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Writing Engineering Reports

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This PowerPoint slide presentation covers major aspects of writing reports in Engineering. Click on the link above in the Media box to download the slides.

The presentation includes information about:

  • Report purpose and planning
  • Report format and organization
  • Headings and language
  • Visual design
  • Source documentation
  • Finishing touches

Check out the Purdue YouTube Channel for vidcasts on writing engineering reports.

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how to write an engineering design report

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Guide to Technical Report Writing

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School of Engineering and Informatics (for staff and students)

how to write an engineering design report

Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 structure, 3 presentation, 4 planning the report, 5 writing the first draft, 6 revising the first draft, 7 diagrams, graphs, tables and mathematics, 8 the report layout, 10 references to diagrams, graphs, tables and equations, 11 originality and plagiarism, 12 finalising the report and proofreading, 13 the summary, 14 proofreading, 15 word processing / desktop publishing, 16 recommended reading.

A technical report is a formal report designed to convey technical information in a clear and easily accessible format. It is divided into sections which allow different readers to access different levels of information. This guide explains the commonly accepted format for a technical report; explains the purposes of the individual sections; and gives hints on how to go about drafting and refining a report in order to produce an accurate, professional document.

A technical report should contain the following sections;

Title page Must include the title of the report. Reports for assessment, where the word length has been specified, will often also require the summary word count and the main text word count
Summary A summary of the whole report including important features, results and conclusions
Contents Numbers and lists all section and subsection headings with page numbers
Introduction States the objectives of the report and comments on the way the topic of the report is to be treated. Leads straight into the report itself. Must not be a copy of the introduction in a lab handout.
The sections which make up the body of the report Divided into numbered and headed sections. These sections separate the different main ideas in a logical order
Conclusions A short, logical summing up of the theme(s) developed in the main text
References Details of published sources of material referred to or quoted in the text (including any lecture notes and URL addresses of any websites used.
Bibliography Other published sources of material, including websites, not referred to in the text but useful for background or further reading.
Acknowledgements List of people who helped you research or prepare the report, including your proofreaders
Appendices (if appropriate) Any further material which is essential for full understanding of your report (e.g. large scale diagrams, computer code, raw data, specifications) but not required by a casual reader

For technical reports required as part of an assessment, the following presentation guidelines are recommended;

Script The report must be printed single sided on white A4 paper. Hand written or dot-matrix printed reports are not acceptable.
Margins All four margins must be at least 2.54 cm
Page numbers Do not number the title, summary or contents pages. Number all other pages consecutively starting at 1
Binding A single staple in the top left corner or 3 staples spaced down the left hand margin. For longer reports (e.g. year 3 project report) binders may be used.

There are some excellent textbooks contain advice about the writing process and how to begin (see Section 16 ). Here is a checklist of the main stages;

  • Collect your information. Sources include laboratory handouts and lecture notes, the University Library, the reference books and journals in the Department office. Keep an accurate record of all the published references which you intend to use in your report, by noting down the following information; Journal article: author(s) title of article name of journal (italic or underlined) year of publication volume number (bold) issue number, if provided (in brackets) page numbers Book: author(s) title of book (italic or underlined) edition, if appropriate publisher year of publication N.B. the listing of recommended textbooks in section 2 contains all this information in the correct format.
  • Creative phase of planning. Write down topics and ideas from your researched material in random order. Next arrange them into logical groups. Keep note of topics that do not fit into groups in case they come in useful later. Put the groups into a logical sequence which covers the topic of your report.
  • Structuring the report. Using your logical sequence of grouped ideas, write out a rough outline of the report with headings and subheadings.

N.B. the listing of recommended textbooks in Section 16 contains all this information in the correct format.

Who is going to read the report? For coursework assignments, the readers might be fellow students and/or faculty markers. In professional contexts, the readers might be managers, clients, project team members. The answer will affect the content and technical level, and is a major consideration in the level of detail required in the introduction.

Begin writing with the main text, not the introduction. Follow your outline in terms of headings and subheadings. Let the ideas flow; do not worry at this stage about style, spelling or word processing. If you get stuck, go back to your outline plan and make more detailed preparatory notes to get the writing flowing again.

Make rough sketches of diagrams or graphs. Keep a numbered list of references as they are included in your writing and put any quoted material inside quotation marks (see Section 11 ).

Write the Conclusion next, followed by the Introduction. Do not write the Summary at this stage.

This is the stage at which your report will start to take shape as a professional, technical document. In revising what you have drafted you must bear in mind the following, important principle;

  • the essence of a successful technical report lies in how accurately and concisely it conveys the intended information to the intended readership.

During year 1, term 1 you will be learning how to write formal English for technical communication. This includes examples of the most common pitfalls in the use of English and how to avoid them. Use what you learn and the recommended books to guide you. Most importantly, when you read through what you have written, you must ask yourself these questions;

  • Does that sentence/paragraph/section say what I want and mean it to say? If not, write it in a different way.
  • Are there any words/sentences/paragraphs which could be removed without affecting the information which I am trying to convey? If so, remove them.

It is often the case that technical information is most concisely and clearly conveyed by means other than words. Imagine how you would describe an electrical circuit layout using words rather than a circuit diagram. Here are some simple guidelines;

Diagrams Keep them simple. Draw them specifically for the report. Put small diagrams after the text reference and as close as possible to it. Think about where to place large diagrams.
Graphs For detailed guidance on graph plotting, see the
Tables Is a table the best way to present your information? Consider graphs, bar charts or pie charts.
Dependent tables (small) can be placed within the text, even as part of a sentence.
Independent tables (larger) are separated from the text with table numbers and captions. Position them as close as possible to the text reference. Complicated tables should go in an appendix.
Mathematics Only use mathematics where it is the most efficient way to convey the information. Longer mathematical arguments, if they are really necessary, should go into an appendix. You will be provided with lecture handouts on the correct layout for mathematics.

The appearance of a report is no less important than its content. An attractive, clearly organised report stands a better chance of being read. Use a standard, 12pt, font, such as Times New Roman, for the main text. Use different font sizes, bold, italic and underline where appropriate but not to excess. Too many changes of type style can look very fussy.

Use heading and sub-headings to break up the text and to guide the reader. They should be based on the logical sequence which you identified at the planning stage but with enough sub-headings to break up the material into manageable chunks. The use of numbering and type size and style can clarify the structure as follows;

  • In the main text you must always refer to any diagram, graph or table which you use.
  • Label diagrams and graphs as follows; Figure 1.2 Graph of energy output as a function of wave height. In this example, the second diagram in section 1 would be referred to by "...see figure 1.2..."
  • Label tables in a similar fashion; Table 3.1 Performance specifications of a range of commercially available GaAsFET devices In this example, the first table in section 3 might be referred to by "...with reference to the performance specifications provided in Table 3.1..."
  • Number equations as follows; F(dB) = 10*log 10 (F) (3.6) In this example, the sixth equation in section 3 might be referred to by "...noise figure in decibels as given by eqn (3.6)..."

Whenever you make use of other people's facts or ideas, you must indicate this in the text with a number which refers to an item in the list of references. Any phrases, sentences or paragraphs which are copied unaltered must be enclosed in quotation marks and referenced by a number. Material which is not reproduced unaltered should not be in quotation marks but must still be referenced. It is not sufficient to list the sources of information at the end of the report; you must indicate the sources of information individually within the report using the reference numbering system.

Information that is not referenced is assumed to be either common knowledge or your own work or ideas; if it is not, then it is assumed to be plagiarised i.e. you have knowingly copied someone else's words, facts or ideas without reference, passing them off as your own. This is a serious offence . If the person copied from is a fellow student, then this offence is known as collusion and is equally serious. Examination boards can, and do, impose penalties for these offences ranging from loss of marks to disqualification from the award of a degree

This warning applies equally to information obtained from the Internet. It is very easy for markers to identify words and images that have been copied directly from web sites. If you do this without acknowledging the source of your information and putting the words in quotation marks then your report will be sent to the Investigating Officer and you may be called before a disciplinary panel.

Your report should now be nearly complete with an introduction, main text in sections, conclusions, properly formatted references and bibliography and any appendices. Now you must add the page numbers, contents and title pages and write the summary.

The summary, with the title, should indicate the scope of the report and give the main results and conclusions. It must be intelligible without the rest of the report. Many people may read, and refer to, a report summary but only a few may read the full report, as often happens in a professional organisation.

  • Purpose - a short version of the report and a guide to the report.
  • Length - short, typically not more than 100-300 words
  • Content - provide information, not just a description of the report.

This refers to the checking of every aspect of a piece of written work from the content to the layout and is an absolutely necessary part of the writing process. You should acquire the habit of never sending or submitting any piece of written work, from email to course work, without at least one and preferably several processes of proofreading. In addition, it is not possible for you, as the author of a long piece of writing, to proofread accurately yourself; you are too familiar with what you have written and will not spot all the mistakes.

When you have finished your report, and before you staple it, you must check it very carefully yourself. You should then give it to someone else, e.g. one of your fellow students, to read carefully and check for any errors in content, style, structure and layout. You should record the name of this person in your acknowledgements.

