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Story Writing for Class 10 CBSE

Story Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

A story is an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. Stories cast a magic spell on all of us and have mind-altering effects. Stories give us inspiration and sometimes challenge our beliefs.

Story writing is an art It is the oldest form of written composition. It is a work of imagination that is written in an easily understandable grammatical structure. a short story is meant to be read in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 10 English Chapter wise.

Story Writing for Class 10 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

A story can be defined as the events in the order in which they happened. In fact, a story is a work of fiction usually written in prose in a narrative format. A good story must contain the following elements.

  • Setting – The Time and Location
  • Plot – Sequence of events in a story in which the readers learn them.
  • Characters – At least two characters that are consistent, motivated, and life-like.
  • Theme – The central idea or the thoughts of the author.

Elements Of Short Stories

1. Title: The title arouses interest, evokes curiosity, and focuses attention on the theme of the story. 2. Plot: The plot is a planned, logical series of events in a story having a beginning, middle, and end. A short story usually has one plot so it can be read in one sitting. There are six essential parts of a plot:

  • Exposition is the beginning of the story where the characters, setting, and background are revealed.
  • Man vs. Man – struggle between two or more individuals
  • Man vs. Himself – internal struggle concerning emotions, decisions etc; this conflict takes place in the mind
  • Man vs. Nature – the struggle between a person and an element of nature or the environment, or outside forces or obstacles
  • Man vs. Society – struggle between a person and society, customs and practices
  • Man vs. Fate – struggle between a person and fate
  • Rising action – the events in the story that complicate or intensify the central conflict in the story (events between the introduction and climax)
  • Climax – highest point of interest and the turning point of the story
  • Falling action – events that lead to resolution as complications begin to resolve themselves
  • Resolution – the final outcome of the conflict.

story writing examples class 10

3. Theme: The theme in a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the author’s underlying meaning or main idea that he is trying to convey. The title of the short story often points to what the writer is saying and he may use various figures of speech to emphasize his theme. The theme is always an abstract idea like love, hate, youth, despair, identity, the futility of violence, the innocence of youth, etc. We can ask – is any of the imagery strongly connected to the central themes or ideas? Are there any recurring images?

4. Character: The character is generally the central or focal element in a story. Characters are convincing if they are consistent, motivated, and life-like. Characterization is the information the author gives the reader about the characters themselves. In order for a story to seem real to the reader, its characters must seem real. The author may reveal a character in several ways:

  • physical description
  • speech and actions of the character
  • direct comment from the narrator
  • speech and actions of other characters or what others say about her/him and how
  • how others react to her/him

Types of Characters

By and large, there are four types of characters: Round: These are complex personalities who are presented in detail. Dynamic: These are many-sided personalities that change, for better or worse, by the end of the story. Flat: These are personalities characterized by one or two traits only. Static: These are unchanged through the course of the story. When analysing characters, we look at: Motivation: cause of/reason for actions Behaviour: actions of the character Consequences: results of actions Responsibility: moral, legal or mental accountability Expectations: what the reader expects

5. Mood and Setting Setting – The time and location in which a story takes place is called the setting. There are several aspects of a story’s setting to consider when examining how the setting contributes to a story:

  • Place – Geographical location; Where is the action of the story taking place?
  • Time – When is the story taking place? (Historical period, time of day, year, etc)
  • Weather conditions – Is it rainy, sunny, stormy, etc?
  • Social conditions – What is the daily life of the characters like?
  • Does the story contain local colour (writing that focuses on the speech, dress, mannerisms, customs, etc. of a particular place)?
  • Mood or atmosphere – What mood is created? Is it bright and cheerful or tense, dark, and frightening? Is there a sense of pathos? Is there suspense, etc?

6. Point of View – The Angle from Which the Story is Told Omniscient – The author tells the story using the third person. The author knows all of what is done, said, felt, and thought by all the characters. Limited omniscient – The author tells the story in the third person, but limits observations of thoughts and feelings to one character; the author presents the story through this character’s eyes. ‘ Omniscient Objective – The author tells the story in the third person. It appears as though a camera is following the characters and recording only what is seen and heard. No interpretations are offered. The reader is placed in the position of the spectator, without the author there to explain. The reader has to interpret events on his own. First-person – One character tells the story in the first person. The reader sees and knows only as much as the narrator. Innocent Eye – The story is told through the eyes of a child (his/her judgment being different from that of an adult). Stream of Consciousness – The story is told so that the readers feel as if they are inside the head of a character and know all his/her thoughts and reactions.

7. Language Figurative language or words are used by the author to paint a picture or describe scenes or objects e.g. imagery, irony, simile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, hyperbole, symbolism, etc. Figurative language has many effects. One is to make a complex, abstract idea come to life in a more visual manner; another is to create a more concrete image in our heads.

We should also examine the sentence structure, mood, tone etc. within the context of the story and discuss the role words play and how they enhance the story’s impact.

Sample Story Write a story that begins with the following:- It was a strange night and there seemed to be a chill in the air…

It was a strange night and there seemed to be a chill in the air. I quickened my steps as I hurried home. I wished now I hadn’t hung around the coaching center talking to friends. The road was deserted this dark December night. Suddenly something knocked me to the ground, unconscious.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a bed. I tried moving and but felt too disoriented and weak. My head was throbbing. I touched it and there was a huge bump at the back.

No wonder!! I was probably going to die. No! I wasn’t ready to die yet… I gathered all my strength and let out a piercing scream.

Immediately this huge giant of a man came running into the room. I was filled with terror at his sight. I closed my eyes, awaiting sure death.

But nothing!! I opened my eyes to see him smiling gently at me. ‘Take it easy,’ the man said. ‘A falling branch knocked you out. I happened to be out of my house and saw the incident. Don’t worry, you’re safe, I’ve called your father.’

Story Writing Practice Examples for Class 10 CBSE

story writing examples class 10

4.1.2 ‘In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes’ – Andy Warhol. Would you like to be famous? What would you like to be famous for? Write an account of how you became famous.

4.1.3 Make up a story that describes how the elephant got its trunk. Or how about explaining how a giraffe got its long neck. How did the leopard get its spots? Why has a rabbit got long ears? Why is a zebra stripy?

4.1.4 Discuss the environment from the standpoint of a fish. Then, write the autobiography of an earthworm.

4.1.5 Think about an event in your life that seemed bad but turned out to be good. Maybe you got injured and while you were waiting for your broken leg to heal, you learned how to use a computer. What makes the event change from bad to good maybe something that you learned, as a result, something that you did differently as a result, or something that happened that wouldn’t have occurred otherwise. Tell the story of the event that you experienced and help your readers understand how an event that seemed negative turned out to have valuable consequences.

4.1.6 You have made a very important discovery – one that will make you famous throughout the world. Write a story in which you tell about your discovery and how you made it. Be sure to include details about the setting and any characters in the story, and be sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

4.1.7 ‘Robert looked out of his bedroom window. He was greeted by the sight of two gentlemen digging a hole in his front lawn. The taller of the two gentlemen had his back to Robert, but the shorter of the two was staring right up at Robert, lips pulled back from blackened teeth in a vicious grin that told Robert everything he needed to know about the purpose of that deep, dark hole …’ Complete the story in about 200 words.

4.1.8 Write stories using the following beginnings:

  • They said she was able to utter a few words before she died …
  • Sometimes I think my friend has strange powers. Every time he’s around …


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CBSE Class 10 English Story Writing

Please refer to Story Writing for Class 10 English given below with samples. We have provided solved examples of Story Writing for Class 10 which is a very important topic in Class 10 English. Students should practice the examples given below so that they can understand how to write a story in their English exams.

Story Writing for Class 10 English

Solved Examples

Question. You are Jacob/Juli, the student editor of your school magazine ‘Star’. You are to write a short story titled ‘Learn and Earn’ for your school magazine. Taking help from the information given in the input below along with your own details, attempt that story in about 150-200 words. Chuan and Jing — worked in the same company — Jing promoted — Chuan felt insulted —tendered his resignation — the boss sent Chuan to the market — find out anyone selling watermelon — Chuan went back — told ₹12 a kg — he sent Jing — Jing returned with all the relevant details — ₹12 per kg — ₹100 for 10 kg — every melon weighed 15 kg — Chuan felt impressed — realised the difference between himself and Jing.

Ans.                                                                          Learn and Earn  Chuan and Jing joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. Both were sincere workers and worked very hard. After some years, Jing was promoted to Sales Executive but Chuan remained a Sales Representative. One day Chuan got exasperated. He could not pocket this humiliation and tendered resignation to the boss. He complained the boss that he did not value hard working staff, but only preferred flatterers. The boss knew that Chuan worked very hard for years. But in order to make Chuan realize the difference between him and Jing, the boss asked Chuan to go and find out anyone selling watermelon in the market. Chuan returned happily and informed the boss that he found the watermelon seller. The boss enquired the rate of watermelon per kg. Chuan went back to the market to ask and returned to inform the boss the  ₹12 per kg. Boss told Chuan, I will ask Jing the same question. Jing went, returned and informed that only one person was selling watermelon in the market at the rate of ₹ 12 per kg, ₹100 for 10 kg. He had displayed 58 melons; every melon weighed about 15 kg. He bought these melons from the South two days ago. They were fresh, red, and good in quality. Chuan felt impressed and realized the difference between himself and Jing. He decided not to resign but to learn from Jing.

Question. Sunder started writing a story but couldn’t go beyond a few lines. Using the information given in the input along with the introduction made by Sunder, develop the story in about 150-200 words. Darius was the king of Persia. Zubaid, his only son fell seriously ill. The … Worried — called all doctors — tried every medicine — didn’t get well — gave up all hopes — Zubaid sure to die — gave alms — Darius walked round Zubaid’s bed seven times — prayed to God — “save my son and take my life instead” — after some weeks — Zubaid got well — Darius died

Ans.                                                                                    Father’s Love Saves the Son Darius was the king of Persia. Zubaid, his only son fell seriously ill. The king was worried. He called all the best doctors from Persia. They examined the prince. They tried every medicine. Even doctors from India and China were called. But the prince did not get well. On the other hand, Zubaid’s condition became still worse. The king had no other child to sit on the throne after his death. He cursed himself and his stars. He gave alms to the poor. But that too made no difference. Zubaid showed no sign of improvement. The king was heartbroken. He was convinced that the prince would die sooner or later. At last, the king had lost all hope. He came, to his sick son. He looked at his weak and lifeless face for the last time. He stood up and walked round the prince’s bed for seven times. Every time he prayed, “Allah! save my son. Take my life instead.” Then a miracle took place. Zubaid started showing signs of improvement. On the other hand, Darius fell ill. The prince was on the road to recover but the king was nearing death. One day Zubaid got well and came out of the sickman’s bed. The moment he got up, Darius fell down dead never to rise again.

Question. You are Raghav/Radhika, the student-editor of your school magazine. You have to write a short story titled ‘The Magic Gold-Fish’ for your school magazine. Using the information given in the input below alongwith your own details, write that story in 150-200 words. Old fisherman — one day as usual cast his net into the sea — caught a gold-fish — ‘take pity on me and put me in water’ — promised to compensate handsomely — fisherman returned home empty handed — wife angry — asked him for a new tub — went to the fish — wish granted — wife wished for a new home — goldfish granted — a new home — wife demanded marble palace, silk dresses and servants — wife not satisfied — wished to be a queen to rule over men, animals, brids and fish — fisherman went to fish — fish didn’t speak and disappeared — came back home — found his wife washing clothes in old leaking tub before her old wooden hut.

Ans.                                                                                         The Magic Gold Fish Once a poor fisherman lived with his wife in a hut. One day as usual he cast his net into the sea. He caught a small gold-fish. To his surprise the fish could speak and pleaded with him to free her. She promised to compensate him handsomely. If he needed anything he could come and call her. He returned home empty handed and told the whole story to his wife. His wife called him a fool and pressed him to demand a new tub as the old tub leaked. The fisherman went to the sea and told the fish about the wish of his wife. ‘Go back home’, replied the fish. The fisherman was happy to find his wife washing her clothes in a new water-tub. The wife was not satisfied and pressed him to ask for a new house. The fish granted the wish. The greedy wife had no satisfaction. She demanded a marble palace, silken dresses and jewels. The fish again granted him his wish. She liked to be a queen to rule over all lands and seas. She wanted all men, animals, birds and fish to serve her as slaves. The fisherman went to the fish and told her about the wish of his wife. This time the fish didn’t speak but disappeared at once into the sea. The fisherman came back home. He was surprised to see his wife sitting outside the old hut washing the clothes in her old leaking tub.

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Best Story Writing Format for Class 10 with Examples

Story Writing

Want to try story writing? Is writing stories your newest pastime? If so, here’s your chance to discover everything that can help you write stories. Story writing for class 10, along with message writing , can be a fun and rewarding activity that can enhance your imagination, expression, and communication skills. This article will help you through every step you need to take when sitting down to create a narrative, ensuring and enabling you to write one on your own.

Table of Contents

What is Story Writing?

Story writing is a type of writing where the author tells the story of a sequence of events that resulted in an issue, how that problem developed, and how the outcome brought the characters to where they are now. A story might have fictitious or real-life people and an occurrence that happened or is fake.

Students are needed to compose stories in class as a part of the English language class, which also includes composition writing . Students’ verbal proficiency and capacity for original thought are both enhanced by this. Experience the joy of creating a narrative, and you may find that story jotting becomes a fascinating pastime. Once you understand the numerous parts of a story and how to organize them, you can produce a well-drafted story more fluently.

Different Types of Stories

Different types of stories are ways of classifying stories based on their content, form, style, or purpose. Stories can be classified into two broad sets: fiction and nonfiction. Fiction stories are stories that are constructed or imagined by the author, while nonfiction stories are stories that are based on facts or reality.

Fiction stories can be further divided into many subcategories, such as:

  • Fantasy: Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and The Chronicles of Narnia.
  • Science fiction: The Hunger Games, The Martian, and 1984.
  • Horror: Dracula, The Shining, and The Exorcist.
  • Mystery: Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
  • Romance: Pride and Prejudice, Twilight, and The Notebook.
  • Historical fiction: War and Peace, The Book Thief, and The Da Vinci Code.

