Getting Started With Keynote: How To Create Your First Keynote Presentation

Angie Arriesgado

If you’re new to the Apple ecosystem, then you’re probably a stranger to Keynote, Apple’s very own presentation software. Don’t worry if you don’t know anything about it at this point, that’s what this article is for. So, stay tuned as I introduce you to this popular alternative to PowerPoint. You’ll learn how to navigate the Keynote workspace and later on, how to create your first Keynote presentation.

Why Use Keynote?

keynote is one of the best presentation software for mac computers

I’ve got a few good reasons why Keynote is an awesome presentation software for Mac users.

  • It’s free and readily available

Keynote comes pre-installed on new Macs. You don’t need to download it, but if you need to, you can always download it for free on the App Store . For the PowerPoint (and Windows) faithful who’ve made the switch to Apple computers, you’re probably asking this very question right now:

“Why use Keynote when PowerPoint is available on Macs?”

Truthfully, the answer is you don’t have to. However, PowerPoint (and Microsoft Office) isn’t free. If you want to install PowerPoint on your Mac, then you’d need to buy a Microsoft Office license or a subscription to Office 365.

If you absolutely don’t need to use PowerPoint, then why not give Keynote a try? It’s pretty simple to use, it’s intuitive and it works great on Macs. Plus, it’s free, so you don’t need to spend extra cash just to use the app!

  • It’s designed for Macs

Keynote was designed by Apple for Apple. This means you’re not going to find Keynote on Windows or Linux or any other operating system. Apple is known for the quality of their products and Keynote is no different. It’s sleek, sexy, easy on the eyes, and it’s fairly easy to use.

For those saying they’d stick to PowerPoint on their Mac, that’s absolutely fine. But if you’re expecting your Mac PowerPoint experience to be on par with your Windows experience, then you’re going to be disappointed. The Mac version lacks many of the newer features you’ll find on Windows. And frankly, it’s just not as good as the Windows version.

If you need to use PowerPoint on Mac, I recommend you use Boot Camp or install third-party software like Parallels Desktop . This is so you can run Windows apps natively on your Mac.

  • It’s user-friendly

Apple products are designed to work out of the box. It’s one of the reasons why many people swear by Apple products. You don’t need to be a designer to use Keynote. The interface is clean, intuitive and relatively simple. Sure, there’s a bit of a learning curve, but it’s nowhere near the time you need to spend to master PowerPoint.

If you’re coming from PowerPoint, you may even think Keynote is too simple. But that’s why Keynote users love it – they don’t need to overthink their slide designs. You may not have granular control over every single aspect of your presentation (and this may be a no-no for diehard PowerPoint users), but plenty of Keynote users don’t mind. When all is said and done, they know they’ll have a great-looking presentation.

  • Works on all Apple devices

If you’ve invested heavily into the Apple ecosystem, then Keynote should be your presentation software of choice. Why? Because you’re not limited to using just one device to edit your slides. You can work on your slides on your MacBook, iMac, iPad, and even your iPhone! You can even access your Keynote file on non-Apple devices – simply fire up a web browser and go to iCloud Keynote!

  • It’s PowerPoint-friendly

Ah yes, PowerPoint users need this reassurance. You’ve probably been burned in the past when PowerPoint and Keynote didn’t play too well with each other. And you had all sorts of problems trying to sort out compatibility issues.

Well, it’s 2019 now. According to Apple themselves, they’ve redesigned Keynote to work better with Microsoft Office products. They regularly update the software too to ensure better compatibility.

Here’s an article detailing the compatibility of Keynote with PowerPoint. You’ll notice there are more ticks in the Supported and Partially Supported columns than the Not Supported one. So, hurray for PowerPoint and Keynote fans!

Getting Started With Keynote

Now that you know just how awesome Keynote is, I’m going to give you a rundown of the software’s interface. To get started with Keynote, launch the app from the Launchpad or look for it in the Dock. You’ll then see the theme chooser (see screenshot below). Choose whether you want to use a standard (4:3) or wide (16:9) theme.

Keynote's Theme Chooser

Note : If you don’t see the theme chooser above, press the Option key on your keyboard and click File > New to open a new Keynote file. The theme chooser will then appear on your screen.

Navigating the Keynote workspace isn’t as hard as it looks. The interface is relatively cleaner and simpler than PowerPoint. This is what the Toolbar looks like:

The Keynote Toolbar will help you create your first keynote presentation

As you can see above, I’ve divided the Toolbar into 5 different parts. Here’s a run-down of what each part does:

1 – This is the navigation panel. As you can see, there are 3 buttons in this section (View, Zoom, and Add Slide):

  • Under View , you can decide whether you want to use the Navigator view (default), Slide Only view, Light Table view, or Outline view. This is also where you go to edit the Master Slides, show object list, and more.

Apple Keynote's view options

  • You can also Zoom in or out of whatever view you’ve selected. If you don’t want to mess around with the percentages, you can always click on Fit Slide .

Keynote - how to zoom in on your slides

  • Lastly, you can click on the Add Slide button to, well, obviously, add a slide. However, this is where it gets interesting. When you add a slide, Keynote doesn’t automatically add a blank slide (like PowerPoint). Instead, you get to choose the slide layout you want to use.

How to add a slide in Keynote

2 – This section consists of the Play and Keynote Live buttons.

  • Clicking on the Play button will play your slideshow.
  • Hit Keynote Live if you want to present a live slideshow to anyone in the world. Your audience can watch your presentation on any Apple or iOS device, or any browser connected to the Internet.

Welcome to Keynote Live screenshot

Note you’ll need to be connected to iCloud for this feature to work. Once you’re logged in, you can copy and paste the link to your slideshow and send it to your audience. You can also lock your presentation with a password if you’re concerned about security.

Settings for Keynote live

3 – In this section, you can choose from 6 different elements you can add to your slides. You can add a table , chart , text , shape , media (images, videos, audio) and comment . The first 5 elements are largely self-explanatory.

For the 6 th element (comments), these are helpful if you’re collaborating with somebody else. You can have a chat in real-time about your ideas and any changes you want to make to the design. In case you’re wondering, the comments won’t appear in your actual presentation.

4 – If you’re collaborating with other people, then you simply need to click the Collaborate button. You can specify who can access your Keynote and their permission level. Here’s what it looks like:

Keynote - how to collaborate with other users

5 – The fifth section is where you go to edit the properties of all the elements and slides in your presentation. You can see 3 options or buttons here: Format , Animate and Document .

  • Format. To format your slide itself, click on a blank space on your slide. You’ll be able to change your slide layout here as well as edit the Master Slide. You can also change the appearance of your slide (change background appearance, etc.).
  • Format an element . The format menu options will change according to the element you click on. Say, for instance, you click on a text, then the formatting options for text will appear on your screen. If you click on a photo, then the image formatting options will appear, and so on.
  • Animate (Slide Transition) . If you want to add animations when you transition from one slide to another, this is the correct button to click. Slide transitions are categorized into four: (1) Appear & Move, (2) Flip, Spin & Scale, (3) Object Effects, and (4) Text Effects. You can adjust the duration, color, delay, and more, of your selected effect.
  • Animate (Element Effect) . You can choose to add a Build In effect, an Action effect, and a Build Out effect for your elements.
  • Document . Click on this button to change your document settings. In here, you can adjust your Slideshow Settings, Presentation Type, Slide Size and more. Additionally, you can also record your slideshow in the Audio tab and add a Soundtrack . This is great if you plan on playing your slideshow in conference kiosks (self-playing) or converting your Keynote to video.

Keynote's document settings

Additional Keynote options

You’re probably wondering if that’s all that Keynote can do. Well, of course not! In addition to the Toolbar, you can also access more settings and features in the Menu bar. You’ll see this at the very top of your screen:

Keynote's menu bar

If you think the default Toolbar lacks some important feature, and you don’t want to go looking for it in the Menu bar every time you want to use it, then you may want to customize the toolbar.

Here’s how you do it:

Go to View > Customize Toolbar . You can drag and drop your most frequently used buttons to the toolbar. For example, if you find yourself frequently using the Group and Ungroup options, then you may want to drag it into your toolbar so you can group/ungroup elements with just a single click. If you’re very particular about the size of your fonts, then add the Bigger and Smaller buttons to your toolbar.

How to customise your Apple Keynote toolbar

The good thing about customizing your toolbar is that you can always go back to the default settings. If you find yourself wanting to go back to the original toolbar menu, then go back into the Customize Toolbar menu again.

As you can see on the screenshot above, there’s an option to drag the default set into the toolbar . Don’t forget to hit the blue Done button when you’re finished.

Using iCloud Keynote

If you want the ability to edit your Keynote presentation on other devices, then log in to iCloud on your Mac. Go into System Preferences and click on iCloud . You’ll see this on your screen:

How to log in to your iCloud account on your Mac

Type in your Apple ID and password if you already have one. If not, click on Create Apple ID .

Now that your Mac is logged in to iCloud, all your photos, contacts and documents (including Keynote files) will be stored in iCloud. This means if you have an iPhone or iPad, and you’re logged in using the same Apple ID, then all the files uploaded to iCloud will automatically appear in your Apple devices. So, you can create your Keynote on your MacBook or iMac, and then continue editing on your iPad or iPhone. Awesome, right?

But what about if you need to need to make last-minute changes to your presentation and you don’t have an Apple device nearby? Will all your hard work go to waste? Thankfully, not.

Just open a web browser on any computer and go to . You’ll see this prompt on your screen:

Sign in to iCloud page on a browser

Once you’re logged in to iCloud, you’ll see this menu on your screen:

Menu options for

Click on Keynote and you’ll be able to see all the Keynote files you’ve made on other iCloud-linked devices. If you want to create a new file, click on Create Presentation .

How to create a new presentation on iCloud keynote

Just like in the desktop version of Keynote, you’ll see the Theme Chooser menu on your screen:

iCloud Keynote's theme chooser

Click on the theme you want to use. A new tab will automatically open on your browser. This what the iCloud Keynote workspace looks like:

iCloud Keynote's workspace

As you can see, it looks almost exactly the same as the desktop version. You’ve got the View and Zoom icons, the Play slideshow button, the 6 element types you can add to your slides (table, chart, text, shape, media, comment), the collaborate icon, and the format and animate button.

At a quick glance, however, you can see that the Keynote Live and Document icons are missing on the toolbar. Unfortunately, like most web-based presentation software, iCloud Keynote also has its drawbacks. A number of features from the desktop app are missing.

For instance, once you’ve selected your theme on iCloud Keynote, you’re going to have to stick with it. You simply don’t have the option to change it to another theme.

For this example, I used the Artisan theme in the screenshot above. I wanted to change it to the Gradient theme, but iCloud Keynote doesn’t have the Document button (available on the desktop version) that allows you to change themes and slide sizes.

There’s also no option to edit the Master Slides. While there’s a Media button, you’re limited to adding images only. This means inserting videos and audio files are not going to be possible on iCloud Keynote. Formatting options are also limited, so keep this in mind when creating and editing slides on the web.

The good news, however, is that iCloud integration is fantastic. You can create your slides in iCloud Keynote. Once you get your hands on an Apple computer, you can just edit your file on the desktop app. iCloud Keynote is great for editing presentations while you’re on the go. For maximum control, however, Keynote desktop is the way to go.

Tips to Make Your First Keynote Presentation a Standout

Even the most novice of Keynote users can make something stunning in just a few minutes. How? Well, if you haven’t noticed, Keynote’s built-in themes already look great. So, really, if you’re in a hurry, you can just choose one of the themes from the Theme Chooser. Then, select the layouts you want to use and replace the placeholders with your own content!

But, of course, if you truly want to make your keynote presentation a standout, then it’s best to actually put some time and effort into making one that your audience is going to love. So, here are some tips you can use to impress your audience and make sure your message is heard loud and clear.

  • Keep text to a minimum

No matter what presentation software you use, it’s best to keep text to a minimum. You don’t want to copy and paste several sentences or a few paragraphs in your slides. You don’t want your audience to just read your slides. If you do this, then there’s really no incentive for them to listen anymore, is there?

As the popular saying goes, “less is more.” Strive to have a simple presentation instead of going for all the bells and whistles you can think of. Your audience isn’t there to read, they’re there to listen to your presentation.

Think of your slides as mere visual aids. They’re there to make your presentation more interesting. They’re supposed to help your audience understand your main points.

  • Use the right font

Different fonts convey different emotions. There are fonts that look professional. Then there are those that look fun. There are even retro fonts and scary-looking fonts (perfect for Halloween-themed presentations).

Adding new fonts to your Keynote presentation is relatively quick and easy. You’ve got two ways:

  • You can download a font package and add it to Font Book . You can look for this app in your Applications folder or you can search for it using Spotlight (press both Command + Spacebar ). Click the (+) icon in Font Book and locate where you saved the downloaded font. Your new font will now appear in the Font dropdown in Keynote.

The Font Book app in Mac

  • The second option is to download an app called SkyFonts . You can download and install fonts from Google Fonts,, Monotype and MyFonts. Personally, I prefer this option because you don’t need to download the fonts to your computer. These are stored in the cloud and you can easily remove the fonts you’re no longer using.

SkyFonts website screenshot

Just a word of caution though. If you intend to download fancy fonts and use different devices to edit your Keynote slides, then you may be in for a shock. The fonts in iCloud Keynote are predefined, so whatever font you install on your Mac isn’t going to appear in iCloud Keynote.

  • Use high-quality graphics

As the old cliché goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. You can put a picture on a slide, and it will tell the audience its own story. All without you needing to say a single word about it. That’s how powerful images are.

So, one of the first things you need to do once you figure out what you’re going to say in your presentation is to look for an image that will perfectly capture your main points. It doesn’t have to be an original photo or one that you took yourself.

You can use photos as background for your slides or you can use it as the main subject. The good news is there are millions of free images on the web. You just need to know where to look. Places like Unsplash , StockSnap and ISO Republic all offer high-quality images for free.

  • Utilize white space

A busy-looking slide will only distract your audience. They won’t know exactly where to look. But if you have plenty of white space on your slides, then you can direct their attention to whatever you’re showing on screen.

Contrary to popular belief, white space doesn’t actually need to be white. It can be any color that will fit in well with your theme. For instance, take a look at the screenshot below. There’s a lot of blank space on the slide – this is what’s known as white space.

Slide sample with plenty of white space

As you can see, it’s easy to follow what the slide above is trying to say. Doodling helps stimulates the brain, helps to see the big picture, improves learning, and helps to organize knowledge. The graphics used are simple enough to understand.

  • Use third-party themes and templates

There’s obviously nothing wrong with using the built-in themes and templates on Keynote. But, if you want to stand out from the crowd of similar-looking presentations, then it’s best to use something else that not a lot of people are using. This is where third-party themes and templates come in.

You can download themes and templates that are made specifically for Keynote . Or you can use those that are made for PowerPoint! Surprised? Yes, PowerPoint templates do work on Keynote!

How To Use PowerPoint Templates For Your Keynote Presentations

To use PPT templates for Keynote, all you have to do is fire up Keynote, click on Open, then look for the PowerPoint file. If there are compatibility issues, Keynote will give you a list of things that may look different.

For this example, I downloaded one of our free templates, the Competitor PowerPoint Template pack. Note that you need to create a free account so you can download any of our templates.

Screenshot of Competitor Powerpoint Template Pack cover slide

Most PPT templates when opened in Keynote will probably have a few issues. I saw a couple of slides which needed a bit of editing. Here’s an example:

A few compatibility issues encountered when using PPT template on Keynote

For the most part, however, the majority of slides looked great on Keynote! Here’s a screenshot of slides 5-10:

Most PowerPoint slides have no issues when opened on Keynote

As you can see, the slides look really good. All you need to do is just edit and replace the placeholder content with your own, and you’re good to go! You can then save the file as a Keynote presentation or export it to another format.

Final Words

Apple users, rejoice! You’ve got a free and very capable presentation software on your hands. You don’t need to spend extra cash just to use PowerPoint. As you’ve learned in this article, Keynote is relatively easy to use. You’ll be able to create your first Keynote presentation in no time at all!

You might also find this interesting: PowerPoint vs Keynote: Which Is The Best Presentation Software?

Create professional presentations online

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10 Expert Tips to Create and Deliver a Killer Keynote Presentation

tips to create presentations, keynote presentation

So you’ve got a keynote presentation coming up, and you’re hitting the books to make sure you’re armed with the best plan possible. Besides taking notes from all the greats on TED, you’re reading up about a message structure that works, and looking for the perfect template.

While it seems like you’ve got your bases covered, like all things in life, there’s always a way to streamline the planning process.

According to Aaron Weyenberg , the UX Lead for TED and a self-professed “master of slide decks,” and the wizards behind Apple’s presentation slides , there are a number of tricks of the trade that you can rely on to create a rocking keynote presentation .

Below are some of our favorites. And to easily create a professional-looking presentation , sign up for Piktochart . It’s free and it allows you to make beautiful visuals without being a graphic designer.