Word processing and desktop publishing packages offer great scope for endless revision of a document. This includes words, word order, style and layout. Word processing and desktop publishing packages never make up for poor or inaccurate content
They allow for the incremental production of a long document in portions which are stored and combined later They can waste a lot of time by slowing down writing and distracting the writer with the mechanics of text and graphics manipulation.
They can be used to make a document look stylish and professional. Excessive use of 'cut and paste' leads to tedious repetition and sloppy writing.
They make the process of proofreading and revision extremely straightforward

Two useful tips;

  • Do not bother with style and formatting of a document until the penultimate or final draft.
  • Do not try to get graphics finalised until the text content is complete.
  • Davies J.W. Communication Skills - A Guide for Engineering and Applied Science Students (2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2001)
  • van Emden J. Effective communication for Science and Technology (Palgrave 2001)
  • van Emden J. A Handbook of Writing for Engineers 2nd ed. (Macmillan 1998)
  • van Emden J. and Easteal J. Technical Writing and Speaking, an Introduction (McGraw-Hill 1996)
  • Pfeiffer W.S. Pocket Guide to Technical Writing (Prentice Hall 1998)
  • Eisenberg A. Effective Technical Communication (McGraw-Hill 1992)

Updated and revised by the Department of Engineering & Design, November 2022

School Office: School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex, Chichester 1 Room 002, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ [email protected] T 01273 (67) 8195 School Office opening hours: School Office open Monday – Friday 09:00-15:00, phone lines open Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 School Office location [PDF 1.74MB]

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As a professional engineer, you have myriad experiences solving problems. Your reports, both formal and informal, help your client, supervisor, or other stakeholders make actionable decisions about those problems. Explore these resources to learn how to write more effective reports for greater project and career success:

  • How do I write an effective report?

How do I use Microsoft Word to my advantage?

  • Where can I find more information about writing reports?

Whether formal or informal, interim or final, your report is an essential part of the problem-solving process. Begin by analyzing your communication situation (note: link to Communication Situation) and reviewing communication basics?? (note: link to Communication Basics), then find out how to structure and format your report as effectively as possible:

What elements should my report contain?

What is the best way to present those elements.

Whether you’re writing for a client, your supervisor, or some other project stakeholder, your audience will likely want to know [adapted from P.V. Anderson’s Technical Communication (1)]:

  • What will we gain?
  • Are your facts reliable?
  • What do you know that is useful to us?
  • How do you interpret those facts from our point of view?
  • How are those facts significant to us?
  • What do you think we should do?

An effective report will be structured to answer these questions clearly and specifically. Depending on its level of formality, your report structure will include all or some of these elements [adapted from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (2)]:

  • Front matter This report element includes the title or cover page, letter of transmittal, acknowledgments, table of contents, and lists of figures and tables.
  • Executive summary and abstract These report elements provide an overview of what you’ll discuss in the body of the report.
  • Body This report element includes the introduction, summary/background, methods/procedures, results, discussion of results, conclusion, and recommendations.
  • Back matter This report element includes references, appendices, and attachments.

Front matter refers to the preliminary, supporting components of a report. It appears where you might expect: at the front of the report. You will typically attend to this element last and in conjunction with back matter, after you have written the body and executive summary and abstract.

Your report’s front matter includes [adapted from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (3)]:

  • Title or cover page Include a title, the name of the person authorizing the report, your name, your company’s name and contact information, and the date you submit the report.
  • Letter of transmittal Describe the problem you’re solving for, the purpose of the work you’ve done, the time period for the work, and your results and recommendations.
  • Acknowledgments Credit anyone who contributed substantially to the project, and include any permissions for copyrighted materials use.
  • Table of contents Provide a guide that includes every report element and the page on which it occurs. Page number front matter with lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.); page number the rest of the report with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). You can use Word to automatically generate your table of contents.
  • Lists of figures and tables Provide a separate guide, like a secondary table of contents, that includes the name and page location of every figure in your report, and another for tables.

Formal reports include every component listed above; an informal report may only include some of them. In some cases, your company may specify which of these components to use and how.

Executive summary and abstract

Your engineering report may include both an executive summary and an abstract, or it may only include one or the other. These elements appear between the front matter and the report body. Write these after you have written and revised the report body.

What is an executive summary?

An executive summary is an overview of the key points in your report. It should summarize the purpose and scope of your work, the methods you used, and your key findings, conclusions, and recommendations [4].

What is an abstract?

An abstract is a short but specific summary of the details you cover in the report’s body. It should briefly mention the purpose and scope of your work, the methods you used, and your key findings, conclusions, and recommendations [5].

What’s the difference between the two?

The difference lies primarily in their purpose and length. The abstract provides a preview of the report’s content meant to entice readers to read the entire report. It is typically less than a page long. The executive summary, on the other hand, provides enough information to allow stakeholders to make a decision without reading the full report. It is typically as long as 10% of the full report [6].

The body of your report is where you provide the details of your work. It is the longest part of your report and falls after the front matter and executive summary and abstract. You will produce the body before any other element of your report, with the possible exception of graphics, like figures and tables.

Your report’s body includes [1] [7]:

  • Introduction Summarize your major conclusions and recommendations. Also describe the organization of your report and its scope.
  • Summary/background Describe the existing research or activity you relied on to guide your work.
  • Methods/procedures Describe what you did and how you did it. Include the equipment you used.
  • Results Reveal your research findings. This report component may be combined with the discussion of results.
  • Discussion of results Describe what your results demonstrate and why that is important to your audience. Highlight notable trends the results reveal, as well as the limitations and assumptions in your work. This report component may be combined with the results.
  • Conclusion Make meaningful statements based on the discussion of results. This report component may be combined with the recommendations.
  • Recommendations Provide actionable recommendations based on your conclusions. This report component may be combined with the conclusion.

Back matter

The back matter of a report is its succeeding, supporting components. As its name implies, it appears at the back of the report. You will typically attend to this element last and in conjunction with front matter , after you have written the body and executive summary and abstract .

Your report’s back matter includes [1]:

  • References List the references you cited throughout your report. Use your company’s or engineering field’s style guide (note: link to What is a style guide? Which one should I use?) to determine the appropriate format for your reference list.
  • Appendices Present detailed information related, but not essential, to your report in the appendices. Some examples of materials appropriate for the appendices, includes data, analysis methods, and equipment details [3]. In some cases, you’ll include all your tables and figures here rather than in the body of the report. Put the appendices in order by their mention in the body of the report.
  • Attachments Attach materials appropriate for the appendices that are too large in size to fit the report format. For instance, you may have oversize blueprints that would be unreadable if reduced to the typical 8.5×11 size of a report.

According to Paul Anderson in his book Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach , “Good [formatting] helps readers understand your information, locate information, and notice highly important content” [8]. A successful report is formatted well.

What components should I consider while formatting?

When formatting your report, pay attention to these common components [8]:

  • Body text Sentences and paragraphs
  • Headings Titles, headings, subheadings
  • Headers and footers Recurring components at the top and/or bottom of every page, like page numbers and report title
  • Graphics Tables, figures, photos
  • Space Empty areas between headers, paragraphs, graphics, and captions

How do I format those components?

Consider these basic principles adapted from graphic design theory when formatting your report [9]. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a rough example of these principles applied to the above components:

  • Contrast Use contrasting size, weight, and typeface to establish focus and hierarchy on your pages. For instance, set your top-level headings in a bold, sans-serif, 14 point typeface like Arial; set your body text in a regular weight, serif, 10 to 12 point typeface like Times New Roman.
  • Repetition Use the same formatting for every page and similar components on that page. For instance, include page numbers in the same place, with the same formatting on every page (10 point, bold, Arial, at the bottom, center of the pages, for example). Style your body text and headings the same throughout the report (Microsoft Word styles can help you do this easily).
  • Alignment Connect every component on a page with a strong visual alignment. For instance, place graphics, like tables or figures, on the left side of the page in alignment with the left edge of the text. Align headings to the left like the body text.
  • Proximity Use space to group related items together and separate unrelated items. For instance, place graphics near their mention in the body text. Put less space between a subhead and its related body text; put more space between the bottom of body text and the next, unrelated subhead.

Reference Report examples

Your company likely has numerous examples of reports that include some or all of these elements and their individual components. In addition, examples of formal reports abound in professional journals in your field.

Microsoft Word includes numerous tools and functions that will save you time and hassle, and allow you to consistently format your reports. Visit the links from Where can I find more information about writing effective reports? to learn how to use these time-saving tools and functions:

  • Styles Rather than manually styling text, use styles to change the formatting of the same type of text (body, headings, captions, etc.) from one formatting dialog at one time.
  • Page numbering and sectioning Instead of manually numbering your pages one at a time, use automatic page numbering and sectioning to organize your report.
  • Table of contents creation Instead of manually creating and numbering your report’s table of contents, use automatic table of contents creation to provide access to the organization and contents of your report.
  • Graphics Place and resize graphics from programs like Excel or from other text documents to fit your report’s format.

Where can I find more information about writing effective reports?