Nonfiction stories can also be divided into many subcategories, such as:

  • Biography: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Steve Jobs, and I Am Malala.
  • Autobiography: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Long Walk to Freedom, and Becoming.
  • Memoir: Night, Eat Pray Love, and Educated.
  • Essay: A Modest Proposal, Why I Write, and A Room of One’s Own.
  • Reportage: In Cold Blood, The Looming Tower, and The New Jim Crow.

Components of a Story

Is there anyone who doesn’t enjoy stories, either read or heard? All of us must have fallen asleep as kids to hear bedtime stories told by our parents, grandparents, or siblings. Now, have you ever wished you could create a gripping narrative that was identical to what you read or heard? Have you attempted to analyze the narrative’s constituent parts? Do you know what are the components?

Every story is expected to have five components, namely,

A tale furthermore has a style of writing and a point of view from which it is told or shown, whereas debate writing has three main components of persuasion. Let’s now take a closer look at each element.


A story is only complete with a protagonist. Either one or more characters would be at the center of every narrative. Characters drive stories. Strong characters—funny, serious, brilliant, naive, etc.—will be what keep the plot captivating and fascinating.

The term ‘setting’ refers to the physical surroundings in which the story takes place. The whereabouts of the characters might also contribute to the setting of the story. The setting of a story can be a forest, a house, a street, space or outer universe, a small island, a train or even someone’s mind. It is up to the writer to include all the details that they think would make the story more colorful.

Plot is an expression that most of us are familiar with, but what exactly does it mean? A story’s plot can be defined as simply the events or subject matter of the story. Plots have different paths taken by characters, corners, and judgments. After all, the key to creating a compelling story is having a well-drafted plot.

A plot comprises five different elements, namely,

  • Exposition: The point at which the characters and setting of the story are presented; in other terms, the beginning of the story.
  • Rising Action: The point in the story when the main character comes across an action or a course of events that becomes an impediment or a conflict in the otherwise undisturbed peaceful life of the main character and those around them.
  • Climax: The most intriguing part of a story which also becomes the turning point of the story.
  • Falling Action: This includes actions or events that lead to the conclusion. This point describes the positive or negative turn of events that has taken place as a result of the protagonist’s decision at the climax. At this point, you can also see how the various characters work together or alone to solve the problem or conflict.
  • Conclusion: This point in the story marks the end. It is here that you get to know how everything has settled. The conclusion, be it a happy or a sad one, is the end result of the falling action.

A story’s theme is the concept or topic that runs across the whole narrative. The entire plot is centered around this idea. Themes can include things like music, war, revolt, love and romance, and family dynamics. For example, the themes of the animated movies “Brave” and “Moana” include defying societal conventions, going against the grain and following your heart, while the love of music and the value of family is central to the story of “Coco.”

The term ‘ conflict ’ refers to the problem in the story. When all is going well, there’s one point in the story when the main characters come across a hurdle that impedes their travel to achieve a set thing. The conflict is what gets the protagonist to move out of their comfort zone, face the antagonist, act bravely to break the problem and find ways to attain their thing.

Format of the Story

Basically, every story should have a beginning, middle, and end. A story with all of these would look and sound complete.

The Beginning

Just like every other piece of writing, the beginning of the story is what will determine if the reader would want to continue reading or not. So it is very crucial to have a rather riveting start. You have got to keep the readers hooked from the very first moment itself. The age-old and most common way to start a story is with the use of phrases like “A long time ago” or “Once upon a time.” You must have seen it being used in many children’s stories. However, this need not always be the case. You can start the story directly with the character introduction, the portrayal of the setting, or even an action.

The plot will not benefit in the slightest by starting on a fantastic note and having it drag later. The story must continue. Use literary methods, intelligent word choice, and, if you believe it will advance the plot, even the slightest detail. Further assistance may be provided by using descriptive language, which will help your readers visualize everything that is happening in the story.

A good story author knows when to drop the curtains for the readers. also, if you want to write a good story, you must know when to conclude. You must have seen an open ending in numerous writings; that’s also an option you can choose. Remember that you need not always give a very agreeable ending or the ending that your audience might anticipate. You’re free to end the story according to your discretion. The only thing you’ll have to bear in mind is to give the story the ending it deserves.

Guidelines for Writing a Good Story: Structuring the Story

To write a compelling story, you need to have a proper structure, which is not as formal as the format of writing an advertisement . In a formal format, you will require a heading, body, and conclusion, but in story writing, it is not as such.

The first thing that you can do is evaluate your ideas and put down your thoughts on paper or a tablet when you sit down to create a story based on something you have been thinking about for a while or simply for fun. You may begin organizing the story once you have sketched down every idea you have.

Who are Your Characters?

This is one of the most influential parts of the story. The diversity of your characters and the way you describe their characteristics will decide your reader’s interest in your story. Introducing the characters can be done in different ways – you can tell the entire story from one of the character’s points of view, include conversations between various characters or indeed have a narrator introduce the characters and give their background information.

  • Imperfect Character

No one is flawless, and a fictional character shouldn’t be either. A flawed character gets a lot more attention than one who is flawless. There will always be character flaws, even in seemingly flawless characters.

  • Vices in Character

Because all people have both virtues and vices, most writers prefer to give their main characters either problems that add excitement to their path or vices that ultimately lead to their demise. The author may captivate readers till the very end by revealing the character’s vices and tribulations. Let’s say a character fights to get the one thing they desire throughout the novel, or perhaps their arrogance is the reason for their collapse. Therefore, if you want to draw readers into your tale, incorporating vices or challenges might help you stand out.

Where is the Story Taking Place?

Have you read any stories where the entire setting is from a specific era of history, or where the plot is set on a stormy night? Selecting a location for your story is essential; it will influence many aspects of its writing. After all, the tone of the story may be established by the setting.

What is Happening in the Story?

Explain the setting and all that’s passing in the story. The readers will be able to understand everything that’s passing because of the manner in which you depict every event. You want the readers to witness themselves as if they’re in the story’s setting with the characters, witnessing everything firsthand. This may be achieved by making them feel like one of the characters in the narrative. This will enkindle the fashionability of your story.

How Does Your Story End?

The story’s conclusion is just as significant as its beginning. Your story might have an upbeat or woeful ending. Indeed, you may end your narrative with a thriller to heighten the suspension and let the reader use their imagination. A thriller is the ideal system to conclude a narrative if you want to produce an effect since it sets the reader up for anticipation.

Tips to Become a Pro at Story Writing

  • Read a lot of stories.
  • Write every day.
  • Plan your story.
  • Follow the story elements.
  • Use dialogue and description. 
  • Vary your sentences and words.
  • Use the senses and emotions. 
  • Show your personality and voice. 
  • Edit and proofread your story. 
  • Get feedback and learn from it.

Examples of Story Writing

Here is an example of a short story for class 10 based on the format and tips discussed in the article:

Example 1: 

The Boy Who Could Fly

A little child by the name of Oliver used to reside in a tiny town. Oliver was a typical youngster in most aspects, but he possessed a unique ability: the ability to fly.

Oliver was a little lad when he first realized he had a gift. He was on his lawn having fun when all of a sudden he felt himself rise off the ground. Feeling the sun on his face and the wind on his hair, he flew through the air. Oliver practiced flying for hours since he was so excited about his newfound skill.

Oliver first kept his gift a secret from everyone. If others found out he could fly, he feared what they would say. However, Oliver witnessed a group of youngsters being harassed by bigger kids one day when he was playing at the park. Oliver descended from the skies and scared the bullies away since he didn’t want to merely observe.

Oliver astounded the kids, and soon word of his talent spread across the community. Oliver rose to fame in his community by using his skills to aid others. He would frequently search the town by air for anyone in need of assistance, and he would always be willing to help.

Oliver’s ability to fly was a gift to the community. He improved the world and demonstrated to everyone that, with enough self-belief, everything is achievable.

The Perfect Twig

Walking through the forest, I came across a little bird that enjoyed flying from one tree to another. He sounded to be looking for something. I stood there observing him. I wished to help him, but I didn’t know what he was looking for. I didn’t want to alarm him or disturb him more.

Eventually, he alighted to pick up a particular Y-shaped twig. I followed him to see where he was headed, and I set him up on one of the most beautifully bloomed trees. It was the last thing that was needed to complete the nest, and it fit impeccably well.

Seeing this, I walked down happily, thinking to myself how numerous people shooed down birds as soon as they caught sight of them. And I was just glad I didn’t do it because if I did, the bird would not have set up that perfect branch.

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CBSE Class 10 English Story Writing

Introduction: A Story is a narration of a set of fictions event used to convey a moral message.

Format: • Context—use phrases like—’Once upon a time…………’Long long ago……….. • Introduction of characters through dialogue/narration. • Plot—description of an event/accident. • Climax—end of the story.

Marking Scheme Content : 6 marks Fluency : 2 mark Accuracy : 2 mark Under content, credit should be given for the candidates creativity in presenting ideas.

Q. 1. ‘Enjoying a cup of tea while sitting on my balcony on a Sunday morning, suddenly I felt a deep pain in my chest. I thought that this was the last moment of my life. I wanted to call my daughter, my husband and everybody to say the final Good Bye, but couldn’t do so ….’

Imagine what happened after this. Did the family know what happened or did the woman die unnoticed ? Explain what were the plans and aspirations of the woman at the last moment of her life. Write an imaginary story with a suitable tide in 150-200 words. (Board 2014 Set QUD9VQW) (10 marks)

A Dreadful Experience

Enjoying a cup of tea while sitting on my balcony on a Sunday morning, suddenly, I felt a deep pain in my chest. I thought that this was the last moment of my life. I wanted to call my daughter, my husband and everybody to say the final Good Bye, but couldn’t do so. I was thinking of their life without me. I was just worried what would happen to them if I collapsed. I just prayed, “O God! Give me some more time.” I thought about my daughter who was in the first year of her college life I had always thought of giving her a wonderful life in which she had all her dreams fulfilled. Then my thoughts shifted towards my husband who wouldn’t be able to lead his life without me. He was so used to me around him all the time. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind ‘You have to live. You can’t die like this. Get up. Do something,’ I tried to call my family again but it was as if I was dumb. No words came out of my mouth. I knew 1 should not lose my wits. I must do something to keep going till my family noticed me. Suddenly, my eyes fell on the mobile phone on the table nearby. I picked it up and dialled 102.1 don’t remember what happened after that when I awoke I found myself in a hospital room, with a team of doctors bending over me and watching me. Later, I was told that I had been carried in an ambulance to a multi-speciality hospital at the nick of time. Delay would have been fatal for me. I was happy. I could still see this wonderful world. I immediately decided to give my best to my family as life is short-lived.

Q. 2. I got up in the middle of the night, I was sweating profusely……….Complete the story in 150-200 words.  (Board 2014, Set PRE2N18) (10 marks)

A Narrow Escape

I got up in the middle of the night, I was sweating profusely. I switched on the light only to find that there was some kind of electricity failure. I came out of the room to get some fresh air. It was stormy outside and that might have been the reason for the electricity failure. I drank cold water, took a chair and sat in the verandah. Suddenly, I heard a loud shriek. It was coming from our neighbour’s house. I was so confused, now what to do. Then I gathered courage and went inside to fetch a torch. I took the torch and started moving towards my neighbour’s house. I peeped inside from the window and saw two people who were covering the owners at gunpoint. I stepped back and started thinking of my next step. At that moment I heard a motor bike approaching near. It was cobra police on their patrolling. I signalled to them. They stopped and asked me the reason for stopping them. I told them the whole story. They immediately went inside to help the old couple. The miscreants were shocked at the sudden arrival of the police. They tried to escape but the policemen took prompt action and caught them. We heaved a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the whole area was illuminated as the power supply had resumed. The old couple saw me and thanked me for my sharp wittedness.

Q. 3. Write a story in about 150-200 words on the basis of the given outlines:

The illiterate boy……… caught for pick pocketing…….sent to juvenile prison………forced to do lessons………becomes sullen rebellious …… French comic film on T.V. during recreation hour……..fascinated with the language……….requested coaching classes………a French tourist guide today. (NCT 2014) (10 marks)

Man—The Master of his own Destiny

Raju was a little boy who was born in a poor family. He wanted to get education but his financial condition did not allow him to do so. He remained illiterate and so did not have any means of earning. He took to pickpocketing and small thievery. One day, he was caught red-handed for pick-pocketing. Since he was only thirteen, he was sent to juvenile prison where he was forced to do lessons. He had no interest in them and the compelling behaviour of the prison-people made him sullen and rebellious. It was only during the recreation hour that he seemed to be his normal self. One day he watched a French comic film on T.V. He was fascinated with the French language and wanted to learn it. He requested the prison authorities for coaching classes in French. They agreed to his proposal as they were themselves interested to make him learn something so as to be self-dependent. Raju showed a keen interest in learning the language and in a very short period, had acquired a mastery over the language. Raju was set free after two years. He had already decided to use the French language as his means of earning. He became a French tourist guide and started leading an honourable life. He forgot all about his past and is happy these days for the sudden but positive turn in his life. He has set an example for others that man is a master of his own destiny.

Q. 4. Write a story in 150-200 words beginning with the following line and give it a suitable title. (Board 2014, Set 8L1922Q) (10 marks)

Night before the zonal debate competition …. Everyone was fast asleep, while I was practicing… suddenly.

A Terrible Collision

Night before the zonal debate competition, I was practicing my part till late night. Everyone was fast asleep. Even I was planning to sleep. Suddenly, there was a loud crash. I jumped out of my bed and rushed out to see the cause of that sound. The sight outside was ghastly. Two cars had collided with each other because of dense fog. The occupants of both the cars were screaming and shouting for help. Other people had also come out of their houses after hearing the sound. In a flash of second, everyone started helping the injured. There were four young men in one car who were returning after attending a party while a family was there in the other car. The drivers of both the cars were badly injured. I called up the ambulance service and the police as well. Within no time, the ambulance reached there. It was a tough job taking the passengers out of the front seat as they had got stuck in their seats due to the collision. Many helping hands come forward and finally all the passengers of both cars were taken out. They were shifted to a nearby hospital. Two people had not received serious injuries so they were asked to inform their family members about the accident. One man from the crowd informed the authorities to send a crane as the cars had blocked the road as well. It took almost one hour for all this. Then I went inside but I could not practice more due to the terrific scenes flashing in my mind. The only good thing was that nobody had lost his life and were safe.