1. Do your slides last

While most keynote speakers will typically build their presentation around the structure of a template, Weyenberg says that “building your slides should be the tail end of developing your presentation.” Before working on your slides, you should put together your main message, structure, supporting points – then practice and time your presentation. The reason for this, he says, is that the presentation needs to be strong enough to stand on its own. Approaching a keynote like this requires a shift in thinking.

While a beautiful set of slides is imperative to your presentation, it should not be central to it.

Weyenberg said it best: “The slides are just something you layer over [the presentation] to enhance the listener experience.”

Observe these 2017 Google I/O keynotes, especially CEO Sundar Pichai’s – the role of the slides are to support what the speaker is saying – not the other way around.

2. Get creative with photos

Often times, presenters will be far too literal or cheesy with their image choice. Weyenberg suggests to use images that are simple, yet punchy – and pairs nicely with your spoken words. He says to look for photos that are:

  • Related to your keynote’s concept
  • Are not complex in terms of composition

how to make inspiring keynote presentations

3. Simplify charts and graphs

While most presenters will simply drop an image of their charts and graphs into their deck, Weyenberg points out that it might be a bit “unsightly.” If you need to use data to back a point that you’re making, you should make the extra effort to make it more attractive – and this can be done by recreating it in your presentation maker .

There are a couple benefits to doing this:

  • It will make your presentation seem consistent and well-thought out
  • You’ll have control over colors, typography, and more.

weyenberg graph, typography in charts examples

4. One theme per slide

According to the designers of Apple presentation slides, less is certainly more. Trying to cram too many ideas on one slide can only work to your detriment. Beyond ideas, the same goes for statistics.

Let’s play a little game: For the following idea, how many slides would you use? “The developer program is incredibly vibrant. We have over six million registered developers. Demand for this show has never been greater. We sold out in just over a minute [71 seconds].”

While the average person might think that 6 million and 71 seconds would belong on the same slide and be short and sweet enough, let’s compare it with what Apple’s CEO Tim Cook did.

He only leveraged two slides: The first said “6 million,” and the second: “71 seconds. Sold out.”

how to make presentation attractive

5. Create a visual experience with data

Taking a leaf again from Apple’s presentation book, once you’ve gotten the hang of having just one stat per slide – you should also make it as visual as possible.

visual presentations

One data point per slide, combined with it being visually interesting – is sure to be memorable.

6. Practice Really Makes Perfect

Imagine the late Steve Jobs, a legendary keynote presenter, still rehearsed for months before a presentation. According to Brent Schlender , one of the co-authors behind the Steve Jobs biography “Becoming Steve Jobs,” Jobs would rehearse and prepare “exhaustively” for all of his public appearances.

Despite being a natural on the stage, Jobs never would wing it, he came to the show well prepared.

“I once spent an entire day watching him run through multiple rehearsals of a single presentation, tweaking everything from the color and angle of certain spotlights, to editing and rearranging the order of the keynote presentation slides to improve his pacing,” remembers Schlender.

While you may not be a perfectionist like Jobs, you are likely also not nearly as good of a presenter as he is – so practice really makes perfect in this case.

7. Tell A Consistent Story

Circling back to Weyenberg’s tips – he suggests that in a good slide deck, every slide should feel “like part of the same story.” Think of your deck like a story – every slide should feel cohesive to the big picture message you’re trying to communicate – as opposed to random ideas juxtaposed together.

You can do this by:

  • Using the same or similar typography, colors, and imagery across all slides
  • Using presentation templates can help with maintaining the same look and feel

8. Less is more

We explored the less is more concept earlier in the article by suggesting you keep to one idea per slide. The same can be applied to text.

When it comes to creating slides for your next keynote, the cardinal sin is a slide with ample text that is verbatim of your spoken presentation.

What this does is encourage people to keep their eyes on your slides instead of listening to you.

Weyenberg also points out that a text-heavy slide forces the brain to multitask between focusing on what it’s reading and hearing – which is quite difficult and will compromise your presentation.

bad presentation example

9. Consider topic transitions

While you want to make your slides look like a cohesive unit, you want to also keep in mind that making every slide look the same may be boring. Weyenberg suggests to:

  • Create one style for the slides that are the “meat” of the message
  • Then create another style for the slides that are transitioning between topics

For example, if your overall slides have a dark background with light text, you can use transitional slides that have a light background with dark text. This way, they’ll still feel like they’re from the same presentation family without being completely uniform.

10. Tell a captivating story

It is fitting that our final tip comes from likely the greatest keynote presenter of all time. The late and great Steve Jobs had the ability to captivate and inspire his audience with his talks, and that’s because he was a very good storyteller. And that’s the golden leaf that you can take from Jobs’ book today.

Always aim to tell a captivating story.

One example is perhaps when he introduced the iPod: “In 2001, we introduced the first iPod. It didn’t just change the way we all listen to music. It changed the entire music industry.” Listen to Steve Jobs weave a story about the digital music revolution when unveiling the iPod.

Bonus Round: Tips From Piktochart Designers  

keynote slide templates

  • Always remember that your audience is sitting far away . So ensure that your title font size is large enough to be seen from a distance, and that your body text is no smaller than 20px.
  • Use only two colors for your entire presentation – a primary and secondary color. If you must use a large color palette, your maximum choice should be up to five colors.
  • Make sure that there is enough white space throughout your presentation . This will give your content room to breathe. Less is definitely more in this case.
  • Emphasize only one object per slide – whether it’s an image, statistic, quote. This will make sure your audience stays focused.

Time to Make Your Own!

business keynote templates

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100+ Best Keynote Templates of 2024

Even though Apple’s Keynote app gives you plenty of tools and options for creating beautiful presentations, it can be tricky to find the time to build a beautiful, custom design. Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered with this collection of the best Keynote templates!

With these templates, you don’t have to spend hours designing presentation slides. You can simply edit the slides that have already been crafted by professional designers, customize charts, change colors, and voila! You have your own beautiful, unique Keynote presentation.

We picked out a few of the most professional-looking Keynote templates that’ll work perfectly for your next presentation (and we’ve also collected some tips for using Keynote templates to help you as well!). And if you’re not sure whether to use Keynote or Powerpoint, we also have a quick look at 3 reasons to choose Keynote over PowerPoint .

2 Million+ Keynote Templates, PowerPoint Templates + More

Download thousands of Keynote templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

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Explore Keynote Templates

TEXICO – Modern Business Keynote Template

TEXICO - Creative Business Keynote Template

If you’re looking for a creative and stylish Keynote template to design a slideshow for a startup or a creative agency presentation, this template is perfect for you.

Texico Keynote template comes with 30 unique slides featuring stylish and modern designs. It’s made with tech business and startups in mind. However, you can customize it to fit other types of businesses and projects as well.

Why This Is A Top Pick

What makes this Keynote template special is its attractive and highly visual design. This template will certainly help make your presentations stand out from the crowd.

Fashion Designer Portfolio Keynote Template

Fashion Designer Portfolio Keynote Template

This is a vibrant, eye-catching Keynote template that elevates presentations with its stunning visual elements. The 15 fully customizable Keynote slides are perfect for bringing any content to life and are crafted with the flexibility to cater to your presentation requirements.

Six7 – Business Keynote Template

Six7 - Business Keynote Template

A practical yet stylish Keynote template for creating striking presentations. Crafted with a strong focus on usability and typography, its 20 unique slides, designed with care for every detail, are entirely adjustable. It features drag-and-drop placeholder images, a 16:9 widescreen ratio, free web fonts, and an all-purpose sleek design.

4edu – Education Keynote Template

4edu - Education Keynote Template

This is a professional, ultra-modern Keynote template that is easily customizable with 20 unique, editable slides. The template is based on Master Slides and comes with a convenient 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio, drag-and-drop picture placeholders, and includes the Keynote and Documentation files.

Revv – Business Keynote Template

Revv - Business Keynote Template

Revv is a distinctive Keynote template suitable for business presentations. Built with a strong emphasis on typography and usability, its design offers an ultra-modern, multipurpose appeal. It features 20+ unique, editable slides, all crafted with careful attention to detail.

Webinar Slide Deck Keynote Template

Webinar Slide Deck Keynote Template

This is a multi-functional Keynote template offering 22 customizable slides suitable for various business applications. This user-friendly template can enhance your company introduction, market analysis, sales strategies, and much more. The selection includes editable graphics, master slide layout, and full HD 16:9 ratio slides, ensuring a professional look.

University Educational Keynote Template

University Educational Keynote Template

A dynamic Keynote template featuring 22 customizable slides ideal for a wide range of business planning and marketing presentations. The template covers topics from company introductions to social media marketing and includes an aesthetically pleasing 16:9 HD ratio layout.

Flaster – Business Keynote Template

Flaster - Business Keynote Template

Another versatile Keynote template that can be utilized for a myriad of purposes including company portfolios, pitch decks, corporate business presentations, and more. The template includes 39 editable slides with resizable graphics and recommended free web fonts.

GoBizz Business Keynote Template

GoBizz Business Keynote Template

GoBizz is a sleek, modern Keynote template perfect for any presentation. This creatively-designed template comes with over 20 unique slides, each crafted with care to ensure attention to detail. All graphics are easily resizable and editable, with a strong emphasis on typography and usability.

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An excellent Keynote template for individuals and corporations alike. With its unique design, it’s clear, minimalistic, flexible, and easy to customize. It boasts an aspect ratio of 16:9 that prevents broken images, auto-adjusting templates, and company profile slides.

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Blitz - Business Keynote Template

Blitz is a sleek Keynote template that combines professional design with a creative touch. This set includes over 20 unique, meticulously detailed slides that are easily editable. With its wide-screen ratio, focus on typography and usability, as well as free web fonts, it is adaptable to any presentation type.

Tetict – Creative Agency Keynote Template

Tetict - Creative Agency Keynote Template

A creative and colorful Keynote template for designing beautiful presentations for a digital agency. You can use it to promote your brand, services, and even pitch to new clients. There are 30 unique slide layouts in the template with customizable designs.

Furnimore – Bussines Plan Keynote Template

Furnimore Bussines Plan Keynote Template

The minimal and modern design of this Keynote template makes it the perfect choice for crafting effective business plan presentations for modern startups and businesses. It has 20 unique slides to choose from.

Crolo – Brand Proposal Keynote Template

Crolo - Brand Proposal Keynote Template

Crolo is a Keynote template for designing unique brand proposals. It features a very bright and colorful design where you can highlight your content in a creative way. The template includes 20 different slides with easily editable colors, fonts, and images.

Travel Agency Keynote Presentation Template

Travel Agency Keynote Presentation Template

You can use this keynote template to create more attractive and engaging presentations related to travel and tours. It’s ideal for travel agencies to pitch new packages and tour plans to clients. There are 30 unique slides in the template.

Paris – Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Paris - Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Paris is a free Keynote template you can use to create elegant and stylish presentations for businesses and brands. It has lots of unique slide layouts where you can showcase your business profile in style.

Bastri – Business Keynote Template

Bastri – Business Keynote Template

Bastri is a stylish Keynote template that features a modern and attractive design. It uses colors and shapes quite well to highlight specific parts of the slides to grab attention. The template has 36 unique slides with editable graphics, free fonts, and changeable colors.

Gamal – Business Keynote Template

Gamal – Business Keynote Template

This Keynote presentation template is ideal for promoting products, brands, new product concepts, and even startup ideas. The bold and colorful designs will help accentuate your ideas much more clearly. It has 39 unique slides.

Detroit – Minimal & Modern Keynote Presentation

Detroit - Minimal & Modern Keynote Presentation

Detroit is a minimalist pitch deck template for Keynote. This template uses a clean and modern design that puts more focus on your headings and text. It’s great for making startup pitch decks as well as for company projects. The template has 35 slides.

Borjo – Multipurpose Keynote Template

Borjo Multipurpose keynote Template

This Keynote template comes with a set of modern and simple slide layouts, which you can easily customize to your preference. It’s most suitable for promoting new brands and product lineups. The template has lots of editable infographics, charts, shapes, and more.

Dolor – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Dolor - Free Keynote Presentation Template

This Keynote template is free to download and it comes with a few stylish slide layouts you can use to craft modern presentations for agencies and businesses. It comes in PowerPoint format as well.

Basture – Business Keynote Template

Basture – Business Keynote Template

Basture is a colorful and creative business presentation template for Keynote. It comes with a set of beautiful slides that will elevate your ideas and key points more effectively during the presentation. The template has 39 unique slides.

Minal – Keynote Portfolio Presentation Template

Minal - Keynote Portfolio Presentation Template

Minal is another beautiful Keynote template made specifically for portfolio presentations. It’s suitable for photographers, fashion designers, agencies, and more for creating killer portfolios. The template has 35 slides with 20 color themes to choose from.

Marketing Plan Presentation Keynote Template

Marketing Plan Presentation Keynote Template

Create the perfect marketing plan to lead your company to success with this Keynote template. It includes more than 30 unique slides with charts, graphs, and infographics to visualize your stats and data. The template includes a big icon pack with 4k icons as well.

Wankel – Modern Keynote Template

Wankel - Modern Keynote Template

Wankel is a modern Keynote template that comes with a highly visual design. It allows you to give more life to each slide by using large images. The slides also use bright and big titles to create contrast. There are 30 slides included in the template.

Rover – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Rover - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Download this Keynote template for free to design adventurous presentations to showcase your travel and outdoor-themed business ideals. It’s ideal for photographers to make portfolios as well.

Creative Digital Marketing Keynote Template

Creative Digital Marketing Keynote Template

Be sure to download this Keynote template if you want to craft presentations for a digital marketing or design agency. It includes 25 unique slides featuring a beautiful gray and teal color theme.

Fashionista – Lifestyle Presentation Keynote Template

Fashionista - Lifestyle Presentation Keynote Template

Working on a presentation for a fashion brand? Then give this Keynote template a try. It comes with 30 unique slides with multiple styles of layouts for promoting lifestyle, fashion, and beauty-themed products and brands.

Sofiera – Aesthetic Keynote Template

Sofiera - Aesthetic Keynote Template

Sofiera is a modern Keynote template with an aesthetic look and feel. It uses a mild color theme for accentuating the text and images above all else. There are 30 different slides in the template. And you can use them to craft beautiful fashion slideshows.

Timelines – Animated Keynote Presentation

Timelines - Animated Keynote Presentation

Timelines are an important part of many business presentations. With this Keynote template, you get access to 18 different styles of timeline slides with fully animated layouts. You can easily customize them to add your own data as well.

Aqilla – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Aqilla - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Aqilla is another free Keynote template that comes with a set of elegant slide layouts. It has very clean and minimal slide designs where you can show off your brand and business with no distractions.

DigiTone – Digital Marketing Keynote Template

DigiTone - Digital Merketing Keynote Template

The clean and simple design of this Keynote template gives it a very professional look and feel. That’s exactly why it’s a great choice for making presentations for various types of digital marketing agencies. The template features 30 unique slides with fully editable layouts.

Propitch – Business Proposal Keynote Template

Propitch - Business Proposal Keynote Template

If you’re working on a pitch deck for presenting a business or project proposal, this Keynote template will come in handy. It gives you 35 unique slide designs to create a compelling and effective proposal for your business.

Joulius – Modern Company Profile Keynote Template

Joulius - Modern Company Profile Keynote Template

Colors have a way of attracting attention and evoking emotions. And it’s a vital part of making effective presentations. This template features a very colorful design you can use to your advantage. It includes 39 unique slide layouts as well.

NFT Digital Marketplace Keynote Template

NFT Digital Marketplace Keynote Template

This Keynote template is perfect for making presentations to talk about NFTs or any other technology topic. It features a dark and modern design with editable colors. And it lets you choose from over 30 different slides to create your slideshow.

Brooklyn – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Brooklyn - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Brooklyn is a free Keynote template you can use to create a simple and short presentation. It features a beautifully modern and stylish design that puts more focus on visual elements. The template is free to use with personal projects.

Creative Business Presentation Keynote Template

Creative Business Presentation Keynote Template

Make business presentations that pop with color using this bright and colorful Keynote template. It comes with a set of 32 slides that features vibrant colors. You can also edit and customize each slide to your preference.

Rimberio – Business Profile Keynote Template

Rimberio - Company Profile Keynote Template

Using a mix of teal and cream colors, this Keynote template creates a beautiful design for making your business profile presentations even more stylish. There are 21 different slides included in this template as well.

Coala – Modern Business Keynote Template

Coala – Modern Business Keynote Template

Coala is a modern Keynote template that uses a dark color theme across its slide design. The template includes 39 different slides with editable shapes, colors, and vector graphics.

Zinco – Creative Business Keynote Template

Zinco – Creative Business Keynote Template

This Keynote template is perfect for making presentations for creative brands and corporate businesses. It features a wide range of slide layouts that includes editable charts, graphs, and more.

NEON – Free Cool Keynote Template

NEON - Free Cool Keynote Template

Another free Keynote template for crafting cool and creative presentations. This template features a neon color theme and it includes 17 unique slides. You can also edit and customize the slides however you like.

