Sales CRM Terms

What is a Sales Pitch? (Explained With Examples)

Oct 11, 2023

What is a Sales Pitch? (Explained With Examples)

A sales pitch is a powerful communication tool used by businesses to present their products or services to potential customers. It is a persuasive speech that aims to convince the audience of the value and benefits of what is being offered. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of a sales pitch and provide examples that illustrate its effectiveness in different contexts.

1. What is a Sales Pitch?

A sales pitch can be defined as a carefully crafted presentation or conversation that highlights the features, benefits, and unique selling points of a product or service. It is a concise and targeted message tailored to the needs and interests of the target audience. The main goal of a sales pitch is to engage the audience, build trust, and ultimately close a deal.

1.1 - Definition of a Sales Pitch

At its core, a sales pitch is a strategic approach to selling. It involves the use of persuasive language, storytelling, and effective communication techniques to capture the attention of potential customers and drive them towards making a purchase. A well-executed sales pitch takes into account the target market, their pain points, and how the product or service can provide a solution.

Imagine you are a salesperson in a bustling electronics store. A customer walks in, looking for a new smartphone. As you approach them, you have a limited amount of time to make a lasting impression and convince them that your store has the perfect phone for their needs. This is where a sales pitch comes into play. You carefully choose your words, emphasizing the phone's sleek design, powerful features, and competitive pricing. By highlighting the benefits and unique selling points of the phone, you aim to capture the customer's attention and persuade them to make a purchase.

1.2 - Advantages of a Sales Pitch

There are several advantages of using a sales pitch in your business strategy. Firstly, it allows you to clearly convey the unique value proposition of your offerings, making it easier for customers to understand why they should choose your product or service. In a competitive market, where customers are bombarded with numerous options, a well-crafted sales pitch can make your brand stand out from the crowd.

Furthermore, a sales pitch helps you establish credibility and trust with your audience. By showcasing your expertise and knowledge in the industry, you position yourself as a reliable source of information. This not only builds confidence in your brand but also increases the likelihood of customers choosing your product or service over competitors.

Additionally, a well-executed sales pitch can significantly increase your chances of closing a deal. By effectively addressing the pain points and needs of your target audience, you create a sense of urgency and desire for your offerings. This can lead to increased sales and revenue for your business.

1.3 - Disadvantages of a Sales Pitch

While a sales pitch can be a powerful tool, it also comes with its share of disadvantages. One common challenge is the risk of sounding too scripted or robotic. Customers appreciate authenticity and genuine interactions, so it is important to strike a balance between delivering a persuasive message and maintaining a natural conversation. A sales pitch should be seen as a guide rather than a rigid script.

Furthermore, not all customers respond well to a sales pitch. Some individuals may prefer a more personalized and conversational approach, where they can actively engage in a dialogue with the salesperson. It is crucial to adapt your pitch to the specific needs and preferences of each customer, ensuring that you create a comfortable and engaging environment for them.

Despite these challenges, a well-crafted sales pitch remains a valuable tool in the sales process. It allows you to effectively communicate the benefits and unique selling points of your offerings, build trust with your audience, and increase your chances of closing a deal. By continuously refining and adapting your sales pitch based on customer feedback, you can maximize its effectiveness and drive success for your business.

2. Examples of a Sales Pitch

2.1 - example in a startup context.

Imagine you are a founder of a tech startup with a groundbreaking product. Your sales pitch could start with a captivating story about how you identified a problem in the market and developed a solution that revolutionizes the industry. Then, you can highlight the key features and benefits of your product, showcasing how it solves the pain points of your target audience. By demonstrating your passion and expertise, you can create a compelling sales pitch that captivates potential investors, partners, and customers.

For instance, you could delve into the story of how you stumbled upon the problem during your own experiences in the industry. You can describe the frustration and challenges you faced, and how that motivated you to find a solution. Detailing the research and development process, you can emphasize the innovative approach you took to create a product that stands out from the competition.

Furthermore, you can provide real-life examples of how your product has already made a positive impact on early adopters. Sharing success stories and testimonials from satisfied customers can add credibility to your sales pitch and demonstrate the value your product brings.

2.2 - Example in a Consulting Context

In a consulting context, a sales pitch could focus on the expertise and unique approach of your consulting firm. You can start by mentioning your track record of successfully helping businesses overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Then, you can outline the specific services you offer and explain how they can bring tangible results to your clients. By providing case studies and testimonials from satisfied clients, you can create a persuasive sales pitch that convinces potential clients to choose your consulting services.

For example, you can elaborate on the methodologies and frameworks your consulting firm employs to analyze and solve complex business problems. Highlighting the qualifications and experience of your team members, you can showcase the depth of knowledge and skills your firm brings to the table. Additionally, you can discuss the collaborative approach you take with clients, emphasizing the importance of building strong partnerships to drive long-term success.

Moreover, you can provide insights into the industries and sectors your consulting firm specializes in. By demonstrating a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within those industries, you can instill confidence in potential clients that you have the expertise to guide them towards growth and success.

2.3 - Example in a Digital Marketing Agency Context

For a digital marketing agency, a sales pitch could highlight the importance of effective online marketing in today's competitive landscape. You can discuss the various digital channels and strategies you specialize in, such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, and content creation. By showcasing successful campaigns and illustrating how your agency can help businesses increase their online visibility and drive more leads, you can craft a compelling sales pitch that attracts potential clients looking to enhance their digital presence.

For instance, you can delve into the intricacies of search engine optimization (SEO) and explain how your agency utilizes keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building to improve a client's website ranking on search engine results pages. You can provide examples of how your SEO strategies have helped businesses achieve higher organic traffic and conversions.

In addition, you can highlight the power of social media marketing and how your agency leverages platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach and engage target audiences. Discussing successful social media campaigns you have executed, you can demonstrate your ability to create compelling content, drive user engagement, and generate leads for your clients.

Furthermore, you can showcase your agency's expertise in content creation, emphasizing the importance of high-quality and relevant content in attracting and retaining customers. By providing examples of well-crafted blog posts, videos, and infographics, you can showcase your agency's ability to create content that resonates with target audiences and drives brand awareness.

2.4 - Example with Analogies

To make your sales pitch more engaging and relatable, you can incorporate analogies that create a vivid image in the minds of your audience. For example, if you are selling a productivity tool, you can compare it to a Swiss army knife that helps people streamline their tasks and increase efficiency. By using analogies, you can simplify complex concepts and make them more understandable and memorable, ultimately making your sales pitch more impactful.

Expanding on the analogy, you can further explain how your productivity tool encompasses various features and functionalities, just like a Swiss army knife with its multiple tools. You can highlight how your tool allows users to seamlessly manage their schedules, prioritize tasks, and collaborate with team members, all in one convenient platform.

Moreover, you can draw analogies from everyday situations to illustrate the benefits of your product or service. For example, if you are pitching a customer relationship management (CRM) software, you can compare it to a personal assistant who keeps track of important contacts, schedules meetings, and provides reminders. This analogy can help potential customers visualize how your CRM software can streamline their business processes and improve efficiency.

By incorporating analogies throughout your sales pitch, you can engage your audience's imagination and create a lasting impression that sets your product or service apart from the competition.

In conclusion, a sales pitch is a strategic and persuasive communication tool used by businesses to present their products or services to potential customers. It is essential to craft a well-defined sales pitch that aligns with the needs and interests of the target audience. By understanding the definition, advantages, and disadvantages of a sales pitch, and by exploring examples in various contexts, you can enhance your sales pitch skills and increase your chances of success.

About the author

sales pitch job definition

Arnaud Belinga

sales pitch job definition

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What is a Sales Pitch? Examples & Best Practices

Sales pitch - definition, 4 sales pitch examples.

  • Demonstrating via personalization your familiarity with your prospect, their industry, and how and why your product or service will make their life easier
  • Share customer results or metrics that demonstrate your value proposition
  • Finish asking if they have any immediate questions or if we should set another meeting

Cold Calling

Cold emailing, social selling, in-person pitch, tips to create an effective sales pitch, make sure your prospect list is updated, keep it short & simple, have a strong, attractive opening, always place the focus on your prospect, demonstrate you understand your prospect's needs, provide proof with existing customers or metrics, have a clear cta, don't be afraid to get creative. blog logo

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How To Write A Perfect Sales Pitch: Best Practices, Examples, And Templates

How To Write A Perfect Sales Pitch: Best Practices, Examples, And Templates

When I hear the phrase ‘sales pitch,’ I have ambivalent feelings about it. On the one hand, it’s just something inevitable, something every sales rep has to deal with. On the other hand, there’s…well…negative shade to it. Pitch? Really? I don’t like people pitching me any sort of thing.

Mulling over this confusion, I dare to infer: a good sales pitch can’t be pitchy.

Otherwise, it will make your prospects experience not the best feelings.

But what makes a sales pitch good? In this post, I’ll answer this question and share sales pitch examples and templates to make your pitch not pitchy but perfect .

What is a sales pitch?

Elements of a good sales pitch.

  • How to make a sales pitch
  • Sales pitch templates

A sales pitch is a concise sales presentation in which a salesperson makes a sales offering. They explain their business and non-intrusively show the value of their product/service. Salespeople commonly make their sales pitch at least once a week, so for sales teams, this is a regular part of the sales process .