Q. 5. Meena is a 12 year old girl. She is staying with her mother. No one was there for their help. One day a stranger came to Meena’s house. Her mother was not in the house at that time. The man caught hold of Meena. She began to cry loudly. But no one was there to hear her. (Board Term-II, 2013) Complete the story in about 150-200 words.

A Brave Girl

Meena was a twelve year old girl who used to stay with her mother. Her father had gone to another city to earn money. One day, a stranger came to Meena’s house. Her mother was not in the house at that moment. The man caught hold of Meena. She began to cry loudly but no one was there to hear her. Suddenly, Meena was reminded of her mother’s teaching of not losing the wits and alertness of mind when in hour of need. She built up her confidence and looked around. She could not see anything with which to hit the stranger. Suddenly, she bit the stranger on his arm. The stranger cried with pain and let go of her. This moment was important for her. She took her mother’s saree and tied it around the stranger’s neck. Now, it was the time for the stranger to cry for help. She tied him and then used her mobile phone to call the police as well as her neighbours. The police reached • within no time and arrested the man. The neighbours had also arrived. They all patted Meena on her back for fighting bravely with the man.

Q. 6. It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning………….Complete the story in about 150-200 words, providing an appropriate title to it. (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,034)

Ans. It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning home after watching the late night show of a movie. Suddenly, I heard a sound behind me. I looked back but no one was there. I started walking again. Again I heard a sound. This time I was sine I’d heard a cry of pain. I took my cell-phone and switched on the torch-light and started flashing it around. I noticed the sound was coming from the left side. I was frightened but I took courage and went towards the sound what I saw made me have goosebumps. A man was lying in a pool of blood and his leg was crushed under a huge tree. On asking, he told me that he had stopped under the tree and was waiting for the rain to stop when suddenly out of the dark two men came on a bike. They robbed him of his valuables. When he cried for help they shoot him. As if it was not enough, a storm started blowing. As it was an old tree it could not stand against the raging storm. It got uprooted and his leg was crushed under it. I immediately called the ambulance because I could not lift that tree up. The ambulance arrived within no time. The people came and helped the man through that painful experience. They lifted the tree with lots of labour, put the man in the ambulance and took him to the hospital. I felt happy and contented that I had saved a life.

Q. 7. Write a short story in about 150-200 words by continuing the following story : “I jumped out of the bed at midnight…………………..” (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,050) (5 marks)

Ans. An Unwelcome Visitor at Midnight ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ means that guests and visitors must always be welcomed because they are like God. This statement becomes a bit inappropriate in certain situations when we are unaware of our guest.

Here is a story which describes it clearly.

I jumped out of the bed at midnight when I heard noise of the opening of a door. I was scared and wanted to tell this to my father. But instead, I walked quietly to the terrace from where the noise had been coming. I saw the shadow of a man.

I realised that it could be no other than a robber. So, I ran to my father’s room to inform him. My father came out with me. Since, it was midnight and very dark, we decided to take a torch and a dog with us. Then we all climbed up to the terrace to catch hold of the robber but by the time we reached there he was already gone. My father said that he must have gone away after listening to the barking of the dog. But we all were amazed because the door was still locked the same way as it had been before. The best part was that everything near the terrace was on its right place. All’s well that end’s well. The robber wasn’t able to take away anything because of our presence of mind and alertness.

But one thing that surprises me most is that whether it was really a robber or someone else, because I have only seen a shadow, the door was locked and nothing had been stolen.

Q. 8. Taking help of the following points together with your own ideas, write a story in about 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to the story.

An old rich lady becomes blind — calls in a doctor — agrees to pay large fee if cured, but nothing if not — her eyes bandaged–doctor removes something everyday – eyes cured — doctor asks for payment — lady refuses to pay — says cure not complete — doctor takes the matter to court-judge asks why she does not pay — she says sight not restored – she cannot see her furniture — judge decides the case in her favour – Moral. (Board Term-12012, Set 61) (10 marks)

The Dishonest Doctor

Once upon a time there was an old rich lady who became blind. She called in a doctor who after examining her told her that her eye-sight could be restored, but would charge a high sum for it. The lady agreed on the condition that she would pay the fee only if she got cured but she would not pay anything if she did not get her vision back. The doctor started her treatment. He bandaged her eyes and applied some medicine to her eyes. The doctor was a dishonest man. He saw many valuable things and costly furniture in the house. He planned to steal them. Since, the lady was blind, he started removing something or the other everyday from the house without the knowledge of the lady. At last the day came when the lady got cured. The doctor asked for his payment but the lady refused to pay saying that her cure was not complete. The doctor took the lady to the court. The court asked the lady the reason for not paying the fees. The lady said that her sight was not restored as she could not see the furniture in her house. The judge understood the whole matter. He found the doctor guilty. The case was decided in favour of the old lady and the doctor was punished.

Moral: Dishonesty never pays.

Q. 9. Last night you heard a noise in your room. You opened your eyes and………….Write a story in about 150 words about what happened then.

Unfoiled Robbery Attempt

It was very hot last night. I had slept with the windows open. At around 2 p.m. I heard a noise in my room. I tried to look around and got a faint glimpse of a man entering through the open wondow. I felt afraid. The man entered with a torch in his hand. With the help of torch light, he located the cupboard in my room. Walking stealthly he moved towards it. I gathered my courage and told myself to do something. Suddenly, an idea struck my mind as I could not make any noise to make the thief aware of my presence. I gave a missed call through my cell phone to my parents who were sleeping in the next room. My father, a bit perplexed, came to my room. The moment he opened the door, the thief tried to run away. By that time I’d made up my mind to hit him with the water-bottle lying near my bed. The target was quite close. He jumped but the bottle hit him badly and he fell down. We caught him and handed him over to the police in die morning.

Q. 10. Write an original story in about 150-200 words beginning:


Strange Friend

I was reading a book when I looked up. As I opened the window I saw an unusual looking face. I was astonished. I got up from the chair and opened the window. To my surprise, it was an alien. Probably he was left behind by some UFO. I thought of enquiring it from him so, I gave him a friendly smile. Gathering his courage, the alien entered my room. He was looking strangely at all the things in the room. I tried to converse with him but he could not understand me. I made some pictures on a paper but all in vain. There was no communication between us.

He was looking a bit nervous and was looking all around as if trying to find something. Suddenly, it clicked me that he was hungry. I asked him in sign language whether he wanted to have something and he shook his head. Now, I realised that we could communicate through sign language. He made some vague signs as if he was trying to tell me something. Then he got up and stood near the window. He was looking at the sky. Suddenly, I noticed a smile on his face. I looked out and saw some flashes of light in the sky. He made some strange sounds and started jumping. The light came nearer and stopped at a distance. I realised it was a space-ship. The alien rushed out through the window towards the space-ship. There was a loud noise when the space-ship started taking off. I didn’t want my friend to go so early. I tried to stop him and then there was a loud thud. My eyes opened and I realised it was all a dream.

Q. 11. Students mostly think that their teachers exaggerate their bad qualities. But it is not at all true. They love their students and have their best interests at heart. With the help of the following story line, write a story in about 150-200 words on the topic ‘A Teacher’s Love For His Student’

A Teacher’s Love For His Student

There was once a man who suddenly felt an urge to meet his old Guru. How much hard he tried, he was not successful. He prayed to God. One night he dreamt of finding him near a sea-shore. When he got up in the morning, he became restless. He went to the same spot he had seen in his dream. He realized that he had finally succeeded in his efforts. He saw his Guru as a fisherman there. He was ashamed of his Guru and pretended not to recognize him and moved away. In a distressed state, he moved on. It was a hot day. The sun shone brightly in the sky. He couldn’t bear the heat of the sun and fainted. A fisherman ran up to him and took him to a safe place, nursed him and waited patiently till he recovered consciousness.

When the man woke up, he saw the same fisherman by his side for whom he had been so ashamed of and had refused to recognize. Today, his Guru stood there as his protector. The man now realized his folly. He touched his Guru’s feet and asked for an apology.

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  • Story Writing

Story Writing - Explore Components, Format, How to Write and Examples

Are you thinking of trying your hand at story writing? Is story writing your new hobby? If you are, here is a chance to learn about all that will aid your story writing process. To ensure and make it possible for you to write a story on your own, this article will walk you through everything you will have to consider when sitting down to write a story.

Table of Contents

What is story writing, components of a story.

  • Format of a Story

Structuring Your Story – Guidelines to Writing a Good Story

Tips to become a pro, sample story, frequently asked questions on story writing.

Story writing refers to the method of writing in which the writer narrates a series of events that has led to a problem, the progression of the same and the end result that has led to the current situation of the characters in the story. A story can be about a real or fictional incident including real-life or imaginary characters.

In schools, as part of the English language learning process, students are made to write stories. This is done to improve both the language skills as well as the students’ creative thinking skills. Story writing can turn out to be an interesting hobby once you experience the pleasure of developing a story. Learning to write a well-knit story can be made possible if you know the different components of a story and how to structure it.

Is there anyone who does not like reading or listening to stories? As children, all of us must have gone to sleep listening to some bedtime stories narrated by our parents, grandparents or siblings, haven’t you? Now, have you ever wanted to write an exciting story just like the one you heard or read? Have you tried to analyse the components that make up the story? Any idea what the components are?

Every story is expected to have the five components namely,

In addition to these, a story has a point of view in which it is narrated or portrayed and a style in which it is written. Let us now look at each of the components in detail.

No story is complete without a character. Every story would either revolve around multiple characters or a single character. Characters drive the story. Having strong characters of all types (funny, serious, clever, innocent, etc.) is what will make the story interesting and intriguing.

The term ‘setting’ refers to the physical surroundings in which the story takes place. The whereabouts of the characters might also contribute to the setting of the story. The setting of a story can be a forest, a house, a street, space or outer universe, a small island, a train and even someone’s mind. It is up to the writer to include all the details that they think would make the story more colourful.

Many of us are acquainted with the term ‘plot’, but what does the term mean? In simple terms, the plot of a story refers to what goes on in a story or what the story is about. A plot includes various courses of events/actions, climactic points and resolution. After all, a well-woven plot is what will help you form a good and strong story.

A plot is comprises five different elements, namely,

  • Exposition – The point at which the characters and setting of the story are presented; in other terms, the beginning of the story.
  • Rising action – The point in the story when the main character comes across an action or a course of events that becomes an impediment or a conflict in the otherwise undisturbed peaceful life of the main character and those around them.
  • Climax – The most intriguing part of a story which also becomes the turning point of the story.
  • Falling action – This includes actions or events that lead to the conclusion. This point describes the positive or negative turn of events that has taken place as a result of the protagonist’s decision at the climax. At this point, you can also see how the various characters work together or alone to solve the problem or conflict.
  • Conclusion – This point in the story marks the end. It is here that you get to know how everything has settled. The conclusion, be it a happy or a sad one, is the end result of the falling action.

The theme of a story is the idea or subject that pervades the whole story. This is the concept on which the whole story revolves. Examples of themes can be family relationships, music, love and romance, war, rebellion, etc. For instance, the theme of the animated film ‘Coco’ is love for music and the importance of family, and the theme of the animated films ‘Brave’ and ‘Moana’ is breaking out of social norms and following your heart.

The term ‘conflict’ refers to the problem in the story. When all is going on well, there is one point in the story when the main characters come across an obstacle that impedes their journey to achieve a set goal. The conflict is what gets the protagonist to move out of their comfort zone, face the antagonist, act bravely to solve the problem and find ways to attain their goal.

Format of the Story

Basically, every story should have a beginning, middle and end. A story without any one of these would look and sound incomplete.

The Beginning

Just like every other piece of writing, the beginning of the story is what will determine if the reader would want to continue reading or not. So it is very crucial to have a rather riveting start. You have got to keep the readers hooked from the very first moment itself. The age-old and most common way to start a story is with the use of phrases like “A long time ago” or “Once upon a time”. You must have seen it being used in many children’s stories. However, this need not always be the case. You can start the story directly with the character introduction, the portrayal of the setting or even an action.

Beginning the story on a wonderful note and letting it drag later will not help the story in any way. You have to keep the story going. Make use of language cleverly, use literary devices and even the smallest detail if you think it will drive the story. Using descriptive language can further help to a great extent as it will give your audience a visual representation of everything that is going on in the story.

A good story writer knows when to drop the curtains for the readers. Similarly, if you want to write a good story, you must know when to wrap it up. You must have seen an open ending in many writings; that is also an option you can choose. Remember that you need not always provide a very pleasant ending or the ending that your audience might expect. You are free to end the story according to your discretion. The only thing you will have to bear in mind is to give the story the ending it deserves.

When you sit down to write a story based on something that you have been thinking about for a long time now or just for the sake of it, the first thing you can do is brainstorm your ideas and pen your thoughts on a piece of paper or a notepad. Once you have noted down all of your ideas, here is how you can start structuring your story.

Who are your characters?

This is one of the most influential parts of the story. The diversity of your characters and the way you describe their characteristics will decide your reader’s interest in your story. Introducing the characters can be done in different ways – you can tell the entire story from one of the character’s point of view, include dialogues between various characters or even have a narrator introduce the characters and provide their background information.

Imperfect Character

No person is perfect, and neither should your character in a story. An imperfect character draws much more attention than a perfect character. Even a character who seems to be perfect will have a character flaw.

Vices of Character

Every person is made of virtues and vices, and that’s the reason most writers often choose their main characters to have vices that bring about their downfall or struggles that make their journey more interesting. By including the vices and the struggles of the character, the author can keep the readers glued till the very end. Suppose a character is arrogant, and that’s what causes his/her downfall, or a character struggles throughout the story to achieve the one thing that he/she wants. So if you want your story to capture the attention of the readers, then including vices or struggles can give you that edge.