Mabrata – Urban Keynote Presentation Template

Mabrata - Urban Keynote Presentation Template

Color has a strong effect in evoking emotions. With this colorful Keynote template, you’ll be able to easily attract attention and keep the audience entertained throughout the presentation. There are 30 unique slides in this template featuring maps, editable graphics, and changeable colors.

Conomate – Corporate Keynote Presentation Template

Conomate - Keynote Presentation Template

If you’re working on a presentation for a corporate audience, this Keynote template will help craft a more professional slideshow. It comes loaded with lots of useful elements such as media placeholders, resizable shapes, vector graphics, and more. You can also choose from 30 editable slide layouts.

Minimal Brand Keynote Presentation Template

Minimal Brand Keynote Presentation Template

This clean and minimal Keynote template is ideal for making a beautiful presentation for showcasing a brand or business. It’s most suitable for brands related to design, apparel, and photography. The template includes 35 different slides with fully customizable designs.

SLIDES – Creative Keynote Presentation Template

SLIDES - Creative Keynote Presentation Template

You can use this Keynote template to design slideshows for creative agencies and brands. It features a very trendy and casual design that will appeal to both young and older audiences. The template comes with over 30 different slides with device mockups, changeable fonts, and shapes.

PLANETS – Free Keynote Presentation Template

PLANETS - Free Keynote Presentation Template

This is a free Keynote template that includes a set of professional slides. It features a minimal design that makes it easier to highlight your slide content above all else. The free version of the template is ideal for making quick and fast presentations.

Gastar – Agency Presentation Keynote Template

Gastar - Agency Presentation Keynote Template

This Keynote template features a modern design that mixes dark and light colors to create a very attractive design. It includes 30 unique slide layouts with fully customizable designs along with master slides.

Gioia – Aesthetic Keynote Template

Gioia - Aesthetic Keynote Template

The elegant and stylish design of this Keynote template makes it a great choice for making casual and lifestyle-themed presentations. The template comes with 30 unique slides, including slides for product showcasing, teams, and portfolios.

Project Proposal – Business Keynote Template

Project Proposal - Business Keynote Template

If you’re working on a presentation for a business proposal, use this template to craft a powerful slideshow that wins over your client. It includes more than 32 different slide layouts filled with editable shapes, colors, fonts, and more.

Project Management Presentation Keynote Template

Project Management Keynote Template

A must-have Keynote template for making all kinds of presentations related to project management. It includes 30 unique slides with editable charts, graphs, vector shapes, and image placeholders.

Free Pitch Deck Keynote Template

Free Pitch Deck Keynote Template

This is a free Keynote template you can use to design a beautiful pitch deck to present your ideas. The template is easily editable and comes in Keynote, Google Slides, and Figma formats.

Vendo – Social Media Keynote Template

Vendo - Social Media Keynote Template

Vendo is a modern Keynote template designed with social media presentations in mind. It’s especially useful for digital marketing agencies and freelancers for making slideshows that promote social media campaigns. The template has 30 unique slides.

Moneta – Finance Keynote Template

Moneta - Finance Keynote Template

Moneta is a stylish Keynote template you can use to create all kinds of presentations related to finance and investments. The template features an easily editable layout with image placeholders. You can edit the shapes, change fonts, colors, and much more.

Lumiens – Business Keynote Prensentation

Lumiens - Business Keynote Prensentation

This Keynote template comes with 30 unique slides and allows you to choose from 5 pre-made color schemes to design attractive slideshows. It’s most suitable for travel and tourism-related businesses.

Neuromorphic Presentation Keynote Template

Neumorphic Presentation Keynote Template

A unique Keynote template featuring a design inspired by the Neuromorphic design concept. The embossed shapes and elements give this presentation a very unusual yet interesting look and feel. It includes 32 slides.

Free Modern Keynote Template

Free Modern Keynote Template

Another free Keynote template you can use to craft various business and professional presentations. This template also includes lots of editable graphics and charts as well.

Playteech – Creative & Colorful Keynote Template

Playteech - Creative & Colorful Keynote Template

A very creative and colorful Keynote template you can use to design various business, agency, and professional presentations. It lets you choose from 50 different slides to craft a unique slideshow. The template also features editable graphics and image placeholders.

Mandela – Bold Keynote Presentation Template

Mandela - Bold Keynote Presentation Template

This Keynote template features a set of bold slides with a unique design. It’s perfect for creative professionals, agencies, and modern brands. The template includes 30 unique slides with different designs. And you can also customize it to your preference.

Indokea – Modern Keynote Presentation Template

Indokea - Keynote Presentation Templates

Indokea is a modern Keynote template featuring more than 30 stylish slides. While it’s been designed with interior design presentations in mind, you can customize it to create slideshows for other topics as well.

Namakoro – Business Presentation Keynote Template

Namakoro - Business Presentation Keynote Template

If you’re looking for a presentation template with a clean and minimal design, look no further. This Keynote template comes with a set of minimal slides you can use to create all kinds of business presentations. It includes 23 different slide layouts.

Free Business Profile Keynote Template

Free Business Profile Keynote Template

This is a free Keynote template you can use to design company profile and other business presentations. It lets you choose from lots of different styles of slides with editable graphics, image placeholders, and transition animations.

Business & Management Keynote Presentation Template

Business & Management Keynote Presentation Template

You can design modern and attractive presentations for brands and businesses using this Keynote template. It comes with 30 unique slides that you can customize however you like to make the slideshow your own. There are also editable graphics and free fonts included in the template.

Trendy – Keynote Presentation Template

Trendy - Keynote Presentation Template

This Keynote template is a great choice for designing presentations for lifestyle brands. It features 25 slides with modern and visual designs along with plenty of space for showcasing images and graphics.

Vado – Brandbook Keynote Template

Vado - Brandbook Keynote Template

Vado is a professional Keynote template for crafting brand guides. It will allow you to design high-quality presentations to showcase your brand guidelines in a creative way. The template comes in dark and light themes as well as 3 color schemes.

ROVATE – Portfolio Keynote Template

ROVATE - Technology Keynote Template

Rovate is a portfolio presentation template that comes with a unique technology-themed design. It features a futuristic slide design that will make your presentations stand out from the crowd. The template includes 20 unique slides.

Ourea – Free Minimal Keynote Template

Ourea - Free Minimal Keynote Template

This free Keynote template is most suitable for agency and business presentations as it comes with a minimalist slide design. You can choose from more than 40 different slides to create stylish presentations using this template.

Momonom – Business Keynote Template

Momonom - Business Keynote Template

This Keynote template is the perfect choice for designing a professional presentation for corporate businesses and agencies. It includes 30 unique slides with clean designs. You can also easily edit and customize the shapes, colors, and fonts as well.

Conference – Simple Keynote Template

Conference - Simple Keynote Template

Just as the name suggests, this template is made just for crafting slideshows for conference presentations. It comes with a total of 150 slides featuring 5 different color schemes to choose from. The template includes image placeholders for easier editing.

Education – Creative Keynote Template

Education - Creative Keynote Template

This colorful and creative Keynote template is ideal for creating presentations related to education. You can choose from 30 different slide layouts to design the perfect slideshow for your school or college.

Emuscile – Business Keynote Template

Emuscile - Business Keynote Template

Business presentations need to be created in a way to project professionalism. This presentation template is designed to help you achieve that goal. It features a professional design with clean and modern slide layouts. It includes 30 unique slides and they are also available in 5 different color schemes.

Narza – Creative Keynote Template

Narza - Creative Keynote Template

Narza is a creative Keynote template that features 30 unique slide designs. This template features a unique content design and color use that makes it a great choice for creative agencies and freelancers. The template is fully customizable and includes master slides as well.

The Agency – Modern Keynote Template

The Agency - Modern Keynote Template

Just as the name suggests, this template is made specifically for agencies of all kinds. It comes with a clean slide design that allows you to effectively highlight the content of your presentation. The template includes a total of 150 slides and allows you to choose from 5 color schemes.

Colorado – Business Keynote Template

Colorado - Business Keynote Template

Colorado is a stylish Keynote template designed for modern and casual businesses. The template comes with 30 unique slide layouts that are easily customizable to change colors, fonts, and shapes. It also includes image placeholders as well.

Look Book – Free Stylish Keynote Template

Look Book - Free Stylish Keynote Template

This is a free Keynote template you can use to craft a stylish look book presentation. It features 20 unique slide designs that put large images on the center stage. The template also includes master slide layouts as well.

Balance – Business Keynote Template

Balance - Business Keynote Template

Balance is a modern Keynote template made specifically for small to medium businesses. It includes a set of clean and stylish slides you can use to showcase your business profile and projects. The template comes with 30 unique slides with editable colors and shapes.

Armio – Modern Business Keynote Template

Armio - Modern Business Keynote Template

A minimal and creative business Keynote template. This template features a minimal and clean design. And it comes with image placeholders, gallery and portfolio slides, 5 different color schemes, and 30 custom slide layouts.

Intsec – Internet Security Keynote Template

Intsec - Internet Security Keynote Template

Modern security and internet security startups will find this template quite useful. It includes multiple slides you can customize to create a killer presentation to talk about internet security. It also comes in 3 pre-made color versions.

KLINIK – Clinical Case Medical Keynote Template

KLINIK - Clinical Case Medical Keynote Template

This Keynote template is most suitable for creating different types of medical presentations, especially including clinical case studies. The template comes with 30 slides featuring modern designs. And you can easily customize each slide to your preference.

Free Multipurpose Keynote Template

Free Multipurpose Keynote Template

The perfect free Keynote template for creating all kinds of presentations. This template comes with a set of slides that can be easily customized to make different types of slides. It includes a total of 20 slide designs and master slides.

Classy – Multipurpose Keynote Template

Classy - Modern PowerPoint Template

Classy is a multipurpose Keynote template that comes with 30 unique slide designs. It’s available in 5 different color schemes, making a total of 150 slides. It also includes free fonts and editable vector graphics as well.

Lookbook – Minimal Keynote Template

Lookbook - Minimal Keynote Template

This beautifully minimalist Keynote template features a simple and clean design. It’s perfect for all kinds of creative presentations. The template comes with a total of 150 slides in 5 color schemes.

Coffee – Modern Keynote Presentation

Coffee - Modern Keynote Presentation

Even though this Keynote template uses coffee as its theme, you can customize it to design many different types of presentations as well. It includes 20 unique slide layouts with modern and visual designs.

VACANZA – Creative Travel Keynote Template

VACANZA - Creative Travel Keynote Template

If you’re working on a presentation for a travel agency or a company, this template is for you. It includes 30 unique slides that can be easily customized to your preference.

Air – Free Minimal Keynote Template

Air - Free Minimal Keynote Template

This free Keynote template comes with 60 slide layouts featuring editable graphics, vector icons, image placeholders and much more. You can use it for free with personal projects.

Purella – Business Keynote Template

Purella - Business Keynote Template

This is a modern Keynote template featuring a set of clean slides. You can use this template to create effective slideshows for various business presentations. The template includes 30 unique slides in 5 different color schemes.

BESTA – Corporate Keynote Template

BESTA - Corporate Keynote Template

This colorful and simple Keynote template is made for all kinds of corporate and business presentations. The template includes an easily customizable design you can edit to change colors, fonts, and replace images. It comes with 30 unique slides.

Bishack – Modern Keynote Template

Bishack - Modern Keynote Template

Bishack is another professional Keynote template featuring a clean and minimal set of slides. The template is ideal for making creative agency and startup presentations. It lets you choose from 30 different slide layouts in 5 color schemes.

Horizone – Minimal Keynote Template

Horizone - Minimal Keynote Template

This ultra-minimalist Keynote template is perfect for designing creative brand, fashion, photography, and various other presentations. The template comes with 50 unique slides featuring image placeholders, editable graphics, master slides, and much more.

REALHOM – Real Estate Keynote Template

REALHOM - Real Estate Keynote Template

If you’re designing a presentation for a real-estate business, this Keynote template is a great option for making a more attractive slideshow. The template includes 30 easily editable slide layouts.

The Services – Free Keynote Template

The Services - Free Keynote Template

This is a simple and free Keynote template made for agencies and creative professionals. The template includes 20 unique slides with easily editable designs. It’s ideal for showcasing your services and promoting your brand.

BizDek – Free Pitch Deck Keynote Template

BizDek - Free Pitch Deck Keynote Template

BizDek is a free Keynote template you can use to create an effective pitch deck to present various business ideas and projects. This template includes 120 slide designs in both light and dark color themes.

Neural – Elegant Keynote Template

Neural - Elegant Keynote Template

This Keynote template is a great choice for designing presentations related to fashion, photography, and interior design. It comes with 30 slide designs featuring layouts filled with stylish graphics and image placeholders.

Case – Minimal Keynote Template

Case - Minimal Keynote Template

Case is a minimalist Keynote template made for creative agencies and freelancers. The template includes many useful slide designs such as portfolio slides, team slides, and more for showcasing your skills and agency more effectively.

Marian – Creative Agency Keynote Template

Marian - Creative Agency Keynote Template

A creative Keynote template that’s ideal for designing presentations for creative agencies and design studios. The template includes 35 unique slides featuring colorful designs. You can easily customize each slide to your preference as well.

Cruch – Creative Keynote Template

Cruch - Creative Keynote Template

Cruch is a modern and creative Keynote presentation template featuring a clean and professional design. The template comes with 30 unique slides with resizable graphics, vector icons, image placeholders, and much more. It’s perfect for making creative agency, business, and corporate presentations.

HIGHLIGHT – Modern Keynote Template

HIGHLIGHT - Modern Keynote Template

Highlight is a colorful Keynote template that comes with creative slide designs filled with colors. You can use this template to make all kinds of fashion, photography, and branding related presentations. The template also includes unique portfolio slides, editable vector graphics, image placeholders, and more.

KETON – Stylish Keynote Template

KETON - Stylish Keynote Template

Keton Keynote template features a clean and minimal design. It also includes a creative line-based design style throughout its slide design. The template comes with 50 unique slides with 3D vector infographics, icons, customizable color options, and other elements.

CORONA – Creative Keynote Template

CORONA - Creative Keynote Template

Corona comes with a modern design that allows you to capture the audience’s attention with lots of image-based content slides. The template comes with 30 unique slides that are available in 5 different color schemes. It also includes image placeholders for easier editing.

Fashion – Modern Keynote Template

Fashion - Modern Keynote Template

This colorful and attractive Keynote template is designed specifically for making fashion catalog and creative portfolio presentations. It features unique slides with editable colors and vector graphics. The template is also available in Full HD resolution.

Creative Six – Free Keynote Template

Creative Six - Free Keynote Template

This free Keynote template comes with 20 unique slide designs featuring drag and drop image placeholders, icons, graphics, and much more for creating stylish slideshows for business and creative presentations.

Colorful Portfolio – Free Keynote Template

Colorful Portfolio - Free Keynote Template

A colorful and attractive Keynote template that’s ideal for crafting presentations for creative portfolios. The template includes 20 slides filled with beautiful animations.

Note – Minimal Keynote Template

Note - Minimal Keynote Template

Note is a minimalist Keynote template that features a modern and creative design. The template comes with 30 unique slides in 5 different color schemes. The slides in this template also include multipurpose designs, which will allow you to make many different types of presentations.

LIBERO – Colorful & Creative Keynote Template

LIBERO - Colorful & Creative Keynote Template

Libero is an attractive Keynote template for making modern portfolio and business showcase presentations. The template includes 30 unique slides with infographics, vector graphics, icons, image placeholders, and much more.

Doffy – Creative Keynote Template

Doffy - Creative Keynote Template

Doffy is a clean and professional Keynote presentation template you can use to design agency, startup, and creative business presentation slideshows. It comes with 30 unique slides with resizable vector graphics and drag and drop editing.

Alegro – Fashion Keynote Presentation

Alegro - Fashion Keynote Presentation

Alegro Keynote template is the perfect template for designing slideshows for modern fashion catalog, photography, and design-related presentations. The template includes more than 50 unique slides.

Light – Modern Minimal Keynote Template

Light - Modern Minimal Keynote Template

This minimalist Keynote template includes more than 150 slides with clean and professional designs. You can use this template to design presentations for startups and modern businesses. it ‘s also available in 5 pre-made color schemes as well.

Pattern – Free Modern Keynote Template

Pattern - Free Modern Keynote Template

Pattern is a modern Keynote template you can use for free with your personal projects to present bold ideas, creative business profiles, and even portfolios. It includes 10 unique slide layouts.

Every – Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Every - Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Every is another creative and minimalist Keynote presentation template. The free template includes 10 slide designs with vector graphics. It also comes with a PowerPoint version as well.

Look – Modern Keynote Template

Look Keynote Template

Look is a modern Keynote template that comes with a colorful slide design filled with lots of images. The template features an easily customizable design and includes image placeholders, predefined text styles, and editable colors.

Purpleline – Creative Keynote Template

Purpleline - Keynote Template

Purpleline Keynote template features an attractive and professional design that takes full advantage of bright colors and shapes. The template comes with a total of 150 slides, featuring 30 unique slides in 5 different color schemes.