The IEEE Professional Communication Society’s site provides you with a basic understanding of writing effective reports. Explore other resources to gain more knowledge about this topic.

  • Writing an executive summary for engineering reports (vidcast) Watch this 6-minute video that demonstrates how to write an effective executive summary for an engineering report.
  • Writing a title page for engineering reports (vidcast) Watch this 4-minute video that demonstrates how to put together an effective title page for engineering reports.
  • Report checklist Use this checklist to make sure you’ve addressed every element in your engineering report.
  • How to use styles in Microsoft Word to save a lot of work Read this resource that teaches you how to use styles in Word to make your report formatting consistent and efficient.
  • Create an automatic table of contents in Word (video) Watch this 4-minute video to learn how to generate an automatic table of contents using styles in Word.
  • How to create a table of contents in Microsoft Word Read this thorough resource that shows you how to automatically create a table of contents in Word.
  • Table of Contents tips Consult this source that points out some fine points of creating and modifying tables of contents in Word.
  • Add page numbers to documents in Word 2007 and 2010 Read this resource that shows you how to add page numbers in both Word 2007 and 2010.
  • Word 2003 page numbers Watch this 3-minute video to learn how to insert page numbers in Word 2003.
  • How to insert page numbers in Microsoft Word 2003 Read this quick set of instructions for inserting page numbers in Word 2003.
  • How to restart page numbers in a Word document section Read this quick set of instructions for sectioning Word documents and page numbering each section differently.
  • How to copy a chart from Excel into a Word document Consult this resource to learn how to place and modify Excel charts in Word documents.
  • Move Excel graph to Word tutorial (video) Watch this 13-minute tutorial to learn how to place and modify Excel charts in Word documents.
  • How to crop and resize an image in Word 2010 (video) Watch this 2-minute video to learn how to crop and resize images in Word.
  • Insert and position graphics in Word documents Read this resource to learn how to insert and position graphics in Word.

[1] P.V. Anderson, “Writing reader-centered reports,” in Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach. Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007, pp. 539-556.

[2] E. Cember, A. Heavilon, M. Seip, L. Shi, and A. Brizee. Sections of reports. Purdue Online Writing Lab. [Online]. Available: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/726/05

[3] E. Cember, A. Heavilon, M. Seip, L. Shi, and A. Brizee. Mechanical elements of reports.  Purdue Online Writing Lab.  [Online]. Available: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/726/0 8

[4] Processes for writing an executive summary.  Writing at Colorado State University.  [Online]. Available: http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/page.cfm?pageid=1508

[5] E. Cember, A. Heavilon, M. Seip, L. Shi, and A. Brizee. The report abstract and executive summary.  Purdue Online Writing Lab . [Online]. Available: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/726/07

[6] K. Khan. (2008, Sept. 19). Difference between executive summary, abstract and synopsis. University of Balochistan. [Online]. Available: http://www.scribd.com/doc/55954574/Difference-Between-Executive-Summary-Abstract-and-Synopsis

[7] E. Cember, A. Heavilon, M. Seip, L. Shi, and A. Brizee. The report body.  Purdue Online Writing Lab.  [Online]. Available: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/726/06

[8] P.V. Anderson, “Designing reader-centered pages and documents,” in  Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach.  Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007, pp. 372-398.

[9] R. Williams,  The Non-Designer’s Design Book.  Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2004.

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Design reports

Learn the features of an engineering design report.

What is a design report?

Design reports are frequently written by engineers to document the process and outcomes of a design task.

They communicate to your reader how well you’ve understood the problem, how you’ve evolved the design throughout your study, and what the next steps are.

Sections of a design report

Find tips on what to include in each section of your design report below.

Title of the project, client (if relevant), date, project team details

Tell your reader what they need to know without reading the full report. You should:

  • set the problem in context
  • summarise what you have done
  • describe your design solution
  • report on its performance
  • provide key recommendations.

Tip: Your reader may be a busy senior engineer or executive, so keep it brief.

Table of contents

Outline each part of the report using numbered section headings and page numbers e.g.  4.2 Constraints to the design p20

Tip: For a consistent look, use your word processing software’s formatting tool.


Introduce and define the problem and your objectives (or technical specifications) in context. Include any constraints and discuss any previous work (if relevant).

Analysis section/s

This section is the largest of your report and should be adapted to suit the problem you’ve been set.

You’ll most likely need to include:

  • an overview of your design
  • your prototype sequence (if relevant)
  • your testing procedures and results (if relevant)
  • an assessment of your final design and its performance.

For each section, write a specific title to help your reader locate the information they need.

Tip: Only include  key information, charts or equations - keep any detail for your appendix.

Conclusion (and recommendations)

Summarise what you have done and any recommendations for the future (e.g. proposed improvements). Consider expressing these using modal verbs such as ‘should’ or ‘must’.

Include all sources that you’ve used in your design report and follow a consistent referencing style.

Tip: Refer to the University's referencing site - re:cite - for modals of how to reference particular types of material.

Include any detailed processes, standards, risk registers, raw data or detailed diagrams. Your reader can then choose to access the information that’s most relevant to them.

Tip: Begin each appendix on a separate page and give it a specific title e.g. Appendix D – Requirements.

Final tip(s)

Your design report is evidence of the extended work you’ve done to reach your final design and convince your reader of its merits. Don’t be tempted to overwhelm your reader with detail in the body of your design report– instead, focus on the most useful and relevant information for your audience.

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Michael Alley, Penn State
> > > >

Design Reports

Joshua Rosato, Kirby Perosa, Tom Heller, and Kate Ferster present a proposed design concept for a small-scale wind turbine to run a low-power application. Pay attention to how the presenters designed the visual aids such that the audience can follow the details of the decision-making process. Also pay attention to the way that the members present as a team.

Evan Dibiase, Michael Lacey, and Mark Frederick present a final design of a small-scale wind turbine to run a low-power application. Pay attention to how detailed information is presented in a way that the audience can follow. Also, play attention to how the team incorporates a demonstration into the talk. Finally, pay attention to the transitions between team members.

University Park, PA 16802

how to write an engineering design report

Tips for Writing an Engineering Project Report

July 17, 2013 by Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP 1 Comment

Engineering project report

All of us have written technical reports for clients or other stakeholders.  It is one of the tasks that are central to an engineer’s job.  In this edition of the technical brief, I will provide a checklist that should be relatively comprehensive.  This has been taken from several of my old reports, and each of these were their own section (1.0, 2.0, etc.)


This is a good place to state the basic premise of the project.  Who is the owner?  Why is the project being undertaken?  What are the parameters of the project?

Existing Condition

What is the existing structure and what is its condition?  Are the any residual effects because of this condition?  What inventory information exists from the owner?  This is also a good place to put survey or similar information.

Design Considerations

This is where you itemize the parameters that the design must conform to.  In the case of a bridge project, you could have sections called roadway alignment, cross-section, stream alignment, environmental permitting, debris, and any other items of significance affecting the design.  We don’t necessarily need to provide all of the mitigative solutions at this point, but it’s good to include this section because of the opportunity to analyze all of the issues.  There’s nothing worse than having a discussion after the report is submitted about an issue that was not mentioned or thoroughly analyzed.

Design Sections

Obviously each project is technically different but for a bridge project you might have sections entitled Hydrology, Substructure Design, or Superstructure Design.  Here you would detail the design methodology.  It’s time to state what the design was and why that design was chosen.


Most engineering reports are initiated because there are multiple alternatives available and the owner must decide on a course of action.  The alternatives section should itemize each alternative with the primary design features (for example, abutment type, bridge length) and an associated cost.  This is usually best in a table format.  A net present value analysis is often important to compare life cycle costs between options that have different life spans.

Regulatory and other Secondary Stakeholder Issues

Most engineering projects have some sort of secondary stakeholder issues like government regulators, adjacent landowners and so forth.  What is required to keep the project on track with these stakeholders?  State each one and make sure you are comprehensive in addressing their concerns, or the client might wonder if you’ve done enough to ensure a smooth project.


Of course, we have to provide a recommendation to make it worth the money.  The option with the lowest net present value is the cheapest and should be chosen unless there are compelling reasons to choose another option.  Sometimes when the recommendation is complicated I have found it helpful to contact the client and have some discussions before submitting a recommendation.  This ensures a speedy resolution and makes you look better because your recommendation was adopted.

Good luck with your projects!

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About Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP

Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP, is the president of Roseke Engineering . As a bridge engineer and project manager, he manages projects ranging from small, local bridges to multi-million dollar projects. He is also the technical brains behind ProjectEngineer , the online project management system for engineers. He is a licensed professional engineer, certified project manager, and six sigma black belt. He lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, with his wife and two kids.

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I appreciate your tip to take into account design considerations and the existing condition of a structure when doing a report on the foundation. I also like what you said about considering all the alternatives when looking into engineering reports. I’ve heard that engineering reports can also lead to better insurance rates to insure a structure, but I’ll have to do more research. Thanks for the tips!

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How to Write an Engineering Report

  • Adam Singfield
  • Last Updated August 18, 2016
  • Category Technical Writing

how to write an engineering design report

No matter what kind of engineer you are, you will eventually need to write an engineering report. This type of technical writing means knowing how to share information about research and analysis and then present it clearly in writing.

