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Einbinden einer Webseite in eine PowerPoint-Präsentation

In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Webseite bzw. HTML in eine Microsoft PowerPoint-Präsentation einbinden – auf Ihrem PC oder Mac. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie befinden sich mitten in Ihrem Webinar oder Ihrer Präsentation bei einem Live-Event. Sie haben Ihr Publikum mit einigen Details fasziniert, haben ihre ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit, Ihre Geschichte ist dabei, ihren Höhepunkt zu erreichen – eine Demo Ihres Produkts, ein Beweis Ihres Konzepts oder jegliches anderes wertvolles Wissen – und Sie klicken auf den Link, um zur Webseite zu gehen und… dann kommt ein holpriger Moment: Sie schalten den Präsentationsmodus aus, wechseln vom Microsoft PowerPoint -Fenster zu Chrome und schalten dann den Diashow-Modus wieder ein. Als Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit wieder Ihrem Publikum widmen, hat dieses das Interesse bereits verloren.

Um solche Situationen zu vermeiden, sollten Sie eine Webseite direkt in Ihre Präsentation einbinden. Das iFrame-Tag hilft Ihnen, ein HTML-Dokument in Ihre PowerPoint-Folien einzubinden.

Mit dem benutzerfreundlichen iSpring Converter Pro können Sie schnell und einfach Webseiten in Ihre Microsoft PowerPoint-Präsentationen einbinden.

website in powerpoint 2019 einbinden

Was ist ein iFrame?

Ein iFrame (Inline-Frame) ist ein HTML-Element, das eine andere HTML-Seite oder ein HTML-Snippet innerhalb eines Dokuments lädt. Es hilft sozusagen, eine andere Webseite in die übergeordnete Seite einzufügen. Sie können ein iFrame einbauen, um Videos, Werbung und interaktive Inhalte einzubinden. Somit können Sie ein iFrame in Ihre Microsoft PowerPoint-Präsentation einbetten, um Webobjekte einzufügen.

Vier einfache Schritte, um HTML in PowerPoint einzubinden

Manche Menschen haben großen Respekt vor Begriffen wie iFrame und HTML, aber ehrlich gesagt gibt es nichts, worüber man sich Sorgen machen müsste. Sie müssen keine Operationen durchführen, wie beispielsweise HTML-Code einbetten oder andere technische Dinge tun, damit dies funktioniert und Sie eine HTML-Datei in Ihre PowerPoint einfügen.

Mit dem richtigen Add-In für Microsoft PowerPoint können Sie in wenigen Minuten ein Objekt einbinden. Sie müssen nur 4 einfache Schritte durchführen. Hier erklären wir im Detail, wie das Einfügen funktioniert.

1. Kopieren Sie die URL (Webadresse) der Webseite, die Sie in PowerPoint einbinden möchten. Wenn Sie nicht die gesamte Seite einfügen möchten, können Sie die URL eines bestimmten Bereichs der Seite kopieren.

2. Laden Sie für das Einfügen die kostenlose Testversion von Spring Converter Pro herunter. Mit diesem Tool können Sie nicht nur live navigierbare Webseiten, sondern auch Medien einbinden: Audio, YouTube-Videos und viele andere Inhaltsobjekte aus externen Ressourcen – und die ursprüngliche Qualität beibehalten.

3. Öffnen Sie Microsoft PowerPoint. Suchen Sie die Registerkarte iSpring Converter Pro 11 und klicken Sie darauf. Wählen Sie dann die Schaltfläche Web Element in der Symbolleiste.

Webseite in PowerPoint einbinden mit iSpring

Fügen Sie die kopierte URL in das geöffnete Fenster ein. Überprüfen Sie nun, ob die von Ihnen eingegebene Adresse korrekt ist und es funktioniert, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche Vorschau klicken.

Vorschau des Webelements

Übrigens können Sie Webseiten auch dann anzeigen, wenn keine Internetverbindung zur Verfügung steht. Damit das funktioniert, müssen Sie das gewünschte Webobjekt auf den Computer herunterladen und dann die Datei einfügen, indem Sie Lokaler Pfad anstelle der Web Adresse auswählen.

Lokaler Pfad

Hinweis : Wenn Sie zusätzliche Webseiten in Ihre Microsoft PowerPoint-Präsentation einfügen oder die Webseite mit anderen Inhaltsobjekten kombinieren möchten, sollten Sie die Option Fenstergröße: Vollbildmodus  auswählen.

Benutzerdefinierte Größe

4. Nachdem Sie nun Webobjekte, beispielsweise eine HTML-Seite, in PowerPoint eingebettet haben, lassen Sie uns diese abspielen. Damit dies funktioniert, müssen Sie Ihre Präsentation in HTML5 konvertieren. iSpring Converter Pro wird dies für Sie erledigen.

