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RD Sharma Solutions , RS Aggarwal Solutions and NCERT Solutions

Story Writing Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

July 29, 2021 by Prasanna

Story Writing Class 8

Story writing is an art. It is the oldest form of written composition. It is a work of imagination that is written in easily understandable grammatical structure. A short story is meant to be read in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English  will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

Main points related to story writing

  • Title: The title of the story must be interesting and it should evoke curiosity.
  • Planned and logical series of events must be reflected and the events should not deviate the story from its theme.
  • There must be an interesting theme of the story which is the controlling idea of the story.
  • The depiction of the characters must be interesting and convincing.
  • The language of the story must suit the story. It should be as per the setting of the story.

Story Writing Solved Examples Class 8 CBSE

Question 1. ____________ lived in a village an idiot. ____________ even a village child could cheat ____________ going to the weekly market to sell his horse and goat ____________ hung a bell ____________ collar round the goat’s neck ____________ tied one end ____________ to the horse’s tail ____________ another to the goat’s collar ____________ and rode for the market place ____________ some rogues ____________ followed him one of the rogues tied the bell ____________ ran away with the goat ____________ another rogue stopped ____________ why have tied a bell ____________ shocked to find the goat missing ____________ a third rogue came and said ____________ saw aman running away with goat ____________ The idiot ____________ got down and gave it to that rogue ____________ poor idiot waited ____________ saw no sign of their coming ____________ returned home empty handed.

The Idiot and the Rogues

Answer: Once upon a time there lived in a village an idiot whom even a village child could cheat easily. No matter how hard he tried to be clever, someone or the other made a fool of him. One day the idiot was going to the weekly market to sell his horse and goat. He hung a bell from the col lar round the goat’s neck. He tired one end of a rope to the horse’s tail and another to the goat’s collar. He then mounted the horse and rode for the marketplace.

Some rogues, who knew the idiot, followed him. On the way one of the rogues tied the bell to the tail of the horse and ran away with the goat. The bell tied to the tail went on ringing and the idiot believed that the goat was following him.

Some time later, another rogue stopped the idiot on the way and said, “Please excuse me, Sir. Will you kindly tell me why have tied a bell to your horse’s tail?” The idiot looked behind. He was surprised and shocked to find the goat missing.

In the meantime, a third rogue came there and said to the idiot, “Sir I saw a man running away with goat. If you wish, I will chase the thief on your horse and get back your stolen goat.” The idiot at once got down from the horse and gave it to that rogue. The rogue bade him goodbye and drove away the horse.

The poor idiot waited for a long time in the hope of getting back his animals. But he saw no sign of their coming and at last returned home empty-handed. Far away somewhere, the rogues were singing: Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way, Keep on singing day and night, life is but a play.

Moral: A Fool And His Fortune Don’t Stay Together For A Long Time.

Question 2. ____________ a tall tree ____________ lived a little black bird ____________ sang sweetly ____________ grains of gold from its beak as it sang ____________ flower saw the grains must catch bird to nome ____________ to be a very rich ____________ spread a net ____________ it saw ____________ the grains ____________ he caught the bird ____________ he got a gold grains every day ____________ thought fame and honour ____________ made a beautiful cage ____________ gave away the cage ____________ to the king ____________ glad to receive the present ____________ gave ____________ seat of honour in court ____________ the king ____________ gave away the cage of gold ____________ to queen ____________ set the bird free ____________ most beautiful ornament ____________ flew away ____________ into the jungle ____________ it sang the song of four fools ____________ fowler’s net first fool ____________ fowler was the second fool ____________ The king was the third fool ____________ The queen was the fourth fool.

The Song of Four Fools

Answer: In a tall tree in a jungle lived a little black bird. Every morning it sang sweetly. Down on the ground fell a few grains of gold from its beak as it sang. One morning a fowler saw the grains of gold dropping down from its beak. He said to himself, “What a luck! I must catch this bird and carry it home. Everyday it will give me grains of gold. Soon I will be a very rich man.”

The fowler, then, spread a net on the ground and sprinkled some grains of rice there. The black bird saw the grains of rice and flew into the net. The fowler caught the bird and carried it home.

From that day on, the fowler got a few grains of gold every day and soon he became a very rich man. Then he thought that he must get some fame and honour. So he made a beautiful cage of gold and put the bird into it. Then he gave away the cage of gold and the bird to the King and said, “Your Majesty, this bird will sing sweet songs in your palace and give you grain of gold every day.” The King was glad to receive the present. He gave the fowler a seat of honour in his court.

Soon, the king also had a lot of gold. He gave away the cage of gold and the bird to his beloved queen. The queen set the bird free and gave the cage of gold to the royal goldsmith. She said to the goldsmith. “Make for me the most beautiful ornament from this cage of gold.”

The bird flew away back into the jungle. Every morning it sang “The song of four fools”. It sang, “I flew into the fowler’s net. I was the first fool. The fowler gave me away to the king. The fowler was the sec ond fool. The King gave me away to the queen. The king was the third fool. The queen set me free. The queen was the fourth fool.

Question 3. ____________ Japanese Emperor had a set of twenty flowerpots ____________ finest collection Proud of rare collection ____________ one of the officers broke a flower pot by accident ____________ passed death sentence ____________ an old man came ____________ said know art of repairing ____________ emperor very happy ____________ He said ____________ Repair the broken flowerpot ____________ The man raised his stick and broke all flowerpots ____________ The Emperor was anger ____________ The old man replied Each of there flowerpots ____________ take one human life ____________ seeing old man’s wisdom ____________ He forgave the old man.

The Emperor and the Old Man

Answer: A Japanese emperor had a set of twenty flowerpots. It was the finest collection of its kind in the world.

The emperor was very proud of rare collection. One day, one of the officers of the Emperor broke a flowerplot by accident. The Emperor was very angry. He passed death sentences on the officer. But before the man was put to death, an old man came to know about it. He went to the Emperor’s court and said, “I know the art of repairing a broken flowerpot. Once I have repaired it, it will look its original self.”

The Emperor felt very happy to hear the claim of the old man. He showed the old man the collection of his flowerpots. He said, “Here are nineteen flowerpots. One flowerpot from the set of twenty is broken. Repair the broken flowerpot and I’ll pay you whatever you ask for.” The old man raised his stick and broke all the nineteen flowerpots.

The emperor was red with anger. He cried out, “you idiot! What have you done?” The old man coolly replied, “I have done my duty. Each of there flowerpots would have taken one human life. Now you can take only one life, and that is mine.” The old man’s wisdom and boldness pleased the Emperor. He forgave the old man and the officer, too.

Question 4. ____________ village moneylender lost his purse ____________ announced a reward hundred rupees ____________ A poor farmer found ____________ poor and needy ____________ an honest man ____________ went to the moneylender ____________ returned the purse ____________ counted the money ____________ he said ____________ smart fellow ____________ taken your rewarded beforehand farmer angry ____________ _moneylender said ____________ purse contained eleven hundred rupees ____________ farmer said ____________ not taken any money ____________ went to the Sarpanch heard both the parties ____________ moneylender was dishonest ____________ purse not yours ____________ Sarpanch gave ____________ to the farmer.

The moneylender and his Purse

Answer: Once a village moneylender lost his purse. He announced a reward of a hundred rupees to the person who found it and returned it to him. A poor farmer found it. It contained one thousand rupees. The farmer was poor and needy but, at the same time, he was an honest man. He went to the moneylender and returned the purse to him. The moneylender opened the purse and counted the money in it. It was one thousand rupees. Then he said to the farmer, “You are a smart fellow. You have taken your rewarded beforehand.”

The farmer angrily asked, “What do you mean?” The moneylender said, “I mean what I say. The purse contained eleven hundred rupees. But now there are one thousand rupees in it. It means that you have already taken the reward money from the purse.” The farmer said, “I have not taken any money from the purse. Let us go to the Sanpanch and settle the matter.”

So they went to the Sarpanch. The Sarpanch heard both the parties. He felt sure that the moneylender was dishonest. He asked the money lender, “Are you sure that your purse contained eleven hundred rupees?”. The moneylender said, “Yes, Sir,” The Sarpanch said, “Then this purse is not yours.** And the Sarpanch gave away the purse to the farmer.

Moral: A Wrongdoer Has To Pay A Heavy Price For His Wrong Act

Question 5. A saļt vendor had a donkey ____________ loaded ____________ with bags of salt ____________ went to customers ____________ surrounding villages ____________ cross several stream ____________ small rivers the donkey accidentally tumbled ____________ bags got dissolved ____________ burden on ____________ buck much lighter ____________ next day ____________ went out ____________ usual trip ____________ donkey took a dip in ____________ burden light ____________ master very angry sure ____________ international ____________ teach him a lesson next day loaded ____________ with bales of cotton ____________ donkey took a dip ____________ heavier the donkey ____________ struggle very hard to come out ____________ day onwards ____________ donkey gave up ____________ trick of dipping in a stream.

