality"

So, What should we do to have the best-length blog?

Let's see how I usually do here:

Using SEMrush's writing assistant , determine what your idle word limit should be for higher ranking chances.

Enter the target keyword

Select the Country and device you want to target

How to write SEO frinedly content - using SEMrush

Click on “Create SEO template"

You will see the result as shown in the screenshot below:

How to write SEO frinedly content - using SEMrush

The average word on the first page for my target keyword is 1101.

In order to optimize my SEO article, I would ensure that it contains at least 1100+ words.

Alright, you got an idea about text length for your article.

Now I will show you what you can get more here from SEMrush.

On the dashboard you just saw, besides “Text length,” SEMrush provides you with a lot of helpful info than you expected, like:

The analysis is based on your Google top 10 rivals

Semantically related words


How to write SEO frinedly content - using SEMrush

You see, they show many high-quality keywords, good backlinks, and the score of the top 10 URLs.

This is a lot of work, but if you hope to rank #1 on search, these extra steps will help you stand out from the crowd.

 Step 5: Scout People also ask

First, use Google Autocomplete, which provides keyword suggestions based on user queries.

Furthermore, SEO Ranking has a tool - Keyword Suggestions - that help pick keywords based on the way people search.

How to write SEO frinedly content

Next, Search for your target keyword in Google search, and it’ll show a section called "People also ask."

Here are some of the questions people ask for the “strawberry chocolate" keyword.

How to write SEO frinedly content

Select the inquiries that make sense in light of the purpose of your piece and address them there.

Don't stop there; if you click on one of the questions, then Google will continue to add more.

How to write SEO frinedly content

In this way, you can ensure that your SEO-optimized content answers questions that people are looking for.

So, instead of wondering which SEO tool to buy to use, try searching keywords with this method first.

This method looks very simple but is highly effective. And best of all, it's completely free .

Okay, that's enough; we have enough keywords, right?

In fact, you can optimize your article better if your article contains the long tail keyword .

There are two main reasons why long-tail keywords are essential for SEO

Long tail keywords aren't that competitive

Long tail keywords have high conversion rates

How to write SEO frinedly content

The Long tails are MUCH less competitive than the shorter "head keywords" in terms of SEO. They are, therefore, simpler to rank for.

And the traffic that you get from long tail terms tends to convert really well.

How to find Long Tail Keywords.

Use Google “Searches Related to…”

Have you ever noticed that Google’s search results have a section at the bottom labeled “Searches related”?

Well, this little area is a golden mine for long-tail keyword research.

Let's see the result of the keyword I used above, “strawberry chocolate."

Scroll to the bottom of the page. And here is what you get.

How to write SEO frinedly content

Nice! Now you have a handful of GREAT long tail terms that you can target.

1.   Enter one of the search terms from the "Searches related to..." section into Google.

2.   Check out the results for THAT keyword under "Searches related to..."

3.   Continue doing this until you have a huge list of fantastic keywords.

Alright, it seems like you have almost everything here to start writing SEO-friendly content for your article.

Now, Open Google Docs or Microsoft Word or whatever you use for typing your article. And Outline the article structure on that.

Step 6: Outline the article structure

This is a simple outline for all types of articles you should know

  How to Write a Compelling Intro

A long intro is a traditional way in the past, but now readers do not have much time to read a too-long paragraph.

That's why a short intro with 3 - 5 sentences is enough to hook readers and get them curious about the content they're about to read.

Here are two killer formulas to help you generate a good intro

AIDA (stands for attention, interest, desire, and action)

PAS (stands for problem, agitation, solution)

How to Write a sexy body

You want to impress your customers and stand out in your readers' eyes, but good content is not enough.

The point that makes you different from other writers is that you know how to take advantage of your opponent's knowledge and their writing.

Good, but how?

Check out at least ten blogs by ten different writers, see how they write, the layout of their posts, the images they use, etc., steal some good ideas, and make it yours.

Then optimize your body at least with these things:

Short paragraphs

Section subheaders

Active Voice

Lots of Visuals (screenshots, charts, pictures)

Use bullets and numbered lists

Use transition words

 I love using transition words because it makes paragraphs more intelligently connected, which also helps readers scan through your text and quickly understand information changes between paragraphs.

How to write a good conclusion

  The conclusion is where you help the reader summarize the amount of information they have just read, comment on the main points, and the reader needs to take notes.

 Your conclusion is the final thing your reader will remember about your article. But it shouldn't be too long, and an ideal ending is 3-5 sentences.

Optimize for SEO

Now, it's time to optimize your post for SEO

I use WordPress to guide you step-by-step on optimizing before posting, but this method will still work for you if you're using something else.

Let's get started!

1. Short URLs

When it comes to SEO, short URLs work best.

There are two reasons why short URLs are superior to long URLs

URLs help Google understand your page's topic

The short URL is clean and entices people to click on the blog faster

How to write SEO frinedly content

Well-optimized URLs not only help readers and Google understand what you're writing. It enables you to build a clear information hierarchy on your website.

For example, here is one of our URLs

Here are the elements of this URL:

➔  Protocol: https

➔ Subdomain: blogs

➔  Domain:

➔  Subdirectory : blog

➔  URL Slug : multi-language-blog

Compared to URLs without keywords, URLs with keywords have a higher click-through rate (CTR) than 45%.

Here are some best practices for SEO-friendly URLs.

Keep it as simple as possible

Use subfolders to avoid over-optimization

Make your URL exactly the keyword, and nothing else

Use hyphens instead of underscores

Remove stop-words

Although optimizing URLs is a step that doesn't take too long, it might be a bit of a hassle for newbies.

So, the links below can make sense for you.

You can learn how to create SEO-Friendly URLs (Step-by-Step) here.

2. Unique Meta Description

The Meta Description is a short but extremely accurate introduction to the topic of the entire article, and it's a nice way to get more people to click on your post.

WordPress SEO plugin allows you to write meta descriptions for a post because it plays an important role in search engine ranking and gets more organic traffic for the website.

Specifically, you want your meta description to have the following:

Include relevant keywords.

Describe your content's USP

Fit within 156 characters limit (about 1-2 sentences)

Target an emotion and add a call to action if it’s relevant

Meta descriptions are one of the best ways to attract new visitors , so pay close attention to this optimization step.

If your blog doesn't have a meta description yet, you should start adding it to your blog now.

How to write SEO frinedly content

The meta description is one of the crucial factors in SEO.

You should add it to all of your article posts. If your pre-published articles still don't have a meta description, go to the edit section and add one.

By adding meta descriptions, Google can read and understand the content in your description. The article will have an easier chance of ranking high in top answer search queries and bringing more eyes to your web pages. 

3. Title Tag and Slug

First, you need to know the difference between a Title tag and a Slug

Title tag: how the audience sees the title of the post on your website

Slug: summarizes the main content of the website and usually stands behind the domain name

If you omit the Slug in the SEO optimization section, your article will be restricted from the ranking by Google.

How to write SEO frinedly content

Slug optimization is a necessity for SEO.

Slug is an integral part of the URL and, when combined with the domain name, will form a permalink link that leads to the source page of the website.

It can be said that the Slug optimization process is similar to creating SEO-friendly URLs.

What about the title tag?

Title tag helps users and search engines quickly and accurately capture a website's topic.

Conditions for a standard SEO Title tag

Do not capitalize the entire title tag

Keep your title less than 66 characters

It does not 100% match the title of another post

Include the main keyword

How to write SEO frinedly content

A good title tag is an excellent opportunity for you to score points in the eyes of the audience, helping you make the first impression on the reader.

By including a keyword in the title tag, Google will recognize your site faster .

However, this does not mean that you need to use the exact main keyword at the beginning of the title tag. Google is smart enough to understand a standard SEO title tag.

You can learn how to optimize a title tag for readers here

How to Optimize Your Title Tag for SEO

4. Internal Links & External Links

Let's see how the two links are different:

Internal Links: internal links from one page to another on the same website.

External Links: to link your article with articles or information from other websites.

 External links are divided into two types: Inbound Links and Outbound Links.

Inbound Link: also known as Backlink, is a link that points to your website from other websites

Outbound Links: are links to other websites from your website that convert

How to write SEO frinedly content

Inbound and outbound Links are the 2 main types of External Links

Why Internal Links is important?

Internal Links are key for any website that wants higher rankings in Google.

It helps Google find, index, and know all of the pages on your site.

How to write SEO frinedly content

Let's say you publish a new article about your market sector. All you have to do is choose a relevant article and link it to your recent article.

In this way, it provides additional information to the reader, improves the number of views per session, and boosts your organic traffic.

But don't over-link; 3-8 links are good enough.

In short: The more you create internal links, the more you create SEO energy for your website.

Why are External Links important?

By linking to other websites, it is possible to improve your website's authority significantly.

Provided that the websites you link to need to have a high level of authority (not spammy sites).

Here is how to check whether the website link you should link or not.

How to write SEO frinedly content

If your website is new, you should link with other external links with a high Domain Authority (over 60).

Domain Authority is the authority or trustworthiness of a website, and obviously linking to such a website will help Google rate your article positively.

Pro Tip: I use the Ubersuggest extension for checking Domain Authority. And it is completely FREE for everyone. If you haven't used this awesome tool, add it now.

5. Image Alt Attribute

How To Write SEO Friendly Content - Image ALT attribute

Image SEO is the practice of optimizing images for your articles to make it easier for Google to find and rank them in image search.

But the thing is, Google can't read images.

Text is how Google realizes an image.

That is why, when you use images, you need to make sure to optimize all images in your article so that search engines can understand what the image is.

Here are seven ways to make your images SEO-friendly:

Original images: Use Canva to make your image look more beautiful

High-quality photos: It is more appealing than blurry, unclear images

Images optimized for speed: The overall size of the image is not should be larger than necessary. Use Pixlr X for resizing and compression

Supported image formats: Google Images bear the following formats: PNG, SVG, JPEG, WebP, GIF, and BMP

File names: Google extracts information about images from the page's content, including their file names.

For example, People often upload images with names like image003.jpg

It was a big mistake!

When you name an image, use something related to the image.

For example, when you save an image from Hyvor, and you name the image "Hyvor," it will not be targeted. Instead, name it this way "Hyvor - Inbound Links" or "Hyvor - Outbound Links."

This way, when people search for images on Google image search, they will quickly see relevant Hyvor pictures in the website's blog posts. 

6. H1, H2, H3 Headings

Using the right heading tags is crucial for SEO since they assist Google in understanding your content.

Otherwise, the Heading will make your website more user-friendly by making your information more legible and accessible.

For H1, you should use it only once on each post .

The H1 heading is the name/title of the post.

For example, on this page, is “How To Write SEO Friendly Content (From Beginner To Advanced).”

Then, you can use an H2 heading, H3 heading, H4 heading, and so on.

High-performing articles are more likely to have both H2 and H3 tags and to be well-structured.

Structure the article such that it is simpler for the reader to understand the material, but don't go overboard by adding too many subheadings.

As an example, think of header tags as the book's table of contents:

H1 introduces the subject of your page, much like the book's name.

H2 is a book chapter - the main subjects of the article are covered in sections

H3 to H6 act as extra subheadings, similar to how a book chapter may be divided into several subtopics.