Where is the story taking place?

Have you come across stories where the scene takes place on a stormy night, or the entire setting belongs to a particular period in history? While writing a story, you have to decide where you want your story to take place. After all, the atmosphere of a place can set the story’s tone.

For instance, if the setting of the story is a dilapidated and abandoned house, the reader will immediately feel a chill down the spine as it seems eerie, and what happens next is totally unexpected. On the other hand, if you set your story in a calm locality with children playing around riding bicycles and old people walking down the street holding hands, it would give the reader a very pleasant outlook and make the reader feel extremely relaxed and comfortable.

What is happening in the story?

Describe the environment and everything that is going on in the story. The way you portray each and every occurrence will give the readers a clear picture of what is happening. You ought to get the readers to feel one among the characters in the story; in other words, feel as if they are in the setting along with the characters and seeing everything around in person. This will kindle your story’s success.

How does your story end?

The ending of the story is as important as the beginning. You can end your story in a happy or sad tone. Your story can even have a cliffhanger which might make it all the more exciting and leave it to the reader’s imagination. In case you are planning to write a sequel to the story, a cliffhanger is the best way to end the story as it will have the reader expecting one.

  • Drafts are always the best way to start writing your story as they will help you to edit and recompile until you are content with your storyline.
  • The title of the story is an important part. It can be said that the title is what your audience would check out first and the factor that would drive them to make their choice to read the story. So, always try to use a title that would catch your readers’ eye in the very first instance.
  • Make sure you include and make effective use of the different components of a story and the elements of the plot.
  • Your language and tone matters more than you imagine. Choose your words and structure your sentences carefully.
  • It is not necessary that you include dialogues, but including them will definitely give the reader a subjective perspective of the happenings in the story.
  • If you are planning to use a narrator in the story, make sure to provide vivid descriptions so that your audience can experience the story.
  • Create situations in the story where the main characters have to move out of their comfort zones to solve the conflict or problem they are facing.
  • The theme of the story is also one of the factors that would interest your readers, so choose a theme that you think would make your readers want to read your story.
  • Weave your storyline in such a way that every little detail adds to the essence of the story and leaves your readers looking forward to more such stories from you.
  • Once the story is complete, you can either ask someone to give you their feedback on it or give it to someone to proofread. This is totally optional. If you feel satisfied with the outcome of the story, you could present it confidently to your audience without a second thought.

Examples of Story Writing

Go through the following simple short story and try to understand how it is written.

The Perfect Twig

Walking through the forest, I came across a little bird that enjoyed flying from one tree to another. He seemed to be looking for something. I stood there observing him. I wished to help him but I did not know what he was looking for. I did not want to scare him away or disturb him either.

Finally, he alighted to pick up a particular Y-shaped twig. I followed him to see where he was headed to and I found him on one of the most beautifully blossomed trees. It was the last thing that was required to complete the nest and it fit perfectly well.

Seeing this, I walked away happily thinking to myself how many people shoo away birds as soon as they catch sight of them. And, I was just glad I didn’t do it, because if I did, the bird would not have found that perfect twig.

Did you like the story? To take a look at more stories and learn how stories are to be written, check out ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ , ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ , ‘Belling the Cat’ and ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ .

What is story writing ?

Story writing is a process of narrating real or imaginary incidents involving imaginary/real people.

How to write the title for the story?

The title of the story can be written by understanding the theme of the story or the other relevant hints given.

story writing examples class 10

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Story Writing Class 9 & 10 (Tips, Examples & Worksheets)


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Creative, imaginative and effective short story writing in English is no doubt an artful task that’s why students are generally engrossed in with the questions like how to write a good and interesting short story plot, how to write a story plan, how to write a creative story and generally ask tips on how to write a good short story. Writing a good short story requires a lot of techniques and planning. If you are searching for a place to get how to get better at writing stories. Fortunately, you are on the right platform. Here is mantra-creative writing help for you to get enriched in this art. These creative writing techniques will enable you to make your own short stories and become a great short story writer. Especially these are the tips of story writers for beginners. Even then I would like to say that writing skills are something that rises from the innermost fold of your heart.

How to Write a Story Step by Step-

1. Remember that the whole literature is based on Illusion, Pleasure and Truth (IPT)Decide what feelings you want to arouse in the reader’s mind. 2. The first paragraph should be catchy which attracts the reader’s interest with something unusual and unexpected. Don’t insert too much of your own feeling s but target the reader and let them think. 3. Always introduce lively and multi-faceted characters but remember to give them qualities according to your plot. 4. As a writer, you have to decide who is going to narrate the story because the story is the one which has a narrator. It is much different from a novel. 5. Include some meaningful dialogues. Let your readers understand the personality of your characters and flow with them. 6. Set up the plot it is how you set up the situation, where the turning points of the story are, and what the characters do at the end of the story. “A plot is a series of events deliberately arranged so as to reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance.” –Jane Burroway 7. Create conflict and tense atmosphere. According to Janet Burroway- “Conflict is the fundamental element of fiction because in literature only trouble is interesting. It takes the trouble to turn the great themes of life into a story: birth, love, work, and death. ” 8. Build a climax. The main character understands what hasn’t been seen before, and realizes what must be done, or finally decides to do it. 9. Conclusion- The central character may win or may lose exposing the reality of society’s reality.

The format of Story Writing-

Beginning- Interesting phrases like- “Adam was in a fix”, “The day was departing”, “The breeze was messaging his face”, “Every morning I used to walk there but that day was different”

Character Introduction- A few dialogues can reveal the characters in a well way but remember to keep them limited otherwise the story will look like a one-act play.

Plot- Description of happenings in their best order.

Conclusion- End of the story

Marking Scheme (CBSE Board) (10 marks)

Title- 1 mark, fluency- 2 marks, accuracy- 2 marks, content-   5 marks, download the above tips in pdf, exercises/ assignments for story writing practice-.

Here are a few creative writing prompts as well as examples for your practice which will help you what to write a story about –

Solved Examples-

1. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it.

Rahul was alone at home. Suddenly the phone rang …………………….


Rahul’s presence of mind.

Rahul was alone at home. Suddenly the phone rang. He hesitated for a moment but then picked up the receiver. Though he said ‘Hello’, there was no response from the other side. He repeated ‘Hello’ ‘Hello’… but still, no one replied from the other end. The phone rang again but this time somebody asked if his father was at home. When Rahul asked who was calling, the caller refused to tell about him and kept on asking his parents’ whereabouts. When Rahul refused to answer, the line was disconnected. After some time, the doorbell rang. As Rahul peeped through the keyhole, he found a tall man with a beard, outside the door. Rahul got scared and quickly ran towards the phone and called up his father’s friend who lived in their colony and told him about the incident. His uncle asked him not to worry as he would reach soon. He quickly collected some other men from the neighbourhood, and with his pet dog, reached Rahul’s home. The tall man was looking for a way to get into the house when the dog of  Rahul’s uncle held his leg with its teeth the man panicked and tried to run away but was overpowered by all the men of the colony. Soon, the police reached Rahul’s home and his parents also returned and thanked the neighbours. Everyone praised Rahul’s presence of mind which saved his life.

2. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it. (10)

It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly she……………………… Solution

A Childhood Saved

It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly she noticed a child begging at the platform. He appeared to be a little, sweet boy who had a small bag on his shoulder. She noticed a book in his bag. Ruhi was eager to know where the child lived. There was still more than an hour left for her train to arrive. So, she got up and started following him. The boy moved out of the station and entered a slum nearby. He got into a house which appeared to be a very dirty and unhygienic place. There were other child beggars in the house who were in the age group of 5 — 12 years. They were thin and weak. They had money but nothing to eat. Just then, a burly man entered the house. The children became quiet. He asked them for the money that they had collected by begging. The poor children handed all the money they had to him. Ruhi understood that it was a racket of child beggars. She felt pity for those small children. She decided to inform the police. The police and an NGO ‘Bachpan Bachao’ soon reached the place. The man was perplexed on seeing the police. The police arrested him and the children were sent under the protection of the NGO from where they would be sent to their homes. Ruhi felt relieved and was appreciated by everyone. She was later rewarded by the government for her effort in rescuing the children.

3. Read the given line and complete the story in 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to your story. (10) Last Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside…………. Solution

A Spaceship on Earth!

Last Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside. It was about 10:30 p.m. As I opened my door, bright lights from outside dazzled my eyes. I went outside towards the place where a large crowd had gathered outside our colony park. There was a huge spaceship that had landed in the park. It had a thousand lights blinking and from the windows, one could see a few strange figures peeping out. I was surprised to see the aliens. Meanwhile, the police had also reached the park. People were shouting and asking the police to take the aliens out of the ship. They were very excited to see them. By this time, few scientists and researchers had also reached the spot. They had brought some instruments along with them. As they started moving towards the spaceship, the sirens that were installed in it started blowing. We could notice the strange figures hurriedly moving inside the spaceship. Then, as if understanding the intentions of the scientists that they probably wanted to capture them, they started blowing green-coloured dust from their spaceship. Its wheels started moving like a blower and the spaceship started moving upwards. The scientists rushed out of the park. People tried to click pictures of the spaceship but their cameras showed only a black screen. The spaceship safely moved out of the hands of the humans who would have otherwise captured the aliens and started a study on them. I thanked God for saving their lives from the clutches of the inhuman humans.

4. Read the given line and complete the story in 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to your story. (10) When Amit woke up in the morning and looked at his face in the mirror, he did not recognise the face looking back at him. ‘This is not me he cried aloud …

A Lost identity!

When Amit woke up in the morning and looked at his face in the mirror, he did not recognise the face looking back at him. ‘This is not me………… ‘ he cried aloud. The face staring at him was calm and cool. Amit moved his fingers on the surface of the mirror. It felt different. He touched his face. It appeared strange and was like touching someone else’s face. He felt scared and anxious. What had happened to his face? What had happened? He tried to recall the last evening’s events and could hardly remember anything. He opened the door of his room where another shock awaited him. He noticed some people in his house who seemed to be like his parents, grandparents and sister but everybody had the same face, the face he now shared with them. He tried hard to remember what he had been doing the previous night. Yes, he remembered he had been reading a book ‘The Alien visited his home’. It was an old book that was kept in the attic. There were some magical words in the book which he had chanted loudly. He quickly looked for the book, opened it and tried hard to find those magical words. He also found the words which undid the effect of the words he had spoken the previous night. He muttered the words and with a loud whoosh sound, he was shaken up and fell unconscious on the floor. When he opened his eyes he was lying on his bed. He quickly got up and ran towards the mirror. It was his original face, his own.

5. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it. (10)

It was 6 o’clock in the evening and there was a lot of traffic on the road. Mohan was driving his way when suddenly two teenagers on bike overtook his car.

A Great Lesson

It was 6 o’clock in the evening and there was a lot of traffic on the road. Mohan was driving his car when suddenly two teenagers on bike overtook his car and laughing, they drove on. Mohan applied the brakes of his car in the nick of time. He was very angry but since he was getting late for an important meeting at his office, he ignored the bike riders and drove ahead. He hadn’t gone too far when he heard a loud crash. A bike had crashed on the divider of the road. The driver probably lost his balance. Mohan got out of his car quickly and rushed towards the accident. He could see the faces of the victims. They were the same teenagers who had overtaken his car. They both went riding without helmets and new they were bleeding profusely. Mohan wasted no time. With the help of some passers-by, he picked them up and immediately took them to a hospital in his car. He informed their family members using one of the boys’ mobile. The timely treatment saved the lives of both the boys who were ashamed of their actions after meeting Mohan. He forgave them and advised them to follow traffic rules as they are meant for people’s safety. They promised not to drive until they were eighteen.

  6. Read the following prompt and weave a story an about 150- 200 words. Provide a suitable title also.

The moment Hari stepped down from the train he was greeted at the platform by the people of his small town. They had gathered there with garlands and a band…..


A Real Hero Comes Back

The moment Hari stepped down from the train he was greeted at the platform by the people of his small town. They had gathered there with garlands and a band, because a real patriot, retired army man regardless of his salary, family and his own life had appeared back after one and half year.   

It started long back that China attacked India and through a newspaper, Hari came to know that there was a great shortage of manpower in the Indian Army. At the very moment, he determined to devote himself for the sake of the country by fulfilling the demand of manpower.  Though the marriage function of his daughter was going on, he did not care as he was regardless of everything in front of his country. As expected India won over China and by a collective effort of real heroes like Hari. India once more touched the horizon success and the dawn of relief was ours.

People also understood that if we are breathing in a free country it is because of the sacrifice and the devotion of people like Hari. It was raining but people enjoyed it with a real hero and considered the rain a pious sign.