The Salt Vendor and his Donkey

Answer: A salt vendor had a donkey. Every morning he loaded the donkey with bags of salt. Then the master and the animal went to customers who lived in surrounding villages. On the way the vendor and the donkey had to cross several streams and small rivers. One morning the donkey accidentally tumbled in water while crossing a river. A lot of the salt in the bags got dissolved in the water. So the burden on the donkey’s back became much lighter.

The vendor returned home with his animal. That day was a rest day for the donkey. Next day they went out on their usual trip. The donkey took a dip in the first stream on the way. Again the burden became light and the trip for the day was cancelled. The master was very angry with the donkey. He was sure that the second day’s dip of the donkey was international. So he gave him hard blows with his stick. He said, “If the stupid animal of mine becomes so clever, it will be all up with me.

I must teach him a lesson.” So the next day he loaded the donkey with bales of cotton. When the donkey took a dip in water, the cotton absorbed water and became many times heavier. The donkey had to struggle very hard to come out of the water.

From that day onwards, the donkey gave up the trick of dipping in a stream.

Question 6. A defeated King ____________ shelter in a cave ____________ enemies were looking ____________ wanted to kill him. The king ____________ fought bravely ____________ army was small ____________ to run away sad at heart ____________ courage had left him ____________ one day was lying idly ____________ A little spider drew attention ____________ trying hard to weave a web ____________ it was crawling up ____________ but the thread broke ____________ it fell ____________ several” times. But ____________ did not give up ____________ tried again ____________ climbed up the celling successfully King thought ____________ tiny creature did not give up ____________ try again ____________ decided to fight again ____________ met his faithful followers ____________raised a strong army ____________ At last won the battle ____________ got back ____________ remembered the spider ____________ taught him a lesson.

The King and the Spider

Answer: A defeated King took shelter in a cave in a jungle. His enemies were looking for him. They wanted to kill him.

The king had fought bravely. But his army was small. The large army of his enemy his small army. He had to run away to save his life. He was very sad at heart. His courage had left him. One day the King was lying idly in the cave. A little spider drew his attention. It was trying hard to weave a web across the ceiling. As it was crawling up the wall the thread of the web broke and it fell down to the ground. This happened several times. But it did not give up. It tried again and again. Al last it climbed up the ceiling successfully and completed the web.

The King thought, “This tiny creature did not give up. How could I give up? I am a King. I must try again,” and he decided to fight his enemy once again.

The King went out of the jungle and met his faithful followers. He collected the brave men of his kingdom and raised a strong army. He fought against his enemy with all his might. At last he won the battle. He got back his kingdom. He always remembered the spider who had taught him a lesson.

Moral: Success Comes To Those Who Fight Hard Against Failures.

Question 7. Emperor Akbar ____________ put questions and riddles to his courtiers ____________ to test their wits ____________ once asked a very strange question ____________ How many crows in city? ____________ None could offer an answer ____________ Birbal, the wittiest ____________ entered the court. Saw the courtiers ____________ understood ____________ bowed ____________ and took his sear ____________ Ready witted Birbal stood ____________ replied ____________ fifty thousand three hundred and seventy eight crows emperor in a great astonishment ____________ Birbal replied ____________ if are more than it means some crows have come from elsewhere ____________ If there are less ____________ some crows have gone to visit their friends ____________ Pleased with Birbals wits ____________ Akbar exclaimed ____________ matchless indeed!

How many Crows are there in the City?

Answer: Emperor Akbar often put questions and riddles to his courtiers. He did this to test their wits, wisdom and knowledge. Once he asked a very strange questions to the courtiers. The question was: ‘How many crows are there in this city? He glanced at all the courtiers, one by one. One by one, they stood up and bowed down their heads silently. None of them could offer an answer to the Emperor’s question: ‘How many crows are there in this city? Just then, Birbal, the wittiest of all the courtiers, entered the court. He saw the courtiers with their heads bent down.

He, at once understood that they had failed to solve some riddle put to them by the Emperor. Birbal humbly bowed before the Emperor in the courtly manner and took his seat. The Emperor asked him, “Birbal, how many crows are there in this city?” Readywitted Birbal stood up and promptly replied, “Your Majesty, there are fifty thousand three hundred and seventy-eight crows in this city.” “How can you be so cocksure, Birbal?” asked the Emperor in a great astonishment.

Birbal replied, “Please have them counted, Your Majesty. If there are more than fifty thousand three , hundred and seventy-eight crows, it simply means that some crows have come from elsewhere to visit their friends and relatives in this city. If there are less, it means that some crows from this city have gone to visit their friends and relatives elsewhere.” Pleased with Birbal’s wits, Emperor Akbar exclaimed, “Bravo! Birbal, you are matchless indeed!”

Question 8. ____________ a hot summer day ____________ traveller hired a donkey ____________ carry him to the next town ____________ donkey was lazy ____________ his master flogged the animal to keep ____________ moving ____________ stopped on the way to rest ____________ Sat in the shadow ____________ of the donkey ____________ no other shades ____________ very hot donkey’s master ____________ tired ____________ he said ____________ donkey is mine ____________ his shadow is mine i me sit in the shade ____________ The traveller said ____________ hired the donkey ____________ my right to use his shadow ____________ can’t separate ____________ two men engaged in quarrelling ____________ donkey ran away ____________ stopped.

The Donkey and his Shadow

Answer: It was a hot summer day. A traveller hired a donkey to carry him across the dusty road to the next town. The donkey was lazy. He stopped every now and then. So his master walked behind and flogged the animal to keep him moving on. At noon, they stopped on the way to rest. The traveller sat in the shadow of the donkey for there was no other shade there. It was very hot and the donkey’s master was also very much tired. He, too, wanted to sit in the shade of his donkey.

So he said to the traveller, “The donkey is mine and therefore his shadow, too, is mine. You hired the donkey himself. You said nothing about his shadow. So let me sit in the shade of my donkey.” The traveller said, “I have hired the donkey for the day. It is my right to use his shadow, too, for the whole day. You can’t separate the shadow from the donkey, can you?” While the two men were engaged in quarrelling and fighting, the donkey ran away. He took away his shadow with him.

Moral: Those Who Fight Over A Shadow Lose The Substance

Question 9. ____________ a fighting ____________ birds and the beasts ____________ The bats ____________ not join thought ____________ can join the birds ____________ can fly like them ____________ the beasts ____________ have no wings ____________ don’t lay eggs ____________ join the winners at the right time fighting went ____________ it seemed ____________ would win ____________ time later birds got the better ____________ At last ____________ fighting ____________ end ____________ birds and the beasts made peace ____________ selfish bats were left alone ____________ birds and the beasts boy cotted the bats ____________ hid themselves ____________ come out only at twilight ____________.

Answer: As long time ago, there was a fighting between the birds and the beasts. The bats did not join either side. They thought, “We can join the birds because we can fly like them. We can join the beasts either because we have no wings and we don’t lay eggs as the birds do. So ours is a special position. We shall join the winners at the right time. Right now we shall just wait and watch. The fighting went on. At one stage it seemed the beasts would win.

The bats then thought, “Now is our chance,” and joined the beasts. But some time later, the birds got the better of the beasts. the bats felt sorry for joining the beasts. Now they joined the birds. At last the fighting came to an end. The birds and the beasts made peace and became friends. But the selfish bats were left alone. Both the birds and the beasts boycotted the bats. The bats went off and hid themselves in dark holes. Ever since they live in dark holes and come out only at twilight. For twilight is the time when birds are back to their nests and night beast are not yet out of their dens.

Moral: Nobody Likes A Fair Weather Friend.

Question 10. ____________ evening . Poor farm worker ____________ on his way home ____________ pleasant smell ____________ sweetmeaf shop ____________ mouth watered ____________ stood there ____________ could not afford ____________ he heard ____________ commanding voice ____________ can’t go away without payment ____________ the sweetmeat said the ____________ shopkeeper ____________ have not eaten ____________ said the man ____________ enjoy its smell ____________ smelling is as good as eating ____________ poor man looked ____________ worried ____________ wise man man ____________ pered a word of advice ____________ face lit up ____________ The shopkeeper ____________ pleased ____________ pay the money” ____________ shop keeper’s said. “No ____________ you hear the jingle hearing is as good as ____________ receiving ____________ raised his head in pride ____________ standing by ____________ took the ____________ jingled a few coins man said have paid smelling is as good as eating Then ____________ walked away.

Smell and Sound

Answer: One evening a poor farm worker was on his way home. A very pleasant smell came from a sweetmeat shop on the road. His mouth watered. He went to the shop and stood there for some time. Then he turned to go because he could not afford to buy the sweetmeat. Just then he heard the shopkeepers. commanding voice, “Stop. You can’t go away without making a payment.” “Payment? for what?” asked the man. “For the sweetmeat,” said the shopkeeper. “But I haven’t eaten any,” said the man. “But you did enjoys its smell, didn’t you” asked the shopkeeper. “Smelling is as good as eating.” The poor man looked very much worried. Now, a wise man was standing by. He took the man aside. He Whispered a word of advice into his ears. The man’s face lit up. He went up to the shopkeeper and jingled a few coins in his pocket. The shopkeeper seemed pleased. He said, “Come on, pay the money”. The man said, “I have paid it.” The shopkeepers said, “No, you haven’t.”