If you need a catchy H1 for your article, here is what you need to consider:

Use words like: “how,” “why," and “where" - guides and how-to articles drive 2x more traffic than other types

Use numbers like “Top 5”, “10 Best",..etc. - articles with list headlines get 2x more social shares than other types

All the top websites use this heading structure as a great SEO technique in order to rank.

When creating a long post, it is especially wise to employ appropriate header tags for SEO purposes.

The SEO community advises using your keywords in the H1, H2, and H3 tags. You should choose the header tags for your outline at this stage (during the research process).

For more information on using heading tags in blog posts, please see heading tags for SEO .

7. Grammar and Spelling

Your blog contains perfect keywords and great optimized content, but your grammar and spelling are not good?

The bad news is if you have a lot of typos or errors in your post, it might rank your content lower than other search engines.

The good news is that Google’s bots don’t care much about spelling or grammar mistakes. However, as I said, typos and errors can still create a problem for search engines.

And if your article is over 2000 words long, you won't want to waste time checking every single typo.

Here is the solution.

Use the Grammarly tool to help you save time and keep your article in the best condition.

Grammarly is free , but they also offer a premium for more function. This tool will pick up spelling and grammar mistakes better than any other checker.

Aside from spelling and grammar, it may check for syntax errors and suggest contextual improvements. You can use it to ensure your written blogs are error-free.

One more thing!

Friendly content or readability is also vital for both reader and SEO-optimized content.

Readability is vital in online content and can greatly improve your SEO results. Google usually checks the readability of your content.

You can establish authority, attract attention, and effectively communicate your message with high readability.

If your article is too difficult to read, you can not achieve higher rankings.

Here is what you should do to improve your readability

Use Hemmingway Editor

Simply copy and paste all your text into the Hemmingway Editor, or you can download the desktop app.

How To Write SEO Friendly Content - Hemingway App

Then the app will show you the scale of your writing (ideally 4-7 points). It will highlight sentences you need to edit, including adverbs, passive voice, simpler alternative phrases, and hard-to-read sentences.

Using Hemmingway , you can ensure your blogs have an appropriate reading grade for the intended audience. 

8. Optimized Your Content For Mobile

According to WebFX, there are over 40% of transactions happen on mobile, and people spend 70% of their internet time on mobile.

To attract and retain mobile users, you should invest in mobile search engine optimization (SEO).

Optimizing your mobile site will rank better in search results and keep mobile leads on your site.

Before you make drastic changes to improve your mobile SEO or your customer's mobile SEO, do this

check to see if your site is mobile-friendly or not?

Using Google's mobile page testing tool is easy to test mobile-friendliness.

Go directly to the website or search for the mobile-friendly test on Google.

All you need to do is enter the URL of the page you want to test and click "Test URL."

How To Write SEO Friendly Content - Mobile Friendliness

The best part is that you can determine how mobile-friendly your site is without loading every page on your phone or other mobile devices.

This will evaluate how mobile-friendly your website is and classify URLs based on problems they may have.

Once your mobile-friendly research is finished, you'll have a better sense of the work you need to perform for your mobile SEO strategy. 

9. Update Your Content Regularly

Google frequently updates its algorithms to provide the searcher with the best and most relevant results.

So if your website is not converting and your online traffic isn't rising, you may need to rewrite the content.

By doing this effectively, you will improve your rankings, leading to more traffic.

You don't have to deal with the headache of maintaining your website on your own all the time.

There are many resources available to you for assistance, regardless of whether you wish to share regular blog entries or occasionally update one or two pages.

Hiring a freelance writer is a great way to solve this problem for you.

Even if you are a freelancer, you can still hire other freelancers to work for you for a reasonable price. 

Ready to write SEO-friendly content?

It’s time to get started on your SEO writing to-do list! Whether writing new content or updating existing content, these tips will help you write for SEO and improve your ranking.

Final Checklist:

Start with research keyword

Optimized the length of the article

Google search relevant keyword

Make an outline article structure

Write a unique Meta-description

Post a catchy Title tag

Add internal links and external links

Image Alt Attribute

Use H1, H2, H3 Heading

Grammar and Spelling check

Optimized content mobile

Update blog regularly

Now we want to hear from you.

What do you think of this guide?

Let us know if we missed something or if you have any suggestions, comment below for sharing. We love to hear from you!

Blog Post SEO FAQ

Do blog posts help SEO?

There is a lot of debate in the SEO world about the value of blog posts. Some people believe they are essential to ranking well in search engines, while others believe they are a waste of time. The truth is blog posts can help your SEO if they are done correctly.

How do I make content SEO-Optimized?

Recheck our post, and you will find the best answer. Or see a mini summary of things you can do for writing for SEO.

Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions

Do your keyword research

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

Format your content properly

Why is optimizing content important?

There are a number of reasons why optimizing content is essential. First and foremost, it helps to ensure that as many people see your content as possible. Secondly, it can help to improve your search engine rankings, which can, in turn, lead to more traffic and higher conversion rates. Finally, optimized content is better quality, making it more likely to engage and retain readers.

What is a content optimization tool?

A content optimization tool is software that helps you optimize your content for the web. It analyzes your content and provides suggestions on how to improve it for better search engine ranking, social media engagement, and overall user experience. A good content optimization tool will help you identify areas of improvement and give you actionable steps to take to fix them.

How many keywords should I use for SEO?

This question lacks a definite response. The number of keywords you should use for SEO will depend on various factors, including your industry, the competition level, and the search engine algorithms. A good rule of thumb is to target two to three keyword phrases per page. By doing this, you'll improve your position on search engine result pages (SERPs) and increase traffic to your website.

Should I use the same keywords on every page?

When it comes to using keywords on your website, there is no simple solution. Each website and each page is different, so you will need to use your best judgment to figure out what keyword(s) to use. However, you should keep a few things in mind that will help you make the best decision for your website.

Use pertinent keywords throughout your website if you want to score well on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Don't stuff your keywords! This will not only turn off potential customers but also get you penalized by Google. Use keywords sparingly and only when they are relevant to the content on the page.

Choose your keywords carefully. Consider the keywords that prospective clients would use to find a company like yours.

Let us know if we missed something or if you have any suggestions, comment below for sharing. We love to hear from you.

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SEO Friendly Content – 18 Tips for Writing Texts Loved by Users and Google

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SEO Friendly Content – 18 Tips for Writing Texts Loved by Users and Google

Table of contents:

Why Do You Need SEO Friendly Content?

  • Start with Keyword Research
  • Identify the Search Intent
  • Research Your Topic
  • Create a Catchy Title
  • Take Care of Good Structure
  • Choose the Right Length
  • Write with the Users in Mind
  • Add Faq to Appear in Google Featured Snippets
  • Use Headers And Subheaders
  • Take Care Of Your URLs
  • Remember About Internal Links and Thematic Clusters
  • Optimize Your Meta Tags
  • Add and Optimize Images
  • Include Calls to Action
  • Optimize Your Content
  • Quality Above All
  • Include Schema Markup
  • Stay Relevant

How to Write SEO Friendly Content – The Takeaway

Today, you’ll learn about numbers, places where you should publish content, and elements that ought to be included in the texts to improve your visibility in Google! These are the essential parts of creating SEO friendly content . Enjoy reading!

What is SEO Friendly Content?

In a nutshell, SEO friendly content is a type of content created in a way that helps search engine robots navigate and understand the website. There are various guidelines and ranking factors that determine what to focus on to be ranked higher in the SERPs.

Although in the past, it was enough to stuff texts with keywords that didn’t actually make sense and you could be ranked in top positions in the search results, the situation has changed. Now, SEO friendly equals user friendly , and when creating your content strategy, you should think mainly about real people, their expectations, and needs.

Before you familiarize yourself with all the guidelines for various kinds of texts found on different websites, it’s a good idea to wonder why you actually need SEO friendly content in the first place. Well, this type of content helps you to increase not only the number of search views but also your sales.

There are two main reasons proving that it’s worth taking the time to create user and SEO friendly content : benefits for the people and value for Google .

When it comes to the first reason, you should remember that online stores and websites are created mostly for customers. That’s why it’s essential to catch their attention and encourage them to familiarize themselves with your company.

The homepage is your business card, so you should do your best to present your business properly and explain to users why it’s particularly beneficial for them to choose your goods or services.

You should tailor your writing style to the target group. Content can be a great way to build a long-term relationship with a customer . Make sure that your most important values, products, or categories are well visible when users enter the site. This will help people quickly understand what they can expect from your website.

The second reason as to why it’s worth creating SEO friendly content is its value to Google .

Saturating your offer, product, or category descriptions with keywords important to your business will give the search engine a hint about your business.

Thanks to it, robots will know what types of user queries can be matched with your offer and when your website should be displayed to users.

Make your texts unique and natural , as Google appreciates this type of content and shows valuable websites filled with reliable information high in the search results. Properly created content is a key website element that inspires trust not only of the users but also of the search engine.

How to Make SEO Friendly Content

Below you’ll see a list of tips for  SEO friendly content writing that will certainly help you boost your sales and visibility in the search results.

1. Start with Keyword Research

Before you move on to optimizing your website and saturating texts with keywords, make sure that you select the right phrases . Use appropriate tools such as Ahrefs , SEMrush, or Google Search Console to check the keywords your page is currently displayed for .

Select phrases that seem reasonable and related to your business profile , then, think about keywords you also want to incorporate in your strategy. This is one of the basics of SEO friendly content writing but it’s crucial to achieve success.

seo friendly content keyword overview

Source: SEMrush

Once you choose important words, make sure you apply them in elements like headers, titles, meta descriptions, alt texts, as well as in the text body.

2. Identify the Search Intent

Think about your target group and the reasons why people may be searching for products or services offered on your website. Do they actually want to make a purchase or are they just looking for relevant information about your goods? Are they at the very beginning of the shopping path or are they sure what exact product they want to buy?

It’s crucial to ensure that your content actually corresponds to the search intent of potential customers. This way, you increase your chances of improving your brand image and user trust.

Remember that a high bounce rate has a negative impact on your positions in the search results. Therefore, you should always try to make sure that users stay on your page for longer.

During keyword research, you may notice that your website is displayed for phrases indicating search intents . Think about potential elements or subpages you can implement to address users’ needs.

how to make seo friendly content user intent

Example of keywords with user’s intent. C- commercial, I- informational, T- transactional. Source: SEMrush

Why don’t you set up a company blog ?

It’s an effective tool thanks to which you can attract users at all stages of the customer path . This way, your website will be an ideal place both for people who want to finalize transactions and those who want to learn what given products or services are, why it’s worth choosing them, or which exact models and variants to focus on.

Being able to satisfy the needs of users at different stages of the sales funnel will allow you to boost your brand recognition and website traffic. That’s why you should always have search intent in mind before even starting SEO friendly content writing .

3. Research Your Topic

Improvising isn’t the best thing you can do if you want to create valuable content.

Before you get down to writing, do research to find reliable data that will allow you to attract users’ attention and reach high positions in the search results. If people notice that your texts don’t bring any value, they’ll quickly leave the site (thus increasing your bounce rate ) and probably won’t trust you in the future.