You might deal with various sales pitch types depending on which channel you use for it:

  • Cold calling. ‘Call the damn leads’ – the phrase you might have heard hundreds of times, which reflects how you can reach a sales prospect with your offering – by phone.
  • Email outreach. Alternative to calling a prospect, you can use email to present your offering.
  • Social selling. You can contact your prospects on various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more.
  • Elevator pitch. You typically use it at business events or when meeting someone in your industry for the first time.

Interestingly, you might come across the term ‘elevator pitch’ as just a synonym for ‘sales pitch.’ It emphasizes the very short time frame within which a sales pitch should be made – within the time of a single elevator ride.

sales pitch job definition

I won’t tell you that your sales pitch must have a strict structure. To be honest, I’d prefer to deal with creative sales reps who afford a sort of freedom, as they sound more personal and emanate credibility.

Anyway, creativity is something that should follow knowledge. So, if you’re planning to get some understanding of how a good sales pitch differs from a bad one, I would say that a good sales pitch is commonly based on 6 essentials and advise that you keep them in your pitch.

Sales pitch elements

When you contact a person for the first time, you can’t expect them to embrace you with both arms wide. Just put yourself in their shoes; what would you think? I bet you’d think, ‘What do you want from me?’

There must be something that will show them you are not a stranger – a good hook. As a salesperson, you should do thorough research and find information about the prospect that will let you catch their attention from the start.

You’ve read a prospect’s post? You’ve heard their company launched a new product? Or maybe you’ve just looked through their LinkedIn bio and think you have much in common? All this information can work well.

Here are some examples of hooks you can use:

“I see you’ve been promoted to the position of ___. Congratulations!”

“I’ve read your post about ____. I find your tips really useful.”

Alternatively, start your pitch with a direct explanation of why you’re contacting a person:

“The reason I’m calling/emailing is that ____.”

Even after impressing the prospect with your hook, you’re still a stranger to them. It’s time you told them a bit of information about your company. Just be careful here: you might be tempted to speak/write a lot. Resist it. Your intro must be short and straightforward, something like this:

“I am a sales manager at ____. Our company specializes in ____.”

3. Pain points

You’re making a sales pitch without pitching, remember? In your sales pitch, you’re not someone who is selling; you’re someone who is helping the prospect solve their problem. Your task is to identify your prospect’s pain points and highlight how your solution can help.

For example:

“I’ve read your company is using multiple services for ____, _____, and _____. It looks like you’re spending a lot of money on monthly subscriptions while your team has no single platform for cooperation.”

4. Benefits

I would say that’s the most crucial element of your pitch, your best moment to convince the prospect to buy your product/service.

Sadly, but very often, salespeople mix benefits with features. Don’t do this. In fact, your prospects don’t want to hear how excellent your solution is. They want to hear what they’ll get; they want a result.

Provide them with your value proposition.

Try to create a vision of success your prospect will experience after trying your solution. Will they become more productive? Will they spare money? Will they grow their revenue? You should know particular benefits your prospect will get and clearly state them, better with facts and figures.

For instance:

“With our tool, you’ll be able to manage all your workflow on one platform. This will help you enhance your productivity, sparing up to 5 hours daily, which your team can spend on most important tasks, and saving 30% of your budget.” CRM banner

About 72% of customers say positive testimonials increase their trust in a business. That’s because people need proof, so give it to them.

A good way is to reference companies who are your current customers, especially those who are your prospect’s direct competitors. And don’t forget to support it all with facts and numbers.

“We have been able to help companies like _____ grow their productivity by 30% and increase revenue by 15%.”

6. Call to action

The closing element of your sales pitch should hint at further cooperation with the prospective customer. Here I would advise you to ask your prospect an engaging question and call them to action, for instance, get together for a sales interview . But don’t just appoint a meeting; concentrate again on the value it will bring to your potential client.

“What if we arrange a video call next week for me to show you how we have helped companies like yours specifically. Would it be worth your time to see how our solution could save effort and money?”

Now that you understand the basic elements of a sales pitch let’s walk through some working tactics that will help you make your pitch irresistible.

How to make a sales pitch: best practices and examples

Do your research.

Before making a pitch, the first thing to do is to study your prospect from different angles. You should be clear about who you’re pitching to , so don’t neglect to find the basic demographic and firmographic data, like a person’s name, position, and information about the company.

A good option is to rely on LinkedIn , from which you can collect lots of data, such as the company’s news, industry-related posts, and comments, and use it as a compelling hook for your sales presentation.

Do your research

Use storytelling

Did you know that a great story can lead to the release of oxytocin, which creates a deeper connection between the storyteller and their audience? Not a surprise, storytelling is considered one of the most powerful sales techniques.

I highly recommend that you build your pitch around a narrative. Tell your prospect how other companies started using your product/service and what improvements they got. If you feel your prospect is inclined to object to your offering, you can even tell a brief story of how you have overcome problems by adopting a new technology after several objections.

Use storytelling

Focus on the prospect

Even if you provide an example of your company in your sales pitch, make sure you don’t go too far telling your prospect about your best functionality for another long hour.

A good sales pitch is a story where the main hero is a prospect, not you. So concentrate on your prospect’s current challenges and the bright perspectives they’ll get when they buy your offering.

Focus on the prospect

Balance between emotions and reason

In one of my previous posts about B2B sales psychology , I talked about the importance of appealing to emotions during a sales pitch. Here I would add that you should harmonize it with the appeal to the logical side.

You can appeal to emotions while talking about the prospect’s pain points, say, by asking them how they feel about their current problem. Or you can draw a positive picture of future improvements with your solution by asking them how they would feel if your product/service solved their problem.

sales pitch job definition

Create the FOMO effect

FOMO (fear of missing out) is a perception that you’re lagging behind others in experiencing the advantages of your current life. In sales, you can use the FOMO effect as a psychological trick to stimulate your prospect’s motivation to buy.

Try telling them success stories of direct competitors who have been using your product/service for a while. I’ve mentioned it in the previous chapter while talking about proof. This way, your prospects might feel anxious about missing out on something important their rivals already have in their pocket.

Create the FOMO effect

Personalize your sales pitch

Make sure your sales pitch is relevant to your prospect. Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach and focus on specific needs and pain points of a company you’re going to sell to. And let me remind you again: do research before you start your pitch and learn about your prospects, so you can address them personally, win their positive attitude, and build trust.

Personalize your sales pitch

Another way to build trust with your prospects is to position yourself as an industry expert. Why not add interesting facts to your sales pitch that your prospective customer might not know about?

For example, if your offering concerns a sales CRM , you can add some general information about the CRM market or statistics about how companies are adopting a new CRM. That will show you are well-versed in the subject and only add to the value of your offering.


Be prepared to handle sales objections

It hurts, but your sales pitch won’t always be accepted as something your prospect has been waiting for. Prospects do object, and yes, they do it quite often. Just be prepared to come up with counter-arguments to back you up.

Collecting a list of typical sales objections is important to the process of strategizing your sales pitch. When you know how to handle objections quickly, you’ll appear more credible and professional to the prospect.

Be prepared to handle sales objections

It might be strange to imagine yourself talking aloud, but you need to practice your sales pitch beforehand. Make a plan of your presentation, including all the elements mentioned above, and exercise what you’ll be saying, in what order, figuring out possible questions and prospects’ reactions to your sales pitch.

The top 5 sales pitch templates for your business

Wow, it seems you’re now ready to conquer the hearts of your prospects. Just one last bonus – I’ve prepared 5 templates to support your sales pitch email efforts.

Just remember: templates are fine, but your pitch must be highly personalized, so use them as convenient backing for your creativity.


Sales pitch email template #1 – Sales introduction

Use this template in case your prospect hasn’t heard about you before. Your key goal here is to give them a reason to start communicating with you, so prepare a hook and demonstrate you’ve done your homework, researching a company you’re going to pitch to.

Sales pitch email template #2 – Prospect’s website visit

Never miss a chance to make a pitch to a prospect who has visited your website. You don’t need to look for a specific hook in this case, as you’ve got one already. This template will help show you are attentive to your website audience and ready to help immediately.

Sales pitch email template #3 – Responding to content

Most of your prospecting customers are publishing regular content, usually blog articles. This is a wonderful opportunity to use one of their posts as a hook to build links and make a sales pitch.

Sales pitch email template #4 – LinkedIn connection email template

LinkedIn is one of the best platforms for getting new customers, so once your prospect has accepted your connection, you can use it as a hook for making a non-intrusive sales pitch. You can do this through LinkedIn messages, InMails, or email. The latter will be a better solution to deal with LinkedIn limits and restrictions .

Sales pitch email template #5 – Objection handling

This template will help you to stay in the game even after your prospect objects. As you see, a bit of storytelling can save the situation. If you don’t have a similar story to share, you can always use one of your customer’s use cases .

Wrapping up

A sales pitch is an inevitable part of your job as a sales rep . And while there are dozens of prospects who have negative associations with it (yes, just like me), you already know that making a good sales pitch is possible without being pitchy.

I hope all the above tips, examples, and templates will help you come up with a sales pitch that will melt your prospect’s hearts the way none ever did. Meanwhile, will take care of your sales process from start to finish.

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How to Create an Effective Sales Pitch (With Examples)

January 15, 2024

Shara Zareen

Shara Zareen

How to Create an Effective Sales Pitch (With Examples)

A sales pitch is an attempt to get the prospect's interest in your offering so they decide to purchase it, resulting in successful sales. In other words, it's the art of presenting a product or service and captivating the audience to buy. While crafting a successful pitch for sales, it should be kept in mind that it is tailored according to your prospect's specific needs and interests.