  • Klicken Sie in der Symbolleiste von iSpring Converter Pro auf die Schaltfläche Veröffentlichen .

Präsentation veröffentlichen

  • Wählen Sie die Option Mein Computer , geben Sie den Namen der Präsentation ein und wählen Sie einen Ordner aus, in dem die Präsentation gespeichert werden soll.


  • Wählen Sie im Menü Ausgabeoptionen das HTML5 -Format.
  • Warten Sie, bis der Veröffentlichungsprozess abgeschlossen ist, und Sie sehen ein Berichtsfenster. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Kurs ansehen , um zu erfahren, ob er so funktioniert, wie Sie es möchten.

Veröffentlichung abgeschlossen

Glückwunsch, es funktioniert! Sie haben erfolgreich eine Webseite in Ihre Microsoft PowerPoint-Präsentation eingebettet. Darüber hinaus können Sie Ihre Präsentation jetzt ganz einfach online teilen. Betrachter können sie direkt in einem Webbrowser auf ihren Computern, Tablets und Smartphones ohne spezielle Tools öffnen, auch wenn PowerPoint nicht auf ihrem Gerät installiert ist. 

Wenn Sie Präsentationen online veröffentlichen, können Sie auch sicher sein, dass Ihre Inhalte vor Kopieren oder Ändern geschützt sind. iSpring Cam Pro bietet eine ganze Reihe von Sicherheitseinstellungen, einschließlich Wasserzeichenschutz, Passwortschutz und Domänenbeschränkung.

Wie man eine Internetseite in PowerPoint einbindet: Warum kein Screenshot?

Wir haben bereits eine peinliche reale Situation beschrieben, in der Sie sich befinden könnten, wenn Sie Links in Ihrer Präsentation verwenden, aber was ist mit Screenshots von Webseiten oder einzelnen Bereichen von Webseiten? Natürlich können Sie einfach einen Screenshot erstellen und diesen Screenshot als Bild mit Text und anderen Elementen bzw. Bereichen von Webseiten in Ihre Microsoft PowerPoint einfügen. Aber diese „Technologie“ hat einige Einschränkungen und funktioniert nicht wirklich.

  • Screenshots sind statisch . Webseiten haben manchmal in bestimmten Bereichen Animationen, die die Benutzererfahrung cool und ansprechend machen. Wenn Sie HTML-Animationen allerdings als Screenshot in PowerPoint einzubinden versuchen, wird dies nicht funktionieren und Sie verlieren all dies in Ihrer Präsentation.
  • Screenshots werden nicht aktualisiert . Abhängig von der spezifischen Webseite kann ein einmal erstellter Screenshot bereits veraltet sein und irrelevante Informationen enthalten. Nehmen Sie die Börse als Beispiel. Schon ein paar Minuten können einen großen Unterschied machen und Ihr Screenshot ist nicht mehr aktuell. Und was ist, wenn Sie Ihre Präsentation ein paar Tage, Wochen oder sogar Monate, nachdem Sie den Screenshot erstellt haben, der Öffentlichkeit zeigen? Genau, das funktioniert nicht.
  • Screenshots sind nicht interaktiv . Wenn Sie Ihrem Publikum zeigen möchten, wie es mit Ihrer Webseite interagieren kann, z. B. wie und wo es die Daten finden kann, an denen es interessiert ist, ist ein Screenshot nutzlos.

Also, ja, Sie können Screenshots von Webseiten verwenden, aber sie werden Ihnen nicht helfen, Ihre Präsentation zu verbessern, und sie könnten sogar zu einer Belastung werden, wenn Sie Ihre Präsentation regelmäßig zeigen und daher ständig Screenshots aktualisieren müssen, um auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben.


Das Einbinden einer Internetseite in eine Microsoft PowerPoint-Präsentation ist ziemlich einfach, wenn Sie die richtige App haben. iSpring Converter Pro ist eine perfekte Lösung, die ihren Benutzern hilft, ihre Präsentationen zu bereichern und sie relevant und interaktiv zu halten. Auf diese Weise können Sie durch regelmäßige manuelle Aktualisierungen Zeit und Aufwand sparen, die ansonsten aufgewendet werden. Sie müssen den Ablauf Ihrer Präsentation nicht unterbrechen, um von der Registerkarte PowerPoint zu Google Chrome zu wechseln. Sie müssen nur unserem Leitfaden folgen und erhalten eine ständig aktuelle Präsentation, die Sie in Online-Formate umwandeln können, die auf jedem Gerät perfekt angezeigt werden. Beginnen Sie mit der kostenlosen Testversion von iSpring Converter Pro und sehen Sie, wie praktisch und ansprechend es ist, Live-Webseiten in Ihre PowerPoint-Präsentationen einzubinden.