RITS – Minimal Keynote Template

RITS - Keynote Template

RITS is a minimal Keynote template that also utilizes a lot of visuals to convey your message effectively in each slide. It includes image placeholders, editable vectors, changeable colors, and much more.

Creative Agency – Keynote Template

Creative Agancy - Keynote Template

Creative Agency is a modern Keynote template you can use to craft presentations for marketing, business, sales, and startup related events. The template comes with 50 unique slides with 3D infographics, charts, graphs, and much more.

Boeotian – Dark Modern Keynote Template

Boeotian - Modern Keynote

Boeotian is a unique Keynote that features an attractive dark color theme, which effectively highlights the content. However, the colors can be easily changed to your preference as well. It comes with 50 unique slides.

Case Study – Free Keynote Template

Case Study - Free Keynote Template

If you’re looking for a simple free Keynote template to create a slideshow to present your case studies and business reports, this template will come in handy. It includes 20 unique slides in HD resolution.

Business Plan – Free Keynote Template

Business Plan - Free Keynote Template

Another creative Keynote template you can use to create business-related presentations. This template includes lots of shapes, icons, and attractive transition animations as well.

Minimal Layout – Keynote Template

Minimal Layout Keynote Template

Minimal Layout has a creative set of slides with modern and minimalist designs. The template comes with 50 unique slides featuring editable colors, icons, infographics, and more.

Model – Fashion Keynote Template

Model - Keynote Template

Model is a highly visual Keynote template that’s most suitable for creating slideshows for fashion, apparel, and photography related presentations. It includes more than 50 unique slides with image placeholders and customizable design elements.

Educa – Keynote Presentation Template

Educa Keynote Presentation Template

Educa is a great Keynote template ideal for colleges, schools, and education related businesses for creating powerful presentations. The template comes with 50 unique slides featuring free fonts, 500 icons, mockups, and much more.

Soma – Business Keynote Template

Soma - Keynote Template

Soma is a minimalist Keynote template designed for making slideshows for business presentations. The template includes 30 unique slides in 5 different color schemes.

Vision – Corporate Keynote Template

Vision Corporate Keynote Template

Vision is the perfect Keynote template you can use to craft an effective presentation for corporate businesses. It includes 50 unique slides featuring charts, graphs, infographics, and lots of other useful vector graphics.

Color – Free Creative Keynote Template

Color - Free Creative Keynote Template

This colorful and visually appealing Keynote template is ideal for making fashion and portfolio presentations. The template includes over 10 creative slide designs.

Ravi – Free Minimal Keynote Template

Ravi - Free Minimal Keynote Template

Ravi is a beautifully minimalist Keynote template you can download and use for free to create various types of presentations. It comes with 10 unique slides featuring image placeholders.

Motion – Elegant Keynote Template

Motion - Elegant Keynote Template

Motion is a modern Keynote template with a creative design. The template features a highly visual design filled with colorful graphics, images, and effects. It comes with 30 unique slides in 5 different color themes and it includes a unique infographic, lots of illustrations, and a portfolio slide.

Studio – Minimal Presentation Keynote Template

Studio Minimal Presentation Keynote Template

Studio is a minimalist Keynote presentation template that features a clean and a B&W design. This template is perfect for presenting design projects and creating presentations related to creative agencies. The template includes 120 unique slides and comes in both animated and non-animated versions.

Havoc – Creative Keynote Template

Havoc - Creative Keynote Template

Havoc is a Keynote template made specifically for creating marketing and promotion related presentations. The template comes with a total of 150 slides featuring lots of vector graphics, illustrations, infographics, icons, charts, and more.

B2B – Marketing and Sales Keynote Template

B2B - Marketing and Sales Keynote Template

If you’re working on a B2B presentation, this Keynote template will come in handy. This template comes with more than 60 unique slides you can use to create B2B presentations for growth projections, meetings, and promotions. The template comes in 8 premade color schemes and you can easily edit the slides to your preference as well.

BLOCKCHAIN – Keynote Template

BLOCKCHAIN - Keynote Template

Blockchain is a rising trend in technology and business. This unique Keynote template will help you create all kinds of presentation slideshows related to blockchain technology. It includes 150 beautifully designed slides featuring photo galleries, infographics, diagrams, and much more.

MAXPRO – Keynote Presentation Template

MAXPRO - Keynote Presentation Template

MaxPro is a professional Keynote presentation template made for creating slideshows for team meetings and other business-related presentations. It comes with 30 unique slides with clean and modern designs. The template is available in 9 different versions and in 5 different color themes.

Business Plan Keynote Template

Business Plan Keynote Template

Just as the title suggests, this Keynote template features lots of slides that you can use to create attractive presentations to showcase your business plans of all kinds. It comes with 70 unique slides featuring problem and solution slides, marketing plans, projection slides, and much more.

Bravo – Keynote Presentation Template

Bravo - Keynote Presentation Template

Bravo is a modern and elegant Keynote presentation that comes with a creative design. It’s perfect for making presentations for design agencies, visual brands, and fashion brands. The template includes 50 unique slides with easily customizable colors.

Thumper – Keynote Presentation Template

Thumper - Keynote Presentation Template

Thumper is a modern Keynote presentation template that comes with more than 100 unique slides. The template features lots of multipurpose slides that you can use to create marketing, business, creative, and many other types of presentations.

Portfolio Keynote Template

Portfolio Keynote Template

This Keynote template is designed specifically for designers, artists, and creatives for making presentations to showcase their portfolio. The template comes with 20 master slides in 2 different sizes filled with lots of visual elements, vector graphics, icons, and much more.

Pitch Deck Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

If you’re creating a presentation for a startup or an agency to pitch a product or an idea, this template is the best Keynote template you can use for that job. With more than 150 unique slides, this Keynote file comes in 10 variations of the template in light and dark color themes.

Green Freshness Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This template is ideal for a health or environment-related businesses to create engaging presentations to get your message across to everyone. It’s available in both standard and widescreen slide sizes.

Dukku Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Dukku is a professionally designed Keynote template that features a design that’s ideal for advertising-related presentations. It comes in both light and dark color versions and includes charts, graphs, infographics, and more.

Bento Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This minimalist Keynote template comes with 80 unique slides that are perfect for creating presentations for many types of businesses. It also includes 28 icon slides, diagrams, infographics, illustrations, and more.

Munch Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Munch is a Keynote template that’s best for creating presentations for marketing agencies. In addition to the brilliant color use, this template also features a minimal design that captures attention. The template also features easy to use image placeholders, graphs, illustrations, and editable charts.

Cursa Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A colorful and modern Keynote template best for promoting web and graphic design related businesses. This template includes 35 unique slides with both light and dark themes and plenty of different color schemes.

Travel Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

The perfect template for creating a presentation for a travel agency or a travel-related product. This Keynote template features 30 unique slides in 5 color variations.

Latte Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

The dark color theme of this Keynote template makes it perfect for creating presentations for promoting high-end products and luxury businesses. It includes 20 unique slides in 2 different sizes.

Be. Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Be. is an attractive Keynote template that allows you to create presentations using lots of images to better highlight your message and products. The template includes over 125 unique slides and drag and drop image replacements.

Becik – Creative Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This colorful template features a modern design that’s suitable for creating presentations and slideshows for many different occasions. It comes with 70 unique slides in HD resolution featuring lots of graphics, charts, graphs, and elements.

Sound Vision Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A bright and colorful Keynote template for creating growth projections and other business-related presentations. This template 20 unique slides with easily editable high-resolution slides.

Wellbeing Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

If you’re looking to create a slideshow for a fitness, yoga, or other health and wellbeing related business, this template will come in handy. It includes 20 slides that you can easily customize to your preference.

Brush Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A creative and a highly professional Keynote template that comes to you in 5 different color variations. This template features 30 unique slides with a custom infographic, device mockups, and plenty of other graphics.

Verzus Minimal Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Yet another minimalist, and stylish, Keynote template that comes with over 200 unique slides divided into categories, more than 3,000 vector icons, mockups, and much more.

Ourea – Creative Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A stunning Keynote template featuring over 75 unique slides and a set of 500 font icons. This template is ideal for designing presentations for creative agencies.

Good Pitch – Elegant Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

If you’re designing a presentation with minimalist slides, this template will come in handy. The fully editable slides in this Keynote template feature a minimalist design with fewer colors and it comes with over 500 vector and font icons.

Eureka – Minimal Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Eureka is a professionally designed Keynote template for creating modern presentations with a minimal design. It comes with more than 200 unique slides in both light and dark color themes.

Motagua – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This massive Keynote template comes with a total of over 25000 slides in 16 different color schemes. The template also includes a pack of 3000 vector icons, drag-and-drop editing, and a whole bunch of unique slides for presenting your business in different ways.

Vision Minimal Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

The minimalist slides in this Keynote template also come with stunning animations. It includes more than 100 unique slides that are ideal for creating startups, products, and app presentations.

Voda – Creative Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This template uses a darker theme and a unique design featuring the perfect colors for a marketing related presentation. The template includes 50 unique slides in 5 themes.

Marketofy – Ultimate Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Marketofy is the ideal Keynote template marketers can use to create marketing campaigns, promotions, and business projection presentations. This template includes 200 unique slides in 6 different color schemes.

Exalio – Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This is a multi-purpose Keynote template that’s suitable for presentations related to both startups and corporate businesses. It comes with 135 unique slides featuring graphs, charts, infographics, and much more.

Business Proposal Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

If you’re planning a presentation for a business proposal, this Keynote template will come in handy. The template comes with a total of 4000 slides in 10 different color schemes and in HD resolution.

Harmony – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Harmony is a Keynote template that features 200 unique slides with a modern and a clean design. The slides are also available in 20 different color schemes which also includes more than 3000 vector icons, charts, graphs, and much more.

MARK 04 – Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This template includes more than 260 unique slides in both dark and light color themes. The slides are also fully animated and come with drag-and-drop placeholders for easy editing.

The X-note Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This modern Keynote template also features dark and light colored slides. It features more than 40 unique slides with animations and they are available in 4 different color themes.

Ever – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Ever is a Keynote template that’s been designed specifically for professionals. It features highly optimized slides for crafting effective presentations. The template also comes with a total of 16,000 slides with unlimited color options.

Company Profile Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This Keynote template is perfect for creating a presentation that showcases startups, agencies, and businesses. It includes a total of 2600 slides and comes in 10 different color schemes.

Business Development Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This template includes more than 4200 slides for creating presentations that highlight growth and projections. The slides in this template also feature graphs, infographics, charts, and much more as well.

Republic – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

With more than 1500 slides in 7 different color schemes and featuring infographics, charts, and infographics, this Keynote template will allow you to create almost any type of business presentation with ease.

Concept Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

The ideal Keynote template for pitching or presenting your business ideas and concepts. This template comes with over 150 unique slides (total 15,000 slides) in various colors and themes.

Keynote Template Professional Pack

make presentation keynote

We’ll start the list with a massive pack of Keynote templates that includes 650 unique slides in 20 different categories and styles and 10 color themes that are suitable for various types of presentations.

Business Growth Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

With 200 beautiful slides in 8 different themes (total 1500 slides) this Keynote template is just what you need for crafting a great presentation for your business growth and projection meetings.

Vinapo – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This is a multipurpose Keynote template that you can use with both business and personal needs. It comes with over 200 unique slides in 24 themes and in 4 aspect ratios.

Start up Best Keynote template

make presentation keynote

This template comes with over 600 slides in light and dark themes, along with 500 vector line icons, vector maps, and more. Best for pitching startups and agencies.

Bunggi – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A colorful and a beautiful Keynote template that effectively use photography and icons to instantly grab anyone attention. The template includes 50 slides with charts and a world map.

Deluxe Digital Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

With 171 unique slides, 850 vector icons, and fully editable vector maps and infographics, this Keynote template provides you with all the necessary tools for crafting great slides for your next business presentation.

Triangle – Clean trend Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

The unique use of the triangle shape is an interesting feature that makes this Keynote template more suitable for creative agencies. It comes with 60 unique slides.

Dart – Creative Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A creative Keynote template with an odd, yet a remarkably unique design that is guaranteed to catch anyone’s attention. It’s ideal for designing a presentation related to fashion.

Startup Company Pitch Deck Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

The 70 unique slides and 2500 vectors icons in this Keynote template will come in handy when designing a presentation to pitch your startup to investors.

Monterat Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A professionally designed Keynote template with charts, infographics, mockups, and much more. It includes over 160 slides.

Sketch Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Sketch is a unique Keynote template that features a design that makes its slides look like they were hand-drawn. It includes charts, growth maps, and much more.

Forest – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This template comes with 233 unique slides in 24 themes with resizable vector graphics and 3000 vector icons.

Se7en Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Se7en is a minimalist Keynote template designed for creative agencies and startups. The template includes 100 unique slides featuring a variety of designs and elements such as maps, graphs, portfolios, and much more. There are more than 230 slides in total.

Best Proposal Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

The humorous illustrations featured in the slides is what makes this Keynote template so special. It’ll help you deliver your message in a fun way during your presentations.

Stampede – Multipurpose Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This massive template comes with over 7500 slides, including 370 unique slides in 10 color themes and over 3000 vector icons.

Fox – Ultimate Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A clean and minimal Keynote template that features 400 unique animated slides, over 2500 vector icons, editable vector graphics, and much more.

Max Creative Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This modern and clean Keynote template uses only a few colors throughout its design. It’s perfect for a creative business or an agency.

Marketing Kit – Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A Keynote template specially designed for marketing related presentations. This template comes with 174 professionally designed slides.

Boost Business Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

With a total of 900 slides in 5 color themes, including light and dark themes, this Keynote template comes with lots of graphics, charts, and infographics as well.

Revisual Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

A professionally designed Keynote template with modern and stylish slides. This template comes with over 200 animated slides.

Lynx Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

This template is more suitable for home interior, furniture, and design related businesses. It comes with 100 unique slides with lots of photos and vector icons.

Gamuda – Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

Yet another attractive Keynote template with stylish illustrations that will make your entire presentation look more enjoyable. The template includes over 130 slides with beautiful graphics and illustrations.

CupCake Keynote Template

make presentation keynote

There are a lot of cupcakes in this template. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean this Keynote template is only suitable for a cupcake business. Replace the photos with your own photos and the template is yours. Although, it’s mostly suitable for a food related business.

Vertilla – Brand Guideline Keynote Template

keynote template

Vertilla is a creative and minimalist Keynote template you can use to create presentations for agencies and businesses. It’s most suitable for making company profile, marketing, and branding related slideshows. The template includes 48 animated slide designs.

BROSHE – Minimal Keynote Template

keynote template

Brosche is a highly minimalist Keynote template that features a simple design with black and white colors. The multipurpose design of the slides in this template will help you craft all types of presentations and it includes image placeholders for easily replacing the images as well.

Daging – Keynote Presentation Template

keynote template

Daging is a Keynote template designed for making food and restaurant related presentations. However, you can easily customize it to design other types of slideshows as well. The template includes 30 slides in Full HD resolution.

PRADIC – Creative Keynote Template

keynote template

This creative and modern Keynote template features an easily customizable design with changeable colors and image placeholders. The template is most suitable for making company profile and business meeting presentations.

Hesna – Minimal Keynote Template

keynote template

Hesna is another minimalist Keynote template featuring fewer colors and design elements. The template comes with a clean and uncluttered design with proper content formatting. It’s perfect for making marketing, sales, and creative presentations slideshows.

All of these Keynote templates are super-easy to edit. You can edit the designs, drag around to rearrange objects, change colors, and do a whole lot more to design your own unique Keynote presentations.

6 Quick Tips for Creating a Keynote Presentation

If you’re new to Keynote and making presentation slideshows, these quick tips will help you get a head start!

1. Get a Great Template

Keynote app comes with a set of simple default templates for creating different types of presentations. These templates are the ones used in most presentation slideshows because many people don’t realize they can actually use third-party templates to design better slideshows.

MILD Keynote template

If you want to make a set of professional slides with designs that stand out from the crowd, you should always avoid the default templates and use a third-party template. These templates are designed by professionals and you can import them to Keynote with just a few clicks.

2. Follow the K.I.S.S. Method

Once you pick a design for your slides, you can start thinking about the content layout. If you pick a great template, you’ll find plenty of slides with content layouts already designed for you. If not, simply follow the Keep It Stupid Simple (KISS) method.

Basic Slides Keynote Template

You can never go wrong with a clean and simple content layout for a slideshow. With a minimal design, you use fewer text paragraphs, fewer images, and lots of white space. This kind of design gives full attention to the most important part of a presentation—it’s content!

3. Use Images Where Appropriate

Using images in a slideshow can not only help make your presentations more visually appealing but it also allows you to add better context to your written content.

Havic - Keynote Template

Depending on the type of presentation you’re making, you should pick slide designs that are appropriate. For example, if you’re making a portfolio slideshow, you should pick a slide design that allows you to include large previews of images.

4. Add Graphs, Charts, and Infographics

Mentioning the statistics from research studies is a great way to validate the points you make in your presentations. However, if you visualize the data it will help make a bigger impact.