What is a Sales Pitch?

As mentioned earlier, a sales pitch can be defined as a communication composed to convince a potential customer to engage with the products or services and take specific favorable actions. This sales technique is often called an ‘elevator pitch’ because of its need to be brief. Businesses can adapt this technique to persuade the audience either in person or through various digital channels.

A sales pitch is a sales presentation wherein the salesperson aims to captivate the audience, highlight unique selling points, and address the needs or desires of a customer. They often use scripts as a structured framework for promoting a unified brand image and its products or services. SquadStack has its own guided calling app that assures 100% script compliance. It helps our agents ensure that every call adheres to the guidelines, preventing fraudulent activities.

Sales Pitch Strategies

How to Pitch in Sales?

Before you present the product or service to potential customers, you must understand their needs and tailor your pitch accordingly. You might have to modify your pitch at the very last moment in certain circumstances. Hence, adaptability is essential. Make sure to address their specific challenges and highlight the unique features of your product. You must engage and invite questions from the customers for effective rapport building. Lastly, close your pitch with a clear call to action.

Components of a Good Sales Pitch

8 Steps to Create an Effective Sales Pitch Script

Sales representatives use sales pitches or written dialogue scripts to guide themselves while interacting with customers. The journey of crafting an effective script can be confusing and overwhelming. It demands a meticulous approach. Let us walk through the guide discussed below that offers valuable insights on crafting a sales pitch and achieving impactful results.

Step 1: Define Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is a statement that conveys the distinct benefits and features of the offering to the audience. Identify what sets your products or services apart and clearly express the specific benefits you offer that your competitors don’t. Understand the pain points of your potential customers and ensure that your UVP resonates with their desires or challenges. Regularly reassess your UVP based on market trends.

Step 2: Develop a Hook

Start with a thought-provoking question that emphasizes the pain points or the desires your audience can relate to. You can even narrate a story that highlights the urgency of your offering. Position your product or services as the solution they have been looking for. Make sure that your hook is directly connected to the benefits you provide and create immediate interest.

Step 3: Structure Your Sales Pitch Script

Your sales pitch must have maximum impact. Make your offering relatable and introduce your solution as the ideal remedy. Provide evidence of your offering’s uniqueness through case studies, testimonials, or statistics.

Step 4: Craft a Compelling Story in your Sales Pitch Script

Begin with creating an emotional connection with your audience. Share your journey and portray your product as the hero that resolves issues and improves lives. Give real-world examples and testimonials that highlight positive outcomes. You can even use the PIXAR technique, a method developed by the Pixar Animation Studios that involves storytelling to present your product or service. The idea behind this technique is to pitch in a few but interesting sentences focused on phrases like ‘once upon a time…’ and ‘until finally…’.

The PIXAR Technique of Sales Pitching

Step 5: Include Strong CTA

Incorporate a strong CTA (call-to-action). Mention the next step you want the prospect to take, like scheduling a demo, making a purchase, or signing up for a trial. Use action-oriented language to instill a sense of urgency.

Step 6: Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

Instead of merely listing specifications, explain how each feature translates into a tangible user advantage. Try to shift the focus of the pitch from the features to benefits by showcasing how your offering directly addresses their needs.

Step 7: Anticipate and Address Objections

It is a vital step in overcoming the barriers to a positive response. When you proactively acknowledge concerns and address objections, you demonstrate understanding and build trust. It shows that you have considered the prospect’s perspective, increasing the likelihood of recognition of your offering.

Step 8: Practice, Practice, Practice

Lastly, practice your pitch as much as possible for a confident presentation. Rehearsing refines your timing, tone, and confidence. It familiarizes you with your pitch and enables adaptability to various scenarios and audiences. It boasts genuine and natural delivery of pitches. At SquadStack, each caller receives targeted training to improve their performance. These trainings are based on insights and feedback from the call quality and performance monitoring of the callers.

Sales Pitch Training

Also, check Call Center Script: A Step-by-Step Guide

Types of Sales Pitches [+Template]

Sales pitches come in multiple forms, each customized for different contexts and objectives. Understanding the nuances of each type is the key to mastering the art of effective sales communication and driving desired outcomes. Here are some typical sales pitch examples.

1. Elevator Pitch

The elevator pitch is a concise and compelling summary that summarizes crucial information into a short and memorable message capable of sparking further engagement. This pitch is designed to leave a lasting impression, making it an effective tool for any situation where a quick and impactful introduction is crucial.

Example of an elevator script:

“Hi, I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company’s Name]. We specialize in developing cutting-edge mobile apps. Our team of expert developers ensures top-notch quality, timely delivery, and a user-friendly interface. We recently collaborated with [Name of the Company] and helped them increase their customer engagement by 40%. Imagine having a personalized app that boosts your business efficiency and engages your users. If you want to elevate your brand through innovative mobile solutions, I’d love to discuss how [Your Company’s Name] can make that happen for you.”

2. Email Pitch

An email pitch is a persuasive message sent electronically as a part of the sales strategy. It acts as a digital counterpart to traditional sales pitches that leverage the convenience of email communication to drive positive responses.

Email Pitch Example

3. Cold Call Sales Pitch Example

It is a verbal sales presentation conducted over the phone to prospects who haven’t shown prior interest. Despite its challenges, it serves as a direct method for initiating contact and uncovering opportunities in an unplanned interaction.

Prospect: Hello?

Agent: Good morning [Prospect’s Name], I’m [Rep’s Name] from [Your Company’s Name]. I found your information while we were searching for business consultants in [Area’s Name], and I believe our services can benefit your website conversions.

Do you have a moment to discuss?

Prospect: I’m heading somewhere. How much time will it take, by the way?

Agent: If I could have just 10 mins, I can explain how we can elevate your business.

Prospect: Let’s connect some other time.

Agent: No problem.

4. One-on-One Consultative Pitch

Here, the salesperson engages in a conversation with the prospect, actively listens to their needs, and tailors the pitch accordingly. The one-on-one consultative pitch is a personalized sales approach that involves a collaborative exchange. It focuses on problem-solving and providing products or services based on the client's needs.

Consultative Pitch

5. Social Media Pitch

These are visually engaging messages crafted for social media platforms. Social media pitches often incorporate multimedia elements to drive user engagement and encourage actions such as sharing content within their networks, clicking a link, or making a purchase.

Example of Social Media PItch

6. Referral Pitch

This approach taps into the network effect to expand a customer base by sending persuasive messages to the potential customer through the recommendation of an existing client. It leverages the trust and credibility established by the referrer.

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I am [Your Name], a representative of [Your Company’s Name]. [Referrer’s Name] from [Referrer’s Company Name] is our valued partner who recommended you to us. He/She spoke highly of your company and mentioned how you might be interested in our solution that has benefited their operation.

I would love to elaborate on how our [Product/ Service] can bring similar benefits to [Referred Company’s Name]. Can we schedule a brief call at your earliest to discuss this further? Looking forward to working together.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]


Sales Pitch Template

Hello [Prospect's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I represent [Your Company]. I wanted to reach out to you because I believe we have a solution that aligns perfectly with [Prospect's Company] needs.
Identify the Pain Point:
In our discussions with companies in [Prospect's Industry], we've noticed a common challenge - [Briefly mention a common pain point in their industry or a specific issue your product/service addresses].
Solution Offered:
That's why I'm excited to introduce you to our [Product/Service]. Our [Product/Service] is designed to [Briefly explain how your product/service addresses the pain point and the value it brings].
Key Benefits:
Here are a few key benefits you can expect:
  • [Benefit 1]
  • [Benefit 2]
  • [Benefit 3]

Success Stories:

We've had the privilege of working with companies like [Client 1] and [Client 2], helping them achieve [specific result or improvement].
Next Steps:
I would love to schedule a brief call or meeting to discuss how our [Product/Service] can specifically benefit [Prospect's Company]. Are you available for a [phone call/meeting] sometime next week?
Thank you for considering [Your Company]. I'm confident that our [Product/Service] can make a meaningful impact on [Prospect's Company], and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this further.
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

Examples of Sales Pitch Across Different Industries

For inspiration, use these concise sales pitch examples to elevate your sales communication across different industries.

1. Health & Wellness Industry

Pitches in this industry must focus on promoting products or services that contribute to the overall wellness of the audience. Highlighting natural ingredients and scientific evidence can prove to be beneficial in attracting customers and driving positive results.

How SquadStack’s fully vetted and managed telecallers helped Medfin , India’s leading healthcare provider, increase their appointment booking by 25%.

“We wanted a team who could deploy highly trained agents, set up audits, and have quality checks. SquadStack fulfilled all these needs.”
-Arun Kumar, Co-founder of Medfin

Sales Pitch Example for Health & Wellness:

“Hi [Prospect’s Name], I’m [Your Name], calling from [Your Company’s Name]. I was hoping to connect with you as I noticed your engagement with our company’s website. As you already know, we specialize in personalized fitness programs catering to our client’s unique goals. We have helped 500+ clients achieve their weight goals and improve their overall health. We’d love to create a customized plan for you. Can we discuss your fitness aspirations and how [Your Company’s Name] can support you?”