Schneller PowerPoint-in-HTML5-Konvertierer

Konvertieren Sie Präsentationen in HTML5 unter Bewahrung aller Effekte und Übergänge

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How to add live web pages to a powerpoint presentation.

Have you ever wanted to demonstrate a live website during a PowerPoint presentation? Here's how you can insert a live webpage into a PowerPoint prese

Have you ever wanted to demonstrate a live website during a PowerPoint presentation?  Here's how you can insert a live webpage into a PowerPoint presentation so you can show the exact content you're talking about.

No matter what you're giving a presentation about, sometimes it can be useful to show your audience information from the internet.  You could always create a screenshot of the webpage you're demonstrating, but chances are the screenshot may be out of date by the time you give your presentation.

A better solution is to use live information from the web in your presentation.  By default, PowerPoint doesn't support inserting a live web page, but you can easily do this with the LiveWeb add-in.

Head to the LiveWeb website (link below), and download the correct version for your version of PowerPoint.  We selected the 2007/2010 version in this test.


Once it's downloaded, extract the files as normal.


Now, in PowerPoint, open the Options window.  In PowerPoint 2010, you can do this by clicking the File button and selecting Options; in PowerPoint 2007, click the Office orb and select Options.


Select Add-Ins on the left side, then select PowerPoint Add-ins from the Manage menu, and click Go.


This will open the PowerPoint Add-ins window.  Click Add New to add the LiveWeb addin we downloaded previously.


Browse to the folder where you extracted the LiveWeb addin, and select it.


PowerPoint may warn you that the addon contains a macro.  Click Enable Macros to continue.


Now you should see LiveWeb listed in the Add-Ins window, and you're ready to add a live webpage to your PowerPoint presentation.


Using LiveWeb in PowerPoint

Now that LiveWeb is installed, you're ready to insert live internet data in your presentations.  From the Insert tab, select Web Page from the LiveWeb section.


This will open a quick Wizard interface that will help you insert a webpage into your presentation.


Enter the website you'd like to visit in the first line, then click the Add button.  Make sure to include http:// in front of the website address.  Once you've added the website you wish to visit, click Next.


LiveWeb will automatically refresh the web page, but if you want you can uncheck the box.  Click Next to continue.


Now choose how much of the slide you want the webpage to cover, and select where you want to position the page.  You can always change this later if you like.


Once it's finished, click Finish to return back to PowerPoint.


LiveWeb will let you know it successfully added the web page to your slide.


You'll now see a Windows 98-style logo in your slide, showing where your live webpage will be located.


Feel free to resize or move the webpage section in your slide however you want.


To view the actual web content, you'll need to start a slideshow.  Click the slideshow button at the bottom of the window to switch quickly.


Now you'll see a live webpage loaded right inside your PowerPoint presentation.  You can markup the slide as you would any other with PowerPoint tools, or you can interact with the website just as you would in a browser.


If you need to change your webpage, click the Edit Page Property button on the Insert tab.


Enter the new website address you want, and finish as before.


You can also add multiple web pages to a presentation if you'd like.  You could even make a webpage comparison like we did with screenshots in our first slide.  Only difference here is, the web pages are both live, and you could demonstrate how to use them to your audience.


When you save your presentation, you'll need to save it as a Macro-enabled presentation in .pptm format to preserve the web data.  Note that you'll be able to view the presentation on another computer only if it has the LiveWeb addon installed.  Since it's a free addon, you could keep a copy of it on your flash drive so you could easily install it if you need to show your presentation on another computer.


Whether you're trying to teach a class about computer usage or demonstrate your new website for your company's board members, the LiveWeb addin makes it easy to incorporate live web pages in your presentations.  There are many ways you could use this, so let us know how you use live web pages in your presentations to make information come alive!

If you'd like to use live web data in other Office applications, here's how you can Use Online Data in Excel 2010 Spreadsheets .

Download the LiveWeb Add-in for PowerPoint

You’re using an older browser version. Update to the latest version of Google Chrome , Safari , Mozilla Firefox , or  Microsoft Edge for the best site experience.

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How to Embed a Web Page in a PowerPoint Presentation

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Helen Colman See full bio →

How to embed a web page in powerpoint presentation

Imagine you’re in the middle of your webinar or your presentation at a live event. You’ve intrigued your audience with some details, have their undivided attention, your story is about to reach its climax – a demo of your product, a proof of your concept, or any other valuable knowledge – and you click on the link to go to the website and… here comes an awkward moment: you switch off show mode, change from the Microsoft PowerPoint window to Chrome, then turn on slideshow mode again. When you look back at the audience, they’ve already lost interest.