Need Some More Solved Examples don’t worry, click the links below-

1. Story Writing Solved Example-  My Success Story

2. Story Writing Solved Example-  Selfish Sparrow  

3. Story Writing Solved Example-  A Foolish Suspense

4. Story Writing Solved Example-  Fire of Suspense

5. Story Writing Solved Example-  God Helps Those Who Help Others

6. Story Writing Solved Example- Who is Mine?

7. Story Writing Solved Example- Let’s Be Like Sandhya

8. Story Writing Solved Example- Give Me My Family

9. Story Writing Solved Example- Be Wise To Eat

10. Story Writing Solved Example- Speak Up

11. Story Writing Solved Example- Childhood

12. Story Writing Solved Example- Religion and An Atheist: Humanity

13. Story Writing Solved Example- Death Penalty

14. Story Writing Solved Example- Mahabharata Redefined

15. Story Writing Solved Example-Freedom Can Mean Many Things

16. Story Writing Solved Example- Circle of Anger

17. Story Writing Solved Example- Self Help is the Best Help

18. Story Writing Solved Example- Brewery of Benny.

19. Story Writing Solved Example- I Am Not Scared Anymore

20. Story Writing Solved Example- Slow And Steady Wins The Race

21. Story Writing Solved Example- Fear always subdues your performance

22. Story Writing Solved Example- Never believe in ferocious and cruel animals

23. Story Writing Solved Example-Grandmother

24. Story Writing Solved Example- Food: A Blessing

25. Story Writing Solved Example- A Fun-filled Journey

26. Story Writing Solved Example- The Missing Child

27. Story Writing Solved Example- God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

28. Story Writing Solved Example- The sleepyhead

29. Story Writing Solved Example- Forest

30. Story Writing Solved Example-Health is Wealth

31. Story Writing Solved Example- Nuisance

32. Story Writing Solved Example- Competition

33. Story Writing Solved Example- ‘Am I hearing voices’

34. Story Writing Solved Example- Friends for Ever

35. Story Writing Solved Example- A Little Girl

36. Story Writing Solved Example- My Father With Kitten

37. Story Writing Solved Example-Honesty is the best Policy

38. Story Writing Solved Example- ABC

39. Story Writing Solved Example- “True Friendship”

40. Story Writing Solved Example- Importance of Good Company

41. Story Writing Solved Example- Insecurity

42. Story Writing Solved Example- Unity And Strength

43. Story Writing Solved Example-Disappointment

44. Story Writing Solved Example- Punishment

45. Story Writing Solved Example- Service to Mankind is Service to God

46. Story Writing Solved Example- BEE

47. Story Writing Solved Example- A House on Fire

48. Story Writing Solved Example- A Big Lost

49. Story Writing Solved Example- Childhood

50. Story Writing Solved Example- A Hungry Wolf

51. Story Writing Solved Example- CAPTIVATING OF BIRDS

52. Story Writing Solved Example- Brother’s Wedding

53. Story Writing Solved Example- MY FATHER ADMITTED ME IN A SCHOOL

54. Story Writing Solved Example -Feed the Dog

55. Story Writing Solved Example- Chatter Box

56. Story Writing Solved Example- Terrific Experience

57. Story Writing Solved Example- Hungry Lion

58. Story Writing Solved Example- A Naughty Calf

59. Story Writing Solved Example- Hard Work

60. Story Writing Solved Example- Greedy Goat

61. Story Writing Solved Example- Crucial Lion

62. Story Writing Solved Example-Kite Season

63. Story Writing Solved Example: Catching Butterflies

64. Story Writing Solved Example: Animals Make Fun of Humans

65. Story Writing Solved Example: The Ghost Teacher

66. Story Writing Solved Example: Birbal Excels

67. Story Writing Solved Example: He Who Dares Gets it All

68. Story Writing Solved Example: Speak Only When You Must

69. Story Writing Solved Example: Just Punishment

70. Story Writing Solved Example: A Faithful Nurse

71. Story Writing Solved Example: The Shepherd and the Wolf

72. Story Writing Solved Example: Greed has a Woeful End

73. Story Writing Solved Example: Liar

74. Story Writing Solved Example: The Tailer and the Elephant

75. Story Writing Solved Example: Union is Strength

76. Story Writing Solved Example: The Wolf and the Lamb

77. Story Writing Solved Example: Two Beggars

78. Story Writing Solved Example: Two Cats and the Monkey

79. Story Writing Solved Example: The Faithful Dog

80. Story Writing Solved Example: The Snake and the Frog

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83. Story Writing Solved Example: A Patient Little Girl

84. Story Writing Solved Example: Twelve Weavers

85. Story Writing Solved Example: A Foolish Brahman

86. Story Writing Solved Example: The Clever Jester

87. Story Writing Solved Example: A Donkey and its Load of Salt

88. Story Writing Solved Example: The Hidden Treasure

89. Story Writing Solved Example: A Camel and a Jackel

90. Story Writing Solved Example: The Fox and the Grapes

91. Story Writing Solved Example: The Dishonest Doctor

92. Story Writing Solved Example: The Vain Stag

93. Story Writing Solved Example: Bad Company

94. Story Writing Solved Example: A Foolish Milkmaid

95. Story Writing Solved Example: The Blind Horse

96. Story Writing Solved Example: The Bee and the Dove

97. Story Writing Solved Example: A Slave and the Lion

98. Story Writing Solved Example: A Hungry Fox

99. Story Writing Solved Example: A Clever Fox

100. Story Writing Solved Example: A Clever Crow

101. Story Writing Solved Example: The Hare and the Tortoise

102. Story Writing Solved Example: Ornaments Temp Thieves

103. Story Writing Solved Example: Two Friends and the Bear

104. Story Writing Solved Example: The Fox and the Goat

105. Story Writing Solved Example: The Lion and the Mouse

106. Story Writing Solved Example: Belling the Cat

107. Story Writing Solved Example: The Fisherman and the Little Fish

108. Story Writing Solved Example: Half the Profit

109. Story Writing Solved Example: The Lost Camel

110. Story Writing Solved Example: God Helps Those Who Help 

111. Story Writing Solved Example: The Cap-Seller and the Monkeys

112. Story Writing Solved Example: Honesty is the Best Policy

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114. Story Writing Solved Example: Nip the Evil in the Bud

115. Story Writing Solved Example: The Inchcape Rock

116. Story Writing Solved Example: Robert Bruce and the Spider

117. Story Writing Solved Example: The Sun and the Wind 

118. Story Writing Solved Example: The Hare and the Lion 

119. Story Writing Solved Example: Three Friends and a Purse of Gold

120. Story Writing Solved Example: It is All for the Best

121. Story Writing Solved Example: Shrewd Boy

122. Story Writing Solved Example: The Goose that Laid Go lden Eggs

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Class 10 Short Story Writing​

Class 10 short story writing page 1.

Some solved examples of Short Story Writing for Class 10  CBSE Board   are given here-

1. Seema decided to write a story for her school magazine, but after some time, she could not complete the story as she had to go out for some urgent work. Complete the story on the basis of the beginning given below, in about 150­-200 words. “ An old man had two daughters. He loved both of them. Once, he asked them …”

Salt and sugar.

An old man had two daughters. He loved both of them. Once, he asked them, “what is the sweetest thing in the world?”

“sugar,” said the older girl. “salt, “said the younger girl.

The old man thought the younger daughter was mocking him. He said, “if salt is sweeter than sugar, you had better find another home where the cooking is more to your taste”. And he pushed her out of the house. 

It was a beautiful summer night. The pretty maiden sat singing in the forest near her father’s cottage when a young prince, who had lost his way hunting, came to her. Struck by her beauty and gaiety, he fell in love with her and took her to his palace and married her.

The bride invited her father to the wedding banquet without telling him who she was. All the dishes were prepared without salt. The guests began to murmur.

“Oh”, said the bride’s father, “salt is truly the sweetest thing in the world. But when my daughter said so, I threw her out of the house. If only I could see her again and tell her how sorry I was!”

Drawing the veil from her face, the happy girl went to him and hugged him. Then, the properly salted dishes were brought in and all the guests ate their fill.

2. Knowledge is power. Based on the following visual, along with your ideas, develop a story based on the theme of helping children from economically weaker sections of society (EWS) and below poverty line (BPL), in about 100-150 words. (10 marks)

The khusboo in my life.

For the past few days. I had been observing a thin, frail girl coming and sitting on the bench and looking continuously for hours together at the passers-by without playing or talking to anyone. From her appearance, I concluded that she was from the economically weaker section of society. That day, I could not control myself and went to talk to the sweet girl. After talking to her, I found that her father had died in a crash during a street violence and that her mother had gone out to work. Her name was Khushboo. When I talked to her, she replied with ‘jee’ every time which showed that she was a cultured girl. I pointed towards a house and told her that I stayed there and asked her if she wanted to come along with me. The girl thought for a while and then held my finger. I was elated. I offered her something to eat which she ate after washing her hands. All my family members were impressed with that sweet girl. I showed her some storybooks with illustrations that she looked at very carefully. I asked her if she went to school. She told that her mother could not send her to school as they were very poor. Tears filled her large innocent eyes. So, I decided to teach her.

As soon as I reached home from my college, she would run to me. This became a routine. I was glad to find that she was a book-lover. For hours together, she would turn pages of storybooks and enquire in detail about what was being spoken by the characters. Her desire to learn led me to wonder if I could ever teach her. And one day, I held her tender fingers to teach her to write. Since that day, there has been no looking back. We both share a wonderful relation with each other. My mother says that she looks like my sister. And I have pledged to educate khushboo.

Short Story Writing Class 10

3. Write a story, in about 150-200 words. Use the clues provided to begin the story. Provide a suitable title. Aman – sixteen years old – returns after school – next door building – thick smoke from window – old couple lives there – a man must take immediate action

Aman saves the old couple.

Aman said bye to his friends Nikhil and Nysa, and got down from the bus. It had been a hectic day. Exam were round the corner and his teachers had started taking regular tests. On Monday was the dreaded subject, mathematics. Aman knew he had to work hard to get good marks. His parents were working hard, 

so that he could secure admission in a good school. He reached home and opened the door with his key. He was just about to drink water when he noticed thick smoke billowing from the window of the adjacent building. Mr and Mrs sikand lived there. They were old. Aman often visited them. They also located him and had gifted him a bat on his sixteenth birthday. Aman ran to the building and alerted the watchman. Both of them rushed upstairs and knocked on the door.

 After repeated knocks, when there was no response, they broke it open along with the other neighbors, who had gathered there by then. They found Mr and Mrs sikand on the floor. Aman found the source of the smoke –a short circuit. He informed his parents and took the old couple along with another neighbor to the hospital.

 The doctor examined them and said that they were fine and would be discharged soon. Aman went to meet them. He told them what had happened and asked them to be careful in the future. The islands thanked Aman and promised to be careful in the future.

4. Write a short story, in about 150-200 words, on the basis of the hints provided. (10 marks) Branches of huge banyan tree-parents-starvation-problems-trend setters

Never say die.

The sun shone through the branches of the huge banyan tree in the front yard of the Yadav household, ushering in another wonderful day. Time had not been very kind to manic and Hariyali. They were only in their teens when they lost their parents to starvation. The village headman Shastri Ji said, “what will happen to these orphans? How will they live? God knows!!”

The listeners sighed in response. No one cares to offer any help. Manik, the elder child was fighter. He refused to fall prey to any problems. Along with 10-year-old hariyali, he began cultivating vegetables in the backyard of their small house. “where there is a will there is a way”.

 The Yadav siblings, blessed with green fingers, gradually began to taste the fruits of success. They moved into a bigger house that had a huge terrace. They revolutionized the process of vegetable and fruit farming, developed simple indigenous farming machinery, set up vermicompost pits, propagated using discarded plastic to grow plants, and extended support to anyone who sought their experience and expertise. They became trendsetters.

 A few years later, they were in for a huge surprise. The village headman came visiting along with some local elders. “come here, dear children”, he said. With folded hands, Manik and Hariyali stood at a distance. “No no, not so far away. Come close to me.” He said loudly, “these two Yadav children have made our village famous”. Everyone was surprised. “They have been selected by the municipality as green warriors,” said the headman. They continued their efforts and gradually began crossing the seas.

5. Write a short story on the basis of the hints provided, in about 150-200 words. (10 marks) Loved reading about life on other planets-one day-walking in the school, suddenly heard a noise-strange man, no creature-an alien saying something-then more come-abducted me. Begin the story with:

I loved reading about life on other planets………, an encounter with an alien.

I loved reading about life on other planets. Well, that is what I loved to do, of course, the only other thing was watching movies like ET, Alien, men in black, etc. the commonality being the aliens. My friends and parents laughed at me and said that I was moving away from the real world. I was also told that I might end up looking like an alien if I do not pay attention to other things in life. But my love for aliens was beyond all this. Whatever anyone said, I loved anything and everything about them. One day, I was walking in the school all alone thinking about the new alien fiction that someone had told me about I wanted to check if our librarian had ordered it. How I would have loved to lay my hands on it! Suddenly, I heard a strange whirring noise. I turned around and saw some strange creatures. It was in fact as one of those alien creatures that I had seen in the movies—-big eyes, green in color, two pairs of heads and arms with multiple tentacles on their heads. Thinking it to be a figment of my imagination, I pinched myself hard, only to realize that they were in fact there. One of the aliens said something to the other. Some more aliens joined him. They abducted me and took me to their planet. When I came about I could see people in white coats standing all around me with needles and various other instruments in their hands. scared I tried to push away their hands. Suddenly, I heard one of them speaking in English. The voice seemed to be quite like that of someone whom I knew. The person was asking me to be given an injection. I tried to resist but couldn’t and slept off. The next day, when I woke up, I was in my bed with my parents near me. It seems I had a high fever and had fainted in school. Now the truth, what was the truth, was that really the case? Did I just imagine because of my sickness or did all that happen? Only God knows!

6. Write a story, in about 150-200 words, based on the input given below. The parent-teacher meeting was scheduled for tomorrow – scared of informing them – had been scolded for missing school – no way out – cooked a story……

Forgiveness: a great virtue.

It was late at night. Rahul was wondering what to tell his parents. The parent-teacher meeting was scheduled for tomorrow. But he was scared of informing them. He had forgotten to finish his homework and therefore, bunked the school. He had played in the park the whole time and returned home only in the evening. He had been scolded for missing school. There was no way out. His father was very strict and his mother would also get angry if she come to know. His teacher was sure to inform his parents. He decided to cook up a story. By night he thought of a story, mustered up courage, and after dinner, went to his parent’s bedroom. He knocked on the door lightly. His parents asked him to come inside. He went inside, opened his mouth to speak, but then no words came out. He decided to try once again but the same thing happened. Finally, he tried time, but failed again. Tears started rolling down his eyes. Concerned, his mother rushed to him and asked him why he was crying. Slowly, Rahul told his parents the full incident. His parents were angry at first, but then when they saw that Rahul was feeling really guilty and was apologetic, they pardoned him. Rahul promised to be regular in going to school and in doing his homework every day. Since that day, Rahul’s grades began improving, everyone was amazed, but no one knew the real reason.

7. Write a story, in about 150-200 words, based on the input given below. They started a trek to the peak of the mountain-supposed to be a very hard journey-a five-day long trek-when they started…..

An adventurous trip.