Writing a report about engineering services, like those we provide at Vista Projects, means communicating ideas in addition to furthering innovation and improvements. This skill makes you an even more significant asset to your company and allows you to solve problems and create solutions.

What Is an Engineering Report?

An engineering report is a type of technical editing that presents a problem, analyzes it, and offers solutions. It involves collecting and compiling data and ideas, conducting testing, and organizing the information you gained into comprehensible results for the reader.

Students learn to write these reports when they go through their education program, but writing them well involves knowing why you’re writing the technical report. While your purpose for writing technical reports will vary based on your specific field, the structure of all engineering reports remains the same: a summary, the body, and your conclusions.

Writing a report involves communicating a process for fixing a problem to a customer, community, business, or investor. Some engineers copyright their processes. Above all, your report should convey information clearly, offer information backed by evidence, and show why your solution stands out from the competition.

Why Write an Engineering Report?

Engineering report-writing should always focus on helping your firm achieve an objective. That may mean convincing a client to take action based on your solution or showing them how a project will benefit the public.

It may also help persuade your client to choose your company’s design or solution, get funding from investors, or encourage another business to partner with your firm on a project.

Other times, you may only want to inform your audience. For example, you may give your government the information it needs to decide on implementing a policy, show other engineers how to work from your proposed plan, or illustrate project outcomes for stakeholders.

Many students make the mistake of writing reports to show their personal knowledge. You do not want to teach your reader but instead, to offer a summary in writing to help them choose between two companies or engineers.

The body of technical reports should show your reader how your process affects them, include evidence to support your conclusions, and make a case for why your reader should support your ideas.


Do You Write an Engineering Report?

Before you start writing your report, consider the information you want to convey. Are you writing a trend report, an analytical report, or a trip report? Knowing the best way to share your information will help your audience understand your objectives.

Engineering students typically learn to write technical reports in their program, but different types of reports have different approaches. When it comes to report writing, remember these factors:

  • Consider your audience
  • Keep the proper structure and organization
  • Make your writing easy to skim
  • Only include pertinent information

The information and sources that you’ll need to compile your technical report will change based on the project. For example, a research report requires detailed information about your topic and the theory surrounding it. It involves citing textbooks, journals, and similar documents.

On the other hand, a site visit report should include the company history and operations, citing annual reports and the company prospectus. Fault reports also have different requirements, as they involve looking into a problem, determining the cause, and recommending an action to fix it.

Report writing means doing research, conducting tests, compiling evidence, and using that information to draw conclusions based on each previous section. Additionally, a strong introduction and summary will draw in your reader, and let them know what to expect.

Engineering reports should allow for selective reading and effective communication. Use headers, numbered lists, bullet points, and figures and tables to do more than explain your points in words. Readers will skim your writing, so make the important parts easy for them to find, such as in these technical report examples .


The Structure of Engineering Reports

Engineering reports follow the same structure. Your technical report should have these components:

  • Executive Summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • References and appendices

The first few pages of your report are some of the most critical. They show your reader where they can find information throughout the document. Remember, some investors will not read past your executive summary .

Title pages should clearly state the purpose of your writing. Your executive summary should be no longer than two pages, and it acts as a condensed version of your research, conclusions, and recommendations. If your reader wants more information, the table of contents should allow them to find the correct section in seconds.

You have some freedom in structuring the body, but it must make sense and inform the reader while justifying your claims and ensuring that your reader understands the purpose of the writing. By sticking to this structure, you make writing reports simpler and focus on the following content.

Technical Report Overview

Technical reports always contain an introduction that states your report’s purpose and the leading question your research answers. Does it offer information about why your city needs a new bridge or highway? Are you showing an investor why they should put money into your project?

Your technical report overview should also hook your reader. Tell your audience what you investigate and why it’s important. Refer to your client’s request and scope of work in your writing, and relate the information back to the needs of your client, stakeholder, or executive.


Your methodology section is often the most involved piece of writing in your report. Here, you talk about how you performed your study and why you approached it the way you did.

This section should show that you have done thorough research and should present your research protocol clearly. Your writing should detail how you got your information and how your methods offer something new to your field. This section should convey confidence in your company’s work so that your reader will, too.

If you used unique or original methods to gain your information and conclusions, you might  consider copyrigh t  for your work. That way, you keep your methods your own, which may help you in future reports and persuade other professionals to work with you.

When writing up the findings and results of technical reports, make sure not to make this section your conclusion. At this point, you should only state the outcome of your research, analyses, and tests. Include graphics to illustrate your results,

Your writing and structure should offer results conducive to the type of report. For example, design reports may evaluate the design of a new building and why it proves more stable than others. Other types of engineering reports, like proposals, will not require you to write a results section, as you are only offering a potential solution at this point.

Your writing will show the reader how you arrived at your final solution to their problem. Technical reports often require you to communicate dense information, so you should use similar language to that which you used in the technical report overview. That allows readers to make connections in your writing and understand how they relate to your report.

Recommendations and Conclusions

Your final section before writing your references and appendices includes your recommendations and conclusions . Here, you expand upon your results and tell the reader what they mean, how they affect the audience or community, and their benefits.

Align this section with your introduction, so your writing allows the reader to again make connections throughout your report. Let your reader know what you plan to do with the new information, and show them why they should care. Your writing may enlighten them to potential benefits like a greater profit, more convenience, higher productivity, or increased efficiency.

Above all, your writing sets out to answer a question. Your recommendations and conclusions are the final pieces in answering that question through research, allowing you to present how your client should respond to the situation.

Check out more  technical writing tips  in our resources section.

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Writing the Design Report

General approach.

If you’re anything like me, your FSAE team probably doesn’t start on the design report until the week before its due. We’d then split up the subsections based off of whatever we’ve worked on, throw together a handful of paragraphs, use some fancy words and send this to the team leader about 36 hours before the report was due. The poor leader would then have to compile everything, make it look nice, and write an intro. We were pretty proud of ourselves if we got it in more than 12 hours before it was due.

It’s been a rude awakening being on the other side (as a design judge). Consider the design report your team’s first chance to make a good impression. There is a lot of information out there that describes the design event, and so I recommend reading up on the details of it. Understanding the event and how it’s run and scored will greatly help you prepare for it. Once you submit the design report, the design judge captains go through and read each and every one of them. Yes, well over 100 design reports. From the first read, the reports are given a rough estimate of the quality of the team/car. As the date gets closer to the competition the captains will distribute the reports across the design bays… essentially trying to evenly distribute the expected top teams across the queues, along with the mid pack teams and so on. Each design queue knows this, and if your team’s report is not in their top one or two, it is much more difficult to make it to design finals. So, how does one ensure your team is in the top group? What are the characteristics of the best teams?

To start with, your team will want to be collecting information all along the way. So from the initial conceptual design and brainstorming, it’s best to document your progress. Even if these are just quick notes and back of the envelope calculations, you’ll want to record these for later. Keep notes from design reviews, along with what assumptions you’ve had to make. Note the design compromises and refer back to previous team’s reports to see if you’ve made an overall improvement or have chosen a different point along the existing curve. Take photos and keep track of tests done on subsystems, as they’ll provide valuable insight on the overall design. Once you start to actually write the report, you’ll want to tell a (technical) story of your progress. Starting with last year’s report and adding/subtracting/editing it can lead to high scores, however a brand new report written from scratch, then compared to previous reports and then improved upon will more than likely garner a higher level of understanding and technical communication.

My recommendation is that of a “long form five paragraph essay”. Start with a very brief intro, and then tell the reader exactly why your car is going to be the best one at the competition. Provide a few supporting points and then break into subsections. It's in this intro part, you want the reader to furl an eyebrow and say “hmmm, interesting I want to know more”.

Each subsection could also be a form of the “five paragraph essay”. Its points/arguments should all support the main points you made at the beginning while also being able to be read as a stand alone section. It’s a good idea to highlight the areas you worked on, these are generally the points of discussion the design event will start with. This is your opportunity to direct some of the focus to where you put your team’s energy, as the design judges will likely want to know how much you know about that particular subject. Ideally you want to touch on every bit of the design, testing, building process but the idea is to highlight the areas your efforts went into. For example, if your main goal was fuel efficiency then each subsection should mention that; ie, less drivetrain losses, how a focus on reducing mass increases fuel efficiency, does aero make the car more or less fuel efficient, approach to engine tuning and so on. Your suspension subsection should touch on all the kinematics, forces, springs, dampers, vehicle dynamics etc, but there should be a focus on how all of these help to improve fuel efficiency.

Having and showing an understanding of the compromises in the design of a subsystem will also garner higher marks. For example, running through the brake calculations once and showing chosen components demonstrates that you can find the brake system equations and input some numbers. But if you can show how each of the inputs/assumptions affect the outcomes (CG height, coefficient of friction, brake temperature, total weight, pedal input force etc.), and how you arrived at those inputs, you can demonstrate that you more fully understand the physics behind the problem.