To avoid such situations, you might want to embed a web page in your presentation. The iframe tag will help you display an HTML document in your slides.

What Is an iframe?

An iframe (inline frame) is an HTML element that loads another HTML page within the document. In other words, it puts another web page within the parent page. It is commonly used for embedded videos, advertisements, and interactive content, and can be a great enhancement for your presentation. 

Four Simple Steps to Insert a Web Page

Questions about iframe and HTML can intimidate some people, but, frankly, there’s nothing to worry about. You don’t need to make any operations with an embed code or do any other tech things.

With the right PowerPoint add-in, you’ll manage to add an object in a couple of minutes. You’re just required to take 4 easy steps. Let us guide you through them.

  • Copy the URL (web address) of the web page you want to insert. If you don’t need the entire page, you can copy the URL of a specific element of the page.
  • Download the free trial of Spring Converter Pro . With this tool, you’ll be able to embed not only live navigable web pages, but also media: audio, YouTube videos, and a lot of other content objects from external resources – and preserve the original quality.
  • Open PowerPoint. Find the iSpring Converter Pro 11  tab and click on it. Then choose the Web Object button on the toolbar.

web object

Paste the copied URL in the open window. Now, check to see if the address that you entered is correct by clicking on the Preview button.

insert web object

By the way, you can show web pages even when an internet connection is not available. To do this, you need to download the desired web object to your computer, and then add the file by choosing Local path instead of Web address .

Local path

Note: if you want to put additional web pages on your PowerPoint slide, or if you want to combine the webpage with other content objects, you should choose the Custom size option.

Custom size

  • Now that you’ve embedded web objects in your slides, let’s play them back. In order to do this, you’ll need to convert your presentation to HTML5. iSpring Converter Pro will do this work for you.

Publish presentation

  • Choose HTML5 format in the Output Options menu.
  • Wait for the publishing process to complete and you’ll see a report window. Click on the View course button to learn if it looks the way you want it to.

View course

Congrats! You’ve successfully embedded a web page in your PowerPoint presentation. Moreover, you can now share your presentation online easily. Viewers can open it right in a web browser on their computers, tablets, and smartphones without any special tools, even if PowerPoint isn’t installed on their device. 

By moving presentations online, you can also be sure that your content is protected from being copied or modified. iSpring Cam Pro provides an entire range of security settings, including watermark protection, password protection, and domain restriction.

Also read : →  How To Record PowerPoint Slides with Audio

Why Not a Screenshot?

We’ve already described an awkward real-life situation that you might find yourself in when using links in your presentation, but what about screenshots of websites? Sure, you can just make one and insert it into your presentation as an image with text and other elements displayed on the webpage. But this “technology” has some limitations.

  • S creenshots are static. If your website has animations that make the user experience cool and engaging, you’re going to lose all these in your presentation.
  • Screenshots are outdated. Depending on the website’s specifics, once you’ve made a screenshot, it may already be out of date and provide irrelevant information. Take the stock market as an example. Even a few minutes can make a huge difference. And what if you show your presentation to the public a few days, weeks, or even months after you’ve created it? Exactly.
  • Images are not interactive. If you need to show your audience how they can interact with your website, such as how and where they can find the data they’re interested in, a screenshot will be of no use.

So, yes, you can use screenshots of websites, but they will not help you enhance your presentation, and they might even become a burden if you show your presentation regularly and thus have to constantly update screenshots in order to stay up to date.

Embedding a web page in a presentation is fairly simple if you have the right app. iSpring Converter Pro is a perfect solution that helps its users enrich their presentations and keep them relevant and interactive. In this way, you can save time and effort that is otherwise spent with regular manual updating. You won’t have to disrupt the flow of your presentation in order to change from the PowerPoint tab to Google Chrome. You only need to follow our guide, and you’ll get a constantly up-to-date presentation that you can convert to online formats that display perfectly on any device. Start with the  iSpring Converter Pro free trial and see how handy and engaging it is to have live web pages in your presentations.

Useful Resources on Using PowerPoint

How to Make a Jeopardy Game in PowerPoint

  • How to Make a Quiz in PowerPoint
  • How to Create a Mini Game in PowerPoint: A Step-By-Step Guide
  • How to Convert Your PowerPoint Presentation to an eLearning Module
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  • How to Structure a PowerPoint Presentation
  • 10 PowerPoint Tips to Make Your Slides More Effective
  • 23 Top PowerPoint Add-ins and Plug-ins – Free and Paid for 2022
  • How to Convert PowerPoint to MP4 Video on Windows & macOS
  • How to Add Narration to a PowerPoint Presentation

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Create online courses and assessments in record time.