Avoid trite formulas and repetitions. Check a few sources to make sure that your data is reliable . Use appropriate headers, ask questions and answer them in separate paragraphs to make the text more transparent.

As an author, you should be able to present yourself as an expert in the field. It’s not possible without learning first.

4. Create a Catchy Title

Looking for effective tips for SEO friendly content writing ? Create a catchy title that attracts users’ attention and encourages them to click on the link!

Remember that clickbaits aren’t the best idea.

Although they used to work in the past, now most people associate them with automatically generated content. Your title should always correspond to the actual content on the page . Otherwise, attracted users will quickly leave your site once they realize that you simply tricked them.

SEO-wise, make sure that your title includes a keyword important for your website and rankings. This way, you’ll improve your visibility and positions in the search results for specific phrases.

5. Take Care of Good Structure

Nobody likes reading long blocks of text.

Divide your content into short paragraphs and separate long sections with eye-catching graphics, infographics, or videos. This way, you’ll help users rest.

Some people looking for specific answers to questions may feel discouraged when they realize that they have to scan a few pages of long text to get the information they need. As a result, they can leave your site and choose pages of your market rivals who present content in a transparent way.

Proper content structure will improve your website navigation and may encourage users to stay on your page for longer.

Try to divide the text into short paragraphs. Following the SEO friendly content writing tips use appropriate headers to inform readers what can be found in a given part of the text and highlight the most important pieces of information.

6. Choose the Right Length

Generally speaking, Google values longer, top-quality content. It appreciates entries that are full of expertise, reliable data, and that discuss a given topic in detail.

However, there are always exceptions to the rule. To choose the right length of your articles, you should analyze the websites of your market rivals and act accordingly. If the average length of entries in a given industry equals 500 words, it’s probably enough and means that you don’t need to waste money and time on writing articles that are 1,500 words.

To scrutinize your competitors, you may benefit from tools such as SEMrush , Ahrefs , or Surfer SEO .

Sometimes less is more. Check your Google Analytics reports to see which entries on your website attract visitors and generate conversions. This will help you find the path to follow. Creating SEO friendly content isn’t impossible, you just have to find a happy medium that will work best for your niche.

7. Write with the Users in Mind

Modern SEO is about users, not robots. Content that focuses on people and their needs is ranked high in the search results. Therefore, SEO friendly content equals user friendly content .

Before you start writing, analyze users’ needs and expectations . Think about what types of text may attract people to your website and still bring you business benefits. Try to create comprehensive entries that answer all possible questions readers may have in mind . Point specific products or services in your offer that can solve users’ problems. Position yourself as an expert who can be trusted. This way, you’ll improve your website authority.

We know how to make content users love! Check out how we do SEO copywriting and let us surprise your customers with great content!

8. Add FAQ to Appear in Google Featured Snippets

Both users and Google like FAQ sections.

Including them at the very end of your blog entries or implementing a separate subpage with frequently asked questions related to your offer and business activity will support the SEO process and will help users quickly find necessary information.

how to write seo friendly content faq

Moreover, if Google indexes your website and sees sections with questions and short, yet comprehensive answers, it may use them in Google Featured Snippets . Thanks to it, you’ll reach high positions in the organic search results, which can help you gain a competitive edge over your market rivals.

After all, users who want to learn more about a given issue will probably click on the link placed in the Featured Snippets instead of scrolling through the results.

9. Use Headers and Subheaders

How to write SEO friendly content?

As already mentioned, properly structured content streamlines navigation and helps people find needed information. If possible, divide your texts into paragraphs where each paragraph starts with a header (preferably a question) that includes a keyword, applied in a natural way.

tips for writing seo friendly content headers

This way, you’ll keep the content structure organized, and transparent. Users will be able to easily scan the text and find needed information, whereas robots will see that you provide answers to specific search queries.

10. Take Care of Your URLs

Make sure that your URLs are SEO friendly , which means that they contain specific phrases and keywords, not random signs.

Apart from increasing your positions in the search results, this will help you convince visitors that your website is safe (for this purpose you should also install an SSL certificate ), as more and more people are aware of hacker attacks or phishing and don’t click on suspicious links anymore.

It’s also worth mentioning that SEO friendly external or internal links can have a positive impact on the number of visits to your website. If people see semantic (meaning readable) addresses in the text, they’re more likely to click on them, as they know what to expect from the page they’ll be redirected to.

After all, there is a huge difference between links like:

Which one would you choose?

11. Remember About Internal Links and Thematic Clusters

The search engine ranks websites based on numerous factors, including the number of backlinks that lead to them.

Adding links to your previous pieces of content in new entries is an essential part of creating SEO friendly content .

Apart from improving navigation and helping users access additional texts that may answer their needs, you also encourage people to stay on your website for longer which will have a positive impact on your average web session time (this one is also taken into account by Google). Quality internal linking is a real virtuous circle.

Keep in mind that your internal links should be somehow related to the content. It’s pointless to link the business of a hardware shop in an article about wedding dresses.

Create the so-called thematic clusters that consist of one main page (the pillar page devoted to a specific issue) and additional subpages (clusters, meaning pieces of content discussing different aspects of this issue) that exhaust the subject. It’s an effective internal linking strategy appreciated by both users and search engine robots.

12. Optimize Your Meta Tags

It’s crucial to optimize your meta title and meta description for relevant keywords to ensure that they describe what can actually be found on your website, but also encourage users to click on the link.

Read more about meta tags in this article: Meta Tags – What Are They and How do They Affect SEO?

While meta descriptions don’t have a huge impact on SEO and are created mainly to encourage users to enter a website, meta titles are one of the most important elements when it comes to on-site SEO activities.

how to write seo friendly content meta tags

They should start with the keyword you want a given subpage to be displayed for. It’s worth mentioning that proper optimization of meta tags is a complex task that requires a lot of expertise as every element (even seemingly irrelevant ones) can have a tremendous impact on the search engine rankings. Therefore, if you aren’t sure how to do it, contact our specialists who will be more than happy to help you.

Have you heard about the important Google update that took place in 2021? If not, check out our entry: Google updates how page titles are generated in the search results .

13. Add and Optimize Images

Content isn’t only text. It’s also a graphic layout that diversifies your website, attracts users’ attention, allows people to rest, and creates additional space for SEO activities.

If your page doesn’t include any images, videos, or infographics, change it as soon as possible – this will make your content SEO friendly !

Of course, it would be great if you took the pictures on your own, but if it’s not always feasible. You can benefit from the use of free stock photos. However, that’s not the end. Make sure that you adjust the size of chosen images to your website to ensure that they don’t have a negative impact on its loading time.

The width of horizontal in-site content images shouldn’t exceed 1500px, and 1000px for vertical in-site content images, when talking about .jpeg files. Nevertheless, keep in mind that every website is different and may require different solutions.

Don’t forget to fill in and optimize alt tags. Thanks to them, visually impaired people can find out what’s in the picture, and Google is able to better understand your website. As you may guess, alt descriptions also support SEO .

Read more about SEO image optimization here:

14. Include Calls to Action

A catchy CTA (Call to Action) button should inspire users to take specific steps that help you achieve your business goals. These may be subscribing to a newsletter, filling in a contact form, adding a product to the shopping cart, sharing the website with others, and many more.

conent marketing inspiration

It’s a good idea to include CTAs in your content as they can translate into higher website traffic, positions, conversions, and brand recognition. Make sure that your Calls to Actions are consistent with your image, yet stand out on the page. Intrigue users so that they want to learn more.

15. Optimize Your Content

This point somehow encapsulates everything we’ve mentioned so far. Once your content is ready, make sure you highlight the most important keywords with <b> and <em> tags. You can also mark information important for users with <bold> and <i> elements. Proper optimization is a must for creating SEO friendly content !

Don’t forget about internal links, meta tags, appropriate header structure (headers should be used in descending order), and alt tags. Think about elements that are useful for visitors and may additionally increase your credibility.

If you run a blog, introduce author bios to inform readers who actually stands behind a given piece of content. This will have a positive impact on your website authority and will help you build relationships with recipients.

Check out how to write an author bio:

If you aren’t sure if your content is grammatically or stylistically correct, use tools like Grammarly that check spelling and grammar.

On the other hand, Keyword Density Checker scans the entire text (or URL) and counts how many times you’ve used a specific keyword. Thanks to it, you can avoid keyword stuffing that deters people and shows Google robots that your content isn’t natural and you try to manipulate the search results. Keep in mind that the recommended keyword density should be around 1-2%.

Apart from that, you can benefit from Keyword Magic Tool by SEMrush which will help you choose appropriate key phrases tailored to your target group and business needs.

Finally, solutions like Content Planner by Surfer SEO can give you a rough sketch of what your entry should look like, how long it should be, how many keywords or headers you need to use. The data is collected on the basis of the content published by your market rivals.

16. Quality Above All

As it’s been already mentioned, Google pays special attention to content quality. Therefore, it’s worth following the so-called EAT principle , which stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

To create SEO friendly content , make sure that it’s in line with Google guidelines.

Prepare additional elements such as case studies and printable materials that show off your experience. Focus on link building and sources from which you obtain information to improve your authority and to provide users with reliable data.

Remove backlinks from spammy websites with low domain ratings, as they have a negative impact on your positions, and do everything in your power to exhaust topics you’re writing about.

17. Include Schema Markup

In a nutshell, Schema markup is code that can be added to your HTML to help search engine robots analyze and understand your content so that they can provide users with reliable and accurate information already in the search results.

Thanks to Schema markup, robots are able to comprehend that a given number is actually a price and that a given street name is actually the place where your headquarters are located.

Schema markup comes in handy when talking about online stores where it can be used to mark elements such as:

  • Product names
  • Availability
  • Contact Details

To learn more, read our article: Schema markup for ecommerce. What kinds of data are helpful?

18. Stay Relevant

To create SEO friendly content , you need to stay up-to-date . It’s not enough to discuss a given topic once and then forget about it. The world is constantly changing which means there is always something you can modify and update to ensure that your entry is on the cutting-edge.

If you decide to update specific articles on your blog, make sure that they include the dates when they were created and updated . This way, you inform both Google and users that you actually strive to stay relevant and that your website is active.

The process of creating SEO friendly content is a complex task that requires preparation and knowledge. It’s worth keeping in mind that every subsequent Google update shows us that it’s all about the users.

Apart from having a content idea in mind, it’s crucial to weigh it against actual users’ needs and queries entered into the search box. Even immaculate content won’t bring you any benefits if it’s not optimized, as it won’t reach readers.

Take your time to devise an appropriate strategy, do keyword research, think about thematic clusters, diversify your content, take care of internal linking, and metadata. All these will help you meet the expectations of both users and search engine robots.

And if you need help with creating SEO friendly content that will be loved by users and Google, contact us !

This is an update of an article published in 2019.

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SEO Writing 101 — How to Create Content That Ranks Discover how to master keyword selection, content structure and on-page SEO to rank better on Google.