Investor Presentation Keynote Template

Many professional Keynote presentation templates come packed with charts, graphs, diagrams, and infographics that allow you to showcase data in visual form. Use those elements in your presentations.

5. Choose the Right Font

Using a bold and attractive font that also improve readability is another important aspect of designing a professional presentation slideshow.

B2B Marketing and Sales keynote template

Thankfully, most pre-made Keynote templates feature great free fonts that you can use with your own slideshow designs. Or try to download a better font and use it instead of resorting to the default fonts on your Mac.

6. Limit the Use of Color

When it comes to designing presentations for specific industries and topics like marketing, business reports, and pitch decks, it’s best to use a simple color palette with fewer colors.

Bore Minimal Keynote template

Adding too many colors throughout your presentation design can often break consistency and send a bad impression of your brand and your company. Instead, use a clean and minimal design.

Did you know that you can also export your Keynote presentations as Full HD Quicktime videos? Just go to File > Export To > and select QuickTime to save your entire presentation as a video. Or Play your presentation and press Record to record your presentation with a voiceover into a video file that you can play to an audience.

3 Reasons to Choose Keynote over PowerPoint

Not sure if Keynote is the right choice for you? Here are 3 reasons to try the great Apple software.

1. It’s Free!

Keynote app comes bundled with your Apple device for free. Whether you have a MacBook, iPhone, or iPad, you can install and use Keynote free of charge to design presentations.

Microsoft PowerPoint, on the other hand, requires a subscription. The Office 365 personal plan costs $69.99 per year.

2. Amazing Animations

One of the PowerPoint features Micorosft neglected to update is its animations. Over the years, the animations and transition effects in PowerPoint have always been clunky and unprofessional. Except for a very few animations.

Keynote features a set of smooth animations and transition effects that adds a professional touch to your presentations.

3. Beginner-Friendly User Interface

PowerPoint has one of the most complicated user interfaces in the entire suite of Microsoft Office apps. The UI is filled with options and features people barely use and it interferes with everyone’s user experience.

Apple Keynote features a clean and user-friendly user interface that’s easier to get around, even for complete beginners.

Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

Allie Decker

Updated: January 13, 2021

Published: November 03, 2020

Two years ago, I was asked to give a presentation about my HubSpot article on emotional marketing . It was by far the most exhilarating and nerve-wracking experience of my professional life.

Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

I don’t necessarily hate public speaking. However, leading up to the event, I felt the full responsibility of not only delivering a good presentation but also teaching the audience valuable , actionable information — and that was very intimidating.

I wanted to do a good job, and I wanted to be a good teacher.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

Therein lies the importance of keynote presentations : to be effective, they should be educational and entertaining. Do you have a keynote presentation in your future? Read on for some advice from professional speakers.

First, what is a keynote presentation? Glad you asked.

You may also be tasked with a keynote presentation in order to secure funding, make a sale, or update stakeholders or executives. Whatever stage you find yourself on, delivering a keynote presentation is an important responsibility as a public speaker.

How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation, According to the Experts

I spoke with four professional speakers on how to deliver a near-perfect presentation. Here are five pieces of advice they shared.

1. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.

When it comes to public speaking, practice quite literally makes perfect. Every expert I spoke with mentioned how frequently they rehearse their presentations.

“However much you think you need to rehearse, rehearse 10 times more than that. When you show up to a concert, you expect that the musicians know their songs, and you certainly don't want the first time they try to play it to be right there on stage. You owe your audience and the folks hiring you to speak the same respect,” said Melanie Deziel , international keynote speaker and founder of StoryFuel . (She received this advice herself from Michael and Amy Port at Heroic Public Speaking .)

Melanie Deziel keynote speaker hubspot

Provided by Melanie Deziel

As more presentations and events become fully virtual, the likelihood of technical difficulties also grows. Rehearsing your content can help you weather any interruptions or last-minute changes.

Rehearsal not only leads to content mastery; it allows freedom in your presentations. “The more you rehearse and become comfortable with the content, the freer you'll be to take chances, experiment, and truly focus on your delivery, rather than trying to remember what comes next,” shared Deziel.

How do these experts recommend practicing your presentations? “[Use] a mirror,” said Olivia Scott , keynote speaker and founder of Omerge Alliances . “I take the time to see how I'm being received, I look at my body posture, and I look at everything to make sure that I feel good about what I'm delivering. This isn’t exactly a tool or technology, but it's a way to practice and rehearse.”

olivia scott keynote presentation hubspot

Additionally, consider asking friends, family, and trusted colleagues to listen to your practice runs and provide feedback on your presentation.

2. Ask for feedback.

Speaking of feedback, expert orators know to ask for it on a regular basis — from friends, peer groups, mentors, audience members, and clients. “Find a support crew and connect with other speakers in the industry,” mentioned Karen Hopper , keynote speaker and data strategist at M+R. Hopper personally recommends Shine Bootcamp , which provided her with lifelong friendships, helpful feedback, and a priceless education about public speaking.

Karen Hopper keynote presentation hubspot

Provided by Karen Hopper

“We help each other with feedback on our pitches, topics, outlines, and presentations, and we celebrate each others' wins,'' said Hopper. “ ... It’s well worth surrounding yourself with people who will cheer for you and who will give you honest feedback — the fastest way to get better is to ruthlessly seek out that feedback.”

Clients can also be an incredibly helpful source of feedback. If you’re asked to speak at an event or conference, consider asking the people who hired you. “I ask my client for their reaction immediately after every presentation. It’s important to know how they felt, and whether the presentation achieved their goals. Every time my client is happy, that’s my most successful presentation,” said Jeff Toister , keynote speaker, author, and customer service expert.

jeff toister keynote speaking hubspot

Lastly, the best feedback often comes from the source — in this case, your audience. Whether you ask questions during your presentation (which we’ll discuss next) or ask for feedback following your presentation, it’s never a bad idea to know what your audience thought about your keynote.

Feedback may look different if giving a remote keynote presentation, but it's still possible.

“It’s been a creative challenge to adapt a talk I'd hoped to give in person to work in a virtual environment. It's much harder to tell how your talks are received online, without being able to see nodding and note-taking and hear laughter and clapping. But all the feedback I have received [over email] indicated that my talk successfully changed the way many people are thinking about their content idea generation process, and that was the ultimate goal of the talk: to change how people think ,” shared Deziel, referring to her recent keynote at Content Marketing World 2020.

3. Engage your audience.

Nobody likes being talked at . Sure, delivering a keynote presentation involves you doing most of the talking, but it doesn’t have to be a one-way conversation. Many of the experts I interviewed encouraged some sort of audience engagement or interaction to enhance your presentation.

“People love to be involved in a presentation. Rather than explain a concept to my audience, I find a way to have them experience it,” said Toister. “For example, when I share how multitasking hurts productivity and causes us to make more errors, I have the audience try a brief multitasking exercise so they can experience the problem themselves.”

Did you know that audience engagement levels drop considerably (14%) if a presenter does most of the talking, versus if the audience talks just as much? Moreover, 64% of people believe that a presentation with two-way interaction is much more engaging than a one-way presentation.

Presentation engagement also takes practice — just like your presentation content itself. “ ... Entertainment comes from the performance itself: the way in which you deliver that content and the energy you bring to that delivery. This is a separate skill you need to practice. Work with a coach, watch back recordings of yourself to identify opportunities to improve your craft, and watch videos of top-notch comedians, poets and other speakers to see what you can learn from them,” encouraged Deziel.

Lastly, as important as engagement is, don’t let technology stand in the way. While smartphones and polling software can make audience interaction easier, they can also get in the way of you connecting with your audience. “I prefer to just have people stand up, raise their hand, or clap to participate in the poll. It gets the audience moving, and I don’t have to worry about WiFi connections or whether the polling software is working,” said Toister.

4. Prioritize your content as much as the delivery.

While entertaining and interacting with your audience is helpful and exciting, it shouldn’t take precedence over your presentation content itself. “Nearly all of what the audience can learn from you comes from the content: the stories you tell, the examples you share, the facts you cite and the other information you explain. Carefully crafting those materials and testing it out ensures that the audience will get the information they were promised from your session,” said Deziel.

Tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, and Canva can help you hone your content and develop a story within your presentation. A 2018 Prezi study (another presentation tool option) showed that 90% of people believe a strong narrative makes for a more engaging, interesting presentation. Data can help form arguments and explain facts, but stories stay with your audience long after your time on stage.

Storytelling is yet another way to engage with your audience, especially by evoking emotions like humor. “It’s entertaining to ask questions, saying, ‘Can anyone relate to this? Has anyone ever had this type of experience before?’ and then getting them involved with some laughter around those experiences. Laughter always helps,” said Scott, who presented at INBOUND 2020 .

Hopper, who was also a Breakout Speaker at INBOUND 2020, agreed: “Don't be afraid to be funny or drop in jokes — there are studies that show that laughing actually helps your brain retain information better, so not only will your audience have a good time laughing with you, but they'll also get more out of your presentation. It’s a win-win!”

5. Focus on the audience.

Finally, everyone can agree that public speaking is either revered or feared. If you relate to the latter and find yourself nervous when giving presentations, turn your focus on the audience.

“Speakers easily get nervous when they focus on themselves and worry too much about their own performance. Focusing on your audience first takes the nerves away and redirects your attention to making sure your audience gets something of value from your keynote,” shared Toister.

That’s the goal of a keynote presentation — to provide value to your audience. Regardless of what story you’re telling, what tools you’re using, or how you’re engaging the crowd, as long as you deliver a presentation that inspires your audience to think differently — even for 30 minutes — you’ve given a perfect keynote presentation.

Note: HubSpot Marketing teams reserve the right to use guest blog author’s likeness across our content as we see fit, including but not limited to HubSpot’s social media channels.

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Features of the Keynote Presentation Maker

Beautiful keynote themes.

Browse our huge library of keynote templates, or go with a presentation theme packed with hundreds of pre-built slide layouts you can mix and match. Find the perfect slide for any type of information, and customize every aspect of it to fit your unique purpose, brand and topic.

Create Your Keynote Presentation

Beautiful keynote themes

Build your keynote presentation

Create keynote presentations with the help of fully customizable slides, content blocks, data visualization tools, high-quality photos and icons to help tell your story. Choose a ready-made template or get started from scratch. Visme’s drag-and-drop presentation app makes it incredibly easy to build stunning presentations for business, education and other purposes.

Build your keynote presentation

Customize every aspect of your presentation to match your brand

Visme’s design library is packed with millions of free images, thousands of icons, dozens of charts and graphs, animated characters and illustrations, links and more. Customize each slide to make it look exactly like you want it to. Apply color schemes to your entire keynote presentation with one click. You can also upload your own brand assets to stay true to your visual identity.

Customize every aspect of your presentation to match your brand

More Great Features of the Keynote Presentation Maker

Share your keynote presentation.

Visme’s presentation software makes it easy to create, share and present slides both offline and online. Download your keynote presentation in PPTX, PDF or HTML5 format to present offline or send off in an email. You can also publish your keynote slides online and generate a private link to share with specific people, or even turn your presentation into a lead generation tool by requiring email sign-in before viewing.

Share Your Keynote Presentation


What is a Keynote Presentation ?

A presentation is a series of slides that help explain a topic to your audience or tell a story. Keynote presentations are used in various settings, including business meetings, training sessions or in classrooms.

Most often, a keynote presentation is the main presentation at a networking event, conference or seminar. So you want your presentation to be professional and help convey the information you're sharing.

Create Your Presentation

What is a Keynote Presentation?

Use the keynote maker to take the trouble out of presentation design.

Struggling with creating a stunning keynote presentation? With Visme, you can design a custom slideshow in minutes, not hours. You don’t even need to have any design skills to get started. Simply pick a pre-built template to customize, or choose a presentation theme with 900+ layouts to mix and match. Building your own keynote in Visme is a breeze.


More Than a Keynote Presentation Maker

Visme’s online presentation maker lets you create stunning keynote slides that will keep your audience engaged and hooked to your message till the very end. Make your presentation interactive by adding animations, links, rollover effects, transitions and much more.


Create interactive keynote presentations with popup and rollover effects that allow your viewer to interact with your design to learn more information.

Charts & Graphs


Charts & Graphs

Share data, statistics, simple numbers and more in your keynote presentation slides with Visme’s easy-to-use charts, graphs and other data widgets.

Stock Photos & Icons


Stock Photos & Icons

Choose from over a million stock photos, icons, illustrations, characters, lines, shapes and more to create an engaging keynote presentation design.


How to Make Keynote Presentations in 5 Steps

Whether you’re creating a business keynote presentation or an educational slideshow for your next class, Visme makes it easy to design one with our powerful presentation maker and professionally designed keynote templates.

Follow our basic five-step tutorial below or watch the video to learn more about creating a beautiful presentation in Visme.

  • Sign up for free or log into your Visme account, and create a new project.
  • Choose one of our beautiful keynote templates or pick a theme under the Presentations category.
  • Customize text, fonts, colors, photos, icons, charts, data visualization tools and so much more inside the Keynote presentation maker.
  • Add, remove or rearrange slides to help guide your keynote presentation design.
  • Share your presentation online with a link or easily download it in PPTX format.

How to Use the Keynote Presentation Maker

Create an outline for your keynote presentation and keep it next to you for reference.

Log into Visme and choose a keynote presentation template to get started, or click on the Blank Canvas to start building your new presentation from scratch.

Replace the placeholder text with your own, and add or remove slides to fit your content needs. Customize colors and fonts by using our built-in options, or upload your own brand assets.

Enhance your keynote slides by adding icons, illustrations, images, diagrams and graphs from the left-hand panel.

Add transitions, animated effects, interactive links and buttons and rollover effects to make your presentation more engaging.

View your slides in Presenter mode and proofread for any issues or spelling errors.

Download your presentation in PPTX, PDF or HTML5 format to present offline. Generate a link to view your presentation online, or embed it using a code.

Access notes in presenter mode that no one will be able to see but you to help aid in your presentation delivery.

Questions About the Keynote Presentation Maker

How can i create an account with visme, how much does it cost to create a keynote presentation with visme’s presentation software, can i create an animated keynote presentation, is it possible to make interactive projects with the keynote maker, how do i present my keynote slideshow, can i still open my presentation if i don’t have mac or apple keynote.

Your keynote presentations deserve to be beautiful and so does the rest of your content

Your keynote presentations deserve to be beautiful and so does the rest of your content

Sign up. It’s free!

make presentation keynote

PowerPoint vs. Keynote vs. Google Slides: Best Presentation Software?

What's the best presentation software for your next project? Discover the answer in our detailed comparison of PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides.

make presentation keynote

Choosing the best presentation software is a big decision. Your presentation needs to look good. And to make it look good, you need the right tool. The presentation software you choose makes a difference. In this article, we’ll compare PowerPoint vs. Google Slides vs. Keynote.

As a creative, you’ll likely need to give presentations. Maybe it’s to win new business, pitch your team on a design, or build awareness with a marketing deck.

Presentation software allows you to create professional slide presentations. A slide presentation allows the presenter to share information. Initially, slide presentations were geared towards live audiences. Now, slide presentations are just as likely to be delivered to a web audience and published online.

In this article, we compare three of the most popular presentation packages: PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides. We’ll dig into some of the pros and cons of each app.

Also, we’ll link to helpful resources to help you get started quickly, no matter which tool you choose. Finally, we’ll point out some strong template choices to help you make the best use of your presentation software and get started quickly. Let’s dive in.

No matter which software package you use, one way to ensure professional results is by choosing a high-quality template. A template determines the look and feel of your presentation. The right template can elevate it to a truly professional presentation .

The Top Presentation Software Compared

As we dive into the top presentation apps, let’s do a bit of research on top apps. To do that, we’ll use Google Trends. As you can see, PowerPoint’s popularity has held steady as the global leader, although Google Slides continues its popularity.

The closeness of the data for PowerPoint vs. Google Slides may surprise you. Google Slides experienced a huge boom in traffic in 2020 and continues its popularity. However, it still trails PowerPoint. Keynote has a more limited share, remaining mostly flat over the last few years.

Google Trends for presentation software

This is the worldwide trend, so let’s consider search patterns in the United States. As you can see below, Google Slides is often more popular than PowerPoint in the United States from the perspective of search traffic. At the time of writing, they are roughly equal. Keynote, like the worldwide pattern, is lower but a steady constant.

Google Trends for presentation apps in the USA

Now, in this chart, we break down the main differences between PowerPoint vs. Keynote vs. Google Slides. Then we’ll dig into each presentation software in more detail to help you choose between them.

Let’s take a closer look at each presentation software package. We’ll compare PowerPoint vs. Google Slides, as well as Keynote vs. PowerPoint.