The man said, “Didn’t you hear the jingle of the money? If smelling is as good as eating hearing is as. good as receiving. Ha! Ha! Ha!” He raised his head in pride and stood there for some time. Then he walked away.

Moral: Tit For Tat

Question 11. ____________ old woman ____________ two servants ____________ wake up as started crowing ____________ rouse the servants ____________ begin the day’s work like ____________ thinking ____________ to have longer and undisturbed sleep said ____________ kill the cock ____________ no cock ____________ no crowing ____________ none will disturb ____________ servant agreed ____________ the cock earlier ____________ would not let her servants _____________ servants had a harder time her cock did not ____________ servant ____________ wake up early wake up even ____________.

The Old woman and her Servants

Answer: An old woman had two servants. Everyday the woman would wake up as soon as her cock started crowing. Then she would rouse the servants as well and ask them to begin the day’s work. The servants did not like to get up early in the morning. All the time they were thinking what to do to have longer and undisturbed sleep in the morning.

One day one servant said to the other, “Let us kill the cock. If there is no cock, there will be no crowing. If there is no crowing, the mistress won’t wake up early in the morning. If she does not wake up early in the morning, none will disturb our quiet sleep.”

The other servant agreed. So the next day they killed the cock. Now that there was no cock, the old woman would not know the exact time. She would wake up even earlier than before. Once she was out of her bed, she would not let her servants remain in bed.

The cock was gone. But the servants had a harder time than before.

Moral: A Wrong Remedy Is Worse Than The Disease

Question 12. ____________ little froga little frogs ____________ Playing ____________ the edge of a pool ____________ bull came to drink water ____________ bellowed loudly ____________ frightened the frogs ____________ hopped away ____________ Grandma at home ____________ Grandma asked ____________ what the matter was very big animal ____________ drink water ____________ voice was terribly loud and frightening ____________ Grandma asked how big ____________ little one ____________ big ____________ Grandma partner ____________ legs wide ____________ was it as big ____________ little one ____________ no Grandma ____________ much bigger again Puffed out her sides ____________ bigger than ____________ little one said ____________ much bigger ____________ Grandma puffed ____________ at last her lungs burst ____________ fell down dead.

The Bull and the Frogs

Answer: Once some little frogs were playing at the edge of a pool. A bull came there to drink water. He finished drinking and then bellowed loudly. His loud bellowing frightened the frogs. They hopped away to their Grandma at home. The Grandma asked one of the grandchildren what the matter was. The little one said. “A very big animal came to the pool to drink water. His voice was terribly loud and frightening.” The Grandma said, “How big was the animal?”

The little one said, “Oh, it was very, very, big.” The Grandma partned her four legs wide and puffed out her cheeks and asked, “was it as big as this?” The little one said, “Oh no, Grandma. He was much bigger.” The Grandma again puffed out her cheeks and also puffed out her sides and said, “Surely he was not bigger than this, was he?”.

The little one said, “Oh, much, much bigger than that too.” The Grandma puffed and puffed and puffed. At last her lungs burst and she fell down dead.

Moral: Vanity Is Foolishness.

Question 13. ____________ rich merchant came to Birbal ____________ He said ____________ seven servants in my house of them ____________ stolen ____________ bag of Precious pearls ____________ find out ____________ Birbal went ____________ man’s house ____________ seven servants ____________ room ____________ gave a stick ____________ magic sticks ____________ a thief ____________ his stick ____________ grow an inch longer by tomorrow ____________ servant ____________ stolen the bag ____________ frightened ____________ cut a piece of one inch ____________ cut the stick ____________ it short ____________ The next day The next day ____________ collected sticks ____________ servant’s stick ____________ The servant ____________ confessed his crime returned the bag of pearls ____________ sent to jail.

Birbal, the Wise

Answer: One day, a rich merchant came to Birbal; the Wise. He said to Birbal, “I have seven servants in my house. One of them has stolen my bag of precious pearls. Please find out the thief.” So Birbal went to the man’s house. He called all the seven servants in a room. He gave a stick to each one of them. Then he said, “These are magic sticks. Just now all these sticks are equal in length. Keep them with you and return them to me tomorrow. If there is a thief in the house, his stick will grow an inch longer by tomorrow.”

The servant who had stolen the bag of pearls was frightened. He thought, “If I cut a piece of one inch from my stick, I won’t be caught.” So he cut the stick and made it short by an inch. The next day Birbal collected the sticks from the servants. He found that one servant’s stick was short by an inch. Birbal pointed his finger at him and said, “Here is the thief.” The servant confessed his crime. He returned the bag of pearls. He was sent to jail.

Story Writing Practice Examples Class 8 CBSE

1. Robert Bruce _______ King lying on the ground in a dejected mood _______ failed to defeat his enemies _______ was thinking of giving up the attempt _______ saw a spider falling down from the ceiling the ceiling far away _______ wondered how it would get there _______ the spider feel back again _______ again it tried _______ again it fell it made nine such attempts no success _______ climbed up once _______ more _______ at last succeeded in reaching the roof Bruce imitated its example _______ he too tried once again _______ was successful.

2. A slave escaped from bondage to the forest soldiers came after him to catch _______ entered a _______ cave _______ a lion was roaring with pain _______ its paw was swollen _______ the slave approached it and removed the thorn _______ they became friends _______ later the soldiers arrested the slave _______ took him to the king _______ the king ordered the soldiers to throw the slave to the hungry lion ____________the lion rushed at the slave d at the slave _______ recognised the slave _______ remembered the kindness shown by the slave _______ then licked the feet of the slave _______ the spectators amazed _______ the slave explained the situation to them _______ the King set him free.

3. King Midas very rich _______ riser _______ A great riser _______ the more gold he had the more he wanted one day sat counting his gold coins _______ a fairy appeared _______ said he could have any wish he liked _______ he asked for the golden town _______ granted all Midas touches turned to gold _______ Midas very happy _______ touches everything about _______ all turned to gold _______ Midas got hungry _______ tried to eat _______ but bread meat, fruit became gold when he touches them _______ Midas starving _______ Midas prayed to lose his golden touch.

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Story Writing Class 8 Notes English (Handwritten Short & Revision Notes)

Story Writing is one of the most important chapters in English which every student should study if they want to score good marks in their examination. Keeping in mind, Selfstudys.com has decided to solve this issue of the students. Story Writing Class 8 Notes not only help the students to understand the concepts better but also boosts their confidence. 

Story Writing Class 8 Notes are created as per the latest pattern of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to ensure that the student covers each and every topic and does not miss any important topic. Class 8 Story Writing Notes are written in a well-detailed manner which clears every doubt of the students and helps them to score good marks in their examinations.

All the students are advised to study from Story Writing Class 8 Notes on a weekly basis to create a strong foundation of all the topics and memorise them in a way so that you remember them for a longer period of time. 

About Story Writing Class 8 Notes PDF

All the students can have access to Class 8 Story Writing Notes at the official website of selfstudys i.e. selfstudys.com. Story Writing Class 8 Notes are created by the highly qualified subject matter experts who have their expertise in the field of education. 

Students can access Story Writing Class 8 Notes absolutely free of cost. These Notes are a success mantra for all the students who want to improve their marks and score well in their examinations. 

These Notes can be easily downloaded in the PDF Format and can be accessed 24×7. The Notes of Class 8 Story Writing are also mobile-friendly. 

Students using Story Writing Notes can also identify their strong and weak areas and can work on them to improve their scores. 

What Are Story Writing Class 8 Notes and Why Are They Famous Among the Students? 

Class 8 Story Writing Notes are important study materials which consist of the important definitions, HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) questions, key points etc. Class 8 Story Writing helps to increase the accuracy of the students and is completely free of cost. This makes Story Writing Class 8 Notes famous among the students. 

Our highly qualified subject matter experts at selfstudys who have their expertise in the educational industry have created Story Writing Class 8 Notes. Also, they are familiar with the most common questions which often get repeated in the examinations. 

How to Download Story Writing Class 8 Notes? 

Downloading Class 8 Story Writing Notes is not a very difficult task if you are aware of the right steps. The steps to download Story Writing Class 8 Notes is as follows: 

  • Visit the official website of selfstudys i.e. selfstudys.com.

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  • After going to the official website, you need to click on the three lines which you will see on the upper left side. After clicking on the three lines, you need to click on the ‘CBSE’ option. 
  • After clicking on the ‘CBSE’ option, click on the option of ‘New Revision Notes’.

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  • After clicking on the option of ‘New Revision Notes’, you will be redirected on the page where you have to select the class and the subject for which you want to download the Notes.
  • And you are done! Now you can access Story Writing Class 8 Notes. 