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Helen Colman

She enjoys combining in-depth research with expert knowledge of the industry. If you have eLearning insights that you’d like to share, please get in touch .

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22 PowerPoint Add-ins and Plug-ins – Free & Paid – for 2024

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15 PowerPoint Tips to Make Your Slides More Effective

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Display Website in PowerPoint with Updates

May 11, 2019 | DataPoint , DataPoint Real-time Screens

We are the champion in displaying real-time information on your PowerPoint slides. Typically information is stored in files and databases, and these numbers, names, percentages, KPIs, target dates etc are all displayed as characters and numbers. But in some cases, it is not possible to collect or connect to a data source to get the raw data. Sometimes you have to display a screenshot of a website to show the information because that (legacy) system is not able to export the information, or you have no access to it.

With our DataPoint , you can already grab an image of a website and show this in real-time on your slide, but some images or snapshots of websites are technically not possible to capture because of the technology used. For this, we have added a new feature to our DataPoint.

In the past, we often recommended to use some free plugin to display an URL on your slide, but there was a disadvantage with that technology. Every time that the PowerPoint slide was shown in the slideshow, the web page was rebuild on your screen and that was not always needed. This process starts with an empty browser and then you will see the website coming up. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes in a blocking situation when the visiting website shows a popup error message. So not ideal for non-interactive information screens like our customers are typically using. So we had to come up with an alternative way.

The new web URL shape is added to the DataPoint ribbon. 

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How do you manage websites requiring login and password ?


Hi Marc, currently we are just using public website URLs but I guess that when you choose to store/save the username and password in IE, that DataPoint is automatically using that info.

Loretta Hirsch

Thinking of purchasing the software to display our stock portfolio from yahoo finance. How do I input my login and password

Please and thank you!

Do you have to log on to that service? You could save and store your login info, or maybe better, use a free public service. We have some resources listed here.

Carlos Gonzalez

We are working on having a touchscreen kiosk with a PowerPoint presentation. One of the features we like to add is having our customers press the “Schedule your next service Appointment”. We would like our customer to press a link to our dealership website that allows our customers to set up the appointment WITHOUT leaving the powerpoint presentation.

Does your software allows for this?

For that you need to embed your website via e.g. the liveweb plugin and that is free and does not need our plugins for that. Check out Good luck with your project. Sounds interesting!


how can you add a website to powerpoint that you need to have a login for and also have it update?

I don’t think you can bypass that logging in, unless you can make your webpage public.


We had sent a copy of the PowerPoint to another user’s pc and upon pulling up the PowerPoint, the live weather has carried over. But the URL we used is just giving us a little red X in the corner saying due to privacy/security it did not download/allow the “picture”/website to load. Is there a work around for this? The comp we are trying to display the PowerPoint from does not have Data Point, if that makes a difference.

Maybe better is to create a snapshot (see snapshot button) and send that output over. That will always show the pictures.


Is there a way to have the URL pulled from a table in Excel? I have a table in Excel that has property data and a formula to write the URL that links to Google Maps API for a map and street view photo. If I copy and past the URL the “web URL” shape works perfectly. I have about 100 listings per week that I want to link to the data table for the text and then have the URL link to the Google Map API. I am trying to automate the entire process.

But sure. You can assemble your URL in Excel because there you have your domain and parameters. The parameters like e.g. Google Maps coordinates, can be retrieved from your excel data too. Use an Excel function like the Concat() function to assemble your new full URL that you use in DataPoint. See?

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Webseiten in Powerpoint einbinden

Bei einem Vortrag (z.B. mit Powerpoint) fällt immer wieder ein Anwendungsfall auf, der mir bislang Probleme bereitete: Ich möchte in einem Vortrag eine Webseite aus Powerpoint heraus aufrufen und muss dazu die Präsentation verlassen, um im Browser aktiv zu werden. Das ist mitunter nervig. Einen sehr gelungene Lösung des Problems bietet das AddIn LiveSlides , das genau das beschriebene Szenario verhindert und einen Zugriff z.B. auf das Web innerhalb der Präsentationssoftware ermöglicht.

Vielen Dank an das #Twitterlehrerzimmer für den Tipp!

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  • Insert a video from YouTube or another site Article
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Insert a video from YouTube or another site

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

In PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint 2021, or PowerPoint 2019, you can insert an online video from YouTube or Vimeo on a slide.

In PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, version 1907 or later, you can also insert an online video from Microsoft Stream, a video service for enterprises—people in an organization can upload, view, and share videos with one another.