They started a trek to the peak of the mountain. It was supposed to be a very hard journey, but all my friends were enthusiastic about it. They had prepared well and now wanted to enjoy. They had a very hectic semester and wanted to have a blast before the next semester began. It was a five-day long trek and they had informed their parents about their plans. They promised to call their parents before starting the trek. But then when they reached, they forgot all about about it. Next day, when they started the climb, they heard people calling their names. Taking it to be the enthusiasm of the people, they did not pay any attention and moved on. Suddenly, it started snowing. They were in a predicament and realized that the people might have been warning them. Somehow, they reached the first camp and decided to take a break there. They also got to know how some parents had come looking for their kids. Though they made fun of the idea that time, it was only later that they realized it was none other their parents. Their parents scolded them and told them how worried they were after hearing about the impending heavy snowfall and the lack of communication on their part. The boys apologized and promised to be more careful in future.

8. Write a story, in about 150-200 words, based on the input given below. She finally had it – the key to the treasure – the map – she trembled – excitement – anticipation

The treasure hunt.

It had been a long way up. Radhika was tired, but she did not want to give up. She was determined to win the competition. After all, she had prepared very long for it. Moreover, she could not lose to Ravi.  He was always after her and wanted to prove that girls could not do anything right. Radhika was determined to prove him wrong. After a few more steps, she checked the route map, given by the organizers. She was near the location. Now, she started looking carefully for the markers. Finally, she found it, the key to the treasure, the final map. Trembling with excitement and anticipation, she slowly opened it, only to find a blank page. She threw it away in anger. A minute later, she realized her folly. The organizers would have put the information secretly. They would not make it so easy. She ran to get it before anyone else found it. She finally found it and bought it back to the large tree. She slowly opened it again and tried to look at it closely. Suddenly, she saw some letters. She held the sheet to the sun and looked closely again. There it was—-the secret code for reaching the treasure point. She checked her compass, she was moving in the right direction. Trying to keep her cool, she made some calculation using the information in the map. She was just 500 meters away from the place. She ran and started digging at the specified spot. She pushed the mud hard with a stick. Suddenly, there was a sound. Slowly she peeped in. it was a small tin. Taking it out, she checked it. There lay the final treasure—a cheque for Rs. 10,000. She could not contain her joy and shouted loudly. She had finally won. 

9. write a story, in about 150—200 words, based in the input given below. Learning to swim—enjoy—not fully trained—pushed inside—started drowning….

Never give up.

The summer vacation had begun. I had finally got the opportunity to learn swimming. I know this wasn’t an age to learn such activities, but then being alone in this world now, I needed something to keep myself busy. All the children were settled and I had a lot of time to spare. At my age, it is necessary to keep oneself active, and to learn swimming had been my dream. And before I die, I wanted to fulfill all my long wished. So here I was with my instructor who had told me the starting steps and asked me to get into the pool and start kicking water as the first step. For some time, I did that. But knowing that I did not have a long time left (just like the others there), made me restless. I had taken some basic training earlier too, so when the instructor went to the office, I decided to test myself. I managed to swim. I came out and decided to take a break. Suddenly, one of the kids decided to play a trick on me. He pushed me into the water. Being not fully trained, I started gasping for breath. I started seeing stars, I was drowning. Suddenly, I felt two hands pulling me. I did not want to die and somehow, the hands pulled me. By the time I came out, I was tired. I saw the same boy and another boy near me. The instructor was also nearby. Everyone was trying to talk to me. I just said that I was fine. The instructor started shouting at the young boy who had pushed me. I felt bad for the boy who looked really repentant and on the verge of tears. I told sir how the boy had just accidentally pushed me and just left at that. That is how, my adventure with swimming ended, but that was only for that day. I am determined to swim again tomorrow. 

10. Complete the following story. Some inputs are given to help you start.

A merchant riding home from fair. always negative thinking …….. had earned lot of money money got wet …………… cursed god thanked god for rain realized whatever happens, happens alright. attacked saved life sudden rainfall got fired at but due to wet gun powder not hit by robbers.

There was a merchant called Salim. He was a money-minded person and usurer and always thought only about money and nothing else. Though he had a lot of money but he was never satisfied. He could be very often heard complaining about the lack of money with him. One day he went to the fair where he did brisk business and earned plenty of money. But instead of being grateful for the money earned he fretted over the fact that others made more money than him. It suddenly rained on the way home and all his money got wet unfortunately. He cursed God in his anger. Little did he know that his negative thinking had a bearing on his destiny. His plight for the day wasn’t over as he was attacked by the gang of robbers. The robbers demanded money from him but he refused to part with them. Livid with anger the leader of the robbers shot at him but the gunpowder being wet did not explode. Salim, relieved, thanked God for the rain. The robbers heard some voices approaching. They decided to let go of Salim. Salim learnt that day that whatever happens, it happens alright. He also pondered and said to himself, “Man is the architect of his own fate. But nobody can deny the outcome of his deed.” Henceforth, he never remain a poisonous person. Salim became a philanthropist.

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Story Writing Practice Questions Class 10 English

  • Post last modified: 27 July 2022
  • Post category: Grammar Exercises / School Grammar

Practice questions with answers on ‘short story writing’ are given here. The art of ‘short story writing’ is judged through such questions where the beginning is given and students need to carry forward this beginning by developing into a story.

Q. Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline. Give it a suitable title also.

Ahmad went to watch Diwali Mela with his parents. He wanted to enjoy a ride in the merry go-round. His father ……………… [CBSE Delhi, 2020]

Ahmad went to watch Diwali Mela with his parents. He wanted to enjoy a ride in the merry-go-round. His father bought him a ticket and asked him to enjoy the ride. He was so excited to ride the merry-go-round that he ran towards the long queue leaving his parents behind. Lost in his thoughts and excitement, Ahmad soon realised that he has reached the end of the queue all alone. His parents were nowhere to be seen.

A worried little Ahmad was on the verge of breaking down when he saw a policeman patrolling through the streets of the fair. He ran towards the cop and told him that he is lost. The policeman took Ahmad to the ‘Help’ counter and asked him to sit there while he tried to locate his parents.

Ahmad was so tensed when he was offered an ice-cream by another policeman sitting at the counter that he refused it because all he wanted then was to meet his parents. He heard his name being called out on the loudspeaker which made him shiver. “A 6-year-old boy, Ahmad has got lost in the fair. He is with us at the Help counter. Ahmad’s parents are requested to collect him from here”, said the announcement.

Before Ahmad could process the information, he saw his parents running towards him. His mother was crying profusely holding him tightly. His father thanked the cops for their help and apologised for the inconvenience caused. Ahmad too thanked the policemen for helping him and promised to be more careful next time.

Q. Complete the story using your imagination in 150-200 words. Also give it a suitable title.

‘It was the festival of spring. One little boy ran as his father called out to him. He had lagged behind as he was fascinated by the toys in the shop. He hurried towards his parents, his feet obedient to the call, but suddenly………………

It was the festival of spring. One little boy ran as his father called out to him. He had lagged behind as he was fascinated by the toys in the shop. He hurried towards his parents, his feet obedient to the call, but suddenly the eyes of the boy got stuck at a toy shop. The shop had his favourite toy, a train. He was mesmerised by it and kept looking at the toy because his earlier toy train had broken when some visitor to his home dropped the toy to the floor from a height.

He kept on staring till the shopkeeper asked him if he wanted to buy the toy train. The boy nodded. The shopkeeper asked him to call his parents to the shop. With horror, the boy realised that his parents were not with him and he was lost. He started crying very loudly. The shopkeeper tried to console him but it was of no use. He also tried to give him the train, but the boy only wanted his parents. Hearing his cries, people started gathering near the shop. Then a couple came rushing towards the shop. As soon as they saw their child, their happiness knew no bounds. They also bought the train for their child and asked him to be cautious from then onwards.

Q. Write a short story in 150-200 words based on the sequence of pictures and the beginning given below

‘Raman was a 14-year-old boy who lived with his family in a Kerala village. One day during the monsoon season…………….’

story writing examples class 10


Raman was a 14-year-old boy who lived with his family in a Kerala village. One day during the monsoon season there was heavy rain and the village was flooded. The government started evacuating the villagers from their homes, as the flood waters had entered them. In the boat with them were three other families with their pets. One family had a small puppy dog which was very playful. The puppy sat at the edge of the boat and was enjoying the ride when the boat titled dangerously. The puppy fell into the water.

There was an outcry from the family’s 6-year-old son who loved the puppy dearly. He tried to catch the puppy himself, but overbalanced and fell into the flood water. The boy’s parents panicked and shouted, but could not do anything as they did not know swimming.

But Raman was a good swimmer. He immediately jumped into the swirling water and swam quickly towards the 6-year-old boy. Raman held his head above water while swimming back to the boat. After Raman had handed over the boy to his parents in the boat, he again swam back to save the puppy. Luckily the puppy was still alive, although it has swallowed some water. Taking the puppy back to the boat was more difficult, but Raman managed it. The little boy went overjoyed to see the puppy alive and hugged it excitedly.

Later on, Raman was awarded a medal for bravery against all odds by the District Magistrate at a formal ceremony at the district headquarters. He was also recommended for the Sanjay Chopra Award given by the President of India every year to such children.

Q. Complete the story in 150-200 words using the outline given below. Also give it a suitable title.

Dark night – quiet jungle – sound of footsteps – followed footprints trail – reached lonely house – hidden behind trees – entered – shocked to see – woke up in bed.

The Haunted Jungle

It was a dark and lonely night. I was returning from a relative’s place and had missed the last bus going towards my village. Now I had to walk through the jungle. I was hesitant, but the thought of reaching home on time persuaded me. There was something odd about the jungle in the night. It was very quiet and the silence made me shiver. Suddenly I realised that I was lost. I was gripped with panic. I cried for help but there was no response. I was terrified to hear the sounds of owls and bats. It was scary and I had lost all hopes of survival. Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps. I suspected that I was not alone. I followed the sound of the footsteps; it was like light at the end of the tunnel. After ten minutes, I reached near a lonely house. I hid behind the trees to see whether it would be safe to go near the house. Finally, I decided to take shelter in the lonely house, but to my shock it was full of dancing skeletons. I fainted with fear. When I opened my eyes, to my relief, I found myself sleeping in my lovely bed. What a nightmare it was!

Q. Develop a story in 150-200 words using the following beginning. Also give it a suitable title.

‘Once upon a time, there was a peacock that was enjoying the ……… …………….

Pride Comes Before a Fall

Once upon a time, there was a peacock that was enjoying the pleasant weather in a forest. Flying happily, he reached across the river. Suddenly, a God-like lady emerged from the river and asked the peacock to ask for a boon.

The peacock was surprised, as he thought of the purpose for this blessing. Yet, the peacock said that he wanted to be an eagle. However, the lady wanted him to get converted into a human being so that he could explain to humans the plight of the birds and also teach them a good lesson. But the peacock looked up at the sky and said he wanted to fly high over the clouds and his heavy wings stopped him from doing so. The lady granted his wish half-heartedly. The peacock got transformed into an eagle. He looked at himself and excitedly made a loud cry like proud eagle. He took his first flight and went straight up over the clouds. As soon as he reached a good height, he was hit by a bullet and came crashing down to the ground, eventually dying an unfortunate death. The lady emerged again, restored life to him and converted him into a peacock. She further asked him to be satisfied in life.

The peacock learned his lesson and was relieved to be back to his former self.

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Complete the following story in about 150-200 words. Give a suitable title. Dolly woke up in the middle of the night hearing some noise in her………… title of the story

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English Story Writing Format Notes for Class 10 English (PDF)

English Story Writing Format Notes for Class 10 English are here. You can download the English Story Writing Format Notes PDF to study all the topics in this chapter. Moreover the class 10 English notes include chapter summary, definitions, examples, and key pointers for English Story Writing Format . Thus if you are studying 10th class English, then the  English Story Writing Format notes  will help you easily understand the topic and ace it.

English Story Writing Format Notes for Class 10 English

English Story Writing Format is a critical part in the study of English . In India, it is taught in 10th class. Therefore the class 10 Notes for English topic English Story Writing Format have been compiled by teachers and field experts. They explain the complete chapter of English Story Writing Format in one-shot . Whether you are studying the topic English Story Writing Format to complete your 10th class syllabus, or for any competitive exam like JEE, NEET, UPSC, you can simply refer these notes to complete the chapter in one-shot!

English Story Writing Format Notes Download Link – Click Here to Download PDF

English Story Writing Format Notes for Class 10 English PDF

The PDF of English Story Writing Format class 10 notes is as follows. You can view the document here and also download it to use it anytime for future reference whenever you want to brush up your concepts of English.

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Class 10 Notes for English – All Chapters

If you are studying English Story Writing Format, then chances are that you will study the other chapters in class 10 English. Therefore we have listed all the notes here in one place, as follows.

First Flight

  • A Letter to God Notes
  • A Tiger in the Zoo Notes
  • Amanda Notes
  • Animals Notes
  • Dust of Snow Notes
  • Fire and Ice Notes
  • For Anne Gregory Notes
  • From the Diary of Anne Frank Notes
  • Glimpses of India Notes
  • How to Tell Wild Animals Notes
  • Madam Rides the Bus Notes
  • Mijbil the Otter Notes
  • Nelson Mandela Notes
  • The Ball Poem Notes
  • The Hundred Dresses-I Notes
  • The Hundred Dresses-II Notes
  • The Proposal Notes
  • The Sermon at Benaras Notes
  • The Tale of Custard the Dragon Notes
  • The Trees Notes
  • Two Stories about Flying Notes

Footprints without Feet

  • A Question of Trust Notes
  • A Triumph of Surgery Notes
  • Bholi Notes
  • Footprints without Feet Notes
  • The Book that Saved the Earth Notes
  • The Hack Driver Notes
  • The Making of a Scientist Notes
  • The Midnight Visitor Notes
  • The Necklace Notes
  • The Thief’s Story Notes
  • Article Writing Format Notes
  • Formal Letter Format Notes
  • Diary of a Young Girl Notes
  • The Story of My Life Notes
  • English Story Writing Format Notes

Class 10 Notes for All Subjects

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English English Story Writing Format

The English Story Writing Format notes here help you solve the questions and answers . Also, you can complete the class 10 English Story Writing Format worksheet using the same. In addition you will also tackle CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions with these class 10 notes .