What are the Benefits of Story Writing Class 8 Notes? 

There are numerous benefits of Story Writing Class 8 Notes. Some of the most important of them includes:

  • You will cover each and every topic: If you are studying from Story Writing Class 8 Notes, it can be said that you will cover each and every topic and will not miss even a single topic. The subject matter experts at selfstudys have made sure to cover each topic in a well-explained manner. 
  • Increases focus: Story Writing Class 8 Notes are written in a way which keeps the students interested in their studies which can increase focus. The students can go through Class 8 Story Writing Notes thoroughly to score good marks in their exams. 
  • Easy Language: Class 8 Story Writing Notes are written in an easy to understand language to ensure that the students do not find any term difficult while studying them. As they are written in an easy language, the students will be able to memorise them fast. 
  • Increases Learning Capacity: Story Writing Class 8 Notes not only boosts the confidence of the students but also increases the learning capacity of all the students. By this, they are able to memorise the concepts fast. This helps them to do effective preparation and score well in their examinations. 
  • A great source of revision: One of the biggest benefits of Story Writing Class 8 Notes is that it can be a great source of revision. As these Notes consist of each and every piece of information, students reading them after completing their exam preparation will not only stick the information in their mind but will also remember them for a longer period of time. 

Revision Tips to Study from Story Writing Class 8 Notes 

There are various revision tips which students should follow to study from Story Writing Class 8 Notes. Some of them are:

  • Note down your mistakes: While studying from Story Writing Class 8 Notes, it is advisable for all the students to make a list of their mistakes and then work on them. Students can improve their preparation level by noting down their mistakes and working on them.
  • Practise Study Materials: All the students are advised to practise from the study materials for example: previous year question paper, Mock tests and more. By practising them regularly, a student gets to know about the pattern of the examination, weightage per question, marking scheme etc. 
  • Blurting: Another great way which students can choose to do is by the blurting method. In this technique, a student has to read Story Writing Class 8 Notes repeatedly to memorise them. After following the blurting method, make sure that you test yourself by writing down the topics which you remembered so far during the revision time. 
  • Take short breaks between your exam preparation: Students are always advised to take short breaks between their exam preparation as it will ensure effective learning. Taking short breaks while studying Story Writing Class 8 Notes also improves memory and recalling power. So, make sure to follow this revision tip while doing exam preparation. 
  • Pomodoro Technique: Another important revision tip which is advisable for all the students is to follow the pomodoro technique as it helps to reduce distractions and improves the concentration of the students. This technique can be used by all the students to increase their accuracy and concentration when they are using Story Writing Class 8 Notes. 

How to Prepare for Annual Exam from Story Writing Class 8 Notes?

There are various tips which students should follow to prepare from Story Writing Class 8 Notes. The tips are:

  • Start reading or rewriting your Notes: The first tip which students should follow is that they should start reading their Story Writing Notes repeatedly. After reading, they can write them to stick in their memory and remember them for a longer period of time. There are also various ways which you can use to rewrite them.
  • Start studying in advance: It is always advisable for all the students to start studying for their examinations in advance from Story Writing Class 8 Notes. If they study at the last moment, they will not be able to study effectively and chances of getting stressed and anxious will also increase. Studying in advance also helps to create a strong base of each and every concept. 
  • Always take food breaks in between your exam preparation: Students are advised to take short food breaks of 15-20 minutes in between their exam preparation to revive their energy levels and also to improve their memory. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep: All the students are advised to get a good night’s sleep as it will help the students to improve their brain function which will automatically improve the learning power of all the students. 

What are the Advantages of Having Story Writing Class 8 Notes? 

There are various Advantages of Class 8 Story Writing Notes. Some of the most important of them are:

  • Boost in Confidence: By studying from Story Writing Class 8 Notes, a student can boost their confidence as they will find out that they are aware of the majority of the topics and will do well in the final examinations. This will not only enhance their self-confidence but will also motivate them to do better in exams. 
  • Forces the student to level up: Story Writing Class 8 Notes are written in a way which includes various HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) questions which will force the students to think at a higher level. 
  • Access to Detailed Explanations: The subject matter experts at selfstudys have created these Notes in a detailed way which will help the students to increase their conceptual knowledge and also build a strong foundation of all the concepts in their minds. 
  • As per the latest syllabus: Story Writing Class 8 Notes are created as per the latest syllabus to ensure that the student covers each and every topic and does not miss even a single topic. 
  • Diagrammatically Explained Resources: Apart from the easy theoretical language which is used in explaining the students through the Notes, various diagrams, tables etc. are also used to help the students understand all the concepts in a better way. 
  • Mobile Friendly: One of the biggest advantages of Story Writing English Writing Class 8 Notes is that they can be easily accessed on mobile phones. One does not need a laptop or PC to access them. 

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Notice Writing Class 8: Format, Examples, and Exercises

writing class 8

Welcome to the ultimate guide on Notice Writing Class 8. In the academic journey of class 8 students, mastering essential communication skills is crucial, and one such skill is notice writing. Notices serve as formal announcements, conveying information to a specific audience. 

This article will guide you through the process of effective Notice Writing Class 8, the format, and examples, and provide useful tips for class 8 students to excel in this art.

Notice Writing Class 8: Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the intricacies of writing a notice, let’s start with the fundamentals.

What is a Notice?

A notice is a written or printed piece of information that serves as a formal announcement or communication to a targeted audience. It is typically brief, direct, and to the point, conveying important details without unnecessary elaboration.

Importance of Notice Writing

Notices are an integral part of effective communication. They help disseminate information, make important announcements, and create awareness among the intended recipients. Proper notice writing ensures that the message reaches the audience clearly and efficiently.

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Format of a Notice Writing Class 8

To make a notice clear and organized, it should follow a specific format:

Heading: The heading should be catchy and indicate the purpose of the notice, such as “School Picnic Rescheduled.”

Date: The date of issuing the notice should be mentioned clearly.

Salutation: A polite salutation such as “Dear Students” or “Respected Members” should be used.

Body: The body of the notice should be concise, providing all the necessary details about the event or information.

Name and Designation: The name and designation of the person issuing the notice should be mentioned at the end.

Contact Information: Contact information such as email or phone number can be included for further inquiries.

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Dos and Don’ts of Notice Writing Class 8

Writing an effective notice requires following certain guidelines. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

Be Clear and Concise: Use simple language and present information in a straightforward manner.

Use Bullet Points: Organize information using bullet points for better readability.

Use Appropriate Tone: Adopt a formal and respectful tone, depending on the nature of the notice.

Be Specific: Provide all relevant details without ambiguity.

Proofread Carefully: Eliminate errors to maintain professionalism.

Avoid Ambiguity: Ensure your notice is not vague or unclear.

Don’t Overuse Technical Terms: Avoid using jargon that might confuse the audience.

Avoid Long Sentences: Keep sentences short and easily understandable.

Don’t Forget to Mention the Date: Always include the date of issuance.

Don’t Skip Proofreading: Neglecting proofreading can lead to embarrassing mistakes.

By adhering to these dos and don’ts, you can create well-crafted notices that effectively convey your message.

Key Points for Class 8 Students:

As class 8 students, mastering notice writing is essential for various school activities and examinations. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Understand the purpose of the notice before writing.
  • Keep the language formal and polite.
  • Practice writing notices regularly to improve your skills.
  • Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

While writing notices, students often make some common mistakes. Be cautious about the following:

  • Lengthy and unclear notices.
  • Neglecting to mention important details like dates and timings.
  • Using informal language and abbreviations. 

Notice Writing Topics for Class 8 

Here are some notice writing topics specifically tailored for Class 8 students:

1. school debate competition.

2. an inter-house sports meet and call for participants.

3. rescheduling of the school’s annual day function.

4. an art and craft exhibition in the school.

5. formation of a new eco-club in the school and inviting members.

6. a workshop on internet safety and cybersecurity for students.

7. participate in a community service project.

8. mock test series to prepare for upcoming exams.

9. music and dance performance for a cultural event.

10. photography contest on the theme “Nature’s Beauty.”

11. launch of a school newsletter and calling for contributions.

12. career guidance session for Class 8 students.

13. participate in a science model-making competition.

14. awareness program on the importance of conserving water.

15. tree plantation drive to celebrate World Environment Day.

16. inauguration of a new school library.

17. promote clean and green surroundings in the school.

18. participate in a road safety awareness program.

19. visit to a historical monument for educational purposes.

These notice writing topics are designed to be engaging and relevant for Class 8 students. They cover a wide range of themes, from academics and extracurricular activities to social and environmental awareness. Practice writing notices on these topics to enhance your notice-writing skills and effectively.

Examples of Notice Writing for Claas 8:

Heading: School Science Exhibition

Date: August 15, 2023

Dear Students,

This is to inform you that the annual science exhibition will be held in the school auditorium on August 25, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. All students are required to participate and showcase their science projects. Your active participation will be highly appreciated.