The video plays directly from the website, and it has the site's controls for playing, pausing, volume, and so on. The PowerPoint playback features (Fade, Bookmark, Trim, and so on) don't apply to online videos .

Because the video is stored on a web site, rather than in your presentation, you must be connected to the internet in order for the video to play successfully.

Insert a web video

In your web browser, locate the video you want.

Copy the URL of the web page from the Address bar of your browser.

Switch back to PowerPoint and select the slide where you want to place the video.

On the Insert tab of the ribbon, select Video > Online Video .

In the Online Video dialog box, paste the URL you copied in step 2.

Select Insert .

Play the video

If a video is inserted successfully, you can play it either in Normal view or Slide Show. 

A Play button appears on the video in Normal view.

In Slide Show, you can interact with videos just as you would in a web browser.

By default, videos from YouTube and Vimeo play in "click sequence." You can play the video without having to click the Play button. Just tap the spacebar to advance to the next step in your click sequence.


Not all online videos from these sites are allowed to be embedded. You should check on the video site to find out if a certain video can be embedded. 

Internet Explorer 11 is required on your computer

Note:  Microsoft 365 apps and services will not support Internet Explorer 11 starting August 17, 2021. Learn more . Please note that Internet Explorer 11 will remain a supported browser. Internet Explorer 11 is a component of the Windows operating system and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed. 

For the purpose of playing videos in PowerPoint, Internet Explorer 11 is required to be on your computer. You don't have to use it to browse the web; you simply have to have it installed, because under the covers, PowerPoint needs its technology to play videos on Windows. 

If your operating system is Windows 10, then you already have Internet Explorer 11 installed. If you have an older version of Windows, you can go to this Internet Explorer Downloads page for instructions. 

Want to insert a video from your computer instead?

See Insert and play a video file from your computer for all the details.

Terms of Use and Privacy policies

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Microsoft Stream:

In PowerPoint 2016, you can insert an online video with an embed code or search for a video by name. Then you can play it during your presentation.

The video plays directly from the website, and it has the site's controls for playing, pausing, volume, and so on. The PowerPoint playback features (Fade, Bookmark, Trim, and so on) don't apply to online videos.

Insert the online video with an "embed" code

On YouTube or Vimeo, find the video that you want to insert.

Below the video frame, click Share , and then click Embed . (If you neglect to click Embed , you'll end up copying the wrong code.)

Click Share, and then click Embed

Right-click the iFrame embed code, and click Copy .

Copy the iFrame embed code

If the highlighted text that you copy begins with "http", STOP. It's the wrong code to copy. Return to step 2 and click Embed :

To work correctly, the code you use to embed your video must begin with either "iFrame" or "<object".

In PowerPoint, click the slide that you want to add a video to.

On the Insert tab, click Video > Online Video .

In the From a Video Embed Code box, paste the embed code, and then click the arrow.

Shows embed video option in powerpoint

A video rectangle is placed on your slide, which you can move and resize as you like. To preview your video on your slide, right-click the video rectangle, select Preview , and then click the Play button on the video.

Note:  If your video doesn’t embed correctly, double-check that you have installed the required Office updates.

Search for the YouTube video by name

Click the slide that you want to add a video to.

The button on the ribbon for inserting an online video in PowerPoint

In the Search YouTube box, type the name of the video that you want to insert, and press Enter.

Select the video from the search results, and click Insert .

Note:  If your video doesn’t insert correctly, double-check that you have installed the required Office updates.

Preview the video

Once the video rectangle is on your slide, select it, right-click it and choose Preview .

A Play button appears on the video.

Click the video's Play button.

Because the video is on a web site, rather than actually in your presentation, you must be connected to the internet in order for the video to play successfully.

Embed content from

On a slide in PowerPoint, you can embed content from , a sharing web site for presentations, infographics, and documents.

On, any content that can be embedded elsewhere has a Share button on it. That button opens a window where you can copy an embed code like an embed for a video.

On , find the content you want to embed.

Select the Share button beneath the content frame.

Sharing codes appear in the video frame.

Select the box named Embed .

All the text in the box becomes selected when you do this.

Right-click the selected text and choose Copy .

The text you've copied contains more information than you need, so it needs to be trimmed and re-copied.

Paste the copied text into a text editor such as Word or Notepad.

Select the portion of the text that begins with <iframe src ... and ends with </iframe> . Copy that text.

That's the embed code you need for inserting the content into PowerPoint.

In PowerPoint, go to the slide where you want to insert the content.

On the toolbar ribbon, select the Insert tab, select Video , and then select Online Video .

The Insert Video dialog box opens.

Paste the embed code in the box named From a Video Embed Code , and then press Enter.