1. PowerPoint

As part of the Microsoft Office suite, PowerPoint has been one of the most popular presentation software packages for years. It’s got a large number of themes. Support is widely available through both Microsoft and through user-created resources.

powerpoint homepage

Because it’s an established software package, PowerPoint has many advantages for the small business owner. Those pros include:

  • Ease of Use . The navigation structure will be familiar to anyone who uses other Microsoft software. It includes a help system and even some basic tutorials. You can also use Microsoft’s technical support.
  • Customization Options . PowerPoint includes a large number of special effects. There are also many themes available, some through Microsoft and some through third parties like Envato .
  • File Types Supported . This software presentation package can import and export a large number of file types. It’s compatible with files from other Microsoft Office products. It also lets you integrate audio files.
  • Community Support . Due to the large number of users, there are many articles and books to help you learn how to use the tool effectively.
  • Integration with Office Apps. If you use Microsoft Excel for data and analysis, it’s a breeze to drop data tables and charts from Excel right into your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Artificial intelligence. Microsoft recently launched Copilot, an AI assistant that works in PowerPoint.
  • Mobile apps. Available for free, the mobile apps on iOS and Android are the perfect way to take your work with you and not lose your productivity streak.

Despite its many advantages, there are still some weaknesses:

  • Collaboration . Recently, PowerPoint has improved the ability to collaborate in real time. However, when you compare Google Slides vs. PowerPoint’s collaboration, PowerPoint lags. To work with another user, you must save the document to OneDrive and invite the people you want to collaborate with.
  • Web apps. While Microsoft has a browser-based version of PowerPoint, it’s not as fully featured or as seamless as Google Slides, for example.
  • Perception . Some users report that PowerPoint leads to less creative presentations. This is probably because many businesses rely on older, more basic templates that don’t use the most recent features.

PowerPoint Gains (Artificial) Intelligence

One of the big advantages of PowerPoint is the fact that Microsoft has already incorporated AI. As you compare PowerPoint vs. Keynote and Google Slides, note that Microsoft added AI first!

The recently launched Copilot AI assistant works inside PowerPoint. It helps you analyze data and style your presentations. Get a full walkthrough of AI in PowerPoint .

6 Quick Tips for Getting Started in PowerPoint

When you decide to use PowerPoint, you may be wondering how to get started. By embracing these six quick tips, you’ll get ideas and be ready to build slides fast:

1. Add Multimedia for Engaging Presentations

Your PowerPoint presentation can be so much more than simple slides. You can add an incredible range of audio, video, and animations. These help you better engage your audience.

Learn more about the power of adding audio and video to your PowerPoint presentation below:

  • How to Add Audio to PowerPoint (Free PowerPoint Template Included)
  • How to Embed a Video in PowerPoint (With Free Template)

2. Choose a Template to Meet Your Needs

When you’ve opted for PowerPoint, it pays to start by using a template. And not just any template. You’ll save more time and impress more people by choosing a themed template.

Presenting on real estate? Choose a real estate template! Opt for a food-inspired design if you’re sharing slides about a new restaurant. The Envato library has thousands of PPT templates with custom themes.

chefs ppt template

These themed templates also help give you design inspiration. Slide designs are tailored around a specific topic. As you build out your designs, you may think of things to share that otherwise you wouldn’t have considered. A themed premium template is truly a win-win.

3. Animate Your Slides

Static, unmoving PowerPoint slides aren’t very interesting. Why not add a little spice by using animations to control how text and objects appear and disappear on a slide? They’re easy to add and use.

Animations are stylish, and they help you control the flow of your presentation. For example, you can add a simple Fly In effect to bring bullet points onto a slide, one by one.

Sound intriguing? Learn more with our full tutorial .

4. Build Stylish Illustrated Layouts

PowerPoint layouts should have a few things in common:

  • They should be stylish. You need to use eye-catching designs that grab (and keep) an audience’s focus.
  • Slide layouts should also be neat and uncluttered. Add too much content and you’ll have a messy, distracting presentation.

simple clean keynote template

Using plenty of images is a great way to build winning layouts. Photos and graphics boost visual interest in a flash. They help you style content in new and creative ways.

5. Keep Formats Consistent With Format Painter

When you’re working in PowerPoint, it pays to maintain a clean and consistent look. This means preserving styles and formats from one slide to the next. But you may not have a ton of time when you’re building slides.

Fortunately, PowerPoint’s Format Painter feature is there to help. Format Painter lets you seamlessly copy formats from one section of a slide deck to another. For example, you can mirror text highlights from one slide to another.

To learn how, read our MS PowerPoint Format Painter guide .

6. Use Infographics and Charts

As you present in PowerPoint, try to illustrate your ideas. A compelling option is to use infographics and charts. These are especially useful if you’re talking through numerical data.

infographics ppt template

Infographics are illustrations that use graphics to convey information. They’re a hallmark of premium templates. Often, you’ll find dozens of options in a single deck. You can easily swap out the placeholder details with your own data. Infographics are a top way to bring your ideas to life.

More Top Tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint

Want to dive deeper into Microsoft PowerPoint? Our Envato Tuts+ tutorial, PowerPoint 101: Everything You Need to Make a Basic Presentation , is a great place to start.

We also have a comprehensive PowerPoint resource, How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide) .

How to Create Advanced Designs With PowerPoint Templates

No matter how much you know about PowerPoint, you need your presentation to look as professional as possible. You’ll want to use a professional template to do that. Envato has a simple licensing structure for PowerPoint templates. Subscribe, and you’ll have access to thousands of presentation templates.

We also have a detailed tutorial on how to customize a PowerPoint template. It shows you the art of modifying PPT slide designs and adjusting Master Slides.

Here’s a closer look at one of our most popular PowerPoint templates, Blendu. It includes many slide layout options and the features you’d expect in a professional design.

Blendu - Powerpoint Presentation Template

What is Keynote? Simply put, Keynote is part of Apple’s iWork productivity suite. Some call it the Apple version of PowerPoint. It was designed to work on macOS and is a streamlined presentation tool.

The app offers a stylish interface that’s easy to use. Keynote remote works on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod. While the support isn’t quite as extensive as what’s available for PowerPoint, there are still a lot of resources available.


If you’re already a macOS user, Keynote just might be the best presentation software for your business needs. As you evaluate PowerPoint vs. Keynote, these comparisons can help you weigh your options. Here are some of the pros of Keynote:

  • Ease of Use . Like many macOS apps, Keynote features an intuitive, user-friendly interface. The Apple version of PowerPoint puts design at the forefront and makes it easy to create a presentation from scratch.
  • Multiple Devices . With iCloud, you can use Keynote on multiple devices and sync your files. You can resume editing your presentation on your iPad or iPhone even while on the go.
  • Customization Options. With many different themes, animation, and effects available, it’s easy to get creative. There are also many themes available from third-party marketplaces like Envato .
  • Export Feature. Keynote files can easily be exported to PowerPoint or even QuickTime. It also integrates well with other tools in Apple’s ecosystem, like Pages and Numbers.

Cons of Apple Keynote include:

  • Less Extensive Help Files . Keynote has a smaller user group. As such, there’s a smaller knowledge base that you can learn from. The Apple version of PowerPoint can hardly match the massive number of users of other presentation apps.
  • macOS Only . If you’ve got a PC and want to create Keynote files from scratch, you’ll need to use the browser-based editor.

As the Apple version of PowerPoint, design is at the forefront of this tool.

Top Tutorials for Keynote

Want to learn more about Apple Keynote? We’ve got you covered with tutorials that help you master Apple’s presentation app. Many of these resources can even contrast the difference between Keynote and PowerPoint.

Don’t let the choice of PowerPoint vs. Keynote be one of familiarity. As you level up your Keynote knowledge, you can make a confident choice. Learn more about using Apple Keynote in these tutorials:

  • How to Add Animated GIFs to Keynote
  • How to Make Flowcharts & Gantt Charts in Keynote With Templates
  • How to Quickly Make a Timeline in Keynote With Templates
  • What Is Apple Keynote Software? +How to Start Using It to Make Presentations
  • How to Convert Keynote to PowerPoint (PDF, & More) on Export (+Video)

How to Create Advanced Designs With Keynote Templates

Keynote, the Apple version of PowerPoint, has a litany of advanced design features. But it’s always easier when you start with a great template. You can find a professional template that uses Keynote’s unique features at Envato.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides is part of Google’s software office suite included within Google Drive. You could explain it as the Google equivalent of PowerPoint, with one twist: it’s browser-based.

The software and your work reside completely on the web, making it an ideal choice for online sharing. As a browser-first tool, it offers some intuitive and innovative presentation features.

google slides

As long as you’re connected, you can access Google Slides from any device. If you work with a team who all use different platforms, Google Slides may be the right choice for you. Here are some Google Slides pros:

  • Ease of use . Google Slides isn’t difficult to learn. Help files are incorporated, although they don’t seem to be as extensive as in some of the other packages. There are quite a few third-party resources to help you learn Google Slides.
  • Web-based . The online files are always current and up to date. Comparing Google Slides vs. PPT, the online experience is much better with Slides. You can also easily link or embed your document into a web page.
  • Collaboration . It’s easy for colleagues and team members to access and edit documents through the web, no matter what device they’re working on. Changes can be made simultaneously in different parts of the same presentation.
  • Innovative . Google Slides has several innovative features. For example, there’s a new Q&A feature that allows audiences to interact with a speaker through a link. It looks like a promising feature to hold audience engagement for those who make a public presentation.

Cons of Google Slides include:

  • Fewer Choices. Google Slides has fewer choices for effects. There are also fewer themes, though Envato has a good selection of choices. Some users find the program features to be too basic.
  • Google Account Required . If you don’t currently have a Google account, you’ll need one to use this app. But you can sign up for an account free of charge.

Where can you go to learn more about Google Slides? As the Google equivalent of PowerPint, you’ll feel at home if you’re familiar with PowerPoint. You can also start with our tutorial, Getting Started With Google Slides . You can also ask questions in the Google Product Forums .

More Top Tutorials for Google Slides

Google Slides features an easy learning curve, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a basic app. In fact, it has most of the key features that every presenter needs.

It takes time to learn Google Slides, but we’ve got you covered with top tutorials! Make sure to use these other Envato Tuts+ tutorials to level up your Slides knowledge :

  • How to Quickly Make a Simple Jeopardy Game on Google Slides
  • How to Turn Google Slides Into a Polling Tool (Live Audience Engagement)
  • How to Quickly Customize a Google Slides Calendar Template
  • How to Zoom In & Zoom Out in Google Slides (Quick Trick)
  • How to Insert Math Equations in Google Slides (Beginner Guide + Video)

How to Use Custom Templates With Google Slides

Envato offers many professional templates for Google Slides . How good can a Google Slide presentation look? Look at our best-selling Google Slides template, Braze . Here’s a closer look at this template and thumbnails of some of its best slides:

Braze Dark Innovative Powerpoint

PowerPoint vs Keynote vs Google Slides: Which Should You Choose?

There’s no right or wrong presentation software solution. Each presentation app has pluses and minuses, and ultimately it comes down to what fits you best.

Consider these strengths as you make your presentation app choice:

  • PowerPoint is an established package with a large user base and lots of support. If you’ll be working for a business that prefers Microsoft Office products, this may be the right choice for you. There are thousands of PowerPoint templates from professional designers to choose from. Microsoft has integrated Copilot for AI-assisted presentation builds.
  • Keynote is designed for macOS and tends to have a more creative vibe, according to some users. If you work mostly on macOS or iOS, this could be the best presentation software package for you. There are plenty of creative Keynote templates to work with.
  • Google Slides might be the right package for you if you work on a team that uses different operating systems and you need to collaborate. It’s also a great option for remote teams. There’s a growing base of Google Slides presentation templates on Envato, with more added regularly.

The Best Source for Presentation App Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

No matter which presentation app you use, Envato is a subscription with everything you need. One subscription gives you access to a wide selection of templates for Google Slides, Keynote, and PowerPoint. It gives you the flexibility to try out every presentation app you need with great templates.

PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides: you name it, Envato has a template for it. Those templates save you hours of design work. Plus, your subscription gives you plenty of extras like stock photos, graphics, video, and more.

Whether you prefer Google Slides or PowerPoint or Keynote, Envato is your ticket to great presentations. Start creating .

Now You Know Which Presentation Software to Choose

In this article, you’ve learned about the pros and cons of PowerPoint vs. Keynote vs. Google Slides. You also saw helpful resources to help you learn each app. Choose the best presentation software for your needs. Then, grab a quality presentation template , and get to work making your presentation today .

Choosing the best presentation software package can be challenging. The package you choose depends largely on your needs and budget. Jump in and experiment with each to find the right fit for you.

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Apple Community Summit 2024 Presentation 

With James Dove

This session explores how you can use Keynote and Images  to create a profession video for your classes. You can use this session to help you build your own in class video teaching tool or as a live presentation to present content to your class.

In Keynote you can now add USDZ models. The effects can be really dramatic when you add animations and MagicMove

Here is a some simple steps to follow in creating your own:   

  • Open Keynote and get a blank slide 
  • Drag and drop your USDZ file onto your Keynote slide 
  • On iPad Two Finger Tap Transition on the slide or on Mac tap Animate and select Magic Move 
  • Tap Duplicate and move, wheel and resize your 3D element
  • Tap Play to check the speed.
  • Go back to magic move settings and change the speed. 
  • Experiment with animation builds and Live video. 

See what you can build: 

I have found that creating content in this way engages students and encourages learning. . However even better is when students make and share their own knowledge creating their own Keynotes. Great for Humanities, Science, Design Technology and Languages.

Here is an example of what can be created. 


"Mars" ( by Jiaxing is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

"Solar System animation" ( by Samer_Arab_S5 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

"Ingenuity on Flight 12 - SOL-174" ( by Owl Creek Technologies is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (


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Posted on July 04, 2024

Very engaging technique - so realistic and visual! Great approach for student learning and creativity. Thanks for the helpful tutorial!

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35 Best Keynote Presentation Templates (Designs For Mac Users 2024)

Gonzalo Angulo

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Got a Keynote presentation coming up? You might be feeling the pressure. That's understandable because there's plenty to do. Consider working with Keynote presentation templates . They're definitely a stress and time saver. 

Aiony Modern Keynote presentation template for Mac

As you create your keynote presentation design, you need to:

  • take an idea and build a cohesive story
  • put those ideas in a visual engaging Keynote presentation
  • rehearse your message and delivery to the audience

But what if you're staring at a blank screen on your Mac? Struggling with designing great Keynote slide layouts? The best Keynote presentation templates can help.

In this tutorial, you'll find some of the best keynote design templates. All ready to download on Envato Elements.

The Challenge of Making a Great Presentation Design (On Your Mac)

It's a challenge to create an engaging Keynote design. It must take your business goals and narrow them down into clear messages. Make your Keynote slides count. Remember that the best keynote presentations show ideas with clarity. 

It's not easy to reach an audience and get their attention. You might want a powerful Keynote presentation template to make meaningful connections. A lot is on the line when preparing a Keynote slides for potential clients. A great K eynote presentation template might help you to:

  • get the funding you're seeking 
  • lead to a sale you're pitching 
  • or deliver key insights to stakeholders

Slide design Theon

You've got to design every slide. Every Keynote slides has to deliver a part of your business presentation. Your Keynote design needs to make an impact!

Your Keynote presentation has to match your business goals. You might be finding the Apple presentation template design a bit difficult. But don't worry, we've got you covered! What you need is a professional Keynote design template. This way you can get a jumpstart in the right direction.

With a quality Keynote presentation template, you've got pro design slides. You'll also find the best features pre-packaged and ready to work with. That way, you can quickly get a professional presentation put together.

Top Keynote Template Design Inspiration (New From Envato Elements - For 2024)

Here's a handful of the best Keynote presentations for Mac. These are all trending on Envato Elements: 

1. Aiony - Apple Presentation Template

Aionytmplt - Keynote

Make an elegant business presentation with this trendy Keynote presentation template. Aiony is a new theme with a modern design.