St. Mary’s School

Heading: Community Clean-Up Drive 

Date: September 5, 2023

Dear Residents,

Join us for a community clean-up drive on September 15, 2023, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Let’s come together to make our neighborhood clean and green. Don’t forget to bring your gloves and water bottles.

Organizing Committee

Contact: [email protected]

Write in about 60 words a notice with the points: free distribution of textbooks to deserving students, time, date, and place, prior intimation to the committee office necessary.

Heading: Free distribution of textbooks 

Date: October 5, 2022

This is to notify you that free textbooks will be distributed from our school to the poor and needy students. The students are hereby informed that the books will be distributed from the Students’ Welfare Committee Room at 3 p.m. on September 9 next. Those who are interested in taking books free of cost are asked to inform the committee beforehand. They are also to deposit their guardians’ Income Certificates on time.

Students’ Welfare Committee


Date: 9.7.2021

The students are hereby informed that a quiz contest will be held at our Assembly Hall at 1 p.m. on July 15 next. Certificates and attractive prizes will be given to the successful candidates. The willing students are asked to enlist their names to the undersigned. The students belonging to the Junior and Intermediate Groups will enlist their names at 1.30 p.m. on 10th July and those belonging to the Senior Group on 12th July at 3 p.m. at Room No. 5. Anyone willing to know more about the contest may please contact the undersigned.

Secretary, Quiz Committee.

Rabindra Jayanti Celebration

May 1, 2002

The students of our school are hereby notified that Rabindra Jayanti will be celebrated as usual at our school this year. The preparations for this function will start soon. For this, the names of students are hereby invited. Students can sing, recite, stage a drama, deliver speeches, etc. On the occasion when all the names of willing students are collected, there will be a screening on the basis of their performance. Students are asked to submit their names to the undersigned on or before the 5th of this month. For any further information, the undersigned may please be contacted. Cooperation from all is highly solicited.

Rahul Ghosh

Wrist Watch Found

25th August 2020

It is brought to the notice of the students of the School that I have found a wristwatch in the classroom of VIth standard during the lunch break. Its make is Titoni. The strap of the watch is red. Anybody who has lost the watch can meet me during the recess period and can have the watch from the undersigned.

Annual Sports Meet

7th December 2022.

All the students of the school are informed that our school is holding the Annual Sports Meet on The Meet will be inaugurated by the District Collector. Students who wish to participate in the Meet are requested to give their names to the Sports Secretary of the School by 30th November. The Meet will start at 9 a.m. in the Ambedkar Stadium.

Sports Secretary

Inter-School Debate Competition

April 3rd, 2023

This is to inform all the students of Std. IX to XII that an Inter School Debate Competition will be held in R.K. International School, Noida on 15th April. Interested students should give their names to their respective English teacher latest by 5th April for audition. For further details, contact the undersigned.

Limited Water Supply

August 17th, 2021

This is to inform the residents of the colony that as the cleaning of the water reservoirs is due, therefore the water supply will be affected on 28th & 29th of August. Kindly make necessary arrangements.


Example 10:

Inter School Cricket Series

April 6, 2023

This is to inform the members of school cricket team that our school is organising an Inter School Cricket Series from 15 to 20 April. The team members should start practising regularly and with discipline. For details, contact the undersigned.

Pahul Kumar

(Sports Captain)

Notice Writing Exercises Class 8 for Practice

Here are 25 notices designed for Class 8 students to practice notice writing:

1. Write a notice about an upcoming school field trip to a historical site.

2. Write a notice about a photography competition on the theme “My School Life.”

3. Write a notice about a guest lecture on the importance of STEM education.

4. Write a notice about a tree plantation drive in the school premises.

5. Write a notice about an inter-class science quiz competition.

6. Write a notice about a special assembly to celebrate World Environment Day.

7. Write a notice about a workshop on effective study techniques and time management.

8. Write a notice about an inter-house chess competition.

9. Write a notice about a speech competition on the topic “My Role Model.”

10. Write a notice about a fundraiser for the school’s annual charity project.

11. Write a notice about an exhibition on famous inventors and their inventions.

12. Write a notice about a creative writing workshop during the summer break.

13. Write a notice about a road safety awareness program in collaboration with the traffic police.

14. Write a notice about a school-wide cleanliness campaign.

15. Write a notice about a drawing competition on the theme “Unity in Diversity.”

16. Write a notice about an inter-school basketball tournament that your school will host.

17. Write a notice about a counseling session on managing exam stress.

18. Write a notice about a talent show audition for the school’s annual day celebration.

19. Write a notice about a visit by a renowned author for a bo will hostok reading and interaction.

20. Write a notice about an educational trip to a local art museum.

21. Write a notice about a workshop on basic first aid and CPR techniques.

22. Write a notice about a debate competition on the topic “Social Media: Boon or Bane.”

23. Write a notice about a community service project to clean a nearby park.

24. Write a notice about a movie screening and discussion on an inspiring documentary.

25. Write a notice about a science fair showcasing student projects and experiments.

These prompts will give Class 8 students an opportunity to practice notice writing while engaging with various topics and events relevant to their age group. Encourage creativity and attention to detail to craft effective and informative notices. Good luck!

FAQs on Class 8 Notice Writing 

Q: what is the word limit for a notice.

A: The word limit for a notice varies depending on the purpose and context. Generally, notices should be concise, ideally not exceeding 50-100 words.

Q: Can a notice be handwritten?

A: Yes, notices can be handwritten, especially in small community settings or for informal announcements. However, typed notices are more common for formal and official communications.

Q: Is it necessary to include contact information in a notice?

A: Yes, providing contact information adds credibility and allows recipients to seek further clarification if needed.

Q: Can a notice be used for marketing purposes?

A: Yes, notices can be used for marketing events, promotions, or product launches within a specific community or organization.

Q: How should I start and end a notice?

A: Begin the notice with a clear heading and date, and end it with the name and designation of the issuing authority.

Q: Can I use humor in a notice?

A: While humor can be engaging, it should be used with caution, especially in formal or sensitive notices.

Q: Can I use abbreviations in a notice?

A: No, it is best to avoid abbreviations in a notice as they may create confusion.

Q: Is it necessary to sign a notice?

A: Yes, a notice should always be signed with the name and designation of the issuing authority.

Q: How can I make my notice more engaging? 

A: To make your notice engaging, use an attention-grabbing heading and include relevant and exciting information.

Q: Can I use a notice for personal purposes? 

A: Notices are primarily used for official or formal communication, so it’s better to use other forms of communication for personal purposes.

Q: Can I mention contact numbers of individuals in a notice? 

A: It is not recommended to mention individual contact numbers in a notice. Instead, use a generic contact email or phone number for inquiries.

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Application Writing For Class 8

Application Writing For Class 8 Format, Topics, Examples, Exercises

Application writing for class 8 in english.


Application writing is an important skill that students need to develop as it is a way to communicate their needs and requests effectively. In Class 8, students are expected to write various types of applications for different purposes, such as leave applications, permission applications, complaint applications, and more. This article will provide a detailed guide on the format, examples, topics, English Grammar , and exercises for application writing for Class 8 students.

Also Read:   Email Writing 11th Class English

Format Of Application Writing For Class 8:

The format of an application consists of the following parts:

1. Sender’s Address: The sender’s address should be written at the top-left corner of the application. It should include the sender’s name, address, and contact details.

2. Date: The date should be written below the sender’s address, and it should be in the format of DD/MM/YYYY.

3. Receiver’s Address: The receiver’s address should be written below the date, and it should include the name and address of the person or organization to whom the application is being addressed.

4. Salutation: The salutation should be written below the receiver’s address, and it should include the name of the person to whom the application is being addressed.

5. Subject: The subject of the application should be written below the salutation. It should be a brief statement that summarizes the purpose of the application.

6. Body: The body of the application should be written below the subject. It should include the details of the request, complaint, or permission that the sender is seeking.

7. Complimentary Close: The complimentary close should be written at the end of the application, and it should include a polite phrase such as “Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully.”

8. Signature: The sender should sign the application below the complimentary close.

Examples Of Application Writing For Class 8:

1. Leave Application:

Sender’s Address Date

Receiver’s Address Salutation

Subject: Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application to request leave from school for three days starting from 24th April to 26th April 2023. The reason for my leave is that my grandmother is not well, and I need to visit her in the hospital. I will make sure to complete all my pending work before leaving, and I will catch up on any missed assignments upon my return.

Thank you for your consideration.

Complimentary Close Signature

Example Of Application Writing For Class 8

2. Permission Application:

Subject: Permission Application

I am writing this application to seek permission to participate in the school science fair, which is scheduled for 1st May 2023. I have been selected to represent our school at the fair, and I believe it will be a great opportunity for me to showcase my scientific knowledge and skills. I assure you that I will take care of my studies and catch up on any missed assignments.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

3. Complaint Application:

Subject: Complaint Application

I am writing this application to bring to your attention the poor condition of the school library. The library lacks proper ventilation, and the books are in a bad state. Many of the books are torn and in need of repair. I request you to take immediate action to improve the condition of the library so that students can have access to quality books and a conducive environment for reading.