It takes a moment for PowerPoint to absorb the content. When it has done so, a black box appears on your slide.

Slide Show view button on the task bar.


Your use of online videos is subject to each provider web site's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

In PowerPoint for the web, you can insert an online video from YouTube or Vimeo on a slide. (If you have a Microsoft 365 business or education subscription, you can also insert an online video from Microsoft Stream.)

Insert an online video

On a separate tab in your web browser, locate the video you want.

Copy the address of the web page from the Address bar of your browser.

Switch to PowerPoint for the web and select the slide where you want to place the video.

On the Insert tab of the ribbon, in the Media group, select Online Video .

In the Online Video dialog box, paste the address you copied in step 2.

The video is inserted on your slide. You can move the video by dragging with the mouse, and you can resize the video frame by selecting a corner and dragging.

To play the video, you must run Slide Show. On the ribbon, switch to the View tab, and in the Start Slide Show group, select From Current Slide .

(If you've turned off the Simplified Ribbon, you don't have a Slide Show tab; instead use the View tab to start the slide show.)

Slide Show opens, and then you can click the play button to begin.

For related information, see Play a video in PowerPoint for the web .

Trimming a video

PowerPoint for the web can't trim videos, and online videos can't be trimmed. If you have a video that you want to trim, you must save it to your computer, then insert it on your slide in a desktop version of PowerPoint. 

Newer Mac versions

In PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, or PowerPoint 2019 for Mac, you can insert an online video from YouTube or Vimeo on a slide.  Earlier versions of PowerPoint for macOS don't support inserting an online video.

In PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, you can also insert an online video from Microsoft Stream, a video service for enterprises—people in an organization can upload, view, and share videos with one another. This feature requires PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac version 16.27 or later.

Switch to PowerPoint and select the slide where you want to place the video.

On the Insert tab of the ribbon, in the Media group at the right end, select Video . Then select Online Movie .

In the dialog box, paste the URL you copied in step 2.

Click Insert .

The video is added to the slide.

To preview the video, click the Play button that appears on top of video.

Inserting and playing an online video requires a recent version of macOS and PowerPoint for macOS:  

PowerPoint version 16.15.18070902 or later

macOS 10.13.4 (High Sierra) or later

A Mac manufactured in 2012 or later

Why can’t I embed a video in PowerPoint?

Add audio to your presentation

Add text to a video

Video and audio file formats supported in PowerPoint

How to Make an Eye-catching YouTube Thumbnail

Create a video for YouTube with a template


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How to Cite a Website in a PowerPoint: A Step-by-Step Guide

Citing a website in a PowerPoint is a simple yet important task. It involves noting the source of the information you use in your presentation, ensuring you give credit where credit is due. After reading this brief explanation, you should be able to accomplish this task easily.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Cite a Website in a PowerPoint

When you borrow information from a website for your PowerPoint presentation, it’s only fair to give credit to the author or organization responsible for the content. Citing a website also adds credibility to your presentation and allows your audience to refer to the original sources if they wish. Let’s break down the steps to do this properly.

Step 1: Identify the necessary information from the website

Gather the author’s name, the title of the page, the website name, the date it was published, and the URL.

When citing a website, it’s crucial to gather as much information as possible. Sometimes, finding the author’s name can be tricky—if it’s not listed, you can use the organization’s name instead. The publication date might also be difficult to locate; if it’s not available, use the date you accessed the website.

Step 2: Choose the citation style

Decide whether you’re using APA, MLA, or another citation style for your PowerPoint presentation.

Different institutions and disciplines prefer different citation styles. The APA style is commonly used in the social sciences, while MLA is often used in humanities. Your teacher or institution will usually tell you which style to use.

Step 3: Format the citation

Create the citation using the information collected and the rules of the chosen citation style.

Each citation style has specific rules about what information to include and how to format it. For instance, MLA format usually includes the author’s name, the title of the page, the name of the website, the publication date, and the URL.

Step 4: Add the citation to your PowerPoint slide

Include the formatted citation on the relevant slide, either at the bottom or in the "Notes" section.

You don’t want the citation to distract from the main content of your slide, so keep it small and out of the way. You can also compile all your citations on a separate "References" or "Works Cited" slide at the end of your presentation.

Step 5: Ensure consistency

Make sure that all the citations in your PowerPoint follow the same format and style.

Consistency is key in any academic work. If you’ve chosen MLA, all your citations should follow MLA guidelines. This consistency helps maintain a professional and credible appearance for your presentation.

After completing these steps, your PowerPoint presentation will have properly cited website sources, giving it a polished and trustworthy feel.