This Apple Keynote template includes:

  • 50 unique slides with different layouts
  • 100% customizable elements
  • memorable and professional design

2. Theon - Creative Keynote Template for Mac Presentations

Theon - Creative Keynote Template for Mac Presentations

When it comes to a business presentation, one thing is for sure: you need an awesome slide design. This Apple Keynote template comes with tons of creative slide design layouts. They are all made with a professional setup. It's a best Keynote template thanks to its features:

  • over 500 font icons
  • transition animation
  • several dark and light color schemes (8 total)
  • product documentation

3. Pitch - Pro Keynote Presentation Example for Businesses

Pitch - Pro Keynote Business Presentation Template

You need investors to place their confidence with you. That's why you need a professional Keynote presentation design. The Pitch Keynote Template will help you attract an audience. Get your message across. It does so with these features:

  • more than 120 unique slides
  • HD resolution
  • 6 pre-made color variations
  • creative infographic designs

4.  Fashion - Trendy Design Keynote Slide Template for Mac

Fashion Trendy Design Keynote Theme for Mac

This Fashion Keynote slide template has a professional, minimal style design. It's made for showcasing trends in 2024. Use it to launch products or to show your brand's growth. Each slide features unique Keynote layouts. This top Keynote template comes with:

  • 16:9 HD slide format
  • 5 color theme variations
  • transitions and animations
  • free fonts and icons used

5.  Flato - Flat Multipurpose Keynote Template Design

Flato - Flat Multipurpose Keynote Template Design

Flato is a flexible, modern Apple Keynote template. It's designed with a flat shape style that's contemporary. This Apple presentation slides template comes with great design elements. Also included are:

  • 150 total slides
  • 15 pre-made color themes
  • fully editable design elements
  • more than 1,000 icon vectors

6. Arkie Keynote Template

Arkie Keynote Template

This Apple presentation slides template is one of our new items. If you like minimalist Keynote design templates, you've got to check this out. This Mac Keynote template comes with:

  • full HD resolution
  • image placeholders
  • free fonts included

7. Tremendum - Business Keynote Template

Tremendum - Business Keynote Template

Tremendum is a contemporary Keynote template with an elegant design. Mac Keynote templates like this feature a minimal design. These Keynote layouts will make your content stand out. The Apple presentation slides template has:

  • 36+ premium slides to customize
  • 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio
  • drag-and-drop editing
  • documentation file

8. Citizene Keynote Templates

Citizene Keynote Templates

Looking for a colorful Keynote presentation example? Look no further than Citizene. This template comes with unique Keynote slides and easy to change colors. It also includes:

  • over 35 total slides
  • 3D vector infographics
  • drag-and-drop picture placeholders
  • widescreen format

9. CICLE Minimal & Creative Template for Keynote Presentation Example

CICLE Minimal & Creative Template (Keynote)

Cicle is a template for Keynote presentation example that would work well for a serious presentation. These Keynote designs are focused on large text and simple slides. Remember to use Keynote slides like those in Cicle to keep the audience focused. Its highlights are awesome:

  • more than 50 slides
  • easily editable thanks to Master Slides
  • vector icon collection included
  • full user guide with video tutorial

10. Sturdica - Business Keynote Template

Sturdica - Business Keynote Template

Sometimes what you need is a Keynote presentation template for different purposes. Sturdica is exactly that. This is a multipurpose business Keynote template with a clean style. Impress your audience with a professional Keynote presentation. This Apple Keynote templates features:

  • 40 total Keynote slides
  • resizable and editable graphics
  • 100% free fonts
  • 16:9 wide screen Keynote layouts 
  • drag and drop image placeholder

11. Space Dark Keynote Template

Space Dark Keynote Template

The Space Keynote template is one of the best Keynote presentation examples. This beautiful Keynote presentation comes with a blue color scheme. It also features a professional business Keynote design. The download includes features that make it a top Keynote template:

  • 10 pre-made color schemes
  • more than 150 unique Keynote slides
  • 16:9 full HD widescreen aspect ratio

12. UNCO Business & Creative Template for Keynote Presentation Design

UNCO Business & Creative Template (Keynote)

Unco is a minimalist Keynote templates. Use this template for Keynote slides to place content front and center in your presentation. Clean typography and beautiful slide elements take center stage. This will help your audience hone in on your message. You'll love this minimalist Keynote design for its features:

  • over 50 responsive slide designs
  • creative infographics
  • easily editable elements
  • user guide with video tutorial included

13. Carend - Keynote Presentation Template

Carend - Keynote Presentation Template

If you're into dark and electric style, this Keynote design is for you. This is a cool Apple presentation slides template. It has perfect Keynote layouts for design portfolios or creative agencies. Looking for unique Keynote presentation examples? Carend Keynote Presentation Template is for you with:

  • more than 30 total slides
  • media placeholders
  • editable country maps
  • free updates

14. Educannia - Education Template for Keynote Presentation Design

Educannia - University and Education Template

Are you looking for modern and educational Keynote slide templates? Educannia is one of the best Keynote presentations you'll find. This presentation Keynote is perfect for any kind of education institution. This Apple Keynote templates features:

  • 34 total templates for Keynote slides
  • 16:9 wide screen Keynote layouts

15. Exalio Plus - Multipurpose Keynote Template

Exalio Plus - Multipurpose Keynote Template

Exalio is a multi-purpose Keynote presentation design. It's ready to use with Keynote themes for Mac. This business Keynote template has style. It's easy to customize on your Mac. This Keynote presentation templates includes:

  • more than 50 unique slides
  • 9 pre-made color themes
  • PSD files for quick mockups

16. BOSH - Apple Keynote Template

BOSH - Keynote Template

The Bosh Keynote presentation templates is for minimal design lovers. This template comes with all the Keynote slides you need. Create a beautiful Keynote presentation. It also includes:

  • over 70 unique slides
  • 500 custom icons
  • documentation

17. VIGO Minimal & Business Keynote Slides Template

VIGO Minimal & Business Template (Keynote)

Vigo is one of the best Keynote designs in this round-up. It's another example of using minimalism to focus on your slide content. The Keynote slides work for any purpose thanks to the Keynote design flexibility. Check out the highlights that make it one of the best Keynote templates:

  • responsive design
  • easily editable and fully customizable
  • drag-and-drop placeholders

18. Inner Beautify - Cosmetic Keynote Template

Inner Beautify - Cosmetic Keynote Template

If you need a modern Keynote presentation template, then this unique theme is a great choice. Inner Beautify has a simple, creative design. It's an impressive tool set for presenting your business concepts. This is why it's a top Keynote template:

  • over 40 Keynote slides
  • versatile Keynote slide layouts
  • vector icons and infographics
  • PDF documentation

19. Borian - Minimal Keynote Presentation Template

Borian - Minimal Keynote Presentation Template

If you're into the minimalistic side of design, this is for you. Borian Keynote Presentation Templates contains minimal and creative slides. This Keynote design is perfect for creatives. It's one of those Keynote templates that are not that easy to find.

This Keynote presentation template features:

  • 30+ total slides
  • media placeholders (change pictures in one click)
  • drag & drop object placeholders
  • drag & drop image placeholders
  • unlimited color options

20. Muli™ Minimalist Keynote Template

Muli™ Minimalist Keynote Template

Minimalist Apple Keynote templates help keep your presentation from looking cluttered. Download these keynote slide templates and start filling them out with your content. Need more?

This is what makes it one of the top Keynote templates:

  • 90 unique slides
  • animation and transitions
  • free fonts used

21. Modern Marketing Plan Template for Keynote

Modern Marketing Plan template

Motivate investors to place their confidence with you. Use any of these creative presentation templates for Keynote. Get your message across with Keynote presentation templates like this one. It's one of the top Keynote templates you'll find online.

The features of this best Keynote template:

  • PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote files
  • over 20 unique slides
  • 100% customizable design

22. Sanct - Modern Keynote Template

Sanct - Modern Keynote Template

One of the best things about Apple Keynote presentations is that you can customize them. Make your projects look amazing. Sanct is one of the top Keynote templates online. It's ready to download and customize. It comes with:

  • 30 unique slides
  • Master Slides included for easy editing
  • elegant slide transitions

23. MOUJIVE - Creative Modern Keynote Presentation Example

MOUJIVE - Creative Keynote Modern Presentation

Moujive features creative Keynote designs that everyone will love. Moujive is one of the best presentations on this list. It's got a modern style and:

  • unique slide
  • vector 3D infographics, icons, and elements
  • customizable elements

24. Simple Blue Yellow Modern Creative Template for Keynote

Simple Blue Yellow Modern Creative Marketing Plan

These Keynote layouts are ideal for simple projects. Use the Keynote slides to launch products or to show your brand's growth. This also comes with:

  • KEY, PPT and PPTX files
  • 34 unique Keynote slides
  • more than 400 icons

25. LOGIC Business Keynote Slides Template

LOGIC Business Template (Keynote)

Get modern and futuristic Keynote design templates to showcase web design presentations. These Keynote slides come with great design elements like charts and infographics. Check it out:

  • full screen format
  • video tutorial

26. Modern Blue Orange Data & Infographics Template for Keynote

Modern Blue Orange Data & Infographics Business

For great presentations you need top premium Apple Keynote templates. This presentation for Keynote features:

  • PPTX, PPT, and Keynote files
  • 34 slides with cool graphics

27. Creative Black White Keynote Presentation Example

Creative Black White Company Profile Presentation

Are you looking for minimal Keynote slide templates for your next presentation? These presentation templates for Keynote feature:

  • easy-to-edit graphics
  • fully customizable infographics

28. Marketing Keynote Presentation Design Template

Marketing Template

Show your audience a creative  presentation that everyone will love with this modern and colorful Keynote theme. Download these Keynote presentation templates and get:

  • 20 cool slides
  • easily editable colors, styles, shapes, elements, and media

29. Startup Pitch Deck Keynote Slides Template

Startup pitch deck presentation

This presentation for Keynote is an attention-grabber due to its bright color palette. Bright Keynote designs like this one are perfect to keep the audience enticed. These presentation templates were made by pros! With this download, you'll get:

  • Keynote, PowerPoint, and Google Slides files
  • 1920(w) × 1080(h) px

30. Pitch Deck for Startup Keynote Design Template

Pitch Deck for startup

Give a presentation that your audience remembers with these Keynote layouts and slides. This presentation has a modern design with a professional color palette of purples and grays. As far as features:

31. Brand Guideline Keynote Presentation Template

Brand Guideline Presentation Template

Are you working on brand guidelines for your clients? Impress them with one of the best Keynote presentations for these type of projects. It's got everything you need to sell a brand design. Highlights:

  • 16:9 widescreen slide format

32. Portfolio & Resume Keynote Template

Portfolio & Resume Keynote Template

Show off your creative talents with these minimal Keynote slides for portfolios. Don't worry about creating  presentations from scratch. This portfolio has everything to help you land your next job.

  • 18 unique slides
  • Master Slides for easy editing
  • resizable and editable elements

33. Achernar Apple Keynote Template

Achernar Keynote Template

These Keynote design templates are perfect for small businesses or creators who are just starting out. Download this minimal Apple Keynote templates to add everything about your brand. 

  • professional design

34. Multipurpose Business Presentation Template for Keynote

Multipurpose Business presentation

Multipurpose Keynote slide templates are great. You can use them for a variety of topics. This Keynote theme will make your content visually appealing from start to finish thanks to its:

  • more than 40 unique slides
  • fully and easily customizable

35. Design Sprint Workshop Keynote Presentation Example

Design Sprint workshop template

To finish this list of the best Keynote templates, here's this fantastic option. If you're giving a workshop, these Keynote presentation templates are ideal. It includes slides for lunch and icebreakers. These are always useful when giving long presentations. Check out its features:

  • PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote templates
  • high-quality design
  • documentation 

5 Keynote Presentation Design Ideas (Quick Tips)

Here are three sure-fire Keynote design tips. You'll make the most out of your professional Keynote theme. You'll tell a compelling visual story and rock your business presentation:

1. Make Best Use of Template Features

There are so many creative Keynote templates to choose from. It can be difficult to choose best Keynote for your presentations. Style and features are two important consideration points.

We've presented several style examples above. For most presentations, a clean, minimal business style will be a good fit. But have a look at the Keynote slide designs that come packaged inside the theme. 

All the templates featured here have many Keynote slide options. Pick one in the style that fits your business needs. Also look for one that comes packed with the right slide presentation options.

Triangle Keynote Presentation Slide Template Designs

Don't feel like you need to use all the Keynote slides these templates feature. Use the Keynote theme's master slides, image placeholders, and packaged graphics. This will help you keep to a consistent design style.

Use an illustration or infographic when it's appropriate. It adds intuitive understanding to what you're presenting. Keep it simple with text over a photo Keynote layouts. Try not to add too much to an individual slide or too many animations. Simple and straightforward techniques go a long way. This is key to craft a professional Keynote presentation.

Check out this round-up of 35 more Keynote themes. Use any of these for your next Keynote presentation:

make presentation keynote

2. Keep Your Slide Designs Focused

You likely have a ton of things you want to communicate in your Keynote presentation. Before you even touch a slide, try to simplify all your research and marketing material. This will help you deliver a clear message to your audience.

With every Keynote slide, pick a narrow focus. You want to communicate one idea on each Keynote slide. Make sure each slide is easy to understand. The best Keynote presentation examples build into the narrative of a presentation.

Slide focus

The more info you try to add to a slide, the more clutter and confusion you'll give your audience. Instead, bring an intense focus to each one of your slides.

3. Tell an Integrated Visual Story

It's almost irresistible to want to present a lot of visuals to your audience. Too many graphics can be overwhelming. Try to align what your presentation speech with the visuals in your Keynote layouts. 

You want data and images to tell your story. Design your Keynote slides to lead your audience through a visual narrative. 

Make sure to try out animations in an Apple Keynote theme. This will help segue visually from one slide to the next. You might only need a bar chart, rather than complicated data vis.

If you're pitching a business idea, use photos that line up with the features you're presenting. Have a clear point to each Keynote slide. Present only the info and graphics that best show your point.

4. Leave the Audience With a Big Finish

After a great Keynote presentation, close with an exclamation point at the end. Make it memorable. If you don't leave the audience with a powerful ending, they might forget.

Key Conclusion slide

Save something for the end. Spend the last slide showing a completely new perspective on your idea. It might be the Keynote slide that leaves them talking over when they leave the auditorium.

5. Use Animations as a Punchline

Animations get a bad rap when building presentations. We've all sat through presentations with distracting Keynote slides. That's caused by too many objects flying around. Complex animations can be distracting from your content.

But that's not how animations should work. Less is always more with Keynote animations. Use animations sparingly so that it draws attention to your key elements. Save them to support a final point to close your Keynote presentation.

Fashion Keynote animation example

Choose one of the Keynote templates for Mac in this article. They will give you great presentation features to work with. Grab the best Keynote slide designs and use them to connect with your audience.

Put these Keynote design tips to practice. Choose the right Keynote layouts for your business info. Tell an engaging visual story and drive your message home.

5 Top Mac Keynote Presentation Design Trends for 2024

Turning the best Keynote templates into the best Keynote presentations can be easy. It's all about the right design choices. Learn from trends that can complement your Keynote presentation template.

Lucky for you, I've grabbed five must-know trends you should use:

1. Flat and Minimal Design

Having low key slides is a top Keynote slide design trend in 2024. All the Keynote slide templates above present this trend at work. This Keynote slide design works well for beauty and fashion presentations.

Simons Sample Keynote Presentation For Fashion

2. Creative Typography

The design world at large obsesses over typography this year. The bolder the better. While your font must be legible, this trend is all about typefaces as visual statements.

Some Keynote layouts have plenty of built-in options you can try. You can also find creative fonts in the Envato Elements library.

3. Emphasis on Images

A high-quality visual Keynote presentation is worth a lot more than a thousand words. This trend is all about letting images, videos, and icons do the talking. The best Keynote presentations come with image placeholders. Some also feature vector graphics for this very reason.

Aiony Keynote Slide Template

4. Custom Illustrations

Adding illustrations in the form of backgrounds is a popular trend you can use. They usually come in the form of human characters or background design elements.

Illustrations will help you turn your Keynote presentation into a visual journey.

5. Vibrant Colors

A list of Keynote design trends in 2024 wouldn't be complete without this one. Ditch the pastels for louder, vibrant color schemes. These are instant attention grabbers. You can also use this trend with taste. Use this color wheel from Adobe . Find the best color complements of the tones you want in your Keynote slides.

Nanotec Colorful Keynote Design Ideas

How to Customize a Pro Keynote Presentation Template (Fast!)

We've already looked at some of the best themes for Keynote. Now it's time to learn how easy it is to customize them. Use slides from top Apple Keynote templates to build custom presentations.

Keynote Graphics slides

We'll work with the Keynote theme Fashion Keynote template .  This is one of the top Apple Keynote templates available via Envato Elements. We'll customize five slides so that you can see how easy it is to transform Keynote slide templates.

Let's get started:

1. The Market Slide

The Market slide

Let's start by customizing the slide labeled "The Market." This is an important slide for many Keynote presentations. It can show your geographic footprint.

You can customize most Keynote slides by clicking on individual elements. Here, we need to update the slide master in this case to adjust the logo. The slide master controls many slides at the same time. It's a separate "layer" for editing your templates.

To adjust a slide master, go to  View > Edit Master Slides.  You'll see a trimmed down version of the Keynote slide. Drop in the logo and tagline to update many slides simultaneously. Then, exit the slide master from the View  menu.

Update slide master

Now, we can update the specifics of the slide. In the example below, I've added a tagline. Then I clicked on individual elements and recolored them from the Format > Style menu. It took me less than a minute to update this slide to match my brand.

Slide Master

2. The About Slide

The About Slide

An About slide explains most aspects of your business. Use a simple About slide can for an overview of the entire Keynote presentation.

As you open this slide, you'll notice that the elements are already updated to include the new logo. That's because it uses the same master, so you'll see the logo is already updated. My second step was to type in the text boxes, as well as adding a new headline that introduces the slide.

In the example below, I clicked on the rectangles. Then I changed their color from the Format > Style  menu to recolor the progress bars.