Thank you for your prompt action.

Topics For Application Writing For Class 8:

1. Leave Application 2. Permission Application 3. Complaint Application 4. Request for Fee Concession Application 5. Request for Transfer Certificate Application 6. Application for Sports Day Participation 7. Request for Issuance of Duplicate Marksheet Application 8. Application for School Bus Facility 9. Application for Library Book Issuance 10. Request for Extra Classes Application 11. Application for the Post of School Prefect 12. Request for Additional Equipment Application 13. Application for Summer Camp Participation 14. Request for School Trip Permission Application 15. Application for Scholarship

Exercises For Application Writing For Class 8:

1. Write an application to your school principal requesting leave for a family function. 2. Write an application to your teacher seeking permission to participate in a debate competition. 3. Write an application to the school librarian complaining about the lack of new books in the library. 4. Write an application to your school principal requesting fee concession. 5. Write an application to the school authorities requesting the issuance of a transfer certificate. 6. Write an application to your sports teacher seeking permission to participate in a regional-level tournament. 7. Write an application to the school administration requesting the issuance of a duplicate mark sheet. 8. Write an application to your school transport in charge requesting the school bus facility. 9. Write an application to the school librarian requesting the issuance of a particular book. 10. Write an application to your class teacher requesting additional classes for a particular subject.

Recommended Reading: Article Writing for Class 8

Conclusion On Application Writing For Class 8:

Application writing is an essential skill that students need to develop to communicate their needs and requests effectively. By following the proper format and practicing writing applications for various purposes, students can improve their writing skills and express their ideas more efficiently. The examples, topics, and exercises provided in this article can help Class 8 students to practice and develop their application writing skills.

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English Grammar Class 8 Letter Writing

  • English Grammar
  • Letter Writing


English Grammar Class 8 Letter Writing - Download Free PDF with Solution

Letter writing is a crucial topic in Class 8 grammar. There are two types of letters: formal and informal letters. In the 8th standard, formal letters are given more importance and are majorly covered in the CBSE curriculum. Understanding the purpose of the letter is necessary before you can write one in a formal setting. 

The formal letter format Class 8 differs depending on the sort of letter, insofar as it is concerned. To be able to write a formal letter, a student must follow specific guidelines. Each sentence should be carefully considered and written so that the reader understands the idea you are trying to get across.

English Grammar Class 8 Letter Writing - PDF will be uploaded soon


Importance of Teaching Formal Letter Writing in Class 8

While we take great satisfaction in our ability to write excellent essays and other texts frequently utilised in educational settings, being able to write effective letters has genuinely altered people's lives. It can be our only chance to express ourselves honestly and without any misunderstandings to someone about any issue. 

Your reader can tell how enthusiastic and sincere you are about your writing. Also, formal letters are a great way to communicate your problems to the authorities or the concerned person. It is an important topic to be taught under Class 8 grammar. Formal letters also provide a sophisticated way of communication in schools and colleges. 

Important Topics of Letter Writing for Class 8 

The chapte r on letter writing for Class 8 comprises all the major topics for teaching formal letter writin g to Class 8 students. The following topics are covered in the textbook: 

Classification of letters 

Parts of a letter 

Samp le application format to principal

Forms of salutation

How to start a formal letter

How to end a formal letter 

Useful phrases for using in a formal letter 

Examples of formal letters for Class 8  

Some Important Examples of Formal Letter for Class 8?

Write an application to your school's principal requesting him or her to pass orders for a study tour to a nearby museum for class VIII students.

Write an application to the principal for organising a blood donation camp in the school.

Write an application to the mayor of your town's municipality asking him or her to provide street lights in your locality.

Write a formal letter to the book vendor to deliver specific books to your address. 

Write an application for sick leave in English for Class 8 , mentioning a serious cause of illness. 

What does the Pdf on Formal Letters for Class 8 Have?

Formal letters for Class 8 are explained in this pdf by Vedantu in a simple manner. To demonstrate how the language is used, there are example sentences. The most precise and thorough NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar are also available there. Here, all of the textbook's questions have been addressed along with standard answers. 

The pdf fo r formal letter writing for Class 8 by Vedantu details the format for writing a formal lett er, explains its definition and structure, and provides examples of formal letters for your reference. Your kid can learn how to write a formal letter effectively by studying the given topics. This pdf is specially created by Vedantu's expert teachers, who always curate the best content helpful in getting good marks in the examination. 


FAQs on English Grammar Class 8 Letter Writing

1. What are the major reasons to teach letter writing to your kids?

There are three important reasons to teach letter writing in Class 8. 

The Personal Touch  

The letter has an intimate, personal quality that email cannot adequately convey. Because letters are real objects, their rarity today makes them appear even closer.

The Valuable Impact 

Receiving a handwritten letter today is practically unheard of in terms of communication. Students can benefit from it knowing how to write an effective letter.

Improved Handwriting

Use the letter writing skills to have the students practise their handwriting. It enables them to pay close attention to their grammar and punctuation.

2. What are the common features of a formal letter?

A formal letter can be prepared for various reasons. It can take on different forms, such as a complaint letter, a cover letter that goes with a job application, an invitation letter, or a reference letter, to name a few. Students should refrain from using slang or contractions when writing any formal letter, even if each will follow specific formatting and tone guidelines. Simple and respectful language should be used. A formal letter is typically prepared with a specific goal in mind and should be written with that goal in mind. Avoid meanderings and maintain a laser-like focus on the assignment at hand.

3. How should a formal letter be formatted?

Starting with the sender's address, the date of writing the letter, the recipient's address, the subject, the salutation, the body of the letter, a complimenting ending, and, finally, the signature with name (in block letters) and designation should all be included in a formal letter.

Diary Writing For Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Diary writing is a creative and expressive way of recording one’s personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions. It is a form of self-reflection and introspection that helps individuals to understand their own feelings and behaviors. Diary writing can be therapeutic, as it allows individuals to vent their frustrations and emotions in a safe and private space. For students in class 8, diary writing can be a valuable tool for developing their writing skills and enhancing their self-awareness.

Format Of Diary Writing For Class 8:

The format of a diary entry is relatively simple. It should include the date, day of the week, and time of day. It can be structured like a letter, with a salutation and closing, or it can be more informal. The content of the diary entry should be reflective and introspective, focusing on personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions. The language should be conversational and natural, reflecting the writer’s unique voice and perspective. Here is an example of a diary entry format:

Date: April 27, 2023 Day: Wednesday Time: 7:00 pm

Dear Diary,

Today was a difficult day for me. I woke up feeling tired and unmotivated, and I struggled to get through my classes. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t seem to focus or stay engaged in the material. I felt frustrated and discouraged, and I started to doubt my abilities as a student.

Also Read: Diary Writing For Class 9 

Exercises For Diary Writing For Class 8:

Here are a few exercises to help students develop their diary-writing skills:

1. Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself. What did you accomplish, and how did it make you feel?

2. Describe a moment when you felt overwhelmed or stressed. How did you cope with these feelings, and what did you learn from the experience?

3. Write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life. How have they influenced you, and what have you learned from them?

4. Reflect on a mistake you have made. What did you learn from this experience, and how can you use this knowledge to improve in the future?

5. Write about a place that holds special meaning for you. Why is this place important, and what memories do you associate with it?

Examples Of Diary Writing For Class 8:

Here are a few examples of diary entries that demonstrate different styles and themes:

1. Reflective:

Date: March 15, 2023 Day: Tuesday Time: 10:00 pm

Today was a day of self-discovery for me. I realized that I have been holding myself back from pursuing my dreams because I am afraid of failure. I have always been a perfectionist, and I tend to set impossibly high standards for myself. But today, I realized that it is okay to make mistakes and to take risks. I need to learn to be kinder to myself and to embrace the journey, rather than just focusing on the destination.

2. Emotional:

Date: January 10, 2023 Day: Tuesday Time: 8:00 am

I woke up this morning feeling sad and anxious. My parents had a fight last night, and I could hear them yelling from my bedroom. I hate it when they argue, and it always makes me feel scared and helpless. I wish they could just get along and be happy. I don’t know what to do or how to make things better. I just want to crawl back into bed and hide from the world.

3. Narrative:

Date: May 1, 2023 Day: Sunday Time: 2:00 pm

Today was the best day ever! My friends and I went on a hiking trip to the nearby hill station. We packed a picnic lunch and set off early in the morning. The trail was challenging, but the scenery was breathtaking We walked through dense forests, crossed gurgling streams, and climbed steep slopes. It was tiring, but also exhilarating. When we finally reached the top, we were rewarded with a panoramic view of the valley below. We sat down to eat our lunch and enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. We talked and laughed and took lots of pictures. It was a perfect day, and I will always cherish the memories we made together.