However if you still need help, then you can use the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English English Story Writing Format to get all the answers. English Story Writing Format solutions contain questions, answers, and steps to solve all questions.

Notes for All Classes

English Story Writing Format Notes for Class 10 English

English Story Writing Format Notes for Class 10 English – An Overview

Class 10 english story writing format notes for all boards.

You can use the class 10 English notes of English Story Writing Format for all boards.

The education boards in India for which English Story Writing Format notes are relevant are – CBSE, CISCE, SEBA, BSE Odisha, CGBSE, HBSE, HPBOSE, KSEEB, MSBSHSE, PSEB, RBSE, TBSE, UPMSP, UBSE, BSEAP, BSEB, GBSHSE, GSEB, JAC, JKBOSE, KBPE, MBOSE, MBSE, MPBSE, NBSE, DGE TN, BSE Telangana, BOSEM, WBBSE .

Therefore you can refer to these notes as CBSE, CISCE, SEBA, BSE Odisha, CGBSE, HBSE, HPBOSE, KSEEB, MSBSHSE, PSEB, RBSE, TBSE, UPMSP, UBSE, BSEAP, BSEB, GBSHSE, GSEB, JAC, JKBOSE, KBPE, MBOSE, MBSE, MPBSE, NBSE, DGE TN, BSE Telangana, BOSEM, WBBSE notes for class Class 10 / Class 10th / X / SSC / Madhyamik / SSLC / HSLC English for the topic English Story Writing Format.

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Examples: Story Writing | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10 PDF Download

Examples: Story Writing | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10

On Forgetfulness Karan had to leave by the 10:30 train, and he knew that he was very forgetful. Therefore, before starting the journey, he made sure that he had not forgotten anything. When he reached the station, the train had already arrived. He went running to the platform, and got into the train. The guard blew the whistle and the train started. Just then, he remembered that he had not bought the ticket. But now the train had caught speed and he could do nothing. He knew travelling without ticket was an offence. As soon as the train stopped at the next station, he saw a travelling ticket examiner and requested him to issue him a ticket for Delhi. The ticket examiner asked him many questions. He wanted to know why Karan had not got his ticket before boarding the train. Karan told him the whole truth. The TTE was a very kind fellow. He charged from Karan the due fine and the actural fare. He gave him a receipt for that amount. Now Karan felt easy at his heart and did the rest of his journey reading a book on ‘How to Improve Your Memory’ by Dale Carnegie. Example 9: Complete the story : On hearing the news, Ravi ran to the spot      A big crowd had gathered and a few policemen could also be seen in the vicinity      (2015) Ans. A Ghastly Murder Ravi was watching TV and there was a breaking news : ‘      an old lady has been found murdered in...’ And Ravi was surprised to hear the newsreader naming the very town and colony where he lives. A view of the house where the murder had taken place was also being flashed on the TV. Ravi at once knew that it was Mrs Chopra’s house. She was an old lady who lived all alone after the death of her husband. She had an only daughter who was settled in Jalandhar after her marriage. Ravi at once ran to the spot and found a large crowd of people already gathered there. A few policemen could also be seen in the vicinity. The police were making their investigations and nobody was being allowed to go into the house. The murder came to light when the housemaid came for her daily cleaning and washing. The door of the house had been broken open and the old lady was lying in a pool of blood. She cried in alarm and the people gathered there. The police were informed and a team of police officials soon reached there. Nothing in the house had been touched. Clearly, it was not a case of robbery. They are still groping in the dark to find some clinching clue. Example 10: Complete the story : Raghav walked fast_______It was getting dark_______He then realised that he had  lost  his way_______(2015) Ans. On Losing the Way Raghav was staying at a guest house along with his friends during the summer holidays. It was in Nainital. After having been to a number of places during the day, the party came back to the guest house. After dinner, Raghav thought of going for a stroll on the road below the guest house. He left all alone without telling any of his friends. For quite some time, he kept going about the bazaar, enjoying the cool air of the hills. He realised that he was getting late only when the shopkeepers started switching off the lights and pulling down the shutters. Now it became dark all around and Raghav walked fast to get back to the guest house. But on not finding himself anywhere near the guest house even after half an hour, he realised that he had lost his way. There was no one on the street who could tell him the way. Raghav was filled with fear lest he should have to pass the night outside in the cold night. But just then, he saw a watchman coming down the street, beating his lathi on the pavement stones. When Raghav asked him the way to his guest house, the watchman laughed in his typical Nepali style. He said that Raghav was standing at the very back of that guest house. The main gate was on the other side which could be reached through a side lane. Raghav thanked the watchman and was soon in his room in the guest house. His friends were already asleep.

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English Story Writing Activity For Class 10 CBSE

by Manjusha · May 16, 2020

Develop a story in about 200-250 words with the help of the inputs and also give a suitable title.

Visiting zoo – a monkey comes down a tree – snatching my mother’s bag and runs up a nearby tree – all stunned

Class 10 English Story Writing

The monkey and the bag.

Yesterday will always be a memorable day for us. Dad and Mom took my brother and me to the zoo yesterday. I have always loved animals so naturally I was quite excited about the visit. We saw plenty of animals there. There were tigers, lions, leopards and even crocodiles. There were plenty of monkeys too. They ran up and down the trees and provided us plenty of merriment. Suddenly it happened. A monkey sitting on a nearby fence ran up to my mother and snatched her bag. Before we could even react, he climbed up a tree and grinned at us. We are stunned. Luckily he didn’t attack my mother but there was still plenty of cause for concern. My mother had her phone, Adhar card and credit cards in the bag. We had to recover it somehow but we didn’t know how to. My brother tried to throw some stones at the monkey but that didn’t help. Actually, as soon as he saw the stones coming his way, he hid himself behind the leaves. We were clueless as to what we should do. Suddenly I remembered the story of the cap seller who had recovered all of his caps from the monkey. I decided to try the same trick. I had another bag in my hand. I threw it away. My brother also threw away the water bottles in his hand. Seeing us throwing things around, I think the monkey also got excited and threw the bag. We quickly snatched it before another monkey could grab it.

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story writing examples class 10

Online Education for Story Writing Class 10 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Story Writing For Class 10

Story writing is an art. It is the oldest form of written composition. It is a work of imagination that is written in easily understandable grammatical structure. a short story is meant to be read in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.

This grammar section explains Online Education English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

A short story is a fictional work of prose that is much shorter in length than a novel. Edgar Allan Poe, in his essay ‘The Philosophy of Composition,’ said that a short story should be read in one sitting.

A short story usually focuses on one plot, one main character (with a few additional minor characters), and one central theme (whereas a novel can tackle multiple plots and themes, with a variety of prominent characters). Short stories contain underlying themes or motifs that teach students to draw broader conclusions from the material and encourage them to think on a wider level about interconnected issues and themes that run throughout the material?

Story Writing Solved Examples With Answers For Class 10 CBSE

Story Writing Class 10 Question 1. Write a short story with the help of the following outline:

Answer: Once there lived a tortoise and a hare in a forest. They were good friends. The tortoise was known for his slow speed. The hare was proud of his speed and he often made fun of the tortoise’s slow speed.

One day the tortoise challenged the hare to a race. The hare agreed and a horse was selected as the referee. The race started and the overconfident hare ran fast and attained a lead in the initial stage. The hare now felt like taking a short nap as he believed that he could overtake the slow tortoise any time and reach the target. The hare slept. When the hare woke up he realized that he had overslept.

He began to run fast to overtake the tortoise who slowly and steadily was reaching the target. The tortoise reached the target before the hare could do so and won the race. The moral of the story: ‘Slow and steady wins the race.

Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Question 2. Write a short story based on the following outline:

Equal Share

Once upon a time there lived two cats in a village. One day they were hungry; they searched for food but could not find anything to eat. Soon they spotted a loaf of bread on the road. Each of them was greedy and wanted to eat the bigger portion of the bread leaving the smaller portion to the other. They were arguing as to who should get the bigger share of the bread. A monkey who was passing by was amused when he heard the two cats fighting with each other. He was clever. He offered to help the cats solve their problem and the cats also agreed to it. He bit a small portion of the bread and ate it. He then bit a portion of the larger portion to equalize it. He kept on repeating this act till only a small portion was left behind. He ate that piece also saying that it was his fees. The two cats stood dumbstruck having realized their folly and remained hungry that day.

Story Writing For Class 10 With Answers Pdf Question 3. You are Jyoti/Jaydeep. Your younger brother was badly hurt on the evening of Diwali and had to be hospitalized. Narrate your experience in the form of a story, with an appropriate title. Answer:

Diwali Evening Fiasco

Diwali is a festival of lights. Diwali evening glitters the autumn with delights of young children. It brings joys and happiness with the blessings of Goodess Lakshmi. Children burst crackers on this day. Elders also keep themselves busy to decorate their houses for Diwali celebration. My younger brother Jaydeep’s joy knew no bounds on the evening of Diwali last October. Diwali is a festival of lights. Children burst crackers on this day. So, Jaydeep bought a lot of crackers. Many friends came to meet him. Everybody asked him to accompany them. He said, “I am waiting for Tiku and Monu. They will bring two baskets full of crackers. We will enjoy bursting crackers on the Diwali evening in our parlour.”

Tiku and Monu reached in time with two big baskets full of crackers. Some crazy boys were bursting chemical bomb–crackers. They started bursting bomb–crackers incessantly. The atmosphere got so much smoky that nothing was visible. Suddenly, one cried loudly, “I can’t see anything, I am almost blind, Who’s there? Save me, save me,” Tiku and Monu found it’s my brother terribly injured. They informed me instantly. I took him by an ambulance to the emergency department in the nearest hospital. The hospital authorities were very cooperative. They admitted my brother then and there. My brother’s life was saved, but Jaydeep lost his one eye for ever.

Story Writing In English For Class 10 Question 4. Complete the following story. Give a suitable title to the story. [Delhi 2019)

A Foolish Woodcutter Boy

Once there lived a poor woodcutter boy, named Bunya, near a wood. He lost his father in his childhood. As he was foolish enough to do his duty, so he liked to be given plenty of attention as to perform his duties. As he was an orphan he was always at his wits’ end and did foolish things. He was a woodcutter and would go deep into the jungle to cut trees. One day he wanted to do a mischief. He shouted at the top of his voice, “There’s a tiger, there’s a tiger.” Many villagers came rushing to his aid. But on reaching they found Bunya laughing at how easily they got duped.

It amused Bunya very much and he repeated his act. The villagers once again turned up to his aid but found out that Bunya was joking again. The villagers got irritated and vowed never to be made fun of by Bunya again. After a few days Bunya was cutting woods when he saw a tiger. He screamed and screamed for help but no one turned up for his help. Everybody thought that he was trying to fool them again but when Bunya’s mother raised the alarm that it was 8 at night and he hadn’t returned, they set out in his search only to find Bunya’s bones. The tiger roared, “Never tell a lie”.

Story Writing For Class 10 Pdf Question 5. Complete the following story. Some lines are given to help you start.

Greedy Grocer

There lived a greedy grocer in Lalarampura village in Madhya Pradesh. His name was Lala Prasad. In the whole village it was the only grocery shop. So, poor villagers had to buy all the daily necessaries such as pulses, spices, rice, etc. from his shop. But Lala was a dishonest grocer. He would mix stones in pulses and rice, and coloured sand in spices and sell them with unfair prices to the poor villagers. The poor villagers lived from hand to mouth. All the villagers complained to him but he turned a deaf ear to their pleas. The villagers decided to take action against him and complained to the village panchayat.

The panchayat asked him to serve good quality items to the people which he did for a few days but soon fell back to his old ways. One day his son fell very ill and he was compelled to go to the next village to buy medicine. He brought medicine from the next village unaware that the man who sold the medicine was just as dishonest. He gave his son the medicine and found him getting worse. All the villagers prayed for the young boy and one of the villagers telegrammed his brother in town for the required medicine.

His son soon recovered and Lala learnt that the medicine was tampered with by the seller. He understood the gravity of his sin and vowed to be honest from then on.

Story Writing Examples Question 6. Complete the following story. Some lines are given to help you start.

A Great Fool’s foolishness

Once there lived a young woodcutter on the outskirts of a forest. His name was Suraj Gandiv. The villagers, dearly called him Suraj. He earned his living by cutting wood from the nearest forest. He had no common sense. He was often involved in doing the silliest of things. He earned his livelihood by cutting wood. He cut wood from the nearby forest and was often tired of carrying it from the forest to the village. So he decided to cut the banyan tree at the edge of the forest. He wanted to save money so that he could get married to his beloved Chanda.

Lost in dreams, he began to cut the tree. He cut all the branches of the tree save one, the one on whose edge he was sitting. So he decided to cut off the last branch too and merrily began sawing the branch. He thought the villagers were jealous of him. So when he had given the final blow to the branch he fell down and broke his ribs. His marriage was postponed by a year. After his recovery, during this time he worked very hard and amassed a lot of money. The next year all the villagers attended his wedding. Suraj is no more foolish after that mishap.

Story Writing Questions For Class 10 Question 7. Complete the following story. Some lines are given to help you start.

Answer: Mr. Shah lived in a posh residential complex. The residential complex had a huge tree at the centre of it. It was a tall peepal tree. The residents hung and swings on it, fed the birds and squirrels that resided in it. One day a builder decided to chop it off and build a swimming pool in its place. The residents protested but the builder convinced them that the swimming pool would look better. Only Mr. Shah was not convinced because he was a great lover of trees and supported biological diversity.

ched to the tree for its branches reached his window and many a happy time he spent watching the creatures that resided on it. He prayed that something should happen to prevent chopped off. Just at the moment he heard a scream from his neighbour’s daughter Sweety, he rushed to his window to see her caught between the branches. Sweety was soon rescued and was declared to be in a safe condition with a few minor wounds.

Sweety had slipped through the railing and if it wasn’t for the tree she would have died, Sweety’s dad was the builder himself and decided not to chop off the tree anymore. Mr. Shah thanked God for listening to his prayers and also prayed to all “Save Trees, Save Lives.”

Story Writing For Class 10 With Answers Question 8. Complete the following story. Some lines are given to help you start.