Finally, we recommend breaking up the text based on the design sheet and judge roles. The most typical judge group is broken into: Frame'/Body/Aero, Cockpit/Controls/Brakes, Powertrain, and Suspension. Systems Management/Integration, Manufacturability/Serviceability, will generally have input from all the judges in the group, while electrical subsystems (for an internal combustion car) will generally be added on to an existing judges’ task. Breaking the text (and your design presentation team) into these subsystems will allow the team of judges to more efficiently garner information from your team.

Graphs and Figures

Instead of thinking that you have to fill up X number of pages for the design report, the mentality should be “how can we fit all of our knowledge and work into these pages?” Your team has been working on a project for 6, 9, or 12+ months at this point. And I’m sure that even a small team of 6 people can write a lengthy report on all the work that has been done. Graphs and figures are a great way to communicate complex ideas in a small amount of space and time.

The following figure is used with permission from the Wisconsin Madison FSAE team.

gear ratio and friction effects on acceleration

By showing a figure you can demonstrate a more thorough understanding of the subject matter. Instead of displaying a single number for the final drive ratio, you can show that you’ve gone through a number of permutations and have an understanding of the design space and the affect the inputs/assumptions have on the outcome. With a short sentence or two you can explain your reasoning behind your choice and/or the methodology you took while creating the figure. Presenting clear, dense information also carries over to the design event itself.

From my college years, I can provide this figure. It was an early calculation trying to figure out how much energy we would need for a Formula Hybrid SAE vehicle. With batteries contributing a large portion of the mass to the final vehicle, I created estimates for the mass of the rest of the vehicle, an assumed acceleration rate and a duty cycle on the acceleration. With an energy density for the battery chemistry, I ran the numbers and determined we needed just over 2 KW*hr to complete half the endurance event, where we could recharge.

Early Energy Estimates for the Formula Hybrid Endurance Event

Early Energy Estimates for the Formula Hybrid Endurance Event

However, from the graph we see that the energy required to complete the endurance event didn’t change that much based on the total weight of the vehicle/weight of the batteries on the vehicle. Over the range studied (25N to 300N of batteries), the required energy for the endurance event changed on the order of 15%. Therefore, slightly erring on the side of more energy/battery mass would allow us to increase our average acceleration rate or amount of time accelerating. We settled on two “2 Kw Hr” packs giving us ~3 Kw Hr of usable energy for each half of the endurance event, as this size was readily available for us “off the shelf”.

While a screenshot of FEA/CFD or a rendering will show you can use the software and provide nice looking marketing material, a detailed three view drawing will allow the reader to determine if your team understands load paths, kinematics, packaging, etc.

The following figures are used with permission from the University of Nebraska Lincoln FSAE team. They are snippets from their three views of the full car; from the three views we are able to get a good idea of the load paths, their efforts in triangulation, along with some approximations on the suspension kinematics, component sizing, and overall packaging.  A single isometric view of the chassis in FEA will communicate max deflection/stresses in a design, but won’t be able to show us much more.

Top View

The design report isn’t just a subsection of a portion of the FSAE competition. Taking a holistic approach to the competition will ensure a better design report and in turn a better car, a better understanding and a higher overall score. When you’re able to teach something you have a higher understanding. The design report should teach what makes a good car.

how to write an engineering design report

A Field Guide to the Design Event

Dynamic valve event optimization.

How to Write Engineering Report

  • First Online: 11 November 2021

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how to write an engineering design report

  • Yongsheng Ma 3 &
  • Yiming Rong 3  

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An engineer’s work requires their mastery of the art of effective technical communication. An engineering report is a key form of written communication that is a direct reflection of the engineer’s knowledge of a particular subject. A well written report cannot cover up poor engineering; however, a poorly written report can be detrimental to otherwise excellent engineering work.

Technical writing is a continuous process of learning, carefully gathering, sifting, organizing, and assessing, all while trying to craft something that makes sense for a user. —Krista Van Laan, The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing [Goodreads 2020] Contextualization lies in bringing out the right messages from the abundant content; in sandwiching the subject between the background of information and the foreground of its utility. —Suyog Ketkar, The Write Stride [Goodreads 2020]

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Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Yongsheng Ma & Yiming Rong

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Ma, Y., Rong, Y. (2022). How to Write Engineering Report. In: Senior Design Projects in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85390-7_15

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85390-7_15

Published : 11 November 2021

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-030-85389-1

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How to Prepare a Structural Design Report

The Structural World > Topics > Drawings, Documents & Submittals > How to Prepare a Structural Design Report

how to write an engineering design report

thestructuralworld August 20, 2018 2 Comments

Drawings, Documents & Submittals

Structural Calculations , Structural Design Report , Structural Engineer Report , Structural Report

One of the tasks of a Structural Design Engineer is not only limited to analyzing and design of the structural model. The completion of the design part of the project we are designing is actually far for the project to be materialized. In fact, it is only one of the requirements to get the project to be approved by the building authorities or whoever is assigned to give a green light. Aside from the fact that all the design departments involve, e.g. Architectural and MEP should work together and do their part, likewise, the Structural Department should act as well.

Perhaps one of the most challenging tasks of a Structural Design Engineers, next to design and analysis is how to interpret our design in a structural report. In the preparation of structural design report, lengthy or short, it is our task to make the report as simple and as crystal clear as possible in order for the reviewer to interpret and understand clearly on what we are trying to emphasize. Preparation and submission of the structural design report is actually part of a structural design, without this we won’t be able to get the project standing. Because it is one of the requirements in structural design submission. In this article, we will talk about the standard or at least the customary way in the preparation of a structural design report. What are the different sections of the report in general that we need to consider and what are their corresponding descriptions? They are summarized as follows:

This is the very first page of our report. It contains all about the project information with the title description about the name of the project, the project number (optional), the location of the project, the client name, the name of the consultant or the contractor involved in the project, the one who prepared the report and the date. Keep the cover sheet as plain, simple and as neat as possible. No further required format is needed as long as the project information mentioned above have been provided.

Also referred to as the table of contents, this page contains the lists of sections in the report with the corresponding pages. This is an important part of the report since it gives the reader/reviewer a guide and to locate the sections or topics whenever he/she intended to.  As a designer, see to it that the pages that we provided really correspond to where it is intended to.

Summary of the report contains the entire overview or the general introduction of the design report and what is the report all about. Summary varies according to the project but overall it outlines the short description of the project considerations. It may help also to clearly understand the summary if you incorporate images related to the report.  In structural design report, the summary can be sub-divided in the following section:

  • Design Code and Standards
  • Material Properties
  • Design Load Considerations
  • Load Combinations

Analysis and Design

This section is the body of the report in which the result of the analysis can be provided. This can be further subdivided into different sections, for example, if we are preparing a structural design report for the analysis and design of a 12-story building. The sections under the “analysis and design” are as follows:

  • Foundation Design
  • Design of Walls and Retaining Walls
  • Design of Slabs
  • Design of Columns and Beam
  • Seismic Analysis
  • Dynamic Analysis


This section provides the output result based on the design and analysis. The designer’s suggestion and proposal on the given project can be classified in this section. It is obvious that this section should conclude that the analysis and design based on the calculations considering the design criteria are safe and adequate. But for some instance, when you are assigned to provide a structural report on the existing building due to the addition of floors, that is a different story.  Of course, if the design calculation says otherwise, that is the time that you have to come up for a recommended solution or proposal to make the design safe and sound.

Appendix or Appendices

An appendix is the bottom part of the structural design report where our design attachments can be found. In this section, we should attach our references on the report that we made. This is a very important part of the report since we can always go back to our design assumptions in the event of some clarifications. Here we can also include the detailed calculations in support of the analysis and design section. The output result of the structural analysis model that is mostly consumed a number of pages can also be included in this section. The soft copies of the structural model can also be a part of the appendix though it can be submitted separately for design discussion purposes. Other attachments include the structural drawings and soil or geotechnical reports to name a few.

The checklists above can also be applied when we are preparing short calculations for temporary work projects. Regardless of how huge the project is, basically the above are the most common sections that we should consider in the preparation of the structural design report. The author gathers the above checklists in his previous experiences in the review, as well as preparation of structural design reports. Some companies had developed its own format and some standards are according to the authority having the jurisdiction and it is always up to you which one to use.

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how to write an engineering design report

Thanks for the post. Do you know if there is a regulation to present those documents? For example, an ASTM Standard guide to calculation report submittals?

I will be grateful for your response.

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Mostly it’s a general format and not specific to a certain format, as long as it is clear and well presented, that will be fine.

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technical report writing for engineers

Technical Report Writing for Engineers: A Comprehensive Guide

As an engineer, if you are looking at technical report writing for engineers? And learn how to write effective technical reports? If yes, then this article is for you.

After completing our comprehensive guide, you can improve your communication skills and stand out in your industry with our expert tips. It will meet your needs too.

Technical report writing is an essentials skill for engineers to communicates their finding, design, and recommendation to clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. However, despite its importance, many engineers have difficulty writing effective technical reports. This is a critical issue because poorly written technical reports can results in misunderstanding, errors, and delays that can have serious consequences for project and organization.