Tips for Citing a Website in a PowerPoint

  • Always double-check the authorship of the website before citing it. If unsure, use the organization’s name.
  • Keep the audience in mind; ensure the font size of the citations is readable, but not so large that it distracts from the main content.
  • If you’re citing a lot of sources, consider creating a separate "References" slide at the end of your presentation to keep things tidy.
  • Use citation generators to help format your citations correctly—they’re available online and can save you time.
  • Keep a master list of all the sources you plan to use in your presentation. This makes it easier to compile your references slide and ensures you don’t miss any citations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if there is no author listed on the website.

If there is no author, use the name of the organization responsible for the website or the title of the web page in place of the author’s name.

Do I need to include the date I accessed the website?

In most citation styles, including the access date is not mandatory. However, if the website content is likely to change over time, including the date you accessed the information can be helpful.

Can I just put the URL on the slide instead of a full citation?

Just putting the URL is not a full citation and doesn’t provide enough information about the source. Always include a properly formatted citation.

Should I include a citation for images and videos from websites as well?

Yes, any content taken from a website, including images and videos, should be cited in your PowerPoint.

Can I use footnotes in PowerPoint for citations?

PowerPoint doesn’t have a footnote feature like Word, but you can include citations at the bottom of your slide in a smaller font or use the "Notes" section.

  • Identify the necessary information from the website.
  • Choose the citation style.
  • Format the citation.
  • Add the citation to your PowerPoint slide.
  • Ensure consistency.

Citing a website in a PowerPoint presentation is more than a formality; it’s a gesture of academic honesty and integrity. It demonstrates respect for the original creator’s work and helps maintain your credibility as a presenter. Remember, whether you’re a student, a teacher, or a professional, properly citing your sources is essential in sharing knowledge responsibly. So next time you’re preparing a presentation, take a moment to ensure that every piece of information borrowed from a website is duly credited. It’s a small step that makes a significant impact on your audience and reinforces the value of ethical information sharing. Happy presenting!

Matt Jacobs Support Your Tech

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.

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Install Office updates

On a Mac? See Check for Office for Mac updates automatically .

Click here for the Latest updates for versions of Office that use Windows Installer (MSI) .

Choose your version of Office

If you're not sure what version of Office you have, see What version of Office am I using?

Not sure which type of install you have?

Expand this section if you're not sure of your installation type

Open an Office app to check your installation type

Note:  If you can't open an app to check your installation type, try the more common Click-to-Run or MSI uninstall steps first.

Create or open an existing file and select File > Account (or it might say Office Account ).

Under Product information, find the About button and check for the following:


Screenshot showing version and build is Click-to-Run

Click-to-Run installations have a Version and Build number, and include the phrase Click-to-Run .

Follow the Click-to-Run or MSI steps below.

Screenshot of About Office button for an MSI installation. It doesn't include a version or build number

An MSI installation doesn't have a Version or Build number.

Microsoft Store

Screenshot showing version and build is Microsoft Store

Microsoft Store installations have a Version and Build number, and include the phrase Microsoft Store .

If you have this installation type, select the Microsoft Store tab.

Newer versions of Office

Open any Office app, such as Word, and create a new document.

Go to File > Account (or Office Account if you opened Outlook).

Under Product Information , choose Update Options > Update Now .

Note:  You may need to click Enable Updates first if you don't see the Update Now option right away.

Manually checking for Office updates in Word 2016

Close the " You're up to date! " window after Office is done checking for and installing updates.

You can also use the Update Options button to Disable Updates or to View Updates that were previously installed.

Office in the Microsoft Store

If you purchased Office from the Microsoft Store app on your Windows device, you can update Office from the same place!

Exit all Office apps.

Open the Microsoft Store app by typing "Microsoft Store" into the taskbar search and press Enter .

Click the Profile icon

Click Get Updates .

"Good to go!"

Not working? Try this:

Make sure your PC is connected to the Internet. 

If Update Options is missing and there's only the About button, you either have a volume license install or your company is using Group Policy to manage Office updates. Try Microsoft Update or contact your company help desk.

To download an update manually, see Office Updates .

If you would like to update Office but can't open any of your Office apps, try repairing your Office suite:

Go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program .

Find and select your version of Microsoft Office on your computer. In the bar above, click Change .

Select Quick Repair > Repair . If this does not work, retry the steps, but choose Online Repair instead. If you are still unable to open any apps, uninstall and reinstall Office.

When do I get the newest features for Microsoft 365?

What's new in Microsoft 365


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    Step 4: Add the citation to your PowerPoint slide. Include the formatted citation on the relevant slide, either at the bottom or in the "Notes" section. You don't want the citation to distract from the main content of your slide, so keep it small and out of the way. You can also compile all your citations on a separate "References" or "Works ...

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