2. EdTech Industry

In an EdTech industry, the sales representatives must focus on highlighting factors such as personalized learning, efficient teachers, advanced technologies, and interactive content. They must showcase the positive outcomes of past students and institutional advancements.

Aakash + BYJU’s collaboration with SquadStack helped them reach 15 Lakh students within a week.

Social Media Sales Pitch Example for EdTech:

“Hello [Prospect’s Name], I recently discovered that we share a mutual connection- [Connection’s Name]. He/ She has been using our educational technologies in his/ her institute and saw a remarkable 20% increase in student engagement. Since you are in the same business as her, I believe our solution could bring similar results to your institution. Are you open to exploring more? -[Your Name]”

3. Brokerage Industry

Sales pitches in this industry must cater to the financial requirements of the audience. The offering should be able to meet the targeted customers’ investment goals. Showcasing market expertise and building trust can help easily convert leads .

Check out Upstox’s success story of becoming India’s leading investment platform with a 40% increase in account activations by leveraging SquadStack’s services.

“Outsourcing gives us a lot of flexibility. To do anything in-house, you will need a lot of time to scale up and execute things at a faster rate. We found a great partner at SquadStack, who helped us achieve our goals, growth, and targets.”

-Satyartha Srivastava, Customer Success Lead at Upstox

Upstox X SquadStack

“Hello, I am [Your Name]. I am a broker from [Your Company’s Name]. Our platform provides real-time market insights and low-cost trades, empowering investors like you to make informed decisions. Last month, our customers saw an average return of 15%. Let us help you maximize your investments and elevate your portfolio. How about a brief call this week?”

Go Forth and Make Your Pitches Resonate

As we wrap up this exploration, remember that adaption and continuous refinement are crucial to driving results. Embrace the insights gained, apply them, and let each pitch be a stepping stone toward a persuasive communicator.

Define sales pitch.

It is a concise and persuasive communication that presents products or services intending to convince a potential client to purchase or take a desired action.

Why is a sales pitch important?

It serves as the first impression and sets the tone for further interactions. It helps communicate the uniqueness of a product or service, addresses the customer's need, and aims to persuade prospects to take specific actions.

How do you make a sales pitch?

To make an effective sales pitch, you must first understand your customers' needs. Then, introduce your product or service and highlight its key features that can solve their problem. Close with a clear call to action, and remember to follow up.

How long should a sales pitch be?

Ideally, it should be concise, lasting up to a few minutes. However, the length may vary depending on the context and other factors like the product’s complexity and the audience’s understanding.

What are the techniques one should follow for a successful sales pitch?

For a successful sales pitch, you will need the following techniques: Create an attractive story. Focus on the benefits and not just the features. Encourage action by creating a sense of urgency. Engage with the audience and ask questions. Highlight client testimonials and market expertise. Follow up.

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sales pitch job definition

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6 Types of Sales Pitches Every Salesperson Should Know

Emma Brudner

Updated: January 28, 2020

Published: August 21, 2018

Sales Pitch Definition

A sales pitch is a salesperson's attempt to persuade their audience to buy or believe what they're offering. That offer might be the chance at another meeting, information on your product or service, or a personal pitch all about you. Whatever the subject matter, it should be quick, to the point, and attention-grabbing.

a folder full of sales pitches

The term "sales pitch" might be a little old school, but the concept is not. At its core, a sales pitch is just a way to explain your product or service's value to the buyer. Call it what you will, but educating prospects on an offering's worth is still central to sales.

What has gone out of style are sales pitches that are long, product-focused, and boring. In fact, we have a separate article all about the essential elements of a sales pitch .

Download Now: How to Perfect Your Sales Pitch

Twitter has effectively shortened our attention spans to statements that contain 280 or fewer characters. If buyers can find the time to hear your sales pitch at all, it had better be compelling and to the point.

In his book To Sell is Human , Daniel Pink presents six types of modern day sales pitches that act as updates to the classic elevator pitch.

Translate your product or service's value proposition into each of these six formats so you can whip out one or another when appropriate.

Types of Sales Pitches

  • The One-Word Sales Pitch
  • The Question Sales Pitch
  • The Rhyming Sales Pitch
  • The Subject Line Sales Pitch
  • The Twitter Sales Pitch
  • The Pixar Sales Pitch

1. The One-Word Sales Pitch

Can you boil your entire presentation down to one word? It might seem silly, but consider the power of a brand that has complete command of one word. "When anybody thinks of you, they utter that word. When anybody utters that word, they think of you," Pink explains.

For example, HubSpot's one-word pitch might be "flywheel." President Obama's one-word pitch during his 2012 reelection campaign was "forward." Think of the single word that represents your offering and use it as a punchy tagline.

2. The Question Sales Pitch

This one should only be used when you're confident that your buyer either somewhat or completely understands the value of your product.

Instead of phrasing your pitch as a statement (" Strategic outsourcing will reduce your company's costs "), reformulate it as a question (" Would strategic outsourcing reduce your company's costs? ").

Why does this work? "Question pitches prompt people to come up with their own reasons for agreeing (or not)," Pink writes. "And when people summon their own reasons for believing something, they endorse the belief more strongly and become more likely to act on it."

This is the upside. But if prospects aren't convinced of your offering's value, a question pitch might invite additional scrutiny (" Would outsourcing benefit us? I'm not sure ... "). So, it's critical to carefully assess the buyer's mindset before using this tactic.

3. The Rhyming Sales Pitch

Dr. Seuss was on to something. "Rhymes boost what linguists and cognitive scientists call 'processing fluency,' the ease with which our minds slice, dice, and make sense of stimuli," Pink explains.

And this has a surprising effect: Studies have found that rhyming statements are perceived to be more accurate than non-rhyming, even when both options convey the exact same message, Pink notes.

So, before you dismiss rhyming as child's play, take into consideration that a simple couplet could make the difference between a done deal and a competitive steal.

4. The Subject Line Sales Pitch

Salespeople are masters at the art of crafting intriguing email subject lines. Take that expertise and apply it to your sales pitches.

Pink writes that strong email subject lines follow three principles: utility, curiosity, and specificity. However, you shouldn't try to add elements of each into a single email header or sales pitch.

"Your email subject line should be either obviously useful or mysteriously intriguing, but probably not both," Pink writes. It's also noteworthy that the more information buyers are contending with, the less effective curiosity-provoking subject lines become.

The actionable takeaway? Craft two separate sales pitches -- one useful, and one intriguing -- and layer specificity onto both.

Deploy the first if the prospect is obviously pressed for time, or is buried in information from rival vendors or internal stakeholders. Use the second if they are just beginning their buying journey and can move at a more leisurely pace.

5. The Twitter Sales Pitch

Tweeting is an exercise in clarity and brevity. What would your sales pitch sound like if you only had 140 characters to work with?

Formulating a Twitter pitch forces you to think critically and creatively about the main highlights of your offering. It can also help you trim the unnecessary fat from your sales presentation.

Keep in mind that while it's easy for you to remember all the features of your offering (you do sell it, after all), a laundry list of functions is bound to overwhelm and confuse prospects.

6. The Pixar Sales Pitch

"Toy Story." "Up." "Finding Nemo." "WALL-E." Pixar is a master at creating not just stunning visuals but stories that resonate with children and adults alike.

Although the stars of the studio's movies range from robots to sea life to talking toys, each has a similar story structure at its core.

Former Story Artist Emma Coats released this narrative template that can be applied to all of Pixar's films:

Once upon a time _____. Every day, _____. One day _____. Because of that, _____. Because of that, _____. Until finally, _____.

By phrasing your sales pitch in this way, it automatically becomes a story, which top salespeople know stick in people's heads much better than a dry recitation of facts. Want to learn more about turning your sales pitch into a story? Check out this article .

In addition, this template makes it easy for sellers to place their prospects front and center -- and buyers should always be the hero of a sales story.

Here's what this type of sales pitch might look like in action:

  • Once upon a time , staffing agencies struggled to find the quality talent they needed.
  • Every day , they checked a number of social media sites and sifted through dozens of resumes searching for needles in the haystacks.
  • One day , a new type of software was invented that automated this search process and quickly returned qualified candidates based on sophisticated algorithms.
  • Because of that , staffing agencies were able to more efficiently fill open positions.
  • Because of that , they were able to serve more clients without taking a toll on productivity.
  • Until finally , the agencies vastly increased their number of customers and amount of new revenue.

Perfecting your sales pitch is crucial to being good at selling. Practice on friends and colleagues until you master the right type of pitch for you.

Need more inspiration? Check out these sales pitch examples too good to ignore .

Sales Pitch

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sales pitch job definition

How to create a sales pitch (examples + templates)

Pitching is all about building relationships. Get inspired by real-life examples and craft your own compelling sales pitches that convert.

“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?"- Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs used these exact lines to convince John Sculley, the president of Pepsi, to join Apple. As Jobs was developing Apple as a young entrepreneur in the 1980s, the board of Apple wanted the company to be run by an "adult" with some business expertise and knowledge. Jobs met Sculley, the president of Pepsi at the time, and by saying these legendary lines sealed the deal for him to lead Apple.

This is a prime example of how a sales pitch can make or break your game. Here, we can see how a single sales pitch from Jobs changed the fate of Apple. Let’s learn how to create one for your business and get sales pitch ideas from real-life examples.

What is a sales pitch?

A sales pitch is a brief summary that introduces the product or service to a prospective customer. Its main goal is to grab their attention and keep them engaged throughout the discussion. Sales pitches are typically brief and direct and differ significantly from sales presentations.