Fortunately, research has shown that with the right training and supports, engineers can significantly improves their technical writing skill and produces high-quality report that meet the need of their audience.

As an engineer, you know that technical report are a crucial part of your jobs. They provides a detailed account of your finding, recommendation, and conclusion based on your researches and analysis. However, technical reports writing is not always easy, especially for those who are not familiar with the formats and styles. In this article, we will provides you with a comprehensive guides on technical reports writing for engineers, including tips, best practices, and common mistake to avoid.

  • Understanding Technical Report Writing
  • Types of Technical Reports
  • Preparing for Technical Report Writing
  • Structure of Technical Reports
  • Writing a Technical Report
  • Editing and Revising Technical Reports
  • Mistakes to Avoid in Technical Report Writing

1. Understanding Technical Report Writing

Technical report writing is a specialized form of writing that is used to communicate technical information to a specific audience. Technical reports are typically used to document research findings, provide recommendations, and make conclusions based on data analysis. These reports are often used in engineering, science, and other technical fields.

1. What is an engineering report?

An engineering report is a documents that presents technical information related to an engineering projects, researches, or analysis. The report typically includes a description of the problem or objective, the methodology used to conduct the analysis, the result and conclusion, and recommendation for further action.

2. Why write an engineering report?

There are several reasons why someone may need to write an engineering report. One common reason is to communicate technical information to stakeholders such as clients, colleagues, regulatory agencies, or the public. The reports will provides a comprehensive understanding of the problems and the proposed solutions, helping to build consensus and support for the projects.

Additionally, an engineering report can serves as a record of the work done and the result obtained, which can be used for future references or to support claim or decision. It can also helps to identify area for improvements or further researches.

Overall, an engineering report is an essential tool for engineers to effectively communicate technical information and findings related to their work.

Also read:  Technical Writing vs Business Writing: Understanding the Nuances for Professional Growth

2. Types of Technical Reports:

Feasibility reports, progress reports, design reports, research reports, inspection reports, evaluation reports.

These reports assess the feasibility of a project or a proposed solution. They evaluate the technical, economic , and social viability of the proposed solution and provides recommendations on whether to proceed with the project.

These reports provide updates on the promotion of a project. They outline the accomplishments, challenges, and remaining tasks of the project and provide recommendations for addressing any issues.

These reports document the design process of a product or system. They outlined the design criteria, constraint, and specification, as well as the rationale for design decision.

These reports presents the finding of a research study. They outline the research questions, methodology, data analyse, and conclusion.

These reports document the findings of an inspection of a product, system, or facility. They identify any defects, hazards, or non-compliance with standards and provide recommendations for corrective action.

These reports assess the effectiveness of a program, project, or policy. They evaluate the objective, outcome, and impact of the programs, projects, or policy and provides recommendation for improvements.

3. Preparing for Technical Report Writing:

Before you start writing your technical report, it’s important to gather and organize all the necessary information. This includes identify the purpose of the reports, the audience, and the scope of the reports. You should also consider the formats, structures, and styles of the reports. Some tips for preparing for technical report writing includes:

  • Identify the purpose of the report
  • Determine the audience
  • Determine the scope of the report
  • Consider the format, structure, and style of the report
  • Gather all necessary information
  • Organize your ideas and information

Identify the purpose of the reports: Before you start writing your technical reports, you need to identify its purposes. Are you writing a feasibility reports, progress reports, design reports, research reports, inspection reports, or evaluation reports? Understanding the purpose of the reports will helps you to focus your writing and ensure that you includes all necessary information.

Determine the audience: It is essential to consider the intended audience of your technical report. Who will be reading your report? Who will read your report? What is their technical knowledge and skill level? Tailor your writing style and language to your intended audience to ensure that your report is easily understood.

Determines the scope of the reports: Determine the scope of your reports by identifying the boundaries of the topics or problems that you will be addressing. This will helps you narrow down the focus of your reports and ensure that you stay on track.

Consider the format, structure, and style of the report: Technical reports should be well-structured and formatted. Consider using headings, subheadings, and lists to organize your ideas and information. Ensure that your report follows the required format and style guidelines.

Gather all necessary information: Collect all necessary information related to your topic, including data, research, and supporting documentation. Ensures that you have all the necessary information before you start writing your reports.

Organize your idea and information: Organize your idea and information in a logical and coherent manners. Ensure that your reports flows well and that your ideas are presented in a clear and concise manners.

4. Structure of Technical Reports:

  • Table of contents
  • Abstract or executive summary


  • Background and literature review


  • Results and findings
  • Discussion and analysis
  • Conclusion and recommendations
  • References or bibliography

Appendices (optional)

Technical report are formal documents that follows a standard structure to ensure that they are well-organized, informative, and easy to understand. The following sections are typically included in the technical report:

The title page includes the title of the reports, the name(s) of the author(s), the date, and any other relevant information, such as the name of the organization or project.

Table of Contents

The tables of contents lists the main sections of the reports and their page numbers. It helps the reader to navigate through the report quickly and easily.

Abstract or Executive summary

An abstract or executive summary provide a brief overview of the reports, including the purpose, scope, methodology, and key finding. It is typically one to two paragraph in length and is often included on a separate pages.

The introduction provides background information on the topic of the report, explains the purpose and scope of the report, and outlines the main objectives or research questions.

Background and Literature Review

The background and literature review section provides an overview of the existing knowledge and research related to the topic of the report. It helps to establish the context and significance of the report.

The methodology section describe the method used to collect and analyze data, conduct experiment, or carry out research. It include information on sample size, data collections technique, and statistical analysis method.

Results and Findings

The results and findings section presents the data and research findings in a clear and concise manner. It may includes table, graph and other visual aids to helps illustrate the data.

Discussion and Analysis

The discussion and analysis section interprets the results and findings in light of the research questions and objectives. It may also compare the results to previous research or industry standards.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The conclusion and recommendation section summarize the main finding and conclusion of the reports and provide recommendation for future researches or action.

References and Bibliography

The references and bibliography section lists all the sources cited in the report. It should be formatted according to the required citation style, such as APA or MLA.

Appendices may be included to provides additional information that is not included in the main body of the reports, such as technical drawing, calculation, or survey questionnaires.

By following this standardized structure, technical reports can effectively communicate complex information to a range of stakeholders and decision-makers.

5. Writing Technical Report:

Technical reports are formal documents that require clear and concise writing to effectively communicate complex information to the intended audience. Some tips for writing a technical report include:

  • Use clear and concise language
  • Avoid jargon and technical terms
  • Use headings and subheadings
  • Use relevant data and visuals to support your findings
  • Include a conclusion that summarizes your findings and recommendations

Use clear and concise languages: Avoid using unnecessary technical jargon or complex terminologies that may be difficult for the audience to understand. Use always clear and concise language to convey the message.

Avoid jargon and technical term that the audience may not understand: If you need to use technical term, provides clear definition or explanation to ensure that the audience can understand the meaning.

Use headings and subheadings: Use descriptive headings and subheadings to organize the content of the report into meaningful sections. This make it easier for the readers to navigate the reports and find relevant information.

Use relevant data and visual to support your finding: Use table, chart, graph, and other visual aids to presents your data in a clear and concise manners. This helps the reader to quickly understand and interpret the information.

Include a conclusion that summarizes your findings and recommendations: Summarize the main findings of your report and provide recommendations for future action or research. This help the readers to understand the significance of the reports and its implication.

6. Editing and Revising Technical Reports:

Editing and revising are important steps in the technical report writing process. Please review your report for clarity, accuracy, and consistency. You should also check for spellings and grammar error and ensure that your reports meets the required format and style guidelines. Some tips for editing and revising technical reports include:

  • Review your report for clarity, accuracy, and consistency.
  • Check for spellings and grammar error.
  • Ensure that your report meets the required format and style guidelines.
  • Get feedback from colleagues or experts in your field.
  • Revise your report accordingly based on the feedback received.

Review your reports for clarity, accuracy, and consistency: Read through your reports carefully to ensure that your ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manners. Ensure that your report is accurate and consistent throughout.

Check for spelling and grammar error: Use a spell checkers and proofread your reports thoroughly to eliminate any spellings or grammar error that could distract from the content.

Ensure that your reports meets the required format and style guidelines: Follow the guidelines provided by your organizations or professors to ensure that your reports is formatted and styled appropriately.

Get feedback from colleague or expert in your field: Share your reports with colleague or expert in your field to get feedback on its content, structures, and clarity.

Revise your report accordingly based on the feedback received: Use the feedback received to revise your report, making changes where necessary to improve its clarity, accuracy, and overall effectiveness.

7. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Technical Reports Writing:

In technical reports writing, there are common mistake that engineer often make that can impact the overall quality of the reports. Some of these mistakes includes:

  • Failing to identify the purpose and audience of the report.
  • Use technical jargon or acronym that are not understand by the intended audience.
  • Include irrelevant information that does not support the purpose of the report.
  • Neglect to cite sources or provide references for information used in the report.
  • Failed to proofread and edit the reports for error in grammar, spellings, and formatting.