By Nick Zviadadze Edited by Chelsea Brown Jul 2, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • 96.55% of all web pages receive no organic traffic from Google, highlighting the importance of a solid SEO strategy.
  • The benefits of writing SEO content include improved rankings and visibility, increased brand awareness, better user engagement and higher conversion rates.
  • This article highlights five key strategies to help you create SEO content that ranks.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Shockingly, 96.55% of all pages get zero organic traffic from Google. And, without a solid SEO strategy, your content can easily get lost in the sea of unvisited Google pages and suffer the same fate. Luckily, there's a way to solve all that.

By mastering the basics of SEO writing and ensuring you create quality content, you can make search engines send more traffic your way. So, let's explore why SEO content is so important and touch upon the best SEO tips to improve your writing and boost your rankings.

Related: 6 SEO Tips to Help You Rank in the New Era of Quality Content

What is SEO content?

SEO content is created specifically to rank highly on Google and other search engines. Unlike conventional blog content, which you write based on your interests or what you think your audience wants, SEO content is planned and crafted to align with search engine algorithms and user search behavior.

You pick a keyword that your target audience is searching for. Then, you write content to rank well for that keyword. To achieve that, you must ensure it aligns with search intent and follows SEO best practices.

That means providing valuable, relevant information that answers the user's query, using clear and engaging language, incorporating keywords naturally, structuring your content with headings and subheadings, and including internal and external links to improve credibility and user experience.

Writing SEO content has several benefits:

Improves your rankings and visibility of your website

Attracts organic visitors who actively search for your topics

Keeps readers engaged on your website longer with relevant content

Increases your brand awareness and authority

Improves conversion rates

How to write SEO content that ranks

Writing good content is all about using the right SEO strategies , starting with the following:

1. Pick the right keyword

You should aim for keywords that are not too competitive but still have solid search volume.

For example, if you're a small ecommerce business trying to rank for "running shoes," you have to compete with giants like Nike and Adidas, which is almost impossible.

Instead, target keywords that are easier to rank for but still relevant to your business, like "breathable running shoes for hot weather." These keywords can drive targeted leads to your website without investing so much time and effort to rank for them.

Here's how to find these keywords:

Use SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to identify keywords with good search volume and lower competition

Look at the keywords your competitors are ranking for and find opportunities they might have missed

Focus on long-tail keywords that often bring more qualified traffic

2. Create a content outline (make sure to satisfy search intent)

Once you've chosen your keyword, make sure the content you create matches the search intent behind it. Search intent is the reason behind the search query or what the user wants to find through their search.

For example, if your keyword is "Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 40 vs. Adidas Ultraboost Light," the search intent is to compare the two running shoes. Your content should provide a thorough comparison, covering aspects like comfort, durability, price and user reviews, rather than something unrelated, like the history of each brand.

Related: 3 Powerful SEO Techniques That Will Boost Your Website's Search Engine Ranking

Creating a content outline helps you structure your content to meet this intent. You can do that by:

Googling your keyword and going through top-ranking content

Analyzing the structure and noting down common themes

Creating an outline that follows a logical progression

Breaking down your content into sections with clear headings

Adding images, charts and videos to improve your content

3. Follow on-page SEO best practices

Nailing on-page SEO ensures that search engines and readers can easily understand and navigate your content. The best way to do that is to follow these SEO techniques:

Include your keyword in the title, URL, introduction, subheadings and conclusion

Place your keyword naturally throughout the content without keyword stuffing

Use plenty of internal links to related content on your website

Maintain a clear and logical structure with headings and subheadings to improve readability

Write compelling meta descriptions that include your keyword to increase click-through rates

Ensure your content is mobile-friendly, as 59.4% of web traffic comes from mobile devices.

4. Create easy-to-read content

People rarely read whole articles from start to finish. Instead, they skim through them, searching for the information they need. That's why you need to follow a simple structure and use everyday language to ensure your content is easy to read and understand.

To improve the readability of your blog posts , you should:

Use clear and descriptive headers to guide readers through your content

Use bullet points wherever possible to break down information into digestible chunks

Bold the most important phrases in each section to highlight key takeaways

Incorporate screenshots to visually demonstrate key points and processes

Keep paragraphs short to make your content easy to skim

5. Include superior value

Most writers make the SEO mistake of not doing enough research before creating content. Instead, they paraphrase what their top-ranking competitors say or rely on AI to create generic blog posts.

However, you need to go the extra mile to create content that gets the best SEO results .

Start by digging deeper into forums like Reddit to discover your potential customers' most common pain points and questions. This step will help you understand their needs and concerns better.

Stay up to date with the latest news and developments in your industry to ensure your content is fresh and relevant. Read articles and listen to podcasts to get fresh insights and come up with unique angles for your articles.

You can also make your content more valuable by including the latest statistics or expert insights to add credibility and depth to your content. This is the best way to stand out from your competitors.

Related: Here's the SEO Combination You Need to Win Google's Algorithm

Mastering the basics of SEO writing is crucial for ensuring your content ranks well on Google.

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Beginner’s Guide to Content Optimization for SEO [2024 Edition]

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Looking for a beginner-friendly guide to content optimization? 

Content optimization is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that ensures your content is meaningful and search engine friendly. It also results in better search rankings, more traffic to your site, and higher engagement rates. 

In this article, we’ll walk you through some of the most impactful content optimization strategies and tips you can use to create effective content.

In This Article

Benefits of Content Optimization

Use the right content optimization tools, understand your audience and goals, keyword research and planning, writing optimized content.

  • Focus on Content Quality

Content Optimization for User Experience

The place of internal linking in content optimization, content freshness and updates, measuring and analyzing performance, what is content optimization, why is optimizing content important, what does optimizing your content help improve.

AIOSEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin. Get it for free!

What is Content Optimization?

Content optimization refers to the process of ensuring that your content is written and presented in a way that can reach the largest possible target audience. When optimized for SEO, content can improve its chances of appearing in search engine results pages (SERPs), thereby increasing organic traffic .

Content optimization involves strategically incorporating relevant keywords, improving readability, and structuring content to meet both user needs and search engine requirements. This guide will show you how to do that.

Before we dive into the mechanics of content optimization, let’s briefly look at its benefits:

  • Increased organic Traffic : Optimized content ranks higher in search results, leading more users to your site. This type of traffic, called organic traffic, costs less to acquire than paid search traffic and is more engaged.
  • Improved user experience (UX) : Well-structured and informative content is easier to interact with and digest, keeping users engaged and coming back for more.
  • Enhanced brand credibility : High-ranking content positions you as an authority in your niche.
  • Better conversion rates : Optimized content compels users to take desired actions, like subscribing or buying. This is why good quality content should be part of every site’s conversion rate optimization (CRO) plan.
  • Long-term SEO benefits : By regularly updating and improving your content, you can maintain and enhance your SEO performance over time, ensuring sustained organic traffic and growth.

Guide to Content Optimization for SEO 

Ready to optimize your content for better search rankings and increased traffic?

Here are some guidelines to follow:

To effectively optimize your content for SEO, you need to use the right content optimization tools . And at AIOSEO, we have 2 such tools:

  • All In One SEO (AIOSEO)
  • SEOBoost 

Here’s a brief summary of the content optimization capabilities of each:

Using AIOSEO for Content Optimization

One of the first content optimization tips is to ensure you have the right SEO tool. For WordPress users, there’s no better tool than All In One SEO (AIOSEO).

All in One SEO homepage, the best WordPress SEO plugin.

AIOSEO is a powerful WordPress SEO plugin boasting 3+ million active users. Many marketers and bloggers trust the plugin to help them boost their search engine rankings and traffic. That’s because the plugin has many powerful features and modules designed to help you properly configure your SEO settings. 

When it comes to content optimization, some of the modules you’ll find helpful include:

TruSEO Analysis

AIOSEO’s TruSEO Onpage Analysis gives you a score of how well-optimized your content is.

AIOSEO's TruSEO analysis example

It even gives you recommendations for improving your it. 

TruSEO Highlighter

AIOSEO’s TruSEO Highlighter is a great tool that helps you nail your on-page SEO on the fly. 

TruSEO highlighter example

The TruSEO Highlighter analyzes your page content and makes readability recommendations. It also highlights items that need fixing, including:

  • Subheading distribution
  • Passive voice 
  • Transition words

This cool feature also gives you recommendations for fixing any on-page SEO errors it finds.

Link Assistant

Link Assistant is a tool that crawls your site and gives a report of all the links on your site.

Link Assistant is a powerful tool for building internal links.

This is important because internal links play a huge role in content optimization. They help distribute link juice, improve crawling and indexing, and help keep readers on your site longer.

Link Assistant gives you a Links Report that shows you internal linking suggestions. It also shows you the orphan pages on your site .

To help boost your internal linking strategy, Link Assistant

The best part is that you don’t even need to open a post to add the links. You can just do so from the Link Assistant dashboard.

Search Statistics (Monitoring Content Decay)

Search Statistics is AIOSEO’s Google Search Console integration. It helps you see important organic search metrics right in your WordPress dashboard. It also has a neat trick up its sleeves—it can help you spot content decay, which is the gradual loss of traffic and rankings of a piece of content.

Content decay in Search Statistics

Content optimization is the best way to combat content decay.

We’ll go into more detail on this in a moment.

For step-by-step instructions on how to install AIOSEO, check our detailed installation guide .

SEOBoost: The Most Comprehensive Content Optimization Tool

SEOBoost is another content optimization tool to consider. This revolutionary tool scrapes SERPs and pulls up the main keywords in the top-ranking posts.

SEOBoost is a powerful content optimization tool to have in your toolbox.

SEOBoost is a full-suite content management platform you can use to:

  • Create content briefs and outlines
  • Create topic reports
  • Conduct content audits
  • Use AI to speed up content optimization

It also gives recommendations on how to better optimize your content.

SEOBoost's Content Audit feature.

Check out the full power of SEOBoost here .

Identifying who you are creating content for is the first step in optimization. Understanding your audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points allows you to create content that resonates with them.

You should also have clear goals for your content optimization strategy. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound (SMART) goals are essential for guiding your content strategy. Whether it’s increasing traffic, generating leads, or boosting brand awareness, setting clear objectives helps you measure success and adjust strategies as needed.

Keyword research is critical to most digital marketing disciplines, including content marketing. Whether you want to optimize new content or existing content, you’ll need to know which keywords to target.

Several tools can help you identify the best keywords for your content. Popular options include:

  • LowFruits : Helps you find low competition, high potential keywords and content gaps on SERPs.
  • Google Keyword Planner : Provides search volume and competition data for keywords.
  • Semrush : Offers in-depth keyword research and competitor analysis capabilities.
  • Ahrefs : Provides detailed insights into keyword difficulty and search trends.

These tools provide insights into keyword volume, competition, and trends. Tools like Semrush even go a step further by showing you the search intent behind the keyword.

Identifying Relevant Keywords

Choosing the right keywords involves finding a balance between search volume and competition. Focus on keywords that are relevant to your audience and achievable, given your site’s current authority. If you’re just starting out, try to avoid those with a high keyword difficulty score if possible. Instead, you should focus on low-competition keywords , as you’ll likely rank faster for these.

Once you’ve identified your keywords, it’s time to create content. 2 main elements to focus on here include:

Content Structure and Organization

A clear and logical content structure makes it easier for both users and search engines to understand your content. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs to organize your content effectively. Aim for scannable content , as it’s easier to digest.