A sales pitch meets the customer's needs and conveys the value proposition of your product or service. It's not just about talking to the prospect but engaging them in a meaningful conversation to build a relationship.

The most effective sales pitches involve mutual interaction and an attempt to establish a rapport with the prospect, not just you talking to them. You can make your pitch both unique and personalized.

There’s a certain point in a sales rep’s career when things seem to click and get a little easier. It’s when they stop pitching their solutions and start having conversations about their solutions.

John Barrows, sales guru

When creating a sales pitch, it's crucial to understand your potential clients and their emotional appeal. Some prospects may prefer a direct and assertive approach, while others prefer an indirect one. As a sales rep, it is important to tailor a sales pitch as per the prospect’s preference.

Remember that investing time in understanding your client's preferences and needs can greatly contribute to building a long-lasting business relationship.

How to write a compelling sales pitch in 9 simple steps 

Understanding your target audience, recognizing their pain points, and optimizing your message to appeal to them are necessary for crafting an effective sales pitch. It's about presenting your offering's value proposition in an understandable, concise, and compelling way.

Below are some key sales principles that are critical when making perfect sales pitches:

Step 1: Understand your customer 

As a sales rep, the first and foremost step you should take is to understand your audience. Start with customer profiling to understand your potential buyers, whether they are a 50-year CEO or a 25-year sales professional. This will help you adapt your tone and tailor your pitch to your audience's specific needs, preferences, and pain points. Your pitch should capture their pain point and hit the right note to grab the audience’s attention. It's about crafting a message that not only addresses their challenges but also offers a solution. By doing so, you capture their attention and lay the foundation for a meaningful conversation that can lead to a mutually beneficial partnership.

Step 2: Start with a hook

Capture the attention of the potential buyers from the very beginning. Begin with a powerful statement, a problem, or a compelling statistic. The goal is to engage your prospect right away. Starting your cold call with a hook promises more attention from your prospect.   

Some sales reps start their sales pitch by introducing their product, but this approach falls short. Start with what your prospect resonates with the most. Once you have their attention, you can introduce your product and deliver a successful sales pitch. 

Step 3: Identify the user’s problem

Before making a sales pitch, it’s important to understand your prospect’s problem. What issue are they facing? What keeps them up at night? Once you understand these pain points, you will have a direction for your pitch.

Most importantly, your focus should not be on the benefit of the product but rather on how these problems can be solved.  The focus is not on your product features but rather the critical challenges your prospects are facing.

Start by asking the right questions and engage in active listening during conversations with the prospect. The more you learn about your audience's struggles, the better equipped you'll be to tailor your pitch to address their specific needs.

Additionally, the emotional aspect of their problem should be considered. Beyond the practical implications, how does it make them feel? Frustrated, anxious, or dissatisfied? Acknowledging and empathizing with these emotions in your pitch can establish a deeper connection with your prospect.

Demonstrating that you understand their pain lays the foundation for building trust and credibility, setting the stage for a successful sales conversation.

Step 4: Pitch your solution

After understanding the problem, start pitching how your product solves such issues. Draft your message so that it directly addresses their challenges and illustrates how you can provide a better solution.  

To avoid overwhelming your audience with unnecessary information, focus on the most compelling aspects of your offering. Present your product or service as the ideal solution to the identified problem.

Lastly, communicate the benefits of choosing your product. Focus on how it improves their lives, solves their problems, or saves time and resources.

Step 5: Back your claim with results and data

After you have discussed their problems and pitched your solution, now is the time to build credibility. One effective way to do so is to back your claim with data. For example, it can be significant if you pitch a product that promises to generate leads, showcase success stories, or present the number of leads you’ve helped the brand achieve. 

If you are pitching a product that increases the number of leads, showcase success stories of a brand that you helped previously. Show by how many percentage points you increased their leads by.

As per a report , about 95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase

With this number in mind, make sure facts and statistics support your sales pitch. Ensure your sales pitch includes testimonials and case studies to show the real impact of your business. Offering a solution to their problem is not enough; anchor your sales pitch with enough social proof and results. If your product has helped other people, let your prospects know. 

Step 6: Tailor and personalize every sales pitch 

Tailor your pitch to the individual needs and preferences of each prospect. Use every possible detail to understand your prospects and personalize your sales pitch to meet their expectations. 

Remember, you are talking to a human and not a robot. A person does not solely make buying decisions based on logic; emotion plays a crucial role.  So, creating an emotional connection with your prospect increases your chances of cracking that deal. A great way to connect with your prospect is to use words that evoke emotions like excitement, joy, relief, or satisfaction.

Step 7: Keep it concise

Always remember that your prospect may not have time or be interested in your sales pitch. Therefore, before bombarding your prospect with information, keep your pitch concise and brief. One effective strategy is to start with a question; it keeps the prospect involved and engaged from the beginning. 

Throughout the pitch, remain attentive to the prospect's cues and feedback. Encourage dialogue and invite questions to ensure the conversation remains dynamic and relevant to their interests.

Step 8: Built a connection 

To establish a strong connection with your audience, be personable, empathetic, and genuine. Show them that you understand their concerns and are genuinely interested in helping them.

Once you've established this connection, make your pitch relatable by incorporating storytelling. Storytelling creates an emotional connection and reinforces the value proposition.

However, authenticity is key throughout the communication process. Be genuine and transparent in your communication. Being genuine and transparent builds trust, and paying attention to audience cues allows you to adapt your approach based on their reactions and feedback.

Step 9: Measure the result and refine your sales pitch

Another crucial step is refining your sales pitch. As it's well said, practice makes perfect. If you have made a few sales pitches but failed to convert, it's time to analyze. See where you are going wrong. For instance, If you’re sending an email, check the analytics of your cold email , to understand where it is lagging. 

Create a checklist of do’s and don’ts. See what you are missing out on in your existing cold emails and try to create a new and better version. 

Ways to improve your sales pitch 

Seek feedback 

A/B testing

Iterate and adapt

Track metrics

Regularly assess the effectiveness of your pitch and make adjustments based on customer feedback and market dynamics.

These are some of the major components of great sales pitches, so ensure yours is always on point. 

5 pro tips to get your sales pitch right

1. don't pitch features, pitch benefits.

The first and foremost tip any expert would give is never to pitch product features. Instead, share the benefits and impact the product will have on your prospect’s life. Focus on the value proposition for the customer rather than simply listing the product’s features.

While features describe what a product or service does, benefits explain how those features solve the customer's problems or fulfill their needs. 

2. Don’t just speak, converse 

Don’t just speak; have a conversation with your prospect. Keep them actively involved by asking questions such as, "Do you think this solution can solve your problem?" or "Will it help streamline your operations?" Or anything else to keep them interested and intrigued. 

It will give you an insight into their thought process as you pitch, so you can adjust if necessary.

3. Modulate and practice tone

A sales pitch is sometimes called an elevator pitch, and it indicates the limited time you have. Practice what you can convey in a minute. Modulate and condense your pitch to perfectly pit in the time frame.

Most importantly, change your tone/pace to emphasize what's most important. Practice to finally get a perfect sales pitch for your business. 

4. Write down your pitch

Follow the steps discussed above to create your own compelling sales pitch. Start by penning down benefits you want to talk about and go on to make a conversation. 

Writing will allow you to craft a product pitch directly targeting your audience. This will also help you efficiently optimize your pitch as and when needed.

5. Don’t forget to follow up

An effective sales pitch extends beyond the first meeting. The immediate goal isn't always to make a sale but rather to have another opportunity for a brief meeting. After the first meeting, get in touch with the lead again. 

Once you've scheduled your follow-up meeting, ensure you stay in touch with your prospect. After demonstrating your solution, it's time for your call to action. 

Whatever actions you expect the prospective clients to take, make it clear in your call to action. Using a compelling call-to-action at the end signals prospects that you are confident your solution is right for them. 

Actionable tips and techniques to deliver your sales pitch

A sales pitch is a brief summary that introduces the product or service to a prospective customer. Its main goal is to grab their attention and keep them engaged during the entire discussion. Sales pitches are typically brief and direct and differ greatly from sales presentations.

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Powerful sales pitch templates to land your next client

Successful sales pitches attract customers and help you make a sale. They promptly address a concern and spark curiosity by resonating with potential customers. To achieve this, sales reps must employ various effective sales pitch strategies and persuasion techniques to stand out. 

Start with a question : Starting a sales pitch with a question interests your potential customers and quickly grabs their attention. This approach is particularly effective for strategies targeting the top of the sales funnel.

Keep it short but effective: Another lead-generation strategy for the top of the sales funnel involves crafting a brief product pitch that initiates a conversation.

Talk data : Talk in numbers and state how much profit they could make by using your products or how your existing clients have performed so far. 

Tell a story: Don’t just talk about your product or service; this does not form a good sales pitch. Instead, tell a story. Storytelling is the art of conveying information or ideas through narrative, engaging the audience emotionally and intellectually to communicate a message.

Creating a great sales pitch is different from delivering it. These techniques will help you amp up your game and get the prospect’s attention in no time. 

5 best sales pitch examples from top brands

Now, let's dive into some sales pitch examples that you can use as inspiration for crafting your own. Whether you're pitching to investors, clients, or potential partners, these tried-and-tested formulas can help you make a strong impression and achieve your goals throughout the sales process.