Topics For Diary Writing For Class 8:

Here are a few topics that students in class 8 can explore in their diary writing:

1. Personal growth and self-improvement 2. Family relationships and dynamics 3. Friendships and social dynamics 4. Academic challenges and achievements 5. Emotional experiences, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and fear 6. Hobbies and interests 7. Travel experiences and adventures 8. Reflections on current events and news 9. Cultural experiences and traditions 10. Goals and aspirations for the future

Conclusion On Diary Writing For Class 8:

Diary writing is an excellent way for students in class 8 to develop their writing skills and to engage in self-reflection and introspection. By recording their personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions, students can gain a better understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Diary writing can also be a valuable tool for managing stress and anxiety, as it provides a safe and private space for individuals to express their feelings and work through their problems. With practice and dedication, students can use diary writing to enhance their writing skills and develop their sense of self.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Unseen Passage for Class 8

January 2, 2019 by phani

Unseen Passages for Class 8 English

Some Important tips to solve Unseen Passages for Class 8 Question and Answers 

Read the passage carefully and try to understand the contents.

  • Try to understand the meaning of every word in context to the passage.
  • After reading the passage thoroughly, turn to the questions that follow. Try to find the answers.
  • Check your answers before writing them.
  • Answer should be in the same tense, in which the question is given.
  • Answer the questions on the basis of the information given in the passage. Do not add your own views, expressions and imagination.
  • Try to answer the questions in your own words but strictly to the point and as briefly as possible. We See that every answer is clear and complete in itself.
  • Revise your-answers carefully to avoid any mistake.
  • Most importantly time management should be followed.

Type – I

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 1

Read the passage given-below and answer the questions that follow:                                                                             5

The culture of nuclear families is in fashion. Parents are often heard complaining about the difficulties in bringing up children these days. Too much of freedom in demand, too much independence; over night parties; excessive extravagance, splurging pocket money; no time for studies and family all this is a common cry of such families. Aren’t parents, themselves, responsible for this pitiful state ? The basic need of a growing youth is the family, love, attention and bonding along with moral values. One should not forget that ‘charity begins at home’.

Independence and individuality both need to be respected, in order to maintain the sanctity of family. Children, today are to be handled with tact in order to bridge the ever widening generation gap. Only the reasonable demands need to be fulfilled, as there are too many expenses to be met and top many social obligations to be taken care of by the parents. Our forefathers lived happily in joint families. Children loved to live with their cousins, learnt to adjust within means. There was perfect harmony between the generations. There never existed the concept of old-age homes. There was deep respect for the family elders and love, care and concern for the youngsters. Even the minor family differences were solved amicably.

Unseen Passage with Question and Answers

  • Mention any two major common concerns of a nuclear family.             (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
  • Who, according to the passage, are responsible for them ?
  • Explain the expression ‘charity begins at home’.
  • Describe the atmosphere in joint families.
  • Which word in the passage means ‘Holiness of life’ ?
  • Too much independence and no time for studies and family.
  • Parents themselves.
  • The parent should not forget that it is in giving that one receives.
  • In joint families, children get a friendly atmosphere and they also learn to adjust within means.

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 2

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.                                                                             5

When we enter New York harbour, the first thing we see is the Statue of Liberty. What impresses us the most is its size and magnificence. Have you ever wondered how it came to be there ? The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of American Independence. In 1869, sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan his concept for the monument.

Bartholdi chose the look of classic Greek and Roman figures. He envisioned Liberty as a strong and proud figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek goddesses of the past, but also the working men and women of the present. Finally, in 1884, the work was finished, and Liberty was packed into 214 crates and sent to New York city. Only one problem stood in the way. While the French had raised a lot of funds to build the statue, New York had not secured the funds to build its foundation. It was not until a New York newspaper implored people for donations that money became available. Finally, on 28th October 1886, Americans celebrated the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty.

Unseen Passages with Question and Answers

  • Why was the Statue of Liberty given as a gift to America by France?             (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
  • What is the name of the sculptor of the monument ‘the Statue of Liberty’ ?
  • What did the sculptor imagine the Statue of Liberty to be ?
  • How many years did it take to unveil the Statue of liberty ?
  • Trace the word from the passage which means the same as “imagined”.
  • The Statue of Liberty was given as a gift to America by France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of American Independence.
  • Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
  • The sculptor imagined the Statue of Liberty as the majestic Greek Goddesses of the past and also as the working men and women of the present.
  • It took about 2 years to unveil the Statue of Liberty.

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 3

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.   

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his family. He would miss the pay cheque, but he needed to retire. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favour. The carpenter said ‘yes’, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior material. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer handed over the key of the house to the carpenter— “This is your house, my gift to you.”

What a shock! What a shame ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently! Now he had to live in a poorly built house. So it is with us. We build our lives, a day

at a time, often putting less than our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently. But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, your attitude, and the choices you make today, help build the “house” you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build wisely!

  • What did the carpenter tell his employer?             (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
  • What favour did his employer ask from the carpenter ?
  • What surprise did the employer have for the carpenter ?
  • Why was the surprise a’shame’for the carpenter?
  • Which word in the first paragraph means the same as ‘art of skill of a workman’ ?
  • The carpenter told his employer of his plans to retire from his house building business and live a leisurely life with his family.
  • The employer asked if he could build just one more house as a favour.
  • The employer handed over the keys of the new house to the carpenter.
  • As the carpenter resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior material.
  • workmanship.

Unseen Passage for Class 8 – Passage 4

Next to water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world. This is a good news because tea offers important health benefits. Its benefits were first discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who declared that it gave one vigour of body, contentment of mind and determination of purpose. Today there is ample proof that tea in its many forms possesses a number of health benefits from supporting the immune, system to reducing the risk of cancer, to helping prevent tooth decay.

What makes tea such a healthy drink ? The star compounds are called catechins. Those are antioxidants ,      that help prevent cell damage by harmful molecules called free radicals.

Tea can be black, green and red and is derived from a warm-weather evergreen tree known as Camelia Sinensis. The more processing, tea leaves undergo, the darker they become. Green tea is the least processed tea. It is simply steamed quickly and offers the maximum healing powers because it isn’t fermented. It also helps prevent tooth decay and aids weight loss.

  • The most commonly consumed beverage in the world is………………………….. (1×5 = 5)
  • Benefits of tea were first discovered by……………………………………..
  • Tea turns out to be a healthy drink due to the presence of…………………………….
  • Green tea leaves offer maximum healing powers because it is………………………..
  • The word to the last para which means the same as helps is………………………….
  • the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung
  • not fermented

Type – II

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 1

Read the following passage carefully:

For the mobility—impaired, highly trained canines called ‘service dogs’ can pick up dropped keys, open and close drawers, retrieve prepared meals, help a person in and out of bathtub, dial 911, push and pull wheelchairs, help operate a car or van and pull off gloves, shoes, socks and jackets. Other dogs provide specific assistance to those who suffer seizures (sudden attacks of illness) and require special medication. And, of course, the helping dogs provide companionship, play and give unconditional love to the people they assist.

It is thirty odd years now since the placement of the first assistance dog. But only in recent years, with the rising independent movement among disabled people has the idea begun to spread widely.

While most service-dogs are trained to work with people who rely on wheelchairs, other categories of helping dogs include hearing-dogs who alert their owners to sounds, such as doorbells, phones, cooking timers, alarm clocks, smoke alarms and seizure dogs which carry medication in their packs and are trained to dial 911 on large keypad phones.

Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option:                                      (1×5 = 5)

Q1: The service-dogs were:

(a) paid highly (b) less in number (c) multiple taskers (d) employees

Q2: The idea of assistance dogs became popular due to the:

(a) independent movement among the disabled

(b) awareness by the hospitals

(c) independence of the country

(d) both (a) and (c)

Q3: The categories of helping-dogs are:

(a) domestic dogs, service dogs & seizure dogs

  • (b) service, hearing and seizure dogs

(c) hunting and domestic dogs

(d) None of the above

Q4: There is a difference between:

(a) the service dogs and the helping dogs

(b) the serving dogs and canines

(c) the canines and ordinary dogs

(d) both (b) and (c) .

Q5: Give the noun form of ‘trained’:

(a) train       (b) trains  (c) training  (d) trainee

  •  (c) multiple taskers
  • (a) independence movement among the disabled
  • (c) The canines and ordinary dogs
  • (d) trainee

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 2

An owl is a bird. There are two basic types of owls: typical owls and bam owls. Owls live in almost every country of the world. Owls are mostly nocturnal, meaning they are awake at night. Owls are predators—they hunt the food that they eat. Owls hunt for mice and other small mammals, insects and even fish. Owls are well adapted for hunting. Their soft, fluffy feathers make their flight nearly silent. They have very good hearing which helps them to hunt well in the darkness. The sharp hooked beaks and claws of the owl makes it very easy to tear apart their prey quickly, although owls also eat some prey whole.