Best Practices for Keyword Placement

Strategic keyword placement is another vital element of content optimization. Examples of places to include your keywords include:

  • Titles and headings
  • Metadata like SEO titles and meta descriptions
  • Header tags

However, place your keywords naturally and avoid keyword stuffing, as it can lead to overoptimization, which Google frowns upon. Aim for a natural flow with a keyword density of at least 0.5%. This is another content optimization element AIOSEO helps you with.

Example of keyword density recommendations by AIOSEO's TruSEO.

The TruSEO Analysis module helps ensure your keyword density isn’t too low.

Focus on Content Quality 

High-quality content that is informative, engaging, and error-free is more likely to attract and retain readers. To improve content quality:

  • Include relevant statistics and facts
  • Leverage case studies if possible
  • Use proper language and grammar
  • Conduct thorough research
  • Ensure your content is original and adds value

Content quality also fosters trust and credibility. When users encounter well-researched and informative content, they are more likely to view your site as a reliable source of information. This trust can translate into increased brand loyalty and higher conversion rates, as users are more inclined to take action based on content they find trustworthy.

Besides content quality, you should also aim to prove that the author is qualified to write on the topic. This is what Google calls E-E-A-T, which stands for:

  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthy

Fortunately, you don’t have to break a sweat to demonstrate Google E-E-A-T signals. You can easily do so with AIOSEO’s Author SEO module. Besides helping you send signals to search engines that you’re qualified to talk about the subject, it also helps you manage your author bio. 

Compact bio block

Because the author bios are SEO-friendly, this enhances your online visibility.

Besides quality, you should also optimize your content for readability. Readability refers to how easy it is for people to read and understand your content. It’s an important aspect of content optimization, especially for SEO and user experience purposes. 

If you’re an AIOSEO user, you can use the plugin’s TruSEO Analyzer to help you quickly optimize for readability.


Some tips on improving your readability include:

  • Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and white space
  • Incorporate relevant visuals like images, videos, or infographics
  • Avoid long run-on sentences
  • Include transition words

Check out our guide on improving your readability for more details.

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect one page of a website to another page within the same website. They are an important element of site structure and SEO strategy. Some tips for effective internal linking include:

  • Use descriptive anchor text
  • Link to relevant pages within your site
  • Avoid orphan pages
  • Use a logical structure
  • Prioritize important pages

Remember, internal linking plugins like AIOSEO can help speed this up and ensure your internal linking strategy contributes to your SEO performance. Coupled with the Cornerstone Content feature, you can strategically create topic clusters , an essential component of building authority and boosting your SEO.

Blog post filter with Cornerstone Content highlighted.

Implementing these internal linking best practices as you optimize your content is essential to helping you push your content higher on SERPs.

Advanced Content Optimization Techniques

Regularly updating your content keeps it relevant and can improve your rankings. Search engines favor fresh content, and periodic updates show that your site is active and well-maintained. This was revealed in some Google search algorithm leaked documents , making it a confirmed ranking factor .

Mentions relating to content freshness in the leaked doc.

Content updates should definitely be part of your content optimization strategy if you want your content to continue bringing results in the long term. A few tips to help keep your content fresh include:

  • Run content audits using tools like SEOBoost
  • Revisit old posts and add new information
  • Update statistics and data
  • Refresh visuals and multimedia elements

Doing this will make your content evergreen and relevant to your readers, despite being originally published a while back. This content optimization hack will ensure you continue to reap the benefits of organic traffic without putting in much effort and resources.

Monitoring the performance of your content optimization strategy is crucial to understanding what works and what needs adjustments. To track your efforts effectively, you can use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. For WordPress users, AIOSEO’s Search Statistics module provides a powerful integration with Google Search Console to track keyword rankings, content performance, and other important SEO metrics with just one click.

On a more granular level, here are some of the important metrics to track after optimizing your content:

1. Monitor Overall SEO Metrics

The Dashboard section provides an overview of vital metrics like Search Impressions , Total Clicks , Average CTR , and Average Position . It also shows the performance of keywords at different positions in the Keyword Positions section.

Search Statistics dashboard

2. Monitor Content Performance

The Content Performance report shows how your posts and pages perform on SERPs. 

Content Performance report

It includes three main reports:

  • Top Pages : Shows your best-performing pages.
  • Top Losing : Shows the pages losing rankings the most.
  • Top Winning : Shows content gaining higher rankings on SERPs.

The report provides metrics like Clicks , Impressions , Position , and Diff (change in position) for each page, giving you deep insights into what’s happening to your content on SERPs.

3. Monitor Keyword Performance 

The Keyword Rankings report gives insights into how your content is performing for your target keywords. 

Keyword performance report in AIOSEO

It includes the same metrics as the Content Performance report but for your specific keywords.  

4. Monitor for Content Decay

You can use Search Statistics to monitor content decay, which is the gradual decrease in organic performance for content. To do so, head to the Content Performance tab to see which articles are performing well and which are losing rankings. 

Once you identify decaying content, you can stop it, improve your rankings, and boost your organic traffic.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan ensures you achieve your desired results. You should also schedule time to refresh your content to ensure it continues to perform well.

Content Optimization: Your FAQs Answered

Content optimization is the process of refining your content to rank higher in search and resonate with your target audience.

Optimizing content is crucial to attract organic traffic, establish authority, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

Optimized content improves search ranking, user engagement, brand credibility, and conversion rates.

We hope this post has helped you understand what content optimization is and how to implement it on your site. You may also want to check out other articles on our blog, like our guide to common SEO mistakes to avoid or our article on the benefits of SEO for small businesses .

If you found this article helpful, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel . You’ll find many more helpful tutorials there. You can also follow us on Twitter , LinkedIn , or Facebook to stay in the loop.

Want to Try AIOSEO for Free?

Enter the URL of your WordPress website to install AIOSEO Lite.

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How To Write SEO-Friendly Content – Complete Checklist (2023)

Vishal Meena

  • Updated on January 5, 2023

How to Write SEO Friendly Content

How skilled are you at writing a readable, SEO-friendly blog? Consider that the true meaning of SEO is to publish content that  both search engines and users can understand.

If your articles don’t meet these two conditions, they have little chance of ranking high in search results and are more likely to be ignored.

On the other hand, if they meet both criteria, users will spend more time reading your posts and interacting with them.

You should keep in mind that an SEO-optimized post does not necessarily have great content. Don’t expect it to rank high just because you followed all the steps to make it SEO friendly.

It is the combination of  good content and good SEO  that will boost your rankings. And good SEO contains On-page SEO and Off-page SEO .

Leaving this clear, here I give you some proven tips and secrets to writing SEO-friendly blog posts or articles so that your content has the preferred vote of your audience and improves your ranking in SERPs.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts – Checklist

1. do keyword research.

The very first step of writing an SEO-friendly blog post is keyword research.


Choosing the ideal keywords for your blog is a strategy that will allow you to position yourself for targeting keywords that your audience is searching for on the internet and that you can attack.

For this reason, it is essential to investigate with the help of  SEO tools  before choosing the blog post topics or keywords that you will address.

Among the free ones, KeywordTool, Google Trends, Ubbersuggest, and more. While Semrush and Ahrefs are some of the paid software that will give you more detailed and complete keyword reports. I suggest you go with SEMrush.

2. Define Blog Post Goal

Writing useful content for your audience is a part of a great Inbound Marketing strategy. But before you start writing, ask yourself:

  • What do you want to tell your readers or what central question do you want them to answer?
  • What is the purpose of the article?
  • What do you want users to do at the end?

Write the answers to these questions before you start writing because this goal will set the tone for writing useful and effective content.

Whether you trying to capture emails, or generate sales through email marketing or anything else, defining a goal of a blog post before writing is a must.

3. Outline the Structure of Your Post

Each item must have:

  • an  introduction  in which you preview a bit of what readers will find and how that information will benefit them. You can start with relevant questions, important data, or stories.
  • a  body  in which the main content is written, sectioned under subheadings that help users navigate through the text easily.
  • a  conclusion  that summarizes the most important ideas, elicits any new ideas and includes the main call to action.

Synthesize what you want to write in these three sections to focus on the most relevant ideas and order them to keep users interested from start to finish and motivate them to take that action that will help your sales goals.

4. Write an Attractive Title

You have created a great post that is worth reading and sharing because it offers highly valuable content for your audience. But the title matters a lot too.

However… you know that by publishing it you will enter into a pitched battle: you will have to compete with many similar ones that are also available to your readers.

Especially on the internet, this fight is ruthless: all of them are doing their best to win the desired click.

The text you use is decisive for increasing the CTR (click-through rate), so you must strategically select the words you will use so that it is a hook that catches people’s attention.

The characteristics of a good title are the following:

  • It is  55-60 characters  long to display seamlessly in SERPs
  • Include the  target keyword
  • It is oriented to the  user’s search intention
  • Accurately  describes the content of the blog post
  • Use  Power words  and number
  • It is  interesting  and encourages users to click.

These are some aspects of a catchy blog post title you should know.

5. Write SEO Friendly Meta Description

The use of a good meta description will help us improve the CTR (Click Through Rate). It is the number of clicks that a link obtains concerning its number of impressions of the searched keyword, that is the possibility that people click on your content.

What is the benefit of this? It will boost the visibility of the indexed entry. In addition, it must contain the Keyword, preferably at the beginning. And its ideal length is 150 characters.

6. Optimize the URL

Usually, the CMS automatically generates the URL based on the title. So you will have to edit it manually to improve it.

Preferably it should be short, friendly and without “stop” words (these are terms that have little value in the meaning of a keyword or sentence, for the algorithm it is more effective to omit them when optimizing SEO positioning and display the best possible results, referring to articles, prepositions, adverbs, pronouns, and even some verbs).

Now a question can pop up in your mind. Using a category in the post URL is effective or we should use it?

The quick answer is YES. You should use a category in your post URL that must appear in SERPs (Search engine result pages):


Checklist for an SEO-friendly blog post URL:

  • Eliminate unnecessary words like conjunctions and prepositions
  • Include the target keyword
  • Try not to use numbers in URLs to keep your content evergreen
  • Keep it short

Here is an example of SEO-friendly URLs and a non-SEO-optimized URL:

  • SEO Optimized :
  • Non-SEO optimized :

7. Use Headings with Target Keywords

Headings structure the entire page, so you should use them in your articles.

They are important for readability, but for SEO as well. These help Google to capture the main topics of a long post, and therefore, to facilitate its indexing.

In addition, they will guide users and help them scan the content. Be sure to use keywords and add  H1  to the main title,  H2  to sections,  H3  to subsections, and so on if you use more levels.

Using target keywords in the URL, title and description are not enough. Using target keyword(s) in subheadings also helps increase rankings.

8. Segment Content Into Short Paragraphs

Blocks of text overwhelm people, while short paragraphs allow them to observe the information more easily. They are like trampolines that keep readers jumping from one to another.

In addition, the blank lines give air and  greater readability  to the post. This will make it easier to understand the content, which will influence the time spent on the blog or website which leads to a good bounce rate.