Voice of the User

3. The Social Strategy Slide

Social Strategy Slide

Let's get social! A social strategy Keynote slide shows your focus on social media channels.

Much of the work is already finished because I updated the Keynote slide master. All that's left to do is to update the key on the left side. I typed over the chart key to note what each circle signifies. Then, I recolored the circles from the same Format > Style menu . We've been also using it to adjust the Keynote slide designs.

That's it! In a few clicks, transform the social slide with our info:

Social updated

4. The SWOT Slide

SWOT Keynote Designs

A SWOT Keynote slides captures a classic strategy exercise. Analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Keynote slides 25 in our template already has the four pillars laid out for you to fill in.

Three quick customizations transform this slide:

  • Update the SWOT text . Spend time thinking about your case for each of the four categories. Type over the text placeholders to update your Keynote design. Then, highlight and change the color.
  • Edit the slide master . If you haven't already done so, make sure to go to the  View > Edit Master Slides.  Remove the element in the upper left corner and replace the "K L A M B I" text with your logo.
  • Update the slide title . Type over the Keynote slide's header to update it to your business purpose.

Now, you've got a successful SWOT slide. Use Keynote graphics like this layout. Show that you've considered your competitive position.

Update SWOT Keynote Slides

5. The Conclusion Slide

Conclusion Keynote Slide

Not enough presenters use the conclusion as an opportunity. The last Keynote slide can help you  build a relationship with your audience. Let's learn to use slide 34 to make an impact and stay in touch.

This slide is a three-column slide by default. Let's adjust it in three steps to adapt it:

  • Delete two unused columns . There are three text columns. Let's refine it to one by clicking on them and delete them.
  • Add your social details . Type in the text box and add your social and contact details. This will help to continue the conversation.
  • Left-aligned text . he slide flows better to left-align the content. Drag it to the left to align it to the screenshot below.

Stay in Touch Finished Keynote Design

Discover More Great Keynote Templates for 2024

As you've seen in this tutorial, templates are the secret sauce for fast Keynote designs. Check out our guide on how to make amazing Keynote presentation designs in 2024 . It shows you how to take a template and create a great Keynote presentation.

There's no limit to the number of Keynote slides you can create. See more of the best Keynote designs in the articles below:

make presentation keynote

Common Apple Keynote Questions Answered (FAQ)

Are you using Apple Keynote or thinking about using Apple Keynote for presentations? You may have some questions. Here, we've gathered some of the most common questions people ask about Apple Keynote. Follow these to guide you with some answers:

1. Is Apple Keynote Better Than PowerPoint? 

Both Keynote and PowerPoint are excellent choices for creating powerful presentations. Which program you use largely depends on your personal preferences. It also depends on the tools you're familiar with.

Keep in mind whether you'll be collaborating with someone else. We've got a detailed comparison of the two apps. This can help you decide which program works best for you:

make presentation keynote

2. Can Apple Keynote Open PowerPoint Files? 

Yes, opening PowerPoint files with Apple Keynote is straightforward. Navigate to your PowerPoint file, right-click on it, and select Open With Keynote from the menu.

Learn more in this tutorial:

make presentation keynote

3. How Do I Get Started With Using Apple Keynote? 

To get started with using Apple Keynote, you'll have to click the Keynote icon in your dock. Then, select a built-in template or start with a blank slide.

Here's tutorial with more information:

make presentation keynote

4. How Do You Add Images to Keynote Presentations? 

There are three ways to add images to Keynote presentations: 

  • Drag the image from your computer and drop it onto your Keynote template.
  • Click the image icon on the image placeholder and choose Photos . Then drag an image from a photo library to the media placeholder.
  • Click the image icon in the top toolbar. Choose Photos and then select the image from the media library and drag it to your slide.

Learn all about images in Keynote here: 

make presentation keynote

5. Can You Make Presentation Animations in Keynote?

Yes! Keynote makes it easy to add animations to your presentations. Animate slides as well as objects on the slides.

All you've got to do is select the Keynote slide you want to animate. Then click the Animate tab on the right sidebar. Choose an animation and customize the duration, direction, and the start time.

Learn more on Keynote animations on the next article:

make presentation keynote

Apple Keynote Tutorials on Envato Tuts+

We've got plenty of helpful Apple Keynote tutorials for you. These will help you make a great presentation on your Mac. Learn how to customize a premium Keynote template or to make a basic presentation. Also learn how to get a quick start with slides: 

make presentation keynote

Discover more great Keynote tutorials and videos on Envato Tuts+: 

make presentation keynote

Download Our eBook on Making Great Presentations (Free)

We've got the perfect complement to a professional Keynote presentation template. This eBook will help you learn how to write, design, and deliver great presentations.

Grab  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations now for FREE. You'll only need to subscribe to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Get your ideas formed into a powerful presentation that'll move your audience. 

Making Great Presentations Free Guide Download

The Best Keynote Presentation Templates on Envato Elements (With Unlimited Use)

You can find hundreds of the  best Keynote presentation templates on Envato Elements.

Apple Keynote templates on Envato Elements - with unlimited access

A versatile presentation theme designed for many business uses in 2024 is a useful asset. Whether you've got a report to give or team to inform. These Keynote presentation templates have all you need to make a top-notch design.

These premium new Keynote presentation examples have a ton of presentation options. While feature-rich, they're easy to work with. You can add your info, insert your business photos and edit each Keynote slide design. You can quickly put together your Keynote presentation.

Save some design time and spend it looking for new clients. Use a professional Keynote presentation template to close deals.

Are you building a Keynote presentation now? Dive into some of the best Keynote templates available online. They're all available on Envato Elements.

Keynote Templates

Keynote Presentation Templates

Each of these Keynote slide templates have unique and modern designs. Make your business Keynote template stand out from the bunch. These templates come with simple visual options and plenty of Keynote layout designs. Great keynote presentations are the ones that tell the story behind the business. 

Insert all the Keynote slides you need. Remember to pace and lead your audience through your Keynote presentation. Work with slides set up for business presentations, such as: 

  • creative slides
  • team presentation slides
  • portfolio slides
  • and plenty of infographic slides 

Lots of Slide Designs

These Mac Keynote templates feature hundreds of  presentation options. Timelines, graphics and customizable maps. Also comes with flow charts, comparison tables, and data diagram Keynote slides. These 2024 business themes have many advanced Keynote presentation features, such as:

  • many design layouts
  • ready to use master slides
  • business-driven infographics
  • a spectrum of color choices
  • handcrafted animations

Insert your info into these impactful Keynote slide templates. 

Plus, Envato Elements AI search is here! Now you can describe your project to find the best human-made assets with the power of AI. 

Find the best human-made assets, with the power of AI-search

You'll find it easy to create a top-notch Keynote slides deck. Nail all your business presentation in 2024! You're all set.

Grab a Modern Presentation Template Now 

Jump over to Envato Elements. Get access to  unlimited presentation templates . Unlock your potential today!

Interested in PowerPoint Themes or Google Slides templates? We've got an assortment of those presentation Templates. Otherwise, browse through the high-quality, uploaded on a regular basis. 

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Andrew Childress , Nathan Umoh , Maria Villanueva , Janila Castañeda , and Dacia Egurrola . Andrew and Nathan are freelance instructors for Envato Tuts+. Maria is the Associate Editor of the Tuts+ Design channel. Janila is the Associate Editor of the Tuts+ Business channel. Dacia is a staff writer with Envato Tuts+.

Gonzalo Angulo

Set up your presentation in Keynote

Learn how to choose a theme, add slides, and change the look and aspect ratio of your presentation on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or online at

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iPhone or iPad

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Use Keynote on iPhone or iPad

Learn how to choose a theme, add content, change the look of a slide, and more.

Choose a theme and add content

To create a Keynote presentation, first choose a theme. Themes contain predesigned slide layouts, which you can use as a starting point for your presentation.

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Tap Choose a Theme, then tap a theme.

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To add your own text, double-tap placeholder text.

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Change the slide size

You can change the slide size to fit screens with different aspect ratios. Any existing content might be moved to accommodate the new aspect ratio.

Open your presentation in Keynote.

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Tap Presentation Options, then tap Presentation Setup.

Tap Slide Size at the bottom of the window, tap a new size, then tap Done.

If you choose Custom, enter the slide dimensions, then tap Done.

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Change the look of a slide

To quickly change the look of a slide, you can apply a different slide layout to it. When you change a slide's layout, any content you've already added appears in the new layout.

Select one or more slides.

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Swipe to see all slide layouts, then tap one to apply it.

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Change the look of your entire presentation

To quickly change the look of your entire presentation, you can choose a new theme at any time. If you added content, it's placed in the slides of the new theme. Any customizations you've made, like changing the color of text, appear in the new theme.

Tap Themes at the bottom of the window.

Tap a theme or swipe to see more themes.

When you're finished, tap Done.

Edit slide layouts

To quickly make changes to multiple slides in your presentation at once, you can edit slide layouts. You can change the layout of a slide, add text, images, and objects. Changes to slide layouts affect the slides in your presentation that use the same slide layout.

Tap on the background of a slide, then tap Edit Slide Layout in the menu that appears.

In the sidebar, tap a slide that you want to edit.

Choose what you want to do — rearrange content, add text, images, and objects.

When you’re done editing slide layouts, tap Done in the upper-right corner.

Use Keynote for Mac

In Keynote, choose File > New, then double-click the theme you want to use in the theme chooser. If the theme chooser doesn't appear, hold the Option key, choose File > New from Theme Chooser, then double-click the theme you want to use.

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To add your own text, double-click placeholder text.

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You can change the slide size to fit screens or projectors with different aspect ratios. Any existing content might be moved to accommodate the new aspect ratio.

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Choose a slide size from the Slide Size pop-up menu.

If you chose Custom Slide Size, enter the slide dimensions, then click OK.

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To change the look of your entire presentation, choose a new theme at any time. If you added content, it's placed in the slides of the new theme.

Click Change Theme.

Double-click a new theme.

To make sure the customizations that you've made (like text color) appear in the new theme, select “Keep your style changes.”

You can always undo a theme change if you preferred your previous theme.

To quickly make changes to multiple slides in your presentation at once, you can edit slide layouts.

From the menu bar, choose View > Edit Slide Layouts.

In the sidebar, select a slide layout that you want to edit.

When you’re done editing slide layouts, click Done in the lower-right corner.

Changes to slide layouts affect the slides in your presentation that use the same slide layout.

Keynote for iCloud

You can choose a theme when you create a new Keynote presentation online at

Double-click a theme. The presentation opens in a new tab or window in your browser.

To add your own text to a slide, double-click the placeholder text.

To add your own image to a slide, drag an image from your computer to the placeholder image.

If you want to change the look of slides, slide size, or the theme after initially creating your presentation in Keynote for iCloud, open your presentation in Keynote on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

make presentation keynote

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make presentation keynote

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Event Marketer

How Canva Evolved an Internal Keynote Event into an External-facing Festival of Creativity

“We don’t want to be the normal tech keynote; that’s not our style. We aim to put on a show and to entertain. Our keynotes and the content are always very whimsical, colorful, theatrical, fun and entertaining. That’s our brand and who we are.”

–Jimmy Knowles, Global Head of Experiential, Canva

Canva Create 2024_1. Event Entrance

What started as a themed keynote followed by a vibrant afterparty, geared primarily toward an internal audience of Canva’s employees, known as Canvanauts, Canva opened the doors to an external audience for the first time, evolving the third iteration of Canva Create into a daylong festival of creativity at YouTube Theater/SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, CA, on May 23.

An event of firsts, it was also Canva Create’s first time in the U.S., as the brand hosted the first two events in Sydney where it’s headquartered, and recast the keynote via a virtual experience for millions of global users to view news on the latest products, tools and features. In addition to its usual lineup of speakers from the leadership team, Canva brought in several thought leaders, including Disney ceo Bob Iger, actress Mindy Kaling and author Adam Grant, for keynote conversations. (Plus, the Canva Enterprise rap performance from the keynote went viral…)

Related Content:

  • HPE CMO Jim Jackson Talks the ‘Sphere Effect’ and the Future of Keynote Content
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make presentation keynote

Additional touchpoints included the Headshot Hub, the Canva Canteen for lunch, networking opportunities, photo moments and the Canva Consultations support desk staffed with employees to answer questions about accounts and features. A hit with attendees, the DIY Swag Shop gave away dip-dyed tote bags with corporate lingo and fun phrases like “Let’s unpack that,” “Totes a good idea” and “Low-hanging fruit,” which could be customized with patches. ( Agency: Public School)

Jimmy Knowles, global head of experiential at Canva, describes Canva Create as “a jam-packed day full of electric energy,” and the event exceeded attendance goals with more than 3,300 participants. Since 2022, Knowles has seen Canva Create’s evolution from internal event to festival of creativity. Below, he delves into the event’s shifting priorities as Canva enters the b-to-b space, and the nuances that come from tailoring a keynote event into a full-day external-facing program.

Take a Photo Tour of Canva Create:

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Event Marketer: How did Canva Create start, and what was that first iteration like?

Jimmy Knowles: Canva Create as a platform has been on a little bit of a wild journey. At Canva, being an Australian company, we broke down our yearly cadences in terms of the Australian seasons. At the beginning of each, we would have the season opener, an internal-only event that was an opportunity for us to talk about the goals that we crushed that past season, give an outlook into what different teams across the entire company are working on for the next season, what products we’re launching, what we’re developing, what events we’re going to host, all of that. They would become these massive events that would always be themed; everybody would get dressed up. It ranged from Canva Land that was candy and sweets themed to one that was themed around the Roaring ’20s and “Gatsby.” There were these elaborate sets, and it was this really fun, whimsical way for how the company and leadership were sharing updates.

We wanted to shake things up and turn this on its head. We also wanted to bring a little more of this magic externally to the community to show them how we do things at Canva and give more of our personality. So my first six months at Canva were spent building what would become the first-ever Canva Create hosted in Sydney in September 2022. Called “The Future is Visual,” it was really meant to be an evolution of our season openers. We had 2,500 Canvanauts in Sydney come to the Hordern Pavilion dressed in neons, sequins and costumes, and we had what would become our first major public keynote presentation that launched the full Visual Suite to the world. It was done in a way that was very Canva—it was colorful, loud and over the top. There were pyrotechnics, confetti and a rap.

Canva Create 2024_12. Confetti Full Stage

EM: How has Canva Create evolved from year one to year three?

JK: “The Future is Visual” was the first time that we were able to really land the messaging around our Visual Suite in a big way that was able to be digested by press and by our community and get people really excited about the future of Canva and what we were doing. It was such a massive success for us that we turned around six months later and held a second Canva Create in March 2023 called “Brand New Era.” We saw this shiny thing that got so much attention, buzz, excitement and chatter on social media, and it was like “OK, let’s double down on this.”

As soon as it wrapped, we quickly got to thinking about what the next version of this looks like. And there were a couple of things that we knew were really important. One, the United States is a massively important audience for us. Two, we were looking to land the narrative around Canva being enterprise-ready and being a workplace tool—so this shifting perception from Canva the tool that you use to make your save-the-dates, birthday party invitations and fun social media graphics, to Canva the tool that’s powering your entire workplace and your entire team to collaborate to create content at scale. With that in mind, it made sense for a strategic shift to the United States to “fish where the fish are.”

I think sharing some of that magic of what happens internally translates so well to an external audience, so we decided with this 2024 iteration to open up Canva Create for the first time to an external audience and to invite our community and sales prospects through the doors to experience that same magic and to get hands-on with the product and to interact with Canvanauts from across the globe.

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EM: What were some unique challenges that came with opening up Canva Create to an external audience?

JK: In how we present and how we talk about some of these things, all of that had to change and become a little bit more external-friendly, like some of the inside jokes that we might have used in season openers don’t necessarily translate to an external audience, so you have to do a little bit of a shifting of that content. That comes with a significant change for us internally to think about how we still maintain that sense of what everyone loved about season openers. It became more of a marketing objective for us.

Beyond just the great keynote, how Canva Create first started out, there needed to be more substance and content for the day. We saw this very clear opportunity to create different touchpoints for people to not only get involved with the product, but bring this highly creative community together, to learn from each other, to learn from thought leaders, to be inspired. Not everything we did at Canva Create was solely and exclusively about Canva; it was ways to get them thinking about AI and what that means for creativity, looking at things like typography and design, dissecting different elements of collaboration in the workplace, and what it means to create your personal brand.

Now with Canva Create 2024 under our belt, the sentiment and the outpouring of love, excitement and appreciation from the community for opening the doors for them to experience it for themselves has been so overwhelmingly positive and exciting. And it helps us realize and know that the decisions that we made were the right ones, and it feels like we’ve cracked a really nice formula.

WATCH: Canva Create 2024

Photo credit: Public School

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    To play the presentation, tap , then tap a slide to go to the next slide. To end the presentation, pinch closed anywhere on the screen. For more ways to show a presentation, see Play a presentation on your iPhone or iPad. To close the presentation, tap in the top-left corner of the screen. Closing the presentation doesn't quit Keynote.

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