In this sales pitch example, Apple, the well-known innovative tech brand, employs a powerful storytelling method. They begin by setting up a clear problem statement and tapping into prospective customers’ emotions, such as security concerns and limited time. Then, they skillfully position themselves as the solution.

Apple's sales pitch highlights its powerful security feature and emphasizes other key features, such as Apple Facetime, Apple Maps, reminders, and DND

Volvo embraced safety as its USP, countering how most carmakers saw things in the past. 

This marketing campaign demonstrated Volvo's conviction in its product and served as a classic example of how trust in your product reflects in your sales pitches. 

If you are a sales rep and trust your product, it will also be reflected in your sales pitches. The ad campaign won numerous awards, which signifies its creativity and effectiveness in grabbing attention.

G2 Crowd proves that a sales video can be powerful with a clear message. They ditch feature overload and focus on the benefits that matter to you. In 20 seconds, you'll understand how G2Crowd can solve your problems.

This laser focus on value grabs attention quickly and ensures viewers understand G2Crowd's worth within seconds. It's a powerful reminder that effective communication isn't about length but clarity and impact.

4. Dallas Mavericks

Mark Cubin’s perspective on attending a Dallas Mavericks game extends beyond a mere list of features—it's about immersing oneself in an unforgettable experience. 

He emphasizes that such experiences surpass conventional forms of entertainment, like movies, offering invaluable moments to cherish with family. Mark underscores a societal shift towards prioritizing experiences over material possessions, citing a study by Expedia in which 74% of US respondents favored experiential spending. 

In this context, he advocates for selling not just the product but the emotions and memories it evokes—a strategy that resonates deeply in an era where the experience holds more value than the product itself.

Watch Mark Cubans best ever-sales pitch

In this sales pitch, Wix addresses the difficult task of creating a website from scratch by offering a solution accessible to anyone. 

The sales pitch highlights the ease of getting your site up and running with a tailored creation experience. Users can effortlessly add necessary elements for their business and choose a design that reflects their style. The platform allows for complete customization, ensuring every detail aligns with the user's vision. Moreover, users can elevate their website with advanced animations and videos to captivate their audience.

These are some great sales pitch examples that clearly outline the importance of the problem statement and the solution you can use to overcome such hurdles.

Proven sales pitch templates that work

There is no one perfect sales pitch. Every product, customer, and service needs that specific hook that makes a winning pitch. These sales templates are designed to help you get started, but make sure to personalize them using the above-mentioned strategies.  

1. Cold email sales pitch

Hi [Propect Name], 

I'm [Your name] from [Your company]. I understand that managing [Industry Challenge] can be a real headache for businesses like yours.  Are you currently struggling with [Specific pain point]?

At [Your company], we offer [Your product/service], which helps companies like yours [Benefit 1] and [Benefit 2]. In fact, a recent study showed that [Statistics about the benefit].

We achieve this through [Unique selling point]. Would you like a quick demo to see how [Your product/service] can help you specifically?

Subject: Streamline your sales pipeline with Freshsales CRM

I came across your company's impressive growth recently and wanted to see if you're facing any challenges managing your sales pipeline.  At many fast-growing companies, keeping track of leads and opportunities can become a bottleneck.

At Freshsales, we offer comprehensive solutions for all your sales and marketing problems. This powerful yet easy-to-use CRM platform helps businesses like yours [Benefit 1] close more deals faster and [Benefit 2] improve team collaboration. Freshsales offers features like sales pipeline management, contact management, and more.

If it is something that excites you, let’s catch up and discuss this further. 

Best Regards

2. Elevator pitch template

Hi [Name], 

Did you know [Statistics related to their industry]?  Many [Target audience] struggle with [Common pain point].  At [Your company], we [Your product/service] help by [Benefit 1] and [Benefit 2].  Unlike others, we [Unique selling proposition].  Would you be open to a quick chat to see if it could be a good fit for you?

Hi Jacob, it's so lovely to meet you! 

Did you know that the automobile industry is projected to grow to $3969.84 billion by 2030? With the increasing demand for innovative solutions, this sector has a significant opportunity for investment.

Many investors like yourself understand the potential of the automobile industry yet struggle to find the right opportunities to capitalize on this growth. At Car-O-Tech, we've developed a technology that would change the driver's experience while driving.

Unlike traditional automotive companies, we're changing the industry with our future-ready and advanced electric vehicle technology, autonomous driving solutions, and sustainable manufacturing practices.

With enhanced safety features, increased efficiency, or reduced environmental impact, we're excited to impact the market significantly.

I believe that an investment in Car-O-Tech could be a great opportunity for you. Would you be open to a quick chat about how our innovative approach aligns with your investment goals?

3. Social media outreach template

"Hi, Avery. I noticed that we have a mutual connection—Christina Delgado. She’s a customer of ours. Her company increased its blog visitors by 20% by leveraging our solution. Since you also manage a blog, I assume you would also like to see similar results on your team. 

Would you like to hear more?

- Kaitlyn"

4. Cold call/ Sales call template

Hi [Prospect name], this is [Your name] from [Your company].

I understand that many companies in the [Industry] are struggling to manage customer data efficiently. Has this been something you've encountered at [Prospect’s Company]?

(Listen to their response)

At [Your company], we offer [Your product], a user-friendly CRM platform that helps businesses like yours centralize customer data, streamline communication, and improve sales efficiency.  This can help you [Benefit 1: Close more deals faster] and [Benefit 2: Improve customer satisfaction].  A recent study showed that companies using a CRM saw a 20% increase in sales.  Unlike other options, [Your CRM product] offers a user-friendly interface and integrates seamlessly with popular tools like [Popular integrations].

Would you like a 15-minute demo to see how [Your CRM product] can specifically address your needs at [Prospect Company]?

Convert your prospects into clients

A great sales pitch is a dynamic, engaging conversation that puts the customer at the center. By understanding their needs, articulating a compelling solution, and delivering a persuasive presentation, you create an opportunity for a meaningful connection and successful sales outcomes. It's about building relationships and demonstrating the value you bring to the table.

To streamline this process and enhance your sales efforts, consider using a powerful tool like Freshsales CRM. With its intuitive interface, robust features, and seamless integration capabilities, Freshsales enables you to manage leads, track interactions, and nurture relationships easily. 

What are the 4 essential elements of a sales pitch?

Problem statement, value proposition, credibility, and crispness are the four primary elements that you must consider while creating a good sales pitch. 

What are the steps to making a good sales pitch?

Begin by identifying your audience and their specific challenges. Take the time to understand your prospective client's needs thoroughly and propose a tailored solution that aligns with their requirements. Support your suggestion with relevant data and positive reviews to build credibility. Finally, conclude your sales pitch with a clear and compelling call to action to encourage immediate action.

How to write a sales pitch?

Start by understanding your audience and trying to be in their shoes. See if your product/service serves its purpose. Pitch the product's benefits and not the feature, meaning talk about how the product will solve the issue rather than just mention ten things the product does. 

Remember to back your claim with concrete evidence like growth reports, reviews, and case studies. 

When should a salesperson put forth the sales pitch on social media?

Sales reps can start pitching on social media if the brand has a good rapport online. Plus, pitching your product is always a good idea if the target audience is active on social media. However, be mindful of the time and aim at building long-term relationships with prospects.

How to start a sales pitch?

Start with an intriguing question or something they relate to, such as pain points. The first 10 seconds are crucial. If you can keep the prospect engaged, there are higher chances of conversion.

sales pitch job definition

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5 Sales Pitch Examples (and How to Craft Your Own)

Sales rep delivering a sales pitch example to another rep

Learn more about the core elements of a good sales pitch and review sales pitch examples that do things right — and wrong.

sales pitch job definition

Elyse Archer

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We’ve all had to put up with pushy salespeople. I used to be one. Early in my career, I worked for a company that encouraged its salespeople to push for an immediate close, and it was soul-sucking. I’m grateful to have found a better way to sell — one that builds mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

As a sales professional, you don’t have to coerce or pressure. Instead, you need to be a curious problem solver who uses your emotional intelligence to be of service. That begins with your sales pitch.

What you’ll learn:

What is a sales pitch, why are sales pitches important, what are the core elements of a sales pitch, what are the types of sales pitches, what are the do’s and don’ts of sales pitches.

  • What are some sales pitch examples based on different scenarios?
  • How do you craft your own sales pitch?

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sales pitch job definition

A sales pitch is a script or quick message that lets you share critical information about your product or service with a potential buyer. However, this doesn’t mean it’s all about you or your sale. A sales pitch should focus on your prospect and their needs. In other words, how your product solves their problems.

Think of your sales pitch as an invitation to take the next step, like scheduling a discovery call or setting up a demo. Each time you guide someone to the next step, the invitation will evolve with the course of your sales process . You may make several sales pitches before a final close, and each one will depend on what’s right for the prospect at each stage.

They help you hook the right customers — those who would benefit most from what you have to offer. The right customer will buy what you’re selling, use it, and be better for it. Why? Because you’re not just pitching a product, you’re pitching a solution.

A strong sales pitch also gives you the opportunity to listen, ask questions that showcase your experience helping similar prospects, and share information the prospect can’t find on their own.

Good sales pitches are helpful, specific, and unique. They lead prospects to a clear next step. Your energy and pitch intent are just as important as what you say, so a helpful attitude focused on your prospect’s best interest should guide you.