Write as simply as possible. avoid addressing more than one topic in each sentence and using complicated words. Long sentences and terms can lead to mental fatigue and disinterest.

9. Use Linking or Transition Words

Transition or linking words help people read the content and understand the main idea. As its name indicates, they connect or string sentences and paragraphs to articulate them coherently.

transition words

Integrating them into your articles will make them more fluid and enjoyable for your audience, so they are also decisive for them to stay reading until the end.

If, for example, there are three reasons why people buy your product, you could use linking words such as: “first”, “second” and “finally”.

Words like “however” and “in fact”, and conclusive connectors like “thus” or “for this reason” are also very useful.

10. Keyword Density

Keyword density is the percentage that indicates the ratio between the number of times a keyword appears with respect to the total number of words in the text.

For example, imagine that we are writing a post that talks about how digital transformation is affecting the growth of companies, its importance in a globalized world, and the keys to a digitalization plan. Our keyword is “digital transformation”.

The article length is 1,500 words long and the keyword appears 12 times. We can easily calculate and see that the keyword density is 0.8%. If it appeared 20 times it would be 1.3%. If I did it 40 times, 2.6%.

How do you calculate keyword density? The formula is straightforward : Divide the number of times a keyword is used on your page by the total number of words on the page. Multiply this by 100 to get a percentage, which in this case is 1%.

For this, you can help yourself with the free SEOquake plugin where the ideal keyword density is 1%.


11. Add Images and Optimize them

Adding images to your content is a nice way to break the monotony of text. In addition, they work to illustrate and supplement the information to make it easier to understand.

For your visual elements to contribute to the positioning, insert the alt tag that includes the main keyword or some related ones, which must also be in the file name.

Similarly, compress them with  image compression tools  like or so that the weight does not slow down the loading of the blog or website.

12. Optimize Article Length

Make sure your articles are a minimum of 800 words.

Of course, the length depends on the objective you have, the keywords to position, the content with which you compete, and the need you are trying to satisfy.

Remember to always think about the visitors: if they are lazy to read, the type of conversations they want to start when they enter your article, and the main reason that led them to find the post.

As a general rule of thumb, embed search terms in about 1-4% of the text. These can be exact words or related phrases as a question, just as users would query it in the voice search engine.

By the way, the article length totally depends on the blog post topic and user search intent. For example, if you are writing an article on “how to delete an Instagram account”, then you cant able to extend its word length to 1000. Also, no one will be interested to read more info as they are only looking for a way to delete their Instagram account.

13. Link to Previous Blog Posts

If you have already written some other content on the topic in question, do not forget to link your post to that article. That will make it stronger because that way you show some authority on the subject.

Use, as far as possible, relevant anchor text (words that make up the anchor text of the link), which contain keywords or related terms. Your link structure is very important for ranking on Google; plus your reader might be interested in the linked articles as well.

Optimizing and writing an SEO-friendly article for your website can be done by focusing first on what we want to present to the reader and that this is with content that generates value. Hand in hand with a good prior analysis of our keywords, creating from it an organic structure. 

So that once the content is optimized, it can be replicated throughout the web with the help of our most loyal users and those who will come thanks to optimizing your SEO positioning.

I hope this checklist for writing SEO-friendly blog posts helps you. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.

Vishal Meena

  • Vishal Meena

Hey! I'm Vishal Meena from Rajasthan, India. A Digital Marketer and founder of WayToidea. I Share Strategies Related to Blogging, SEO and Digital Marketing.

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60 SEO Statistics For 2024

Anna Baluch

Updated: Nov 28, 2023, 2:48pm

60 SEO Statistics For 2024

Table of Contents

Key seo statistics in 2024, search engine statistics, keyword statistics, ranking statistics, link building statistics, video search statistics, mobile seo statistics, voice search statistics, local seo statistics, seo industry statistics.

As a small business owner, SEO should be top of mind. This is particularly true if you’re on a budget and don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on paid ads. SEO can improve your website’s visibility and in turn, increase conversions and sales.

With a solid SEO strategy, you may also build brand awareness and trust with current and prospective customers. Whether you’re new to SEO, working with a third-party SEO service , or consider yourself a seasoned vet, these SEO statistics will provide some insight into the current state of the industry and how it might change in the future.

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Organic clicks accounted for 45.1% of all search result clicks in 2022

Out of the total search engine clicks on desktop devices, 45.1% came from organic clicks 6 . This shows that users are more likely to trust organic search results than those that come from other sources, such as paid ads. By taking advantage of SEO, you can win more traffic.

26% of searches resulted in no clicks

Not every search leads a user to a third-party website from an organic search result. In fact, 26% of searches resulted in zero clicks 6 . These zero-click searches were likely informational queries rather than commercial queries with high purchase intent. Users may find the information they’re looking for directly on the search results page and therefore have no reason to click through to any website.

Less than 1% of users get to the second page of search results

When users search for something, they don’t want to dig for the information they’re looking for. That’s why it’s no surprise that only 0.44% of Google search users visit second-page results 12 . To succeed online, it’s essential that your website ranks on page one for as many relevant keywords as possible.

The first organic result in a search results page has an average click-through rate of 27.6%

Click-through rate (CTR) shows how often users who see your organic search result actually click through to your web page. Page one results have an average click-through rate of 27.6%, compared to page two results, which have a much lower average rate of 15.8% 12 . The higher your web page ranks, the more clicks you’re likely to receive.

Building credibility is the main benefit of SEO

No matter what products or services you sell or how long you’ve been in business, credibility is important 6 .  If users trust your brand, they’ll feel more confident buying from you. A strong SEO strategy can also position you as a trustworthy leader in your industry and help you stand out from your competitors.

SEOs say their biggest challenges are lack of resources and strategy issues

It’s not easy to succeed in SEO, especially if you’re struggling with your strategy and/or don’t have the resources to design and implement it. Fortunately, you can take SEO courses to expand your knowledge and skills. Another option is to outsource SEO to the pros so you can focus on other, big-picture tasks, such as growing your business.

SEOs say that the biggest shifts in the industry are AI and Google updates

When asked about the “biggest shifts” and industry changes in SEO, 18.7% of respondents said machine learning and artificial intelligence while 18% said Google updates 1 . Since SEO is ever-evolving, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest changes so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Google’s algorithm has over 200 factors

Google considers more than 200 signals or clues when it determines its search engine rankings 10 . Penguin, which was created in 2012, is one of these signals. It helps reduce the presence of sites that use black hat SEO techniques. Other factors include domain age, keyword usage, content length, duplicate content, grammar and mobile usability.

Over 90% of searches worldwide happen on Google

While Google is not the only search engine out there, it’s where you should focus your SEO efforts as it has 90.68% of the search engine market share 17 . Once you’re pleased with how you’re ranking in Google, you can expand your efforts to other search engines, such as Bing, Yahoo, Naver and DuckDuckGo.

Google also owns almost 94% of market share for mobile search

When it comes to mobile search market share, Google takes the cake as well. Out of all the mobile searches that occur, 93.77% are on Google 17 . This reinforces the importance of ensuring your website is SEO-friendly on mobile devices. It should look great and be easy to navigate on iOS and Android.

The second and third most used search engines worldwide are Yahoo and Bing with 3.23% and 3.17% market shares, respectively

Google is the most popular search engine and Yahoo and Bing are right behind it 17 . Since Google is blocked in some countries such as China, it might make sense to focus on Yahoo and Bing as well. Just keep in mind that these search engines have different algorithms than Google so your strategy might need to change.

In the past five years, Google has done approximately 36 major algorithm updates

Google updates its algorithm often to improve search quality and keep digital marketers on their toes. In fact, the search engine completed 36 algorithms between September 2018 and September 2023 18 . Thirteen of these updates were considered core updates. As a business owner who uses SEO, it’s your job to familiarize yourself with these updates as they come out.

The average internet user conducts three to four searches per day on search engines

Searching on Google is an everyday activity, just like taking a shower and brushing your teeth. On average, a Google user performs three to four searches per day 12 . It’s how they get answers to their questions and find solutions to their problems.

The most Google traffic comes from the United States, India and Brazil

People from around the world depend on Google search. Research shows that 27.03% of its traffic comes from the United States, followed by India (4.46%) and Brazil (4.41%) 2 . If you sell to customers abroad, make sure most of your content targets the U.S. market.

Google has over 8.5 billion searches per day worldwide

Believe it or not, Google runs around 99,000 search queries per second. This adds up to 8.5 billion searches per day in every part of the world 8 . If your website isn’t optimized for organic Google search, you’re missing out and need to design an SEO strategy as soon as possible.

About 95% of keywords have a volume of 10 or less searches per month

Keywords are words or phrases users type into search engines to find the content they’re looking for. Not all keywords are popular as 95% of all keywords have 10 or fewer searches per month 13 . A keyword research tool can give you some insight on what these keywords are in your industry so you know where to focus your SEO efforts.

15% of searches are brand new searches that have never been searched before by Google

You can find out which relevant keywords were searched for in the past. However, 15% of searches that Google sees every day are brand new 10 . This means the search engine constantly has to work to ensure users receive the best content for their queries.

There are more than 19,000 keywords with over 100,000 monthly search volume in the U.S.

There are 19,881 high-volume keywords with more than 100,000 monthly searches in the U.S 13 . You should identify what these keywords are so you can tailor your content around them. However, don’t forget to target uncommon or rare keywords as well. While higher-volume keywords can attract a wider audience, lower-volume keywords are easier to rank for.

Google’s Keyword Planner can overestimate keyword volumes by as much as 91%

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool you can use to learn about keywords related to your business and their search volumes. If you do take advantage of it, keep in mind that the search volumes it reveals are not 100% accurate. The tool can overestimate keyword impressions by up to 91% 19 .

14.1% of all keywords are phrased as a question

It’s not uncommon for users to use words such as “how,” “what,” “where” and “who” while searching as 14% of all keywords are questions 12 . By using questions in your content, you can build trust and draw in highly relevant traffic. When you create content for question keywords, keep things clear and concise, use bullet points and numbers, and add supportive images.

The most searched keywords on Google are ‘youtube,’ ‘facebook’ and ‘whatsapp web’

Social media and communication sites including “YouTube,” “Facebook” and “WhatsApp Web” are the most popular keywords users search for in Google 6 . Their volumes are 1,200,000,000, 867,000,000 and 543,300,000, respectively. This highlights the power of using social media in your digital marketing strategy.

According to experts, the most important ranking factors in 2023 are quality content, backlinks and search intent/relevance

SEO experts believe that the keys to ranking high in search engines in 2023 are quality content, backlinks and search intent or relevance 20 . Therefore, you should prioritize these factors as you develop and implement your SEO strategy.

Google rewrites the title 61% of the time while rewriting the description about 63% of the time

Each web page has a meta title and meta description that inform search engines what they’re about. The titles and descriptions you write are not set in stone as Google rewrites 61% of titles 13 and 62.78% of descriptions 1 . To write quality metadata, use the right keywords and be conversational.

The most common types of featured snippets are paragraphs (82%) and lists (11%)

Featured snippets are short excerpts of text that show up at the top of Google’s search results to quickly answer a user’s question. Most of these snippets are in paragraph form (81.95%) while the rest are in list form (10.77%) 1 . To increase your chances of ranking for a featured snippet, write content that answers questions, add a table of contents with anchor links and insert an FAQ section.