Failing to identify the purpose and audience of the report: Before beginning to write a technical report, it’s important to identify the purpose of the report and the intended audience. This will helps ensure that the reports is written in a way that effectively communicate the information to the audience.

Using technical jargon or acronym that are not understand by the intended audience: Technical term and acronym can be confusing for reader who are not familiar with the terminology. It’s important to use clear and concise languages that can be easily understand by the intended audience.

Includes irrelevant information that does not supports the purpose of the reports: The information presented in a technical reports should be directly relevants to the purpose of the reports. Including irrelevant information can detract from the overall effectiveness of the report.

Neglecting to cite sources or provide references for information used in the report: Technical reports often requires the use of data and information from external source. It’s important to provides proper citation and reference for this information to give credit to the original sources and avoid plagiarism.

Failing to proofread and edit the report for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting: Technical reports should be well-written and error-free to effectively communicate the intended message. Neglecting to proofread and edit the reports can result in error that can impact the overall quality and effectiveness of the reports.

By avoiding these common mistakes, engineers can ensure that their technical reports are effective, well-written, and accurately convey the intended message to the audience.


Technical report writing is a crucial skill for engineers, and with the help of our expert tips and comprehensive guide, you can improve your technical report writing skills and stand out in your industry. Remember to keeps your audience in mind, use clear and concise languages, and always review and edit your reports before submitting it. By following the tips and best practices in this guide, you can write effective technical reports that communicate your findings, recommendations, and conclusions to a specific audience. With these skills, you can excel in your fields and make a significant impacts.

 Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the technical reports?

The purpose of a technical reports is to communicates technical information or data to a specific audience in a clear and concise manners.

What is the structure of the technical report?

The structure of a technical report typically includes a title page, table of contents, abstract or executive summary, introduction, background or literature review, methodology, results and findings, discussion and analysis, conclusion and recommendations, references or bibliography, and appendices (optional).

How do I determine the audience for my technical report?

To determine the audience for your technical reports, consider who will be reading the reports and what their level of technical knowledge is. Tailor your language and style to best communicate with this audience.

What are some common types of technical reports?

Common types of technical reports includes feasibility report, progress report, design report, research report, inspection report, and evaluations report.

How can I avoid common mistakes in technical report writing?

To avoid common mistakes in technical report writing, be sure to clearly identify the purpose and audience of the report, avoid technical jargon that is not understood by the intended audience, include relevant information and data, properly cite sources, and thoroughly proofread and edit the report.

How important is the revision and editing process in technical report writing?

The revision and editing process is critical in technical report writing to ensure clarity, accuracy, and consistency in the report. It is important to review and review the report multiple times to ensure it meets the required format and style guidelines and effectively communicates the intended message.

What are some tips for presenting technical reports to an audience?

When presenting a technical reports to an audience, use clear and concise languages, incorporate visuals to support your finding, and be prepared to answer questions and provides additional information as needed.

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What is Engineering Documentation?

Table of contents, what is a project outline.

Engineering documentation is the detailed record of a product’s design, development, and implementation process. Comprehensive documentation ensures that every detail is systematically and thoroughly captured and communicated.

There’s 5 most used components of engineering documentation:

  • Design specifications
  • Technical drawings and schematics
  • Calculations and analysis reports
  • Test plans and results
  • Material lists and sourcing information

But how is Engineering Documentation different than Technical Documentation?

Engineering documentation focuses on the design, development, and implementation of a product or system. It’s typically used by engineers and includes detailed specifications, calculations, and design rationales.

Technical documentation , on the other hand, is broader and includes user manuals, guides, and other materials that explain how to use or maintain a product. This type of documentation is often referred to as product documentation and is aimed at end-users or support staff. To learn more about how it’s different than engineering documentation, read our guide on Technical Documentation .

Different types of Engineering Documentation

There’s 10 different types of Engineering Documentation

  • Requirement specifications Detailed descriptions of what the product or system must do. These outline functional and non-functional requirements, performance criteria, and constraints.
  • Design documents Comprehensive explanations of how the product will meet the requirements. This includes system architecture, component designs, and design rationales. To start your process with a template quickly, you can get our template on Software Design Documentation here.
  • Technical drawings, engineering drawings, and CAD files Visual representations of the product, including dimensions, materials, and assembly instructions. These can range from 2D sketches to complex 3D models.
  • Test plans and results Outlines of testing procedures and documented outcomes. These ensure the product meets specifications and quality standards.
  • Software code documentation Comments within code and separate documents explaining software architecture, APIs, and functions. This helps other developers understand and maintain the code.
  • Simulation and analysis reports Results from computer simulations or mathematical models, often used to predict product performance or optimize designs before physical prototyping.
  • Manufacturing instructions Step-by-step guides for production teams, detailing how to fabricate, assemble, and quality-check the product.
  • Bill of Materials (BOM) A comprehensive list of all parts, components, and materials needed to manufacture the product, often including quantities and sourcing information.
  • Engineering change orders Formal documents detailing any modifications to the original design, including reasons for the change and its impact on the product.
  • Compliance and safety documentation Records demonstrating that the product meets relevant industry standards, regulations, and safety requirements.

So, who uses Engineering Documentation?

While they are the primary creators and users, a wide range of professionals rely on this documentation throughout a project’s lifecycle and beyond. The amount and types of documentation created, including strategic documentation functions, user instructions, troubleshooting guides, and customer feedback documentation, are crucial for internal operations and end-users. Here’s a closer look:

1. Engineers (Across Disciplines)

  • Design Engineers: Create initial designs, schematics, and specifications, referring back to these documents throughout the development process.
  • Software Engineers: Rely on code documentation and API specifications to understand, integrate with, and maintain software components. In the context of software development, they also focus on creating and maintaining technical documentation, ensuring it aligns with Agile and waterfall approaches.
  • Test Engineers: Develop and execute test plans based on requirements and design documents, documenting results for analysis and improvement.
  • Manufacturing Engineers: Use BOMs, manufacturing instructions, and CAD files to guide the production process and ensure accurate assembly.

2. Project Managers

  • Track project progress by reviewing design documents, test results, and change orders.
  • Communicate project status and technical details to stakeholders using simplified versions of engineering documentation. Ensure that previous versions of these documents are saved and managed for future reference.
  • Manage risks and make informed decisions based on information presented in technical reports and analysis.

3. Quality Assurance Teams

  • Develop quality control procedures based on design specifications and industry standards.
  • Verify product functionality and performance against documented requirements using test plans and results. Well-written user documentation can significantly enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Use engineering documentation to identify root causes of defects and track corrective actions.

4. Regulatory Compliance Officers

  • Ensure the product meets all relevant safety and performance regulations by reviewing compliance documentation. It is crucial to maintain and update existing documentation to ensure all information is current and accessible.
  • Utilize test reports and certifications to demonstrate compliance to regulatory bodies.
  • Reference engineering documentation during audits and inspections.

5. Future Engineering Teams (Maintenance & Upgrades)

  • Understand the design intent and functionality of existing products through design documents and technical drawings.
  • Identify and source replacement parts accurately using BOMs and supplier information. Ensure all hardware and software requirements are met for seamless integration.
  • Implement modifications and upgrades safely and effectively by referencing original design specifications and change order history.

What's Often Mistaken for Engineering Documentation (But Isn't)

Engineering documentation is about precision, technical depth, and the “why” behind design choices. However, some documents, while valuable in their own right, often get lumped in with engineering documentation even though they serve different purposes. Let’s clear up the confusion: Technical documentation encompasses all written documents and materials relating to software product development, including internal and external documentation written for end users.

1. User Manuals and Technical Documentation

While both deal with technical subjects, user manuals focus on the "how" for end-users, not the "why" of engineering. They explain how to use features, troubleshoot issues, and maintain the product. Technical documentation can encompass a broader range, including API documentation and knowledge base articles, but their focus remains on user-facing information.

2. Marketing Materials

Product brochures, website copy, and even sales presentations often highlight technical specifications. However, their goal is to promote the product, not document its inner workings. They might lack the technical depth and objectivity of true engineering documentation.

3. Internal Communication (Emails, Chat Logs, etc.)

Engineers constantly discuss technical details through emails, chat platforms, and project management tools. While these contain valuable information, they lack the structure, version control, and permanence of formal engineering documentation. Relying solely on these for critical information can lead to inconsistencies and miscommunication.

4. Informal Sketches and Notes

Early-stage brainstorming often involves rough sketches and notes. While valuable for initial ideation, these lack the detail and formalization of proper design documents and shouldn't be treated as a substitute.

5. Project Management Artifacts

Project schedules, budgets, and risk assessments are crucial for project management but don't delve into the technical specifics of engineering design. They provide context and constraints but not the engineering rationale itself.

How to create Engineering Documentation

1. understand the purpose.

Before you write a single word, take a step back and think about why you’re creating this documentation. Are you explaining a complex system to new team members? Providing instructions for maintaining equipment? Outlining safety procedures? Your purpose will shape everything that follows. In the context of software product development, clear and concise documentation is crucial to explain product functionality and unify project-related information, addressing potential gaps between stakeholders and engineers.