Successful sales pitches:

  • Use a unique, personalized opening. This will help you stand out from generic pitches and show the customer you’re focused on them.
  • Acknowledge your prospect’s pain points or goals. A sales pitch should always focus on your prospect and their needs first.
  • Include solutions backed by data. This gives your pitch more credibility and helps to build trust with your prospect.
  • Close with next steps. Set the stage for further conversation and a future relationship with your prospect.

There are many types of sales pitches, and they vary based on the steps of your sales process and channels used. You can also tailor your pitch for all types of settings, such as:

  • Trade shows
  • Networking events
  • Sales meetings
  • Over the phone
  • Social media
  • Live or recorded videos and webinars

According to Salesforce’s State of Sales Report , 34% of deals are closed with a combination of both virtual and in-person touchpoints, while 32% are closed using only virtual channels. It’s likely that you’ll have to lean on more than one channel or pitch technique to close a deal, so it’s important to think about what these touchpoints might look like. For example, if you pitch someone in person at a trade show, you might follow up with a phone call, then an email, and so forth until you reach a close.

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sales pitch job definition

Depending on your product and industry, your full sales cycle may cover several types of pitches before the final close. No matter which stage you’re in or what channel you’re using, here are some proven guidelines for an effective sales pitch.

  • Focus on your prospect’s point of view. Don’t make it all about you. This will help you build a more authentic relationship with the client.
  • Be concise. Don’t ramble. Not only will this help you come off as confident and professional, but it shows that you are knowledgeable about your product/service.
  • Share who your customers are. Don’t keep secrets. Transparency is huge for building trust and credibility. If you’ve helped similar customers, share that with your client.
  • Relax and ask questions. Don’t be aggressive. No one likes a pushy salesperson. Instead, try to understand their point of view and offer ways to help.
  • Support your pitch with examples of success supported by visualizations. Don’t bog down presentations with words. An engaging pitch will hold your prospect’s attention and make it memorable.
  • Tell a story. Don’t speak in bullet points. The more you can draw your prospect in with a story they can relate to, the more impact it will have.
  • Use AI to streamline your sales pitch prep and follow-up. Don’t rely on outdated tools. Better tools will make you more efficient, help you stay organized, and keep you on track.

Sales-pitch examples for different scenarios and channels

Below are three good and two bad sales pitch examples. Many come from my own experience as a sales coach and business owner.

Good: Written note to a cold prospect

The message below could be sent via email, LinkedIn, or any other digital channel. In fact, it’s also the type of language you can use when meeting a potential customer at a networking event.

“I saw [prospect company’s] latest public update on [a project]. Based on the research we’ve compiled about [emerging customer preferences in your industry], I have an idea that could help you [solve your problem or reach a goal]. Would you like to connect to see if this could work for you? Let me know when you’re available for a 10-minute conversation so we can discuss more. In the meantime, I’d be happy to share a case study about how we [helped a similar client with a similar issue.]” 

This pitch works because:

  • It has a unique opening.
  • It’s specific to the prospect.
  • It includes a next step.

Good: Voice message sent via LinkedIn

One day, I logged into LinkedIn to see something novel in my inbox: a voice note that stood out among the written messages. I was intrigued and listened right away. Undeniably, hearing someone’s voice on a digital platform made it feel more personalized. This person used LinkedIn to their advantage intelligently; they connected with me without being pushy or going straight for the close. (You could use the script above to guide the content of your voice message.)

  • It stood out on a popular channel.
  • The message was personalized.
  • The pitch wasn’t all about the offering.

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sales pitch job definition

Good: Pre-recorded personal video

Every day, my team and I receive multiple pitches for the podcast I host. One still stands out to me after more than a year — a person who took the time to record a personal video. In it, he shared why he loved my podcast and pitched his boss as a guest. However, it wasn’t all flattery. What impressed me most was the level of research he did to customize his pitch to my show and its goals.

  • It built an immediate connection.
  • It was customized.
  • It suggested clear next steps.

Bad: Automated, group-blasted LinkedIn message

“Hi. Did the last hire you made have you scrambling to put out fires? If the quality of your talent is lacking, we may have a solution for you. Our virtual assistants are vetted via testing and go through a rigorous assistance rotation with our managers and executives before they’re added to our roster. Take a look at our database and rates: [link].”

This pitch does not work because:

  • It’s not personal.
  • It relies too heavily on technology and not enough human connection.

Bad: In-person elevator pitch

“Hi, Ms. Archer. Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to share some information about the latest [version of your product offering.] We fixed issues that came to us as feedback from customers like you and added [new features.] Can we meet for lunch to discuss?”

This pitch will not work because:

  • It doesn’t focus on the prospect.
  • Its tone is “salesy” and superficial.
  • The next step is too aggressive for an initial in-person meeting.

How to craft your own sales pitch in 5 steps

Now that you know the key components of a great sales pitch, what to avoid, and how to use different channels to your advantage, it’s time to craft your own pitch.

1. Research clients to find opportunities to help

Above all, the best pitches are service-oriented. Personally, I like to read through client testimonials to remind me of how my offering has helped clients realize big improvements. Think of success as helping prospects address pain points and achieve goals.

2. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes

Think about your prospect (or group of segmented prospects with similar profiles). Consider what’s likely on their mind. The goal here is to think from their point of view, not yours. What would make them pause in their busy day to take notice of your offer and its benefits to them?

3. Customize your message

Your pitch should be specific and, whenever possible, customized to each prospect. You’re more likely to see success with a highly personalized pitch than with a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t consider your prospect’s unique needs or goals.

4. Always provide a next step

At the end of your pitch, explain what the prospect can expect. This includes a next step if they agree your pitch is a great fit for them. Depending on where your prospect is in the sales cycle, each pitch will have a different goal or next step. This might be scheduling a product demo, reference call, or closing the deal .

5. Test and refine

Each time you pitch, you’ll learn more about what works and what doesn’t. Keep track of your results so you can evolve your process and improve the experience for your customers. Pay attention to the types of pitches that bring you the most success, and lean into your unique strengths as a sales rep to pitch more effectively.

Leverage these sales pitch examples & tips to create your own

The most effective sales pitches come down to a few things: they’re service oriented, personalized, transparent, efficient, and focused on building relationships backed by credibility and trust. Whether you’re working to improve your sales pitch or just starting to test the waters, the right tools and coaching will help you automate parts of your sales process, improve your techniques, and be more productive so you can close more deals.

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sales pitch job definition

Sales pitch meaning: effective strategies with examples

March 19, 2024

Cameron Smith

Cameron Smith

A sales pitch is a brief and persuasive presentation designed to convince someone to buy a product or service. It typically highlights the benefits and value proposition in a clear and compelling manner.

In the business world, this usually means a transactional sale — but we’re all engaged in sales pitches, whether it’s getting a first date or persuading someone about your sports opinion.

While sales pitches can range from the prototypical “elevator pitch” to hour-plus in-person meetings with a roomful of heavy hitters, the basics remain the same: convince the audience that you have a solution to their urgent problem. 

A great salesperson can tailor their sales pitch to directly target the listener’s problem. They do this by creating emotion, customizing their message, and providing proof that what they’re selling is exactly what the listener needs.

<a href="#elements-of-a-great-sales-pitch" class="anchor-link">Elements of a great sales pitch</a>

<a href="#types-of-sales-pitches" class="anchor-link">Types of sales pitches</a>

<a href="#sales-pitch-best-practices" class="anchor-link">Sales pitch best practices</a>

<a href="#increase-sales-with-streak" class="anchor-link">Increase sales with Streak</a>

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="elements-of-a-great-sales-pitch" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Elements of a great sales pitch

No matter the length of your presentation, there are a few tried-and-true staples that can help you make a compelling case.

Introduce yourself

The first step is obvious: tell them who you are, but do it quickly . People are trained to spot a sales pitch from a mile away, so you’ll want to get to the point.

For the sake of time, it’s a good idea to just say your name, but don’t mention the name of your company (unless you have a good reason to do so). 

This step can be as quick as:

“Hey, I’m John” — and then move on. People rarely remember the name of your company up front, and only care once they’re further down the buying process.

Value Proposition

After you introduce yourself, transition to talking about them as quickly as possible! Try summarizing the biggest benefit that your company provides, and then frame it about them, not you.

For example, let’s say you’re selling HR software. The product is feature-rich, but turn the focus back to them:

“We make HR simple with a single easy-to-use platform that’ll save you time, money, and headaches.”

Explain their Problem

Half the battle of a great sales pitch is your ability to explain the audience’s problem. If you can articulate their pain better than they can, they’ll believe that you have the solution.

Depending on the type of pitch, exploring their problem in the form of a story or analogy can drive the point home. If you only have a few seconds, consider using a short analogy or jumping right into describing the issue. For example, let’s say that you sell real estate coaching:

“So John, let’s say that I drop you in the middle of unfamiliar woods without a map — would you be able to find your way out? Now let’s say that I send a guide with you, someone who’s lived there for years and knows every tree and path. Would that make things easier?”

New salespeople often end their pitches with wishy-washy calls to action. They let the listener off the hook by not pushing for a direct answer.

You could say something as simple as:

“So John, are you ready to get started?”

In many cases, they’ll still have other questions or comments. A good salesperson will repeat their close until they get a firm answer.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="types-of-sales-pitches" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Types of sales pitches

The mode of communication ends up being the greatest dictator of your sales pitch. You’re going to treat the situation differently on a cold call than you would after being invited to an office for a 30-minute presentation.