The average ‘age’ of top result pages is 2.6 years old

Unfortunately, high search engine rankings don’t happen overnight. On average, pages that are at the top of search results are 2.6 years old 13 . With patience and hard work, you can slowly but surely watch your pages jump up in rankings.

Click-through rates decline at an average of 32.3% for each position on the first page

There’s no denying that earning a spot at the top of search engine results takes hard work. However, this hard work is often worth it when you consider that the higher you rank, the more likely users are to click through to your web page. The average click-through rate for the number one spot is 27%, compared to the 2.4% click-through rate at the number 10 spot 12 .

Over 90% of pages never get organic traffic

In a perfect world, all of your pages would rank organically. The reality, however, is that more than 90% of pages never do 13 . To make sure your pages are not part of this statistic, create original, high-quality content, build backlinks to authoritative websites, and ensure they’re indexed.

The top-ranked search results typically have 3.8 times more backlinks than lower-ranked results

Backlinks are essentially votes that tell Google your web page is valuable and informative. They’re important to build as the top-ranked search results usually have 3.8 more backlinks than results in spots two through 10 12 . To build backlinks, reclaim unlinked mentions, try to earn a spot on “Best X” lists, reach out to journalists, become a source for other publishers and update old content.

About 95% of pages have no backlinks at all

Despite the fact that backlinks are essential if you want your pages to rank well, 95% of all web pages don’t have them 12 . Be a part of the 5% of pages with high-quality backlinks that lead to excellent search engine rankings. If you don’t have the time or knowledge to do so, don’t be afraid to consult an SEO professional.

In 2022, backlinks had an average cost of $361.44

Top-quality backlinks from highly authoritative sites with high domain authorities (DAs) do not come cheap. In 2022, they were an average of $361.44 13 . The price you might pay for a backlink will likely depend on DA, content quality, domain quality, top relevance, organic traffic and the country or language.

Long-form content receives 77% more links than short-form content

It can take a lot more time and effort to write a long blog post than a short blog post. However, the extra time commitment can pay off. Data shows that longer content with 3,000 or more words received 77.2% more links than shorter content with 1,000 or fewer words 12 .

The top link-building strategy in 2022 according to experts was to publish link-worthy content

Content is king, especially if you want to build quality backlinks that improve your SEO. Experts in the field believed that in 2022, content was the key to link-building success 1 . The content you create should be relevant, engaging and useful to your particular target audience. Don’t forget to make sure it’s 100% original.

26% of searches include a video in the results

According to research from BrightEdge, 26% of search results have a video thumbnail. 21 If you’re wondering if it’s worth it to add videos to your web pages, the answer is likely “yes.” Videos can help you stand out and get noticed by Google.

Videos have a 41% higher CTR than plain text results

Video content can make it easier and faster for your audience to get the information they’re looking for. That’s why it’s no surprise videos have a 41% higher click-through rate than text-filled pages 22 . If you’ve done everything you can but your page isn’t ranking as well as you’d like it to, add a video.

Mobile users are 12.5 times more likely to see organic image results and three times more likely to see organic video results

If you’re investing in videos and images for your website, make sure they’re optimized for mobile. Here’s why: mobile users saw 12.5 times more images and three times more videos in organic search 6 .

HD videos rank higher than lower-quality videos

High-definition, or HD, videos offer higher resolution and quality than standard-definition videos. Therefore, YouTube chose to highlight them 18 . Not only will poor-quality videos frustrate your users, they can also lead to lost views and subscribers. In addition, you may receive dislikes. If possible, put in the extra effort and turn your videos into HD videos.

63% of searches are conducted on a mobile device in the U.S.

Mobile devices made up 63% of organic search engine visits in the U.S., as of the fourth quarter of 2021 2 . To make sure your website is optimized for mobile search, use a responsive design, simplify your navigation, eliminate pop-ups and keep all content short and concise. Don’t forget to improve page speed as well.

58% of searches are conducted on a mobile device, globally

If you serve customers abroad, you should know that 58.33% of global organic search visits were conducted on mobile devices, as of the first quarter of 2023 2 . Therefore, it’s important that your website accommodates mobile search as well as an international audience.

Mobile users conduct about 4.96 billion searches per day worldwide

Every day, there are 4.96 billion mobile searches performed across the globe 2 . When you design your website for the global mobile market, remember to limit scrolling, add large, mobile-friendly buttons and ensure a clean, efficient design.

57% of local searches come from a mobile device and tablet

When users are out and about looking for a product or service in their local area, they’re likely to use their mobile devices to find it. In fact, 57% of all local searches are made on mobile devices and tablets 3 . This means your website should be compatible on mobile devices and tailor to local audiences.

Appearing first for a mobile search doesn’t mean you’ll appear in first position on a desktop search

It can be exciting to earn the number one spot on mobile search engine results pages (SERPs). However, that doesn’t mean you’ll be number one on desktop SERPs as well. Only 17% of websites kept their positions across both mobile and desktop SERPs. In addition, 37% lost their spots when searches came from mobile 6 .

20% of Google App searches are conducted by voice

Voice search allows users to speak to a mobile or desktop device to conduct a Google search. It can come in handy when they have their hands full or are on the go. Of all the searches in the Google App, 20% of them are performed by voice 10 .

50% of U.S. consumers use voice search every day

These days, voice search is more popular than ever before. In fact, half of all U.S. customers use it on a daily basis 4 . To ensure your website supports voice search and captures this audience, target question keywords and other long-tailed keywords, prioritize local SEO, use schema makeup and optimize speed.

Over 1 billion voice searches are conducted every month

Users perform over 1 billion voice searches every month 6 . If you’re not investing in voice search optimization, you’re missing out. As you tweak your website to meet the needs of those who use voice search, think about your audience’s voice search behavior and how you can create content that aligns with their intent.

Voice searches are longer than text-based searches, on average

It’s easier to say a long word or phrase than to type it. That’s why voice searches tend to be longer than text-based searches 8 . By using long-tailed keywords that are relevant to your business and target audience, you can cater to voice search users.

70% of voice search results pull from ‘Featured Snippets’ and ‘People Also Ask’

While Featured Snippets are highlighted text excerpts that appear at the top of a Google search results page, People Also Ask is a feature that shows users additional content and answers related to their search query. Featured Snippets and People Also Ask account for 70% of voice search results 6 .

Experts forecast that by 2024, voice search queries will increase to 2 billion per month

There’s a good chance voice search will continue to grow in popularity. SEO experts predict that the number of monthly voice search queries will increase from 1 billion to 2 billion in 2024. If you haven’t optimized your site for voice, now is the time to do so 24 .

The top voice assistants are Amazon, Google and Apple, with 69%, 25% and 5% market share in 2021, respectively

Voice assistants are programs that allow users to perform voice searches. As of June 2021, the leading voice assistant is Amazon (69%), followed by Google (25%) and Apple (5%). As long as your site accommodates voice search, it can reach users, no matter which voice assistant they choose to use 7 .

46% of all Google searches are local

Local SEO targets customers in a specific city, region or neighborhood. When you consider the fact that almost half of all Google searches have local intent, you’ll want to ensure local SEO is part of your overall SEO strategy, especially if you sell to customers in certain geographic areas 8 .

50% of smartphone users visited a store within a day of their local search

If your goal is to get customers in the door as soon as possible, local search is essential. Half of all smartphone users who perform a local search went to a store they found through it within a day 10 .

Four in five people use search engines for local queries

The popularity of local queries is significant. Four out of five people use search engines to meet a need they have in their local area 10 . To optimize your website for local search, claim your Google Business Profile listing, add your business to local directories, create content with local search terms and add schema markup.

‘Open now near me’ searches have increased by 400%

Customers don’t want to wait long to go to a business and buy what they need. That’s why they often search “open now near me.” These searches have gone up by 400% from September 2019 to August 2020 and September 2020 to August 2021 10 . By claiming your Google Business Profile listing and adding your hours, you can take advantage of this trend.

18% of local searches lead to a purchase within 24 hours

If you’d like to convert users while your product or service is fresh in their minds, local search is key. Compared to 7% of non-local searches, 18% of local smartphone searches resulted in a purchase within a day 10 .

42% of local searchers click into map pack results

Google Maps Pack is a set of three Google Maps search results that usually appear when users perform local searches for businesses. Earning a spot on the Google Maps Pack can do wonders for your business as 42% of local searchers click on these results 12 . To increase your chances of becoming a Google Maps Pack result, claim your Google Business Profile listing, generate more online reviews and build citations.

Almost 64% of customers are likely to read Google reviews before visiting a local business

Don’t underestimate the power of Google reviews as 63.6% of customers will read them before they stop into a local business 11 . To get more Google reviews, provide excellent customer service, add review links to your website and emails, and simply ask for reviews from current and former customers.


The average SEO budget for a small business is almost $500 per month

You don’t have to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on SEO. On average, a small business budget is $497.16 per month 12 . You can always increase your budget as you see results and earn more revenue.

SEO agencies charge an average of over $3,200 per month

If you don’t have the in-house time or expertise to focus on SEO, you might consider an agency. However, keep in mind that SEO agencies can be pricey. You can expect to pay an average of $3,209 per month for their services 13 .

SEO roles are projected to grow by 22% between 2020 and 2030

SEO specialists can work for digital marketing agencies or in-house marketing departments. The demand for these types of professionals is forecasted to increase by 22% between 2020 and 2030 14 . Depending on your budget and goals, you might want to hire an SEO specialist to assist with your SEO strategy.

The SEO industry is forecasted to be worth almost $218 billion by 2030

Rest assured SEO isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. By 2030, the SEO services market is predicted to grow to $217,846 15 . As a small business, SEO should be a part of your overall marketing plan today, tomorrow and years down the road.

52% of business leaders develop content with the help of AI

Content marketing, which focuses on creating useful and informative content can lead to better SEO results. Thanks to the rise in AI content generation tools, you can simplify your content marketing efforts, just like 52% of business leaders who are currently doing so 16 .

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Anna Baluch is a freelance writer from Cleveland, Ohio. She enjoys writing about a variety of health and personal finance topics. When she's away from her laptop, she can be found working out, trying new restaurants, and spending time with her family. Connect to her on LinkedIn.

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Can AI Rewrite Content? 3 Best Tools to Enhance Your Writing

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Julia McCoy

AI rewrite content

With the explosion of content online, crafting engaging and original material can feel like a never-ending uphill battle. This is where AI rewrite content tools can become a game-changer for content creation.

As someone who lives and breathes content, believe me when I say AI rewrite content tools are becoming indispensable.

Bloggers, marketers, and anyone looking to produce high-quality content  at scale  can benefit from these tools.

Imagine taking a piece you’ve written and instantly getting fresh, re-imagined versions. Or transform a dry, technical paragraph into something that captivates your audience.

AI makes these scenarios (and so many more) a reality.

But like with any new technology, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of AI rewrite content tools to make them work for you.

Let’s dive deep into AI paragraph rewriters and paraphrasing tools and how they can help turn your AI-generated pieces into high-quality, humanlike, plagiarism-free content.