Owl’s eyes are unusual. Like most predators, both the eyes of the owl face front. The owl cannot move its eyes. Owls are far—sighted, which means they can see very well far away………. but they can’t see dose very well at all. Fortunately, their distant vision is what they use for hunting and they can see far away even in low light. Owls have facial disks around their eyes, tufts of feathers in a circle around each eye. These facial disks are thought to help the Owl’s hearing. Owls can turn their heads 180 degrees. This makes it look like they might be able to turn their heads all the way around, but 180 degrees is all the owl needs to see what’s going on all around its. Perhaps because of the Owl’s mysterious appearance, especially its round eyes and flexible neck, there are a lot of myths and superstitions about owls. Many cultures believe that owls are unusually wise. Because owls are nocturnal, some cultures associate owls with bad omens. The screech of the bam owl is considered by many to sound eerily human, like a person screaming. However, owls probably do not interact with the fates of humans at all. In fact, some owl species may become extinct because of humans.

Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option:

Q1 :Which of the following is not true about owls ?

(a) Owls eat small animals

(b) Owls are able to fly silently

(c) Owls have the best hearing of all birds

(d) Owls have poor vision

Q2: The eyesight of the owl is used for……………..

(a) flying (b) hunting (c) sleeping  (d) none of these

Q3: The purpose of this short article is…………….

(a) to entertain (b) to inform (c) to persuade (d)none of these

Q4: Title for this story can be…………..

(a) Owls hunt at night (b) Owls can fly silently (c) Owls are interesting animals (d) Owls have flexible necks

Q5: Which of the following is true ?.

(a) The facial disks of the owl help them to see.

(b) Owls have a strong, bent beak.

(c) Most owls hunt for food during the day.

(d) Owls are dangerous to humans.

  • (d) owls have poor vision
  • (b) hunting
  • (b) to inform
  • (c) Owls are interesting animals
  • (b) Owls have a strong, bent beak

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 3

Be like a flower. One must try to become like a flower: open, frank, equal, generous and kind. So you know what it means ?

A flower is open to all that surrounds it: nature, light, the rays of the sun, the wind etc. It exerts a spontaneous influence on all that is around it. It radiates joy and beauty.

It is frank. It hides nothing of its beauty and lets its fragrance flow frankly out of itself. What is within and what is in its depths, it lets it come out so that everyone can see it.

It is equal: it has no preferences. Everyone can enjoy its beauty and its perfume without rivalry. It is equal and the same for everybody. There is no difference, or anything whatsoever.

Then generous without reserve or restriction, it gives away the mysterious beauty and the very own perfume of Nature. It sacrifices itself entirely for our pleasure, even its life it sacrifices to express this beauty and the secret of the things gathered within itself.

And then, kind: it has such a tenderness, it is so sweet, so close to us, so loving. Its presence fills us with joy. It is always cheerful and happy.

Happy is he who can exchange his qualities with the real qualities of the flowers. Try to cultivate in yourself their refined qualities.

Answer the following questions by selecting most appropriate option from the ones given below:          (1×5 = 5)

Q1: A flower is compared…………..

(a) with all living things (b) with human beings (c) with girls  (d) with a child

Q2: A flower is open to all because…………

(a) it influences all (b) it radiates joy (c) it spreads its beauty to all  (d) all of these

Q3: The refined qualities of a flower are,

(a) fragrance and beauty

  • (b) generosity and kindness

(c) equality and attractiveness

(d) frankness and honesty

Q4: The writer talks about………….

(a) rose flower

(b) lotus flower

(c) lily flower

  • (d) all flowers

Q5: A spontaneous influence means……….

(a) a slow influence

(b) a quicker influence

  • (c) naturally created influence

(d) a casual influence

  • (b) with human beings
  • (d) all of these

English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 4

Read the following passage carefully:                                                                                                                                     5

This is a great lesson for all of us to learn, that in all matters the two extremes are alike. The extreme positive and the extreme negative are always similar. When the vibrations of light are too slow we do not see them, nor do we see them when they are too rapid. So with sound; when very low in pitch we do not hear it, when very high we do not hear it either. Of like nature is the difference between resistance and non-resistance. One man does not resist because he is weak, lazy and cannot; because he will not; the other man knows that he can strike an irresistible blow if he likes; yet he not only does not strike, but blesses his enemies. The one who from weakness resists not commits a sin, and as such cannot receive any benefit from the non-resistance, while the other would commit a sin by offering resistance.   —Swami Vivekananda.

Answer the following questions by selecting most appropriate option from the ones given below:      (1×5 = 5)

Q1: “… in all matters two extremes are alike”, means:

(a) Powerful men always gain success

(b) All human beings are of same characters

(c) Boys and girls are equally talented

  • (d) The extreme positive and the extreme negative are alike

Q2: When the sound is in low pitch:

  • (a) we fail to hear it

(b) we can hear it easily

(c) it pleases us

(d) we feel dizzy

Q3: Too rapid vibrations of light:

(a) can be easily seen

  • (b) cannot be seen

(c) should be enjoyed

(d) both (b) and (c) are correct

Q4: The one who resists is different from a man who does not resist, because of his:

(a) nature    (b) weakness (c) strength (d) laziness

Q5: The word ‘irresistible’ mean:

(a) tied so closely that it cannot be separated

  • (b) so strong that it cannot be stopped

(c) that cannot be changed back

(d) so valuable that it cannot be replaced

  • (c) strength

Unseen Passage

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How To Write A Book In 30 Days: Writing Mastery 2024

An 8-Step Formula to Book Writing - Learn to Write Book Easily

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"Book Writing on your bucket list for long time ? How would you feel if you could fulfill your dream of writing your personal story or experience following super simple steps? And to add to that, end up with a quality book as well."

Well, this class and this course is for you.

Whether you want to write a book :

1) For your brand building- Yes you can build your own brand by being a writer.

2) Long-time dream- Don't miss out on your dream. Not at any cost.

3) Bucket list- Go for it now.

4) Grow your business- yes, this is true. Once you become an author, you can use it a a leverage to augment your existing business.

5) Help others with shared knowledge & wisdom- There is nothing bigger and better than helping others.

That's it. Don't wait any longer to make it happen. Your moment is now. ACT NOW. Speak out loud- the title!!

My name is Alok Kumar and I'm a 30-day author, an Amazon Best Seller & a Peak Performance Coach. I run my own e-commerce venture & my two favorite things are to read & talk.

In this class, I am sharing a simple yet powerful 8-step formula that I used for my 30-day writing challenge & wish to help you with the same.

If you believe in yourself & your story, go ahead. I will be waiting for you on this course. THIS IS A GAME CHANGER FOR YOU.

There are no requirements as such. I just want you to come open-minded & enjoy the experience.

Feel free to take a look inside the course.

See You Inside the Course.

All the Best.

About Instructor:

Former Amazon and Wal-Mart employee turned independent entrepreneur and Life coach

Amazon Best Selling author of "The Secret You"

Top-rated Speaker at several colleges, companies

Active entrepreneur

Write a book using a tried, tested & experimented method

Write a top-quality non-fiction book in very simple steps

Write a non-fiction book on any subject

Create a simple conclusion that readers would love

Always know what to say-unique method removes writer’s block

Add elements, that make a top-quality book

Write your book by starting with easy lists & then expanding in simple steps

Get clarity on your goal to write

How to choose a good title

Learn how to structure a book

Write a structured Introduction

Editing tip that will save you time

Edit out every single error & poor wording

The Golden Method: The Conversation Mode


A desire to Tell Your Story to the world

A desire to help other's with your story or knowledge or experience

Reasonable command of the English language

How To Write A Book In 30 Days: Writing Mastery 2024

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  22. Diary Writing For Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Topics For Diary Writing For Class 8: Here are a few topics that students in class 8 can explore in their diary writing: 1. Personal growth and self-improvement 2. Family relationships and dynamics 3. Friendships and social dynamics 4. Academic challenges and achievements 5. Emotional experiences, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and fear 6.

  23. Unseen Passage for Class 8

    English Reading Unseen Passage for Class 8- Passage 2. Read the following passage carefully: An owl is a bird. There are two basic types of owls: typical owls and bam owls. Owls live in almost every country of the world. Owls are mostly nocturnal, meaning they are awake at night.

  24. PDF Supreme Court of The United States

    thirds in amount) of the claims in every class accept the plan, the court can confirm the plan. §§1126(c), 1129(a)(8)(A). A plan is "said to be confirmed consensually —————— 1. The full text of §1123(b) provides that "a plan may— "(1) impair or leave unimpaired any class of claims, secured or unsecured, or of interests;

  25. Letter Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples

    Formal Letter Writing Topics Solved Questions. LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Question 1: Write a letter to the editor of'The Times of India' complaining about the nuisance created by the use of loudspeakers. You are Peeyush Sharma, a resident of Sector 15, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi. Answer: Sector 15, Vasundhara Enclave.

  26. How To Write A Book In 30 Days: Writing Mastery 2024

    In this class, I am sharing a simple yet powerful 8-step formula that I used for my 30-day writing challenge & wish to help you with the same. If you believe in yourself & your story, go ahead. I will be waiting for you on this course.