Email outreach

Based on how many cold emails we all receive - and ignore - daily, it may seem like an inefficient method for sales pitches. After all, how are you going to cut through the noise with your message?

The key is writing an effective cold email to make sure your message doesn’t get moved to trash (or even worse, spam) before it gets a chance at being read. 

Your email copy should change based on how desirable your offer is likely to be to your target. If you’re offering to buy ad space on someone’s website, that can be a short message with a high chance of response.

If you’re trying to sell software to a dental company, you’ll have to try a different tactic. The best piece of advice is to not sound salesy. Talk like you’re talking to a real person — words like tactical, deploy, strategic, efficient, and others just raise alarm bells.

Need help writing sales and business development emails? Start with email templates or use AI to help you craft the perfect cold email . 

Cold calling

In most cases, you’re dealing with someone predisposed to want to hang up on you. So get into your pitch quickly and immediately provide them a reason to want to know more. Also, since cold calling is a numbers game, give them a chance to respond early so you can move forward or move on. 

“Hi John, my name is Joe, and I’m guessing that one of your challenges is XYZ. We help companies just like yours to ABC. 

Is this something that you’re interested in discussing further?”

This sounds simple, but the secret to making this work is a total understanding of their challenges and how you can solve them. Make sure to research sales prospects before a call so you can tailor your pitch to their specific needs and problems.

30-second pitch

Whether you’re rubbing elbows at a networking event or in a literal elevator with a company CEO, honing your quick pitch can pay dividends.

You can expound a bit more than in a cold call, but this is still a shortened version that needs to pack a punch.

The beauty of something so short is that you can write it out and practice beforehand. Even if you never actually give a 30-second pitch, you’ll still be a better salesperson because of it.

Full-length meeting

This is the dream for most salespeople, as you get to dive into your pitch fully. You’ll get to research the company beforehand, polish up the slide deck, and have a legitimate conversation with Q&A at the end. 

Be sure to spend much of your additional time hammering home their pain points and sharing big wins other clients have had.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="sales-pitch-best-practices" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Sales pitch best practices

No matter the type of pitch you’re giving, there are a few strategies that will give you the best chance of closing.

It’s a no-brainer to dive deep into the company before a big pitch, but what about in a cold call? In many cases, you’ll have their name, so always use that.

In addition, you can ask them a quick question that you can use to tailor the pitch. For example, if you know that your cold call list includes small business owners, try this:

“John, if you don’t mind me asking, what is it you sell?”

“Construction equipment.”

“Oh great, we’ve helped plenty of other construction manufacturers significantly increase sales. In fact, what we do really makes sense in your industry because….”

Ask probing questions

Asking great discovery questions not only helps you hone in on your prospect’s pain points, but can also help get everybody in agreement during your sales pitch. 

Rather than phrasing a benefit as a statement, turn it into a question. Instead of saying:

“Our software will save you money.”

“Does it sound like using this software would save you money?”

Aim to get plenty of “yes” answers from your listeners, as setting them up to respond positively at each step gets them thinking positively about your offer as a whole.

Share benefits, not features

This is the time-tested copywriting technique that lends itself to sales as well. As Zig Ziglar once said, “People don’t buy drills, they buy holes.”

If you’re selling a pencil, don’t sell your listener on the shape of the pencil or the special type of graphite it uses. Sell them on how it feels great in your hand and writes smoother than anything else on the market.

Get an answer

If possible, never end your time with an audience without getting a firm answer or next step. Pushing until you get a “yes” or a “no” is the obvious best response.

Of course, things don’t always work that smoothly, and many people will put contingencies on giving you a firm answer.

For example, many will say they need to talk to someone in authority before they can move forward. You could respond with:

“If your wife/CEO/manager agrees, would you be good to move forward?”

This way, you’ll not only have a better idea of their mindset but also condition them to advocate for your product to the decision-maker.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="increase-sales-with-streak" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Increase sales with Streak

Streak is a CRM designed to help you track and improve your sales right inside Gmail.


With Streak’s funnel reports , you’ll see exactly where leads are dropping off in your customer journey. Armed with this information, you can adjust your outreach, pitch, and negotiation strategy.

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Streak allows you to easily track link clicks, email opens, deal progression, pipelines, and more — right inside Gmail. More than 750k+ people across the globe use Streak to manage their VC firms, start-ups, growing businesses, and everything in between.

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4 Resume Mistakes to Avoid When You Don’t Have Much Experience

  • Irina Cozma

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A good resume can set you apart and help you land that interview.

Understanding the common mistakes job candidates make on resumes, and how to overcome them, can set you apart from your competitors. The first mistake is including irrelevant work experience. Instead, only add roles that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. The second is customizing your resume. While it’s in your benefit to adjust your resume to better match the job description, over-tuning your resume for every application can be a waste of time — and end up slowing down your search. This is especially true if you’re focused on securing a particular position that has a standard job title like “marketing coordinator” or “sales associate.” The third is overdesigning your resume. Recruiters only spend a few seconds scanning it, so keep the format simple and straightforward. The fourth is coming off as a novice. For example, don’t use an ancient email address — update it to something that sounds more professional, and give your resume a specific name so it’s easier to identify.

Resumes. Love them or hate them, you will probably need one when you apply for a job. The resume has a specific tactical role to play in your search — to get you the interview. You need to make sure it checks a few boxes to do that work because, even if you take advantage of your network, sooner or later, you will need to share your resume with the hiring manager.

  • Irina Cozma , Ph.D., is a career and executive coach who supports professionals to have better career adventures. She coached hundreds of Fortune 500 executives from global organizations like Salesforce, Hitachi, and Abbott. Irina also coaches startups and the Physicians MBA at the University of Tennessee. Download her free career guide to help you prepare for your next career adventure.

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    Step 8: Practice, Practice, Practice. Lastly, practice your pitch as much as possible for a confident presentation. Rehearsing refines your timing, tone, and confidence. It familiarizes you with your pitch and enables adaptability to various scenarios and audiences. It boasts genuine and natural delivery of pitches.

  10. 6 Types of Sales Pitches Every Salesperson Should Know

    Sales Pitch Definition. A sales pitch is a salesperson's attempt to persuade their audience to buy or believe what they're offering. That offer might be the chance at another meeting, information on your product or service, or a personal pitch all about you. Whatever the subject matter, it should be quick, to the point, and attention-grabbing. ...

  11. How to Create a Sales Pitch? (Complete Guide)

    3. Modulate and practice tone. A sales pitch is sometimes called an elevator pitch, and it indicates the limited time you have. Practice what you can convey in a minute. Modulate and condense your pitch to perfectly pit in the time frame. Most importantly, change your tone/pace to emphasize what's most important.

  12. 5 Sales Pitch Examples (and How to Craft Your Own)

    An engaging pitch will hold your prospect's attention and make it memorable. Tell a story. Don't speak in bullet points. The more you can draw your prospect in with a story they can relate to, the more impact it will have. Use AI to streamline your sales pitch prep and follow-up. Don't rely on outdated tools.


    Remember, language, tone of voice, humor, and body language can all contribute to your story. 4. Focus on the needs of the customer, not your own. A successful sales pitch is about the customer ...

  14. Sales pitch meaning: effective strategies with examples

    A sales pitch is a brief and persuasive presentation designed to convince someone to buy a product or service. It typically highlights the benefits and value proposition in a clear and compelling manner. In the business world, this usually means a transactional sale — but we're all engaged in sales pitches, whether it's getting a first ...

  15. 5 sales pitch examples (With definitions and techniques)

    5 sales techniques with sales pitch examples. Here are 5 sales techniques with sales pitch examples: 1. Cold calling. Making a cold call is a well-known sales technique that greatly benefits from a good sales pitch. This can be a good way of directly reaching out to new customers and developing interest in your business.

  16. How to Write a Pitch for a Job (2024 Tips and Examples)

    Mention this at the end of the pitch after sharing your interest and capabilities. For example, your goal might be to find an industry mentor, apply for the company's open position or to secure an internship opportunity. 5. State a call to action. After explaining your goal, give the employer a call to action.

  17. Sales Technology Solutions Analyst Job in Beijing at Intel

    Job Description Develops and maintains worldwide marketing strategies, product positioning and messages which are executed globally and deliver against corporate brand and business unit sales goals. Executes marketing strategies for a specific product(s), product line(s) or brands to meet a variety of objectives across marketing dynamics ...

  18. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  19. 4 Resume Mistakes to Avoid When You Don't Have Much Experience

    Summary. Understanding the common mistakes job candidates make on resumes, and how to overcome them, can set you apart from your competitors. The first mistake is including irrelevant work ...

  20. Local Handyman Services in Elektrostal'

    Most local handymen in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia are capable of completing any basic home repair, though some may specialize in different skills than others; so if you've got a specific job in mind, make sure the professional handyman service you consider hiring is up to the task.

  21. Best 15 Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Search 23 Elektrostal' home & house stagers to find the best home stager for your project. See the top reviewed local home stagers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  22. New & Custom Home Builders in Elektrostal'

    For Elektrostal' residential home builders who also act as developers, the job starts well before the first nail is driven. They perform local market research to determine whether the prospective homesites make sense in the Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia market, as well as survey the land on which the custom house will be built to make ...