Table Of Contents:

What is an ai rewrite content tool, who needs an ai paragraph rewriter tool, ai article rewriters are great for content repurposing, top 3 ai rewriting tools, how do you make ai content sound more human, navigating ethical considerations, faqs: ai rewrite content.

At its core, AI rewriting technology is powered by sophisticated algorithms trained on massive amounts of text data. Employing natural language processing (NLP), these algorithms develop an intricate understanding of language. They can analyze grammar, syntax, and even subtle nuances in meaning.

When you feed an AI text humanizer a piece of your writing, it will analyze that content, break it down, and then use its deep well of language knowledge to reconstruct it.

An article rewriter does all of this while preserving the core message of your original writing.

Modern AI rewrite content tools go beyond simply swapping out synonyms. They can perform many functions that improve your writing.

For example, these tools can restructure sentences, improve clarity and flow, and adapt the tone and style of your writing. They can even incorporate keywords for SEO purposes.

The result? Content that’s both grammatically sound  and  optimized for readability, engagement, and search engine visibility.

Later I will show you how a paragraph rewriter tool can help enhance the quality of your work.

An AI paragraph rewriter tool is not a magic bullet, but it can be a powerful ally for anyone who writes for a living.

Who needs an AI paragraph rewriting tool?

Bloggers and Content Creators

Let’s be honest, writer’s block is real. There are times you’d find yourself staring at a blank screen for minutes, not knowing how to start your next piece.

AI article rewriter can be the ultimate brainstorming partner. Simply plug in an outline or some of your initial thoughts and get back multiple article variations in seconds.

You can experiment with different styles and tones or generate fresh content ideas.

An AI paragraph rewriter tool creates fresh content for you, freeing up your time to focus on other tasks.

Suffering from writer’s block? Get practical tips on how to overcome writer’s block and start writing again .

Marketers are constantly creating a variety of materials – from website copy and landing pages to social media posts and email campaigns. AI rewriter tools help ensure messaging stays consistent across all these channels.

You can repurpose long-form content into bite-sized snippets for social media, or transform a blog post into compelling ad copy. Using AI in this way helps save time and allows marketers to focus on other important aspects of their jobs.

Before handing in that big essay or research paper, wouldn’t it be great to get a second opinion on phrasing or clarity?

AI rewrite content tools can provide an objective review of student’s work, identifying areas for improvement in grammar and sentence structure.

Remember though, ethical usage is key. Think of paragraph rewriters as a learning tool to elevate your skills, rather than a shortcut to  plagiarism .

Non-Native English Speakers

Crafting clear and concise content in a different language is challenging.

AI rewriting tools serve as an invaluable resource for non-native speakers. They can use these tools to ensure that the grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure of their writing flows naturally.

This helps non-native English speakers build confidence in their ability to communicate effectively.

Think about all the content you’ve made. Blog posts, social media updates, maybe even video scripts. You put a lot of work into them. But what if you could get more mileage out of that content?

That’s where an AI article rewriter can help.

An AI article rewriter can help you take your existing content and make it fresh for a new audience — also called repurposing content .

This means you can reach more people without starting from scratch every time.

Content repurposing is really helpful if you’re trying to improve your SEO.

Let’s say you have a blog post that’s doing well. You can use an AI article rewriter to change the wording without changing the meaning. This can help you avoid being penalized by search engines for  duplicate content .

You’ll also keep your website feeling fresh — something that Google likes to see.

Pro tip: An AI SEO writer like Content at Scale can help you turn your existing blog post, YouTube video, podcast episode, or Word document into a fresh article in just one click. These are not merely regurgitations of your current content but an original take with fresh insights from real-time, top-ranking data. Try it today to find out how it works.

AI rewriters can save you a ton of time when creating different versions of your content.

Here are some of the best AI rewriting tools out there.

QuillBot makes rewriting a breeze with its ability to rephrase sentences while keeping the original meaning intact, which helps you avoid plagiarism while still creating fresh content. Plus, it can adjust the tone and style of writing — whether you need something formal, casual, or creative.

QuillBot offers a full suite of free and paid rewriting tools like Paraphraser, Grammar Checker, Summarizer, Citation Generator, and Translator. And because it’s super easy to use, you can dive right in and start churning out unique versions of your content in no time.

ai rewrite content quillbot

Grammarly is a free AI paragraph rewriter that makes paraphrasing easy. Its advanced AI helps you catch grammar and punctuation mistakes while suggesting better ways to phrase your sentences. This ensures your rewritten articles are clear, polished, and engaging.

Grammarly also offers a variety of synonyms to help you diversify your vocabulary and enhance the overall flow of your writing.

The user-friendly design of Grammarly makes the rewriting process smooth and accessible, no matter your writing experience. You can use it directly within your favorite writing platforms, like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, thanks to its handy browser extensions.

Grammarly’s tone detector and formality adjustments let you tailor your articles to suit your audience perfectly. Beyond just rewriting, Grammarly provides personalized feedback that can help you improve your writing skills over time.

ai rewrite content grammarly

Content at Scale

Now let me show you the AI tool that beats all AI rewriters out there.

Content at Scale is an AI long-form writer that has a rewriting tool that’s built right into the text editor so you don’t have to copy-paste your text to another app.

Here are some of the things you can do with this paragraph rewriter feature:

ai rewrite content at scale

While you are editing the blog post that Content at Scale wrote for you, the toolbar at the bottom will display options for improving your text — you can shorten it, make it longer, change tone and style, fix spelling and grammar, simplify the language, or summarize it.

To make changes, just highlight the sentence or paragraph that you want to improve and click the Ask AI button to bring up the rewriting selection.

The Content at Scale text editor also sits right next to a full suite of SEO tools that can help you optimize your content even further.

Here you will see a dynamic SEO score and stats for your word count and number of links and multimedia elements.

ai rewrite content seo

The Optimize tab below allows you to see a list of keywords and entities (with their respective NLP salience scores) to guide you in optimizing your article for SEO. You can also run an optimization audit and check for AI content with  Content at Scale’s best-in-class AI detector tool .

The Research tab has three additional tools that let you create a content brief, run a plagiarism scan, and pull more content from the top of Google to improve the depth of your blog post.

The Generate tab is where it gets really exciting: generative AI right inside Content at Scale!

ai rewrite content generative AI

Talk to AIMEE (Content at Scale’s super smart chatbot) and ask it to whip up a quick sales email or product description, or talk to one of our AI Agents that specialize in certain writing tasks such as advertising, lead generation, growth marketing, branding, or copywriting for social media posts, Amazon listings, Shopify product descriptions, and email newsletters.

ai rewrite content AI agents

Want a complete rewrite of a full article? Content at Scale can generate a 100% original blog post from any piece that you have already published.

To do this, go to your Content at Scale dashboard and click “Start Writing”.

start writing with content at scale

From the input choices, select “Article URL”.

article source content at scale

Enter the URL of the article you want to rewrite and click “Write Article Now”.

generate blog post from existing article

Wait a few minutes while the AI rewrites your post. Once done, you can start optimizing it in the text editor.

Another way to rewrite content with Content at Scale is through our recently launched plagiarism checker .

You can access this nifty tool through the Content at Scale text editor or as a standalone app on your browser.

First, paste your text, copy from a URL, or upload a file and then run a plagiarism scan.

content at scale plagiarism checker

To rewrite the parts of your text that are plagiarized, click the Make It Original button at the bottom.

Our Plagiarism Checker + AI Detector tools are free to use, but for unlimited rewrites, you will need a $49/mo subscription.

plagiarism checker pricing

With all these features right at your fingertips, you don’t need any other tool for producing top-notch, helpful, content that ranks well in Google .

Although Content at Scale takes pride in generating the most humanlike content, your human touch is what will make your blog posts truly shine.

We all want to avoid that robotic, stiff tone that screams, “I was written by a bot.”

So how do you accomplish this?

Here are some practical tips to make AI content sound more human:

  • Don’t Over-Optimize:  While keywords are vital for SEO, don’t force them in unnaturally.
  • Infuse Personal Stories and Examples:  Anecdotes are gold when it comes to humanizing your content. Share experiences or stories that illustrate your point.
  • Show Off Your Expertise:  Highlight key trends and insights in your industry to demonstrate your deep knowledge and foresight as a leader in your field.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Edit and Refine:  The AI’s output is a starting point – treat it as a first draft and not your published version. Incorporate sensory details, humor, and thought-provoking questions to captivate your readers. Read the output aloud to make sure it sounds natural and conversational.

Remember that you want to establish trust with your audience, and this is done through genuine, human writing.

Get more tips on how to paraphrase effectively.

As with any powerful tool, AI rewriting technology requires responsible usage. Let’s look at some issues that you may face when using these tools


Be open with your readers about when AI assisted you with writing content. Authenticity builds trust, and your readers will appreciate your honesty about using AI.

While reputable AI rewriters are designed to generate plagiarism-free work, running a check through a reputable plagiarism tool is always smart. Doing this ensures that your content is completely original and not plagiarized.


Even with AI’s help, you want your content to stand out from the crowd. The goal is not to churn out generic pieces but to infuse your brand’s voice, style, and insights into every piece you create.

Is there an AI that can rewrite text?

Yes, there are several AI tools like article rewriters and paraphrasing tools that can effectively rewrite text by suggesting alternative phrasings, improving readability, and ensuring the content remains engaging and coherent.

What is the best AI for writing content?

The best AI for writing content often depends on specific needs, but popular choices include OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 for its advanced language generation, Content at Scale for its marketing-focused features, and Grammarly for its robust grammar and style enhancement capabilities.

How to rewrite ChatGPT text?

To rewrite ChatGPT text, you can use AI tools like Grammarly or QuillBot which provide suggestions for rephrasing and improving readability while maintaining the original meaning.

How do you rewrite a paragraph in ChatGPT?

To rewrite a paragraph in ChatGPT, simply input the original text and request a rephrasing or paraphrasing, specifying any particular style or tone you prefer. ChatGPT will then generate a revised version of the paragraph based on your instructions.

AI content rewriters have revolutionized the way we approach writing and editing, offering unparalleled speed, efficiency, and creativity.

These advanced tools not only enhance readability and engagement but also ensure originality and precision in content creation.

By leveraging AI rewriters, businesses, marketers, and publishers can streamline their writing processes and produce high-quality content that ranks well in Google.

Whether you are an independent blogger, a content marketing agency, or just someone who needs some help rewriting from time to time, remember one crucial thing: always prioritize the ethical use of AI tools.

how to write a seo friendly content

Written by Julia McCoy

how to write a seo friendly content


Long headline that highlights value proposition of lead magnet.

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  24. Login

    Create impressive content for your website, blog, social media, & more within seconds. Login | Writesonic - Best AI Writing Tool AI Article Writer 6.0 is Live on Product Hunt!

  25. Can AI Rewrite Content? 3 Best Tools to Enhance Your Writing

    When you feed an AI text humanizer a piece of your writing, it will analyze that content, break it down, and then use its deep well of language knowledge to reconstruct it. An article rewriter does all of this while preserving the core message of your original writing. Modern AI rewrite content tools go beyond simply swapping out synonyms.