Answer: Last week I went to market to buy some books on my bicycle. I placed the bicycle outside the shop. I asked for the spices mother had wanted, paid for them and turned back. To my surprise a squirrel was sitting gaily on the seat of my bicycle. I stood quietly for five minutes, watching the squirrel. It was very amusing to watch the squirrel trying to bite its tail; it soon sensed my presence and looked up to find me staring at it.

I took out a carrot from the shopping bag I had in my hand and offered it to the squirrel that started nibbling it immediately. It did not scamper away but to my utmost surprise jumped on to my shoulders. I felt proud that it chose me as a friend and resolved to keep it as a pet. But I forgot it was somebody’s pet. Just as I sat on the bicycle the shopkeeper came outside his shop looking for some Tony which was the pet’s nick name.

The squirrel jumped from my shoulders to the shopkeeper who fondly patted him and remarked that Tony had kept him company for three years and it was one of the members of his family. I was very disappointed at the prospect of losing Tony but was happy that Tony had a very loving and kind master.

Story Writing For Class 10 Topics Question 9. Complete the following story. Some lines are given to help you start.

Answer: Yesterday I was going to school. On the way I saw a child in the middle of the road. A car was coming at full speed. I was screaming to the top of my voice. The traffic police noticed it too and signalled the car to stop. The car halted with a screech and a lady darted towards the child and picked her up in her arms. The lady looked very relieved. She went up to the traffic police and thanked him for saving her baby’s life.

The traffic police repeatedly warned the lady not to bring the child when she went for shopping. Particularly, women these days are crazy to bring their children while going for shopping. She narrated the traffic police that while she was busy buying vegetables, the child had slipped away unnoticed. She had been looking for the child frantically then suddenly she spotted him in the middle of the road.

The traffic police reproached her for her carelessness and asked her to be more cautious in future. She should be aware of the traffic rules and act accordingly. For her part, it is an unpardonable offence to harass the police in the context of losing a child, though she may be a parent. She promised that she would never let the child out of her sight whenever she was out of house.

Story Writing In English Class 10 Question 10. Complete the following story. Some lines are given to help you start.

Answer: Once there was an old man. He had four grown–up sons. They always quarrelled with one another and vehement. Despite coaxing and pleading, the four brothers refused to reform and be cordial with each other. The quarrels turned serious when the brothers threatened to kill one another. The father was at a loss and decided to teach them a lesson. He purchased a bear. He showered the creature with love and provided a trainer who taught the bear to dance.

The sons were surprised, perplexed and became jealous of the bear. They were planning how they could drive away the animal. They decided to kill the bear, but could not agree on a single plan of action. While one felt that the bear should be poisoned, the other wanted the bear driven out. A third wanted to leave him in the zoo, and the fourth wanted to kill the trainer. A huge quarrel broke out. On learning what his sons were planning, the father was aghast.

He told them that it was a cruel act to kill a pet animal. He was about to send for the police to arrest them for cruelty to animals when the sons realized their stupidity. They were repentant and begged to be pardoned. After extracting a promise of good behaviour and brotherly affection, the father forgave them. The family came together once again.

Class 10 Story Writing Question 11. Complete the following story. Some lines are given to help you start.

Answer: One day a dog found a piece of meat. He joyfully reached the bank of the river. He knew that the other dogs in the neighborhood were keen to have a slice of the meal but he was in no mood to

Literacy Ideas

Short Story Writing for Students and Teachers

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What Is a Short Story?

The clue is in the title!

Short stories are like novels only…well…shorter! They contain all the crucial elements of fully developed stories except on a smaller scale.

In short story writing, you’ll find the key story elements such as characterization, plot development, themes explored, etc., but all within a word count that can usually be comfortably read in one sitting.

Short stories are just one of many storytelling methods; like the others, they help us derive meaning from our world.

Visual Writing

How Do Short Stories Differ From Novels?

The reduced scale of a short story explains most of the differences the form has with longer forms such as novels.

Short stories usually have a tighter focus on a single main character and rarely shift between perspectives the way we often find in longer works of fiction.

Space is of the essence in this form, so long passages of exposition are usually avoided and the story starting at the last possible moment.

In purely numerical terms, short stories can be anywhere between about 1,000 to around 20,000 words or so, though many would consider even 10,000 too long.

A short novel clocks in at around 60,000 words, with word counts between 20-60,000 words being taken up by that red-headed stepchild of prose, the novella.


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A MASSIVE COLLECTION of resources for narratives and story writing in the classroom covering all elements of crafting amazing stories. MONTHS WORTH OF WRITING LESSONS AND RESOURCES, including:

How to Write a Short Story

Good storytelling is an art. But, luckily it’s a craft too and, like any craft, the skills and techniques can be learned by anyone.

In this article, we’ll first take a look at some ways to kickstart the short story writing process, before taking a look at some of the structural considerations essential for students to understand before they write their short stories.

We’ll also explore some simple practical activities that will help students to draw on their creative resources and personal experiences to help bring their stories to life.

Finally, we’ll look at some general tips to help students put a final polish on their masterpieces before they share them with the world.

How t o begin a story

short story writing | short story writing guide | Short Story Writing for Students and Teachers |

Create a Dramatic Question

The first thing a student needs to do when writing a short story is to create a dramatic question. Without a dramatic question, readers will have no motivation to read on as there will be no story .

This dramatic question can take many forms, but as it will be the driver of the plot, it will be the single most important element of the story.

Take the movie Rocky as an example. In it, an aging journeyman boxer, Rocky Balboa, answers two dramatic questions:

1. Will Rocky find love?

2. Can he become the Heavyweight Champion of the World?

Often the dramatic question is of this will she/won’t she type. But, whatever form it takes, there must be some obstacles put in the way of answering it.

These obstacles can come in the form of an external obstacle, such as an antagonist or a negative environment, or the form of an internal obstacle, such as heartbreak or grief.

This is the conflict that creates the crucial element of suspense necessary to engage the reader’s interest.

Whatever form a student’s dramatic question takes, it will provide the plot impetus and how the student will explore their story’s theme.

Practice Activity: Identify the Dramatic Question

It is good practice for students to attempt to identify the dramatic question any time they read a book or watch a movie. Ask the students to think of some classic or popular books and movies that they are already familiar with. Can they extract the major dramatic question from each?

Find Inspiration in the World Around

One of the most common complaints from students, when asked to write a short story, is that they don’t know what to write about. This is the age-old curse of writer’s block.

Figuring out what to write about is the first hurdle students will need to overcome. Luckily, the inspiration for stories lies everywhere. We just need to help students to know where to look.

As writers, students must learn to see the world around them with the freshness of the eyes of a young child. This requires them to pay close attention to the world around them; to slow things down enough to catch the endless possibilities for stories that exist all around.

Luckily, we have the perfect activity to help our students to do this.

Practice Activity: Breathe Life into the Story

We can find stories and the details for our stories everywhere.

Students need to tune their ear to the fragments of stories in snatches of overheard daily conversations. They need to pay enough attention to catch their own daydreaming what-ifs on the bus to school or to keep an eye out for all those little human interest stories in the local newspaper.

Once the living details of life are noticed, students need to capture them quickly by recording them in a journal. This journal will become a great resource for the student to dip into for inspiration while writing their stories.

Those half-heard conversations, those anecdotes of street life witnessed through a bus window, the half-remembered dreams scribbled down while gulping down a rushed breakfast. All these can provide jumping-off points and rich detail for a student’s short story.

Outline and Prepare

Preparation is important when writing a short story. Without a doubt. There is, however, a very real danger of preparation becoming procrastination for our student writers.

Students must learn to make their preparation time count. The writing process is much more productive if students invest some time in brainstorming and organizing their ideas at the start.

To organize their short story, students will need to understand the basic elements of structure described in the next section, but the following activity will first help them to access some of the creative gold in their imaginations. The discipline of structure can be applied afterward.

Practice Activity: Dig for Nuggets

For this activity, give each student a large piece of paper, such as a leaf from an artist’s sketchbook, to brainstorm their ideas. Employing a large canvas like this encourages more expansive thinking.

Instruct students to use colored pens to write sentences, phrases, and fragments, even doodles. Anything that helps them to dump the contents of their mind onto the paper. This is all about sifting through the rubble for those nuggets of gold. Students shouldn’t censor themselves, but instead, allow their mind’s free reign.

To help your students get started, you can provide them with some prompts or questions as jumping-off points. For example:

  • What is your basic premise?
  • What is the story about?
  • Who are your main characters?
  • Where is your story set?  

Encourage students to generate their own questions too by allowing their minds ample room to roam. Generating new questions in this way will help them gather momentum for the telling of their tale.


Even getting off to a great start, students often find themselves in difficulties by the middle of their story, especially if they haven’t achieved a firm grasp of structure yet.

The main elements students will need to master are plot, theme, and character development.

In this section, we’ll take a look at each of these in turn.

short story writing | structuring a short story 1 | Short Story Writing for Students and Teachers |

Plot refers to the events of the story. This is the what of the tale. It’s useful for students to understand the arc of the plot in five sections: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Exposition: This is the introductory part of your story. It should introduce the reader to the central characters and orientate them to the setting.

Rising Action: Here the student begins by introducing the central dramatic question which will be the engine of the story. A series of obstacles must be placed in the way of the main character that will increase suspense and tension as the story moves forward toward the climax.

Climax: The climax is the dramatic high point of the story. This is where interest peaks and the emotions rise to their most intense.

Falling Action: Now the conflict is resolving and we are being led out to the story’s end.

Resolution: The central dramatic question has been answered, usually in either a happy or tragic manner, and many loose ends are tied up.

Practice Activity: Instruct students to use the five-part plot structure above to map an outline for their tale before writing .

If the plot consists of the series of events that constitute the story, then the theme refers to what those events mean.

The theme of a story is the underlying message of the story.

What is the ‘big idea’ behind all the action of the plot? This is open to a certain amount of interpretation on the part of the reader, but usually, a little reflection by the student writer will reveal what the events of the plot mean to them.

If, as described in the introduction, stories are how we derive meaning from the world, the theme will reveal the writer’s perspective on things.

Practice Activity: Organize students into groups and ask them to list their Top 5 movies or books of all time. Instruct them to briefly outline the main plot points using the plot structure above. When they’ve completed that, instruct the students to discuss what they think the main themes of each of the works of fiction were.


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☀️This HUGE resource provides you with all the TOOLS, RESOURCES , and CONTENT to teach students about characters and story elements.


Character Development IN SHORT STORY WRITING

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No doubt about it, characterization is essential to the success of any short story. Just how important characterization is will depend on whether the story is plot-driven or action-driven.

In the best writing, regardless of genre or length, the characters will be at least plausible. There is a lot that students can do to ensure their stories are populated with more than just cardboard cutouts.

One effective way to do this is to reveal a character through their actions. This is the old show, don’t tell trick at work.

A good short story writer will allow the character to reveal their temperament and personality through their actions.

For example, instead of merely describing a character as putting a mug on the table, perhaps they bring it down with a thud that betrays their anger.

Another great way to reveal character is in the use of dialogue. How characters speak to each other in a story can reveal a lot about their status, mood, and intent, etc.

Our students must learn to draw complex characters. Archetypes may serve us well in some contexts, but archetypes are not real people. They are caricatures. If our students want to people their fictional world with real people, they need to create complex, even contradictory characters, just like you and I are.

If their characters are too consistent, they are too predictable. Predictability kills suspense, which in turn kills the reader’s interest.

Practice Activity: Reveal Mood through Action

For this simple activity, provide the students with a list of emotions. Now, challenge the students to concoct a short scene where a character performs an action or actions that reveal the chosen mood.

To start, you might allow the students a paragraph in which to reveal the emotion. You might reduce this to just a sentence or two as they get better at it. Remind students that they need to show the emotion, not tell it!


Now students have already had a look at how to begin and how to structure a story, we’ll take a look at a few quick tips on how they can polish their stories generally – especially during the editing process.

Write Convincing Dialogue:

For students, investing time in learning how to write great dialogue is time well spent.

Not only is well-written dialogue great for revealing character, but it will break up intimidating walls of text too.

Dialogue is a great way to move the story forward and to provide subtle exposition.

 As mentioned earlier, journals are the perfect place to dump interesting snatches of conversation that become a valuable resource for writing convincing dialogue – except, of course, if you are passing through North Korea or the like!

Vary Sentence Length:

 When finished with their first drafts, encourage students to read their work out loud when editing and rewriting.

Often, students will be surprised to realize just how regular the rhythm of their sentences has become.

Like musicians, writers have chops. It’s easy to fall back on the same few favored structures time and again. Students can do a lot to spice up their writing simply by varying sentence lengths.

Shorter sentences are pacier and punchier while longer sentences can slow things down, calming the reader, then, boom!

Varying sentence length throughout a story prevents the writing from becoming stale and monotonous.


As with varying sentence length above, the rhythm of a story can be altered through the choice of punctuation.

Students can think of punctuation as musical notation marks. It’s designed to help the reader understand the composer’s intention for how it is to be read and interpreted.

Students should understand punctuation as an imperfect but effective tool. Its use affects not only the work’s rhythm but also the meaning.

It is well worth the student’s time to perfect their use of punctuation.

To Conclude                                                  

There are a lot of moving parts to short stories.

From the nuts and bolts of grammar and punctuation to crafting a plot and exploring big thematic ideas, mastering the art of short story writing takes time and lots of practice.

With so much ground to cover, it’s impossible to address every aspect in a single unit of work on short story writing.

Be sure to offer students opportunities to see the short story in action in the work of accomplished writers, as well as opportunities to practice the various aspects of short story writing mentioned above.

Draw attention to writing best practices when they appear even in work unrelated to the short story.

Lots of time and plenty of practice might just reveal a latter-day O. Henry or Edgar Allen Poe sat in one of the desks right in front of you.


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  20. Short Story Writing for Students and Teachers

    Create a Dramatic Question. The first thing a student needs to do when writing a short story is to create a dramatic question. Without a dramatic question, readers will have no motivation to read on as there will be no story.. This dramatic question can take many forms, but as it will be the driver of the plot, it will be the single most important element of the story.

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