For example, if you’re documenting a software project, you might need to cover:

  • How the system is structured
  • How different parts work together
  • How to set up a development environment
  • How to deploy the software
  • How to troubleshoot common issues

2. Know Your Audience

Think about who will be reading your documentation. Are they experienced engineers? New hires? Managers who need a high-level overview? Tailor your language and level of detail to your readers. User documentation should be easy to understand, logically structured, and continuously updated based on customer feedback.

If you’re writing for a mixed audience, consider creating different versions or sections. You might have a quick-start guide for beginners, detailed technical specifications for engineers, and a summary for management.

3. Choose Your Tools and Define Hardware and Software Requirements

Good tools make documentation easier. Some popular options include:

  • Wiki software like Confluence for collaborative documentation
  • Version control systems like Git for tracking changes
  • Diagramming tools like Draw.io for creating visual aids
  • API documentation generators like Swagger for software interfaces

Pick tools that fit your team’s workflow and make it easy to keep documentation up-to-date. Technical writers play a crucial role in creating high-quality tech documentation and ensuring effective communication with different audiences.

4. Create a Structure

Don’t just start writing - plan out your structure first. A clear structure makes your documentation easier to navigate and update. Here’s a basic structure you might use:

  • Introduction
  • Purpose of the document
  • Scope of the project
  • Definitions of key terms
  • System Overview
  • High-level description of the system
  • Main components and how they interact
  • Detailed Component Descriptions
  • Purpose of each component
  • How it works
  • Interfaces with other components
  • Installation/Setup Instructions
  • Usage Instructions
  • Troubleshooting Guide
  • Maintenance Procedures
  • Technical specifications
  • Reference materials

Comprehensive software documentation should be specific, concise, and relevant, following best practices for creating and maintaining technical documents.

5. Write Clear, Concise Content

Now it’s time to fill in your structure with content. Here are some tips:

  • Use simple language. Avoid jargon unless it’s necessary.
  • Write in short, clear sentences.
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists for easy reading.
  • Include plenty of examples.
  • Use diagrams, flowcharts, and other visuals to explain complex ideas.

Emphasizing the importance of clear documentation ensures that your team can produce working software efficiently.

For instance, instead of saying “The system utilizes a polyglot persistence architecture to optimize data storage and retrieval,” you might say “We use different types of databases to store different kinds of data. This helps us retrieve information quickly and efficiently.”

6. Include Code Examples

If you're documenting software, include code snippets to illustrate key points. For example:

# Here's how to connect to the database

import database

db = database.connect(host=' localhost ', user='admin', password='secret')

Explain what the code does and why it's written that way.

7. Document Design Decisions

Don't just describe what your system does - explain why it was designed that way. This helps future maintainers understand the reasoning behind the design.

For example: "We chose to use a microservices architecture to allow different parts of the system to be developed and scaled independently. This makes it easier to update specific functions without affecting the entire system."

8. Create Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in technical documentation. Use diagrams to show:

  • System architecture
  • User interfaces
  • Decision trees

Tools like Draw.io or Lucidchart can help you create professional-looking diagrams.

9. Include Troubleshooting Information

No system is perfect. Include a section on common problems and how to solve them. For example:

Problem : The application won't start

Possible causes :

  • Database connection issue
  • Missing configuration file
  • Port already in use

Steps to resolve :

  • Check database connection string in config.ini
  • Ensure all required config files are present
  • Use 'netstat' command to check for conflicting port usage

10. Keep It Up to Date

Documentation is only useful if it's current. Set up a process to review and update your documentation regularly. This might involve:

  • Scheduling monthly review sessions
  • Assigning documentation owners for different sections
  • Using version control to track changes
  • Including a "last updated" date on each page

11. Get Feedback and Iterate

Finally, remember that good documentation is a team effort. Encourage your colleagues to provide feedback. Are there unclear sections? Missing information? Use this feedback to continually improve your documentation.

Creating thorough engineering documentation takes time and effort, but it pays off in the long run. Good documentation reduces errors, speeds up onboarding, and makes your entire team more efficient. By following these steps and continuously refining your approach, you’ll create documentation that truly adds value to your project. Additionally, incorporating user experience design documentation, which includes content models, empathy maps, experience maps, mental models, and personas, can further enhance the quality and usability of your documentation.

Where Does Engineering Documentation Belong?

You might be wondering where to keep all this valuable engineering documentation you're creating. The answer is simple: your company wiki.

A company wiki is a digital home for all your team's knowledge. It's a central place where everyone can easily find, update, and share information.

Here's why it's perfect for engineering documentation:

  • Easy access: Anyone on your team can quickly find the info they need, whether they're in the office or working remotely.
  • Collaboration: Team members can work together on docs in real-time, making it easier to keep everything up-to-date.

how to write an engineering design report

  • Organization: You can structure your wiki to match your projects and teams, making navigation a breeze.

how to write an engineering design report

  • Version control: Most wikis keep track of changes, so you can see who updated what and when.
  • Search function: With a good search feature, finding specific information becomes much simpler.
  • Integration: Many wikis can connect with other tools your team uses, like project management software or code repositories.

If you don't have a wiki already

Don't worry! You can generate your wiki in a second:

  • Go to Slite's Wiki Generator
  • Chat naturally and have your wiki structure created for you
  • Sign up to Slite and access your wiki
  • One-click Import all relevant docs from your current docs app like Google Docs, Notion, etc.

This will start your company wiki fresh for your entire team. And you can keep onboarding your employees. If you're building an open source project, you might want to check out open source wikis instead.

If you want to start from scratch, and learn everything about building a single source of company truth, you can read our detailed Wiki playbook here .  

Final takeaway

Remember, the best documentation tells a story. It’s not just about listing facts – it’s about helping your readers understand the ‘why’ behind your project. Focus on clarity and simplicity. Use everyday language and examples that anyone can grasp.

Don’t be afraid to get creative. Mix in diagrams, short videos, or even interactive elements if they help explain complex ideas. The goal is to make your documentation engaging and easy to follow.

Keep in mind that documentation is a living thing. It should grow and change as your project does. Make updating docs a regular part of your workflow, not an afterthought.

Lastly, remember that good documentation is a team effort. Encourage feedback from your colleagues and users. Their input is invaluable for making your docs truly useful. Consider the types of documentation created, such as strategic documentation functions, user instructions, troubleshooting guides, and customer feedback documentation.

If you’re looking to streamline your documentation process , check out Slite. It’s a user-friendly tool that can help your team create, organize, and share knowledge more effectively. Give it a try – it might just transform how you approach documentation.

how to write an engineering design report

Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.

how to write an engineering design report

Elisa Reggiardo is part of the Marketing team at Slite where she leads the Partner Marketing motions. She is also a mom, author, and a big fan of delicious wine.

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    6. Conclusion. The report is checked, its appearance is pleasing, it is easy to handle, 'interesting' and 'readable', to quote the criteria suggested at the beginning of this Guide. If the technical content is as good as the organisation, writing, illustration and finishing, then the report should delight the reader.

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    Design Report - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides guidelines for writing an engineering design report. The report should follow a standard structure including a cover section, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, and appendix. The introduction describes ...

  18. PDF How to Write Engineering Report

    Technical reports are expected to be written in a professional and concise manner; casual or conversational writing styles should be avoided. Students must be specic. fi. with their word choice within the report and limit their use of qualitatively ambiguous words (i.e. very, better, lots, etc.).

  19. How to Prepare a Structural Report

    This can be further subdivided into different sections, for example, if we are preparing a structural design report for the analysis and design of a 12-story building. The sections under the "analysis and design" are as follows: Foundation Design. Design of Walls and Retaining Walls. Design of Slabs. Design of Columns and Beam.

  20. Technical Report Writing for Engineers: A Comprehensive Guide

    There are several reasons why someone may need to write an engineering report. One common reason is to communicate technical information to stakeholders such as clients, colleagues, regulatory agencies, or the public. ... Common types of technical reports includes feasibility report, progress report, design report, research report, inspection ...

  21. PDF Report writing: Engineering

    These factors determine the degree of technicality of the language and concepts involved. At university, technical report writing is a frequently used assignment format in faculties of engineering and in the applied sciences. This is because the assignment tasks require students to draw theory and real world situations together, and to present ...

  22. Engineering Documentation 101: Essential Tips and Best Practices

    Engineering documentation is the detailed record of a product's design, development, and implementation process. Comprehensive documentation ensures that every detail is systematically and thoroughly captured and communicated. There's 5 most used components of engineering documentation: Design specifications; Technical drawings and schematics

  23. Engineering Design Report

    This report details an engineering design project undertaken by Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students at the University of Michigan. The goal of the project is to design and manufacture a reconfigurable obstetrics delivery bed that is easy to clean and maneuver, robust, low cost and usable for all the stages of labor for patients in the ...

  24. Guidelines for Writing a Professional Engineering Report

    Structural Analysis and Design Guidelines Appendix A copy of the data given, outputs of analysis and design, working drawings, and any other similar results should be inserted as an appendix. 2. Writing a Professional Report A well written report is one that a fellow engineering student, like you, should be able to clearly understand the results and any calculations, and appreciate the ...